#he's so creepy and cringe-y <3
direwombat · 1 year
What about Syb's thoughts on Lilith, please? aaand for the chaos, jonah's thoughts on Lilith too maybe? 👀 - fourlittleseedlings
ahhh thank you, hope i did lil justice
syb + lilith
Sybille supposes she really shouldn’t be surprised to find someone in “her spot.” The small grove with a pond is at the end of a trail, but it’s one so overgrown it’s hard to distinguish from the rest of the woods surrounding it. She’d stumbled upon it completely by accident while on the run from the Chosen hot on her ass. It had served her well then, and it’s continued to deliver since then. 
Every time the overwhelming pressure of carrying the entire Resistance on her shoulders makes her want to go on a civilian murder spree, she packs up her tent and hikes towards that quiet little pond. 
This time is no different. Except that when she emerges into that clearing, there’s someone already there.
A woman.
She seems familiar, but Sybille can’t quite tell with the large camera obscuring her face. A mess of wild hair, Whimsical dress, her shirt bearing an image of the eighteenth card of the Major Arcana and her skirt a deep navy blue with a matching lunar pattern. Something about it all reminds her of the New Age shops back in New Orleans, and she wouldn’t be surprised if this woman smelled of incense. 
The woman looks up at her, wide eyed and startled, her hand reaching towards the pistol resting beside where she’s seated. A long moment passes, the two staring at each other in surprise before recognition clicks for both of them. 
Lilith. The best friend of the one who’s taken to wrecking John’s shit with so much fervor that Sybille felt comfortable prioritizing the neutralization of the other two Heralds. 
“Hi,” Sybille says awkwardly, adjusting the strap of the tent bag on her shoulder. “Sorry, I ain’t mean to -- uh -- interrupt your photoshoot.”
Lilith blinks up at her, apparently not yet recovered from the shock of someone nearly getting the drop on her. Then, she’s scrambling to gather her things towards herself, attempting to make more room despite there being plenty. “Oh! No. No! It’s fine! You weren’t in the shot or anything if that’s what you’re worried about.” 
“Oh. Good.” Sybille says. It wasn’t what she was worried about, but she’s glad regardless. “Well…uh…nice seein’ ya.” Adjusting her pack, she gives a small wave and turns to hike off and find another camping spot. She doesn’t want to intrude on another’s peace and solitude. 
“Wait!” Lilith calls. When Sybille halts and turns back towards her she continues, “Did you want to pitch your tent here? ‘Cause I don’t mind. Some company would be nice, actually.”
“Oh, uh, um…okay then…” she says, and she clumsily tiptoes her way around the pond and begins unpacking her things on the far side of the pond, directly across the water from Lilith. The other woman hesitates for a moment, watching her begin to pull the supplies out to assemble her tent, but ultimately returns to her photography. 
However she’s soon distracted by the sound of Sybille nailing in the stakes with her mallet. “Doing that doesn’t bother you?” Lilith asks. 
Sybille looks at her, brows furrowed in confusion. “Doin’ what?”
“Putting the stakes down.” When Sybille still looks confused, she elaborates. “You know, with your -- uh -- you know --” She lifts her own hand up and points at her palms.  “-- your hands?”
Sybille frowns and looks down at her own hands. Blood feathers on the wraps covering the tops of the hand holding the mallet. “Ah, shit,” she murmurs. If it’s bleeding on the back then the entry wound from that nail on her palm sure is as well. Well, that explains why her grip was beginning to slip. She sets the mallet down and pulls out her first aid kit to redress the wound. “I dunno,” she shrugs. “Don’t really feel it no more when it opens up.”
“No, I mean because of your hands?” Lilith mimes staking a nail through her own palm and Sybille finally understands. 
She looks thoughtful and shrugs. “Even if it did, what other choice do I got? Hav'ta be able to survive on my own. Ain’t nobody gonna hold my hand and help me.”
She takes her eyes off Lilith just long enough to make sure her new bandages are secure, and in that time Lilith circles the pond and is kneeling on the ground beside her. Before she can say anything, Lilith picks up the mallet, wiping the blood off with what appears to be one of her camera’s lens cleaners, and takes over staking the tent. 
“What’re you doin’?” Sybille asks dumbly. 
“You said no one was going to help you,” Lilith says. “You aren’t alone. I’m here too.” And then, in words that ring hauntingly familiar, Lilith says, “I am here to help you.”
There’s something soothing about the way she says it. Adamant and firm, but hushed and gentle and patient -- the same way a mother does when she’s reassuring her child. The same way her own mother did whenever she noticed Sybille losing her childhood to taking care of her family.
“I am here to help you. Rest. You have worked so hard taking care of others. Take care of yourself.” 
It hurts more than her open palm wounds not being able to help, but every time she tries to protest, Lilith keeps insisting she helps. And every time she manages to hypnotize Sybille into long moments of quiet. 
Lilith is a kind woman, Sybille thinks. I would gladly die to keep her safe.”
and here's jonah being a little creep lmao
It’s sinful to lust, and even more sinful to lust after the wife of one’s own brother. 
Yet lust Jonah does because how could he not? Not with her looking like that. 
He stands beside Faith on one side of the dais in his brother’s church. John and Jacob stand just across from them, and in between are Joseph and Lilith -- the Father and the newly ordained Mother -- dressed in their finest for their wedding ceremony. 
Lilith is…the picture of perfection. Pale, milky skin dotted with constellations of freckles and long, dark eyelashes. Her wild mane of curly, midnight black hair cascades underneath the veil Joseph had pushed back in order to kiss her, and her dress, white as snow and hugging her form where it matters, is decorated with the finest lace from the Project’s artisans.
Jonah clasps his hands behind his back, his nails biting into his palm. His jaw is tense and every now and then he catches John’s knowing smirk from the corner of his eye, taunting him. He’s going to have to confess later, once the ceremony is over, let those tally marks beneath his LUST tattoo gain another friend and allow John to officially mark him with a new sin. ENVY.
It’s not something he’s looking forward to, but such is the price for such a serious transgression against the will of God. No matter how much he desires, nothing will change the fact that Lilith, a woman who has haunted him like the succubus expelled from Eden, belongs to Joseph now. His wife. His property. 
Perhaps it won’t be so bad. There is ecstasy in pain. Euphoria in subjecting oneself to the divine punishment of God’s will. Euphoria he has no other way of obtaining. 
But for now he pretends to smile, a mask he’s perfected and worn since he started preaching himself in those tents in the Georgia backwaters. All the while, he stews in unrighteous ardor and  in righteous anger. Towards himself. Towards Lilith. All he can do is chant the same thing in his head over and over, a mantra -- a prayer, one he desperately hopes God hears and rids him of the Devil’s influence.
Thou shalt not covet thy brother’s wife thou shalt not covet thy brother’s wife thou shalt not covet thy brother’s wife thou shalt not…
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tryingtofindava · 4 months
i saw the tyler fic u did where instead of him being impale, it was his gf! do you think u could do that but with aiden’s gf and the ceiling? 🫶
A/N: is the title lyrics from Low by Flo Rida? Yes. Do I think I’m hilarious for this? Also yes.
: ̗̀➛Back to Source
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Covering Ashlyn’s ears with your own shaking hands as she trembles from the crazily loud bangs coming from Taylor’s shotgun.
Watching as she shoots the ever loving fuck out of the creepy massive centipede. “… Yeah, uh- Tay, it stopped moving.” Aiden nodded with an uncomfortably big smile, though his semi assuring words fell upon deaf ears.
Giving her a thumbs up as he’s crouched right beside you while you help Ash, having a hand on your shoulder and giving you light squeezes to comfort you or himself, you couldn’t tell.
Taylor upon taking notice that creature is in fact dead…. Hopefully… She lowers the gun as Logan comes up behind her, grabbing her shaking hand soothingly. “We need to hurry in case it recovers.” He spoke reassuringly to the panting Taylor.
Watching the others rummage around the small office while you stood watch at the doorway, was a stressful experience having to keep watch to make sure no phantoms got in and keeping watch over Tyler (who was getting patched up by Ben).
.And no one could find the keys… “Where are they?!” Taylor seethed, slamming shut another keyless drawer.
“Coach must’ve moved them again!” The brunette complained while starting to sigh through another drawer. “Does he move them often?” Ashlyn asked doing her own searching.
“Yeah, because idiots like Jay and Conner keep messing with them!” She scoffed. You would’ve giggled at Taylor being so frustrated for what seems like the first time ever if it wasn’t for your current situation.
You were leaning against Aiden who was fiddling with his army knife, flicking the blade out and flicking it back. “I feel a minor sense of Deja-vu.” He murmured in your ear while smiling to himself. It never failed to amaze you how your boyfriend could always smile no matter what was going on around him. “We have 3 minutes left,..” Logan called out.
Ashlyn perked up at a certain sound her super hearing picked up on, she looked over at you and Aiden. “Guys, there’s a straggler.” Carrot-top warned. Aiden sniggers, nudging you “Yeah, I can hear it running.”
And with that he stabbed the smiling demon monster right in the face, making you cringe at the disgusting squelch sound it made pulling the knife out of the phantoms face. “Got it!” Aiden hummed enthusiastically, skipping over to Ash to show her the black substance it left on his knife.
She of course rolled her eyes, ignoring the blondes antics, her eyes falling back to you. “Is there anymore, Y/n?” She quipped in curiosity.
You peaked out the door, looking left and then right. “Uhhh… nope, we’re good.” You answered, looking over your shoulder at her.
The walls and ground shook, “Huh…?” You mutter to yourself in confusion. “EVERYONE GET UNDER SOMETHING!” You heard someone yell, you were too busy keeping yourself balanced to register anything else in the moment.
The last thing you saw was Aiden reaching out to you, before the ceiling collapsed. “Y/N!” He shrieked, racing towards you. That’s when it all went black.
“C’mon! Get her under the table!” Taylor helped Aiden carry you to the table, everyone crawling under it. Logan, Ben and Taylor hiding under the desk on the other side of the room.
Aiden cradled your body in his arms, rocking back and fourth with he was staring at your face in horror. Blood was leaking from your forehead, and it was also trickling from your nose.
Aiden was on the verge of tears as she wiped the blood from your nose, that’s when he noticed your eyes were wide open and an unsettling grin stretched across your face.
In the real world Aiden shoots up from his sleeping spot, looking around the room until his eyes fell on your shaking form. “Y/N!” He yelled out again. Which caught the attention from the adults in the room over, including your parents/parental figure.
Before he could even get to you, the adults were already around you. Trying to assist your violently thrashing form. You coughed and wheezed, “I’m okay! I’m fine!” You assured the adults, while also trying to calm your heart and and breathing. “-M okay, really…!”
Aiden pounced on you, hugging you tightly, muttering incoherent words while pressing small pecks to your hair and forehead. You leaned into his touch, tears welling up in your own eyes just like his own.
“Don’t scare me like that again.” It was the first time you’ve ever heard him sound so serious…
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staticbleeding · 14 days
⛧°。 ⋆Waiting on the Stars ⋆°⛧
+:。.。 teen Stanford Pines x gn reader 。.。:+
Part 3 is here y'all!! I'm tempted to keep a majority of the story in Ford's POV. Let me know what y'all think! warnings : strong language, suggestive language, the usual teen shit pt.1 pt.2 pt.3
1972 What happens when Ford's chance to ask you out is right in front of him? Will he grab it and run? Or will his time run out?
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Ford's POV
What do I say? God their voice is so pretty. Do I hang up? No that's creepy.
Thoughts race through my head. Fear and anger crashes over my body like waves. Finally the reality hits, I need to say something.
"H-Hi (Y/N)?" I stutter out finally.
"Ford? Hey! How'd you get my number?" Their voice rings in my ears as a blush raises throughout my face.
"Stan. He saw you left your notebook in class today and let me call to tell you..I promise I didn't look through it at all! Just your..number." I feel myself mentally cringing at how creepy all of this could sound.
"Oh shit. I didn't even notice! Thank you!" They laugh and thank me, I feel my heart begin to beat faster. Not out of fear or anxiety, but of something else.
"Oh it's nothing! Just..buddies looking out for each other...not assuming we are buds or anything! Just a phrase..yeah phrase." I say and look up seeing Stan shaking his head and laughing. A silent glare is directed at him.
"Of course we are! Looking out for each other. Speaking of which, um would you like to meet up sometime this weekend so I can get it back? Not like a date or anything." I hear their voice quiet down at the last part. My heart tightens up and my stomach drops.
"SO like a date?! Oh he would LOVE to honey! I'll make sure he dresses all fancy for ya. Flowers and all! I like you already! He will pick you up tomorrow at 7 alright?" My mother's voice rings out through the line. I turn around towards the living room and see her sitting in her usual chair with the phone in her hands. She looks up at me and blows a kiss before getting up and walking away like she didn't just say the words I have been so scared to say out loud so nonchalantly. Oh God please let the floor open up and just swallow me whole.
"A date!? Oh! Um if Ford wants it to be a date..then yeah." I hear (Y/N) say into the phone.
"Excuse her! I am so sorry! I..is a date alright? Don't feel pressured to say yes at all! It is completely understandable if not." I cover my face with my free hand and quietly say into the speaker.
"I would love a date with you Ford..." I hear them speaking but after those 8 words leave their mouth I can't focus on anything else but my heart beating faster than it ever has. This can't be real. I am going on a date with them. An actual date. With the prettiest person to ever step foot into this town!? Oh stars what if I mess this up? I feel myself start to lose my mind to worries and anxiety. Tuning out everything except my own voice.
"Do I need to tell you the address again Fordsy?" I hear their laughter I have come to love so much, slowly bring me back into reality.
"Shoot! Um sorry yeah. Wait let me get a ink pen," I run around the kitchen finding something to write it down, "Okay continue please."
Writing down every number and word they say, brings this entire thing to reality. I am going on my first date ever. Do they know this is my first date? What do they even like? Where do I acquire flowers for a date?!
"So..tomorrow at 7?" A smile coats their voice so sweetly I can't help but smile back as if they can see it.
"Yes. Tomorrow at 7. I will..see you there!" With that we say our goodbyes and hang up. Finally a steady breath finds my lungs and fills them up.
"See!? Wasn't that hard Sixer. Just needed a push." Looking up I see my brother and my ma giving each other a high five. Rolling my eyes, I watch as ma goes to look for a suit that will fit me. Stan looks at me and tells me I can use his cologne that "all the ladies love it on me, surely it can help you". I can't help but smile a little. Silently thanking them for the help. I slowly walk to my room and find myself laying in the bed I have spent countless night dreaming. Dreaming of how I can ask them out, maybe the stars heard me? If I ever visit the stars, I will have to thank them. A big smile finds its way to my face. Maybe everything will be okay.
The next few hours are spent with Ford's eyes wide open. Imagining everything that could happen. Many thoughts circle the Young man's head. 'The possibility of this date going completely perfect is slim to none' , 'What do we do?' , 'I have to impress them. make them want to do this date thing again'. Ford slowly drifts off to sleep imagining the chances of this working out. Stan creeps into the room and smiles at the twin asleep cuddling against a pillow. A smile on the older Pines brother, bigger than Stan has ever seen on the usual stoic and serious face.
Ahh! Chapter 3! Sorry for the shorter chapter! Didn't want to put the date and the phone call all in one. Gotta stretch it out wink wink. I hope you all are as excited as I am for the date.
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writingoddess1125 · 11 months
could you do Mihawk, Luffy, Zoro and Shanks being all protective over their drunk partner, like maybe someone had put something in their drink.
also who’s your favorite person in one piece to write for? :D
Ohh I love this idea!
As for favorite to write for It absolutely Buggy! IDK Ive always had a think for creepy clowns ;3 What can i say! I would ride some red noses! MWAHAHAHAHAH 🤡
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⚠️ Warnings ⚠️: Drugging, Alcohol
Drunk + Spiked Partner
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• It had been a fun evening you and him going to a grand bar and drinking together. You two had been having a great time- but Mihawk had made a mistake however. Unaware of how much of a lightweight you were and (compared to normal pirates-) having been a giggly red mess after 'only' 6 strong drinks.
• "Y-You know I always found you super attractive~" You slur out far too drunk. He looked at you amused as you drank far too much.
• "I think you have had enough" He purred out, his hand keeping you closer to him in case you slipped away. However he noticed immediately how your seemed to be getting loopier
• "I don't thinkkk" You slurred as you tried to lift the glass to your lips once more.
• Mihawks hand shot out and snatched the cup from your hand much to your surprise. Watching how he closely stared at the contents of the drink.
• Smelling the contents before he growled at the discovery. Looking at you he stood up and dumped the drink on the floor, pulling you up to your feet. He scooped you up into his arms-
• "Which Bartender gave you that drink?" He ordered, watching you as you pointed to a rather panicked looking Bartender who was trying to slip into the back. His eyes narrowing in anger at this-
• "Let's get you to sleep-" He takes you out quickly back to your gets hotel room.
• Mihawk would definitely take care of you that night and if your symptoms are worse or getting worse will take you to the hospital.
• Will brutally murder the Bartender and any of those who dare go against his actions. Using using hid small cross blade to make it more intimate
Luffy {dark}
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• Luffy wasn't a drinker since it makes him sleepy- So when he agreed to go with you to celebrate he was going got food and not much else.
• As he would be careful to escort him out, his gaze darkened at this and he glanced to across the room. His eyes meeting Zoro who had been across the room the whole time and nodded once. The green haired man nodding his head as he lifted himself from the wall and stalked towards the bathroom where the injured asshole had hid in. His hand already on the blade of his sword as he walked in-
• What was being celebrated however was unknown still but you were still all to happy to have him join you.
• Eating food together while you drank, the conversation being light and happy. Both of you oblivious to the cook who had been eyeing you the whole night or when he slipped behind the bar before the waitress brought your next round of drinks.
