#he's gonna be 30 next year and i can't get that in my brain
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you dont even know me, but you saved me, and that is why i love you so much. you deserve all the good things in the world, happy birthday 🎂❤️
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damnprecious · 2 years
is it too soon to start a crisis about turning 30 when you're a few weeks shy of 28 - asking for a friend
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Hopelessly devoted to you
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PAIRING | Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | You and Bucky have been pining over each other for a long time, but both of you are too afraid to take the next step. This all comes to a halt when Tony throws a Grease-themed party, and the two of you dress up as the main characters in the movie.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning, do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Two idiots in love, too much love for the movie Grease.
A/N | SO, I was watching Grease again, and this idea popped in my head and hasn't left my brain so far, so you can all enjoy it with me. I will forever have a crush on John Travolta in that movie so now I'm turning it into my other crush aka Bucky Barnes 👀
RIP Olivia Newton-John, you were the best Sandy we all could have wished for 🖤
Likes and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Main Masterlist | Bucky Barnes Masterlist | Read on AO3
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It is your turn tonight to pick out the movie night, and you have been wanting to watch your guilty pleasure film again for as long as you can remember, even though not everyone is as into it as you are. ''None of you have a choice, we're watching Grease tonight!'' you said with the widest smile on your face you can make. You heard multiple grunts from your fellow Avengers, they already know you will sing along to every single song, and they weren't happy about it. It's not because you can't sing, they have all praised you multiple times for the fact that you can sing well, but you just get very much into it. ''I'm looking forward to it, doll, I haven't seen it,'' Bucky said, and your mouth practically fell on the floor. ''You're kidding me, right? Oh, you have to sit next to me because now I want to know your reaction!'' you said happily before running out of the kitchen to get the snacks for tonight.
''What?'' he said quirking an eyebrow, he didn't understand what was going on. ''Oh you're gonna have quite the experience tonight, there's a reason we usually don't sit near her when she picks the movies,'' Sam told him with a bit of a snicker in his voice. ''Well, I think it's going to be fun, and I don't mind sitting close to Y/N during movie night,'' Bucky said with a shrug, you usually snuggled up to him and he didn't mind, it was always the highlight of his day. Tonight wasn't any different, he even bought you an extra soft and warm blanket to use during movie nights since you always ran colder than the average person. You didn't hear any of the conversations that were going on, and even though you were mostly fine with it, it still stung a little that they reacted that way when you chose the movies.
You texted Bucky that you were going to the grocery store to pick up the snacks, and he asked if you could maybe pick up some Reese's peanut butter cups for him, and you would gladly do so. You went to the parking garage and walked over to your bike, it was a beautiful day and you could easily fit snacks in both your bike as well as your backpack. It was also a good way to clear your head a little bit, so you drove around New York for a bit, towards your favorite place in the whole city with a beautiful view of the Statue of Liberty. Ever since you came here many years ago, you could never get enough of seeing it, and you parked your bike before sitting down with your back against a tree, looking at the view.
After sitting there for 30 minutes, you decide to FaceTime Bucky, because you were still not feeling all too well. ''Oh, I've got to take this,'' Bucky said to everyone before quickly walking to his bedroom, he didn't want everyone to know it was you FaceTiming him. ''Hi doll, what's going on?'' he said as he picked up, the phone perched up against the wall in his kitchenette as he prepared a snack. ''Hey, not much, just feeling a little shitty about what happened earlier. I was honestly really looking forward to watching Grease, but now I feel like I should have picked something else,'' you said, trying to fight back the tears. ''You know they're just assholes, right? They don't get to make my girl feel like that,'' he said and your stomach did a little flip when he said that.
He often called you his girl when he was talking to you, but never to anyone else, which was exactly why he walked away from the rest. ''Yeah, I know, but that doesn't make it suck any less though. Thought maybe a bike ride through the city would help, but as evident by the phone call, it didn't,'' you said and gave a weak smile. ''Doll, look at me, please. If you're not up for it, we could watch the movie, just the two of us, tonight, and the rest can all watch a shitty movie that no one likes anyway,'' he offered, but you shook your head. ''Thanks, but that would only mean I'll give in to them and I will never give them that satisfaction,'' you said with a giggle. ''I'm just gonna head to the store and get ready for the movie night, I wanna snuggle up to my favorite super soldier again tonight. You might want to warn Steve he won't be sitting alone tonight,'' you said laughing, but Bucky looked at you with a serious expression.
''Just kidding cowboy, don't get so riled up!'' you said with a laugh. ''You're the only one I want to snuggle with and you know it,'' and Bucky's expression softened immediately, and a twinkling appeared in his eyes. God, you were so over the moon for that man, but you were just too afraid to take the first step. So for now, you would be perfectly content with flirting and snuggling during movie nights. ''Alright, now let's go to the store before I'll die of hunger without my Reese's,'' Bucky said dramatically. ''Okay okay, going now! See you later,'' you said before waving goodbye and hanging up. Talking to him always made you feel better.
When you finally made it to the store you decided to grab Bucky's favorite cookies too as a surprise, together with the Reese's because he helped you feel better earlier, it was the least you could do. The drive back to the Compound was much better, and before you knew it you were back in the parking garage. ''Hi doll, how are you feeling now?'' Bucky said when he walked in, hands in his pockets as he looked you up and down, he was gone for you the second he learned you love riding your motorbike too, just like him. ''A lot better thanks to you. Would you mind helping me with the groceries? I got a lot more than intended,'' you said and he happily agreed. When everything was stashed away you muttered a thank you before kissing him on the corner of his mouth, leaving him stunned for a good few minutes.
''Buck? Everything okay?'' Steve asked when he walked into the kitchen, and he saw Bucky standing there with a huge grin on his face, cupping his cheek where you kissed him minutes earlier. ''Yeah...'' he sighed but the grin never left his face. ''Okay, let's get you out of here before you're growing attached to the floor,'' Steve said laughing, he knew damn well this was your doing. Bucky has told him all about his crush on you numerous times, he told him every single thing he noticed about you that made his heart race, or gave him goosebumps. ''God, I never thought I could ever be in love with someone so badly,'' he once told Steve, and it was a good look on him. Better than the grumpy persona he usually shows.
~ During movie night ~
''Everyone ready?'' you asked and the sigh you heard didn't go unnoticed by you, but you started the movie regardless before walking over to Bucky, who was all ready for you with the blanket he got you a while back. ''Hi doll,'' he said softly with a smile as you sat down, this time wasting no time to snuggle up to Bucky as he rested his arm across your shoulders. You didn't bother looking behind you, instead focussing completely on the movie, and as soon as the opening scene on the beach started, you got goosebumps. There were snacks opened and drinks shared around, and everyone got comfortable. As much as they acted to not like it, they still enjoyed watching it now and again. You kept looking over at Bucky to see his reaction at certain points, and you were belting along with every single song in the movie.
When your favorite song arrived, you couldn't help but sing it for Bucky, especially now that he was sitting right next to you. The moment Sandy started singing ''Hopelessly Devoted To You'', you couldn't take your eyes off of him, or more specifically off of his lips. He listened to your voice, god he could listen to you singing forever and never get sick of it. When the last notes of the song died down, Bucky softly leaned into you. When your lips barely brushed past each other, Tony almost choked on his drink and both of your faces snapped up to him to see if he was okay. He made a motion that showed he was okay now, but the moment between you and Bucky was gone, so you turned back to the movie, sighing deeply and laying your head on Bucky's shoulder.
The rest of the movie was more of the same, you singing along and the rest of the Avengers just having fun watching the movie while eating snacks. When the movie was over, everyone stayed for a little while and talked about the movie, just like they did every time you chose the movie. You and Bucky were in a deep discussion about what he thought about it, and he couldn't stop mentioning how good you would look if you would wear those kinds of outfits. ''I think it would suit you, doll. You'd fit perfectly into the 40s with a dress like that,'' he said with a wink, and you can't help but think about that a little more. ''You two can talk about your roleplaying fantasies when we're not here!'' Tony joked and you turned bright red, it was almost as if he read your mind.
