#he's not saying it to talyn don't worry
fishymom-art · 2 years
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since Lee will be working on the next chapter of Power of the Sun, I decided to start to slowly sketching the next M&I chapter hehe
what a great start, right? :)))
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parasitical-if · 2 years
First of all, damn this was soo good already, love your writing and just the whole concept of the world etc.
Now a question, could we get some more details on the ROs?? like height, some distinct features etc. only if it is not spoilery of course
Thank you! And of course. I'm not the best at physical descriptions, hence why I held off in my original post, but I'll give it my best shot here.
Tallis/Talyn/Taira: Long, fine auburn hair that goes down to their waist-area. Usually keeps it tied up in a high bun when working. They're around 5'7" - 5'8". Olive skin, green eyes, and very... elegant features? Think thin and delicate, though their personality is anything but. Muscled from their job as a miner, but in a leaner, more lithe way. They're the same age as you, 21, but already fed up with this life.
August: Blonde hair that he keeps short. Tall, around 6'2"-6'3", with blue eyes. Pale, even for the sunless reaches of the Commune, and thin enough that bones show. Don't think emaciated, but you could see the cut of his collarbone, the sharp angles of his wrists. He's 26 - still many years of serving the Order ahead of him.
El: Her skin is tanned(and ignore the lack of sun, this is the best word I can think of to describe it) and naturally freckled. Long black hair that would probably be wavy if she didn't keep it in a braid at almost all hours. Dark brown eyes - eyes that are dark enough to hide secrets in, you're sure, *if* she had any secrets to give. Around 5'4" with a lightly muscled, curvy build. 20 years old - makes you wonder how she's picked up so much expertise.
Jasper: Male Jasper has short hair, female Jasper has it around shoulder-length, and non-binary adopts a more masculine appearance with shorter hair as well. Either way, their hair is curly and frequently messy - though the journey they’ve gone through may excuse that a bit. Around six feet tall and muscled with dark-gold skin. Light brown eyes in a strong, well-defined face. Somewhere in their late twenties, early thirties. Not too much life in the grand scheme of things, but enough experience to fill it.
Icarus: Sorry, but anything about Icarus would basically be a spoiler(don't worry though, you hopefully won't have to wait long - end of Chapter 1 should answer some questions). Suffice it to say that their appearance is entirely different from any of the other ROs.
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sasmeo-bisaster · 4 years
Here it comes a masterchef jr au I had the idea for months ago and kinda abandoned
-Logan is literally Gordon Ramsay 2.0, harsh with adults that put others in danger with their tomfoolery and more understanding with adults that make errors while learning but he has never judged kids cause this is his first time as a judge for masterchef jr
- he us taking the actual Gordon Ramsay place cause he is busy with something so he can't be there enough to be a judge but he will come from time to time cause he just really love watching kids being better cooks than adults
- Logan and Gordon are friends, they have bonded on ridiculous situation they ended up while filming kitchen nightmares together and creative insults
- back to Logan, he is pretty anxious to deal with this bunch of kids cause they are so small and if he ends up insulting one of them harshly for making a big error he would never forgive himself (and Gordon would've whacked him with the rolling pin but he doesn't know that)
- I forgot to say that he is british and will come in one episode dressed like Sherlock Holmes
- to help him judge there's emile, the winner of the last season, an afro-american 17 years old with hair constantly died pink cause he loves the color a lot, he has won making african plates taught to him by both his father and grandmother
- to confuse and surprise everyone, in the first episode he hides between the participants and only after when Logan is searching for him goes to join him
- Logan is unimpressed "here you are", emile now has the objective of surprise him, the participants are all freaking out
- within the participants we have the roman and remus, as always twins, that took the first chance to be against each other right when they saw it
- they have italian origins, roman is the one that tends more to stick to tradition and follow the old recipes while getting creative on presentation, remus is the one that messes a bit around with the recipe and makes plates that hardly resemble what they are supposed to be but still are delicious
- Janus is from south korea and is an master in korean sweets and is also being pretty talented in korean plates
- has a scar on his face for an accident with cooking oil and for this the twins call him zuko, janus is secretly pleased but he can't show that now can he?
