#i just love that he wore his gi as casual clothes
whositmcwhatsit · 1 year
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terrence-silver · 2 years
Hii! First of all i wanna say i lovee your stories!! About the request :) how would Terry react if his beloved wore his clothes or karate gi? Thankk u <3
Terry would probably personally have beloved wearing his clothes.
Why? As a mark of ownership.
As for his Gi...well, I think Terry's Gi is sacred to him. Like an uniform or the ceremonial robes of an emperor. I think he covets it in any era. I think he also personally takes care of it too, even though he has an entire paid staff of people who easily could do it instead of him. Terry washes and dries and smooths it out, neatly folding it, placing it in its rightful place, be it his white satin snake embroidered one from the 80's, the classical black one, or the Cobra Kai one from present day, there is an understanding, I think, that a Gi is innately special to the owner. An artist washes their brushes and swatches after painting too, right? Well, a Sensei and a Gi are no different. Especially if it is a Sensei's blackbelt Gi. So, I think if he allows or tells beloved to wear it (be it casually or with a sexual, erotic connotation), or offers them the chance, beloved is innately special too in his eyes because it is clear that Terry is outright hesitant to even tell just about anyone he is a Karate master, least of all anything else, so if beloved's in the know, and they're given the leave wrap themselves into his oversized Gi, Terry not only loves them, but trusts them enough for them to understand just how meaningful this part of himself really is and not ridicule it as a phase or make into something bizarre or strange. Also, it means they belong to him.
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fanfiction-funtime · 3 years
Anyway I’m reading through the Things ™ and wow
Can I request something? There’s an idea I’ve been pondering for a bit. You know already who I’ll ask for, I’m guessing.
What if the reader fell for Xiao in Genshin, in a state where they constantly daydream about him. Rather than working on scenarios and scenes, it happens in real time.
Meanwhile, in another universe, Xiao in a modern setting has fallen for a Genshin character- the reader. He daydreams about them in the same manner.
To the reader, their Xiao is a guardian yaksha, Golden adeptus, and doombane itself.
To Xiao, his (y/n) is something just as exalted. I tend to use a seelie, since they’re an immortal race of ancient and now weak gods.
What they both don’t know is that they’re actually meeting in those daydreams. It’s not just imagination and the longing for company, but an actual relationship with another person.
Bonus points if it’s some sort of soulmate au and they physically can’t find each other and eventually realize it.
I’ve never told anyone about this before, and I’m excited to see what you do with it! I might work with it one day, just not yet.
(Hoo boy, this will be tough, but I'm sure I can do it! Xiao might be a bit ooc as I'm getting his personality from wiki and fanon, as well as modern au [hopefully] gives him less trauma and a slightly different personality.)
(Also, I can't do sad endings. So a bit of deus ex OC at the 3rd part)
Your game
Your pov: the dream eater of your dreams
You are (y/n)(l/n), and you are in the saddest love story this side of the lake.
Ever since you saw him in that first quest you were in love!
You were just a teen though, so it wasn't real right? After all, your red string wasn't connected to the screen.
Well, your string isn't connected to anything...
Y-your just a late bloomer though right?
(Ten years later)
Your now in your twenties and you still love Xiao!
He permeates your thoughts like how lovers do, you feel an inexplicable hurt in your chest similar to what many describe feeling when they see their soulmate prior to their string appearing, not to mention whenever you aren't busy you feel like you're...slipping...in...in and...
It was happening again.
It was like a daydream but more...real.
Like a lucid dream.
You saw your string, just like so many other times, and you followed it.
You ran and ran, turquoise clouds parting and making paths for you to find him.
You ran and ran, glad that atleast in some way your delusions can give you some semblance of true love.
You saw the..wait..that's not the inn.
Well it is the inn, but more modern. And there was a school next to it, and a small village not far away.
Another of thing was that you were in some kind of yellow armor, it reminded you of those baby geovisnaps from genshin impact(that are absolutely BULL-)
You went into the elevator, which seemed more ancient than usual.
And when you reached the balcony, you saw him. But he was different.
Instead of the Yaksha you usually saw, you were greeted by an equally shocked man in a martial arts gi. But it was him.
But different.
You reached out, and he did the same.
And you touched
Xiao's pov: the midsummer knight of his dreams
(Clarifying: in this version Liyue is based on European mythology and aesthetic while Mondstadt is based on Chinese. So you are a fae hunting knight rather than a demon hunting yaksha)
Xiao had always been reserved, but what happened to him as a kid drew him further into his shell.
Abusive parents, accidentally giving his sister trauma induced amnesia, he felt the weight of his actions like atlas feels the world on his shoulders.
Luckily, two people took him and his sister QiQi in: QiQi's doctor Baizhu, and Xiao's therapist(and Baizhu's husband) Morax.
It was difficult to come out, even after Xiao stopped feeling so at fault. So he mostly stayed in his room and played video games.
That is until he met you.
Well met is the wrong word here.
He saw your character in his world's version of genshin impact: tribunal eruption
The way you used your weapon, the way your armor shined in the night as you rode to his wanderer. The smile you gave as he handed you (favourite food).
But most of all, the way you used fighting styles from so many martial arts and hand to hand combat techniques.
From irish kickboxing to karate, from assassination arts in ancient history of japan to systema.
It awoken two things in him: first was his want to learn martial arts and make his own.
The second was his love for you.
But don't worry, your physical attributes only drew him in. Your personality made him stay.
Years went on, he became a martial arts instructor for his own style, and moved into an apartment near a small village.
He started teaching at a school nearby, he even gets a discount on rent for giving free lessons to the owner's sons, Ivan and Viktor.
He's also convinced those two have a crush on him but it's pointless.
After all, he was a dream eater, a common group of people who have a strange ability to find their soulmate.
Specifically, the ability to have "lucid daydreams" where they meet their soulmate.
But he must be defective. After all his soulmate kept appearing as...well you. As a knight that would meet him on the balcony every night.
He assumed maybe it was your voice actor or designer, but neither of them have had the lucid daydreams.
He began thinking he'd never find his soulmate
Until one daydream...
He was on the balcony again, like a prince awaiting his knight to rescue him.
But it was different.
The apartment complex he lived in now looked much smaller, as did the tree it was built around, and the building looked far more ancient in design yet so much younger in age.
And the village and school nearby aren't there anymore.
Oddest change of all is that his gi he was wearing just a second ago is now similar to the outfit warn by the mondstadt demon slayer Corps
And when you arrived at the balcony, he noticed a red string, one that connected your heart to his. But you weren't wearing your armor, you were wearing casual, modern clothes.
He knew it was stupid, after all you can't touch your soulmate in the daydreams. But he felt compelled to....to reach out and..
You touched him.
nothing never comes between you, and nobody helps you get together
(3rd person pov)
He really did find it annoying, how often mortals would find themselves in the wrong dimension, especially when it's because the writer wants drama. And now he's written in to solve the problem.
Ah well, it's his job.
(2nd person pov)
You didn't know how to feel. You were touching Xiao...and you weren't waking up. Was this...real?
"You... you're real...different but....still the person I love...." Xiao seemed to be equally in a trance at the prospect
"yeah...so are you..."
The armor you wore melted away, and you cant see it but Xiao's fictional clothes melted from him as well. You were both equally real, in your own reality.
But you knew it couldn't last.
"When the daydream ends, I wont be able to see you anymore," Xiao said with a sea of tears in his eyes, "We've actually met now...and now...now the dreams will end."
You lean into him, "then let's make this dream the best one we've ever had."
Your about to kiss when-
"Terribly sorry about this!" A childlike voice called, "you know, interrupting your moment and all that. See for the sake of narrative, you both were put in separate universes. And it's my job to give you a happy ending."
When you both looked, you saw a child made of bone climbing into reality from some kind of hole.
"Now just wait a moment aaannnd-"
The turquoise clouds cleared, and the world rippled into a conjoined reality between genshin impact and tribunal eruption.
"Welcome to your dream world, enjoy eternal love!" The child said as he crawled back into the hole and it closed.
When he was gone, you both observed the world around you: a beautiful mix of aesthetics surrounded you, and both your armor and his adeptus clothing were on you both.
You gazed into eachother's eyes.
He placed one hand on your cheek while another held your hand, "I'm not good with speaking..speaking my emotions..but I....maybe my actions can do that for me..."
You felt your red string radiate with the warmth of love, likewise Xiao felt his daydreams dissipate like a haze leaving his mind.
You grab his hand and place your free hand on his cheek, mirroring his love, as you always have.
"Xiao...your very existence tells me all I need to hear.."
You both leaned in, and kissed.
Two lovers, in a dream made reality,
A paradise for all eternity.
I feel it kinda fell apart with the deus ex, but I think I scraped it back together in the end!
I hope it's good enough for what you envisioned buddy, I tried my best!
(Also I think you deserve something just as good as what happens to the reader insert in this fic, story)
(Tagging: @golden-wingseos (this is the writing blog for someone you told to tag you), and @storytravelled (just to keep the idea of tagging in mind))
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whatifxwereyou · 3 years
The Oncoming Storm Part 21: Huangshan
Liu Kang x Reader and Kung Lao x Reader (gonna do both, two paths!)
Listen, I am giving myself whiplash with how much I keep wildly swinging between whether I prefer Liu or Lao LOL. Hope you guys are having just as much fun! I missed Liu. Lawd, did I miss him. Also I did not intend for it to take this long to get to the CHOICE. It's coming after the part with Liu and some plot stuff that has to happen to trigger it! Also, I miss Chen, so she'll be back after Huangshan. ALSO have you looked at pictures of this place?? SO PRETTY!! Much love, hope you are all well. <3 Thank you for the love as always. I appreciate you so much.
Next Update on Saturday. New story on Sunday!!
Part 20 Part 22 Chapter Index
Kung Lao was a bruised, bloodied, and pale mess the next morning and much of your spare moments were spent tending to wounds and trying to get him to sit for a damn minute. He fought you at every second, as if taking care of himself would somehow make it worse.
The morning dragged on, and you were grateful to check out and make your way to the roof. Kung Lao closed his eyes, praying, and lightning struck the roof for you to travel through. It was still weird and a little beyond belief, but you’d fought a monster last night, so you had to suspend your inner skeptic and go with the flow. You handed over the carefully wrapped bell which Raiden set behind him on a pedestal that had been added since you left.
He thanked you for your duty and you offered Kung Lao a hug and tried to convince him, again, to take care of himself. He insisted he was fine, of course, but also wished you good luck. You wasted no time. Raiden summoned his magic lightning again, offered you a neatly written note from Liu, and then you were alone.
The weather in Huangshan was gloomy, just the way you liked it. The sky was gray and rumbling with thunder, the slightest hint of sun peeking through to offer warmth between the gaps in the clouds. You unfolded the note as you walked along the tourist filled streets. He’d even started the note with niceties. Oh, Liu. He hoped you were well, he found you a place to stay and took some liberties that he hoped you were okay with. He also left you a time and place to meet him. It was the lobby of the hotel that he had booked for the occasion.
You were early and it felt nice to be alone. Your nerves were shot from the lack of sleep the night before and from Kung Lao’s… everything. A walk alone would do you some good. The small town halfway up the mountain was geared toward tourists. Hotels, boutiques, restaurants, and the like.
You’d missed China. Japan had been beautiful but this was home.
You stopped a man who looked confident in his way around town and asked him for directions to the hotel that Liu had written about. You bowed politely as he pointed you in the right direction. As you turned the corner, you heard a choir of angels in your head. Clothing stores. Real clothing stores. This was how you were going to blow the rest of your money.
You spent the rest of your alone time shopping and afterward you were proud to say you’d had enough clothing for an actual wardrobe. Different kinds of shoes, cute and practical, underthings, things to wear to bed, casual things, dressy things. Things you never would have allowed yourself to spend money on before. Money didn’t seem to matter as much as it had before all this. Then you’d bought a little bag to pack it all in and shoved it away. You’d got some other necessities too, things that had seemed everyday basics had become luxuries.
You’d changed after purchasing your clothing and jeans and a t-shirt had never felt so good. Even though you’d bought a bunch of new things you decided to keep the hanfu and gi that you had been gifted. You liked them well enough. It was the lack of choice that had bothered you.
The Huangshan Yeechoi hotel was more modern than the one in Japan had been and much tidier. You felt out of place, but no one gave you a second glance, so you were grateful. It wasn’t that it was fancy, just that it was different than you had expected. There had been no room number in the note Liu had left you, just instructions to meet him in the lobby.
Thankfully, Liu Kang came from the stairwell moments after you arrived. You’d been just about to ask the clerk behind the desk for his room number and so instead you dismissed the clerk and walked to join Liu. He’d gotten new clothes too! How nice. Not much different from what he usually wore but it was novel to see him in something other than the three gi that he rotated daily. It was mostly black, except for the red sash around the middle, a different shade of red than usual, and the sleeves looked like they had been torn off- as if he had been terribly angry that they existed. There was a subtle pattern stitched in white on the side of the gi. It looked to you like an abstract dragon, but you didn’t linger long on it. As always, his prayer beads were wrapped around his wrist.
He greeted you with a smile and stopped just before you with a respectful bow. “It’s good to see you, Y/N.” His smile faded quickly as he stood upright, and you averted your eyes immediately. Bruises. There were bruises and you knew he was going to hate it. You’d briefly forgotten about them with all the other craziness.
“Good to see you too, Liu!” You tried to save face, but it was too late.
“Japan must have been something.” He furrowed his brow with concern and tilted your chin up to get a better look at your neck. Your face was instantly red. “Are you okay?” That had been the worst of it, but you’d barely had time to think of it that morning because Kung Lao had been so much worse off than you were. You should have worn a scarf. Damnit. It looked bad when you thought about it. Like you were either being abused or had a very specific kink.
“It was an adventure but I’m fine. I promise. It’s obviously sore and bruised but I feel great otherwise.” You were tired, so that was an exaggeration, but it felt good to have accomplished something and to be out of the temple. He continued to examine the bruise as if he didn’t believe you, so you swiped his hand from your chin, gave it a squeeze and then set it down. His disbelief faded and his smile returned. Your nerves about your connection, your friendship, returned screaming into your brain.
“You brought a bag?” He gestured behind you. You realized that probably seemed funny since you had no intention of staying for too long.
“Well, the woman at the front desk will make sure it gets to our room. We have plenty to do.” Liu rested his hand on the middle of your back and guided you to the front desk. You spoke to the clerk there. She was incredibly accommodating. Liu offered her your room information and you handed over the bag. Then you went on your way. He led you from the lobby of the hotel and walked slowly through the streets of the tourist town. “Tell me about Japan.”
Boy, there was a lot to say about Japan, but you figured he probably meant the artifact and how you’d fared.
“There was a monster which I didn’t think existed so, processing that.” You were surprised to hear Liu Kang laugh. You’d had a lot to process that had been otherwise beyond belief. “It was protecting a dotaku which I now know is a decorative bell used in rituals during ancient times. The monster was very grabby.” You gestured to your neck. At least it hadn’t left a bruise when it had backhanded you across the room. The last thing you needed was people looking at you like you were in an abusive relationship. At least the neck thing could be explained away for the most part.
“Tell me about the monster.”
“Monster is maybe not the right word for it uh… okay, never mind, it’s the only word for it. It was made from tar and stunk to high heaven, and it was huge.” You jumped so you could reach the height of the monster, which was higher than your jump, but Liu would get the point. He was an excellent listener.
“How did Kung Lao handle that?”
“Oh, you know, like Kung Lao does.”
“Chaotically?” Liu chuckled.
“I’ve never seen one man thrown through so many doors.” You drifted off and he laughed again. The sound of his laughter was sweet, not as hearty as Lao’s but more under his breath and twisting his face into the cutest smile. You’d made Kung Lao out of ink to protect you. That seemed important but you hadn’t processed it yet, really. Your brain was buffering.
“Really though, is he okay?”
“Much worse off than I was because of all the doors and walls but I took care of him the best he would allow. I’m hoping he’ll actually keep his promise to go to the infirmary.”
“Raiden will make sure he does.” Liu reassured you. “Trust me, this won’t be the first time he has to be dragged there. Or likely the last.” He stopped, looked you over and then continued, purposely avoiding eye contact. “Was he on his best behavior?”
“Is he so often in trouble that I should have been that worried?”
“Kung Lao doesn’t like to listen to directions, and he was with you and I know how he is so…” He glanced at you curiously again and you laughed in disbelief. Liu Kang was fishing for information! Interesting. Now that you knew they gossiped about you, you wondered what exactly the gossip consisted of. They were up to something, and you were going to get to the bottom of it. Maybe you had spent too much time with Kung Lao. Liu Kang had always been honest with you, you thought, and now you were suspicious of every word. “He has a track record for trouble, that’s all. I just wanted to make sure he didn’t give you a hard time.”
“If you have something to ask me, Liu, then you should just ask me instead of this little word dance you’re doing. Are you feeling me out for information and what about?”
“I say what I mean, Y/N.” Liu knit his brow in confusion but still smiled at you. You sighed because that didn’t seem right. Something was off. He could be frustrating too sometimes, you supposed. He had a way of saying things without saying what he meant to say and leaving you guessing at what he had meant. You’d had so many close calls between you now romantically. At least four that you could think of offhand that had nearly killed you. But then it was like nothing had happened. You didn’t talk about it. There was no follow through. If he said what he meant to say, then what did saying nothing mean?
That hurt.
