#headcanons: unfold your own myth
eraserisms · 27 days
Shota isn't just the King of the Underground. He is the King of Contingency Plans. Eraserhead's plans have plans. It's the logical thing to do, even when it isn't hero orientated or something detrimental.
Some examples? Sure.
Planning a hiking date and it's just too hot? Shota has museum tickets.
Going to the park with Eri but it starts raining? They're going anyway and splashing in puddles, measuring it and/or making rain art.
Lesson plans fall through? The man has 50 different packets at the ready.
Sleeping through his phone alarm? He has a physical one that vibrates the bed when it goes off. Alternatively, Hizashi works as a great one. As seen here (Thanks @djsouled because I've been listening to this for like 4 days)
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iffeelscouldkill · 3 years
Uplifting TSCOSI fics: a rec list
Because I think we could all use a few after the latest episode XD
(I meant to put this together sooner, but it’s been a Big Tired few days. Hopefully it’s still somewhat timely!)
Below is a list of uplifting, fluffy, funny and feel-good TSCOSI fics that I personally have enjoyed and can rec! Since we don’t have a lot of rec lists in this fandom (I don’t actually think I’ve yet seen one?) I feel like I should state upfront that this is not meant to be a Definitive List in any way, shape or form, and just only reflects my personal taste and the fics that I have read!
To keep this list at least somewhat constrained, I’m only adding fics from pre-2020 (which newer members of the fandom might not have come across), so these are all set pre-season 2.
I would love others to reblog this and add their recs too (from any time period)!
feel my heart against yours by Macremae - Violet/Arkady, super fluffy post-episode ... three? I think? fic with a drunkenly affectionate Violet. Fun fact, this was the first TSCOSI fic ever posted to AO3!
fly towards a secret sky by blommowitch - Violet/Arkady, one of my all-time favourite TSCOSI fics. The Rumor crew are docked on a safe planet, Violet and Arkady explore a market, and then there’s a confrontation with some space Nazis. Bit of a warning for street fighting and a suppressed panic attack (Violet’s), but it’s super feel-good, I swear <3
unfold your own myth by blommowitch - Violet/Arkady feat. Violet in a tank top and Arkady being Officially Too Gay To Function. And there’s bonding over Rumi poetry!
A Ring and a Plan by Ehlana - Brian/Krejjh, Brian has a Plan to propose to his would-be spowz, but you know what they say about the best-laid plans... Super fluffy, adorable and hilarious, this is an all-time favourite. <3
Bold Deceiver by marginalia - Violet/Arkady, Violet and Arkady go undercover as a married couple. Featuring femme!Arkady and Violet in menswear :D
Rather Be by knightinbrightfeathers - Five times Violet missed the Iris (the original Iris), and one time she didn’t. This has soooo many good headcanons and scenarios (like Krejjh burning their mouth on overly spicy snacks) and sort of lives in my head rent-free XD Also an all-time fave. Look, I can have as many as I want XD
if that red string could bite by jaggedwolf - Violet/Arkady, SOULMATE GOOSE OF ENFORCEMENT. SOULMATE GOOSE OF ENFORCEMENT!!!! Look - just read it. You won’t regret it. It’s hilarious.
helpless to the bass and the fading light by earlymorningechoes - Violet/Arkady, this is another fantastic entry into the Violet Liu in Menswear agenda. There’s an undercover job, dancing, and *Piper Tanaka voice* chemistry
‘cause i don’t want you like a best friend by earlymorningechoes - Violet/Arkady, I’ll just quote from the summary for this one: “Violet joins Sana on a quiet market run when they find a safe port, and makes a purchase that gets under Arkady’s skin." ADORABLE!!!!!!
Nighttime Stories by Vivien - Brian/Krejjh, this is another one that honestly lives rent-free in my head. Brian can’t sleep, and Krejjh talks to him, describing a Dwarnian... ceremony? event? called the Night of Ritual. The description is just spine-tinglingly beautiful <333 Also, Jewish!Brian before Jewish Brian was officially canon.
Little Truths by myhomeistheshire - Sana/Campbell, Sana volunteers to watch Campbell’s nephews at short notice. Absolutely too cute for words, I love this one.
Sleep is a Conspiracy to Make You Buy More Pyjamas by gostaks - Brian/Krejjh, a collection of scenes from different points in their relationship, mostly revolving around Krejjh getting their head around odd human behaviours like the need for regular sleep. And romantic tandem eating! :D
as happy as they understand happiness by reconditarmonita - Sana/Violet/Arkady <3 Sana, Violet and Arkady watch opera (Der Rosenkavalier), and there’s pining followed by a very cute conversation <3
We’ll just have to get creative by beejones - Violet/Arkady, Arkady surprises Violet with a Significant Meal on board the Iris 2.
What If Cuddles by pancakesforbreakfast - Violet/Arkady, Violet realises that touch is one of Arkady’s love languages and starts making a point of showing tactile affection :3 Super fluffy!
Huggy Drunks by jaggedwolf - Violet/Arkady, Violet gets tipsy during a we-survived-Plan-B! drinking party, and it turns out she’s a huggy drunk :D
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zuzuslastbraincell · 4 years
10 headcanons for Azula
missed this one! here you go:
1. Prior to her bending coming in, I think she got on really well with Zuko actually. I very much think she followed him everywhere and was fascinated with him as Zuko demanded so much of her mother’s attention as a sickly kid that she would sit with her mother and sing while he wasn’t well, and often take the viewpoint of ‘hm what’s so interesting about him?’. I think Ursa encouraged them to be close and get along and their early years, the ones they can’t remember, were some of the best.
2. She likes theatre equally as much as Zuko. As a young child, she used to play act a lot with Zuko as a child, and loved to play the bold heroine in pretend plays he’d invent for her (Zuko would play every other character and/or narrate Azula’s heroic deeds).
3. After she started firebending early, the dynamic changed rapidly. Ozai finally began paying attention. Azula was put on a rigorous training regimen and was isolated somewhat from her brother (who started bending later) and her mother. This isolation & focus on firebending is where the abuse began.
4. I think Zuko got a lot more precious at the things he was good at - e.g. theatre, music, hand-to-hand combat, etc. and didn’t want Azula to ‘impede’ and show him up (because Zuko has a very obvious chip on his shoulder about his firebending). She was put off a lot of these ‘frivolous’ hobbies in part by her father’s discouragement and her mother trying to get her to stop teasing her brother (even if a lot of this teasing might have started as ‘look at what I can do!’ and ploys for attention). I think music and theatre are things she revisits later when she’s a lot older (I wrote a whole set of hcs about her joining the Ember Island Players which I still love) and has distance from it, but as a child her focus was largely on academic subjects, on firebending, and on ettiquette - being a ‘proper princess’ (Azula is very hung up on this, imo!).
5. I personally think ‘your mother thinks you’re a monster’ was partially seeded by Ozai, because Ursa wasn’t present enough (again, partially due to Ozai), that there was enough doubt in Azula’s mind from those fuzzy memories of her mother that she genuinely believed that. I also personally think that Ursa wasn’t sure how to handle Azula’s growing cruelty as Azula was isolated from her and began to mirror her father & his tutors, as she was very protective of her son and found it really difficult not to snap at Azula / control her patience around her own child when she said mean things she’d repeated from her father. I very much think Ursa was led to believe ‘Well, Azula is his favourite’, or ‘If Azula does well, then Zuko will be safe’ and other dangerous thought patterns that caused her to make poor decisions and prioritise short-term safety of her more obviously vulnerable child over long-term safety of them both.
6. After Ursa left was when things got very bad between Azula and Zuko. I think Ursa was a very flawed parent but she did try to encourage them to cooperate and try and reprimand Azula (arguably, poorly, but we only see a snippet of her disciplinary methods in Zuko Alone) for her behaviour. Without Ursa, I believe Ozai straight up encouraged her and rewarded her for antagonising and outperforming Zuko. And Azula learned very quickly the easiest way to outperform him was to undermine his confidence. I think this is the most toxic their relationship was.
7. I think she always knew, deep down, though, that her father’s love was very conditional, and that relied on her being at her absolute best at all times. She knew on some level she was disposable if she didn’t perform adequately (i.e. like Zuko). That said, I think she genuinely did love him? And wants to be loved by him, because he’s the only person who hadn’t abandoned her (until the finale), the only person whose approval she *knew* she could win (until the finale). And while she knows that her father can’t love her, on some level, it takes her a very long time to realise that it is Ozai at the root of her problems, that it is her father’s abusive parenting that has caused this, and to let go of him.
8. She never wanted to be Fire Lord! I think this is actually supported in text: “Fire Lord Azula? It seems appropriate” sounds like she has never contemplated the idea before. I think Azula very much saw herself as a subject and servant of the crown, but the most important and most successful one. I very much think Azula saw herself fitting in the mould of a hero rather than a monarch (I like the idea that she still retained something of those childish stories about bold heroines).
9. I think the best redemption arc involves her giving up the crown, her royal titles, all the elitism that she genuinely believes in, away from the court. I think while Azula wants to serve her country and will desire a ‘return to form’, I think ultimately the palace would probably be a toxic environment for her (and Zuko, but that’s another post), and while she might attempt to get back into politics, it’d end up encouraging the worst habits and she’d end up having to cut herself off from it and form a new life elsewhere. I like the idea of Azula actually realising those childish dreams of being a heroine during her redemption arc, but without the glory that entails, without the status and the songs and the myths. To take a bit from the western genre here, I like to imagine her a bit of a wandering warrior - but rather than having a strict sense of honour and a code, she’s still trying to figure out & rewrite her own code as she travels, and sometimes does dishonorable things on her journey. Eventually, I think she might settle down with a more stable profession, but I think she has a long wandering arc first. The future, for Azula, is far away from the Caldera.
