#he'd gladly stay by your side until he knows you're going to be alright
meownotgood · 2 years
how would aki help u thru a panic/anxiety attack? i have them from time to time and i was curious :,)
I've thought about this... I think aki struggles with anxiety attacks of his own, considering his job as a devil hunter and everything he's come to experience in his life, so he'd know just what to do to be able to help you.
aki would notice it immediately: the way your body starts to shake, the way your breath comes out quicker and quicker, the way you freeze and fold in on yourself. he's swiftly taking action, helping you to sit down, or ushering you to some place more quiet. he places one hand on your back, rubbing in soothing circles, and he grasps your hand with the other, gripping tightly, giving you something to hold onto to ground yourself.
he reassures you, his voice quiet and gentle, "it's alright, it's okay. nothing is going to happen to you, you're safe, I promise. nothing bad is going to happen, everything will be okay. I'm right here. I'm not going to leave you."
aki helps you to breathe, guiding you to breathe in, and breathe out, until you slowly start to relax. his calm demeanor, his comforting presence beside you, his steady hand on your back and his hand in your own, and his smooth voice in your ear — you're doing so well, I'm so proud of you. everything will be over soon, just keep breathing for me — it all helps you to get through it.
and even once you've calmed, aki won't leave your side; he'll go and bring you some water or some tea if you'd like, or, if you don't want him to go, he'll stay right there next to you until you're ready. if you want to talk to him about how you feel, aki will gladly listen for hours, but if you'd rather forget about it, he'll turn on your favorite movie or video and watch it with you, until you've forgetten about everything.
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temmtamm · 2 years
Could I ask for some HCs of the turtles with a chubby reader who is insecure about her/their body?
(Asks are open and appreciated)
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Least likely of them all to realize that it's a problem for you, mostly because he doesn't recognize it as a problem.
You'd think with how big he is into sparring/fighting that he'd underestimate you when you two spar due to your size, but it's quite the contrary. 'Meat Sweats' is one of his biggest threats and he's plus-sized, not to mention the fact that his idol Ghost bear is also a bit on the chubby side.
When you're having a bad day where you're just really insecure, he'd usually spend the day by your side or cuddling. It takes a lot of strength for his hyperactive brain to stay put for longbut he'd gladly go through that so that wya he could comfort you.
He doesn't really know how to comfort you besides being there or small words of encouragement but he'll still try to be of help in some sort of way.
He's most likely the one to get into a fistfight over anyone talking bad about your weight.
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Doesn't really take it into consideration. like, of course he knows you're plus sized but he never really considered it anything worth putting though into- It just was a part of you to him.
Unlike Raphael, He is more likely to use his words as a way to comfort you, such as reminders that he finds you attractive when you are insecure or even just making it a mission of his to give you daily compliments so that way you don't forget that he loves you.
He understands that somedays you just have a bad body image, so on those days he is more than happy to provide you with blankets or baggy clothing until you feel better.
He will not tolerate insults towards your body of any kind, whether its from you or anyone else. He will threaten you with the portal sword if you keep insulting your figure. (He won't actually do it of coarse)
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Doesn't really understand that it's an actual problem for you.
Like, he finds you pretty so obviously you and everyone in the world should/would agree right??
Deserves his 'Mr. Delicate touch' nickname cause once your insecure or not in the right headspace that day, he would have the most emotionally raw conversations with you listing off all the ways he loves you and how he believes your body is pretty.
Least likely to pick fights with others over their insults, but he will definitely go off on him. He may be sweet, but that doesn't mean he'll be kind to everyone- Especially when they are talking shit about his S/O.
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He never really discusses your weight with you a lot for similar reasons as Mikey and Leo.
He feels like you already would know that he loves you and your body considering you two are dating, therefore he might have some trouble reminding you of how he loves you.
When you're open with him about your insecurities though, he tries his best to console you. He usually tried to by also being open with his insecuritoes as well so you two can be vulnerable together.
When today isn't one of your days, he'll make a temporary pause on his tech/work to just lay in bed with you and spend a lazy day together watching YouTube videos until you're alright.
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Thanks for reading ♥︎
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everydayyoulovemeless · 11 months
How The FNV Companions (+Benny and Joshua) React When You're Exhausted
➼ Word Count » 0.5k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ Genre » Platonic/Romantic, Hurt/Comfort
Boone would notice early on how you seem to breathe heavier than normal and drag your feet through the dirt. He knows how important it is for someone to have their health up, and would stop the moment he deemed that you were in a safe enough area to do so. He has no qualms about calling it a day and setting up a temporary camp. Even if it does set your schedule back, your strength is vital for anything you do to be effective, and he'd take as long as he needed to for you to regain it.
Arcade has you lay down on one of the mattresses in the Old Mormon Fort or if you're out in the Mojave, he'll hide you behind a rock or in a cave. The second he sees that you're drained he'll put his hand on your forehead to make sure you're not overheating or sick in any way before he gives you some water and says you can both sit down for a minute.
Raul will say something like, "Jeez, boss, you look like you're gonna pass out" before dragging you into some shade. He'll sit there with you and tell stories until you start feeling better.
Lily is always making sure that you're doing alright, so the second she sees you beginning to collapse she'll pull out some water and offer it to you. A lot of the time she'll even offer you her hat so that you can better keep the sun off of you.
It depends on where you and Cass are headed. If you're off to do something minor she'll stop and let you rest, but if you're going to go avenge her caravan then she'll probably convince you to keep going. She's not trying to be mean when she does that, she's just really determined to cover as much ground as you can when you're off doing something important.
Veronica doesn't mind sitting down and waiting for you to regain yourself. You could lay down, or sleep, or anything else and she'll be sitting right next to you. She might even try and fan you with her hands.
ED-E's not really sure what to do so he just zips around you while you lean against the side of some building.
Rex will gladly lay his head on your lap and stay with you while you recover from the heat or just regain some of your strength again.
Benny gets a little annoyed, especially if you're off doing something he finds important, but if you're together romantically, he'll choke down his thoughts and stay with you while you recover. If you're just a business partner, he might just leave you there in the dust. He doesn't have time for this! Surely, you'd understand. If you're in The Tops, he might be a tad snarky about it, but he'll set a room up for you and send you up as quickly as you can. It's better to have people who are awake and healthy than tired and disposable, he supposes.
Joshua takes your well-being very seriously and will take you into a nearby cave to rest. He won't let anything touch or come near you. You can relax with the knowledge that you're in great hands.
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flowering-thought · 2 years
ohh this request is a bit more self indulgent but.... how would the kawahara bros cheer up their darlings after a bad day/something bad happens to them. will leave this vague so u can have free reign over the situations ! - 🍙
Ahh I'm also having a bad day so legs be a little self indulgent together <3
Let's go with youngest to oldest when it comes to the Kawahara siblings-
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Takeo is usually pretty good at reading emotions. It's rare that he ever says the wrong thing at the wrong time and can tell when you've had a bad day.
So when you ask to visit him after work he's thrilled and cleans up a bit while he waits on the couch. He decided he'd wait till you got there to make any food or tea. He just couldn't wait to see your adorable face and give you the biggest kiss on the cheek.
And when he heard a knock he practically skipped to the tldoor and opened it with a smile. But you stood there with slightly puffy eyes from what he assumed was crying and it looked like you were barely holding it together.
His immediate response was to let you in and and set your bag down before he decided to pick you right up and carry you to the couch. He wouldn't listen to any of your protests until he finally had a soft blanket on you and let your legs rest on his lap as he got you comfortable.
He doesn't push too much but he does let you know that it's okay to be upset and if you want to discuss it to feel free. And when the dam breaks and you let it all out he comforts you and then makes you some of your favorite tea and puts on a movie he bought recently just for you.
He stays like that with you for a while, letting you curl up beside him before you eventually fall asleep. And once you are asleep he gently picks you up again and takes you to bed, tucking you in before deciding to sketch you a bit since you looked so peaceful.
And if someone was behind the reason you had a bad day? Well maybe a little visit after he was done sketching would be enough to prevent that from happening again.
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Daisuke has a harder time reading people than most. But he understands your emotions the best! And when you're upset all he wants to do is make you feel better.
Maybe you just had a bad day, or school was stressing you out. But you showed up at his door without any warning and he gladly let you in when he saw your face contorted in a sad look.
He wraps one of his arms around your waist before bringing you to his room and sitting down. He brings over his favorite blanket (for its softness is out of this world) and a couple of stuffed animals he bought for you to keep at his place and some extra pillows to set against his headboard so you could lay back on the pillows and just relax.
Once he gets you to lie down, without a word spoken he lies on his side next to you and rests his chin on your head before bringing you close. He stays silent and waits for you to be ready and when you suddenly burst into tears he hugs you tighter before listening to your complaints and sobs about what's hurting and how you're feeling.
He'll sit there and validate your emotions and reassure you that it'll be okay. He'll tell you it's alright to feel this way and that even if it may feel stupid to cry at this moment or if you are upset for getting so stressed out he'll always say that no matter what it's okay to feel upset and that eventually, you may feel better after some time.
And he spends the rest of the night with you wrapped in him arms, cuddling on a pile of pillows and him whispering that it'll be okay, and that things will pass and how much he loves you and how proud he is of you.
And if someone is in charge for making you feel this way? He won't hesitate to get rid of them. He hates when people make you cry and won't ever let them hurt you again. If that means getting his hands dirty then so be it.
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As for Makoto? He's super good with people. He's a lawyer what do you expect? And with that smile on his face where you never know what he's thinking, he'll analyze the fuck out of people.
But when you call him with a voice that sounded like you just cried about how you just want to see him he's immediately on his way and only stops to pick up some of your favorite drinks and snacks.
And when he shows up at your cute little apartment he knocks on the door to see you already in one of the soft sweaters you stole from him and puffy eyes. He let's himself in as you wander to your couch and open your arms.
He quickly sets the bags on the kitchen counter and leans down to hug you, picking you up before he sits down and places you on his lap. He won't ask what happened until you open up, but during that silence and the soft sounds of you sniffling he rubs your back and let's your head rest on his shoulder.
And when you open up about what happened, starting to tear up again, he'll continue to rub your back and softly talk about how it'll be okay. He hates seeing you upset so with you still in his arms he'll reach for the remote and open Netflix (which he let's you use his account for) and play some of your comfort shows or maybe something new to take your mind off things.
And if someone made you this upset, his mind wanders while he holds you into all the things he'll do. He's not like his brothers when it comes to people. He doesn't get rid of them immediately or threaten them. He starts slow, maybe making their work life become hell, and then their personal life hell before he eventually grows bored of harassing them and finally gets rid of them. You're his, he can't have anyone making you feel less than the treasure you are to him.
