#he’s in her room the next day threatening that little guy while she’s in the bathroom
joansblondells · 1 year
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hellcheer as textposts
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kamiversee · 3 months
➶-͙˚ ༘✶ 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙁*𝘾𝙆 𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙏
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✧.* CHAPTER 16 || The Tension
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[ { SYPNOSIS } ] ➤ A tale in which Gojo Satoru blackmails you into seducing a list of people to clear his debt. Sounds easy enough, right?
[ { CHAPTER CONTENT } ] ➤ language, fluff, heavy sexual tension, teasing, & taunting.
[ { WORD COUNT } ] ➤ 4.6k
[ { PAIRINGS } ] ➤ jjk men x f!reader. gojo x f!reader. geto x f!reader. toji x f!reader. choso x f!reader. sukuna x f!reader. nanami x f!reader.
[ [ chapters mlist } ]
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——OKAY, WELL, A LOT COULD GO WRONG. But of course, you're trying to focus on the positives here. As long as you play your cards right and plan things out properly, nothing will go wrong.
However, that does not stop you from worrying about something going wrong.
Worries aside though, Choso is considered to be medium difficulty, right?
Wait... Are Gojo's levels of difficulty even accurate? Mr. Fushiguro was considered hard but when you really think about it, he wasn't all that hard... At least, not after you planned everything out. As far as Geto goes, well, as of right now you could call the man and tell him to come over and fuck you and he'd be there within twenty minutes.
Gojo himself is obviously the most whipped of those you've seduced so far. Though, you didn't realize just how severe it was at the time-- nor did you care to.
As for your current focus, Choso, the only difficulty in seducing him was how you wanted to go about it. Truth be told, you could probably just call the man over one night and seduce him then call it a day.
But... that's not all you want, now is it?
No, you want something more than sex with Choso. Which was expected, you knew this was going to happen. Sure, you tried to avoid catching feelings but how the hell are you supposed to feel about a man who painted you the day he saw you, drops nearly anything to make sure you're okay, and is just...
Fuck, the guy is everything and more.
You could sleep with him at any point in time. It's kinda cocky of you to think such a way but it's true, you can tell by the way Choso looks at you whenever you're around him and even the way he talks to you over the phone. He's not exactly playing coy about lusting for you.
Even so, whenever it is that you decide to sleep with the guy, you need to plan for the after-effects-- whatever that may be.
Is he going to be clingy? Are you going to be clingy? Will Choso be able to understand that you sleeping with him doesn't lead to an immediate relationship? He should be able to, right? He's a grown man...
Okay, if you're being completely honest with yourself here, it is not Choso you're worried about. It's yourself.
Hell, you're so engrossed in your thoughts of how you're going to go about this that you'd forgotten you have the man in your living room right now sitting next to you and comfortably watching a movie.
Shoko's out and you told her you were inviting someone over, sparing her the details of who, to which she told you that the apartment was all yours for the night. And while that's great and all, every time you turn to your right to steal a little glance at Choso, you get nervous for some reason.
You're excited and eager to have sex with the guy but again, the aftereffect is what concerns you. It terrifies you actually because if he wants a relationship, hypothetically speaking, you'd still have three other guys you have to sleep with.
And hell, knowing Gojo, the asshole would probably make the blackmail worse by threatening to expose your previous actions to the guy you like...
Everything is so fucked. No matter how you think about it.
Maybe you should just save Choso for last? Then, you'd be freed of the list and you'd be able to get with him, right? Then again, would that asshole Gojo even allow that? What's stopping him from blackmailing you further? What if he-
The sudden sound of your name being called makes you break away from your deep thoughts. Your head is slow to turn to your right, meeting Choso's curious eyes.
"You okay?" He asks.
You nod but it's an obvious lie.
Choso raises a brow, "You don't look okay..."
"I... I'm fine. I was just thinking about some things," You hum in response before turning to face forward again.
There's a horror movie on the TV that you'd long since forgotten about. The man beside you leans a little closer to you, "Thinking about what?"
You merely glance at him from out the corner of your eye, "Nothing important."
"Mmh... With the way you suddenly went all quiet on me fifteen minutes ago, it seems pretty important." Choso comments.
Okay, he may have a point there. The two of you were talking about the movie you were watching and at some point, your mind just drifted and you got quiet as the movie continued. Damn him for noticing though, you thought you played it off well.
And to make it worse, of course Choso moves to pause the movie. He then shifts so that his focus is completely on you; sliding a little closer to you and moving to rest an arm behind you along the back of the couch. When you turn your head to look at him, you chuckle at how all his attention is on you.
He probably doesn't realize how cute he looks right now, having gotten all close to you just to hear you talk about whatever's on your mind.
"C'mon, what's on your mind princess?" Choso asks, his voice gentle.
Your heart feels so weird in your chest at the sound of that nickname, a slight smile spreading across your face at the name alone. Your eyes meet his, despite the lack of personal space between the two of you, "I told you, nothing important."
Choso tilts his head, "Okay, tell me anyway."
"Why?" You ask, your brows pinching together.
He shrugs, "Cause' I came over to hang out with you but you're sitting here distracted..."
Another chuckle leaves you, "I was just thinking about school and uh, this project I have coming up."
"Uhuh..." He nods, "Is the project hard?"
"Yeah. Uhm, it's a group project and there's roughly... five of us in the group including me," You begin to explain. It's all a lie but you're going to make an analogy based on your current situation to see if you can get some kind of advice, "I've never worked with three of the people in my group so I'm kinda worried about that..."
Choso is all too intrigued with your words, seeming as though he's hanging off every syllable that leaves your lips. "Mhm..." He hums, awaiting your continuation.
You have to look away from him due to his intense focus, "Then there's this one person in the group. I've worked with them before and I'd like to say I'm pretty good friends with them but, the project we're going to be working on is something I know they won't agree with."
"Why?" He scoffs, "What kinda project is it?"
"A complicated one." You sigh, "I'd explain it but that's like an entirely different conversation so-"
"I mean, I'm not going anywhere." Choso hums.
Again, there's this little feeling in your heart that you try to ignore. "Yeah, I know but the project itself isn't what I'm worried about, it's the people."
He nods, "Alright, go on."
"Like I said, there's this one person in my group that I know better than anyone else in the group. I think I'm..." Your brows push together as you try to figure out how to word things correctly, "I'm worried about what'll happen after the project. I wanna be friends with this person but I feel like the project will change how they see me or something and when it's all over..." You steadily turn and look at Choso, "They'll want nothing to do with me anymore."
The man blinks. It's clear that what you've just explained is bothering you but the way you're looking at him throws him off for a second. His brain had frozen for just a second as he looked into your eyes.
There was no intimacy in the eye contact you both held with each other and yet Choso couldn't help this alluring feeling you gave off.
After a few seconds of staring, he clears his throat, "So like, do you have a crush on this person or something?"
Technically speaking, yes since the person from your analogy represents Choso but you can't tell him that or he'll think you have feelings for someone and won't want to do anything sexual with you in respect for those feelings.
"Uh, more like a friend crush?" You say meekly with a little shrug.
He nods in understanding, "Ohh, I get those sometimes."
"Yeah, I'm not romantically interested in this person," You definitely are, "But I don't want the friendship I have with them to change after the project is over."
"Right, well even though I don't know what this project of yours is, I'm pretty sure nothing will change," Choso says.
You scoff, "What makes you think that?"
"Cause' it's you we're talking about," He comments simply.
There goes that throb in your chest. "What do you mean by that?" You ask.
"I don't think anyone would want to cut ties with you over some project." Choso clarifies, "I can't speak for this person you're talking about but, I'm sure they know you're too great of a person to cut off over something so small."
You swallow and look away from the man again, "It's not something so small though. It's something that... makes people change the way they look at you, y'know, think about you differently."
"Okay? So?" Choso questions nonchalantly.
You turn to him again, "What do you mean so?"
Choso's still staring at you intently, "What version of you would someone not like?"
The way he words his question only furthers that little feeling in your chest. It's almost as though he were implying that any and all versions of you would be acceptable in his eyes.
"H-Huh?" You breathe out.
"Do you really think someone's going to cut you off just because your views or opinions are different than theirs?" Choso clarifies.
"Uh, yes." You say seriously, trying to calm yourself from those flustered emotions, "A-And it's not just views and opinions, it's actions too."
"What kinda actions?" He quires, the conversations suddenly growing more and more pressing.
"Actions that aren't always considered morally right."
He scoffs, "Like what?? What are we talking about here; Assault? Arson? Robbery? Murder? Theft? I'm confused." Choso blurts out, his voice passionate.
"N-No, none of those things but..." Your gaze wanders back and forth between his left and right eye as you try to come up with a way of wording this without literally telling him everything, "Fuck, I don't know how to explain it."
"You could just tell me what the project itself is." He suggests with a shrug.
Your brain is quick to come up with a slight relation, "It's a social project a-and the things that each of us have to do, especially me as the uh... group leader, they'd make someone see me differently."
Choso rolls his eyes slightly, still feeling confused as to what you could possibly do to make someone view you differently. In the heat of the moment, the man finds his words slipping out faster than he thinks about them, "Baby, unless you're going out here harming people in the name of research, I'm pretty sure no one is going to look at you differently-"
"What if I'm harming people's emotions?" You cut off, not even catching what he just called you.
His brows raise in concern, "Are you?"
"I might be." You scoff.
"I still don't understand." Choso sighs, "What could you possibly be doing that-"
"And wait," What he previously said suddenly clicks, "D-Did you just call me baby?"
"Uh..." Choso looks off to the side for a second as he too realizes what he said. After which he returns his eyes to you and notices the way the name made you slightly flustered, "Okay, yes, I did. But that's not the point here, love."
"S-Stop that." You stammer, turning away from him in embarrassment.
The pet names are throwing you all the way off and you can't even focus on the analogy you were trying to give him nor can you look him in the eyes when he calls you those names.
Choso bites his lower lip at your reaction, finding it cute, "Stop what, princess?"
"That." You emphasize.
"I'm not doing anything, am I?" He responds, his tone innocent.
"Yeah, you are." Your eyes are everywhere except on his, "You keep calling me those pet names and it's distracting..."
"I'm sorry baby." Choso apologizes purposefully.
Your heart skips a beat and you feel heat rush to your face. In reaction, you turn your head away from him, "Fuck, Choso stop."
"Why? Am I..." The man leans closer to you and his voice is low and near your ear, "Am I making you nervous, pretty girl?"
"That amongst other things..." You whisper.
Choso chuckles, "Look at me,"
"I can't now." You mumble. Your nerves are all over the damn place and your heart is pounding like crazy.
"C-Cause' of you, silly." You tell him.
"I didn't do anything," Choso says, "C'mon, we need to get back to our conversation anyways."
"I can't even focus on that now, forget it."
You hear him laugh at you, "You can't focus now?"
"No, no I can't."
"Aww, fuck, that's cute." Choso comments, his voice suddenly low.
You turn your head slightly, only so that you can look at him from the corner of your eye. When you notice he's smirking at you, you raise your hand to his face and playfully push him away.
Choso laughs again from beneath your palm and moves to grab a light hold of your wrist, forcing your hand to stay in place over his face. "You can't focus, huh?" He hums.
You finally turn and look at him, only able to see parts of his face through your fingers, "N-No. And why are you keeping my hand on your face?" You ask as you try to pull yourself away.
Choso's light hold on your wrist grows tighter and he shifts your hand around so that you can see his full face. The man then presses his lips to your palm and carefully kisses your hand, his eyes on yours as he does so.
Was that all it took for the man to have you aroused? Well, with that and all the pet names, yes.
"Did you just..." You blink, "Did you just kiss my hand?"
"Mhm," Choso hums against you before moving to plant another kiss, his eyes trailing down to what he's doing, "...s'that okay?" He mumbles into you.
"I..." You trail off as you watch him plant slow and tender kisses into your hand.
He continues for a little while, nearly losing himself in his simple act before his gaze flicks back up to you. The way your eyes are all widened and you're so clearly flustered has to be the cutest reaction he's ever gotten from you.
Choso slowly pulls away from your hand, still holding your wrist lightly, "Cat got your tongue, princess?"
Yes, actually. You forgot how to speak for a few seconds. "Uh..."
The man decides to give you a second to breathe, releasing your wrist and sliding back away from you a bit, "Sorry," Choso apologizes, "I don't even know why I did that..." He mumbles, looking away from you.
Did you just get him flustered because you were flustered? Holy hell that's the cutest thing in the world. He doesn't even know how to keep teasing you up to a certain point.
"No, it was fine," You finally manage to say.
He just barely looks at you, "Was it?"
"Mhm..." You hum.
Choso then takes his eyes away from you and turns his head slightly, allowing you a moment to see how red his ears are. He was blushing...
Then, he clears his throat, "Uh, a-about that project of yours-"
"Choso," You cut off, causing his voice to get caught in the middle of his throat.
"Hm?" He hums.
You tilt your head and shift on the couch slightly, inching toward him, "Are you... Are you blushing right now?"
The man turns his head all the way away from yours, keeping his face away from your line of vision, "Why would I be blushing...?"
You chuckle, "I dunno, you tell me."
"I'm not." He says, "C-Can we just go back to talking about your project...? I should've never started teasing you."
"Why? I like being teased by you," You blurt out.
Those simple words of yours make his cock unexpectedly twitch inside his pants. Choso clears his throat again, "Don't word it like that."
"Word it like what?" You hum innocently, "And why aren't you looking at me?"
He heaves out a sigh and carefully turns his head to you, almost in slow motion. Choso's face is hued in pink and you can see the flustered shade of red decorating his cheeks. His eyes go wide at how close you are to him, having crawled slightly across the couch to him.
Choso swallows, hard. "There, I'm looking at you. Happy now?"
"Very." You say simply, tilting your head again, "And you lied, you are blushing."
"No... It's just hot in here." He lies.
You scoff, "No it's not."
"Okay well, I'm hot."
"Take your jacket off then," You suggest.
He chuckles, "Right..."
You then watch as he moves to take his jacket off, neatly folding it afterward and pacing it down on the space beside him. After which, when he turns back to you, he sees that you're facing him completely, sitting on your heels with this sudden look in your eyes.
Choso blinks, "So uh, back to your project?"
You shake your head at him, "What if I don't wanna talk about that anymore...?"
"What uh, what do you want to talk about then?" He asks wearily, he then tears his gaze away from you, "A-And why do you keep looking at me like that?"
A light scoff leaves you, "Like what?"
"I dunno, like..." Choso glances at you one more time, "Fuck," He whispers to himself.
You weren't aware but you were giving the man bedroom eyes and since your eyes are the feature Choso loves paying attention to, it doesn't take him anything more than a glance to acknowledge what that look of yours is.
One of his hands rises to his face and he wipes it off as if that'll cleanse him of the sudden thoughts he's having.
"Like what, Choso?" You question again, "Cat got your tongue now?"
He turns his head to you, trying to look anywhere except for your eyes. That only worsens his situation though because of course looking at your lips doesn't make it any better. Gazing at your torso, which is hardly covered up with the tank top you're wearing, only leads him to stare at your tits.
Choso results in shooting his sights up to your ceiling and groans at himself, "Now I can't focus."
Your brows furrow, "Are you okay?" You ask, chuckling slightly at the man in front of you.
He shakes his head, "No."
"What's wrong?"
"You," Choso says seriously.
"Eh? Me??" You blink.
He makes this little gesture with his hand in the air toward his head as if to say he's going crazy, "I can't even have a regular conversation with you without thinking like this."
"Like what?" You ask teasingly.
The man sinks into the couch a little, resting his head back comfortably as he keeps his gaze directed upwards, "You're asking too many questions."
You giggle, "Am I?"
"I mean, I'm just curious..." You say coyly, shrugging a little, "After all, you had me explain what was on my mind so, isn't it your turn now?"
"You didn't even finish explaining." Choso points out.
"And who's fault is that?"
He scoffs, "Whatever."
"C'mon Choso, tell me what's on your mind." You urge, moving to poke his arm slightly.
"Mmmmmh," He hums in thought, smiling to himself ever so slightly, "You might not like it."
"Unless you're thinking about robbing me, I think it'll be fine." You joke.
"I dunno, my thoughts are..." He trails off for a second before sighing. "Lewd."
You bat your eyelashes at him, "Lewd?"
"Mhm, very lewd."
"Well, now I'm really curious." Excitement is clear in your tone.
Choso finds how intrigued you are cute and he hopes his words will throw you off again, "Stay curious, baby."
You pause. Then you click your tongue, "That's not gonna distract me this time." You hum, almost seductively. You then move to sit closer to him, "Share those lewd thoughts of yours with me."
He shakes his head, "No."
You whine, "C'mon, don't make me beg for it."
"Maybe I want you to."
"Yeah?" You utter, your tone is completely sultry now but you don't care. "How do you want me to beg, hm?"
"Fuck," Choso whispers under his breath. He again turns his head away from you and you just barely hear him speak, "I can't take this..."
"Can't take what?"
"You." He clarifies.
You chuckle, "Can't take me? I'm not doing anything?"
"Yes, you are."
"What am I doing??"
Choso is slow to finally turn his head and look at you. His eyes are all low, lower than normal, lust swirling within his gaze. You don't miss the way he glances down at your lips, shamelessly staring at the way you're smiling at him.
"You're teasing me," Choso voices out, his tone low.
You inch a bit closer to him, "Am I?"
"Yeah, you are."
"Should I stop?"
"Depends." He hums.
Your smirk is constant, "On?"
He pauses for just a second. Whatever this back-and-forth banter the two of you have going on is, he likes it. "Where you want this conversation to go," Choso responds.
You raise a brow, "What if I don't want it to be a conversation anymore?"
"What do you want it to be then, princess?"
"Maybe actions." You tell him suggestively.
"Actions..." He repeats, "What kinda actions?"
You and Choso both pause, staring at one another. His eyes are on your lips and your eyes are on his. The tension in the air is palpable. There's so much sexual tension between you two that you're practically undressing one another through looks alone.
The way Choso licks his lips slowly as he awaits your next snarky response doesn't go unnoticed. He's got a comeback for anything and everything you say to him, ready to keep whatever the two of you are doing going until the other can't come up with something to say or until it leads to something else.
Choso leans in closer to you, his face nearing yours carefully, "Tell me, what kinda actions are you suggesting here?"
You let out a breathy laugh, "Take a guess."
"Nono, I want you to tell me." Choso says clearly, "You can do that, right?"
"You want me to explain to you what I'm suggesting...?"
"Mhm, I wanna hear you say it."
"So you know what I'm implying, you just me to admit it out loud?" You question further, clearly avoiding what he wants.
The male whispers to you, "Such a smart girl. That's exactly what I want you to do."
"Choso," You whisper in response.
"Hm?" He hums.
You stare at him again, refusing to say anything to the man until he looks into your eyes again. It's slow the way he drags his gaze upward along your face before he meets yours.
"...I want you to touch me," You finally answer, keeping your words as vague as possible.
Obviously, you want him to do more than just touch you but dragging it out like this is way more fun.
The corner of Choso's lips twitch and he smirks, "Yeah?"
"Mhm..." You hum innocently.
He raises a brow, the eye contact continuous, "Touch you how?"
"Doesn't matter."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I want you to explore me."
