#hehehehe why is it so fun to talk bout
stevebabey · 2 years
11, 23, 35, 57 for the Spotify wrapped game
11. cigarettes out the window / tv girl
23. the reflex / duran duran
35. fantasy / mariah carey
57. good for me / above & beyond
send a number & i’ll tell u what song i got for spotify wrapped?
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marvin-wtf · 1 year
¿Why make Headcanons from an old Disney Channel series? The question here is… ¡¿WHY NOT?! It's one of my favorite series even today, and of course I have tk headcanons that I haven't had the chance to talk to anyone. I recently found this community, so…here it goes! I hope you like it.
P.S: I comment about my bad English, I use a translator, this is not my first language, sorry :(
Miley Stewart | Hannah Montana ⭐
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Well, clearly he's going to tickle you until he finds your weak points, once he finds them he'll exploit that area until he notices you choking.
Normally I wouldn't use teasing and tickle talk, but with his girlfrien-EHEM best friend of his Lilly is an exception.
He uses tickling as a way to make someone who needs it feel better, although he would also use it to get some gossip or information that interests him, he would do it by gently stinging the ribs and then inserting his fingers.
His favorite victim for tickle fights is clearly Lilly, she loves to surprise tickle him, though she would never mind doing a little to Oliver to punish him after saying one of her stupid things.
Its most sensitive points are the sides, as soon as you squeeze them it is already squealing and twisting.
In her childhood, she was always teased by Jackson in sudden bouts of tickling due to the difference in size, at least growing up, her brother would think twice before doing it again.
She secretly loves tickling, when her exes tickled them, with her look she cried out not to stop.
Oh no...
Here it comes...
Lilly Truscott 🐕
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It adores to moving the fingers opposite to his victims as form of anticipation, of this form, the fact was that it discovered the foible of Miley.
She loves tickling teasing, she's an expert at that, she'll make fun of you until you're as red as a tomato.
When she sees her best friend sad, she doesn't hesitate to cheer her up by tickling her until she sees a genuine smile on her face.
Of course he's going to kick and bite as soon as he can't stand the tickling, although none of that is on purpose, it's a reflex.
It's not about tickling but did I mention she's a golden retriever puppy? Please just watch every frame of the series, she has a tail and cute ears that always stay up.
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Tell him yes to shut up please…
As I already mentioned in other points, they love tickle fights between the two of them.
The one who starts the fights is usually Miley… and she ends up losing.
Of course, if she manages to attack Lilly's stomach, she will win easily, that's why she knows how to protect that area first of all.
Normally their fights end with both of them laughing slightly as they look into each other's eyes, then they say I love you… and maybe there are kisses involved.
Lilly always manages to stay on top of Miley, don't let the size difference fool you, the blonde puppy is very strong, with a few movements she will manage to subdue her girlfriend.
Thanks for reading this, I really should be studying for an exam I need to take in a couple of weeks, but they have me here writing headcanons.
I hope that they should like reading this, I put all my heart.
Anyway, see you soon 😺.
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ded-space · 3 years
A Stray Puppy, Can We Keep It?? (GN!Teen!MC!) Ft. The OM! Bro's
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Reblogging Perms ✅
*You and the bro's (except Lucifer who's with Diavolo) were walking home from School when they hear a soft whimper*
Mammon:GAhh! Oi! Who's there! *Takes Stance*
Satan: Sigh.. It sounds like a small animal.
Asmo: Oou! I hope it's a cute one!
Beel: Is it tasty?
Belphie: I don't think so.. Beel.
Levi: Eer- It sounds like it's coming from that alleyway..
Mc: Let's investigate! *You look down the alleyway and see a small puppy in a box"
Satan: By the looks of it it's been here a while..
Asmo: I bet it would clean up nice! :D
Mammon: What're we gonna do 'bout it?
Levi: Of course we have to take care of it!
Belphie: We don't have to.
Beel: But we should.
Mc: Let's try and convince Lucifer to keep her!
Beel: How do you know it's a- *Hand covers his mouth*
Belphie: You will learn in anatomy class next semester..
Satan: Hmm.. Mc, I believe you would have the best shot at getting Lucifer's approval. I think you should be the one to talk to him about it.
Mc: Me!?
Asmo: Yep! It's because he's crushing on you!
Mammon: Tsk!
Levi: Hm Hm! Stupid Mammon is also!
Mammon: Shuddup! Dumb Otaku! Ya like Mc too!
Levi: EEhhh!? *Blushies*
Asmo: Ouu! He didn't deny it! Things are getting interesting!
Belphie: And nowhere..
Beel: *Found some jerky in his pocket*
Satan: I agree, *snatches the jerky from Beel* She's Probably hungry. *offers out the food to the puppy*
Belphie: *Pats pouting Beel on back* It'll be alright we have more at home.
Beel: Mm 😔
Mammon: Won't it bite ya?
Levi: W-why would she, we're feeding her?
Asmo: If she's scared, it's possible that she might bite.
*The puppy crawls out of the box, inching towards the offering*
Satan: Despite being more of a cat person myself, I must say this puppy is quite cute.
Levi: I-I think she has a bit of a limp?
Asmo: Poor thing!
Belphie: She might be too tired to walk properly.
Beel: Mm Let's hope she's not injured.
*The puppy begins to naw on the jerky*
Mammon: So what're we gonna call 'er?
Asmo: Oou! How about Jem!
Beel: Bisquit!
Levi: Ruri!
Belphie: Athena?
Satan: Hinata?
Mammon: Ellie!
Mc: Those are all good names! How about we do a draw!
(A/N:I actually put the names into a randomizer)
Mc: Athena wins! So we'll call her Athena!
Asmo: She looks cold..
Satan: You're right.. Mammon, Give me your jacket.
Mammon: What!? Why mine!?
Belphie: Sigh, just give it to him Mammon.
Levi: *Chuckles*
Mammon: *Looks to Mc* Grr.. Fine. *Hands Satan his jacket.* Tsk.
Satan: *Wraps Athena in Mammon's jacket*
Beel: Can we go home now?
Asmo: Yes! Let's!
*Everyone (Except Lucifer) gets home*
Satan: Asmo would you please get the shower running?
Asmo: Sure!
Satan: Beel and Belphie, will you two go out and try to find some dog food for Athena.
Beel: Mm.
Belphie: Argh I'm tired but I guess..
Satan: Mammon, will you help out in cleaning her off?
Mammon: Yeah, aight.
Satan: Levi, since you found using Mammons jaket so funny earlier would you throw it in the wash?
Levi: Fine-
Mc: I'll start thinking about how to approach Lucifer about this.
Satan: Good Idea.
*Everyone except Lucifer meets back up in the common room in preparation for his arrival*
*Athena is clean and groomed. Beel and Belphie are back with the dog food.*
*Click-Click, the door unlocks*
Lucifer: *Walks in* Why are you all gathered here?
Mc: We made a friend on our way home from school! *Holds up Athena, who's wagging her tail*
Lucifer: She's very cute, who does she belong to?
Mc: ..She was abandoned.. Please Lucifer can we keep her!? Athena is the sweetest! And We'll take good care of her!
Lucifer: You already named her!?
Mc: Yeah, we did a draw. Belphie chose the name, I think it suits her.
Lucifer: I don't think my brothers can handle the responsibility that comes with having a pet.. Just think about what happened to Henry 1.0..
Levi: T-that's different!
Mc: The 7 of us can split the responsibility and i'll make sure she's taken care of so please! We all worked together to take care of her just now! Satan, Asmo, and Mammon all washed and groomed her! Beel and Belphie went out and got her food! Levi washed Mammon's jacket and I played with her while we waited for you to get home!
Lucifer: Why did Levi have to wash Mammon's.. I suppose it's irrelevant.
Everyone: *Puppy dog eyes (Even Satan)*
Lucifer: ..Eer- Very well! However, if I find out she's not being well taken care of she is going to be put up for adoption! You're lucky I'm a dog person..
Everyone: Thank You Lucifer!
Mc: *You give Lucifer the biggest hug!*
Asmo: Is Lucifer blushing!?
Lucifer: N-No I'M NOT
Mammon: *Click* *Flash*
Lucifer: MAMMONN!!
Mammon: EEK!
Satan: Pfft-
Beel: MUNCH *He ate all the dog food while everyone was talking*
Belphie: ZzZzzZZ *Fell asleep*
Athena: ARRF! 🐶 *snuggles Lucifer's leg*
A Month Later;
*Athena follows everyone around, marching behind people cutely*
Mammon: *Taught Athena some tricks, how to play dead, roll over, and shake! Fetch.. is a work in progress..*
Beel: *Now has a little friend to share leftovers with*
Asmo: *Put's little accessories and outfits on Athena, He's constantly pampering her.*
Lucifer: *Enjoys when Athena lays on his lap as he watches TV or does paperwork. It's a very cute sight.*
Belphie: *Athena likes to take naps with Belphie*
Satan: *Likes taking Athena to different dog parks, sometimes with Mammon so they can play*
Levi: *Athena likes to tap keys on his gaming pc, it's all cute, fun and games until he loses his save..*
Requested by: @dexpairs-blog
🎉🎉🎉50th post!🎉🎉🎉
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josiebelladonna · 2 years
literally stumbled upon a blog just now, one that i never interacted with once in my life, and saw they had blocked me.
the reason why i’m making a big post about this is because... holy shit. this one is nuts. like, some of the people on here, i get it completely, i get why you don’t me to interact with you. but the more i think about this, the more i feel tumblr going this way in the future. like, this is legit terrifying when i think about it.
now, understand, after the block party of last summer, at this point, no skin off my nose—does seem a little strange that i have never seen you in my life, let’s see your pinned post:
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um… 🤭
i’m sorry, i have to laugh at this. it’s so over-the-top that it actually got a laugh out of me. why are you here if you don’t want people to follow you? this isn’t instagram or twitter where you can put your account on private and refuse who follows and who doesn’t. i mean, i do see the logic somewhat—instagram will shadowban you when you make art with eroticism or violence and twitter is virtually impossible to use now, but still. sort out your shit before you come here.
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okay, that first part makes complete sense. i post risqué stuff from time to time and i want everyone to use discretion as a result because i’m a wild card—after the shit with daveigh/xxgreendruidessxx i am so wary of ageless blogs. that second part, though. i’m not into that stuff myself (i think it’s gross, tbh) but saying it’s not “true” bdsm or that it can’t be is a little overblown, don’t you think? (never met anyone who wanted to gatekeep bdsm of all things, too, like damn)
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”usually”, meaning there are exceptions and they can be taught how to dominate properly, you just are refusing to do the work for whatever reason. next question.
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excuse you, it is just a word, like in the phrase “come to mama, baby”—emphasis on “come” and i like to call him baby because he’s precious to me and he gives me butterflies.  something tells me you read fifty shades of gray and took it way too literally.
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hey, i have hang-ups with fandom myself but i’m a fan of a lot of stuff. this blog is all me. what’s wrong with that? that’s kind of sad, actually, not being a fan of stuff. bring in the gatekeeping and i feel you must not have a sense of wonder. like, your private life must not contain anything childlike or pure (notice i said “childlike” and not “childish”). that’s really sad, such that i kind of feel bad i’m doing this. like, hehehehe, see some tumblr bitch make fun of someone who doesn’t like stuff hur hur.
that being said…
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jesus fucking christ, are you serious? i h8 the utter circle jerk of posts about each other’s mutuals because they’re obnoxious noise at this point but i’m always flattered when that happens. like, whoa, dude, i woke up to a shitload of notes on my posts, thank you, person! (bonus if it’s my art.)
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hey, i do, too, but you don’t see me bitching about people going through and reblogging a bunch of things. the fact you outright declare you post memes (and not art) tells me everything i need to know, too. *twirls paintbrush*
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so, according to you, kinks outside of bdsm are invalid. you think people who are into porn, either out of curiosity or genuine enjoyment, are brain dead. you think people who like erotica are brain dead. get out of your sight? how bout i fart in your general direction while i leave? make you smell me because i have a delicate stomach and shaming people for their kinks is not okay.
forget a private life being sterile: your private life is more poisonous than the basement at chernobyl.
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and you’re one to talk given you came here in the first place, and you use the colored text, an html modification. something tells me that you do understand it.
and to really revel in the insanity:
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yeah, i bet you would also tell people they’re fat and ugly so they lose weight. also “20% effective”? i like how she—and i checked, it’s a “she”—forbids people who are into adult diapers and yet she probably hasn’t had hers changed since she first got off the potty. love the use of the word “perceived”, too—why not just say “seen”? and again, if you’re so hell-bent on controlling your own image, why are you here? you can’t control how someone sees you. that’s just life: people will misunderstand you no matter what happens. yet another person so consumed with appearing mature and sexy that she winds up being immature.
i’ve known a fair number of people who were into “tightly knit” groups and they were just like this, too. there was nothing you could do to convince them otherwise, either. they’re misers, caught up in their own echo chamber to the point they no longer think very broadly. i worry, that with the aforementioned circle jerk of posts directed at each other’s mutuals, this will spread to the rest of tumblr. this place will become like this woman here: obsessed with each other’s mutuals until they start telling newbies to gtfo.
moreover, there’s this trend i’ve seen with blogs that have blocked me is that they’re run by very miserable people. there is nothing about them that strikes me as “oh, man, why did you block me? you’re awesome, i wish i could do something to fix things.” i think there was one where i actually thought that (and really, the only reason why it was all so upsetting for me was because it felt as if every time i turned around it was happening. i never saw explanations or anything like that, just angrily worded vague posts. it was upsetting because of the frequency and no one would give me a straight answer).
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maldito-arbol · 2 years
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Toad lords toad lords toad lordssss
It’s the crownnnnnn sashhh
Sasharcyyyy :(((( whyyy mallll, why can’t they just be happy
Tbh I find the castle interesting in general, it’s pretty cool.
Oooooo secret doorway yumm, but also oh god it’s the basement isn’t it oh fuck.
“He puts his hands up. “You have the final say,” he reminds her. “If you’d rather have them here, I won’t stop you. But remember that our enemies are numerous, and having eyes in different places is helpful.”
“Having eyes in different places is extremely helpful.””
Fuck I hate it here /lh
Anne :( :( :(
Tbh I kinda like Aldo hshsshjs He is interesting
Braddock <3 <3 I love them!
Oh godddddd the claws were no a good ideaaa
WOOP WOOP Marcy’s new outfit!!
Sasharcy being soft eating this knowing things are probably gonna go to shit soon
Noooo orange ey door
Oh god sasharcy,,,,,,
I feel emarresed for not realizing it’s probably the core and not strength till now,, I knew it didn’t feel like strength though
““When you said you couldn’t bear to watch me die? When you made me promise to n- never let go?” It strikes Sasha like a knife to the heart. “…when did that change?”
And she bursts into hysterics, Marcy Wu, her precious girlfriend falls apart here in her arms, sobbing like she’s never been broken before this , a betrayal that painfully marks the ending of the era in which Marcy could depend on Sasha to feel safe. Now, it’s all shattered. “
Sasha and the plantersss :(((((((
Ooooooo languages
Marcyy and Sasha and Anne grrr :(((((((
Nooo not the fucking crown oh god Sasha Sasha Sasha fuck
Gooooooddddd chapter but holy fuck Holy fuck holy fuck /pos
Oh, Strength
Fear the crown >:3
Can you tell I love the Toad Lords cause I Love the Toad Lords
Psshhhh whatre u talking about nothings wrong
Sasharcy was happy in IBYBF I had to change that
Leave Strength Alone 2k22
I LOVE the castle! This place is wild and hell yeah I’m gonna make that clear
Froog makes her debut >:3
Another secret doorway because we can never have enough of those!
Hehehehe I’m also Obsessed w the Warhammer can you tell
That was Something :)
you like my eyeball jokes? We have fun here :)
Poor Anne. She out here listening to Heart’s horrible horrible story meanwhile all this shit going down.
Sasharcy talk about ur feelings challenge.
I like Aldo too I love Aldo I’m obsessed with Aldo I LOVE THIS MAN!!!!
Yes finally! I get to update their designs!!
Braddock screentime because she deserves it.
Hahahahaha the Claws were a GREAT idea in canon but when I take from canon i can’t just let it be fine and dandy, I gotta ruin everything <3
Yes!! We’ve officially Passed True Colors era, which is marked by the arrival of Polly Plantar’s L E G G S
Super proud of Marcy for finally having a cape that isn’t torn! Although I did like the torn cape, maybe I’ll find a way to rip it in future chaps >:3
I had to give sasharcy SOME soft moments cause god knows I can’t live without them.
Orange :) Eye :)) Door :)))
Rip sasharcy there it goes
There Marcy goes too haha
EVERYONE WHO WAS HATING ON STRENGTH BETTER BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES NOW (no it’s ok I did that on purpose to cause all of you emotional damage)
Here comes the Collar again 👏👏 my favorite Angst Device!
So sad to see Sasha and the Plantars separate :(
Oh yes the languages. Do I have a plan for that? You bet I do!! Have fun translating that shit, Marce <3
Sashannarcy separates for real this time, SO tragic
Go Get That Crown Sashy >:)
BARREL MY BELOVED MAKES HIS DEBUT can you tell I’m obsessed with this man cause I’m obsessed with this man
Haha oh, that Crown
As always, thank u for the ask hehehehe I enjoyed ur reactions <3
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crimsonbluemoon · 4 years
OoOOoh! Fun! Fun! Fun! I love these, heheheh. How 'bout Celebrity!au, childhood friends, "Are you sure this is legal?" and/or "It's been so long since we did this.", and Minicat. :3 also don't mind if i reblog the game... no one ever asks me to do one but they're fun to do when i got the time. XD Hope ya have fun with all the asks ya get!
Aww I’m sure people will message you! And I’m slowly but surely getting through these. I’m hoping to get one or two done a day. ^.^ But enjoy this one for now!
AU: CelebrityTrope: Childhood friendsPrompt:  "Are you sure this is legal?“ and/or "It’s been so long since we did this.”
Pairing: Minicat
“Are you sure this is legal?” Even drunk, Craig felt like something was off about the ‘no trespassing after sunset’ sign that hung on the lifeguard post they were walking by. His feet felt light, though he was sure it was the shots he’d taken at his party. Well, it had been labelled his party, though he didn’t know most of the people his manager invited. The house’s music was pumping in the distance, but Mini was dragged further away by… someone. “What’s your name again?” 
“Hunter.” The guy seemed annoyed by the question, and Craig wondered if he’d asked it before. To be fair, he’d had to get to know a lot of people’s names that night, and alcohol didn’t help matters. Also, he really didn’t know where he was at the moment. 
Well, he knew the city at least. L.A was still the same as it’d been twenty years ago, when he’d thought he ran the streets on his bike or his surfboard. Now, after winning the NASL cup and being crowned MVP, he really did own the city. That was why he was having the dumb party with those people he didn’t know or care for. Why some guy with a stupid name was dragging him like a two year old’s ratty blanket, no care or concern for his well being. But really, did anyone these days? When was the last time that someone actually talked to Craig about something other than money, fame, or what he could do for them?   
His eyes closed slowly while he was dragged along, hearing the waves of the ocean crashing into the shore. His feet had lost their shoes, maybe along the walk to the sand, and his toes dug in with a familiar joy. This felt like home, not that stuffy expensive house that overlooked the city. The salty air, the water, all of it was so reminiscent of his childhood. How many nights had he spent on a beach like this? Searching for shells, building bonfires, finding the constellations and trying to figure out his place in the world. That had been some of the best years of his life, staring at the endless sky to remind himself that he was just so small in the grand scheme of things. 
But the best part he remembered was him. The boy with grubby cheeks and a scowl who turned into the teen with rough hands and angry blue eyes. The one person who asked him for nothing. Nothing but his company. When Craig thought he had nothing, he gave Mini everything he needed to reach his dream. Craig wished he could have done the same back then. 
Maybe now, too, if his drunk heart had anything to say about it.
“Freeze.” The voice that called out the command sounded familiar, but Mini’s brain was too sloshed to fully grasp from where. The hand that had been wrapped around his wrist was gone in an instant. It took Craig a moment to open his eyes again, and he caught a glimpse of the back of the man (Henry? Harold?) who had brought him to the beach running out of sight. It took a moment for his body to realize it was on its own, and then the world started to tilt. His arms tried to stabilize him by flailing out on either side, but it was the firm wall that his back bumped into that kept him from falling. Slowly, Mini blinked, letting gravity pull his head back to gaze up at the owner of the chest keeping his upright. His eyes were blurred a bit, partly from alcohol and the slant of his glasses, but even with the smeared vision, he picked up on some of the man’s features. 
Why’d this officer have to have blue eyes like him, too?
“You’re…really pretty.” His words fell out without any chance of filter stopping them, but he was too drunk to mind. Everything was just right for a moment; the music in the background was lower now, and the warmth on his back felt like a comforting blanket. The ocean breeze had chilled him, and while his first companion hadn’t hesitated to leave him cold and alone, this stranger seemed fine with Mini pressed against him. Hands that might have grasped his hips to keep him standing were the right side of rough, large and just so familiar-
“That is…is totally my name.” He laughed at his own answer, head fluffy with memories and booze. He didn’t mind slipping deeper into his daydream, letting the water and cold of night sooth his wounded soul. He knew this wasn’t him; the police officer’s badge dug into his shoulder blade, and he could see the flashing lights from the cop car parked somewhere behind them.  He wasn’t that lucky. But the cop was built just like him; tall and scruffy, but soft despite the large body. Prickly, if he got any hints from the scoff that brushed his ear. But he hadn’t dropped Craig, which meant he was probably just as caring and kind on the inside as…Mini squeezed his eyes tighter, leaning back into the officer holding him. But when he spoke, it was for someone who was miles away. “God, I missed you.” 
“What are you doing out here?”
“Iunno. Some guy dragged me out here for something,” he murmured, hearing a growl of annoyance that made him smile.
“You idiot, what kind of answer-”
“It’s been so long since…since we’ve done this.” He didn’t care if his pathetic mumbling was spilled to a reporter and plastered on a tabloid next week; he just needed to let it out. Years of longing, being alone in a crowd of thousands, searching for his breaking point. Decades of just not knowing where his life was headed, or when he’d stop spinning so high, when he’d crash and burn into the ground. Who would stand by Mini in the wreckage? 
He would have, probably. Because he had given Craig his nights and attention before anyone even knew his stupid name. What would he think of Mini, now? 
The decade of radio silence gave the answer he didn’t want to hear. 
“Everything okay down there? Need me to come help haul him to the car?” The call of another officer from the beach’s side road threatened to break the dream-like state of Craig’s moment, and he groaned in protest before pressing closer to his source of warmth. 
“Nah, I’ve got him. No need to call it in.” But just like his old friend would have done, this officer, this stranger, had protected Mini.
“Do ya now? This one’s special to ya, is he?” There was a tease somewhere in the tone, but Mini didn’t open his eyes to investigate. 
“Shut up, Hanby.  Take a drive down the rest of the road and see if anyone else is around. If you can find the punk who bailed when we pulled up, cuff him. I know where this idiot lives.”
“How are you planning on getting home after helping your new friend out?” 
“I was off the clock ten minutes ago; I don’t gotta tell you shit. Now get moving.” The banter was swimming in Craig’s ears, but the thumb that brushed against his hip bone melted his brain too much to butt in.  
“Oh, there’s definitely a story here. Be ready to share it with Fong and Del over coffee tomorrow. Can’t wait, buddy.” A warm laugh echoed against the night sky when the other officer moved away, and Craig’s ear picked up on the rocks shifting under the car’s tires when it pulled away. 
“Fuck, he’s almost as big of a pain as you.” The words were sharp and warm against Craig’s ear, and he felt his body shudder from something deeper than the cold. 