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akiitos · 2 years
gimme all the boys getting jelaous >:3 (you csn skip rui and/or toya if u wanna) (i'll gladly read about kaito and len too but i'm not sure if u write for them) oh and with female reader if thats ok
sry, i don't write for kaito or len:(!!
thanks for requesting <3, p.s i hit writers block midway this
prsk boys x fem!reader, jealousy
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toya aoyagi ☆
• he's nice and i dont think he'd get that jealous, since he trusts you
• but, if on some rare occasion he would just stand there beside you and pull you away oncd you're done
• if he can, he'd take you to a different area and act a tad bit more clingy
• toya ♡♡♡♡♡♡
• ok but he'd also just subtly hold your hand too with furrowed brows in hopes that the other person gets the hint
you're talking with a friend you haven't seen in a while in the hallways of kamiyama high. beside you, is your boyfriend, toya. he felt kind of awkward, i mean, considering that you both are talking about memories you both had in middle school, in which, he wasn't in. he didn't want to admit this out loud, but he was a teeny bit jealous. well, that you've been talking to your friend for about 30 minutes, and haven't bat an eye at him.
awkwardly pulling your arm slightly, he looks at you with an uncomfortable expression. excusing yourself, he takes you to an empty classroom. "what's wrong?" you ask with a worried tune. he just stays silent and looks to the side. he didn't really know how to word this feeling exactly. humming awkwardly, you sit on a desk beside him as you hold his hand. he apologizes for having you leave your friend, and places a gentle hand on your chin, making you face him. moving closer to your face, he asks, "may i?" with light pink on his cheeks. you nod reassuringly and close the gap in between your guys' lips.
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rui kamishiro ♡
• he doesn't wanna seem rude or anything
• kindly makes up an excuse saying that he has to go
• you say bye aswell and go after him
• he probably ends up saying how he was jealous in some cheesy way
• rui is just omg
talking with your friend on the rooftop, alongside with rui, you're asking them questions. rui, not wanting to be a third wheel, kindly excuses himseld out. not wanting to leave him alone, you also say your goodbyes and follow rui to the second floor. silently, you both walk in motion as he takes you both in a more private area, under the staircases.
opening his mouth, but he closes it, not knowing really what to say. "sorry, y/n. i guess you could say, i didn't want to feel out of place between you both." he said with his iconic cheshire grin. frowning, you reassure him with a proud smile afterwards. "rui! i'm sorry!" he chuckles and kisses your cheek sweetly, the scent of soda candy on his body. chuckling at him, you kiss his cheek and grab his arm, bringing him to the library, a quiet spot for you both to stay at until class started for you both.
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tsukasa tenma ☆
• straight out takes you away but yknow respectfully
• rambles about how a star like him shouldnt be neglected!
• yep as you can tell he was jealousssa
• give him some kisses and maybe, just maybe, he'll forgive you for making such a star like him feel this way
• hes so
you were talking to someone, who obviously had a crush on you. and of course, tsukasa knew about this, so he kept an eye on you while close behind. he noticed how your suitor was getting close to you subtly, and he wanted to take action, but kindly. going up to you, he grabs your arm with a grip, and quite literally drags you away from the conversation.
confused, you ask him what the matter was. he pouts and rants, "don't neglect such a star like me, that guy totally had a crush on you!" with a cheeky smile, you ask, "is this star, perhaps jealous?" with a teasing tone. he blushes and denies, "what?! no!" he huffs and turns away from you. sighing, you grab his red face, and land a few kisses on his lips. letting go, he looks at you with wide eyes and grunts. "whatever, let's just go, alright!?" he shouts while walking ahead. chuckling, you follow him from the halls.
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akito shinonome ♡
• visibly annoyed
• nonchalantly says that you both have to go
• takes you away to the roof and just acts as if that didn't happen
• embarrassed when you bring it up and just denies everything
• sorta like tsukasa except more aggresive
you're talking to someone, who also has a crush on you. how did you not even realize this? they smile at you, and chuckle lightly. akito, who's right beside you now, grabs your shoulder and nonchalantly says "sorry, me and y/n have to go now. see you" and takes you away to the rooftop. you look back and see them frown and you just both walk there in silence until you got there.
why did akito do that? then, something sparked in your head. he was jealous, wasn't he? smirking, you ask, "jealous?" in which he blushes and shakes his head. "what the hell!? no!" he argues playfully while turning away from you. "yeahyeah, sure" you teased as he looked at you. "i just told you! i'm not-" then, you cut him off with a cheeky kiss on the cheek. how is this even possible, his cheeks are redder than they were before! covering his face, he huffs. "whatever,," he mutters while uncovering his pink face.
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p3rf3ct10nn1nj4 · 2 years
Feeling out of it, can i have a sollux comforting a sick matesprite? Thanks in advance
absolutely, hope you feel better soon!
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Sollux comforting his sick f/o
Would definitely insist you get rest, drink water, take meds if needed, etc.
Since trolls can't catch human sickness for the most part, he would gladly rest beside you
he'll probably be playing games most of the time
but if you ask he would put them down for a moment or two just to hold you
thinks you should only get up if you really have to and will have no issues grabbing things for you
if it's comforting to you, he might end up purring
his purrs sound more like he has bees in his ribcage than what most would deem purring
taller than you yet still wraps around you like a koala clings to a tree when cuddling
little bit taller than Equius even, standing about 7'8"
if you want to, he might let you play some of the games he has
will still be a backseat driver even if you're playing while sick
if you have migraines he won't really know what to do at first since human migraines are probably different from the migraines he gets
if its as simple as moving locations (i.e. going from a room that literally has buzzing bees to a room that's dark and quiet) then he'll gladly do that
will be clingy but deny that he's being clingy and say he's just wanting to make sure you're alright
he kind of is doing both actually
if you had meet up plans, or plans that require outdoors in general, you're gonna have to cancel them
he will put you under a sort of quarantine until you feel like yourself again
he's a decent bit colder than most humans, so while he can't test your temperature he can use his hands as an ice pack for you if you ask him to
would be the type of guy to suggest some herbal tea with honey in it
cannot cook, however, he can put some frozen pancakes in a toaster and put some stuff on them (probably honey)
he'll sit and watch through just about anything with you if it makes you feel a little better
kids shows, chick flicks, romcoms, horror movies, if you want to watch it he'll watch it. However he might end up judging characters the whole time
even if he has stuff he was planning to do, whether outside or indoors, he'd honestly rather stay by your side
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hanazuma-inactive · 3 years
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not scary at all (nsfw) ojiro x virgin!reader
pronouns: he/him
warnings: virgin reader, crying, slight mention of a breeding kink kinda
a/n: i'm so sorry this request took so long it was supposed to be finish wayy earlier but i hope you enjoy :) also can you believe i can't find a single good manga header of ojiro
ojiro was pretty different from all the other boys in class. he wasn't thirsted over by the girls in other classes nor did he catch a lot of attention from anyone. except you of course.
ever since you joined class 1A the boy with the fluffy tail has always caught your attention. he was a pretty nice person and you wanted to get to know him better. luckily, you usually get paired with ojiro in group activities and during training.
as time passed, the two of you grew feelings for each other. however neither of you gathered up the courage to confess to each other. ojiro wasn't sure whether you liked him at all, despite hagakure constantly trying to tell him you do. you on the other hand worried the fact that ojiro doesn't like boys at all, he never looked interested in the girls when kaminari and mineta thirsted over them, let alone boys.
one day, ojiro mustered up the courage to confess to you after class, with hagakure's pep talk of course. after a lot of stutters and a lot of blushing from the both of you, you guys began to date.
ojiro was a really caring boyfriend. always looking out for you, if you were tired, if you needed food, have you drank enough, y'know, all that stuff.
one day after class, the two of you walked out of classroom to find a couple from a different class making out. they didn't notice you so you guys just walked away and pretended like nothing happened. the way home was a little awkward this time. the truth is, despite being in a relationship for so long, neither of you have ever initiated to try and make out or have sex. it's not that you've never thought of it. you've thought doing it with ojiro and how his face would look while he's inside you.
people sometimes mistake you for the innocent type, you weren't innocent you just weren't experienced. you're a 3rd year afterall how could you not know about sex or and things along those lines.
"well that was kinda awkward huh?" ojiro said with his hand behind his head.
"yah haha, that was… a little awkward."
both of you averted your eyes from each other and stayed silent. you were contemplating about asking ojiro about his thoughts on, y'know having sex at all that.
"h-hey babe?" you asked.
"yes! what is it?"
"can we try… having sex?"
ojiro blushed a little being suprised you asked him about this. he wasn't against the idea of course, he'd more than gladly be your first and preferably your last. he agreed to your request and the two of you quietly headed to ojiro's bedroom after the two of you returned to the dorms.
ojiro held you in his arms while you sat on his lap facing towards him. you didn't know what exactly to do so you let your boyfriend lead the way. his tongue intertwined with yours, it felt warm and soft, not the type of kiss that makes you feel like suffocating but the type with care, making sure to not overwhelm your first time with him.
you broke the kiss and opened your eyes to see ojiro panting with a blush and a smile on his face. you were embarrassed but it felt so good to finally do something like this with your boyfriend.
"is it alright if i take these off?" ojiro asked while placing his hands around your pants.
ojiro took off your pants and stared at the erection that was under it. after giving you a heads up, ojiro bent down and licked the outline of your cock that was already dripping some pre cum. ojiro's constant teasing felt heavenly to your cock. licking the brim of it and keeping you so close to the edge of an orgasm.
"mashirao… i-i can't take it anymore!" you said as you cummed through your boxers and having a little bit of it spilling onto ojiro's face.
"wow… you came a lot y/n." ojiro said with a giggle.
you looked away from your boyfriend blushing, he stood up and took off his shirt. you've never seen this side of ojiro. his pecs stood out just right and his abs looked amazing from the view you were at.
the blonde hair male gave you a soft smile and as he laid you down on your back. he took off your boxers and threw them away, ojiro was so attractive right now you could barely handle it. your boyfriend towered you and held your legs up as the tip of his cock softly placed on your entrance.
"can i put it in now babe?" ojiro asked staring into your eyes. you gave your boyfriend a small nod, telling him to continue as you covered your eyes with your arm.
ojiro slid his cock inside you, you did not expect it to hurt this much but it did. you've never had sex with anyone before nor have you tried putting something in there while masturbating. ojiro's cock wasn't too long but if was thick, stretching your asshole in a way you didn't even knew was possible.
putting it inside pained you so much to a point where tears start to form. you kept your eyes covered because you didn't want ojiro to notice until you felt something fluffy tickling your face. gently ojiro lifted your arm and you saw his tail next to you.
"hey babe… are you alright? does it hurt too much? we can stop if it does, you don't have to force yourself."
it did infact hurt a lot but it felt good too. this was only the first time doing it with your boyfriend and it already hurts? you can't let that happen. you wanted to give ojiro what other couples give to each other. he's a great boyfriend and you wanted to be a good boyfriend for him in return.
