#he's just the bestest best boy ok!!
rayandgay · 1 year
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protective!team my beloved
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mischieveousmayhem · 2 months
Hiiii I was wondering if I could request a Deku x reader and jealous ochako??
It goes where reader and deku are childhood besties like pinky promised to marry each other when they get older besties but reader had to move away to another country due to being accepted into one of the most prestigious quirk schools in the world (besides UA) and she ends up coming back to Japan during the UA sports festival and her and deku have a sweet reunion but ochako seems to be a bit jealous of reader and tries to make it obvious abt how she feels abt deku but in the end ultimately decides her jealousy isn’t worth losing her friendship over and deku and reader end up together :3
"Until we meet again.."
a/n: ok this took me a minute to figure out what i wanted to do but please enjoy! i did see the other part anon , where you requested what the quirk is, i just spiced it up a little! also please request guys im so uninspired till i see requests.
pairing: Izuku Midoriya x Fem! Reader , one sided Izuku Midoriya x Ochako
Warnings: Jealousy, Cursing, Making Ochako act slightly fannon and annoying, Reader moves to Getmaly
Genre: Fluff , maybe slightly angsty?
Synopsis: Y/N L/N finally returns to Japan where she can finally see her bestest friend. However, someone (Ochako) has a crush on her best friend, Izuku. When Ochako sees the two super close she tries to steal all of Izuku's attention away from the reader. But is it worth the loss of making her crush, but friend hate her?
Readers Quirk: Energy Absorbtation. User can absorb energy around them (ex. electricity, heat, etc.) and release powerful bolts of pink bolts. User also has laser eyes and can absorb enough energy to fly . (Basically Starfires powers but using energy to create the power). However the user must be super careful! Absorbing too much energy can make them have too much adrenaline and lose control and go manic!
"HEY!" A small voice boomed across the playground.
The ash blonde and his friends turned to see to see who was yelling at them. The green haired boy sunk more thinking it was just another person who would treat him the same as the ash blonde, Kastuki Bakugou and his friends were.
"Leave him alone! He didn't do anything to you."
Looking at the figure it was a girl, she had H/C pigtails and beautiful S/C toned skin. This made Bakugou smirk. Really? A girl tryna challenge the great Katsuki.
"Ooohhh I'm so scared , what is a little weak girl gonna do." He sarcastically remarked.
She smiled, "Weak? You call this weak?" There are pink bolts forming around her hand.
"Wowww so your a night light?" One of the ash blondes friends say.
"Hmm, no." She takes the bolts and pulverizes a nearby petite plant. The ash blonde and the rest of the bullies eyes widened, "Could be you next by the way." She said knowing that the plant was only turned to ashes for two reasons, it was a small plant and secondly, she didn't really know how to use her quirk that well so she absorbed a powerful bit.
Bakugou snaps out of it, "Yeah whatever, I'm not scared of you. We're just gonna leave cause we don't hang around useless nerds." Bakugou leaves while his "posse" follows behind him.
The girl walks up to the green-headed boy on the ground and reaches out a hand. He immediately takes it.
"Thanks for that..." He spoke shyly not knowing the girl who was seen as a stranger.
"No problem! Whats your name by the way?" She smiled.
"Izuku Midoriya."
"Cool name! I'm Y/N L/N"
"Nice to meet you L/N"
"Please just call me Y/N!"
From then on the two hung out more and more each day and they grew closer and closer. To the point where one day when they were playing house in Y/N's backyard a conversation came up.
Currently the two had stuffed animals and dolls as kids and Y/N smiled "I can't wait to have a life this growing up! It's so fun being married to you too!"
"Yeah it is fun. I want to have a life like this when I grow up to! Being a hero and having kids that look up to me would be a great life" Izuku smiled at her agreement.
"I have an idea, when we grow up, let's get married!" She exclaimed.
"Okay!" He says giving her a hug.
Once the hug breaks she holds out her pinky.
"Pinky promise?"
Their fingers lock.
"Pinky promise."
The two were super estatic to grow up and marry each other. However they ran into a road bump.
"Izuku..I'm sorry but I have to leave the country. I got an offer to go to a better school than U.A."
Those words rang into Izuku's ears everyday even to the present day. Everyday he missed her , everyday he wanted to see her face to face instead of just texting her or calling her. He missed her dearly. Y/N was like Izuku's oxygen. He felt it hard to breathe without her. However her going away didn't set him back from his journey to becoming number one hero. In fact, it pushed him harder.
This takes us to present day, the day Y/N gets to come home. Although it is not permanent, Izuku is very happy she is coming back home even if it's just for the festival. Sure all his friends were nice at U.A. Especially Ochako. She considered Izuku her best friend, but he didn't consider his. Y/N would always be his best friend no matter what.
They haven't been separated that long either it's been like what? A year? Maybe a little less? Either way he was just happy he was going to her again. And again was today.
Waiting at the bus stop for her to get off, Ochako stood next to him, more like against him, she gave him like zero personal space. They were gonna walk with Y/N to U.A since she must not be familiar with Japan anymore.
"Soo who are we waiting for?" Ochako started conversation.
"My childhood best friend." Izuku says.
Ochako questions, "Oh really? Did they not pass the exam go get into U.A?"
"Actually that's not it at all. She got an offer to take an exam at a much more prestigious school and she passed. She is one of the top students in her class." Izuku explains.
She? His best friend was a she? This made Ochakos stomach turn into knots. She has had a crush on Izuku for a while but he knew his so called childhood best friend longer. What if he liked his childhood best friend instead of Ochako? Is that why he ignores all her small hints? Or maybe the boy is just oblivious as hell.
Snapping her out of her thoughts, the bus pulled up and there came a beautiful S/C toned girl who stepped off smiling as wide as possible.
Izuku didn't even almost notice her! She had changed so much. Her hair had pink highlights, the same shade as her energy bolts along with puberty hitting her like a bus, and not just her body, but her face matured. The only thing that made Izuku sure it was her was that wide smile and her glimmering E/C eyes.
"Izuku!" She jumped and embraced him. Before he could even embrace her back they started flying in the air in circles. After 5 seconds of spinning Y/N made sure both their feet touched the ground.
Ochako just stood there awkwardly watching this entire interaction. However her awkward stance is what was hiding that boiling feeling inside her.
"You can fly now?!" Izuku exclaimed at Y/N.
"Yeah! Training really does help you explore what else you can do with your powers." She smiled. "I can't wait to see your awesome quirk today at the festival."
She knew Izuku got a quirk , however she didn't know the backstory on how or why he got it so late. She didn't even bother to ask because the boy was happy and she wouldn't dare ask unless he offered to tell her.
"I'm gonna try my best to win." He says before turning to the awkward Ochako.
"Oh Uraraka, this is my best friend I was telling you about! This is Y/N and Y/N, this is Uraraka." He introduced the two.
Y/N stuck out her hand in front of Uraraka to shake it, "Nice to meet you, by the way you're like soo pretty."
Ochako shook Y/N's hand, "Nice to meet you too, and thanks." She said, but you could hear the slight bitterness in Ochako's voice.
The three walked to U.A together, mainly Izuku and Y/N talking and laughing while Ochako trailed behind them, like a third wheel. This wasn't fair. When Y/N wasn't here Izuku would be talking and laughing with her not Y/N. She would just have to get Izuku's attention some way.
Before the festival started Izuku and Y/N shared on more conversation.
"Woww , it must be fun to be able to compete! In Germany we can't compete in festivals till we're second years." Y/N explained.
"I wish so too, I would love to try to compete against you so I can show you how I can beat you with my quirk." He said pumping a fist up.
"And may she might, young students!" All Might appeared out of no where behind the two. The voice startled Y/N but when she turned around she saw All Might.
"Oh my stars! It's All Might!! Wait what do you mean?" She titled her head.
"I have heard about you , L/N. You and your fellow students were in a magazine a while ago." He explained, while Y/N's eyes lit up. "I can speak and have it arranged for you to join us in our festival. I want to see you at work."
"Oh my stars! Really?! Like really , really?!" Y/N was so happy right now she looked like she was gonna pee herself.
"I can try. Now wait for me outside in the hall while I speak to this young student." All Might says as Y/N obeys and closes the door on the way out.
All Might shrinks back down to regular old Toshi. He coughs before speaking.
"Does she know?"
"No, I didn't tell her."
"Good , I was afraid you would tell her especially since she doesn't go here." Toshi says, weakness in his voice. "I'm going to go take her to talk to the other pros in charge to see if we can get her to join the festival. I know you will do good Midoriya." He places a hand on Izuku's shoulder before going back to being All Might.
Before leaving he turns around and says, "Good luck."
Y/N hummed as she changed in the locker room. Ochako so happened to be there getting prepared. When Ochako spots her she immediately tries to avoid Y/N however Y/N's attention was somewhere else. She was just too excited for this opportunity.
When Ochako realized Y/N wasn't paying attention she stared at Y/N. Damn, she wouldn't blame Izuku if he did like Y/N. Y/N was beautiful and she looked so much better in the gym uniform then Ochako.
Y/N wore a sports bra only under the uniform because she wasn't prepared for this. Ochako saw this and thought she should do the same so Ochako took off her tank top and left her sports bra on with just the gym uniform on top.
Y/N turns, "Oh Uraraka! Guess what they're letting me compete in the festival." She smiled.
"Oh. I am happy for you. I hope you do well."
"You too! May the best one win." Y/N smiles friendly before leaving.
"Yeah may the best one win.." Ochako mutters knowing that she didn't want to just win the festival she also wanted to win Izuku's love and attention.
The festival contained of many challenges.
The first one was the obstacle course. Y/N ended up passing at number 15. That was only because she didn't use flight for it. She used her pure skills.
Next was the calvary battle. Y/N ended up being placed on team Todoroki. She was having so much fun she barely noticed it was a challenge.
Finally , it was one on ones. Y/N won her first round against Mina and she was super pleased by it. She didn't think she was that good with her quirk. But she had an advantage against Mina's acid. Acid is a chemical, and chemicals have energy.
It was time for Uraraka and Bakugou to fight and Uraraka was nevous before she went on so she went to Izuku.
But before she did she unzipped her uniform to show off her sports bra and then confronted him unfortunately Y/N was there.
"Oh Midoriya!" She exclaimed interrupting what Y/N and Izuku were talking about. "I have to fight Bakugou and I'm so gonna lose" She said almost in an almost too dramatic way.
"Let me help you come up with a pla–" Izuku tried to speak.
"I don't need your help with winning, I want to do this on my own. I know I can do it." Ochako say, "I'm just so nervous, can I have a hug before I go on?" She asks with pleading eyes.
Izuku and Ochako embrace for a solid 10 seconds before Y/N joins in. Then the unwanted group hug only lasts about 5 seconds.
"You're gonna do great Ochako! Bakugou just has a bigggggggg ego since forever. You're gonna win." Y/N smiled.
"Yeah, you are Ochako!" Izuku agrees.
"Thanks guys..." The "guy" thats came out her mouth was super bitter and she stared daggers at Y/N while she said it. However Y/N thought it was on accident so she smiled.
That almost frustrated Ochako past her limits. But made her think why is Y/N being so nice? Why can't Y/N back off OCHAKOS Izuku? Whatever it didn't matter.
Ochako hugged Izuku one more time before going to her battle. As she walked off she thought that if she did well it would impress Izuku and he will fall in love. Maybe she's being delusional but she won't give up on him.
Y/N and Izuku watched the painful battle of Ochako vs Bakugou. They were both putting on a strong fight but Bakugou was obviously winning.
"She needs to forfeit or she's gonna get seriously injured, Izuku."
"She's gonn—" He's cut off when Ochako hits the ground.
Y/N gasps and Izuku's eyes widen.
Midnight declares Ochako is unconscious, however leading Y/N and Izuku rushing down to recovery girl.
A few moments later Ochako's eyes fluttered open. She saw Y/N and Izuku next to her.
"Shes awake!" Y/N exclaimed. "Are you okay?"
Ochako stared blankly. Why was Y/N here? But she knew Izuku was here so she put on a little act, "Oh my..I'm in so much pain right now." She wasn't seriously lying, Recovery Girl can't fully help Ochako recover.
"You put on a good fight Uraraka! It's nice to see you awake however, I have to prepare to fight Todoroki in a little. I'll catch you guys later!" Izuku hugged Ochako and she became slightly flustered before he left the room.
Sitting down in a chair next to Uraraka, Y/N speaks, "That fight was so impressive! I could see your strategy. I wish you won it would have been so badass for you to beat Bakugou."
While Y/N kept complimenting Ochako and talking about the fight. Ochako realized something. Ever since Y/N came back she's just been jealous of her. When in reality she shouldn't have. Y/N has no bad intentions towards her, she just wants to be her friend. Imagine if Izuku knew what she thought of Y/N? He would hate her guts.
"And the way you used your jacket for a—" Y/N was cut off by Ochako,
"Do you like Midoriya?" Ochako asks.
"Yes, he's my best—"
"I mean do you like him?" She exaggerates the like this time.
Y/N stops and thinks before answering.
"... It doesn't matter, I don't think he feels the same." The answer came out her mouth almost too quietly, but Ochako heard it.
"L/N," Ochako sat up, wincing from the little pain she had left and grabbing Y/N's hand. "The way he looks at you, the way he interacts with you, every time he interacts with you it's different from others. He doesn't just like you, I'm sure he loves you. You're the love of his life, you should tell him."
Y/N is speechless, "But don't you like him?"
"How'd you know?!?" Ochako becomes flustered.
"It's obvious."
"Then it's also obvious he doesn't like me back."
Y/N got up and helped Ochako get up. "I know you like him, but I don't want to get with him if you lik—"
"Please, who cares if I like him, I want him to be happy and he's obviously happy with you. So let's go watch him kick ass." Ochako smiled hooking her arms with Y/N's as they went to go watch Midoriya vs Todoroki.
"Aww you did so well , though." Ochako spoke, where Ochako, Y/N, and Izuku were all back with Recovery Girl.
"I agree." Y/N smiled.
"Thanks guys, I'm disappointed though."
"Next year, you're going to beat him for sure." Ochako says.
"Same goes for you beating Bakugou."
