#heavy intercessors
paint-pot-pete · 6 months
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Used this Heavy Intercessor to practice my line work. Thoughts or suggestions of how to improve are always welcome 😊 I used some of the XIII upgrade kit so I could avoid relying on transfers 🤣
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eric-coldfire · 10 months
Tower is getting smaller.
The Heavy Intercessors of Atlas Squad are complete. Frustratingly huge mold lines on one set but that should get covered up when I prime and paint them.
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Yes, the Sergeant is akimboing heavy rifles. I saw an opportunity and I took it.
But that's not all, the dark counterpart of Squad Heracles is also complete. Relic/Assault Terminators of Squad Lycaon.
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Ready to rend flesh and metal alike.
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zenosanalytic · 1 year
Paintbrush, PlasGlue, and Holy Clippers: Sparse Marns Part III: Priming
So now we FINALLY begin some painting :)
Alright: First I covered a table with newspaper so I had a nice, warm, safe place to set my minis while their paint dried. Then, I used the double-sided tape from The Team to stick my lads to a random box lid I cut off, like so
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They stuck really well to the tape. Too Well. Stumbly came off his base when I tried to detach him and I had to glue him back on XD Admittedly, that was more my own error in grabbing the model rather than the base when trying to detach them so remember to NOT DO THAT(!!!), but still I think I’ll experiment with poster-putty next time, given how fiddly some of these sculpts are and how <:[ <:[ pulling them loose felt.
Now: It’s Prime Time *sunglasses*
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The Culprits. I didn’t buy the hobby-company-branded spray-primers cuz they’re the same as the stuff you’ll get from the hardware store except about three times the cost. There are many reasons to prime before you paint but the primary one is because paint sticks to other paint better than to Surfaces. It’s important to get flat primers; some people think gloss-primers are “stickier” or something, but really all the gloss will do is make your models look... glossy, and one thing you’ll notice about life is that most things aren’t glossy! But, you know, sometimes that’s what you want and that’s Cool(the idea of doing some Adepta with glossy power armor has been rotating in my head the last two days... Durkhari are honestly probably the best fit)
Now, why did I get three? I’m going to be doing something called  “Zenithal Priming”. Basically I’m going to prime the minis in three coats; a black coat completely covering the models, a grey coat in a triangle sprayed from above(~40-60 degree arc), and finally a white coat sprayed from directly above. What this is going to do(hopefully) is simulate sunlight falling on the models, from a lightsource(The Sun) at it’s “Zenith”. All paints are translucent and the primecoats will minutely show through the layers I build up on them; this style of priming will make the recesses super-dark, the highest surfaces super-bright, and the spaces in-between a gradient between the two, dispersed as natural light falls on objects: From somewhere above. Obvsl you can do this from different angles and with different tonal values to simulate different lightsources from different locations, but I’m not trying to be fancy here u_u It’s also perfectly Fine to just do this with black and white instead of this three-tone method I’m using(it’ll obvsl make for more dramatic contrasts), but I’m trying to be a little fancy here u_u u_u
These cans have been sitting in my house since I bought them cuz they need to be warm for use, and I shook each of them Prodigiously(4 minutes u__u) right before going outside to spray with that can. I did this because I wanted nice, even sprays. I sprayed outside, wearing a respirator so I wouldn’t be breathing paint fumes and a disposable spray-suit so I wouldn’t be painting myself. If you, unlike me, have hands, you Absolutely Should Wear latex or nitriles gloves >:|
The warmer and dryer it is the better for spraying, but “dry” is the most important one here. I found a good spot in the backyard where the paint wasn’t likely to drift onto anything, aligned myself with the wind at my back, and got to work. Spraycan solvents can dissolve minis(D: D:) and heavy coats can obscure detail, so the idea is to keep the can away from the models and moving so the solvents can float off into the air, and to build a series of light dusting up into complete coverage. The black layer doesn’t have to be all done at once; I did mine in two goes, with 20 minutes of drying time inside the house between, and you can do three if you think yours needs it. The important things are 1)to not get too close with the can, 2)to spray the can in short quick spurts across the models, and 3)to not spray into the wind :p This is how they looked with the black layer done
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After these were dry I prepped the grey can(another 4 minutes of shaking :|) and went out for round 2(or 3 if you could the two for black). I did one pass from just forward of directly above, one directly above, then one from just beyond directly above(by turning them around: NOT by spraying towards myself), thought they maybe needed a bit more, and did a second pass for each. On reflection I probably should have waited 20 mins to do the second pass, but nothing got gloopy cuz of how light my passes were. Here’s how they looked then
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At first, I was really upset with myself because these looked REALLY Grey, and I thought I’d totally wiped out that great black depth I’d applied. I could have tried to start over by coating them in black again, but I decided this whole thing was a learning experience(and reminded myself that Perfectionism is often just Anxiety sabotaging you) so, rather than try to start over, I went forward with them as they are, and good thing that I did(as you’ll see at the end of the post).