During your discussion with Bucky, neither of you heard about the fact that Tony wanted to throw a Grease-themed party for the two of you to finally get together. Everyone sees how much you've been pining over one another so this would be the perfect moment. ''So? Will the two of you come to my party too?'' Tony said after that. ''Party?'' ''What party?'' Bucky and you asked at the same time. ''My costume party of course! I think the two of you should get dressed as Sandy and Danny from Grease, don't you think?'' he asked the rest of them agreed wholeheartedly. You looked at Bucky and shrugged your shoulders. ''Sounds like fun, I'll be there. What about you, Buck?'' you looked at him with hopeful eyes. He wasn't planning on going, but when you look at him like that, he couldn't possibly say no. ''Sure, but I won't dress up!'' he said with a grunt.
~ The days leading up to Tony's party ~
The last few days, you've been more excited than ever to go to one of Tony's parties. In all fairness, the most time was spent convincing Bucky to dress up too, and he finally gave in after you showed him the outfit you were going to wear. It truly reminded him of his past and he almost bent you over his kitchen counter right then and there when you walked out in your costume, but he didn't want to ruin your friendship by doing that. He didn't know that you were secretly hoping he'd do just that, because that is the exact reason you showed him, but he didn't give in. ''Oh, I can't wait to see what you will look like in your costume! Although, there's not much of a change to your look from now...'' you said, Bucky usually wore all black with a leather jacket anyways.
The one thing you didn't tell Bucky, however, is that you were planning on doing an outfit change to truly catch his attention, which may or may not have been Tony's idea. At first, you were against it, but when he explained his plan, you accepted it eventually. ''Also, I don't think I'll be able to get much dancing in during the party, since Tony asked me to be the singer of the evening instead of hiring someone,'' you told him. ''Really? That's amazing doll, I love hearing your voice when you sing,'' he said before you walked back into his bathroom to change into your regular clothing again. ''Did you maybe want to go for a ride when I'm changed?'' you ask him, and he turns bright red, still thinking about you in the outfit you just wore and what he wanted to do to you.
''Uh, only if you want to, doll,'' he said and he tried to look busy when you walked out in your normal clothes. ''Well, I wouldn't ask if I didn't want to,'' you said with a laugh. ''It would be nice to ride around the city with both our bikes again. Maybe you could give me a tour of Brooklyn while we're at it? I recall you saying you've been wanting to do that for a while,'' you said and he finally realized what you were saying. ''Oh, yeah you're right! Do you want to take both? I think it might be nice if we take mine so I could give you a nice tour of Brooklyn,'' he said, hoping you would say yes. ''We could maybe even bring some snacks for the ride?'' and with that, you agreed. ''Okay, but only if I get to choose the snacks!'' you say and walk out the door to get ready. ''It's a date!'' he says and you smile before closing the door.
Both of you changed into more appropriate clothes to wear on his motorbike before he took you on the tour, and it was a sight to behold. The two of you drove through Brooklyn for hours, mostly because Bucky constantly slowed down or stopped somewhere to tell you all about his memories, and it truly felt special to share this moment with him. Just the two of you, not a single care in the world, sharing memories that he can still remember after everything that has been done to him. When the sun started to go down, Bucky drove to a bit of a secluded spot where you won't be seen so easily, so the two of you could enjoy the sunset together without being bothered. The downside of being an Avenger is that everyone wanted something from you most of the time, and this would ensure that wouldn't happen.
''Oh wow, I love it here Bucky,'' you tell him as you overlook grassy fields and the sun starting to sink behind them. ''I hoped you would, I like to think of this as my - and now our - special place,'' he said with a soft look on his face, while he gave you a little smile. He sat down against a tree after getting the snacks you brought with you as well as some drinks you brought with you. He spread his legs out in front of him and invited you to sit in between them, which you gladly accepted. Your back was resting against his chest which you could slowly feel rising and falling, your head laying against his shoulder and his arms wrapped delicately around your waist, hands resting on your stomach. Neither of you wanted this moment to end.
''Thank you for everything, Bucky. You're honestly the best friend I could have ever wished for,'' you tell him, and Bucky feels something inside him snap at the word 'friend'. Because that's all you were at this moment, friends. ''You always know exactly how to make me feel like the most special person in the world, and I honestly wouldn't want to have it any other way,'' you told him before letting out a sigh and sinking into his hold even more, your cheek resting just below his collarbone. ''I love you, doll,'' he said at that moment, he couldn't keep it in any longer, and right now seemed like the perfect moment to tell you. You looked up at him with wide eyes, wondering if you heard him right. ''Buck...'' you said, and you saw his face fall when you said that. ''No, Buck, listen to me. I love you too, so incredibly much, and I'm very happy to spend this beautiful evening with you right now,'' you said as you put a hand on his cheek, softly brushing through his stubble.
''I can think of a way to make it even more perfect, though,'' Bucky said and he leaned in to kiss you, but something in this universe didn't want the two of you to kiss. You could feel each other's breaths on your lips as they brushed together ever so subtly when his phone rang and disturbed the moment, snapping both of you out of it right away. ''I'm going to kill whoever is on the other end of that fucking phone,'' he said as he fished his phone out of his pocket, and he saw it was Steve calling. ''What do you want, Rogers?'' he snarled at the man on the other end. ''Wow, Buck, easy! Did I interrupt something?'' he asked and Bucky just grunted as a response, he wasn't going to tell him the two of you almost kissed before he had to ruin it.
''Well, the reason I'm calling is because I need both of you back at the Compound as soon as possible, Fury is sending everyone on an emergency mission and we need everyone so you two lovebirds better get here now,'' he said with a chuckle. ''Fuck off, Rogers. We'll be there,'' he said before quickly hanging up. He immediately softened up when he looked at you, ''I'm so sorry doll, but we have to go back to the Compound for an emergency mission that everyone is required to go on,'' he said with a sigh. ''I think we're gonna have to resume our perfect night another time,'' you said before giving a peck on his cheek. ''Want me to ride back this time?'' you ask, even though Bucky usually didn't let anyone else ride his bike beside himself. ''Okay, but you better not tell anyone before everyone wants to do it!'' he said and the both of you got on.
~ The evening of Tony's party ~
The mission went even better than expected, and now it was finally time to enjoy Tony's party. You haven't seen Bucky all day today, but you got ready a bit earlier since you were preparing to sing that night, and your hair and make-up were perfect for your first outfit. Towards the end of the night, you would go and change into the iconic outfit Sandy wears at the end of the movie, but no one besides you and Tony knew about that plan. He brought up the idea and even though you were a little unsure at first, Tony managed to convince you to do it. Right now, you were wearing a light pink dress with dots on it and the biggest petticoat you could find, making you feel like a real-life doll. You sent Bucky a picture of your finished outfit, and he couldn't believe his eyes, you looked perfect.
He had asked Nat to help him out with his outfit, or more specifically his hair, because he wanted to go all out for you and there was only one way to do just that. Nat was cutting his hair to look exactly like that of Danny's in the movie and even though it was a big change, he has been thinking about cutting his hair for a long time. Nat saw the picture and couldn't get over how gorgeous you look right now. ''She went all out for it, she's the most beautiful woman at the party tonight,'' she said. She would dress up as Rizzo and Wanda would go as Frenchie, with some other female colleagues dressing as Marty and Jan.
The T-birds would consist of Bucky as Danny, and Steve, Tony, Clint, Scott, and Thor would dress up as the rest of their friend group. When Nat was done and Bucky's hair was styled, he was honestly unrecognizable at this moment. His clothes looked the same as he always wore, but the hair made him look handsome, and a lot younger which suited him. ''If Y/N won't make a move now, she really must have hit her head, because you look irresistible,'' Nat said with a wink before walking out the door to get dressed. ''Have fun tonight, and keep me posted,'' she said and Bucky just laughed, all he needed to do now was shave and the look would be complete.
By the time 8 PM arrived, people were slowly trickling into the party room, but Tony gave strict instructions to everyone that no one would be allowed to wear the iconic Sandy look, and everyone listened. You were getting ready to sing for tonight and you started with a few songs that were fitting in the world of Grease, and the people were taking photos and videos of you singing, this would honestly be a good boost for your social profile and you didn't mind it at all, you loved to sing anyways. By the time Tony officially announced that the party started, the band began playing the tune of the opening song and most of the guests sang right along while dancing.
You sang a few songs, and finally, you spotted Bucky at the bar talking to Steve, and he occasionally looked over at you. When you realized he completely changed himself, you really couldn't wait to surprise him later. He shot a few winks the way that made you falter a little in your singing, but no one seemed to notice, and you were glad you could finally announce that you would take a short break and be back later for the finale of your songs, after which a DJ would take over the music. Bucky wasn't the only one transforming, you went to the hairdressers earlier to dye your hair blond to completely undergo your transformation.