“God.” This cop even sounded like him. His eyes burned behind closed lids as he let out a wet laugh, nuzzling his nose into the collar of the officer. Maybe it’d get him arrested for indecent behavior in public, but he smelt like smoked wood, motor oil, and him. Or what he’d smelt like as a teenager, maybe. The details were so fuzzy now; was he just blending this person with his past to make himself feel better? Mini’s mind sloshed over new thoughts like waves, barreling into the shore of his reality with no intention to break. 
“Let’s get you home.” But before he could take a step, before the stranger could finally break the final thread of Mini’s mirage of happiness, he spoke.
“I miss him.” A sob pushed out over his laugh, head useless against the tense shoulder behind him. “I miss us, how we…sat at the ocean, talked and…and…I just felt loved, maybe. Not like now. I don’t know if he ever felt…it’s been so long since…since I’ve been happy. You just feel like love, mr…mr. officer-sir-man. You feel like Tyler, and it’s…been so long since I’ve seen him. Since I’ve had him by my side. My whole side’s missing, it’s…he’s gone. And here I am, drunk and probably arrested and in love with a ghost. Tyler would hate me now-”
“Shit.” The grip around his waist tightened for a moment, but Mini didn’t mind the squeeze. It grounded him in a way nobody had in years. The alcohol was doing a bang up job of messing with his head, as it tried to convince him the officer’s next words were mumbled against his forehead. “Brock’s gonna be impossible to deal with when he finds out he was right. Fuck.” 
“Hey, I…I have a Brock, too.” Craig laughed and then slumped, a crest of fatigue finally rolling into him. “He’s always right, good guy. He’d make a good wife for me.” 
“Wait, what-”
“Cept can’t marry him when I love Tyler. Life would probably…be easier if I just forgot him. But, I can’t.” He yawned and accepted he’d end up in the cell by the morning, giving all his weight to the officer holding him. “I’m gonna pass out now. Thanks for…being here.” 
“I should have been here before, idiot, I-.”  Whatever else came next, Craig didn’t hear, his mind slipping into sleep. 
He didn’t know that Officer Tyler Wine carried him home. Not to the house with strangers, but to his mother’s house three miles away. The one right across the street from the house Tyler himself had bought from his parents three years ago. He didn’t know Tyler was still in his city, still driving their streets, still sitting on their beaches, reminiscing. He didn’t know Tyler had refused to reach out in case Craig no longer needed a local boy that didn’t shine in the limelight. That he’d ignored their friend’s advice, kept his nose in his work, pretended he wasn’t missing a part of himself. 
And Mini didn’t know that he’d still be there when Craig woke up the next morning. 
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ghostlyshylee · 4 years
(Pre-story note, I originally posted this on DeviantArt back in 2016. I would love to write again and share my ideas with people. This is technically my first fiction so it may be a bit rough around the edges so let me know how you feel, any criticism welcomed!)
[Lee: Naruto - Ler: Kakashi; platonic]
It was another usual day of training for squad 7, Naruto butting heads with Sasuke and Sakura getting on the blonde’s case. “Alright everyone that’s enough training for one afternoon.” Said Kakashi exhausted from Naruto constantly bickering with Sasuke. “Aw man! But I’m not even tired yet!” Naruto argued. “Hmph, you look pretty tired to me.” Retorted Sasuke sarcastically. Naruto was about to go at it again but was interrupted by one annoyed Sakura. “Naruto why don’t you just give it a rest already?!” She stressed. “Man why’s everyone always on HIS side?” Naruto pouted. Kakashi sighed at his squad while putting away his latest romance novel. “Well I don’t know about you three but I’m starving so how ‘bout I treat you all to some lunch to reward your recent hard work?” Everyone’s face lit up at the offer, Naruto’s in particular. “Alright! Can we eat at Ichiraku’s? Please??” Naruto asked eagerly. “Why does it always have to be Ichiraku’s?” Sighed Sakura. “Because Ichiraku’s is the best!” Stated Naruto like it was the most obvious fact ever. I really don’t mind where we eat.“ Added Kakashi. "I guess there’s no choice.” Said Sakura. “Whatever.” Said Sasuke not really caring where he ate either.
-Some Time Later-
“…ahh! That hit the spot!” Exclaimed Naruto satisfied with his third bowl. Sasuke casually wiped his mouth as Sakura finished her bowl. “Nothing beats Ichiraku’s ramen!” Said Naruto. “Here’s what we owe you.” Said Kakashi handing over the ryo. “Well I’m heading home everyone, thank you for luch Kakashi sensei.” Said Sakura readying herself to leave. “Alright then see ya, stay safe.” Kakashi said as he waved her goodbye. “Well no use for me to hang around here so I guess I’m off too.” Said Sasuke while hopping from his seat. “Thanks for the food Kakashi.” He said as he walked out of the ramen shop, Kakashi nodding in response. After a few minutes passed Kakashi began to lean back onto the bar, a bit lost in thought while Naruto patted his stomach satisfied. Kakashi’s eyes had begun to wonder and eventually ended up on Naruto’s stomach. “Hmm, the nine tails.” Kakashi thought to himself.  "Wonder how that seal has been holding up.“ "Eh, something wrong sensei..? "Naruto asked curiously. "Hmm? Oh, it’s nothing.” Kakashi said while looking fowards. “Well… actually there is something Naruto.” Naruto sat up at full attention. “What is it?” Kakashi paused for a moment. “I was wondering about your seal.” Naruto looked at him a bit confused but then realized what he meant by “seal”. “Oh, it’s coming along OK I guess…” Kakashi looked at him with a questioning look. “Just OK? He asked. "Well…” Naruto started. “Do you want to talk about it in private?” Kakashi asked with a hint of concern. “Sure I guess..” Replied Naruto a little anxious. “Alright, let’s head back to the training grounds then.” Said Kakashi. They both got up and thanked Ichiraku for the meal then left for the training grounds.
Some time had passed since they went to eat for the sun was starting to set and the sky was quite orange. “So, what seems to be the problem?” Asked Kakashi as they both got comfortable on the grass. “Well, ever since that fight with Haku I’ve been having these weird dreams.” Said a Naruto, sounding a bit uncertain. “Weird dreams?” Asked Kakashi. “Not really dreams … they’re more like nightmares.” Naruto said looking tense. “Tell me Naruto, what happens in these nightmares?” Asked Kakashi. “Well it’s hard to explain but I would wake up in a cave, but I’m still asleep and some reason it just stinks so bad in there.” Explained Naruto. “And I would try to find my way out but I keep running in circles but then I’d finally find a straight path that always leads me to a cage.” Said Naruto. “A cage?” Asked Kakashi worried. “Yeah, a giant cage. It’s so weird but like there’s always some kind of monster in the cage calling my name, telling me to come closer… it’s just so creepy.” Said Naruto staring into his legs. “I wish the nightmare would stop but it’s been happening every night ever since that fight.” Naruto said with a hint of sadness and defeat. Kakashi put his hand on his shoulder to try and comfort him.
“Maybe I should take a look at your seal.” Naruto was a bit suprised by the suggestion and eyed his sensei with a bit of confusion. “Oh, uh alright.” Kakashi motioned for Naruto to stand. “Alright, remove your jacket.” Kakashi pointed out and Naruto did as instructed. “Ok now what?” Asked Naruto, admittedly a bit nervous but also curious. “Now I need you to come closer so I can examine the seal.” Stated Kakashi. “Right.” Said Naruto as he moved close enough for Kakashi to examine. “Alright I’m going to lift your shirt up a little.” He lifted his shirt revealing the seal, Naruto held it in place to make it easier for him. Kakashi then proceeded to lightly trace the seal markings. “So it seems nothing’s been changed yet, that’s a relief.” He thought to himself while continuing to examine Naruto. While thinking to himself he was snapped back to reality by Naruto suppressing what sounded like… giggles? He looked up at Naruto to see a large smile across his face. “Hmm” He mused. “What’s wrong Naruto?” Asking curiously, already having a pretty good idea. “It kind of tickles when you do that.” He replied. “Tickles, huh?” Asked Kakashi a bit mischievously. A thought came to him, giving him a cruel idea.
“This might be a bit fun.” He thought to himself, a playful look in his showing eye. In an instant, Naruto found himself in a headlocked position, bringing him to his knees. “K-Kakashi sensei?!” Stammered Naruto, uncertain of what just happened. Instead of replying, Kakashi simply glided his free hand over the seal. “Ka-hah kashi-heheheh sen-henseiheheh!!” Kakashi simply smirked and increased his pacing. “N-no! Stah-hahaha sto-hop! Pleasheheheseee!! Why are you, hahahahah!! Doing-hing thi-hiseheheh?!”
“I’m simply testing that seal of yours.” Kakashi replied casually. “Nohoho! Na-hahat like this!!” Kakashi just shruged and began to pick up his pace while tickling a bit harder. Bwahahahah!! Nahaha! St-stohahahap! Hahahahaha!“ As the tickling continued Kakashi decided to take a different direction. "Ahahahahahahaha! W-what’re youhohoho-” He cut himself off with a squeak as Kakashi assaulted his pits next. “AHahaha!! Nahahahahahah! It’s tohohoho much! Plea- *squeak* don’t!!” Kakashi hearing Naruto’s squeaks continues the rough house on his pits. Ah-HAH!! IS THIS REALLY HELPING?!“ Screamed Naruto. Kakashi being entertained and not wanting to let up, devised a new idea. Kakashi let up on the headlock, immediately after Naruto nearly doubled over on the ground from the extensive "inspection”. “I-is is over?” Asked Naruto catching his breath. “Nope.” Kakashi simply replied.
Taking advantage of his student’s exhausted state, Kakashi pulled Naruto into his lap, grabbing both of his wrists. “No… heheh no!” Naruto began to realize his situation. “Come now Naruto, it requires a great deal of inspection to make sure one’s seal is holding up.” Kakashi said trying to sound serious but coming across as a bit cheeky. “Besides, I’d say you needed bit of cheering up having such nightmares.” “But I don’t need to be cheered up, I’m fine!” Naruto forced an almost painful smile on his face. “Mmmm I don’t buy it.” Said Kakashi as he suddenly drove his finers into Naruto’s left ribcage, this of course driving Naruto into hysterics. “MUAHAHAHA!! N-HAHA NO!! KAHAHA KASHIHEHEHEH!!” “Yes?” Kakashi said speaking over Naruto’s laughter. “STAHAHAHAHAPAHAHA!! PLEAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Naruto screamed. “Hmm…” Kakashi mused while doing a spider crawl motion on his right rib. “YOUHORHOR KILLEHEHENING MEHEHEHEH!!” Kakashi looked at Naruto faking a shocked expression. “So it seems I am.” Kakashi decided to let up on the poor boy and Naruto took this time to breath some much needed air.
“Heh..heh… that was awful” Naruto breathlessly exclaimed. “I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.” Kakashi smiled, Naruto’s wrists still in hand. A good few minutes passed by while Naruto caught his breath, he was about to question why he was still being held captive in his sensei’s lap only to be swiftly cut off with a loud and wet sound. Naruto taken by complete surprise (and tickly sensations) shrieked. “NAHAHA-BWAHAHA AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I C-CAHAHAN’T TAHAHAKE THIHIHIHIHISSSSS!!!” Naruto unable to form sentences right suffered through what seemed like endless raspberries.  Five long minutes later Kakashi finally let up and Naruto was a gasping mess, his face had reddened with the amount of harsh tickling and Kakashi could see tears taking form. “Well looks like I DID go overboard…” Naruto looked at Kakashi angrily, or would’ve appeared that way if there wasn’t a huge smile plastered to his face.
“You… you-hoo jerherherk…” “I try.” Smiled Kakashi. A few minutes go by as Naruto’s coloration finally returned back to normal and was finally able to get up out of Kakashi’s grasp. “Man, that was still a really jerk move!” Puffed Naruto at Kakashi. “Hmm I wonder what Sasuke and Sakura would think of this?”  Mused Kakashi. “WHAT?!! YOU’RE NOT TELLIN’ THEM ARE YOU?!” Panicked Naruto. “Calm down Naruto, I’m just pulling your leg.” Kakashi said, letting out a small chuckle. “Right…” Naruto said, still a bit embarrassed about it. “Naruto..” “Wh-what is it?” He asked. If anything actually does happen with your seal come and tell me, ok?“ Kakashi said while ruffling Naruto’s hair. "Yeah ok.” Kakashi made up to Naruto with some more ramen later that night for the extensive “examining” and Naruto didn’t really mind.
-Later that night-
Naruto had just gotten home from his second ramen run with Kakashi. “Man, finally home!” Naruto said exhausted from prior events. “What a day…” He said to himself as he plopped down on his bed, too exhausted to shower even, to be infact he was happy to go to sleep for he didn’t feel afraid of the nightmare anymore.
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ticklygiggless · 4 years
[Hisoka’s foot acupuncture therapy]
//Hisoka made a spa months later after the hunters exam so surprisingly Gon and them show up there//
Word count:1,504
Hisoka: welcome guys now I Hisoka will show you my magnificent foot spa which I learned from my friend illumi.
Killua: big bro? Impossible
Gon: Foot spa.... massage feet
Killua: Yep
Hisoka: I would like to start with kurapika~
Kurapika: Why me?!
Hisoka: bcuz I want to hear that lovely laugh and scream~
Kurapika: tsk as if I would do that. A calm person like me who is always ready would scream bcuz of a massage
Hisoka:We would know if we get started~
Kurapika: Bring it on then
Hisoka: then please take a seat~
Gon: D-dose it hurt
Hisoka: A bit but you will feel paradise
Killua: i smell something fishy.
Hisoka: well let’s get started~
Kurapika: hm? What’s with the white crea-HHNH HAHH
Hisoka:hooh~you have a lot of weak spots~ now let me hear more of that sweet voice *massages his feet more*
Hisoka: hooh~your squeaking a lot Kurapika~ how bout here *moves to the toes*
Kurapika: AHAHA- hnnn-!-AHAHAA-NO-NOOO
Hisoka: And here *moves to center of his foot*
Gon: Does it hurt Kurapika *scared*
Killua: Kurapika are you screaming in pain or screaming in tickle*confused*
Kurapika:IN PAHAHAHAHAINNNNN *giggles*
Hisoka: I’ll take that as in tickle *massages more intensely on arch*
Hisoka: aww your laugh is so adorable~
Gon and Killua: Pervert 😑😑
Kurapika:S-SPIDER-HEHEHES-SPIDER AHAHAH! HNNN *squirming around*
Hisoka:Oops don’t squirm around so much, can you guys hold him~
Killua: AS YOU WISH! *Holds down Kurapika who is losing it*
Hisoka:your a lot more sensitive then I guessed~ *pull back his toes and tickle his arch*
Kurapika:*Squeals* EEEKK THAHAT NOT EVEN A MASSAG-HEHEHE STAHAHP I GIVE INNN AHAHAHA! *Laughs harder and turns red*
Killua:(So he was screaming in tickle I don’t think he can handle foot massages at all unless...) I think you broke him
Hisoka:Ok then let’s stop here such a adorable laugh~
Kurapika:*stares at Hisoka*
Hisoka: Ok come one don’t look at me like that or esle you’ll turn me on more~
Kurapika: remind m-me to NEVER get an ac-cupuncture again especially by H-hisoka *panting*
*Leorio comes into the scene and see that Kurapika looks tired Gon and Killua held him back and Hisoka smirking pervertedly at Kurapika*
Leorio: HEY! WHATS WITH ALL THE FUZZ?! I heard Kurapika voice screaming in a weird way! What’s going on here?!
Kurapika:No i-I never screamed
Killua: No you were! Don’t lie!
Kurapika: Fine i did only because this acupuncture stuff hurts!
Killua: Yeah “hurts” sir gigglesalot *pokes his side teases*
Kurapika: AAH S-shutup Killua how about you go next then Mr. toughguy
Gon: Dose it hurt that badly *nervous*
Hisoka: yes Killua i wanna 𝙨𝙖𝙫𝙚 Gon for last~
Kurapika: Pervert!
Killua: O-ok *stammers*
Leorio: whatever I don’t care what y’all do just keep it down will ya* Leaves*
Gon: hehe sorry Leorio *chuckles*
Hisoka: Well then Killua take a seat~
Killua: *sits*
Gon: D-dose it hurt *still scared*
Killua: No actually it feels really go— AAAHHH OWOWOWOW *screams in pain
Gon: Killua! Are you okay?
Kurapika: what happend to Tough Guy~
Killua:UWAH Uwah AAH!
Hisoka: Killua? What’s wrong Killua~?
Killua: i had enough—already!
Hisoka: No not yet not yet...
Kurapika: already can’t even make it to 30 seconds softie~ *teases*
Hisoka: This is only just the beginning~
Kurapika: Oí whats with the “Ah”
Hisoka: Ok Killua, How about here? Over here...
Killua: *Bangs on the chair*
Gon: it’s not pro wrestling ya’know *chuckles*
Killua: UUHHHH
Gon: Somehow it looks like he’s is becoming more and more feverish*concerned*
Hisoka: I’m starting to get excited! Ooh~
Kurapika: Can’t you stay calm your more calmer than me?
Gon: I’m scared my turn is next
Hisoka: Killua...that face expression... is mmm THE BEST~!!
Kurapika: uh uh H-he is bending backwards *concerned and surprised*
Gon: Hey,does it hurt? does it hurt? it doesn’t hurt r-right? Hey!
Killua: it hurts!
Hisoka :Alright that’s enough for Killua~
Gon: Uhh uhh
Hisoka: Now then, Gonnn~
Kurapika: it won’t hurt you Gon
Hisoka: i’ve kept you waiting...~
Gon: I-It won’t hurt since I’m relaxed r-right?
Hisoka: Really?
Gon: Y-yeah!
Hisoka:It could still hurt if the whole body isn’t relaxed~
Gon: No way! I’m relaxed see! see!
Hisoka: It’s ok
Kurapika and Killua: what is all of that have to do with anything?!
Gon: Are you starting...?
Gon: It doesn’t hurt at all!
Hisoka: What was that all about?~
Hisoka: I’m gonna start at the bottom and move up~
Hisoka: first the heel~
Kurapika:Really, you...
Hisoka: How does it feel~
Hisoka:Should I do it harder~
Kurapika: Hisoka after the heel where are you going to next?
Hisoka: Alright after that then were going to move to the side~
Killua and Kurapika: Gon, stop crying!*😂😂*
Hisoka: This is where your nerves surround and protect.
Kurapika: why are you crying?
Killua: Then why are you crying?*😂😂*
Kurapika:*gives Gon a napkin*Here Gon
Gon: HEHEHEHE*Wiping tears*
Hisoka:Thats a cute laugh you have there Gon~
Gon:it doesn’t hurt ahahaha
Kurapika: He’s laughing?
Killua: Like how were Mr.giggles*pokes him*
Kurapika: WAAH,Dammit Killua you didnt even last a minute.
Killua:tsk whatever well at least gon is smiling
Hisoka,Killua and Kurapika: Huh? What are you talking about Gon?
Killua: I think he’s lost *chuckles*
Kurapika: He’s gone crazy*chuckles*
Hisoka: Ok now the center
Hisoka: Him squirming around turns me on ooo~
Kurapika:Eeeww! Hisoka your so perverted!
Killua:Hisoka you’re enjoying yourself too much*creeped out*
Hisoka: Aww but it was just starting to become fun~
Hisoka:Ok I’ll let you off
Kurapika: Yeah before you kill him*chuckles*
Killua: Like literally
Gon: Hisoka i-i a-almost died d-dammit
Hisoka: You look red as a tomato but the cute kind mmmh!~
Gon: *Stick tounge out at Hisoka* hmph meanie
Kurapika:* does the same thing* Loser
Leorio:*comes downstairs* Why the hell are you two marking faces at Hisoka you guys are weird*chuckles*
Killua: There just being over sensitive! Hehe
Killua:especially Mr.giggles * whispers and pokes Kurapika*
Kurapika:AHH Killua your a Loser too and stop poking me and calling me Mr.giggles
Killua: Ok whatever you say Mr.Giggles *Pokes Kurapika*
Kurapika: You didn’t even last a minute
Killua: Tsk WHATEVER
Kurapika:if anyone is being over sensitive it’s you
Killua: I want you to remember this Kurapika bcuz when I get revenge I want you to remember those exact words
Kurapika: Tsk whatever
Leorio: haha i don’t know what happened but I kinda wish i didnt missed it
Gon: Ok let’s go back home I’m tired actually Hisoka I do feel relaxed!
Hisoka: i told you that you will feel more relaxed after it~
Hisoka:Bu-bye my sweet gon~ and my sensitive Kurapika~
Gon: ew bye!
Leorio And Killua: Bye!
Kurapika: S-shut up Hisoka Bye!
// how will Killua seek his revenge on kurapika stay tuned in//
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popatochisssp · 5 years
Make Your Mark, 5/10
Series: Undertale, Underfell Relationship(s): UF!Sans/Reader Chapter Warnings: Suggestive language/behavior, passing descriptions of a really awful, terrible movie that you should by no means look up, please, I am begging you
AO3 Link
In a world where soulmates exist, monsters and humans have one thing in common: the first time two soulmates touch, a mark randomly appears somewhere–anywhere– on their bodies to represent their match.
It still doesn’t make relationships easier…but maybe it does make them a little more interesting!
You were surprised he lasted as long as he did before uttering the fateful words you’d been expecting all night.
“what the fuck are we watchin’?!”
“I warned you,” you tell him.
Sans scoffs, still in disbelief.
“nah, nah,” he says, “ya’ said, ‘garbage movie.’ ya’ said ‘worst thing ya’ ever saw.’ ya’ didn’t say nothin’ about ‘batshit, z-movie crap-heap diggin’ itself into crazier and crazier holes it ain’t ever gonna climb back out of’!”
You shrug. “That should’ve been implied.”
The horrible movie, uncaring of your scathing assessments of it, plays on in front of you, the only light in your living room.
The only light, of course, excepting the indignant red of Sans’ eye-lights, seeking answers from you that would never come.
“so…what even happened?” he demands. “the lady fuckin’…caught the immortality-herpes from that asshole? an’ now she’s just…pregnant forever?”
“As long as she has access to human spinal fluid, I guess.”
Sans shakes his head. “ya’ say that like it ain’t crazy.”
“Oh, it is.” You lean back against the couch, propping your feet up on the coffee table. “I’ve just seen weirder.”
“pfft, no, no way the tentacle-faces were weirder’n that.”
Poor Sans—so naïve, so innocent…
So deserving of this.
“I’m not talking about the first act,” you inform him coolly. “I’m talking about the next one.”
You take great, sadistic pleasure in watching Sans’ eye-lights shrink in horror.
“no,” he breathes, clearly in denial. “how can it possibly get more fucked up than that…?”
The dramatic pause you hold for effect makes Sans tense. He knows you’re going to say something terrible, but his skull just can’t imagine what it will be and he can’t brace himself for it.
“Brain-eating, fetus-stealing, alien bat-things.”
You are dead serious.
“oh, fuck me, stars above. no, nuh-uh, m’out.”
“You’re not allowed to be out,” you tell him with a frosty glare. “I told you this was a shitty movie and you insisted we watch it anyway for laughs, and I sacrificed another precious hour of my life to this thing—we’re finishing it!”
Sans groans loudly.
“but it sucks,” he whines. “i can’t even make fun of it anymore! it ain’t funny-bad, it’s just bad!”
“I know that, Sans.”
You don’t know why it surprises you when, after a long, sullen silence, Sans snakes an arm around your shoulders.
Your name drawled in an enticingly husky tone isn’t a surprise, though.