Choso freezes and he swears his cock is throbbing right now with how unbelievably hard it is. The man swallows, "Explore you?"
"Yes, Choso." You sigh.
He flashes you a lustful smile and finally lifts his head from the couch, moving toward you. Choso's hand goes to your chin and he gently pulls you toward himself. You're quick to follow his touch, your heart at a steady beat within your chest despite how nervous you are.
His head tips to the side and he brings his lips just barely over your own, his breath tickling you as he speaks lowly, "I'm gonna explore your mouth first, s'that okay?"
You try to stop yourself from smiling, "Yeah..."
Choso slides his thumb up from your chin to your bottom lip and pulls it down slightly, "You sure?"
"Choso if you keep teasing me like this, I'm gonna lose it-- just kiss me already." You huff out.
He just couldn't help himself, not with how needy you looked right now or with how tense you were because of his one little touch. The two of you are sharing breaths at this point and it's so slow how his thumb moves and his lips press into yours.
You're quick to push into him and move your lips over his, to which he smiles slightly at how eager you are. The feeling of one of his hands going to your waist makes your breath hitch as you kiss him and you even pull away from him slightly, to which he pushes right back in aggressively.
Your arms carefully move to wrap around his neck as Choso turns his body more. Then, after growing frustrated with the awkward position, Choso simply shifts to pull you on top of him. You don't fully sit down, too engrossed in your slow make-out session to do so.
The man then clasps your bottom lip in between his teeth and pries your mouth open, pushing his tongue in. Fuck, that action made you hum against him and you get straight chills down your spine when his tongue swipes over yours.
An abrupt feeling of a smooth metal ball is felt and you pull away slightly, "Hah, w-wait, Choso..."
He's smiling at you mischievously. "You didn't know?"
You swallow hard as you shake your head and watch the man.
Choso carefully sticks his tongue out for you, revealing a piercing you weren't expecting him to have nor did you ever notice it.
Of course. Of course Choso Kamo has a damn tongue piercing. He tilts his head and his hands latch onto your waist firmly, tugging you closer to him and causing your chest to be flush with his, "Does it bother you?" He whispers.
"What, no." You reply quickly.
He moves to kiss you again, planting one little peck against you before whispering, "Then... Actually, has anyone ever..." He trails off a bit, his face reddening all over again.
You tilt your head, "Has anyone ever, what?"
"Has anyone with a piercing ever given you head?" Choso finally gets out.
You swallow deeply, your arousal thrumming through your body as you look at the man before you. Slowly, you grin at him, "No..."
Choso takes a deep breath and you can feel a throb in between your legs as he finally asks his next question, "Can I change that?"
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??? SUKUNA ☐
??? NAOYA ☐
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800 notes · View notes
whosjunglejim4322 · 7 months
Reconcile- E.M (S)
Smut!, fluff because uhm how could I not, angst! cause you guys are pent up from stress and this is basically a make up sex fic teehee, mentions of weed, brief arguing, Y’all just desperate and gross, Eddie fucks you till you cry and talks you through it like the slut he is, he cums inside of you, makes sure to fuck all that attitude away, PUSSY EATING, very graphic descriptions of passionate n nasty intercourse
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You hadn’t foreseen this happening.
Sure, you and Ed’s have gotten into little disputes before. Petty, insignificant quarrels about whether or not the other person actually took out the garbage or who would pay next date night. Two years is still short to some, for you and Eddie it felt like forever and yesterday all in the same universe. Heavenly, and mundane.
But this is a different beast all together. This morning makes day two that you two have had this weird, suffocating energy between both of you. The antagonist of this situation, is undoubtedly the conversation that was had at Steve’s weekend hangout.
A few hits from a joint, a shot or two of tequila and goofy sentences being passed around between two best friends. You and Robin being the spectators, content in your own little bubble, puffing on a spliff of your own. Heavy, fluffy blankets kept you warm, gave you weight to lean on when your head began to feel like it might float away.
The Christmas lights and the hum of the deep freezer in the corner of Steve’s basement almost distracted you completely in your haze, until it didn’t. Until Chrissy Cunningham came up. Until it was an innocent giggling fit about whether or not Chrissy ever had a crush on Eddie, the oxymoron in and of itself.
“Imagine that ever happening,” Steve chuckled, lightheartedly, taking a sip of his Diet Pepsi. “can’t say I can’t see it. She wanted you for sure, dude.”
Your ears twitched. Eyes thinning into inquisitive slits. Nothing about Steve’s tone was meant to be rude, or disrespectful, but the nature of the comment itself felt awkward and uncomfortable underneath your skin.
You almost turned your attention back to the Walkman blasting David Bowie. Almost.
“I saw her the other day, she came in for an oil change. Honestly, I never would’ve even thought she wanted me,” Eddie takes another rip of his bong. “But then she asked me if I do at home visits. Said she wanted to catch up with me.”
Maybe your reptilian brain overreacted. Or, maybe it didn’t. Honestly, you don’t blame yourself completely for the way you reacted after that statement. Nothing else he said after that mattered. All you could hear was your heartbeat in your own ears. Loud, thunderous
“I told her I wouldn’t do that, obviously.”
White noise.
And not only were you intoxicated, but you were already burnt out from work and school, touch starved from not having any time with your boyfriend as of late. A period of your current reality that you know will pass as all things do in life; but it was too much. This hangout was supposed to be somewhat intimate, something for you to both do together. A simplicity that normally wouldn’t even have to be mentioned. You and Eddie exist on the same axis.
The blanket became too heavy and the smoke in the room threatened to choke you further. You all but threw the fluffy cover off of you and stormed out. You heard Robin call after you, and Eddie. A pair of voices that meshed together like the drum line in a song that is so in sync with the guitar chorus that you can barely decipher it. The steps spin, but you manage to stay upright.
Cold November air chilled your face, your neck. You too a deep breath in while marching to the van parked just a few feet away on the newly slabbed pavement of Steve’s home. His parents are at their lake house so often that Steve claims their Hawkins residence as his own.
Predictably, a heavy thump of boots followed closely behind you. The scrape of worn soles and the squeak of an old leather jacket. A billow of smoke follows him, clings onto him like jasmine and rosemary to the freshly bathed. Your back felt like the warning signs at a crossroad. He felt helpless.
“Baby, hey,” he sounded breathless, desperate and confused. He’s never seen you so upset that you’d just walk out unprompted. “stop walking god dammit, please.”
You stopped reluctantly, the tears of frustration in your waterline blurring your vision of the violet, cloudless skyline. A wide, warm palm touched your shoulder and the heat seared you even through your hoodie. You flinched away instinctively, sore in your limbs from your own concoction of emotions. When you met his eyes, they were wide. Like a deer staring down the barrel of a gun in its own home.
Your face must have been something to see. A scowl, a mirror of sadness reflected in his umber eyes. Angry. He’d never seen you look at him that way. It felt like having his intestines twisted between two cold hands.
“You didn’t tell me that happened.”
You stated it plainly, but spitefully in nature. Your voice cracked and it made a brewing tear spill over your waterline and down the plump of your cheek. He had the overwhelming urge to comfort you, but knew he couldn’t. Knew you would likely flinch away like you did five seconds ago and he didn’t think he would physically be able to bear you trying to get away from him again.
He didn’t exactly know what was making you so upset. The conversation wasn’t anything he wouldn’t have said in front of you, which is why all of it was said in front of you. Perhaps his own intoxication made it hard to fully understand the velocity of his words, what they meant and how they could’ve been interpreted from your point of view.
“I didn’t think it was important.” His thick brows scrunched and deepened the wrinkle between them. You looked like your eyes might bulge out of your head.
You nearly choked on your own spit, the words to your reply getting caught square in the middle of your throat; and so you said nothing. You stepped forward, and then past him. And he realized too late that you were walking away from him.
“I’m gonna ask Steve to take me home.”
He was too stunned to speak. To react. To stop you, to plead for you to tell him what he did wrong. Or at least how to fix it. He felt himself crumble on the inside, like his bones were made of ash.
When he got back to the trailer that night, you weren’t there. And that’s when it all really set in. That he fucked up. For the past two weeks you’ve been here with him, playing house while Wayne caught a gig further up north. He thought, he thought that when you said home, maybe you meant here. With him.
He called that night, almost ten times. You answered on the eighth.
“I’m at my apartment Ed’s, I’m fine. I don’t want to argue, or talk. I just need to be by myself right now.”
He felt paralyzed by the pang in his chest. More so, he felt angry. Genuinely angry, and not just at himself, but selfishly, at you.
“Fine, glad you’re safe.”
He nearly broke the fucking landline.
Tumblr media
Your eyes have to adjust to the brightness of your living room. Well, your bedroom, slash living room, slash kitchen. A studio in Hawkins is relatively affordable, but they aren’t lying when they say it’s a studio. The events from yesterday scream in your head instantly, along with the pounding of your pulse. Your bed is almost unfamiliar at this point, the blankets not worn enough, the sheets the scent of fresh dryer sheets instead of you and Eddie’s shared scent.
The beeping of your answering machine pulls you back down to reality, though not one you want to participate in currently. Unfortunately, you have no other choice.
They’re all from Eddie of course, and now that you’re not high you feel those wounds from the night before coming back, sticking you in the chest, ribs, liver. Along with the pain, you feel guilty. For your less than mature reaction. Though you know you can’t blame yourself, not having ever been in that situation. You’re human and reacted as so. But he’s your Eddie.
You listen to the last message, sent twenty five minutes ago.
“I’m coming over in thirty minutes, I don’t care if you don’t want to see me. We are going to talk this out. I love you.”
You huff in frustration, though you can’t say you aren’t relieved. Relieved that he’s coming, that he’s not giving up over some quarrel about Chrissy Cunningham. You have a tendency to think the entire world is caving in around you upon one minor inconvenience. This disruption in your daily routine feels like Armageddon.
You have time to brush your teeth and rinse the remaining paste off of your mouth before your front door opens. If you didn’t recognize his footsteps so well, it might be off putting to have someone just waltz into your home.
The bathroom door is open, so he spots you immediately, slipping off his worn in boots and placing them beside the door. He takes his leather jacket off and puts it over the stool that sits at your kitchen island. It makes your face hot, still. The ease in which you two have melded into each others lives. Even if you’re angry at him.
“I don’t know what to say, Ed’s.” It’s a lie. You walk past him to the kitchen and open the fridge, hiding from his gaze as you pretend to search for something. He clears his throat and you reluctantly close the refrigerator door, staring at the floor and backing yourself against the sink.
“I just - you’ve never left. Without telling me. Or talking to me. And, fuck I-“ he’s stammering already, taking steady breaths and pinching the bridge of his nose. “I didn’t think I had to tell you about an insignificant interaction with Chrissy Cunningham.”
You scoff, although it’s more of a giggle. And he looks at you like you’ve just lost your mind. Rare, for Eddie Munson to think someone else has lost their mind.
“Well you and Steve sure seemed to enjoy talking about it. You both were pretty giddy discussing whether or not Chrissy wanted to, or, sorry -“ you’re being defensive. Rude. You can’t help it. “wants to fuck you. Why would I want to hear about that? Why would I want to hear you guys talk about whether or not you both can see you and Chrissy together? Does that not sound incredibly fucked up, Ed’s?”
So much for not talking. Now it’s spilling out like a cracked flower vase. Your chest is heaving rapidly, face and body hot with anger. Your arms are crossed across your chest, a protection against whatever it is he might say, despite the fact that you’re the one who’s being rhetorical.
He shoves his ringed fingers into his hair, scratching his scalp and pulling lightly at the roots as he closes his eyes, contemplating. Seeing things through your eyes, attempting to. He winces.
“That’s not what we were trying to say,” he bites his cheek. “I mean I know it doesn’t matter what we were trying to say, the conversation shouldn’t have happened, but I can’t take it back. For fucks sake.”
He’s murmuring to himself, rubbing his rough palms over his tired face. He’s wearing one of your favorite tee shirts of his to steal. Iron Maiden. The sleeves are short enough to reveal the splattering of ink that crawls up his biceps. When his muscles move underneath his skin, the ink moves with them. It’s captured your attention suddenly, and now you’re raking your eyes over his entire figure.
Familiar black sweats cling onto his lower half. They fit perfectly on his lithe waist, loose on the rest. Except for his ass. He has a really cute ass. And these sweats specifically accentuate the shape before billowing down his thighs.
“Baby? You with me?”
The low timbre of his voice shakes you from your reverie. You’ve simmered off, the anger replaced with a different heat. It’s been too long since the two of you have just been together, this fight might be the most communication you’ve had in the past week due to your jobs, and school. Or the worries of the world, the overwhelming need to sleep when you aren’t working, to work when you aren’t sleeping.
You’ve forgotten about each other. Briefly, but not inevitably. Never that. You feel like you may collapse.
“I’m- yeah I’m with you.”
You let out a sigh, uncrossing your arms. You look and sound as defeated as you feel. He can’t pretend to not have noticed your silky, thin sleeping gown, but he is just a man. And your nipples are hard underneath the garment and he has never not thought you’re one of the most beautiful creatures he’s ever seen. You haven’t worn it in a while, preferring his clothes to sleep in since you’ve been staying with him. He missed seeing you like this.
He steps closer. Tentatively, afraid you might run away from him. You sense his hesitancy and a piece of your heart breaks, the piece where he lives. You meet his eyes, silently inviting him, glancing from his mouth then back up to his softening gaze. You watch his Adam’s Apple bob in his throat.
“I’m sorry.” He says, earnestly. His hands threaten to tremble when you reach out and grab them, heavy in your own. He hovers above you the closer he gets, your limbs connecting in a symbiotic way. One you feel the others skin, you can’t get away from it. Not until you’re pressed together, belly to belly, your chin tilted upward.
“You - ugh.” You can’t get words out anymore. They dissolve in your larynx and your head falls, the need to cry or scream or kiss him an overwhelming choice.
“I know baby, I know. I’m sorry.” He pats down your hair, rough thumbs caressing the softness of your cheeks. He pulls your face upwards again, staring down at you with regret, adoration, hunger.
“I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have just left.”
He leans closer, till you smell the coffee on his breath and the hazelnut creamer alike. Your noses bump and rub against the other, his thick eyelashes fanning across his own cheekbones - casting a fluttery shadow.
“It’s okay now. We’re okay now.” He says it softly, just between the little space left between you two. “Let me take care of it. Please.” He closes the gap.
Some people assume it’s not supposed to feel as good as it does, kissing someone who’s lips you’ve mapped out like an atlas. That couldn’t be further from the truth, because kissing Eddie feels like being consumed.
And not just metaphorically, because it’s evident in the nips to your bottom lip, the sucking of your tongue whenever he feels it lick his teeth; that your small period of separation, and longer period of not having indulged each other, has weighed heavily on him as well. He’s starving.
You’re overtaken within seconds by the veracity of his mouth, your fingers taking purchase in the curls at his crown. Smacks and kisses and wet noises fill the small space, and the center of your stomach swells with a simmering heat. A reminder of how neglectful you both have been. Your nipples harden against him, as his dick twitches between his legs.
You feel nervous. Tentative. Excited.
His hands implore you like a new discovery, grasping at your back, and then down the sensitive slopes of your sides and over the plushness of your hips. Through the silky nightgown the sensation is riveting, enough to drive a person insane. You arch against him, and a whimper escapes your mouth into his throat.
“Mmm, mhm.” He groans.
“Eddie,” it’s a cry, wanton sound that makes him rut himself against you instinctively. Anything to relieve you. Anything to relieve himself. “baby.”
He smiles against your mouth, pecking it a few times before departing only for a second to see your kiss bitten lips, his and your spit coating your mouth. Your blown out pupils. He mirrors your appearance, like a wild creature.
“Never again,” his index fingers knuckle strokes the inside of your thigh, and you shudder, holding onto his broad shoulders for an anchor. You separate your legs without thinking. “we will never go through this again. I’m gonna make sure of it.”
Three knuckles stroke your pubic mound, then down your covered slit where dampness threatens to leak. Your fingernails grip his shirt, eyebrows furrowed and lips parted in anticipation. He’s so warm, so palpable. You want him to bury himself inside of you.
He’s in front of you, and then he’s not. You blink, and hair tickles your thighs like you’re frolicking through an overgrown field. Strong, rough hands lift the delicate silk of your nightie until it’s being bunched between ringed fingers above your navel. He’s on his knees, devout for you.
You gasp when his tongue broadens against your center. Your panties are just enough barrier to make you wanna cry out in desperation, while also offering enough sensation to not dare stop for even a moment to pull them off. You’re at his mercy. Or is he at yours? Neither of you know anymore, and it’s not important.
Not when he gets a taste of you. Not when he peers up at you between lust sodden lashes and sees you looking down at him like you’re about to crumble. Your knees shake and he bunches the nightie in one fist instead of two, placing his free hand on the back of your thighs to steady you while he soaks your underwear with the spit from his tongue.
The shape of your slit and the plump lips around it begins to show its phantom form through the material from the soaking. He sucks, prods with the tip of his wet muscle.
“Ed’s, fuck.” Your voice is so weak. His cock weeps in his sweats, dribbling with copious amounts of precum. It’s torturous to not touch himself but he’s too focused on watching you, pleasing you. You hums against your mound, mocking you.
He pulls the elastic to the side, not patient enough to take them off all the way. You get to see his face for a split second, cherry red cheeks and a messy halo of hair and stubble on his chin. And then, you feel it.
His nose keeps your lips separated, his tongue already splayed against the soft, sensitive flesh between them. You’re slick and sticky and coating the lower half of his face, though you have trouble grasping onto the helms of reality when he’s licking your pussy like this. He shakes his head from side to side, tongue still flat until he’s spreading your thighs farther, so that he can lick your honey from the source.
“Hold it.” He mumbles, struggling to hand the falling material of your night gown to your shaking hands, though you get the memo when it threatens to cover his head completely. You use one hand to hold it, and the other to tug at his hair.
You can barely hear anything another than the sloppy wetness of his mouth working on you, and the sound of your own heartbeat, but you’re sure you’re whining. You can feel the rawness of your throat as you let your head fall back and cry to the ceiling, feeling the need to tear up.
You grip the roots of his locks, rocking against his mouth like you’ve got no other choice. He hums, encouraged by every squeak and moan that comes out of you, by every drip of your cunt and tensing of your muscles.
He doesn’t care that your thighs are squeezing around his head, or that you can barely hold yourself together. You’re using his face like second nature and his cock weeps in his pants. He feels himself throbbing in tandem with the pulsing of your hole around his tongue.
Then he pulls your lips apart with his thumbs, revealing the pink bud that resides underneath your hood, suckling and coating it with enough spit to drip onto the floor.
“Oh god,” you pant “m’gonna cum. Please don’t stop please please please.” 
You’re throttled, and not just by the pleasure but by how fast you’re descending into your own madness. You can’t hear much of anything, see anything but the back of your own eyelids - and your boyfriend is using half of his strength to keep your body upwards as you threaten to wilt.
He doesn’t stop, per your request but to your ultimate demise. You feel yourself leaking as your clit throbs from the aftershocks of a powerful - much needed and thoroughly missed, orgasm.
You think you might pass out, but he feels the trembling in your body and despite his need to keep going until you’re completely done for, all but comatose- he stops.
