#he'd be a huge cinephile
cry-ptidd · 30 days
Fuck it, Vlad in the modern day Headcanons
- Calls every technological appliance with a screen a "pad" because Seras showed him an IPad first.
- He was shocked to know he has so much stuff written about him, and absolutely delighted about it.
- Enraptured by the idea of a grocery store. Doesn't understand why there's hungry people when there's so much food available. (No he doesn't know what a "Marx" is)
- Got a bit scared about headphones at first, denied it entirely. Prefers to listen to music on full speaker, much to Integra's frustration.
- Cries watching movies. Tries to play it off.
- Broke a phone because he wanted to understand how it worked. Got in trouble.
- Doesn't understand how a car works for the life of him. Likes the idea though, even if he misses his horse.
- Has to be physically dragged out of libraries, (all kinds of) stores and jewelry shops.
- Whenever they visit a city he insists on visiting the local church. Opinions vary, and Seras and Integra find him a bit snobbish.
- Finds modern clothes a bit boring, really wants a cape again.
- Once saw someone being unruly in the street and confronted them, leading to a physical fight. (He won, but also got in trouble again for breaking 8 bones in their body)
- Looks forward to movie night each week. Really into historical dramas/war movies and, surprisingly, animated films.
- "Seras what's a DILF"
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lanzhansexual · 10 months
I don't know why, but I just feel modern!wwx would be a huge cinephile y'know? Like quoting films and referencing them all the time and people wouldn't get the references and he'd be secretly disappointed. LWJ listening to him talk to others (too shy to talk to the new boy in class) and wouldn't have a clue.
Until one day he decides to subscribe to every streaming service available and consumes every film in existence. Then he just casually drops a really obscure quote into a conversation with WWX and watches as the boy's eyes light up with joy.
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Burt Fabelman SFW Headcanons
Summary: My personal SFW headcanons about Burt Fabelman.
(A/N: Keep in mind that I have not watched the movie yet. I just really like the character from what I've seen. Forgive me if I get some things about him wrong. Also, not worrying about the time period. Modern au cuz I'm lazy! <3)
(Read Below For Headcanons)
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I feel like he is a very caring and kind man.
He's always thinking about others and putting their needs before his.
Extremely altruistic. He makes LOTS of money from being a computer engineer, so he likes to donate to charities every now and then. He also volunteers at food banks occasionally.
Hates being alone. After divorcing Mitzi, his house felt very empty. Sure he got to see the kids every now and then, but when it was just him it felt terrible.
Very polite, timid, and gentle. Though, when provoked, he can be pretty intimidating. He doesn't tolerate disrespect.
He makes dad jokes a lot. They're terrible. His humor is just cheesy dad jokes and funny pictures of animals. He'd definitely scroll through Facebook and look at all of them.
He's a very patient person, but you don't want to push his buttons too much.
Burt is a fairly smart man. His IQ is maybe around 100? It's slightly above average.
The way he talks is very eloquent and professional, no matter who he's talking to. It's just how he is.
In a relationship with him, he's always spoiling you. He's basically a sugar daddy, but like, you two are actually in love.
He's a little self conscious about dating you, especially since he's not a Spring chicken anymore. Because of this, he tends to get jealous pretty easily. Don't take it personally though, he trusts you. It's just his own insecurities.
He loves model trains. In his basement he has a few mini models on shelves. If you let him, he could talk for hours about them.
He is a huge cinephile. Originally, he started to watch more movies to be able to talk with Sammy about his passions. But that grew into a hobby, and now he's just as passionate about cinema as Sammy is about directing. Some of his favorite movies are: Fight Club (but he HATES the sex scenes); Brokeback Mountain (he cried during it); American Psycho (he read the book originally, so he watched the movie after. he knows its satire and that's why he loves it.); Castaway (he just rlly likes this movie).
He does not play video games, but in a relationship with him, you do. It might not be a hobby for him, but he enjoys to watch you play.
Baking is a fun hobby of his. He really loves to make brownies and macarons. All of his treats are bomb asf.
Taking care of his front lawn/backyard is something that helps him relieve stress. Plus, he actually enjoys it.
He doesn't listen to music that much, but when he does, it's these bands: Red Hot Chili Peppers; The Beach Boys; The Rolling Stones; The Beatles.
I can't really explain why, but I headcanon him as being in a relationship with someone who is the exact opposite of him. So like y/n would listen to metal/rock and is very hyper as opposed to Burt's mellow personality.
I think he'd also be in a relationship with an autistic and queer person. Literally fight me on it. Do you know how fucking wholesome it would be for him to go to Pride parades and get all dressed up for them? And always making sure you're not overstimulated in public? UGH SO FUCKING WHOLESOME.
Whenever y/n is driving somewhere with Burt, he lets them control the aux. He always regrets it though, because he swears you make his ears bleed with the music.
Took y/n to a Slipknot concert and felt like he was having a seizure. Bro did NOT take his eyes off of you. He saw one of the members use an empty barrel as a drum and hit it with a lit torch, and he rambled about fire safety. Though, he thought it was pretty cool...
Like I said before, Burt Fabelman LOVES to spoil you. He'll take you on super romantic dates, buy you merch for your favorite bands/shows/movies etc, and takes you to concerts.
He rarely ever cusses. The only time he really does is when he loses his temper (which is rare), or during intimate moments (sometimes).
His favorite color is blue.
You jokingly call him your sugar daddy and he thinks its funny. Though he never says your wrong...
In the summer, he sees his kids every other week, but during the school year he only sees them on weekends.