"n-no it's alright, it feels good mashirao… please keep going, i want to do this."
ojiro's eyes lit up with excitment and he began to move again. he tried to be more gentle with his thrusts and making this process as pleasurable for you as possible. after a while, the pain began to feel less and less significant and the pleasure started to settle in as ojiro found your sweet spot.
all this stimulation for the first time was too much for you and you reached your climax soon enough. you could tell ojiro was also getting close with the way he's panting and his thursts becoming faster every second.
"ojiro…please cum inside, i want to be yours, and only yours." you pleaded
your boyfriend got the message and gave you a smirk as he pressed onto your lips, cumminh inside you as you cummed with him. you've never felt this good in your life before and you were glad you could share this moment with no one other than your boyfriend.
"baby…that felt so good, it really did." ojiro said as he pulled out of you, his cum flowing onto the sheets
"you felt really good too… can we please do this again sometimes?"
"of course we can baby, of course we can."
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dreaminpetals · 3 years
💐 COMMISSION: fem s/o's wedding with andrew (sfw & nsfw) 💐
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thank you so much for the commission! please consider checking out my emergency commissions here ! i hope you enjoy !
SFW ;;
♡ Andrew has always longed to marry somebody. Being a religious man, he's dreamed of filling a church with people who are dear to him as his beloved bride walks down the aisle.
♡ He's only glanced at weddings, an outsider looking in. The brides and grooms having the best nights of their lives made his heart feel fuzzy. Nobody would ever dare to wed him, but the idea was certainly a pleasant one. It helped him sleep. It comforted him when he needed it most. He wanted to look down at his hands and see a ring that reminded him someone out there loves him.
♡ He grew up with not even a penny to his name, so he knows having a luxurious wedding would be completely out of the picture for someone like him. Until he met you.
♡ You helped him get back on his feet and the two of you worked together to save up enough money for a wedding ceremony and reception, along with a honeymoon.
♡ Most honeymoons are spent lazing by the beach, but due to his body being constantly at war with sunlight, you decided to book a trip to a lovely cabin hidden away in the woods, a private place for just the two of you.
♡ He honestly thought you'd end up getting married in Red Church, surrounded by cobwebs and broken glass, but you insisted that you two would find a way to escape the manor and you'd have a proper wedding.
♡ It took months of promises and longing, but the seal keeping everyone trapped in the manor finally snapped and let everybody escape. You took Andrew's hand that day and promised him that a brighter future was upon you.
♡ Your wedding was surprisingly inexpensive. Despite your days in the manor being long gone, many of the survivors stayed in touch with you and were more than willing to help. You don't need to hire a whole team of wedding planners with the survivors by your side.
♡ Michiko and Violetta teamed up to sew you the most gorgeous dress you had ever laid eyes on.
♡ Emma designed your bouquet and enveloped the chapel in beautiful flowers.
♡ Norton prepared your rings using the finest gems he could find.
♡ Margaretha found the most wonderful songs to play and arranged dances.
♡ Vera styled your hair and Fiona did your makeup.
♡ Victor handled the invitations and did a fantastic job. So on and so forth.
♡ You and Andrew were on good terms with almost everyone, so they were all pumped to see how your wedding would play out. It was the greatest team effort they put into anything since the escape of the manor.
♡ You two had lots of practicing to do before the actual wedding. For one, Andrew didn't know table manners. You'd have to lovingly teach him gestures like how to cut his meat and how to do a toast before even daring to eat at the reception.
♡ Dancing together in your rooms was what Andrew enjoyed the most, though. Margie planned several dance routines, so you had triple the practicing to do when it came to dancing.
♡ Andrew was surprisingly agile during fast-paced dances, he loved to twirl you in the air like in a movie and dip you so low you thought you were going to crash into the ground. Each yelp only spurred him to play with you more, drinking up your reactions and getting all giddy because it's you.
♡ As for slow dancing with Mister Kreiss? You're so lucky to say you're familiar with it. He hums along to whatever music you play in the background, and puts so much love into every step or twirl that you feel like your heart might burst. It's agony waiting to dance with him in a suit and dress rather than your pajamas.
♡ You're blown away when you see the wedding venue for the first time. It's pure white with shades of red sprinkled in, the same colours Andrew has hated about himself now repurposed to be something he'd look at fondly for the rest of his life. It was beautiful. Like him.
♡ You noticed a chair with an unfamiliar name on it. When you asked Andrew who it belonged to, he answered that it was for his late mother. She would have loved to come, he said.
♡ He doesn't take the day of the wedding very well. What do you mean he can't see you until the ceremony?! He wants to greet you, kiss you, practice some extra dance moves to be extra sure... he's grumpy while the guys of the manor dress and hype him up.
♡ "Alright, let's do this! THREE CHEERS FOR OUR MAN ANDREW!" William would cheer so loudly the girls would hear it from the other side of the church and burst out into laughter.
♡ Andrew couldn't stop his hands from shaking, though. His lifelong dreams were finally being realized. The love of his life was going to marry him tonight. Willingly. He could barely believe it.
♡ As for you? You're brimming with excitement at the idea of walking down the aisle and shooting an arrow of love straight into Andrew's heart. The girls are envious of you as they powder your face and tighten the seams of your dress.
♡ "I remember when you first met that boy," Michiko would say to you as she styled your dress, beaming at you through the mirror. "You were too shy to even speak to one another... ah, young love."
♡ It took a million checks to make sure you were ready to present yourself to everybody. Your hair, makeup, dress, veil, bouquet... everything had to be absolutely perfect. It was a bit difficult having so many girls look after you, because Tracy's idea of perfect was a little bit different than Michiko's. There was a lot of playful arguing, but you knew they just wanted this day to be flawless for you.
♡ Once the petals were strewn down the halls and the bridesmaids and groomsmen made their appearances, you finally presented yourself.
♡ It took everything in Andrew to not fall to his knees when he saw you. You were angelic, your white dress cascading down your back with a stunning hairstyle he's never seen you in before. Your bouquet was made of all your favourite flowers, and he could see the perfect shade of lipstick beneath your vail. You captured Andrew's heart as he leaned onto Luca's shoulder for support.
♡ Andrew wasn't the only one who had his breath taken away. Practically everyone was gawking at you. It made Andrew feel a little... possessive, seeing everyone's eyes on you. He was going to be marrying you. Not José, not Norton, not Victor but him.
♡ All of his negative feelings disappeared the moment you were in arms reach. He extended an arm to take your hand as you gladly obliged. When he felt the fabric of your dress against his wrist, electricity shot through his body for a second time.
♡ Being able to see Andrew up close was a dream come true. His usual matted hair was thoroughly washed and brushed, it appeared as if José had lent him a hand. His usual flower was still present even as he wore a breathtaking suit. He smelled like cologne and looked so nervous but in love... you couldn't wait to finally kiss your groom.
♡ His hands trembled as he lifted your veil to reveal your features to him. You flashed him a grin and he felt his heart explode. He danced his fingers along your cheeks until they met your shoulders, which he gave an affectionate pat before turning to the priest.
♡ He had Helena help him with his vows. He wanted to blow you away, to use words you didn't think he knew. It took him days to memorize the words of love he was going to bestow upon you. You overheard him talking to himself a few times, but never guessed they were his vows.
♡ He also has some trouble with words of affection. Andrew much prefers to hold you or do favours for you.
♡ "When I first met you, I didn't think I was worthy of love. It's still hard to believe, but... I promise to return to you every affectionate gesture you give to me. I'll love you always and forever, as my angelic wife. I want to grow old with you. I vow to protect you, adore you, and care for you as long as I'm your husband. Our hearts will always be melded together and nothing will ever change that. Thank you for saving me. I love you."
♡ His vows brought some of the survivors to tears. Most of them only knew Andrew as that really quiet guy who hid behind his girlfriend a lot, so to see him spill his heart out for you made the crowd let out a sea of "awwwh"'s.
♡ His face turned scarlet and he almost wanted to run out of the building and hide once he finished speaking. He stumbled over and mispronounced a few words, but you could tell he put his whole heart into it and he meant every word he said.
♡ When he's finally able to kiss you, Andrew dips you low and assaults your entire face with kisses, treading past your lips. He doesn't care about smudging your makeup or embarrassing you, you're finally his wife and he just wants to feel your face after waiting all day to.
♡ The cheers once you become man and wife are astounding. When you tossed the bouquet it was caught by Eli and Gertrude.
♡ Demi helped to bake an enormous cake, one that's almost as tall as you. On top were little toppers meant to look like you and Andrew that you kept as mementos.
♡ The reception was definitely more of a party than the wedding was. Antonio and Margie played music for everyone to dance along to, and a karaoke session was held as well.
♡ Andrew was a little stressed out by how much noise there was, but you reminded him everyone there loved him and he melted. He's not used to all this positive attention.
♡ Your heart burst when he extended an arm and asked you to dance. You had been practicing for so long that when you finally attended the real event, it felt like a dream.
♡ For just a few minutes, nothing existed but Andrew's arms around you and the elegant music brought to you by a live band.
♡ Once all the food is eaten and gifts are exchanged, everyone bids you farewell. The girls cry when they hug you and the guys all pat Andrew on the back, wishing him good luck for... what couples do on their wedding night.
♡ When you two finally arrive home, Andrew is exhausted. He's never been to such a crowded event before, especially one where he's the main focus.
♡ He'd need to lay his head in your lap and relax as he plays with your dress. The fabric felt so pleasing under his fingers. He was so in love with every part of you. He needed to be as close to you as possible after being kept from you, and from being in public with you. He cherished alone time like this.
♡ Once he's rested up, you'd have to unpack all your gifts! Each survivor and hunter gifted you something for your domestic life with Andrew. Matching mugs, blankets, cutlery, paintings... you were drowning in presents.
♡ It took an hour, but you finally unwrapped and stored everything away.
♡ Which leads to...
♡ You and Andrew have had sex before. Maaany times. He views it as making up for lost time, it helps with his insecurities, and he enjoys making you feel good. Andrew will do everything in his power to make sure the lovemaking on your wedding night is nothing short of magical.
♡ When you're settled at home and can't think of any more chores to do, Andrew is more anxious than he's ever been. His face is red in a furious blush and he's barely able to muster a sentence as he stands stiffly, lustful eyes on you.
♡ He knows what couples are meant to do on their wedding nights, and he's so excited to make your wishes come true, but this poor boy has no idea how to initiate things. Whenever you make love, it's because he's visibly horny but too anxious to say anything so you take care of him.
♡ You approached your husband, arms wrapping around his shoulders as you stared up into his eyes. He didn't look at you or respond to your inquiry of whether he's okay or not. The growing tent in his pants spoke for itself.
♡ Your eyes widened when you felt his erection brush against your thigh. He could tell that you felt his arousal ー because he hoisted you up bridal style and pressed an openmouthed kiss to your lips. He was going to take you, and he was going to do it right.
♡ His sudden burst of confidence lead to him carrying you to your bedroom, and he gave you another kiss before gently placing you down on the bed.