"Speaking of Bakugou," Y/N chimes in, "I'll avenge you right now. Cause guess who has to fight him."
The two stared at Y/N.
"He's super strong though." Midoriya spoke up.
"He may be strong but I'm sure I'm stronger." Y/N smiled.
"You got this girlie! If anyone can beat him it's you." Ochako smiled optimistically, and this time there was no bitterness.
Y/N stood in the ring across from Bakugou.
"We meet again Katsuki." Y/N smiles.
"Don't call me that."
"Hmm, I'll call you whatever I want after I beat you." Y/N smiles.
"The hell? You'll never beat me."
"Wanna bet?"
"Damn right, I do."
Y/N giggles, "I'll go easyy.."
Bakugou had enough of the talk he sent the first explosion towards her. Using acrobatic skills, she flipped out the way dodging the attack.
"Damn, thats all you got?"
"Fuck no."
Y/N flew up throwing bolts at Bakugou.
The two were fighting for a good 15 minutes. The area was smoky from not only Bakugou's explosions but Y/N's bolts and laser eyes.
Unfortunately, Y/N was beat by Katsuki by default because she absorbed too much energy and went manic.
When everyone recovered and everyone recovered it was time for Y/N to go home. Izuku was sad and so was Y/N. They didn't know the next time they would see each other and this made them both upset.
It was rainy, and they both stood under an umbrella waiting for the bus to take Y/N to the airport.
"You did awesome at the festival." She broke the silence.
"So did you." He spoke , but there was sadness in his voice.
"You know, I'm really proud of you and your quirk is amazing. I can't wait to see how hard you train and how good you are next time I see you." She smiled almost sadly, "And then I'll fight your that time."
He chuckles, "I hope you don't think you're gonna win."
"Trust me, I will."
The bus pulled up and the two looked even more sad.
"I guess this is it for who knows how long." Izuku turns and faces her.
"Don't be sad, Izuku. Our separation is only temporary. Remember, I'll come back and we will get married?" She cuffs his cheek.
He lit up a little, not thinking she remembered the promise. He melted into the touch of her hand while nodding.
They shared one last embrace,
"Goodbye, Y/N."
"Until we meet again, Izu."
The embrace broke but Y/N didn't walk off yet. What did was totally unexpected. She pecked his lips and ran on to the bus, "Call me later!"
Those were the last words he heard her say before he stood there flustered.
They wouldn't just marry each other in the future because they were best friends.
Izuku Midoriya found his true love, his soulmate, and he can't wait to see her again.
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trickstergemini · 4 months
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the bestest friends!!! they do a dancey dance
me n MY bestest friend @unoriginal-and-dumb being sillay on the blox last night…… we like these 2 so MUCH……..
sharing some of our headcanons we thought up with our big brains for kasper and lampert under the cut (most of them r mainly lampert related)
wiki says lampert was formed in a factory but it doesn’t say he was brought to LIFE in a factory. we hc that kasper “made” lampert as a child because he was lonely in ikea and had no friends. he drew a face on a lamp and the next day it turned into a boy yippee. they grew up together as best friends
kasper originally named lampert lamper, cause his name is kasper and he just replaced the kasp with lamp. when he came to life lampert was like no i think its lampert, not lamper and kasper was like ok 👍😁
they liked to play cars on the car play rug in ikea. kasper liked to race and crash them and lampert liked to send in the police and ambulance for cleanup. theyd play that over and over again it never got old
when they would play outside, they liked to set up things to look really pretty (like a nice stick and leaf house or dress up a really pretty doll) and then set it on fire with a magnifying glass (lampert liked the first part, kasper liked the second part)
kasper is korean-american and he had slightly lighter hair as a kid
both them ace and specifically lampert ace aro and specifically like romance and sex repulsed ace aro like if you stand too close to him he freaks out imagine if someone were to kiss him that would not fly. romance and sex r NASTY to him do not touch him
when lampert would hang out with kasper he would just stand very still in the corner of the room the whole time. not for any bad reason, he is just a lamp and does not see the need to do anything else than stand in the corner while he talks. when they hang out at ikea sometimes kasper starts talking to the wrong lamp because of this
lampert has a set list of facial expressions that show exactly how he feels. this is verging on not ok :) (his normal expression) this is not ok : ) or this : ( this is silly :] these are all fine :( :[ D: :D
lampert talks with a similar cadence to baymax snd also is politely blunt in the very autistic way. he states his opinion on something even if maybe its not a nice thing to say but he says it very politely (when eating food someone made for him that he really doesnt like: “i dont think i will be finishing this, it does not taste good. thank you! goodbye”)
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alex turner x reader
a friends to lovers series
your eyes wandered backstage, there was so much going on. tech crews wheeled carts around, people with clipboards and headsets paced the area, mumbling into their mics. there were so many people, yet you were only looking for one boy.
you’d been away from alex for a while. he was one of your bestest friends, always inviting you to their shows when you weren’t busy with work. you loved the atmosphere, completely in love with the music so you took any chance you could to see your friends in concert. this venue was huge, you were desperate to find him before the show started. scanning the area, you spotted one of the bands team members, quickly making your way over to him.
the man smiled at you, recognizing you from the countless shows you’d attended. “hey! need anything?” you nodded. “yes hi! would you happen to know where alex’s dressing room is?” you stood there nervously, hoping you weren’t getting in the way of the show setup.
the man knitted his eyebrows. “you’re his girlfriend right?” you blushed at the comment. “i- no just a good friend.” you smiled, in hopes that the man would show you the way. he nodded, gesturing for you to follow him. after leading you silently down a couple hallways, he scanned his keycard, unlocking a door that led to yet another hallway. you really hoped you weren’t being led to some obscure place to be brutally murdered.
“ok, the dressing rooms are down this way, i’ve gotta head back, have a good night.” you sighed, a bit winded from the walk. “thank you so much! sorry for the bother.” the man nodded and flashed you a rushed smile, mumbling something into his headset and then scurrying off.
you took a deep breath as you scanned the doors along the hallway. you weren’t sure why you were so nervous, your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest. a door sign reading MATT HELDERS caught your attention, eyes scanning to a door directly across the hall that read ALEX TURNER.
you nervously walked over to the door, hesitating before knocking lightly, you really hoped you weren’t bothering him. you knitted your eyebrows at the silence, hoping he was in there. a few moments later you heard shuffling on the other side of the door, followed by the twisting of the doorknob. the boys eyes widened and his mouth broke into a grin when he saw you. your heart fluttered and skipped a beat when he didn’t even hesitate to pull you into a tight hug. “y/n!! i’m so happy you made it!!”
you giggled as he picked you off your feet and twirled you around. your eyes widened when you got a good look at him. “alex!! your hair!!” the last time you saw him, his hair was shaggy and long-ish, cut shorter from his long hair he had a few years ago. now, the sides were gelled back, a messy quiff at the top. the boy laughed. “i know! ya’ like it?” he twirled, giving you a 360.
you nodded eagerly. “hell yeah!! you’re like a true rocker now.” he smiled at you, eyes twinkling. he seemed so genuinely happy that you were here, you noticed this, trying your best not to get all flustered. “anyway, i’m sorry if i’m getting in the way, i know the show starts soon i just missed ya’ and wanted to say hi.”
the boy shook his head. “no way, i’m so glad you’re here. i’ve gotta report backstage soon but you can walk with me.” he made his way over to his vanity, sliding on his silver rings. you were transfixed on his hands, unintentionally fantasizing about the different ways they could make that ache between your thighs go away, almost not catching the next thing he said. “i’m sure katies ecstatic to see you, she won’t shut up about how much she misses you watching backstage with her. we’ve all missed ya’.”
you smiled warmly, concerned at the way your heart still fluttered when he got closer to you. “god you have no idea how much i’ve missed everyone. i’ve just had so much work stuff come up, wish i could’ve been to more shows.” you fiddled with your own rings. “hey hey, you’re all good.” he shook his head, checking the time.
“okay, i need to be out there in like 20 minutes, wanna head out?” you nodded, waiting for him at the door. alex quickly grabbed what looked like a piece of paper but you couldn’t really tell from how fast he slipped it in his back pocket.
the whole time you two walked to the main backstage area, alex kept close to you, noticing how much he’d missed you, the smell of your perfume, the motorcycle boots you wore, all of it.
it was now 5 minutes until the boys were on, you were catching up with katie, telling her about all your work drama and what she missed when alex and jamie came up to you both. “hey, do you need anything?” alex turned to you. “no no, don’t worry about me.” the boy smiled and nodded, turning to talk to katie. you gave jamie a high five, wishing them a good show. sound tech rushed the two away, making sure their earpieces were working correctly and everything. when you turned back to katie, you noticed her slipping a piece of paper in her back pocket, similar to the one alex had earlier.
nevertheless, you thought nothing of it and redirected your attention to the stage as the boys picked up their instruments and the crown roared, the first notes of the view from the afternoon buzzing through the venue.
it was halfway through the show, it had been phenomenal so far, the atmosphere was electric and exciting. you realized how much you missed seeing them play, even if it had been only a couple months. once the last few notes of teddy picker echoed through the speakers, katie turned to you, looking a bit too giddy as she pulled the piece of paper out of her pocket, handing it to you. “alex told me to give you this near the end of the show.” she squealed softly, making you raise your eyebrows.
you took the folded piece of paper as the first few notes of secret door started playing, one of your favorite songs by them. you looked at alex strumming his guitar onstage and then back at katie. “what’s this all about?” you rose your voice so she could hear you over the music. “honestly i’m not completely sure, but if it’s what i think it is, please just open it already!” she smiled in amusement, earning a confused look from you.
upon opening the paper, you realized it was a note alex had written, which he had dedicated to you at the top. katie stepped away, letting you read alone. you stopped yourself from looking at the whole thing, only letting yourself read one line at a time
To my best friend.
I’m trying to be poetic about this, because if i’m going to tell you the things i’m about to tell you in a note rather than face to face, it’s gotta be good. Maybe a poem would be cooler, but I just need to tell you what’s been on my mind.
I think i’ve loved you for a while, I know i’ve loved you for a while. You’re such a beautiful person, through and through, I know you struggle believing that sometimes, but I can’t doubt it for a second. I’ve truly fallen so deeply in love, I can’t even recognize myself sometimes. I really might be losing it.
Yours, Alex.
part 2. coming soon
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legilimens-library · 10 months
Ok, im having a soft moment so here we go.
Im sure Severus never had anyone cook/bake for him, give him any individual affection, or do anything that made him feel special. No one to fight for him, he's always fighting for himself, yk?
But theres that one teacher (y/n), his bestest friend, always makes him feel wanted, loved, special. And he doesn't know what to do about it, so he just keeps being his cold, sassy self, UNTILLLLLLLL one day she leaves suddenly (short leave or other, your choice!). And poor boy realizes he actually really likes being wanted and appreciated- maybe confession when y/n returns?!!
Im down bad for this man, its concerning
~anonie 🖤
I absolutely adore this prompt and I enjoyed writing this little drabble for you. I apologize that it took me so long to respond, but I’m still trying to figure out how to work with the inbox and I didn’t see it right away. But anyways, I hope you like what I wrote. 🖤
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Mutual Feelings
Severus Snape x gn!Reader
1823 words
“How long do you plan to be gone?”
You were pulling your coat over your shoulders before you turned around to see Severus standing by your office desk, his brows furrowed with a sort of solemn expression as he fiddled with his hands.
For a brief moment, you thought that he might actually miss your presence while you were away. He’s never been known to show much emotion in general, but ever since you started your position as the new Herbology professor, the both of you became quite close and he couldn’t help but let his barriers down and he found himself laughing at your frivolous jokes and smiling at the thought of joining you at your office to grade assignments while jesting each other late at night. He hated to admit that you had turned him soft, but he could never bring himself to be angry with you for befriending him in the first place.
“I don’t know yet, but I’ll send you an owl once I get to my sister’s place. She’s been a little worried about our mother’s health recently, but I’m sure it’s nothing too concerning.”
As you stepped closer to Severus, he regained his posture and smiled as you looked up at him. His hands twitched, trying so desperately not to brush away the stray hairs that fell in your face. For so long, he was trying to convince himself that he had no other feelings towards you other than that of a friend, but you somehow wormed your way into his heart and all he could think of was you day in and day out. You were so kind to him, far more than he ever deserved and yet you reminded him that he was wanted, maybe even loved through your acts of kindness as you sought after his advice and even baking him cookies when you knew he needed cheering up after a long day of teaching.
“In that case, I look forward to hearing from you once you get settled. But do be careful while you’re away, I don’t know how long I can endure your students as they will most likely fail at repotting the mandrakes again.” You laugh at his words, but he does have a point. Due to the last time, one of the Ravenclaw students was a little careless when repotting his own mandrake and you ended up in the hospital wing after you fainted. Severus was unabashedly furious, but you assured him it was only an accident and there was no harm done.
“Hey, that was one time!” You slap his shoulder lightly. “Besides, I don’t think any of them would dare make a mistake while under your tutelage. But thanks again for covering for me, I appreciate you doing this.”
“Oh, if only you knew.” He chuckled lowly. “But it’s no trouble at all, and if you need any further assistance while you’re gone, I would be pleased to oblige you.”
“I’ll have to keep that in mind, thank you. I best be off now though, otherwise I’ll never hear the end of my sister pestering me for being late. Goodbye, Severus.” You reach out and wrap your arms around him in a tender embrace and he surprises himself when he willingly reciprocates the hug, giving you a gentle squeeze before he reluctantly steps away.
“Goodbye, Y/N. Safe travels.” Severus only hopes that you don’t notice the small blush that tints his pale cheeks as you turn around to the fireplace in the corner. And with the flash of green flames engulfing your figure, you’re gone.
It had been a whole week since you left the castle and Severus was experiencing an inner turmoil with himself as he pushed his food around with a fork during dinner. You would usually sit next to him for every meal and he soon came to realize how much he enjoyed your company above everyone else who sat at the high table. He never thought he would ever start to harbor feelings for anyone really and yet here he was, looking somberly at the empty chair beside him. He honestly didn’t know how much longer he could bear this unwelcoming loneliness without you there to annoy him with your silly little quips and your sweet little smile that would light up the entire room whenever you greeted him. His heart flutters at the idea of potentially confessing his intentions toward you, hoping that you would share the same sentiments, but there was only one way of knowing and he was growing eager for your return.
