#heh. i go crazy about a guy from a movie and that's fine
transgender-catboy · 10 months
Okay is it weird that I have an inspiration folder full of art that I like?
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deanoheartspie · 1 year
2 Different worlds-Chapter 1
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Pairing: Mom! Reader x Actor Dean
Warnings: strong language, little mention of abuse
Word count: tbh. I dunno
A/N: Y/e/c (Your eye color) y/h/c (your hair color) Also I settled at the most famous for his live-action Batman movie😭
Chasing your 3-year-old through the store wasn't quite ideal, hell it was a nightmare all because you simply told her no. “Emmy!!” you shouted letting out a sigh, as your other two children followed behind. “Ouch!” tripping over the sandals that looked cute at the shops but were a devil to wear, running straight into a man in front of you.
“Oh my! I'm so sorry” You say feeling deeply embarrassed as you notice Emmy clinging to his leg.
“No, it's fine who's this little one?” The man asks and gives her a little wave and smile.
When you finally get a good look at him, you can't lie he's handsome as hell, your cheeks can't help but blush when you meet his green eyes with your y/e/c
“Mwe Emmy! I- I'm tree! and I seen chu on tvs!” Emmy smiled showing off her missing front teeth.
The mysterious green-eyed man smiled and glanced away from the toddler seeing the older two come over holding a bag of goldfish, when their mouths drop open when they see him.
“Mom Mom! That's the guy who plays Batman!!” The 8-year-old boy shouted as he smiled up at the man and waved excitedly.
“Ah, a fan? Nice to meet you, buddy” The man gave a little wave back with a wink, you pick up your toddler as she was quick to get distracted by the goldfish that their siblings were once holding.
Awkwardly clearing your throat, you give the man a little smile and pull your son and daughter closer to you as you didn't know who the man was. “I'm still so sorry, enjoy your evening sir” You turn around and grab the cart at the end of the hall strapping emmy back in the seat. “What did I tell you missy? You're supposed to stay with me honey, your lucky he was nice”
Thankfully the rest of the shopping trip was somewhat calm and not too crazy when you strap in Emmy after shopping and glance over to make sure the other two are strapped in correctly When you hear a RING! RING!
Sighing as it's your ex, Jonathan you shut the car door and stand over to the sidewalk and answer the phone. It was a bad habit, you knew you shouldn't pick up your abusive ex's number, but they were your children father...
“Why'd it take you so fucking long to answer? Where are you, I'm sorry about Friday y'know how I get honey. Please come back the kids deserve both parents” Jonathan mumbles over the phone not sounding too interested in the call whatsoever.
You pace around running your fingers through y/h/c, the kids did deserve to grow up with both parents... “You hurt me and I don't want the kids to see that. Please stop calling, I will send you any information about possible visits.”
The answer only seems to piss the man off, as you hear him huff and hear the creaking of what sounds like a bed.
“I will call your parents. They will cut your ass off, what will you do then Y/n Y/L huh? You won't afford to take care of them. You will end up back with me and you know it so don't be stupid and just come back”
You feel your stomach drop, he was right what would you do? Your family loved Jonathan even after the amount of time you tried to tell them what a narcissistic asshole he was, they still and always will take his side. Tears prick at the corner of your eyes as you glance at the car to make sure the kids were alright. “I'll call you later...”
Hanging up, feeling a huge weight on your shoulders as you thought about your options when you felt a tap on your shoulder. God please please don't let me get robbed, you silently prayed before turning around and seeing the man from earlier.
“Heh... I swear I wasn't eavesdropping. Eh, I kinda was I can't lie. You're in a tough situation? I think we can help each other out.” He says stuffing his hands in his pockets.
What is dean going to offer? Tell me your thoughts!!
A new chapter will be coming out soon!
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how to fake date your best friend | jake sim
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✰ summary: the rules were simple -
pretend to be the boyfriend of you, his best friend who wants the attention of their crush, for a week and a week only
no kissing (bc gross cooties amirite) allowed, unless needed in times of desperate measure 
and no matter what, absolutely, most definitely, do not fall in love. 
simple, right?
well apparently not. because news flash––jake's already broken one of the rules. 
and to give you a hint, it's neither rule 1 or 2.
✰ pairing: jake sim x y/n [ft. members of enha!] 
✰ genre: fluff, comedy | fakingdating!au, highschool!au, bestfriend!au, friends to lovers
✰ warnings: cursing, high-schoolers doing dumb highschool things, underage drinking (pls don’t actually do any of this irl), jake being a certified simp, it’s LONG (i’m so sorry), cheesy kithes bc im a sucker for kithes ( ˘ ³˘)♥
✰ wc: a whopping 9.5k
✰ a/n: it’s finally finished :’)))))) it ended up being much longer than i wanted but i had so much fun writing the characters that i got carried away lolol anywaysss i hope you guys enjoy it,,,i got a little unmotivated during the process bc i didn’t know if it was good or not but here it is heh (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡ 
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Tuesday, December 8th
Jake Sim lives a simple life. 
He likes to think he leads the normal, stereotypical life of a teenage boy. Has decent grades, plays soccer after school, skateboards around the neighborhood, has a best friend who he’s desperately in love with, and has a stable group of friends. 
Okay, maybe not so simple, because this boy would physically launch himself to the moon and drill at its surface to collect moon dust for you if you asked him to––despite his deadly fear of combusting in outer space. 
But that fear doesn’t even compare to his worst one yet: not having you in his life. 
And so, he decided to just repress any and all feelings he’s had for you ever since he discovered them in middle school, when he realized he hated seeing you go to the eighth grade dance with a date––that wasn’t him. 
He decided that he wasn’t going to risk losing a life-long friendship over some dumb, teenage boy feelings. 
They were probably powered by his testosterone anyways. Yeah, that’s totally it.
He’s totally not in love with you. 
So yes, he lives a pretty normal life. Every day is the same as the last, and tomorrow will be the same as today. But he likes it like that––he doesn’t want anything to change. 
Especially not now, when he finds himself content with every aspect of his life (okay maybe except for his history grade, god, does he hate history). 
So, it catches him off guard when you arrive at the group’s usual lunch table, located outside in your school’s courtyard, looking as excited as ever. 
Jake’s the only one at the table so far. The remaining usually showed up late––Heeseung spends his first half of lunch tutoring freshmen for community service hours (but the poor boy has no idea what he’s doing), Sunghoon is probably stuck in line in the cafeteria again (he always forgets to pack his own lunch), and Jay is...well actually, no one ever knows where Jay comes from. He’s a special one. 
It catches Jake even more off guard when you skip over any greeting a normal person would give, and start speaking at one hundred words per second. 
And that catches us up to the present.
“Y-You want me to what?” Jake’s stuttering as you stare at him with your hopeful eyes from across the lunch table. 
Despite the expression planted on your face, which screams your excitement for your “brilliant, amazing, genius, Einstein-could-never” idea (or whatever other words you used to describe it––Jake can’t exactly recall the specific terms you used, they all came out of your mouth too fast), you don’t respond to his question of bafflement. You continue to stare at him, awaiting his response. Jake could compare the look on your face right now to a puppy looking up at its owner, eagerly waiting for a treat. You know, tongue out and all. 
He swallows the lump that’s lodged in this throat (is that the sandwich he’s having, or his nerves?) and continues to give you his look of confusion laced with a nervous smile because surely, you’re joking. 
You grab what’s left of your sandwich from his hands and take your own bite. Somewhere in between you arriving at the table and now, Jake’s managed to steal the sandwich you brought today. You did make the best chicken sandwiches, in his defense. 
“Well? It’s only for the week! And I promise you, after one week, if nothing happens––if he doesn’t make a move or anything––I’ll move on from him like you’ve been telling me to.” Your words are muffled from you savoring your sandwich, or what’s left of it anyways. (Mental note to self: don’t share your lunch with Jake ever again.) 
When Jake still doesn’t respond (you’ve truly gotten this poor boy paralyzed), you find it as a sign to continue. 
“I think it’s the perfect plan. Plus, if it doesn’t work out, it’ll be like the universe is telling me to finally move on, right?” 
Jake has been encouraging you to move on from your crush because well, if we’re being honest here, he selfishly wants you to himself. Even if it wasn’t romantically.
Preferably, he would kill to get to be the one who holds your hand in the hall, call you cheesy pet names, post disgustingly cute couple pics for the ‘gram––but for the sake of potentially ruining his relationship with you, he’ll just have to settle with the role of being your best friend. 
(And he’s totally fine with that! Totally. Yup.) 
But he didn’t think that you moving on would only be a mere possible outcome (that may not even happen!) from whatever this stunt is you wanna pull. 
Said stunt: Pretend to date one another and hope it catches the eye of a certain someone you have your eye on: Park Sunghoon. 
Ah yes, Park Sunghoon. The previously mentioned one who’s probably still in line waiting to get his lunch as we speak. 
Park Sunghoon, the tall, kind, intelligent, charming young boy that everyone knows. And if anyone didn’t know him, they most definitely knew of him. He wasn’t hard to miss in the halls; everything about him just radiates perfection. 
If you plucked a random high-schooler from the halls of this school and interviewed them on the Park Sunghoon, they’d say you’d be lucky enough if the quiet boy so much as sparked a conversation with you, even if it was about what last night’s chemistry homework was. 
Well if that were true, then you and the rest of the boys would be considered lottery winners. 
How that happened, how the four of you dysfunctional beings earned his friendship, the world may never know. However, Jake is fully convinced that this was the universe’s way of playing a cruel joke on him. 
For as long as Jake could remember, it’s always been just the two of you. You and Jake. Jake and you. (With the exception of Heeseung and Jay, of course, who came along in middle school) 
In fact, your earliest memory of Jake was when he peed his pants in the kindergarten during nap time. You would know, you had the privilege of sharing a sleeping mat with him that one fateful day and in result...let’s just say the smell didn’t wear off from your clothes until a week later. Five-year-old you didn’t forgive five-year-old Jake for the longest time. 
And since then, you’ve been attached by the hip. And Jake liked it like that. Jake didn’t need anyone else in his life (with the exception of Leila) if he had you. He had found his home within you, and he didn’t plan on sharing his space anytime soon. 
Nevertheless, the universe had a completely different idea for the two of you. 
Sunghoon came into the picture last year, towards the end of the school year. Despite being the new kid, he found his way into your cherished friend group and naturally, the five of you grew as close as friends could be. 
That was the problem. Jake wanted to hate Sunghoon, to despise him for being the one that you had heart eyes for, but he couldn’t. 
Not only was Sunghoon one of Jake’s closest friends, but he didn’t want to ruin the dynamic of the friend group. After you, the three chaotic boys were the next most important people in Jake’s life. 
And so, we have the typical love triangle plot that every coming-of-age movie follows. Of course, this is all unbeknownst to you––you may be intelligent and a people-person, but oh boy can you not see the heart eyes your very own best friend has for you. 
“It’ll be easier than you think, really! Look, we can even set boundaries or rules or whatever,” you propose, as if you’re trying to get him to sign a contract. 
Rules to a fake relationship? We’re not living in a Netflix romcom, are we? 
“Okay rule number 1: it’ll only be for a week and a week only, rule number 2: we don’t have to do anything too couple-ly like...” you pause to wonder for a second. 
“Like PDA or anything! You know, unless we really need to convince him,” you casually add. When he responds with radio silence and stares at you with absolute concern painted all over his face, you cough. “Jake, I’m joking.” 
Right. Of course. Obviously. 
“And of course, just try not to fall in love with me, it’ll be hard, I know,” you send a playful wink his way. 
Too late. Turns out it’s not that hard. Jake would know. 
Jake continues to stare at you in hesitation. Yeah, you’ve had your fair share of crazy ideas (that Jake always find himself agreeing to––the poor boy just can’t seem to say no to you), but fake dating you?
Jake is sure he wouldn’t be able to pull it off without slowly destroying himself. He’d just have to say no, he’s sure you can find someone else to do it for you. 
Yes, that’s it, just say no. 
Jake has to keep some of his pride in tact. 
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Jake does not say no. 
He doesn’t know what went wrong. His mind said one thing, but his words said another. 
To be fair, Jake’s actions have always been influenced by his heart, not his brain, anyways. And when it comes to you, you bet it’ll be coming from his heart. 
So here he was now, under the stare of three equally shocked and confused guys across from you and him at the lunch table, your fingers intertwined with his.
Just a few seconds ago, you had spotted the rest of the lunch bunch approaching the table, and you quickly grabbed Jake’s hand and scooted in closer to him.  
Now here you were, explaining to your friends of your sudden relationship.  
Jake is too zoned out to even physically pick up your explanation. Something along the lines of "we’ve been dating for a while but didn’t want to tell you guys yet." From the feeling of your hand clutched tightly into his and your body right up next to him, his mind was short-circuiting. 
How is he supposed to last an entire week of this if he couldn't handle innocent hand holding? Hand holding? God, what are we, back in the fifth grade?  
Two minutes into this scheme and Jake's mind has already downgraded itself to a fifth grader's.  
Jake mentally scolds himself for giving in, this was not a good idea. 
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It takes Jake approximately 12 hours to conclude that this stunt of yours may, actually, be a good idea. He knows this because approximately 12 hours after the events surrounding lunch, he receives a text from you: 
y/n [12:03AM]: thanks again for doing this for me jake
y/n [12:03AM]: ur actually the best
y/n [12:04AM]: ew ok that was cheesy but really i owe u a big one <333
Following your thread of texts is a really close up photo of you widely smiling into the camera. A smile so big, Jake’s convinced your face was probably in pain after taking that picture. 
Anyone else might’ve thought the photo looked borderline insane but because Jake’s Jake, aka a simpᵗᵐ for you, he comes to the conclusion that it’s singlehandedly the cutest thing he’s ever seen in the entire world. 
After quickly saving the selfie into his phone, Jake tells himself that maybe this won’t be a bad thing after all. I mean, anything that makes you smile like that meant it has to be a good idea, right? 
Spoken like a true simp. 
Plus, dating you––fake dating you––is pretty much the same as it was before. He already spends most of his days with you to begin with. Now, it’s just with added displays of affection. For show, obviously. Obviously. 
And look, if Jake will never get to actually be with you, then he’ll take what he can get. And if that meant fake dating you, well, he reasons that it’s better than nothing at all. 
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Wednesday, December 9th 
Jake’s playing with the rings on your right hand and you’re in the middle of dramatically telling the lunch table about the infuriating Karen you had to deal with at work the other day when Jay comes up with a grin you all know a little too well. 
“Okay that grin means one of two things: you finally grew the balls to ask out that poor girl you’ve been teasing all year or you have something planned that we won’t like,” you interrupt your story when you catch Jay’s sly expression, evoking a chuckle from Jake, who’s now found a new distraction with the bracelets perches on your wrist. 
“Excuse you, I’ll have you know that I did ask her out. It just so happens that she’s currently ‘in between boyfriends’ whatever that means. Ouch, by the way,” Jay feigns hurt from your comment by clutching the area above his heart through his shirt. Ever the drama queen. “But yes, I do have something planned. And no, it’s not a bad idea.” 
Jay squeezes his way in between Sunghoon and Heeseung from across you and begins to pull out his own lunch. Everyone’s eyes follow him as he settles in because as bad as his unknown idea may be, you’re all still curious on what this boy has to say. 
“Well are you going to elaborate or...” Heeseung speaks up for everyone after you all mentally debate one another through darting eyes on who’s going to have to bite Jay’s silent bait.
Jay then forcefully sets both hands on his table, which elicits a little jump from you as you go for a bite of your sandwich. Adorable, Jake tells himself. 
“My parents are out of town this weekend. We all know what that means...” 
Yes. We do know what that means. The four of you have seen this scenario play out many times, a little too many times for your own good. 
This meant one of Jay’s infamous house parties that he always throws whenever his parents go out of town. And because his parents are hot-shot CEOs of an important company whose name you don’t remember (it’s nothing personal, your brain can only handle so much information and this physics exam you were studying for took up 90% of your brain capacity at the moment), they’re out of town often. 
And along with Jay’s parties comes chaos. Lots of it. And that’s because...well, it’s safe to say that despite the many school-wide presentations the police officers of your school have held in the auditorium on why you shouldn’t drink underage, Jay’s parents’ liquor cabinet always seems to find itself missing many a few bottles after each party. But we don’t talk about that. Shush. 
Almost simultaneously, everyone at the table lets out a groan, much to Jay’s disappointment. 
“C’mon guys! It’s been a while since anything’s fun happened to this school, think of all the sad students in that building right now,” he extends a finger whole-ass arm and points at your school, “who are in dire need of fun and a little...” he punctuates his sentence with the hand motion of chugging down a drink, followed with a gulping sound elicited from his tongue clicking. 
You roll your eyes along with everyone else. Don’t be like Jay, kids. Listen to those police officers. 
“Jay, it’s midterm season! I have an exam on Monday and I definitely do not want to spend the nights before wasted,” you give him an apologetic look. As crazy as Jay is, you do feel bad nonetheless. The boy just wants to have fun. 
Your response is followed up with similar comments from around the table. 
“I’m helping y/n study” 
“I have an important skating performance on Sunday” 
“Uh...my hamster died?” (ok Heeseung panicked, don’t blame the guy)
Ignoring that last excuse of an excuse, Jay continues his debate nonetheless. “Just come for the sake of it! No one’s saying you have to get wasted. Pleaseeee for me?” 
Jay throws these parties so often, you’re not sure why he’s so set on making sure you’re all going to be there. Well, I guess who wouldn’t want their closest friends to be at their own party? 
That and, Jay needs to make sure his friends are there to stop him from doing anything stupid. We all know this boy has had enough embarrassing moments to last him a lifetime. 
Everyone at the table gives each other the same hesitant look. Heeseung is the first to give in, “Oh fuck it. Sure, count me in.” 
Jay’s fist pumping the air before turning to Sunghoon with the most hopeful eyes. 
Sunghoon simply sighs in return. “Alright okay, I’ll bite. But if you vomit on my shoes again, I’m out the door.” Jay’s finger is automatically drawing a cross over his heart as a promise to not ruin Sunghoon’s Nikes again. 
He then looks to you with puppy eyes. 
You, who's already staring back at Jay with a stoic look in your eyes, are stubborn and (unlike the previous weaklings) are not as easy to convince. And somehow, this began an unannounced staring contest between the two of you, a contest to see who would budge first. This isn't an uncommon occurrence between you and Jay, but the rest of the boys are still on the edges of their seats watching this duel.
Jake casually wraps an arm around your shoulder and you’re brought in close, but still undeterred from your death-stare match with the boy across from you. 
If it’s not obvious enough, Jake’s really gotten into his role of being your boyfriend, despite it only being 24 hours since he last froze at your touch. Character development, you’ll give him that. 
You almost forget he’s faking it for a quick second. And for an even quicker second, you imagine he wasn’t faking it. And you swear you feel butterflies in your stomach at that thought. 
You mentally shake the thought out of your head. Priorities first, aka, beating Jay in this staring contest. 
“Fuck,” you stutter when you finally blink, admitting defeat to a grinning Jay. “Okay, okay, I’ll THINK about it. I’ll let you know.” 
Not exactly the answer Jay was looking for, but he’ll take it. Better than a no. 
He turns to Jake next, knowing there’s no way Jake will turn down a party. Just like Jay, the boy loves himself a good party. 
But because Jake would take your physics exam this Monday for you if you asked, because Jake would bungee jump in the Grand Canyon without a safety net below him if you asked, because Jake would fake date you to make your crush jealous for you if you asked, he doesn’t hesitate in his answer this time around: “Same as y/n, I’ll let you know.” 
Jay looks at Jake. Then back at you, who he’s still clinging onto like a koala to a tree. Then back at Jake. “You two are gross. Admittedly cute. But gross.” 
You look up at the boy next to you to see him already grinning at you. 
For the first time today, you find yourself agreeing with Jay. 
Admittedly cute. 
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Thursday, December 10th 
You are having a bad day. 
You’re having the mother of bad days. 
Not only is it midterm season, but you still have all your regular weekly assignments to finish before Friday hits. So as a natural-born procrastinator does, you stayed up all last night trying to get a good amount of work done because what’s better than cramming all your work the night before it’s due? Doing it two nights before it’s due. 
Well apparently it wasn’t such a good idea. Because now, here you were, frantically throwing on whatever articles of clothing you find nearest to you because you slept through all your alarms. 
You’re lucky enough to make it through your school’s doors right as the second bell rings, even if you did look like you just walked straight out of a zombie apocalypse. 
You’re not so lucky when you find out your first class of the day, calculus, had a pop quiz. A pop quiz on the only unit you just happened to know absolutely nothing about. 
To top things off, you forgot to pack your lunch during this morning’s frenzy, meaning you’re automatically stuck sharing with Jake.
And because his mother started making him pack his own food out of a lesson of responsibility (she said something along the lines of: “Jake, you’re about to be in college and you don’t know how to pack a decent meal”), he only has a plain PB&J sandwich and a pack of Scooby-Doo gummies in his bag today (because newsflash, he still doesn’t know how to pack a decent meal). 
Not that you could care less at the moment, you were too preoccupied with catching up on your assignments to even eat. And if any of the boys noticed your zombie-like state during lunch, they did a good job of not mentioning it. They knew better than to bother an irritated y/n. 
Somehow, you make it through the entire school day and your after-school meeting for environmental club (save the trees!) in one piece. As you finally walk out of the school building, you exhale, automatically feeling lighter. At least the hard part of your day was done. 
Now you just had to wait for Jake to finish soccer practice, which usually ended around the same time as your club, and he can drive you home, where you can continue being irritated with your day in the privacy of your own space. 
You wait on the steps of the school’s entrance, waiting for a smiley Jake to come around the corner as he usually does at 5:30pm every Thursdays. 
Yes, a smiling Jake is exactly what you needed to make your day ten times better, you conclude. 
As if on cue, you hear a ding from your phone. 
