#he’s mad mostly because he no longer smells like butt
dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Do you ever sing to your dog as you give him a bath? No? Just me?
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bests-mistakes · 3 years
hey you / i'm going
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summary: your memories with shinichiro sano and how they brought you here.
word count: 2,241™
warnings: swearing. some sad things.
notes: shinichiro and reader are 17. i love the sad chapters. this can be considered a filler. shinichiro sano 4 life. i don't know much about post-secondary (i'm in high school).
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many good things have come of the end of high school. unlike the two-week break all japanese citizens receive after completing a school year, most get a break until mid-august to early september, when college begins.
this gives you and shinichiro much time to spend together, and with the end of his leadership of the black dragons, even more. most of your days are spent studying for the entrance exams of the colleges you've been accepted into, and in shinichiro's home.
he's taken up a recent devotion to his academic life, but because of his late admission, not many options are open to him. he's also re-discovered his love for motorcycles and a new love for their construction, beginning to study the in's and out's of one for a chance of receiving an apprenticeship.
he's also ditched that ridiculous gelled-up hairstyle, which you are ever so grateful for, and also gives you much more opportunities to play with his hair.
much of his worries about going your separate ways after high school have alleviated, mostly because you don't go half a week without seeing him or receiving some kind of contact from him.
as happy as you are, not all of the changes in your life are positive. your schedule is busy, filled with work, studying, and shinichiro, who is starting to become less of a priority to you.
you wonder if that's why he starts smoking.
you remember being invited over to his house, the morning after he declares that he’ll no longer lead the black dragons. it’s early, you still wonder if he's slept the night previous to your meeting.
you find him outside on the balcony attached to his room, presumably watching the sun rise as a strange smoke hovers over his head.
you decide not to greet him yet, and instead you’re greeted with shinichiro and a marlboro cigarette in-between his lips when he turns around. you know because you hate the smell, and he knows.
you almost turn around and leave, had he not grabbed you by arm and closed the door that led you inside.
you don't say anything, and neither does he. you watch as the ashes of the cigarette crumble away with each drag of it, until less than half remains. shinichiro taps at the edge of it with expertise, knocking off the remainder of the used up cigarette.
it reminds you of when takeomi smokes, but it looks much worse when shinichiro is the one doing it. he throws the cigarette over the balcony, landing on the apartment complex's entrance where many other cigarette butts reside.
"they don't know." he finally says, referring to his family, and letting out a shaky exhale. you feel his body reverberate along with it, through his grip on your arm. "i'd rather you not tell them."
you don't know what to say. shinichiro has never kept anything from you (not for long, anyway), but it seems that you know much less about him than you think you know. much less than you used to know, and what you know of him now seems to grow littler.
"how long have you been...?" you can't bring yourself to finish your sentence, but you know he'll understand what you mean.
"not very long," he says, avoiding your eyes. "just a few weeks."
you want to ask why. you want to ask how. you wonder if takeomi is behind this. you can't open your mouth to ask anything.
first, it’s him stepping down from the black dragons and acting weird because of it, and just when you think you’re getting somewhere with him, you catch him doing something like this.
"i couldn't think of any way to tell you, i didn't want to keep it from you for long."
your mind can't comprehend or put together any words to answer him with.
"are you mad?"
you look up at him, finally looking back at you. he looks sad. his eyes are tired, highlighted by the eye bags underneath them (and the reflection in his very glossy eyes). his hair is messy, ruffled and looks like it hasn’t been touched in days.
(he's beautiful, you note, but now is not the time; you hope to have the rest of your life to look at him like this).
you lean forward to hug him, embracing him softly as your arms squeeze him impossibly closer to your body. you feel a few tear drops fall onto your shoulder, his chest heaving, and his arms reciprocating the action of yours.
"i want to be mad." you mumble at a tone that only he can hear. "i really want to be. but it feels impossible."
you feel him move back, but press him closer. "it's so hard to be mad at you, shin. i want to feel angry, i want to lecture you, i have so many questions. why it's only you who makes me feel these things, ask these things.
"i've never had someone like you in my life, something i'm not used to and no matter how long we've been friends, and will be friends, i won't be used to. i don't want you to leave me.
"i want to be by your side for the rest of our lives and after that, so please, don't push me away." you reference the promise you made almost eight years ago, on his birthday before mikey was born, almost recreating the scene as you both now have tears falling from your eyes.
shinichiro doesn't say anything in return, and somehow, you feel happier this way. happier that the full weight of your words, your somewhat-confession has not dawned upon you both, that things can go back to the way they were.
(things will never go back to the way they were, and you know that now. still, what's the harm in hopelessly reminiscing the old days and what it'll be like to relive them?)
"i still owe you that ice-cream." he says, reminding you of your promise to him from yesterday.
"i was the one who-"
"my treat." he smiles, one that finally reaches his closed eyes.
you can't say no to him, so you decide to tag along with shinichiro to get ice cream at seven in the morning.
he picks an ice cream parlour all across tokyo, around forty-five minutes away from your current location if you include traffic, stating that it's the best you'll ever taste. the ride on his motorcycle is short, consisting of both of you catching each other up on what you've been up to, discussing plans, and revealing some new information about yourselves to each other.
you don't know that shinichiro's left the black dragons for you. you don't know that he's been making all of these changes in his life to be with you. studying, finding a job, getting one step closer to a life with you; the cigarettes are like a stress relief, making up in the ways you cannot.
(that's what he convinces himself, anyway, a way to justify why he's started smoking. that you’re unable to reciprocate his feelings just like the last girl who rejected him is, and that he’s doing this in an effort to keep you in his life, not make you a part of it. he'll never tell you these things, of course.)
he doesn't tell you about the date he has tonight, his supposed "hit or miss", the one that takeomi claims will end his rejection streak. "20th time's the charm," the bad influence said.
he doesn't want to know why he needs to see you before this date, why it feels forced to go to the date, why his heart picks up its pace when you smile, why he finds himself happiest with you; he tells himself that's just the way it is.
so when six o'clock rolls around, he's dressed in a crisp button-up and his nicest pair of pants, in a waft of old perfume passed decades down to his grandfather. he tells his grandson to cheer up, and that maybe this time, she'll be the one (deep down, they both know that's not true).
he picks her up earlier than planned, wanting to get the date over as soon as possible and get on with his life. he's too busy thinking about tomorrow that he forgets today, and comes to his date empty-handed, but she doesn't seem to mind.
another thing you don't know about shinichiro sano is that he's been meeting up with this girl for weeks, and she seems to like him. she lets him pick the restaurant, like every week, and they sit at the same table as she tells him about her day.
he tries to pay attention, unaware that he daydreams of you in her place, drinking too much water and eating too little of his food. he'll excuse himself for a smoke break, and she'll offer to come with, and he'll sigh, letting her tag along.
they go back inside, pay the bill, and she asks if she'll see him again. he asks what time will work for her, and they decide on 6:00 PM, every time.
this time is different. her smile is different, hollow, something that is not meant to be genuine. she doesn't ask to see him again, and when he begins to show interest in why, she tells him he's lying to himself.
she admits in being interested, but not wanting to be with someone who is destined to be with someone else. he furrows his eyebrows, restating that he's single, and she laughs. he doesn't get it.
he doesn't see that he looks through her, not at her. he doesn't see that he's only ever interested when his "distraction", her, begins to stray away from him. how can he, when he’s so blinded by a love he refuses to realize?
she tells him, again, that she doesn't want to be with someone who’s already someone else's, and leaves shinichiro to take his smoke break, alone.
shinichiro sano doesn't tell anyone that his twentieth and last rejection is on account of his own disinterest, not of the one who rejected him.
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when takeomi calls him, he’s half undressed and sulking on his bed. you’re probably asleep right now, he thinks.
shinichiro picks up the phone, prepared to answer his friend’s many questions. “so, how’d it go?”
“i got rejected.” he sighs, and he can hear takeomi’s poor attempt at stifling his laugh through the phone.
the on-going joke of shinichiro never getting one of his confessions accepted is one he himself often laughs at, but recently he’s beginning to feel that it will no longer be a joke.
takeomi’s laughter is much shorter than usual, “because it’s not her, right?”
his heart picks up it’s pace at the mention of you, even if it’s not by name, and he moves his free hand to feel it’s beating.
he doesn’t know what to answer takeomi; he thinks of how he can never bring himself to ask you out, you’re on different planes of existence and it’s already a miracle that you’re friends. he values your friendship and doesn’t want to forsake it because of his unreciprocated feelings.
he decides to vocalize these thoughts, “ever since (Y/N) and i have become friends, it feels like we’ve been competing in a race. we started on the same line, but somehow, she’s always ahead of me. sometimes i stop to catch my breath, but she keeps running towards something greater. there are times i catch up, almost passing her, but just when i do, she impresses me with something amazing, new and unexpected, and she’s back to being ahead of me.”
he doesn’t get a response from takeomi, but he doesn’t expect to. just when he’s about to hang up, does his friend speak.
“do you hear yourself, shin? this is completely different from the shinichiro i know, the one who unites people no matter where they come from, fights for what he believes, and doesn’t let anyone get in his way.”
he sighs, “i’m not like that anymore.”
“you can’t just throw away everything you love for her.”
“i haven’t thrown away everything i love, and as long as she’s here, i won’t!” he exclaims, realizing his volume is much louder than intended.
“then is she that one thing that you love, hm?” takeomi teases, everything going according to his plan. “took you long enough, you know. i didn't even say "(Y/N)", i just said "her". you're really in love.”
shinichiro is much denser than he thinks himself to be, but after finally accepting the one thing he’s been denying for ten years, he thinks he’ll be alright.
(he knows he loves you now, but he’s convinced you don’t love him back. that’s an issue for tomorrow, one he can’t be bothered to think about now, because shinichiro sano loves you, and he’ll do anything to keep you by his side. he’s stopped denying that now.)
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the next morning, shinichiro calls you to inform of what he told takeomi the night before. your reaction is similar, minus the realization-of-love thing his friend caused.
he can't help but feel irritated with you, feeling that he can't compare to someone so perfect and that you'll never notice him because of it. you're too glad that he's telling you things again to notice.
"after six years and twenty rejections, you finally decide to give up?" you laugh.
"if love wants to find me, it'll have to knock on my doorstep." he grumbles.
(you contemplate knocking on his door.)
"your lack of endeavour is surprising." you remark instead.
he cuts you off before you can laugh again, "so, there's this wedding..."
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taglist: @dora-the-grownup @nyapnyat @moonandflowersfairy @crapimahuman @shin08130 @yunn-stuff @theworldis-ahead @imkumichan @ryugujii-ken @gyros-cum-sock
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jypbae7 · 4 years
GOT7 as a Boyfriend based off their Zodiac Sign
Jinyoung | Jackson | Yugyeom | Jaebum | Mark | Youngjae | Bambam |
All in good fun based off their signs & their behaviors/quotes! Don’t take it too serious!
Traits that match his sign:
Ahhhhh yes the flashy earth sign of the bunch, as we allllll can already see. You can see the vibe difference just by looking at him compared to the Virgos (JY, YJ, MT) and Capricorn (JB)
He’s all about “work hard, play hard” - as are all Taurus
He takes his fashion and his confidence seriously, they make him feel good and he tries to encourage other people to try new things and “treat yo self” as well
Taurus (like all Earth signs) are huge on family and friendships but the men tend to go in one extreme or another - either lifetime bachelor and serial dater or he’s gonna settle tf down and have kids and the whole nine.
IF he does settle down (which I think Bam will based off the hoard of cat children) omg he’ll be a great dad who’s not only supportive and has great knowledge to give but is chill & fun af! The kind of parent you can tell every and anything to and they’ll have your back AND be able to laugh about it with you
He will fly you every and anywhere whenever he can - Thailand (of course), Paris, wherever he feels like honestly.
Is so vulnerable with you once he’s comfortable - laying beside each other late at night and telling you all the stories he doesn’t really tell anyone else (you better comfort him and hold his little baby heart gently!!!)
Wants to go shopping all the time
Runway show dates, fashion week is quite frankly not ready for Bambam and his significant other
Couple outfits galore (only designer of course), luxe hotel stays galore
Bomb couples pics, wouldn’t surprise me if he wanted to have professional photoshoots with you all the time
Feels soooo proud when does well in his career and when you praise him for his hard work, ethic, and talent
Cat dad af and loves that you love them too
Oof when he mad….he MAD. Loud and serious. Good news is that it happens infrequently and he’s mostly a happy boy and he prefers to stay that way
Sooo many food dates that boy is slim but he can eat for days
Is generally confident but it still really helps him feel secure (and overjoyed) when you praise him, especially when you refer to him as your bias
Will send you previews of his new raps to get your opinion
While he does like going out, after being busy for a while or on tour he likes to literally hibernate with you and the cats. It’s his actual heaven to just Netflix and eat, wearing comfy little pjs and cuddling and being goofs. Definitely will try to play video games with you
The kind of KING to love doing face masks together especially during movie night at home
18+ Traits:
Masculine & bold af
Silk sheets and blindfolds
KINKY AF but in a more classy Sir/Daddy vibes way- BBam is the type of guy that always showers and smells amazing before he lets anyone touch him also the type of man to have candles going at all times bc young & rich - so kinky for him is blindfolds, handcuffs, lingerie, shower/bath sex and outdoor/risky location sex
Prefers someone with edgy taste or varied sense of style - like someone who frequently changes hair color or clothing style, or has tattoos or piercings etc.
Mental stimulation is important! He’d like someone successful like himself because he’s really independent and gonna wanna continue having his own things separately. He’d also find it a major turn on to be with a hard working professional woman especially when you talk passionately about what you do.
A very experimental and curious lover who will often want to try new things therefore he will need an open minded partner - your body is his wonderland he wants to explore every part of it with no limits. The longer you’re together the more kinks he’ll develop lol
On the other hand he’s super interested in fulfilling your fantasies as well and is amazing with aftercare
He’ll wrap you up in the blankets and order food while you watch tv and snuggle with the cats - literal heaven I know
Every once in a while, especially when you’ve been apart for a while he’ll switch it up and opt for a slow tender session - steamy passionate round after round, lots of kissing, he’ll lick wherever he can reach while in you, hand holding, slow but hard deep movements
Turn ons:
Doing it/teasing in risky and or public places
Oral - one word: LIPS
His perfect night ends with a couple beers and you, he can never get tired of tipsy/drink sex
Secretly gets turned on when jealous (as long as there’s no actual threat/boundary crossing) - if he sees guys check you out or flirt he’ll be extra dominant and rough when you guys are alone. Will also make subtle dominant/possessive gestures like put a hand on your butt or hold you extra close in front of them.
NUDES - tasteful ones in expensive lingerie that look Vogue chic & effortless.
Or STRAIGHT KINK (latex, costumes, videos) no inbetween
Completely naked except jewelry and heels would make him explode
DREAMS to engage with multiple partners
Dirty talk
Car sex, possibly even plane sex if he can get away with it
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vanillann · 4 years
ew, it’s the government (spencer reid x reader)
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hi!! after thinking about this i’ll be taking out the acab from the masterlist (nothing changing in the plot line) just so it doesn’t feel like an aesthetic!!
warning: swearing, mentions of crime and sex, enemies to lovers
word count: 1.6k
ew, it’s the government masterlist
chapter 7: in the wise words of jane austen
“You know, I wish my tax dollars went to those stupid pot holes.”
I rubbed my head from where it slammed into the roof of Agent Reid's car.
HIs voice was sincere as he quickly jumped from the driver seat once we parked and ran to my side of the car. I nodded my head, stepping out and I followed him to the trunk to grab both our bags.
I kept quiet, still shocked he was being nice considering how rude and cold I’d been, but I suppose some people were just better than me in that department. I didn’t want to but it felt like the right thing in a sense.
I felt a light tap on my shoulder, drawing me from the twilight zone I had fallen into.
“Here my key, D6. I’ll be up in a second I need to help Ms. Anderson feed her animals”
He didn’t wait a second as he dropped the keys into my hand and began walking to an apartment here on the bottom floor. I quickly caught up, running through the glass door just as they were about to close.
When I had made it in he had disappeared, I simply shrugged and made my way over to the elevator. The light elevator music calmed my nerves and I found floor D and smashed the button.
The light music that rang throughout was oddly calming considering I was in an FBI Agents apartment. The guilt slowly was slowly reaching me, as I know I haven’t been exactly the most inviting and they might be trying to help, but I couldn’t but think back to my poor sister.
The ding broke me from my daydream, shaking my head and looking ahead to the short hall. I slowly stepped from the elevator and spotted the Agent in question leaning against his door, hand in pocket as he waited.
“How did you beat me?”
“I took the stairs, much faster and safer.”
I watched him eye the elevator, the way he looked at it like one of those evil guys they catch. I was going to make a joke, but I decided maybe I should get nice for a few moments, as he hadn’t done anything to me personally I suppose.
I handed him the eye, his hands pulled themself from his pocket and let himself unlock the door. He held it open for me, which I returned with another nod and walked into the apartment.
It smells exactly like the sweater I still wore, the green walls with many bookshelves were a nice touch if I would say. I slowly made my way over to the couch, not taking a sit but setting my bag on the leather vintage material.
The clean atmosphere of the apartment was nice, and reminded me of Jerick almost and how he would come into my apartment when I was showering. I wonder how Jerick was enjoying himself with Polly Pocket. I snapped, trying to refrain from nicknames.
That when I spotted a large zombie looking head hanging from his bookshelf, smiling to myself when I slowly walked to it and pointed to it.
“What’s this?”
I turned, finding that Agent Boy, Reid, was nowhere to be seen. I frowned, letting my bottom lip lock out as I made my way around the apartment, looking from a pillow and a blanket from a nice cozy spot on the couch for tonight.
As I was looking under the old TV stand, that didn’t have a TV, may I say, I heard my name being called in a panic. As I went to stand up I felt my head slam into the top, a headache already forming as I fell back on my butt.
I heard footstep hurry to where I now sat on the ground, the mauve color converse caught my eye.
“I- are you okay?”
I nodded my head, slowly nodding as I rubbed it a few more times before looking up to him. He bent down, grabbing my face in-between his fingers. I went to pull back but he kept a firm grip on my face.
“I’m checking to see if you have a concussion,” his voice was from, causing me to stop my struggle and look into my eyes. I felt suddenly unsure, wiggling slightly as he held his finger out and slightly asked from my eyes to follow it.
“I didn’t know you were that type of Doctor.”
Shut up (Y/N).
He let his finger fall, waiting for me to explain myself.
“You said you were a doctor, it was supposed to be a joke,” I casually explained, trying not to embarrass myself more the longer I spoke.
“Oh,” he slowly nodded, pulling his bottom lip in-between his teeth, sitting on the floor across from me as awkward silence filled the room.
“It was a bad joke,” I slowly stood up, feeling the pain in my head but ignoring it as I stood up.
“Uhm, where are the blankets?”
He looked up at me, slowly pushing himself from the floor as he examined me.
“So I can sleep on the couch tonight?”
I pointed over my shoulder in the direction of said couch.
“Oh no, you can take my room and I can make a pallet on the floor.”
While the gesture was sweet I felt like it was unfair to push someone from their own bed, especially with the way I’ve been acting.
“No i-”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea to leave you out of my sight right now, with everything I mean and it’s fine really. I’ve slept in more uncomfortable hotels.”
His eyes scanned me as he rocked on his heels, slowly waiting for me to respond.
“Okay that’s fine.”
I turned around uncomfortable with the eye contact, the anger inside of me boiling. He was nice, but the system he worked from was corrupt so unless he realized that he was just as bad as the rest.
I noticed the grocery store bag on the counter, something I had completely forgotten about. I felt bad for the way I acted but I guess my attitude had become a part of me, which didn’t excuse it but it was the truth.
“Are we still making Shepherd's Pie?”
“Oh uhm- yeah sure.”
I didn’t wait for him to get up and I made my way to the kitchen. I heard his phone ding but I ignored it as I slowly took things from the bag and placed them on the counter.
“Garcia can’t find anything about Jerick from up til a few years ago,” Agent said, coming to the opposite side of the counter to me.
“Look under Jennifer, it’s his deadname.”
Spencer said nothing as he watched me, my anger boiling waiting from him to say something.
“I’m sorry we didn’t know he was trans,” he spoke sincerely, something I was grateful for.
“I’m not Jerick so I can’t accept this apology but you have been nothing but respectful to him so I doubt he would mind.”
Spencer nodding, texting the tech girl back quickly.
“Why didn’t she ask him herself?”