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Hi Nancy! I'm very sorry you got some nasty asks bc you're so wholesome and I'm sending you this one cuz you're the cinephile (movie lover) and i had some sort of epiphany during the holidays -im the stunted ho anon from Maddy btw too haha. So I'm gonna give a lil bit of unnecessary backstory to my super long rant. I was really looking forward to this Xmas bc it meant taking my mom out of her nursing home for 2 days in 2 years and i had planned a lot of nice food, decorations, etc and it went that way save for the fact i got the nastiest bacterial tonsillitis in my life and we were relegated basically to watching the movies on tv. Turns out the greatest showman was playing. I know it was the sanitized version of pt barnum and i already knew hugh jackman is a fucking legend and was a stan accordingly but OMG were we blown away by the movie on Xmas Eve! Mom was even humming and tapping to the songs even if she doesn't know english lol it was a perfect bonding moment and everyone was so talented. Zendaya, Keala settle, even Zac Efron!! (I'm considering stanning him low-key lol). I'd listened to some of the songs already but i don't keep up w movies like that and i don't really care for musicals, but i loved it. The critics hated it but it was a success, hugh spent 8 years trying to get it greenlit (pls watch the vid w keala). What I'm getting at w this rambling is... Does Chris in his mediocrity -sry not sry- think he's gonna be able to pull a hugh jackman success / weird ass concept of fictionalized version of gene kelly (what is that treatment or future script really going to be about, bits of the most memorable roles of gene sewn into a jojo rabbit minus the Nazis kind of plot?? So groundbreaking). Why all this sudden interest of him in gene -prior to the ace ventura interview i don't think he'd ever mentioned his admiration for him?? Someone correct me if I'm wrong. That concept alone is disrespectful to genes wishes cuz it's still a bastardized version of a biopic, it's far more confusing than the light-year character thing that many people never really figured out. I get he wanted to fit his tap dancing ability into something he could show to the public but Chris isn't a good singer or dancer. With all due respect to mama Lisa, i doubt the 'provincial' level of tap dance in ma can compare to what gene did and they don't even look alike (re body build). I was optimistic at first but i cackled at the hate tweets bc i knew there was a kernel of truth. I get he prob thinks this will be a break or make moment, but taking into account how bleak his personal life is atm i doubt he has the willpower to stay rehearsing for 6 months and nail the performance. I know I'm dragging a movie that hasn't even been written, but the room for disaster is enormous. I think it'll be a huge flop. He should go the Mark ruffalo route and take some indies here and there, maybe work in europe or Asia and w more female directors. A musical or a comedy or something contrived like this project seems to be is once again not it... Are you exhausted?? What do you think? 🤔
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terrence-silver · 2 years
What other movies do you think Terry would enjoy watching?
Very complicated question to answer;
Why do I get the impression Terry, at any age, universally, likes retro films and is a huge cinephile of said genre? He just enjoys the Golden Era Old Hollywood ones? The classics - a good vintage. He appreciates vintage wine and he, in equal measure appreciates vintage kino, black and white or in color. Something he would've seen in his youth and something that harkens to a bygone nostalgia, also, a habit he might've picked up from his family too. That's an easy one. Or at least, that's what he says he has a penchant for, most frequently, as his go-to response whenever the topic comes up, even though it's technically not a lie, only a mask of classiness he's most willing to reveal as the 'safe', acceptable option. That includes flicks like Casablanca (1942), Rebel Without a Cause (1955), Streetcar Named Desire (1951), Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958), Sunset Boulevard (1950) - you name it. This list contains foreign classics too like the entire filmography of Akira Kurosawa respectively and 70's Korean cinema gems.
Post-war / Vietnam-era he and Johnny might've gotten ironically into the 70's martial arts Bruce Lee movie craze because it was in high fashion at the time and that's exactly where he picked up, the uh, whole mocking wah-wah thing directed at poor Mr. Miyagi. Then, a bit of karma hit him and Terry no doubt got non-ironically into said movies, but he'd never really admit to it, opting to instead, vehemently making fun of the whole line-up of flicks out of a certain bigotry of his own, unfortunately. His relationship with media is as complicated and as troubling as he himself is, at times.
Twig adored romance with every inch of his being since an early age - the more traditionally heart wrenching and sappy, the better, might've even went the tragic route of Romeo and Juliet (1968) or Bonnie and Clyde (1967) but he kept it strictly hidden, opting instead, to liking whatever all the other boys in the army liked too at the time in order to fit in and be see as a 'man' and avoid getting made fun of. Even more, that is. Could've loved 50's and 60's Disney animations too, like Lady and the Tramp (1955), but again, that's something he'd never tell.
For some reason I see him getting into cheesy, melodramatic American primetime daytime soaps about the excessively rich and famous (like himself) in the 80's and early 90's You know the ones. Dynasty (1981-1989). Dynasty II: The Colbys (1985-87). Dallas (1978-1991). The Falcon Crest (1981-1990). It simply entertained him to amazing degrees, because he saw himself in those storylines, characters and unimaginable wealth portrayed on screen to the point in became an odd point of self-parody to him. Where humor was concerned, he might've fancied or had tremendous amounts of laughing fits with Golden Girls (1985-1992), because it always reminded him of Margaret, and all the protagonists there did, one way or another and he's deeply fond of it to this day.
Things he doesn't like; Vietnam war movies. He just avoids them. Vehemently. Even if he saw them, he doesn't comment on them and his mind is pretty much shut down on the issue. There's a blank there, even if he references it or someone references it around him.
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