#he’s like oh fuck why’d he also have to be ANNOYING
rainymoodlet · 7 months
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… oh… well at least he… uh… apologized? 🕸️
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neo-nomatrix · 1 year
Hate the AM, Hate the PM, But love you
Hobie Brown x reader
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word count: 969
find the mini series here
tags: @maxjesty @marshallowy @sh-tposter2021 @ilovebhna @ladyagagaslefttoe
synopsis: Hobie is still a slightly infuriating neighbor, but there’s something about that jacket and guitar that are all too familiar.
a/n: DRUNK CONFESSIONS!! Part two of this fic. I wasn’t going to write another part to it but i caved 😔
You stood him up. You fucking stood him up. Hobie spent the entire show looking out into the crowd, ignoring the blinding stage lights, to try and find you. But you were nowhere to be found. He asked so nicely too! Despite his nonchalant attitude it took him so long to build up the courage to ask you out. He had dinner reservations planned, which he has obviously never done, looked up places to get a Mr.Whippy and even found a small secluded area where he could play his guitar for you.
The worst part is how it made him feel. He genuinely liked you and it hurt him to think you didn’t feel the same when he thought you did. So what was his solution? Go out with his mates to a pub until 3 am to drink his feelings. Hobie was a bold drunk, bolder than he usually is. He’s also a sloppy drunk, tripping when he walks and slurring his speech like it’s all one word.
You’re peacefully sleeping in your bed with your spiderman eye mask cuddling with your Spider-Punk plushie. It’s not a random occurrence to hear Hobie stomping his boots late at night but it was different today. You heard his boot buckles dragging across the floor and a loud bang against your door. Not necessarily a knock, more of a body slumped against the wood.
“Love! You in there?!” You hear him yell.
You try your hardest to ignore him but as he keeps yelling and pounding against the wood you start to feel sorry for everyone else on your floor. You force yourself out of bed and towards the front door. As you reluctantly open it a drunken Hobie falls into your flat.
“Hobie get your arse up,” you roll your very tired eyes.
He surprisingly agrees and makes his way to your bed.
Great, you think
He tosses his guitar to your couch and gets into your bed like it’s his. Conveniently throwing the spider-punk plush off the bed. He cuddles up with your blanket and closes his eyes. You cannot let him fall asleep.
“Hobie! Hello? That is my bed. Get out!” You yell at him.
“Why’d you do it?” He whispers.
“What,” you ask, still annoyed.
“You stood me up. I asked you to come to my show and you didn’t. Why,” he asked less of a question and more of a statement.
You sigh, of course you knew that was tonight. In all honesty you don’t quite know why you didn’t go. You weren’t doing anything special and it probably would’ve been nice. But you were scared. Scared of what? You also didn’t know that, you just were.
“I… I don’t know,” you admit.
“Really hurt me, Love. I wanted to see you and take you out on a nice date,” he looked away from you.
Your heart shattered. You knew Hobie liked you but not to that extent. You thought he was just playing around with you and didn’t mean anything by it.
“I’m really sorry, Hobie. We should go out some other time, okay? My treat,” you promise.
“Nah, don’t think i’ll have the time,” He says, clearly less sad than he was a few moments ago.
“Oh yeah? Busy with what? Trying to tear down the government from the inside?” You laugh.
“Of course not, that’s for the first saturday of every month. I’ll be busy being Spiderman,” he says, cuddling closer to your blanket.
You stop immediately. Your mind goes blank, the world around you stops. You’re suddenly much more awake than you have ever been. Hobie is… no you can’t even say it. The man you’ve hated ever since you had moved in was the person you loved more than anything else? That can’t be right, he’s having a laugh. That’s gotta be it.
“I don’t believe in comedy,” you remember him saying.
Fuck. He’s not joking, is he?
“What?” you manage to get out.
“I’ll be busy, being spiderman and all. Yknow who that is right? Don’t know if you noticed but he’s- i mean I’m kinda all over your room,” he lets out a drunk giggle.
He pulls out his mask from the pocket of his jacket and handed it to you.
You grab it in disbelief. You run your hand over the spandex in awe. Spiderman is right in front of you, you realize.
You just can’t believe the man you’ve idolized for years was in your bed. YOUR BED.
Hobie takes the blanket off of him, lifting up his shirt to reveal his suit. Blue and fucking red material.
“I don’t believe in the labels though. It’s stupid,” He says in the most Hobie way possible.
“You’re a superhero,” you say, still a little shocked.
“No. No, don't say that. I'm not a hero, because calling yourself a hero makes you a self-mythologising, narcissistic autocrat,” He says. God even drunk he’s still a smart ass.
“So you still wanna go out?” He asks.
“What? I just found out you’re fucking Spiderman and that’s what you’re asking me? If I want to go out with you?” You respond.
“I mean what else is there to say? I already know you love me,” he nods to the spiderman memorabilia.
Even in this state he still leaves you speechless.
“Well- yeah I guess. We can go out,” you say slowly.
“Cool,” he nods.
He lifts up the blanket and scoots over, inviting you into your bed with him. You roll your eyes and get in with him. He wraps his arms around you and smiles.
“I knew you wanted to snog me from the start,” he laughs.
Hobie is still pretty infuriating, but that is slowly becoming one of your favorite things about him.
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flynnriderishot · 5 months
hi love! could you write something about chris being mean (in a joking manner) to the reader always, but only because he doesn’t know how to deal with his real feeling of liking her, then one day, when hes being very mean and ignoring her, he angry confesses.
i hope i explained well, ly!
angry confessions - c.s
a/n: hear me out, okay? i read your request once and ran with it and when i came back to read it again i realized that i may have went a little off your original idea. i’m so sorry 😭 i hope you like it !
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chris walked from his bedroom, his blue eyes almost immediately landing on your figure.
yours and chris’ relationship was weird. for starters: you didn’t have one.
you were extremely close with his brothers, doing nearly everything together, but you and chris never really had much of a connection.
he wouldn’t admit it out loud, but watching you and matt or even you and nick made his heart clench in jealousy. he knew that your relationship with them was completely platonic, but it rubbed him the wrong way to see you with anyone but him.
of course, he didn’t plan on telling you that. he couldn’t grasp the thought of having feelings for you. it scared him halfway to death.
you were sat on the couch with matt and nick, the three of you playing some random multiplayer game on your phones.
chris made his way to the kitchen to grab a drink, his footsteps alerting everyone of his presence.
“he’s alive.” nick spoke up.
“shut up.” chris scoffed, opening his pepsi before moving to sit with you guys.
just before he sat down, his hand lifts to playfully swat at the back of your head.
“what the fuck?!” you shouted, standing up as your eyes never once left your phone screen.
matt began to shout out in excitement, “oh! oh! i won!”
“why’d you do that?” you turn towards chris, frustration clear in your voice.
“sorry.” he shrugged, knowing there wasn’t much he could do about your loss but at least he had your attention.
you weren’t mad. you were used to chris’ odd behavior towards you. you didn’t know why, but you never questioned it.
you just assumed that’s how he treated every girl he knew.
hell, you’ve seen the way he’d jokingly make fun of madi. while he was a little less aggressive towards her, you thought that maybe it was because she was a lot more sensitive than you.
“what the hell are you doing here?”
you perked up at the sound of his voice, “nick and i are hanging out.”
“again? that’s like the fourth time this week.”
he seemed annoyed at the thought you hanging out with his brother again.
“we’re going to a party. you can come with us if you want?” you suggested, not wanting him to feel left out.
chris furrowed his brows, “no, i’m good. last thing i want to do is be around you.”
your face fell. what the hell is his problem?
before you could respond and question his hostility, nick comes running down stairs,
“you ready to go?”
“yeah, let’s go.” you stood up from your seat, quickly exiting the house with an oblivious nick in tow.
as chris watched you and nick leave, he couldn’t help but silently scold himself.
“what the hell is wrong with me?”
“well for starters, you’re talking to yourself. that might be a sign that you have some problems…”
chris slowly turned towards matt, “shut the fuck up.”
being sober had its perks.
the first being that you wouldn’t be drunk off your ass and wake up with the absolute worst headache ever. but it also meant that you wouldn’t accidentally catch yourself doing anything out of your usual character.
like nick, who was currently conversing with two people you could have sworn he despised.
now, you would have stopped him but you were currently caught up in a conversation with one of the few non intoxicated people at this party.
he was cute, he was nice and (so far) it seemed like his intentions were pure.
so why did you feel so weird speaking to him?
luckily and unlucky for you, your question was about to be answered.
“hurry up!”
chris ignored matt’s words, slamming the passenger door shut as he ran towards the front door of the house that held you, his older brother and apparently his competition.
it took less than a minute for him to find nick. the elder triplet stood out regardless of where he was or what he was doing. so once he found him chris immediately pushed through the group of people that surrounded him and demanded that he went to go meet matt back at the car.
nick gave no protests, commenting how everyone there was lame, much to chris’ luck.
finding you was a little harder but thanks to the video of one of his mutual followers, he was able to find the vase from the video in the house he was in.
despite his mood, chris’ eyes softened slightly at the sight of your bright smile until he realized it wasn’t him that you were smiling at.
approaching you, he didn’t dare give a glance at the boy in front of you,
“we’re leaving. let’s go.”
“woah. what?” you turned in confusion, your y/e/c landing on him. “chris, what are you doing here?”
“let’s go.”
he seemed desperate to leave. you didn’t know why he showed up but you couldn’t help but be concerned.
“okay. let me find nick.”
“he’s in the car.” he said, “let’s go.”
“okay! can you relax?”
“yeah, dude. chill.”
chris’ jaw clenched, “don’t fucking talk to me.”
“can we leave?”
“yes, okay. go.” you ushered him away, quickly turning to the guy you were previously speaking to, “i’m so sorry.”
“are you good?” you asked chris the second you exited the loud house.
“no, i’m not. why were you talking to him?”
“i was making a friend, chris.” you chuckled awkwardly.
“a friend? didn’t seem like that to me. i mean, you’re in the back of someone’s instagram story laughing your ass off like he’s the funniest person alive. what’s that about?”
you’ve never been so confused in your life. just a few hours ago, he was telling you how he wanted nothing to do with you. and now he was getting upset because you were talking to someone? it made no sense.
“i don’t want talking to him anymore.”
“excuse me?”
it seemed as though chris realized how ridiculous his request was but didn’t speak on it.
“where do you get off on telling me what to do? who the hell do you think you are?”
he didn’t say anything.
“you didn’t give a shit about me or what i had going on literally four hours ago and now you suddenly care? why?”
“because—” he stopped himself.
“because? because what, chris? please enlighten me. because gods knows i deserve to understand your reasoning for treating me like shit for the last two years i’ve known you!”
“because i love you!”
you let out a breath, “what?”
“because- because i don’t want to see you with anyone else. because i want to be the person you’re happy with and the person you hate and the person you think about every second of everyday.” he rambled out, “because that’s what you are for me and god, yn, it’s so frustrating having to see you everyday and not have single idea how to tell you how i feel.”
chris was nearly shouting at this point, but he didn’t care. he was finally getting everything off his chest.
“i treated you like shit because having you simply look at me, even if it was in anger or disgust was the highlight of my day. i’ll admit it wasn’t the best idea i’ve ever had but i didn’t care because at least i had your attention.”
“why didn’t you say anything before?“ was the first thing you asked when he finished.
“i didn’t think you’d care.” he scoffed, “i’ve heard your conversations with nick about your celebrity crushes, i know i’m not your type.”
you couldn’t stop the chuckle that fell from you lips, “thats a celebrity crush, chris. i’m never going to meet or see any of those people ever. that means nothing to me.”
he watched you step closer to him.
“a simple ‘i like you’ would have done you wonders. you didn’t have to make matt drive thirty minutes to tell me how you feel.”
he inhaled sharply, his words caught up in his throat as your hand made contact with his cheek.
“if it makes you feel any better…i’m glad you told me how you feel.”
you nodded, a breathy chuckle leaving your lips, “yeah.”
his eyes darted back and forth between yours, while you focused on his lips.
“can i kiss you, chris?”
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l13 · 11 months
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dunno what brought this on but reader has good taste;P also let's pretend that lyla is team reader x miguel for plot reasons
word count: 2.3k
WARNINGS: NSFW 18+, MDNI, f!reader, ex!miguel, aged up bf!hobie<3, miguel has some v descriptive sexual thoughts about you (p in v sex, f!receiving oral), swearing, jealousy, ANGSTTT
English is not my first language so I apologize in advance for any misspells, errors or grammatically incorrect sentences.
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Miguel often thinks about how he ended up giving in to his desires and starting a situationship with you, how he regrets it when he can tell how you've fallen for him. How your eyes crinkle when you smile at him, looking at him like he hung the moon. He regrets it because that's how he looks at you as well.
Why’d you have to ask him on that stupid date?
“That’d be unprofessional.” is what Miguel had said in reply. Because it was the truth. You were only fucking, nothing more.
You’d scoffed, “Oh come on, Miguel, we’re not office workers. Surely we can go out together?”
“What, fucking me ain’t enough for you?”
You'd huffed, your expression dull, shaking your head in disbelief, “No, actually, it isn’t. I genuinely like you, is that so bad?”
Miguel had ignored the flip his stomach did at your confession “You know why we can’t, now drop it.”
“No, I want you to tell me why.”
“It’s not in the canon” He cringes every time he remembers what he’d said, but it doesn’t change the fact that he was right. He was, but fuck, how he wanted to be wrong. He so desperately wanted it to be him that you were meant to fall in love with, him you were meant to build a life together.
“Fuck the canon.” had been your reply, before you turned to walk away and he'd made no move to follow you.
He'd failed to ignore Lyla when she'd whistled, “That was painful even for me,”
“Jesus- can you not?”
“Yeah, yeah, I know, can't interrupt your brooding time. I'm just saying. You prevented the woman of your dreams from falling in love with you, because she's meant to fall for someone else? But that's stupid- Your heart literally jumps when you see her-”
“Lyla I swear to God, if you don't stop talking-”
And now, as he stands in front of your house months later, waiting for you to answer the door, Miguel found himself to be annoyed. Annoyed that he hadn't gotten your mission report on time, and had to come and fetch it for himself.
Some sick, twisted part of his brain wanted you to have forgotten it on purpose, and ignored his calls in order for him to come over, maybe reconcile- fuck your brains out till you're begging him to take you back, even if it meant putting your feelings aside.
“She better be home,” Miguel hisses to himself, his hand massaging his temples, and he doesn't even flinch when Lyla shows up out of nowhere “Oh, she is. The thermal scan picks her up, see? Wait who’s-”
Miguel was thankful for the interruption, but what he saw when you opened the door was not at all what he expected, or was even prepared for.
You were practically naked, an oversized t-shirt covering your body, stopping just under your ass and- Jesus Christ were those thigh highs? Yes they were, pretty ones, too. They were sheer white tights, that ended just in the middle of your plush thighs, the material hugging your legs beautifully, the very top of them decorated with a lace material, giving them a sexy twist.
God, he'd get on his knees right here and now if you just asked-Miguel licked his lips and cleared his throat, quickly averting his gaze, praying that he doesn't appear flustered.
“Miguel! Are you okay? Is something wrong? Hey Lyla-” you seem out of breath as you talk, clearly not bothered by your lack of clothing in front of him. Lyla offers you a bright hello and wave, one you softly smile at.
No, he's not fucking okay.
“I'm great.” he hisses, but really he was trying to convince himself of it. You study him for a bit longer before humming, not believing him for a moment.
“I need the report from the mission that you were sent to do yesterday. The one you forgot to send me.” Miguel inhales sharply and stands taller, trying to hide the fact that your presence damages his brain functionality severely, by trying to look more intimidating.
Memories of last night flash in your mind suddenly, being pressed against your bookshelf, the furniture rattling loudly, books almost toppling to the floor, but you didn’t have the heart in you to care. Not when he was grinding up at you, hand under your thigh to keep you upright as you moaned against his mouth crossing your legs around his waist and bringing him closer, the sound of your watch beeping pulling you out of your trance, “Fuck, wait. T-the reports-”
He undid your watch expertly with one hand, and you gasped trying to snatch it from his grasp, but he held it up above your head, placing it on top of your bookshelf carelessly, before grabbing the top shelf to brace himself and grind himself harder against you, moaning under his breath, “Fuck ‘em.”
Your eyes widen comically, and you sputter, “Right! Shit- fuck. I'm sorry, umm, wait here.” and you slam the door right in his face. Miguel's eyebrow twitches.
There's shuffling from inside before Miguel realizes that you're talking to someone-
“Can you go in five minutes? Please?”
“Nah, ‘m afraid I need to go right now, love. Got things to do, places to be.”
“Can't you open up a portal here?”
“When there’s a perfectly usable front door? I don’ think so,” “C’mon pretty.. what are y’so afraid of?”
“He’s our boss.”
“He’s your ex. Now, if you’re ashamed to be seen with me, I get it-”
“No! Baby, no. I just don’t want to rub it in his face, don't want him to think that I am either,”
“But that’s so boring. Let’s make ‘im suffer, you’ll thank me later-”
The door opens suddenly and Miguel could act surprised, could act like he’s been waiting for quite a while not knowing what’s going on inside, but he doesn’t. Not when he’s face to face with Hobie. Not when he obviously knows how good Miguel’s hearing is, how he could definitely hear every word that was spoken, not when you’d tried to be nice- tried to whisper and be subtle, not when Hobie blatantly did the opposite out of spite.
So he just stares ahead with a blank face, as Hobie leans against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest lazily. There’s a hickey on his neck and Miguel feels like he might throw up.
And somehow, Miguel still thinks that this is all some sick joke, a prank, a dream. Anything to explain what he's seeing. Because there’s no way you're dating Hobie. There’s no way you fucked Hobie fucking Brown- the single most annoying person in Miguel’s life (after peter, of course). And after what, only eight months after you stopped seeing him? That's how long it took for you to get over him? He can almost hear Lyla laughing in his head, 'You're just bitter that you're not over her yet'
Hobie smirks at him “Hello mate, long time no see.” Miguel at least has the human decency to offer him a curt nod, which Hobie apparently finds hilarious as he huffs out a laugh, “'S alright if I send my report later, right? I'm kind of exhausted right now, did a lot of runnin' yesterday, y'know,”
Lyla visibly winces and disappears a second later.
Running. Miguel needed breathing exercises and he needed them now-
Miguel's eyes snapped to yours. Were you just gonna let Hobie talk all that shit, without saying anything? (Knowing Hobie's life was in imminent danger?) Apparently so, because you just scoffed and rolled your eyes with a smile on your face. What a great couple you two made.
He refused to believe that this is who you chose, refused to acknowledge that his anger was pointed at himself and not you. He’d never, ever, admit it, not even at gunpoint, but Hobie was a good kid, he’d treat you right and that's what pissed him off the most.
“Fuck the canon.” Hobie would have laughed and nodded in agreement at your words, not Miguel though. Miguel had said nothing and it had cost him his future with you.
Sensing that Miguel wouldn’t reply anytime soon, Hobie just shrugged nonchalantly, “Thanks for understanding, boss.”
Miguel felt like he could hear his own veins pulsing. Boss, he'd called him boss. That little-
Turning to you, Hobie throws a hand around your waist and squeezes you against him, pressing a kiss on your cheek “I'll see you later love, don' forget to put some ice on that, yeah?” he lays a slap on your ass that makes you almost tumble forward, and Hobie's smirk widens when he sees Miguel ball his fists at his sides, nostrils flaring. Hobie throws a wink at Miguel before squeezing through him to walk out, seeing as Miguel didn't make any attempt to get out of the way.
Miguel doesn't turn to see him open up a portal to leave, he's too busy looking at the way the multi-colored lights illuminate your face, how you grin and wave shyly at your boyfriend.
“So sorry about him.. d'you wanna come in?” you ask, shifting from one leg to another once the portal disappears. Miguel just stares at you, eyes hooded, mouth pressed in a tight line.
“Ookay, I’ll just go get the- yeah” you trail off and turn to walk deeper into your apartment, and Miguel hates himself for craning his neck to catch a glimpse of your ass. And then hates himself even more when he thinks about how smug Hobie would be if he knew Miguel was checking out his girl. He'd say some dumb shit like "Wanting somethin' you can't have again, boss?"
Meanwhile, you're standing on your tippy-toes in front of your infamous bookshelf, arm outstretched, trying to grab your watch but to no use, cursing Hobie in your mind for putting it so high up. You had no idea that by trying to get your stupid watch, you were giving Miguel the perfect view of your backside, seeing as your shirt rode up each time you stretched out your arm.
No, fuck that. You knew exactly what you were doing, and Hobie was right. Let him suffer. He chose this, so now he can deal with the consequences.
Miguel wanted to give everything up right then and there. It's funny how quickly you could strip him of his morals, and he just wishes he could have done that before realizing he'd lost you forever. He could picture his future in his mind so clearly, if only he'd just said yes to your question.
“Will you go out with me?"
He’d resign, move out some place nice, next to a beach preferably. Spend his days laying on the sand and drinking piña coladas with no care in the world.
Except you’d be there. Straddling his lap to steal his drink, giggling and laughing when he tried to take it back from you. He’d grab your hips and with a swift motion you'd switch places, your back against the hot sand. The drink would spill from the movement, the liquid falling over your bikini covered tits, and you’d gasp oh-so prettily when he’d bend to lick it all up.
You’d moan even sweeter when he’d move lower, when he’d eat you out till you’re a crying, babbling mess, whining that you can’t take it anymore. Oh, but you could. You would take it, and he’d prove it when he’d later fuck you against the pool, and he’d make sure he fucked you good. Your mewls would be panted against his ear as he’d thrust into you relentlessly, your fingers digging into his wet back, and all he’d taste would be your pretty moans and the faint taste of rum against his tongue.
His cheeks would hurt from how hard he'd be grinning as he stared at you when you both would go for a walk by the beach later. He'd jog up to you, springing you in his arms, nuzzling his head against your hair- your distinctive smell fogging up his brain- your laughter mixing together, as you chased each other through the waves.
When you'd had enough, and stood panting, your -now wet- dress clinging to you like second skin, he'd drop to his knee, pulling out a ring from his pocket, one he was anxious not to drop when he was chasing you around, and you'd gape at him, tears already welling up in your eyes.