Jake [5:30PM]: ugh coach is extending practice for “team bonding” 
Jake [5:30PM]: idek what team bonding is 
Jake [5:31PM]: you ok if i cant drive you today? :// 
It’s as if the universe decided to use you as its punching bag today. 
You physically let out a distorted groan, not caring if anyone who happened to hear you thought you were a creature from out of this world, as you send him a text back.
y/n [5:32PM]: it’s all good lol have fun with tEaM bOnDiNg
Things were not all good. But no matter how upset you may be, you weren’t going to project your negative vibes onto Jake’s naturally positive ones. So you get up from the stone steps and begin your dreaded walk back home. 
It’s freezing out. You should’ve known better to just throw on a hoodie and call it a day when it’s the middle of December. But then again, you figured by now you’d be in the comfort and warmth of Jake’s car and presence...not walking home in these freezing temperatures. 
You think about Jake and how he’s probably currently suffering from not only his team bonding exercises (but really though, what are team bonding exercises?), but doing them in this weather as well. The poor boy. 
You’re quickly broken out of your thoughts by the sound of a car engine from behind you. When you don’t see it pass by you and instead hear it pull over and park next to the curb of the sidewalk you’re currently on, you automatically deduce that this is it, this is my time, I’m about to get kidnapped by whoever it is behind me but y/n, you should probably turn around and check first before you drive yourself insane in this inner dialogue. 
You turn around and squint into the front window of the car. If it were a kidnapper, this is exactly what your mother told you not to do. Her exact words were: “Run, don’t look back, and scream bloody murder.” 
Good thing it wasn’t. Just an innocent Sunghoon waving his hand at you, motioning you to get in. 
“Sunghoon?” You approach his car and stop at the passenger side’s open window. 
“y/n! It’s freezing out, I’ll drive you home c’mon,” he nods his head towards the passenger side door. 
Well, how could you say no? Sunghoon owns a nice car. Like a nice car. Like car-seat-heaters-that-make-you-feel-like-you’re-physically-melting nice. Beats getting hypothermia outside, right? 
“Why are you going home from school so late?” You ask as you settle into his car, instantly melting at the touch of the aforementioned heated seats. 
“Debate club, actually. Decided I needed another personality trait other than ice skating,” he starts the engine and begins driving towards the direction of your neighborhood. 
You laugh at his comment, you didn’t peg him as a debate kind of student. Quiet Sunghoon? Debate club? If 2 plus 2 is four...
“Hey, I don’t call you the Ice Prince for nothing! Also, don’t forget your other personality trait: forgetting your lunch every day.” 
Sunghoon quickly glances over at you to send you a dirty look (because eyes on the road, kids!), which you return with a cheeky grin. “Need I remind you that was you today?” 
“Touché,” you click your tongue. 
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence, the faint sound of Sunghoon's music in the background filling in the quietness.  
You’re humming along until Sunghoon breaks the silence, “Did Jake get stuck at practice again?” 
You don’t know why, but you swear you feel your heart beat faster at the mention of Jake’s name. No, that was always there right? Because you were with Sunghoon...your crush..obviously. Obviously. 
Ignoring the feeling, you turn your attention towards the boy driving you. 
“Oh yeah, something about team bonding. How’d you know?” 
“Eh, I just figured since he wasn’t driving you home like he always does.” He turns into your neighborhood. 
You nod at his answer. 
“You two make a good couple.” 
You whip your head at him. Did you hear him correctly?
“It was about time, really. You two have been ogling at one another for so long, Heeseung, Jay, and I almost placed bets on who would be the first to make a move.” 
He keeps his eyes on the road, casually going on about how you and Jake make the cutest couple he’s ever seen. 
You're frozen, unsure of what to think, let alone say. 
You think to two days ago, when you started this entire fake relationship because of the very boy driving you home right now. The same boy who's complimenting you on your fake relationship. The same boy who's supposed to be jealous over that said relationship. The same boy you’re supposed to be crushing over.
But now...only a mere 48 hours later, you were finding yourself okay with the fact that he was happy for you. And for the life of you, you couldn’t remember why you liked Sunghoon in the first place. Not saying he isn’t one to be crushed on, I mean, look at the guy. 
Maybe, just maybe, it had something to do with the fact that you didn't feel nervous or giddy or..anything at all when you got into the car with Sunghoon. At least, not until Jake's name was mentioned. That's when you felt the butterflies. At the mention of Jake.  
But before you can come to a conclusion on why you're feeling the way you do, Sunghoon interrupts your thoughts.  
"Well, we're here! Say hi to your parents for me," he pulls into your driveway as you're still collecting your thoughts.  
You give him a quick thanks and one last wave as you enter the front doors of your house.  
Seeing that your only solution towards confusing feelings meant distracting yourself, distract yourself you did.  
Even if it meant distracting yourself with your piling assignments.  
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The next time you look up from your work, it's suddenly way past sundown and a heavy storm has taken over. You’re surprised it hasn’t started flooding yet with the amount of rainfall you were hearing. 
You check the time on your phone, the bright 8:16PM on the screen illuminating your dimly lit room. Seeing that neither of your parents have yet to be home from work, it looks like you were going to have to settle with some instant ramen for dinner tonight.  
As you trudge down the stairs of your home, the sound of light knocking against the front door catches your attention. It's been a long day y/n, you're probably hearing things, it's definitely just the rain.
Nope. There it is again, but much louder. Much more urgent.  
You contemplate any and all potential disasters that could happen from answering the door. Only a crazy person would be willing to go out in this hurricane-like weather to be frantically knocking on your door.  
And so, you assume it has to be some psychopath trying to get into your house. Yes, there’s definitely no other logical explanation. 
You scramble around your living room, looking for the next best weapon to defend you. Resorting to the flower vase your mother keeps on the table next to the front door, you hold it out in front of you, as if you're waiting for the door to burst open.  
The knocking continues, gradually getting louder. You mentally curse at yourself for dropping out of the taekwondo class your dad signed you up for when you were younger.  
Vase in hand, you swing open the door and brace for–
"Jake? What the fuck? Get in here, you're gonna get sick!"  
You’re suddenly aware of how stupid you look, holding a light pink vase with a couple of orchids as your only form of self-defense...for it to only be your own best friend. You immediately put it back on the table as Jake quickly rushes past you and into your humble abode.  
You close the door behind you and turn to face the soaked boy.  
“I come bearing gifts, also known as take-out and hot chocolate from that one cafe you love. Also my company, if you’ll take it. I had a feeling you weren’t having the best day today,” he’s simply standing there, holding up a large brown paper bag in one hand, and a deliciously smelling cup of hot chocolate in the other, but you’re looking at him as if he bought you the Moon. 
You stare in awe at the angel of a boy in front of you, silently thanking the stars for gifting you this amazing human being as your best friend. You don’t know what you did to deserve him. 
You give him a soft smile. “Jake, you didn’t have to. It’s practically a shitstorm out there,” you cock your head towards the window, showcasing the downpour of cats and dogs outside. Jake stays by the entrance as you go down the hall and through your house’s linen closet to find a spare towel for the drenched boy.
“Nah it’s no big deal, really. Just fulfilling my duties as your loyal boyfriend,” he grins, even though you can’t see him. He likes calling himself that. Your boyfriend.
Jake continues to shake his messy hair to get the excess rain off, giving a mental apology to whoever is going to have to mop up the puddle forming on the floor due to his unannounced visit. Probably you. 
Jake hears you laugh down the hall. “You’re really invested in your role, huh? Keep this up and you might actually trick me into believing you’re my actual boyfriend.” 
Actual boyfriend? Jake likes the sound of that. Maybe he will keep this up then.
Jake doesn’t have much experience in acting, unless you count that time he played the role of Town Villager #3 in the third grade play, so he never found it as one of his interests. But playing the role of your boyfriend was one he was willing to fulfill for the rest of life, even if it was just for show. 
Jake doesn’t respond to your comment, he’s instead self-aware of his blushing cheeks, thankful that you’re too busy rummaging through your linen closet to take notice. 
“Plus, you didn’t have lunch today and I had feeling you were going to be too caught up in your work to feed yourself anything other than instant ramen,” he sets down his gifts to you on your living room’s coffee table as you come around the corner, fresh towel and new set of clothes in hand. 
His eyes fall on the familiar looking pair of sweatpants and hoodie resting on the palms of your hands. 
Hm. A little too familiar. 
Then, it clicks in his head. 
His eyes narrow at you as you giggle at his reaction, “Oh, so it takes me getting drenched in the rain for you to finally return my clothes that I’ve been missing!?” 
“Hey! I’m not returning them, simply loaning them out to a friend who’s in dire need. You basically gifted them to me the second you left them here months ago.” 
“You’re annoying.” 
“Love you too,” you toss the clothes at him and take a seat on the floor around your coffee table, prepping the table with the boxes of Chinese food Jake supplied. 
After Jake changes into the stolen dry clothes, he takes a seat next to an already-eating you at the coffee table. 
“You. are. my lord and savior Sim Jaeyun,” you’re saying with your mouth full of fried rice. You sigh from satisfaction and rest your head against Jake’s shoulder as you continue chewing. He grins as he helps himself to his own serving of fried rice and orange chicken. 
You look up at him from your spot, “How was team bonding today?” 
Jake groans in response, clearly annoyed. “Stupid. I don’t get how doing trust falls and pyramid building is going to get us any closer. If anything, I almost FELL off that pyramid today!” 
You don’t know why, but you find yourself admiring him and his soft features as he continues to rant about one of his teammates, specifically, the one who almost dropped him. 
The way his messy hair, unkept from the rain ruining it, almost covers his eyes (but you tell yourself you like it this way, it looks more natural on him), the way the corners of his lips are always perked upwards (even when he’s ranting), the way his eyes sparkle whenever he’s truly passionate about whatever he’s talking about, the way his eyes look at you like–
“Stare much? Look, I get you can’t resist my good looks but at least be subtle about it,” he smirks at you as he takes another spoon of rice. 
You break out of his trance and scoff at him. 
“You’re cute when you rant,” you nonchalantly say as you move from your spot to mirror his actions and add more rice to your plate as well.  Jake’s stills at your sudden comment, unsure of how to respond. Lucky for him, you’re distracted by the mountain of food on your plate to even notice the blushing mess of a boy next to you. 
“You know, you’re lucky you’re cute. Or else I’d deck you right here and now for ditching me after school today.�� 
Anddd there goes the moment. Leave it to you to follow up a compliment with a threat of violence. 
Jake finds it cute anyways. He always finds you cute. 
Jake narrows his eyes and lightly shoves you before an apology is written all over his face. “Sorry about that by the way. I feel awful about making you walk home when it was freezing out.” 
“Nah, it’s okay. Sunghoon gave me a ride, actually. Did you know he does debate? I guess you learn something new everyday,” you ramble, unaware of the boy next to you getting tense at the sudden mention of the other’s name. 
Up until now, Jake’s completely forgotten about Sunghoon's involvement in this entire scheme. In fact, the past 48 hours with you have felt so normal, so comfortable, he almost forgot about the deal in the first place.   “You think he has any clue?” Jake suddenly asks, referring to the plan. 
You immediately know what he’s referring to, as Jake practically worded out your very own thoughts. 
You shrug. “Not a single one. We’re practically William and Kate in his eyes. But honestly, that’s the least of my worries right now. I’m too distracted by my exams right now to care.” 
Jake feels guilty for being satisfied with your answer. He’s 100% sure that if convincing Sunghoon took you two an entire lifetime of fake dating, he’d be all too willing to do it. 
“Go to Jay’s party with me tomorrow,” he abruptly says, catching your attention as your mouth is stuffed. Cute. 
He pokes your cheek. “It’ll get your mind off of work and plus, what’s more convincing than showing up to a party with your amazing boyfriend?” he wiggles his eyebrows at you. Jake doesn’t know where he gets his sudden surge of confidence. But he does know he loves calling himself your boyfriend...even if it’s for the time being. 
Rolling your eyes and swatting his poking fingers away from your face, you ponder on his suggestion. 
“You mean my annoying boyfriend,” you stick your tongue out at him. Jake takes a mental picture and hopes it never leaves his mind. 
“But I guess you could be right. Maybe I can clear my head for the night before I study my ass off all weekend.” 
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Friday, December 11th 
The party does not clear your mind. 
If anything, it gives you enough headaches to last you at least until the end of high-school. 
You come to this revelation as you and Jake approach Jay’s home, a luxurious mansion sitting at the end of a cul-de-sac, lined with similarly luxurious palaces, located in an equally luxurious neighborhood. 
You come to this revelation when you can already feel the pounding bass of music as you walk up Jay’s driveway. 
You come to this revelation when, not even two seconds after entering Jay’s front doors––
“You’re here!” A buzzed Jay shouts at the two of you, causing the both of you to contemplate your past choices that brought you here today. Jay definitely isn’t straight up drunk yet, but Jake still makes a mental note to keep an eye on him tonight. Just in case. 
The blonde-haired boy is quick to hand over two red solo cups of god knows what, to which you and Jake immediately put down on the nearest table after Jay walks away to greet the next incoming guests (you know, to not hurt his feelings). 
You and Jake are lucky enough to have been around Jay and his parties long enough to know that going all out at these parties will not be pretty the next morning.
You cringe at the memory of last year, when you had to suffer from possibly the worst hangover of all hangovers after one of Jay’s parties. Jake will never let you forget how miserable you looked the next morning. His camera roll’s album titled “y/n blackmail pics” can vouch for that.
“Remind me again to never listen to you,” you almost have to shout at Jake over the thumping music. Jake laughs at your comment and tugs at your hand as he begins entering the house.
The two of you do your rounds of greetings to the people you know...and random underclassmen who you swear you have never seen before but somehow made it to this party. You’ve always questioned how Jay’s invite list worked. Maybe there isn’t one. That would explain how it looked like someone announced Jay was giving out free Teslas and the entire school got hold of the news. 
“Thank god you guys are here,” you hear a voice come from behind the two of you as you guys leave the main room to enter the house’s smaller, but just as luxurious looking, den. You turn to see Heeseung with Sunghoon following closely behind, trying his best not to get swept away in the crowd of people. 
The den is where you usually stayed during these parties. It’s not like there are rules of where people are allowed to party, by any means, but it’s like how a high-school’s cafeteria worked. There’s a mutual silent agreement of where everyone goes, and the den is where the party host and his friends went.  
“Okay, is it just me, or is tonight’s party just a little...too..much?” Sunghoon asks as the four of you take your seats on the main couch of the room. Jake’s quick to make space for you next to him as you go to sit, but to his surprise, you find your home right on his lap. 
“You said be convincing right?” you say into his ear as you settle yourself. Right. That’s totally why. Because you had to go along with the ruse. Obviously. 
You shift a bit so you’re more facing sideways, not blocking off Jake’s line of vision as the boy himself is..well, calling him a rag doll might be excessive. 
But he’s sure he looks like one right now, having lost all senses in his limbs, leaving him frozen underneath you. 
Jake Sim is the epitome of politeness. He was raised in a family that taught him how to respectfully greet others, how to always offer food to others before eating it himself, how to properly treat a significant other. As a result, Jake grew up to be one of the sweetest, kindest, purest people to ever walk this earth. 
(Relatively speaking, the earth is large, but so is Jake’s heart.) 
But human-beings aren’t perfect, they must have a balance. A balance of pros and cons. 
Sure, he can’t pack his own lunch and sometimes forgets to water the little succulent you gifted him that’s currently seated on his window sill. Sure, sometimes he’s too sweet for his own good, you know, like willing-to-be-your-fake-boyfriend too sweet. But aside from the minor details, Jake Sim doesn’t have many cons, no. 
But he sure can be awkward. 
And so because Jake Sim is sweet, kind, pure, and awkward, he is unsure of what to do with himself when you’re seated right on top of him. 
As if you could read his befuddled mind, you take his arm that’s resting behind you to wrap around your waist as your support as you throw one of your arms around his shoulder. And throughout this entire adjustment, his widened eyes are staring right at you. 
Bless this pure, pure boy. 
Also bless the position you’re in, blocking the two other boys from directly seeing Jake’s face. Because if they were to catch glimpse of Jake’s expression right now, your cover might be blown, just like that. You’re lucky Heeseung and Sunghoon are distracted by another classmate who came up to them. 
“Relax,” you sweetly laugh, cupping his chin with your free hand and lightly squeezing his cheeks. “You’re so adorably awkward.” 
Jake pouts at you. “I am not awkward!” 
“Right, and I’m totally dating you for real,” you playfully whisper at him, eliciting a poke at your waist in response. 
Twenty minutes of people-watching-aka-“who do you think is gonna pass out first?”-from-your-spot-on-the-couch later, the four of you draw your attention to the rowdy party host you all have the honor of calling your friend––aka Jay––dancing (that is, if you call wildly swinging your limbs in all four directions dancing) in the middle of the den. 
"Oh god, look at him," Sunghoon voices from besides you.
Heeseung's already filming the moment on his phone. Ah yes, technology. The best thing to ever happen to drunk teens' friends.  
"He's so wasted," you throw your head back as you let out a laugh. “We should help the kid out.” 
Poor Jay. He's not gonna hear the end of it after tonight.
"I don't know why he thinks these parties are such a good idea when he knows how trashed he's gonna be when he wakes up," Jake says, his hand naturally squeezing your waist as you giggle at his comment. "And how trashed the house will be."  
Jay slumbers over to where the four of you are seated, and abruptly stops right in front of the couch.
"My best friends!" Jay happily cheers. “Having fun?” 
“Watching you? Always,” you say to the boy who’s squeezing into a seat between you and Sunghoon, as if the small couch wasn’t already suffocating enough (and that’s with you on Jake’s lap). 
“But for real though, you should probably lay off the drinks for now,” Heeseung insists. “For all our sakes.” 
Sunghoon nods along and grabs the cup Jay’s currently nursing and sets it down where it’s out of Jay’s reach, much to his dismay. But the disappointment quickly leaves the dazed boy’s head, as his attention is now directed towards you and Jake. 
“Well if it isn’t mom and dad,” Jay turns to face you and Jake, certainly amused by your seating arrangement. 
“You know–” Jay points a finger at the two of you. “For a couple that’s certainly close, I haven’t seen you two kiss.” 
Jake is immediately coughing, certainly not expecting that to come out of his friend’s mouth. 
“Okay and your point is?” Jake frowns at Jay. If Jay wasn’t tipsy, Jake would’ve smacked the back of his head by now. 
“I’m just saying...” the blonde responds, both hands up in the air as if Jake is accusing him of something, when in was, in fact, the opposite. “But nevermind, Jakey boy here is probably too innocent for such nonsense anyways.” 
Yes, it’s confirmed. Once Jay sobers up tomorrow, Jake is driving over to his house (even though it’s a good ten minute drive from his own) just to smack him. 
“What do you mean I’m too–” 
Jake doesn’t finish his sentence. In fact, Jake doesn’t even remember what he was going to say. 
Jake doesn’t think nor feel anything else other than your lips planted on his. 
You’re pulling him in close, your hands cupping his face as his own are twitching on your waist, his mind flustered. You move your hands from his face to his neck, to which Jake immediately relaxes at. 
Sure, you two are in the middle of a dumb high-school party, one filled with pounding music and shouting teenagers, but right now, in this moment, Jake can only feel you. And he doesn’t want the feeling to ever stop. 
When you part, Jake’s eyes flicker from your eyes to your lips, his own parted in shock. He thinks he might pass out right here and now. He thinks his heart might explode right here and now. He thinks he might lov-
“Happy?” you turn to a satisfied Jay, ignoring the looks of amusement from Heesung and Sunghoon besides him. 
“Well,” you pat Jake’s leg as you get up from your spot. “I’m gonna get us some drinks. Punch only, of course.” 
Jake’s eyes are on you as you walk away, his face tinted pink from the adrenaline of it all, his heart racing. 
Jake thinks back to three days ago, when he told himself that this idea of yours was going to be all fine. After all, it was only going to be for one week. Afterwards, he can move on with his life as if nothing happened. 
But fast forward 72 hours later, 72 hours after you and Jake started this act, 72 hours after Jake told himself it’ll be all fine, Jake knows he was poorly mistaken.
Because 72 hours later, in the middle of a party that reeked of the combined smell of alcohol and sweat, Jake knows one thing and one thing for sure.
He never wants to move on from the feeling of being with you. He never wants to move on from this.
From you. 
He’s screwed. 
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Saturday, December 12th 
When Jake wakes up, much later than he intended to, on Saturday morning, the first sensation he feels are his tingling lips, still in disbelief that they graced your own last night. 
The second sensation being his pounding mind––it’s running through ten million thoughts at a time, telling him no last night wasn’t a dream. 
Third: his heart beating so fast at the thought of you, he thinks he might beat out of his chest.
And fourth, a buzzing noise. 
Jake blindly flounders his arm to the table beside him in hopes of finding the origin of the annoying sound, aka, his phone. 
After knocking down multiple miscellaneous items on his nightstand (he makes a mental note to clean his room later), he successfully retrieves the item of search. 
Jake squints at the bright screen, mind still cloudy from a mix of 1) being half-asleep, and 2) still processing what happened the night before. 
y/n [11:10AM]: r u awake yet? 
y/n [11:22AM]: imma take that as a no
y/n [11:35AM]: lemme know when ur up 
jake [11:44AM]: just woke up sorry 
jake [11:44AM]: are you okay? what’s up
y/n [11:45AM]: r u busy? 
y/n [11:45AM]: kinda wanted to talk abt smth
jake [11:45AM]: uh well no im still in bed lmao
y/n [11:46AM]: cool im outside your door 
Jake’s eyes widen as he processes your last few texts. 
Talk? Outside his door? 
Jake’s heart is nervously pounding as jumps out of bed and quickly puts on the first plaid flannel he finds. He scrambles to his mirror and gives his reflection a quick run-down. 
