#he'd be like- come at me with a knife honey. I'll show you how to protect yourself
whositmcwhatsit · 1 year
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heartfullofleeches · 1 month
aspen with a reader who wants to be HIS housewife
if i tie him to the bed with like 70 zip ties and some rope that MIGHT give me enough time to make him some pancakes as a breakfast in bed :)
[Yan Assassin Male Housewife + G.N Reader]
He should've known you had some ulterior motive when you pulled out those handcuffs last night-
Bathed in the afterglow of your love making, Aspen snuggled up to your side fully content with having his wrist shackled to the bedframe so long as the precious seconds it would've taken to uncuff him were spent elsewhere in your arms. He knew there'd be some soreness come morning, but what he hadn't expected was the rope.
Where was this all evening?
Not too shabby with your knot typing skills either- He knew all those camping trips he dragged you alone for would be good for something. Aspen would have be more concerned, had he not found the receipt for the rope amongst the other goodies in your car while cleaning. That, and he doubts many of his rivals would go through the trouble of decorating the nightstand with his favorite flower.
Carnations... You remembered~
A gorgeous display, but Aspen had more pressing matters at had. It seemed the thrills of passion left him worn out than usual. As much as he'd love a continuation of last night's fun, if he didn't manage the house, who would? He needed to do the laundry. The garden could need some tending to as well. How could he do any of that without first preparing your-
The bedroom door flies open as you enter. Aspen props himself up on his elbows to get a better look at the contents of the tray in your hands. A fresh stack of pancakes coupled with a small jar of honey- He always preferred over syrup with his breakfast. Was.. Was this all for him? Couldn't be- It was agreed upon on your wedding day that he'd be the one to spoil you with this type of treatment!
Aspen tugs on the chains of his restraints as you set the tray down beside him. "Darling~" He coos, the airy softness behind his voice genuine as his frustration. You should be in his spot!
"We had a deal, did we not? I cook, I clean, and you give me your undivided love and affection."
"Shh, shh-" Picking up the knife and fork, you begin cutting up the pancakes into smaller bite sized portions. "That may have been the original plan, but I'm bored of being the only one who gets to take it easy in the morning. Consider it my duty as your spouse."
You- How dare you pull that card on him! Just you wait until he gets out of this rope. He'll show you!
Aspen huffs, pointing an accusatory finger in your direction. "Soon as you untie me I'm scrubbing the kitchen top to bottom! I'll make it so clean you never want to step foot in it again and need me to prepare every meal you have from now on including snacks!
"I guess I just won't untie you then. Now hush up and eat your breakfast before it gets cold."
Upset as he may be, there's no way Aspen could refuse an act of your love.
"Yes, dear....."
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takamikeiigos · 2 years
Hewwo!! I see ur tags and I had to ask... feral Keigo huh... ? 👀 There's somethin' about reducing a usually chatty, friendly guy into nothing but seething, frustrated silence as he drags you towards the bedroom so he can stake his claim on u and maybe relieve some pent up stress
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okay there's like.. feral kei who fucks you good 'n hard, head empty and so caught up in the way your pussy feels around him
and then there's like... feral kei, who's tired of being optimistic, tired of the commission's bullshit and the way they expect him to bend and break at their every will.
he is exhausted. he is aggrieved. he is drawn tight like a bowstring, ready to snap.
it's not common - seeing keigo in such a tense demeanor. typically he tries not to let these things bother him, instead focusing on the bigger picture.
but let's just picture what it's like when keigo finally does let it slip. when he lets the frustration take its course and his patience and equanimity start cracking at the seams. to anyone else he'd seem untroubled - his usual charismatic self; a childish smile on his face as he drips reassurances and optimism to his peers like honey into warm tea.
but he is oh so tired, and you're able to notice something is off immediately. his wings are tightly drawn to his back, his shoulders tense as he walks through the front door of your shared space. his brow is pinched ever-so-slightly but the façade stays in place, and the way he greets you as if nothing is wrong makes your chest feel heavy.
of course, you'll try to pry it out of him. but it's about as useful as trying to light a fire with a pack of wet matches. he doesn't budge, instead tells you he's fine and not to worry about it. yet you continue to press the situation, because he rarely ever takes the time to open up or decompress; always moving so fast that he can barely keep up with himself.
and something clicks then. he raises his head - his gaze moving sharply from where it was once trained on the dinner plate in front of him to yours across the table. his pupils are reduced to thin slits - focused on where you're seated and holding you there, and the feathers of his wings are ruffled - standing on end.
you aren't expecting him to stand so abruptly, the dining room chair scraping across the floor in protest. he breathes in slow, deep; and his voice is low when he speaks, lined clean and sharp like the edge of a knife.
"do you want answers, songbird? because you keep asking questions. and quite frankly i'm tired of the constant prying from all of you."
he walks around the table, slow, like a predator toying with its food. it makes your breath catch in your throat, especially when he comes to a stop beside you, leaning forward and crowding into your space. the brush of his lips against your ear brings goosebumps to the surface of your skin, and you suppress a full-body shiver.
"i'll give you your answers, lovebird. but i'm going to fuck them into you, and you're going to take it and listen."
and he does just that; fucks you hard and deep, his grip on the back of your thighs unforgiving as he presses your legs to your chest, fucking you as thorough as he can.
"is this what you wanted?" he hisses, venom dripping from his words as he leers at you. "wanted to see what's got me so riled up? what happens when japan's number two gets fed up? tired of - fuck - tired of being used as a weapon? a toy?"
he raises a hand from one of your thighs and grips your face, his fingers rough against your cheeks as he squeezes.
"i'll show you exactly how i'm feeling, sweetheart. you'll see exactly what it feels like to be used - spread thin and fucking spent."
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sweetcarrotsandroses97 · 10 months
Melted Promises | MYG
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Pairing: soldier! min yoongi x fem! wife! reader
Summary: He made you a promise that he sealed with a kiss. He said he'd come back to you after the war was over. You could only hope, with a heavy heart and melted dreams, that Yoongi would keep his word and find his way back home.
Warnings: fluff, angst, married! au, war! au, feelings of uncertainty and yearning, happy tears, food. (let me know if I missed anything!)
Word Count: 2.1k words
~Prompt 1: Found Family
~Snowflakes divider by @samspenandsword
~Prompt list by @flightlessangelwings
☕Caffeinate me so I can keep on writing! ☕
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It was cold. That was all you could feel. Apart from your thumping heart in your aching chest. You were waiting, like every other day after the war had ended. You waited patiently yet you still counted every second. You waited in silence but your mind was racing with thousands of thoughts, of possibilities.
The house was so big without him. The bed was too cold without your husband there to hold you through the icy nights. The table looked longer without him by your side. And life was grey, always threatening to paint itself in black with the news you feared with your entire being.
You hadn’t received a letter from Yoongi for three months now, the war ended two months ago. The uncertainty was killing you slowly, every single day you looked down at your golden band around your ring finger and your heart pained within you, not knowing if Yoongi was alright or not, if he lived or not, if he was going to come home to you or not.
The sound of chopping filled the overly-quiet house. It almost hypnotised you in its own rhythm. It was monotonous, colourless. A soft resemblance of how you had been living since Yoongi left you to go and fight for a country that didn't deserve his pure soul.
"Don't cry, I'll be back before you know it."
His voice reached your ears yet it wasn't a sweet experience like before. You feared with all your being that this was going to be the last time you heard your husband's voice. It was cruel. Bittersweet.
"I'm sorry, but I really don't want you to go, Yoongi."
He sighed, feeling his heart clench at the sight of your tears. You weren't the only one in this position. Lots of men were also saying their goodbyes to their wives, some even to their children. The train station was filled with empty promises and painful tears. It wasn't fair.
"I'll come back to you. I promise."
You sniffled, wiping your cheeks with the back of your hands. Trying to be strong for him. You knew how scared he could be at times yet he never showed any signs of it.
Even when those words were based on nothing, you held onto them. The last promise he made to you before the whistle of the upcoming train reached your ears and you embraced him for the last time.
"And I'll be waiting for you to come back to me. I'll miss you like the sun misses the moon, waiting until we meet again."
A lone tear escaped his eye, rolling down his pale cheek at your words filled with so much pain it broke his heart to leave you behind. To leave you in uncertainty. In heartbreak.
"Forgive me."
The train stopped and he had to pull away from you. Gazing into your (e/c) pools once more, maybe for the last time with tears of his own in his dark eyes.