And they’d gossiped about you. Kung Lao and Liu Kang had in some way gossiped about you. You clenched your jaw in frustration. You didn’t have time for this. You had work to do.
“We can talk about it later.” You decided. “Have you figured out anything about where we should go?” That had been the reason he’d gone early you’d been told but you had no idea what was true and what wasn’t anymore. Your head was mixed up and your brain was buzzing.
“Yes. One of the areas from your vision is called the Seas of Cloud. Raiden mentioned that you saw images of deceased emperors, so I was looking into that too.”
“It was in quick flashes. I didn’t understand what they were at first.”
“There are tales about this place and the yellow emperor after which it is named. He used the waters of the springs here to gain eternal life in these stories.”
“Is that your way of saying that you think the springs might be related?”
“Anything is possible, but I figured it was worth looking into. There were springs in your vision too if I recall.”
“Yeah. I saw a bunch of dead emperors and a spring, but it wasn’t… it was different than I expect the ones here to be? It was in a cavern. It felt secret.” You admired the gray sky but still felt tense all over. You had to breathe and let it go but the more you tried the more frustrated you became. “So, we’re narrowing it down to the springs and the Cloud Sea?”
“Yes. We aren’t too far from either of them but it’s still an endeavor to explore. Yet, it is less than the whole of Huangshan.”
“Probably somewhere between if I had to guess. I followed him in my vision through the mountains up to the clouds and into this cavern that had a spring inside it. Oh! Do they have maps of the mountain? Sometimes with places like this they will list caves on the little brochure to explore.”
“I thought of that. Regrettably, the caves are not mapped out and most are off limits without a tour guide.”
“What if we told them that we lived in a cave. Do you think that would help or cast aspersions?” You considered. There you were, trying to defer your frustration and inner struggle with sarcasm again. Liu chuckled.
“Probably the latter. We know what we’re looking for at least and it shouldn’t take terribly long to hike the area. If we don’t find it then we can start to worry.”
“I have a feeling that it’s secret. I don’t think it’s going to be easy to find. Maybe we should try to feel around for information instead of wandering blind?” You stopped walking, trying to take things more seriously. That was hard.
“I suppose that we can play tourist. We’ll stop at the springs and ask an attendant if they know anything about a secret or hidden spring in the caves.” Liu suggested. At least it was a better lie than fake date.
“Fine.” You said flatly and were annoyed with yourself almost immediately. This would be so much easier if your visions weren’t all over the place and fuzzy.
“You seem irritated.”
“Oh?” You bounced on your heels and shook it off. You were sulking. You had to cut it out. “No. I’m sorry, Liu. I didn’t mean to come off that way.”
“Are you sure, Y/N? Because you seem… annoyed and that’s not like you. If I’ve done something to offend you then we should discuss it.”
Oh no. He was good at confrontation. Damnit. “No, you didn’t do anything like that, Liu.” He had but not on purpose, you were sure. You were just touchy after the day before and overthinking. You had to stomp out that inner voice, but it was so loud. Your anxiety hadn’t been this bad since you were a kid. “I’m annoyed with myself. I’m sorry it’s coming out at you. It’s not intentional.”
“Y/N, you…”
“Don’t tell me not to be annoyed with myself, please. If I could navigate these visions in a way that made sense, then we wouldn’t be so lost on where to look and having to spin ridiculous tales and theories of where to go and what we might find. I could just lead us there and that would be that. And if my brain would just calm down, I wouldn’t be so annoyed. It’s a perpetual cycle.”
“You’re being too hard on yourself. Besides, I don’t mind spending a day or two in Huangshan with you, Y/N. It’s a nice change of pace from Raiden’s Temple.” He smiled sympathetically.
“It’s just like you to put a positive spin on everything.” You scoffed.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing!”
“No!” You huffed defensively and then pouted. “I’m coming off grumpy, aren’t I?”
“You are.” He smiled, but amusement danced in his eyes. He thought that your frustration was either funny or cute. You supposed you were grateful for that.
“I don’t mean to. I’ve got a lot on my mind. I’m surprisingly sore from the whole monster thing too so there’s that.” You rubbed nervously at your neck.
“That is a pretty bad bruise, Y/N.” He tilted your chin up again and you grabbed his hand and pushed it away.
“I really should have worn a scarf so you wouldn’t keep pointing it out.”
He laughed and led you through town and along the path that went to the springs. Liu had picked the perfect location for you to begin your search. It was a short walk from your hotel. There were buses that offered transport, but it seemed such a short walk that it was likely for those who were elderly or drunk.
“This is a popular tourist spot. It was difficult to get a room. I don’t usually stay in places like that, but it was the only vacancy that would accommodate us both and be close enough to where we needed to look. I figured that we didn’t know how long it would take us so the luxury would be a nice break.”
“Makes sense.” Why was he trying to justify his selection to you? You liked the hotel. It was nice.
“Grumpy,” he whispered, leaning close on one foot with his hands clasped behind his back.
“I’m trying so hard, Liu.”
You reached the gate to the springs. You couldn’t see the water beyond it, but you could hear people within, and you could feel the steam and heat even from outside. There was a large building with two doors separated by male and female for changing. In front of that was a booth where a young man sat reading a magazine and looking extremely bored.
“Should I meet you inside? We can see if anyone knows anything?”
“Or we could try the attendant first.”
“Him? He’s a distracted kid who has no interest in our questions, Liu. Look at him.” You nodded discreetly toward the young man. He was likely in his early twenties and doing this just for a paycheck by the look of him.
“Yes, but you’re well… you.” He gestured to you, and you looked down at yourself, brow furrowed in confusion.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You laughed in disbelief.
“You know what it means.” He turned his gaze away from you, hiding his smile but you saw his cheeks turn pink just enough. As quickly as you had noticed it, it had passed. “Now, go be charming and ask that kid about a private spring in a cavern closer to the Seas of Cloud.” He grasped your shoulders gently and turned you toward the booth then gave you a gentle nudge forward. You stuttered on your words and stared forward in complete awe. What the fuck?
Fine. You’d try but he was biased, at the very least. You weren’t built for this kind of thing. You’d always been awkward and terrible at flirting. Gah, you were blushing now too. This was the worst. Okay, deep breaths. You could do this. You didn’t have to be flirty or cute. You could just ask the question. Liu waited behind you, but you didn’t think he was far enough away to be as subtle as he thought he was being.
“Excuse me,” you began politely.
“Just you? Or your friend too?” The attendant didn’t bother looking up at you from the magazine that he was reading.
“I have a question for you, actually.”
“I’ll try to help if I can. Go ahead.” He closed his magazine and finally looked up at you, looked you over, and then was still clearly disinterested. He was working. You knew he would be!
“I heard some stories that there’s a spring in a cavern offsite. Further up the mountain and closer to the Seas of Cloud. I think that it’s considered private. Maybe even off-limits. I was curious if you knew anything about it.” You did your best to sound curious and charming, but you had no idea how it actually came off since you’d been so damn grumpy. The attendant looked from you and then peered around you to Liu. He closed his magazine, folded his hands, sighed heavily, and gave you a knowing look. Oh no, he’d immediately misinterpreted your intentions.
“Look, I’m going to be honest with you.”
That was a bad start.
“Oh, I think you maybe…”
“I’m just filling in for my sister today. I needed the extra cash, and she has a date this afternoon.”
You laughed nervously and looked back to Liu since that was where the attendant kept looking suspiciously. “I think that you misinterpreted my intentions. This doesn’t have anything to do with him. I just had heard a story and was curious. A private spring sounds really beautiful.” You were the world’s worst liar. You couldn’t even come up with an excuse other than you thought it might be pretty.
“Yeah. Sure.”
“Do you not know then?” You were grumpy again. Damn.
“I’m sorry ma’am, but I can’t help you.”
You were flustered beyond recovery now. He had misinterpreted your desire to see a secret spring and the only thing you could think to do was stutter that he had done so. Then Liu was standing behind you, one hand on your back, the other on the counter.
“Is there a problem?” Liu sounded curious and offered a smile, but the attendant rolled his head back and groaned.
“I am not making enough money today to deal with this.”
Liu straightened his posture in surprise and looked to you for further explanation. At least you weren’t the only one flustered. That made you feel a bit better. You turned toward him and he placed his hand on your arm gently. That was probably not helping your case, but it felt nice. “I asked him about an off-limits spring closer to the Seas of Cloud and now he seems to have confused my desire to see this beautiful spring with something…” You stuttered in a frustrated whisper and couldn’t seem to find the word, the obvious word. Instead, you smooshed your hands together in front of you.
“Oh?” Liu tried to interpret your hand motion and then laughed in realization. “Oh. Intimate.”
“That’s it.” You pointed at him. “That’s the word.”
Liu let go of your arm and leaned against the counter with a sigh. “How much would it take for you to give us an answer?” You snapped your head back to Liu so fast you nearly gave yourself whiplash.
“Look, dude, I don’t even work here usually and…”
Liu Kang placed some yuan on the counter and you stared at it in horror, mouth hanging open. Then you had to close your mouth tight to keep from bursting into hysterics. Your eyes were burning, trying not to cry with tears of laughter. Liu Kang was bribing a stranger to give you directions to a romantic hot spring instead of just explaining himself. Of all the possible outcomes you had expected this was the funniest one.
“Whoa, man… look I…” The attendant stared at the money on the counter and Liu tapped the bills before sliding them toward him. You were dying. This was where you died. RIP. Tears. You blinked them away. Your cheeks hurt from keeping it together. This was amazing. “If you take the main path up it branches about an hour in. Take the left fork and then walk for a bit. As you get close to the Seas of Cloud there’s a few caves. One of them has a spring in it but it’s hard to find with all the trees and not exactly safe. Gives me the creeps. That’s all I got.” He scooped up the bills. “Have fun man and if you get caught it wasn’t me who told you.”
“Thank you.” Liu bowed his head politely and then, hand on your back, led you away from the booth. You started up the hiking trail that had been pointed out to you and then you burst into hysterical laughter, practically hyperventilating from having held it in for so long. Liu pulled his hand back and stared at you with some concern as if he didn’t understand why this was hilarious.
“Y/N, are you okay?” He gently brushed his hand over your shoulder.
“What the hell was that?”
“Oh. I guess it was funny. He was going to think whatever he was going to think, Y/N. Sometimes we have to use other resources to get what we need.”
“Oh my god, does that mean you bribe people often? I didn’t expect this. I’m sorry. I wasn’t emotionally prepared for how funny that would be.”
“Only when they’re more convinced by money than words, Y/N.”
You took deep breaths to get yourself together and cleared your throat.
“How very Zen of you.”
“Come on, now.” He chuckled and placed his hand again at your back to lead you along the path that would start your hike. “We have private springs to find.”
“This day keeps getting weirder by the second.” You blinked away the remaining tears from your fit of laughter.
“Was it really that funny?”
“Liu. My stomach hurts from laughing.”
He shook his head with a smile as you continued on your way.
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dragon-ball-meta · 3 years
This is actually an ask all about fashion! Prior to DBS I loved that the characters had different looks in each arc. New Kanji for Goku's gi, new battle armor for Vegeta, new haircuts and stylish outfits for Bulma, etc. I don't like how there was a regression for Goku and Vegeta in particular, they took a step forward in ROF and then a step backwards in the latter parts of DBS. Do you like Goku's BOG gi and Vegeta's Cell Arc armor too much to care or would you like to see them in new attire?
I think there's something to be said for an iconic look, and I think there are reasons related to both characters that they stick with a certain look. In ROF, Goku and Vegeta had new outfits, yes, but I don't think I'd have been happy to see those carry forward, simply for the reasons they've stuck with said looks for so long in the first place. In Goku's case, his dogi is his Turtle School outfit. It's symbolic of who taught him how to really tap into his potential, who really taught him the fundamentals of combat, who set him on his life path. The kanji evolved as he got new teachers, yes, but by the end, the kanji was wholesale gone, symbolizing Goku's growth, that he'd become his own master of his own style of fighting. They added the new gi and had Whis make his "mark" on it intending for the same effect, but given Whis wasn't really actively his teacher beyond that arc, I'm kinda glad that got ditched, and I ADORE the fact that Goku still goes back to that outfit. It shows how much he still reveres Master Roshi and the memories made under his tutelage, and maintains his connection with Krillin as well. Vegeta's is a bit more straightforward, I think; he simply likes the outfit that most closely resembles what he always used to wear. It's a symbol of his heritage, his people, something he's had a really strong connection to in life. I don't really see him wholesale giving that up for the sake of an aesthetic change. It keeps him connected to what he lost... and also maybe reminds him of his sins just a little bit. Doesn't let himself forget what he used to be, but also shows his desire to do something to sort-of redeem the legacy his species left behind them. And in fairness, their fashion and looks still evolved over time. They grew beards for a minute, they wore suits, they had different casual clothes that would appear, Goku had his work outfit, etc. But I kinda feel like they wear what they wear for a reason, y'know? And I'd be sad to see them lose that.
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aubergine-ink · 2 years
Hi! I was writing to you on AO3 about art I would like to make to your story. But I'm struggling with character clothes :D And I thought it will be totaly easier to ask the author about his ideas. So if you have any, I would happly use them. I have 2 arts in mind - two cuddle ones, and fighting one, but feel free to aks about any type of art if you have in mind. My hype for DB came back few weeks ago, and I want to restore my ability to draw in dbz style :D And also a small question about the story - why actually shadows entered the Lookout in normal world, but not in pocket dimension?
Thank you so much! I would LOVE to see art from the story, it's truly the greatest honor for an author!
I see them wearing casual versions of what they normally wear, more or less. Goku probably kept his orange gi, but maybe wore just the orange pants and the black undershirt a lot. I think Vegeta changed a bit more, since I do mention he stopped wearing the gloves at some point. I think he relaxed a lot, and went a bit more casual. Sleeveless shirts would be good on him, so you can see his scars. I think I even describe him wearing jeans at some point, but I don't he'd train in them.
I could see them lounging around in t-shirts and sweatpants at the Lookout, while they weren't actively training.
Your question about the Lookout: the Shadows should not have got up there, so I'm trying to find where in the story that happened. I think I also answered your question on Ao3, but if you can tell me which chapter this happens in, I want to fix that!
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merryfortune · 3 years
Written for 100ships Challenge on Dreamwidth
Prompt #41 Dove
Ship: Snowangelshipping | Asana/Chevelle
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS
Word Count: 1,899
Rating: T
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Tags:  Fluff, First Kiss, Humour, Puberty Blues, Misunderstandings,  Mild Innuendo
  Asana had been thinking about it for a while now but it was probably time for her and Chevelle to have their first kiss.
  She had come to this conclusion after much thought. It just seemed like the next milestone they ought to achieve. After all, they have been on a handful of dates already in the short time they had decided to officially court as it were and they had also spent many moments holding hands.
   Though, it was in the sweetness of holding hands that Asana did predict a possible issue. Chevelle liked to go very slowly, it appeared. Asana did not mind but she still distinctly recalled the very first time they had held hands as a romantic act rather than a platonic one. It most certainly caught Chevelle up in a flurry, it made Asana laugh - both now and then - but she wondered if it was an omen that was going to set the tone for the rest of the relationship milestones that she envisioned for them both.
   Chevelle had lovely hands. They were magician’s hands, long slender fingers with a soft palm. Although, none but Asana knew this privilege given that he wore white gloves all the time but Asana had her tricks.
   She had invited Chevelle up to their private garden on the roof for a high tea. It was their favourite locale for a casual date; the sort of date that didn’t count towards Asana’s personal tally of all the dates that they had ever been on. Teatime and high teas were their private time to bond, not necessarily to date. There was a distinction though even Asana, ever eloquent, did often fail to explain it but Chevelle understood and agreed with her on that note. Though in this instance, high tea could absolutely be a date since Asana had big plans and she enacted them well before they got to the roof.
   She slipped out her hand to Chevelle’s right arm and interlocked it. Asana moved in closer and soon enough, she had Chevelle entangled in her own arms, making him a blubbering, blushing mess. But Asana didn’t stop there, although Chevelle’s reaction was already both sweet and satisfying. She slid her hands down Chevelle’s arm and put her fingers under the fabric of his gloves.
   He looked fit to protest her, even Trapigeon, ever loyal on his shoulder was making a loud fuss, but Asana came well prepared for any duel and love was absolutely the be all and end all duel. She nuzzled in even closer as she held onto his hand: both of hers locked over his, fingers entwining, toying with the glove, threatening to turn it loose, and then Asana gave Chevelle the look. It was utterly angelic. She batted her big, blue eyes at him and suddenly, her little dove was singing a very different tune to the embarrassed and rebuked one that he was trying to muster.
   “You are a sly one, princess.” Chevelle swallowed his initial reaction as Asana held his hand, playful and tugging at him, slowly wriggling off his glove until they had skin to skin contact. It was utterly scandalous. Salacious, even.
   But just once was enough to get Chevelle hooked on the idea of escorting Asana around like a true gentleman. Sometimes with gloves on, sometimes not. Now, Chevelle was comfortable walking around anywhere holding hands with Asana. On the school grounds, even in the corridors, and whilst on their dates around the scenic and romantic spots of Goha City, too. 