He’s sporting your his favorite hoodie underneath the flannel that’s long overdue a wash and his tousled hair has seen better days, but he couldn't care less. 
Before his mind can catch up to his actions, he’s rushing down the stairs, skipping two at a time and to this front door. Because he didn’t want to keep you waiting? Because he was too excited to see you? Maybe a mix of both. Definitely more of the latter, however. 
He quickly runs a hand through his hair to try to fix it up as much as he can, to no avail, before opening the door to reveal you, sitting on the steps of his front porch. 
“y/n,” he’s breathing heavily as you turn to greet him with your sweet smile he didn’t even realize he was missing. Is it possible to miss someone overnight? Jake concludes yes, it definitely is. 
“Did you run down here or something?,” you question his out-of-breath state, a teasing tone laces the tip of your tongue. 
“Or something,” Jake mutters as he closes the front door behind him to join you on the steps when you make no sign of moving. “Have you been out here all morning?” 
“Not allll morning. I had a feeling you’d sleep in so I came around the time I first texted you. Would’ve knocked but didn’t wanna bother your family,” you hum, keeping your eyes trained on the peaceful scenery around you. 
You’ve always loved Jake’s neighborhood, it brought you a sense of peace, a sense of home. 
Or was that because it reminded you of Jake? 
“You could never be a bother,” he quickly rebuttals as he takes his seat next to you on the steps. 
You respond with a soft smile before turning your attention back to anything other than the boy next to you. Your mind seems to be lost in its own thoughts, Jake can tell by the distant look in your eyes. 
The sound of birds chirping in the distance fills the silence that falls between the two of you. 
Any other day, Jake would love this. He savors every second he’s with you, even if it’s just pure silence. 
But this silence was different. It wasn’t the usual comforting, warm silence that the two of you share on a typical day. This one held tension, tension so thick that Jake doesn’t know where to begin thinking. 
But here’s the thing. Jake doesn’t think. 
Not when it comes to you. 
He takes a deep breath. Rubs his hands together. Pats them on his lap. Turns towards you. 
“Look, I-” 
“I think I might like you.” The words come out of your mouth so fast, Jake’s positive he heard you wrong the first time around. 
He whips his head to meet your eyes, your own already staring back at him, your bottom lip nervously tucked under your teeth. 
“No, I––I do. I know I do. I’m sorry. I didn’t know how to tell you and I don’t think I’m doing a very good job right now,” the words are all of the sudden tumbling out of your mouth as if your brain flipped a switch and isn’t able to turn it off. “In hindsight, I should’ve known better to fake date my own best friend. But these past few days made me realize how much I love being with you. And not like how I’m always with you 24/7 before this entire thing started, but being with you. I even started getting that weird, bubbly feeling in my stomach every time I so much as heard your name. And then last night at the party, I realized afterwards that I wouldn’t have kissed you if some part of me didn’t see you in that way. Even if it meant Jay would’ve been on our asses all night if I didn’t. So yeah.” 
You finish with a deep breath and look up at him to meet his widened eyes. Silence.
Jake thought he was braindead during last week’s history quiz. Jake thought he was braindead when he had to cram a semester’s worth of chemistry content the night before his exam. Heck, Jake thought he was braindead when you first told him about your idea of a fake dating him. But no, this is braindead.
He’s finally hearing what he’s been dreaming of for so long, and of all times, now his brain decides to shut off.  
“Are you..uh..are you gonna say anything?” You’re nervously fumbling with your hands, desperate to distract yourself with anything else apart from his silent stare. 
"Why are you sorry?" Jake says before his mind can think of anything else. He doesn't pay attention to his thumping heart that's one look-from-you away from exploding right then and there. "You didn't do anything wrong. If anything, you took the words right out of my mouth.” 
Now you're staring at him with the wide eyes, the words processing in your mind.
Jake realizes he's waited too long to do this. A few years too long. He also realizes he shouldn't have put on that extra layer of a flannel. The nervous tension created by the two of you was suffocating enough, and being outside under the bright sun didn’t help. 
"I like you too. God y/n, I like you too so much," Jake doesn't even care if his words are all sorts of messed up right now. He just needs you to get the idea. "I have for a while now.” 
You let out a relieved sigh, ecstasy rushing through your blood. “Really? I think I have for a while too. I’m so stupid, it took me so long to realize it. It didn’t hit me until I realized how I felt around you, compared to the guy I’m supposed to actually have a crush on.” 
Jake lets out a laugh, the tension immediately dissolving. “Hey, if it wasn’t for Sunghoon, I don’t think we’d be here right now.” 
“You’re right, I’m too oblivious and you’re too awkward to actually make a move,” you wink at him. If his heart wasn’t fluttering at the sight of you, on his porch on a Saturday morning, confessing your feelings to him, Jake probably would’ve lightly shoved you away. 
Instead, he’s turning to you with the most endeared look on his face, and you’re blushing underneath his gaze.
“What? Stare much?” You giggle, quoting the boy himself as you shyly duck your head to avoid his stare. 
Jake gently grabs your chin to tilt your face towards his, and before you can process what’s happening, he suddenly meets your lips with his own, closing the gap between you two. 
Jake thinks if the ground underneath him right now decided to open up and swallow him whole, he’d die happily. 
Jake smiles against you, feeling comfort in ways he’ll never be able to achieve without you. 
Your hands instinctively find their way into his hair, as one of his rests below your ear, thumb softly caressing your cheek, the other pulling you in by the waist. He’s naturally leaning into you, gravitating towards your warmth, unable to stop the giddy feeling bubbling in his stomach. 
He doesn’t think the feeling will ever go away. 
When you pull away to catch your breath, you rest your head against the nook of his neck, basking in his presence as his arms both find their way around your waist. You sigh in pleasure. 
“Remember at the beginning of all of this, when you told me ‘Just try not to fall in love with me?’” Jake gently says. Jake feels the slight nod you give against his shoulder as you hum in response. 
Jake whispers two more words into your ear, filling you with happiness and warmth you know you won’t be able to find through anyone––or anything––else. 
“Too late.” 
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✰ if you made it ‘til the end, ily :’))))) 
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tarosin · 3 years
The great adventures of y/n tubbo jack niki and george
pairing: platonic y/n,tubbo,jack,niki and george
summary: minecraft cave in real life
content warning: cursing
an: the word love is used a couple times but this is all platonic <3 i still don’t know how to add read more on mobile i am sorry about that, part 3 to great adventures series
it was around 4 am when the heat became a problem, unable to sleep you grabbed your phone and decided to facetime ranboo just as he was ending stream
“hey boo...you look like you’ve seen a ghost what the fuck were you doing”
“fnaf vr”
“I’m sure it’s not that bad you’re being dramatic”
“okay we shall see how you like it when I make you play it when I’m in the UK”
“okay bet I’ll add it to our list of videos and stream ideas anyway I can't sleep it’s too hot and I’m so confused as to why Tommy keeps asking me if I like and I quote being high”
“tubbo was telling me about that he keeps teasing him about planes you never know maybe you’re all going on an international adventure... or being pushed out a plane”
“doubt it there’s no way Tommy would pull something as crazy as jumping out a plane it would be pretty cool, I was thinking about doing it for my birthday”
“with a parachute? I hope”
“eh with or without, either way, is fine for me”
an hour passed you and ranboo sat talking about what was happening tomorrow and how you wished he was going to be there with you, after all, you knew how it felt to be watching people you care about making plans and doing things without you.
“didn’t you say you were going to a cave tomorrow? Minecraft in real life, nice”
“I’m begging please touch grass”
“I’ve already done that it made me want to become an engineer now get some rest y/n you’ll be getting up in a few hours, I’ll call you tomorrow goodnight”
“see you tomorrow I love you”
*y/n has ended the call*
when you woke up at 9 you couldn’t shake off the awful feeling you had, today just didn’t feel like a good day you needed some time to yourself to recharge however you knew you’d be okay later on
Niki: good morning y/n!! would you like us to pick you up now or do you need a bit longer
y/n: don’t worry about it I’ll make my own way!! :]
Niki: okay see you soon!!
George: we will pick you up in an hour and a bit
Tommy: wait what are you guys doing
tubbo: following jack and Niki around
y/n: what he said
Tommy: have fun then guys without me
y/n: don’t you have work to do big guy
Tommy: don’t you have to get ready
y/n: leave me alone
soon enough you saw jacks car pull up outside so you grabbed your bag from the other day as it still had everything you needed except this time you decided to bring along a mini first aid kit as you knew your clumsiness and a cave wouldn’t mix well. now you were fully awake you couldn’t wait to go explore the caves, you sat next to Niki who decided to play with your hair and spent half of the journey on a call with an unhappy Tommy who was in college waiting to go to lesson the other half of the journey was spent singing along to the radio
jack started recording and turned around to see you Niki and tubbo leaning over looking down at the floor
“oh hi jack” you waved at the camera “so what’s the plan of action”
“we’re going up there”
you loved heights so hearing that you were going to go on a cable car made you pretty excited once you all got into the car you and George tried opening all the windows whilst tubbo complained
“stop trying to open things”
“it’s a window”
“scared you’re going to get pushed over the edge hmm? scared you’ll have to free fall? it’s not that high you'd probably survive the fall, it’s not like I'm trying to open the door on a plane”
“y/n I mean this in the nicest way possible I’m never going on a plane with you”
tubbo laughed and joined the conversation “we shall see about that”
you tilted your head to the side and blinked a few times trying to process what he just said
“tubbo if we fell we would die right”
“you know jack I've done a lot in my life”
you took the phone from jack and began filming him and George
“why is it slowing down”
“we’re going to die”
“I didn’t bring enough food”
you sat laughing at your friends' reaction before explaining that it’s slowing down for a reason
“they’re slowing it down so you can jump out, what I didn’t tell you is there’s actually a parachute underneath where you’re sat, good luck gamers”
“We could probably climb out the window”
“NO, where do we go”
you just sat shaking your head laughing whilst your friends sat screaming about it stopping
“y/n we’re going to die”
“oh no.. let me just text ranboo to start planning our funerals”
eventually, the cable car began moving just very slow you then ended the recording after jack made jokes about it moving as fast as a George video comes out, you all then spent the rest of the time enjoying everyone’s company.
tubbo noticed a park and ran to the ropes giving you time to update your community a stream will be happening later on
y/n has tweeted: I am outside, stream with ranboo when we get home :]
you laughed as you posted that as all the comments started rolling in questioning if ranboo had come to the UK. you walked back to your group and wrapped your arms around jack and Niki making them both jump out of shock
“Sorry about that ahah now if you don’t mind I want to play in the park”
they laughed as you ran to the rope trying to swing without falling that’s when you gave up and started climbing the net close to Niki.
“that’s not a swing George”
jack ran towards them “I’m getting on the swing with George”
Niki laughed as she recorded what was happening in front of her, she looked to her left expecting to see you stood next to her however she heard you laugh and run towards your friends
“I’m getting on the swing with tubbo”
a few moments later George pointed out a castle and tubbo mentioned the ‘wet rocks’ you just stood with your arm around Niki's shoulders enjoying the view of the castle that was until a dog caught your attention and you walked off to go ask if you could pet it
“Niki where’s y/n they were with you last”
“with the dog”
“tubbo when they come back just follow the path towards the castle, me and Niki are going to record”
“got it, boss man”
after a few minutes, you walked back to tubbo and George realising jack and Niki weren’t there you tilted your head shrugged then sat next to tubbo on the swings as George began recording
“jack and Niki have left us but we’re having fun on the swings..”
“maybe we’ll lick some rocks”
“if we’re quiet we can sneak up on them”
the three of you ran down the path towards the start of the castle steps looking at the cameras that allowed you to see the top of the castle
“there they are”
“they’re vlogging”
“We can just see them through the castle cameras they have no idea we can see them”
you stood leaning against George until you all noticed they were about to make their way back down the steps so all ran off to hide
“there they go”
the three of you ran back down the path ignoring the stares from strangers and comments about how your hair was obnoxiously bright, the three of you scared the pair who were looking for you all
“I’ve never been less displeased to see George”
the five of you continued walking around after joking about the green water and questioning George on how he could tell what colour it was
“I’m a genius”
a few fans can over and took photos with you all and George began questioning them
“George you’re really self-promoting right now”
“George I am disappointed in you”
“dude it’s boiling”
“ice cream?”
the five of you stood inline
“I’m dying to tubbo”
“I’m not going to ask questions, I love how you just accepted defeat”
“you’re next y/n” tubbo let go of George and began walking towards you
“FUCK OFF NO” you ran behind George and used him as a shield
“y/n George isn’t going to protect you”
“I will y/n don't worry tubbo fuck off” the three of you stood laughing not realising jack was walking towards you all with the ice cream
“thank you”
“you’re welcome how’s the ice cream”
“great thank you”
you laughed at jack who somehow managed to get ice cream on his nose
you and tubbo noticed a wishing well and walked over to it
“wanna make a wish”
“yeah but we have no money”
you both looked at each other then at jack them looked back at each other and nodded
“what are you two doing”
“We wanna make a wish”
“come on give me your money”
everyone stood laughing at you and tubbo determined to make a wish whilst jack argued he had no money however tubbo noticed a £20 note and grabbed it
“y/n quick make a wish”
the pair of you held the note and then dropped it into the well
“We made a wish”
the pair of you walked off whilst jack stood telling you both how he can’t believe you and the pair of you had stolen over £100 from him today making you both laugh
“tell me the wish”
“We can’t or it won’t come true”
“right cave time”
“we’re going to die”
“well thanks for that George”
you stood next to tubbo trying to ignore your friends as they made comments about there being mobs like creepers in the cave
“you two really need to go outside more”
everything was going well for you until the worker said to everyone
“I think we do have some kids here who are doing a vlog”
you could feel your cheeks heating up from embarrassment although you loved your job you still weren’t used to people pointing it out
“This cave has a door”
“naturally formed door”
“y/n tubbo were in the caves, where are the diamonds”
you pointed in a random direction then continued walking whilst tubbo kneeled examining the rock claiming there were diamonds, as you all kept walking you had to put up with tubbo jack and George making Minecraft jokes whilst Niki followed behind them staying rather quiet, everyone’s as focusing on the cave not saying much till George spoke up
“it’s turned into a horror movie”
“why’s the cave so low why can’t they just dig up”
“y/n did you really just ask that”
“yes I did my neck hurts from ducking under the rock”
“so sorry to hear that”
“thank you for your concern George”
“I’m not concerned”
the tour continued and you were genuinely having a good time, you found all the different rocks and information given to you by the worker fascinating and slowly stopped listening to what your friends were saying behind you
“so this little tunnel up here is where they would send the kids”
“off you go tubbo and y/n”
“please no”
you all continued for a while till you were told you were going in the dark despite the fact you were excited you were also very afraid of the dark so stood closer to tubbo who instantly noticed and pulled you into a side hug
“we’re going dark”
“oh wow that is the only source of light”
a minute or so later they turned on some softly coloured led lights so you could all look at the geode
“holy shit that’s beautiful”
“I thought a geode was a small animal”
“that’s a pokemon dude”
you were all given time to go for a wander however rather than walking with the others you decided to stay with the geode and started a group call with ranboo and Tommy
“hi guys can’t stay long break is almost over”
“that’s okay Tommy but look at this giant fucking rock”
you flipped the camera so they could see and went around showing them parts of the cave
“holy shit”
“looks great y/n”
“cool right I have to go the worker wants us to get ready to leave see you all soon”
“wait y/n one last question, how are you with heights”
“oooh I’m great I love them we went in a cable car earlier”
“awesome see you all later”
*Tommy left the call*
“I’ll call you when I get home boo I’ll see you soon!!”
“bye y/n stay safe”
*ranboo has left the call*
*y/n has left the call*
as you all left the cave you and tubbo noticed two rocks and went to pick them up
“hey look our wish came true”
“yeah we wished for a weird looking rock when we left the cave”
“you paid £20 for a rock”
a few minutes later you and tubbo just started walking away only to be later followed by everyone else
“where are you going”
you all got the cable car back at this point you were exhausted you used all your energy running around the cave determined to show Tommy and ranboo everything
“What did you all think of the cave”
“loved it”
“you lost your rock tubbo?”
tubbo pulled out the rock and smiled at jack
“no, I didn’t”
“but you chucked it”
“told you we wished for a magic rock”
jack finished the recording and you all just sat talking about your day and any future plans
the journey back home was extremely quiet you and tubbo sat next to each other, you fell asleep with your head resting on his shoulder, Niki sat in the front with jack quietly singing along to the radio and George and tubbo quietly spoke to each other trying not to wake you up.
when you finally got home you woke up on your couch confused as to how you got there it was only when you checked your phone you got the answer
Niki: you looked exhausted we didn’t want to wake you, hope you don’t mind. your keys are on the table next to your bag!! see you soon it was lovely meeting you <3
you decided to reply thanking your friends for today.
*incoming call: ranboo*
you accepted the call
“hey y/n tell me all about your day whilst you get ready to stream I'm already set up”
“oh they’re gonna be so annoyed I've joined in with making jokes about you being in the UK anyway so my day was pretty good but I did end up asleep on my couch and had no idea how I got there”
“let me explain”
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bnhxx · 3 years
What Do I Tell My Friends?
Part one of a little yandere shinsou x reader fic I felt like doing! Ngl, it kinda hurt to do my man dirty like this but shinsou as a degenerate yandere is just....👌🤌 ya know ya know
(Also @gummy-dummy recommended me Mr. Fear by Siames for this series and ohhh it fits so well 😳🙏 we know im a hoe for song fics so if you want smth to listen to this song is perfect)
I tried to make this obvious, but Shinsou and Reader are college age here.
I was originally going to post the entire thing, but I got wayy too ahead of myself here ksbsjdvd.
Character: Hitoshi Shinsou
Ship: Hitoshi Shinsou x reader
Genre: Yandere, not canon! Shinsou (yandere shinsou is very ooc imo)
Warnings: Yandere themes all over this series, isolation, stalking, gaslighting, manipulation, emotionally abusive relationship, DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT!
part one | part two | part three | part four-final |
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Since when did it become so hard to love Shinsou Hitoshi? Were you were meant to crumble and fall into his hands, subservient and malleable to his unseen desires? Maybe your fate had been cursed. Did you do something wrong in a past life?
You fell so easily into his arms, you could almost justify it as fate. He said you were meant to fall, all broken and desperate and clinging to his love. The same way he fell for you.
It had all started in a convenient accident. Your time, your glances, then your morning coffee was stolen; all by his convenient little accident.
It started out as an innocent mistake you wouldn't usually be so forgiving to. Your Tuesday morning coffee always gets you through the day so much easier after all. Still...Hitoshi, who came into your life as the guy who took your order instead of his was cute-and his impossibly strong coffee did you just fine for the day. Maybe that was it- a convenient, unfortunate accident.
Only it was never destined to be just that. What started as an accident on a gloomy Tuesday morning grew so fast-you were so innocent to what your new found friend had in store for you. Naive to the sick obsession unravelling before your eyes.
That fateful day, you kept getting reminded of the handsome, polite man. Purple blurred your vision on the way back to the office, then again on your way home. You were either seeing things, or that had been the third time you'd seen his lavender hair today. Maybe you were in need of an early night tonight.
Maybe you were over-reacting. The mornings events had put a rosey tint to the rest of your terribly busy day, that was all. There was no way your routes were this coordinated all of a sudden, right? You convinced yourself at the time you were seeing things. Laughed about it to your coworker, as they told you to give dating a second chance if you were fantasising over the first cute person who gave you attention.
The next day, he was at the coffee shop the same time, just about to exit. He insisted on paying you back for yesterday's mishap, even as you reassured him it was fine. You didn't even need to tell him your order- he knew it exactly from yesterday. He really was planning on seeing you again, huh.
So you decided to chat with the man while you both waited for your order to be made, and then some more before you went your separate ways. Shinsou was in university; yet he preferred to take late night classes and take the early morning shifts at his part time job.
"No wonder your coffee is so strong. I don't know how you do it! That takes some crazy dedication," That managed a ghost of a smile from him.
"Heh, thanks. I guess that means I'll see you tomorrow morning to?" He rubbed his hand over the back of his neck, and you beamed. You were hoping he'd say something like that; you were eager to know more about this attractive stranger.
"Of course!"
After that first week, he started showing up in your life more and more. It seems as though you both had a similar schedule, bumping into each other on your weekend jogs as well as your morning coffee runs. Then at the movie theatre that was airing your favourite show; coincidently, it was his too. Before you knew it, you were seeing Shinsou almost every week. Maybe you'd been too wrapped up in your intrigue to notice, but he was slowly covering all aspects of your life.
Your intrigue had turned to curiosity. And the more he crept into your life, the less you could help yourself. The more time you spent with Shinsou, the more you needed to crack open his mysterious, private shell. You liked all the same shows, enjoyed the same hobbies, even your values seemingly aligned. So why did it still feel like you were running a marathon trying to figure him out? Why did you get the strangest feeling he was already doing laps around you?
It wasn't just what you knew about him, either. He hardly introduced you to many of his friends and colleagues-you didn't even know if he had friends outside of you. And yet, he had seemingly made it his mission to know your own social circle like the back of his hand. Maybe he was bad at making friends? Protective of his new found friend? You let him tag along with your friends so they could get to know each other, but he never really made an effort to befriend them.
He would tell you it was because he didn't feel the need to be around anyone else, that you were enough for him. He laughed when you asked if he had many friends, and waved off your concerns. "A few. None like you, though," That earned him a blush. If he was treating you differently, maybe you should do the same. You started prioritising his time over your friends, much to their chagrin.
When you look back to the way he confessed to you, you wished you picked up on the signs then and there. He was an all consuming force in your life before; and yet, this was the complete opposite.
As if he was a ghost of your imagination, Hitoshi Shinsou had all but disappeared from your life. Not only had he not replied to your texts or calls, he was nowhere to be found in your routine, either.
You kept your eyes peeled for his familiar figure on your morning runs.
