#he's so fuckign shaped
xfand0mfr34kx · 8 months
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this sily mf is in my brain
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zrllosyn-art · 1 month
i love your oc haru so much. he;s like if a man & woman had a baby
LMAO thank you for likin my lil guy!! he is my current favorite.
(also accurate)
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i have literally over 100 pages of sketches of this guy rn it is dire
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cerealmonster15 · 5 months
lads i had to explain the concept of monster fuckers to my partner today. he was like oh yeah theres people who are into stuff like the horse lady from monster musume. and i had to look that up and repeatedly insist No This Is Not What I Mean When I Say Monster Fuckers. It Is Beyond Big Tiddy Fanservice Anime Lady With A Few Monster Parts Tacked On skldfjdskljfklsjd
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flashhwing · 1 year
This Man 👨 Is NOT 🙅‍♂️ Aedan Cousland! 🚫
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He Is A Ferelden👨‍🌾 Mage 🧙Named Hawk 🦅
Do NOT 🙅Let Him Into ⛔️ Your Landsmeet!!!
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quirkle2 · 4 months
honestly i was sold on reigen as a character the Moment he said the line "you felt that cornered?" bc to me that moment def seemed like the type of thing most adults would snap at a child for. when children are told not to do something so drastic (especially if they've experienced the consequences of it before, like mob w ritsu) and they then proceed to Do It, there's a good chance they felt forced to do so, and there's an even better chance that they feel horrible before, during, and after doing it. they are afraid to be yelled at and they are Angry that they're going to be yelled at in the first place bc it was their only choice. a lot of adults simply don't bother to dig into it more, and they see this surface level Kid "Acting Out" Routine and they blame the kid and not the circumstances that shaped that behavior
i expected mob to get an earful abt it, or at least one of those eccentric but oddly wise lectures, but instead reigen said that. "you felt that cornered?" bc he Knows mob and he knows the poor kid would never try to hurt somebody else unless it was absolutely dire. even with ritsu's explanation—that mob had no choice in order to protect his brother—i still kinda expected that evil little "doesn't matter, don't harm others" slap in the face against the idea of self-defense. but reigen subverts expectations, like he has a talent of doing
there's something so compassionate about the phrasing of it, too. so empathetic. so quietly horrified that grown people would make a child feel like lashing back is his only option. they're turning a kid into a hunted animal, and reigen is beginning to realize just how cornered mob must've felt, to fall back onto something he never wanted in the first place
and don't even get me fuckign Started on ritsu's "they had a rule like that...?"
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so this was a line in a fanfic I recently read but it has me fuckign crawling up the walls and watching D&W in a new light
it's part of a larger oh/oh moment paragraph rant wade goes on but the line is:
"I would have happily gone on assuming that this Wolverine is canonically a fuck machine who only sleeps with women ever and that I could hit on him to my dick’s content and never have to worry about the possibility of real rejection"
and that last line COMPLETELY reframed half of wade's actions for me in the movie.
Cuz on the surface level there's the hee-hoo deadpool hits on every single hero joke of it all, which is probably all the writers were thinking about when those lines and directions went onto the script. They needed the throughline of wade being seriously still hung up on vanessa for plot reasons but didn't want to give up all the ridiculous flirt jokes.
From a hollywood writer's perspective, the solution is an easy 'Okay, he flirts with dudes ONLY, no prob, there's a Logan shaped comedic 'straight man' for him to do that at for 90+minutes'
But like. There's Implications to that as a Choice, when you characterize a dude that's so rejection avoidant and purpose-seeking that an avengers' dismissal kills all motivation for putting the suit on at all.
Pointing affections at literally any direction other than people who MIGHT take him seriously. Flirt on his favourite heroes, antiheroes, maybe even a TVA employee or two instead. It isn't that he's not ACTUALLY into Colossus's giant metal ass or Logan's oiled up tits, I'm sure they rev the engines like anything else, but I'm super willing to explore the idea that he's way more comfortable in throwing himself in directions where the rejections aren't 'real' to him. If the writers never thought about that implication, I'm going with concept that Wade doesn't even realize he's doing it at all unless he's in a fanfic universe with a decent oh/oh moment.
