#he’s 17 when it goes down. he’s 17 and he’s going to insert himself because the itch is just too great but it’s literally draining him
arachnidiots-a · 11 months
re: the trope of talking to ppl you know who don’t know you
liam isn’t even the only this applies to PETER IS IN THE EXACT SAME SITUATION POST NWH which is to say this blog is dedicated to to this trope at this point
peter intentionally inserts himself in the most painful of situations. unlike liam he could very well walk away, leave things alone and not deal with the tragedy. and yet, and yet he can’t. it’s soul crushing but a part of him for a good bit just can’t leave it alone. they were his family, they were the people closest to him through everything and he can’t just keep away. he’s still a kid, he’s alone, and he’s desperate just to see someone’s face again. so he shows up outside the shop where mj works, he grabs a coffee because he has to know that she’s doing okay and more than that he has to know that he did the right thing and see that she is okay WITHOUT HIM. he has to know that ned isn’t alone out there!! he can’t stop himself from the occasional swings in his neighborhood, helping his grandma carry something up the steps.
one day it hits him hard— he gets a good reminder when some stranger is injured trying to help him and peter can’t help but dwell on the danger that is knowing him, knowing spider-man. he can’t keep swinging by, grabbing coffees. they didn’t go through everything just for him to put everyone at risk again. it hurts, it’s a horrible pain, but he stops coming around. he keeps himself far and busy and no matter how constantly all the people he used to know are on his mind he holes himself up in his apartment and stays put. it’s better this way, that’s what he has to believe and it’s what he repeats to himself time and time again
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luckydinosauur101 · 6 months
I will be posting about Chapter 17 of “The Rehabilitation of Death” by @Bamsara for probably the next day or 3, including posts rambling about parts of both that chapter and many others before.
Please, if you do not want to be spammed with posts and reblogs; turn off notifications for when I post or something :)
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Is this a reference to the 5+1 lmao?? Bro you ASKED for them to LITERALLY KILL THEMSELVES TO SEE YOU
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“Without question, he closes them.” This entire chapter I noticed, especially as Narinder got more drunk, he was more willing and compliant with doing whatever Lambert told him to do, no fuss, no question. “Do this.” “Ok.” “Go over there and sit down” “alrighty”. Not even a fuss. I think it just shows how much he truly loves the Lamb, and only his sober pride stops him from just willingly letting Lambert take the lead
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Haha cat’s neck goes -snAp- I thought of his head borderline 180’ing here
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-Bam self-inserting their own drunken mood cuz they decided to get drunk while writing but then arson collapsed on himself-
I literally just ended up taking a picture of this entire scene here because.
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I’m sure. I’m sure you can tell why.
I was listening to
I recommend listening to it it’s pretty good- very fitting to Trod (@-Bamsara again I may or may not have made my own trod playlist for songs I thought fit. And I may or may not like for people to give me their opinions on how they fit :3c)
And so I hit the “I’m sorry” part right before I read the “I relinquish the crown to you”. Fitting. Agonizingly. Fitting
“Under all that angst and anger is a beating, human heart” as I read the
F U C K I N G.
“They do not have a heartbeat. They do not have a pulse. They will not rise.”
I needed to take a second.
Because it really.
Really hurt.
That entire scene.
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lakesbian · 8 months
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@theiaphage ok i'm just going to make this into a post because tumblr replies have a really short character limit and i can go on At Length while im explaining alec vasil. the short answer is that:
Brian, Lisa and Taylor had their own dynamic.  They were friends.  He considered Brian a friend, but it was more along the lines of someone he could play video games with, talk about movies.  It wasn’t much different from if they were coworkers or roommates.  He smiled at the thought.  They kind of were, when it came down to it. Regent knew he was a background character, for the most part.  He played along, he didn’t make waves, he didn’t stand out.  He wasn’t close to any of the others.
(interlude 10) alec knows exactly where he stands with the team--i.e., that he's not close friends with anyone, and his relationship with brian is 'work friend i could talk about movies with.' there's no actual intimacy there, and he knows this, and he wouldn't cross the boundary of inserting himself into brian's personal home life to fuck with his car for A Bit.
the longer answer re what his dynamic with brian and aisha is actually like after she joins the team is this entire post which is good and i love. it's a crucial cornerstone of alec's character that he's deeply lonely. that's why his power is the ability to force people to help him or act like they care about, with the ironic twist that he can't force them to actually care about him, and he's aware how much they hate him the entire time. his entire life, he's been lonely and isolated and abused, he's been taught that no one will ever deeply care about him or want to support him, and he's learned his only options are either to be like his father and take it by force, or to just live as "a background character" and try to convince himself that he's okay with that.
so, it's meaningful for him that he has a light friendship with brian. it's not enough to change how isolated he is, it's not enough to change that he's not part of the more emotionally intimate brian-lisa-taylor dynamic he mentions. but it's a crumb of affection for a boy who's had virtually none for his entire life.
after he meets aisha, what i describe in the linked post happens:
brian doesn't get to be a teenage boy playfighting with another teenage boy anymore--now he has to be Brian Adultguy Laborn, Responsible, Firm-Handed Older Brother. he feels the need to place himself above alec & aisha, become an authority figure capable of keeping her safe. it's why they start eye-rolling and calling him & taylor "team mom and dad."
and the whole dynamic shift is so bittersweet because. alec is best friends with aisha. aisha is the closest he's ever been to anyone in his whole life. they have a deeply meaningful and intimate connection, one that's so powerful for alec that he ultimately decides that he'd rather die for aisha than live in a world without her. for the first time in his entire life, he's found someone who really gets him, and who trusts him to understand them back. but it comes at the cost of brian drifting away from him, not because of anyone's fault, but just because brian is traumatized in a specific way that means he doesn't know how to navigate aisha being on the team without treating alec poorly. over the span of just a few months he goes from playfully bantering with alec to sneeringly telling him to be quiet when the adults (i.e. him and some other people who are, like, 17) are talking. (& there's hints of this tendency of brian's even early in worm, when he like...chides alec for going 'woo triple headshot :)' abt his video game while taylor and brian are talking, but it's not even half as bad as it is after aisha joins.)
and alec does not react to this by clinging to him or by overestimating how close they are, nor by needing "a stern talking to" that educates him. brian tries to give him Stern Talking To's quite a few times in the book, and it's more or less always 1. condescending and unnecessary or 2. not unnecessary, but too condescending to be useful. and alec's reaction is never to go "oh ok i see sorry," even if brian is fully in the right--the way brian delivers it means that alec's ptsd toes are getting stepped allllll over and he reacts by just being dismissive and passive aggressively annoying until brian gives up/decides it's not worth the effort. i.e. exactly how alec has been trained to react to people scolding him as a child in order to minimize the vulnerabilities via which he could be targeted for abuse. guy who doesn't know how to express displeasure with someone without mimicking his shitty father & his tragic friendship breakup with guy who doesn't know how to react to someone expressing displeasure w/ him from a position of authority without responding like he's trying to avoid giving his shitty father a way to hurt him more than he already is. it's sad. :(.
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smutlord-supreme · 2 years
König SFW Headcannons PT.2: The Fangirl Strikes Back
This one was written without adderall, sleep, or sanity so forgive me for any mistake. I wrote most of it before the ball drop last night and I was off my meds and on the weed.
Disclaimer: This one contains alot more subjects concerning war and injuries, nothing crazy. But be conscious.
-Loves swimming and baths to relieve back pain but is often too big for bathtubs. Sometimes he takes a day off just to stay in a hotel with a jacuzzi.
-He had a stutter growing up. But he went to speech therapy and it only come out when he's angry or otherwise stressed. It's incredibly frusterating to him and he will just stop talking if he stutters too much.
-The stripes under his eyes are from a bleach pen. After getting pepper sprayed in the eyes he was left with some streaky orange stains on his mask. He took a bleach pen to it in his haste to get them off. He did cry about ruining his mask for days. Opting for a black baklava until one of his teammates took pity on him and filled it in to make the quintessential 'tears' on his mask. It took the team another 3 days to convince him it looked cool.
-He had really good eyesight before he joined the military, but being an insertion specialist means entering first. Whichever flashbangs, gasses, you name it and it's probably happened. He wears contacts now but at home he has a pair of square frame reading glasses that he hides from everyone.
-The first time he got pepper sprayed was by an American tourist in Austria when he was 15. He tried to return the card she left at a bakery and she thought he was following her. They both apologized profusely after she washed out his eyes and took him to the emergency clinic.
-His first date when he was 17 turned out to be a prank. A girl in his class asked him out and he waited at the shopping center they were supposed to meet at for nearly 2 hours before he left.
-He doesn't talk alot because when his voice was first cracking the kids in class would mock him, which would make him stutter, which would make him cry.
-He was scouted by KorTac after a few years in the military and joined because of the flexibility to choose his own team and no longer work for the government (which didn't always agree with his tactics)
-König came out of his shell after he joined KorTac, making closer bonds with those around him. He's still got anxiety but he's more willing to go out and do things now that he's got freinds to protect him.
-König's favorite Bakery is across the street from his apartment in Berlin. He goes every single day. One time he was sick for a whole week and the Bakery owner nearly broke down his door in worry. (He always tells him when he's going on 'trips')
-Has caught covid twice because he forgets to wear a kn95 mask under his hood.
-Cries alot when he's sick and always calls his grandma for advice (vics vaporub and pastina).
-Quiet anger, except on the battlefield where it becomes explosive.
- Earned the nickname könig by winning a game of king of the hill during basic.
-Before that they just called him 'biest' and he hated it.
-Honestly really likes anime. Especially escapism anime like isekai.
-Has a surprisingly low alcohol tolerance, not due to inexperience or anything, he's just not a huge drinker.
-Mostly drinks water but one time he visited Georgia in the USA and got hooked on American sweet tea.
-Takes Sertraline for depression and anxiety
-A little too willing to sacrifice himself for others. Don't worry he's in mandated therapy.
-Feels very guilty if anyone else gets hurt
-Has broken his nose 3 times and his leg once when he was 5.
-Surprisingly sneaky
-Loves romcoms and pretends he doesn't cry every time.
-Doesnt cover his face outside of work because it gets claustrophobic.
-Very clumsy and not at all gentle no matter how hard he tries
-Early riser
-Played DnD once. He was a Gnome Cleric named Samara the wise.
-Secretly still wishes when he blows out birthday candles
-Chews on the backs of pens when he's not paying attention
-CANNOT hide his facial expressions
-Spaces out alot and ends up staring at people, making them uncomfortable
-Not a fan of needles but makes sure he gets all of his shots so he doesn't make his grandmother ill.
-Sees himself as a monster who's undeserving of love
-Knows he's done alot of bad things and thinks all he's good for now is killing. That he's ruined for the rest of the world
-Wants to start a family but is scared he'll be a horrible father
-He will end up either adopting or having kids. They will be well rounded and raised with kindness. I'm thinking 2 girls.
-Alergic to peanuts and latex.
-Has claustrophobia, and is, surprisingly, afraid of heights.
Thanks for reading everyone ❤️ Hapy new year!
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chaoskid-deer · 9 months
For the Ao3 Wrapped game! 11, 17, 19
aha so excited to answer these >:D
11. What work took you the longest to write?
Sometimes The Tunnel Only Leads To Darkness wins by a LONG shot. I started this in December of 2021 so it took me A YEAR AND A HALF to finally post it. I take FOREVER to write things as it is, because my usual editing process is to open a second document in a side by side window and rewrite the whole thing, and I also take long breaks between drafts, but this one took especially long because I changed almost every single plot point/scene between the first and second draft. 
That’s half because I went in with my outline being a single conversation and the general emotional conflict and nothing else (and the dialogue didn’t even make it to the final draft! It got cut up into two separate conversations!), and half because I hadn’t written anything since like… 2019, so I was super rusty.
I felt soooo good when I finally hit post on it. 
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
This is such a hard question to answer! Dialogue is one of my favourite things to write so no matter who I’m writing I’m usually having a delightful time. So cop out time with a top 3: 
I really liked writing frankensteins monster because I get to really go to town on the eloquence and use all my favourite pretentious vocabulary words. Also, I love writing a good argument, and he’s great for that. 
I like writing my clone oc Fever because he is living in a stream of consciousness style text block 24/7 and has zero tact. Going down a rabbit hole of tangents? Add them all in! Two characters having a tender moment? Time to insert himself into the conversation! Picking and choosing what he focuses on in any moment of time is hilarious. 
And of course to no one’s surprise my favourite to write is my Jedi oc 💜 korin 💜 because they are always number 1 in my heart. Their voice is second nature to me now, and the disconnect between their own feelings and what they say and do creates such interesting dialogue and character moments. 
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
RENFIELD AND SEWARD. HANDS DOWN. This year’s dracula daily (and your awesome fics) put me on the renfield train HARD. He goes through so much, and his attitude and way of talking delights me. Especially his super messed up dynamic with seward- the double layer of how he disdains Seward so deeply while still successfully sucking up to him makes me want to put the two of them in a jar so I can study them. I was to peel apart their layers so bad! 
I’m like 2k words into a vampire!renfield au, so I’m hoping to have that out by next year :DD
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pleasantspark · 2 years
in a rut by Brxkxn_Fxxth
Fandoms: The Transformers (IDW Generation One)  
No Archive Warnings Apply
Rodimus | Rodimus Prime/Rose (Self-Insert)
Rodimus | Rodimus Prime
Ultra Magnus (Transformers)
Megatron (Transformers)
Rose (Self-Insert)
Another Omegaverse Fanfiction Lol
Is Omegaverse a Kink anyways?