So: once these were dry I went back out and applied the final, White, layer, in two passes. It didn’t look that strong to me after two, so I also -making sure to keep the can at a goodly distance and be Very Quick about it- did a stationary spot-spray to each model from a LEETLE to the right of directly above, and after than I thought it looked good ^w^ Here they are after a good 30minutes of drying(I was watching episode 3 of Cabinet of Curiosities on Netflix during the dry-times, and didn’t want to spoil the finale by stopping it so they got extra time :3 :3)
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Honestly I think these look really neat! Tumblr’s kinda blurrifying the image which I lament(or at least, in my preview; idk how it looks to y’all), but the effect came off great and I really dig it. It was EVEN BETTER the next morning tho:
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And all together
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I guess as the grey dried it darkened into the black beneath, and all that depth I thought I’d erased came roaring back! Any light that hits them like this looks just SUPER Dramatic :D Honestly, one day I think I might zenithal prime some models and just varnish them right there to have some cool dinky marble-looking little statues around owo owo owo
So! That was the priming ^v^ The next post in this series will be... whenever I finish painting the lads(XD XD) so Stay Tuned for that :> :>
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totallyaspy · 2 years
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Finished the start of my Deathwatch Space Marine Army. Really proud how the models and bases came out. Really enjoy how the tundra bases came out. Has been really fun learning. Currently working on Infiltrators, will post them once they are finished and based.
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Carcharodon Astra Heavy Assault Intercessor by Wolfdawgartcorner
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guinea-pig16 · 8 months
drew a heavy intercessor for my friend !!
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ive been having fun doing this !!
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doolallymagpie · 1 year
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My first Heresy-era World Eater, Commander Vendra
Not pictured: the sources of all that blood on her, especially not the poor sap she bit
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jame7h · 9 months
What’s your fave SM helmet?
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I think… it might be this specific chaos marine helmet or the normal primaris helm. Or firstborn helmet. Or the heavy intercessor. Probably not the blade guard but he gets to be here anyway.
There’s a lot of really good helmets for the space marines and I’m really sad leagues of votaan got shafted in terms of helmets for the most part…
Like, if I HAVE to choose one, it’s probably the firstborn, helmet. Whichever that one is. I’m showing my surface level knowledge of warhammer but maybe that’s a good thing ^_^
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traumacatholic · 1 month
Can you please pray for me im suffering too much and i am very suicidal. Thank you so so much. <3
Of course, may God bless you and have mercy on you. May He send you the comfort and strength that you need. Please also do try your best to reach out to people in your life about this, preferably a doctor if possible or look into a mental health support service that you can call or send an email to. It's always a good idea to have multiple forms of support that are aware of how you're currently feeling. And charitable mental health resources might be able to help you to engage with accessible resources and support. I know that at least here, some of them do offer workshops or free counselling and support that you can access.
I'm going to attach some prayers under the read more, hopefully some of them will be of help to you. Please also check my mental health tag, as I do share a lot of workbooks and other resources and apps that you might find beneficial to engage with. A lot of these resources are free.
Prayer against Depression: Prayer to the Mother of God
O my beloved Queen, my hope, O Mother of God, protector of orphans and protector of those who are hurt, the saviour of those who perish, and the consolation of all who are in distress: Thou seest my misery, thou seeset my sorrow and my loneliness. Help me; I am powerless. Give me strength. Thou knowest what I suffer, thou knowest my grief. Lend me thy hand, for who else can be my hope but thee, my protector and my intercessor before God? I have sinned before thee and before all people. Be thou my Mother, my consoler, my helper. Protect me and save me; chase grief away from me; chase away my lowness of heart and my despondency. Help me, O Mother of my God!