“Wanted to make sure it wasn’t something we should be worried about,” he answered quickly, shoving his phone back in his pocket while placing his hand on the counter.
“Okay where is the recipe book?”
“I don’t have one,” he brushed it off, reaching over and grabbing a few of the ingredients from in front of me and placing them in the bowl. I unwrapped the crust, looking at him with bewildered eyes.
“Why not?”
“I read the recipe in a bookstore years ago,” he brushed off like it was nothing, I had forgotten he was like Jimmy Neutron or something.
He suddenly laughed, something that shocked me.
“I had a friend that made me dress up as him from Halloween,” he spoke with nostalgia, something I hadn’t seen on him before. I mean I’d only known him from maybe a day but still, it was weird to say the least.
“My sister loved that show,” I spoke softly, almost sad to even bring her up.
“You have a sister?”
“Had,” I was quick to correct him, somewhat mad but more so sad.
“I’m sorry.”
He didn’t ask, which I was grateful for, just putting the ingredients in the crust and putting in the oven, which was apparently already hot.
“I’m sorry I was impossible to be around,” my words had no emotion but it was enough for him as he accepted the apology and said he understood.
I put the last dish into the sink and made my way to the bedroom, the sweater he had let him borrow discarded as I now wore my own. My footsteps were light, most of the apartment dark as we both decided to head to bed quickly with a “long day ahead of us” as he said.
Dinner was awkward to say the least, barely any talking just sitting across from each other and eating. Maybe it wasn’t that awkward but without my talking I couldn’t distract my brain from the seriousness of it all.
There was a murderer out there looking for me, and I couldn’t even tell anyone why because I didn’t even know. It was only a matter of time before the kills got more personally, as they were mostly people I’d only known somewhat.
I slipped myself into the bed, careful of Reid who slept peacefully on the floor beside the bed, a gun in his hand as he “protected” me.
As soon as my back hit the soft nature of the bed all the tiredness left me, which was more annoying than the fact it was an FBI Agent's bed.
I tossed and turned because I don’t know how long before Reid started talking in his sleep.
“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune-”
I registered that the words were from Pride and Prejudice so I ignored the fact that he most likely wasn’t asleep and let the words bring me from this cruel world into another, only in my dreams.
criminal minds tag list:
@itsarayofsunshine @m-n-m @aquarius-pisces-rose @victomizedbyreginageorge @avaxreid @erinxneil @cclovesanime
spencer reid tag list:
ew, it’s the government tag list:
@thatsonezesty13 @spencerslatte @pianofirepirate @ellvswriting @peterspickledpepper @erinxneil @friendlyweirdobaby @thatsastro @acambridge @spideyparkerstark @ameliamonster @thecraziestcrayon @hurricane-abigail @linthebinbag @m-n-m @reid-lover @drreidshands @l0ve-0f-my-life @avaxreid @baby-iyania @victomizedbyreginageorge @gubler-io @duskangxl @bonitaangel @koc-help @liaabsurd @achieveonyourown @non-binary-nightmare @crimeshowtrash @libradolan @sataninsatin @martinafigoli @randogirlo-fando-main
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
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Summary: he makes it up 🥸
Warnings: soft smut? Language, acting drunk to leave, a jealous Tom holland, NOT PROOF READ
T.H| Oop-
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“I mean am I sleeping over though? Because I didn’t get these chocolate cakes for no reason, zendaya” you eye your phone. “Yes we will have a marathon of Harry Potter” you let out a little ‘yes’ “stop cheering y/n, and Toms gonna be there” “as in...” “yes. Tom holland, impossible tom holland” “REEEEE” you and zendaya have been best friends for what felt like foreverrr, like dramatically long, you played as one of her love interests.
But you’ve had a crush on Tom holland for longer, you had him on your wall, just kidding. But everyone in your family, mostly your mom said “oh you like snow flakes?” “Interracialllllll” “alright give me my privileged babies soon” “damn I kinda took you for the Asian type” “yeah I thought you liked BTS” “UK accents is hella annoyin, find someone else” “would you stop hoggin the TV? I’m tryna watch American Top Model!” “Nah let’s watch basesketball-“ anyways, ya you have annoying, irritating family, oh well.
“You think he likes dark skinned type?” “He likes girls with aggressive tans I know that much” “that isn’t helpful” “hey I’m just being honest” she shrugged looking at you through the phone as she picked up her makeup brush. “So what are gonna do for your birthday?” “I-uhhhh probably clubbing?” “As in golf?” “No, party y/n” she glared at you as you chuckled.
“Please ask hunter when we are getting married” “y/n, I know you have an insane crush on her to but it’s just never gonna happen, she’s mine” you stuck out your tongue at her as she did the same chanting “she’s mine, she’s mine” “whatever I need to get ready” “bye papas” “bye mamas” you hung up, instantly going to your closet and pulling out the dresses you have, only to put them back and grab a two piece, it’s neon yellow, the pants are high waisted, no belt, the top stopping right below your boob, the straps at the end of your collar bone.
For accessories you put on some black dangle earrings and a black purse, a gold but matching watch, but you put on sandals, no high heels because the pants were covering your feet anyways, for your hair you put on your wet and wavy lace front, you added lip gloss to your lips, and they look like glass, in a good way of course, the fox eyeliner with thick parted eyelashes and a neon eyeshadow with it. You brushed your eyebrows up and boom your done.
You stepped back and went to your full body mirror, checking your butt and your boobs, smiling at yourself “you look fine” you sigh, grabbing your bag, phone, and keys.
You phone rung and you answered. “Yes z?” “Are you picking me up?” “Yeah sure babe, I’ll be there soon” “alright bye” she hung up. Luckily for you, you just got your 1966 mustang, vibrant white baby, everyone would wanna touch your car, you named him KAI, stands for kiss ass ight. The License plate saying “white ssn”. (I’m sorry but I really like these old kinds of cars, I fucking had to) you hoped in your car and drove to dayas home, you picked her and her brother up, just listening to old 2000’s and 1900s songs, either rapping or singing your asses off.
You guys were there pretty early but of course you were, it’s her birthday, she didn’t want to dance yet because of her makeup and you felt the same, leaving her brother smacking his lips and eyes glued to his phone.
Now everyone was starting to come, hunter, Jacob, alexia, Barbie, everyone, and most importantly, Thomas Stanley holland. No cap you bout dead as fuck, did I mention you run on Red Bull’s? Just kidding. You remained calm, hugging hunter and talking to her. “Hey” zendaya said, grabbing your hand and pulling you up, pulling you to Tom. “Hi Thomas, this is y/n” “the one and only?” He laughed, making you both giggle. “Yeah” she nodded, Tom got up, opening his arms and she pinched you, silently telling you to hug him. And you did, taking a breath you smelled him, he smelled really good, sexy and musky, like something you’d want to smell all day.
“You smell nice” Tom whispered. “Yeah you too” you smiled, pulling back from his hands as he nodded at you and sat back down, you looked and zendaya as she silently cheered, you walked back over to hunter and ordered something to drink. “So you and Tom?” She asked, you only rolled your eyes. “You know I’ve had a crush on him for years now but I don’t think I’ll be making any progress” you thanked the person as they handed you the cheerily temple. “Whattt? This is your chance to get drunk and confess your feelings, like wake up in the morning with him” you smacked your lips at her “girl I don’t know, and I wouldn’t want him to forget what happend” you shrugged. She put her hand on your shoulder making you look at her “take a shot, before zendaya pressures the fuck out of you both” she warns, making you sigh and throw yourself back in the seat.
“I know and that’s the problem, I don’t think-“ “you’ve had a crush in him for years y/n, you can make this a reality, you don’t have to dream anymore” zendaya whispered in your ear “I told you” hunter smiled. “Fuck stop smiling at me like that, you’re gonna make me fall in love all over again” you said making them both laugh. “Okay Cupid what’s your plan?” “Don’t worry bout it alright girl?” “Alright”
“Harrison fuck off it’ll happen when it happens” “well it seems like she’s bored, I’ll go entertain her” “don’t you fuckin dare haz, I’ll beat the shit out of you” instead of haz getting up Harry did, he walked over to you and sat down next to you, the lights and music booming as he took out his camera. “Hey” he smiled at you. “Hi, I’m-“ “y/n, yeah I know, I’m Toms brother, Harry” he held out his hand and you took it. “I thought you looked really beautiful- I was just wondering if you wanted to take a few pictures?” “Oh I’m not the picture type” “pleaseee?” He beggged, you giggled and nodded. “Alright” he took a few pictures of you as Tom stared at you.
“He’s tottaly gonna get instead of you” Harrison whispered in his ear, making Thomas slap his arm “shut up div, I’m just gonna wait here and I’ll see what happens” he told haz his game plan, no progress. Zendaya walked over “I know you like y/n, please hit on her, you both would look so good together, you’d bring me smoll Bebes-“ “Jesus zendaya we get it” Tom rolls his eyes as haz lets out distant chuckles.
“This is so awkward, he doesn’t like me and-“ you sighed. “Oh my god, you never give up so easily y/n, what’s wrong you’ve liked him since preteens” hunter asked in all seriousness. “Are you talking about Tom?” Harry asks, both of you looking at him and letting out a way to fast “no” leaving Harry in giggles. “Well I wish I could help you but I don’t know anything” he shrugs, you soon see Tom make his way over to you, standing infront of you. He clears his throat to say something big but only lets out an-
“Hey” you wave back at him, hunter silently cringing, feeling the tension able to cut it with a butter knife. “Your so fücked” Harry laughed, Tom glaring at him but smiling back at you. “Uhm, how’s your day?” “To be honest I’m having a bit of anxiety right know” you both laughed “me too, yeah” he nods his head. “Look you don’t have to really speak to me if you don’t want to” you laughed “I think we both know-“ “zendaya” you both said. Hunter looked at Harry, panicking for you as you remained calm. “Okay- yeah- thanks” he smiled, as you returned, he walked off.
“You fucked up” “well what was I supposed to do Harry? Suck his dick?-“ “it would’ve made some progress” “shut up hunter” “I feel awkward for you” “second hand emarrassment hunter” “well you knew what I meant Harry so we are all good” you looked at them both “I’m fucked” they just both agree with you. “I think I’m gonna go” “then I’m coming!” Hunter said. “How are you gonna leave zendaya?” You only picked up his beer can, winking at him and hunter ‘helped’ you out.
“Woah woah woah where are you two going?” Zendaya asked, the shit in her hand as she looked confused. “She’s drunk” “whattttt no I’m nottt” zendaya looked at you as your eyes were barely opened, taking your finger and pushing it against hunters lips dramatically. “Let me tell yaa E sevret” you whispered at zendaya, you came close to her ear, “I’m so naw dunk” “you drunk, get out of here, Tom will give me a ride” zendaya waved you both off, Harry soon running up “let me get your number at least, yeah?” “Sureeeee” you wink at him, he hands you a pen and you write your number, a nice happy face next to it.
“Let’s get you home, nice show you out on” you took your time, trying to look drunk as possible. “My whole life is madness! I can’t- he doesn’t like me I promise you” you say, pulling out of the parking lot, hunter right next to you. “He does, let’s bet on it” “how much?” “200” “shake on it?” She handed you her hand and you shook it. “SOMETIMES YOU LAUGH SOMETIMES YOU CRY I GUESS YOU KNOW NOWWW, I TOOK THE HALF AND SHE TOOK THE WHOLE THING SLOW DOWNN” you both sung together “BABY” you both both failed the note, laughing together as you rode both of you home.
“She left” zendaya shruged, “what why?” “Shes black out drunk” Tom put his eyebrows together, he was litterally with you like a couple minutes ago, sober as hell. “Yeah... alright” he nodded, Harry took out his phone and sent you a simple hey, which you returned under a minute later.
Everyone had a lot of fun, you and hunter ordering some random stuff off of Amazon and making the cake that you would both send to zendaya the next day, on the other side everyone danced and drank, they were sober enough to go eat at least. “Who are you texting?” Tom asked Harry. “Y/n, she’s showing me the things that she’s ordering or something like that, I wonder why she’s a Harry Potter addict” toms jaw slightly clenched, “can I see?” He asked, Harry looked at him, forgetting that you’re supposed to be ‘drunk’ “Nah mate, she’s drunk texting me though” “bulshit, give me the phone” Harry sighed as he gave tom the phone, scrolling through the text messages the messages were alive, not dead at all, no lols, laughing emojis, more ‘lmao’ ‘AKDIHDIHFRJRFN-‘ ‘I- what? Okay-‘ he couldn’t help but be jealous, he handed Harry back the phone.
“What’s wrong?” Harry asked, looking at Tom confused. “You know I like her” “it didn’t seem like it back there” Harry smirked. “Do you like her?” Tom asked, Harry only shook his head “all for you, just making conversation and trying to pull her closer” “whattt Harry got the digits and you didn’t?” Haz whispered, “fuck off”
“But this is like, really ugly” “that’s why it’s called an ugly Christmas sweater, y/n” you layer on her arm, looking at Kohl’s, “green for sure, red is just plain” “how about we get like onzies of animals or the incredibles” hunter looked at you “perfect, yeah” you nod ferociously.
You checked your phone and saw some messages, from you dad and you mom but also Harry, you were quick to answer them all, and as the night got old you had finished the cake.
“I don’t know mate do some research on her, watch her interviews” haz suggests as they were all home, Tom mentally panicking because Harry’s eyes was glued to his phone, he whipped out his computer and searched your name, ‘Y/N has a CRUSH on who?’ He bit his lip and clicked it
“Sooo, we know your the romantic type- so who were you in love with?” The interviewer said, you smiled and shook your head. “I’ve always had a crush on Evan peters, algee smith from let it shine, Keith powers, and of course Tom holland, I don’t know but just in all his movies he was the cutest thing” you giggled, putting a leg over the other. “That’s a lot of people” “hey, I only crush on one now, and yes it’s Tom holland” the girl raised her eyebrows at the camera “you make sure you hit her up” “please do” you wink at the camera, “now, you feel sexy most when?” “Probably when I take a shower and put on my silk robe” you shrugged.
“Silk? Sexy” Tom smiled to himself, imagining you in it, maybe a towel over your freshly washed hair, lingerie under, maybe a mustard yellow to match your skin, his eyes widened in shock as he felt uncomfterble in his pants, he looked down at his pants “fuck, not now!”
“Are you really crying?” Hunter asked. “No I’m having an emotional roller coaster” “so your feeling different emotions, your so bipolar” hunter laughs, “your not helping you know” she only shrugged at you, then the door was knocked on “I’ll go get it” “alright” you acted sleep, thinking that it was probably zendaya and... you were right. “Hey is she sleep?” She asked, hugging hunter. “yeah, but come in- she’s on the couch” hunter smiled, hearing zendayas foot steps and she giggled “she’s sober by now” she bent down, wiggling your ear and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Hiiiii” she waved at you, you only waved back, then she laid down next to you, her glasses on and in her sweatpants and a black t-shirt. “So you and Tom didn’t work huh?” She whispered and you only shook your head no, a tear fell down your cheek as she coed at you, wiping it away. “He’s stupid, he will come around one day yeah?” You nodded at her, “did you make the cake?” She asked and you nodded again. “Let me show you, come here” hunter said, she looked at you, you looked pretty lifeless at the moment honestly. Hunter and zendaya left and you checked your phone.
Your eyebrows furrowed at the anonymous message. You opened it and it said-
Hey it’s Tom, I was wondering if you’d like to get lunch yeah?
You texted him back-
As In... Tom holland orrrr...
Tom smiled at his phone
Yes y/n, Tom holland here, take it while you can
Cocky asshat
He laughed at your reply sending winking emojis,
Yeah lunch, I’ll see what I can do
Cya love
Bye luv
As time passed Tom looked at your work, your charity events, your women’s rights, your debates, your everything. He grew more interest then he already did, already wishing to work with you. “Hamburgers? What if she’s vegan, fuck” he only searched up what food you like, “burrito truck?” He could tell you weren’t like the other people with loaded of money, you were more of the cheap rich, not a bad thing but a very good one. “Sparkling water? That doesn’t really go with burritos, she doesn’t like cheese by it’s self or where you can taste it over anything, she sticks to the basics, god I need a pen and paper for this” “I got it, lover boy” Harry says, throwing it at him.
“Hey your the one who’s trying to take her away from me” “no that’s not true, I was trying to help you actually, her favorite color is (y/f/c) she likes nature or a big view of the city, beach sometimes, she actually wants a beach house” he shrugged, Tom smiled and thanked him, writing some things down
-nature, somewhere green for lunch
-quiet too, somewhere not to public
-sparkling water for sure, no burritos though
“Shit I don’t know, chicken or something!” Tom struggled.
-fruits, nuts, macoroons, nuts, wine
He smiled at the ugly written bullet points, “aha” he then took his phone, biting his lips as he tried to find the perfect place.
“He asked me to lunch last night” you smiled, hunter and zendaya looked at each other, mouths agape as they laughed. “Really? Oh my god y/n can I be the god mom?” “Oh I’ll be the god dad all the way!” Hunter added as you laughed and shook your head, you’ve been on a Harry Potter marathon all night, now your on a Star Wars one, so many tears fell of your face, you cried for draco, zendaya cried for George and Fred, hunter cheered on voldermort, which almost got her kicked out, how petty.
“What if it’s only lunch?” You asked, looking at hunter and zendaya. “I mean, yeah it is only lunch” hunter shrugged making zendaya slap her arm. “No it isn’t, you are probably gonna get laid and he’s gonna confess his love to youuu, then you both naked and kissing” “ew don’t make me imagine that” hunter shuddered, sticking out her tongue. “Welp we are staying here when you leave” “how do you know I won’t be back?” “Because I know things”
Tom spent his day visiting places, until he found the perfect one, green and the ocean? Best thing ever. It was pretty too, no plastic, no damage to the ground, the ocean is to be heard, perfect for you and Tom. He texted you to get ready, it was about 6, he bought everything he needed for it, put the ice cream in the cooler with ice in it.
“Alright, this one” hunter held up a dress, a small slit but it was a sweater dress, like for the fall or winter, it’s white with brown buttons that go down to the end of your stomach, the dress stops in the middle of your thighs. “Then wear some comfterble shoes please, we don’t want you to run your toes” zendaya said, pulling out some neon yellow huaraches. “That doesn’t match” hunter said, zendaya put the shoes back and pulled out some dark dark black ones.
You got dressed, comfterble for sure, zendaya flat ironed your hair while hunter did your makeup, “alright” zendaya and hunter admired their art, high giving each other before turning you to the mirror, “don’t worry it’s sweat resistant” hunter said, zendaya laughed as you rolled your eyes shaking your head. Then of course their was a knock on your door. “I’ll get it” zendaya said, you went to your room and grabbed your phone, noticing you have no pockets you held it. “Keep your hands off of my girlfriend, have fun though!” Zendaya said, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you came out and seen everyone smiling at you
“What happened?” You asked as everyone shook their head. “Nothing!” Hunter said smiling at you, Tom came up and gave you flowers, not roses but daises “you look lovely” he says, giving you a hug, chest to chest, pelvis to pelvis, not in a Percy way of course, just a very friendly and close hug. “Can you put these in a vase for me?” You say, handing the flowers to hunter as she only smiled and made her way to the kitchen. “Have fun, once again, we want her back by 10” “that’s only 4 hours zendaya” “we’ll make your way over there, it’s starting to become late” “alright mother, we’re out” you sarcastically say, leaving Tom laughing as he takes your hand and pulls you to his-
“El Camino!?” You said, practicly smiling a a child when they get ice cream. “Yep, I know how much you like old cars so why not get you one right?” He squeezed your hand. “Oh I could so kiss you right now!” “I wanna save it for later, let’s go” he smiled at you, he pulled you to your seat and opened the door for you, you sat down and he closed it, running to his side and getting in. “Your pretty fast” “shut up” he laughed and started the car, Kendrick Lamar playing in the background as you both rode in the city.
It was silent but comfterble, you slipped your phone in the cup holder, played footsie with yourself, and almost shook when he placed his hand on your thigh, you looked at him and he smiled at you “warm” he only said, paying attention to the road, rocking his hand back and forth.
