#heavy sarcasm on that btw
freebooter4ever · 1 year
I googled 'evgeni malkin painting' and the results were all paintings OF evgeni malkin rather than him doing the painting...i probably should have seen that one coming
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 10 months
I've been fan of bands all my life, and I've never seen members from the group be branded as a different thing, even in those groups that later disbanded.
Interesting Jungkook is now a brand of his own while supposedly still being in a group omg!!! So quirky!
I literally wanna throw up, seeing so much corruption, lies and deceit. And seeing all of armys be soooo fucking clueless and stupid.
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theoneandonlyneonleon · 3 months
Yayyyyy my dads home!!!!
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minzbins · 2 years
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+ minbin crumbs:
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cidnangarlond · 11 months
"The CIA has officially described for the first time that the 1953 coup it backed in Iran was undemocratic." no way... really...... the CIA doing something bad in another country and only admitting it decades later when all involved parties are dead......... wow I can't believe it............
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eclipsecrowned · 3 months
sometimes in interviews anne will simply speak on cultures that are not french-inspired or greek and i just go. yeah. yeah. yeah. born 1941? mmhmm. i never would have guessed--
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nyangibun · 5 months
I wonder if the people who hate bi buck hate it because they spent years with this character they identified with and found comfort with, thinking they knew them, only for them told to be told that they were totally wrong about everything................
Hmmm can't imagine what that's like 🤪
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akajustmerry · 2 years
anyways, do you guys wanna guess how fun it is to be diagnosed with high insulin resistance during a worldwide ozempic shortage that has in part been exacerbated by celebrities and influencers buying it for weight loss??? it's so fun! I don't feel a constant migraine inducing rage at the fact the medication I need to treat my condition is unavailable because doctors keep prescribing it to celebrities who wanna be thin!!! this is fine!
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aroace-void · 2 years
listening to friends talking about celebrity crushes like "yeah, those. I've got lots of those. SOOO many, the list is so long you wouldn't BELIEVE"
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ladyimaginarium · 11 months
ngl smth that makes my& eyes roll so hard i& end up in another dimension is that some of these white goy leftists just like "land back drive out all the colonizers!!!!!" nvm that's not what land back stands for not that they give a shit but listen neechie my& native ass is just like. "aiight using this logic start packing ur bags bc y'all are on my& land. are y'all gonna leave too ?? lmao no?? then shut ur mouth"
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lol. lmao even
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greenlaut · 15 days
i don't like that using pomodoro method actually works to not make me get burnt out fast
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i love being sick smmm
i definitely havent eaten maybe 3 meals in the past 3 days because eating half of what a full meal should be makes me bloated and have had a fever for the past 4 days and have taken 2 showers in the past 3 days just because of fever sweats and keep changing pajamas because of the fever sweats and my period hasnt come for a week
just so funnnnn
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naritaren · 5 months
Man 13 years of missing the playoffs. The Sabres really do care about my ability to keep up with BOSJ instead of the playoffs. How generous of them 😌
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never-surrender · 9 months
Hey remember when I wrote Kra.tos from G.o.W? Cuz I still do lmfaooooo
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gunpowder-gemini · 9 months
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Vent art don't mind me
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