You of course had written him several letters, you detailing how your mother was doing quite well despite your concerns and he in return described, albeit exaggerating, how your students managed to not destroy the greenhouses despite their clumsiness. He received your most recent owl only yesterday and he was delighted to see that you would be back in no less than two days time, but it seems that the hours were dragging on and on against his favor.
With a withering sigh, Severus stood to resign from the assembly of his fellow colleagues and made the long trek back to his office to continue and hopefully complete grading the towering pile of parchments that lingered on his desk. The empty hallways were too quiet for his liking as he missed the unnecessary small talk you would have had with him and it only reminded him of your absence even more. It only made his scowl grow deeper and he began to wonder what you were doing at this precise moment, but he soon found out what that answer entailed as he opened the door to his office and stepped through the threshold of the dimly lit space.
There you were as plain as day, sitting in the rickety chair behind his desk with your hands tucked under your chin and that sweet little smile upon your face that he adored so much, as if you were expecting him all along.
“Hi there,” You couldn’t help but grin at the sight of him and the butterflies in your stomach only fluttered even more as he looked upon you in such surprise with those dark and twinkling eyes of his. You were hoping to get that sort of reaction and you tried with all your might to remain calm, but you were rejoicing from the inside at your little triumph.
Severus’s brain must have short circuited before he could give you a sarcastic reply in response, but you were too quick for him to keep up as you crossed the room to stand in front of him. He gazed down at you and he was entranced by your bright eyes for what seemed longer than was appropriate and he was confused by the worried look that replaced your smile he was so used to seeing all the time.
“Is something wrong, Severus?” Your voice sounded so timid and gloomy and he wanted to rectify that matter as quickly as he could to once again behold your cheerful expression.
“N-no, nothing is wrong, Y/N. I’m just surprised to see you, gladly, of course. I wasn’t expecting you for the next couple of days is all.” He wanted nothing more than to grab ahold of you and never let go in fear of you disappearing again, but he remained stoic in fear of not wanting to further upset you with any sudden actions.
“Oh, well, that’s alright. My mother kept insisting that she was fine and that I was wasting my time on being bothered over her health, so she sent me on my way and I figured I would come back early. I’m sorry if I startled you, I guess I should have let you know before I came back.”
“Don’t be, I’m just glad to see you back in one piece.” Severus then finally smiled, his posture softening for a brief moment before he tensed up again as you embraced him tightly. The familiar scent of your perfume engulfed his senses and he let out a soft sigh of content.
But before he could even think of the next action to take, he instinctively held your head against his chest and stroked your hair through his nimble fingers. You pulled away from him and he realized just how close you were to each other and froze, his arm still around your waist and his hand still grasping at your head. It was as if time stood still as he gazed at you longingly and without another thought, he leaned in to capture your lips in a tender kiss.
This caught you off guard for only a second, but you were quick to reciprocate his affections and kissed him languidly, wanting to savor this moment for as long as you could before you both ended the connection. Severus then rested his forehead against yours as you both caught your breath, the small puffs of air that fanned over your face warmed your cheeks even further than your rising blush ever could and smelled distinctly of mulled wine and something that could only be described as him. It was now a permanent addiction you would surely never get tired of.
“I-I um, was hoping to beat you to that first, but that was even better than I expected.” You chuckled sheepishly.
“You-you’re not angry with me?” Severus whispered, his breath hitching in the back of his throat.
“Of course not,” You voice in a hushed tone, reaching up to cup his face and stroke at his cheek gently. “I’ve been wanting to tell you how I feel about you for so long, but I was afraid you would be upset with me and it would ruin our friendship.”
He breathes a sigh of relief at your words and is overjoyed that you have the same desire for him as he does for you. He never would have known that someone would ever like him, let alone wanting to show him that he deserved to be loved in any manner after all of the heartache he has endured in the past. Yet here he was, with you in his arms as you shared more soft and sweet kisses, never wanting to part from you again.
“The feeling is mutual. But I can’t begin to tell you how delighted I am to have you here with me, just like this.” Severus sighs happily, placing a kiss atop your head as he hugs you tightly to his frame.
“Well, maybe we could go to my chambers for a nightcap and start there?” You bite your lip, still nervous with anticipation at the prospect of the Severus Snape confessing his true feelings towards you.
“I would like that very much,” Severus murmurs, taking a hold of your hand as the two of you walk down to your room like you were giddy schoolchildren once more.
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typhea · 10 months
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﹐♡﹒featuring : izuku, shoto, katsuki, eijirou, dabi, hanta ♡
﹐♡﹒infos : fluff , gn!reader, reader is called a pervert, reader is called kinky, it’s just for fun dww ♡
﹐♡﹒summary : judging you according to ur fav (don’t take me seriously 😭) ♡
i wanna be friends with you.
you’re the sweetest, kindest, and most caring darling and everyone knows it.
you act cute and innocence to hide that you’re a pervert.
you’re the “it’s mean, it’s not funny.” friend.
you have abandonment issues.
you’re either really smart or really dumb, no in between.
you have the prettiest smile like, smile rq? 😍
izuku would definitely love you <3
you overthink a lot.
you’re quiet but you have wild thoughts, like are you ok?
you probably have family/parents issues or you have the weirdest friends.
i bet you got a pretty voice.
you’re sweet but .. nobody knows it?
you have mood swings.
you’re really funny when you want to.
shoto would take a while to confess tbh but he would definitely give you the best signs 🤭
you got serious issues to be liking this type of men.
i bet you would make him shut his mouth sometimes, like in awe with how crazy you are.
you’re not cute i’m sorry, maybe you’re hot? 😏
all your clothes are black.
you’re delusional, like.. really.
you’re cute when you shut your mouth, not in a mean way like you really are. i mean like lost in thoughts idk i’m sorry, dont punch me 😞
you’re sensitive..
katsuki literally hates you but he’s even more pissed when you’re not there like, he loves to hate you :D
hii, i wanna be your friend.
i bet you’re literally a sunshine. like YOU’RE MAKING ME SMILE
no one notices when you’re sad but denki will
you have insomnia! :D
you got the best taste in everything ; clothes, music, food, .. anything!
you’re unable to say no to anyone, scared to hurt them. sometimes you even let them disrespect you or your boundaries BUT YOU SHOULDNT 😫
your handwriting looks like a 6 years old’s, im sorry. are you left-handed by any chance..?
denki would be obsessed with you ngll <33
you’re cute.
you look like a mitski song and a the weeknd song at the same time.
smile more? im obsessed.
you’re the sweetest butterfly in the world, you deserve love and affection 🤭
i bet people be telling you you’re beautiful but you still think the opposite :<
i see you with 7 kids.
you’re so patient and understanding, i know you listen to everyone vent but you never vent to anyone.
eijirou would treat you like the most precious person in the world <3
um .. you’re scary.
you’re kinky.
you get wild murder and bloody thoughts when you’re bored.
you love sweet food.
you’re mentally ill.
you’re manipulative, ahhh.
you got the prettiest eyes, IM SHAKING.
dabi would definitely fuc.. i mean he would enjoy ur company ig..
you got the best vibes fr!
i know you’re a great dancer, you’re just shy.
i bet you’re stunning, like only beautiful people likes him.
you’re kinda nonchalant.
you got a mirroring personality, you love making others comfortable with you.
your cooking skills are amazing like lemme have a taste 🙇‍♀️
you act dumb but you’re really smart.
sero would be your bestest bsf fr with benefits
thanks for reading darlin! don’t forget to like and leave a comment :)
mha m.list | request here!
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satoruhour · 9 months
Tell me why I got this vision of girldad!gojo having a daddy-daughter day (the daughter is like 3-4) while you stayed home, cuddled up in couch,you think back of times when your daughter was born. You realise how gojo had been the best if not the bestest dad ever to yalls daughter, helping you out throughout pregnancy and in postpartum, still is one of the best role model for your daughter and the model husband for you, you fell asleep thinking about these
meanwhile they arrive home- saw you cocooned like this in the couch. Gojo wasn’t sure whether it was possible for his heart to deepen the love he has for you even more- but seeing you like this has proved him wrong.
He picks up his daughter, places a kiss on her and whispers- isn’t mommy the absolute best? To which your daughter nods.
They both grab blankets from the bedroom and places it on you while snuggling themselves against you. You wake up seeing them both cuddled up with you, when gojo presses a kiss on your forehead and motions at his daughter to which they both say-
“Thank you for being the best mom, I love you” which makes you all teary eyed
This is so corny and tooth rotting HELP-
I think my brain is going all south from the sadness of shibuya arc. I’m getting emotional at this. Gonna have to share my emotion with you T😔
AWW STOPPPP I LOVE THIS 🥹🥹🥹🥹 the gojo brain rot is so real i fear it’s never going away atp. ok but. lets focus on daddy-daughter day for a bit cause how CUTE is that ???!!!! his baby is so excited to show off how cool his dad is at school. he gets both of them matching outfits and matching hats and they look so cute with satoru holding her hand while she carries her little backpack OOUGGHHHHH IM ILL THATS SO ADORBS 😭😭😭😭 you just HAD to take a pic ! it was ur lockscreen for so long ehehe
the other kids are so in awe of gojo bc one. he’s super tall but also his features r so. striking that the boys want to BE him and some of the mothers are like attracted to him bc of how sweet he is to his baby !!! he only has eyes for you tho :p
but anyway yes you realise just how good of a dad gojo is and how blessed you were with a kid like your first daughter. he’s always so cautious while handling her, always having the brightest expression when talking to her, taking care of you endlessly even when you swore you were fine (god i need him) that you get a little teary eyed before sleeping, but ultimately you’re going to sleep with a smile on your face when satoru sends you a picture of them finishing up daddy-daughter day with big grins and ice cream (they got one for you too!!) and ugh it becomes your homescreen after LOLOL
and then when they come home 🥹🥹🥹 they grab blankets for you when they see you so comfortably snuggled up after months of stressing over whether the baby would be okay, moving everywhere in the house to take care of food, diapers, etc. even when your darling girl was born you’d still be at the forefront trying to shoulder everything bc it’s just a mother’s instinct 💗
ill change ur narrative a bit tho - i would think gojo would be carrying her when she comes back and he whispers about how youre such a good mama, and your baby girl almost shouts the idea of wanting to cover you with a blanket until satoru shushes her with a kiss to her forehead LOLOL shes too cute. before they officially go to find the blanket though, gojo is telling her something - “okay, so let’s practice this a little, ‘thank you for being the best mom, i love you!’” and ur daughter is like can we change it to mama ??? we call her mama right? and gojo wants to scream into a pillow cause his baby girl is just too cuteee 😞😞😞😞 and they practice it a little until she memorises it!
then, gojo guides her thru the house to where the spare blankets are and lets her choose and lets her lug the heavy thing out into the living room and hes so mean not helping her omg. even takes a vid of her pulling it and struggling 😭😭😭 bro is insane. but anyway they both drape it over you, but not before they’re cuddling up to you as well - all the movement and fabric wakes you
and you’re smiling wide, mumbling “welcome back” while half asleep and your baby jumps into your arms and rambles alllll about daddy daughter day and how papa was the coolest there !!!! you’re all like “oh really?” and gojo only nods, on a high horse from all the praise and you shove him with a loud laugh, only to be interrupted by “waiiittt! mama! i have something to say!!!”
they look to each other for a bit before they turn to you, your daughter struggling to catch up a little bc gojo talks so DAMN fast: “thank you for being the best mama, i love you!” they get it right the second time and by then you’re doing that downward “aww” smile with big teary eyes which they just hug to comfort you and it only makes you cry more :((((( they both give you lots and lots of kisses to make up for it !!! and later at night satoru reminds you of how large of a light you’ve been to both him and your daughter and that they really really really love you so so much
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saleeba · 1 month
you look good in red and white ; william saliba
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summary ♡ new year celebrations back home prove to be a handful but william tries his best to help you out.
pairing ♡ william saliba x bengali!fem!reader
content ♡ fluff, husband!william, reader is stresseddd and just needs a sit-down tbh, bengali words/terminology, reader is mentioned as having siblings, y/c/n = your cousin’s name, y/s/n = your sibling’s name, kissing, willo being the bestest husband ever !!!!
a/n ♡ arsenal football club are so bengali-coded pass it on 💯💯 ok so red & white are super traditional & prevalent in bengali culture + they’re ofc arsenal’s colours so i connected the dots 🤓☝🏽 (you didn’t connect shit ;-;) hehe anyway it was bengali new year this time last weekend & what better way to belatedly celebrate it than with a short and sweet wilo fic :D happy bengali new year / shubho noboborsho & i hope u all (bengali or otherwise!) enjoy this one !! ❤️🤍
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“william! here, try this for us!”
no sooner than he had stepped a sandal-clad foot into the kitchen, you’re there shoving a chomchom into william’s mouth, the poor boy immediately being startled by your shouting and the manic running around of your siblings and cousins — not to mention the softly sweet intrusion his mouth experiences at the hands of his wife.
william had decided to escape the company of your dad and uncles once the mid-morning conversation turned to politics, knowing how chaotically passionate the men in your family get once the topic of current events gets brought up, in search of your comforting company in what’s the first time you’ve taken him back home in your relationship, never mind for such an important festivity. bengali new year in your motherland just hit differently and you wanted william to be fully immersed in every part of the extravagancies that your heritage brought to help pop his bengali culture cherry. unfortunately, being one of the “older younger” members of the extended family, you had taken it upon yourself to be at the forefront of all the festive tasks which meant that the new year wasn’t going to be quite the relaxed and enjoyable shared time either you or william had been thinking of. 
although, admittedly, he shouldn’t have been so surprised at the utter carnage unfolding in the kitchen since every single one of your relatives was up at the slightest sliver of dawn today, rushing about the residence to begin the pressing yet procrastinated matter of setting up decorations, preparing the food and creating the most stunning of placards for the neighbourhood’s parade; all before one in the afternoon. the hubbub was so sweeping that william had missed a good morning kiss from you — having gotten up so early to denote roles to your younger relatives in the food preparation — and he hadn’t even seen you at the brief breakfast the family had managed to slip into the schedule, making him miss your presence way too much than was allowed in his terms. it was quite definitive of your relationship that you had essentially found him before he had seen you, rushing over in an outfit that william had never seen you in — a red and white shari wrapped around your body, gold jewellery adorning nearly every possible inch of you, the tinkle-tinkle of your anklets melodically ringing in his ears as you make your way over. it all takes his breath away regardless.