10. I see-saw on whether I consider it part of my ‘canon’ or not but I absolutely adore the ‘Iroh was actually Azula’s father’ theory. I actually think this makes Iroh & Azula’s relationship worse rather than better - best case scenario Iroh is ignorant of it, but it’s quite possible, especially if his affair with Ursa is short-term fling they both pretend didn’t exist, his coldness towards Azula is in part because he’s willfully in denial about the possibility that she could be his. Which is evil!!! Anyway. I do like the idea that regardless, Iroh actually gets the fuck over himself at some point and does repair the relationship with Azula, to the extent that during a period in the middle of Azula’s wandering arc, she ends up crashing at his tea shop and living & working with him for a short period while she can’t find other work. Largely because I think them trying to patch things up is more interesting than the alternative, but I like to imagine it’s something Iroh realises he should do and is part of Iroh’s much longer and wider and still unfolding ‘redemption arc’ to some extent (which extends prior to the show but is still happening in s2 and s3).
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Time to talk about Lillith :)
So her being MC's ancestor in the story was... A bad choice, in my opinion.
And I don't hate that she was the one who revived MC, quite the opposite, that was a fine move. I like to think that it was to show that MC had a connection to all the siblings, dead or alive, hate or love. It's just...
Why are they (technically) related? What was the purpose?
That could sound mean, but if some of your playbase could call incest and (possibly) have a leg to stand on, it's a bit... Much, let's say. But, either way, there is an alternative that I like. (And one I made up, but that's besides the point.)
I like the idea that Diavolo lied to the brothers to keep the peace. To me, it makes sense, because:
He needs to keep the peace between the three realms, and y'know, one of the humans dying kind of prevents that. So, why not lie to them to make sure this never happens again?
It would also get to a quick resolution for the brothers, since I'm pretty sure that Belph was about to kill MC... Again.
Sadly, I only have two reasons, but you're smart, you can probably expand upon this.
Anyway, this might be a bit sloppy, but I hope you can understand what I'm trying to say.
Your Anonymous Color Coder,
Lesson 42 Anon
(P.S. I have issues with Lesson 16, 17, and 18. I say this just in case I want to rant about it. :)
So initially I wasn't the biggest fan of them being related, though when they first started hinting at a connection between Lilith and MC I had a "OH GOD. OH DAMN. PLEASE DON'T BE LILITH'S REINCARNATION" moment so finding out MC was just a distant relative was a relief but not one I was necessarily happy with? Because of all the "Is this technically incest!?" feelings I had at the time.
But it did grow on me? I think all the human au's I had roaming free in my head helped me get over it? When writing or thinking up human Aus I try to make them as close to the Canon situation as possible so it'd be:
The brothers and Lilith all living in a foster home with only Lucifer and Satan being blood related, but they all see each other as a found family. MC would be a distant (and I mean distant enough it equals to the thousands of years that separate Canon MC and Lilith) cousin who they don't even find out is related to Lilith until much later (after Lilith either leaves and joins a more permanent family or....well dies I guess).
The way I see it, it'd be the same as a group of "we're so close we see each other as siblings" friends wanting to date the distant/estranged relative of one of the group members.
So yeah, now I see the whole Lilith, MC, brothers thing as "Incest if I'm willing to reach so far my arm tears straight outta my socket" so yeah.
Though obviously it's completely valid if people are still uncomfortable with it.
ANXUSJWMNZRATQVX8 Belphie would have totally murdered MC if they didn't bring up the whole Lilith thing! And I'm so upset they all just get over it? Like damn I love Belphie no lie, but are we just gonna gloss over the fact that he was 110% okay with the genocide of the entire human race???????
I also have this headcanon that MC has chronic pain that flares up on and off after Belphie murdered them, cause remember how the ghost of the fortune teller,Gisella (?), on the train said you never forget the feeling of dying and MC had a pretty violent death so.....
I also HC that there are days, specially when the pain is bad, where they can't stand to be near Belphie and that while he was initially upset by this and was persistent about still being with them by around mid S2 or S3 he's learnt to identify those days and understand why MC can't even look at him then and he makes himself scarce and sleeps away the day in an out of the way dark, corner probably with Beel around for emotional support because honestly those days would hurt him as much as MC.
I like that in the Canon storyline that none of the brothers were 100% okay with Belphie right after Lesson 16 and how they went out of their way, more so than usual, to make sure MC wasn't alone with him? I maybe reading into that too much but I liked it..
And I mean generally MC's a very calm, collected, headstrong and stubborn character so as frustrating as it is I understand why they would want to help Belphie get along with the others again. "I died for this shit, so I might as well see it through" kinda mentality
I didn't initially like the two timelines cause it made me really sad imagining the one MC left behind and to ease that angst I always imagined since MC changed the past their original timeline -the future timeline- got erased with a new future unfolding. but someone on tumblr posted a headcanon with evidence on why they thought Barbatos joined the two timelines together so that they live with the extra day of memories and experiences that came from the original timeline AND I JUMPED THE HELL ON THAT BOAT & actually recently wrote something about it. Here have the link and some shameless self promotion cause I'm an attention whore:
"When Mammon meets his soulmate he's going to punch them in the face. It doesn't matter if he'll only find out who exactly his soulmate is when one of them is on their deathbed. He's still going to punch them."
Um anyway that's all my thoughts on 16, 17 & 18 (I think. There might be more that I can't remember at the moment tbh) and since I rambled to you about it you are now contractually obligated to rant to me about yours. Sorry, those are the rules🤷🏽
About the thing you said about Diavolo and his reasons I honestly have nothing else to add, I mean the reasons you gave make total sense and I'm okay with just what the canon gave too so
It wasn't sloppy at all! My rambles are always too long and all over the place!
Edit: I forgot! As to why they were related, yeah I don't think it was completely necessary but still I can see reasons behind it?
1. As a way to make MC other. A devilgram and a little line in S3 makes it seem like MC is neither angel, demon OR human. I HC that Lilith died right as she was changing from angel to demon making her one of a kind and that pure "Fallen Angel" magic came with her when she was reincarnated and then was passed down to MC.
2. How lilith's known as the mother of monsters in some myths and how MC is related to them... I just think it's neat. Plus MC has an insane amount of raw power - truly a monster in their own right
3. It's closure for the brothers. They never got to see Lililth as a human, never got to see her grow up, fall in love, start her own family. The last they saw her she was in pain and dying. They don't get to see if she was happy. MC's the closest proof they have to that. That she found love and had a family and was happy
4. It's closure for lilith. Just the fact that her spirit passed down from descendent to descendent along with her magic till she could see her brothers again just to see if they were happy and to tell them she had lived a long happy life. I don't know I'm really happy she was able to do that
5. The brothers find similarities between Lilith and MC but they're rare and 6 of the 7 brothers already liked MC before they found out about MC being her descendent. And even Belohie starts to like them as their own person. Just I always worry that they like MC just because of the connection between them and Lilith and that they see MC as a replacement but then U remember their Canon interactions and it feels like the brothers actually forget about that connection. MC is Lilith's legacy, they're living proof that you can be born in one world but find your true home in another, but they're not defined by Lilith. They're their own person. Even their magic is their own considering Lilith used the last of hers when she helped them in Lesson 15/16
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where-s-all-blue · 4 years
Self Insert AU for your chaotic crack fic needs
When you get transported into the One Piece Universe, you can't choose where you end up in nor in which time. Even your age might be jumbled up.
Depending on where you end up, your memories of your old life will disappear until the crew or group you are in is featured in canon.
If you make a joke about something, it's very likely that the universe will make it happen just to fuck you up. For reference, see C and R making up a lost island that sunk into the sea only for it to re-emergence randomly in the New World right in front of their eyes.
No matter what you do, you can't change the canon plot.
You don't have a plot armour.
Mod specific headcanons under the cut.
Onto the specific headcanons of C and R:
C ends up in the same town where Luffy meets Zoro, only days before it happens, hence her memories aren't that jumbled up, but she can't remember her real life friends. She pretty much joins them there and then.
C has the habit of saying cryptic things and accidentally revealing things beforehand, like when someone important is about to join the Strawhats whom she has joined. The crew thinks that she can see into the future.
She also tends to start crying when she meets people who are good but have tragic pasts. Luffy starts to use this as an indicator for people being nice.
During the timeskip, C ended up eating a devilfruit, her devilfruit was Neko Neko Mi, Model: Toyger ver Dwarf. This means that she is essentially a Toyger breed of a regular housecat, who happens to have dwarfism and thus will never grow up bigger than a kitten.
C uses her devilfruit to sneak around, get out of trouble and to get a free lift from her crew members. R uses his fruit power to intimidate people and to fight, he also uses it to go unnoticed while he naps in the dark corners.
The majority of people assume that she is max 14 years old due to her petite form and mischievous nature. However, when reaching Wano, she’s actually 18.
C’s outfit is modeled after a cow; she adores them as she finds them cute. She wears tiny horns on her head and a dotted over dress on top of her blue dress. Her cat form also keeps the horns on it.
Her fighting style includes using these horns to inflict damage. She also has learned how to use armament haki during her training.