- remy is a japanese pal that uses they/them, will make you the best sushi you have ever tasted
- they are sassy and no one is safe from their sass not even Logan (he tells them to write their most creative sass cause he finds it pretty funny)
- they and janus talk to each other sometimes in korean, other in japanese to mess around a bit with the other kids, they end up teaching some words and part of the basics of both languages cause they are surprised to find lots of the participants (and Logan) are actually very interested in learning
-and now here comes Patton or I guess Patty?, a blind american girl, she has a service dog to help her move around, Logan is kinda worried at the beginning but is able to see that after she gets used to her working place she is completely capable of doing anything, he still reminds from time to time to the other participants to not move around her things so it doesn't messes up her mental map
-in the participants we also have joan, talyn and lots of thomas friends but I still didn't think a lot on how they would be and I have gotten a bit lazy I admit
-I still don't have any idea on how the story will go on but emile will try to make all the kids win cause he can't deal with the idea of making win just one
- Logan keeps him in check but secretly feels the same and asks Gordon how he did it like all those kids are so talented how can I do that
And that's all hope it inspires someone
If you do something related to this please tag me cause I'd love to see it
Also thanks to @mylifeisadeceit that they have helped me to give life to this idea
One last thing if I have in someway disrespected any of the ethnicities that I put in this au please tell me so I won't make it happen again
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lacrimosathedark · 5 years
Hi!! I'm sorry to bother you, but what do you find entertaining/funny about Thomas Sanders videos? I'm sorry I sound like a troll, but i swear I'm not!! I have a friend who is a HUGE fan of Thomas, but , I don't get any enjoyment out of it, and maybe understanding why other people do will help me!! Thanks!! (:
Don’t worry about it, I’ll try to answer as best I can! Like anything there’s a number of factors, so bear with me.
The biggest thing is probably that Thomas is a huge sweetheart. He’s caring and genuine and friendly in a way that’s different than some other Youtubers who I also think are lovely. Like, I adore Markiplier. He’s a caring, generous sweetheart too, but something about him feels...rougher? Idk I wouldn’t call Thomas innocent by any stretch but he has kind of an innocent feel to him, I genuinely don’t know how to explain it beyond “he’s sweet”. He’s softer, I guess.
Edutainment is my jam. I hate studying, but I love to learn. Thomas and Joan and the rest actually do research into their scripts for the topics they cover. Pretty much anything Logan says in Sanders Sides is heavily researched and I just love listening to it. I memorize fun auditory scripts better than I do textbooks and articles be they visual or auditory. It’s easier for me to conceptualize, remember, and apply said knowledge if I had fun acquiring it. I learned the breathing technique I use to calm down from his videos.
Our senses of humor overlap. I love puns, as dumb as they may be. And his other jokes just really amuse me and some of them are just really dumb and some are really clever. His shorts especially because they’re somehow simultaneously relatable and ridiculous. Sleep especially gets me because the shorts with him are entirely relatable but there’s something hilarious to me about the embodiment of Sleep being a tea/coffee chugging, needy, sassy, valley-girl talking, bad boy boyfriend and I don’t know why but it’s great.
I adore his friends. I actually have a special place in my heart for Thomas because he had Joan and Talyn on his channel and while I knew conceptually what I was, I didn’t know there was a word for not feeling like a boy or a girl and I learned that from them because of him and it just was a light in the dark at the time. Knowing there’s a word taught me I’m not alone and I could start doing research which has just mostly improved my life. And nearly every other one of his friends has done something that endears me to them, and the few that haven’t are just not around much.
With Sanders Sides specifically I relate to in a lot of ways. Having characters that aren’t exactly a whole person but more an exaggeration of a certain trait has their personality focusing on related traits. Logan’s precise way of speaking, the way things sometimes go over his head, his need to clarify and explain things, how he enjoys analyzing and learning, how he will go out of his way to make sure people know when he isn’t speaking literally, it’s all just very relatable to me because I do all those things. Virgil too. Even ignoring the fact that I am An Adult and still a huge emo dork, I feel constant anxiety and question everything around me, always wondering if I’ve done something wrong, always wanting to but never having the courage to sass back at people being an asshole to me, constantly worrying about pain around every corner, desperately wanting to make others happy, even the hissing when he gets annoyed, I do that too. And if media is decent and there’s a character that I latch onto, I’m likely to stick around.