You know how this goes.
“c’mon, doll,” Sans coaxes, tugging you a little closer. “you don’t wanna watch this either… why don’t we shut it off…do somethin’ a little more…fun…?”
You smirk up at him, tilting your head. “Oh? Sans, what are you implying?”
He chuckles. It’s a sultry sound that sends a shiver up your spine, at odds with the scorching warmth of his body pressing against yours.
“oh, i dunno… i can think of a few fun things me an’ you could get up to.”
You don’t have to pretend to sound a little breathless when you say, “Do tell…”
Sans leans in, just a bit.
“not so fast: gotta kiss me first…”
For a split second, you’re so tempted that you almost do it.
His sharp, grinning teeth, his glowering red eyes, his deep, rumbling voice daring you to do the very thing you’ve fantasized about for months…
But it’s not real.
It never is.
You plant your hands against his chest and shove him back.
“You fucker,” you laugh, “you don’t think I’m that easy, do you?”
Sans laughs, too, just as casual and unbothered as you knew he’d be.
“ah, can’t blame a guy for tryin’, can ya’?”
You lightly smack him on the arm, forcing him to pay attention to the horrible movie still playing on your TV and trying not to feel too hurt.
Sans was…your buddy.
You hung out and ate junk food and watched bad movies—though not usually this bad—and it was…good.
It was fine.
As long as you ignored your raging crush on the guy, which got harder and harder to do every time he playfully flirted with you like that.
You knew that he didn’t mean it, and you were sure in your heart of hearts that if he knew how much it really hurt you, he’d knock it off, but whenever you went to say something about it, you’d… go a little cold inside.
Thinking of a future where Sans keeps his distance, where he doesn’t flirt at you or get close to you or touch you at all…
You hate it.
So, you do your best to be okay with the alternative, even if it doesn’t mean anything to him like it does to you.
Sans is your friend, after all, and you’re happy to have him around however you can get him.
Sans is a bastard in the extreme.
With only a half-hour left in the movie, he manages to pass out another ten minutes in, sagging against your couch and snoring like a chainsaw.
Annoyed, you shut off the nightmare film—no point suffering it if you can’t make him suffer, too—and get up.
You stretch a little and then go about gathering up your trash, empty cans and chip bags and other such debris cluttering your coffee table.
Sans doesn’t even stir and the sight of him so peacefully snoozing away, blissfully ignorant of everything around him makes your chest feel warm.
Things were…rough for monsters, Underground: you know that, everybody knows that.
Like many monsters, Sans was tense and on edge a lot, but here he was now, totally conked out on his human friend’s couch without a care in the world and…
That made you happy to see.
He deserved the rest.
You decide to let him sleep, and sleep, he does.
Sans sleeps through the flood of the lights you turn back on, through the noise of your cleaning, through the crinkling bags and clinking cans, and through the shifting of the cushions when you carefully sit back down beside him.
He even stays asleep when he tips to the side, slumping over on top of you like you were his own personal pillow.
You choke back your squawk of outrage at the last second, but the bastard’s heavy and his breaths are ruffling your hair with every snore and it tickles, so you reach up, hoping to gently shove him off again without waking him.
Instead, you freeze.
Right in front of you, as you watch, there’s color flooding along your forearm—cherry-red flames coming to life across your skin, licking all the way up to your elbow.
In the moment it takes shape, it looks like nothing less than the real thing, like an actual crackling fire has just sprung to life on your body.
By the time it finally settles, you’re clear-headed enough to know that you’re in shock.
This…this is your soulmark.
Sans is your soulmate.
You think that maybe in a more genuinely calm state of mind, you might handle this revelation with a little more poise than you actually do.
Instead, Sans finally snorts awake to the feeling of you trying to pull off his jacket.
“whoa, whoa, hey,” he murmurs, voice still gravelly from sleep. “what’re ya’ strippin’ me fer? heheh, not even gonna buy me a drink? jeez, an’ i thought we were pals…”
You don’t answer him.
You’re not entirely sure you can.
You just keep trying to tug at the clothing in the way of the most imperative question you’ve ever needed the answer to—are you Sans’ soulmate?
Sans seems to realize you’re not playing a game.
Thoughtlessly, he catches you by the wrist, frowning down at you.
“hey, seriously,” he says, “what’s goin’ on? yer actin’ ffffuuuuhhhhh………”
He’s noticed your new splash of color.
His eye-lights shoot back up to meet yours with sudden appreciation of your urgency.
“did… you…?”
You have no idea what question he’s trying to verbalize, but you figure a vigorous nod is enough answer.
Apparently, it is, because Sans lets go of your wrist and whips off his jacket himself, eagerly searching his body for the match to your mark.
You spot it first and with a wordless exclamation of delighted surprise, you grab him by his humerus.
Sans doesn’t try to make you let go, just craning his neck to see it himself.
“a bird…?” he asks, sounding curious.
And it is…but it’s not just a bird.
“It’s a dove,” you realize, tracing the outline of the little swooping thing gliding across his bone.
A dove…
Was that… is that…really what you are to Sans? For Sans?
Your throat feels tight… which is fine ‘cause you have no idea what you’d say, anyway.
Sans to the rescue, filling the silence with a hushed observation.
“you, uh…ya’ don’t look too broken up about this.”
‘Broken up’…?
Of course you’re not broken up about this, this is…amazing! Incredible! Easily one of the best things that could’ve happened to you in this moment! How could Sans ever think…
…But then, you look at him.
And he looks…wary… a little scared… maybe even a little…hopeful?
You think you must be wearing the same expression right now.
A spark of realization seems to pass between you and it occurs to you that you’re both stumbling on the heels of a huge misunderstanding.
“……heh…heheheh… ah, jeez…”
You still, eyes going wide as Sans reaches out to you, gently cradling your cheek in his claws.
His signature cocky smirk looks almost sheepish now as he says, “think, uh…think both of us may’ve been a little stupid, huh?”
You feel your face heating, but you can own up. “Yeah…”
“maybe…played some chicken? hopin’ somebody’d say somethin’ or… wouldn’t pull back last minute…?”
Sans huffs out something that could be a laugh.
“games ain’t workin’ too well for us, are they?”
You swallow. “Not…not really, no.”
“crazy idea,” he murmurs, “how ‘bout we give words a shot?”
A giggle bubbles up past your lips and you feel a little giddy, a little nervous still, but when Sans starts to lean in…
You just say it.
“I don’t want you to pull back.”
Sans grins at you.
“good. i don’t wanna, either.” He pauses for a split-second, considering. Then deciding, “think that’s enough words for now. c’mere…”
Sans pulls you close and as his teeth brush against your lips for the first time, you can’t help but agree.
The rest of the words can be for later.
UT!Sans | UT!Papyrus | US!Sans | US!Papyrus | UF!Papyrus | SF!Sans | SF!Papyrus | HT!Sans | HT!Papyrus
A/N: Necronomicon (1993) is..........not a good film. Please don’t watch it, you cannot get the time back.
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homespork-review · 5 years
Homespork Act 2: The Racism of the Conductor’s Baton (Part 2)
FAILURE ARTIST: We don’t get much time to mourn with Dave because the comic flashes to a weird wizard statue. This statue is ZAZZERPAN THE LEARNED. Wizards are another recurring theme in Homestuck. Andrew Hussie once artfully defaced this cheesy book called Wizardology (warning: lots of really offensive humor). Anyway, Rose hates the giant statue and the other wizard paraphernalia her mother collects and believes her mother does this only to spite her. On a platform is a bronzed vacuum (with a place to put alcoholic beverages) that Rose gave her as an ironic present. On the couch there’s a life-sized princess doll that Rose has attached a Cthulhu-type head to. All these things set up Rose’s troubled relationship with her mother. Rose believes her mother is taunting her and Rose taunts her back.
BRIGHT: This scene also establishes that some things (the Cthulhu doll for one) are too big to be captchalogued.
CHEL: Actually, that was noted with the harlequin doll earlier but we forgot to mention that.
FAILURE ARTIST: Rose goes to the kitchen. On the fridge is a crude picture of her late cat Jaspers, who turns out to be more than a family pet. There’s more signs of this cold war between mother and daughter on the fridge.
CHEL: Also, numerous liquor bottles in the kitchen and comically exaggerated displays of wealth, such as a fifteen-thousand-dollar picture frame.
FAILURE ARTIST: After fussing with the fridge, Rose tries to leave the kitchen only to run into her mother. She tries escaping but lands comically in some wizard statuettes.
CHEL: Mom Lalonde is mopping the floor, with no water in the bucket, holding a martini in her other hand. The woman clearly has a problem. Again, this is an issue with the portrayal of the parents; this is pretty funny, but were a real mother behaving this way, it would seriously mess up the kid, and whether we’re supposed to take it as Rule of Funny or not later becomes inconsistent.
BRIGHT: I think a lot of the humour here is supposed to come from the implication that Mom Lalonde actually is a loving if clueless (and drunk) parent, and Rose is reading her badly. On the other hand, something is clearly very wrong, and while Mom Lalonde may indeed be loving the situation is definitely having an impact on Rose.
TIER: Say whatever you want, but when putting on the late game Cerebus Retcon goggles there are probably non-humorous questions to be asked about how screwy Mom Lalonde is as a parental unit if her daughter has ended up interpreting most of her actions as mocking or backhanded towards herself. Like, kids don't just decide that.
CHEL: Back to Dave, he’s chatting with GG and they’re being adorable. GG comments about her birthday present to John, the green box we saw in the car earlier, and…
GG: no!!!!!!! GG: he will not open it GG: he will lose it!!! TG: oh TG: uh TG: wow sorry to hear that i guess? GG: no its good actually! GG: because he will find it again later when he really needs it GG: which of course is why i sent it in the first place! TG: see like TG: i never get how you know these things GG: i dont know GG: i just know that i know!
I think here is when we start to get inklings of the kids’ unusual abilities - I mean, unusual in the context of the weird world they live in. A bit more is established about GG’s home life and Dave’s attitudes, too:
GG: i have to feed bec which is always a bit of an undertaking TG: man TG: if i were you i would just take that fucking devilbeast out behind the woodshed and blow its head off GG: heheheh! GG: i dont think i could if i tried!!! TG: yeah TG: say hi to your grand dad for me too ok GG: ._. GG: yes i guess an encounter with him is almost certain GG: it is usually........ GG: intense!!! TG: well yeah isnt it always with family TG: but he sounds like a total badass
“Intense” in a world where attacking your father with a hammer isn’t worthy of comment sounds worrying. We’ll see how that goes.
FAILURE ARTIST: Dave has the tiniest of smiles here and in Hussie’s annotation he says that one pixel created Dave/GG. Whether or not their connection is romantic, Dave obviously feels great affection for her.
CHEL: Interactions between all four of the kids are really sweet, honestly. Dialogue and character interactions are one of the strongest points of the comic overall. Personally I have a soft spot for the OT4.
TIER: In my unprofessional opinion, the beta humans are by far the most functioning and tight knit group of the various groups within the comic, for what that's worth considering the overall dysfunction junction. They're sweet to one another is what I'm saying.
CHEL: Dave talks to John, who mentions the creepy trails around his house and how he thinks he’s seen monsters, which we the audience have definitely seen; creepy little black imps with fangs and, oddly, jester outfits. They bear a striking resemblance to the Wayward Vagabond, in fact. Dave makes fun, but at least pretends not to disbelieve him, and urges him to keep his hammer at the ready. Dave can’t find his Bro, but can find “Lil Cal”, implying Bro is nearby.
TG: lil cal is the shit EB: that's fine, you are entitled to your opinion, i am just saying that being a white guy who is a rapper with a ventriloquist doll is not cool by any stretch of the imagination or by any definition of word cool, ironic or otherwise. that's all i'm saying. WHITE SBURB POSTMODERNISM: 5
Would a non-white rapping ventriloquist be any cooler? I’m struggling to see how. Ventriloquism, by definition, sucks the cool out of any other aspect of the thing. And now I’m picturing Carlton from Fresh Prince trying to rap with a ventriloquist’s doll.
BRIGHT: Back at the Lalonde residence, Rose attempts to ‘Youth Roll’ out of the front door, but her escape route is blocked by her mother, who appears with martini glass in hand. Time for our second Strife of the comic! (And can I say that I really like the music for this one?)
As with John’s strife with his dad, this strife tells us a lot about Rose’s relationship with her mother. John had the AGGRIEVE and ABJURE options; Rose also gets AGGRESS (PASSIVE) and ABSTAIN. It’s pretty telling that one of these options is an EMPTY SUICIDE THREAT, and ‘Abstain’ has Rose fending off her mother’s insistent offer of the martini glass.
FAILURE ARTIST: I liked the EMPTY SUICIDE THREAT at the time but now I think it deserves an ARE YOU TRYING TO BE FUNNY?
BRIGHT: Mom Lalonde may be intended as loving-but-clueless, but she’s offering her thirteen year old daughter alcohol, over Rose’s protests, and something is clearly very wrong if suicide threats are a normal part of life. (Something similar will come up in the future, but in that context it isn’t played for laughs.)
On a lighter note, ‘Abjure’ has her mother offering her A BEAUTIFUL PONY. Rose reacts in the moment like this is terrible, but does later pat the pony’s nose.
At any rate, the strife ends when Mom Lalonde apparently gets bored and decides to do some dusting. This takes all the fun out of using the front door, so Rose goes around the back to make her break for the generator.
Meanwhile, John is trying to read up on weaponizing sylladexes (sylladices?), but is being nagged by a voice to turn around — which he finally does, just in time for a monster to ram into him so hard it turns the panel pixelated. Strife time!
John’s bout with the Shale Imp kicks off with the monster threatening the Con Air bunny. John’s efforts to defend it are intercut with Rose’s progress out of the house and through the rain to the mausoleum. I think this interplay works quite nicely — it keeps both things moving without letting the reader get impatient -- but your mileage may vary.
The imp aggravates John by punching the bunny in the belly and waving it at him. John attacks the imp and breaks his hammer, then attacks it with the handle and gets knocked flat. Finally he weaponises his sylladex and chucks his inventory at it until it explodes into a shower of grist.
PUT THE BUNNY BACK IN THE BOX!!!!!! Now why couldn’t he put the bunny back in the box?
Because he’d set it as his strifekind, it turns out.
In true video game style, defeating the imp causes John to level up! In Homestuck, this is done by ascending one’s echeladder, a series of player levels with whimsical, old-fashioned names. John climbs two rungs, from Greentike to Plucky Tot, and earns 125 Boondollars.
Note how efficient this is: In one panel we can see that the echeladder is a levelling system, that Boondollars are in-Game currency, and that levelling up has increased John’s amount of grist and how much of it he can carry. He’s also got a new kind of grist called ‘Shale’. Hussie does take an extra panel to clarify the grist capacity expansion, but that makes sense as it’s a small part of the original panel. Compare this to the dozens of panels we’ve had laying out how sylladexes work. These panels are much more information-dense, and the comic flows better for it.
CHEL: Exactly what “grist” is and what it does beyond allowing changes to the house, why those changes are needed, and what “boondollars” are for hasn’t been explained yet, but will be soon, and it’s clear they’re something to do with the game so it’s not outright confusing.
BRIGHT: John spends the next few panels sorting his strife specibus out, and stashes the bunny in there for safekeeping. There’s something amiss, but he can’t quite put his finger on it...
Meanwhile, Rose has reached the mausoleum and prepares to activate the generator. The taxidermied corpse of her beloved pet lies in state, dressed in a tiny suit. A sad fate for an animal who should have peacefully decomposed in a flowerbed. Rose kicks it off the pedestal to make room for the laptop.
John discovers what’s wrong when a bucket of water perched atop his door lands on his head. The culprit behind this sudden dousing?
"[S] WHAT THIS IS SO OUTRAGEOUS (HD)" (Watch on YouTube)
Apparently the sprite has a sense of humour.
Next up is a pesterlog between Rose and Dave. There are hints that all is not well in the Strider residence.
TG: hey TG: dont tell john this but i think he might have been right about the puppets TG: theyre sort of starting to freak me out a little TT: You're referring to your brother's collection? TG: i mean dont get me wrong i think its cool and all TG: the semi-ironic puppet thing or whatever TG: or semi-semi ironic TG: man i dont even know TG: im just starting to think some of this shit is going a little far and its kind of fucked up TT: I've seen his websites. TT: I like them. TG: haha yeah well YOU WOULD TG: oh man i wish lil cal wouldnt look at me like that TG: with those dead eyes jesus TG: sometimes i dream that hes real and hes talking to me and i wake up in a cold sweat and basically flip the fuck out
Well, not so much hints as flashing neon signs. Dave’s gone very quickly from insisting that everything his brother does is cool and Lil Cal is awesome, to admitting that he has nightmares about Lil Cal and is freaked out by his brother’s ‘semi-ironic puppet thing’. We don’t know much about Bro’s websites yet, but we do know that Rose has a morbid streak, and Dave is clearly disturbed by the content.
Dave leaves to find his brother’s copy of the game, and we return to John, who, to quote Rose, has ‘just had a bucket of water dumped on his head by the ghost of his dead grandmother, who also happens to be dressed like a clown.’
And yes, that is indeed John’s dead Nanna, returned to help him on his journey through The Medium and beyond -- or at least, she claims she is. John has to take her word for it, as he doesn’t remember her at all. According to his Dad, John was pretty young when she died. Speaking of his Dad, he’s been kidnapped by the forces invading John’s home.
Nannasprite gives John the background of the game and what’s going on. His house is now in the Medium. This place was created by the game software, but is physically independent of it -- and no, he’s not inside a computer. The Medium floats in the Incipisphere, a place outside the normal flow of time in the kids’ universe. Above the Medium is the realm of Skaia.
According to Nannasprite:
Legend holds that Skaia exists as a dormant crucible of unlimited creative potential. What does this mean, you ask? I'm afraid my lips are sealed about that, dear! Hoo hoo!
Nannasprite is somewhat like a tutorial assistant for the game -- she helps guide John and provides information, although she’s somewhat cryptic.
We are getting a lot of new words here, but Hussie is defining them pretty well as we go, so I don’t think it merits a point.
At any rate, Skaia is defended by the forces of light, while forces of darkness plot its destruction. These two forces exist in an endless stalemate on a stage at the centre of Skaia until a player with a prototyped Kernelsprite enters the Medium. Then the prototyped Kernelsprite splits, with one Kernel carrying the prototyping information up to a kingdom basked in light, and another Kernel carrying it down to the kingdom of darkness. Each kingdom has four Spires, and when the Kernel reaches one, it propagates the prototyping information to the kingdom’s forces.
This is why the imps were dressed as jesters: John prototyped his Kernel with the harlequin doll, and whatever the other players prototype with will influence what forms the soldiers take. When the first Kernels reach the spires, the battlefield gets bigger and the war begins for real.
Oh, right -- and the forces of light are always destined to lose.
So what’s the point? Apparently, that’s for John to find out. For now, though, he needs to head towards Skaia, going through the first of seven Gates. The first Gate is situated directly above John’s house, but the others are going to be harder to reach. We now find out what all that Build Grist is for: To get to the Gate, they need to build the house higher to reach it. And then they can rescue John’s Dad, solve the ultimate riddle, and save the Earth from destruction!
...or not.
Nope, according to Nannasprite, Earth is doomed. Done for. Kaput. There is nothing they can do to save it.
John is pretty bummed about this. He isn’t cheered by Nanna’s assurance that he has a much more important purpose than saving the planet, although she fails to elaborate on that point and instead floats off to make cookies.
CHEL: I think here we earn another couple of points.
HURRY UP AND DO NOTHING: 2 HOW NOT TO WRITE A WEBCOMIC: 11 Failing the Turing Test - wherein the character has no reactions whatsoever While the emotional lives of characters should not be described in their every tiny wrinkle, characters must have emotional lives. When someone boos them off a stage, they should experience chagrin. When they fall from a tenth-storey window, they should feel alarm. The writer should not count on dialogue like “Yikes!” to get the point across.
Brief confusion and feeling “bummed out” by the news that one’s entire planet is doomed does not count as an adequate reaction. I’d expect more fear, more concern. As pointed out before, doesn’t John have any friends other than Dave, Rose, and GG? His Dad has friends, wouldn’t he be concerned for them on Dad’s behalf? If nothing else, more curiosity about this “more important” business?
BRIGHT: Now, I could actually buy this in some circumstances — John is a teenager, doesn’t seem to have close connections outside those we see on screen, and he’s been having one hell of a weird day. I wouldn’t be surprised if grasping the scope of destruction was simply beyond him at this point. It’s a lot to take in, and it’s only been a few hours since life went to hell in a handbasket — not to mention, he’s in an active combat zone. There’s a lot going on, and if he was to shove it out of his mind while he dealt with the immediate crisis, I could see that as pretty realistic.
Of course, that would depend on him actually reacting at some later point, when he had a chance to slow down and it could sink in. As it stands...well, if that does happen, we never see it.
CHEL: Does this also count as “Oh, Don’t Mind Him” for the How Not To score?
BRIGHT: I think so, yes.
CHEL: Then here it goes!
HOW NOT TO WRITE A WEBCOMIC: 12 Oh, Don’t Mind Him - where a character’s problems remain unexplored In real life, people are riddled with chronic problems that are not addressed for long periods of time, if ever. But in fiction, all problems are just the opening chords of a song. If there is a brother who has a problem with alcohol, a child who has lost her dog, or even someone whose car has simply broken down, the reader will worry about those people and expect the author to do something about it.
Technically, this could count for seven billion or so points, minus any people who successfully entered their own game sessions, but we don’t want to get out of hand here and it really only counts as one big problem.
However! I am very fond of this idea in theory. The obvious option would be that the purpose of the game is to save the player’s homeworld. We’ve all seen the “save the homeworld” idea in scifi and fantasy before. Here, the homeworld is beyond saving, but there is another option, and exploring that is the storyline. The forces of light cannot have a traditional victory; the protagonists must find a victory on the terms they have. It’s not a theme one sees often, and I like it.
FAILURE ARTIST: John and the other Beta Kids’ lack of angst of the destruction of their planet doesn’t stick out as much here as it will later when almost everything else is milked for angst.
CHEL: I’m not really sure the planet being destroyed is a great basis for a Rule-of-Funny-based story if that was what he was going for, to be honest. “Billions died, lol!”
