#he's literally just..... ken
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Evening Standard, London (1974) / Evening Herald, Dublin (1974)
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15 telling Ruby about himself in space babies
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girl-archie · 1 year
society sadly was not ready for any of the riverdale actors to be in the barbie movie... no matter how perfectly they would've fit. kj apa was created in a lab to play a character made of plastic
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hecksupremechips · 3 months
Akihiko becoming a cop is something that simply doesn’t happen in the coma route cuz Shinji would see that shit and be like Aki what the actual hell is wrong with you
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some hasty Laughingstock ft. butterfly!Howdy for your mild enjoyment...
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fcb-mv33 · 3 months
Martin back on his “Max is an angry person” narrative🙃dude was calm as fuck in that interview and if he was pissed off he has every right to be?? He was on for 10 in a row?? Dude was literally so chill my god.
The narrative that Max is this angry person and driver is literally so shit because man literally is one of the nicest guys around, soft as fuck around his team and family. Yeah sure he has had his moments when he was a TEENAGER and in moments that have seriously mattered but never outside the car. Honestly it’s so infuriating to see how Sky Sports constantly want to damage his character to suit their own needs.
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comradekatara · 11 months
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and that's all i'm gonna say about that!
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lifeiskentastic · 10 months
Ken flirts (albeit not very successfully) with a officer gn!Reader
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Gif by jokerous
A/n: I want to say in advance that if I don't respond to your replies, it's only because this is my side blog and I still haven't figured out how to make it the main blog ;( and English is still my second language so be sure to let me know about my mistakes!
Summary: Ken shows up at the police station again, but this time he has a much more complicated reason for being there;
Song I recommended: Santa Monica by Everclear (although it's not really suitable for fanfic, the song and lyrics were just made for Ken);
Word count: 1,107 words;
Hope you like it!
You've interrogated all sorts of weirdos during your long career as a police investigator. But such a case was certainly the first of its kind. And probably the only one. In front of you sat a not at all embarrassed man in the uniform of a horse rider, that is, in a ridiculous oval hat, a black suit, only horse was. What was the main problem. After all, walking in such clothes in public places and even without a horse is not to everyone's liking. In addition, if it is stolen. Although most of the townspeople have already managed to get used to it since this same man and his companion appeared here for the first time. However, this case was different, as today he came alone. That's why they didn't let him home right away, but sent you to deal with it.
"So Mr. Ken…" You looked at the man who wasn't the least bit concerned about being in the police station, not knowing what you were going to do with him.
"Oh yeah, it's me."
"Um, why did you steal that suit?" You mentally slapped yourself on the forehead for asking such a stupid and obvious question. It's like asking a criminal why he committed a crime... Damn.
Ken was smiling brightly, only making you despair even more. "You see, I just don't have anything to pay yet… But I'll pay it all back very soon! Yes…" But you wouldn't tell that from his unsure and guilty face.
"I'm sorry, mister, but in our town promises aren't enough." For some reason it was difficult for you to say this. Maybe you just couldn't resist the person's naive sincerity in front of you.
"Okay, I'll give you one last warning in hopes that I won't find you in a stolen suit in the middle of a police station again, okay?" Ken shook his head.
"Well, officer, I promise, it won't happen again!"
"Eh, I hope so…"
To tell the truth, this was not the first such "last" warning, but... But sometimes it is worth making exceptions to the rules and protocols for the sake of a good cause.
"Um, officer?" You were about to walk out of the interrogation room and just pretend you didn't see the criminal leaving the police station without punishment. But Ken stopped you with his strangely needy look. "Actually, I just wanted to meet you again."
You were once again surprised by the frankness of this man. And ignorance.
"You could just walk in here, you don't have to commit a robbery."
For a moment you stared into each other's eyes in inexplicable silence until you remembered in time that Ken was a little out of this world. But you didn't know yet whether in a physical or mental sense.
Ken's expression lost its former fervor for a moment, causing you to feel a sharp pang of guilt. So you decided to somehow cheer him up.
"Anyway, I'm very flattered that you went through such troubles for me." You pointed out Ken's appearance, and he immediately melted with pride. "Good job."