Implied! Main Five x Rose
A possible Main Five Fanfiction
Background Main Five
Background Poly
The main five
Alpha Rodimus Prime Omegaverse
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
Omega Verse
Kinktober 2022
Transformers Kinktober 2022
Brxkxn_Fxxth Kinktober 2022
Prompt: ABO
rodimus goes through a rut during a meeting, and so, he locks himself in his habsuite to get away from everyone… only for the liaison to set foot in his habsuite resulting in a wild night. kinktober day eleven: a/b/o
Part 11 of Kinktober 2022 
Part 17 of Self Insert Stuff 
Part 2 of The Main 5 
Part 3 of Polygamous Fics 
Part 19 of Transformers 
Part 13 of Transformers MTMTE
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The way to his own personal habsuite was a nightmare for the alpha, just by his luck he kept running into Omega’s and it took every single part of himself to contain himself, but it was proving to be difficult due to him going through a rut. 
Finally arriving back at his habsuite he slammed the door shut and groaned out, he slid down the door letting out weak moans. Rodimus hated being an Alpha. He’d much rather be a Beta from all the shit he has to go through. 
Walking through his habsuite, he decided to stay here until his rut went away, he was far to embarrassed to call upon his fated mate, because he didn’t want to seem weak in doing so, only a OMEGA would beg for sex. 
Alpha’s tend to play by their own rules, but most of them, if not all, would tend to be aggressive when it comes to being in a rut. Alpha’s were just like that. Rodimus would lock himself in his habsuite for the next 1-4 cycles. 
He wasn’t coming out, lest he attacks or forces himself onto another. But he knew he wasn’t that desperate… yet . The Alpha flopped himself on the berth and muttered something incoherent, it was starting to bother him. 
He flipped from side to side, in hopes that the feeling would go away. But it never did, which infuriated the bot. This persisted for a couple of kiliks before a knock on his habsuite directed his attention. WIth a grunt, he got up and headed straight to the door, not opening it. 
“Whoever is there, can you PLEASE go away!” Rodimus snaps even more irritable than usual. Silence followed shortly after, believing the bot to have left, Rodimus stalked back to his berth only for the person who knocked to answer shortly after…
“Roddy? Are you okay?” 
It was Rose.
Of course it was her ! It was one of his mates. She was the Omega he was sharing and he began to act up. Not only was he in a rut, SHE TOO was in Heat. Immediately overcoming his annoyance he opened the door and pulled Rose into the room. 
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mybirthstoneisemerald · 3 months
Me crying cuz we only have 17 fics in Ocean waves and nothing clicked to me.
If I want one, I need to write one. Is that it? Sobs, okay I don't have coherent thoughts tho.
I like post-canon fics but I need a rewrite in this one. let's cut the reunion up to ending scene and continue the pier scene.
Do I want a confession scene? Yes! But I want Morisaki to reply, "You've got it wrong." (I only tolerated her whole being because you're interested in her and it made me curious but left disappointed.)
I think Morisaki can express himself well and he's honest to his feelings. We could see that in the entire movie.
"What do you mean?" (I honestly don't know how Matsuno could be this dense and stupid. Morisaki slapped the shit out of her in front of everyone after hearing what she did to his best friend.)
"I never liked her! What made you think that?" (Yeah bruh you are so blinded what's the point of glasses?)
"You were always together. You even went to hotel with her. How could I not think that?"
At this point, Morisaki is frustrated, wants to pull his hair out and cry, maybe kick his best friend like they used to.
I can think a hundred positive things about this guy but never would have thought he can be stupid when in love. — Morisaki to Yutaka
"You've got it all wrong. Those aren't even good memories. Thinking about it now, all those mishaps happened because of her." He let out a soft laugh, "I made stupid decisions just because I was curious."
"I was curious of your interest with her. I thought if I find out," (I can learn the things you like and make you interested to me as well) ugly ass crying
"What is it, Morisaki?"
Should he say? Should he really continue his sentence?
Morisaki spent awkward seconds just looking at his best bro weighing the consequences.
"Maybe you can also see me in that way too."
... Sobs. Why am I crying? Based in the film, Morisaki is always happy with Yutaka whatever their situation is. Morisaki is indifferent to everything else when his bestie is in the picture.
"what do you mean by that?" (Bruh I swear who ever created Yutaka character should hide from me.jk)
I want it to be a confession because I totally agree in that clip from YT vid.
"I've always thought of you being different than any of my friends."
Long ass confession ahead:
"I say that but I didn't know at that time in what way you are. Whenever I see you, my mood instantly goes up." Yeah like a dog seeing their fave human.
"it makes me happy everytime you need me. Whatever it is, you know I'd be there in a heartbeat."
Yutaka realizing how Morisaki acts differently between him and other people, it makes him laugh cuz how does it only make sense now?
"it was really obvious but I failed to see it that time." Yutaka looking down.
"from the moment in that art room, I have always liked you, Yutaka!"
I feel like Morisaki is looking directly to his eyes, standing not-so straight, with tense expression and sweats on his face, he confess like this. With red face almost looking drunk.
Awkward seconds for awkward people.
"you've always been like that, Morisaki. Whatever you decide, you do it without hesitation and you see it until the end."
So bright. How could I not see him? (Wear better glasses?)
Yutaka faces him. Smiling with his eyes full of Morisaki. I love gay people
"Me too. I've always liked you, Morisaki."
*inserts picture of them going on dates.*
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narutomaki · 3 months
thanks to all the DATV posting I am slipping back into DA madness and thinking about Acien this morning, unable to fall back asleep, despite getting up at 5.20am on a sunday
TW: Suicide and self harm mentions in the context of a fictional character mentions of cheating
Acien is, like, for all intents and purposes a good person! he makes good choices for the benefit of many people, helps those in need without asking for anything in return, tries to get a grasp on people's true intentions and leave them better off than when he first arrive!
however, he is not a good man. his ability to trust and maintain the trust of other in interpersonal relationships is.... difficult. he finds himself unable to believe the people he loves and who love him are sincere, he tries to drive them away habitually for a long time, it takes him months of Zevran and Alistair teaming up to actually believe they love him. and then the second the party is split up, and Morrigan dips, that trust is erased. how could they love him?
his late teens and early adulthood are spent trying to fix the lives of others while he himself is stuck in a spiral of self-destruction that no one who knows him can help with, or knows how to cope with
he makes irrevocable mistakes in DA:A and almost ends his own life over them, the fact that he lived was (in his mind at the time) an accident of circumstance. that he successfully drove away one person who loved him (Alistair) was a victory in his mind, because now he can't hurt him even more
by the time DAI rolls around he's... not doing BETTER, but he's also spent a lot longer fixing interpersonal bonds and realizing how hurting someone intentionally doesn't save them any grief, despite what he was "taught"; and he's better at trusting and believing the people he loves when they say they love him, he's not forgiven for what he did but they come around to understanding why, and are able to all Actually trust each other again and then....
well then the conclave happens, Acien inserts himself in a situation that once more thrusts him into the limelight after defying death yet again and well
he backslides... "a little". he still has an easier time trusting people are being honest with him, but he can't handle the pressure that being the savior of the world AGAIN puts on his shoulders and there's two ways his story "ends"
in one of the Leliana catches him drinking and makes note of how strange it is in a letter to Zevran and Alistair and both of them show up within two weeks and immediately set about propping him up, getting him sober, and ensuring he Is Never Alone to make the choice he would have otherwise made
in the other ending.... Leliana never mentions it, or never catches him, and he's left to spiral and flounder with no one the wiser; Leliana wasn't with him when he was at his worst or best so she doesn't know just how bad he is until. He tracks down and confronts Solas. He's alone. He thinks "I can't so this, but if I do something drastic, maybe I can change his mind." and succeds where he failed in DA:A in a much more violent display than he'd tried back than.
the second one used to exist as the sole option for his ending scene lol. he was heavily based on a LOT of the internal problems I was having at the time I created him, and a lot of his temporary/permanent growth was only inserted YEARS LATER after I'd gotten help for myself
it's sad! he's a sad and tragic character! he's only 17 when he loses his best friend and way of life and is thrust into an environment where everyone looks to him to solve their problems; which isn't unusual for his life but the risk of failure is so much higher as well
also. this isn't me saying his family/clan ever hurt him intentionally, sometimes families don't know what they're doing to you and years down the line you mention something you learned and they go "what the fuck are you talking about? that's not what I meant by that at all!" and your sibling goes "that's not what I learned at all idk where you got that from", sometimes a family can be great but accidently hurt someone because they never check in on the ACTUAL things their child is taking away from things. Acien is very much like me in that case, and his family is MUCH kinder and much nicer, but he was always more sensitive and tender hearted than his siblings and cousins and friends and instead of learning to ask for more kindness, he internalized that hurting those you cared for and lying to them about how you were feeling were appropriate ways to maintain relationships (the gentle ribbing and teasing and boundary setting, but taken in the most literal and unflattering way possible) he does have a few Big Traumas from early in his life that set up his brain for this kind of thinking that no one ever caught/caught how it affected him
any way. I think he deserves to be happy and learn that he's allowed to communicate his needs and wants even (GASP) and Solas was never going to have the Revelation that Acien was aiming for lol ("if I kill myself violently in front of him he will realize that violence is wrong!" baby NO)
edit: realized I was very vague on what he did and that's bcus I spent an hour straight thinking about it and was like surely it'll be understood
he cheated on them with Anders
Zevran is ""okay"" With this (it affects his trust in Acient less) BECAUSE he's an assassin and ex-Crow, he's seen better people do worse and order others to so worse things in healthy states of mind, and Acien had always had an easier time communicating his problems to Zevran (because Alistair would try to comfort him too much, and reassure him he was a good person, which in turn made him feel worse); as well he's the one who notes that not once does Acien try to defend himself (Anders tries to defend him) and he finds a letter he'd never sent begging them to come visit
he offers to be a mediator (it takes years after the fact for either of them to learn Acien tried to kill himself a couple times before and after his affair) on the condition Acien get sober again and actually communicates with them instead of not sending them obvious distress signals, Acien has an easier time trusting this because it's an ultimatum and obviously means Zevran loves him for real (which is true, not Zevran loved him for real BEFORE as well)
after is when he finally opens up to Alistair, once Alistair is willing to sit down and talk (about a year given their respective jobs, time to heal, and travel) and finally admits a lot of his insecurities and Zevran shows Alistair the letter and while it does make Alistair feel worse and almost fully ruins any chance of reconciliation, it's the finally being honest without being self defacing (obviously reigning himself in (Zevran had discussed with him common manipulation tactics and Acien is trying his best)) that gives Alistair space to heal and understand and listen
Alistair still doesn't like leaving Acien alone, but needs must, and for a while around the conclave they had to and in the bad ending Alistair and Zevran are kept away by jobs and helping others because they assume Acien is Better Now because he hasn't had more then a Bad Week in over a year at thst point
idk if in the bad ending anyone ever finds out it wasn't Solas that killed him, which.... leaves some interesting implications seeing as Solas attacks but very intentionally leaves the Inquisitor alive HAHA any way
he was my vent oc and I made that very obvious in his storyline LOL
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amber-michaelson · 2 years
Fred weasley x reader x George weasley
Summary: the twins know everything
Read at own risk
Warning : swearing, one year age difference
fred and george <16> you <17>
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Yn pov
"Their literally a year younger then me" I whined to my mom as we turned into the weasley probity “because their not.... trustworthy as molly put it” my dad murmured pulling up to the house “have fun” mom smiled turning to me “its gonna be so much fun” i say sarcastically and get out watching as they drive away ‘let hell begin’ i walked to the door and knocked on it “yn hello” i smiled as molly answered it “hello molly” i greeted and glanced to the two demons behind her “hey yn” fred greeted with a wink and george just did a little wave “we have to get going we’ll catch up later” she murmured and called the rest into the car “bye guys” i waved and watched as they drove away i walked inside and closed the door ignoring the twins as i walk into the dining to do some care for magical creatures homework “are you gonna ignore us the whole time” fred murmured leaning next to me “till i finish this home yes” i mutter and smile as they walk away to do their own thing ‘peace and quiet’
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i stretch out my tired arms and looked around it was quiet to quiet “guys” i called but no response i slowly get up and look around i made my way up stairs and knock on their bedroom door but no response i open the door and my eyes widen at the scene before me the twins sat shirtless on their beds “i-im so sorry you j-just didn’t answer me when i called you” i stuttered looking anywhere but them “why aren’t you looking at us yn” fred teased standing up and walking towards me “because your not wearing a shirt” i muttered still looking away “come on yn” fred said grabbing my jaw forcing me to face him “are you scared” he chuckled “n-no” i murmur as my cheeks turn a light shade of pink “does someone have a little crush” george joined in on the teasing and moved to stand behind me blocking my way out “no i don’t” i tried getting out but there was no way “just admit it and we’ll let you go” george whispered into my ear i looked down “fine i do have a crush on you” i muttered crossing my arms “aww look george shes pouting” fred murmured lifting my face up “now was that so hard” he said before kissing “remember fred sharing is caring” george said kissing my neck “how about we get rid of these” george murmured pulling off my clothes leaving me in my underwear “cute panties babe” fred winked and slowly kneeled kissing my body as he goes down stopping at my panties “he cam play with that while i play with these” george played with my boobs squeezing and pinching “guys please” i murmured “in such a hurry” fred shook his head and pulled my panties down “fuck your wet” he groaned “george you got to see this” fred muttered, george moved around and chuckled at the site “you wanted this” he laughed and kissed me "lets move this to the bed shell we" he smirked and nudged fred and guided me to his bed "sit still and watch us" fred pointed and me, I sat and stared as they took off their clothes piece by piece "I never knew you guys were such good strippers" I giggled they gave me a surprised look “oh really” fred winked as they slowly moved towards me “you like our bodys yn” george teased and slowly pushed me to lay down on the bed “seriously dude if i didn’t i wouldn’t be here” i muttered smiling and pulled him into a kiss “oh look who’s joining in” fred chuckled and kissed my nick as they hands wandered around my body “come on do something” i whined against george’s lips “you mean something like this” i moaned as fred shoved his fingers into my pussy “fred” i squealed “how about you take our cocks instead of his fingers” george murmured looking into my eyes “fuck yes”.
george pov 
I sat behind her and fred was infront "ready fred" "ready george" fred inserted himself first then it was me "fuck have you done this before" we moaned and started thrusting "I wanted this to happen" she whined bucking her hips into ours 'fuck she's hot'
Yn pov
We were moaning messes they were dirty talking me making me hornier and their dicks pumping in and out of me I was going insane "please go harder" I cried "as you wish ma-lady" they chuckled going harder and faster "fuck" I whined they were really good, I was getting closer and closer "im gonna cum" I squealed leaning back against George's chest I whined as one of their hands started rubbing my clit "fuck" I yelled squirming as I cam "shit" they released inside me we panted and lied down "your the best babysitter ever" "oh fuck off".