You swallowed your pride and asked the barista if they'd seen the lavender haired man at all; they offered you a sympathetic smile and shook their head.
You even took walks around the building where he claimed to work at, hoping to catch a glance of the man. It was to no avail; your efforts were all in vain. He slotted himself into your life so easily, only to slip out of your grasp just as quickly.
It hurt to have been so invested in him, the man that showed up out of nowhere and all but swept you off your feet, all to have it cut off so suddenly. Like vertigo, you stumbled through the rest of the week in a whiplash.
So when he came to you that Friday night, you were hesitant. If the guilt ridden look on his face was anything to go by, he was ready to apologise. Well, good. You were ready for an explanation.
He was seemingly ready for you to slam the door right in his face, and the look of shock on his face made your heart pang with guilt. He did say he didn't have many friends. Maybe he was simply busy? But, the way he went about ghosting you for an entire week hurt...well, he would explain for himself. The two of you could work things out, you were sure of it.
He was sorry. He didn't mean to distance himself so fast, so coldly. He only gave you one excuse.
"I guess you could say I got cold feet," he sheepishly excused.
"In truth...I was debating whether you'd accept me as something more than just friends," And you thought the past week had uprooted you. You blinked, and his sheepish, hopeful face (that was frustratinginly attractive even when you were mad at him) dropped.
"I mean, I really haven't gone about this the right way, have I? And for that, I'm sorry. I promise, I won't leave you in the dark like that again. But, if you'd hear me out for a moment..." That smile again...it really was going to be the death of you. With a nod, you sealed your fate that night.
At least he didn't try and buy your forgiveness with some expensive chocolates.
It was your second mistake to take his possessiveness as passion.
Darling as Hitoshi was when it was just the two of you, you found your new lover to have quite the jealous streak. Gentle teasing from your friends turned into back handed comments whenever Shinsou insisted to invite himself to your friends hangouts.
"Great, here comes the guard dog," You were almost afraid he would actually start growling at the next stranger who offered you a smile or wink as they passed you by.
You took your friends advice, and attempted to reassure him- for him to place more trust in your friends. Maybe they were occasionally late or flakey, but it didn't warrant such policing behaviour from him. If there was a problem, you could deal with it yourself. You didn't need to distance yourself from your friends any more than you already were.
It's like he thinks your some child who can't even tie their own shoes! The comment, from your friends last argument sparked something in you. It sat in the back of your mind and haunted you for weeks before you decided to confront Shinsou on his behaviour.
This only proved to make him more distressed. He started pointing fingers-who said that? What was her name, again? Wasn't she the one who left you all alone at that bar for some guy? You tried to tune him out, only to have those fingers turn to you.
Why were you defending all of your so called friends anyways? He'd given you all the facts, why couldn't you see they were clearly not deserving of your time like he was? They didn't see you like he did. Couldn't care for you, like he could. He gives you his everything, always; so why were you making him out to be the villian?
Perhaps you were too naive to call him an enigma. You weren't ready to admit it to yourself, but your friends were right. The tight leash he held on you wasn't passion-it was possession. His interrogations and guilting were never just trust issues, and a part of you knew it. Perhaps it was nothing but a pathetic, pitiful excuse on your end.
You had realised that you were in too deep a moment too late. If only you'd acted on it more sooner; Hitoshi Shinsou would remain the unsolvable enigma you wished you could have the resolve to unravel.
If only you weren't so stubborn to see it through.
"You're trying to defend them again, aren't you?"  He asked as you were one foot out the door of your shared apartment. This time he caught you sneaking out to see your friends. You felt like some rebellious teen acting out against their parents.
Like a kid who can't tie their own shoes.
You turned, frowned, and opened your mouth to deny his allegations as you always would. To reassure him that you love him, and understand his concern. To reiterate loving you didn't mean keeping you to himself in your shared apartment like a bird in a cage. These four walls sure were starting to feel like one.
Maybe you should've listened to the rumours you all but ignored. The ones that told you to never answer his questions.
When you first woke up, you had no knowledge of the past few hours-nothing, except Shinsou's shaking arms around you as his sobs muffled the apologies and pleas tumbling out of his lips. You tensed in his hold.
You wanted to glare icicles into his sunken, crumpled form. To scream and yell and curse at him for breaking your trust in such a way.
Even still...you couldn't. You couldn't bring yourself to hold your boundaries strong. To see your composed, mysterious, private boyfriend- before you, all frazzled, open and vulnerable.
It was a vulnerability you had never seen-yet always craved from him. Finally, you had unravelled his mystery. Under it all, he really was just a lovely, lonely boy with a unfair, cruel fate. He was clearly distraught with what he had done to you. Now wasn't the time for your pain. You had to stop yourself from lashing out for your own selfish reasons. You'd have a talk with him tomorrow, you promised.
This was your Hitoshi, you reasoned as he cried in your arms. He didn't have anyone else who trusted him like you did. He had closed himself off from everyone, because they didn't trust him- and neither did he, you realised as he clung to you and begged you not to leave him through his broken sobs. He didn't deserve to have you leave him. Not over one little mistake.
While you soothed his cries, you imagined everything to be better. Yeah, things would turn out fine. He would make it up to you and let you see your friends, and you could move to helping him trust more. To be a little less possessive, and a little more friendly. To not see you as the only light in his life.
Only, he never gave any indication to changing his mind before. Everyone else was always too kind to be trusted, or not doing enough. He could better spend his time with you, because you was perfect. Perfect when you were next to him.
You weren't naive enough to believe he would be the only person you'd need in your life. But you looked down at your boyfriends doubtful, teary eyed face. Poor, broken, vulnerable Hitoshi.
You'd tell your friends you were sick this time round and couldn't make it. Your time was better spent with him, anyways.
Next time, you promised, he'd be more accepting. He'd learn to trust others again. Just like you'd learn to trust him all over.
And as much as you tried to reassure yourself, a voice in your head spoke venom into your ear.
This won't be the last time he breaks your trust, it whispered.
"A bit of passion and possessiveness never hurt anyone, right?"
He gave you the first weak smile you'd seen from him all night, and you relaxed your face as much as you could. He didn't have to know you weren't talking to him.
He promised he'd never do it again. He couldn't-wouldn't. So you forgave him that day. But that little voice in your head weighed heavy in your heart-you knew, deep down, that you didn't believe him one bit.
It was time to start un-muting all of your friends notifications. You would text them more freely-baby steps. The thought warmed your smile into a genuine one.
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nyxerebus · 3 years
Unlikely Companions (Daryl Dixon x Female reader/ PLATONIC! Carl x Reader)
Summary: Carl was running for his life, being chased by walkers after he went on his own looking for Sophia. When he is corned by the walker a stranger woman saves him. She is looking for her Fiancee for the old world, but offers her help returning him to the farm. They bond over the days in the woods and she learns she might have another reason to find the farm.
Words: 3.1 k
“Carl?” Lori shouted across the farm. She hadn’t seen the boy all day and was starting to get nervous. “Have you seen Carl?” Maggie shook her head. “Not since breakfast” She answered in her southern accent. “Maybe he is with Rick? Or Shane?” Lori just nodded, but didn’t feel any safer. Where was her son?
Carl was running for his life. The two walkers were closing inn. He knew better than to shout and call for help, knowing it would probably attract even more walkers, but right now he didn’t care. “MOM!” He quickened his pace. “DAD!” Two walkers turned into four as two more appeared at his side. Tears was now streaming down his face as he was sure he was going to die here. He looked back again, ready to face death. But the walkers didn’t close inn on him. Instead arrow after arrow filled the air and all the walkers dropped. When Carl turned back around, fully expecting to see Daryl standing there, was surprised to see a stranger. “Are you okay?” The stranger asked him. Carl looked up at the woman. He was inn shock and didn’t know what to say. “You got a group? A family” She continued to ask him. When she tried to approach him, he backed up. “Hey, you don’t need to worry, I won’t do you any harm. Look” She dropped her cross bow and unleased her knife from her holster. When both fell to the ground, she could see him relaxing more. “Can I ask your name?”
“Carl, Carl Grimes”
“Well, Carl Grimes. I’m (Y/N) (L/N). I’m looking for my fiancée. But I can help you return back to you family. Someone as young as you shouldn’t be out here alone”.
Carl was still unsure about her. Remembering her mother’s speech about stranger danger. But those were the rules of the old world. Here in the new world they should accept help form anyone who invites it, right? After thinking it through, he nodded. “Okay, okay. This is a good start. How far away is your camp?” Carl looked down, a bit embarrassed. “I don’t know”
“Do you know the directions?” He shook his head. “Well shit, looks like were in quiet a pickle huh?” She smiled at him, trying to ease him. “I don’t know this area, never been here before. So, I say we head in one direction and hope for the best. What do you think?” He nodded. “Great! Lets go then!”
And so they started to wander. (Y/N) in front, with Carl a meter behind. “Sooo, do you have a favourite movie or something?” He just stared at her. “What! Come on, were going to be stuck with each other for a while, might as well get to know each other”. After a minute of silence, he spoke. “Iron Man”
“That’s a good movie! Mine is probably that or Pride and Prejudice”. Carl scrunched up his nose almost in disgust. “But that’s so girly! All they do is talk about their feelings and kiss!” She looked back at him, offended by his remarks. “And!? It’s a great love story that is still relevant to this day” She played up her offence more hoping it would make him laugh. It did. “Its still so girly” He said between giggles. “Never mind, were is the nearest walker. I’m feeding you to it” (Y/N)’s giggling was now a full on laughter. “Nooo!” Carl was laughing too. (Y/N) was relieved he was laughing, afraid the incident had traumatized him badly.
Back at the farm, panic was settling inn as no one knew were Carl was. “Who was the last to see him?” Rick asked the group. “I saw him after breakfast” Andrea spoke up, she and Carol was comforting Lori, who was having a full blown break down. “He probably went out looking for Sophia alone” All looked to Shane. “I’m mean why else would he suddenly leave”.
“I think your right, but he is still healing from the gun wound, he wouldn’t get far. And if a walker got him, he wouldn’t have much fight in him”.
“My baby!” Lori cried out in agony. “We need to send out search groups, he couldn’t have gone far”. Everyone agreed with Rick. “And with some luck we might find Sophia as well” Daryl nodded at Carol. She smiled back.
The sun had set and the night was creeping closer. (Y/N) had set up an alert system around the small camp they built for the night. Barb wire around them with empty cans tied up. They would rattle if a walker came close and waking them up. It was how (Y/N) had been sleeping every night.
“Go to sleep, I’ll look out for walkers” (Y/N) said leaned back against a tree. She had laid down her sleeping bag that he could use. “I wont fall asleep” Carl complained. “Try”.
“Can you tell me a story” She looked at him weird. “Aren’t you a bit old for fairy tales?”
“Not fairy tales, stories about your life, from before this?” She still looked at him weirdly. “My mom used to tell me stories from her collage days so I could fall asleep when I was younger. Can you please?” When he looked at her with those poppy eyes, (even though it was hard to see with only their small campfire as a light source), who could say no?
“Okay kid, one story than you go to sleep. Deal?” He nodded “What do you want to know?”
“You are engaged right, how was the proposal?” She giggled at the memory but started to tell about the best day of her life:
“Daryl! What are we doing here?” She was a bit frustrated as the redneck pulled her along the streets. It was midday and pretty damn hot. She pulled down her dress skirt as the wind picked up. “Have some patience’ damn woman” She giggled at his bruteness. One of the things she loved about the man, one of many. When they stopped in front of a new bookshop, he could see the hearts in her eyes. “I dint know they opened a new bookshop here!” She exclaimed. “Saw it last night and thought you might like it” Lies. He had known they were opening here for the past month, doing everything in his power to make sure you dint know. They actually had opening night a week ago.
Now it was her turn to drag him along. It surprised her to see the shop empty, seeing as the streets were pretty full. But she didn’t think much of it. Running between shelves after shelves, the one book in hand turning into two, than four and now finally six books. But when she turned around, all the books fell too the floor. Because there before her was her lovely boyfriend, down on one knee with a ring between his fingers. “Oh my god” She whispered into the silent shop. As if on cue, the speakers played her favourite song.
“(Y/N) (L/N), you are the love of my life. And I just want to be your man’ for the rest of your life. And, shit you know I aint’ good with my emotions, but when I’m with ya’ it seems so easy. Shit, I’m messing it all up” He was stumbling over his own words, clearly forgetting a pre-rehearsed speech. “no, please continue” tears were forming in her eyes. “I love ya’ (Y/N), my Sunshine. You book crazy mad woman. I love everything about ya’. So, will ya’ marry me?” He was ready for a rejection, ready to see her walk out of his life forever. But she didn’t.
“Yes, yes, yes, yes, a million times yes” Tears were streaming down her face. He stood up and kissed her. His arm wrapping around her waist, bending her down a bit so he could kiss her more passionately. Like in the movies. They only broke off so he could slip the ring on her finger, it fit her perfectly.
“Did he rent out the bookshop?” Carl asked, clearly very invested. “Yeah, cost him way too much, but he didn’t care. That idiot was never good with money” She giggled at the memories. “What about after, what did you guys do?”
“Nah nah nah, the deal was one story than you go to sleep. I can tell you more tomorrow”. Carl huffed in annoyance but turned around in the sleeping bag. “Good night”
“Good night Carl”.
“Rick, it’s been a whole night! Where is he?” Lori was completely lost; she hadn’t slept all night. To worried about where her son was. “What if his trapped, oh god! What if those walkers got him?”
“We can’t think like that! He is fine. He has to be” Rick did everything he could to try and look confident and comfort his wife, but the worry was eating him up as well. The same thoughts were running through his head as well. Those terrible images of his baby boy being ripped apart by the walkers.
“Okay, open your mouth” Carl did as instruct and tried to catch the berry she threw into his mouth. She missed, but only with an inch! “You suck!” Carl teased her. “Hey! I’m not the one with a tiny mouth!” She teased back. “Alright, lets start walking big man”. He nodded and helped her clean up the camp. “Can I ask a question?” The boy asked as they continued to walk. “Sure”
“What happened between you and your fiancée? Why aren’t you together now?”
She took a deep breath. “When the outbreak happened, we weren’t together. He was off god know where with his brother, probably bailing him out or something-” Carl looked at her questioning, “That’s another story. But yeah, we weren’t together. I was at campus and that turned into a mess, I lots a lot of friends there. Mass panic and everybody evacuated. I and a couple of other students bunkered up a dorm room. Living of the instant noodles and beer we found. That lasted maybe 4 days. So, we left and split off, I wanted to go into the woods, where he would be and the rest wanted to go to back to Atlanta. And since than I have been looking for him. Living in the woods like a mad man.” Tears started to form in her eyes when she relived the horrible times at the campus.
“Sorry I asked”. He looked down. “Its alright” She smiled at him. “What were you studying?”
“Heh, literature. Not much help in the apocalypse, I guess”.
“Than how did you learn to use the bow and hunt?”
“He taught me” She smiled at the memory, and thanked him desperately for teaching her:
“Why do I need to learn this? I live in the city, I will never hunt or live in the woods!” Daryl just scuffed at her and placed the bow he bought in her hands. He had brought her out to the woods after her classes to teach her hunting. “ya’ need to be able to fend for yourself and feed yourself” She just looked him with a raise brow, but eventually gave in. “Fine, fine. Teach me”. A smirk played out on his face, happy with his little victory. Truth be told, he needed to know that you could fend for yourself and be independent, in and out of the city. It eased him at night, in a weird way. “Why cant I learn the crossbow like you?”
“First bow, than crossbow. Alright Sunshine’”
Shoooo! The arrow flew through the air and hit the squirl in the head. “Score!” (Y/N) exclaimed. She fastened the squirrel two her belt, joining the five others she had shot. “We eating good tonight!” Carl looked at the squirrels with a lot of scepticisms. “What? Don’t tell me you’re a picky eater”
“No, it just looks so weird like that” They bickered back and front while they walked in the direction, they thought the farm was inn. They had changed their direction a couple of times, hoping to get closer and see sign of life.
They had spent the entire day walking, and as the night came closer they found a spot to camp up. Carl set up the wires while (Y/N) started a fire to cook the squirrels. While they ate, Carl told her about his family and the people they were in the camp with. “What the hell! You got shot?!”
“Yeah!” Carl had a proud grin on his face, finally having something that made him look cool. “Shit, man your tougher than me if you can bounce back like that”. He laughed and continued to brag about the experience. It was a nice conversation. He talked a bunch about his family, mostly about his dad. Clearly his hero. But than he mentioned a familiar name.
“Wait! Daryl? Daryl with a crossbow?” Carl just nodded. “Does he have a west with angel wings? Brother named Merle?” When Carl nodded again. Tears started to from in her eyes. She was going to be reunited with Daryl, her Daryl. He was alive. That night when Carl finally fell asleep, her mind wandered to all the amazing memories with the man.
It was cold in the room. The window was wide open and letting the moonshine lighting up the small bedroom. (Y/N) and Daryl was huddled together for warmth on the bed. It had been an long night. From a failed date after the place Daryl wanted to take her to was closed, she got catcalled which ended up with her having to drag Daryl of the stranger. And when they got home, he showed her his scars. She was the first romantic partner he had ever shown. The night ended with their naked, sweaty bodies pressed together, while both worked to please the other. It was their first night together, her first night with anyone. When they lied down together basking in the aftermath of their climax, it was one of the happiest times in her life. He wrapped his arms around her and puller her on top of him. Her head resting on his chest, with his arms wrapped around her, caressing her back with one hand, the other squeezing her thigh. “I love ya Sunshine”.
“(Y/N)! Wake up!” Carl shook her awake. “What’s happening” She immediately reached for her bow and charged it ahead of her, ready to attack any enemy that threatened them. “I can see the farm!” The night had made it harder to see a head of them, but now that the sun was lighting up the world, they could see the farm a head of them. (Y/N) realised her bow and the breath she was holding. They packed up the camp at record time, both wanting to reach the farm as quickly as possible. The walk over to the farm was quiet. When they reached the outcast of the woods, a voice stopped them from going any further.
“Well, well, well, look at that. Do you guys see this fine piece of ass” A man walked out from behind a tree with a gun raised at them both. Three other guys came out, all with their weapons raised. “Sure do boss. Haven’t seen a woman this fine in what feels like ages. I’m just aching to be inside of her”.
(Y/N) placed herself protectively in front of Carl. “What do you guys want? Our food, weapons? You can have that, just leave us alone” Her voice trembled a little afraid of what they will do to them. “Oh, we don’t need your left overs or those teeth pickers you call knifes, no baby. We want something different” He grabbed his crotch when he said the last part. “Carl, run”.
“What? I cant leave-” “Carl! Run!” One of the guys tackled her down. Holding her down on the ground. “Get the kid” The boss said to the guy closest to Carl. “RUN!” She shouted before her mouth was covered. Carl finally ran away, when the guy ordered to catch him started to run after him.
When he made it out of the forest and ran across the fields to the farm, he started to shout out for help. “MOM! DAD!”.
“Do you guys hear that?” Glenn asked the group as they sat around planning the move for the day. “That’s Carl” Lori ran towards the field and saw her son running across it being chased by a stranger.
“Carl!” All the guys saw it too and started to run to Carl. The guy chasing him, saw the men running towards him and turned around to warn the others. “Carl!” Rick finally got to hug his son after being missing for 3 days. But the hug was cut short when Carl pushed free. “We need to head back, (Y/N), the girl that helped me is back there and the guys are attacking her!” He pulled his fathers hand and started to move back to the woods, but Daryl stopped him.
“(Y/N), as in (Y/N) (L/N)?” When Carl nodded Daryl took off and ran towards the forest. The others followed, but this time Carl was pushed back behind them. When they got closer they could hear her voice yelling for them to get off. They reached the area Daryl did not hesitate to shoot the guys around her, holding her down while the main guy was cutting up her clothes. When she got her hands free, she leaped on the last guy and grabbed her knife they had forgotten to remove from her belt. When he was pushed to the ground she didn’t hesitate to stab him in the chest. She didn’t stop after one, two three or four. Blood splashed on her face and torned shirt. Her hands were covered in blood.
Rick took a step forward, but stepped on a twig that snaped in two. She leaped up and raised the knife up, ready to protect herself against another attacker. But when she saw Daryl standing there, she dropped the knife. Sobs wracked through her body and she took a stumbling step forward. Daryl closed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around her waist. He didn’t care that she was covered in blood, just happy that she was safe. She was alive.
Her knees buckled and she fell down, taking him with her. They were both on their knees holding each other and crying into each other’s necks. Right now, nobody else mattered. Not Rick, Glenn or Shane who was staring at the scene in front of them. Not the bodies of her attackers lying around them. No one. Only them as they held each other for the first time. It seemed as Carl had led her back to her family just as much as she had helped him back to his.
A/N: Part 2 is out! You can read it here : Part 2
Please ignore any spelling mistakes as English is not my first language :) 
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storiesbyjes2g · 3 years
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I had a dream about Hunter. We played together like we used to and went for long walks, but he followed me everywhere. I found him at work, the maker's space, and everywhere I took my children. He never engaged and remained in the periphery. He even kept watch even as I slept like a guardian angel. I guess I just miss him a lot. Shiloh too. I think it's definitely time for another dog. Because the children may live here soon, I'll get them involved in the decision-making process.
After work that night, I met my kids at the same restaurant from our first weekend together. I think this Friday night dine-out thing is quickly becoming a habit. I don't mind, and the kids' certainly do not.
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Luca was texting furiously when I arrived. Heh, I remember those days when my friends and online presence were my entire world. When my parents got married, Mommy offered me an opportunity to change my last name to Crenshaw. But I was already @kiki_p everywhere. Some kids at school even called me that. I could have easily changed to @kiki_c, but the thought of changing my identity was devastating despite how much I loved my daddy and wanted to have his last name. It's crazy what's important to us at that age.