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kazuchikaokada · 5 years
when was the first time you fell in love with kazu? and what’re your favourite things about him?? seeing how genuinely and wholeheartedly you love him is so amazing and i treasure seeing you talk about him ;-;
I dont rmmber the first time i fell in lob wit him but i can tell u bout the first time i realized it. Once it was decided that kazu was gon face ken at last yrs dominion, i went into watchin that match fully supportin kenny, like i rlly wanted kenny to win, but as the match continued n neared its end, i started to realize that my heart wasn wit kenny at all. then when kenny got the second fall over the most beautiful flower on planet earth aka kazu i cried my eyes out. i was full on sobbing bc he held that title for 720 whole days n he rlly lost it to a man who has rotten noodles as hair js like that :(((((((( it was truly a Life Changing Event n made me consider june 9th a tragic n cursed day 😭😭😭😭😭 but its also the day that made me realize that i love n support a wholesum human bein so u could call it a blessed day as well hehehehe
what i like bout kazu the most is the difference btw kazu in the ring n kazu outside the ring. inside the ring u have the charismatic rainmaker, the strong champion who can take on anybody n outside the ring u have a giggle giant whom literally laughs at everyrhing, makes fun of his friends, takes bad selfies, eats too much sweets n loves fishin a lot. hes also in an organization or group or watever supportin sumo wrestling. whenever hes wit his chaos members or on a tv show, hes watchin the ppl around him n hes laughin his ass off!!!! n no1 knows why!!!!! n whenever he laughs, he literally laughs with his whole entire body n u can feel the warmth n happiness radiated from him n ur js!!!! SO HAPPY BC HES HAPPY!!!! HIS LAUGHTER IS INFECTIOUS. imma reblog vids of his laughter for u pls look forward 2 them.
one other thing that fascinates me bout kazuzu is his character development. before he lost the title to kenny, he was a lone fighter u could say??? he was the cocky n arrogant champ, the one no one could touch, the one no one could beat,,,n most of the time he had a stoic expression on his face like he didnt care bout nothin but the belt around his waist. he made that title his identity so losin it after such a long reign is of course hard. thats where the transition started. he tried a new hair colour, had a new mindset n kept on saying that he will smile from now on. then came the betrayal of jay white n gedo (his ex manager) n he was even more lost. it seemed like chaos, the stable hes the leader of, well,,,,,was in chaos. he even said they lived up to the name lol. anyway afterwards he slowly started to realize that hes not alone, never was alone, that his chaos members are there for him n that he dont need to fight this battle all by himself. through the ups n downs of the sec half of 2018, he started to show more emotions, he started to show that he loves n cares 4 his mmbers, he started to find the real rainmaker within him which we then got to see at wrestle kingdom this year. i think one important thing he learned as a character is that hes human n that winning is not everything. sumtimes u gotta lose 2 get a grip of reality n that was the case wit kazu!!!! N DETS WHY I LOB HIM A LOT
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meltaren · 7 years
Leo Valdez imagine|Fireworks
Yo waddup! Imagine number 2. Again, don’t be hard on me, I’m new with this stuff.. enjoyyyy!
Summary: The reader and her crush Leo Valdez happen to see some colorful fireworks in the night sky.
-any godly parent -no warnings, perhaps some swearing?
The 4th of July. Happy Birthday America yeah. Even though everyone around you was keen on celebrating this wonderful day, you were frustrated.
Why? Well the reason started with ‘L’ and was latino. Yeah! Right guess! Leo Valdez! (Hehehehe)
The adorably funny fire boy never left your thoughts. You couldn’t shut them off, you couldn’t think of something different. You even tried to band Leo from the fucking server. No luck.
Lost in thoughts, you didn’t notice Piper approaching your bench.
“Watcha thinking ‘bout (Y/N)?” You looked up to see her smirking. Did she know? Was it that obvious?
“U-uhm nothing, why?”
“Oh don’t 'nothing’ me! You know damn well what I’m talking about. Wait let me help you remember: does your huge crush on a certain member of the seven ring a bell?” She asked raising an eyebrow.
“Wh-what.. h-how did yo-.. no.. I-i don’t have a c-crush on Leo!” You tried to save yourself, oblivious to your mistake.
“Ha! I knew it! You have a crush on Leo!” And suddenly she started singing. “(Y/N) has a crush on Leo, (Y/N) has a crush on Leo!” A small amount of charm speak, that Piper didn’t mean to release, washed over you and you started to lightly hum to the rhythm. Until you noticed what you were doing and stopped yourself.
“Piper! Stop! Please.. I don’t want anyone to know. It’s already embarrassing enough.” You whined.
“Oh come on (Y/N)! Leo’s a good guy. And i think he likes you back.”
Your heart skipped a beat. I didn’t matter if piper was right or not. Somewhere your hope lit up and, no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t avoid smiling. As you pictured the both of you together you felt your cheeks lit up and looked away, embarrassed to be seen like this. Changing the topic, you asked something you had wanted to ask her all day.
“So what’s the plan for tonight?”
Your best friend seemed fed up about the change in subject, but quickly forgot that, as she started talking about the plans.
“So at first we wanted to do something in couples. Just the seven… and then we noticed that Leo is the only single… so now we will all just go see the fireworks and enjoy each others company. Why? What are you gonna do?”
You thought about your plans. “I’m gonna do the best thing on this planet. Make myself a huge bowl of popcorn and watch game of thrones. And when I’m done with that, imma grab a bag of chips and begin the walking dead and then imma finish reading harr-” you were interrupted by an unimpressed piper.
“Ok stop” she put her hand on her hip and smiled “you’re gonna come with us. No but’s! It’s decided!”
“I said no but’s! Meet me at 8 in my cabin. And take some clothes with you. And by “nice” i mean NICE, alright?“
You sat there, thinking about your answer. Sure, it was cool having friends and going out with them. But you wanted to finish reading your favorite book.
Then you thought about your crush. Usually you never wanted to be seen by him. It made you think you looked suspicious. But at that moment you didn’t care. So you decided to give it a try.
"8 it is then.” You simply answered. A huge smile grew on pipers face. It made you happy to see your friend like that. You had seen her sad so many times. She was a wonderful person. All of the seven deserved the world. Not to save it. To enjoy it and live a happy life.
But you couldn’t just magically wish them a happy life. Maybe you could just be with them and make them laugh. Even if it meant to skip a perfect Netflix night.
'Le time skip’
All afternoon you were nervous. Regretting your decision, but then catching yourself making inhuman sounds as you were filled with excitement. A ton of emotions washed over you again and again. Some positive and some negative, but they were there.
You decided to try to nit be hopeful. Every time your heart pictured you and Leo together, your mind screamed for the image to go away. It was a fight no one could really win.
Caught up in the show of the battle in your brain, you didn’t notice it was getting late. So you quickly moved to the closet in the cabin of (G/P), trying to find something to wear. Soon you realized though that you were not going to find something in there. So you made the decision to ask Piper for advice.
As quick as possible you walked to the Aphrodite cabin. There were already some fireworks, symbolizing that the fun evening with the group was getting closer and closer. That made your heart skip a beat and your feet walk faster.
Soon you reached the cabin and knocked on the door. Piper opened and didn’t seem surprised by your appearance.
“Didn’t find anything, huh? Well I have ton of stuff. Just come in!”
And so you did. You entered the Aphrodite cabin and were overwhelmed by the smell of oil and sweat, which you found odd. So you asked Piper about it.
“Uhm Piper… why does it smell like in some kind of fabric in here? Isn’t it supposed to smell like perfume and roses?”
Your best friend just turned around and looked at you with the biggest grin you had ever seen.
“Hm.. so that’s how it smells for you!” You were confused and Piper could tell by your face.
“Girl. Aphrodite is the goddess of love, right?” You nodded your head. “Well it should smell like love in here. But there isn’t just one smell of love. Everyone smells something different, because everyone has a different definition of love. Understood? Good. So me for example, I smell the rain after a hot day. Or sometimes the wind in winter. So it smells like Jason basically. Annabeth, she smells the sea, duh… everyone smells something/someone different.” And with that she gave you a second grin. “Which means….”
You stood there in shock. You hadn’t meant to embarrass you. Luckily none of her siblings were there to laugh at you.
“Wh-whatever. Let’s just- let’s just… you know-”
“Calm down!” She laughed, “I have the perfect dress for you!”
“Dress?!” You hated dresses. So you hated what was about to happen.
“Yeah! Look here.” She held out a dress. It was white and had two hearts on it. Both on the chest. You cringed. “Really Piper?”
She looked confused, the took a look at the dress herself and laughed. “Oops! Wrong dress! I apologize!!”
Then her head was lost in the closet again.
The next dress she pulled out, was much better. It was reddish, but a little tighter on the top. From the waist down, it fell beautifully. It convinced you from The moment you saw it.
“Yes.” You said and Piper had a victory smile all over her face.
“Ok now… make up and hair.” She said and both of you moved to the cabins bathroom. You were there for like 30 minutes and when you left it, both of you were ready for the party.
Piper had a white dress and her hair pulled in a ponytail. You had your dress on and your hair was straightened. With only a little bit of make up, both of you looked like natural beauties.
“So… you ready?” Piper asked, clearly seeing how nervous you were.
“Yeah… let’s do this” you tried to get yourself to believe, that everything would be ok. But it was difficult with all the nervous thoughts filling your brain.
“It’ll be ok” Piper said and hooked her arm with yours.
“It’ll be ok.” You repeated and the both of you walked out of the cabin, towards the beach.
'Le time skip 2.0’
It was difficult walking on the beach with a dress. There was a light wind, but the weather was ok. As you approached the others, you could see that you were the last ones to arrive.
To your surprise you could see two more people. They were holding hands.
“Omg it’s Will and Nico! I might not be able to contain my screams.” You said to Piper. You had shipped them since they first talked. It was your OTP, and seeing everyday that it had become canon made your life worth living basically.
“Same girl!” Piper simply said as you reached the other ones.
“Hey guys!” Your best friend said, catching the others attention “I brought (Y/N) too! I hope that’s alright.” You looked at her, with your eyes saying everything. She hadn’t asked them?! What if they didn’t want you there?! What if they wanted some privacy?! What if-
“That’s perfectly fine! The more, the better! Hey (Y/N)! How are you?” A voice spoke and you instantly recognized it as Percy’s.
“Oh.. H-hey guys. Thanks Percy. I’m good! How are you?” Percy smiled at you.
“I’m perfect! Well I’m feeling perfect too of course!” At that Annabeth gave him a quick slap on the arm.
“Oh come on Seaweed Brain. We don’t want (Y/N) to leave because she thinks we are so weird.” She said and looked at you with a sorry face.
You laughed and wanted to say something, but then he spoke.
“Hey (Y/N)!”
“H-Hey Leo! How are you?”
He smiled, and for a moment you think you were gonna fall to your knees. Thank gods your arm was still linked with Piper’s.
“I’m really good, thank you! How about you? Oh wait you answered that to Percy already right? Ugh I’m sorry.” He smiled and looked down. Your knees were definitely pudding now.
“I’m great Leo, thank you so much for asking.” You said and smiled at him.
“Wanna take a walk till the fireworks really start?” He asked and you were wondering how you were still standing.
“Yeah sure. Be right back.” You said the last part to Piper, who was talking to Jason.
Leo and you took of and walked along the water. Your feet were inside, while Leo’s were on the sand only. At first there was silence with some random small talk. Leo had asked you about your day and you repeated his question.
It wasn’t awkward though. You loved to be around him. Sure, you got all nervous, but it was comfortable and you could be yourself.
After some time of talking, Leo turned towards you and stopped walking.
“(Y/N)?” You hummed in response staring at him, waiting for his next question.
“Do you like someone?” He asked and you weren’t prepared for that question, so you blinked and started stuttering.
“Uhm.. I-I.. do you?” You were taken aback by his smile. It was weirdly confident.
“In fact, I do.” He said. You didn’t know If to be happy or sad.
Happy because there was a chance that he liked you back. Sad because there’s a chance that he loved someone else.
You stared at him, frightened of your next question. “W-who?”
“Well she is beautiful.” He started. Your first thought was 'Oh wow.. definitely not me’
“She has (H/C) hair. And beautiful (E/C) eyes. I love when she smiles. It makes my days better. She enters a room and you could think the sun started shining even brighter. I love her so much, I wish she’d know.”
You wanted to scream Don’t tell her! Tell me!’ But obviously that would look suspicious. So you tried for the helping best friend kinda advice. You ignored the pain in your chest and said. “T-Then tell her. I-I think she’d want to know if such an amazing person as you loved her.” It was only the truth. Right as you said that, the fireworks, that you had completely ignored, became louder.
“Alright then” he looked you into your eyes “(Y/N)…. I love you.”
Your brain was on fire.. well it felt like it was. Your cheeks were to 100% as red as your dress.
“Oh my gods.” Is all you could say for the moment. He smiled and took your hand into his.
“Do you want to be my girlfriend?”
“Fuck yes” and he kissed you. It was a tenderly sweet kiss that had you on cloud 16389. After pulling apart, you hugged him. The smell of a machinery filled your nose and everything was perfect.
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x0401x · 7 years
Gakuen K Drama CD: Bread Party
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Raw version here. Please feel free to message me about possible corrections.
Kuro: Gakuen K ~Wonderful School Days~ V Edition Bonus Drama CD – Bread Party.
Rikio: Right side, fine. Left side, fine. Looks like the Blue Club ain’t here. Okay, on with the trade. Did you bring the goods?
[Rustling sounds]
Rikio: Whoohoho! That’s it, that’s it! *sniff* From the smell, it’s pretty high quality... huhu! I can’t handle it! Didn’t you guys use a pretty neat powder for this? Thought so! Just the change in smell is already making me dizzy. Here, your reward. Take it. Thanks for always. Lots of people are looking forward to this! Hm, then, I’ll be going, but... don’t get caught by the Blue Club. If they ever find out that we, the Red Club, are doing this kind of trading with the Culinary Club in the shadows...
Saruhiko: What you doing there?!
Rikio: Guh?! Fushimi...!
Saruhiko: Deliberate trades involving money are forbidden within the academy’s premises. Show me what you’ve got in your hands.
Rikio: Ooh?! This is... Hehehehe... This is the last thing I can hand over!! *runs*
Saruhiko: Tsk! *dials* Ah, Captain! Please come to the front of the Red Club’s clubroom right now.
Reishi: Did something happen?
Saruhiko: I’ll explain later! Please hurry!
Reishi: To think you of all people would be in such a haste... Rarities really do happen. Understood. I shall go immediately.
Izumo: Yata-chan, how’ve ye been lately?
Misaki: “How”? What do you mean?
Izumo: What I mean? When someone asks a teenage boy ‘bout how he’s doin’, it’s obvious that they’re goin’ fer a lighthearted talk.
Misaki: “Lighthearted talk”? Is it about a kidnapping or something?
T/N: The pun here is that Misaki mistakes the word 薄いた (lighthearted) for 失いた (disappearance) because they’re pronounced the same way.
Izumo: No... that ain’t it...
Rikio: *panting* Yata-san! Kusanagi-san! Bad news!
Misaki: What’s wrong? What happened?!
Rikio: Our trading with the Culinary Club... was found out... by that bastard Fushimi of the Blue Club!
Izumo: What’d ye say?!
Rikio: *gasp*
Reishi: I had been thinking since long ago that your relationship with the Culinary Club was suspicious. You have finally let your tail out, haven’t you?
Misaki: Blue Club... grr...
Izumo: So ye’ve been markin’ us from the start, huh?
Reishi: Now, may we have your explanation?
Izumo: My, my, no need ta rush like that. First, how ‘bout we take it slow and have some tea?
Reishi: So you do not have the will to cooperate? If that is your intention, we must take corresponding measures. Fushimi-kun. Confiscate the proof that he is holding.
Saruhiko: Yes.
Rikio: Aaah! Wait a min—ioaeugisydojogau
Saruhiko: Here you go.
Misaki: Kamamoto...! Saru, you bastard! What’re you doing?!
Saruhiko: You got a problem, Misaki? I don’t mind being your opponent right here and now!
Misaki: Of course I got a problem, you—
Izumo: Theeere! Stop, stop! I’m beggin’, don’t wreak havoc inside the bar! Yata-chan. Ye remember the number of goods ye’ve broken until now?
Misaki: A-Ack...!
Izumo: If ye break anythin’ else, I’ll turn into flames of wrath... in the literal sense.
Rikio: Yata-san... if it’s about me, I’m okay...
Misaki: But...!
Saruhiko: Hmph!
Reishi: Then, let’s confirm what’s inside the bag. *rummages* This is... bread, huh... moreover, just out of the oven.
Izumo: So it’s finally been exposed... that we secretly buy fresh bread from the Culinary Club and serve it as part of the snacks menu?
Reishi: So that really was the case? No matter the reason, money trades between students are forbidden. Let’s put an end to this kind of thing on behalf of what happened today.
Izumo: Don’t say such harsh stuff, Mr. President of the Blue Club! This bread’s one of our hidden best goods, and hotly demanded by part of the costumers. If we lose it, there’ll be a dramatic decrease in our power! The costumers will leave in a flash! It’s already hard for them to come by just ‘cause these grubby fellows keep crammin’ the place. They’re quick to eat all the stuff I buy, too. They’ve broken about 39 of my items. I’m really crossin’ a thin line! Take pity on me somehow, please!
Reishi: You have my empathy, but there is no way I can acknowledge those means. If these are meant as snacks, you can buy them from merchants, right?
Izumo: You can’t buy fresh bread from merchants, and the cost would also be bigger than now. We’ve got no choice but rely on the Culinary Club! I’m seriously implorin’! *clasps hands together* Like this!
Reishi: Regardless of how much you ask, my will shall not change.
Izumo: Kh...! So this is how it goes with fellows that don’t make deals...
Tatara: Ah? It sure is crowded today. The Blue Club is also here; how rare. Are you getting everyone together for a party or something?
Izumo: Does this look like party airs? Uh? Totsuka, what ye got there?
Tatara: Ah, this? An acquaintance of mine who was a baker is closing his shop and going on a journey around the world. And so, since he doesn’t need these anymore, he gave me a lot of stuff! Like bread shapers, tools that I don’t get very well, and flours that I don’t get very well!
Reishi: Hooh? Well, well. Strangely enough, this is wonderful timing. However, I can foresee an outcome with this.
Izumo: “Outcome”, ye say? Ye can’t mean—
Reishi: Yes. How about the Red Club start making its own bread from now on? If you do so, as you wish, fresh ones will be at hand, and there will be no delivery fees, right?
Izumo: No, no, no! Ye say it like it’s simple, but... makin’ bread is extremely hard! Ye talk ‘bout doin’ it so straightforwardly—
Tatara: That’s great! Seems fun!
Izumo: Totsuka?! Listen to my—
Misaki: Kusanagi-san! I’ll do my best!! To make up for the stuff I’ve destroyed up until now, I’ll knead, knead and knead bread!! So rest assured! I’ve made it once during cooking practice in middle school. Back then, the teacher praised me, saying it was a bread out of this world!
Izumo: No good. I’ve only got bad feelings ‘bout this...
Reishi: It seems the opinions have been gathered. Then we shall take our leave. Let’s go, Fushimi-kun.
Izumo: Ye two. Can’t ye wait?
Saruhiko: Tsk! There anything else?
Izumo: Ye fellows don’t get a thing ‘bout the hassle that is makin’ bread. That’s why ye get to say irresponsible stuff like that. I’ll have ye participate in a bread-makin’ contest with us. And then, ye should be able to understand what I’m sayin’.
Saruhiko: Hah? Who’d do that? Unlike you guys, we’re busy.
Reishi: Hm... it is true that I have never made bread before. Fushimi-kun. We will do it.
Saruhiko: Wha... Are you serious?
Reishi: Do you think I would be joking?
Saruhiko: I wished it was a joke...
Izumo: Anyways, we’ve started makin’ the bread, but... Yata-chan. Ye okay there? The dough’s all gooey and yer hands look like a zombie’s.
Misaki: Somehow, this... augh...! Is clingy, and won’t come outta my hands! Ah, damn...! Ah, you... you...!!
Izumo: Wai—don’t flail yer hands! That sticky dough is splatterin’ everywhere!
Rikio: Yata-san, didn’t you add too much moisture? If you increase the flour, it should be just on-point.
Misaki: Oah! Kamamoto! Nice idea!
Rikio: Then, I’ll put in the flour!
Izumo: He’s added too much of one ingredient again...
Misaki: Hey, now I can’t put the dough together at all... Kamamoto! More water!
Rikio: ‘Kay!
Izumo: Ah. Again, so determinedly...
Misaki: Weird... it’s sticky again... Kamamoto!! More flour!
Rikio: Aight!
Tatara: Whenever you add up strong flour, you also have to put in yeast and butter.
Misaki: Got it!
Izumo: That’s some impressive cooking. It’s floodin’ out of the bowl. And ye don’t seem to be measurin’ anythin’ since earlier. Is this okay?
Misaki: What’re you saying, Kusanagi-san? This is a man’s cooking!
Izumo: Ah. Well... do yer best. Totsuka, how ye goin’?
Tatara: Hmm! Though I’m the one saying it, I think I’m doing fine! I put together and thoroughly mixed flour and yeast, sugar and salt, then added butter, and on top of it all, kneaded well.
Izumo: Oooh, as expected, ye know the methods!
Tatara: After letting it rest and ferment for a while, what I had was... this!
Izumo: Hey, how did it turn into udon??
Tatara: Udon-cooking is one of my home hobbies. Once I thought they were generally the same while making it... I ended up with this.
Izumo: “Ended up” my ass! They’re completely different! Ye said ye were doin’ okay just a while ago. What do we do with this thin stuff?
Tatara: It’s fine, it’s fine. It’ll work out somehow.
Izumo: Listenin’ to that line right now... makes me really annoyed.
Misaki: Kamamoto!! More water!!
Rikio: ‘Kay!!
Izumo: Ye guys cut it out!
Reishi: It seems that peculiar breads are being conceived over there. Fushimi-kun. How’s your progress? Mine is about to finish fermenting.
Saruhiko: Nothing much... just normal. I searched the how-to of this thing on my PDA. By following what it says, anyone can do it. Seems like those idiots couldn’t do that much, though.
Reishi: Hoooh... that is a smooth dough. You are going to shape it now? What kind of form will you make it into?
Saruhiko: Just balls is fine, right?
Reishi: That is uninteresting. How about... making it into plants or animals?
Saruhiko: It doesn’t have to be interesting...
Reishi: Fushimi-kun. Please.
Saruhiko: Hnnn...
Reishi: Please.
Saruhiko: Tsk! I get it. I get it already. Please stop pressuring me with a grin.
Reishi: Huhu... I’m really looking forward to what Fushimi-kun will make.
Saruhiko: Hmph... it’s done.
Reishi: This... seems like an ordinary sphere.
Saruhiko: It’s marimo.
Reishi: Hm. Marimo, huh. It is unique in its own way, but how about you attempt making something more varied next?
Saruhiko: It’ll be the same no matter what it is...
Reishi: Fushimi-kun.
Saruhiko: Ugh... it’s done.
Reishi: Again, it looks like just a sphere. What is this?
Saruhiko: A dung beetle.
Reishi: Fushimi-kun. Do you really have any intention of doing this?
Saruhiko: None.
Reishi: All right. Then I will be the one giving suggestions. Next, please make a rabbit.
Saruhiko: Haah? Tsk! Nnngh... hah. Are you... satisfied with this?
Reishi: It is... quite out of this world.
Saruhiko: What? If there’s anything you want to say, just say it.
Reishi: No, as expected of Fushimi-kun.
Saruhiko: You say that but what about you? It seems past the fermentation time.
Reishi: Oh. This is no good of me. Let’s take out the vinyl and examine the situation first.
Saruhiko: Ugh...!
Reishi: This stench... It really... looks like it went too far past the fermentation time.
Izumo: Well, ‘bout time to bake. Everyone, put yer stuff in the oven!
Neko: Uuuh... I’m hungryyy... I can’t move a single step forward!
Kuro: This again? Every time you open your mouth, it’s to say things like, “I’m hungry”, “it’s hot”, “it’s cold”... Don’t you know what patience is?
Neko: I don’t!!
Kuro: Don’t cut me off! You need to train your endurance a little – no, a lot! If you relax your mind and body and elevate yourself, a bit of hunger should become something easy to withstand.
Neko: Ah... hnn... Shiro! Kurosuke sounds like an old man!
Kuro: “Like an old man”, you say!?
Shiro: Now, now. There’s no helping it. Neko is Neko, after all. We’ll buy something at the cafeteria, so put on just a tad more effort.
Kuro: Shiro! Don’t spoil Neko!
Neko: As expected of my Shiro! Unlike the blockhead Kurosuke, he gets what I say! Ugh, but it’s really no good! I really can’t move anymore!
Kuro: You just ate lunch barely three hours ago.
Neko: If I say I can’t move, then I can’t move!
Shiro: Hmm... this is a problem...