It makes me wonder what style of bluescreen he'd go through the second Logan yes-and's in a way that might be interpreted as flirting back. It makes me think of the countless number of dudes he's hit on in the comics despite most of his longer-term relationships being with women. Don't get me wrong, I KNOW the Doylist perspective is likely that most writers go down the straight relationships, gay jokes avenue but it's SO much more interesting to play it watsonian here. it's just a really good fanfic direction to lean down, this fucker is made up of exactly 50/50 emotional anguish about rejection and shitpost dick humour and I just wanna read more works where they feed into each other instead of being tackled separately
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In this house we believe in MASTER KOHGA SUPREMACY!!!!!!!! 🍌
I know this might look like "oh haha Veronica likes another fictional guy go figure 🙄" but NO. You dont understand. this goes so fucking deep, I LOVE this man. When his ass showed up on screen I SCREAMED. Literally no different from a girl at a Harry styles concert or something, except in this case it's me in my living room, and a fat old dude (who is VERY silly mind you) from a video game. We're almost encroaching self ship territory, but thankfully link is here, and to quote our lord and savior austin powers, he’s the town bicycle and EVERYONES had a ride. I can live vicariously through him. Let me tell you a little about my master kohga journey (totk spoilers)
So way back when I first played this game in 2017 or something, I really liked him, and when he fell down that hole I was CONVINCED he wasn't dead. I had a theory that link would go down in the hole in the sequel and kohga would be there, stuck. I remember I told this theory to someone and they actually LAUGHED!! well GUESS WHOS LAUGHING NOW BITCH!!!!!! MY FUCKIGN BOYFRIEND IS ALIVE!!!!! My theory was basically right, I just didn't know about the depths at all obviously. I came across kohga at the temple and I shit you not I was SCREAMING like an insane person. Like actual cringe fangirl shit in my living room. I was SO happy, that actually made my whole day and the days afterward. I'd just be sitting there and my brain would go "DUDE master kohga though" and then I would go ":)" I'm gonna go meet him in the gerudo depths and i’m excited to see him again :) This is what I have been doing between commissions. This is what keeps me sane somehow. Pear shaped king 😔💞 I hope you like my design for him sans the mask. He is so tricky to draw so idk if I'm gonna draw more of him BUT, just know that I WILL be thinking about him
(Also WHAT is with me liking characters who like bananas??? Why is this a reoccurring theme???)
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if you would all allow me to be delusional for a moment - so i went back to staring Very Hard at the neighborhood map and. um. well. im chucking my marbles out the window! as always take all of this with a Hefty grain of salt!
i thought i saw a weird pixel in Frank's window so i zoomed in. then i took a screenshot, and fucked with the contrast/brightness settings. and uhhhhhh
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FRANK??? HELLO???? HE'S IN THERE? i'm pretty sure im Not seeing things bc that is definitely a vague gray tube-outline with a yellow spot in the shape of Frank's nose. hidden in the dark. and i might be seeing things but in the pane next to his face it kinda looks like his hand is on the window? but! Frank's in there! what the fuck!
so naturally i slowly scrolled through the neighborhood Zoomed The Fuck In. obvi there's nothing in Home's eyes, and Barnaby's & Sally's single visible windows(?) are closed. I couldn't find any out-of-place pixels in Julie's or Poppy's.
but! Eddie's kinda freaked me out a little! look at this shit!
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on the top left pane... are those fingerprints pressing into the glass? and in the lower left, is that a fucking Face peering out? a creepy ass face that almost looks like some sort of mask? there seems to be another Shape in the upper right... another face perhaps?
and then there's the weird window shine in the lower right (along with maybe Another face...). it almost looks like a string of letters. there isn't a single pattern/design like that anywhere else in the neighborhood. what's up with that....
oh and also, just went back to double check the post office's display window
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there seems to be another face - all the way to the right in the darkness. judging by the shape of the paler (yellowish?) pixels between what must be eyes, i think that's Eddie. and i think i see ears and a hat... not sure though. this one is really tough to see but it's There
(side note: Eddie is totally fucked, isn't he? between the faces(?) and hands behind his door, Home sitting in his display, and the hyacinths by his building, the emphasis on his memory (or lack-thereof) in a project that is, in a sense, About memory... i'm concerned! and eating it tf up! hell yeah lets get funky!)
now i couldn't see any, like, concrete Faces or anything in Howdy's store. but! you can kinda see inside! observe~
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in the big open window, you can kinda make out some sort of container on a counter and what might be shelves or a kind of brick pattern. and then above the 100% sign... hold on are those fuckign Eyes? lets take a look zoomed in & without the image adjustments!
