healthpostnz · 1 month
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Do you also feel weak and fatigued all the time and not find a solid reason for your unnatural weight gain along with other symptoms like anxiety, skin issues, mood swings, digestive issues, etc.? Then, it must be a sign that your liver needs detoxification and cleansing.
Let us just dive deep into the importance and need for a liver detox along with proper cleansing.
Cleansing the liver will help eliminate feelings of fatigue and weakness all the time, even without any physical activity.
Blood purification and removal of free radicals will be better, leading to better hair, nail and skin health.
Good digestive health with proper absorption of nutrients.
Better energy levels and good mental health
Given the liver's vital role, regular cleansing is essential for maintaining its optimal well-being. Incorporating a healthy lifestyle and proper cleansing from time to time will not only add to good physical and mental health but also lead to improved functioning of body processes.
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Today (Friday) we will start off the day by providing much needed medical equipment to these hospital post in the villages of east Nepal. It is because of you the donors that make this possible, Thank you, @terrymikeskafoundation #healthcare #medical #rotaryinternational #SanAngelo #Giving #medicalequipment #hospital #healthpost (at Jhapa, Nepal) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChtBK7QvTuj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bugbyte · 3 months
So I just found out about this free app for wheelchair folks (might be useful to those with other devices, too) called Roll Mobility. It’s on iOS and I am told it’s on android but I’m not sure.
Anyway, it lets you search an area to see detailed reviews about how accessible places are for wheelchairs. The questions it asks when leaving a review are pretty in depth, which is nice, although sometimes the phrasing is odd so I use my best guess.
My area doesn’t have a lot of coverage for reviews yet so I’m starting to add them on my own and passing it along to a local group in hopes we can help each other.
If you’re out Pokémon Go-ing or walking or anything, you can help everyone by adding accessibility reviews while you’re doing it! You don’t have to be disabled or use an assistive device to do it, though it might help with understanding some of the weird little niche-y things you run into in these situations sometimes.
Pass it on!!
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turing-tested · 2 years
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gonna work on some nicer posters later but i found out that healthcare.gov has some cool DIY posters they let you put text on. what do yall think
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wuntrum · 1 year
she let me hit because i gargle warm salt water every hour to help my sore throat. how'd it get sore? well...i shant say
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pluraljerma · 1 month
chat i am experiencing the symptoms
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coffee-bat · 11 months
btw to my chronic pain homies, do y'all know if there's any meds doctors can give you for chronic joint pain or am i just stuck like this until gene therapy becomes affordable
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mintbees · 2 months
I overworked myself yesterday by going to a doctors appointment in the Amsterdam hospital and then spending another two hours walking through central Amsterdam (worst place on earth) with a friend and I knew the next day pain and exhaustion would suck but this is next level bad my entire body HURTS and I am so tired
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sharaishvalda · 4 months
Was no one gonna tell me that these fruity cough drops do wonders for a sore throat? Mine's been hurting all day but the second I popped one of these it's feeling better!
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otabekisautistic · 1 year
classic chronically ill things: researching how to avoid making your symptoms worse and getting a list like “this may be worsened by too much exercise, too much rest, eating, not eating enough,”
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healthpostnz · 1 month
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Stressful environments and continuous lifestyle changes have caused people to focus on just satisfying their hunger with any readily available food option without giving attention to the micronutrients essential for the body. This has not just led to increasing health diseases but also issues like heart problems and obesity among youngsters. To overcome this issue, a single dose of a multivitamin can provide sufficient essential vitamins and minerals that are required by the body on a regular basis. Let us explore the benefits of Multivitamins and how they help boost your health.
Good Immune System : For proper and efficient working of the immune system, Vitamins and minerals are essential . A healthy immune system not only protects the body from common viruses and bacterias but promotes faster recovery.
Boosting Energy and vitality : Deficiency in vitamin B and Iron which need to be fulfilled through leafy vegetables, often leads to feelings of fatigue and weakness. Taking multivitamins regularly can boost your energy levels and improve vitality.
Fulfilling deficiencies: The majority of the nutrients required by the body can be fulfilled through the consumption of seasonal fruits and vegetables in adequate amounts, but increasing cases of food adulteration and chemical use in the food industry often downgrade the quality of nutrients we consume. Such deficiency of nutrients can be fulfilled by taking an adequate dosage of multivitamins daily.
Improved Bone Health: Foods rich in Calcium, vitamin D and K are essential to promote bone health and maintain proper bone density. These nutrients are often not easily fulfilled through daily foods, so taking multivitamins not only maintains good bone and joint health but avoids the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.
Improved Skin, Hair, and Nail Health: Maintaining a natural complexion and beauty is essential, indirectly boosting your confidence. Adequate consumption of essential nutrients is essential in clearing impurities of blood, thus avoiding any chances of acne and pimples. Multivitamins rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and biotin not only prevent premature aging but also repair skin damage and maintain shiny hair.
Often ignored, multivitamins are the essential compounds in today's world that not only help maintain good health but also boost Energy, vitality and the recovery process. This fast-paced environment has caused many individuals to depend on outside food, so the consumption of multivitamins becomes necessary to enrich your body with the required nutrients.
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bugbyte · 2 months
So I’m kind of always playing around with different apps to help me track data about what nonsense my body is pulling on any given day in hopes of eventually finding patterns I can work with.
Anyway, I’ve been using Symptomshark for about a month, and it’s very nice for a completely free app. It’s very customizable to fit your specific conditions and treatments, and it sounds like they’re continuing to refine it so it can support more specific data.
In my case, I’m using it primarily to track pain levels and what I’m doing about it, and whether or not what I’ve done has helped any. It’s interesting to look at once there’s enough data to make a graph.
Anyway, tracking stuff like this is what helped me get my POTS diagnosis because I had months of heart rate data and notes that I kept using HeartWatch (paid app, not sure if it’s iOS only, but it supports my old as dirt watch and lets me take detailed notes to compare to data) and my cardiologist was really excited to have all that information right from my initial appointment. It made it a lot easier to be able to point to something and prove what was happening.
Symptomshark can spit out a really nice PDF month by month of all your gathered data and notes, which is great to have for appointments. It collects a lot of stuff in one place where I had been using other methods to keep track in multiple apps, and this is much easier. I tend to give up on data tracking if it requires too many steps, but so far this has been quick and easy every time.
I haven’t managed to trigger it yet, but it also pairs to my heart rate data and beyond a certain threshold can alert me that I might need to pace myself better. But I guess that’s a good thing, as it seems I’m getting better at pacing myself.
Data collection and privacy on their part seems to my unprofessional eye to be well done, and the FAQ lays it out in simple English.
Anyway, not sponsored for this or anything, I’m just genuinely surprised by how useful this has been as a free tool and given how it works could probably help a lot of people with different conditions.
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turing-tested · 2 years
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making some pics about open enrollment this year!
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pluraljerma · 2 months
endoscopy today!
…and maybe biopsy too? i’ve gotten different answers from different doctors.
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thisismyrocket · 2 years
olfactory hallucination of rubbing alcohol today. also, auditory of indistinct voices talking and pencils clacking. visual of typical static and shimmering light orbs/flecks. but that's normal. last but not least, tactile of, what else, formication...
a lot today, so i wrote it down.
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I'm fucking dying. I had to take benadryl bc it was so fucking instantaneous. It was so good that I drank the whole can in 30 seconds after walking 2 miles in the Arizona sun to and from my local market, and now my nose feels full and my legs feel heavy and I had to take benadryl to make my throat stop closing and I have a horrible headache.
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