#he won't allow fear to hinder him so when it comes about that he Does
heartswithinreach · 2 months
Hello! I wanted to say I love your writing and super eager for more! That said, I was recently diagnosed with cancer and was wondering how the lads would react to an MC who was diagnosed with it or something similar? If that's too dark, I'm sorry!
Thank you and I hope your day is great! :)
a/n: i am so sorry anon, i hope you're taking care of yourself and that this can bring you some comfort 💖💖🫂everyone wish anon well!!
LaDS when MC has a cancer diagnosis
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After a few moments of silence, he accepts the reality of your diagnosis and begins making plans on how to make your life easier. Whatever you need, he'll do it, no questions asked.
For your sake, Xavier is as calm and steadfast as ever. He wants you to continue living life as normally as possible. He'll do subtle, thoughtful things just to remind you how important you are to him and that he’ll always love you, no matter what comes.
With Jenna and your team's full support, you and Xavier both take a leave of absence from duty so Xavier can take care of you during your treatment.
Tara takes the lead in organizing visits and dividing chores they can do so you can rest with nothing to worry about. She spends almost as much time with you as Xavier does and he’s immensely grateful so many support you both.
Xavier listens to your worries and fears. Say what you feel, he's here to shoulder it with you without judgment.
His first reaction is anger — not at you, but at this horrible situation.
No one deserves this and he's so frustrated he can't just make this go away with the money or influence he has. What is it all for if he can't take care of you?
But this isn't about him. Rafayel might not be the most natural caretaker but your bond is forever. He won't just abandon you now.
He can't sleep that night after you tell him so he works till dawn converting a spare room into your home away from home. Being near the sea can help improve your health, right? Well, maybe you should stay with him for while, then!
Rafayel, despite what he may think, is actually a pretty good nurse, fussing over you and making you feel special while keeping your spirits high. He is so attuned to you and your needs, it’s as easy as breathing.
As your physician, he saw the signs early on but quickly passed your case on to someone more qualified than him. He couldn't allow his feelings to get in the way of getting you the best possible care.
Zayne is there at every meeting, every check up, every treatment. He didn't expect it to be so difficult from getting too involved but he knows he would be nothing but a hinderance to the team treating you.
So he puts his faith in the capable staff of Akso Hospital while he dedicates himself to your emotional and mental health. He only goes into the hospital a few times a week for his more urgent patients, otherwise, he’s at home with you.
Zayne becomes so considerate and gentle, you'll wonder how you ever thought he was cold. Through it all, he will be your rock.
You need him, now more than ever, and Zayne takes that more seriously than ever oath he’s ever made.
Mephisto is never far away so when you’re walking home after getting the news, you’re not very surprised to see Sylus waiting in a dark alley by your apartment. He will pull you into his embrace without a word and hold you together as you fall apart.
Sylus wants to know how you want to proceed and then he wants you to give him permission to make it a reality. He’s always silently hoping you’ll use his resources but now he’s almost pleading.
He keeps some sense of normalcy by continuing to tease and antagonize you, though now more gently than before and only if it’ll get you to smile.
Sylus wishes you could stay with him in the N109 Zone but he knows it’s impossible. You could never get the proper treatment there and he can’t leave his domain for too long. But the twins and Mephisto can do everything he cannot and that brings him some solace.
In time, you and Mephisto become closer until he has a nest in your room and you wake up every morning to something new and shiny on your windowsill to cheer you up. Having even just an extension of Sylus with you until the man himself comes to visit you at night is more comforting than you ever imagined.
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icycoldninja · 3 months
Allow me to elaborate:
What abt the DMC guys with a fem reader who grew up sheltered? Almost a complete opposite from them
She grew up as an only child, always in her house watching TVs and movies and had barely ever gone outside to play with other kids: which leads to her being rather dependent on her legal guardian whether it be her mom or grandma when it comes to decision making as they always comes up with the solution for her instead of guiding her to find the solution on her own; having little to no social skills.
Being sheltered can sometimes lead to low self-esteem or feelings of inadequacy. If individuals were not allowed to explore their interests or talents freely, they may struggle to develop a strong sense of self-worth.
Constant sheltering can lead to anxiety and stress when individuals are faced with unfamiliar or challenging situations. They may feel overwhelmed by the demands of adult life if they were not exposed to such experiences during childhood.
People who were sheltered as children may find it challenging to cope with failure or setbacks. They may have a fear of making mistakes or not meeting expectations, which can hinder their personal and professional growth.
That doesn’t necessarily mean she’s completely dumb and naive just like how the mass media usually portrays people growing up sheltered as she can still do some basic forms of household chores like hanging clothes, mopping floors,etc…just keep her away from the kitchen ofc, not as naive as how sheltered individuals are usually portrayed since she knows sex, political matters, etc…
But that being said, she’s still sheltered, which means she isn’t used to the bloodshed that normally wouldn’t bother them, would’ve definitely grossed her out; lacking major knowledge on how to protect herself ( she jokingly said she would try to bite a devil’s jugular if they were to catch her )
Sparda boys + V x Sheltered!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante wasn't used to being around someone so...well...to put it lightly, useless.
-He couldn't believe that someone your age still needed to call her momma for help when a decision had to be made, such as whether to buy your trusted laundry detergent or the brand that was 50% off, even if you'd never used it before.
-He was sorry to hear you had self esteem issues because he himself had a few of those back in the day.
-Don't worry, Dante will work to help you. He has plans to teach you the ways of the world and to help you through your issues.
-Is glad that you're capable of basic tasks, so at least he doesn't have to worry about you starving to death when he's not around.
-Thinks it's cute that you believe you'd stand much of a chance against demons, though you might be onto something--having one's jugular bitten is painful no matter what your species.
■ Vergil ■
-To be frank, he thought you were pathetic. You were weak, incapable of making decisions for yourself, yet he still found himself growing fond of you.
-Maybe it was the fact that you needed his protection that made him feel this way, or perhaps it was because he just liked how you retreated behind him whenever you went out in public. It made Vergil feel important; purposeful.
-He likes it when you run to him for help when it comes to making difficult decisions because it makes him feel wise, like you're an inexperienced queen and he's your advisor.
-You are capable of basic, everyday tasks, so you're not completely useless, Vergil reasons. He could surely train you to be a competent adult, give him two or three months.
-Of course, this goes for combat training too. He won't settle for a weak partner, he will MOTIVATE them to gain POWER, as he does.
-Your idea to bite a demon in the jugular is very interesting indeed--he might even borrow that technique himself.
□ Nero □
-Nero was surprised to find that you were a grown adult who couldn't do many things for herself.
-He understood stews and anxiety when you went out in public, but having to call your mom or grandma to make a choice? Really?
-He was worried about your self esteem too, though he wasn't too sure what he could do to help.
-Nero's never been very good at comforting or teaching others, but he still does his best to help you learn important life skills.
-He wants to teach you to fight, too, so you can defend yourself against any demons that might come after you.
-He doesn't think biting a demon in the jugular is gonna so much for you, should you ever face one.
● V ●
-V was worried about your safety because in dating him, you expose yourself to countless dangers.
-He's not too concerned about your inability to make choices by yourself because you're young, you have time to learn.
-V knows he won't be around forever, so he tries to assist you best he can, teaching you things your parents should have taught you many years ago.
-He can't teach you to fight himself because his physical stage isn't the greatest, but he can have his familiars do it.
-He wants to assist you in improving your self esteem, doing whatever he can, whenever he can.