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yeah those uh. i think those are eyes. Wally-esque eyes peering out of the darkness. though they also mildly remind me of eyespots on insect wings. butterfly eyespots, perhaps. inch resting indeed...
WAIT I LIED!!! there DOES seem to be another string of letter-like symbols in the neighborhood, not just the post office's window shine. now it could be just a wild coincidence, but at the same time it seems kind of... purposeful. like that's not normal shading/coloring.
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check out the blue window border on Howdy's Place, next to the apples. the lighter blue pixels seem Arranged. i think i see a clear N, and either an R or a P... along with some other symbols that i don't recognize as anything. the lower ones look kinda like faces? what could the top one be? is any of it anything or am i looking too hard?
in short: they're watching us watch them and there's way more to the map than initially meets the eye....
(edit: i've added a reblog w/ the images outlined! badly outlined but a clearer View of what i see nonetheless! + some notes on more little things outlining helped me notice)
#throttling my laptop WHAT DOES IT MEAN??? WHAT DOES IT MEANNNNNNN#got a little spooked there ngl....#noticing the faces(?) in eddie's gave me a lil startle. got a little chill up my spine#I LOVE IT!#im gonna be reeling over this all night....#the implications! the arising questions!! the Choices!!!#frank and eddie being the only ones with their faces in their windows (plus a couple extra)#eddie and howdy having letters/symbols(?) on their buildings#THE EYES IN HOWDY'S STORE!!!#i feel like these are important misplaced pieces of a puzzle i havent even opened yet#god and like. tiny home in eddie's window yeah but that With the eyes in howdy's store?#both buildings - both Stores! - seeming to have hidden letters on them??? WHAT DOES IT MEANNNN#of course i could be just plain insane and seeing things#but some of it.... ough i dont think i am fellas#welcome home speculation#wh speculation#homebogging#ive been meaning to Examine the updated map.... not much Changed or caught my attention but a few things did#why does barnaby have a carton of milk outside his house? something to do with the phrase 'no use crying over spilled milk'?#the flower patch behind julie's house is Oddly green.... kinda reminds me of a body dump#that plus the red thing next to the bowling ball (a ribbon? scissors? something else?) makes me Suspicious#along with a mildly delusional Theory i've had since my first good Examining Of The Map (before the update!)#but thats not what this post is about#theres just. theres interesting things in there!#thank you for reading! i need to go Think about this all....#im feeling the urge to up the contrast/brightness of Every Single Slightly Dark image on the site <3
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schrijverr · 1 month
Okay, straight Eddie Diaz, because - hear me out - trans woman Eddie Diaz.
Like it makes perfect sense in canon due to the fact that Eddie is repressed as hell, it can be about just sexuality, but I think adding in gender really adds to it. She does truly dream of having that traditional marriage with someone, she has just been casting herself in the wrong role, which makes it all the harder to figure out, because she is so sure that's what she wants, but it always feels wrong anyway.
It turns out, all the women she has dated felt wrong, because she wanted to be them not be with them. Plus, they never measured up as a parental figure, as a mother figure specifically, because Eddie wasn't comparing to what can be expected of an early stages potential step parent. Instead, she was comparing them to what she, Eddie, provides for Chris, and they could never be as good as a mom as her (but she didn't realize this).
((Also, Buck - bc yes, I am making this a little buddie - was able to fit into that step parent role, bc Eddie wasn't comparing him to herself, but let him organically grow into the role. Something Eddie doesn't realize until she unpacked a lot of stuff and realized her feelings for him aren't the platonic kind. She also realizes why she was so fuckign jealous of all his girlfriends, but always less bothered by his boyfriends.))
I feel like she'd be more masc (give me butch trans woman Eddie, please, fan artist out there, I'm on my little knees) and she struggles a lot with wanting to be a woman, but having 'masculine' interest and thus feeling like she can't be. Seeing Hen was both great for her and the cause of much confusion, bc she wanted what Hen had so bad, but also not entirely, because she isn't a lesbian and she had no clue what that meant when she first started working with the 118.
She has a hyper-masculine phase (mustache Eddie, why xp), really leaning into 'being a man' to run away from the feelings, because that is a mood. This isn't a great time for Eddie, because she does still like her masculine hobbies, as mentioned above, so it's confusing and she semi-gaslights herself into thinking she is imagining it. Until one day she shaves and is like, huh, I forgot how much I liked the clean shaven look and suddenly that triggers a whole set of revelations.