She spent three months stuck in her cat form due to not knowing how to control it. She has managed to awaken her fruit powers, which doesn’t really help her much aside from giving her extra speed and durability.
During one of the early calls between C and R, they joked about her having the will of D. Later on she learned that she infact DOES have that secret name and she actually carries the will of Portgas D. Rouge. She also resembles Rouge by her looks and sometimes says things that especially got the attention of Garp as he’d last heard the woman herself say them.
C made up an island just to avoid suspicion, claiming that it sunk to the bottom of the ocean only to find out that the island did infact exist.
She also claimed that R and her are childhood friends before her family moved to the East Blue from the North Blue.
In Wano, she learns about the backstory of herself and is left speechless.
She’s actively trying to set Law and R up for her own amusement, even going as far as claiming that he suffers from chronic anxiety which can be cured by slow socialisation (to earn his trust) and cuddles, but the latter must be done by someone the red head respects. Law accepted this as a fact until his mind caught onto it about a week later.
Her favourite colours are purple and green, she often wears brown and blue.
The fake Strawhats had two sets of her; a feral kitten and a giant hulking man with cat ears. Upon seeing this, C immediately called out how they got her motif wrong.
C often takes selfies in the most inconvenient places like right in front of Katakuri, Oven and Daifuku, which she then sends over to R. She also likes to avoid fighting in favour of watching the plot unfold itself.
R ends up 10 years into the past, into the office of the Revolutionary Army where he was found by Ivankov and Dragon. He is also now a child. Until he turns 19, he doesn't have any memory problems.
Ivan looks for a cure for R's memory loss, but she doesn't have much time as she's supposed to infiltrate a prison. She quite literally drops him into the hands of Trafalgar Law, explains the situation and leaves without allowing him to protest.
Due to R's shyness, he spends the next half a year silent, making the crew think that he might be actually mute only to later on burst into a song in an attempt to soothe someone. The crew never realises this though as they're used to hearing weird sounds in the submarine.
R uses in total three names in this universe: Ren (Revolutionary Army), Eli (Heart Pirates) and Nao (C, later on the Strawhats). They joke that he has just very long name and those are parts of it.The joke later on turns into reality making R's name be Reneli Nao much to his embarrassment.
During Ivan’s search for a doctor who could cure him, R ended up accidentally eating a devil fruit. The fruit was Zoan type, Neko Neko Mi, Model: Black Jaguar. However for convenience, he refers to it as panther fruit as that way nobody can tell for sure if it was leopard, snow leopard, tiger, lion or a jaguar (Panther is the class name of each of these large cats).
R has two bounties, one as Ren and other as Eli, the latter being his "pet" bounty. Whenever the marines see him in his human form, they refer to him as revolutionary army member rather than as a pirate. Somehow they never put together the fact that Eli and Ren are the same entity.
His bounty as Eli is only around 100 beries due to the marines assuming that the black jaguar form is his real form, and thus believing that he’s a pet.
Before the timeskip, R uses black sunglasses to block out the light as he is very light sensitive, post timeskip he's seen using a cap.
During a call, C joked about him being the illegitimate son of Shanks, in Wano this is confirmed to be the case and the duo swear to never joke again.
He too claimed to be from an island which sunk, only for it to turn up on old maps.
R is an awakened Zoan user, which grands him higher speed and durability.
He also has the habit of switching into another language unconsciously when he curses or insults people. He most often calls them fools in Hebrew, which the rest of the crew assumes having been the native language of the island he’s from.
Law is the only one who knows what he is saying, which makes situations where someone assumes that they’ve earned his trust because he’s “giving them a nickname” even funnier.
He knows how to use both rapier and a katana, his old sword was a rapier which he called Shoshannah after his mother (this means lily or a rose), his current sword is named after his real life brother’s cat, Mito, which in Japanese means serene water while in Italian it can mean myth.
During Zou, the only reason why he got hurt was because of his fruit powers suddenly activated making him loose his balance.
He calls Ivankov “mom” on multiple occasions.
His denden mushi was a gift from Ivankov, however, he just can’t bring himself to decorate it claiming that he’s waiting for the moment he’ll be able to pinpoint just what would reflect him and his personality accessory wise.
His trademark colours are orange, blue and purple, which you can find from his hat and the scarf he wears around his waist to help him carry his katana.
R is a terrible liar which he tries to make up for by turning conversations overly philosophical. Most often he ends up accidentally blurting warnings to his captain and crew.
He often challenges his captain without even realising it by asking questions like “Are you sure about that?” or calling something the stupidest thing he’s ever heard right to his face.
He seems to be immune to feeling intimidated by people to the point where it’s thought that he simply doesn’t have any self preservation instinct. Despite of this, R is very careful and plans his moves to ridiculous detail, trying to take in any possible threats and any potential change in the environment.
Law has a theory that R is the reincarnation of Corazon because he seems to know things that only Corazon would know. This theory was debunked once he learned that R is only 3 years younger than he is.
C and R meet one another in Sabaody, where they both start to regain their lost memories. While they're running from the marines, they quickly catch up and exchange numbers so they can keep in touch.
C and R call regularly, but have trouble when someone else picks up, they both are very shy after all. This leads to moments where C asks Usopp to ask whoever had picked up if Nao was available and vice versa.
Penguin and Shachi have a stash of photos from the time R was stuck as a jaguar cub (when they thought that he was a lot younger and that the devil fruit was just a black cat). They tend to show them to C out of spite towards R, who still doesn’t talk that much.
There’s a third person (let’s call them K), who’s sailing with Boa Hancock, C and K haven’t met one another in the OPverse, but R has made sure that the two also manage to talk by giving them each other’s denden numbers.
K likes to mess with R and Law by referring to them as brothers or “cat men”.
R reunited with K when his captain was taking care of Luffy. The latter found R’s situation hilarious.
The denden mushi of C has purple and green stripes and tiny horns, K’s radiates  G A Y  because of glitter. K’s denden also holds a tiny pride flag.
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synoikismos · 4 years
« Τα μεγαλεία να φοβάσαι, ω ψυχή. Και τες φιλοδοξίες σου να υπερνικήσεις αν δεν μπορείς, με δισταγμό και προφυλάξεις να τες ακολουθείς. Και όσο εμπροστά προβαίνεις, τόσο εξεταστική, προσεκτική να είσαι. »
❛  My soul, guard against pomp and glory. And if you can't curb your ambitions, at least pursue them hesitantly, cautiously. And the higher you go, the more searching and careful you need to be.  ❜
————— now playing :  (  🎵 )  ain’t no grave — crooked still
Tumblr media
— ✹ FULL NAME   :::   theseus — ✹ TITLE   :::   (  deposed  /  exiled  )  king of athens, prince of troezen, son of poseidon  /  sounds impressive but all of these are worthless because he’s on that hashtag Exile Livin’! — ✹ BIRTHPLACE   :::   troezen, attica — a former kingdom southwest of athens, brought formally under the athenian fold by theseus ushering in the synoikismos and dismantling cretan hegemony over the lands of attica — ✹ LAND / KINGDOM   :::   kingdom of athens  —  once a simple polis, theseus has managed to expand the aforementioned kingdom, politically unifiying the various other political units of attica into one coherent political state under athenian rule — ✹ AGE   :::   thirty-one  /  born on the henē kai nea of poseideon  /  translated: the last day of the month that is approximately december or january  
— ✹ PARENTS   :::   (  poseidon  /  aegeus  )  & aethra — ✹ SIBLINGS   :::   yeah .... a fuck-ton from poseidon but im not gonna list all that  /  possibly? medus? from aegeus? — ✹ LOVER(S)   :::   taylor swift vc : got a long list of ex-lovers  /  cassandra  (  arguably literally ghosted her  )  /  ariadne  (  former, rip  )  /  a fuck-ton of others probably  /  pirithous  (  technically? deceased  )  /  helen  (  he wishes  )  /  to be plotted?      — ✹ PATRON DEITY   :::   n/a  /  poseidon, you coward, give your son your patronage! — ✹ PROTEGE   :::   n/a   /   he’s accepting applications if yall want to ig???
