#he's gaining on you (shia labeouf)
maditheimmortal · 11 months
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You shouldn't be out this late, but an odd light within the woods beckons you here. Upon arrival you find nothing more but an old cottage. Odd, you never remember seeing anything here before. It wouldn't hurt to knock, right?
Small Halloween thing for y'all , nothing too spooky and it's more autumn themed than halloween themed but it's seasonal enough i feel. Happy Halloween everyone!
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aesthetictokinghost · 2 years
William is feeling festive
He rigged the lab lights to flash in time to Trans Siberian Orchestra, and it's playing over the facility's loud speaker
He is pretending to conduct an orchestra in the lab until the door slams open
Wesker does not look like he is having a good time
"Did you have to pull this the day we've started combat training with the lickers?!"
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aita-blorbos · 11 months
AYTA for killing Shia LaBeouf?
(TW: Murder)
You (Your age and gender) were stranded in the woods, your phone dead and unable to find your car, when out of the corner of your eye you see him: Shia LaBeouf (M, 37).
You start running, but he's gaining on you. You can see his face is bloody and he's brandishing a knife.
You ran through the forest until nightfall, and managed to lose him. You tried to find a way out of the forest, but your leg got caught in a bear trap.
After freeing yourself from the trap you found a cottage, and saw Shia LaBeouf sharpening an axe. He didn't hear you enter, so you go in there and strangle him. He tries to use his knife on you but you wrestled it from his hands and stabbed him in the kidney, but he keeps going. You grab the axe and chop his head off, and he falls to the ground. You beat Shia LaBeouf, but you just took a life. AYTA?
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lover-of-skellies · 3 months
you're walking in the woods, there's noone around and your phone is dead, out of the corner of your eye you spot him
(shia labeouf)
he's following you. about thirty feet back, he gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint. HE'S GAINING ON YOU.
(shia labeouf)
you're looking for your car but you're all turned around, he's almost upon you now and you can see there's blood on his face, my god, there's blood everywhere!
running for your life from shia labeouf, he's brandishing a knife it's shia labeouf, lurking in the shadoooowwwws, hollywood superstar shia labeouf, living in the woods shia labeouf, killing for sport shia labeouf, eating all the boddieeeesss
actual. cannibal. shia labeouf.
now it's dark and you seem to have lost him, but you've hopelessly lost yourself
stranded with a murderer, you creep silently through the underbrush, aha! in the distance! a small cottage with a light on! hope! you move stealthily towards it, but your leg AHH IT'S CAUGHT IN A BEAR TRAP!!!
gnawing off your leg
(quiet quiet)
limping to the cottage
(quiet quiet)
now you're at the doorstep, sitting inside shia labouf, sharpening an axe shia labouf, but he doesn't hear you enterrrr shia labeouf, you're sneaking up behind him, strangling superstar shia labeouf, fighting for your life with shia labeouf, wrestling a knife from shia labeouf, stab it in his kindeeeeyyyyy,
safe at last from shia labeouf.
you limp through the dark woods, blood oozing from your stump leg, you've beaten...... shia labeouf.........
(shia surprise!)
THERE'S A GUN TO YOUR HEAD, AND DEATH IN HIS EYES, but you can do jiu-jitsuuuuuu
(you can do it)
body slam superstar shia labeouf
normal tuesday night for shia labeouf
(fight with)
you try to swing an axe at shia labeouf
but blood is draining fast from your stump leg, he's dodging every swipe, the parries to the left
(leg but you)
you counter to the right, you catch him in the neck
(fight him)
you're chopping off his head noooowww
you have just decapitated shia labeouf
his head toppled to the floor, expressionless, you fall to your knees and catch your breath.
you're finally safe.... from shia labeouf.....
What the hell did I just read
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bonearenaofmyskull · 2 months
Hey sooo sorry that this is irrelevant to Hannibal. Its about this youtube guy you said in one of your old old posts that you enjoyed. He is a bearded ginger guy that sits in front of the wooden wall of a warehouse with shelf talking about politics? Usually wears a hat. Usually his view is around 15-30k i think and he uploads daily.
for some reason I don’t know why i kept remembering him as Shia Labeouf??? And his youtube channel name is 4 words.
thanks to you i discovered his channel but i got uninterested so I unsubscribed, but now in my wee 5.30-6 am sleepless hour i suddenly missed him and was tryna search so hard but you know how that goes looking at my description
thank yew
It's Beau of the Fifth Column, and for the record I NEVER would have associated him with Shia Labeouf. I recommend his channel and the partner channel The Roads with Beau for anyone who wants non-sensationalized, realistic reporting, with a leftist bent, of foreign affairs, domestic affairs, climate change, science news, and occasional pop culture news insofar as it overlaps with one of the other categories. They also do occasional personal advice and are a good internet mom and dad for especially queer kids who need that. And they do charity work, give survival advice and tips whenever there is an ongoing weather event that is potentially life-threatening, and weekly q-and-a.
