#hefty orb problems
xvysarene · 5 months
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𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤 ℝ𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕖𝕗
Pairing: Zayne x Fem!Reader Words: ~3.3k Genre: Suggestive Notice: 3rd person POV, Mentions of alcohol, Slight OOC Zayne (not a teetotaler)
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“I know a healthier way to relieve stress, doctor.”
Alcohol-induced thoughts had rolled off her tongue effortlessly.
She had expected his towering build to abruptly rise and leave her right there, appalled by the provocative comment. A disgusted expression or an unexpected snort would be acceptable too.
Yet, when she finally dared to face him, those sharp eyes locking with hers was not something she expected. Overflowing intensity caused her skin to tingle.
“You shouldn’t offer what you can’t deliver, Ms. Y/N,” his lowered voice warned her, sending a chill down her spine on hearing the way he had addressed her so formally, just like when they were in the meeting room.
The room suddenly spun, but not from the alcohol. No, she only had two bottles of beer, just enough to loosen her tongue like this.
The response in her throat dried as she saw him sipping his whiskey sans ice, Adam apple’s bobbing as he swallowed the deep amber liquid after letting it linger in his mouth, taking in the smoky flavour.
“Well?” Perfectly arched brow challenged her.
Heart pounding rapidly in her chest, she took one last gulp from the barely touched third bottle to calm her nerves before subtly cocking her head to the bar’s exit.
It was one of the rare moments she had seen him smirk and not in response to a challenge in the medical field. 
The faint creaking from the bar stool was loud in her ears as he stood up, settling both of their bills with the bartender, and leaving a hefty tip. His surprisingly warm palm rested low on her hip as he guided her to his black sedan.
Mesmerizing city lights blurred. Her attention drawn solely to the sensation of his thumb slowly drawing circles on her thigh.
Next thing she knew, her back was pressed against the back of his front door, lips locked in a passionate battle filled with intense desire that made her knees buckle.
The strong thigh nestled between her heated core was the only thing stopping her from melting into a puddle on his floor. The friction, a welcome bliss, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her.
That was the beginning of the agreement, becoming a recurring occurrence whenever both of them needed to blow off steam from the stresses of demanding jobs. Him, saving lives, and her, dealing with difficult clients.
“Thank you for being my stress relief.”
His words cut through her second post-orgasm haze like ice water.
Somewhere along the line of what was supposed to be a no-strings-attached arrangement, small things like having a late-night snack together to deeper conversation during pillow talks grew to be a regular part of the deal.
Feelings for him had begun to bloom, much like the flowers outside with the arrival of warmer weather.
“Are you okay?” The sound of rustling sheets reminded her that she had been silent for too long while staring emptily at his ceiling.
“Yeah,” she simply replied.
Not satisfied with the answer, she felt Zayne’s fingertips lightly tracing above her collarbone, gently checking patches of skin that had turned reddish. They would undoubtedly be bruised by the next day.
“Was I too rough?”
Hands roamed greedily over her curves, warm lips on the sensitive dips and folds that he had become well acquainted with, growls of desire, and powerful thrusts flashed through her mind.
She tried to suppress the memories, though her body still hummed from the aftereffects. “No, just tired.”
He carefully took hold of her chin, noticing that she had been avoiding his gaze. "Y/N, you know you can talk to me, right?" his voice filled with concern. 
“I think that’s the problem.”
Zayne’s calculated hazel orbs bore into hers, searching for the meaning behind her words.
“I’m not sure if you notice, Zayne, but for a casual arrangement, things are starting to get complicated.”
It was his turn to drop his gaze. For someone as bright as him, it would be impossible for the situation to go over his head.
He too must have realised the way their dynamic had changed over time; they had spent more time together in and out of the bedroom. 
At times, they’d simply cuddle through the nights, providing a safe haven without the necessity for words.
She held her breath. There was no going back now. “It's starting to feel like more than just sex—it has been for some time.”
Retracted fingers sent a clear sign that he was about to take a step back, the gesture as clear as the darkness enveloping the night. The guarded mask was back once he met her gaze again.
“We both agreed that this was meant to be casual. I don't want either of us to end up getting hurt.”
It sounded like an automated response even to his ears. He grimaced.
Y/N's heart sank. Despite the obvious signal of his withdrawal, his words still pierced her heart. “I see,” she said quietly, distancing herself from him slightly.
Zayne could sense her disappointment and reached out to touch her arm. “Hey, Y/N, it's not that I don't care about you. I just…” his words faltered.
“I understand,” she said, forcing a smile. “I believe it might be best if we stop doing this then.”
He breathed out slowly. “Yeah, you may be right.”
A curt nod was directed at him. “I should probably get going anyway.”
“Don’t be silly, it’s past midnight,” Zayne immediately stood up, trying to stop her. She tried hard not to look down at his abs or any other part of his anatomy. “I’m not asking you to leave. You can take the bed and I’ll sleep on the couch if you want.”
“I just prefer to sleep on my own bed tonight, but thank you for the offer.”
He watched as she quickly slipped on her clothes and gathered her things. 
“Let me drop you off at least,” he pleaded.
“I'll take the 24-hour taxi on the corner of your street and send you my location,” she shut him down with the same assertive tone she used when closing deals.
As he closed the door behind her, a part of him wished she hadn't seen him at the bar that evening when he had let his heart rule over his brain.
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“What is it?” Zayne took the pen out of his pocket and began to add his notes to the patient’s file.
When no response came from the direction of his office door, he exasperatedly looked up, about to shoot daggers at whoever was interrupting him.
Greyson, his assistant and regrettably a close friend out of work, stood in place, watching his every move.
“Less than fifteen minutes to the meeting; you were normally ready half an hour before that.”
The grip on the pen tightened as he concentrated back on jutting his notes down, making sure he didn’t miss any important details.
“I have some urgent things to attend to earlier.”
Greyson hmmed. “Yeah, things that you normally assign to the junior doctors so they can 'practice more' as you often phrase it."
Zayne knew that engaging with Greyson was futile since he would never win—a rarity, given that he would typically be the one in Greyson's shoes in any other situation.
“Let’s go, don’t want to be late for such an important meeting.”
As Greyson walked one step ahead of him, he did shoot daggers at the back of his friend's head all the way to the meeting room.
Nervous fingers, poised to adjust the tie, froze in place as he noticed Yvonne sent Greyson a knowing look once they entered the conference room before setting her eyes on him.
“Ah, Doctor Zayne and Doctor Greyson are here,” the hospital administrator greeted them from his seat.
He cleared his throat. “Apologies for running late.”
“Not at all, Doctor Zayne. You are, in fact, right on time,” Y/N said, acknowledging him after finishing setting up her laptop for the presentation.
"It's good to have you back, Ms. Y/N,” Greyson said as he took the seat across from him.
“Likewise, Doctor Greyson.”
“No offense to your colleague, but we were afraid we’d get a new account manager.”
The smile faltered slightly on her lips, clearly taken aback by his assistant’s nonsensical comment. “I had a business trip last time, which was why I had asked my colleague to step in for me.”
“We find that consulting with you is a more enjoyable process for us, as you're familiar with our requirements, isn’t that right, Doctor Zayne?"
Greyson’s sudden query left him unprepared. He sent his friend a quick warning glance before nodding, afraid that his carefully crafted pretense of nonchalance would slip away.
“Right, since everybody is here, should we start the meeting then?” the purchasing manager spoke when he finally put his phone down, not paying attention to the conversation as he was busy texting anyway. “Ms. Y/N, what new devices do you have for us?”
As Y/N started her presentation, Yvonne’s hushed words reached his ears, “Would you like some water, doctor?” The nurse’s hand appeared in his line of vision, handing him a bottle of water.
“Thank you,” he replied, making the mistake of looking into the nurse's eyes. Her perceptive gaze told him she knew how surprisingly affected he was by Y/N’s presence.
For once, he regretted instilling in those who work under him the importance of being observant of their surroundings.
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Y/N’s fingers traced the rim of the glass, lost in the haunting cadence of the singer's voice. 
The lady poured her heart into each note. Each lyric dripped with the bittersweet of longing, a testament to love that lingered just beyond reach.
“Pretty uneventful for a celebratory night, don’t you think?” The bartender—Ethan, she had learned his name—approached her again once the end of the workweek crowd had slowly dispersed.
“Perhaps,” she replied, “but it allows me to rearrange my thoughts.”
She had found unexpected companionship with the bartender, who had recognised her from the night her loose tongue had led her into a difficult situation with Zayne.
Despite its prime location at Moonshadow Avenue, the jazz bar remained a hidden gem, often overlooked by the bustling crowds.
It was the perfect place to enjoy some time alone outside the confines of her home, feeling it a little too empty lately.
“People normally do that within the privacy of their home,” he responded knowingly. There was a kindness in his eyes, a silent reassurance that she wasn't alone in her solitude.
She sent him a small smile and savored the final drop of the ruby-hued liquid. A delicate hint of orange zest, weaving through the complex herbaceous notes, warmed her body.
Ethan took the empty glass. “And that, ma’am, is the last glass for tonight.”
When he saw her let out a playful huff despite the buzz that she was feeling, he offered a gentle warning, “Negronis can sneak up on you quicker than you think. Wouldn't want you making any bad decisions now, would we?”
“Alright, dad.” Y/N playfully rolled her eyes to his retreating figure, feeling grateful for his watchful care.
As the band moved on to another piece, she cast a look around the room. Couples were huddled together, allowing intimate conversations to blend with the somber tones of saxophones and pianos.
The warm, honeyed glow from antique lamps illuminated their faces, creating playful shadows dancing across their features. Every exchanged smile spoke volumes of love in a myriad of languages shared between them.
Feeling a churn inside her heart, she grabbed her purse, ready to call it a night.
“It’s on the house,” Ethan tutted after serving another patron.
“I had more than one glass tonight,” she warned and slid the card to him.
“If I ever undergo heart surgery at Akso—God forbid”—he knocked on the polished bar to ward off any bad luck—“I’ll make sure to thank you personally for the devices you sold to them.” With that, he slid the card back across the bar.
Y/N shook her head at his antics and handed him a generous trip instead. “Thank you, but just this once.”
“Anytime, milady,” he quipped, bowing dramatically. “Get home safely.”
She waved goodnight and stumbled a bit, the buzz from the drink intensifying as she rose from the stool. Ethan’s advice was spot on—any more drinks and she might have found herself spinning along with the room, tripping her way out the door.
The cool breeze of the spring night air hit her, a welcoming sensation that helped clear her head. Phone in hand, ready to order a ride, she thought she caught a whiff of a sterile smell, a scent that reminded her of the corridors at the hospital. 
Heart racing, she looked up at the sound of a familiar voice softly uttering her name.
“Y/N?” he called out again as she blinked at him.
It was Zayne, still clad in the white shirt and light beige cotton vest combo he had worn earlier in the day, looking like he just finished his shift.
Though he had rolled up his sleeves, allowing the world to get a sight of his strong forearms.
A faint sigh slipped from his lips as he extended a finger in front of her face, moving it from left to right, checking to see if her eyes focused on it.
“You’ve been drinking more than I thought.”
“What are you doing here?”  Y/N countered, not expecting to see him.
Those unmistakable hazel eyes peered down at her, before looking to the side, lost in contemplation. 
“I need to see you. Figured you might have frequented this bar again and I was right.”
Her mouth opened and closed, mind racing on how to respond to that.
The lively younger crowd suddenly shifted, eager to migrate to a happening spot as the night was still young to them, and she found herself jolted into his embrace.
Apologies from a younger girl fell on deaf ears as her focus was captured by the arms securely wrapping around her figure.
“Let me drive you home.”
It wasn’t a question. The same words he had uttered the night she left his house echoed in her mind.
City lights blurred into a colorful haze, much like the first time she sank into the plush leather seat of his car, though her thigh felt empty.
The hand that had rested on it previously was gripping the steering wheel tightly, trying to restrain itself. The silence between them was heavy, punctuated only by the soft hum of the engine.
“There’s something I need to talk to you about,” he finally broke the silence when her apartment came into view.
Zayne turned off the engine and turned to face her. “But seeing that you’ve had some drinks, it’s probably better if we do this when you’re completely sober.”
“Meet me upstairs,” the words came rushing out of her mouth, surprising him and her both.
He looked into her eyes deeply. “Are you sure?”
She nodded swiftly and opened the car door, stepping out before she could second-guess her decision.
Upstairs, weary feet paced back and forth, the sound of footsteps echoing softly in the quiet apartment. Fresh breeze swept through the opened windows, bringing clarity to her mind.
Soon, there was a soft knock on the door, and her heart raced faster. She was met with the sight of him who had shed his vest and tie. That sure wasn’t helping her nerves as he somehow looked even more dashing than before.
She could feel his heat as he passed her. Suddenly, her apartment felt small with Zayne standing there, his presence filling the room.
“You have been busy,” he remarked when he saw the pile of papers stacked on her coffee table.
“I’m just trying to do more work to take my mind off…” she trailed off, unable to finish the sentence.
Of you.
“Of what?” Zayne prompted. “Is everything okay?” He genuinely looked concerned, softening her towards him even more, if possible.
“Just a lot in my mind lately,” she opted to say.
He hmmed understandingly and they resorted to another silence. Feeling parched, she took a swig of the chilled water from her fridge, aware that his gaze was tracking her every move.
“I saw you hurriedly walking down the hospital corridor a couple of months back,” he said quietly, “avoiding me as if I were contagious.”
And yet, she had done it again earlier in the morning. After successfully closing the deal with Akso, the businesswoman's confidence evaporated as their hands clasped in a shake.
The familiar hold of his hand ignited a surge of memories, memories where he had once gripped both of her wrists effortlessly, guiding her into moments of ecstasy.
It prompted her to hastily make an escape.
“I just...didn't know how to face you, and I didn’t want to make things more awkward between us.”
His hand caught her chin, lifting her head that had hung low from embarrassment. Her breath caught, only noticing how those broad shoulders were closer than before.
“I’ve missed you.”
Doubt stealthily crept into her. “You mean the sex?”
“That’s a totally different context,” he clarified quickly, "I care about you. More than I've ever cared about anyone else. And it drives me crazy knowing that I have hurt you.
“You were right, it hadn’t been just a casual arrangement for some time," he admitted, voice tinged with fragility that she had heard sneaking in within the safe space of their pillow talks. “I’m a coward who thought that completely baring my soul to someone will only end in heartache.”
“Well, I have a soft spot for this particular person who dares to bare his soul.” Her smile was gentle, though he didn’t miss the mischief twinkling in her eyes. “Did you finally admit that it was more than physical or is my mind playing tricks on me, Doctor Zayne?”
A small chuckle escaped his lips. “Judging on your playful quip even when I’m being serious and…” His thumb brushed against her jugular, feeling the rapid rise and fall of her pulse beneath his touch. “…seeing that you’re responding even to the slightest touch, it seems that you’re fully alert right now.”
Smouldering gaze pinned her down to the spot. Their heads tilted closer, drawn by an irresistible magnetic pull.
“Though, I never refuted that I didn’t miss the physical aspect, did I?”
A surge of heat rushed through that one spot south of her body. “So, Mr. Coward, what’s your next brave move going to be?” her words came out in a breathless whisper.
With a barely audible exhale, he grabbed her by the back of the neck. Mouths moved in a passionate dance of need, their kisses growing more desperate with each passing second.
As they fought for oxygen, he withdrew, forehead touching hers. “Are you sure this is something you want? Right after we talk about things between us are more than just sex?”
“Didn’t you confirm I’m ‘fully alert’ earlier?”
She tugged on his collar, drawing him closer until their bodies were flush against each other. The fabric of her pencil skirt felt constricting as his skilled surgeon fingers toyed along the waistband.
“Do you have work tomorrow?” she managed to gasp out in between her moans, tilting her head back, exposing the delicate curve of her neck to his wandering lips further.
“No,” he replied, voice thick with a feral need.
Puffs of hot breath danced across her skin, causing the hair on the back of her neck to stand proud. “Will you stay the night then?”
Full-blown dark irises locked onto hers, a sly curl exclusively reserved for her tugged at the corner of his lips
“I thought you’d never asked,” he breathed, before lightly nibbling on his favourite spot. The spot he knew would elicit the sweetest symphony from her lips.
Peppered purplish marks would for sure grace her neck for the next couple of days. And perhaps a few other places on her body too.
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d4djobesemuses · 6 months
Rei was beyond excited, she hadn't even considered going to a pool in so long, but she felt so lucky when she discovered the Ohara Hotel's store went up to 10XL in the swimwear sizes, and all of incredibly high quality too!
After purchasing herself a pair that fit just a little snugly, Rei checked in, had a "light" three hour breakfast in the hotel's buffet, leaving Rinku to gorge just when she felt appropriately stuffed, and made her way to the hotel's swimming pool.
Perhaps it was the day, or the angle advertising to obese idols primarily, but Rei thanked whomever let the pool be completely empty at this hour of the day.
Taking plodding step after plodding step, the enormity of Rei was undeniable, round cheeks leading to a hefty, wobbling double chin that completely obscured her neck, glistening sweat rolling from it and down her hefty chest in it's quite revealing swimsuit top, it left very little to the imagination, resting atop the star of the show, her wobbling orb of a belly that hung down halfway to her knees, it was a singular slab of fat, slapping with wet plops at every step against her meaty thighs as sweat dripped like a showerhead onto the poolside floor, some ending on her fattened feet, too disfigured by fat to provide the perfect balance, forcing every step Rei took to be even more calculated than it would have already been.
And although walking down a flat surface was a challenge, it was one that the former pianist relished in, the issues only truly began once she reached the pool itself.
With a nervous gulp, Rei slowly lowered a foot onto the first step, and immediately felt years of neglecting her muscles catch up with her, strain went through her left leg as well as shock from the cool temperature of the pool's water.
"Ngh- ghahh... this is... hahh... a problem...!" She worried out loud, not aware that a certain bluenette just might be within earshiot
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blueparadis · 2 years
boyfriend!bachira who saw your peacefully sleeping gets aroused; at first he tries to solve the problem by himself but fails miserably.plss
+. CWs —»f!reader, (consensual) somnophilia, spit kink( spit as lube ), cunnilingus, use of pet names. word count — 0.6k
+. NOTES —»  well, it's here. Feel free to drop bllk thirsts and if you can’t tell it yet, i wrote this with pure pu$$y dedication; you can browse my works via NAVIGATION LINKS.
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Bachira was always a light sleeper unlike you. He is always the one who used to wake up early and today is no different but when he walked out of the bath and saw you in deep slumber with a minimal dress covering your curves, he could only think of one thing: to wake you up. In all honesty, he hated that he had to leave on short notice for a tournament and would not be able to spend his time properly before he is finally off to the station. But he can have a proper goodbye if he wakes you up.
He should not, he probably should not but he can not help but mindlessly stare at the slow rise and fall of your chest and think about touching you, your cheeks, collar bones, your breasts . . .Wa-it! Wa-it! Wait. He can not afford to do that. Besides, he is gonna be late. He checks his phone and a teeth-flashing grin appears on his face.
His amber eyes settle on you while his arm extends to graze your cheeks with the back of his palm. You hum in response, goosebumps adorning your skin that made his cock twitch. He could only think of you one thing: you sprawled out on all four as he takes you from the back kissing and biting and fucking you till you are sore all over but he does not want to wake you up from your sleep.
Of all people, he knows sleep is next to sex. Bachira removes the blanket just enough to get a view of your body and to his surprise, you are not much dressed, a panty and spaghetti. He jocks down to press a kiss against your neck, over the pulse point. You’re warm, he thinks as pulls back carefully shifting in amongst your legs so as not to wake you up. 
He slides the clothing to a side touching you, stroking up and down as lightly as possible watching you hum and goosebumps appear on your skin. You’re wet, purring occasionally maybe because you were dreaming? about him? Yeah, it had to be him. He sets himself in a comfortable position with your legs resting upon his thighs as he discards the towel that has been nothing but a mere nuisance. 