''Alright, let's get you out of these clothes and into the clothes Sandy would wear,'' Tony said and you did as he said, not caring he was in the room because you had a bit of a time limit right now, and you still needed to do your hair and make-up too. Tony had gotten Nat out of the crowd to help you with your hair and she audibly gasped when she saw you in the new outfit. ''Damn, if Bucky isn't going to make a move on you now, I'm taking you with me tonight!'' she joked and you laughed when we put on the shoes. ''So, if you do my hair, I'll do my make-up and then I'll go back out,'' you said, and within 30 minutes you were completely transformed and ready to go back out.
Nat already went back into the room and took Bucky front and center to the stage, so he could witness your transformation firsthand, even though he didn't want to. ''Come on, it'll be her last song of the night, so you have to be there to show your support!'' she said and after some more convincing he and the rest of the Avengers made their way to the front of the room. The starting notes of 'You're The One That I Want' started playing and you walked out in your outfit, getting audible gasps from every single person in the room. Bucky couldn't believe what he saw, and his mouth was hanging open when you walk on stage and started singing. Not to the room, no, you sang for Bucky.
Towards the end of the song you pulled him on stage, and when the song ended, you seductively walked up to him and grabbed him by the back of his neck before planting your lips on his, finally getting the kiss both of you have been craving for so long. He immediately deepened it and it earned both of you a few shouts of approval from the room before letting go. ''Fuck, you look gorgeous, doll. Can't take my eyes off of you now,'' he said before going in for more kissing. This time he pulled away from the kiss first, and you finally told him what has been on your mind this whole time. ''Bucky, do you want to be the Danny to my Sandy, and be my boyfriend?'' you said, and he nodded happily, kissing you in a response while grabbing you closer, and that was the perfect start of the rest of your lives together.
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siriuslysmoking · 8 months
Hi! I’ve never done an ask but I love your writing and I was just vibing to my autumn playlist and there’s this song by the backseat lovers, I don’t know if you know of them. But it’s called Maple Syrup and I guess creative part of my brain is on because I immediately thought of something based off of that song with Eddie. Like “I saw you dancing at the show tonight, I stood in the back and I think that we both know why” or “did it hurt? When I kicked you to the curb? Now I’m all alone. I guess I’ll never learn” has some pretty good lines. Sorry this is long I’ve never done a request before, but I hope you take a listen and it sparks something for you too! x
Cutting Ties
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A/N: it's ex Eddie. Steve and Reader aren't dating, bu they are both there for each other on extreme levels. Also, I know that this trope is overused.
Pairing: Eddie munson x Reader | Steve Harrington x Reader
Warnings: fem!reader, she/her pronouns, talks of miscarriage, hurt/no comfort
Summary: When bad memories come strolling back into town you try to protect the few things that you hold sacred.
-Did it hurt when I kicked you to the curb? Now I'm all alone I guess I'll never learn-
He made it big, you always knew he would, you used to talk about it when you both were in high school.
It’s been four years since he left, not wanting to be tied down. Or whatever that means.
You were twenty when he left.
Now, you had your life put together, you had a job with a stable income, you had a roof over your head. You are able to support your daughter in anything she wants to do. She’s in gymnastics and she loves it, it’s a way to get her energy out during the day.
Steve… Steve is your rock.
From the start Steve has been by your side, supporting you in every decision you make. Holding your hand while you sit in doctors appointments. He held you as you cried when the doctor left the room after announcing that you might lose her.
He sat next to you during your twelve hour labour, rubbing your shoulders are you tried to breathe.
You made sure Wayne was in Mia's life, he deserved that much, Eddie doesn't call him anymore.
You didn't know he was in town, you wish you would've. Steve agreed to meet you at three to pick the both of you up after Wayne had made the both of you lunch. The three of you started a tradition, every sunday Wayne would pick you up and either take you out to lunch or one of you would make something.
It was nice. Steve worked sundays so he would pick you up after work.
You wish someone had told you he was in town.
But when there is knocks on the door at 2:30, you meet Wayne's curious eyes, "Did ya boy get off early?"
"I don't think so." You hand Mia her brownie that Wayne had made for dessert, giving her a kiss on the forehead while Wayne goes to get the door.
"Eds! W-what are you doin' here?"
"That's not the welcome I was expecting, old man."
"Wasn't exceptin' ya."
"That's usually what a surprise visit is." Wayne looks to you and it's not like you can't let him in, so you just nod, giving him permission.
Mia has noticed the disruption, stopping mid chew as a strange man walks in. You try to obscure Eddie's view of her the best you can.
Eddie walks in and meets your eyes. He opens his mouth say something but Mia interrupts him. "Mamma, I can't see."
Eddie's eyes go wide as you slowly move over to the side. "Hi! What's your name? Are you grampa's friend?"
"I-I don't understand."
You just sigh, turning to Mia, "Baby, I'm gonna go outside and you're gonna stay and eat this delicious brownie that Wayne made you, okay?"
"otay." and just like that she begins shoving her face once more.
You softly close the door behind you after motioning for Eddie to go outside. "What- Who is that?"
"That's my daughter." You cross your arms as Eddie moves to the picnic bench, you just sit at on the bench while he paces back and forth.
"How old is she?" He knows the answer, you don't have to give it to him, but you do.
"You should've told me." Eddie finally meets you eyes, "You should've fucking told me!"
"How?! How was I supposed to tell you? Call you? I didn't have your number, I didn't get an address. You left and said you didn't want to be tied down. What more to tie you down more than a child?" You huff, rolling your eyes at his audacity.
"Even Wayne knew?"
"Once I had her, it was hard to keep quiet." You run your hands through your hair, "It didn't take him long to connect the dots."
"He didn't tell me." Eddie looks angry, he's completely fuming.
"You stopped calling!" You throw your hands in the air, looking at him from across the table.
"Does everyone know?"
"No, they think-" You get cut off by a door opening to your left, it's not the trailer door, it's a car.
"Hey hone-" Steve pauses, looking to you, then meeting Eddie's eyes, "Munson."
"Steve, will you go get Mia?"
"Her name is Mia?" Eddie's expression goes soft at that.
That's when Steve walks in the trailer, the door open enough for the words Mia shouts to echo out to the two of them. "Dada!"
"Hey pumpkin."
Eddie meets your eyes, "Is that my daughter calling Steve Fucking Harrington Dad?"
"She's not yours."
"She isn't? So she doesn't have my hair and my eyes?"
"She was and will never be yours, you threw away that chance when you kicked me to the curb."
"I-" He doesn't know what to say and you have no more words for him. So when Steve comes walking out the door with Mia and your bag in his arms, you just turn and get into the car.
likes are reblogs are appreciated <3
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Question (because i'm curious and because i love enabling friends' hyperfixation): what is Tengu no Daidokoro? Why do you like it? What are you hoping for in a s2?
Also, should i watch it?
I adore Koisenu Futari and i have other similar queer-people-in-their-daily-life Japanese shows on my watch list (i loved my dining table and i have Kinou nani Tabeta and Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna waiting) that i just know i will love once i have the time to watch it!
Is Tengu no Daidokoro anything like it?
Thank you so much for this ask cause it gives me the opportunity to share my love for this show and also maybe make other people want to check it out.
Before anything else. This is not a queer show. All those shows you mentioned are some of my favourite shows, as you can see by my choice of pfp I adore Koisenu Futari as well. Kinou Nani Tabeta and Tsukutabe are magic and I really hope you get to them because they are so amazing. But Tengu is not that. It's an absolute gem and I adore it.
Now. Why do I love it? Why I am excited like it's christmas morning and I still believe in santa? So many reasons...
-IT'S GORGEOUS (if I hadn't binged this ,I would've giffed every frame)
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I mean the greens are just incredible. All the colours in these show are actually. The change in the colours is amazing as well. My delusional brain will believe that this second season was made specifically so that me and @colourme-feral could once again lose our minds over THE GREENS.
-It's about two brothers. (I love stories around family)
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Motoi (older brother played by Komagine Kiita) and On. A city 14 year old who comes to stay at his older brother's house in a rural area. They are estranged and have little in common. On is the perfect representation of 'kids these days...' (I know I'm getting old when this is what comes to mind), completely hates the idea of being away from the city and technology and internet (I related). Motoi is at home here, he's very quiet and calm. I love them. I love this relationship. I love how it grows and I can't wait to see where they go next.