I'm referring to them as a partnership because Beau has left his position running the channels in the last week and turned it over to his wife because he is a workaholic, and it was affecting his health, charity work, and family. Other than them dropping one of their daily videos from the agenda and his wife (going by "Belle"--"Beau" was also a pseudonym) still being in that stage of finding her voice and comfortability in front of the camera, I haven't seen too much of a change in the quality of their commentary, though the jury is still out on that IMO--she seems a bit spicier than Beau but is still working control the nerves and be natural, and I'm not sure she's quite there with the way he would lay out his reasoning and show it coming around to his conclusions, though I don't think the conclusions themselves have changed in any significant way. It'll be really tested when they cover more foreign affairs because that was where Beau really shined, and it's my understanding he is really NOT involved in the channel at all anymore in any way, at least for the time being. Coverage has been very US election-focused since Belle took over.
My strongest general recommendation would to go back and watch every single video, in order, that Beau made about Gaza in order to understand why things have gone the way they've gone and why the US has made the moves they've made, and why other countries that are nominally pro-Palestine have done some of the things that they've done as well. That includes this dumb-it-down whiteboard video from last year. Most people will find him reporting things that they don't like for one reason or other--hell, he reports things HE doesn't like about the way the foreign policy system works and will occasionally remind audiences of that as well--but it will explain where and why morality fails to gain traction when there is a question of power, and how that limits steps that are taken, how it informs public positions taken on the world stage versus what is happening behind the scenes with actions taken, etc.
Beau's organizational and labeling system for finding topics of interest is an absolute nightmare--even worse than mine--so I'd just recommend browsing in chronological order for likely topics if you're going back through historical stuff.
They're southerners and they drawl and if you're into hyperspeed internet videos you'll have to adapt your brain to want to watch their stuff. Over time you should get used to the pacing, and I eventually found it soothing. Beau is one of those rare individuals that I could regularly expect to have insights and perspectives and thoughts that I wouldn't have had, and he could change the way I view something. There aren't that many people that I run into in life that have that ability, so this was a rare gift for me.
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shoes4centipedes · 1 year
celebrity imagines 😻
Shia LaBeouf Imagine: youre walking in the woods, theres no one around and your phone is dead, out of the corner of ur eye you spot him.. (shia labeouf.) hes following you, about 30 feet back. he gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint! hes gaining on you! (shia labeouf.) ur looking for ur car but ur all turned around, he's almost upon you now and you can see there's blood on his face! my god, there's blood everywhere! running for ur life (its shia laboeuf) hes brandishing a knife (its shia labeouf) lurking in the shadows, hollywood superstar shia labeouf!
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thiccsys · 3 months
you're walking in the woods, there's noone around and your phone is dead, out of the corner of your eye you spot him
(shia labeouf)
he's following you. about thirty feet back, he gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint. HE'S GAINING ON YOU.
(shia labeouf)
you're looking for your car but you're all turned around, he's almost upon you now and you can see there's blood on his face, my god, there's blood everywhere!
running for your life from shia labeouf, he's brandishing a knife it's shia labeouf, lurking in the shadoooowwwws, hollywood superstar shia labeouf, living in the woods shia labeouf, killing for sport shia labeouf, eating all the boddieeeesss
actual. cannibal. shia labeouf.
now it's dark and you seem to have lost him, but you've hopelessly lost yourself
stranded with a murderer, you creep silently through the underbrush, aha! in the distance! a small cottage with a light on! hope! you move stealthily towards it, but your leg AHH IT'S CAUGHT IN A BEAR TRAP!!!
gnawing off your leg
(quiet quiet)
limping to the cottage
(quiet quiet)
now you're at the doorstep, sitting inside shia labouf, sharpening an axe shia labouf, but he doesn't hear you enterrrr shia labeouf, you're sneaking up behind him, strangling superstar shia labeouf, fighting for your life with shia labeouf, wrestling a knife from shia labeouf, stab it in his kindeeeeyyyyy,
safe at last from shia labeouf.
you limp through the dark woods, blood oozing from your stump leg, you've beaten...... shia labeouf.........