His groans keep rising as his finger traces your pussy lips, two set of fingers soaking wet with your slick yet his cock remains unaided. He can not bear any more of this, any more of this torment, any more of this treacherous feeling of wanting to be inside you. He spits on his cock, pumps a few rash strokes up and down coating his member with saliva.
Sweat starting to gather on his shoulder blades as he spreads you further , his cock twitching, brain being all mushy the way you respond to his touch, even in your sleep, soft whines escaping your mouth turning into a falling whimper as he pushes the tip of the cock insode your pussy.
You gasp at the feeling of something penetrating your pussy, something firm and deep enough to making you jolt and up. And as you do, his mustard orbs scan your confused features. Bachira does not waste any further but kisses your parted dry lips calming your senses, and making you breathless as he pulls away. 
You notice that he is halfway inside you and so you buck your hips up to take him all in but he does not cooperate. “Oh baby”, he coos pulling you into his lap and hence sheathing his hefty cock by your gummy walls. 
“On my previous game, remember how ya’woke me with a blow job ?”, his voice full of groans and pants in between as his hands slip under your top grazing your back with cold hands.
The bridge of his nose kissing your pulse-point as you moan rashly feeling his fingers squeeze your ass cheeks as he adds, “I couldn’t concentrate on the game properly, was thinking of ya’ , all the time.”,
Bachira looks at you with devouring gaze before he adds the final touch, “Thought i should return the favor.”
“More like a payback.”, you manage to murmur against his lips, just inches apart waiting for him to shut you up with a kiss because you know, bachira doesn't like to be read like a book ,even in bed.
@tokyometronetwork || @chronic-claire-universe @jotatetsuken @angelltheninth @nyaaaaanma
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solarkindred · 2 years
Sun Wukong x Dragon!Male Reader
An idea stuck in my head. Tempted to make a fanfic(i am considering it as i write this lol) but imma do this first so i get into some kind of flow. Reader will have a name(sorry) but human appearance is up in the air somewhat for you guys.
Wukong couldn’t help but stare. He never could control his body when Huanglong was involved. It was naturally attracted to the dragon. Be it of awe or affection, he was just had to have Huanglong in his mind.
And now was no different. Sun Wukong, Huanglong and kids were in Pigsy’s Noodles shop. The kids were having an eating competition with Pigsy aggressively scolding them (that by no means is stopping them) while the Monkey King and the Yellow Deity sat in one of the more secluded booths, drinking a soothing tea. Not that it was working since Huanglong was glaring daggers into Sun Wukong’s form.
Sun Wukong glanced away from his… ex-lover? Wukong certainly didn’t consider Huang to be that but it would seem the dragon did. With an avid fury too. Sun Wukong slid further down the seat, face reddening. He took a cup of lukewarm tea and brought it to his lips, biting back a groan of disgust, afraid that if he spoke Huanglong would kill him on the spot.
The stone monkey looked back to Huanglong, taking in the dragon’s human form. His H/C hair was pulled into a messy man bun while the other half cascaded off his shoulders like beautiful waterfalls, bright yellow streaks came from the roots near his forehead. He wore clothes similar to Wukong’s, only black with yellow and gold accents and much more scaly in texture. Huanglong had four orbs floating behind his head, the highest orb being black, the left being blue, the right white and bottom red. Sun Wukong knew they represented Huanglong’s four younger brothers; Ao Shun of the Northern Sea, Ao Guang of the Eastern Sea, Ao Ji of the Western Sea, and Ao Qin of the Southern Sea.
Now, where would Huanglong fit into this family? Well, since his brothers took to the seas, Huanglong took the lands. All of Earth is protected by Huanglong.
It was hefty task that he probably couldn’t take on himself, no matter how hard he tried, Sun Wukong admitted to himself.
“Sun Wukong.”
The stone monkey jumped at the sound of his name, straightening in his seat and curling his tail properly on his lap,”Y-yes?” he squeaked.
“You wanted to speak with me?” Huanglong said slowly, a quiet entrancing hiss in his words. Wukong had will himself to not jump across the table and kiss Huanglong. Gods he missed the sound of his name coming from those lips. “Yes.. yes I did, ahem..” Sun Wukong cleared his throat, once again flushing at the feeling of having Huang’s attention on him. He didn’t notice the tip of his tail swinging.
“I.. I wanted to talk about that day.” Huanglong’s already sour mood turned several degrees more sour, electrifying E/C eyes glaring holes into Sun Wukong,”What about it? There is nothing to say.”
“Come on, Huang. We both know that’s not true..” Wukong tried, already itching to completely change the subject that he brought up. ‘Deep breaths, Wukong. He hasn’t torn your head off yet, you can still do this.’ he comforted himself. Taking a breath, he clutched the cold cup in his hands,”We both have things to say about then. A-and I plan to say them.” He spoke resolutely despite the slight stutter, warm gold eyes steely but wavering, his inner coward was begging him to stop. To run away again. Sun Wukong had always listened to that voice. But today, today was the day he would ignore it and face at least one of his problems.
“… I see.” Huanglong whispered, leaning forward onto the table and placing a gentle hand onto the teapot. His hand glowed slightly and before long the pot was steaming again. He poured the tea into his cup and took a sip,”Then how about we start with you, hm?” The dragon said, half lidded eyes unmoving from Sun Wukong’s.
Sun Wukong gulped, words of retreat bubbled in his throat but he swallowed them down before they could come out,”… Okay,” he cleared his throat and shuffled,”First things first, I want to say I’m sorry.”
Huanglong simply blinked. And Wukong already felt exhausted from those few words. He felt heavy, his armor felt more weighty than before, as did his eyes. He blinked the fatigue that tried to settle in his bones away, sitting up taller and gulping down his chilly tea.
He forced words to spill out of his mouth,”I know… I know a simple apology won’t suffice. It never will and I… fuck, I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to leave you there, to fight that demon on your own. I… I’m a fucking idiot. And I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you, even if it takes millions of tries and millions of years to do so.” Sun Wukong felt like throwing up. Those few sentences felt like sandpaper on his tongue and sticky bile was climbing up his throat. It wasn’t that he was disgusted by the situation, he was just so violently uncomfortable that he felt sick. The cold tea wasn’t helping…
Huanglong, basically being an expert on Sun Wukong’s behaviors, saw the discomfort in the tan furred immortal. Huanglong’s finger twitched against his cup, hands wanting to cradle Wukong’s face and pepper him in kisses, forgive him for his act of abandonment and just return to how life was before. But his still wounded heart won’t let him, afraid of being hurt again. Instead, Huanglong made a compromise,”I accept this apology.” Wukong seemed to light up at that,”But,” the monkey’s shoulders drooped,”I do expect numerous attempts to fix what you have broken. You broke much more than our relationship. This apology is but a beginning, the end is far.”
Sun Wukong let out a resigned hum but nodded. He went stock still when he felt a warm hand on his. “But, knowing you, my King, the end is never far.” Huanglong smiled fondly as the red that burned brightly on the ear he had whispered to. Leaning back and removing his hand, Huanglong stood from the booth,”Thank you, Pigsy, for your hospitality. I will have to repay you.” he lightly bowed to the short pig, who was holding two noodle-stuffed kids by their throats. The pig smiled,”Ah, don’t worry about that! You’re welcome here anytime.”
Huanglong nodded,”Thank you. I bid you all a farewell.” With that, the legendary dragon disappeared in a sparky display.
MK tilted his head back to wiggle his eyebrows at his mentor, who was still sat at the booth like a statue,”Oooo, someone’s got a crush!” He teased. MK’s tease seemed to bring Sun Wukong back from whatever plane of existence he was, he chuckled, face blooming red,”Hah. I wouldn’t call it a crush, kiddo… it’s complete infatuation.” Wukong hummed dreamily, hearts in his eyes.
MK grimaced,”Ew. Get that look off your face. You look weird.” Wukong didn’t hear him. He was too busy thinking about kissing Huang again.
Im only on episode three and im already gay for an immortal monkey lmao
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tigorrrr · 8 months
𝗦𝗸𝗶𝗻-𝗗𝗲𝗲𝗽 || 𝗔 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗛𝗼𝗺𝗲
Tw: abuse, eating disorder, (mentioned) Shang Tsung
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           "Hello dear, are you alright?"
           Madam Bo tapped the remaining ash from her cigarette before finishing the paper stick completely. She peered closely with her eldery, but still healthy, eyes at the young woman she decided to question that night before she would disappear forever, leaving Miss Bo regret her choice on her death bed.
           The woman, poorly dressed for the rainy weather they were having for a few days and her already pearly skin looking too pale, looked up at the old woman like deer staring into headlights with her lavender orbs that had specs of blue and barely noticeable red hue framed by wet, white lashes. Frightened, not oblivious to its gruesome fate but unable to move like any other hind.
           Mustering a little smile with trembling, paint-less lips that began to turn a blue hue on the snow-white skin was such an eyesore for a pretty face like hers.
           "Y-yes, ma'am. I will be alright."
           But Madam Bo didn't buy such a bold lie. "I've been watching you. Sitting here for hours, not getting onto any buss, under-dressed. I may be old but I am not blind."
           The albino woman didn't expect such fierce sassiness of the old lady.
           "Ah~" she huffed out a feminine, pathetic chuckle. "Observation of a hawk."
           Madam Bo didn't pay any mind to the compliment, normally she would express how flattered she is but something feels wrong here and she won't rest until it's solved. "Are you running from something?" she asked, eyeing the hefty bag by the woman's feet. "Responsibilities?"
           All that the woman ever wanted was to have someone listen to her troubles and not turn it down like a minor problem of a should-have-known-better, young woman. She was burned many time for hoping.
           The woman only shook her head.
           Madam Bo tilted her head with intrigue but worry creased her wrinkly forehead, snapping out of her hand her finished smoke. "Running from someone?"
           The woman didn't bother to lie this time and nodded her head with defeat at the puddled road in front of her.
           A shred of empathy embedded into Madam Bo's hardened heart, knowing if she'd leave the woman now the sense of taking responsibility of her fate to take the right turn would not let her sleep for the next week.
           "Well then, come on into my bar or you'll catch a nasty cold. A warm meal is something you need right about now." Madam Bo announced her final verdict and the young woman looked at her with unsureness. "What is your name?"
           "...... Diya... Diya... Tsung."
           "Call me Madam Bo, dear. Now-"
           "I-I don't..." Diya choked a little, throat tight and teeth chattered although the cold barely bothered her. "I don't have any money to pay you for your services."
           Madam Bo stared at her for a minute as if bored by her troubling situatiom. "That's all? Girl, you are too young and pretty to worry your pretty head. We can do some fair arrangements later but you will eat a proper meal tonight."
           Diya found herself unable to turn down Madam Bo's order. Always the submissive. But she didn't feel threatened in the least by Madam's presence.
           Madam Bo waited for her to pick up her bag and be by her side before walking them to the front door. Although the business was booming, the owner of this bar will have just her break a few minutes longer. A reliable bouncer, Geras, let the women in without much as a glance and no one dared to open their mouths when the cut in the line because they know how the owner of this bar looks like.
           Diya was hesitant to cross the doorstep at first but the whipping thunder from close above her made her jump right inside. She never felt good about storms while being outside. Even when inside it can be difficult if she doesn't have her headphones charged.
           The bar was vibrant and lovely inside, still keeping honest-to-detail traditional Chinese architecture style. It may have looked small from the outside but it was quite big inside, but that should have been expected from this big city. The lower floor and first floor - from which you can see to the floor below by looking over a fenced center hole - is for entertaining clients, in the second floor is where Madam Bo's office is. Diya was in awe of the atmosphere.
           Dancers at the stage, on the ground floor, on their poles did their elegant and alluring acrobatics accompanied by lights and music in pretty costumes that expose just the right amount of flesh.
           Diya's heartbeat spiked at the sight.
           She always dreamed of having the confidence of a woman that knew her place and boundaries. For being in her early twenties she still feels like a girl that can barely lift a finger without her husband.
           Madam Bo's dancers radiated that self-assurance in everything they are and what they are doing. Diya would like that too.
           While in her naive little dream land that she hadn't had the will to let go off even after the wedding vows, Madam Bo lead them to the back stage on the lower foor. Having a husband like Shang was only a cruel and tiring reality, dreams were her only escapism.
           "Ladies!" Madam Bo yipped as soon as she entered the room with a security keycard, everyone in the long hallway gave her devoted attention. "Please, someone, go get Alexa from her break and tell her to bring Lotus Root and Pork soup for our guest."
           "Yes, Madam." a woman, older a few years than Diya, pushed herself from the wall and as she walked by she eyed the state Diya is in.
           She is a mess. She knows as much but appearance wasn't on her to-do list while she was packing her stuff in a hurry.
           Madam Bo invited Diya inside one of the rooms at the far back of the hallway as soon as she hit the light switch, it was empty with just an empty vanity and a closet in the corner but kept considerably clean.
           "Here you go, sweetie. You can stay here for tonight. Alexa will help you find some blankets to sleep on after your dinner."
           Diya looked around. She didn't know what to make of it and she was hesitant to even give her hopes up but she was immensely grateful either way. She bit down on her trembling lip before facing the eldery woman, giving her a deep bow to show her gratitude.
           "I can't thank you enough, Madam Bo!!" Diya nearly hiccuped with her sob stuck in her throat but she held it in, squeezed her eyes tight and just hoped her body language expressed enough of her feelings.
           Madam Bo waved her wrist, holding her own chuckle at the youth's theatrics. "Don't mention it. Settle in and we'll talk in the morning, alright?"
           As soon as she straightened, Diya could only nod and stare at her feet, her white cheeks turning a hue of soft red. Madam Bo left without another word to her but she immediately began to give orders to her employees as soon as the door closed behind her. Diya put her bag by the vanity's wooden leg and sat down with exhaustion on a chair she had to pull from below the desk.
           Her own reflection in the mirror startled her before frowning at herself. Diya didn't sleep for a day and now the bags under her eyes made her look almost like a junkie.... Not far from the truth for whatever she had recieved from her husband has been spiked and it resulted by going into rehab when they were half-a-year in their marriage, many of times she felt absurd for accusing him and he gaslighted her that she must have eaten something bad, now she can't turn her head away from the truth she had discovered.
           Diya burried her face into her hands with a broken sigh. Will this attempt be even fruitful? Where will she go? Nowhere is safe. Will Madam Bo let her stay a little longer if she'd swear to work for her as long as she can?
           Will Shang look for her? Make her return? He had made her give up her attempts at leaving many of times. He's a manipulative lier that makes good on his promises - what if he hurts Madam Bo or her employees? She'd be more than eager to give Diya to him then, for sure.
                                 Knock. Knock.
           Whirling in her chair to face the door, Diya expected only the worse when the door knob moved and the door began to open.
           But a woman with blond hair tied into a messy, high ponytail entered with a food tray that carried the promised soup. A frown pinched her forehead skin at the guest's perched body and her fright-filled, wide eyes.
           "What? You look at me as if I were a murderer." she scoffed and waltzed right up to Diya whose shoulders rose up with hopes that the floor would swallow her up other than her embarrassement.
           "I-I'm sorry! Umh, are you... Are you Alexa?"
           "Alexa Koroveshi." was her curt answer as she set down the soup on the desk.
           Diya stared at the steaming bowl of delicious broth and pork meat. She was starved but her eating disorder and ruined stomach told her she is anything but hungry. But she will also feel bad if she'd turn down the dinner they prepared and served for her.
           "And you are...?"
           Immediately facing Alexa's impatience grounded her from her invading thoughts. "H... Huh? Pardon?"
           Alexa rolled her eyes at the ceiling for a hot second. "I don't know your name."
           "O-oh!! I'm— the name's Diya." she quickly offered her palm. Alexa stared at it before giving it one, firm shake. "I... Thank you for the soup, miss Koroveshi. I don't wish to be a bother-"
           "Yeah, well, too late." the blonde shrugged and placed her silver tray under her armpit. "Eat. I'll go find something for you to sleep on."
           "... Thank you..."
           Alexa waved off the almost silent gratitude as she walked off, leaving her all alone in the room much to Diya's dislike.
           She can't tell for how long she sat there and stared at her dinner, her brain very against the idea while her stomach was more than eager to recieve substenance even though it was still healing.
           Diya gingerly picked the spoon from the bowl and brought the hot broth to her dry lips. As the half-a-spoonfull entered her mouth and swirled around her taste buds she expected her gagging reflect to command her to spit it out. It didn't. Her throat only lightly tightened and her body gladly invited the delicious food while her eyes finally released salty tears that had build up over the past year.
           It took her back to her childhood with her adoptive brothers, they used to eat delicious soups made by her adoptive mother at dinner together. Those were the happier years of her life before she met Shang at 12th grade in High school back in China.
           From that moment Diya knew her own soul won't allow her to leave this place and Madam Bo. Her safe place now her sanctuary and she'd like to do anything in her power to help with it's growth if Madam is to allow it.
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To Aquire a Ship
Gildember 3rd-4th
Ace-human rouge
Ryai-Elf Spellblade
Konguq-human wizard
Vodren-Human Cleric
Bron-Dwarf Fighter
Vorlo-Hobgoblin Apothecary
Ace and Ryai visit Lord Alaban Blue Cloak the next morning to discuss the situation at the standing stones. Ryai presents the Lacedon's claw to Alaban, informing them of the threat they pose.
Ace twists it that the threat is currently contained however, and that going out to mess with them will undo all the work they put into it. Alaban, makes Ace promise that once Konguq has finished her Test of High Sorcery they would return to finish the job.
Ace swears on his honor as a Ravenwing it will be done.
The party is paid a hefty sum for their work. Ace holds onto it for the time.
Ryai tries to do further research on the dragon orbs. Comes up empty handed in the blue cloak library.
Konguq and Bron go to the docks to scout for a ship. They come across three options
The Merryweather
The Eyebright
The Jackdaw
Konguq takes interest in The Jackdaw the most for it's new appearance and drunken crew. They enter the Dock Tavern to get some intel. There they meet a local bar wench named Rosewood. She informs Konguq about the behavior of the jackdaw crew in the bar and that no one would be upset if they disappeared. She also lets slip that thier Captain Oleander Bloodblade never leaves the ship.
Rosewood then offers to help when the party decides to strike.
Vorlo and Vodren go out to meet with the local farmers. Vodren then offers to bless thier livestock to earn their favor and make up for shooting a woman back in Solace. He specifically makes contact with a farmer by the name Caius.
When the party meets back at the Stuffed Hen they begin to talk about their options.
With the knowledge they have
Rosewood is willing to assist with getting the crew wasted on the night of the attack
Rumblegut will assist with the attack with his Lacedons
The moon Nuitari charges necromantic powers.
Konguq knows the phases of Nuitari.
They still need a crew to run the ship
Only Konguq knows how to work on a ship
With some discussion the party decides to recruit Lindvai to help with her trade route problem and generate revenue on the ship.
With the knowledge of the moon phases they decide that the best time to launch an attack is going to be Gildember 15th
Ace and Konguq revisit Tellum to inquire about being able to train on one of the Blue Cloak ships to teach the rest of the party how to work on a ship.
Ryai and Bron revisit Rumblegut to inform him of the date of the attack. He offers to modify a Lacedon with the risk of losing it in the process. Ryai wants to see the transformation process and sets up to revisit him for the ritual. Ryai also warns Rumblegut of a possible appearance change.
Vodren and Vorlo visit Galera about assistance with taking over the ship. Unfortunately Captain Oleander makes frequent offerings to Zebiom. Unless our future captain matches the offerings she'll have to move against us. She waits to hear from Vodren in the morning.
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theomegahandmaid · 2 years
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This was the first formal event I'd attended since being back. I've been working non-stop, taking extra shifts at the hospital, trying to get accustomed to my new life. The Gala was extravagant. My mother went all out, as usual, especially for these grand occasions. She took the weight of the Non-profit for the night; the main goal was to raise a hefty check for children in need.