♡ Andrew wouldn't know what to do next. He wants you eat you out for hours but... your dress is in the way. And he doesn't feel like taking it off just yet. No, he wants to take his sweet time with you. It's your wedding night, after all.
♡ His solution? Dry humping. He's always adored being able to rut against you like a wild animal, and getting to do so in your elegant wedding gear has him rearing to go. He doesn't want to soil your gown, no, he just wants to do something absolutely filthy in attire that's meant to be for a ceremony all about you.
♡ He would spread your legs as far as they possibly could go in your dress. When he hikes your dress up to your lower stomach and finally sees the sweet dessert laid out just for him, he's bucking his hips into the cold air for any sense of relief.
♡ He'd press his clothed cock against your panties and see stars. His lovely wife was so close to him but so far... he wasn't sure how long he could last like this.
♡ Andrew ground against you in a frenzy, arms snaking around your back as his face nestled itself in the crook of your neck, sucking sweet little kisses onto the flesh. He groaned when he rubbed against you just right, aiming to hit the same spots over and over again.
♡ He wouldn't let your needs go unnoticed. Andrew would angle himself to rub against your clit, and he'd pay special attention to your neck as he desperately got himself off with your body.
♡ The low groan that escaped from his lips as he came into his boxers went straight to between your legs. As he rode out his high, he'd push your panties aside and finish you off with his fingers before pulling away. Something about cumming before even getting his clothes off made him growl with need. And it made him desire you even more than he already did; skin to skin this time.
♡ Andrew asked you to undress him. You felt him shudder underneath you as you removed his suit and got him out of his pants. Stripping him reminded you that beneath all the cologne and hair gel, it was still your Andrew. His scarred body yearned for yours and you were more than happy to press a chaste kiss to his chest once he was undressed, your way of telling him you loved him.
♡ Your husband would ask you to sit in his lap, right on top of his aching boner just begging to be touched, and grind against it as he undid the several seams on your back.
♡ Andrew loves mirrors. He doesn't like seeing himself in them, but you? He could watch you be undressed through a mirror all day long. He thinks his hands look good when they're unbuttoning the fabric keeping him from you.
♡ You looked so radiant that Andrew would need to fuck you in front of a mirror just to truly see you.
♡ He would take his sweet time with you, for every untied string he would thrust up to grind against your clothed pussy and nibble your shoulders. Hearing you mewl in his lap causes his hands to fumble as he undresses you. He wondered just how someone could be so cute every time a moan is pulled from your throat.
♡ Andrew felt a little dejected once your dress was ready to come off. He would miss seeing you in it.
♡ ...Those feelings didn't last long, though. The moment he laid eyes on your bare body he was surging with confidence and hunger.
♡ "You look so ravishing... my... my wife..." he muttered, mostly to himself. It appeared he was still in disbelief that you were a wedded couple. Throughout the night he'd periodically mumble to himself that you were his wife, or he'd call you Mrs Kreiss. It had a lovely ring to it.
♡ Andrew wants ー no, needs ー to taste you after being away from you for so long. He would eat you out like a man starved.
♡ Positioning his face between your thighs, Andrew licked a sloppy stripe up your pussy, stopping right below your clit. Then he'd lick back down, avoiding the place where you needed him most. Your frustrated groans earned a soft chuckle from Andrew. He wanted to draw this out... he was in a playful mood.
♡ He massaged your thighs as he teased your folds, finally pulling away to ask you the question that would be the death of you. "Tell me what you want, my... wife..." his voice dropped in volume when he reached your title. He didn't care in that moment how cheesy it sounded, this was the ultimate night to be sappy with his angel.
♡ "Enough teasing, Andrew, please... eat me out," you'd weep through gritted teeth as your husband nibbled your thighs and nodded his head in response your pleas.
♡ Now that he's gotten you riled up for him (he wants to feel needed), he's not holding back. Andrew is the king of being unintentionally rough. He'd leave your core battered from how deep his licks are and how his chin smacks against your soft flesh.
♡ The moment Andrew feels you contract and twitch around him, he's slipping a wet finger into your walls to torture you further. He won't stop his ministrations even as you cum hard around him.
♡ He's extra passionate for your wedding night which translates into him not giving you a break. He doesn't want to pull away from your pussy, he wants to keep his head burrowed between your legs for as long as he possibly can. His tongue is going to commit every inch of you to memory tonight.
♡ If you really want to make this night worth your while, tackle Andrew once you feel overwhelmed and turn the tables on him.
♡ He loves when you take control and take him by surprise. One minute he was devouring you, and the next you've pushed his back against the headrest and you're lowering your head dangerously close to his cock.
♡ He wants you to feel good even as you suck him off, so Andrew will finger you while your lips are wrapped around his dick. He'll angle himself so the palm of his hand rubs against your sensitive nub. It drives him wild how sloppy your strokes and licks are when you're on the verge of cumming.
♡ He'd prefer to cum in your mouth. It's an intimate night, he doesn't want you to be completely covered in his seed just yet. He'd rather save that for the honeymoon.
♡ Chest heaving against your back, Andrew's next move is to pull you into his lap again. Remember how much he loves mirrors? He'll seat you right on his cock and direct your face with his hands to look right into the mirror across from your bed.
♡ "My wife," he'd murmur into your shoulder before snapping his hips into yours.
♡ Having Andrew's mouth so close to your ears means you'll get to hear every gasp and purr that he emits. And he makes a lot of quiet noises he tries to hide.
♡ Andrew made sure to cup a hand around your breasts and kiss your neck & lips as well. He wants to surround you. He wants all of your senses to be overtaken by him until you can't function.
♡ He would whisper praise into your ear, telling you how beautiful you look and how good you feel around him. It's not like him to be this bold and dominant but you're loving it.
♡ Andrew asked to cum inside you that night. When he finally reached his climax, he lifted you up so he could admire the string of cum connecting the husband to his wife. He was addicted to the sight and made sure to capture it in his memories for as long as he could.
♡ After several more rounds of rough licks and hard thrusts, Andrew would want something more soft and classic with you.
♡ Gently lowering you onto the mattress, Andrew would hover over you and press a tender kiss to your lips. With one long thrust, he'd fill you right up and stay like that, your hands connecting.
♡ His thrusts would be slow and sensual, making love to you rather than just fucking you. Don't be surprised if you feel hot tears drop onto your shoulders. This is one of the most sentimental moments of Andrew's whole life.
♡ Your tongues would dance as your lips locked in an intense kiss, you can tell how desperately he's trying to last and make this feel good for you.
♡ Andrew quickly repositioned himself to hit that spot inside of you. He's committed the location to memory, and wouldn't be able to live with himself if he didn't relentlessly batter it tonight.
♡ Your sudden gasps caused his thrusts to grow frantic, his hot breath fanning onto your neck as he plowed you into the mattress.
♡ You could feel his smirk on your skin when you began to pulse around him.
♡ "Good girl..." he would purr, rubbing circles on the back of your hand as you rode out your high. Hearing your cries of pure ecstasy pushed Andrew over the edge, and he emptied himself into you. You had never felt so stuffed before.
♡ Once you've decided you had enough, Andrew's entire demeanour changes. Before, he was determined to push your limits and hear your cries, while now he's insisting that you take a bath. He feels awful that he ruined your hair and makeup, plus you're littered with hickeys and your thighs are stained with seed... he doesn't know that you wouldn't have it any other way.
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marvelous-imagines · 4 years
Forever and always
Johnny Lawrence x larusso reader
Request: I’m watching cobra Kai and have fallen in love with Johnny! Could you maybe do a short post on Johnny liking Daniels sister and then they meet again in cobra Kai 😱
Warnings: mild language. Angst. Fluff
I can't find the person's account that requested this👉👈��💔
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You and your family have just moved to California, now living in a small apartment complex where you and your brother are sharing a room, which was really a pain in the ass. Especially since Daniel didn't really seem keen on keeping his side tidy, it was annoying really. But you couldn't change it, no matter how bad you wanted to. But you could get out of the apartment for a while...
That's how you found yourself now, exploring the new territory with excitement. You've done been everywhere you'd thought, until you found the beach, that's where you were now. Barefoot as you walk on the beach, watching the ocean with a relaxed gaze.
Until a something hit you on the forehead, making you fall on your back with a yelp, pain instantly taking over your head. You had your eyes squeezed shut, a groan emitting from you.
"shit I think you knocked her out Johnny!" someone laughs, but you didn't care to open your eye's to see who.
"shut up asshole!" someone else says, that's when you felt someone crouched down beside you, hands gently grasping at your shoulders and giving you a gentle shake. Hand carefully pushing hair away from your now hurt forehead.
"hey, you alright?" the same voice said, you crack your eyes open and see two beautiful blue ones looking back at you with concern, his blond hair falling in front of his beautiful eyes as you feel the air being knocked from your lungs, heart skipping a beat as butterflies erupted in your belly.
This stranger was by far the most hottest stranger you've ever seen. He was handsome, beautiful, gorgeous.
"shit, can you hear me?" he asks, his voice bringing you out of your trance.
"y - yeah I'm fine - I'm okay" you stuttered out, trying to sit up, the handsome stranger helping you do so. "what the hell even happened?" you ask, watching how he let's a little smile sneak its way on his face.
"I threw my friends shoe away from him and it uh... Hit you in the face...he really hates sand..." he said trying not to laugh. You giggle a little, giving him a little grin.
"I'll have to admit, it's a little funny... But please watch where you throw stuff next time" you say with a chuckle.
"I can't make any promises sweetheart" he said, giving you a wink. You blushed, hating how handsome this man really was. His wink sending your heart into overdrive. "I'm Johnny Lawrence by the way" he stands up and offers you his hand. Which you gladly take, him helping you stand up.
"I'm y/n larusso, nice to meet you" you say rubbing at the sore spot on your forehead. Johnny looks guilty for a moment before his friends start shouting for him.
"to make it up to you for almost knocking you out, how about me and you go see a movie sometime, my treat?" he questioned, and even though you just got hit in the head you felt like you just won the lottery.
"that sounds nice, how about Friday?" you ask with a smile. Johnny gives you a smile as he stuffs his hands in his pockets, walking backwards and back to his friends.
"Friday it is" he confirmed, he set up the time and place and you felt yourself counting down the days until then.
Who would have thought being hit in the face with a shoe would have scored you a date with a handsome man?
Who would've thought that, that date would have brought you and Johnny closer, the outcome of being hit in the face making a beautiful relationship bloom. After that one movie date with Johnny there was more than one. One night you both went rollerskating another night you went mini gulfing. And after almost two weeks of dating Johnny had snuck you both into the local pool for a midnight swim. That was the night you first kissed, a night you would always remember.
You've been dating for a year, You fell so helplessly in love with him, he was sweet, loving, kind and even a gentleman. But you was the only one who saw that side of him. The only one who saw Johnny for who he really was. Everyone else saw him for his reputation, being a bully, a badass cobra Kai. They looked past his soft side that only you brought out, and looked straight at his tough guy attitude.