• It only took 3 drinks before the world began to spin-
• "W-Wow I feel funny-" You slurred and rubbed your face. Trying to rub away the odd feeling washing through your body. Luffy watching you closely and touching your forehead.
• "Are you okay?" He said calmly as he checked for fever.
• He would pull the glass from you and smell it calmly. Sticking his finger in a glass and tasting it lightly, His face cringing at the taste bit also by the chalkiness at the bottom of the glass.
• "We need to go (Y/N)" He said calmly as he pulled you up to your feet carefully.
• "Here lets get you back to the ship" He said cheerfully. Taking the time to nurse you back to health and watch over you fully.
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• Will absolutely cut them down in person- He is not going to hesitate in the slightest and murder the suspect right then and there in the bar. He doesn't care if it gets the attention of others-
• It was suppose to be a simple bar date. Drinking together and your crew out enjoying the festival, you and Zoro paired together best anyway since you kept him from getting lost.
• "This has been so fun!" You say cheerfully, holding Zoros hand as you two step into the busy far.
• "Can to buy me a drink?" A young women flirted with you. You smile politely and decline, walking away quickly as she glares at you and Zoro who take a seat.
• "That chick is giving me the creeps" You mumbled, noticing a women staring you down.
• "Probably just jealousy" He said calmly pouring you two another drink as you guys cheered and talked merrily together.
• Eventually you two finishing the first bottle so you offer to get up to grab another
• Going up to the Bartender he hands you a free shot- Saying someone bought it for you. You happily accept and down it before returning to your table with the new bottle.
• After a few more drinks Zoro noticed your drowsy ways, the way you slouched forward and could barely keep your eyes open.
• "(Y/N)?" He mumbled and reached forward to touch your face. Squinting his eyes as he knew immediately what this was and watched as the Bartender & Women from before approach.
• "You did this didn't you?-" Zoro hissed in anger as he watched the duo smirk.
• Bartender: "She looks really drunk and my friend here has noticed. Sir why don't we have the Lady take them?-" He suggested as the women's marked and nodded.
• "You did this.." Zoro said as he held you closer and anger bubbled in his chest.
• Doesnt know where the hospital is so goes the the Inn next door and takes care of you through the night.
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• Shanks eyes narrowed as he gently pulled you close, looking you over as he gently placed his hand on your cheek to look you in the eyes.
• You were always Shanks favorite waitresses. He had been coming to your bar for years and always did it just to visit you.
• Tonight was extra special since you weren't on shift so you decided to drink with Shanks and his crew.
• "I see a new Bartender tonight" Shanks commented, Seeing how he leered at you with every drink you had.
• You nodded taking another sip from your strong drink. "Yeah he just started- a nice guy.. if not a little too nice" You admit, however not wanting to ruin the moment you continue drinking.
• It didn't take long for you to start to grow loopy, confused by basic conversation and sleepy. Most would assume you simply had too much to drink- but you were no lightweight.
• "(Y/N).. did someone hand you a drink or look away from it?" He said calmly, You leaning into him heavily and nodded Unsure of what he was even saying. Shanks eyes narrowed as he looked around the bar angrily, his eyes landing on his suspect.
• Will take you immediately to the hospital and have his crew deal with the suspect who was clearly to avoid capture.
• Sits with you the whole night and will get updates from Ben Beckman on the status of the person who Drugged you- aka them being past tense
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
Omg hear me out
OlderStepBrother!Levi x YoungerStepSister reader
He's so protective over you, after all, nobody's good enough for his little sister except for him<3
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a/n: oh, he'd be so creepy.
➤ older step-brother!levi | headcanons
1.4k words | nsfw | gn!reader | dark content
cw: step!cest. reader is late teens/early 20s and levi is mid-late 20s. modern au; implied cyber-stalking/surveillance; cursing; ambiguous ending.
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Older Step-Brother!Levi, who's completely uninterested in getting to know you. So what if your parents got hitched? It's not any of his business. He hasn't even met you yet, but the more he hears about you, the more annoyed he is for reasons he doesn’t understand. He doesn't care about what university you're going to, or what your grades are, or that you like "the same cartoons and games" he does. He's not going out of his way just to meet you. It's not even worth his time to look you up online. He couldn't care less.
Older Step-Brother!Levi, who you only know vague details about before you meet him for the first time. You don't understand what he does exactly, only that he's good with computers and works freelance and somehow affords his own house in an expensive neighbourhood a few hours away. He might be older than you, but not that much older. Your stomach does somersaults when you think about meeting him because he's new and unfamiliar. Still, you’re cautiously optimistic that maybe if you get along, you can be friends.
Older Step-Brother!Levi, who finally meets you when you go home for the first reading week of the semester. He ran out of excuses to avoid attending a pointless family gathering, and he's just desperate to get his old man off his back about being a recluse. He has his game plan ready: after playing nice for a couple of days, he'll go back home and pretend you don't exist.
Older Step-Brother!Levi, who slowly realizes that maybe you have more in common than he realized. You're not some airhead or annoying social butterfly soaking in the riches of his father's fortune. You mumble your name and glance at him shyly from under your lashes and shuffle on the balls of your feet like you're too nervous to stand still. Levi feels self-conscious too because you point out the anime figure keychain dangling from his car keys and the cute vinyl stickers he decorated his car with. He assumes you're going to tease him, but you chatter on excitedly about how they're some of your favourite characters too. He hesitantly takes the second controller when you invite him to play games in your room, and you're mediocre at best. (It's still endearing when you cheer not because you won the race, but because you avoided driving off the rainbow track.) You might not be hardcore like him, but there's something almost cute about your enthusiasm. Why is your awkward laughter so contagious?
"Why did you choose this room?" he asked between races. Your bedroom isn't tiny by any means, but he knows his old room has nearly twice the amount of space. "I figured you would've cleared out my room, it's a lot bigger." You scratched the back of your neck and shrugged, eyes focused on the TV to avoid his scrutiny. "It didn't feel right going into your room and clearing out the rest of your belongings like that. It's still yours, even if you don't live here anymore." You tapped the gamepad and waited for him to select his character for the next match. "Want to keep playing?" He snapped his head away from your face and looked at the screen, choosing a character at random while he resisted the urge to cover his face in embarrassment. His cheeks burned hot. "Y-yeah, sure we can," he muttered nervously, cringing when his voice cracked.
Older Step-Brother!Levi, who finds himself wanting to spend more and more time with you. His plan to leave after a day or two at most is officially scrapped. How can he leave so soon when you still have ten episodes of the latest season to watch together? There's a bowl of popcorn on the couch between you and when it's empty, he jingles his keys and drives you both to a late-night boba tea shop. The old folks are in bed for the night—they won't even notice you're gone.
"C'mon, you haven't finished watching it yet? But the last season is the best one!" You rub your arm awkwardly in the passenger seat beside him. "I started watching it with my ex but we—well, we broke up on bad terms and I guess it reminds me of them when I try to watch it now." You miss the curious glance when you stare out the window and you don’t elaborate further. He can only imagine the worst even though it doesn’t make sense—you're cute and sweet and who the hell would be stupid enough to ruin something so good? Your shoulders shake and you breathe out a stuttered sigh, and something venomous hardens his expression into something cold, like steel. He’s tempted to ask for your ex's name but decides not to—he suspects it���ll be easy enough to find once he gets back on his computer. He clears his throat to break the awkward silence. "Well, if you wanna try watching it again, maybe we can re-watch the whole series together?" It only takes a second for the hand resting on the gear shift to squeeze your knee gently and return to where it was. He stares at the dark road ahead even though he knows you're looking at him now. "Don't let ungrateful assholes ruin good things for you. You’ve got me now, okay?”
Older Step-Brother!Levi, who is determined to keep in touch when that short week together comes to an end. He already has blank social media accounts he uses to follow his favourite game developers and anime blogs, but now he has a new reason to use them. Once you realize it's him, you accept all his friend requests without hesitation. He even creates accounts for apps he doesn't even use so that he can see all the photos and videos you upload to your private account. He scrutinizes all your old posts and takes screenshots of the photos of you that turn him on he likes most. You don't post a lot of selfies, but he sees glimpses of your daily life: the café near campus you like, your room in the house you rent with some other classmates. Sometimes you post things that remind you of him now too, and even though you don't mention him by name or tag him, he knows who you're thinking about.
Older Step-Brother!Levi, who is surprisingly thoughtful. Sometimes he comments on your social media posts directly, but most of the time he texts you instead. You have disjointed conversations throughout the day and it becomes habit for both of you. He asks how school is going and how your roommates are treating you. You ask him about his job because you're still not sure what a freelance cybersecurity expert does. He gets flustered when you ask him if he's dating anyone and you don't bring up the subject again. Maybe he's just shy?
Player Two: ugh.
LEV14TH4N: what's wrong?
Player Two: are you sure i'm not bothering you? you must be so busy with work...
LEV14TH4N: pfft. you're not bothering me at all. i'd rather talk to you than these idiots i have to work with.
Older Step-Brother!Levi, who claims he has more money than he knows what to do with when he starts sending you little gifts. He asks for a link to your online wish list and has everything delivered express: the latest manga volume he knows you're excited to read; a pre-order for a game that's coming out soon; your favourite snacks. He also sends you an expensive housecoat when you mention off-handedly that yours is getting a little threadbare and you need to buy a new one soon. It's from a high-end boutique you've never heard of but sounds expensive. The robe is made from the softest plush material and it's so warm; it's a bluey-purple colour that reminds you a bit of his eyes. All he asks for in return is a picture once you've tried it on—to make sure that it's the right size, of course.
LEV14TH4N: you look
LEV14TH4N: sorry. it looks nice on you. i'm glad you like it.
Older Step-Brother!Levi, who never seems to sleep. He offers to skim your assignments just before the midnight submission deadline. Later, he reminds you that it's no trouble at all—he was still awake so no need to feel bad! Sometimes when you can't sleep, you scroll through your social media feed and hope the boredom will cure your insomnia, until a familiar name pops up on your screen.
LEV14TH4N: you have class in a few hours, can't sleep?
(He jokes that he just had a feeling you were still up, and you're too sleepy and flattered by his concern to question him further.)
Older Step-Brother!Levi, who makes plans on weekends to come see you at school when he thinks you could use a break. He makes the drive to town—a couple hours away from where he lives—and you spend the day at the mall, or visiting your favourite lunch or dinner spots. You invite him inside to meet your roommates and he looks around your room curiously. You seem happy here, and he's glad.
(You seem happiest with him, and that makes him feel even better.)
Older Step-Brother!Levi, who can't wait to see you on your next school break.
LEV14TH4N: the old folks are going on vacation this winter.
LEV14TH4N: but you can stay here if you want. there's lots of room and it beats spending the holidays stuck on campus by yourself.
Player Two: really? you don't mind?
LEV14TH4N: of course not.
LEV14TH4N: i'm looking forward to it.
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alwaysmoncheri · 3 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬 | 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧
summary: in which best friends, y/n henderson and steve harrington get caught up in their feelings while paranormal activities occur in the small town of hawkins, indiana
cw: fem!reader, I wrote this a long time ago(I apologize for everything cringe), shit writing, first person pov, 1.9k
“No, absolutely not! No!" I giggle, snatching the unfinished mixtape from Steve's hand. "You can't add that!"
Steve and I are leaning up against his bed, shoulders, and knees touching, as we assemble a mixtape of our favorite songs from '83.
"Why not? It's perfect!" Steve reaches for the mixtape, but before he can take it, I swiftly pull my hand above my head, out of his reach.
"Because it's creepy, Harrington! It's basically a song about stalking!" I reply as Steve leans closer to me in an attempt to grab the mixtape again.
"Is it a little strange? Sure, but it's also romantic. When I heard it for the first time, it reminded me of you." Steve argues.
My cheeks heat up and I'm suddenly unaware of how close we've gotten. I notice Steve looking down at me, our noses almost touching. As we maintain eye contact, I can't resist glancing at his soft lips. I mentally scold myself, he's your best friend, damn it.
Get yourself together.
Unable to hold back an awkward cough, I turn my gaze away from Steve, sighing, and reluctantly hand the tape back to him. Steve smirks at me triumphantly and adds "Every Breath You Take" to our mixtape.
"See, I knew you'd come around eventually, Henderson. It's hard to resist such persuasive charm as this." Steve flashes me one of his famous "King Steve" smiles, and I can't help but shake my head and give into my urge to laugh.
Steve and I spend all night making our '83 mixtape, enjoying each other's company, laughing and teasing as we go.
In the midst of our playful banter I glance up at the clock on Steve's wall, I realize that I'm late for my meet-up with my brother Dustin. I was supposed to be meeting him at the Wheeler's so that after the boys' campaign ended we could ride our bikes home together.
"Oh shit," I whisper double checking the time on Steve's watch by grabbing his wrist. "Shit, shit, shit!" I say louder this time.
I quickly stand up, snatching my jacket and shoes, which were scattered around Steve's room. Steve abandons the rest of the mixtape, hot on my heels as I swiftly exit his room and hurry down the stairs towards the front door.
"(Y/n), it's late, why not just stay the night?" Steve suggests as we both rush down the stairs.
"I wish I could Steve, but I have to meet up with Dustin," I say softly before I arrive at the front door.
I whirl around one last time to face Steve, my body close to his, as I wrap my arms around him and we exchange a brief hug. I savor our warm embrace, wishing I could stay but knowing my obligations to my brother, I let Steve go.
"We'll finish the mixtape another time, I promise," I say before opening the door. As I finally step out the front door, I turn back with a smirk to bid Steve a final farewell. "I'll see you around, Harrington! Don't miss me too much!"
"In your dreams, Henderson!" Steve returns my smirk with a certain fondness in his eyes, before turning and shutting the door behind him, leaving me to face the dreary bike ride ahead.
I take a deep breath, mount my bike, and set off in the dark cover of the night to the Wheeler's.
When I'm nearing the house, my mind inevitably wanders to Steve. We've been best friends since he found me sitting alone in the first grade, but something changed as we grew older. He became "King Steve" and friends with Tommy H. and Carol. Total assholes. Despite that, we're still best friends, but things aren't the same. Especially now that he's dating Nancy Wheeler, who I consider one of my closest friends. Even though I try to be happy for them, this pang of jealousy stirs in my chest when I think of them happily in love. But I'm nothing more than Steve's best friend, so I swallow my feelings and accept the reality that they're together.
When I approach the driveway, I dismount my bike and spot Dustin and his friends bickering. As I draw closer, I start to make out what they're saying.
"She's got a stick up her butt." I hear my brother say plainly as he munches on what looks to be the last slice of pizza.
"Yeah, it's because she's been dating that douchebag, Steve Harrington," Lucas says picking up his bike and getting ready to ride home.
"Hey!" I say defensively as I finally reach the boys, "Steve's my friend, you know!"
"Hold on, where were you?" Lucas questions with a quizzical look on his face.
"She was at Steve's" Dustin answers plainly before returning to his conversation with Mike.
"Oooh, Steve" Lucas teases adding a suggestive tone to his voice. "You love Steve," Drawing out the "o" in love and then making kissing sounds for added effect, clearly amused by his own antics.
I narrow my eyes at Lucas, but I can't help the smile that sneaks its way on my face. My lips curling in a pleased grin.
"Piss off Sinclair," I roll my eyes with a grin still firmly plastered across my face, "Like you even know what you're talking about." Denying Lucas's ridiculous accusation, letting my faux annoyance show.
"Whatever you say, (Y/n)" Lucas responds, his skepticism radiating from his tone and the look on his face as we both mount our bikes.
"Yup," Dustin says to Mike as he climbs on his own bike, "She's turning into a real jerk."
"She's always been a real jerk," Mike adds, not bothering to hide his disapproving tone as the rest of us flick our bike lights on.
"Nuh-uh, she used to be cool," Dustin argues as we start our way down Mike's driveway, "Like that time she dressed up with (Y/n) as an elf for our Elder Tree campaign."
"Four years ago!" Mike shouts at us from across the dimly lit driveway.
"Just saying!" My brother shouts back in response, having the last word, just as we reach the end of Mike's driveway.
"Later," Lucas says to Mike before catching up to Dustin and me making our way home.
As we're riding home under the stars, I close my eyes for just a second, enjoying the cold breeze flowing past me. It's such a refreshing feeling, with the wind in my hair and my bike zipping along the dark and empty street. In this moment, the world seems to slow down, a pang of nostalgia creeping to the surface as I'm reminded of a simpler time in my life when I was Dustin's age. Those carefree days with Steve by my side seemed so distant now, now that things have changed between us. Tonight, being with Steve in his room had been the closest thing to returning to the way our friendship was in the past. It was nice to relive those memories, even for a moment, to remember what we once had.
"Goodnight, ladies," Lucas teases with a sly smirk and his attention now firmly focused on me. With a wink, he adds, "If you get tired of Harrington, you know I'm always available." With a roll of my eyes at his antics, I suppress the grin threatening to escape onto my lips.
"Kiss your mom 'night for me," Dustin teases back as Lucas departs from our group to his house. Dustin then turns to Will and I, "Race back to my place?" He asks, "Winner gets a comic." I raise my eyebrows, questioning my little brother's statement.
"Any comic?" Will asks with wide eyes displaying his disbelief.
"Yeah!" Dustin says confidently.
"Let's do this, little bro." I say with a mischievous smile.
I lock eyes with Will and give a confident nod, both of us thinking the same thing. We take off, pedaling as fast as our legs will let us in attempt to get a lead on Dustin.
"Hey, Hey!" Dustin calls after us, "I didn't say go!" Dustin tries to catch us, not succeeding in the slightest, "Get back here!!" Will and I burst into laughter as we race ahead of Dustin, exchanging a quick high five. "I'm gonna kill you!"