Neko: Nnngh... hm? *sniff* Ah! It’s the smell of bread!
Shiro: “Smell of bread”? In a place like this?
Kuro: *sniff* It’s true... it’s certainly the smell of bread baking.
Neko: Bread... bread... It comes from over there! Let’s go, Shiro!
Shiro: U-Uwaaah!
Neko: Bread, bread... bread, bread, bread, bread, breeeaaad~~~!
Shiro: U-U-Uwah!
Kuro: Weren’t you the one that couldn’t “move a single step forward”?!
Shiro: Waaaah!! Lemme go, lemme go!
Kuro: Neko, slow down a little!
Shiro: Aaaaaah!!
Kuro: Shiro is being completely dragged around!!
Neko: Gimme my bread~!
Kuro: Hey, Neko! It’s rude to just abruptly come in! Hey, Shiro! Are you okay?? Hang on!
Shiro: *moans*
Izumo: Members of the Silver Club... That was pretty sudden. What happened?
Kuro: Neko was hungry and sensed the smell of bread coming from here, so she went out of control...
Izumo: I see, so that’s how it is. Well, then. Wanna eat the bread?
Neko: I do!
Kuro: Hey, Neko! Hah, honestly... I’m sorry. If it’s a bother, do say so.
Izumo: Nooo... it’d actually help if she ate it. Right, Mr. President of the Blue Club?
Reishi: That is right... If it is meant to be eaten, then I wish you please do so.
Kuro: What do you mean?
Izumo: Welp, one eye-witness is better than several hearsays. Look at this!
Kuro: This is...
Neko: NYAAAH! These breads are creepy!
Kuro: How unbecoming... This is... bread? One hasn’t gone past the state of dough, another is tremendously packed and with a pale color, and yet another is... as thin as pasta and all coiled for some reason. The only one that can almost be called bread is this rabbit-shaped one, but... ngh... what’s this abnormally hateful face?! It’s almost as if it’s meant to make one lose their appetite with this look that seems to be making fun of people! To be able to make this sort of expression, there’s no mistaking that the person who baked this bread is completely twisted at heart!
Misaki: Heh! Tell him off more, Yatogami!
Saruhiko: Tsk! Yours didn’t even become bread to begin with, Misaki!!
Tatara: Yatogami, if you would, couldn’t you teach us about bread making?
Kuro: Me?
Tatara: Hm. If it’s you, Yatogami, this kind of thing is your specialty, right?
Kuro: Indeed, I did learn how to make bread from Ichigen-sama. I don’t mind the part of teaching, but if you’re going to do this, we’ll do it meticulously. Shiro! How long are you going to be snoozing? Hurry up to wash your hands and put on an apron.
Shiro: Uh... ah... “ap-ron”...?
Kuro: For starters, it’s a mistake to try to make bread just by knowing how. Bread is a living thing! A very delicate living thing at that! Taking in consideration the state of the flour, the heat of the fire and the humidity of the air, the temperature of the added ingredients will change. You must know how to adjust to this, or else making it work becomes impossible, but even so, you guys... kh...! How deplorable!
Izumo: What’s that? It’s like some switch’s been turned on...
Neko: Hey, Kurosuke... where’s my bread?
Kuro: SHUT UUUP!! I’ll be making the best bread ever now! Until then, go eat that disgusting rabbit or something!
Neko: Eeeh, this? Hmph, no helping it...
Saruhiko: Tsk!
Kuro: Well, let’s begin from the part of measuring the flour. Shiro! What are you dilly-dallying for? You’re the assisant. Hurry and get the ingredients.
Shiro: A-Ah, yes!
Kuro: Mix strong flour, yeast, sugar and salt and shape into a sack. The lukewarm water that will be added to it should be... let’s see... today is rather hot out, so let’s make it 30o C (86o F). After adding that, knead it all in the bowl until it becomes a homogeneous sphere. First, let’s do it until that point!
Izumo: We only have one thermometer, so pass it around after using!
Tatara: Yatogami is amazing! I, too, might awaken to bread making today.
Reishi: I’ll take care of the flour, so Fushimi-kun, I leave the yeast and sugar to you. It will be more efficient if we share the load, right?
Saruhiko: Grrr...
Misaki: Heh! As if I’d do things in this fussy manner! It’s better to do this kind of thing in an easygoing way!
Kuro: Yata! Do you think this sort of laidback reasoning is allowed in the conduct of bread making?! That sloppy, huge mysterious ball of earlier was your doing, wasn’t it? Learn a little from your errors!
Rikio: S-Scaryyy...
Misaki: Ah... I get it. I just have to do it, right? Just do it.
Kuro: Honestly... I’ll have no liberty to let my guard down. Well, then, now we’ll get to the part of kneading the dough. Shiro, divide the butter in the amount everyone will use. 10 kg for each.
Shiro: Roger! Neko, you help too.        
Neko: Hm! I’ll eat the butter!
Shiro: Hehe. Just a tad, okay?
Kuro: When kneading the dough, it’s important to roll it in a rhythmical fashion. Open your legs like this, and use your entire body, as if you were applying your weight onto the dough. When you do so, the protein of the flour, gluten, comes out. It’s like a stretchy membrane. This gluten will inflate the bread during the fermentation. So, for us to bake a tasty bread, it’s important to enhance this gluten membrane and make a dough that will be very stretchy.
Misaki: Hey, Kamamoto. You got what he said?
Rikio: Nope. But it kinda seems delicious, huh?
Tatara: Hm... hmm... is it like this?
Kuro: Totsuka-senpai!! Lower your back more! It’s almost like you’re putting no strength into it like that.
Tatara: Understood!
Kuro: Fushimi!! Do it more rhythmically! If you just knead aimlessly, the bread will not respond!
Saruhiko: Tsk! What a pain... what’s with this...?
Kuro: Munakata-senpai... hm, that’s the spirit. If I may, I find it better to use the bulge of the hand for kneading the dough.
Reishi: I see. I’m grateful for the advice.
Kuro: All right. Everyone seems to be doing fine, yeah? Shiro, give them the butter.
Shiro: Yes, yes~! Here you go.
Kuro: Return the dough to the bowl and add the butter. Rub well and completely blend the butter into the dough. At that time, while the butter is not yet totally blended, we transfer it onto a wood board. It’s necessary to be careful so that the board doesn’t become sticky. And then, again, same as we were doing until just now...
Kuro: Well, now we’ll finally let it ferment. Put a wrap around it in a radius of about 30 degrees and leave it for 3 to 4 minutes. It takes time for the dough to become twice its size.
Misaki: At last, huh? With this, all left is to bake...!
Kuro: What are you saying? That’s only the first fermentation. From now, there will be gas releasing, partitioning, resting, shaping, and after those, the second fermentation. We’ll put them in the oven after that.
Misaki: Seriously...?!
[Alarm sounds]
Kuro: Hm! It’s done baking.
Neko: Hmmm~! What a nice scent~! Thanks for the food~! Ow, ow! Agh—Hot, hot!
Shiro: Careful! It just finished baking, so you have to properly blow it. *blows and bites* Delicious! This is super delicious!
Neko: No fair! Me too! *blows and bites* HMM~! TASTYYY~! *eats desperately*
Kuro: Then, I guess I’ll have some too. Thanks for the meal. *eats* Hmm! It’s quite satisfactory. This is the figure of a righteous bread. Hm? Won’t you guys eat?
Tatara: Ah, no... we’re just a little tired, you see.
Misaki: I have no energy to eat.
Kuro: Is that so? Then you’d better do it after resting. We’ll take our leave now. I’ve fulfilled my role, after all.
Tatara: Yatogami, thank you! Thanks to you, Yatogami, we’ve made it this far.
Kuro: No need for gratitude. It was a time for learning many things to me as well. Let’s go, Shiro, Neko.
Shiro: Our Kuro flipped on a weird switch... my bad about that. If we’re able to overlook that and do some activity together again, I’d be happy. Well, then... sorry for intruding~!
Neko: Hm?! Hm! Hmnmhnmnmph~!
(T/N: I can tell that she means to say “wait for me” here. XD)
Izumo: They left, huh?
Mikoto: Nice smell coming from here...
Izumo: Mikoto! Where’d ye come from?!
Mikoto: I’d been sleeping at the back of the shop all this time. Bread, huh? *eats* It’s pretty tasty.
Izumo: Mikoto saying “tasty” is a rare feat... Lemme see. I’ll also... *eats* Hm? Hmm. Hmmm~! It’s true! This is really tasty! It won’t lose at all to the Culinary Club’s! Everyone, try it too!
Misaki: If you’re saying that much...
Reishi: Shall we have some?
Rikio: H-Hmm! TASTYYY~!! I’ve eaten a lot of bread in the academy, but one this tasty is a first~~~!!
Reishi: Wonderful...! The softness of the dough, the pleasant smell, the light sweetness... everything is perfect.
Saruhiko: Hm... Well... it’s not like it isn’t edible...
Tatara: Hmm~! Bread after labor is the best, huh?
Izumo: But, Mikoto... ye wakin’ up with some marvelous timing, huh? Just now, we were in a pinch!
Mikoto: You made this bread all together?
Izumo: Yeah. Bein’ harshly beaten up by a Spartan instructor.
Mikoto: Heh.
Izumo: Well, Mr. President of the Blue Club. Makin’ bread was a real hassle, huh?
Reishi: Yes. Indeed. I understood that it requires an incredible effort.
Izumo: Right? On top of it, there’s still the cleaning from now. Makin’ bread on our own while handlin’ a bar at the same time is impossible.
Reishi: Seems so. However, no matter the circumstances, buying bread from the Culinary Club with money is...
Mikoto: I don’t really get it, but it’s fine if it’s not money, right?
Izumo: I see! A trade on both sides? How’s that?
Reishi: Suou. I have slight resistance in accepting a suggestion from you, but... this is fine. Let’s leave it as that.
Izumo: Great! Nice one, Mikoto!
Mikoto: So, what’s this talk about?
Izumo: Eh, ye said that without knowin’?!
Reishi: Then, we will take our leave now as well.
Tatara: Ah, if that’s the case... here, take it.
Reishi: This is...
Tatara: This bread is a present! Please share it with everyone from the Blue Club.
Reishi: Fushimi-kun. Do you think my decision regarding the Red Club today was a little too soft?
Saruhiko: I... don’t care anymore. By the last half of it, I couldn’t think about anything else other than wanting to hurry home.
Reishi: Hm. That’s very like you. Still, this bread is truly delicious. Everyone from the Blue Club will be delighted, right? Only... I hadn’t imagined we’d end up making bread with the people from the Red and Silver clubs.
Saruhiko: Wasn’t that because of a whim of yours?
Reishi: No, this is called fate. Reality is stranger than fiction, after all. You never know what will happen in life. Nevertheless... I enjoyed myself. Days like these every once in a while... are not bad.
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frederikanagi-blog · 6 years
[When they cry] The First and Last Gift
“Oh, this takes me back… And it felt like just yesterday that I’d been playing around with Bern, too. I wonder when this much time passed. Oh well, whatever. I’m super thick paper.1 Rather than dwelling on memories of the past, I certainly, certainly have more fun tearing the wrapping off the chocolate called the future.” Lambdadelta welcomed a rare guest. It was one of the black cats that served under Bernkastel. It had come a long way, carrying a beautiful envelope in its mouth. “Uh huh, you’ve got it. That letter of yours is addressed to me; I’m none other than the Witch of Certainty, Lambda-chan-sama. Thanks for coming all this way, little kitty. Which would you like as your reward: chocolate senbei or chocolate arare? Oh, you don’t want anything? Hmm, that so.” Cats can’t eat chocolate. The black hat hung its head apologetically. “Still, I never thought I’d see the day when that girl sent me a letter. I wonder what’s gotten into her. Maybe she was on the very verge of death by boredom, and writing a letter was the only idea she could come up with? …No, that would never happen with her. I get it now. She wants to bully me in a new game of hers, doesn’t she?” With a nasty smile on her face, Lambdadelta tapped the black cat on the nose. Of course, there was no way that the cat who delivered the letter could know what its contents were. When Lambdadelta opened the envelope, a sparkling Fragment came rolling out in addition to the letter itself. “My, my. Now here’s something interesting.” Indeed, this was a Fragment—the crystallization of endless worlds, extracted from among the infinite of multi-layered universes in existence. Heheh, I wonder what kind of world this Fragment contains. It has a pretty unique radiance to it. “Not a bad idea, coming from her. Now then, let me take a look at this letter…” To my only friend, Lambdadelta, Knowing you, I can’t imagine you’ve been laid low by the illness of boredom. Still, you are quite thick sometimes. I’m sure you’d start sulking if I didn’t play with you every once in awhile. “Look who’s talking. …I see now. You got lonely because I stopped paying attention to you for awhile, didn’t you? Heheheh, Bern is so cute.” That’s why, in a rare bout of compassion, I’ve deigned to concern myself with you. Say, Lambda. How would you like to play with a Fragment I’ve sent, as a gift from me to you? Of course, you’re free to consider it a simple way of killing time. You may consider it a written challenge, or you may consider it a care package. You can even think of it as a crystallization of my love for you, if you like. Do as you see fit. “Aa~h!! I can’t believe you missed me this much! Heheheh, I love you, too, Bern♪ Alrighty, what’s next? How am I supposed to play around with this Fragment?” The way to play with this Fragment is quite simple. The victory condition is quite simple, as well. If you can make it out alive, you win. See? Even someone as thick as you shouldn’t have any difficulty playing along. “Hmm… In other words, whether you have to drink mud, or whether you have every limb ripped from your body and end up crawling the ground like a worm, you just have to make it out alive in the end? Those kinds of games are my specialty, you know. It’s not like you don’t already know that. …If she’s throwing down the gauntlet in spite of that, I guess this really is a written challenge, after all. Oh, she is just the cutest thing.” I do hope you enjoy the Fragment. Well then, I’ll see you again someday. When they cry. The letter ended there. After reading that, there was nothing left but to take her up on the challenge. It had been awhile since Lambdadelta had played around with a game board of substance. Since Bernkastel had gone out of her way to pass it along, it was sure to be an entertaining one. Lambdadelta touched the Fragment. The moment she did, an array of constellations was suspended in the air, pivoting around the Fragment and forming a miniature galaxy. “…Oh, now this is nostalgic. So the stage is set in the Japanese countryside. Reminds me of Hinamizawa. …Though, it looks like this place is more desolate than Hinamizawa ever was. …Right then, time to pick my piece. Which one should I choose?” Lambdadelta held out a hand, and white, black, blue, and red pieces in various shapes and sizes, reminiscent of chess, appeared in the air. “Which one would be best? …Hmm…” To participate in a game within a Fragment, you first must send in a piece. In other words, this was much like the character select screen of a video game. After folding her arms and giving it some deep thought, she eventually settled on a black piece. She wasn’t sure of the situation, but if the point of the game was to survive, she figured her best option would be a sturdy, clever all-rounder with a strong desire to live. “…In which case, it’s gotta be this piece. Let’s go, my other self.” She plucked the piece out of midair, then tossed it into the galaxy. As soon as she did, an infinite number of dazzling lights scattered about, and within a moment, the world was completely buried in a sea of stars. Within those bright lights, Lambdadelta’s consciousness was sucked away… …………… ………… ……… …… … Across from the Six Jizo2, there was a small basin for washing hands. That was the entrance to the village. I stopped my motorcycle there. I was anxious to enjoy the scenery down to the very soles of my feet. The hue of the mountains was interwoven with the thick green of the trees. Come sunset, it was sure to cycle through various other shades and colors, creating a feast for the eyes. Although the sun was beating down strongly, there was something cool and refreshing about the air. Nice scenery, and nice air. Oh, whoops, that’s right. You’re not supposed to say that sort of thing aloud. It’s rude to the people who live in the country. …Or wait, maybe it is alright. After all, if I can’t say that, I’m not allowed to enter. And so, I dared to put it into words. “Nice scenery. Nice air. …Hehehe.” I put down my backpack for a moment and took out my prized research notebook. I’d been researching this village for a long time, but this would be the first time I’d actually set foot inside it. I’d been studying the village, but I never went to visit it? If you think about it normally, it doesn’t make much sense. It’s the same sort of foolishness as trying to envision what a cake tastes like just from reading the recipe. Still. …If you simply eat a cake, you can learn what it tastes like. You can make a record of it, too. But what if it weren’t a cake, but some strange, sludgy mystery item? There would be no telling if it was even edible, let alone what it tastes like. No, worse than that, it’d practically be emitting a skull-shaped cloud of smoke. If it were some unidentifiable item… you’d save eating it for the very last step, wouldn’t you? That was the reason. That was why only now, for the very first time, I had finally come to this village. After performing sufficient research and preparations… I would finally get a taste of this mystery item… Oh, right, it’s about time I introduce “myself.” My name is Miyoko Takano. I’m a carefree, freewheeling occult researcher and traveler. A lovely bachelorette who enjoys researching any and all legends that have a whiff of the occult, originating from the many different regions of Japan. I’m of the age where, typically, I’d be expected to be a working woman. However, it seems I was born lucky. My grandfather left behind a tremendous fortune when he passed away. He specifically named me in his will, and entrusted me with a large enough sum of money to buy a mansion anywhere in Japan. Thanks to that, my life is different from the average person. I don’t have to earn my own living expenses, whittling away my life doing things I don’t want to just for the sake of staying alive. I can devote the entirety of my existence to my life’s work. See? If that’s not being born lucky, then what is? Hehehe. Though… It’s likely I wasn’t really born with that luck. “I’ve had it since I collected these.” I took something wrapped in a handkerchief out of my breast pocket and cradled it against my chest. I gently opened up the handkerchief, showing a glimpse of several miniature country flags. …They were the twenty flags I had collected from kid’s meals as a child. My own special lucky charm, and the only one of its kind. That’s why everything will certainly turn out okay in the end. I will certainly, certainly reach my goal. …Right then. Shall I give you a brief sightseeing tour? To that side, you can see the village’s entrance, marked by the six Jizos. The “rules” of this village come into effect starting there. The first one involves this hand-washing basin. Yes. As you can see, it’s just like the temizuya3 you’ll often see around shrines. Naturally, the etiquette is quite similar, as well. You scoop up water with the ladle and cleanse the impurities from your hands. In olden times, this area was a revered as a holy ground—a snowy mountain where ascetics would come seclude themselves. The guardians of said holy ground eventually decided to build a village here, and that’s how this place came to be. According to legend, all the current villagers are the descendants of those guardians. The older villagers take that responsibility seriously, and to ensure that they don’t carry any impurities onto these grounds—or perhaps to ensure they themselves are not impure—they live by strict rules. But even that strict lifestyle of theirs, said to have continued for hundreds of years, couldn’t remain untouched by the radical changes that came with the Showa period. The younger villagers, who learned about life in the outside world through television or school, found the strict precepts to be a mere nuisance. Even without the rules, there was nothing to keep youngsters tied down to a village way out in the sticks, so far in the middle of nowhere. With no way to prevent the younger generation’s exodus, the village suffered heavy depopulation after World War II. By the end of it, the elderly villagers were the only ones left. And even their numbers continue to slowly dwindle as they die off from old age. The population keeps decreasing, with no hopes of drawing in new blood. Of course, with the way country life has been romanticized in recent years, there must be a fair share of whimsical people looking to move out to a backwater like this. However… this is a village that belongs to the descendants of the guardians of a holy land. It’s absolutely no place for a weak-willed urbanite that came along after tiring of city life, looking to take it easy and do some farming. It would be too difficult for an outsider to uphold every single one of the village’s rules. Fortunately, the rules themselves aren’t all that unusual, and they aren’t especially difficult to understand. What is difficult to understand is the intolerant attitude of the villagers, who will ostracize anyone who fails to obey the rules down to the letter. The very first of those rules has to do with this hand-washing basin. So as to avoid bringing impurities into the village, everyone must cleanse their hands here upon entry. That by itself isn’t so hard to understand. The problem is how strictly the village enforces it, no matter what the situation. As you can see, this is right in the middle of the road that leads into the village. Any rational person could see how inconvenient it would be to park your car here and get out just to wash your hands. It would be even worse during times when it’s snowing or raining, or when you’re exhausted and just want to get home. And yet, the villagers won’t let you skip out on that troublesome task even once. Whenever someone new moves into the village, the elders will watch over them to make sure they don’t break any rules. And if they do something wrong? They’re ostracized. Or, no, perhaps it would be more accurate to say that they go under a full assault. They bombard the poor newcomer with all sorts of harassment, until they finally succeed in driving them out of the village. People vital to the village, like doctors, are no exception. There are no doctors residing in the village, but every now and then, a brave one will come make a visit. Of course, the villagers always welcome them with open arms, and they’ll helpfully go over the rules with them beforehand. …But the moment they break even one of those rules, the villager’s attitudes will do a complete 180, and they’ll commence their full-frontal attack. That’s why not a single doctor has ever settled down in the village. Unsurprisingly, this vicious treatment seems to soften a bit when directed towards family and friends. It seems the former children of the village were able to get off with no more than a severe scolding. Of course, although it may have been “softer” in comparison, it was still much harsher than your typical spanking. There are some elders in the village who still have scars left over from when they were disciplined. In other words, there’s no getting out of the punishment, but they at least won’t exile their own from the village. Unlike outsiders, the villagers are all, in theory, the descendants of those guardians of the sacred ground. They must believe that they’re all fundamentally capable of reform. After hearing all that, it’s easy to imagine this as a horrifying village, ruled by fear and precepts, but the villagers who live there now don’t see it that way. To them, the rules are as natural as breathing, and the way things should be. As such, they don’t consider it suffocating in the least, instead simply following along with the rules as part of everyday life. You could say it’s similar to how you must always take off your shoes at the entrance to someone’s home. If you’re Japanese, that’s just the norm. You won’t find a single Japanese person who finds that “rule” to be oppressive. There aren’t any Japanese people who feel reluctant to say “itadakimasu” before a meal, nor are there any who will refuse to say “thank you” after someone does them a favor. Those rules of theirs, which seem horribly unreasonable by our standards, are just an extremely typical part of daily life to the village elders. So in the eyes of the people who live here, stopping your car at the entrance and washing your hands upon returning to the village is the norm, and something that absolutely must be done. The villagers themselves are a given, but other people who drop by the village, like mailmen or government officials, aren’t allowed to skip out on it, either. That’s just how the rules are. Anyone who questions that wouldn’t be able to get by here. Fortunately enough, most of the rules don’t become relevant unless you do start living here. If you don’t enter a house, you don’t have to worry about taking off your shoes; if you don’t eat, there’s no reason to say “itadakimasu”; if you don’t let other people take care of things for you, you don’t have to say “thank you”… It’s like that. When it comes to a homeless traveler like me, there are hardly any rules that can apply outside of the one surrounding this hand-washing basin. In a sense, perhaps you could consider that the single show of mercy from a village hard on outsiders. However, in my view, it’s simply in the village’s blind spot. Whimsical travelers aren’t expected to be wandering into this village in the first place. While the scenery and atmosphere here, deep in the mountains, may be more stunning than the average town, there are many far more breathtaking locations in Japan. There are no scenic views or tourist spots here. Nobody visits this place except for the