You would have said yes that night. In fact, the word would have been repeated against his shoulder as he fucked you later, rolling his hips into you slowly, kissing your pretty tears, holding you, loving you–
“Done! I just sent it–,” you could have sworn you and Miguel shivered at the same time when he blinked down at you, his mouth parted. His eyes were glistening all of a sudden, and it made your whole being fill with a sense of longing and dread.
“Lyla?” you swallowed harshly at Miguel's hoarse tone, gnawing at your lip as you avoided his gaze.
It was as if Lyla knew not to fuck with him either, because she didn't even make him beg for it, instead pulling up a hologram that showed the report, “Yup, got it!”
You cleared your throat, eager to get back into bed and forget the look on his face just now, suddenly feeling nostalgic for a memory you couldn't quite place- “I'm sorry that I forgot, it won’t happen again, promise.”
Yes it will.
“See you back at HQ?”
Miguel hums, not saying anything, not even caring to correct you, because he’d sooner see you in his dreams than at headquarters.
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2023 © l13 | Do not steal, copy, edit, translate or re-post any of my works.
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theorphicangel · 5 months
now playing… 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐠𝐚𝐬𝐦 | eren x fem!reader.
“when I look into her eyes, I know that she can never get enough of me…”
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#track 001 from ANGEL’S PLAYLIST.
NSFW. minors and ageless blogs DNI.
a/n: repost of a very olddd fic lmao, enjoy
content warning: unprotected sex, oral sex (fem receiving, overstimulation
(If I missed anything lmk.)
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“Why’d you have a staring problem all of a sudden?” you muttered, a hand reaching for the bowl of already half eaten popcorn in front of you.
“I don’t.” Eren mumbled. You didn’t miss the pout that sat across his lips in the corner of your eyes once you brought your eyes back up to the screen. Again you felt his vibrant eyes set over your body, piercing into you hungrily. It was only a short matter of time before you got irritated.
You sighed using your hands to push you up into a sitting position on the couch. For a second he almost seemed a little startled, now avoiding your eyes as he sat on the far end of the couch. “Eren, what’s wrong with you? If you don’t wanna watch this movie then fine but quit staring it’s weird.” you complained.
It was obvious he was clearly annoyed by something and that something was starting to annoy you.
He ignored you and stayed silent, eyes watching the television yet his expression was clearly filled with boredom. An arm was placed on the armrest to hold his head up. Then finally, in a quiet voice he merely murmured, “Nothing, you can keep watching if you want.”
“Well I don't want to watch if you're gonna keep sitting there sulking like a baby.” you poked at his thigh with your foot, testing what kind of mood he was in. A guttural sigh left Eren’s mouth as you continued to poke at him, little strands of escaped from his bun drifting across his face.
“Quit that.”
“You first.” you retorted, a smirk creeping across your lips. With a buck of his hips he sank lower into the couch, legs spreading with that bored expression never faltering. The reflection of the movie on the screen glistened in his eyes. You also noticed a slight crease situated between your brows if you squinted.
Slowly, you clambered towards him, the plush and soft couch shifting under your weight until you finally reached your boyfriend. Perched at his side you tilted your head curiously, “Ren what’s wrong?” you whispered purposely using the nickname he oh so loved to gain his attention. And just with the way his eyes flickered you knew you had gained it.
“This movie’s shitty, I don’t even get what’s going on.” he mumbled, still not making eye contact with you. You held back a snicker and instead let out a light hearted scoff.
“Really? That's upsetting you. The fucking film? Why didn’t you just say so?”
His emerald eyes eventually met with your own, “Well you looked into it so I didn’t want to disturb you.”
You rolled your eyes at his statement knowing all too well that what he secretly meant was that he no longer had your attention. After a few months into your relationship with Eren you quickly realized how much of an attention whore he was. Just one minute without attending to your precious boyfriend and a familiar, moody pout would reach his lips.
Your hands grazed over his thigh gently not missing how his muscles tense just for a moment. “If you wanted me to give you attention then why didn’t you say so ‘ren” you teased, hands now slowly moving down to his inner thighs. His eyes were completely fixated on your lips not showing a single sign of faltering as you shifted to sit in his lap completely disregarding the movie playing out behind you.
Just like he wanted from the beginning.
His muscular arm moved to wrap around your waist securing you in your position whilst the other hand reached up your head tucking a lock of stray hair behind your ear. As you leaned in to kiss his plump lips he stopped you with a question that was whispered so quietly you swore you almost missed it.
“Your parents aren’t home right?”
You hummed, voice suddenly ragged and eyes never straying from his as you answered, “Gone for the weekend.”
The silent sputter of the word “Good.” was the last thing that spilled into your ears before your lips crashed onto his. The faint taste of whatever energy drink he had drunk lingered onto your tongue, a short whine escaping from your lips. Without coming up for air eren continued to kiss you, large rough hands now gripping your thigh and kneading the fat of your skin.
You broke away first, lungs screaming for an intake of oxygen whilst he decided to bury himself into your neck desperate to find your sweet spot and of course mark you as his. The friction of your thighs rubbing against him was enough for his hips to jerk against you, erection poking through his sweatpants.
A single moan of his name led to a guttural groan slipping out through his soft lips repeatedly sucking on your skin leaving noticeable marks beneath your jaw. “Please…”
“Please what?” he pressed, lips still latched onto your skin. You could feel a smirk crawl across his lips as his fingers gripped your waist even tighter, rolling his hips into you.
“Ah fuck, I- I need you to fuck me Eren.” you let out a breathy sigh attempting to fuck yourself onto him as the ache between your thighs only grew stronger with each passing second.
“Patience baby, patience.”
In a blur clothes were stranded across the living room, you nothing but bare in front of him as he stroked his length. He simply let out a light chuckle at your eagerness, caressing your lower back as your folds gently rubbed at the tip of his cock.
You could practically hear your heartbeat roaring in your ear as you grew wetter by each second. The fire in your abdomen growing bigger and bigger, your arousal making your whole body shudder under his touch.
With your hands firmly placed on Eren’s shoulders, he eased you in, his cock disappearing inside you with ease. Your mouth shaped to form an ‘O’ and eyes already rolling back as you let out a strangled gasp. Your fingernails now dug into Eren’s skin. It felt as if all the air had been knocked out of you as his length stretched your walls. Your juices dripped down your thigh as your walls clenched around him.
This was it, you were too full to move. One thrust and you’d be cumming all over his cock already. You heard him take a sharp inhale, teeth gritted together as he felt his cock pulsate inside you. “Fuckkk…you’re so fucking tight.” he groaned, both hands now cupping your ass.
The split second you adjusted to his size and became loose enough to move, he snapped his hips up accompanied by the sound of your skin meeting him echoing the room.
It felt so filthy.
But it also felt so fucking good.
Your voice quivered as you murmured his name in warning of your climax and you were met with a soft hand moving up to your cheek. He took in your sweet whimpers every time he pumped into you, his balls meeting your ass as he bottomed out. “S’ good for me huh, my good girl.”
“Uh huh.” was the only sound you could make, you could no longer hear the sounds of the movie over the way your pussy squelched with every thrust.
“So fuckin’ wet, look at you dripping everywhere. Gonna make a stain on this couch huh?” he marveled, eyes pouring into you intensely. Your hips clashed down onto his with every plunge and you could feel him going deeper and deeper, his pace suddenly going faster and faster.
A hand met your breast, squeezing it before he bent down to trail his tongue across your nipple, his mouth soon latching onto it. You threw your head back in pleasure, your clit pulsating as he sucked, tongue lapping at your bud. Another whine escaped from your mouth as he moved to your other breast.
“Erennnn I- I’m gonna-”
You were cut off by his husky voice instructing you, “Cum for me baby, jus’ like that” he purred, watching as your body jerked on top of him, hands still gripping his shoulders. He watched with awe, pure satisfaction on his face as you reached your orgasm. It was a sight that he would never get bored of seeing. He could do this for hours if it meant that he could watch you cum in his arms.
Rough hands gently caressed your cheek as he cradled you from your high. “You did so good for me baby.” he praised pulling you in for a deep kiss.
Now reaching a more relaxed pace you rolled your hips forward, your cum painting his cock. With a groan his tongue messily found your lips as you delved into the exploding taste of passion.
All of a sudden his teeth bite down on your lip, a sharp gasp left you as he gripped your waist. now moving it simultaneously with his. The lazy momentum you had kept was being short lived and interchanged into sudden deep thrusts.
Once again the filthy, vulgar sound of skin slapping filled the room. Your mouth agape, no air in your lungs capable of releasing a single sound as you bounced relentlessly. Hungry pants escaped Eren's mouth as he watched how your cunt swallowed his cock with every pound. “Fuckfuckfuckfuck-”
A choked cry left your mouth as you came undone for the second time tonight but with his cum spilling in your cunt.
But he wasn’t done with you just yet.
His hands guided you to lay down on your couch, supporting you. Your chest heaved as you panted for air, thighs shaking and tensing every now and then trying to fully grasp your climax. You could know without even saying a single word that he wanted more. More cries, more spills of his name as you could barely contain yourself any longer until his name was the only prayer you could ever say.
And you craved it.
A soft whimper filled his eyes, the second his mouth was in front of your cunt. His warm breath somehow causes your sensitive clit to twitch. With a moan of his name, he reassured you.
“I know, I know I jus’ wanna make you feel good baby. Wanna make you all mine.”
He reassured you as coarse hands looped around your soft thighs, dragging your cunt towards him. Slow licks over your overstimulated pussy already made you jolt against him. He hushed you with gentle praises murmured from his mouth.
Eyes were rolled back once again as he hummed, licking your slit with his tongue. Relishing in the taste of his release mixed with yours, cleaning you out before making you cum again. He lapped at your cunt, noises of his hunger and your pleasure flooded the room. His tongue changed from broad strokes to short and quick as you rolled your hips into his face.
“I’m gonna cum eren— you’re gonna make me cum.” you babbled repeatedly, his figure not showing any signs of slowing down. He sucked at your silt hungrily before two fingers entered inside you, quickly finding your sweet spot as your back arched in ecstasy.
In a mere vibration he commanded, “Cum on my tongue for me, just one more be a good girl for me.” his hips too rutting into the couch.
And that was all you needed as you fell apart to his sweet melody of pleads a silent scream torn from your body.
Your hips bucked as your eyes saw faint lines of light and dark, your entire body tensing as he continued to gently lick you clean. Your eyes watered as you came down from your peak, aftershocks following as Eren trailed short kisses across your body finally leading up to your face.
“You were so good for me baby” he whispered, eyes struggling to stay open as you returned his kiss, sweet mumbles of nothing spilling from your mouth.
If anything you’d wanted to do it all again.
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reblogs are much appreciated!
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mayhem24-7forever · 29 days
Need You Tonight
Steve Harrington x Reader x Eddie Munson Fic
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Author’s Note: IF YOU ARE NOT 18 OR OLDER, THIS IS NOT FOR YOU, DO NOT INTERACT! This is dedicated to and inspired by the lovely Shan/ @bvcksmurdock. Hope you like the title as a cheeky little inside joke. Special thanks to Arne @lovearne for finding me the floor plan of Eddie’s trailer and to Ashley @likedovesinthewnd and Nina @chaseadrian for helping me get the pipe smoking correct since I have only done edibles lmao. Also huge thank you’s to Vee @a-reader-and-a-writer , Leah @ohtobeleah and Shelby @rhettabbotts for beta reading/editing/giving advice when I was lost. I made the executive decision to set this in late 1987 specifically so I could include a reference to the song that gave me the title, which means it’s set like a year after season 4 so uhhhhhhhh fix it fic I guess. fic dividers from @firefly-graphics
Content Warnings: not canon oops, fix it fic kinda, SMUT, smoking weed/doing drugs, drinking/getting drunk, getting crossfaded (high and drunk at the same time), explicit consent despite mind-altering substances but I was still advised to say dubious consent because of this, blacking out/passing out (not any of the main three), dirty talk, swearing/language, dirty talk (like absolutely filthy, including the word “cunt” and “slut”), Dom!Eddie, Switch!Steve, Sub!Reader, M/M/F threesome, oral sex (female receiving), oral sex (male receiving), handjobs, fingering, penis in vagina sex, anal sex, double penetration (penis in vagina and penis in asshole), bondage (handcuffs and rope), gags (cloth/bandana gag), light spanking, BDSM elements, dom/sub elements, masturbation, brief love triangle that is ended by a threesome (as most love triangles should end), Steve and Eddie are consent kings, all three are unbelievably horny, spanking as flirting, orgasming so many times you pass out, Eddie is currently in charge of the singular steddie brain cell, aftercare, usage of a ridiculous amount of pet names (Reader calls them “Eds” and “Stevie”, Steve calls them “baby” and “lover boy” and Eddie calls them “princess” and “big boy”), Robin awkwardly walking in and seeing something she shouldn’t have.
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“I swear to god, if you put Cyndi Lauper in my cassette player, I’m throwing the tape out the window.” Eddie warned.
“Oh, come on! I love this album!” Y/N replied incredulously. “It has all my favorite songs!”
Eddie was leaning back against the wall casually, beer bottle in hand as Y/N stood at the player, shoebox of cassette tapes in hand. Nancy and Jonathan sat behind them on the couch and even with just four people, Eddie’s trailer was already beginning to feel a little crowded. Jonathan was smoking a joint, his arm around Nancy as they talked quietly, making lovey eyes at each other. Nancy was sipping on a can of soda, having decided to be his designated driver. The whole group was having a party, although Steve, Robin, and her girlfriend Vickie hadn’t arrived yet. 
“Sorry, princess. This is a Lauper-free trailer. It’s out of my hands.” Eddie said, putting his hands up in a mock surrender with a shit-eating grin.
“Fine.” she replied, rolling her eyes. “Then I’m putting in ABBA.”
“Fuck no, you’re not!” Eddie said, pushing off the wall to get closer to her.
“God, you’re so picky Eds!” she scoffed, mildly annoyed. “Why’d you tell me to bring the music for the party if you’re not gonna let me play any of it?”
“Just let me see what else you have.” he said, walking over to her, taking the shoe box and immediately making a face as if the collection personally offended him.
“Oh, come on! I know it’s not heavy metal and rock ‘n roll but my taste in music is just as good as yours!” she exclaimed defensively. 
“Queen, Billy Idol and Oingo Boingo are good, you can play those. Tears for Fears and Duran Duran are a stretch that I’ll allow because you’re so cute, but the rest of this pop shit is staying in this box the whole night.” Eddie said and her jaw went slack with shock.
She knew that they were just playing, it was just something she and Eddie did, like how she and Steve were very touchy with one another. Everyone in the friend group, except for her, knew that Eddie and Steve both had crushes on her and were engaged in a (mostly) friendly competition to get her attention. And everyone in the group, except for Steve and Eddie, knew that she was head over heels for both of them but couldn’t pick between them. Unbeknownst to the three, Robin had even been taking bets from as to which one of them is finally going to do something and when. Even in his weed-induced haze, Jonathan knew that the bickering and flirting was only going to get worse the longer it went on and he decided to speak up.
“Oh, come on Eddie! Just let her play her music!” Jonathan interjected from the couch and Y/N shook her head in agreement.
“See, Jonathan is fine with my music!” she said with a pleased smile.
“Jonathan is high as a kite, I could put on whale sounds and he’d think it was the greatest thing ever made.” Eddie replied.
“Hey!” Jonathan protested before Nancy spoke up.
“Eddie, it’s her turn to pick the music for the party, you don’t get to control it just because we’re having it at your place.” Nancy said.
Eddie looked back to Y/N. She put her bottom lip out in the most pitiful pout she could manage, batting her eyelashes for good measure. He stared at her for a moment, trying not to think about what those big pleading eyes would look like under him, begging for release.
“Fine, I yield, my lady.” Eddie finally said, giving a little bow and a flourish towards the cassette player, using the same medieval-style voice he used in D&D. It was a flirting tactic he used often because the character she played in his campaigns was a princess, and Eddie was nothing if not thoroughly dramatic.
“Oh, thank you Eds!” She squealed in joy, grinning from ear to ear as she pounced into his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck and placing a grateful kiss on his cheek.
He returned her embrace, wrapping his arms around her waist until he had to pull away so she wouldn’t feel a certain appendage of his that was rising to the occasion in his pants.
 “I never can resist that lovely pouty face of yours.” he said with a charming smile and she blushed deeply before turning around to the cassette player.
She slipped a Hall & Oates tape in and hit play, the opening notes of “Maneater” booming from the speakers. She began to sway her hips to the beat, dancing as she smiled at Eddie, victorious. He shook his head, unable to stop himself from smiling. He took another swig of his beer as she danced, taking the opportunity to let his eyes rake over her body and thoroughly appreciate what he saw. She had taken off her heels almost as soon as she had arrived, preferring to traipse around the carpet of the trailer barefoot—not that Eddie minded in the slightest—as it allowed her to dance more freely. She was wearing a low cut blouse and a short skirt and as she moved around, her breasts bounced in her top, glimpses of her ass visible through the ruffles of her skirt. A knock on the door roused him from his thoughts of what she’d look like without all the clothes and he called out that it was unlocked, the door opened and Robin and Vickie coming in.
“We’re dancing already?” Robin exclaimed and pulled Vickie closer to the stereo, joining in as Y/N laughed.
“Thanks for the help Robin!” Steve said sarcastically as he stepped through the door, three pizza boxes with a few packs of beer on top in his arms, his sunglasses riding low on his nose.
“You’re welcome, Steve!” Robin responded with a laugh.
“Looking hot tonight, baby!” Steve said shifting the weight onto one arm so he could give Y/N’s ass a playful smack as her walked by her.
“Calm down, Stevie! You only just got here!” she giggled and Steve smirked as he entered the kitchen.
Eddie downed what was left of the almost empty bottle and put it down as he pushed off the wall to join Steve in the kitchen area. Steve put the pizza on the counter, took off his sunglasses, and was sticking the beers in the fridge when Eddie walked in.
“We need to talk, Harrington.” Eddie hissed lowly.
“Yes, her ass felt spectacular.” Steve replied with a smirk.
“No, Harrington. I’m serious.” Eddie shot back.
“Me too.” Steve said with a chuckle and Eddie grumbled, leaning in closer.
“Dude, I’m losing my fucking mind right now.” He said as Steve finished putting the beers in the fridge and stood up to look at Eddie properly. “If I watch her dance like that any longer, I’ll be cumming in my jeans. We have to do something.”
“Munson, we agreed that if anything with her is gonna happen for either of us, she’s gotta be the one to start it. We can flirt as much as we want, but no matter how sexy she is, or how much we want her, we can’t be the ones to make the first move. We agreed, man!” Steve replied, popping the top off of a beer bottle and taking a swig. 
“Harrington, fucking look at her right now.” Eddie hissed, swiping the bottle from Steve’s hand and taking a large swig. 
Steve sighed, grabbing another bottle and popping the top off before peeking his head around the kitchen cabinets to look into the living room.
He watched her dance for thirty seconds or so and then turned back to Eddie, adjusting the front of his pants awkwardly. “Yeah, we need to figure this out—and fast! I can’t look at her in that top all night and not ask her to fuck me. One of us needs to drop out.” The pair silently looked at one another, waiting for the other to just give up but neither of them said a word.
“Let’s just pull her aside together and tell her we both want her and see who she picks. It’s not the smoothest move but at least it’ll end this.” Steve finally suggested when it became abundantly clear that neither of them were ever going to volunteer to step out of the running. “She picks whoever she picks and the other one, probably you, just takes the loss like a man and moves on.”
“You seem very confident that she’ll pick either of us. We drop a bomb like this on her and ask her to make a choice and she’ll freak the fuck out.” Eddie said. “She’s never been able to make snap decisions, even for things she feels strongly about, so even if she’s already interested in one of us, she’s gonna get so overwhelmed that she’ll choose neither of us.”
“Well, what the fuck are we going to do then?” Steve asked. “Only one of us can have her… and that’s if she wants us after all.”
“Harrington, you just gave me an idea.” Eddie muttered, his face growing into a grin. 
“Enlighten me then, Munson.” Steve huffed impatiently.
“We don’t ask her to choose.” Eddie said.
“I’m not following.” Steve replied.
“We tell her that we’re both interested in her and that we’d like to share a night with her. Together.” Eddie explained, Steve’s eyes widening in recognition.
“Are you suggesting a threesome?” Steve replied and let out a small laugh in disbelief as Eddie nodded.
“As long as we can get along and share, then she wouldn’t have to choose between us. If she says no, then at least she’ll know we’re both interested and she can act on that information later if she wants to.” he said.
“And if she says yes…” Steve trailed off as they grinned at one another. “Fuck, Munson, I could kiss you right now.”
“Save that energy for later, big boy.” Eddie joked with a wink, giving Steve a light slap on the ass as he walked out of the kitchen with a smirk.
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Several hours and a pack of beer or two later, Nancy announced that she was going to take Jonathan home, the pair walking out the door to a chorus of ‘bye’ and ‘have fun fucking’. Less than thirty minutes later, Robin and Vickie had passed out, super drunk, cuddling on the couch together as Steve covered them with a blanket.
“And then there were three.” Y/N joked, lying on the floor with one of the couch pillows underneath her head.
“I’m gonna smoke, wanna join?” Eddie asked, his back leaning up against the wall as he sat on the floor.
“Drinking and smoking?” she asked, clutching a hand to her chest and pretending to be scandalized. “How positively devious of you!”
“Princess, I’m barely even tipsy.” Eddie replied.
“Fuck, me too. I could use some weed.” Steve said, sitting on the ground beside Eddie. 
“That’s two. Princess, care to join us?” Eddie asked.
From their viewpoint, they could see the side profile of her body, her head turned towards them, one knee bent up in the air. They could see the swell of her breasts with every breath and part of her skirt had hiked up, providing a tantalizing tease of her panties. Every curve and dip of her body was on display like a statue of Aphrodite from a museum in the flesh. Her hair was fanned out on the ground and her eyelids just a touch hooded by alcohol, her wide pupils gazing at them through her lashes. Her lips were pursed slightly as she considered his proposition and the boys couldn’t help but imagine what they would look like wrapped around a cock. Eddie moved his beer bottle to cover the growing bulge in his pants and Steve tried to stifle a groan into a cough, both praying she wouldn’t notice.
“I want to Eds, but I’ve only done edibles.” she said with a shy smile. “I’ve never smoked, I don’t know how.”
“No time to learn like the present.” Eddie said and she glanced over at the sleeping girls.