You chuckled amicably, but immediately after that you suddenly remembered that you were still wearing your police badge and had some responsibilities, so you improved to add:
"But anyway, don't do that again!"
"Haha, not going to anymore, don't worry officer."
And silence reigned again, although this time it was filled with your mutual smiles. Incredible, but even criminals can be cute.
Ken began to glare at you, to which you could only respond with confusion. This careful look confused you a little, so you decided to find out the reason for it directly.
"Is something wrong Ken?" Ken squinted and something in his sly expression seemed to warn you of danger...
"You are beautiful."
You blinked, slightly not expecting such an answer to the question about feelings.
"Um, thanks… You're in good shape too." Ken assumed a very strange pose that you could describe as flirtatious if he wasn't the weird stranger. After all, how could he flirt with you? It seemed as if the roles of the policeman and the culprit were somehow unfairly reversed between you...
Ken folded his arms on the table, looking at you with all possible attention. Because of which you imperceptibly shuddered. A very strange feeling welled up as you stared into those crystal blue eyes in return. And Ken's smile might seem innocent and naive, but as an experienced police officer you couldn't afford to be fooled by that…
Your palms also rested safely on the table, and the undisguised slyness with which Ken was looking at them could not be ignored... After that, Ken lightly touched his soft fingers to yours, as if by accident, but you could definitely tell from his satisfied face that this was exactly what he intended. But you have not removed your hands in any way. Even if these touches did not seem only friendly.
Ken's whole look (minus the costume ) was like... Head over heels in love? You tried to drive away these insolent thoughts, but the affectionate look fixed on you as if he was completely devoted only to you, the barely noticeable movements of his fingers on your palms and the atmosphere of privacy created by him did not give you peace. And when did everything get so fast?
"You know, I've always wanted to try on an officer's uniform, although I'm pretty sure it looks better on you."
Well, even if it was a sincere and deliberate flirtation, it was so incredibly unfussy and simple that it couldn't help but be touching. If everyone in Ken's world is so nice and unassuming, then this place is clearly Heaven.
"Hmm, thanks again and… And I'm also pretty sure that the uniform will fit you."
You didn't know what Ken was playing, but you decided to keep up with him. It seems that a real battle was brewing here...
"Are you busy tonight?"
It confused you a little. Somehow unexpectedly, too sharply and in general, such purely friendly invitations are not made with such a flirtatious tone!..
"No. Not at all. Do you want to meet?..."
But your tongue had already given away all your innermost thoughts before you had time to really think them through.
Ken looked as if he had already expected a refusal, but when he heard the unequivocal agreement... Well, sparks flew from him. Literally. However, you were sure that this only seemed to you.
"So, at the beach today?"
"I will wait for you!"
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darkstalker-elise · 5 months
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this is just a standard woman from the 80s
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daphnalia · 1 year
watch me explain the nark character dynamic in one picture ready??
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loveandthings11 · 1 year
Arian said Stewy said to Kendall “do you remember what your dad did to you as a kid? I was there.” And it was cut.
I might never sleep again.
Arian Moayed for The Prestige TV Podcast
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sieglinde-freud · 11 months
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tekkenenjoyerblue · 1 month
This segment of the movie will always be so cool to me, especially with just how FAST Bison can move with his teleportation and intangibility
Also cant get enough of his grin he does there just uhhhgh <3
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What a guy am I right? <3
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scholarhect · 11 months
truly barbie movie perfect example of how people will hype up a mediocre man over a woman and they think that SAYING he’s mediocre and she’s excellent cancels it out. like, i’m not saying they need to absolve themselves or anything, there’s nothing wrong with your favorite character being the mediocre guy, but they think that by calling the man mediocre and the woman better, they are no longer “guilty” (for want of a better word. see the beginning of this sentence) of hyping up a mediocre man over a better woman. even though that’s exactly what they’re doing. it’s obviously not all that deep but even in response to the hot pink girl power all women are queens movie about 50% of the discussion is about kenergy. i hope jakey dies
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peachy-takahiro · 9 months
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kennys very own post! wow!
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omvimo · 11 months
alan is clearly a non binary allegory idk what y’all are on
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