Prayer against Depression and Sorrow
O Greatly-merciful Master, Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me and cleanse me from every sadness and disturbance and cowardice. Drive away from me every spiritual choking and demonic sorrow, that I sense in my body and my soul. For You are our Joy, and the Hope of all the ends of the earth, and those far off at sea. Be merciful to me, O Master, upon my sins. Take from me the heavy burden of sin and despair. Drive far away from me every sadness and laziness. Confirm me in Your Love, and with unassailable hope and unshakable faith in You, through the intercessions of Your Spotless Mother, and all Your Saints. Amen.
Prayer for Mental Health
O Master, Lord my God, in Whose hands is my destiny: Help me according to Thy mercy, and leave me not to perish in my transgressions, nor allow me to follow them who place desires of the flesh over those of the spirit. I am Thy creation; disdain not the work of Thy hands. Turn not away; be compassionate and humiliate me not, neither scorn me, O Lord, as I am weak. I have fled unto Thee as my Protector and God. Heal my soul, for I have sinned against Thee. Save me for Thy mercy's sake, for I have cleaved unto Thee from my youth; let me who seeks Thee not be put to shame by being rejected by Thee for mine unclean actions, unseemly thoughts, and unprofitable remembrances. Drive away from me every filthy thing and excess of evil. For Thou alone art holy, alone mighty, and alone immortal, in all things having unexcelled might, which, through Thee, is given to all that strive against the devil and the might of his armies. For unto Thee is due all glory, honor and worship: To the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen (source)
Prayer to St. Anastasia the Greatmartyr
O holy saint Anastasia, healer and minister to captives, who did suffer greatly as a martyr while relieving the suffering of the poor and the sick, pray for us who are ill in soul and in body. Relieve us by your intercessions from the illnesses of our minds, from all evil temptation that seeks to disturb us, and from the suffering of our many afflictions. We ask these things boldly of you as you boldly approach the throne of our Lord Jesus Christ who alone is the Healer and Lover of Mankind. Amen.
Your lamb Anastasia, calls out to You, O Jesus, in a loud voice: ‘I love You, my Bridegroom, and in seeking You I endure suffering. In baptism, I was crucified so that I might reign in You, and I died so that I might live with You. Accept me as a pure sacrifice, for I have offered myself in love.’ Through her prayers save our souls, since You are merciful.
Prayers to Saint Dymphna (These can be said individually, or you could put them all together)
I turn to you, dear virgin and martyr, confident of your power with God and of your willingness to take my cause into your hands. I praise and bless the Lord for giving you to us as patron of the nervous and emotionally disturbed. I firmly hope that through your kind intercession He will restore my lost serenity and peace of mind. May He speak to my heart and reassure me: "My peace I give you. Let not your heart be troubled nor let it be afraid." Pray for me, dear St. Dymphna, that my nervous and emotional turmoil may cease, and that I may again know serenity and personal peace. Amen.
I appeal to you in my illness, dear St. Dymphna. I would be so grateful for a total and happy recovery, for the blessed gift of health in every fiber of my being. May the Lord Jesus, who mercifully healed the sick during His earthly days, have pity on me and make me well again. Ask Him to command sickness to depart and grant me a full measure of health, that I may rejoice in giving Him glory and praise. Amen.
Glorious St. Dymphna, you are the patron of the nervous and emotionally disturbed. I am certain, however, that your charity embraces everyone. I am certain that you lend a listening ear to any prayer offered for any special need. You will, I am sure, take my problem to heart and pray for me that it may be happily settled. (Here mention your special problem or difficulty.) You will plead for me and obtain the help I need. Already I offer you my sincere and grateful thanks, so great is my confidence that God will hear and answer your prayers. Amen. St. Dymphna, Virgin and Martyr, pray for us. St. Dymphna, patron of nervous and emotional illnesses, pray for us. St. Dymphna, crowned for the glory in heaven, pray for us. St. Dymphna, faithful to your covenant with Christ, pray for us. St. Dymphna, precious in the eyes of the Lord, pray for us. St. Dymphna, our helper in every need, pray for us. St. Dymphna, our friend at heave's court, pray for us.