“how is it, huh?” you anxiously enquire, taking a quick bite of the sweet yourself, cheeks filling with the spongey sugary goodness as it muffles your voice. “we spent forever making the mix, first it was too soft then too hard, and then y/c/n accidentally dropped it on the floor then we had to argue about what the shape was gonna be and th–”
your stressed-out rambling causes william to laugh, taking the remainder of the chomchom from you and popping it into his mouth before telling you that it’s delicious and there is no reason to worry about it.
“i can give you a hand, y’know? i’m not that bad in front of dough.” he teases, offering to take some load off you and your appointed kitchen team for the day. 
you’re quick to refuse, knowing there are quite literally hundreds of sweets and snacks needed to be made in a short amount of time to share throughout the neighbourhood and you don’t want his new year experience to be tainted with the interfamilial arguments that are sure to ensure within these here four walls over the next few hours.
“you should save yourself and rest before we set out for the parade, will, before we fully make you into our mishti guinea pig.” you usher him as best as you can towards the kitchen door and into the courtyard. “besides, i don’t want to be getting a strongly worded text from mikel for fattening you up too much for your job.” 
another chuckle from your husband, who accepts, setting off to lend his hand in something else that isn’t getting in the middle of flour and sugar being haphazardly thrown around. 
he finds himself in the company of some of your youngest cousins who assign him the role of batter in an impromptu game of cricket in the courtyard, taking the time to teach him all the techniques of a nationally beloved sport that he’s a complete novice in. after a couple of attempts of trying to understand the rules but giving up, his side nonetheless win the game and your baby cousin pipes up with the notion that william is now a “true bengali”, which makes your husband’s heart glow with affection for this new family of his.
the chattering and rushing of a group of yourself and some other cousins as you all pass through the courtyard pulls at his attention, intently watching as a number of you scramble around tables set up for the food and pace back and forth behind them and the kitchen, carrying what seems to be enough snacks to feed the whole country, never mind the neighbourhood. william can see the tension etched onto your face, brows nearly crossed over into a v-shape, and he so badly wants to step in and tell you to sit down for at least a minute but he knows the tasks at hand are more pressing and you really want to get this right for him, your family and the neighbours. he decides that he’ll have to remedy your stress once it’s actually appropriate to do so. 
another hour or two follows before the lack of you gets to william, now missing your presence by his side so much that he’s pacing around the house like a madman, dipping into every room and asking whoever he stumbles into where your whereabouts may be. william was damn near about to start shouting your name from the rooftop before an aunt of yours points him towards the direction of the garden where you’re there by yourself, hastily brushing vivid paint over the sketched-out placards for the parade very, very last-minutely. you don’t even have to look up to know that it’s your lover who’s rushing towards you.
“god, it’s all going on today, isn’t it?” you speak before he can and try to place some humour in an otherwise extremely stressful situation, not even finding the time to take your eyes off the painting to look at william while explaining what’s going on. “y/s/n cut their finger and everyone else is so busy so i have to finish these and get them dried in…” you press your phone to check the time. “... 20 minutes.” yeah, you’re somewhat fucked right now. 
“and who said you have to do it by yourself?” william rhetorically quizzes you; a mild scolding for bearing so much stress on yourself. “y/n, when’s the last time you sat down or even stopped your feet from running about the house? babe, i thought this was supposed to be a time when we both celebrated together, right? so why don’t we work together, too, yeah?”
you go to refuse him again and tell him to get ready for the parade with the rest of your family but william is having none of it.
“pass me a brush, please,” he softly demands with a sigh, hand outstretched as you eventually accept what he’s been saying to you since the morning and give him the tools he needs to help you finish the painting. you find yourselves completing it in more than half the time, leaving you plenty of time to fan them over to dry.
you turn to william, wanting to thank him for gently knocking some sense into you but getting instantly distracted when you finally allow yourself to take your husband in and appreciate him. you’re in awe of how extra handsome your husband looks in your culture’s traditional attire: a red and white panjabi set to match your shari, the golden handpainted motifs and embroidery sparkling against the rich colours of the cotton material.
“there, see, we finished it together! teamwork isn’t that bad, is it?” he teases and you respond with a tiny jab of your elbow on his side and a light laugh. “ah, hang on…” 
he turns you to fully face him and points out that your red teep is slightly off-centre between your eyebrows, raising his hand to fix it while the other rests on the side of your face. your heartbeat picks up a little faster over his warm touch that you’d been missing for so many hours and the peek of his tongue out in concentration practically has hearts swirling in your eyes. 
“there we go.” the way he smiles down at you tugs tenderly at your heartstrings and you can’t help but nearly smash your lips against his, the established habit of getting on your tiptoes to caress your alta-adorned hands along his broad shoulders helping to propel yourself into his embrace. william kisses back with all the might of a lover being starved of his wife’s touch for far too long.
a sudden call of your names quickly breaks the two of you apart, your aunt turning the corner towards you both with a camera waving in her hand and shouting something about taking a big family photo in front of the house before setting off. you and william are far too flustered to really comprehend what she’s saying before you’re wiping at your own mouths to rid yourselves of the red-stained evidence of your lipstick. your husband is about to take off behind your aunt to avoid any more time-wasting but you’re quick to grab his hand and pay him a greatly overdue compliment. 
“oi, you look good in red and white.” 
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glossary of bengali terms ♡
chomchom = a milk-based bengali sweet.
shari = traditional clothing worn by bengali women; other languages may call it a "saree/sari".
mishti = bengali word for "sweet(s)".
panjabi = traditional clothing worn by bengali men.
teep = a small coloured dot/jewel worn between the eyebrows/on the forehead; you may see it being called a "bindi".
alta = red dye traditionally painted onto the hands and feet of bengali women during festivals and celebrations.
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mercutiotakethewheel · 8 months
everytime i rewatch black sails, i find myself like vane more and more ngl. the first season really tries hard to trick you into thinking he’s just unnecessarily, banally, and uncompellingly an asshole (in the overwhelmingly compelling asshole show), whose one redeeming feature is that he’s kinda pathetic too. but geez s2 really nails home everytime that hes the best and the coolest and the most honest (maybe even most compassionate) of the mcs up until this point, barring anne of course. and on top of that i actually kind of think he has the best pre-s3 speeches. like obvs s4 flint is yknow s4 flint. and s3 max is so insane i actually cant handle it. but oh my god charles vane’s letter and his fuck your legitimacy eleanor speech and his hanging speech are so good. and fuck what i said earlier isnt even true. bc his s1 speech while hes looking in the eyes of the little boy he used to be is actually like the bestest. like fuck ok. charles vane is the best actually. #1 anarchist boy. 10/10 would want him in my commune. hed point blank refuse to help with the dishes tho so 😬.
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earthtoharlow · 2 years
Sunday Kind of Love
Urban Wyatt x SingleMom!Reader
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AN: hey hey hey! :) i started writing a new fic and here it is! I have about 5 chapters written already! I’ll propbably update every other week but I hope you guys enjoy! Please feel free to give me feedback !
The weekend was slowly coming to an end and Y/N has made it a tradition to treat Brooklyn to some ice cream every Sunday. Holding Brooklyn’s hand as they took the short walk to their favorite ice cream shop. Y/N loved her baby girl, but boy did she love to talk.
“Mommy, do you think we could get a dog?” Brooklyn suddenly asked. Y/N looked down and saw Brooklyn looking up at her with her big brown eyes. “Well I don’t know sweetie, you know taking care of a dog is a big responsibility. They take a lot of work. I’m not even sure if our apartment allows dogs.”
Brooklyn gasped eyes wide. “Not allow dogs?! Momma that’s just ridiculous! Dogs are the bestest in the whole wide world!!” Y/N had to stop herself from laughing at the serious look on her daughter's face before replying “I know Lyn, that is ridiculous huh? I’ll look into it okay, but no promises. Like I said dogs are a big responsibility.”
Brooklyn started squealing so loud Y/N was so sure she scared away some birds. “OH mom I can’t wait! If we get a dog I’m gonna name it asparagus.” Y/N snapped her head not sure if she heard her correctly.
Asparagus?” Y/N questioned. Brooklyn nodded her head excitedly. “YUP! Asparagus, that’s my favorite vegetable AND I talked it over with Bear last night and he agreed that it’s the perfect name!! Bear always has the best ideas.” She said with a big smile as she skipped next to her mother. Bear was Brooklyn’s favorite stuffed sloth, who she ironically named Bear.
Y/N couldn’t hold her laughter any longer. “Bear is right, that is a perfect name.” She said while giggling before taking Brooklyn’s hand as they walked into the quiet ice cream shop. Luckily there were only a couple of people in there and they could find a seat next to the shop's big windows.
Guiding her to their favorite spot, she pulled out Brooklyn’s coloring book and crayons. “Ok sweetheart, I’ll be right back, I’m going to get our ice cream. Don’t move.” Brooklyn nodded her head, not bothering to look up as she had already started coloring.
After a few minutes, Brooklyn turned and looked around. She loved coming here to get ice cream on Sundays. As she looked around she noticed a man with long hair sitting at the table next to her holding a camera. She noticed he looked kinda upset. Brooklyn knew that when she was upset she loved coloring in her book.
Checking to see if her mom was watching her, Brooklyn quickly ripped a page out her coloring book and grabbed a couple crayons before sliding out the booth. Putting on her best and biggest smile she walked over to the sad man.
Urban cursed under his breath when he realized his film camera was indeed broken. It was his favorite camera to travel with, and he knew it would take weeks for a shop to fix it. Just as he was about to leave his spot by the window he heard tiny footsteps walking towards him.
He looked over and saw a little girl who couldn’t be older than five. She seemed so small, but she had the biggest smile on her face. She wore a sun dress, and her hair was in a puffball with a headband to match. Urban’s heart melted a little. The little girl was holding crayons and a coloring page. Before he could say anything she spoke.
“Hello mister, my mama said not to talk to strangers but I saw you looking sad so I thought I would bring you one of my favorite coloring pages and some crayons! Coloring always makes me feel better!” She said rather quickly before pushing it toward him and skipped back to her table across from him.
Urban let out a small chuckle, he was shocked that this little girl managed to say all that in one breath. Looking down he noticed it was a drawing of some random Disney princess he couldn’t remember the name of. When he looked over at the little girl she gave him a wide smile before putting a finger to lips to tell him not to say anything.
Before he knew it, Urban put a finger to his lips promising not to tell anyone.
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Y/N walked back to the table and sighed as she saw Brooklyn run back to their seat. When she made it back to the table she placed Brooklyn’s ice cream in front of her. Brooklyn’s eyes grew wide as she licked her lips and grabbed her spoon to dig into her delicious treat. Before she could, Y/N stopped her.
“Hey missy, what did I say about leaving your seat and talking to strangers?” Y/N asked sternly. Brooklyn dropped her spoon and looked down quickly. She looked up at her mom and said “I’m sorry momma, he just looked so sad and I wanted to help him feel better.” Y/N could see tears threatening to fall from her daughter's face. She silently cussed to herself, she could never handle seeing Brooklyn upset.
Y/N face softened before saying “I know your heart was in the right place, but next time wait until i come back. Understand?” Brooklyn nodded her head. “I promise to never do it again!” She held her pinky up to Y/N. Y/N smiled before kissing their pinky’s joined together.
After taking Brooklyn to the bathroom to clean up her face, the girls made their way out the shop to make their way back home. Lost in her thoughts, Y/N looked up, startled to see a large white hand, from a very attractive man holding the door for her.
“Wow, um thank you.” She said with a nervous giggle and tucking her hair behind her ear. Y/N felt tiny standing next to the man.
“No problem, I’m happy i caught up with you guys actually.” He said with a small smile before handing her some crayons she recognized as Brooklyn’s. Y/N looked up at him confused for a second before she looked over and saw Brooklyn waving shyly at the tall man.
“Oh! I’m so sorry about that, I told her about talking to people she doesn’t know. Sorry if she bothered you in any kind of way.” She said as they walked to the sidewalk
“Don’t apologize, she didn’t bother me at all. She actually helped me. Believe it or not coloring helped me get my mind off my now broken camera. The man said with a slight chuckle and wave of his camera
“Well, I’m glad this little monster could help.” giving Brooklyn a smile. “I’m Y/N by the way, and this is--” before she could finish her daughter started to speak “I’m Brooklyn Rose!” holding out her hand. All Y/N could do was shake her head.
“My name is Urban.” He said before bending down slightly to shake Brooklyn’s hand.
Smiling ear to ear she replied sweetly “Nice to meet you Urban! Can I see the color page?” Oh I don’t know, It’s probably not as good as what yours looks like.” Urban says
“That’s ok, I still wanna see it. I won’t— won’t— mama what’s the word I’m looking for?” Brooklyn looks up at her mom and taps her chin as she thinks. “I think the word you’re looking for is judge?” Y/N replies.
“Oh yeah judge! I promise not to judge your coloring, Mr. Urban.” She says holding out her hand as she waits for him to hand over the drawing.
“You promise not to laugh?” Urban asks bashfully before pulling out the drawing from his back pocket and handing Brooklyn the drawing
Brooklyn promises as she and Y/N check out his coloring. Y/N looks down at the drawing and it’s surprisingly not bad, if you ignore that fact he colored the princesses hair and dresses the wrong color. But of course, Brooklyn who’s basically a walking Encyclopedia on all things Disney couldn’t ignore it.
“Mr. Urban! Why does Elsa have black hair! That’s not right at ALL?” Brooklyn questioned with wide eyes and a small pout Urban looks down at the drawing “Well, too be fair I didn’t have a yellow or white crayon to color her correctly, and I’ve never seen frozen so I wasn’t sure about her dress. Brooklyn gasps loudly, but before she could on a mini rant Y/N stops her.