She had persuaded me to attend; the drawn-out need for me to show my face. The people yearned to meet me, the only daughter of the Grand Duke. My return to Ezera was well publicized; being shipped out of the kingdom at ten would do that. There was this cloud of mystery around my name, and I was not prepared to live up to the expectations drawn up about me.
I initially agreed to come because it was a charity event obviously, but I also wanted to ease my mother's mind. So here I stood in a room filled with people I didn't know, laughing at unintelligible jokes, trying my best to keep up my appearance. I've been here for the past three hours introducing myself for what felt like the hundredth time tonight. My mother took great pride in showing me off. Being a cardiologist at such a young age and an Omega at that, she practically was auctioning me off to the next eligible bachelor.
I got dolled up for the first time in too long, and my mother ensured I looked as regal as my family's name. I wore a silver dress that contrasted the earthy theme of the party. My lips were painted crimson and my hair curled as it hung down my back. I was beautiful and stood out not only because of my appearance but my scent. I smelt like cinnamon vanilla; my pheromones lightly filled as I sashayed around the floor.
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"Sis, did you really forget your ID?" My best friend Kennie laughed as I recalled my last shift. I was finally allowed to relax and have a drink or two with one of the few familiar faces at this party. Well, that was before my mother laid eyes on me as I walked into the garden. " Mija, come here," she beaconed as a smile danced across her face. Kennie gave me an apologetic look as we unlocked our arms; time to perform again.
" You called?" I asked sarcastically as I approached her. She stood alongside a man, one I've not met before. " Yes, I want you to meet someone," she said gesturing to the tall man before us. He outstretched his arm, a small smile making its way onto his face.
"Chris, nice to meet you." His voice was smooth and I instantly got lost in his sapphire eyes. " Shania," my retort was softer than anticipated. Mother went on raving about how accomplished I was, and I just wanted to fade into the night sky. It wasn't as bad as I made it sound, but I just wasn't used to all this attention being on me. Chris stood attentive as he listened to my mother, sparing me glances now and then.
The conversation was soon interrupted when my cousin approached us, informing my mother of a problem causing her to excuse herself. I stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do now. Thankfully Chris sensed my shyness and decided to initiate a conversation. "So, you spent eight years working with the United Realms?" I shyly nodded as looked at his features under the soft lighting.
" Yeah, I studied pre-med in Domincanta for three and finished my general training for the last five in Colombec," I said proudly, smiling up at him. " Impressive," he retorted, capturing me with his blue orbs. The conversation surprisingly went smoother than expected. Chris initiated most of it, probably picking up my bashfulness. I was eventually rescued by Kennie just as my social meter was at its brink. "Do you mind if I steal this lady?" She said smiling playfully at me.
" Of course not," he replied.
"It was nice meeting you," he offered me a sweet smile and I smiled softly as we bided our goodbyes. I felt weirdly at peace, most of my interactions tonight felt forced, but with Chris, it felt natural. I wasn't exactly a social butterfly, I knew I wasn't the most interesting to converse with, but he kept me engaged.
The rest of the night went as expected; mom raised a hefty donation for the children, my existence was made apparent, and I got to end my night with a warm bubble bath and a few episodes of Couple court.
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blooddrop-palace · 3 years
DMC-OC-Week Day 4
(No images this time. I ran out!)
Seraphina Valkyrie
Something she likes:
“There’s so much I couldn’t believe I missed during my twenty-something years being lost in Hell. It’s strange to think that during that time, Vergil was also suffering in a similar way… often not himself, broken, desperate, and searching. Since coming back, I’ve had so much worry on my mind. On the first opportunity back in Fortuna where I could afford a little peace, I didn’t know how I was going to go forward with either Nero or Vergil. But then Kyrie, blessed little Kyrie who was barely a year old last I had seen her, made her mother’s tiramisu recipe for us all. 
“It was one of my favorite desserts back when her parents invited me over for dinner. And I had shared some of this dessert with Vergil once before. To know that Nero also has a fondness for it, especially since it’s from Kyrie, makes me feel that everything is going to be okay. We will have more shared experiences to bridge off of this. Maybe I wouldn’t have to choose between Nero’s comfort or Vergil’s feelings. Maybe I’ll be able to have them both in my life, and bring them closer, too. We won’t make the most fairytale of families, and that’s okay. I simply wish to give them the love that they deserve.”
Something she dislikes:
“There’s no one singular way to describe this dislike of mine… but perhaps it’s simple to say that I loathe injustice. The problem with justice, however, is that it can often be a personal view. 
“But I’ve suffered injustice. Nero has suffered similar injustice. Vergil, too, has suffered injustice. Would I be able to flay Sanctus alive, or to also go up against Mundus, I would not hesitate. People who will make others suffer just to make themselves feel better or bigger are a blight upon mankind. I have no sympathy for the fool that scorns love and promotes pain. And I am not above spilling the blood of villains.”
Kassandra King
Something she likes: 
“It’s a bit cheap for me to say this, since this is somewhat of a family trait ingrained into our bloodline, but I like children. We all eventually become parental. 
“That said, it’s one of the reasons why there are usually a lot of children in this family. We thrive as a family and as our own little community. And children are an absolute blessing, even when they are at their worst. To care for them and teach them how to become their own individual person is something that satisfies the Hive blood within us, because family is everything.”
Something she dislikes:
“This might sound odd from someone like me, who knows how to seduce and works at a strip club for fun… but when it comes down to more than that, I don’t do well with the whole ‘no strings attached’ thing. 
“I feel guilty every time. I guess I just… crave a meaningful connection.”
Something she likes:
“Oh, I’ve always liked peace and quiet… but I don’t think that’s the question here. I suppose I could count seafood as something I like. Does it provide much sustenance for a devil like me? Not as much as blood and red orbs. But seafood and the way humans might prepare it is not something we have in Hell. Fortuna being an island city was a good thing for me, even centuries after Sparda had left. I would mingle among the populace like a wraith, working part time here and there to earn the money just to enjoy human food and even check out what new establishments are built over time. The simple joys were like lovely little dreams… and devils seldom dream for enjoyment.”
Something she dislikes:
“The greatest dislike I have is when others take from me without my permission. I am, after all, very territorial and possessive. I can tolerate the human concept of borrowing, but in the end I am still a devil. Still, there is much I have learnt from humans. I can tolerate a little trespassing here and there while I’m in the human world. I would rather my children be able to live happily here, than to struggle for their survival in the Underworld.”
Something she likes:
“Oh there are a lot of things I like! Alfredo pasta, stuffed crust pizza, peach cobblers with French vanilla ice cream… okay, those are all pretty boring answers. Here’s something I really like and I’m really good at: music rhythm games. DDR, Band Hero, or any other number of music arcade games? I will high score and perfect-combo all of them! My name is on top of the charts for all of the local arcades, and yes, I’m proud of myself. Devil Hunter’s gotta have some fun, after all!”
Something she dislikes:
“Look. When I first brought this up, a number of people found this amusing and laughable… specifically the people from the, uh, Devil May Cry side of things. 
“But olives suck, okay? And you know what I don’t understand? How is olive oil so amazing, but olives suck so hard? Olive oil is this lovely soft but fragrant taste but the stupid olive itself has a flavor that stings my senses!
“I think dad has the right idea. Olives can go to hell.”
Something she likes:
“Something I like? Uh…I like pasta, I guess?
“I should give more specific or in-depth examples? I don’t know… I try not to want too much. I guess I like fruits. Strawberries are good. I mean… okay so I guess I like sweets?
“This is tough. I don’t think too much about what I like. If I think too much about what makes me feel good right now, all that comes to mind is the… the rush from fighting demons. 
“And I don’t like that. I don’t want to relish it. It feels… wrong.”
Something she dislikes:
“I don’t want to be alone. Don’t like not belonging. I guess that’s about it. There’s too much that I could really dig in about, but I have so little left that I can’t be worrying about what I dislike. I need to grasp what I do like and never let go. That’s what I need to do.”
Anthony and Caesar:
Something Tony likes: 
“Eh? Sure. Plenty. I like pizza. But who doesn’t like pizza? I like rock and punk and metal and grunge. Nothing wrong with that, right? Alright I like to jam, too. I like to wrestle with dad… could add Uncle V to the list, too. Caesar doesn’t like to do a lot of fighting and stuff, but I hope he’ll like the idea of maybe us two challenging Dad and Uncle V to a fight at some point. I also like video games. Caesar also studies all that fancy programming stuff so I get to playtest. It’s pretty great.”
Something Caesar likes: 
“You’d be surprised to know that I’m only lukewarm about books. Literature isn’t really my thing. Technology is a more fascinating avenue for me. There’s a lot of potential and a lot to look forward to in the future for the advancement of technology. I do a bit of hacking work but it’s not really my main thing. Still, if I don’t keep an eye on the security around the house, we’d have problems other than demons in our house. What, fighting? I don’t hate it. But I guess the difference between me and my older twin is that he’s the sporty one and I’m the more academic one. Don’t treat me like a pushover, though. I’m far from it. If Tony needs me at his back, I’m there, and I’m no slouch.”
Something Tony dislikes:
“Fuck olives. And also fuck any demon critter that is too fast for my axe. But I guess that’s why I deal with the heavyweights and Caesar can deal with the critters.”
Something Caesar dislikes:
“I tend to dislike…lack of effort. What I mean is… if something is preventable, why not make sure to take care of it? Inefficiency just takes away from the long run. Hefty things with too much excess weighing it down… both literally and metaphorically, I’m not fond of it. But I suppose that’s why I handle the details and the intricate problems, and I can always trust Tony to handle the clunkier things.”
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periminkle · 4 years
Orphic | 01
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After moving into your own place, it seems life is finally going your way; the path to independence leading you to a quaint suburban town where even the grass seems to grow a little greener. Although a shocking encounter leads you to believe that perhaps appearances can be quite deceiving.
pairing: hybrid!jk x reader (first person)
genre: hybrid au, angst, fluff
word count: 7.3k (includes slightly edited version of preview!)
rating: PG-15
warnings: mentions of blood, swearing, scuffle, not nice people >:(
author’s note: the first chap! thanks so much for all the love for the preview and pls let me know if you enjoyed it bc i have even more of a praise kink than our king jimin :) i don’t wanna know if u hated it lmao get outta herE
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“Almost there... And... Done!”
I heaved the last of the sturdy boxes into the narrow doorway, pride bubbling at my unexpected strength. Droplets of salty perspiration were beginning to form at my temples and became increasingly uncomfortable the longer I stood there. 
But, with a litter of obnoxiously brown boxes blocking the route into my recently purchased home, I had no way of setting foot past the minimal space by the doorway. “Shit.”
Spontaneously deciding that enough energy had been exerted for the day, evident by the shroud of darkness out the expansive windows, a few steps took me back out the front door. I followed the chipped white timber of the sides of my house, heading towards the back entrance.
Even though the plot was relatively large in size, the cottage built upon the land was minuscule; a single floor encompassing a kitchen, living room, hallway, bedroom and bathroom. 
With that being said, the rest of the expanse was mine to revel in and admire. Hence the lack of fence encompassing my area, seeing as the forest bled its way into my recently mowed lawn anyhow.
The bulk of the towering woodland was hidden in a blanket of obscurity, brought about by the later hours that subtly induced unease. Those late night horror movie marathons only worsened the unrest in my mind. 
I tried to dispel the disquietude with thoughts of the methodic chirping, courtesy of the tiny orchestra of crickets that seemed to be scattered in every which direction. The smell of the damp earth invaded my senses and relaxed my shoulders a fraction.
Albeit, the crunch of dead leaves being trampled under a heavy weight belonging to an unknown being unsettled me enough to break into a scurry along my wooden porch. 
With a slight shiver slipping down my spine, I shook any solicitude off and slid open the unlocked door. I was greeted by the cool air conditioning of the indoors, as well as a telltale grumble from my own drained form.
I preheated a batch of leftovers that I’d thankfully packed from my family’s house, foreseeing how debilitating the move would be. Without regard to the lamentable furniture surrounding me, I plonked down on a creaky seat and felt my depleted energy stored slowly being refilled with each bite.
Even though my furnishings and house were humble, regret had no place in my mind for the difficult decision I’d made to pack up and leave my childhood home. Over there, the lights never flickered and scuffled furniture simply didn’t exist, with even the moldings on the walls lacking even a speck of dust.
But I witnessed, lived, through the monstrosities that lay beyond all those superficial aspects. The suffocating nature, not in the air that circulated around the place, but in the individuals with no respect for one another. My tolerance thinned over the years and I’d left the second I could.
Living in a secluded area of my tiny town had its own perks for my antisocial self — one of which being an absurd amount of land for a relatively cheap price — but the appeal of living in a bustling city wasn’t lost on me. 
For reasons excluding my relatives, I was simply tired of having lived in a city my whole life and desired some form of change, meeting new mindsets and developing my own.
Before I’d even properly settled in, I’d been convinced that moving out here had been a brilliant decision. Saving up for a couple years to be able to rent out a cozy cottage with a stunning forest as my backyard was turning out to be my haven.
Albeit, the pesky bugs were certainly not a part of that bliss.
I detached myself from the distant thoughts about my life hundreds of miles away and focused on the scenery across from me, better able to observe the breathtaking quality of the tenebrous forest from the safety of my new home. The sylvan scent penetrated my home, having closed only the window screen behind me when I entered.
Hearing the weak mewl of some kind of feline peaked my curiosity, wondering if a neighbour’s cat had taken a long journey and gotten themselves lost. I picked up the slow movement slinking among the bramble that connected my backyard to the thick timberland. 
The light from my lamps only extended so far and unluckily, I was unable to properly identify the animal staggering towards my back porch. My heart ached, thinking that this poor animal must be starving and in need of help. 
An apparent limp in its movements tugged at the last of my heartstrings. My fridge was stocked full, being one of my top priorities when I moved in; so food wasn’t a problem right now. Deciding it would be nice to make a new friend, I gathered my own bowl and headed outside.
The sliding of the window screen startled the pitiful creature, making a hasty retreat in the form of a hobble to find refuge in the foliage, hiding and waiting for my next move. I let out a small smile, hoping to appear as friendly as possible as I slowly stepped out into the chilly night air once again. 
“Hey buddy, what’re you doing out here?” I crouched down and laid the bowl on the floor. “It’s kinda cold out, hm?”
Not even the twitch of a leaf.
“Are you hungry?” 
I was met once again with no reaction. Deflated yet understanding in the lack of trust, I pushed myself back up, grabbing the bowl. As I stepped towards the door though, I heard it again.
With a quiet giggle, I turned back, winked at the still-hidden creature and stepped inside, sliding the door closed. The night was silent, save for the trill of the crickets reaching their own encore for the night when the door abruptly opened once again.
“You like tuna, bud?” A smaller plate with canned tuna, out of the can but still in its cylindrical shape was placed on the last step of the porch. “Thought you might like that more than leftovers, huh?”
Although the same lack of response took place, I wasn’t deterred this time, smiling one last time into the darkness. “Enjoy it, but not too much okay? Go back to your owner’s house after this.” I let a shiver run through my body from the cold nipping my bare skin before ambling back inside to finish off my own dinner.
Despite my words, I did hope the kitty would come visit again.
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I felt yet another ache pulse through my stiff back. The absence of a proper bed to sleep in at night was duly noted and the task of assembling my bed frame was bumped up higher on my to-do list for the day. Another night of cuddling up on the freezing, rigid floor with only a flimsy sheet to cushion my restless body might strip a decade out of my life expectancy.
A feeble attempt to flatten out my wrinkled button up — that I painstakingly ironed the day before — proved as fruitless as the dozen other times I tried smoothing it out just this morning. I brushed the imaginary dust off my modest pencil skirt while I was at it, resigning to my rumpled fate.
Groaning, I swiftly nabbed a granola bar and a pre-made sandwich I’d filled with tuna, inspired by the incident with the hidden feline last night. Despite the gruelling urge within me to check for possible remainders on the porch step, the blinking light from the oven clock pushed me down the slender hall and back to my barricaded doorway,
I squawked in recollection, pushing at the hefty boxes in a flurry. Eventually, I created a tunnel which I crawled through, slipping some sneakers on before stumbling out to the bus stop. When I recalled that the closest stop was a five minute walk, time being a luxury I couldn’t afford right now, I broke into a sprint.
With heaving lungs, I reached the little blue shelter just as the bulky vehicle rounded the corner. A few steps, the tap of a card, the beep of the completed transaction, and a huff brought me on to an austere seat. 
The same shade of prosaic blue within the bus itself led my eyes to the view beyond the dirty windows, marvelling at the vibrant greens and bright earthy tones that blocked any view of the sky. 
Fifteen minutes condensed into seconds, my mind racing with the new possibilities and experiences this town would bring me. Even the prospect of the shy kitty returning again tonight prompted a brief smile.
Dismounting from the stifling vehicle, I took a moment to adjust to the blinding white shade of the laboratory; I pursed my lips in determination. Hoping to appear graceful with long strides, I made my way to the entrance, pulling open the heavy door with a click. A receptionist came into view. 
She could barely be seen over the lengthy, curved desk, only the top of her coiffed strands on the crown of her head peaking through. As I approached, I took in her excessively teased hair and big brown eyes, accented with thick, black liner. 
Clasping both hands together in a bundle of chilly nerves, I patiently waited for the tapping of the keyboard to cease before she turned one heavily shadowed lid towards me. “Hello, welcome to the Test Centre of Enriched Mutagens, how can I help you today?”
Only slightly intimidated, I fumbled with my fingers out of sight. “Uh, hi there. I recently got hired as a lab attendant here.” Cursing my distinctly timid tone I continued, “I was instructed to ask for a Kim Seokjin?”
A stiff nod and more typing was my only reply. Orbs remaining trained on the monitor in front of her as the lady picked up the receiver, punched some numbers in a rapid succession, then situated the phone between her right shoulder and ear. The fervent tapping continued.
I wondered what she was typing up that was so important.
“Yes, she’s here director,” she quipped. My gaze lodged itself onto her name tag, framed by her strawberry blonde locks. Bae Eunmi. “Of course, I’ll send her up.”
The receiver clicked in place as she nodded her head towards the left. After a couple seconds passed with no further acknowledgement, I became increasingly aware that the short interaction was all I was going to get out of the curt woman, trekking over to the elevator she had indicated earlier.
With only two floors to the laboratory, the trip wasn’t long enough to grant me time to compose myself from the abrupt conversation I experienced before I was met with a long hallway, ending with a sturdy door that had a slit above the bulky handle for a keycard.
Seeing as I had not received any sort of card, I peered around at the nameplates drilled beside the other wooden doors. This floor ominously had no windows, a dingy, low lamp the only source of light that allowed me to decipher the engravings.
I passed a few flashy titles before I reached Assistant Director Kim Seokjin.
With a deceivingly confident knock and a shaky inhale I picked up a faint, “come in.”
A rather spacious office was revealed as I pulled open the heavy wood — shelves filled with packed binders, loose papers scattered across the desk with a thin monitor practically concealed under neon coloured sticky notes. Even the two chairs tucked away in the corner had a teetering stack of paperwork on each seat.
I took a step inside the chaotic space and bowed to the man whose sunken eyes flickered to my own. “Hi, sorry to disturb you. My name is Y/N and we talked on the phone last week. I’m the new research attendant.”
He flashed me a kind smile through his exhaustion, his evidently dull features proof of a long night. Considering the sheer amount of paper work in his office, I wasn’t sure a good night’s rest was ever on this man’s schedule.
“Ah, yes, you came down from the city, correct?” I nodded in confirmation, glad he remembered our previous conversation. “My apologies that the director couldn’t meet you himself, but you’ll get to see my handsome face instead,” he chuckled, sounding faintly similar to a windshield wiper. “I’m Kim Seokjin, the assistant director, but you can just call me Jin, everyone here does.”