My other harry potter works
check out my other works
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rookthorne · 2 years
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The west had ripped Bucky down to his foundations, and built him back up, many times before. And it will continue to do so again, and again, and again. He was strong, he was a fighter. But what happens to a man when he’s given something to protect and fight for other than himself?
What happens is what Steve would call; a goddamn miracle.
The retelling of James Buchanan Barnes as an outlaw in the wild plains of late 19th century America, and how an outlaw's heart thawed like the harshest winter into a bountiful spring.
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PAIRING; Bucky Barnes x OC (reader insert friendly) WORD COUNT; TBD (ranging 65k - 75k) WARNINGS; angst (a hell of a lot), fluff, both canonical and non-canon character death (graphic & non-graphic), animal death (horses), sassy and protective Bucky because that's a warning in itself, graphic blood descriptions & gun violence, swearing, pet names, slow burn, implied consensual smut.
A/N; Hello there! This is my first ever writing project, this idea has been swimming around my head for a few months, and I finally had the courage to begin my journey. This story is mainly Bucky-centric, with a majority of the chapters being purely from his POV. In creating my OC, she is left blank except her name so you are free to imagine her as you see fit!
I wanna say a huge thank you to @d-desrosierss & @fidgetforrest that helped me bring this to life, and encouraging me every step of the way. I appreciate you so damn much, ily.
I'd also like to say a huge thank you to @thefalconthatcriedwolf, if it hadn't of been for the all the resources you shared with me and all the advice, this story wouldn't have gotten as far as it did. Thank you, so much. ❤ Also a big thank you to @thenhewaswrongaboutme, the dialogue and characterisation tips and examples you provided helped me more than you know - I am so grateful. Additionally, for joining the chaos that is my drafts and helping me by becoming my beta - your insight and help has been invaluable. ❤
DISCLAIMER; This story is inspired by the plot/story of Red Dead Redemption 2. There is absolutely NO need to have prior knowledge, but if you do you will have some Easter eggs scattered about, and some of my personal favourite scenes and dialogue will be used with my own twists. ALL CHARACTERS AND DIALOGUE used within this story that has been in Marvel OR RDR2 do NOT belong to me, nor do the characters (except my OC) - all credit goes to the original writers. I am making no monetary gain from writing this story - it is purely fan created for the enjoyment of myself and others that may read.
GRAPHICS; @firefly-graphics + @maysdigitalarts - thank you 💗 Moodboards were made by me using photomode in-game and the ever helpful pinterest - I do not own nor claim ownership of any photos used.
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Chapter 1 - Cat & Mouse
A robbery gone wrong leads Bucky to foolishly soldier on, on his own. An exasperated Steve and Sam ensue.
Chapter 2 - Misfire
Bucky and Clint go hunting, and whilst fruitful, it does not go by uneventful.
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
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Series Playlist
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sunflowersteves · 4 years
Can you do smut 1 & 17 with din djarin?
author’s note || of course, babe! I hope you enjoy ;) I’m not even gonna lie i think this is my favorite prompt duo. 
smut prompts || “do you think of me when you touch yourself?” “do you want to come on my fingers or mouth?”
warnings || afab!fic, smut!! so 18+ only, rough sex, oral, fingering, voyeurism, squirting, some fluff, minors do not interact
You had completely lost track of time, your mind hazy from the pleasure rising in your stomach. It had been such a long day without the Mandalorian around. He had been tracking a bounty and told you it would only take a few hours and that he would be back by sunset. 
Well, it was way past sunset, and it was way into the night. You knew you shouldn’t worry unless it's been a full 24 hours like he had told you in the past. But, it was hard when you wanted him back into your arms. The child was already asleep in his hammock, probably softly snoring and snuggled into a blanket. 
You had decided to stay up and wait for him, your mind going off into thinking he may have been stabbed or worse. For precaution and to let your mind be at ease, you stayed up and waited for him. It had probably been about four hours before you realized just how bored you were. You had tried anything and everything to entertain yourself, but nothing would prevail, and you definitely didn’t want to wake up the kid. 
You had taken it upon yourself to walk into the Mandalorian’s bedroom. You knew that this would be a mistake—a terrible mistake. Even if you were gone by the time he got back, he would know that you were rummaging around. He always just knew. But you couldn’t help it. It was like something was drawing you in, whether it was the fresh smell of his clothes or the curiosity of if he had little knick-knacks. 
The room was smaller than the cockpit; a small cot sat in the corner along with a little nightstand. Your eyes move to the other side of the room, where there was just enough space for a dresser. The room was pretty bare and empty, minus a few items like vibroblades and gear. 
However, something caught your eye as it gleamed against the light of the room. On top of his bare dresser was a shiny silver necklace. One that looked like a beast of some sort thag was molded from metal. You knew it was Mandalorian, maybe even from Mandalore itself. 
A smile reaches your face as your fingers trail the edges of the necklace. It felt cool to the touch; it looked important, as though there was some meaning behind it. You let your fingers run along the string attached to it and pick it up, placing it right over your head. 
You thought about him, the Mandalorian. You thought about his stoic nature and deep voice that always made you shudder. You thought about his light chuckles and soft touches. You thought about the one time you were so close to him, the two of you stuck inside an enclosed space as you hid from imps. 
Maker—you remember that day vividly, it was ingrained into your brain. You remember the breaths that fuzzed through the modulator. You remember the way your heart beat out of your chest just being so close to him.
You could practically feel his body pressed up against yours, your head almost touching the cool beskar. You could feel his chest heave up and down, his arms wrapped around you out of instinct. The closet was stuffy and hot, your mind seemingly fuzzy from his close proximity. 
You could feel yourself heat up at the thought, your body aching to get items of clothing off. You had to go sit onto his cot, just to try and get yourself to calm down.
But before you know it, you find the mounds of your breasts as you grope and grab. Your mind immediately wishing that your hands were his. You slip off your shirt in urgency, your hands reaching your nipples and teasing them by rolling them against your fingertips. 
His room overflows with your whimpers. The once quiet and quaint room now felt obscene and lust-filled. You almost felt... dirty, but it felt freeing. You felt alive. His scent was completely surrounding you, the musk smell of oak and leather. 
You feel your hand slide down your pants, and your finger goes to feel the slick that was already running down your lips. Quite quickly, you shoved your pants off of you with your panties down with it. So urgently, you had become desperate. You were whining and pleading. You wanted the sensations of him to satisfy you fully.
You fully insert a finger, your head rolling back at the feeling of some relief. You wished it was his finger. You wished it was his tongue that was pleasing you as you so desired. 
You didn’t hold back though, your finger moved in and out at an ongoing pace. Your moans were loud and high-pitched, probably echoing into the hallways of the ship. Your pussy was leaking, slick spreading onto the silky sheets. 
“Oh, Mando-”
You were engrossed, so focused on what you were doing that you didn’t even hear the Mandalorian enter the Razor Crest. You didn’t hear him call your name, trying to find out where you were, either. 
“Where are you- oh.” He couldn’t find himself doing anything but stare right at you, at your very naked body. Your fingers were plunged deep into your cunt, your thighs slightly glistening from the amount of slick. He could feel his cock twitch at sight. You looked beautiful—utterly divine as you laid across his own cot, pleasuring yourself to oblivion.
His modulated voice made you go still, and the fingers lodged into your cunt grew stiff. You tried to hide yourself immediately and grabbed a fist full of the sheets to cover yourself. You tried to think of something—anything—to say, but your mind was blank. 
What didn’t help either was that all you could see was his visor. You could tell that his gaze was locked onto yours, but you couldn't point out an expression. Your mind raced to think of what was going to happen now. Now that he had caught you red-handed in the middle of pleasuring yourself on his bed, in his room. You had just gotten to know him, to let him trust you.
“That’s my necklace.” Your heart plummets as you realized that you still had it on. You hadn’t meant to keep on nor pleasure yourself with it on. Sudden embarrassment flooded your whole body, and you couldn’t even get your mind to speak. Dread then entered your chest as you thought about his creed. Had you broken some sort of Mandalorian code?
After staring at each other for long moments, you finally speak. “Oh.” You look down to see it right in the center of your chest. You try to let the covers shield you even more. “Oh. Mando, I’m so sor-”
“Do you think of me when you touch yourself?” His head cocked to the side in amusement while he watches you squirm at the question. You definitely didn’t hide the surprised expression on your face either, which prompted a deep chuckle to rise in his throat. 
“Because I think about you, cyare. I think about you as a pump my cock in my hands. I pretend it’s your tight pussy sometimes, cyare. Tell me. Tell me if you think of me.”
Your pussy clenches at the thought of the Mandalorian thinking of you as he touched himself. You could picture it, even. You could picture his breath hitching and low grumbles escaping his throat as he thrust his cock between his hands. You could picture him whispering your name in the depths of the night, wishing that his hands were your mouth.
“I think of you all the time. When-When I’m in the shower, I-I think of you. I push my fingers in and out wishing that it was your big-”
Your eyes widened at where he stood. You don’t know how you hadn’t noticed before, but he was much closer to you, now. He was halfway in the room, and it looked as though he wanted to be even closer. 
Your heart was beating a mile a minute as he continued to stare, not uttering a single word. You guess he didn’t need to, you didn’t know, but his mind was cluttered and loud. his chest was heaving up and down in anticipation. He didn’t know you wanted him as much as he wanted you. 
He was towering over you by now. His helmet tipped down so that it stared straight at your thinly covered body. 
“Do you want to come on my fingers or mouth?”
Your eyes widened at his question, your pussy clenching at the thought. You imagined his fingers deep inside of you and filling every inch that you can’t. But you could also imagine his soft lips suck and lick your aching clit.
“Oh, sweet one, you want both? You want my mouth on you while my fingers spread out those pretty little lips?”
You don’t know how you’re alive at this point. He searched for any part of you that seemed hesitant, but he found none. He could see your eyes were clouded and dilated with lust. 
“I need an answer, cyare. I need to know if you’re okay with this.”
“Yes! Please, Mando, I need your fingers and your mouth.” He didn’t waste a single second as he flipped off the light, leaving the two of you completely in the dark. You could hear the fast movements of his gloves being torn off and the clunking of his helmet laying on top of the nightstand. 
Your body shivers at the feeling of his touch, his rough calloused hands feeling the crevasses of your hips. You could feel him move his head in between your legs due to the hair tickling your inner thighs. You could feel his breath fan up against your entrance, the sensation already cold from your wet cunt. 
“Fuck, I can smell you, cyar’ika. I can’t wait to taste you.”
You let out a whine from his fingers teasing your lips. He only entered his fingertips, letting you feel the fullness of his thick digits. Just as you thought he was going to fill you even further, he yanks out his fingers and stuffs them in his mouth. 
You could hear the obscene sounds as loud as day. His tongue was lapping, and his mouth, maker, his mouth. It was sucking every single drop of your wetness. Finally, he moaned, your heart stuttering at the pure sound of it without the helmet in the way.
“You taste so good, like fucking desert. I could leave my mouth on you for hours, cyar’ika.”
All you could do was whimper, all while whispering his name like a prayer. He let himself lick between your folds sliding up to swirl around your tender clit. Your hands grab onto his fluffy hair and pull, prompting him to gruff on your nerves. 
One hand is gripping the center of your hips that most likely left indents into your skin; the other was teasing your wet entrance. He continued to press open-mouthed kisses on your clit, making sure that you’re already writhing underneath him.
“Mando, please. I-I need you. Please, please,” he shushes you all while continuing to praise you in delicate whispers. You could even hear a language that you didn’t understand, most likely mando’a.
“What do you need, cyare? Just use your words.” A part of you wished you could see how he looked. You knew it would’ve been a magnificent sight to see his face hovering over your mound or his lips buried between your sensitive and quivering cunt. But that thought only ended there. You would never break his creed.
“I need your fingers! I need them, please. I need to be stuffed with your fingers.” He didn’t waste a single second as he plunged two fingers inside of you. Your back arched forward immediately into his fingers. You moan quite loudly; his fingers were more than you could ever imagine.
They were thick and full. They stretched you up in places you didn’t think could be reached. He started to pound his fingers into you, and you mewled, hands clutching his hair even tighter. 
The Mandalorian on the other hand was practically melting below you. Your pussy was warm and slick. Some of your juices leaked out and onto his hand. His fingers curled slightly into you with each pound, with each fuck. 
“You’re so good for me, sweet one. S-so fucking good.” When he went to attack your swollen clit, you would’ve sworn you blacked out right there. Everything just felt so good—your body just writhed for the feeling of him. 