   However, that had been a while ago now and whilst it was a very special memory that Asana cherished, she thought it was high time to make some more like that. She loved the feeling of Chevelle’s hands - they were delicate yet made her feel safe to hold onto - and thus, she had no doubt in her mind that she would love the sensation of Chevelle’s lips as well. She had found herself observing him as he drank tea or ate sandwiches at their private tea parties. He carried himself exactly like a bird, behaving as though he were brittle and because of that, his demeanour was of grace and poise. Asana had never been kissed before but she was certain that if it was Chevelle, it would be entirely gentle and she couldn’t imagine a more wonderful thing.
   So, it was time to strategise once more and once more, her old faithful prevailed. She would be direct and forthright, no trickery or traps. So, she chose a date from the calendar and per her expectations, it was going to be a splendid afternoon for a tea party. Just herself and Chevelle, separated only by a multi-tiered display for their exquisite cakes, sandwiches, and other treats the Goha Sixth Elementary School cafeteria could provide. After all, it wasn’t just going to be her first kiss, it was going to be Chevelle’s as well, so Asana planned accordingly and she thought nothing would appeal to him more than familiarity and comfort, underneath a blue sky. She was swooning now just thinking about it.
   When the day came, Asana could not have been more pleased with the weather and had pep to her step all day. It surprised even Chevelle who had no idea that Asana intended to spring the possibility of their first kiss on him but was excited nonetheless for another of their tea parties.
   The wind was mild and the day itself was pleasantly balmy. There had been a soft rain the prior night and as such, the garden still glistened with a tender rain, making everything bloom brighter and more vivid. Their table by the garden centrepiece was set already with white linen table cloths and a display laden with macarons, meringues, and cucumber sandwiches without the crusts. It could not have been more perfect.
   Asana sighed happily as even though she had been the one to organise all this, it was Chevelle who was leading her through the garden bed paths that burgeoned with verdant flowers to their private spot. Hands entwined, of course. 
   “My lady.” Chevelle told her as he pulled out a chair for Asana.
   “My gentleman.” Asana returned the chivalry and sat down, Chevelle tucking her in. He then joined her by sitting at the chair across from her, the only other chair, of course.
   Chevelle smiled as he made an all but impossible selection from the goods in front of him and it was such a feather soft smile, it made Asana’s heart skip a beat. She watched, more eager than she meant to, as he gracefully poured out a warm cup of earl grey tea then took a sip. It only affirmed to Asana that she most definitely wanted to have their first kiss right here, right now and thus, threw all caution to the wind whilst Chevelle savoured that first taste of tea.
   “Pardon me, Chevelle,” Asana interrupted him and his eyes flicked up to her.
   “Yes?” he replied.
   “Have you ever thought about kissing me?” she asked, blurted out, really. She surprised even herself with just how uncouth she sounded.
   Chevelle’s eyes widened, he went bright red, “I - I could never.” he sputtered. “That would be entirely indecent of me.”
   “O-oh.” Asana murmured. She was uncertain as to how she ought to feel in the face of such a response.
   “We are far too young to be deflowering ourselves like that.” Chevelle continued, rambling and embarrassed.
   Asana blinked. It was just a kiss. Actually, it was just the mere proposition of a kiss. What was all this about being deflowered? Her eyebrow twitched as it just began to dawn on her but there may have been a misunderstanding between herself and Chevelle.
   “A-And what would I say to Galient? To my parents? No, it is far too early for us to even think about introducing chicks into our relationship.” Chevelle asked and his poor face was just getting redder and redder.
   “Chevelle!” Asana yelped. “Please, stop, I believe there is some confusion.”
   “Confusion?” Chevelle echoed. “Whatever confusion could there be, you are clucky already and I am still barely out of the nest. I could never kiss you because the consequences could be dire, I’m not ready to be a father.”
   Asana’s heart quaked and she wanted ever so badly to laugh at Chevelle but fortunately, she suppressed the impulse, “Chevelle, why are you under the impression that a kiss could, well, bear offspring?”
   “My parents have given me the birds and bees talk, of course. A kiss is what leads to the insemination of the egg.” Chevelle explained, indignant and folding his arms to prove his indignation.
   “I see.” Asana replied and she finally understood this situation. She nodded her head in deep though. “Chevelle,” she said, “I think you need someone else to give you the birds and the bees talk, because, er, when humans kiss… It does not turn out like that, not without a lot more… Machinations of the body, let’s say. However, I believe the kiss you were taught about was the cloacal kiss and I can assure you, I do not have one so no risk of chicks.”
   Chevelle, who had finally returned to his usual pallor after huffing and puffing and rambling, turned bright red once more. He agonised in embarrassment and Asana finally permitted herself a polite giggle at Chevelle’s expense. He couldn’t blame her. That was quite a mishap to make and though he had his hands in his face, he took a breath and was able to give Asana a sane and proper answer to the question that had catalysed this incident.
   “Asana, my princess,” he spoke very slowly, “I would be honoured to kiss you. Just once, though, just in case.”
   “So a little peck then?” Asana clarified.
   Chevelle slowly set down his hands and nodded, “That sounds perfect.” he replied.
   So, even though they had just sat down, they already got up again for there was a far more enticing treat than those piled high on the displays. Asana was suave as she got up, Chevelle was far more nervous than her and his hands shook. It was cute, making Asana giggle a small giggle, a superfluous breath, really.
   She stood close to Chevelle who appeared to want a bit more space. The compromise was awkward, not quite close enough but too far either and gave Chevelle the room to breathe that he apparently needed. His poor cheeks with their high cheekbones were slick with a nervous sweat and his pale skin was pink once more.
   “Are you ready?” Asana politely asked.
   “As I’ll ever be on such short notice.” Chevelle warbled back to her.
   “Good.” Asana said and she was the one to swoop in.
   The resulting kiss was anything but romantic, nothing at all that Asana had imagined but the fragrance of earl grey tea wafted through it so she couldn’t complain. Chevelle’s lips were soft but fleeting. The kiss lasted less than six or seven seconds, easily, but even after such brevity, Asana’s heart beat faster in her chest and she savoured the soft sensation. Her fingers brushing over her own mouth whilst she watched Chevelle retreat. He hid his face in the crook of his arm, clearly panicking that he had done something scandalous but it was just a kiss. Just a peck.
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mar1garden · 4 years
going batty part 17
y’all mind if i *makes an uncreative akuma bc i wasted all my braincells remembering what my gi looked like with my sparring armor over it*
The moment he heard the crash, Damian was already in motion. Turning to Marinette swiftly, he blurted out a hasty excuse to allow her to transform: “I’m going to the balcony to see if I can spot Ladybug, if she’s still nearby. You check at ground level, she might be in helping civilians or something.”
He turned his back as soon as she nodded, climbing up to her balcony with practiced speed. He didn’t make a show of looking around; instead, he focused on what he could tell of the akuma from this distance. It didn’t appear to be inhumanly large, which was good. Fighting an opponent your size is almost always easier.
As he began to look more closely, maybe see if he could determine a fighting style or weaknesses from this distance, Ladybug popped up behind him. She nodded grimly to Damian, holding out a small box.
“Damian. You have proven yourself trustworthy and brave. I need your help. This is the Miraculous of the Black Cat. It has the power of Destruction. Will you use this power to assist me in this battle and return the Miraculous afterwards?”
“Of course.” Damian opens the box and a bright, glowing orb flies out and arcs in a lazy circle around him.
“Geez, Bug, not giving me any time to rest here, huh? Suit up, kid. I have a feeling my old kitten’s not going down without a fight,” Plagg drawled, coming to rest on Damian’s shoulder. “Claws out to transform, claws in to transform back, and Cataclysm to use you power. Five minute timer after you use it, then you’ll transform back automatically.”
Damian nodded resolutely, slipping the ring onto his finger. “Plagg, claws out!” A green light flashed over him, and suddenly, where before he had worn business casual clothing suitable for someone fifteen years his senior, Damian now wore a loose cotton getup with flexible armor over the top. His suit was breathable, noticeably not skin-tight, and sensibly armored. His ears weren’t the leather of his predecessor; rather, they were soft cotton with lime green stitching visible around the edges. His tail, loose and waving behind him, looked rather like a black belt.
He plucked a staff off his back, looking it over. An idea flared in his eyes, and he gripped the staff on either end as if to break it in half. He snapped it in two, and a chain formed between the two halves. He grinned, the nunchucks glowing a faint green around the top and bottom of either half. He put it back together into a staff before turning back to Ladybug.
“Alright. I think I can get the hang of it as we fight. From what I saw, he looks regular sized, but he might be deceptively powerful.” Ladybug nodded at him.
“Let’s find a closer vantage point and observe before we go in, see if we can figure out his powers or weaknesses.” The two hopped off the roof of the bakery, approaching the akuma as best they could without garnering attention.
Watching from a rooftop, Ladybug and Damian saw the akuma. He was an ashen gray, cracks showing up and down his body. He drifted along the street, not quite walking but not quite floating either. His feet bumped listlessly against the uneven road, and he flared red, growling at the ground. Molten, glowing red seeped from the cracks in his body, seething towards the stone that he had hit. It quickly melted, the spot where he had been focused clearing to reveal a singed hole.
Gasps went up from the couple civilians on the street. He looked up, gray once more, to see a woman with her arm around a taller woman, pulling her back from the akuma.
“Aww, young love. How sweet,” he crooned, his eyes beginning to darken. A faint glow grew within him. “Tell me, are you aware that you’ll inevitably break each others hearts? That you’re going to hurt each other in the worst way imaginable?” He threw his hand towards the couple and his lava began to shoot in their direction. “Love is a lie. Better to die by my hand than by hers!” he offered cheerily.
Before the lava could reach the couple, Ladybug was gone from Damian’s side. He couldn’t stop her. She dropped down in the line of fire, twirling her yoyo and stopping the lava from progressing any further. She dispelled it almost as quickly as he’d drawn it back.
“My Lady!” he chirruped with clearly false enthusiasm. “Are you here to return what is mine? Or do I need to show you how much betrayal hurts?” She growled, showing an immense amount of restraint by not having cut him in half yet- in Damian’s humble opinion, of course.
“You wanna talk betrayal, cat?” she spat at him, venom dripping from her words. “You were supposed to be my partner! You were supposed to support me and fight alongside me! Instead, you ignored battles to goof off or flirt! Do you know how many civilians died because of you, you stupid cat? Even though they came back, that pain sticks with you! Even though you didn’t directly cause their pain, you are the reason it was as bad as it was! Not to mention the sexual harassment. Do you even know the meaning of the word ‘no’, you dimwit? You put me in therapy. Not Hawkmoth, not my bullies, you. You were supposed to be the person I could trust above all else, but instead you just turned out to be another bully.”
With her every word, he had been glowing a brighter and brighter red. Damian realized too late that he had been goading her into making him angry. Just as he began to call out to her, buckets of lava spewed forth from the ex-hero’s hands.
taglist (closed): @bi-bi-papillon @fiendsangelical @copicmarkersniffers @kittycatwowmeow @fristi37 @mylife-demonstrates-murphys-law@myblacknightworld @magica-est-in-aerem @sassy-spocko @noirdots @captainmac6 @meep-by-boredom @shaismall @ladybug-182 @rikku052 @wisegirlrose @corabeth11 @dramatic-squirrel @mlbchaosqueen @kristycocopop @zalladane @fertileleaf @echpr @pr-y-sha @bigpicklebananatree @simplysslytherin @nixadmos @mandy984 @bluerosette23 @jardimazul @ladylucina28 @elmokingkong @emjrabbitwolf @lozzybowe @erick-rose99-stuff @finallyaniguana @renscorpio @littleacecutie
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honeycashmere · 4 years
Kiss It Better
Warnings: Smut, Explicit Language, a little jealous seb
Summary: Sebastian Stan and Unnamed ofc have been broken up for a year. Things were not mutual. They run into each other and it gets steamy. Sometimes we have to push our pride away and just fuck.
Note:  I posted this on my AO3 acct (@ goodonesgo) on October 18, 2016
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It was a Saturday night and I was on a date with a doctor named Danny. We’ve been seeing each other for a couple of months and tonight he was on call. We decided to grab some dinner anyways. Danny wanted to try out a restaurant he’s never been to. So I had no clue where we were going and suddenly when we stepped outside our cab… I recognized it all.
“Are you sure you want to eat here?”
“I’ve never been here before. Why what’s up?”
“Nothing,” I said walking towards the entrance. I swallowed hard. Maybe he wouldn’t be here. Maybe he isn’t even in the city or in the country. I don’t know. We sat down in a cozy corner. We ordered our drinks and appetizers. Everything seemed to be going smoothly till I heard them.
“Hey guys! Look who it is!” I turn around to see a group of men and woman. Whom I knew a long time ago. We all said hello, kissed cheek to cheek, and had polite small talk. “It’s so good to see you hun. Anyways sorry about interrupting your… date?”
And just as fast as they came to greet me they left, going back to linger by the bar.
“How do you know all of them? I don’t think I’ve met any of them before.” Danny smiled impressed at the group of lively friends he thinks I have.
“They’re…. not really my friends. They’re my exes. Ugh. Sorry. Is that weird? I’m sorry!”
“No it’s okay,” he smiled. “They seem like fun.”
I smiled back at him feeling reassured and confident that Danny was a really nice guy. As we finish our dinner Danny gets his phone call. “Sorry,” he said. “They need me.”
He got up placing money on the table, giving me a kiss on the cheek and a warm hug before he left. The waiter came by and took care of the bill while I decided to finish off my glass of wine before I left. I suddenly felt different. My skin became warm with the sensation of having two beaming eyes on me. I’m hesitant on looking around but as I look up from my wine glass; there he was. He walked so smoothly towards me and he looked so damn good.
“Hey beautiful,” he said as he leaned down to kiss my cheek. His breath sent shivers down my spine and I had to maintain my composure. I smile politely, “Hello Sebastian.”
“All alone?” He questioned curiously.
“He had to go. How have you been?”
“Busy. Working.” He sat down in Danny’s chair.
“That’s good! That means you’re getting more jobs. That’s great.”
He smiled at my response and then it quickly faded. The last time I saw Sebastian we were yelling at each other in his trailer while he was shooting one of his movies. It was dramatic and escalated so quickly. It has been a year and some of the details of that night are becoming blurry. I do remember that Sebastian was letting his jealousy get out of hand and I was very annoyed that day. I was so upset that I broke it off with him and went home back to New York. Changed my number and moved to a different apartment once my lease was up. He tried to contact me for a couple of months but got the picture. I didn’t want anything to do with him.
“You look good,” I said trying to fill the silence. “I have to go but it was nice seeing you Sebas-”
“How long have you guys been dating?”
“A couple of months,” I said with a shrug.
“Care for a walk?” He smiled that oh so charming smile. Which used to make me weak. I pause giving it some serious thought. I did feel bad about how we ended things or how I ended things. I felt as though I owed him this. I would get a chance to see if he was okay. I hoped he was okay.
Hesitantly, I agree. “Sure.”
We headed out into the night. Walking the city streets side by side. Talking about our friends, new bars to go to and who’s gotten married within this past year. Thank god I wore comfortable shoes. We walked what felt like 50 blocks. We talked about everything from NASA to the election. We talked about everything except us. When we arrived at my apartment, I know I should of said goodbye and never try to run into him again. I know he should of gotten a cab from my place and left but something felt so unfinished. I kindly asked him if he wanted a cup of coffee. Sebastian’s eyes brightened with a surprised look. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah it’s just coffee.” I said smiling to reassure him.
We sat in my living room while we waited for the coffee to finish up. There was this slight awkward tension. I suddenly heard him chuckle to himself.
“Aren’t you going to ask me?”
“Aren’t you going to ask me if I’m seeing anyone?”
I was caught off guard. Everything was going so smooth, casual, fun when we were talking outside. The mood suddenly shifted while we sat there. “You don’t have to tell me anything,” I said. “You don’t owe me anything.”
Sebastian looked at me with his glossy eyes that seemed to darken. He moved closer to me. Something had changed within him. Something lit a fire. Did I do that? He got up looking around my apartment on purpose as if he were circling around a certain topic. “Does he live here with you? He doesn’t, right? Does he sleep in your bed every night?”
“Wow. Um that’s really personal but to answer your question; no.” I was starting to feel a little bit of regret asking him to come up for coffee. I recognized this side of him. “You’re being really strange.”
Sebastian broke face. He seemed to calm down as soon as he realized my reactions weren’t exactly positive. “I’m sorry.”
He sat down, across from me, staring at my hands. His eyes traveling to mine. His thoughts seemed so mysterious. I didn’t know what he was going to say or do. I mustered the courage to ask him what he wanted me to ask him, “So, are you seeing anyone?”
He grinned at my question. “Not anyone special.”
I smirked. What a wicked man. “That’s kind of harsh to say about them. I bet their nice girls Seb.” He leaning in so close to my ear, I could feel his hot breathe and a familiar tingling sensation run down my body. “They’re not you.”
I felt like getting up and fleeing. I was seeing Danny. He was a doctor and he was nice and we liked each other. I was about to get up but Sebastian quickly grabbed my hand. Motioning me to sit back down. So I sit, feeling this nerve in my stomach. He paid so much attention to my eyes, I felt like looking else where. I didn’t want him to read me. “So are you guys serious?”
“No. We’re not exactly exclusive like that just casual,” I said, pulling my hand away from him.
“Then why are you seeing him?” His tone of question was more serious and demanding without being too aggressive.