"I'll take your X-Men 134!" Will shouts back as he speeds up and quickly getting ahead of me. I giggle at my brother and his friend as we approach my house.
"Bye, Will!" I call out watching him pass my house and cruise down the road.
"See you later, (Y/n)!" Will replies before I make the turn into my driveway, and head inside.
As I walk through the door, I notice my mother and our cat Mews curled up on the couch together, with a soft smile I place a blanket over top of the two. When I go to give my mother a good night kiss on the forehead Dustin obnoxiously opens the front door.
"Son of a bitch," Dustin says clearly frustrated from his loss, I jerk my head over to where he stands by the door.
"Shh!" I whisper-yell placing my finger to my lips, nodding to our mothering sleeping soundly on the couch.
"Oh, sorry," Dustin softly murmurs, making a grand display of tip-toeing across the floor to his bedroom. I roll my eyes at him, but follow closely behind. Before we split off to our separate rooms I turn back around to face Dustin, and notice he already turned too.
"How was Steve's?" Dustin asks awkwardly averting his gaze to the floor.
"Good," I whisper with a soft smile, my hand resting on the doorknob to my room, "Really good."
"Good night sis," Dustin says before opening his bedroom door and stepping inside, "I, uh, hope everything works out between you two,"
“Good night, Dustin,” I say softly, stepping into my own room, closing the door behind me, “Me too.”
I shrug off my jacket and carefully place it on my chair, then I kick off my shoes. With a little sigh, I cross over to my bed and plop myself down. I take a moment to reflect on todays events, my mind wandering as I let out a content breath. I reach over to my dresser and grab my Walkman, placing the headphones over my ears. I turn on, “Time After Time,” and slowly drift off in a comfortable sleep as the song fills my ears.
next chapter . masterlist . steve harrington masterlist . taglist
thank you for reading, my darling! remember to like! reblog! and comment! i’ll give you a smooch if you do, ily! send requests to my inbox!
alwaysmoncheri © ─ all rights reserved. please do not repost/translate/copy any of my work.
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zwolfgames · 6 months
|Mistakes|Platonic Yandere Alastor x fem!reader
Requested: /
Warnings: Alastor, condescending behavior, off putting interactions.
Parts: Part 1, Part 2 (You are here), Part 3
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The two of you sat peacefully on the kitchen floor for quite a while. Alastor asked you about songs and he showed you his favourite's in return.
It was quite a sweet moment, considering the situation. Listening music during an extermination. Who would have tought?
Alastor hums along to a song he put on. You have to admit, he has a soothing voice. Indeed perfect for a radio host.
A violent scream of pain from outside shook you out of the calmness.
You had almost forgotten about the death outside...
Alastor eyes you curiously.
You may not know it, but he finds you calming to look at. No sharp edges... that big jellyfish cap. You look.. lets say, squishable.
Tough he knows better then to touch now.
"You aren't scared, are you?" Alastor hums in a sing song manner. Teasing smile on his lips as usual.
"There's no need to be scared when I'm here to protect you." He further widens his grin. You just nod meekly, opting to agree with anything he may say to spare your life.
"Y/N, dear. Don't you think you'd look better with a smile?" Alastor tilts his head so he can look right at you, trough the veil of stinging tendrils.
"No... not really? I don't have a lot to smile about." You blink up at him blankly. You see him tilt his head to the side in either curioustity or annoyance.
"How about you smile for me?" Alastor seems to smile even wider at his own ideas.
You attempt a little smile as to not get murdered on the spot.
Alastor seems content and had to stop himself from tilting your chin up to see better. Tough the only thing really stopping him were your tendrils.
"Y/N, is there perhaps a way for you to not sting?" Alastor asks.. way too obviously.
"No." You answer without hesitation. And even if there was, you wouldn't ever turn them off. Hell is dangerous and this guy is especially dangerous.
"I see. A shame, you look soft to touch." He admits casually. You almost cringe and resist the urge to back off. Why does he pull out the creepy shit after you two had a nice music moment?
A moment of silence passes, its awkard to you but the radio demon seems nothing but pleased.
"Say, my dear. What else do you presume we do while waiting out the extermination?" Alastor asks as if this is some playdate.
And truly, to him it was.
"Um... I have papers somewhere, we can.. draw?" You offer awkardly, you only have a destroyed kitchen to work with here. But you don't think he'd have appreciated playing minecraft anyways.
"Drawing, are you capable of that?" Alastor asks in amusment. You almost feel insulted at the way he asked that.
You just nod and take some papers from a cabinet. Finding pencils was a bit harder but you managed.
And Alastor defenitly noticed that you gave him the better pencil.... How sweet and considerate of you.
He doesn't know a lot of sinners who would do that...
Second mistake: A show of Kindness.
Well, atleast drawing time went on peacefully. Alastor was humming a tune with that radio effect enhancing his voice, it was quite calming and your stress ebbed away from you slowly as you just focussed on your drawing.
You aren't sure how much time passed before Alastor stopped humming but he snapped you out of your creative trance.
"What do you think ,dear?" Alastor smiles a bit more genuinly.
He holds up his pencil drawing of... you. Just You. With your little smile.
You blush faintly in a rather shy manner and try not to look away from his drawing.
You didn't know he had a talent in drawing. You also didn't know you were drawing eachother. Yours was just todays made up OC.
"Thats.. very pretty... I'm flattered." You mutter out in embarrasment. Alastors grin widens.
"I just wanted to capture you, as I carry no camera's on me." Alastor boasts as if that's the coolest thing ever.
"Thats neat." You stick a thumb up, it therefore comes out under your stinging veil.
You notice your mistake quite quickly as your hand is taken in the Radio demons.
"I knew it, soft. You're quite untouched, aren't you? Well, that would be obvious, seeing your ability." Alastor smirks. It's as if his main goal this whole time had been to grab a hold of you.
He's quite cold, pointy fingers. Kinda eery.
"Oh look at your little startled face. You're adorable." Alastor teases with slightly lidded eyes.
You attempt to pull back out of embarrasment but he holds on.
"Are you scared?" 
Alastor asked in a more serious voice.
"Not really, you're just cold." You answer simply, hoping thats a decent enough answer.
"Is that so?" Alastor hums, a twitch in his smile as he lets go.
He stands up and summons his cane.
You refrain a flinch as you fear the worst but he instead just summons a couch and a bunch of books.
"Come, sit. We still have some hours to pass."
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Tag list: @ceramic-raven , @oo0lady-mad0oo
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Never alone
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Yandere Kim Hongjoong x Reader
Warnings: Stalking, creepy bf but he really just loves you <3, spanking but no smut, maybe I'll do a smutty part two - "I'm Hongjoong by the way, nice to meet you." the man in front of you told you while you were still unsure if it was really that nice. Probably not as he was at fault that your cute crop top was now dripping wet and the sticky feeling of the liquid wasn't all that nice on your skin.
You knew going to that damned party was a mistake. When your friends first asked you to come to the frat party you had cringed at first. Rightfully so because first of all was it a frat party and they always ended with at least one person in an ambulance and secondly would you have to go out. Now, it wasn't like it was going out that you particularly didn't like. No, usually you loved going to parties, going for a walk or going out for shopping. But lately it had begun to feel uneasy. Whenever you stepped outside you could feel it.
Lingering eyes, faint footsteps. Someone was always following you. You didn't have any proof to be fair but you knew it. Call it seventh sense or whatever but it made you not wanting to go out for anything at all anymore.
Obviously nobody would believe you, call you paranoid. So you didn’t tell anyone. Your friend Yuna had always been way too convincing and she was the very reason why you were now standing in front of an incredible attractive man that had just emptied his whole cup of whatever he had on your top.
After he had apologized a million times he had dragged you up to the bathroom, giving you a towel to dry yourself up. It seemed that he was one of the boys that were hosting that party as he left you shortly just to come back with a fresh shirt for you. "You can change if you want... It must feel terrible against your skin, y/n."
"Ah, thank you... It really does, so thank you." you said, accepting his shirt. After he left the bathroom you cleaned yourself up a little and changed into his shirt. Your white crop top was completely ruined so you didn't bother to try saving it, just putting it in the trash. As soon as you stepped outside you noticed that Hongjoong had waited for you. He looked way too good for someone who was just leaning against the door and playing with his phone. "You didn't have to wait for me."
When he heard your words he looked up, eyes wandering over your body. He looked like he wanted to eat you up right in that moment, but even so he held back, just shifting his gaze to your face.
"Of course I had to. I just ruined your night by being too careless so I have to make it up to you." he grinned, putting his phone in his pocket. "Well, I don't want to ruin your plans but I'll probably leave soon anyway so you don't have to bother with me." "That's a pity. I hoped after getting your attention I had a chance of getting to dance with you." You sighed. He did get your attention. Not in a positive way but still.
At last you decided it wouldn't hurt to dance with him. After all it had been a mistake for which he had apologized and made up for. So you just grabbed his arm, dragging him down to the dance floor. Being outside hadn't felt so good in a long time and dancing with Hongjoong was a lot of fun. The way you two moved to the beat was incredible and you loved how he always found new moves to the songs that came up. Honestly he gave you just what you needed that night. Just a carefree moment.
After some time you two had fetched yourselves drinks in the kitchen, having some small talk. He was an art major. Photography was his focus but he also loved painting he had said. And apparently he even made his own music as he had sheepishly admitted. Sadly you had to leave soon as Yuna had managed to get shitfaced drunk and you weren't too keen on letting her leave alone. When you sat in the taxi with her you cursed yourself, realizing that you two didn't even exchange each others number.
The next encounter with Hongjoong was pure coincidence. You had made the mistake of taking the last victory of going out without any troubles as a sign to go out more often. Maybe he lost interest and stopped? Or maybe you really had been just paranoid?
Now you were basically running down the street. This time you had seen him. It was a guy, well built and tall. And he was following you. For good ten minutes already. The party you had went to this time was in a nightclub. You didn't stay too long, only until 3 am. Yuna had offered to walk you home all the way but you declined it, deciding that you could walk the last ten minutes alone. Well now you didn't even dare to walk home, just running in circles as you didn't want to lead him right to your home. Apparently you didn't pay attention to anything but running so a loud gasp left your mouth when you felt ran against a hard chest. "Wow, you seem very eager to see me again." Hongjoong laughed, putting an arm around your waist so that you wouldn't fall. His laughter died down when he saw your tear stained face. "Oh god, did it hurt or why are you crying...?" he asked carefully.
You slowly shook your head, wiping the tears away with your sleeve. “Someone’s following me… please help me…” you begged him lowly, not daring to look behind you.
He didn’t waste any time before he looked over your shoulder and put his arm around your shoulders now. “Ah, there you are. Finally, I’ve already waited for you. Let’s go home.” He said a bit louder with the intention that the man could hear it.
Than he led you to his car, opening the door for you and letting you in like the gentleman he was before going to the drivers seat to get in himself.
“Would you like me to drive you home or do you want to go to my apartment? I mean, I wouldn’t really want to be alone in a situation like this so if you want to-“
“Yes, let’s please go to yours.” You interrupted him in his sentence. Your stalker knew where you lived, you were sure of it. So it was better to go to a place where he couldn’t follow you. And Hongjoong seemed trustworthy.
Hongjoong nodded and started the engine before starting to drive to his apartment.
It turned out that he didn’t live in the frat house from the last party. He actually had an own apartment. Apparently he shared it with a friend as you noticed how there were more shoes and jackets in the entry than a single man could have. But otherwise it was very clean. No dust, no things standing around.
Also it was very modern, you noticed. A lot of paintings and photographs were on the walls and also hand made statues were decorating the place. It made it look very cool but also very unique.
“Ah… i made it myself. I call it the lucky shot as I feel like this is almost the most beautiful shot I took.” Hongjoong said sheepishly as you stopped at one of the photographs.
“Only almost? What was your most beautiful shot than?”
He stared at you for a moment, eyes darkening for a split second, before chuckling.
“You’d like to know, huh? I deleted it by accident. So I can’t show you but it was a very nice scenery and someone I hold dear was in it.”
“I’m sorry to hear that… it must’ve been hard to realize that you deleted something you value so much…”
“Don’t worry, it’s fine. I’m a bit clumsy sometimes… and at the end I’ve got it captured in my memory. Now… if you want you can take a shower. I should have some make up remover somewhere… Seonghwa, my roommate, had a girlfriend and she placed it somewhere so she wouldn’t have to go to bed with make up… they broke up but he never threw it away.” He explained. “Come in, I’ll show you the bathroom.”
You followed him to the bathroom and smiled. Even the bathroom was clean and it amazed you. Usually two guys living together meant that the place would look like shit.
“Thank you, Hongjoong, really… you saved me from that stalker and-“
“Not helping you wouldn’t have been an option. This is something you should be able to expect from anyone… now go on, the clean towels are under the sink and I’ll leave clean clothes in front of the door… I hope You’re fine with wearing something from me, I don’t have any women’s clothes.”
You nodded softly and waddled into the bathroom. After removing all of the make up and taking a nice shower you felt much better. The clothes Hongjoong had prepared for you were almost fitting perfectly and you had to grin a little.
When you came out you followed the amazing smell until you stood in the kitchen.
“I’m making some ramen. I figured we both would need a late night snack after all this.” He smiled. Apparently he had changed into his pajama too and somehow he looked really hot.
A plain black shirt with some sleeping shorts never looked so good but honestly nobody could blame you. After being followed for almost a month now there was no time for you to truly relax. So you hadn’t had any intimacy in more than a month now. This probably did effect you a lot more than you’d like to admit.
“Thats nice of you…” you smiled and sat down, watching him while he cooked the ramen.
“I can’t leave a pretty girl hungry, can I?” He chuckled. “So was your friend fine? After the party? I remember you had to drag her to the car and she didn’t look good last time.”
You blinked at his words. Did you mention what you had been doing and with who? Surely you did.“Yes… she is fine. Tomorrow she’ll feel awful as she did drink quiet a bit but it should be fine.” You told him with a smile.
“I’m glad. She must have a lot of faith in you if she trusts you to drag her home after every party…” he mumbled under his breath and served the food than in two bowl.
You mumbled a quick thank you before taking the bowl. It wasn’t that special but right now the food seemed better than anything else you could have. And you didn’t even notice how you were devouring the food until Hongjoong chuckled next to you.
“You look really cute when you’re hungry.” He grinned and you rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the small blush in your cheeks.
“Shut up…"
He just chuckled and returned to his food.
To be honest his presence made you feel incredible comfortable. You couldn't really put your finger on it but even during your first encounter it felt like you knew each other forever already.
Like he knew you inside out.
But you didn't have much time to think about anything as Hongjoong already started another conversation. You two talked for hours and eventually moved to the couch in the living room. A film played on the TV screen but the both of you couldn't really care less about what happened there.
"I swear, I always have the baddest luck ever! I'm not even joking, when I had my last date my alarm clock didn't work, my car broke down and the bus I had to take got into an accident!" you laughed.
Hongjoong laughed really hard and shook his head. "Nah, nothing against me. I actually got there but during the date it turned out she already had a boyfriend. He showed up and made a huge scene. I ended up in the hospital that day."
A small gasp left your lips and you covered your mouth so he couldn't see how you had to hold back your laugh. You both had no luck with dates it seemed. He nudged your shoulder with a small chuckle.
"It's okay... You can laugh about it. I didn't die so it's okay." he assured. "We both have are just not really meant to go on dates, I guess."
"I guess we're not meant to go on dates... We'll find our other half in a different way." you sighed and looked over to him. His eyes were fixated on you and it made you a bit nervous which made you stop in the middle of your sentence.
"Like meeting our soulmate at a frat party..." he breathed out without breaking the eye contact.
"Or getting saved by our soulmate from some creep..." you added and noticed how the man in front of you got a bit closer to you.
Somehow it felt right when he got even closer and slowly cupped your cheek with his hands. His intense gaze was still on you and it made you almost blush. It made you feel like the most wanted person on earth. Like he wanted more than just a bit of fun for the night. Like he really, really loved you.
"Is this okay for you..?" he whispered against your lips.
So you just leaned forward to him to feel his soft lips on yours. Both of you clearly wanted it and right now you wanted nothing but him.
Quickly the shy kissing turned into a heavy make out session and he had pulled you on his lap, his arms around your waist. His smell was all around you and it made you dizzy. Everything felt right and soon your clothes were on the floor while the both of you made love on the couch in Hongjoongs living room.
Everything was perfect.
Nothing was perfect.
It had started with a small fight over something so mundane and now you two were full blown fed up with each other. And also way too proud to apologize to the other. Also, the stalking only got worse.
“You’re both way too fucking stubborn. Either you love each other and make up or this could be the last time you talked to him.” Yuna huffed, throwing a pillow into your face.
With a sigh you caught it, shaking your head.
“You… don’t understand. I don’t get why he would even ever be jealous because a friend stayed the night over! He did sleep on the couch and we know each other from our childhood on!” You sighed, shaking your head.
“Maybe he is just insecure or something like that. And you wouldn’t like him having a woman stay with him too.”
It wasn’t that at all. You hid the fact that Hongjoong had looked like he could smash the face of your friend when he came into your apartment in the morning, seeing you both together in the kitchen.
And he almost did, if you hadn’t stopped him.
It was scary and something you’ve never seen him do before. Ever. That was a side of him you didn’t even know existed.
Yuna consoled you a little longer before she had to leave, wanting to catch the last bus.
After she left you wrapped in your blanket, watching some drama and eating some leftovers.
Right now you didn’t want to think about Hongjoong nor your stalker. So you watched the drama, letting it distract you from the fact that you had to talk to Hongjoong sooner or later. Rather later, if possible tho.
And for your stalker.... You would have to go to the police. You swore you saw someone taking pictures of you. And a dark, looming shadow followed you wherever you went to. It was frightening.