“Won’t we bother them?” she asked.
“They’re out cold, nothing we do is gonna wake them up.” Steve assured her.
“Maybe we should move somewhere else, just in case. Eds, can we smoke in your bedroom?” she asked and the innocent tone in her voice made Steve stand straight up and pretend he was getting another slice of pizza, just so he could hide his boner from her as he tried to calm himself down.
“If that is what you desire, princess, then we shall make it so.” Eddie replied, getting up and moving to stand by her feet, trying to ignore the sexy way she looked laid out below him, like a spread from a porno mag come to life.
He lowered his hand to her and just as she took it, he hauled her up to her feet quickly and then over his shoulder in one swift motion. Steve took one look at her gorgeous ass on Eddie’s shoulder and bit his fist to stop from making noise, his eyes telegraphing to Eddie that if he kept this up, he wouldn’t last long. Eddie only smirked at him, very pleased with himself. When she realized what he’d done, she playfully slapped at his back, her legs kicking up a little in fake protest. 
“Eds! I can walk to your room myself!” she laughed.
“But my lady, a princess requires a royal steed! Her royal feet must not touch the same ground as commoners such as us.” Eddie replied in his D&D voice and she giggled, rolling her eyes. 
“Lead away then, stable boy.” she said.
“Stable boy?” Eddie said in mock offense. “I’m at least a coachman.”
“Are we going to smoke or just stand here arguing until the sun rises?” she said.
“Ooo, bossy tonight, huh?” Eddie replied, giving her ass a light pat before he started walking towards his room, her giggles filling the trailer as they went.
“Stevie, can you grab the boombox please?” she called as they passed through the doorway to Eddie’s room. 
“Ye- uh yeah.” Steve croaked out, his voice cracking a little as he grabbed it and followed.
Eddie dropped her on to the bed and her body bounced once before coming to rest on the mattress, her breasts bouncing and her skirt flying up for a moment. With great difficulty, Eddie pulled himself away from staring at her jiggling tits so he could rummage through the drawers of his dresser for the metal tin he kept his weed in. The bed was in the corner of the messy room and Y/N sat up with her back on the wall, leaving room for Eddie and Steve on either side. Steve entered the room, setting the boombox on Eddie’s dresser before plopping down at the end of the bed against the wall next to her.
“Heads up Harrington!” Eddie called before he tossed the metal tin at Steve who caught it easily as Eddie headed over to pick a tape for the player.
Steve opened the tin up and began grabbing what he needed to roll some joints. Eddie put in an INXS tape he had just bought.
“Haven’t smoked to this album yet, it should be good.” he said as he turned around.
“What’s with all the handcuffs, Eds?” she asked with a smirk, gesturing at the hook on his wall where he kept a bunch of them.
“Oh, they can come in handy sometimes, no pun intended. The ladies seem to love them and I haven’t had any complaints from the guys either.” he said with a wink. It was an open secret within the group that both Eddie and Steve enjoyed men and women, although they were generally pretty quiet about it. “Why, princess? Are you curious?”
“Just asking.” she said casually.
“Well if you’d like to try them on to see how they feel, that can always be arranged.” he replied and she blushed.
“Yeah, you’d like that wouldn’t you, lover boy?” Steve muttered, trying to keep his tone sarcastic and playful instead of revealing the jealousy he was feeling.
The boys made tense eye contact for a second but she didn’t notice because she was too busy reaching into the tin and pulling out a pipe to look at it curiously.
“How does this work?” she asked and Steve chuckled. 
“Just like a regular tobacco pipe, but with weed.” he replied.
“Can I try it?” she asked, looking over at Eddie with a smile.
“Whatever you want, princess.” he replied before walking to the bed and sitting next to her but with his back against the headboard so he could talk with her easily. “Steve and I are probably gonna share a joint though so we don’t have to keep repacking the bowl all the time.”
“My Stevie and my Eds playing nice and sharing something together? Voluntarily? Without trying to kill each other? Is the world coming to an end?” she questioned, surprised but pleased with their sudden cooperation.
“I think you’ll find that ‘Eds’ and I have recently realized our interests are aligned. We can play nice and share all sorts of things, baby.” Steve said, finishing rolling the joint and lit it, taking in a few puffs before passing it to Eddie.
To reach Eddie, he needed to lean over her. His head was near her chest as he stretched and she stopped breathing for a moment, just taking in his scent. He smelled faintly of hairspray, a scent that had become oddly comforting to her, lingering even as he pulled back. Eddie took a few puffs and then handed it back to Steve, leaning in as well. She could feel a few locks of his hair just barely grazing the bare skin on her chest and suppressed a shiver. His usual scent of cigarettes had invaded her senses and together with Steve’s hairspray were making it hard to think. 
Eddie sat back as Steve put some weed into the spoon-like end at the end of the pipe, explaining that it was called “packing the bowl” and she tried to rouse her thoughts back to the present. Steve leaned in to hold the pipe up for her and press a flame from his lighter under the bowl and Eddie gave her instructions on when to suck the air in, when to hold it, and when to let go, his voice low in her ear. 
As she blew out the last of the smoke, she heard him coo “There’s a good girl, you did it perfectly on your first try.”
She tried to ignore the way those two little words, just a simple “good girl” made her stomach flip, fanning the spark from deeper below until the desire was burning within her. She wondered if that was what his bedroom voice sounded like. They talked her through another one and as she exhaled, she heard Steve whisper in her ear, so low it was almost a growl.
“Doing so good, baby.” he said and she squeaked, trying to play it off as a cough.
Steve and Eddie knew exactly what they were doing to her, it was the same thing she had been doing to them all night, what she was still doing to them as she drew the phallic-looking pipe to her luscious lips and sucked in. Steve took another few hits of the joint and she watched as a single strand of his hair fell in front of his face, resting on his forehead. He leaned over again and passed it to Eddie, who brought it to his lips for a hit. He was taking a long drag when she found herself admiring how his mouth curled around the end and when he leaned his head back and let out a long exhaled cloud of smoke, she was struck by the way his Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat as his neck stretched ever so slightly. She was still staring when he finished the breath and his eyes caught hers upon him, a smirk growing on his face.
“Like what you see, princess?” he asked and her mind just stopped.
Suddenly, it was like someone had taken her brain and stuck it in a blender, she couldn’t think of a single thing to say to explain why she had been watching him like that. She couldn’t exactly tell him that she had been staring at him because being this close to him and Steve was making her unbelievably horny.
“I…umm, I just… I was just…I-” she stammered out and Eddie smiled.
“It’s alright princess, I don’t mind your pretty eyes watching me.” he told her, moving closer until his lips were only inches from her face. “Steve and I have been watching you all night.”
“You… you have?” she asked, barely a whisper.
“Baby, Eddie and I have been trying to get your attention for a while.” Steve whispered into her ear, now hovering just over her neck and she shivered.
“We were in a bit of a competition, both of us wanted you but neither of us seemed to be getting anywhere.” Eddie said, his fingers reaching under her chin to turn her head back towards him. “It’s been so frustrating, wanting you so bad, hoping we could make you want us before the other could. Tonight we decided to put our differences aside and come clean with you.” 
“You want me?” she breathed out and Steve’s hot breath was back on her ear as her body instinctually leaned towards him.
“We do.” he said. “And we’re willing to share, if it’s what you want.”
Oh god, did she want it. Her mind was screaming at her to say something, to tell them just how long she had been waiting for one of them to make a move, how never in her wildest dreams had she imagined they’d both want her and especially not that they’d want her together. She wanted to tell them how many times she had collapsed into her pillows with her hand between her legs thinking of them. But her mind felt like jello and all she could do was suck in a breath. Steve’s fingers inched along the skin of her thigh, Eddie’s dancing lightly on her arm, only further scrambling her thoughts with the finger-light touches. She closed her eyes, unable to do anything but feel and want and burn.
“Come on princess, I know I’ve been thinking about it all night.” Eddie said, still so close that she could almost feel the tip of his nose on hers. “The tentpole in Steve’s jeans assures you he’s thinking the same thing. And the way you’re squeezing your legs together so hard they might turn red makes me pretty damn sure you’re thinking about it too.”
“If you don’t want this, we can leave and pretend it never even happened. Nothing has to change if you don’t want it to.” Steve said, lips ghosting over the skin of her neck. “But if you say the word, you can have us, baby. Whenever you want. Wherever you want. However you want. One at a time… at the same time…”
She gasped and her eyes shot open. She found herself staring straight into Eddie’s gorgeous brown eyes, darker than usual with lust.
“Oh, you like that idea, don’t you?” he asked, smirking. “Want one of us buried deep in that tight, wet cunt of yours while the other fucks your pretty little mouth?”
“Yes. Yes, yes, yes, I do, I do…” she whispered and was rewarded with Steve’s lips on her neck, his hand finally finding hold on her thigh and she struggled to continue speaking as Steve attacked her neck with his skilled mouth. “Haven’t… done this… before. Not with… more than… one person.”
“That’s alright, princess.” Eddie assured her, his hand light on her cheek, his rings cool on her hot skin. “We can go slow. We’ll take real good care of you.”
Eddie’s lips crashed into hers just as Steve found the most sensitive spot on her neck and she gasped into Eddie’s mouth, quickly turning into a moan. She could feel Steve’s smile on her skin before he resumed to leaving a trail of hickeys on her neck and shoulder. One of his hands was gripping her thigh, the pressure keeping her grounded as the other hand splayed right in the middle of her back, pushing her closer to them. Eddie didn’t give up his assault on her lips, kissing her as if he needed it to breathe. One hand remained on her cheek, his thumb rubbing her cheekbone lovingly, a harsh juxtaposition of his mouth’s ferocity, his other hand resting on her chest, right on top of her heart.
“Wait.” She breathed out into Eddie’s mouth and suddenly their hands and lips disappeared from her skin, her body whining at their absence.
“If you don’t want to do this we can stop.” Steve said, his hazel eyes screaming his earnestness to her. “I told you we can pretend it never even happened if that’s what you want.”
“No! No, I really want to do this… but I’ve never done anything like this before. I don’t know how to do it.” she said, breathing hard as she watched them both pant, devouring her with hungry eyes. “I don’t know if I’ll be any good.”
“Oh princess, you’re already good at it.” Eddie said with a smirk and she blushed, her self doubts and anxiety beginning to melt away.
“We want you to be sure this is what you want. That it’s your decision, even with the weed and alcohol in play.” Steve told her and neither of the boys were expecting the firm reply she gave.
“I had one beer a few hours ago, I’m not even buzzed. And as for the weed, I’m pretty damn sure I’m in my right mind.” she said and the boys smiled. “So how do we start?”
“Maybe Steve and I should show you what to expect.” Eddie said, turning to look at Steve.
“That sounds like a great idea.” Steve said. “Let’s get her a front row seat.”
Eddie smirked and got off the bed as Steve led her by the hand to sit in the chair that Eddie pulled up next to the bed.
“Don’t be afraid to ask questions.” Eddie said as he and Steve sat back on the bed, facing one another. “It’s an interactive presentation.”
The boys smiled at one another and leaned in, their lips meeting softly at first, then slowly building in intensity. Steve had one hand on Eddie’s cheek, the other on his waist as one of Eddie’s hands came up to cradle the side of Steve’s neck, the other surging downwards. Steve groaned into Eddie’s mouth as his hand found the bulge in his pants, pressing against it firmly. His hand continued to palm Steve’s junk as he began to suck on Steve’s neck with the same ferocity Steve had for hers. Steve’s head fell backwards and he moaned, his eyes closing in pleasure as Eddie left what would probably be a very large hickey on his neck.
It was the hottest thing she’d ever seen. Better than the dirty magazines she had found hidden under her mom’s bed, better than any scene in a porno, better than anything she had ever imagined about them. Her hands flew in between her legs, as if the pressure or the friction of rubbing up against her arms could relieve the fire in her loins. It only made it worse. Her eyes flicked to the handcuffs on the wall, considering all the delicious possibilities and when her eyes returned back to the boys, they met Steve’s eyes, smirking at her as Eddie continued his movements on his neck.
“She’s looking at the handcuffs, lover boy.” Steve informed him quietly with a smirk, his gaze never once leaving hers. “Maybe we should show her how they work.”
Eddie pulled back with a wicked smile and a glint in his eye as he looked to her. “A fantastic idea. Take your shirt off and sit against the headboard, big boy.” he ordered, and Steve obeyed.
Before he went to grab handcuffs, Eddie stopped to press a brief but hard kiss onto her lips. “Because you’re being such a good girl watching us. Don’t worry princess, it’s almost your turn.” he said as his hand cupped her cheek lightly, his thumb tracing her mouth teasingly before he returned to the bed.
“Got a safe-word, stud?” Eddie asked.
“Red.” Steve replied before Eddie advanced. 
She could see only Eddie’s back for a moment, hearing the distinct clicks of the handcuffs locking but then he sat back on his haunches and she took in the delicious sight before her. Steve had a hand cuffed to both of the far posts of the headboard, stretching out his arms and putting his well-defined muscles on display. Steve looked at her and although he was the one handcuffed, she was the one who felt tied down by his intense gaze. He smiled at her and she felt her stomach flip once more.
“For my next trick, I’m going to need an audience volunteer.” Eddie announced dramatically before setting his eyes upon her. “How about you princess?”
She nodded and he smiled, reaching over and pulling her chair up against the bed in a swift motion. She was now close enough to touch them and she eyed the pair with anticipation, waiting for Eddie’s next order. 
“Doesn’t he look so pretty? All spread out like this and just itching for us to touch him…” Eddie spoke lowly and she kept her gaze on Steve’s restrained torso. “Go ahead and touch him, princess.”
Hesitantly at first, she reached out towards the top of his chest, near his collarbones and when just the very tip of one finger had grazed his skin, Steve bucked against his chains, holding on to them so hard his knuckles were turning white. His reaction spurned her on, her touches growing more bold by the second as she explored his body.
Her fingers trailed down Steve’s toned chest and through the patch of dark hair she had seen before when they had gone to the pool together. His breath hitched when she slid a fingernail against his nipple, catching it between her fingers and she repeated the movement on both sides a few more times. When he put his head back and groaned, she gave him reprieve, continuing on with a small but pleased smile. She stopped at each of the scars on his chest from previous adventures gone wrong and took an extra moment to skate the tips of her fingertips over the raised skin. 
“So beautiful…” she muttered, not even realizing she had said it aloud until she heard Eddie in her ear.  
“I agree. You’re doing such a good job playing with him but it’s time we stop teasing him and get to the main event, don’t you think?” he said and she nodded. “Unbuckle his pants and get his cock out for me, princess.”
Her hands continued on their journey and finally made it all the way down to the waistband of his jeans. Steve’s breath hitched, his hips bucking slightly when her fingers stopped on the button. She carefully undid it and unzipped his fly, biting her lip as she reached to pull down the waistband of his boxers, letting him spring free. 
She had often wondered what Steve’s dick would look like and she certainly wasn’t disappointed. She hadn’t seen too many dicks in person, mostly just in dirty magazines or the kinds of movies that were hidden behind a curtain in the rental store, but she knew enough to know Steve’s was larger than average, even only at half-mast. Steve had a smug and proud smile on his face and she looked to Eddie to find he was surprised but pleased by Steve’s cock.
“Not bad at all, big boy.” he complimented before leaning into her ear and whispering. “Get him hard for me, princess.”
She leaned over and pressed her lips to the head of his half-erect cock. Steve groaned, instinctively surging forwards before the cuffs pulled him back. She opened her mouth and let drool dribble down to coat his dick in a layer of slick spit. The tip of her tongue darted out and licked a bead of pre-cum off the tip of his cock.
“Oh, fuck!” Steve moaned and she smiled, continuing to rile him up by teasing just the head of his cock as his cock got harder and harder.
When he was fully erect, she carefully slid her hand down his length, moving so slowly and holding him so lightly that it was like torture, not allowing him the pleasure of release yet.
“Good girl.” Eddie whispered into her ear, his hand reaching out to guide her own in a few more slow and teasing movements. Steve bucked his hips desperately but Eddie simply pulled his hand and hers away completely. “Looks like he’s ready for me. Sit back and enjoy the show, princess.”
She followed his instructions and moved back to her chair although now she sat on the literal edge, as close to the bed as she could be. Eddie flashed a wicked smile before leaning down and pressing a feather light kiss to the tip of Steve’s cock.
“Fuck, please-” Steve choked out, rattling his chains, desperate for the torture to end. “Please, Eds I-” His plea was answered and cut off as Eddie began to take his length into his mouth.
She couldn’t see specifically what Eddie was doing with his mouth but from the lewd noises Steve was making, it apparently felt very good. Eddie raised his head up and Steve whined at the loss of his warm, wet mouth on his cock.
“Tell her how it feels, Steve.” Eddie ordered, in almost a growl. “Tell her what my mouth on your cock feels like. Tell her how it feels to have your hands cuffed to the bed and to be unable to do anything about it.”
“Fuck, it feels so good.” Steve whimpered, his words getting caught in his throat briefly when Eddie returned to his ministrations, his eyes meeting hers with an intensity like a dagger. “Oh baby, it feels so fucking good. I don’t have to be in control, I just have to trust Eds will take care of me. I love it, fuck, I love it.”
Steve was getting close, it wasn’t hard to tell. His hips bucked as much as Eddie’s hands would allow, the sounds of him pulling on the chains getting louder and more frantic as his cries grew louder too. He was begging Eddie over and over again, chanting “please let me cum, please, please, please Eds.”
“Cum for me, big boy.” Eddie moaned around around his cock and only seconds later Steve was screaming in pleasure as he came.
Eddie kept him there in his mouth, working him through the waves of ecstasy, milking his cock and swallowing every last drop. Steve was panting like he had run a marathon as Eddie pulled himself off of Steve with a wet pop. Steve leaned back against the head board, letting his body relax.
“Good boy.” Eddie purred as he reached up and unlocked the handcuffs, Steve’s arms falling to his side as he looked at her through hooded eyelids.
Eddie crooked a finger to her, beckoning her to join them on the bed. In one swift movement, he removed his shirt, throwing it onto the floor in a ball as her eyes raked over his body. He wasn’t as toned as Steve, he was more lean, and the only hair he had on his chest was a light treasure trail leading down into his pants. She knew that he and Steve had matching scars on their chests but seeing them at the same time only made it more clear just how identical they were. She also knew he had a lot of tattoos, she’d seen the ones on his hands and arms many times but this was the first time she got to see the ones on his chest more than just small bits peeking out of his shirt collar. He was beautiful and the colorful art dotting his skin only made him more attractive. He grinned when he saw her looking at him and let her hand trace the lines of ink for a minute.
“Alright princess…” he said lowly as he pulled her hand from his chest, his firm grip on her wrist. “It’s time to show Stevie how much you liked our little show. Go on and let him find out what it’s like to kiss and touch you. Put on a show for me now.”
She crawled up Steve’s body, his back still leaned against the headboard as she tentatively straddled his hips, hovering over his lap nervously. His hands instantly went to her waist and he pulled her down onto his lap, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. She had made out with people before but never with someone so hungry and deliciously rough. His hands moved her waist to roll a little, grinding his bare cock against her pantied pussy as her skirt rode up once more. The feel of his cock against her core, separated only by the thin fabric layer of her panties caused her to gasp against his lips, a moan quickly being smothered and swallowed by his mouth. Her hands hooked around his neck and into his hair, tugging lightly to earn a few pleased hums. 
“Get that shirt off of her.” Eddie ordered calmly, and she could hear his belt being undone and his jeans being unzipped.
Steve obliged immediately, yanking her blouse above her head and throwing it across the room, so quickly and expertly that his lips barely left hers. Eddie spit into his hand before beginning to stroke himself, a groan slipping out as he moved his fist up and down his length. Steve continued to grind up into her, one hand snaking up her back to undo the clasp of her bra as the other found hold on the back of her head, tangling into her hair.
“I didn’t say to take off the bra, Steve.” Eddie warned and Steve’s hand disappeared from the clasp, making her whine into his mouth as it found purchase on her hip. “Patience, princess.”
Steve’s length dragged against her clit and she felt like she was on fire. She took a hand from around his neck and slipped it behind her, needing to free her aching nipples from their torturous confines. Just as her finger grazed the clasp, Steve’s hand on her hip shot up and grabbed her wrist. His large hand encircled her wrist tightly and held her arm against her back.
“Eddie told you to be patient…” Steve warned, pulling away from her to meet her eyes, a smirk when he saw the desperation in her features. “Don’t be a bad girl. You owe him an apology.”
“I- I’m sorry Eds!” she said quickly, glancing over her shoulder to gaze at him as his hand increased in speed in jerking himself off.
“For?” Steve prompted, applying an infinitesimal amount of pressure on both her wrist and the back of her neck.
“I’m sorry for being a bad girl and not listening!” she cried out, shivering when Eddie laughed darkly.
“It’s alright princess, it’s a learning experience. Just don’t do it again.” he warned, holding her gaze intensely before flickering to meet Steve’s gaze. “How wet is she?”
Steve’s hand released her wrist but stayed on her back, a silent warning not to try unclasping the bra again. Her hand returned to snake around his neck, once more finding and hold on his hair. Steve removed his hand from the back of her neck, dragging it down the valley between her breasts before slipping under her skirt and pushing aside her panties. As his fingers ran against her slick folds, she leaned forwards, burying her head in his neck with a pathetic whine. 
“She’s fucking dripping.” Steve said before nipping teasingly at her ear, her face still nestled in the crook of his neck. “Aren’t you, baby?”
She nodded but this wasn’t good enough for Steve, his hand roughly cupping her pussy, his thumb tantalizingly close to her clit but not close enough to give her the release she sought. 
“I said… aren’t you, baby?” he growled as she cried out in surprise.
“Yes! Yes! Oh god please, I need it so bad. Something, anything, please!” she pleaded and was surprised to feel a spurt of warm ropes on her back, Eddie groaning as he came onto her.
“Reward her with a finger, big boy.” Eddie ordered, panting as he came down from his high and within seconds one of Steve’s fingers slipped into her cunt.
Her walls clenched around it, desperate for more as he languidly pushed it in and out, curling it slightly to hit a spot that made her see stars. She vaguely registered Eddie wiping his cum off of her back with a piece of cloth, probably one of his many bandanas. She cried out and arched backwards, thrusting her tits into Steve’s face when suddenly she felt Eddie press his chest against her back. His breath was hot on her ear and she whimpered. 