(shia surprise!)
THERE'S A GUN TO YOUR HEAD, AND DEATH IN HIS EYES, but you can do jiu-jitsuuuuuu
(you can do it)
body slam superstar shia labeouf
normal tuesday night for shia labeouf
(fight with)
you try to swing an axe at shia labeouf
but blood is draining fast from your stump leg, he's dodging every swipe, the parries to the left
(leg but you)
you counter to the right, you catch him in the neck
(fight him)
you're chopping off his head noooowww
you have just decapitated shia labeouf
his head toppled to the floor, expressionless, you fall to your knees and catch your breath.
you're finally safe.... from shia labeouf.....
um doors roblox?
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asteroidtroglodyte · 1 year
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You're walking in the woods
There's no one around and your phone is dead
Out of the corner of your eye you spot him
Shia LaBeouf
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He's following you, about 30 feet back
He gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint
He's gaining on you
Shia LaBeouf
You're looking for you car but you're all turned around
He's almost upon you now
And you can see there's blood on his face
My God, there's blood everywhere!
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Running for you life (from Shia LaBeouf)
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He's brandishing a knife (it's Shia LaBeouf)
Lurking in the shadows
Hollywood superstar Shia LaBeouf
Living in the woods (Shia LaBeouf)
Killing for sport (Shia LaBeouf)
Eating all the bodies
Actual cannibal Shia LaBeouf
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Now it's dark, and you seem to have lost him
But you're hopelessly lost yourself
Stranded with a murderer
You creep silently through the underbrush
Aha! In the distance
A small cottage with a light on
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Hope! You move stealthily toward it
But your leg! Ah! It's caught in a bear trap!
Gnawing off your leg (quiet, quiet)
Limping to the cottage (quiet, quiet)
Now you're on the doorstep
Sitting inside
Shia LaBeouf
Sharpening an axe (Shia LaBeouf)
But he doesn't hear you enter (Shia LaBeouf)
You're sneaking up behind him
Strangling superstar
Shia LaBeouf
Fighting for your life with Shia LaBeouf
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Wrestling a knife from Shia LaBeouf
Stab him in his kidney
Safe at last from Shia LaBeouf
You limp into the dark woods
Blood oozing from your stump leg
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You've beaten Shia LaBeouf
Wait! He isn't dead (Shia surprise)
There's a gun to your head and death in his eyes
But you can do jiu-jitsu
Body slam superstar Shia LaBeouf
Legendary fight with Shia LaBeouf
Normal Tuesday night for Shia LaBeouf
You try to swing an axe at Shia LaBeouf
But blood is draining fast from your stump leg
He's dodging every swipe, he parries to the left
You counter to the right, you catch him in the neck
You're chopping his head now
You have just decapitated Shia LaBeouf
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His head topples to the floor, expressionless
You fall to your knees and catch your breath
You're finally safe from Shia LaBeouf
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samthecookielord · 7 months
<33 what will you do if you win the tournament
TRIPLE QUESTION ROUND: 2 new questions and 1 old question
1 says: "Oh! Ummm the prize was like... just hanging out with someone, right? And it's platonic, right? Because if so I may or may not invite some friends to hang out too! If that's okay, haha."
2 says: "Rub it in my dear brother's face that I won what he couldn't, obviously. And, hm... maybe if I like you enough, you can assist us in our plans for destruction."
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1 says: "Heck yeah!! :] I'm bi"
2 says: "Yes, what of it? Do we have a problem? Hm?"
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1 says: "Oh I already go to therapy, thanks! Huge shoutout to my therapist they're really cool. Sooo I guess that's... a 2?"
2 says: "What is that."
Previous answers:
1 said (R1:M8) - Q: "do you play an instrument. Or sing. Or whatevercer" - A: "OHHH OH OH OH I like to sing! Well, uh, not regularly, but I've recorded covers of songs I really liked sometimes before! :D LIKE [REDACTED/Bug Spray] AND [REDACTED/insert other bug spray song here]- OHHH AND [REDACTED/insert other bug spray song here] IS A GOOD ONE TOO- okay at this point I might as well name the whole album, eheh..."
1 said (R2:M4) - Q: "would you do a blind date tournament with your oc's?" - A: ":O!!!!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT EXACTLY THAT ENTAILS BUT IT SOUNDS FUN!!!!! Oh my god this is just like the plot of [REDACTED/Space Boyfriend]... AND I SHOULD TOTALLY GET [REDACTED/Storm]'S CHARACTERS IN ON THIS TOO..."
