#headcanon ramble turned into drabble
ladisgarde · 10 months
Armand may not have the cloud gift*, but he can experience the exhilarating sensation of soaring through the air at high-speed all the same – on skis.
(New headcanon: Armand is into winter sports, in particular cross-country skiing. I wrote a poly drabble?)
Of course he wouldn't be able to use any ski lifts at night, but it's nothing to him to make his way uphill, fast. He quickly learned the technique and refined it for himself. For a mortal, it would be most unsettling to witness his ascent, something like a water strider climbing upward in bobbing movements. Truly the silhouette of a giant insect moving at alarming speed.
It's not like he would ever beg a more powerful vampire to carry him to the peak, so that he might slalom back down again. He would rather die before he did that, honestly.
Marius preferred to stay at the foot of the mountain, where the lone hut they spent comfortable hours in was. He didn't approve of Armand travelling too far away on his tours, kept warning him to not slip and fall into an icy crevasse, because then "neither he or Daniel would be able to hear him call for help." His maker insisted that he carry an electronic device that allowed him to be tracked, just in case. The fussing annoyed Armand greatly. He wouldn't be that inattentive. He'd only be in danger if someone attacked him, and who would dare to do that?
"So come along with me, my beloved," Armand would tell Daniel. "If we go now, we can climb 2,800 metres and come back long before daybreak. The moon is bright, and I want to show you the Northeastern summit. And it will be safer when we're together, is that not so?" Two vampires were indeed stronger than one, even against the steepest slope. And Daniel could always call for Marius.
Daniel did join Armand in his excursions now and then, and they enjoyed the magnificent panoramic views together. A winter wonderland spread out for miles beneath them. But Daniel's enthusiasm wore off with him getting cold a lot quicker. In time he would prefer to hang around the hut instead; reading, crafting, spending time with Marius. Marius, on the other hand, could not be moved to go near any high-alpine mountain chains, at least not for sport. He would always remind that he had something to review, most notably the latest draft of the council's Rules and Regulations handbook.
It was unsurprising that Marius brought paperwork with him on their holiday. But he did find something new to occupy his hands with. Though not particularly fond of ice as a material, he challenged himself to shape large blocks of them into eye-pleasing sculptures. He carved another crystal flower, honing his new skill.
When Armand came back to the hut from another one of his nightly mountain trips, his heart still singing from the final spurt, he saw Daniel lying flat on his back in the snow, stargazing. A bit further away, Marius was intently working away at their workbench. Carefully the knife carved into the block of ice, Armand couldn't tell what he was sculpting. Upon looking at Daniel again, he saw that his fledgling had made a snow angel. Daniel smiled and invited him to make one too. Armand refused.
"Snow-white wings suit you a lot better than me," he said. Daniel shrugged. Marius said nothing.
Carrying his skiing equipment, Armand stepped around Marius to reach the door. His heart skipped a beat when he saw what he was working on: a bust of himself and Daniel, beautifully carved in ice. Armand's head was placed a little higher, his shining curls carefully framing his face, eyes half-lidded. How did Marius manage to make his eyelashes so detailed? Daniel was close, his cheek by his collarbone, moist lips parted. Both of them looked sensual with their bare necks exposed.
"If we leave this here, it will be destroyed when winter is over," Marius said thoughtfully. "I did not think that far ahead."
"Master... you have outdone yourself. I will carry it to the tip of the mountain where it is coldest all year round, so that I may look upon it again by next season."
Daniel came to join them and stared at the ice statue, impressed. "Masterful, indeed... But it's missing something important." He stared pointedly at Marius, who raised his brows. "I'm mean you, Marius. You're missing from the sculpture."
Marius smiled. "I just made it for myself, you know. For practice." ("For practice!" Daniel exclaimed.)
Putting down his tools, Marius placed his arms gently around both Armand and Daniel. "Never mind that now. We should head inside. You both are more precious than anything that my hands can make." So saccharine his words, the younger men both couldn't help a blush. They leaned in close and allowed themselves to be led into the warmth of the house.
(Imagine Armand getting himself trapped in ice after all. Is this what Marius felt that one time? His maker and fledgling can't hear him!! His iPhone got lost. Maybe he can summon Lestat? Obviously, a terrible idea.)
*Armand DOES have the cloud gift, making this an AU scenario
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kingspuppet · 1 year
Due to the environment and trauma that Goro was brought up with he had to mature very quickly. For his mother's sake there was no time to be a child, and the harsh reality that followed her passing would only serve to harden the shell that he was slowly building around himself. No adult wanted to deal with a whining child anyway. He'd either be reprimanded or ignored, bullied and unwanted by the adults (and even some of the kids) that were supposed to protect him. Showing any signs of weakness, emotional or otherwise, was deemed undesirable. It didn't matter what kind of meltdown Goro was having or the reasons behind it, because every time it was met with annoyance and anger. Due to this it was never a matter of if they would discard him, it was only a matter of when. It was a pattern that he came to expect, and he stamped out any trace of hurt that came with it. Goro had to grow and accept that he was a burden to everyone, and in doing so meant becoming independent. There was no one else he could rely on and absolutely no one he could trust. This realization coupled with the continuous heartbreak and trauma to his heart made donning a mask of a grown, self-sustaining, matured adult all too easy. No one looked beyond his appearance to the rotting structure beneath anyhow. As long as the real Goro was buried six feet beneath in the darkest depths of his gaping, rage filled heart his presence was tolerable to the world. Unfortunately, his best attempts at maintaining physical maturity couldn't ever make up for his lack of emotional maturity. Anger became a second skin as if it were armor. It was comfortable and easier to deal with than pain, loss, sadness, and even love. Complex puzzles and cases were fun, but complex emotions were foreign and terrifying. He lashes out at others, at himself, in an attempt to manage the intense emotions he's not equipped to deal with. It's the only way he knows how to handle these moments so he doesn't shatter like a broken mirror. Even if it doesn't make him feel better about himself or the situation it at least gives him a semblance of control. It's better to know that he's making choices for himself and that no one will ever get the chance to hurt him first again. After all, no one can torment you if you don't let them close enough to try. For Goro, it's easier to be angry to protect the tiny child that lingers, frightened, within him.
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kinaesthetiqueer · 1 year
likely canon: raven and qrow are fraternal twins
woke: raven and qrow are identical twins; one of them is trans
bespoke: raven and qrow are fraternal twins; both of them are trans
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erineverly · 2 years
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and  if  i  only  could,  i’d  make  a  deal  with  god  and  get  him  to  swap  our  places…  this  one  particular  line  from  what  used  to  be  one  of  erin’s  favorite  songs  seems  to  play  on  a  loop  inside  her  head.  once  completely  meaningless,  just  another  fun,  catchy  tune  to  hum  and  sing  along  to  while  she  was  cooking,  cleaning  or  strolling  down  the  busy  streets  of  los  angeles,  suddenly  means  so  much  to  her,  describes  with  an  almost  painful  accuracy  everything  that  she’s  been  feeling  and  going  through  for  the  past  week  ten  days  —  if  she  only  could  give  her  life  for  the  one  of  her  baby’s,  she  would  do  so  without  a  moment  of  hesitation.  she’d  offer  her  soul  to  god  or  sell  it  to  the  devil  himself,  hand  it  over  to  anyone  who’d  be  willing  to  take  it  and  bring  her  little  rose  petal  back…
ten  days.  that’s  how  much  time  has  passed  since  the  moment  erin’s  entire  world  crumbled  to  dust,  since  the  earth  stopped  turning  and  the  sun  stopped  rising  for  her.  ten  days.  that’s  how  long  it’s  supposed  to  take  a  body  to  physically  recover  after  a  miscarriage.  at  least  that’s  what  the  doctor  told  her  while  she  was  getting  discharged  from  the  hospital  early  in  the  afternoon  on  the  30th  of  october.  ten  days.  in  that  moment,  it  seemed  an  eternity  away.  ten  days. the  8th  of  november.  her  25th  birthday.  no  one  is  supposed  to  spend  their  25th  birthday  in  bed,  alone,  numb  and  hollow.  so,  so  completely  hollow  on  the  inside.  ten  days.  everything  was  supposed  to  be  better  in  ten  days.  her  body  was  supposed  to  magically  forget  what  had  happened  to  it.  how  naive  of  her  was  it  to  believe  she’d  be  herself  again  in  less  than  two  weeks?  after  all,  it  takes  around  three  weeks  for  a  sprained  ankle  to  stop  aching,  six  weeks  for  a  broken  arm  to  heal,  most  kidney  transplant  recipients  can  return  to  work  within  eight  weeks  after  the  surgery.  that’s  what  the  body  does,  it  heals.  it  always  heals  in  the  end.  that’s  so  stupid.  how  could  anyone  ever  recover  from  losing  a  part  of  themselves,  a  part  of  their  own  heart  and  soul?  she  feels  betrayed  on  so  many  levels,  betrayed  by  everyone  who’s  been  telling  her  that  she’ll  be  fine  in  ten  days,  in  a  week  or  two…  she’s  convinced  she’ll  never  be  fine  again,  she’ll  never  feel  better.  it’s  cruel  of  people  to  expect  her  to  pull  herself  together,  to  live  her  life  as  if  nothing  had  ever  happened.  and  what  life  would  that  be,  anyway?  what  does  she  have  left  at  this  point?  an  empty  house  with  an  even  emptier  nursery,  where  not  a  single  cry  will  ever  echo?  a  condo  where  a  box  of  onesies,  toys  and  pacifiers  awaits  her,  packed  up  and  ready  to  be  handed  to  someone  who  might  actually  need  them?  a  husband  who  can’t  even  look  at her  anymore?  
she  wonders  if  every  time  these  emerald  hues  take  her  in,  every  time  he  hears  her  cries,  if  he’s  reminded  of  what  she  couldn’t  give  him,  of  what  she  took  away  from  him.  probably.  would  his  life  be  different  if  she  just  disappeared  from  it  one  day?  probably.  which  is  why  she’s  been  thinking  about  sneaking  out  in  the  middle  of  the  night,  about  leaving  him  behind  without  a  goodbye,  other  than  maybe  a  short  note  on  the  bedside  table.  she  could  always  show  up  on  her  mother’s  porch,  with  a  suitcase  in  hand,  dark  circles  beneath  her  eyes,  ten  pounds  lighter  and  without  a  single  tear  left  to  shed  —  dehydrated,  her  body  simply  unable  to  produce  any  more  tears.  but  she’s  too  weak  to  do  so.  she  hasn’t  left  the  bed  in  ten  days,  other  than  that  little  trip  she  took  to  malibu  to  take  out  her  frustration  and  rage  on  something  when  he  got  arrested.  she  hasn’t  really  eaten  either.  why  would  she?  what  for?
