#he’s so awkward singing and dancing bless his little soul
promiscuousasexual · 4 months
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well on the bright side, les enfoirés concert with esteban was televised on tf1 tonight!
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dark-elf-writes · 13 days
Percy: *hurt to all hell and using his sword as a cane*
Percy: *uses tattered remains of his jacket to wrap up ludo’s wound*
Percy: *takes up the worms offer of tea because just because he can survive on the water he takes out of the air doesn’t mean he wants to*
Percy: *straight up kicks the doors open for the riddle and looks for the trick step*
Percy: *bobs his head to the all the random singing and doesn’t notice when he starts talking his finger to the beat against the hilt of his sword*
Percy: *randomly announces the castle is cooler than Olympus because at least it has character instead of useless splendor. He thinks it could use a moat though*
Jareth: *deep breath* this is fine. This is so fine. I’m so normal about this.
It’s both easy and hard to pull the boy into an enchantment. Little more than coaxing a single bite of a peach to draw him into Jareth’s power but keeping him there? It is like holding the ocean in his bare hands. Wild and untamed. Sea foam and the scream of horses. A soul never meant to be possessed. A heart Jareth cannot contain forever.
(He wonders, given enough time and devotion if that heart would be given to him willingly. It terrifies him just how willing he is to try.)
Still, the strain is worth it to see the boy at his masquerade. To see him draped in fine fabrics and strings of pearls befitting his status. To see that smile of his catch the many lights bouncing of thousands of crystals and shine so brilliantly Apollo would weep.
It is more worth it to have the boy in his arms, dancing with him alone in a crowd and a sea of crystal glittering like stars.
He is awkward, unpracticed, but he takes Jareth’s direction beautifully. For now. Jareth can feel the growing strain even as the boy looks up at him with wonder and a mischief so near and dear to him it makes Jareth want to bless him, to see what tricks this boy could do if given even a fraction of his power.
Dangerous. This little thing in his arms is so dangerous for all the fine fabric and gems try to smooth his rough edges.
Jareth loves him for it all the more.
“Nice place you’ve got here,” The boy sounds genuine, still grinning up at him. “Better than the last labyrinth I was in anyway. I’ve only been almost eaten like once.”
His hands tighten, drawing the little hero closer to him. Possessive. Protective. A whole host of other alien feelings roaring through Jareth at the thought of him hurt. “An oversight. One that will be corrected.”
The music, his singing, doesn’t stop while he speaks. Percy seems delighted at that little show of magic. It makes Jareth itch to truly dazzle him, but time is short and the tide is already pulling his hero away from him. (No mortal has ever been able to overpower his magic so easily. None have been able to pull away from him when he is trying to keep them. It is as intoxicating as it is infuriating. Jareth wants more. He wants so much more.)
“Nah, I took care of it.” He had, Jareth knew. This little warrior in his arms had the power to fell nations and yet had only caused some minor chaos to allow him to escape. “I broke the cleaner though. I would say I’m sorry but I don’t think you would believe me.”
He wouldn’t. It delights him so much that Jareth laughs.
The swell of the surf grows to its peak and already the illusion is dissolving around them in a wash do salt water and laughter. But he hears the boy still, would hear him even once he was far, far from Jareth’s domain he has been captured so.
“You need a moat. Honestly what kind of castle is complete without a moat!”
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justices-blade · 1 year
✩ dance with souls afire
dancer mastery drabble.
nevassa was lit with lanterns since before edward could remember. flickering flames above the oil cast warm light against stone in yellow-orange, ever heralding the glow of the sun on the next day — even when it wouldn’t be there, hiding behind fog and clouds.
it’s shy, he’d laugh to his brother, missing it on his skin regardless on colder nights, gladly letting woodfire substitute it instead. back then, they’d nestle close to it to keep warm, play little games of dexterity to keep the warmth flowing all the way to their fingertips. evenings and nights passed like that in the colder months, grasping at comforts he did his best to scrounge up during the day before the chill really set in. to share, of course — it’s always to share.
but there’s occasions, every so often, every now and then, where it did something kinder than simply pass — where the lanterns glittered less like candles and more like stars, where great bonfires would be set alight in the stone-paved squares in nevassa that could house them, when even frost in the autumn-onset or in the dead of winter would be warded off with fire and dancing and laughter.
so much laughter and dancing and fire. it warmed him through the flesh, to the bone, warmed each palm that connected with his, warmed each conflagrant celebrant, one and all. familiar and unfamiliar faces all became lost in the light, he in the movement, his hands near perpetually linked with another’s as the people stepped, kicked, spun, sang; blessings to the harvest, blessings to the soil, blessings to the sun and the rain and the hands that sowed, the hands that reaped and shared and held; sung bright even when toes were stepped on, even when limbs were jostled and stumbled over. blessings to eachother, too, trust in the sway and swing, in the topsy-turvy of it all.
there were also steps, of course, some method to the madness. with it, there was a time when softer temperament tried to teach more excitable kin, taking hands to push and pull, even as the latter spun his brother ‘round recklessly, both of them eventually collapsing into giggles. edward doesn’t remember how those smaller hands felt.
after, there was a time where he reached out for another in turn, awkward refusal and frigid excuses melting away under persistence, persistence, linked fingers dragging both of them beyond the frost towards the bonfire, beyond the clouds towards the giving sun. neither of them know the steps, not really, one too rigid, the other too lax; but the arcs of the music carry them through, embers stoked back from loss’ smolder to gratitude’s glow. he knows these hands almost like his own, having guided, been guided.
but always, there had been fire. he always danced for warmth. ever has it been for warmth. of body, of bodies, of every soul he connects to with hands interlinked. always by firelight, to stoke it, crackling merrily, giving light, the sun’s promise. even campfire sufficed as he broke into snatches of song for an audience of four when the nights grew long.
always, always there has been light, because that's what fire gives, too, light even in the darkest of nights, for it always beckoned on the horizon. in lanterns, in eyes, of heart, because that’s what dancing is for — catharsis, catalysis, a weight taking flight, a coal set alight.
now, there are times where the conflagrant celebrants are instead guiding stars; stars ablaze, him among their number, a five-star constellation familiar and welcoming, burnt into his eyelids for when it is dark — hand in hand in hand in hand in hand, a family found, looking to the dawn, singing and bringing blessings both, to peace, to harmony, to harvest once more; even when they had to feel out the steps, even when they had to fill the melody themselves. he grasps hands he knows, hands he loves; gratitude’s glow joined by trust and hope and light and joy, joy, joy.
this, he orbits, supermassive to him. he loves the firelight, hopes it will always stay, but he knows now that it has always been the hands in his that warm him from the inside out, the connection between each palm that blazes a trail between each and every one of them.
he has always danced for warmth, circulating from his own hands to everyone who joins and back to him again. loving with a heart of sunlight, he spreads it with all the joy of the spring rains. there is a promise of and to the dawn blazing bright in his heart, crackling along with the music, and there is light in his eyes that comes from more than just the spotlights. warmth is fire, but it is also connection, hope and trust and joy and love.
even now, he dances. with or without fire, for warmth and light and everything it stands for. he dances to laugh and to survive and to live. he dances to live, together, together, together. shining bright, he bids others watch, beckons them to join, pulls them in and dances, dances, dances,
hand,  in hand,   in hand,    in hand,     in beloved, beloved hand.
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theepisceswriter · 3 years
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AOT characters with a black S/O (Zeke, Jean, Connie, Eren, Reiner)
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Synopsis: I think the title is pretty self explanatory 🙈
TW: none really besides mentions of food, African-American culture only for right now sorry my foreign babes 😕, not proofread
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Someone throw this man a black girlfriend with a dark or regular academia aesthetic P L S because he would love you to the point where he’s obsessed and treat you so good.
Loves finding neutral shades of beige, white, or brown that compliment your skin color nicely while the two of you are out shopping. Will literally come running from across the other side of the store with a brown jacket in his hand like “Look babe, this would compliment the brown of your skin so nicely 🥺 we gotta get Instagram pictures of you in this.”
He also enjoys finding academia type hairstyles and trying to make them work with your natural hair or braids. At least once a week he sends you a hairstyle he found on Tumblr and helps you later that night to try and achieve a black version of it.
The two of you most definitely have viral pictures floating around on Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
He’s so soft and patient when it comes yo your hair because he has a beard, so he knows what it feels like having to keep up with something that requires a lot of work. He’ll often come into the bathroom to do his beard and offer you an extra pair of hands when it’s your wash day. His favorite part is to help you twist your hair because he likes seeing the finished product when you take them out.
He also uses your hair conditioners and oils in his beard because they make him smell otherworldly and he likes smelling like you. And yes, he has requested for you to braid his beard once but never again because you both thought he looked too weird like that.
Grisha is the awkward white dad who tries too hard to accept you and says stuff like “Hey, like the new hairdo 😃👍🏾.” Whenever you come around. Bless his poor heart, at least he’s trying and you know he means well.
Worships you and the ground you walk on like 24/7. He’s so in love with you and makes sure to let you know that on the daily multiple times. And he’s such an amazing lover and avoids doing cringey shit like calling you chocolate or Nubian queen goddess.
Hangs with your uncles and all the other black men in your family because he thinks he’s cool like that, but they don’t mind at all cause they love him.
His mom is the sweetest mother in law ever. She gets along so well with all the women in your family and they’re always swapping recipes with one another. One day time you and Jean pulled up for Christmas and she had a dish filled with collard greens on the table and they were good too.
He has two chains around his neck dedicated to you: one is your name and the other one is the date you two became official. You also wear his name around your neck and you have a ring with his initials on it.
Getting jewelry is something the two of you do together very often. Matter of fact, swap meets are his favorite place to go to in general and his mind was blown when you first took him to one.
Asks you to put his hair in French braids at least once a month because the process is so therapeutic for him. He loves laying his head on his lap and watching as you make his braids so neat and cute. But be careful though because he does like to “Can you braid my hair? 🥺” his way into some coochie.
Don’t brother teaching him how to braid because even if he does get the hang of it after a couple of sessions with you he’ll always request that you do his hair.
You two have random rap battles with each other alllll the time. It’s pretty split between who wins, but often you’ll call him out for trying to use lyrics from other artists.
Did y’all know me and Connie are blood cousins? Both his momma and daddy black and his full name on his birth certificate is Cornelius Demetrius Jones Springer, so take that as you will…
BUT REALLY, Connie fits right in with you and your culture that it’s nearly identical to dating someone the same race as you.
He has a fitted cap with your name sowed into it on the side with a cute heart right by it. It’s his go to hat and he points is out to everyone who doesn’t know about it.
Has most definitely dragged you along with him to go take one of those 2000’s-esque photoshoots with the airbrushed backgrounds. He even made the two of you dress alike and color coordinate because he’s extra like that and the photos are hanging all over your guy’s house. He carries around a mini version of his favorite picture in his wallet at all times.
You better not ever come around this man with messed up edges, visibly old braids, a too visible lace, etc because he will get on you bad and crack jokes about it the whole day because he’s a menace to society like that. No one besides him is allowed to do it though or he’ll get mad at them.
Do not ask this man to help you take down your braids unless you’re cutting them first because he will cut them crazy as hell and might even accidentally cut some of your real hair off too. He’s a master at dipping braids though, it’s something he takes pride in.
Literally a POWER COUPLE !
Eren will never have you out here looking wrong. The part on your lace is a little off? He’s telling your hairdresser to fix it! Thinks the hair you got looks too synthetic and shiny? He’s dropping big bucks to make sure you have some silky soft hair extensions.
Made you do him some baby hairs one day when he was wearing his signature ponytail as a joke, but now you’re obligated to slick up his edges for him at least once a week. He even has a silk scarf that he uses to tie them down with at night.
Is a master at finding filters on Instagram and Snapchat that don’t make your skin look Orange or pale so the two of you can have the cutest Instagram pictures together.
Walks around the house 24/7 singing 2000’s R&B songs at the top of his lungs because he’s a menace to society like that.
Supports all your financial needs when it comes to hair clothing or anything in general really. Need a new lace front? He’s wiring $700 to your account. Want a Teflar bag? He’s getting you one in every color. Some new shoes came out and you think they’re cute? He’s getting them for you !
Your aunties would L O V E a hardworking and burly man like Reiner.
He’s get so spoiled by them all the time whenever he comes around. Sometimes they pay attention to him more than they do you and best believe they slide him all the extra plates and desserts at barbecues. I just know he smacks down on a plate of soul food in like 5 minutes.
Speaking of soul food, you really lit up something in his Caucasian taste buds when you gave him a plate of soul food for the first time because now he’s OBSESSED. Every night he’s begging you to cook for him or asking you for the recipe so he can make it himself. His favorites are macaroni and cheese, fried chicken, and yams ☺️
Will bust a move on the dance floor if your family pressures him to get on it at events. He did a two-step with your aunt once at somebody’s wedding and nobody in your family has shut up about it since because they were surprised at how good he can dance. You were equally as surprised as them.
The best person to ask to help you with your hair because he’s so patient and will make sure that your parts are straight and perfect or use his hands to slick your ponytails up to the gods. He’ll do it exactly how you want it to look too and he makes sure it’s to your standard by checking in with you every now and then.
Encourages you to buy clips or little jewels whenever you take him to the beauty supply with you because he thinks you look so adorable when you wear them in your hair.
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sanghyukstattoos · 3 years
next door neighbours!SF9
A/N: Read more here~~
The grass on his lawn is neatly trimmed, no weeds in sight and the tiles are sparkling white
Definitely stands on the lawn in the morning with his hands behind his back, probably in contemplation of life or whatever wearing those white jeans and stripped t-shirt as he did in their Into The Night performances
Dad! Youngbin vibes
Says ''Hi'' to you the first time around but says nothing and even though you shouldn't feel the need to affiliate, it feels very awkward.
Turns out that the inside of his house is a chaos, his kids are running everywhere first thing in the morning, there's probably also some scribbles on the wall and it's like, you finally understand why he needs a break (kids are a handful)
Will give you a ride to school if you don't have a car, regardless of how close the school is
You don't see this guy all that much and when you do, it's mainly the back of his head as he leaves for work.
Works so hard that he comes back sweaty and out of breath and you can hear it because he's loud about it.
If you have thin walls, I'm so sorry because you can hear him practice his singing.
At first you think about how beautiful he sounds and sometimes you still enjoy listening to him but at important times like on a zoom call, your colleagues hear him singing and because of this, you are frequently interrupted when you speak.
You are so frustrated that eventually you wonder if you should just ask him to sing in your ear while you sleep because that's what it feels like
One day you meet him in the elevator and you wonder, 'He's that tall?' and he's all awkward with his shy little smile and bow
Takes you a little while to notice that he's just like that with the suspicious puns and laughs but yo eventually grow over some drinks.
The one that all smiles, you can immediately tell that he's a loving guy but he'll be shy about it.
When's he's around you, he tends to smooth his hair down a lot even if it is okay. There's also a faint pink tinge on his cheeks when he speaks to you (it's because he ran to get the elevator, nothing else)
He works as a florist, arranging flowers and writing cards during the day and when he's done, he works out at your local gym.
He has got good endurance, even when he's tired and his muscles are begging for him to stop. Is an admirable person considering how much effort he has put in to keep himself fit, even when he doesn't feel like it sometimes, he always shows up.
He likes to hold hands, especially when he's tired, or link arms evens and really, it's kind of cute.
When he's drunk or just tired from whatever he's come from and he sees you, he always puts his hands in his pockets, stifling the overwhelming urge to hold yours.
Dawon I Lee Sanghyuk:
You'll instantly become friends with him and he'll invite you over to the parties he has.
When you are there, he'll show you a side of him you haven't seen before. Somehow he's more confident when you aren't meeting near the stairs, outside your apartments or in the elevators.
Then he's shy with his hands together, fingers fumbling around and pressing the wrong buttons when he's only trying to press it for you and he's an exceptional character.
He smiles as if he's over the moon and he's journeying with you, hand in hand when you two are only neighbours and he's not sure what you know about his feelings for you.
When you are at his apartment, he's doing things like kissing you on the cheek, giving you hugs, staying close to you and occasionally looking for where you are in the party.
Sings when he's drunk which serenades the life out of you
Rowoon I Kim Seokwoo:
On most nights, he comes home drunk and you can hear him stumbling into his front porch as his friends drive off after he makes it past the door and closes it.
He fumbles, almost landing into the garden, array of plants screaming in disgrace at their owner and you have to hold back your chuckles as you see this scenario from the window, as if he can hear.
On cue he turns and before he can completely see you, you dash behind, heart racing.
Next day, when he's sober, with his hair looking suspiciously clean, he tells about his drunk self encounters with you staring out of the window which you deny and he says, ''Yea, I've been dreaming''.
The ultimate contrast is when you both leave at the same time and walk to the same stop and he's dressed his best self, he's attractive
He starts a conversation and you settle into this routine of waiting for one another before leaving and telling each other that you aren't coming the day before.
You've become accustomed to his reasons, they are the same time and time again, as a result of what occurred the previous night.
You've also slipped into this routine of calling each other, at dawn and having this little snippet of conversation about your day, laughing at each other's encounters. At the end, you say whether you'll be coming, just to affirm.
However, when you take an off, it's rare. He's concerned, by the fact that his voice had raised a little
He guides you on what medicine to take and leaves you sleep and the next morning, you are woken up to him standing at your door with food in one hand and some DVD's in the other.
Zuho I Baek Juho:
Can only start a friendship by coincidence, like purely
Always tired, stretching his limbs when he takes a short break by walking outside.
The type to leave his keys outside and then wonder how they got there when you come from out and knock on his door to tell him
Very thankful, will pay you back in courtesy through some form, carry something heavy for you
Maybe, he might just point out how heavy it is and then realise that he could help you with it. But it's over the fence so he's struggling, you are struggling and you just wonder why he's doing this in the first place
Soft soul will play with your kids if you have some
Yoo Taeyang:
The neighbour that you won't speak to, ever
Smiles at people and greets them in the hallway, so he's cordial, but other than that, it's a full dash till he's in the safety of his house where he can bake what he's going to be eating
Carries like a hundred bags and you and your neighbours think he's going to drop but then he grows an extra arm and unlocks his door, safely tucking his groceries away.
Extra awkward at gatherings, hesitates to say anything, looks at everyone cautiously and you don't even know what he's seeing when he's that tall
One day you see him bopping his butt along to some song called ''Wild Wild West'', definitely is a good dancer but why he's dancing like that is beyond you and your neighbours.
Kind soul, bless him, he tries
Hwiyoung I Kim Youngkyun:
He's shy around you, not used to speaking to new people every now and then but he comes around and when he does, he's the cutest friend you've met in a while.
Occasionally, you go over or he comes and you drink beer or whatever, having conversations in your living room or balcony.
He loves sitting, drinking something and watching the light fade away into colours of purple and red or what's on today.
He listens to music or sings and you love to hear his voice, albeit he's a bit shy at first so you join in and there's days where you don't have to join in anymore, he'll sing if he wants to because he's that comfortable.
Otherwise, you put in earphones or air pods and sit there, playing your favourite songs for one another
If you're restless, you can dance with him, he'd do it with you but stop because he's shy and wondering why you're staring at him like he's good at dancing.
Pulls out the funniest moves though, very easy to feel comfortable around
Will take you along to buy groceries with him because he wants to know what you want to eat, a fan of barbeque but can't grill to save a life.
Doesn't like to be disturbed, works extra hard so takes plenty of rest on the weekends
Is a very quiet neighbour, only sounds you may hear is when he accidentally trips over himself
Thinks he had bad knees because of it, you always see him clutching his knee in the same way that someone clutches their pocket because they think that they've forgotten something
A real sweetheart though, his smile is pretty enough to generate electricity for the whole hallway and his walk is broad enough to separate the Pacific Ocean, which he'll deny because he's humble
Has some wild friends that make horrifying noises when they come over and he tells them to keep it down but then falls asleep and they take over his apartment like those creeper plants.