I felt my tense body slacken at his warmth and bright disposition despite his arduous workload. Unconsciously, I suspected the whole staff may be terse and unwelcoming, though I was thankful that I was pleasantly mistaken. In my comfort, a chortle escaped my lips. “Alright then, Jin, a pleasure to meet you.”
“Of course it is,” he exclaimed with a jesting harrumph. “So, how are you liking this lonely town so far?”
Taking a few steps closer I responded honestly. “Even though the loneliness hasn’t hit me yet, I feel like I can finally breathe here. The city was a bit much sometimes.”
Humming in an understanding tone, I watched him rise from his plush chair, plucking one of the many binders out of the shelf and placing it on top of the mountain of papers on his desk. “That’s a good mentality, you know? I hope you can always find the silver lining in any situation you’re thrown into.”
Jin grips one of the many contracts laid within and slides it over to me with a pen. “Sign each highlight please.”
As I read over all the nitty gritty details, the man across from me continued, “I really hope you can be as resilient as we need you to be, Y/N. I know it’s tough work, but I just have a good feeling about you.”
Not paying much mind to Jin’s ramblings I easily agreed and handed the completed contract back.
“Well, come on then, I’ll introduce you to the people you’ll be working with.”
I accompanied Jin back out his office and down the hall, past yet another sturdy wooden door. The strong, pungent scent of coffee assaulted my nose, confirming the new space I’d entered was the break room; two male employees lounging around and sipping on their steaming mugs. 
“You finally came out of that office Jin?” A tall man leaning against one of the tables called out first, grinning with his dimples on full display. “I never thought I’d see the day.”
“Yeah, well, it seems like I’m the only one doing work around here anymore.” He jested, a playful smirk attached to his handsome visage.
“You can’t blame us, you know Hyunho and Minzi would never let us breathe the same air as their ‘confidential project.’ Wouldn’t want our ‘inexperienced hands’ ruining the whole thing.” The other man in the room rolled his eyes, taking another sip of the bitter liquid in his cup. 
“We’re not getting into this again, you two.” Seokjin gave a stern look, any lighthearted air in the room dissipating along with his remark. He glanced back at me, nudging me forward with a tap to my shoulder. “This is the new lab attendant, Y/N.”
Although the sharp-eyed man spared a sympathetic glance my way he backfired with, “yeah, the third one this month.” 
“Yoongi, I said that’s enough.” Although Seokjin’s words were strict and clipped, the palm rubbing over his face displayed his fatigue.
“I just don’t understand why we can’t even have access to the files, I mean we are researchers too, this is complete bullshi—”
“Y/N, I’ll be heading back to my office to finish up some paperwork, alright? These two can show you ropes.” The assistant director turned in my direction, the corners of his lips twitching upwards ever so slightly before trudging back to his office.
The shorter man slammed his mug down on the shabby table with a low, “goddamnit.”
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“Honestly, I think this little guy is the best part of the whole place.” The dimpled man who had introduced himself as Kim Namjoon flashed his dimples, attempting to overcompensate for his gloomy partner, Min Yoongi. 
The two had been working as lab assistants here for a few years now and despite the seniority, Namjoon insisted on maintaining a first name basis with both him and Yoongi. He also offered a tour, which I graciously accepted.
“A jaguar?”
“A baby jaguar.” The sprawled sleeping form of a pitch black feline met my eyes. “He was brought in about three months ago. His name is Taemin.” I carefully approached the cage, maintaining a safe distance as a general precaution despite his lack of consciousness. 
Rather than providing comfort, I found that the muzzle locked around his jaws unsettled me further, which I found oddly paradoxical. I guess my designated tour guide picked up on my discomfort when he voiced, “he’s docile enough to us, but if Hyunho or any of his lackeys come by, he can get real aggressive.”
This was the second time that name popped up into the conversation and I quelled my blazing curiosity, dispelling any urges to question Namjoon about the mysterious figure. With the negative context his name was brought up with and the dark, brooding look Yoongi wore, I decided it was best not to prod, for my own sake as well.
I was brought back to reality when the animal in front of me shifted slightly. Despite my reluctancy to become attached, I couldn’t help but coo when a stretch wracked his small form, turning over in his sleep. 
Although I had done my share of research into this laboratory before applying to the position and was cognizant that they didn’t harm any of their subjects — I knew Taemin’s life wasn’t in any danger, but he would be gone once all his testing was complete. I refused to get too emotionally attached in order to avoid future heartache.
 I noticed his head cuddling deeper into his plush bed and knew my plan was futile. “You think he would like me?”
Namjoon let out a hum in thought, “I’m not too sure. You can try petting him if you want, just make sure to let him sniff you first.”
Slowly unlocking the cage, I extended my hand towards the muzzle, waiting with bated breath. The still sleeping animal brought up its head and placed his cheek in my cupped hand, letting loose a faint purr that I felt traveling up my palm. I stroked the edge of his jaw that wasn’t covered by the muzzle.
Oh no.
It was too late, Taemin owned every inch of my heart.
Gently placing his head back down onto his fluffy bed, my hand made a swift retreat as I flicked the lock back in place. I hoped I would be able to see more of the baby in the future.
Standing back up to face Namjoon I reluctantly tore my gaze away from the angel behind bars. Pondering when we would head to the second floor after having examined every speck of dust in the first floor, I voiced my thoughts to the lanky man. “So, are we heading back up now?” 
A sigh met my ears and I turned to look at the brooding culprit who hadn’t opened his mouth since the tense interaction with Seokjin, simply tagging along the tour that Namjoon narrated. “We can’t introduce you to anything you haven’t already seen upstairs.” When he met my confused orbs he continued, “we can only enter the break room and Jin’s office up there, everything else is off limits.”
“Oh, um... I don’t mean to sound rude, especially since this is my first day and everything, but the equipment down here seem pretty... Insufficient for quality resear-” I stuttered out my concerns.
“Don’t you think we know that? Why do you think we go through lab attendants so quickly? Nobody wants to stay in a place that doesn’t have the proper equipment to perform any kind of substantial research. Not to mention neither of the head researchers trust us enough to even look at the stupid files.”
Namjoon piped in, probably sensing how heated the other man was getting. “We mainly just note the patterns in the bases of a variety of animals’ DNA that involve certain genes.”
“Not to say that’s not effective research, but scientists with your qualifications usually investigate more ground-breaking subjects.” I became a bit dejected at my own future here; I applied for a job here to further my ambitions, knowing this lab was well-known for its high quality studies.
Would I be forced to move back to the city? I couldn’t tuck tail and scutter home after all the effort and money I expended on this move, not to mention the disastrous situation I would be faced with if I returned now. No, I was desperate to find a reason to stick it out. “Why do you two stay here then? Why not just find another lab?”
“It wasn’t always like this, Y/N. It’s been over half a year now since the new management came in and basically brought in a whole new set of personnel with them. They took all the most expensive equipment upstairs and sealed it behind a locked door.”
“They even replaced the damned cleaning staff.” Yoongi scoffed out, painstakingly fed up with the circumstances.
Namjoon crossed his arms, giving a warning look over to man with bleached locks, probably in order to keep his anger from bleeding through for the second time today. “They were adamant about keeping Jin and he let us stick around, couldn’t leave this lab in the hands of complete strangers.”
“But why—”
My wrist was suddenly enclosed in Yoongi’s long, thin fingers, dragging me into the assistant researcher’s office they had familiarized me with half an hour ago. I saw Namjoon glance around before entering in after us and closing the door behind him.
Yoongi released his grip on me, leaning in close and hissing out, “it’s all some cryptic confidentiality bullshit. They’re doing something up there, something revolutionary, something dangerous, and they only trust their own people to keep quiet.” 
With a hum, slightly intimidated, I questioned, “okay, but why did they evacuate the whole place, why not just build another lab and—”
Namjoon leant against the door, lowering his voice as well. “This is a remote town, there won’t be many people to question and investigate what they’re studying all the way out here.” 
With many overwhelming thoughts raging, the locked door upstairs abruptly came to mind. “You don’t have the keycard either, I’m guessing.”
“You pick things up pretty quick, huh?”
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After the draining events at work, I felt no motivation to peel off my thoroughly wrinkled items of clothing, having switched out of the lab clothes in the changing room back at work. 
Rather than a physical enervation, the realization that my expectations to further my own studies was not a reality here sapped me of any incentive to unpack or do anything of value.
The temptation of warm pyjamas encasing my shivering body as I slept another night on the hard surface of the floor was almost reason enough to conjure up some hidden energy from the deepest recesses of my body. 
I crawled my way though the makeshift hole I made earlier in the day through two of the boxes. Thankfully, no roommates meant that the house was absent of another being to pester me regarding the hassle I made at the entrance, though I thought it was quite clever considering my circumstances.
The sun had set many hours back, which I failed to detect as all my concentration was set on marking down the base sequence that brought about Taemin’s black fur colour. Jin was double-checking the state of each room before locking up for the night when he discovered my form, hunched over a microscope. 
Continuing to the kitchen on hands and knees out of my present shortage in strength, I nearly decided to call it a night right there in the middle of the hallway. Though, I settled with briskly whipping up an egg or two in hopes that it would replenish enough energy to tidy up a bit before retiring to bed. 
I left the eggs to cook as I departed, off to locate a plate, which I only had two of at the moment, courtesy of the unloading that needed to be completed at the doorway. A glimpse into the sink revealed the location of one suspect, dirty from yesterday’s dinner.
I tugged open the nearest cabinet to search for the other one because I sure as hell was not washing any dishes right now. But, instead of the ceramic I was expecting, the bare walls of the storage area stumped me.
The memory of the creature I’d met yesterday flashed through my mind, bringing about a sudden burst of excitement that had me shuffling my way to the backyard door, flicking the porch light on and staring at the wood that seemed to glare back at me. 
No sight of the tuna or the plate. 
Initially, I took extreme offence to the absurd situation. I graciously extended a helping hand to a vulnerable cat to enjoy some savoury tuna and the bugger decided to steal—
How in the hell did the thumbless feline pick up the hefty plate in the first place?
After snooping around the surrounding area a bit, no sight of the pristine plate, I gave up. Maybe it held the ceramic in its mouth?
The mental image I’d conjured up brought a slight chuckle out of me, cutting short when catching sight of several crimson paw prints on the porch, accompanied by specks of the same hue. I pondered the unusually large size of the print, slightly larger than my palm. 
An alarmingly large quantity of blood appeared with each step, the pace of my heart quickening with worry both for myself and the creature. Who could harm a massive animal like this and for what purpose?
I also thought about if the splotches would wash out with the rain or if I had to slot in a time to come out and clean off the marks. Although, the cleaning supplies were also in those unpacked boxes, so any stain removal had to be put on hold.
The bloody prints extended into my lawn as well, blades of grass covered in a layer of red. From what I could make out, the trail was U-shaped, beginning from the forest, coming to where I stood at the porch, then heading back.
A spike of fear travelled through me when a thicket shook violently. Were these stains left by the kitty I encountered the day before? From my limited knowledge in zoology, I doubted that large cats could even produce such pathetic mewls with their vocal chords, which were better suited to growl or roar. 
But what was a creature of this size doing on the outskirts of civilization? I wasn’t too sure about how far the woodlands extended past my yard, but I was relatively certain that the bulkier predators had more than enough space to themselves without needing to expand their territory.
I was in the midst of this back-and-forth conflict with myself when I heard a familiar cry reaching my ears. Pushing back my raucous thoughts for a moment, I settled on responding to little thief.
“You’re back! Do you happen to have my plate by any chance?”
The lack of response confirmed my suspicions. I was now down to one, currently grubby plate in the house.
“Alright, fine, keep the damn thing.” The initial fear and suspicion I felt had simmered down quite bit, heavily due to the lack of aggression on the animal’s part and a distinct fondness I held for my first friend here that I wasn’t aware of yet. Though, I remained on guard, as there could always be another beast lurking.
In order to discover any of answers I was seeking, I knew that I had to take matters into my own hands and decipher whether my pitiful kitty was actually a large, ferocious feline— badly hurt, nonetheless. I took the portable first-aid kit out of my bag as well as the forgotten, squished tuna sandwich.
Removing the saran wrap and crumpling it into a ball, I placed the much-smaller-than-I-remember sandwich down on the wood as bait. “Guess we can’t be civil, huh bub? If you’re gonna steal my plate, have the courage to show yourself, you criminal," I teased and hoped to lure the cautious creature out. 
“Hey, you wanna come and let me get a look at you? I can see if I can patch you up, how about that?”
“Come on, look! You’re favourite tuna, in a delicious sandwich now!”
I pouted at the bundle of leaves I knew the feline was hiding under, hoping to elicit some kind of reaction. Albeit, any sliver of hope was crushed with the lack of movement. Worry grew at the back of my mind, desperately hoping that the creature could live through their seemingly dire injuries. I flashed a regretful smile and lowered the sandwich on the last step. 
At the very least, I wished that the snack would provide energy for its body to repair itself. With one last glance at the silent underbrush, I turned my back and lumbered into the confines of my cottage. Hopefully, I would get another chance to beckon the mammal out of its hiding place tomorrow.
The contrast of the dark droplets of blood against the light wood of my porch disturbed me more than I’d like to admit.
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The daily routine of travelling to work, interacting with the few friends I made there and coming back home to attend late night meetings with my concealed kitty was growing on me. I was elated that I finally found a group of my own people, and not-quite-people, to converse and share thoughts with. 
However, this town also seemed to have its own fair share of rotten apples.
I finally met the rumoured Lee Hyunho, a bulky man who introduced himself as one of the two head researchers. He seemed polite enough at first, but I detected the same brusque characteristic I noticed in the receptionist from my first day. 
It appeared that all the staff brought in by the “new” management had this particular quality. 
My own frustrations began to grow alongside Namjoon and Yoongi, constantly repeating the same tasks over and over again, day after day. When I tried to confront the other head researcher, Joo Minzi, about granting us more access to the studies they were conducting, she made it very clear that my “inexperienced hands” were not permitted to touch any of their files, test subjects or even approach the lab upstairs.
Charming, really.
The interaction left me fuming, much to Namjoon’s amusement, claiming that he now had two fiery beasts to quell. My interactions with the arrogant staff members were limited though, and bouncing between Namjoon, Yoongi, Jin, and the surprisingly amicable janitor made the work days bearable. 
I also took immense pleasure in going against Minzi’s words by playing with Taemin every once in a while.
I was proud to announce my accomplishment in finally unloading all of the supplies within my many boxes to anyone that would listen, now able to revel in the tidiness of my living space. The guys were able to visit now too, previously refusing to crawl through my rather unique entryway.
Progress concerning my kitty was little to none, but I did discover that it was immensely therapeutic to relay my worries to the mammal, finding comfort in its presence.
I took the rustling of the leaves as acknowledgement for my exasperated tone. “I mean, I don’t even feel like a researcher there! It’s all ‘hey newbie, go get me a coffee,’ ‘this is classified, no touching,’ ‘you can’t participate, this isn’t a charity,’ blah, blah, blah...” I raised my tone and ended my rant with a pout, embodying the childish behaviour that encompassed how I felt I was being treated as of late.
“Remember the really cute janitor I was telling you about? Jung Hoseok? Well, he was telling me about some stuff he heard when he was cleaning the lab upstairs.” I heard a short swish of foliage being disrupted, which I assumed was a result of the creature tilting its head.
“Apparently, they’d made big advancements on whatever stupid ‘highly confidential’ project they’re working on. It definitely has something to do with the patterns in different animals’ DNA, but I can’t pinpoint exactly what they’re trying to accomplish...
“And guess what? Hoseok said he’d overheard that they’d lost a test subject a little over a week ago! There’s probably a mouse scurrying around somewhere, living his best, liberated life right now.” I shifted in place, adjusting my position to make myself more comfortable in the chilly night. “I just wish I knew what was going on, you know...”
“I wanted to prove them all wrong.” I sneaked a glimpse at the forest for any indication of a vocal response I knew the creature gave occasionally. In a small voice I added, “but maybe they were right.”
Another shuffle broke through my lengthy monologue and I facetiously grinned towards the camouflaged animal. “Y’know, I’m starting to really question whether you’re here for my company or for this,” I pointed to the tuna, disturbingly still in that short cylindrical shape. 
I stared past the obscure stalks of the trees, having found consolation and tranquility in the space a few days prior, even from beyond my glass door. My initial apprehension of unknown monsters subsided and it was reassuring to know that my kitty was somewhere in there as well.
Another shuffle revealed a pair of bright, beady eyes meeting my own enlarged ones. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest by the sudden appearance, although I tried not to alarm the creature back into hiding by revealing my own trepidation. 
Knowing the keen senses felines had, there was little doubt in my mind that the one across from me wouldn’t be able to pick up my instantaneous change in demeanour.
“You gonna come and get it or what?” With a slight nod towards the meal, I cursed the slight quiver in my voice and prayed that the creature felt comfortable enough to reveal more of itself to me. My curiosity was bubbling as I allowed my gaze to travel to the crown of its head. 
I concluded that the creature’s fur was either pure black or another dark tone, hard to decipher when I didn’t have the enhanced night vision of the mammal perched a few metres away. Said feline made no further movements, keeping his gaze trained on me. 
I analyzed the elongated slits that served as pupils, engraving the rich green shade of its irises into my mind, fearful that this sudden intimacy may scare the mammal off, never to be seen again. But, I found myself unable to divert my gaze, feeling as though I was staring at a physical manifestation of the pure soul of the forest.
It was utterly mesmerizing.
An impatient gruff left the creature’s mouth, snapping me out of my reverie and I resigned. “Alright, alright, don’t get your panties in a twist. I’m leaving alright?”
Maybe one day the mammal would feel comfortable enough to eat in front of me and I could migrate my dinners to the porch outside. Refusing to get too greedy, I reminded myself that the baby steps taken today were infinitely better than none at all.
With one foot in my house, I turned back to the tantalizing eyes, still focused on my pyjama-clad form as I beamed back gratefully. “’Night bud.”
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The snapping of the lock clicking back into place alleviated some of the soreness of my overworked muscles as I took another step inside. My head fell back to sneak a glance at the ceiling, hoping to peek past the old plaster and stare into the eyes of any higher being out there.
I quickly considered whether to thank them for this opportunity of a lifetime or to curse them out for my seemingly limitless workload.
As my eyelids slid close in defeat, an exhausted sigh involuntarily slipped out into the silence. Kicking off my shoes into the pitiful pile by the doorway to join the rest of its brethren, I wandered deeper into my rather small abode in the darkness; only my padded footsteps and the zipper of my jacket being undone 
Hearing my stomach rumble with its complaints, I made the couple steps toward the kitchen’s light switch. But, an abrupt halt came with the memory of yesterday’s optimistic plan of embarking on a trip to the grocery store after a short work shift.
Evidently, I hadn’t predicted the gruelling day I would have nor the extra hours that would be requested of me. I found that I’d been frequenting the store quite often as of late, the demand of food increasing once another mouth to feed came into question.
In a reluctant fashion, I pulled my jacket back up to my shoulders, knowing that the fridge was just as empty as my stomach currently was. I pushed my aching limbs back towards the entrance, pondering over whether the grocery store was even open this late in the night.
However, I was forced to a grinding halt once again as I heard a booming thump from my backyard and my blood ran cold.
I waited with bated breath as my heart rate elevated, pounding in my ears. A minute of stillness passed before yet another sigh escaped my jittery body. Another disadvantage of a remote plot included being frightened by every snap of a twig.
As a scoff passed through my chapped lips at my own cowardly antics, I began to resume my trek to the front door when another thud reached my ears. The recognition of the sound coming from the backyard alerted me that this time may be different, with the presence of an actual threat.
Following a series of gut-wrenching cracking noises, hurried footsteps approaching the wooden porch in my backyard startled me to action.