axl  must  hate  her.  he’ll  always  hate  her.  he’ll  never  forgive  her.  she  just  knows  it.  (  and  will  she  ever  forgive  him?  )  after  all,  this  baby  was  the  one  thing  that  he’d  ever  truly  wanted,  the  only  thing  he  cared  for  and  loved  more  than  anything  in  this  world,  and  she  failed  him.  she’s  failed  them  both  and  so  not  only  does  she  feel  like  a  terrible  mother,  but  also  a  pretty  terrible  wife,  too.  was  there  anything  she  could  have  done  to  tip  the  odds  in  her  baby’s  favor?  where  did  she  go  wrong?  was  it  because  she  didn’t  eat  healthy  enough?  because  she  sometimes  forgot  to  take  her  vitamins?  because  she  talked  back  and  wasn’t  always  a  loving,  supporting  wife?  because  she  wasn’t  grateful  or  happy  at  first?  because  she  dared  to  wonder  whether  it  was  the  right  time  to  start  a  family?  is  this  how  the  universe  or  god  or  whoever’s  up  there,  pulling  all  the  strings,  chooses  to  punish  her?  it  surely  feels  this  way,  like  some  sort  of  punishment  for  some  past  life’s  sins.  or  maybe  someone  just  knew  they  weren’t  ready,  they  weren’t  right  for  one  another…  that’s  what  her  mother  said  to  her  the  other  day  when  she  called  her  on  the  phone,  it  just  wasn’t  meant  to  be,  my  little  dove.  it’s  for  the  best.
best  for  whom  exactly?  was  all  she  wanted  to  say,  but  was  too  numb,  too  exhausted  to  utter  a  word.  although  she  believes  the  intention  might  have  been  to  provide  some  sort  of  comfort,  it  surely  missed  the  mark.  there  really  is  no  need  for  people  to  try  and  add  a  positive  spin  on  tragic  events,  sometimes  there  simply  is  no  silver  lining,  and  erin  wishes  her  mother  could  at  least  try  to  acknowledge  and  respect  the  painful  emotions  that  she’s  experiencing,  without  minimizing  them,  without  reminding  her  how  toxic  her  relationship  with  the  baby’s  father  had  been  at  times.  to  say  that  it’s  for  the  best  completely  belittles  what  would  have  obviously  been  the  best  outcome  —  a  healthy  baby  right  here  in  her  arms  by  the  end  of  april  1991  —  and  also  insults  both  her  and  axl  by  implying  they’re  unable  to  properly  care  for  a  little  human.  are  they  really  incapable  of  creating  a  loving  home  for  a  baby in  her  mother’s  eyes?  does  she  think  they’re  evil  people  who  don’t  deserve  to  be  happy  and  shouldn’t  have  children?  besides,  given  all  the  pain,  both  emotional  and  physical, that  she’s  been  experiencing  for  the  past  ten  days,  she  simply  can’t  even  begin  to  fathom  how  it’s  best  for  her  to  have  a  miscarriage.  who  says  stuff  like  that?
erin’s  quickly  learned  that  unfortunately,  a  lot  of  people  do.  her  mother  isn’t  the  only  one  who’s,  perhaps  by  accident  or  because  of  the  complete  lack  of  empathy,  said  hurtful  things  to  her.  she  understands  that  not  many  people  know  what  to  say  when  their  friend  is  grieving,  especially  when  they’re  grieving  the  loss  of  their  unborn  child,  but…  why  say  anything  at  all  then?  why  toss  awkward  sentiments  and  sympathetic  remarks  around  when  they  could  just  be  there  for  her.  that’s  what  she  truly  needs  —  someone  to  just  be  there  for  her.  someone  who  would  sit  beside  her  and  hold  her,  or  simply  ask,  do  you  want  to  talk  about  this?  i  can’t  imagine  what  you’re  going  through.  and  yet  her  friends  have  offered  her  a  variety  of  strange  reassurances  and  statements  that  were  meant  to  make  her  feel  better,  but  actually  had  the  opposite  effect.  
she  must  have  already  heard  it  all  by  now.  from  everything  happens  for  a  reason,  through  at  least  it  wasn’t  a  real  baby,  a  toddler  for  example,  to  you’re  still  young,  you’ll  have  another.  it’s  bewildering,  absolutely  bewildering,  to  her  how  many  ridiculous  things  people  can  say  to  a  mourning  mother.  how  do  they  even  come  up  with  these  comments?  nobody  says  you’ll  have  another  when  someone’s  grandmother  or  father  passes  away  for  a  reason  —  because  people  simply  can’t  be  replaced.  what  makes  anyone  think  a  baby,  even  an  unborn  one,  is  so  easily  replacable?  erin  wonders.  and  maybe  she  wasn’t  that  far  along,  maybe  she  didn’t  make  it  to  the  third  trimester  or  even  the  second,  but  it  was  a  baby,  her  baby  and  she  loved  them.  she’ll  always  love  them.  she’ll  forever  wonder  what  could  have  been,  what  would  have  been.  were  they  a  boy  or  a  girl?  with  dark  curls  or  straight,  strawberry  blonde  locks?  with  blue  or  green  eyes?  it’s  only  a  handful  of  questions  she’ll  never  know  the  answers  to…  will  you  try  again?  you  can  always  adopt,  you  know?  at  least,  now  you  have  a  guardian  angel.  maybe  some  people  do  find  comfort  in  religion,  in  the  idea  that  god  has  thought  it  necessary  to  punish  this  woman  or  that  man,  but  erin’s  not  one  of  those  people.  she  never  needed  an  angel  to  look  after  her  from  the  heavens  above,  she  wanted  a  baby.  was  that  really  so  much  to  ask  for?  a  family?  
however,  she  can’t  bring  herself  to  be  truly  upset  or  disappointed  in  her  friends,  who  have  never  experienced  and  hopefully  will  never  experience  anything  like  this,  as  their  insensitivity  most  likely  originates  from  a  great  deal  of  confusion.  among  all  these  questions  and  comments,  it’s  actually  her  husband’s  words  that  hurt  the  most…  we’ll  try  again.  NO.  what  if  she  doesn’t  want  another,  different  baby?  what  if  she  only  wants  the  one  they’ve  already  lost?  how  could  he  even  suggest  something  like  that?  how  come  he’s  already  thinking  about  trying  again  when  she’s  basically  wallowing  in  a  deep,  dark  ocean  of  depression,  feeling  jealous  because  other  parents  can  at  least  go  to  their  babies’  graves  and  she  doesn’t  have  that  privilege?  how  selfish  is  it  of  him  to  think  they  can  just  get  up  and  make  another  one?  he’s  supposed  to  be  the  one  person  who  understands  exactly  what  she’s  going  through,  whose  grief  is  just  as  great,  but  it  seems  to  erin  that  she’s  alone  in  her  misery.  no  one  understands  what  she’s  going  through,  no  one  truly  cares  either.  everyone,  including  her  husband  (  ex-husband?? ),  expects  her  to  just  move  on  already,  try  again,  pull  herself  together  and  be  the  fun,  outgoing  girl  that  she  used  to  be…  and  it  makes  her  want  to  scream.
just  like  when  people  say  that  nothing  lasts  forever,  assure  her  that  every  storm  has  to  come  to  an  end,  every  wind  must  eventually  cease,   but  the  thing  is…  erin  doesn’t  want  it  to  be  over,  doesn’t  want  to  be  strong  or  have  to  face  another  day.  who  does  that?  what  mother  carries  on  with  her  life  once  her  baby’s  gone?  how  can  she  pretend  like  everything’s  fine  when  the  memory  of  her  baby  on  the  ultrasound  screen,  the  sound  of  their  heartbeat,  still  awakens  her  in  the  middle  of  every  night?  in  her  dreams,  when  she  actually  does  manage  to  fall  asleep,  the  screen  always  goes  black  in  the  end.  the  room  falls  silent.  and  that’s  when  she  wakes  up,  screaming  or  sobbing  or  both.  she  squeezes  her  eyes  shut  repeatedly,  rubs  her  temples  and  shakes  her  head,  buries  her  face  in  her  pillows  to  muffle  the  desolate  sounds  that  involuntarily  continue  to  fall  from  her  mouth,  but  no  matter  what  she  does,  she  just  can’t  escape  the  image  and  the  words  —  i’m  so  sorry,  mrs.  rose.  there’s  no  heartbeat.
no, no, no.
just  the  mere  thought  has  her  hyperventilating,  choking  on  air  as  if  she  were  underwater.  she  forces  herself  to  move,  but  it  feels  like  her  body  no  longer  belongs  to  her,  like  each  move  is  a  negotiation  rather  than  an  order.  she  sits  up  in  her  bed,  the  heels  of  her  dainty  hands  pressing  into  the  hollows  of  her  eyes  in  yet  another  miserable  attempt  at  numbing  the  pain  as  a  broken  sob  tears  its  way  out  of  her  chest.  guilt  blossoms  like  heartburn  around  her  chest,  but  she  welcomes  it.  after  all,  it’s  the  only  constant  in  her  life  right  now.  
reluctantly,  she  eventually  draws  her  hands  away  and  forces  herself  to  roll  onto  her  side.  it’s  three  in  the  morning.  throwing  the  covers  back,  she  sits  on  the  edge  of  the  bed  and  fumbles  open  the  drawer  of  her  nightstand.  a  small  bottle  rolls  across  the  book  that  axl  used  to  read  to  her  before  all  this,  and  she  reaches  for  it,  twisting  the  top  and  shaking  a  bunch  of  small,  blue  pills  into  the  palm  of  her  hand.  her  mind  already  clamoring  for  the  pain  relief  to  come.  valium.  there’s  no  way  she  could  get  through  the  night,  or  day,  without  it  —  the  little  trap  door  into  moments  of  tranquility,  a  few  hours  of  peace.  