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We walked into the restaurant and waited for the host to finish making reservations for someone on the phone before requesting a table. He was incredibly handsome. Like, he had no business being that old and that fine. I'd always heard people talking about silver foxes but had never met an elderly man I found extremely attractive until now. He had such a pleasant face and looked like a genuinely nice guy. I imagined he'd never cheated on a test in school, helped old ladies cross the street, and all that stuff from the movies. Hopefully, he has a bunch of grandchildren running around because the world needs more of his genes.
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When he greeted us, I heard a familiar accent and asked if he was from Sulani, and he said yes. We spoke briefly about our histories, and it turns out he knew my mother. Of course he did. Mommy knew everyone on those islands. Talking with him, I was a bit more smiley and giggly than I wanted to be, and I felt super silly when I saw my kids making eyes at each other. I hope they don't think I want to date him or anything. I was just caught completely off guard! To make matters worse, he told me his name was Duane. That was enough to wipe that silly grin off my face. I swear the universe is dead set on me figuring out my feelings. Whoever you are up there pulling the strings, I'm doing it! Geez! I don't need to be reminded every other day!
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"We are very busy tonight," he said. "I hope outside is ok."
He seated us near the table we sat at the first time we were here. Hopefully, the weather holds up because it had been overcast all day. Thankfully, the weather in Willow Creek is still pretty mild late fall, so it wasn't too chilly.
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As soon as Duane disappeared into the restaurant, my children wasted no time hammering me with questions. I honestly didn't think they would. I figured they'd let it go and talk about it between themselves later. It's weird. I mean, I didn't mind them asking, and I'll never lie to them. I just never imagine I would discuss my feelings for another man with my children. Like, I know I'm divorced, and I've gotten used to my new normal, but now and then something happens that kinda slaps me in the face and reminds me the life I'm living is completely opposite of what I wanted for us.
"You like that guy, Mama?" Luca asked.
"Right? She was totally cheesing," Alessia said.
How embarrassing!! "Guys, chill. I just thought he was handsome. You can appreciate someone's good looks without liking them, you know."
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This conversation highlighted so many things, and dread washed over me. One day, we'll have to talk about woohoo and other things they should know. I... I can't. I don't know how I would even begin a conversation like that. Maybe Ali will talk to Luca. I hope Alessia can be patient with me.
"Did you and daddy talk about us living with you yet?" she asked.
Luca chimed in. "Yeah, what did he say?"
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"Uhh...no. Not yet. But I promise we'll talk soon."
"When?? It's soooooo boring over there!"
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Suddenly, some things became clear. I thought she lived on the monkey bars because she had so much energy and needed to expend it. But maybe she spent so much time climbing because that was literally all there was to do at Ali's house. She might not even have an interest in sports, but I'm not gonna give up on that yet.
"I know, baby. Trust me, I want you to live with me. I've always wanted that. But this is a sensitive matter, and we can't rush it. Your dad and I both love you so much, and we each want you to live with us. It's not as simple as you think."
I knew they would have 1000 more questions, but this wasn't a conversation I wanted to have in public. Luckily for me, the food came...and the rain.
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
Besties - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader ft. Kirishima
Warnings: Fluff, Crack, Good Times, BESTIE VIBES ONLY
Summary: Being Bakugou’s girlfriend, you had to get used to his jealousy. Even though you got used to it, you still chose to not deal with it and so you became close friends with the one guy he could trust. Eijirou Kirishima. Here’s how it worked out.
A/N: For the sake of the fic, Jirou and Kaminari are dating
So we all know how Bakugou and Kirishima’s friendship works but I headcanon Y/N (or this story’s version of Y/N) and Kirishima to have a friendship very VERY similar to André Harris and Tori Vega from the show, Victorious. Bakugou liked the fact that his best friend and girlfriend got along so well ESPECIALLY since he wouldn’t have to worry about other guys that Y/N would become friends with. He could trust Eijirou to stay just friends with Y/N and the friendship became ridiculously hilarious.
[Y /N] *Ripped Kirishima’s Red Riot poster* Oh Shit! *Runs to common rooms and hides in the crowd, casually talking to other friends*
[Kirishima] *Walks in* You!
[Y/N] *high pitch scream* Katsuki!
[Kirishima and Y/N] *Arguing*
[Katsuki] *Runs in* Woah, woah, woah! What the fuck is happening?!
[Kirishima] Can I talk to Y/N for a sec bro?!
[Y/N] I don’t have to talk to you about anything!
[Kirishima] Oh I think you do! *Picks Y/N up over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes*
[Y/N] Let me go! *swinging arms and legs around*
[Kirishima] Don’t make a scene, Don’t make a scene
[Y/N] Suki! Help me!
[Katsuki] *Laughing his ass off*
[Y/N] *Walking up towards Katsuki and Kirishima moving shoulders and smiling* Heyyyy~
[Katsuki] *Pulling in Y/N with one arm and pecking her temple* Hey babe
[Kirishima] What’s the big news?
[Y/N] How’d you know I had big news?
[Kirishima] ‘Cuz whenever you got big news, this is how you approach someone. *Backs up a little and re-enacts Y/N’s walk* “Heyyyy~”
[Y/N] I don’t do that when I have big news
[Katsuki] Do you have big news?
[Y/N] .....yes
[Katsuki and Kirishima] *Laughs*
[Sero] Yo Bakugou! We got extra training with Aizawa! Let’s go!
[Katsuki] Okay! Later Shitty Hair, See ya babe *pecks your lips and runs off*
[Kirishima] So what’s the big news?
[Y/N] *explains*
[Kirishima] Oh my chiz!
[Y/N] I know right! Ouu let’s go tell those guys over there! *points towards group of kids and begins to walk*
[Kirishima] Wait wait wait *pulls Y/N back* We gotta do this the right way *smiles*
[Y/N] *Smiles and Nods head*
[Kirishima and Y/N] *Walks up to group moving shoulders and smiling* Heyyyy~
[Kirishima and Y/N] *Chilling at the Kitchen Island*
[Kirishima] *frustrated with something*
[Y/N] Hey...Hey look at me
[Kirishima] Noooooo
[Y/N] Look at me
[Kirishima] *Sighs* What is it cuz I’m not in the greatest moo- *looks up at Y/N*
[Y/N] *Shoots Kirishima with Nerf Gun as he’s talking and hits him right in the middle of his forehead for the 6th time in a row* WooHooo!! Oh yeaaahhh six fa sixxxxx *does a little dance in her chair*
[Katsuki] *laying on the common room couch* BABBYYYYYYYYY
[Y/N] *Walks to Bakugou* You finally awake babe? What do you need?
[Katsuki] Can you get me some water? *baby pouts at her*
[Y/N] Heh, sure. *gets water and gives it to Katsuki*
[Katsuki] *Drinks water and goes to sleep again*
[Y/N] *Walks back to seat infront of Kirishima and gets hit with Nerf Bullet*
[Kirishima] WOMP! *puts two fist in the air in victory and then does a little dance*
[Y/N] *Softly laughs*
[Kirishima] Like that?
[Y/N] *Laughs and claps hands softly* Moreee
[Kirishima] *Laughs and stops dancing*
[Kirishima] *Busts into Common Rooms during Y/N and Bakugou’s movie night* GUYS I NEED HELP!
[Katsuki] *Pauses movie* Aren’t you supposed to be at Kiyoko’s Birthday Party?
[Kirishima] Yes! I’m supposed to be at her birthday party! I’m supposed to be her date for that party! And I’m supposed to like her! But I don’t like that spoiled girl at all! Not even a little *picks up pillow and hits the couch with it at every upcoming word* And I *hit* don’t know what *hit* to do! *hit*
[Y/N] *Offers out bowl* .....Want some Mashed Potatoes?
[Kirishima] No I don’t want any- .....Gimme da bowl *takes bowl and walks to other side*
[Y/N] Okay, why are you with this girl if you don’t even like her?!
[Kirishima] Because of her daddy *eats*
[Katsuki] Who’s her daddy?
[Kirishima] *Speaks with stuffed mouth* Hawks
[Katsuki and Y/N] What?!?!! Hawks?!?
[Kirishima] Mhm!
[Y/N] Oh my god, he’s the number 2 hero!
[Kirishima] I know that! You don’t think I know that? If that man likes me and thinks I’m good enough he could hook me up with a spot in his agency as an intern. Why else do you think I’m dating his grumped up, crazy faced daughter?!
[Y/N] *stares in shock* that is terrible!
[Kirishima] I know! That’s why I’m upset! *takes spoonful bite of mashed potatoes* ‘Cuz I know, what I’m doing is wrong! 😭 .....are these potatoes hand mashed?
[Y/N] Yeah, why?
[Kirishima] They’re lumpy
[Y/N] *stares in offense*
[Kirishima] If you gon hand mash em, you gotta get up in there! Get out them lumps! *sadly uses fork to mash up potatoes even more*
[Kirishima] *Banging on Y/N’s dorm room door at 4 in the morning*
[Y/N] *Tiredly getting out of Bakugou’s arms and opening the door* Kiri?
[Kirishima] Did you get my texts?!
[Y/N] Yes, why do you think I’m standing here at 4 in the morning?
[Kirishima] I’m tripping out Y/N! I’m tripping out!!😭
[Y/N] *sighs* Alright, just come in
[Katsuki] *Wakes up* Ugh shitty hair, whats your deal?
[Kirishima] *frantically walks through the door* Go make coco!
[Y/N] I’m not making coco! *shuts door*
[Kirishima] ARGHHH-OWWW *rubs his temples as he flops onto Y/N’s bed at Katsuki’s feet*
[Katsuki] Geez man *tiredly rubs face*
[Y/N] What is wrong with you?
[Kirishima] *hesitates* I-...I think I’m in love with Jirou
[Katsuki and Y/N] *Eyes go wide and jaws drop*
[Y/N] *slowly shaking head up and down*...I’ll go make the coco... *stares as Kirishima in shock as she backs up to the door slowly*
[Kirishima] *Mouthing “I don’t know” with distressed look and shrugged shoulders*
[Y/N] *slowly but quickly leaves dorm room*
*Timeskip - Bakugou, Y/N, and Kirishima are all sitting on Y/N’s bed with their backs against the wall holding cups of coco*
[Y/N] You think you’re in love?....With Jirou?
[Kirishima] ....I think so..
[Katsuki] Okay, what happened tonight?
[Kirishima] I don’t know..we were just in gym gamma, working together, all night, and then we took a break and she played music and started singing and I sang with her. Then she showed me a song she’s been working on and I offered to help and then she started singing again and she just looked so...pretty and sweet
[Y/N] Okay but dude, you can’t love Jirou!
[Kirishima] You think I don’t know that?! Kaminari is one of my best friends and I would never try and move in on a friend’s girl. Uh-Uh, I don’t play that way.
[Katsuki] Good! So just..forget about this-
[Kirishima] I CANT! ARGH-OW *distressfully rubs temples*
[Y/N] Well why can’t you?
[Kirishima] Alright, you see. Ever since I was little I could never hold my emotions in. I could never keep my feelings inside, even if I want to, I just can’t. I always had to be honest with myself and let it out. Or else I get wonky in the head! *Rubs temples*
[Y/N] Okay-
[Kirishima] I- *broken sobs*
[Y/N] Okay-
[Kirishima] Argh- *broken sobs*
[Y/N] *Rubbing Kiri’s shoulder* Shhh-
[Kirishima] I don’t even- *broken sobs and shaking head*
[Y/N] Shhh. Listen. I don’t think you’re in love with Jirou.
[Kirishima] You don’t?
[Y/N] No. You guys were just there..together..alone, late. And you were tired.
[Kirishima] Yeah..tired, we were tired. That’s true.
[Y/N] And you guys were listening to music and singing songs..and so you felt emotional.
[Kirishima] Yeah! I did!
[Y/N] But by tomorrow, you’ll be fine again!
[Kirishima] Yeah! I bet I will!
[Katsuki, Y/N, and Kirishima] *Slowly raises coco cups to their mouths to take a sip simultaneously*
[Kirishima] This coco is good!
[Y/N] *Nodding her head* It’s from Belgium.
[Kirishima] Must be why
[Y/N] *Nodding her head* Mhm
[Katsuki, Y/N, and Kirishima] *All simultaneously taking another sip*
[Katsuki] .....Shitty hair..
[Kirishima] ...Yeah bro?
[Katsuki] ....Get out so I can cuddle my girlfriend and go to sleep
[Kirishima] .....Okay bro
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osakaso5 · 3 years
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Torao Mido RabbiTube Rabbit TV Part 1: Spending Time With Torao
Part 2 | Part 3
Staff: ...And that's the general outline of the RabbiTube project.
Staff: Re:vale, as well as IDOLiSH7 and TRIGGER, have all participated in it thus far...
Staff: ...So we're very happy to have ŹOOĻ on board now. I hope you're as excited for this as we are!
Momo: Yeah, we're really happy to do more of these with ŹOOĻ!
Yuki: You guys have tons of potential.
Toma Inumaru: .......! Yessir! We'll do our best!
Toma Inumaru: Right, guys!?
Torao Mido: Hey, what does he mean by our "potential"..?
Minami Natsume: I believe he's referring to our ability to do variety projects.
Haruka Isumi: What do they care about that stuff..?
Toma Inumaru: G-guys! It won’t be  that bad, plus it's getting us more  work with industry veterans like Re:vale...
Momo: What, do you boys not like variety?
Yuki: I like watching you eat lots of food on camera, Minami-kun.
Minami Natsume: Do you now? I'm honored to hear that.
Haruka Isumi: Minami can eat tons.
Torao Mido: You're not gonna put me in a pen with more wild animals, are you?
Momo: Nyahaha! Nope. But we do wanna see you in your natural habitat.
Haruka Isumi: Our natural habitat...
Yuki: Your usual coolness is very charming, of course.
Momo: All that animal handling, and mass eating, and even bungee jumping... It was so nice to see what kind of other faces you can make!
Yuki: We want more of that, basically. Make your fans go crazy.
ŹOOĻ: ........
Toma Inumaru: ...Yes, we'll do our best!
Torao Mido: I'm certainly good at driving the ladies wild.
Haruka Isumi: So we're not just supposed to complete challenges, we also need to drive our fans wild...
Minami Natsume: ...I feel like we'll be tackling this RabbiTube project very differently from everything else we've done.
Re:vale: Let's have a fun year.
ŹOOĻ: Thanks for having us! 
- - - -
Toma Inumaru: Hey, you guys watch all the other RabbiTubes yet?
Haruka Isumi: Well, kinda...
Torao Mido: I've seen parts of the ones you've been watching, from over your shoulder.
Minami Natsume: I have yet to see all of them, as well.
Shiro Utsugi: ...That won't do.
ŹOOĻ: Whoa!?
Toma Inumaru: Y-you startled us. How long have you been there?
Shiro Utsugi: I got here just now.
Haruka Isumi: Is this guy some kinda spy or what..?
Shiro Utsugi: Seeing as you've agreed to do this job, you're going to have to watch every single RabbiTube.
Shiro Utsugi: As wonderful and exciting as your usual fanservice is... You need to learn how to act natural, as well.
Shiro Utsugi: That's all I ask of you.
Minami Natsume: ...Act natural... That seems to be the one thing we've all been avoiding.
Torao Mido: ...Yeah, I guess so. Maybe we're just trying to live out all the stuff we couldn't do before.
Haruka Isumi: I thought it'd be simpler than this. ...Do you think we'll be fine?
Toma Inumaru: The way ŹOOĻ is now, I know we will.
Haruka Isumi: Toma...
Shiro Utsugi: I agree. Now then, time to have an all night RabbiTube marathon!
ŹOOĻ: Yessir..! 
- - - -
Torao Mido: Ah, that movie poster...
Torao Mido: ...I didn't know this had come out already. Man, I wanna go see it...
Gaku Yaotome: Hey, Mido.
Torao Mido: Gaku Yaotome...
Gaku Yaotome: Oh, are you interested in that movie too?
Torao Mido: Uh, not really. It just happened to catch my eye.
Gaku Yaotome: ...Hmm...
Yuki: Oh, if it isn't Gaku-kun and Torao-kun. Hello there.
Yamato Nikaido: You guys had business at this studio, too?
Gaku Yaotome: Hello. What are you two doing here?
Yuki: Filming yet another short drama together.
Gaku Yaotome: Nice.
Yamato Nikaido: No, not nice. My role's crazy difficult... Anyway, what were you guys talking about?
Torao Mido: Nothing, really... We just bumped into each other.
Gaku Yaotome: ...Mido wants to go see this movie.
Torao Mido: Wha..!?
Yuki: Ah, that one. I know the director personally, so I was planning to go see it, too.
Yamato Nikaido: Oh yeah, that guy...
Gaku Yaotome: Are you all free after this?
Yuki: Heh. I am.
Yamato Nikaido: Me too.
Torao Mido: H-hold on, Yaotome. I don't like where this is going.
Gaku Yaotome: What? If we're all free, then let's go see it. Or is that a problem for you?
Torao Mido: Not exactly, but... I thought you were only this forceful with women.
Torao Mido: At least Ryunosuke knows how to take it easy...
Gaku Yaotome: Yeah, Ryu's a pretty great guy, isn't he? ...And what do you mean, "forceful"? You're making me sound like some kind of weirdo.
Yamato Nikaido: Wait, so are we just gonna get together to talk about how great Tsunashi-san is?
Yuki: Sounds good to me.
Torao Mido: Does it..?
Gaku Yaotome: No, like I said, I wanna go see this movie with you.
Yuki: Oh. Well, that sounds good, too.
Gaku Yaotome: ...What about Izumi  Senior? Is he working? I thought I’d ask  him too, since he's a big movie buff.
Torao Mido: Y-you're inviting more people!?
Yamato Nikaido: Sorry, but Mitsu's got a shoot that won't end until pretty late.
Gaku Yaotome: Oh... That's too bad.
Gaku Yaotome: C'mon, Mido. Let's get going!
Torao Mido: You've got to be kidding me...
Yamato Nikaido: I know we're probably  not your ideal movie dates or anything...  But you do like films, don't you?
Yuki: And you're free. Just come with us.
Torao Mido: ........
- - - -
Torao Mido: ...And that final scene where he comes to their rescue was really exciting!
Yuki: Right. As corny as it was...
Yamato Nikaido: Apparently it was cheesy on purpose, since that kind of writing has been popular lately.
Gaku Yaotome: I liked how simple it was, and the fact that they didn't end the movie with a sequel hook.
Yamato Nikaido: You've got some weird priorities, man...
Torao Mido: I know what you mean. It was so good!
Yamato Nikaido: What!?
Torao Mido: I get that they want to draw out the suspence sometimes, but I hate it when there's a sudden twist right at the end, and then you have to wait for a sequel.
Torao Mido: What's the merit in making people wait for a sequel that might not even come out for another year or two..?
Gaku Yaotome: And sometimes those sequels get cancelled and the story gets left unfinished.
Torao Mido: Exactly... There's this one series I liked where that happened, and...
Yamato & Yuki: ........
Yuki: These two are hitting it off a lot better than I expected.
Yamato Nikaido: I-I know, right... I had no idea Mido could be so chatty...
Yuki: I like him this way. I'm sure his RabbiTube will be very interesting.
Yamato Nikaido: Oh, right. Mido's the first member of ŹOOĻ to go...
Torao Mido: Hey, mister! Can you bring us some champagne?
Gaku Yaotome: A place like this isn't gonna serve champagne, stupid.
Torao Mido: Really..? I thought we could discuss the movie some more over drinks.
Yamato Nikaido: How do you feel about beer, Mido?
Torao Mido: I don't mind it, but I don't drink it too often, either.
Gaku Yaotome: You ever had the stuff that's mixed with cola?
Torao Mido: What's that..?
Yuki: Ah, that beer can be pretty nice every now and then.
Gaku Yaotome: Right!?
Gaku Yaotome: ...Here.
Torao Mido: ...It's so dark...
Yamato Nikaido: Just give it a sip!
Torao Mido: ...Okay, I will. Ah... this is really good..!
Gaku & Yamato: I know, right!?
Yuki: It looks like you've found yet another common interest.
Gaku Yaotome: I'm really glad we got to have a drink together.
Yamato Nikaido: We've got this movie club that Mitsu's also in, and we get together for watch parties sometimes.
Yamato Nikaido: Wanna join?
Torao Mido: ...Huh..?
Yuki: We've been looking for new members, anyhow.
Yuki: If we don't get some fresh blood, I'll get bored of watching the same old stuff these guys bring in.
Gaku Yaotome: Hey, that's not very nice, Yuki-san!
Yamato Nikaido: He's got a point, though... We've been stuck in a rut lately... And we could really use a breath of fresh air from you, Mido.
Torao Mido: Haha... A "breath of fresh air"?
Torao Mido: Fine. I'll give you my list of recommendations later. Watch them and let me know what you thought.
Gaku Yaotome: Alright!
Torao Mido: ...My natural self... 
End of Part 1.
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simpz-art-stash · 3 years
Late beginnings
Summary: Mac goes out for a drink, and happens upon some advice he takes into consideration about his skewered relationship with Wukong. Before finally taking some action to mend the long burnt bridge. (Author’s note: I barely did any beta reading for this so if it’s worded strangely that’s just how I write without the normal filter on. I’m country so HOWDY) Next Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The night was late, but he didn’t care, he might as well have been nocturnal with the way his whole life revolved around the whole stereotype of shadows and shit. He’d walked into a bar he’d passed through a few times before, donning his human disguise of course beforehand, and walked in without sparing anyone else a glance. Before planting his rear in one of the stools seated at the front bar, ordering a drink to get the night started. “I’m really looking forward to seeing that new Monkey King movie with the trailer they just released. You saw it too right?? The whole style of the film is on par with their most recent game- OH, you think they’re gonna make a game of it?? I bet you they wiiiill!~” Ugh, great, just what he’d come here to avoid.