— ✹ VICES   :::   diligence  /  fortitude  /  patience  (  arguably  ) — ✹ VIRTUES   :::   greed  /  pride  /  lust — ✹ MORAL ALIGNMENT   :::   true neutral  — ✹ PERSONALITY TYPE   :::   intj-a  /  3w4 8w7 5w6 sx/sp  /  choleric-sanguine  /  true neutral  /  slytherclaw  /  spiritually a scorpio probably  /  philosophically a rational egoist  /  politically  (  and i’m going to use an anachronism here  )  a max stirner devotee à la union of egoists kinda thing? — ✹ MOST FORTUNATE MEMORY   :::   it was inevitable: the sight of the sea would always remind him of what he lost. it is a curiosity to associate such deprivation with the clearest of joys; but as he has come to learn: there is no light without dark. thus, there is no joy without despair. he thinks about stolen kisses in evergreen gardens filled with sycamore trees; he thinks about a hand clutched while whispered words tell tales of the promise of a new life; he thinks about secret meadows and fights turned into tender caresses; he thinks about labyrinths and spools of thread; he thinks about love lost and love gained and love mourned. through it all, he does not think of the memories by themselves, but of them as chapters to his narrative. his most fortunate memory isn’t any particular memory; instead, it’s the memory of memories, subtle yet succinct, ever-there but rarely felt. it is the act of remembering that moves him so: standing on a shore, looking out into the waters, the sea breeze in his hair. his most precious possession is not even a ghost; but the ghost of a ghost, like a mirror reflected on itself, the concatenation of nostalgia. for a moment—a brief, glorious moment where all is clear, all is lucid, all is bright, all is beautiful—he thinks he finally understand what his mother meant. — ✹ AN  ACT THEY WOULD ERASE   :::   verdant fields and clear blue skies, rolling around in meadows, the promise of eternity in but a single moment—the memories are still there yet the actors are gone. one has been twisted into the worst version of himself; the other is stuck still in the underworld. life cannot be lived without regrets, and theseus has many, but this is the one that always comes to mind when he thinks about his failings. there is the ghost of a whisper on his ear, his lips mouthing the words that would condemn them both: do we not deserve this? yet even as this memory stirs the most profound regret in him, a sly voice, almost sounding like himself, asks: but you would do it all over again, would you not? and he can never answer, because he does not want to lie. — ✹ BELIEF ABOUT FATE   :::   this is a story you already know, retold in a dozen different ways throughout the unfolding of history. when you play with the gods, there is always an element of danger; but what is life if not to risk daily? the god might think they are beholden to nobody, but fate is a higher order still. nature has whims all of her own, and as one system rises, so too must another fall. this is how it went from chaos to creation to the reign of the titans to their downfall in the titanomachy. destiny waxes and wanes. the future is the past is the present. there are no gods; there are no masters. there is only action. the rest is silence.
— ✹ NOTABLE PHYSICAL TRAITS   :::   there are various scars that litter his body, remnants from his many encounters of battling with monsters and other men. he doesn’t speak about it much; instead he only speaks of victories, of triumph. loss and weakness are meant for other men, mortal men, men whose veins aren’t touch by ichor’d sanguinity. — ✹ NOTABLE QUIRKS, IDIOSYNCRACIES   :::   his rather odd insistence on always having a light by him, even while sleeping—perhaps most especially while sleeping. it is an odd habit that is borne from his many months swaddled in half-darkness in the underworld, a habit that threatens to burn him and everything around him down by a mere gust of strong wind should the fates decree it so; but perhaps he would rather have such a fate than live in darkness once more. aside from that, there is his rather stunning overconfidence—almost too unbelievable to be true. perhaps it’s a ploy, some kind of scheme to make you think something about him—but to what end? and does it not seem he believes in his own myths the more he retells them? — ✹ REPUTATION AMONG MORTALS   :::   there’s a certain tenacity about him, some flavour of vivacity, maybe even some sort of sagacity. he’s the man who could, the man who did, and the man who would—even if doing all three kills him. his name is spoken of in revered whispers before his all-too sudden fall from grace. two years have passed since he boldly dared where no other would do—two years he suffered and two years he survived—and any sane man would have then lived a life of quiet, retiring into domesticity. yet here he is again, once more daring, once more cloying, once more attempting. what can one do but watch as a man tries again and again? maybe it’s with pity you choose to regard him; maybe it’s with a certain incredulity. still, you are watching him—and perhaps that’s all he ever wanted. //  tl;dr: resident florida man does it again!   — ✹ REPUTATION AMONG GODS   :::   what does one do with one who dares think he can flout the natural order? theseus is a man—nothing but a man—yet he’s descended from one of them, even if unrecognised, and he dares think of himself as heralding a new age. for now, he’s an annoying fly buzzing about, buzzing about for the next careful window of opportunity. swat him away, won’t you? you’d be doing yourselves a favour.   // aka: olympians HATE him! he tried to steal one of them with his bro and he’s still out here thriving!  && you, too, can be like him with this 5 drachmae trick! LEARN THE TRUTH NOW!  
What man, after entering Paradise, would seek to go back to earth ? What man, having known Helen, could be content with anybody else ?
the salt-sea waves laps up at the edges of the boat and there is the aftertaste of brine in the air. around them, there are the fishermen going about their business, off to cast their nails for this early morning, heads cast down as if to ignore the magnificent sail of the ship docked in their desolate land. in the distance, a white twisted something of a tree, already dead yet still standing. troezen was no athens, no sparta, no troy: it is nothing but void, empty and barren—of heroes, of legends, of ichor. yet here they stand, two holy individuals lifted up by their divine parentage, looking like stark figures against the ashen landscape. 
(  this is not the end, this is the beginning.  )
water crash against rocks. there is the smell of a storm in the air. if he is to leave, he must leave soon—and yet, where once there is nothing but bold willingness, there is now the piquant feeling of worry, some tinge of regret. he becomes half-moored, half-alight: feet tethered to sandy beaches even as his ears welcome the call of the sea.
❛  it will be as if i never left,  ❜  he says, already knowing that it is not as easy as he makes it out to be to her. 
he unfolds his hands, revealing a sliver of a thing: an apple seed, nothing more and nothing less. he takes her hand, and puts it on her palm, closing her first around it as if it is something precious.  ❛  Τῷ μήλῳ βάλλω σε· σὺ δ΄ εἰ μὲν ἑκοῦσα φιλεῖς με͵ δεξαμένη τῆς σῆς παρθενίης μετάδος,  ❜  he says, and that is all that needed to be said.
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hauntedfalcon · 7 years
TLJ reflections now that I’ve finally seen the damn movie
I want to preface this by saying that we as fandom, any fandom, have thoroughly sold ourselves that line about how fanworks are the reclamation of our modern myths now that said myths have been fully commoditized. I felt powerful the first few times I saw that quote circulating. Then I started to feel tired, because every Johnlock shipper from here to space was using it in part to imply that they were, like, super progressive and important. Also, it has been used to justify some notion that fandom creates canon, and I’ve never agreed with that. 
And now I just feel hollow. Is there a bigger modern myth than Star Wars? Could there be more thorough reminder than The Last Jedi that no, modern myths do not belong to us, and if we try to stake any claim on them they will be put into the hands of someone who is wholly disinterested in any aspect of them that we value, and they will be fed to us in a form that defies us to create any fanworks about it at all? 
This is the first time I am watching a Star Wars trilogy as it unfolds where I actually care about most of the characters. For better or worse, and probably largely because of the impact of that idea of reclaiming our modern myths, I feel incredibly protective of them. I recognize that my basis for what I expect from those characters is one prior movie and a handful of expanded universe materials, so I wouldn’t say “the real [character] would never [heinous act],” because unfortunately the content of the movie I just witnessed is canon, but I can certainly say that my versions of those characters wouldn’t. 
All that being said:
Paige Tico
Paige didn’t even get to speak a line
would it have killed them to have her say “I’m on it Poe” as she went to drop the bombs 
with urgency and resolve and just a hint of fear in her voice 
Paige Tico is a hero 
Poe Dameron
Poe was right
Finn and Rose and Poe’s plan actually would have worked if Holdo had spoken to Poe in good faith and given him cause to trust her with that information
I’m still not sure what Holdo’s plan was, she died as she lived, with hair full of secrets 
Poe’s characterization was cocky, for sure, but people have been calling it chauvinist and I didn’t actually pick up on anything despite the efforts to play his concern when speaking with Holdo like a subtle wink wink nudge nudge to all the overqualified women in the audience who have ever had a dude tell them something they knew already 
(also can someone tell me where the line was where Holdo and Leia objectify him? because I was watching and all I heard was “He’s a troublemaker. I like him.” which was... not at all the sort of thing that people were talking about) 
I believe that Rian Johnson believes that Poe is the Han of this trilogy and I believe Oscar Isaac deliberately played all his scenes the opposite of how he could have played them and how Rian probably wanted him to play them 
that being said, my Poe would never get his fellow soldiers killed with recklessness
you could absolutely get Poe to the place he needed to be at the end of this movie without bloodying his hands 
“how did you two meet” was the most Jealous Boyfriend thing I have ever. heard. 
why was so much of this movie about Finn being in pain
I don’t like that 
his panic when he couldn’t move after being stunned? I don’t like that 
Rian Johnson is great at writing abuse, both physical and emotional
he’s terrible at knowing when to stop 
like when it’s an interaction between two people who are both supposed to be protagonists :) :) :) 
why wasn’t Finn given anything meaningful to do 
there was an interesting comment somewhere about how this is a movie about heroes failing, all the plans fail, every single one 
but that doesn’t actually make it any less tedious to watch, and as my husband pointed out it’s not what people want in a Star Wars movie
also while this is supposed to be the Empire of the trilogy and there were many call backs, Empire never backed down from the mood it established, while Last Jedi suffered from wildly disparate moods and tried to end on a high note where Empire embraced the low and still made us feel like there was clear forward momentum 
Rian Johnson had no idea what to do with Finn, just no clue how to handle him 
why was he excited about Canto Bight? we just don’t know
on the upside Finn’s immediate concern upon waking being getting to Rey was A+++++++++++++ consistent characterization 
as was the line “Rebel scum,” which indicated not a commitment to the Resistance the way I’ve seen people claim, but a commitment to rebel and as you might guess, I am one thousand percent HERE FOR IT
Rose Tico
you know how PacRim was in part such a big deal because for once the Asian woman didn’t sacrifice her life to further the white man’s story? TLJ gave us Rose stopping Finn from sacrificing himself and she didn’t have to die in the process 
I can’t believe Rose and Finn doublehandedly destroyed war profiteering 
Rose’s sense of wonder and her jadedness are my two favorite things 
Rose gave away her necklace and her vintage Rebellion ring without hesitation in order to further the cause so I think it’s only fair that in Episode IX someone gives her jewelry 
and by someone I mean Poe Dameron and by jewelry I mean one quarter of his mom’s ring because that my friends is a polycule in the making 
why what? why everything honestly
why did they go to the effort of keeping her alive when she actually gets blown up in this movie, that was in the plot before Carrie Fisher even died 
what the fuck are they going to do now 
episode IX clearly would have been Leia rebuilding the Rebellion from scratch but uhhhhhhhhhhhh first they have to figure out what to do with the fact that they’re out of Carrie Fisher footage! and solving that problem is clearly going to require them to do one of the several things they’ve already said they wouldn’t do!