Soon, you feel asleep like this, the drama continuing to play as your eyes fell shut.
When you woke up you were met with darkness. The TV was out and it was weirdly cold.
Slowly you rubbed your eyes, yawning and stretching a little. When another cold breeze hit your now exposed skin you shivered.
Where did that come from?
Quickly you stood up, wrapping the blanket around your shoulders as you went through your apartment to see where it came from.
You froze when you saw an open window. And not only that, a person was climbing out of it, apparently a little startled as you came as they began to hurry.
Screaming, crying, yelling, throwing things after the person or calling the police - you should do all those things. But instead you couldn’t move.
The stalking hadn’t stopped. And they even got into your apartment now. It was hella creepy and soft sobs left your mouth as you slowly sunk down to the floor, crying out of fear.
What did they want from you? Steal? Hurt you?
Either way, the feeling was horrible and the only thing you could do was call your boyfriend. You couldn’t say a thing but your soft sobs were enough to alert your boyfriend who sounded like he had just woken up.
Only five minutes later was he with you, using the spare key you had gotten him.
It should’ve alerted - after all he lived at least fifteen minutes away.
But in that moment all you could think about was how warm he felt against you and how good he smelt.
God, you had missed Hongjoong. No matter how hard you had tried to hide that.
“It’s alright, baby… it’s alright… I’m there now…” he told you soothingly, rubbing your back and kissing your forehead.
He was all you needed right now.
A few weeks passed and things changed. You had moved in with Hongjoong.
Seonghwa, his roommate, was alright with it. You two got along very well and he understood your situation and that you didn’t exactly want to be alone - nor did you want to stay in your old place.
Hopefully the stalking would stop now. With two dudes in the apartment nobody would dare to break in, right?
Being with Hongjoong felt safe and you decided to forget the accident with him and your childhood friend. It had been a one time thing after all, he’d never do it again. Your boyfriend had promised that.
“Babe, are those the last few bags?” Hongjoong asked, hands full with your stuff.
“Yea, that’s all.” You confirmed and he sighed in relief. A huff left your lips.
“What? Tired? Seonghwa carried most of them, you know.” You chuckled, shaking your head.
Your boyfriend grinned and put his arms around you. “Yes, but I carried the heaviest boxes, you know.”
You couldn't even be mad at him - he was cute as he cuddled up to you, although his sweaty skin was a bit sticky. He was calmed down by your presence as much as you were with his. It was endearing, really.
"Shower, babe. You need a shower." You told him, softly pushing him away.
It made him whine and cuddled up to you even more. Obviously he was very much against the idea, shaking his head and pouting cutely. He obviously knew which weapons to use against you. His cute side always got the best of you after all.
"Than... how about a shower together?" you suggested, making him smirk and nod in agreement. Well, what a surprise. - You were shaking.
It had been a dream. Living with Seonghwa and Hongjoong was a dream. Hongjoong spoiled you with all the attention and love, while Seonghwa mostly took care of the duties around the apartment. You learned that Hongjoong covered Seonghwas part of the rent too and in return Seonghwa cooked and cleaned. All in all, a wonderful thing. Especially since you were free from your stalker. At least you thought so.
For a few weeks it had worked. And now? You wanted to do a nice thing and clean for Seonghwa while they were both out.
By now you had your degree - but as of right now there hadn't been any job offer for you. Not even any replies to the ones you applied for. Frustration was slowly creeping into you but your boyfriend was very encouraging, reassuring that you would for sure get a nice job soon. He kept your spirits up and provided everything for you without a single complaint. You had never asked for that - but received it all nonetheless. Hongjoong was a proud and stubborn man. And once he was set on something, there was no use arguing.
Well, the least you could do was help Seonghwa than, right?
And now you were devastated. While dusting Hongjoongs office room you almost tripped over a tile. Obviously you wanted to fix it, you couldn't have your love tripping on it, could you?
But when you noticed that something was underneath the tile you knew that whatever was there, Hongjoong didn't want anyone to find it. What could it be? You knew a lot of your boyfriend. Still, sometimes you felt like he didn't tell you the whole truth.
He worked a lot, but still, he could afford this expensive apartment, provide for both you and himself and he also still had enough money to suggest a vacation. With the job he had in an office... Well, maybe if he had a few more years of experience. But as a newbie it was not really believable. You simply chose to believe him when he explained that his passion for making beats and songs got him a few extra thousands a month.
Despite your gut telling you not to, you opened the box you found under the tile.
A loud gasp left your lips when you saw the pictures of you, along with letters and private objects from your life that got lost way before you even knew Hongjoong.
"What are you doing?!" You heard a harsh voice.
It was Seonghwa. You were lucky. If it had been Hongjoong, you would've been in trouble.
But when you turned around, his face told you everything.
He wasn't surprised. He wasn't shocked. He wasn't completely shaken like you were. He knew. He fucking knew.
Seonghwa knew that his best friend was the stalker that you so desperately tried to get rid of. He knew that he was sick, invading your privacy, taking pictures of you and stealing your panties, jewelry and more.
"N-No... Hwa, please... please don't tell me..."
You wanted to throw up. It made you sick.
"He isn't like that... He really loves you. More than anything in the world." Seonghwa tried to reason with you, but the tears were already running down your cheeks.
He let you as you pushed him away, going to your room and getting a bag so you could quickly pack the most important things up before your boyfriend - your stalker - would return.
Only when you wanted to flee the apartment did he stop you, holding your wrist and pulling you into his chest.
"Shhh.... Shhhh.... Don't worry. He will always take care of you... You love him, don't you? It doesn't even change anything." he told you, seemingly also trying to believe the words Hongjoong had fed him.
When you got violent, he did too. With force he dragged you into Hongjoongs room, cuffing you up.
"Let me go! Fucking psychos!" you accused him, trashing around and trying to kick him with your feet.
"Hongjoong will understand..." he mumbled, ignoring you and leaving you alone. You could only wait for your doom.
"You have been such a good girl... Why now?" he asked, disappointment lacing his voice. A loud smack resonated in the room as Hongjoong hit your bottom for the tenth time.
Tears were running down your cheeks and you sobbed. It hurt, but your body was only turned on, reminded by the many nights where Hongjoong had trained you to love this pain.
"Now you must act up... Bad." Smack. "Girl." Smack. "I gave you everything and you act like this just because of something like this? Just let it go. I only wanted to take care of you, watch out for you. Only I am allowed to hurt you."
Stubbornly you shook your head. "N-No... You fucking stalked me, you are crazy, leave me alone!" you fought him, making him chuckle darkly.
"Remember darling, you are never alone."
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sage-green-matcha · 1 year
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Playing with a Oujia Board with your friends, only to be met with a real ghost.
Content includes: mentions of spirits, Oujia board, everyone including me freaking tf out! 😭
“Are you sure this is a good idea? I’m scared” you asked, holding onto Ethan’s arm. “This is stupid guys” Ethan mumbled, the group ignoring him. “Y/n this was your idea!” You rolled your eyes, Mindy's arms crossed.
“Well I regret it, I didn’t expect you guys to actually have an Ouija board” you cringed, Tara and Anika, setting out candles. “Yea, I’m not sure why I had it either but it’s just a game” “It’s not just a game guys…these are actual spirits” You looked at Quinn with furrowed eyebrows.
“Quinn, stop being a creepy bitch” Mindy sat down, putting away her bag of chips. “Okay, you all ready? Tara asked, sitting down on the pillow. “You guys are so dumb” Sam rubbed her forehead, sitting on the couch to watch. “Alright! Everyone ready?” Chad clapped, sitting in front of the Ouija board.
The candles lit up the dark apartment, the full moon's light shining through the window. “Okay, I’m gonna read out the rules” Mindy pulled out her phone proudly. “One! Whatever happens, absolutely do not take your hand off the planchette. That’s the little wood piece on top” she pointed, your eyes scanning the dark room in fear.
“Number two! Be respectful, we don’t want these spirits attaching themselves to us” Your body shook, no longer attached to Ethan. “Three, always say goodbye. If any of you take your hand off before we’re done and if we don’t say goodbye we are fucked! And then the apartment will probably be haunted forever!” She smiled, all of you shivering in fear.
“Okay! So shall we start?” You shook your head. “Y/n, if you don’t wanna play then don’t play” Quinn added, eyeing Sam. “No, I’m not a scaredy cat” Sam rolled her eyes. “I have prayers on hand guys, I memorized a bunch of them in elementary school” You all stared at Anika, thankful but confused.
“Okay, we’re starting” Everyone except Sam put their hands on the planchette. You closed your eyes tightly as Mindy asked the first question. “Is there any spirits here with us?” You trembled, your heart pounding in fear. “Okay this is scary” Tara looked back at you.
“It’s not working” Chad mumbled, face unamused. You were all slightly unfocused on the planchette, hearts racing as you felt it move. “What the fuck!” You watched as it moved all of your hands to the top left corner. “Oh hell no” Chad shook his head “Uh uh, no. Absolutely not” “You just said you weren’t scared!” He shook his head, trying his best not to take his hand off. “I never said that!”
“Shut up guys! What is your name…?” Everyone looked at each other in fear as it moved to the letter R. “R for…Ricardo?” You frowned at Anika. “That’s a dumb name” “Y/n shut up! You’re gonna offend the spirit” Quinn spat. “I’m sorry spirit” Ethan laughed at your apology, your other hands fingers digging deep into his thigh.
“Is your name…Richie?” Tara asked. “Shit…” the piece moved back to its original spot. “Yes…” “Guys stop it, end it” Sam shook her head. “Okay seriously, who the fuck is moving it?” You asked, everyone defending themselves. “I’m not moving it! I swear” “why would we move it?”
“Are you the ghost face killer?” You waited for the piece to move, but it never did. “Fuck no! I am not fucking with this” You shook your head. “I thought you weren’t a scaredy cat” Quinn frowned and you shook your head. “I am” Ethan spoke up, asking Richie a question. “Why did you try to kill them?” He bit back his lip, eyes barely open.
You watched as the planchette moved to the first letter. “S” the whole group announced, the piece moving to different letters. “Stab 9?” You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. You all freaked out as the planchette moved, even without asking a question. The little piece moved all around the board, spelling something else out. “Legacy…? What is that supposed to mean?” Mindy asked. “What does that mean?” Quinn spoke and the planchette started to move once again.
“Sam” you all screamed, shaking your heads. “I can’t! I can’t I’m sorry” Tara huddled up next to her sister, her fingers no longer on the planchette. “Tara! You idiot! Now, Richie's soul is gonna haunt you forever!” “It’s not like it already isn’t!” She cried.
“Guys, maybe this isn’t a good idea anymore” Ethan spoke. “It never was” Quinn shot you a glare. “Let’s continue” Mindy let out a deep breath. “Are you in hell? Did you go to hell?” You squinted your eyes as you spoke, feeling it move underneath your fingers.
“Stuck..?” Chad turned his head in confusion. “Stuck in what? On earth?” Ethan asked and you felt your fingers glide with the planchette. “Yes,” you were so tempted to take your hand off and watch with Sam and Tara. But the thought of ghost Richie haunting you creeped you the fuck out.
“Is hell real?” Anika asked and Mindy glared at her. “Why would you ask that?” “I’m curious!” The game piece moved around, everyone saying out the letters as it spelled something out. “Nothing is real?” You bit your lip. “What the fuck is ghost Richie on?” Quinn mumbled, a shiver going down her spine.
You all quickly shut up, one of the candles in the room turning off. “Okay! I’m done with this! What the fuck?” You screamed, Mindy and Anika agreeing with you. “Yea, I know this is all a game and stuff but I’m scared” Anika huddled up to her girlfriend, skin still touching the wood.
You felt your heart jump out of your chest, Richie spelling out something else for all of you. “I’ll be back..?” You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. “How? He’s literally dead” “Y/n! You’re gonna piss him off!” Quinn yelled at you. “Sorry, sorry Richie”
“What are you even doing here anyways? Shouldn’t your spirit be in Woodsboro?” Chad asked, Richie, answered right away. “Travel in mask…what mask?” You knew you didn’t bring a mask back from Woodsboro, so who did? “I did..” Sam gulped. “Sam what? You know that’s police evidence, right?” Ethan added.
“I know! But I didn’t know it could carry his spirit! He’s been in my closet this whole time I swear!” Your other arm wrapped around Ethan’s, hiding your face In his shoulder. “Okay Richie, we’re gonna say goodbye. Is that okay?” You peeked your eyes up, the feeling of the planchette moving down. “No” you shook your head. “Then how are we supposed to end this?” Quinn asked, confusion covering her face.
The planchette started to move again, taking her question for you as if it was for him. “Never ending” you scoffed. “Well, we know that” Ethan wrapped his arm around your waist, giving you a comforting squeeze. “Say goodbye anyways” Tara mumbled, the group looking up at her. “Well, it’s not like he can do anything about it” Mindy shrugged before pushing the planchette in a figure 8 motion, wiping down across the words on the board. “Goodbye,” you all said, taking off your hands immediately.
“That was the scariest shit I’ve ever done” Your body shook, wiping your sweaty hands on your pajamas. The group paused to look at each other as they heard breaking glass, heavy footsteps following up. “What the fuck was that?” Anika asked with concern, fear drenched everyone in the room.
“It’s never-ending!” The familiar voice popped up from the dark room, Ghost Face standing in front of all of you, the room rattling with screams. “The legacy continues, round two mother fuckers!” Everyone scattered. The chase had begun.
A/n: Quinn and Ethan were the ones moving the planchette 😒
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miloformula123fan · 7 months
Hi hi, hope ur doing well :), I'd really love a mark webber fic with either fem tattoo artist reader or heavily tattooed fem driver reader
ahahah thank you so much :)
apologies it took so long to get out
Please keep requesting - y'all have awesome ideas we agree on a lot of stuff :) - my guidelines are here, and if you want some prompts, they are here.
also feel free to come in and start chatting to me in my asks, would love to get to know y'all better
and if you want to be added to my taglist lmk :)
mark webber x fem!tattoo artist reader
“Mark, you don’t have to get anything. They just require an adult over 21 to come in with me for some reason, they require a legal adult there, that doesn’t have to be a parent. I think it’s so you don’t bail halfway through, and you are the closest, and I didn’t want to drag my parents out and…” Daniel pleaded to Mark. This was not Mark’s plan of how he wanted to spend the winter break.
“Fine! Damn it Daniel, you really are a piece of work sometimes. As long as I don’t have to get a tattoo, sure.” Mark conceded.
“Thank you thank you thank you!”
“Let’s go kiddo, before you make me regret it.” Daniel wasn’t a kid, not at all if he was going to race in f1 next year and get a tattoo this year. But compared to Mark, who still felt somewhat young, Daniel was a baby. So he took him to the tattoo place.
Mark would’ve been slightly worried that he was walking into an elite escort club if it weren’t for the fact that he had read every review of this place to make sure it was safe and triple checked that they were at the right location before they entered and he had asked every staff if they were in the right place. He’d asked the 3 people so far who had checked his ID, the 2 who had searched his bags, the 2 who had chatted to Daniel about design and the 2 that had chatted to him about his design until they realised he wasn’t getting one, and they had all confirmed that he was in the right place. And then finally, they had emerged into a room that looked like a tattoo and piercing studio. 
While the lighting seemed to be mostly based off of lamps, it was a relatively well lit building. The aesthetic was very dark and grungy, but the place was lit well enough that the piercers and tattoo artists could see what they were doing. The tattoo reclinable chairs were all black, Mark imagined so they didn’t have to be cleaned when patients bleed.
“Okay, hey Daniel, I’m your tattoo artist for today. There’s just a few final things I need to check on, and then we are ready to go! Hey, I’m Y/N, are you Daniel’s Dad?”
“Uhhhh, no. I’m just a friend who offered to come. I’m Mark.” Mark offered his hand and Y/N shook it politely. He took note of the bats and snakes that trailed up her right arm and was about to inspect them, before realising that this handshake had gone on for way too long and now appeared borderline creepy.
“Um…okay, are you getting a tattoo today?” Y/N asked, when Mark had finally let go of her arm
“No. Definitely not.” Mark shuddered at the thought.
“Okay, back to you then Daniel. Do you have a drink bottle, or at least some way of hydrating today?”
“Yeha, I have this water bottle.” Daniel held up a small crinkled plastic water bottle that Mark was sure was max half filled. He watched Y/N cringe at it.
“Do you have anything else? I know this is your first tattoo, so I don’t blame you for being a little underprepared but based on the tat we’re doing today, and how big it is, I think you’re gonna need more water so-” - Y/N
“I have some in my bag, just to be safe.” Mark smiled at Y/N who smiled back before turning back to Daniel. Mark pulled out the backpack he had brought and pulled out some snacks, 2 big water bottles, and a smaller one for himself.
“Eaten a big meal today? We’re gonna be here a while and have you put moisturiser on your thigh?” 
“Yeah, I ate a big meal for lunch with Mark, and there’s moisturiser on my thigh, although it may need a bit more.”
“Okay, I’ve got extra, don't worry about it. Have you shown Mark your design? Maybe take off your shorts, and then while I get the moisturiser you can show him your design.”
As Y/N wandered off, Mark watched as Daniel shimmied his shorts off before lying back on the chair and pulling a piece of paper from the backpack and turning it around.
Mark had to admit, it was a very pretty tattoo. He gasped as he looked at it, and if another artist had turned round to him then and there he would’ve immediately agreed to have a tattoo done. The art was stunning and Mark agreed that while the tattoo would take a while, the concept drawing would’ve taken even longer.
It was a lighthouse and a ship, with ‘no regrets’ in a banner on top and ‘only memories’ in a banner on the bottom. The ship and lighthouse were very intricate and Mark could almost see every pen stroke that had been put on the piece of paper. As he studied it, he heard Y/N come back and pop the bottle of the moisturiser, and start murmuring to Daniel about pens and needles and colouring. Finally he heard the 2 laugh and looked up from studying the artistry.