1 said (R3:M2) - Q: "You're walking in the woods. there's no one around and your phone is dead. out of the corner of your eye you spot him. Shia LaBeouf." - A: "PFFFFT- HE'S FOLLOWING YOU ABOUT 30 FEET BACK. HE GETS DOWN ON ALL FOURS AND BREAKS INTO A SPRINT. HE'S GAINING ON Y-"
1 said (R4:M1-1) - Q: "tell me about your best friend" - A: "OH MY STARS OH MY STARS THEY'RE THE COOLEST PERSON IN THE WORLD!!! All their stories are always so neat and amazing and they're always there for me when I'm feeling down or when I just gotta ramble about something!!! They mean everything in the world to me!!! Both them and [REDACTED/Kel]!!! Um- hah, don't mind me."
1 said (R4:M1-2) - Q: "how would you describe your outlook on life using emoticons?" - A: " :O 💫🌠🌃✨⭐🌟🌠🌠💫☄️☄️🌌🌌🌠🌈🌠💌🍉🍨🍨"
2 said (R1:M10) - Q: "would you wanna rule the world" - A: "AHAHAha- you know what? Yes, yes I'd love to! I'll put that one on our itinerary, how about that?"
2 said (R2:M5) - Q: "have you ever killed a man" - A: "You don't know HOW badly I wish I did. Oh, but don't worry, I'm working very quickly to fix that little issue."
2 said (R3:M3) - Q: "opinion on horses" - A: "Elegant creatures. They will be spared in the forthcoming destruction~ Though, I'll admit... there's... a certain one I was fond of. She must be long gone by now."
2 said (R4:M2-1) - Q: "would you smooch a ghost" - A: "I don't think I even need to answer this one. The real question here is, would you?"
2 said (R4:M2-2) - Q: "anything to smile about?" - A: "The distant taste of sweet, sweet vengeance on the horizon, of course."
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Picture this. It's 5 AM. You've just woken up and need to get dressed. You find your closet has transformed into a Narnia-type situation. Except, you recognize the place you enter. You find yourself in the past, specifically 29 years back. It is the day a man bumped your shoulder while walking by on the sidewalk and didn't apologize for it. You, now equipped with all your knowledge and experience from your ripe old age, but in your significantly younger 18 year old body, have the opportunity to right this wrong against you. You can correct this lack of manners, and possibly change everything. Or, you can let the man go, and everything will stay the same. Oh, but wait, I have miscalculated. You are still your ripe, old, old age of 47, and can visually see your 18 year old self getting bumped. The opportunity still stands. You are able to show this rude punk what 29 years of a grudge does to a motherfucker, and expose yourself to your younger self. Or, you can walk back through the Narnia closet. Oh, but wait, I have miscalculated. Instead, you enter the closet, and find yourself walking in the woods. There's no one around and your phone is dead. Out of the corner of your eye, you spot him... Shia LaBeouf. He's following you about 30 feet back. He gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint. He's gaining on you. Shia LaBeouf...
Well…that was a waste of my fucking time. Thanks.
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k4ppasta · 2 months
you're walking in the woods, there's noone around and your phone is dead, out of the corner of your eye you spot him
(shia labeouf)
he's following you. about thirty feet back, he gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint. HE'S GAINING ON YOU.
(shia labeouf)
you're looking for your car but you're all turned around, he's almost upon you now and you can see there's blood on his face, my god, there's blood everywhere!
running for your life from shia labeouf, he's brandishing a knife it's shia labeouf, lurking in the shadoooowwwws, hollywood superstar shia labeouf, living in the woods shia labeouf, killing for sport shia labeouf, eating all the boddieeeesss
actual. cannibal. shia labeouf.
now it's dark and you seem to have lost him, but you've hopelessly lost yourself
stranded with a murderer, you creep silently through the underbrush, aha! in the distance! a small cottage with a light on! hope! you move stealthily towards it, but your leg AHH IT'S CAUGHT IN A BEAR TRAP!!!
gnawing off your leg
(quiet quiet)
limping to the cottage
(quiet quiet)
now you're at the doorstep, sitting inside shia labouf, sharpening an axe shia labouf, but he doesn't hear you enterrrr shia labeouf, you're sneaking up behind him, strangling superstar shia labeouf, fighting for your life with shia labeouf, wrestling a knife from shia labeouf, stab it in his kindeeeeyyyyy,
safe at last from shia labeouf.
you limp through the dark woods, blood oozing from your stump leg, you've beaten...... shia labeouf.........