-He thinks your silly idea to bite a demon's neck is cute, but doubts it will work in a real life scenario....unless you have very strong teeth.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
So , i saw that you do Pirates of the Caribbean and could you do yandere Jack Sparrow? I'm REALLY curious about how he'd be as a yandere.
I have some prompts and concepts of him to do, so let me just get this down to know how to write him. I'm not sure how this came out, so let me know your feedback. I may alter it in the future.
Yandere! Jack Sparrow Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Kidnapping, Possessive behavior, Mentions of intimate relations, Stockholm syndrome, Selfish behavior, Jealousy, Forced relationship, Delusional behavior, Alcohol, Drinking, Paranoia, He's a bit OOC my bad.
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Ah yes, the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow.
He has some serious potential, despite his commitment issues.
Even then, it just means the pirate won't marry.
He will still keep you to himself.
Jack Sparrow is Manipulative/Persuasive, Intelligent, Flirty, Possessive, and Selfish.
He's a trickster who gives in easily to his own desires.
He's also a man who knows what he wants and would do anything to get it.
Call him... persistent.
Once he likes you it's like you can't get rid of him, a man who only ever brings curses and bad luck to those around him.
Jack is extremely charismatic, how else do you think he convinces people?
With some well placed words, many would trust him.
Unless they trusted him before....
He'd simply give you a grin and a compliment, drink in hand as he gives into the taste of rum.
The pirate not only knows his way around, but he'd get a naive darling to trust him in no time.
You'd have to hear the tales from others to not give into such a charm.
It's best to give him a challenge, maybe he'll give up?
Unfortunately, no.
Despite being intimate with and having many, he isn't satisfied.
Not when someone like you is in front of him.
A treasure to take.
He normally doesn't take to someone long.
The sea is where he belongs and he just gets intimate once in awhile.
Plus, marriage or having someone at home would hinder his freedom-
Which is why his obsession is either a crew member or hostage.
Yes, Jack would kidnap.
He's a pirate... they steal... it's expected, really.
That way this obsession of his doesn't affect his freedom.
Although it does take yours.
"Isn't this wonderful, dear? The sea breeze on your face... away from the world's rules!"
"I want to go home-"
"This is your home now?"
In a way, Jack is probably also delusional.
With a combiniation of the alcohol he consumes and his obsession, he probably thinks you are all for him and just shy.
Openly hate him? You may just be playing hard to get.
He's hard to get away from.
Always a bit too touchy, too.
You wouldn't mind if he showered or something.
He probably has some sort of disease.
Jack's also very possessive.
On the sea as a pirate, other pirates are either allies or threats.
Knowing Jack, they are more likely enemies.
He has a fear that like his treasure or ship... you'll be stolen away from his grasp by some other person.
Even though he took you on his ship by force or persuasion, he doesn't want it to backfire.
If he feels nervous about you with the other crew he'll express it.
Often it's an arm around your waist or calling you by his side.
You still see him as your captain, right?
It gives him pride when you admit you see him as a captain.
Oof... jealousy comes easily.
When jealous, he heavily continues to try and charm you.
Flirting an uncomfortable amount while coaxing you into allowing him to hold you.
In a way, through all that drunken confidence, it's like he's scared to lose someone he holds so close now.
Jack even has vulnerable moments when you're alone.
He wants to be held... he wants you to love him... it's strange to see him like this in the Captain's Quarters.
Speaking of alcohol, he encourages you to drink rum with him.
It'll ease the nerves! You'll have a better time with him that way!
He gets so needy.
He's charming with his words but he is always asking for something.
Pirates always want something.
As your captain, he expects basic loyalty.
Even more so as his 'lover', despite him being untrustworthy.
A hypocrite at heart....
He also knows you'll fall for him at some point, having confidence you'll comply to his looks and charm.
He's willing to wait... not like you can leave.
There's nothing but ocean for miles.
You haven't seen land in a long while.
It's a torturous experience of life with him, rocking softly on the Black Pearl as he tries to convince you getting with him is a good idea.
He's tried courting you on land.
You ignored the pirate too long so he took you on board with the intention of either using you for bribes or making you his.
It became just keeping you to himself the longer he was near you on the ship.
Jack yearns for the days he can take you to ports without you running off.
He has enemies everywhere!
It's dangerous to just run off because you'll no doubt be used against him.
He doesn't want to be seen for long.
He'd also get weird looks if he asked around for you-
He'd have to have his crew watch you (if he has one by this point).
If not, then chain you to the boat so he can't risk you fleeing.
You tire him out with your fighting....
Getting you to the point of stockholm syndrome would be when it gets so much easier for him.
He would prefer genuine attraction from you, but you take what you can get-
If he can't get you to fall for him willingly then he'll do what he can to gain your affection.
Pirates will take and take and take....
You are his greatest treasure...
He'll take everything he can from you because you're his.
"Being with me isn't that bad, doll! I assure you... you'll have one hell of a time at sea with me."
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gamenu · 4 months
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5 headcanons of Hamza & Nicole quirks in a committed relationship
-- @seabxrn
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You mean aside from being cute? Bet.
Hamza and Nic are attached to each other enough and have enough genuine care, that even when one is mad at the other, or both, they keep up their daily routines with one another. Like if Nicole has a late class or something, Hamza will continue to meet her, even if they don't speak the whole time. No matter how they feel, safety and routine is something that doesn't get interrupted between the two. When they're ready to talk things out, they'll sit down and chat and air everything out. Either coming to a better understanding, or at least an acceptance if understanding is unachievable.
Biting is absolutely a form of affection, and Nicole does it to Hamza semi-regularly. He picked up on it pretty quickly, especially with how playful she gets when doing so. It's always followed by a strong bout of laughter, and then faux distress as he in turn bites her back. Just a cute little interaction they picked up with each other. Not all the time does Nicole know how to word things properly, especially when she's feeling playful.
Both parties are bound to jealousy at times. However, the way they handle it is different and as calmly as possibly with the least amount of conflict. They've gotten used to playing things cool in public and slyly moving to get their partner back. When they're by themselves, they can get a little possessive in their affection. They both trust and respect the other enough to never stop or hinder them, but that won't stop them from being possessive about the other just a little bit until the feeling fades.
Whether it's in a fight, in a dance, or simply in conversation, these two have a synergy that's hard to match. From spending copious amounts of time together, it's actually quite hard for most folks who don't know them to fathom just how close they can get, or just how well they work together. They have the synergy of people who have been joined at the hip for at minimum three decades together, despite it being nowhere near that long. Watching them move seemlessly together is one that can either instill fear, or amazement.
Nic is a nerd and everyone knows this. Hamza knows this especially. He might not get much of what she's talking about on a regular basis, but he does indulge her and listen to her rambles and games she's into at the moment. Poor guy. She can go on for hours if she gets excited enough and now he's subject to all of that! But the way he allows her to just go on with it. It's the most wholesome thing ever and he loves to let her just be excited, and she's so grateful to him for it.
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maybruhhhsays · 2 years
I don't know what words are in your themesong, but mine goes, "you've gotta give it all." Sometimes the music is different. The lyrics are slightly changed, like in a "Today years old" kinda way when you finally karaoke to the song or look up the lyrics 🥴
this is a snippet of my self talk. At the end of the day, is your self talk helping you to be better or hindering that process? Because ultimately, it is our responsibility as a human. To be better. Better to ourselves and better to each other. And you're gonna say, "Well who decided that bs?" Obviously a complicated question. But we were given a most original gift, the conscience. And for those who dare, will tap into that voice inside our head and figure it out. How could you know that life is sucking if you've never lived a sucky life? What does sucky life mean to you? Are you conscious enough to learn someone else's meaning of sucky life? What about good? What do you consider a good life? Ultimately, in my eyes, God (still trying to figure out if He was a he or She) wants us to be happy. I'm not sure why She didn't stop the devil that day in the garden, when she is the most omnipotent force in existence... but we can have that conversation for some other time.