“Sorry Mark. I do need the design to uhh tat Daniel up here and so I do need the design. Now Daniel, have you had any ibuprofen, alcohol, coffee or fish oil in the last 48 hours? These things tend to be blood thinners, and I really don’t want you bleeding out on my floor. It’s also more painful for you, as you’re going to end up with more skin irritation, which is not fun.”
“Why are you doing such a big and intricate tattoo to start with? Surely most people start with smaller tattoos.” Mark curiously asked
“Yeah but I figured if I get one big one, I’ll only ever get one so it’s fine.” Daniel said sheepishly
“Yeah, you keep telling yourself that kiddo. That’s what I thought, and now look at me. I personally like my smaller tattoos better, but it’s all personal preference.” Y/N smirked before she grabbed the needle and began the long process.
Mark tried to watch with interest, wanting to absorb everything Y/N was doing. But he ended up having to turn away as Daniel got a needle stabbed into him multiple times.
“Why’d you bring a squeamish one, Danny?” Y/N laughed from seeing Mark’s reactions
“Haha, I didn’t know. Maybe you should give him a tattoo, see how he reacts?” 
“No. No tattoo.” Mark chanted as he stared up at the ceiling, hands clenched into fists on his legs.
“How about a piercing? It can just be in your ear, you won’t even see the needle, and it’ll be painless, mostly. A lot less pain than this tattoo, hey Danny?” 
“Yeah, come on Mark! I did my ears when I was 13. Very painless, at least compared to this.”
“Fine. When are you gonna do it?” Mark conceded, done with their antics and persuasion.
“Probably in about an hour, when Daniel needs a break from this tat. Do you want me to do it, or would you prefer someone else to do it, like Jayden, or Alex or Leo? They’re all specialist piercers, as opposed to me, who’s technically a specialist tattoo artist. I can pierce your ear, obviously, but if you’d rather someone who’s probably a bit better, and if you just want to get it over and done with, then you can do someone else!”
“Uhhh, no, no. I’d rather you’d do it, if that’s okay?” Mark shuffled awkwardly, unsure.
“Yeah, yeah, of course, that’s fine. I may get Leo to just talk you through everything, cause I can’t multitask, and he’ll take your notes on preferences. LEO! Get over here.” - Y/N
Mark ended up getting quizzed by a man with more piercings and tattoos than Mark could care to count. He quizzed him on piercing placement, what earrings he wanted in and the care required afterwards, until finally Daniel asked for a break.
“Alright, all good by me. I’ll get Jayden to grab you some food and some drink to get you through while I…” she spun around to face Mark “pierce Mark’s ears.”
Mark gulped. He was certain that this was a bad idea.
And yet Y/N was so soft with him. She sanitised his ears, and put numbing cream on it. She talked him through everything and what she was doing, and the actual piercing of the ears was unnoticeable. Because she was talking the entire time, about motorsport and any random things she could think of. Mark was happy and content, at least until she pulled back and turned back to Daniel.
“Are you ready to resume, Daniel?” - Y/N
“What happened to you piercing my ears?” - Mark
“Mark…I have pierced your ears. You’re all done.” - Y/N
“What?” Mark put his hands up to his ears and felt the small pieces of metal stuck in his ears.  “Oh, sorry, I didn’t even feel it.” - Mark
“Good, you’ll start feeling it soon, don’t worry, particularly the more weight.” - Y/N smiled before turning back to Daniel’s thigh and kept going with his tattoo.
Mark smiled and watched as her hands delicately worked on Daniel’s skin. The tattoo looked even better than it did from her sketches. He tried to not be too creepy but he loved watching the planets on her fingers crinkle while she concentrated. She brushed some hair out of her face and Mark was drawn to the bee behind her ear, looking ready to buzz away.
Way too soon Daniel's tattoo was finished and they had to leave. Mark did give Y/N his number and they started talking, as Mark begged her to come to a race. She came for Daniel’s F1 debut race down in Melbourne and kept texting Mark throughout, asking what certain terms she heard thrown around were.
“Nice earrings Mark, when’d you get them?” Seb asked as they met before pre-season testing.
“Oh over the winter break you know?” Mark grinned, determined to not spoil his secret of Y/N
“Nice, you planning a tattoo next?” Seb grinned. He could always tell when Mark had a secret.
“Ha, nope. Just taking Daniel on more expeditions.” Mark said ‘i hope’ he added in his head
“More piercings then?” Seb grinned mischievously.
“Ha, maybe, maybe seb, maybe.” He smiled thinking about getting more piercings, letting Y/N touch his body with her surprisingly soft hands, maybe he’d get a piercing in a more intimate spot next time.
taglist: @leosxrealm, @pear-1206 @tallrock35 @janeholt3
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luvistqrzzz · 1 year
and i've seen sparks fly everytime you smile...
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sparks fly— where you think the sleepy boy walking you back home is cute...
jungwon x f.reader genre: fluff, high school au, classmates to ?? wc: 0.5k warnings: none part of what shade is our love series
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your footsteps echoed in the empty hallway as you quickly walked towards your classroom. you must have forgotten your notebook somewhere there.
arriving at the door, you stopped in your tracks at the sight that greets you, your stomach doing a sudden flip.
yang jungwon.
he was sleeping, sprawled over the desk, the sunlight filtering in through the stained windows falling on his face. you stood there, unsure of whether to wake him up or not.
maybe you should considering how the gates would be locked in half an hour or so and you weren't cruel enough to let a poor boy be stuck in the school for so long.
you nervously walked up to his sleeping figure, oberseving the way his face looked so calm. it was not something you saw often. jungwon was always busy with studies, student council and what not.
he was so etheral that you had to stop yourself from being creepy and looking away. it wasn't like yang jungwon was your crush. he was a classmate, a very helpful one. always willing to lend a hand, or give a smile across the hallways.
but then again, you didn't miss the way your heart raced everytime he talked to you.
'uh jungwon…' you whispered, scared of how he would react to your sudden presence. 'school is finished, uhm… get up.'
hearing the sudden voice, the boy woke up with a start. 'who- what?!' he spoke in a sleepy voice before noticing you, face to face with him.
jungwon gulped at the sight of your face, his cheeks turning a shade darker, 'Oh, uh… y/n?!'
realizing the position you were in, you jumped back embarrassed, 'y-yeah… It's time to go.'
he looked around the empty classroom to avoid any further eye contact with his crush standing in front of him, before stuffing the books into his bag and getting up and following you out of the classroom.
jungwon took in a deep breath, stealing a quick glance at your direction and mustering up some courage, 'hey..... shouldwewalkbackhometogether?' it's now or never
you turned towards him in confusion, 'erm you need to calm down jungwon.'
'should we walk back home together?' he repeated, emphasising on each word, looking cute doing so. you couldn't hide the smile that spread across your face as you gave a quick nod.
jungwon couldn't believe it. he had always wanted to talk to you outside the formal 'hello' and 'how are you' and there you were, walking beside him with a small skip in your step. you chuckled at something he said only to find him looking at you softly.
your heart sped up, 'what?' the boy turned around, embaressed, 'n-nothing! oh look, i think we have arrived.'
you looked at your house at the other side of the street, 'i'm afraid so.' you pouted, not wanting to leave him. 'we should talk m-' '-you're cute, jungwon', you both said at the same moment. your ears turned pink as the realization hit you of what you had just said.
uh oh. 'okay bye see you at school!' you squeaked before sprinting in the opposite direction.
jungwon looked at your disappearing figure in a daze. did you really call him cute?
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an: if this sounds cringe then its probably because im bad in writing fluff (wow whats happening ?!) but i had a classmate!jw brainrot lmao,,, also some parts are taken from a jeongin hc i wrote in my prev acc hehe ^^!! rbs and feedbacks are vv appreciated <3!
networks: @enhanet @en-web @k-films @hyfenet
permanent taglist open- send an ask- @rikizm @str0l0gy @yenqa @heetoldme @crxzs @s00buwu lmk if yall ever want to be removed its totally fine :D!!
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uhohwhathaveidone · 2 years
Dude I’m obsessed with your writing I’m so glad I came across your page omg 😭🙏 I Hope you don’t mind me requesting a Omnis gaunt x reader fic that would be about the reader being a pureblood like omnis being arranged to marry each other and the both don’t get along and then later on they both start warming up to each other and also start caring about each other one day the reader catches a slytherin girl flirting with omnis which makes her jealous to the point the reader is tempted to transform the girl into a damn chicken and Omnis immediately knows the reader is there so after the girl goes away Ominis starts teasing the reader which causes her to be flustered and then out of nowhere the reader quickly gives him a kiss (I’m so sorry if this sounds cringe but I’m a sucker for enemies to lovers and I can’t help but imagine omnis and the reader be like that at first)
"You're supposed to be my husband you idiot <(‵^′)>"
Marriage? (O.G)
hehe OG. Anyway, this is pretty long, if I do say so myself. I listened to a classical music playlist so I kind of got into it. Also, I think my nose ring got infected and now the tip of my nose hurst really bad, so I have to deal with that for a bit. Apparently you shouldn't use rubbing alcohol and stuff and only like saline solution but....my old college friend stole my solution and I keep forgetting to buy more. Anyway, no warnings, fem!reader, whose also in Slytherin. Its just the good old angst/fluff enemies to lovers trope. I've never written for Ominis before, and let me tell you, I kept typing Seb on accident before correcting myself. And thank you so much for all your requests, im still chipping away at them! Anyway, Enjoy <3 pt2, Marry Me
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You stood beside your mother, grasping onto her dress as you stood, watching your father talk with another man. Beside him sat a strange-looking boy. You noticed how his eyes were very different, unsure how to describe them if anyone ever asked, but his hair was laid nicely, done by his mother, no doubt. He was dressed in a rather fancy attire, one you would normally see at one of the many high-end parties your parents would hold, at it seemed to match the dress you wore perfectly. Your mother held a glare as she looked at your father, who shook hands with the other and walked over to you, kneeling down to your height. “Darling, I want you to meet Ominis Gaunt, the boy over there.” He pointed to the boy, who you now know was named Ominis, who didn’t wave or even acknowledge you. You huffed, crossing your arms. “Why must I meet him? He doesn’t look very friendly.” You complained, sending a childish glare his way. Your father sighed, placing a hand on your small shoulder. “You’ll be married to him in the future, so it’d be best if you met now and got along beforehand.”
“Marry him? That’s stupid! I don’t want to get married!” You shouted, running to hide behind your mother. She only sighed as she turned to you, patting your head. “Just go say hi to him, ok darling?” You puffed your cheeks as she ushered you towards him, leaving you there to go make small talk with his parents. You stood there, glaring at the strange boy. His eyes were creepy, and they only seemed to get creepier the more you looked at him. He didn’t speak a word, staring off into a corner of the room the two had been left in. You took a breath and brought your hand out, outstretched to shake his own. “Hello, my name is y/n. You’re Ominis?” He nodded, turning his head in your direction. He didn’t take your hand, nor even look at it. You grew impatient, feeling like a fool. “Well? Aren’t you going to shake my hand?” You asked, gesturing to him. “Right, sorry.” He said, and stretched his own hand out, moving it around in the air. “Seriously? Come on.” You sighed, grabbing his hand, and shaking it once. “You act like your blind, or something.”
“I am…blind.” Ominis said, furrowing his brows. You glared at him, still upset about the embarrassing handshake. “Clearly.” You turned to walk away, looking in the direction of your mother. “How boring, I refuse to marry someone as boring as you are.” Ominis glared in your direction, beginning to dread the arraignment your parents had set up. “I wouldn’t want to marry someone as spoiled as you, either.” Your cheeks heated up in anger as you turned to him. “I am not spoiled!” Ominis shrugged, “Could have fooled me.” You huffed as you stomped over to your mother, grabbing her hand. “Let’s go, mother. I refuse to marry someone like him, he’s boring and rude.” She sighed, looking over to your father as he narrowed his eyes. “You don’t have a choice, sweetie. Your father already set it up.” “Well then Father is a fool, I wish to go home and never see him again.”
“I’m afraid that won’t be possible, little lady.” Your father scowled, crossing his arms. “It has already been set that you will marry Ominis, and even if you wanted to avoid him, it would be impossible.” You stomped a foot onto the cobbled ground, pouting. “And why is that?” You asked, glaring over at Ominis, who had made his way over, somehow. “You’ll be attending Hogwarts next year, same as him. No doubt you’ll be in the same house as well. You must get used to it.” Your father placed his cup onto the table, bowing his head to Mr. Gaunt. “I refuse!” Your mother grabbed your hand and began to walk you out, promising to let you out into the garden when you made it home. You smiled; finally being told something you like to hear. Your father only sighed as he stepped into the carriage behind you, pinching the bridge of his nose. “She’s only ten, it’s quite the age to be set up for marriage.” Your mother reasoned, still holding your hand. You looked out the window, focusing on the world going by instead of your parents’ voices. “It doesn’t matter, we were the same age when we were told that we would marry.” He looked over at his wife, who refused to make eye contact with him. “And I resented you for a long while before we got to that point. All I’m saying is to give them time. Children their age don’t want to get married, they want to see the world.” “She has no choice, one way or the other.”
You stood amongst the crowd, watching as students were called up and placed into their houses. You fiddled with the ring your mother gave you, looking around anxiously. You watched a girl walk up to the front, sitting on the stool. You let out a shaky breath as you watched her smile and run to where the other Ravenclaws were. “Nervous?” You groaned, turning to Ominis. “Not one bit, but I would mind some personal space, you know.” Ominis shook his head, “You can’t lie to me. I can hear your breathing.” You glared at him, knowing he couldn’t see the anger that had made its home in your features. “Keep your ears away, just because you can’t see doesn’t mean you can use your hearing to spy on me.” Ominis shook his head, backing away slightly. “Still as rotten as always. Remind me to never try and help you with anything.” You scoffed, “As if anything I need help with would use your assistance.” Your name was called then, and you gave Ominis one last glare as you made your way through, sitting on the stool.
“You have great wit, you do. Bit of a temper… but not to everyone. I see. A rival already, perhaps? Your mind is strong, but there are other parts…yes.” You sighed as the hat rambled to itself, looking around. “I’d say… Slytherin!” You released the breath you had begun to hold, heading to the table where your father had sat many years ago. A girl waved her hand to you, patting the seat beside her. “Come sit here!” You nodded as you made your way over, taking a seat beside the brunette. “Hello! I’m Anne, it’s a pleasure to meet you!” She offered to shake your hand, and you gladly took it. “My name is y/n, it’s nice to meet you.” Anne smiled at you and pointed into the crowd. “You see that boy, the one with the brown hair near the front?” You shook your head, noticing that there were a long of boys in the assembly with brown hair, including Ominis. “There’s quite a few of them, Anne. You’d have to be more specific.” She sighed, trying to find an easier way to show you. “Oh! He’s standing by the other boy with brown hair, I saw him earlier, blind I believe?” You sighed, knowing she meant Ominis, and quickly spotted him. Beside his stood a taller boy, brown hair, just like Anne said. “I believe I see him now.” Anne smiled, “Good! That’s my twin brother, Sebastian!” You nodded, watching as the two boys got closer to the front of the group. “He’ll definitely be in the same house, I’m sure of it.” You could only nod, watching as Ominis was called up to the stool. Your father’s words replayed in your head, “No doubt you’ll be in the same house.” You shuddered, glaring as Ominis was, indeed, sorted into Slytherin as well.
You thought that would be the end of it, you’d be sorted in the same house, but otherwise not have to deal with each other. You were wrong. You shared many classes with Ominis in your first year, second too. Your friend, Anne, had also become his friend, along with her twin brother Sebastian. You felt your insides bubble in anger as you realized that you had to share friends now, unable to get away from the boring boy you were cursed to marry. Anne had come up to ask you once why you were sort of rude to Ominis, but kind to everyone else. You brushed it off, replying that you just didn’t get along with him. Ominis had let it slip once, though, in front of Anne and Sebastian.
You watched Ominis become more aware of his surroundings, able to navigate around furniture with ease now thanks to all the practice. He was annoying you, always bringing up the marriage situation whenever he tried to help you with something. You thought that maybe you hung out with Imelda too much, as you dragged some of the furniture around a bit, just barely noticeable to anyone. You then sat back, talking with Anne and Sebastian, eyes trailing to Ominis as he walked into the common room. You watched as he took his normal route, around tables and chairs, but his route was disrupted. You watched in glee as he ran his side into the arm of a chair, hissing in pain as he grabbed it. Sebastian quickly stood up, moving to help Ominis.
“Pretty clumsy, are you?” You teased, placing your arms behind your head. Ominis glared in your direction, already on to your plan. “I do hope you lose the habit of moving furniture before we get married, I’ll be dead before we even reach the wedding.” You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Perhaps that was the plan, my dear.” Anne and Sebastian looked between the two of you, confused. “Wait!” Anne spoke up, “Is that why you don’t like Ominis? You’re forced to marry him?” You nodded, gesturing to Ominis, “He called me spoiled when we first met.” Anne looked at Ominis, seemingly offended for you. Quickly, Ominis retorted. “You called me boring and rude! And said to “stop acting like I’m blind.”” You held back a laugh, “To be fair, no one told me you were blind before-hand.” Ominis sighed, exhausted. “Could have asked, you know.” “Be pretty rude to walk up to a boy I just met and go “Hello, I’m going to be your wife! By any chance, are you blind?” Although, that would be pretty funny.” Ominis shook his head.
By the time you made it to your third year, Anne had been pestering you constantly to try and be nice with Ominis. You could only sigh, telling her that she sounded like your mother. You continued to banter with Ominis day after day, insulting each other and pranking each other. The fourth year arrived, and Sebastian came along, informing you that Anne was unwell and unable to come back. Down a friend, you were stuck with Ominis and Sebastian, and you began to grow tired of making fun of your soon-to-be husband.