And even though he could be bit of an asshole and bully - especially with your brother. He wasn't really a bad guy. But you knew Daniel wouldn't agree with your relationship with Johnny, so you dated in secret. Always having dates when everyone in your house was asleep, hiding whenever you share kisses at school. Fleeting touches shared secretly, lingering gazes hidden.
But it was worth it, Johnny was worth it. And even though you knew Johnny and Daniel hated each other, you couldn't stay away from Johnny. You loved him. And the mere thought of leaving him hurt. So instead of choosing who you kept in your life, you tried keeping both. Because you knew if it ever came down to it Daniel wouldn't ever speak to you if he found out you and Johnny was a thing, that thought was painful considering you and Daniel was like twins, although he was a year older. And if Johnny knew Daniel wasn't speaking to you just because you two was dating, he'd make you runaway with him where you both could be together without someone trying to tear you apart.
You sigh at your wandering thoughts and live in the moment, that being seated in the sand, watching the ocean with Johnny's arm around you, holding you close against him you wearing his red jacket because the night wind was chilly. You've been sitting there for hours, listening to music on the boom box he brought. Talking and perhaps maybe making out.
It was nearing 2am when Johnny stood up, bringing you with him as he cups your cheek in hand and holds your hip in the other.
"we should probably get you home before you're family realize that you are gone" he muttered, face closer to yours. You smile and peck his lips before running off toward his bike. Hopping on the back and waiting for him you give him a grin.
"you better hurry slow poke!" you say, watching him run toward you with a laugh, the happiness on his face enough to cause your heart to swell.
Once he makes it to you he gives you a smirk, one hand resting on the handle bares of the bike while the other is resting on the seat behind you. He leans his face closer to yours.
"you're a tease y/n" he said, capturing your lips with his, the kiss deep and slow. His lips moving against yours perfectly. You pull away from the kiss and give him a cheeky smile.
"c'mon hot shot let's get going before Daniel wakes up for his usual kitchen raid" you joke making Johnny laugh. Hopping on the bike and listening to it roar to life. You wrapped your arms around Johnny's middle, holding him tight.
He then zooms down the road, wind blowing through your hair. You hold onto Johnny tightly, making him feel as if he was on top of the world. It didn't take long for him to slow down, before shutting the bike off. You was home, the apartment complex quiet all the lights off. You hop of the bike as Johnny stayed seated, watching you shrug off his jacket and handing it to him.
"I wish you could wear it all the time, it looks good on you" he said, taking it and putting it on.
"I think it looks pretty good on you Johnny" you replied back with a grin. He rolls his eyes and chuckles.
"you better get inside before Daniel or you're mom wakes up, my bike isn't exactly quiet" he points out causing you to sigh. "goodnight y/n"
"goodnight Johnny..." you lean in to give him one last kiss, him being the tease he is nibbles at your bottom lip. You giggle into the kiss and pull back reluctantly, Johnny smirking at you.
"I'll see you at school, bye babe" he starts up the bike as you back away slowly with a wave.
"bye Johnny, love you!" you say slightly loud over the noisy bike.
"love you too!" you watch how he gives you a wink before zooming down the road, disappearing from your sight. You sigh dreamily and head inside.
Completely oblivious to the watching eye's in your home.
You slip inside your bedroom and close the door quietly, slowly crawling in bed. As you laid down the light turns on making you jump up startled. Daniel gives you a look of disappointment. Making you instantly know that he knew.
"y'know I didn't believe Mr Miyagi when he told me that he saw you hanging around with Johnny but know I feel like a fool for not" he said, the disappointment Clear in his voice.
You sigh and hold your head in your hands. This was going to be a disaster...
"i was going to tell you -
"that's a lie" he scoffs, shaking his head. He looked angry now, he had a look of betrayal swimming in his eye's, "he's nothing but trouble y/n he's a bully! To be precise he bullies me!" now you scoff, looking up at Daniel with a annoyed look.
"I've been talking to him about that, he hasn't bathered you any now has he? he's not a bad guy Danny, he's nice, kind and he treats me like a queen! You just never give him the chance to be a nice civilized person because you instantly start going at each other's throats" you huff out, watching your brother shake his head.
"he's everything but good, did you see how he was fighting me at the tournament? He was fighting dirty!" he nearly yelled in anger, causing you to tense your jaw.
"he's different when it's just me and him, he's always so kind, so sweet...he loves me Danny, and I know you don't wanna hear it but I love him too... " you trail off knowing no matter what you say Daniel wouldn't change his mind. He didn't approve of the relationship, he didn't want you around him...
"he's a bad guy y/n, he's gonna end up breaking you're heart and I don't want that to happen to you... You deserve better" he muttered before cutting the light off and angrily going to sleep.
The next few days after that night was horrible. When you woke up you had walked into the kitchen, picking up a orange from the fruit bowl and tossing it to Daniel with a little 'think fast!' in hopes he would catch it like usual, a smile on his face. But instead he focused on his bowl of cereal and let it fall to the floor, ignoring you.
At school he didn't even look at you, wouldn't speak to you or even let you sit with him at lunch. It was painful, especially since you and Daniel was like bestfriends. He was always there for you when you needed him, a shoulder to lean on, cry on. You felt absolutely heart broken but thought perhaps he'd go back to being his normal self over time... But days turned to weeks and that's when you knew what needed to be done, no matter how hard it would be...
The room was dark, the only light being that of the moons blue hue shining through the window. You laid on your bed, watching the clock tick as you patiently wait for midnight to roll around. The cold silver locket in your hand felt heavy, your heart aching. You look down at the metal locket and sigh, flipping it open you let a little smile etch itself on your lips, the picture of you and Johnny one of your favorites, it was the night of your second date, the one where you had both went rollerskating. It was taken by Johnny, he held it further away from you both, smiling wide as you were. You close the locket as midnight had arrived, and for once you actually dread it.
Standing from the bed and slipping out the door, before you closed it Daniel spoke up making you freeze in shock that he was talking to you and fright that you had been caught.
"remember what I told you about him y/n, he's a prick, he'll kick you in the back any chance he gets" Daniel said, making a lump form in your throat. Looking down at the locket in your hand you nod.
"I won't give him the opportunity Danny..." you muttered, tears filling your eyes as you shut the door and leave the house with a heavy heart, a dark cloud lingering over your head.
The streets was empty, void of traffic or people. The star's twinkling in the night sky as the moons light danced across the ocean, waves crashing into the shore, sitting in the sand the man who stole your heart the moment you looked into his beautiful eyes...
Letting out a deep breath and wiping at your eye's in hopes the tears would go away you walk over to Johnny with a fake smile. He looks up at you with a smile.
"hey babe, before I came here I got you something" he grins up at you, holding a hand behide him and away from your sight. You felt your heart being squeezed by an unbearable pain. Out of all the nights he had to be the sweetest it just had to be now...
"oh, what it is?" you say sitting beside him, watching how he only grins wider.
"give me a kiss and it's you'res" you give him a genuine smile, leaning in and pecking his lips shortly. But that obviously wasn't enough, his pout saying it all, "what was that? That was hardly even a kiss!" he laughs, making you roll your eyes and press a more firm kiss on his lips, deciding to deepen it, relishing in the feeling of his soft lips on yours, engraving his taste into your memory as you place a hand on his jaw and pull him closer. Making him let out a noise of surprise into it, smirking as he pulls away slowly.
"how was that?" you ask teasingly. He chuckles and shows you the gift, which wasn't much honestly, just a flower, your favorite. You take it and feel your heart swell at the sweet gesture.
"johnny it's beautiful! Thank you" you kiss his cheek and decide you should give him the locket, even though you knew Johnny wouldn't even think twice about wearing a necklace, you still wanted him to have it. You pull it out of your pocket and hand it to him.
"I know you won't ever wear it, but I wanted you to have this..." you muttered, watching how he takes it and looks over it, a fond smile on his face.
"a locket?" he asks with confusion, looking inside it at the picture, "our second date..." he chuckles at the memory. He looks back up at you with a look of pure love and affection, making you feel sick to your stomach. Johnny noticed the change of mood in you and gives you a concerned look.
"what's wrong?" he placed the locket down and cups your face. You bite your bottom lip to stop it from trembling, unable to look him in the eye's.
"I - I'll always love you Johnny, no matter what... You know that right?" you say, voice cracking. He nods his head and wipes away a falling tear off your cheek. You didn't even know you was crying...
"of course, I'll always love you too y/n" he reassures you, but he only made you feel worse...
"I want to end things..." you let out your tears, your voice trembled. Johnny looks takem back by your words, shocked. He let's go of your cheek and flickers his eyes across your face, looking for any sign of anything but truth.
"what? Why?..." he questioned as he clenched his fist around the necklace in his hand. His once happy smile morphing into anger and sadness.
"we can't be together anymore... I'm sorry Johnny... I love you -
"if you loved me then you wouldn't be saying all that - bullshit!" he stood up, necklace in a vice like grip in his hand as he looked down at you with heart broken eyes, anger, betrayal.
"I'm sorry" you sob out, tears freely falling from your eye's. Johnny scoffs and shakes his head, tears swimming in a pool of anger in those beautiful blues of his, making your heart break even more.
"I should have expected this, you leading me on. You're no better then that loser brother of yours!" he yelled, taking one last look at the locket, his tears fell from his eye's making him angrily wipe them away, "love me forever eh?" he takes the locket and throws it somewhere away from you both.
You sit helplessly, crying on the beach as you watch Johnny walk away. But you knew if you had Johnny in your life your brother would never talk to you again.... It was a hard choice, and you found yourself regretting it...
You woke up with a loud groan, rolling over in bed spotting the book on your bed side table, reaching over and taking it, opening the book to see the old withered and slightly torn flower, your favorite. Although it's color was slightly gone and it was dead, you loved it. It reminded you of him.
Shutting the book you place it back on the table and stand up from your bed, deciding to begin the day with a hot shower. you gathered your clothes and head into the bathroom. After that you had a tiny breakfast and head straight to your brothers work, only to torture him a bit.
It's been years since that horrid night you broke up with Johnny, yet it still haunts you. The guilt and regret never went away, you never dated anyone after that, never got married. Although your brother would always set up blind dates for you, saying you needed someone in your life like how he had amanda, his wife.
You smile when you pull up into the auto shop, seeing the big letters of your last name plastered on the building. Parking your car and stepping out you head inside instantly spotting Daniel, who gives you a wide smile.
"well if it isn't the bum who always drops by!" he joked, hugging you. You laugh and hug him back.
"I dropped by to see if I could get my insurance this month payed off for free" you joke right back making him roll his eyes.