He'll carry stuff for the elderly or volunteer somewhere cause he's cute like that
Won't tolerate if you are loud, he'll tell you off, ''Think you are the only one who lives here?'' but in that really nice way that will make you respond with, ''No, hehe''
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everything i love about hunchback of notre dame
*the g-slur will be replaced with roma, romani, or something else and will have brackets ([ ]) surrounding it to indicate a word change*
Olim -  i love the build up at the end into bells of notre dame 
bells of notre dame -  ”and some say the soul of the city’s the toll of the bells, the bells of notre dame” the fact that it’s esmeralda singing it. we’re already off to a great start.  jehan’s voice is so nice it’s beautiful the foreboding saints after jehan dies and right into the “ahhhhs’ “and the saints regarded frollo from their stone facade and he felt their gaze as if it were the eyes of God” - the difference between the stone saints for frollo and quasi is so interesting. One sees them as terrifying, boring into his soul because of his darkness within, while the other sees them as his friends and aid on his journey.  the way frollo says quasimodo “now here is a riddle to guess if you can, sing the bells of notre dame” “what makes a monster and what makes a man?” - song by Quasi. It just makes me tingle, I love it.  the way this song sets up so many motifs is just so good
Out There -  the beginning is manipulation 101 (it is I alone, your only friend, how can i protect you, etc)  michael arden is an icon i swear. he is phenomenal. his e m o t i o n “but part of theeeeeem and Ooooooout there” “out there among the millers and the weavers and their wives”  “heedless of the gift it is to be them. if I were in their skin I’d treasure every instant” “i swear i’ll be content with my share. won’t resent won’t despair old and bent I won’t care. I’ll have spent oooone daaay out theeeeeeeeeere” Amazing, showstopping, what a way to open a show and introduce a character, I cry almost every single time
Topsy Turvy pt. 1 -  “somehow i can wander through this helter skelter without fear now. no one sees i’m here now out here in the woooorld!” ugh i love him  “on the sixth of januervy” too catchy
Rest and Recreation -  I used to hate this song but now i’ve matured and learned that it is amazing I just love the tune, idk, it’s so fun and catchy until you get to the bridge and that’s what i love “rest and recreaaaaaa- four years at the front...” that’s on ptsd “the air filled with a stench of bodies in a trench. whoever pays the most i call my liege.” just the bitterness when he says that line. Amazing.  “and whatever i do i’ll make sure this is true i will never go back again.” i literally adore this part so much. it gives him so much motivation. and then we go right back into him being flirty because he’s covering up his ptsd with fun “But for a few night fun is my mission” oh me oh my that’s very attractive he sounds so awkward talking to frollo im going to cry  “there is no time for rest and recreation,” poor guy
Rhythm of the Tambourine -  “flash of an ankle flip of a skirt...come see me dance, hey what can it hurt?” I just love how she sings this part its so well done the dance break music is amazing. it’s just so nice and a great vibe.  “this girl who is she” the layers!!!! all three of them doing it in rounds!!! I love it!!! “she dances like the devil//she dances like an angel//an angel” AHHHHH beautiful, great way to show the differences in characters “but with such fire// such fire” I am in love with this line oh my gosh. like frollo is thinking about hellfire and pheobus is just like heart eyes i am also in love with esmeralda thank you
Topsy Turvy pt. 2 -  “aren’t you going to join in on the competition?” she’s so cute and pretty and i love her “we asked for the ugliest face in paris and we found him, aye?” love  “eeev...ry..bod...y”  “Hail to the king....oh what a king...girls give a kiss...we’ve never had a king like this!” just so much fun to sing 
Into Notre Dame -  “how could you do this to me?” more manipulation  “like a begger recieving an alm.” i love a good simile “the light of notre dame” I love the way she sings this, it’s just so good 
God Help the Outcasts -  “were you once an outcast too?” i love this because the answer is yes. Jesus was treated as other because of His teachings. He was most definitely an outcast, literally cast out of so many different towns. And He does listen to her prayer and it just makes me so emotional.  i literally...there is nothing wrong with this song. everything about it is beautiful.  “God help the outcasts or nobody will” chills every single time “I ask for love I can possess. I ask for God and hos angels to bless me” right into “I ask for nothing, I can get by” I LOVE IT SO MUCH it’s so beautiful.  the chorus of this show deserves a raise “but I know so many less lucky than I” really helps to show Esmeralda’s character a lot I think. 
Top of the World -  such a beautiful song like I could write the entirety of this song here because I love it so much I love the saints part so much the part when the saints are singing and esmeralda are singing is just beautiful especially the part “here at the top of the world(E)//look at you sitting at the top of the world(S)” “the two of us sitting/the two of us sitting/the two of you sitting” right into “On top of the world!” one of my favorite parts of the entire show oh my goodness. The way Quasi, Esmeralda, and the Saints all blend together so well is just askjhfklafkj
Tavern Song -  I can’t not dance to this song oh my it’s so so so fun.  just like the melody especially during “in the dark of the night, in the dead of the winter...come keep me warm until morning” I LOVE  It gives me very much Jack and Rose vibes from that part in Titanic “with the taste of the wine, hold me close while we’re dancing, but I hear you sighing, winter is dying, you’ll keep me warm until morning” HER VOICE IS SO GOOD the cross between the tavern folk singing and frollo singing in the Hellfire tune is just so good. just so good. i’m going to cry this show is beautiful.  the fading “come keep me warm until morning”s is UGH so good
Heaven’s Light -  When I tell you how much I adore this song.... his voice is just so soothing. the little flute thing in the background is just so sweet the way he sounds so happy the first time he says “Heaven’s light” i love him so much “but” AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i cannot  “I swear it must be heaven’s liiiiiiiiiiiiiiight” one of my favorite notes in the entire show i swear it’s so beautiful also the bells of notre dame going right into Hellfire....ICONIC
Hellfire -  One of my favorite villain songs ever. Especially in this version, you can really hear his inner turmoil over Esmeralda. and i just love it.  from the get go, frollo is trying to put him above everyone (”you know i am a righteous man”, “so much purer than...”) and yet he is still struggling with lust like everyone else...he’s still a sinner “i feel her, i see her, the sun caught in her raven hair, is blazing in me out of all control” SO GOOD  “Like fire, hellfire” go look back at what he says in rhythm of the tambourine because it’s the same thing and i just “is turning me to sin” blaming esmeralda for his own sinful thoughts. it is not her that is turning him to sin. he is sinning of his own accord. but also the desperate way he says sin is always so interesting  “it’s not my fault, i’m not to blame, it is the [roma] girl, the witch who set this flame! It’s not my fault, if in God’s plan, he made the devil so much stronger than a man!” I really really love this series of lines so much. I can’t really explain it, but especially that last part. it just breathes a supposed “holy man” who can’t accept that his sins are his own and caused by himself so he’ll blame every single other thing other than himself. i’ve known too many people like this. “protect me maria, don’t let this siren cast her spell, don’t let the fire sear my flesh and bone” just so good. I love the voices in the background.  “destroy esmeralda and let her face the fire of hell, or else let her be mine and mine alone” he would rather condemn an innocent woman than confront his own sin. again, so many people are like this today. it’s just so thrilling to see that mindset condemned in media. also, patrick page is amazing  “hellfire, dark fire” the tone switch from him being scared of the hellfire the first time he said it to now he’s using it as power (how many of us have had hell weaponized against us? raise of hands?) is just so frightening and amazing all at the same time “God have mercy on her, God have mercy on me” I cannot tell you how much I love this line. it is phenomenal, especially the way Page sings it. I think that it is one of the central lines to his character (along with the “wicked shall not go unpunished” which i’ll probably talk about later) just the emotion he has in his voice when he says this line....chef’s kiss. especially with the next line (”but she will be mine or she will burn”), it seems like he knows what he’s doing is wrong (hence why he needs mercy), but he’s going to do it anyway
Esmeralda -  easily one of my favorite songs in this entire show. what an amazing end of act song oh my  the trumpets!! at the beginning!!! I love it!! “being under suspicion of sorcery, witchcraft, and the arts of hell” that is not actually why he’s arresting her which doubly means he knows that what he’s doing is wrong the tune of this song is SO GOOD I LOVE IT “these are the flames of Esmeralda...” this dude is obsessed with fire feels very much like the mob song from beauty and the beast “with the might of Notre Dame” using God in such a vulgar manner is blasphemous and frollo knows it. he’s using God’s might and strength to hunt down an innocent woman because he can’t control his own desires. I’m losing my mind “but the madam, that whore, denied it and swore by the saints, the saints of notre dame” i have no idea why but I adore this line and i love the way that it was song. I used to think that the madam was actually just esmeralda in disguise which made the next part of the song seem all the funnier the little lute strumming after frollo says “very well, we’ll set fire to it” because pheobus is having a change or heart “and he held the torch that crackled like the [woman’s] voice....and he knew this was the moment he must make a choice” this is why i like the play phoebus and not really the movie phoebus very much. i just love it  the chorus singing God help the outcasts in the background...amazing...chills “you’d throw away a promising career” Frollo’s desperate attempt to get him to comply  “God help the outcasts, or nobody will!” I LOVE THIS PART WITH MY WHOLE SOUL IT IS SO GOOD sometimes i’ll listen to this song on repeat just to hear him say this “you’re relieved of your patrol” “consider it my highest honor.” Iconic. just...so good. gives me very much “thank you for your consideration” vibes  the way frollo says kyrie eleison here is just so good frollo’s little speech is very cool with the chorus in the background I love Quasi’s little frantic verse there. you can hear his desperation in “fire, fire, smoke and flame” and then “is that all that I can do?” he wants to help his friend but he can’t and I know how horrible that feels phoebus part!!!!! I love it!!!! his voice is so nice!!! “with my career and body left for dead” nice, good, amazing.  “out there...” AHHHHHHH YES MOTIFS “somewhere she is lost//somewhere she is lost//Esmeralda!” love this bit so much  “the flames grow tall and sharp as fluer de lis” what a good metaphor, so good, so nice, I love the chorus they’re all amazing “all paris burns for esmeralda” now we’ve got burning again. are we talking about how paris is literally on fire because frollo is insane or is it the mob mentaility that is “burning” inside of them? good question.  “and still it all comes down to her and me” says three people. I love the melodies here. chills. so many of them. I love.  “the devil dwells in esmeralda//oh esmeralda//oh esmerlada//oh esmeralda” AHHHH again AHHHHHHH i love this bit (yes I know I say that a lot but its the truth) “wake up the city and sound the alarm!” good yes they’re all singing different bits and it’s growing and your heart is pounding until.... “these are the flames of esmeralda”  and then it all falls apart again oh my gosh it’s beautiful  until “the bells of notre dam!” and the “ah, ah, ah”s that I adore so much I love this song so much 
Entr’acte I can’t imagine how fun this would be to sing. it’s just a vibe Flight Into Egypt - I used to skip this song but I have since learned the error of my ways because i love it “then Quasimodo you can too” love that, just like he says it “and she gave it to you because she knows you’re smart” the fact that these are just part of his imagination so it’s really him telling himself he’s smart and i’m going to cry I love him so much “and this jewel must show where we’re supposed to meet” love his voice so much “it’s a map. it’s a map!” he’s so excited. he deserves the entire world.  “I’ll save esmeralda, her angel will be me,” brb crying  “for her I will be strong” still crying I love the entire end bit how their voices meld and the music swells all up until Quasi sings the last bit. it’s just so amazing
The Court of Miracles -  I’ve always loved this song. it’s so fun, but also sad.  “brother you’re there” YES  “but the dead don’t talk so you won’t be reveal what you found!” dead man tell no tales vibes “Not terribly different from bees in a hive” I love how erik says this line. claupin would be so fun to play oh my.  “where it’s a miracle...if you get out alive”  “any last words....i thought not *laughter*” obsessed with this  “but we must protect at all cost our secret, it’s our lives or yours!” and that’s the sad reality. that’s what makes this song sad to me.  “So you’re going to hang!” a lighter note as an end. very nice. 
In a Place of Miracles -  a few notes in and i’m already crying this song is so beautiful and i adore it. it makes me sad in a million ways but it also makes me so happy. the play did such a great job of making me love pheobus and esmeralda but also feel so, so bad for Quasi “but somehow you have made me someone new” yup i’m definitely crying “now i’m asking if you’ll let me come with you” you can’t see me but the tears are real “though our lives are tattered and torn, all i’m feeling now is reborn. i must be...” AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Pheobus and esmeralda’s voices just meld together so well im gonna cry it’s so nice and as soon as the first chorus is over, the tears of happiness turn into tears of anguish because Quasi pulls up with his heaven’s light reprise and it tears my heart to shreds my heart breaks for him esmeralda and quasi singing at the same time gives me very much eponine and marius vibes from a heart full of love (we love victor hugo so much /sar) like the parallels in what the both of them are saying is just phenomenal “no more need for a heart of stone//better to have a heart of stone!” AHHHH STOP I LOVE IT AND IT HATE IT AT THE SAME TIME “that holds no hope in heaven’s light” stop i’m so sad and then the chorus come in and it’s just so beautiful “will we reach a friendlier shore, will we find a haven once more, where we’ll be in a place of miracles...” it’s so gorgeous “where’s my place of miracles//in a place of miracles” that sound? yeah that’s me sobbing in the corner and it builds again and i love it so much it’s just so beautiful 
Justice in Paris -  this is the least played song on spotify (by like hundreds of thousands) and I think that’s so funny but i think the chorus does such a great job here, as usual, because they just have that menacing sound to them
Someday -  another of my favorite songs. this one is hauntingly beautiful and I have so many opinions. get ready.  esmeralda is just so sad and you can hear it in every single word she says. god my heart is already breaking.  “that i’d live to see a day of justice dawn” i haven’t actually seen the stage version so i’m not sure if they have the part where she cries out “justice!” when quasi is getting attacked, but this part just hurts me to the soul because of that specifically. she cried out for justice and now she gets none. “and though I will die long before that morning comes, i’ll die while believing still it will come when I am gone” this line just hits so, so hard. i can’t even talk about it. just imagining her singing this and pheobus listening to her with tears in his eyes...nope i cannot...i will cease to exist and then he joins in and i can just imagine her feeling no longer alone because she’s hoping that it comes “someday” and he’s echoing it, assuring her that it will. I can just picture her trying to stay strong as she says “Godspeed this bright millennium on its way” but she can’t and so her words fall out as she’s saying “let it come” and she can’t finish but pheobus finishes it for her. “someday” and I can just see her breaking down. she’s going to die and she never gets to see it, but he assures her that it’s coming. and he starts it up again. he starts singing again, and I think that it gives her the strength she then needs to finish.  “someday, these dreams will all be real. Til then we’ll wish upon the moon!” of all the lines in the entire play, this is my absolute favorite. the way the sing it, the power they hold, their voices blending together so smoothly and perfectly. i cannot handle how amazing it is.  “one day...some day...soon” and just like that, i am sobbing. beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful. 
While the City Slumbered - i love this little song. it’s so pretty and fast and it just gives us exactly what we need to know. love. 
Made of Stone -  Now to the last of my favorite songs. (Finale doesn’t count because although I love it, it hate it). You wanna know which song has the top score of making me cry the most? That’s right. This one right here. Let’s get into it. the talking at the beginning is a yes from me. “I only make things worse!” felt that also, the sound of him sobbing ruins me. “how do you know what I believe, what do you know of me? what do you know of all the things I feel? you’re only made of stone” finally him acknowledging that they’re not actually real and all apart of his imagination. “who is it that you see, instead of seeing what I am for real?” imposter syndrome? I understand that. “this twisted flesh and bone” the EMOTION  “you’re a liar” bro i cannot physically handle this. i can’t. I will cry. I am cry “would that I were made of stone like you,” back to that place of miracles song. i just he’s just so desperate. the only thing he could ever trust has fallen. He has nothing left. he can’t even trust himself (because that’s really all the stone saints by) “shut my brain down, if I were senseless, I’d prefer it” i totally understand the feeling of this. so often when thing go wrong in my life, i would like to shut down completely and stop existing and I think that’s what makes this song hit so damn hard “another gargoyle on this turret, spitting rain down to the stones below!” there is so much passion in his voice I love it so much. michael arden deserves the entire world for this performance “i’ve waste my faith believing in saints of plaster,” OUCH “the only one worth believing in was my master,” OUCH AGAIN “he’s the one who never lied. he told me it was cruel outside. he told me that i had to hide. his words were cold as stone, but they were true.” i can’t describe how emotional these lines make me. because he’s right but also it is such a painful, hard truth. ugh, i  “not like you”  “take all the dreams you’ve stone, take all your lies and leave me alone”  “alright Quasimodo, we’ll leave you alone,” that one hurt because as someone who pushes people away when they’re self destructing, the most painful part is seeing them actually leave you. even though you asked them too. “you’re right Quasimodo, we’re only made of stone, we just thought that you were made of something stronger.” now that’s a mic drop That would cut so, so deep.  “never again to wonder what’s out there” m o t i f s  “let it remain unknown. and my one human eye forever more be dry until the day i die, as if I were made of stone”  such a beautiful, heartbreaking, real song that I think so many people can relate to. I know I can. I have cried to this song so many times. I love it.  also, he holds that note for so long i’m impressed.
Finale - this song is long so get ready for it.  the crimes that Esmeralda is guilty for are not the ones that she was originally hunted for. he switched up his story. “the sentence is death!” immediate kyrie eleison (which i think is for frollo and not esmeralda) she spits in his face like a freaking queen “esmeralda!” Quasi’s cry is just so heart shattering and emotional I am so sad “he could remain stone no longer” I love that “sanctuary! sanctuary!” with the victorious sounds in the background are just so amazing “hear me, people of Paris, how much oppression will you allow?” with the chorus singing Someday in latin in the background?? I am not crying again “someday, your patience will finally break. why not make someday come right now?”  that part is just chef’s kiss. I love it so much. also, that’s the last we hear of pheobus. I’ve always wondered if he died so someone whose been in/seen the play, could you tell me? quasi’s prayer to the saints is just so good. i just love it so much. so beautiful. and it being similar in tune to Heart of Stone and having the part “raining fire on the stone below!” is just so good and then the moment between quasi and esmeralda is just... “you are home.” “home.”  and then we go to the top of the world reprise. haha. haha. ha.  “in my eyes you are beautiful too,” comparing him to the beautiful morning “i don’t think...forever...” “you’re such a good friend quasimodo” “yes your friend” and then she freaking dies and i’m so sad and then the music changes so quickly and it makes my heart drop every time “because of you” cut deep “at last we’re free of esmeralda. now that she’s gone, a poison dies with her.” to the tune of esmeralda. bitch i would have thrown frollo off that roof too “here in our sanctuary...sanctuary” “sanctuary? no sanctuary without her”  “even...loved her.” “love? what do you know of love?” I adore this part because Quasimodo finally realizes that Frollo’s treatment of him wasn’t love. It never was.  “no. you are the weak one. you the wicked one. And the wicked shall not go unpunished!” I cannot explain the fire that this lights in my bones. it’s amazing. just so good. and then all the voices, like the saints, come in “the wicked shall not go unpunished. the heart of the wicked is of little worth. the wicked shall not go unpunished” and they’re no longer on frollo’s side (they never were) the rising voices as quasi picks up frollo and is going to kill him *chef’s kiss* “You don’t want to hurt me” “yes you do” so, so, so, so, so good. i can’t even explain. it’s just good.  in to the abyss below! damnation! “the world is cruel, the world is ugly” yes  “but there are times and there are people when the world is not” i’m not 100% positive, but i’m pretty sure that’s jehan again and that’s just so beautiful. “and at it’s cruelest it’s still the only world we’ve got” the bitter truth “out there” yup yup yup crying you can’t stop me The bit with the chorus singnig someday in latin and english...i literally cant handle it. it is so freaking beautiful. and the violin? the woman singing is an icon. the voices blend together so beautifully. I am overcome with emotion. i- Quasi singing the last “someday” and then the blending into the beginning song and ugh “but here is a riddle to guess if you can, what makes a monster and what makes a man?” with the entire ensemble? yeah, that one feels good.  and being left off with the “ah”s
yeah, brb, i’m going to go listen to it again.
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sopxhiea · 4 years
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Alfie Solomons X Best Friend!Reader
| Prompt 
“This is fun.” “Seriously, we’re trying to hide a body.” 
a/n: yes it’s best friends to lovers plot and yes, there’s more to come. 
It’s cold.
The sky isn’t dark like it usually is when you’re out, the birds are chirpy and there’s only a couple people around, all of them you know. You let the wind kiss your face, it gently plays with the hem of your airy dress while you stand on top of the hill. It feels peaceful.