You walked into the potion’s classroom, taking your seat next to Ominis. He looked over at you, and you blew air from your nose. “Rough night last night?” Ominis asked, stating the obvious, but you could no longer fault him. He was unable to see the dark circles that had formed under your eyes from the study session you had last night, flipping through the chapter you would be going over today. You had always been anxious during Potions, the fear that one wrong ingredient would possibly cause an explosion was the key element that made you study so hard. “Yeah, you could say that.” You responded, grabbing your book, and opening to the page you were on before you finally surrendered to sleep. “You know, not every potions class is going to end up in flames.” You scoffed, shaking your head. “You never fully know until it happens.” “Of course.”
Sharp began the class with the description of the potion they would be making, lecturing for about five minutes before letting the students begin. You sighed, reading off the measurements as you placed them in your pot. You had it memorized, thanks to the night before. You read how the potion was supposed to react, and how it reacted when ingredients were placed when they weren’t supposed to. The potion would blow up, and you refused to let that happen. You took a quick glance at Ominis, checking up on him, only to quickly look back at his hand in horror. He had grabbed the wrong ingredient, of course, and was seconds away from placing it into the cauldron. Quickly, you grabbed his hand, pulling it away. “Ominis! You really must double check before you start adding ingredients!” Ominis looked at you, surprised. “What do you mean?” You sighed, taking the moss out of his hand and placing it away from the rest of the ingredients, replacing it with milkweed. “You were about to blow yourself up, is what I mean. If you’re unsure, please check with me first. Imagine what I’d have to tell your parents if you blew yourself up.” Ominis listened to you ramble, a soft smile on his lips. You had started to become kind to him as you made it to your fifth year. Sebastian joked and said you were finally maturing. Ominis swore that, sometimes, you had been looking out for him as the three of you walked down the hall. Who else would tug on his sleeve and pull him slightly over before he bumped into a statue?
You had stopped talking, returning to your own potion. Ominis placed the milkweed into the cauldron, giving it a quick stir. “Thank you, by the way.” He said quietly, reaching for another ingredient. “Don’t mention it, you probably would have blown me up too, honestly. Here,” You said, grabbing his paper with the instructions on it. You had learned a spell a while ago that changed writing on parchment, and had tweaked it to turn words into brail. Waving your wand quickly, the ink turned to raised dots, and you quickly labeled the ingredients he was using. “So, you don’t blow us up again.” Curious, Ominis grabbed the paper you placed in front of him, running his fingers down it. He smiled and felt a slight warmth in his cheeks. You ignored him and continued to work.
It became a habit in potions now, where you would watch Ominis as he worked with his potions, making sure he was using the right ones. In other classes, you began to help each other, slightly. There was still the teasing and slight insult, but otherwise the two of you were rather tame. You began to walk with Ominis around the grounds, describing things to him when you didn’t have classes to get to. Ominis enjoyed the walks the two of you shared, enjoying the descriptions you made. Sometimes, you would purposefully describe something in a weird way, waiting for Ominis to catch on and tell you how crazy that would be, but sometimes he didn’t. Sometimes, Ominis would become engrossed in your voice, it always had a calm tone to it, even if you were acting out against him. It was one of the first things he noticed when you first met six year prior; the soft voice you used when addressing your mother, how it sounded annoyed when you asked if he was going to shake your hand, the stern tone you used when you told your father that he was boring and rude.
You grabbed his sleeve, shaking him from his thoughts. “No, no, no, where is it?” Your voice was panicked this time, one that Ominis never really heard much. “What’s happened?” You dropped to the ground, searching through the grass. “My mother’s ring! It must have slipped off my finger! I can’t find it.” Your voice cracked, and Ominis knelt down and found your shoulder. “Are you sure you didn’t take it off and leave it by your bed?” You shook your head frantically, tears swelling in your eyes. “Never! I never take it off, not anymore.” Ominis could hear you begin to cry. You had worn the ring to your first day of Hogwarts, a gift from your mother. You told him once about it, how its silver band curled around a pale yellow stone, Hufflepuff, the house your mother was in. You had taken it off every now and then if you were planning on dueling Sebastian or caring for creatures, but during the break between fourth and fifth year, your mother had passed suddenly, and you refused to take it off after that.
“I don’t know where it could be! I can’t remember when I had it last,” You wept, and Ominis found you once again and offered his hand. “I may not be the best help, but I can help us retrace our steps.” You looked at him, confused. “How?” “Well, you’ve been describing our walk this whole time, so if we go back along the same route and give it a good look-over, I’m sure you’ll spot it.” You nodded, taking his hand as he pulled you up, taking your hand and recounting the path you took. “I believe we left off at the tree with the pink flowers?” You nodded, moving back to the tree, guiding Ominis behind you. You scanned the ground as you walked, not seeing any sign of it. “Not here…” Ominis thought back again, “We visited the fence with the strange mushrooms growing on it, yes?” “That’s right!” The ring wasn’t there either, but Ominis refused to let your hopes down. “I remember you talking about the small pond where those giant toads lived, perhaps it’s there?” The two of you made your way back to the pond, and you searched through the grass. Ominis joined in, sifting through with his fingers, coming up to a round metal object with what felt like a gemstone attached to it. “Here it is!”
“Ominis! You’re a genius!” You shouted, running up to him. Ominis smiled, stretching his hand out. You looked at him, puzzled, not reaching for it as you tried to figure out what he was doing. “Give me your hand, I know you’re not blind.” You chuckled, placing your hand in his. Slowly, he guided the ring back onto your finger, closing your hand with his own. “There, best that we don’t lose it again, yeah?” “Right, thank you so much, Ominis. I have no idea what I would do without you.”
A few weeks had gone by, and the two of you had seemingly gotten closer. You helped each other in class, point out if one of your favourite food was at supper, and take the usual walks, which did not lead to you losing your ring a second time. Ominis had made sure that you wouldn’t, taking your hand with the ring in his as you walked, “A precaution,” Ominis said. You were unsure where you stood with Ominis at that point, unable to tell if you were getting along because you had to, or because you wanted to. You didn’t even know if you actually liked him, thanks to the arraignment; you felt conflicted, unsure if your feelings were real or made up to save face for your families. You weren’t going to ask Ominis how he felt, of course. You pushed the thoughts aside as you walked into the common room, ready to collect Ominis and head to the dining hall.
You looked over to the couch, eyeing where Ominis sat. Beside him sat another student, who had begun to play with her hair as she talked with him. Your eyes narrowed as you walked closer, disgust painting your face as you listened to her awful attempts at flirting. “So, I was thinking. Maybe we could go by the lake? It’s quiet there.” She said, and you glared daggers into the back of her head. Shameless fliting was one thing, shameless flirting with Ominis? A death sentence. Hexes ran through your head, the idea of turning her into a chicken and leaving her in one of the pens stuck out, another, turning her into a toad and leaving her to live with the other toads in the crowded pond. Ominis heard the small noise you made when she tried to get closer, and he smirked. He knew you were there, probably standing behind her as you glared at her, something Sebastian had described to him anytime Poppy would get picked on. You had made it your habit to stand behind your “victims” until they turned around and met your dagger-like gaze, threatening to hex them if they didn’t get out of your sight. Ominis could only imagine what scene was playing out before him, and he broke into a smile. The student took that as a good sign, “I’ll meet you there then.” She got up and turned to grab the book she had placed down, gasping as your presence startled her. “You have to stop sneaking up on people like that, y/n!” Your gaze never broke, “My apologies.”
The girl left, leaving you to huff in annoyance as you waited for Ominis to stand. His smile never left as he slowly got up and walked to you. “It’s quiet there? That’s so stupid! She needs to work on her flirting skills.” You crossed your arms, turning to walk to the door. “Is someone jealous?” You scoffed, as you exited the room, “Why would I?” “We’re supposed to get married, I’m basically your husband already.” You shook your head, pouting. “We’re not married yet, so why should I care?” You walked along the empty hall, the sound of your shoes hitting the cobble echoing around you. Ominis chuckled, “So I can…go to the lake with her tonight, then?” Your cheeks heated up and you began to stutter. “The- the lake? Absolutely not! Why would you-“ You took a breath in and sighed. “Go on then, go have your fun.” You stopped walking, turning to Ominis and crossing your arms. Still smiling, Ominis shrugged his shoulders and turned to walk away, and you huffed in annoyance as your face turned bright red. You quickly grabbed his arm to stop him, “You’re not…actually going to go, are you?” You asked, hanging your head and looking down at your feet. You heard him chuckle, as he turned, guiding his hand up to find your face. “I wouldn’t need to if my wife-to-be would stop being so stubborn.” He felt your cheek burn as you looked up at him, debating what to do.
Without a second thought, you quickly brought your lips together in a quick kiss, hoping that Ominis would understand. You pulled back just as quickly, watching his face heat up just as yours did, a sheepish smile playing on his lips. “There she is.” “Shut up.”
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zzzykiek · 4 months
Play it Sweet
2PAlastor x Diabetc human Fem!reader
This chapter dives into the NSFW zone at the end so Minors DNI you've been warned.
CW: toxic work environment, creepy boss, anxiety, p in v sex, cunnilingus (just a smidge). 
*Please give credit when reposting*
Thanks and enjoy!
2P Alastor credit - https://anic-mj.tumblr.com/post/627521842542936064/2palastorblueberry/amp 
Chapter 3 —-- In Control
His tears are pouring over your shoulder. “Al?” You gently rub his back. He reaches into his pocket and procures another yellow pill. (Are these anti anxiety meds?) He steps back and throws the pill down his throat. He takes a deep breath and you gently swipe a tissue over his cheeks. 
“Th-th-thank you. I k-k-kept up the act a bit longer than p-p-planned.” 
“Well you did a fantastic job!” Your turn to plant a kiss on him though you have to half-jump to reach. The smile it brings from him is so adorable you can actually feel your eyes dilate. “How can a demon be so adorable…” you definitely didn't mean to say that out loud but there it came, out with your breath. Before you could process anything from that blunder you’re in Al’s arms, legs wrapped around his waist, as his forehead sits against yours blue bangs tickling your temples.
“I’m a-d-d-dorable huh?” He laughs and twirls you around. (Holy cow, he is strong!) “We should head out, my sunshine.” His voice purrs that new nickname and you melt into an embrace as he lets you slide down his frame to be standing on the floor. You look at him and giggle, both of you have the goofiest looks on your faces. His smile grows suddenly “Oh! and don't think I missed you mentioning having a recording studio. This I must see!”
“Well then let's go. I seem to remember you mentioning some blueberry pancakes.” 
“Th-that I did!” 
You lead him out to your car and cringe at the state of it. Random books, games, and antiques you had planned to restore. “Sorry, I wasn't planning on hosting a guest… I promise my place is clean.” You hear the door and see Al plop into the passenger seat with bright eyes turning over an old radio in his hands. (He likes radios? His voice did sound like one at first.) You hop in and start up the car before acknowledging his interest. 
“I rescued that beauty from an old thrift store. Poor thing needs some TLC. Sadly when I got it Boss decided to add work hours with my promotion, so it got stuck in limbo…” 
“Oh, it stands for Tender, Love, and Care. I restore antique things I like. If you like that you are going to love the ones in my studio.”
“You’re perfect.” Now it was his turn to accidently slip a thought out with his breath. You both chuckle and the remainder of the car ride goes by in a wave of blushes, glances, giggles. You finally reach your little cottage and Al follows you inside, still clutching the radio. You do a little spin in the living room of your small abode. 
“Here we are! I gave up having a typical bedroom so I could bring my studio to life….” You say glancing at the haphazardly made futon around the corner. “...but this is what you wanted to see!” You throw a door open and let the back lights illuminate the perfect merriment of restored and new recording technology creating an impressive switchboard. Bookcases filled with restored radios, cameras, and phones. Al’s eyes are wide and with a flash of green light he returns to the blue deer figure you met hiding under a table. You lean against the switchboard and flick a switch bringing the tape reels and record player to life. 
“So did you know I liked radio, or is that also your thing? Judging from your reaction I'd say you have a thing for broadcasting too.”
“Y-y-yes my sunshine, I am known as The….” He summons a blue cane with a microphone atop it and twirls it with a flourish and finishes it with a bow. “The Radio Demon.”
“Well Mr. Radio Demon, can I assume you dance?” You flick a switch and the room fills with your favorite electro swing mix. 
Al tightens his grip on the microphone, then it disappears as he offers his hand to you. You accept and are immediately pulled into the best dance of your life. (Not that you had many other dances under your belt, and definitely the only one who could actually dance to your music.) All timid nature is gone as Al spins you around, leading you in perfect time to the music, and even lifts you above his head. 
You’re nose to nose as the song ends, both of you breathing heavily, and in the same heartbeat, his hand is behind your head and your fingers are gripping his collar while your lips explore his. (How do our lips fit so perfectly together…?) You sigh into the feeling and he mewls in response gently flicking his tongue against your lower lip. You allow access and he gently moans at the feeling of the deeper kiss. He is holding onto you so tight, like you would run away if he let go. You let your hands explore his hair, confirming your suspicions of his ears being sensitive as he melts onto his knees at the first light touch. He breaks away the kiss and looks slightly sad for a moment as he gently unzippers your dress. You laugh remembering that for some reason you chose blue undergarments that day. (I guess that was fate.) His eyes glow as he admires this little surprise. Quickly fumbling with the buttons on his coat, starting to shake again. 
“No-no-no, I need to be in control for this…. First t-t-time, I don't want to scare you off.”
He goes to grab another yellow pill and you catch his hand gently.
“What if I don't want you in control?” You look him in the eyes. 
“P-p-please, I want to b-b-be.” 
The look he gives you tells you how important it is to him so you let him down the pill and help undo his buttons while he takes a deep breath. You make it through all the buttons (Three layers is a lot of fucking buttons.), and pull his upper vestments off. As you touch his chest you're surprised to feel soft fur, as pale as his skin. You run your fingers through it letting out a deep contented sigh.  He closes his eyes and leans into your touch. Grabbing your wrist, he begins planting small kisses along your arm until he reaches your lips again where he dives back in. His kisses are desperate and sloppy, gently suckling your lip as he backs off just long enough for a breath. He begins rutting his hips and soft moans escape him each time he makes contact against you. His sounds alone send a surge of warm arousal straight to your core, only to be combated by the tingle of his clothed erection hitting your clit, making it your turn to moan. 
You gently push him up as you fuss with his belt and pants, letting them drop revealing more soft almost white fur and the slightly darker toned skin surrounding his cock. (Oh shit is that going to fit…?) 
“I p-p-promise to be gentle.” (Ok can he read my mind? I am starting to wonder now.) 
He kisses you again with a bright red flush on his pale cheeks. You feel him position himself and slide his tip up along your slit, moaning at how slick you are. (Holy shit, I've never been this turned on by anyone before.)
“Y-y-ou really want me?” He breathes the question in between kisses. All you can do is nod, so kiss drunk at this point that you knew he could get anything out of you he wanted. (I guess I gave him everything already though huh…?) You feel pressure at your entrance as he gently begins pushing in. You whimper at the sensation. (Fuck it's been way to long, and he is so big!) You hiss in a breath and his kisses become lighter as he coos reassurance between each one. Running a hand through your hair, he murmurs, “It’s okay,” and, “I got you,” followed by, “Hold on to me.”
When he says that, you let your hands fall to his arms and squeeze, digging your nails into biceps. He groans in pleasure as his pelvis presses flush against you. (Was that from my nails or him bottoming out?) His breath becomes deep and animalistic with tiny sounds of pleasure escaping as he gently pulls back.
“I'll mold you to me.” His voice is still soft, but there's a spice to it, and you feel static dance on your skin. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding and you loosen your grip on his arms to entangle your fingers in his hair as he carefully pushes all the way back inside. Your eyes go wide as he hits a spot you never experienced before. (Now I understand the whole seeing stars thing.) 
“Al,” his name tumbles from you as he picks up his pace.
A soft yet guttural moan escapes him with every thrust, contrasting your uncontrollable squeaks as he hits that spot over and over, never letting you get a full scream of pleasure out before he is hitting it again. Your eyes go wide as he places his forehead against yours. You’re so close and as he looks into your eyes you realize so is he. 
“Cum with me, my sunshine.” He purrs, locking your lips together again as your mind goes blank with pleasure. Every muscle in your body pulses almost in time with his. You can feel, as he slows his motions, the warmth left behind from his own orgasm, with no way to tell what of the mess now coating your thighs is from him and what was from you. 
Before you even recover, he dips his head down between your legs.  He begins licking up the mess running down your swollen pussy. This elicits a gasp from you and an animalistic moan from him as he greedily takes in all the juices he can get to, going so far as to use his finger to get more from inside your overly sensitive hole. 
Your brain and body come down from their high enough for you to form a few thoughts. (I just fucked a literal demon…. That's new…. I am totally fucked.) You can’t help but giggle at your own ideas. Your movement breaks Al from his dessert between your legs. He wipes his mouth quickly as he pulls you up into an embrace, both of you kneeling on the floor in the middle of your studio. “Are you o-o-k?” He asks then. “D-d-did I hurt you?”
You snuggle into the soft fur of his chest. “No Al, not at all.” You feel him relax and hold you closer to him. (Drowning in soft fur isn't a bad way to go right?) 
The rest of the evening goes by in a blur of kisses, cuddles, and conversation. His cute little stutter comes and goes as he talks. You spend hours talking to Al about radios, music, your broadcasts, books… you've never been able to speak this easily with someone. Eventually everyone gets bored or annoyed, but not Al; he is fully engaged and just as excited as you. The more excited he is, the less he stutters. He even shares some first-hand things about some of your restored items you could have never discovered on your own. Eventually (Way too late for a work night.), you fall asleep on his heavenly soft chest. 