"no can do sis, I'm afraid you're gonna have to do that yourself" he said with a chuckle. "what are you here for though? Need a job? Because we are always hiring y/n - and I think you'd really love -
"Danny I don't need a job here" you laugh at his rambling. Daniel was always so eager to hire you, he wanted you both to work in the same field, under the same roof. But you didn't want to work at his business, although it was pretty awesome, you didn't really like the whole 'car selling and paperwork' theme. So you was a waitress at a old dinner, it didn't pay good but you wasn't poor. You knew Daniel felt slightly guilty for having so much money and a big house while you struggled to pay rent in a apartment building. That's why he made it a habit of loaning you - gifting actually, money. Even when you refused to take it.
"I actually came here to ask you about the whole dick in you're mouth thing?" you giggle at his face of horror and frustration.
"oh God you saw the billboard?" he asks with a low tone, a look of annoyance etched on his face.
"of course I saw it! I think everyone has" you laughed, almost at the point of wheezing. "I even took a picture so I can always have it as a reminder" you wheeze out, causing him to groan.
"of course you'd do that" he muttered with a roll of his eyes.
"who done that anyway?" you ask, watching his expression turn from embarrassing and frustrated to conflict and deep thought.
"they didn't find him...or her..." he muttered, turning his back on you. Confused by how he just obviously lied to you, you shrug it off and understand it's a touchy subject for him, Amanda kindly texting you not to bring it up, but you did because it was to good not to.
"okay, well I hope you're day doesn't suck to bad" you stifle a laugh at your pun. He groans and shoo's you away.
"get out of here before I ban you!" you laugh loudly and complie, leaving the place. But as you walk to your car you noticed a yellow flyer on the ground. curious, you pick it up, heart skipping a beat at the word's...cobra Kai... But your heart fluttered yet is clenched with a guilt filled pain at the picture.
Johnny Lawrence in all his glory. He looked the same, a bit aged but still the handsome man who stole your heart all those years ago.
Folding the picture up you hop inside your car, deciding a little visit to this new cobra Kai dojo wasn't so bad. So starting your car and searching for the place you let your mind wander.
Was he still mad at you? Did he hate you?
Of course he did. you broke his heart for Christ's sake. He threw the locket you gave him away like it was a poisonous snake. You sigh when the building comes in sight. You park and stare at it, debating whether you should go in or not.
What if he didn't want to see you? Or what the hell would you even say?
You let out a deep dragged out breath before opening up your car door and getting out. You wanted to see him again, you needed to. So without a second thought you approached the dojo, getting ready to open the door while your head was held low.
That's when you felt a horrible pain in your nose as you fall on your back, a yelp emitting from you as you hold your hurting nose. Feeling the warm sensation of blood slowly falling from it. With eyes squeezed shut you groan.
"oh my God! Are you okay?" the familier sound of the one and only Johnny Lawrence blesses your ears. You feel his hands gently push your hair away and out of your face. "lady you're gonna have to move your hands otherwise I can't see what the hells wrong" you would have laughed at his polite yet slightly rude words if you didn't think your nose was broken.
You move them slowly and open your eyes only to be greeted with his beautiful concern filled blue ones. That's when it hit him, the realization of who you were, "y/n larusso? Is that you?" you sit up slowly and nod.
"yeah, is it just me or do you greet all women by hurting them unintentionally?" you joke, causing him to smile a small smile.
"come inside and let me check you're nose out, try stop the bleeding" he says while helping you up, leading you inside. His hold on your hand never filtered as he held it all the way to a little office typed room. Cleaning his desk off and motioning you to sit down on it. You do so and watch how he disappeared into some other room and soon returned with a few tissues and a cotton ball.
"so what brings you here? Wanting to learn some karate?" he asks with a teasing smile, wiping the blood from your nose then delicately placing the cotton ball inside the bleeding nostril.
"no, I actually saw a flyer and wanted to... See you" you muttered the last sentence but he heard. Giving you a small barely noticeable smile he crossed his arms. "it's been a while" you say with a nervous chuckle. Taking your eyes off him and looking down at your hands.
"well, since I hit you with my door how about I make it up to you and buy you a drink?" he suggests, causing you to snap your head up eagerly and nod.
"that sounds only fair" you giggle. He chuckles and reaches for his keys beside you on the table.
"then follow me" he said as he leads you out of the dojo.
In a car ride full of silence besides the classic rock playing on the radio, you both had arrived at a quiet little bar, where you both sat tucked away in a booth in the corner. A beer in both your hands as you talked and laughed like old times.
"oh God, do you remember that time when I snuck in through you're bedroom window and I didn't know you and you're brother shared room?" he asks with a laugh, the memory a hilarious one.
"you had to hide under the bed for like 5 hours before Daniel went to sleep!" you laughed, remembering how Daniel stayed up that night for hours telling you horrible jokes and stuff. Poor Johnny hiding under your bed and suffering through it with you.
"nothing will ever be as funny as that one time we went skating and you nearly broke my neck trying to push me away from you because you saw Daniel with ali" he snickered, sipping his beer as you snort.
"you wouldn't stop trying to make out with me, I thought he would for sure see us" you giggle while sipping your own beer.
"we used to have so much fun" he muttered, a nostalgic look on his face. You give him a fond smile and nod.
"y'know, I never wanted to break up with you that night..." you say, mind slightly buzzed from all the beers you've had. Not quite drunk, just more bolder with your words. "the only reason I did was because Daniel found out about us... He Stopped talking to me for days, he hated me"
That caught his attention and made him devote his full attention on you.
"he stopped talking to me, completely acting as if I didn't exist. So I knew if I didn't end things between you and me, I'd lose my only brother" you sigh, shaking your head and giving him a apologetic look. "I'm sorry I think I've had way to many -
"I kept it..." he blurted out, cutting your words short. You give him a confused look. "the locket, I went back the night after you ended things and found it" he reaches for the neckline of his shirt and pulled out the silver necklace locket.
You felt a flutter in your heart, a hope blooming inside you that perhaps maybe you still had a chance with Johnny. He smiles and flips the heart shaped pendent open, revealing the photo inside.
"you found it?" you questioned as you stood only to sit beside him, shoulders nearly touching as he shows it to you.
"of course, I didn't really throw it that far" he said while closing it, shoving it back under his shirt, "besides, even though you broke up with me I couldn't ever get you off my mind" he confessed while looking at you with those big blue eye's of his.
"likewise, I regretted that night ever since it happened" you muttered while looking away from him, feeling the guilt and heartbreak weighing down on you. Tears slowly starting to glisten in your eye's.
But Johnny gently placed his hand on your face, palm firmly pressed on your cheek as he makes you look at him.
"I understand y/n, I understand that you done that because you're brother and I aren't exactly bestfriends" he reassures you. Causing a little smile to tug at your lips. "I never stopped loving you y/n, and even though I can't stand you're brother... I'd love to take you to dinner sometime?" he asks with a little half smile.
You felt a wave of happiness wash over you, heart swelling with joy as you nod.
"of course, I'd love that" you say with a wide grin. He let's out a little chuckle, a silence falling over you two, his hand still on your cheek as he just let's his eyes roam your face with adoration.
"I missed you" he muttered, his thumb rubbing at your cheek.
"I missed you too..." you murmured, as you lean into his touch.
And as if he couldn't live without his lips on yours he brings your face closer and pressed his lips on yours. You was surprised at first but soon let your lips move with his in the familier way you missed, the kiss was enough to take your breath away. The way he nibbled at your bottom lip caused you to giggle into the kiss. Pulling away he gives you his beautiful smirk.
"I see you haven't changed a bit Johnny" you murmur with, small smile on your face.
"neither have you y/n..." he placed another kiss on your forehead as he wraps a arm around you, holding you close to him. For once in your life you feel content, happy. And there is no place you'd rather be than in Johnny's warm arms..
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A/n: I know this sucks, and I'm sorry it took so long, I'm a very busy person *coughs* it's classified👀
Also I left my phone unattended, I was also in the middle of writing this here imagine, and when I came back to check on it my little sister had down this:
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I laughed at this for a while 😂🤣
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we-are-inevitable · 3 years
Javey with one showing up drunk and in tears at the other's apartment after he'd gotten into some fight. Maybe with a black eye or busted lip or something? (Sorry if something like this has been asked before)
fight for you // javid
A/N: okay, so i kind of changed this but !! here we go !!!
Read On AO3!
Ten minutes.
Jack has been asleep for ten wonderful, blissful minutes when he hears a loud knock on the front door.
He rolls over to eye the alarm clock; 12:23 a.m. God damn it. This is what he gets for staying up late to work on a commission, he figures- procrastination got the best of him again, like always, and now he’s paying the price.
Jack groans. He rubs his eyes and sits up in bed, staring at the wall for a few moments, before heaving himself up out of bed. It’s a short walk to the front door, just down the hall away from his room- his apartment is small, but that’s alright. It’s good enough for him, and big enough for when he has company, and the rent isn’t outrageous and it’s relatively close to his job and his favorite coffee shop and he’s thinking of all of this to avoid absolutely murdering whoever decided to knock on his door in the middle of the night.
There’s another, more frantic knock as he approaches the door. Jack groans, then calls out, “I’m comin’! Give me a sec.” He takes his final three steps and rubs his face as the door swings open. “What’s goin’-- Davey?”
David gestures to Jack’s frame. “You’re shirtless.”
Jack gapes at him, eyes wide, before he reaches out to take David’s hand. “And you’re bleeding! What the fuck, Dave?” He asks loudly, then hurries to drag David inside. 
He looks like shit. His nose is bleeding, there’s a cut on his lip, he has a black eye, and his knuckles are bruised and rugged; he looks like Jack, not like… Davey. This isn’t a side of Davey that Jack has ever seen before, even after dating for five months. Even after being friends since high school.
“‘M fine,” David shrugs, but there are tears streaming down his cheeks. He isn’t… crying, but he's crying, and that's almost more concerning than anything else. Jack also notices that his words are just barely slurred, which is strange, since David cares about pronunciation like it's a law. “Went to the bar with Sarah 'nd Kath, and--"
“You're drunk?”
“Just a little,” David shrugs, though he won't meet Jack's eyes. “It's not a big deal, I--”
“You're hurt,'' Jack says quickly, guiding David down to sit on the couch. He turns around, but quickly glances back at David over his shoulder. "Stay there,” He warns, then hurries to the bathroom.
As Jack grabs the first aid kit under the sink, he sighs, mind racing with the possibilities of what happened. David has never been violent; even in high school, he was always the one to break up Jack’s fights, not start any of his own. In college, David had gotten into one fight, but he didn't even fight back… 
Jack almost doesn't want to know what pushed him to his limit.
He gulps as he walks back to the living room, taking a seat on the coffee table right in front of David. He opens the kit and rummages through it for a moment. “Care to explain what happened?” He asks, and opens a pack of alcohol cleansing wipes.
David shrugs again, but Jack sees now that he doesn't look as nonchalant as he did when he arrived; no, now he looks… worried. Upset. “I'm sorry,” David starts, which Jack decides isn't a good sign. “I jus' got into it with someone at the bar. It's really not a big deal, Jackie.”