“Stars, Mando. I-I, Maker, you feel good. Your fingers are s-so big and full.”
Your pussy clenched around his large fingers, prompting a low groan from his throat. He could feel your body reaching its limit, the way your thighs shook around his head, and your breath becoming more and more shallow. 
“I need you to cum on my mouth, yeah? I need to taste your sweet cunt.” You let out a whine when he took out his fingers, but when he moved his head, and his wet hot tongue delved straight into you, you were no longer complaining. He lapped and sucked, your body thrashing from the new impassioned touches.
His hand came to wrap around your torso and hold you in place. The lewd sounds of your pussy being ravaged only make him work even harder to feel your release on his tongue. You could feel that familiar coil start to build like lightning about to strike. Your hands gripped his shoulders, your nails leaving indents through his undershirt. 
His finger started to pinch and swirl against your nub. You screamed his name, over and over, your mind fuzzy with only the pleasures of him. Finally, everything came to a halt. Your body seized before everything crashing before you. Everything felt hot and firey, his tongue never ceasing to encourage you through your high. You could see stars all around you, and the feeling of pure bliss rested on your stomach.
“Oh, fuck, Mando.”
You had released everywhere—absolutely everywhere. It was scattered all over his cot, and the Mandalorian's face was dripping. He didn’t say a single word, and you thought you were done for. You hadn’t meant to cover his face with your juices. He was just that good. 
You open your mouth in surprise, you instantly feel like you have to apologize for your body’s reaction. He’s breathing so hard, and you couldn’t tell by the darkness of the room, but his eyes were wide and filled with lust.
“That was the hottest, most beautiful thing I have ever seen. If I can make you do that every time, I will.”
You couldn’t help but grin as large as you possibly could. You knew that what he just said was a promise, and you weren’t about to complain. His lips came up to connect to your forehead, the gentle feeling making you shiver with delight. 
After you calm down from your high, Mando pulls you forward and lets you lean on him, your head resting on his chest. You feel the beating of his heart, taking note of how fast it was going. 
Then, you remember that you still had his necklace on. Your hands go to reach the string and pull it off of your head, but you feel a hand stop you. He then intertwines his fingers with yours, giving a gentle squeeze. 
“Keep it. It looks good on you, cyar’ika.”
star wars: @marvelous-capsicle @mudhornchronicles @cutebubblylmp @3strogen @met4no1a @writingletterstothefire
mando: @marvelous-capsicle @mudhornchronicles @cutebubblylmp @3strogen @doozywoozy @met4no1a @writingletterstothefire
permanent: @captainchrisstan @angstysebfan @teenagereadersciencenerd @rebekahdawkins @hailmary-yramliah @stardust-galaxies @wiccanmetallicrose @keithseabrook27 @hereforthesunrise 
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twh-news · 3 years
"Loki" Director Kate Herron Talks The Epic Season 1 Finale And The Easter Egg Fans Should Go Back And Listen For | Buzzfeed
Warning: There are MASSIVE spoilers ahead for Season 1 of Loki!
Welp, Loki Season 1 just came to an end and I think it's safe to say that the Marvel Cinematic Universe will never be the same. Following the Season 1 finale, we sat down with director Kate Herron to talk about everything ��� like how it felt introducing the multiverse and Jonathan Majors to the MCU, casting this incredible ensemble cast, Loki's bisexuality, and so much more. Here's everything we learned:
1. First, Kate has always loved Loki, so she knew she wanted to be involved in the "character's next step" in some way.
"Basically, I love Loki, and I found out they were making a show about him. As a fan, I was like, 'I need to know where he's gone.' Then, I just wanted to know what the story was going to be. I loved the character. I think Tom Hiddleston's performance is amazing. I really wanted to be part of whatever this character's next step was because I think Loki's had one of the best arcs in the MCU."
2. Directing all six episodes of the first season felt like filming a six-hour movie.
"Directing all six episodes was a really unique experience, right? Because normally TV is run through the showrunner system, and Marvel didn't do that on Loki. It was incredible. It was quite an undertaking to do six hours and run it like a giant film. I'm so grateful for the opportunity, and I'm really proud of what we made."
3. When Kate signed on to Loki, only the first few scripts had been written, the "rough shape of the show" was in place, and they knew Loki would be arrested by the TVA.
"When I started, Michael [Waldron] had written the pilot. Then, there was a second episode written by Elissa [Karasik], and Bisha's [Ali] episode was written. So, there was a rough shape of the show. It was already fixed in that Loki was gonna be arrested by the TVA and then it had this twist that he was going to try and solve the mystery of who this other Loki was, but then it pivots and becomes this love story about him falling in love with himself. I just thought that was so inspired and the message that had about self-love. I just really wanted to be part of that."
4. And they always knew the show would end at The Citadel at the End of Time and the multiverse would be born.
"As we dug into it with Kevin Wright, our producer, the studio, Michael, Tom, and also our whole team, I think it was always thinking like what was the best story, in particular during the second half of the show. We always knew they were going to The Citadel, something would happen, and the multiverse would be born, but we didn't necessarily know it would come out of Loki and Sylvie fighting. That idea came out of discussions with me, the writers, and the studio."
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5. It was "always the plan" to introduce Jonathan Majors to the MCU during the Loki Season 1 finale.
"I think me and the writers were just like, 'Well, they haven't told us we can't introduce that character. I guess we're doing it.' It was really exciting and I felt really honored that I got to be part of it."
6. Kate was involved with Jonathan's casting for He Who Remains/Kang alongside Peyton Reed, who will direct Ant-Man: Quantumania, and Marvel Studios.
"Being part of the casting discussion with Marvel and Peyton was amazing. It was massive. I was just like, 'Wow, I can't believe I get to be part of this conversation.' Everyone was just so excited about Jonathan. He's one of the best actors. I just couldn't believe we got him."
7. Jonathan brought a lot of "cool ideas to the table" once he was cast, and Kate gave him "space to play."
"He just brought so many cool ideas to the table. I think when you're working with an actor like Jonathan, it's really just about giving him space to play, and let him find the character and give him a cool way to do that. I really enjoyed working with him. We finished the shoot filming in The Citadel, so it was really interesting that we finished filming with Jonathan. I just felt very lucky I got to direct him."
8. Jonathan actually voiced the Time-Keepers in Episode 4, which added to the Wizard of Oz homage.
"Obviously, the Time-Keepers were being made in post, and we hadn't cast anyone [for the voices] yet, and I thought, 'Well, Wizard of Oz. Like it should be the wizard, right?' So I thought it would be cool if it was Jonathan, and I think the key thing then was just working with him in a way that we could disguise his voice. I think the fun thing was, Jonathan is an amazing character actor. So we just sent him the art and he was sending audio clips to me and Kevin Wright and being like, 'What about this voice?' It was just so much fun to do that with him. I think that was just joyful."
9. Kate's favorite Easter egg from Episode 5 was Throg — in fact, Chris Hemsworth recorded new lines and sounds for that small part.
"That one I was very proud of and it was very fun. I had that shot designed for a while. I think I'd seen it in Futurama, and a lot of animation does it, but I love the idea of going through the dirt and it reveals something. I always felt like that shot would be the place to insert an Easter egg. When we had Throg in there, it was so much fun and it was perfect. We also recorded Chris [Hemsworth] for that. It was just so much fun."
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10. She also loved the Thanos Copter and said it was a "funny" detail the producers loved from the comics, so they had to include it.
"The Thanos Copter was great. Kevin Wright, our executive producer, was really obsessed with that copter, I was like, 'We have to put the helicopter,' and it was so funny. Episode 5 is our best Easter egg episode. There's so much deliberately because of the nature of The Void as a place where deleted things are sent."
11. There's one Easter egg/detail Kate hasn't seen fans catch onto yet, and it involves a "familiar" voice at the very end of the Season 1 finale.
"The one I would say is — it's less Easter egg and more cool story-wise. So, at the very end of the finale, when Loki is in this alternate TVA, there's a character that runs behind him and is going to the armory and people should listen to the voice. It's very quick, but it's someone familiar."
12. Loki was inspired by numerous iconic sci-fi movies, like Children of Men, Alien, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Metropolis, Starship Troopers, and more.
"Bisha, in the episode [she wrote], she spoke about Children of Men and also Before Sunrise as a reference, so I was really inspired by that and the idea of bringing these sci-fi things together. Across all the TVA, I wanted it to just be a big love letter to sci-fi movies, like Metropolis, Brazil, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, [and] Alien. A reference I could never talk about early was Starship Troopers just because, obviously, the TVA are bad guys and in that movie they also use a lot of propaganda film and we had our Miss Minutes film. So, that movie played a hand. There was so much across the show. We had references from everywhere."
13. And the inspiration for how The Void would look in Episode 5 actually came from Teletubbies.
"I never really spoke much about it, but basically in Episode 5, The Void was originally written like a desert, but when I pitched, I said I thought it would be cool if rather than like a Mad Max desert apocalypse, it's more like an overgrown garden. Like, this is the place where the TVA throw their rubbish in. I just loved the idea of that. I think I realized as it started to unravel that I'd basically pitched the British countryside. As we were building it, I was like, 'Am I just homesick?' I remember trying to explain it to the visual effects artists who were making it, and I was like, 'You know, it's like the Teletubbies. You know, rolling hills just one after another.' So, yeah, the Teletubbies became a useful reference when describing The Void. So, that's how they played a hand in it."
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14. Kate was the one who suggested Sophia Di Martino audition for the role of Sylvie.
"Sophia was in a short film of mine called Smear. I was very happy to pay her, finally, for her talent. When we were reading for the role, I was like, 'There's this actor I know and I think we should ask if she wants to read.' Everyone was like, 'Yeah, sure.' So, she read in these audition tapes, and we were all watching the tapes back and I remember everyone at the studio was like, 'Wait, who's that?' And I was like, 'Oh, that's my friend Sophia.' They thought she was amazing."
15. Sophia's audition tape was so good that she was immediately cast.
"Basically, everyone was really excited by her tape and I think she got cast in the room, which is incredible. I was excited because I got to bring my friend along. She's such a good actor. She's fantastic in Flowers and I was just so happy that she was coming along for the ride. I think she's done such a beautiful job with Sylvie."
16. One of the most important things when crafting Sylvie and the other Loki Variants was making sure they were their own characters, and not just Loki copies.
"I think the most important thing, minus just tiny little gestures, was really making it important that Sylvie was her own character and that all the Lokis weren't just 'faded photocopies.' They were all their own Loki. It wasn't even that they stood in a similar way or looked similar, but what in their soul made them a Loki. I love that line, 'Lokis always survive.' That idea goes across all our characters who are Lokis."
17. Casting Sylvie was one of the hardest things, and Sophia was able to bring her own spin to the character and she was the perfect "sparring partner" for Tom.
"Sophia has this talent — and I think Tom has it as well — where she's so funny and naturally so witty and charismatic that you can't take your eyes off her. She's also really good at playing characters with a lot of anger, pain, and vulnerability. I just felt that those qualities were so Loki to me. She brought her own spin on it too. Tom's performance is so iconic, so Sylvie was a tough role to cast because you need to give him a good sparring partner, but also, it's another Loki and people love Loki. So, it was really making sure that she felt distinctive enough that she was different, but also that we gave Tom a really fun actor to play alongside. It was really fun watching them. It was really fun seeing their chemistry grow."
18. Sylvie's fighting style was actually crafted to have similar movements to Loki's, thus showing that they are basically two sides of the same coin.
"I know Tom and Sophia spent a lot of time together. I think the fun thing with Sophia was the little things, like the fighting styles. She has a very different life to our Loki. Loki is very balletic in his fighting style, because he grew up in the palace, whereas Sylvie grew up in apocalypses. So, she was going to fight a bit more like a feral cat. I thought that was fun to play with. We worked with Mo [Ganderton], our stunt coordinator, and it was really fun to find little mirror image stuff they would do when they fight. We did a little bit of that on Lamentis and there's little bits here and there where we've done that. There's also little gestures that they do that are quite similar."
19. Kate had a "four hour" phone call with Owen Wilson before he was cast. They talked about Marvel, Mobius, and Loki.
"Everyone was so excited to cast him. I remember, they were like, 'Kate, just call him and see if he's up for it.' That was a lot of pressure. But then, I spoke to him on the phone and we spoke about Marvel and Loki in Marvel. Also, we talked about what our show was doing, who Mobius was, and then just getting his take on it. It was a very detailed conversation. I think we spoke for like four hours. At the end, he was like, 'I'm in.'"
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20. Wunmi Mosaku's role was originally supposed to be a male character, but Kate suggested having an "open casting" because she thought Hunter B-15 would be really great as a female character.
"When I spoke to the studio, I was like, 'This character is cool, but I just think it could be really interesting if this was a female character. So, could we do open casting? We'll have men and women read, and we'll just see who's the best person for the role.' So, Wunmi read for it and just blew everyone away. We were like, 'We have to cast this person!' So, we kind of remade the role, really, around her."
21. Kate loves the idea that Hunter B-15 joins this club of sci-fi female characters who were originally supposed to be men.
"It was cool because I love Ripley in Alien and I love Kara Thrace in Battlestar Galactica. In the original Battlestar, Kara Thrace's character was played by a man, and Ripley in Alien was originally written as a man, so I liked that Hunter B-15 was joining these badass women in sci-fi. That was really cool to me."
22. When Kate pitched her ideas to the studio, she include Gugu Mbatha-Raw as the actor she wanted to play Ravonna.
"Gugu was in my pitch when I spoke to the studio. I was like, 'I think she'll be really great.' I love her work as an actor. From Belle to the episode of Black Mirror she's in, everything she's in is so different. I think that's so interesting with Ravonna because in the comics, Ravonna's been good and bad, and she's such a big character. I was like, 'I'd love to see Gugu's take on that character.' The studio was really excited by that and so was Gugu."