"I love you, Yoongi."
He smiled slightly, the corners of his lips lifting as he looked down at you while his hands rested on your cheeks. Admiring you, imprinting you into his memories and heart.
"I love you too, my (y/n). Never forget that."
You nodded at him, the lump in your throat not allowing you to express your wounded soul to him. He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss against your lips. Something that was once as sweet as honey was now sour, poisoned with the thorns of separating two lovers.
You blinked and the memory disappeared from before you. Tears were clouding your eyes and you had to put the chopping knife aside, feeling drained of any energy as you drowned in your waiting, in your sorrow, in your pain.
You let out a sigh, sliding down against the counter with your back resting on it. If only you could make Yoongi appear before you, if only a letter for him would suffice to calm your racing mind. At least you'd know he was alive. That he would come back to you as he promised.
Tears began leaking from your eyes like endless rivers of sorrow. Pain for a destiny you were unsure of, ideas that existed only in your head and you feared would come true.
You had to take a deep breath, calming yourself the best you could, before standing up and wiping your tears with your hands. Yoongi had made a promise to return to you while you also promised him to wait patiently for him.
Remembering your words, the feeling of his lips with that last kiss he had given you, you braced yourself for the future, holding onto melted promises that hung in the air.
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It was late at night, another month had passed when you found yourself curled up on the couch in front of the fireplace with dying embers. A soft blanket covered your body as you fell asleep there.
You had made it a habit to wait until your last strength in the living room just in case your husband were to return home in the late night or early morning.
Every night you hoped to wake up to him opening that door and embracing you, kissing your temple and probably carrying you to bed yet every morning you woke up to the same empty house, the same silence surrounded you every time you opened your eyes the next day. The same ache settled in your chest. A pain only Yoongi could relieve.
Snow was falling from the dark skies, the winds were strong outside of the house where you slept with an uneasy heart.
You stirred at the sound of the lock turning, frowning slightly at the disturbance. Sitting up, the blanket scrunched around your waist with the motions. You turned to look at the door as it opened, not really reacting at all with your head still swimming in the world of sleep.
Yoongi entered the house with heavy steps, he was able to catch the last train that would drop him off near his home, it didn't matter that he had to walk for two kilometres at night while it snowed heavily for he only wished to go home to you. See you, embrace you and tell you he loved you.
When your eyes met his from across the living room, you blinked once then twice. Not believing the sight in front of you. Yoongi stood there, taking in your form. It looked like you had fallen asleep on the couch that night yet the tiredness in his bones restrained him from launching at you and taking you into his arms.
"Is this real?"
His heart clenched at your soft whisper. Your eyes held an uncertainty that pained him beyond words. For how long had you dreamed of his return? If he had been able to come back to you since the war was over, he would have. Without a second thought. But life got in between. And the realisation that his absence had hurt you made his heart clench in his chest.
He took a step forward, then another and another until he stood in front of you. Gazing down at you with so much love and longing in his dark eyes that you almost reached to touch his hand.
"Am I dreaming?"
He smiled. That gummy smile you loved so much. His eyes watered at your delicate voice, noticing your fingers itching to reach out to him.
"No, dearest. I'm back. It's over."
His hand cradled your cheek and that was the moment you broke down. Realising your husband was there with you. After all this time, he came back to you. Just like he had promised. Your own hand trapped his against your cheek as the tears left your eyes uncontrollably.
"I missed you."
Yoongi sat down next to you, taking you into his arms as he embraced you with all the yearning he had had for you since he boarded the train what seemed to be decades ago.
"I missed you so much, Yoongi."
He pressed you even more into his chest, his own face got buried in your neck, inhaling your scent. That scent that calmed him, his favourite fragrance. The aroma that clouded his senses and lived within him.
"I missed you too, love. So much. So much."
His own tears began wetting your hair as he held you almost harshly against him. Not wanting to let go ever again. Not going to let you go any time soon.
You broke the embrace, needing to look into his eyes. Needing the confirmation of his existence next to you. For you had dreamed of this moment countless times before that now your soul feared this was another representation of your heart's desires.
"You are really here."
You whispered, not breaking eye contact with your husband, your hands resting on his shoulders as you looked at him. You noticed his hair was a mess with melted snowflakes slightly wetting it, his eyes sparkled under the dimly lit room. His hands felt calloused against your own hands. His thumb ran over your left hand, softly caressing your wedding band.
"I promised, didn't I?"
You nodded at his words, biting your lower lip in order to stop the sobs of happiness from escaping you.
"I... I was so scared, Yoongi. Why didn't you write to me? I didn't know if you were alive or not. Don't do that to me ever again!"
He smiled at you, feeling tears of his own pooling in his dark eyes that held your whole world in them.
"I won't, I promise."
He put a strand of your hair behind your ear, admiring how beautiful you looked. Admiring his lovely wife after years of being apart. Of silently praying to be reunited with you, of wishing and dreaming of the moment he would be able to hold you again.
Your forehead rested against his, taking in the beautiful moment, the sound of the harsh winds outside was drowned by the rhythmic sound of your heartbeats combined in the cosy living room of your small house.
"I'm never leaving you again. This years apart were the worst torture for me, forgive me for making you go through such pain, (y/n) of mine."
You shook your head, ceasing his babbling as your hands fisted his coat.
"Yoongi, shut up and kiss me. Only the heavens know how much I've yearned for you."
He chuckled, not wasting another second before his lips were on yours. Taking in your scent, your taste, your existence before him. One of his hands cradled the back of your head while the other held yours tightly as they rested on your lap. Your hands were on his shoulders, keeping him close to you.
He was home. After all he's been through, all the death he had witnessed, all the agony and the despair he was finally where he belonged. Next to you, his beautiful wife who would always wait for him even if he were sent to hell and back. You'd wait and he'd return. There was no other option.
And right now, he kissed you, pouring all his hidden emotions into the soft action that represented the love he had for you in a small fraction of its existence. He kissed, having missed you more than he ever thought possible while you reciprocated the kiss.
A kiss of reunion you had dreamed about so many times in so many ways in different places. You allowed yourself to be free of your pain and yearning, your uncertainty and fear. You welcomed him in your arms, a place he'd always be safe and loved. You embraced him, not letting go ever again.
When he parted from you, Yoongi smiled, feeling the love radiating from you and healing his wounded heart. You closed your eyes, enjoying the intimacy, the quietness, the peace that found you after so much torment both in your mind and reality.
For he had returned to you, his family. After tasting both hell and heaven, Yoongi was back to you, returning to his family and the only person in this world that was worth saving. His darling. His wife. His love. For all times to come. 
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☕Caffeinate me so I can keep on writing! ☕
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jessybarnes · 1 year
Eight Legged Enemy
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader
Other Characters: Chris Evans and @madashatters18
Rating: Mature
Tags: Spiders, angst, fluff, language, pining, crying, panic, and I think that's it.
Word Count: 1,361
Beta: Just Grammarly and me
Reblog Divider by: @cafekitsune
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"So, who's turn is it to pick the movie?" 
Chris looks up from his phone and gazes between you and Ang. Both of you shrug in unison.
"Honestly? I forgot," you laugh as you answer him.
"Same…," Ang adds. 
Chris rolls his eyes playfully and shakes his head, "I swear… What am I gonna do with you two? Alright. I'm gonna go make popcorn for us. You two pick something while I'm gone, okay?" 
He gets up and slides his phone in his pocket before disappearing down the hall with Dodger hot on his heels. 
Ang stands and walks over to one of the bookshelves full of Blu-ray movies.
"I'll take this one and you take the other. Then we'll compare our top three. Sound good?"
You nod and start looking through the other one. 
After a few minutes, you decide on your choices and turn to show them to Ang when something catches your eye. There, crawling down the wall is a quarter-sized spider and it makes your eyes go wide.
"Ang! Oh, my fucking god! Ew! Oh, fuck! A spider!" 
You both scream, drop the movies, and jump on top of Chris’s pool table just as he comes running back into the room with a butcher knife.
"Jesus Christ! What the fuck is goi- wait… what are you doing on my pool table? What's going on?!" 
Ang points a shaking hand to the spider that's now crawling towards Chris’s feet.
He looks down and jumps backward, dropping the knife in the process.
"Fuck fuck fuck! Dodger! C'mon, buddy! Get it!"