Through your clouded and hazy senses, your hands tug at his face, his head, his neck. Lazily you attempt to pull him up from his knees, and it’s not your strength that does it, it’s his own. But he lets you believe you pulled him to your mouth, before he even has the chance to wipe your essence off. Not that he cares to.
Your tongues collide in a messy exploration, he’s rough and saccharine and sweet all at once. Your paw at him like you’ve never felt him before, like he didn’t just have his mouth on your most private of parts.
“I need you in me.” You slur the words between open mouthed kisses. He’s pressed so flush against you that you can feel his dick throbbing, and you’re not sure if the wetness is your own or his. Perhaps both.
You’re hungry for it. He’s still starving, and your fingers clumsily pull the waistband of his sweats down until they’re pooled at his ankles. You wrap your hand around the thick member, angrily red at the tip, veins bulging from either side. The thatch of curly hair at his base is covered by his shirt but you don’t have the energy to remove it- to do anything other than ogle at the blood rushing through him, the feel of his pulse through his manhood. He throws his head back for a split second, taking a deep breath.
You turn around, facing the sink and resting your cheek against the cool metal of the edge. You offer yourself to him like this, an invitation in the form of a leaking cunt and buckling knees. His hands, rough and wide pull this godforsaken nightgown up and over the swell of your ass, knuckles grazing the back of your thighs in the process.
You want to look at him but you’re far too flustered, ironically. It’s completely idiotic to still be embarrassed at your own need for your own boyfriend - but someone as beautiful as Eddie doesn’t come around very often. Getting to do this feels like retribution.
“You’re so pretty,” he groans, out of breath. He crudely spits on his cock, you can hear the slick sounds of his precum mixing with his saliva as he strokes himself a few times, one hand on your left hip while he guides his mauve tip to your slit.
“I’m gonna fuck all that attitude away baby.”
The stretch is jarring and unexpected, but the sounds you both make as he sticks himself passed your gummy entrance isn’t. You grip the counter, and he leans his weight over you so that he can mouth at your shoulders while he pushes himself in to the hilt- kissing your cervix before his cock moved around it.
“Yeah?” He taunts, hair tickling your back and lips smearing kisses against your nape. “You’re so goddamn wet, this is all you needed huh?”
He’s genuine within the ruggedness of his voice. Within seconds he’s pulling himself out and shoving himself back in with something fierce driving him. He’s unforgiving in his pace once he gets into a comfortable stance, kicking his sweats off of his ankles and planting his feet behind you.
It’s a symphony of sticky, wet sounds, and grunts with compositions of skin against skin in your small kitchen. It’s been so long since you’ve felt him, since he’s felt you. He’s not just fucking you from the back, he’s mounting you - panting lewdly in your ear while his hands snake themselves around your shoulders.
You cry out, nothing coherent leaving your mouth. Your poor cunt was still contracting from the orgasm he gave you with his mouth when shoved himself inside of you, and now that little spongey spot is being brutally massaged over and over again with each stroke.
“That’s - s-so - good.” Your words are staccato, followed by petulant whines. You’re thankful for his hit breath on your neck, the groans leaving him, the weight of his body behind you. He’s close while still delivering a delicious punishment - a fucking that’s meant to make you forget about anything that’s happened this past week.
“Awe baby, it feels good hmm? You - fucking hell-“
His balls tighten and he knows he’s gonna cum soon, he’s too caught up in how you’re squeezing around him, throbbing from the inside out with your admiration for him. You try to reach back and touch him, but he holds your arms in front of you, a sort of embrace and restraint all in one.
“need to cum baby, need to show you how much I love you. Need to fill you - oh baby - need to fill you all the way. That’s it - there you go there you go, I know.”
He kisses your cheek where a tear falls down, your knees beginning to tremble again in tandem with his own. He ruts and ruts and ruts, your cream coating his cock, your warmth swallowing him whole.
He pulls out, and you think you might start weeping, till he turns you around by your waist and licks the inside of your parted lips. He hiked your leg up around his lithe waist, bends his knees and maneuvers his hips forward so that he can slide back into you.
Now that he can see your face, and you can see his, you both feel cathartic.
You hang onto his shoulders, clawing at his curls and he holds your face, damp lips centimeters away from your own while your foreheads rest against each other. You look down to watch him disappear inside of you, and you marvel at it. Your juices and the sounds they make, how pretty his dick looks coated in your release and his own pre ejaculate.
“M’so fucking deep,” he’s shaking now, sweat beading down his neck. His bottom lip quivers and you begin to realize how this must feel for him as well. How badly you both needed the other. “it feels so fucking good, so good so good so good.”
He’s babbling and you pull his mouth to yours again, suckling on his tongue. With some foreign strength, you use your voice.
“Please cum, I love you Eddie. I want you to cum for me please please, I can’t take it. Cum for me cum for me cum for me I love you.”
He thinks he might cry, he’s so fucking deep when you wrap your arms around him, when your hips are connected so closely that you can’t tell where one of you begins and the other one ends - when the sweet lullaby that is your voice serenades him, begs him to let go.
“Oh god, oh fuck I’m - fuuuuck.”
He tightens, stuttering inside of you while small gasps of pleasure leave him like hiccups. You inhale the scent of his hair, feel the rise and fall of his breath from between his shoulder blades. You’re both twitching, barely standing. A mess, and certainly a sight to see.
He stays like that for a few moments, just enough for all of his cum to dribble out from the tip and into you. When he pulls out, the sound is audible and crude, and he swears to himself he will clean the mess on your kitchen floor.
You don’t know who kisses who first.
Both of you go for the others neck, cheeks, forehead. Gently, with enough love to fill an entire universe itself. It’s a juxtaposition to the way you just had each other. It’s love. Pure, unadulterated, sickeningly sweet to the melancholy.
“I’m staying here tonight,” he kisses your eyelids, then your nose, out of breath. “and I’m gonna make breakfast in the morning. We are never letting this happen again.”
You scratch his scalp.
“Which part? Cause-“ he rolls his eyes, smiling boyishly. Enough to show his dimples, flash his teeth.
“You know which part, I’ll give you whatever you want. But I’m never going this long without being around you. Not ever.”
He’s devout, sincere in a way that is irrevocable. You don’t argue, don’t wince, don’t make a face. You nod, suckling his bottom lip.
You listen.
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songbirdseung · 5 months
synopsis: spending the night at their place for the first time and waking up next to them for the first time.
you are definitely waking up before him.
because the night before, you guys played video games till 3 in the morning.
so, you just lay there and appreciate your bambi boy.
You slowly open your eyes, the soft morning light filtering through the curtains. As you regain consciousness, you find yourself lying in an unfamiliar bed. The memories from the night before start to flood back – the laughter, the video games, and the undeniable connection with Heeseung.
Careful not to disturb him, you turn your head to find Heeseung peacefully sleeping beside you. His tousled hair falls gently over his forehead, and a serene expression graces his face. The room is quiet, save for the soft hum of the city outside.
As you lie there, you take a moment to appreciate the details – the rise and fall of his chest with each peaceful breath, the warmth radiating from his body. The room is filled with a comforting stillness, a stark contrast to the lively gaming session just hours ago.
After a while, you notice a subtle movement from Heeseung. His eyes flutter open, adjusting to the morning light. He blinks a few times, and when he finally focuses on you, a soft smile graces his lips. "Morning." As you lie there, you can't help but feel grateful for the simple joy of waking up next to someone who makes your heart race.
JAY 박종성 ~
you already know, this man will wake up early and cook for you
he'll kiss your face to wake you up
You're still lost in the land of dreams, the warmth of the blankets cocooning you in comfort. The gentle morning light seeps through the curtains, signaling the start of a new day. Unbeknownst to you, Jay is already up and about, quietly preparing a surprise for you.
"Wake up, baby" He sets the tray down on the bedside table, and you're greeted by the sight of a carefully arranged breakfast in bed. There's a stack of pancakes drizzled with syrup, a bowl of fresh fruit, and a steaming cup of your favorite coffee. It's a feast fit for royalty.
"What's all this?" "Breakfast for the most amazing person I know. I thought you deserved a little pampering today."
He leans down, placing a sweet kiss on your forehead. The gesture is filled with warmth and affection, making your heart flutter.
You sit up, still in awe of the thoughtful surprise before you. As you enjoy the delicious breakfast Jay prepared, he sits beside you, stealing glances to gauge your reaction. "This is incredible, Jay. Thank you."
"Anything for you, love"
JAKE 심재윤 ~
both of you would be waken up by layla
teeth rotting sweetness from the moment your eyes meet jake.
he won't let you get up, just continues to cuddle you despite layla's barks
The sun has just begun to cast its gentle morning glow through the curtains as you find yourself slowly waking up beside Jake. The room is filled with a comforting warmth, and Jake's arms are wrapped around you, creating a cocoon of security. Everything is calm until the sound of excited barking breaks the peaceful silence.
Layla, the energetic ball of fur, has decided that morning cuddles are overrated, and it's time for some play. Her energetic barks echo through the room, threatening to shatter the tranquility of the moment.
"Looks like someone's ready to start the day." Despite Jake's attempts to keep you wrapped in his embrace, Layla's enthusiasm is infectious, and she insists on being the alarm clock for the day.
Layla's barks escalate, and it becomes clear that she won't take no for an answer. Jake chuckles and releases you from his grasp, sitting up with a playful glint in his eyes. "I think Layla wants us up, love."
"She's persistent, isn't she?" Jake nods, and you both share a laugh as you get out of bed. Layla, unable to contain her excitement, starts hopping around, tail wagging furiously.
"Alright, let's see what our little troublemaker wants."
As you follow Jake and Layla to the living room, you find yourself enveloped in the morning routine that involves playful banter, belly rubs, and the infectious joy that only a dog can bring. Jake pulls you into another warm embrace, Layla contentedly lounging nearby. Despite the playful chaos, the morning feels perfect – a blend of canine energy and the tooth-rotting sweetness of Jake's affection. As you share a quiet moment, Layla sprawls out between you, seemingly satisfied that her mission to start the day with joy has been accomplished.
he'll feel the sun on his face and wake up before you
stares and admires your beauty (cause you're a stunner babe)
fell in love with you for the nth time
The soft rays of the morning sun gently filter through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. Sunghoon stirs, his senses gradually awakening as he becomes aware of the sunlight kissing his face. With a contented sigh, he opens his eyes, and the first sight that greets him is you, peacefully sleeping beside him.
You're bathed in the soft morning light, your features softened by sleep. Sunghoon can't help but marvel at your beauty, even in the simplicity of this moment. He takes a moment to simply admire you, the way your eyelashes cast delicate shadows on your cheeks and how a faint smile graces your lips.
Sunghoon can feel his heart swell with affection as he watches you, a warmth spreading through him. The sun seems to accentuate the radiance that surrounds you, making you appear ethereal in the morning light. He brushes a strand of hair away from your face, his touch light and gentle so as not to disturb your peaceful slumber.
"How did I get so lucky?"
He leans down and places a soft kiss on your forehead, savoring the sweetness of the moment. Sunghoon takes a mental snapshot, wanting to remember this instance – the quiet morning, the warmth of the sun, and the overwhelming love he feels for you.
SUNOO 김선우 ~
you two are in synced, the same person
you wake up at the same time and admire each other
later, you both do each others' skincare routine.
The morning sun casts a soft glow into the room, and as your eyes flutter open, you realize that Sunoo is already awake, his gaze fixed on you with a fond smile. There's a moment of quiet understanding as you both share the same thought – the joy of waking up together.
"Good morning, Sunoo."
"Good morning, my other half."
You exchange a loving look, feeling a connection that goes beyond words. It's as if you share the same heartbeat, synchronized in the rhythm of the morning. With a playful twinkle in his eyes, Sunoo leans in to press a gentle kiss to your cheek.
As the morning routine begins, you decide to do something fun – a joint skincare session. Sunoo grins, always up for a bit of banter.
"Are you ready for the ultimate couple skincare routine?"
"Absolutely. We'll be glowing by the end of this." You gather an array of skincare products, and with playful banter and laughter, you take turns applying masks and serums. Sunoo can't resist making funny faces as you carefully spread a mask across his face, eliciting laughter from both of you.
"I can't believe I'm letting you do this to me." The banter continues as you exchange beauty tips and secrets, each step of the routine turning into a shared experience. Sunoo even attempts to mimic your skincare routine with exaggerated gestures, causing both of you to burst into fits of laughter.
you need the bathroom? too bad, he's not letting you leave the bed
wants to stay in bed the whole day
loving the new experience of waking up next to you
The soft morning light spills into the room, casting a warm glow over the two of you. As you start to stir, Jungwon tightens his grip around you, refusing to let you slip away from the cocoon of blankets and warmth that surrounds you both.
"Jungwon, I need to use the bathroom." Jungwon, with a playful smirk, pulls you closer, his arms securing you against his chest.
"Nope. We're not leaving this bed today." You chuckle, feeling the irresistible pull to stay right where you are – wrapped in his embrace. "But nature calls, Jungwon."
"Nature can wait. Right now, all I want is to stay in bed with you." He nuzzles into the crook of your neck, showering you with affectionate kisses. A mischievous glint in his eyes tells you that he's not going to let you go easily. "What if I promise to come right back?"
Jungwon tightens his hold, his warmth and laughter filling the room. "You're not escaping that easily. Today is a bed day, and I plan to enjoy every moment of it."
You can't help but surrender to the idea. After all, who could resist a day of relaxation with Jungwon? As you settle back into the pillows, Jungwon peppers your face with sweet kisses, reveling in the newfound joy of waking up next to you.
NI-KI 西村 力 ~
as much as he is a prankster, he'll respect your sleep
he'll bask in the moments and pull you closer to him
and you'll be enjoying the romantic side of ni-ki
Ni-ki, despite his mischievous nature, decides to play the role of a silent observer this morning. He refrains from any playful antics that might disturb your sleep, opting instead to bask in the quiet joy of waking up next to you.
As you open your eyes, Ni-ki pulls you closer, his arm wrapped around you in a protective embrace. There's a tenderness in his touch, a departure from his usual playful demeanor. He leans in, pressing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"Morning, sleepyhead." You smile, still feeling the warmth of sleep clinging to you.
"Morning, Ni-ki. What's got into you today?" Ni-ki grins, a mischievous glint returning to his eyes. "Just enjoying the view. You're not bad to wake up to, you know."
You playfully roll your eyes, appreciating the unexpected romantic side of Ni-ki. As the morning progresses, Ni-ki remains by your side, savoring the quiet moments of connection. He pulls you into a sitting position, his gaze fixed on yours. "I was thinking, we could just stay here, enjoy the morning together."
You can't help but be drawn into the romantic atmosphere that Ni-ki has unexpectedly created. You nod in agreement, both of you reveling in the simple pleasure of shared silence.
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spicysix · 1 year
📖 + "I think... I'm in love with (Name)" || "Congrats on being the last one to find out" prompt w eddie omgomgomg💗 also congrats on 400 angel <33
thank you my loveee 💖💖💖
here comes, hope you like it! (a little dialogue heavy, sorry for that!)
join the celebration!
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every day for us, something new
"Gonna make some more popcorn, guys! Get the next one ready," you said, getting up from the couch where you were sitting between Eddie and Argyle.
"Get me another coke, please!" Robin, from the floor, asked.
"Oh, get me another beer, sweetums, will 'ya?" Eddie joined in.
"No one else ask me anything, I don't have hands for more!" you exclaimed before leaving for the kitchen.
Movie nights were routine at this point. After all the trauma and the babysitting and the saving the world, the least you all deserved were some fun nights chilling with your friends. Steve or Nancy would host, you'd all take turns choosing movies for the week, and you'd get together to watch and gossip and just be around each other in non-threatening ways. There was no bond like the one created between life-or-death situations.
Eddie's eyes followed you as you walked out of Steve's living room. Jonathan chuckled.
"What?" Eddie asked and Nancy and Robin groaned in unison.
"You are. So. Dense," Nancy complained.
"I don't think he's dense, I think he's just stupid," Robin completed. Eddie hated how she and Nancy came to sharing a single braincell lately.
"C'mon, let's take it easy on our brochacho. The matters of the heart aren't easy," Argyle said, words all considerate but his smirk was nothing but teasing, and Eddie wanted them all to just shut the fuck up.
There was a loud noise from the kitchen, and Eddie was up on his feet in an instant.
"Don't worry, I'm okay!" you called out before anyone could even say anything, to Eddie's relief, and he sat down again.
All of his friends were looking at him funny. What was this plot against him, honestly?
"What's going on?" he asked, waving his arms around in annoyance.
"Dude. Use a single neuron. You'll understand," Steve advised, letting out a dramatically exhausted sigh.
Eddie just stared back at them, one at a time, for several minutes. Trying to find the answers in one of his friends' eyes, or just hoping to be scary enough to make them tell him at once.
"I can't do this, he's the dumbest man alive," Jonathan said after a long while in silence.
What were you even doing in the kitchen for such a long time? Popcorn gets ready in like, five minutes.
"He's never been in love before, maybe he just doesn't recognize it," Steve pitched in, and he knew that information because Eddie had told him once.
What did it have to do with anything?
"What does being in love has anything to do with this? Who's in love here? No one's in lov-" he started, and then he stopped.
Thought about your smile, and that funny little laugh you saved only for his stupid jokes. The way you'd hug him tighter and longer than everyone else. The way you and Robin shared perfumes, a fragrance he didn't really like much, but on you he'd love - something about the way it'd interact with your natural skin smell, and it intoxicated him in the best of ways. He thought about how soft your skin was, and how he loved when you ran your fingers through his hair. He thought about how he thought about you first thing when he woke up, and he thought about you last thing before sleeping. How he thought about you even when asleep - how he'd dream of you, and him, your hands clasped together, your lips on his.
"Oh my god, I think I'm in love," he muttered.
"Congrats on being the last one to find out," Nancy answered. He just looked at her, freezing, hands trembling a little. "What are you thinking about so much, just go!" She nodded at the kitchen and, once again, Eddie was up on his feet in an instant.
He practically ran to the other room.
"Steve, your cabinets are a nightmare," you said, back turned to the door as you heard steps.
"Not Steve," he said, and you turned to face him. That smile, the one reserved just for him, on your lips.
"Eddie! Here to help me? Does anyone want something else?"
He just shook his head and walked closer to you. Took your hand on his, and your skin was just as soft as he thought about constantly.
"Is everything okay?" you asked.
He nodded, "Yeah, just came to a realization."
"Care to share with the class?" your words all teasing but your smile was nothing but sweet. He wanted to kiss you.
"I want to kiss you," he said out loud.
Your smile grew wider, "Well, do it, then."
And he did. And it was so much better than in his dreams. Yous lips were soft and tasted of whatever soda you were drinking, and your hands craddled his neck and you sure could feel his pulse going a million miles per second. But he didn't care, because you seemed eager for more, tongue poking at his lips and he let you in, and it was like fireworks exploding inside his head. He feelt fuzzy, and warm all over, and the happiest he's ever been. Because he's in love with you, he realized, and he was kissing you and you were kissing him back.
It felt like years before you separated, both panting a little.
"Oh, man, I like you so much," you mumbled, lips still almost pressed to his so he feelt every vibration in each of your words. It tingled him, head to toe, in and out.
"That's my realization," he responded, and you gave him another peck, and another one, and you were kissing him again when you heard steps behind you.