but  then  she  hesitates,  curls  her  hand  into  a  fist  and  pushes  herself  up  instead.  her  legs  nearly  give  out  even  though  she  can’t  weigh  more  than  ninety-five  pounds,  knees  shaking  and  muscles  quivering  as  she  walks  across  the  room.  she  does  so  instinctively,  moving  as  if  in  a  trance,  automatically.  something  forces  her  to  do  so.  once  she  finds  herself  in  the  living  room  and  spots  her  husband’s  silhouette  curled  up  on  the  couch,  she  drops  the  pills  and  whispers  into  the  darkness,   ❝   ax?  are  you  still  awake?   ❞   she  croaks,  tucking  a  few  greasy  ringlets  behind  her  ear.  each  trip  to  the  bathroom  is  a  reminder  of  that  night  so  she  refuses  to  spend  more  than  two  minutes  in  there  every  day,  only  dragging  herself  there  when  she  really,  really  needs  to.  she  hasn’t  showered  in  ten  days,  hasn’t  brushed  her  teeth  or  hair  in  ten  days,  hasn’t  really  changed  her  clothes  either.  suddenly,  she’s  painfully  aware  of  the  fact,  her  brain  alert  enough  to  understand  how  embarrassing  it  is.   ❝   ax?  i  —  i  need  to  use  the  bathroom.  shower.  i  need  to  shower  and…   ❞   and  i’m  terrified  of  being  in  there  alone.  her  throat  and  lips  have  gone  dry,  but  a  wave  of  tears  floods  her  eyes.   ❝   i  don’t  think  i’ve  ever  felt  so  lonely  and  empty  in  my  life  and  i…  i  need  you.  i  really  need  you.  i  don’t  want  to  lose  you,  too.  can  you,  please,  come  and  —  and  help  me  and  hold  me?  please.  please,  help  me.  i  think  i’m  losing  my  mind.   ❞
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chilschuck · 6 months
aaaa you can take this as a ramble or a request, but i'd really just like to share my thoughts on an s/o that's constantly pulling chilchuk out of danger whenever a fight starts. imagine them getting so used to doing that that when he turns into a tall-man they do it out of instinct,,,, i imagine they'd both care a little more for marcille since she wouldn't be used to it!
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ OH MY GODDDDD this is so cute….. this sparks so much in my brain. i wrote a few lil blurbs abt it bc i love it so much!! your mind…..
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— CHILCHUCK: with a reader who pulls him out of danger.
꒰ rating: ꒱ sfw + gn!reader. ft. a lil marcille blurb!
✦ honestly just a fluffy mini headcanon post! if you want this as a drabble i would LOVE to do it too if you enjoy these!!!
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✦ Chilchuck was used to your protection, and you were used to scooping him up when you felt he needed it. You knew he didn’t like being in the fighting scene and would usually make himself scarce, so by instinct you found yourself grabbing him and taking him to cover.
✦ This was something he appreciated, but it did throw him for a loop when you first did it. You can imagine his surprise when, as he turned to make a run for it, your arms were waiting to embrace him. Of course you didn’t notice, but his ears did turn a little pink at that.
✦ When he turned into a tall-man, things became a little more interesting. Your reach for him only resulted in both of you becoming surprised this time, his back meeting your chest and nearly knocking the air out of you. It was strange to look up this time to see his bewildered gaze, trying to ignore how it felt when your arms wrapped around his chest. Too bad you instantly let go…
✦ With Marcille, you both made sure to look out for her. Instead of Chilchuck, you found yourself instead scooping her up to keep her safe. Both of you made sure she didn’t get herself into trouble, and the extra attention definitely flustered her.
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— dividers by @/cafekitsune!
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lolahauri · 3 months
Can you do lovesick Sam from sdv? Like the farmer went somewhere for a while and he misses them. Can be nsfw!!
˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ :Love Sick! Sam HC's:;
-> F/M, Established Relationship, Drabble, Headcanons, Fluff & Smut, (You're Wearing Shorts and A T-Shirt) <- (MDNI)
Summary: You went to Zuzu city to visit your family and friends for three weeks, leaving Sam at home alone. But he's so excited when you finally get back :)
Literal golden retriever boy.
Practically jumps on you as soon as you open the door, peppering your face in sloppy kisses while he crushes you in a bear-hug.
Only pulls away from the hug cause you couldn't breathe lol.
Helps you unload your bags and suitcases from the car.
Partly because he's just a gentleman, partly because he wants you to get in the house asap.
Does NOT let you unpack though. As soon as your stuff is inside, he's picking you up or dragging you over to the couch so he can cuddle you.
Holds you like a teddy bear and asks all about your trip, resting his face right in front of yours while he lays on his side and hugs you. You're laying on your back.
Looks at you with heart eyes while you talk, just admiring everything about you.
You think he isn't even listening, but don't worry, he is!
He just can't help but stare at your pretty lips and eyes after not seeing them for so long.
Absentmindedly draws shapes on your arm, enjoying the feel of your skin on his fingers.
Offers to make you dinner when you're done talking.
But plans change when you finally notice something pressing against your thigh. ;)
-> Vaginal Sex, Spooning Position, Hickeys, Dry Humping, Groping, Creampie <-
As soon as you noticed he was hard, you rejected his idea of him cooking for you, saying you wanted to take care of him instead.
He doesn't waste a second taking you up on the offer.
Turns you over onto your side and starts grinding his cock onto your ass, kissing your neck and groping your tits through your shirt at the same time.
One of his hands moves down the front of your shorts as the other makes its way under your shirt.
Makes a few small hickey's on the side of your throat while he finger fucks you.
He's kneading your tits and rubbing your nipples, switching between them so each tit gets some attention.
All while he's rubbing circles around your clit, occasionally dipping his fingers into your cunt to get them nice and soaked.
Hearing your moans and whimpers drives him fucking crazy. His rutting against your ass starts to speed up, bringing him dangerously close to cumming before he's even taken his pants off.
But soon when he hears that you're getting close, his fingers slow to a stop. You don't even have time to whine and complain before he's ripping your shorts off and pulling out his cock as fast as he can.
He goes back to rubbing your clit as he teases his tip at your entrance, pushing himself in just enough for you to feel it, but not enough to help you cum.
You know what he's waiting for, he wants to hear you beg for him.
And you do. Clenching around his tip, you plead for him to just shove it in already, telling him you need him so bad.
Before you can finish your ramblings, he shoves his cock inside you in one motion.
Once he starts thrusting, you both turn into a moaning mess.
You feel his hot breathe on your neck as he whimpers into you between bites and kisses, still kneading your tits and rubbing on your clit.
Before you know it your cumming hard on his cock. Completely soaking him with your juices.
The feeling of your tight cunt squeezing him, mixed with the sound of your heavenly moaning, is making Sam's climax follow right behind yours.
"Ah fuck baby, m'gonna cum in you. Shit, shit, fuck, oh my god-"
He fucks into you a few more times, making sure you're completely stuffed before he pulls out, letting the excess cum pour out of you on down your shaking thighs.
You both lay there tired and panting for a bit.
After a few minutes he helps you up and takes you to the bathroom to shower with him.
You absolutely go for round two in the shower.
Presses your back against the wall, lifts one of your legs around his hip, and fucks you till you can barely stand (again).
But if you're significantly shorter than him, he fully lifts you up and fucks you against the wall, both legs wrapped around his waist while your arms are around his neck.
Once you two are actually clean, you head right to bed.
Big spoons you and holds your hand under the pillow as you both fall asleep. <3
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pacentia · 1 year
Title: Forever
Summary: After BG3 events, Astarion and reader feel ready for a child.
Pairing: established relationship fem!reader x Astarion
Tags: NSFW, rough sex, sweetness, breeding, mentions of pregnancy, bloodsucking, kissing, L-bombs
Word count: 1,704
Note: listen up folks. no idea if vampires thralls can make people pregnant. but in my world they can. Pls enjoy. i haven't finished the game, so this is my own fantasy after bg3 events:)). Drabble/fic/headcanon requests about our darling husband are welcome :))
Days turned into weeks, weeks into months and eventually months into years, together with your darling Astarion. After the events of tadpoles, mindflayers and vampire masters, the time had come to settle down and live quietly, close to Baldur's gate city. Close enough for easy supply runs, yet far enough to enjoy the privacy of your very own house. Astarion was quick to realize he'd want no one else in his eternal life but you - and asked you - on one knee - to be his forever.
The wedding was held shortly after, with only a close circle of your friends present. Karlach shed a tear from happiness - knowing you two were destined to be together, while Halsin felt just… Bittersweet. Astarion wed a fine woman, although he was secretly convinced that an Druid like himself: alive, warm, and aging could take better care of your needs.
This was often also the subject of certain discussions that popped up in your marriage as you were reading in the garden, or drinking hot tea beside the hearthfire. Worries that washed over him about the coldness of his touch - or the eventual loss he would have to endure somewhere in the far future, when you would eventually lose the battle against time. You understood where his worries came from, but you were always there to comfort your darling husband. You possessed no interest in anyone's touch but his and you pledged to him that you'd always be present in his undead heart.
Of course, the latter made you interested in if his vampirism could be cured or, if you could transform into one. Yet, both choices were frustratingly impossible. Curing him would just mean ending him, heaven's forbid. Transforming yourself would mean serving another vampire lord, a fate that Astarion would never want you to experience.
Though tonight - nothing of that sort mattered and you found yourself intertwined in one another, the soft duvet covering your bare bodies. Your fingers played with his light-grey curls, while his arms were wrapped around your shoulders, ready for bed.
"Say, love," Astarion suddenly spoke up, "I heard you took care of a lost little girl in the city today."
Right. A young Tiefling girl had lost her mother inbetween the packed crowds of the city, and the girl came to you for help. How exactly did Astarion know that?
"Karlach told me of course." The vampire stated as a matter of fact. "She saw you and passed by this noon for tea." You nodded and explained the situation - how you held the little girl's hand right until you found her mother together. The woman thanked you over and over again.
A small silence fell between you two, until the man continued his stream of thoughts, "Karlach then asked me if we'd ever have children and I said that I didn't know what you would think of it and I -" Astarion's gaze avoided yours until he remembered he was probably rambling again, "Sorry love, I just wanted to know if you and I could have that sort of future together?"
Your heart fluttered at the thought of Astarion as a father. He'd definitely spoil his little ones and love them unconditionally.
"A little one to raise in our house." The pale man smiled, lost in his thoughts. "We already have a spare room that we could decorate for them."
Of course those thoughts had crossed your mind. It would be a new chapter in both of your lives, and you felt ready to take it on together with him. Behind his cheeky and often sarcastic banter, there was a sweet and caring man - only revealed to the closest ones he trusted.