“WELL, I think this is our que to go, say goodbye to the nice man, Brooklyn.” Y/N says. Brooklyn sighs and reluctantly says bye to Urban
“It was nice meeting you, and you owe me for just saving you from an hour long discussion on Disney.” Y/N jokes. It shocks Y/N to an extent how she just easily joked with a stranger. A very handsome stranger, with beautiful blue eyes. Y/N stops herself from thinking about him like that. She doesn’t even know him and she’s nowhere near ready to date anyone. Probably never will be ready.
Luckily Urban was okay with the thought of owing the beautiful woman. “Yeah I guess I do huh? Well I’ll tell you what, I’m going out of town for a few weeks but next time we run into each other I’ll treat you guys to some ice cream. How does that sound?”
“That sounds like a plan, again it was really nice meeting you. But we should get going.” Y/N says trying to hold on her smile, grabs Brooklyn’s hand and starts to turn and walk away.
“See you soon,” urban says with a smirk
As Y/N was listening to her daughter's babbles on the walk home she couldn’t help but think about the man with the nice blue eyes and long hair.
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nattinatalia · 1 year
Jack Harlow x Reader x Daughter Instagram AU
A/N : Mía is 18 here 💗☺️ appearances by my babies @hoodharlow and @heavyhitterheaux 🫶🏻😘
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Liked by yourusername, jackharlow, cassiewyatt, ezharlow, and 6,345,986 others
alizemiaharlow When the gringa from sixth grade who hated you and apparently your dads music, walks into his event and asks for a picture and autograph. Should I drag her???
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ezharlow 🙄
alizemiaharlow You’re just mad because you wanted to get with her.
ezharlow And have mom and dad disown me? Na I’m good of that.
cassiewyatt LMAAAOOOO MIAAAA STAHP 😭😭😭😭😭 she literally walked in all happy but once she seen you, her entire face changed.
alizemiaharlow 💀💀💀💀💀
blancahood Sobrina pórtate bien…..
ezharlow Tia B, you’re telling Mia to behave? You???? The one who chooses violence first and asks questions later????
blancahood I was being sarcastic tonto
reeburrow 😭😭😭 This is why your parents demanded we be supervised while baby sitting y’all.
jackharlow No lies were told. You two and your men took them to the zoo and lost EZ in the penguin sanctuary and blamed it on Druski, he wasn’t even in town!!!!!
blancahood We rented out the zoo, so he wasn’t in actual danger. He was bound to be found.
jackharlow Not helping your case 🙄
reeburrow Don’t worry, we’ve changed, so we’ll be ready for the Harlow Twins.
blancahood Speak for yourself Ree, I don’t want any part of the demon spawns.
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Liked by yourusername, urbanwyatt, ezharlow, cassiewyatt, blancahood, reeburrow, and 6,876,356 others
alizemiaharlow Happy birthday to 2 of my favorite men in this entire universe. All the airplanes, photo shoots, concerts, and crazy schedules was worth it, I’m happy and blessed I was able to witness your art at such a young age. At 18 I’m still learning and understanding through you two. Forever blessed with the best father and godfather. Little Mia Bug is crying and is very proud of your legacy. I love you daddy and nino, for life 🤞🏼💗
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yourusername Bug, you already made him cry this morning, he’s about to cry in the middle of the party.
reeburrow His ass stays crying 😭
blancahood Es un chillon
yourusername LEAVE MY MAN ALONE.
jackharlow Princess 🥺
jackharlow Your mama is right, I’m about to cry again. You kids have been making me cry since the moment you were born. I love you so much daughter of mine. Thank you for being the best.
urbanwyatt 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 I’m not gonna cry. I’m not gonna cry, I’m not gonna cry.
urbanwyatt OK I’M CRYING!!!!! I love you. My partner in crime for life.
cassiewyatt 🥺🥺 Happy birthday to the bestest uncle and dad a girl could ever ask for.
ezharlow Damn they’re old
urbanwyatt I hate you
ezharlow We’ve established that you are a terrible liar.
jackharlow added to their story
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Liked by alizemiaharlow, jackharlow, ezharlow, reeburrow, blancahood, and 6,455,976 others
yourusername 🫶🏻 My babies
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jackharlow 🥺💜
alizemiaharlow Twins 👯‍♀️
allabouttheharlows I remember this used to be their thing 😭 she’d be watching the show and they’d do this to each other.
yourusername Ughhh right on the feels.
ezharlow Damn
ezharlow Your favoritism is showing ama
yourusername Boy sit down
ezharlow This is why I’m aunt Ree and tia Blanca’s favorite.
reeburrow See what we’re not gonna do is bring up old stuff up 😭😭😭
blancahood You’re my favorite? Since when?
reeburrow CORRECT 😘💗
druski Ez you’re my favorite
reeburrow Even when he caked you all those years ago?
blancahood 😭😭😭
alizemiaharlow added to their story
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Liked by yourusername, jackharlow, urbanwyatt, cassiewyatt, and 7,678,356 others
alizemiaharlow When they start asking you about your parents instead of your actual work 🙄 I get it, my parents are the shit, but let’s discuss my projects yeah??? K thanks.
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reeburrow SEND THEM MY WAY
alizemiaharlow Ohhh can I????
blancahood panchito is still around, should we let him loose on these losers?
alizemiaharlow Yes please.
jackharlow I’m sorry bug 😢
yourusername I love you 😘💕
ezharlow Knock them out, it’s what I do
alizemiaharlow added to their story
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@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter
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minhosimthings · 3 months
Since you already assigned a bf/gf to your moots , how about giving your moots a trope with the idol you ship them with?
Ooh alrighty! This is fun damn
@astraystayyh: Hyunjin || Art classmates to lovers
Both Sahar and Hyun are such poets in their respective arts and I feel like they'd really bond over that a lot, but never actually admit their feelings and communicate via their art works SO CUTE
@frenchkisstheabyss: Seonghwa || Cafe strangers to lovers
Just because both of them are so bubbly and they're really likely to start up a conversation like they'd look at each other go oh hey pretty person and YAY I love them so much they can destroy me
@lovestay-channie: Jeongin || oblivious best friends to lovers.
Both of them are such genuine cutie pies so I think it would be like a oh we're the bestest of friends to why does my heart beat so fast around this pretty person DONT ASK ME WHY
@jaylaxies : Jake || roommates to lovers
Moving in with each other because it the last option, realising they share some similar interests, comforting each other over some bad breakups, providing comfort when one is sick, realising that they're idiots in love and then never going away? Oh look it's Aria and Jake.
@junnieverse : Beomgyu || Project partners to lovers
I just wanna see the bickering between both of them on what to do for the assigned project like it would be so cute and then later they'd apologize, maybe take each other out for coffee and then oh look is that a cupid
@sumaneun-stars - Sunghoon || Arranged marriage to lovers
I know Skye goes mental for this and it's such a cute trope for both of them like I can imagine them being cold towards each other, ignoring each other, but one day some shit happens, they realise they like each other and then BAM they're smooching in the corridors 😊
@yunabi436 - Jay || Traumatised × I will love you regardless
@sjyluv - Jake || Barista × Regular Customer
this would suit Mia so well, I genuinely believe she's the kind of person to strike up a conversation everyday with the cute barista not knowing he likes her too and then one day he writes down his number on her cup ODNSJSUIDKCN SO CUTE
@chlorinecake : Han || Fwb to lovers
Look, it's just something in me which is like hmm yes Chloe and Han rejecting their feelings for each other but then realising that they're actually idiots and love and not just doing it for pleasure she's mine tho
@angel1kisses : Niki || bad boi × good girl
*Sigh* just imagine, Vampie tutoring Niki, and he pretends not to care but he actually does and one day when Vampie doesn't tutor him he realises he can't actually live without her because she's the very oxygen she breathes now excuse me while I sob
@candewlsy : Jungwon || Athlete × Athlete, but it's enemies to lovers
I crave this so much, just because I think mizu would like if won taught her how to play some sport and they just bond over their love for their respective sport and it would be so cute like AGHHH imagine the bickering (out of love)
@haecien : Jun || Old friends to lovers
Idk why but I like the thought of Harua and Jun being childhood bffs but they went to different colleges and then met up with each other years later and then ooh love blossoming and all that crap
@amazzwon : Dokyeom || Boss × Secretary
It's not like I'm projecting my own feelings for my babygirl hahaha This would be so HAWT imagine the OFFICE SMUT imagine the SIR KINK imagine the- ok I'll just stop here
@jaeyunluvr : Mark Lee || Idol × Producer
First of all my baby Kayz is so talented and im 100% sure Mark would fall for her talent (and her gorgeous self) and I can just see him flirting with her every chance he gets and then he finally gets the courage to take her out on a date!!!!!!
@minhypen : Sunoo || Speed dating
Them, being the extremely friendly people they are would be instantly attracted to each other at some speed dating event and they'd probably get each other's numbers at the end to have a proper date 😚
@mnwrld: Minho || Babysitter × single dad
I feel like my darling Kana knows why I chose this for her....
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carmybearzattos · 1 year
hey i’m not sure if you’ve gotten this question before but do you have any random carmy headcanons?? i feel like talkin about the best boy in chicago :)
omg no one has asked me this before ty! i spend all my time thinking about carmy so i would love to talk about the bestest boy <3
ok assorted random messy carmy headcanons:
• he’s got undiagnosed adhd and i’ve got an entire list of justifications for this headcanon if anyone cares
• carried round a little teddy bear when he was a kid because i mean he’s literally called bear someone bought that kid a teddy bear.
• his favourite meal he’s ever had is something mikey made. probably the braciole
• got some jokes made at his expense by the international staff at noma for being italian american. “you don’t know how to make real authentic italian food, your family makes american garbage” kind of stuff
• probably had one dickhead teacher at school (everyone’s had at least one) who wanted him to stand up and read aloud in spite of his stutter. got shit for that and for not making eye contact with the class when he spoke. poor boy suffered so much at school :(
• first thing he ever learned to “cook” as a tiny little baby was peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. he doesn’t remember this bc he was too young but mikey put him up on a chair in the kitchen and showed him use a butter knife
• more of a mikey headcanon, but little mikey *did not* want another younger sibling. was not into the idea at all. then carmy was born and he immediately loved his baby brother more than anything in the whole entire world 💔
• the idea of virgin carmy is very endearing to me and just makes sense given the combination of his anxiety, the way his self hatred manifests in him just not allowing himself like anything good at all, and his lack of social life. but even if he has had sex before he’s still like had zero relationship experience but i mean that part’s canon.
• i like the idea of his angels tattoo being the very first one he got since it’s for sugar and mikey
• i don’t know when and i don’t know how but he gets that denim jacket he sells in the pilot back. me and jeremy allen white are in agreement on this.
• his mommy issues fascinate me. i don’t think she was ever abusive to carmy but between trying to run the beef and raise three kids on her own she probably didn’t have as much time for him as she wanted to and when she was around she was stressed and agitated and not great company. like her sons she probably had some undiagnosed mental illness going on and that had a big impact on carmy. probably worse than it did with mikey and sugar since they had their dad around longer. and i imagine carmy’s probably more like his mom than he ever wants to think about.
• speaking of his dad, i think carmy hates himself so much he probably sometimes thinks “oh maybe if i hadn’t been born maybe my dad would still be around. maybe one more kid was just too much and if it had only been mikey and sugar it would be fine.” he’s wrong of course, but this is the same boy who blames himself for mikey dying.
um ok i probably have a million more carmy thoughts but this is running long so here you go anon!
also if anyone ever wants to come into my ask box and talk about carmy (or sydney or richie!) please do i love to hear people’s thoughts!!!
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homosexual-trash · 6 months
Stop scrolling, I think that this is the best thing I think I ever made
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Just look at him! Isn't he gorgeous. The bestest boy ever. He's such a big boi. Ok, you can scroll now
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writingforcuteppl · 1 year
Enchanted (Kenny’s Version)
PAIRING: Kenny McCormick x Reader
SUMMARY: Remembering can be bittersweet, and each of them has been since you were little. That doesn’t mean all the memories are joyful. But in the end, you were enchanted to meet them.
GENRE: Angst, Fluff.
WARNINGS: Swearing. Mentions of eating disorders (bulimia and anorexia), miscarriage, bullying, panic attacks, and depression. Emotionally abusive parents. Fights.
WORD COUNT: 9.6k words
PART: 3.1 (series masterlist)
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1st Grade
You were nervous and happy at the same time. Your family moved into this new town, South Park. It is not like you remember that much of preschool. So being in a new town, in a new school, was thrilling.
You were waiting for the classes to start when you noticed one blonde kid sitting beside you.
“You’re new here, right? I’m Kenny.”
“I’m Y/n” Kenny nodded at your answer, and then you saw him smile.
“Well, since you’re new here, you must at least know your new friends,” you smiled. You felt delighted someone was making you feel this welcome.
While the two of you were waiting for the class to start, Kenny was telling you the names of the kids arriving and the names of the few kids that were already in the classroom. As the classroom was starting to fill up with kids, Kenny looked back at you.
“You and I are gonna be the bestest of friends, Y/n, ok?”
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2nd Grade
“Don’t you think he’s cute?” Wendy asked you as all the girls were sitting in a circle in the playground. After being best friends with Kenny for over a year now, all the girls wanted to know how one of the boys managed to be friends with one of the girls.
“Huh?” you tilted your head, confused by her question.
“I’m talking about Kenny. You always spend time with him, even after school.”
“C’mon, Y/n tell us everything,” Bebe, who was sitting next to your other side, said.
“Well, he’s a perfect friend. He’s like my brother.”
“Only that? He’s like one of the cutest kids in our class,” Red asked.
“Umm yeah. What else did you want to hear?” most of the girls huffed. You really didn’t understand what else they wanted to hear. Maybe they liked him? You knew those feelings were something people tend to feel, but you always thought those were adult feelings. At least that’s what your mother always told you. That liking someone because of the way they look was something only adults felt.