"C'mon, slow lovebirds, where's my damn popcorn? I wanna watch the sequel!" Robin showed up, picked up the popcorn bowl and her coke before leaving again.
You and Eddie laughed, and you gave him another peck, and another one, and you were kissing him again.
Neither of you got to watch much of the sequel.
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moonyswife · 11 months
I heard a rumor….
from Inez
Remus Lupin x Fem!Reader
G: Fluff, jealous, irritable and oblivious Remus.
Warnings: NOT proofread, smoking, written late at night from an insomniac writer.
The dark winter sky was the only visible thing from the gryffindor common room, as the cold chased everybody inside, four best friends sprawled across cushions in front of the fireplace , trying desperately to get homework done, at least Remus was, his friends way to gossipy to get anything done, he has had enough of his friends fooling around, it seemed as if the world was ganging up on him, his friends were being annoying, homework was harder than ever, the full moon’s tomorrow, and you were out with some boy, at least that what was heard from some hufflepuff girl called Inez.
Huffing and groaning he got up, “What’s wrong, moons? Don’t you like that your girl may be snogging another boy?” Sirius laughs while mockingly pouting, James laughs, too loudly for Remus’s liking, still gathering his things “What’s wrong, pads? Can’t find anyone who likes you for more than just shagging?” Remus’s venomous tone surprised him even, James didn’t laugh, they just sat in awkward silence, it wasn’t strange for Remus to become more irritable as the full moon was incoming, that was somewhat understandable, they’re friends, they’ll put up with him and his attitude, but something else set him up this time, so they just let him leave, good, he needed to take a breather.
As Remus furiously left the common room, his mind was running, between his classes and his overbearing hidden need to overachieve, the way the full moon’s closing in, how his condition will always outrun him, the way his friends one day will get fed up with him, he’s too much anyways, his breath was staggering, he needed air, he needed to get out, but no matter where he’ll go, he knows he’s a liability.
The astronomy tower seemed like the perfect place for him to settle down, he walked in only to find out someone beat him to it, you were there, his heart did a flip and threatened with jumping out his mouth.
as he was about to leave you alone, you looked up, eyes meeting, Remus felt like fainting, all his emotional buildup was still persistent, but butterflies swarmed his stomach, “hi, Rem” “hi, y/n” “what’re you doing up here?” you asked eyes filled with curiosity, “Could ask you the same” he felt comfortable enough to sit down next to you, “I asked you first” fair enough. “Just needed a little bit of air, take a walk, this is the closest that I can get to the outside without freezing” he found himself letting out a long breath, “tough day?” “tough week, tough year, tough life apparently” she laughed, Merlin, her laugh, the ways her face looks when she does, absolutely beautiful, breathtaking.
They sat in comfortable silence, looking at the stars, hands nearly touching but neither of them was brave enough, Remus cleared his throat ready to break the silence “I heard you were going out with a Ravenclaw boy” he couldn’t help sounding bitter, “mmm, really? Who did you heard it from?” hope “Inez, well, Sirius, but he heard it from her in herbology, so it was just a rumor?” “Inez is so noisy, kind, but so annoying sometimes” she kept quiet, Remus didn’t push her to speak, “well, yeah, a ravenclaw boy sent me a note asking me out in charms, I said yes to not embarrass him in front of his friends, but afterwards I told him I couldn’t go out with him” a blush crept into her cheeks as she talked, Remus sweared that every time he looked at her he fell even harder, “why did you tell him you couldn’t?” Remus felt nosier than Inez and his friends, but he needed to know, “well…” she went shy all of a sudden, sigh “well ‘cause I like someone else, like a lot and I felt bad playing with his feelings”
Remus felt like throwing up, she likes another boy, all hopes are dead, as dead as he wishes he was, “you ok?” her sweet voice was music to his ear, “yeah, ‘m fine” “are you sure” “yeah, well, I should go, the guys are probably wondering where I am” bullshit, he needed to scream, to punch someone hopefully the guy she likes, as he was getting up she grabbed his hand, “please stay a little longer” she asked with teary eyes, “love, what’s wrong?” the pet name rolling of his tongue like a promise, “nothing just, I don’t want to be alone, but I don’t want to talk either, just… sit here, with you” her big eyes following her mouth pleading for him to stay and who was he to say no. He nodded sitting back down, putting his hand in her back, rubbing as she sobbed.
“It’s just, the boy I like” sob “probably doesn’t like me back” she takes a breath “ I like him a lot and he barely pays attention to me, always running out of a room when I enter” she was describing the dumbest guy Remus would ever know, “it’s ok, doll, he’s dumb, you’re the best that there is” me, I’m here, I love you, that’s all he wanted to say, but she’s down and sad, he wouldn’t take advantage, and he doesn’t know why his words make her cry harder, “I’m sorry, I don’t know what I did wrong” with her head in her hands she mumbled something incoherent, “what?” she gets up suddenly, “sorry, that was dumb, sorry for bothering you, rem, you’re a good guy, sorry again” she ran out so fast Remus could barely hear her last words.
Full of worry he went back to his common room, decided to not do his homework, he’ll blame it in the full moon, and as he laid down in his bed all he could think of was you, and breaking the nose of the guy that made you cry that way.
Laying in your bed the events of today replaying in your head, what else could’ve went wrong?
A nice guy asked you out, that’s great if you weren’t stupidly in love with your friend Remus Lupin, you got shy in front of his friends awaiting for your answer, so you said yes forgetting the fact that rumors travel fast at Hogwarts, especially with the noisy duo on Sirius and Inez.
All your friends went crazy, asking if you were finally over your silly crush, if you were really going out with another boy, wondering when and what’ll happen or what you’ll wear, you tried to tell them that in the end you turned him down, but to no avail, they wouldn’t listen, so like outside was freezing, you figured that the astronomy tower was the safest option of a santuary, before you could cry your eyes out, to add insult to injury, Remus Lupin seemed to think the same thoughts as you.
Everything would’ve been better if you had stuck to your comfortable silence, but nooo, he had to ask questions, how can he be so oblivious, that he was the guy, that you like him, you’ve kept sending him signals since two years ago during third year, and every time you try to stop and get over him he sends a small signal that maybe, hopefully, he feels the same, some hidden glances, small touches, meaningful smiles, all of this could be part of your friendship, but there’s something about them, just something that gives your heart hope, or maybe you’re delusional.
You ended up falling asleep on you wet pillow with tear stained cheeks.
03:17 AM
y/n woke up, she needed a air, she needed Remus, she needed sleep, she needed a smoke.
She settled for the cigarette solution, but she couldn’t open a window in her room without waking her roommates up. Walking down the stairs of the girls rooms to the common room she saw that a particular sandy haired boy has had again her same thoughts, but alas, this time he beat her to do it.
Blowing the cigarette smoke out the window Remus spotted her, with messy hair, mismatched socks, plaid red pants, a t shirt four times her size that looked like it belonged to a grampa, and looking as beautiful and gorgeous as ever, “hey, are you feeling better?” Rem whispered, scared someone could hear and ruin their peace, “hi, yes, I’m a bit better now, care to share? Just want a bit not the whole thing” ignoring the urge to run away, she decided that enough was enough, so what if he didn’t like her, he’s her friend, she’s not going to throw it out of the window because of her ego. “Yeah, sure,” Remus extended his arm to pass her the cig, hypnotized as she put it between her perfect lips took a drag, inhaled, watching her whole face take it in, eyes closed, eyebrows slightly furrowed, just the perfect sight, he also noticed her puffy red eyes and swollen lips, also the tip of her nose was a bit red, she’s been crying.
Smoking in silence, but compared to before, it was a bit awkward, “the guy, the one you like, who’s he?” She sighed “why do you want to know, Rem?” “To beat them up, I can tell you’ve been crying all night, that’s no good” y/n was getting fed up “are you really that oblivious, Remus Lupin?” wow first and last name, Remus knew she was mad, why? he had no idea, “what? What’s wrong?” she looked at him and god, how can he look so handsome and pretty and cute while being the biggest idiot known to mankind, “what’s wrong is that I can’t tell you the truth, it’s embarrassing” now he was even more confused “what? Wait you can tell me, you know I’ll never judge you” she put out the cigarette and looked at him then took a deep breath, “ well, the guy that I like, he’s my friend and I like him since forever, but since third year I’ve started sending him signals, like the I like you signals, but either he doesn’t like me like that or he’s very oblivious” Remus’s heart broke even more if that’s possible, maybe you liked James or Frank or Sirius that’d make everything worse, as she saw the gears working in his mind, she knew he wouldn’t get it “you know what’s worse” “what, love” the love made her want to tear her neck out, “he’s the smartest person I know, but when it comes to this, he apparently can’t put two an two together”
Remus’s mind was working harder than ever, which one of his friends was smart? “Oh” realization hit him, butterflies swarmed his stomach, was he dreaming, was she talking about him, “oh, indeed, I’m talking about you, Remus, all these years it’s been you”.
Remus Lupin fell to his knees.
“Are you serious, you like me?” “Don’t be mean, Rem, please don’t laugh at me.” “ love, I’m not laughing” he wasn’t but he was smiling like a fool, she was about to cry again, here she was confessing to him, and there he was laughing, “I’ve loved you ever since I saw you on the train, at the start of second year, with your braids and your cat, I love you now and I’ll love you forever” she was frozen, all this time he felt the same, she was grinning like an idiot now, falling in front of him bringing her hands to his cheeks caressing them. “Please, can I kiss you, doll?” “Remus, you can kiss me whenever and wherever you want”, his eyes were full of adoration as he leaned in, her hands on the back of his neck creeping up his hair, his hands sneaked into her waist grabbing firmly, he sat down pulling her into his lap, searching for more closeness.
“We’re idiots” she breathe breaking their kiss, “yeah, but we’re idiots in love” he said making their noses touch, once he had her he couldn’t get enough of her, and couldn’t stop kissing her, not that she complained, she felt like heaven was brought upon her when he kissed her, “I kiss can’t kiss believe kiss that kiss we kiss took kiss this kiss much kiss time kiss” “why don’t we take this to the couch, it’ll be more comfy” she said while kissing his neck, “.or we could go to my dorm, the guys are asleep, we can make out all night” all she had to do was nod to be picked up and brought to Remus’s bed.
James, Peter and especially Sirius had a great time in the morning when they found you in the same bed, by lunch Sirius and Inez had already made sure that all that was talked about was yours and Remus’s relationship and you couldn’t be happier to be finally together.
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iateyourparents · 7 months
hii I love your work 🙈🙈 can you do one with colby where the reader is a medium and the place is like really active?
medium | c.b.
pairing: colby brock x fem!medium!reader
summary: you’re a guest in sam and colby’s video.
warnings: use of y/n, the place they are exploring is totally made up by me, bad writing and grammar(sorry, english isn’t my first language)
an: thank you so much for this idea, i hope you’ll like it <3
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“What’s up guys! It’s Sam and Colby!” Colby started video “Today we will be exploring this house” he pointed camera at the big white house behind him.
“It’s Mallory’s house.” Sam added ”The place where Mallory watched her family being murdered and then died there herself because of starvation.” he explained “People says she and her family to this day are there. Also, there’s a rumor that Mallory is waiting for the killer to come back to take her revenge. But we’ll tell you about it later!” he clapped his hands.
“But we’re not alone here.” Colby said and waved at you so you stood between them „For the first time ever, my girlfriend y/n will be investigating with us!”
“And it’s even more exciting because she is a medium.” sam moved his eyebrows suggestively and you laughed quietly “Y/n how are you feeling about it?”
“Excited, that will be the first time ever I will actually try to use my ‚gift’ intentionally.” you smiled at camera “I guess it won’t be hard since I already can feel this house.”
“Oh what do you feel?” Colby asked curiously.
“There is certainly something. I can’t really say yet if it’s good or how it feels about us being here but it’s not threatening.” you explained “I think it’s curious what we will do.”
“Good to know.” Sam smiled at you and then smiled mischievously at the camera and then at Colby “I have some surprise for you Colby.” he stated “When I was doing research I found some rumor that I didn’t tell you about.”
“What’s going on?” Colby already could tell he probably won’t like this.
“So like I said, there’s this rumor that, like you know, Mallory is waiting for her family’s killer to come back to have her revenge, but there’s also this thing that apparently she’s targeting mans that are similar to the killer.” he explained “And guess what? You have brown hair, blue eyes and you’re tall and pale, just like Many!” he cheered and you laughed while Colby sighed with resignation.
“Great” he said ironically „Let’s go, we can’t keep Mallory waiting to hurt me.”
“Don’t worry, I will save you.” you joked and he smiled softly at you and kissed your cheek.
“I feel safer now.”
After your guide left you alone in the house you started to feel stronger emotions.
“I’m not sure why but now I feel everything stronger. It’s like guide was calming them.” you explained to the camera.
“They already were familiar with guide so maybe he made Mallory feel safer and now, without him here, she keeps her guard up.” Sam offered and you agreed that it was possible.
„So y/n, what do you feel, can you see something?” Colby pointed camera at you again.
„Yeah, I feel that here are few people but I can only see one. It’s a little girl standing next to the staircase. She’s observing us but she’s nice one.” you assured them „ I think it’s Mallory’s sister, Naya?”
You could see the little girl nodding and you smiled softly at her.
„Yes, it’s her.” you said „I have no idea who is it but there’s one spirit that is the strongest and definitely isn’t the nicest. Not bad or threatening but also isn’t inviting.” you stated „I can feel strong emotions like sadness and nostalgy. I think they might be trapped here.”
„That’s interesting.” Sam looked impressed „So only Naya is with us in the room?”
„No, there’s at least two more spirits but only Naya let me see her.”
„Okay, so I think we can start with a spirit box.” Colby offered.
You were going from room to room and now you had only two more rooms left.
Mallory’s bedroom and playroom where Mallory was left by a murderer to die from starvation.
You were about to come into her bedroom when you started feeling weird.
„I feel uncomfortable.” you said and boys said they also felt like that „I don’t think she likes us very much.”
„So Mallory is in her room?” Colby asked and finally you all went into the said room.
„Yeah, I think she was here the whole time because I felt her before but only now I feel her presence so much.” you said.
„Okay, let’s start.” Sam pointed camera at himself and started talking „Hey Mallory, we’re sorry if you don’t like us but we’re coming in peace. We only want to share your story with the world. We don’t want to mess with you or disrespect you.”
You all heard knocks.
„Thank you for listening to us.” Colby said „We will use this box, it’s called spirit box and you can talk to it and it will communicate it to us.”
„I’m not sure what’s going on but I just started to feel really weird.” you stated and Sam pointed the camera at you „I feel uneasy, like something is about to happen. I think she doesn’t like the spirit box.”
„Oh, we are sorry Mallory, but we promise it won’t do anything to you, it only will help us to communicate with you.” Sam explained.
Colby turned on the spirit box and it immediately said „hurt”.
„Killer hurt you?” Sam asked and box said yes after a moment.
„Do you want a revenge on Many?” Sam asked and immediately after he said killer’s name you all could hear thud, like someone punched the wall.
Boys continued to ask questions but you keep quietly trying to breathe evenly. The feeling of uneasiness only got stronger and you felt as you were choked. Suddenly it stopped but the uncomfortable feeling stayed.
Your intuition was alarming you and you looked ay Colby. You could feel something you couldn’t name.
Your head started to pound and you felt need to sit down. You sat down on the floor and boys looked at you with concern.
„What happened?” Colby stood next you „You okay?”
„Yeah, I just felt like I need to sit down or I will fall.” you explained „My head hurts.”
„Do you want us to do a break? We can go outside for a moment.” Colby offered and wanted to help you up but you only waved him off.
„No, I’m okay. It’s getting better. We can continue but I need to sit for a moment, I don’t trust my legs right now.” you laughed and boys nodded but you could see they were keeping careful eye on you. They went back to asking questions.
You actually started to feel better but you couldn’t shake off the bad feeling that something was about to happen.
„Guys.” you said alarmed after a moment when you felt something „We should go to the other room. She doesn’t want us here.” just as you said it, the spirit box said „yes” and „get out”.
„Alright, lets go to the playroom.”
You changed rooms and started investigating. You still felt uncomfortable and your headache was coming back even harder but you said nothing not wanting to interrupt their conversation with Naya.
Suddenly Colby hissed „Fuck, something scratched me!” he explained and lifted his shirt showing two red lines running down his stomach.
You looked at him concerned but before you could ask if he’s okay your vision started to get blurry and you lost balance and if Colby wasn’t next you you would fall.
„Hey, hey, you with us?” you could hear concern in Sam’s voice while Colby carefully sat with you on the floor.
„Yeah, I just felt this uneasiness and headache when suddenly my vision became blurry and I couldn’t keep my balance.” you explained, blinking to make your vision clearer.
Then you felt something new and somehow you knew what that meant.
„Something is trying to target Colby.” you said and boys looked surprised „I think it’s Mallory. Sam, you said she’s targeting people having similarities with the killer?”
„Yes.” Sam confirmed while looking with concern at Colby.
„I’m not sure how but I think I already knew she was targeting him and I unconsciously was trying to shield him somehow but when she scratched him it also affected me.”
„Shield me?” Colby asked with confusion.
„I can’t explain this but when I see or feel a spirit I have some control over him. It’s like authority thing. It knows I know they are there so they aren’t sure about me. She must feel I care about you and it was harder for her to attack you but she tried.” you said and boys looked impressed.
„Amanda said something similar last time.” Sam said „Spirits doesn’t like mediums because they are afraid of their abilities. It must affect them somehow.”
„Yeah” you nodded.
„Are you feeling okay now? Do you want to stop, take a break?” Colby looked at you concerned but you denied.
„I’ll be okay but we should work faster and get out of here. Mallory doesn’t like us and I think she’s trying to hurt you.” you said, last part mainly to Colby who just nodded but didn’t stood up from where he was holding you behind you.
Sam understood what Colby wanted to do and also sat on the floor.
„We will continue investigating sitting in case y/n feel worse.” Sam informed viewers and you felt grateful.
„Mallory, what y/n said was true?” Colby asked „Do you want to hurt me but she’s stopping you?” you could hear a thud in answer. It was loud and very close to you three. „Is it because I remind you of Many?” again thud, this time even louder.
„We are sorry that Colby reminds you ab…” something interrupted Sam’s. And by something you meant a weird scratching sound that was dangerously close to Colby’s back.
„What the hell?” Colby looked at the floor behind him but there was nothing, then he suddenly yelped and his head leaned back, then he said „Something just…like pulled me by hair.”
„What the hell?” you narrowed your eyebrows and looked around the room „Mallory is angry.”
„Should we go?” Sam looked at you but before you could say anything doors to the playroom closed themselves „What the fuck.”
„I think she doesn’t want us to leave just yet.” Colby furrowed his brows and you heard knocks.
„Okay, Mallory were you the one who pulled Colby’s hair?” you asked after Sam turned on the spirit box. It immediately confirmed.
You wanted to say something more but you started to feel nauseous and your headache was back. You felt like you couldn’t move or even open your mouth, your vision became blurry and you couldn’t hear anything, just ringing.
And when you were in this state Mallory again attacked Colby, this time making bigger three scratches on his arm.