Instead of getting up to help, his furbaby yawns and grunts before laying back down in his spot on the couch.
Chris glares at him before quickly looking back down at the eight-legged threat at his feet. It gets within an inch of his toes before he leaps over it and scrambles up on the pool table in between the girls.
"Okay, I am NOT killing that thing if I can help it, so… rock paper scissors?" 
You shake your head, "Listen, Evans… you may be my best friend, but honey, there is NO WAY I'm smashing that thing. Sebastian could come in here sayin' he'd kiss me and I'd still say no." 
Chris abandons the thought of being bit by one of his biggest fears and snaps his head towards you.
"I'm sorry...you what now?"
Ang snorts, "Umm you mean to tell me you didn't know she had a thing for Seabass?" 
Chris turns to his other best friend and narrows his eyes. "Uhh no...no I didn't."
Your eyes scan the room, "guys?"
It falls on deaf ears though. Clearly, your love life is more important than actually living.
"Chris, c'mon seriously. She looks at him like I look at Tom…and we've been together for four years now. It's obvious how she feels about him." 
You peek over the side of the pool table and glance at the floor, desperately looking for the spider, but it's no use, it's gone. "Guys?!"
Once again you're ignored as Chris rolls his eyes for the second time that night.
"Ang, you know I'm always the last one to find things out! You could've told me, ya know! Is Seb aware of how she feels?" 
You smack Chris’s shoulder, but he brushes you off as he waits for Ang to answer.
She bites her lip, "Actually, no, I don't think he does. She's too nervous to tell him and thinks he's way out of her league. I keep trying to tell her to nut up and make a move, but th-" 
Chris and Ang jump as you practically scream, "GUYS!!"
There are tears in your eyes as you look at them nervously. "It's gone...I don't...it…"
Ang immediately begins to look over her end of the table while Chris pulls out his phone to turn on the flashlight.
"Shh, hey, it's okay. We'll find it. Just breathe for me." 
Five minutes later you're all sitting back to back in a sort of triangle on high alert.
"I'm not sleeping until that thing is dead!" Ang says as she turns to Chris. "I mean it. I will sit here all night if I have to."
He unlocks his phone and groans, "So much for movie night. It's after eleven." 
You sigh and lean your head back, your eyes closed as you try not to panic. A few seconds go by before you suddenly feel the strong urge to open them, and the moment you do you nearly pass out. The spider is dangling above all of your heads spinning a web on the ceiling light. 
You leap off the table and scramble backward toward the wall behind you. He and Ang both look up at the same time and scream before joining you against the hard surface.
"Okay, motherfucker...time to call in the big guns." Chris taps on his phone screen a few times before holding it to his ear. 
"Hello? Hey man, it's me...Yeah, can you come over? We have a problem… No, no, they're fine… we just uhh...we need you. Just...please?...Fifteen mins? Awesome, just walk on in when you get here. Thank you!" 
Ang raises an eyebrow, "Uhh who was that?"
Chris nods toward you and smirks, "I called Romanian Romeo. He has no issues killing spiders and I figured I'd play matchmaker too. Ya know, kill two birds with one stone." 
You sigh, "I'm literally right here guys… Plus, he doesn't like me like that so can we just focus on staying alive and making sure that thing doesn't move?" 
The next fifteen minutes are the slowest they've ever experienced, but finally, they hear Sebastian’s voice call out to them.
"Hello? Where is everyone?" 
"Down here!" Chris shouts up to him and gets up to greet him at the bottom of the stairs.
"Umm… okay, someone needs to fill me in here. Aren't you guys supposed to be watching movies? Ang looks like she is about to pass out and has Y/N been crying? Chris, what is all this? What's going on?" 
He feels embarrassed all of a sudden. He's Captain fucking America for fuck's sake and he can't even kill a spider?
"Well, we were going too but uh...I...we need...fuck, man there's a spider dangling from the fucking ceiling light. Can you just kill it for us? Please?" 
Sebastian turns around and looks up at the arachnid for a moment.
"That tiny little guy? Seriously? You called me here to kill that?"
He takes his shoe off and grabs one of the Blu-rays off the floor.
"Fine, but I'm staying...and we're playing truth or dare." 
He coaxes it onto the case and brings it down to the floor. The moment it crawls off he smashes it with his shoe making the girls scream.
"He's dead. You're all saved. Now, who's making popcorn? We need snacks and drinks to get this party started." 
Once everyone is settled on the floor in a circle Sebastian takes a sip of his drink and looks at Ang.
"Alright sweetheart, you go first. Ask someone to pick truth or dare."
She smiles and looks at Chris as he finishes a bite of popcorn. "Truth or dare?"
He considers his options as he opens a beer. "Truth."
She thinks for a moment before smiling, "Is it true you've used your Captain America shield during sexy time?"
He nearly chokes on his drink before going beet red, "Um I...maybe?" 
Sebastian cackles as the girls squeal with delight.
"Oh, my god you totally have! Christopher! Who knew you were so kinky? Ang teases. 
"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up…alright my turn. Sebastian, truth or dare?"
He bites his lip and Chris sees you hone in on the movement.
"Dare! Gotta go with the dare." 
Chris rubs his hands together and cracks his knuckles. He knows his next move could go very wrong if he isn't careful. So he can only pray this goes well. 
"I dare you," he looks between the two of you for a moment before he continues, "to kiss Y/N on the lips." 
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ravenrose18 · 4 months
Crossbow Love
Chapter 6- Scars
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This Chapter mentions self-harm, abuse, and rape
Carol walks into the house and immediately heads upstairs, she needs to talk to Raven, that she can't go on like this. That she is now in a group, that people are worried, that Daryl is worried. She pokes her head into the bedroom and doesn't find her. She walks into the bathroom and sees her. "Hey," She says snatching the knife out of her hand. "Don't ever do that, he'd be heartbroken if he knew you were hurting yourself, this isn't the way out, understand?" She kneels in front of her "This is never the way out" She says as Raven looks down and cries "I just want to ease the pain I have done this before, even when I was only ten years old." She says curling up in a ball, crying into her knees. "Now you have a group and you can talk to us, you don't have to hurt yourself. Talking helps" She says Raven nods and looks down "I just feel stupid about what I did and knowing that he worries about me and cares bout me. I'm just used to it right now. Having someone to talk to, having someone care about me. I always felt like I was a disappointment, worthless and no one would care if I left or even noticed. I've tried to commit suicide a few times in my life." She says quietly, pressing her knees to her chest.
"Jesus Raven," Carol says, putting her arms around her, "I had a husband who beat me, beat me into unconsciousness. I wanted to kill myself, but then who would take care of my daughter? Who would take care of Sophia?" She says feeling the tears on her cheeks. "I fought for her, you have a reason to get a living too, you have a group. You have Daryl to worry about, I worry about. You can't hurt yourself. When Sophia died I broke down, but see, I'm here, I'm smiling, I'm alive because I have a reason," She says, taking her face in her hands and directing them to hers, "You have a reason too. If you want to leave, go, but tell someone that you are going and how long you will be gone. No one will forbid you, but we are family, and family worries and protects, dear." She says
Raven smiles softly as tears stream down her face and nods. "I'm so sorry, Carol. Thank you for being here, you guys should be the reason I am still alive and will continue to live, especially for Daryl" She says embracing Carol. "I know, honey," She says hugging you. "Daryl will get a little angry and he'll get over it. Go talk to him." She says. Raven smiles and nods "Thank you, Carol. I'll go talk to him now." She says getting up and walking to the basement and standing in front of the door.
The door is slightly ajar, Daryl is sitting as he sits in his chair. His back is covered in a dozen scars, some larger, some smaller. Some deep, some shallow. But each one is painful, and he hides his face in his hands and calms his breathing. Raven sees his back, frowns, and without realizing he's been through this shit too, knocks quietly on the door and opens it slowly. "Daryl?" She says softly looking at his back. Daryl rises to his feet and turns to face you. His stomach and chest are cut by a single, long, and deep scar. He stares at you with wide eyes. Raven crinkles her eyebrows and looks deep into his eyes, she walks over and sits down next to him on the bed, and looks at him. "It's okay Daryl. I have scars too." She says softly taking her flannel off and showing him as well.
Even though the angel wing tattoo covers her back, he can still see the scars very well. Daryl stares at her scars. "But it's different." He mutters under his breath and lowers his gaze. "Why did you come?" He asks sitting down on the workbench that sits against the wall. Raven looks at him and sighs. "I think we should talk about what happened, and I want to talk about my scars. And knowing that you have your scars, I want to know about yours too." She says softly, staring at him as she sits down on his bed.