-The food. (I love food)
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Motoi has his own vegetable garden and he makes everything from there or other local sources. Just like the shows you mentioned in your ask, the food is a major ingredient to this story. It's the thing that brings these brothers together as well. the scene in the above gif is one of my favourites because of that. Not gonna give you spoilers.
-The dog. but also...
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this is where the show takes a different turn than you'd expect. although not really because it's in the synopses, but if you only knew this show from gifs and this post you would not see this one coming. There's a supernatural element to this show. For starters that cute dog you see there, he talks. He's a talking dog!!! And he is delightful. but also this
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(Can we just stop for a second and appreciate how beautiful Kiita is? I barely recognized him in 25 ji.) So yeah it's in the show's name, Tengu's Kitchen. Tengu's are a legendary creature from japanese folklore and the brothers are descendants of them. (more info here about that if you're curious).
-The three of them.
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I adore them. I don't want to say more so you'll just have to watch it.
-the setting (did I mention it's gorgeous?)
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I know I've mentioned the visuals but it's not just that. it's the scenery and the rhythm and the music (I love the ost of this show) and the everything. Look I watch shows for a bunch of different reasons. This one, I watch it, or rewatch it as the case may be, for my soul. It's beautiful, it's soothing, it's touching, and I feel better after watching it. I really can't explain it any other way.
There are more things I could say honestly but this is already so much longer than I intended. But it's 10 episodes of 30 minutes and as with a lot of jdramas, an incredible human @aoinousagi has fansubbed it for our viewing plesure. here is the link to their post.
These are just some of the reasons I love it and can't wait to watch more. I never expected it but this day is better because of that announcement alone. I'm so happy. I will do rewatch soon, and probaly gif more of it so maybe more people will want to check it out.
@yannig thank you so much for this question. Sorry if it's a bit of a incoherent mess but I'm really excited and having trouble putting it into words. And I know there are a lot of shows to watch and not enough time to watch them all, so of course no pressure, but if you're ever in the mood for something that is wholesome and beautiful I do recommend it highly.
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dolphingirl1234 · 3 months
welcome to the first headcanons post in what will hopefully become a series unless my brain randomly decides to hyperfocus on something else
starting off with our favourite traumatised polar bear...
please enjoy my shitty picrew human version of him
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gonna be honest I hate this one he looks like my dad when he was like 12
imagine him looking like this but way older
anyway headcanons:
30-mid/late 30's
idk if there's a name for this one but is sexually attracted to females but romantically attracted to males
has never dated because of this and has no desire to
he was the last of the crew to actually recognise his sexuality
everyone came out to him and he was like inwardly homophobic because of the way he had been brought up, but made a notebook full of everyone's pronouns and stuff so he could remember, and never did/said anything homophobic to anyone else - kinda like Imogen in heartstopper yk
dark brown hair that's kinda going grey on the sides
grey eyes
always has eye bags because our boy does not sleep
he's not that strict on uniform - there are random clothes that tweak plonked the octonauts logo onto and that's what is considered uniform; everyone is allowed to wear whatever they want as long as its appropriate and has the logo on it somewhere.
basically always wears the same thing because the entire world will fall apart without his routine
played candy crush once in an ad and loved it
he secretly plays it on the web bc he can't admit to himself that he likes it enough to actually download it
everyone has called him dad at least once
gets fathers day cards from everyone every year
^^ has cried from this on multiple occasions
doesn't get sick often but when he does he is SICK. the second he wakes up his face is grey and pale and he physically cannot speak without coughing
peso makes him go to bed and when he eventually agrees he sleeps for like 2 days straight and is then immediately better
he tells kwazii off for being reckless but he's done some pretty dumb shit himself
will sacrifice himself for anyone and anything (has been told off about this many times and still continues to do it)
he and inkling are the only people in the crew who like dark chocolate
absolutely despises anything sour
his pain tolerance is very high
likes mint and will casually go to the garden pod and eat it raw
has claustrophobia (canon)
also has emetophobia (look it up) because I like projecting
once you've looked up emetophobia come back and read the next one:
when he was a cub and was learning to catch and eat fish he threw up after eating one particular fish and every time he sees it in the sea he will literally hold his breath and run away
he's actually very good at modern lingo and memes but does not understand for the life of him what a skibidi toilet is
sees peso as his son and will literally protect him with his life
other crew members have various mental health struggles and barnacles is genuinely so proud of them when they do anything that's hard for them even if its just surviving the day its so cute
he hasn't experienced the things the others go through but he has so much empathy and pride for them its insane
gives the best bear hugs and when he gets sad all he wants is cuddles but he's too scared to ask anyone
natquik and kwazii are the only people who have seen him have a full breakdown
if you've had a bad day he's your guy he will pick you up and cradle you like a baby no problem
on his birthday he literally gives zero fucks about presents but is insistent on getting/making really goof presents for everyone else
he has the deepest voice ever. and he's not terrible at singing either but he never sings. ever.
the accordion secretly pisses him off as well and he just keeps playing it because it's an ongoing joke and he doesn't want to ruin it
his paws are MASSIVE.
that's all for now I hope you enjoyed your exclusive look at Zoe's Headcanons TM I probably forgot some so you might get some more later 👀
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terrapin-might · 7 months
Leo really said "is anybody gonna else gonna have a crush on a guy, learn everything they can about street racing and become this guy's rival?" And didn't even try and wait for an answer.
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When being some guy's #1 fan isn't enough so you have to become his rival. Many such cases.
But seriously, I've thought more about this and now I know how I want this au to go down. (Strap in, I won first place in the yap-olympics)
It mostly consists of one sided rivals to lovers (my favorite) and happens a bit before the S2 finale and the year between that and the movie. And if wasn't obvious from my other post, it involves street racing (something I know nothing about why'd I choose street racing ugh—)
Pictures are kinda in order too.
Leo sees Usagi race, gets a crush, gets interested in street racing. Has to see every race he competes in from now on.(Top right)
Talks about it to anyone who listens, weirdly only focuses on Usagi hmm, Mikey draws the mystery man. (Don't tell Raph, but the next time Leo called dibs on the last pizza he gave to Mikey so he could have the drawings) (Top left)
Either buys or makes his own merch but I don't think Usagi's the type to make merch or anything like that (doesn't know how, probably wouldn't get the point) tbh so we're going with made. I think April helped. (Bottom left)
And I said they meet because of Usagi saving Leo from some baddies on my last post, that still happens here, it's the first time they meet face to face (or face to Helmut) probably some of Big Mama goons Leo couldn't really fight off because weapons aren't allowed at the races so he and Usagi get to have a romantic bike chase where they try not to crash and die.
Leo deciding if you can't be their boyfriend beat them, be their rival. He trains until he can race Usagi himself. Who is actually happy to have a rival, the weirdo lol. (Bottom right)
I haven't named this AU, so I'll be taking suggestions if you have any (pls give me ideas I don't have any)
After the read more is just an update(?) about my art and posts for people who follow me.
For some reason I've seem to become allergic to digital art, so other than some comics I already planned on posting, this might be my last digital art post for a while. I can draw on paper no problem, I guess drawing on my phone has gotten tiring and my brain hates it for now. We're going traditional baby!
Which is fine because my traditional art is better imo, digital is just easier to color and I'm bad at taking pictures. Like really bad. But I still wanna post art so it'll have to do.
Luckily I was able to finish this but this will be the only nonconic digital art for a while. Had to switch it up though cause I was really struggling the first 30 mins so it's more colorful than my usual art.
Alright that's all bye!
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redfurrycat · 8 months
👻✨👼Ghoost & Ethereal Beings Fic Recs👼✨👻
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
Ao3 Authors: Abliafina, Attolians, Bavarian_angel, Boasamishipper, Comin2U, Cristinuke, Dalearden, Halestrom, Iimpossible_things, Immature_vibes, JuliaBaggins, MyNameIsConnor, Nikkyrow, Sal_paradise, Theinsouciantknitter, Vaelsworld, WeTheWriters.
> Mythological Creatures & Shapeshifters {🤠🐓}
‼️Art Bonus, aka the reason this recs list even exists‼️ Forsty Art ==> Mav, Rooster & Ghoost – Mav & Ghoost – Rooster & Ghoost – Rooster & Ghost!Carole –  Rooster & Ghoost.