“I love this, you gave me all the things I love tonight” you smiled. “You now at the birthday party I didn’t show that I liked you” he commented, laying in his stomach ontop of the very large blanket as you sat with your legs closed. “Yeah I don’t think you like me... I know if it’s weird and-“ “what no I like you! I do! I’m just stupid, like zendaya would say, so” you both giggled as he sat up and grabbed a grape vine, it has grapes on it by the way. “Lay down” he smiled, and you followed, laying down. “I’ve seen all the work you’ve done” he smiled, the radio in the band Toto playing, Africa currently playing. He leaned down the grape and feed it to you and you chuckled. “I really like how dedicated you are, how hard working you are, how nice you are, everything about you is beautiful” he complemented, the moon popping out for the ocean, the sounds of water slapping the rocks calming the both of you.
“Well thank you” you say, done with the grapes he fed you, he fed you some more. “I bought ice cream” “what kind?” “Uhmmmm, not vanilla, cookies and cream!” “Doesn’t that have vanilla in it?” You looked at him, he shrugged and put the grapes down and took the ice cream out of the freezer “I didn’t know you were such a 80s fan, what would you bring back?” He asked you. “Probably all the color, the music, I love mullets and shags I just love it all, how everything was in fashion, freedom and dumb teenagers and yelling old people, ya know?” “So your a very detailed person?” “Yeah, I don’t pay attention to the big picture that much if I’m being honest” ‘it never rains in Southern California, by tony’ playing, now the moon full on display, he grabbed two spoons and handed it to you, you both grabbed a scoop. “Let’s try something”
“Like what?” “Cross my arm with yours yeah?” You wrapped your arm around his, your spoon facing you “and 3” he said, taking the ice cream in his mouth as you followed, giggling “I like the flavor” you covered your mouth. “See! I knew what I was talking about, and doing!” He cheered, you both laid side by side and looked at the view, still eating the ice cream of course, until he put his lips on yours. “I really like you y/n, I hope-“ you put your lips on his, holding onto his cheek you smiled into it, he made his hand go down to hold onto your waist, the moon shining on both of you, he flipped both of you over so he was on top, you let out a quiet moan as he kissed your neck and slipped up you dress, taking off your panties, you trailed your hands down to the hem of his shirt and pulled it up, rubbing over his torso, moaning as he found your sweet spot, kissing it and sucking harsh circles on your neck, he sat up and helped you take of his shirt, unbuckling his pants and taking off the belt to where ever.
He unbuttoned your dress, taking out your breasts and sucking on one of them, you whimpered as he twisted the other, your hands making it to his hair and tugging a bit making him hum in satisfaction. He switched nipples and looked up at you, you head was thrown back, breathing heavy and he opened your legs, you bucked your hips up allowed him to pull your dress up and over your head, he ditched his pants, well not really, there still around his ankles and both of your shoes are off, how? I don’t know. He came up and you leaned on your arm while the other was on his cheek, your lips hovering his, he muttered a ‘ready’ you nodded and he bottomed out in you, both moaning at the sensation, he kissed you and rocked his hips, you moaned as his hands found your waist, holding onto his bicep for support. Soft moans shared “y/n, fuck your so tight” he whispered in your neck and you whimpered, clawing his arm as he went harder, still slow though,
“Tommy, I’m gonna-“ you swallowed, bucking your hips up and arching your back, he rubbed your hips and held on tighter to them. He groaned and started going fast, high pitched moans leaving your lips as he stopped going hard, “cum for me” he let one hip go and rubbed your pearl slowly. “God- mm” you bit your lip trapping the moans, your head tilting back as he used it to suck more hickies on you, claiming you as you just took it all in, your head slowly starting coming up, leaving cries as your arm circled his around his arm, your back arching more, connecting chests as you said his name like a prayer while you came “fuck fuck fuck” he moaned, so close, your walls to warm to leave. “You on the pill?” He choked out. You repeated ‘mhm’ and just like that he came inside you, your name left his mouth as he rode out both of your highs, breathing heavy as a new song played ‘ask of you’ by Raphael, you both chuckled as he pressed his forehead on yours.
“Would you be my-“ “I think you know the answer Thomas, this is my 12 dream right here” you giggled. He pulled out and rolled over next to you, taking his arm and wrapping it around your shoulders, pulling you into his chest “your moans are adorable, we have to have sex more often” you only laughed at him, coming up to kiss his neck on his sweet spot, his jawline under his ear, sucking hickies on his neck as he looked at the water that the moon is glistening on. You both cleaned up with his baby wipes and covered yourselves with the extra blanket he had, he poured you both a glass on wine too, just taking each other in and the perfect view.
On the other side zendaya and hunter were high giving each other, FaceTiming Harry and saying “we got em!” He smiled and cheered, lifting his beer with Harrison and taking a sip. They set it all up, how? Who knows.
33 notes · View notes
the-voltage-diaries · 4 years
Embrasse-Moi (Part 2) - Eisuke Ichinomiya x Soryu Oh
For, @kbtbbposts. Hi. It’s been a while. (Lmfao utter lies, it’s been over a month). I’m sorry for the delay <3
‘Embrasse moi’: French for ‘Kiss me’.
Disclaimer: Guy x Guy, Suggestive. Also there’s cussing here so tread carefully who am I kidding all of us love an Eisuke and a Soryu who say fuck and also do it later on. Also, this chapter includes the PoVs of both characters, i.e Eisuke and Soryu (totally not just for the heck of it) First it’s Eisuke, then Soryu and then back to Eisuke. The change of banners will tell you.
Word count: 3022. Lol the least I can do in an attempt to make up for the delay is publish a long ass chapter.
P.S.: I’m always open for feedback. Feel free to hit my asks anytime, about any of my works (you can ask as anonymous if you don’t want me to know who you are lol)
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I wake up to the sound of something chiming near my head.
With one of my arms draped lazily over Soryu’s sleeping figure, I reach out for my mobile with the other. As soon as I type in the password and check the mail, I almost immediately regret it. Sighing, I place the phone back on the nightstand and turn around to face Soryu’s back, conveniently ignoring the message, ready to doze off again for a little bit. 
The moment my eyes close, my phone starts buzzing. An annoyed huff escapes me before I manage to find the device again and answer the call.
“Good morning, Ichinomiya!” Jason says on the other end of the line, his voice retaining its usual cheeriness even at 7AM in the morning. Does this man not sleep, or what.
“What do you want.”
“Yes, yes, Eisuke. I’m doing well, thank you for asking,” the fucker says, sarcasm practically dripping from his words, “How about yourself?”
“Bye.” I mutter, about to hang up. Don’t get me wrong, but I have neither the time nor the desire to be happy go lucky for someone who ruined my peaceful morning.
“Hold your horses, mister. I called for a reason, actually.”
Then get to it already, damnit. 
“I wanted to let you know we’re meeting at my office at ten-thirty today. Works for you?”
“Mm,” I reply, sitting up as I think. I feel Soryu stir beside me and I pause, not wanting to wake him up.  But instead of opening his eyes and waking up, he just turns around and wraps an arm around my lap, nestling into it as if I was a body pillow. “Yeah. I’ll be there.”
“Okay, see you then.”
I hang up and run my fingers through my hair, letting myself enjoy the calm for a minute more before I need to get up. The moment I lift myself off the bed, I feel Soryu stir again at the loss of contact, but he manages to grab on to a nearby pillow to make up for it.
I’ll admit, for a moment I am tempted to rip that pillow out of his hands and get back into the bed with him, because Eisuke Ichinomiya doesn’t take kindly to being replaced, but I quickly shake my head to dismiss the thought.
I take a quick shower and put on my shirt, opting for my usual formal attire. Every little movement of mine is made quietly with the desire to not wake him up, because I know he needs the sleep if he doesn’t want to face the full wrath of a terrible hangover.
“Mmm,” he groans, still fully asleep, having no idea of the tough morning that awaits him. Speaking of hangovers, I walk over to the landline in the room and dial up the reception, trying to choose between the ideas of letting his hangover kill him or being a good citizen and saving his sorry ass.
“Morning, I’d like a bottle of ibuprofen and a glass of water in my room, and make it quick,” I tell the receptionist and hang up, my eyes catching the sight of a small notebook and pen on the nightstand.
I grab the pen and open the notebook, smirking as I write down a few words.
“I’m out to meet Jason for the business you definitely fucked up yesterday. I hope you’re no longer a man-child who yells ‘I am batman’ out of nowhere. On the off chance you are, let me remind you that puking on the bed is something you shouldn’t be doing.” “P.S. Yes, you did actually yell ‘I am batman’ yesterday.” 
I tear the piece of paper and place the note beside him on my side of the bed, already imaging his reaction in my head.
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I wake up with the unquenchable desire to throw my head into either a toilet or a paper bag.
The light blaring into the room through the windows feels nothing less than needles pricking into my eyes. As soon as my eyes adjust to the light, I get off the bed and make my way towards the bathroom, although barely in time. My hands grab on to the sides of the toilet seat as if it were a life support and my stomach somersaults as I vomit its contents out. 
It, no doubt, is one of the worst hangovers of my life. This is also the first time the hangover is so bad that I feel the need to puke, that it doesn’t just stop at a headache. I can hold my liquor well, and have never had to face a lot of them, but this one is so violent that the back of my throat stings. 
What in the hecks did I drink last night? How bad was it?
The memories of last night start to flood in, although they are fragmented beyond repair. The last thing I remember as clear as day is the time Eisuke and I met Jason at the bar. I vaguely recall us having a discussion over a few drinks and Eisuke walking out to take a call.
“That bastard,” I hiss, remembering the part where Jason showed me a new drink, the name of which I don’t remember, and asked me to try it. That’s where my brain starts getting fuzzy again.
A broken, foggy memory of the man laughing at my intoxicated ass passes through the front of my mind.
I got drunk.
Scratch that, I got wasted.
I got wasted at a meeting where I was supposed to remain in control of myself.
Damn it, Soryu. Could it get any worse?
That’s when I realise, yes, it could. And yes, it definitely did.
Wait a second. What happened after that? How did I make it back to the fucking room? Don’t tell me, did Eisuke bring me back?
I slowly lift myself up and walk back to the door of the bathroom. I try to remember what happened after I got completely inebriated but nothing comes to mind. My eyes sweep the room for a sign of anything that would help me at least piece the broken fragments of last night in some sort of a cohesive sequence. I don’t find any sign of Eisuke, but instead, my eyes stop at a note lying on his side of the bed.
Before I can so much as take a step in its direction, though, I feel the world go for a toss and my body once again turns back to the support of the toilet… only to throw up again. I hold the commode tightly as my body heaves, tired after spilling the contents of last night twice now. I take a moment to calm down and then get up and make my way towards the note I remember seeing.
Out of all the things to do, why the fuck did I do that?
Sweet mother of holy crap.
If Eisuke is to be believed, which he mostly is, the only way to describe my behaviour last night would be complete madness. My fingers clench around the paper in embarrassment, clutching it hard while my feet carry me back to the bathroom to clean myself up. Just when I think I have regained control over my exhausted self, I feel my stomach do a practice run-through of a gymnastics session as my body lurches forward, spilling its remaining contents into the toilet.
“Ah, shit,” I mutter, resting my head on the back of my palm, my eyes stinging with the pain of throwing up thrice this time, “I’m never drinking anything Jason gives me, ever again.”
“That sounds like a wise decision,” Ichinomiya butts in. Funny, because he doesn’t have a butt, really. Although cracking jokes right now isn’t really my best option.
My body agrees, because his voice coming out of nowhere makes my shoulders jump in an almost comedic way and I whip my head to look back at him like a literal deer caught in headlights. He’s keeping his jacket on the bed and chuckling at my reaction as we speak.
“I see you didn’t puke on the bed,” He smirks, undoing the top button of his shirt. “Very considerate of you.”
“Shut up, Ichinomiya,” I say, turning around and sitting down so that my back is against the toilet seat.
I hear his footsteps as I close my eyes, taking a deep breath. I roll my head back, regretting everything that has led me to this situation. Before long, a dull pain starts pulsating through my head and that’s all it takes for me to know I’m in for a crappy headache for breakfast. Just as I am about to let out an annoyed groan, I hear Eisuke’s footsteps cease a short distance away. “Here, have this.”
I open my eyes slowly and blink a couple of times before looking up at him. He is leaning against the door leading to the bathroom, holding a glass of water in one hand and a bottle of ibuprofen in the other.
I reach out to grab the bottle and take a pill out, muttering a low thanks, and take the glass of water from him. It doesn’t take me long to swallow the pill gratefully, and I notice Eisuke take a few steps forward and sit down beside me on the floor. My fingers freeze in the middle of tightening the bottle cap as I stare at him, then at the spot he is sitting on, then back at him.
Is this Ichinomiya? Or am I in some fucked up fantasy land?
I blink for a second or two before looking at him again.
There is no way in hell this pain in the ass without an ass is sitting on the floor right now. 
“What.” He asks when he sees me staring at him for a whole minute… or at least a whole minute.
“Are you okay?”
He turns his head to look at me, raising a brow.
“Why is Your Royal Highness sitting on the floor of a bathroom?” I ask, overlooking the throbbing in my head for a moment to smirk at him. Of course, it’s just for a moment because the moment that moment gets over, my headache comes back to me with full force.
Needless to say, he ignores the jab. Instead, he bends his body a little closer to my own and looks up at me, and I almost lose my shit again at the actual look of concern he gives me. “Feeling better?” he asks, his face close enough that I can smell his cologne.
Which is worth noticing, because he doesn’t wear strong scents. “I… yeah, I’m fine,” I say, focusing on the way a few strands of his hair fall over his eyes. I’m not sure why I have a faint feeling that he is about to kiss me.
The moment that thought enters my mind, a few more fragments from yesterday come back to me. I vaguely remember bits and pieces of the scene where Eisuke helped me out of my business clothes and put on the casual ones. I recall a small bit where I brought my face closer to his and before I can walk through it any further, the memory cuts out, leaving a throbbing pain in its wake.
Wait… does that mean we kissed last night?
“Okay, enough small talk,” he says, stopping me from thinking any further, “We have a long day ahead of us and you might want to freshen up if you want to play a productive role in it.”
“Give me a break, my head feels like someone has opened a club in here.”
“You’ve got 20 minutes.”
... Motherfucker.
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Soryu places the platinum key card in front of the card reader and the door to our room slides open to allow the both of us to enter. It is now eight-thirty in the evening, and the both of us are a little tired because wow, it was a long day. 
Since I already finished the business part of our trip this morning with Jason, Soryu and I were free to do whatever we wanted for the rest of the day. I took him out for brunch to a private little restaurant just a little way away from the main city and gave him a run-down of the crux of what happened in the meeting this morning. After brunch, we went for a little sightseeing around town and on Soryu’s suggestion, checked out some of the local spots he knew about - much to my dismay, of course. 
Why? Well, the crowds here are no joke, and we couldn’t take the limo so we had to walk around the city. Yes, we had to walk around the streets. In a city full of people. People left and right. People front and back. People here, people there. Basically every fucking where. No wonder I was drained out.
“Let’s pack our bags before calling it a night, yeah?” Soryu says, pulling me out of my reverie. I look around the room and find it to be just as clean and fresh as it was the night we checked in. 
“Mm,” I hum, walking into the room and towards my suitcase. Placing it on the bed, I walk over and open the door to my side of the closet and take a handful of clothes. I start packing my bags and I see Soryu following suit.
He starts gathering his clothes and after he is done packing the ones in the closet, he reaches out to the ones we wore yesterday. They are placed on one side of the bed, clean and folded, thanks to the room service. As soon as his fingers come in contact with the blue shirt I made him wear to bed last night, I notice him pause mid-way.
“What is it?” I ask when he doesn’t move for a few moments. He doesn’t answer me immediately, looking almost as if he was in the middle of thinking something deep. “Earth to Soryu,” I call out again, and he finally gives a non-committal hum. “What is it?” I ask one more time, even though I hate repeating myself.
“Uh, some pieces of last night are coming back to me,” he says, closing his eyes as one of his hands starts massaging his temple.
That should be a good thing, right? What’s got him so serious?
I stop thinking when I see his eyes open in my periphery, and he slowly lifts his head up to look at me. “Did we kiss? I-I mean, did I kiss you last night?” He blurts out, and I look at him only to see his face looking in my direction without its usual emotionlessness. 
Wait, is that even a word?
“I don’t-” he cuts in, stopping my thoughts midway, “Th- I don’t think that’s possib-”
“Yes.” I interrupt, not wanting him to dismiss it just like that. “Yes, we kissed last night.” He freezes completely. He just looks at me in what seems like complete shock, and doesn’t speak for a few moments before he finally comes to his senses.
“Fuck, I’m sorr-”
“There’s nothing to apologise for,” I say, taking a step towards him. “So, don’t.”
“No, Eisuke,” He says, taking a small step back, “You don’t get it. I was completely out of my mind and I shouldn’t have-”
“You don’t regret it, do you?” I ask, taking another step towards him to cut him off.
He takes another step back and pauses, contemplating. He looks like someone just asked him to give up on omelettes, which would be comical enough to make me chuckle any other day except right now, I am not in the mood for jokes.
“The kiss,” I repeat, taking another step in his direction. 
Goddamnit, how many more times will I have to repeat myself in this one god forsaken day?
“Do you regret it, Soryu?” I ask, my voice low, and he tries to take another step back - only to bump into the wall behind him.
“Should I?” He suddenly says, looking up, his eyes staring into my own. I take the one last step towards him that brings us just mere inches away from each other.
“I don’t know about you,” I whisper, and I see his breath quicken, “But I don’t.”
“You don’t?” He repeats, his voice cracking. A light blush creeps into his cheeks as I take one small step forward, now almost pressing our bodies to each other’s.
I bring a finger up to his face and graze his jawline with it, slowly trailing it down his chin and along his neck. His eyes involuntarily close at the contact and he takes a sharp breath. “No, Soryu,” I whisper, my other hand finding its way to his side, lightly scratching over the cloth, “I don’t.”
I hear his breathing pick up some more pace as he dips his head, his forehead barely touching my shoulder. I bring my face closer to his ear and I feel him catch his breath, his body ceasing all movement.
“There seems to be a lot of confusion between us,” I whisper, and I watch as his body shudders slightly the moment those words leave my mouth, “How about we do something to ensure there is no more confusion?”
“A-and what is that?” He chokes out, nearly melting when my tongue slides down his ear.
Fuck, Soryu.
He lets out a pleased hum at the touch, and I barely manage to keep it all together.
Oh god, this is going to be the death of me.
His hands come to rest on my chest, his fingers folding against my shirt.
“Soryu Oh,” I whisper, my fingers reaching out to hold him by the back of his neck while my teeth nibbled on  his earlobe, “Let me fucking kiss you.”
He gasps, his fingers coiling around the fabric of my shirt. After a pause, he answers me in breath so shallow I almost don’t catch it.
An answer that makes me lose my fucking mind.
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backtothestart02 · 4 years
If Only She Knew - 6/? | westallen fanfiction
A/N: You’ll like this one. ;)
Commissioned by Patricia H.
*Many thanks to @valeriemperez for beta’ing.
Chapter 6 -
He and Joe had been waiting a good extra 10 minutes than it took them to change for Iris to come out.
“Iris, honey, we don’t have all day,” Joe had said five minutes in.
“Actually, we do,” she’d quipped. “It’s only 11a.m.”
Joe shared a look with Barry over that remark but waited nonetheless.
“Iris, do you need…help?” Barry asked, then regretted it.
He couldn’t imagine how he’d make it through helping the love of his life into her swimsuit, but it was the only thing he could think of to say in the passing minutes. Thankfully, Joe didn’t so much as flinch.
“I do not, thank you very much!” she’d said, and then the door flung open and she stepped down out into the open.
Joe hadn’t allowed Iris to get a bikini – there’d been a big fight over that – but the halter-top tankini she had insisted on left a decent-sized strip of her stomach exposed, and that was quite enough to make Barry’s stomach flip.
Her top was white with multi-colored polka dots and her bottoms were a light blue. Iris kept her hair up in a high ponytail with tendrils of hair floating around her neck and one on each side of her forehead, framing her face. Her pink flip-flops were platform and increased her height by two inches, which appeared to give her an extra dose of confidence.
Barry’s trunks had a pattern of red flames – per Iris’ insistence. It was such a contrast to his super pale skin that he felt exposed, but he reassured himself with the possibility of getting suntanned this year instead of sunburned. Time would tell.
Right now, he couldn’t take his eyes off Iris.
If she asked him to put sunscreen on her back where she couldn’t reach, just touching her skin would –
“Great! We can go now,” Joe said, heaving the beach bag higher up over his shoulder.
Iris pouted. “That’s all you’re going to say?” She spun around in front of them, and Barry’s eyes went wide. Joe glared at his daughter.