"You know they'll be incredibly mischievous and stubborn, right?" You smirked up at him, to which the vampire quickly retaliated, "Darling, you wound me. Besides, that's why you're there to teach them kindness." Astarion sing-songed, nuzzling into your hair.
No hesitation was present in your words, '"Of course, Astarion. I want this with you." You smiled sweetly, gently guiding his cold digits over your belly, making your vampire husband rub it with such fondness.
Something within him stirred, yet another level of deeper protectiveness that he would soon feel over you. Any other man that would come too close to you, would feel his deadly fangs buried into their jugular. Rip them to shreds. Kill them in cold blood. In fact, it made him involuntarily bare his fangs to you, accompanied by a low growl reverberating in his chest.
You grinned at his primal reaction, and whispered as you caressed his chin, "Dear Sir, you know you can't drink anything from me when you've put your little one in me, right?"
He was taken by a frenzy, and rolled his heavy body over yours - his nose buried into your neck, inhaling the delicious smell of your perfect blood. His cock hardened at the thought of drinking from you, his icy tongue lapping over the countless bite marks that he'd decorated your neck with.
"I know, sweet love. Sadly, I'll have to return to …inferior blood." An adorable pout covered his beautiful features - which made your heart flutter.
"You should get to work then, my love." You whispered in his pointy ear, pressing small kisses along his cheekbone, and you wrapped your legs around his strong back. The vampire chuckled at your words, "Oh, darling." He groaned, elated to see you so eager to get bred by him. His hardness teased over your wet and warm folds, making himself slick before he'd slide home. His arms snaked under yours, to completely wrap himself around you protectively, burying his face into your neck. The intoxicating smell of your blood so close to his lips, made him lose control over his pace and bucked his strong core into yours, drenched cock sliding deep in your sex.
"Fuck, Astarion…" You gasped in pleasure, his large cock burying itself deep deep deep within your folds. The vampire watched your features contort into pure bliss, and bit his lips in return - until he was nestled as deep as possible.
"This is what you want, isn't it, my darling?" Astarion whispered, while you clawed at his back - sweet agony from his pressure on your cervix. His way with words was too much to bear. Icy lips found your ear again, dripping with sin, "Completely inside your warm, wet, delicious cunt."
You could only whimper Astarion and nod, your fingers buried in his soft curls, as his hips started to gently, slowly thrust inside you. His cock felt so perfect. Big, firm, as if he was carved just for you.
"Fuck, darling," Your husband growled, losing himself deep inside you, speeding up his pace, shifting his position so that he could hold onto your hips for leverage. His red eyes feasted on your body, the most beautiful creature he'd ever set his gaze on. He could hear your heart beating faster. Blood pumping through your veins. Cheeks flushed red. He was salivating for you.
"Please, Astarion…" You cried out in delicious agony, needy for him to grab and fuck you harder. Impregnate you. Show Faerûn that you completely belong to him.
"What is it, my love?" He growled with bared teeth, sounds of wet, sloppy thrusts filling the bedroom.
"Bite me once more." You begged, holding onto his strong shoulders, "Just one last time, please."
Yes. One more time he could have you. His sanguine hunger kicked in, and he couldn't restrain himself anymore, "Oh my, darling…" He moaned In relief, his thrusts never faltering, thanking you over and over again for your gift - until he set his fangs in your neck.
One last time that sharp, ice-cold feeling washed over your senses - unable to move or do anything. Delicious pain mixed with heavenly pleasure, both of your orgasms were nearing. No combination more delicious for your husband - your fresh blood spilling from his lips and your cunt wrapped tightly around him. Pleasure welled up inside of your belly, enduring your vampire's violent kiss - until you reached your peak while he drank from your neck.
His digits dug into the sheets, pupils dilated as he released from your neck in time, overcome with adrenaline and power.
"That's it, my darling…"
His thrusts became harder, faster - his bloody lips finding yours, tongue invading your mouth. You were absolutely spent already, having lost nearly two pints of your blood again - so you held onto him for dear life. The metallic taste of your blood made you nearly gag if he wasn't lapping it up off your lips like a hungered animal.
"Astarion, fuck… Make me fucking pregnant." You cried desperately against his lips, his big cock bumping against your cervix with each thrust. And like always, he delivered your plea - and with a deep and primal groan he reached his peak. "Fuck, oh - Fuck - darling!" He growled with bloody fangs, his crimson eyes rolling in the back of his head, jets of his release splattering right against your cervix. Filled up to the brim.
Sated with blood and pleasure, he collapsed on top of you, holding you dearly in the afterglow of your pleasure. Sweaty, bloody bodies pressed against each other. His face buried against the side of your neck, lapping remnants of your blood one last time.
"Can't get enough of it, can't you, sweet?" You grinned.
"Never, my love." He smiled against your flesh as his cold hand gently caressed your lower belly - hoping that his love would nestle itself deep inside of you tonight.
"I love you, Astarion."
"And I love you, my darling. Forever."
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cordeliawhohung · 1 year
Since you still have to go to a family dinner tonight: what would a family dinner with Simon or Price look like? Do you think they‘d be more talkative around your relatives, or just listen and/or suffer through it in silence? Do they leave room for dessert? And are you staying until the end or leaving as soon as it’s socially acceptable to catch up on much needed sleep? ❤️🌙 - A
Ah yes, family dinners a;skldfj they're fun but gosh can they be exhausting! luckily everyone only stayed around for about two hours, and as much as i'd love to catch up on sleep, i have terrible insomnia, so enjoy these little drabble/headcanons of our boys instead <3
But ah, Price, my love, I have yet to give him the attention he deserves!!!
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Family Dinner with Price and Simon
I feel like Price is the perfect gentleman, and would be great to take home to your parents!! Your mother would be instantly smitten with him with that charm he holds and the sweet tone to his voice. Careful, she might try and steal him from you! He gets along fine with your father, though there is this awkward tension between the two of them. Just fatherly instincts of course, but Price is good with the small talk that comes with these type of events.
I can just imagine sitting at the table, Price next to you trying to choke down the bitter taste of wine (because your mother told your dad he needed to lay off the beer) and he smiles as everyone converses. He eats the lavish meal your mum spent hours preparing, and even though he definitely did not save room for dessert, he can't say no to the brownies she baked!
I also imagine that this man is trying to hold your hand at least half the time. Underneath the table, he reaches for your hand and pulls it to rest on the edge of his thigh just so he can rub his thumb over your knuckles. He does it because he loves your touch, but maybe also to calm his nerves. (any man who isn't afraid of his partner's parents is a stupid one.)
By the end of the night your mother is chatting him up, asking what he does for work, how much time he has off, and if he'll be free for another dinner sometime in the future. It's not until the second dinner that Price fully wins your dad over by bringing a small case of beer with him as a gift (but really, he brought it for himself because there's no way in hell he's choking down that wine again).
Simon? Well, he's certainly a gentleman, but your mother does not like him in the least. What's with his mask? Sure he took it off at the table, but he looks like a criminal! (i feel like he would remove his mask for a dinner with parents because there's no way this man would just sit at the table and brood lmao). And what's with that tattoo peeking out beneath his sleeve? He's more of a brute than a boyfriend )))):
Your father, on the other hand, laughs at least twenty times that night due to Simon's dry, and flat humor. It's the type of jokes that gruff old men enjoy and the puns dads harass their children with. Your mother doesn't start warming up to Simon until later in the night. He's been quiet and reserved the whole night, not really speaking much about himself, and really, you've done all the talking for him. Eventually, something sort of clicks in Simon, and he goes off on this ramble about you of all things. A funny story of a mishap back at the flat, or maybe some milestone in your life that you had forgotten to tell your parents. Seeing you through his eyes makes her soften up a bit.
Like Price, Simon stuffs himself full, as he's never been one to turn down a home cooked meal (especially because, let's face it, i doubt the man is all that great at cooking) but he has to politely decline your mothers delicious pie because of it ):
By the end of the night, Simon sneaks off to the kitchen at some point to do the dishes. You find him there, sleeves rolled up, that terrible tattoo (according to your mother) on display and shiny with soap and water, and you chuckle and tell him he doesn't need to clean up. He retorts by saying it's the only proper way to thank someone for a meal. (i'm dying on this hill that acts of service is his love language) Your mother walks in on the two of you, Simon covered in more water and soap than should be humanly possible (no thanks to you) and when she sees the smile on your face and the giggles rumbling through your throat, well, she's sending the two of you home with the left over pie and the request that you two return sometime soon. (:
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cu7ie · 1 year
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big bro satoru ! ୨୧ — see: virgin killer, cherry popper — mdni!
( ˶ᵔᴗᵔ˶ ) — cw. perv!gojo, alcohol consumption (you're both drunk-ish). reader's a virgin. just some casual headcanons. pornography viewing! voyeuristic reader (sorta.) drabble at the end. vagina having reader.
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imagine hanging around with your friend and they offhandedly mention they have an older brother. they don't talk about family much but he sounds just as cool as he actually is when you finally meet him.
you're out of highschool and you still don't have much experience with relationships. your friend on the other hand has had tons, and sometimes they're giving you lengthy talks about their past relationships or inadequate sex life and you just smile and nod through it luv. 
on the inside you're burning up! they tell you the raunchiest shit with no filter or padding, your virgin baby brain has grown ten sizes bigger with knowledge you honestly have no business knowing. 
leaves you all hot and bothered, grappling with these new feelings - maybe a desire to try it out for yourself? you shake your head. as of now, it’s not like you have many prospects.
you’re a stranger in college. nobody knows your name, and your bestie is only your bestie because they practically forced themselves into your socially inept arms.
so you put a pin in it, for the time being.
gojo only comes into the picture because your friend invited you to hang out with them both, and gojo didn't mind you in his house, so boom:
you guys are chatting. and siblings being siblings they have inside jokes and banter you can only laugh at!! then you're trying to contribute, but the conversation just takes the strangest turn .
your friend starts talking about their ain't shit ass boyfriend (again, they always do this) and gojo is a supportive sibling, so they take turns tearing the dude to shreds.
you can only quietly wonder why she’s still dating the guy, anyway.
you guys are passing drinks around at this point, and your friend , verrry tipsy, starts getting a little … provocative with the complaints. slurring their words, they look you in your eyes and just starts rambling.