I surprised myself by not crying in any of Carrie Fisher’s scenes, but when R2 showed Luke the original message? HOO BOY it was raining on my face!!!!
no but the Confirmed Very Powerful Force User Leia Pulls Herself Back from the Cold Dark Vacuum of Space thing? gorgeous! gorgeous scene. gorgeous, breathtaking 
but I’m just operating on the headcanon that she died in her coma and what remained was a tangible Force ghost 
(Yoda bopped Luke on the snoot)
(the dice were a tangible Force projection what the fuck) 
p.s. why didn’t Leia move the damn rocks 
Rey spend half this movie talking to Krylon in her head but she didn’t even get to speak a line to Finn
they done you dirty Rey
I’m sorry Rey
the thing about this movie is that the people who are going to believe what they want to believe, no matter what, are going to find a way to say “that was misdirection!” 
and for once I’m not (just) talking about Re/ylo, I’m talking about the bit with her parents 
yeah Krylon doesn’t know shit about her parents and he was taking up the mantle of emotional manipulation and abuse that Snoke had just bequeathed 
but Rey coming from literally nowhere is SUCH A GOOD and I’m saying that as an avowed Rey Kenobi supporter 
let her come from nowhere and no one
let her be an example of a hyperpowerful hero in this series who didn’t get that way with midichlorians or bloodline 
let her strive to be great for her own sake, not in relation or reaction to what came before her 
Gareth Edwards
that came out wrong 
damn Mark Hamill threw everything he had into this and I really respect that when it’s clear from his interviews that he hated everything he had to do
hate that the character was in that position, hate the shitty writing of the intervening time, love the resolution, but tbh if he was just gonna die why not actually physically show up  
the total silence when Holdo jumps to light speed and everything gets reduced to stark iconic images: gorgeous, breathtaking
the hug: gorgeous, breathtaking 
vulptices and fathiers: gorgeous, breathtaking 
the Caretakers: I’d die for them 
Rose converting her FO uniform to biz caj chic on Crait: gorgeous, breathtaking 
Luke and Yoda cracking open a cold one while the Book Tree burns: gorgeous, breathtaking 
everyone’s makeup: bad, they looked either ill or painted
(I don’t actually know anything about makeup but I know I grimaced a lot)
all the many, many moments of bombast that covered over or otherwise distracted us from the few instances of nuanced ideas or potential plot progression in this film: gorgeous, breathtaking 
for half a second Luke was talking about how the light can still exist without the Jedi and I leaned forward in my seat like yes, yessss, but then we had to cut to Creepy Dark Cave on Training Planet Where You Go for Answers But You Only Find Your Own Face 
like Jesus just let the philosophy professor ramble for a little while, it won’t hurt anything and he’ll be in a good mood at test time
anyway this movie sure gave my eyes a lot to absorb and occasionally it activated all three of my feelings
but all it actually accomplished in the context of the trilogy is to kill some people and take some stuff away 
it occurred to me toward the end that there wasn’t anything in the movie I would have to edit out for my kid to watch it, but there’s no way she’d be able to sit through the whole thing
two and a half hours is too God damn long for a Star Wars movie, full stop
ten minutes of concrit from the story group could have led to some interesting avenues to explore and probably tightened it up a lot 
but instead it was painfully clear that no one said no to Rian at any point and what that got us was a movie that was extremely fatiguing to watch
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thedistricthq · 4 years
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If the sinful streets of The District could talk, they would whisper about SALOME EL AYOUBI arrival. Rumor has it, they are a little bit MERCURIAL & OBDURATE. Maybe we should find out for ourselves, they could be MAGNETIC & AUREATE. All we really know is they will be working as the OWNER of GRIPPING (OCCULT BOOKSTORE). Someone said they saw them listening to JUDAS by BANKS on repeat, it’s like their theme song or something. Don’t trust the gossip though, come find out for yourself. You can see them coming from a mile away in BORDELLO by the tell tale signs, PAINTED LIPS ANNOUNCING LAUGHTER AS A DEFLECTION, THE CONSTANT REMINDER OF DEEP PURPLE BRUISES & BLOOD DRIPPING FROM THE TIP OF A DULL KNIFE. [ NATACHA KARAM, AGRIPPA, CIS FEMALE, UNKNOWN, SHE/HER ]
Some will tell you they enjoy not knowing, the luxury of absolution without actually having to ask for it. Salome was not some. Salome was the screaming voice in the distance, the one demanding answers to questions she hadn’t even yet whispered to herself. It wasn’t an entitled desire for proactivity, but instead a silent bout of self preservation. You couldn’t be destroyed, couldn’t be caged again if it meant that you were the only one who knew where to find the right shackles. Robbed of her own origin sorry, the same story that held the keys that kissed her to sleep, the ones that would hand craft her freedom.
Personal pre-occupation aside, there were things that she did know. So many, in fact, it was a constant surprise that it all could be called to the tip of her tongue for the right price or prize. The names of every demon in the order they had been created and called upon, the spells that could easily crumble cities, bring men to their knees. A living, breathing memory and map to all that had ever touched magic, or ever felt the grace of a spell on their tongues, caressing their fingertips. It’s designed to make it feel like an honor, like wielding that kind of power was freeing, like it was a reward. It all sounded so appealing, and maybe it was, until the truth would unfold.
Centuries spent on the shelves of clueless men and women that didn’t know what really lived inside. They couldn’t, until the pain came. Pages didn’t feel, they didn’t bleed, and they didn’t bruise. Perhaps it should have been comical, the look of surprise, the face value of shock and awe when the last kick to the dog when it was down was her appearance. How fast those pages came to life, bruised and beaten, all for a mere glimpse of the knowledge that was hidden behind busted lips and near broken defiance. She always held true, though. Never were they allowed access to whatever foolish, mundane want they thought needed, until they looked in the face - her face - and knowingly spit in it.
Currency came in back hand lessons and bruised curriculum. It was the only way, but eventually she started to remember. Instead of suffering every blow she was tortured with for the information, she repeated. Recounted every deal, ever detail, until it was the memory that was hammered into her instead of the hurt. It wasn’t until she started smiling, giggling, laughing through bloodstained teeth that they realized the mistakes they’d made. She’d whispered it the first time...
Your God’s gone home without you.
The second time, she hadn’t realized but she had been screaming it. Your God has gone home, repeated like the most sickening broken record, as the storybook turned sentient. The pages fell away, and the greatest tragedy had been left behind: Shakesphere could have never. She was whole now, having broken the chains that tied her to her temporary tomb. Five steps, ten steps, Salome made it to the next village before she started to feel the truth settle in her broken bones.
The book, what was left of the tattered cover she’d clawed her way out of, had to come with her. Bare feet walked for miles before she reached the first real piece of civilization just to burn it for sport. She needed to know what it felt like to watch it come apart, to finally trade in the victim card for the victor. She still doesn’t know if it was the flames or the freedom that warmed her that night, but it was a feeling she’d chase for years before finally tiring of the frivolous journey.
She was still starved for separation, after all. Hauling around the scraps of her own prison walls was a house of memories she never wanted to build a foundation for. Witch after witch, demon after demon, some of them with familiar faces, until finally the puzzle began to come together. The emancipation of Salome El Ayoubi, it was a series, not a single shot. The story is still being written, but it led her to The District decades ago. Her tether is smaller now, magic dedicated to reducing it to ash for aesthetic. It hung in a gold locket, permanently fixed to her neck, for now. Ironically enough, it took, is in the same shape of the same cover that once contained her.
She tells herself she stays for the chance, the way the town is always teaming with new answers, new opportunity. That might be part of it, but there is a home on these streets. A home she has chosen, a home that will never force her into pedestal nor shelf again. A home, that most importantly? Was hers, and only hers. She’d shared her space for too long, now her suffering had an address, and let the writers tell it, that was the first step in healing the scars that were constantly aching like ghost limbs. Bordello tasted like her favorite flavor of sin, the red lights flashing felt like a neon savior, and it seemed like a fine one to ask for salvation: a single sacrifice that just might seek out all the bits and pieces she’s been missing.