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malii-the-bonehead · 4 months
The Other Woman pt3
god this is cringe tbh idk why im posting this bc I KNOW they lurking and seeing this shit
Slow burn
Summary: Chris, a popular hockey player at school where Y/n went, found himself falling for the beautiful, shy girl. As time went on he found out who Y/n truly was as a person and ultimately, he had to make the choice, his girlfriend, or the other woman.
Part 3
Hey it’s Chris. I stared at the message on my phone. I had work in 20 minutes. I finished getting ready quickly. Now, I was cleaning the house. I heard my phone go off, forgetting that I gave Chris my number this morning. To be honest, I wasn’t expecting him to actually text me. I continued scrubbing the dishes before responding to his message.
Hello, Christopher. I responded quickly, walking to the living room to clean up the clothes and trash all over the floor. The trash and clothes my mother left there. Empty bottles of liquor scattered before the couch. I bent down, grabbing multiple and tossing them into the garbage, going back to grab more. Buzz buzz.
I took my phone out of my pocket and checked it, once again. 
Just call me Chris. When you call me by my full name you sound like my mother. I giggled to myself. 
Okay, Chris. Sorry about that. He was quick to reply. Damn, is he sitting waiting for this message?
It’s fine. What you up to? I sighed, placing my phone on the side table next to the couch. I sat down, looking at the dirty floor. I should mop. Is that puke? I shook my head with a grossed out expression. Nasty. 
I grabbed the mop from the kitchen closet, filling the bucket with hot water and floor cleaner. I didn’t have much time before I had to leave for work. Buzz. 
I looked back to my phone on the table, picking it up and looking at the message that was sent. The second message, actually. You free tonight? I have a test in calc tomorrow. Was wondering if you could meet me somewhere and help out? I shook my head. I had work until late tonight.
I sent a text back, Sorry, I’m cleaning the house. And I don’t get off work until late tonight. If you’re okay with calling when I get off I can help then. I tried to place my phone down, but it buzzed in my hand.
Where do you work? And yeah that sounds fine. What time you get off? I sent a quick message, avoiding the first question he asked. He didn’t need to know where I worked. Technically no one should know. It was no one's business but mine, but it’s actually illegal to work at a bar until I’m 21. The manager knew my dad personally so I got a quick job there. Now they pay well. As long as I don’t talk about my age or where I work then I should be fine, hopefully. 12. 
My phone buzzed again, but I put it in my back pocket, needing to finish mopping the house. I had to leave in 5 minutes.
I sat in my car, in front of the building I worked at. I grabbed my phone. I completely forgot about Chris’s message from earlier. I checked it, getting out of my car walking towards the entrance.
Damn that’s late. What job has those kind of hours? I typed a quick message. A job that pays for food and bills. He was really trying to get it out of me.  He sent another message asking where but I ignored it. He sent another message after a few minutes, understanding that I wasn't going to tell him.
Oh. Well if you aren’t too tired when you get off then I’ll appreciate the help. I opened the front door, heading to the back to pick my things up in my assigned locker. I’ll let you know. 
I put my phone in my back pocket and went to the bar area. We’re normally not super busy until 6, so I had about 2 hours to get things ready. 
I was sitting behind the building, on break, hitting the rolled joint in my hand. I smoked every now and then. Not too much and not too little, just enough to relieve some stress. I pulled out my phone, checking the message from Chris. I knew he had sent one. Honestly, he messaged so fast you’d think he was obsessed with me. But that’s crazy, right?
Don’t take this as a creepy message or anything but you got a picture I can have for your profile? You there? Oh shit you’re at work. Let me know when you get off. 4 messages after another? Damn.
It’s been 5 hours since his last message. I’m on break now. If I send a picture you have to send me one as well. Right now, it’s a random dog off of pinterest lmfao. 
It took him about 2 minutes to respond. I put the joint out, shoving the rest of it in my jacket pocket. Lol why a dog? And yeah I’ll send one but you first. 
I opened my camera roll, picking the picture I liked the most. I pressed send, waiting for his response.
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(something like this but it’s you, obviously)
I sent after the photo, because you remind me of a golden retriever. 
He responded quickly. Really? Also that’s a pretty picture. You look nice. My stomach started to twist, butterflies floating around. I can hear my heartbeat. He thinks I look nice.
Thank you, Chris. I smiled a little. Now it’s your turn. I glanced around the back of the parking lot behind the building. The music seemed more quiet as I breathed in the cold air, enjoying the moment. Not many people compliment me. Well, not many people like Chris. It felt.. Good.
Your welcome Y/n. Let me find a picture. Give me a sec. 
I shut off my phone, leaning my head against the wall behind me. Buzz buzz.
Notification: New message from Chris popped up on my lock screen. I looked at it for a while, scared to open it.
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My breath hitched as I stared down at my phone, my mouth slightly open from shock. My cheeks went slightly pink. Damn, he’s really pretty. I saved the photo, changing his profile picture from the dog to the one he sent. 
Damn, you think I look nice? Look at you. I erased the message. What should I say? It’s not a big deal, Y/n. Just send something simple.
You have nice eyes. Simple and true. He really did have nice eyes. He had nice everything. Nice hair, nice eyes, nice lips. 
“He has a girlfriend, Y/n,” I mumbled to myself quietly. “Besides, he would never go for someone like you.” 
You think so?  I liked his message before sending, yes, I do. 
Thank you Y/n. That means a lot. 
You’re welcome, Chris. I checked the time. I had a few minutes of my break left.  I should get going. My break ends in 2 minutes. Text me at 12 when I get off so I can help with your calculus. 
You got it ma’am. Have fun at work. I shut off my phone, standing from my crouching position against the wall. I needed to stretch my legs. They hurt from sitting in that position for so long. I walked back through the back door, heading back to the bar getting to work. 
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pamgkrthwrites · 11 months
Touched : Chapter 4 : Awkwardness
Warning, the following content is for an 18+ audience. If you are under the age of 18 do not read the content below. The following content has themes such as; Awkward Situations, Possible 2nd Hand Embarrassment, Possesiveness, Stalkish Like Behaviour, and others. The character(s) depicted within this post are over the age of 20. (This list may get updated with each new Chapter Update)
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Fandom: BNHA
Pairing: Bakugou x F!Reader
Themes: Soulmates, Porn with Plot (This list may get updated with each new chapter update)
Summary: Y/N sets some boundaries for herself and for Bakugou.
Word Count: 3488
Tag List: @tjmaxx556 @cosmicbreathe @lavender99 @optimisticprime3 @dreamcastgirl99 @kenmakai @emmab3mma (Sorry if I have gotten any tags wrong)
A/N: Shout out to Beta Reader Ribbon for being the only beta reader this week. We gave Huntress a break because they do not like Bakugou and yet I force her to read these fics LMFAO. I've come back after a big test and I want to die. This chapter is a bit of a slower one as it's more housekeeping if anything.
When Bakugou said he was going to leave early in the morning, you didn’t think he’d leave at 3 a.m.
Your eyes opened once your body could no longer feel the warmth in the bed. Your eyes landed on Bakugou’s back, seeing old scars from being stabbed through his chest and the scars you gave him the night before.
His perfectly muscular back was soon covered by his shirt, forging the pout on your face and a sad whine.
He looked over his shoulder upon hearing your whine and chuckled. He turned and leaned down to you and kissed your cheek. “Sorry princess, I need to make sure I am ready for work today. I’ll see you then, okay?”
Though you whined, you nodded your head. Bakugou gave you another kiss, though it was longer and sweeter as if he didn’t want to leave either.
He pulled away though, leaving you to watch him leave your room and hear him close the front door behind him.
You grabbed the pillow he had laid on and cuddled it closely to you, breathing in his scent. Your brain felt fuzzy from just being woken up and also the feeling of being addicted to your soulmate already.
You reached out of your bed and grabbed your phone from a pile of clothing so you could put it on charge, but you quickly noticed you had two message notification files. One from your mother asking how you were, and one from him.
Minato Kusumoto (2) Missed Calls Missing my calls? You busy or something? Is it true you are working at Best Jeanist’s Agency?  That Saitou chick from the social media department found out this morning Call me once you are free, k?
You mentally cringed. Maybe it was because you were still in the after-glow after fucking your soulmate, but Minato just felt creepy to you now. You dumped him and yet he was still trying and reaching for your attention.
At least he wasn’t calling you by that pet name.
You clicked on his profile and pressed the blocked button, sighing in relief. 
Maybe you’ll regret this later when you come back down to your normal self, but in this moment it felt right. It felt so perfectly right.
You opened up your texts with your mother, smiling with glee as you typed.
You Sorry for the late reply. I met my soulmate.
You put your phone down as you plug it into its charger before lying on your back.
You couldn’t stop smiling.
“You can’t just drop that on someone at 3 a.m., Y/N!” Your mother shouted at your mother over the phone.
You had been woken up by your mother calling you. It did force you to get up, have a shower and get ready for work, but it wasn’t a nice way to wake up.
You locked your front door, your bag hanging off your elbow as you held the phone to your ear.
You sighed. “I just thought you’d like to know, mama. Next time I won’t tell you when I meet up with my soulmate.”
You snickered to yourself when you heard a weird construction of noises coming from your mother’s end of the call. 
“I have to get going now, mama.” You informed her as you bounced down the stairs. “I have to get to work now.”
“Can you just tell me who it is?” Your mother begged. “At least tell me what he looks like.”
“I met him at work and he is tall.”
“That doesn’t give me anything, Y/N!”
You laughed. “Bye mama!”
You hung up on your mother before making your way to work.
You were going to be yelled at later for that but who cares.
Thankfully, Bakugou was busy most of the day. Off doing his job while you did his. You found a way to schedule Bakugou for only one interview for a month. Sooner or later though you knew the journalists were going to figure out what the plan was and try their best to get Bakugou ticked.
They seemed to love that.
The main thing that kept piling up though was the incident reports coming in. Bakugou hadn’t made an appearance in the office yet and it was 2pm, and yep you were getting new paperwork to file every 10 to 15 minutes because of how much he was doing. From what you heard from some of the other secretaries, it was something he learned during his first year at UA in a Work Study Problem and he wasn’t eager to let it go.
It did mean that the large amount of paperwork coming in was mostly Bakugou’s cases, and because he hadn’t come into the office, you were the one ending up doing all the paperwork. You had to have the news radio playing on all the time just so you knew where his whereabouts were and take some guesses about what incident happened where, when, with whom and what happened.
You had a feeling in your gut that he was coming in soon. No new paperwork had come in for 20 minutes and he hadn’t been mentioned on the radio for 25 minutes. You could tell though he was taking your suggestions from the day before into consideration, actively avoiding the media from what you could tell.
You heard some noise from outside of your office, hearing some heavy footsteps walking closer and closer to your office. You then started to hear an almost whiney voice following the harsh footsteps.
It wasn’t long until you saw Bakugou’s figure walk past the door with two figures walking behind him. They were talking in a line like ducklings. 
You could hear them walk into Bakugou’s office and you could hear them talk about something, but their words were mumbled because of the soundproofing on Bakugou’s office walls.
Considering how one of the figures looked to be made out of red, you were going to go out on a wild limb and assume it was Red Riot. The media made it out like they were close friends, even doing cross merch collabs even if they were in different agencies.
Suddenly the door connecting your offices opened and you saw Bakugou’s face poked through.
“Where are the reports?” He asked, his mask was around his neck this time and his skin shined with sweat.
“The three on your desk are the only ones I couldn’t do because of limited information. The rest are already finished.” You answered him.
Bakugou’s brow went into a line. “Really?”
You noticed two heads behind him looking at you. You seemed to be right on the money about one of the figures being Red Riot, but the second seemed to be Charge Bolt.
Bakugou made a sound with his mouth before turning back into his office and closing the door behind him.
“Is that your new secretary ?” Kirishima asked Bakugou, watching Bakugou walk over and sit at his desk.
“She’s rather cute,” Kaminari said with a flirtatious smile on his face. “Is she single-“
“Shut up Dunce Face.” Bakugou glared at Kaminari before looking at your handwriting on the half-filled-out paperwork.
Your handwriting was really neat…
Kirishima and Kaminari exchanged a look before Kirishima started speaking. “So now that you have met your soulmate, when do we get to meet them?”
“Hopefully never if I have anything to say about it.” Bakugou grunted, his eyes not leaving the paperwork.
Kaminari leaned over the table. “You want them all to yourself after everything? Wouldn’t blame ya. If she caught a glimpse of-”
“Kam don’t.” Kirishima warned.
Bakugou glared up at Kaminari, his upper lip snarling up.
It had been like this all day for the two friends. Bakugou seemed to be on edge after meeting his soulmate. The two worried that maybe their first meeting didn’t go well, but Bakugou pushed that concern aside and your two proper interactions as soulmates was more than what he expected.
Kirishima’s eyes scanned Bakugou’s tense body, how he seemed to be on high alert and trying to listen to what was happening outside of the room they were standing in. Said room being soundproofed made it difficult. He couldn’t help but wonder if maybe Bakugou was missing the company of his soulmate already?
“Can I ask what your soul bond is, Bakugou?” Kirishima asked.
Bakugou gave Kirishima a nasty look, a look that made Kaminari back up. Kirishima stood his ground, not giving Bakugou the satisfaction of ‘winning’.
Bakugou sighed in an annoyed tone before leaning back in his chair, looking off to the side in embarrassment. “I don’t talk about it for a reason.”
“It’s one of those feeling the same things one, right?” Kaminari asked as he sat down on the couch in Bakugou’s office.
Bakugou scoffs. Of all the people to remember that drunken confession from almost 2 years ago.
It happened after your first time, Bakugou felt so betrayed by you going against your two’s soul bond and sleeping with someone else that he couldn’t function like he used to for a short time. He had erectile dysfunction for a few months, was physically ill for two days, and had become more angry. That’s not even adding that he’d be sick after you had sex for the following months.
His friends noticed, his parents noticed, the public noticed, his therapist noticed. His friends thought maybe taking him out to drink would cheer him up, and after a few hours he finally opened up and said ‘I can feel her through the soul bond, and it’s the worst’.
That's all it took for his friends to understand why he was upset. He felt something because of the soul bond, and whatever he felt was impacting his day-to-day life. Suddenly his friends were coming over a lot more either to play games, to have a meal, or to go hiking with him. It took his mind off of it for long enough until his therapist said something that helped more than anything else.
“The downside of having soulmates is that we know our person is out there and is the perfect person for us. People have often romanticised love, being loved and being in love that when someone hasn’t met their soulmate as young compared to the people around them, they become very lonely people. Maybe even isolated. Your soulmate probably just wanted to be loved, so please don’t take it as a betrayal.”
His therapist’s words rang through his head once again, his eyes sliding over to the shared door between your two offices. 
You’ve just broken up with your boyfriend for cheating on you but you didn’t want him or anyone else to know it was about the cheating. You moved across the country to a whole different Prefecture for a new job to use that as your reason to break things off. Was nothing else holding you back to keep you there? Why didn’t you want anyone else to know?
Were you so isolated and lonely that no friends or family were able to keep you there by simply being in your life, to the point moving to a different Prefecture felt easier than confessing or confronting the truth?
Did you even have anyone to help you move into your new place? He saw all the boxes around your apartment.
Bakugou was in deep thought, his finger tapping on his desk while another hand was holding his chin. Kirishima waved a hand in front of Bakugou’s face, only to get no reaction.
“And we lost him.” Kaminari chuckled to himself, standing back up. “We should get going. Let him open up when he’s ready.”
Kirishima followed Kaminari out of the room, an eyebrow raised at Kam as they walked out. “When did you become wise?”
“Always have.” Kaminari said with a smirk.
“Fuck off with that shit.” Kirishima laughed.
You waited until you could no longer hear the heroes' voices through the halls before taking a look at the shared door between yours and Bakugou’s office. It felt awkward knowing your soulmate was on the other side of the door. What were you even supposed to say? ‘Thanks for the sex last night now let’s act as if we aren’t soulmates as we work’? 
Great, now you are thinking about the sex with Bakugou last night and being reminded how sore your thighs were feeling. You feared for a reaction from Bakugou, remembering he could feel your sexual stirrings just as you could feel his. Within this moment though, things started to connect in your head now that you had the context that Bakugou was your soulmate.
The reason why he would always push his sexual stirring down during working hours was because of his job. Either so he doesn’t get onto the news for popping a boner while fighting some lizard villain or because he just was too busy to really focus on his sexual stirring. You started to feel really guilty for all the times you and Minato Kusumoto had sex while at work.
You mentally cringed. Why did you have to remind yourself of that?
Almost on cue, the shared door opened, bringing attention to Bakugou’s face.
“Did those idiots say where they were going?” He asked in a grumpy annoyed tone.
He scoffed, turning his face away from you. Which, funny enough, only brings your attention to his red-tipped ears. You tried to hold back the smile threatening the form on your cheeks.
Bakugou turned back around to look into your eyes, catching you staring at him.
“You have any plans to meet up with friends or something?” He asked, trying to get information out of you.
You mentally cringed. A few people did come to mind who used to be your friends but dumped you after you started dating someone who wasn’t your soulmate. You doubted they would want to see you, even after you left Minato Kusumoto. You also doubted they would believe that you happened to meet your soulmate after moving too.
“...Not really. I haven’t made any friends yet.” You confessed to Bakugou, not knowing you confirmed his concerns.
You noticed tapping his finger on the other side of the door frame as his mind was in deep thought. “I’ll walk your home and help you unpack this week.” Bakugou said nonchalantly.
Your chest felt tight and you stood up from your desk. “You don’t have to do that for me.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I don’t have to. I’m doing it because I want to.”