"shrimp dick," , "can't fuck worth a damn", "shit head-giving ass"
gojo's mostly overhearing, but responds to everything she says. he’s just like: “can't relate. that’s soooo crazy. could never be me tho!” 
irritated by his interruption, more than a little drunk, they start to bicker.
friend: "nobody cares about your dick satoru!"
gojo: "hey hey maybe your friend does!!!  … been side-eyeing me all night."
!!!! the way your head snaps to look at him !!!!
because you did, but you didn't think he'd notice!
and plus it's not like that ?!! he's just very handsome man ,,
he is very pretty .....
but he really made you nervous !! you're all hot in the face and it's not cause of the alcohol and your friend is making a face at you now, a little dramatic disappointment curving their lip and it's just like,
bff: ew?? right in front of me????
you'd hide in your drink if you could.
you: uh n-no i wasn'- it’s not like that!
they don’t believe you, just roll their eyes and say:
bff: i know you don't get any but like??  calm down lol there's more fish in the sea, get out of your little pond, babes.
and you're embarrassed and can't come up with anything witty in response so you just lower your head and sip your drink while they just fall back into banter.
you guys end up watching a movie. 
your friend drank too much and ended up falling asleep! you're a little tired but gojo's wide awake and maybe he's drunker than you thought because he's slurring a lil.
gojo: heyyyy, pst
he slides a little closer to you, beer bottle in hand. wraps his arm around your shoulder and the contact jolts you out of any sleep you could have been having.
you: wah?
gojo: i said -
you: i heard you ... what did u want ??
he leans into your ear and whispers in it.
"i got a movie for you. way better than this shit they put on .. check it"
and you expect him to pick up the remote but he just fishes out his phone and pulls up a video from his gallery , and it looks blurry at first, but the camera comes into focus and,
your breath hitches.
it's a video taken of gojo, nose deep in some pussy. 
the video is taken by someone else clearly, his head in between their thighs just slurping up on that clit - it's so slick and wet and squishy and the audio isn't down so you are a few feet away from your friend on the couch , who's knocked
and you're just watching this, wide eyed and clutching onto this pillow for emotional support and gojo's hand on your shoulder feels heavier
you: hhhh satoru-san, i don't think i should be seeing this ... isn't it a little private ?
little is an understatement
gojo: well i don't mind showing if you don't mind watching ; )
you: ....okay
you whisper as you sink further into the chair.
he's showing you multiple videos.
there one where it's not his face - it's a girl's, about your age maybe - but he makes sure to point out that it is, in fact, his penis going into her mouth. it's so big she's tearing up. what you think is mascara follows tracks on her cheeks and you gasp at how sloppy the ordeal is. you wonder how she's even breathing.
then there's another one, where he's bouncing them on his cock so good they're crying, 
"deeper, deeper! harder - fuck!"
and that’s when you put your hand up to the phone and your cheeks are so hot they're numb. you feel like a voyeur !!! and you don't know if you enjoy it or are just shocked but something's getting to you !
gojo just points to the video , looks at you and says
"i think you'd look good in these kinds of movies. i think you're real pretty ..... n' well.... i'd fuck you."
and he giggles and pats your head and you're gaping like ???!!!!!????? satoru-san why are you speaking to me like that! 
you: "satoru - san. i .. i think you're handsome too but i don't ... i'm not ... "
gojo pulls your body closer to his, you're touching his torso with yours and
gojo: i really like the way you say my name. it's... kinda turning me on 
and you don't pull away when he grabs your hands and one onto his crotch, wraps your fingers around him until you’re cupping his balls and your thumb is grazing his clothed cock.
he's so annoying actually 😭
like satoru is cute !! you've told him as much several times !!
but your hand slowly traveling up hard cock is too too too much!
you: satoru-san! i've never umm.. really done something like this before ? please. we shouldn't, n-not here anyway.
gojo: we head up to my room ?
you: satoru-san ..... that's not what i meant..
but he's already picking you up easily and carrying you down the hall despite the little squeak of protest you offer!
he mentions something about being glad to "pop your cherry"
gojo: she's always on and on about how you've never had a boyfriend,,, ssssweird but that probably means you've never been fucked either right ???
you sputter and flush, satoru’s grin nearly reaching his ears as you tremble but don’t struggle in his grasp.
you: that's none of your business!! seriously what is -
he pushes his door open and you're cut off by him tossing you onto his bed, fumbling with his lamp until he remembers how to turn it on. 
your back hits his mattress and you sink into it immediately. satoru’s room is cool, but the situation at hand ensures that his decor is the last thing you’re interested in. the warm orange lamp light fades out the jewel tones of the night’s shadow, though gojo’s silhouette cuts into the brightness and for a moment his presence takes your breath away.
you feel like a mouse caught in cat’s teeth. “i know about your type.” the way he curves his words makes your ears perk up, your elbows propping your body up as you retort, “and what could you possibly know ‘bout m-me….?” your voice trails off as satoru clambers into bed beside you, overtaken by impossibly soft sheets, stare directed right at you.
“you wanna fuck. i know that look from a mile off. lucky for you, i can help you get off." he whispers in your ear, and you feel your pussy clench down on absolutely nothing. his hand brushes against your thigh and you quiver.
"hnn." you make a noise of indecision, the arousal pooling in your panties feels sticky and irritating, and satoru - the tease - stills his hand on your leg, and feels along your tummy instead.
"you like that baby?" he's disarmingly charming, coaxing you out of slumber into your grand sexual awakening.  "um.. i.." satoru pauses.
he mutters. "go on… use your words, precious." 
your resolve escapes you at satoru's teasing. he's already so experienced - his .. aptitude makes you confident that he'd treat you well, there's no reason why you shouldn't …
just be a little selfish.
"c-can we kiss?" gojo laughs a little softer than you're used to.
"what's so funny? i just want to-" satoru flips you onto him, gripping your hips and adjusting you so you comfortably lay atop his. 
"s'not funny, really. you're just as cute as i thought you'd be, though. wet pussy and all and you still just 'wanna kiss'." his second laugh is heartier, but not loud.
"watchu waiting for then?" he grins cheekily and you body grows frustrated. it's too hot in here.
 your hands are curled onto his chest, your head close enough to his that you can smell the alcohol on your breath - he could probably smell it on you, too - but you don't care.
he's hard beneath you. you feel his cock pressing into your ass and he uses his big hand to squish you against him. 
your cheeks burn.  "kiss me-"
your lips press to him with a fervent need. your inexperience is cute to him, so he lets you take the lead. you have spirit, the ambition of a slut - but no skill. you squeak and moan a little nervously as he deepens the kiss, his hands cupping your ass gently as he starts to play with it. he palms the fat in his hands and nips your lower lip before you pull back to catch your breath.
your body is hidden under your clothes and it makes gojo suck his teeth, trying to ascertain with his hands instead, those curves and planes of your body, starting at your hips and moving up. a whine gets caught in your throat as his hand creeps beneath your shirt and you realize just how cold he is.
"satoru!" you jolt, feel your nipples grow diamond tough in response.
"hush hush. they're still asleep, n' as far as they know, you were coming onto meee…" you look down at him, pupils blown and mouth parted and lips slick.
"you're a pervert, satoru-san. i-i'd tell them as much." satoru laughs louder and you can't be convinced he's not doing it on purpose, now.  your positions shift again.
you yelp as he flips you over suddenly once more, your back hitting a velvet duvet and your head gracing the soft, cool top of his pillow, your breathing more labored that it had been before. 
he whispers. "let me eat you out." he's already weaseled his way between your thighs, looking at your shorts like the idea of them offends him. "these shorts make ya ass look fat. but skirts are easier access. you ever wanna have a quickie again, take notes." he's already peeling them from your thighs, infernal heat pouring off you in waves. your panties follow in short order.
"oh wow." satoru's excitement renews unbidden, getting up close and personal with the pretty petals between your thighs and licking his lips like it's his last meal on earth.
you feel your nerves prickle. an uncertainty that pervades your chest cavity makes an uncomfortable heat rise. you can feel his every breath. your pussy throbs like it's your heart and for a moment, your unsettled. "hey!"
you clasp your hands over your mouth and satoru's eyes slowly drift up. "s-sorry. didn't mean to-"
"yell? 's fine. you still want me to keep going?" 
he looks unreal like this.
his hair sticks to his forehead a bit, swear dewing on his temple as he shudders and huffs, basking in this smell of you. is it sweet? his lip curls in hunger, and you know every instinct in him is primed to eat.
your hands find themselves tangled in his hair. you fold your fingers between the strands, flipping it up and out of his face. "yessss. please. i need this." you beg, and he gives in without ceremony.
the sensation is tantalizing. he curls his tongue in between your folds, gathering your slick on the tip of it. he groans, spreads your thighs wider so he can bury his whole face in your box.
first, it makes your spine twitch and your toes curl - the feeling so intense that your body wants to rip you away from it. your back arches; his lips wrap around your clit and you whine as he starts suckling on you. the sound of wet lips on wet pussy is obscene.
he slurps loudly, eagerly, not even paying mind to how quickly you've fallen apart in his arms. 
any mess he makes, he cleans up with his tongue. he laves the muscle over your precious pussy, teasing you with how deep he can go into the fold. 
you never noticed his tongue was so long. 
you're soaked. there's something coming - and you,
yelp just then, feeling the barest sensation of teeth against your cunt. "s-satoru!" (he chuckles into your muff and the sensation makes you groan.)
 even distracted, you can feel it. just stronger now. a coiled snake in the depths of you, beautiful and aching and eager to be free.
you've masturbated before - er, tried it. you're just a little awkward on your own, and it's never felt anywhere near this. incomparable in every sense of the word.
you didn't even realize you closed your eyes until you hear gojo say, "you squirt?"
the whole of your face burns. "i.." you're searching for breath you didn't notice you lost.
you shake your head. "i dunno-" 
"well, let's see." his hand leaves your thigh, and the pad of his thumb presses onto your clit molasses slow. the way he pushes and tugs at the nub nearly makes you cum on the spot.
your moan is broken and cracks, and you're too far gone to be embarrassed to ask for more. "you … are we going to h-have-" sex, is what you were going to say, but satoru interrupts, tearing his eyes away from your slick cunny.
"just say fuck. 'are you gonna fuck me'?" he mimics the lilt of your voice faithfully. "say it." he goads, urges you even, massaging your cute clit with his thumb. 
"a-are… are you gonna fuck me?" you mewl, and gojo's ministrations ease up. you don't know if you want to cry out in relief or desperation. your whole body feels like its throbbing. you need this so, so bad…
a mischievous glint in satoru's eye appears, sudden. you bite your lip.