Demon Summoning
Supernatural Condition/Combat
Death/Desire Sense
Magic Use/Spell Casting or Creating
Memory Vessel/Sense and/or Enhanced Perception
Contract Negation
Power Replication
Entity Tethering
Certain Bindings
Memory Trade/Lapse
Certain powers only manifest after prolonged physical damage/Physical Damage
Familiar Bond
Certain Religious Bindings/Boundaries
HC 01: Due to the abundance of time that Salome spent as quite literally a book on a shelf, she opened the bookstore to try and make sure that no one else would ever suffer the same fate. Every cover that passes through her shop is checked thoroughly for signs of life, in any sense of the word. Furthermore, while the shop does offer regular magical books and other niche findings, if you talk nice enough to her, she can show you the real treasure trove of knowledge and history alike, tucked in the back and protected by a magic that is even stronger, and older than she is. Salome also collects or seeks out specialty items, books most think are only “myths”, or anything that might carry a legend to it that could either give her insight to her own, or be another of her kind.4
HC 02: As a sentimental reminder, one of the only she indulges in, she celebrates her birthday on the day she was liberated from her constraints, or the ashes of the book she now wears around her neck. Most people don’t even know the difference, assuming she knows very well where, where, and what she was born as. The party always incorporates fire, whether it be a bonfire, some kind of fire theme, or at the very least, the dress she wears is red. It’s the one night a year she tells herself that she feels as warm as she did the night she spent dancing in the flames of the ruin she’d created. Or, at least that’s the only time she typically admits easily to it.
HC 03: When she is alone, she often hums or sings. Salome doesn’t know if she had a childhood or if she just doesn’t remember it. Due to that, the songs and nursery rhymes are “borrowed”. This means she picked the up during her times collecting dust, spying on intimate moments and family gatherings, or from the people she has met along the way. The most emotional way she seems to have gathered these tunes is from the memories of others, filled with emotion she either doesn’t understand, or can’t wait to meet.
WC 01: Connecting with the above wanted connection, someone who has come across Salome when she was singing or humming a song that is also a shared memory for them. Picture coming into the shop and hearing a tune only you and your lost lover knew, or one that your mother coined especially for you and your siblings, or while you’re picking up the morning paper you hear a hauntingly beautiful voice singing your favorite tune, through the open window of the nearby bookstore, type of thing. Again, this could have been in the past, or something that happens via active thread, and the interaction can be as positive or as negative as agreed upon or discussed when plotted.
WC 02: Some of Salome’s memories are not her own. Due to the unpredictable nature of her powers when it relates to memories, storing memories, sharing them, or absorbing them. This can sometimes make her experiences with deja vu quite unique. She is also prone to stopping and staring, or watching too closely when trying to recall why or how someone is familiar to her. It would be great to thread out this interaction, or even just use it as a starting point for something more detailed.
WC 03: Due to Salome’s unique skill/power set, she can negate any contract, including the ones made by and with demons. It takes a lot out of her both physically and mentally, and when she does, she experiences most of the contractee’s memories in rapid fire fashion. I would love to see someone who she has done this for, someone who wants her to do this for them, or the alternate side, a demon or other deal making supernatural being whose contract was negated by her (recently or otherwise).
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what’s a weird headcanon you have for each of your muses?
ask meme for multimuses !!                //  @bmbshl​ .
       oookay here we go .
  KATHERINE PIERCE  practices bulgarian in front of the mirror and gets terrified of her own reflection ,  but she does it because she doesn’t want to feel like she  loses  her “roots” .  even if she changes her name and who she is to the public eye a thousand times ,  she doesn’t want to forget where she comes from ,  let alone how to rol her  r’s  in the way her mother twisted the strands of her hair when braiding it into crowns .
  ALASKA YOUNG  & the colonel  nearly  had a thing .  she knew he had a crush on her freshman year and she ...  well ,  she’s alaska .  however ,  they got to know eachother better and when they had the chance  ( to even kiss ) ,  it ended with the colonel  fake barfing  to the side and alaska laughing so much she fell backwards and started crying in the hilarity of it .  they never tried that again .
  BONNIE MCCULLOUGH  tried out for cheerleading ,  but she wasn’t accepted .  not because she isn’t good or agile  ( in fact ,  she is and very much so ,  she does yoga and is a very good climber an’ shit ,  she went to acrobatics classes ) ,  but because when they tried to do a human pyramid ,  she was  too small  for it .
  DAMON SALVATORE  spent a few seasons away in italy with her father’s side of the family and learnt the language there .  now she only remembers the basics ,  and the insults ,  and how to appear  cool  and  smooth  .   c’mon ,  giuseppe sent her away for making a proper lady out of her  ( what he got was a more rebellious ,  fully grown teenager that had had an affair with a stateboy ) ,  she wasn’t paying much attention to the italian lessons but to the italian  teacher  .
  MARGARET GILBERT  doesn’t like pizza .  she never has .  she used to eat it when she lived with her aunt and uncle because it was  pizza friday  but she hated it .  yes ,  she’s a weirdo for it .  yes ,  she knows this .  she’s tried chicago style ,  new yorker ,  whatever ,  there’s just something about it that she doesn’t like .  however ,  she  loves  pizza rolls .  are they the same ?  she’ll tell you  no .
 RAYNA PETROVA  had a time period in which she did a lot of nude photography .  they’re her pride ,  really ,  and so are the models .  she had an exposition that traveled through many places and that’s the only moment she went under a pseudonym .  she still makes profit out of it .
  RAFFERTY MANNING  has been dressing up as a witch for halloween for comic relief since she has memory .  her parents did it  ( paired with  wolf  whiskers )  and she kept doing it .  the  “ cool tricks “  she can do are  actually  her magic and she has a lot of fun during those halloween parties .
  MARIE GILBERT  can recite dr. seuss back and forth without missing a bit ,  like she can recite hemingway and shakespeare and even anatomy books that have already been discontinued .  she can’t stand freud but admits he has a good outlook on  certain  things .  marie  met  freud and argued with him .
  CARMELA ARRIOLA  has been dancing ballet since she was six years old and her father needed to get a cover as to why he was going certain places .  she was the cover .  she was  aware  of this but ,  lucky for all ,  the child actually got into dancing .  she keeps doing it .
  MARY SALVATORE  figured out the loop she was in and that every life regenerated itself ,  that one could not  die  there nor could anything else  ----  so she took advantage of it as for not going crazy .  she wrote over books all she learnt ,  all she created ,  especially on blood magick and  body control  .  it started with water control and then she tried it on small animals .  then bigger ones .  she hasn’t been able to try it on humans because she was all alone ,  but she’s trying to recreate the rituals and spells that she created while being in lockup in the prison world .
  HARLOW BRENNAN  would  know she’s a witch if she believed a word of what her grandmother tells her .  she’s told her.  several times .  that she’s a witch ,  that she will be able to still talk to her when she passes away and that she should give those  itchings  that tingle like electricity below her skin a bit more of attention .  that she could teach her .  but harlow is too terrified to acknowledge the truth ,  to let it land on her .
  JULIA MONTGOMERY  never talked about what her ex did to her .  or that she planned the murder for  weeks  before she executed it .  that she traveled to other states for getting the gloves that would grant her there’d be no trace of her ,  that she investigated  ( she was ,  afterall ,  studying law at the time )  and finally ,  executed it .  she took a cab that night ,  outside of campus ,  and returned to the point where she’d left her car  ( a rest stop halfway through ) ,  then returned to cabin where she’d checked in two days before and was staying with a couple friends .  they got drunk ,  her friends because that was the plan all along ,  julia because she was finally  free .
  OLIVIA GALLAGHER  cries with puppies .  she just breaks into tears .  that tough girl you see ?  the one that does kickboxing and is producing her own music all day otherwise ?  she sees a puppy and bursts into tears of love .  don’t tell her i told you ,  she’d square the fuck up .  just show her a puppy ,  she’ll cry .
  NAOMI HALE  spends more time naked than she does dressed .  there  is  a reason why she’s been living alone since the fire that burned her house down .  she hates clothes ,  she feels them restraining and suffers the heat too much .  so ,  if she’s at her house and she’s alone and you know ,  don’t be surprised if it takes her a while to get the door ,  she nakey .  one time ,  back when ,  she used to live in those buildings that have the windows connected with the fire escapes ,  a neighbor that was about to become her lover wanted to surprise her with some flowers ...  he was the one that got  too  surprised .  fell over and broke his spine .  twelve stories ,  he fell .  twelve .
  YVETTE SUNDARES  still has a hard time responding to  yvette  sometimes .  especially when she’s talking to someone in spanish and they call her yvette .  she still thinks like catalina sometimes ,  she still thinks  about  la familia gonzáles ,  but she doesn’t act on it .  it’s especially hard during sex ,  so she doesn’t like her name being called because it’s like  ------  WHO ?
  MORGAN HOWELL  has a black cat  ( morrisey )  who lingers around the store always and the typical broom next to the decks of tarot cards .  she wants to give the store a certain  aura ,  but there are many things there that are just there because she finds them hilarious .
  VICTORIA SCHAEFFER  usually talks to a couple of demons .  the one that gave her the shapeshifting gift especially ,  they help her shop a lot and aid her when she’s trying to refine or create something new .  it was one of those demons that also helped her with her cat .  why ?  because she wanted to do an immortality spell on him but not without his consent .
  LILITH  adopted a british accent .  just for kicks and historical comic relief .  considering she’s seen the unfolding of story as a whole and more ,  she shifts between talking like a  yanqui  or like a brit .  her  “ cover “  name is also an irony .  LILY .
  ASTERIA  hates  to hear the greek myths related .  it makes her want to scream .  she also really misses many of the titans and some of the olympians .  she wonders what became of her daughter  ( hekate )  and her love  ( perses )  but fears the wrath of poseidon and zeus combined for having escaped / fooled them both .