“What are we supposed to say?” Joe asked, and Barry knew Iris snagging this swimsuit had just barely been a win on her end.
Iris scoffed. “That I look amazing?”
Joe opened his mouth to respond, but Barry beat him to it.
“You look amazing, Iris.”
Joe pursed his lips.
“Thank you, Barry. At least someone appreciates me in this amazing suit.” Joe shook his head in disbelief, but Iris ignored is penetrating gaze. “Now, come on, the beach waits for no one.”
She slipped her sunglasses over her eyes and strutted past them to head towards the beach just down the road. Joe turned to look at Barry, hoping for help in that corner, but he received none.
“She does look amazing in it, Joe,” Barry said.
His face fell. “Not helping, Bear.”
Barry shrugged helplessly and followed Iris, stifling a slight smile when he heard Joe sigh behind him.
When they reached the beach, the first thing Joe and Barry noticed was how full it was of people. But the first thing Iris commented on was what lay directly ahead of them.
She inhaled deeply through her nose and out through her mouth.
“The sea!”
“Actually-” Barry started to say, then stopped himself.
If Iris wanted to believe the lake was the sea, by all means, he would let her.
“Can’t you just smell it?” she declared, clearly enthralled.
Daringly, Barry reached for her hand to pull her from her trance, and immediately her eyes opened. She turned to look at him, a hint of a smile in her sparkling eyes. Barry was enraptured.
Joe, oblivious once more, moved past them.
“Yes, it’s all very nice, Iris. I’m going to try to find a spot and set up camp. You two have fun now.”
“Oh, my God, the lake!” Iris declared, giddy. “Come on, Barry, let’s go!” She squeezed his hand and dragged him with her.
It wasn’t hard to keep up, what with his legs being so long, but Iris’ enthusiasm was unmatched. It dawned on Barry seconds before their feet left the dry sand that the water was going to be cold.
“Oh no.”
“Oh my gosh, Iris!”
He surged into the water with her iron-clad grip on his hand. His head plunged under water before he could take a breath, and seconds later he came up, coughing up water from his nose and mouth.
“Ow.” He pressed his fingers to his nose and massaged gently.
Iris came up a moment later, giggling and more smiley than he’d ever seen her.
“So, you thought that was funny, did you?” he asked, still massaging his nose.
“Aww, come on, Bear,” she said, swaying as she walked over to him, rising up beneath the water with droplets trickling down her face and neck to between her breasts.
Barry hoped she didn’t notice his gaze follow the water for a split second.
It was unlikely she had, because moments later she jumped up onto him, and he fell backward into the water. This time he remembered to take a breath. He was so focused on taking a breath in fact, that he didn’t even realize he’d grabbed her butt when she jumped onto him and used that grip to hold her to him.
The same cute butt that he’d been unable to take his eyes off of the day before.
Luckily for him, when they came up for air moments later, his hands had slid up to her waist – which wasn’t much better, considering he lifted her tankini top in the process and was now touching her wet, bare skin. He quickly let go as soon as he realized what he was doing, and had her arms not been wrapped around his neck, she’d have dropped into the water again as soon as he stood up.
Not only that, but her legs were wrapped around his waist, and she was flush up against him and innocently oblivious of what it was doing to him.
“Race you to that island?” he asked when it became obvious she wasn’t letting go of him any time soon - and for them, he had to admit, that was normal.
Iris turned and looked at the little island in the middle of the lake overgrown with trees and grass and with plenty of sand of its own.
“You’ll beat me,” she said. “Your arms and legs are longer than mine.”
He grinned. “I’ll give you a head start.”
“Barry, I don’t know…”
“Oh, okay, okay!” She took off as fast as she could.
“2…3…” He waited until she was a good distance away, then shouted, “10!”
He swam easily past her and made it to the island first.
“Not funny,” she scowled after she finally made it a few minutes later.
“Aww, come on, Iris, don’t be mad.”
She kept walking.
“Push me into the sea. I deserve it.”
She stopped, turned around and saw his toothy grin and couldn’t resist.
Before he realized what happening, she was pushing him backward and then shoving him into the lake.
“Serves you right!” she yelled and turned around, headed for the center of the island.
Barry surfaced moments after she disappeared into the trees. Despite it all, he was still smiling.
Hours later, Joe opened his eyes in his chair on the beach. He was beneath the big umbrella and found the book he’d told himself he was going to read a good chunk of today was still on page 1 and about to fall off of his chest.
“Damn,” he muttered, then closed it and stuck it into the beach bag.
He looked at the towels on his left – towels meant for Barry and Iris – and found them vacant. He scanned the beach for any sign of them, but they were nowhere to be found.
He told himself not to panic. He could easily have just missed them. Or they could’ve gone to the bathroom or on a hike or, or-
“Hey, Dad!”
Joe exhaled a sigh of relief. The voice was Iris’, but the sight before him wasn’t one he could have ever expected.
On a raft made of wood and softened with leaves lay Iris, and behind her was a panting Barry Allen swimming with his hand on the raft, guiding it to shore.
Joe blinked, then stood up.
“What in the worl-”
“We made it!” Iris cheered, hopping off the raft and running to her dad. “Barry and I made it from what we could find on the island!”
“What island?” Joe frowned.
“Tha- …That one.” Barry pointed behind him, following Iris and greedily gulping down the bottle of water Joe handed him on arrival. “Thank you.” He gasped for air after finishing.
“You…you two swam all the way there?” Joe asked, unsure whether to be impressed or horrified by the distance.
“It was Barry’s idea!” Iris said excitedly, which amused Barry, since she hadn’t been a fan at the start.
“Was it now?” Joe turned to look at Barry who was still breathing heavily. “Easier there… Than on the way back.”
“I bet.”
“So, what do we have for lunch?” Iris asked, digging in the bag just behind Joe. The movement relieved any possible tension that could have existed between Joe and Barry, and they refocused on the food Iris was digging up. “PB & J? And chips?”
“And soda!” Barry said proudly. “I brought that.”
“I think you should stick to water, so-” Joe tried, but Barry was already downing a mountain dew, and there was nothing that would stop him.
Joe shook his head, let himself sink into laughter and then grabbed some food and a drink of his own.
“So, what else have you two been up to – besides escaping to Treasure Island?”
Iris said something, but her mouth was so full Joe couldn’t make it out. He turned to Barry for a translation.
“Just swimming,” Barry supplied, and Joe nodded.
“Ah,” he said.
“Did you get very far in your book, Dad?” Iris asked after swallowing.
“Uh…not too far. I was mostly, um…mostly sleeping.”
“Oh, Dad,” Iris despaired. “You said you’d read it.”
“And I will, honey. I will.”
“Mhmm,” she murmured disbelievingly.
“I’ve read five,” Barry said, grinning with jam on his teeth and on the corner of his lips.
“Oh, Bear.” Iris licked her thumb, then got the jam off his lips.
Barry stilled, but he was too proud of himself for beating Joe’s number of books for the summer so far – since Iris had announced to all of them that they’d be having a contest for most read books by September, and so far Joe had read one.
“How many have you read, Iris?” Barry asked.
She licked her lips. “Four.”
He grinned wider.
“But I’m halfway through my fifth, so don’t say a thing!”
He laughed. “I wasn’t going to!”
“Oh, yeah? Oh, yeah?” She started poking his stomach, and by the third poke he was out from under the shade of the umbrella and dissolving into a fit of giggles because now she was tickling him.
He turned and ran, and Iris was quick to follow him.
“I’m gonna getcha!” She called after him.
“In your dreams, Iris West!” Barry laughed, running faster.
“Hey, kids! Kids!” Joe called, but it was useless. They were too immersed in their game of tag with each other that Barry was clearly winning. So, he sat back down, finished his sandwich and sank into his chair for another “short” nap.
Along the shore, Barry was starting to slow down, give Iris a shot at catching him – or at least the illusion that she might. He smirked to himself. But without looking he ran straight into a bunch of less than smooth rocks beneath the surface of the water and tumbled over them into the sand.
“Barry, what the- Ahhh!”
Iris tumbled after him, landing on top.
“Are…are you okay?” she asked, licking her lips with his face so close to hers.
“I might have some cuts on my feet.” He groaned, the back of his head pressing down into the sand. “I hope they’ll be better by Friday. I really don’t want to be incapacitated for our hike up to-”
He was silenced. Because in that moment, Iris’ concerned face looking down at him, descended to his. Her eyes closed. Her lips puckered. And she kissed Barry Allen on the lips.
But he didn’t reciprocate. He was so startled, so unprepared, his feet still throbbing and wondering how hers weren’t too, that he didn’t kiss back. He just opened his eyes, and she pulled back immediately, her eyes wide as well.
“I…I’m sorry, I-”
He watched her closely, his heart pounding in his chest, shivers spreading across his skin, and butterflies fluttering inside him, and started to sit up. Whatever happened, he did not want her to-
“Can we just pretend that didn’t happen?”
“I’ll go get my dad. He can get you fixed up and maybe you take a break for a while, while my dad and I make a sandcastle.”
“I’ll be back!” she said through her teeth – her brightly shining, forced cheerful smile that told Barry loud and clear she was holding back tears. But she ran off before he could stop her again, and he had to sit there, staring at his bloody knees and feet and wondering what the heck had just happened.
Had Iris West just kissed him?
*Also posted on AO3 and FFnet.
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the-one-eighteen · 4 years
Prompt: On his birthday, Eddie wakes up to smell food cooking. Christopher asked Buck to come over an help him make breakfast for Eddie and he goes out to see Buck and Chris standing at the stove, laughing and he feels so happy and realizes he's in love.
I am. So sorry for the delay on this! Life…happened. As I’m sure it’s happening for everyone right now. But! I hope this is okay! Thank you so much for sending this in, I had a lot of fun with it!
(read on ao3)
Eddie doesn’t know what woke him up.
There’s nothing immediately there to clue him in either, and if it weren’t for the suddenness with which he’d snapped his bleary eyes open, he’d be willing to put it off as just. The natural process of the morning.
He frowns at the wall slightly, listening carefully into the silent house for any kind of clue.
No, wait, not silent.
He hears the clang of cutlery hitting a pan, then a quick ‘shh shh’ that he could pick out of a crowd because Chris was still working on fine tuning his subtlety, followed by a deeper rumble of a muffled laugh that he could also pick out of a damn crowd, because Buck had never tried for subtlety in his life.
So, just Buck and Chris in the kitchen. Nothing urgent then.
Eddie can feel his body sliding back into sleepy looseness, his eyes already drooping closed again - it’s his day off and his kid is cared for, he wants to sleep in dammit - when a couple things click into place.
Well, less things more questions.
Like, one - and this one was really the biggest - what the hell was Buck doing here?
And two - the one that was actually the biggest and one he was resolutely ignoring - why was his immediate reaction to Buck being here all clear?
(And three - wow was he really trying to convince himself he didn’t know the answer to two? His denial ran deeper than he’d thought.)
(Except it really, really didn’t, because Eddie knew his crush on his best friend was pathetic on the best of days, and all-consuming on the worst. God, that one moment of peace - of feeling like everything was right with the world and everyone was where they should be (where he wanted them to be) was going to haunt his best dreams for the next few months, and he couldn’t even work up the energy to pretend to be mad about it.)
Eddie groaned, burying his face in his pillow for a long moment. It was his day off. He didn’t need something this confusing (this perfect) so early.
There’s another clang and another muffled laugh - including one from Chris this time, which, no matter the situation, would always make Eddie grin - and Eddie decides to face the inevitable. He takes long enough to grab a shirt, hauling it over his head and following it with a weak attempt at taming what he was sure was some pretty spectacular bedhead before slipping quietly out of his room.
There’s a pretty good chance Buck and Chris wouldn’t have noticed if he’d bolted out there yelling.
Without the door to muffle it, he can now hear the two of them giggling and whisper-shouting to each other almost constantly, and when Eddie peaks around the corner into the kitchen, he finds Buck bent over the stove, Chris sitting on the counter next to him, both of them intent on whatever it is Buck is doing.
Eddie leans in the doorway for a long moment, no longer feeling the sense of need to know that had driven him from bed. Chris is still in his pjs, his hair an impressive nest of curls, and the smile on his face could light up Eddie’s whole damn world. There’s also an impressive spot of...flour? On the tip of his nose and smeared across his cheek.
He can only see Buck’s back, but Chris’ smile somehow gets bigger and brighter each time Buck looks over at him. From his vantage point, Eddie also sees Buck flip out a pancake onto a slowly growing stack on the other side of the stove that he hadn’t noticed at first.
“We’re just about done, buddy. You wanna go get your dad? And remember,” Buck turns enough to face Chris, pressing his finger to his lips and giving Eddie a good look at his profile and the truly impressive smear of flour across his eyebrow that looks suspiciously like a handprint, “This is a surprise right? So, ‘happy birthday,’ loud as you can, then get his grumpy butt out here, right?”
‘Happy birthday’?
...Oh. Eddie had completely forgotten about that. But from the look of giddy determination on Chris’ face, he hadn’t. And he’d probably been the one to plan this whole thing - whatever this whole thing was.
And from the sounds of things, Buck was, if not an accomplice, then a completely willing participant.
It was the ass-crack of dawn, on his and Buck’s one day off that week. And here he was in Eddie’s kitchen, with Eddie’s kid, looking as giddy as could be about making Eddie a birthday breakfast, when Eddie hadn’t even remembered what day it was, let alone made any kind of big deal about it in the last week.
Eddie didn’t really know what to do with the butterflies currently lighting up his chest.
Buck nods seriously before breaking out in a grin to rival Chris’ before reaching over to help him down from the counter. “Go get ‘im, tiger.”
Which is about the time both of them notice Eddie leaning in the doorway.
The synchronized freeze and matching wide eyes was something Eddie would’ve given almost anything for a picture of.
And, now that he could actually look at both of them, it looked like their faces weren’t the only casualties of what had to have been an epic flour battle. He’s more impressed there’s none on the counter or floor, really.
“Good morning.” Eddie says, unable to resist.
Chris just about whirls around on Buck, Buck’s hand on his shoulder keeping him steady, one hand pointed up at him, accusatory and matter of fact, “I told you it was too loud.”
And Buck takes a moment, blinking between Eddie, then down at Chris, then back at Eddie before just shaking his head with a laugh, holding his hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay, you were right. I still don’t see why the plan won’t work. He’s just already dragged his grumpy butt out here.”
Chris ponders that for a moment before turning back to Eddie. A decision seems to be made a moment later, as he hurries over to Eddie in what could by all accounts be called a tackle-hug, yelling, “Happy birthday!”
And Eddie just melts, leaning down enough to scoop a now laughing Chris up and swinging him around with a kiss to his cheek, “Thank you, mijo,” he gets out through multiple more kisses that make Chris giggle and squirm in his arms.
Eddie feels like he’s damn near glowing by the time he looks over at Buck, who’s leaning against the counter, arms crossed loosely over his chest, just watching the two of them with this...this look that sparks the butterflies still taking up space where Eddie’s lungs are supposed to be. His smile is so damn soft, it’s mostly crinkling around his eyes, and he’s just...watching the two of them like he’s got nothing better to do at six in the morning on a Saturday. Like there’s nothing he wants to do, other than be right there.
“If it’s any consolation, this is still a pretty big surprise.” Eddie offers after a moment - throwing it into that awkward quiet between his laughter and Buck’s quiet smile that doesn’t seem to be going anywhere.
“I asked Buck to help because Abuela said you’d probably forget again,” Chris pipes up, either oblivious to the way Eddie’s voice doesn’t fit in the suddenly full space between him and Buck, or all too aware and breaking it like the wonderful whirlwind he is.
“Oh, she did, did she?” Eddie asks, looking back to his son and feeling himself smile without much control from him. “Well...yeah, she was right.”
“Like she normally is.” Chris adds, the ever loyal grandson.
“Like she normally is,” Eddie agrees with a laugh as he presses another kiss into Chris’ curls. “Well, since it is my birthday, I’m voting breakfast and cartoons. Wanna go find some good ones for us?” The question’s barely out of his mouth before Chris is nodding eagerly, and Eddie can’t say no to that, so he sets him down and off Chris goes.
Eddie watches him go for a moment before looking back at Buck and...no, the smile’s still there, and Eddie can feel his heart skip. The butterflies are gone, leaving him instead with this want tugging somewhere just behind his heart. He’s pretty sure he couldn’t stop his feet if he wanted to, let’s the pull bring him up in front of Buck - watches Buck’s smile finally move, as his nose scrunches up and his head tilts to the side.
“You okay there Diaz?” Buck asks, and it could be teasing. Could be questioning, or curious, or insistent. But instead, it’s gentle. Coaxing Eddie back into his head, and encouraging the tugging at his core to ease up.
Eddie can’t really say what’s on his mind - he doesn’t have the words for the gulf he just stepped across in both the kitchen and in his own head.
‘Crush’ didn’t begin to cover what Eddie had for Buck. Couldn’t cover the sheer simplicity of it.
But Eddie...god, Eddie didn’t know if he could admit what he was slowly yet impossibly quickly realizing. So, instead? He reaches up a hand to brush away some of the flour still sticking to Buck’s temple.
And Buck pauses then, tilting his head into the touch without much thought it seems.
And there’s that small smile again - the one that crinkles his eyes and leaves an imprint in light and little else. “C’mon, birthday boy. Earth-shattering revelations are for after breakfast.” Eddie’s pretty sure Buck’s moving to get them to the living room, but he just can’t not, not after that confirmation - so he ducks in, stealing one sweet, butterfly laden kiss before pulling back again.
This time, Buck’s smile is in more than just his eyes.
It’s in his next kiss, too.
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
How to make a big dumb baby (mortal instruments)
Jace sat up in his bed, looking around wildly as his alarm clock screeched at him to wake up. the shadow hunter didn't even recall going to bed last night, the last thing the blond recalled he'd been going into Alec's room to have a drink of what Alec had called 'the good stuff' and then.. nothing. "Man..it must of been hella strong." The blond said, rubbing the back of his head and slamming on the top of the alarm clock, shutting it up. Sure there had been black outs before, but he'd normally at least recall the first few drinks. 'At least I'm not hung over.' He thought, though there was a funny taste in his mouth that was familiar, but he couldn't quite place. Moving to slid out of bed, Jace winced, his asshole crying out in pain and he whined as he got up and stumbled for his personal bathroom, reaching back to conquer a growing itch on his ass. 'Then again maybe this so called good stuff gave me the shits.' Jace groaned. In his bathroom now, he dropped the only clothes he was wearing, a pair of boxer shorts, and checked himself out in the full body mirror hanging on the door. "Where the FUCK are my pubes!?!" He cried out, looking down and seeing that his crotch was bare as a babies. the cool air helped with the itching but as Jace turned around to check out his ass, he could see it was slightly red all over. '...Did I try and shave myself down there and give myself razor burn on my ass?!?' He wondered, face going crimson. a mental image of him tipsy and working a shaving razor popped in his head and he shuddered. the pain in his asshole was mostly fading, but in for a penny, in for a pound, Jace spread his cheeks and looked over his shoulder. and saw that his formerly tight rosebud had blossomed so to peak into a semi gaping hole. '...oh fuck me.. did I go all faggy while drunk again?' the blond mentally whined. it had happened before, he'd seen the video of it that was thankfully kept off of YouTube of him flirting with guys by asking them if they wanted to watch him shove a beer bottle up his ass bottom first. the video also had Alec in it stopping him and saying sorry to the guys at the bar. 'fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! I bet he couldn't stop me in time..Jesus.. I'll just avoid him for today and say sorry tonight.' Jace decided.
Meanwhile, in anther room Alec was re-watching the video he'd taken from the night before. there was Jace alright, but unlike what the blond thought, he hadn't had a drop of booze. In fact last night had been the end result of 4 months of effort, working on the stupid blond to wear down all of his defenses and get at the sponge the boy dared to call a mind. Unlike most people who would of worked that hard and long, and had such a evil grin on their face while watching the end results of their hard work, Alec had no really evil plans for the stupid blond. Unless of course you counted making a smug blond bitch into a faggot diaper wearing cum dump evil. In which case, yeah. he was VERY evil.