Cute? Is that how everyone else saw him? You started to think of all the evenings and times you and Kenny spent time together, he was disgusting (not that it bothered you), and he also taught you how to play video games, Mario Kart being the one you enjoyed the most. He also taught you to play soccer since sometimes his friends were busy, and he played every evening in your backyard.
Cute. That’s what Kenny was to your friends, but for you, he was like the brother you never had. You never really thought a boy was cute, or maybe… No, there wasn’t anyone you thought was “cute.”
That same evening you were looking at Kenny while the two of you were doing your homework. Both of your parents thought this was going to be a good idea since Kenny didn’t get good grades, and you were the first in your class, and they thought maybe if the two of you did homework together, he was going to get better.
“Why are you looking at me?”
“The girls said you were cute, so I’m just trying to see what they meant by that.”
“They think I’m cute? How?”
“I don’t understand how and why they said that.”
“Ok, for example, I think puppies are cute. Like that type of cute?”
“Maybe, I dunno,” you were pouting. It was bothering you that fact that you didn’t understand what they meant earlier.
“I think you’re cute” You looked at Kenny and smiled. “Do you think I’m cute?”
“You know what? Don’t answer that.”
“I mean, I find cute kittens, but you… I wouldn’t say, “Omg, he’s so cute,” like I do with animals. I do think there’s something about you. Enough for the girls to ask me about you.”
“So, no cute from you?” now Kenny was the one pouting.
“I’ve literally seen you eat food from the floor for money, Kenny.”
“Ah, you’re right. But if I’m not wrong, I bought something for you with that money, didn’t I?” you turned around and looked at the cartoonish little chick you now had as a keychain on your backpack, and you smiled. It was the first present someone outside your family gave you. It meant a lot to you. You then looked at Kenny and tried to look at him only as a boy, not as your best friend or your brother. For the first time, you noticed how blue his eyes were. His eyes were cute.
“I guess you may be a little bit cute. Like, I really like your eyes. They are really blue now that I’m looking at them better.”
“I like your smile. Whenever you smile, I smile too” You smiled at his comment. He smiled back. Maybe your friends were right. Maybe Kenny McCormick was cute, after all.
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3rd Grade
“So, you’re having a sister?” You and Kenny were lying on the rooftop of the Park County Community Center building. Looking at how the clouds slowly passed. Enjoying one peaceful evening after doing your homework. The two of you didn’t have any energy to do something after a long school day. Even if the two of you were only in 3rd grade, the school was starting to get more complex.
“Yeah! Isn’t that so cool? My parents told me earlier today.”
“You’re not gonna need me anymore.”
“That’s like my role. You’ve always wanted a sibling, and now that you are actually going to have one, I’m gonna be long forgotten.” you laughed at his comment.
“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard in my entire life, and it’s really short,” you continued laughing, and some tears started to roll down your cheek. His comment was just way too funny for you.
“Hey! Don’t laugh! I’m being serious,” Kenny huffed. You slowly started to calm down. How can he think that? Kenny has been your best friend for more than two years now. At first, you thought he was joking, but then you saw he was still frowning.
“Wait, you actually think I’m just gonna stop hanging with you?” he only nodded.
“Look, yeah, I’m thrilled I’m gonna have a little sister, but she’s not gonna take your place as my brother. Think of it this way. You have Kevin and Karen, right? Even though they are your real siblings, I’m still like your sister, right? Just because they are your real siblings doesn’t mean I’m less of a sister to you.” Kenny nodded again, listening closely to what you were saying. “It’s gonna be the same for me. And I like having a brother my age is cool,” Kenny smiled.
“You’re right, Y/n. You’re my sister” You returned your sight to the sky.
“And you are my brother Kenny” You grabbed his hand and squeezed it. Kenny was the best brother you ever asked for.
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“So, Kyle, huh?” Kenny sat down at Kyle’s place. He was absent for the day since he got sick, so Kenny finally managed to sit next to you during that day.
“What do you mean?”
“WhAT dO you meAn?” he mocked your answer, and you scoffed, “You find him cute.”
“Ahm, yeah” After a year, you were able to understand what your friends meant when they called Kenny cute. Kyle was cute, cuter than your best friend.
“So, like, are you gonna be with him or…”
“Well, no. As I said, I just find him cute. That doesn’t mean I want a boyfriend right now. I still think I need to be older for that” Kenny nodded. He felt this strange ping of pain in his stomach for a reason. Maybe he just wanted to protect you. He thinks you deserve someone better than Kyle. Not that he hated him or something like that, but you were just great and unique, and pretty and… For you, he was only your best friend.
“You’re right. We’re still too young.” He tried to get his mind clear.
“Didn’t you tell me last week you liked Bebe?” you questioned him.
“Yeah, that was last week. I don’t like anyone at all this week,” he answered. He needed to sort out all these sudden feelings and thoughts he had about you.
“Wanna go to my house later today, Kenny?”
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Kenny was anxious over the Christmas holiday. You just never talked to him or visited him at all. He could feel something was up. Every time there was a break or vacation, you always stayed in contact with him, even if it was through the phone. But this time, nothing.
On the first day of school after the holidays, he was waiting for you to arrive at the classroom. He knew you always came 20, maybe 15 minutes before school started since your parents dropped you off as early as possible since they also needed to head to work. But this time, you arrived just as soon as the bell was ringing. He went into panic mode after seeing you weren’t smiling at all. He could see your puffy eyes; he also noticed you entered the classroom looking directly at the floor. You didn’t even wave hello to him or Kyle. Something was definitely wrong.
During the whole day, you avoid everyone. If someone tried approaching you, you just laid your head on your desk or looked outside the window, and during recess, you were nowhere to be seen.
Kenny found the opportunity to speak to you after school ended. You didn’t say anything as he was getting closer to you. He stayed next to you for quite some minutes.
“Aren’t your parents picking you up?” You shook your head. Kenny was more worried than before. Your parents always picked you up no matter what, so the fact that now you must go alone to your house was weird.
“Do you want me to walk you home?” Kenny extended his hand to you, and you took it. Kenny sighed. You weren’t going to tell him anything, at least not yet.
When the two of you entered your house, Kenny was able to see his mom was talking to your mother. You didn’t even say hello. You just went straight to your room. It appears none of your mothers realized you had arrived since he was able to listen to the conversation they were having.
“So, when did it happen?” Kenny’s mother asked.
“During Christmas Eve, I was at the hospital for over a week. I didn’t see Y/n at all, I was just too scared, and I didn’t want her to know she may lose her sister. Also, I think she’s too young to go through all of that.” Your mother answered. Was that the reason you were so bummed out? Did you almost lose your sister? Kenny was ready to go to your bedroom when he heard his mom speak again.
“I’m sorry you had a miscarriage, losing a child that way… It must be horrible. If you need anything, you can count on me. You know we love and care about Y/n. She’s basically part of the family now.” Kenny’s heart sunk into his chest.
“Thank you, Carol. I appreciate it” Kenny sprinted to your room. Now he was able to understand your attitude during the whole day. But why didn’t you tell him? You knew you could trust him with your entire being. He felt slightly hurt by it, but he knew you must have a reason for not telling him.
He didn’t even knock. The lights were off, and the only source was the sunlight starting to set on the horizon. Kenny slowly made his way to where you were sitting in your bed. He could see the tears rolling down your face. He sat next to you, and he hugged you. It was the first time since the holidays someone hugged you, and you hugged him back.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I just, I knew if I told at school, I was just going to start crying, and I didn’t want anyone to see me crying.” You said between sobs. Kenny wanted to do something to make you stop crying. He didn’t like the pain he was feeling in his chest. Kenny didn’t know what to say to you for you to get calm. He just stayed like that, hugging you. One of his hands moved between hugging you and playing with your hair so you could calm down. After some minutes, the sobbing and whining stopped, and you finally looked at him.
“I’m sorry I didn’t get in contact with you. It’s just that everything happened so fast… It still feels surreal,” you sighed and managed to say without starting to cry again. You wanted to talk and see Kenny during the holidays. At least he would’ve tried to distract you and make you feel better, but you weren’t at your house during those days, and unfortunately, you didn’t memorize his phone number.
“I don’t know what to say in this situation.” Kenny felt helpless. You hugged Kenny again. You just needed someone to hug you, nothing more.
“You don’t need to say anything, Kenny. I just want you here right now,” you whispered. He didn’t know what took over him, but he kissed you on the forehead.
“I know you know it, but I’m never leaving you. I’m always staying by your side.” Kenny said, and somehow that was just exactly what you needed to hear.
“I know.”
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Kenny has been walking you to your house for the past weeks for a few reasons. The first and most important one is he didn’t want to let you go back all by yourself after what you told him last Christmas, when he said he was never leaving your side, he was serious. And the second reason was that after what happened, it seemed that your parents just forgot they had another child. Which made Kenny’s heart shrink and be pissed at the same time
“I hate them.”
“Huh? Don’t. They lost a child, my sister.”
“Still, they should also take care of you. Leaving you to start doing things on your own out of nowhere is heartless.”
“Kenny, literally, the only thing they stopped doing was taking me to school and picking me up. It’s not that big of a deal.”
“It is that big of a deal. Y/n, be honest. Since Christmas, when was the last time your parents paid attention to you or at least asked how was your day? I know you pretty well, and you seem happy whenever we’re at school, but the moment we start walking to your house, all that happiness disappears.” He was right. The last weeks have been a little bit hard at your house. But you understood the reason why your parents were acting the way they did. You just hoped they started to be the caring and loving parents they once were.
“Ok, maybe they have been cold towards me, but as I said, there’s a reason, ok?” Kenny wanted to also believe they would come around again eventually, but he was still skeptical.
“And besides, I like spending more time with you. It makes me happy” You squeezed his hand, trying to make him understand you didn’t care that much since that meant just spending more time with your best friend. “Don’t you like this too?” you pouted, and Kenny smiled.
“Of course I do. I guess you’re right. Maybe this isn’t that bad.”
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4th grade
Kenny knew your parents weren’t going to come around anytime soon. It was almost a year since they lost your sister, and things were the same. He could even say things were worse than before. So that’s when Kenny decided he would not only be always by your side but also make you forget about them and make you as happy as he could.
That’s how he started to compliment you and tell you whatever stupid thing he came up with just to make you smile. On the days when you were bumped out, he always made sure to tell you how much you meant to him or how his life was better with you in it. He also told you what an incredible person you were. That’s also how he started to call you princess. You were a princess in his eyes.
That’s when it hit him. He loved you. He always knew “love” was something really hard to explain since one could love different things, or well, one could experience different types of love. He didn’t know which kind of love he felt for you, though. He just knows that whenever he’s with you, he feels calm. Whenever he sees you, his heart warms up. And he knows he just would do anything for you.
One evening after doing homework, the both of you made your way to the Community Center building. After staying up there for God knows how long, he decided to tell you that he loves you. When you heard him say the words out loud you quickly turned to look at him.
“What did you just say? Did I hear right?” you asked him. You weren’t 100% sure you heard him correctly.
“Well, yeah. I love you, princess.” You didn’t know why, but you felt like melting after hearing him say those words.
“I love you too, Kenny.”
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“With Kyle?! Really?!” you decided to visit Kenny since he had been absent from school for almost a week after he had appendicitis surgery. Since he couldn’t walk you home because, well, his surgery, Kyle’s the one who has been doing it. And since you wanted to visit Kenny, instead of taking you to your house, Kyle brought you to Kenny’s house, and for a reason. Kenny wasn’t that pleased when he saw Kyle. You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, what about it?” you asked him.
“Just… Why him?”
“Well, he is my friend. And I may or may not like him now.” Kenny felt an emptiness in his chest.
“Since when?”
“I’m not sure… Maybe months?”
“I don’t think you should like someone; you need to focus on school.”
“Ew, you sound like my parents.”
“Well, it’s because we are right.”
“It sounds so hypocritical coming from you. Weren’t you the one who told me you liked someone like two weeks ago? Why I’m not allowed to like someone too?” Kenny sighed. He didn’t understand why he was suddenly acting all protective.
“I’m your brother, remember?” Kenny told you, and you only nodded. “Good thing I’m coming back to school next Monday. That means I will be the one walking you home, not him.” You smiled after hearing him.
“Really?” Kenny looked back at you, and he could see the way your eyes were lit up with happiness. Your last bickering moment was long forgotten. You stood up and hugged him.
“Now, what was that for?” Kenny asked while he returned your hug.
“It’s just that, even if I enjoy walking home with Kyle, I have missed you so much this week” Kenny felt his heart warm up at your comment. One of the reasons Kenny was mad after finding out Kyle was the one who brought you home was because he thought you would change him. So knowing that you still want him to be the one that picks you up to go to school and walks you home helped him calm down.
“I missed you too.”
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5th Grade
“So you won’t believe who I saw crying outside Mr. Mackey’s office,” Wendy said to Red and Bebe.
“Omg, who?” Kenny didn’t pay any attention to the girls. He just wanted to finish this stupid project Mr. Garrison assigned.
“Y/n,” Kyle and Kenny froze. “She was bawling, she-” Kenny knew your parents had a meeting with Mr. Mackey, and he was more than sure something had happened. He has been nervous since yesterday when you told him your parents were the ones taking you to school because, for a reason, the counselor wanted to speak to them about something regarding your academic development.
“When?” before she could finish the sentence, Kyle interrupted her.
“A few moments ago. Why do you-” Kenny and Kyle didn’t even wait for her to finish when they made their way to Mr. Garrison. He was reading something on his phone, not even bothering if his students were working on their projects at all.
“Mr. Garrison, can we leave for a few minutes, please?” Kenny asked him
“Why would I let you do that, Kenny?” Mr. Garrison turned his gaze to the two boys standing in front of him.
“A friend of ours, Y/n, we heard she’s not feeling right, and we want to make sure she’s ok. I promise we will come back as soon as we make sure she’s fine, sir. Please.” Kyle answered, and Mr. Garrison was able to see the two kids were anxious. He saw they were telling the truth and not only a lie to leave class without permission. Mr. Garrison handed them the hall pass.
“Don’t get distracted and come back after making sure she ok.” Mr. Garrison returned his attention to his phone, and Kyle and Kenny quickly left the classroom.