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9r7g5h · 7 years
headcanon game: aprodite
Headcanon A: what I think realistically
Aphrodite actually spends a lot of her free time at different academies and public forums to learn. Even though she plays up the dumb blonde act, she shows herself to be incredibly intelligent and that the act is exactly that, an act. People expect her to be this vapid little cloud of love, so that’s what she plays herself as. But she actually spends a ton of time reading, learning, to the point where she’s probably on par with Athena in terms of intelligence. There’s just more power in keeping it under wraps. Plus, she’s probably not the best at expressing her more intelligent side, so she just does whatever seems most fun at the moment. 
Also, I feel like Aphrodite’s one of the few gods that can cross into another’s territory. She probably makes friends all over the place, will just pop off to some far off land to hang with the gods there, and it’s always a fun time for everyone involved. 
Headcanon B: what I think is fucking hilarious
Aphrodite plays it chill and cool, but secretly? Secretly, every other god on Olympus is fucking terrified of her. 
Because I prefer the version of the myth where Aphrodite is a Titan- born from the ocean when Uranus’ cut off penis was thrown into its depths, she ruled along side all of the other Titans. However, she turned away from them and joined the gods when the gods rose up against the Titans, when they were case into the depths of Tartarus. She older than almost any of the other gods, and far more powerful too. 
Because she controls love, passion, love, devotion- she controls it all. And if she decided that “Hey, Zeus, you know what? You no longer love mortals, you’re now head over heels in love with pigeons”? There’s literally nothing Zeus could do. He would just be in love with pigeons, and would go about siring a bunch of demi-birbs. 
Sure, Ares is her balance, but she’s so much stronger than he is. Love is shown, time and again, to win out over hatred. If Aphrodite decided to turn Ares into some love-sick fool who’s fallen in love with a rock, then Ares is having sex with a rock. No if, ands, or buts about it (well, maybe one butt), it’s happening. 
So every god thanks themselves on a daily basis that Aphrodite has no desire to rule over Olympus. Because if she did, Zeus would just up and give the throne to her, just please don’t make him sleep with a bird. 
Headcanon C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
Aphrodite never had a friend before. She’s had her family, and she’s probably friendly with gods from other cultures, but she’s never had that person she really connects with. The person she just wants to hang out with, even if it’s in complete silence, because she just enjoys being in their presence. The person she would send random memes to at two in the morning if they were living in present times, just because she knows they’ll get a kick out of them. The person she loves so much that isn’t family or a lover, but could easily be counted as a sister. 
Until Gabrielle. Aphrodite and Gabrielle, despite their rocky start, are amazing friends- and Aphrodite’s first. 
Which is why, after Gabrielle dies, Aphrodite goes to her in every single life, disguised as a mortal, and offers her friendship. Because she wants her friend back. But rarely does it work, because while the soul might be the same, the circumstances are different. Sometimes the reincarnation turns Aphrodite away, sometimes they try to seduce her, sometimes they become friends, yes, but not the way Aphrodite wants. It’s just not the same. 
So the first time the reincarnation remembers who she is, remembers her past as Gabrielle? Aphrodite appears, holding her breathe, and waits to see what the reincarnation says. 
And bursts into tears when she just smiles this great, amazing smile and asks Aphrodite what took her so long to get there. 
Because Aphrodite’s found her friend again, and even though it’ll probably be another dozen lifetimes before a reincarnation remembers their previous life as Gabrielle, those that do are the ones Aphrodite lives for.  
Headcanon D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
Aphrodite’s been shipping Xena and Gabrielle since the Fates first told her about them, four hundred years ago. They’re literally soulmates- the perfect incarnation of every single type of love to ever exist, all rolled into one. Soulmates like that don’t exist often, maybe only once every hundred generations or so, rarer even. So Aphrodite’s been following their story like a soap opera. 
And when Xena died in Japa, and it seems like Gabrielle’s going to have to travel alone? 
Fuck that shit, no one cancels her favorite love fest without her say so. 
So she just poofs into Heaven (because if the reporter guy could do it, so can she) and she just boxes Michael about the ears until he agrees to go talk to The Light about possibly giving Xena’s soul to Aphrodite. He goes and talks to The Light (”Sire, please, the pink one scares me.”), and The Light agrees to give Xena’s soul to her. It can’t give Xena her body back, that’s something Aphrodite will have to figure out, but it can release her soul. 
Well, most of it. She does have to be reborn into the Mother of Peace, but The Light basically splits off a chunk of Xena’s Light Side (making it harder to fight against her darkness, but what else is new?) and figures that will do for the next life, at least until Xena fully dies and goes to join her. Also, there’s a lot of good Xena can do still in the mortal realm, so the Light allows it. 
Remember how Aphrodite has all those other godly friends, outside of Olympus? Well, she just pops Xena’s soul into a locket or something, and then she goes around chatting up some of the other gods, trying to get some help on making Xena a new body. Eventually she’s able to get a god of death to spill the deets, and using Xena’s ashes and some other nargly ingredients, creates a body for her! It takes a while, perhaps a few years (like, three, maybe four, no longer than five), but eventually Aphrodite opens the locket and pours Xena’s soul into her new body, which fits quite nicely! Aphrodite is quite the artist, and while it might not be 100% accurate (the scar is on the wrong boob, Xena’s sure her hair wasn’t that thick when she died, why do I have a birthmark shaped like a heart on my ass?), it’s clearly Xena. 
Aphrodite then poofs Xena into an area nearby where Gabrielle is helping out some villagers against a marauding army, gives her a horse and her armor (which Aphrodite totally went and got after FIN. If she wasn’t gong to eventually give it back to Xena, it was totally going to be a collectible one day, duh!) and quickly poofs back into her room on Olympus to watch the drama unfold. 
(Gabrielle accuses her of being an illusion or some kind of trick by a demon/evil god, they fight, Xena catches the chakram, Gabrielle realizes it is Xena, they finish taking down the warlord, passionate kisses on the battlefield, they accept the thanks of the villagers, Xena tells Gabrielle everything that happened in the privacy of their own room at the inn, passionate reunion sex (“Xena, when did you get a birthmark shaped like a heart on your ass?”), crying as they realize they are truly together again, laughter at them both being sappy, and the beginning of another 50 year plot arc that Aphrodite can’t wait to watch every second of). 
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eraserisms · 1 month
If Shota is caught wearing anything boujee, it's because his mommy bought it for him.
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imthepunchlord · 7 years
Kwami headcanons
One of the more affectionate kwami, likes to hang close to holders, lives off cuddles and hugs. 
Likes to sleep on her holders but if they’re a fighter in their sleep, will settle on a pillow next to their head till they settle down.
Don’t ask her for fashion advice, she’ll think everything looks good. It’s very rare that she thinks something looks bad. 
She can barely tolerate the smell of cheese.
Is one of the worst at hiding. Very thoughtless of her surroundings. 
Is sort of a morning kwami, though it takes a few minutes for her to get going. 
Is a floating mini cook book. 
If someone is baking, she is there to oversee it and watch. 
If she could, she would feed everyone. 
Not a big tv fan but she does like watching baking shows every now and then. 
A solid gardening helper, though it’s not a big passion of hers (that falls more to baking); she is the go to kwami for aphid troubles.
Enjoys the seasons of spring and summer most. Fall she’s fond of, but can do with the coming cold.
Tikki doesn’t like winter. 
Of the kwamis, she’s an exaggerated mom.
Of all kwamis, Plagg is the one she’s closest with, but he does drive her crazy time to time. A lot actually. 
Is one of the scariest kwamis to piss off. 
Don’t do it. Just don’t. Ever. 
Isn’t really known for his affection, it’s very rare to see an affectionate Plagg. Most affection that anyone will see if getting offered cheese and being called “Kid”. “Kitten” he saves for very little kids or his holders kids.
He likes to sleep with his holders, though only after they fall asleep. You never quite know where he’s going to sleep. 
He is a bit more active at night. 
Likes being a cat. 
Doesn’t appreciate being teased about being a cat. 
Refuses to be dressed up. He will bite you if you try. 
Is one of the better kwamis at hiding. 
He likes fall most, many leaves to swipe at. Winter he likes well enough, but doesn’t like the cold. Summer he likes having the sun out so he can sunbathe. Spring can sometimes be too noisy. 
Loves watching tv, and loves a good few genres. Horror and drama he’ll laugh at. Loves to make fun of documentaries exploring myths.
He looooooves Halloween. 
Knows everything there is to know about cheese. 
One time, one of his holders told him the moon was made out of cheese as a joke, and Plagg believed and dreamed of one day going up and eating the moon. 
He practically cried when he found out it wasn’t true. 
He is one of the hardest kwamis to piss off. But once mad, may the gods have mercy on your soul. If he doesn’t like you, he’ll be the biggest terror and menace you’ll ever meet. 
Is actually able to give good advice, just lazy. And some emotions he doesn’t quite know what to do with. 
Is an enabler for rebellious behavior, especially for as an outlet. 
Secretly enjoys love drama. 
Of all kwamis, he’s closest with Tikki. And he gets lectured a lot.
Trixx is in between a best friend and rival to Plagg. 
Is the easiest kwami to make anxious. He prefers to always have a plan and be sure of everything. Worries when things don’t go as planned.
Isn’t really known for affection, but is more than happy to share his wisdom and advice.
Is more than happy to sit and talk about philosophy all day long.
Loves being surrounded by nature aesthetics, from little soothing water fountain to a small tray of sand to a zen garden.
He likes to be hidden and to have his own space. 
If the issue is big enoug, can be very thoughtless about staying hidden from view. 
Formalities and respect are everything. 
Enjoys all seasons, though winter can be too cold for him and makes him sleepy. 