She keeps the short hair, but changes the shaping off it slightly so it softens her face more. She also is a jeans girly through and through, though comfy leggings definitely start making their way into the rotation after Maddie introduced her to them. Eddie does change the cut of her jeans slightly to be less tight at the crotch area, but she does like jeans that emphasize her butt, bc she has a great ass and that makes her feel good about herself. Overall, she isn't big on skirts, but wears dresses when there is an occasion.
Also, she has height dysphoria, which also upsets her, because all the heels look fun, she doesn't care that Hen claims they're the devil's shoes. ((Buck being taller makes Eddie so euphoric, before she realizes what is making her dysphoric exactly, she'd continuously be in his space, because he makes her feel a little shorter. When on dates, she sometimes can pull out heels and Buck will wear thicker soles so she can, sliding an arm around her waist and tucking her into his side so the dysphoria won't creep back in)).
She doesn't tell her parents at first, but she does tell her sisters, who are thrilled to have an all girls sibling squad now. They give her some of the heirloom jewelry they got, which Eddie missed out on, because she was still an egg at the time. She totally doesn't cry... Maybe a little.
Eddie is not a make up girl, however. She really tried to get into it, especially to cover the five-o'clock shadow, but it always looked weird and it isn't practical with her job. When they have a party, she'll put on some mascara and try with contour to add a little different shaping to her jaw and cheeks, but she never gets into it as much as she thought she would. She does not say no to getting manny paddies with Athena and May from time to time. Having nice nails is a great source of gender euphoria.
It was a little hard on Chris for Eddie to be mom too and Eddie had a whole crisis about what if this is repeating Kim, but in a different font and I am actually trying to replace Shannon? She has a lot of solo therapy and the two go to family therapy. Chris is never a dick about it, just a kid working through his trauma (don't be mean). When they have worked through it, Chris is her number one hype man, even though he's an awkward teen about it. His stumbling compliments are always her favorite and she carries them with her in her heart.
Anyway, just straight trans woman Eddie <3
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sunrisevariant · 11 days
Top 5 relatable anime characters
5.) Laios Touden: wants to become a fuckign ouppy
4.) Akira Fudo: cries so much that the anime has “crybaby” in the title
3.) Yuuta Okkotsu: never in my life before watching JJK0 in theaters had I ever seen such a succinct and impactful portrayal of how love can cause you irrevocable suffering; how losing a loved one can change you, and how your grief can change them - be it the image of them you keep within your memories, or in Rika’s case, her actual form. He feels so haunted by the loss of his childhood love that he believes she cursed him, when in reality, it was his unshakable love and his refusal to let her go that cursed her. The wedding ring is so incredibly symbolic and heartbreaking, and the final fight where he vows to give himself heart and soul to Rika to repay her for the torment of being made into a curse for all those years absolutely tore me apart. It is such a beautifully agonizing piece about how love changes you, for the better and the worse, often at the same time. How love can twist your heart and your mind so subtly that you don’t even notice it happening until it’s too late. How once you’ve loved someone, once you’ve cemented yourself in someone else’s life, you will never be free of how they have shaped and changed you. Yuuta and Rika are a pure embodiment of how even the most selfless of love can become selfish in the singleminded desire to keep someone you treasure alive when it is no longer their place to live.
2.) Marcille Donato: committed genuine crimes to bring back her big tiddied butch crush
1.) bill cipher
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blufox234isadumbname · 8 months
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first pass of qbadboyhalo, yes he is basically naked and has big tiddy
this is kinda playing on bayonetta rules, if yall dont know bayonetta's clothes are all made of her own hair, so this is kinda that except he is all fur?? kinda?? its like candy floss or dragon's beard type texture, because of that he's kidna wispy at the ends, a transition form solid to gaseous immedietly. also a lot of ribbons
its so i can make the hood make sense with all the strands from rambutan and keep that shape. bbh is always kinda emitting a smokey smell because of being from hell (nether), hence the smoke ring (hehehe halo) also that fanny pack idea was from tincanpenguin because i love that idea that bbh is that kinda dad. also he does have reading glasses, he kinda needs it but he only uses it to read, like yknow when your grandpa wants to read smth so he whips out his glasses, that type beat
(also idk abt post purgatoyr, i do wnat to develop more the post purgatory design because i feel itd be mroe tatered and also teh fuckign greeen mould should be there somehwere)
bonus booby vvvv
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justeliiijah · 24 days
1:25 Siffrin!