“Okay, but, you never get into fights. This might sting, I'm sorry,” Jack murmurs as he gently cups David's jaw, wiping off the dried blood beneath his nose. “Did someone- Did someone jump you? Are the girls okay?”
“No, it wasn't-- They're fine,” David assures him, and winces as Jack's fingers brush against the cut on his lip. “They didn't get involved. It was me and Os- me and some guy,” He cuts himself off.
Jack pauses, then leans back as realization hits him like a freight train. “...Oscar Delancey.”
“He was talkin' shit,” David gives in, looking up at Jack. “I just-- I couldn't help it. No one should say that about you.”
This makes Jack look back up at David, and his eyes widen just slightly. “He was talking shit about me?" Jack asks, and rubs his forehead. Of course. Oscar and Morris never liked Jack, but taking that out on David… "Baby, you should have just let it go,” Jack frowns. “You shouldn't've--”
David shakes his head. “No, no- you don't get to say that, Jack. You- you've gotten into plenty of trouble standing up for me, so I just--”
“No, that's different,” Jack cuts in, raising a brow. “You don't deserve--”
“Oh, and you do?" David asks, defensive. "You deserve to get hurt standing up for me? He was talking shit about your parents, Jack. About Medda, and Daniel and Maria, and he was insulting your job, and I- I couldn't just let it happen, okay?” David glances away, rubbing his forehead. “I told him to shut the hell up, he told me to make him, I punched him in the face, Morris jumped me, and I kicked his ass. I'm fine, Jackie, I just… I don't know. I lost control for a second.”
Jack frowns as he listens, then gently cups David's cheek, running the pad of his thumb over the bruise. “You're so stupid,” He whispers, looking into his eyes. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” David murmurs, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to Jack's lips, but he pulls back nearly immediately, wincing. "Forgot about the lip," He says with a huff, looking at Jack with a sheepish smile.
Jack runs his hand through David’s hair and grins, then stands and pulls him up. "C'mon, babe. Let's get you to bed. How much did you drink?”
"Well, a lot, but the whole 'getting punched in the face' thing kinda sobered me up,” David admits with a chuckle, and Jack shakes his head. David then wraps an arm around Jack's waist, following him into the bedroom. "I'm sorry for scaring you.”
"It's alright,” Jack shakes his head. "Just… just don't do it again," He squeezes David’s hand, and falls back on the bed. "Will cuddles make you feel better?"
David nods, and Jack watches as he rids himself of his clothes until he's in his boxers. David then climbs onto the bed, lying behind Jack and wrapping his arms around his waist. "Love you."
"Love you, too. Now, get some sleep."
"Mm. Gladly."
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smileyoongle · 5 years
Come Back Home (A Kim Taehyung Mafia AU) // Part 9
Look who's back....lol. Enjoy this angsty installment, I'll see you all with the next chapter soon. Also, there might be mentions of suicide, so please be careful if that's something you get triggered by.
Summary: You were dead. Or at least that's what Kim Taehyung thought. But love never dies. A myth, yes. And maybe that's why when he finds out that you are alive, he may have already lost you.
Pairing: Mafia!Taehyung×Reader
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"I swear to god, Taehyung, someone's gonna see us." You gasped, Taehyung's lips tasting the skin on your neck as he held you tightly, your body trapped between him and the steering wheel. Your hands were tangled in his hair, eyes fighting to keep looking out the window in case someone actually saw the lustful daze you both were stuck in. 
"You worry too much. Who cares if someone sees us? You're mine and I'll touch you whenever I want." His words were slightly slurred, brows furrowing in concentration as he put his point across. You glanced down at him, his lips swollen and eyes red, staring at you with every ounce of admiration he held. Your heart fluttered, all your focus gathering on the man before you. You slowly leaned down and pressed your lips against his, kissing him in the most loving way possible. You were on cloud nine with how perfect his lips felt against yours, every kiss different and refreshing. Pulling away, you leaned your forehead against his, catching your breath while he rested against the dark leather seat. "Yours." You mumbled, earning a proud grin from Taehyung before he pulled you closer and captured your lips once again.
A sharp knocking on your window startled you, dragging you out of your... illusion. You gasped lightly, turning your gaze away from the driver's seat of Taehyung's car and looking out the window. You didn't know how long you had been sitting alone in the car, but Taehyung had told you to not go anywhere until he came back. He was currently inside the club, dealing with those people who posed a threat to your safety. Something told you this threat wasn't gonna end anytime soon but you couldn't find it in you to care. You just wanted to remember everything and go back to living your life without any problems. Taehyung's words had hit a chord somewhere in your heart, the warmth of his body when you had hugged him was still embracing you. You didn't ever want to let that feeling go.
Rolling the window down, you looked up at Yoongi who was standing before you with a bloody arm. Your eyes trailed across the sleeve of his jacket to see a bullet wound, blood oozing out of it without any control. Your eyes widened, lips parting in shock. Yoongi noticed your tension, his eyes following your gaze to the bullet wound he had received while blocking you from those gangsters. For you, it may have been just a lethal injury but for Yoongi, it was a badge of honour. He was just glad that you were alive and okay. Life had given him another chance to protect the girl he used to call family. He still did but, you didn't remember a thing about him.
"I..- Are you alright? I came to check up on you. Taehyung will be here in a couple minutes." He said, voice low and breathing a little shaky. You saw how his skin was paler than usual, worry overcoming every other sense of relief you felt at the moment. You immediately got out of the car, holding the door open and gesturing for him to get in. Yoongi frowned, looking at you with a confused expression. "That doesn't look good. You need to sit." 
Your voice was gentle and kind, different from all the times you used to scold Yoongi for being so reckless. He didn't know if this was better or not, but he hoped you'd go back to being his family someday. Yoongi pursed his lips, slightly shaking his head and opening his mouth to tell you he was fine until you interrupted him
"Please. You wouldn't even be hurt if it weren't for me." 
Yoongi felt that ache in his heart, his throat constricting as he forced himself to look away from your pleading eyes. Your words were innocent but wrong. You didn't know how much yoongi was willing to take another hit for you. Not just Yoongi, all the others too. With a stern nod, Yoongi sat inside the car, your hands wrapping around his arm as you helped him in. The warmness of your touch was enough to make him feel relaxed, but his head was now spinning a little. Stupid bullet.
You bit your lip, glancing around for anything you could use to stop his wound from bleeding. You felt responsible and if anything were to happen to him, you were definitely gonna blame yourself forever. You rubbed your head in panic, peeping inside the backseat of the car to get your resources. 
"Y/N." You moved back to look at Yoongi, his deep voice calling out to you with a hint of familiarity. Your eyebrows were raised in question and concern, your mind ready to give him whatever he was about to ask for. Yoongi looked up at you, studying your expression. He knew it very well, he had seen it before plenty of times. The least he could do was let you know that it was okay that you were in his life. It was okay that he was hurt because of you. It was okay because...you were the only one who always cared.
"Me being hurt, or anyone else for that matter, has nothing to do with you. And I want you to know that we all would gladly take a bullet for you. Anytime." 
There was a wave of intense emotions pouring over you. Anger at yourself for not remembering anything. Surprise that you had such an impact on people you didn't even recall. And worry that someday you'd probably end up having someone die for you. You were frozen in your place, hands clenched by your side as you tried to form the right words to say. There was a knowing look on Yoongi's face, his lips stretching into a smile as he glanced behind you. "It's okay. I understand." He said, making you look down at the ground in shame. It must be a really good feeling to know how much love was being poured upon you. For now, you were just lost, but hopefully, that little book sitting beneath your pillow at home would help you recover.
The sound of footsteps made you turn around, your eyes meeting Taehyung's as he walked towards you with the rest of his group. You spotted Minho with an unconscious Yoona in his arms, not even glancing at you as he made his way to his car. There was a little bit of nervousness settling in on seeing the intimidating people before you, but it was all gone when you looked into Taehyung's eyes. The illusion you had witnessed came rushing back to you, cheeks growing warm as you looked away from him.
"Are you okay?" He asked almost immediately, your eyes catching the little cuts on his knuckles. It didn't take a genius to know that Taehyung had beaten the shit out of your potential kidnappers, and for some reason, you felt satisfied. You nodded in response, peeking over your shoulder at Yoongi who was sitting inside the car. You turned your attention to Hoseok, who watched you with a sad look in his eyes, your hands hesitantly pointing at the elder male behind you. Everyone's eyes immediately shot to Yoongi, eyes widening momentarily as Hoseok rushed to Yoongi's aid. 
Taking note of your conflict, Jungkook patted your shoulder, giving you a reassuring smile. "He's gonna be okay, Y/N. It's been a long night. Let's head home, yeah?" Jungkook's tone did little to calm you down but you still nodded, not quite catching his meaning of the word 'home'. 
Everyone began filing up in their cars, your feet stuck in one place while Taehyung cleared his throat beside you. He still hadn't asked you if you would be okay with coming home with him. He didn't want to burden you with too many things, your comfort was his only priority. That time you threw yourself in his arms, indicated that maybe you would want to stay with Taehyung. That thought boosted his hopes, his eyes lighting up as he waited for you to pay attention to him.
"Y/N, I think it's best if you stay with me tonight." The words were easy to say. They even made your heart flutter in excitement. Staying with Taehyung? That was definitely something you could do. But the universe seemed to be against it, for Yoona's face flashed in your mind. You glanced at Minho's car, seeing that it was still in the same place where he had left it. 
You couldn't be selfish now, could you? Yoona needed you. She was drunk and Minho must be shaken up too. It wasn't just you who had been pulled into that traumatic experience, Minho had endured it too. He was a normal person, like you. He wasn't like Taehyung or Yoongi. He couldn't just come out fine after going through things like these. You had to be there. For your friends.
You swallowed thickly, formulating your words carefully so as to not hurt Taehyung. But he'd surely understand, right? 
"I should head home, Yoona doesn't look okay and-"
"Don't give me an explanation. I get it."
Your heart stung at how harshly Taehyung replied. His eyes were now blank, all that affection having been erased, as if it was never there. Taehyung gave you one last look and rushed past you to get in his car, his shoulder brushing against yours. You swore you wanted to cry then and there, not understanding what made Taehyung snap like that. You turned around, watching as Yoongi spoke to Taehyung inside the car, his eyes finding yours and you saw it clearly. There was so much disappointment in Yoongi's eyes that you felt guilty even if you didn't know what you had done. Your eyes stung as all the cars drove away, pain overwhelming your senses all of a sudden.
"Taehyung!" Namjoon bellowed, eyes widened in bewilderment as the man in question angrily tossed everything to the floor. Taehyung didn't care what he was breaking, as long as he heard the satisfying sound that indicated the destruction of the object. The emotions running through him were strong and unfathomable, a little too dangerous for anyone to handle. The crazed and defeated look in Taehyung's eyes was beyond explainable. He was tired and done. He didn't want to hear how much you cared about your shitty best friend. He wanted you to come back to him. Because you were his. He wanted you to just leave everything and come back to his arms. 