The video in question had Jace freshly shaven, with his eyes glazed over, laying on his tummy and wiggling his butt for the camera. "Pweasssse daddy..give me a cum enema so i can make a pwesent fer ou!" Jace whined, almost in tears as he looked over his shoulder. "Sorry buddy." Came Alec's voice. "but you need a real enema first." "Nuuuu want dick in my faggot ass and daddy dick da best!" Jace pouted, looking like a giant toddler about to have a fit. "Little man, you keep going and daddy won't use any lube or baby powder, and you'll get a diaper rash." Alec's voice warned. "ou wouldn't!' "try me!" the video went on with Jace squealing as a cock shaped nozzle was shoved in his ass, making the blonds 6 inch cock dribble and make a mess, and then the enema flow of 1 week worth of piss poured into the dumb babies tummy, forcing him to get on his hands and knees as his belly ballooned. "Oh! Oh daddy! I's so full~" Jace moaned, the glazed eyes had lust in them and even with his cock stuffed and belly sloshing with Alec's piss.. the blond called over and get close. "Put da phone down and give me ba-ba?" Jace asked, and as the video angled down, it was easy to see the blond bitch nuzzling the front of Alec's pants. "Well i suppose. but only because you know I spoil you." Alec teased. the video followed as Alec took a seat on the edge of his bed, and Jace crawled over, tugging the enema rack and his nuzzle alone with him. with daddies cock freed from his jeans, Jace gave it a nice fat sloppy kiss on the cock head, then showed he didn't have a gag reflex as he took all 8 and half inches without gagging. Alec recalled how he'd felt the boy using his throat muscles to milk him without even pulling back for air for a good 20 seconds, before the blond's head turned into a blur. it was almost as if the impending big dumb baby couldn't stand to have the cock out of his throat one second longer then needed, and as a result Alec who could normally last a good half hour had cum in under two minutes of the assault from the babies throat. "B-Baby daddies gonna.." Alec moaned in the video. Jace pulled off and pumped daddies cock with his hands, and pointed the massive fuck meat at his own face, eyes closed but mouth wide open and tongue hanging out. "Ahhhhh!" the baby giggled. Jace's cock was throbbing and leaking and as daddy painted his face, the dumb hypnotized baby came too, though while full pleasure orgasms were clearly rocking him, and his dick was twitching like crazy, his cum just dribbled out in a slow steady stream driving the poor baby mad. Still the baby didn't whine too much and ran his tongue over his mouth. "Mmm real daddy flavor!"" he giggled and then posed with his hands making the peace sin for the video. "what are you baby Jace?" "I'm daddies cum dumpster!" the baby coo'ed. From there the video followed as Alec wiped the jizz off of the big babies face, making sure to pop the fingers he was using for it in the babies mouth, then it was time to get the cum dumpster in his huggies. taking out a custom diaper that was the bulk of five normal adult baby ones (Hey, Alec wasn't stupid he knew the little stink bag was gonna have to go lots and it was bad enough he was gonna be wiping the stinkers ass, let alone handling leakage) He taped up one side of it fully and had it halfway taped up on the other. the cellphone had been set on a stand to record and Alec looked back and wagged his eyebrows for the viewing audience, then turned his attention back to the cum dumpster. "Alright buddy, Daddies gonna yank your cock nozzle out, I know it'll be hard but I want you to try and hold your poopies in till daddy finish's diapering you. you think you can do that or are you just a dumb diaper baby who should be in diapers 24/7?" Alec asked, reaching in and griping the nozzle. "Um..dat a trick question daddy?" Jace coo'ed, looking over his shoulder and giving a dip shit grin. "Cuz I IS a dumb diaper baby who should always be in diapies..But I'll twy fer ou!" the big baby promised. "Good boy." Alec said and yanked the plug out, making the boy go from smiling to making a adorable face. his eyes popped and his mouth when in a 'o' shape and Alec was glad he had recorded it, since as the video showed, he hadn't had time to enjoy it, instead taping the thick diaper shut. within seconds a loud sputtering wet fart filled the room and the massive diaper when from having blue sides and white in the front and back to the back turning a dark and ugly brown as it ballooned out. woah, i didn't think you'd discolor it so fa- GUH!" Alec was saying on the video, leaning down and looking at the damage then jerking back up and holding his nose, waving a hand. "Jesus! for all of you watching, you should be lucky you don't have to SMELL this!" he complained. Jace whined but nodded, holding his nose, and whining out a quiet 'i's stinky' before screwing up his face again. "Ojhhhhh ahhh! Pooopppingggg dadddddyyyy!" the big baby cried out, as more thunderous farts erupted and the diaper sagged even more under the weight of the waste. "yeah no shit Sherlock! Jesus! these where made for containing stink! how are you already-" Alec complained, but was cut off by the stinker. "C-Cuz I'm a BIG STINKY BABY!" Jace moaned and whimpered, blasting out a massive log given the shape the back of the diaper took and his eyes rolling up in his head as he drooled. "DADDY I'M CUMMING! GOO GOO GAGA!! GOO GOO GAGA!!"
The video cut off there, but the rest of the evening played in Alec's mind just fine. Him scolding the stinker, making him crawl around, giving him a poopie horsie ride. when Jace had started to complain that his butt was getting itchy Alec had only told him 'GOOD. it makes up for having to smell you!' and the big baby had only nodded and offered up his mouth to say sorry with a mouth present. All and all the only hitch in the plan was he hadn't counted on how fucking toxic the big baby could be, and planned on making him wear two of the massive diapers the next time. Sure, the diapers weren't cheap but Alec had to protect his nose.
the day passed without incident for the most part. there was a nest of shape shifters who had to e killed sure, and a rouge mage who was planning on summoning a army of the dead to take over the city, but really all and all, it was a normal day at work for the crew. the thing that stood out the most was the distance that Jace was keeping from Alec, and the fact that Jace kept scratching at his butt. "Jesus, do you have fleas or something?" Clary asked, the millionth or so time he reached back. "If your chafing THAT back maybe cut down on all the black leather, just a thought!" Jace had pouted and blushed, and muttered off a insult but then they went back to work.
With everything looking quiet for the night, Jace finally made his way to Alec's room. he'd gotten his hands on a certain remedy for his itchy butt after being forced to look into it, and the diaper cream was making his silk boxers stick to his butt while giving off a faint aroma. Knocking on the door, Jace semi hoped that Alec wouldn't be in, but to his dismay the door opened up almost right away. "Yes?" Alec asked, a amused look on his face. "I uh..Can I come in?" Jace asked, rubbing the back of his head and looking sheepish. "I suppose so. did you want anther drink of the good stuff?" Alec asked, walking away from the door but leaving it open for Jace to come in. "NO! I mean..I'm thankful you shared it it..but.. " Jace squirmed and blushed more and struggled to say what he came to say. "why don't you take a seat." Alec offered, gesturing to a chair. "Yeah OK." Jace said faintly. "So, May I assume by that reaction, and you're blush, you don't recall what you did last night, but your worried you made a ass out of yourself?" Alec asked, smirking, and shutting the door. "Y-yeah.. I mean.. I think I.. uh.." Jace trailed off. "You think you went all faggy again?" Alec supplied, smirking. "That's one way of putting it, yeah." Jace said. "Well I can assure you, that you were a lot of fun, and you might of been a little silly, but it's all good. you really seemed to need to unwhine. Are you sure you don't want something to drink?" "Look I uh.. I woke up and..well..I'm BALD down..there..soo..Did I-" Jace whined, squirming. "oh, you didn't shave yourself. I did that for you. Seemed safer and well I got to eyeball the goods." Alec said, pouring himself a bit of rye. "WHAT!?!" "well it was let you do it yourself and cut yourself, or do it for you, or worse, you were gonna go door to door looking for help." Alec lied. "Bullshit!" Jace said hotly. "I know i can get a little crazy, but there's no way I would of-" "-sigh- Your right of course. Damn it. I really wanted to stretch this out, have fun with it but your just being a annoying little twat monkey." Alec said. "Excuse me?" "I didn't stutter boy. I've been working you for months and the pay off was last night. you didn't have a drop of liquor Jace, I put you in a trance and then made you into my little diaper filling faggot." Alec said, Sipping his drink and his tone more suggested he was talking about a local sports team then making his friend into a diaper fag slave. "...Y-Your joking right? because that's not fucking funny!" Jace said, taken back. "Actually it kinda was, you should see your adorable pooping face..Daddies little man." Jace went to go and get up, but felt a strange calmness flood his body and he stayed seated, getting a goofy grin on his face and a finger went up his nose. "Right now you're still aware, but under my control. this state isn't maintainable long term and I was hoping to have longer to use it on you. But before I blank out your adult mind and r5educe you to a 24/7 diaper shitting cum guzzler I wanted to let you know I'm sorry." Alec said, coming over and patting Jace's head even as the helpless soon to be permanent big baby dug for nose gold. "It's s'ok daddy. I forgive ya." Jace said automatically, while his mind screamed out for help. "Thank you little guy, but don't interrupt daddy. I'm sorry I didn't do this to you sooner you arrogant piece of shit. I want you to know I'm gonna enjoy telling everyone that you were my closet big baby and suffered a break down, that you just wanna be a big baby all the time. and who knows,m maybe in 10 or so years I'll get sick of wiping your shitty ass and let you grow up again. " Alec said, pulling the finger out of the boys nose and wiping it clean. "Any last words before I plunge you into diaper shitting hell?" Alec asked, kissing the blonds cheek. "Big boy words." Instantly Jace felt he had control over his own mouth, and while his stupid grin wouldn't go away he glared at Alec. "You can't do this! there's no way someone won't figure this out. You really think the other will let you just kee-" "Baby talk." Alec said, waving a hand and rolling his eyes. "I can't believe you wasted your chance to try and bargain with me to make cliche threats. Then again not like it would of done you any good." "Oh gosh daddy I can't wait for total diapies all the time! can you spank me lots too? Pleassssse?" Jace heard himself pleading, and found himself on his knees holding his hands together. "Heh, well if it's what YOU want." Alec said with a sneer.
Knowing he had time before he'd have to put Jace under deeper, Alec decided to out the little diaper fag while he was fully aware. He knew the others actually were just as sick of Jace's shit as him, and had in any case implanted triggers in them that would encourage them to be just as teasing and mean with the baby as he was. Jace wouldn't find any help there. Deciding to make it as humiliating as possible, Alec went all out with triple diapering Jace and then spending the better part of a half hour working up a tiny pair of white shorts over the diaper, positive that when the first messing the now forever baby was gonna rip the shorts anyways. to go with them though he added a little sailor top that was more like a crop top and showed off Jace's brilliant 6 pack that would soon be replaced with chub from all the baby food the stupid baby was gonna be fed. A pair of navy blue socks and black dress shoes when on the dumb babies feet and a sailor hat on the head completed the look. "well don't you look cute~" Alec teased, taping Jace's nose. "Sailor Jace reporting for dooty sir!" the big baby giggled out loud as Jace mentally kept repeating how this couldn't be happening. Giving the big baby a bottle of apple juice mixed with piss and a powerful laxative, Alec took Jace's hand and helped the big baby walk toward the door. "Ready for the first day of the rest of your life?" He asked the blond, who was chugging on his ba-ba and too distracted to answer. A bubbly fart came out of Jace's backside instead, and Alec smirked. "Well said."
The end
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tisfan · 4 years
May I take Your Coat?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25288321 For @livewire28 
Bucky is a selkie, headed into the human world to find a potential mate. He has no intention of staying very long... until he does.
Wanda is closing up the tiki bar for the night and wishes this last-minute customer would hurry up and go... until she doesn't.
Inspired by several tumblr posts I’ve seen where the human offers the coat back after knocking it down, or whatever.
Bucky flopped up on shore, scratching his belly over the sand and wending his way up to the rocks. There was a cave there, long since used for such purpose. Human things were stored there, neat and tidy. If he was lucky, the rain barrel would be full and he could take a bit of a bath.
Long gone were the days that a half-dressed, scruffy stranger could walk into a seaside town and not immediately be run out by the local coppers. There were standards. He couldn’t look like a vagabond. 
Humans were weird.
Bucky made his way to the cave and then shrugged out of his coat.
It always took him a moment to find his land legs again, and he was glad enough that there weren’t people looking at him. Not even his own kind.
The cave was cool, and well laid out, the earthen floor long since cleared of stone and debris, flat and firm under his feet. A few human style chairs were set around a flat surface. Tabul, Bucky thought was the word, or close enough.
The rain barrel was full and he drew a few buckets into the tub to wash the salt smell from his skin, to scrub out his hair. Things they didn’t really worry about during their day to day lives.
He checked the gift box; trophies from past loves and gifts for new courted mates. Never stolen. Selkies weren’t thieves. Take one, leave one.
A fine string of black pearls, intermixed with a rose pearl every five beads. That should be well enough. Human women preferred jewelry, men preferred weapons. Or gold. There was some of that in the chest, too.
Bucky took his own offering, a handful of pirate treasure that he’d gotten from one of the wrecks nearby. The sea was hard on things from the land, aside from treasure. Eventually, someone would come, check the box. Gather up that which could be crafted. Everyone contributed because the system benefited everyone.
If you wanted a child, or a mate, you went through the cave.
Bucky found clothes there, sealed in a zip locked bag. He knew about those, too. Plastic. It filled the ocean, no matter how much the selkies tried to gather it up and toss it back on the shore. But it kept clothing dry and free from dirt and stains while waiting for someone else to be able to use it.
He dressed. Finger combed out his hair, gently untangling the strands. He looked well enough to pass for a local, he guessed.
Slinging his coat over his arm, Bucky put on loose-fitting shoes -- he hated shoes, all selkie hated shoes, but the humans got mad if you weren’t wearing them.
Stupid human rules.
But it was the only way to be sure.
If a selkie mated with another selkie, they could birth seal pups, which was tolerable, or a selkie, which was ideal. Or a human child, which was not ideal at all. 
Humans no longer looked at a child left on the beach or the docks as a blessing. The child would end up in the human foster care, sometimes adopted out, sometimes neglected, but often taken far away from the sea, too far for their parent to find them, so they would never know… until some years, or even generations later, when they had their own child.
Who might be a selkie.
But any selkie who took a human as their mate, the child would be selkie.
For the women, it was easier; come ashore, spend a few days with a relatively tolerable human, come home and have the baby. The only time that went wrong was if the human found and stole the selkie’s coat.
For men-- 
Well, there were a few options. Selkies weren’t thieves.
But the cost of a child was high; the cost of living a half-life among humans was high.
Many selkie men chose to raise a child not of their blood, help provide for a child with a selkie mate, adopt the offspring.
It wasn’t a bad plan, not really.
But Bucky wanted his own child.
Was that too much to ask?
Wanda sighed as the man walked into her bar. There was no dress code, aside from yes, please wear clothes. It was a beach bar, tiki themed and tacky, but it meant no one expected the floor to be swept. It was almost closing time, though, and she’d already shooed the rest of the locals and tourists out.
“It’s already last call,” she said. “I can get you one drink, and anything that’s left cooked in the kitchen, but that’s all.”
“That will be well enough,” the man said, and he was beautiful, really. Dark, windswept hair that looked like he’d been swimming most of the day. Blue eyes, cleft chin. Cheekbones that would worry the TSA, they were that sharp.
The clothes, not so much. A tourist tee from one of the shops up on the strip and ugly shorts with pineapples on them. Sandals, which wasn’t typical. But he carried a brown silk sport coat tucked over his arm. Gorgeous, almost golden. Glittery, reflecting back the light from the imitation tiki torches. The shop owner didn’t like smoke from real torches, so they had ugly fake electric things. And light up palm trees. It was tacky as shit.
Which meant, at least, her customer mostly matched the decor.
She wished she didn’t have to work the night shift -- she was always cranky during the evening -- but school was in the morning. One of these days, she was just going to collapse. Trying to do two full time gigs, and her side-hustle where she consulted for people doing gardening and helped them lay out and select plants. She barely got any time to breathe. Certainly relaxing was all the way out of the question.
Which didn’t make her the best host to a customer coming in to eat a plate of cold fries and drink a beer.
“Long day in the sun?”
“Something like that,” the man said, sitting down at the bar, moving gingerly. He didn’t look sunburned. Maybe he was just sore. Too much swimming.
“Well, we’re closing soon, so you enjoy your food. Yell if you need something, but I gotta start clean up. I was supposed to have help today, but both the other girls called out,” she said.
“Is there anything I can do to assist?”
Wanda didn’t quite scoff. Like a tourist would want to help do the dishes or put the stools up. “It’s just basic stuff. Put the seats up on the table, rake the floor for trash, empty--”
The man got up, drained his beer, and Wanda half expected him to leave without paying, saying he was going to leave a bad review and would be back to talk to the manager, because honestly that was what she was used to. Tourists were people with money, and most of the time, they were entitled pricks.
Instead, he wiped his mouth on the back of his arm, and then-- got to work putting up the stools.
“Thank you,” Wanda said. She probably shouldn’t let him help; Thaddeus Ross, her boss, would not be pleased with her if something happened to the man. Or even if he complained-- or if someone else complained. But she was so tired, really, what could it hurt, just this once? “My name’s Wanda.”
“Bucky,” the man said.
“Thanks, Bucky,” she said. “If you can do that, I’ll get the kitchen shut down, then take out the trash.”
“Will do, Wanda,” he said, and he stressed her name, like a caress.
She suppressed a shiver, headed into the kitchen. She didn’t have time or energy to worry about some guy.
Loaded the dishes into the industrial washer and started it. Sometimes she wished she had one of those at home. Once the dishes were in the rack, it took about four minutes to clean them. She had to be careful unloading because the dishes would be hot as hell, but it was nice.
And then she’d look at the space it needed and the cost and decide if she needed a plate in four minutes, she could just wash it in the sink.
By the time Wanda came back out to wipe down the bar, Bucky had put all the chairs up except the one he had been using, stacked all the trash bags by the door, and was raking the floor to get up all the random cigarette butts, spare change, and cruft that gathered around the tiki bar.
“Wow,” she said. “Nice job.” She took his plate back into the kitchen and left it by the washer. There was no point unloading the whole thing to wash one plate. Opening shift could get it tomorrow. “Here--” she snagged his jacket, flipped up the last stool, and then offered it to him. “Thanks for your help.”
Bucky reached out his hand tentatively for the jacket, as if he were shocked that she’d touched it. Or given it back. Or something. She couldn’t help petting it. The material was so soft.
But when he reached for it, his fingers brushing the fabric, a jolt of heat, of desire, of-- something passed from her to him and back.
“You-- want to go to one of the all night pancake houses up the way and buy a girl a cup of coffee?” her mouth said before her brain engaged. She never asked anyone on a date, even if she was interested. 
“Yes,” Bucky said, and his voice was husky and seductive. “I would like that very much, I think.”
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l-sincline · 4 years
Cybernetics- Cyberpunk!Sonic AU- Chapter 6
Amy Rose has been working tirelessly at her broken down booth for as long as she can imagine. Ever since Tails left their work to join forces with the revered hero of Mobius, ‘The Blue Blur’, she’s grown lonely and desperate to make her life exciting. A strange customer comes in one day asking her to fix his cyborg arm, what she didn’t know was that he would be the catalyst for a brand new life.
AO3 Tags:
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Amy Rose/Shadow the Hedgehog, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog), Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles “Tails” Prower, Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik, Rouge the Bat, Whisper the Wolf, Cream the Rabbit, Knuckles the Echidna, Badnik (Sonic the Hedgehog), E-123 Omega, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Cyberpunk, Angst, Slow Burn, Partners in Crime
AO3 Link
Amy’s eyelids felt heavy as she forced them open, head pounding and body overall sore. She groaned and tried to lift her head off the floor, only causing her headache to scream at her to stop. Her head thumped back on the floor, causing a jolt of pain to shoot through to her eyes, she squinted and hissed in discomfort.
“Don’t force yourself to get up.” She suddenly heard a familiar voice speak quietly, as if catering to her pounding head.
There was some rustling and suddenly her head was lifted gently just a few centimeters by a cold hand, followed by a bit more rustling. When her head was put back down, there was something softer than the cold, hard floor, it wasn’t any pillow, but it was a lot better than just the floor.
“The height wasn’t the big issue, but the speed definitely caused a bit of damage.” He explained softly, voice trailing away as his shoes clanked quietly on the ground.
Clanked... they were made out of some sort of metal. Not being able to bring herself to speak, she merely grunted in response and took the silence as a chance to take in what she could about her surroundings with her eyes remaining closed. Overall, it was slightly cold, the floor felt as if it was some sort of cement covered in a layer of dirt and grime. There was a cool breeze that entered where ever she was. At first she assumed it was a window, but there was too much of a breeze for it to just be a window or even a door frame. When she inhaled, she mostly smelled moss and dusty air. She hardly heard anything, the clanking and talking had stopped, now there was just a slight whistling of wind and an occasional bird. No crowd... definitely not the outer ring then. Honestly, the silence was very new to her. She breathed deeply as the initial shock of the headache continued to fade, now it just sat clustered behind her eyes, pounding still, but somewhat manageable. Her body still ached, but it was becoming tolerable as well. She tried opening her eyes again, the bright light of day caused her to squint slightly, but instead of just closing them again, she let her eyes get adjusted and finally got a chance to look around the room.