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23. Kate said it was "important" to recognize Loki's bisexuality in the show, and she loved how it was naturally worked into a conversation between him and Sylvie.
"It was just important for us to do it in a way that made it canon, acknowledged it, and also done in a way where like, if someone asked me, I would just be matter of fact about it, like, 'Yeah, I'm bi.' I think that was the important thing for it and building it into the conversation. It was important to the whole team and the way that it was written was really beautiful. It felt like the right place to do it because these two characters are starting to open up to each other and are being a bit more honest about who they are. So it felt like the right place to have that moment."
24. The TVA weren't always going to be Variants/humans. That idea was born out of conversations with Kate, the writers, and the rest of the Loki team.
"When I started, I think it was a bit more up in the air with like, who are the Variants who work for the TVA? Are they Variants? They actually weren't Variants when I first joined. Casey was an alien, for example. I think something we all locked onto was it was more effective to make them more human. It was already in there that the Time-Keepers wouldn't be real and that would be a big Wizard of Oz rug pull. But the extra rug pull we added was that, on top of all of that, the TVA don't realize that they're actually Variants."
25. One of the things Kate enjoyed the most was figuring out the "inner workings of the TVA," like how the Minutemen would operate.
"I think it was really fun, in terms of the bigger structural stuff, to work with everyone. Also, figuring out the inner workings of the TVA, like every squad of Minutemen would have a hunter and they'll be little details sprinkled across all the world building in the show. Generally, we always looked at the characters and what was the best story and how to get to the end goal in the most effective way."
26. The season finale intro — which included seeing space, the sacred timeline, and hearing quotes from the MCU and history — was an homage to Contact.
"Basically, Eric Martin, our writer, he'd written in this amazing idea that for the opening we do an homage to Contact, and kind of move through space to the end of time. Then, we'd see the physical timeline, and then we see The Citadel. I love Contact, and I was like, 'Oh, that's so cool.' We took that idea to Darrin [Denlinger], our storyboard artist, and me and him just nerded out about space and about how we wanted to pay homage to Contact but not be completely the same.
So we played with the idea of time and he was bringing in so many cool ideas. But then, the amazing pitch he had as well was like, 'What if when we pull out at the very end, the timeline isn't a straight line like how you guys have been showing it in the show? What if it's actually circular?' I thought it was such a good idea."
27. Kevin Feige helped come up with the idea to include Marvel quotes over the Marvel logo because it was something the MCU had never done before.
"I had this weird idea where I remember saying to my editor, Emma McCleave, I was like, 'Oh, can we add a baby crying or the sounds of the city? And it's like we just hear life.' So her, me, and Kevin Wright got really into that. So we were adding all of these different sounds into the timeline. We also had quotes from just life, not Marvel. Then, we showed that cut to Kevin Feige and the rest of the team.
They all thought it was cool, and then Kevin Feige was like, 'Oh, do you know what? We've never done quotes on the Marvel logo before.' So, we thought that was cool and we added the quotes to the Marvel logo intro. Then, me, Kevin Wright, Emma, and Sarah Bennett, Emma's assistant, decided to just put the MCU quotes across the whole thing."
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28. Going from hearing all of the voices in the season finale opening to utter silence in The Citadel was also a way of learning something about He Who Remains.
"I loved the idea of all the noise and this Greek chorus building because when you finally pull out and see The Citadel and how isolated it is, it tells you so much about He Who Remains' psychology because he's surrounded by all this brimming life, but he's completely isolated and alone. I thought it tells you a little bit about his character and who he might be before we see him."29. Kate loves that the season finale opening is a "beautiful handover" from the previous phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe into this one with the multiverse.
"It was a real group effort, and we were just really excited at the idea of it being this really beautiful handover from the previous phase of Marvel. Also, we get to encapsulate a little bit of our world as well, which was really fun. The editing team put so much time into that. I really want to watch it in a planetarium or something."
29. Kate loves that the season finale opening is a "beautiful handover" from the previous phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe into this one with the multiverse.
"It was a real group effort, and we were just really excited at the idea of it being this really beautiful handover from the previous phase of Marvel. Also, we get to encapsulate a little bit of our world as well, which was really fun. The editing team put so much time into that. I really want to watch it in a planetarium or something."
30. And finally, even though Loki sets up a lot of upcoming MCU projects — namely, Spider-Man: No Way Home, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, and Ant-Man: Quantumania — Kate didn't have a lot of conversations with other MCU directors and writers.
"Kevin Wright and Stephen Broussard from Marvel were our producers on Loki, and they worked with Kevin Feige, Louis [D'Esposito], and Victoria [Alonso]. They always steered us in terms of the Marvel big picture and let us know if anything was off base. It's so secretive at Marvel, so I only spoke to Peyton just because our timelines crossed [with Jonathan]. Generally, Marvel manages everything internally and keeps us all in check."
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ladyc0312 · 4 years
A Jikook Guide to RunBTS: 91-101
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Sometimes, I think about some of the moments I list here and start to worry that I'm reading too much into things. And I'll be the first to admit that a bunch of them are ambiguous enough that reasonable people can differ in their interpretation. 
The thing about jikook, though, is that there are so many of these eyebrow-raising types of moments that you could throw out half of them and still have enough left over to think "there's something up with those two." Especially in the following episodes...
Ep 91 "Mini Golden Bell Part 1" (Ep: 3 / KM: 1)
The ones where they make the best of sitting on the floor of an empty room and Jin and JK just barely manage to avoid murdering Tae over his less-than-excellent MC skills
03:35 - Everyone is confident that the "oh!" sound that's played is either JK or JM, but aren’t sure which is which. 
8:14 - When JM gets the right answer, JK is the only one to clap.
16:38 - JK is once again the only one to clap when JM gets an answer right.
Ep 92 "Mini Golden Bell Part 2" (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
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15:00 - As he goes to measure JK's arm, JM informs everyone that JK's arms have gotten longer since he's been boxing.
15:54 - When JM keeps moving around while JK is trying to measure his arm, JK tells Suga to hold JM still. 
16:31 - When JM's arm somehow seems to get slightly shorter from his stretching, JK gets excited and calls him "Jimin" (no hyung) a few times and then "Jimin-ssi."
20:03, 20:18 - When JK is singing his karaoke love song, the other guys are all over-emoting or swaying and listening, but JM just stares straight at him (and even looks genuinely emotional?) and the camera just stops showing him at a certain point. See picture above. 
20:46 - When JK starts to criticize Suga's cham cham cham performance, Jimin tells JK to just sit down. And he does.  
BEHIND 5:48 - After RM tries to comfort JM about his short arms by saying his legs are long, JK repeats "yes, your legs are long" and then sings a lyrics with JM's name inserted ("moon, moon, what kind of moon jiminie")
Ep 93 "BTS Marble Part 1" (Ep: 4 / KM: 3)
The ones where I still don’t understand this game but enjoy the episodes involving it anyway
0:42: Not jikook-related, but I can't not point out the adorable moment where RM makes a pun about how Marble sounds like the way Koreans pronounce Marvel and JK says "I love you 3000" to himself. 
10:22 - JM and JK are sitting pretty close all episode, but it's particularly apparent here, where JM's arm is resting on JK's thigh as they read a question together.
10:40 - Reading the question is long done, but JM's arm remains. 
12:21 - JM pats JK's shoulder in comfort after he messes up a question.
16:14 - After the heart-making game is over, JM and JK make hearts towards each other once more.
20:21 - JK taps JM's leg while sweetly reminding him that the pedometer game is difficult. Then they lean in to strategize together. 
21:07 - JM pats JK's back when he ends up winning the pedometer game, then again when it seems like JK was tired out by it. BEHIND 1:15 - JK is sitting next to JHope in this shot. The next time we see them, JM is there instead and stays there the rest of the game.
2:10 - JK pats JM's hand after JM says that the winning team should share with the losing one so no one's feelings are hurt.
2:48 - JM appears to be sitting half in JK's lap as he explains his answer.
4:41 - JM leans into JK as he laughs. 
5:51 - Another angle of the 16:14 moment.
6:25 - JM is half in JK's lap again as they watch the other team eat snacks. When JK says it looks good, JM gets a piece for him and rather intensely watches him eat it.
8:40 - JM and JK continue working on a puzzle after the game is over. When JM solves it, he shakes his whole body and makes cute frustrated noises. JK looks like he finds it adorable (how could you not?). Jimin does it again closer to JK's face and JK looks away shyly. 
Ep 94 "BTS Marble Part 2" (Ep: 4 / KM: 3)
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4:20 - JM & JK trace a line with their fingers together in sync and the on-screen text informs us "two hands are moving like one hand."
7:24 - After JM and JK mess up in a game, the reach towards each other and hold each other's shoulders while collapsing in giggles onto the game board. The caption dubs them "dumb and dumber."  
16:28 - JM has his arm around JK's shoulders (while continuing from last ep to be half on his lap).
23:13 - When they're going back and forth about who should do the challenge, JM puts his hand on JK's thigh (the far one, for some reason) to tell him that he (JM) might get a leg cramp if he does it. JK does the challenge. 
24:12 - After JK loses the leg-shaking game by only one point, JM comforts him by massaging his thigh, shin, and calf.
BEHIND  0:29 - JK yells out "Jimin-ssi!!!" after JM gets an answer wrong.
1:54 - Another angle of the 7:24 collapsing together on the board moment.
4:03 - More of JM with his arm around JK.
7:48 - JM and JK stay behind to geek out together over some sort of kitchen appliance.
Ep 95 "Let's Play with BTS Part 1" (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
The ones where BTS play childhood games 
9:17 - JK whispers to JM to ask for clarification on the rules.
11:18 - JK falls backwards laughing and, immediately after, JM does exactly the same thing.
15:23 - JK comments on how small Jimin's hands are.
31:33 - JM shushes JK when he tries to give advice on the game.
34:32 - JK puts his hand on JM's shoulder and asks for a snack.
7:40 - JM and JK giggle together over something.
7:56 - JK wants to show JM a jacks technique.
8:18 - JM and JK giggle together again and JM puts his hand on JK's arm as they do so.
10:24 - When JK adjusts the cameras, JM says JK is the director, then congratulates him and offers him candy when he's done.
Ep 96 "Let's Play with BTS Part 2" (Ep: 4 / KM: 3)
The one where we get the origin of “Rock Bison” - and it’s rather jikook-y!
3:18 - JM sees that JK is sad because he didn't get the top he wanted, so JM gives JK his top and takes the Rock Bison one that no one else wanted. 
11:32 - JK giggles at JM repeatedly throwing his top in the background.
22:52 - JM and JK do a weird backwards handshake before competing against each other in the eraser game.
23:56 - JK claps for JM after JM beats him in the game.
31:11 - JK consults JM on which lane to choose for his model car.
33:46 - When JM reaches out to take a box that might be heavy, JK watches and stands up as if ready to assist. BEHIND 6:51 - JM stands with his hand on JK's shoulder as they watch RM compete.
6:57 - JM holds JK's arms from behind and acts as resistance for him as he does arm-lifting exercises. 
10:19 - An off-camera JM tries to help JK figure out what's why the model car he built is so slow.
Ep 97 "Pajama Party Part 1" (Ep: 4 / KM: 4)
The ones where the guys wear cute pajamas and yes the Behind picture in the second part is real!
5:49 - We see that JM and JK have been drawing on their socks together. More on this in the Behind...
11:14 - JK is lying in JM's lap and they're playing around with their feet. This one is also expanded in the Behind!
22:13 - JK pokes a rod he is playing with in between Jimin's asscheeks. I... have been searching for a less suggestive way to describe this accurately and I keep coming up empty. Blame JK, not me!
22:38 - Another entry in our ongoing "it's JM's fault if JK thinks everything he does is hilarious" series, JM collapses laughing when JK skips back to the group carrying a Cooky doll attached to the rod like he hunted it. (In JM's defense, JK does look incredibly adorable doing it.)
23:54 - JK reaches over and touches Jimin's hand and the camera immediately cuts to something else.  
Note: For fans of JK's satoori, it comes out multiple times in this episode when he gets frustrated with various members after they get a question wrong.
BEHIND 2:41 - JM calls for Taehyung to come sit next to him. JK does instead. 
3:04 - JM rests his foot on JK's thigh as they both draw on their socks.
4:07 - After JM finishes showing off the drawings on his socks, he points the camera to JK in full focus mode finishing his drawings and JM smiles like it's the most adorable thing ever. 
5:26 - I'm sure you've all seen this clip already somewhere, but I'll describe it anyway! After JK tucks his feet under Suga's robe, JM pulls him back so he's laying in JM's lap. JM then puts his arms around JK as he grabs his decorated socked feet to show him while making silly noises. JK then picks up his foot to show his drawn-on sock and makes a different silly noise, causing JM to giggle. The shot gets cut off mid-giggle for whatever reason...
5:53 - JM rests his foot on JM's back while he adds to his sock art. 
7:52 - When JK stretches his arm out to indicate some of the members, he maybe puts his hand on JM's back for a moment.
Ep 98 "Pajama Party Part 2" (Ep: 4 / KM: 1)
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You'd think this would be a super jikook-y episode given those pictures, but strangely enough, there are no moments of note in the episode itself. Since you can see the pics without watching the ep, I didn’t include them in the KM score.
BEHIND 1:20 - JM complains to JK that he hasn't gotten any answers right so far.  Some people have matched this to a round of the game in the episode itself where JK doesn't seem to be guessing as enthusiastically as he did before, perhaps in an attempt to make JM feel less bad. I mention it here because it's a theory I've seen a lot, but YMMV.