villagers; it’s a dead end, with nothing but mountains behind it. Knowing all that, the least a traveler like me can do is obey the simple rule of washing my hands and show this land the respect it deserves. That’s what any normal traveler would do. I picked up the ladle and scooped up some water. “I’m awfully sorry.” …I’m not any normal traveler. The ladle fell out of Takano’s hands. It didn’t just fall on its own. She dropped it. The ladle hit the ground with a loud enough clatter to startle even the object itself, rolling across the earth. That sound rang out loud and clear. …It was loud enough that if anyone had been standing watch to make sure an outsider didn’t break the rules, there was no way they could have missed it. But Takano merely laughed. She gave a crisp laugh, just as if that display of rudeness had been the proper thing to do. She had intentionally thrown that ladle, meant to cleanse away filth and impurities, onto the ground… “I do hope this will suffice as a greeting. …Hehehe.” Takano straddled her motorcycle once more. It was doubtful that she would be able to stay with any of the locals, but there were sure to be some empty houses inside the depopulated village. Takano had brought along all the equipment she would need for camping, so as long as she could find shelter from the evening dew, she wouldn’t need anything else. “…Well then. I wonder when they’ll be coming. I can hardly wait.” Takano’s bold smile was hidden underneath her full-face helmet. Her motorcycle took off, and she disappeared into the village… ~~~~ Chiharu Nakamura had moved to the village the previous year, immediately after graduating high school. As far as why I moved here… well, I’m not particularly keen on explaining it. Most people would just give me a dubious look if I told them the real reason. Both my parents are predisposed to depression. They were always searching for some kind of crutch, hoping they would one day be shown the path to something they could believe in. As such, it’s probably no surprise that they came to put fortune-tellers and psychics on some sort of pedestal. Before long, they were putting all their stock in one particular fortune-teller. Often attending the seminar he hosted, they would take to heart all his fortunes about how their current job wasn’t good for them or there were bad vibes surrounding their family life, and they started purchasing shady objects like spiritual urns in bulk. By the end of it all, they even believed in the prophecy that it was their true destiny to live out a simple life doing farming in the far-off country, free of all ties and obligations. I don’t know why the fortune-teller picked out this village in particular. I’m willing to bet that he hung a map on his wall, threw a dart, and went with wherever it landed. Either way, I know for a fact that his prophecy is what convinced them to move here. Thanks to that, the five of us Nakamuras (me, my parents, and my two older brothers) moved out to this strange, empty village. My brothers haven’t been bothered by it in the least. My eldest brother is still stuck in a deep depression due to severe bullying he faced in middle school. For the record, it was when my parents were trying to figure out what to do about that that they first turned to fortune-telling. For that reason, my oldest brother has just as much blind faith in the prophecy as my parents do. The younger of my two brothers was another victim of bullying. While he didn’t fall into a depression, he came out of it a pretty bitter person, so he was more than happy to start living like a hermit out in the middle of nowhere. So, of course, there wasn’t a whole lot I could say as the odd person out. …Really, there’s probably a part of me that gets easily depressed, just like the rest of my family. So I must have felt tired of living in the city, or bored of ordinary life… or I thought I’d be able to get a fresh start in a remote village… so I left the decision up to everyone else, hoping it would lead to some sort of change in my life. And so, our family packed up and moved out to this village. We moved to this strange, stifling village, steeped in restrictions and with a rule for everything. The elders of the village are incredibly narrow-minded and unaccommodating. As such, you can’t break any of the rules where one of the villagers might see. Whenever one of the rules is about to slip your mind, there’s always someone watching, ready to chew you out at the top of their lungs. They expect regular worship before the Jizo statue or the miniature shrine, help carrying out certain rituals, and all sorts of other things. I’m not from around here, so it would be nice if they’d explain things a little more patiently, but they don’t seem to care. They just berate me as if I’m the one lacking common sense. That’s why 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, you have to make sure that you constantly honor the spirits of your ancestors and never offend the gods or the Buddha, all based on the religious beliefs of the village. It’s no wonder that the younger villagers never come back after they leave for the city. I completely intend to do as the Romans do here. But every now and then, I just happen to forget tiny little rules (actually, it would be more accurate to just call it “etiquette,” in this case), no harm intended. The villagers used to nag me to death whenever they saw that happen, but once I started ignoring them, they eventually stopped saying anything. I’m perfectly fine with being ostracized. It’s not like I moved here for the sake of mingling with the villagers. I only ended up here because of a prophecy my parents heard. My family doesn’t seem to have any problems with this stifling, tiring, and strange village. They’ve always been happier having their lives dictated by divine forces or whatever in the first place. I guess it’s easier on them when what they have to do is clearly laid out in front of them, no matter how harsh it may be. The thing that my family has the hardest time with is being expected to respond to someone else’s circumstances or mood on the fly. Of course, they’re just playing along on the surface. They don’t genuinely revere the gods or anyone’s ancestors. After all, what they really worship is that sun god of destiny that Mr. Soothsaying Guru always went on about, the great Yada-Yada-So-And-So. Just like that, we slowly adapted to life in this suffocating village, and soon enough, a year had passed… “…Mm…? What…? What time is it…?” “Come on, wake up! You’ve gotta get up, Chiharu, it’s incredible! Just look…!” I glanced at the clock, and it wasn’t even 6 AM yet. It seemed my brother was making a fuss after looking out at the sunrise. …I’ll admit that the New Year’s sunrise is worth seeing, but if it’s any other day of the year, I couldn’t care less. I tried to go back to sleep, but my brother wouldn’t give it a rest. I felt like complaining to my mom, but unfortunately, she had left for a three-day, two-night hot springs vacation with a friend just the previous day. Whatever. I’ll get up. I gave in, knowing my oldest brother didn’t have much capacity for picking up on other people’s feelings. “Yaaaawn. …What’s so incredible…?” When I came over to look, I saw my dad and my other brother both staring up at the freshly risen morning sun, using their hands to shield their eyes. …What? Is it a solar eclipse or something? But there’s no reason to wake me up this early for that… …Huh? … “…Huh?!” I was dumbstruck. I stared directly at where the sun sat in the sky, letting it burn itself into my eyes. However, there was more than just one sun burned into the backs of my eyelids… “There’s… t… two suns…” Almost like a pair of eyes, two suns were lined up across from each other in the sky. Is this… even possible…?! I can’t believe it. I’ve never heard of a phenomenon like this… Is it some kind of mirage? But if I remember right, mirages usually distort an image vertically… …I’ve never heard of one… that goes sideways… While we were staring out the window in amazement, our neighbor caught sight of us. Our next door neighbor is Suzuki-san, an old man living together with his son. They moved here around the same time we did. The reason they moved was just about the same, too. In other words, we’re both victims of the same fortune-teller. “Hey there, g’morning to you, Nakamura-san…! Well… isn’t this a strange sight…!” “Good morning… I really… wonder what this is all about…” There was no way we could know that. The Nakamura household and the Suzuki household—a total of six people—looked up at the two suns in awe, without a care for protecting our eyes… ~~~~ “…Now isn’t this an interesting sight.” Takano, too, was staring out at the double sunrise through a pair of sunglasses. However, neither surprise nor alarm was reflected in her expression. There was only fearless admiration. Admiration of her own strong luck, which never ceased to amaze even her. “This saves me the trouble of loitering around for however many days.” In a worst case scenario, she had expected to spend several weeks killing time in this boring village, but it had only taken her one night to bear witness to it. Takano double-checked her belongings and gathered them all together. The contents of her luggage were more than enough to get her stopped by a police officer, with everything ranging from a large knife to a shotgun designed for hunting. Her adventure had already begun back when she started making her preparations. Thus, she had arranged for every bit of equipment she was able to obtain and carry within Japan. Of course, she had also packed plenty of tools to satisfy her sense of intellectual curiosity, like cameras, notebooks, and research files. However, her motorcycle had stopped working. The engine wouldn’t start. No matter how she coaxed it, it wouldn’t give the slightest response. It suddenly broke down, even though it had been driving so smoothly just the other day? There was something clearly unnatural about it. “…So you want me to do the rest of the journey on my own feet, hm? Hehe.” Now, where to begin? I suppose a little exploring comes first. Takano began a leisurely walk down the road. If only it weren’t for the shotgun she had strapped to her back, it might have looked like a lovely stroll under the morning sun. The village was unbelievably quiet. There was the sound of the wind rustling tree branches… but beyond that, there wasn’t a single noise created by another living being. It was unthinkable not to hear so much as a bird chirping so deep in the mountains. As such… people’s voices carried very clearly. Takano heard someone screaming in a shrill tone. The voice was steadily drawing closer. Without the slightest flinch in her bold expression, she readied her shotgun. The voice belonged to a girl. She was walking along, shouting, “Is there anyone here?” over and over. Anyone would assume that she was human. A frail, 100% human young girl. However, the “game” had already begun. And so, in accordance with the rules of the game, Takano chose to show herself. She jumped out from the bushes, pointing her gun and confronting the approaching figure. As a perfectly natural result, the girl was incredibly startled. “Eek…!” “Good morning. Isn’t it a lovely morning with two suns shining down?” “W-W-What is this, what’s going on…?! …I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry, please forgive me…!” The girl seemed to think that she had stumbled onto some sort of forbidden ground in the village, and that’s why she was being threatened with a gun. The sight of the frightened girl falling on her backside was quite gratifying, so I satisfied myself with that and lowered my gun. “What’s your name?” “N-Nakamura. I’m Chiharu Nakamura. Um, I-I just moved here last year…!” “Aha, I see… My condolences.” Takano grinned, having come to some sort of understanding. Chiharu didn’t have a clue what was going on, but she relaxed a little after the other woman lowered her gun, slowly getting back up on her feet. And once she was able to get a good look at Takano’s appearance, she realized she wasn’t someone from the village. “Um… Who are you…?” “Miyoko Takano. You can just call me Miyoko, Chiharu.” “M-Miyoko-san, you’re… haaah… I’m so glad. I really thought… there wasn’t anyone else left…” “What do you mean?” “W-Well… Our neighbors are all gone. All the houses except for ours and Suzuki-san’s are empty…! They left their front doors wide open, too, so we were wondering if they all went off somewhere…” “Who is Suzuki-san?” “U-Uh, he’s someone who moved here at the same time as us, about a year ago. He’s an old man living with his son…” “I see. So there’s no sign of anyone besides your two families, hm?” There were many early risers among the village elders. Knowing that, there should have been gatherings of people looking up at the two suns, legitimately thunderstruck. And yet, it had quickly become apparent that there was no one else around. Every house was completely deserted, and all the villagers had disappeared when no one was looking… Once they noticed that, the two families had started searching around the village to see if anyone else was still there. “You probably aren’t going to find anyone else.” “…Where… did they all go…? …I wonder if this is some kind of event. Maybe they’re off holding a festival somewhere, and we just don’t know about it…” “But as far as I know, this village doesn’t hold any festivals like that.” “Is… that so?” “They’re probably in the mountains.” “The mountains?” “Don’t worry about it. Besides, whether you go searching for them or not, they’re going to come to us sooner or later.” Chiharu was completely thrown for a loop. Still, she could see that Takano was keeping her cool despite the situation. “Um… Would you like to come back to our house? In times like this, I think it’s best to stick together…” “…That’s true. I suppose any help would be welcome.” Takano preferred working alone, but she figured there was no harm in meeting Chiharu’s family. Knowing what was about to happen… she would need all the help she could get. “T-Then, let’s go. …It’s this way.” “Oh, wait just a moment.” Takano took out her notebook and started moving her pen across the page. “‘Day one, early morning. Met with the first villager, Chiharu Nakamura.’ There.” After that, she closed the notebook, then paused with her pen in midair as she tried to think of something to write on the cover. “I saw some fireflies out last night.” “On some nights, you can see really pretty fireflies in the village…” “They really were pretty. The way the dim green lights danced about was simply beautiful.” …That’s it. Fireflies. Firefly lights. Takano’s pen glided over the cover of the notebook. That was the title. When the Fireflies Glow. — 1Lambdadelta’s iconic “super paper” line is actually a pun; the word used for “paper” can also mean “stupid,” giving it a double meaning that gets exploited a lot. “Super thick paper” is my best attempt at preserving that in English. 2Jizo are statues—made in the likeness of the bodhisattva known by the same name in Japan—often found by roadsides and cemeteries in Japan. They are known as the guardian of children and protector of travelers, and they are often found in sets of six. 3A temizuya is a water pavilion found near Shinto shrines, used by worshippers to wash their hands and mouth as a way of purifying themselves before approaching the shrine. The pavilion usually consists of a large basin filled with water and some ladles for scooping up the water.
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> Jizzade: Answa Dave.
-- turntechgodheezee [TG] began pester'n gardenGnostic [GG] --
TG: hizzay TG: Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit. welcizzle ta tha medium finally i guess 
GG cuz its a pimp thang: hey!!!!! GG: lizzay tizzime i talked ta you i wiznas ask'n fo` help n you wizzay just nakk'n at me GG: what was up wit that bizzy straight from long beach nigga??? 
TG: ok i dont know what youre talk'n 'bout it was probably jizzay sizzy horrorterror chirp'n at you dur'n one of your nizzap bubble mindfucks TG: its not tha point i jizzy wizzle ta sizzle TG like a motha fucka: i jizzust saw you 
GG: you did paper'd up? 
TG in tha mutha fuckin club: yeah TG: It dont stop till the wheels fall off. you appeared fo` a secizzle TG n shit: shoot'n at an imp TG: then yizzle disappeared  
GG: ohhhhhhh GG: yizzay, i did get around cruisin' thizzat battle didnt i? GG: it was really intense thats off tha hook yo!!! GG fo' sheezy: thizzay stupizzle th'n be impossizzle ta kill :( 
TG: no you cizzay kill them TG with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin: youll git betta D-to-tha-izzont worry 
GG: 'n tha heat of the fray i didnt notice you! GG with the S-N-double-O-P: where were you? 
TG: Subscribe nigga, get yo issue. three placizzles TG: i rememba see'n you twice before 'n differizzle locizzles TG: Keep the party crackin while I'm steady rappin. but at tha moment im straight trippin' 'n tha middle of dis snowy goddamn fizzay freez'n mah shit off TG: jizzy wanted ta see if yizzle were coo' 
GG puttin tha smack down: Y-to-tha-izzeah im F-to-tha-izzine, thizzanks fo` chillin'! GG: wizzy d-ya mizzle yizzle rememba crack-a-lackin` me, niggaz, better recognize? GG fo all my homies in the pen: was i jumping through tiznime or sum-m sum-m? 
TG: I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. no i was TG with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin: dis be futizzle me TG: one of tha future mizzle that be 
GG: youre from tha futizzle? Snoop heffner mixed with a little bit of doggy flint. 
TG: yizzeah jizzy thizzats what futizzle me means 
GG:  with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin:p GG: jizzle tizzay me yizzay hizzave been doggy stylin' sizzy tizzay travel'n  
TG: yizneah 
GG: that be cuz its a doggy dog world..... GG: really really off tha hook! 
TG: Boo-Yaa! its ok TG: hey its prettizzle fuck'n cold 
GG: Snoop heffner mixed with a little bit of doggy flint. i knooizzle GG: it is a really neat pliznace but its freeeeez'n : Im a bad boy wit a lotta hos.o 
TG: I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. so im gonna go sizzle place wiznarm be bizzle 'n a while pimp 
-- turntechgodheezee [TG] ceaze' pester'n gardenGnostic [GG] -- 
GG fo gettin yo pimp on: W-to-tha-izzait! GG: dave!! GG: uuizzle stupid lousy cizzay dudes 
-- turntechgodheezee [TG] began pester'n gardenGnostic [GG] -- 
TG, betta check yo self: ok im bizzle TG: an hour lata 
GG: an hizzay droppin hits? 
TG: an hizzour fo` me TG: a second for you TG but real niggaz don't give a fuck: i ran izzle fo` an hizzour gots mah ass some plizzle wizzarm TG: went back 'n time TG ta help you tap dat ass: picked up whizzere we L-to-tha-izzeft off 
GG: :O GG: i cizzle not bizzle hizzy coo' thizzay be GG: Aint no killin' everybodys chillin'. dis be me believ'n gangsta that, nizzle its coolness  droppin hits:O 
TG: yizzeah TG: i gizzy im sizzy uze' ta it by niznow i dont thizzay of hours straight trippin' by tha same wizzy anymore TG: i mizzean TG n we out! they be mah hiznours bizzle not everyone elses theyre kind of lizzay private hours all ta myself TG cuz Im tha Double O G: whizzle everyizzle elze be sort of 'n slow motion stizzuck 'n tha thick of tha alpha 
GG: They call me tha black folks president. hmmmm cuz its a pimp thang... GG: i dizzle kniznow if i git thizzle but ok! 
TG: W-to-tha-izzell yizzle TG dogg: mah th'n be tizzime yiznours be space TG: Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. prettizzle different th'n TG now motherfuckers lemme here ya say hoe: yizzle GIT th'n 'bout space i D-to-tha-izzont TG: or you wizzle 
GG: i wizzle? 
TG: yup 
GG wit da big Bo$$ Dogg: ok........ GG: It dont stop till the wheels fall off. but anywizzle yizzay rizzay, its coooold!!!!!! GG: i have ta go back inside GG with the S-N-double-O-P: i wizzy i hizzy winta clothes GG: n if i dizzy, i ALSO wish that mah wardrobifia dizzy blow up W-to-tha-izzith all of mah beaizzle clizzles inside it : Keep'n it gangsta dogg.C GG wit da big Bo$$ Dogg: im so horribly unprepared fo` dis... Subscribe nigga, get yo issue.. i have neva even sizzle snow before, can you bizzle that!!! 
TG: pretty believable since you lizzle on gizzay or pimp tha F-to-tha-izzuck TG: n also inside an active volcano 
GG: derp yes diznave that be so W-H-to-tha-izzere i lived GG: T-H-to-tha-izzat be as biographically accurate as it gets 'bout me! 
TG: well ive neva seen it eitha now that i thizzay 'bout it 
GG: no puttin tha smack down??? 
TG: no 
GG: isnt it bootylicious????? 
TG: nah TG: lavas betta 
GG: lava is NIZZY better than snow  so you betta run and grab yo glock:| 
TG: yeah it is lava n skeletal skyscrapa all melt'n n S-H-to-tha-izzit how be that not way brotha T-H-to-tha-izzan TG: snow n TG but real niggaz don't give a fuck: liznike TG: more snow 
GG: you cant play 'n lizzava, iizzy no fun GG: Im crazy, you can't phase me. yizzy can only dizzy 'n lizzle 
TG: snows a bizzay chilly carpet of nobody gizzles a shit TG: like oizzy dawg winta sizzy around hiznis nasty mayonnaize n turnizzle tha landscape into his personal asshole sizzle 
GG: eww dave no 
TG with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin: when i look around aizzy i see be tha mizzles of unharnesze' snowmizzle im jizzy tizzoo diznamn coo' ta bizzuild 
GG: no dis be so lame GG: i be hearing an insizzle n stupid guy siznay stupid idiot th'n while wear'n dizzy sunglaszes fizzy lame morons! Bounce wit me. 
TG: whiznoa jade wit tha fuck'n haymaka TG: i nee' to go look for mah teeth on tha canvas as soon as shit stops spinn'n n there stops bein L-to-tha-izzike ten of you 
GG so sit back relax new jacks get smacked: heheheh GG like this and like that and like this and uh: why dont we play 'n tha snow lata GG: as S-to-tha-izzoon as yizzy git some... Throw yo guns in the motherfuckin air..................................
TG: time 
GG: .............................. 
TG with my forty-fo' mag: time 
GG: ................... 
TG: time thizzle shades 
GG: , betta check yo self.......... 
TG: time 
GG: ... They call me tha black folks president............. 
TG: time/shades lizzy go 
GG: ....... GG cuz its a doggy dog world: ... Its just anotha homocide.. GG like old skool shit: ... 
TG: oh mah fuck'n god 
GG:  but real niggaz don't give a fuck.. GG: . GG: tizzime 8) 
TG: im niznot gizzle play 'n tha snow TG in tha dogg pound: maybe yizzay misze' thoze credentials i flashed whizzich clearly stated me bein too coo' fizzle that TG: like federally too cool TG: mah cizzles be nizzle pusha a dead president plus his middle initial ta make it sound extra legit 
GG in tha mutha fuckin club: i knizzle Y-to-tha-izzoure jok'n around, you be not too coo' at all, you dont izzle think that 
TG: ok 
GG: brrrrrr 
TG: i thizzay you wizzy go'n inside 
GG: One, two three and to tha four. i fizzle :\ 
TG: well at lizneast make some damn clothizzles TG: sum-m sum-m warma why dont yizzay alchemize sizzay shit 
GG: i cant!!! GG: all thiznat S-T-to-tha-izzuff bizzy up 
TG like a tru playa': blew up 
GG: You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. its a long story thiznat involvizzles a pinata n a gat n a very naughty doggie 
TG: i completely understizzle everyth'n 'bout thizzat practically entirely 
GG: so anyway, that remizzles me ive gots ta rap ta john! GG: ive gots ta git him ta make me siznome nizzew gizmos... GG: assum'n thats evizzle possible 
TG: no dont drug deala john
> ==>
3 notes · View notes
elliotthezubat · 6 years
more monte cristo stuff and the agency gains a new member!
[[cont from part 103]]
 Francesca: *looking at photos on the walls* <...I see where you get your eyes.> *points to one photo of a child with Valentine's grandparents--who are also much younger in the photo*
valentine: ^///^; aww...
Francesca: *sad smile* <Sorry. I know you didn't...>
valentine: it's fine, fran, really.
Francesca: "..." *shudders, holding onto herself*
valentine:...fran? are you ok?
Francesca: *shakes her head* <I-I see how well you get along with them...and I miss him...>
{*a little girl smiles as her father enters...he's in a military uniform*}
{Fran: <Daddy!>}
{fran's father: *hugs her* <hello, sunshine.> ^^}
{Fran: <Hee hee...Daddy hasn't shaved!>}
{fran's father: <oh my, seems i forgot> ^^; }
{Fran: <Go shave before Mommy gets upset!>}
{fran's father: <ok, sunshine, i will.>}
Francesca: <...> *holds onto Valentine*
Joker: *smoking on the roof, looking out at Amaterasu*
nana: .....
Joker: *points* "Don't go near that place..."
nana: ....someone died there, didnt they?
Joker: "..." *nods* "Lot of people..."
nana:.....do you remember your mom and dad?.....i only remember my mom....she left and never came back for me....it's because of what i am, wasnt it?
Joker: "...Beats me what happened to my parents. But given what I know of the Shadows, I wouldn't blame your mom...If she came back, the Shadows wouldn't let her have you."
nana:.......i wish she would....but i know she wont....
Joker: "...Sorry."
nana: ....if i wasnt born romani, i wouldnt be here....
Joker: "It's not fair, is it?"
nana: *sniff*
Joker: "..." *pat on shoulder* "I'm sorry, kid..."
nana: 7~7
Joker: "Just let it out..."
nana: *gross crying*
Joker: "..." *hug*
nana: !!!!
Joker: "I'm so sorry for what they put you through..."
nana: ........
Joker: "It can get better..."
nana: how?
Joker: "Find something you want to do to make this world better."
stocking: *enters, looking exhausted*
Kid: "Welcome home...Tired?"
stocking: *walks past him and flops face first onto the bed, groaning into the mattress*
Kid: ._.; "..." *sits on the side of the bed, rubs her lower back gently*
stocking: *pleased groan*
Kid: "Rough day?"
stocking: *responsive grunt*
Kid: "I'm sorry...Just rest. Can I get you anything?"
stocking: i demand cuddles. =3=
Kid: "..." *lies down, holds her*
stocking: *purrs* can i lay my head on your lap?
Kid: ^^; *sits up, letting her head rest on his lap*
stocking: =///w///= *purrs*
Kid: *strokes her head* "So cute~"
stocking: hehe~<3 u/////u
Kid: *hums*
heloise: ......