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chinookdave65 · 3 months
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Heavy intercessor for a friend
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simonbreeze · 9 months
WIP Ultramarine Heavy Intercessors.
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gray-dun · 6 months
Day 31
I'm going call this one done other than transfers. Went heavy on the crackle paint, unfortunately. I'm taking way too long to get intercessors done. I'd like to move on to anything else or maybe take a break.
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warchirfsminitures · 6 months
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My 1000 point Vanguard Detachment list for tonights game.
Warlord: captain in termi armour (‘deep blade’ enhancment (gives the unit infiltrate)
Lieutenant in phobos
10x phobos infiltrators
10x terminators
5x heavy intercessors
1x balistus dreadnought
The goal is to use ‘guerrilla tactics’ on terminators to bounce them around. Kill a unit, fall back, teleport, kill a unit, repeat… I’m playing knights, so I’ve kitted them out with chainfists…
Infiltrate both terminators and phobos up the board to deny centre. Heavy intercessors and balistus to hold home field.
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zenosanalytic · 1 year
Paintbrush, PlasGlue, and Holy Clippers: Sparse Marns: Part VII: Basing
The End!SO CLOSE to The End!! All that's left is to do SOMETHING with their bases and then varnish the minis to protect the paintjob!
Ok so TECHNICALLY, you really don't have to do anything to the base.
I mean I've never really been in the gaming part of the fandom as I said at the start, I only ever played by myself or with my sibs, so maybe some ppl would hassle you for leaving them with just your basic black+primer bases, but really: Who Cares? So What! If you didn't want to do anything with the bases you could just leave them as is, and if you wanted to do SOMETHING but not anything crazy, you could just paint them a uniform color: black, or grey, or a nice terrainy green or brown. Allot of folks do basically this:, painting the sides of the base brown and the tops green. Most mini-hobby companies also make "basing pastes" and terrain-paints meant to simulate particular terrain environments which you can apply with a brush and maybe schnazz up with a few licks of paint once they dry.
BUT! The point of all this was for me to practice skills, old and new, so I decided to do some flocking. "Flocking" just means "gluing terrain-like Stuff to your mini bases". SO! I went to the gamestore and bought some Army Painter flocking materials
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Lots of folks call Basing Glue "PVA Glue", which is basic wood glue or Elmers to most USians, so Im assuming that's what that is: it certainly looks, smells, feels, and behaves like it. I used the lid from one of my water jars to hold the glue, and This Brush
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to apply it.
The flock itself is some Paver's fill I had lying around, plus Army Painter's Brown Battlefield(a sort of gritty rubble-sand), Green Field, and Battlefield Rocks, which I found those tweezers I didn't like much from assembly to be PERFECT for manipulating, placing, and holding secure. The shrubbery is Army Painter's Highland Tufts which I LOVE! I LOVE THEIR TUFTS SOMUCH!! Seriously after I got done with the basing I immediately went out and bought, like, 3 more packs of different varieties. The Flocks cost ~$15 total and the glue was, I think, another 5 or so, so it was about 20 bucks. The Paver fill didn't really do a super great job which was unfortunate, but now I know sand isn't a great flocking material(at least: not how I used it. I'll get to that later).
Working one base at a time, I brushed the glue on, held it at a tilt, then sprinkled the gravel and sand down it, adjusting and turning to til I was satisfied with the coverage. Then I let it sit for 30 minutes to dry, held it vertical and gently tapped to knock loose any excess, and did that again with the grass, only applying it in patches where I thought grass would Look Neat, letting it dry for another 30 minutes. Here's how that looked
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Then I applied glue to the bottom of the rocks and stuck those wherever I thought a rock should live on the bases, letting dry for another 30 minutes, then did the same with the BEAUTIFUL Tufts My Beloveds uwu Here's how they looked after all that!
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I love how this looks!