Mac’s eyes glanced to the blabbermouth boasting about whatever new movie was being made about his ex, to see two girls residing a ways down near the other end of the bar a few seats away from him. Both looking to have had a fair night themselves already if any of the cups and plates hanging around their spot was anything to go by. “Probably. I hope it’s better than last game that came out on the Brick 360, the bugs in that thing were gross to deal with.” Their friend commented back. Before looking down at their phone and claiming that it was getting late and that they had to go. “Yeah I’ll see ya Monday!” The chick waved their friend off a lazy farewell after they’d paid their bill before going back to their drink, now taking less tedious sips as the mood seemed to smooth out from their conversation prior. “I see someone’s a pretty big fan of that ol’ man.” Macaque piped up from where he sat, earning the attention of the stranger he’d directed his comment towards. “The Monkey King yeah?” Sparks danced in the chick’s eyes at the recognition of the name, before the stranger perked up and beamed a smile back at him, “You betcha! I’m a total nerd for that legend.” ‘A legend, hah.’ “S’the whole reason I moved to China in the first place.” She jabbed a thumb at her chest, “All the way from America!” Mac whistled, “That’s a pretty far leap to take, even for a legend. What, you hopin’ you’ll get the chance to see em’ or somethin’?” He sneered, taking his glass and lazily swirling it in his hand. “I wish!” She laughed, “Nah I mostly just moved here for work. If anything though it’s cuz a them for where I am now. I’d never even heard of him till about five years ago!” Mac blinked, lowering his drink from his lips, “You’re joking…”
“Not at all! No one hardly knows the story back home. Only reason I found out was cuz I just started gettin’ into anything monkey-related as a hobby.” She pointed at him, “Don’t laugh either, it’s a wildly popular standpoint to have these days online.” Mac quirked a brow at that, he’d hardly touched the internet these days save for whenever he needed some quick info on something he couldn’t find elsewhere. He held his hands up, “Hey I ain’t judging…” He smirked a little to betray the look that he totally was though. It was kinda funny how ironic it was him being there right then. She squinted at him, “Anyways...Yeah, I’d seen stuff of him online, but I’d never paid much attention to it up until recently.” “What made you change your mind?” Mac boredly probed, taking a sip. She simply shrugged, “I was in a dark headspace, guy made me laugh.” He paused, “Wait, seriously??” “I mean have you HEARD half the crazy shit he’s done??” ‘Babe I’ve LIVED through half the shit he’s done.’ “Like, literally, the guy is HILARIOUS. My favorite story out of them all being one where he literally tricked THREE taoist immortals into drinking his own piss!!” She burst out laughing while Mac choked on his drink a little, not having expected to hear that of all things. Sure he’d heard a few of the shenanigan’s his peaches had gotten up to throughout his journey to the west but he’d never heard that one before. Nor had he the patience to read through all that mess of context that had been published either. “Ahhh man, it still gets me…” The chick sighed with a few leftover laughs as she wiped a tear from her eye. “What about you? What’s your favorite story?” She asked. And suddenly Mac felt like he’d been put on the spot as he stared back at her. “Come ooon, surely there’s one that’s gotten your gut rolling.” She pried. ‘Plenty, but there ain’t no way in hell I’d tell a soul.’ “Bahh...there ain’t the first one that comes to mind that I’d like. Honestly I’m not even much of a fan.” He waved his hand dismissively. “Whaaat?? Aw come on! There’s tons of cool n’ funny stories!” “Heh..can’t imagine what you find so charming about a guy who’s too good for his own friends.” Mac spitefully twacked himself mentally for spewing something so personal like that out. Ugh, and he hadn’t even finished half his drink yet… The chick sitting to his left seemed to tilt her head a little before she squinted at him. Her silence being what brought his attention from his drink to her as he blinked back with a quirked brow. “What?” “Your eyes, they’re like raging storm clouds.” She pointed out. He blinked, not really sure how to feel about that. The only one who’d ever really pointed that out to him before was… “...So?” “Nothing!...” She shrugged, turning back away towards her own drink as if no conversation at all had happened between them. Whatever...he had his fill of shit to drink to either way. The night might’ve been late but he was just getting started. “He makes me laugh though.” She pointed out, earning her a glance. “All his stories n’ stuff. If there was ever a man I’d want, it’d be one who could always make me laugh.” “Hmph, not one for strength?” He took a long sip. Ignoring the bitterness of others fawning over someone he’d come to love before he’d gotten so popular. “Strength is fine n’ all, but it can only take a relationship so far..you gotta have more pieces to put in that crockpot of a relationship if you wanna make it taste good. Stuff like patience, honesty, a little bit of everything to help it all come together to make it juuuuust right.” “Hm…” “It can’t be all just you putting the stuff in there either, it’s gotta be a contribution from both gardens. Otherwise you’ll just barren your lands and be left with nothing to spare yourself or others in your life with.” She glanced at Mac, “Relationships are tricky like that, but they should always be a 50/50 split~” She winked. That...actually sounded like pretty sound advice. Something he’d heard a little here and there before but never so simply laid out. Though it made sense from his standpoint, fairness n’ all that. But he’d been that way with Wukong before and it had never worked out, all the bickering and such, so what had gone wrong? “Can I...ask you something?” Mac inquired. “Shoot.” “What’re your thoughts on..a relationship that seemed fine, but then the other changed so much that everything about it fell apart?” “Mmm...care to sprinkle in a lil more context?” The chick eyed him. Mac’s face scrunched up a little, no idea why he was asking some random mortal for relationship advice of all things. “Hey man. We’re both probably never gonna meet again after tonight, so if you’ve got skeletons in your closet, your best place to let em’ out is here. Bartenders are known for being the most well kept secret keepers in all the world after all~” She winked at the bartender in question who simply looked the other way with a look that might’ve suggested such a fact as truth. “Hm…” Ah screw it, “Alright alright…” He sighed and put his drink down, “There’s..someone. We used to be real close, we were strong together but then uh..shit got real and he had to go deal with it. But when he came back he uh, wasn’t the same as before, an I might’ve sorta assumed he was cheating on me so…so we kinda fell out.” The chick nodded, “Ahh..the classic misunderstanding of change and cheating, a tale as old as time.” She seemed to hum a moment before she turned from where she was seated, if not to hop down off her stool and plop down on the one right up next to him. “Uh-” “Shhh, lemme see those eyes.” She squinted, leaning in and staring deep into his. It’d would’ve been really unnerving if she hadn’t said anything about them before, now he was a lil put off that he might’ve been asking a witch of all things for advice… “Right. Well, at least you feel bad about it. So there’s that.” He blinked and his brows furrowed, “Wh- of course I feel bad about it, it was his fault-” He suddenly had a finger pressed to his lips. “Nope! Nooononono, you do not get to throw all the blame elsewhere like that sweetheart. There ain’t no way in hell you’re gettin’ a second chance with them if you keep that up.” She pulled her hands back. His face scrunched up and he found himself crossing his arms, if he had his tail out it would’ve been irritably swaying behind him right then at just how annoyed he was getting at this weird lady and her words. “Oh yeah? An what do you think’s best then huh?” “I dunno if you’d be up for that kinda challenge…” She idly fiddled with an imaginative piece of lint off her sleeve, which only seemed to irritate Mac further at the thought of him not being able to handle Wukong of all people. Like sure he’d gotten his ass handed to him before but he could still hold his own! “Try me.” The chick glanced back at him with a smirk, which caught him off guard for a second before he shot her a glare back. “Alright, but it’s definitely not gonna be as quick or easygoing of a recovery as you might hope it’ll be. Nor is there even a chance of you recovering it in the first place. But, you at least got that spark enough to try so who am I to deny?” ‘Hmpt, dam right I got a spark.’
“First of all, no more blaming, if you’re gonna tackle this properly, you gotta do yourselves a favor an quit it with the blame placing. Sure it’s easy, but it ain’t gonna get you nowhere but back to square one. It’s all in the past, the now is now. So push forward to fix it and put it behind you two so you can focus on the more important things.” “Easier said than done…” “Hey man, even if they don’t follow the same ruleset at first you could always work things out to make it one later on. I’m just tellin’ ya right now so you won’t just go diggin’ yourself a deeper hole.” Honestly at this point he was pretty much six feet down under, death to him would’ve been a mercy right then. “Fine…” He rolled his eyes. “Next up, apologizing…” -----------~----------- “I thought I told you to stay off my island.” Mac didn’t really glance back from where he stood high up on one of the breathtaking ledges that which Flower Fruit Mountain bolstered. His arms crossed, eyes sternly held against the leftover warmth of the late afternoon sun as it shifted the skies hues from blue to blood red. Hopefully that would be the only tinge of red the Mountain would see after today. “I know.” “What, no witty remark? Give me one good reason-” “I just wanted to talk.” Mac stated plainly. “Why the hell should I give you the chance?” “...” Mac wasn’t sure if he could come up with a good enough reason after the shitshow he’d caused him the last few centuries, most recent being his spat with him between MK. “I’m sorry.” That seemed to catch the king off guard, as he paused in his vicious glare to stare at the other. “Excuse me??” “I’m.Sorry.” Mac turned finally to Wukong, that look of fiery malice having softened immensely upon meeting their eyes. “I was wrong for what I did and I’m sorry.” Wukong’s face looked like it had had a stroke with how frozen in place it was, almost like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Hurting everyone around you just to get back at you, I was wrong for doing that. And I just wanted to apologize.” Mac’s face twisted a little, the words coming out a little rougher than he’d liked, but he’d managed to get three steps in so far… “If you think a few sorry’s are gonna be enough to make up for all that crap then you gotta nother’ thing comin Mac.” Wukong finally shook off the surprise and crossed his arms with a steely gaze. “Nah I know they ain’t worth shit with as long as it's been...which it’s been..a really, really long time come to think of it..nearly 3000 years…” Fucking yikes. “What’s your point?...” Wukong raised a brow at him. “My point is...my point..” What was his point? To make amends and hope they’d get back together? To go back to the way things were? That couldn’t be done with the way things were now. Wukong had a successor, a moral compass, a lotta shit that Mac didn’t. A lotta shit that he wanted but never could figure out how to get his own. His face scrunched up a little and he sighed, “I..just wanted to make things right.” “Oh-hoh? After so long you finally decided to admit you were at fault? Sorry Mac, but it’s waaaay too late for that.” Wukong huffed, “Honestly, this is probably just another one of your stupid tricks if anything. The old Macaque would never throw himself down like that.” “Well maybe I’ve changed!” Mac exclaimed suddenly, his temper flaring a bit as his eyes flashed lightning. “3000 years later? As if…” Wukong rolled his eyes and turned away, “You’ve still got that same look in your eyes you always do whenever we fight. Do me a favor and just keep away from the hot springs this time yeah? The last time you were here you sent a whole dam boulder over there and smashed half the pools.” He waved his hand dismissively. “And I happen to take my once a month bath’s very seriously.” Mac’s nostrils flared a little at just how flamboyant Wukong was acting towards him and his attempt to make amends. How he just saw his attempt as a joke and nothing more, it pissed him off. Wukong had changed and everyone had accepted him, well not everyone, but still, why couldn’t the same be for him? Had he really fooled himself into believing that there was a chance he and Wukong could be together again? His shoulders slumped a little. Of course, who was he kidding. A 3000 year old pit of grudges wasn’t about to just up and disappear at the wave of a white flag. This was Wukong, the same guy who still playfully pestered the gods and demons around him for past conflicts that had happened between them. -----------~----------- “But you can’t just go, ‘ooo I’m so sorry for what I did.’ Nah, you gotta follow the five steps.” The chick claimed. “Yeesh, this a learning course now?” Mac tilted his head to the side. “It is if you wanna make things right.” She claimed matter a factly. “The five steps have never failed me before and have worked wonders for any an all my relationships. Might not quite have the same range of effect you’re going for but it’ll at least be a good start.” “Heh, you got the guts to back up that case?” Mac sneered. “I will if you don’t manage to screw it up.” The chick pointed out. “The five steps go as follows.” - express sorrow (I’m sorry) - own guilt (I was wrong) - name specific wrongs (I did X) - name impact (I hurt you) “And finally...” -----------~----------- “What can I do to prove myself to you?” Macaque asked finally. “What can I do to at least make it to where we can..not fight anymore..and just talk?...” Wukong stood there for a long moment, his features unreadable as their silence was muffled by the wind bellowing between them both from being so high up. “You really are serious about this aren’t you?...” Wukong’s head shifted ever so slightly, but not enough to where Mac could get a reading on his emotions. “I’m tired of fighting and waiting and thinking that if enough time passes things’ll go back to the way they were...when they never will. Trying to hurt you isn’t gonna make the old you come back, no matter how many times you beat me down...It’ll never be the same.” Mac admitted finally. A quiet gust settled down between them, before Wukong seemed to let out a dry chuckle and shook his head. “Can’t believe it took me 3000 years to beat the sense into you.” He turned and looked back at the other, where he no longer held a look of seething hate, but more akin to that of the same tired look just as the one Mac wore. Mac felt a sliver of guilt wriggle its way into one of the cracks of his heart and he glanced away, pulling a hand back and scratching his head. “Yeah well...your kid hit me pretty hard last time, enough to knock it in place.” A small smile crept a little onto his face. “Hm~ He’s gettin’ pretty good at hittin’ stuff with that old stick.” Wukong’s eyes glinted a little at the appeal of how proud he was for MK having taken Mac out the way he did. A little over the top and flashy, just like him.” “He’s got a pretty strong master to thank for that…” Mac found himself yearning a little for that same glint to be reflected on his memory the same way as MK’s. Not that he couldn’t see himself holding the same appeal for MK the way Wukong did, kid was strong, just a lil desperate in some of the cracks that shaped his outline. Something Macaque found that was easy enough to take advantage of, and something Wukong held a blind eye to. “Hm.” Wukong’s reply pushed him out of those thoughts for the moment as they shared a brief look between one another. A glimmer of reconsideration flashing between the two before Wukong finally turned his head away to drink in the sunset before them. “One chance.” Mac felt his heart nearly stop at that answer. “I’ll give you one chance, but if you screw this up, don’t even think about showing your face to me again.” Wukong replied, “I mean it this time…” Mac swallowed a little and nodded. Anything, he’d be willing to do anything to gain back what little trust he could from Wukong. “Good...you can start making up for it by apologizing to MK.” Mac blinked and sputtered a little as Wukong turned away and began to make his way back down the mountain. A smile playing on his lips while Macaque groaned to the heavens about his next trial.
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na-klar · 4 years
druck nora ep 8 translation
Friday, 20:37
Zoe: Some 12th graders are coming too today.
Nora: 12th graders!
Zoe: Yeah, hellooo! Generally, tonight is going to be so amazing.
Nora: Hey Zoe, I got to tell you, this is really not as disgusting as I used to think.
Zoe: Yeah, right? Thank you, it’s so delicious!
Nora: Okay. Now for the lips.
Zoe: Mhm, yeah, I’ll hold it for you. Oh, that looks so nice.
Nora: Yeah, this one is from Mama. Ready to party?
Zoe: Heh. Hey, tell me... is something wrong?
Nora: Nuh-uh. Why?
(Zoe’s phone rings.)
Zoe: Fuck, dude. Uh, this is Kiki, don’t say anything about the alcohol, okay? She’s gonna bite our heads off otherwise.
Nora: Okay.
Zoe: Hi!
Nora: Hey!!
Kiki: Na sweeties? How are you doing?
Zoe: Good--!
Nora: Really good!
Zoe: We’re watching a movie right now.
Nora (whispers): Huh, what movie?
Kiki: Oh, how cool. Which one?
Zoe: Harry Potter!
Nora: Mhm. Third.
Kiki: Man. I wish I was there with you guys.
Zoe: Yeah, we miss you too. How is it in Trier?
Kiki: It’s beautiful. It feels really good to be so close to nature. We’re hiking almost every day. But Carlos has eaten some luxembourgish delicacy and now he spends all his time with diarrhea on the toilet.
Nora: What is it called?
Kiki: Bouneschlupp or something like that. Well, that doesn’t matter, what I actually wanted to ask you is what I should do with Mama’s appointment? Uhm... Nora, what are you guys doing there?
Zoe: Nothing, why? We’re watching a movie.
Nora: Well actually we were on our way to--
Kiki: Why are you all dolled up?
Zoe: We thought, now that we can’t go to parties anyways we’ll just do it here. We’d now like to watch the movie again, we’ll call you back, okay?
Kiki: Okay, yeah, then... bye!
Nora: Bye Kiki, we love you!!
(They end the call.)
Zoe: Bro! Dude. You almost got us caught.
Nora: Zoe, chill a little, okay? Kiki’s also done this all the time! Don’t be like that. I think it’s time for this bad boy. (She picks up a bottle of vodka)
Zoe: Oh yes! Hey Nori, you don’t know how cool I think it is that we’re now doing something like this together. 
Nora: Mhm.
Zoe: I don’t know, I’ve always had the feeling you didn’t like me going to parties and drinking alcohol and everything.
Nora: Hey, Zoe, that’s complete nonsense. You know I always love you. And that’s why we’re going to toast now. On you!
Zoe: Cheers!
(Nora burps, they laugh.)
Zoe: Okay, wow!
Nora: Well... Hey, I wanted to ask you something, Zoe. Because... you and Finn, yeah? Sometimes... Do you also know that thing when you’re totally in love in one moment and then you’re not in love at all anymore?
Zoe: Hm... no. I mean, ups and downs, everyone has them.
Nora: Yeah, but I mean like... that suddenly, you don’t feel anything anymore?
Zoe: Yeah, I don’t know, at the moment it’s shitty between me and Finn anyway but break up, just like that? No, I don’t think I’d do that. Why? Are you scared Josh is going to run away from you?
Nora: What? No. Why would he?
Zoe: True. You look too good for that.
(The door bell rings.)
Nora: Oh! Who’s that?
Zoe: Are you expecting someone?
Nora: No... huh? Wait.
Zoe: Are you opening the door?
Nora: Yeah. Hello? Fatou? Baby, what are you doing here? Hi! Na, sweetie? What are you doing here, sweetie?
Fatou: Uhm... we were all a little worried because of last weekend and wanted to know if you are okay.
Nora: Man, that’s so sweet. No really, I’m doing amazing. Really. Uhm, can you hold this? Thank you.
Fatou: Dude, that’s alcohol.
Nora: Zoe and I were just about to go, we wanted to go to a party.
Fatou: You’re totally wasted.
Nora: Zoe! Wait, sorry. Stay there.
Fatou: Is everything okay?
Nora: Uhm... but... oh wait! Actually, it’s perfect that you’re here. Perfect that you’re here! Do you know who’s at the party?
Fatou: No?
Nora: Starts with a K...
Fatpu: Oh, Nora, no.
Nora: And ends with My... Kieu My! Ey, dude, Kieu My is at the party, we’re gonna get you Kieu My! You need to come, you always talk about how you want her. Wait, I’ll ask Zoe. Zoe?
Fatou: No, Nora, I really don’t want to.
Nora: Yo, Zoe, come here.
Fatou: Please stop.
Nora: Hey Zoe, can you ask Kieu My if--
Fatou: Nora...
Nora: -- this beautiful little lady -- not little, big lady -- can join us?
Fatou: Nora.
Nora: Because we want to win Kieu My’s heart today.
Zoe: You’re into Kieu My?
Nora: Oh, absolutely! Man, please, that would be so great. Do you know how great this would be?
Zoe: I can text her, really, it’s no problem.
Fatou: No...
Nora: Really, Fatou, this is going to be so great, and I’ll handle it, I’ll be the best wingwoman of the f*cking millennium! Why not??!
Fatou: Stop it.
Nora: Call her, call her, she’s probably on her way or something.
Fatou: Nora, it’s enough.
(Fatou turns around and leaves.)
Nora: Fatou, wait, Fatou! Wait, we’re coming in a minute! We’re coming in a minute, yeah?
Zoe: Nori? Nori, is everything okay?
Nora: Yes.
Zoe: Really?
Nora: Yes?
Zoe: Fatou just ran away from you.
Nora: Fatou!
Zoe: Nori, come, I need to... (She tries to take Nora’s drink from her.)
Nora: What? Why?
Zoe: Just give it to me, it’s all cool.
Nora: Why are you doing this?
Zoe: Nora, hand it over!
Nora: Zoe, stop f*cking doing this shit! You always act like you’re my mother or something, I’m really not in the mood for that right now.
Zoe: Nora!
Nora: Man, Zoe, just leave me alone!
(Nora storms out of their apartment.)
Nora: Fatou? Yo, Fatou?
(Nora walks through the city, she eventually lies down on the sidewalk. Her phone vibrates.)
Nora: Kiki?
Kiki: Nora, where are you? Where are you? We’re so damn worried.
Nora: This is really the greatest thing...
Kiki: Zoe called me, she can’t find you.
Nora: ...I don’t even know why I’ve not done this earlier.
Kiki: Nora?
Nora: Everything doesn’t f’*cking matter, Mama was right. This is really the greatest thing.
Kiki: Man, Nora, are you crazy? You need to go home immediately, now... or please tell me where you are, yeah? Are you outside? Where are you? Zoe is looking for you everywhere.
(Nora starts to cry.)
Nora: Kiki, I lost your bracelet.
Kiki: That’s nothing, Nori. It’s okay. Nora...
Nora: I’m exactly like Mama. I’m sorry.
Kiki: No, you’re not. You’re amazing and I love you so much. Nora?
Nora: I’m exactly like Mama.
(Zoe runs up to her.)
Zoe: Nora! Nora. Nori, what are you doing?
Nora: Zoe?
Zoe: Nora!
Nora: Zoe.
Zoe: You’re fine. You’re fine.