“He’s nice,” I said quickly. I really couldn’t think of anything else honestly. The next thing I noticed was Sebastian moving my hair away from neck. Feeling the tingle of hot breathe again and the touch of his lips on my skin. Oh god. He started to suck and run his kisses towards behind my ear. My weakest place. He knew exactly where. I placed my hand on his chest trying to shove him away but he instead grabbed it. He sucked at my neck and gave me a tiny bite which caused me to gasp. A love bite.
“Don’t you miss how this feels?” He says against my skin. I froze from his touch and then I pulled away.
He looked into me with kindness in his eyes as if he understood how I felt. I still felt the fire burning between our bodies. He brushed the back of his head with his finger tips fearing that I would be upset with him trying to make a pass at me… “Should we… talk first?” He suggested. I know he wanted to talk about how we broke up but the truth is, it doesn’t matter as long as I can feel what he’s feeling...
After all this time, I could still see a little bit of hurt in his eyes. The same hurt eyes I saw when we broke up. My pride said don’t turn back but somewhere inside, my heart said fuck my pride. I pressed my forehead lightly against his, breathing in his delicious cologne, and whispered, “I can’t quite you.“
Our mouths collided into a passionate kiss. I quickly pulled Sebastian’s shirt over his head. His hands reaching for me, grabbing me, pulling my clothes off piece by piece. My hands unbuckling his belt. Every article of clothing landing on my living room floor. He picked me up in his strong arms, carrying me to my bedroom, like he’s done so many times before. We laid in bed. Lips unseparated, legs tangled, his hand caressed my side and moved down my cheek.
I bit his bottom lip, knowing he’d like that. “Baby it’s yours.”
Sebastian gave me a devilish smirk and a light slap on my ass. He got on top of me and pressed his lips against mine before moving down to my neck. His hands ran wild over my body. They caressed my breast and then his mouth found its way there. He gave each nipple a suck a flick with his tongue. I found his hand had moved down, his fingers found my clit and began rubbing. I moaned under his touched. I can feel him harden against me.
I found myself saying, “I need you Sebastian.”
He slowly slide into me. Our bodies moved in rhythm, perfect symmetry and familiarity. God, I’ve missed him inside of me. His moves were slow, letting each stroke of pleasure linger between us. His lips landed on my neck, sucking away at the skin, grinning with each moan that escaped my mouth. The sound of our deep breathes filled the room. “Fuck me,” I moaned.
He stopped raising his eyebrow in excitement and then flipped me over. I arched my back, gently backing up right into him, giving him the perfect view. I lay my head on one side of my cheek so that I had the perfect view of him. He thrusted fully into me causing me to experience a mixture of pain and pleasure and lack of control over myself. “You’re so deep.”
He began thrusting hard and deeper into me. I could feel our bodies click with each hit. I could feel the intensity of his pulls and push. Then he pulled out without warning, leaning down giving my lips a lick. His tongue wondered lower to my clit. I moaned at the pleasure as he began to play. His hands caressed my ass while his tongue massaged me with long strokes. I felt his hand smack my ass, one time, two times, three times. I moaned at his lack of warning and the feeling of being a bit powerless. I grinned and chuckled thrilled by the pain.
“Own it,” I said looking straight into his eyes. He chuckled against my skin, getting back into position, ready for me again.
“Ooh slow baby,” I said as he began sliding into me again. “Slow? That’s strange because I remember a particular nasty girl who loved it fast and rough.” That wicked smirk appeared again. “You know I like to change it up baby.”
He began thrusting slowly into me, his hand reach beneath me. I could feel the pressure of his fingers on my clit. He rubbed them in circles. My hands began gripping the sheets. I could feel the pressure of my body wanting to cum.
“Don’t stop,��� I beg. “Yessss, cum on that dick,” he said in demand.
I could feel it build and as my orgasm hits I scream. I could feel body clench around his cock wanting to push him out but he stayed still. He grinned with complete delight that I had given him what he wanted. Sebastian begins thrusting faster and harder into me. I gripped the sheets even harder, my mouth biting them to muffle my moans. He didn’t give me a chance to come down from my high. “Does he fuck you like this?” He slapped my ass waiting for a response.
“No,” I manage to say. His thrust were so hard I felt like my body was going to fall over. He pulls my body up, still thrusting into me. He grips my neck kissing my shoulder.
“Fuck!” He said letting out the sexiest moan and I feel him cum inside me.
Before fully letting me go he turned my head, giving me the most passionate kiss. I laid on my back staring at him as he collapse next to me wth a smirk. He grabbed my hand, bringing it to his lips to kiss. He turned his eyes to me before turning his body to face me. I anticipated what he was going to say. I wondered what he was thinking. I felt like I knew what he was thinking.
“We’ve never had sex,” I said knowing he’d be surprised. “Really? Why?” “Because I don’t love him.”
Sebastian smiled the biggest smile, kissing my lips. “You’re still the one that I adore.”
“It’s always going to be yours.”
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lightwoodsmagic · 5 years
Hi! So I agree Liam is queer, and the pink🔺in his video compels me not to ignore it. I saw one of your Ziam posts making its rounds after the SIU video, so I thought you were the person to ask. I only joined the fandom after Zayn left, and I’ve always had a hard time finding info on why and how that played out at the time (nobody seems to agree). Could you elaborate (or link to previous posts) on why you think Ziam is still a thing, and how they are telling us? Thanks for your insight so far!
 Hi anon! 
Thank you so much for thinking of me! I’m sorry it’s taken me a little while to answer, but it took me a bit to gather all the info I wanted (while I should’ve been working oop).
Okay, please know that this post is gonna be loooooong, so I’ve popped it under the cut.
You’re right about nobody agreeing on Zayn leaving the band, and it makes sense that people have differing views. It’s such a complicated thing; there was a lot happening at the time. 
I’m going to start by saying there’s a brilliant masterpost about Zayn leaving here. It’s incredibly detailed, talks about pretty much every aspect of it, and there’s so much to look into. It’s also wonderful to demonstrate how much the boys and Zayn still hinted at things and loved each other, like Harry using Zayn’s mic one night, Liam talking about him fondly in interviews, Niall still calling him by his nickname, and Louis wearing his clothes.
It’s a long read, but incredibly worth it, as it this stunting timeline.
Everyone is absolutely entitled to their opinion, so I’ll just give you mine. I’m gonna keep it (kind of) short though. A lot of what I’m about to say can be found in the masterposts I’ve linked above.
I believe that Zayn leaving was out of his control, and was never completely his decision. I believe that he was set to return, but for some reason, the plan changed. Mind of Mine was apparently written before he left, and while I think he would’ve been working on solo music before he left (and that all of them were to some extent), to tease an album right after the announcement that he left makes no sense. A contract like the one that 1D had/has with Syco would cost an obscene amount of money to get out of, and Zayn’s net worth didn’t change at all. They made it seem so simple in the very few interviews with Zayn afterwards, saying he just called his security, got on a plane, and left. I think Zayn struggled a lot with everything, they all did, but I don’t think he could’ve just left. There were articles put out about his new album that mentioned Simco and everything, but when people pointed out that it didn’t make sense with the narrative that Simon felt ‘betrayed’, the references were removed straight away. 
There’s also a very solid theory that MoM was counted as One Direction’s sixth and final contracted album, and it really stands up. Check it out! 
Look. There’s a lot to unpack with the whole situation, and I’ve hardly touched on it at all, but I really do encourage you to look into it with everything I’ve linked above  💞
Okay, now onto the second part of your ask! 
Ziam. My loooovveesss.  
I’m going to start by saying that there’s a lot of ways that Liam and Zayn have hinted that they’re still together, and honestly? The boys ain’t even subtle about it. I’ll start by talking about heaps of ways they’ve done that since Zayn left!
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These aren’t subtle Ziam accounts, and it’s not just these examples. This also isn’t just something in the past; that bottom right one references Stack It Up.
They’ve also both reposted fanart from a well known Ziam where each drawing referenced the other one. 
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The Zayn art says ‘Love Payne’ on the beanie. Well then. 
And the Liam one? That he posted on his personal insta? The artist added the ‘love’ tattoo from Zayn’s hand onto Liam’s. It’s obvious, and it’s not like Liam wouldn’t have noticed that suddenly there was a new tattoo added ON HIS OWN HAND. 
Not very subtle, hey.
It’s also not the only shady social media activity related to the boys  👀
There was the time that Liam explained why he’d written ‘personally’ twice in a thank you post in his insta story to Bvlgari. 
But he hadn’t. What had happened was that Twitter account @TheZiamNews had made a small mistake, and had actually written it twice. The only explanation was that Liam saw it on a Ziam update page VERY quickly, thought he had made the original mistake, and then explained. Interesting that Liam keeps up to date with them. 
There was also the time Liam blocked an account for talking absolute shit about Zayn, or when Herbie Critchlow (a producer from Icarus Falls) retweeted a tweet about Common being about Ziam. Also can’t forget Brandon Colbein posting on insta about some songs he’d written, and somehow there was one for Zayn and one for Liam. 
Oh, and when Liam’s friend Andy (who seems to…split the fandom, but alas) posted a video of him listening to Icarus Falls, or every single mirroring insta post Liam and Zayn can’t seem to help making.
And their eyebrow slits! 😊 this goes allllll the way back to One Direction days.
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Now, this is a constant, recurring thing for them over the years.
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It’s usually at the same time, and it usually signifies something. 
Zayn went ALL OUT one day, just after Z*gi ‘broke up’, and put a slit in his eyebrow, but it wasn’t a normal one. It was in the shape of an L. That fucking sap. Not to be outdone though, Liam popped a lil’ Z in the graphics for his show last year in Japan. 
Now, jewellery. 
OOOOOF are we in for it now. You’re probably regretting this ask already. 
Say that single word around someone who believes in Ziam and you’ve lost them forever. 
Back in 2015 (so yes, a while ago but bear with me) during the OTRA tour, Zayn suddenly started wearing a gold Cartier bracelet. It was interesting because Zayn didn’t wear bracelets at the time. It was particularly interesting because Liam had been seen earlier that day with jewellery bags buying a present. Curious.
Or obvious. 
Either or. 
A similar thing happened when Zayn attended the ‘Straight Outta Compton’ premiere, one of his first appearances after he left the band. He was wearing a Hublot watch, which was also interesting because Zayn didn’t wear watches either. 
You’re damn right, anon. It was Hublot.
Now, the Cartier love bracelet. 
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This picture was posted when Liam was getting ready for the Brits in 2017. For those that don’t know, the Cartier love bracelet has little screws, and can only be undone with a little gold screwdriver that comes with it. 
Liam wore it everywhere that year, and so often. It didn’t make sense for it to be ‘given to him by Ch*ryl’, because they would’ve used every opportunity to show that damn screwdriver. 
But they didn’t, because she didn’t have it. Zayn did. 
There’s also the other matching bracelets they’ve worn by Alexander McQueen.
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And also the other time Zayn wore Cartier in his film clip, or the fact that Zayn started wearing a ring on his right ring finger that was sold and marketed by Cartier AS A WEDDING RING. 
They also share watches if Zayn decides to wear one, because they’re cute like that.
Now, they also share clothes. 
So many clothes, ohmygod. 
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A prime example of this actually happened just last year! TWICE! IN NYC WHEN LIAM WAS THERE (obviously to see his husband). Both times, Liam was out and about wearing two of Zayn’s jackets. 
It’s also absolutely not a coincidence that when Zayn was staying at G*gi’s apartment on Bond Street, Liam stayed at a hotel a few minutes away a number of times, but when Zayn moved to Soho, Liam suddenly switched hotels to one in Soho, a few minutes away from Zayn’s new place. Just can’t stay away from an old band mate you hardly talk to, hey. 
Also can’t ignore Liam wearing numerous Kooples shirts during the time Zayn was doing promotional stuff for them. Husbands givin’ gifts.
 NYC isn’t the only city that relates to Ziam though! 
Ahhhhhhhh. Ziami. What a time, what a time, what a time (for you and I).
At the start of last year, Liam and Zayn were both in Miami at the same time filming music videos for Let Me and Familiar respectively, arriving either at the same time or a day apart. It was at a time when Zayn was all over his socials, posting poems and selfies and generally being his relaxed, gorgeous self, which wasn’t incredibly common for a while. 
People were convinced they could hear Zayn in one of Liam’s insta stories, talking in the background just before Liam realises and raises his voice. It’s definitely not firm though, and Liam has someone in his team with a similar accent, but I’ve linked it so you can judge for yourself! Regardless, we knew they were both there, but it was a fun lil’ talking point!
Anyway, according to people who live in the area and know the coastline, they were in the same area at the same time, and we also knew that Liam wasn’t with Ch*ryl because she was back in the UK. Now, Liam posted an Instagram story the next morning half naked in bed, his 4 tattoo (we’ll get to that) and roses on full display, and saying he’d wrecked his voice. 
Well then. 
He also posted this. 
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It was a video, but it was Liam, in his room ‘alone’ with two desserts for breakfast at a time when we knew Zayn was there and no one else was, and he suddenly had no voice. 
Okay okay, we get it. 
They also consistently reference the number 25, and honestly, no one knows why the fuck.
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Just casually on Liam’s jackets and shoes, Zayn’s shoes and a shirt that was sold (even the red and yellow, ffs Zayn), and also Zayn’s NECK, which he got in 2018. There was also chevrons on a collection for Zayn, just like Liam’s tattoos.
Speaking of tattoos Zayn got in 2018. 
That big, red wolf on his chest just up there?
One of the biggest Ziam things to ever happen. 
Red was Liam’s mic colour in 1D, everything they fucking do seems to be related to red, and Liam’s nickname is Wolfie because he’s from Wolverhampton. 
It’s a red wolf, directly on his chest, and it’s 100% for Liam. It’s not the only red wolf tattoo Zayn has; he also has one on his leg with feathers, just like Liam’s feather tattoo. 
The media often talk about the eyes Zayn has underneath that, and that they’re for G*gi, but the eyes underneath are so much lighter than the surrounding ink, the shape fits easily, and to me, it seems clear they’ve been done in a way that they can easily be inked over. It was designed for a cover up, and hopefully it’s coming. Zayn also has Liam’s name literally inked into his skin. 
They also have coordinating hand tattoos. The mandala on Zayn’s hand and the roses on Liam’s are explained brilliantly in this post. The two of these together mean ‘Symbol of Eternity’. Fucking hell. 
The three roses on Liam’s hand also translates to ‘I love you’. FUUUCCCKKKKKKK.
Liam also wore a ring for a while, until he was forced to take it off, but then he rebelled anyway, and got this.
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It’s important because not only is it on his wedding finger, it’s also what he said about it, and when he got it. 
Now, not only is 4 as an angel number about changing the only things that you can in a situation, but Liam directly said that’s what it was. He can’t wear a wedding ring, so he did the next best thing. 
It also came when Liam and Ch*ryl became ‘official’, and when he’d already quashed marriage twice in an interview. Interesting choice, then. He also spoke of the 4 and a ring forming a halo, but still somehow shut down marriage talk? 
…….okay then. 
Some incredibly brilliant people pointed out that it also came just before Valentine’s Day.
And just before he started wearing the Cartier bracelet from earlier. 
There’s also the blatant references to a gorgeous, loving relationship throughout Icarus Falls, especially in Common and There You Are. There You Are was pushed as a Z*gi song, but people realised it was impossible when they found old pictures of the name of the song on his original plan for Mind of Mine, and realised it just hadn’t made that album. It doesn’t fit their timeline at all, but it does fit Ziam.
We don’t see Zayn very much at the moment, and I’m glad that he’s taking his time just doing what he’s doing! It does mean that we hardly see them interact or reference each other much, but I have absolutely no reason to believe they’ve broken up. The fact that they’re both still going through PR relationship bullshit, and the timing of Liam getting a ‘girlfriend’ right now instead of just rumours is very interesting to me, because Z*gi officially finished again not that long ago. When one is ‘single’, the other can’t be, it seems. 
This isn’t even everything, anon. They’re not subtle; Zayn just isn’t in the public eye as much. 
Everything they do screams love, devotion, and commitment to each other. 
And it’s fucking gorgeous.
403 notes · View notes
Part 5 in Getaway Series 
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Warnings: noncon sex (oral and intercourse), angst, rude words from a rude dude. This is dark!(nomad)Steve and explicit. 18+ only. PLEASE HEED THE WARNINGS. I mean it, I’m not gonna tell you again.
Summary: Steve continues to haunt the reader.
Note: Steve’s a fucking dick in this series and I need y’all to just know that I know that. This motherfucker is making me suffer and so I must pass it onto you like the tape from the Ring. He’s honestly suck a fucker and I can’t.
Anyways, hope you all enjoy and let me know what you think as always. Love ya <3
In the two weeks since you had moved in, your dread had infringed upon every second. You counted the minutes until his next visit. You expected his intrusions and yet they were always unpredictable. As erratic as the man himself. As inconsistent as your life had become. 
You could not control Steve, could not prepare for him. You could only bide his presence until it was over. Until he left you to stew in your shame. To sink into your self-pity. To hate every inch of the body he had taken over. That which was no longer yours.
This was not your apartment, it was his. You could paint the walls, buy a new rug, hang your pictures, but it didn’t change the fact. Didn’t change his lingering shadow. The darkness that gathered in the corners at night reminded you of him. He could be everywhere and anywhere.
As he was that night. It was odd. Three nights in a row. You came home and he was there, waiting. The first, he had appeared just as you stepped off the bus. He walked with you as if you were together. As if there was anything normal about your association.