Lead Me On (To The Other Side), part of the Beyond Series, by boasamishipper {T}
Goose talked to him most nights. His choice of conversation was normal — movies he’d seen, music he liked, stories about his wife and son — and sometimes Ice almost forgot that Goose was dead at all.
I Can See Our Future by Nikkyrow {T}
The ability to know what others were going to do before even they did made Jake "Hangman" Seresin a really good pilot. Made him an unbridled asshole too. He follows the rules, don’t tell the future, don’t change the future, don’t let people know you see the future…until he doesn’t. As the mission grows closer and who won't come home becomes clearer to the psychic, Hangman learns to navigate the line between natural and paranormal with varying success.
no sanctuary (when my eyes close) by attolians {T}
“You coming tonight?” “Of course,” Jake’s mouth says before he can catch up. “Wouldn’t miss it.” “Sounds good.” Rooster smiles after another second, “I’m gonna shower but I’ll see you later.” “Yup.” Rooster takes a few steps closer to the showers before meeting Jake’s eyes in the mirror again. “And, uh, thanks for the help up there.” Jake nods. He can’t answer with the ghost filling the other side of the mirror. ... or, everything's the same - but Jake can see ghosts
Guardian Goose by Comin2U {T}
/Guardian Angel!Goose/
Goose didn't mean to stick around when he died. But here he was, attached to 3 people and still yelling at Mav 30 years later. aka Guardian Angel Goose is tied to Iceman, Maverick, and Bradley and proceeds to spend 30 years yelling at all of them for being idiots in some fashion. Though only 1 of them can see him
I heard from the heavens... by JuliaBaggins {T}
/Gooserole & Icemav in Heavens/
Yes, Mav dies. BUT. The story is not as angsty as this now sounds, really not, I promise! There's lots of fluff, and a happy ending! Maverick wakes up in the afterlife after dying from old age. There he meets Goose & Carole again - cue lots of family feels. And Mav might even get a chance to finally figure things out with a certain fellow pilot he's been dreaming of kissing for more than forty years...
Guardian Angel by vaelsworld {G}
Attending his own funeral was never on Ice's plan for his life. But here he is, Maverick next to him sobbing, and Ice can't leave him. Not again. Before Ice leaves this world once and for all, he'll make sure that Maverick will be okay.
If I could then I would throw this lifeless lifeline to the wind by sal_paradise {G}
After Mav crashes trying to save Rooster, when awakes he sees someone he never thought he's see again. His RIO is not as far away as he thought.
The Ghosts On The Shore by immature_vibes {T}
Thomas Kazansky died on a Thursday at 3:34 AM, his husband Pete Mitchell following him at the end of the month. There house was left to be rented out to Californian tourists, and was rented out by a group of seven aviators who were on a two month long vacation after a taxing suicide mission. Jake Seresin has had too many head injuries to count, so when he wakes up one morning and heads downstairs to see a man who was definitely not a part of their squadron sitting in the living room, he's certain that his brain has officially had too much damage.
If I can't be close to you by WeTheWriters {M}
“Did you just call me, Bradley?” Are the first words out of his mouth, that lost look in his eye that bothered Jake more than it probably should, quickly morphing into one of amused curiosity. “Why, did you change your name?” Jake smirks, immediately slipping into the familiarity of their usual back and forth, if a touch more amicable now, after everything they’ve been through. “Nope.” Bradley screws up his face, squinting up at the sky through his fingers like it surprises him to find it there. “Then it looks like I did.” Jake shakes his head, sort of amused too. “Now, at the risk of sounding like I’m not happy to see you, what the hell are you doing here? I thought they’ll be keeping you on lockdown for the rest of the leave at least, with how freaked out everyone on the carrier was when we landed.” ~ Jake doesn't make it in time to save Bradley and Mav in the end. He's a second too late. The missile is faster, and Jake can't come to terms with that, his mind rejecting the reality that robbed him of so much. So Bradley conjures one last miracle - 7 days of borrowed time to make peace with it. 7 days to make up for the entire future they lost. 7 days to say goodbye.
In These Arms Tonight by bavarian_angel {M}
/Mav's Ghost!Family/
They say "meet you in the afterlife"... Maverick goes through 5 encounters over time before he is finally welcomed home.
I’ve been going out among the ghosts by iimpossible_things {T}
The problem with tequila is: it doesn't mix well with dead people...and Jake's ability to tell them apart from the living. Which is how he ends up being haunted by Nick Bradshaw, the somewhat-friendly ghost.
I can't leave him. by MyNameIsConnor {G}
It's Goose's funeral. Mav thought that he could brave it, Carole on his right and Bradley curled up in his arms. He knew the others were watching, Viper and Jester at his left and the thought he could stay strong. A sob escaped him and he fell to his knees, harsh crys the only sound being let out.
Matchmaker(s), Matchmaker(s) by Cristinuke {T}
/Ghoost & Ghost!Ice/
Ice and Goose are dead, but they're still tethered to the living, specifically to Maverick. It's up to them to figure out how to close their unfinished business, and why it might include a certain admiral.
A Bridge That I Cannot Follow by theinsouciantknitter {G}
The first time Jake sees her is fleeting. She's standing at the end of the hallway by their bedroom door, looking around sadly. Jake startles at the wispy woman standing in his house and then he blinks and she's gone.
Raggedy Top Gun Manor by abliafina {G}
It is said that room 86 became haunted after Nurse Charlie died in there. She worked at the Top Gun Manor - a retirement home for naval aviators - until she laid down for a nap one day and never woke up. The Manor closed down after too many reports of bumps in the night and opened up again as a haunted house. Iceman never believed a word of it. Ghosts aren't real. Maverick, on the other hand, takes their jobs as tour guides way too seriously and it might bring them closer together than what anyone expected.
One Look From Your Eyes (And I'm Captivated) by dalearden {_}
"There’s a hand on his arm that he should not be able to feel. He thinks if he has to feel it, it should be cold. Nick Bradshaw is warm to the touch though, of course he is, even when he shouldn’t be able to touch anything or anyone because he’s fucking dead and Jake Seresin is not... can’t be…" Or, Jake lingers some place between life and death after a training accident and ghosts are, it turns out, ridiculous goofballs who like to matchmake.
We're All Haunting's Waiting To Happen by halestrom {E}
/Ghoost, Ghost!Carole & Ghosts/
Ever since he was a kid, Jake was able to see ghosts just like his family before him. As he got older, they taught him how to use his gifts to help people move on to be at peace and now, living in San Diego, he spends his days helping the people who need the help and hopes that, at the end of the day, he is making a difference and those people are at peace.
Sadly, helping people move on doesn't pay the bills and so he moonlights as Hollie Gibson, the worlds number one contemporary romance author. With multiple number one best sellers and a movie in the works, Jake's writing career is at the top of the game. Too bad he's got a massive case of writers block. At least until he meets Bradley Bradshaw and the two of them fall into a casual relationship that could've been ripped straight from one of Jake's books and sparks more than just Jake's writing.
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pretty-chaotic-world · 11 months
if my BPD can scream
1. I wish i could have a normal love... but no, my brain wants to worship every little detail of you until it drives me insane
2. sorry i pushed you away i felt abandoned and suicidal 
3. I’m sick of going to bed and knowing things won’t be better tomorrow 
4. I'll ask you thousands times if you really love, please don't get annoyed
5. I'll create "drama" and mishaps only to feel like I'm in home
6. i’m afraid that one day my anger will overshadow the little love i still have left for the world
7. I feel numb. No tears, no anger, nothing. Just going through the same day again and again. I would rather just sleep without waking up.
8. I'm so tired of everytime one small argument or inconvenience breaks out I want to end it and self destruct, it's so draining. 
9. I want to stop feeling anything and when i actually don't it breaks my heart but I can't cry it out.
10. "its all in your head" well duh where tf else is it gonna be??? in my fucking kidneys????
11. I am constantly between wanting people to care about me and wanting them not to so I can hurt myself without feeling guilty 
12. Psychiatrist told me there is no cure for bpd and I've to change myself. Well why cant they just let me die then?
13. Until you live with bpd you'll never know what it's like to be too much and not enough at the same time.
14. i know im constantly too much for everyone but sometimes i just want to be enough for someone
15. if he will leave me, my next diagnosis will be of "sociopath"
16. im so jealous of all the people who see him and touch him and talk to him every single day it should be me me me me 
17. oh I got my hair coloured. why? because I can't hurt myself anymore 
18. "you're so distant" because you can't handle my abandonment issues.