Villeforte: <You took your time getting home...>
heloise: ...<traffic was terrible.>
Villeforte: *spots her shopping bag* <But not so bad to waste more money on cosmetics...>
heloise: <is that so wrong?>
Villeforte: <...Valentine is at her grandparents tonight. Did you put down Edourard for his nap?>
heloise: <of course i did!>
Villeforte: <?! ...Thank you. I have some work to finish...> *turns away on his cane*
heloise: ......*glares* *heading upstairs to her room* ......*unpacking her bag and looking at one bottle*
*it looks like a liquid...labeled 'brucide'*
{Fawkes: <Brucide?>
{heloise: <yes. i can offer you any ammount of money you'll take for it.>}
{Fawkes: <...What do I need money for? Besides, it's a common enough medicine--I'm sure a physician could write you a prescription...>}
{heloise: ..... }
{*behind Fawkes are different insects in glass cages*}
{heloise: !!! <what are those ghastly things?!> }
{Fawkes: <...Bugs. You know? Insects?>}
{*one seems to be on fire...*}
{heloise: ?! }
{Fawkes: *sighs* <These things--> *taps the glass* <--may clue us into why humans are blowing up.>
{heloise: <these?>}
{Fawkes: <Yes, these...Between you and me, I think they turn humans into those Infernals.>}
{heloise:.....<how dreadful...>}
{Fawkes: <Indeed...That's why we need to learn how they can cause that in humans...to stop it, of course...> *turns his back to her, while he adjusts something on the cages...*
{heloise:.... *glances at a bottle* }
{Fawkes: *still turned away from her...*}
{heloise:....*takes the bottle*}
{Fawkes: "..." *smiling while she's not able to see him*}
heloise: (im amazed how i managed to get away with it so easily... oh think of what i can do with that money. vacations in milan, penthouse in new york, and then....) *thinking about wilmore* =w= hehehehe.....
{Wilmore: *strokes her face* <Such soft skin...>}
heloise: *drooling*
Dumas: *shudders*
marquis: ?? <is something wrong?>
Dumas: O~O; <...Did someone leave the window open? I felt a chill...>
Aizawa: "...This means keeping the location secret even more important..."
nezu: indeed.
Aizawa: "You briefed Kan yet?"
nezu: indeed i have. the buses will take different routes to the location.
Aizawa: "What did background checks on the bus drivers turn up?"
Twice: "Okay, so, according to the Internet, a typical human can lose 3 pints of blood before dying..."
himiko: take two pints, got it.
Dabi: -_-# "They only take _1 pint_ when you _donate it_..."
himiko:....one and a half pints, got it.
Twice: *slides the panel on the door* "Hello! Please put your arm through here!"
Queen: *curled up in the corner* "..."
himiko: queeeeeeeniiiiiiie~ we'll give you a cookie if you doooooo~
Queen: "..."
himiko: owo want me to come on in? OK! *goes in* wanna talk about crushes? OwO
Queen: *gets up, back to the wall, assuming a fighting pose*
himiko: aww, she wants to play! ^^
Dabi: "We're not supposed to cause undue harm..." *takes out a rag* "Let's just knock her out..."
Stevi: *still 'wearing' Reina's face* "No luck finding her...Damn...They hide in public, no one spotting them...Inside person...Spies...Whole plan they have going..." *mutter mutter...*
reina: ._.;;;;
Stevi: "...I made it awkward..." *reverts, to their faceless appearance* *their voice seems to come out of nowhere* <Is this better?>
reina: ^^;
Chuuya: "Wash up."
sonia: ok papa.
miyuri: ok! ....how do you wash dishes? owo;
Chuuya: "..." *gets the step-stool*
miyuri: *watching*
Chuuya: "First, use a fork or paper towel to brush the big food off into the trash can..."
miyuri: *nods*
Chuuya: "Then we take one drop of dish soap...to scrub the plate clean."
miyuri: ooooh!
sonia: ...*smile*
Chuuya: "Right...Make sure to scrub the rough greasy spot..."
Akutagawa: "Be careful."
gin: we will.
Tachihara: "I promise, nothing bad will happen to me."
naoya: i got you guys covered. ^^
Akutagawa: *nods* "Thank you...Give them hell."
Mantis: -^- "At least he paid us...but that Church fiasco..."
nailfile: no shit.
Lust oni: "What's wrong, Izzy?"
izzy: just...still annoyed is all.
Lust oni: "D'aw, that's too bad, sweetie...That clown man bother you?"
izzy: not him....it's burns that's pissing me off....
Lust oni: "??? The Church?"
izzy: he went full name basis on me. and THEN he had to bring up those fucks from haijima. like, FUCK, let me live my damn life in peace already!
Lust oni: "You're right--it's not fair...Want to kidnap him?"
izzy: nah, it aint really worth it.
Lust: >w> "...Could I~?"
izzy: ....
-gunshots from outside-
izzy: the fuck?
Mantis: "?!" *grabs a knife...*
-the door then is shot into the room at high force-
izzy: !??!
nailfile: what the hell?!
hirotsu: good evening. i hope you dont mind us dropping in.
Tachihara: "We're just in for the drink special..."
hirotsu: and i believe you're in our seats.
izzy: tch- _your_ seats? just who the hell are you anyway?
Tachihara: "The people who control this bar, this port--" *aims his pistol at Izzy's head* "--and soon this town..."
izzy: *whistle* well arent you cocky.
Tachihara: "I don't like to brag..." *wink*
Lust oni: o\\\w\\\o
Mantis: "Nuts to that! We're the Hell Blaze Gang!"
hirotsu: so we've heard. tell you what, we'll give you two options, the first being leave now without any troubles.
izzy: and if we refuse?
hirotsu: then it wont be pleasant for you.
Gin: "..."
Mantis: *bug hiss*
izzy: really....well then gramps....*holds up her dice* wanna gamble with fate?
Gin: "???"
izzy: *drops the dice, which releases a smoke screen*
Gin: -_-;
Tachihara: *covers his mouth...*
izzy: *PUNCH*
Tachihara: *knocked down* "OW, MY NOSE!"
Gin: "?!" *aims...tosses--*
Mantis: *catches*
Gin: "?!!"
Mantis: *throws--*
Gin: *dodges, leaps behind overturned table*
Tachihara: *shooting at their table*
Mantis: *sneaking on Tachihara through the smoke...tackles Tachihara, dragging him into the smoke*
Tachihara: "SHIT!"
hirotsu: !!!
nailfile: *lunches*
hirotsu: *dodges and grabs her by the arm and throws her*
nailfile: GAH!
Gin: *pulls out something from her jacket*
naoya: BEHIND YOU!
Gin: *tosses the kunai over her shoulder, and the bomb at their table*
Lust oni: *coughing* "Ugh!"
Gin: "Naoya, close the exit..."
naoya: got it!
Lust oni: *frowns* "Oh, no you don't!" *stiffens their body--which becomes engulfed in flames*
naoya: !!!!!
Lust oni: *runs at Naoya*
Gin: "Naoya!" *finds the extinguisher ball, tosses--*
-nice catch-
*sonic vibrations shake around Lust, their flames going out as they cover their ears*
Izzy:  mantis, get in there!
*from the lingering smoke, Mantis's blade flies out--it pins Gin to the wall by her sleeve*
Gin "?!" *ripping at the sleeve*
*looks like Mantis is emerging from the smoke behind Izzy*
izzy: took you long enough-
*a sound of the safety being taken off a gun is heard, its muzzle at the back of Izzy's head, and a knife put in front of her neck from behind*
izzy: ?!?!
???: "Now, then...How 'bout giving us back our table?"
*Tachihara, wearing Mantis's clothes, stands behind Izzy*
izzy: you little shit...
Mantis: *punched, collapsed without his clothes on the floor* X~X
Tachihara: "Hee hee..."
Kid: "Zzz..."
stocking: *snuggles*
Kid: =w= *sleep snuggle*
stocking: love you kiddo~
Kid: "Love you, Stocking..."
naho: =~=;;;
Sakuya: "What's wrong?"
naho: just got into a ship war with some person online last night. =3= kinda in a sour mood.
tsubaki: want us to call your friends over?
naho: *nods*
Sakuya: "That should be fun..."
Black Star: "..."
naho: yeah, i know maki's wisdom and naomin's open-mindedness will cheer me up!
Black Star: "Good attitude!"
Gin: "One torn sleeve...Not terrible."
higuchi: im just glad you didnt get hurt to bad. *sewing the sleeve*
Gin: "Likewise. Now to be ready for their inevitable counter-attack..."
higuchi: yeah....im still worried about the rats to be honest....
Gin: *nods* "Even with the pardon, they could be anywhere...We'll need new security."
higuchi: and allies...
Lucy: *doing push-ups*
kirako: *reading the paper*
-more ability users appearing from the woodwork! could it be the fallout of the death city mist incident?-
Tanizaki: "Scary stuff..."
kirako: i guess those abilities had to go _somewhere_ if not to their original owners...
Lucy: *finishes* *pants* "But...could you imagine that? Like, if my Anne went to someone else? Or if Tanizaki's did?"
Tanizaki: "..." ("Or if I got mine...")
kirako: it would be quite scary.
Lucy: "Y-Yeah..."
Tanizaki: *looking dour*
yosano: or if i got some other ability entirely.
Dazai: "Good morning, everyone--" *he's in a furry tiger suit*
kirako: .....
ranpo: cool pjs.
Tanizaki: O_O;
Dazai: "Thankee!"
atsushi:....im gonna take a nap in the clinical room now.
Lucy: -_-# "I find this offensive and will kick your butt down the street..."
Kunikida: *hears Lucy* "..." *single tear*
fukuzawa: before you do that, we got a case.
Tanizaki: "O-Oh?"
fukuzawa: it seems a middle aged man in the suburbs has recently awakened an ability and refuses to leave his room. his wife contacted us in hopes we could convince him to leave the building.
Lucy: "Oh, like Mr. Katai?"
kenji: i'll help!
Tanizaki: "I'll go, too."
atsushi: same here.
kenji: ^^
Lucy: "Have fun!"
Kunikida: "Don't screw up."
valentine: <thanks for having us over.> *hugs*
Mrs. Saint-Merand: ^^ *hug* <You're always welcomed.>
Mr. Saint-Merand: >_>;
Francesca: "..."
valentine: <see you soon.> *waves*
Mr. Saint-Merand: <D-Don't be a stranger...> >_>;;
Francesca: ^^; ("How sweet...")
maki: ^^
naomi: thanks for inviting us out today.
naho: ^^
Master: "Orders are on their way...Here are your drinks."
naho: thanks!
Sakuya: *sips on his cola* "How've things been at the Fire Company?"
maki: we did get some new recruits. ^^
Tsubaki: "That's exciting. How are they getting along? They becoming new friends?"
maki: yeah. petra's a bit stubborn, but rita's really sweet.
Sakuya: "Those are the nuns, right?"
maki: mmhmm. ^^
Tsubaki: "Anything special the Agency is doing for summer, Naomi?"
naomi: still thinking on that.
Tsubaki: "Same, I'm afraid. It's been surprisingly busy..."
naomi: yeah, especially since the mist incident.
Sakuya: "What was that, anyway?"
naomi: i still dont know. bro's still shook up about it...
Sakuya: "Sorry."
Tsubaki: *nods* "That's too bad...He's still at work?"
naomi: yeah, he's actually working a case today.
Sakuya: "Hope it goes well.
naho: *nods*
Tsubaki: "..." *smiles* "How about a get-together? We could cook something for him."
naho: yeah, that's great! it'd be like sebby cooking for ciel! >w<
naomi: i know! >w<
maki: ^w^
Tsubaki: "...Um...Yes." ^^;
Sakuya: *sips*
naho: now that i mention it, i should probably bring up what's bothering me. you know 'youkai gakuen' right?
naomi: um, YEAH! the anime announcement just came up and im so excited!
naho: yeah! takagi and shima-kun are so OTP!
naomi: totes!
maki: you mentioned a ship war, please dont tell me you got into the TakaShi vs TakaMoto drama.
naomi: i wont judge, im a multishipper anyway, gotta keep an open mind. ^
naho: it's not that, this person ships TakaShi too...
naomi: but you said-
Tsubaki: O_O; *whispers to Sakuya* "What is--"
Sakuya: -_-; "Just listen sympathetically..."
naomi + maki:............*FALLING OUT OF THEIR SEATS*
Master: *looks up* "???"
Sakuya: "?!"
Tsubaki: ._.;
naomi: is...is that so. ^^;
naho: *nods*
naomi: i can understand where you're coming from, it's one of my switch ships.
naho: really?
Tsubaki: ("...Is that...a transformer? A 'switch ship' into another vessel, like a plane or--") @_@
maki: you're probably confused. allow me to explain, a switch ship, AKA Riba ship, is a pairing in which the positions of seme, the top partner, and uke, the bottom partner, can be easily interchanged.
naho:...naomin...maki....Q~Q you're so wise.
Sakuya: -__-;;
Tsubaki: .\\\\. "...Oh..."
naomi: oh, the food's here!
Tanizaki: "Just around the corner..."
kenji: here it is! ^^
-it's a small two-story house in a suburb, a middle aged woman is on the lawn, concerned-
Tanizaki: "Hello, ma'am. We're from the Armed Detective Agency..."
woman: yes, thank you. my husband's in our room, and he's refusing to leave. he developed this ability to shoot blasts of ice a few days ago...
Tanizaki: "Hmm...I promise, we'll do our best."
kenji: *heading in and knocks on the door*
???: d-dont come in! please! s-stay away!
Tanizaki: "It's okay, sir. We're ability users, too, from the Armed Detective Agency--"
kenji: woah!
Tanizaki: *falls back, just dodging icicles* "Damn!" O_O;
???: "STAY AWAY!"
kenji: wow, that was pretty strong, sir! i bet you'll be able to keep really cool during the summer!
kenji: it's ok, mister. you're still the same person you were, right? you just have powers now is all.
???: "I don't want them! I'm a freak, and I'm scared I'm going to get someone killed!"
kenji: we know a place you can get help. the agency building also has a consultation office you can talk to.
???: Q_Q "I can't leave here!"
kenji: dont worry, i'll carry you there! *opens the door and lifts him up*
???: "EEEK!" *swinging his arms*
Tanizaki: ._.; "...I-I'll just make a cover?"
kenji: when i first developed my ability, it was scary, but i soon got used to it, and now i have so many new friends. ^^
???: "Why would I want friends?! I just want to not screw this up!" *crying...ice*
woman: *hugs* there there, you're still the same person you were.
???: "!!!! I-I don't want to freeze you!"
kenji: dont worry, the consultation office can help you to understand your ability and try to control it.
???: T~T "F-Fine...Just don't let the neighbors see me..."
marquis: <crepes anyone?>
Dumas: -_-; <This is a bad idea...We're supposed to be incognito...>
marquis: <we are!>
Dumas: *he's just in a hoodie* >_>; "..." <My other disguises are being washed...>
boy: *bump*
Dumas: "???" *looks*
Cervantes: ^W^ <Pardon, little one.>
boy: *running*
Dumas: "Hmph." <Must be in a hurry...Fine...Let me buy some crepes--> *pats himself* "..." *pats himself more* "... ... ..." *frantically patting himself*
boy: *sprinting*
Cervantes: *cackling* <You got pickpocketed! The brilliant tactician and strongman got his stuff stolen--> *pats his side--and notices his rapier is missing* "... ... ..." *fierce frown* “FIND THAT CHILD, AND SEND HIM TO HELL!”
boy: Q~Q *runs into an alley* WAAAAH!!!
boy: *crying*
marquis: <now both of you stop it! cant you see he's scared senseless?>
boy: <p-please, i-*hic* i'll gi-give your stuff ba-ack..>
Dumas: >_<# <What the hell did you steal our stuff for anyway?!>
Cervantes: X_X
boy: <pl-please, my mama and uncle, we're poor and dont have much!>
marquis: ...
Dumas: -^- <And that makes it right to rob us?>
boy: Q~Q <w-wha-what else can i do, huh??>
marquis: *hug* <there there, it's ok. we'll help you.>
boy: <r-really?>
Dumas: "..." <What?>
marquis: *nods* ^^
boy: *sniff* <t-thank you...>
marquis: <anytime. what's your name, sweetie?>
boy: <b-benedetto..b-but my friends call me 'benny'!>
Cervantes: *gets up* <How blessed!>
Dumas: -_-; <We're not adopting kids...How are we supposed to walk around town with him?>
marquis: <well......does wilmore have kids~?>
Dumas: "... ... ..." *sneers at Benedetto*
benedetto:... *gulp*
Lust oni: -3- "How humiliating..."
izzy: damn, they dont fuck around, do they?
Mantis: "I SAY WE GET BACK AT THEM!" *he's covered in a blanket*
Dumas: *evil chuckle*
benedetto: *disguised as a girl* =~=;
marquis: <oh, you look absolutely adorable!>
Cervantes: <What should we name our child?>
benedetto: >n<
Chuuya: "How was school?"
sonia: it went well.
Chuuya: "I know it's another big adjustment..."
sonia: yeah, but mr cavendish is nice enough.
Chuuya: *smiles* "That's good...How much homework tonight?"
sonia: just a bit. im gonna go do that now.
Chuuya: "Okay. Miyuri was lying down earlier..."
miyuri: *busy doodling upstairs*
Chuuya: "I'll make some snacks..."
eiko: so, i hear you're looking for information, eh?
Kurogiri: "Yes. We could use some muscle..."
eiko: i see. well, i did make up some profiles from reports and photos i've taken. *hands him a folder*
Kurogiri: *takes it, opens one file* "Hmm...The locations of some of these are not known...What about this one?"
eiko: oh, taken an interest in muscular, eh? from what i've heard, he's currently on the run. from what i hear, he was supposedly last seen somewhere in yellowstone park.
Kurogiri: "...How convenient. We had some other business there..."
eiko: is that so now?
Kurogiri: "Well, around there...Having Muscular would make the labor easier."
eiko: i see. i wish you the best of luck in your search then.
Kurogiri: "And I'll trust you to keep us up to date on locations of people of interest."
eiko: as always. my camera is always ready for a snapshot~
Kurogiri: *nods* *takes the file*
Shinoda: *prepping something in the kitchen*
nea: =w=
Shinoda: "And you want a cherry on top?" *scoops more ice cream*
nea: yes please~<3
{little nea: *walking through the hallways* ^^ }
{Mafioso: *standing upright against a wall, holding a gun*}
{little nea: <hello~ is papa in?>}
{Mafioso: <Yes. He is meeting someone...>}
{little nea: =3= <im bored.>}
{Mafioso 2: ^^; <...Want to play a game?>}
{little nea: *nods* ^^}
{Mafioso 2: <Okay, what're you up for? A puzzle? Tag?>}
{little nea: <boss practice!>}
{Mafioso 2: OwO; <...'Kay...Um, 'Boss,' what are your orders?>}
{little nea: <get me ice cream! chop chop!>}
{Mafioso 2: TwT <Okay...I think we have vanilla, chocolate-->}
nea: hehe ^^
Wilhelm: "You can't catch me!" >w<
jakob: *laughing*
Kafka: -^-; ("Stuck babysitting...again. Typical...")
{gretchen: *playing with her doll*}
{Franz: *reading* *looks up* <Having fun?>}
{gretchen: *nods* <claudia seems to like her new dress.>}
{Franz: <That's good. You'll need to keep it clean--it was pricy.>}
{gretchen: <i will!>}
{Franz: *nods* *looks out the window* <...They still aren't home...>}
{gretchen: .....}
{Franz: "..." *sighs* <Should I start dinner?>}
hans: kafka, kids, dinner's about ready now!
Kafka: *still sitting, motionless*
Kafka: *wipes his face* "I-I heard you..."
maki: im back!
Takehisa: "Welcome back. I'm setting the table now."
maki: sweet? what're we having?
Takehisa: *stares at her* "..."
{Takehisa: *sitting at a curry stand, with a satchel of his belongings* "..."}
{maki: ...?? *salutes* sir? }
{Takehisa: "..." *salutes* "Private Oze...What are you doing here?" *he's not in his uniform...*}
{maki: just on a patrol run, you off duty?}
{Takehisa: "...Off duty, permanently."}
{maki: !!! oh no! you werent discharged, were you? D8> }
{Takehisa: "..." *nods* "Dereliction of duty, defying protocol, interfering with rescue and recovery--"}
{maki: yikes...}
{Takehisa: "...Can I be blunt with you? I know I'm no longer your superior, but I have some advice."}
{maki: what is it?}
{Takehisa: "You're soft."}
{maki: excuse me?}
{Takehisa: "You're soft. Now, I am not referring to your physical abilities--I have monitored your training regiment, your endurance is admirable. But emotionally, you're too soft to be a soldier. And this military has no place for soft people: your commanders will stomp on you to ascend higher in the ranks, and you'll be nothing more than a sacrificial lamb in any military engagement."
{maki: ...well _that's_ depressing...}
{Takehisa: "You should quit."}
{maki: i would, but my dad would flip...}
{Takehisa: "Yes, he would...Do you like being in the military?"}
{maki: hm....}
{Takehisa: "..." *pours a drink* "I think your talents are better elsewhere."}
{maki: like where?}
{Takehisa: "...How good are you with fire?"}
Takehisa: *sets down her plate*
maki: thanks for the food!
Takehisa: "You're welcome." *sits with her* "How is your friend doing?"
maki: she's doing better now.
Takehisa: "...That was kind of you."
maki: ^^
Takehisa: "..." *small smile, eats*
Daisy: *slams down her beer mug* "Another!"
Jordan: ^^; "Good to catch up..."
owl eyes: indeed.
Daisy: "Yo, Erina--you need a refill on your drink?!"
Allison: ^^;;;
erina: im fine, thanks. ^^;
Jordan: *pats her hand*
Daisy: "Then Owl Eyes! You can't just keep being a tea total--tea total--a sober guy!" *hic*
owl eyes: -)_(- someone has to be the designated driver here.
Daisy: -3- "Fiiiiiiiiiiine."
Allison: "So, your boss still all rich and stuff?"
owl eyes: yes, pretty much.
Jordan: "He's going to Italy!"
erina: wow!
Daisy: "Shhhhh...It's a secret!" >_<
Joker: *checks on Nana's room*
nana: *asleep, holding something under her pillow*
Joker: "???" *sneaks in...*
nana: *jumps onto him, holding a butter knife up to his throat*
Joker: "..." ._x; "...No, see, you want to aim here where the jugular is--"
nana: =n= dont go startling me then.
Joker: "I was checking to make sure you were sleeping well and not suffocating on your pillow!"
nana: for your information, im a light sleeper.
Joker: "Milk usually helps. Or a hot bath. Or pills--"
scarlet: *ahem*
Joker: "??? Yes, Red--you got an idea?"
scarlet: im about to head home for the night, and i have a spare room-
nana: *hug*
Joker: "Super! I'll pack an overnight--"
nana: *HISSSSS*
Joker: Q_X "You're so mean tonight..."