(shia surprise!)
THERE'S A GUN TO YOUR HEAD, AND DEATH IN HIS EYES, but you can do jiu-jitsuuuuuu
(you can do it)
body slam superstar shia labeouf
normal tuesday night for shia labeouf
(fight with)
you try to swing an axe at shia labeouf
but blood is draining fast from your stump leg, he's dodging every swipe, the parries to the left
(leg but you)
you counter to the right, you catch him in the neck
(fight him)
you're chopping off his head noooowww
you have just decapitated shia labeouf
his head toppled to the floor, expressionless, you fall to your knees and catch your breath.
you're finally safe.... from shia labeouf.....
I come back from like.. a long ass hiatus and I see this in my inbox and I’m.. who are you……
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robinthisbank · 3 months
you're walking in the woods, there's noone around and your phone is dead, out of the corner of your eye you spot him
(shia labeouf)
he's following you. about thirty feet back, he gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint. HE'S GAINING ON YOU.
(shia labeouf)
you're looking for your car but you're all turned around, he's almost upon you now and you can see there's blood on his face, my god, there's blood everywhere!
running for your life from shia labeouf, he's brandishing a knife it's shia labeouf, lurking in the shadoooowwwws, hollywood superstar shia labeouf, living in the woods shia labeouf, killing for sport shia labeouf, eating all the boddieeeesss
actual. cannibal. shia labeouf.
now it's dark and you seem to have lost him, but you've hopelessly lost yourself
stranded with a murderer, you creep silently through the underbrush, aha! in the distance! a small cottage with a light on! hope! you move stealthily towards it, but your leg AHH IT'S CAUGHT IN A BEAR TRAP!!!
gnawing off your leg
(quiet quiet)
limping to the cottage
(quiet quiet)
now you're at the doorstep, sitting inside shia labouf, sharpening an axe shia labouf, but he doesn't hear you enterrrr shia labeouf, you're sneaking up behind him, strangling superstar shia labeouf, fighting for your life with shia labeouf, wrestling a knife from shia labeouf, stab it in his kindeeeeyyyyy,
safe at last from shia labeouf.
you limp through the dark woods, blood oozing from your stump leg, you've beaten...... shia labeouf.........
(shia surprise!)
THERE'S A GUN TO YOUR HEAD, AND DEATH IN HIS EYES, but you can do jiu-jitsuuuuuu
(you can do it)
body slam superstar shia labeouf
normal tuesday night for shia labeouf
(fight with)
you try to swing an axe at shia labeouf
but blood is draining fast from your stump leg, he's dodging every swipe, the parries to the left
(leg but you)
you counter to the right, you catch him in the neck
(fight him)
you're chopping off his head noooowww
you have just decapitated shia labeouf
his head toppled to the floor, expressionless, you fall to your knees and catch your breath.
you're finally safe.... from shia labeouf.....
I’m experiencing an emotion I don’t think has a name over this
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maypl-syrup · 3 months
you're walking in the woods, there's noone around and your phone is dead, out of the corner of your eye you spot him
(shia labeouf)
he's following you. about thirty feet back, he gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint. HE'S GAINING ON YOU.
(shia labeouf)
you're looking for your car but you're all turned around, he's almost upon you now and you can see there's blood on his face, my god, there's blood everywhere!
running for your life from shia labeouf, he's brandishing a knife it's shia labeouf, lurking in the shadoooowwwws, hollywood superstar shia labeouf, living in the woods shia labeouf, killing for sport shia labeouf, eating all the boddieeeesss
actual. cannibal. shia labeouf.
now it's dark and you seem to have lost him, but you've hopelessly lost yourself
stranded with a murderer, you creep silently through the underbrush, aha! in the distance! a small cottage with a light on! hope! you move stealthily towards it, but your leg AHH IT'S CAUGHT IN A BEAR TRAP!!!
gnawing off your leg
(quiet quiet)
limping to the cottage
(quiet quiet)
now you're at the doorstep, sitting inside shia labouf, sharpening an axe shia labouf, but he doesn't hear you enterrrr shia labeouf, you're sneaking up behind him, strangling superstar shia labeouf, fighting for your life with shia labeouf, wrestling a knife from shia labeouf, stab it in his kindeeeeyyyyy,
safe at last from shia labeouf.
you limp through the dark woods, blood oozing from your stump leg, you've beaten...... shia labeouf.........
