eenasbabysmom · 1 year
One day, Jin Ling’s firstborn gets up on his/her tottering weak baby legs, points accusingly at Jiang Cheng in front of a large group of people, and shouts (rather brattily might I add): “YEYE!”
Jiang Cheng, used to golden clad brats shouting at him all day long, scoops up the kid before his brain catches up with what said golden clad brat had called him. This corresponds with the exact minute that Jin Ling absorbs that info as well.
It is a long, dangerous gathering, with both these idiots doing their best (which is not good by any standard of measurement) to not burst out into tears. Aforementioned golden clad brat is too busy using Zidian as a teether to care, the Lans are graciously not calling attention to anything(mostly because LSZ slapped a Silencing charm on LJY to prevent homicide), WWX is crying so openly JC is contemplating sending him back to the afterlife, and LWJ is staring hard at LSZ with a ‘where is my grandchild?’ Sort of look that is honestly frightening LSZ to his core.
LXC is reciting all the Lan rules in his head at a furious speed because he cannot handle another conversation with SL Jiang about how his ELECTRO WHIP should NOT be in the baby’s MOUTH!
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monkeydluffy19920 · 1 year
Just a silly headcanon but I think Nami has saved her sunflower lion-dress somewhere in their Cocoyashi home, since it was the last dress her foster mom made before the tragedy.
So despite the painful memory behind it (them arguing and Nami escaping their home and later when they were supposed to have reunion dinner but Arlong messed up the plans), the dress could almost mean the world for her. 
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And even though it’s just a cover page request, it’s still a cute idea that if Nami would become a fashion designer and one of her source of inspiration was that dress.
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By the way Happy Birthday Nami~!
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f1ameheir · 3 months
i’ve seen people say : sam never got to know who her real name / who she really is and i feel that speaks volumes about him and his love for celaena / aelin. because while we do not know for sure if sam knew who she was ( if arobynn ever told him ) we do know that regardless his love for her was pure. he saw some of the ugliest parts of her , parts of her past in rifthold she herself does not want to revisit in her memories and saw her at her weakest ( in regards to her strength once she gains her full scope of power. ) hell , he was ready to do whatever arobynn asked of him in order to keep her safe. and i know that even if he knew who she actually was , that never would have changed how he felt towards her. he loved her. and because of the love sam had shown her , the patience and kindness even when she pushed back against him , i feel that is why aelin knows how to love rowan and her friends so deeply. because sam awoken apart of her otherwise would have stayed buried deep.
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mauri2530 · 2 years
Again, why in the hell wasn't this song featured in DmC!? It basically sums up Reboot Dante's entire personality and character arc. It also suits V in DMC 5 too.
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tallemy · 11 months
Bringing you a quick (fairly historical) jokermike idea... So back then some theaters had standing places to maximise their profit. They were cheap, but also bad, usually on the highest floor so it was more about going there and beng able to say "Yes, I went to the theater!"
Now imagine that with the money he gets from his small shop at the Crystal Palace FG is finally able to afford a ticket like that to see Kroto. In the end he not only does not see the actress (becaue she no longer works there), but ends up in pain, because standing almost three hours with his bad leg of his is torture.
He is frustrated, disappointed and in pain so he ends up just sitting down the nearest bench when he gets out of the theater, not really knowing what to do. It's the middle of december and he does not have money for a carriage ride home, and with his leg (and back) walking is not really an option.
Eventually he starts sniffing because he did not really expect the night to go down like that. A stranger asks what's wrong but he just cries harder.
He cries until he hears the stranger asking if he could help him somehow, or if he would like to sit inside the theater while he calls for a carriage.
Sparrow also maes sure to make a jab about Kroto once FG is calm.
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I really love that they've made rodion be into silly color theory mbti. I think some of the sinners would believe what she says about it too
Yi Sang fully trusts her and not because there's any credit to the color theory and mbti but because one time she guessed something completely correct and he was flabbergasted and couldn't recover from it so he became a believer. Don Quixote believes it and uses her knowledge to often spark conversations on what archetype fit the color fixers the best. Rodion does not indulge in those conversations in front of Vergilius. She got glared at once and she ain't doing it again.
Faust doesn't care. Outis thinks it's a bunch of bs. Sinclair knows a little bit of it because it was popular at school. Gregor is too old for it. Ryoshu's completely disinterested, unless the color type is red. Heathcliff got read by Rodion once and he isn't really a believer, but he's also embarrassed about that and doesn't want it to happen again.
Meursault doesn't care. Dante takes notes about it though, because if it worked with Heathcliff, maybe they could use it with the other sinners! Ishmael thinks it's just a waste of time, but she memorized a few bits of Rodion's rants just so she can tease Heathcliff with it. Hong Lu likes when she uses it to start trouble with the other sinners, but if he wants to, he can shoot her down pretty fast.