"say my name." you don't hesitate.
"satoru-saaaan." gojo's breath catches. then he laughs at you. a question settles on your tongue - what's so funny - but you're shuddering and don't have a mouth to speak.
great thing that Satoru's observant.
"you're tryna be here all night, clearly." 
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kazutora-kurokawa · 7 months
About Me + Request Rules + TAGLIST
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Black Dragons
Multiple Characters
Full Fics/Mini Fics
Multiple Characters
Me U & Hennessy (NSFW)
It Wasn't Me! (SFW)
TokRev x Reader: Risky Sex (NSFW)
Beat Me To It: Mitsuya Finds Out Hakkai Lost His V-card (SFW+suggestive)
Good Cop, Bad Cop: Mikey x Sensitive!Reader x Takemichi (NSFW)
HanKisa x Reader: On Camera (NSFW)
Corrupt!TakeMikey x Wife!Reader (SFW)
HanKisa x Reader: Ferris Wheel Fuck (SFW->NSFW)
Needy!TokRev x Coworker!Reader (NSFW)
Vampire!Baji x Vampire!Reader pt.2: Turning Chifuyu (SFW+angst+comfort)(part 1 is in headcanons section)
HanKisa x Shy!Reader w/ Spanking Kink (NSFW)
Post Prison!Kazutora (NSFW)
Kazutora x Reader: Thought We Was Tied (SFW+angst)
Sex w/ Clingy!Kazutora (NSFW)
Cheater!Bonten Mikey (NSFW)
Masturfesting w/ Mikey (NSFW)
Yandere!Bonten!Mikey x Chubby!Insecure!Bimbo!Reader (NSFW)
Mechanic!Draken x Cheater!Reader (NSFW)
Savior!Bonten!Sanzu (SFW)
Bonten!Sanzu x Reader: Waking Up To You (SFW+suggestive)
Soft!Kisaki x Motormouth!Reader (SFW)
Dom!Takemichi x Brat!Reader (NSFW)
Submissive!Taiju (NSFW)
Protective!Taiju x Naive!Bratty!Reader (SFW->NSFW->SFW)
Izana x Gang Member's Sister!Reader (SFW)
Simon Says, Fuck Me (NSFW)
Rockstar!Baji Kissing Fan!Reader (SFW+suggestive)
Cheater!Baji x Reader (SFW+angst)
Valhalla!Hanma x Rival Gang Member!Reader (NSFW)
Sub!Hanma x Reader: Cumming From Degradation (NSFW)
Soft Sex w/ Hanma (NSFW)
Exhausted!Office Worker!Shion x Horny!Needy!Reader (NSFW)
Vampire!Rindou x Vampire Slayer!Reader (NSFW)
Boyfriend!Hakkai + Birthday Head
Random Stuff
*things that aren't necessarily full headcanons or full fics*
Take me Out (SFW/meme)
Boobs or Butt? (SFW/hcs)
Mommy Kink Draken? (NSFW)
Hanma x Chubby!Reader (SFW/hcs)
Hanma grabbing your waist (SFW)
Hanma Thirst (NSFW)
Ran Thirst (NSFW)
Kazutora Thirst (NSFW)
Kazutora Thirst 2 (NSFW)
Hanma is an ass man (NSFW)
TokRev x Hispanic!Reader (SFW+NSFW)
Baji Thirst (NSFW/short)
Rindou x Reader x Shion Thirst (NSFW)
Model!Hakkai x Designer!Reader (SFW)
Vampire!Hakkai Thirst (SFW+suggestive)
Small Lovesick!Kazutora Ramble (SFW)
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Armin Relationship Headcanons (SFW+NSFW)
Toxic!Dom!Eren Headcanons (SFW+NSFW)
Multiple Characters
When their partner apologizes for talking too much (SFW)
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Virgin!Choso Headcanons (NSFW)
Pussy Drunk!Choso Headcanons (NSFW)
Choso w/ A Breeding Kink (SFW->NSFW)
Choso w/ A Mommy Kink (NSFW)
Things Toji Has Said During Sex
Multiple Characters
JJK Men When They Catch You Masturbating (NSFW)
JJK x Clingy!Bimbo!Reader (SFW+slight NSFW)
Full Fics/Short Fics
Nanami Going Down On You (NSFW)
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Kafka Headcanons (NSFW)
Multiple Characters
Movie Night Headcanons w/ Kafka and Reno (SFW)
Full Fics/Short Fics
Giving Kafka Head (NSFW)
Kafka x Bimbo!Reader Thirst (NSFW)
Kafka Kissing Your Pussy Goodbye (NSFW)
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Full Fics/Short Fics
Togame Giving You Head (NSFW)
Kaji Sharing His Candy (SFW+suggestive)
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*Random Drabbles are usually multi-fandom/have multiple characters named
Random Thoughts 1 (NSFW)
Random Thoughts 2 (NSFW)
Random Thoughts 3 (NSFW)
Random Thoughts 4 (NSFW)
Touchstarved Men (SFW->NSFW)
Big Men Headcanons (NSFW)
Some Short Clingy!Men Headcanons (SFW->NSFW)
🐯🎴 All characters I write about are aged 18+ or have their timeskip! versions used | ask before translating my work (I'll only allow translations on tumblr and wattpad) | If you see my work translated or reposted somewhere else, shoot me a message to let me know!
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starrylothcat · 1 year
If you gave the clones flower, like a bouquet of flowers, what do you think their reactions would be?
You can of course include as few or as many clones as you'd like and any Squad.
💐 💐 💐 For you, Dear!
Omg thank you so much for this ask???
Oh this is fun! I made this into a Clone x Reader HC/Drabble thing and got a bit carried away.
Warnings: None. Mentions of kissing. Established relationship. Reader not described. Didn’t proofread, sorry. 😅
The Bad Batch + Bonus Rex under the cut! Hope you enjoy my ramblings~
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💋💐 You Give The Bad Batch (+Rex) Flowers Headcanons/Drabble 💋💐
He’s confused at first, wondering why you are holding a handful of flowers out toward him.
You tell him you thought of him when you saw the flowers. They made you happy, so you hoped they’d make him happy, too.
Hunter accepts them, not used to receiving gifts, especially thoughtful ones like this.
He’s so used to giving, leading, bearing responsibility, it catches him off guard how nice it feels to be taken care of in return.
The flowers smell sweet, reminding him of you.
He smiles and cups your chin gently, bringing you in for a passionate kiss, feeling some of his stress melt away.
“Thank you, mesh’la. They are beautiful, just like you. What would I do without you looking out for me?”
He tucks one of the flowers into his hair above his ear, wearing it the rest of the day, his thoughts never straying from you.
You hold a flower out to him, and he just stares at you.
“What are you doing?” He finally speaks.
“I’m giving you a flower.”
Crosshair raises an eyebrow, chews his toothpick, hesitantly taking it from you.
He asks what he’s supposed to do with it.
You roll your eyes and tell him it’s a gift.
“I saw it and thought of you.”
Crosshair doesn’t know how to respond or react at first, being given a kind gift was never something he experienced.
You get slightly annoyed and insecure at his silence, knowing this was a dumb idea in the first place.
You quickly turn from him, mumbling under your breath that it was a stupid thought and that you’ll leave him alone, embarrassment heating your cheeks.
You avoid him all day. Why did you think he’d want a flower of all things?
When you retreat to your bunk that night, a beautifully arranged bouquet of flowers is resting on your pillow with a small note. “Thinking of you, too.”
He is THRILLED when you hand him over a large bouquet of flowers.
Wrecker picks you up and hugs you, almost crushing the bouquet between the two of you.
“All of these are for me?” He suddenly becomes a little sheepish, since he wasn’t expecting such a sweet gesture from you.
“They are bright and wonderful, so I thought of you when I saw them.” You smile as Wrecker’s ears turn red at your admission. He kisses you softly, thanking you for the flowers.
Wrecker places the flowers in the cockpit of The Marauder where everyone can see them, proudly and lovingly exclaiming they were from you when his brothers asked.
He keeps one flower in his utility belt, smiling all day whenever he sees it.
Tech doesn’t quite understand the gesture at first.
He inspects them, beginning to spout facts about each flower, assuming you were giving them to him for research.
You giggle, telling him they weren’t for research, just as a gift.
“What an interesting sentiment. You went out of your way to choose these just for me? To keep as a gift?” He cocked his head, the gears turning in his head.
“Ah, it’s symbolic of how you feel for me. I understand now. Thank you, my dear.”
Tech kisses you sweetly as you smile, and carefully places the flowers on his workbench to look at while he tinkers.
Tech begins a deep dive into researching flowers, analyzing your favorite colors, scents, and specific flower meanings to reciprocate the gift. He wants to give you the perfect arrangement to symbolize his affection for you in return.
He preserves the flowers you gave him so he can always be reminded of your love.
You tell Echo to close his eyes, saying you have a surprise for him.
He smiles, giving you a look, but obliges.
“Ok, open them!
He sees you holding out flowers, offering them to him. He smiles softly, his eyes widening in surprise.
“Are these for me?” He asks, gently taking them from your hand, not quite believing he deserves such a delicate and beautiful gift.
Even though you and Echo have been together for awhile, he still harbors insecurities about his body.
“I thought you might like them.” You say. “You’re always doing so much for me, you deserve something nice, too.”
Echo brings you into an embrace, not knowing how he was so lucky to have someone as special as you.
“Thank you, mesh’la. They mean a lot to me, just like you.”
Echo places the flowers in his bunk, gazing at them as you fall asleep curled up next to him.
You saw beauty in him when he didn’t, and the flowers meant more to him than you’ll ever know.
You’ve noticed Rex was stressed (more than usual) and wanted to get him something nice.
When you hand him the flowers, Rex (internally) panics.
He thinks he missed your anniversary or some other important event. Why else would you be giving him something as nice as flowers?
You can see the panic flash in his eyes, and you immediately tell him the flowers were just for fun. A gift to show him how much you love him, that’s all.
They were blue, matching his 501st colors.
Rex relaxes, now overwhelmed with feeling at the romantic gesture from you.
“You’re always thinking of me, cyare. How can I repay you?”
“I can think of a few ways. How about we start with a kiss?”
Rex smirks as he wraps you in a warm embrace, kissing you tenderly. How did you always know exactly what he needed?
He tucks one of the flowers in his breastplate, wearing your love for all to see.