There’s probably more but this is already so long and I’m tired lol so I think I’ll just stop there. I hope this helps somehow and you can relate to your friend more! Though, if it is any help, I think so long as you don’t hate him/his content, there’s nothing wrong with not enjoying his content. Nothing is everyone’s cup of tea, and maybe this just isn’t your thing, and that’s totally cool and fine! If I can help you in any other way though, feel free to let me know!
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Fading Away
This is based on a prompt by @sidespromptblog. I strayed a little bit from the prompt and made this pure angst.
TW: sympathetic Deceit, sympathetic Remus, death, innuendos,
Anger cried out. Deceit glanced at Remus, hoping the creative side could come up with a plan or an idea or something to say. Anything. Lust, Greed and Sadness were huddled together in the doorway, all three of their faces morphed with terror.
"Dad!" Anger called out and reached his hand out. His hand fell right through Deceit's own. "It hurts," Anger whimpers. "So bad. I don't wanna go. Please help. Dad, Remus, Lust, Saddie, Greed. Please!"
 "You're okay," Deceit lied. "The pain is going away soon, it's going away." It wasn't a lie, the pain was going away but they all knew Anger wasn't going to be okay. The youngest sides eyes stared blankly at the ceiling.
 "I'm so sorry," Anger whispered, "I didn't want to hurt Thomas."
 "Remus," Deceit begged the creative side. "Tell us a story." Deceit shot a look at Remus and the chaotic side sank to his knees beside the dying trait.
  Sadness, Lust and Greed shuffled forward to be by their brother's side while he slowly left them.
  "Once," Remus began, his voice filled with the same dramatic and slightly crazed tone he normally used. "At the end of class, little Joan's teacher asked the class to go home and think of a story with a moral. The following day the teacher asks for the first volunteer to tell their story."
   Little Talyn raises their hand. 'My dad owns a farm and every Sunday we load the chicken eggs on the truck and drive into town to sell them at the market. Well, one Sunday we hit a big bump and all the eggs flew out of the basket and onto the road.'"
  When the teacher asked for the moral of the story, Talyn replied, 'Don't keep all your eggs in one basket.'"
 Little Adri went next. 'My dad owns a farm too. Every weekend we take the chicken eggs and put them in the incubator. Last weekend only eight of the 12 eggs hatched.'"
 Again, the teacher asked for the moral of the story," Remus didn't pause the story when Angers face seemed to flicker out of existence even though Sadness was sobbing and tears were falling silently from Deceit's face.
"So Adri replied, 'Don't count your chickens before they hatch.'" Anger flickered one final time and then his legs disappeared and didn't come back. Remus' first instinct was to grab for him, protect him. But he knew he couldn't, so he kept talking.
 "Next up was little Joan. 'My uncle Ted fought in the Vietnam war, and his plane was shot down over enemy territory. He jumped out before it crashed but could only take a case of beer, a machine gun and a machete. On the way down, he drank the case of beer. Then he landed right in the middle of one hundred Vietnamese soldiers. He shot seventy with his machine gun, but then he ran out of bullets! So he pulled out his machete and killed twenty more. Then the blade on his machete broke, so he killed the last ten with his bare hands.'
  The teacher looked a little shocked. After clearing her throat, she asked what possible moral there could be to this story.
  'Well,' Joan replied, "Don't fuck with Uncle Ted when he's been drinking.'" Remus finished the joke with energetic jazz hands. Each of the sides produced giggles, trying so desperately to ignore the empty space in front of them where Deceit's head was resting on the carpet instead of Anger's chest.
  "You're so not smart, Remus. So awful at jokes and not creative in the slightest," Deceit said. Remus grinned at the compliment.
   "He's gone," Sadness said softly, then he broke into loud sobs and collapsed into Dee's arms. "Dad, he's dead!"
    "If Thomas is getting rid of us then who is next?" Lust asked. Fear was evident in the room even as Deceit lied.
    "None of us are next. We're all going to be okay."
   It was a week, only a week, a mere seven days. It was one week before Greed woke up screaming in pain. Sadness and Lust ran out of their rooms. Everything was the same as it was when Anger faded and hopelessness layered the air of the dark sides common room.
