#health keywords
trollskog-fr · 29 days
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I NEED staff to implement an exact search function
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oceangenasi · 1 year
I'm literally begging y'all to tag or caption the memes/news/posts related to the submersible incident!!
Every uncaptioned video, screencap or vague textpost I see about it is sending me further into an anxiety spiral and I've blocked every keyword I can think of and it's still coming across my dash.
This has nothing to do with the discourse or anything I just have a phobia of drowning and I'm having a really bad time on the internet rn lol
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jules-in-a-bin · 6 months
i have a fucking stye in my eye and its driving me physically insane because cause it's like internal so rather than it looking like a weird red lump under my eye i just look like i've been doing drugs please tell me how to fix it lmao /hj
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Finch is working. well. for me this far
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propertyline · 10 months
writing another job app rn btw and trying to explain how i embody the mission of "bringing god's love to those in need through the healing ministry of jesus" but in a secular way
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hearts-guided-key · 8 months
A week ago I've decided to try to go vegan for health reasons and holy crap. Groceries are already so expensive here but daaang. Now I know why vegans are so skinny. They can't afford to buy enough food lol
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flimsy-roost · 1 year
100% it's no individual's responsibility to educate other people about themselves/any demographic they fall under, especially out-of-context and on-demand.
But, like, when I was tried to research autism years before my evaluation date, I had to stop because 90%+ of sources of info are from side-hustle antivaxxers, overexhausted caregivers, casually ableist medical professionals, and literal hate groups. I'm media/internet-literate enough to ID a questionable source, but I didn't even know the basic vocabulary that would be keywords to helping me find better information. The only reason I'm as literate about my literal self as I am now is because my evaluator was neurodiversity-affirming and gave me a starter reading list with my evaluation letter.
When I see people sad that they're being forgotten about, I feel bad and weird and stuck, because I haven't forgotten about them, I just don't know how best to learn about them, and I don't want to ask them because it's not their personal responsibility to be my teacher.
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Hilda Baci's Approach to Intentional Self-Care & 'When Love Strikes': A New Era for Nigerian Cinema
Exciting News for Film & Self-Care Enthusiasts! 🎥💆‍♀️ Join Hilda Baci, renowned chef and Guinness World Record holder, as she shares her insights on self-care and intentional living in the latest episode of "Spa With Osas."
Hilda Baci on Self-Care & Intentional Living in “Spa With Osas” Episode 10 In the latest episode of “Spa With Osas,” Osas Ighodaro sits down with Hilda Baci, the Guinness World Record holder for the longest individual cooking marathon. The show, known for its focus on self-care, self-love, and self-awareness, offers a glimpse into Hilda’s personal philosophy on maintaining mental and emotional…
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amaan314314 · 4 months
The Power of Positive Thinking
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For decades, the concept of positive thinking has captivated readers and researchers alike. Popularized by Norman Vincent Peale's 1952 bestseller, "The Power of Positive Thinking," it has become a cornerstone of self-help philosophy. But what exactly is positive thinking, and how can it truly impact our lives?
Beyond Mere Optimism: Unveiling the Layers of Positive Thinking
Positive thinking isn't just about wearing a smile and chanting affirmations. It's a multifaceted approach that encompasses:
Realistic Optimism: It's acknowledging challenges while believing in your ability to overcome them. It's the "can-do" attitude that fuels resilience.
Positive Focus: Our brains are wired to prioritize negative information. Positive thinking involves consciously shifting focus towards the good in ourselves, the world, and our future.
Positive Self-Talk: The constant internal dialogue we have with ourselves shapes our perception. Positive thinking encourages replacing negative self-criticism with encouraging and empowering thoughts.
Visualization: Positive visualization involves picturing yourself achieving your goals, experiencing success, and feeling the emotions associated with those outcomes. This mental rehearsal strengthens your belief in your ability.
Gratitude: Appreciating the good things in life, both big and small, fosters a sense of contentment and motivates us to strive for more.
The Science Behind the Smile: How Positive Thinking Benefits You
The concept of positive thinking isn't just feel-good philosophy. Research suggests a positive mindset can have tangible benefits:
Improved Physical Health: Studies have shown positive thinking can strengthen the immune system, reduce the risk of heart disease, and even aid in pain management.
Enhanced Mental Wellbeing: Positive thinking can decrease anxiety, depression, and stress levels, leading to a more fulfilling life.
Increased Resilience: Optimists tend to bounce back from setbacks faster and with a greater sense of determination.
Boosted Performance: A positive mindset can improve focus, concentration, and motivation, leading to better performance in academics, careers, and personal endeavors.
Stronger Relationships: Positive people often attract positive connections. Their optimism inspires and uplifts those around them, leading to healthier and more supportive relationships.
Cultivating the Positivity Habit: Practical Strategies for Daily Life
While positive thinking is a skill, anyone can develop it with dedication and practice. Here are some strategies you can incorporate into your daily routine:
Start Your Day with Gratitude: As soon as you wake up, take a few moments to reflect on three things you're grateful for. This sets the tone for a positive day.