The second, he had been on your couch. A box of crackers emptied and the block of cheese half gone. He waved with two fingers but carried on his semi-slumber on your sofa. You tiptoed around your apartment and tried not to draw his attention, but every night ended the same. You expected that at least. 
He left when he was done with you. You didn’t sleep, merely counted the minutes until his return.
The third day, he called you. A Friday. A weekend ahead of you. Time off was no longer a luxury. You didn’t have time to yourself. 
“I’m waiting.” Was all he said. He didn’t await your response before he hung up. It didn’t matter that you had an hour left or that you were in the middle of another call. In his mind, you were already late.
You barely locked the door behind you before he was on you. There was no pretense that night. The top of your blouse undone, your pants pulled down just enough, and you were trapped between him and the wall. 
Your cheek was against the drywall as your back was arched painfully. He slammed into you, his grunts kept time with his hips. His jeans chafed against your ass, his sweat filled your nostrils. He had your wrists pinned over your head as you bit your lips. He was angry about something, but he never told you much. Only spoke if it meant humiliating you.
“You were late,” He hissed as he trapped your wrists in one hand. His other came up to the back of your neck.
“I was working,” You snarled. His nails dug into your skin.
“I don’t care,” He growled and bottomed out. He paused and sighed before he resumed. “I’ve waited for you too many times.” You closed your eyes and said nothing. Your jaw tensed and your body jolted with his sharp thrusts. “You need money?”
You bared your teeth and kept quiet. He scoffed and sped up. Your fingers curled and his grip tightened. His grunts stretched to long groans. He swore as he rode out his orgasm and his cum seeped out around his cock.
A knock came at the door and your eyes snapped open. He released you and pulled out quickly. His cum dripped down your thighs as you pulled your pants up into place and buttoned them. You did up your blouse and neared the door. You peered out through the peep hole as the door rattled with another knock.
“Shit,” You looked over as Steve lazily tucked his cock in his pants. 
“I didn’t think we were that loud,” He smirked.
“Fucking hurry up,” You hissed. He straightened the hem of his tee and his smirked faded.
“What did you just say?” He scowled.
“Sorry, it’s...Gia,” She knocked again and you grabbed the handle. “Please, just...hide?”
“Nah, it’s cool,” He shrugged and neared. He leaned in as he lowered his voice. “Besides, last I checked, I make the rules.”
You looked at him. Your desperation crinkled between your brows. “Please...Captain.”
He nodded and backed away. He wasn’t convinced or impressed. He turned and walked into the kitchen. He glared at you as he opened the cupboard door beneath the sink. 
“You owe me, girl,” He warned as he sank down to his knees and turned onto his back. He fell onto his ass and reclined under the pipes. “I’ll just finish up with the plumbing, eh?”
“Thank you,” You whispered weakly.
“Thank me later,” His voice was dangerous, “Answer the goddamn door.”
You turned and unlocked the door before Gia could bang again. You tried not to pay attention to the wetness gathering in your panties. Your thighs were sticky in your wool pants and you felt entirely disgusting. You opened the door and smiled.
“Hey,” You greeted a frowning Gia.
“Hey? Jesus Christ, could you take any longer?” She shook her head, “I’ve been texting you.”
“Sorry, my phone’s still in my purse, I was just--” 
“Who’s that?” She pushed past you into the apartment.
“I think it’s just a clog,” Steve called from under the sink. “No leak.”
“Is that--?” She mouthed as she looked back to you. Her voice rose to a murmur, “Glad to see you making friends.”
“Landlord is out of office and...he offered,” You hated how easily you lied these days.
“And you accepted,” She poked your side and stepped into the kitchen. 
Steve sat up and turned to pull himself up with the counter. He closed the cupboard and smiled at Gia. “Hey.”
“Nick,” She greeted warmly, “How’s it going?”
“Freelancing now, I guess,” He shrugged. He grabbed the cloth from the oven handle and wiped his hands. “A little plumbing issue but nothing serious. And you? Haven’t seen you around since the move.”
“Work,” She leaned against the counter and looked back at you. “Don’t tell me you forgot?”
“What?” You asked.
“You can’t be serious,” She crossed her arms, “It’s Friday.”
“Shit,” You cursed, “I’m sorry Gia, I’ve been working and--”
“I work too but I don’t forget when we plan something,” She snapped, “You’re not busy…” She glanced back at Steve as he pretended to fiddle with the sink. “Are you?”
“No, I think he’s almost done,” You intoned, “Thank again...Nick.”
“Not at all,” He stepped away from the sink, “Should be good to go now.”
“Wait,” Gia blocked him from squeezing past her, “You...you wanna join us for a drink? We’re just heading to the bar down the road.”
His cheek twitched. He was going to smirk. His blue eyes flicked over to you and you shook your head. He smiled. “Sure, if I’m not intruding, of course.”
“Intruding? No.” She replied and sent you a wink over her shoulder. “It’s a nice place. Just on the corner with the patio.”
“Think I know the one,” He said.
“Besides, my sister owes you for the plumbing,” She sang, “You’ll just have to tolerate our girlish prattle.”
Steve was on his second beer and Gia was awaiting her next cocktail. You had barely touched your glass of ginger and rye. You were too antsy for that. Even if it would have calmed your nerves, you feared you might slip. Admit something which might give away your true predicament. The real reason your life had disassembled so quickly.
She was just snickering at her own joke when you finally found your voice. “What about that guy you met? Ben, was it?” You asked.
“Ben...that’s actually what I was hoping to talk to you about tonight but I won’t bore our company with that,” You could tell by her tone that it was going well. It made you wonder then why she had asked Steve to come along tonight. You squinted at her.
“Later, then,” You took a sip of your drink.
“I don’t mind,” Steve leaned back in his chair and stretched his arms. He hung one over the back of yours casually. Gia’s lips twitched as she noticed. “My life’s pretty boring at the moment. Who’s this Ben?”
“A client at my boutique,” Her cheeks rounded prettily as she grinned, “He asked me out to dinner and...well, it was so nice. Doesn’t hurt that he bought me this.” She pulled her hair away from her neck and showed off the single square diamond on its silver chain. “We’re going out again tomorrow.”
“Wow, Gia,” You drew a line through the condensation on your glass, “He sounds...married.”
“That was one time,” She sneered, “And divorced, actually.”
Steve laughed. “Dating. Fun, isn’t it?”
“Don’t miss it,” You grumbled. You thought of Ethan; of how you never thought you’d even have to think of dating ever again. You frowned and gulped down the rest of your rye. “Awful.”
“You just need a rebound,” Gia trilled, “To get you over the hump...in more ways than one.”
“Jesus, Gi,” You grumbled and signaled to the waiter. Drinking sounded even more appealing as the night wore on. Steve’s hand clung to your chair. “It’s barely been a month.”
“You think Ethan’s waiting? I heard he went out with some girl, Sarah, last week.” She said. Your heart dropped and you tipped your empty glass at the server to signal a refill. 
“What?” You felt the air rush from you. Sarah was a co-worker. That was fast.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t--”
“No, it’s...we’re over,” You stood and Steve kept the chair from wobbling before rescinding his arm. “I gotta...use the restroom.”
You squeezed past Steve and wove between the other tables on the patio. You ducked inside and followed the signs that led downstairs to the bathrooms. The stalls were tight and didn’t lock properly. It didn’t matter. You kept the seat down and sat. You held your head and breathed. How much longer could you pretend?
You heard the door open and stood. You flushed as if you had used the toilet and exited to wash your hands. You stared in the mirror as you lathered the soap and rinsed. You dried your hands and shivered. Another drink and you’d call it a night.
When you returned to the table, Gia and Steve seemed entirely at ease, though your sister was distracted with her phone screen. Steve turned to watch as you approached the table and sat. Your second drink had arrived and you picked it up without pause.
“Oh, I was just texting mom,” Gia looked up and set her phone aside. “I was just letting her know that Nick’s coming to the barbecue on Sunday.”
“He what?” You slammed your drink down and choked.
“I invited him,” She said, “Jeez, he’s right here. You think you’d be a little nicer considering--”
“No, no, I just...I forgot about the barbecue,” You wiped your mouth with a napkin and cleared your throat.
“Keep a fucking calendar,” She rolled her eyes, “You know mom will be pissed if you don’t show up.”
“Yeah, I know, I’ll...go, okay?” You avoided Steve’s gaze as he stayed quiet.
“Either way, you’re still invited, Nick,” Gia chimed. “It’s a neighbourhood thing. Everyone goes.”
You couldn’t tell if Steve was that talented a pretender of if Gia was that gullible. She had eaten up everything he said and he had loved every moment of it. You could feel his arrogance; his self-satisfaction at his deceit. His hand on your thigh when Gia wasn’t looking. He was reminding you; he owned you and he could just as easily own everyone around you.
Gia had ducked into a cab outside the bar, giggling as she declared her intent to see Ben. She grinned between the two of you as Steve assured her he’d get you home safely and you held back a scowl. When the yellow door closed and the headlights disappeared at the next corner, your heart sank. 
You walked in silence back to your apartment. Steve’s mask had slaked away. You wondered if it was a shadow of the man he had once been. Of the Captain America who had saved the world several times over. Had he been tainted by some unknown misfortune or had he always hidden this depravity?
He stopped outside your building and turned to you. He leaned on the door and held out his hand. You stared at his palm in the shadows of the flickering overhead light.
“Keys,” He snapped his fingers. “Jesus.”
You dug around in your pocket and fished out the jingling key ring. He snatched it and crossed his arms. “You owe me, remember?” You frowned and peered back at the sidewalk. He reached over and played with the tail of your shirt. “I expect an answer.”
“Yes, sir,” You grumbled and avoided his gaze.
“Oh, come on,” He grabbed your chin and made you look at him. He looked sinister in the dark. His hair shrouded his face, his blue eyes sunken in bottomless pits, and the lines of his face seemed even deeper. “I don’t have to lie for you, girl. I really don’t.”
“Yes, sir,” You croaked as his grip on your jaw tightened, “Thank you, sir.”
“I could’ve told her what a slut you are, hmmm? The real reason Ethan tucked tail and ran,” He smirked and ran his thumb along your cheek. “I’m sure I’ll run into her again at this little family picnic.”
“I said thank you,” You clung to his wrist as he squeezed harder, “Please, Captain, thank you.”
“I don’t want you to say thank you,” He released your chin and wriggled free of your grasp. He pushed himself away from the metal frame and turned to the door. “I want you to show me,” He unlocked it and pulled it open, “And you better make me believe it.”
He held the door open and waved you through. You gulped and stepped ahead of him. He was close behind as you led the way. As you climbed the stairs, he tickled the back of your thighs and pinched your ass. Your head buzzed with alcohol, but it could as easily be the anxiety. 
When you reached your apartment, his arm snaked around your waist and drew you against him. He unlocked the door with one hand and ushered you inside, his bulge obvious through the denim of his jeans. The door snapped shut and you felt blindly through the dark as Steve clung to you.
“Bedroom,” He ordered, his hot breath embraced you. “It’s all you, girl.”
You continued to the small room. You flipped the light on his hands explored your hips. He was holding back, waiting for you to guide him. ‘Make me believe it’. He parted and watched you. You rubbed your hands together as you turned to him and he tilted his head. He stared at you; expectant. You didn’t dare tweak his impatience.
You neared him and pushed back the collar of his shirt. You slipped the sleeves down his arms and smelled the sweat woven into his tee. He let you. His passivity was peculiar; alarming. You dropped the button-up and tugged up the hem of his t-shirt. Your fingers glided over his muscled sides and reminded you of his strength.
He lifted his arms and bent to let you remove the shirt. That you let fall with the other and he stepped closer. He leaned over you and his nose brushed the top of your head. He breathed you in before he stood straight. 
“Go on,” He urged and looked down at his bare torso. 
You bit your lip and followed his gaze. Your fingertips were tentative along the top of his jeans. You unhooked the metal button and pushed down his zipper. His cock twitched against his briefs as you carefully shoved the denim lower. You could feel him watching you; judging you. It was as if he was measuring your every move. 
You bent as you forced his jeans down. You awkwardly unlooped the laces of his boots and he stepped out of them as you loosed them. You untangled his feet from jeans and socks alike and stood. His cock was visible through the snug fabric of his briefs. You grabbed the elastic roughly and fought to keep your nerve. 
You inched it past his erection and he sighed. You let his underwear fall free and you stared at his body. He stretched his fingers and flexed his arms as he cracked his neck. Almost as if restraining himself. You looked up at his fiery blue eyes and he grinned.
“Well?” His gaze drifted down, “Seems we’re only halfway there.”
You pressed your lips together and stepped back. You undressed swiftly. Sneakers kicked off, sweater and shirt twisted together as you tossed them away, jeans rolled down your legs, and your bra clumsily unclasped. You stood and tucked your thumbs beneath your panties as you braced for the final layer.
“Ah…” He held his hand up. “I like em,” He admired the polka dot panties, “Keep em on for now.” He pushed his shoulder back and gripped his hips. “Well, where do you want me?”
You withheld a sigh and glanced around. The bed would be easiest. You were tired. You shrugged and pointed to the thin mattress atop the folding frame. “There,” You declared and he chuckled, “Sit.” Your voice was higher than usual. A betrayal of your reluctance.
“So safe,” He passed you and snapped the elastic of your panties, “You’re funny, girl.”
“Funny?” You watched him sit. He leaned back on his hands as his cock stood against his stomach.
“You...You’re so stubborn.” He snickered, “You cling to this naivety but we both know you’re not so clueless.” His eyes roved your body as poked his tongue through his teeth and thought. “I think you liked the little window game a lot more than me.”
You bit your cheek and said nothing. 
"You know that's why Ethan had to leave. He could see you needed more than him," Steve taunted. "Because it's easy enough to tell by the quiver in your thighs that you fucking liked it and even if you won't admit it, you want it."
"Stop," You hissed. "Please."
"Come on, you can't get enough when I've got you bent over--"
"I said stop. What do you want from me? Ethan's gone. My whole life has turned to shit." You snarled, "What do you want?"
"I want you to be honest," He said as he sat forward. "It would make all of this so much easier."
You shook your head and looked away. You walked over to him blindly. Your chest knotted and you turned to him. You placed your hands on your shoulders and stared him down. You gritted your teeth as you mustered the last of your resolve.
"It will never be easier," You said, "Not with you."
His smirk fell. His eyes turned dark and he leaned back so that your hands fell. He spread his legs wider and nodded to his cock. "Well, go on. Make me keep my mouth shut."
You gave a long blink. You hung your head and slowly got to your knees. He had already taken Ethan from you, he wouldn't take anything else. You ran your hands up his thighs and shifted closer. You dragged your fingers along his length; up and down, up and down. You gripped him and kept your motion easy. You circled his head and he groaned.
You could feel his unyielding gaze. You bent your head and opened your lips over the head of his cock. You kept your hand around him and brought him deeper and deeper. You repressed a gag as he poked the back of your throat and you pulled back. You worked your hand in tandem with your mouth. 
He rocked his hips up each time you took him. His cock was slick with your slobber and he pushed further into your throat. Your hand slipped and you struggled to breath around him. You held the base of his cock and worked him in and out as you fought not retch. He spread a hand across the back of your head and forced himself to his limit.
"Look at you," He purred, "Sucking my cock so dutifully…" He held you down. You slapped at his thigh and stomach, unable to draw breath around him. "Tell me you don't fucking like it."
Your eyes rolled back and your head throbbed. He let you go just as you were sure you would pass out. You pulled away and reeled onto your ass as you sputtered. He laughed and you touched your ragged throat. He slid back across the bed and reclined with his hands behind his head.
"I mean, you don't think you're done, do you?" He chided, "You haven't even made me cum."
You pushed yourself up to your feet shakily and neared the bed. You climbed up and the frame creaked dangerously. It barely held your weight, let alone his. He stared at your panties and you stood to slip them down your legs. He reached out and you handed them over as the shame nipped at your neck.
You stood on your knees as you straddled him and reached down to guide his cock. He was still wet with your spit. You slid him inside of you with a gasp and he moaned until he was at his limit. You winced as your walls strained against him. He was still too much. Every time hurt just as bad as the last.
"Well..." He kept one arm bent behind his head as his other squeezed your panties.
You slowly began to move your hips. He bared his teeth as you rocked and you tried to resist the knot as it tangled inside of you. You pressed your palms to his firm stomach as you kept your motion steady. Your legs ached from your effort, event at that pace.
He groaned impatiently and his blue eyes sparked. You sped up just a little and the knot tightened. You couldn't fight it. His cock filled you over and over as your clit rubbed against his pelvis. You shuddered and dug your nails into his skin and your breath hitched.
"Come on, you can do it," He said airily, "That's it, girl. I can see it." You closed your eyes and ground harder against him. You couldn't help but chase the release; a single second to forget your endless torment. Even with him. "You're gonna cum all over me, aren't you? I didn't say you could do that."
You tried to mute your delight and sneered. You couldn't help animalistic growl that rose as your peak grew closer. You bounced atop him madly; desperately. The metal frame whined. It wasn't him beneath you, you weren't in this shitty apartment, you weren't on top of this decrepit bed. You were somewhere else and you felt fucking wonderful.
"Look at you," He preened and your mouth formed an o. You came suddenly and your hips bucked against him. "Oooh, you're cumming, you dirty fucking slut."
You grabbed onto his sides as you rode out your climax. Your head fell forward and your pelvis slowed until you were almost still. The tendrils swirled along your thighs and back. The afterglow embraced you and you fell forward, exhausted.