  Remus set Greed onto the carpet. Deceit and Remus shared a look before the snake side kissed Greed's forehead. Greed looked at him and gave a pained smile. "Bye, dad."
  Dee held in his broken sob as he rose up and pulled the other two little sides along with him. They didn't need to see this again.
   As he left he heard Remus tell a  joke. "So, this whole time you've been acting like Thanos when you're really Spider-Man."
 They got to Dee's room and Dee quickly got Delilah out of her enclosure. The green and yellow five foot snake instantly curled around her owner. She had been the sweetest since the day Remus made her and Dee knew that Roman most likely provided her. Remus' creations were never this pleasant.
   "Del!" Sadness sniffled out while holding out his arms. Dee barely had time to move closer before the snake was launching itself at the crying side. Lust was sitting on the edge of Dee's bed, Delilah's tail resting on his lap.
   There was silence as Sadness sobbed into Delilah's smooth scales. Neither Lust or Deceit could find the words to say. They heard cries of pain every so often but it was drowned out by Remus growing louder with his song or story.
   "Which of us is next?" Sadness asked. He raised his eyes and looked between Deceit and Lust, worry painted across his features.
    No one had an answer.
  The nightmares came easily to all the dark sides. The vision of their companions slowly disappearing from their arms. Remus went to Thomas, to try and sway him. To break Morality's hold but it was no use. Remus got beat up by Logic and came back defeated.
   It was useless. Deceit was going to lose all his family.
  Lust went next. Much less screaming involved. He came to breakfast one morning, looked his dad right in the eye, and said he was dying. Sadness cried, Deceit served Lust some pink dyed pancakes cut into the shape of hearts, and Remus did what Remus did best. Grossed them all out and told horrible jokes.
   Lust flickered for a lot longer than the other two. He wasn't ready to die yet and Deceit could see the determination in his eyes. If Morality wasn't his opponent Lust might have actually won.
    The four remaining sides cuddled on the couch. Sadness tried to rest his head on Lust but fell right through and landed on Remus instead. "No!" Lust cried out. "I don't want to go! I don't want to die! Dad, please, do something, I-I-I-" The words faded out as Lust did.
  Remus stood, anger clear on his face. "We can't keep sitting here and letting this happen. We have to stop this!" Sadness and Deceit looked at him, watching his outburst. Sadness sniffled back his tears, and looked at Remus with hope.
    "Is there anything we can do?" Sadness asked softly. Remus looked to Deceit and the father figure could see it in his eyes. There was no plan, no way out, it was out of their control.
    "Yes," Deceit lied tenderly, running his scaled hand through the hair of the only young side remaining. "Yes, there's a way."
   The pained gasps of the side in Remus' arms had Deceit stumbling back. Even Remus struggled to joke, struggled to think of a way to help. These sides looked at Deceit as a father and he had to watch them all die because Morality couldn't get a hold of himself. Morality… It was all Morality.
 Dee clenched his fists and grinned, a villainous smile making its way into his face.  Morality did this and he would fix this. He had too.
 Remus and Deceit stood quietly in the empty common room, the quiet was a stark contrast to the very nature of the dark sides.
   "I should say goodbye to Roman," Remus said. He met Deceit's eyes. It was the first time Dee had ever seen anything but a crazed look in his eyes and he hated it. Dee wanted the Remus who couldn't be phased to come back. But that Remus was fading.
   Deceit swallowed hard. "I think we should talk to Patton. Make him stop."
    "We won't though," Remus commented. "We're scared of him, for good reason it seems."
   Roman gasped and clutched a hand to his chest. Logan cut off from his lecture so everyone could look at the pained prince. "Roman, you okay buddy?" Thomas asked.
   Roman didn't answer, just put a hand to his head. "Are you sick?" Virgil asked, concern blurring with worry in his voice. Patton and Logan both stepped towards Roman, both intending to examine him.
    "No!" Roman cried and threw up a hand to stop the others. "Not me. Remus, something's wrong."
 "We could summon him to us and find the stressing factor," Logan offered. Thomas and Virgil both recoiled, Virgil hissing. Patton seemed torn. "If Roman is in pain it is even more likely that Remus is experiencing similar symptoms, if not to a worse extent."
   "He's right, Kiddo," Patton said to Thomas and Virgil. "If Remus is hurting then we should help." Thomas and Virgil met each other's gaze, taking in Patton's words.