Rodion dragged Charon into getting tested for her type once and Charon started avoiding her since then. She often hides behind Vergilius when Rodion approaches her with a notebook, a pencil and a friendly smile.
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Post Miriel’s release:
Rando elf, impressed with Miriel’s argument in a court session: i’m surprised you did so well, considering you spent thousands if years in the halls.
Miriel: *pauses* Finwe and i raised the Noldorin kingdom from the ground up and you though i can’t argue in court?
Miriel: Bitch, i made the court!
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dk-wren · 2 years
I haven't seen anyone talk about this yet, but it's something I caught/thought about while watching ep. 11. (If someone has already pointed this out and provided a more in-depth and eloquent explanation, then my apologies).
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This is one of the first times Kazuki is shown fighting with a gun in the main timeline. I might be wrong, but the only other time Kazuki is shown fighting with a gun is in ep. 7's flashback to the night Yuzuko was killed.
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Kazuki has been shown handling a gun in promotional art and technically used a gun in the prologue of ep. 1. (While you might disagree, I'm not really counting that moment since, at least for me, it's still unclear as to where the prologue falls into the overall BD timeline and there wasn't much of a fight leading up to Kazuki firing it). With this in mind, ep. 11 is the first time we really see him in action with a gun.
For one thing, as Rei talks about in this episode, Kazuki is the "brains" of the duo. So, when they work together, Kazuki does most of the recon, scouting, and distracting (Exp: their assigment from ep. 2 or Rei mentioning how the scout missions Kyu gave them in ep. 5 matches more with Kazuki's typical work). Since this series has more or less revolved around Kazuki and Rei as a team, we've only really seen Kazuki on missions with Rei, who is likely the better-trained or more accurate shooter/gunsman. Therefore, Kazuki takes on the more info gatherer role. Also, as an assassin, I highly doubt Kazuki is that inept at using a gun. Instead, he's just normally not in a role that requires him to use one.
I like to think Kazuki hasn't used or fought with a gun since Yuzuko's death. This could potentially be because he links her death to the necessity of fighting with a gun or after her death, Kyu did not believe Kazuki was mentally in a space to handle a gun or a mission that might require him to use one. Or perhaps, Kazuki was always more interested in and better at his scouting assignments, so once he was paired with Rei, he no longer felt the need to have to continue fighting in this way (or refusing missions that required him to use a gun).
Regardless, I think it would be so interesting that Kazuki's concern over Miri's safety is what pulls him out of this fear or refusal to fight with a gun. Someone, or rather Ogino (again), is threatening his family, so Kazuki's gonna do whatever it takes to protect them.
Given his line of work, I think Kazuki has a deep understanding of how guns can destroy and can protect. In Yuzuko's case, Kazuki witnessed the destructive and deadly side of the gun. After spending years reflecting on this, and recently giving himself the permission to change as a person, when it comes to Miri and Misaki, Kazuki now understands how he can use this weapon of death to protect the ones he loves. Yes, it is still a bringer of death, but this time Kazuki is gonna try everything in his power to not allow it to be for his family.
While Misaki did not survive, Kazuki was able to protect Miri. I don't think "inspired" is the right word, but something about Miri being in life-threatening danger is what caused Kazuki to just rush into the Unasaka's apartment, ready to fight whoever was threatening his little Miri. Kazuki fighting in a way that is unlike his normal style on assignments and being so willing to run into battle with little preparation was just one of the many things that stuck out to me from this episode. Essentially, Miri was in danger and Kazuki was gonna stop at nothing to protect her, perhaps that's why he opted for a gun this time. Kazuki was gonna use the weapon he associates and has first hand experience with, in terms of its ability to cause death, to take out any threat that would try to harm Miri.
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kuraikyu · 11 months
As much as Kenjaku dislikes modern era he sure is fond of two things:
1.) junk food - sorts of colorful candies the brighter the neon color is the better, like jelly slugs and blood-pops, so all those weird colorful Halloween tasters and drinks are his thing. Bland drinks can be boring but those that are scientifically experimented on? YUP, he wants that. 2.) mp3 player - and headsets. Heian era sure had one flaw ; you couldn't listen to the music that privately the way player offers you.
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Is it okay If I ask if you're still writing the adventure time Tiffany fanfiction
(chapters I mean)
It's always okay to ask for updates on a fic's status, and yes! I am still working on it. I slowed down quite a bit because of a number of factors (mostly work and school), but I'm still chipping away at it. The rough draft is four chapters away from being finished, and soon I will be proofing the next chapter (so hopefully there won't be any spelling/grammar issues this time lol) and doing last minute edits and then it will be posted.
I really like the Tiffany fic and my ideas for it. It will be finished sometime this year.
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etherealferocity · 1 year
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It has come to my attention, via a subtle hint and inkling, that Kimi may have been more involved in Inuyasha’s childhood than what is currently known [which is zero if asked--or if she bothered to answer].