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💐Hehe thanks for reading!💐
Tags: @wanderer-six @the-cantina @pb-jellybeans
Let me know if you want to be tagged in my fics!
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softxsuki · 9 months
Reader's Birthday Surprise for Ace
| Pairing: Ace x Fem!Reader | Genre: Fluff | Post-Type: Drabble | Word Count: 670 |
Warnings: hmm, slightly suggestive towards the end if you squint...
Note: Happy Birthday Ace! I want to do little birthday drabbles like these for the characters I write for, so hopefully I can keep up with it! It's my first time writing for Ace, and I've been stuck writing headcanons for a while so if this sounds a little choppy, FORGIVE ME. I haven't written a drabble in a while NFJBEKABF.
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Quiet giggles erupt from your lips as you lace your fingers with Ace’s and sneak him to the ships kitchen, doing your best to stay quiet and not wake up the rest of the crew. You felt silly, like a child again as you tiptoed through the halls and onto the deck, finding your way to the kitchen that was closed for the night.
“Where are we going?” Ace asks, confused by your sudden desire to sneak around with him.
“Shh no questions just follow along,” you whisper back, continuing through with your mini adventure.
The roughness of his hands felt nice in your grip, sending butterflies to your stomach. You still couldn’t believe you were dating the firefist Ace, you only hoped he’d like the surprise you prepared for him.
Upon slowly opening the kitchen’s door, praying silently that it wouldn’t creak as you did so, you were met with darkness. Letting go of Ace’s hand for a moment, you reach for the lighter on the counter and carefully lit a single lantern, hoping it wasn’t too bright.
You glance out the porthole from the kitchen; if your calculations were correct, it would be midnight soon, meaning the first of January was approaching–Ace’s birthday. You smile to yourself before turning back to your freckled man.
“Alright, close your eyes,” you command, walking closer to him and leading his hands over his eyes. “No peeking”
You see him smile at your antics, unsure of what you had planned, but excited to participate anyway, not a single complaint leaving his mouth.
Once you’re sure he’s not peeking, you scurry over to the cooler and take out your creation you spent all afternoon preparing for him. You place the small cake on the counter and place a few candles in it, lighting them up.
“Can I open my eyes yet? What are you doing, trying to kill me by lighting the room on fire? You know that won’t work on me since I’m literally made of fire, sweets” He jokes.
“Oh hush, open your eyes.”
As commanded, his hands fall from his eyes and he’s met with the soft glow of fire on top of a cake with the words ‘Happy Birthday Ace’ written messily on it. 
“I know it’s not much. Thatch let me use his kitchen earlier, but I don’t really have that much experience with baking so it probably won’t taste good, but I still wanted to do something for you to celebrate the day you were brought into this world. I’m sorry if-”
You’re cut short from your rambling as Ace lifts you up onto the counter, standing between your legs as he cups your face and smashes his lips onto yours–a token of his appreciation for your efforts.
“I love it,” he says while pulling away, his forehead resting on yours. He couldn’t believe he met someone as incredible as yourself who aside from his brothers and crew, appreciated that he was alive and loved him. “And I love you, you didn’t have to do all this.”
You once again lace your fingers together, pressing soft kisses to his knuckles. “I love you too” You smile, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. “I know I didn’t have to do this, but you deserve it. I wanted to do something nice for you!” 
He laughs to himself, pressing one final kiss to your forehead before turning back to the cake.
“Then, shall we dig in? I’m starving for something sweet right now and as much as I could devour you, I’d love to try your cake,” He winks, earning him a light smack on the arm.
The cake wasn’t the best, but Ace still ate it all. He insisted on eating your symbol of love and refused to leave any for the rest of the crew. It was safe to say, your plan worked. It was a great start to Ace’s birthday and you had plenty more surprises left for him, but those would have to wait.
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Posted: 1/1/2024
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pretending-ican-write · 6 months
Cowboy Up - Pt.8
Enjoy, touch angsty. I'm also opening up to requests for drabbles/headcanons of moments pre-show/outside show canon for this pairing because quite frankly i'm obsessed with them (and Ian Bohen i'm in love with that man).
Pairing: Ryan (Yellowstone) x Dutton!reader
WC: 1483
Previous part - Next part
Y/n exited the house with coffee in hand to see the small army John had amassed to deal with the cattle.  From the porch steps, she watched as who she assumed was a new hand talked to Rip who clearly didn’t think much of him.  Poor lad clearly didn’t have a clue what he was supposed to be doing on a ranch.  Y/n decided he was going to need her help to survive at the Yellowstone.
John approached her, “you’re gonna go with Rip up the mountain.”
“The fuck I am.  I’m going to the reservation,” she argued.
He shook his head, “I’m not about to let you be that close to it all y/n.  This is the compromise.  You help with the river or you stay here.  This is one thing that isn’t up for discussion.”
She turned on her heel to one of the horse trailers where she took the rope of a horse from Colby to load up.  As she turned to leave, she was faced by Ryan who had bought his horse on.  Y/n let out a deep sigh upon seeing him, the reality of the potential danger to them in front of her in the form of his ‘livestock agent’ vest.  
Y/n leant against the metal, “I fuckin’ hate this Ry.”
“I know you do sweetheart,” he whispered.
They spent a quiet moment just existing in each others’ presence.  Ryan wrapped his arms around her middle, pulling her body against hers and pressed a small kiss to the top of her head.  Y/n allowed herself to melt into his chest, and inhale the smell of his cologne mixed in with that of the horses surrounding them. 
“You gotta promise to be fuckin’ careful out there.  I need you to come back to me when today is done,” she said.
Ryan nodded, “I promise to be careful, sweetheart.  You’re all the motivation I need to be safe.”
“I love you,” y/n whispered into the trailer.
Before he got a chance to reply, Lee interrupted them, “come on lovebirds we’ve got cattle to take back and a mountain to blow up.”
“You’ve got shit timing,” she whisper-shouted at her brother as they left, “we were having a moment.”
Lee laughed, “life is full of moments y/n, if you spend too long in one another will pass you by.”
Y/n walked past the line of trucks the hands were climbing into and headed towards where Rip had Comanche waiting for her.  She took her horse and gracefully swung up into the saddle, settling in for the long ride ahead of them.  They started off down the drive and y/n observed how uncomfortable the new hand looked on his horse.  Yeah he was gonna need all the help she could give him.  The convoy departed past them and y/n waved to her brothers in the first truck.  As the last truck drove past, Ryan looked out the window to see her blow him a kiss to which he smiled back.
Half an hour into their trek, y/n felt like the nerves were going to eat her alive.  Rip was leading them up the trail with no indication he wanted to talk and the hand looked far too scared to say anything so she took it upon herself to fill the silence.
“What’s your name?” Y/n asked.
The hand startled at her voice, “uh it’s Jimmy.”
“Nice to meet you Jimmy.  I’m y/n and I reckon you’re gonna need my help here,” she explained, “Rip’s a stubborn son of a bitch who thinks affection’ll kill ya and most of the others stopped maturing when they were 10 so I’m your best chance.”
“Thanks I guess?” He wasn’t sure what to make of the girl behind him.
Rip stopped her from rambling on, “what she’s conveniently missing out of her introduction is that she’s a Dutton so you’d do well to keep away from her.”
“Call off the threats Rip I know you won’t do anything to him,” y/n countered, “guy that uncomfortable on a horse didn’t apply for the job.”
Jimmy turned red at her statement, “listen I ain’t proud of what I done but-”
“Relax I don’t care what you did nor do I care to understand the decisions my father makes.  I’m just here to cowboy and ensure the place doesn’t go to shit before I get a chance to inherit it,” she explained.
Silence elapsed around the group and Rip took the opportunity to check on the youngest Dutton.  He turned around to see that she was clearly off in her own world, reins loose allowing Comanche to just follow the horse in front of him.  Her fingers were tapping out a rhythm on her saddle’s horn and Rip got the feeling her leg would be bouncing if she had her feet on the ground.
When they reached the top of the mountain they got to work setting up the charges to change the course of the river and fuck over the development next door.  Rip headed over to where Lucy was busy connecting up the wires.
“They’re gonna be safe y’know,” he stated, “on both sides of the fence.”
Jimmy looked up from the river, “is this legal?”
“You’re a criminal, what do you care?” Rip questioned.
The hand sighed, “thought the Yellowstone was gonna keep me out of trouble.”
“Getting in trouble’s the only skill you got,” Rip pointed out.
Y/n added, “difference is now you ain’t gonna get caught.”
Once everything had been set, they mounted up and headed back down the mountain.  This time y/n took the lead in an attempt to keep her mind off what would be going down on the reservation at that time.  
Nobody on the ranch had slept since they had returned from the reservation without Lee.  Her father had turned the house into some sort of command centre trying to locate her brother and y/n was sat on the porch steps watching the commotion having lost count of the amount of coffee she’d drank since coming back.  John and Jamie were talking around her but the words weren’t sinking into her brain.  Suddenly her father took off from the house.  Y/n shot up from the step and followed Jamie’s line of sight to where Kayce was walking Lee’s horse towards the ranch with a body slung in front of the saddle.
She gasped and felt the fear that had been keeping her going leave her body.  Her legs buckled, falling to her knees next the steps.  Jamie rushed to wrap his arms around his sister, letting her cry into his chest.  They waited in silence for Kayce to dismount the horse before Jamie let go of her to launch herself into her twin’s arms.  Y/n kept herself attached at the hip with Kayce whilst Jamie tried to get out of him what had happened but he wasn’t willing to give up any information.
At some point sat on the sofa she finally spoke, “someone needs to call Monica.”
“I’ll take Kayce back in the helicopter now.  No use rehashing this on no sleep,” John explained, “stop running on coffee and sleep.”
After the helicopter had departed, y/n made her way down the drive towards the bunkhouse.  The door banged open and the hands looked up.  The place was quiet, there was no insults being thrown around, and they were all there which was unusual for that time of day meaning Rip had given them the day off.  Ryan and Colby were on one of the sofas half-heartedly playing solitaire and Lloyd was sat reading at the table.  
Wordlessly, Ryan put down his cards and opened his arms for his girlfriend.  She made a beeline for him before burying herself in the hoodie he was wearing.  He wrapped his arms tightly around her, kissing her hair safely.  
“I love you,” Ryan whispered to her.
None of the hands made comment about the situation and Lucy fell asleep like that with tears drying on her cheeks.
