#hectic start
iamdexter123 · 1 year
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Photo credit: Rolex Sydney Hobart | Carlo Borlenghi
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tacc0yak1 · 19 days
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i miss drawing these grandpas :{
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canisalbus · 17 days
Hi there! Are you participating in Artfight this year?
I can't say for sure, but I'd like to!
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sea-buns · 9 months
wow... what a season. it feels weird to say that this little 6-episode side quest, in all of the 19 seasons of d20, is one of my favorites they've ever done but it just is. it had all the stakes and humor and drama that you could possibly want, all balanced with an incredible cast of players. the table chemistry was excellent, the characters were so perfectly themselves, the TROPES were OFF THE CHARTS!
i can't quite remember the last time i finished something and ached so sharply for there to be more. i just know I'm gonna be thinking about this one for a long time
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samaraxmorgan · 3 days
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My first time drawing Higuruma for the results of this poll!! It was a tie between him and Choso, I’ll start on the Choso version soon :)
More than welcome to repost with credit!!
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agentplutonium · 8 months
(places this small Milo/Sweetheart scene at your doorstep, runs away)
Milo had taken a habit of kissing Sweetheart’s hands whenever and where ever he could. They would give him something and he’d take their hand before it pulled away and kiss their knuckles. If they were holding hands, it was endless opportunities to kiss them. He’d kiss them if Sweetheart was working to much again, soothing the slight ache that he had no don’t was laying deep in them. He’d kiss them during pack meetings when things were slow. He’d kiss them while half asleep, laying together in their bed. They’d cradle his face and he’d be turning his head to kiss their palm. They’d be having a conversation on the couch, facing one another, and Milo wouldn’t let their hands go, smattering kisses across them both every once in a while. He’d kiss them after a long day of worrying after them. He’d kiss them on their dates, a heat behind his eyes that made Sweetheart blush just a bit. He’d kiss them if either of them was rushing out the door particularly quickly that morning.
When Sweetheart asked why he did this, sitting together on the couch one day, Milo would shrug. “It’s you,” he’d say. “You ever hear of cuteness overload?”
Sweetheart nodded.
“It’s like that,” Milo went on, “the only difference is it’s not just the cuteness that gets to me. I’m overwhelmed with the idea of you in my life. I mean, I get to have all of you, and that just about makes me the luckiest bastard in all of Dahlia.” He paused, taking a moment to rub his thumb along Sweetheart’s hands were they lay intertwined. “It’s a surge of love, and appreciation, and admiration, and just about everything else,” he says, bringing their hand up to kiss along it as he did, “Because I love you. I’m over the moon about you, Sweetheart, you should know this.”
“Oh,” Sweetheart breathed. “That’s…”
They didn’t finish their sentence, but the loopy grin that was pulling at the corners of their mouth seemed to say it all.
“It’s also partially a make-out controller,” Milo added, half-serious. “Most of the time when I kiss your hand it’s to suppress the urge to straight up make-out with you. If I had any say, there’s be a one thousand percent uptick in the amount of times my mouth ends up on yours, and-”
Milo was cut off by Sweetheart pulling him down into a kiss. He could feel their smile against his lips and he had the familiar rush through his chest.
“I don’t know about a one thousand percent,” Sweetheart said when they pulled back, “but I wouldn’t mind a smaller uptick. If you can control yourself with this new given power.”
Milo grinned wolfishly. “Oh, I am the king of control, Sweetheart. Do you want me to show you?”
Sweetheart let out a small noise when they were dragged onto Milo’s lap, only for it to turn into a breathy giggle when Milo pulled them in for another kiss.
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michi-chelle-draws · 3 months
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quick sticky note doodle for towa’s bday !
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daydadahlias · 1 year
Today, I saw an Instagram reel complaining about how fanfic authors apologize for late updates in the notes of their stories and that readers “don’t want to hear it,” they just want the fic to be updated and there are a ton of comments like this one in agreement
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and frankly, as a fanfic writer, I just have to say this kind of attitude is really consistently disappointing and frequently makes me not want to write for fandom anymore. I don’t know how many times we as creators have to tell readers that you are not entitled to our work before y’all comprehend that. Fanfic is a privilege, not a commodity.  
Readers need to learn how to be aware that there’s a real person with a real life writing and sharing this work. And you complaining that you had to “beg” for an update is not the time-consuming difficulty you think it is in comparison to how long it takes a creator to actually make something. We don’t just shit out content when it fits our fancy. 
Fanfic is something people do for free with their own valuable time. We are not machines just cranking out random half-assed works. We come up with ideas, we plan, and we spend God knows how many hours and days actually creating our content because it’s something that we enjoy doing, and are excited to share with others, not something we feel an obligation to create for you. And the second that readers start acting like they’re entitled to our work is when it stops being fun. 