19. My younger self disappoint me a lot. like why were you begging people to stay in your life? ohh no worries I know the answer
20. I wanna throw a plate against the wall, stab a knife through my hand, destroy my laptop with a hammer, smash my door in with an axe and spray graffiti all over the walls of my room 
21. Why shouldn’t I be mad? Why can’t I just be angry and be allowed to feel it? Why can’t I burn everything down?
22. I have to watch my mouth every fucking second to make sure I don't destroy every relation I have coz apparently social life matters!!
23. Isnt it fucked up how he got away with every horrible thing he made me experience and I’m the one who has to live with myself feeling absolutely fucking worthless 
24. I don't deserve food and love. im a horrible person.
25. this is how my eating cycle goes
feeling weak coz i haven't ate anything -> eat -> purge -> feeling guilty after purging -> eat more -> feeling guilty after eating so much -> cry coz you don't know what's happening
26. the diagnosis makes me believe I'm not insane just lil emo ig!! NOOOO YOU'RE INSANE
27. “don’t let it bother u” baby i’m gonna be bothered by this for the next 10 years 
28. if I tell you I love you its equivalent to I can kill someone for you
29. Actually upon further inspection that shit really hurt my feelings 
30. I don't dive into insecurity anymore, i drown in self-loathe
31. i shut up in between group convo coz I know I'll talk invaluable shit and nobody really cares what I say until it's psychology class
32. "if you are fully aware of yourself, why do you keep acting like that?" slapping self awareness on top of bpd only grants the ability to watch yourself self-destruct straight from the vip section thats all it does literally
33. “Where do you see yourself in the future” building a cult for mentally ill people 
34. ofc I've a praise kind i was ignored as a child
35. I'm much better than I was before. you know why coz I don't to air now and don't see monsters walking by side all the time
36. No I don't want to self harm anymore I need to kill that fucking monster
37. Don't mind me, I'm just casually sabotaging all my positive relationships with negative delusions because my life doesn't feel real unless something dramatic and destructive is constantly occurring 
38. i don’t care i don’t care i don’t care (im going to sob my fucking eyes out)
39. “Stop making your disorder your personality” I have a fucking personality disorder for god sake
40. turning my mental illnesses into kinks and calling it the BDSM-5 
41. "destroy something precious while you're in rage" ohh yeaa and then I'll do that again and again 
42. what I hate most about my BPD is the fact that I have started doubting every emotion that I’ve ever felt in my life, whether it’s love, my grief through multiple traumas, or my anger, & it’s so saddening. It has actually led me to start questioning my reality.
43. if I need medication to stay alive, am I really meant to be here?
44. it's either be alone without 75% of my symptoms, or be with someone and display the most horrendous unstable awful version of myself. why do i have to choose between love & happiness or peace & stability?
45. That fucking bpd rage where everyone's voices makes you want to scream and every noise around you makes you want to sh and you're so mad you can almost feel the cuts everywhere 
46. getting worked up to the point of becoming physically ill (throwing up/stomach issues etc) because you felt rejected/abandoned by your favourite person  
47. i wish my trauma made me kind as everyone says but i’m becoming what i fear the most- a monster.
48. imagine getting diagnosed with a personality disorder and the only visible representation of that disorder is an animated horse man, a sociopathic sitcom character from philadelphia, and darth vader
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crystalelemental · 2 months
Finally got myself starting on Final Fantasy 9 properly, and have some general thoughts.
For clarity, I am through the first disk's content and got through most of the Treno stuff.
Kinda like FF8, my recollections of the first playthrough of FF9 all those years ago revolve around a single point: the party split. I dreaded this. I remember absolutely hating the split, because Zidane's party is left with exactly no healing at all, and you have to deal with Potion as your only means of healing. Which costs money. But money is tight in this game because you can't ever sell equipment, because all your equipment has unique skills and different equipment doesn't always pass those particular skills to every character so you kinda just need to keep everything. As such, I remember this segment being a nightmare.
I am pleased to announce, not as bad as remembered.
For one thing, magic...kinda sucks? Again? PS1 era did not like magic, huh? Vivi's T1 spells are functionally useless, but more than that, it's the issue of MP. It's so low that you only get a few casts in any given stretch of time, only to find in boss fights that Vivi contributes less than everyone else just stabbing a target. Garnet isn't exactly much better, given that her healing is only useful a couple of times anyway.
The main reason to miss Garnet, then, is honestly the exploration phases where you need occasional pop heals. Those sections were a little difficult to break into, and required some Mandragora farming for cash. Which...I've done a lot of, I'm not gonna front. I'm also dirt poor again. The streamers I've been watching keep joking about FF12 having no money, but man FF9 feels way worse than 12 ever did.
Anyway, boss fights are the big hangup I have. While the exploration phases are difficult at times, they're at least fast-paced and zones are easily understood just by looking, unlike the other PS1 era games. So I'm overall enjoying this more than the last two from gameplay, at least. The problem is bosses suck.
Here's an example: this morning, my wife took a break from her game to nap around 8:45. We go on a walk and lunch date on Saturdays, usually leaving around 10, so I figure hey, I've got about an hour. I book up the game to play, having just finished all the Chocobo Forest and Qu's Marsh stuff, and about to press to Gizamaluke Cave. I spend about three minutes getting over there, about 12 exploring the cave thoroughly, about 35 fighting the boss, and about 5 getting the next Blue Mage skill (I'm using a guide to indicate Blue Magic, given that Quina is mandatory for an indeterminate amount of time).
"What the hell kept you?" you may ask. "Surely the boss wasn't that hard." It wasn't. I won first try. "It shouldn't take that long, though?" It does. Because of Zidane. Zidane is the main character. He is also a thief. Which means they had to design a system that makes thieving important. Thus, equipment having all the unique skills and such. Bosses have equipment. It's unclear whether you can buy them later (so far everything can be, but how long it takes varies), but even with that, the economy is in shambles, and you likely don't want to spend the money for it. So you spend an ungodly amount of time trying to steal semi-rare equipment, with Zidane failing some 40+ actions in a row for no reason, as your party just sits around waiting for him to do his singular fucking job, draining your Potion stocks from like 90 to 30.
I will admit that to some degree, I may be overly concerned about the stealing mechanic. But I also am 100% certain there will be unique steals sooner or later. I'm kinda surprised they haven't already happened. And in a game where equipment matters so much not just for its own sake, but for learnable skills? Now I need to get everything. The brain disease compels me. The only one I let go was Beatrix, because I didn't feel like resetting after all those scenes just for her rare drop. Turns out it was a sword you can buy almost immediately, so apparently sometimes the game plays pranks.
I dunno. This feels very similar in structure to FF8. What's the functional difference between spending 30 turns drawing magic for everyone, or spending 30 turns stealing? Answer: in the former, your characters are all doing something, and "Draw heal spells" is usually an option. In the latter you just get the piss beat out of you while Zidane does fuckall for 30 of god's own minutes. And yeah, maybe like FF8 there are better ways of doing this, and I'm not really required to do all of this. But shit dude, without encyclopedic knowledge of the game, how am I supposed to know this isn't unique stuff? So the compulsion is reinforced.
I don't dislike the game, I just wish that stealing mechanics weren't always so terrible. I legitimately hate having to do stealing in Final Fantasy games, I feel like it's never good. There's always some stupid shit about rare steals and unique equipment and it drives me nuts. I suppose this game isn't too different in that regard. I just wish it wouldn't.
(also I am actively avoiding the minigame discussion. I hate catching frogs. I hate Chocobo Hot and Cold. Minigames in this era of Final Fantasy are intolerable.)
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jotun-philosopher · 1 year
Good Omens is living rent-free in my brain...
...and the resulting scenarios floating around in there are pretty varied and won't stop coming, so I hope you like 'em, however improbable they may be!