After the funeral, y/n split from the rest of the group heading to the main house and instead made her way down to the barn in need of some emotional support from Comanche.  She found her father in one of the stalls with the stallion Kayce had been working with.
“What’s he doing here?” She asked.
John looked up at her, “think it’s your brother’s way of apologising.”
“How did it all go so wrong dad?” Y/n pondered.
He sighed, “I have no idea but this isn’t the end of it.”
“I’m still not being part of some fucked up power game dad and you don’t get to use me in some twisted politics but whatever it takes to get justice for Lee I’m onboard with,” she explained, “when we’ve got that we’ll talk again.”
John smiled at his daughter, “that’s good enough for me.”
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zairene · 11 months
TYPES OF KISSES. miles morales & hobie brown
* ˚ ✦ synopsis: their favorite types of kisses, or how they like to kiss you.
* ˚ ✦ genre: drabble / headcanon (?)
* ˚ ✦ author’s note: first fic back & its miles + hobie !! whoop ! also new layout because i really didn’t like my last one !
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MILES MORALES — forehead and cheek kisses ✦
miles morales kisses you on the forehead in those vulnerable moments. the moments where he’s giving you some sort of reassurance—this is with the assumption that you are aware of his superhero identity—letting you know that he won’t get hurt. he won’t put himself in danger to the point where he can’t come back from it. he’s broken this promise on many different occasions but it is not intentional. miles isn’t content with this lifestyle, but as long as he could protect his loved ones from the evil forces in this world he doesn’t mind. miles morales kisses you on the cheek in those innocent moments. when he’s dropping you off home after a date or when he’s proud of you for something you did. maybe even when he’s wishing you well after you have to go away on vacation for an extended amount of time. times like these often remind him that he’s still a teenage boy but burdened with the responsibilities of an adult.
HOBIE BROWN — neck, collarbone & on the lips kisses ✦
hobie brown kisses you on the neck when you both are cuddling in bed. when he doesn’t feel like turning your sleeping figure over to ask for one on the lips. hobie brown also kisses you on the neck when he gives you a hug from behind, often while you’re in a mirror getting ready for the day. “good mornin’.” his groggy voice would say, while you return the phrase with a soft smile on your face. hobie brown kisses you on the collarbone while giving you a massage—he’s good at giving those—you claimed that you “desperately needed” after a long day. his hands roaming your body, massaging every tense part of your body while you rambled on and on about your day. hobie brown kisses you on your lips whenever he just feels like it. you could be talking to him about something that happened and his hand would slither around the back of your neck and gently pull you in for a kiss. you would question him and he’d just shrug. “i dunno, just felt like it.” hobie brown also kisses you on the lips in your moments of despair. when you’re upset, crying, or just simply not feeling the best. his first instinct is to pull you in for a hug, giving you some words of encouragement or some advice if the situation needed it, then he would pull away and press his lips on yours, smiling sightly against them after realizing how much he misses doing that to you every single time.
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marksbear · 1 year
Request is:
What if the BAU team got a new team member who used to work on old xfiles/unsolved cases, he's seen things that just can't be explained and thing you wish you never knew existed?--- @xweirdo101x
I made this with headcanons and Drabble. At first I was thinking about turning this into something very dark and creepy but I decided not to.
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-The team new at a instant you wasn’t your typical new agent. You looked tired, but in the same way not tired. You kept to yourself not making any real efforts to know your team outside of their business life.
-They noticed how your eyes weren’t full as hope and life like the other new agents they meet. No yours were cold and that you self aware.
-At first they thought you were just shy. Like during the first case you had just stayed in the back observing everything and anything.
But soon enough they all found out that you were far from shy.
-Each member of the team noticed separate details about you. Some that they won’t usually care about, but with you they analyzed your every move.
-Hotch noticed how you connect things fast. Whether it’s relationships with the victims like how their similar from each other all the way to knowing how and where would the unsub would strike next.
-Derek noticed how you remember even the biggest and smallest details. Like the conversations you have with suspects to even remembering the first thing he said to you.
-Penelope seen you write notes to yourself. You wrote fast and from afar it looked like you were just scribbling on paper. But as she looked closer she saw that of had lost of ideas and possibilities even had sketches of what the unsub may look like.
-Anytime you were in the office late at night Rossi would sometimes sit next to you quietly watching you write and type various of things. What really caught his eye was a very old cold case you was researching about.
“You like reading old mysteries?” Rossi finally says catching you off guard. You turned your head to face his and with a straight face you spoke back.
“Not just reading… I liked solving those so called mysteries.” Y/n answers before turning back around to write.
“Liked? What do you mean?” Rossi asks with a raised brow. “I still do of course, but now I’m working here, so I gotta stop focusing on the past and focus on the present. But old habits just die hard.” Y/n answered as if it was nothing.
-After that Rossi had a unspoken respect for you.
-He told the rest of the team about the moment you guys shared and told him exactly what he told him.
-While the team talked about it and what your past job could have been like Penelope opens her laptop quickly getting onto google searching up your name.
-Shockingly to her the internet knew a lot of thins about you. You were somewhat a hero to say the least. Hundreds of unsolved cases but now solved by you popped up. Interviews and news lines about you was everywhere.
-She wondered how the hell did you come here without anyone knowing who you were.
-She quickly showed her team about her findings.
-Now everything was clicking together about your habits and personality. Reid began to ramble on and on about all the signs that you showed like correcting people when they mention the wrong serial killer or knowing secrets details that most regular agents won’t know about the criminal justice system.
-They all knew that you were different from the start, but none of them ever guessed that you a expert and a true hero.
-It didn’t take you long to know that they knew about your past experiences. Not like they didn’t try to hide that they knew.
-Reid started to ask you question after question like how you solved a case that was unsolved for years or how you found evidence to the cold cases.
-Derek made a game where he quizzed you about different unsolved and cold cases.
-Hotch was first to ask a more deeper question like about the things you saw and had to go through. And you gave honest answers. You told him that you seen things that doesn’t even seem real and things that anyone wouldn’t think existed. He felt sad for you but in the same time respect grew.
-Rossi randomly had just gave you a random comforting hug saying that he’s proud of you. He didn’t care that you started a new chapter in your career he just felt the need to tell you how much he cared and how proud he is at you.
-You and Penelope had a rough time bonding since your more realistic and mysterious while she’s sweet and bubbly always looking at the bright side while you expect the worst.
-it was hard trying to understand and know each other.
-But once y’all finally did y’all became  inseparable. In a strange way you both found comfort in each other.
-The team all started to understand and bond with you after they all excepted what you went through in the past to get where you are now.
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dragcnbreak · 11 months
hiii can u maybe do a drabble with little!mike, like he wakes up tiny after a nightmare and cg!reader (masc if thats okay :)) has to comfort him? i love ur mike drabbles and headcanons btw theyre so RASKJHFLD /pos /nf obviously :)
HI FRIEND <3 I literally have like 7 requests to get to but I decided to write this because little!mike and I love the idea <3 ive kinda avoided using daddy because of how sexualized the term is but I use it here! I hope you don’t mind; I can always change it!!! I hope you enjoy <33
◞♡࿐ (post movie, so contains spoilers)
You were asleep when Mike woke up, sweating and crying. He had just woken up from a nightmare featuring the yellow rabbit, the man who had hurt his little brother and almost his little sister too. He had a bad day before and was ultimately exhausted so his nightmare made him age regress.
“Daddy,” he cried out for you, softly shaking your shoulder, “please wake up.” In his dream, the yellow rabbit had hurt you too and he couldn’t bare it if his dream had become reality. You were too important to him. When you didn’t wake up, Mike began sobbing even more and shaking you even harder. “Please, don’t tell me the bad man hurt you too.”
Fortunately, you had woken up and caught the last half of Mike’s sentence. “Hey hey hey bear, I’m okay. Daddy’s okay.” You reassured him, mumbling with sleep still evident in your voice. You slowly sat up on your elbows and gathered your boy into a hug, running your hands along his back in a repetitive manner to soothe him.
“Do you want to tell me what happened? What bad man?” You asked even if you likely already knew. You had barely known Mike when he worked at Freddy’s but you had heard plenty about the events surrounding William Afton from him, Vanessa, and even Abby.
Mike sniffled, “the yellow rabbit. The one who took Garrett and almost hurt Abby. He had hurt you this time and I couldn’t save you and he laughed and laughed and laughed. And then he came to hurt me and that’s when I woke up.” He started to sob more because of his rambling, this time in your arms.
You lifted a hand up and ran your fingers through his soft hair. “Oh, I’m so sorry, baby boy. That must have been so scary. But I’m okay and so is Abby. She’s right down the hall and I’m right here with you in my arms, safe and sound.” Mike nodded but kept crying, clearly still upset with his dream.
You began to think of ways to further calm him that didn’t involve staying up too much longer. He might not want to sleep again but you know he should, as he’s always tired. “Hey, how about we go warm you up some milk? And then I can borrow a book from Abby and read you a bedtime story? Does that sound okay?” Mike blanched at the thought of sleeping again but nodded anyway.
“That’s my good boy.” You pressed a kiss to his forehead and detached yourself from him, quickly getting up and rushing over to his side of the bed. You helped him up and held his hand as you walked to the kitchen together. You knew he was regressed to his usual age of about 10 but the fact that he didn’t reject your hand holding meant he was still pretty scared.
You arrived at the kitchen with your boy in tow, grabbing a pot and the gallon of milk in the fridge. You poured out some milk into the pot and turned the stove on before putting the milk back in its place. You grabbed a plastic spoon to stir and began to hum softly, squeezing Mike’s hand as you did.
Soon enough, the milk was warm enough (as per your taste tester’s word) and you still held hands on the way back to his room. He sipped his milk and sat on the bed. You ran your fingers through his hair once again and then made your way to Abby’s room. You were plenty quiet as you grabbed a book you knew Mike liked.
Back in his room, Mike had laid back down and put his glass on the bedside table, his eyes already starting to close. But he fought it, wanting to hear you telling him a bedtime story. And so you began telling it, making sure to do all the voices you know he loved to hear. He giggled at the appropriate times, still sniffling a bit as he drank some more milk.
Within a few minutes, you had finished the story and looked up to see the glass empty and your boy soundly asleep. You smiled fondly and shut the book softly. Putting it next to the glass, you got back into bed with Mike. You moved him slightly so you could spoon him, hoping to protect him from any more nightmares. And with that, you fell back asleep as well.
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