It seemed to be a very old apartment building, the entire room was gutted, though she could see some marks scorched onto the wall from where kitchen appliances had once sat. Vines and moss grew all over, and the entire place seemed to be coated in dirt, grime, and dust. The doorway sat with no door, leading to the hall of the building and allowing the smallest of looks into the apartment across from this one. She turned her head and finally saw where the breeze was coming from.
There was a giant hole blown in the wall and part of the ceiling. They must be on the very top floor, as all that she could see out of the ceiling was sky, though looking out the side she saw the tops of some buildings that also looked worse for wear. In front of the hole stood ‘Myst’, arms crossed as he stared out on the city below. His cloak must be what’s under her head right now, she figured. He wore a utility vest of sorts, it seemed to be protective, but she could see straps on the back that would probably lead to holding small pouches on the front. The shoes still intrigued her, they had seemingly given him the ability to glide, she wanted to know how they worked. Eventually she dragged her gaze away, finding it rude to stare, and saw that he’d apparently grabbed her hammer and brought it as well. He must’ve somehow figured out how to collapse it, because it was back to being a bag.
Amy tried lifting her head once more, it was easier this time, and she propped herself up on her elbow, stopping to allow her body a moment to acclimate to the change as her muscles screamed stop. The cement floor probably wasn’t helping her heal any faster.  She pushed herself up again so that now she was sitting upright on her butt, she shuffled a bit so she could lean against the wall, breathing through clenched teeth as her body objected yet another hard surface, she picked the folded cloak up off the ground and shoved it between the lower end of her back and the wall to create a cushion.
“How do you feel?” He asked, still facing away.
“Like dying would’ve been preferable.” She responded with a huff as she rubbed her forehead.
“You’re lucky you didn’t hit a wall or anything, I’m already surprised you didn’t break a bone.” He commented.
“Hooray for me.” She breathed out monotonously.
A blanket of silence covered the room, leaving only the wind and the birds to fill it. She frowned, looking back to where he stood rather nonchalantly before finally sucking in a breath of air and taking the first step.
“So are you going to tell me why I was almost arrested by Mobius’ hero for assisting a criminal?” ‘Myst’ scoffed.
“He’s hardly a hero.” He muttered finally uncrossing his arms with a swish and holding them up as if to say ‘I don’t know.’ “I thought I’d done my research well enough.”
“Well I can’t just go to any old mechanic.” He spoke as if it was obvious. “Just like I told you, I needed someone that wouldn’t have the media on their doorstep, someone with no rep. But more than that, I needed someone who could figure this shit out.” He gestured once to his right arm and once to his left. “That was you. I didn’t know that you’d be closer to the Blue Blur than I thought until after you’d mentioned his little buddy, and that was on the night I took you to dinner.” ‘Myst’ shrugged.
“So I did just do this to myself, didn’t I? I ran my mouth too much.” She sighed in defeat.
“No.” He cut in aggressively “I brought you in to this. If I hadn’t come to you in the first place you’d be back if your shop painting that damn hammer you designed and maybe getting an actual check up from your friend instead of a ploy to arrest you.”
He seemed more angry at himself than her, she frowned. It didn’t feel good, to be the reason someone felt guilty. He turned around and kicked a stone, eyes narrow as he made his way over to her.
“And now, you’re stuck in it, so I might as well make you a proposition or else you’re gonna want to go launch yourself up into space on a stolen spaceship and just embrace the criminal lifestyle.”
He towered over her, she had to crane her neck to look up at him, and she gasped, hands instinctively flying up to cover her mouth as she looked at his face.
“...your eye.” She spoke in awe. In his left eye, the camera that served as a pupil narrowed its shutter slightly before widening again as he stepped back and looked away.
“I’m sixty percent cyborg.” He answered the question she hadn’t spoken yet.
“What... how?” Her hands lowered.
“Two arms, an eye, one lung, half of my heart, a part of my spine, ten ribs, plus all connecting pieces that run Thuluhide to my heart and electric signals from my brain.” His explanation was cold. “I’m as close to a machine as a living thing can get.”
“It’s... amazing. A true technological advancement.”
“It’s a little less amazing when the doc himself made it, but sure, we can go with that.” He practically spat, turning on his heel to step back to where he had stood by the hole before standing to face her again. “All you need to know right now, is that the Blue Blur is mad because I stole these-“ ‘Myst’ reached to his arm that she hadn’t fixed and pressed a button embedded in his wrist, the forearm popped open to reveal seven ports for microchips, at another press of a button, two microchips popped out. One green and one red. Gently, he removed them and held them up, there was something written on them, but they were too small for her to be able to see it. “-These are very powerful microchips that Robotnik’s grandfather made to be able to give power to the user. They’re microchips, so they can really go in anything, but they’re meant for cyborgs.”
“What do they do?” She asked.
He seemingly opted for a visual demonstration. Without either chip in, he extended his palm out the hole and shot a blast to hit a building. It didn’t do too much, there was a small sound of a crack and some dust that rose. Then, he pressed both chips back into place, shut the forearm compartment and held his hand up once more. This blast was more familiar, as his lights spent a slightly longer time growing brighter, along with growing significantly brighter than they had with the last blast. He aimed at a different building, and easily blasted a hole in the wall, dust exploding around the impact point as pieces of cement fell to the abandoned street below.
“And if you were wondering how you got here,” he turned back to her a spoke once more, but suddenly, he was gone in a flash of light. Amy jerked foreword, looking around. There was another flash of light and she whipped around to look at the doorway in which he now stood. “That would be how.”
“But... how does any of that work?” She questioned confusedly.
“Hell if I know.” He responded. “All I know if that there’s one in the Blue Blur’s leg, the other four are missing and Robotnik wants them.”
“So... you just want to get them all before the others?”
He was silent, gaze seeming to go from passionate will to distanced upset.
“That’s the base of it, sure.”
“What will you do when you get them?” She pressed. He quietly turned to look back out the hole.
“... It’s said that if one collects all seven they may be able to go through time.” He said quietly. “I don’t know that for certain, but I do know there’s I wrong I need to right that is worth the risk.”
Amy was silent, she looked down to her boots on her feet that were stretched out in front of her. She didn’t bother pressing any further anymore, she doubted she’d be getting anymore than she already had, which was certainly a lot more than she’d previously known.
“You’re wrapped up in this now, which means you have three choices.” He began as he turned back to her once more. “Go get yourself arrested, tell them everything you know about me, maybe even earn yourself a spot on the illustrious ‘team blue blur’, or you could just run away, live on your own outside the cities doing gods knows what. Or, you can work for me.”
“Work for you?”
“I know your jealous of your little buddy, he got the job and you didn’t, but I’d like to think I could give a better opportunity.”
“How so?”
“I’m not a prick that’s too far up on his high horse to see the ground.” He responded matter of factly.
Amy’s jaw dropped before she began to laugh. It felt good to finally relax her shoulders and just laugh, though it did make her headache pound a little harder. She looked up to see him staring at her expectantly.
“Well can I at least know who I’m working for?” He smiled slightly.
“You’re working for Shadow.”
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“Not to freak you out but I’m a cuddler” Taron Egerton x reader
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“Not to freak you out but I’m a cuddler” Taron Egerton x reader
A/N: this came to me on a dream after a long time of me not being able to write anything decent, I still have some requests to do, and if you want to request anything you can, also maybe I’ll do a part 2 of this I’m not sure yet. I hope you like this I really spend time editing this. 
Pd: it’s slow burn I think
Warning: some cursing, mention of sex
W/C: long enough
“You’re going, end discussion” your friend says as you two walk down the busy streets of the city, it was a chilly day and you were on your way to eat lunch “why do I have to? haven’t seen any of the guys in a long time” you try to make her understand your point of view but you know deep down that is useless, she was going to convince you anyway, It’s not like you don’t want to see your old friends but you feel like it’s been so long. “first of all Harry is going to be there and I need emotional support in case I do something dumb, like getting back together... and second T is going to be there, you know, your friend the one you have a huge crush on that you’ve been ignoring for the past 6 months or more,... and guess what the guy is single again so you don’t need to avoid him” you look at her as you took a seat on the table “I wasn’t avoiding him” you say looking at the menu, memories flood your mind about the things you used to do all together, movie nights, karaoke, going out to dance but as you grow older, most of your friends found jobs and were working so finding time to spend together was getting harder but you kept in touch. The only ones you saw almost every week was y/f/n, Harry and Taron, so it was normal for you to text every day with Taron, friends do that, right?, you never read much into that, texting all day and talk about your days or a movie you watched, him calling you when got a new role for a movie or you being there for him when he didn’t get the part, in the end, all of your talks end up in you going to bed smiling and your heart beating faster, but that wasn't the only thing you did, sometimes you went out to catch up over a coffee or your favorites, when you had your Netflix marathons. You used to do a lot of things together till one day he came to your house and told you that he had a girlfriend at first it took you by surprise but every second that passed of him talking about her your heart broke a little more. It was hard to keep a smile that evening and pretend that it didn’t affect you, but what else could you do?. 
That night you went to bed crying, you weren't aware of your feelings towards him till that day, as weeks passed it was getting harder to spend time with him, and knowing that by the end of the day he was going to be with someone else, so instead of telling him how you felt and make things awkward you focus on your job and work your ass off.
 You sigh “okay, I’ll go” after the waitress took your order you add “and I don’t have a crush on him” “yeah right” your friend says rolling her eyes.
By Friday noon you were already halfway to your weekend getaway you tried to keep your mind on the road, your friend was asleep next to you and you still have 3 hours to get to the cabin, let's face it you were bored so you decided to pull a little prank on y/f/n. 
“y/f/n Oh god we are gonna die!!!!! watch out ahhhhh!!!!!” you scream turning the steering wheel to the sides, your friend wakes up screaming and you burst out laughing “I can’t believe you!!!!” she screams mad at you “you are the worst, you know that?” she adds slapping your arm “ouch” you said keeping your eyes on the road “you know, you are the worst, you are supposed to keep me awake” you tell her “you could have woke me up calling my name, not by giving me a fucking heart attack”, “but I was bored” you turn to her pouting “fuck you y/l/n” then she turns on the radio and Lizzo starts to sound you both look at each other smiling and start singing and dancing to the song. 
Why men great 'til they gotta be great? Woo!
I just took a DNA test, turns out I'm 100% that bitch
Even when I'm crying crazy
Yeah, I got boy problems, that's the human in me
Bling bling, then I solve 'em, that's the goddess in me
You coulda had a bad bitch, non-committal
Help you with your career just a little
You're 'posed to hold me down, but you're holding me back
And that's the sound of me not calling you back
After that, the trip went fast and now you were parking your car outside the cabin, your friend rushed out to knock on the door because she had to pee but you stay a little longer taking a deep breath to calm down, then you got out the car, someone finally opens the door and your friend almost kicks the guy down “sorry got to pee” you hear her screaming, you stopped in your tracks when you notice who is at the door “Hi” Taron says smiling at you “Hi” you answered “I thought you weren’t going to come” he said scratching the back of his neck as you entered the house “someone has to take care of y/f/n” you say quickly and with that you run inside not looking at him, yup, up to a good start, not awkward at all.
You greet your friends they were happy to see you after a long time, there was a new couple between them "I can't believe you are finally together" you say excited "well, it took us a little but I couldn't resist that cute little face" she says squeezing the guy’s cheek "aww, I'm so happy for you guys" you add hugging them, turning around you see y/f/n talking with Taron and another guy that looks very familiar, she sees you and motions for you to get close, you walk to them "y/n do you remember the bodyguard" you friend says looking at you "which one?" You knew which one she was referring to but you just like to mess with her "the one on Netflix" she answered "I'm sure there is more than one" you said "the one with the really hot guy, with the accent and nice butt" she said quickly and you hear Taron and the guy laugh, then she notices what she just said to the guy beside her and you see her face getting 20 different shades of red, you smile at her, fuck she is going to kill me you think "oh, the serie, yes, I remember" you say "well this is the guy" your friend whispers clearly embarrassed "I'm Richard" he says with his Scottish accent and extends his hand to you smiling "y/n" you shake his hand "what she said is true though, you have a really nice ass" you add smiling teasingly, all of you start laughing and you feel Taron eyes on you, you look at him and he had a smile but honestly he looks a bit mad, you continue your talk with Richard he is a really nice guy (and really handsome) but you know your friend likes him so you started to turn the conversation to her and help her with him, they start talking and you are left to the side with Taron, you get nervous again, you were about to walk out of there but y/f/n stops you "wait, T is going to show us our room" she tells you "okay" you sigh and keep your eyes anywhere but him. 
After Taron shows you the room you will be sharing with y/f/n, you left your bags in the room and all of you go to the Woods to explore the surrounding areas, it was breathtaking. You let the smell of grass fill your nostrils and let yourself relax at the nice feeling, it was a much need it change of air. No one was running late to work or the loud sounds of the busy city. Just the sound of the birds chirping and little creatures that live in the woods. 
Walking down the path there was a river close to the house, walking a bit farther there was a tree house that had a view of the mountains. You stopped at a meadow to run around and play, suddenly, starts to rain and everyone runs back to the cabin to seek refuge from the water but you take your time, you always loved the rain, find it so relaxing when pours down, the sound that makes when hits the ground so you zip up your jacket and slowly made your way back. "I knew you were going to take your time" Taron startled you from behind "god, you scared me" you almost fall and he laughs at your reaction and helps you to steady yourself "it's not funny" you said fighting the smile making its way on your face, you walk silently together, you are so close that your shoulders bump into each other "I'm happy that you came" Taron says breaking the silence "I am too, I really miss all (mostly you) but I was busy with work and stuff" you said. Neither of you said anything else, close to the house Taron stops walking making you turn to look back at him "something wrong?" You asked, he kept silence for a while debating if he should ask "are you avoiding me?" He asks dead serious "what!! No...not at all, wha… why!? You stutter and he steps close to you "that's how it feels, we used to talk all the time but then we stopped, did I do something wrong?" He inquiries "No...we just...I don't know" you say fidgeting with your fingers not looking at him in the eyes. “We just fell apart” you finally say lifting your gaze, you couldn’t tell what he was thinking, the rain started to pour down heavily “We should get inside before we catch a cold” he says breaking the silence and you walk back to the house.
It was late at night and all of you were on the living room around the coffee table playing games as the fire of the chimney kept you warm or it was the amount of alcohol you were drinking? at this point, it didn’t matter, after a round of drinko and truth or dare, Sophie suggested playing fuck, marry and kiss with an empty bottle of beer, y/f/n was in front of you and it was her turn to spin the bottle, she turned the bottle and stopped pointing right at you, you sip your drink “y/n, fuck, marry and kill” she slurred “wait no fuck, marry and kiss mhm Hugh Jackman, Taron or Richard” she finished looking at you smiling “it’s not fair two of my options are here” you tell her “it’s your turn babe answer or drink 3 shots of tequila” she says, you were a little tipsy but didn’t want to get drunk “fuck Richard, marry Ta..no wait marry Hugh and kiss Taron” you answer, she looks at you satisfied with your answer “good answer, I would marry Hugh too” Richard whispers on your ear and you laugh, you ask the same to the next person that the bottle landed on and the game kept going again you feel Taron observing you but you didn’t let that affect you, now you were playing never have I ever, quickly turning into a nsfw game, you drink at the most boring ones but you didn’t mind as all of your friends were definitely drunk, your friend somehow got closer to Richard and ended sitting on his lap the game came to and end as most of the players passed out, you help some of them to their rooms others lay on the couch and y/f/n disappeared with Richard a while ago. 
“that was fun” Taron says sitting next to you on the floor “yup” you say remarking the p “why marry Hugh and not me?” he asks taking the bottle of beer from your hand and sip from it, you looked at him in disbelieve “are you really asking me that? c’mon you know the man, he can do it all and he is funny and handsome” you say counting the things with your fingers “true” he agrees and you took the bottle back to drink “how’s been life treating you?” you nervously ask “can’t complain...just finished press tour of Rocketman now I’m back at home to spend time with my family and friends some of them I haven’t seen in a long time” he smiles down at you “looking forward to catch up with them and finally rest” he adds without noticing you start playing with his hand that was close to you drawing circles on his palm “I think you deserve it, It was a really good movie” you whisper “did you watch it?” he ask not believing you “Of course I did, I didn’t know you could sing” you stop playing with his hand and put yours in your knee and look at him “I do apparently, I used to sing but nothing serious, like in the shower type of thing” you laugh “fuck, you even got to know Elton, I hate you” you two talk for a while till you couldn’t keep your eyes open and after you yawn for the fifth time “I think you should go to sleep, love” you feel your chest flutter at the nickname, it felt so natural, and you die a little on the inside “good night” you say as you got up from the floor.
 You made your way to your room but you hear the moans coming from it on the hallway “fuck” you mutter out loud, now what? you think, maybe you can squeeze yourself on the sofa?, walking back to the living you bump into Taron “is everything alright?” he asks “my roommate is kinda busy fucking Richard so I’m going to sleep here” you say looking at the already crowded couch “I don’t think that’s a good idea, there is no space here... maybe….since your roommate is fucking my roommate...we can share my bed?” Taron asks nervously “oh...I don’t want to bother you, I’ll manage something” you say quickly “nonsense you are certainly not bothering, and there is no space here, c’mon let’s go” he practically orders making you walk with him, you were lucky that it was far from the room were your friend was so you couldn’t hear a thing, getting inside the room and looking at the bed all your fears are left behind and crawl into the bed right away feeling exhausted “you are not sleeping with that right?” he asks “well all my things are in my room and I’m not going there anytime soon” you turn yourself onto your back and gaze at the ceiling crossing your arms over your chest, you hear Taron shuffling in his bag and throws a t-shirt at you “you can use that” “thanks” you mutter and went to the bathroom and change, taking off your jeans and shirt, you put his t-shirt and you smile like a teenage girl at the smell that came from it, you were short so it fits like a dress but it did lift up a little on your ass, perks of having a big booty, trying to get the t-shirt as down as possible, it didn’t, well it’s not getting any down than this you finally say, you let your hair fall freely from your ponytail, back to the room Taron was looking for something and he was shirtless, fuck that man is so hot, not wanting to get caught staring you walk to the bed and get inside humming contently with your eyes closed feeling the soft bed sheets hugging you, opening your eyes you see Taron smiling at you and got into the bed too, keeping a prudent space between you “g night” you say turning over and he turns off the light “night” you hear him “wait” he said, "before you fall asleep" you turn around and he says  “... not to freak you out but I’m a cuddler” you see his cheeks getting red even when the light was off and you laugh at his confession “good” you said turning around again, not knowing from where this kick of confidence came, you pressed your back to his chest and grab his hand to pull it around your waist and put your hand over his arm you feel his hot breath against the back of your neck as he nuzzled his head in the crock of your neck, you tangled your legs together “good night Taron” you finally say and fell sleep right away. Being held by him it was far better from anything that you ever imagined.
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anxiouslymalicious · 5 years
Until we’re old and grey
Pairing: Ben Hardy x (fem) Reader
Summary: Ben’s fans make you insecure. What ensues is nothing but tooth-rotitng fluff. 
Word Count: 2555
Warnings: Mentions of sex and nudity, insecurities, possibly bad writing
A/N: I’m kind of in the mood for a second part of this but with an insecure Ben. Does anyone want me to write that?
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You woke up to the empty side of your shared bed. His side of the bed was cold and there was not a trace to be found that he had even spent the night there, but you knew that he did. Because, when you came home late that night from the movies with your two best friends, you saw him laying in bed, looking angelic as always. The second you had changed into your pyjamas and curled up under the blanket, he had wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you in closer to him. Ben’s hand was resting on your stomach and, although the two of you had been dating for quite some time, you were always kind of scared to let him feel your body.
You were scared that he might dislike what he found under your shirt. That he disliked the fat you were trying so desperately to hide.
You knew that he, too, had his own issues with the way he looked, but to you loved every single part of him. From the light scruff he woke up with to the way his stomach looked when he didn’t work out for some time. His huge thighs were perfect to ride and you constantly lost your train of thought when you looked into those gorgeous eyes. To you, he was perfect, no matter what he looked like.