“Good girl.” he cooed and she keened into his touch as much as she could. “It’s my turn to play too now.”
She couldn’t see it but Eddie held up two fingers with a smirk and Steve grinned wickedly. A second finger penetrated her and she panted as he continued his torturously slow ministrations in and out. Eddie’s hands went to unclasp her bra, finally, and he tossed the offending garment to the side. Cool air teased her heated breasts for only a moment before Eddie’s hands clasped around them firmly. A lewd moan fell from her mouth as his fingers rolled and squeezed, kneading the flesh and teasing her nipples. His hands continued their assault on her breasts as his mouth began on on her neck, deftly finding the spot that made her cry out. 
The sensations were all too much and yet not enough. Steve’s hands in her pussy, Eddie’s on her breasts, their mouths on her lips and neck, but no relief was given to her aching little bud, taunt with need. Steve was purposefully ignoring her clit, succeeding in making her more desperate for him to touch her there with every passing moment. Slowly, she slipped a hand down and was inches away from her fingers brushing against her clit when Eddie’s hands left her breasts and grabbed her wrists, wrenching them behind her back and away from where she wanted them. She whined and could feel Eddie’s smirk against her skin, shifting to whisper into her ear.
“Bad girl. Steve didn’t tell you that you could do that, did he?” Eddie asked lowly and when she didn’t respond, too overcome by the feeling of Steve’s fingers curling inside her, he moved her wrists to one hand, the other snaking around to the front of her neck and applying just a little pleasure, growling “I said, did he, princess?”
“No.” she moaned and his hand disappeared from her neck, moving somewhere behind her. “I’m sorry.”
Suddenly, she felt something cool against her wrist and a loud clicking noise. She gasped as she realized that Eddie had just cuffed one of her wrists with the handcuffs.
“This alright, princess?” Eddie asked, voice firm in his dominance yet with just the edge of softness as he checked in with her.
“God yes!” she moaned out and Eddie clicked the other cuff onto her other wrist.
“Oh, you like them that much, huh?” Steve asked, feeling her clench around his fingers at the sound of them locking.
“Yes, fuck, I love it.” she cried out, testing her bonds as Eddie let go of her wrists but they held fast.
With her hands trapped uselessly between her back and Eddie’s chest, she had to just feel them playing with her, their hands and mouths all over her body, bringing her closer to the edge but never all the way.
“What a dirty girl… a dirty girl who likes having her hands bound together like some kind of slut.” Eddie taunted and his words touched something deep inside of her.
“Fuck, Eds. She liked when you called her a slut, she squeezed my fucking fingers like a vice.” Steve groaned and Eddie chuckled.
“Give our slut another finger as a reward.” he ordered and Steve obeyed, smirking when she gasped at the stretch of another finger added to her wet, hot cunt.
“God, she feels so good Eds, I can’t even imagine what she would feel like on a cock.” Steve said through grunts as he continued thrusting up into her with his fingers.
“We won’t have to imagine pretty soon, big boy.” Eddie said. “If you’re a good girl and you ride Stevie’s fingers like a cock, Steve will play with that pretty little clit of yours and we’ll let you cum.”
She moaned at the challenge before bucking her hips, intent on riding Steve’s hand like a cowgirl on a bull at a rodeo. She put every bit of effort she could into moving her hips and she was rewarded when Steve placed his thumb on her clit. A few small swirls and she was on the edge, begging the boys to let her cum. Eddie gave her permission and suddenly she was coming, her walls clenching down on Steve’s fingers as she threw her head back onto Eddie’s shoulder and cried out in ecstasy. She continued riding him through the shockwaves of pleasure and felt a little disappointed when it ended. He removed his fingers from her cunt, bringing them to his mouth to taste her cum as she panted.
“She tastes delicious.” Steve said with a smirk that made her shiver before holding out his fingers to Eddie. “Want a taste?”
“Oh I do, but I think I’m gonna get it straight from the source.” Eddie replied, a mischievous glint in his eye.
“What are we gonna do with her now, lover boy?” Steve asked him as he brought his fingers to her mouth and slipped them inside for her to taste herself. “All tied up with no where to go, isn’t that right baby?”
She moaned a yes as best as she could with his fingers in her mouth, the taste of her own arousal only heightening the pleasure. The muffled sound went straight to their cocks and Eddie’s face lit up with an idea.
“What would you say to a gag, princess?” Eddie asked and Steve removed his fingers from her mouth. “Be honest if it’s not something you want.”
“What kind of gag?” she asked in anticipation.
“I have a ball gag around here somewhere but if thats too much for your first time we can just do a cloth gag. I have plenty of bandanas.” Eddie answered.
“Can we try the cloth gag?” she asked, her innocent yet intrigued tone making him smile (and making his cock twitch).
“Of course, princess. Steve, can you get her hair out of the way?” Eddie said as he pulled his favorite bandana from his back pocket and although it was phrased as a question, Steve knew it was an order.
“Yes, sir.” Steve said, gently brushing her hair from her neck and pulling it all up with one hand. “Open up, baby.”
She opened her mouth obediently and watched as Eddie slowly placed the bandana between her teeth and pulled the ends together at the back of her neck.
“Is that too tight?” Eddie asked and when she shook her head, he tied the ends off and Steve released her hair, covering it.
“You’re always beautiful but you look even more lovely like this.” Steve told her and she felt butterflies in her stomach.
“Alright Harrington, we need to huddle up and make a game plan.” Eddie said and she whined as he began to move away. “It’s just for a moment, princess.”
Once Eddie was clear, Steve carefully lifted her off of his lap and laid her down on the bed on her back. His weight disappeared from beside her and she turned her head to the side to see the two of them moving to the far end of the room, Steve tucking himself away. When they reached the far wall, they stopped and leaned into one another, whispering too low for her to hear, especially with the music still playing quietly and them so far from her. She watched them, both shirtless with only their jeans still on, a sight that made her press her legs together in need, despite having just orgasmed.
After what felt like an eternity of planning, they returned to the side of the bed, smirking down at her with her hands tied underneath her in only her skirt and panties and a bandana gagging her. Steve reached down and stroked the side of her face, chuckling when she leaned into his touch.
“Are you ready for the next part of the show?” he asked and she nodded vigorously. “Good girl.”
Eddie pulled her upper half off of the bed and held her up as Steve took his place sitting against the headboard again, taking his pants off so that he was only in his boxers. Steve pulled her from Eddie’s arms and nestled her to sit between his legs, leaning back on his chest. The way they handled her so nonchalantly yet still careful, like she was a precious doll, reignited the fire in her core. Eddie took off his pants to reveal his briefs before kneeling on the bed in front of her. He reached around and un-cuffed one of her wrists before pulling them both up over her head, re-cuffing them so her hands were bound behind his neck, stretching her out.
“Don’t pull on these too hard or you’ll hurt Stevie, alright princess?” Eddie asked and she nodded.
Steve lifted her hips up as Eddie pulled off the skirt and panties, leaving her completely naked, all of her bare for their hungry eyes. Eddie spread her legs and groaned at the sight of her pussy laid bare before him. Putting her head down in embarrassment as her cheeks heated, she tried to close her legs but was stopped by Eddie’s hands keeping her thighs spread.
“Are you shy, princess?” Eddie cooed and she nodded. 
“Do you want us to stop?” Steve asked and she shook her head. “Can you knock on the wall behind us?” She answered with a few knocks on the wall. “If you want us to stop, knock on the wall in groups of three, alright?” She nodded.
“You’re so beautiful.” Eddie told her, fingers stroking her wet folds delicately.
She shifted against Steve’s chest and whined, trying once more to close her legs. Eddie gave a light smack to her inner thigh.
“Bad girl! Am I going to have to tie your ankles to my bedposts to get you to stay put?” he scolded and she looked away in embarrassment. “Oh that’s it, isn’t it? That’s what you want. Usually I wouldn’t reward bad behavior but this is a special circumstance.”
Eddie leaned over to a dresser drawer and pulled out two lengths of black rope. Carefully, he lifted one of her feet and tied the silky rope around her ankle. He pressed a light kiss to her calf before pulling her leg down to lay straight on the bed sheets between Steve’s spread legs. As Eddie secured the rope to the bed post and moved to repeat his actions with her other leg, Steve began to lazily drag his fingers across her breasts. He let his nails lightly rake on her nipples, teasing her in the same way she had teased him. She gasped through the gag and squirmed in his arms as he continued his ministrations. His lips moved to her ears and she shivered when she felt his hot breath against her skin.
“What, baby? You don’t like it when you get a taste of your own medicine?” He murmured in a low growl and she could practically hear his smirk. “Guess you can dish it out but can’t take it.”
Eddie finished her other leg and sat back on his haunches to admire his work, Steve stopping his teasing so she would be still for him. Her glistening cunt was laid bare before him and his eyes shone with excitement. Her cheeks heated under his attentive gaze and she averted her eyes away in embarrassment. She felt completely exposed with her legs spread wide open and the silky rope that wouldn’t relent to her tugging, she couldn’t close her legs to staunch the self-doubts that began to pop up. Eddie and Steve were far more experienced than her and had probably seen far prettier girls’ bodies. Every imperfection of her physique suddenly felt mortifyingly unattractive and for a moment she considered tapping out so she could throw on her clothes and run away in shame. She could feel the tears gathering in her eyes as she imagined how hideous she must look to them, every curve, line, and mark mocking her in her head. Suddenly she felt Eddie’s hand on her cheek, gently pulling her attention back to him.
“What’s wrong? Do you want to stop? There’s no shame in that, princess.” He said softly and her heart flipped at his earnestness. 
She shook her head. 
“Are you feeling self-conscious?” He asked, Steve’s fingers trailing comforting circles on her sides.
She nodded, eyes shimmering with vulnerability.
“Oh princess, you have nothing to be self-conscious about. You’re fucking stunning. I’ve never seen anyone who looks so beautiful naked as you, except for perhaps Steve.” Eddie assured her and she smiled, tears of comfort and joy pooling in her eyes as Steve chuckled behind her. 
“I’ve been wondering what you would look like without clothes forever and never in my wildest dreams did I even come close to how gorgeous you are right now.” Steve said in her ear and she craned her neck up to look at him, admiration shining in his eyes. “So just lay back and let us worship you the way you deserve.”
As soon as he finished speaking, her attention was drawn back to Eddie gently stroking her folds with skilled fingers covered in those god-damned rings of his. He teased her for a minute or two, simply admiring her pussy as he hummed some rock song, paying no attention to her squirming or mewling. Her handcuffed hands right at the back of Steve’s neck grasped onto his hair and tugged on it in pure anticipation, needing to feel grounded to him as Eddie inspected her. When Eddie felt he had admired her cunt properly, he dove in and began to eat her out. She gasped out through the gag in relief and felt Steve’s chest rumble with a chuckle behind her, his hands roaming her skin until they found purchase teasing her breasts deliciously.
“Thought I wouldn’t get you back for that, did you?” He whispered in her ear and she keened, lost in the sensations caused by both boys. “Think you can tug my hair and play with my nipples and I won’t take advantage when I get the chance? Eddie may be in charge of the both of us tonight but right now, I’m in charge of you, baby.”
It didn’t take long for her to reach her second orgasm, not with Eddie’s lips on hers and his tongue coaxing her to the edge as Steve played with her tits like a violin and whispered dirty things into her ear. She came hard as Eddie looked up at her, grinning like a mischievous devil from between her thighs.
“Good girl.” Steve cooed in her ear as she rode out her pleasure, breathing hard through the gag until Steve removed it, tilted her chin up towards him and captured her mouth in a breathless kiss.
“Ready for the finale?” Eddie asked, pressing soft kisses to the inside of the thighs.
“So ready!” She replied with a wide smile.
A blur of movement later and her restraints were removed, Steve helping her stretch out her limbs as Eddie grabbed condoms and lube.
“Get on your knees.” Eddie ordered and she complied as the boys removed their underwear and she saw that they both had long cocks almost the same size except that Eddie’s was a smidge girthier. 
“How do you wanna do this, baby?” Steve asked her, stroking his gorgeous cock. “Where do you want us?”
“I don’t think I’m ready to do anal, at least not yet, but I don’t have a preference for who goes where.” She replied, gazing hungrily at them.
“Dealer’s choice, then.” Eddie said with a smirk. “Steve, you’ve been such a good boy tonight following my instructions, I think you deserve to pick.”
“I want her pussy.” Steve said, smiling when she blushed and shivered under his intense gaze.
“Are you still sure you want this?” Eddie asked her as he passed a condom to Steve, who began to put it on. 
“I’m sure, damn it! Just fuck me before I lose my mind!” She said before realizing herself an adding as an afterthought “…please.”
“Mouthy girl, such a brat.” Steve commented and Eddie chuckled as he stepped towards her, gently gripping her chin to look up at him
“Normally, I’d punish an attitude like that but you’ve been so good for us tonight and it’s a special occasion so I’m going to overlook it… for now.” He said, a dark and sexy look in his eyes as she nodded. “Hands and knees for the big finish, princess.”
She got into position as Eddie moved in front of her and Steve behind her, groaning when she wiggled her ass a little.
“Spank her if she does that again.” Eddie said, tapping her lips with his cock until she opened them and he slipped in.
She was so distracted by Eddie’s cock in her mouth that she almost forgot Steve was lining himself up until he slid into her wet cunt. Eddie chuckled when she moaned around his cock. It only took a few moments until they began to move, quickly setting a deliciously brutal pace. The boys were seemingly naturals at it and for a moment she wondered if they had ever actually shared a partner before with how practiced they seemed to be at anticipating one anothers moves. She-d never been fucked so fast and rough, bouncing between their cocks in a rhythm that made her feel better then she ever had before.
“Fuck, princess, suck just like that!” Eddie exclaimed, his fist wound around some of her hair just enough to be felt but not hard enough to hurt.
“You feel so good, baby.” Steve moaned, throwing his head back as his hands gripped her hips tighter allowing him to thrust into her even deeper. “Fuck, I’m so close.”
“You don’t come until she does so if you want it, you’d better help her along.” Eddie commanded and Steve moved one hand off of her hips and snaked it between her legs.
His fingertips quickly found her clit and it wasn’t long before she was clenching onto his cock with a loud moan as she came.
Steve and Eddie’s hands were the only things keeping her up, her body feeling like jelly as her orgasm hit. Eddie unraveled next, shooting his load into her throat and coaxing her through swallowing it.
“Good girl.” He panted and she felt her pussy clench around Steve’s cock, those two little words inadvertently causing her to help bring Steve to orgasm.
“Fuck, baby!” Steve groaned, his hips stilling against hers as he rode out his high, her pussy clenching around his as if to help milk every last drop.
They all stayed there for a moment, the boys catching their breath. Eddie was the first to pull out, wiping droplets of cum from around her mouth as she slumped forwards and he led her down to lay on the bed. She groaned as Steve carefully removed himself, disposing of the condom before helping her place her head on the pillow. 
Very sated from orgasming three times in one night, she reached out and latched onto Steve, needing physical contact. She heard Eddie murmur something to Steve about caring for her but she couldn’t comprehend his words with how euphoric she felt. Steve laid down with her and held her, stroking her hair and whispering about how well she did while Eddie helped clean her up. Even in her haze, she felt something was missing.
“Stevie, I want Eds too…” She whined into Steve’s chest.
“You heard her, get over here.” Steve said, pulling both himself and her towards the edge of the bed to make room for him.
“What the princess wants, the princess gets.” Eddie replied, settling in on the other side of her.
“My boys…” She sighed contentedly, drifting off to sleep from her post-orgasmic haze nestled snugly between Steve and Eddie’s bodies.
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She awoke the next morning with her head on Eddie’s chest and Steve spooning her, his arm draped around her waist and his hand on Eddie. She smiled, feeling truly happy there with her boys.
“Morning princess.” Eddie said, his voice gravelly with sleep.
“Morning Eds.” She said, unable to contain her smile.
“I take it you had a good time last night.” He commented with a smirk.
“I did.” She said simply, gathering the courage to ask the question on her mind. “Eds… do you think you and Stevie would be alright with doing it again sometime? I don’t want you to think I’m indecisive or selfish, I just really like both of you. A lot.”
“Steve and I were talking about it last night after you passed out and we came to the conclusion that we’re both so head over heels for you that we’re willing to share if that’s what you want.” Eddie said and she felt like a weight was lifted off her chest. “Besides, Steve and I may have something deeper than just competition going on, we’ve just been too distracted to see it for what it was.”
“So, the three of us against the world?” She asked.
“Always, princess.” Eddie replied, pulling the comforter up to cover the three of them more fully and placing a kiss on the top of her forehead.
They were almost back asleep when the door swung open, revealing a very sleepy and apparently hungover Robin who looked very surprised to see them. Her eyes went wide with realization and shock at Eddie and Y/N, not even noticing Steve as he was covered by the comforter.
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry! I thought this was the bathroom door!” Robin exclaimed, shielding her eyes before adding with a huge grin “...but also this is fantastic, Dustin owes me so much money!” 
With impeccable timing, Steve raised his head from behind Y/N’s body and sleepily said “I don’t think you’ll be making any money today.”
“I just learned way more about your love life than I ever needed or wanted too and now none of us are winning the bet.” Robin replied, a mix of shock and disappointment on her face as she turned to leave. “I’m going to go bleach my eyes… and my brain.”
She slammed the door behind her and all three inhabitants of the bed began to laugh. They sunk into a comfortable silence, content with each other’s quiet company.
“Robin was wrong.” Y/N said assuredly.
“Hmm?” Steve hummed in confusion.
“She said no one won the bet. But she’s wrong, the three of us won it.” She replied and Steve laughed.
“I agree, princess.” Eddie added with a fond smile, holding his two lovers close to him.
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
I need to see Nancy meet one night stand Reader😂 i just wanna see how it goes.
Hiii babes!! We’ll ask and you shall receive 😂 I hope you enjoy these conversations! I also added Max and Robin into the mix as well just to get that outta the way!💖
-find all things One Night Stand Eddie here✨
-also reminder you’re not very nice(yet) in this series so like…there’s that😂🙈
*Eddie just wants you to meet some of his friends and per usual you’re not really in the mood*
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“Hey I’m Nancy…it’s uhm great to finally meet you.” “Yeah? Why is it so great?” “Jesus can you be nice for like five minutes? Please?” “Fuck off Eddie and leave me alone…I don’t need a damn babysitter to meet your friends.” “Fine I’ll just…be over there…sorry in advance if she makes you cry.” “Uh…okay…” “It’s nice to meet you…so uhm you’re Will’s older sister?” “Uhm close I’m Mike’s older sister….” “Sorry they all kinda blend in…can I ask you a question?” “Sure sure yeah…go ahead.” “You get your car worked on a lot?” “What? My…car? No not really…oh that’s right I saw you at Eddie’s work the other day.” “Yeah I saw you too…have you two…hooked up or anything?” “Me and Eddie? God no…no no never…ever.” “Why’d you say it like…that?” “Sorry I didn’t mean to sound rude but uhm no Eddie and I are just friends…I uh did date Steve…for a bit.” “Snackless Steve? You dated him?….yeah I guess I can see why Eddie isn’t your type then.” “Snackless Steve?” “Long story…gotta save it for the next time we see each other or we won’t have anything to talk about.” “Right…..”
“It’s Robin right?” “Yes that’s me…you waiting for Eddie?” “Yes he told me to come to family video and wait with Robin until he gets here.” “What’s with the step by step instructions? He think you’re five or something?” “He does it because he knows it annoys me…” “ah…got it…so…what’s it like?” “What’s what like?” “Well having Eddie’s baby and having to deal with…all that.” “I haven’t had the baby yet so I don’t know what that’s going to be like…I’m assuming it’s going to suck ass…as far as dealing with Eddie I try to limit the time we spend together but it’s hard because he always wants to be around me…he’s fucking clingy.” “Yes! I knew it wasn’t just me! He’s like a damn spider monkey…doesn’t know personal space at all.” “Exactly…oh I think that’s him.” “Did he just-” “honk at me again asshole and I’m slashing your tires and calling Wayne.” “I like you.” “Thanks…you’re not terrible either.” “I’ll take that.”
“So he really knocked you up huh?” “He did…but he’s not…totally horrible.” “That’s good…but if he ever gets mean let me know and I’ll shove a potato in his exhaust pipe.” “I appreciate that…sorry what’s your name again?” “I’m Max…I live just over there…whats he doing anyway?” “He has convinced himself he can build a backseat in the van for a car seat…” “that’s…not going to work.” “Yeah he’s kinda an idiot…” “you sure know how to pick ‘em…” “it was dark and I was drunk okay?” “Son of a bitch…what the fucking hell…” “that’s my queue…gotta go tell him he’s a dumbass…nice talking to you Max.” “Yeah same…see you around.”
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rodricksfilipinagf · 6 months
Sharing A Bed (Jamie Tartt x Reader)
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  I arrive home from work expecting to curl up into bed and read a new adult romance book when I feel an unexpected chill in the apartment. Oh no. It’s winter. This shouldn’t be happening. Is there a power outage? I flicker the lights on and off. They still work. Fuck. Is this like, a building-wide thing? There’s only one way to find out, and that’s to ask my closest neighbor. Ughhhh, fuck. There goes my relaxing night.
         When Jamie answers the door, he’s wearing a comfortable gray sweatshirt and doesn’t look at all distressed. “What? You didn’t have enough to yell at me about today?”
         “My heater isn’t working…and I’m guessing yours is fine.”
         “Yeah, mine works.” He looks at me smugly. “Do you want to hang out at my place until they come to repair yours?”
         I think it over. I could easily stay at a hotel, but my stuff is right next door, and I’m too lazy to pack.
         “Unless, of course, you’re scared to hang out with me.” His brow raises challengingly.
         I roll my eyes. “Seriously? Why would I be scared of you? You’re just annoying and a raging dickhead.”
         “Takes one to know one. Look, I’ll keep my door open. Just get what you need and spend the night here until your place gets fixed.”
         Why is he doing this? What is his angle? My laziness and curiosity win out. I let out a sigh. “You’re lucky my son has a sleepover tonight.”
         “Great, now so will you,” he says fake cheerfully. “This is probably the highlight of your social life here.”
         He’s such a dick. “I’m getting my stuff,” I say. Fuck you, I say internally a million times.