submitted by @sammusbird my beloved <3
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
HOOO boy okay a lot of characters with anxiety, PTSD, and depression in media are shown as uwu soft or evil with NO in between and siffrin has a LOT OF NUANCE TO HIM. there was a lot of care and love put into how they react to the hopelessness of their situation and by god do i adore it.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
dude is so fuCKING shape. also SUCH fun nonbinary rep??? give more queers knives. i know a lot of us have them but more. more should have them. me. give ME a knife.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
how do i draw him in color he looks Wrong
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
ace attorney bc i think it wld be funny. they wld get framed for a murder that they did commit somehow i can Feel it
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
dont kill me bc this is kind of hilarious but the song is called Time Travel by Never Shout Never it's linked lol. u can extrapolate abt who's talkin to who in the song but i imagine it's loop and siffrin
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
[thousand yard stare] hot and transmasc next question
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
fuck that lad up yall ur doing great
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
as king of angst every time i see siffrin unburdened with trauma i lose ten years off my life span (i don't have any real pet peeves and am not super active in the fandom!)
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
i can't even be roommates with my roommates, man
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
unfortunately i am a bit of an asshole and i also have ptsd i think we wld kill each other with our eyes immediately
11. Would you date this character?
we are the same type of fucked up so that is a solid dear god no
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
ftm (i am projecting ok). they are canon nb i believe but i don't know if. like. there's a canon depiction of them w top scars or some shit but it wld fuck!!!
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
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feel free to assume what i mean from this bc i'm not adding context
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
i am not a fashion bitch but i think someone shld give him a choker
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
surprisingly canon for once! isafrin <3
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
mira or odile w siff. those mfs are his besties stop trying to make them kiss. also mira is aroace
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
loopfrin. ironically my bf @codacheetah is extremely abnormal abt this one lol
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
mira and siffrin's relationship makes me fuckign emotional literally dont look at me???? but siffrin and odile too bc like. they share that lack of ability to Know where they come from (if only partially on odile's part). and bonn-- okay i think. i think all of their relationships are insanely complex and important ok
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
not applicable tbh. i do think that he shld kick the king in the wiener tho
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
mira my beloevd <333
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
i havent posted fic since like. 2017
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
i love the introspection abt the recovery i've seen!!! like, ppl showing how they think siffrin copes after the fact.
as for dislike,,, hm. i don't love the Other People Loop aus despite how intriguing they are because,,, well. there's a Reason to me that it was siffrin, a reason that their desperation to stay was so powerful. they are singularly capable of that level of need, i think.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
man its gotta be
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24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
ur gonna laugh but. like s4 jon sims. i think they wld get along but jon is far more of a loser
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
honestly i think i thought they were a very malleable char? like, that he wld change w the player's decisions. and i wasn't wrong entirely, because that's. how story driven gaming works, but siffrin has a much stronger personality and identity than i thought. i also thought they were in space for some reason i did NOT listen to coda's rants
hes a cutie :3
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wulvert · 7 months
this post is abt my ocs so they have up to date context on this blog. i genuinely dont remember if ive made this post before, i could have, my memory is bad & i want to talk abt them so i dont mind repeating myself
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& wolf
those r placeholder names but they dont get real ones
selkie is a selkie with no coat & wolf is not a werewolf but they were a werewolf like 5 mins before the start of the story.
setting is pretty generic grimish fantasy world where magic just got fuckign zapped out of existence causing all curses to break, thts probs been done 1000 times before but idc vampires have too let me live.
wolf is the first werewolf ever & theyve just been a giant wolf wreaking havoc full time for a good 1000 yrs or so, all other werewolves have a weaker version of their curse. it only affects them on the full moon bc thats the moon phase wolf (the person) was cursed on wweuueh wolf did stop wreaking havoc once a year on the day they were cursed, this became a holiday where locals vent their frustrations to the giant wolf that usually tries eating them every other day of the year, giving it to god kinda idea but for giant wolves.
now that everyone evers curse has been broken as a byproduct of magic being obliterated, wolf is a person. why doesnt magic being gone make them stuck as a wolf fuck off shut up. magic is what makes them a wolf thats how it works thats how magic works go to magic school idiot,
wolf is a person again, but god** forgot what they looked like before being a giant wolf so theyre kinda just whatever wolf felt like at the time now. despite it being their actual genuine fucking heart and soul and spirit in physical form, they arent super happy with it bc now they have to see their muther (who isnt dead) (despite 1000 yrs passing) who will probably be judgy abt their actual ficking hesrt and soul ajd spirit in physical form & that feels bad. so wolf wants to be a giant wolf again asap to avoid tht mother child reunion.