I, for one, am shooketh. Being deceived by my own muse and her complexity? So rood.
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fenikkusunohisana · 1 year
I feel like--Yoruichi would have no qualms teasing Hisana about Byakuya once they got to know each other. It’s her right--teasing him when he was younger. Playfully teasing his wife.
Surprisingly, I do think they’d vibe well. They’d be friends and she’d easily keep the secret regarding Urahara’s involvement in her treatment a secret for everyone’s sake.
Not to mention..Yoruichi would probably dish out all the dirt on Byakuya uwu which would be hilarious.
It would be a very wholesome relationship.
And ultimately, Yoruichi would keep an eye on the waifu--so Byakuya cannot be too grumpy about the stories and mischief the woman’s presence may entail.
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mauri2530 · 1 year
Think I've found the Reboot Twins theme 😎🤘😁
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supremescrceress · 1 year
i’m currently dying bc ya girl finally got eras tour tickets 🥲
is life even real???
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tenshusuto · 2 years
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⅋⅋ㅤ𝐔𝐍𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃 ; ㅤ( always accepting ) @hardasstaichou : Okay but did you expect to be kicked in the balls and have iron protection there or are your balls just metal?
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ㅤRascalish but coy pseudo-smile taking shelter behind the fan pausing from soundless waving, " Oh, she-Hiyori told you about that one? '' This question could have been infamously popular with the Ladies if rumored any further beyond the homely circle of the Visored. The smirk, however, proceeds to cease immediately as Urahara remembers he was seriously worried about the possibility of Hiyori breaking her ankle, be that kick coerced any further to the worst area of her selection.
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ㅤ'' There was no way how could I predict the first interaction between us would go this way. Maybe if I had a chance to observe her 10 minutes before or after the exam to foretell any behavioral up-downs ... ''
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ㅤ" Either way, one does not ask magicians about their secrets, and the same counts for merchants and ex-Captains. The only thing I'll tell you is that once you affiliate with organization such as Onmitsukidō, you must find a way how to maximally enhance the endurance of your body and the same counts for increasing the scale of pain limit, otherwise, there's no way surviving the entrance exam. "
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katyahina · 2 months
Marika had grey/ashen hair in her past?
So, I was taking a closer look at Marika's cut braid,
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JUST like I was suspecting, her golden hair is not actually her color, but something she gained! You can see it is actually grey hair "painted" with gold, especially at the ends!
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^ ( x ) The Shamans in Jars do have grey hair, too, despite what seems like a young age! I also was seeing something like looked a speck of gold hair in Jar Innards, but again, I looked closer, and I don't know anymore...
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It is... something golden, but not hair? Maybe? Instead of hair, maybe this could be a thread of gold, something connected with the threads she pulls out in the second DLC trailer:
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Both Grandam and the Hornsent NPC we interact with mention "Marika's betrayal", suggesting some sort of long planning and social games on her end in order to claim whatever power from the Divine Gates she claimed to have her Erdtree and then go with the Crusade at them! I will link a post from @val-of-the-north here ( x ) delving more into it, but yeah..
Seems like the Hornsent had no idea what hit them, and Marika stole some sort of golden threads naturally being an essence of people who were born in Shadow Realm... Or maybe, the gold thread found in jars IS the product of failed "ascension", since shamans (and not only they) were stuffed into jars TO become holy from how Hornsent saw it? :^) fun stuff.. So, Marika claimed that gold to herself when she became a God, painting her hair permanently this way now!
This is more headcanonish, but additional support for this might be an idea that Dominula are descendants / close culture to Marika's Shamans! Hear me out:
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This is a new item found in the Shadow Realm, and.. not only it is called festive, not only it uses bone shards to be made and Celebrants have many bone shards on hands, but also the feature of creating runes (!) on landing attack is a trademark feature of all weapons of the Celebrants!
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(etc etc...)
Additionally, the celebrants seems to have copied Marika's trademark hairstyle (2 braids and the third one cut), as well as her specific iteration of Erdtree incantation:
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But as for the grey hair, they're all just old, right....? WRONG!!!!!!!
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They might be not necessarily all old! Instead, they might be shriveled up because of a long time alive, kind of like the wandering nobles that left the Leyendell after the Shattering! It is implied that they are not able to die from old age, even though they all look very """old""" at the first glance:
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So, age of the Celebrants is a non-factor, as they are not old, they are undead! It seems to be the fate of the most Golden Order - affiliated people, after Marika disappeared and thus no one could die normally anymore!
However, copying hairstyle, doing the runes thing, copying her version of the Erdtree sigil, and even sharing the blue clothing with golden embrodery like her/Radagon and Godwyn all might point towards cultural proximity! Maybe they are descendants of the Shamans that were not slaughtered in the village (evacuated in time, lived in another place than the village and then were taken, etc)! So, them having grey hair even as 'young maids' could just be this genetic!
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