7:50 - JK shows JM that he has attached J and M balloons to his shirt while saying "JM" and "Jimin," making JM giggle. 
Ep 99 "Florists" (Ep: 5 / KM: 3)
The one where we learn that Jin probably doesn't have a future as a florist
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4:33 - When JM starts to get embarrassed because everyone is laughing about his birth flower name sounding like a dirty word in Korean, JK rubs JM's neck and then continues rubbing circles on his back for a while after, seemingly to comfort him. 
19:05 - When Jimin looks confused after RM says he comes out of a glass bowl in Serendipity, JK lightly slaps him on the chest for forgetting. It's almost like it has some sort of personal meaning to him...
28:05 - After JK presents the bouquet he made (which he says represents all different kinds of love), JM says "I think I'll love it when I get it as a present."  Translation note: As we've discussed before, Korean can be hard to translate because often pronouns are omitted. A more literal translation is "present if received will be loved." Most translations that I've seen interpret it as Jimin talking about himself as the recipient, but it's not totally clear. Mentioning this because I know I was wondering why this moment isn't talked about more, since it seems fairly suggestive that JM would assume JK was going to give him a bouquet of flowers he made.
28:38 - When JM explains what "Serendipity" means, he's looking at JK (I think - I'll be totally honest and say the angle is weird and it could be RM).
31:02 - After the florist picks J-Hope's bouquet over JK's as his favorite, JM comments that Jungkook's "looks like a real bouquet for a wedding."
Ep 100 "100th Episode Special Part 1" (Ep: 4 / KM: 3)
The ones where the show does enhanced editions of games previously played on the series and you will walk away with zero doubt as to whom the episodes are sponsored by
21:36 - When it looks like Suga hit Jimin with the badminton birdie, but he actually made a bad serve, JK approaches with his frying pan racket held out and an angry look on his face and starts to scold Suga.  I’ve seen this written up as a jikook moment with JK being over-protective of JM. I’m going to be totally honest with you and say that I didn’t see it that way - JK had been getting increasingly annoyed at the other team re-doing serves and my read was that the moment was more about that. Let me know if you see it differently.  Regardless, the more significant moments are the ones in the Behind...
BEHIND 4:13 - When JM is hit near the eye with the badminton birdie, JK goes over to him and checks on whether his eye was hit. JM reaches out towards him as he gets up. It's interesting to me that the others stand back and let JK be the one to check in on JM, even though Tae and Jin were both closer when it happened. 
5:03 - Not a jikook moment, but JK is doing an adorable cheerleading routine in the background here and I can't not mention it...
8:39 - When JM sees that Jin and JK aren't messing around and JK was actually hit in the nose with the volleyball, he gets serious and walks over, asking him multiple times if it hurts a lot. He ruffles JK's hair before kneeling down next to him to check in.
Ep 101 "100th Episode Special Part 2" (Ep: 4 / KM: 1)
17:40 - JM tells everyone JK is good at this type of game.
1:06 - JK instructs Jimin (in half-informal language) how to work the box.
5:50 - JK calls out to Jimin that his photo makes him look like he's in a cartoon (and there's a slight pause when he calls him in between "Jimin" and "hyung").
7:09 - Jimin asserts that JK does look sexy in the "sexy pose" photo. He is imho correct.
9:15 - When JM is playing around after the game is over, he calls for Jungkook to cover him
100th Episode Special: Survival Directors Cut (Ep: 2 KM: 0)
5:32 - JM covers JK with his laser gun, allowing JK to escape.  Not particularly shippy since they're on the same team, but including it for anyone who wants a visual aid for some sort of military AU...
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Sylvie is a 16/17 year old character called “Nokka” (which is Norse feminine for No One). Loki reluctantly takes her under his wing when he meets her. After some time running from the TVA, and dealing with issues where Nokka “wants revenge” but struggles with hurting people when it comes down to it (esp from the TVA because she knows they’re all mind-controlled variants) Loki sits her down and demands to know the truth “because for a Loki you’re a terrible liar”.
Nokka admits/reveals that she’s NOT a Loki at all, just an Asgardian orphan who messed with the time-stream by accident (overhearing Loki tell a guard to inform Odin Thor was going to Jotunheim and running ahead to tell the Allfather when the soldier sneered at Loki’s back or smth else trivial). Loki asks her why she never chose a name for herself aside from what others gave her, and she says she didn’t really have time while being on the run to think of anything but Loki.
Loki is semi touched by this (but says nothing). (Nokka wistfully mentions in passing that while hiding on Midgard she heard the name Sylvie and thought it was nice too). Loki comforts her with a bit of awkwardness, then announces he’s going to help her with her powers and how to fight “less like an alley cat and more like a warrior from Asgard”. He also tells her that if she truly wants vengeance, she’s going to have to kill people. Nokka rebuts this with the declaration that she’s already killed people—citing those she’s had to kill to survive. Loki acknowledges that, but states that those killings are different from what she’s going to have to do if they want to win and get out with their lives.
(Aside: Kang wants Loki captured because OG Loki is different from the rest of his variant selves because he ADAPTS and grows his personality and character—whereas other Lokis do not. Kang feels OG Loki and Nokka are a threat to his rule, and he wants to permanently erase them to keep his rule over the Timeline secure)
Loki and Nokka make their way through the worlds and pull off a heist and crash the TVA with Mobius’s help. Ravonna prunes Mobius and Nokka out of rage and bitterness for destroying the order/TVA she loves—Loki, though he could escape, prunes himself too (showing how he can change his character from the other variants of himself).
In The Void, Loki stumbles among other loki variants, and finds Nokka moping by herself in one corner of Kid Loki’s underground palace. At the same time, Mobius arrives and busts them out of “Loony Loki Jail”. Impressed and amused, once they’re safe Loki asks how Mobius found them. The TVA agent declares that he found a trail of “complete and utter chaos, and followed that”. The trio share a laugh over this before growing solemn and trying to figure out what to do. Loki discusses Alioth and the strange energy the monster gives off, as well as the malevolent eternal purple mist. Mobius makes the offhand remark about going into it, or Nokka using her “wacky mind-controlling powers” on Alioth to get passed the giant to explore the mist.
Nokka hedges, nervous because she’s never controlled anything that big before. She walks away to sit by herself, staring out at the undulating violet mist. Loki likes the plan and irons out some details with Mobius before wandering down to Nokka. He sits beside her silently. Nokka announces “you can’t manipulate me like Thor—no Jotunheim trip 2: This Time Alioth.” Loki agrees that he can’t. Nokka smiles but hugs her knees to her chest with a shiver, rocking slowly. Loki asks what’s wrong—if she’s scared. Nokka shakes her head “just cold”. Loki magicks a blanket and gives it to her kindly, petting her hair (in a dad way lmao). They sit in silence staring at the mist. Loki quietly messes around beside her, magicking knives and bracers and other small pieces of armor for himself (we’ll give him an Asgardian tunic somewhere along the line because BURN the fugly TVA clothes). Nokka glances at him as he does this. Loki catches her and they share Looks.
Nokka shrugs and turns away. Carefully, as he cleans a dagger with a cloth, Loki wonders about two people controlling Alioth. Nokka eyes him warily. Loki briefly demonstrates/elaborates on how he can reveal or illuminate thoughts and parts of the mind, but can’t control it like she can. He quietly declares that if she shows him how, perhaps they can do it together. Nokka hesitates, but agrees.
So Mobius goes to distract Alioth. Classic Loki sees this (and as the only one actually paying attention to Nokka and OG Loki, runs in to help, doing the same thing he did in the show, allowing Mobius to escape). Nokka falters with the mind control, but Loki takes her hand and encourages her (insert some witty line about “only learning that day himself, after all”) and Nokka presses on. They succeed, and stare at a pathway through the mist.
Loki glances at Nokka, and tells her to “lead the way”. Grinning, but quickly sobering, Nokka heads toward the path. Mobius catches up to Loki then, and informs Loki he’s going back to the TVA to “raise more hell”. Loki grins, and Mobius “thanks him for the spark” like in the show. They embrace (to Loki’s surprise) before Loki follows Nokka. Mobius watches them until they disappear into the mist and then summons an orange portal and vanishes himself.
Walking through the mist, Nokka declares something “off”, and Loki agrees “like being laid in ambush”. Unsettled, they continue—but draw blades. At last they reach a half-burned and dilapidated castle at the edge of a cosmos. They come up to the black doors but nothing happens. Nokka blasts the doors off their hinges, increasingly paranoid. Loki criticizes the action but they proceed anyway. (Everything basically happens as in the show, but Kang is Not Friendly—menacing and ominous (think horror movie character—something off but not obvious) due to him wanting to destroy both Loki and Nokka). Loki catches on before Nokka to Kang’s intentions, and stands, lashing out at Kang. Nokka is confused and feels lied to (let’s say there’s some truth twisted into lies Kang said about Loki “and his lust for power” so she feels uncertain). A fight ensues between Kang and Loki but Kang uses Loki’s Frost Giant heritage against him. Kang says he’d accept Nokka as a protégé “because I’ve watched you—you’re teachable” but wants her to kill Loki “to prove she’s not as worthless as he is”.
Loki looks at her as she walks up to him, and he tells her “you only grow as far as you allow people to cage you” (or some other philosophical elegant line). Making the realization that Nokka will truly be just an imitation of all the other Loki variants if she kills Loki for her own self-succession, she drops the knife and instead frees Loki from whatever magical/enchanted snare Kang got him into. Kang lashes out, but Loki jumps up in front of Nokka, and takes whatever blow it was (maybe permanent obliviation, maybe transport to another timeline idk yet). Looking triumphant at the empty room, Kang turns around and wanders back to his desk “another mess all cleared up” he hums to himself.
Nokka appears out of the shadows and grabs his arm as he moves to sit, whirling Kang around. Angrily, tears in her eyes, she stabs him twice in the chest with one of Loki’s daggers he’d dropped. Kang collapses back into his chair, and laughs at her. He says some things about his alternate selves being even more cruel than him, that he’s “a kitten” in comparison, and she’ll never defeat them—“just a little nobody. Doomed to fail because you don’t have a name to be remembered by. A No One.” Nokka stoops over him, wielding Loki’s knife.
“I’m not no one—I’m Sylvie. Lokidottir.” She stabs Kang. After he dies, she wanders to the window, staring out at the splintering multiverse. She collapses, crying, because she’s alone. “You promised we’d win together,” she whispers to herself, a little broken.
(Opening to Consider for a potential Part II: a large flash of green out in the multiverse. Sylvie jerks her head up and stares—before grinning.)
Some notes:
The whole “love yourself” angle in this AU of the show is Loki learns to care for Sylvie even when she lashes out—and treats her as he would have wanted to be treated when he lashed out.
Kang is Not Nice. He’s not as bad as other versions of himself, but he is absolutely the bad guy in this AU.
Loki isn’t an idiot. Full stop. And he uses magic A LOT.
Loki takes a mentor role in this. HE IS THE MAIN CHARACTER, and Sylvie is a secondary role that morphs into an MC. He doesn’t get run over by Sylvie’s girl!pain backstory.
Sylvie isn’t a shitty annoying asshole kween. She’s a scared teenager. She’s not capable of huge fights or dumb shit like the canon shitshow.
This is Very Much a sibling or father/daughter relationship between Loki and Sylvie. No romance. PLATONIC ONLY!!!!
The TVA is EVIL. Not “a necessary evil” but completely, absolutely, reprehensibly evil. Autocratic and fascist, if you will. The interrogation Loki endures in the first episode (and then with Sif in episode ???) will be framed as torture.
Can’t really think of a faceclaim to the Nokka/Sylvie character (cuz DiMartino would be WAAAY too old for this one). But I’m thinking like a young Maia Mitchell or Mackenzie Foy type teenager. Gotta be brunette—cuz the blonde is stupid as shit and makes no sense. We want a Lady Loki lookalike here, folks (even if she’s NOT Loki; Nokka made herself APPEAR like him after taking his name so she could to be called one of his variants).
This makes room for a Loki “replacement” so Hiddleston could bow out, AND makes it “feministy” for the ladies; but ALSO allows for GOOD WRITING and Loki to keep his dignity/agency as a main character/antihero.
This whole thing was fully and completely inspired by this song while I drove home from work:
@fast-and-the-curious what say u to this AU?
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thevalleyisjolly · 4 years
These are just early thoughts on the episode and I’m fully prepared for Matt to prove me wrong, but I don’t think Lucien necessarily intended for Caleb and Beau to receive the eyes.  I don’t think he even really wanted to let them look at the book in the first place, he’s just a very convincing liar.  The main reason he caved is because of his desperate need to maintain an image of control (both for himself and for his travelling companions).  He knows the Mighty Nein are powerful, has seen them cast powerful magic, and what have the Mighty Nein been doing all along?  Challenging him, asking uncomfortable questions, doubting his control of the situation, and all in front of the Tomb Takers.  And yes, he could play up the mysterious “I don’t trust you” line to avoid giving them answers, but it’s a difficult play to maintain long-term because what does a supposedly omniscient leader have to worry about?  If he were really all-knowing, really in control, there should be no problem with letting the Mighty Nein see the book.  After all, if he really is the one and only chosen Nonagon, the Somnovum surely aren’t going to let this lot threaten that, are they?  Even though they’re clearly powerful and have already had some communication with the city and figured out about the threshold crests-
No, he’s in control, he’s in control of the situation, and so of course the Mighty Nein can glance through the book, if they can get anything out of it, that is.  The way he hands it over, certain that they won’t be able to understand it.  Undercommon isn’t exactly a common language outside the Dynasty.  How long did it take Lucien to decipher the book himself?  I can’t imagine Undercommon is often heard around Shady Creek Run, or easily learned outside of the Dynasty.  How nervous do you think it made him when Caleb and Beau started flipping through the pages, skimming through them as quickly and easily as if they were in Common?  And then they reach the page of scratches and patterns, and they just stare.  Look at it in such a familiar way, and suddenly there’s doubt.  Perhaps- no, but it can’t be.  He’s the Somnovum’s chosen one, not them.  Still.  Better not let them get any further.  Just in case.