    Thomas nodded. "Yeah, let's do it."
 Dee clung to Remus in a python grip. "Don't leave me here, not here alone. Remus, stay, please stay. Fight it, stay."
  "Can't. Morality wants us gone, so it will be. The only thing that can undo thousands of years of survival instincts: morals." Remus winced as another shooting pain shot through his body, starting in his chest and hitting every nerve down to his toes.
   "I don't want to be alone," Dee mumbled. Remus smiled at him with all the vigor he could muster, which didn't compare to his usual flair, and opened his mouth to start a sentence before his eyes widened and he popped out. Deceit screamed.
    "No, no, no, not like this."
 When Remus appeared in Thomas' living room beside his brother he attempted a smile but only managed a pained grimace. "Good evening, how may-may I assist you?" His voice was pitched lower than normal and a gasp forced its way into the sentence.
  Roman reached out to grab his brother but his hand went right through him. Virgil growled and sunk into his hoodie. Everyone watched in stunned silence as Remus reached out to grab onto Roman, a desperate and pleading motion.
  "Everybody dies," Remus sang in a pathetic mockery of his own song.
   "What?" Patton asked, horrified. "You can't die, you're a part of Thomas!"
     "He's fading," Logan and Virgil both said at once, one voice calculated and the other terrified. The two glanced at each other, Logan quickly noticing Virgil's distress immediately began to explain and solve the issue. "Fading is when Thomas decides he no longer needs a side and the side is... erased in a way."
   "Thomas is a good person now, or he will be after Deceit gives in too. I guess not everybody sins," Remus shrugged dramatically. He waved goodbye and then he began to become transparent. Roman yelled at the others to do something.
    Patton had saddened tears dripping down his face and Thomas watched in fear. Virgil had buried himself in his hoodie. Logan watched Roman and Virgil with a careful eye, being sure the dark side fading didn't affect them other than emotionally.
    "Perhaps," Logan started, "Perhaps we should speak to Deceit."
    Deceit popped up beside Logan in Thomas' home. He looked unnaturally pale and sickly, his scales were flaky and his eyes dull.
    "What a pleasure it is to be here," Deceit drawled, sarcasm heavy in his voice. "What? Morality wanted to gloat? He's got his way? They're all dead now."
     Patton gasped in shock. "Why would Patton be bragging about the fading of the other sides?" Logan asked. Roman and Patton were both crying while Thomas just looked confused. Virgil is the one who answered Logan's question and the words brought them all to a stop a sense of dread sinking in all of their chests.
   "Pat's the one who killed them."
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soft-transboy · 6 years
Pitiful Children
This is based of of the wonderful anamatic from @artfromthevoid
I may do more with this storyline if people want to read it
Tw: Deciet, manipulation, hypnosis/mind control
“Oh come on Thomas, just admit it, you need my help. I can make your life so much easier. Just let me take over as your primary function,and you'll never be stressed or worried again. Why would I work against you? I am a part of you whether you like it or not.” Deceit rested his arm around Thomas's shoulders. “I could help you help you friends. Look at them,” Deceit turns Thomas to face his friends who suddenly seemed to appear in the mindscape.
“They look fine. And I've already said no to your stupid idea. You taking Patton's place sounds like a bad idea. You only have as much power as I let you. So no. Leave me alone and let me get back to the real world.” Deceit pulled Thomas closer to him. “Let me go! What is wrong with you?”
“Let me show you what their hiding. Let me show you what you haven't noticed, like the bad friend you are,” before Thomas could protest, Deceit covered his eyes before everything had a yellow tint. And there was Joan and Talyn, same as before, but they weren't smiling and chatting, they were both so upset. Talyn was trying their hardest not to cry, and Joan was sobbing. “You really aren't as good of a friend as you think you are.”
Thomas just looked at his friends dumbstruck, how could he be this bad of a friend? Deceit had to be lying to him! But... what if he wasn't? Before he could process anything, Deceit spun him around, as the other four appeared.
Deceit smiled, Thomas's guard was down, he could strike at the others. With his free hand, he summons snakes to surround the exit. Who first? Patton was the most influential, but the Prince was the biggest problem. Perfect for his first victim. Holding out his arm, one of his special boys materialized, eyes glowing red.