         Nobody can fix my apartment until tomorrow morning. Guess I really am spending the night at the enemy’s flat. Maybe I should look into getting a hotel. Especially since Jamie shows no indication of leaving me alone. “I used to talk to a lingerie model and she left a couple sets here. If you put one on, I wouldn’t complain.”
         It’s just like him to objectify me like that. “I bet you wouldn’t,” I say. Though there’s a very, very small part of me that wonders if he’s not joking. If he thinks I could actually pull those off. And of course he’s been with lingerie models.  “I’m going to bed, because I’m sick of talking to you. Hope you don’t mind.”
         “Yeah, about that. There’s only one bed in this flat and it’s mine,” he smiles innocently.
         Fuck. My. Life.
         “So why’d you come here?” He asks as we’re on opposite sides of his gargantuan bed.  I’m determined to stay as far away from him as possible. “To England?”
         “Why do you want to know?” I ask. “Do you actually care about getting to know me?”
         “You didn’t know anything about the team or about me,” he says.
         “Yeah, and God forbid someone not know about you,” I say. “Working in luxury fashion marketing is my dream, okay? It’s not some joke the way you seem to think it is.”
         “I never said it was.” He studies his fingertips.
         “You didn’t have to. You never take anything seriously and you’re always trying to undermine my authority or laugh at me. You’re a real fucking jerk.”
         “If it makes you feel better I always feel like crap afterwards,” he confesses.
         Well, that was a plot twist. I wasn’t expecting him to be that real with me. “Well then why do you do it?” I ask.
         He’s silent for a long while, and judging by his face, he’s actually taking my question seriously. “You know how I’m the best player on this team?” ….Or maybe I was wrong.
         “Why did I actually think I was getting a serious answer out of you?” I shake my head.
         “No, just shut up and let me finish,” he says. He’s all kinds of rude, but something inside me also wants to hear him out. “I wasn’t even allowed to play back in Manchester. They benched me. The only time I got to play there was as a substitute. That’s why they loaned me out. That’s how much they didn’t want me.”
         I wonder what that version of Jamie was like- the one that didn’t get attention or glory.  Was he humbler? More tolerable to be around? Because what would he be basing his ego on?
I have to stop myself from saying “I’m sorry.” This was Jamie we were talking about. He could stand to be humbled. Maybe it was good that he knew that there were others that were better than him.
         “And then I got loaned out here, and I was the best player by far, and I liked it. I liked that people got to see what I can do. What I worked so hard to get to do. I guess I let it get to me. The fame, the….everyone thinking what I wanted them to. That I was a star.” His head shifts to look at me. 
         “Yeah, I get that,” I say. “You shouldn’t be rude to other people though. Do you even have any real friends?”
         “No,” he says simply. “I guess not.”
         “What about relationships? Anything long term?” I ask.
         “Not really. My longest was six months. Why the sudden interest in my dating life?”
         I duck his gaze. “Just trying to figure out why you’re a dick to everyone around you.”
         “I’m great with women,” he counters. “Especially in bed.”
         I can’t help but smile at that. There’s something about him that’s almost charming. “I’d disagree with you but I don’t have proof.”
         He smirks. “You want some?”
         He doesn’t mean it. He doesn’t mean it. “So this is why you invited me over? To seduce me?”
         “Depends. Did it work?” he asks softly.
         There’s nothing I want more in this moment than to fuck him. I feel hot and I’m aware of every feeling in my body. But wait!!! I’m supposed to hate him!! Why is this happening? I’ve found him attractive ever since seeing him in that ad on the plane. But he can’t know that. I can’t have sex with him. He’s a dick to everyone and all he’s done since I’ve gotten here is try to make my life miserable. I wanted a meaningless hookup for the holiday season, and I feel like anything I do with Jamie will be anything but meaningless. It will be fueled with hatred, and passion, and I already know it will be so addicting that I won’t want to go back to the US. Where my life is. Where my son’s life is.
         I could hate fuck the shit out of Jamie. I know I could, and I know I’d have the best time doing it. But it’s better to not experience something great. That way it’s better to leave it…right?
         “Nope,” I say, moving away from him, trying my best to keep my voice even. “Nothing you do will make me not hate you.”
         He rolls his eyes. “Bullshit. You were into that.”
         “I know that you think that every woman you come across wants you-“
         “Yeah, I do, cause it’s true. And you’re one of them,” he says cockily.
         “Maybe you’re the one that’s into me,” I counter. “You’re the one who made up a stupid lie to get me to sleep next to you. And it’s so obvious too. You’re so juvenile and immature. How can you possibly think I’d like you?”
         “I see the way you look at me.” He doesn’t say anything for a long time, so I assume he finally went to sleep. So when he says, “I’ll get you to admit it,” I’m a little shocked.
         “What makes you think you will?” I ask, too taken aback to pretend too be asleep myself.
         “I don’t give up. So…have fun with that. Cause I will.”
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drewstarkeysbitchh · 1 year
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Pairings: Rafe Cameron x female! Kook-ish! Reader.
Summary: you were a waitress at the country club and Rafe and his friends have been coming every Friday just to annoy the shit out you.
Warnings: Girly being a funny ass bad fucking bitch. Also the tiniest itty bitty smut at the end. But I don’t write it because it makes me uncomfy.♡♡
A/n: this is like my first ever post. I always just kept to myself because I thought I was too good for you all. No I’m kidding, but I’m a lil nervy. Also I’m no fucking English scholar, so if you see anything that’s not supposed to be there, pretend it’s not there. I put commas where I feel like it, ok bitches?? Btw the I put this song because it’s on repeat rn so you don’t have to listen to it but I do…
You looked up from the table you were serving when you heard a group of guys fucking around. It was the too better for everyone kookiest of kooks. Kelce, Topper, and Rafe. I rolled my eyes because this was the fourth Friday in a row that they decided to eat here.
I wrote down the last kids order and went into the back. I went over to the big group in the back with Alyssa, my best friend. We both wanted to work together, so we got jobs together.
“Their here again.” I say talking about the three group of boys that come here almost every Friday. I jump onto the counter.
“If I keep having to serve them, I think I’m gonna shoot myself.” I say making the group all laugh.
“Well I can’t.” Alyssa says. “Me neither.” “Sorry.” I groan.
“Jesus Christ.” I mumble hopping down. I flip them all off in annoyance.
I walk out and over to the group of ignorant assholes.
“Hello what can I do for you three today!” I say sarcastically.
“What a joyful mood.” Topper laughs making me fake smile.
“Always!” I state.
“Can I just get water.” Topper says.
“Me too.” Kelce adds.
I write it down or else I’ll forget. “And what about you, Princess?” I ask.
“Can I just get water too?” He says not really even asking just stating.
“Of course. Anything for my favorite piece of shit!” I say. He rolls his eyes. He had a fling with one my friends over the summer and totally fucked her over. He knew I hated him.
I walk over to get their waters. I carefully to walk back to their tables and give them each their cups.
“Ok now what do you all want to eat I don’t have all fucking day.” I state.
“Where’d the sweet Stevie go?” Topper says. I laugh not at his joke but at myself, because I think I’m so funny. They all smile with me.
“Can I get some wings?” Topper asks. I nod my head.
“I just want a cheeseburger with fries.” Kelce says. I write it down and look over at Rafe.
“I don’t want anything.” He says. I raise my eyebrows.
“You came to a restaurant and you’re not getting any food?” I laugh.
“I just don’t want to put my sweet little cupcake to work.” He laughs.
“It’s not like I make the food.” I state.
“I’m not hungry.” He says. I stare at him for a second just confused.
“Alright.” I say walking to the back to put their orders in the line. I look back at the table and Alyssa isn’t there. She’s probably doing her job for the first fucking time in her life. I walk over and jump onto the counter.
“Hank, who’s the meanest person you’ve ever met?” I ask the chef, my favorite man in the world.
“My wife.” He laughs making me laugh with him.
“Well I think it’s Rafe Cameron.” I say. “He just so narcissistic and in love with himself. He thinks he can’t do anything wrong and it’s so annoying.”
“Stevie you’re table won’t shut up about wanting you.” Alyssa walks in and says to me.
“What?” I sigh.
“They want you like now.” She says. I groan and jump off the counter.
I walk over to their table. “Oh there she is.” Kelce says.
“What do you assholes want now?” I laugh.
“I want your friend’s number.” Rafe smirks.
“Ok I have shit to do.” I say walking away.
“Please Stevie, I’ll treat her so well I promise.” He smiles even bigger.
“Why don’t you just ask her yourself, dumbass? Why’d you call me all the way over here?” I groan.
“She isn’t over here.” He says.
“She was just here. She said you guys wouldn’t shut the fuck up.” I say.
“She said that?” He smirks.
“Yeah she did. Look either you get it yourself or don’t get it at all. It’s not my problem.” I say.
“Are you jealous Stevie?” He smiles.
I look at him with disgust. “God you’re so conceited. You think everyone is so in love with you.” I roll my eyes.
“You should be a little nicer to me, Stevie. I can get you fired.” He says. I roll my eyes.
“Go ahead. Then you wouldn’t be able to keep fucking up my Friday’s.” I say walking away.
I walk to the front and ask Steve if I can leave early. I make up a fake story. He lets me go. I genuinely don’t think my anger issues could’ve handled anymore of that.
“Alyssa their your problem now.” I say grabbing my keys. She furrows her eyebrows.
“I can’t deal with them anymore. I’m going home.” I say.
I walk out the door and walk home. My house is close enough, there’s no point in even driving. It’s still a ways to walk, though.
After 5 minutes of walking, I see headlights. It’s a truck. A big ass truck. It comes up closer to me. They roll down their window.
“Did I piss you off too much, sweetheart?” It’s Rafe. I roll my eyes as soon as I hear his voice.
“You just don’t know how to fucking quit.” I say.
“Get in. I’ll take you home.” He says. I scoff.
“Hell no.” I say.
“Stevie don’t be such a determined fucking bitch and get in the car.” He says.
“You know when you call me a bitch it just makes me want to hop in you’re truck so much more.” I say.
“Stevie, I know you don’t want to walk all the way home.” He says. I sigh and walk over to the passenger seat. He was right I didn’t want to walk all the way home.
“You’re still an asshole.” I say. He laughs.
“What even happened? We used to be friends.” He asks.
“Well you cheated on Lily. I mean there’s so many reasons why I fucking hate you, but that’s a big one.” I say.
“Alright I didn’t cheat on her.” He says making me mentally orbit around the fucking moon.
“Oh right you just slept with someone that wasn’t Lily, sorry I don’t know what I was thinking.” I say.
“That’s what she told you?” He scoffs.
“Yeah?” I say.
“I didn’t cheat on her.” He says.
“Well then what did you do Rafe?” I ask.
“I just stopped liking her I don’t know. I tried to tell her in a nice way, but she went fucking psycho on me.” He says.
“You just stopped liking her? How do you just stop liking her?” I ask.
“I don’t know like how you stopped liking Joe.” He says, bringing up my ex.
“Ok that’s different. We both agreed we didn’t feel anything anymore.” I say.
“I stopped liking Lily, because I started liking her friend.” He says looking at me for a second.
“That’s not fucked up at all.” I say. He rolls his eyes.
“Who was it? Alyssa??” I ask.
“No it wasn’t Alyssa.” He says.
“Then why did you want her number?” I ask. He pauses. The car gets really quiet.
“I wanted to see how you’d react.” He says.
“See how I’d react? Why would you care what I thought?” I ask. We sit there for a minute in complete silence.
“It was you, Stevie. Jesus Christ, you were the friend that I couldn’t stop fucking thinking about. Every time you’d come over with you’re stupid little boyfriend, I was never looking at Lily, I was always watching you. I couldn’t do anything because you had a boyfriend and I was dating Lily.” He says making me audibly gasp. Ok not literally but I was in pure shock.
“No fucking shit.” I laugh. He scoffs.
“Fuck off.” He says making me laugh.
“I used to like you too. I was like in love with you in 8th grade.” I say. “It was when I met Sarah and came over to you’re house everyday. To be honest, I only went over there to see you.”
He laughs. “Shut up.” I scoff. “It’s weird we both used to like each other.” He looks at me.
“I never stopped, Stevie.” He says.
“What?” My voice shakes.
“I never stopped liking you.” He says making me gulp really loudly. I stare at him. I’m so nervous right now I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. He starts to lean in and my heart starts beating faster.
I don’t pull away so this has to mean I feel the same. He puts his hand on my face. Our lips finally touch and I realize I like it. He picks up my thighs and sets me on top of him.
I can’t believe of all things that could’ve happened today, I’m in Rafe Cameron’s car about to fuck.
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strikersexhaver · 1 year
Since requests are open, I thought I'd give it a try! So far, I've only saw 1-2 fics with the similar concept. Can I request headcanons for Striker x Male Angel Reader? I thought it'd be interesting since know we know how angels look like (Canonically: Adam and there are two concept art pictures of two angel sisters: Emily and Sera).
(A/N) Okay so! I’m not sure if Emily and Sera are canon. Because when I looked for them it was “Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light” which I think was a very popular fan fiction? I’m not sure though. Regardless, I got you covered though!
I used some personal headcanons, to make it easier / flow more smoothly. It also worked as a ‘angel who’s pretty much a runt and got kicked out’
Striker X Male Angel!S/O
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Like most demons, during the aftermath of an exorcist. Striker was in the pride on grabs for leftover angelic weaponry.
It’s not that he liked the spears that they used, oh no no, he was a gunman through and through.
It’s simply that the metals from these leftover weapons can create other holy weapons. Such as his guns, for his job it was crucial to have these. As demonic royalty (and overlords) cannot die (or die again) without certain holy weaponry.
But what he was not expecting to find was an angel that was left behind, you were attempting and failing to conjure a portal back.
It was depressing watching you fail back and forth, but unfortunately Striker wasn’t here to pity.
He wanted your weapon plus- you were distracted so perfect opportunity.
Quietly sneaking up behind you and slipping your weapon with something else he ran.
You didn’t even notice as you were so annoyed, pissed that you couldn’t go back.
It was only until you looked around and noticed the weight in your hand was gone, you let out a sigh.
You usually were supposed to drop these weapons anyway, but you brought your own.
Your own weapon you spent too much time investing in, so you had to go and get it regardless.
The only thing you saw of him was a cowboy silhouette and the only thing that came to mind was Wrath, you’ve heard that those who live there are much more akin to southern people on Earth.
You tracked him down, all the way back to his lair to find him dissembling your weapon, pissed you were at the discovery.
He was surprised you followed him, found it amusing an angel being so caught up on a demon went this far. But he used this as a chance to see how good angels really were at fighting.
He was proved right, you were good at what you did. But he was a bit surprised, you didn’t seem like too much of an elite angel. You were on his level but that’s it.
He was intrigued, so he teased you and stopping trying with you practically becoming a casual
Even flirting with you saying things like-
“What’s a handsome thang’ like ya’ self doin’ all this far out in hell?” His tail swished with interest, with an amused grin.
“Heh, I thought y’all were supposed to fuckin’ hate hell-“
It was clear he wasn’t taking you all that seriously, he figured you were left behind.
You were trying not to respond till you got some upper hand- yet to no avail.
He pissed you off.
He noticed and kept fucking around with you, belittling you in comments jokingly.
At one point you even laughed at them, not even taking them offensively.
You started to flirt back in a way that was demeaning in the eyes of your angelic peers from above.
During this fight your feathers fell off, not from the pressure but the fact you were flirting with a demon, maybe the older angels would claim it’s because you both are men.
But for some reason, you did not care. You already got left behind by your fellow angels so- what was the point anymore?
You two started hitting it off, a withering angel on the way to being fallen and a rattlesnake-imp of a cowboy.
He took you out instead of fighting with you, he flirted with you while taking the two of you to a bar.
“So’ why’d ya’ get kicked out?” he said while drinking a shot of whiskey.
You denied being kicked out, as your feathers fell.
He shrugged it off, what was clear to him clearly wasn’t to you.
Until you noticed your wings dropped, your back light and nothing was able to lift you off your feet anymore.
You clutched your shoudler as you turned to see your now gone wings.
Striker had a smirk on his face
“See? Ya’ got left alone suga’” he kept drinking and looked at you with a smirk.
A look of shock was on your face till realization hit, yeah you fully got left behind purposefully. And fully alone- besides the half-imp besides you of course.
Striker on the other hand, used this to his advantage he was able pry out the information on where Angels dropped their weapons in hell from you.
And other, miscellaneous things that would help him out
He did start to like you, eventually, he smiled around you. He got you to assist him on his jobs, furthering your downfall to hell.
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heydorothea009 · 4 months
Bread on Toast - A Future Man Fanfiction
Josh Futturman and his fellow coworker and best friend, Liv Branson, get roped into saving the world as time traveling saviors with, what were thought to be, video game characters, Wolf and Tiger. Not only are Liv and Josh completely incompetent, but they are also emotionally inept- will this cause the destruction of mankind? Only time will tell.
Warnings: strong language, Wolf does cocaine, mentions of violence
Chapter 3: A Fuel’s Errand
Tiger and Wolf had no trouble lugging Carl’s corpse down the stairwell, but Josh and Liv were stumbling down the stairs, carrying what’s her name’s corpse as both of their panic set in.
“Oh my God, oh my God, shit, holy shit, oh my God-“ Liv repeated over and over, her mind racing.
“SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT-“ Josh was yelling over her.
“Stop shitting!” Tiger yelled at him as her and Wolf took a sharp turn down the stairs.
“Why didn’t the game say they were human?!” Josh asked frantically.
“We didn’t want to humanize them!” Tiger shouted.
“What’s with the nutsack faces?”
“It’s a biomembrane, it helps them heal faster! Why’d you block our shot?” Tiger responded harshly.
“Oh my God, these are people we fucking work with.” Josh didn’t answer Tiger’s question.
“They’re barely human, they’re grown in labs!” Wolf yelled.
“Why the FUCK did you block our shot?” Tiger shouted again, growing more frustrated with Josh.
“Because killing Kronish won’t help! Okay? His research is already out there, the cure could come from anywhere!” Josh said.
“Yeah, thanks to you two dick weevils.” Wolf grumbled.
“Are there more of these things?” Liv finally spoke up through her shock of having to touch a dead body.
“Of course! They’re sleeper agents, they knew we came back to 2017 and they sent them earlier to hide in plain sight.” Tiger explained, clearly annoyed that Josh and Liv didn’t know this information.
“That’s kinda cool I guess,” Josh said in a strained voice.
“Let’s just leave ‘em here.” Wolf suggested, letting Carl’s body slump to the ground. Tiger let go too and Carl landed flat on his face.
“What? No! We can’t just leave these dead bodies here?!” Josh shook his head frantically. “You also can’t leave anything from the future in the past, it will fuck things up! It seriously could fuck up your future, come on guys! This is time travel 101! We have to get rid of them!”
Tiger leaned her elbows on the railing and shot a glance over at Wolf, who looked equally as frustrated and understanding as she did. “Okay fine, then how do we get rid of them.”
Josh opened his mouth, then closed it. He looked at Liv for some help, but she looked like she might throw up at any moment. Then it hit him. “I…I think I know how…”
“The possum incinerator?” Liv asked in a deadpan voice as Josh led everyone (including the dead bodies) into the possum incinerator room. Kronish Labs studied possum semen instead of human semen as a more “humane” way of finding a cure, even though it wasn’t very “humane”.
“How many possums do you kill here?” Wolf asked, genuinely intrigued.
“Enough that we needed to get this possum incinerator.” Josh said, opening the hatch. “People don’t come down here very often though, I don’t think.”
“It’s pretty small, we’ll have to cut up the bodies…let’s get to work.” Tiger motioned for the bodies to be put on the table.
It was a bloodbath. Wolf and Tiger were disassembling the bodies in front of Liv and Josh’s eyes. Liv stood in horror. Josh looked on the scene looking scared, but not as scared as Liv. He was becoming familiar with what Tiger and Wolf were capable of.
“I don’t think I can watch this anymore.” Josh turned his head, feeling sick.
“Hey,” Tiger grabbed his face, the blood on her hands rubbing off on his cheeks and chin. Liv was about to agree with him, but kept quiet, she didn’t want blood on her face too. “You need to watch this, you and this girl need to know how to take down these perfs for when you run into one again.”
Josh tensed up as he felt the wet blood touch his face. “This girl is named Liv and she’s my friend and you’re scaring her. And what the hell is a perf?”
“We call these genetically perfect assholes perfs.” Wolf hurled Carl’s torso into the incinerator. “Not so perfect anymore!” He jeered.
“What was this girl’s name?” Tiger hoisted up the girl neither Josh or Liv could remember the name of.
“I don’t know, Liv?” Josh asked quietly.
“I-I don’t remember.” Liv said at an even quieter volume.
“I just always called her ‘Pretty Smile Girl’.” Josh said. If the situation wasn’t so horrifying, Liv would have found the way he’d said it adorable.
“They’re all fucking pretty, they’re Biotics!” Tiger snapped. “You stab Pretty Smile Girl in the liver? That’s a kill. Stab Pretty Smile Girl in the heart? That’s a fucking kill. But you’ll wanna be real careful with Pretty Smile Girl’s head.”
“Can we please leave Pretty Smile Girl’s head alone?” Josh had to look away. Liv wanted to look away but couldn’t, seeing Pretty Smile Girl’s head swing around in unnatural ways was so deeply unsettling that she couldn’t help but watch in terror.
“No,” Wolf growled, strutting over to Tiger and Pretty Smile Girl’s corpse with some kind of device. “Every Biotic soldier has a brain bomb implanted in their head, makes it explode so they can’t be interrogated.” He held the device over her neck and the device beeped. Wolf pulled out something the size of a pen and stabbed it into her neck. Liv gagged and turned away. “It doesn’t kill them, but it disables the bomb.” He pulled it out, revealing a small ball. The bomb. “Another for the gobulator.” Wolf’s face lit up as he pulled out a small case filled with the tiny balls.
“Is that safe?” Josh pointed to the case and Wolf looked at him as if he were stupid.
“The fuck you think a gobulator does?”
Wolf and Tiger finished dismembering the corpses and threw them into the fire. They were dripping with scarlet blood, looking like Carrie White. Liv felt sick to her stomach, she hated gore. Tiger wiped her hands on her pants and spoke up,
“Alright Wolf, fire up the TTD. Let’s go back to earlier today before Future Man fucked up the mission.” Liv swore Tiger shot her a dirty look. “Let’s go get Kronish.”