„Hey, what’s with y/n?” Sam asked concerned after they inspected Colby’s wound. Colby looked at you and immediately tried to shake you off this trance. He succeeded but only after few seconds.
„We should get out” you said panicked. You felt very off and you could feel yourself shaking „I can’t explain it but if we stay here someone’s gonna get hurt badly.” you stated and felt like someone placed their hand on your neck. You reached there and touch was gone but Sam gasped.
„Your neck, it has handprint.” he showed it to the camera and Colby immediately got up and helped you. You started taking your things when there was next thud.
„Mallory and everyone else, you can’t follow us out of the house and you can’t hurt us. You are not allowed to.” Colby said sternly and you all walked out of the house and when Sam reached to close the door after you, they closed themselves.
„Holy shit, I’m not sure if we ever got so much evidence.” Sam sighed and looked at the camera that was still recording „I think it was caught on camera how they closed.”
He stopped recording and you get into the car where boys decided to record outro and then Colby drove to your hotel.
„Are you sure you okay?” Colby asked for the hundred time since you got to your room.
„Yes, Colbs, I’m good.” you kissed his cheek.
„Promise me you will never again try to shield me. Not if it’s gonna affect you like that.” he asked „It pained me to even look at how you looked there, it was like you were about to leave your body. Don’t scare me like that ever again please.” he kissed your forehead and hugged you tighter.
You rolled your eyes, like you could ever let something happen to him if you could stop that.
„Can’t promise you that Colby, I love you too much to let something get to you.” you kissed him.
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mrwavellswaps · 9 months
Appreciating it
(Something a little different to my usual stuff but I hope the gay to straight fans out there enjoy it 🙌)
It’d been a week now and Liam still couldn’t come to terms with what had happened. He always had a feeling that his younger brother Jack was jealous of him but he never could’ve imagined it would go as far as this.
Throughout their entire lives growing up, Jack had indeed been jealous. At first it was just because Liam was always bigger than him and as they grew into adults it was because Liam simply looked manlier than he did. Always able to grow a better beard and more body hair. Always being seen as more handsome. So much so that Liam was always getting attention from women left, right and centre while Jack got next to none. But the thing that really pushed Jack over the edge was when Liam came out as gay! He had all that manliness to attract the kinds of chicks Jack could only dream of pulling and Liam wasn’t even interested in them!
Somehow Jack had managed to get his hands on this strange amulet and one morning as Liam got up to make breakfast Jack used the amulet to switch their bodies! In an instant Liam found himself in his younger brother's small skinny body while Jack now owned his older bro’s bigger, stronger and hairier body instead. Immediately Liam began to freak out at the situation but Jack simply grinned, happy that his plan had been a success.
“Sorry bro but this body and its potential was being wasted on a homo like you.” He claimed before flexing his biceps a little and admiring his chest hair. “You had all those hot chicks nipping at your heels and all you wanted to do was fuck other dudes when you coulda been fucking soooo much pussy.” Jack berated, clearly irritated by how Liam had been living Jack’s dream yet wasn’t at all interested in it. “Homo’s like you do not deserve strong manly bodies like this. They should be used by real men like me. Straight men who appreciate what it was meant for. Plowing pussy!” He smirked victoriously while crossing his arms over his new hairy chest.
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Naturally Liam argued against this, calling his brother insane for what he’d done and what he was saying. Screaming at him that it was wrong. He even tried to reactivate the amulet that Jack had used to swap them but it was one time use and was all out of juice. Despite this Liam continued to shout and berate his younger brother about what he’d done and why he’d done it, saying they had to find a way to switch back. But Jack was having none of it.
In one swift movement Jack pinned Liam against the wall with his new strength and sneered. “Look. This isn’t your body anymore bitch. It’s mine. And in a minute I’m gonna get your friend Veronica to come down. I know she’s had a crush on you for a while. Huge fucking tits that you never appreciated. But don’t worry I’ll be using your hands to grab them and that fat ass of hers by the end of the night.” A sinister grin spread across his face as he imagined it. “And if you even think of telling her about the swap, I’ll go right back to the place I got that amulet from and get something that’ll guarantee you won’t be a problem again.” He threatened ominously.
Later that day Veronica indeed showed up after a quick phone call and Liam had to bite his tongue as he watched Jack with her. Using his stolen body to slide closer to her. Eventually telling her that he didn’t think he was gay after all and wanted to explore a little. Liam had been praying Veronica wouldn’t go for it but to his horror he soon watched as his own stolen body began making out with her. Even cringing as he watched his former cock start to get hard as the kiss deepened. Liam didn’t want to believe it but his former body was now acting like horny straight guy now that his brother was in the driver's seat. He didn’t see what happened after that as the two retreated to what was now Jack’s room to continue but Jack made sure to tell Liam all about it afterwards.
“Fuck you should’ve seen her bro. Practically shoving her tits in my face at one point while she massaged my cock with her ass. She kept saying how happy she was that I wasn’t gay because of how wet I always made her before giving me the greatest tit job of my life! And you’d better believe I ate out her pussy afterwards while she moaned about how good my beard felt.” He would taunt.
And that’s how it’d been for the past week. Almost every night Jack had brought someone home. It was usually Veronica but he’d had a few other girls over as well. And every time he’d taunt Liam about it. Telling him that his manly body was finally being used for its real purpose. Not that Liam needed to be told when the fucking was so loud he could hear it from anywhere in the house. Listening as Jack slammed his stolen cock deep into some wet pussy, living the dream of every straight man with the stolen body of his gay brother. And as his balls slapped against her with every thrust he would think to himself that this was how things were supposed to be and this was how they were going to stay.
All the while Liam suffered in silence while watching his brother turn his former body into a typical straight bro who never shuts up about tits and pussy. His reputation as a gay guy was already ruined as news spread about him ‘going straight’. Liam could only pray he somehow figures out where Jack got that amulet from before he ends up using that body to get someone pregnant. If he can find it at all…
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joeys-babe · 9 months
Joey B Imagines: Boze Babe
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Summary: you see Joe’s Boze commercial for the first time and can’t help but give him a hard time over his dance moves.
Warnings: pure fluff, just some cussing, and one sexual joke.
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine Universe: Baby, I Love You
September 14, 2023
Today you were just out shopping with your friends at the outlet mall, enjoying the day together.
your best friend, Taylor, brought her sixteen-year-old sister Hailey along as well. while you loved Hailey just as much as her older sister, she had a slight obsession with your boyfriend.
your boyfriend of six years, Joe Burrow. you and Joe had been together since he was a backup QB at Ohio State. you met in a shared class when you were partnered together for a project. to you, he was an incredibly sweet and cute nerd, who over time you developed a crush on.
one day Joe asked you to get lunch with him after class, which led to many more dates, which led to you moving to Louisiana with him when he transferred to LSU. now here you were, living in Cincinnati and watching Joe live out his NFL dreams.
joe was in his fourth season with the Cincinnati Bengals and you couldn’t be more proud of him. The first game of the season didn’t go as planned, Joe didn’t play his best and he was super mad at himself. you hated seeing him be so critical towards himself and you tried your best to cheer him up but nothing would work.
he was a superstitious guy no doubt so after that game Sunday the hair he’d grown out over the off-season had to go. you were a teeny bit upset at first since you loved his long hair (especially with the headbands) but you loved the fresh fade nonetheless, it was the hairstyle he had when you first fell in love with him so you had a certain attachment to it.
Hailey had already complained to you a couple of times over Joe cutting his hair and even asked you to beg Joe to grow it out again. you thought her obsession was funny and didn’t get annoyed by it, but you were not gonna relay that message to Joe.
you and Taylor were discussing your upcoming game day fits when Hailey let out a grimaced “Ohh.”
Taylor gave you a confused look after seeing her sister watching something on her phone before turning to her sister.
“what’s up?” - Taylor
“y/n have you seen Joe’s new commercial for Boze? - Hailey p
“uh no, I’ve only seen the outfits he wore over Facetime. why?” - you
“you need to put that boy in a dance class because that’s bad.” - Hailey laughed and handed you her phone
you pressed play on the video and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary at first but when you first saw Joe “bust a move” you couldn’t help but copy Hailey's previous grimace before giggling.
“he’s trying! That’s not his element at all and I think he handled it well. even if it is kinda cringe, he’s adorable and quirky at the same time.” - you
“and hot as hell” - Hailey
“hailey! shut up, and stop thirsting over my best friend's boyfriend!” - Taylor
“she’s okay Taylor, I know that joes attractive and other girls are gonna like him.” - you laughed
“It's a little disrespectful for her to say that in front of you though..” - Taylor
“I mean this in the nicest way possible, but I don’t feel threatened.” - you shrugged
“good for you girl. how about we all get some pretzels before we leave?” - Taylor
all of the girls agreed so you all went and got pretzels before making your way back to your respective cars.
you were pretty tired by the time you got home, shopping always tuckered you out so you were looking forward to cuddling with Joe till you guys went to sleep.
when you opened the front door the house was mostly quiet, the only light on downstairs was the living room lamp so you figured Joe was upstairs.
you took your shoes off of your feet and put them on the shoe rack next to Joe's much bigger pairs of Nikes. the small detail made your heart warm and all you wanted was to be close to your man after a long day.
once upstairs it didn’t take you long to find out where Joe was, you could hear the slight football sounds coming from his office meaning he was still watching the film. you slipped into your bedroom put a pair of sweatpants on, including one of Joe's shirts, and made your way back to his office door.
you barely knocked, and through the crack of the door, you saw Joe's head snap towards the direction of the door with a smile forming on his face.
“come in!” - Joe
you gently opened the door and when your full frame was in view, Joe's eyes lit up.
“Baby.” - Joe smiled
“Hi Joey, still haven’t given yourself a break, huh?” - you
Joe sighed as you made your way over to him, he was sitting on the leather couch while watching play reruns on the TV. you were worried about him, Joe had told you there was no reason for you to feel that way but you didn’t want him to be so hard on himself.
“I’m just trying to figure out what went wrong, don’t need a break.” - Joe
you plopped down onto the spot on the couch next to him, his gaze softened when he saw the look of worry on your face.
“y/n, I promise, if I need a break I’ll take one. I don’t right now.” - Joe
“I know you will, I just hate seeing you like this it makes me sad” - you
“Like what?” - joe
“you’re being so hard on yourself. I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. To me you are the most talented boy in the world, while you focus on your mistakes.” - you
Joe looked at you for a few seconds without saying anything, he wasn’t mad at you, he was trying to figure out how he deserved you.
“c’mere” - Joe patted his lap, and you happily obliged
you were now straddling him, your legs on either side of his muscular thighs while your arms were around his neck. Joe's hands were placed on your back as he looked up at you with so much admiration in his eyes.
“I love you so much. you’re the best girlfriend ever, I’m so lucky to have you, baby.” - Joe hugged you close
your heart swelled when he laid his head on your shoulder and nuzzled his face into your neck.
“I love you too, honey. I’m so grateful to have a man like you next to me.” - you
you were startled when Joe abruptly pulled his head off your shoulder.
“Okay enough sappy shit, how was your day with the girls?” - Joe
his change in mood made you laugh before you answered his question.
“it was nice to catch up with them, but I have a question” - you
“I might have an answer” - Joe smiled
“When did you get your pilot license?” - you giggled when joes face contorted with confusion
“what the hell? what do you mean?” - Joe
“I saw you flew an airplane” - you laughed
“What are you talking about? Are you high?” - Joe
“no, Joey! I’m talking about your boze commercial, you did a little dance.” - you grinned
“Ohh. don’t make fun of me!” - Joe rolled his eyes
“I’m not making fun of you! I thought it was cute and funny.” - you giggled
“I tried my best..” - Joe grumbled
“I know you did, baby. I mean you’re an absolute boze babe I'm proud of you for getting out of your comfort zone.” - you smiled as you hugged his neck
“oh yeah? enough for a reward?” - Joe smirked
“Joseph Lee” - you rolled your eyes playfully
Joe laughed as he stood up with me still in his lap, he carried me into the bedroom and threw me onto the bed.
“boy I'm too tired to mess around.” - you
“oh I am too, I was hoping to cuddle” - Joe smiled
you had to blush at that. Joe never initiated the cuddling, so when he did it was always extra sweet.
he crawled into bed next to you and got comfortable before laying his head on your chest.
“Goodnight, baby. I love you” - Joe
“goodnight, joey. love you more.” - you ran one of your hands through his freshly cut hair, before placing a kiss on his forehead.
as long as Joe was by your side you knew you’d always feel happy and safe, he truly was everything you could ever want and need in a partner.
authors note: my first imagine! hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it! ❤️🥰
being 0-2 deserves a fic 😭
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libraryofgage · 10 months
SpiderPool Steddie Part One
So, this is definitely gonna have multiple parts lmao
It's been bouncing around my brain for a while like the Addams Family Steddie AU lol
Anyway, lemme know if you'd like to be tagged for future parts ^_^
Sister Margaret's School for Wayward Girls is, at best, a dive bar. At worst, it's a cesspit in which the scummiest people in the city gather to bask in each other's scumminess. To Steve, however, it's the perfect place to collapse after a long patrol, splayed out like a starfish on the roof as the music playing inside vibrates the building itself.
Steve takes a deep breath, setting his bat down next to him before pushing his mask to the bridge of his nose. He then lies down on the roof, wishing not for the first time that the city's light pollution wasn't so bad. Seeing the stars and hunting for constellations would really help him ignore the cracked ribs screaming inside his chest and threatening to break if he even breathes wrong.
All things considered, though, it could be worse. Steve doesn't have any morning classes, Vecna didn't beat him up nearly as bad as he usually does during their fight earlier, and his accelerated healing means Steve will be able to breathe normally by morning. Robin would tell him he has a very low bar when it comes to judging how shitty his life currently is, but she isn't here, so her opinion doesn't matter. Dustin would tell him he should try not getting his ass whooped in the future. Thankfully, he also isn't here, making his opinion as meaningful as Robin's.
Steve closes his eyes, letting his shoulders relax and trying not to think about anything. It sort of works until his entire body suddenly tenses, every nerve on edge and goosebumps shooting across his arms. He shoots up, ignoring the harsh twinge in his ribs as he turns in a crouch and grabs his bat. Steve clenches his jaw, breathing harshly through his nose to keep from groaning in pain, and feels relieved he didn't completely remove his mask completely.
Over by the door leading to a staircase is a guy with ripped jeans, a worn-out shirt with "HELLFIRE CLUB" across the chest, a jean vest covered in patches and pins, and hair pulled back out of his face with a few wavy strands stubbornly escaping his hair tie. He's breathing a little heavily, his face flushed like he's just climbed a few flights of stairs. Actually, he probably has.
"Woah," the guy says, his voice soft enough that Steve would have missed it if not for the enhanced hearing. The guy clears his throat and holds up both hands, showing off a bottle of Jack Daniels in one and a bag with a grease-stained bottom in the other. "Uh, I come in peace. I didn't realize the rooftop was taken."
Steve has no clue what possesses him, but he forces himself to relax and set the bat down. "No, it's okay. I can head out," he says, staying seated despite his words. He's really hoping the guy will insist he doesn't need to; his ribs are still aching like a bitch.
Thankfully, the guy flashes a grin and slowly lowers his hands. "Nah, you're all good. Not every day I get to eat next to a hero. Want some fries?" he asks, walking over and sitting a good two feet away so there's plenty of room between them.
He tears open the bag to create an impromptu plate and puts it between them, the smell of greasy and undoubtedly delicious fries tempting enough that Steve picks up a smaller one and pops it into his mouth. "Thanks. Where are these from?" Steve asks, glancing over as the guy twists the cap of his bottle and takes a swig.
"A burger joint two streets down and one street over. On the corner."
Steve nods, making a mental note of the directions so he can get a burger before swinging home. He's got just enough in his pocket to afford one. "So, got a name?" Steve asks, figuring he's already eating the guy's fries and they're about to spend some time together on this roof. He should know the guy's name.
The guy's grin returns, and he sets the bottle down between them as well. It's tempting, but Steve doesn't trust his alcohol tolerance to hold up while his body is busy fixing his ribs. "Eddie. Do I get to know your name, too?"
Steve snorts and leans away slightly, putting a bit more distance between Eddie and his entirely too-grabbable mask. "Nice try," he says.
"Worth a shot," Eddie says, shrugging as he picks up a few fries. "So, Spider-Man, what brings you to Sister Margaret's? You enjoy the gay metal scene?"
"What's the difference between gay and regular metal?"
"Our hair is better," Eddie explains, dramatically flipping the few strands of hair escaping his tie.
Steve has to hold back a second snort, taking another fry and chewing on it before saying, "I like resting here after patrol. The whole building shakes with the music."
Eddie lights up, his eyes brightening and his back straightening some. "So, you're a fan of Corroded Coffin," he says, taking another swig of the Jack Daniels. It's only now that Steve realizes it's already a quarter of the way gone, and he wonders if Eddie's liver can handle that much alcohol all at once.
"Is that the name of the band?"
"Yep. They play here almost every night."
"I'm guessing you like them, too, then?"
Eddie hums, amusement dancing across his expression now, giving Steve the distinct feeling that there's some secret he simply isn't in on. "They're the best band I've ever heard. Their music is incredible. They really push the boundaries of the genre. And their lyrics? Amazingly layered with at least three meanings per line. I highly recommend actually coming in for a listen one of these days," Eddie says, leaning a little closer to Steve.
A beat of silence passes in which Steve holds Eddie's gaze. Or, he holds the gaze on his end; he's sure Eddie can't actually tell with the mask covering his eyes. "You're in the band," Steve says.
"Lead guitarist and singer, yes. I also write the songs."
"You're incredibly critical of yourself, really grounded in reality."
Eddie barks out a laugh. "I just happen to know my worth incredibly well."
"You have all the confidence of a mediocre white man on a job hunt."
Eddie gasps, placing a hand on his chest as he looks at Steve. "How dare you call me mediocre. I am revolutionary at worst and the second coming at best."
"You know the second coming involves, like, an apocalypse or something, right?"
"I'm Jewish, why would I bother with the fine details?" Well, Steve will give him that. "By the way," Eddie says, gesturing to Steve's bat as he continues, "do those nails actually see any use? Or are they just there to act as a threat?"
Steve looks down at his bat, considering it for a moment before carefully holding the middle and offering the handle to Eddie. Now that he's giving them a few moments of attention, he's realizing the nails embedded in the end are a little rusty and definitely need cleaning. "I try not to be deadly with it, but Vecna's got these lab-grown demon dogs and bats that always manage to break through my webs," Steve explains.
He watches as Eddie takes the bat, weighing it in his hands before shoving his palm into the nails. Steve jerks, a wordless shout escaping his throat as he launches himself over the fries and in front of Eddie. "Are you okay?!" he asks, grabbing Eddie's hand and shakily inspecting the nails sticking through it. Fuck, those are going to be a bitch to get out, and he'll probably have to swing Eddie to the hospital for a tetanus shot.
Being angry doesn't even register in his brain as Eddie laughs. "Don't worry about it, Spidey," he says, pulling his hand off the nails with a slight wince. He wiggles his fingers, letting Steve have a front-row seat to the injuries closing. "See, good as new."