When you turned around to look at your alarm clock, you saw the display of your phone lighting up with new notifications. Ever since you had started dating Ben, his fans went crazy about it. Some in a more positive way than others. You understood it to some extent, they were just trying to be protective of someone they liked, some were even jealous of you, but some people went too far. Some of them left hateful comments on your pictures, others tried to send hurtful messages. Most of the time, you tried to delete their comments without reading them, but sometimes you couldn’t help yourself.
Today was one of those days.
You had grabbed your phone and opened up your Instagram. Some of the notifications you had gotten were from your friends who had tagged you in pictures you had taken the previous night. They were mostly some fun selfies in which all of you made funny faces. You immediately liked the pics before commenting.
I had so much fun last night!! Hope we get to do that again soon!!
However, as you scrolled to find your friends comments, you noticed that a lot of Ben’s fans found their Instagram accounts. And you also noticed that most of those fans weren’t too kind.
Most of the fans were talking about your double chin. It wasn’t even that prominent and in one pic, one of your friends had one, too, but the people commenting were merciless. Commenting about your double chin, about how you shouldn’t have had popcorn that night because you were already fat enough, that you should work out, that each of your friends were prettier than you and he should date one of them instead of you, etcetera, etcetera.
You couldn’t help the tears from falling and a chocked sob escaped your lips. You clasped your hand over your mouth to shut yourself up. It wasn’t worth it and you knew it, but you couldn’t help yourself. You felt bad for yourself.
Sniffling, you laid your phone back down and grabbed some fresh clothes before going into the bathroom. Maybe you would feel better after a shower.
Meanwhile, Ben came home from his morning run. Whenever he was home and had the time, he would go for a run in the morning with Frankie and, on his way, stop at a bakery to get some fresh bread rolls, maybe even some pastries if something caught his eye. Today, the hazelnut croissants did and he was a bit excited to treat his girlfriend to a nice breakfast.
During the past weeks, neither of them had a lot of time, both of them were rather stressed, but Y/N still did her best to make every morning and every evening as pleasant and easy for him as possible. From cleaning the flat, to getting up earlier than him to make him breakfast, to going on walks with Frankie, to reminding him to pack his keys and whatnot. Y/N had his back through everything and Ben was incredibly grateful for that.
He unlocked the door to their shared flat in hopes of being able to wake her with a nice breakfast in bed, but he was disappointed when he heard the sound of the running shower. It only took him a second, though, to come up with another idea. Ben placed the bag on the kitchen counter, unleashed Frankie and then made his way to the bathroom where he found you just standing in the shower. He quickly undressed before opening the shower door and stepping in behind you.
“Good morning, love. It’s a wonderful day to save some water, isn’t it?”, Ben asked as he wrapped his muscular arms around your middle from behind. The warm water felt nice on his tired muscles and he missed the intimate moments like these that the two of you used to have. It wasn’t that one of you refused to have them, but you were usually not awake for long enough at the same time to have these moments.
You sighed contently, leaning back into his chest.
“I’m afraid we might take too long, my love.”, you replied with a grin, your eyes closed as you blindly tried to find his hands and lift one of them to your lips, kissing his fingers softly. For a moment, all your worries were blown away. He chuckled lightly, his chest vibrating against your back.
“I missed this. Missed you.”, he told you as he grabbed your shampoo and started massaging it into your scalp. You moaned quietly.
“I missed you, too. A lot. But it’s alright, you’re here now.”, you told him. After you had rinsed out the shampoo and he had put conditioner into your hair, you turned around to do the same for him. As your hand reached for his shampoo, he grabbed your wrist and stopped you.
“Wait. Use yours. Smells nicer and reminds me of you.”, Ben said, his cheeks flushed and a slightly unsure smile on his lips. You grinned before grabbing yours and motioning for him to turn around. Softly, you massaged the shampoo into his hair, gently scratching his scalp, making him groan.
“I bought breakfast, by the way.”, Ben told you before stepping immediately under the water stream to rinse out the shampoo. You frowned a little before grabbing the conditioner and massaging it into his hair, then turned around again to get yours out.
“Ben? Do you ever think I’m… too big for you?”, you asked, your insecurities showing. But you needed to hear him tell you that he didn’t. You needed him to convince you because you couldn’t do it yourself.
“Oh, love. Not at all.”, he said, then washed his hair once more before turning the shower off. He then gently grabbed you by your shoulders and slowly turned you around. Before you knew it, a soft kissed was pressed onto your lips. It didn’t last long, only mere seconds before he pulled away and opened the shower door to grab two towels. One ended up around his waist before he carefully wrapped you up in the other. After securing the towel around your chest, he laid his hand on your cheek and stared lovingly into your eyes. Never had you seen so much affection in anyone else’s eyes. It was a look he couldn’t fake when looking at all the other girls he acted with. It felt like this look was only meant for you.
“Let’s get dressed first, then I’ll explain to you exactly why you are not too big for me.”, he said, giving your nose a quick peck before stepping out of the shower. You followed him shortly after. Both of you dried your bodies, leaving your hair a wet mess. Naturally, Ben was messing around with the body lotion, drawing whiskers on his face and little hearts on your back before poking your sides. You couldn’t help but giggle. Everything felt so much easier with him, like the weights on your shoulders had been lifted.
Once you two were done and dressed in the ugliest, most comfortable clothes you could find, which had, admittedly, taken a lot longer than you anticipated, Ben took your hand and led you to your bedroom, sitting you down on the edge of your bed. He then kneeled down in front of you and took both your hands in both of his, looking you directly in the eyes.
“Tell me what you don’t like about yourself.”, Ben said.
“My stomach.”
“What about it?”
“There are so many rolls and it’s not one of those perfect firm and flat tummies that your co-stars or even some of my friends have.”, you explained, trying to pull your hands away from his.
“Their stomachs are firm. Nothing I can rest my head on for hours and hours on end. The rolls just show me that you’re healthy. Those girls usually work out for hours on end, several days a week. I like that you and I can just be lazy together. If you want to, I can wake you up in the morning and we can go for a run together. We can go to the gym or work out here. What else?”, Ben didn’t sound mad, like you were afraid he would. His voice was calm, his thumbs rubbed gentle circles onto your hands and his eyes never left yours.
“Uh… my- my skin. I’ve got cellulite and my skin isn’t as clear and soft as my friends’.”, you told him.
“It honestly doesn’t bother me, love. I like tracing over the soft skin of your thighs, your stomach, butt and boobs after we had sex. To me, your skin always feels soft. After taking a shower, on Sunday mornings when both of us wake up with greasy hair and kind of sweaty after a movie marathon. Everyone can improve at any given point, we can consult a doctor, ask them how to improve your skin condition, if you want to.” Ben kept on explaining, making you blush lightly. Unshed tears blurred your vision.
“Keep going.”, he now encouraged you. You had only named a few things that you didn’t like about yourself, but you were already struggling to come up with more flaws now that you were confronted by Ben. And no matter what you said, Ben never failed to tell you how much he liked what you dubbed a flaw and gave you at least one possible solution to your problem, telling you that the two of you could try it together. Not you on your own, but him supporting you.
“I… uh… my- my hair. It’s always so flat and makes my face look even rounder.”, you were a stuttering mess. You desperately wanted to come up with more flaws, but you just couldn’t.
“Your hair is so soft and always smells so nice. I love burying my face in it when we hug. Smells like home. We can do some research. Maybe there’s some old household remedy we can try out when we’re doing our face masks again. Besides, the round face makes you look younger and you’ll be really thankful once we’re old and full of wrinkles. I’ll look like something messed up from Star Wars while you won’t look a day over 29.”, Ben’s voice was barely above a whisper, gently squeezing your hands.
“Anything else?”, he asked patiently. You shook your head in reply, not daring to look him in the eye now. It seemed as though none of your worries were actually worth it. Like you were worried about nothing.
“Do you now see that I actually appreciate all those things about you? I am not a hundred percent content with my body either. I don’t think you ever really are, especially in the industry I’m working in. You have to look perfect at any given time, but no one ever does. At first, I spent countless nights crying myself to sleep because I was scared. Scared of not being good enough. And then I met you. You looked at me like I was perfect. Not because of my abs, though. Not because of the movies I was in. It felt like you looked right inside of me. Like you saw the real me. And I appreciate that more than anything. Even if you would suddenly turn to look like the daughter of Yzma and Jabba the Hutt, I would still be so deeply in love with you. Your looks aren’t everything. Neither are mine. We won’t look like this forever, but if you want me to, I’ll love you until we’re old and ugly with grey hair and weird skin. When we’ll be sitting in some rocking chairs on a patio with our dogs and cats running around in the garden. Our children and grandchildren will visit us as often as possible and, although everything changes, I will still look at you the way I do now. Because you are and will always be my whole world. I love you, Y/N.”, throughout his rambled monologue, Ben tried to keep eye contact, but the second he started tearing up, he couldn’t bring himself to keep looking at you and instead watched your hands.
“Can you promise me something, Ben?”, you asked, voice breaking lightly. It was calming to know that the person you pictured your whole future with was thinking about you the exact same way.
“Anything you want, Y/N.”
“Actually, it’s two things. One, can we please make that come true? I wouldn’t want to spend a future like that with anyone else.” At that, he nodded, opening his mouth to speak, but you laid a finger onto his lips, effectively silencing him.
“I’m not done yet. I was insecure because of the things your fans said about me again. I now get that they don’t see what is behind the camera. What your co-stars are really like, what you are really like. For some part, I didn’t either. I’m sorry for that. But can you promise me that the two of us, from now on, will always come to each other when we’re feeling insecure? About anything?”, you were now the one to lift his face up, your hands had escaped his warm grasp and were clasping his face.
“I promise, love.”, he said and you pressed your lips to his in a passionate and loving kiss.
It wasn’t long before Ben and the BoRhap cast met again to celebrate. They often did. This time, though, you joined them without any doubts in yourself. At the end of the night, you had exchanged your heels for sneakers, your hair was a mess and your make up was smudged. Pictures of Gwil, Joe, Rami, Lucy, Ben and yourself ended up online. And you couldn’t be happier.
Because what they showed were truly happy faces at the end of an extraordinary night.
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inagetawaycarxo · 5 years
Dating Sebastian Stan Would Include
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—Requested by anon
—Requests are open btw, send in a imagine idea or a headcanon idea for Sebastian or marvel!
—A/N: *sighs dreamily* I might have gone a little overboard on this one! Feedback is appreciated!
When Sebastian first met you he couldn’t help but stare at you, getting captivated by you, which resulted in him running into a glass window of the coffee shop. He got flustered when you came over and asked if he was alright. Which made him stumble over his words.
“I’m fine.” He squeaked out, his cheeks reddening, as he looked anywhere but at you.
He then stumbled off, not waiting to hear your response, bumping into people on the way out. Tbh he was a clumsy mess. Still is when he is around you.
The second time you and Seb met was when Chris took you to the set of marvel.
You’s two started off as friends.
Chris and Anthony trying to get you and Sebastian together, and being frustrated by how oblivious you are to the feelings Seb has for you.
With a lot of encouragement from Chris & Anthony, Seb finally gets the nerve to ask you out. When you agreed to go out with him Seb can’t help but smile at you, wrapping his arms around you and lifting you off the ground spinning you around.
Being besties with Mackie as well as Chris.
Sebastian is always a blushing nervous wreck around you.
Also can be a cocky little shit as well, and a tease.
Seb adores you so much. You are his entire world, he loves to brag/talk about you to friends and family, though some of them get annoyed by his constant rambles/fangirling about you, not that Seb cares.
Seb looks at you and gets lost in a daydream a lot, sometimes dirty daydreams.
He could stare at you all day and not get bored.
Learning to speak Romanian. Though you butcher some of the words.
Sebastian falling more in love with you when you try/speak Romanian, his eyes beaming with happiness.
If you do speak Romanian, then having a conversation in Romanian with Seb.
A lot of PDA…Not really in front of paparazzi though, mostly in front of your family and friends. Sometimes fans.
Seb likes to have his arm around you a lot, either on your waist or around your shoulder. Or hold your hand in public. He will kiss your cheek and forehead but never your lips in public.
He likes to hold your hand all the time.
He loves to wrap his arms around your waist, pressing soft kisses on your shoulder then your neck, or resting his chin against your shoulder. Or in the crook of your neck.
Seb is really protective of you, if anyone says a bad word about you, god help them they get the wrath of Seb, he definitely gives them that Bucky glare, he is also protective over you in public too
Being the biggest space nerds ever.
Watching space documentaries/ sci-fi movies.
A lot of dates; coffee dates, pizza dates, movie dates, midnight dates, beach dates, hiking dates, Picnic dates
Dates with Seb are never boring.
Midnight strolls
Working out together.
You and him like to encourage/motivate each other when you’s are working out.
Trying not to stare at him too much while he is working out.
Vice versa Seb trying not to get distracted by you when he works at.
Trying to impress each other.
Taking a lot of selfies together + photos of each other {even without one of you’s knowing}.
He doesn’t post most of them keeping them to himself.
Anthony teasing you and Seb a lot.
Anthony calling Seb whipped.
He is definitely whipped.
Seb finding it cute/hot when you are mad at him.
When he is home, you’s two mostly have lazy days.
Seb taking you to cons.
Visiting him at his panels.
Getting fan art/gifts from the fans that ship you and Seb together.
Seb taking you to his movie premiers.
Seb finding it adorable when you fangirl about Marvel.
Sending each other memes. Telling him he is a walking meme. He is a walking meme tbh.
When he had longish hair he used to steal your hair ties.
Convincing Seb to keep his hair longer for a little while.
Playing with his hair a lot.
Braiding it when it was a bit longer.
Seb playing with your hair.
You’re his best friend, and he is your best friend.
A hell of a lot of kissing.
Forehead kisses.
Neck kisses.
Shoulder kisses.
Nose kisses.
Cheek kisses.
Thigh kisses.
Belly kisses.
Hand kisses.
Morning kisses.
Goodnight kisses.
Needy kisses.
Kissing you at random times
And a lot of making out.
Let’s just say he is obsessed with kissing you.
Your neck will be covered in a lot of hickeys, so will Sebs and the rest of your body, mostly your neck and thighs.
Seb buying matching turtle neck sweaters to cover the hickeys.
Seb believes every time you smile it makes the world a little bit brighter.
Visiting him on set.
Making out with him in his trailer.
The dudes a huge hopeless romantic.
Always being there for each other.
Loving each other no matter what.
Being there for each other when one of you’s have a bad day.
Listening to each other’s problems.
Long skype calls while he is away filming, he mostly falls asleep in them.
Or facetiming each other, either one.
A lot of “I miss you’s.” when he is filming.
Helping him with his lines.
Seb being your #1 Fan/supporter,
Being his #1 fan/supporter.
You spend most of your time at his place and he spends most of his time at your place.
If someone comments rudely on one of your post on Instagram then he will defend you.
Seb cursing in Romanian when he is angry.
Seb biting his lip constantly when he is around you. {Since he knows it turns you on}.
Teasing you in Romanian.
Seb likes to go lingerie shopping with you.
Also likes to go shopping with you in general. He has great taste.
Matching outfits.
Supporting each other no matter what.
Plus being honest with each other and trusting each other.
Being there for each other through the ups and downs of life.
Most of the time you’s don’t fight, but when you’s do its mostly small fights, though you’s two makeup and have makeup sex.
Sebastian getting jealous of your celeb crushes
“Yeah, well he/she can’t fuck you and love you like I can.” He grumbled.
Saving water and showering together, though you’s are probably wasting it since you’s have a lot of sex in the shower.
You love to run your hands through his hair.
You’s two don’t hide the fact that you’s your dating from public but you’s are private about it.
Though that doesn’t stop him from gushing about you in interviews. However, if it’s his friends or family then he will talk their ear off about you.
Cooking together, though it’s mostly make out sessions leading to the food to get burnt and you and Seb have to end up ordering take out.
You’d suggest going to cooking classes, but then you and him probably end up making out and get kicked out of the class.
He loves to cuddle you, he is such a snuggle bug, whether it’s spooning or you cuddling into his chest or his side. He loves cuddling you.
Morning cuddles.
Bear hugs.
Hugs from behind.
He also likes being the little spoon as well. The feeling of your arms wrapped around him makes him feel secure.
Seb is so handsy. Not that you are complaining.
Netflix and chill.
No, really you’s do watch Netflix and chill as well.
A lot of movie marathons.
Dancing. Well, dorky dancing.
A lot of pet names for each other.
Calling him either, Seb, Sebby, baby, babe, sexy, hot stuff, darling, honey, mon Cheri, daddy, babykins, cutie pie, babycakes, bae, beautiful, big boy, my love, cupcake, cutie, dreamboat, goofball, dork, gorgeous, handsome, honey bun, honey bunny, hot stuff, hottie, hun, love, love bug, love muffin, lover, loverboy, my drug, pumpkin, snuggle bug, snuggle butt, snuggle muffin, sugar, sweet stuff, sweet thing/thang, sweetie, sweettums, sweetie pie, tiger.
Seb calling you baby girl. Baby doll, doll, {your nickname}, sweetheart, adorable, babykins, beautiful, buttercup, cutie pie, cutie, darling, gorgeous, honey, hon, hottie, kitten, love, muffin, my queen, my love, peach, princess, sugar, sunshine, sugar pie, sweet pea, sweettums, sweetie, toots.  
He definitely says some of those pet names in Romanian too.
Whenever he speaks Romanian it turns you on.
If you have an accent then that definitely turns Seb on.
You even beg him to sit and watch his movies with you.
Accidentally calling him “Bucky.” only to get this response “Who the hell is Bucky?”
Seb always either smacks your ass or grabs it, either one, actually he does both.
Telling each other really corny jokes.
Always making each other laugh.
Buying you flowers/roses for no reason
“What are these for?” you asked Seb, smelling the roses.
“Cause I love you.” Seb answered, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing a soft kiss on your neck.
Comforting him when he is feeling sad.
Vice versa, Seb comforting you when you are down.
Begging him to tell you endgame spoilers.
“No, I’m not telling you, watch the movie.” He grumbled, getting out of your grasp.
“No, please tell me I don’t want to walk into endgame unprepared, I need tissues if my baby Steve is going to die? Or if Tony or Thor is going to die, I can’t be unprepared if my favourite dies.” You whined, giving him puppy dog eyes.
“What about Bucky? I thought my character was your favourite.” Seb whined, pouting at you.
“Bucky’s dead though, oh my gosh, I hope Carol kicks Thanos purple ass, Oh does Bucky at least come back, maybe he can be the new captain America if Steve dies or Sam.” You ranted, Seb rolled his eyes letting out a sigh, before turning around and walking away from you.
“Don’t walk away from me, tell me spoilers god damn it.” You shouted...
He is so needy. Might be a little clingy but so are you.
Seb likes to buy you gifts and spoil you.
Also, pamper you as well.
He loves you so god damn much and you love him so much. You’s two love each other a lot.
He is such a romantic.
You are his whole damn world.
Domestic Seb, got to love Domestic! Seb.
Grocery shopping.
Brushing your teeth together, because he hogs the mirror.
Seb making you breakfast in bed.
Adopting a dog together.
Live streaming.
A lot of “I love you’s.”
Straddling his waist either to cuddle or make out.
Moving in with him.
Piggyback rides.
Deep conversations.
Taking bubble baths together.
Falling asleep on his chest.
Seb tracing your spine with his fingers.
Road trips.
Helping each other when you’s are stressed.
Roasting each other.
Being proud of each other.
Roasting Tom Holland with him and Mackie, (poor Tom)
Texting each other a lot while he is away filming.
Giving each other massages.
Talking about the future, like getting married and having kids. He daydreams about having kids with you a lot.
Being couple goals.
“One day we will be marriage goals.” Seb cooed, smiling at you.
“Are you trying to hint to me you’re going to propose to me?” you asked, looking up from your phone to look at him.
“Maybe.” He answered, biting his lower lip as he stared at you.
Going on vacations when Seb is off of work.
Sending you flowers/gifts while he is filming.
Getting drunk together.
A lot of eye fucking. {Did I write that already probably did anyways more eye fucking.}
Tickle fights.
Fans adoring you.
His beard, you are obsessed with it, you’re always stroking it.
Hiding his razor so he doesn’t shave it.
Having fights on how to pronounce memes
Going to charity/galas with him. And red carpet events.
Telling each other how much you love one another.
Spilling tea to each other.
Seb wakes up before you do, he likes to admire you for a little while, before waking you up by kissing you/ your body.