Let's focus on positive self talk. What positive self talk really means. It's not the kind where you "convince" yourself that you won't feel bad for losing. If you allow yourself to experience loss, which is probably one of the bravest things a person can do, and I mean really dig deeply into how loss actually makes you feel, you'll understand how shitty life can be. Losing, in any form, is the worst feeling. Losing leads to a broken heart. Your heart should feel like it dropped, gut and intestines should be clenching, and you forget to breathe. The feeling of loss was so intense that it manifested itself into a physical response. If you don't know that feeling yet, you're fucking lucky. And you're probably also a piece of shit 🤷‍♀️ I find that the best people in my life, know how much pain life can bring, but choose to live, choose to be kind, choose to be happy, choose to be grateful for all the little things, everyday.
For competitive people, the feeling of loss is the most unbearable feeling to experience, so they will do whatever they can to avoid a losing situation.
For those who can tolerate loss, that just means they haven't experienced anything worth losing yet to trigger that response of fighting for something that you love.
Because only love can mend a broken heart properly. There will be other things that you think would help, but it's ultimately love for yourself, love for others, and love given to you by others that will be the strongest foundation on which to build your character.
Loving yourself enough to constantly want to be a better version of yourself in each season of your life. Acknowledging that there will be mistakes, pain, sadness, anger, frustration, etc along the way. Those feelings exist because they're learning opportunities.
The fear of pain is one feeling we will never escape from. It is a curse that cannot be undone as part of the human existence. Even Jesus was afraid of how bad it would hurt in the end.
Do not confuse this however, with Jesus being afraid of death. He chose to suffer a short time compared to the eternal benefits for the people, born and not yet born, in this world. He put all his faith on God delivering him back to life after death. That amount of trust and confidence is unlike any other type of relationship you've ever had.
Can your human father sacrifice you for the sake of saving a bunch of people that sin like crazy after 3 days dead, oh and you're gonna be tortured to death? I mean, damn, did Jesus love people -- the most fallible, disappointing, failure of a species that God created into existence at all, to continue to exist. wow.
But back to the positive self talk. If we maintain a healthy, balanced relationship with the feeling of fear of the pain to come, then true growth begins. So in other words, if we finally know and understand that pain is inevitable and inescapable, then we can learn to adapt our feelings about it. If pain makes you sad, your positive self talk should tell you that the pain is necessary in order to grow. If it's saying something else, then you need to figure out why. And you become a little bit stronger against the pain.
If the voice inside your head isn't telling you to try harder because the outcome will be worth it, then you have some serious introspection to do. Again, it is a responsibility to be and do better.
The pain of losing something that you love is probably the greatest pain one can ever allow themselves to feel.
The best type of positive people - the ones who know it could always be worse. Their perspective of life is pretty beautiful.
Living my life according to what I feel is right versus what I think is right. If the world operated more like this, I think it would be so much less messed up.
Interviewer: so how does that work? Living life according to what you feel is right?
Maybelle: yeah it's like trusting my gut intuition for certain decisions and knowing exactly what my life values are.
Interviewer: and what are those?
Maybelle: my values? I mean, I have a lot.. but to name a few: family, friends, love, volleyball. So if a decision impacts any of my values, I'll decide according to how I feel is a better decision.
Interviewer: doesn't that seem kind of self-serving?
Maybelle: well, here's why it's complicated. As a person who feels deeply about everything and everyone, it turns out to be somewhat inconvenient - because you feel what everyone is feeling. And let me tell you, there aren't enough people who are happy enough.
Body language is like a speakerphone for your thoughts. And there's a very small population of us who are thoughtful about our body language every second of the day. Because we can feel what you are saying versus the words that are actually coming out of your mouth. And so every movement, every word, every posture... is calculated. Because you know how someone is going to react if you do something. This makes someone really good at getting attention. The reaction I go for is a laugh. Because I love making people laugh. It feels good to me.
Interviewer/Devil's Advocate: what about people who feel good, let's say, doing bad things?
Maybelle's rebuttle: they're evil. And those are the people who are not part of your journey to help you.
What if people didn't want to be helped?
That's the constant battle of good versus evil. Evil is persistent. God works hard, but the devil works harder. And I feel that, good will win this battle. Good always does. Evil can't win because hope never dies. Overcoming an absolute obstacle or challenge, is the highest high that ever was. No drug is good enough to give me that kind of sensation. Weed can get me there -- and that's only because I am truly happy on the inside. Despite all the constant challenges that the devil tries to throw at me, I choose to overcome them. And when Evil picks a fight with me, you bet I'm throwin hands. If I go down, it's not without a fight. I'll fight so hard for what I believe in, that I can make the devil feel like he lost, because he did. We have 54.7 million light years left of this bullshit till we reach the black hole. Do something cool. Live with passion. Allow yourself to embrace your feelings. People know what I look like when I'm having intense emotions. Excited, angry, sad, in love. *winks at Caleb* and I find that people are reminded that they can be emotional too. I guess I wish business decisions were more emotionally based versus thoughtfully based. Men literally do not know what it feels like to be a woman, yet we allowed the patriarchy to rule all of uh.. human history. Fuckin shit. WOMEN NEED TO BE IN CHARGE. Men keep trying to continue this shit show. A GROUP OF WOMEN WILL DESTROY THE PATRIARCHY. SLEEP ON THAT. RANDOMLY THINK WHAT SOCIETY WOULD LOOK LIKE IF WOMEN MADE THE DECISIONS FROM ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE CAVEMAN DAYS. WE'D STILL BE CAVEMEN! THE EARTH WOULD BE SAVED FROM THE SELF-SERVING DECISIONS OF MEN. Women are good and men are evil. We outnumber them. We can take them on. Only good men who are on our side can survive. The casualties will be the trash women who praise men. These assholes gotta go. Don't have room in my life for them. Too busy being happy 😊 And yeah I'm emo because feeling sad also feels good. I purge those feelings through my tears, and then I can feel happy again. Tearducts exist physiologically and emotionally. How beautiful is that? This consciousness is a responsibility. Knowing people inside out is a privilege. And being brave enough to say what needs to be said out loud, because you know how to get a reaction. This is what makes me a great libero. Her body language is so obvious and so I am able to react accordingly, to dig your hit and piss you off. Because it's fun. That's what it feels like to be on the winning side. Boo-yah.
As much as I complain, I know I'm going to get through it. And that's what keeps me going. Because you have to. That's what I feel is right.