The smell of soil fills your nose and you inhale it furthermore while walking close to the men. You eye Ollie’s jacket, it looks warm but not warm enough for you. He keeps digging into the face of the earth while you watch, your part is yet to come. 
You watch his calloused fingers dig into the soil, his rings glisten under the cheerful May weather. You sit down on the soil, it’s out to some damage to your dress but you don’t care, it’s a good day.
He looks at you with a smile you know so well.
You mirror his expression under the sun, the only noise that can be heard is the shovels hitting the soil and the piece of earth being extracted. This was supposed to be done a couple of days back but you didn’t have time, there were people to chase down and deals to sign and Alfie had managed to track you down at last.
You watch his body move, he’s done this way too many times.
You walk towards his figure, he’s much taller than you. You recall the times he wasn’t all so tall, he had sprouted after puberty and the war had done him some good too, even though he’d returned with one too many scars inside his soul.
He is where you seek comfort.
He’s been a friend for many years, the same time around you’d moved from the suburbs. He was only a small kid back then, barely twelve as you’d follow him around. The first three years were not good years for your friendship as he’d dismiss your being and would ignore you as much he could. 
But then you’d found the way to his heart.
You’d spent many nights sleeping at his house, sometimes he’d be wiping your tears away and helping you talk things out and other times, it was more about his funny antics you’d listen to until the sun appeared in the horizon again. 
You’d spent a summer away when you were fifteen, that had been the summer you both grew up. He’d blossomed into a beautiful boy, young and charming and you’d become a proper lady in the span of a couple months. Touches were awkward then, you would catch him staring and feel tingly when his hand would touch the small of your back until things went back to normal.
Then the war came. 
He was wounded soldier, one with many medals but he’d grown tired. You had been the one to console him for two years while he tried to get back on his feet, and he did. He’d grieved over his lost mother and the things he’d seen, he was a changed man but underneath the tough look he now had, he was your Alfie.
“You need help?” you speak, his eyes meet your small form sitting on top of the soil. There was rain around and he knew you didn’t care.
But you look beautiful.
The summer you spent apart had been a good one for him, making him a strong man much to your surprise. You’d returned as a beautiful lady, not the crying little girl he knew anymore. You had grown into a rose, a precious jewel he promised to take care of the minute he saw you.
He chuckles at your words, looking at you in dismay. “Yer dress, pet..” he speaks, you ignore the words.
“So, no?” you ask again, waiting for an adequate answer to your question.
He shakes hit head again while the men move the body inside the hole they dug. You watch, heart a little uneasy even though it isn’t the first time this was happening. You’d watched it many times over the years.
Alfie watches you twitch, shift from where you are sitting as you watch the grey back being thrown into the pit. He knows you’re not afraid of it, it’s just the memories biting back from the times you’d buried all your family members after the war. He knows you dislike all this. He does, too.
He sits next to you on the ground, watching the men bury the boy properly by covering it with soil. He sees the apologetic smile on your face when you turn to him, he smiles back while his hand moves a strand of your hair from your face.
“This is fun.” you speak, watching the men move as your words erupt a chuckle from him and the shake of his head. 
“..Love,..” he smiles and you enjoy the occasion. “Seriously, we’re tryin’ to hide a body.”
You nod, a chuckle comes from your lips and he enjoys the melody of your voice. 
“You told me to come..” you spoke, a frown appearing on your lips much to his dismay.
He doesn’t like to see you frowning. He’s memorised the lines of your lips, he knows every emotion you can convey with them. He’s often wondered how they would feel against his lips, it had started in his younger years as a man and carried out into his life now. He shakes his head, he’s not supposed to have those thoughts.
Oh, but he does.
He’s imagined what you would look like after a good fuck, your legs sprawled over the bed while your chest would rise up and down with each breath you took. He knows of your flushed cheeks and smeared lipstick from when you make out with someone, he’d seen the image once with one of your past lovers.
He wishes he was one of them.
It was a thin line. He loved you, in all the meanings the word possessed. He didn’t want to lose the friendship you had given him, it had been one of the best things that had happened to him but he couldn’t stop himself from wanting a little more.
There had been times you’d come close. It was a wedding once, him in a tuxedo while you danced the night away and you had almost kissed him. It had been a dinner party once, one you went to with a couple friends and him, you’d scolded him at the back exit of the place and he was too close to pushing you against the wall and kissing you senseless.
“’hat’s because, right, I don’t get to see ye’ anymore.” he speaks, a little hurt as you look at him, dumbfounded.
“You saw me last week when we walked Cyril together.” you speak, not getting where he was coming from.
“Don’t mean like ‘hat, yeah, jus’ mean you’re no’ around as much.” he speaks, making you turn to the men as they finish the job.
Alfie dismisses them with the shake of their head and they move to the carriage, a little far away from where you’re sitting. You don’t say anything while sitting in the green space. It’s almost a forest, just missing a couple trees. You sigh and look at him after the birds stop with their singing. He is impossible.
“So the solution is to bring me to an illegal burying?” you ask, a giggle escapes your lips at the last word and he chuckles at your adorable state.
“hat’s my bad, yeah.”
“You think?”
You stand up, stopping with your teasing while Alfie follows you. You move towards the carriage while he guides you a little better with his hand on the small of your back. You don’t look up at him but walk instead, it’s natural.
On the ride back, you ask about cyril and his business. It’s second nature, the connection between the two of you. He watches you blink, sunlight kissing your cheeks through the open window as you take in the smell of the suburbs.
There are things he wants to say. 
He wants to hold you close, not give you the hug you usually give him but be next to you in the morning, hold you like you mean the world to him because you do. He wants to kiss your cheeks, he knows you’ll giggle when he does because you always get ticklish from his kisses. He wants to make sure you’re okay, he knows how sorrowful you feel sometimes and all he wishes to do is to take care of you, be yours.
But he doesn’t say anything, he watches you instead.
He doesn’t know if you want the same things. He sees the glisten in your eyes when you look at him, it’s the very same one he has when the thought of you summons him. You offer him a smile, your lips move as you speak but the words don’t reach his ears, he’s too focused on you.
You chuckle, shaking your head and your hand on his knee pulls him back. He makes a curious noise and you repeat yourself.
“I asked if you wanna come to my place?” you ask, a glint of hope in your eyes and it hurts him, he doesn’t know why you’re hopeful.
He knows he doesn’t deserve you, he’s seen and done entirely too much for him to get such a blessing. He looks out the window for a while, you wait for his answer. You know he likes to take his time with his words.
“For tea?” he asks, he can’t remember why you wanted him to come over.
You nod and shrug, nonchalant about the whole thing while he makes a mental note of telling Ollie to cover the paperwork he was planning on doing.
“Sure..”  the words spill out of your mouth, he watches your lips move.
You watch him nod, you remember the nights he came to your apartment, sometimes it was to put his pieces back together and other times, it would be for a chat or just for company.
You knew of the same loneliness he did, you both grew up with each other and no one else and life had done a good deal of keeping you apart for some time. You wanted to redeem the years you’d spent away studying and being a different version of yourself. They were good years but it all made you realise that life isn’t as enjoyable when he’s not around.
You open the door to your apartment, he knows the place like the back of his hand. The small animal you were currently looking after moves in its place, Alfie doesn’t like hedgehogs but he tolerates the thing for you. You take your coat off, dropping the keys on the small table next to the door and he does the same, his motions following your own ones.
You watch him as he enters the kitchen, he’s getting musclier every time you see him and you can’t help but recall the times he was such a small boy. He is a grown man now. He watches you watch him for a while, it’s quiet as the water boils. It’s comfortable, safe almost.
“I hear business is good..” you speak, trying to make conversation, not because the silence is awkward but because you genuinely want to hear him speak.
“Yea’..” he nods, walking towards you and taking the pot from your hands, pouring the water on your glass gently as you watch him. “...seein’ as we jus’ buried an enemy, I’d say ‘t’s pretty fuckin’ good.” he chuckles while speaking, you smile at his chuckle, the melody is a mere blessing to you.
“Sounds lovely..” you speak, sarcasm filling your words while you take the tray from his hands and carry it to the living room.
He touches your arm once you’re seated, your fingers brushing not too long after as you hand him the tea. His skin is tough, ages by the years of hard work and struggle, it contrasts your much softer ones and he smiles at the touch.
You take a small sip from your cup, holding the piece of ceramic by the handle as he watches you. When your eyes meet his, you realise he’s been staring for a minute and some more, you can’t help the light shade of blush spreading to your cheeks before you leave the cup on the table.
"How’s life treatin’ ya?” he asks, hand resting on the side of the big sofa he’s seated on as he watches you lean back on the couch, your head now resting on the pillows.
“Like I ran over its dog..” you speak, he knows your joking but he can’t overlook the distant gaze you’re holding while you stare at the wall.
He knows there’s a more pale side to you, the side that he would hold in his arm as you’d cry into his chest. It’s the side that’s been wounded since the war much like he was, it’s the side that couldn’t endure one loss after the other.
You turn to him, eyes glistening with love this time as you look at the only person who stuck by your side through every stage you went through. He’s precious, you think.
“Need any help, luv?” he speaks, asking the very same question you asked him back at the burying.
You shake your head, putting one of your leg on top of his seated ones. His fingers find your ankle, massaging you slowly as he watches you close your eyes. He can see the tiredness in your eyes, you put it back for him. He appreciates that.
“I will be okay.” you speak, your voice is soft and he knows you’re saying the words out loud just to convince yourself, the words aren’t meant for him but he nods regardless.
“So ye jus’ needed me over for sum’ fucking foot massage, aye?” he asks, you chuckle at his words and nod, eyes lifting up to his.
“Any complaints?” you say, daring almost as you go along with his playful banter, this is the time you look forward to in a day when you get to spend time with him.
“Not if I get to see ya, luv.” he continues with the massage but you quickly stop him by removing your foot from his lap. He’s being too nice but he lets you go.
You scoot closer to his body on the couch and he welcomes it, his arm is thrown over the back part as you snuggle closer to him. There’s warmth in his embrace, a sense of comfort you only feel when he’s around. You welcome his smell, it’s been the same one since he came back from the war but it lacks the innocence he once possessed.
“I hate that you’re busy.” you speak, words muffled while you hide yourself in his chest. He lets you curl on his lap like a small kid, it’s second nature.
“Yer not so accessible either, right.” he says into your hair, you want to pull him closer but it’s impossible, he lets you move as you try to interlock his ribcage with yours, trying to get in even closer to him.
“So it’s my fault, now?” you ask, lifting your head up to meet his eyes. Your fingers caress the sides of his hair, he leans into the touch with a smile on his lips.
“Didn’t say ‘hat.” he speaks, but your eyes are too focused on his lips to comprehend what he’s saying. Your gaze is unmoving, you find it hard to not lean forward and meet his lips at once but you know that’s an action with many possible consequences. You also happen to know that some of those consequences are the worse way to go.
You know that there’s a chance of things getting worse if you take the next step, it’s gambling at this point but you’re too tried. This game of push and pull has been a constant theme in your relationship with the familiar man. 
It had been there when he turned into a beautiful boy: it had been small touches and the scared gaze he would hide from you. It had been there after the war: it was his kisses on top of your head to thank you for being there and the pastries he would send over with Ollie. 
It was here now, it was his piercing gaze and the caress of his finger on your thigh. You didn’t shy away from his orbs, you had stared at them for your whole life after all. 
You speak before registering your words, it’s a bad habit you picked up from being around him too much. You don’t think twice before speaking.
“It’s not like this with other people..” you speak, your breath hits his face, his trimmed beard is long enough to cover the light blush colour that takes up his features.
You’re right. It’s not.
It’s easy with you. He moves easily, he doesn’t shy away from doing certain things. He knows his bluntness is welcomed by him. Your touch feels natural, it’s been there since he was a small boy. He remembers the night he kissed you before he left for war.
He knows you think about it, too. He can see the glint of curiosity swimming in your orbs whenever you can’t take your eyes off his lips. But you don’t speak of it, you reckon he’s already forgotten how your plump lips felt like against his after what he’d been through in the war.
“I like ya’ a lot more than other people..” he speaks, the words hit you like a thunder. It’s expected but surreal regardless.
You chuckle, his breath fanning your face as you stare at him. You’re still seated on his lap, the position is second nature but you become aware of the absurd situation not too long after. It’s awkward for the first time.
But it’s the same kind of awkwardness a first kiss has, it has the same innocence of two lovers seeing each other naked for the first time. The blushing, the reality of it and the gentle touches are all welcomed as you lean forward, it’s go big or go home at this point.
He welcomes your lips against his, they taste just as sweet as they did under that moonlight many years ago. Your hands travel to his neck and hair, caressing the all too familiar areas while his hands travel up your dress, gently touching the soft skin of your thighs while you mewl into his mouth.
He listens to your moans as you release the sounds into his mouth, you straddle him tighter by the passing second as the velvet kiss seems to be only piece of puzzle left in his life. He kisses you like he needs a fresh breath of air. 
You break the kiss first, feeling heat take over your body as he rests his forehead against yours. His hands are unmoving while they caress your body, it feels good. You take deep breaths and he watches your chest rise and fall with the heat of the moment, he’s never seen you more beautiful.
“‘hat’s more like it.”
You chuckle as he speaks, hiding your face on the crook of his neck not too long after as his body engulfs yours.
Tagging: @clairecrive​ @sourirez @parkbearum @yuzuhirado
Let me know if you want to be tagged!!
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youarejesting · 4 years
I will wait. (Somesay) Jk x Reader
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[Masterlist] Beta: @jung-hoseok-s-airplane​ Pairing: Idol!Jungkook x Teacher!Reader Words: 2.1k Rating: 13+ Genre: Romance, Slice of life, Angst, Fluff, Idol AU Summary: You grew up with him. Knew him before he became a member of the worlds greatest band of all time. You watched him grow into the man he is today but he drifted away. It’s time to stand your ground because patience was a virtue he taught you well. I got inspiration from this song here: [Somesay - Nea’] 
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Some say you will love me one day And I will wait, I will wait to get your loving one day Just say you will love me one day And I will wait, I will wait to get your loving one day
You saw him sitting alone crying, into his Ironman lunch box. Some of the other boys hadn’t wanted to sit with him, because he was too shy and quiet. Holding your lunch box you remember your mother’s words earlier that morning. 
“I packed you some sweets, and I want you to make friends. My girl, can you do that?” “I will try” she smiled at you as she walked you to the gate. 
You sat across from him and he looked up nervous and you blushed, unzipping your lunch box. The two lunch boxes were similar both with Ironman on the front but different pictures and colours. His head didn’t lift from the table but his watery eyes glanced up at you a few hundred times. Holding up the small bag of sweets you opened it and gave a nervous smile. 
“Would you like to be my friend? My mum told me to make friends with these” your voice growing smaller as you spoke “these ones are my favourite, what’s your favourite ones?”
“I like the apples ones” he mumbled looking at the gummies in the bag and you grinned leaning over the table. 
“I don’t really like those ones so you can eat all of them if you want” he gave a toothy grin, the two front teeth looking oddly too big for his face. “I have to go to the bathroom, can you watch my lunch box?’
“I will wait.” He nodded cheeks full of sweets.
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“Are you ready? We are going to be late,” Jungkook shouted backstage in the school hall. It was the first year of middle school. You and Jungkook were twelve and you had been friends for a long time now. You held hands everyday on your way to school until someone in class asked if you love each other and you both denied it stating you were just best friends. After that day the two of you never held hands on your walk home. 
“I have to fix my hair” You called frustrated
“I will wait.” He said softly trying to calm you. Once everything was fixed the two of you stepped out onto the stage of your school talent show and you began dancing and singing together.
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It was the fifth time you had forgotten to show up for Jungkook, this time he was auditioning for a company or something along those lines. There was so much happening you could barely keep up with his schedule. It wasn’t that you didn’t support him, or that you didn’t care. It was you were going after your own career in teaching. Your career plan wasn’t as fantastical as Jungkook’s but it was yours and you loved it dearly.
You called Jungkook to apologize for not being there for his audition. Telling him you were sorry for missing it but you were in the middle of studying. He said it was okay and that he signed at the company ‘BIGHIT’ you were so excited for him. 
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That was at the beginning but when he graduated early he was basically unreachable. Jungkook missed your birthday and you missed his training. He invited you almost every weekend to see the company but you always had conflicting schedules.
Eventually he stopped asking and you both stopped inviting each other to important events and milestones you used to share. No more birthday parties. No more movie nights. No more late night calls or calls in general. 
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Every night though he was on your mind, wondering what he was doing and how he was coping with his training. You had only to roll over and you could send him a message or call him but the fear kicked in. Had it been too long? Would it be awkward? Did he move on?
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One particular night the rain outside brought with it a cold bitter loneliness. Remembering one of the last times you were together. 
“Just you wait, I am going to become famous and I am going to buy us a house and we will live together, you are my best friend” he grinned down at you finally he was growing into his teeth they didn’t seem so big any more they were now almost a perfect fit.
“You always say that Jungkook but what if I am stuck in university forever, trying to become a teacher, I already had to repeat this class” You were feeling emotional from the stressful school and work life.
And like always he said those three words that you didn’t know if you loved or hated “I will wait.”
You didn’t even have a chance to think about what to send him when you sneezed three times in a row unknowingly hitting the call button.
“Bless you!” That sweet voice you remembered and held dear graced your ears once more. 
“Why do you sound surprised? You called me,” He asked.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to, it was an accident while I was sneezing.” You denied perhaps a little too earnestly.
“Oh, I can go if you don’t want to talk.”
“No, I mean I was going to text you first. You know it has been so long. I wanted to ease back into conversation.”
“Come on, I am your best friend, you don’t need to ease back into a conversation with me.” Both of you shared a chuckle at the situation, he was right, you felt comfortable already.
“Yeah, I was being dumb,” you hummed, “I miss you”
“Where are you, you still live at the place near the old cinema?” 
“Yeah, still the same apartment, I am busting my butt for my career and I haven’t even gotten enough to get a better place,” you frowned.
“I bet your students love you” his voice sounded proud. You heard shuffling and he spoke to you the whole time and eventually you heard a knock at your apartment door.
“Let me in!”
“You didn’t?” You reprimanded into the phone, but you couldn’t deny the broad smile on your face.
“I did.” Opening the door there he was, your Jungkook just as you remembered and yet so different. He took a deep breath shrugging out of his raincoat and placing his umbrella down. You both sat on the couch talking and he told you his group planned to debut the next day.
“No matter when or where, call me I will always have time for you Jungkook.” You watched as he walked out the front door ready to leave but stopped midway and turned back looking at his feet as they shuffled back and forth.
“I am under a contract the moment we debut, I can’t date anyone.” He explained the tips of his ears warming.
“I didn’t even think you liked anyone” You admitted slightly confused. 
Heart beating in your chest as he looked up, he grabbed your cheeks and pressed his lips to yours before running off. With a soft. “I will wait.”
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Four years passed and you would text or call every month or two. It was the best you could do since you had become a full teacher. You had gotten drunk one night in your empty run down apartment, you called him and drunkenly confessed how much you missed him. He apologized telling you he was on tour overseas and the time difference was different. 
The next day in the afternoon he called you, it was the most soul crushing call of your life. He said he didn’t want you to wait for him, said there were guys out there, better than him. And you told him you were just drunk and being needy and it didn’t mean anything.
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Another three years had passed, if you stepped outside, they were everywhere. His face was everywhere, his voice playing from every shop in the mall. You hadn’t spoken much since that day things had been kind of quiet. You had been working hard with your children, teaching them the power of patience and telling them about your best friend who would always tell you he would wait because he knew that eventually things would happen and he would feel happy.
You were contacted by the principal and were asked to join a meeting with a business man asking for his idol group to surprise the kids. Your class had been chosen, the agent didn’t specify, saying “I can’t tell you who will be on the show as it is confidential information”. You were dressed in a cute floral dress.
You stepped out and blushed, they were all handsome, but Jungkook was so different grown up and handsome he was muscular in a lean way. Eyes still as bright as you remembered from the childhood memories you shared, “This is not what I expected?”
“Wah, daebak!” Hoseok said of course you knew all the members names and faces having been secretly following them for a while. They cheered as the children filed in and sat in the left over chairs
“Gwiyeoum,” Taehyung said, “Jimin do you remember when we were in school?”