Hastily, I dashed back to the kitchen to grab an unnecessarily large kitchen knife out of the drawer and flew to cover behind my minuscule island. A quick glimpse down towards my chest revealed my shaking hands. Well, this is certainly one way to spice up my night.
Listening to the intruder fumble with the lock for a little while before it was being smashed into, I knew I couldn’t just stay cowering behind my kitchen island, waiting for this murderer to come and end my night (and all my subsequent nights thereafter). The rage behind having to buy and reinstall a new lock also propelled my need for revenge.
I took in a deep breath and steeled myself as the footsteps wandered in, coming straight towards the kitchen. A loud growl reverberated throughout my house and befuddled me further. Was the intruder simply a feral animal? The lack of a problem with my lock dismissed that thought but I couldn’t shake the feeling of a predator having sneaked into my house.
The feeling of being stalked.
I rapidly shook off that irrational thought, doubtful the stranger even knew of another presence in the house. As the intruder turned the corner — coming straight towards my hiding spot — I reared back a little before launching myself with my dull knife leading the way.
A screech made its way out of my throat as the intruder’s reflexes were evidently a lot better than mine, catching my wrist before I could inflict any damage. But, I refused to give in just yet as I attempted to smash the hard edge of my palm straight into the stranger’s nose in order to buy myself some time to flee.
Unfortunately, for me, that attack never reached its target as the intruder caught my throat in his other hand much faster and used his larger frame to smash my body against the fridge.
The wind escaped me, though I kept squirming to try whip my knee straight to his crotch as a final ditch attempt. I lightly cursed as a glimpse informed me the intruder was a brawny man.
He noticed my struggle and easily flipped me around, one hand finding purchase in my hair, banging my head against the cool metal of the fridge and the other held both of my hands pinned to my back. The knife clattered to the ground in a dangerous arc.
In the middle of wondering how the hell he gathered my wrists and disabled me in a split second, I felt a heavy growl in the shell of my ear. A cold shiver slipped down my spine, adrenaline slowing leaving my body as we both puffed out breaths of exertion.
What the actual fu—
“No hurt, need bandage and go.”
His broken English came out with a slight accent and I found myself nodding instantaneously as I tried to work out what he needed. “Okay, okay,” I muttered as best as I could with half my face smushed, “I have bandages in the big drawer by the sink. You can take those.”
I only received a grunt in acknowledgement. He nudged me with his foot to shuffle backwards with his hand still wrapped around my wrists and led me to the sink. Half curious about his motives and half accepting that I could never overpower the stranger, I followed obediently. Though that didn’t stop me from deliberating over how to outsmart the man.
Deciding on waiting for an opening or a slack in the grip around my wrists, I nodded my head towards the drawer I was referring to earlier and finally peered up at my intruder’s shadowed face. He wore a black ball cap on, aiding in hiding his features which were mostly guarded by the lack of light anyway.
A glance at the lower half of his visage allowed me to witness his pale lips and the small mole directly underneath them, as well as a sharp jawline leading to his exposed neck. Inconspicuously bringing my gaze even lower, I took in his matching tattered black outfit, confirming his bulky build and scuffed sneakers.
Maybe I could run to the nearest police station — which admittedly, was rather far, and provide a detailed description of the criminal. Considering if I made it out alive, of course.
With his vacant hand he swiftly pulled the drawer open, taking handfuls of bandages, gloves, bandaids and other miscellaneous items I crammed in there. The stranger stuffed as much equipment as he could fit into the large pocket of his hooded sweatshirt.
I would have found his full little pouch endearing if I wasn’t preoccupied with worrying over my own well-being.
Another awkward wobble later, we were back at the fridge. At this point, I was gathering all the courage I had left to aim for a pressure point on the criminal’s thigh that I vaguely knew the location of. I should have paid more attention in those self-defence classes, damnit.
Just as I turned to act, he bent down to pick up the discarded knife off the floor, effectively deterring my attack and forcing me into submission. He then turned to me to flash a slight smirk.
Releasing his death grip on my bound wrists, he sprinted back out my now broken back door, heading off.
After a couple minutes of stewing in my thoughts, back against the cool fridge, I  struggled to comprehend the brief interaction and the dark drops of crimson littered all over my white tiles.
I still have to go grocery shopping.
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tags: @aurorakingsley​
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kaetastic · 4 years
Trying To Focus
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pairing: Luca Changretta x Reader
summary: Maybe if Luca tried to ignore the figure that sat on his lap, just maybe, he can focus on his work. [requested: @supermegapauselouca​]
word counter: 1.3k
warning: fluff, slightly.. nsfw :D ??? (i don’t know, it’s like 1 in the morning lol)
note: thank you, once again, for sending a luca request! i’ll never get tired of that man. i love his tattoos but what gets me most riled up is his left arm. like aaaa, i hope this is okay :) i wanted to write a possible tease to a smut but my body was like nope
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The air of the room was light. Well, it seemed like the further you are away from the huffing figure of the Italian male, the air was light. Swirling around the man who jotted down streaks of ink was the hefty stress that dragged his shoulders down. Stress that he had to face as a consequence of pushing work onto the last moments of deadline. While his forehead pulled his muscles taut, constricting his head to block out any distraction; his eyebrows furrowed in acute concentration, the figure on his lap didn’t help.
“Y/N, stop that.” His strict tone quivered down her spine in a gentle rippling wave. A shudder trickled on the surface of her skin, weaving through hairs in a faint manner. Even though it had been some time since she had planted herself on his lap while he had been busying himself with the work that needed to be done with, the warm puffs from her lips smearing against his neck came in surges. In surges of intensity. Luca Changretta was not a ticklish man, but he did not possess the ability to block out the fact that a woman had sat on his lap. His woman.
Eyes still grazing over the glistening ink of his pen, Luca proceeded to scribble the added number he had somehow managed to end up with. Despite the distracting body on him. There was a minuscule scratch at the back of his head that raised the theory of a faulty result. Well, what can he do with the woman on his lap?
The number of times Luca had warned Y/N for not doing something could not be counted on a hand. Whatever he had demanded went straight through her ears, out into the air. Y/N pressed her lips together. The week had been a colossal wave for the organization. Y/N couldn’t exactly point out since it was one of those things she smeared a blur over. However, she did remember that it consisted of a problem with distributing the barrels of alcohol. It wasn’t an easy task when there are other people who squeeze themselves in the line of business to make a name for themselves. 
“Come on, Luca. You’ve been having at this stack for at least an hour.” Y/N whined in annoyance. It had been longer than an hour since he had started the stack of papers. So, it had been too long for the woman to wait patiently. The promises he had mumbled while stabbing the sheet of paper with the blade of a pen fell off his lips as if a mere reassurance. Y/N knew it was full of shit and lies. If she had dared herself to hastily quirk up a question of getting a dog, he would’ve said yes or mumble an agreement without a second thought.
His eyes barely left his desk. The rocks glass of whiskey he had poured for himself had vanished (Y/N did not drink it), only beads of the chugged liquid smeared against the walls as the constant remembrance for him to pour another glass. He didn’t bother to.
“I’m glad you’ve counted hours, amore, because this stack will take another hour.” The Italian stated, his palm slamming onto another thick wad of papers. Before it even had the chance to escape and flee away from his furious hand, they splat under his force. Shivers crawled through the thickness at the piercing bites of his chilly rings. The man was at home, yet, the rings were as important as anything else.
Y/N couldn’t hold back the rolling of her eyes. She knew his fake promises were to fill her ears and stuff her lips, “Alright, how do I speed up this process, huh? Just hand me a pen.” His eyes still glued onto the lines he had smeared over, Luca let out a raspy chuckle. One that sauntered down to plaster a warm kiss on her inner thighs.
Shaking his head with a smirk on his face, Luca poked his tongue against the walls of his inner cheek, “Amore, you just sit and look pretty. I do not need your attempts, I say this without offence, looks no different from that of a child.” Y/N gasped, her hands quick to splay on her chest. Awestruck her, more like shock from his words. So her previous aid of adding numbers for his work had been like that of an infant’s? 
While she remained on his lap with her hand lingering on her chest, eyes widened in astonishment to his somewhat offensive words, she shot back, “I’ll have you know, I was sick that day.” Luca nodded his head before his pen finally strayed away longer than an inch from the paper. Y/N watched as he reread the sheet before throwing it on the growing pile which were able to graze over the office’s ceiling. 
Silence plunged themselves in-between the couple. It was more of a comforting silence of Y/N listening to his thrumming heart; Luca’s lung dancing along to her breathing. As the noise of scribbling echoed into the tranquil air, the Italian nearly forgotten the figure on his lap from the lack of conversations. Conversations, not caressing of skin. Because Y/N was doing a lot of that.
With her index finger tracing over the inked cross on the side of his neck, she began to hum a faint song. The muscles that cladded and wrapped around his fingers halted to a screech, tugging onto the neighbouring tissue to hang in the air. Too enticed by the drawing, Y/N didn’t notice the tip of the pen had bled out beads of ink, ready to dive on the surface to ruin its beauty. However, she did pick up the way his chest went rigid when puffs of warm air pricked up the hairs on his skin. 
“What happened, Catholic boy?” Y/N practically purred, knowing very well with every exhale, it prodded a brick. “Suddenly... interested?” 
Pulling away from his sitting figure, she stood up, her eyes never pulling away from the way his electrifying gaze watched her. Luca finally basked in the skimpy négligée that draped on her body. How did he miss what she had worn when she practically barged into his office? Questions trickled in his head even though his eyes sent in more on what he could do to her. 
Y/N stood in between the man and his desk, plopping herself a seat on the wooden surface. A slight wince sung in her head as the crinkling of paper trickled into her ears. The chair let out a creak, it intensified down a tone when the Italian leaned back to capture the sight in full view. The rich green sparkled under the faintest of light, a stream of gold plastered along the straps. 
Luca couldn’t hold back the growing smirk that crept onto his face after catching a glint. Y/N noticed the curling of his lips. He had finally realized it, after the time she had spent on his lap. With his hands in hers, Y/N could feel herself melt into the ground at the dazzling sight of the permanent markings. The swirls of ink that twirled around his left arm left her breathless. Well, that, his golden rings, and the tattoo of the black hand. Luca could always leave her breathless without having to say anything. 
He watched her in amusement while she over traced the lines, “You’re not wearing panties.” The corners of the woman’s lip shot up at his statement. She tried to push away whatever feeling crawled on her spine when he let out a raspy chuckle. The same feeling that plunged down into the warmth of her thighs. 
“I’m not. And you’ve not noticed it ever since I sat on you.” In a blink of an eye, and a chuckle from her lips, the Italian towered over her resting figure. His dark smeared orbs gazed into hers, his hands were quick to grip on her waist. The gentle silk hugged his skin. A barrier that prevented him from seeing the sight that always left him at awe. 
“I don’t think that matters anymore, does it, amore?”
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eclecticmiasma · 4 years
Unattended (Fugonara)
Abbacchio gets sick of Fugo and Narancia’s constant fighting. 
[Warnings: N/A]
*do not re-upload my work without explicit permission
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As a member of Passione, rare are the days that one isn’t given some sort of work to be done.
Rarer still are the days that Fugo isn’t endlessly harassing Narancia about his studies.
The boy had barely woken up when his junior came barreling through the bedroom door and tossed a division practice book at his feet. Narancia flailed wildly and groaned about what a wonderful day off he had planned. First, he was going to go to a new French Bistro that Mista wouldn’t stop raving about. Apparently, their croissants melted in your mouth and the girls had to wear little French maid outfits. Then, he wanted to longboard to the beach and work on a nice summer tan. But, his whining was to no avail. Fugo simply stared at his writhing form with utter disdain.  
Downstairs, Abbacchio could hear Narancia’s shrill pleas for mercy. He sighed heavily into his espresso and closed his eyes. He thought briefly what his life would be like if he were a more social, outgoing person. Maybe he would have an inkling of how to use his days off rather than spend them trapped inside of Bucciarati’s childhood home with youth that had the emotional capacity of feral orphans. Just as he began to entertain images of a day out in the countryside, the sound of footsteps not unlike those of a stampeding buffalo herd pulled him back to reality.
Fugo emerged into the kitchen. Narancia trudged in behind him like a beaten dog. It would have all been amusing if Abbacchio didn’t know that it would all escalate into yet another brawl between the two. Mista and Bucciarati might have been able to wave away their volatile relationship, but it drove Abbacchio crazy. Always screaming, fighting, stabbing each other with cutlery- he wished desperately that they would either kill each other or fuck each other, anything to get some peace and quiet. Though he secretly hoped they would snap and do the latter, as he and Mista had a pretty hefty bet going.
Unbeknownst to Bucciarati, of course.
The miserable pair made their way through the kitchen and into the living area without so much as acknowledging the silver-haired man’s presence. Fugo plopped himself onto an old, but well-kept sofa and gestured at the pencil and paper he set out earlier. Narancia continued to moan about French maids and new tanning oil before he threw himself down next to the other.
“So, do you remember what we talked about last time?” Fugo inquired, knowing fully well that his teammate didn’t have a clue.
“Division,” Narancia spat back. The green suited man sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Open the damn book,” He ordered, trying not to lose his cool in record timing. Begrudgingly, Narancia followed his instruction and opened to a dog-eared page covered in angry red marks.
And so they continued. Fugo reviewed what he had tried to teach the rambunctious teen nearly three weeks before and then let him try on his own. As he watched shrewdly, he heard the echo of Bucciarati’s words. He may have gone against my wishes, but it is my duty to make sure he gets an education. Unfortunately, fishing didn’t allow me to have an education. But he has a real chance if you’ll help him. He sighed again.
“There!” Narancia threw down his pencil, causing it to bounce off of and roll under the couch. Fugo grabbed his notebook with more force than necessary and looked over the raven-haired boy’s work. Sometimes Bucciarati’s words could bring Fugo comfort, or help remind him of his goals and why he continued to even wake up in the morning.
Sometimes they flew right out the window.
“Narancia!” He barked, furious. Not only was every single problem wrong, but two of the answers were just different angry doodles of maids with their butts showing. Fugo saw red. He threw the notebook behind him and grabbed Narancia by his stupid little neck straps. “Why are you fucking around here you troglodyte?!”
“I had shit to do to day you troglo- trog- what the fuck did you call me?!” Of course, the older boy was at the ready with his signature silver switchblade. He pressed it to the other’s throat menacingly.
“Enough!” Both boys jerked around to face Abbacchio, who had entered the living room and sat in an armchair across from the pair unnoticed. They were ready to continue fighting before his low, threatening voice continued, “I won’t listen to this anymore. You two need to get whatever this is out of your system, and you need to do it today. Before one of you kills the other, or before I kill the both of you.” Narancia made a face but held his blade steady.
“I’ll get it out of my system by coating this smug asshole’s blood all over the couch!” He growled. Fugo rolled his eyes and twisted the other’s neck straps so that they begin to choke him out. His purple eyes bulged out and he made an inhuman gurgling noise out of pure rage.
“The two of you need to fuck.” Abbacchio interrupted. Fugo let go of Narancia’s clothing long enough for him to catch air.
“What?!” The pair hissed, staring daggers in Abbacchio’s direction.
“You heard me,” He leaned back in the armchair and surveyed them, “I saw it all the time in the force. Rage-filled criminals who really just needed to get their rocks off.” Something that the tall man always admired about himself was his ability to lie imperceptibly to most anyone. He could see the gears turning furiously in Fugo’s mind as Narancia just gaped at him, open-mouthed. “Of course, if you kill one another it’s no skin off my back. But, I think you’d rather kiss each other than kill each other.”
“Kiss him?!” Narancia finally broke out of his stupor and spoke, “This idiot’s never kissed anything in his life, why the hell would I want to do that?” Fugo smacked him upside the head.
“You don’t know anything about me, shit-for-brains. You’re the one that has to go to maid café’s to see some ass!” Narancia’s mouth flopped open and closed like a fish.
“T-that doesn’t mean shit! I’ve kissed people before! You’re the one who spent all your time in school, I was on the streets!”
“Yeah? Prove it, you little shit. I bet the only thing you’ve kissed is Bucciarati’s ass-”
Narancia grabbed Fugo’s tie and jerked him forward into a closed-mouth kiss. Abbacchio grinned widely, triumphant. Fugo resisted initially, but Narancia had a surprisingly strong grip for such a small frame. When he finally let go, the taller boy gaped at him, flustered.
“Th-that’s not how you kiss someone! You didn’t even move your lips at all, idiot!” Before Narancia could protest, Fugo grabbed either side of his face and pulled him in for another bruising kiss. This time, Fugo’s golden eyes fluttered closed so he couldn’t see the other’s purple orbs boring holes into him. He opened his lips slightly, and Narancia did the same. Being that close, Narancia briefly noticed that his teammate smelled lightly of coffee and strawberry shampoo.
Abbacchio watched as the kiss intensified. He thought about what he could buy with the money Mista owed him. Fugo tentatively licked at Narancia’s lower lip. A small swipe at first, then another. Narancia followed suit, testing the waters with his own tongue until they finally met in the middle. The smaller boy made a sound that pulled Abbacchio out of his daydream and went straight to Fugo’s dick.
All hell broke loose.
Fugo deepened the kiss, tongue exploring Narancia’s mouth in earnest. The other complied, rubbing his tongue up the length of his partner’s feverishly. It was messy, it was unexperienced, but it felt glorious. Narancia softly moaned again into the kiss and let his switchblade fall to the floor. He gripped Fugo’s shoulders tight and let himelf be pushed flat against the arm of the couch. As minutes wore on, they parted for air only briefly before plunging back into each other’s depths and letting their hands wander over one another’s tense bodies.
It wasn’t long before Fugo realized that the tightness in his pants was nearly unbearable. He brushed his thigh against Narancia’s groin and was relieved, and aroused, to find that the other seemed to be struggling as well. He slid his thigh between Narancia’s legs and groaned aloud at the contact. The two pulled away from each other, flushed and panting.
“F-Fugo…” Narancia pleaded. As Fugo looked down at the boy’s reddened skin and swollen lips, his mussed raven hair and the drool that dripped slowly from his chin to his chest, he thought that his friend was beautiful. He bit his lip and cautiously grinded his lower body into the other’s. Narancia yelped and blushed near the color of the strawberry earrings that Fugo wore, “Don’t stop,” He pleaded, and it was all Fugo needed to grind against the other in earnest, earning a throaty groan and two thin arms wrapped around his neck.
Abbacchio watched the pair frot against one another and came to the very uncomfortable realization that he was painfully aroused. As the scene in front of him continued to unfold, he justified palming himself through his pants by reasoning that if the pair didn’t want him there they would have told him.
When Fugo wanted something, he was quick to get it. Before Narancia knew what was happening his clothes were on the floor and his friend was sucking deep, blooming bruises into his neck and chest. When Fugo’s hand wrapped around his exposed cock, his brain short-circuited and he came instantly with a shrill cry.
Before he could express his shame, Fugo leaned in and kissed him softly. With his other hand, he undid his belt and slid off his ridiculously holey pants. Narancia gasped.
“So you do wear a thong!” The other’s cheeks flared crimson red. He decided to shut Narancia up for good by spreading his legs and sliding a hand around one of his ass cheeks.
“N-Narancia,” Fugo’s own voice sounded foreign in his ears. How long had it been since he sounded so far away, so unsure? How did he have this gorgeous boy writhing underneath him, undone by just his lips and his touch?
Narancia wouldn’t say he was the smartest tool in the crayon shed, but no one would deny he was surprisingly perceptive. “You want to put it in me?” He said matter of fact, turning Fugo into a sputtering mess.
“Well, I mean…I…you…we don’t have…but-”
“Put your fingers in his mouth,” Abbacchio offered, his own member fully on display for his teammates to gawk at, “It’ll make things much easier.”
“J-Jesus Christ, Abbacchio…” Narancia marveled, disgusted at his voyeurism but oddly intrigued by how brazenly he stroked himself at them.