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sinsolucion · 2 years
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strengths: ● efficient ● energetic ● self-confident ● strong-willed ● charismatic & inspiring ● strategic weaknesses: ● stubborn & dominant ● intolerant ● impatient ● arrogant ● poor emotional handling ● cold and ruthless
commanders are natural-born leaders. people with this personality type embody the gifts of charisma and confidence, and project authority in a way that draws crowds together behind a common goal. however, commanders are also characterized by an often ruthless level of rationality, using their drive, determination and sharp minds to achieve whatever end they’ve set for themselves.
if there’s anything commanders love, it’s a good challenge, big or small, and they firmly believe that given enough time and resources, they can achieve any goal. this quality makes people with the commander personality type brilliant entrepreneurs, and their ability to think strategically and hold a long-term focus while executing each step of their plans with determination and precision makes them powerful business leaders. this determination is often a self-fulfilling prophecy, as commanders push their goals through with sheer willpower where others might give up and move on, and their extraverted nature means they are likely to push everyone else right along with them, achieving spectacular results in the process.
at the negotiating table, be it in a corporate environment or buying a car, commanders are dominant, relentless, and unforgiving. this isn’t because they are coldhearted or vicious per se – it’s more that commander personalities genuinely enjoy the challenge, the battle of wits, the repartee that comes from this environment, and if the other side can’t keep up, that’s no reason for commanders to fold on their own core tenet of ultimate victory. if there’s anyone commanders respect, it’s someone who is able to stand up to them intellectually, who is able to act with a precision and quality equal to their own. commanders are true powerhouses, and they cultivate an image of being larger than life – and often enough they are. 
tagged: @bloodxhound ( ˶˘ ³˘(⋆❛ ہ ❛⋆)!♡ 
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calif0rnia-lovers · 3 years
no place for a lady.
join my gc for updates since tags are acting weird
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requested kiss challenge: seductive kiss or caught off-guard kiss with pirates? where’s Bishop is a feared captain
pairing: captain!bishop losa x theodosia bell | rating: 💙
sum: bish has taken the governor's daughter hostage. despite being his prisoner, she doesn’t listen to a single thing his crew says. to avoid a second escape attempt, he’s forced to keep eyes on her himself.
words: 2K
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Captain Obispo Losa quietly inspects the silver blade catching the rays of the sun above.
The sword is a gift to himself. Stolen from the halls of a governor, foolish enough to leave his daughter poorly protected. It had caught Bishop's attention as he’d waited patiently from his hiding place. Never used, the sword was hanging above the mantle. Hours of work from the local blacksmith deduced to a decorative piece to be discussed over dinner.
Bishop admires the golden filigree decorating the handle. The sword is the nicest weapon he’s ever touched. Probably worth more than his entire ship. He gives it a few swings, adjusting his stance as he quickly becomes accustomed to the weight in his hand.
“Teach me how to use one?”
The request breaks Bishop's concentration. A scoff of disbelief escapes his lips as he glances away from the sword in his hand. He allows his eyes to pass over the woman seated nearby.
Bishop had nearly forgotten she was keeping him company. The usually outspoken woman has been silent. Mesmerized by his handling of the sword.
Bishop's handling of the sword was quite impressive, but so was the man himself.
Seated on the deck, Theodosia has her back against the mainmast--a feeble attempt at mastering the sickness she has yet to master in her time at sea.
The tunic she wears is the cleanest the captain could provide. The loose-fitting fabric rolled up to her elbows. Her dark windblown curls are safe beneath a black hat, the tattered brim protecting her face from the rays of the midday sun. Another gift, courtesy of the captain. In fact, all of the clothes that Theodosia wears are from the captain.
If it were up to her, she wouldn’t have accepted a single thing from the man responsible for marooning her on his ship. However, the golden customized gown she wore upon her arrival--while extremely beautiful-- was impractical for a ship.
As much as she hated accepting his clothes, she needed the hat the most. Not used to spending a day's length in the sun, Theodosia needed it to prevent her face from getting burned.
Bishop considers her question. His gaze remains on the sword in his hand, admiring the balance of the blade.
“Putting a blade in the hand of a hostage...do you take me for a fool, Miss. Bell?” Bishop questions, raising an eyebrow as his gaze drifts to her.
“I do, actually.”
The unexpected response, matched with the confidence of her voice, halts the man’s swinging of the blade. He comes to a standstill, his full attention focused on the woman gazing up at him.
“And why’s that?”
Bishop watches Theodosia's brow furrow, her mind seeking a rational explanation for her smart-mouthed response. Her dark brown eyes widen, her lips settling into a smirk as she pushes herself up.
“If your ship were under attack, you would want me to know how to defend myself.”
The satisfied grin on her face does not produce her desired response. Instead of agreeing, Bishop laughs. The sound wipes the grin clean off Theodosia’s face.
It is a sound the woman is not used to having directed toward her. As the governor’s daughter, Theodosia is not accustomed to people laughing in her face. It is, however, an act the captain seems to love doing. It is his preferred form of dismissal.
“Not necessarily,” he responds. The teasing in Bishop's voice more apparent as his gaze falls to Theodosia's clenched fists. “I don’t care much about your life if we’re being honest.”
“I beg to differ, Mr. Losa.” Theodosia challenges. “It would only be to your benefit if I knew how to handle a sword, even at the novice level. Would you care to know why?”
“I know you’re going to tell me regardless.” He mumbles.
Bishop now understood why, over the years, he’d been informed a ship was no place for a lady. Theodosia Bell is more trouble than it is worth. Following her arrival, she has been attached to the captain’s hip at all times. She has taken said time to share what is on her mind. No matter the subject. For someone born higher than the orphaned captain, she has a mouth as filthy as his.
“I’m flattered you’ve gotten to know me so well, Captain,” Theodosia beams. Her teasing tone prompts Bishop to roll his eyes. “I’ll return to my previous scenario--”
“By all means, make it quick.” He sighs. “I’m trying to concentrate.”
The woman does not waste a single second to present her case. She has learned Bishop will simply leave her behind, literally, when he tires of her voice.
“If we were attacked, you would spend the entire time fighting to protect me. You may claim my life has no value to you, but if that were the case, I wouldn’t be on this god-forsaken ship. Now, would I?” The confidence in her voice is no match to the grin on her face as Theodosia watches the Captain fold his arms over his chest. “You need me alive to get whatever it is you’ll be demanding of my father. As I stated before if someone learned the value of your precious cargo...and decided to take it from you...you, Mr. Losa, would spend your entire time trying to defend me. This means you won’t be able to defend your own life--or your ship--to the best of your abilities. Despite what I said earlier, you do not strike me as a fool.”
A fool Bishop Losa is not.
Theodosia has a point, but that is not the deciding factor.
In their two weeks at sea, Bishop has learned a valuable lesson. He can save himself a headache if he does what Theodosia asks. A woman not used to hearing “no,” as a response to her requests can be a true pain in the ass. If they weren’t so far from port, Bishop would have turned back and left her and her hefty ransom behind.
Before she can change her mind, Theodosia finds herself standing across from Bishop. The sword that is usually hanging around his hip is in her left hand. With the sword in her hand, her mind is blank. The casual and frankly unbothered expression on Bishop’s face makes her question her initial request.
Noting her hesitance, Bishop motions for Theodosia to step closer.
“Ladies first.”
Theodosia straightens her stance, struggling to gauge the exact position to hold the sword. The smile on her face is confident, but her voice not so much.
“And who said pirates have no manners?"
With her hat discarded, she struggles to keep her dark curls under control. The breeze pushes them into her face, her irritation hindering her focus.
She pushes them back from her face a third time. Her gaze examines the patiently waiting man. Although the tip of her blade is directed towards his chest, Bishop’s gaze is on hers. The determination he finds in her gaze tells Bishop all he needs to know.
She strikes first, as requested, swinging as hard as she can. But before her stroke is complete, her opponent is gone from her line of sight.
The sudden shift in the tide causes Theodosia to stumble forward.
A gasp escapes her lips as she slips, her bare feet shifting against the freshly scrubbed deck. She grimaces as her knees slam against the surface, her sword slipping from her grip.