“We were just like this?” Jimin laughed, noticing the way the student’s ears and neck were heating up.
“I miss my school days,” Seokjin said.
You were shocked at seeing his face again after all this time. “Jungkook?” 
“Y/n!” He shouted back running over and engulfing you in a hug, “You look so professional, it has been so long, Y/n and I have been friends since were were in first grade, she gave me apple gummies”
“I love your music, I particularly like your chaotic, up-beat songs, they make me laugh,” you grinned, “we use your songs when we take breaks in class, and we stretch.”
“Miss please we are embarrassed” The students said making you laugh
“Well you have to show us now,” Hoseok grinned with a laugh as you nodded.
“Alright everyone on your feet” they stood up and you led them through some stretch routines and the kids got embarrassed but soon warmed up shouting.
“Bultaoreune.” Hoseok was so excited, clapping with laughter while jumping up and down and Suga slapped a hand over his mouth in shock.
You were testing BTS and your students against each other to see how their brains stack up against one another, things like capital cities and fun little games. The two sides competed in mini game challenges for hints and handicaps. You spoke with them about random things, letting the kids ask questions and team up with bts members for making a fun project.
“I am curious, you grew up with Jungkook from a young age.” Seokjin asked “What was our golden maknae like?”
“Awkward,” you shrugged, “he had trouble talking with others, actually I still have an old recording of a very young Jungkook singing and dancing in the school talent show. I have it on my phone. It was to an old hip hop song”
“I want to see it,” they all grinned mischievously.
“Hey, aren’t you in that video too dancing and singing alongside me?” Jungkook said and you frowned having forgotten.
“Oh yeah, I can’t show that?” You sat thoughtfully.
“No show us, you both would be so cute,” Hoseok cheered. He really was the mood maker of the group.
“Do you remember the choreography?” Jungkook smirked at your shy nod requesting the producers to play the song. The two of you performed the dance and sang along. You were bright red and everyone laughed.
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After that day you two were back in contact like there were no issues. When the run episode had aired it was everywhere that you knew Jungkook and you laid in your bed every night thinking about how much you wanted to call him. Due to certain events, his tour was cancelled but you couldn’t bring yourself to message or call.
Days turned to weeks that turned to months and you got sick of waiting and you sent him a message.
I will wait.
You didn’t think anything of it until you heard a rapid knock at the door which had your heart racing. Pulling the heavy door open to see Jungkook standing there looking older and tired.
You didn’t give him a chance to speak, repeating your promise “I will wait.”
The way he smiled so bright his two front teeth showing flashbacks of your school days. The way he kissed you on his last night of freedom before he was bound to a contract. He gave you a bright grin and nodded once before turning and leaving.
It was all worth it if it meant one day Jungkook could love you.
Just say you'll love me one day.  
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If you enjoyed this please share it around for others to enjoy and check my  [Masterlist] for other things beautiful like this.
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jellicle-jemmy · 3 years
Here is part 2 of my CATS (2019) thoughts that I wrote when I watched the movie for the first time 2 years ago!
Beautiful Ghosts
Francesca you’re doing wonderful sweetie
You’re obviously not a trained singer, but for the purpose of your character’s plot point and reason to be singing it fits so perfectly
Though the arc of beloning with the jellicles came too fast and too soon in the film
She should’ve sung verse 1, chorus, verse 2 and maybe another chorus now and then the bridge later in the film
Moments of Happiness
Judi Dench no
Bring in Syllabub
That is all
Dialogue Interlude
Okay I didn’t mind this bit
However Victoria had already had the arc that she belongs with the Jellicles so her apprehension didn’t make sense
Gus The Theatre Cat
Does ALW suddenly have something against duets?
God Bless Ian McKellen but this number was really quite bleh
I did notice Skimbles putting his tap shoes on side stage
Would’ve been cuter if Misto did the duet with him
Magic Misto boy was cute at the end tho
That “I could do it again” comment was a nice nod though
I’m still not entirely sure how Macavity makes Gus disappear but alright then
This is another number that I really enjoyed
Munkymoo again ur doing so good
Also ur little duet with your daughter syllabub - I saw that and I loved it
Tap dancing skimbles is not something i thought i’d like, but I did really like it
It was a really fun number
How they got to the traintracks, idk but ya know what who cares
Thinking about it now, the transition from the tracks to carriage, I’m just imagining like several minutes of awkward silence as they all shuffle onto a carriage and then “5, 6, 7, 8-″ and the number continues
Plato and Socrates being the guard asking about the tea was adorable
It took everything in me to not shout “WEAK OR STRONG”
Also not totally hating on Skimbles redesign
Deadass though, 2019!Skimbles X 2019! Jenny wouldn’t work
But yeah this is a fun number
He Jay Jay Jetplaned right up there huh
All the other kidnapping, Macavity put actual effort, but Skimbles just went fwoop fwoop fwoop up into the sky
Macavity The Mystery Cat
Okay then
Here we go
Taylor Swift
This number would actually be good if the CGI didn’t look appalling and Taylor Swift wasn’t singing like that
It’s so breathy and weak wtf
Are you trying to be sexy? That ain’t sexy hun. That ain’t it cheif
Low key want a bedazzled thing that says catnip ngl
This choreography is really.... somethin’
Honestly, the best thing about this number was the cinema’s horrified gasps when nakey nakey macavity showed up
Listen listen, mac’s appearance wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t look like he had oil on him, rather than fur!! longer fur please i beg of you
shortest short hair in the history of the world
The catnip looks like fireflies from hell
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer being Bomba’s assistants? Gold. Love it
Why didn’t you do more with Griddlebone? Why didn’t you do more with Griddlebone?!
I never needed to see Taylor Swift and Oiled Up Idris Elba as cats dancing, let alone up a staircase straight from a 1940′s Broadway Musical
Kidnapping Interlude
Dooch (Old Doot Dench) really just said “access denied”
“I judge a cat on his soul” “he has soul!” “i’ve got plenty of soul”
The way that Lonz (???) and Munk all but flying over to M&R - fuckig superb you funky protectors
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer you wonderful chaotic dumbasses what did you think was going to happen
All of the contestants tied up? Yeah okay. Skimbles looks like he’s suffocating and everyone else is just fine with it I guess?
“Walk the plank”
Magical Mr Mistofelees
In case y’all haven’t heard, Laurie Davidson aka Mr Mistofelees is babey
Who is biting on Misto’s hat?
Also Syllabub you are so into this and I love it!
I’m about to say something controversial please don’t come for me - I think it worked that Munk and Misto were singing Mr Mistofelees
Who needs a hype man when you’ve got the Jellicle Tribe?
Cass’ face is a mood and a half and I high key want a gif of it
Victoria’s faith in him is beautiful
Oh no I’m shipping them
oh no
that wasn’t part of the plan
Syllabub you are literally the most fascinated out of the whole group and I adore you so damn much
The summoning attempts went on maybe a little bit too long and there wasn’t as much theatrics about as I had hoped
The happiness on the Jellicles faces is wholesome as heck though - especially Munk and also Tugger
And then misto flew and honestly I am so proud of him
He is my son! Look at my son go!
Also the ending bit with Vic and Misto dancing together in the middle for some reason gave me flashbacks to the end of the Greatest Showman
But very cute
Memory (Reprise)
Let’s first of all address the elephant in the room: I am still furious that they gave Syllabub/Jemima’s roles to Victoria and that definitely showed while I was watching it BUT-
I don’t think it would’ve worked in the film if Syllabub sang those bits
Syllabub works in the show, not the movie
Ummmm why is Victoria touching Griz before the “touch me” line???
Everyone’s - especially Munk’s - distaste for Griz as Vic leads her in was just really good and I liked it
The reprise is better than the original
The way that Cassandra’s expressions and actions change, especially during this number really makes it seem like she is the daughter of Griz and deadass I’m here for it
Still mad about Syllabub’s not getting to sing her but but it’s fiiiiiiine i guessss
Also there is a shot of Syllabub and Demeter together somewhere during this scene and I 1) don’t care that they don’t look anything alike and 2) don’t know who I have to sell my soul to but I will find it and treasure it
Macavity Battle
What the heck is this? It’s epic music that our pal Munkystripes uses to fight Mr Macaroni but it’s... a comedy?
“Don’t mess with the crazy cat lady” Rebel why
Also why did jenny unzip herself again i didn’t like it the first time, why is it even worse in the second but
oop Macavity’s not there
Ahh the use of the Firefrorefiddle line to scare Growltiger off, I genuinely adore
Journey to the Heaviside Layer
Ughh those harmonies always get me going
Again I am all eyes on Sillabub
I wondered how they were going to do the ascension into the heaviside layer
Not like that
Not like that
Chandelier and hot air balloon............oooookay then
All the cats on the lion being happy to see their kidnapped pals was genuinely sweet
Also Syllabub got to stand with all like the other named cats, and not with the ensemble which makes my heart happy
Macavity wtf
The Addressing of Cats
God, I really do ship Mistoria in this film huh? Was the plotline rushed? Yes. Does my hopeless romantic heart care? Nope!
Dooch really just went 😐 huh
I hate it
The adressing of cats should be a final part of the ceremony not a fucking fourth wall break jesus christ
Okay, but Munk’s reaction when Dooch started talking about food
hhhhh Babey
Though if Dooch could stop staring into my soul, that’d be appreciated
“I believe you are a Jellicle Cat - a dear little cat”
I liked that line for two reasons. 1) It is a nod to the origin to the phrase “Jellicle cat”. 2) It makes me think that that is the only true qualifications to be a Jellicle, making Victoria undoubtedly a Jellicle because have you seen her??
Was that final shot of the balloon necessary?
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imagine-straykids · 4 years
Han Jisung: Crushed
short summary: when Jisung has a crush on you, he may not be the best at expressing his feelings
genre: fluff x romance
word counts: 5,350 words
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Jisung wasn’t sure when or why he started liking you. Maybe it was the way you’d always awkwardly stumble upon your words; maybe it was the way you’d take jabs at yourself sometimes; maybe it was the way you listened to him as if he was the only person in the world. Well, he wasn’t entirely sure. But all he knew was that you stole his heart and he doesn’t want it back. 
Who would’ve ever thought that Han Jisung, a music prodigy, basically a star student, would ever fall head over heels for someone like you who admittedly only joined a music course because you needed a filler class. 
The first time you guys talked, it was because you needed help identifying some music notes. You were not the best at music--actually not very good at all, but you can sing a little bit, yay? You don’t know why you thought taking this class as an extra would be a good idea. Because it wasn’t. It was much harder than you had expected. Hell, you don’t know what you were thinking, because everybody here was basically legendary at what they do. 
Anyways, well, one day your teacher had you guys do this assignment and you struggled like a bitch. While you were still on the first page losing at least 10 brain cells per question, you had noticed that Jisung, who was seated in front of you had already finished. You were amazed--No. Amazed was an understatement. You were shook even though you knew you shouldn’t be. He was pretty much second to no one in this class.
A few moments later, your teacher’s loud voice echoed through the room.
“Okay class! You have 10 more minutes left! I will be collecting your papers after that.” Your teacher sat down after her announcement.
“10 minutes? Crap! I’m not even through the first page yet...” you cursed quietly under your breath out of natural habits. You weren’t expecting anyone nearby to hear you, and you were actually hoping they didn’t. But your words did not manage to miss Jisung’s ears as you had leaned in a little bit too closely behind him when you mumbled.
You were too busy scribbling down whatever you were scribbling because frankly you weren’t really sure what you were doing. As you lifted your head up trying to take a look at the clock, you were instead met with Jisung’s puppy eyes as he had been examining what you were doing for the last 5 seconds or so. A small gasp escaped your mouth and you blinked out of fright, but not loud enough to catch anyone’s attention. Just loud and visible enough for you to make a fool out of yourself in front of Han Jisung.
“Do you need any help?” He smiled.
Ahhhh oh my gosh, he smiled, you internally screamed inside your head.
“I--uhm--uh--yeah, I kind of do--” you stumbled around your words awkwardly.
This shouldn’t have been as nerve wrecking, but why is it.
“I can help you. What do you need help with?” 
“Oh uhm...  the whole paper to be honest. I’m kind of... new to this kind of class.” 
And that was pretty much your guys first time talking to each other. Ever since then, he would always voluntarily ask if you needed any help, to which you were very much appreciative for. He really did not have to be this nice to you, but he was. Bless his whole ass soul. 
Little by little, working out assignments together turned into small talks between you guys, or rather silly stories told by himself, and you in return would share stories of your siblings to him and just how annoying they are to you daily. He liked to listen to your tales because he didn’t have any younger siblings and his older brother lived in another town.
Your Music class that used to be so intimidating to you because you were so far behind everyone else, the class that used to make you feel talentless and lonely as hell, you now had something to look forward to.
Oddly, Jisung could say the same thing too. Everyday back and forth to him was just go to classes, head to dance practice after school, go home, study, and repeat. But his somehow repetitive lifestyle started looking a little bit more exciting after meeting you. All his other classes were okay, but somehow he was always looking forward to 6th period; his music class. Looking forward to that special someone he could talk to about how his day has went so far.
Sometimes zoning out in his other classes, thinking about all the kind of things to say or tell you whenever he does get to 6th period. It was a foreign feeling that he had never experienced before. Not for anyone else. He’s had crushes in the past, but they were mostly puppy love, or crushes that would last a week at most. But every time he gets closer to you, every time he’s communicating with you, he feel his heart exploding a million times, and all the little things you would do like mumbling things to yourself thinking nobody would hear, the way you would twitch your nose whenever something upsets you a little, pressing the wrong keys when practicing, or just the way you would laugh at the smallest things he said just does a different kind of twist on his heart string. 
Day by day he found himself becoming greedier and greedier, wanting to become something much more with you. But he didn’t know if that was too weird considering you guys don’t interact outside of this class, besides the small gestures you both would exchange sometimes when passing by one another. 
He wasn’t sure if he was moving too fast or not, but it was 4 months ago that he started talking to you. 4 months ago when he talked to you, the one who would make him question so many things about himself.
He don’t know if he should wait it out and see if you’ll say anything, but from how you’re acting, it doesn’t look as if any changes was coming soon. He was growing more impatient every time he gets the chance to talk to you, because to him, you were just... so adorable.
One day after class ended, he finally managed up the courage to ask you if you wanted to go for a drink after school, to which you said yes. He was met with pleasure, but at the same time, terror. Was he really about to do this? No no. He was not ready. But he also does not want to be just friends anymore. He was mentally battling his thoughts the whole time walking there that he even missed out on some things you’ve told him. 
You became aware that Jisung was not being himself and was rather gloomy today all of a sudden.
“Jisung, are you alright?” You asked him worriedly. 
Your voice snapped him back to reality.
“Y-yeah I am fine y/n! Sorry, I was just thinking about how much homework I have today,” he assured you.
Really? A lot of homework? That’s really the best thing you can think of, Jisung criticized himself in his head.
“Oh... I see. Well we should probably go grab a seat so you can let loose some tension.”
Jisung nodded and you guys found a spot in the back corner.
As soon as you guys sat down, Jisung’s face positioned toward his feet as if he’s rethinking life decisions.
This was unusual for him because although you were not with him often, rarely did you ever see him looking so down. He was always jolly every time he entered the classroom. This was a rather new Jisung for you.
“Hey Jisung, you’re a smart person! You will finish all the work alright. And if you need any help, I am always here for you,” you tried to comfort him.
“Huh--O-o yeah. Thank you. Sorry I’m a little bit spaced out,” he said so quietly.
“Jisung, if there’s anything that’s bothering you, you can always tell me. I won’t ever judge, you know that. I just hope you’re okay.”
The more worried you were for him, the more it made him want to throw up from nervousness. Because you’re encouraging him to confess but at the same time, discouraging, because he was just that afraid he might ruin a good relationship with someone like you.
“I’m fine, y/n. You can go ahead and order something. I need to use the restroom real quick.” He stood up and made his way to the men’s restroom. 
He quickly shut himself in and slid down the wall onto his knees as he puffed out breath of airs.
After he had situated in a comfortable position, he took his phone out and called Hyunjin.
“Hyunjin, I-I cannot do it. I can’t. I feel so weak and nervous right now I think I might throw up,” Jisung ranted.
“Tell me about it. That was a such a shit show. Dude, I got second hand embarrassment from it.” 
“W-wait what. How did you know what happened?” 
“Me and Jeongin come to this cafe every day after school. We were seated right across from you guys, but you were too busy being a nervous freak to notice.”
“Oh wow, so Jeongin saw it too. I really just cannot. I don’t think I can go out after this. My hands are sweating. Can you like, make up some kind of excuse for me?” 
“Like what kind of excuse?”
“I don’t know... just tell her I went home because I feel sick.”
“What? Then she’s going to say why didn’t you just tell her.”
“Then just say because I was in a rush,” Jisung grew impatient trying to reason with Hyunjin.
“I guess then. At this pace, you’re never going to get a girlfriend.” 
Jisung was about to say something back but Hyunjin already cut off the line. 
When Jisung came in the next day, you asked him if he was alright, and he gave you a short answer but nothing more than that. 
You tried initiating a few more small talks with him but he was really just out of it, you had a feeling you should just leave him to be. He’s probably going through a difficult time right now.
When the bell rung signaling it was time to leave, you bid a small goodbye wave to Jisung before you left but it was only met with an awkward smile from him. 
The next three days continued on pretty much like the scenario above. You would try starting a conversation but it wasn’t much of a conversation if you were the only one talking. Eventually, you stopped trying to talk to him.
You would be lying if you were to say you weren’t upset or concerned. You didn’t know if you had said something that offended him, or if he found out that you secretly have a crush on him and is creep out by it. Either way, both situation weren’t going to end well for you.
The day you guys went to the cafe was the day he started acting indifferent. Maybe he heard that small fart you ripped out along the way or something. But you swore on god that it didn’t smell that bad. Maybe that day he meant to tell you he doesn’t want to be friends or talk to a loser like you anymore, but wasn’t courageous enough to finish what he started, that’s why he sent Hyunjin over to get rid of you.
It honestly sucks because your music teacher has recently assigned you guys with a project and in your head, you and Jisung would’ve had a blast discussing about what you guys were going to do for it. All of the things he or you would’ve said kept playing over and over in your head. But then again, you shouldn’t jump into conclusion.
You’ll just confront him on Monday and see what the real deal is. You just hope it wasn’t anything too serious that he’s brooding about. If you had hurt him in some shape or form, you would like to know and apologize dearly.
Jisung felt like an imbecile. An even bigger fool than the one he was before. He couldn’t believe he thought ignoring and avoiding you would suppressed his feelings or prevent you from asking anything relevant.
It probably did, but now the feeling of guilt is just eating him up. Your poor face after rambling and getting no response broke his heart. But he was afraid if he were to say anything less than appropriate, he would lose it.
He just wish you’re doing good for yourself and isn’t taking his actions to heart, because he pretty much acknowledge that he’s being stupid.
When he got to dance practice, he slammed his backpack harshly onto the floor of the studio and sighed.
The frustration of his caught the attention of Seungmin, Hyunjin and Jeongin who got here a little bit early too and was prepping up.
“What’s good bro? You alright?” Seungmin asked as he walked forward to Jisung.
“Yeah. You have been looking pretty sad these past few days. I kind of miss that loud crackhead energy of yours even though you can get carried away with it,” Jeongin sensing the rising atmosphere, tried to lighten it up.
“He probably got rejected by his dream girl,” Hyunjin chimmed in.
“Huh?” Seungmin let out in confusion.
“This one girl in his music class that he has a huge crush on for no reason even though they don’t even interact.”
Hyunjin was of course only teasing Jisung.
“Hey! We do interact! It’s just mostly in class. You’re not even in the class itself so shut up Hwang Hyunjin. At least I can keep my crush on one girl, and not the whole freaking school,” Jisung defended himself.
Jeongin let out a small laughter followed by Seungmin.
“That’s true, Hyung. You really need to stick to one person like seriously.” Jeongin threw his arm onto Hyunjin’s shoulder but Hyunjin slapped it off.
“Whatever.” Hyunjin rolled his eyes.
“And no, I didn’t get rejected... I didn’t even ask her out yet.” Jisung admitted in shame.