Fugo bristled with anger at such a private moment being ogled at. He readied himself to take his friend’s discarded switchblade and castrate the tall goth himself, but his anger dissipated when Narancia took his hand and lapped at his fingertips. He sucked in a breath as his fingers moved past Narancia’s lips and into his mouth. The smaller boy’s warmth combined with the soft texture of his tongue and the way that he looked at him, purple eyes clouded with lust, made Fugo’s cock throb painfully.
After a few moments Narancia let go of the other’s fingers with a pop, satisfied that they were as slick as possible. Fugo pulled them back hesitantly, shifting his body so that he could see the other’s hole. He felt dizzy staring at it, as if suddenly everything was real and he was really about to fuck his best friend.
He licked his lips and placed one finger at Narancia’s entrance. Narancia squeaked at the sensation, but held his body still. Slowly, gauging Narancia’s face for any signs of pain, he pushed his slickened fingers forward. Once he passed the ring of muscle, the smaller boy’s body nearly sucked him in. It was warm, it was soft. It was so, incredibly tight.
It was a slow and painful process, but eventually Fugo had Narancia rocking his hips against his hand, three fingers buried deep inside him. He began to love the sounds that his small friend made- soft, breathy moans that made him shiver in anticipation. He never knew the other could be so erotic.
“I can’t…I can’t take it anymore…” Narancia mumbled into the air, eyes screwed shut, “J-just do it already!” Fugo removed his fingers and sat up. Heart beating out of his chest, he placed his cock at Narancia’s reddened hole and took a deep breath.
Abbacchio himself nearly groaned as Fugo pushed in. He fisted his own cock, slick with precum, slowly, deliberately, as if he was impaling the boy himself. Fugo groaned as he finally bottomed out. Narancia didn’t make a single sound, confident that if he did his body just might tear in two. Fugo leaned forward and peppered the boy with kisses on his face and chest, uncharacteristically concerned that he might be severely hurting him. Narancia almost laughed at how painful it was, but the thrill of having Fugo inside of him was motivation enough to persevere.
Narancia let out a pained squeak as the other started to move. Fugo kissed his lips apologetically. He reciprocated in earnest, the sensation of being filled from two ends thrilling enough to distract from the throbbing in his spine. Fugo set up some semblance of a rhythm, short, shallow thrusts deepening as time went on.
“F-fuck, Narancia…” He swore, the tightness of the other’s walls almost painful around his dick. He rocked his hips faster and faster into that heat, losing more control as the moments ticked by. Pain slowly turned into pleasure for Narancia, the foreign feeling of cock sliding in and out of his body morphing into something erotic. Spurred on by Fugo’s shaky breathing and soft grunts, and the sound of their bodies smacking together, Narancia felt something sweet like candy blooming in the pit of his stomach.
Fugo leaned down and licked the shell of Narancia’s reddened ear. “I don’t…you feel so fucking good…” He whispered in a low growl that went straight to the other’s core. Praise from the younger boy was so rare that he came again, suddenly, Fugo’s name spilling from his lips. Fugo moaned loudly as the soft walls around his cock contracted. He snapped his hips almost violently into the other, setting a brutal pace.
“Nara…” Fugo nearly whined, fucking into his teammates body like his life depended on it, “I’m so close…” Narancia threaded his fingers into the other’s blonde locks and held on for dear life. He was sure that Fugo’s nails gripped his hips so tightly that he was bleeding. In the haze of arousal, four words tumbled from his lips that he never thought he’d say in his life.
“Fugo, cum inside me!” He pleaded. Somewhere in the room Abbacchio grunted loudly, the boy’s desperation going straight to his dick and causing him to spill ropes of cum into his palm. The pair hardly noticed as Fugo reached his own orgasm, hips stuttering as he released with a loud groan into Narancia’s shoulder.
Narancia himself moaned at the sensation of being filled to the brim, warmth spreading through his core. Fugo collapsed on top of him and gasped for air. For a while the three men sat there, trying desperately to come down from their highs.
Just as Fugo went to pull out, sunlight filled the living room. Mista had opened the front door and was standing there, slack jawed, holding two sacks of groceries. Bucciarati nearly bumped into him from behind.
“Wh-” He peaked around the frozen gunman and was greeted with the sight of his near naked, slick covered underlings. His eyes were wide as saucers, but a devlish grin played slowly across his features. “Well, Mista, guess you owe quite a bit of money.” *all original work belongs to me. do not re-upload without explicit permission. 
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aaluminiumas · 4 years
Shanks openly relished the pirate life: he could name one hundred reasons to become a buccaneer, and that oh-so-proverbial One Piece every rookie dreamt about wouldn’t be listed among the first thirty. This man loved listening to waves rustling; he could spend hours admiring the landscape while holding the ship’s wheel and staring into nowhere – but with the same zeal he threw himself into battle standing up for his friends and crewmates. And a good fight is sure to be celebrated by a downpour of sake, a loud burst of laughter and a couple of brazen jokes around the campfire somewhere far away. Isn’t it what happiness is all about?
He long forgot the place he called home. Was it a little windswept archipelago somewhere in the middle of the Grand Line? Or, perhaps, a bustling city that never sleeps? Or, probably, a tiny village on the outskirts of the Goa Kingdom where he tended to return in attempt to remember the good old times and to order a mug of sake while singing a song unanimously with other frequenters?..
Red-haired Shanks grunted under his breath and turned the ship to the left. Out of the corner of the eye the man caught the glimpse of a sea king coming to the surface. Oddly enough, this one didn’t pay the slightest attention to them: the creature had either managed to devour another crew chasing Gol D. Roger’s treasure, or simply took no notice of the vessel. Making sure the ruthless animal swam away, the pirate consulted his log pose – and in a couple of seconds he spotted the familiar sky-line of the Goa Kingdom: a city surrounded by a thick wall with a swarm of windmills in the distance. They moved in the same fashion, clockwise, peacefully and steadily, filling the air with quiet and mollifying creaking everybody was accustomed to. Even the fragrance of this wonderful place was unique: clear, slightly salty and dusty as if abundant in flour that never trickled out of the millstones completely.
Long time ago – a whole eternity ago! – he saved Luffy from a sea king and lost his arm in the process. A ridiculous price for a funny kid who managed to create problems whenever he went naively smiling all the way. Shanks couldn’t put his finger on his behavior: how dared this child roughly as tall as his leg challenge someone much stronger! But despite his obvious paternal affection for the brave boy, there was definitely something else that attracted him to the tavern not far from the biggest windmill.
Although Shanks didn’t have his own kids, he as well as his crew enjoyed talking to Luffy days on end telling unbelievable stories about their adventures. The lad whose eyes were beaming with anticipation caught every word evincing sheer awe and reverence. Listening to the pirates, he imagined himself to be one, and didn’t even doubt he would be lucky enough to get into a bit of a scrape to fight back any offender.
But Luffy wasn’t the only one who delighted pirate tales. The hostess of the tavern, calm and light-hearted Makino, dwelled on every word spoken as if she herself were a little girl. She knew she wouldn’t exchange her settled life for the fierce and unpredictable ocean but the exciting fables soon interwove into her daily routine turning into a significant part of the world she lived in. Every evening Shanks dropped in at the tavern, ordered a whole barrel of sake for his crew – and laughed, recalling the most mind-blowing events that took everybody’s breath away. These were miraculous days, weren’t they?
The red-haired man grinned to himself recollecting the night when Makino, who just started wiping off plates, ventured to ask an odd question – he needed a solid minute to ponder over it and give her a decent reply.
“Shanks-san,” she called him quietly and put the plates on a shelf feeling sheepish, “Aren’t you…” the woman raised her eyes to audaciously look at him, “Aren’t you afraid? Aren’t you scared at all?”
He thought for a second, sipped on his drink and adjusted the straw hat that hadn’t yet made its way to Luffy. “Afraid,” he finally deduced and pushed his mug aside, “But not for myself.”
Shanks turned his head in the direction of his friends stuffing themselves with meat and arguing about mermaids. Someone began to sing – slightly out of tune, –and the rest cheerfully took up, though not unanimously at all. The woman got perplexed for a moment or two – and, amazed to a fault, kept staring at the visitor in the straw hat not fully comprehending what he meant by this.
The man laughed, “Just imagine what kind of mess Luffy can make when we sails away! He’s ready to challenge a sea king to prove his strength and audacity,” Shanks bestowed a broad smile on her folding his hands on the table, “But I believe one day he’ll become more cauti–”
At this very moment, ‘the cautious kid’ caused a huge knife to fall. Luffy was about to yell at the top of his lungs – but immediately noticed the heaven-sent hand of the red-haired man and closed his cry-contorted mouth. His orbs sparkled – the boy got charmed again.
However, it wasn’t the only time Makino asked bizarre questions: she was genuinely enthralled by his lifestyle even though she never wanted to be a pirate. He liked that disclosed interest, curiosity to the foreign world of his, and bit by bit such discussions created a tight bond of friendship between them which somewhat impelled the crewmates to shamelessly tease their captain – not unkindly, of course. His comrades didn’t mean anything bad – they simply relished the sight of the normally collected hostess who now smiled meekly and blushed slightly. Taking it as a certain sign, the captain cut the jokes short with a loud laugh and another mug of sake.
Thing ran their course.
It’s been quite some time since then… Ace died almost two years ago, Luffy is already up in arms, and the millstones are working just as steadily, turning wheat into flour. When did he visit the place last time?.. It was simply indecent on his part considering the amount of time he spent there. Is the mayor just as grumpy and meticulous as he used to be? And what about that bandit, Dadan, Luffy told so much about? Is she doing fine? And the tavern where he hung out so often with his crew, is it in the same place?..
For a moment the red-haired man yielded to a vague feeling of nostalgia: the reminiscences goaded him to squeeze out a lopsided grin, and the decision he’d recently made, got its shape: the yonko was absolutely sure of the actions he was about to perform.
“Welcome to the Goa Kingdom!” he declared in a stentorian voice turning to face his boatswain ready to comply with the ensuing command. “Time to have some fun, guys!”
This order was met by a loud explosion of shenanigans: they’d just savored a good fight, and now they were eager to live it up.
*** “Makino been at ‘ome fo’ a week already,” a sprightly old lady reported to Shanks while giving hearty slaps to presumptuous pirates. “’er boy got ill. But drop in at ‘er place anyway, she’ll be ‘appy to see ya. It isn’t too fa’ from ‘ere… Bah! Where ya goin’ bone’ead?!” the old crone quacked and hit someone with a beer mug she was holding. “So, just ‘ound the corne’… those gates. Damn you, Satan!”
The red-haired pirate grinned at the educational methods that old woman employed, gave her a golden coin and left the tavern. His feet brought him directly to the neat small house with huge flower beds in front. The man didn’t get what the bartender meant by ‘her boy got ill’ but the galvanic yearning for the past demanded new memories and Makino indeed was an integral part of the time he spent here and needed so desperately. Shanks automatically noticed that he became the center of attention: those who didn’t know he used to visit the village raked their brains as to why one of the yonkos decided to come while his friends, along with the mayor, were genuinely joyous to see him and greeted the man asking for how long he planned to stay. There were others, suspicious ones, who revealed their growing displeasure and apprehension – but they tended to avoid any eye-contact with the guest.
Makino’s cottage looked even smaller when he approached it: the house reminded him of the tiny huts he saw at the Pigmy Island but seemed solid enough to handle a powerful hurricane. Shanks couldn’t recollect whether he ever paid visits to his friends: there was no point doing it as they met at the tavern every evening to discuss recent local news And now… he felt almost embarrassed.
He knocked – and heard a clear voice.
“Wait a minute!” Makino was certainly busy, “I’m ̶ Shanks-san?!”
Opening the door, Makino froze at the sight of the man at the threshold: the young woman was holding a hefty bundle with a sniffing baby – with the free hand, she tried to do her hair.
“Are you here for long..?” she attempted to atone, her lips smiling irresolutely.
“No… I dunno.”
She adjusted her son to hold him comfortably, pushed the door open and stepped aside letting the guest in. Despite their common past where no one hid anything from the other, currently both of them felt perplexed and confused: Shanks realized he came amiss, and Makino simply didn’t expect to see the man she used to read about emerging in her tiny cottage. Since he became a yonko, she stopped waiting for his loud visits: a man of importance like him – even if a pirate, – probably had more significant affairs to deal with than singing songs somewhere in a godforsaken village.
Closing the door behind him, the young woman unswathed the parcel and made sure the baby felt better. In a moment, she placed him on the floor and gave him his favorite toy – a plush parrot which was immediately seized by a viselike grip of two chubby hands.
“How you doing?” the pirate asked nonchalantly perusing the modest, spick and span room and finally swiveling his eyes to look at the roly poly tyke crawling around. “What a swashbuckling lady replaced you,” he mentioned with a short laugh. “She’s a real smasher. Can kick anyone out of the pub!”
“Oh… Kagurumi-san… she has her own approach to problem clients,” Makino gave out a small but nonetheless genuine smile bit by bit getting accustomed to his company and his manners that didn’t change at all. “What about you? Have you seen Luffy? I’ve read something in a newspaper but… since he… since… that day I heard a number of things but I am not sure what exactly should be trusted.”
“Luffy’s fine. He’s coped with Ace’s death and is ready to make a scoop and win all front pages,” Shanks said firmly instantly getting the facts straight and calling it the way he saw it – he had to be the reasonable one even though Makino had a hard time speaking about the situation. “Don’t worry about him: he’s already striving to get in trouble.” The yonko broke into a smile, sat down on the sofa and pointed to the boy with a subtle nod of his head: the kid had been playing with the dark cloth of Shanks’ coat probably considering it a better toy. “What’s his name?” “Kenta. Kenta, don’t touch it.” Her delicate hand tenderly brushed across the plump fingers. “No.”
“Why not?” the man’s smile grew even broader, and he sat the boy in his lap. “How old ‘re ye, pal?”
“Not… too much.”
The conversation dragged. Makino clearly felt reluctant to discuss her personal life: she was either afraid of mocking and misunderstanding, or instinctively realized she had fallen in love with the man who kept her company during those long nights at the tavern filled with stories about other islands and seas. She loved his tales and his smile; she adored his laugh and sonorous voice – she even found herself enchanted by his manners sufficiently graceful for a pirate. But the woman never thought it could go further anytime soon. Don’t friends see each other as beautiful, kind people? Don’t they acknowledge the best in one another? Don’t they admire each other?..
The woman sat there, motionless and calm, but it was obvious she couldn’t ease the tension even though she tried to seem friendly.
“If I’m unwanted here, I’ll go,” Shanks spotted her nervousness and adjusted the collar of his coat, evidently about to stand up. “We happened to be around, so of course everyone was eager to remember the best moments of the past… to have a look at good ol’ Windmill. I’m sorry if I meddled in.” he said in the same light-hearted voice not holding any grudge against her.
She replied by a tender, smooth gesture – the woman put her hand onto his shoulder. Kenta, not paying attention to his mother’s agitation, examined the stranger awkwardly standing up and trying to reach the flaming red hair. The man looked so extraordinary – he never met anyone like this among his mom’s guests.
“We all were shocked when… this happened,” the smile faded away for a second, and the eyes got hazy. “I mean, Ace and Whitebeard's death. When Garp came, even Dadan wasn’t her usual self – you remember, that mountain bandit who raised Luffy and… the rest.” She didn’t dare call Ace by the name the second time. “But bit by bit everything’s falling into place, and… if Luffy did it, we will succeed too.” The woman stated in the voice laced with confidence, her bright eyes staring at Shanks. “The whole world is reconstructing, and we are not an exception, fortunately or unfortunately. We have to adapt as well. Thankfully, Goa isn’t the place every single pirate darts to conquer, so everything’s more or less quiet here.” Makino eventually managed to get rid of stiffness. “What about you? How are you, Shanks-san?..”
“Whitebeard’s death is definitely a tragedy for everyone,” he drawled pensively automatically playing with Makino’s son. “And it did multiply the number of problems to deal with. But we’re still trying to live the same way and to do whatever we did before the new era: to have fun, to fight and to drink.” He let out another laughter and brought Kenta up to his shoulder. “Look, what a rider you have here!”
The boy giggled and hugged the pirate by the neck.
Makino slightly blushed. “He… likes you. He doesn’t normally trust people so easily but you seem to make a good impression. I’m afraid he’s going to chase you just like Luffy!” she shook her head in a histrionic reproach.
“So Windmill is going to have a pirate dynasty? Our future Pirate King will be happy to know there’s someone to inherit the skills!”
All of a sudden the mood lightened by itself: Makino released herself and relaxed, cheerfully laughing at the crass jokes he always spilled. The balance restored into the universe: the woman no longer shied away from the guest and honestly replied to his simple questions; she even mentioned what she used to be doing before his visit to the village. He listened to her carefully catching every word, japed and reminisced on certain occasions that came to his mind. Sometimes, making Kenta participate in the confabulation, Shanks questioned him as well just to hear a short ‘yea’ or displeased sniff.
The day was declining, but even after lulling her son to sleep, Makino didn’t intend to part ways with the man who returned just to say hello and to check up on her.
“Have you… rented anything?” she requested quietly, taking off her bandanna protecting her head from the burning sun. “If not, you can stay over. Of course if you don’t mind.” She hurried to add wondering whether she’d gone too far.
Shanks quirked his eyebrows and scratched the tip of his nose. “Why not?.. If anything I should pay a little bit more attention to my closest friend. In fact, I was kinda scared I frightened you.” He noticed undoing the laces of his coat.
She emitted a soft laugh grabbing the outerwear off his hand and hanging it on a peg. “I’m not afraid of you, I’m afraid of the changes you’re bringing along,” she answered simply. “But now I understand that we are… protected. We have nothing to be scared of with a friend like you,” Makino said in whisper, in a barely audible tone. Not switching on the lights, she dared give the guest a bear hug – even though it was evanescent and ephemeral, she managed to express her emotions the best way she could – with innate modesty and chastity. “Thank you. If only had I known how to thank you properly…”
Shanks caught her fingers and pressed the narrow pale hand to his lips. “You have provided a shelter. A pirate wouldn’t even dream about a bigger thing.” He let go off her hand and pulled away from her, his smile friendly and cordial and yet exposing some unknown fatigue Makino had never come across before. 
“Good night, Makino. I am glad to know we are friends regardless our long separation. You know, it’s so disrespectful of us to keep each other in the dark. But we didn’t have a choice!” he made a helpless gesture with his hand and disappeared in the room she had prepared for him to immediately fall into deep slumber.
And the hostess after putting her son’s toys in the box, shook her head and covered Shanks with a blanket: the nights may grow cold, and he certainly had enough of chilling wind on board. He deserved the comfort of the settled life he willingly rejected – he would never get used to that anyway…
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hereliesanotherfic · 4 years
Three’s a Crowd || Erwin x Reader x Levi || Modern AU
Chapter 1 - Moving So Fast
“(Y/n), nice to meet you!” A blonde, blue eye boy greeted you with the purest smile on his face. You bowed slightly and shook hands with him, respecting your trainer was the first step in making a good impression to your new coworkers and the higher ups. “My name is Armin, I’m the M.O.D. for the morning shifts. During your training you’ll meet Mikasa who is in charge during the afternoons and Ymir who covers the nights. Whenever you have a question, you can ask the three of us or our boss and the owner, Mr. Reiss.” You were five minutes into this new job and you already got the feeling your life was going to change from sluggish and boring to hectic and hilarious.
Mr. Reiss created everybody’s schedule for his coffee shop, ‘Reiss Coffee!’ and the three M.O.D.’s ran the coworkers and customers from that point. You were told he came to check up on everybody each day but not for too long since his managers were responsible and he learned quickly he can rely on them. You first shift was 9am-5pm which gave you a taste of training with each manager. Some of your coworkers you met already included Eren, Jean, Historia and Sasha. Learning all the drinks was challenging, you’ve just gotten use to the latte, cappuccino and macchiato by the time 5pm started rolling around. Your feet hurt like a bitch from these safety shoes you had to wear, a couple strands of hair were messy and your brain felt like puddy. Overall a successful first day.