Her head hangs forward, her eyes gripped shut as she listens to the chuckles that fill the air.
Heat floods her face, her eyes taking in the crew members who have suddenly abandoned their posts. They’ve gathered to watch the unfolding lesson, their eyes passing between their grinning captain and his opponent.
One member steps forward, picking up Theodosia's abandoned sword. He waits until she stands to offer it to her.
As she reaches for it, he pulls it back. He waits for her hand to fall to her side to speak.
"You're not gonna get far holdin' it like that, Miss."
Theodosia watches the quartermaster's eyes briefly pass over her shoulder to the waiting captain. As his eyes return to hers, they're as soft as the smile on his lips.
He shifts the sword, allowing her a better view of the placements of his fingers on the hilt.
"Always keep your sword up," he explains, shifting to demonstrate the correct stance. "Cap's quicker than he lets on. You wanna protect yourself."
Turning to face Bishop, Theodosia watches as he motions for her to step forward. His request is the same as before.
“Try again.”
This time, Theodosia is not as rash as her previous attempt. The new information provided has shifted her focus. Now, instead of thinking of how to attack, she's worried about ensuring she's in the proper stance. Before she can blink, the captain is suddenly closer to her.
Entirely too close.
She instinctively takes a step back.
She remembers to keep her sword raised, but the sound of metal slicing through the air freezes her on the spot.
Her scream pierces the air as the steel of Bishop’s blade clangs with hers. The force of the contact ripples through her arm, widening her eyes.
He strikes a second time.
Her now lowered sword leaves her defenseless, allowing the tip of Bishop's blade to stop less than an inch from the base of her throat.
The once laughing crewmembers now watch silently, all focused on the terrified look in her eyes.
Bishop's voice breaks the silence.
“First lesson, Miss Bell. When you pick up a sword, no one cares that you’re a woman. They won't stop because you look scared. They’ll strike you down the same as a man.”
Bishop takes a step back. His blade taps lightly against her elbow forcing Theodosia to lift her sword.
“Second. Always stand your ground.”
“Stand my ground--what did you expect me to do? Just stand there while you tried to kill me!”
“If I was trying to, you wouldn't be standing,” Bishop chuckles, the smile on his lips having a surprising effect. A calming effect that helps her take a breath. Seeing the captain smile was such a rare occasion. It caused her to give him a soft one in return. “But now you know, you never want a blade that closes to your throat again.”
“Fine, what else do I need to know?”
“Number three. Anyone can swing a sword.” He allows the blade of his to tap the side of his shoe. “Footwork is the most important part. Doesn’t matter how fast you strike if you can’t escape your opponent's return.”
He watches her eyes glance down to his feet. She shifts to mimic his stance, taking a moment to find her balance on the shifting deck.
To her annoyance, it takes Theodosia a long time to use everything thrown her way. Trying to remember stances, the correct way to hold, the correct way to strike, the correct way to parry--it leaves her head swimming. Her problem is she gets frustrated with each of her missteps. Not being perfect at a skill is foreign territory. The usually short-tempered captain is patient, forcing her to push her frustrations aside as he asks her to identify her mistakes.
There is no need for Theodosia to worry about hurting Bishop. She is practicing with the most skilled swordsman to ever sell the seas. There are moments when her blade comes close to cutting into his flesh or snagging his shirt. But, Bishop always manages to escape. It’s not until he sends a wink her way that Theodosia realizes each close moment was purposeful, a subtle attempt to boost her morale.
Overthinking may be her most unfavorable habit, but it is not her downfall.
It is the flashes of Bishop’s smile when she does something correctly. It is in one of those moments when he catches her off guard. One moment she’s focused on his smile. The next her eyes are gripped shut. Her back pressed against his heaving chest. The chill of his blade against her throat.
“I’d suggest that you yield, Miss Bell,” Bishop chuckles as her eyes open. “It’d be impossible for you to get out of this any other way.”
Theodosia can’t help but mirror the grin that is on her opponent's face.
“Not impossible,” she challenges, glancing over her shoulder at him.
Bishop’s stance wavers slightly as his eyes meet hers.
Despite the playfulness in her gaze, he is unable to foresee the kiss that follows her statement.
Her lips press a kiss against his cheek, the action loosening his grip around her.
Her giggle fills the air as Bishop lowers his sword to his side, his head shaking as she escapes his grip.
The smile she finds on his lips arches her eyebrow.
“Careful, Mr. Losa,” she giggles. “Wouldn’t want your crew to find out their captain actually knows how to smile.”
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mayans tags: @just1bri @jakiki94 @wabi-sabi1090 @mt2413 @ilikechocolatemilkh @lovebennycolon @montanaraed @aria725 @sesamepancakes @noz4a2 @crxssourbones @crashbarbie @leahnicole1219 @sillygoose6969 @minnicelli @trulysuccubus @trhett21 @whatupitshuff @futureleo1678 @babaohhhriley @helli4nthus @wiccanmetallicrose @losolvidad0s @abbiesthings @the-jer-bear @binooo98 @gemini0410 @thelovelyleo23 @mariaxliliana @themarkblues @kimljn @thesandbeneathmytoes @crashbarbie @cyka1312 @noz4a2 @zoovent​ @lakamaa12​ @making-starsdance @keithseabrook27​
all stories tags: @wabi-sabi1090 @jad3djay @crowngold @cant-decide-at-this-moment @wiccanmetallicrose @themarkblues @gemini0410 @binooo98 @the-jer-bear @abbiesthings @trhett21 @trulysuccubus @leahnicole1219 @starrynite7114 @awkwardtayler @toni9 @queenbeered @kaystacks17 @richonne4life @cocotheclown @oscars-wifeyyy @jennisdirtyimagines @ughdontbeboring @myakai13 @linziland13 @sadeyesgf @brattyfics @sincerelykas @ladyofsoa @pearlkitten33 @tian-monique @megapeacelovemusic-blog @rosieposie0624 @appropriate-writers-name @demonquartz @ourlittlesecretsoveragain @beiroviski @chaneajoyyy @frostingguru @seize-the-droid @cutiebubbleboo @siempremamita @awkwardtayler @relaxing-najee @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @toni9
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
Qrow not speaking to Ironwood legitimately ruined the series for me. There was just no reason for Qrow not to call, or go behind Ruby's back and talk to him. And this isn't even a shipping complaint. An adult who watches someone who trusts him risk an entire continent on a plan that won't work isn't a good person. Fullstop. Qrow sacrificed Ironwood, Mantle&Atlas to Ruby's fear. Does the show get he (and Ruby) needs a redemption arc? Idek how to redeem people who screw over an entire continent.
Qrow at least wasn’t present during the office scene and has been stuck in jail the rest of the time, so he hasn’t had much power/responsibility when it comes to the fate of Atlas. However, the other side of that coin is that he’s in jail because he teamed up with Tyrian and helped get Clover killed, so…
Honestly, as much as I’ve deconstructed the issues with Ironwood’s arc, Qrow is a character I’m equally disappointed in. He’s a fave of mine in a way Ironwood never was and, crucially, he had some really fantastic setup two volumes back. I didn’t like how they went in positioning him against Ozpin—bypassing compassion entirely to go straight for the punch, especially with Oscar between them—but I could understand it provided that it was leading somewhere. Like my expectation that the group would grapple with their new knowledge of Salem’s immortality, their choice to react how everyone else has in the past, and eventually begin reconciliation with Ozpin, I expected the same for Qrow. Except Qrow also had a complex alcoholism subplot going on, so he was doubly poised for growth. As hard as it was to watch the snow scene and his subsequent fall into more callous, dangerous choices, a part of me viewed it all with excitement to see how the story brought him out of it again.