Daryl lowers his eyes and sighs resignedly. No one should have ever seen his scars, no one should have ever felt sorry for him. He knew he was trash and deserved to be beaten like this. "My father was a dick." His voice trembles, as does his body. "When Merle was in juvie, it was my father who took his aggression out on me as a child when my mother died," Daryl says, trying to have the strength to keep from crying. "I was just afraid something would happen to you and nothing more" He mutters quietly under his breath.
Raven looks at him and holds his hand. "I know and I'm sorry I did that to you. I felt stupid for just doing that, I'm not used to people giving a shit about me whether I'm dead or alive. Look, I told you my parents abused and tortured me, that's how I got most of these scars. But..." She says looking down and breathing deeply. He squeezes her hand and raises his head slightly, his eyes sparkling from the emotions bubbling up inside him. Raven's tears stream down her cheeks. "I used tattoos to cover the scars, but they are still there, they were deep scars. I hurt myself to relieve the pain and tried to commit suicide, but I didn't succeed. After I came back and saw how disappointed and sad you were, I wanted to hurt myself in the bathroom, but Carol came over and stopped me and talked to me." She says quietly and keeps her face lowered, covering it with her hands.
Daryl sits as if miffed, he never thought someone could hurt themselves. "Hey." He says reaching out to her and putting a hand on her shoulder. Raven holds her head and grabs her hair, reliving the days when she committed suicide multiple times. Since those days, however, she occasionally cuts herself with her knife. Daryl pulls her to him, grips her hands tightly and firmly, and tries to catch her gaze. "You don't have to do this anymore, I don't want you to do this. Here no one will ever judge you for anything, you don't have to punish yourself. That's not how a group works, that's not how a family works. You'll learn that over time." He said with a smiling uncertainty and he slid his thumbs over her wrists, "No one will yell at you for going for a walk, but tell someone how long you'll be gone." He says
Raven wept softly embraced him tightly and covered her face in his chest. "I'm so sorry. I will never hurt myself again and don't want to do that to you and the group. I will stay strong like you." She speaks softly against her hand on his back feeling the scars softly. initially tenses his body feeling her hands on his scars, he wraps his arms around her and hugs her tightly to himself. "We all deserve to break down at some point, don't be ashamed. But now you have us and all you have to do is come and talk. I know it's hard, I've struggled with it myself." He says breathing, "I know you have to get used to being within these walls, so why don't you go for a run on your motorcycle and I'll take you for a carefree ride once in a while?" He asks
Raven smiles softly with tears in her eyes and stares into his eyes. "Yes, I would love to, especially if you're there with me. And you don't have to be afraid to talk me into it, Daryl because I understand." She says placing one of her hands on his cheek. She stares into his eyes, smiling slightly. Raven looks into his eyes: "Please Daryl, don't close yourself off from me, I have opened myself up to you. I care about you and I worry about you." She says. Daryl nods slightly uncertain "I'm sorry," He says. Raven nods and moves away from him then sighs. "I'll leave you alone then, thanks for letting me open up and talk." She says walking towards the door. "Wait," He says finally. He breathes through his nose and bites his lower lip, looking at his hands. Raven stops and looks at him, watching his behavior, and looks at him confused and curious. "What is it, Daryl?" She asks
"I've never had an easy life," He says lowering his head "My mother was burned in a fire she started with a cigarette. She was drinking alcohol as usual and just burned out. When I was 7 years old I got lost in the woods, I was gone for 3 days. No one was interested in what was happening to me, my father was drunk with alcohol, and Merle was gone as usual. When Merle left home and didn't come back, my old man started beating me, at first making up his reasons. In my town, the Dixons were always trash, always nothing but zeros. Country simpletons," He says clenching his hands into fists. Raven leans against the door frame, listening and staring at his hands and then at his face.
"Well Dixon you have people who care and worry about you now," She says softly. "I know that" He breathes deeply "But it's so hard to switch to having someone care about you, so I know how you feel," He says looking at her "The urge to get as far away from here as possible often wins out in me too. A sense of freedom, we'll do this together ok?" He asks
Raven looks into his eyes as she leans against the wall and nods smiling softly. "Yes of course together Daryl. I want to feel the freedom with you," She says quietly. Daryl smiles slightly. "It's good to have someone who understands you," He breathes deeply, "Who I can talk to about what happened." He says. Raven smiles softly and nods. "Yeah, it feels great to have someone you can talk to and someone you can just listen to." She says "Maybe..." He hushes, wrinkling his brow and biting his thumb.
Raven smiles and looks at him blushing softly. "Thank you, Daryl, for letting me hear your story, I feel less alone and understood." She says "Maybe you would like to stay here. You wouldn't stay upstairs alone in an empty house if you wanted to. I'm not forcing you..." He says as his thoughts wander to how he would feel holding you in his arms in his bed. Raven smiles, blushes, and nods. "I would love to. I noticed that when we were both lying on the couch sleeping, I didn't have nightmares." She says softly "Okay," He smiles slightly, "You're not going to sleep in that, are you?" He asks after a moment she realizes how the question sounded, "I mean..." He pauses as he runs out of words. Raven giggles and blushes "I sleep in so you're good Dixon." She says sitting on the edge of his bed and looking at him.
Daryl blushes furiously and gets up from the table and stares at her for a moment. He hesitates whether he should take off his pants and sleep in his boxers or change into sweatpants. He bites his lower lip and wonders how much fun he would have if he didn't, or more accurately if she was uncomfortable in this situation. Raven blushingly takes off her flannel and places it on the ground, as well as the shorts she was wearing. Daryl slips his pants off, standing with his back to her. Now she knows about his scars, so he's less scary. He pulls his sweatpants off the chair and slips them over his butt. He stretches hard and his muscles tighten. Raven blushes at the sight of him and bites her lip, lying down on the bed and looking at him and then at the ceiling.
Daryl leaves the door ajar so he can hear if anything is going on upstairs. He moves his knife from the workbench to the table next to the bed so he has it handy. He keeps an eye on where his crossbow is and finally sits down on the bed and lies down, leaving a safe distance between them. Raven blushes and smiles softly, knowing he's not comfortable being too close, but she doesn't mind being close to him. She lies down on her side, her back to him. Daryl glances at her when he's sure she can't see him. He glides his eyes through his hair, his fingers itching to comb through it. He glides his gaze over the exposed skin of her shoulders and a piece of her back, feeling his pants tighten. He turns his back to her with a blush on his cheeks. Raven closes her eyes, knowing she'd rather stay in his room than be all alone. And seeing his package through his pants made her feel drawn to him with more passionate attraction. Daryl arranges himself comfortably to finally let sleep engulf his body. Raven finally falls asleep, knowing that tomorrow she should bring up the subject of her feelings as she feels closer to Daryl and a stronger connection, let's just hope he feels the same.
Chapter 7
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
Promise he kept
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Pairing: orc!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: past non-con, general filth, some fluff, pregnancy, size kink, kidnapping.
Words: 1k
Summary: Your orc husband loves taking care of his pregnant wife.
P.S. I actually wanted to write pure fluff, but orc!Bucky decided otherwise 🤷‍♀️ Some super unrealistic biology included too ahaha
"Open your mouth, sweetheart."
You gave the orc a pouty face, and he chuckled at you, bringing a spoon with soup he had cooked for you to your lips.
"Come on. You're gonna be a good girl for me and eat well, aren't you?" He murmured softly, and you finally submitted, opening your mouth and letting your orc husband to feed you. "That's right, baby. Just like that. You have to finish the bowl if you wanna be healthy and strong."
Rolling your eyes, you took the spoon with deliciously smelling broth again, Bucky cooing at you gently as you let him feed you, his other hand on the back of your neck, helping you hold your head while you stayed in bed.
"You treat me like a kid, honey." You said, pouting before Bucky had a chance to stuff your mouth once more, and your orc let out a laugh.
"No, I treat you like an orc mommy who's gonna give birth to my sweet little kid soon."
Putting a spoon to your mouth, he made you take the soup again, but by the next minute the bowl was empty, and you finally relaxed, savoring the taste and watching your man cutting peaches with his bowie knife, the juice running down his large, work-weary hands. Despite you puffing up your cheeks, you actually loved when he was doing this to you, treating you like the biggest treasure he had ever possessed. No one cared about you as much as your sweet orc husband.