"Taehyung, you need to calm-"
"No, I won't fucking calm down. It hurts in here and I need it to stop." 
Jungkook almost didn't recognize the person in front of him, it was like he was seeing a stranger. Taehyung jabbed his finger to his chest, cheeks wet with the onslaught of tears that seemed endless. No matter how many things Taehyung broke, it wasn't satisfying enough. And it wasn't until he felt the cold metal underneath his shirt that his anger diminished. Standing in the middle of the mess he had created, he pulled out his gun, eyeing it like it was the solution to all his problems. Everyone's eyes widened, breathing faltering when Taehyung slowly looked up at them with hollow eyes.
"She kept me sane. And I'd rather not live than be without her."
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Taglist: @min-t-posts @that-random-gurl @bringitseijoh @kpopgirlbtssvt @jeonjello @shadowstark @bangtanniexxx @wendyiiwl @imlostindarkness @sinnersblogg @jazzytfw @lovestrucked-again @hopetookmysoul @angelwolfexorcist @taes-strawberry @ireallylikefoodandyoutube @annoyingpessimist @hajimaoppaa @atwoodscott @kawaiimusiccollection @byeolizzie @sleepysavya @sensiblebutch @maiden-mars @soundofwonderland @the-fangirl-lorax @btsarmysvtcarat @youthandtears @novelread000 @glitterytreephantom @chocolatemilk1221 @cookiemonstermusic258 @iamcrazyforkdramas @luckyzipperscissorsbat @kpop-is-life100 @entitledtolove @somewhereinthestarss @vertueuxeuse @anothermisspark @xanny91 @mayumioutloud @rulz0821 @bbangtan-ddaeng @got7-yeah-got7onmymind @kassandravictoria @flowersgirl02 @whateverfandoms @bl00bts
As you can see, I clearly can't tag a couple people. Dm me so that I can actually try to help you with why I'm unable to tag you. Also, comment if you wanna be added to the taglist.
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bruiserelliot · 7 years
Shamchat wouldn't let me post this, so yeah
This is a conversation between Pidge and yourself, Lance.
Lance: Lance walked into the green lion's hanger, seeing Pidge hunched over a computer, the screen's light reflecting in her glasses."Have you been here all night?"
Pidge: She glanced up at him briefly, then went back to looking at her screen. "Are you surprised?"
Lance: "Not really, but it was a good seg-way for this." He put himself between her and the computer."C'mon Pidge, you haven't been sleeping alot, don't try to deny it, your eyes have more baggage than Keith."
Pidge: Pidge sighed and reached around him for her laptop. "I'm busy, Lance. And I can take care of myself."
Lance: "You're always busy, you always have been busy, and you refuse to take a break." He replied, blocking the way to the laptop."One of these days you're gonna overwork yourself!" He crossed his arms as he finished speaking
Pidge: She stood. "Maybe. And it's none of your fucking business if I do. /Move/."
Lance: "Yes it is!" He retorted."You're my teammate, more importantly, my friend and I don't wanna see you hurt, especially because of yourself." He said. It was one of the most serious things he said to her since Shiro had gone missing.
Pidge: Pidge slowly closed her eyes. She didn't expect him to get it. "Lance, just fuck off."
Lance: Lance narrowed his eyes. He hated himself for what he was about to say, but then again he already hated himself for so many other things, and it was also probably the only way he'd get her to listen."What would your brother say if he knew you were overworking yourself?"
Pidge: She laughed humorlessly. "If I ever see him again, I'll ask him."
Lance: Lance's expression softened."Pidge don't say that." He sighed."Look, you're smart, definitely the smartest person on this ship, you're gonna find your family, but you still need to look after yourself."
Pidge: She put her hands on her hips. "And you need to stay out of it. Now get out."
Lance: Lance matched her pose."Not until you promise me that you'll at least get some sleep tonight." He retaliated.
Pidge: Pidge rolled her eyes. "Sure, Lance. Now leave."
Lance: Lance leaned forward."I'm being serious here for once, that should show just how much everyone's worried about you, they're just all scared of you blowing up at them if they say anything. So, please, promise me, for real this time, or I'll bring Hunk in here and he'll use the puppy dog eyes."
Pidge: Pidge groaned. "Okay, I don't have time for this right now, we'll talk about it later or something, just /move/."
Lance: Lance sighed."Fine..but we are definitely talking later." He told her as he got out of her way. The hunk threat was emptier than the healing pods at the moment, but he had thought she would have stopped fighting at that point. He put his hands in his pockets, glancing at her screen. it was the footage of Matt she'd found at the prison.
Lance: He stalked out of the hanger, closing the door behind him. He turned around, seeing the others hovering outside the door."Well?" Allura pressed. Lance sighed."She said we'd talk about it later. I don't think she meant it though." He frowned. Keith growled."Why is she doing this?" He refrained from punching the wall. Lance looked at him."Well what would you do if you had a lead on Shiro? Probably the same thing. Look, just, I'll talk to her later, she's gonna have to come outta there some time.
Pidge: Pidge went back to reviewing all five seconds of footage she had for the billionth time, the futility of the situation hitting her again. She'd analyzed everything there was to analyze. Twice. Unless she was missing something, there wasn't anything more she could do. It was /hell/. Sure, she knew he was alive, or he had been not long ago, but what then? Maybe he was safe, maybe he was being held captive, maybe the group who broke him out had pumped him for information and killed him. It was impossible to know and she had no way of figuring out where they'd taken him. At least with the Galra, she'd had a vague idea of what he was going through. Meanwhile, she hadn't found anything on her dad at all. The situation was bleak and she was exhausted and they'd lost Shiro and everything was a fucking mess and there was nothing she could do but pore over the same stupid clip over and over again for hours at a time. Lance was right, she'd have to come out some time, but not for a long while.
Lance: ~le magical timeskip to a few hours later~
Lance: Lance sat outside the door, looking at the green headphones in his lap. Back when they had first come, it had been much harder for him to get to sleep since he couldn't listen to his music without headphones. So, Pidge had given him her headphones, saying that since she could get a primary source of information, she wouldn't need them anymore. And god it had helped so much. He wanted to do something like that for her. He didn't want her to feel the way he did. She was too good for that. It's not like he could get her family back, but he did wanna show her that she had another family here on the ship, even if it was a little broken at the moment. He considered knocking on the door, but figured that would just end the same way it had that morning. It would be better to let her come to him.
Pidge: Hours later and Pidge couldn't focus anymore. She also hadn't eaten in... awhile. Oops. Totally exhausted and a little defeated, she decided it was probably time to eat breakfast (lunch? dinner? what time was it?). She yawned, stretched, then finally left Green's hangar.
Lance: Lance jumped as he heard the door open and turned to see Pidge."Uh..hey." He stood up and handed the headphones to her."I figured you might wanna hear Matt in better sound quality." He smiled a little bit, but it dropped a few seconds after."I-I'm sorry about earlier, I was probably just being annoying and that was definitely not a good way to go about trying to help." He rambled.
Pidge: Pidge hadn't really been expecting anyone to be waiting for her and she blinked at him as her brain caught up with the situation, then pressed her headphones back into Lance's hands. "Thanks, but you can't hear him anyway." She started off for the kitchen again. "Don't worry about it."
Lance: Lance smiled a little and put the headphones around his neck and followed her."So, no luck yet?" He asked. He already knew the answer, but if he got her talking maybe she'd consider trying to sleep.
Pidge: She tensed, just slightly. "No."
Lance: Lance frowned, then considerably brightened as he remembered the morning meeting Pidge had missed."Wait a sec, Coran mentioned something earlier about an overtaken galra base, what if he's there?!" He exclaimed.
Pidge: She shook her head. "That wouldn't make any sense. The group that took him was clearly well-organized. You'd have to be a fucking idiot to take over a Galra base and stay there. The Galra wouldn't stand for it, they'd annihilate the place."
Lance: Lance frowned at that."Oh...yeah, you have a point." He sighed as he opened the door to the kitchen, but jumped back as he saw everyone staring at him and Pidge. There was a second or two of silence, then everyone rushed forward, glad that Pidge was finally out of the hanger. Lance sort of stood to the side. He looked at Coran, who was doing the same."You're sure that base is still there?" He hissed. Coran shrugged."Dunno, we haven't received another message yet." Meanwhile, Hunk and Allura were practically Pushing Pidge to the table, while Keith laughed his ass off at their pushiness.
Pidge: Clearly, she'd timed her break incredibly poorly. Lance had been more than enough company on his own. She was /really/ not in the mood to contend with all of them all at once, especially when they were so eager. In truth, it all struck her as a little overdramatic; she'd been working, it wasn't a big deal. But she let herself be herded around and pretended to listen as they spoke, not saying much herself.
Lance: What Pidge probably hadn't realized, was that she'd been working for three days straight. It was hard to tell in space when you didn't have a perfectly timed sun. Lance had just happened to be the first one to notice. Said boy sat down at the table."C'mon guys leave her alone, you guys have done just as worse things before." He said, gladly shoveling in the food goo. Hunk looked at him."Oh yeah, name one time!" Lance swallowed, then looked up."When you slept in the kitchen for a week to figure out a new recipe." Allura laughed at that. Lance looked to her next."When you tried to reverse the gravity of the pool after Pidge changed it for us. It took you 9 hours to quit." He looked to Keith."And this one once spent two days in the simulator at the garrison." He was about to turn to Coran. "Alright alright, save me the embarrassment." The ginger replied.
Pidge: Pidge at her food goo without really tasting it and let the conversation swirl around her without actually joining in. Part of her brain was still back in the hangar, trying to work through anything else she could possibly be doing. Once she'd finished eating, she took care of her dishes and left for the hangar again. Maybe she'd take her laptop and move her base of operations to the lab. As much as she appreciated Green's company, it might've been time for a change in scenery.
Lance: The others watched as the youngest member of their team left. Keith turned to Lance."Does that count as a break to her?" He blinked. Lance shrugged."I guess so. But we'll just have to take what we can get." He stood up, shoving his hands back in his pcokets.
Lance: pockets*
Pidge: Pidge did wind up moving to the lab after all. She settled in and got to work, but only made it a few more hours before she finally passed out. Despite her best attempts, she was still only human.
Lance: Lance walked down the halls, looking for his young friend. He suddenly heard snoring, and followed the sound. When he found her in the lab, he chuckled and shut down her equipment, knowing she'd kill someone if they let it overheat. After that, he picked her up and, since he didn't know where her room was, took her to his room. He put her down on his bed and draped the covers over her. She heavily reminded him of his own little sister back on earth. He laid down on the floor, figuring that if Pidge could sleep sitting up, draped over a desk, he could deal with the floor.
Pidge: ((gotta go, sorry!
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