Adoring every inch of your body and your flaws.
Same goes for you, adoring every inch of his body and his flaws. Not that you think he has any flaws.
He cherishes you in general.
Meeting each other’s friends.
Meeting each other’s families.
His mom absolutely loving/adoring you.
His mom teaching you how to cook Romanian recipes
Your family adoring/loving Seb.
Your mom even shows him baby pictures of you.
“Aw, I hope our babies look like you when we have one because you are just so damn cute.” Seb cooed, beaming at you.
Listening to each other about how your days went, what you’s did and so on.
Wearing his jumpers/ shirts. He loves it when you wear his clothes.
Being each other’s backgrounds/or/lock screens on each other’s phones.
Helping him navigate social media.
Seb gets jealous easily.
Seb getting jealous of your girl crush on Brie Larson. {Unless you don’t have a crush on Brie Larson then just ignore this.}
Taking videos of each other doing weird stuff and cute stuff.
Taking naps together.
Getting lost in those blue eyes, and not listening to what he is talking about. Damn those blue eyes.
Jogging together.
Seb getting insecure when you talk to guys younger than him.
Seb smirking when he gets you flustered. Also hot and bothered.
Sex with Sebastian is never vanilla.
A lot of hair pulling when you’s two are having sex, from the both of you’s.
A lot of oral.
Pretty much having sex every hour (if possible) you’s two kiss a lot and have sex a lot.
Seb speaking Romanian when you and him have sex. {Most of its dirty talk.}
He definitely loves to grope your boobs a lot.
He has a huge daddy kink.
And a praise kink
Lazy morning sex.
Shower sex.
Passionate sex.
Rough sex.
Jealous sex.
Making love to you.
Lots of quickies.
Lots and lots of hickeys.
And thigh burns.
A LOT OF DIRTY TALK, he will even say it in Romanian to which brings you close to your orgasm.
Orgasm denial, from the both of you’s
Orgasm delay.
Light bondage.
He is a Dom but he can be a sub as well.
His favourite positions are doggy style, missionary, the lotus position, cowgirl,
You’s two have sex nearly in every room and anywhere.
Seb is the king of aftercare.
Let’s just say you’s two have a lot of sex and a lot of make-out sessions.
If you are an actress or newly actress then Seb will support you, watching your movies, or TV appearance, helping you with lines, going to charity events, red carpet events, and movie premiers with you.
Seb prob feeds you food.
Seb is a gentleman though he is a dork and he a freak in bed.
The both of you’s are such big dorks.
Watching sunsets and sunrises together, mainly sunsets.
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florbexter · 5 years
Hi:) 💕 you would like to write a tin can ficlet where Can, after arguing with Tin, discovers that Tin preserves the apology letter that Can had put in his car? At The end they make peace.
TinCan Ficlet
Can stared at the piece of paper in his hand. No, it had been a piece of paper… once. Now it was preserved for eternity, laminated, safe from water or coffee stains or the little grabby hands of Can’s niece. 
“This is not fair,” he muttered. He should hold onto his anger. He should continue to rummage through Tin’s drawers because he needed to find his car insurance documents and should continue doing it with as much hatred towards Tin’s desk as possible. He had been prepared to disarrange everything so Tin would be annoyed, so they would have, even more, to argue about. It had been satisfying to think about. 
Now, this.
His handwriting hadn’t improved over the years. His grammar hadn’t, either. He remembered how he had felt putting the apology letter on Tin’s car, though. Righteous, with an itching fist and the conviction that he never had to deal with Tin Medthanan again. 
Can had thought Tin would toss the letter away or tear it apart. Instead, he had done this sappy stuff. 
He fell back into Tin’s giant office chair and huffed. Why was it, that Tin excelled so much in calming him down? He always knew when to call, as if he could sense Can’s mood through the air of Bangkok. He knew when to bring Can’s favourite food and now… Can slid forward on the stool until his butt almost fell off and put the letter close to his face. 
“Stupid Ai Tin,” he murmured against the shiny surface. 
“Not Ai Asshole anymore?”
Can glared at Tin over the letter who stood in the doorway. He had changed from his office clothes to his grey sweatpants and shirt combo and Can glared a bit harder because Tin in that outfit made him fidgety. 
The worst thing was that Tin didn’t feel guilty. He would get why Can was mad but would still believe he made the right choice. 
“A freaking car,” Can murmured and put the laminated letter back over his face. “I told you to not buy me things!”
“It’s a used car.”
Can threw his hands up. 
“That’s not the point.”
If he would give in with the car Tin would find thousand of new loopholes to buy Can stuff and the next thing he knew he would be the owner of a fitness studio franchise. He didn’t want to be the owner of fitness studios! 
“I’m not equipped to be a manager!”
Instead of answering Tin just stepped around the desk and leaned against it. He pulled the letter from Can’s face and read it. 
“Your grammar hasn’t improved over the years.”
“You’re back to being Ai Asshole just for your information,” Can pouted and crossed his arms in front of his chest. Tin wasn’t even embarrassed that he had found the letter. If he let on how touched he was that Tin had kept it Tin would put the letter all over their apartment just to tease Can. 
“I also preserved the little post-it you wrote me for my first day in the office.” Tin had put his hands on the two armrests of the office chair and hovered over Can like a sexy treat. Can glared up at Tin and refused to move. 
“You’re cheesy,” he declared and kicked Tin against his shin, lightly. He got a kiss on his nose for his troubles.
“I’m not going to drive that car.”
Tin nodded and kissed his right cheek. Can glared harder. He was not going to give in. It was dangerous to give in. 
“The traffic in Bangkok is stupid! I’m going to stuck in traffic jams all the time.” 
“Right,” murmured Tin and kissed his other cheek. “Maybe Ley needs another car?”
“Don’t you dare give my sister a car!” Can kicked Tin again. “I know exactly where she gets all her designer bags from, don’t you deny it!”
“She just loans them from me.”
“Sure. That’s why I see you walking around with a Prada bag all the time.”
“They would suit me.”
“A punch in the face would suit you!” 
Tin kissed his pouty lips. Can rolled his eyes and he got another one. Three, four, five. Can sighed but he would. not. give. in! Tin straightened up and leaned back against the desk and  Can didn’t like that at all, but he remained silent. 
“I’m not gonna drive that car,” he repeated himself. Tin mirrored him and crossed his arms in front of his chest, too. As if that was a counter-argument. 
“Okay,” he said instead and Can opened his mouth but closed it really quickly. That had to be a trap. 
“Is this a trap?”
Tin raised an eyebrow and Can quickly jumped up. Tin opened his arms for him and Can stepped into his embrace. 
“Is this some new technique for you to win arguments?”
“No. I’m just gonna respect your wish and give the car back.”
Can narrowed his eyes and tried to see in Tin’s eyes the truth. This was too easy. But Tin just had this shine in his eyes, which mostly meant he was very amused by Can. 
“You really gonna give it back?”
Tin nodded. 
Can leaned forward and bit him lightly, trough his t-shirt. It was part punishment and partly because he could no longer hold himself back. Gosh, he hated those sweatpants! 
“I’m not going to change my mind just because you are all agreeable now.”
Tin smiled. “I know.”
Can smelled something fishy and he grabbed the laminated letter from the desk and stepped out of Tin’s embrace. 
“Just so you know,” he waved the letter in front of Tin’s face, “I’m going to let this letter inspire me for another one if you really bring the car back and…”
Tin leaned forward. He smiled. 
Can pulled at the waistband of Tin’s sweatpants and let it snap back on Tin’s skin. 
“And I’m going to do that in the bedroom.” Two could play manipulative games he thought satisfied as he sauntered out of the office.
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raendown · 5 years
Pairing: MadaraTobirama Word count: 2935 Chapter: 3/7 Summary:  An accident at work leaves Tobirama blinded while his eyes are bandaged to heal from some rather nasty burns. Too busy with his own job to play the role of caretaker, wife too pregnant to place the burden on her, Hashirama calls upon his best friend Madara to stay with them and help Tobirama out in anyway he can. Madara isn’t exactly thrilled to play babysitter but he can see an opportunity when one comes along; this may be the chance he’s always waited for.
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI and commission info in the header!
Chapter 3
When he woke there were two main clues to let Tobirama know that his nightmare had at least been polite enough to wake him up after morning arrived instead of in the middle of the night like usual. His first clue should have been the birds chirping happily just outside the window. In actuality it was the sound of Madara tripping over something in the hallway and screaming his demands for recompense at the top of his lungs, blaming Hashirama for whatever it was he’d stepped on.
Brotherly love aside, Tobirama figured the man was probably within his rights to blame Hashirama since his sibling did in fact have a terrible habit of just tossing his belongings about as it pleased him. It was something he’d promised to watch himself for until everyone in the house had both eyes working again so, really, if he had already fallen back in to bad habits then Tobirama was the last one who would step in to defend his honor on this.
Rolling over to one side, he dragged a pillow over his head and sent reluctant and silent thanks to the man outside for waking him in such a way the nightmare he’d been trapped in was cast out of his mind completely, leaving no room to doubt the reality around him. In less than a minute he was lying on his back again with a grimace baring his teeth because the burns on his face had yet to fully heal and, despite being mostly hidden under the bandages, they still hurt when he tried to lay face down. Tobirama sighed up at what he assumed was still his bedroom ceiling. He hoped so, at least. It would be just his luck to spontaneously develop the ability to teleport when he didn’t have his sight to properly appreciate or take advantage of such a power.
Although the ability to teleport out of a situation would have served him quite well the night before while Madara was trying to help him through his nightly ablutions. He appreciated the help getting to the bathroom and having his toothpaste handed over, that sort of thing had been helpful no matter how much he detested admitting it. What he had not appreciated was Madara hesitantly asking if he needed help aiming while he relieved himself. The neighbors had probably heard that screaming match.
Without the ability to see the clock Tobirama’s best guess was that it took a solid five minutes for Madara to stop yelling and stomp his way downstairs, the boom of his retreating footsteps trailed by an exhausted sounding Hashirama. Lying in bed for a while longer would have been nice if there was any chance of sleep returning but after the never-ending darkness of last night’s dreams Tobirama knew it was unlikely he would find any rest. With that in mind he rolled over and slowly got to his feet, shuffling across the carpet with one arm out until he reached the familiar wood of his closet door. It didn’t matter much which shirt he picked out since most of his clothing tended towards the same color scheme; almost all his shirts went perfectly fine with black or tan slacks and that described nearly every pair of pants he owned.
Barring that one plaid monstrosity Hashirama had picked up for him in France that he still didn’t understand the purpose of. What was he supposed to do with plaid pants? Halloween in July?
After he had an outfit picked out and he was reasonably sure the clothes were all on correctly Tobirama inched his way over to the door to step very carefully out in to the hallway. When Hashirama bought this house and he had first picked out the room he wanted to claim as his own, situating himself right at the top of the stairs for an easy escape from his brother’s madness had seemed like a great idea. Now all it did was make him nervous to know there was a death trap lying in wait just outside the door for unsuspecting sightless idiots to go tumbling down to their doom.
Voices in the kitchen downstairs told him that there were no witnesses to see the shame with which he lowered himself to the ground and butt-scooted most of the way down the long staircase. It wasn’t that he couldn’t do it standing up, just that it was faster and made him feel a lot safer without the sensation of all that empty space around him. When he had counted out eighteen steps he very carefully pulled himself to his feet and clung to the banister with both hands while he descended the last seven or so, all of which could be seen from the kitchen if someone were to look around the corner at just the wrong angle and just the right time.
It was a good thing he did too because he had only just gone down the last step where carpet became polished wood flooring under his bare feet when footsteps left the kitchen, paused in the doorway, and then rushed towards him in a sudden flurry.
“You should have called for one of us to come help you!” Hashirama’s hands fluttered between his arms and shoulders, trying to find somewhere to support him.
“Nonsense.” Tobirama swatted the flustered hands away and continued towards the other voices he could hear. “I am perfectly capable of moving from one room to the other without hurting myself.”
“You might be but Madara is not,” Mito informed him as he stepped in to the kitchen.
Madara's silence carried a particularly mortified air to it and it said something that he failed to respond to such an easy jab. Instead he could be heard mumbling about eggs and then Tobirama heard the fridge rattle before the smell of – ketchup? That was definitely ketchup.
“I’m surprised that you’re even home right now, brother.” Turning the conversation back in another direction seemed safer than dwelling on the embarrassing events of last night.
“Actually I’m just here to check up on Mito and then I’ve got to go back since I’m still on call and it’s just easier to sleep in the rooms there.” From the ragged sound of his voice Tobirama could guess exactly what he would look like, the familiar manic state he got into when one thirty-six hour shift rolled straight in to another twenty-four hour shift and he barely found time to sleep or eat. Long shifts like these were always the culprit for the times when Hashirama would call him in the wee hours of the morning with strange questions like whether water was considered a beverage or if it was normal for a man to love his houseplants more than his cats. Hospital work came with horrors that some would never guess at.
When it came time for Hashirama to leave again and the two lovebirds started in with their disgusting goodbye habits even Tobirama voted for them to scram and do it somewhere else. He might not be able to see but he could definitely still hear and the wet sounds of his brother making out with his sister-in-law was not the sort of thing one should be forced to listen to when one lacked the ability to seek out some other kind of distraction.
It wasn’t until the same gross sounds of farewell actually picked up again from down the hallway that Tobirama realized he was now alone in a room with Madara and frowned. Blind or no he wasn’t going to just sit here and let someone like Madara run his entire life. He could still do some things. Like getting himself a drink, that seemed fairly easy. Standing up was pretty simple and he remembered hearing the fridge directly to his right, which would mean he’d been seated at the head of the table, so if he turned a sharp ninety degrees and took three steps forward he should find – yes. The smooth surface of a stainless steel refrigerator. Once he was there it was a simple process to open the door and trace his fingers along each shelf until he encountered a familiar shape that didn’t require anyone else to help him.
He made it back to his seat with no problems but he was still running his fingers over the top of his drink to find the opening when Madara cleared his throat.
“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather I get you something else?”
“My brother would have you baby me,” Tobirama sneered, “but I can still do some things for myself.”
“Sure, sure. I just think it’s a little early to be drinking beer.”
Pausing just before he cracked open the can, Tobirama tilted his head down as if to stare at it. “Ah. I thought it was a can of soda.” Still not an early morning drink but he hadn’t wanted to ask for help pouring juice out of the jug. Finding a cup would have been easy enough; knowing when to stop pouring would have been a bit trickier.
“Do you…want a soda? Or…” Madara trailed off and Tobirama pushed the can of beer away from himself with a quiet sigh of defeat.
“I think Hashirama said he made orange juice yesterday.”
A minute later he was cradling a tall glass of juice between both hands while he sat and listened to the sounds of Madara thumping around the kitchen. Pots scraped on the stove burners, butter sizzled over the heat, and it took a bit but eventually he was able to figure out that the rapid thunking noise he could hear was the sound of something being chopped up on the wooden cutting board. Mito usually used her fancy marble one when she cooked, though she also usually hid the good cookware when she was done with it so Hashirama couldn’t ruin anything when he inevitably got distracted while cooking. She had learned her lesson after the Great Pot Debacle six years ago.
Listening to the sounds of whatever Madara was cooking wouldn’t have given him much more information without his nose picking up certain familiar scents. Ketchup had been out earlier, so he assumed that everyone else had already eaten and that Madara was starting over again for his benefit, although he knew he couldn’t just assume eggs just because of the ketchup. Mito’s cravings did need to be taken in to account. Something in the pan spit in a way that sounded very different from boiling water so it definitely wasn’t noodles; his theory of eggs looked more and more likely by the second.
He was proved right when Madara shuffled across the kitchen with dragging footsteps and murmured a warning just before something ceramic hit the table with a muted thud. The smell of omelet was much heavier when it was sitting right under his nose.
“Fork by your right hand, knife just above your left. Two omelets on your plate and ketchup just above it.” Madara mumbled his instructions with the gruff voice of someone trying to act normal when they felt anything but. He probably found the situation a little awkward too, although he couldn’t possibly feel as awkward as Tobirama did having to give up such a major part of his life for several weeks.
The omelet, to Tobirama’s sheer horror, was absolutely delicious. Unlike the slapdash meals the man usually served after another frantic call from Hashirama begging him to come take mercy on them all, this simple breakfast was perfectly cooked with gooey cheese and diced vegetables worked through it for delicious little bursts of flavor. Tobirama almost felt bad for bracing himself to choke down another half-assed meal of microwaved bullshit but he was too busy scarfing down fluffy eggs that he could only assume were as golden and buttery looking as they tasted.
When he was done he wanted to ask for more. Pride kept his mouth shut, hands falling in to his lap after draining the last of his orange juice and setting his fork neatly in the center of his plate. Trying to eat without being able to see his food was an experience that he could only assume looked hilarious from an outside perspective and he didn’t want to give Madara any extra incentive to laugh at him.
“So. What’s on for today?”
“Hm? I don’t know about you but I’ve got work to do.” Madara's voice came from over by the sink despite not having made a sound after dropping off the eggs. Had he been intentionally making his footsteps noisy before?
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I can’t really do much right now. Hashirama’s been keeping me entertained and now that he’s run out of sick days to use–”
“Yeah, I don’t get sick days. Being self-employed means I have to work extra hard for my buck. I don’t have a boss to whine at when I need a bit of extra time, all I’ve got is pissy clients who think websites are as easy as ‘just make it more red’.”
Tobirama frowned in his direction as best he could. “Well what am I supposed to do then?”
“Don’t care,” was his answer. What a dick.
Actually things didn’t turn out half as bad as Tobirama thought they would. He followed Madara to the living room originally in the hope of annoying the man in to entertaining him somehow but within ten minutes he found there was no need, he was plenty entertained just listening in. If you had asked him before their conversation over breakfast he probably wouldn’t have remembered what the man actually did for a living since most of the time he tried not to pay too much attention to idiots. Even knowing the broad scope of what he was doing – something to do with web design he was pretty sure – didn’t really help though since Tobirama had no idea how coding worked. Coding was for nerds.
Yes he did realize the irony of a scientist calling anyone a nerd, thank you. He also didn’t care.
Listening to his companion now didn’t exactly help him understand what the big deal was with coding a new website from scratch or why it was so hard – but it did help him understand that it was, indeed, very difficult. Why else would Madara have kept up such a constant stream of profanity and complaints under his breath as his fingers ticked and tacked over the keyboard in an endlessly stuttering stream?
“Fucking semicolons,” he heard from across the room and wondered in what situation a semicolon could ever induce such rage. “Red. Needs to be more red. Too pink – rose? No, pink. White text won’t look good on that, asshole doesn’t know what he wants. No one will be able to read – black. It should be black. Where the fuck is the semicolon I swear to fuck I know you’re in here!? Oh. Oh I put a comma.” Madara heaved a sigh so deep one would think he’d just been informed of a close friend’s death and if Tobirama’s eyes were in working condition he would have been staring unashamedly.
Rapid typing filled the air as Madara continued murmuring to himself and the longer they sat there the lower Tobirama sank in to his seat as he realized he really didn’t care what the man was saying as long as he never stopped talking. Horrifying as it would be to admit, he couldn’t believe he’d never noticed what a great voice Madara had. Usually he checked out of the conversation mentally almost as soon as Madara opened his mouth since they had never been friends and he’d decided a long time ago that they would never get along, hadn’t even bothered to learn much about him other than the fact that he was loud and brash and the worst enabler for Hashirama’s bad ideas. He would have to start paying more attention in the future because apparently this idiot had a voice on him.
Deep and rumbling when he muttered under his breath, smooth in an oddly debonair sort of way when he used his cellphone to call the customer whose project was giving him so much grief. Tobirama was so distracted by just listening to the cadences of Madara's voice that he almost didn’t bother paying attention to what he was saying to the other person.
He was being nice. It was weird, completely flipped from the way he spoke to everyone else.
When it became obvious that the phone call was going to last a while as Madara hammered out details with his customer Tobirama rose from his chair and very carefully made his way to the stairs so he could go back up to his bedroom. Thinking of his brother’s best friend in any sort of way that even came close to positive was just weird and if he couldn’t drown it out with words on a page then he was going to lay his head next to his radio and drown it out with music.
That is, if he could remember how to use the radio next to his bed without looking at the buttons. Every five minutes it seemed like he was discovering yet another thing he’d never realized he did without paying much attention. Was the on button for his radio on the top or the front? Which preset wasn’t set up with Hashirama’s stupid pop stations?
Why did losing his sight have to be so bloody annoying?
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