In short, please just learn how to be respectful and kind to creators and understand that we literally owe you jackshit and if you treat us with this kind of attitude, we will stop making content for you because you simply do not deserve it.   
TL;DR: if you act like fanfic authors don’t have lives outside of fic, you’re a cunt, and we deserve better.
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slytherinslut0 · 9 days
ALR POOKS just for everyone wondering, starting monday i will be updating this is your punishment on a continual basis
i will not promise new chaps everyday YET but you won’t have to wait weeks between uploads. i’m jus tryna wrap my brain around it rn so thank yall for your patience 🖤
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moonswolfie · 10 months
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the way i sCREAMED
I slapped my poor bed full force😭
I'm not sure how to get them tho, which is a sad moment
You can see their chibi forms in game tho through little icons and playing the event and they're so CUTE AHSJKADGAHD
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kittleskittle · 10 months
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a moment of respite.
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fangirl-of-the-end · 2 years
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spaceratprodigy · 4 months
WIP Wednesday ✏
Thank you for the tags at various points @captastra @darkfire1177 @hibernationsuit @the-lastcall 💖💕
Besties I have not been very productive lately lemme tell ya. I am very tired and have been a bit busy so I've been slackin' workin' on my wips. But that's okay.
Most of y'all have already seen the Faith and Max wip but it's rly cute so I'm gonna show it off again anyway :]
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I also have a couple of oc x oc illustrations in the works for the color palette prompts y'all sent me but I don't wanna show those off yet!! I want them to be a surprise 🖤
open tag to anyone who wants to jump in!
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the-himawari · 6 months
A3! Izumida Azami - Translation [SR] Lunch Break Fun (2/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Azami: … (Nobody’s around.)
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*opens fridge*
Sakuya: Azami-kun?
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Azami: !?
Sakuya: Ah, sorry. Did I startle you?
Azami: …What do you want?
Sakuya: I felt thirsty, so I thought I would drink some tea.
Azami: R-right. …Here’s the tea.
Sakuya: Thank you.
Azami: See ya.
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Sakuya: Hold on! Azami-kun? Was Azami-kun okay not having tea…? Or maybe he came to get something else?
Azami: *Gulp*… …Nice. (Strawberry milk tastes this good, huh?) (It’s not a good idea to drink too much though… Or rather, should I make my own?)
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Kumon: Azami~?
Azami: !
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Kumon: Ah! Azami, is that—.
Azami: Shh!
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Kumon: Mmph!
Azami: I don’t want another peep outta you.
Kumon: Mmph… I’llbequiet.
Azami: …As long as you got it.
Kumon: *Gasp*… hah. I got a heart attack when you suddenly covered my mouth! Do you like it now, Azami? Err… that drink.
Azami: …I just thought it tasted pretty good after having it for the first time in a while.
Kumon: Mhmm…
Azami: Don’t say anythin’.
Kumon: I got it! It’s a secret between you and I!
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Azami: A secret… you’re blowin’ this way outta proportion.
Kumon: Hehe. But it feels cool having a secret just between the two of us, doesn’t it?
Azami: All we’re hiding is strawberry milk.
Kumon: …Ah, that reminds me. Seeing the strawberry milk reminded me that the vending machines at Tsuku High are going to change their drinks soon.
Azami: Wait, really?
Kumon: Yep. The lady at the school store told me.
Azami: I see. Since the seasons are switchin’ over too…
Kumon: Exactly. She said there’ll be more warm drinks. I can’t wait to see what new stuff gets added! I wonder if they’ll have corn soup!
Azami: …
Azami: (…Oh yeah. Kumon mentioned the drinks inside the vending machines are gonna be changed.) (I thought I’d been drinking too much strawberry milk lately, but since it’s gonna be gone soon, maybe it’s fine to drink some today?) (Kumon already knows I’m drinkin’ it anyways.)
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Kumon: Azamiii~!
Azami: I told you you don’t need to come all the way here…
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Kumon: Don’t worry about it! Let’s go to the cafeteria together! By the way, the drinks in the vending machines changed today! When I took a quick peek this morning, the vendor had already switched them out!
Azami: (So the day has finally come… so I guess that’ll be gone now, huh?)
Kumon: Ah! Azami, the strawb… that’s there!
Azami: Dude, don’t point!
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Kumon: Owch! Don’t hit me!
Azami: You were bein’ loud.
Kumon: But it’s great it’s still there, right!
Azami: …Whatever. It’s not like I like it or anything.
Kumon: Hehe, I’ll just leave it at that. It’s our secret, after all!
Azami: It’s not gonna be a secret if you yell so damn loud! (So… the strawberry milk didn’t get replaced…) (Well. I guess it’ll be alright if I keep drinkin’ it once in a while.)
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glossyhobi · 8 months
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18.10.23 — autumn is here and with it arrives a slower pace to life,
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seriemorder · 2 months
bullying people into caring about themselves comes naturally to me. unfortunately.
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