“You-? You want to help me?” You asked.
Bakugou gave you a look that read ‘Are you kidding’? Your lips went into a straight line.
You guess you really shouldn’t be surprised that your soulmate wants to spend time with you and help you get adjusted.
But as his secretary, you can’t have him be seen coming over to your place. It would be a scandal if people noticed him walking the same girl home every night for a week, especially because you were his secretary.
“You can’t do that.” You sighed out as you sat down.
Bakugou tried to hold back his snarl. “What do you mean I can’t do that?!”
“You can’t be seen walking and staying at your secretary’s home every night for a week, Bakugou-“
“I thought we were on a first-name basis.” Bakugou’s voice was low and almost threatening.
“Not while we are at work.” You bite back.
“Why not?!” He asked with an accusatory tone.
“Because if Dynamight is seen walking his new secretary home and staying at her home for longer than a minute, it will cause scandal.” You explained to him, trying not to yell at him.
Bakugou became quiet, his eyes just glued to your face - mostly your lips - as he thought over whether he wanted to be mad or not.
You were probably right. He couldn’t be seen out with you as much as probably wanted to. All he’s ever wanted was to show off his soulmate to the world. He thought once he met you, he would rarely be seen without you when he wasn’t working. It was a huge disappointment that you two met because you were now working for him.
Didn’t mean he liked it though.
“…I still want to help you.” He grumbled out in frustration.
You sighed, resting your open hand over your mouth as you tried to find a compromise for him. “How about you come on the weekend?”
“I come on Friday and sleepover for the weekend.” Bakugou replied with a soft grin.
“The weekend.” You sat up straight, trying to ignore the warm growth in your core.
“I know you like the idea.”
“But it might cause you problems.” You said as you stood up, grateful you wore your suit pants today. “I should’ve taken the job to work for Red Riot so we wouldn’t have this problem.”
Bakugou’s eye twitched. “You think you would’ve preferred it?” He asked with an angered tone.
“I don’t know,” You let out in frustration with your hands being thrown up. “But we wouldn’t be having this problem.”
Bakugou grumbled, his finger tapping the door frame again. “Fine, but you have to give me your personal number.”
“Fine.” You sassed back before you even realised what you were agreeing to. Only once you pulled out your phone did you mentally curse yourself. “This doesn’t mean for work purposes I’ll use this phone. I’ll still use my work phone.”
“Fine.” Bakugou replied in a less angry tone than before.
You felt awkward as you held out your personal phone to Bakugou. He walked over, putting his personal number into your contacts. You felt your knee bounce up and down under the table and tried not to peel at your nails.
You wondered if all soulmates were awkward in their first few social interactions or if it was just you two considering your job and sexual past. 
Bakugou pulled a plain-looking phone with an orange case out of one of his pockets before handing it to you. You start pulling in your number, noticing him getting a lot of notifications from a group chat. It seemed as if Bakugou was the type of person to name all of his contexts with nicknames, but you still put in your full name.
Once you exchanged phones again, Bakugou looked at your new contact with a soft face for only two seconds before diving his phone back into his pocket. “You sure you don’t want me to walk you home?” He asked.
“Yes, I am sure Bakugou. How about you go have some lunch?”
“Will you join me?”
You raised an eyebrow at Bakugou. He replied back with a click sound made from his mouth and turned his head away. The screen of your personal phone lit up, bringing your attention away from Bakugou to your phone. A cold icy feeling went through your blood.
Email From: Minato Kusumoto Subject: Why Did You Block Me? Preview: Hey Kitty, You didn’t respond to my text yesterday and…
You quickly put your phone face down on your desk, making Bakugou look at your face with a quirked brow.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, noticing how stiff you had become and finding your reaction suspicious.
You mentally weigh your options of whether you should tell Bakugou or not. ‘Yeah just my ex trying to get in contact with me, no biggie.’ Did not seem like a good idea to say.
You took some deep breaths before speaking. “Just an email but how much the move here is going to cost me.”
It wasn’t a total lie. It seemed as if there was going to be a great personal cost if Minato Kusumoto was going to be emailing you during work hours.
Shit- If he had sent it any earlier that Bakugou would’ve seen it-
“I can pay for it.” Bakugou offered.
You did a double-take. “What?”
“If it’s too much, I can pay for it.”
“That isn’t necessary.” You replied, trying to think of some way to get him off the case. “Just means I won’t be able to have much takeout.”
Bakugou made a disgusted face. He wasn’t a fan of eating out.
“If you change your mind, I’ll be happy to pay for it.”
“It’s fine, Bakugou. Promise.” You gently smiled at him.
Bakugou’s heart skipped a beat from your smile and his ears went red. You on the other hand were trying to calm down your nerves and trying to remember if you could block people from emailing you. Were you going to have to block your ex on everything?
Bakugou kept staring at you for a little while longer, only breaking away when he heard his work phone go off. He reluctantly walked back into his office, closing the shared door behind him.
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cupidjyu · 1 year
my secret admirer
haknyeon x reader (request, thank you for the birthday wish, dear anon!)
genre: slight mystery (not really), fluff, cutie haknyeon, bff kevin, just a lot of surprise, getting together-ish, texting au-ish notes: haknyeon just gives me orange/tangerine vibes like he is the brightest, cutest soul ever i wanna smooch him... word count: 2.7k
music played in your ears as you watched lazily as your pen rolled and rolled, all the way to the edge of the table. you didn’t flinch as it fell and made a loud, clattering sound on the wood floor. though, you did jump when you noticed people around who were also studying at the library, turn to look at you with sharp eyes.
you slightly bowed your head, apologized, and bent down to pick it up. you sighed, tired as you slumped back down onto your seat. you were so tired from studying constantly and having to finish up last-minute projects, feeling the life slowly leave your soul as you played with the hem of your papers, yawning.
but then, your phone lit up and you see it’s from him.
or he’s also known by his contact name which is “tangerine🍊”
your best friend, kevin, once saw a notification pop up from him and he thought that you were the weirdest person ever for texting someone named tangerine. though you explained it was a nickname, he had stumped you with his next question.
“what’s his real name then?” he asked.
you paused, thinking for a second. you furrowed your eyebrows, “i don’t actually know?”
“y/n,” he gaped at you in disbelief. “are you kidding me right now?”
the guy who goes by the name of tangerine is a complete mystery to you. and usually, you wouldn’t talk to literal strangers with an anonymous face. but here’s the catch: he’s your secret admirer! you felt giddy just thinking about it.
he had even admitted to it. 
it all happened when you had just woken up from a nap. you were exhausted and drowsy, with your hair all over the place. you blinked your eyes blearily and that was when you saw that you had gotten a text from an unknown number.
unknown: hi y/n
you vividly remembered freezing, feeling fear rush through you. did you just gain a stalker? you hesitantly texted back.
you: hi who’s this
unknown: you don’t need to know that
you cringed.
you: ur really creepy right now
unknown: no no no no i promise im not a creep (T⌓T) i just wanted to talk to you but i dunno how to approach u ╥﹏╥
you giggled softly, finding the emoticons cute.
you: do i know you?
unknown: you may have seen me around campus, but i wont tell you who i am. im…. shy (*^.^*)
you smiled like an idiot at your screen.
you: ok, what should i call you
unknown: hm, let me think
unknown: how about
unknown: yours?
you recalled widening your eyes and sitting up in bed at that moment.
you: wow thats bold
unknown: ill always be bold for you
you: bro
unknown: i think ur really pretty, can i be ur secret admirer?
you paused.
you: sure, whats your favorite fruit
unknown: tangerines, why?
you: that’s your new name
tangerine🍊: i still think being yours would be better
you: dont get ahead of yourself
tangerine🍊: i saw these beautiful flowers and they remind me of you &lt;3
you: oh thank you
and you would never admit that you had zoomed in on the picture. but, not on the flowers, but the pretty hand that was holding the stem of the tulip. oh, how you so badly wanted to know who he was. your studying was long forgotten.
you loved this place. the cafe was the perfect vibe. the drinks were so amazing that you liked to try all of them. and it was never too busy to the point that it got stressful. it often became your go-to study spot. so basically, you’re a regular. there was always the nicest girl who served you your drink every day. you remember her mostly from the pretty, light pink hair color that she had dyed it.
currently, you were waiting for kevin so that the two of you could visit nearby stores. he had complained to you the day before that he desperately needed new clothes. you were also waiting for your drink.
and speaking of,
“iced matcha latte for y/n?”
you startled out of your thoughts. that wasn’t the typical honey-like voice that you heard from the girl. instead, it was deeper and raspier. you turned and approached the counter. and it was like time stopped.
you felt like you were in one of those romance dramas where the two characters would meet for the first time and they just cannot get their eyes off each other. the man in front of you was so… cute? he was also handsome, you must add. he had full, pretty lips and big, yet gentle eyes. he looked good with only a simple uniform on. additionally, his brown hair was wavy and looked incredibly soft to the touch.
he was the epitome of your ideal type, friendly, and looks like a cute golden retriever.
and instead of greeting him nicely like a normal citizen, the only thing that you could blurt out was,
“you don’t work here.”
his hand that was holding your drink was now stuck mid-air. and then he burst out laughing, his eyes twinkling which only made your heart thump even more. 
“of course i do. i’m just covering for someone else,” he tilted his head, grinning. “don’t tell me you’ve never seen me before.”
you shook your head, still in a trance.
“huh,” he scoffed to himself, slightly in disbelief. but still, he gave you the sweetest smile. “well, it’s nice to meet you.” he had a slight glint in his eyes, almost like he already knew you. and whether you thought that was odd or not, you didn’t care. what you were more focused on was the fact that you may or may not have developed a huge crush on him.
“your drink, y/n,” he reminded, eyeing you teasingly. you blinked.
“oh! r-right,” you grabbed it, almost choking on your spit. “have a nice… day?” you turned on your heel and rushed away where kevin was now waiting for you at the entrance. he waved at you excitedly.
“hey,” he grinned. “did you see the sale going on at-”
but you were quick to interrupt him.
“who is that?” you gestured to the man behind you. he was now cleaning the counters, as beautiful as ever.
“hm?” your best friend peeked behind you. his eyes widened with realization. “that’s… is that haknyeon? what’s he doing here? i didn’t know he had a shift today…”
you gawked at him with confusion.
he was quick to notice and he laughed, “haknyeon’s my roommate.”
“oh,” you were deep in thought. all that was playing in your mind was his beautiful smile and his bright eyes and his-
“why, did he bother you?”
“no, he’s just…” you stammered. “he’s cool, i guess.” and as you were leaving, you couldn’t help but take another peek at him. your heart was thumping the whole day after, just at the thought of possibly seeing him again.
tangerine🍊: matcha latte or chai latte?
you: matcha latte of course, are u kidding me
tangerine🍊: hm.. then ill make sure to keep that in mind for our future dates
you: ive never seen u yet, how are you so sure ill go on a date with you?
tangerine🍊: maybe you did see me (*ノωノ) 
you: what
tangerine🍊: nothing! i will now make a chai latte since you hate it so much
you: i never said i hate it. and you can make drinks? are you a barista at a cafe or something?
you: don’t leave me on read
you: youre a menace
haknyeon let out a huge breath after holding it for so long. he flipped over on his bed, burying his face in the pillow as he screamed into it until his face was red (as if he wasn’t blushing already before).
“are you okay?” kevin eyed him, looking up from his computer.
“im fine,” he breathed out. “i just almost got caught.”
“did you commit a crime or something?” kevin widened his eyes.
“oh no,” he giggled. he then looked off into the distance with dazed eyes. “i’m just in love.”
“oh my god.”
it’s odd, how kevin, who was your best friend for who knows how long, has never invited you to his dorm before. you’ve known him since the two of you were just playing and running in the playground. he’s been by your side forever, rooting for you and hoping you’d do the same. but his unvisited dorm status has now changed as you were now standing right outside his room.
once he heard your knock, he flung open the door and smiled widely.
“y/n!” he threw his arms around you. “i missed you!”
you giggled, slapping him playfully, “kev, it’s only been two days.”
“still,” he glared. he stepped aside, “come in!”
you were incredibly surprised to see how neat the small room was. everything was folded, not a single piece of dirty clothes on the floor, nor were there empty iced tea bottles that kevin always loved to drink.
you turned to him with a baffled smile, “since when were you so neat?”
“me?” he froze. and then he shook his head, “no way, would i ever be the neat one… that was haknyeon.” he rolled his eyes, gesturing to the folded blankets and fluffed pillows, “he insisted that our dorm be neat for our guest. which, i don’t understand because when he has sunwoo over, he doesn’t care at all how messy it is. maybe it’s cause he knows it’s you…”
you didn’t think too much of the odd statement and just laughed quietly. you sat on kevin’s bed, taking one of his plushies and squishing it roughly in your hand.
“so,” you began. “what show did you say we should watch again?” you looked up at him. but kevin was staring at his phone, an utter look of panic in his eyes. “k-kevin?”
“i, uh- i’ll be right back,” he jerked a thumb to the door. “may have taken someone else’s package. i was wondering why i ordered like one hundred packs of cookie cutters… who even needs that?” and he was out of the door after grabbing the brown box, the metal sounds jingling inside. you could even hear the footsteps running down the hallway.
you yelped, “wait-” you sighed, sinking back down on the bed in defeat. you took this chance to look at the area a bit more closely. it was a lot different from your dorm. their dorm was a bit more cluttered but in a colorful way. kevin had some art supplies laid out on his desk, as well as an unfinished coffee from this morning.
you turned to the other side of the room, which you assumed was haknyeon’s. there was the cutest pig plushie on his bed, and on his desk… was a whole pack of macarons. 
you laughed, it reminding you very oddly of a certain secret admirer. it was his favorite snack, he absolutely adored rambling on and on about them, even rating each macaron he ate from one to ten. on some days, he would randomly send you a picture and caption it “you have to try this when we go on our date, one day >.&lt;”
you opened your phone and texted him.
you: what’s your favorite flavor of macarons?
suddenly, a ping came from his bedside table. you paused, your body going rigid when you noticed how a phone had immediately lit up as soon as you pressed send. you tilted your head. that’s not kevin’s phone, but haknyeon’s.
maybe it was just a coincidence?
you walked over and you read the contact name that popped up on the phone.
prettiest in the world (y/n) 💗
you took in a small gasp as your eyes shifted from your phone to his. with your heartbeat thumping, you rushed and sent another text to him. and soon enough, his phone sounded once again. 
you yelped. all the dots began to connect in your head. the glint in his eye at the cafe, kevin’s constant complaining of his roommate being on his phone late at night…
he’s your-
the door suddenly opened. you whipped around, expecting it to be kevin, but instead, it was him. he looked like he had just come back from running after class, books in his hand and his mouth huffing for breath. he looked attractive. and also cute. you’ll never get over how cute he is.
he pointed at you, smiling funnily, “you’re here… and kevin’s not here?” he looked at you with awe. “he must trust you a lot.”
“i- you-” your cheeks began to flame red as you stuttered. you pointed at his phone, handing it to him.
he looked at you with surprise. “i knew i left it here!” he groaned, taking it from you. he turned it on. when he saw the notifications from you, he immediately froze. his mouth pulled into a sharp line as he slowly looked at you, his eyes darting.
you simply stared back, mouth wide open. the cute guy from the cafe, your best friend’s roommate, was your secret admirer? the one that you’ve been talking to for almost two months now?
“i- i can explain!” he panicked, his hands flailing helplessly. then, they clasped together, almost in silent prayer as he gazed at you with pleading eyes. he took a deep breath before rambling like an absolute maniac, “i am… i am your secret admirer, here in the flesh. but please hear me out! i’ve known you for a long time because i always see you on video call with kevin. and then i saw that you started coming to the cafe i work at and i-” he stammered, his cheeks turning redder by the second. “and then i thought that you were the most beautiful. like an angel who fell from the sky and- oh, im rambling. but i- i didn’t know how to approach you so i got your number through kevin’s phone so-”
“you’re my secret admirer?’ you asked in utter disbelief, completely disregarding his sob story.
he blushed, looking away as he shuffled on his feet.
you gaped at him. but your lips slowly grew into a bright smile.
“thank god, you weren’t some old creepy guy,” you sighed in relief. “i’m glad that my secret admirer is a cute one.”
“yeah,” he casually agreed. “you wouldn’t want some cree- wait. what?” he sputtered, turning even more pink. his eyes were wide. “y-you think i’m cute?”
you nodded, winking, “you’re really cute. i even might have developed a crush on you when i first met you. i’m glad it’s you.”
he laughed, loudly, “that’s so…” he looked at you fondly. “that’s amazing. i can’t believe i- oh i think i just won the lottery. uh so, should i properly greet you now?” he giggled adorably. “hey y/n,” he took your hand in his, making you sputter. he pressed a soft kiss to the back of it, just like a prince. “i really like you and i would love to not be your secret admirer anymore.”
you giggled, your heart soaring. 
“so, would you maybe… want to go on a date tomorrow, mr. tangerine?” you laughed. “or should i say, haknyeon?”
he smiled dearly as he bowed, making you laugh even more. “i would love to, your highness. and soon, can you call me yours?”
you swatted him away and glanced at him shyly.
haknyeon🍊💗: did you get home safely? i had an amazing time with you ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
you: i did!! amazing date, definitely topped the last one
haknyeon🍊💗: wow are you seriously ranking them rn
you: i am. i want to go on all sorts of dates with you since you’re mine
haknyeon🍊💗: am i… am i finally.. (gasp) yours?
you: yea 
you: you are awfully dramatic, you know that
kevin was startled at the sound of haknyeon screaming once again in his pillow.
he groaned, “is it y/n again?”
“mhrbrmnghm,” he hummed, garbled into the pillow.
“at least be grateful i invited them over in the first place…”
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