Because he doesn’t know, not really.  Hence his need to appear in control, because he’s really, really not.  He wholeheartedly believes that he’s special to the Somnovum because he needs to believe it or what else is he?  But that’s the danger of being chosen - someone or something has to do the choosing, and you can never be sure that you’re their only choice. 
(Uk’otoa (Uk’otoaaaaa) chose multiple servants and turned them on each other when they failed.  Trent casts his net wide, chooses multiple protégés and pits them against each other to isolate them and weed each other out.  More benevolently, but still in the line of choosing, Caduceus’ whole family trickled out of the Grove, following the Wildmother’s destiny, and each of them failing until it comes to Caduceus’ turn.)
Forces with the power and the inclination to choose champions also like to have contingencies.  And whether or not Lucien recognizes that (or is prepared to recognize that), he has no desire to share power with or cede control to anyone else.  Why willingly allow Beau and Caleb to potentially walk down the same path he did, to potentially become Nonagons as well? 
I don’t think it was exactly willing.  Beneath the swagger and the general smug prick-ness, Lucien is a deeply insecure person.  Letting Beau and Caleb read the book was a desperate attempt to maintain his image of control, to convince himself that he's still in control, and I think at least one factor in that decision was that the Magnificent Mansion incident unsettled him.  Deeper than he really let on.
Bearing in mind that NPCs don’t have to function the same way as PCs, Dispel Magic is a 3rd level spell, and the highest spell slot a full bloodhunter can have is 4th level at Levels 19 and 20.  Which no matter how you homebrew it, is not anywhere near 7th level spell-casting, and I doubt Lucien is really the equivalent of a Level 19 or 20 character (even a warlock multiclass wouldn’t get him there).  Magnificent Mansion is a 7th level spell.  For a Dispel Magic to cancel it, it’s either a DC 17 check, or Dispel Magic must be cast at a 7th level spell slot or higher.  For Lucien to Dispel the Mansion immediately, he either rolled very lucky or he had to cast it at a higher level. 
(Let’s say that he did make a roll.  We don’t know Lucien’s stats, but let’s assume that he doesn’t have legendary creature stats in the 20+ range.  As a bloodhunter, his highest stat should be Strength or Dexterity, and it’s probably a safe bet to assume that that would be at least a 20.  Either Intelligence or Charisma (but most likely intelligence) is his next highest stat, but I assume Matt is not going to give even a BBEG two 20s in a stat block.  Assuming a decent base Intelligence (or whatever ability he’s using for spell-casting), this gives us a range from about 13-19, which goes from +1 to +4 modifier.   To hit a DC 17, he has to roll at least a 13 (assuming a +4 modifier) if not higher.  Certainly not impossible by any means...but a bit chance-y for someone as controlling as Lucien)
There are two possibilities.  Evidently, the Somnovum have given him extra powers.  The first possibility is that these powers include potentially 7th level or higher magic.  Again, that’s not really his own power, but a gift from the Somnovum.  How confident is he in it really?  It’s good enough to control the Tomb Takers, who are already under his thumb, but the Mighty Nein?  In one day, he’s had to use it against them thrice - with the two Polymorphs (4th level) on Yasha and Jester, and then with the Mansion (7th level).  And this last episode, how many times did he attempt to Scry on them?  Scrying is a 5th level spell, and he had to cast it multiple times (although Matt never asked them to make Wisdom saving throws so who knows what it really is?).  Even a lich only has 3 5th level slots before they have to up-cast.  The Mighty Nein are really making him burn through his high level magic/abilities on a regular basis, and it’s very likely not his regular magic (which is limited in the bloodhunter class) but the extra powers from the Somnovum.  (What is he without the Somnovum’s gifts?  I don’t think he likes to think about that, or weigh those odds).  Then there’s the second possibility (less likely because I don’t think we saw Matt roll), which is that he just got lucky on the DC 17, in which case, he has to be even more nervous, because that was more luck and sheer chance than anything.
The morning after he Dispels the Mansion, he, presenting all smiles and charm despite Jester’s uncanny tarot reading the night before, decides to show them the book.
(Insert whole other meta here about how Jester’s reading also deeply unnerved Lucien and probably was another contributing factor in his decision to share the book)
He needs to be in control.  Desperately needs to.  He doesn’t have anything to fear from these people.  He doesn’t!  Look at what he can do to them!  He has nothing to fear, the Somnovum have chosen him, he has their power, and nothing, nothing is going to happen if he lets (he is the one who lets) these people read the book.  Let them try!  See how far they get.  What’s the worse that could happen?  They find a footnote that he missed or something, but that’s nothing compared to what he knows, what he’s seen.  It’s as much a show of power for the Mighty Nein and the Tomb Takers as it is for himself.  Deep down, he’s not nearly as confident in himself and his relationship with the Somnovum as he acts, and his way of hiding that is to play up the devil-may-care swagger, prove to everyone and to himself that he’s really in control.  He has nothing, nothing to be worried about.  The Mighty Nein are convenient travel companions, capable enough, but he doesn’t need them and the Somnovum certainly don’t need them, so what’s the harm?  He is fully in control of the situation.
The mark of a good lie - when the liar can convince themselves that it’s true.
TL;DR - Lucien did deliberately let Caleb and Beau read the book, not because he really needs anything from them, but because he needs to show everyone (especially himself) that he’s in control at all times, he’s the chosen Nonagon of the Somnovum, and he can handle any challenge the Mighty Nein throw at him.
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north-peach · 4 years
Whoops, lemme fic it (SW)
So I’ve been tossing this idea over in my head, daydreaming, wordbuilding and talking to myself and I’ve had enough.
It’s time to come out.
So, I tried the SI fic once and I didn’t like how it turned out and it was a good few years before wrote one again. There’s a lot of good ones, done by good authors. Silver Queen, Shadowblayze, Vixen Tail, and Mullk6 to name a handful.
But I wanted a character who knew the depth and breath of canon and could fix it. In Star Wars. With Mandalorians. 
Which is usually a self insert, but....wasn’t feeling it.
Then it shifted to time travel. Main characters generally revolved around Bly, Aalya Secura, Quinlan Vos or Anakin, Rex and Alpha-17. Then it was a mix, sometimes Padme or Ahsoka, Jon Antilles or Fay, thanks to @blackkatmagic.
Then it was Boba Fett, Jango, Arla or Jaster even Tarre Vizsla. Korkie Kryze, a mix of his father’s ‘obi’ sound with ‘kote’ as in ‘glory’.
It’s been almost a month since this thought sprang from my head, exactly the opposite of Athena, but here it is.
My first Star Wars time travel fic.
Bly doesn’t wake, not for a long time. 
Even if he is aware of the pressure against bare skin and the alternating temperatures that cause him to shiver or sweat to beat across his face.
He doesn’t wake to the snack, crack of the whip against his back, nor to the claws that rake across his face, but as the days pass, it is pain that draws him back from the dark.
The cold metal of manacles around his wrists, the dull throbbing of his knees against cool, packed dirt. He doesn’t move even as chains rattle and as a weak light flickers in tiny bursts even though he can’t quite open his eyes.
Bly takes a deliberate breath, deliberately breathing in long and slow.
Ribs, is his first immediate thought as pain now screams in his head, followed instantly by, back.
His arms are numb, lips cracked, throat and mouth dryer then Tatooine and it feels like someone’s poured sand in his eyes and then glued them shut.
We release our emotions, our pain into the Force. We breath it back in and then stand and carry on. Lives depend on us. The trick to keeping the pain away is it set it aside and ignore it. But you need to remember, Bly, pain is our body telling us we’re injured. You cannot ignore it forever.
It’s her voice in his head, the memories always there as soon as he tugs them and he barely muffles a noise in the shifting of his chains because the last thing Bly remembers is a fractured and shattered thing that provides nothing to help him determine his situation.
Beyond the obvious of captured, separated and tortured. 
A breath, another and his fingers twitch as he tries to get his hands to response to his commands.
He moves his eyes, scrunching his face, and ignoring the sting of scabbed wounds and manages to crack his eyes open. He’s in a room, surrounded by stone and bars. An electrical lamp flicker erratically in a halo of barely there light in the distance.
No one is there. He is alone.
He listens, strains his hearing, yet nothing so much as stirs. 
Bly goes back to restoring feeling in his body.
A minute, two and then an unpleasant rush of pins and needles as sensation returns to his arms. Bly grits his teeth and clenches his thighs, his legs then curls his toes under his feet, allowing his body weight to force him to rock back, using the momentum to stagger to his feet.
Lights prickle against what little vision he has and the chains jerk and rattle as he uses them as leverage to remain on his feet.
Pain bursts across his back, down his legs, his knees, every motion and contraction of his body, his muscles sends signals of agony to his brain.
The word is almost soundless, hissed between clenched teeth and formed from harsh, gasping breaths.
Bly cannot help how his body curls over it self, even if it sends the blood rushing to his head and makes him even more dizzy. He braces his feet and refuses to pass out.
He doesn’t know where Aalya is.
He doesn’t know who he was with, what he was doing, if any of his vod’e are here, Bly doesn’t know anything.
He remembers blue and gold, the blue of Aayla’s skin, the gold of her eyes, maybe the blue of the 501st? Was General Skywalker on mission with them?
Was... was Vos there?
There’s nothing but a blank space in his head, so Bly puts that away for now and takes stock of what he has on hand.
Which is, in short, a big fat nothing.
He’s in loose pants, thin material, covered in dirt and blood, no shirt, no armor, no weapons- even the small tools disguised as a ring, bracelet- he’s got nothing.
It looks like he’s chained up underground in a cave somewhere. That’s the only explanation for both his surrounding and the relatively cool atmosphere. There’s a door that’s barely even a door, just a large rectangular slab of rusty bars almost propped against the entry way.
He could probably kick it open, depending on how heavy it was, but that was once he found a way out of his chains-
Bly pauses.
Looks up at the roof of his cell where the chains are anchored.
Well, he thinks, an edge of amusement to himself, If I can take my chains with me, I’ll have a weapon.
Honestly, later, if someone asked how long he was stuck there in the murky darkness working and working to pull the anchor points of his chains from the ceiling, Bly wouldn’t be able to say.
He stops and rests when the injuries on his back crack open, spilling blood down his skin and dripping onto the floor, when his ribs scream at him and his breath wheezes as he desperately tries to breath.
He doesn’t ever stop for long though.
Eventually he gets free, the rest anchor breaking free of crumbling stone and Bly sinks to his knees, wincing as pain flares up again.
A moment of rest, to wait until his breathing slows down enough he can regulate it for sleath.
Then he carefully wraps his new weapon around his shoulders, winding them down his arms. Slowly, he makes his way to the door that is currently the only obstacle in his way to relative freedom.
It was heavy as it looked, but several solid shoves and one frustrated kick and the door was free enough for him to squeeze past it.
Thankfully, he didn’t have to worry about directions at the moment because his cell was located at the end of a hallway and the only way out was forward.
So forward Bly went, creeping along the walls on bare feet, moving steadily down to where a single light was valiantly, but ultimately failing at lighting up the area.
Bly took a breath and walked past, heading deeper into the caves with no way of knowing which way was out, if anyone was waiting for him on the other end or even if he could find a way out.
Bly didn’t care because right now, there was an entirely unacceptable amount of space between him and his General and it needed to be rectified, right karking now.
Times passes and Bly has to take a breather, has to sit to wait for his legs, his hands, everything to stop shaking even as chills crawled up his skin.
He keeps going, keeps following the eternal hallway he seems to be trapped in. Occasionally he’ll come across other cells, but like all of the ones he checked previously, there isn’t anyone in them. Just chains, manacles, shakes, crude stone tables or chairs.
The weak lights are not quite evenly spaced out, but every cluster of cells has one in the middle of the block. He’s sure he’s passed about six blocks by now, and still no sign of this hallway ending or branching off.
A part of him wonders if he’s hallucinating, but the continuous pain for his body begs to tell him differently.
He trails bloodstained hands against the wall and so far he hasn’t randomly circled back around so he must be making progress.
You were modified to see better in the dark? Compared to humans, or near-humans, Twi’leks vision is considered superior, but without the Force, I’m thinking you’d win at Hide-and-Seek-in-the-Dark.
My favorite color? Tell me, if I said blue wh- no, I’m kidding! It’s gold Bly. W- No, not like my eyes! Like Master’s-
Bly can hear Aalya sometimes.
The way she laughed, said his name or how she would stare at him. When her mouth softened and she smiled so easily.
Bly keeps going.
Hours? Maybe days later, Bly hears voices that are, for once, not his or in his head. A soft murmur, nothing clear enough to make out words or the like, but Bly grits his teeth and quickly lunges into the nearest cell and flattens himself in a natural curve of the walls.
He’s lost weight during how ever long he’s been here, so he folds himself easily into the shadows and evens his breath down, ignoring the ever familiar spasm of pain his ribs makes with every movement.
A beat, two, three, longer and still the voices only murmur. 
Bly slows moves from his hiding place only to step right back into it as the voices abruptly rise in volume along with a feminine scream of pain that rings off the walls and is swallowed by the darkness that leads down to his cell.
Gently, Bly uncoils his chains.