Liv furrowed her brows. She felt like everyone around her was speaking a foreign language. She’d never heard of a TTD.
“You guys don’t get it!” Josh said loudly. “Kronish has been doing this research his entire life, someone could just pick up where he left off. And besides, you would have to pull like, a Terminator thing and stop him from ever being born-“
“Or! We kill him when he’s one of those little baby things!” Tiger added excitedly.
Josh shook his head. “No! Absolutely not, we cannot kill a baby!”
“They’re invincible?” Wolf asked.
“No, they’re helpless and very soft.” Tiger said.
“Perfect. Easy kill.”
“Give us a date, Future Man. Or girl, maybe you know.” Tiger said. Before Josh or Liv could speak, (Liv was growing offended by being called “girl”), Wolf interjected.
“Cat fucker! The TTD got damaged in the fight.” He groaned as he held what looked like a tablet, pulling out a vial of neon green liquid. Liv looked to Josh to see if she was missing something, but he looked just as confused.
“Shit…that’s not a lot of Cameronium.” Tiger shook her head worriedly.
“Maybe enough for one jump if we’re lucky.” Wolf studied the vial closely.
“What the hell is Cameronium?” Josh asked.
“It’s the fuel the TTD runs off of.” Tiger explained as if it were obvious.
“What’s the TTD?” Liv finally asked. She had so many questions.
“Time travel device.” Wolf said, speaking to her calmly. He glanced over at her. “We’re time travelers. By the way, I don’t know if Futute Man here explained that to you.”
“Yeah, I gathered that. Is that what you used to travel back to 1969?” She asked Josh. Josh nodded.
“Okay, new plan. We use our last jump to go kill baby Kronish, that’s the new mission.” Tiger said loudly.
“No!” Josh exclaimed as Liv shook her head violently. “We are absolutely not killing a baby! It’s wrong and makes us monsters!”
Tiger thought about it for a moment. “Agree to disagree. Give us a date.”
“I- well I don’t even know when he was born.” Josh said.
“Wolf, choke it outta him.” Tiger said calmly. Liv backed away instantly. Josh looked at her with wide eyes.
“Gladly.” Wolf advanced on Josh. Josh stumbled backwards.
“No, no, no-“ Wolf grabbed Josh by the neck and slammed him against the wall. Liv thought about running, but then again, Tiger might do the same to her.
“Give. Us. A. Date.” Tiger said through gritted teeth.
“If- if you can’t jump back to your time how will you know it worked? What if killing Kronish doesn’t fix it! Don’t you want proof?!” Liv blurted out. Tiger’s eyes fixated on her and Liv’s heart dropped. Tiger studied Liv for a moment, her stance softening, considering what Liv had said. Wolf saw Tiger considering this and dropped Josh. Josh landed on his feet and gasped for air.
“What do you even know about time travel?” Liv added, seeing Wolf and Tiger actually listening to her. “Multiverses? Alternate realities?”
“Time loops.” Josh added, rubbing his throat.
“Time loops! If you're wrong about even just one of those things it could throw off your whole mission, even though I don’t entirely understand what it is.” Liv pleaded. Tiger and Wolf looked at each other, then back to Liv.
Tiger sighed. “Fine. We’ll look for Cameronium here. But then! We’re going back and killing baby Kronish.” Josh let out a frustrated sound.
“Where’s the closest Cameronium outpost?” Wolf asked. Liv grabbed a mop, ready to clean up the crime scene that she was standing in.
“We just learned what Cameronium is, I have no idea.” Josh muttered.
“It’s biofuel, it’s been around forever.” Tiger started getting frustrated again. Josh grabbed another mop and helped Liv.
“Well, what’s it made of?” Liv asked.
“I- plants? I don’t know? You tell us, you’re the scientists.” Liv stopped mopping and looked at Josh, who also stopped mopping. “One of you is a scientist right? You work in a lab?” Tiger added. Josh looked at Liv and Liv just stared back at him. Had Josh told them that they were scientists? She raised an eyebrow at him and grew nervous.
“Those are your science wands.” Wolf said, pointing to the mops.
Tiger narrowed her eyes at them. “What is your job here?”
“Uh,” Liv didn’t know what to say. She looked nervously to Tiger and Wolf, who were impatiently waiting for an answer.
“We’re…janitors?” Josh didn’t even sound sure of his own job.
Tiger and Wolf stared at them for a second, Tiger’s eyebrow started twitching as she got noticeably more angry, letting the word “janitor” hang in the air. Wolf looked a little lost and just stared at them, but could tell what Josh had just said was making Tiger angry, therefore he was angry too.
Josh looked terrified. “Uh, are you guys cool with that, or-“
Tiger slammed her fists on the table. “FUCKING JANITORS?!” She screamed, storming out the door that led to an alley outside. Wolf shoved the table over and stormed out after her.
Josh looked at Liv with wide eyes before dropping his mop and chasing after them. Liv dropped her mop and followed him. They chased Wolf and Tiger through the alleyway.
Tiger spun around, stomping backwards. “Do you know who’s a janitor where we come from?”
“A- a robot-?” Josh guessed.
“Nobody!” She snapped. “Because in a battle of life or death no one gives a dick about clean floors!”
“I knew he wasn’t the savior, I knew it from the moment he jizzed all over my torso!” Wolf turned around too, glaring at Josh.
“Please, guys come on!” Josh and Liv chased after them like little kids chasing after a soccer ball. God, those two time traveling warriors could storm away fast.
“No!” Tiger stopped and Liv and Josh almost ran into her. “You can’t. We don’t need you.” She jabbed Josh’s shoulder with her finger. “You get in the way, you’re weak, and you fucking inspired Kronish to share his cure with the world. And on a personal level, I'm not sure I like you.” She looked at Liv. “You’re associated with him, so I feel the same about you.” She looked back at Josh. “You’re off the team, Fütturman.” She spat, mispronouncing Josh’s last name.
“Even your name’s a disappointment.” Wolf growled. He looked at Liv. “I forgot your name.” The way he spoke to her wasn’t nearly as mean and condescending, but Liv still looked up at him fearfully. Tiger and Wolf turned on their heels and stomped away.
“What- guys, don’t do this!” Josh yelled after them. “Where are you going?”
“To finish the mission without you.” Tiger yelled, not even turning around to look at them.
“You’re covered in brains!” Josh yelled back.
“Eat a dick!”
Josh stood in silence, shocked and defeated. “Well…they seemed nice…” Liv said after a long pause, scuffing the toe of her boot on the asphalt.
“Not right now, Liv, please.” Josh said in a weak voice as he sank down to the ground, putting his head in his hands. Liv looked down at him, sitting with his knees pulled into his chest. He looked so sad. Whatever this time travel mission really was, it really seemed really important to him.
“Josh…will you tell me what happened? Like please actually explain what's going on? You gave me the simplified version in the stairwell, I need the full story to really grasp the situation.” Liv said gently, bending down to his level. Josh looked up at her with those sad eyes that hurt her heart.
“Okay. After I beat my game, they appeared in my room and told me I was the savior and that ‘Biotic Wars’ is actually a training simulation sent back from the future to find me. Apparently the cure Kronish eventually will end up discovering is what leads to a super cure that creates the Biotics. To my knowledge Biotics are perfect and powerful beings who are apparently also our coworkers. I thought I was being pranked when Wolf and Tiger appeared in my room, I was so embarrassed because I was…” he trailed off. Truth be told, Josh had been jerking off when Wolf and Tiger appeared in his room. He even came on Wolf by accident…which he still felt bad about. He cleared his throat. “I- I dunno, I probably just sounded stupid to them asking if I was being pranked over and over. They used the TTD and took me to 1969, but we were still in my house, but like the 60s version. I saw my grandparents, my dad, and my Uncle Barry, and they started beating me up because they thought I was there to rob them.”
Liv started snickering.
“Shut up, Liv!” Josh couldn’t help but laugh too. “Okay, that part’s pretty funny, actually now that I think about it. But Tiger and Wolf stepped in and we were able to get out of the house and then Tiger and Wolf started wailing on these bikers who catcalled Tiger and we stole their clothes to fit in. Then! I found out it was the night of the moon landing-“
“Oh my God, the night Kronish got herpes.” Liv was starting to piece together the story.
“Yes, exactly. So we started to go to CalTech, which was where Kronish’s party was, but I guess someone had called the police, because some policemen tried to stop us. And then I think Wolf might have brutally murdered a policeman…”
“He does seem to like to kill people.” Liv said, nodding along to the story.
“Yeah…so then we stop at a gas station, and I’m all mad at them, and then Wolf goes and breaks some dude’s fingers and I had to teach Tiger what a baby was and that kidnapping is bad. Anyways, we end up at a frat party at CalTech and we are the only white people there…and then Wolf told them their mutant race should die…yeah…” he grimaced at that memory. Liv grimaced too. “He was meaning Kronish and the Biotics but it just came out racist. So then, I infiltrated the party by myself in an astronaut costume while Wolf and Tiger ‘secured the perimeter’ or something, and I cockblocked Kronish by having a dance off with him to get him away from Barberella, the girl who had herpes, and also I think I might have invented the running man and the the moonwalk. I think some other more modern dances were sprinkled in there too, I don’t really remember.” He chuckled lightly. “And then…well, you’re basically caught up, you saw what happened today.”
Liv nodded her head as she took in this story. “Oh my God,” she let out a short laugh.
“Oh! And! I left my phone in the past on accident, and now Steve Jobs and Siri don’t exist.” Josh added.
“Exactly.” Josh shook his head at himself.
Liv giggled. “I can’t believe you invented the moonwalk and then Michael Jackson took all the credit.”
“Eh, he can have it.” Josh looked up at her and laughed. “So, I thought I was supposed to be some savior, but apparently I’m useless.” He sighed, the weight of what just happened settling on his shoulders again.
Liv took a seat next to him on the ground. “Why does it matter so much to you?”
“Because I thought I was finally going to do something great with my life.” He looked up at the sky, he seemed to be fighting tears. “But instead I got verbally abused by Tiger and Wolf and I put your life in danger. I’m sorry.”
“Josh,” Liv said softly. “Do you want to just go home?”
Josh nodded, swiping the back of his hand across his cheeks, trying to make it seem like he wasn’t starting to cry. “Yeah.”
“I’ll drive you home.” She stood up and offered him a hand. “Also, you’ve got blood on your face.”
“I know.” He sighed.
Liv drove Josh back to his house in silence. She parked in his driveway, but he didn’t get out of the car. He sat and just stared at his house with a sad expression.
“Come on, Josh,” Liv got out of the car and walked around to his side, opening the door for him. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
Josh looked up at her from his seat and then glanced down at her matching gray janitor uniform, which was splattered with blood just like his. “What about you?”
“I think I have a change of clothes somewhere in my car,” she said. “But my friend Josh needs someone to be there for him right now and I am going to make him my priority.”
Josh gave her a small, sad smile. “Thank you, Liv.”
They went into his house, which was quiet. Josh’s parents weren’t home so they didn’t have to worry about them being concerned about their bloody uniforms. Liv helped him wash the blood off of his face at the kitchen sink.
“Hey, thanks mom.” Josh lightly joked. Liv let out a slightly flustered laugh. She was actively trying to swallow the giddiness and butterflies she felt touching his face and being this close to him. “Too bad my parents aren’t here, they’d love to say hi to you.” Josh said. Josh’s parents, Gabe and Diane Futturman, were Liv’s favorite people to walk the earth (other than Josh, but that goes without saying). They absolutely loved Liv, and she’d been to many Futturman parties hosted by them.
Liv grinned as she got the washcloth she was using on Josh’s face wet again under the faucet. “Well, then tell them I say hi.”
After cleaning off Josh’s face and some of the blood that had gotten on both of their arms, Josh headed up to his room to change. Liv ran out to her car and grabbed the t-shirt and leggings she kept in the backseat and changed in their guest bathroom. When she opened the door she saw Josh walk out of his room at the same time with an “I have an idea” look on his face.
“I know how we can help Tiger and Wolf.” He said excitedly.
She looked confused. “…huh?”
“Cameronium or whatever? I know how we can get more.”
“Um…okay?” Liv raised an eyebrow. She kind of assumed they were dropping the idea of helping them at all, they were really mean and scary, and she didn’t care much for them.
“There’s this girl who works at the gaming store I go to, Tracy, she’s dating a chemist! So we talk to Tiger and Wolf, take them with us to the gaming store, talk to Tracy, go to her chemist boyfriend, and find out where to find Cameronium!” Josh looked so incredibly proud of himself.
“Cool, but Tiger and Wolf could be anywhere. They ditched us, remember?” Liv asked, putting her hands on her hips and sounding a little exasperated.
“Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention, I saw them outside climbing into the sewer.”
“I should have opened with that, but I found them!” Josh beamed.
Liv hesitated before she spoke. “Um, are you sure that you want to go back to them? I thought they were ‘verbally abusive’.”
“Liv, I want to help them.” Josh looked at her with those again. Goddammit. Liv sighed.
“Does this mean I have to climb into the sewer?”
“Uh…” Josh stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Maybe…”
Liv did in fact have to climb into the sewers. It was a damn good thing she loved Josh, she would never in a million years be climbing down a ladder down into the sewer like she was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle if she didn’t love him. Josh was just barely in front of her as they climbed down. They could hear Tiger barking commands at Wolf. She looked up and saw them climbing down and shook her head furiously.
“No! Nope! No Futturmans, no friends of Futturmans, no janitors, and no people shorter than us can enter!” Tiger’s angry voice greeted them.
“No, guys!” Josh hopped down off of the ladder. “Look, I know you guys are super pissed off at me, but I promise I have an idea.” Liv hopped off the ladder after him.
“No, we don’t need you. We have plans, lots of plans. And leads, Wolf has leads, right Wolf?” Tiger lied.
Wolf was crouched in the entrance of a tunnel eating a rat. He looked crazy, despite the fact he had dried blood covering him. He also looked high as a kite, eyes red and looking like he had hay fever. “I don’t have leads.” He drawled, mouth full of rat flesh. Gross. Tiger glared at him for not going along with her lie. He made eye contact with Liv and lit up. “You! I can’t remember your name!” He said in an unnaturally cheerful voice for Wolf. He was grinning from ear to ear.
“What’s he doing?” Liv asked. Before Tiger could answer, Josh spoke up.
“Guys, please, let us back on the team. I know where we can find more Cameronium.”
Tiger narrowed her eyes. “You do?” Wolf had also stopped what he was doing and perked up.
“Yes, now come on, let’s get you guys cleaned up.” Josh motioned for them to follow. Tiger let out a frustrated groan as she marched over to Wolf and pulled him by his arm to follow behind Liv and Josh out of the sewer and into Josh’s house. Josh and Liv helped scrub the dried blood off of Wolf, who was still high out of his mind. Josh and Liv were scared to go near Tiger, who was still fuming at the idea of letting them help, and let her take care of cleaning herself up in the guest bathroom (assuming she knew how to).
“So let me get this straight, you went to a weed dispensary because you thought it had Cameronium?” Josh asked Wolf as he washed Wolf’s right arm. Wolf had told them about the “adventure” he and Tiger went on and how he “ate street cock” (they were able to piece together that he’d actually had a sausage).
“And I tried these things called macaroons.” Wolf sighed and grinned from ear to ear again. “So delicious.” He pointed to Liv as she washed his face. “You have a name.”
Liv glanced at Josh. Josh shrugged. “Mhm!” She nodded and answered him like she would a three year old.
“I don’t remember it.” He giggled. Josh snorted.
“I’m Liv,” She said, trying her best not to laugh. She kind of liked high Wolf, he was funny.
“Like ‘NO PLEASE!! I WANT TO LIVE!!!’ Like that?” Wolf’s outburst made them jump, but then Josh lost it, doubling over as he started laughing.
“I mean, I guess.” Liv laughed too.
“Is that your name because that’s what your enemies scream before you slaughter them?” Wolf asked.
Liv laughed even harder. “No, my parents just liked it.” Wolf nodded as if to be taking what she said to heart.
“I love it.”
Tiger came stomping down the stairs in full gear, making Josh and Liv’s laughter disappear as she glared at them. “Alright, Future Man, Future Man’s friend-“
“Liv!” Wolf corrected her, and then smiled at Liv and nodded, proud of himself for remembering.
Tiger rolled her eyes. “Right, whatever. It’s time to go.”
“Wait, hold on, Tiger, we need to get you guys some clothes to help you blend in. People don’t wear armor here.” Josh said.
“I think I’m fine.” Tiger said in a serious tone.
Josh didn’t feel like forcing Tiger into his mom’s clothes, he would rather keep his head on his shoulders, so he just dropped the idea. He still grabbed a coat for her to possibly wear over her armor later if she changed her mind. Wolf changed into one of Josh’s dad’s polo shirts and a pair of khakis. He looked like he was about to go play tennis at a country club. The four left the house on foot, making their way to the gaming store, which wasn’t too far away. They walked in and were greeted by two people standing at the counter.
“Hey Tracy, hey Paul,” Josh greeted them nonchalantly. The two people looked up at them, eyes landing on Liv.
“Ooh, Josh brought a girl with him.” Paul teased.
“Oh, this is just Liv.” Josh said, brushing off the teasing as he walked up to the counter. Liv gave them a tight lipped smile. He could have said, “this is just my friend Liv”, but, whatever.
“Break another joystick playing ‘Biotic Wars’?” Tracy asked, clearly teasing him.
“Uh, no, I stopped playing. Those characters were so unrealistic.” Josh said, watching Tiger and Wolf venture further into the store from the corner of his eye. Paul raised a suspicious eyebrow and followed Josh’s line of sight.
He eyed Tiger. “Boing.” He leered. Liv made a disgusted face as he went to follow Tiger.
“Hey Tracy,” Josh asked. “Are you still dating that chemist guy?”
“Oh, Lyle?” She asked, smacking her gum. “No, we broke up, I call him Professor Ex now.” She snickered at her own joke.
“Ha, that’s really funny,” Josh fake laughed as he drummed his fingers on the counter. “Was- was it a, um, messy kind of break up? Or was it chill, like maybe you could casually put us in contact with him?”
“Nah I hate him, he used to wear a button down shirt every time we fucked, I hate him.” Tracy said casually. “Why do you ask?”
“Uhhhh,” Josh looked back at Liv. “It’s, uh, we’re partners in this class I started taking at a, um, community college and we have to interview a chemist and I just thought, you know…”
“Oh that’s cool, what community college are you guys at?” Tracy asked, nodding along and smacking her gum again.
Liv opened her mouth to say a real community college, but Josh panicked and spoke over her. “The- the California Community College.” Liv wanted to smack him. That was definitely not a real college.
“Oh yeah? I’ve literally never heard of that college before.” Tracy said, quirking an eyebrow.
“It’s real.” Josh lied, making it sound less real. “It’s good.”
“Yeah?” Tracy smacked her gum again.
“Yeah, we became friends there.” Liv jumped in, hoping she could help.
“Shopkeep!” Wolf called, watching a tween boy play a video game. “I have some questions about this boy’s murder simulator.” Liv tensed, shooting Wolf a look to shut up.
“Right, because you take a fake class there together.” Tracy continued, unimpressed and ignoring Wolf.
“I swear to you, it is a real school!” Josh said loudly, continuing to make it sound less real.
“Oh yeah? What’s the mascot for your real school?” Tracy asked.
“It’s a falcon-“
“It’s a real bird.” Josh lied again.
“Josh…” Liv said out loud without meaning to in the most disappointed voice.
Tracy rolled her eyes at them. “You guys are terrible liars like Pinocchio, and Pinocchio was wack-“ before Tracy could finish, Paul yelped, catching their attention. Tiger had him pushed face first into the bargain bin, holding his arm up behind his back.
“Why would you talk to someone who doesn’t want to talk to you?” Tiger demanded.
“I- I dunno- ow! Ow! Just let me go!” He cried. Liv and Josh scrambled over to them trying to signal for her to stop by waving their hands and shaking their heads.
“Futturman, you know this chick?” Paul wailed as Tiger tightened her grip on his arm.
“Nope, I have never seen her before.” Josh said nonchalantly while shaking his head at Tiger.
Tiger pursed her lips. “Fine.” She said through gritted teeth and let him go. “Next time he loses the arm.”
Paul stood up and looked between Josh, Liv, Tiger, and Wolf. He then glanced back into the bargain bin, picking up “Biotic Wars”. He looked from Tiger to the animation of Tiger on the cover.
“Futturman, did you hire like a crazy strong hooker to pretend to be this girl for you?” Paul asked, shooting Josh a judgemental look.
“No, I didn’t actually,” Josh shook his head.
“What a weird freak.” Tracy said, still standing back at the counter.
“Okay, we don’t have time for this.” Tiger muttered, pulling out a knife out of Paul’s line of sight.
“No! Uhhhh,” Josh sprung to action by dragging Paul away from Tiger. “We’re just gonna have a conversation over here.” He narrowed his eyes at Tiger as she rolled her eyes and put the knife back. He gestured with his head for Liv to stay with Wolf and Tiger so they didn’t get into anything else. Liv, Wolf, and Tiger listened in on Josh’s conversation with Tracy and Paul.
“Look, for the first time my life has meaning. I am going to help a lot of people by doing this, but in order to do that I need to get in contact with your ex.” Josh explained.
Tracy and Paul looked at each other with raised eyebrows. “That’s stupid.” Tracy said. “That’s so stupid.”
“Fuck it, you know what? I’m just going to tell you the truth.” Josh said.
“Oh God, no.” Liv put her head in hands.
“I beat ‘Biotic Wars’ and it turns out it was a training simulation sent back from the future to find the savior, who is me, and now I need to be in contact with your ex so we can get fuel for time traveling. So that’s it, all of the fate of humanity rests on this moment right here and now.” Josh stated as if it were a normal thing to say.
“Oh, yikes.” Tiger mumbled.
Paul and Tracy looked at each other again. “Why didn’t you just open with that, bro?” Tracy asked.
“Yeah dude, we’re here to help! Get that address!” Paul said cheerfully. Liv’s head shot up, stunned that they believed that.
“Seriously?” Even Josh was stunned. Tracy scribbled the address on a piece of pink paper.
“Here’s Lyle, hope he can help.” She handed the paper to Josh.
“Yeah dude, good luck saving humanity!” Paul said.