I'm no great shakes at story-writing or anything, so I can't do much more than fling these ideas into the void, but if you want to use one or more as fanfic/fanart prompts, go right ahead! (and tag me on the result pls! I'd love to see it :D)
Second part here, third part here
Crowley finding Jemimah's pot tucked away carefully in a corner of the bookshop (maybe in the vicinity of Aziraphale's journals?) and getting all sentimental
Crowley getting a text alert on his phone, and when he opens it he gets pelted with origami nightingales folded from pages of notes in Aziraphale's hand -- attempts to figure out his feelings, erotic haiku, doodles of things he'd like to do with Crowley, sketches for possible engagement ring designs, vital information on the Second Coming copied from the hyper-confidential files; the sort of thing an angel undercover might need to hide from the Metatron in a hurry
Aziraphale having really, really bad PTSD after Apocalypse 2 gets resolved/prevented (and Crowley supporting him through it from his own experience of trauma recovery)
Aziraphale barely escaping Heaven with his life when he finally makes the choice to fully break away, and wandering in a haze until he comes across an empty playground and sits disconsolately on one of the swings, trying to figure out what the heck he's going to do now. Meanwhile, Crowley's out for an aimless midnight drive when he passes a playground and-- Hang on a minute! *brakes hard* Pale figure with mangled white wings, looks like they've been dragged backward through a hedge and beaten up? Is it...? Could it be...? Yes, it is! *gets out, goes over and sits on the swing next to his angel* They sit together in silence for a while, quietly reconnecting, and when the moment feels right, Crowley starts speaking to sympathise about how much the permanent loss of innocence really f***ing sucks, whether it happens a bit at a time or all at once
Nina and Muriel separately then jointly figuring out the shape of at least some of the machinations happening, then the rest of the Shopkeepers' Association also figuring out that Something Weird is going on that they want to help with if they can, and sending an envoy to Crowley (who seems to them to be best placed to explain things). He ends up calling an Extraordinary Meeting of the Shopkeepers' Association for the purpose of explaining the story from The Beginning -- involving, among other things, the similar awfulness of Heaven and Hell, a dramatic re-enactment of the whole Job business and at least 30 minutes without hesitation, deviation, repetition or pausing for breath on why he's head over hindquarters for his soft, fluffy angel who gave away his flaming sword <3
Aziraphale correctly and unhesitatingly pronouncing 'Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch' and Crowley reacting appropriately <3
Gabriel and Beelzebub deciding to come back to help prevent the Second Coming (to repay Aziraphale's kindness/compassion? to make amends for all the trouble they caused and 6000+ years of being really awful? the lack of hot chocolate on Alpha Centauri? something else entirely?)
edit to add a couple I just remembered:
Crowley saying in reaction to some discovery or other: "Rrrrrrrrr, I am gonna PAMPER that angel SO HARD when I get my hands on him!!" Aziraphale (chimes in flirtatiously): "Was that a threat or a promise? Either way, I look forward to it!" *waggles eyebrows* Crowley: *flustered snake noises*
Jesus himself offering to cater the Ineffables' wedding for free as thanks for the 'all-the-kingdoms' thing and the world-saving
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heartfucksmouth · 7 months
just crying silently while holding a finally-sleeping baby (20 lbs and 2.5 feet tall baby) who refused to nap longer than 30 mins today and has emotional tantrums like a 2 yr old, complete with throwing their bodies backwards and biting lolol this poor kiddo just wants to be a big people
I think I'm just crying bc I'm so tired and feeling a lot of conflicting emotions about literally everything in life. like why does the world continue to spiral out in flames and I feel like I'm in survival mode when all I've wanted to do for 4 years is actually LIVE and THRIVE and, now, raise my child to be a good human but everything is isolating and a fucking battle to get done and I feel lonely and I can't even spend time with my partner or focus on myself I feel like time is constantly running out, money is running out, kindness is running out, and my brain cells can't even function anymore.
like. being a mom and being ill is really fucking hard. as if that's a surprise, but I'm so overwhelmed anticipating the next 3 months bc I've got 10 more appointments this month alone, plus an endoscopy and my pre-op is in MAY and I'm gonna have fucking hip surgery while I have a 1 year old who will probably definitely be walking lmao
also the world is on fire, did I say that? myles hours got cut at ups bc they're greedy fucks and we simultaneously lost our food stamps bc he made too much money during holiday season and I've been waiting over a month for my new application to get filed and I'm basically living on coffee smoothies electrolytes and whatever his mom cooks for dinner. at least I can kind of feed my kid tho even tho he wants solid food already bc on the inside he's a 30 yr old and WIC only pays for formula + purees.
day by day. hour by hour. it's all I can do. I'm so. fuvking. sick of burning out 2 days after I finally recover. I have so much more to say but no energy to form words anymore.
parenting is so fucking triggering it's wild. today wasn't even all that bad, either, but everything reminds me of my past right now. and I continue having to mask and play nice with a literal energy vampire that we live with sooooo
editing to add that I am still extremely obsessed with my son , he's beautiful and his laughter is like a drug I've never experienced and he looks like a literal cherub when he sleeps but holy shit let's start being honest about parenting too. this world doesn't make ANYTHING easy for most people...
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greenerteacups · 1 year
You are the one of the best writers ever and not just fanfic. I mean all round. Lionheart is PERFECTION. I don't know if you answer these kinds of questions but I really want to know how you do it! Obviously your natural talent is out of this world, but... you're obviously sooo well read and informed, and you work, and you find time to write the greatest fanfic of all time. HOW? I'm late 20s, a mother, working, and I don't know how to do anything but exist. Do you have any tips to get more done?
Thank you so much! I'm really flattered and honored that you think so much of my lil ol' writing, and I'll answer as best I can.
The writing part is literally the most boring answer in the world, but I started writing when I was in middle school, and 99% of everything I wrote was terrible. And then I kept writing through high school, and 50% of everything I wrote was terrible. And then I kept writing through college, and now I'm through college, and there is still a non-zero percentage of everything I write that is terrible! (I just don't publish it. Cackles in editorial discretion.) So there's a brute force element to being able to write, which is that like any sport, if you just put a gun to your own head and do it once a day or so for ten years, you will become some version of good at it, even if you're not where you want to be. But I think the biggest thing is I love to read, and read widely, and read stylistically challenging/capital-W Weird Shit, which is how I developed a writer's voice. Reading other people's writing is like visiting a candy store of ways to write. Some are to my taste, some aren't, but in any case, adventurism pays off.
With respect to time, you have buried the lede here, my friend: you're a working mother. And you have time for reading as a hobby! And you're under 30! If your schedule was any freer, they would have to arrest you for making the rest of us look bad! I can offer you my own personal tips, but I guess the headline is that you should feel damn proud of what you can do in a day's work. Sometimes your body can only execute so many tasks in an 18-hour interval, and writing isn't gonna be one of those tasks. It isn't for me, always.
One reason I write and read so much — and a possible answer to your question – is probably because I use them as background thoughts. When I'm going for a run, for example, or when I'm doing chores, my brain usually drifts back to what I'm writing, and I start reflecting on how to approach the next chapter, or things I'm not satisfied with in the outline; it's basically try to solve narrative/pacing problems. When I have an idea, I add it as a Reminder on my phone, and keep going about my day. Brandon Sanderson has this great video series about how to get started seriously working as a young author, and one of his recommendations is to get a job in manual or tedious labor, because you can do it and "write" in your head at the same time. (As he did, early in his career!) I don't have one of those jobs, but I do have a lot of tasks in my day where I don't need all of my bran for it, so I sort of use writing the same way some people use podcasts. It especially helps on days when I can't sit down to write. But in general, there's nothing any artist can do except make the most of whatever time we can, and try to feel proud of what we did with it.
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feydpauls · 9 months
for the ao3 wrapped: 1, 6, 12, 13, 20, 29, 30 and and and!!!! alright, i'll stop here for now haha. if that's too much, you can also just answer the ones that seem the most interesting to you 💙💙💙
my sea!!! 🥹🥹 you didn't have to send more, but thank you <33
How many words have you written this year?
according to ao3 i published 130,131 words this year but i've written a lot more since i don't post everything i write and i still have WIPs.
2. Favorite title you used
'i can't lost when i'm with you' since it's from a song i associate with gunwoojin. i listened to it on repeat to write the fic and i think it fits them perfectly!
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
at least five but tbh idk if i'm gonna finish even half of them. it all depends on my fickle muse lol
13. What’s your longest work of the year?
i want your fortress next to mine - started posting it in 2022 but i finished it this year. it's 44k words long and it's one of my fav fics i've ever written.
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
to be honest, i have no idea. i remember reading over the first chapter of 'a juxtaposition in fate' too many times until i was finally satisfied with it though.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
from you need a big god:
"Without wasting any more time, Seungho picks up a machete, stained with blood, off the floor and stabs the back of the nearest man. He does it again to the second man that’s directly on his way, tearing through them like they’re just obstacles. One after the other, Seungho slices through their flesh, stabs limbs and backs and slits throats. He punches and kicks when necessary, but he doesn’t care for etiquette right now.