“So, ya coming with us or not, new girl?” Ymir grinned at you after she finished an order for a customer. You gave her a questioning look while pulling off the light brown apron. “The party at Smith’s? Armin invited you this morning, remember?”
“Oh…I complete forgot about that,” you laughed nervously. In truth you were going to try to avoid it. You were living out of your 1996 Toyota Highlander and you didn’t have much to your name. You owned the car, but only had so many nice clothes for parties, some food sources stashed away and a couple various important items. How you got there was a story for another time.
“No ya didn’t,” Ymir glared lightly at you, causing you to sweat. You adverted your eyes to your apron and felt her golden orbs still watching you. “What’s the problem with a little fun?”
You rubbed your arm, a small nervous habit. “I don’t have anything to wear for a party. You know I just moved into town, I didn’t bring too much baggage with me…literally,” You laughed a bit. This got a hefty laugh from Ymir.
“Don’t worry about attire girl,” she waved off your weak comment and handed you a small card with an address. “Wear something comfortable, even jeans and a decent shirt are fine, everybody’s going to be some level of drunk anyways! Some clothes might go missing, who knows!” She patted your shoulder, it was oddly comforting. “Come to this address at 7pm, if you want to come when the balls already rolling, arrive at 8pm. If I don’t see you by 9pm, I’ll drag you by the ear!” You both laughed. Her threat was meaningful, she would actually find you and drag you to the party, but not in a painful way.
“I guess…thanks Ymir!” You grinned, headed out to your car in search of a decent outfit.
You had arrived at the Smith residence at 7:30pm, the feeling of arriving at 7pm was too sharp and 8pm felt too late. It was a small house in a nice neighborhood, each property having at least 1 acre or more of yard, you estimated the Smiths’ had 1.5 or 2. You knocked on the door, brushing off you button up a bit. You wore high-waist, dark wash blue jeans and a vertical stripe black and white button up that was tucked in, with some simple sandals on your feet. The door opened a moment later and you were face to face with a gorgeous blonde. He had sky blue eyes, blonde hair with a dirty blonde undercut, chiseled chin and cheekbones and bushy eyebrows. The moment he smiled at you, you could swear your heart stopped beating like pulling the plug from an electrical socket.
“Welcome, come in!” He stepped to the side and motioned you inside, you quickly stepping forward. Immediately you noticed how loud it was- music, talking, yelling, dancing, the smell of alcohol and chips, cooked chicken too. Your eyes caught a glance at Armin with Mikasa and Eren amongst the group. But you didn’t have too much time in your own head when you felt a large hand on your back and your breath hitched as a reaction. “My name is Erwin Smith. You must be the girl Armin was speaking so highly of.”
Your cheeks flushed a little bit, “I guess,” you chuckled nervously. “My name’s (y/n) (l/n). It’s a pleasure to meet you.” You both outstretched your hands to shake, you could feel how tough his skin was yet his palm so soft. When he spoke, you could trace a bit of scotch scent, but nothing too strong.
“The pleasures mine,” he hummed. “Please make yourself comfortable. The kitchen is to the right and the bathroom is right here next at the entrance. The linen closet is down the hall first door on the left if you’d like a place for your bag.” He was so kind and his voice was so deep, it was almost hypnotic. You replied with a small thank you as Armin came up to join your conversation, he looked thrilled that you came.
Through the course of the night, you noticed a raven haired male making strides around the groups of people with a drink in his hands constantly. He had an undercut which accented his strong jawline, his side profile was definitely a nice view, his grey-silver eyes shined bright. The way he spoke with everybody and walked through the party felt like he owned the place. A redhead kept popping up by his side too, wrapping her hand around his or around his waist, a couple times squeezing his butt which you adverted your eyes too. Him and the blonde host weren’t the only attractive ones here, but so much chatter and dancing blurred your memories of most of their names.
Levi banged on Erwin’s room door, disturbing him from his peaceful slumber. When the blonde sat up, he noticed Levi had ever so kindly let himself into his bedroom. It was around 10am on Sunday, neither had work. “What’s the problem Levi?”
“Erwin, there’s a brat sleeping in my bathroom,” the raven hissed, obviously not pleased over the situation, and Erwin bet he was suffering a bit of a hangover too.
“A brat?” he chuckled, rubbing his puffy eyes and pushed his hair back. “Everybody left once the party was over, who could be left?” he groaned while pulling himself out of the warmth of the comforter. They made their way down the hall and into Levi’s bathroom. Curled up in a ball on the shower floor, they found you. Erwin couldn’t help but chuckle again. “I wouldn’t have believed you if I didn’t see it for myself.”
“Do you know who she is?”
“If I recall,” he muttered while rubbing his forehead, his own hangover hurting pretty badly, “that’s (y/n), a coworker of Armin’s at the Reiss Coffee shop.”
“What is she doing in my bathroom?” Levi grimaced.
“Your guess is as good as mine. Let’s see…” Erwin squatted down and set a hand on your shoulder, gently shaking you while calling your name.
You groaned while trying to shove his hand away, failing at the attempt before clutching your head. It felt like you were spinning but the hand holding your shoulder was the only solidarity that you really weren’t. You cracked open your eyes, the light already probing more pain. It took a full minute until you realized there was a man in front of you. Why was there a man in your car?--…oh. You’re not in your car. You flew into a sitting position while holding your head with one hand and your other hand extended towards him as a separation barrier. Your heart beat was a little fast but you tried to catch up with your situation and your surroundings.
“Wh-what are you doing?!” you yelped.
“You’re in my roommate’s bathroom (y/n),” Erwin chuckled. Your cheeks flushed and your arms and legs moved fast to cover yourself as a reflex, but you checked yourself and was thankful you still had all your clothes on, albeit a bit messy. Levi scoffed at your reaction and glanced away for a moment. “We should be asking you what you’re doing here.” Erwin continued.
“Um…” your body relaxed a bit, rubbing your head trying to remember. “I’m…not entirely sure. I thought I had at least made it back to my car.”
“If you were so drunk you can barely remember anything from yesterday, somebody sensible probably stopped her from driving away,” Levi remarked, a small glare settled on his face. It made you cower a bit from its intimidation.
“Then I believe there’s not much point to figuring out exactly how she’s in your bathroom,” Erwin concurred before standing straight up, offering you a helping hand. “Come, you can join us for breakfast if you wish. But at least take some medicine and water before you depart.” You nodded ever so slightly and took his hand, he pulled you up like a feather off the floor, and motioned you to follow him to the kitchen. Levi kept his eyes on you as you left, but his glare didn’t feel too harsh.
Erwin was kind enough to prepare some coffee along with aiding you both in cups of water, medicine and started to cook breakfast. You were quite distracted in how nice their apartment was, noting a few things again from last night. The glass windows to the patio were huge, the sleek black and white kitchen, the random ferns growing around the house. It felt inviting and modern overall, besides from the clutter left from the party.
“Where do you live (y/n)? Armin told us you’re new in town,” he questioned while the watching the bacon and eggs simmer on the frying pan, his back towards you. You walked over to the sleek black countertop, realizing there was a stood hidden under it, so you pulled one out to sit on it while watching him cook.
“I just arrived in the area about two weeks ago so I haven’t gotten an actual home yet,” you stated.
“There’s plenty of nice apartments around town, you should rent one while you’re saving for a house.”
“Uh..yeah..” You looked to your lap, but didn’t notice Erwin look over his shoulder to see your sullen disposition. He grabbed the coffee pot and three cups, placing once in front of you and the other on two on the counter before filling them all.
“Can you afford it?” You felt chills shoot up your spin as the question came from behind you. There stood Levi in some comfortable sweat pants and a loose v-neck t-shirt, his jet black hair damp from what you guessed was his shower you blocked earlier. He took a seat beside you and picked up one of the cups of coffee. That statement was much bolder than you expected from strangers, not to mention the surprise of his presence. You hadn’t heard him come up at all.
“Um..no.” You laughed nervously, scratching your cheek. “I own my Highlander, so until I could save up, I’ve been living out of my car.”
“That sucks,” Levi hummed softly before taking a sip of his coffee. He sounded a bit sympathetic to be honest. While you were glancing at him, noting his strong jawbone and his round cheekbones, Erwin put down two plates of bacon, eggs and waffles. You had no idea where or when those waffles had been cooking.
“You could live here with us,” Erwin smiled bright, causing Levi to practically choke on his black coffee, starling you overall.
“Huh?!” You and Levi yelped in sync, triggering a hearty laugh from Erwin.
“Levi and I had a roommate move out and haven’t found a good fit to fill it for a couple months now. We do okay on our own financially but not being so strapped would be nice. You seem like you’d be a good fit, you already slept here without any trouble,” he snickered, your cheeks dusting a light pink. His blue orbs glanced over to Levi for his opinion. The raven sighed.
“So long as you keep our common spaces clean. Don’t expect us to pick up after you, brat.” In the end, Levi knew Erwin got his way, but most times his hunches were right. Not to mention, having a bit of extra cash in his wallet without working overtime would be pleasant.
Your eyebrow twitched, “I’m not a ‘brat’, I’m 25,” you bit your tongue to keep from saying anything worse.
“I’m 28, Erwin’s 30. Since we’re older be sure to treat us with the proper respect if you want to live here.” You stuck your tongue out at Levi, another laugh leaving Erwins lungs while Levi shrugged you off. This might not be so bad after all.
A.N.: M.O.D. stands for Manager On Duty for those who don’t know/were unsure This is an on-going series, currently scheduled for 10 chapters, but subject to change.
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darkhymns-fic · 4 years
Don’t Mind the Thunder
Everyone's carrying their own guilt on their backs, but Vicious might be helping out more than he really needs to.
He doesn't mind.
Fandom: Tales of Crestoria Characters/Pairing: Aegis Alver/Vicious, Misella, Kanata Hjuger Rating: M Mirror Link: AO3 Notes: Okay guess I’m writing more about them! Vicious POV, hurt/comfort and of course a lot of guilt. Aegis is still going through things roughly but recovery always takes time.
Hell of a firebrand, Vicious thought as Misella plunged the dagger deeper into him.
Vicious knew he must have been slacking. But after a hefty helping of food and booze all rolled into one, he was completely lights out. He hadn’t heard her sneak in through the window, hadn’t heard her step around him, or even her breath that must have quickened when she got closer.
Or maybe it didn’t. The way that she had killed him had been so practiced, dedicated. She must have done this before.
The brief flare of pain in his chest was sharp. Vicious was barely able to make a grunt. She had aimed right for his heart. No hesitation, no pause. He couldn’t catch a hint of regret in her eyes before she turned away.
“Misella! What…what did you do?” Kanata’s voice was panicked, compared to her monotone. Fragile and weak, compared to her steel. It wasn’t unusual for Vicious to meet killers, but few of them start out this young and this strong. He wondered if a stupid boy like Kanata would ever be able to match up with her.
But he wasn’t a stranger to murder either, spilling blood of family, as rotten to the core as they were. Children on the path to hell, but they’ll at least have each other, won’t they?
Vicious knew he’d need to join them later. Right now, Misella had left his heart no room to even beat a second time, rupturing the organ like paper. Perhaps she would have rather burned him to death, but to know she could perform other options when needed… She was resourceful, he’ll give her that.
This was going to be a pain to heal off, Vicious knew that. It was his last coherent thought before his body went into that state of death, the blood staining his clothes and onto the wooden floors. Another thing he had to clean up too.
Would he come back in an hour? Or two? Either way, Misella wasn’t making it easy for him. Still, he couldn’t help but smile either way. Good kids. They’ll keep each other up, no matter what life throws at them.
Oh, but Aegis, well…
Had this boy ever even killed someone before?
When the queen laid dead at everyone’s feet, Vicious was sure the knight was about to faint. He grew pale at the sight of red coating the stone floors, was shaking as the pool of it reached the tip of his shoes.
“No…This can’t…”
A strange feeling, to have both pity and disgust for someone at the same time. Not for Kanata who he just felt amused by, not for Misella who he admitted to having a begrudging respect. Once she knew she did not need Kanata to keep living, she would be unstoppable.
But this knight was already shattering right before his eyes.
A quick grip of the boy’s shoulder. What a worthless idiot. “You wanna throw away your life next?” he muttered, feeling no humor for anything at the moment.
He’s only living life when he’s fighting against the morons that let themselves be led around by the Vision Orbs, when he’s making fools of them all, not for innocents caught in the crossfire, both the living and the dead.
Sometimes it’s hard to convince someone that’s been stabbed in the heart like that, as Aegis watched the Stain sprout to life over his chest. It would keep burning until he learned to take that pain.
Seeing Aegis’ eyes then, he already had his answer. Some people just didn’t know how hard they had to keep living. To hell that he was going to let this dumbass make the same mistake.
“Stop it! Let me go!” So whiny, so stupid. Vicious grit his teeth.
“Shut up if you know what’s good for you,” he said, and pulled the knight along, away from the other, faceless knights that chased them all down.
He could never ignore a cry for help before, so why stop now?
One time, at an impromptu dinner, Misella had slapped Aegis hand away quite, well, viciously.
“That one’s mine,” she said in an even tone, taking the meat that had been simmering on their campfire.
“You’ve had more than enough! And I’ve barely eaten?” Aegis was huffy, but still looked like a lost idiot, an idiot decked out in a fancy vest that was half-stained with mud and grass stains.
“You can have your grass first if you’re still hungry.” Misella spoke through a full mouth, already devouring the hunk of meat until strips of it hung off the bone. Vicious could practically see the hearts in her eyes as she began to feel satisfied, and also in Kanata’s who watched her in fascination, though for very different reasons. Though this wouldn’t be the first time he’d seen guy wishing he was just a piece of meat for someone.
“Once again, I don’t eat grass!! That was you!”
“I think if Misella ate some before, then it’s okay if you did, Aegis! It might even help you look less pale!” How Kanata could act both so kind and so patronizing at the same time, it really was a talent only he could pull off.
Vicious just laughed, seated against a rock, arms behind his head. “Bad example you’re leading, knight boy. Gotta eat those veggies. Or do you need someone to feed ya?”
He’d be lying to himself if he didn’t admit that Aegis looked better with a blush. Really brought out his hair more, which the curls stayed as soft as they did, despite all four of them hoofing it through the wilderness. They barely had enough gald to afford a cheap room at an inn, but even in his dirty clothes, Aegis could still turn a head, couldn’t he? No wonder the Queen had wanted him, too.
“You’re all so…barbaric,” Aegis could only utter, before looking away and staying in his position by the fire. The light fell across his face, fell across eyes that sometimes looked so close to weeping.
Vicious hid a smile in his own dark corner, all while Kanata praised Misella for eating so quick.
Ah, it’s been a while since he felt this way.
When the guilt lodges itself in you, you can’t stay in one place for very long. Not unless you wanted to die. And Vicious has always kept living, even when he messed up. At least Misella’s knife hadn’t left a scar.
For everyone else, they didn’t get that second chance. Sometimes they won’t even reach for it like they should. Nothing else was more frustrating to Vicious.
They book at an inn, finally. But they barely have enough gald as it is, plucked from a monster’s jaws that had probably assaulted other travelers before them. Aegis barely protests, and sometimes he barely looks. Knight boy might even be a little broken.
Vicious could still taste the rain from a week back.
At some point, Kanata and Misella are gone. First romance is all well and good, and honestly, he was fine being hands-off with these kids’ learning curve. As long as neither of them try to go to him for advice, not for this kind of thing, at least.
He had his own problems anyway.
“Yo! Stole a bottle of sake from the owner.” Vicious pushed through the door, in the one room they’re all forced to share. Only Aegis should be in, saying he needed to gather what they would do on their next leg of the journey. “Don’t worry… Guy’s also a thief. He’s been overcharging all the recent customers. Nothing like payback, right?” He grinned, knowing just how insufferable it could look on his face. Plenty of people had told him that, and it was one of his features he was most proud of.
That grin stayed as he caught a glimpse of Aegis on the bed. Quick, fleeting, before the other vanished underneath a set of blankets.
“I-! W-Why don’t you knock?!”
Oh. Well now.
Vicious slammed the door with the back of his foot, already snickering through his teeth. “Damn, man! Couldn’t hold it back for another hour?”
“Shut up!” Aegis only poked his head out from the sheet – and that was the only head that would, it seemed. Not unless Vicious was persuasive enough. “I thought you’d be drinking yourself to death down there!”
“Tsk, tsk. Knighty boy, do you even know me?” Bottle in hand, Vicious once again used his long legs to grab at a chair, pushing it next to the bed. He sat in it lazily, side-eying Aegis. “Don’t let me stop you though.”
“This… this isn’t like that!” Aegis was as red as ever, redder than before. He turned away, even though the way the sheets fell over him, it was obvious just how he was still locked in that same and incredibly tell-tale position. “Not at all.”
“Oh, then tell me what exactly this is?” Vicious leaned in, making sure to take a sip just before. “I get it, man. Sometimes you just gotta let loose.”
Aegis wouldn’t answer. He probably wished he could disappear. Probably for the same reasons as before.
Vicious gave a low chuckle, turning away. “I mean, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before, right?”
Huddled within the bed, turning away, completely and utterly ashamed. “I wasn’t myself,” he said, his voice half-choked. “I’m still not.”
The guy could sound so down, to the point that it dragged everything else with him. Not even Vicious was immune.
Aegis had worn himself out so quickly before, like he had never known a thing, and even after, he still didn’t. But Vicious had done nothing but let Aegis did what he needed to move on.
Maybe that wasn’t enough though.
With his free hand, Vicious reached over, taking the, well, only free hand Aegis had. The other flinched, nearly tried to pull away, before Vicious spoke.
“Hey, trying to help out here,” he said. “Did you already forget what I said before?” He took another drink, letting out a small burp that he knew Aegis would hate, but that wasn’t the issue here. “I’m not complaining if you need something to use.”
Widened eyes, that same flush on his cheeks. Misella probably had every right to be a little jealous of him. Yet unlike Misella, he wasn’t sure of himself. Even when put through the fire, he was barely ready for any of what had happened.
He didn’t have anyone to fixate on to help him through either. At least, not someone alive. Or thinks he doesn’t.
“I don’t need that…” he said, even as his hand held fast to Vicious’. “I don’t. It’s my sin to bear, you said I had to own it, and I’m trying to, I…”
Vicious waited, until Aegis had run out of breath. Still stuck, still knee-deep in a grave where a queen was buried in and Aegis was continually being pulled under. Held down by wishes he was too dense, or too stupid, or too wrapped up in his bullshit knight code to even understand? It was no wonder he was like this.
And everyone needed a way to vent.
“If you’re feeling guilty using her face, the dead can’t judge you.” He shrugged. “Or is it mine? Wanna tell me?”
Aegis glanced at him like a frightened deer, then turned away. The guilt was so plain, worn on his face like a part of him. He swallowed, but Vicious recognized the way his back tightened, the way the muscles his shoulders bunched.
It’s an addictive combination, but Vicious wouldn’t judge the guy.
“Go on,” Vicious said, voice just a bit softer, only a little. “That’s why you couldn’t be done before I came back, isn’t it? Not used to doing this alone.” A pause. “Or at all.”
Shaking. “I’m not…”
“Let’s be done with the remorse here for a second.” Vicious plopped the bottle down on a dresser before moving onto the bed, laying back roughly enough for the mattress to creak. “Ready to go? Won’t move a muscle.”
Aegis was just a lost little soldier with nowhere to go. He could lay out plans and finances and whatever, but there’s always so many times his eyes would go distant, remembering, always remembering back to her.