Oh, it didn't start easy, of course. When he kidnapped you, a travelling magician, you were horrified by his barbaric behavior and raw power he wielded, unaffected by all your charms and curses. Locking you up in the house he built in the middle of a forest, he made sure you knew your duties: Bucky kept stuffing your cunt with his seed till your virgin pussy became sloppy and loose, just up to his liking. Every day after he came home he was spending hours fucking you into his large bed, emptying his balls into your womb and then having fun with your mouth and ass. Bucky was insatiable, but he taught you so much about pleasure you knew your pussy would start aching if he didn't pump his cock milk inside you every day.
Of course, soon your belly became all fat and round just like your barbaric orc husband wanted to. He was ecstatic when it started to show you were pregnant with his child, kissing your belly and even talking to it as if the child growing inside you could hear him. Oh, Bucky loved it. He wanted nothing more but to make you a fat orc mama with a huge soft ass and cow breasts full of milk. It was already decided he'd knock you up after you give birth to your baby, especially since your sex drive grew much higher after you got pregnant.
"Open your mouth, darling." Kissing you on the lips, Bucky then softly put a slice of fresh, juicy peach onto your kitten tongue, lovingly watching you chew the ripe fruit. "You're so good to me today. After you're finished with your meal you gonna have a nap, and then we'll be loosing up your pregnant pussy, alright, sweetheart?"
Ooh, loosing you up, that's how he called it. Bucky had told you that orc babies could be quite bigger than human ones, and he wanted you to be well-prepared to it, meaning each day he kept pounding into your womb till you were softly crying from pleasure. You weren’t sure if his words were true, but it didn’t matter as long as your orc fucked your brains out, making you a mewling mess beneath him.
"Why not now? I wanna have your cock now." You kept being naughty, making your husband smirk and softly touch your round belly with his huge, warm hand, your mood instantly getting better from all his touches and kisses.
"Na-ah, darling. I know all you want is a filthy, nasty sex, but you gotta be a good mama and rest. Maybe then I'll eat you out and play with that sweet ass of yours, too."
Shit, it sounded perfect, you really missed having his monster cock in your ass. Your mouth watered. Finally, maybe it was worth the wait?
"Alright, but I want you to lay with me when I'll be napping." You huffed, tugging his loincloth and making your orc husband return to bed where you laid; soon he was tenderly caressing your bulging belly and brushing the hair out of your face.
Watching him smile, you left a kiss on his nose and snuggled closer against his monstrous form, comfortable with him around and happy he decided to stay. Now it was hard to believe you were so repulsed by Bucky once he captured you, thinking he was a filthy animal who wanted nothing but keep raping you till your body broke, so he would throw you out after that. Now even the thought seemed ridiculous. Turned out, Bucky was a way more considerate husband than many humans you knew. Each day by his side was bringing you lots of joy as you basked in his love, behaving like a spoiled child but still being treated like some princess, a treasure, someone your orc valued more than himself. You had no idea something like that was actually possible.
“I love you.” You muttered while cupping your husband’s face, and Bucky smiled from ear to ear, basking in the warmth of your body. 
He kept caressing your hair as you were slowly falling asleep, feeling safe and happy in your orc’s arms, knowing your child will be loved and cherished by the both of you. Murmuring words of love into you ear, Bucky stayed close to you just as he promised, adoring your sleeping form.
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherubwrites @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @soleil-dor @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @literate-lamb @cosicas-cuquis @sarge-barnes-sir @buckybarnesplumwhore @jaysayey @megzdoodle @gotnofucks @lux-ravenwolf @ximebebx @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @iheartsebandchris
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aces-to-apples · 3 years
@faeymouse: Time Travel AU and First Time trope for Cole please, friend. I leave the ship to your discretion ☺️
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Ship: Cole/Original Cole
Rating: Mature
He calls himself Cole, which should not be the strangest part of it all yet somehow still is.
He shoos away Cole's friend with gentle reassurances—it's okay, spirit-me, go help someone else now, I'll take care of him, I know how to keep him safe—and picks the lock on his cell door. He pulls Cole in close as they leave the White Spire, and then all of Val Royeaux, behind them in the distance and it's as if no one even sees them. He gives Cole food and water and thick, soft bedding and rubs Cole's back and pets his hair when he becomes sick after eating too much. He softly promises that no one will ever cage Cole again, that Cole will always have someone to remember him, that he'll always have food and companionship and compassion.
All of this while wearing Cole's face, using Cole's name.
He says he comes from a faraway future, a future where Cole had perished, lonely and hungry and forgotten, in the depths of the White Spire. His spirit friend, soft and caring and comforting, had kept him company. Then, after he passed, tried to honor Cole by taking on his form and helping people.
He admits, at length, that he had done a poor job at first. He'd become a demon, unaware that his attempts to help were, in fact, hurting—or, at least, taking away any chance for the hurts to heal on their own.
He says he knows better now, wide-eyed and earnest.
It should be unnerving to look into his own face and see someone else—to see a spirit—looking back at him. Somehow, it isn't.
Cole—spirit-Cole, although he says he's more human than spirit now, so Compassion—says he convinced the friend who sent him back to send him farther than they needed. He says he wanted to come back far enough to save Cole, human-Cole, from the Spire, from the Templars.
You're my friend, he says earnestly, from beneath the very best hat Cole's ever seen. My very first friend. They wanted me to come back to help everyone, and this way, you're part of everyone too.
Cole doesn't understand, it's all too much: Magisters ("Dorian's not a magister," Compassion says with a smile that shows their overbite. "His father's a magister, but he's a bad father. He hurts him, even though he loves him, because sometimes love isn't enough. Dorian's a friend—a good one.") and magic and time and temptation and fear and the Fade, all mixed up and making Cole's head hurt.
Compassion rubs his temples and runs his hands through his hair and that feels good, makes the hurt go away.
"We'll go to Ferelden," Compassion says one night as they eat supper, days after leaving Val Royeax. He'd taken food and supplies from vendors who never noticed, sometimes leaving money from rich Orlesians' pockets and sometimes not. He'd said someone named Jenny told him who deserved which. "Stone-Bear will help us.”
Cole doesn’t ask who or what Stone-Bear is, trusting his friend to not lead them wrong.
When supper is finished, they share a bedroll and Cole tries not to think about the Templars that had hurt him, beat him, and—worse. Worse than beatings were the other ways they’d hurt him; Father had beat him too but never that, at least.
Odd, that.
Compassion snuggles closer and runs a soothing hand up and down his arm, humming a tune that his—their?—little bitty bunny used to sing to herself.
“Stone-Bear will take care of you, will keep you safe, while I’m gone,” Compassion murmurs into his hair, ruffling newly-cleaned strands. “I still have to do the things that I was sent back here to do, and I would still like to help people when I can, but I promise I will come back. And when the orb is unlocked and the sky tightens, tears, turning in on itself, it will be time for us to meet our friends. They will like you. They will keep us safe and let us help.”
Cole can’t even imagine all that. The hand on his arm stills, then Compassion moves even closer. Pressed together like spoons, cast from the same mold. An arm wraps around his middle and the hand returns, stroking up and down his chest and belly.
“Would you like me to tell you about them? Our friends.”
... Yes, please.
Compassion fills the night air with descriptions of these people who mean so much to him, to them.
Varric who calls them ‘Kid’, spinning stories like sapphires, gilded, glittering in the gloom; a silk shirt with three buttons left undone; fear that fades the longer he speaks, slipping to sleep. Dorian with his shiny clothes and shining heart, heartsick, heartbroken, sweet and swept along, adventures and romance, ash and rust. Cassandra, a Seeker of Truth, who befriended Faith and fights Fear and reads books aloud to ghost boys who don’t know what they are. Josephine, golden, glowing, unruffled in ruffles, honey in her tea. A black wall that is rainier but killed him. A serrah who is a jenny, scarlet, scarred, scared, but funny and firm and warm and warmth. A templar who realized he was wrong; mages all around, unmonitored, unmolested, and it’s good because he made himself safe and solid, protecting and proud, he won’t be the mages’ monster anymore.
There’s more: a Life with a lovely hat who won’t let herself starve and fears him more than anything but still cares about him; an iron bull boasting and blustering, a bulwark, unmoving but not unmoved, Fear tossed out of its hiding place by trust in friends and a large stick; a god who isn’t, bright and brilliant and ‘a bit of a bastard’, who broke the world once and then twice, unable to cope with his grief. A left hand with a knife and a song and birds on dark wings that cackle and sing with her.
