#healthy collaboration
secretbreadland · 3 years
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   Healthy Collaboration Between Energy Producers and Consumers
Gas/ LNG is expected to become an important player in the future energy mix and emerging geo-politics, states Matthias The emerging triangle of energy between the Gulf and African producers, and the consumers in Asia and India, can get a boost through healthy collaboration, says Leitner ​​​​​In 1920 Churchill realized that the coal-powered ships would not be able to perform as well as the oil-propelled ships. Therefore, a steady access to oil was vital. So, he carved out the principality of Iraq to meet his energy requirement. For the same reason(oil), later, the USA made Saudi Arabia a protectorate; China went to Sudan, Nigeria, and Russia to its CIS neighbors. Today, the arrival ofing enerenewable power is changing the energy map again and the most prominent crayons which are sketching this map are economics, environmental concerns, and technology. Technology is convertrgy, which was earlier a reserve, into equipments which are more local, relatively more plentiful, and more democratic.
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formulaonedirection · 3 years
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The Keke Rosberg post-karting clean up service
(From Nico’s video. These made me feel soft. What a wonderfully loved kid 🥺💙)
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Genuinely though, it was very annoying to me those people who said Fjord "finally became a good and interesting character" specifically and explicitly because they imagined him post-Uthodurn as ~only doing exactly what Caduceus tells him and deferring to Caduceus~ and as shutting up, becoming passive, and yes man-ing Caduceus.
Like, there were people who literally felt that becoming a mouthpiece for Caduceus (which only happened in their imaginations) and moving away from the ~brutish, domineering~ person he is when he's allowed to make decisions for himself (again, not true in the text) was the way he would become a good, interesting, complex character.
It was wild and very, very annoying, and I'm still annoyed about it.
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sibyl-of-space · 2 years
"how much do i embrace standard tools to improve my skillset and expand my capabilities" vs "how much do i reject standard tools because they're expensive and not weird enough for me" art school dilemma FIGHT
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Stella Jean Fall 2021 Ready-to-Wear
Photos courtesy of Stella Jean
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sanstropfremir · 3 years
Just wanted to say I’m 100% with you on the fact that “done everything myself” in the world of artists usually isn’t the greatest idea. I mean, think of any other profession in the world. Almost none of them involve being a master of all trades, and the people who appear to be masters of all trades are really just managers who are good at bs but have knowledge a mile wide but only a cm deep.
For example, I work in healthcare, mostly with radiology. Ask a radiologist to read an X-ray? They’re fantastic at it, when most other doctors miss half of it. But ask them to actual treat a patient off what they find? They don’t have the skill set or patient knowledge for that. Healthcare (and most other professions) work by delegating certain skill sets to designated people who then can become an expert in that skill set, and when you put them in a team you then get a highly skilled group of people who can do the full necessary job.
If that is so normal elsewhere, why not in idol music too? I know there is this whole fantasy of people expressing themselves through their own music, but doing that as idol requires so many skill sets that it would be next to impossible for one person to master them all. I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but it drives me a bit up a wall, especially since delegation of skills is so prevalent in my own career.
thank you for sharing! you're absolutely right! people will absolutely respect and expect delegation and specialization of skills in every other field but as soon as it comes to art suddenly everyone has to be leonardo da vinci (without understanding that even he had a whole studio working under him!). it's the whole myth of the artist monolith and auteur theory and celebrity culture and lack of arts education that's both setting art + entertainment up on this pedestal but also eroding the public's understanding of it at the same time. a couple other people have sent me asks about this so i'm going to elabourate more in pieces but thank you anon you are so right i wish everyone thought like you!!
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magdaclaire · 3 years
i wouldn’t mind getting married ONLY if my partner would let me make every single decision about the wedding to my best approximation of their tastes 
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roseworth · 4 years
me in my conflict management class when my professor is talking about relationships collaborating when there's a disagreement: “that reminds me of rapunzel and eugene. oh that also reminds me of rapunzel and eugene. hey that reminds me of rapunzel and eugene. wow guess who that reminds me of”
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writeformesinpie · 3 years
I just received an awesome ask and since it was so thought out I wanted to respond in case it takes awhile to work the request.