But that never happened. Qrow did reach a point where the seriousness of their situation outweighed his self-loathing, where he was able to put aside his grief and see things more clearly… but when he did that wisdom was rejected. Rather than re-establishing him as an experienced huntsmen who still has so much to offer the group even while he grapples with his own demons, the “we don’t need adults” scene positions Qrow as someone too jaded to see what’s “really” possible and therefore a nuisance—if not an outright obstacle—to his team. Then the story did it again by having Ruby ignore his pleas to stop fighting Cordovin. Then again when he’s allowed to rejoin them, provided he stops questioning her.
Which finally brings us to Ironwood. The choice to write Qrow as someone who never even considers trusting his long-time ally (what happened to defending him from grimm and asking what the plan is?), to leave the explanations entirely up to his lying niece, to keep silent for weeks—if not months—while insisting Ruby is #different from another long-time ally and friend, to remove him entirely from his family and teammates so as to establish a new relationship with Clover, only to rip that away in part due to Qrow’s choice to fight alongside Tyrian… it’s all horrible. There’s having a character make mistakes and then there’s getting them to a point where they’re swearing oaths to murder their ally as soon as they escape prison, all while ignoring the world-altering war happening outside. Three years in and Qrow hasn’t started pulling himself out of the pit he fell into when he punched Ozpin-Oscar, partly because each time he starts that work, the story insists that’s actually a bad thing. Telling the truth and trying to guide your 17yo niece is bad. Letting your allies explain their side of a situation would be bad. Trusting your new friend over the hot-headed vigilante would be bad. Qrow keeps making mistakes, only now the story is validating them because they’re not mistakes that hinder Ruby. So much of the story now—too much of the story—is driven by Ruby’s perspective. Rather than asking, “What would Qrow Branwen do in this situation?” the show is erasing his base personality to forward the plot. Ruby’s plot. Whether we’re talking about not calling Ironwood, not drinking anymore, or attacking Clover, everything traces back to what Ruby currently believes and what she currently needs the story to do.
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masked-buffoon · 4 years
Chapter 10: Truth and illusions (Part 6)
Warnings: mention of traumatic events
Author notes: here is the last part for that chapter. I hope you liked it...! As always, don’t hesitate to comment and reblog...! And I’ll see you in the next chapter, where the case will continue! (Do I like cliffhangers? Surely I do...)
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The blond man arrived shortly after the doctor's departure and, already, I could feel the atmosphere change. The investigation would be directed by him, despite the case being mine, and would be led according to his methods, which I feared would be too righteous. I decided to report to him nonetheless.
"A mentalist…?" He sounded shocked.
"Why, it's either that or this woman truly is a robot." I shrugged "What does your ideal notebook say?"
"Neither should be possible." He declared, simply.
I rolled my eyes and took a paper on the table of the dining room, where I had installed a computer and diverse tools to work.
"Here is the list of every person in Yokohama able to put someone under hypnosis."
"There are three of them… And only one is legal. Is that a joke, Ogawa…?"
"Quiet…! My name here is Fuyuno Kasumi…" I whispered.
"What on earth…" He grumbled "As you wish, but I will question you about that."
"Sure thing." I sighed "Can we go back to the case, now?"
"Then tell me about this list."
"It's not complicated. Mentalism, in particular hypnotism, isn't an easy skill to learn, in the first place, so the number of people using it is very low." I explained.
"Why are most of them criminals…?!"
"Mmh… Except for the purpose of amusing people, what do you think of such a technique? Yeah, exactly that." I answered in his stead as I saw his puzzled face "Committing a crime is so easy when you can manipulate the witnesses or even your target. Suppose you want to rob a house —"
"Alright, alright, no need for details." He cut me "You should stay here while I go and find these mentalists or whatever, then."
"Oh, I don't think so."
Kunikida glared at me and closed his notebook swiftly.
"Why is that?"
"First of all, this is my case, and —"
"Your case? That's not your case but the Agency's! Keep thinking so individually and you'll never be part of us…!"
Then, as though he had realised something, he stopped talking a minute, blankly staring at me. After being yelled at so vehemently, I did not dare say a thing anymore and patiently waited for him to go on.
"What's the other reason?"
"Well…" I hesitated.
"Goddammit, that woman really is a pain…"
I was anxious. In fact, I was completely lost and a strange ball of tears had formed in my throat. I fought to contain them. Why was it that I kept messing up…? With Yosano-sensei, with Kunikida…
"Hypnotism doesn't work on me…" I said in a breath.
"What? Speak louder…! You who's usually so confident, how is it I can't hear you anymore...?!"
"Why is it that she's so useless, all of a sudden…?!"
My legs gave up on me and I crouched down, shamefully holding my hands above my mouth to repress a sob, but my tears betrayed my true feelings. I who had strived not to cry again… Why was it I could never hold it back?
"Ogawa…? Wait, what —"
I gasped when he touched my wrist and covered my head with my arms, backing away from him as much as I could.
"I'm sorry…! I'm sorry…!" I cried "Please don't hit me… I'm sorry…! I won't be useless anymore… So… Please…"
"What the heck is she doing…?!"
"Stop that…!" He demanded "I didn't do a thing, so stop crying!"
He was suddenly pushed away and replaced by another person, whose touch immediately dissipated the aggressive thoughts coming to my mind. Instead, they were replaced by my own, which looped around my brain, repeating "incompetent" again and again. It did not calm me down, but at least, I had retrieved some of my sanity. Hearing myself again… It was helpful, after all. I wrapped my arms around the one who had saved me, recognising his warmth and thanking him silently for coming. After that terrible day, he was everything I needed to overcome the everlasting pain in my chest.
"Dazai…" I hiccupped "I… I screwed up…"
"Not yet, Ogawa…" He spoke, softly "Not yet…"
"With the detectives… I angered sensei and Kunikida…"
"Everyone makes mistakes…"
"... I am a hateful person…"
"Who said that?"
I pointed at myself.
"I can feel it… In here… I am not someone good… I can't do it, after all… Being part of the Agency… I'm not fit for the job after all…"
"Ogawa…" He sighed, grabbing my shoulders to force me to look at him "Stop, now. The director gave you a chance because he believes in you. That's why, don't you dare pity yourself and, instead, stand up to face the trials. You can do that much, can't you?"
His fingers felt rough on my body and I whispered slightly. He was scolding me, too, and I knew that, had we not gone through specific stages of relationship, he would have slapped me. I took a moment to breath and wiped my tears away. He was right after all, crying would not solve a thing, nor would it fix the situation. I grabbed the hand he held out to me and stood up to brush the dust away from my clothes, then faced the blond detective.
"As I was saying earlier…" I cleared my throat "Hypnotism doesn't work on me. My ability allows me to know beforehand about my interlocutor's motives, after all."
"What the hell was that…" Kunikida groaned, massaging his temples "And what are you even doing here, Dazai…?!"
"I figured Ogawa would need some help with you~" He hummed "Besides, her name is Fuyuno Kasumi here, don't forget that…~"
"As long as it doesn't hinder the mission."
"It won't, I promise." I assured "Anyway, as I said —"
"Yes, I know, you're immune to hypnosis or whatever… Even so, I can't let you go alone, and you perfectly know why."