“Okay…okay awesome!” Josh was in awe that had worked. “Okay guys,” he motioned for his group to follow. “Let’s go! Thanks again guys!”
Liv followed Josh out of the store in shock. “How the actual fuck did that actually work?”
“See guys, aren’t you glad that we’re back on the team?” Josh asked proudly.
“Your cover story fell apart like a shit in your hands.” Wolf said gruffly. He was definitely the same old Wolf again.
“Oh come on, Wolf, I’d like to see you do better.” Josh said, tapping away at his phone as he looked up the address.
“I could and I would do it much better than you. I’m better than you at everything” Wolf said.
Josh sighed and stopped typing. “What’s with the negativity? The plan worked, we’re like a dream team!”
“Okay, you’re both back on the team on a provisional basis and currently you’re fucking up Liv’s chances by being a smart ass.” Tiger rolled her eyes.
“Yes Tiger, you’ve made that abundantly clear.” Josh sighed.
“You remembered my name, Tiger!” Liv was touched. Tiger rolled her eyes yet again.
“Tiger, would you please put on my mom’s coat. You actually look really ridiculous.” Josh said, trying to hand Tiger the coat. Tiger furrowed her brows and looked down at her armor. “Come on, Wolf’s rocking my dad’s shit, just put it on.”
Tiger snatched the coat from his hands. “Fine. Only because you got us the address.”
“And a ride to the address.” Josh pointed to a Lyft that pulled over in front of them. “For Futturman?” The man inside the car nodded.
Josh, Tiger, and Liv loaded into the back seat while Wolf got in the front. “Sunglasses At Night” by Corey Hart played softly in the background.
“Pilot, what is this music?” Wolf asked, perking up as he heard the song.
The Lyft driver looked at his radio. “I think it’s Corey Hart.”
“…I like Corey Hart.” Wolf perked up even more.
“Wolf likes something!” Josh leaned forward. “Turn that shit up!” The driver cranked the volume as they sped away. Liv was sandwiched in between Josh and Tiger. Tiger still scared Liv, so she was sitting very close to Josh. They drove to an unmarked building and Josh checked his phone three times to make sure they were at the right place. The four of them cautiously walked into the lab.
“Hi, what can I help you with?” A man asked as he approached them.
“Hi, are you Professor Karofsky?” Josh asked.
“I am,” the man said.
“I am Josh Pastman of Kronish Labs,” Josh quickly flashed his work badge so that Karofsky couldn’t see his actual name. “This is my sister, Liv Pastman,” It took everything in Liv’s power not to show her disappointment and annoyance on her face. He gestured to Wolf. “My assistant-“
“Corey Wolfhart.” Wolf went in to shake Karofsky’s hand. The scientist immediately felt Wolf’s strength as his hand was being crushed.
“That’s quite the grip you’ve got there, Mr. Wolfhart- ow, you can let go now.” Karofsky winced.
“And this is my other assistant-“
“Tiger.” Tiger said plainly. “I’m the mission commander.”
Josh laughed awkwardly. “It sure feels like it sometimes.”
“Tiger?” Karofsky raised an eyebrow.
“It’s her Burning Man name.” Liv said casually before Josh could come up with more stupid lies like California Community College.
Karofsky seemed to accept this reason. “Ah, I’m never more myself when I’m at the Burn. Namaste. What can I help you fine folks with?”
“Over at our lab we’ve got this special piece of equipment that utilizes a unique kind of biofuel, but unfortunately the manufacturer is kinda jamming us up right now, so we’re hoping you could take a look at it and tell us what it’s made of and maybe where to find more.” Josh explained. Liv was proud, that was a good lie! “Home Depot…Lowe’s…” Josh added, catching Liv give him a deadpan stare telling him to shut up.
“Look kid, I’d love to help you solve your biofuel problem for no compensation, but…” Karofsky trailed off as his eyes locked onto the vial of Cameronium that Tiger was fiddling with. “…that’s a biofuel?” His voice went up an octave.
“Correct.” Liv said, hopeful that he seemed willing to help.
“Let’s take a look at it.” Tiger reluctantly let him take the vial from her. He looked at it under his microscope.
“What kind of machine are you running with this?” Karofsky asked.
“It’s like a centrifuge.” Josh said, sounding as chill as possible.
“What kind?” He was starting to sound skeptical.
Josh’s eyes showed a hint of panic as he stupidly answered, “A really big one.”
“What’s it made of?” Tiger said sharply.
“It looks like microorganisms living in saltwater…I’m going to run this through the calorimeter.” Karofsky said, taking the vial to a new machine.
The four followed close behind Karofsky, watching as he dropped a tiny bit of the Cameronium into the calorimeter. Within seconds of the machine turning on, the glass the Cameronium touched shattered, making everyone jump.
“Jesus!” Karofsky looked down at the vial in shock. “It, um, seems that my equipment is faulty, I’ll have to run more tests in the back.” Liv sensed a shift in his demeanor.
“No. We can’t let that out of our sight.” Tiger said sternly.
Karofsky gave her a weird look.
“She means we don’t have a lot of fuel left so we’d like to make sure that it’s safe.” Josh said, growing anxious.
Karofsky studied the four of them. “Alright. It’s a clean room and I only have two hazmat suits. Your sister and the tennis pro can stay here.” He said to Josh looking over at Wolf and Liv, who exchanged glances. Josh gave Liv a look that she could tell said, “don’t let Wolf get into any trouble”. That and he also mouthed it to her.
“Stay hard.” Tiger mumbled to Wolf as she walked away with Karofsky and Josh.
“I am hard!” Wolf grumbled defensively. As the door to the back of the lab closed behind Tiger, Wolf and Liv looked at the other two men in the lab, who were quietly staring at them. Wolf took a half step closer to Liv, almost as if he were ready to protect her.
“Hey,” one guy said. “You two wanna try something?”
Wolf’s stance was tense. “Wh- what is there to try?” Liv asked awkwardly, trying to not seem nervous under their stares. Why as men would they be staring at her?!
“You,” one of them motioned for Wolf to come closer. “Dude, you’re going to love this. Eli, go get the stuff.” Wolf looked at Liv with concerned and alert eyes. Liv looked up at him in a similar way. These men made her weirdly uncomfortable. Eli got up and walked into another room.
“What are we trying?” Wolf asked.
“Dude, have you ever tried meth?” The guy asked. Liv looked back up at Wolf in shock. “You wanna try some?” He asked Liv. “Something about you tells me you haven’t ever tried meth.”
“You know what,” she said in the same awkward voice, this time at an awkwardly loud volume. “I’m gonna skip out on the meth, I did some for breakfast.” She laughed awkwardly.
The guy blinked and then started laughing. “No worries dude! I like you, you’re funny.” This helped put Liv at ease.
“Are you allowed to be doing meth at work?” Liv asked naively as Eli came back with a tiny bag of white powder.
“Connor, just tell them.” Eli said, setting the bag down.
“Okay, okay,” the guy, Connor, turned back to Wolf and Liv. “I think you guys might have assumed we were a normal science lab, but this is a meth lab.” He lightly chuckled. Liv looked shocked and Wolf looked lost.
“So,” Wolf cocked his head to the side. “You don’t know where to get Cameronium?”
“What the fuck?” Eli and Connor laughed. “Unless that’s some kind of slang for coke now, no?”
“Then…what the fuck is meth?” Wolf asked curiously.
Liv watched from the corner of the room with eyes as wide as saucers as Wolf jumped up and down and paced around the lab yelling, “I LOVE METH!!!!” at the top of his lungs while Eli and Connor paraded behind him cheering.
“I could nose eat this stuff all day!” Screamed Wolf, trying to lean down and snort some more meth off of the table.
“Wolf! Wolf, I wouldn't do that!” Liv waved her arms, running over to stop him.
“Woah! Slow down dude! You’ll kill your heart!” Eli pulled Wolf away, laughing at his enthusiasm.
“Where can I get more?” Wolf yelled. Eli and Connor looked at each other, but before they could answer Wolf had grabbed them by their shirt collars screaming, “TELL ME EVERYTHING YOU KNOW!!!”
“Wolf! Holy fucking shit, let them go!” Liv cried. Wolf’s eyes got wide as he let them go.
“I’m sorry…” he mumbled.
“It’s okay, man. Let us explain something to you, what was it, Wolf?” Connor sent Eli to go grab a whiteboard from the other corner of the lab. “And Liv too I guess.”
Shit, Liv thought. His name is definitely supposed to be Corey Wolfhart.
“Step into my office,” Connor flipped the whiteboard around to reveal a detailed graph that read “Trickle Down Economics Of The Black Market”. Wolf looked intrigued and took a seat, looking like he was reading the graph carefully. Liv blinked a couple times. This was fucking insane. As Connor and Eli began giving Wolf a college type lecture on how the drug trade represented capitalism in its purest form, Liv was thinking about Josh…and Tiger too, but mostly Josh. It had been a while since they’d gone into the back with Karofsky, so either the tests were going really good or really bad.
Wolf turned to Liv with the widest eyes full of amazement as Eli and Connor wrapped their lesson up. “Nothing has ever made more sense to me in my whole life. “We have to go tell Tiger.” He bolted upright, excited to spread the news.
“Oh no buddy, see, we can’t let you do that. You’re not going anywhere.” Connor said, pulling a gun from his waistband and pointing it at them. Eli did the same. Liv’s heart dropped and she went pale as a ghost. Wolf on the other hand just simply raised an eyebrow.
“I’m not?” He asked. Then he burst out laughing. Eli and Connor shared glances and they started laughing too. Liv still stood slightly behind Wolf, terrified. She’d never been this close to a gun before, other than the one mounted on Josh’s family’s kitchen wall, but that was a wall mount. These were real and very loaded guns. Wolf was still cackling and Eli and Connor were still laughing along with him.
“Look, you guys seem like nice people, let’s just sit back down and keep hanging out, but we can’t let you go into the back.” Eli lowered his gun. That’s when Wolf pounced. First Wolf took down Eli for lowering his gun, then sweep kicked Connor while he was still surprised. Liv ducked behind a chair as Wolf pulled out a weapon he’d had concealed in his waistband and pointed it at the two drug dealers.
“I don’t give a shit if you won’t let us go back there, we’re going.” He growled. “Come on, Liv.”
Connor scrambled to grab his gun, but Wolf shot it with his, blowing it up. It was definitely a weapon from the future. Wolf grabbed Liv’s hand rather gently for someone who had white powder all over his face and they hurried over to the door that led to the back. Wolf whipped around and pointed his blaster back at Eli and Connor, who were trying to crawl away.
“That’s right, crawl away you little bitches!” He yelled before blasting down the door. On the other side there were more men with guns, Tiger was breaking some guy’s arm, Josh was being held down to a bench while some other guys were holding a giant jar of some rancid liquid over him, and a fight seemed imminent.
“Hard enough for you?!” Wolf shouted to Tiger as he jumped right in and started blasting up the place. Liv didn’t know what to do. She wanted to run away, but where would she run?
Tiger started knocking shelves down onto the gun men, and Wolf’s blaster shot must have reacted with some kind of substance in the lab because fire started to spread.
Liv stayed pressed against the wall in the corner. “Liv! Find the Cameronium!” Tiger shouted at her as she slammed someone’s head against a shelf. Liv’s whole body was shaking. She wasn’t sure if it was fear or adrenaline or both, but she was trembling. Before she could move she spotted Karofsky crawling out of the room and out an exit she assumed led outside, and close behind him was Josh. Liv sprinted in that direction, jumping over shelves and bodies she hoped were just unconscious. Tiger and Wolf dropped the people they’d been fighting with and took off after her. The trio ran outside to see Josh tackle Karofsky off of a motorbike he’d been trying to escape on.
“Get him Josh!” Liv yelled as she came to a stop. Josh and Karofsky got into the saddest, most anticlimactic slap fight anyone had ever seen.
“Maybe the little fucker has some fight in him after all.” Wolf said to Tiger and Liv. They watched as Karofsky grabbed Josh’s leg as Josh tried to smack him to the ground. They looked even dumber in their billowy yellow hazmat suits that they were wearing. “Should I step in?” Wolf asked.
“I think he might have this one.” Tiger said, stopping Wolf.
“Rip his fuckin’ throat out!” Wolf cheered Josh on. Josh had wrestled Karofsky to the ground in the saddest way. They were both just smacking each other. It was hard to watch, but at the same time, Liv wished she was filming it. “…or at least try to rip his fucking throat out!” Wolf corrected himself.
Karofsky tried to crawl away, so Josh grabbed him by the ankle and stopped him as he picked up his helmet and hit him over the head with it.
“Ow!” Karofsky groaned. Josh hit him again, and again until he slumped down on the ground. There was a brief pause as Josh waited for Karofsky to pop back up, but he didn’t, he was out cold.
“Yeah!” Josh threw his hands in the air. “I did it!” Josh pat down Karofsky’s suit until he found the Cameronium and held it up victoriously. Tiger just nodded and Liv turned around so Josh wouldn’t see her laughing. “I really kicked his ass.” Josh congratulated himself.
“Uh, yeah, it was the saddest and most boring fight ever, but you did it Futturman, you’re back on the team.” Tiger said.
Josh perked up. “I am? Oh, thank you! Thank you, I will not let you down!”
“Am I…back on the team?” Liv asked quietly.
“Fuck yes!” Wolf answered before Tiger could respond as she eyed Liv. Tiger sighed.
“I guess we officially have a team of four-“
“WOOOOOO!!!!!” Wolf cheered as he fist pumped the air and ran in circles. Meth was still in his system. Tiger and Josh looked at him, confused.
“He did coke in the lab.” Liv said.
“Liv, you weren’t supposed to let him do that!” Josh said before cocking his head slightly. “…how did you get Wolf to like you so much?”
Liv shrugged. “It must be because I’m so nice and pretty.” She smirked at him and Josh rolled his eyes.
“Are you two okay with being human sacrifices?” Tiger asked, but it came out as more of a statement than a question.
“What?!” Josh cried. Liv took a giant side step away from Tiger and closer to Josh.
“You heard the window-faced man,” Tiger said to Josh, nodding her head at Karofsky’s unconscious body in the parking lot. “We need another time machine.”
Josh reluctantly nodded. “Ohhh…and Biotics must have time machines.”
“And we know we can find some at the laboratory you clean, so we just have to catch one.” Tiger said. Josh and Liv nodded, sharing glances.
“Great fucking plan!” Wolf yelled. He’d been pacing around the front of the building. “Who’s up for a charge down?” Tiger pursed her lips and looked as though she was refraining from strangling Wolf. Josh got a grossed out look on his face. “I’ll take anyone. Or all of you.”
“No.” Josh said quickly.
“What’s a ‘charge down’?” Liv asked.
“Nothing! Nothing. Let’s just- just get out of here before any cops show up.” Josh unzipped his hazmat suit and carried it to the garbage.
As they walked to the nearest place with any phone signal to catch a Lyft or an Uber home, Liv finally noticed Josh’s face.
“What’s on your face?” She asked. It was sticky and looked like he’d poured juice all over his face and then rolled down a dirt mound.
“I was waterboarded with homemade kombucha.” Josh said casually, checking to see if he had any signal.
“Oh…my God?!”
“Are you okay?”
Josh thought for a moment. “…no.” He said simply.
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spinechill3r · 2 years
Love triangle with Kirishima and Monoma who fell in love with quirkless!reader (he's also like an assistant from U.A. raised by Aizawa) so they constantly compete with each other to win his heart. make the ending you want, thanks
Tell if u need more details
Kirishima x M|Reader x Monoma
warning: cussing
Type: Fluff, kinda sorta crack
A/N: I was fr super tired when I wrote this so sorry its not that good bro
“Fuck, why’d you do that?” You angrily ask Monoma who had just aggressively pushed you against a locker. “Sorry babe, I just tripped.” He responded with a smirk as you rolled your eyes at his antics. You heard someone scoff as they walked past the scene, “So are you going to move then?” The voice asked, you noticed the familiar bright red hair and eyes and realized that it was your dear friend Kirishima. “Oh of course.” He said begrudgingly before moving his body away from yours. Kirishima’s demeanor quickly changed as he looked back at you with a huge smile on his face, “Hey M/N, it’ll be lunch soon… do you think we can eat together? I have this perfect spot under this really manly looking tree and it’s leaves are all orange and yellow-” before Kirishima could finish describing the scene and also before you could even think of a response Monoma interrupted him. “Yeah we’ll go, I’m pretty sure we have no plans.” He said before checking his watch in the most assholey way and then he put his arm over your shoulder smugly. “I was asking M/N.” Kirishima deadpanned and You rolled your eyes once again, “Well first I have to check in with Aizawa but then ill eat lunch with both of you.” You said while moving from Monoma’s Grasp and you started to walk to Aizawa’s classroom. Both pairs of eyes followed your figure till they could no longer see you.
“What was that for??” Kirishima asked, “I have no clue what you are going on about.” Monoma said back. “You know that M/N likes me right?” He said randomly which kinda threw Kirishima off. “I doubt that, I’m not going to fall for your little mind games. We both know that we both like him, and we both can't have him so we just need to let him pick who he wants.” Kirishima tried to reason. “You think it’s fair to make him pick between two of his best friends, either way he’s obviously going to pick me.” Monoma retorted. Kirishima thought for a moment about it and then soon realized that Monoma was actually right about this, it is not fair to make you pick. “Fine whatever, M/N should be heading to the cafeteria to pick up lunch soon. Let's just go.” He said with a semi annoyed look on his face while Monoma followed closely behind with his signature smirk. Once they got to the cafeteria they realized that they were a few minutes early and decided to buy lunch for them and you so you wouldn’t have to waste time standing in line. Once they got their food they saw you and the silhouette of a bunch of other kids. Kirishima waved to you and Monoma watched as you walked towards them. “Here ya go babe.” Monoma said while handing you a tray. “Thanks, are you guys ready to go? Lead the way kiri.” You said cheerfully. Both guys felt their hearts warm at your smile and Kirishima continued to walk in front of you while Monoma stayed next to you.
“Wow, that is one pretty tree.” You said, looking at the large tree that had yellow and red leaves falling off of each branch nicely. The three of you sat together on the grass and talked about random stuff for about 20 minutes until Monoma started a new conversation. “Hey M/N, do you like anyone here yet. Like, like-like them?” He asked while placing his chin in the palm of his hand planning on making a move. “Yeah I actually think I like two people, but since I like them both I’m not really sure what to do.” You said while fidgeting with your fingers. Kirishima chimed in, “how about you just tell them both and see what they think, what's the worst that could happen?” You chuckled, refusing to look them in the eyes. “They could not want to be friends with me anymore.” You sighed. “Who would not want to be friends with you, Especially for such a trivial reason.” Monoma interjected. “Yeah Monoma is right… for once. Anyone who would not want to be friends with you because of something like that is just an asshole.” Kirishima said. You could feel your face heat up a bit and you took a deep breath. “Well then, I guess I should take both of your advice and just tell them.” You looked at them both because starting back up. “Kiri, Monoma. I really REALLY like you both. And I know you probably don't feel the same so let's not let this affect us as mu-” Kirishima quickly interrupted you with a huge smile on his face “I feel the same!” He said almost forgetting Monoma was there until he said something. “I think you can guess how I feel.” He said smugly but on the inside he was ecstatic. “I can't be with both of you though?” You said, perplexed. “And why not?” Monoma replied 
Sorry you guys get a cliffhanger, feel free to add on lolz. Also sorry if this was Bad i was really tired. Bye bye
-Kasper out
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Last Night of Summer
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More of the Max and Eddie au! (One shots, listed chronologically in the masterlist!) I got really stuck on one scene even though I had a ton more written so we're just gonna do that one later and do this one now because i really love this one!
Summary: it's the night before school starts and Max and Eddie are both kinda nervous- but he has a very important question: is she gonna join Hellfire?
Pairings- none! Just Max and Eddie being besties
Let me know if you want to be tagged in anything!
Max and Eddie would be lying if they had been struck by the back to school spirit this year. The sun was setting and they had both wandered off after pizza with Susan and Wayne to try and turn the nerves from their kids into some kind of celebration.
    Without talking they both got to the trash hole, bending over to pick up the metal cup full of little projectiles and making a selection before starting to try and toss them into different things.
    “You nervous?" Eddie asked her, and she shrugged like she hadn’t thought about it. 
    “Are you?” She asked, turning it around on him. She hoped he couldn't see her nerves, she never liked not seeming brave about silly things. 
    “Kinda, yeah. Like…my second senior year had kind of a weird vibe so I can’t image how the third is gonna go.”
    “Weird vibe?”
    “Like every day was just a million glances in my direction from every teacher trying to say are you listening this time? That or they treated me like…an…I don’t know, an old pipe.” He tried, unsatisfied.
    “You know you’re gonna have to elaborate on that one.”
    “Yeah, I figured you weren’t gonna just let me have that one. Like…oh, there’s Munson. He’s noisy and annoying and obviously a problem but he’s also been around for so long that everybody decided to just kinda leave it. Maybe a pipe is too important. More like a busted window with plastic over it. Just like…a background problem. I feel like that second one is gonna get a lot worse.”
    “Why’d you never drop out?” Max asked honestly, Eddie shrugged.
    “I dunno. Never really…obviously I knew it was an option but it still never really occurred to me as like, a serious thought. I kinda just- I’m a broken window, yeah, but like-maybe I like the fact that everybody has to be a little colder because I’m around. And like…where does the window go, man? Once they replace it. I don’t really know if my whole…thing works out in the real world.”
    Max glanced at him with her head tilted slightly. 
    “Dude- you just gotta get out of Hawkins. In California all the grownups were weirdos like you.” She said, and he grinned. "Also- I'm here to talk about this with you, but if you make me listen to a shitty song you wrote about that metaphor I'm never speaking to you again. I can't take another Dream Warden and the Nightmare Prince. I just can't I still can barely look you in the eye knowing you wrote a fucking song about your chemistry teacher failing you."
    “Alright. Harsh, but fair it was not one of my best-"
"It was eight minutes long, Eddie." She said, still horrified remembering it.
"Maybe I just gotta take my show on the road. If all the weirdos are in California maybe they'll appreciate my music." He teased, and he saw her face drop a little bit. 
"Well…you can't go yet." She said simply, chucking another rock.
"Awww, would you miss me, Max?" He asked dramatically, though he did feel genuinely touched. She grinned again at the turn back into more comfortable territory. 