Part of Cole slips to sleep while Compassion speaks, while others awaken.
The hand stutters, and Compassion sounds unsure for the first time as he says, “Varric and the Iron Bull and Dorian all said it’s important to ask before I touch, and wait for a ‘yes’, and pay attention to hurts. May I touch you, Cole?”
They breathe, quietly, and Cole thinks about it for a long time, even when his breaths turn to pants and he wants to squirm. He’s never felt safer.
Yes. Please.
Cole thinks maybe Compassion hasn’t done this before, hand slow and unsure around him, but it doesn’t matter. It still feels good, makes him writhe and sigh and whimper, overwarm and overworked, until he spills.
He sinks back into his friend’s embrace and takes a breath so deep, it makes his lungs ache.
They’ll sleep, and then go to Ferelden and Stone-Bear, and his friend will leave but it will be okay because when he comes back, Cole will meet their friends. The future has darkness in it, but still looks bright.
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castiel-barnes · 3 years
In Uniform.
Pairing: WW2 pilot Poe x fem! Reader.
Summary: After lots of trouble, Poe finally comes home to you. Set in World War 2.
Warnings: Hurt comfort. Mentions of blood. Swearing.
Wordcount: 1.8k
Tags: @mandosmimi @phoenixhalliwell
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When Poe said he was going into the Air Force, you wanted to cry and slap him and tell him "no." But you also wanted to spend almost every waking moment with him and saying "I love you."
Whilst Poe was away, you spent every Monday and Friday with his father Kes. Kes was just as worried for Poe as you were. This was because Poe was his only family he had left. When Poe was young, his mother died in a flight accident. And since then Kes worried about Poe whenever he done one of his stupid stunts.
Dear sweetheart,
I honestly can't tell you how much I hate being away from you, and how much I am missing you. I wish that the two of us could be on that beach again with beebs from our last holiday. It's boring without you next to me darling. Just wish I could feel your touch again.
I'm going on a mission soon. I'm not sure how long I'll be in the air for, but it shouldn't be too long. The boys pick on me for having your picture amongst my stuff. It's in that book I said I got, to keep it nice and so it won't get creased.
Its a beautiful picture of you. I really like that summer dress on you.
I love you with all my heart.
Your pilot,
Poe xx
You smiled everytime you got a letter from Poe. Although sometimes you couldn't really read the pencil scribble, cause it was written in such haste. The two of you sent regular letters, sometimes you would add a photo and a small flower.
Darling Poe,
I think I miss you just as much as you miss me. I know that Beebs definitely misses you, he keeps sitting in your spot and whining.
I hope you are well my love. I wish you could be here holding me. Breena McKenna got a telegram the other day. Both Joseph and Richard died at Omaha Beach. Beebs and I went over there to comfort her. I wish you would've been here to help.
I hope that this war ends soon, so that I can be back in your arms again. Stay safe my pilot.
I love you so much.
Your sweetheart,
Y/n. Xx
You started to worry though. Poe's letters hadn't been arriving, and you thought that maybe he was busy. But it dragged on, and the pit of worry started to form in your stomach.
You and Breena were out on your porch, when two men dressed in military uniform came up to you. Breena looked at you, worry starting to show on her face.
"Mrs Dameron?" One asked,
"That's me." You replied feeling Breena's hand touch yours gently. The other guy gave you a telegram, and you felt your heart stutter for a moment. Opening the telegram, you saw 4 words written neatly on the paper.
'Lieutenant Poe Dameron. MIA.'
You felt tears threatening to spill onto your cheek.
"E-excuse me, what does MIA mean?" You ask to double check you knew what it meant,
"Missing in action. I'm sorry Ma'am." The first man replied. As the men left, you felt your breathing pick up.
"Y/n come inside." Breena stated quietly. But you didn't get inside, you fell to the ground and started to sob.
"H-he promised Breena. He promised me he'd come home." You whimpered as Breena held you.
Somewhere in France:
Poe's plane had been shot down by a Messerschmitt 109. Now he was floating down to the ground.
"Shit... shit." Poe said as the parachute drifted towards some trees. He managed to miss the trees and land safely on the ground.
The only things Poe had on him was a knife and his side arms. He looked around and found that he was completely alone. It was quiet and everything around Poe seemed to be completely still. That was until he heard a twig snap.
"Flash" a voice came,
"Thunder." Poe replied. Out of the woods came a platoon of airborne troopers. Easy company.
"What's your name trooper?" A sergeant asked,
"Lieutenant Poe Dameron 2nd squadron." Poe replied looking at the small platoon of airborne troopers.
"Sergeant Lypton sir. What's an air force officer doing in the middle of the woods sir?" Lypton asked,
"Plane got shot down. Just a simple recon mission." Poe stated.
"We'll get you back to our section sir and you can talk to Captain Winters." Lypton said. The platoon formed in to staggered form, with Poe walking next to Lypton.
All of the sudden bullets started to fly through the air. Everyone dropped to the ground and started to fire back. The tree near Poe exploded and wood fragments went into his leg and partially into his side. Lypton heard Poe scream in pain and instantly went to help him.
"Sir!! It's alright you're gonna be alright. Poe come on stay with me." Lypton shouted applying pressure to Poes wounds. Lyptons hands were covered in blood. In Poe's blood.
Poe could feel his body getting lifted up and carried. But other than that Poe's senses had gone and he was on the verge of passing out.
When Poe came round, he found himself in a tent amongst other men. He tried to move but as he did he felt the pain yet dulled down go through his side and down his leg.
"Try not to move sir." A voice from next to him said,
Poe looked to his side and saw Sergeant Lypton. Poe smiled a little and laid his head back down.
"Is it bad?" Poe asked, his voice slightly croaky,
"If I'm honest sir. Your leg is in quite bad shape sir, but you still have it. You're getting transferred nearer to where your base is." Lypton explained.
"Okay, thank you Lypton. Thanks for helping me." Poe responded,
"It's my pleasure sir, stay safe." Lypton stated standing up and saluting. Poe slauted back and rested for the rest of the day.
Later that day, Poe had managed to get transferred to an aid station right near his base. His best friend Snap came into the tent and found him.
"Shit Poe, we thought you died." Snap stated hugging Poe,
"I thought I did for a moment. I- I need to call Y/n she'll be worried as hell and so would dad." Poe groaned.
"Alright, here." Snap pulled up a wheel chair and helped Poe into it. "Careful Poe, I've got you." Snap continued,
Snap wheeled Poe of the Aid tent, and found a spare phone that wasn't in use. Snap left Poe for a bit, so he could talk to you and his father in private.
Your phone rang and your head snapped up from where it was reading the newspaper. You quickly went over to it and picked it up.
"Hello?" You stated,
"Y/n? It's Poe... darling it's me." Poe responded. Your heart stopped.
"Poe? It's you, are you alright? What happened? Oh I can hear you." You said sobbing over the phone,
"I'm alright apart from my leg and my side but don't worry. Baby listen to me, I'm gonna see you very soon I promise." Poe said closing his eyes, tears coming to his.
"You're coming home?" You asked,
"Yeah baby, im coming home." Poe replied. "I'll be home soon Y/n, I love you so much." He continued.
"I love you too, be careful Poe." You responded finally smiling after days. As soon as Poe hung up, you ran over to Breena's.
"Breena!! He's alive!!" You exclaimed,
"What?" She asked.
"Poe! He's alive." You said. She smiled and hugged you. Breena really didn't want you to go through what she did with her brothers.
Snap took him back to the tent, and helped him back onto the bed.
"We're gonna miss the hell out of Poe." Snap stated,
"I know you will, we'll go for drinks once this shit is over yeah?" Poe replied, snap smiled and agreed.
A few days later:
Poe was finally on his way back to you. He had all of his belongings, especially the book he had with your picture inside of it. He was in full uniform, but he was also on crutches so his leg could continue to heal properly.
You heard a knock at your door, and you quickly brushed yourself down before answering it. As you answered it, your jaw dropped to see your pilot. You smiled and hugged him and felt one of his hands come to your back.
"Hey baby." Poe whispered,
"Hi." You replied holding back a sob.