“Huh?” Seungmin let out again.
“Then what are you so miserable about?” Jeongin cocked his eyebrow.
“I-I’m scared. What if she says no? What if she doesn’t like me like that. Then it’s just going to be awkward. She’s a really sweet person and I don’t want to ruin our friendship just because I think about her more than a friend,” Jisung’s tone dampen the longer he talked. 
“But what if she also likes you like that? I mean, you don’t know... you haven’t even asked her.” Seungmin tried to encourage Jisung.
Jeongin nodded in agreement while Hyunjin just let out a chuckle.
“Dude, if you don’t ask her out, I will. Seeing her the other day at the cafe, she’s kind of cute.” Hyunjin goes into thought.
Jisung’s eyes fired up at what Hyunjin said.
“Hey! Stay away from her! But to be honest, she wouldn’t like you anyways. Sorry but she wouldn’t go for someone who changes girls everyday like he changes his clothes. Anyways--can you tell Chan for me that I will be missing practice today. Something came up. Bye!”
And with that, Jisung quickly grabbed his backpack and stormed out of the building.
“Wow, I’m hurt.” Hyunjin put his hand on his chest.
"Jisung, aren’t you going to eat?”
His door flashed opened with his mom’s head in between the crack.
“Soon! I just need to revise this one more time.” His eyes still not leaving his music sheet.
“Dear, don’t overwork yourself. It’s almost 11. You’ve been working on your song ever since you came home. Please come down to eat and you can continue after.” His mom tried to convince him, not wanting her own son to starve to death.
Jisung finally placed the guitar down at the defeat of his mom’s words.
“Alright mom. See you downstairs.”
“Wow Jisung, this is really good. And the lyrics are, wow...” Chan complimented the younger man who came to him for feedbacks on his sample.
“Do you really mean it? I mean... you really think this is good?” Jisung widened his eyes as he searched for an answer in Chan’s own.
“Yeah, of course! Jisung, are you like, okay? Because usually you’re always so confident in your works and rarely do you ever come to me or Changbin for revision.”
“Oh yeah, I’m good. I just need it to be perfect because I’m performing this song for my project on Monday and I need it to be A plus.”
Chan nodded.
“I am 100% sure you are going to ace this.” 
Monday had came super fast, and when reality hit that you’ll be performing in front of the class again, it railed up your anxiety very bad.
The last few projects or performances you guys had was mostly just instruments based, as the teacher wanted to see how well the students were progressing on their skills. But now you needed to dance or sing and you weren’t so sure how this was going to end.
You weren’t no song writing goddess or instruments playing master, so you were just going to do a quick simple cover of Red Velvet Psycho. 
As long as you don’t sound like a dying goat, you’ll do just fine.
You were honestly looking forward to Jisung’s performance as well. Because every time he goes up, he always come up with the most creative or mind blowing performances. Jisung didn’t need talents, talents needed Jisung.
Classes passed by like the wind, probably because most of the time you were in your own world. 
The closer it was to your 6th period, the more anxious you were, and you were already very anxious to begin with.
When the time finally came, you walked into the class and sat down at your desk. Jisung still hasn’t arrived yet.
With time to kill, your eyes circled the room and for fun, you tried guessing what some of the students would be doing.
Mhmm, that girl Yoona in the back, you’ve seen a few of her song covers on Youtube, so chances are she’ll be singing.
That guy to the right of you performed in the rally last semester, so you wouldn’t be surprised if he bounced out some steps later on.
Your thoughts were intruded when you heard the door slammed shut, your attention shifted to your teacher who stood tall in front of all of you.
“Good Afternoon class, I hope you’re all doing well, and I hope you all have something prepared today as well,” She smiled.
She then does this thing where she’ll move her eyes from left to right, trying to pick out any students who’s missing.
The desk in front of you, which belongs to Jisung, was still empty.
Jesus, does he really hate you that much that he’ll even risk losing points. You really wanted to make things right today. Or at least try working out whatever is going on between you guys, which you don’t even know what is it.
“Jisung isn’t here yet?” Your teacher asked.
You only shook your head.
“Alright, well then it looks like we’ll have to continue without h--”
Your teacher was interrupted when the door busted opened. Jisung showed up looking like he just woke up, almost out of breath like. You could tell his hair was slightly messier and the shade in his pupils darkened compared to other days. His eye bags were also more prominent.
“--Sorry, I got caught up in things.” Jisung bowed down to your teacher and then to the rest of the class.
“You’re fine. Go take a seat.” She dismissed. 
Jisung bowed again before trailing to his desk. Along the way, you guys unintentionally met eyes, followed by Jisung awkwardly breaking the contact by looking at the wall, then taking a seat.
All you could think about at the moment was what did you do to Jisung that he’s going to this extent to avoid you. Did he read your diary when you went to the restroom, and found out about that one experience you wrote when you and your family went to the water park and your stomach hurted badly so you did a little oopsie near the kids section and they never found out it was you--Oh gosh, you couldn’t imagine.
Whatever it was, Jisung must have his reasons, and you really need to stop jumping to conclusions. Everything will be okay as long as you talk to him today.
“Now that everybody’s here, we should get started, we don’t have a lot of time.” 
Then your teacher started picking out names one after another. You did genuinely enjoyed their performances, but every time someone finished, you just want to crawl into the corner and hide away from the rest of the world, because pray to the lord you don’t get called on.
Everybody was doing so good so far. 
“Please give a big round of applause to Saeron,” your teacher followed after Saeron had finished.
Everyone clapped in awed but it’ll always dimmed whenever your teacher call on the next person.
“Y/n!” She held up the piece of paper in her hand with your name written on it. 
“Huh?” you were taken back at the sound of your name.
“It’s your turn, y/n.” Your teacher sternly looked at you.
“Oh--right, right.” You sluggishly got up and made ways to the front. 
“Uhm, for today I’ll be covering Psycho by Red Velvet. I hope you’ll all like it.” you awkwardly turned to your teacher to give her the go to put on the instrumental.
Your heart was racing so fast. 
It’s okay, you can do it.
You got me feeling like a psycho psycho People keep telling us As we fight like it’s our last but then we get along They don’t get it, it’s so funny
The last piece of lyrics escaped your mouth and you sighed in relief. You bowed to the class after you were finished and was met with applause from all around the room. 
“Good job, y/n. You may now take a seat.” Your teacher smiled.
You walked back to your seat, having felt like you did a decent job, at least by the feedbacks. 
“Next up, Han Jisung.” 
You had completely forgotten about him, and that he was watching your whole performance. Ahhhhh
But on the flip side, you were excited to see what he had prepared. 
The room was filled with silence while waiting for him. He finally grabbed his guitar and went up, gulped, then stared at you for a second, but you weren’t able to read his expression.
He had displayed a more tense body language, his eyes barely meeting anyone’s. The Han Jisung you knew had always been so confident and couldn’t wait for his name to be called, while the one that stood in front of you right now looked like every ounce of his soul had left his body.
Oh man, you don’t know how much more surprises he could pull on you. You just had never seen him like this before. Or is it that you never knew him all along. Your thoughts were cut short when Jisung spoke.
“For today... I’'ll be singing a song that I wrote for uh, a special someone. I-I hope that person will like it.” He threw on a nervous smile and right then, his eyes met yours. An innocent, sweet kind of enchanted look that pulled you right in.
“Oooooooooooooooo,” the students giggled and awed.
Was he talking about me? You thought.
No way. He hates me. But why did he look at me? Oh my gosh, is this song about me? Wait--why is he writing a song about me--wait what?! You continued fighting inside your head but not for long before Jisung began playing his melody.
The calming and relaxing tone of the guitar could almost put you to sleep, of course in a good way. The soft and dreamy tune like this was something only Jisung could pull off.
Then he started singing,
“When I first met you, I honestly didn’t think too much
You were like any other person to me, someone to talk to
but slowly, each day, you’ve showed me that you were someone worth loving, worth taking care of, worth falling in love with
Before I knew it, my heart was yours.”
okay excuse those shitty lyrics, I just made it up
Every words that he said, you could see and felt that he really meant it. He wasn’t just spitting out lyrics for the sake of this project. He was speaking from his heart and mind. As if he was trying to reach out to someone. He wrote those lyrics specifically for a certain someone.
Was it for you? Was it for the girl at the back of you? 
You had no idea, but you were still secretly wishing it was for you.
The whole class’s attention and yours were glued onto him, not missing a bit of his performance. Han Jisung really got everyone whipped.
When he finished up on the last part of the song, the class exploded in applause. It was the loudest group of claps anyone has gotten so far. You were also slapping your hands together like a crazy seal.
He may not be acting like himself and is coming off a bit odd right now, but for sure, the boy’s talents is something that would never change.
The rest of the period concluded with other students showcasing what they had prepared. Not everyone got a chance as class was a bit too short, but your teacher reassured the ones who didn’t get to go up today, will be called up tomorrow. Sucks to be them.
You were knocked out for a second before remembering that you were going to ask Jisung today, whether he wants to answer or not. Jisung was still fixated on his backpack, digging and shoving through it, so you waited unsuspiciously.
He stopped the ruckus when he pulled out a piece of white paper with some words on it. You can’t read it but you can only make out the squiggly black lines. It seems that was exactly what he was looking for, so after that, he threw his backpack on. 
Panicked, afraid he might leave before you can catch him, you stepped out of your seat to confront him, only for him to turn around, causing you guys to face each other instead.
“I need you talk to you,” You both said at the same time.
“What?” Both of you guys tilted your head in sync again.
“You first,” you gave him the go.
“No, you first,” He declined.
“Fine--I just--wait.” You inspected the surroundings. You guys were still in class and this was not a good setting because anyone can just walk in any moment.
“I think it’s better if we talk somewhere else.” you continued.
You guys stopped at the school garden, and when you made sure that absolutely no one was around, you proceeded.
“I just want to know what’s been going on lately. You’ve been ignoring and avoiding me. Did I do something wrong that had upset you? I would like to know, Jisung. Just completely ghosting me like this hurts.”
You promised yourself you weren’t going to get emotional about this. 
“I know I’m a jerk, Y/n. I know. And I’m sorry about that. I just, I just... don’t know how to express my feelings to you, y/n. I’m confused, I’m lost, I’m scared, I don’t know... but I’m also in love...” He said the last part quietly, but you could still hear it.
“In love? With someone else? Is that why you’ve been avoiding me?”
“No no.” Jisung shook his head, getting more frustrated by the moment.
“And that song you sung in class, was--was that for someone?” you timidly asked. You have a theory it might be for you, but you do not want to say it, afraid you’re going to come out looking like a fool if he meant it for someone else.
“Yeah it was...” 
“Jisung, if you have feelings for someone, you don’t have to hide it from me, I’m fine with it. If you like them, go for it. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable, like you couldn’t be open about your relationships or feelings.” 
“No no, y/n. You don’t get it,” Jisung exhaled.
“What do you mean? What am I not getting?”
“I didn’t write that song for someone else, or anyone else. I wrote it for you. You, y/n. I wrote those lyrics for you.”
You could hear the disappointment in his tone and his head hanging in defeat.
“Oh...” was all you could say. Not because you didn’t like him. No. You like him. A lot. Oh was the only thing you could let out because reality was getting a little hard to accept, knowing Han Jisung likes you, and wrote a song for you.
“I know. I’m sorry. It’s okay if you do not feel the same way. I really only wrote it because I didn’t know any other way to let my feelings out, and music was what I’m best at. I did felt a little better after writing the lyrics, and after performing, knowing you were listening to it. Here, take this.” 
He stretched his arm out to hand you something. It was the piece of paper he was holding earlier. It had the lyrics he had written for you on it.
“It’s okay to not feel the same way. But I hope you accept this. I might feel a little bit better if you do.” 
You extended your arm to take the white sheet of paper, still speechless. 
“I’ll get going now. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He gave you a small smile combined with a bow and almost walked away from your sight.
“Wait Jisung!” You stopped him in his track.
“I--I, I feel the same way too, Jisung. I like you too. And I have for a while now.”
Jisung could’ve swore he heard that wrong, but he almost dropped his backpack at what you said.
He switched back to you, his face was planted with the biggest smile you’ve ever seen from anyone.
“R-really? Y-you like me too?” He asked again for confirmation.
You nodded. 
The next moment happened so fast, and before you can process anything, you were already in Jisung’s warmth. Your chin on his shoulder and his arms wrapping around you.
“I’m so happy! Really happy, Y/n! You don’t know how happy I am!” 
uwu He was too adorable.
With your hands on his chest, you pushed a little bit to create a distance.
“Wait, then why were you avoiding me?” you frowned as you gazed at his face for answers.
“Because I don’t know. I was scared you wouldn’t like me back. I didn’t want to hurt my friendship with you. That day at the cafe I was planning on confessing but I got so nervous, I dipped. I’m sorry, Y/n. I’m a coward. But I promise from this day on, I will tell you everything. I won’t ever do it again. I-I really like you. Give me a chance.” 
He pouted and trapped you in his hug.
“Alright alright. I forgive you.”
He finally lets go of you, but his idiocy smile still not leaving his face. 
“I don’t know. You’re just cute.”
You cheeks grew red from his remarks. Oh god, this feels so weird.
“Come on, let’s go.” He suddenly grabbed your hand, perfectly aligning it with his.
“Go where?”
“To introduce my new girlfriend to my friends.” 
He ran at full speed, dragging you as you were struggling to catch up.
The End :)
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closer-stars · 4 years
Gut Feeling (1)
Member: San Genre: Fluff??? Slice of Life it’s just light hearted stuff for the most part Requested: Yes Word Count: 4k Content: Reader is starting out as a manager for ATEEZ, food, mentions of injuries. Honestly this is just all over the place since it’s just introducing reader to the group and the job.  Note: GOD, i struggled with the starting parts the most... Even went as far as looking at their schedules + making a playlist to have some sort of direction. It’s been way too long since I wrote something so this is Rusty. This happens way before KCON:tact btw lmao. Also I just gave their other managers different last names cause idk their names anyways lol. awkward jazz hands. the next parts will be better i hope aaaa. Proof reading when I wake up bec my laptop is dying already lol. HELLO I FORGOT TO SAY THIS WILL BE CHAPTERED FOR SURE
Three pairs of footsteps echo through the hallway. The male on your left is their manager, Manager Hwang as you would call him, on your right is the CEO. What are you doing here? You’re the new manager who would take care of the eight boys while Manager Hwang next to you attends to personal issues for the next few months or so. From stories of your friends who work in the same field as you, they were surprised the CEO would even assist you as you ease into the new environment. You were surprised too but having to stay on his good side was more important than questioning his actions for the first day. 
The two men explain to you where your work space will be first, then the conference rooms, the eating area, and so on. They explain other things that you may need to know immediately and anything else can be asked to the other two managers, Yoon and Bae, who are taking care of preparations for their next promotions, Hwang even steps up to the plate, offering his help.  “Are you sure?” You ask carefully. While it is your first time to handle eight boys, you didn’t want to be a burden. 
“Positive! The boys can be a handful sometimes but they’re very respectful.” You don’t detect any sense of false sincerity in his words so you nod in thanks. You weren’t sure though on what he meant by sometimes. 
The three of you stop outside the dance studio, you can hear pairs of feet hitting the flooring in careful timing. That sounded a lot more than just eight of them. The first one to enter was the CEO, then you were ushered in by their manager. The three of you quietly watch them dance through the song, their choreographer watching at the opposite end of the room. The choreographer notices the new presences in the room and stands up to greet the three of you, followed by the eight who do their signature greeting. 
“It’s good to see you boys working hard.” He praises with a small smile. The past few months have hit everyone hard, this upcoming promotion was just one of the ways to make the most out of what can be made. “I’m sure your manager has told you of his upcoming leave for the next few months,” he starts, and the boys softly answer in a chorus of yes and dismayed whines at the reminder. “So I would like to introduce your new manager for the next few months.” His hand places itself on your shoulder and you take that as your cue to introduce yourself to them.
“Hello, I hope we can work together smoothly.” You start, telling them your name then a quick rundown of your work history. You cut to the chase and tell them you’re not that far from their age to avoid any air of awkwardness down the line. 
The boys slowly introduce themselves one by one to you, starting with Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, San, Mingi, Wooyoung then Jongho. Bless your sharp memory because you manage to remember each and every face to the right name. After the formalities, the CEO takes his leave, to have you and their manager familiarize yourself with the new work environment and requirements. This brings the rest of the boys to go back to their positions in the studio. The choreographer invites the two of you to sit in the front with him to watch them dance. The manager doesn’t give you the chance to say no. “Take this chance to see them in their zone.” You understand what he means so you take the chance, sitting down carefully on the cool floor. 
“One doing!” The choreographer says then the music starts. The way they perform the song even in just regular training clothes and bare faces takes your breath away. One minute ago they were just boys in their 20s working hard to reach their dreams, now they’re a whole different person. While you had to take care of these boys and their schedules, you were at awe at their professionalism at such a young age. Soft, youthful features hardened to sharp, dark looks as they practice the song, until they reach the end. You notice that Jongho sits just a little farther from the rest of them but still gives his all in his singing, you can only imagine just how much he misses performing. The only thing that could be heard by the end were the heavy breathings and the claps from you and their manager. The clapping causes them to bow gratefully to the two of you as they catch their breath. 
The male looks at his watch then stands up. “Let’s go, I’ll show you where we get their meals.” You bid them goodbye and wish them luck in their practice before following the older male out the studio. 
It’s rather a good thing that the place where the boys get their meal plans wasn’t too far from where you were. Regardless, the walk there was filled with the manager telling you stories of ATEEZ being boys and being idols, both types of stories giving you tips of how to handle each boy especially when the stress rings high. 
“It’s usually at the height towards the tail end of promotions that they start to wear out, though things are going to be a little different this time considering what we’re going through.” He mumbles, and while his words were muffled by his hushed manner of speaking, it was muffled much more by his mask. You carry four packs of food, and he does the same along with your meals. You already got the calendar of activities of the confirmed activities and some of the days already tire you from the mere thought. 
“I’m kind of worried of that honestly.” You admit as you place the containers on the table. The manager looks at his phone for the details per container. He hands you a marker to write each member’s name on each container, while some of them were for all eight of them, the others were for specific members only. Hongjoong’s low tolerance to spicy food stuck to you, reminding you dearly of your best friend. Seonghwa’s brown rice and chicken meal reminds you of your cousin who was conscious of their food intake and so on. Some of the specifics were slipping through your memory, too much to take in that you had to ask him to send the details to your kakao. 
“Call the boys over in ten minutes yeah?” The manager says as he looks at the clock, you can see him trying to visualize their schedule for the day. 
“Got it!” You return as you look through their schedule for the day: lunch, bring them home to get some rest then back to the studio to practice. You take the chance to ask him about any possible things to deal with but before you could, a voice causes the two of you to look at the source. 
“Hi!” It was San greeting the two of you, still breathless from the training. 
The manager looks at his phone. “Oh, finished early?” He asks. You take this chance to watch them converse, you are still new to this environment, it would be better to see how things play out first. 
“Yeah, Hyung let us off early since we already finished the agenda for today.” San explains as he takes his seat at the sight of food. The other members start to enter the room, relieved by the sight of their meals. You figured that this would be the time where you leave them to eat, while you eat elsewhere. “Manager-nim, haven’t you eaten?” San asks once he notices you turn on your heel. 
You look over at the boys when you realize he was talking to you. By surprise, you glance at Hwang, unsure of how to approach this. Usually, you leave the talents alone as they eat, while the rest of the staff eat with each other elsewhere. At least, that’s how it was for you. That was what you were used to so your own hand reaches up to the back of your neck, hesitant. “Yes, I thought it would be better to let you boys be as you eat.” Your reply still carries the polite tone you use among artists, maybe handling some nightmares have ingrained some habits in you. 
“Why not eat with us? We’re not scary.” Hongjoong invites you, and when you look over at their manager, already eating with the boys, some of them are already joking around with him. Guess you didn’t really have much of a choice. You slide into the seat in between San and Hongjoong. They ask questions about the artists you’ve handled in the past, your interests and the like, all while making sure to not cross any lines. 
“Ah manager-nim, how was it like working there?” San seemed to be most curious about your other work environments. The way he makes himself look so scary as he performs yet becomes an inquisitive kind soul off stage is enough to disorient you. 