(shia surprise!)
THERE'S A GUN TO YOUR HEAD, AND DEATH IN HIS EYES, but you can do jiu-jitsuuuuuu
(you can do it)
body slam superstar shia labeouf
normal tuesday night for shia labeouf
(fight with)
you try to swing an axe at shia labeouf
but blood is draining fast from your stump leg, he's dodging every swipe, the parries to the left
(leg but you)
you counter to the right, you catch him in the neck
(fight him)
you're chopping off his head noooowww
you have just decapitated shia labeouf
his head toppled to the floor, expressionless, you fall to your knees and catch your breath.
you're finally safe.... from shia labeouf.....
Saved this until the song came up on my Spotify playlist :3
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faeorwizardorsmthn · 2 years
*john malevolent voice* Arthur. Are you trying to get yourself killed? You're walking in the woods, there's no one around, and your phone is dead.
Arthur. Out of the corner of our eye... I see him.
Shia LaBeouf.
*dramatic sting*
He's following us, about thirty feet back... Arthur, he's sprinting at us on all fours. RUN, ARTHUR. HE'S GAINING ON US! RUN! FASTER!
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He had a girlfriend who is at his beck and call willing to fly anywhere on this planet for him and do whatever he wanted. He had the free time of not seeing her every single week so he could frolic around and do what you want it on the weeks she was with her kids which meant space and he gained a lot of media traction and publicity just by them being together and constantly being in the press. Seems like a match made in heaven for him.
The relationship with Olivia wasn’t supposed to last as long as it did, but Olivia, making herself available to Harry was convenient for him, and he took advantage of that. Olivia did everything she could to make that relationship work, and he had time when he was with her and he can do whatever he want and then when she was gone, he continue to do whatever he wanted. It was the perfect case scenario for him.  he didn’t have to commit too much because she was putting in all the commitment for him. He didn’t have to work hard for this relationship because she was putting in all the work for him. And when things got rough and things got messy he saw that she wasn’t good for business and dropped her. After the Shia LaBeouf and Florence Pugh situation after the movie came out, he dropped her. Olivia was doing everything she could to make that relationship work and Harry didn’t look at it that seriously. Him getting a tattoo that he can get covered up or get removed at any time didn’t mean much to him but to her it was some type of commitment. He let this girl get battered by his fans for almost 2 years. They sent her the most atrocious things, death threats, they Dr. doxxed her kids. They were leaking information, pulling up all things about her, and like tarnishing her name that’s a bunch of shit that she might not be able to come back from. Because we know what happens to women and Hollywood when they’re villainized. Not to say that she didn’t deserve a lot of it because we know Olivia Wilde isn’t a very good person, but he let that shit happen to her and didn’t say a word. The reason that she was getting all of this, the reason why her career was fucked up the reason why her reputation in her name were being spoken about like this was because of his Fanbase, and he didn’t do anything to control them or help her in any way
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averytinyfrog · 1 year
You're walking in the woods There's no one around And your phone is dead Out of the corner of your eye you spot him Shia LaBeouf
He's following you About thirty feet back He gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint He's gaining on you Shia LaBeouf
You're looking for your car But you're all turned around He's almost upon you now And you can see there's blood on his face! My God, there's blood everywhere!
Running for your life (From Shia LaBeouf) He's brandishing a knife (It's Shia LaBeouf) Lurking in the shadows Hollywood superstar Shia LaBeouf Living in the woods (Shia LaBeouf) Killing for sport (Shia LaBeouf) Eating all the bodies Actual, cannibal Shia LaBeouf
Now it's dark and you seem to have lost him But you're hopelessly lost yourself Stranded with a murderer You creep silently through the underbrush A-ha! In the distance A small cottage with a light on Hope! You move stealthily toward it But your leg! Ah! It's caught in a bear trap!
Gnawing off your leg (Quiet, quiet) Limping toward the cottage (Quiet, quiet) Now you're on the doorstep Sitting inside, Shia LaBeouf Sharpening an ax (Shia LaBeouf) But he doesn't hear you enter (Shia LaBeouf) You're sneaking up behind him Strangling superstar Shia LaBeouf Fighting for your life with Shia LaBeouf Wrestling a knife from Shia LaBeouf Stab it in his kidney Safe at last from Shia LaBeouf
You limp into the dark woods Blood oozing from your stump leg But you have won You have beaten Shia LaBeouf
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