"I'm home." Poe said kissing you on the forehead. You smiled tearfully and felt him wipe the tears away. Helping Poe into the house, you looked over him fully. There he was wearing uniform, but on crutches at the same time.
"What?" Poe asked, noticing you looking at him,
"You look handsome in uniform." You responded smiling and smoothing down the lapel of his jacket. Poe blushed, and it wasn't often you could get Poe to blush.
"Thank you honey." He smiled back kissing you gently. All of a sudden you heard the quick patter and sliding of nails on hard wood floor. Beebs, your and Poe's yellow labrador came barrowling through the house and practically jumped at Poe. Poe landed with a soft grunt and a groan which quickly turned into laughter.
"Hey buddy I missed you too." Poe stated smiling "you been doing your job beebs?" He continued playing with Beebs. Poe played with Beebs a little longer and then Beebs went off to have dinner.
"Do you want help honey?" You asked Poe who was still sitting on the floor,
"Yes please darling." Poe replied, you helped him up and gave him back his crutches.
"I'm going to get out of this uniform." He continued,
"Okay sweet." You replied and watch him go off into your shared bedroom. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Breena walking up your walk. She smiled at you.
"Is he okay?" She asked,
"He's on crutches but at least he's in one piece." You replied smiling back. And speaking of the devil, Poe came back dressed in normal clothing for the first time in over a year.
"Hey Breena." Poe smiled,
"Hi Poe, how are you?" Breena asked.
"As best as i can be in these." Poe gestured to the crutches, "I'm sorry to hear about your brothers." He continued,
"It's alright, we all knew it could happen. You're a lucky man to have this lady here Poe, she has the kindest heart out of everyone I know." Breena replied smiling. You smiled and blushed a little. Breena said goodbye and left the two of you be, for the rest of the day. The two of you sat together cuddled up on the sofa, sharing soft glances and sweet kisses.
"Does it hurt?" You asked quietly,
"Only a little, but not as bad as it did when it happened." Poe replied kissing the top of your head.
You were so glad to have Poe home. Although he was still recovering from his injuries, he was there.
You had your little family back.
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coconutshvings · 5 years
ATZ Mafia: You almost Get Hurt [Hyung Line]
✴Group || Ateez
✴ Genre || ??
✴ Warnings || Badly written \\ little violence \\ very light angst \\ some are shorter than others
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He had told you to meet him on the very last floor of a bar that he owned and often did business at the last floor was the basement and he usually requested that you didn't go beyond the main floor of ths bar so this could be a big thing if he wanted you down there.
Once you got to the bar pub the undeniable smells of alcohol, fruits, and baked goods filled your nose but once you set your sight on the door behind the bar you headed that way and since the bartenders knew well who you were there was not much hastle.
It was lit with decorative lights which showed the down the set of stairs , you took in a breath before letting it go and proceeding down the stairs of the bar's basement.
It was quiet but not alarming, until you got to the final step before you were fully in the basement a snap of artillery was heard loudly in your ears and you were froze in fear when a gun was pointed directly at your cheek instinctively bringing your hands up in surrender not saying a word as your eyes showed all you were feeling as well as your heart.
"Oh it's my girl, put those things down we don't harm women anyway you fools." Hongjoong gritted as he forcefully pushed the gun away from you.
Your eyes and muscles relaxed, Hongjoong's eyes focused on you and his intimidating look melted into a smile "You made it finally, angel."
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He insisted that you took some type of protection class to better of your chances of surviving just in case he wasn't around to protect you he had many different things for you to try but you refused to do anything that involved a gun or a knife so his last choice was Boxing.
You knew a little about it however didn't want to risk being knocked out by God knows who though it was you who voluntarily went thinking he'd fight someone and show you some moves but he had other plans which were to have you fight someone else.
Indeed you did your best to back out but Seonghwa really dragged you into the ring "You're so strong trying to resist so I know you'll do fine here Y/n don't worry." Seonghwa grunted as he did his best to keep you in his grip.
Once in the ring he placed you up right and you noticed a female in front of you "She looks like she bench presses cars." You mumbled to him "She's harmless." He insisted as he put your gloves on ,
"Remember to do your best to Dodge and body shots are crucial." You watched him walk away
"Seonghwa I deeply think this is unnecessary in many ways, You could've gotten me a personally Trainor not had me-" Seonghwa's eyes grew 3 times wider as you spoke within seconds he was running past you leaving you confused.
Once you heard a gruff and the mat beneath you Shook was when you realized what had happened, he'd taken a punch for you which ignited aggravation in your veins as you looked at him next to your feet rubbing his cheek in pain.
"Dumb ass! we didn't even tap gloves why the sudden attempt to hit me?" She chuckled "You have to be prepared for anything." Your heart was pumping loudly as you nodded understanding the woman's intention,
you stepped over Seonghwa and Kneed her in her lower stomach before gripping her shoulders making her yell a shrieking yelp bringing her to her knees and delivering a right hook to her cheek causing her to tumble over.
Your breathing could make anyone think you were about to turn into the hulk at any moment, "Maybe all you need is to be provoked before you attack." You heard from behind you knowing it was Seonghwa you just rolled your eyes.
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He was teaching future mafia recruits in a secluded field base Area so that the hopefuls could practice archery and offered to show you something he does that's on the nicer side of his Job so you were happy to come by and see how well he worked with these youngsters.
He had Mingi drive and escort you into the area past the semi wooded maze that sort of made you paranoid but a big green field of people came into view indicating you were in the right spot with Mingi close behind,
"He's out there Somewhere." Mingi announced your eyes darted out for Yunho in the big field but be appeared beside you kissing your cheek stsrtling you giving him clear opportunity to smugly smile at you
"You've gotta get better at being aware of your surroundings, Y/n." You shrugged. "What did you want me to see, mosquitos?"
Yunho simply pointed to the center of the field "I'm teaching Archery." You observed and some of the young men and women practicing looked Stellar while others were shakey but they all were beginners
"How long have you been teaching them?" Yunho took a moment to think about it , "A little over two months." You were majorly impressed "I can admit a lot of them look great out there."
"I can teach you what I'm teaching them and more." Before you could answer a plummet to the ground was what you felt followed by a rough groan from your lips from the impact of something rushing into you soon your head fell onto the grass as
"Sorry about but would you rather been stabbed by that arrow?" you were dizzy from the impact it took a few moments but you opened your eyes to see Mingi rising up from over you
Yunho quickly dropped by your side with remorse and panic in his eyes he examined your body before looking up at Mingi "Thank you, man."
You looked up at Yunho "I suppose I do need to be more aware of my surroundings." You tried to joke though you struggled to speak.
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Here you were storming out of the restaurant you made reservations at to have a loving night of food and his company, sadly you weren't his only company his phone kept going off and he never hesitated to pick up the calls and conduct business or arrange things right there in front of you stopping your own conversation that you started with him.
You'd try try another night but you were not about to sit there and be disrespected obviously He was Hot on your trail calling out to you but you just drowned his calls out, "Y/n I'm not oblivious I know why you're upset but can we at least eat?" He sighed
"Your phone isn't going to get in the way of that?" You cleverly asked still walking looking both ways before stepping into the street "Business doesn't stop and you know it." His tone became more irritated
"You don't have to remind me, honey, trust me I can see that." He rubbed the middle of his forehead "Look get over it I brung my phone you better be glad I didn't bring a weapon."
The streets were empty as you stopped to take off your annoying shoes "We'll talk when we get to the condo." You let out sarcastic shrill "No we won't. My sleep is just as important as your phone on our date."
You turned to him so he knew you meant your words and before he could comeback with his own the screeching of tires were heard making both of your heads snap in the direction of the noise
"MOVE BACK!" you gasped loudly as Yeosang pulled you back making you fall into him painfully with him crashing onto the concrete side walk as the car thrashed down the street as if it was intentionally not going to stop with you there or not You both watched the car and became confused once it almost immediately stopped sideways in the street causing the tires to loudly stop,
"Stay Down." Yeosang's words were whispered in your ear as he unintentionally threw you off of him rising swiftly to his feet reaching in the back of Pants, the clicking sound of his Gun's safety coming off was heard as He quickly aimed it at the unidentified vehicle walking closer to it as he fired off but after a few shots the Car sped off in the opposite direction.
