#he's Mine Now
amm-loover · 5 months
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dreameroftheblue · 2 months
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I have lost my mind, he hijacked it and lives there now
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propertyofwhitney67 · 7 months
Like I said, it's on sight.
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thottybrucewayne · 4 months
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Carmen Ortega in Red Hood: The Hill (2024) issue no. 1
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taeneth · 5 months
Look at this idiot
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I love him
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fairytalesofforever · 9 months
the urge to nichepost about my fanfiction and its associated OCs because I HAVE IDEAS
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lazybakerart · 2 years
In-character Billy wouldn’t have gone on that one night stand with Karen, he would’ve gone to the mall to go make fun (and ogle down the sailor shirt) of Steve at the mall. Everyday of the summer. They got no-homo’d so hard by the d bags.
in character, billy would have gotten a job at the mall because 1) it's the mall in the 80s, every cool kid worked at the mall, 2) it's air-conditioned and like hell is billy going to get a job that'll keep him outside in the humidity with his curly hair, 3) to mess with steve the entire summer and neg him into being his friends-with-benefits-forever-boyfriend.
billy is gay and dumb and he will annoy steve into loving him.
that's just canon.
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(Thanks to @feelinkeeli for suggesting this clone!)
Muzzle is feeling something he’s mentally relating to claustrophobia from being in this system so long. For the first year of the war, Maze and Fett tossed him at little problems, letting him go solo at first and then assigning him a babysitter of a LT after the little incident with Admiral Tarkin—the bastard deserved to get his jaw broken—and then a few missions later he’d gotten stuck here, leading an offensive against one of the most annoying generals the Separatists must possess.
The men that are, somehow, under him no longer cower to his glares. They ask him how he’s doing. They cheer him on.
Who do they think he is, Spar?
Speaking of that particular mess, Spar and his Jetiise should be arriving any minute. It’s hard to rail against his fate, stuck here, when this was supposed to be Spar’s life. Instead he’s stuck playing Fett’s political game, trying to keep the other Alphas from worrying too much about him. Muzzle knows better, though. Hell, even Sull and Tavo and their little clique who tried to not pay too much attention to Spar back on Kamino know.
He’s sick. Even if he mostly looks better, he’s still sick.
“Sir, the proscribed ship is approaching. They’re being directed to the docking bay,” Muzzle’s LT, Dennis, says, looking more anxious than usual.
Muzzle barely spares him a glance and heads off to the docking bay. “Medics on stand-by?”
“Yes sir, just like last time.”
Spar’d come by last on one of Muzzle’s first missions with Dennis. Muzzle may have…overdone it, if his LT’s remembering it so well. “Good.”
Muzzle waits in an appropriate parade rest as the ship ramp comes down, but any view of him as a stern ARC is absolutely smashed by the way Spar comes flying down the ramp and nearly tackles him to the ground. It’s absolutely done in when he hugs Spar back. “Su cuy’gar, shebs,” he mutters.
Spar laughs, loud and joyful and a little forced. “Su cuy’gar, al’verde,” he retorts, dropping back to the metal floor of the docking bay.
Muzzle grimaces. “Who are you calling al’verde, eh?”
Spar blinks, then looks over at Dennis. 
Muzzle also looks at Dennis who abruptly drops his hands from whatever sign he was making and attempts to look innocent. Unfortunately for Dennis, he can’t even look innocent when he is, which is rare enough anyway. “What?”
“Nothing, sir,” Dennis says quickly.
Spar frowns. “Come on, don’t tell me no one told him.”
Dennis looks away.
“Did you even tell him you got a promotion?”
“What?” Muzzle asks. “Wait, what rank are you now?”
Dennis will not meet his eyes. “...Captain,” he admits, mumbling the world.
Okay, so they have the same rank now—. “And what rank do I have, Captain?”
Spar snickers. “I bet Maze didn’t want to scare you.”
“Scare me. Sure. More like he knows I’ll go back to Coruscant and kill him for this—wait does this mean…” No. No.
“You are the proud commander of a very decorated battalion,” Spar assures him. “They were very happy to petition for your promotion so they could keep you.”
Muzzle looks down at him. “I’m killing Maze.”
“Not until the war is won.”
Ugh. He’s right. They unfortunately need Maze to do all the paperwork and keep Fett from replacing the duraplast of their armour with cured aiwha hide.
Spar pats his shoulder. “Good man. Now deal with the fact you got promoted like an adult and not a cadet.”
Muzzle wrinkles his nose at him. 
Spar smiles.
One of the Jetiise clears their throat and Muzzle has to remember that right. Spar isn’t alone.
That’s something, at least. 
(I am not currently accepting clones to subject to Spar.)
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lexezombie · 3 months
fuck u he's mine now and he says free palestine
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Anyone got any last name suggestions? (other than mcdonald obviously; wanna keep it an M lmao)
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Hello everyone I hope you like my weird garbage Son
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wildwoof · 5 months
So, I read Love & Beast right before I went to bed. I fell asleep not long after, but... I feel like Koga regressed a little during that story. I love him regardless, but the fact that he kept referring to Rei as "vampire bastard" the entire time. It'd be one thing if like he was constantly agitated, but a lot of the story was him concerned over how Adonis is doing. Which, I mean, that proves he hadn't completely regressed in his development since ! into !!. Like, why is he suddenly treating Rei poorly again? Once or twice, yeah ok. But the entire time? I squint my eyes. He also called Kaoru playboy again on multiple occasions.
But after reading this story & then considering the fan translation of their climax event, I squint my eyes even more. Like the climax event they comment on when being referred to by the nicknames. Rei says it takes him back while Kaoru admits he prefers it over the stiff formalities. Why they need to say that if Koga still refers to them by such? Ofc there's gonna be slipups & inconsistencies considering different writers & people working on it. But like - why'd Koga not once call Rei Sakuma-senpai or Kaoru Hakaze-senpai??? Huh? What this about? He was annoyed a good few times, but it wasn't constant.
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You know that thing when one of your favourite characters is someone that the rest of the fandom hates? Like, you hate the character just as much as everyone else, but at the same time, they somehow manage to worm their way into your heart and become one of your favourites despite being one of your least favourites? You KNOW that they're a bad person, and you get why they're hated, you really do hate them too, but you kinda... just... fall...?
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I hate love HATE but kinda love this racist brute...
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sharkface-daydreams · 11 months
I've said this before but it's actually relevant again so like. thank God sharkface died before the big battle o' sacrifice
*holding a comically large fly swatter to smack Burnie's little pizza hands completely flat if he so much as breathes in Sharkface's directiaon*
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captain-liminal · 2 years
*deeply inhales*
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forsty · 2 years
feeling very obsessed with my fav fictional characters today
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kopivie · 1 year
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