The snake slipped in between the rest, avoiding Virgil’s gaze. Deceit knew that Virgil would be able to hurt his sweet boys, and he didn't want that. He needed to do this. For Thomas, who was too blind to see the truth behind his lies. “I'm doing this for you Thomas! I only want to save you from yourself.”
Roman, poor Roman, tried to stand in between Deceit and his friends. He realised too late that there was a snake on him, it bit him before he could react. He doubled over in pain as Deceit’s voice fills his thoughts, “how pitiful. You try so hard, but can never succeed. I can make you stronger, braver, better. With me you’ll be the prince you've always wanted to be.” Roman felt his resolve crumble and let Deceit’s promises take over his mind.
He straightened up, feeling calmer and more confident. He looked at his friends, they were so blind to the truth, but he smiled at them nonetheless. He made his way over to Deceit, a big smile on his face. He felt good. And he was gonna help Thomas fell better. More confident, more proud. All thanks to Deceit.
Deceit smiled, this was working better than he hoped. Thomas had calmed down in his arms, and was more willing to listen. He wasn't on board with him quite yet, but he would be more willing to listen. Patton had to be next. He'd be easy to corrupt, but if let unchecked...He'd have no shot. “See how easy this is? See how much better you feel? My way can do that.”
“I-i…” Thomas wasn't sure how to feel about this
Deceit smiles, “I guess I'll have to convince you further,” he says as he summons a smaller snake. He sets it free to go after Patton. Virgil tenses up, unsure how best to attack, not knowing who snake-face would go after next. He didn't want to lose anyone else.
The creature wraps itself around Patton who just watches as it bites him. He lets out a small yelp, but instantly feels happier, like all the bad emotion went away, and Deceit seems to whisper in his ear, “See how much better I make things feel. Thomas can be like that all the time is you just step back and let me be the primary function.” Patton smiles brightly at Logan and Virgil before heading over to Deceit.
Thomas realises how much better he feels, but there's still the thought at the back of his head, telling this is wrong, he tries to ignore it, smiling at the sides around him.
Virgil looks at Logan, he has to stop this. If he can get out of here with Logan, maybe they can fix this, together.
“You think I'd forget about you Logan? Haven't I told you that you're my favorite?” Deceit smiled at the logical side. So hard to corrupt, but so easy to keep. He focused his energy and summoned the, hopefully, final snake. He really hoped that Virgil would just fall in line once the others were his.
But no. Virgil decided to be difficult, he pushed in front of Logan summoning Nervous Energy, ready to destroy the snake. But Deceit just smiled, he almost was excited this ended up happening.
The snake lunged at Virgil, who caught it, causing it to disappear. He turns to Logan, about to tell him to run, when the real snake appears on Logan's shoulders, but before Virgil could get more than the word “Logan” out, the snake bit Logan's neck, causing him to fall to his knees, Deceit’s words basically shutting him down, “You just want to be listened to, you want to be loved. You just want to be understood. I can help you. I can love you. Just let his happen.”
Logan stands and smiles, his mind clearing back up. Deceit was there for him. He would listen to him.
Virgil was panicked. Everyone was gone, except him, he tried to back away from Logan, only to run into Roman. He had to get away from them. He had to get away, to his room. He tried to run, but the others kept trying to block him.
Deceit waves his hand, “Let him try to run, my snakes will get him. We should check on Thomas. We don't want our boy to be without us for too long.”
Virgil turns to run as Deceit’s snakes chases after him. He manages to destroy some of them, but ultimately has to escape to his room.
Deceit smiles he doesn't need Virgil. He has the other three, and now he can do what he pleases. The other three sides surround Thomas, reassuring him that everything will be better now. And he believes them.
But why wouldn't he? They'd never lie to him. They only want to help him.
Virgil slams his door shut, leaning up against the wood, trying to catch his breath. He had to stop this. But the only other ‘person' he could go to may not even be willing to help…
But he had to try. For Thomas.