Challenge Negative Thoughts: When negativity creeps in, challenge those thoughts. Ask yourself if they're realistic and helpful. Replace them with more empowering and positive affirmations.
Practice Positive Visualization: Spend a few minutes each day visualizing yourself achieving your goals. See yourself succeeding, feeling confident, and celebrating your achievements.
Focus on the Good: Make a conscious effort to notice the positive in your daily life. Appreciate the good weather, a kind gesture, or a personal accomplishment.
Surround Yourself with Positive People: The people you spend time with significantly influence your mindset. Choose to surround yourself with optimistic and supportive individuals.
Practice Self-Compassion: Everyone makes mistakes. When you stumble, replace self-criticism with kindness and understanding. Learn from the experience and move forward.
Celebrate Your Wins, Big and Small: Taking the time to acknowledge your accomplishments, no matter how small, reinforces positive feelings and motivates further progress.
Express Gratitude Regularly: Thank the people who support you, express appreciation for good experiences, and write in a gratitude journal.
Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness exercises like meditation help you stay grounded in the present moment and appreciate the good things around you.
Focus on Solutions, not Problems: When faced with challenges, shift your focus from dwelling on the problem to seeking solutions. This empowers you and fosters a sense of agency.
Remember, cultivating positive thinking is an ongoing process. There will be setbacks and times when negativity tries to creep back in. However, by consistently implementing these strategies, you can strengthen your positive mindset and reap the benefits it offers.
Beyond Positivity: Embracing a Balanced Perspective
Positive thinking is a powerful tool, but it's not a magic bullet. It's important to maintain a balanced perspective:
Acknowledge Your Emotions: While positive thinking encourages focusing on the good, it doesn't mean ignoring negative emotions. Allow yourself to feel them, process them, and learn from them.
Accept Reality: Being overly optimistic can blind you to potential dangers or challenges. It's crucial to
Beyond Positivity: Embracing a Balanced Perspective (Continued)
Accept Reality (Continued): It's crucial to acknowledge reality, even when it's challenging. This allows you to develop realistic strategies and maintain a healthy perspective.
Learn from Mistakes: Setbacks and failures are inevitable. Positive thinking doesn't mean viewing them as personal defeats. Instead, view them as learning opportunities to grow and improve.
Seek Help When Needed: If you're struggling with persistent negativity or mental health issues, don't hesitate to seek professional help. A therapist can equip you with tools to manage negative thinking patterns and improve your overall well-being.
Positive Thinking and the Power of Belief: Cultivating a Growth Mindset
Our beliefs about ourselves and our capabilities significantly influence our lives. Positive thinking goes hand-in-hand with cultivating a growth mindset:
Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset: A fixed mindset views intelligence, talent, and abilities as fixed traits. A growth mindset believes these qualities can be developed and improved through effort and learning.
Embrace Challenges: Those with a growth mindset see challenges as opportunities for growth. They are more likely to persevere in the face of difficulty and learn from their mistakes.
Embrace Experimentation: Growth-minded individuals are open to trying new things and learning from their experiences. This fosters creativity and innovation.
Develop the Power of "Yet": When faced with limitations, a growth mindset adds the powerful word "yet." "I can't do this yet" acknowledges the current situation but leaves room for improvement through effort and learning.
The Power of Positivity in Action: Inspiring Examples
Stories of individuals harnessing the power of positive thinking can be incredibly motivating:
Helen Keller: Despite being deaf and blind, Helen Keller’s unwavering optimism and belief in herself allowed her to achieve remarkable academic success and become a renowned advocate for the disabled.
Nick Vujicic: Born without limbs, Nick Vujicic overcame his limitations and became a motivational speaker, inspiring millions worldwide with his message of hope and resilience.
Malala Yousafzai: Facing threats and violence for her fight for girls' education, Malala's unwavering belief in the power of education and her positive outlook propelled her to become a global advocate for change.
These are just a few examples of how positive thinking can empower individuals to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles and achieve great things.
Conclusion: Embracing the Journey of Positive Thinking
Positive thinking is a lifelong journey with immense potential. By consistently practicing the strategies outlined here, you can cultivate a more optimistic outlook, enhance your well-being, and create a brighter future for yourself and those around you.
Positivity is a skill that requires continuous practice.
Embrace a balanced perspective that acknowledges challenges and celebrates victories.
Develop a growth mindset to cultivate a belief in your ability to learn and improve.
Don't be afraid to seek support when needed.
By embracing positive thinking, you can unlock your potential, live a more fulfilling life, and inspire others to do the same. The power to create a brighter future lies within you. Start cultivating your optimism today!
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tamaharsblogs · 5 months
NGO for the mentally challenged in Bangalore
Tamahar, a non-profit organization founded in 2009 by Ms. Vaishali Pai, is dedicated to supporting children facing developmental delays due to brain damage, including conditions like Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down’s Syndrome, Rare diseases, and Genetic disorders. As one of the best NGOs working for childhood disability in India, our holistic developmental intervention approach encompasses Core intervention, Functional Education, Pre-vocational training, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy, Music Therapy, Yoga, Arts, Dance, and Sports.