Kyle and Kenny were running to Mr. Mackey’s office. Kenny knew he made a mistake. He should’ve insisted on taking you to school that morning. He should’ve never left you to convince him in the first place. His heart was beating so hard. He hated when you cried because of your parents. He thought they had no right to ask anything from you, not after they stopped caring about you after your sister died. He saw you sitting on one of the chairs that were outside the counselor’s office. Mr. Mackey was trying to calm you down, but you were still crying, and it didn’t seem you were stopping any time soon.
Kenny ran to you and knelt in front of you. He saw your puffy eyes, and something broke inside him. He always managed to make you feel better before you started crying, so seeing you in this state was also affecting him way more than he wanted.
“Princess,” Kenny started to speak, trying to get your attention. You looked at Kenny and tried to talk, but it seemed that whenever you tried to speak, your breathing started to become more hectic than it already was. You were having a panic attack. Kenny also started to cry, not knowing what was happening to you. That’s when Kyle stepped in.
“Hey, I need you to breathe with me, ok?” Kyle grabbed your attention and placed one hand over your hands that were still on your chest. You only nodded to him. He took one of your hands over his chest so you could feel his breathing. You slowly started to calm down, but the tears continued rolling out of your eyes. The two of you stayed like that until Kyle was able to see you were ok. Kenny was also following the pace Kyle instructed you to breathe in.
“You did great, sweetheart.” you only nodded.
“What are you doing here?” you asked them.
“We came as soon as we heard you were crying,” Kenny said, and you were able to see his puffy face.
“I didn’t want you to worry. I’m sorry” You almost started to cry again after realizing the two of them got worried because of you when Kenny knelt again in front of you and grabbed your face by the cheeks.
“Hey, hey, don’t you dare to think anything bad at this moment.” Kenny began cleaning your tears with his sweatshirt sleeve. He didn’t know what happened, but he was sure your mother was the one to blame. Out of your parents, she was the strict one and the one that always made you feel like you were a burden. That’s why Kenny stopped your overthinking since he knew it was going to worsen your state.
“Wanna talk about it?” Kyle asked you while he was tucking a strand of your hair in your ear. You shook your head, wanting anything but to remember the reason for your attack.
“Don’t you have to get back to class?” you asked worriedly. Your teacher knew you were with Mr. Mackey, but you knew they only had permission to leave for just a few moments since you were able to see the hall pass hanging from Kyle’s hand. Before they could answer you, Mr. Mackey came out of his office.
“You are better, Miss Y/L/N?” You nodded and gave your counselor a reassuring smile. “Then I believe you have to get to class, the three of you. If you need to talk, my door’s always open, kids.”
“Thanks, Mr. Mackey,” Kyle answered him, and the counselor returned to his usual spot in his office.
Kyle and Kenny were both grabbing your hands while walking back to your classroom. Having them by your side always made you feel at peace. When the three of you arrived at your classroom, Kenny kissed you on the cheek
“We’re gonna talk later when school finishes, ok? Wait for me here.” Kenny moved away so Kyle could say goodbye to you.
“Just if you feel it’s going to start again, try breathing slowly, ok?” you nodded, and he gave you a sweet kiss on the forehead.
“Thank you, guys,” you whispered and entered your classroom. Kyle and Kenny let out a loud sigh. They may not have that much in common now, but they were aware that they would do anything for you.
Later that evening, you and Kenny, who was on your right side, were lying down on his mattress, and both of you were only looking at the ceiling. Kenny knew he just needed to give you time before you told him what happened.
“Mr. Mackey told my parents how my grades have just gotten worse for the last two years. And said he was worried I was depressed.” You started talking as you remembered what happened during the meeting. “When my mom heard that, she exploded. She first said she shouldn’t be wasting her time on such stupid things. And then proceeded to shout at me for making her lose her time.” You felt tears wanting to fall from your eyes, “she told Mr. Mackey how she thinks I was just acting like this to get attention.”
“But that’s stupid, we all saw your sudden change of attitude, but you tried to brush it off, not wanting to get attention” Kenny was ready to punch the wall. How dare your mother say that.
“I know, but she doesn’t know that, Kenny. She also said how it was stupid to assume I was depressed since there was nothing in my life I should worry about and that the only thing I should focus on was school.” You managed to say since your voice was starting to break. You hid your face with your right arm, not wanting Kenny to see you cry again.
“Did your father say something” you scoffed.
“Of course not. He just stayed silent during the meeting. The only moment he stepped in was when he saw my mom getting madder and dragged her out of the school. And that’s what happened.”
“I’m sorry, Y/n.”
“For what?”
“For not being there earlier.”
“Kenny, you left your class to help me. I couldn’t be more grateful.”
“Are you being honest?”
“A hundred percent honest, Kenny” he put an arm around your neck so he could hug you, and you hid your face on his chest.
“I love you, Kenny. Thank you.”
“I love you too, princess.”
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6th Grade
“So, you know that McCormick kid, right?” you turned your head to the 7th-grader girl that was standing in front of your table. Wendy, Bebe, and you were having lunch before being interrupted by the girl who was now asking you about your best friend.
“Yeah, why?”
“Do you think he would like to go out with me?” the question took you by surprise.
“I’m Tammy, by the way,” For a reason, her name sounded familiar. You started to try and remember why her name was something you’d heard before
“Why would she do that? Can’t you ask that for yourself?” Bebe answered her.
“Did I talk to you?” Tammy responded. And then you remembered, Kenny mentioned her a few nights ago after he scolded you once again for wanting to go out with Kyle (as if that was something new), and he told you how he would like to go out with this Tammy girl, but he didn’t since he had to focus on school just as you should.
“You know what, you little-” Before Bebe could respond to her, Wendy stepped in and made her leave the table before the situation escalated.
“Why you wanna go out with him?” you asked Tammy.
“Well, have you seen him? He’s getting pretty. Will you tell him to call me? Here’s my number” Tammy handed you a little piece of paper. The mere thought of Kenny going out with this girl started to bug you for some reason. Tammy didn’t even let you respond to her when she got up and thanked you before she left.
What was this heavy feeling in your chest? Was this feeling the same that Kenny had whenever you told him you liked Kyle for more than just a friend? You tried to think of reasons, and the only one that made sense was because Kenny’s like your brother. Yeah, that must be it.
Later that day, when you gave Kenny the piece of paper Tammy handed to you, he asked if you were ok with him going out with Tammy.
“Why are you asking me, Kenny? Just go. Didn’t you tell me you wanted to go out with her?” Kenny was trying to see a glimpse of disgust or something similar, but you were completely calm.
“So, you are sure it’s ok?” Why was he asking you this question out of a sudden?
“Yes, Kenny, go out with whomever you want. I don’t care,” you responded in a joking way so he could see you weren’t bothered at all.
“I see…” Kenny stayed in silence as if he was debating on saying something else. “Ok then, I’ll call her” You nodded. Yeah, of course, you were completely fine about him going out with Tammy, right?
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So… How was your date?” you asked Kenny as you were handing him the bowl of popcorn.
“Just that? Was it that bad?” even if he told you it didn’t go well, he was calm.
“I guess I just wish I went on a date with someone else.”
“Ohh! Do I know that person?” you asked him, bouncing your eyebrows. Kenny stayed for some moments looking at you in the eyes, and then he sighed.
“Yeah, but I’m not telling you who.”
“But why?” you pouted.
“Just because. Let’s be honest. The girl’s name’s gonna change in a few days.”
“I guess you’re right…”
“And what about you? Didn’t you tell me you wanted to go out with Kyle?” Kenny asked you even if he knew the answer may hurt him.
“Well, that’s gonna stay like that. As something I want. As if my parents would let me out with a guy, the guy they let me go out and hang out with, it’s you.” You sighed.
“Good,” Kenny answered, and you hit him jokingly on his arm.
“You’re unbelievable.”
“But you love me just like this.”
“I guess I do.”
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7th Grade
Kenny was starting to get worried. He could see how slowly you were losing yourself, and he didn’t know how to help you.
Since the start of this school year, everything has been going downhill when it comes to you. Kenny noticed how much it affected you knowing Kyle left without even saying goodbye.
He also noticed how some of your classmates started to make fun of you because of the way you looked. And how because of those comments, you began to develop an eating disorder. It broke his heart seeing you disappear after eating and how you returned with glossy eyes, your face all swollen, and your hand harmed because of your teeth.
He hated to know what was happening to you and how he couldn’t be able to do anything to help you. And on top of that, he knew the things with your parents were getting worse every day.
Still, he tried to make you feel better by complimenting you whenever he could (even if he knew it wouldn’t work). Maybe if he continued, one day you would only listen to him and not to your classmates.
The number of times Kenny has gotten in trouble for fighting with kids in your class and from other grades for saying something to you or about you was uncountable. But he didn’t care. They had no right to say anything wrong about you; they didn’t even know you.
Kenny also noticed how you started to only talk to him, Stan, Red, and Bebe, evading everyone who tried to even say hi to you in fear of them making fun of you.
Now on the most personal part, Kenny was the only one who knew your parents’ heartless behavior towards you. Seeing you arrive almost every day at school holding back your tears because you had a fight with your parents was one of the things that hurt him the most. Kenny was also worried since he noticed how you started to get anxious whenever a school day came to an end. When he asked you why, you explained to him that your home situation was just getting worse as the days passed, that your parents didn’t even bother to talk to you, and when they did, it was to tell you how useless and stupid a person you were. That’s why he started to call you every day during the night just to make sure you wouldn’t go to sleep with their words in your head.
Another significant change that your relationship suffered was because of your parents. This was the first year they prohibited you from visiting Kenny and told you how Kenny wasn’t welcome in your house anymore since he was probably the reason your grades were never improving, which only made Kenny hate your parents even more.
Due to all these things happening to you, Kenny became overprotective of you. It wasn’t that he didn’t think you weren’t strong or anything like that, but he realized you didn’t do anything to stop the comments. You didn’t do anything to show your parents how you were trying to do your best.
During one of those late-night calls, you told Kenny your parents found out you were purging. You explained what your mother said that evening. How she was going to make you eat your vomit if she found you one day doing it, and how she also told you that if you wanted to die, she would kill you by beating the shit out of you.
Kenny cried in silence after hearing the words coming out of you. He wanted so badly to hug you, but he knew he had to wait until the following day to do it.
“You know what?” Kenny managed to say without sounding like he was crying just a few moments ago. “We’re leaving this shit hole after finishing high school. I don’t know how, but we are doing it. You and me.”
“You know that’s impossible, Ken,” you whispered.
“I don’t care how stupid or impossible that sounds. We are doing it; we are starting a new life together. Just the two of us. I promise.”
“Even if we can leave by then, I don’t think I’ll be able to make it till then” Somehow, Kenny knew what you were talking about, and he felt a heavy weight on his chest. He doesn’t know what he will ever do if you’re not in his life anymore. He can’t lose you. He won’t lose you this way.
“Don’t say that, please.” You stayed in silence. At this point, thinking about the future was something you couldn’t afford to do. As much as it hurt Kenny to think about what you were implying, he continued. “We are getting an apartment. I don’t even know where, but it’s gonna be cozy, a safe place for the two of us. I just know it.” Your heart warmed up at the thought of it.
“I really want that to happen.”
“It will happen. You’ll see.”
“I love you, Ken.”
“I love you, princess.”
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“Promise me you will stop” Kenny and you were sitting and playing thumb wars at your usual spot on the Community Center building rooftop. For the first time in a year, the two of you managed to spend time out of the school after your parents told you they were going to a convention they wanted to go to for the whole day. That meant you still had at least 4 more hours before they returned.
“Huh?” you didn’t pay attention to his comment since you were distracted, trying to win at least once on a thumb war with him.
“You have to stop purging.” You didn’t answer him, still fixated on winning the game. At your lack of response, Kenny stopped playing. “Hey, I’m serious, princess.” Kenny moved your whole arm now, trying to get your attention on him, and you sighed.
“You know it’s not that simple,” you said, trying to free your hand from his grip without any success.
“I know, but you have to at least try, Y/n” Hearing your name coming out of him sent shivers down your spine. There were only a few occasions when Kenny called you out by name, meaning he was being serious.
“I… don’t think I will be able though.”
“Why?” you groaned. You didn’t want Kenny to know since it was just a frivolous thought.
“Because I need to be perfect. I need to be beautiful and skinny and…” you sounded so superficial, but it was the truth. “Haven’t you noticed how everyone started to treat me differently the moment I started to lose weight? They started treating me like a human again. I won’t give up on that.”
“But you were already perfect. I know you didn’t see it, but you were already all that.”
“Then why everyone started treating me so horribly? Why the comments? Why torture me that way if I was already all that?” he didn’t know what to tell you now. He won’t ever be able to understand all that you’ve been through.
“Just, please. For your good. Stop it.” Kenny whispered. You didn’t want to lie to him, promising you would stop soon, but at the same time, you didn’t want to break his heart.
“I will stop, just not now, ok?”
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8th Grade
Your last year of middle brought a few surprises. First of all, Kyle’s return. Seeing you so happy and excited because of Kyle made Kenny feel conflicted. He was, of course, delighted to finally see you smile more often, maybe not as much as when you were kids, but you smiled almost daily. Kenny thought it was because you wouldn’t like to let Kyle see you depressed. He also felt hurt by this since it could only mean one thing, you still liked Kyle.
Kenny also noticed you tried your best to keep a smile even in difficult situations, like whenever you fought with your parents, you didn’t cry but tried to just brush it off. When Kenny asked you about this sudden change of attitude, you told him it was because you decided to not let your parents bring you down anymore. At this point, you wouldn’t be able to change their thinking, and that the only thing that kept you sane was knowing that one day, the two of you would leave everything behind, making them leave your life for good.
Kenny couldn’t feel prouder of you. But again, what if this sudden change was only because of Kyle? Yeah, he should thank him, but it bothered him thinking you were doing all of this for Kyle. Still, Kenny saw the bright side of it all. You were looking forward to a future with him, not Kyle.