** there r two gods but one is dead but thats fine so like the world they live in is one massive dead gods head & the other one is like cultivating a mould population on it but the mould is the creation of man. the rest of the body is there too but ppl usually fall off & die trying to get to the neck & shoulders. they dont know its a head they live on though like its massive theyd never know, they just think some landmarks look weirdly like an ear & eye socket & stuff. the god tht is alive is like hes not a guy who glows god hes an unknowable being god but also i imagine the universe is in a shed & they are humanoid shaped so i dont rly . i do think dying and growing tiny teeny versions of your shape on you is cool
selkie lost her coat like ages ago and has been looking for it for years, but now that magic fucked off selkies cant even be seals anymore. so even if she got her coat back it wouldnt work. selkie is pretty bummed abt this, still wants it back but also feels like she wasted years of her life at the same time & wants to move on. relates to wolf on these things.
theres also a vampire who isnt a vampire anymoere but also sort of is but not really & he wants his ex wife back who dumped him for being miserable.
also probs an elf (the elves here are plant based not meat based & very magic based except not anymore)
all the fairies died bc i dont like faries. and i dont kniw how to spell fairies. theyre the only crestures that died with no magic only bc i dont like them.
so i guess the goal is wolf wants to shout at god. its like horton hears a who. watch horton hears a who thats this comic one to one.
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mrghostrat · 8 months
what about ode to a conversation?? 👀
OK so there's this SONG
called "ode to a conversation stuck in your throat" (which, if that isn't the most fuckign aziracrow thing i've ever heard, and that's just the title,) that goes:
and it hits me, that i don't want anybody else touching you like i do
and that? combined with this??? made my brain go all wee woo alarm sirens like heaven after the surreptitious half a miracle
and i couldn't shake the idea of this human AU that takes the shape of the coffee shop scene, where crowley finds out a half naked jim has wandered into aziraphale's shop, not realising he's a platonic friend who had a reeally rough night out and sought out aziraphale for help and safety. and crowley thinks his best friend is suddenly On The Market and has to face the sudden tsunami of jealousy he was Not Expecting himself to feel and gears up to go throw down with who he thinks is a flirty naked stranger
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amourtoken · 3 months
Hey. It’s me again. I’m just gonna come to you with every best friend Will thought I have.
Best friend Will who decides to get ur initials branded tattooed. But where? He’s already so covered. He’s got room on his legs, but eh. There’s some room on his tummy, he could get it somewhere on his v-line cuz u spend a lot of time there. He could also do it on the side of one of his fingers—the left ring finger in particular. Small, discreet, and he knows how much u like his hands. Maybe he can’t decide and just gets ur initials in multiple places. He’d ask for ur input, but he wants it to be a surprise!
Hey what if I died on your front porch
Branding is so fuckIGN-
He wants you to know he's devoted to you and your friendship, what better way than literally branding himself with your initials for the rest of his life?
When he shows you for the first time he's fucking ecstatic and smiling so much and yours honestly touched by the gesture (even though you clock it's on his ring finger and it makes you wonder). While you're hanging out all he does is stare at it honestly, admiring how it looks when his hand is resting on your thigh or his fingers are laced with yours.
He wouldn't necessarily expect you to do the same however he would absolutely adore if you did, secretly wishing you'd just pop up with a whole sleeve dedicated to him honestly. He has other ways of staking his claim on you though even if they're not as permanent.
You don't wanna get inked or just haven't yet? Dw, he's leaving hickeys that are so fucking dark it genuinely takes weeks to dissipate. Finger print shaped bruises on your hips, and some bite marks that have since scarred (that's fucking permanent at least) from when he was really out of it and couldn't help himself.
Everyone knows who he belongs to, he just wants to be sure they know you're off limits too. You can only have one best friend yk?
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dectech · 6 months
guy who was wecent-*ahem* recently tewn-TURNED into a fuRRy and is desperatewey-LEY trying not to talk in UwU-speak but it's w-LIKE his mouf's in an evew-so-swightwey-(oh furw fuck's sake, i am usuawwy not dis bad at dis I sweaw) MOUTH'S IN AN EVER-SO-SLIGHTLY different shape and it keeps scwewing him UP AND HE SWEAWS ITS DWIVIGN HIM FUCKIGN N U T S-
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