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btsmosphere · 3 years
Soft Serve ~ myg
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~summary: you didn’t expect anything remarkable to happen this birthday, but a basketball, an ice cream cone and an old friend might have something to say about that... ~wc: 1.3k ~childhood friends to... lovers?, fluff ~rating: g ~warnings: a slight bump on the head
~a/n: this is something I quickly whipped up (heh.. no pun intended) as a token of my love for @ddaechwita​ on her birthday!! it was last week but fear not, I sent this to her on the day as well😊chelle, you are the most gorgeous, creative, supportive and funny friend and an absolute dream to know!💜I’m so gald we met and became friends, and I look forward to our movie nights and hilarious chats for ages to come😘
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it’s your birthday
just a simple fact, nothing special really
you don’t have any plans
but it feels sad to just sit around inside all day, so you decide to go out
there are a few messages from your friends screaming well wishes at you
they make you smile as you head for the door, sending off quick ‘thank you’s between shuffling into your boots
next to the park, there’s a cute ice cream café
you know the owner well enough, though you decide not to eat in
he notices that you go a little overboard from your usual order, but you brush it off
it’s a lot of effort telling people it’s your birthday, yknow? Then there’s some sort of expectation and they have to tell you happy birthday, meaningless out of obligation
so you take your order of mint chocolate, with a scoop of chocolate as well beside it, and head out
it’s a special occasion, why not treat yourself? Even if it’s from yourself, it still counts as a present, right?
thankfully it’s sunny, and the wind doesn’t bother you too much
perfect weather for an ice cream, really
it’s not melting either, so you stroll quietly while licking at it, savouring the taste
you’re in no rush, after all
the park is pretty empty, but you kind of like that
there are a few families walking around, one of them pushing a pram
and there are some teenagers hanging around a bench
you steer around them
yes, you’re several years older than them, plus one more year as of today, but still.. youths
at the end of this path are the sports courts, which is the busiest place
the sound of scuffling shoes and bouncing balls fill the air
you’re barely started on your veritable tower of ice cream when you walk past, head down even though you know no one behind the fence will look at you, caught up in their games
until a shout goes up, making you turn in time to find a shape flying rapidly towards you-
the impact has come and gone before you have a chance to move, and you come back to your senses as you double over, clutching your head where pain begins to seep in…
and there on the pavement under your nose, lies the slowly expanding puddle which once was your ice cream
though the pain passes soon enough – the kind which was familiar from the school playground, which would bloom intensely though you knew you were fine really, and fade away just as soon – you can’t help the dejected sigh at the loss of your ice cream
that’s when a breathless ‘hey’ meets your ears
straightening up, you catch sight of a guy jogging up to you, loose unbuttoned overshirt flapping a little behind him
protests are on the tip of your tongue, ready to assure him you’re okay and there is nothing to apologise about, before handing back the ball and continuing on your way, albeit short of a birthday ice cream tower
but that all dies on your lips as the sight of the man dawns on you with recognition
Min Yoongi
it can’t be
Min Yoongi, the basketball-crazy friend from school
the kid who used to be at the same sleepovers, who you shared those awful fruit ciders with when you were old enough to start drinking
here he is, stopping in front of you, slightly damp hair hanging from a headband fastened around his crown, looking… older, yet unmistakeably Yoongi
“Y/N!” he pants, flopping forwards to rest his palms against his knees, “you alright?”
“yeah, thank you,” you smile, almost apologetic as you scoop up the basketball that had stilled by your feet, offering it back to him
nodding, he takes it and chucks it across the fence in one move, holding up a hand in some gesture to the group the other side, who get back to playing
“sure you’re alright?”
he frowns down at the tragic sight on the floor
“let me get you another one”
“no, really, there’s no need”
“come on, Y/N, I just hit you on the head with a basketball and spilled your ice cream, all on your birthday. I can’t live with myself!”
his gummy grin is oh so familiar as he jokes, but you just stare
“how do you know it’s my birthday?”
he blinks
“well, it’s today.”
“I know that”
“so do I. not like I was there like, every year when we were kids”
“you still remember?”
he waits for a second longer, eyes locked with yours, before he makes a noncommittal noise, turning away with a slight nod
but he doesn’t go back towards the court
he’s walking back up the park, towards the ice cream parlour
hurrying to his side, you try to protest some more
but he simply cuts you off with a ‘mint and chocolate, right?’
“yeah-“ the words are out of your stunned mouth before you can register
and so, it looks like Min Yoongi is buying you ice cream
he walks out of the shop, both hands full, one with your original order, though somehow with a ton more cream and sprinkles than it had before
chewing your lip, you accept it with a shy ‘thank you’
how he remembered not only your birthday but your ice cream order, after all this time…
the two of you fall into step as you take the opposite direction, the long way around the park which will get you back to the courts right at the end of the route
when you start talking, it’s so easy, quickly slipping into conversation the way you always had until you’re halfway around the park
he isn’t eating his ice cream
any drip that starts to fall, he catches with a finger and licks it up, but the ice cream stays otherwise untouched in his hand
“did they mess up your order?”
“you’re not eating”
“oh. it’s caramel, in case you wanted any of that too…”
gaping, your feet slow
“that’s my other favourite”
“I know.”
“well, I’ll have some, if you’ll eat some at least. take the rest of this”
Yoongi only protests meekly as you press the half-consumed mint and chocolate monstrosity into his hands, and you’re happy to see him begin to eat
meanwhile, the caramel is a welcome change to the other flavours you had filled up on so far
but that doesn’t tell you why Yoongi still knows so much about you…
“so, care to tell me how you remembered all this?”
he’s silent
“are you stalking me or something?” you joke, and relief washes over you as he does smile at that, though it fades a little quickly
he isn’t meeting your eye
“I always remember”
“every year, I think about you… especially on your birthday”
standing still at last, facing each other, you watch as his eyes lift, strikingly large, filled with a worried anticipation over your reaction
“that’s… that’s so sweet. Yoongi, I don’t know what to say”
“you don’t have to say anything,” he digs his free hand into his pocket, once again studying the pavement, “but really, I was happy to see you. this was the least I could do”
for a moment, you stand in quiet together and you’re pretty sure your heart is melting
this was absolutely not what you had expected for your lonesome trip outside for your birthday, but you were thankful for every part
even the part where you were hit on the head by a basketball
“thank you, Yoongi,” you smile
he seems to sag with relief, meeting your eyes at last
“would you wanna get my number?” you ask, “it’s been too long. and maybe we could meet without me getting a concussion”
his eyebrows shot up
“you said it didn’t hurt-“
“it doesn’t, I was just joking!” you quickly backtrack
swallowing, he chuckles
“give me your phone”
taking it out and handing it to him, your eyes meet over the exchange in your hands
his eyes crease, smiling widely in a reflection of your own
yeah, this birthday hasn’t been half bad
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Thank you for reading!! and happy birthday to chelle, I love you a lot!!
If you liked this, check out my masterlist and the drabble game I’m running at the moment!💜
Taglist: @aianloveseven​ @preciouschimine​ @un2-verse​ @ddaechwita​ @taegularities​ 
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twistedtranslations · 4 years
Jamil Viper - So nimble...!
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You can unlock this story by getting Jamil’s SR Gala Couture
Translation under the cut
Translation notes
“Hitting it” refers to a cheering practice in JP for idol units. if you want to see it in practice, go here.
Gakemo: Gakkepuchi Moraisu -> The Moirai of the Cliffs
Pomefiore Dorm - Ballroom
Grim: Heey!
Ruggie: Hey Yuu, Grim.
Grim: The Fairy Gala is tomorrow so we came to check up on ya. …So, how are they doing?
Ruggie: Well, just look at them and you'll know.
Vil: Stop, stop, stop!!! All of you are useless. Leona. You're the star of the show right? You could at least pretend to be a little bit more motivated.
Leona: Ha. You're the one who decided that though. At least I'm performing, so you could stand to be more grateful.
Kalim: Hey, Vil! What do you think about our dancing? It looks super cool, doesn't it?
Vil: No, good grief.
Kalim/Jamil: Huh!?
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Vil: It's absolutely unrefined. You look like a burdock covered in mud. Because you two are experienced dancers, I planned on using you as a backdrop to enhance Leona's image but… no way that's going to happen.
Kalim: A-Are we that bad?
Vil: Can't you tell? Kalim, you haven't been able to complete the dance without making a single mistake.
Kalim: Ugh!
Jamil: Kalim, the event is tomorrow. Why don't you try concentrating more?
Vil: Jamil, you're in no position to talk either though? Actually, from you three, you are probably the worst.
Jamil: Huh!? Me?
Vil: Yes. Can it be you thought you were doing flawlessly?
Jamil: …Yes. I have been dancing for a long time and I perfectly remembered the choreography.
Vil: It's no good if that's all you can do. Yuu, what do you think if you look at Jamil's dancing?
Yuu: It's as if he's dancing on his own. It doesn't look like he's having fun…
Vil: You're right. Jamil's dancing doesn't draw in the audience. Do you understand what you are lacking?
Jamil: …
Ruggie: Jamil. Won't it be too difficult to finish up the dance for today? If you can't do the dance, why don't you help us out with the switching of the gem?
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Jamil: …No. I don't intent to shrink my responsibilities towards the dance. But about drawing the audience in… So dancing perfectly is no good? Vil, can I take a little break? I want to find the answer by myself.
Vil: That's fine. In exchange, I'd like you to have figured it out by tomorrow by any means.
Jamil: Understood.
Leona: Isn't that guy too obstinate?
Kalim: Jamil has loved dancing since he was young. I think he definitely doesn't want to give up.
Interior Hallway
Jamil: At this time, there should be no one in the courtyard, so I'll try thinking about it while exercising. Okay, let's go.
???: Sa-….Ba-…..Da-….!
Jamil: …Hm? That voice…is someone here…?
Idia: Panther! Bomber! Thunder!
Jamil: That is… Idia from Ignihyde… He's shouting while twisting his upper body around and waving glowing sticks?
Idia: Fighter! Riser! Hyper!
Jamil: What is he doing…
Idia: Dada!!
Chapter 2
Idia: Panther! Bomber! Thunder! Fighter! Riser! Hyper! Dada!!
Jamil: What a curious dance. But the choreography is so nimble…! I feel like dancing just by watching! Hm? There's a tablet placed near Idia's feet? So he's dancing while watching a movie.
Idia: Heh~ "Gakemo"'s live concert is the best after all.
Jamil: "Gakemo"? Let's look it up on my smartphone. Hm, is this it? Their formal name is…  "The Moirai of the cliffs"? "An idol unit formed by three girls, bound together by the thread of fate. Their performances do not only entertain fans but everyone that watches them. Incidentally, the age of their members is private. While their wrinkles do stand out, fans choose to ignore this…" I don't really care about idols, but I'm interested in that dance. It might be worth exploring. …Okay. Idia!
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Idia: Aaaah!? Y-, Y-Y-Y-You are Jamil from Scarabia!? Ah, uhm… t-this is what you call…yes, a-a dance I had to prepare for pe!
Jamil: This movement seems to differ a lot from what we learn in class though?
Idia: Hng, hnn, hghn…! I thought people wouldn't come around at this time but I miscalculated…! People like you wouldn't understand my noble hobbies… Anyhow, now the rumor will spread and people will start talking about me behind my back… ….Sigh, I'm finished… goodbye my bright prospects of a school life… ah, such a good life probably didn't exist from the very beginning.
Jamil: I knew he was a very peculiar person but to go this far…
Jamil: You were watching Gakemo's live concert on your tablet, right?
Idia: D-Do you know about them!?
Jamil: He bit. This is all for the sake of dancing. I should go along and extract information.
Jamil: Actually, I'm interested in Gakemo…
Idia: He, he… how rare for the type of human you are. …D-Do you….also hit it?
Jamil: "Hit it"?
Idia: Y-You don't know? I see, of course you wouldn't… I'm certain. You must be a bandwagon fan, yes. It's absurd to pretend to know of it if you haven't experienced the concert firsthand. You'll experience the greatest sense of unity when you're hitting it during a live concert of Gakemo. Sigh~It's all because of bandwagon fans. It's your fault that the content degenerates, but it doesn't seem like you're aware of it.
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Jamil: Why is he suddenly looking upwards. Whatever… It seems that the thing he was doing is actually called "hitting" and is a way to cheer for idols. Honestly, I question why someone would do that but it is a fact that Idia's wholehearted banging and enthusiasm reached me. If it's that…
Jamil: Idia.
Idia: What?
Jamil: Please teach me how to "hit it".
Idia: …Huh? What's this development!?
Botanical Garden - Runway
Jamil: It's finally time Kalim. Leave it to me to hype the audience.
Kalim: Okay! I'm relying on you! Show off your sharp dance, just like practiced!
Jamil: Sure, you didn't have to tell me.
Leona: I don't know if something happened but… you've been really spirited ever since you returned from yesterday's evening lessons.
Jamil: Yes. It's all thanks to Gakemo.
Leona: Huh? What's that?
Jamil: It's almost our turn. Let's go!
Kalim: Okay!
Jamil: After "hitting it" with Idia so many times I finally understand it. It's not fit for a show to only dance perfectly. It's necessary to draw in your audience… It's passion!!! Okay everyone…get excited! Become one with my dance!
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Vil: Just by looking at his nimble way of dancing, I understand. Jamil, you finally grasped it. Yes. The most important thing for a show is to release the hidden passion from within. That makes the audience go crazy for you and creates a sense of unity. Jamil. Your passion is reaching the entire venue. …But, what did he experience for him to grow so much in one evening… what do you think, Idia?
Idia: W-Who knows? …W-Well done Jamil. The way you sweat with everyone else is truly shining…!
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snowdragon4 · 3 years
Cops and Robbers. A Bbrae AU
As much as Rachel enjoyed her job, she couldn’t help, but feel exhausted coming home at the end of a long day. Maybe it was the fact that she was on her feet all day, thank goodness for whoever invented flats. Still it was stable and fine work, a solid nine to five, giving her enough time to get home to work on her novel. The monotony of her daily routine was broken up when on her way home she noted a healthy handful of police cars driving around her neighborhood.
“Huh? I wonder if Dick could let me know what’s going on?” She of course was referring to her cop neighbor, Dick Grayson, but driving by his house, all the lights were shut off. “Maybe he and Kory are out.” She shrugged it off and parked her car before entering her home.
She moved through the doors of her modest three bedroom home as she usually did. Keys and mail on the table by her door, purse and jacket on a hook, turned on the TV for a bit of background noise and a nice cold beer in the fridge calling her name. She figured she’d make herself dinner, take a hot bath, and settle in for a night of writing.
With the news in the background she went about her nightly routine.
“—citizens of Jump city should be advised that the suspect could be armed and dangerous. For those who are just joining, please be on the lookout for Garfield Mark Logan, who escaped police custody earlier this evening—“
She took a beer from the fridge and removed the cap. “If his parents named him ‘Garfield’ they belong in prison too.” She commented dryly.
“—Garfield is wanted for the murder—“
She had gone to the counter when something had occurred to her. Going back she opened the door to the fridge and noticed something.
She was a creature of habit and structure, bordering on obsessive compulsiveness, but it made sense to keep her world in order at least. She had so much practice in fact that she noticed things out of place, even if it was just a fleeting glance. In this case there was something wrong with her beer. Was she missing one? She went shopping the other day, and only allowed herself and one a day or less, so surely she couldn’t have had more than one.
She counted a few more times, but came to the conclusion that she was, somehow, short one beer.
She took a step back when she felt something crunch beneath her heel. Lifting her foot she saw a pebble and some dirt, something she hadn’t noticed before. Didn’t she just clean the other day? Looking around she noticed more and more dirt leading from her kitchen and to the back door.
A back door that wasn’t locked.
If there was one thing she was absolutely sure about, it was that she ALWAYS locked her doors.
Her blue eyes flitted to the TV, noting the news report about an escaped convict, but surely he wouldn’t have run into a suburban neighborhood. That kind of stuff only happened in movies. Right?
She broke into a run, heading for her front door, but her hand had barely touched the knob when she felt someone wrap their arm around her waist and a hand clap over her mouth. Reacting purely on instinct, she stumped on their foot, eliciting a manly grunt of pain, and elbowed them in the ribs causing them to release her.
Momentarily free, she ran for the back door, telling herself she just had to get next door to Dick and Korys house. Nobody may have been home, but she would have felt safer in a cops home.
She weaved through the kitchen, aware that he was right behind her, but she kept her eyes on the door. She put her hands around the knob, but felt a pair of hands grab her arms and pull her back. She stumbled over something, him possibly, and fell backwards, hitting her head on the counter and collapsing onto the floor unconscious.
Her head was pounding as she slowly came back to consciousness, but when she tried to move her hands, they were stuck, in fact she couldn’t move any part of her body. Regardless of how much pain she was in, her eyes snapped open, finding that she was tied to a chair. Her hands had been pulled behind the chair, rope wrapping around her wrists and to the bars of the chair. Her ankles had been tied to the bottom rung of the chair and rope had been thrown over her lap, waist, and shoulders to keep her tied firmly to the chair back. Moving her head she felt one of her scarves had been stuffed in between her teeth and tied behind her head.
Saying she was in trouble was an understatement.
She wanted to panic, but she forced her rational, obsessive mind to take control. She took a few breaths through her nose to assess her situation. Looking around she was in her bedroom, the curtains drawn and the door closed. She had been tied to one of her kitchen chairs with rope that she kept in her garage that she used when she went camping to enjoy nature and solitude.
Her panic returned.
She had been unconscious, did he…?
She looked at herself, and aside from the rope she was still in the clothes she was in when she got home, white button up shirt and black skirt with flats, and nothing had been removed. Aside from the pain in her head, and the discomfort of the rope, she didn’t feel pain anywhere else.
Her rational mind returned.
So he knocked me out? Tied me up, but didn’t take advantage of me? He’s probably looting my home. But all of her valuables were in her room, were she was alone.
Still, a strange man was in her home, she was tied up and helpless. This wasn’t good.
Red and blue lights flashed outside her window, and a spark of hope lit inside her. Using her whole body, she began pushing the chair towards the window. If she could somehow get the curtain open, maybe someone could see her and possibly rescue her.
It was worth a shot, but not to be.
The door to her room opened and her chair was quickly grabbed and pulled away from the window. She grunted and growled behind her gag, struggling against the tight ropes. Whatever he was going to do, she was going to make it as hard for him as possible.
But she wasn’t expecting this.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry! Please calm down! please!”
She paused. Sorry? Please? She focused on the man, seeing that it wasn’t quite a “man” at all. He was young, twenties maybe, with disheveled blonde hair and a dirty complexion and clothing. His eyes were a piercing green that were pleading, fearful, and remorseful. Her brows narrowed, angry, but curious. What kind of home intruder was this?
He sighed in relief when she settled down. “Thank you.” He stood up and started pacing, his hands running through his blonde locks. “I am so, so, so, so, sorry about this. I didn’t mean for this to happen. Any of this. It's just—ugh!” She involuntarily flinched at his outburst. “Oh! Sorry, sorry, sorry I didn’t mean…” He continued babbling incoherently, that was beginning to grate on her nerves, but looking past him, saw that he had brought in a water bottle. For her maybe?
“Uughmph!” She grunted to get his attention, then motioned her head towards the water bottle.
“Oh! Yeah!” He grabbed it and brought it towards her. “Sorry, I’m just,” he paused, “wait, you're not gonna scream are you?”
She watched him closely, he broke into her home, attacked her, tied her up, and was now helpless and at his mercy.
Yet she wasn’t afraid.
Slowly, she shook her head no. He eyed her for a moment, but slowly came up to slip the gag from her mouth.
She moved her jaw around, sighing with relief, but didn’t scream. “Thank you.” She could see weight being lifted from his shoulders and a small, attractive smile on his lips. “Um, water?”
“Oh yes!” He brought it to her lips and allowed her a small drink. Her eyes closed at the liquid cooling her insides, helping to soothe and calm her down. She finished and he took the bottle away.
“Thank you.” She flexed against the rope. “Now can you untie me?”
The weight returned, and his smile faded into a worried stare. “Um… not yet, but if you don’t scream I’ll keep the gag out.”
Their eyes met, and still she couldn’t find any malice or maliciousness. She didn’t feel threatened, rather this felt like a necessity for him, self preservation, like a cornered animal.
Still she had to keep her guard up.
“Fair enough.”
He sighed again, becoming more relaxed, and he sat on top of her bed, a heavy silence settling between them. “So, um, you’re probably wondering what’s going on?”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m mildly curious.”
He laughed nervously. “Right. Well, um, I’m Gar, and I’m…”
“—on the run from the police?” He looked surprised, “you’re on the news. Everyone is looking for you.”
His eyes dipped with what looked like hurt. “Oh.” Her head tilted in curiosity as he leaned forward to put his head in his hands. “I’m so sorry…”
Now getting annoyed, “You’ve said that already.” She struggled against the ropes again. “Do you mind telling me what you're doing here?”
He lifted his head, wiping away a few tears. “Sor—erm, yes. Well,” he stood up, “I should start from the beginning I guess. So I was dating this girl, Terra, and I was crazy about her, but what she didn’t tell me was that another guy was obsessed with her. Some guy named Slade, I don’t know, but anyways he was stalking her, calling her, following her, all kinds of stuff.”
He slowed down, his voice tightening up. “I, uh, was at work, and when I got home…” his hands came up to his mouth, “she was…”
She couldn’t help but feel pity for him. “I’m sorry.”
He nodded, wiping his tears again. “Thanks. Anyways I called the cops and when they showed up, they arrested ME?”
Her head lifted. “What? Why?”
He shrugged. “I have no idea. They just showed up and slapped the cuffs on me! Do you have any idea what that’s like?”
She waited a beat, wondering if he was serious or just stupid. “No. I have no idea what it’s like for someone to come uninvited to my home and restrain me against my will.”
He chuckled nervously. “Heh. Sorry—I mean. Um… anyways…”
There was silence for a moment or two. “Why did you escape? Why not just go to the station and plead your case?” She asked.
“I did! I mean, I wanted to…but I don’t know.” His hands ran through his hair again. “The cop car they took me in was T-boned, and the next thing I knew I was running for my life.”