You give him an amused look as you try to gather your thoughts, looking for the right words. “Well, it was an experience. I’m a lot happier now though.” You let them figure it out from there, you were the last to gossip about previous work experiences anyways. In this industry, word travels fast, a careless slip of the tongue can turn into disastrous proportions. 
As you eat with them, you take this chance to observe their mannerisms and relationships with each other. While it is your first day on the job, you had a feeling working with these boys would end up in the books. 
The day goes by fast, everything’s settled by now. The last thing Hwang does for you and for the boys was to give the nine of you a ride home. The older male showing the usual path back to the dorms. The rest of the boys are fast asleep in their seats, slouched over one another, exhausted by their rigorous training the past few weeks. One by one they wake up as the car slows to a stop in the parking lot. Of course, San was the last one to wake up so you take up the job to wake him up. It starts with gentle nudges, only getting whines of protest as a response. Hwang and the rest of the boys watch for a few moments, entertained by the idea of San embarrassing himself. 
“Yunhooo, just let me sleep..” He mumbles and as he wriggles in his seat, he falls over the empty seat next to him. That’s when he realizes that he’s the only one left in the car, he sits up from his spot, greeted by a wide eyed you, with the rest of the boys watching in amusement. Was Wooyoung taking a video of the entire thing? He unbuckles his seatbelt immediately and picks up his bag, apologizing over and over. 
You give way for him to hop over to the rest of his group, and you stare at Hwang. “I’m guessing it’s harder to wake him up in the mornings?” 
“He really isn’t a morning person.” He says as he lets the boys enter the elevator first then the two of you. The ride to their floor was a quiet one, though with some giggles from some of the boys as they try to expose one another for their sleep habits to you. You did the same about yourself to ease any shyness from them. That’s one way you gained the trust of the talents you handled in the past: showing that you’re just like them, a human with flaws. 
The two managers drop the boys outside their dorm, and they start to become reluctant to enter, reasoning their stubbornness with them missing Hwang soon. “Boys, I promise I’ll be okay.” He reassures much to the pouting and whines from them. He makes it a point as well to tell them to behave especially with the schedule looming around the corner. You knew what that meant: Music Bank special and the KCON:Tact stage. 
“Sleep well boys, you guys deserve some rest.” You say, bidding them a good night as you head to your own apartment. 
The next few days were routine: wake up, bring them to the company, eat, bring them to the stylists for preparations for their next promotions, back to the company, eat, dorm, sleep, repeat. It’s a bit of relief to know that the boys do their best to make it easy for you, the energy bounces from you to them and vice versa. You had to admit, you’ve come to appreciate them for their work ethic, their professional attitude and the fact they haven’t really lost themselves to the industry. Given that it’s been roughly two years for them, you hope it doesn’t change too soon. 
You slip away from the practice room, already on the way to the restaurant down the road to get their lunch. “Ah! Manager Yoon!” You exclaim, surprised to see him already with their food. You rush over to him, relieving him of the struggle of carrying roughly ten meals. 
He reasons as you fumble around with a bag. “I was already on my way so I figured I might as well get their meals.” 
The two of you then bring the meals up to the kitchen. By now, you’ve already memorized their food preferences and their little habits. Yeosang often fumbles with the tape and tight packaging, Seonghwa’s preference for meat over chicken whenever possible (at least today’s lunch was his cheat meal), San whose appetite seems unreal but makes sense with his regimen. You were relieved knowing they were eating well at least. 
As you busy yourself with your own meal, you suddenly feel an arm over your shoulders. “Manager-nim~” The voice sings as the still unknown culprit leans their weight on you. It’s when you look up that you realize it’s San playing with you. 
“San, I’m not strong like you..” You wheeze out as you try to keep yourself up as he drapes himself over you. While you know they are eating good, you aren’t quite sure what goes on for them to be this tall. This makes him giggle and get off you, sliding onto the seat next to yours. Some of them trickle into the room, and you make a headcount for the sake of your own peace. “Is Seonghwa still in practice?” 
“Yep, he’ll be here in an hour i think.” Wooyoung says before taking a spoonful of his meal. 
“His food is going to get cold.” You mumble to no one in particular as you eye the oldest’s meal. 
An hour passes by and Seonghwa has yet to appear. San senses your unease, even he’s confused as to what’s taking him so long. Seonghwa’s the last person who would miss meals even because of training. Your phone buzzes, bringing you out of your thoughts. 
[ Manager Yoon ] : had to bring Seonghwa to get his injury checked. Hongjoong’s with me. It’s nothing serious, doctor’s just ordering him to not do anything strenuous. 
[ You ] : what happened? 
[ Manager Yoon ] : injury while doing a dance class. Hongjoong said he’ll be the one to tell the boys. 
You read the rest of the messages and sigh softly. There isn’t much to do except make sure Seonghwa gets enough rest and treatment in order to recover in time for their comeback. You do the math; still enough time. 
You feel San’s gaze on you and you can already tell what’s on his mind. Words run through your mind and having to find the right ones without being pressed for more questions is a challenge in itself. “It’s just Manager Yoon giving me updates.” Not the entire truth, not an entire lie. Wooyoung had already gone to the gym to work out with Yunho and Jongho, leaving you and San alone. Yeosang and Mingi were in their studios, practicing their vocals for their performances. 
“On our schedules?”
“Just wait until he comes.” You say softly, making sure to not leave any room for him to press. He can tell you wanted to tell him of what was happening but you were bound by something. Just then, his phone rings. You had a feeling it was Hongjoong. 
[ Hongjoong ] : We’re practicing in the studio until 2AM today. Block changes for our performances on MuBank and KCON. 
[ Yunho ] : ??
[ Wooyoung ] : huh?
[ Yeosang ] : what?
[ Mingi ] : what happened?
San raises his eyes and he sees you looking at him. “What happened?” He’s not an idiot, whatever Manager Yoon told you had to be related to why Hongjoong’s telling them they’re staying in the studio until 2AM. 
[ Hongjoong ] : Seonghwa can’t dance. Doctor’s orders. Injury isn’t that serious but considering the timeline for our promotions, he needs to recover quickly. 
His eyes scan the message, once, twice, until the news sets in. “Do you think he’ll be okay?” He asks. The question didn’t seem to be directed at anyone but you’re the manager. It’s also up to you to stabilize the talents when things go left. “He will be. You guys have gone through a lot together, he’ll recover soon.” 
“It feels weird performing without a member already, what more two?” 
You couldn’t blame him for his worries. Everything’s been pushed back because of the virus. While you never performed, you understand the worry of a member being missing in action. It just messes up the energy. “As long as you guys practice diligently, you’ll overcome it. I don’t think Seonghwa would want you guys to be held back by worry either…” 
This was the tricky part of being a manager. While you are there to well, manage, their schedules and work loads, you also have to be their rock when things get rough. 
“Come on, You got a few hours of free time and personal training until tonight’s training.” 
He looks at the time, roughly four hours. He can take a nap then head back to the company in time for personal training and tonight’s block changes. With that in mind, he rises from his seat. “Is it possible to bring me back to the dorms?” 
“Let’s go then. We can buy some coffee for all of you on the way back here.” 
It’s already 11PM. They’ve been revising and fixing the choreography since 6PM. Their dinner would be ready in half an hour. Jongho and Seonghwa sat on the bench with you with a small ice pack against his hip. The discomfort causes him to squirm from time to time. Even in his current situation, he does his best to provide his input to the choreography changes. You had to give him credit for finding ways to keep working. Jongho too provided comments, managing to see things you would’ve missed. You notice Seonghwa’s consistent discomfort in his sitting position. “Hold on.. Stand up a bit?” You ask, offering your arm for him to pull himself up slowly. You quickly rearrange the makeshift pillow for him before letting him sit down again. The relieved whine tells you it works. 
[ You ] : Can we buy Seonghwa something soft to sit on for the next few days? 
[ Manager Bae ] : already did, don’t worry. It’ll arrive tomorrow in their dorm. 
Time passes by quickly and everyone’s in the car, heading back home. Everyone’s fast asleep but you and Jongho. You hear him humming softly behind you and you glance at the rear view mirror for a moment as you carefully drive through the streets. “Not yet sleepy, Jongho?” You ask, making sure your voice doesn’t wake up Hongjoong. 
“Not yet… I didn’t get to dance much for today’s rehearsal. It’s going to be like this for the next few days too.” Jongho readjusts his seat, just so he could talk without waking up the others. “How do you find the work though?”
“Work as your manager? Well..” You drift off from your initial thought as you drive carefully through the empty streets. It’s only when you slow down at a red light that you continue. “... It’s doable. I’m not complaining about the workload, it does seem hectic and stressful but it is something I signed up for right?” 
The younger male lets out a soft sound of agreement at your words. “You don’t find our energy to be overwhelming?”
“Jongho, I don’t mind it one bit. It makes my work a little more fun.” You return in a light tone. Your word choice makes him chuckle softly. “You guys listen well too. I don’t mind it.” He murmurs his thanks for your kind words, and you let out a soft sing-songy ‘yes’. 
A soft sound slips through your lips as you slowly arrive in the parking lot of the apartment complex. “We’re here, guys.” You say as you gently shake Hongjoong awake. Jongho wakes the others up, the members slowly spilling out the van. You were about to check on San when you find him stretching for a moment before hopping out of the car. “I guess you got good sleep for you to wake up with ease.” You joke as you lock the car up. 
“I still want my sleep..” He points out with a pout. As you walk with him to the elevator with the rest of the group, they notice that you weren’t making any move to leave. Confusion washes over those who were wide awake now. 
“Are you bringing us to our dorm too?” Seonghwa asks, his head tilting in the process. 
“Do you want me to…?” You return, the question catching you off guard. “I live here too.. “ You add softly, your fingers fiddling against your sleeve. They seemed to be more exhausted than they show, you clearly remember dropping them off as well outside their dorm with Manager Hwang. The realization sets in and so does the memory. 
“Oh crap, right!” Exclaims the youngest, much to the oldest’s mild distaste. 
The elevator rings and the doors slide open. It was Hongjoong who made sure all of you fit in the lift, reasoning that being on your own at this hour wasn’t safe. You don’t tell them where your apartment is, wanting to have them get their rest first. No matter how persistent their pleas were, even Mingi pulled some cute antics to get you to cave, but none of them worked. “Guys, I mean it. You guys need more rest than I do.” Once you arrive at their floor, you wave them off. “Now, shoo! Wash up and sleep! It’s the same schedule tomorrow.” 
The last they see of you for the day is you pressing a button for your floor and waving them good bye. As they walk down the hall, murmurs about you arise from them. Questions of how they found you, their first impressions, and other questions. None of them were met with pessimism though. In fact, each question was met with optimism and realistic approaches. 
“Is it bad I kind of hope they stay for the long run? They seem like they’re cool with things too.” asks Yeosang as they kick off their shoes by the door. 
“Nope, I mean she’s able to handle us calmly even when we’re stressing over things.” Seonghwa reminds him. 
Hongjoong points out, “Also, the near lack of age gap makes it easier for us to talk with them.” He makes it a point for Seonghwa to shower first. “Anyways, you heard them, same schedule as today for tomorrow.” He quickly catches up to San who was already on his way to his room. “Also, San?” 
“Please, use an alarm. You woke up easy with them earlier but they aren’t living with us...so please… alarm…” 
The mentioned male feels his neck burn in embarrassment as he whines in defense. “Yes, Hyung..” He sneaks a look at Yunho with a pleading look in his eyes, a quiet favor for the coming morning. 
“I’m still waking you up even with that alarm.”
“I’ll hard carry our team in the next match.”
part 2 
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redmaneroster · 4 years
Our Home Away From Home, Away From Home
[1] [2] [x] [4-5] [6] [7] [8-9] [10]
PART 3 – Inhibitions
The Kirin Festival is older than Vale itself. No one knows why they wear fish-scale costumes or set fire to carefully carved wooden statues as they drift into the sea. Why they sing songs of a dead tongue, or why they make the drunk climb a soaked pyramid for honor and – with a touch of modernity – some prizes.
Its mysterious allure is what draws most people. It's the reason why Jaune decides to climb the pyramid himself. He fails miserably. Yang has to carry him off.
Jaune didn't get the memo that participants have to have spare clothes because of course they do, so he's sat drenched in the changing room by the beach, Yang outside with his drying clothes by a heater lamp set up for just this kind of occasion.
They're alone again and it's quiet outside of the distant hum of the festival.
"I called Dad this morning," she says suddenly, leaned beside the tent. "I could hear her in the background." And she goes on, laying out her fears, but during a long pause to process her thoughts a little more, she briefly worries if he's listening.
"Yang. I'm here. I'm listening," he says, clear in that way like a droplet in a cave. Echoing in her mind. Present in all the ways that do not judge.
Then she talks. Talks about her mother coming home. Dancing around her while she reconnects with her dad. Or maybe she's just sleeping with him, and her family isn't going to be whole again. At least, these are her more negative thoughts. She's only willing to forgive her mother from running away if her dad gives her a chance.
She might have earned it then. Might, she emphasizes for Jaune. Raven might well and truly never fit back into her life. Summer – bless her soul – reshaped the gap she left behind. So Yang doesn't know if Tai forgiving Raven might even be enough, but she's willing to hope.
Everyone gets into a few rides and eats their weight in sugar until they all end up at Junior's club again. Most of them are dancing, except for Ruby and Ren.
When Jaune and Yang dance a little too close to each other, they take a step away. When Sun and Pyrrha dance a little too close beside them, Yang decides to save them both the embarrassment by taking a break.
She doesn't see Jaune taking a swig of his flask. And he doesn't notice that the blush of his cheeks wasn't from the alcohol.
Yang comes back to the table just as Ren – under the influence of alcohol – confesses that Joan has been trying to court him.
Ren and Nora's relationship isn't official. It's tumultuous since she came back to Kuroyuri alone over the Summer to mourn her long lost brother. Ren couldn't bear to go with her. When she came back, they've been… uncertain. Awkward, even.
Joan adds to his confusion because she doesn't criticize his choices or cowardice, she just listens. (It's so eerily familiar that Yang shuts her eyes tight just to give herself time to swallow it). So Joan, in a stroke of luck, is there for him precisely when he needs someone who isn't Nora.
Yang doesn't believe he'll choose her over Nora. It's just a rough patch. As long as neither of them do anything stupid in the meantime, she tells them, then it'll turn up alright once they get their rhythm again.
Ren says nothing.
Ruby's concern in that lack of confidence is burning.
Ren, placating her, says that he's certain things will work out between them again but knows he can't trust his own emotions just yet. Nora mentioned the nuckleavee limping around in the woods (JNPR went there towards the end of freshmen year to kill it but only managed to cripple it as it retreated). He was so blindingly furious at the idea that the beast was still alive that his nails started crackling against his aura.
Calm as he was, Ren wasn't completely put together just yet. "Maybe we're too young to be in love anyway," he says.
"I don't think it's love's fault that it happens too early or too late," Yang says, eyes away. "I think it's our fault for acting when we shouldn't or not acting at all. Or Going too far or…" – she glances at the dance floor – "…not far enough."
Ren is smug when she looks back at them. Nothing is left of Ruby but a cascade of rose petals. Then she zips back to her with the same smug look and a neck of her strawberry sunshine. Little umbrella and all.
Yang admits that she was looking at Jaune, but not for the reasons they think.
Jaune wishes he did more with Pyrrha. Even if he's not hurting over it anymore, he's afraid of making any more mistakes like that.
"He was actually," Ren says. He explains that Jaune spent the Summer alone and he spent some time calling him at the bottom of a whiskey bottle. He confessed about his feelings going haywire and how he wishes he could be happy for the new couple but dangerous parts of his mind told him that he shouldn't have been so passive. Strangely, he was being cryptic and even mentioned a marriage, but that he mumbled that last bit and Ren just shrugged it off.
"That wasn't about Pyrrha, though," Yang says.
"Oh. Oh, shit. I shouldn't have said that." Despite hinting at Jaune's big secret, Yang is a little happy that there was something he was only willing to tell her and not anyone else.
Then the rest of them come back to the booth and Yang pulls Jaune aside before Ren and Ruby can say anything.
She asks him about Joan going after Ren.
He tells her that he knows, but that all his efforts to curb her have failed. She's adamant about pursuing him.
Yang decides to try it herself.
Everyone's on their way back to the festival when Yang realizes that it's going to be too loud to call. She tells them she'll catch up and sits by a bench in the park. The musty smell of the pond battles against the fresh scent of her still lingering strawberry sunrise.
Joan picks up rather quickly, the sound of her team's movie vanishing in the background. She mouths out apologies to them first before she shuts a window behind her (her dorm is on the ground floor and she slips out through the window as frequently as the door) then sound of crickets chirps through the speaker.
Yang cuts to the chase and mentions Ren.
Joan asks her if she was talking to Jaune. Joan sighs, but she's not dejected, just… amused.
"Jaune likes to forget that we're the same age. That I had a boyfriend before, too. He likes to protect me cause I'm his sister. But I'm as wise as he is… and just as naïve."
Joan lists off Jaune's advice to her.
It's just a phase.
It wouldn't work out.
You're aren't thinking this through.
He's already practically married.
Joan rejects them all.
"I can't help what I feel. I can't dance around love like I'm waiting for an opportunity to strike. We aren't struck by falling stars when the perfect partner comes along. We just find the best we can and make it work out. Maybe Ren isn't for me. Maybe what I have is fleeting and foolish and naïve and stupid. I don't care. I am done waiting for the world to give me the good news. This time around, I'm taking initiative."
They end the call soon after. Yang can't argue with her earnest pursuit if she isn't muscling into it and pushing Nora out of the picture. There was also that chip in her tone that sounded like she knew she was fighting a losing battle.
When Yang exits the park, she finds Jaune waiting by the gate. He stayed back for her.
Fireworks flash over the sky, color splashing over a dark canvas.
Yang only looks at Jaune. Maybe it's Joan being proactive that might have pushed her to stand a little closer. Her fingers twitch. She doesn't know what she wants, but thinks that maybe a little indulgence isn't so bad.
Then he looks at her. But not at her eyes. They're locked at her lips. Without thinking, he pulls out his flask. He takes a swig and tries to go ahead but she grabs him by the wrist.
Perhaps remembering what she did last time she grabbed his arm as he walked away, he covers his mouth with his arm.
She laughs at him. "I'm tired. The party's over. Let's just drop them a line and go home."
"Home…" he whispers before nodding.
They're sat at the couch because they're waiting on their scrolls. Ruby went missing but they were tasked with staying behind just in case Ruby stumbles into their apartment. Yang isn't too worried. Ruby probably saw Penny and was dragged off during the fireworks.
In the silence, Yang tells Jaune that they spent a lot of time today listening to her problems. Maybe they should talk about his again.
The offer is tempting but he isn't quite ready. He wants to take his mind off it but lately his usual substitutes have been less effective. (Spending time with Yang has been dangerously enticing, and he's starting to wonder if he watered down his whiskey a little too much tonight).
"How about a different substitute?"
She pushes off the couch and tells him to wait right there. He does get up to change his shirt but it's taking so long for Yang to come out that he's starting to worry.
He approaches her door.
She bursts out of it. "Sorry," she says. "It's the only white dress I have." She's wearing the same dress she had at the dance. "It's no wedding gown, but with this on, maybe you'll stop thinking about her."
The idea that he'll think about her instead eludes her for a second before they're both thinking about it and her smiles gets awkward. Worse when he won't say a thing and his eyes have been wide this entire time.
She powers through and plays a song on her scroll. "You said they played something by Ivy Garden at the reception. I'm guessing this is it?"
He nods along as guitar strings rattle off into the room, filling the gaps till the wallpaper turns marble, a band plays on the stage, lavender drapes fall over the frosted glass where moonlight shimmers faintly in the gaps. And she is there, skin a rich chocolate brown, eyes like polished hickory.
Then she takes a step in his direction and her hair is a rich blonde, and her skin is pale and… "Yang? You… You don't have to do this…"
"Hush. You won't talk, so let's not talk. Let's try something else here and see if this works for you."
It works. It works too well.
So they join hands and dance. It's slow and circular, around the center of the living room. She can't bring herself to look him in the eyes. Her head rests against his chest and that somehow makes it worse for him. Especially when she loops her hands around his neck.