He has to keep Euijeong safe. And Gicheul... He has to keep them both safe, his brain supplies. 
Blood splashes on his clothes (the white suit he knows belongs to Gicheul) until there’s no more white left. Everything is red. His clothes, his hands and, without a doubt, his face too. He can smell the blood, its pungent, almost sweet scent. And taste it too - thick and metallic on his lips, invading his mouth. 
Seungho’s left eye hurts from a punch he was too slow to dodge, but he doesn’t care. All he cares about is getting to the two people he needs to protect. 
He leaves a trail of bodies behind him as he enters the main office. He can’t see neither Euijeong or Gicheul. All he registers are the men, these strangers, turned into foes by posing a threat to the woman he loves and the man he’s sworn his loyalty to.
Seungho hacks away at the thug's back with the machete over and over until he’s lying on the floor motionless. He doesn’t feel anything as he watches the men bleed out for a moment before moving on to the next. Later he’ll surely ask himself what has become of him. 
The answer precedes the question when he sinks his teeth into another thug’s flesh, ripping off part of his ear: an animal. 
A beast. 
And for what? He doesn’t even know anymore.
His job, sure. The one thing that he’s clung to since he was a teenager, while he watched his junkie of a father ruin his family. He didn’t want to be like him, he wanted to be good. And now look at him.
His body moves like it was made for this: maim, kill, tear through flesh and break bones. He’s a killing machine. He’s transformed into the very thing he’s vowed to fight against. Right in front of Euijeong’s eyes.
The cut on his hand doesn't hurt nearly as much as her look of utter shock. It's like something shatters between them and the shards cut into the deepest parts of him.
When their eyes meet through the glass, that’s when Seungho finally stops. And for a moment, finally, he’s Junmo again. He is the man that proposed to Euijeong inside a police car, who stumbled over his words as he asked her to date him instead of a ‘Seoul guy’. The man who made her laugh with his silly jokes and brought home her favorite dessert every Friday to cheer her up after a long week of work.
But this man, standing behind the glass, is no longer that man. He realizes that now. Even before Gicheul is by Euijeong’s side, in a way better state than Seungho is, holding her as he says something Seungho can’t make out.
That’s his wife. And Gicheul is touching her, looking at her like she is his. He notices the necklace around her neck and the fabric soaked in blood tied around her hand, and he thinks,  maybe she is . Maybe she belongs to him just as Seungho does."
this was easily my fav scene from the show so writing about junmo's thoughts here was really fun and i love how it turned out.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
that i can actually write canon compliant(ish) fics if i put some effort into it haha. still not my absolute fav thing to write but it's not as difficult as i thought it'd be.
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baronetcoins · 1 year
fic writer asks
tagged by @chiropteracupola - I so do love attention, and these were interesting questions for sure
ao3 name: BaronetCoins (I have Consistent Branding, goddammit)
fandoms: Somewhat actively? Henry V (1989), various MCYT subgroups, and Destiny. In the past, I've done some magnus archives and some rusty quill gaming. Temeraire is hanging around on the periphery though, threatening to add itself to the list without my wish.
number of works: 92. I do write many short things.
work I spent the most time on: cough. polite cough. Oberth Maneuver. I started work on the concept in December of 2021. It's the only thing to have gotten full revisions as I'm writing
work I spent the least time on: Not Interested. Jesus christ I don't want to think about this one for quality reasons, but I used to churn out this quick destiny stuff in like... less than 30 minutes at a time.
longest fic: oberth maneuver again
shortest fic: You ordered well / They brought you medium rare. Shoutout to the 48 hour mcyt exchange for being one of the most batshit things I agreed to do ever.
most hits: May Your Days Be Merry and Bright. I don't even like this fic. God. Why does the magnus archives fandom find a three year old christmas fic in the middle of june and read it. I once had someone on a discord server read it before they knew me, and then tell me it was one of their comfort favorites. I should orphan it /hj
most kudos: above
total word count: 165,329
favorite work of my own: Man, I'm gonna have to pick two here. One is short, and doesn't hit unless you've familiar with both the source material and hamlet, but I am so I like it. the formatting fought me, but it was worth it. [I'm still here (but all is lost)]
the other is a fan favorite (Hi, Remmy, if you read this) and I think my favorite as a work that tried to contain a Plot instead of Vibes. I felt a Funeral, in my Brain. I don't know, It's rather too late for me to be very coherent but considering how much writing I do for myself alone, it's gratifying to write something that other people also want to read on occasion.
fic you want to rewrite / expand on: eugh. okay. I get bored of a concept very easily, so I can't say there's anything I'd rewrite, but I have so many aus or ideas I've promised myself I'm not quite done yet and will circle back around too. Some of them haven't seen the light of day at all yet, but hopefully will someday?
To name a few, not collecting links because there are many, I'd like to circle back around to: both of my baseball aus, per audacia, ahamkara au golden age flavor (that's COMING. I'm WORKING ON IT RIGHT NOW), and ITAV the cooking blog which is one Hell of a thing I'd like to do someday.
share a bit of a WIP: ah FUCK i forgot six sentence sunday. that means 12 sentences next week and I offer you a bit of WIP. as penance.
“Vous semblez dangereux.” He said as much.  Henry processed for a moment, chewing on the words. When he spoke again, it was clumsy. “Quoi voulez-vous dire?”  “Que.” He corrected mindlessly.  “Que voulez-vous dire?” “Vous êtes une distraction.”
Henry V college AU. Because I need Something to hold on to to get through my spanish homework. allow me my self indulgence.
tagging; the court, of course: @kangoo and @kingstealer if you wish. Further, @bidoofenergy, and @arcaneglitch
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deeisace · 1 year
So mum got a message from my uncle - she says he only seems to message like late in the evening, she said probably when he's like drunk enough that messaging his supposed-to-be-excommunicated sister seems like a good idea, and that it's almost always like "I really love you" type messages
Anyway, mum messaged him careful like, hope you don't mind, I'm gonna come to granny's funeral, I'll sit at the back so I don't like upset anyone
And he replied, no you won't, you'll sit with the family, I'll sit right next to you
And their sister - I don't know if mum told her about the convo or my uncle - cs she's left the truth too but somehow in a magical no-consequences way where she still gets to live with her family and doesn't seem to be being shunned by everyone, which like. Is the rules, tho? But I'm very happy for her
Anyway, she said, don't worry about it, I'll sit on your other side, we'll protect you
All of which made me cry when mum told me, cs it's so so not how it's supposed to work with the witnesses disfellowship thing
There's been two other grandma's funerals - the first one in the 90s, mum wasn't told Norah had died by family, but later by a friend, and had to sit at the back and be ignored by her entire family - and then the second was a zoom call a couple years ago, that we were told about and did go to (cs it was my grandad's mum's funeral, and he's been disfellowshipped too), but with our cameras turned off and with the call ended before they did the just-family bit
But then. If they let grandma Audrey's son go to the funeral, he left the same way my auntie has, but also by moving to Cornwall in the 80s so there really really was no consequences when he stopped going to meetings (except that he lives in Cornwall, which is lovely but also 300 miles away from his entire rest-of-family, who all live very closely - tho idk, he might've wanted it that way) - which they are, then they can't refuse my auntie, and if they can't refuse her, then they can't refuse my mum - especially not for something she did at 16 years old, 30 years ago, it's so fucking stupid
Tho I spose, it's not one mistake and then she's come back and been a good witness and such - like my uncle, who says he's "put away all of his doubts in a box in his brain" so that he doesn't lose his family, three kids - she continued being worldly, living immorally by having me out-of-wedlock, and tattoos and bright hair, and all the stuff you're not supposed to do as a JW
But it's still the most stupid situation in existence - it's just that my entire family are stuck in a cult, basically - the 1920s-50s grandparents are the ones who converted, so like literally no-one alive now knows anything different - except in a "look what happens if you step away from Jehovah's love" way, with my grandad and mum as examples
Anyway it's incredibly lovely and I'm very emotional about my aunt and uncle very purposefully including my mum, cs it's not always been able to be that way - and I'm not sure they won't get a telling off about it, tho surely it won't go so far as a council
It's such a horrible stupid fucking situation to be in, the whole disfellowship thing
But, at least we have the details of the funeral now, and I have almost two weeks to find a black top or jumper or something that doesn't look too queer, to wear for it
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