"Nah- but somebody’s gotta drive me to school, because I don’t want to take the bus.” She said with a laugh, and Eddie slowly dropped his hand to his side instead of throwing his stone.
    “You…sure about that? Not sure getting dropped off by the freak is the best move for your first day of High school.” He said, a little nervously, and Max rolled her eyes.
    “I’ve been hanging out with freaks since I got here. We haven’t really been…talking much- but still, I’m used to it.” She knew Eddie had a lot of problems at school but the idea of having to pretend to be okay around her friends was painful, the idea of being alone was worse.
    “I don’t want to make it harder on you, though. I’m used to it by now but the shit they say can be pretty brutal” He said honestly.
    Max shrugged. “Better get used to having me around, then. I’m scarier than you think.”
Eddie couldn't help but smile. Never in his life had he had a friend like Max. They had only known each other for a few months but the way she said it still almost seemed familially unconditional in a way that he felt too. Eddie had ways liked looking out for others, it make him think a little of him mom when he did it. It was a good feeling- but at the same time nobody he had ever helped out had ever been so ready to watch his back too- but this tiny redhead was absolutely willing to square up for him at any moment and it amazed Eddie endlessly. They had been at the ditch the other day when a kid rode by on a bike and called them trailer trash. Without missing a beat Max had grabbed the bucket and started throwing rocks at him until he fell off his bike, then turned back to him and went back to the game like it hadn't happened. 
    “Yeah? Are you gonna be, like, my bodyguard?”
    “Sure. People think I’m scary. Don’t underestimate me, Munson.” Max said seriously, and he shook his head.
    “Trust me, I’m never gonna be dumb enough to underestimate you, Mayfield. No matter what you do with your life, I’m betting on you.” He said, earnestly, looking at the fireflies over the trash pit so she could just look pleased with the compliment without trying to hide it.
    He gave her a moment, and knew she’d decide not to say anything when she smiled, feeling better about tomorrow. 
    “One thing I gotta ask, though- are you joining Hellfire?”
    Max gave him an apologetic face from where she sat and he fell back in heartbreak.
    “Whyyyyy? Is it because you’ve never played? Because i always start the year with a campaign for new players! Pleeeeaaase????” He said, like a kid trying to convince their mom for a puppy.
    “Nope, sorry. Not for me- my friends convinced me to try a game a few years back but, ehh…the whole fantasy adventure thing doesn’t really hit as well when you’ve already fought real monsters.” She said, and saw Eddie’s face fall. “And before you get that look,no, I don’t mean Billy.” She said, and watched in delight from the corner of her eye while he put that together.
    “...What does that mean?”
    “Have I really never told you about this? Mind flayer, demon dogs, alternate dimension?” She asked with a grin when his face folded like she was joking.
    “Ha ha.”
    “Oh, you think I’m joking? I didn’t march through an alternate dimension with Steve Harrington when I was twelve for yoooooou to not believe I ever even went.” She said indignantly at his more confused face.
    “Steve- oooh, is this the campaign they got you to play? Steve was like…why was Steve there? Wait, how do you know Harrington anyway?” He asked, and she gave him an oh, y’know expression.  “Was he friends with Billy?” 
    Max barked an undignified laugh at the guess. “Definitely not. I once saw Billy punch Steve in the face like 20 times because he was trying to attack my, uh- friend, Lucas.”
    He sat there with his mouth slightly agape, like he could figure it out with just what she said, and she almost exploded into laughter. She did this sometimes, dropped details of their various brushes with  death to Eddie and see him rationalize them as deadpan jokes. It was kinda nice to talk about, honestly, since she was seeing her friends less these days, regardless of why.
    “Okay, that part might be real and that’s concerning.” He said, and Max nodded, deciding to take mercy.
    “Yeah, uh, I was with my friends once a few weeks after I moved here and Billy…it doesn’t matter why, but he wanted to force me to come home and when I didn't he attacked Lucas because Billy was a racist and kept telling me to say away from him, and Steve just threw a punch. And got his ass beat by Billy so bad he passed out.” She said.
Max frowned remembering how terrifying that night had been, how terrified she had been when Billy locked eyes with Lucas and said the thing she had heard from him hundreds of times and always filled her with dread: You know what happens when you disobey me? I break things. 
Cassette tapes. Her first skateboard. Kibble, the stuffed rabbit her grandma gave he before she died. 
She should’ve known he wouldn’t have stayed satisfied with the things she cared about for long, it was inevitable he went after the people too.
“So what happened?” Eddie asked, seeing her deep frown lift into a look of satisfaction.
“I  happened.” She said with a full grin. When she remembered that moment it didn’t matter that Billy was dead. No matter what he did in the end, Max would never feel anything but fucking unstoppable when she remembered that moment. She leaned back in satisfaction, smiling. 
“Turns out people really listen to you when you slam a bat covered in nails on the floor between their legs. Especially if you’re Billy.” She said in a humble but undeniably proud tone. 
Eddie grinned at her and gave her a congratulatory pat on the arm. 
“Damn Mayfield- I wish I could’ve seen that. Just that part, the rest sounds…fucking terrifying. Jesus, didn’t you say you were like, twelve when you moved here? I knew Billy was bad but I didn’t know he was like…hate-crime bad.” he said with a grimace.
“Yeah. He was…a real piece of work.” She said in a resigned tone.
"Never thought I'd say this but...thank God for Steve Harrington. " Eddie said in disbelief, and Max nodded and smiled.
“...Why did the bat have nails in it?”
“Monster hunting!” She said, scolding him for forgetting, and this one he let go with a roll of his eyes.
Maybe this would be both of their years. 
Taglist: adding later I'm on mobile
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hlvrfreakyfriday · 11 months
HLVRFF: Chapter 10
The silence from the car ride lingered well into the evening after Gordon and Benry returned home. Benry pretty much made a B-line to his room and stayed there, though thankfully he left his door open, allowing Gordon to see he’s still there with just a glance as he passes by.
And just a glance is really the only look he’s been able to give Benry. He’s still been busy trying to process all this new information he’s gotten about the entity. The friendship thing, the lab rat thing, the… mind control for shits and giggles thing. Gordon’s not especially fond of that last part, or the fact that he’s been kept in the dark about it this whole time. Why’d Benry fess up to Tommy, but not him, huh?
…Probably because Tommy’s never told Benry how he hates him multiple times. Or how he wished he was dead just as often. Or shot him right in the face simply for being annoying. Or… yeah.
Gordon… can’t really say he blames him for being afraid to tell him. Knowing what he does now, it makes sense that the entity would be hesitant to share anything that’d make Gordon hate him more than he already does.
Well. More than he did, anyway.
As much and as often as Benry still pisses him off, Gordon honestly can’t say he hates the guy. Not like he did in Black Mesa. Hell, not even like he did four months ago when Benry came back from his Xen death. Like, yeah, he’s still not over all the things Benry did back then, and it'll probably be a long time before he will be, sure. But Benry’s not the only one who stressed out or traumatized Gordon back in Black Mesa. Aside from the weird skeleton ghost and ‘final boss’ stuff, Benry didn’t do anything that the rest of the Science Team didn’t also do at least once during their journey.
Gordon doesn’t still hate any of the others for things they did… and he doesn’t still hate Benry.
He wonders if Benry actually knows that. He should probably tell him.
He goes to Benry’s room to do just that. When he comes to stand in the room's doorway, he finds the entity exactly where he’s been since they got back home a couple hours ago- lying on the bed, hands folded over his borrowed middle, staring up at the ceiling, expression unreadable. He’s yet to even notice Gordon standing there.
That’s. A little concerning, Gordon’s not gonna lie. But then maybe Benry’s just still reeling from his recent near-permadeath experience. His very first one, come to think. Which is definitely something that could fuck a guy up.
Gordon gently knocks on the door frame, followed by a soft ‘hey' to get the other's attention. Benry finally notices him, glancing over at Gordon briefly before looking back up at the ceiling, and giving just a little hum of acknowledgement.
And then neither of them say anything. For like, a minute. Which feels insanely awkward.
They both end up trying to break the silence at once, both their words being unintelligible under the other’s. “Uh, you go first,” Gordon offers.
“i'm gonna move out. when we’re back to normal,” Benry states, still staring up at ceiling as he speaks. “i've been really good the whole time i've been here- uh, not counting this body swap shit since it was a total accident- so tommy's pops would probably let me live by myself now.”
“What?” Gordon can’t help but blurt out. Where the hell did THIS come from? “Why do you want to move out?”
Benry frowns. “because. y'know. it'd be uh, better if i did. better for… you,” he says, his borrowed voice quieting on those last few words.
Oh. “Benry…” Gordon starts, but is interrupted by Benry, the entity sitting up and shaking his head at Gordon.
“no man, look, okay, i know you’re gonna be like ‘nooo dude you don’t have to leave it’s okaaaay' ‘cause you wanna be all hero niceman and shit, but- but it’s NOT okay. i fucked up. i fucked YOU up. i fucked you up so much you still have fuckin' death nightmares about me. and, and i shouldn’t be here. me being here is just making things hard for you, having to- to live with the guy that scarred you for life. like- like how messed up is that? i never thought about it before, but i- but now- and i- i don’t wanna do that to you- i've already done so much bad, i don’t wanna do anymore- i never wanted to do any in the fff- th' first place, but i was- but i'm- and you hate me, and i- and i can’t- fuck,” Benry cuts off his own rambling, burying his face in his hands, fingers slipping up under borrowed glasses.
As he was speaking, Benry’s voice had started to waver more and more, until he apparently couldn’t keep it together any longer. Gordon frowns as the entity struggles to not full-on sob, unsure of what to do himself. He’s never seen anywhere near this amount of emotion from Benry, and it’s jarring, to say the least.
But, no… he has seen Benry get super emotional before, hasn’t he? Just not in this familiar human way. All those times Benry sang out those long trails of Sweet Voice, that was him being emotional. Between Benry’s often neutral face and Gordon’s lack of understanding of the Sweet Voice and its meanings, he never really made the connection before...
Being in Benry’s body now, though, he knows exactly what all those colourful lights meant. He knows just how emotional Benry really is, and he knows that this isn’t the first time he’s expressed feeling such guilt over his actions in Black Mesa, or how much Gordon’s disdain for him really affects him.
And with what he’s seeing here, now, it’s even more obvious that Benry feels such; that he’s not just indifferent and uncaring about everything like Gordon had always thought. Stuck in Gordon’s body, Benry has no Sweet Voice, and his emotions are forced to come out in the form of harsh, uneven breaths, barely held-back tears, and a face covered in looks of anguish and regret. Benry cares, a lot, and Gordon finally knows how he feels.
...He also has an idea how to let Benry know how he feels.
Benry couldn’t stop himself as the words just spilled out of him.
Couldn’t stop himself as the tears started spilling, either.
He’d kept all these emotions bottled up for so long, unable to sing them out like normal, they’re finally forcing their way out as he uncontrollably starts to sob. He hasn’t had a breakdown like this since he was a little kid, and he hates it.
Especially since he’s pretty sure it’s making him look like a selfish asshole right now. Like, why the hell should HE be the one crying? Gordon’s the one with the fuckin’ trauma and shit! Which Benry can be blamed for like, at least 80 percent of! He has no right to be sad over the man he hurt so badly hating him. Gordon has every right to keep hating him, and to never forgive him, and to never see him again. And Benry KNOWS that, he understands that! So he needs to stop. Fucking. CRYING. Stop it. Stop crying. STOP-
He stops crying, but not because he willed himself to.
He stops crying because Gordon’s singing at him. In colour.
An intense fiery orange to a deep moody blue, accompanied by a steady low tone.
When Gordon stops, he gives Benry an expectant yet nervous look, like he’s hoping Benry understands what that meant.
He does.
‘I don’t hate you.’
He looks to Gordon, and then back to the Sweet Voice.
Benry can’t believe it. He knows Gordon means it; Sweet Voice doesn’t lie. But he still can’t believe it.
They sit there in silence, Benry staring at the lingering lights, Gordon staring at Benry.
Eventually, Gordon breaks the silence again. “You don’t have to leave.”
“whuh?” Benry says, looking back to Gordon. “but… but all the stuff that i…“ he starts to say, but trails off when Gordon comes to sit on the edge of the bed, next to him.
“Look,” Gordon starts, “it’s true that you’ve done… some really awful things. And it’s also true that it’s gonna be a while before I can heal from all that, if I ever do- that’s just how trauma is.” He pauses, and Benry frowns, until Gordon then places a hand on Benry’s arm. “But that doesn’t necessarily mean that I still hate you. And… I don’t.”
Benry just blinks in continued confusion, causing lingering tears to run down his borrowed cheeks. “but, that… doesn’t make any sense.”
Gordon briefly looks away, humming in thought for a moment. “Well, do you still hate me for all the things I did to you in Black Mesa?” he then asks.
“no, no, of course not,” Benry quickly answers. And it’s true, he doesn’t hate Gordon. Never did, really. Benry may have been really mad at him at times, but he never could say he straight-up hated him.
Gordon gives a satisfied nod at Benry’s answer. “Well there you go.”
Benry gets the point Gordon is trying to make, but… “…but, that’s different. i deserved all that.”
And now Gordon’s frowning, and giving Benry’s arm a gentle squeeze. “Dude, no, you didn’t. Like, okay, maybe in Xen, when you were acting like you legitimately wanted to kill me and the guys, but all through Black Mesa? I never should’ve hit you and shot you like that. Especially not when the only thing you were doing was just saying stupid shit.”
“but i got your hand cut off.”
“Yeah, and so did Bubby, but I never shot him in the face or anything.”
“bubby didn’t keep making shitty ‘jokes’ and getting you in worse danger by never helping…”
Gordon doesn’t seem to have an immediate response to that, shutting up and looking away. A moment of uncomfortable silence passes before Gordon speaks up again.
“Why didn’t you help? Why did you do any of the things you did in Black Mesa? I mean, you clearly regret it all, so, why…?” Gordon asks, looking back at Benry again.
Benry’s admittedly caught a little off-guard by that. He... never did really explain himself to Gordon, did he? It never really came up before. Gordon never asked. Benry never bothered trying to explain unprompted. Never wanted to try and explain. Trying to explain things is hard enough, even more when you’re scared about how the other person will react.
No more putting it off now, though, looks like.
Benry tries to quell his anxiety by just thinking about the ‘I don’t hate you’ orange and blue Gordon sang at him just a bit ago. He doesn’t look at Gordon as he begins to speak.
“i... i didn’t know how. serious it all was. didn’t know how dangerous it all was. didn’t know how fragile you are. didn’t know... how scared you were. i thought you were just being mad, didn’t get you were lashing out ‘cause you were scared. tried making jokes n’ stuff to lighten the mood, and you laughed sometimes, but then other times you’d just get mad and yell at me. i didn’t understand why, so i just got mad right back at you. especially there at the end, when i was all big and ‘evil boss’-y. but i never- never really wanted to hurt you. definitely never wanted to kill you. it was just...” a brief pause, Benry grimacing at himself, “...a prank.”
There’s a beat of silence, and then Gordon asks, “Was the betrayal because of you being mad at me, too?”
Benry shakes his head. “no. well, kinda. i mean, i was a lil’ mad then- that's why i was all ‘ohhhh you fucked up haa haaaa’ when you were first gettin’ jumped. but that’s not why- i didn’t help them catch you ‘cause i wanted them to hurt you bad. i thought they were gonna, like, just rough you up a little bit and then take you away for interrogation. get you outta black mesa faster. then the rest of us could get out faster, too, with no boot boys to deal with, and then we’d all go on a big ‘free freeman’ rescue mission to get you. they never said anything about chopping your hand off… that was fucked up.
“…but, i didn’t realize how fucked up it was until tommy told me later. i thought humans could regrow body parts. thought uh, thought i saw a guard grow his fingers back once, but it was just a different guy who looked the same. felt… really bad when i realized i helped you get perma-fucked up. i was gonna apologize, for that and for all the dumb shitty jokes i made about your arm, but then you got the gun hand…”
 “...And me using the gun hand to take out my stress on you so much just made you angry with me,” Gordon correctly guesses. Benry nods, still not looking at Gordon as he fidgets with his borrowed hands. Like back in town, he’s afraid to see whatever look Gordon is giving him. Tears start to well up in his borrowed eyes again as his thoughts start spiraling down into negative territory, the phrase ‘oh you fucked up! oh you fucked up!’ chanting in his head.
But then Gordon says his name, so softly, and when Benry looks at him again, the look on his face… there’s no kind of anger or hate in it.
“…Do you want a hug?” Gordon then asks, tentatively.
A pitiful sound escapes Benry as he nods, and he practically dives into Gordon’s arms as soon as the other man opens them for the hug. He buries his borrowed face in Gordon’s shoulder, sobbing again, while Gordon says nothing and just holds him tight all through it. Eventually, Benry’s crying settles down into just soft whimpers, and he feels like he can make himself say words again without choking on them. “’m sorry,” he quietly utters.
“I’m sorry, too,” Gordon responds, which gets a confused sound from Benry. “For how shitty I treated you, in Black Mesa,” he clarifies.
Benry still doesn’t get why Gordon’s apologizing. “you were all scared and freaked out, though. weren’t thinking right.”
“Still no excuse for taking out all my stress on you,” Gordon says, “And it also doesn’t mean that I still don’t have to apologize for hurting you. So, I’m sorry.”
Not really knowing what to say to that, Benry just gives a small hum in acknowledgement.
And then Gordon adds on, “…I’m sorry for completely forgetting about you, too.”
“huh?” Benry says, confused. what does he mean by...?
“Last night, my Ma- she sent me a photo of a drawing I did as a kid. It was of me, standing by a mud puddle, and… a black-haired monster kid surrounded by colourful floating balls. Which is very clearly… you,” Gordon explains. He pauses a moment before continuing. “I’m sorry I forgot all about you, and accused you of making shit up when you tried to tell me we were friends. And I’m also sorry for… being such a dick to you when you finally got to see me again. Even if I didn’t recognize you, and was running late for work, I really shouldn’t have acted like that.”
Another pause, and then, “I’d really like to be closer friends again. I don’t want you to leave.”
Benry feels like he’s gonna start sobbing again, which he doesn’t want to, so he buries his face back in Gordon’s shoulder again, in an attempt to keep the tears at bay. It doesn’t really work.
But at least they’re not ‘regret’ and ‘self-loathing’ tears this time.
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Let’s play a game 🤹‍♀️ choose five shameless characters to form a bookclub with. Why’d you pick them? What are you reading? How longs the club surviving? 💚💙❤️
I love these Anon community questions so fucking much! Anon whoever you are I love you!
Ok I've been thinking about this. I'd start with Ian, Lip, and Liam. Ian loves reading and he tested out of English! I think Ian would enjoy getting back to those roots. Liam would keep us all on track and in check and make sure we're reading books written by authors of colour. Lip would love showing off how smart he is. He'll be that asshole in my university classes that already read Kafka and Dumas and Camus, and I'd hate him but also be a little jealous.
No book club is complete without snacks. So I'm bringing Sheila to bake all kinds of yummy things for us! She will not have read the book but she will pretend she has. She'll say things like "this book was umm an adventure to read wasn't it? Have you tried the croquettes".
Finally I'm inviting Kev. He's bringing drinks and making jokes and letting us use the Alibi as a meeting place. He absolutely doesn't read, though he's very earnest about reading the next book he promises!!
And, I'm NOT inviting him, but Frank will crash and he'll have read the book because somehow Frank always has. And he'll have some smartass point of view and he'll wax poetic about his opinions and it'll be annoying and then he'll pass out after drinking most of the booze Kev brought and the rest of us will enjoy out evening.
This month we're reading Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Oh! Or Miguel Street by V.S. Naipaul.
I don't think it'll last long. Some Gallagher drama will happen and Ian and Lip won't make it then it'll fizzle out.
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ezriah8ter · 2 years
okay going into it with the perspective of it being a slasher let’s go besties…
(i’m time stamping when i have to make notes and comments in case anybody wants to reference them..)
1:13: wow the opening credits are kind of intense. but it’s fine i can get with it i think. yeah.
1:44: god this song is so good
3:49: that’s kind of awkward lmfao why’d they start counting down so early..
4:09: damn girl! that probably would NOT have been my reaction! just go home and eat some cake and cry in your bed bruh 😭😭
5:38: okay just saying i had no clue this bitch was pregnant before i started watching like did anybody else know?? i’m waiting for when this is actually going to be important…
7:23: nah cause that sucks i get it.
17:11: oh god…the woke tv show strikes again…..AND the woke white guy…. let’s gooooooo
18:41: gamer gurl! 😜
24:38: wtf 😀
25:50: ew is he jacking off
26:24: i just hate the way tabby's lines are delivered like omfg she’s so annoying
27:44: wait. if they’re trying to get the house on the market why tf is all her shit still there. like i get she has a hard time coming back but i thought the house was gonna be like…empty..
29:36: yeah i don’t like this guy…..is he her age???
30:10: okay no he is not her age he is older. great. this again. what is a pll show without an older guy preying on a much younger girl???
30:27: *looks up ari aster's age* ok. yeah. ew. this is like a bigger age gap than the one between aria and ezra….
32:07: girl. what. why would you CHOOSE to look at men's asses…
32:41: yes PLEASE i beg of you just fuck someone your own age
36:35: please not the fry dropping out of his mouth that is the least funniest fucking thing
37:39: i think the need to be prom queen is one of my least favorite tropes. like it’s so fucking annoying and stupid.
38:44: oh i totally bet this twin thing is gonna come up later if the writers of pll had anything to do with it…
41:19: hand over mouth rn i can’t believe karen just said that about greg losing every single football game LMFAO 😭😭
42:15: yeah fuck no i'd be leaving
also why tf does this school look so gross and musty and stuffy like what
also wtf was the timing. like why did they put all their “crimes” right next to each other…like i feel like they totally could’ve given them detention throughout the episode but they choose to do it in the last 10 minutes??? why tf did they put them together in the last couple minutes ugh
52:20: “how has karen not been cancelled yet” PLEASE shut the fuck up oh my god
final thoughts:
alrighty. i guess i’ll continue watching. not a fan of the pacing though as i said…idk i’ve already aired most of my complaints in previous posts
if you want me to continue writing my thoughts like this every time i watch an episode let me know!nand as always if you agree or disagree with anything i said i’d love to discuss!
xoxo fellas <3
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