Unfortunately, the brown battlefield and green field flocking doesn't stay on so well X| This may be my fault: I might have not used enough glue. But, I decided to go looking for a way to lock it down and found some videos about "sealing" your flock to keep it from doing that, and decided to try covering the flock with a layer of VERY watered-down glue, to hold it in place, then decided to paint the wee skull on Sarge's helmet white, to stand out more. Here's how that looks
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Oh: and once the flocking was dry, I painted the rim of each base in Mournfang Brown with a #2 brush, taking the time to fill in any empty spaces on the edge. I think it's fine, but it's definitely less charismatic than with the grass standing up all willy-nilly. When I went to get the tufts last time, I saw they also sold spray cans of "Terrain Sealer". Now, I KNOW this is for actual terrain pieces you build and paint, and for sealing gameboards you might create, but I figure that, with sufficient distance, it'd probably work well at sealing base-flock, too.
In general I think the flock-experiment went well, but I think I probably made a few mistakes in it. Next time I'll fully paint the bases in a ground-color before applying any flock, and I'll use a thicker layer of glue and see if that changes the stickability. Another option is to use the flock purely for texture and paint over it once it's dry. It's allot more work, and it requires prepping the basing substrate before you attach the minis and some VERY careful painting of said substrate at the finish, but most of the painting tutorials I've been watching lately do something like this, often using cheaply or freely available materials like sand, pebbles, and chopped up Ephemera instead of branded flocks. I could also use branded basing-pastes which, again, allot of video I watched prepping for this used. I'd like to give all those options a go sometime in the future just to see how it works out, though I worry about weight; one benefit of the Army Painter flocking is that it's pretty light and doesn't really impact the handling of the mini.
All that's left now is applying the varnish, going over my thoughts on the project, what I think I need to work on, and discussing my next one! Seeya then ^v^ ^v^
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totallyaspy · 3 months
Just finished another squad of Heavy Intercessors. I didn't really need to try anything new this time around, but I still enjoyed working on them. I am going back to Legions Imperialis for my next project, which shouldn't take very long.
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hadrians-wall95 · 2 months
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Somewhere, above the Forge World Snifflick, King Laretes, leader of the Black Court of the Sanguine Knights, looks down on the battlefield. He and the death Company are preparing to drop into the Tyranid lines. Half his forces had already made it to the battle lines, and he plans to use them as bait. The Tyranids have deployed along a column of ruins to attack the half of the army deployed. He would soon have the other half unleashed. This corridor would become a Corridor of Death for the Xenos. The orders are given, and the Black Court begins it's dance.
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The Death Company Intercessors lead the charge down the center, while the outriders attempt a flank around the toppled clocktower. They take up positions, their Chaplin holding them fast. However, the Nids had prepared, and their Precision Weapons immediately cut down the Chaplin leading the Squad. Without guidance, the Rage takes the Death Company Fully, leaving them to make a final stand against the Norm Emissary.
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The Center had fallen. In part because that Throne Damned Emissary refuses to die (seriously, the amount of 5+ up feel no pains that thing made felt stupid). Meanwhile, the outriders on the right flank had taken heavy casualties, and the long guns on the left were in danger of being overrun by Genestealers. Although it was only the second turn, the Black King ordered all reinforcements to take the field. The trap was sprung on the tryanids. Terminator teleported behind enemy lines. A Death Company Dreadnaught used it's magnagrapple to make sure the Xenos Artillery was tied up, and the Jump Pack Marines of the Death Company Flew in to hold back the Genestealers. The Tyranids were surrounded.
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It would be a swift Victory, but not an easy one. That Norn Emissary, despite multiple turns of being Oath of Momented, held the center till the last fight phase, removing swaths of the Knights with single blows. The Terminators sewed destruction in the back ranks, but were ultimately overrun. The Outriders where able to capitalize on their strike however, and pushed through. The Nids had been eliminated, but at great cost. Of the 3 Chaplins that took the field, only one would survive. The Black King would have the glory of Slaying the Norn Emissary, and breaking through where the Ad Mech and Uncorrupted Blood Angels had not. But he could not continue the march. A phyyric victory if there ever was one, the Sanguine Knights were not done yet. The Xenos would be purged off this planet, no matter the cost.
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