Different from Misella who could show some regret for a burned orphan, but her precious someone to protect was still alive, probably worth a multitude of burned orphans if she had to choose. But she owned it, even Kanata did in his own way.
Aegis just had failure and blood for his own sin.
“I just want this feeling over with,” Aegis said in a shaking voice. Shaking from emotion, from the way he was moving now. Vicious made sure to lift the sheets just a bit, because he was going to have something fun to look at throughout this at the very least. “I don’t want to feel this…”
Vicious said nothing then. Sometimes it’s better to shut up. Sometimes it’s better to just lean in and hold close, his fingers entwined with Aegis’ own, feeling the heat even through his gloves.
But it had been a while since he even felt this way.
Aegis was struggling, that much was clear, even as his hand keeps moving and stroking like his life depended on it. So Vicious pulled him close with their locked hands, turning Aegis around so he could face him and stop hiding. “No, no, stop this-” but despite the way Aegis pushes at him, it’s only so slight, and his hand keeps moving. His eyes are locked onto that symbol of guilt carved into his stomach. Sometimes, that guilt can feel fresh to Vicious, and maybe Aegis suspects it, sometimes.
There’s more that his guilty knight needs, so he keeps pulling, pulling until Aegis is straddling him on top.
And Aegis wants to protest, he wants to yell, but all he does is keep his hand moving, sitting over the red brand on Vicious.
“Come on,” Vicious finally says, voice low, hands so tight, it was almost painful. “Said you could use my face.”
“What…do you even mean by that?!” Aegis spoke, but it was cracked and broken, still broken. He barely ever let himself recover, so why would he even be healed?
Vicious winked, eyes glancing from Aegis’ face to below. “Hey, it’s whatever you want it to mean. I’ll go with anything.”
“You’re…you can’t…” Aegis said, still straddling and moving and his hand doesn’t have a way to stop.
Sometimes you gotta reach the end before anything else.
Vicious wondered briefly, as Aegis started to shake, turning red at the mess he made on his hand, over Vicious’ chest and jacket (he’s always having to clean this thing), if the knight ever had someone to hold or touch like this. Had this boy ever even kissed someone? Even back then, Vicious’ lips had been bruised, as if Aegis was searching, searching, trying to find the right way to do this.
But there is no right way, there’s only trying and trying – and then knowing.
And he was fine with that when Aegis leaned down and kissed him, hard and yearning, even as he tried to shift his hips away, too self-conscious. Something about it now pierced his heart more than Misella’s knife had, and would leave him drained for a long time. He opened his mouth, bringing the other down to him with their clasped hands.
Aegis still hadn’t let go.
It really has been a while for me, hasn’t it? Vicious thought, smiling through the kiss.
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spooky-skz · 5 years
Demon!Hyunjin AU PT. 3
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esketit lol
 this part is soooo overdue holy shit lmao. I’m so sorry for keeping you guys waiting. If you see me in real life, you have permission to drop kick my ass. (unless you’re tyler and you’re gonna kiCK MY ASS ANYWAYS NO MATTER WHAT)
so! it has been a couple months now since you and demon!hyunjin are living together. as it turns out, this boy couLD ActuaLLY LEAVE the apartment complex.
 you didn’t know he could do that.
you thought demons were meant to stay in one area for eternity to cause spoops but that’s not the case lol.
the way you found out was sorta wild
it was a really cold weekend and snow was decorating the environment outside.
you were on a day off from work and wanted to do a few fun things since free time was rare for your occupation. You had plans on visiting the library, cafe, small shops, and lastly your favorite restaurant for dinner before it was too late in the evening and your powerful roommate would be resting.
oh and you wore a thick black sweater (ik, sounds pretty random but it’s an important detail in the fic!)
the walk to the library was peaceful and nice since it most people were still sleeping and weren’t being rowdy yet.
an old woman bid you a warm welcome softly from her desk. you returned the greeting and began walking through the aisles of books, searching for any that looked interesting.
your eyes were glued to the back cover of a small book, reading the description when someone tapped you gently from behind.
a man who looked to be in his middle 20’s and dressed in a striped long-sleeve shirt with jeans smiled at you and said, “that book’s a good one! i relate to the main character’s father.” he was mere inches from you, being too near than what most would consider appropriate distance for a stranger.
you were like, “(ㆆ_ㆆ) why tf is he standing so close to me,” inside your head. on the outside, you politely smiled and said, “ah! really? I haven’t read this one before.”
he chuckled and paused to admire your face. “Y’know, you’ve got great complexion. i’d love to take a photo of your face for my photography class,” he pointed at his camera bag which loosely hung over his shoulder.
“no thanks, I’m not particularly interested.” you replied, putting the book back in the right place and moved along, having to scoot around the guy since he was sort of blocking your path.
a few minutes went by and no book really caught your interest, but your bladder got the best of you. the librarian said the restroom was just to the left of the biography shelves so you made your way there.
ahhhhhh the restroom was nice and clean so you had no problem setting your phone on the sink as you washed your hands after you had done your business.
the walk to the cafe was short as you hummed the tune to your favorite song.
you took a seat by the window since it had a nice view of the outside. the little bell chimed above the door, signaling that another customer had entered the cafe.
you glanced at them merely- a dude in a green jacket. not deeming them as interesting, you went back to watching the snow fall from the outside.
there was some fog on the glass of the window and suddenly, letters faintly started appearing.
“Be Cautious,” it said.
what the hell :-$
first, you’re living with a demon boy and now you think you’re being surrounded by ghosts.
what good luck you haaaave.
you were obviously still very shook after a minute or so of staring at the words that hadn’t faded away at all.
the employee who softly tapped your shoulder startled you so much, your gasp scared him as well. he had almost spilled your drink on you.
“are you alright, ma’am?” he had asked you.
You: O.O yeah, yeah. just a bit jumpy ahahahaha.
he probably thought you were a bit crazy but nevertheless bid you a good day after giving you your drink.
The warm brew felt nice in such a cold weather.
The town square was as busy as usual: people were scurrying along with their families and loved ones, children were holding colorful animal-shaped balloons, some lovers were fighting while others were doing hefty PDA, loud music blared from all over the place, and overall, the shops surrounding the square were having good sales.
you stopped by a small boutique shop, observing a set of earrings on display when the familiar voice of the man from the library came from the entrance of the store.
you could feel your heart beat quicken and the next thing you did was hide behind a rack of clothes.
“excuse me, did you see a person with this hair color, around this height, with a black sweater on?” he had asked the cashier woman.
a sense of suspicion laced her voice as she replied, “why’re you looking for her?”
he laughed awkwardly, as if the question made him nervous. “she’s my sister and i’ve been looking for her for a while. i lost her in the crowd at the square. mind helping me out?”
you silently crossed your fingers in hopes that the lady wouldn’t say anything.
“oh! since that’s the case, i recall her looking at the jewelry section一” he didn’t even let her finish and just sauntered over in your direction.
“shit. shit. shit.” you were thinking.
the only other way to get out of the store aside from going in the same walk-way as him was to run alongside the aisle of mirrors which would reflect you and alert him that you were leaving.
“fuck it. it’s all i’ve got.” you thought and made a bee-line for the exit as fast as possible.
the square is usually patrolled by policemen but for some freakin’ reason, nONE could be seen when you needed them.
you put on the hood of your sweater and started making your way to the restaurant that you’d planned on having dinner at as briskly as possible.
“early dinner it is then,” you thought to yourself.
TBH you were sorta down bc today was supposed to be relaxing BUT some stupid creep had to ruin it. NOW all you wanted to do was go eat some food, walk home and enjoy the safety of your apartment with your demonic roommate.
the sun was setting and the townsquare was getting less and less busy with people going home or having dinner elsewhere.
a rough grip latched onto your shoulder, and you were forced to turn around, coming face to face with the library creep.
he was scowling and obviously irritated.
“you’re the sneakiest bitch i’ve ever met,” he said through gritted teeth.
you were doing all you could to create some distance between you two.
“fuck off! let me go!” you demanded, trying to shove him away as far as possible but the man didn’t even budge an inch.
“oh, really sweetheart? are you sure you don’t want your phone back first?” he held up the device in his other hand.
you could feel the color draining from your face.
the phone was set on the sink of the bathroom while you were washing your hand and you must have left it in there.
which meant one thing: he had followed you inside the restroom, waited till you left, & took the phone.
for a moment in time, you were completely alone with this poor excuse of a man.
lord knows what could have happened...
your eyes landed on his outfit.
a green jacket concealing a long sleeved striped shirt.
if your eyes could get any wider, they would have.
that green jacket was the same as the one you’d seen at the cafe. it was used to cover up his striped shirt that you would have noticed right away.
this entire time, you were in his sight.
his clutch on your sweater allowed him to haul you to a vacant and dark alleyway.
you kept screaming for help but the loud music of the square drowned out your pleas.
his camera bag was unzipped on the ground of the alley and not a single camera was inside.
in it, there was a pocket knife, rope, tape, and a bottle of pills.
(hold onto your wigs ladies for these next parts :O)
WITHIN A SECOND OR TWO! the man’s grip on you loosened because his body was flung against a wall with such a violent force.
you were confused and still scared as fuck.
he was lost and in pain.
both of you glanced at the entrance of the alley.
to him, there were only people passing by, and nobody appeared to notice the scene.
to you, the shadow of a tall boy stood at the entry point of the alley with glowing eyes. you’d know those crimson orbs anywhere.
(this is basically what you were seeing.)
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a streetlight attached to one of the building walls turned on, illuminating the face of the demon.
his facial expression read anger, irritation, and murder.
he took one step forward:
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hyunjin slowly pointed his index finger upward and the body of the creep raised with it in the same pace.
this absolutely scared the crap out of the guy because he couldn’t see who was doing this to him.
his body was probably a good 8 feet above the ground.
“w-what are you doing?” you asked your roommate.
“If this dick is into dangerous situations so badly, i’m gonna put him in one.” hyunjin barked out.
“h-hey! who the hell are you talking to?!” the man frantically asked you.
hyunjin used his other hand to make a choking motion.
the creep suddenly grabbed his throat, feeling it closing up with an invisible power.
hyunjin’s eyes were glowing redder and redder the longer he tortured the man and his scowl grew scarier.
the pocket knife from the camera bag also rose up and stopped a few inches from the man’s forehead.
things were escalating so quickly before anyone could really react.
you ran to hyunjin and clamped your hands onto his arm.
(it wasn’t extremely cold or burning hot as you’d imagined, it felt human-like.)
“stop! you’re gonna kill him!” you pleaded.
a devilish grin (ahahah get it?) was plastered on his face as he said, “that’s the plan.”
“s-sir, please have mercy, wherever you are!” the man coughed out.
whaaaat? he’d heard hyunjin’s voice?
“he…. heard一” you spluttered out before hyunjin interrupted you.
“demons can allow humans hear them if they have enough juice of power. i want this son of a bitch to know that this is his end.” he answered your following question.
“a d-de-mon? oh god, no!” the man shouted.
hyunjin smirked and mocked him, “sorry, but your god isn’t here right now. leave a message after the beep,”
you saw his hands move forward, and the knife did as well but you demanded for him to stop again.
“why should i, huh? he hurt you!” hyunjin was livid at this point.
“i have a little brother, sir! please don’t kill me!” the creep begged.
“well you should’ve thought about him before going after innocent women. remember lee mijung? choi eunbi? or kim seohyeon? those are the women whose lives you’ve fucked up. they’ve got families too. families who will never get the old mijung, eunbi, or seohyeon back after you were done with them.” hyunjin growled.
“how can you know those people?” you asked him.
“we can see in your past memories too. this guy is as sick as perverts get. you would have been victim #8 if i hadn’t done anything.” he answered.
“please! i’ll do anything!” he prayed.
“hyunjin, i know he deserves to be punished but not like this. please. there has to be another way. ” you said.
it took some time but the man finally ended up on the ground with his wrists and legs tied and tape around his mouth.
a swoosh sound came from somewhere and a young boy appeared before you. he had dimples on both cheeks, black hair, doe-like scarlet colored eyes, and wore braces.
hyunjin and the mystery boy did a small handshake and exchanged a few words.
“meet jeongin. he’s a soul collector.” hyunjin introduced the boy who held his hand out.
“a... a what?” you asked as you shook jeongin’s hand.
“a soul collector! i reap souls who do the dirtiest deed on earth and bring them to hell where they will be tormented in the worst ways possible,” jeongin answered and faced the creepy man, “you thought my friend was horrifying? wait till felix and jisung get their claws on you!” he said and winked.
the creep desperately tried to scoot away from the younger boy but failed. they both disappeared in a swoosh.
hyunjin’s eyes met yours and his showed a hint of concern.
“...are you alright? he didn’t hurt you too badly, right?” he asked.
you nodded in reassurance and also asked,  “how’d you find me in the first place?”
he answered, “i’d been with you since you’ve left the apartment. who do you think left you the, ‘be cautious,’ message at the coffee place? i knew that guy was no good ever since he spoke to you at the library but i didn’t wanna interfere too much until you absolutely needed me.”
you smacked his shoulder in embarassment and shock, completely forgetting the fact that this kid was a DEMON. “DOES THIS MEAN YOU WENT IN THE BATHROOM WITH ME TOO?!”
the tips of his ears turned pink and he looked like he wanted to knock you out. “WHAT THE FUCK一 NO! i left for a bit while you were in the bathroom which is why i didn’t know he followed you inside or else i would have killed him right there!” hyunjin exclaimed.
“...well… i haven’t had dinner yet. how about we get some takeout and eat at home?” you suggested.
he shrugged and said, “sounds good to me.” 
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angelskyladiana · 5 years
Mrs Black- Victor Zsasz
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Summary: Before there was Zsasz, there was Victor. Before there was a murderer, there was a businessman. Before his insanity, he had her, but under unforeseen events they were separated and that’s where his madness began. Will he find her once more? Will she be able to save him before he falls into lunacy? In a world under the thumb of a mysterious woman, can they escape her? Or will Mrs Black have the last laugh?
Warnings: Violence
Word Count: 1348
The dark clouds loomed over the city, it was about night time now and at this moment sirens began to scream.
"No I won't be gone long darling, just the next three days at most," The young woman spoke into the phone as she walked to the door of the limo waiting for her, a hefty man opening the door for her immediately, "Yes I know. I promise," She continued, the other voice was so quiet that the man who opened her door and was now in the driver's seat, couldn't hear a peep from the other side, "I have to go my love, but I'll call you later today I promise. Alright, have a good day then. Bye," She finally finished, hanging up the call soon after and placing the device in her lap.
"Everything alright ma'am?" The driver questioned she looked up at him from the phone with a beaming smile.
"Yes, thank you. I apologize for my rudeness, Stolz,"
"Not at all," He spoke lightly, fixing his rear view mirror, looking into her deep, dark eyes through the reflection, "where to, Mrs Mávros?"
She smiled at his use of Mrs rather than Miss and as if on cue her phone buzzed in her lap, she flipped it over, seeing it was from Lorien; He's meeting Aubrey James at Giovanni's on 3rd Street in an hour. Her eyes narrowed at the text, she knew that restaurant, she had been there many times and it used to be a hotspot for her when she was a child. "Giovanni's. On 3rd street," She spoke aloud.
"No problem, Mrs Mávros," Mr Stolz spoke before starting the car and driving off the runway and pulling out onto the main road. Her phone buzzed once more; He's currently staying at 14 Ethridge Road.
She typed back a pleased reply, her eyes flickering from the screen to look out the window at the dark city of Gotham. It really hadn't changed much, the building were the same, the amount of homeless people was the same and the overall aura that clouded this city would never change. But did she really want it to change? The city was easy to control from the shadows and the Madame had done it for years, she had industries throughout the world and billions at her fingertips but the control of this city from the darkness was most important.
The car pulled up out the front of Giovanni's restaurant, its dark exterior lit by the red neon sign above the entry. It hadn't changed either. Stolz parked the car and walked speedily to her door, quickly opening it and extending a hand inside the car towards her. She uttered a thank you as she stood from out of the car, waiting for him to shut the door before walking in.
The bell at the door chimed as Brandt Stolz pushed in the door from behind the young woman. The brown-haired lady sashayed over to the reception desk and lightly tapped the silver bell, causing a waiter to snap their head towards her.
He quickly scampered over to the desk after noticing the gorgeous features of the woman behind it. His hands shook as he approached, getting lost in her eyes as he breathed a staggering breath, "Hey- hi how can I help you this fine night?"
She smirked but stayed quiet, icy orbs glaring into his and as if he was a fly in a spider's web, he couldn't tear them away from her. Her buff driver sauntered up beside her causing the man to tear his eyes from the small thing beside him, "Reservation. Mávros," He grunted.
The waiter was visibly sweating through his white shirt as he looked between the two in confusion but one look from the massive man and never had a person moved so quickly, "Mávros. Of course, sir!"
The two were soon directed to a table in the corner out the back of the restaurant, as they strutted past. To anyone who saw the pair, they would believe Stolz to be a man of power or possible mobster and the woman beside him to be some floozy or perhaps a gold digger, bystanders would never guess who was really calling the shots.
As a gentleman and good employee would, he pulled out her chair and tucked it in as she sat down before seating himself. "What now, Miss?" He questioned.
"We wait. Do you like wine, Stolz?" She enquired, smirking at her acquaintance.
His face lit up which looked foreign against his features, Stolz' eyes shinning as he spoke casually to the usually uptight Mrs Mávros, "Are we on first name basis tonight, Miss?"
"Why not? So red or white Brandt?"
He chuckled slightly, "red goes best with Italian food... Scarlett" he almost blushed.
"Good choice." She agreed, soon he ordered the wine and then they ordered food and to the outside world they might even look like a couple on a date, they blended in completely to the atmosphere; exactly what they wanted.
The bell on the door chimed as the penguin hobbled in through the door, a grin present on his red, pointed face as he scanned the room. His beady eyes soon landing on the chubby, balding man sitting in the centre of the restaurant chowing down on a plate of pasta.
The Penguin limped over to the previous mayor, supporting himself with his decorative cane, the smile not once leaving his face. He sat down opposite Aubrey James. "A public place. Smart." He remarked, but Aubrey James didn't pay him any attention.
"Knowing your flare for the dramatic, I felt it necessary." He pronounced looking unbothered and unfazed by the criminal in front of him.
Oswald scoffed, a slight chuckle escaping his throat, "How flattering. But why exert myself needlessly?" He questioned the unenthusiastic man, "the public sees me as a man of action, of change. You... You are yesterday's sad joke." Aubrey James looked up at the Penguin in annoyance, finally giving him the attention the bird craved. "While Galavan humiliated this city, where were you? In a warehouse with a box on your head,"
"You're an unstable lunatic, Penguin, and people are going to see right through you. I've got the judges, the unions, the GCPD, and a whole team of legal experts behind me. What do you got?" He challenged.
"I have me."
Aubrey James laughed loudly in his face, "You're psychotic!" he hollered, causing Oswald to stand in outrage. Immediately three guns from wait staff were pointed at his head, the restaurant went quiet, the only sounds heard were that of whimpers and slight shrieks of fear. Oswald looked around peeved, "Not this time, Penguin. My head will not be put in a box again,"
A smile broke out on his face, his lips curling in satisfaction, "Oh, you. So smart. Always one step ahead," He pointed directly at the previous mayor before the sounds of many more guns echoed around the room at the click of Oswald's fingers, soon all were pointed at Aubrey James and his associates heads, "never three. Relax. I do not want you dead. Besides, what kind of fun would an election be if I were the only candidate, huh?" He quizzed in delight, pulling out a badge and sticking it on Aubrey's suit jacket. "You're right about one thing, though. I do need a little help, and I have just the right person in mind." He grinned as the man looked up at him in fear and confusion. Oswald Cobblepot grinned widely and maliciously, a laugh echoing from his throat at the upstage of Aubrey James. Little did he know of the two sets of eyes watching every move he made from the corner of the restaurant, dark lips curved upwards.
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