I am currently working on a Chishiya fic which I hope 🤞 will be completed very soon and then I will be working on a few different fics here and there. One of these is a Niragi fic- like the request.
I want to post this fic (which is about one third to about a half of the way finished now) before I respond, then we can discuss and I might make another one that is closer to the request if it strays of into a random place lol
I agree - I want to see more strong characters - especially when it comes to reader inserts with Niragi who I thought definitely appreciated a stronger woman. But also just in general since I don’t want to read about weak readers personally.
And if they don’t write them for you, sometimes you have to write them yourself haha (hence why I write the characters I do.)
Anywhoooo ... I’m trying to get back into a writing habit after a little stint of personal internal drama. I’m excited to get more out to everyone.
Thank you for all the support- I know it’s superficial but knowing that people are reading and enjoying my writing fuels me to continue haha 😂 so yeah. I will be back soon with an update. Soon! 💕
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anotherfandomok · 4 years
Fuckhands McMike™
And his Devil Digits
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seniouesbabes · 3 years
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Lily Maymac 🌸🍒💋🌸 I’m prone to sun damage and spots so using SPF is a must @OlayAu 7 in 1 Day Cream SPF15 has got me covered all day everyday with or without makeup DNAorOlay
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radellama · 3 years
Ok one quick rant after that last post about cats: make sure you put in every effort to keep their living spaces hygienic.
That is their toilet and you must keep it clean. Yes it may be stinky and overwhelming, but if you can't keep up with that you shouldn't have a cat.
When you as a human go to the toilet, you finish your business and you take the time to clean yourself, remove your waste and wash your hands. Even regularly cleaning the toilet to keep it hygienic for yourself to keep using. WHY is it any different for a cat? You need to keep that litter box clean for them - they are already trying their best to work with you on this by using the litter box, most cats even bury their waste when they're done. But they can't flush it away, YOU need to do that for them.
Put the effort into finding sustainable and cat friendly solutions for your cat.
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glittertimes · 3 years
I keep feeling like I found the right place for me! Like the next author I was going to read was Octavia Butler bc I found out she went to my old school, and I wanted to learn more about her!
But I've been kind of burned out from books bc I had so many readings last quarter lol!
Then one of the fellows in our tech for social change program suggested we read emergent strategy by adrienne marie brown, who based her book off octavia butler's work!
I'm definitely going to go back and read octavia butler after this but I'm starting with emergent strategy. I think I'm going to put it into my independent study plan so I keep myself accountable and actually finish it lol!
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aalt-ctrl-del · 4 years
one of the benefits of me is I’m very content with lame shit.
my investment of interest in X thing doesn’t have to be bigger, better, over the top to engage my interest. It just has to try, or be, and that’ll make me happy.
“Ah yus, this movie, film, comic, media is a thing that exists and I’m vibin with it. It’s no more better or extravagant than other thing, and I find that hella sexy.”
It’s okay to go all out or go home, but sometimes I wanna bask in chillin good feels, and accept that stuff is also good if it’s not over the top stimulating.
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loveandthepsyche · 4 years
When there is an inability/unwillingness to communicate [truth], you need to come to terms that “there’s nothing left to exchange,” and it’s “not fair to you to hope that something will change.” Click the link to check out this 5 minute truth bomb “Time to Cut Ties” from Phil Good.
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q-the-rockaholic · 4 years
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Coming from someone who is living under a government, that’s under the central CCP government, a government which is hellbent on ripping our human rights and freedoms away...there you guys are, a bunch of self-righteous celebrities collaborating under the pretentious “One World” title, collaborating and supporting the World Health Organization...a f***ing CCP lapdog!
The WHO IS the reason why we are all in this Wuhan Coronovırus/Coronavirus?COVID19 hellhole!! Taiwan already warned them months and months ago that it’s seriously contagious, but the WHO ignored the warning,because they don’t want to piss the CCP off!!
I will bear this list of hypocrites in mind, thanks!!
Any single moment you show support for the WHO, you are effectively the CCP’s bitch!! And FUCK! I idolised you, Billie Joe Armstrong!! ☠️☠️☠️
Congratulations to you all, every single one on this list, you are officially the CCP’s bitch!! Bye bye, bitches!! 
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