Doesn’t like watching tv, documentaries on history and myths annoy him so much. 
He loves to travel around the world, see what’s changed and what has stayed the same. 
Can be nostalgic time to time. 
He is the exhausted dad of the kwamis. 
Tikki, Bee, and Nooroo he is closest with. 
Plagg and Trixx make him fret and tired, Duusu just makes him tired.
Is a ball of energy. She always has to be on the move, always expressing herself in some way. 
She’s the most vocal of the kwamis. You think Tikki can be blunt? You have not seen blunt till Duusu. 
Is very sensitive. Is the easist to agitate and anger. Easy to make her cry.
Despite this, over all, she’s very optimistic and encouraging. 
Pushes her holders to get out there, step up, get what they want. 
Next to Bee, gives amazing fashion advise. 
Loves everything artisitc. Can give solid critiques and advice on anything art related. 
Loves to go to places that have a show or display going, such as art museums, art galleries, theater, dance shows, concerts, fashion shows, ect. 
Thinks she’s an amazing singer. She’s not. 
Is very physically affectionate, especially when excited.  
Likes to refer to her holders as Chicks.
Gets emotional when they grow up or have stepped up responsibly. 
Likes to be as involved as possible with her holders, especially in their creative hobbies. 
She likes to be held most. 
Because she can be so excitable, she easily forgets that she has to stay hidden.
Will hold you to your promise. 
Is not a morning person at all. 
Beauty sleep is important. 
She loves spring the most. Fall is second as her favorite season.
Enjoys watching tv, especially anything art related and does enjoy romance and romantic comedies. Will cry at anything sad. 
Of the kwamis, she’s best friend with Bee, especially on art related stuff and being fabulous. 
Nooroo she likes to dote on. 
Trixx and Duusu can get into a lot of trouble when excited together, though more often than not, Trixx enjoys riling Duusu up. 
Plagg just flat out annoys Duusu. 
Tikki and Wayzz Duusu thinks are a little too by the book. 
Probably one of the chillest kwamis ever, can rival Plagg in this. 
She’s just so calm, very little gets to her. 
Is kind of hard to piss off. 
Lives with the believe that one should go at their own pace, also believes that some lessons are better learned on your own and won’t waste a lecture, even more so when she knows more often than not, her holder will just go ahead and do what they want anyway. 
Can be very coy and playful.
Will sometimes pull pranks and be goofy, enjoys riling others up. 
Likes croissants because they look like fox tails. 
Can be sassy and vague time to time. 
Enjoys watching drama unfold, and the funnier the situation, the better. 
A huge supporter of romance.
It’s because of Trixx that Asian folklore of foxes resolve around seducing and tricking men, much of that is Trixx encouraging her holders to pursue their loves. 
Likes to be hidden, is really good at staying hidden. 
Trixx is the biggest nuzzler. 
Likes to refer to her holders as “Kit”.
Enjoys watching tv, comedies are her favorite. Also enjoys horror too. 
Very active at night. Is very dead in the morning, but it doesn’t take much to get her going. 
She likes a lot of human holidays, such as Valentine’s Day, April Fools, Halloween. 
Trixx likes all seasons. 
Plagg she is sort of best friends with, though also a bit of rival too. 
She enjoys riling up Duusu and Plagg most. 
Bee and Nooroo she thinks are too responsibility driven and can let loose a little more.
Tikki and Wayzz she thinks are a little too by the book. 
Is the sweetest kwami of them all. Who would dare hurt him? He is always so considerate and concerned for his holders and watches out for everyone. 
Very knowledgable, is more than happy to advise and guide his holders. 
Loves answering questions and explaining stuff. 
Is very good at handling emotionally sensitive people and dealing with emotion related problems. 
Is so easy to make him happy, just wish him good morning and he’ll flutter all day long. 
His holders comfort are always first, especially near the time they’re together. He’ll keep a respectful distance, not invading their space. Once the ok is given, Nooroo likes to perch on his holders. 
Affectionately, he reaches out with the lightest and gentlest of touches. 
Nooroo likes to sunbathe. 
He is a morning person. 
Loves flowers, and the more colorful, the better. 
Over all he likes all seasons, though spring is his favorite. 
Surprisingly enjoys horror, always likes feel good shows and movies. 
Tragedies will make him cry easily. 
Is very good at hiding, will come out only when he’s sure it’s safe too. 
Over all he gets along with all kwamis. Bee, Tikki, and Wayzz he’s closest too. 
Trixx and Plagg Nooroo wishes were a little more serious. 
Duusu can sometimes be a little too energized for Nooroo, but he appreciates it too. 
Another calm kwami, though out of all of them, can be the vaguest kwami. Prefers to have her holders learn to think things through on their own and that means making them figure stuff out on their own. 
Is perfectly fine explaining something if they ask and offering her opinion and thoughts. 
She will voice her opinions though if they’re not figuring stuff out and are about to make a mistake, especially if that will wind up causing discourse. 
Is a huuuuge supporter of teamwork. 
Desires her holders to be responsible and will push for them to do their given tasks and responsibilities. 
She buzzes when she’s angry. 
She waggles when she’s happy. 
Is fond of puns, spouts bee puns. Never regrets it. 
Can be formal, though not as much as Wayzz
Most affectionate for her is usually resting on her holders and doing a waggle around them. 
She is fond of fashion and next to Duusu, gives solid fashion advise. 
Bee always cares to look nice and make sure if fuzz is fluffy and soft. 
You have to ask to pet her fuzz. 
She appreciates creativity, though her favorite forms of art resolve around crafting and dance. 
Not much of a tv fan, but does enjoy nature programs time to time. 
Is the best gardener of them all, always requests having a garden or at least one plant to care for when she’s with a new holder. 
Loves spring and summer. 
Likes to call her holders “Honey”.
Does enjoy being spoiled. 
Is a solid morning person, likes to retire early for bed. 
She refuses to believe that she snores.
Can become exaggerated with her holders when they get dramatic. 
Of all kwamis, she gets along with Nooroo most. 
Duusu she is solid friends with, both enjoy fashion and art. 
Tikki and Wayzz she gets along with. 
Plagg and Trixx she is willing to sting if they try to rile her up. She has no tolerance for them when they’re playful. 
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eraserisms · 1 month
For someone who doesn't care about a lot of shit, in a relationship Shota can kind of be possessive. And while it's not too often that Shota feels insecure, sometimes he can even be a bit jealous. He might not care about a lot of things but he cares about them, yk?
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eraserisms · 3 days
If you've had a miserable upbringing and Shota is close to you, I can guarantee you that this man will take your ass to a theme park to help you heal your inner child. It doesn't necessarily have to be a theme park though, it could be go-carting, a zoo, a museum, a castle visit, anything.
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eraserisms · 4 days
Jelly the cat got her name because she has taken a handful of Shota's fruit jelly packs out of the garbage and loves to chew on the plastic. Shota can't throw them in the bin that's under his desk anymore and has to make sure that they are put in one of the kitchen bags. He also has to keep a lid on the kitchen garbage because she will pry them out if she sees them. Shota is tickled by the irony that Dog has no interest in the kitchen garbage despite actual dogs loving to dig in them.
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eraserisms · 5 days
Shota + Horoscope; Scorpio (Water)♏
BNHA may have it's flaws but there is one thing that is very clear to me; Kohei knows his horoscopes, and he knows them really well.
Shota's birthday is November 8th and falls under the Scorpio sign & it certainly suits him. Scorpios are said to be very physical, and they don't do "casual". They are also known for being skeptical of others at first, but once they open up, they can be true ride-or-die partners or friends.
This is something that we see consistently in Shota's personality. We see the skepticism trait in Shota as early as his teenage years. His general hesitance around becoming friends with Hizashi & Shirakumo, only to remain friends with Hizashi for years and having a well deserved break down upon learning what happened to Shirakumo. Early on we see this too with his general criticism about All-Might and his doubt that Izuku was capable of becoming a hero.
As far as positive traits that Scorpios have, they are known for being intense, passionate and protective. Scorpios are also said to be dedicated, resourceful, and intuitive. They also are considered to be loyal, straightforward, brave, and ambitious.
Once again, Shota basically fills all of these personality traits. He is probably one of the more intense characters in the series and protectiveness & dedication is displayed almost immediately. His instinct to defend his class shows not only his protectiveness but his dedication as well. We also see the latter traits as well. Shota is very loyal to his friends as mentioned above. He also is very logic driven and therefore is resourceful. Shota is also brave as it comes with the path of being a hero. He also isn't afraid to speak his mind and doesn't beat around the bush. Shota may be lazy at times but that doesn't mean that he lacks ambition, he just has a different idea as to what it means to be ambitious. His teachers seen that Shota only became interested in battle training and they said Shota had in away become complacent. He wanted to focus on anti-villain combat and start his own agency from the ground up which is within itself, ambitious.
On the negative side of things, Scorpios can also be very possessive, secretive, manipulative, stubborn and prone to anger. They can also be unpredictable, as their intense feelings can cause them to fluctuate between emotional extremes.
I already have a small post regarding Aizawa's possessiveness here [1]. But these other traits fit Shota like a glove. Shota never wears his heart on his sleeve . We certainly see he has a manipulative streak with his "Logical Ruses" and "Rational Deceptions". Those also can apply to Shota's secretiveness. He also has the ability to be bullheaded at times and can be very stuck in his ways. He also can be very quick to anger and we see him lose his temper with his students rather often and have moody moments.
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