And he's right. The injuries are good as new. In fact, there isn't even any scarring, and Steve almost rips his mask off to take a closer look but stops himself at the last minute. Instead, he grabs Eddie's hand and yanks it closer, turning it over to check his palm, too. "What the fuck?" he asks, looking up at Eddie, still gripping his hand tight.
"Super healing," Eddie explains. "Like, super duper. If I ever get decapitated, just hold my head to my neck, and I'll be right as rain."
"I'd rather not put that claim to the test," Steve says, frowning slightly as he runs his fingers over Eddie's palms, just to make sure the injuries aren't somehow hidden from sight.
"You know, I kissed the last guy who touched my palm like that," Eddie says, leaning in again with that grin.
Suddenly all Steve can think about is how Eddie's lips do look soft. And it has been a while since Steve actually kissed anyone. And he does think Eddie is funny. And he does find himself wondering if his smile will taste like the Jack Daniels and fries. And...and...
And Steve needs to go before he does anything he shouldn't be doing as Spider-Man.
He jerks back, dropping Eddie's hand like it burns, and ignores the ache in his ribs as he grabs his bat and stands. "I, uh, I need to get going. Thanks for the fries, Eddie," he says, hurrying over to the edge of the roof.
"Woah, just gonna eat and run on me, big boy?" Eddie asks, scrambling to his feet and over to where Steve is climbing onto the edge of the roof. "That's not very hero-like of you. You haven't even left me your name or number. How are you gonna pay me back $2.50 for the fries?"
"I had five," Steve says, turning to look at Eddie as he webs his bat to his back and pulls his mask down over his chin.
"The economy sucks, man."
Okay, he's got Steve there. Again. "Nice try, Eddie."
"Can you blame a guy? Your ass looks great in that spandex."
Steve is suddenly relieved his mask is back down, covering the furious blush spreading across his cheeks. He'd think it was just a joke, but the sincere and somewhat goofy smile tugging at Eddie's lips tells him it's more genuine than anything else. "Thanks," Steve says, giving Eddie a two-finger salute before taking a step back off the roof.
He shoots a web at the edge of the building, using the momentum to swing around the corner. His ribs are killing him with the movement, but he still manages to throw a, "See you later, Eds!" over his shoulder before he's completely out of earshot.
Later, Steve will wonder how Eddie got his super healing, if he's that flirtatious with every guy he meets on the roof of Sister Margaret's, and if he'll be there the next time Steve swings by. But that's for later. For now, he's just enjoying the breeze rushing over him and thinking about Eddie's eyes and his smile and his long fingers.
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morgy-doo · 3 months
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how does this guy own his own business^
Verosika mayday~
so, there was no intention for a relationship at first
you two fucked, and your aftercare was so good that she fell almost immediatley
no one cared about her satisfaction before
normally, they fuck and then she is gone
but with you, she felt safe after you cleaned her up and offered for her to stay the night
when you two finally start dating you are SPOILED
if she sees you looking at something for more than ten seconds, boom you own like 20 of it now
she buys you all the designer brands
whenever she is around your house and your in the shower or whatever, she will literally spray everything in your room with her perfume, your clothes, your bed, hell even carpets
so if you ever have anyone else over they would know your hers <3
if your doing something that requires your attention, she will randomly come up behind you and whisper something auggestive in your ear, then walk off
she is defo the big spoon when cuddling
she love resting her cheek in your soft hair
tries so hard to act cool around you
but is secretly overthinking every little thing she does in her head
she is just scared you will get bored and find someone more cool and exiting than her
she defo shows you her human form because she wants to impress you
she also gets protective pretty easily too
Blitzo adores you
he thinks your the perfect person for his loony
but definately threatened to shoot you in the ass when you first met
but deep down has Loona's best interest at hear so he will tolerate you if that's what Loona wants
soon he ends up loving you nearly as much as Loona
it was hard for her to start discussing her feelings with you
she thinks opening up is weak, and she want to be strong because she knows hell is one of the worst places to be weak
and she wants to be that strong protector for you
but when she does open up about what life was like before Blitzo adopted her, he feels alot more relieved and thanks you for listening to her
also you really need to watch out for her mod swings
they can get messy
even if you are her bf/gf
dating her is basically getting a new surprise everyday
she is very random
you both could be randomly going on a sweet walk and talking when she suddenly decides she wants to go on a road trip or sumthin and starts planning every little detail
when this first happened you didn't think he was serious
but the next day when you woke up to see her sat in the living room with her suitcases stacked around her
you realised what you got yourself into
sometimes she takes you to work with her so you can see what her work life i like
there is no way she is taking you into the human realm tho
it is dangerous enough for her and she would tear down herself if anything ever happened to you while you were there
but she is more than happy to tell you bout all her adventures when she gets back tho sometimes she even brings you back something cool she found that she think you would like
she remembers every small thing about you
like if you tell her a fact about you she will be like "i know"
you are beginning to think she knows you better than you know yourself
but she just wants to make you happy in every way possible
every nickname that exists under the sun she has called you
but her favourites are "sweets, darling, babe, baby and dollface"
she loves the flustered look on your face when she says it
she is so stylish
like she has every brand of clothes to exist
and if she really likes an outfit she will have he same outfit in like 20 different colours
she can be kinda possessive sometime tho
i hc that she is best friends with Verosika
she can get self concious that you will leave her for Versoika because she ha more fame, and she is more pretty and rich
she doesn't let you near the other succubi because she knows what they are like and she doesn't want them to try anything with you
they never would anyway
they respect that Kiki is happy
hell she might even give up her life as a succubus for you
you must be really special huh
part 2?
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 6 months
the sweater
lilac, chapter fourteen
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a/n: okay but this moodboard? I am in love. let this be my everyday one day ♡
summary: “have you talked to her about the wedding yet?”
warnings: lumberjack!frank castle x reader, hurt/comfort, fluff, lumberjack AU, past domestic violence, crazy ex trope, kissing, hyper concentration, accidentally skipping meals
word count: 1440
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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“So, Emma, did you enjoy seeing your aunt again? She’s mentioned it’s been quite a while since your last visit.”
“Oh yeah, Donna’s always a blast,” the woman on the other side of the counter chuckled as she handed you back the bulky key to the room she’d been staying in. Casting her glance up to the man who slowly made his way down the staircase, carefully making sure none of the luggage he balanced slipped, Emma’s giggle grew, “she loved Hasan.”
“Oh,” you chuckled, following her eye line as the aforementioned man conquered the last of the steps, “I bet she did.”
Settling the bags down on the floor by his partner’s feet, Hasan raised a dark eyebrow, “are you guys talking about me?”
“Huh? No, of course not, honey,” Emma hooked her arm with his.
“Alrighty then,” he then rested a palm atop Emma’s arm and asked, “uhm, have you talked to her about the wedding yet?”
Redirecting her gaze back onto you, “uh, no, not yet,” Emma then shifted her hand down to interlace with Hasan’s, “so, Y/n, as I’ve already told you, Hasan and I are engaged, but in actuality, this trip was less to visit my aunt and more for wedding planning purposes. You see, I’ve always loved this place, and ever since I was little and first came here, I’ve had this dream of getting married here at the inn.”
“Oh,” your brows rose, “really?”
“It’s just so beautiful and charming and I know that this isn’t usually something this place offers to facilitate, but it would really, truly mean the world to me if you’d say yes.”
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The gentle knock that echoed at the door to the vacant room you’d settled in rattled you from your frantic concentration. 
Spine still curved at a tense arch to gaze down at the laptop in your lap, you murmured, “yeah?” not raising your eyes as you continued to type.
“Hey,” the deep timbre that filled the room swayed your gaze to lift, “your dad said I might find you cooped up here.” 
In the dim light that streamed in from the hallway, illuminating slightly the room which you’d completely forgotten to light after the sun had gone down, there stood Frank, leaning against the doorway and clad in a tweedy grey woollen sweater, the vision of which bloomed a warm sensation deep within your chest that seemed to thaw at some of the tension that had accumulated since this morning. Tears nearly formed in the corners of your eyes at the sudden shift and the comfort you hadn’t seen coming. 
“Frank,” but tagging along, as soon as you layed your eyes upon him, came a realisation that stabbed you in the gut, “oh, shit, I was supposed to meet you at the cabin today. I’m sorry, time just–,” a tense exhale flowed from your lips as your form threatened to just tumble over into a laying position as you sat curled up on the bed, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” switching on the ceiling light, he closed the door, which had the swirly label that read the moon room on it, behind him before stepping closer, “you alright? You haven’t answered your phone all day.”
Fishing your mobile out of your pocket, the furrow to your brow deepened as you saw the two missed calls and handful of texts, “I’m really sorry, I’ve had it on silent.”
Feeling his wide palm come down upon your tense shoulder in a soothing rub, you heard him say, “it’s alright, you just worried me a second,” his soothing caress lowered a bit to sweep up and down your upper arm, “what’s going on, huh? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, I–… no, actually not really… I’m–… I don’t know… ” 
“What happened?”
“Nothing, I just–…” exhaling lowly, you let your eyes fall shut a moment as you uttered, “I agreed to host a wedding here at the inn.” 
“Ah…” he breathed and you felt the mattress dip as he shifted to sit beside you, his palm still warm on your shoulder. 
“It’s great for business and amazing money, I mean, I might be able to hire some more help with money like that, but I think I might have said yes a bit too quickly and now the reality is kinda catching up to me… it’s just tricky. I wanna do this. I know the couple, the bride is kind of a childhood friend of mine, I really wanna do this for her and also just in general be able to do this… but I think Preston might have kind of ruined the whole wedding thing as a concept for me. Not that it was something that I idealised before, I don’t think I ever really thought about it before he was forcing a ring on my finger… so, it’s just complicated…” lifting your gaze to meet his, you added sarcastically, “and also I only have like three weeks to string everything together, so that’s just wonderful.”
“You wanna get out of it?”
Taking a long moment to truly ponder it, you eventually heard yourself uttering, “no,” your head lightly shaking from side to side as you said, “no, I wanna do this, even if it’s not easy, I wanna be able to do it. I can accept it if he’s completely ruined it for me, that’s fine, I don’t need to ever get married, but I don’t wanna let him ruin it for everyone else. I wanna be able to at least participate, celebrate when someone I care about does it… I don’t know if that’s just extremely stubborn of me, not wanting him to ruin yet another thing for me, but I at least wanna fight for it. Wanna try to reclaim just that little bit…” 
“You want me to be there with you?”
“What, on the wedding day?” 
“Yeah,” he nodded softly, his eyes ever focused upon you, “could that help?”
“Oh, Frank…” a gentle sigh slipped out past your lips as your head tilted slightly, “that’s incredibly kind of you to offer, but I’d imagine that weddings properly aren’t your favourite place either?” 
“Don’t think about me,” he urged as he averted his gaze. 
“But I am though,” your chilly palm slipped over the top of his thigh as you dipped your head to catch his gaze, “I am,” rubbing your thumb over the rough denim, you soon suggested, “how about this, what if whenever it gets to me, I can just turn to you and you’ll help distract me?” 
“Yeah, I can definitely do that,” his head offered the faintest of nods as the hint of a smile twitched at the corner of his lip. As his other hand lowered to envelop yours, he briefly glanced down at it before shifting his hold to swaddle your icicles-like fingers, “are you cold?”
“Uh, yeah. I was gonna get up and go find a sweater or something earlier, but then I got too caught up in something,” you waved a hand in the direction of the long list that was glaring at you on the laptop’s screen, “and kinda just forgot.”
Without a second thought, you watched as he reached behind his head and tugged off the grey knit that enveloped his physique.
“Oh, I didn’t mean–”
“I know,” he gathered up the jumper in his grasp and lifted it for you to be able to slip into with more ease, “here.”
“Well, aren’t you gonna get cold now?”
Sighing softly, you raised your arms up and let him tug it down over your frame.
“Why are you so wonderful?”
Huffing out a sceptical breath, he only countered, “why are you?”
After your arms had slipped through the long sleeves and into place, your fingers snatched up the fabric of the dark t-shirt that the sweater had revealed and tugged him closer. 
Pressing a gentle and unhurried peck to his lips, you lingered there a moment after, your nose ghosting softly against his robust one as he then uttered into the narrow space between you. 
“You wanna know what I think?” you felt his palms slowly slide up and down the sides of your frame. 
“I think you’ve been working very hard all day long, and now it’s time to turn that computer off and come down with me and see if we can find some of what your dad made for dinner earlier.”
With a soft nod to your head, finally letting yourself notice the nauseating hunger aching deep within your belly, you felt a smile begin to bloom, “alright.”
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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storywriter007 · 1 month
Run as Fast as You Can - Thomas Shelby x Fem!Reader
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summary: in which y/n realizes thomas shelby is not the man she thought he was
warnings: alcohol consumption, cursing, gun use, domestic violence, yelling, abuse. just really dark.
genre: angst
word count: 1.5k
she loved tommy, she really did.
but, sometimes, she remembered all the warnings about him.
"thomas? that man's crazy!" the parlor-lady said.
"shelby! sweetheart, you're barely drinking age! what the hell are you doing with a grown-man?" her mother shamed.
"thomas shelby? run as fast as you can." the shop lady warned.
she was 21, so of course she ignored their stupid warnings. they were stupid, after all. to her, tommy was kind, he was smart, and he was caring. he wasn't the big bad guy everyone had made him out to be. why was a man dictated by the ideas everyone had of him instead of who he was?
y/n and tommy had met at a bar in london. y/n was working, and he was buying. they hit it off. why wouldn't they? she was young, ambitious, wide-eyed, kind, and excited. of course, he'd like her.
the first three months, everything was perfect. he was so gentle with her. he never yelled or got angry. he always brought her flowers. they were always flirting. she would often go to his office and just sit with him while he did hours of work.
but after the three month mark, y/n realized she should've listened to all of the warnings. she should've never, ever, messed around with thomas fucking shelby.
now, every disagreement they had came back to their age.
"you're too naive, y/n."
he'd say, over and over again.
"you don't know these people like i do."
he'd continue.
"you're so immature. i thought you were a lady, not a little girl."
and every time, y/n went to bed crying. she had no idea where this mean tommy came from, but she wanted him gone. so, she did what every reasonable woman would do.
"tommy, i want to break up." she said, shakily.
he reached towards his desk drawer and pulled out a gun. he came towards her and held it to her head. she was young, she was naive, she was stupid.
"don't be stupid, sweetheart. you love me." he said, his finger resting on the trigger. "i don't want to put a bullet in your head. don't make me."
that was the first time tommy had ever threatened to hurt her. that was the first time he used his power on her. that wouldn't be the last.
now, y/n woke up in the cold bed of tommy's, all alone. they'd gotten into a fight the night before, of course they had.
"don't even think about touching that fucking door!" he screamed.
tommy was so protective of that room. he got pissed when y/n accidentally touched the door handle, thinking it was the washroom.
the next thing she remembered was a strike across her face. she held her cheek and tears began to fall.
"don't touch me." she said through tears, backing up as tommy came closer to her.
"don't be like that sweetheart. i mean, you pissed me off. come here, don't be like that."
now she was weeping as he held her head to his chest and ran his fingers through her hair.
"i know you're young and you do stupid things. i did too when i was your age."
god, he made her feel so stupid.
he gave her whiskey for the pain. and now, she laid in a bed that wasn't her own. now, she had a small bruise on her cheek. now, she really wanted to know what was in that room.
she loved tommy. she really did. she knew if he caught her, he'd kill her. but he loved her too, right? he surely wouldn't. he was on a business trip all day, he wouldn't ever find out.
so y/n walked into the room that tommy had forbade her from every stepping foot in. she quietly opened the door as she looked around.
it wasn't anything special. there was a bed, that was messy and unmade. there was a dresser, with jewelry on it. there were some clothes in the closet. nothing else. nothing unusual. y/n walked straight out, wondering why the hell tommy didn't want her in that room.
tommy had finally come back home after being out all day. y/n was in the living room when he came in. she didn't say hello. she still had a bruise on her face.
they sat down to eat dinner. it was silent.
"how was your day?" she asked, hating the silence.
she remembered how they used to talk for hours.
"good." he said, briefly. "yours?"
"good." she said, too. "what'd you do?"
"were any of your brothers there? oo, did you meet anyone cool?" she asked, with a smile.
"no." he said, annoyed.
she quieted down, and finished her plate without uttering another word. he got up to go to the kitchen, and y/n noticed something fell out of his pocket.
she picked it up. it was a photo. a photo of him and another woman. she had blonde hair and blue eyes. they were smiling, and he looked so happy. he came back, and she handed the photo to him.
"you dropped this." she said, naively.
he chuckled. "thank you."
he placed the picture back in his pocket. y/n thought it was a picture of an old friend, maybe a friend who'd passed away. tommy had never mentioned another women to her, she didn't think it would be another girlfriend.
"who is she?" y/n asked. "she's real pretty-"
"shut up." he said. "you don't need ask questions about everything ya see."
she held back tears.
"i just wanted to know who she was, i didn't mean to make you mad-" y/n started.
"if you didn't want to make me mad, you wouldn't have fucking asked!" he yelled.
"why are you always yelling at me!" she asked, trying her hardest not to cry.
"because you're always doing something wrong!"
"i'm walking on ice around you all the time!" she said back. "you don't have to be so mean!"
he walked up to her, and she backed up. he grabbed her face in his hands.
"that's not mean, sweetheart. i can show you what mean is."
he let her go, throwing her back a bit as she left. the photo fell from his pocket once again as her stormed off. she picked it up, and this time turned it around.
grace, my love, my life.
she felt her heart shatter. who was grace?
"who's grace, tommy?" she whispered.
he heard her.
"what the fuck did you just say?" he asked, turning around, and slowly coming closer to the young girl.
"who's grace?" she said, again.
he poured himself a cup of whiskey. he drank it, while chuckling.
he chucked the glass at her head. luckily, y/n ducked just in time.
"don't ever say her name!" he yelled, clearly now furious. she'd never seen him this mad before.
"my love? my life? tommy, is she your wife!" she asked.
"shut up! shut up! shut up! shut up!" he said angrily, walking towards her.
it all made sense now. tommy was married to grace.
"is that why you won't let me in that room! because-" she said. "because that used to be your guys' room!"
he came towards her, anger coursing through his veins. she backed up, slowly going up the stairs.
"i saw it tommy! i went in there!" she said.
"you did what?" he screamed. "you went in there? you fucking went in there?"
"stop it. stop it. stop!" she begged. "i'm scared, tommy, stop."
she was pushed up against the door of his room which she was allowed in. tears streamed down her face.
"i love her!" tommy yelled angrily, taking y/n's body off the door frame to slam her into it. "don't fucking talk about her!"
love her he said. he didn't say loved her.
"what do you mean you love her! you're supposed to love me!" y/n asked, through fear and tears.
"you're far to immature to understand what love is!" he screamed.
he pulled a gun from his pocket and held it to her head.
"why the hell were you snooping around that room!"
"because i was curious!" she cried.
"your curiosity is going to get you killed!" he raged once more, holding the gun to her head again.
"tommy, stop. stop, stop!" she screamed through tears.
his finger rested on the trigger, and now, it seemed as if he really wanted to kill her.
"i'm sorry! i'm sorry! i'm sorry!" she profusely apologized.
he just slammed her into the door frame again.
"shut up!" he said.
y/n kneed him, and ran. he chased after her.