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5am-the-foxing-hour · 6 years
Animal AU Promp: So what if after a particularly bad storm the power goes out and Thomas is informed that it'll be out for close to a week. Thomas starts looking for a place he can stay in the mean time but since hotels don't really allow animals he stays with friends. The only problem is that most his friends can't accommodate all his animals so they get split up which confuses and scares everyone (bonus points in they're split up slowly, one by one, as Thomas finds friends to house them).
aaaaaaaaaaawww ow that hurt
Thomas was cuddling Patton and Virgil close as the storm ranged on outside. The rain crashing down and the wind howling, as the thunder shook the air and lightning split the sky. 
Virgil whimpered and pressed his head harder against Thomas chest, ears pressed flat against his head and fur on end as he clung to the human. Patton wasn’t any better he flinched each time the lightning flashed outside and whined when the thunder roared.
Thomas murmured gently at the kitten and dog as he held them.
Suddenly without warning did the lights start to flicker and with a click the whole house and neighbourhood was drenched in darkness, Roman scrambled from his spot and pressed close to Thomas side, Logan flew over and landed on his shoulder. Virgil gave away a cry and Patton whined loudly
  “Shhh, shhh, it’s okay, it’s okay, it was just the power that went, it will be back before we know it, i’m sure of it.”
  “I’m sorry to say that the power wont return until next week.” a man at the door said, having gone door to door in the neighbourhood since the phone-line was dead.
  “Oh… I see.” Thomas replied before he looked back at the animals, Deceit had left his terrarium to coil around Patton in search for warmth, the dog didn’t seem bothered about the snake. “Thanks for telling me.” the man nodded before he left to tell the neighbour next door. it was early day so the sun lit up the world but the house were still darker than normal.
Thomas turned to face the animals who gave him worried looks.
  “It seems like we will be without power for a while… meaning we will have to find another place to spend the time at until they fix the power…” He sighed before he brought up his phone and walked over to a old phone-book and then left the room to talk undisturbed.
  “Do we need to move?” Roman asked from the couch.
  “I don’t think so…” Patton replied.
  “It’ssssssssss cold.” Deceit huffed as he curled a bit tighter around Patton who turned his head to give the snake a lick on the head. 
  “I’m sure that whatever happens Thomas knows what to do.” Emile said as he hopped over.
  “I still don’t like this…” Virgil whined.
  “I know.” Logan sighed as he spread his wing to place over the kitten.
Thomas came back down with a tired face before he sighed.
  “Okay, i got good news and bad news. No hotel nor motel had space for all of us… and i called my friends… and Joan and Talyn can let me stay there until the power comes back, the bad news tough is that they don’t have space for all of us… meaning we will have to split up… i asked Terrence if he could take some of you until the power comes back and he said yes…” Thomas looked at them with worried eyes.
The animals shared looks before they all stared at Logan who stared at Thomas.
  “Elaborate!” Logan croaked.
  “Logan, you and Virgil, along with Patton will be with me, Deceit, Roman and Emile you will be with Terrence.” Thomas took in the look of each animal’s face, Virgil and Logan looked glad to be together but sad to not be all, Emile looked sad, and Deceit looked like he would hiss if he wasn’t as cold. Roman and Patton looked at him with sad pleading eyes. “I’m sorry but this is the best i can come up with in such a short notice.”
Patton whined and Roman gave away a dramatic yowl.
  “I swear it will go faster than you think.”
Roman was not happy as Thomas stopped at Terrence place, Holding Roman’s cat carrier in one hand and Emile’s carrier in the other, Deceit was still in the car in his own carrier. Terrence met him at the door and smiled.
  “I am so thank full you can do this for me Terrence.” Thomas said.
  “Hey, no worries dude, they weren’t that hard to care for.”
  “Thank you anyway.” Thomas said as he put Emile’s carrier down on the floor and then turned Roman’s carrier to look at the cat “Now, Roman, be nice and don’t cause Terrence any trouble, okay.” the white ragdoll cat only hissed at him. “Yes you are in a pissy mood, i know.”Thomas said with a groan as he put the carrier down on the floor, going back to get Deceit.
Once the three animals were inside did Thomas open the carries. Roman stalked out slapping Thomas in the face with his tail before he hoped up on the windowsill and glowered. Emile hoped to the edge sniffing the air before he slowly hopped out. Deceit raised his head and looked around before he looked at Thomas with a ‘are you serious’ look and stuck out his tunge.