"Fuck," Steve swore and sat up.
He stayed inside of you as he flipped you onto your back. On his knees, he pushed as deep as he could go. You whimpered and the bed echoed your cry. It trembled beneath you dangerously. Steve stretched your panties out across your neck and held you down with them.
The thin cotton choked you as he pinned them beneath his thick hands. He pulled back and slammed back into you. You threw your arms up but he easily ignored you. You grabbed onto his thick biceps as he wove the panties beneath your neck and clasped them tight with one hand. He twisted the seams around two fingers as his other hand gripped your hip.
"Fuck," He growled as he began to thrust. The bed wobbled and you clawed at the blankets. "You fucking bitch, you think you can leave me hanging?"
He sped up and the bed shook. The metal groaned and your eyes rounded up at him. "St--" Your voice died as he twisted the panties tighter. "Th---" You could barely speak, "B--"
A snap and a crash and you were pinned entirely beneath Steve's body. He didn't miss a beat as the end of the bed fell apart. The mattress slid slightly down the slant of the frame. Steve fucked you as if he didn't even notice and your weight rested at the base of your neck. The panties strained around your throat as he rutted against you, your arms pinned beneath his thick torso.
"Look what you've fucking done, you slut," He snarled in your ear. "You like make a fucking mess." He hooked his fingers around your shoulder and delved even deeper. "You were just waiting for me up in that cabin, huh?" You turned your head away as it pounded. You could barely breathe past the cotton noose. "Back in that little hole you shared with him, huh? He fucked you but he couldn't get you off, could he? Not after me."
You squeaked at the sudden pluck inside. Your walls pulsed around him as his flesh slapped against yours loudly. The metal grinded into the floor beneath. You squeezed him between your legs as you came again and he nuzzled along your shoulder. 
"Again?" He bit down and sucked. You sputtered in pain.
He pulled away suddenly and held himself up with one arm as he lifted his pelvis and hammered back into you. His thrusts were decisive. Agonizing. He plunged into you completely and grunted. His cum soothed your aching walls. He wiggled his hips and slowly untangled his fingers from the panties.
He pulled out of you and the other side of the bed collapsed with a bang. He sat back with a booming laugh as he lifted the corner of the mattress. He looked at the bent frame and sighed. You tore the panties away from your neck and tossed them aside. 
He pushed himself to the edge of the bed and stood. He grabbed your elbow and led you up from the sagging mattress. He turned you to face him and his hands grazed along your arms and crept around to the back of your thighs. He lifted you at once and stood with you in the air. You exclaimed and clung to his shoulders. 
"Shit," He reached down to line his cock up with your entrance, "Looks like you won't be sleeping much."
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docholligay · 4 years
The Intercession of St. Raphael 5: To Walk in The Way He Has Commanded
Patreon realease day! Up through Chapter nine on Patreon! 
“What the hell, dude!”
Seiya hissed into her ear, sitting next to her outside of Father Anthony’s office, the velvet of the chair coverings worn where a thousand girls before them had sat, waiting for judgment. Haruka did not react, just stared down at her hands, rubbing her thumb over the back of her palm. It was early, and Father Anthony was likely making them wait because he had no desire to be up himself--it was simply designed as a further punishment for the both of them.
Both Haruka and Seiya had taken their usual route of forcing femininity as hard as possible when brought for punishment. Seiya looked nearly demure in her lace-trimmed blouse, her hair pinned back with delicate gold clips, her legs crossed neatly under her pastel blue skirt, gently flared out at the knee. Haruka had little casual clothing anyhow, none of which she had devoted to being ladylike, and so she wore her uniform, pressed by Mako this morning, the peter pan blouse selected, accented by a pink ribbon in her hair from Usagi.
“I said,” Seiya stared hard at her. “What the hell, dude? I thought we agreed we don’t want to end up here, again, with Father fucking Anthony.”
Haruka sighed and flopped back in the chair, forgetting her urge to be ladylike, staring out the window and wishing she could fly away into the clouds. “I’m sorry.”
Seiya sat back, somehow more taken aback by Haruka’s genuine apology than the fact that Haruka had hit her in the first place.
It took her a moment to recover. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” Haruka kept staring out the window, barely registering the quiet miracle of she and Seiya having a civil conversation, “I got into a fight with Mina last night.”
In the way of most stories people tell, this was not entirely true, nor entirely false.
Haruka would have told you she finally unleashed after years of small jokes that barbed at her, that even she could only take so much, that Mina had been cruel, and that Mina herself had offered no defense for her action, for the way she had manipulated Haruka’s feelings for a joke. She would have edited her choked-back tears, and the way she had stormed out of their shared room and slept on the floor of the small chapel where she had spoken with Michiru just a few weeks previously. She would never had said that the chapel had once seemed a cathedral to her, when Michiru touched her hand, incense woven into the woodwork and surrounding her, as if she’d been blessed, but that now it was just a small and dingy place where she buried herself into the tattered carpet, at least kind enough to absorb her errant tears.
Mina would have told you that Haruka exploded at her when she had touched her shoulder in concern, that she could not have said a word if she had wanted to, that Haruka made no sense and she had no idea what she was even talking about, that she thought Haruka must be drunk or on drugs on something to explain her erratic behavior. She would have edited out her hurt, that she had never seen Haruka so angry with her, that she was confused and scared and worried, that she had looked for Haruka for hours before going to bed, slipping a note under her pillow and hoping she’d come home, that it hurt more deeply than any argument she had with any lover.
Seiya gave an awkward shrug. “Sucks, fighting with your girl.”
“It’s not like that. I’ve known her since I was eight, Kou, she’s like my sister.”
“Yeah, I got one of those too.” Seiya recovered, finally, and waved her hands over at Haruka. “So why the fuck did you hit me?”
Haruka wanted to pour the sourness out of her soul, wanted to cleanse the rotted hurt from her heart, to lay it tenderly within the soft love of forgiveness, but all she could see is Mary looking down on her with shame, the backs of the saints turned to her, and she could not hear the reassuring whispers of love and gentleness, only the fierce anger of men who had used the words of the saints as a weapon.
And so she choked out, “Because I’m stupid.”
“I’m gonna be honest, I don’t know how to treat you when you’re like this. Maybe you should just hit me again. I can deal with that.”
Haruka buried her head in her hands, her legs spread, and groaned heavily.
“Ladies.” The voice was cold and commanding, and Haruka immediately remembered that she was supposed to be very demure, and sat up straight, crossing her ankles.
“Good morning, Father Anthony.” It was in perfect concert.
He beckoned them with his hand. “Into my office. Now.”
They half-scrambled, not wanting to be any more of Father Anthony’s personal annoyances than they already were--he has a hard man, and his distaste for children was only surpassed by his dislike of teenagers, to say nothing of ones who wore their hair too short, wore pants too often, and walked too heavy.
They sat down on the plush chairs in his office, the room smelling of tobacco and a light mist of flowers. The colors were dark and imposing, the entire place giving off the air of judgement that he doubtless craved.
“I hope you are pleased that this is how we all have to spend our weekend.” He sat down at his desk and glowered at the two of them.
Seiya and Haruka looked at each other out of the corners of their eyes, wondering if they were meant to respond.
The answer was, luckily, no, and so Father Anthony continued:
“From the report of several bystanders, I have it on good authority that you were the one to throw the first punch, Miss Tenoh, and I am very curious as to why you thought that a good idea.” His voice was dripping with condescension, and Haruka felt anger and shame in a glorious duet that burned hot on her skin.
Haruka did not know how to begin to explain, even to someone who held her in good faith, and certainly not to the man who held her in contempt. That she had been hurt, and sad, and all of it had built up in her, in the way things do, and she tried to stop herself when it happened, but she was just so angry, and her feelings so tender.
“Haruka, answer me.” He gazed over the desk at her, his eyes boring into her soul, looking for every crack and chip.
Haruka fidgeted uncomfortably, looking up at Father Anthony through her bangs, narrowly obscuring his gaze, a weak confessional panel between them.
“I saw her with...a boy...that I liked. I was jealous. I thought he might like me. It was stupid. I’m not the kind of girl any gi--guy might fall for.” She bowed her head, staring at the floor. “My friends told me he liked me because they thought it would be funny.”
Father Anthony seemed a strange mix of surprised and appeased. Seiya looked over at her, and even out of the corner of her eye, Haruka could see her rising compassion. It only made her feel more ashamed, that she was an object of pity in Seiya’s eyes, and she shrugged.
“Sorry I hit you.”
“Envy is among the ugliest sins, Haruka.” Father Anthony boomed over the desk.
“I know.”
He pushed himself out from the desk and drew his hands behind his back thoughtfully, strutting about the large oak-paneled office.
“And, in addition to that, to strike against your Sister in Christ over desires of the flesh.”
You don’t know the half of it, Father. You have no idea how much trouble I should be in.
“Haruka, your continued presence at this school is representative of Holy Mother Church's commitment to the poor and the unwanted,” she winced at the word, but Father Anthony was not so much as looking at her, “and it is a privilege for you. If we were forced to tell the state that you belong better in--”
“It was my fault, Father.” Both Haruka and Father Anthony’s heads snapped to look at her. “I knew Haruka liked...that boy, and I bragged about it in front of her. I caused my sister to stumble.”
He frowned deeply, and it was difficult to tell whether he was more disappointed that Seiya had done such a thing or that his speech threatening Haruka’s home of nearly ten years had been interrupted. The children who paid were not subject to nearly the same discussions, and the Kou family had enough put into the school that a light slap on the wrist was most of what he could manage.
“50 Hail Marys, Miss Kou, and my personal admonition that it would be wise not to stoke the anger in others. One day you may meet with someone whose bite outshines their bark.”
Seiya grinned. “Well, this shiner doesn’t feel great.”
He frowned heavily at her, and she sat back up straight and folded her hands in her lap.
“Miss Tenoh, it would do you well to reflect on the sort of company you keep, if your story is to be believed.”
“Trust me, Father, I am.” She spat the words, thinking of Mina, and how she and Rei must have giggled over Haruka’s hurt and pain.
“I cannot ignore that you were the one moved to violence, whatever Miss Kou might have said. 50 Hail Marys and a loss of your commissary privileges for one month.”
Haruka burst. She had worked so hard for the small amount of pocket change that she had, and she delighted in the times she picked up a candy bar, or some soda, or any of the small pleasures allotted to her. “Are you kidding me?! Father Anthony, that’s not fair, I--”
“You are fortunate, Miss Tenoh, that I do not remove you from the track team, for all it seems to fire up your blood.”
Haruka stopped immediately, her face grave, and bit her lip.
“Yes, I thought as much. Temper, Miss Tenoh. I am told it causes you grief, and you should reflect on your lack of control, don’t you agree?” He looked down his nose at her. “Hm?”
“Yes, Father Anthony.” She took a deep breath. “Thank you for advising me.”
He looked down at the paper on his desk and waved his hand. “You may go.”
Seiya and Haruka stood up as quickly as they could without seeming as if they were rushing out in an unladylike way, and went to gather their belongings, Seiya’s leather satchel sitting next to Haruka’s tattered green bag.
“Thank you.” The words were bitter in her mouth as she scooped to pick up her bag.
“Don’t mention it.”
“Why did you--”
“When I say, don’t mention it, I mean, tell no one, I’ll deny it, and never talk to me about it again.” Seiya picked up her bag and turned back toward Haruka. “Father Anthony’s a dick.”
Haruka nodded her assent, and they wordlessly walked down the hall to the back stairs.
“Let me give you some advice. Michiru’s hot, but she’s a Kaioh. She’s mean, and she’s crazy, and she could probably have you killed if she wanted to. Nobody likes her, the only friend she has is Rei, and probably only because Senator Hino needs to be up the Kaiohs’ ass for political reasons. There’s tons of girls in this school, Haruka.”
Haruka’s mouth was open to defend Michiru before she realized she had done it, but she stopped herself and closed it, remembering that Seiya had done her a great and unexpected favor, and she could, at least, sit for a moment and listen to what she had to say.
“I mean, do what you want,” Seiya waved her hand dismissively, “I’m not gonna cover your ass again, but I’ve gone to school with her since I started going to school, and trust me on this one. Her whole family’s creepy.”
Haruka nodded. “Okay.”
Seiya sighed at the non-committal nature of it all, turned on her heel, and headed back to the dorm hall.
Haruka looked out at the campus, the green beginning to grey under a quickly-darkening sky, the raindrops heavy in the bottom of the clouds, begging to burst forth. She walked toward the tree at the end of the field--the day after the St. Stephen’s dance was almost always quiet, and the coming rain had only stilled the normally busy hum of the girls’ school even further.
Which was fine with Haruka--she didn’t want to go back to her room, but she didn’t want to see anyone, either. What she really wished, most desperately, was that her suggestion of a punching bag in the gym center had been taken up, but Father Anthony had called it ‘completely inappropriate for young ladies.’
A punching bag was inappropriate, but that flower arranging was still a part of Home Ec was a vital skill.
She touched her chest for reassurance, and then remembered the lost medal. When it rained it poured, it supposed, though the slight misting drizzle of the day seemed to deny her even this. She looked back up at the clouds. They looked so heavy, she could tell there was a torrent inside of them just waiting to be free, to break out and rain down on the land, covering it. BUt it was restrained, held back to this sad drizzle.
She thought about walking the few miles up the road to St. Stephen’s, to ask about the medal, but though, considering her recent bent into lawlessness in the eyes of Father Anthony, this might not be the widest choice.
Instead, she shuffled slowly across the field, the wool coat provided for them just barely hitting her hip. She was as ill-fit and wrong for it as for everything else in this place. She sighed heavily and leaned against the tree at the other end, looked up at the pattern of grey between the fading green of the leaves.
She understood them, she thought, slowly dying as she tried to cling to something that didn’t want her anymore.
Glad to see you’re still being as dramatic as humanly possible, Heathcliff, she could hear Mina say.
Mina. The rage boiled in her again, how Mina could do something so cruel. That, in itself, she supposed, was not the greatest surprise--she had been known to strike back at people aggressively when they got in her way, or had done something she considered something a slight. No, the great surprise was that Mina could have done something like that to her.
It had been years since they both came to this place, stuffed together in the back of a station wagon, a social worker assuring them that this was a marvelous opportunity, that Mother Mary’s was a brilliant and exceptional learning institution, (and this Haruka would have happily concurred with, were she not so certain that such things were essentially wasted on her), that they should be happy and grateful. Mina, young as she was, had still seemed rather unaffected by the whole thing, as happy in one place as another so long as there was something to be fiddled with, a person to be teased, a rule to be exploited.
Haruka, on the other hand, had been crushed, feeling the dream of her having a family set aside. Her grandmother had died only a year prior, and her mother had seemed wholly disinterested in raising her. She had a vision of someone coming and telling her they wanted her to be their new daughter, and pictured birthdays and Christmases overflowing with the warm smells of home.
But she was not the sort of doll anyone selected from the shelf, she thought, gangly and boyish, never the honor student.
Mina had patted her shoulder. “Don’t worry,” she winked, “you’ll be okay.”
She could not possibly have known such a thing, but she played it off with such confidence that Haruka believed her instantly.
“Yeah?” She had furrowed her brow, trying to look tough, in a move that would become very familiar to her. “I’m not scared.”
“No one said you were.” Mina sassed back.
Haruka had crossed her arms and slumped down in the seat. “I never wanted a stupid family or anything anyway.”
“Good, ‘cause you’re not getting one.”
Haruka shot her a look, then, with all the insult her child’s face could offer.
She had shrugged. “Just being honest,” she extended her hand, “Call me Mina.”
“Haruka.” She shook her hand, feeling very adult in the moment.
Mina had been wrong, when she’d said that, Haruka reflected, sliding down the tree and sitting at its roots. It was true that no one had ever wanted to adopt them--Haruka had given up the idea later than most, but she eventually got it through hr thick skull--but they had become a family to each other, and as Usagi and Mako had come along, they had been worked into the fabric as well, making some sort of quilt of useless and throwaway patches.
It had always worked for Haruka, on some level, just having Mina to care about her, but she could not square Mina’s betrayal with the rest of their lives.
Mina had sat by her as she trembled and shook from the chicken pox last year, only teasing her later as the only human being capable of being in a boarding school and waiting til she was 15 to catch it. They’d discussed a dozen hurts and fears and Haruka had even seen Mina cry, which she considered no small sight. She didn’t like being mad at Mina. She hated it.
But she would never get over what Mina had done to her, not now, not ever. She balled her fists and bit her lip.
Temper, Miss Tenoh.
Had anyone ever had the idea that Joan had decided to leave France because she was simply so sad, and so hurt, by what was happening, that all she could was react with any army? Likely not--that wasn’t the way saints thought, God had told her to do it, not the burn in the belly of her soul, but Haruka longed to tell someone what it felt like. To know that someone understood what it was to have that aching hurt down inside, to want to lash out like a rattlesnake, but of course, Haruka only ever bit herself in the end.
“Haruka, I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Jesus Christ, I’ve been worried sick, you flipped the fuck out last night, and I didn’t see you at breakfast this morning, if this is some kind of lesbian dramatics that’s fine but for fuck’s sake, keep me in the loop.”
She didn’t need to look up to know who it was.
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OC asks - YuGiOh & Assassins Creed
--- YU-GI-OH
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1. What is your OC’s favorite color?
She loves green! It’s a calming colour that highlight her eyes and gives her a more alluring look.
2. Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect?
Not sure if it counts, as she doesn’t collect physical things, but she loves to take pictures of everything that makes her happy and look at them from time to time.
3. What kind of things is your OC allergic to?
4. What kind of clothing does your OC wear?
Black jeans, with a regular green top, a black vest-like trench coat and knee length black boots, so pretty basic.
5. What is your OC’s first memory?
Uhhhh......Like, as a child?  I suppose it’d be when her mother smiled at her and gave her the family heirloom, the Millennium Medallion.
6. What’s your OC’s favorite animal? Least favorite?
She loves all animals, but at first, she loved Wolves the most, since she thought it would suit her loner personality. Her least favourite animal were, ironically, foxes, because her father blamed every mistake on her and her ironic name.  That is, until she meets Seto and Mokie, and becomes friends with Yugi’s group, who taught her that instead of listening to the bad stuff, she should make her own name meaning, and since then, she wore her name and spirit animal proudly.
7. What element would your OC be?
Well, if we go by elements meaning, I think either Earth, because she is a nurturing and healing person who helps others without realising. Either that, or water, because she is calm and relaxes people, but she can also become an outright tsunami.
8. What is your OC’s theme song?
I think “Too Late” by Dead by Sunrise, since it shows how desperate she was to find an escape from the darkness she succumbed to once her mother and younger sister were killed in a car accident and she was left under the strict hand of her father who had inhumane expectations of her and wanted only perfection and for her to follow the path he dictates.
9. Do you have a faceclaim / voiceclaim for your OC?
I never thought of that, to be fair? For voiceclaims no, but I imagine her to have a pretty versatile voice, feminine and casual most of the time, but can go low enough to either sound alluring or have a hint of poison darkness.
As for face claims, while creating my Game of Thrones OC, I stumbled upon this picture and she’s been my “faceclaim” if I can’t do a drawing of her, or if the fandom doesn’t have anime/cartoon characters, but real people.
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10. What deadly sin would best represent your OC?
For a long time, I’m pretty sure it would be Envy, because she’s see happy people with no family issues, and envies them so much, having dark thoughts about them.
11. What are your OC’s hobbies?
Games of all kinds, travelling, staying in the nature, relaxing outside.
12. How patient is your OC? How hot-headed are they?
She’s incredibly patient with everyone and everything, in most situation, but can’t handle bad behaviour and dumb questions, especially if repeated, and especially if she’s tired, concentrating or the repetition of the conditions is a much too high number.
13. What is your OC’s gender / sexuality / race / species / etc.?
Kitsune is a human girl, but I haven’t thought of her sexuality or romantic orientation before, since she’s only ever attracted to Seto.
14. What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods?
She loves any kind of home-made food, but can’t stand some sea-food dishes.
15. If your OC could have any pet, what would they choose? Why?
Do foxes count?  If not, dogs and snakes would be her first options.
16. What does your OC smell like?
Okay, so, there’s this perfume and shower gel that I love so much and they smell SO good, like chocolate...So yes, that exactly.
17. How do they make a living? What kind of job do they want / not want? What is their dream job? What do they think of their current job?
She’s a student, so she has no actual job, but her dream job revolves around technology - Either a programmer or a game developer, both options, later, allowing her to work together with Seto.
18. What are your OC’s greatest fears? Weaknesses? Strengths?
She’s afraid of being manipulated and controlled again, insects and loneliness. Her biggest weakness is her kindness and the fact that she has a hard time denying anyone’s requests, so she can very often be walked all over, if someone doesn’t interfere. Her strengths are her perseverance and ambition that keep her going on and not giving up.
19. What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song?
She loves rock, trap and indie songs mostly, and has a hard time choosing only one song, but one of them would be Scorpions - “Still Loving You”.
20. If they came from their world to ours (if not already in our’s) how would they react? What would they do?
Honestly, the Yu-Gi-Oh world is pretty similar to ours, so I don’t think it would be a huge problem to adapt, and would try to make friends and pursue her dreams.
21. What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves?
Apart from her family issues with her mother and younger sister dying and her father being a controlling jerk? She gets pretty restless when she feels something is wrong, and would go in an overly-protective mode and often get herself in trouble.
Her pet peeves are when people chew too loud, being too loud in general, people looking at her phone and people who aren’t punctual or go back on their promises.
22. What kind of student were they/would they be in high school?
“The Nerd” trope. Straight As, loner, shy, but that’s mostly because of her father and how he’d punish her if she didn’t do perfect, and would move her to other schools/cities each year, depending on where his business would lead him.
23. What is a random fact about your OC?
Her hair has more personality than she has. No matter how much she tries, she can’t get it nice and neat, so she stopped caring and leaves it as untameable as it wants it to be.
24. What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living?
She’s a realist that can often slide down to pessimism or fatalism, as she doesn’t actually have any experience in the real world and is afraid of failing  and ruining everything around her.
25. What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fan-character? What was their personality / design like when you first made them?
Honestly? She’s based on me and how I really am or I’d want to be, in a way. I love how I look with red hair, and I love foxes and their various portrayals and meanings, so I used them to create Kitsune, but instead of giving her black eyes, like I have, I gave her green eyes, like emeralds, to give her that touch of mysterious seductive aura around her.
26. Who is the most important person in their life? Why? Who is the least important to them (that still has an impact and why?
The most important person ALIVE in her life is Seto, because he was the one to take her away from her father and show her they are more than their bad parenting and tragic backstory. (Basically, after some exam results were showed, and she didn’t get the marks he expected, her father went to the principal’s office and realising the girl was using her mother’s old Duel Monsters, proceeding on lighting it on fire, making the girl freak out and put the slightly aflame deck in the principal’s aquarium, before having an outright breakdown, only for Seto to get mad and sass out the father, who was supposed to be a future business partner. When she left the school, she saw Seto and went to thank him, but he only asked if she wanted to babysit Mokuba for a short period of time when he’ll be in another country with business, and from then on, they bond.) On the other hand, the least important person, who still impacts her life, is her father, for the reasons stated before.
27. What kind of childhood did your character have?
Does it count as your usual sob story? Because until she was 13, her childhood was the dream childhood, but when her mother died, it all went down the drain.
28. What kind of nervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds of addictions?
She tends to wet and bite her bottom lip a lot, she always walks out with earphones and music at max volume to avoid anxiety, walks fast when alone, focuses on her phone to combat the same anxiety and awkwardness, and when impatient or focused, she plays with a strand of her hair, drums her fingers on the table (she likes it when she hears the tapping of her nails), or bounces her leg.
29. If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose?
Game over. Respawn time : 3...2...1...
30. Do they want to get married? Why or why not? Would they ever want kids? Do they have kids? Why?
She can’t stand children, they annoy her very much and especially doesn’t want to go through the whole childbirth mess, or have her child hate her. As for marriage...She is afraid of marriages, of rather said, of the possible heartbreak of a divorce, but she wouldn’t actually mind having a dream/fairy tale like small wedding, to make everything beautiful and ethereal.
31. What is their most traumatic memory/experience? What is their favorite memory?
Her most traumatic experience is hearing that her mother and sister got in a car accident, and while her mother was killed on the spot, her sister died in the hospital, in front of her, not long after giving her her favourite Duel Monsters card : Madolche Cruffsant , just because it was hella cute.
Her favourite memory is either her mother teaching her Duel Monsters, or her reading her Disney Princess stories.
32. If they could have one thing in the world, what would it be?
Her mother and sister back to life.
33. Would they ever kill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to kill someone? If they would kill someone, why?
She’d only kill in self-defense or to save someone else, otherwise, the farthest she’d go, is a hell of a beating.
34. What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually?
In a group of friends, she’s the moral and emotional support of the group, as well as the one to attempt to stop others from doing impulsive and reckless decisions.
In a game, she’d be the healer, priest, shaman or white mage.
35. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories?
Her imagination goes through the roof, as she always day-dreams about literally everything and anything and reads a lot. Yeah, she does worry a lot and lives in the past, but she’s trying to work on it.
36. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?
She needs affections, validation and comfort. (Give her a hug pls) She’s used without it, so she wouldn’t do anything physically/aggressively to obtain it, but it’s eating her alive when she’s overthinking and doubting herself. Other than that, she knows she can obtain everything she wants by herself and just a bit of work.
37. What’s something that your character does, that other people don’t normally do?
I don’t think she does anything special that she does and others don’t... But she likes to carry Mokuba on her shoulders.
38. What would your character do with a million dollars?
Would make sure she doesn’t have to depend on anyone’s money, since she can’t stand being a burden to anyone, and would use the rest to make even more money, so one day, when she’ has a proper and constant living, she could help create animal shelters and donate to different charities.
39. What is in your characters refrigerator right now? On their bedroom floor? Nightstand? Garbage can?
Bubbly soda, water, chocolate and food in the fridge. A fluffy carpet on the floor and nothing else. Her laptop, a bottle of water and a bag of snacks. Fruit remains, empty snacks bags and other random useless things.
40. Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What do they wear? Who will they be with?
She’s going on a calm walk on the shore, barefeet, with Seto, feet in water and letting the breeze mess up her hair even more. Kitsune’s wearing a soft coloured flowery patterned  dress that’s above the knee, it’s flowy and somehow transparent with an underskirt, and the sleeves are long and loose, all the paired with a pair of sneakers that she can easily take off, knowing she’s going to the beach.
41. What does your character do when they’re angry? Why?
It takes a LOT to make her to visibly show her anger, but she’s going to become extremely verbally aggressive, insulting, sarcastic, barely able to keep herself from getting physical.
42. Does your character have any scars? Where did they get them from?
Nope, she’s clean.
43. What was the most offensive thing your character had ever said?
“If I wanted to kill myself, I’d climb your ego and jump down to your IQ, that’s lower than your shoe size. In fact, it’s non-existent, much like my respect for you. Get the hell out of my sight, can’t you see nobody wants you here? You’re going to be missed like the leprosy.”
44. How does your character react/ accept criticism?
If it’s not actually an insult or a rude remark, she’ll listen and see what she can do with the advice, more more often than not, she still does whatever she thinks it’s right.
45. If your character was given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (or something bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKE pineapple pizza?
She never tried pineapple pizza, so she’s not sure how she’d react, but it’s just 1 slice, so it won’t kill her. She’s not a huge pineapple fan though.
46. Your character is given a voodoo doll of themselves. What do they do with it? Do they see if it actually works? She takes a needle and gently pokes her hand, and if it’s actually true, she’s gonna keep that doll a secret for safe-keeping, so nobody will ever be able to use it.
47. Can your character draw? What do they like to draw? Do they doodle?
She’s not THE best artist in the world, but she draws cute things like flowers from time to time to relax. As well as that, she draws flowery borders on her notebook pages.
48. What were their parents like? How has that affected how they are as an adult?
I already talked too much about her father, but her mother was a sweet and kind soul, and incredibly ambitious and playful and competitive, which is why she won countless gaming competitions. Her mother’s angelic soul and kindness was the way she wanted to grow to be, and whenever she gets angry, she gets reminded of her father and hates herself for doing something he does that she hates so much.
49. Does your character like candy? Do they get sugar rushes? What are they like when they get a rush?
She loves sweets, but she doesn’t feel the need to eat too many, especially at the same time, so she doesn’t get sugar rushes, nor does she get hyper.
50. If your character was presented with imminent and unavoidable death/fatality, how would they react? Would they try to avoid death anyways? Would they try to make their last days count?
She would cry a lot and would try anything in her power to alter her fate, but if it isn’t possible, she’ll try to spend as much quality time with Seto, Mokie and Yugi’s gang as possible.
I haven’t gotten around to actually drawing anything for AC unfortunately, and I’m not sure I’ll ever get around to do it ^^”
1. What is your OC’s favorite color?
She loves Green and Blue, but the longer she stays in Masyaf, the more she misses the beautiful shade range of purple and lavender.
2. Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect?
In her time, she didn’t collect anything, but when she traveled back in time to Masyaf’s 1191 timeline, she started picking different flowers, pressing them in an empty tome that Malik gifted to her, and together with him, she would draw the flower on the other page, and write information about the plant in cause, with the help of her beloved Malik, both in her language and in his.
3. What kind of things is your OC allergic to?
As to quote a line from the Secret Crusade novel...
“Stupid Altair. Arrogant Altair. He was in trouble.”
4. What kind of clothing does your OC wear?
During her time, in the Japanese Brotherhood, as she is the Master Assassin of the Stealth branch, she wears mostly black, light clothes that allow her to sneak around, spy, snipe and blend in.
In Masyaf time, she had to wear the usual male Assassin outfit that literally engulfs her, which is really annoying as she can’t play to her strengths, so she has to fight quite a lot to get some practical adjustments to the outfit, and ones that won’t attract civilian nor templar unwanted attention.
5. What is your OC’s first memory?
Her elder brother singing this song to her : LULLABY
6. What’s your OC’s favorite animal? Least favorite?
She loves foxes so much. She knows she looks like one, and she uses everything to her advantage, and since she doesn’t actually remember her real name, she chose “Kitsune” as her assassin name.
Also, keep spiders away from her, or she’ll feel her soul leave her body in a split second.
7. What element would your OC be?
Fire. Without a speck of doubt. She’s a little, smug firecracker.
8. What is your OC’s theme song?
I think “Demons” by Starset works pretty well, as whilst she’s a strong person, she still has moments of weakness and needs someone by her side, before she loses control of herself and become someone she’d hate.
9. Do you have a faceclaim / voiceclaim for your OC?
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Same person as before. I don’t know who she is, but she’s my muse.
10. What deadly sin would best represent your OC?
I believe Pride is going to give her a looot of trouble.
11. What are your OC’s hobbies?
She loves ice skating, singing, dancing in the moonlight and chilling on the grassy ground, watching the clouds pass by.
12. How patient is your OC? How hot-headed are they?
This little firecracker is somewhere in the middle ground, because yes, she is definitely patient in a lot of circumstances, but Gods, when she gets angry or impatient, you can literally see fire around her.
13. What is your OC’s gender / sexuality / race / species / etc.?
Kitsune is a human girl who never thought of love, as she was married to her work as an assassin, but when she arrives in Masyaf, she falls in love with Malik Al’Sayf.
14. What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods?
Cherries! She loves fruits in general, but she LOVES to seductively eats strawberries or tie cherry steam knots! On the other hand, she won’t eat anything that looks weird or not aesthetic.
15. If your OC could have any pet, what would they choose? Why?
Give this girl a horse, she loves feeling the feeling of wind in her face as she feels the horse speeding up! It’s like she’s on a motorbike again, but a bit different!
16. What does your OC smell like?
Vanilla and Roses <3
17. How do they make a living? What kind of job do they want / not want? What is their dream job? What do they think of their current job?
Kitsune is the Master Assassin of the Japanese Brotherhood’s Stealth Branch, so it’s needless to say that she gets her pay from this.
18. What are your OC’s greatest fears? Weaknesses? Strengths?
She fears getting close to anyone, only to have them dying on her again, just like her parents and older brother. Her weaknesses are her physical strength, her fear of the unknown and the fear of failure. She is small, fast and agile, has an amazing sight and always does her job at perfection, thanks to her ruthlessness, and can easily seduce and manipulate people with words and a simple bat of her long lashes.
19. What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song?
Give her the loudest rock music and the best trap and dubstep remixes, she loves the energy she gets from those kids of songs.
20. If they came from their world to ours (if not already in our’s) how would they react? What would they do?
She is from our world...Sort of, so she won’t have too much of a problem living her life at leisure.
21. What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves?
She has a hard time straying from the rules or showing mercy because she’s been brought up by the Brotherhood since she was 7. Her parents died at such a young age (as they too were assassins) that she doesn’t remember them, and the man who took care of her, as per her parents’ death wish, died when she had to assist him on her first mission, at 12 years old, which was a chaos and he died saving her so she could make sure the mission was a success.
Her pet peeves are people getting too close to her when talking, breathing too loudly, children misbehaving and slow internet.
22. What kind of student were they/would they be in high school?
She didn’t actually go to a regular school, but was trained and taught by the brotherhood, where she was an incredibly perfectionist and diligent student.
23. What is a random fact about your OC?
She absolutely L O V E S to playfully flirt with people she likes, which makes Malik the one to endure all her flirting.
24. What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living?
She doesn’t care if she dies or not, as long as she’s happy. She’s an assassin, she’s been fearless for as long as she can remember.
25. What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fan-character? What was their personality / design like when you first made them?
I love Malik, I want someone to flirt a lot with him, I flirt a lot with my friends, and hell, Kitsune, as I said, she basically myself with green eyes and maybe better make up skills. 
26. Who is the most important person in their life? Why? Who is the least important to them that still has an impact and why?
The most important person in her life that is alive is Malik now, as her “Elder brother” died, and she never got personally close to anyone in the brotherhood, only professionally.
There’s nobody who really influences her negatively, apart from her own self and her perfectionism/over-thinking or the brotherhood creed.
You could say that, half-jokingly, her least favourite person is Altair because he’s a jerk who caused Malik to lose his arm and Kadar to die, but she forgives him when she sees true redemption in him.
27. What kind of childhood did your character have?
It was a pretty basic childhood, her elder brother taking care of her while studying and training for the brotherhood, and for her, that was normality so nothing was weird.
28. What kind of nervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds of addictions?
She bites her lip very hard, until the point she draws blood, she cracks her knuckles a lot and she has a sort of internet addiction that went down the drain when she went back in time and realised her Brotherhood wouldn’t/couldn’t bring her back in her times.