As a top developmental disabilities organization offering a comprehensive range of services tailored to the unique needs of each child from birth onwards, we are recognized as an NGO for the mentally challenged in Bangalore, specializing in providing transformative interventions to enhance the lives of children facing developmental challenges.
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In addition to our core services, we extend support to families through mental health services designed to help them cope with stress. We also offer skill development programs for mothers, empowering them with profitable skills. Tamahar is proud to be among the distinguished organizations for developmentally disabled individuals, and we stand out as a trusted autism school in Bangalore near you. We ensure that families get the necessary support to get a proper diagnosis for their children, and to enroll them in Government supported schemes like the Niramaya, Pension, UDID, etc
Discover the transformative impact of our holistic interventions at Tamahar, where we are committed to fostering the growth and development of children with special needs and providing invaluable support to their families.
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dravidious · 5 months
You're seriously so fucking awesome
Legends of Runeterra just released the dumbest keyword ever
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It's like +1/+1 counters, except in a game that already has permanent stat boosts as a basic mechanic, with tons and tons of cards that give +1/+1.
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ennobletechnologies · 7 months
Healthcare in the Digital Age: Unleashing the Potential of Digital Marketing
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In an era defined by digital innovation, healthcare is not exempt from the profound transformations that have swept across various industries. The rise of the internet and digital technology has brought about significant changes in how healthcare professionals engage with patients, deliver services, and market their practices. This article explores the evolving landscape of healthcare in the digital age and the pivotal role that digital marketing plays in revolutionizing the industry.
The Digital Transformation of Healthcare
The digital age has ushered in a new era for healthcare, affecting every aspect of the industry. From electronic health records to telemedicine, the healthcare landscape is undergoing a transformation that is changing the way medical professionals interact with patients and manage their practices.
Electronic Health Records (EHRs)
The adoption of EHRs has streamlined patient data management, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of healthcare services. EHRs allow healthcare providers to access and update patient records securely, promoting better continuity of care.
Patient Portals
Patient portals provide a secure platform for patients to access their medical records, schedule appointments, and communicate with healthcare providers. They empower patients to take an active role in managing their health.
The Changing Patient Journey
The digital age has also transformed the patient journey. Patients no longer solely rely on referrals from friends and family for healthcare recommendations. Instead, they turn to the internet for information, advice, and to find healthcare providers.
Online Research and Self-Diagnosis
The internet is a vast source of medical information, and patients often research their symptoms and potential conditions online. This trend has led to increased patient awareness and a more informed patient base.
Online Reviews and Ratings
Online reviews and ratings of healthcare providers have become influential in patients’ decisions. Positive reviews can drive more patients to your practice, while negative ones can deter potential clients.
The Need for Digital Marketing in Healthcare
As the healthcare landscape continues to digitize, it is essential for medical professionals to establish a strong online presence and utilize digital marketing strategies to stay competitive and relevant.
The Power of a Professional Website
A professional website is your digital storefront. It should provide essential information about your practice, services, and the expertise of your team. A well-designed website builds credibility and trust.
Social Media’s Role in Healthcare Marketing
Social media platforms offer a unique opportunity for healthcare professionals to connect with patients, share valuable healthcare information, and build a community. Effective social media management can enhance your online presence and engagement.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Medical Professionals
To ensure your online presence is discoverable by potential patients, you need to understand the basics of SEO and optimize your digital assets.
The Fundamentals of SEO
Search engine optimization involves using relevant keywords, optimizing on-page elements, and building quality backlinks to rank higher in search engine results.
Local SEO for Medical Professionals
Local SEO is critical for healthcare providers as patients often seek medical services within their geographical area. Optimizing for local searches can help you connect with nearby patients.
Continue Reading: https://ennobletechnologies.com/healthcare/healthcare-marketing-in-the-digital-age/
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syedgaffar · 9 months
What is Health Education And Why Is It Important?
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weightlossmedicine12 · 9 months
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Slim Signal Wellness | Dr. Phyllis Pobee Experience optimal wellness with Dr. Phyllis Pobee at Slim Signal Wellness. Discover personalized health solutions and holistic approaches to transform your well-being. Book a consultation with Dr. Pobee today and embark on your journey to a healthier, happier you. https://drphyllispobee.com/
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agapebhc · 10 months
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At Agape Behavioral Healthcare, we believe in a love that’s universal and unconditional. We are passionate about providing an opportunity for authentic transformation to everyone, regardless of their circumstances.
Since 2016, our mission has remained the same: to be a guiding light on the path to recovery and wellness for those struggling with co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders.
We provide the most advanced facilities available so that our patients have access to the best possible chance of achieving long-term recovery. Our drug rehab program in Florida has been carefully crafted by our world-class team of addiction specialists so that individuals have all the resources they need to make significant progress in their journey towards healing.
Above all else, we are dedicated to ensuring that everyone who comes through our doors is shown compassion and care as they begin their journey of recovery. By constantly setting new standards for exceptional patient care, Agape Behavioral Healthcare seeks to truly make a difference in each individual’s life.
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essentiallyhealing · 1 year
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Enjoy the moment, enjoy it NOW!
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