Which brought Kenny to a big realization. He liked you. No, he fucking loved you, and not in the way he’s been telling himself he loves you. Not in a brotherly way. He has these romantic feelings towards you. Unfortunately, he had to hide his feelings. Not only because he was scared to lose his friendship with you but also in fear of losing Stan’s friendship too.
He still remembers the unfaithful day when Stan, Kyle, and he made the stupid pact that would doom the three of them. And Kenny might be a lot of things, but he's no liar nor traitor. He's been lying to himself for years now. There was a reason why he agreed on that pact. Why would he accept an agreement made by those who were in love with you? Because deep down, he was always in love with you, and he knew that without that pact, he would act recklessly since there wouldn't be one thing stopping him from telling you his real feelings.
“So…Are you gonna tell me who you like?” you said, and you brought Kenny back to reality.
“Why do you want to know, princess?” he asked you.
“Well, because you know who I like.”
“So just because I know who you like, I should tell you the same thing?” Kenny chuckled. You nodded.
“Exactly. And before you even dare to lie to me, McCormick, saying how you don’t like anyone now, remember I know you pretty well.”
“I broke up with Kelly a month ago, and you think I like someone?”
“As I said, don’t try to lie to me, Kenny,” he sighed. He sometimes forgets how intuitive you are.
“If I tell you, would you stop asking me?”
“Fine, I like someone from our class. Are you happy?” you were frowning.
“That’s unfair. There are like 15 girls in our class Kenny” Kenny knew that he wouldn’t be able to tell you who he likes, in this case, loves, due to the pact, but what if you were the one who found out…
“Ugh, fine, uhm… She’s one of you three girls” You knew Kenny was referring to Red, Bebe, and you. It couldn’t be Red since he told you he only saw Red as a friend a few days ago after trying to find out who he liked for a thousand time. Then the only option left was Bebe
“It’s Bebe, isn’t it?” Kenny mentally face-palmed himself. “Oh my god, it’s her! My two best friends!” After Kenny felt defeated after noticing how you wouldn’t, in a million years, guess who he liked. He knew he could tell you Bebe wasn’t the one he wanted, but that would be too risky. Since you liked Kyle, he was sure you wouldn’t reciprocate his feelings. He couldn’t risk your friendship now.
“Just don’t you dare say a word, princess,” you squeaked in excitement. Maybe this was the best for now. He knows he’s lying to you, which is something he hates, but it was the best option.
“I won’t, I promise.”
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“Do you think you need to go to the hospital?” Bebe asked as the two of you were looking at your bruised stomach.
“I don’t think so. It wasn’t that bad. He barely hit me. It doesn’t even hurt,” you chuckled.
“I still can’t believe you thought it was a good idea to pick up a fight with Cartman,” Red said as she was wetting a towel to clean the hint of blood that was dripping from your lip.
“He asked for it. He’s been bothering me for years now. It was bound to happen,” you answered back. For the first time in years, you finally stood up for yourself, and you were proud.
“Does Kenny know?” before you could answer, you heard Kenny shout your name.
"I think he does." Kenny entered the girls' restroom, fuming. You tried to take your sweatshirt from Bebe, so Kenny wouldn't see you without it. Not because you were uncomfortable but because you didn't want him to see your bruises, and most importantly, he would see you lose even more weight. You managed to take your sweatshirt from Bebe's grip and put it on as quickly as possible, but unfortunately, Kenny was able to see both your bruises and visible bones.
“What do you think you are doing, Kenny? Get out. This is the girls’ restroom.”
“FUCKING FIGHTING WITH CARTMAN. ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND?” you were looking down at the floor, not wanting to see his face out of embarrassment. He got closer to you.
“He deserved it,” you whispered.
“I don’t care if he deserved it, Y/n. He could’ve seriously hurt you. He’s easily as twice as big and stronger than you. Hell, I can even dare to say he’s three times bigger and stronger than you.” You looked into Kenny’s eyes, and you were able to see they were red. The thing is, you didn’t know if it was because he was crying or out of anger. Maybe both.
“And what about it? Kenny, I stood up for myself. Isn’t it what you wanted?” you answered back. You were starting to also get mad at his attitude.
“YES! But not this way, Y/n!”
“Oh my god Kenny, then make up your damn mind!”
“Are you actually answering me back right now, Y/n? I was fucking worried.”
“So what? You are not my dad Kenny.”
“Are you fucking kidding me? How dare you say that when you are the one who’s in trouble right now? Not only you had a fight, but you also lied to me, you promised you would stop purging, and by the looks of it, you haven’t.” Kenny’s hand was clenched into a fist. He was angry.
“I didn’t lie to you,” you answered back.
“STOP IT! Do you think I’m that stupid, Y/n? I saw your fucking ribs. You’re skinnier than before. How dare you lie to me this way?” Kenny slowly walked towards you, stopping just a few inches away from you. This was the first time you’ve seen him this worked up.
You almost forgot Bebe and Red were present if it wasn’t for Bebe pulling you away from Kenny. He sighed.
“You know what? If you want to kill yourself this way, then go ahead. If you want to keep purging or if you want to put yourself at risk, do it. I won’t be here to witness it. I can’t stand the idea of my best friend, one of the people I love the most, dying.” You felt a tear roll down your cheek as you saw Kenny exiting the restroom. The three of you stayed in silence for some minutes as Red and Bebe were waiting for you to say something. You didn’t say anything at all until the bell rang, meaning you had to return to class.
“Let’s go. We’ll be late.”
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I know this may come as a surprise, and maybe you think I’m a coward for saying this via message instead of telling you this in person, but I think this is the best way since, at this moment, I know you don’t even want to see me since you must hate me right now.
I’m sorry, you have no idea how much I regret not following you after that fight in the girls’ restroom, and I apologize for the way I reacted. I know you were only worried about me, and my attitude wasn’t the best, and I’m sorry.
I’m not gonna apologize for the fight tho. For the first time, I didn’t need anyone to stand up for me. Don’t get me wrong, I will be forever grateful for all those times you did it for me. But I must start doing it for myself. I cannot rely on you to do it for the rest of my life. What if, one day, you are not in my life anymore? Even if the mere thought of you not being in my life hurts me, I know maybe you won’t be by my side forever. Many things can happen, but I will try not to think about it right now.
As for the purging thing… I swear I did stop doing it. I hadn’t done it after one time when I started to vomit blood. It was like a wake-up call. I didn’t want to die while purging. I… fuck, this is hard even if I’m writing it, but I’ve been starving for some time now. And in this case, I’m not doing it because of my looks or anything like that, but because it’s the only thing I can control in my life. You know how hard my home life is. You’ve seen my grades. I feel like everything in my life is going down the drain, and the only thing I’m able to control is the food I eat.
I don’t know how this fight is gonna affect our relationship. But I know that I can’t lose you because of this. Kenny. You’ve been there with me since the first moment I arrived at South Park. You have been there when I needed you the most. You have been by my side during my happiest and saddest moments. You are the most important person in my whole life. I won’t ever find the words to tell you how much you meant to me and how thankful I am for having you in my life. You are my other half, my brother.
The thing is, I also don’t want to hurt you, and if you don’t want to be friends after this, I would understand it. As you said in the restroom that day, if you don’t want to see the way I’m hurting myself and you think the best for you is just leaving, then do it. I don’t mean it in a mean way or anything like that. If I’m hurting you by doing all of these things, I will be the one leaving. I cannot stand the idea of hurting you.
You deserve better than me, Kenny. Believe me when I saw that writing all of this is killing me (I don’t want to lose you), but if that’s the best for you, then I will accept your decision. And if that’s your decision, I just want to say one more thing.
I love you, Kenny. Thank you so much for being in my life.
You looked at your phone screen for what felt like the 10th time in the last 5 minutes as Stan’s words repeated and repeated in your brain. “I know this fight is affecting him more than he would like to admit.”
You sighed in frustration. This was the first time you and Kenny ever fought, and it was also the longest you went without talking to each other. A week, A week where you felt like dying since Kenny wasn’t by your side.
You didn’t know if you would be able to mend this whole situation with Kenny, but you didn’t want to give up on your relationship without a fight. After reading your message one last time, you clicked send.
You saw Kenny saw your message as soon as you sent it, so you locked your phone. As the minutes passed, your heart broke a little more at his lack of response. Maybe he was done with you. And you wouldn’t blame him. You thought you were a burden. You were surprised Kenny didn’t leave you before all of this happened. Even if it hurts like hell, you were going to stay faithful to your decision.
You were a crying mess. Kenny saw your message two hours ago, and there was still no response. This was it. The end for the two of you. You were glad your parents were already asleep as it was almost midnight. You were able to cry without anyone hearing you. As you lay on your bed and slowly fall asleep, you think of all the times Kenny has been there trying to make you feel better. It did hurt, but at least you were able to find someone as amazing as Kenny.
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You were shocked to see a notification from Kenny on your screen. You quickly clicked on it, and you noticed it was a video. As you clicked on the play button, you held your breath. Why did he send a video? Is that why it took him so long to answer you? You saw Kenny sitting down on his mattress as his phone was supported by something on his nightstand. Well, you believed that since he wasn’t holding his phone.
“Fuck princess, after reading your message, I knew I just couldn’t answer you with another message.” Kenny was grabbing a piece of paper in his hands. “First of all, I won’t ever hate you. Don’t you dare to think I hate you because you couldn’t be more wrong. I should be the one apologizing for saying all those things. I didn’t mean any of it. Well, of course, I cannot stand the idea of something happening to you, but I’m not leaving you because of that. Also, I’m sorry for going all ballistic on you for fighting Cartman. As you said, he deserved it, and later that day, I saw how beaten up you left him. I’m proud. Even if he’s bigger, you gave him hell.” Kenny smiled at the camera.
“It’s just that if anything happened to you, I would never forgive myself. I wasn’t even there. I had to find out from Stan about the fight. I guess I was angry at myself for not finding out sooner. At least I would’ve been able to help you or stop you. I’m glad you didn’t apologize for the fight because you should never apologize for putting yourself first, and that’s what you did that day.” he looked at the piece of paper in his hands. He continued speaking.
“Now that you mention it, I did notice how you stopped going to the restroom after eating lunch and how your face stopped being swollen all the time, but I also noticed how you would barely eat. I should’ve known better.” He sighed. “Even if now, you aren’t doing it to change the way you look, I believe you cannot keep doing this to yourself. I know now it’s like a coping mechanism, and asking you to stop doing it may not be the best thing since, in the end, it’s your decision, princess. But tell me whenever you are ready to get help. I would love to be the one by your side when you decide to get better, ok?” you know it was hard for Kenny to say those words, so you appreciated the fact he was letting you take the decision and not forcing you to get help.
“I was also scared these days. As you said, what if this was it? What if this was the end of our relationship? I felt this weight over my shoulders for the past week, thinking and beating myself up for how stupid I was for letting things escalate this much. I also cannot put into words how much you meant to me, Y/n. I would do anything for you. Anything.” Kenny stopped talking for moments as if he was debating whether to tell you something.
“I hadn’t told you this but remember when I told you I didn’t know the reason why Kelly broke up with me? Well, I do know the reason. She said she noticed how when it came to you, I would stop doing whatever I could be doing just to make sure you were ok. How she noticed I would drop everything for you. And she’s not wrong. She wasn’t mad when she told me this. But she just knew my heart belonged to another person, you. She said that even if we are just friends, the love we have for each other is unbreakable, and she’s completely right. Y/n, you are irreplaceable. Even if I end up dating other girls, they will never be at your level.” You were crying after hearing those words.
“I don’t want you to leave. You are the most valuable person I have in my life. I love you. Don’t ever doubt it, princess.”
The video stopped. You felt exhilarated. Kenny still loved you, and he didn’t plan on leaving you. You smiled even though tears were still falling down your cheeks. Maybe things will only get better from now on. It didn’t matter how fucked up your family situation was, how messed up you were mentally right now. As long as Kenny was by your side, everything was going to be fine.
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n a v i g a t i o n
Kenny’s Birthday Week Celebration.
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safetycar-restart · 10 months
Ok I disappeared for a bit but I am back tonight and I'm in a very particular mood... specifically AUs and MotoGP. I wish I could explain this but I can't. This is just my vibe for the evening, and so since that's my vibe, here are some random headcannons/thoughts that I have for some AUs and for MotoGP. For tonight, all AUs and anything MotoGP is open :))
God I love this man with zero thoughts. He is just... so good. Truly the best boy. The bestest best boy.
I think he absolutely thrives when he can just be your himbo? He just follows you around, doing whatever you want him to and not questioning anything because you're in charge and his job is simply to look pretty and do as he's told.
And because of the above, he LOVES bimbofication? Or I guess, himbofication? He loves when you tease him and edge him over an entire weekend, turning him into a useless, horny mess, when he can't do anything himself and just whines and cries and begs.
Also on a slightly fluffier note, he is a SLUT for forehead kisses. And clothes sharing. He is a little clothes gremlin. You will never have a matching pair of socks ever again.
-- Carlos says he doesn't need to see you over the summer break because he knows you want to spend it with Charles, but he ends up nearing subdrop a few times because he got so used to submitting when he needed to that he didnt know what to do when he suddenly wanted to and you weren't there
-- Lando takes naps with you and calls them scenes so that mclaren staff can't come find him
-- max doesn't like to wear a collar because it feels like too much but he does wear a special bracelet you had made for him
-- Pierre and esteban will bicker with each other mid scene with you
-- Bunny!Arthur is constantly nibbling on his own lip when he's nervous so you buy him some chew toys
-- wolf!Pierre will growl at people who try to touch bunny!charles's ears
-- You start out dating cat!Lando and then the cat distribution system gets confused and you end up with Oscar too. None of you know how this happened.
-- wolf!Carlos has no braincells only instincts around you
-- You once tried a rule that Charles needs to come to your house with a plug in before planned scenes, but you had to remove that rule almost immediately because your sugar baby got so spoiled by having you stretching him out that he struggles to do it himself now
-- Mick cooks you breakfast every single day, he will literally come over just to cook you breakfast and then leave again
-- Pierre will happily seduce potential business partners to get them to agree to dealings with you (he has made several offers to do so)
-- Lando honestly makes a terrible sugar baby because he never wears the expensive clothes you buy him, choosing to steal your old PJs instead.
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