29. If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose?
I went down in the flames of success, so better throw my ashes in the Haunted Mansion from Disneyland Paris, or I’m gonna haunt everyone.
30. Do they want to get married? Why or why not? Would they ever want kids? Do they have kids? Why?
She’s an assassin, so she sees no reason to marry, or worse, have children, which she can’t stand. However, that doesn’t mean she wouldn’t want to to wear a pretty dress, have a nice hairstyle and make up and dance in the moonlight, alone, with Malik. It’s the closest she would get to a normal, domestic family.
31. What is their most traumatic memory/experience? What is their favorite memory?
Her brother dying in front of her, and him yelling for her to finish the mission and return to the Brotherhood, otherwise they’d kill her is a scene that still haunts her every nightmare.
On the other hand, her favourite memory is her brother singing to her that Lullaby, something which she took up and would sometimes sing to Malik, or would sneak out at night and sing while dancing by herself, trying to find a bit of freedom and sense of self.
32. If they could have one thing in the world, what would it be?
Her brother back...And maybe some fucking WiFi and electricity...And a bathtub...With bath bombs...And scented candles...
33. Would they ever kill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to kill someone? If they would kill someone, why?
She’s an assassin who struggles with showing mercy, need I say more?
34. What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually?
She’s the one who flirts and jokes a lot, I guess you could say she’s the popular girl stereotype?
In an RPG, she’d be the assassin, rogue or even warlock or necromancer, without a doubt.
35. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories?
She doesn’t have too much time to day-dream, but now that she’s stuck in the past, she has more free time to do nothing but imagine random scenarios that would never happen.
Kitsune doesn’t live in the past or future, she lives in the moment...In a way that is borderline robotic and as if she tries to forget the fact that she’s human at all.
36. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?
She wants to find a life that won’t bind her to the Brotherhood in a way that she’d have to sacrifice everything for it. She wants a normal life that still has some of the assassin thrill, but not the risks...Keep the adrenaline though, she hates getting bored.
She doesn’t know yet what or how to achieve this utopia, but perhaps the fact that she’s in the past, with a Brotherhood that she’s not officially part of, might prove enough for her.
37. What’s something that your character does, that other people don’t normally do?
Does anyone flirt in Assassins Creed 1? Because if they don’t, Kitsune does A LOT.
38. What would your character do with a million dollars?
She’d take Malik with her and travel the world, exploring every inch of it, away from everybody she knows, and going to all theme and amusement parks.
39. What is in your characters refrigerator right now? On their bedroom floor? Nightstand? Garbage can?
Her laptop, phone and tablet on the nightstand, along with a water bottle and food. She has notebooks and ink and feathers on the ground next to her bed, since she’s usually too lazy to go to the table. There’s...No fridge in Masyaf, unfortunatelly...No more chocolate or ice cream... Lots of sketches and messed up scrolls in the trash.
40. Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What do they wear? Who will they be with?
She’s so used to wearing either assassin or sexy clothes, that she chooses to wear something so simple and casual, like a pair of sneakers and a simple sundress, taking Malik on a walk at night, as during the day she wouldn’t really be able to dress as revealing, in public.
41. What does your character do when they’re angry? Why?
She tries to calm herself, but when she can’t help herself, she’d either go physically or verbally violent and harsh, depending on the gravity of the situation.
It doesn’t take long to piss her off, but it takes a LOT to actually get her to lose her temper.
42. Does your character have any scars? Where did they get them from?
She has a scar on the left side of her face, going from the forehead, to her eye and down to the middle of her cheek, because of the accident in Solomon’s Temple when she sneaked to get the artifact.
43. What was the most offensive thing your character had ever said?
“Tell me… Is being stupid a profession or are you just gifted? Why Don’t You Slip Into Something More Comfortable. Like A Coma? Wait, don’t worry, I can help with that. Whatever permission you thought you had to speak to me, I hereby remove. Honestly, did I ask you anything? No? Good, because nobody asked for your opinion, you filthy little mudblood.”
44. How does your character react/ accept criticism?
Can’t take it, especially if it’s not sugar coated or said in a gentle way, so she could understand it’s not an insult or an attack, but a suggestion.
She’d do whatever she wants regardless.
45. If your character was given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (or something bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKE pineapple pizza?
Pick up the pineapple slices, throw them at Altair’s face, then eat the pizza slice with no problem.
46. Your character is given a voodoo doll of themselves. What do they do with it? Do they see if it actually works?
Would keep it safer than her own heart and would try to track down whoever did the doll, in order to kill them. She doesn’t need potential killers on her case.
47. Can your character draw? What do they like to draw? Do they doodle?
She’s not too bad, but she likes drawings plants, animals and landscapes, which is why she likes to draw every plant she collects. On the other hand, she can’t doodle when absent-minded, she only taps the front of the pen on the table or paper.
48. What were their parents like? How has that affected how they are as an adult?
She didn’t really know them, as they died when she was too young, so they didn’t exactly affect her in any way. They weren’t bad people, despite being assassins, but as far as she heard around the Brotherhood, they were diligent, intelligent and reliable, so she was proud to be their daughter.
49. Does your character like candy? Do they get sugar rushes? What are they like when they get a rush?
She doesn’t get sugar rushes, nor does she eat too many sweets at once, but if she’s in a playful mood, she can get a bit more energetic than usual.
50. If your character was presented with imminent and unavoidable death/fatality, how would they react? Would they try to avoid death anyways? Would they try to make their last days count?
She’d try to see if it can be avoided, but if not, not a big deal for her. She’d just do the weirdest things possible and spend quality time with Malik and Altair, maybe even trying to make the Masyaf Brotherhood a better place, teaching them new healing methods and whatever...If she was in a good mood, at least.
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myivycastle-blog · 6 years
Lover’s Day Date
Today was the day.
Sig leapt out of bed, adeptly evading the sheets that threatened to tangle around his ankles and drag him down. Not today. He practically floated to the floor length mirror and twirled, choosing a casual look for the day. He didn’t know what was on the cards yet, but knowing how Yuseong was, they were bound to get dirty at some point. As the clothes materialized on his form, he ran his hands through his mohawk and gave his reflection a wild grin. Today was going to be perfect.
Taking a glance back at the bed and the pile of bodies that still rested there, Sig’s grin became sly and he snuck from the room. By the time Yuseong woke, there’d be a magnificent breakfast waiting for him.
 Yuseong became aware of the smell first, the mouth-watering scent of bacon wafting through the open door of the bedroom and wrapping him in its caress. He half-fell out of the bed, the floor shaking under his immense weight and signifying to everyone in the temple that he was up. He stumbled to the bathroom and stuck his head under the tap, the cold-water sending shivers down his spine as his body protested the forceful awakening. Gripping the edge of the basin, he yawned at his reflection in the vanity mirror, his fiery hair red and spluttering weakly. Oh no, this wouldn’t do at all.
Ten minutes later Yuseong strode from the bedroom in all his glory, his horn polished and sparkling and hair burning blue. He wore nothing but a loose pair of drawstring pants that sat low on his hips, and as he padded down the hall to the kitchen, he could hear Sig dancing to some up-beat pop music as he cooked. Yuseong paused in the doorway, leaning casually against its frame as he watched his friend sway and writhe as he flipped pancakes on the stovetop.
“Good morning.” Yuseong purred.
 “Morning!” Sig shimmied his way over to Yuseong and tilted his face up, asking for a kiss. The horned God acquiesced readily, pulling Sig tight against his body as he did so. By the time Yuseong released him once more, Sig was more than a little weak in the knees.
“Wow.” He said softly, and Yuseong chuckled.
“What are we going to do today?” Yuseong asked. Sig could feel his eyes on his back as he moved back to tend to the food on the stove. “Personally, I have a few things in mind, and they all involve less clothes than you’re currently wearing.”
“Nuh-uh.” Sig protested, turning back long enough to waggle the spatula at Yuseong. “Don’t even try it. You promised. We’re going to have a proper date today.”
He picked up the jar on the counter next to him that he had been adding pieces of paper to all year. He called it the ‘Date Jar’, and had dedicatedly filled it with perfect date ideas.
“Pick one!” He said, holding it out to Yuseong.
The horned God’s movements were lazy as he pushed off the doorframe and meandered further into the room. He took the jar from Sig, rummaged in it for a moment and then drew out a slip of paper. Sig bit his lip and turned back to the stove as Yuseong read it, waiting for his reaction.
 Yuseong’s eyes scanned the paper, reading the elegant scrawl that filled it with ease. “This is your idea of a perfect date?” He looked up at his friend again, eyeing the lines of Sig’s back and resisting the urge to cross the room and run his tongue down it.
Sig’s shoulder’s fell, and he hunched in on himself, refusing to turn around. “Yeah.”
Yuseong sighed and read the paper again. “Oh, all right. Let’s give it a go.”
Sig turned to him then, straightening up as his eyes began to glow. “You mean it?”
“Yeah. It could be fun.”
“So which one did you pull out?” Sig craned his neck, trying to read the paper, but before he could, Yuseong used his flame to turn it to ash.
“You’ll find out.”
Sig grinned. “Okay! Food first though.” He grabbed Yuseong’s hand and dragged him to the table.
 They’d gotten a bit distracted at breakfast, but an hour later they were out among the mortals, strolling hand in hand through the morning flea market. This hadn’t been written on the piece of paper, Sig knew, but on Lover’s Day, the market was the one place that you definitely wanted to be. God, Gis, mortal or other, everyone gathered on the streets to witness the decorations that had coated the city overnight. This whole festival was Sig’s creation, and even after 750-odd years of it, he hadn’t grown bored. One day a year to celebrate the people you loved without regrets or reservation. It was glorious. There was no way anyone could be gloomy on such a wonderful day.
Next to him, Yuseong scooped up a brilliant red bloom from a nearby stall and tucked it behind Sig’s ear, his fingers lingering on his neck. Their eyes met, and Yuseong tilted his head, asking if Sig was ready to move on. He was.
They strolled through the market for a couple of hours, sampling all the different foods, and perfumes, trying on hats and jewelry of increasing size and gaudiness, and just enjoying themselves. They stopped at a little craft stall with paint-your-own ceramics and sat down long enough to decorate a trumpeting elephant figure together. By the end of it, they both had more than a few spots of paint on their clothes and skin, but the grins on their faces were wider than ever.
 “Ready for the next bit?” Yuseong asked later, as they sat on the edge of the fountain in the city square.
Sig turned to look at him, his eyes bright and face still flushed from all the excitement in the market. Yuseong pressed his tongue to the inside of his teeth, wishing he could just teleport them home so he could make his friend’s eyes lose that focus. But this was Sig’s day, and his friend wanted romance, so Yuseong would give him that even if it wasn’t something he excelled at.
He pulled a couple of disposable cameras out from behind his back, and Sig’s whole face lit up. This was what had been on the piece of paper. A day of photography, where they would run through the city and take silly pictures of each other at different locations, doing different things. Yuseong definitely wasn’t camera shy, so he thought he would probably enjoy it. He tossed one to Sig, and pulled his friend to his feet, snapping his very first picture as he yanked Sig against him and kissed him deeply.
“Let’s have some fun.” He said, and ran off before Sig could catch his breath.  
 Sig laughed as the horned God disappeared, watching as he sliped into the crowd and teleported away. His grin took on a feral edge, and he prepared to hunt. There was nowhere that Yuseong could run that Sig could not find him, not with the heightened hyena senses that ran through his being.
He found Yuseong on the bank of the Northern river, and as soon as he materialized, the horned God promptly pushed him in and took a photo while Sig spluttered. Then Yuseong laughed and disappeared again. So, it was going to be like that, was it? Sig snorted. Not bothering to dry off at all, he teleported again, and then shook as hard as he could, drenching Yuseong with the spray before the horned God could escape. He took a photo of the disgusted look on the God’s face, his flaming hair all but extinguished. Sig’s laughter wrapped around Yuseong as he teleported into an art gallery in the city centre. The game was on.
They continued that way for hours in an outrageous game of tag, teleporting to all sorts of strange and precarious locations, setting traps for each other and trying to get the best photos – they went through dozens of disposable cameras. Each time one filled up they’d send it back to the temple and obtain another. Sometimes the traps would be simple surprise kisses that lead to selfies, other times they’d involve random props and pulled faces, drenched feathers or singed hair. But with every photo the enjoyment spread, until Sig couldn’t remember every having so much fun in a single day.
 They filled their final cameras just as the sun began to set behind the horizon, and then the next time Yuseong teleported, he waited and then grabbed his friend’s hand and pulled him into a hug before Sig could do anything mischievous. They sat on a nearby wall and watched the sunset together, and then when there was nothing but twilight, he took them to their final destination.
The planetarium was located on a hill to the North of the city, across the river. The two sat on a picnic blanket Yuseong summoned, and fed each other under the stars and galaxies that were projected onto the roof above them. They didn’t speak as they ate, content to simply enjoy each other’s company. When the food was finished, Sig manoeuvred until he was seated between his legs, and Yuseong wrapped his arms around his friend, pulling him back against his chest and resting his chin on Sig’s head. They sat like that for a long time, just watching the stars.
He had to admit it, he’d had a really good day even without any bedroom antics. He hadn’t expected it to turn out that way, but was pleased that it had, and even more so that his friend had enjoyed himself so much.
“I love you, Sig.” he said, simply.
“I love you too, Yuseong.” Sig replied.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Shout Out To Everyone That Wore A Naruto Headband In High School
  I don't remember the exact date of the first time I saw someone's Naruto headband in the wild, but I do remember the setting and the feeling it gave me. I was in the massive hallway that connected the "big ol' rooms" part of my high school (which housed the auditorium and the cafeteria and all that) with the classrooms. The guy wearing it was someone that I'd met a few years ago but had lost touch with, a guy that had played Yu-Gi-Oh! in band class while I'd stood nearby, close enough to chat but far enough away that no one would think I was also playing Yu-Gi-Oh!. And he wasn't doing Naruto's definitive run, but just casually wearing a shiny anime headband and walking to lunch or whatever. And I thought that was kind of awesome.
  Not that I'd be caught dead wearing one of those, of course. 
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    See, I didn't get into anime until college, when a friend handed me a flashdrive with all of Death Note, Bleach and Samurai Seven on it and asked me to inspect it like it was an ancient biblical tablet. However, I'd watched anime beforehand, growing up a massive fan of Pokémon, Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Card Captors and every other anime that had enough "monsters" and "collecting" in it that Fox Kids and Kids WB considered it a viable option. I just didn't know they were "anime." That term didn't enter my vocabulary until late middle school, and by that point, it already had negative connotations. Oh, you watch anime? I thought you, ya know, actually liked having friends.
  But I really, really wanted to like anime. It seemed so cool, mainly because it wasn't actually that different from all of the safe nerdy pop culture subjects, subjects that had recieved a big budget Hollywood adaptation like Lord of the Rings or Batman and had thus been rendered safe for public conversation. Because, honestly, how different is Dragon Ball from Star Wars? Clueless backwoods chosen one-esque dude becomes increasingly powerful and takes on space warlords with lasers and stuff. Obviously Dragon Ball is waaaaay better than that sentence makes it sound, but my point is that anime has never been some bizarre "other." It's not a weirdo alternative branch of storytelling. The best of it, like the best stories from the West, is simply very, very good fiction. 
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    That said, a weird thing tends to happen when you're a teenager where you stop becoming the person you want to be and start becoming the person you think other people want you to be. And this trend can go on your whole life, despite the fact that it's never been proven to work once. You can buy the most expensive clothes and never be Prom King. You can have the perfect resume and never get the job interview. It's like we hit thirteen and life becomes an extended episode of The Bachelor where if we do every vague thing correctly and are there for the "right reasons," we'll win the simple concept of happiness.
  And so I didn't let myself dive into anime stories that I know I would've enjoyed. I tried to wean myself off of the copy of Pokémon Crystal that I was still putting hours into each week. I kept my banter about 70s horror movies that I adored to a minimum. I tried to be the person that I thought everyone else would enjoy. I tried to be someone that, when asked about a Naruto headband, would say "What's Naruto?", presumably while laughing during a montage set to "On The Way Down" by Ryan Cabrera. And in the process, I became dissatisfied with everything about myself. Not that I recognized at the time that it was because I wasn't trying to be myself and instead was trying to be Alternate Universe Daniel from Earth Aeropostale.
  Though I would accept anime into my heart a few years later, I wish it had happened sooner. I wish I would've been someone with the confidence to sit down and play Yu-Gi-Oh! with my band friends instead of being Weeb Benedict Arnold and turning my back on the Blue Eyes White Dragon whenever I sensed an opportunity for fleeting social status. I wish I'd just told people that I was still into Pokémon instead of playing dumb whenever anyone asked about it. Like I didn't know all the words to the PokéRap. Come on, Daniel, you abominable dork.
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    I wish I'd been open to at least getting into Naruto. I know I would've enjoyed it! A kid that doesn't fit in trying his best to achieve a goal that most people consider impossible for him? Wow, nothing to relate to there. So shout out to the people that wore Naruto headbands in high school, the kids that had their passions on their sleeves (and their skulls.) You were far braver than I. 
  When did you get into anime? How did you find out about it? What are your first memories of it? Let me know in the comments!
  Daniel Dockery is a Senior Staff Writer for Crunchyroll. Follow him on Twitter!
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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