He wants so much to ask for more, but can't. His hands are shaking when they're squeezing her hips gently. She notices and pulls her head against his Adam's apple. Her warmth pools over him like a scarf, curling him inwards till his eyes go hazy and his lips hover dangerously over her scalp.
The music stops. The world comes back together, to the present, to their apartment.
Yang hesitates to ask if it worked. When she pulls her head out of his chest, she's surprised to find him breathless. He slowly comes back to his senses.
He takes a step back and immediately reaches for his flask. He downs it but the buzz is missing still, even when he empties it down his throat.
His cheeks don't flare. His thoughts don't cloud. All he has is clarity and it gnaws at the desires within reach. At her.
He almost kisses her, lips quivering, fists balled as his flask clatters to the floor. He clearly isn't sure where to put himself, even if a deep part of him already knows.
Yang decides that she isn't the kind of girl that lets something like this slip by.
She is so warm that her lips feel like she's branding him when they kiss; clamping on the delicate flesh of his lower lip with a desperation he should have seen coming. She'd been holding back, and when he bit back, he knew he was too.
White noise filtered into her ears as she became painfully aware of her own heartbeat. It was erratic, beating off-rhythm and she knows she's afraid. He said he was against this before, and the fear that she might be making a mistake again makes her shudder.
But then she moans when he pulls her in and dips a few degrees till she's curling against him. And she realizes that he isn't pulling away. It beckons him like a siren song, plunging him through the haze of his mind – not knowing that he's already found her – to be captivated, taken completely as if drowning in her.
When he leaves her lips, he presses his forehead to hers. His breath tickles her nose. She edges into him again.
Her kiss, then, is featherlight. Brief and affectionate. She wills herself to pull away; lets him breathe and take it in.
"I don't think this is love," he says.
"I don't think either of us are wise enough to tell the difference," she replies.
The idea that she might be right, that maybe this is okay, snaps something inside of him. She's willing to let him indulge just as long she's doing the same. Maybe he won't hurt her by not falling in love. Maybe this is okay. Maybe… Maybe…
He lets go, leaning back against the couch. He's thinking to himself. Wrestling with rationale.
She wants to comfort him, to tell him it's alright. That won't have to change if they don't need to. So she places a hand on his chest to get his attention, but he's so shocked by the sudden contact that he falls back and grabs onto her dress strap as they collapse onto the couch.
He's lying on the couch now with her bodily over his stomach.
She laughs and so does he, both falling away again into natural diffusion.
He thinks himself safe. The burning tension has withered, but just like before, Yang is unwilling to let things end so anticlimactically.
She gets up and sits on his waist. For a moment he's confused until she falls on him like timberwood. His body – the massive traitor that it is – welcomes her embrace with familiarity.
She laughs between breaths.
There's less heat and more comfort. Less passion and more affection. Indulgence in a way that is almost innocent. For a moment he needs to breathe but she clamps over his mouth. His annoyance spurs her on like it's a game. She's still laughing.
Then he opens his mouth. She slips in a tongue by accident.
They shudder.
They're boiling again, eyes shut to whatever is rumbling between them. His hands travel up her legs. A heat crawls over her skin. Then his fingers tease at the edge of her skirt.
She yelps, pulling away.
Yang realizes, rather succinctly, that she wasn't completely ready.
"I… Okay, I'm not… I don't know about that yet."
His fingers are still on her legs. They're not even very far up but the places he touches tickle in a way that is electrifying.
He slips out from under her as she sits back against the arm rest of the couch. Her body curled up. Guarded.
An ache settles in his chest. "Yang, I'm so – "
She unfurls. "Don't!" She reaches over and grabs his hands. "Don't… Don't apologize. We wanted this, didn't we? I'm just not mentally prepared to do anything but make out right now."
"You make it sound like there's going to be a second time."
"You forget," she says with a grin, "this is the second time."
"Look, Jaune. I think we've got a good thing going on right now. We're not taking anything from each other, we have fun, and we both know that we needed this."
"You're a little more optimistic about this than I am."
"Is that a bad thing?"
"I just hope it means things won't end poorly."
She squeezes his hand. "I don't know what it is that we've got going on right now, so I can't tell you that things won't end well or… not." She scooches closer. "But I'll try my best. Trust me?"
She's so earnest that he banishes doubts long enough to answer. He kisses her instead with the same featherlight comfort she'd given him earlier.
She hums appreciatively. "I think I like it when you say 'yes' this way."
"That a rule now?"
"Maybe. Prepare lip balm. You'll have room now that you won't need that flask anymore."
"I'm not attaching myself to you 24/7. I'm keeping the whiskey."
"I mean, you could attach yourself to me 24/7."
"You can't be serious…"
She slaps his arm, laughing. "I'm not! I'm joking! Lighten up a little."
"Sorry. This is… new to me. It feels like I've skipped a few steps and broken a ton of rules somehow."
"No, I get you, but try not to dissolve into a wet blanket." He pouts. She beams and powers on. "We're two consenting almost-adults here. There's nothing wrong with what we're doing."
"Some people would disagree."
"And some people are wrong and can stuff it." Now that she's calm, she finds that she can still smell the saltwater in his socks. He's probably uncomfortable right now. She stands up. "Now we should both take a bath. This makeup is starting to feel like I'm wearing a mask pressed around my eyes."
"Shouldn't we talk this out a bit more? Lay down some ground rules?"
"In the morning. I'd like to enjoy the prospect of what I can do without having to think about what I can't."
He sighs but warmth bubbles into his chest. "Fine. In the morning."
"Good." She walks up to her door. She stops before she opens it. "Oh, and… don't lock your door."
It's past midnight when Jaune hears his door open. He tries to squeeze his eyes shut to try to ignore what's coming, but once Yang slips into his sheets and hums happily against his chest, he finds himself painfully aware of the body pressed to his.
"What are you doing?" he asks.
"Being too close but not close enough."
He chooses not to question it.
She slips up further, breath on his neck. She bites. His aura flares up on instinct and she barely gets to his skin, tasting air instead.
"Uh…" he drones awkwardly.
She buries her face into his chest. "Shut up. I was trying to be hot."
"I think we've had enough excitement for one night."
"Lower your aura."
"Yang, c'mon…"
He sighs. "Fine…"
"So this morning, she sneaks up to me while I'm coming into the hallway and she bites me," Jaune says, pointing at his neck. "Then she hands me this bandage before she runs off."
"That sounds dangerously risqué," Joan comments.
Ruby is burying herself in her hood meanwhile, trying to contain her embarrassment.
"That's cause I bit her lip last night for revenge from last time."
Ruby crawls out of her hood and slaps her cheeks. They're still red but she doesn't care at this point. "Okay, so you aren't together?"
"Nora described it as together but not together-together."
"You and I both know that makes zero sense."
"Exactly. That's what makes it perfect. It makes about as much sense as our relationship."
Joan groans. "I can tell Yang came up with that one. It's one of those rules you two talked about, isn't it?"
He nods. "Hundred-percent."
Yang enters the cafeteria and spots them immediately. "Hey, you," she says with a purr. When she sits down, he kisses her cheek.
Ruby retreats back into her hood, gets up, and walks away. Joan rolls her eyes and follows after her.
"You were right," Jaune says, "this is fun."
"Glad you think so. Cause I'm about to sprinkle a bit of madness your way."
Dread hitches itself like prickled grass on his skin. "Okay… Hit me."
"My uncle's coming to Beacon."
"Uh… That's not so bad. Qrow and I are friends."
"No, you don't understand. He saw us at the park and followed us to the apartment to make sure we got home safe."
"Oh… oh, fuck. How much… how much did he hear?"
"Enough to want to meet with your privately. He told me not to tell you. He'll message you later tonight."
"He's going to kill me, isn't he?"
She winces. "Worse."
"Qrow wasn't mad on the phone. He was… embarrassed."
Simultaneously he felt relief and yet more dread. "Oh… oh no…"
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im-whatchamccallit · 4 years
Their Idol Girlfriend is Given a Nation’s Title//ATEEZ
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(A/N: I’m currently in love with WayV’s new video and haven’t figured out how to function normally after it. Ty)
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Hongjoong was proud of you for being the “Nation’s Pick”, seeing it as a well-deserved opportunity due to your talent and growth. You would be responsible for presenting the country to the entire world for future tourist and, instead of worrying about you traveling and being too busy to spend time with him, his main concern would be if you were ready for the upcoming task.
Hongjoong would listen to the speeches you’d have to do for certain events, staying up with you to research the other countries you’d be visiting, rehearsing greetings in those languages to make sure you seemed inviting and genuine. It almost felt like you were a trainee again.
Only after you felt fully prepared would Hongjoong grow upset at his future separation from you, going from his normal professional-minded self to his normal clingy-boyfriend self, cursing that the Korean Tourism Organization would choose you of all people, But how couldn’t they? You were known worldwide at this point, were great with the public, and very well spoken. Now he just curses you for being too perfect.
Having the title of “Nation’s Thief” was amusing to both you and Seonghwa, he just let it go to his head a bit more.
With Ateez steady popularity, and many fancams of him being shared worldwide over millions of times, it was only natural that Seonghwa would become something of a bachelor in his home country. The moment the public learned that you, a fellow idol, were his girlfriend, the playful name of ‘thief’ was thrown around in interviews and online. You never took it to heart which allowed Seonghwa to bask in the purity of it all. Seonghwa would spam his social media with photos of you and him, captioning them with jokes of your title, more specifically about if any other “thieves” wanted to steal him away (only for you to make him change the caption because, joking or not, you both know people would take him up on that offer).
The title of “Nation’s Fairy” left you in disbelief, and even more so Yunho. Why? Because the almost secret videos of your contemporary dance recitals from your youth were released, causing the media, your fans, non-fans, and various other celebrities to take into account how graceful and agile you truly are.
Ever since you debuted as an idol, your dances were mostly modern and hip-hop, a complete 180 from your childhood, but you were just as elegant. And, once Yunho discovered the reason behind the sudden title, he was not as shocked as before.
Yunho always knew you were a great dancer, watching you and taking in your every move and technique, amazed at how fluid they were, he was just surprised people noticed it now. Overall, his initial shock would disappear and he would continue to appreciate you as is, even asking when you’ll do more contemporary dances in the future, at this point secretly expecting more than what your idol self has shown.
It was undeniable that you were the nation’s sweetheart, you were adorable and kind hearted, everything about you screaming innocence. So it was always fun for Yeosang to tease you about the not so innocent things you’d do. When you let out a swear because you dropped something, or even grab a beer before settling in to watch a movie for the night, or even just kissing him once he initiated it, he’d always say in that almost sing-songy voice,
“What if the world knew our nation’s sweetheart acted like this?”
The title wouldn’t effect either of you much, Yeosang not seeing the true impact it has on you or your career. Sure, you sometimes had to pretend you were the purest thing on planet earth, but you didn’t mind being seen as cute and lovable. Yeosang would be fine with the sudden burst of attention you got and wouldn’t feel any different about the situation, even when you two were spotted together, Yeosang’s soft appearance nearly giving him his own title as the nation’s prince. So maybe it’s a win-win.
San was proud when you finally received the title of “Nation’s Girl Group”. He remembers it like it was yesterday, when you burst into their dorm and screamed “You won’t believe this!”
San would be a bit disappointed that with the title came a complete shift in your relationship, you two barely seeing one another. All preplanned dates would be cancelled because of last minute interviews, you’d be touring heavily and requested to model or make a cameo on some movie or drama, and your only form of contact would be minutes long FaceTime calls of you apologizing for not seeing him as much. But San would remind you both that once Ateez became the nation’s boy group, he’d be busy but will always make time for you, so he appreciates you doing the same now.
To put your separation worries to rest, San would suggest making it a competition, seeing how long you’d stay the nation’s girl group before Ateez makes it as the nation’s boy group. Of course, he felt awful betting on if you’d be able to maintain your title, but you and he had a strong competitive drive either way, and he thought it’d be a good way to encourage you to work harder, which is all he ever ask of you to do with your career and vice versa.
Being the nation’s “little sister” was something you weren’t too fond of, and Mingi knew that, learning to avoid those words and topic when alone with you, but he obviously found himself gravitating towards the title more after finally seeing what the general public has all these years.
Mingi would go back to all your performances from your childhood when you first began singing, all the interviews you did acting so cutely that it made everyone’s hearts swoon, even to recent interviews where you would respond to any questions and comments in a shy manner. You truly were someone worth protecting, no wonder the nation saw you the way they did.
Nonetheless, Mingi would try to push aside the protectiveness that came with bestowing you with the title, reminding himself you aren’t the same little girl the world come to know you as, you were an adult that sometimes swore and sometimes drank a little too much just because you were of age and could, you could drive, you paid bills and owned your own home, and you would cry from hard days and curl up into a ball to sleep. You were an adult human, something you secretly hoped people would realize for years, but reluctantly kept up your squeaky clean public image, and what more could Mingi do than comply with your wishes?
Wooyoung was a bit confused on how you didn’t let the title of “Nation’s First Love” go to your head, he knows he’d let the vanity consume him. Yet you were so humble.
Wooyoung felt the title was very fitting, the day he met you his heart nearly burst out of his chest and that was from your looks alone. But when you spoke to him, and he finally got to know you, your personality was enough to make him want to propose to you then and there. Wooyoung wouldn’t be too jealous at the attention you’d get from the media and general public, not even people gawking on the streets bothered him, his biggest concern would be if you were so perfect because you were pressured to be.
“It’s just the life of an idol; we only show enough of our true selves to connect with fans, but leave our truest selves for the days we need to remember who we really are.”
He always joked you were a fake philosopher when you said things like this, but learned to take that specific phrase to heart. You were an idol-actress with a fanbase that loved you and vice versa. You were always smiling for cameras and talking about your career as if it weren’t a big deal. All just to come home and wear sweats while eating instant ramen on the floor like you did as a kid.
Wooyoung found comfort in the fact that while you wooed everyone in your day to day life effortlessly, but that he was the only one that knew the actual you.
Nation’s Mother’s Friend’s Daughter. It was honestly the last thing Jongho thought anyone would call you, yet here you were, shy and awkward at the fact you were blessed with such a title. He didn’t get it at first, wondering what exactly it meant and what would bring the public to this conclusion, but the media always seemed to give him examples.
“She’s an idol, but makes time to visit hospitals to keep the elderly and children company! I’d love to see more idols like her!”
“I just heard she made a huge donation without even alerting the media! She’s really a kind soul!”
“Did you know she’s pursuing a law degree? She’s so incredible!”
Granted, you never really liked for people to compare themselves to you, especially when it came to your fellow idols, but you humbly rejecting the praise only seemed to make it happen more. Although Jongho never saw it as a bad thing, and other idols never took it to heart, he still wanted to ease the unnecessary guilt you felt with having your title. He didn’t know how, but you both going out to eat after a day of shopping, you ordering something small like always, gave him the idea to order beer and chicken, as much as you could both possibly consume within an hour. You were always praised for being so in shape and healthy, never eating “fatty foods”, that he allowed you the opportunity to make one “mistake”, something harmless that would make you feel human. And after the first sip of the alcoholic beverage, and the world not suddenly collapsing around you, you truly did.
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
15x07: Last Call
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In case you forgot, Dean and Cas are  f i g h t i n g. 
Texhoma, Texas
It’s bar time at a lonely little dive bar and two friends are stumbling to their car. Well, one is helping the other. Sally needs to vomit and runs to the bushes. Her friend, Angela, gets in the car instead of holding her hair back. I’m side eyeing your level of friendship here, ladies. Sally turns around from her puke-athon to find Angela and car gone. 
Cut to Angela tied to a chair in a basement. There’s a line slowly draining blood from her arm --and a monster feeding on it behind a door!
At the bunker, Dean continues his nihilistic spiral by drinking all the beer in his room and surfing the internet for cases. He finds one!
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Cut to Dean wandering into the kitchen where a very cozy Sam and Eileen are making all the breakfasts. 
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Dean knows when he’s a third wheel and decides to check out the case on his own. Sam and Eileen are living their best lives. He doesn’t want to get in the way.
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Dean arrives at the Texhoma sheriff’s office and meets Sheriff Dillon. He asks about the disappearance of Angela. The sheriff isn’t convinced she’s gone. Her car went with her. He suggests that maybe she ran away to LA. Kids do that. They usually return within the week. He boasts that he stayed for a month. 
Ok, I can’t recap this with a straight (*wink*) face anymore. WHAT THE WHAT was happening here? There is SO much staring and awkwardness. I loved it but also wanted to hide under a rock. 
In any event, the sheriff admits that Angela’s friend has issues that usually keeps her at Swayze’s Bar 24/7. Before Dean can head out though, the sheriff tells Dean that he could go to LA and look for Angela. He could give showbiz a try himself. Cue camera zoom and, “You’ve got the look.” 
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Dean    is    confused. 
That night Dean arrives at Swayze’s Bar. Dancing, drinking, and live music greet him. Also, a flirty waitress asks for his phone. This is a No Phones Allowed bar (guns are ok #AmericaYouAreTheWorst  -and what’s even worse? As an American, I didn’t think twice about this line until international fans vomited on Twitter. Sigh.) Dean, who’s currently on a case, just drops it in the basket. I guess he won’t be calling Sam if he needs anything. He asks about the friend, Sally. The waitress, Lorna, hasn’t seen her yet. She does slap Dean’s ass as she walks away though. Sigh. <Insert discourse on all the times Dean’s been sexually assaulted and harassed throughout the years.> He turns around to watch the waitress walk away when he notices the lead singer of the band. 
“Lee Webb.”
They’re old friends and ecstatic to see each other. Lee owns the bar. I wonder if they watched Swayze movies together in their youth?
Back at the bunker, things are snoozeville in Research Land. Eileen suggests they stop to do something fun. ooooOOOOOooooo. Sultry looks and awkward glances ensue. Sam takes her hand, she looks expectantly towards him, he leans forward, and...CAS INTERRUPTS! Bless the angel and his timing. Sam deserves it after 12 years of doing it to Cas and Dean. Cas and Eileen meet. Yay! 
*Classic SPN Dialog Alert*
Cas: I thought your were…
Eileen: Dead? Yeah, I got...better. 
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Then Cas asks the important question in life: “Where’s Dean?” Lol, you two are divorced, remember? Anyway, Cas comes with ideas. He thinks that Sam and God are connected through their wound. 
At the bar, Dean tells Lee that John died 13 years ago. Damn, when you put it like that, it’s overwhelming to think about how much of their lives we’ve watched. Lee’s sorry to hear it. They toast to his memory. They talk about the last time they saw each other. (A cult thing in Arizona.) Lee did one more case and hung up his hunter spurs. Dean asks if he regrets walking away. Nope. 
At the bunker, Cas is going to probe Sam. Well, his wound really. Cas does his angel magic and that leads to Sam getting tossed against the wall. Ooops. 
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Cas calls and leaves a message with Dean (on all his many, many phones it seems.) Cas growling directly into the phone is all kinds of wonderful. 
Dean’s busy reminiscing about orgies Lee and him had with triples. Yeah, they split triplets up “fair and square.” Um? <Insert lady doing complicated math gif here>
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Cut to Sergei. Remember him? He sold Cas “archangel” grace back in the day. Cas needs his help. Cas goes all BAMF on him and we collectively swoon. Cas also makes another phone call. 
For Hand Porn Science:
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At the bar, Dean tells Lee all about Ghost Sickness (ah, that very funny episode, until it wasn’t. Andrew Dabb’s first episode. Lilith makes an appearance.) Lee asks about his current case. Dean shows him a picture of Angela. Lorna sees it and is surprised Lee doesn’t recognize her. She’s in the bar all the time. WHERPS. Someone’s a lying liar. Anyway, the conversation moves on and Lee tells Dean he could have this life. (*crying Rocky’s Bar noise*) Dean wants to know who’ll kill the bad guys? “You deserve a break, bro.” Ok, fair. 
Lee then gets the band to play “Good Ol’ Boys” AND convinces Dean to join him on stage. Dean takes another shot and joins his friend. Dean’s on stage, but HE IS FREAKED OUT. Poor boy. He starts singing though. 
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And he can sing?? Ok. I will accept. Because I have to. Why would he pretend to not be able to sing for all these years? I mean, I guess, why does Dean pretend to be something he’s not is the main question we have about this poor soul in general. 