When enough time passes he can make out the heavy footfalls of two armored being’s footsteps and the unmistakable sound of dragging feet, Bly closes his eyes and concentrates on his hearing.
“-Ne shab'rud'niÖ, aruetii-”
“-aruetyc dini'la-”
The sharp sound of metal against flesh, followed by a harsh vocalizer.
A faint moan, before one of the men laughs.
See, the thing is Bly isn’t considered Mandalorian.
In fact, Manda’yaim considers Bly and his brothers to be abominations. Soulless things created in a lab. Not to mention General Kenobi’s Duchess is a pacifist in the very worst way. 
A Mandalorian with a Mandalorian’s stubbornness, determination and pride to be anything but a Mandalorian. 
Good intention’s Satine Krytze may have had at the beginning but erasing everything that makes Mandalor Mandalor was not the way to go about bringing peace to her people.
Especially since the Duchess had the final say on if the Clones of Mand’alor Jango Fett should be considered citizens of Manda’yaim. Or rather, she just enforces Prime’s opinion that clones were not real people and this couldn’t be a people or a part of a people.
Jango Fett may have been some high ranked Mandalorian in certain circles, but the only reason why the clones even knew the languages is because of the instructors who adopted the older batches and how those clones would teach one or two- like Kote who became Cody, who taught Ret who was now Rex.
The language and the customs spread from the clones who were actually wanted down to even the shiniest of shinies. Of course, there were parts of their culture that they developed all on their own. 
Being modelled after a Mandalorian, of course, meant that they shared the same traditions and quirks that they did as a consequence of being so closely related.
The colors, symbols and naming to mention a few.
Colors all had meaning, as did their placement, the same with symbols and the bucket everyone wore. Working with the jetiise as closely as they did, their culture took bits and pieces that resonated with the Vod’e and as it did with everything, spread to all the battalions. 
But when he hears a threatening form of behave, traitor followed by two words that mean ‘traitorous’  and ‘insane’ preceding what is clearly an armored fist making contact with someone’s bare skin, Bly’s already pretty sure who’s side he’s on.
That’s even before he sees the dusty blue and the gray of beskar in the dim lighting worn by two people dragging what looks like a teenaged girl between them.
Kriffing, karking-!
Bly untucks himself from the shadows and creeps up behind the two, careful to keep to the walls until he lunges forward, throwing one of his chains between target two’s legs even as he losses a coil of chains around target one’s neck and pulls back.
His ribs scream, his arms shake, but he drops his weight and wrenches the shabuir back, his legs kicking out the catch the small space between armor plates on Death Watch’s lower back to toss him over and behind.
Target the second is already dropping the girl, pale blonde hair visible in the gloom and reaching for a weapon at their belt.
Bly doesn’t give them the chance, jerking his chain back instantly compromising target two’s balance.
Barely ten seconds in this fight and both of them are on the ground. Target one is still choking with the chain around their neck and Bly keeps yanking it back to ensure they stays that way.
The other, Bly goes in for close combat, using his chain as bet he can with his shoulders and ribs kriffed up, but he manages to get enough wrapped around their legs and a single arm that he’s able to jab his fingers into the hollow of their throat and jerk their helmet off.
Eyes, nose, mouth, all places Bly can do some damage, but his strength is flagging so he slams his palm into their nose, once, twice, thrice until the shabuir goes limp.
One down, one to go.
Bly cracks the chain and sends the last stumbling even as he palms a vibroblade and uses the weight at the end of the chain the move himself close enough to-
Bly swings up, twists and lets dead weight fall where it may.
A moment, two, three before he breaths again, carefully, adrenaline pumping through his body. He pulls the chain taunt and swings the blade down. Metal chips, but doesn’t break do he does it again, again, again until it gives and all he’s left with is a manacle around his wrist.
The process repeats until he’s free from the weight of chains and he’s free. An arm carefully wraps around his chest as he struggles to breath, but he forces himself back up, to rifle through the utility belts and pockets to see what other weapons or rations he can find.
The first pocket he searches has a whole flask of water and he immediately takes small slow sips, 
He coughs, the taste of iron lingering in the back of his throat, but already his day is starting to pick up. Setting the water back down, he turns his attention to the small body crumpled on the ground.
Gingerly he makes his way over, easing himself to the floor and reaching out a hand-
-before pausing. 
All three of them spoke Mando’a. Even in the dim lighting, Bly can see all the bruises up an down the girl’s arms. So he opens his mouth to speak, only to cough, his entire body lighting up in pain as his ears start to ring.
It takes a minute, but when he stops, he carefully wets his lips and tries again.
“Hey, ade.”
In the hallway, there’s only the sound of his strained breathing and her soft breaths.
Bly doesn’t know if she’s faking or not. Either way, he can’t afford to take any more injuries.
He coughs again, hunching over and unable to avoid the low groan of pain that crawls up his throat.
He does his best to breath, there in the dark with the girl either genuinely unconscious or faking it. Either way, the pain is distracting him and he’s going to need to sit there for a moment before he attempts any other movements.
Regardless he tries again and ignores how his voice cracks.
“I’mma...I’mma need you to wake up here, ad’ika.”
His back burns where he’s leaning against the wall and he can feel the blood begin to drip again. He doesn’t know how much he’s lost, how many times he’s reopened his wounds, but considering how lightheaded he is, considering how everything is starting to close in on him, it’s probably more then recommended. 
The world blurs around the edges and his awareness drifts away for a bit. Somewhere, far away, it sounds like Aayla singing, her voice echoing with the 327th Star Corps.
“Gar shuk meh kyrayc.“
Bly blinks back to awareness.
The girl knees in front of him, short blonde hair framing a pale face. Barely out of childhood, even if she looks like she’s in need of a few good meals.
Then the words register.
He can’t help the amusement that wells up and huffs a laugh he immediately regrets.
“Here,” the girl says as she shoves a fist in front of him.
He flinches back, before stilling himself.
The girl doesn’t react, just holds up the water flask in her other hand.
“It’s for the pain. The tall one carried them.”
A breath, then he reaches out, ignoring the shaking on his hands, to let the girl drop two small pills into his hands while shoving the water at him. More careful sips as the pills go mostly dry down his throat.
“Vor entye,” Bly rasps.
“Ba'gedet'ye,” she says, eyes running over his face, his chest, a wary twist to her mouth. “You’re no use dead.”
Unnecessary for her to repeat that, Bly thinks. Scared, but brave. His lips twitch  as he runs a searching gaze over the girl.
Torn clothes, almost identical to his own, only with a shirt and less blood and dirt. Thin wrists, lank and greasy hair, coupled with even more bruises he can see blooming everywhere on uncovered skin.
Including her face, one cheeks which sports several colors that frame lines of dried blood and a split lip.
Gently, carefully, Bly lifts a hand and hovers in front of the injury. Not touching, close, but out of reach.
“And you?”
She blinks, startled. The barest hints of confusion crinkle her brow.
Bly smiles, letting his hand drop.
“Are you hurt, ad’ika?”
A touch of fire burns in her eyes.
“You’re bleeding.”
It’s almost an accusation, the words falling harshly from her mouth.
He acknowledges the point.
“Lek.” He continues, more solemnly, shifting his weight forward to meet her eyes, slowly enough that she doesn’t react beyond tensing her muscles. “But Kry’tsad is not known for being kind.”
Slowly, the girl shakes her head.
A moment of silence passes and the girl watches him. Bly gets his breathing back under control and deeply appreciates as the pounding in his head fades along with the burning in his shoulders and arms.
“By any chance, have you seen a blue Twi’lek in any of the cells you passed?”
“We are the only prisoners in this place. There are none who come here, save for the tall one and the cold one, both of which you killed.”
Bly studies the girl, the way the strain in her features eases as she talks about target one and two’s death, the audible note of gratitude. 
“Tion gar gai?“
“What is yours?” 
The response to his simple question is instantaneous, her tone now biting and wary. He doesn’t react, only lets amusement tug at his mouth.
 (“There is a name that Mandalorians use when they are disowned or cast out from their clan or family. Some chose this name as a way to seperate themselves on their own terms. Others have their names taken and are left with this.”
“Considering that Jango Fett doesn’t considering us real people let alone his ade, do we call ourselves this?”
A humorless laugh.
“You always were the one who never hesitated to go for the throat, Kote.”)
“-just Bly.”
Not a familar name, even if there’s something about her face that reminds him of- reminds him.
“Let’s get out of here, okay, Arla?”
The barest hints of a smile as Bly hauls himself to his feets and then turns once he can speak without screaming or making any other noises of pain, and holds out his hand.
Arla hesitates to reach out, before glancing over to the bodies.
“Can I have the blaster if you have the vibroblade?”
“How about we see if there’s another vibroblade you can carry and I’ll take the blaster?”
A more thorough search of the bodies produces another vibroblade, a small holdout blaster (which Arla claims), a large blaster (which Bly claims) rations, two lights that work and a new set of clothes and armor for Bly.
He makes Arla turn around while he strips the corpse of the tall one, a.k.a. target one and pulls on the armor under suit, which helpfully compresses his ribs and then begins to strap on armor. 
“Were you conscious enough to see how many people there are in these caves?”
Arla’s voice is soft, but it carries well as she immediately goes into an information download.
“We came on a ship, just the three of us. There is no one else here. It’s supposed to be so secure that it doesn’t matter if you manage to escape, there’s no where else to go. Plus someone always comes to check every couple of days. Which is when, if they want you to live, you get food and water. This is where you get thrown when they want you to rot away and die in the dark.”
Bly hums, carefully clicking vambraces into place, pleasure briefly rising up in his chest at the decent fit. 
“And the war?”
Arla pauses.
“I haven’t- They kept most of the information away from me, but sometimes I managed to hear things. Like how Kry’tsad has a sky in Mand’alor Mereel’s camp and how they’re planning how to lead them into a trap and kill them all in such a way to send a message.”
Bly blinks, as he finishes up with tugging the last piece in place.
“Mand’alor Mereel?”
Arla makes an agreeing sound.
“Someone let slip they’re calling him Mand’alor the Reformer. Vizsla gets really angry when he hears that.”
Mand’alor Mereel.
Jastor Mereel?
On getting access to the holonet, one of the first things the Vod’e who were interested in Mandalorian history looked up was the state of leadership. Kote was certain that he wanted to see who decided that they weren’t citizens despite being from a Mandalorain. 
 Jaster Mereel was the father of Jango Fett, before he died on Korda 6 twenty something years ago!
Bly took a breath, before spitting out a curse in Twi’lek, follow up by a very vehement “Force osik!”
Arla didn’t say anything when Bly walked up behind her, only stared to stare, distaste clear in the disgust on her face.
“Needs must, ad’ika. I need to find someone and the easiest way off this haran place is on the Death Watch ship you came in one. Which”, Bly slid the helmet on, the HUB automatically pulling up and activating night vision. “Will be a thousand times easier which me pretending to be Kry’tsad.”
Again, he held out his hand.
A smile, small, but undeniably there as clearly seen by the display screen in his buy’ce. 
Arla took his hand.
The climb out of haran was nothing to sneeze at, but they made it. Upon exiting, Bly couldn’t help the noise of appreciation he made at the sun setting into the distance. Or rising. Either or. It wouldn’t matter in a few minutes as they would be leaving the planet, deserted and rocky as it was, it offered no appeal in water or wild growing plants.
The ship was there, ramp still down and Bly gently tugged Arla along, right into the ship and take that, General Skywalker!
Plan A, accomplished with only a minor deivation.
Minus the either confused youngling or the apparently very real possibility of time travel.
Aayla was still missing and Bly still had no idea if anyone else was missing or if it was him that was missing and not everyone else. For all he knew, this was something that only affected him and Aayla was completely fine.
Surrounded by the 327th and the 501st, plus droids. 
Bly quickly ran through each and every room in the ship, Arla right behind him, gripping her vibroblade, clearing each space before moving on to the next one.
Cargo, armory, kitchen, berths, cockpit and a decent sized corner with padded seats and tables. 
Bly also ran a lifesigns sweep from the main computer before he was satisfied. It wasn’t a large ship, but it could comfortably accommodate three to four people so it would be perfect for them.
He holstered the blaster and quickly ran through flight check before initiating the start up sequence.
Arla quickly strapped herself into the co-pilots chair, unable to contain the trains of excitement painting itself all over face.
Ramp up, engines fired, all systems green, Bly slowly poured power into the system and the ship lifted off this karking planet, landing gear folding up and away.
Before he turned around to launch into the atmosphere, he quickly toggled the weapons system, loaded up a missile and fired it without hesitation into the mouth of his former prison.
The resulting explosion of stone, dirt and fire would go a long way to ease nightmares for the next weeks.
Once they cleared the atmosphere, Bly carefully used the HUD to change all teh passwords, security settings and just generally switched out who the ship’s computer’s answered to before tugging it off and gently running a hand through his tangled hair.
“Well, ad’ika. I’ve no place to be, but frankly I could use a shower. How about you?”
Arla look up and smiled, eyes wet.
“Shower and food first. Then we find our people.”
The knot of worry in his chest eased somewhat at the assurance that now he was able to begin his efforts to find out if Aalya made it along with him and if any others did. 
“Her name is Aalya,” Bly says, longing heavy in his voice. “I don’t remember much, but if she’s out there, I’ll find her.”
Arla, stands, equal height with him before holding out her hand. She wait unti Bly takes it before speaking.
“Arla Fett. I’m looking for my brother Jango. He should be with Mand’alor Jaster Mereel and the Haat Mando’ade.”
....so uh. When I sat down like............................five hours ago I did NOT mean to write chapter one of fic. I guess I did though so....eh. I’ll go polish it up and post it on ao3
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