"y/n, don't you fucking walk out that door!" he yelled. "don't you fucking do it!"
she ran out the door. the cold night was safer than his home. he ran out the door too and fired a shot into the air. terrified, y/n ran faster.
she should've listened. she should've listened to everyone. she should've listened to their warnings.
she should've listened to them when they said to run as fast as you can.
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catnteawrites · 1 year
Braiding Daryl’s hair
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Warnings: none Word count: 0.6k . A/N: Sooo, this one took me was longer than I wanted it to because I was kind of busy and probably will be in the following week. Still, enjoy the fluffff <3
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After finally getting comfortable around you, Daryl felt like the luckiest guy alive. He had someone to come back to after hunts; he had someone to share a house with in Alexandria; he had someone who loved him.
And in this moment, it was chewing on his ass.
You were babysitting little Judith while Rick had to handle something when Daryl came back from working on his bike in the garage. It had been a pretty relaxed day so far, and you were doing the little girl's hair while he ate and talked with the both of you.
The next thing he knows, he's seated on the couch in your living room, with you sitting on your knees and the little girl next to you handing you colourful ribbons and bows while instructing you where to use them on his head.
"I look ridiculous," he grumbled, looking at the small mirror the child handed him. You smirked, running your hands through his hair and twisting it into braids.
"Really? Jude, do you think he looks ridiculous?" You asked the tiny human being
"No! Do you really not like it?" She asked the archer with a disappointed pout, knowing exactly how to play him like a fiddle.
"S fine.." He said not wanting to hurt the child's feelings while you chuckled behind him and secretly winked at her. You loved how he, the man everyone in Alexandria was scared and sceptical of at first, was being so soft and caring towards children.
Daryl was finally relaxing, focusing on the comforting movements of your fingers in his hair instead of the unicorn-shit-looking situation on top of his head. His girls were happy, and he was happy.
"Hey Y/N, I came to pick up Ju-" In that moment, when Rick walked into the room, gasping at his best friend before he burst out laughing, Daryl would rather have been walker bait. He felt heat engulf him from head to toe, and he scowled.
"Got somethin to say?" He challenged him, glaring at his friend.
"The colour makes your eyes pop," Rick said as he ducked to evade the flying pillow.
"Thanks again for watching her, Y/N."
"Any time!" You hugged the girl goodbye. "Good night, guys!"
"Good night, auntie Y/N, uncle Daryl!" You closed the door and turned to a pissed Daryl.
"Now I definitely didn’t need tha today," he scoffed while wrestling with a bow. You returned to the sofa and sat beside him, placing your chin on his right shoulder and your right hand on his upper arm.
"And yet you sat there all because a little girl asked you too. Is it possible that Daryl Dixon is just a huge softie?" You teased him before he turned around, grabbed you by the waist, and brought you in front of him.
"Ya better stop calling me soft woman." He put his forehead against yours, glancing at your lips, then looking back at your eyes with a tiny smirk forming.
"You trying to threaten me with all those bows and ribbons in your hair is the equivalent of an angry kitten, Dixon. A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E." You said it in a quiet tone, bringing your lips closer to his.
"Don’t test me, sunshine." He finally pressed his lips against yours in a soft kiss. He wasn’t a fan of getting his hair braided, but hell, he definitely wasn’t going to miss out on moments like these because of it. "Now take this crap out before I have to start killin witnesses."
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fairysluna · 6 months
INVISIBLE STRING | Chapter 5: it's nice to have a friend.
New Girl!AU — A disastrous break up led you to them; three guys living in a huge apartment and in need of a new roommate who helped with the way too expensive rent.
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PAIRING — Aegon II Targaryen x Fem!Reader.
SUMMARY — Your best friend finally visits your new home, but in a terrible moment. As she takes all the attention, you find yourself locked in your room with an unexpected company. New feelings and confusions might appear.
TAGS — alcohol consumption, baela makes her first appearance, mentions of virginity loss, awkwardness between aegon and reader bc they're dumb af, use of y/n. If something is missing, let me know!!
AUTHOR'S NOTE — PLEASE READ THIS!! Just to clarify, Baela and Rhaena are Velaryon, just Laena's daughters not Daemon's, Jace and Luke are Strong, and Aegon, Aemond, Daeron, Helaena and Rhaenyra are Targaryens; this means only the Targs and Strongs are related. Thank you for reading!!🤍
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤenglish is not my first language.
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Lucerys’ big, blue eyes were staring at you as you read through his latest English test trying to see and correct the things in which he had failed. Jacaerys had asked you to help him with his studies after their mother threatened to ground him if he came home with another bad grade. In return for your work, he would do the dishes for you for an entire month; and you couldn't say no to that.
“Alright, a C+ is not terrible, but it can be better if you really put effort into studying,” you advised him. “You're a smart kid, you can definitely get an A+.”
“It’s so hard for me, there's too many concepts. I don't even know what a funnel introduction is,” he murmured, bumped out.
“It's fine, Luke, I'll help you study for your next test and you'll get at least a B+, I promise,” you said, smiling softly at him.
For a moment he just stared at you, being completely silent as he placed his chin on his hand while leaning on the table. You lifted your eyebrow and your smile slowly started to disappear.
Oh, gods, not again.
“You have a beautiful smile, you know?” he suddenly said, taking you by surprise and making you remember his little crush towards you.
“You need to stop trying to flirt with me, Luke,” you warned him. “I'm too old for you.”
“It was just a compliment,” he shrugged.
“Luke…” you said his name with a scolding tone.
“It is!” he assured you.
“Well, then thank you. That's very sweet of you.”
The main door opened just when you finished talking, Aegon was soon walking inside the loft with his hands holding at least five bags, each filled with the groceries for the month. You excused yourself before standing up and going to help him.
Things, surprisingly, were not awkward at all anymore. You were grateful for that, knowing that all your business with Aegon was now forgotten since what happened a few days ago. You both agreed, however, that you would not say anything to the rest of the guys, just so they wouldn't get the wrong impression. You were pleased, though, because now your relationship with Aegon was better, and you knew he trusted you a tiny bit more now. You were happy about it, too.
“Want some help with that?” you asked as you tried to grab some of the bags.
Aegon immediately shook his head, telling you it was okay as he moved the bags away from your hands, even when he seemed to be struggling a bit.
“Don’t worry about it,” he breathlessly said. “There's a sad, hot girl looking for you out there, you should probably go and see what's that about.” He walked past you and left you standing right in the middle of the hall.
You watched him enter the kitchen and leave the bags on the floor before he went to the fridge and drank orange juice straight out of the bottle. You sighed before you curiously peaked to the entrance only to find your best friend standing there with her backpack hanging from her shoulder. Her eyes were red — it seemed as if she was crying the whole way there, her lower lip was quivering as she held back her sobs.
“Baela?” you asked as you walked towards her, wrapping your arms around her as she laid her head on your shoulder, weeping against your shirt. “Hey, babe, what's wrong? What happened?”
“Garett and I fought today,” she sobbed, “It was bad, I took my thing and I left.”
Your hands went to her hair, your fingertips soothingly caressing her head as you comforted her. “It’s okay,” you cooed, grabbing her face and wiping her tears away with your thumbs. “Let's go talk in my room, alright? Come on.”
Baela obediently nodded as you guided her through the loft with your hand on her lower back. Aegon gave you a confused look and you just shrugged as a response. He followed you with his eyes until you disappeared around the corner and were out of his sight.
“How did you know the address?” you questioned, curiously.
“You sent it to me when you came for the first time just in case they would kidnap you or murder you,” she explained as she sniffed.
“Oh, right…” you muttered.
“It's a really nice apartment, you were lucky to find it.”
“I know, and it's quite cheap too.”
“I can't believe there's three men living here-”
All of the sudden, Jace walked out of his room; his sleepy face and swollen eyes would be proof enough to know that he had just woken up. However, what actually caught your attention was the way his body froze when he laid eyes on Baela, and also the way that she stiffened up when she saw him standing in front of her. His eyes widened as his lips slightly parted in what seemed to be a silent gasp.
“Baela…” he murmured. Suddenly you felt invisible.
“Hi,” she said in a sigh. You frowned, confused.
Standing there between them, you found yourself being taken aback by their reaction, about the way they looked at each other as if their breaths were caught up in their throats. You glanced at Baela, then at Jace, trying to find some explanation to this awkward situation, but you found nothing more than sparkling eyes in them.
“What- Did I miss something?” you asked, interrupting the moment and feeling Baela's stare falling on you.
“No,” Jace quickly replied. You could almost see him blushing. “Nothing happened.”
“Weren't we going to your room?” Baela turned to tell you, and you nodded. “Alright, let's go then.”
You resumed your path towards your room, and as soon as you crossed the door, Baela closed it behind her back. Suddenly, all traces of sadness were now replaced by something new; nervousness, perhaps. You sat on your bed staring at your friend who was now looking at you with widened eyes. You were beyond confused, filled with questions and doubts that needed to be answered before your mind would explode.
“Listen,” she started.
“I think there is a big elephant in the room right now.”
“There's a lot to unpack.”
“I can tell,” you replied. “You know Jace, don't you?”
“I do,” she nodded. “I actually know him very well. Very well.”
You stopped for a second. “How well?”
“Remember my time in Dragonstone as a camp counselor?”
Oh Gods.
“Yes…” you muttered, unsure of whether you wanted to hear the rest of the answer or not.
“Remember what happened during that summer?” she questioned, surprisingly shy.
“I do.”
“Well, it was Jacaerys,” she confessed.
Your eyes widened as you heard her saying it and confirmed it as if it wasn't breaking news, then your mouth dropped. A gasp escaped from your lips as you stood up from the bed and walked towards her.
“Shut up!” you said out of surprise. “It was Jace? That Jace?”
There was a moment of silence before Baela nodded and said, “uh… yes.”
“What?!” you yelled.
“Babe, keep it quiet, please,” she whispered.
“I thought Jace was a virgin,” you confessed, talking in loud whispers, still in shock.
“I can assure you that he's not.”
You covered your mouth as you saw her getting flustered by the situation. The whole thing with her boyfriend, and whatever had happened between them two, had been quickly forgotten by you two, because now you were trying to make sense of how small the world really was.
“I can't believe this!” you exclaimed.
“Well, imagine my situation,” Baela said, scandalized. “I just found out that, out of the billions of people in the world, my best friend is living with the guy that took my virginity during summer camp!”
“It's kinda romantic, though,” you confessed. Baela noticed the dreamy look on your eyes as you spoke; she was already used to it. “Maybe it's destiny.”
“You're insane,” she chuckled.
“Just imagine, Baela! What are the odds?”
“I'm dating Garett!”
“You were crying because of him a few minutes ago!” you reminded her. “What did that douche do anyway?”
Baela took a deep breath, rolling her eyes as she remembered everything. You knew a part of her was slightly embarrassed to tell you, only because she knew you would say ‘I told you so’. She was too stubborn to admit she had been wrong about him all this time.
“He got jealous because he went through my phone and found a picture I took with a friend from work,” she explained.
“He went through your phone?” you repeated, widening your eyes. “Gods, Baela, what are you waiting to break up with him?”
“I don't know!” she replied in despair. “Maybe I love him too much.”
“Whatever you two have going on, I can assure you that it's not love. You deserve better than him, and you know it.”
“I will break up with him… some day,” she promised, doubting. “But now, I need a place to stay tonight because I can't go back to my apartment if he's there. Can you help me with that?”
“Of course,” you immediately replied, “you can stay as long as you want.”
“Thank you,” she sighed.
“Though he should be the one looking for shelter,” you couldn't help but to speak up. “It's your apartment.”
“I know, but I'm doing what I can, alright? I feel like there's a lot of shit going on right now. Can't we just drink our weight in booze?”
“I- I don't know, babe,” you slowly said, “I have a bunch of papers to grade and next class we'll revise them and-”
“Hey, it's okay,” she shrugged, “Maybe one of those guys will make me some company.”
A soft knock was heard and soon Aegon opened the door of your room. He was looking tired and uninterested as usual. Baela crossed her arms in front of her chest, looking at him up and down. Aegon didn't even notice such a gesture, because all his attention was on you.
“I brought pizza from the supermarket,” he informed you. “They’re getting out of the oven, so come and have dinner. You can also come, if you want,” he spoke to Baela, finally glancing at her.
“We'll be there in a minute,” you replied.
Aegon left as quickly as he arrived, and your attention returned to your friend, who was arching one of her eyebrows.
“What?” you asked.
“Nothing…” she shrugged, but her tone made you a bit suspicious. “Shall we go now? Crying makes me hungry.”
“Alright, let's go… I'll introduce you to Aemond.”
She grabbed your hand and you guided her through the hall until you were back in the dining room. Lucerys looked up from his plate and his mouth fell as he saw Baela walking confidently towards the table. One single glance at him and you sighed relieved to know that his crush towards you was now replaced by his crush towards Baela.
Aemond —who was wearing a kitchen apron and had his long silver hair in a bun— also appeared with two pizzas in his hands, being followed by Jacaerys who carried one. As they put them on the table, you cleared your throat trying to make them acknowledge your presence in the room.
They both stood still as they saw her.
“Aemond, Luke,” you started, “this is my best friend Baela. She'll be staying with us tonight if that is not an issue.”
“Of course not.” Aemond stepped in, removing the oven mitts from his right hand and stretching it to reach hers. “I'm Aemond Targaryen,” he introduced himself with a soft smile as he brought her hand towards his lips and left a kiss there.
Jacaerys rolled his eyes.
“How chivalrous,” Baela commented, pleased with that small interaction.
“Shall we take a seat now?” you proposed, going to your usual spot.
“Where do I sit?” Baela asked.
“Wherever your ass fits, but not in my chair,” Aegon suddenly said, appearing out of nowhere and taking his seat in the spot right next to you.
You gave him a bad look as he sat down.
“You can sit beside Aemond.” You pointed at the empty chair right next to him. Baela did what you said and smiled at him politely.
A quick glance at Jacaerys and you noticed how his jaw slightly clenched and how his eyes would, occasionally, look at them. You narrowed your eyes, noticing there was something going on there probably related to what you had just found out.
“Well, can we start eating now?” Aegon asked. “I'm fucking starving.”
Without waiting for an answer, he took a slice of the pizza and opened his mouth to eat almost half of it in a single bite. Aemond looked at him as if he was scolding him for his terrible manners, but you could only giggle at that.
“Do you guys happen to have beer?” she curiously wondered, staring at Aemond. “I'm in need of some.”
“There's a couple in the fridge, and-”
“No, no. Those are mine, I bought them,” Aegon interrupted.
His lips were covered by stains of tomato sauce, and you gave him a napkin so he would clean himself. He quickly took it and cleaned his mouth.
“Aegon, she's a guest,” Aemond said.
“And you need to be polite.”
“I'm sharing my pizza with all of you, I think I'm being polite enough,” he argued as he pointed at the three pizzas on the table.
“I can go and buy some beer,” Jacaerys suddenly offered, “uh… there's a store around the corner, I can grab some beers for you.”
“That's so thoughtful, Jace,” Baela thanked him.
“You guys need to be careful,” you warned them.
“Why?” Jace questioned.
“It's just that your brother is here, and he is a minor-”
“I’m sixteen,” he quickly replied.
“Which means you have to wait two more years to legally drink,” you reminded him.
“Listen, it's my free night, and I don't want to listen to music or smell a beer tonight,” Aegon groaned, interrupting the conversation.
“No one is inviting you to join, Aegon,” Jace murmured.
You gave him a bad look. “Don't be mean.”
Of course no one noticed, but Aegon looked down at his lap just so he would hide the faint rose blush that appeared on his cheeks.
“Y/n will be busy tonight, so maybe you guys can give me some company,” she proposed to Aemond and Jacaerys, who immediately nodded.
“Can I be there too?” Luke asked.
“As long as you stay away from the alcohol,” Baela told him.
“Fine,” he sighed.
“Then you can join us,” she cheerfully said.
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An hour was all they needed to create their own personal little pub. You were in your room, the door closed and your eyes feeling tired from reading so much - especially when you had to almost guess what the poorly written words were. The weariness was starting to show as you would continuously jawn and rub your eyes, trying to stay focused on your task.
You saw the clock. 11pm. As you listened to the faded music coming from the living room, you missed the days when you were able to stay awake until sunrise. Perhaps you were getting old.
Or maybe you just needed coffee.
The pen in your hand dropped as you stood up, stretching your limbs and sighing while you put on your comfy slippers. You left your room and rushed into the kitchen, finding Jace staring at Aemond and Baela sitting on the couch. He looked dissociated, as if his mind was giving him a thousand thoughts in a second, and even when you saw him distracted, you asked him:
“Where are the coffee pods?”
Jacaerys’ eyes wouldn't even dare to leave Baela. You would notice how he was nervously tapping the kitchen counter and biting his lip. It was quite obvious that he didn't even hear a word of what you've just said.
“How long have you known her?” He suddenly asked.
“Who? Baela?” you spoke as you looked into the drawers.
“Yes,” he said as he finally turned around to look at you.
“She's been my best friend since sixth grade, why- Oh, here they are,” you mumbled once you found what you were looking for.
You grabbed the coffee pod and put it in the coffee machine, waiting next to it for the cup to be filled.
“So you know,” he assumed. “Of course you do, she's your best friend.”
“What do I know?”
“That we- you know…” he shyly said. “Summer Camp, Dragonstone… uh, sex.”
“Well, she just told me, actually…” you confessed. “I mean, I knew how she lost it, but she never told me the name of the guy, so I didn't know you two had met before. Also, you've never mentioned anything about that camp before, so...”
“Gods, she looks even more beautiful than I remembered,” he said with a shy smile, looking at Baela and then back at you. “Shit, she's here and my hair looks hideous, I don't know why I cut my curls off, I feel like Samson.”
“You look fine, Jace.”
“Yeah, you say that to Aegon everyday, how can I believe you?”
You were about to open your mouth and say that you actually meant it each time you would say that to Aegon, but, somehow, admitting that information made you feel embarrassed. You just decided to change the subject before the silence turned into an awkward one.
“Listen, you do you, I'll be in my room-”
“Wait, no,” he interrupted you. “You need to stay here.”
“Because I don't- How am I supposed to get close to Baela if you're gone?” He asked you, widening his eyes with panic.
“The same way you did when you first met her, isn't it easy?”
“You have to understand,” he said, looking deadly serious. “17 year old me, is not the same person as 22 year old me. I've grown weak.”
“Find that inner 17 year old you,” you shrugged, as you started to slowly walk away. “Best of luck, my friend.”
You walked out of the kitchen with the cup of hot coffee in your hand. As you passed by the living room, you gave a threatening look to Luke who was too close to the beers in the center table. As a response, he lifted his hands in a gesture of innocence, and looked at you with those blue, puppy eyes. You sighed, resuming your way towards your room and humming the song that was playing back in the living room.
Once you returned, it was a complete surprise to see Aegon laying on your bed with his computer on his lap and a bowl of chips on his side. He was shoeless, in his pajamas, looking so comfortable that you even thought for a small second that you accidentally entered his room instead of yours.
“What are you doing here?” you asked, as you walked towards your desk and left the coffee cup there.
“I'm watching a movie and they aren't letting me listen because their music is too loud,” he explained.
“Why don't you use subtitles?”