  “I so do not need your attitude right now Dee.” Thomas chuckled before he hoisted the snake up and walked over to the window where the sun fell inside and put Deceit on a shelf half obscured by plants and knick-knacks.
Thomas walked over to the door and turne to Terrence.
  “If anything happens call me okay.”
  “You got it.” Terrence said with a smile as Thomas left.
Thomas thought the week would pas quick he was so wrong.If the fact that he missed his bunny, cat and snake was an understate ment he MISSED THEM GREATLY, even Logan, Virgil and Patton seemed to agree with him on that.
And from what Terrence told him it was clear Roman, Emile and Deceit missed him as well. A whimper left him as he slumped in the armchair, Virgil climbing up to his chest and Logan sitting on the armchair’s back
  “You okay Thomas?” Joan asked
  “I miss my children.” Thomas said with a pout. Talyn gave him a pat on the shoulder.
  “It’s only 3 more days.”
  “I knoooow.” Thomas whined, joined in by both Patton and Virgil.
  “Thomas, my man, my dude, calm down.”
Thomas stopped the car outside Terrence place and walked up to the door and rang the doorbell, Terrence opened looking a bit tired.
  “The moment i told them you were coming to get them they all got in their carriers without a fuss.” Terrence laughed as he let Thomas inside. 
The moment Thomas got in view did Roman start to mew happily.
The moment they were all back home in their house now once again with the power working, was the first thing they did make one gigantic cuddle pile. Saying hi to each other and once again making them all smell like each other.
  “Back together like the gigantic family we are.” Thomas chuckled “You guys know what would make this moment any better? if someone had like some garlic bread.”
Tag list: @ruuworld, @tree4life25, @unicornllamabunny, @team-free-squiggle, @strangegaycandy, @virgil-the-virgin, @nightmaresides,  @fillyourteacup, @random-name-here​
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ec-sanderssides · 7 years
I just wanted to stop in and say I think you are absolutely fantastic and I was wondering how you feel about Thomas's new video? I'm kinda torn between excitement and foreboding. Can't wait until Wednesday now. 😁 I think Thomas and Joan and Talyn did a really fantastic job with it though, what about you? (Again you are so fantastic and you don't have to answer any of this, I just think you're really cool and I wanted to hear your opinion on things 😊) -💜🌻
Ok, first of all, this video has killed me and i’m going to be ridiculously jittery until part two comes out. That being said, yes, ti was so goo, and I am super impressed by all the effects.
And second, thank you for the compliments. I’ve been feeling super stressed lately, so seeing your words really means a lot.
But more specific thoughts on the video:
I am really glad we’re seeing Roman begin forced to confront his animosity towards Anxiety. Because I love him, but it needed to happen
We’re going to see Anxiety’s room, which is just yes. Also the clock was cool
Also this was an interesting confirmation that the sides have their own rooms, but that they are seemingly on separate planes of existence, and that possibly until the creation of the mind palace, the only place they could interact was in Thomas’s living room (I might use that in fanfics, but I’m also going to keep with my current set up for a lot of them, since it’s easier to make the sides interact that way)
I love, love that we’re seeing the ways Anxiety affects Thomas beyond just he negative. Because this is something I actually do myself. I go well, yeah anxiety sucks, but at least it’s obsessing over late assignments means I don’t really turn in late assignments.
Also the the laptop, because yes fear does provide reflexes, and the fact that Thomas didn’t check and see f the laptop still worked! I am super paranoid about my laptop breaking, and I think most people would be worried after a fall like that, but there was nothing
Side note: Logically that was probably just an old laptop that isn’t used anymore, but part of me is imagining Talyn lying at Thomas’s feet, going ok I’m ready to catch it when it falls, and that’s just very amusing to me
Also Patton cares about Anxiety awww!
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jayisjo-blog · 7 years
There' a person who's been going around saying "i'm scared of you bc you don't have a gender." They've messaged Talyn, and now they've messaged you, too. Don't let them get to you. Now, what i really wanted to say: Hey, my queer name is Therry, and i'm a Black genderfluid (she/her and he/him, but also feelin a bit androgynous as of late) person. And i love everything about you. Stay curious and awesome!
Lol soooooo not worried about the little coward that couldn't 💁🏽😌 but as for you 😇 I'm pleased to make your acquaintance
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