You watched in horror before snapping out of it and running to where your boyfriend stood wrapping your arms around his face seeing the car disappear before looking at Yeosang's unexplainable expression before laying your head on his chest he soon cradled your head with one hand,
"Who could that have been?" You shakingly spoke while Yeosang put his Gun away and replaced it with his phone bringing it up to his ear as he stared at the direction the car zoomed off in
"I have no clue but I'll definitely be looking into it, we need to get you to a safe protected place." You nodded knowing there was no arguing against this, "I thought you said you didn't bring a weapon." Yeosang smiled slightly at your small humor "I lied, sweetie."
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smileyoongle · 6 years
Mafia BTS! A woman like her (Maknae Line)
Here's the maknae line. Requested by @zamanladysi Finally I completed this request. Hope you enjoy this.
Park Jimin:
Jimin lay on the coarse floor of the cell. Just recently, he had been arrested and beaten up to the point where he didn't think he'd live any longer. Someone from his gang had betrayed him. He had many connections within the police department too, but a new officer had caused great distress to everyone. Jimin's back hurt from all the times he had been hurt by a whip. He had been here for a week and soon he was gonna be executed. His entire body was on fire, but he couldn't do anything. His mouth was parched and he was starving. He wished that his suffering would just end, he didn't even wanna live anymore.
Suddenly, the commotion was heard outside of the cell, gunshots and screams filling the entire building. Jimin slowly turned his head to the bars of the cell, seeing officers running around. With all his strength, he propped himself on his elbows and settled with his back against a wall. All of a sudden, everything fell silent. Jimin's breathing was becoming heavy, he was fighting to stay conscious. Just then, the sound of footsteps was heard from the corridor outside. A figure came to a halt beside Jimin's cell. Jimin's eyes clenched shut when he saw the gun in the mysterious person's hand. This was it. Someone probably wanted to kill him for revenge. Two loud gunshots and a creak of the door being opened echoed through the place. Jimin slowly opened his eyes to see a masked person approaching him. The black hooded person knelt in front of Jimin and gasped at his condition. His eyes started drooping. Slowly reaching his hand out, Jimin pulled the mask away from the stranger's face.
He frowned deeply upon seeing you. A girl whose face showed concern for The Park Jimin, someone who mercilessly took people's lives. "Wh-who..." Jimin croaked, coughing right after. You took off your bag and pulled out a bottle of water. You were completely aware of how he had been staying in the jail cell for the past week so you came prepared. With shivering hands, you opened the cap of the bottle and placed it near Jimin's mouth. As soon as the water met his tongue, Jimin's thirst increased. After downing the entire bottle, he felt a tiny bit better. But he was still close to fainting. "Stay with me till I get you out of here, yeah?" You whispered, ready to hoist him up. "Y/N, we should leave!" Your accomplice warned from outside. "Who are you?" Jimin asked in a better voice as you helped him stand up. "Consider me your angel for now." You answered, leading him out of the building. With a grunt, you managed to shoot down a guard and keep a hold of Jimin at the same time.
"We'll talk about the 'not so angelic' parts later."
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Kim Taehyung:
You inhaled deeply as you stared at your tied hands. The harsh rope was digging into your skin but that wasn't the problem. The problem was the man who was standing infront of you, eyeing you like he was about to devour you.
"You thought you're so slick, but baby, I run a mafia for a reason." You flinched when his hand reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. You looked at him straight in the eyes, giving him your best glare. "I know you've been sent to spy on me. So tell me, what have you found out, Miss Y/L/N?" He asked, moving to sit on the chair in front of you. You had been very confident that you were gonna make it out alive. But all that went out the window when Kim Taehyung had captured you, somehow being aware of your presence around him. "Oh don't worry, Mr Kim. Apart from the fact that you're a pathetic and an atrocious bastard who hurts people for no reason, I only know about all your connections and illegal deals with people around the city." You smiled at him sarcastically. He tilted his head to give you an amusing look and let out a chuckle. He stood up from the chair and knelt down to meet your eyes. "People usually don't talk to me that way because they know I'd kill them in a heartbeat." He said in a very serious tone. It almost scared you but you were prepared for this. You were probably gonna die, so why not be a little brave? Suddenly, he smiled and grabbed the back of your neck, pulling you to him. Your breathing hitched as you tried to pull away but his hold was firm and tight.
"But I like your attitude. So maybe I'll just have to keep you here with me, doll." He mumbled, his gaze falling to your lips. Your nose brushed against his as you hurried to cut the ropes, discreetly. "You might have to rethink that." You suggested, making Taehyung frown. Your lips broke into a smirk, only adding to his confusion. But soon enough, everything became clear when he felt a sharp object pushing into his abdomen. His eyes widened and he fell back in pain. You stood up, rubbing your wrists while Taehyung tried to take out the small knife which was dug deep into his skin. His men were ready to shoot you when Taehyung yelled, "Alive. I want her alive!" You shook your head at him. He really shouldn't have said that. You quickly grabbed two smoke grenades, throwing it towards the guards. They really should've checked you before tying you up. They threw themselves down on the floor, thinking it was an explosive one. Taehyung managed to pull out the knife, tossing it to the side. But he couldn't understand why a small knife had caused him to become so weak and drowsy. You ran towards the exit, turning back one last time to look at the currently helpless gangster. You smirked as you saw him trying to reach for his gun while glaring at you intensely. He was burning with desire to kill you, but at the same time, he wanted you in ways he never wanted someone before. "The knife was laced with a fatal poison, Mr Kim. If you happen to live, then I'll see you behind bars. But if not, then adiós!" You informed him as you opened the door to leave. Taehyung clenched his jaw as he took one clear look at you. He wasn't gonna die without getting you back. His breathing became heavy as pain shot through his chest.
"Doesn't matter where you go. I will have you surrender every inch of you to me."
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Jeon Jungkook:
Jungkook entered the lavish cabin with anger evident in his eyes. Two of his men had been killed by a rival and he wasn't gonna sit quietly. He had been hearing about this gang for a while now, but he never thought they would dare to mess with him. His men followed behind as he stood in front of a huge table, across which sat someone, their back facing the small mob. Jungkook had murder on his mind but as soon as the chair turned, it was replaced with shock. Everything was the same, those eyes he adored, the long hair he loved messing with and the lips he always wanted to kiss. But the difference was the smile on those lips, which once used to be innocent and now it was far from innocent. "Missed me?" Your honeyed voice was messing with his heart again. He stood still, contemplating what to say because seeing you was the last thing he expected. His men were surprised to see him so speechless. Gathering his voice, he finally spoke. "Y/N, what are you doing here?" He frowned, taking in your appearance. Black had never been your colour but now it was the only thing Jungkook saw on you. "Aw, don't tell me you don't know. I am the one who killed your two favourite pets, Jungkook. And I can't wait to see more heads roll." You grinned, warning him of what you planned on doing. Jungkook's heart ached, listening to you say those words. His Y/N was kind and thoughtful but you were merciless. And he knew it was his doing. "Why are you doing this? This isn't like you, Y/N!" He slammed his hand on the table, making everyone flinch, except you. Your smile disappeared as you saw his frustration. You stood up from the chair and made your way to him. Everytime you looked at him, all you could think of was the day you had seen him kill your father with his own hands. The boy who was your best friend since childhood had murdered your only family in front of your eyes. "You are asking me why I am doing this. Oh come on, Jungkook. You don't want me to answer that, do you?" You narrowed your eyes at him, tilting your head to see his face. There was once a time when you loved this handsome face but now you felt nothing but hatred for him. You moved closer to him and wrapped your arms around his neck, placing your mouth next to his ear. Tears were pricking your eyes but you didn't care. He deserved to see what he did to you. "And the Y/N you're talking about? I don't think you'll ever see her again because I kinda killed her." You whispered, tears already staining your cheeks. Jungkook wanted to hold you and scream at you for saying such nonsense. But he lost the right to do that. If his Y/N really wasn't here anymore then it was because of him. You wiped your tears harshly and left the cabin as you pushed past Jungkook, leaving him hurt. Your men quietly followed you outside. At that moment, Jungkook felt the most empty he had ever been. He truly lost the girl he was in love with and he never even got a chance to say it out loud. He leaned against the table as he covered his face with his hands. He felt the wetness on his cheeks cover his palms. He had to get you back, no matter what, he had to tell you why everything ended the way it did. And you had to listen.
"I need you and I need to be needed by you."
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I can't believe I wrote this in one day. Tell me how it is. I really lack motivation. But I hope you all liked it. Also, jungkook's ended up being too long. I don't know what I am doing.
- XX
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