A fight breaks out in the back - Blondie’s getting harassed. “Road house rules?” Dean asks, invoking our lord and savior, Swayze. Hell yeah. Dean and Lee make quick work of the bullies and Dean discovers that Blondie’s actually Sally Anderson, the best friend of the girl who disappeared. 
Cas lets Sergei into the bunker. Sergei is positively ENAMORED by the bunker and all the delightful treasures within. Cool your jets, man! “You’re here for a reason,” Cas growls. 
“Aren’t we all?” Sergei replies, and my eyebrows go WAY UP high in the air because that is some straight up authorial intent nonsense. They head in to the infirmary and Sergei uses a crystal to scan Sam like it’s a medical tricorder. Sam’s dying, according to Sergei. 
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Sally spills the details, including the disappearance of the car. “You can’t rapture a car,” Lee protests. 
“It was a good car,” Sally tells him and I am definitely not now thinking about the Impala getting sucked up to her eternal rest in Heaven. Nope. Not thinking about that at all. 
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Instead of Heaven, Lee suggests that the car may have gotten dumped in the lake. Lorna, who is probably a TRUE CRIME enthusiast, suggests the scrapyard, though. Dean marks that as his first stop. 
Sergei delivers some truth about Sam’s wound. It’s a soul-deep wound and connects his soul to something that wanders the world. When Castiel probed it, Sam’s soul was squeezed out of his body. Please be like me, and envision Sam’s soul as the toothpaste in a half used toothpaste tube squeezed by Castiel’s fist. If Sam’s soul wanders too far, he dies. Or, as in my analogy, the toothpaste tube of the soul explodes. Soul toothpaste everywhere!
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In the junkyard, Dean discovers the victim’s car and more appallingly, her body hidden in the trunk. A gun is cocked behind him. It’s Lee! He knocks Dean out cold. 
Sergei smears a potion on Sam’s wound. Sam begins to thrash violently while Sergei chortles to Cas about deliberately hastening his death with his “cure.” Wherps. Shockingly, trusting the villain who cheerfully harmed Jack has backfired! Sam flashes on Chuck’s conversation with Amara - particularly on all the bits where they discuss Chuck’s current weakened state. While Sam flashes, Eileen drives Sergei into the wall and chokes off his airway. FANS SELF. 
Sergei demands the “Key to Death” in exchange for saving Sam’s life. It’s a key with a skeleton handle which can open the door to Death’s library. OKAY GUYS THIS IS NOT A DRILL I am very excited! First: a trip to the library! Second: it’s a SKELETON key, pardon me while I savor this pun with all I’m worth. Please, please can we visit Billie with a magic key? PLEASE????
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Um. Anyway. Castiel isn’t taking any of Sergei’s bullshit. He pulls out his phone and shows a photo of Sergei’s niece, under surveillance by Bobby. At Castiel’s order, Bobby will kill her. This takes all the wind out of Sergei’s sails. 
Cut to Sergei chanting over Sam just before Sam wakes up, mostly intact. “We good?” Sergei asks. Sure! BFFs. 
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Dean wakes up tied to a chair in a basement with an IV in his arm. “You awake, Buddy?” Lee asks, and isn’t that just an improper endearment to use at this time? Lee heads downstairs to deliver his villain monologue to Dean’s face. No sense in killing him while Dean was knocked out, right?!
Lee reveals that he had a very bad hunt that caused him to despair ever winning against the evil in the world. When he did his last hunt in this town, he found the monster who is now locked up in the cage in the bar’s basement. “As long as you feed it, it gives you money. It gives you health. It gives you anything you dreamed of.” Lee feels that the world owes him for his many monster kills from his younger days. The world isn’t divided into good or bad, nor does it care for anybody’s moral high ground. “But I do,” Dean says, and it’s like a rallying cry for our poor hot-dog-pantsed hero.
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Lee releases the blood and it begins to travel up towards the monster’s cage. “Dean Winchester, the righter of wrongs. You’re gonna keep digging. You’re gonna figure me out.” Lee pats him on the shoulder one more time, bro-like, and heads up the stairs again. 
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Dean sizes up the situation, rocks the chair and shatters it on the floor like he’s made out of granite, and pulls out the needle. It’s monster fightin’ time! 
Upstairs, Lee hears the commotion. It’s basically a lot of loud snarling and banging. Just a typical Friday night for Dean Winchester, amirite? Footsteps climb the stairs…and the monster’s head is thrown through the doorway.
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They engage in a good ol’ fashioned shootout before confronting each other face-to-face. “I am you,” Lee tells Dean. But he’s a version that realized the world was broken and bought into it. 
“Then you fix it,” Dean insists. “You don’t walk away. You fight for it.” And, as it turns out, they fight for justice, I guess. They fight and Dean skewers Lee with a broken pool cue. 
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“I’m glad it was you,” Lee says about his death which is twenty flavors of fucked up. Look, I know there’s all this meta about how this is Dean’s unrealistic fantasy and it shows him his true calling isn’t tending bar. That is all ABSOLUTELY accurate. But GUYS this also reads like another lesson from Chuck to poke Dean back into hunting and eventual fratricide again. Hot dog pants don’t kill people (EVEN THOUGH they straight up murdered fandom a few weeks ago). What parts of these episodes are meant to be Chuck and what are meant to be “free will”? I have no idea and I’ve never been more in love with this show!
Um. Anyway. 
Dean returns to the bunker. Castiel, just striding innocently through the war room, is ASSAULTED by Dean’s surprise presence. “Dean,” he says, so very softly. GAAAAAH. 
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Dean asks after Sam. Castiel delivers the good news and can NOT maintain eye contact. WHEN WILL MY SUFFERING END? Castiel strides away and Dean follows him to check on Sam. 
Sam, bless this poor clueless bean, is ecstatic with his new knowledge from his near-death visions. He realizes he saw Chuck’s memories, and knows he is weak now. Sam’s ready to take the Team Free Will monster truck and just rollllll it right over Chuck. Easy peasy! 
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Gimme a Bro-Quote, Bro:
Duke? Like put up your dukes?!
I need a break and so do you. Why don’t we do something fun?
Livin’ the dream!
Can’t just keep lip syncing Eye of the Tiger while no one’s watching
You can’t rapture a car
Best friends don’t just leave without saying goodbye
I like this you, Castiel. It’s very…Russian
Good or bad. The world doesn’t care. No one cares, Dean.
Want to read more? Check out our Recap Archive! 
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sapphiclunacookie · 4 years
bts intro for baby armys
Why hello armys of all ages! I have decided to create a long ass post about our favorite boys, and help all our baby armys learn about the chaotic dorks named bts
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First our worldwide handsome Seokjin!
First things first, Jin is not a pink princess or eomma (mom), and he’s not just a funny person or a handsome face. He has worked so very hard to get where he is. He is an amazing eldest hyung, a good dancer, a fantastic actor, and an awesome singer! This stinker is also really smart and well spoken! But he’s also a little shy, but he likes to make jokes so everyone’s more comfortable! Also his laugh is the reason i get up in the morning as it is a gift from god.
Next is out little meow meow Yoongi!
While he does enjoy sleeping, he isn’t lazy in any way!! He is a very sweet and caring person, and he does really care for his members! He’s very protective of his members and has a hard time getting angry. Yoongi stans really just compare him to cats and cry over his cheeks and adorable gummy smile… and have like 100 different names for him. Yoongi is husband material y’all, he cooks, he fixes things, guys this man can sew! we stan
Now for our beautiful sunshine Hoseok!
He is so much more than a bright, cheerful, dancer. He helps teach the others the dances, he’s strict about practice, he is such a sweetie i mean honestly, bless. This boi raps, sings, writes, produces, dances, and he’s so pretty! (don’t let anyone call him a horse, they sit on a throne of pig headed lies). He is a fucking amazing dancer, like wow, he fine. Hobi is the most motherly of the group, (said by bts many times) and decided to be a hope and an angel for us! (plus his sound effects give me life!)
Coming up next is our moonchild, Namjoon!
Holy shit y’all this man creates so much more than he could ever break! He has written over 140 songs THAT WE KNOW OF. he can dance, don’t believe anyone who say otherwise, he is an amazing leader. He is good at ice skating and loves crabs. He’s a little awkward with affection but believe me he loves and cares for his members. He loves art and he wants to be a dad so much y’all, like he bought baby shoes just cause. He is really sweet and soft, like don’t think just cause he’s big that he’s a dom daddy or something like that, he is very soft and loving and thank god this world has Namjoon.
Now our lovely fairy Jimin!
He’s normally shy but when he comes on that stage… damn, i need a piece of the demon that possesses him. He’s not insecure at all, but he has talked about being so in the past. He is so affectionate and caring towards his members. He’s very much a perfectionist, and is so skilled in so many forms of dance. But he’s also really intimidating and will hold eye contact with you til you break. True armys love him when he’s healthy, no matter what form that takes. He and Tae are soulmates and it’s the most blessed thing. 
On to our winter bear Taehyung!
He isn’t and never was an alien. Period. And he is so much more than a pretty face! He has such a beautiful soulful voice that’s just *chef’s kiss*. He is so smart and artistic! He does so much with painting and drawing and photos that are beauties. He also learns choros so quickly and remembers them like the genius he is! He’s an animal lover, and has a total of 3 dogs and a cat! He’s really good at detecting fake people and is very detail oriented. He’s a good actor too! (i need him and Jin in a drama thank you good night) and him and Chim-Chim are soulmates.
Finally, our little bunny Jungkook!
First, this boy is so fucking smart like damn, he picks up things so quickly and does them so well like h o w. He is very artistic, his drawings are amazing and have you seen his gcf videos?! Art. and he’s trying to learn english to help joon in interviews and i can’t (all the members are trying to learn fyi) he’s good at a lot of things but he’s said that he felt the pressure with that. And like, he was drawn into fame at a very young age and he’s one of the kindest people out there like fame messes with your head and he’s so humble and sweet. 
Now for some general army notes:
Fanwars are dumb and stupid so don’t start them/ join them
The ships aren’t real. BTS are brothers and they love each other as such. 
You don’t have to like every member of bts but you will not put down and hate on any member or exclude them from group photos if you want to be called an army. The boys themselves will shun you.
All the members are super smart.
The bangtan boys love us and trust us so let’s keep that trust! That means PLEASE don’t mob them at airports and give them their space when they are out in public!
You’re not a fake army if you don’t buy their albums, or can’t afford to see them in real life or don’t stream their music videos, your love and respect for the boys makes you an army.
I hope this helped any baby army or even older army!! If you think i missed something please add it! Or if i completely fucked up you can tell me too! 
#I purple you all! Fighting! 
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futurewriter2000 · 5 years
Final Moments
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A/N: This is my first marvel imagine and I know I haven’t much perfected the character but give me a few more imagines and I’ll make him the Steve Rogers that he is. I just haven’t really written much of Marvel fics but I hope this is good enough.
PAIRING: Steve Rogers x reader
REQUEST: would you be down to write a steve rogers x reader fic? i love your writing and would love one... so here’s the request (if u do) so it’s a post serum 40s steve who doesn’t really know much about what is happening to him. he knows that everything is on edge. he knows he has do do these shows and stuff but there is something or someone else on his mind as these changes occur. she was one of the scientists (possibly) at the lab and he sees her out and about one day. they get to talking (part one) -- (pt2) and she and steve share little moments where her inter scientist comes out and she starts helping steve truly understand what happened to him. (if you feel comfortable doing this that would be cool and i love all of your pieces! peace and love:) ) 
‘ It was somewhere along the words astonishing and fascinating watching the serum change a man with a slim figure and pretty much all bones into a man, who was the opposite. What was even more incredible than watching the serum work was how much pain and radiation this lanky boy had to go through. He clearly didn’t had enough of body mass to survive but he did and it showed the strength within.
Though you knew this man could take care of himself since his new transformation, you were still responsible for his health.
“You’re temperature is normal, blood presure is normal, heart rate stable,   the amount of haemoglobin in the blood is a bit too high but that must only be the serum trying to overload you on it since your past documents say it was too low. Did you have to take medicine for it?” you looked up at those blue eyes but he only stared. “Mr. Rogers?” you waved your hand in front of him and he flinched.
“Uh- sorry. What was the question again?” he dazed out of his day dreams and focused on your words again.
“Doesn’t matter.” you smiled and put the lab results back on the desk. You sat in front of him and lit a flashlight to see his pupils. “Heard you wanted to join the military?” you said as you switched the eye.
“May I ask why?” you rolled back on your chair, put the flaslight away and took the a piece of paper to scribble on it.
“If I can ask about what you’re writing there?” he smiled and nodded at the file.
“Well. I’m writing down your neutrophils, lymphocites, monocites, eosinophiles, basophils, haemoglobin-”
“Okay, okay.” he chuckled. “I get it. Medical stuff.”
“Yeah. Thought so.” you winked and put the files away. You sat on your stule and smiled at him, waiting for his answer.
“I wanted to do something good. Since I was a kid all I wanted was be a soldier, serve the country and- and there was this man, my father actually, who was an amazing soldier. From what my mother told me, she said he was the only soldier leaving with a smile and coming back with a smile.” he continued to ramble, not even aware how much he has already told you. But you listened to him and you kept your attention on him. “He died...just at the end of the war.” he looked down at his intertwined finers.
“I’m sorry.” 
He looked up and smiled. “I was too young to know him but I just wanted to make him proud, you know?”
“Well, he can definetly be proud of the man you’ve become. After this, you’ll be the best american soldier...” ‘
Months passed since he last saw you but he could still remember the smile on your lips, the colour of your eyes and the laugh.
‘ “No, no- God, Steve.” you laughed as he accidentaly bumped into a skeleton dummy, making its bones fall from the strings that kept it together.
“I’m so so sorry.” he picked the bones from the ground and tried to put them back where they belonged. Key word: Tried.
“It’s alright, Steve. Just leave it.” you continued to laugh as the bones only falled. ‘
He never enjoyed the visits to the doctors, but you? To visit the scientist who made all of that possible? He couldn’t wait when they told him to see you.
But if only you could see him now. In these stupid  tights and this stupid hat. All he wanted was to be a soldier and now? Now he’s just a walking clown. Would you say his father would be proud after seeing the soldier you met sing and dance like a circus monkey?
“Rogers!” someone shouted and came from behind. “There is some science woman here to see you.”
Steve jumped on his feet immediately. He was just thinking of you and now- now you’re here? And he’s wearing this-
“Nice tights, mr. Rogers.” you giggled as you walked in front of him. “Really shows out your legs.” you kept teasing but he only grew more red.
“Uhm- eh- (y/n)- khm.” he mumbled and couldn’t even find the words to say to you.
“Relax, dummy.” you sat on the stairs where he sat before. “How are you?”
“Uh- great.” he sat down beside you but you saw right through him.
“Yes. I can see. I can see you jumping from excitment.”
“That obvious, huh?”
“Only to me.” you nudged him a bit, trying to make him smile.
“I just- I hate this.” he put the cap off, showing his messy blonde hair. “The tights, the hat, the costumes, the singing- it’s not what I signed up for.”
“Then why are you still doing it?”
“I don’t know...” he sighed. “Something is better than nothing.”
“I guess that’s true.” you shurgged and looked at the distance.
“You probably think I’m dumb...” he mumbled really quietly.
Your head shot in his direction and you immediatelly denied. “No. How could you think that?”
“I told you all these things about my dad and how I want to make him proud but this is the furthest from it.”
“ Not everything is easy, Steve. You can’t expect to get what you want with a snap of your fingers. It took me all my life to get where I want. Especially a girl and a scientist. Where have you seen that?” you took his hands again and he felt his body soften. “I remember in my third year we had fieldtirp to E.T.S.N Labs and there were males. Just random guys in white cloaks and colourful bottles. And to most of my classmates the whole discussion about nitrium reactions was dull but I found it the most fascinating. There were all these glass bottles and test tubes- oh and there was this huge computer- imagine seeing the computer for the first time-” you nudged him a bit, realizing just how much you were babbling to him. “Oh, sorry. I’m talking too much, aren’t I?”
“No, no. Keep going.” he nudged you back. “I wanna hear about this computer.”
“Well, it was huge, as I said...it took a room but not a normal sized room but a gigantic sized room that felt...”
And as you kept explaining the time you first got inspired by chemicals, chemistry, the human body, the elements... he watched. He watched you with the same smile as you explained your story of how you fell in love with science. You were talking with such a wide smile and when he nodded, despite not having a clue what you were saying, your eyes sparkled like they were filled with the stars.
And for a moment all of his troubles disappeared and he was with you. Only you.
Since that moment, the two of you grew closer to each other. To you, he was never a soldier. He was always the lanky boy you saw walk through the doors of your laboratory. A boy with an awkward smile and lovely laugh. 
It wasn’t easy letting him go on those missions later on. You tried not to come out as paranoid as you did but you deeply cared for that man and seeing him go off, not knowing if it’s the last time you will see him, wasn’t exactly easy. He grew on you- mostly... he grew closer to your heart. 
“No martini today?” he leaned on the counter and you smiled, tracing your finger around te edge of your glass. 
“No. Not today.” you looked at him, pushing away the drink. “You?”
“I don’t drink.” he leaned on the counter with both of his elbows on the edge and his view over at Bucky’s table. 
“You never stop looking out for him, do you?” you mimicked his position and looked over at the drunk men over at the other table.
“Bucky? He looked out for me my whole life. Like a brother. I care to do the same.” he turned his blue eyes back to you, smirking. 
“That’s really amazing to hear. God knows I never had anybody to watch over me.” you took a sip of your scotch.
“Now, you know that was never true.” he stood up straight and you pressed your glass against your lips. “I have always looked out for you too. I’m Captain America.” he wiggled his eyebrows and you scoffed. 
“Using that line on me?” you quirked an eyebrow. 
“Is it working?” 
“A little, yes.” you let out a laugh, before finally putting your drink down and stretching out your hand. “Come on. Let’s see if Captain America can dance.” you took his hand but he stayed seated. 
“Yeah, I don’t know.”
“There is a lady asking you to dance with you, Steve.” you walked back closer, leaning forward and partially glancing at his lips. “Don’t let her down.” your eyes shit up to his and the two of you just looked at each other for a moment. 
To be honest, Steve Rogers wasn’t even thinking. He knew his answer but he just wanted to savour this moment; to have you close and with him, to feel not his image but himself. To be Steve Rogers, not Captain America. 
“Then let’s dance.” he smiled and stood up. 
He took you by the hand, his other hand placed itself on your hip not too firm but not gentle either. Your feet moved together, small steps to the sound of a saxophone and a piano. The man on the stage san in a voice, deep and dreamy: ‘  The night is like a lovely tune, beware my foolish heart How white the ever constant moon, take care, my foolish heart...’ 
He pulled you closer and you laid your head on his chest, feeling his heart beat calmly. You could smell the woody, aromatic parfume on his collar and it was blessing your soul with its scent. The warmth of his body heat was giving you a stronger effect than you could have imagine. You were in a daze- a daze with a gentle music in the background. 
“I could stay like this forever.” you said quietly but still feel him smile. You removed your head from his chest and looked up at him. He was smiling down on you with one of those smiles that could just make your heart go wild but calm down at the same time. 
“I could stay with you forever.” he replied and the two of you started slowing down your dance to the point where you barely moved. Your hands were now around his neck, your fingers gently scratching the back of it. 
He was watching you, dazed just as you. There were the stars as always in your eyes but at the moment you didn’t want him to see the stars. You wanted to feel them. “Steve?” you smiled, droping one hand on his chest.
“Uhm.” he mumbled.
“Are you meaning to kiss me or just look?” you teased and he smiled even wider. 
“Look, then kiss.” he replied and you giggled.
“Do you want me to twirl?” 
“It would be nice, yes.” he said as he moved away to let you spin around for him. You held on to his hand but as soon as you faced him again, he pulled you close, put his hand on your cheek and kissed you. Like his hold, it wasn’t gentle but it wasn’t too firm as well. You knotted his shirt in your fist and by pulling him closer, you deepened the kiss. There were whistles coming from the table his friends sat and both of you pulled away, smiling. 
He leaned his forehead on yours and kept grinning. “Sorry about them.”
“Well, they are probably thinking the same as I am.”
“Which is?” 
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