"It is true that I do seem mentally unstable to you…" I thought out loud, a hand under my chin "Moreover, you don't trust me…"
"That's not it…!" He protested "That's your first time working for us, have you already forgotten…?!"
I chuckled.
"Obviously, I was just messing with you. Although the part about trusting me was not a wrong guess from my part." I grinned "However, if you go, we'll never find Sakunosuke-kun."
"Hoh? Why is that?" He glared at me.
"Because~" Dazai answered for me "You'd be easily manipulated~"
"Me?? Never…!" He scoffed.
"Kunikida…" I held back a snicker "Just yesterday, I used you to go back to the Agency…"
"I did see through your intention…"
"And I convinced you to write something about wrinkles in your notebook when you arrested me, the first day we met… To better knock you out with a chair." I reminded him.
"You did that…?" Dazai's eyes widened "That's my friend…! Just before meeting you again, I did the same…! But it was about heart disease…~"
"Alright, you win!" He conceded "You'll go, and I'll come with you. Dazai you stay here to watch over Yumiko-san and Kitaro-kun while we investigate with… Fuyuno."
"Sure thing. Have fun the two of you~ And, mostly, don't traumatise her, Kunikida-kun~ She's a sensitive woman, as you witnessed~"
"Stop mocking me." I glanced at my friend playfully as we left "Let's go, Kunikida…! We'll start with the legal one, an illusionist named Cosmo… Cosmo the Wonderful. "
"Don't order me around…!" He protested "But, sure… That's better, to start…
"Don't tell me… You're afraid of being used…!" I guessed.
"Absolutely not…! Mind your own business…!"
"Eh… The mighty Kunikida is scared of illusionists… That's because you don't understand their tricks, but once you know how they work, it's fine." I told him.
"I'm not scared…!"
"Want me to explain how they do the box trick on the way? You know, the one where they cut —"
"Aaah stop that!! You're unbearable…!"
"... A person. In fact, they don't really cut their assistant. It's an illusion created by mirrors…"
"It's going to be a very long drive…"
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bitch-banshee · 5 years
A Proposal and A Wedding- part ll
Part l
Word count: 1500+
Characters: Sterek (duh)
Warnings: Derek has a bit of sleep paralysis, depressing thoughts. It’s a hunk of whump
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The Nightmare
Derek was going to lose his mind. All the colors and fittings and crafts that Lydia made him participate in was borderline ridiculous. He stared blankly at the ceiling, stiles snuggled closely into his side, fanning hot breath over his face. Derek took this moment to look over the face of his entire world whose deep breathing, caused his chest to rise and fall against Derek's rib cage. The closeness and touch caused his heart to swell in adoration. 
After the whirlwind of excitement of them getting engaged they all had settled around, smiling and playing games with Sarah, Stiles never too far from Derek's side, when Lydia all but screeched “When do you want to start planning?” the buzzing coming from her sheer delight was contagious, and Derek had thought it a good idea to allow the Banshee to take the reins and plan their wedding. 
“Stiles, when do you want to start planning” the alphas face was pressed firmly in the humans shoulder, arms wrapped around Stiles, fingers hooked into the front belt loops of the younger man's pants. Derek listened closely to the beat of stiles’s heart, the smell of his mate happy, akin to contentment. 
“Uhh, you want me to decide, is that really wise sourwolf, I think we should set a date first, before we start planning anything, because we have to make sure that the pack will be around, and that Kira and Scott won't be busy with Kennedy, since he's due soon, and newborns require a lot of time and effort. Also, you know that Erica and Boyd are starting to think about starting a family. Then there's also the fact that Jackson and Ethan are still going through the adoption process…There’s a lot we have to plan around der, and the biggest thing is making sure we have a date that works for everyone.”
 Derek's heart started to slam against his chest, Stiles was so caring and lovely, all he asked was when he wanted to start planning. But based off the rant he was on, he'd already thought about it. Derek easily swept stiles up to silence with his lips. A small noise escaped the human as he practically melted against the alpha’s chest. the kiss hindered due to their position, Stiles’s back to Derek’s chest, the kiss calming both their racing hearts, flooding them both with calm and tranquil energy. 
When Derek pulled back he was staring in the drooped and glassy eyes of his lover. “We can start in a month, Okay Lydia?” Derek called, still looking into the eyes of his Mate. “now everyone out, we will see you all next week” 
The next few days are easy. So easy Derek starts to panic a little bit, when has life ever been this easy, this perfect, not since before the fire. But it feels so good, and Derek starts to feel guilty because why does he deserve to be this happy when Cora is refusing to speak to him, and Peter is out doing god knows what, and the rest of his family is a mix of ash,dust and grief. Slowly he starts the descent into his ever present sadness, then stiles comes breezing in.
 His smile is large, beautiful and his eyes look breathtaking in the golden sunset flooding through the windows. Derek steels himself, feeling caught and he knows Stiles can see right through him, through the mask of indifference he's expertly put on his face.
 “Derek?” Stiles's voice is soft, supple and it slides over Derek's spine and settles in his stomach. Derek wants to snap at the feeling, he doesn't deserve it, the scowl that sets on his face doesn't even surprise stiles. Instead the human swiftly crosses the room and stands in front of Derek, the softness of his features caressing Derek's beating heart.
 “You're okay” Stiles says, and it's not a question but its not a demand either. Tentatively stiles puts his hand on Derek’s arms, running long, warm fingers over the expanse of Derek's skin. “Want to talk about what's on your mind?” the sound is slightly muffled, Stiles’s mouth resting against The shoulders of the older man. Does he? Does Derek want to bring up his dead family and what he feels like his shortcomings are, and really seriously ask stiles if he wants this. 
A soft shake of his head has stiles retreating, “okay, want to talk about something else” Stiles absolutely knows the answer before Derek opens his mouth because all of a sudden the alpha is being tugged toward the couch. The tv is being turned on and stiles is pulling up Orange is the New Black, picking up where they left off. Derek feels himself relax, the weight of stiles against him grounding him to the now. The harsh and blood splattered memories drifting away, leaving him here, in comfortable silence with his mate.
 “I love you” it slips from his lips soft and sure and Stiles’s heartbeat upticks before he turns and presses and kiss into Derek's wrist. 
After too many episodes and drooping eyes, Derek pulls stiles to bed. It's clumsy and sleepy and it just warms Derek further. “M’bed” Stiles mumbles before tripping again and Derek just scoops him up and carries him. 
When he falls into bed, arms wrapped tightly around the skinny frame of the light of his life, it takes some effort to fall asleep. But he does, Stiles has always been able to chase away the nightmares, but there's something about tonight. Something about how he's let the sadness fester and his self-loathing linger clings to his heart and solidifies his bones. 
It makes him heavy and unable to move, his eyes pop open, the glow of red against the ceiling. The sinking feeling of fear laces through him and he sees something. In the corner of his eye its a body and its slinking its way to him. He tries with all his might to lift himself, to protect stiles, to protect himself. A hard vicious growl rips from his lips and a cold laugh answers.
 “C’mon sweetheart you know better than that” the voice freezes Derek. It can't be, she's dead, he saw it with his own eyes. They'd set her aflame, in a sick twist of fate and irony. Kate's face became illuminated by the moonlight. Long fangs and clear eyes. “You thought you could get rid of me?” she tsks and comes closer, climbing over Derek and he sees her face, really sees it. 