He scoffed, “I'm watching a movie, not reading a fucking book.”
“Aegon, you need to stop appearing in my room,” you mumbled. He paused his movie, sitting up on the bed. “Last time was a disaster.”
“I won't be a bother to you, I swear it. I'll be quiet and let you do your thing,” he told you, looking at you with his puppy, lilac eyes. You couldn't say no.
“Fine,” you mumbled, sitting in your chair before you resumed your work. “Keep the volume down too, please.”
“Alright,” he said, and each started to focus on your own thing.
You gave him one last look before you turned around and grabbed your pen. The music was muffled thanks to the thickness of the walls, and all you could hear was the soft voices of the actors coming out of Aegon's computer. It was quite relaxing, there was no awkward silence or anything as such. It felt comfortable and nice.
His presence felt nice.
Suddenly, you heard him laughing out loud, and it was contagious enough to make you smile, distracting you from your work. You turned around only to see him covering his face with one of your pillows, somehow you thought it was cute.
“What are you watching?” you asked as you stood up and sat on your bed next to him.
“Pineapple Express,” he said between giggles, still laughing at one of the scenes.
“Can I watch too?”
“I thought you were busy working,” he replied, looking up at you.
You sighed, “yeah, you’re right.”
Aegon looked at you for a few seconds before pausing the movie and sitting up.
“You look stressed,” he pointed out. “Want some help with whatever you're doing?”
“Would you help me?” you asked, incredulously.
“Yeah, why not? I wanted to be a teacher when I was little,” he confessed, “until I realized I was supposed to go to university to do it.”
“You haven't gone to university?”
“I have, actually,” he nodded as he spoke. “My father forced me to go. I never finished it though, I dropped out.”
“What program?”
“Business administration,”
“Was it fun?”
“The most boring shit ever,” he replied, and you chuckled.
He looked at you as you laughed, and a small —almost nonexistent— smile appeared on his face. It was an involuntary gesture.
“Why did he force you to study something you didn't want?” you curiously asked.
You knew that perhaps you were overstepping a line, but it was the first time he ever said something about him to you, and you were craving to know more. You just couldn't help it.
“Alright, what is this? A fucking interview?”
“Oh, come on!” you insisted. “I've seen you naked already, remember? I know more of you than Aem and Jace.”
“Bold of you to assume they haven't seen me naked yet,” he chuckled. “Will you want help with those hieroglyphics or not?”
“Don't be mean,” you scolded him. “They are just learning how to properly write.”
“Which grade is it?”
“Amateurs…” he mumbled.
“Stop it, they're kids,” you giggled.
“No excuse.”
“Alright, I'm gonna keep going before it gets too late,” you said as you stood up.
Aegon, out of impulse, stretched his hand to grab yours, stopping you from moving away. You turned around, failing to hide your surprise. He seemed unfazed by his own action on the outside, but on the inside he was panicking and desperately wondering why he did that.
“I can help you if you want,” he offered again.
You had to take a second to process it and answer him.
“It's- it's fine,” you shrugged. “You keep watching your movie, don't worry.”
He pressed his lips; an awkward smile.
“Alright,” he said, and let go of your hand.
“Thank you, though.” As you pronounced, Aegon looked back at the screen, almost as if he was suddenly ashamed of looking at you.
You tried to say something, but you just pressed your lips together, sealing them so they wouldn't utter a word. You turned around, and sat back on your chair. For a second you just stayed there, staring at the papers scattered around the desk, and thinking about that sudden gesture that was so odd coming from him.
You couldn't help but to ask yourself whether it was a good idea to have rejected his help, thinking that maybe this would push him away once again.
You were overthinking everything, as usual.
As you turned around, you noticed that Aegon was already with his eyes on you. Nervously, you cleared your throat.
“What?” He asked.
“Uh, what?” you repeated.
“What's wrong with you?”
“What do you mean?”
“You've been staring at your desk without moving for like a minute,” he explained. “Are you suffering a stroke or what?”
“No, I just- uh…”
“What?” he interrupted you.
“You're not mad at me, right?” The suddenness of the question made Aegon chuckle and think it was a joke, but after seeing your serious expression he realized you weren't actually kidding.
“Why would I- Listen, if I didn't get mad at you for seeing me naked, why would I get angry because of this?”
“Actually, you did get mad at me for it,” you murmured.
“Well, I'm not mad at you now, okay? Now chill out.”
“Alright, I'm so-”
“Don't apologize,” he stopped you before you could even finish. Then, he softly chuckled. “Why do you act like that?”
“Like what?”
“To be honest, the first month here I thought you hated me,” you admit, “sometimes I still do, actually.”
“Nonsense,” he scoffed. “I wouldn't be your friend if I hated you, would I?”
“I'm your friend?” You repeated, widening your eyes with emotion.
Aegon looked at you weirded out, “of course you are, you dumbass. I saw you naked, we live together; I think I had no choice, actually.”
You smiled.
“Well, it's nice being your friend.”
“It is,” he agreed.
Baela suddenly opened the door in a scandalous way. You jumped in your seat, taking all your attention towards her; she wasn't drunk, but she was certainly a bit tipsy. Aegon immediately closed his computer and grabbed his now empty bowl of chips, standing up from your bed.
“Guess the party's over, so I'll go to my room now,” he announced. Some tiny part of you didn't want him to go just yet. You liked having his company. “Good night, y/n.”
“Good night, Aegon,” you sighed.
“Goodnight, Bella.”
“It's Baela,” she corrected him.
“Yeah, whatever.”
He left the room in a hurry as Baela rolled her eyes. Soon, she went to her backpack and took an oversized shirt she used as pajamas, all while staring at you with a subtle smirk on her face.
“What?” you asked.
“You need to tell me what's going on between you and him.” She removed her clothes and put on the shirt.
“What do you mean?”
“Don't play dumb,” she murmured as she went to the bed and laid beneath the covers. “Girl, you have bewitched the guy!”
“What? That's- that's nonsense.”
“Look at the floor, there's a path of his drool all the way from your bed to the door.”
“Baela, he's not- he doesn't do relationships.”
“Oh, but he would definitely do you, you know?” She said imitating your tone.
“Alright…” you muttered, rolling your eyes.
“You need to shoot your shot there, he's hot.” You felt the heat running to your cheeks, and of course she immediately noticed it. You hated that she knew you too well. “Oh my! You're blushing!”
“Baela, that's enough.”
“I can definitely sense a vibe there.”
“There's nothing vibing here.”
“Whatever you say.”
“Just go to sleep, okay?” you groaned, turning towards the desk.
“Goodnight, love,” she said. You could hear her smirk on her voice.
“Goodnight,” you simply said, sighing tiredly.
The thought of Aegon being into you was too far-fetched to be truthful. He had just started to see you as a friend, and even when he saw you naked he didn't try to make a move or make comments about it that would give you sogns of his attraction towards you. In fact, he was rather indifferent about it. On the other hand, even when a part of you thought of Aegon as someone handsome, he wasn't your type at all; too immature, perhaps, it would never work between you two.
You shook your head, weirded out with the mere idea of being thinking about it. At the end of the day, Aegon was just another of your friends… right?
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xdaddysprincessxx · 1 month
His Pretty Plaything
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Uncle Ezra x F reader
Warnings: p in v, unclecest (again not blood related!), uhh this took a soft/sweet turn lol so emotions, some angst, pussy slapping, light edging, fingering, not beta’d, lightly edited, all mistakes are mine
Wc: 2629
As the summer was coming to an end, you found yourself tremendously confused with a dash of desperation. It’s been a couple of weeks since your encounter with Uncle Ezra. You think about him and that quite often. Most times your hands are down your pants in a frantic rush to recreate even an ounce of the pure unadulterated ecstasy he made you feel. But it was never enough. Your own hands failed you as you wished for him to come swooping in to take advantage of you again. You craved his cock, his filthy words, the way he claimed you as his. You got a taste and now you wanted more.
Fortunately for you, your dad was planning his end of summer party that he always throws. And you already know who will be in attendance. A little plan hatched in your brain; you were going to seduce Uncle Ezra and get him to fuck you again. You picked out an extra skimpy bikini to wear with a cute light blue sleeveless cover up dress. Excited for the party but more importantly you were excited to be filled by Uncle Ezra again.
The sun had already set as you stomped up the stairs to your room. Tears threatened to fall as you grind your teeth together in frustration and hurt. He ignored you. He never once looked your way no matter what you did. How could he defile you and then just drop you like hot garbage?!
You close the door behind you as you dive face first on your bed, hugging your pillow to your face as you let yourself cry. Feeling so ugly, so unwanted. You knew it was wrong what he did but you liked it. At first, yea you didn’t want him touching you. Didn’t want his advances but the pleasure he bought you was so indescribably incredible. And now. Now he acts as if you don’t even exist. As if you aren’t even there! Fucking bastard!
You cried yourself to sleep that night. Waking up still in your bikini and coverup from yesterday. You felt so disgusted with yourself. Peeling off what little you had on, you grabbed a towel and went to the bathroom for a much needed hot shower.
The hot water felt so good on your skin. The suds running down your body to the drain as you stood under the water, letting it completely cleanse you. Literally and figuratively. In your mind you imagined every inch touched by him being washed away, down the drain, never to come back and soil your skin again.
You put on an old baggy tshirt and some black cotton shorts before heading downstairs to grab some breakfast. As you round the corner going into the kitchen you look up and see your dad and him sitting at the table. Both men stop talking and look up at you as you enter.
“Good morning sweetie, Uncle Ezra and I were just talking. He’s gonna come stay with us for a few months. He’s gonna take the guest room next to yours while his house is under renovations.”
You huffed, “Oh great. Another man who probably leaves his dirty clothes on the bathroom floor and doesn’t clean up after himself. Joy.” You say dryly as you roll your eyes.
“Woah kiddo. That’s not very nice of you. Now I know damn well your daddy cleans up after himself as do I. No need to be a brat about this.”
“Whatever Ezra.” You say with venom in your voice as you grab a pop tart and walk back upstairs.
His eyes widen as his brows raise up in shock at your response.
“Eh don’t let her get to ya man. She’s just a little cranky in the mornings.”
A couple hours pass. . .
After seeing him in your kitchen and getting the lovely news that he’s gonna be staying with you for awhile really soured your whole day. You were laying in bed, scrolling Twitter when you came across a tweet that said ‘the best treatment for good girls’ with a video attached of a girl on her back getting face fucked by one guy and another fucking her pussy.
You bit your lip as you contemplated pressing play on the video.
‘Oh fuck it.’ You thought before hitting play.
The video itself was only nine seconds but it was more than enough to get you turned on. You exited out of Twitter and went to the internet browser hitting incognito mode and searched up your fave porn site.
Rolling on your back with your phone in one hand and the other softly squeezing a tit as you scrolled down the main page. You find a video of two women fucking each other. You decided to click on the video and start watching it.
Your can feel the tingles in your body as your pussy gets wetter. Pulling your shirt up, your tits fall out as you go to pinch your nipple.
You keep tugging and groping your tits before moving down to your cunt. You barely dip your finger in between your folds-
“What the hell is your problem girl?” Ezra demanded as he opened your door without knocking.
“Oh my god get out!” You shout as you jump up quickly removing your finger and trying to cover yourself.
It takes him a second to fully adjust to what he’s seeing before a smirk crosses his face. Reaching for the door behind him, he closes it before taking a couple steps closer to your bed. He places his hands on his hips as his smirk widens into a sinister smile.
“Ah now I get it. This why you were being a brat this morning kiddo? Huh? Poor little virgin got a taste of a real man and she needs more. Is that it baby? My pussy miss her daddy?”
“Oh fuck you Ezra! Me and my pussy do not miss you nor do we want you!”
That wiped the smile right off his face as he steps into your space, grabbing your face in his big hand, squishing your cheeks together.
“Don’t lie to me girl. You and I both know this cunt drools for me. You gone stop acting like a fucking brat or do I need to fuck it out of ya?”
As much as you want him to fuck you, the anger and betrayal from feeling unwanted at the party kept you from just saying yes. Your eyes start getting glassy as you swallow your spit ,
“Fuck. You.”
The sides of his mouth turn up into a smile as he lowers his face right in front of yours, “Oh kiddo. Acting like a brat is gonna get you punished. You don’t even have a clue what you’ve started.” He says in a low, gravelly voice. He turns his face slightly, nose touching your cheek as he slowly trails up to your temple.
An exaggerated moan comes from your phone and you both pause before looking down at the device.
You had completely forgot what you had been doing before you were interrupted.
“Now what’s this?”
Ezra is quicker than you to grab your phone and sees the video you were watching.
“This what you like kiddo? You get off watching pretty girls lick cunts?”
Shame and embarrassment heat up your face. You don’t know what to say,
“I - I It’s it-it’s not - wh- “ you stutter.
“Shh baby it’s okay.” He whispers as he leans forward, softly kissing your lips, “come here let Uncle Ezra help.”
He lets go of your face as he moves to sit behind you. Grabbing your hips, he pulls you in between his open legs, taking one of his legs and wrapping it over your leg and spreading you open.
“Hold the phone baby so we can watch together.”
You take the phone from him as he kisses the side of your neck. You can already feel his cock hard against your back.
“My hands don’t feel good Uncle Ezra. They don’t feel like yours.” You manage to get out in a whine.
“I know kiddo. I know.” His fingers interlock with yours as he pulls your hand up to his mouth. You watch as he puts two of your fingers in his mouth and sucks. Your mouth drops open as he stares deep into your eyes. Pulling your fingers from his mouth, he moves your hand towards your face as you take your freshly sucked fingers into your mouth, lips closing around the digits.
“There’s my good girl. I know you don’t wanna act like a brat. I know baby. Uncle Ezra’s gonna make his girl feel better.”
He pulls your fingers out of your mouth and places them on your covered mound. He uses his fingers to press yours into your clothed cunt and begin to rub circles right over where your clit is. You can’t help but throb from the friction it’s giving you.
“Watch the pretty girls baby. Watch them lick on each others pretty pussies.”
A soft moan is pulled from your throat as you follow his orders.
Ezra gets to work pulling your shorts down as you watch the porn playing on your phone. Throwing the shorts to the side, he pulls you back with him as he leans against your headboard. His legs wrap back around yours, holding you wide open. His fingers quickly making their way back to your pussy. Taking his time, dragging his thick digits from your entrance up to your little bundle of nerves and back again. You can’t help but buck your hips up, trying to get a little bit more. More touch, more friction, anything he’s willing to give.
The brush of his stubble on your neck, the feeling of his hot breath on your ear, he plunges two fingers in. You throw your head back in ecstasy as you finally get what you’ve been so desperate for. Ezra takes your ear lobe in between his teeth as he nibbles on it. Soft, sweet moans spilling from you as he massages your wet walls.
“Use those pretty fingers o’ yours baby. Rub on that sweet clit, make my pussy cum.”
You don’t need to be told twice. Your free hand quickly gets to work rubbing circles furiously on your bundle of nerves as he begins to finger fuck you harder.
You find yourself quickly on the edge, ready to spill over any second.
“U-un- uncle Ez- ‘mgonna cum”
Ezra pulls his fingers out as his other hand grabs your hand, holding it against your chest.
Using his free hand he slaps your pussy in rapid succession.
“No!!! What are you doing!?” You shout as you come back down from your almost high.
“Nuh uh baby you wanna act like a little brat I’m gonna treat you like a brat and brats don’t get to cum.”
You could feel your face heat up with anger and shame. You acted like that because of him. He lead you to this, to act like this.
“You’re my pretty little plaything baby. Mine. I control when this pussy cums. You wanna act like a bitch, I’m gonna treat you like one. You got that?”
Tears threaten to spill over as you bite your lip. Frustrated from not being able to cum, mad and upset from feeling rejected by him. You want to scream so bad.
“I hate you.” You manage to whisper. Scared to speak, knowing your voice would be shaky.
“You. . Ignored me. I- I tried so hard to get you to notice me. At the party,” you gulp in a deep breath, “You ruined me and threw me away.”
Ezra’s face falls. Eyes wide as he takes in your sad face as you reveal your truth. Your words are a sucker punch to his gut.
“Oh kiddo. No. No baby I noticed you. I always do. You made it so hard for me, all I wanted to do was take you, right there in front of everyone.”
With that, Ezra softy leaves a sweet kiss to your forehead before slowly trailing down to your nose.
“I’m so sorry I made you feel like that.”
His lips press a kiss to the top of your nose.
His lips just barely touching yours as you both look into each others eyes. It feels as though he is looking directly into your soul.
“You’re mine baby. Until I no longer walk this earth and even then, there will be no others ya hear me? Mine. And I’m yours honey. All yours. But we gotta keep this a secret. I know your smart kiddo, if someone found out about us your daddy would kill me. You don’t want that do you?”
You shake your head no ever so slightly. Tears now full on streaming down your face.
Ezra presses his lips on yours, seemingly taking your breath away with a soft, simple kiss.
He moves out from behind you, putting the forgotten phone down on your nightstand.
Pulling his own shorts down, his thick cock hitting his stomach. He lowers his body over yours as he takes both of your hands in one of his.
Lips finding yours again, your own tongue darting out to lick his lip, asking for permission to enter. He opened, allowing you inside. Eagerly you lick into his mouth as he tightens his lips around your tongue and sucks. A deep guttural moan pulled from the very depths of your body. Ezra takes his free hand to rub his cock through your folds before notching himself at your entrance and slowly pushing in.
The stretch making you moan more into his mouth as he continued to kiss you.
This was nothing like the first time he fucked you. Slow, deep strokes making you feel every inch of him. You grab onto the hand that’s holding your hands hostage, just trying to ground yourself. The immense pleasure making you feel as though your about to float away if you aren’t anchored to this earth. After each thrust in, Ezra grinds into you, bringing you back to your peak,
“Please don’t stop oh fuck pp- please!”
“Oh fuck I’m not baby I won’t stop. W- where do you want me kiddo? You want my cum in this tight little snatch honey? That what my little girl wants? Huh?” He starts thrusting into you faster.
Your eyes roll back as you moan like a bitch in heat.
“Yes! Yes Uncle Ezra oh fuck, please cum in me! Please!”
“There’s my good girl nngh oh oh fuck oh fuck”
Hearing his words and moans send you over the edge. Your cunt tightens around him as you cum making his thrusts stutter as he gets closer to his own finish.
The both of you stare deeply into each others eyes. Noses touching, chests heaving as you both come down from your high.
Ezra rolls off, laying down next you.
Holding his arm out to let you curl into his side.
He holds you close to him as he places a kiss on the top of your head,
“I really am sorry baby.”
Your so wore out, all you can do is wrap your arm around him and hold onto him as tight as you can as you squeeze your eyes shut.
No more words are exchanged, just the sound of your breathing as it starts to even out.
Drifting off to sleep you can’t help but wonder how you got here. The fact that this is your dads best friend. A guy you’ve always seen as an uncle. Who’s been a total creep since you’ve hit 18. Now here you are, craving him. Needing him. This isn’t gonna end well.
A/n: I just wanna apologize I know I suck at being consistent. It is what it is. Life’s been rough and I’ve been struggling with writing. But I hope you enjoy this, I love you! I love seeing everyone’s reactions! Please reblog, comment, send me asks, talk to me about my writing lol or about anything! I love to yap lol
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