She quirked a brow as she came to the conclusion on her own. “You mean you broke into my home by chance?”
He nodded. “It was the only home I saw with the lights off at the time, I picked the lock, and snuck inside. I grabbed a beer and was gonna leave when the heat died down, but then, I heard your neighbors leave so I hid.”
“Then I got home, and the rest is history.” She finished.
“Yeah. I hid as best I could, but when I saw you see the dirt on the ground, I knew I was done.” He motioned to the ropes. “I didn’t mean to do that to you, but I didn’t know what else to do. I just panicked.”
She relaxed a bit. “I see.”
Silence again, this time a bit more uncomfortable. “So, um, what’s your name?”
He shrunk beneath her glare. “You broke into my home, knocked me out, drank my beer, and tied me up. We are not going to have small talk.”
He gulped with another nervous smile. “Cool.”
He clapped his hands on his knees. “So what now?” She asked.
He shrugged. “I’m not sure.”
She pulled against the rope again. “Well if you're open to suggestions.”
“I know, I know, I can untie you and I will, I promise. I just need to think.”
She rolled her eyes. “Well take your time, it’s not like my hands need steady blood flow or anything.” She softened her tone. “But seriously. You need to turn yourself in, if you’re innocent then an investigation will show that.”
He nodded. “I know, I know. I guess I’m just not a fan of being caged or anything.” He stood up. “Just, give me a minute.” He left her alone, giving her a chance to test the ropes again, but they were unyielding. She couldn’t help but feel impressed by his knot work.
After a few minutes of struggling she sat back and relaxed, unable to free herself she had nothing left to do but wait for him to let her go. Hopefully soon since she had lost the feeling in her hands a while ago.
Finally after what felt like ages he returned. “Okay, here’s the plan.” He untied the scarf from her neck. “I’m going to turn myself in, but there’s some things I need to do first, but here’s the bad part. I’m gonna to leave you here.”
She was actually relieved to hear this. He wasn’t dangerous, sure, but that didn’t mean she wanted to be a hostage. “But I’m not gonna untie you either. I’m gonna make a 911 call and tell them about a pretty dark haired woman tied up and get the cops to come and untie you. Sound good?”
Her face was placid as she responded, but ultimately relieved. “Do I have a choice?”
He chuckled. “I guess not. Again, I’m sorry about all this.”
He brought the scarf to her mouth to regag her. “Rachel.”
“My name. It’s Rachel.”
He smiled. A wide smile that made her stomach flutter. “Rachel. Nice to meet you.”
The door burst open. “Police! Show me your hands!” Rachel flinched at the light shining in her eyes. “Is there anyone else in the house?” She shook her head as the officer came closer once the light was out of her eyes, she saw her neighbor, Dick Grayson remove the gag from her mouth.
“Took you long enough,” she droned, “did you stop for drive through?”
He let out a relieved chuckle, “Don’t you mean, ‘thank you for saving me’?”
“You’re right Dick, how about I give you a big hug… Oh wait.”
He moved behind her and began to undo the ropes. “Did you see who did this to you?”
“Nope.” She stated matter of factly. “They knocked me out and I woke up like this.”
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pepperful-qt · 4 years
Hi there! Can I request hcs of kuroo, kita and semi with a big brain s/o? It doesn't just apply to s/o academically, but more so about life in general (like having ~streetsmarts~) thank you!
you said street smarts my mind went to jj bittenbinder. ngl i kinda used the wisdom proficiencies from d&d as reference for this hahaha nerd i hope it’s what you want! also i just want to thank you for requesting my not-so-secret fav semi semi
Kuroo, Kita, & Semi with a big brain s/o
* * * * *
Kuroo Tetsuro
oh this man appreciates it. he’s so entertained
you know that drinking game that Tyrion does with Shae where he guesses something about your past and if he’s right you have to drink, if not he does? that’s what you do minus the drinking part obv,, unless
as a person with high charisma himself, you make it a game to see who can bluff out and/or fool the other (you almost always win)
any time there’s a game night and you’re playing a social deception game you always win. no one can get a lie past you
if it’s a teamwork one, you and Kuroo crush everyone else
you find ways to skimp on your hw but still come out fine. he has no idea how, and it both annoys and impresses him
“i thought you stayed up watching buzzfeed unsolved instead of studying last night??”
“yeah so what?”
“but you got a 96%”
he knows that intelligence isn’t just defined by what you’re able to memorize out of a book, and you’re a perfect example of that. he respects you a lot
you’re the type of person that reads random articles and therefore has the most random bits of trivia that you throw in conversation
he can have an intellectual conversation with you, since you always come up with unique perspectives. he loves asking your opinion on things, bc who tf knows what’ll come out of your mouth
you don’t know what a derivative is to save your life but you know the location of every 7/11 in a ten mile radius, and if they carry a specific type of onigiri or cup noodle flavor
but fr you give the best advice and are always there to lend an ear
you watch murder mystery movies together and try to figure out the culprit, sometimes actually arguing over it
other times you’ll watch a drama and make bets on who’s gonna do what or end up with who
rip Kenma in the corner just trying to live his life
it’s hilarious seeing you interact with someone who is not “big brain” or street smart
let’s just use Lev as an example for no particular reason, just bc
you quickly learned that Lev would believe almost anything you said, he was that fascinated by your apparent wisdom
so you and Kuroo will sometimes join forces and see what you can get him to believe. you once convinced him that if you kill an insect you’d become that insect in your next life and die the same way, and for a solid month he would start crying if he ever stepped on an ant
chaos couple™
you have this whole atmosphere about you that is just “do not fuck with me” bamf if i do say so myself
which tbh is one of the things he finds most attractive about you. you knew exactly what he was up to the first time he started flirting with you, but you weren’t intimidated one bit. you became a challenge~
10/10 best looking couple of the three
* * * 
Kita Shinsuke
the two voices of reason, bless you both. you’re very similar, but also very different
he’s the definition of high intelligence & high wisdom with low charisma cleric kita omg, while you have both high wisdom and high charisma with an intelligence stat you barely use (high or low lol)
he’s the kind of guy who always thinks things through with logic, and he’s always sure of his decisions
you on the other hand, have an intuition based logic
freaks him out when you rely on your gut instinct but somehow it always pays off
“just because” 
“but why??”
you’re adaptable in almost every situation, always know what to say, and have an uncanny ability to read people
which actually comes in handy in your relationship
he’s not the best at expressing himself but you always seem to know his emotional state and thought process, something no one else except his granny has really cracked yet and you do it so easily. sometimes he wonders if you’re a mind reader
you knew he liked you before he did & you asked him out first ~
“Shin-kun, you look happy today!” 
“Ah, I was able to clean all the volleyballs after practice and still had time to fold and organize the scrimmige vests by color.”
meanwhile Atsumu: “hE litERALLY?? looks the sAME??!”
speaking of the twins, you’re great at handling them
Atsumu tried to scare you away the first time you showed up at practice before you and Kita announced your relationship, but you were calm and polite
which tbh put him off more than if you’d clammed up or gotten angry. he almost felt bad for being rude. almost.
imagine how bad he felt when Kita found out
the both of you are both feared and respected by the team 
you’ll help Kita out with his self-assigned chores sometimes, figuring out new ways to be efficient and not lose quality
he also loves how he can trust you to take care of yourself, whether it’s walking home alone or losing you in a crowd or just looking after your health. he still worries and dotes on you but it’s out of love, not because he’s concerned you’ll hurt yourself unintentionally 
he loves a person with common sense @ inarizaki
you’re both really good at getting gifts for each other, since you’re both very perceptive
one time you guessed his favorite flavor of ice cream and it made the butterflies a’flutter
there’s this silent competition between you two of who can give the better gifts
wishes you would study more though ngl. he knows you’re smart you just don’t always dedicate that intelligence to your schoolwork
he finds it charming how you’re always looking at things from different angles rather than the straightforward path. he thinks it’s a very good quality
that “yeah but what if...” kind of mentality
we already know he appreciates that attitude if he doesn’t really take it on himself
you’re both able to appreciate the nuances of life and enjoy the moment together
your relationship is one of the most balanced and strong out there tbh,,
* * *
Semi Eita
you’ve got this charm that makes people respect you. a certain type of confidence, if you will, that made him first notice you
lots of students were intimidated by the members of the volleyball team, for their height and reputation etc, but you never showed any reservation, not even with Ushijima
as well as your conviction, you have take no shit attitude that comes in great handy with certain members of the team it’s also hot af
you can banter with Tendou and you provoke Goshiki all day long but never Shirabu bc you know what’s up
you do however irritate him with mind games, bc you know he’s a little shit who stole your bf’s spot and needs to be taken down a peg sometimes
you: *describing the quantum wave trolley problem”
Shirabu: *screams*
all the while Semi is trying and failing to hide the smug little smirk on his face
with Semi though, you’re able to just talk
he enjoys conversation with you bc he’s never bored. you make him think and you make him laugh, both good things
sometimes you’ll point something out that just makes him go “oh” bc it seems so obvious when you point it out
other times it’s something so outlandish that he can’t help but crack a smile or let out a laugh 
sometimes it’s the connect the dots meme “you didn’t connect shit” lmao
again, solid advice giver with no holds barred. anyone who needs to be straight up told what they need to hear comes to you, bc you're usually right
and Semi himself can get lost in his own head so it's nice to have you to ground him
you’re decent in your classes sure, but where you really impress is your strategy in game. any game
once you were invited to play laser tag with the team and you whipped out a battle plan that annihilated the other team
alternatively, you show no mercy in monopoly or uno, damn your relationships
it’s actually very annoying how quickly you pick up the rules and nuances to games and use them to your advantage
if you’re both very competitive, it’s usually better for everyone if you’re both on the same team
but he likes a challenge heh
okay, we know he’s bad at dressing himself when it comes to casual outfits. no common sense. you notice this too
“Eita, sweetie, if you go out like that you will get mugged,, even in Miyagi.”
you’ll walk down the street hand in hand and you make random guesses or stories about the people you see 
“that guy is totally a scammer” or “bet that lady looking at the papaya is trying to start a diet for the third time, look at her face” and he’ll chuckle
he knows there’s always something going on inside your mind and he wants to know
when you’re lost in thought he’ll tap your forehead
“hey what’s going on in there?”
he enjoys listening to your musings and thoughts and opinions. you either have a crazy gut instinct or have some unique thought you’ve internally debated over for months
gets inspiration from you actually, even if he doesn’t realize it
likewise, you realize he has a lot on his mind he doesn’t say, but you have a way of making him say it, even if he is hesitant and abrasive at first
you’ll call him at 3am with a random thought and he’ll grumble a bit but actually will listen to you with the smallest smile on his face
* * * * * 
i hope??? this was good??? also lmk if this is too long without a read more i’m not sure :P
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mochirou · 4 years
a fun holiday break
tags: getting together, sickfic, hurt/comfort(?)
tw (unintentional) dehydration and starving
A/N: this was in my drafts and i realized i never posted it. yes i am aware this is very very self indulgent and i’m only slightly sorry
“Yo, has anyone seen Bakugo lately? He disappeared like… right after Christmas. It’s been two days.” Kaminari tilted his head questioningly, making eye contact with some of the other students sitting in the common room. Everyone gave him shrugs and noncommittal noises, clearly not that concerned about it.
“It’s nice around here without him, no yelling. Dunno about you guys, but I like my winter break better when he’s not here.” Mineta punctuated his statement by popping a candy in his mouth, and the rest of the class fell silent. Some looked at Kirishima nervously, who had definitely heard what Mineta said. He was staring out the window blankly. He didn’t even react, he just pressed his lips together tighter.
“I’m checking on him, don’t wait for me.” As he said that, quiet conversation started back up, and the tension was relieved when he stormed out of the common room.
When he stepped into his dorm room, he didn’t see Bakugo. His bed was unmade and it was a total mess, blankets piled up haphazardly. Weird, he doesn’t like leaving his bed like that. Thinks only lazy people don’t keep their rooms clean. He moved further in to check if he was in the bathroom, but was stopped short by a weak snarl coming from under the blanket pile.
“Bakugo?” He crept closer to the bed, hyper aware of the fact that he might’ve wanted to be alone, in which case he was intruding.
“Get the fuck outta my room, asshole.” His reply was barely audible and watery, as if he’d been crying before he walked in.
“Not until I know you’re alright. You haven’t come downstairs to get food, have you even eaten since I last saw you?”
“None of your goddamn business, Kirishima.” He let out a quiet sob, and the blanket mound shifted a little. He still couldn’t see Bakugo, so he moved to sit on the floor at the head of his bed. His face was the only thing exposed, and it was deathly pale and sweat covered. His face was twisted in a half-grimace with his eyes closed, and he was violently shaking under the covers.
“Holy shit dude, are you okay?” Kirishima went to feel his forehead on instinct, and he didn’t even flinch or try to bat his hand away. He just squeezed his eyes shut further, and made a whimpering noise at him.
“You’re ice cold, why haven’t you gone to Recovery Girl?”
“...On vacation, remember? Just… go away.” He then pulled his face into the sheets.
“I’ll be right back.” Kirishima quickly walked out the door, disappearing in a flash.
When he came back, he was holding a thermos of pot roast and a glass of water. He set the things he brought on the nightstand, and he saw that he’d poked his face out.
“I’m not leaving till you eat.” He sat back down in his spot on the floor, and Bakugo opened his eyes to see what he’d brought.
“Why not? I’ve seen you eat this before, and you… uh… didn’t say it was shit, so I assumed you at least tolerate it. What’s up?” Kirishima tilted his head questioningly at him, and edged a bit closer. His stomach growled loudly, enough for him to hear.
“Fine.” He rolled his eyes and started struggling to sit up with a grunt of effort, but his arm gave out on him and he flopped back onto the bed.
“I’m so fucking pathetic, can’t even do this.” He instead opted to curl up into a ball and dry sob.
“Um… When’s the last time you drank anything?” Kirishima made a concerned face, and scooched even closer to the side of the bed, until he wasn’t even a step away from it.
“How… How long have I been away?” He glanced at the clock, as if that’d give him a clue to what day it was.
“Have you not gotten up once since you laid down?” Kirishima gasped, almost sounding offended.
“No… No energy.” He stuttered, shaking his head slightly.
“Not even to go to the bathroom?”
“Haven’t needed to.”
Oh shit, he’s dehydrated, he thought. I need to get him to drink some water right now.
“That’s it.” Kirishima stood up suddenly at that.
“What the fuck-“ He had started crawling over Bakugo, to the side against the wall.
“Can I?” He gestured to the thick layer of blankets that he was kneeling on, asking permission to join him under them. He huffed at him, but he didn’t say no, so he pulled off the hoodie he was wearing. He didn’t have a shirt underneath, and a little bit of color returned to Bakugo’s face.
“Jesus Christ, I’m- What’s that for, idiot?” He growled weakly.
“I’m warming you up, you can’t feel my body heat as well through a hoodie.” He pulled a particularly fluffy blanket off the top of the pile, and wrapped it around himself.
“I’m gonna put you on my lap and help you sit up, that okay?” He didn’t respond but Kirishima knew that if he didn’t want to, he’d say so. He peeled back the sheets, exposing his shivering body, and picked him up so he could move to sit with his legs over the side of the bed.
Then Kirishima pulled Bakugo into his lap, and immediately started spooning him from behind. He wrapped the blanket around him, making sure to close up all the gaps, and rested his chin on his shoulder. When he pulled him closer, he involuntarily shuddered at how cold he was. He could feel it through Bakugo’s thin tank top and boxers, and they were slightly damp with sweat. He was shaking violently, but as Kirishima’s body heat seeped into him, it slowly stopped.
“D’you wanna try drinking some water now? I’ll hold you up, you’ll be okay.” Kirishima gently squeezed around his torso, shuffling up the bed till he was within reach of the things he brought.
“Um… yeah… thanks.” His voice got quieter with each word, and he could barely hear the last ‘thanks’. Kirishima was stunned by the change in demeanor. Normally he would say something like “I’m not a kid, stop patronizing me, asshole”, but he accepted his help without complaint. He leaned over to reach for the glass, then handed it to Bakugo. He took a mouthful of water and swished it around for a second before swallowing, then he chugged the entire glass in one go.
“Want me to go get more water?” Bakugo nodded wordlessly, so he moved him off his lap and got up.
“Heh, try not to miss me too much.” Bakugo simply fell over in response, and he went on his way to get water. He stopped by his room first, to grab the large bottle he brings with him when he trains. Midoriya stopped him to ask if everything was okay, but he just waved him off and said it was fine.
When he returned, he came back to Bakugo with his face buried in his hoodie. He was half asleep with his eyes closed, and making small satisfied noises whenever he inhaled. God, he’s so adorable… That was all he was thinking while he watched him from the doorway, spotting a small but genuine smile on his face. He was sure that he didn’t know he was there, and he decided to save him the embarrassment. He walked quietly to the end of the hallway, then purposely stepped heavily to alert him that he was coming. Sure enough, when he poked his head back in, his hoodie was (vaguely) in the same place he left it.
“Hey, Bakugo, I got you more water…” He put it down next to the food, and then sat back on the edge of the bed. Bakugo stayed laying down but moved his head near Kirishima’s hip, so he could pick him up easier.
“Can you get up yourself?”
“Yeah, fuck off.” He then propped himself up shakily, Kirishima wrapped his arms around his torso, and lifted him into a sitting position on his lap. He re-wrapped them in a thick blanket, then pulled Bakugo’s back flush against his chest.
“Mm… Warm…” Bakugo mumbled sleepily, and relaxed against him.
“I put the food in a thermos, so it should still be hot.” Kirishima handed it to him, and stayed silent while he ate. It was gone within a couple of minutes, he ate and drank like he hadn’t eaten in days (which, coincidentally, was what had happened).
“Wanna watch a movie?” Kirishima eyed Bakugo’s laptop that was sitting on his desk, while he finished off the food.
“What fuckin’ ever, do what you want. ‘M tired.” He leaned back on Kirishima with his entire body weight, relaxing completely against him.
“...Dude, I need to get up. To put on the movie.”
“Sounds like an iss-you, not an iss-me.” Kirishima made a complaining noise at that, and he reluctantly laid down and moved off. It took a couple minutes to pick a movie, he settled for some random American movie, dubbed in Japanese.
“Hey, why don’t you have a password on here? Isn't that unsafe?”
“People don’ touch it if they know what’s good for ‘em.” After pressing play, he moved back to the bed, and sat down on the edge.
It took a bit before Kirishima realized that Bakugo was still shaking, and making quiet whimpering noises. He didn’t want to push his luck and risk setting him off, especially since he was probably feeling a bit more like his usual self. He was sitting at the foot of the bed, waiting for the eventual “get the fuck out of my room” he was expecting.
“Uh… Are you… okay?” He asked tentatively, with the least patronizing tone he could muster.
“It’s kinda cold in here, ‘M fine.” He pulled his blanket pile up further on his body, and looked straight ahead at the movie playing on his laptop.
Shit, how do I get him to accept help?
“Yeah, I’m cold too. Can I have one of your blankets?” He said in a sly tone of voice, and prayed that Bakugo had picked up on what he was trying to do.
“Fuck no, you crazy? As if. I guess we could share. Y’know, so I don’t have to give up any blankets.” He accompanied the sentence with an eye roll. That was all the invitation Kirishima needed, and he slid himself under the sheets with him. Bakugo immediately turned around and pushed Kirishima onto his back, then settled his body against him with a contented sigh. He rested his head right on his chest, and tangled their legs together. They were sitting up at an angle, with the pillows supporting Kirishima’s back.
“Um… Bakugo…” Kirishima stammered, taken by surprise by his sudden pushy affection. Bakugo was silent for a couple of seconds, lost in thought about something. Kirishima snaked his hands in under his arms and around his torso, and he made a small noise of happiness.
“Actually, it’s Katsuki for you now. Uh… If you want to. It’s whatever, do what you want.” He lifted his head up to look at Kirishima nervously. What he saw was a bright red face, and wide eyes.
“I… You can call me Eijiro, too. I’d like that.” He managed to get through the entire sentence without messing up, and he thanked whatever higher power was watching over him at the moment.
“Katsuki…” The way he said it was almost reverent, his voice laden with quiet awe. He made eye contact with him, and gave him a small smile.
“Eijiro…” He shifted up a little so they were at eye level, and he was sitting on his lap. He rested one of his hands in the crook of his neck, and pressed their foreheads together.
“Kiss me.”
Their first kiss was soft and sweet and slow, both of them taking their time. The movie was long forgotten, in favor of lazily making out. Kirishima’s hands found their way to Bakugo’s back, running fingers lightly over his skin. The feeling made him whine into the kiss, and squeeze Kirishima’s hips in appreciation.
“That feels good,” He mumbled against Kirishima’s lips. His body went weak, and he melted against him with a little “mmph” noise. That just encouraged him to kiss harder, giving him a tight hug around the waist.
“‘M gettin’ tired…” At that, Bakugo pressed one last kiss to Kirishima’s mouth, and settled back down onto his chest.
“Your skin’s so soft,” He muttered quietly. He pushed his face into him a little and closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth radiating off him.
“God, you’re cute.” As soon as Kirishima said that, he stiffened, clearly not meaning to say that out loud. Bakugo just hummed contentedly in response.
He was only paying a little bit of attention to the movie. It was some old superhero flick, from the time before quirks started manifesting. The guy could shrink and control ants or something, for all Bakugo knew. Kinda weird, in his opinion. But he was safe, loved, comfortable, with someone he trusts taking gentle care of him.
...Kinda sucks that I had to be fuckin’ miserable as shit to get here, though.
That was the last thought he had before he finally stopped fighting his exhaustion, letting the warmth and Kirishima’s breathing lull him to sleep.
A/N: watch kiri catch whatever bakugo has and get sick as hell from that kiss, then get called an idiot by bakugo even though it was his idea
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