The skin is charred, black and ugly. Some places peeled away revealing bones. “You'll never be rid of me sweetheart, not even your little bitch can keep me away. You're mine Derek” she reaches out to touch him and he snarls and snaps. Her hand veers back quickly and she scolds him, loud and harsh in his ears. “Derek!” but it doesn't sound like her anymore. Then the world is shaking, “Derek, Wake up!” its faint, cloudy in his mind.
Then he shooting upward, eyes wide, frantic. His red eyes land on stiles, the usual honey color dark and swirling with confusion, worry and fear. “Was it a nightmare, are you okay? You're sweating, Baby?” Stiles's voice has an assertion to it, like Derek isn't getting out of this with a shrug. So he takes a deep breath, preparing himself to divulge back into his dream. But what comes out of his mouth is not what was in his mind.
 “Do you really want to get married to me?” Stiles blanches, the widening of his eyes startles Derek to standing. “What? Derek, yes” stiles scrambles across the mattress, gripping Derek's hands like he’ll disappear if he lets go.
 “Yes i want to get married, to you, no one else. I love you. What's happened, talk to me please” Stiles is tugging at him, but Derek is stock still and immovable. The scent of stiles’s fear own gripping him and sending a shudder over his skin. “I had a bad dream, it's just reminded me that you need to know what you're agreeing to” Derek shrugs and Stiles’s arms fall away.
 “What i'm getting into? Are you dense Derek. I love you, i have since i saw you in the woods the day after Scott was bitten and it only gets deeper and more solid as the days go by. Yes i'm sure, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to adopt kids with you, and go on dates and have our wedding anniversary. I love you so much and if i didn't i would not have said yes.” Stiles is breathing hard, the rise and fall of his chest matching the rapid beating of his heart. 
Derek breathes deeply and his eyes go soft. “I’m sorry, Stiles, i'm so sorry” The alpha falls to his knees next to the bed and pulls stiles to him.
Stiles goes willingly, and Derek crawls back into the bed. They fall asleep now equally wrapped around each other. Derek afraid of the nightmares and Stiles afraid of losing the best thing in his life. 
Taglist: @teenwolfechoes @terminallygenius @just-jordie-things @dreamsfollowed99 @abloomdivinity
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dalyunministry · 4 years
Bro. Calvin Nii Bannerman
DATE : 19th February , 2021
Father God in the name of Jesus! I thank You for my life and the person reading this life. Please forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness and purge our sins with the everlasting blood of JESUS. You have predestined pathways for us to walk down. Holy Spirit lead us our savior JESUS Christ. Amen.
Let's turn our Bible's to Mark 4, I want you to remember we are characters of every parable Jesus taught and characters of every miracle Jesus performed. You'll see that in this chapter, the boat is our life, the disciples are us and the seas is the storms of life. What do you do when you are taken by the storms of life?
Mark 4:35 And the same day, when the even was come, he saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side.
This is not just a statement, it's a promise, a prediction. Jesus doesn't tell us to do something without giving us the power to do, at that moment if the disciples had understood what was happening , they would had known that nothing would stop the boat from moving to the other side.
How did I know this? Jesus never prophecied anything that it wouldn't come true, Jesus never made a promise he wouldn't keep, the moment He said let us cross to the other side that boat became unsinkable, let me tell you something, at that moment the US or Chinese or the Russian couldn't sink that boat, how did I know that? If that boat would not have made it to the other side Jesus would have been a liar.
Someone will ask but Jesus was a man? Yes He was a man but God wasn't through with Him yet, He hadn't yet gone to the cross, He hadn't yet been nailed to the cross , He had not yet shed His blood, He had not yet died for the sins of the world. He had not yet been raised from the dead and not yet accomplished the work of salvation.
What was true of Jesus, is true of everyone reading this, you can't die until God is done with you. From Eternity to time , God hasn't broken any of His promises, so if you are reading this and you're in a storm, remember the promise of Jesus "we will make it to the other side "
Remember the promise of JESUS and rest in the presence of JESUS, let's read the word
Mark 4:36 And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as he was in the ship. And there were also with him other little ships.
If you read Mathews account he didn't tell us there was "there was with Him other little ships ", Luke didn't tell us but Mark did, why did he tell us? Why does that matter?
The difference between the boat and the other little boats was JESUS, one of the benefits you get if you become a follower of JESUS is He gets into your boat of Life. If He gets into the boat , He says I will never leave you, we make get into stormy winds, rough waters but JESUS will never leave us. But then something happens
Mark 4:37 And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full.
Matthew 8:23-24 And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him.
And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep.
This is how Mathew put it, Mark and Luke wasn't in the boat that day through their research, that is how they got the story but Mathew was in the boat on that day, he was an eyewitness of what happened that day and he said it wasn't a wind storm that happened it was a great tempest in the sea. This was a storm that would have thorn the boat like it was a toothpick.
They had been in a lot of storms before, remember Peter was a Fisherman and the reason why they were worried was they hadn't been in such a stormy and a rough sea before, they feared this could take their lives. Why did they sail across the sea and it was getting dark? The bible tells us it wasn't their idea, it was Jesus idea.
There are times in our lives when storms will come in our lives and we will start thinking, "I might have done something wrong against God", these disciples were not in the storm because they disobeyed God , no because they had found God and some Believers think if they give their lives to Christ and pay their tithes and read their bible and pray they won't face a storm?
The truth of the matter is , you can be a storm right now, not because you have done something wrong or bad , you may be in a storm because you have done something right. Then Mark adds something
Mark 4:38 And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish?
This is the part of the story that I love, Mark tells us Jesus took a pillow along and immediately He sleeps when He gets on board, why was Jesus at peace when all the disciples were at peaceless, the reason why Jesus can sleep in the middle of the storm is He knew he was at where God rightly wanted Him to be. Jesus didn't worry or fret because He knew he was in the middle of God's plan for His life. If those disciples knew that they wouldn't have feared.
Every time we go through a storm we have to focus on Jesus, He got the whole world in His hands and he will deliver you. The disciples thought they were in danger but with Jesus, you're in the safest place in the world, than being In the shore, why is that? Because is the will of God that you should be in the boat. The safest place in the world right now is to be in the will of God concern your life. "Safety is not the absent of problems. Safety is the present of Jesus ", get me to the presence of Jesus and I'm safe.
Mark 4:39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.
The word rebuked literally means to seat down and the word Peace be still is to silence, to put it mildly when JESUS woke up He said "seat down and shut up ". Here is what I want you to notice, JESUS didn't stop the storm from striking at the boat, He kept the storm from sinking the boat.
When JESUS gets into the storm of your life let me tell you what He does, He doesn't guarantee you a smooth sail, He guarantees you a safe landing. When He gets into your life He says Calvin this is going to get rocky, but we will get to the other side
This is what He said in
Mark 5:1 And they came over unto the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gadarenes.
What's the lesson here. There's a lesson about fear and there's a lesson about faith. Jesus asked the disciples question that He is asking some of us now, you're going through a storm and you have been questioning God about this or that and Jesus is asking you what he asked them in verse 40
Mark 4:40 And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?
Every time we face a storm in our lives, only two ways to face the storm, you face it with fear or you face it with fear . Fear looks at the storm and Faith listen to the Savior, fear listens to the diagnosis of the doctor. Faith listens to Jesus.
Every time you go through a storm, always remember Jesus is asking you a question, Why are you so afraid? Where is your faith? Do you trust me or not? Everyone will go through this life passing through a storm, do you know why God allows us to go through the storm? Because it forces us to remember His promise and it forces us to rest in His presence.
Thank you and God bless you all
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