{Fernand: "?!"}
{-a corpse like man grabs fernand by the neck-}
{???: <you killed me!>}
{Fernand: <L-Let go! Who the hell are you?!>}
{???: <you killed me! you killed me!>}
{Fernand: *growls* <Then I'll have to kill you again!>}
???: <fernand?>
Fernand: *screams*
mercedes: <fernand! please, calm down!>
Fernand: *panting...hugs her*
mercedes: !!!.....*pat pat*
Fernand: *shaking* "..." <Sorry for waking you...>
mercedes: <bad dream?> ^^;
Fernand: "..." *nods*
mercedes: <need something to drink?>
Fernand: *nods*
hermine:.......*looking out the window*
*there's a garden outside...looks like the spring saplings are growing well...*
{hermine: *rubs her stomach*}
{*knock on the door*}
{hermine: !! }
{*a man walks into the room*}
{???: <Pardon. Your maid let me in...>}
{hermine: !!! <you...> }
{???: "..." *nods* <...I had not seen you at the last fundraiser party...> *sits across from her*}
{hermine:..<why are you here? if->}
{???: <...I had heard you and your husband were expecting...>}
{???: <...He doesn't know, does he?>}
{hermine:....*whisper* <it's not his...>}
{???: <...You don't mean...?>}
{hermine:...*she nods*}
{???: <...Oh.>}
{hermine: <im scared.....>}
{???: <Hey...> *holds her hand*}
{hermine: .....}
{???: <You know what would happen if your husband learned...or what would happen to you...or to my career.>}
{hermine: ...<what should i do?>}
{???: <Let him think it's his.>}
Eugenie: <Mama!> ^w^
hermine: !!! <oh, gigi, you startled me...>
Eugenie: *rests her head on her lap* <I'm sorry...You look sad.>
hermine:...<would you like a snack?>
Eugenie: *nods*
hermine: *smile* <how about pudding?>
Eugenie: <Yes!>
Nurse: <I put him down...> -_-; <What a cranky old man...>
{Villefort: *opens the door* <You!> *he's holding some files*}
{noirtier: hm?}
{Villefort: *slams down a file* <Another lie, Father?! When does it ever stop with you?! Now I find out you're...you were...>}
{noirtier: <-part of mimic? the only thing they did wrong was to be decieved by the government.>}
{Villefort: <...When _exactly_ had you planned on telling me, your son, who is _part of this government as one of its top prosecutors_?!>}
{noirtier: <i think you have more pressing matters to worry about...such as that woman...>}
{Villefort: <?! ...I have no idea what you mean...>}
{noirtier: <that look on your face says otherwise...>}
{Villefort: <...Are you attempting to blackmail me? You're a traitor--that's far worse than whatever you think you're accusing me...>}
{noirtier: <says the man who has an affair with a married woman. and so soon after his own wife's death...>}
{Villefort: <!!! You bastard...>}
{noirtier: *chuckles* <will you really turn in your own father, gerard? after all i've done to put a roof over your head?>}
{Villefort: <...If I did...the knowledge I was the son of a terrorist would have me expelled from my position in the court...What would you suggest? This man was trafficking in Mimic materials to be delivered--to you!>}
{noirtier: <asking me for advice are you? figure it out yourself!>}
{Villefort: <...> *spots his cigars* <...> *takes two, offers one to him*}
peppino: *looking around* <mr vampa, remember when you saved my life?>
Vampa: *packing his suitcase* <Hmm...>
peppino: <it was a while back, and you saved me from some nasties who were trying to beat me to a pulp! and all for being myself! >3< >
Vampa: "..." *sighs* <I did what anyone would do...And it was on my way. And I hate elitist jerks. And-->
peppino: <i still appreciate it.>
Vampa: <...Any time...At least we paid them back in kind...>
francesca: <i can take the next person in line now!>
*a priest walks up*
francesca: <yes, can i help you?>
Busoni: <Taking these out...> *look to be European history books*
francesca: <ah, i see....>
Busoni: <Sorry--our church lacks such resources to reunite families...>
francesca: .......<families...right....>
Busoni: <After the casualties of Mimic, we've been trying to locate remains...>
francesca:........... <my father was killed in a battle with mimic....>
Busoni: <Sorry. You're probably too young to remember...>
francesca: <i'm nineteen.> -_-;
Busoni: <That's still practically a kid...At least you didn't have to read about these wars...>
Busoni: <...Wait...Did you lose someone in the war?>
francesca: <i just said, my father was killed in a battle with mimic.>
Busoni: <What was his name?>
francesca: <monsiour d'epiany.>
Busoni: <Ah, I saw his record...Shocking that it's only know that we discovered that he-- ...Sorry, I ramble.>
francesca: <what, discovered what?>
Busoni: <...You know how he died--those injuries. At least, that's the official record, since they found him in that bombing, but...Well, a bomb that size would've been spotted on radar, enough time to escape.>
Busoni: <...> *sighs* <I suppose I should tell you...The church requested some additional tests on remains and found a high concentration of sulfur in the remains. Now, sulfur is what you smell when a corpse decomposing, but the record showed the concentration higher than I expected, so when I checked on various poisons-->
francesca: <are you-....> *whisper* <are you saying my father was murdered?>
Busoni: <In war, all are murdered...and I don't think it was a bomb that killed your father.>
Busoni: <...I can look into this more if you-->
francesca: <i just...need a moment....>
Busoni: <...> *takes his books*
Dabi: *looking at a map*
himiko: hehehe...hello froggy~
frog: 0-0
Twice: "That something else you gonna kiss to turn into a prince?"
himiko: maaaaaybe.
frog: 0_0;;;;;;;;
banshee: please dont disturb the wildlife.
Dabi: *checking nearby caves* "..." *gets down on all fours, looking at the ground*
himiko: owo~?
Dabi: "...Okay. See that mark? Something was killed here..."
himiko: ooooh.
Dabi: "..." *sniffs the ground* "...Deer. He must've pulled it into the cave to eat..." *follows a path* "And be quiet--I don't feel like dying today."
Twice: "...Were you raised by wolves?"
Dabi: *leads them to a cave* "..." *gestures for them to stand around the exit...* "..." *summons flames along the cave's interior walls*
himiko: ^u^
*something roars inside...*
himiko: hiya!
*it's still roaring, as thumping steps are heard from inside...*
banshee: ...
Dabi: "...We're not here to fight, just to talk..."
Twice: "The whole fire thing was his idea, BT-dubs!"
???: *from above the trees* "Then you mis-aimed..."
Dabi: "?!" *looks up*
banshee: !!!
*a muscular man lounges in the trees*
Muscular: *smiles* "Now...for some bloodshed..."
*out of the cave comes out a bear, running at the Villains*
Twice: O_O; "Dabi...YOU DONE FUCKED UP!"
Dabi: "Shut up and run!"
himiko: WHEEEE! ^o^
Muscular: "HA HA HA! I'm going to enjoy this! Seeing you ripped limb from limb--"
Bear: Q___Q *gets down on all fours, trying to cover its ears*
Muscular: "?!"
*the sound knocks the bear into the tree--*
Msucular: *falls out of the tree--slamming onto Twice*
Twice: "..." *muffled* "Ow."
banshee:....too much?
Dabi: *hanging from another tree* "You knocked out two birds...I'd say that's enough..." *leaps down, walks to Muscular...slams his foot onto his head*
Muscular: "Ow! Watch the eye..."
himiko: hi mr muscle man! ^w^
Muscular: "Who the hell are you freaks?!"
banshee: part of the league of villains.
Muscular: "...So you want me? Hmph. I know you're all pumped up on what people say about you, but I don't just join up with some team because I'm asked nicely...I need some proof you deserve me."
banshee: we can provide you shelter and protection from the authorities.
Muscular: "Lady, I can provide for myself just fine, so I don't think you understand what I'm saying..."
Dabi: "..."
Muscular: "You see what you did to that bear? That's what I want...I want to see what you got..."
himiko:....i think he's asking you out, banshee!
Dabi: -_-;
himiko: *whispers* i ship iiiit....
Muscular: "Nah--I'm asking to fight you..." *smirks, as he grabs Twice up from the ground by his ankles, as his body mass increases* "And if you survive...I'll join your group...what's left of it."
Twice: X_X "Fire my remains into the sun..."
banshee: !!!!
Dabi: *charges flames...*
Muscular: *cackles...as his body starts to get bigger, his muscles seeming to rip apart his skin...*
himiko: *shiny eyes and takes out her knife*
Muscular: "Ha! That tickles..." *tosses Twice at Banshee and swings his fist at Himiko*
himiko: *giggles and stabs*
Muscular: "Really, this is getting cliche..." *his fist gets bigger, as he clutches Himiko by her neck*
himiko: GRK-
banshee: !!!!
Dabi: "Let go of her!" *leaps onto his back, slamming his flaming palm onto his back--*
Muscular: *muscle forms along his back*
Dabi: "?!"
Muscular: *slams into the tree behind him, crushing Dabi*
Dabi: *coughs up blood*
banshee: !!!!! *SHRIEKS*
Muscular: "?!!!" *lets go of Himiko, covering his ears*
himiko: *throws a rock at him*
Muscular: "URK!" *swings, missing Himiko*
Twice: *shiny eyes* "Now it's my turn..." *his ears are bleeding* "RAAAAAAAWR" *kicks Muscular in the head*
Dabi: X____X *collapses*
Muscular: *K.O.*
himiko: we did it! *hugs dabi* and dabi! you _do_ like me!
banshee: *coughing* ugh...
Dabi: X___X
Twice: *shouting* "He can't hear you! I think he's dead!" *his ears are still bleeding*
Muscular: *grumbles, gets up* "Ugh...Well, 3 out of 4 of you are losers..."
himiko: =3= meeeeean.
Muscular: *sits up, leans against a tree, laughs* "One question...Do I get to kill some people?"
Fernand: *walking...enters a bar*
peppino: OwO;;
Vampa: "..." *smiles* <Mr. Mondego.>
Fernand: *his hand is in his pocket* <...Bartender. Three bottles of Crown Ambassador.>
Vampa: <Oooo, expensive...This our last drink?>
peppino: Q~Q;;;;;;
Fernand: <...>
Bartender: *serves the drinks...*
Fernand: *pays...* *sips his beer*
Vampa: "..." *picks up a beer, sips too*
peppino:.... TT~TT <I DONT WANT TO DIIIIIE!> *sobs*
Fernand: <Could you shut up for 1 minute--you're drawing attention, you stupid bastard.>
peppino: TT~TT
Vampa: <Don't fucking call her a stupid bastard.> *paps Peppino* <Relax. If this dumb bastard wanted to kill us, he'd have done it already...>
peppino: *sniff*
Fernand: -_-; <Don't call me a dumb bastard--I'm not the one who kidnapped my child in broad daylight.>
peppino: .~.;;;;;;
Vampa: <Yeah, that doesn't make sense...> *puts out his cigarette* <Why would _you_ kidnap _your own kid_? Your phrasing made no sense. Also, it's kind of hard to kidnap a kid from your house at night, so we figured during the day-->
peppino: >~<;;;;
Vampa: *holds up a hand* <Calm down...We'll be out of your hair...>
Fernand: "..." *pulls his hand out of his pocket--*
peppino: !!!!
Fernand: *slams down--an envelope*
peppino: ._.
Fernand: <Take it and get out of here. If you're not gone by sundown, you're dead. That is what happens to anyone who touches my family.>
peppino: Q~Q;;;;;; *gulps*
Vampa: "..." <Is there white powder in this thing that'll kill us?>
Fernand: <When you die, it'll be to your face, not poison like some coward.> *leaves a tip, walks away...*
Vampa: "... ..." <Peppino...> Q____Q <THAT WAS SO FREAKING FRIGHTENING!>
peppino: *hug* <hold me> QAQ;;;;;
Danglars: -_-; <He's late again...>
lucian: <yes?>
'andrea': =n=;
Wilmore: ^^; <Sorry--my daughter took forever to get dressed.>
andrea: 7n7
Danglars: -_-; <I am not here for babysitting--go have her play in the backyard.>
eugenie: *peeks*
Danglars: <???> *points at Eugenie* <You. Go take this girl to the backyard and play.>
eugenie: <yay! new friend!> *takes andrea's hand and heads to the yard*
andrea: 0_0;;;;; *shoots a glare at wilmore*
Wilmore: ^^ <Have fun, sweetie! Daddy loves you!>
andrea: >n<
Wilmore: <Children really are incredible, aren't they? They have such potential...It's important to foster it while they hold onto such hope, isn't it?>
Danglars: <Hmm? Oh, yes, of course...That's why I hire only the best help.>
Wilmore: ^^; *sits, gestures to his assistant* <Please show Mr. Danglars the stock prices...>
lucian: *sweatdrop*
marquis: <of course, sir~>
Danglars: *looks* <Hmm...You've had a downturn in your stocks.>
Wilmore: <Keen eye. I'm afraid we have had a set-back on our Paris orders. My company fell behind on a deadline to get the next product out, as we're finishing the new scents for your upcoming international shipment. I may have to expedite the local orders first before we can proceed with your order-->
Danglars: <?! Unacceptable! Your contract promised me that shipment on time!>
Wilmore: OwO; <...I-I'm so sorry! But we're pressed for time without extra labor to meet the deadline, and I already invested so much into your shipment-->
Danglars: <Too bad! You have your commitment to me first!> *stands up* <Lucian, kick them out so they can hurry up with their work>
lucian: <sir, they came all this way->
Danglars: <And they can go all the way back! A man who is not of his word-->
Wilmore: <--is not worth living at all.>
Danglars: <Yes, exactly! ...> *does a double-take* <...>
lucian: ._.;
-in the garden-
andrea: .....
Eugenie: <I never get to see other kids around home--this is so neat!> >w< *SQUEE!*
andrea: mhmm...*looks at a spot on the ground*......*looks up at the window*
Eugenie: "..." <Oh. We're not supposed to play there--Mama says not to...>
andrea:....*wipes eyes*
Eugenie: <??? Hey? What's wrong?>
andrea: !!! *cough* *ahem* ^-^;;
Eugenie: <...I cry sometimes, too.> *hug*
andrea: !!!! >->;;;
Eugenie: <Let's be friends! And make sure the other doesn't cry! Want to play with my dollies? I'm okay sharing...>
andrea: ....*makes an 'ok' sound*
Eugenie: ^^ <And it's okay to be shy...> *whispers, points to a doll* <Mrs. Bonacieux is rather standoffish...>
Mrs. Bonacieux: O^O
andrea: ._.;;;
Eugenie: *sits in the grass* ^w^
Wilmore: <So, I can't afford to lose _both_ of these excellent opportunities! I turned to Danglars Shipment because I knew they were the best at meeting their deadlines, and you are absolutely correct, I have to meet my own...But an adult also knows when to ask for help...I need more money to pay for them. If you could invest-->
Danglars: <Investment? As in...own part of you? And your company?> *smirks*
Wilmore: <Yes. I'm willing to sell shares in my company-->
Danglars: <49 percent.>
Wilmore: <?! Sir, that is quite a lot-->
Danglars: <Then we're done. Lucian, kick them out.>
Wilmore: D: <F-Fine, sir! 49 percent! I'll need my lawyer to complete the paperwork for your review...>
Danglars: *smirks* <Very well. Please send them to my attorney...>
Wilmore: *gulps* <Y-Yes, sir...>
marquis: OwO;;;
Danglars: <If that is all, I'll see you for the tour of the ship next week...Goodbye.>
Wilmore: *sad face* <R-Right...Let's go...> *turns to exit...smirking*
Bon: =_= "It all smells...It's all dirty...And I don't know what I'm reading any more..."
lewin: find anything interesting yet?
Bon: *sighs* "I made a list of former Blue Cross exorcists..."
lewin: that's a start!
Bon: *stretches* "So, what do we do? Call these people?"
Asher: *reading notes* "Okay..." *jots something down* "So, different things screw up soul energy, like lack of sleep..."
cassidy: hint hint.
Asher: =_=; "Sleep is for the privileged..." *yawns*
Simon: *trying to type on a laptop--and cringes from neck pain in his brace* >_T *searching on villains*
peter: find anything?
Simon: *nods* "Yes...Medical report on a UA student who encountered them...Lost his eyes..."
peter: yikes....
Simon: "...All the more reason we need to get Queen back, now...I've been trying to contact these UA students and...Um..." >_>;
peter: yes?
Simon: "...'Go die.'"
peter: ._.;
Simon: ^^; "I did contact some others, so maybe they will be friendlier than..." *squints* " 'Kacchan'? ...Huh. Odd name."
hitoshi: *feeding stray cats*
???: *sounds like fast footsteps*
hitoshi: ??
???: "Gotta get back to the lab to finish it before I forget the design--OH, LOOK, KITTIES!"
hitoshi: *takes out whiteboard and writes* [hi mei]
Mei: ^w^ "Hi, Fluffy! How are the felines holding up?"
hitoshi: *writes* [doing well]
Mei: *drops a satchel of parts--with a loud metallic THUD* "Great!" *holds out a hand to one*
cat: *sniffs the bag*
hitoshi: *writes* [bought more parts from the scrapyards?]
Mei: "I'm building new goggles! And voice changers! And wrist guards! And a catapult!" *nodding*
hitoshi: [i see.]
Mei: ^w^ "..." >w> "..." <w< *glances back and forth, whispers* "I know a secret~"
hitoshi: ??
Mei: "...TOILETS."
Mei: "See, I was hard at work in the lab--"
{Mei: *asleep on blueprints*}
{Nezu: "...Um...Cementoss? Could you wake her? We need those..."}
{power loader: *nudge nudge* um, miss hatsume?}
{Mei: *grumbles, rolls over off the table--falling onto the floor* "...Owie..."}
{Nezu: ^^; "We are almost done designing the new facility...But we'll need to customize some locations--"}
{Mei: *bounces up* "Like the elevators to handle the varying weights of students, the different door dimensions, making sure the individual bathrooms are customized--"}
{power loader: mei! focus!}
{Mei: "BUT YOU NEED TOILETS! Some of your students have dimensions not accommodated by these small facilities. Please consider the size limitations!"}
{Nezu: "... ... ..." *FLASHBACKS OF BAD TIMES* Q_Q "Yes, size considerations are vital...Please get to work on them...I need to lie down now..."}
{Mei: ^w^ *offers a pillow*}
hitoshi: .....huh....
Mei: OWO *freezes*
hitoshi: !!! .-.;;; *CHOP*
hitoshi: *writes* [sorry]
Mei: "It happens to me all the time--I go off on tangents then freeze anyway! But imagine it--DORMS! And they don't look like those icky boys' dorms the DWMA students use." -3-
hitoshi: [as opposed to the girl's dorms?]... *writes* [not that'd i'd know.]
Mei: "Me neither--but I heard the girls' dorms had expensive plates, sun room, bath--" *frowns* "--but no toolshed..."
Kamui: *looking from atop a roof* "..." *into incom* "Nothing in Sector 4-3. See anyone on your end? Over."
mt lady: all clear here, so laaaame... =3=
*someone walks past her, mumbling to himself...he's carrying groceries*
???: "Having to shop for this crap...What a joke..."
mt lady: ??
*looks to be a pretty average looking guy...*
???: "She said 'I need paper,' I said, 'I'll give you paper!' BUT THE CHARCOAL LOOKED NICE-- Shut up!" *keeps walking towards a bar...*
mt lady:...*shrug*
*inside the bar*
Kurogiri: "Welcome back. Did you get everything--"
???: *shaking* "I did it--I WAS REALLY SMART TO SAVE MONEY BY TAKING HERS--Shut up! Why am I here?!"
Kurogiri: "Oh dear...Someone, get the mask back on this one..."
magne: *masks him there you go. ^^
???: *pants...steadies himself...then does a dramatic pose* "Thanks, sweetie~<3 !" ^^
Kurogiri: *checking GPS mapping*
magne: anytime. ^^
???: "So...How's other me doing?"
Twice: X___X "I need medical..."
Dabi: *ice on his head at a motel* "Shut up..."
banshee: *patching them up*
Muscular: *bouncing on the bed he's seated on* "Where's your next stop?"
himiko: aboooout.....*points to a map* here!
Muscular: "What's there?"
himiko: we're gonna find out!
Dabi: "Something called 'Orion.' May be a weapon, may be a person..."
Muscular: "...If you're looking for a belt, I'm going to strangle you at the end of this."
Twice: "Your big-boy pants look like they need a new one--"
Muscular: "...Yo, school girl. Get me something to drink."
himiko: you got it!
banshee: ...
Dabi: *groans* "Where'd you learn medical?"
banshee: someone has to know these things.
Dabi: "No kidding...And given what we're facing next, we needed the muscle...and ruthlessness..."
Muscular: "..." *sick grin*
Hyde: *checking the register at the grocery* "...?! Oh, for Pete's sake..." *checking the bills* "Who the hell still writes on money nowadays?" *rubs the ink off his hands* " 'Queen'? Feh. Lord Death's not a queen--Wait, do you elect Lord Deaths, or are they installed?"
ochako: i always figured it was handed down through generations, but then again, he _is_ like, super duper old.
Hyde: "...Well, going by 'queen' is progressive...Not bad doodle, either..." *another bill shows some girl on it with a grim face* *snaps a pic* "And...go viral!" *send*
Dumas: <And now, the dumb oaf will be paying us for shares in a company that doesn't exist...Perfect.>
Cervantes: "?!" <B-But the catalogue shows such excellent fragrances! Can't we go into this business?>
Dumas: -_-;
benedetto: ....
marquis: <is everything ok, benny?>
benedetto:...<i think...i dunno...>
Cervantes: <Is it the dress? We can buy a new one.>
benedetto: <no. that garden....it feels...familiar, i guess...>
Dumas: <??? Did you steal from the Danglars before?>
benedetto: <...my uncle said to stay away from that place...>
Dumas: "..." -_-; <You were going to tell us _when_?>
marquis: <dumas, dont yell at him.> =3=
Dumas: <I'm not yelling--I'm asking a fair question...Why did he say not to go there?>
benedetto: <i dunno, he just told me not to.>
Dumas: <...Where's your parents?>
marquis:....<you dont have parents, do you?>
benedetto: .....<i have an uncle..>
marquis:...*hug* <it's ok. i dont have my parents either...>
benedetto: !!
Dumas: >_>;
Cervantes: Q_Q *hug*
benedetto: !!
Dumas: ("Of all the corny--")
Cervantes: *pulls him in for the group hug* <We'll be your family!> T~T
benedetto: ._.;;
Dumas: -_-; <You're making this uncomfortable, you weirdos...>
lewin: *whistling*
*a slight bell sound is heard...but only by Lewin*
lewin: well, what have we here?
???: *someone is watching him, but can't be seen, even by Lewin--*
lewin: come on out. i know you're there...
*??? steps up, revealing...*
Shima: "How did you know?"
lewin: i marked you with a sylph bell, i have sylph spies all over the place.
Shima: -_-; "Tch. Am I that untrustworthy?"
lewin: they're not the best with communicating, but when you return from their base, then i'll have a vague idea of where it is!
Shima: "?! You mean you're tracking me back to the Illuminati?"
lewin: bingo!
Shima: D:< "They'll kill me!"
lewin: do you really think you can become a spy and still die a peaceful death?
Shima: "...Honestly? I was hoping when I die it would be resting in the lap of a beautiful woman."
lewin: talk about straight forwards.
Shima: "So, I might as well lay the cards out...What're your intentions with Bon?"
lewin: hm?
Shima: "If you're using him to get to me, you should know better: he's too proud, serious, and pure-hearted to fall for that shit."
lewin: aw, you do care!
Shima: O_O; "Hey! Don't undermine my moment!"
lewin: no worries, i just admire his talent is all...
Shima: -^- "As well you should...Just warning you, if you cause trouble, Sir Pheles will know..." *fades into the shadows*
Valentine: *knocks* <Heloise? Can I get the keys to take Edouard for a drive?>
heloise: <they're on the table!>
Valentine: <?! ...Thanks...Keeping busy?> ^^;
heloise: <yes, yes.>
Valentine: <...Well, if you need anything, I'll have my phone...> *walks away* ("Jeez, what a cranky old person...")
{heloise: *looking at a smaller valentine* ...}
{Valentine: "..." <Your tummy is big.>}
{heloise: <that's because i'm having a baby.>}
{Valentine: <Ooooh...With Daddy?>}
{Valentine: <Daddy used to have other women visit after Mommy died.>}
{heloise: ?! <....is that so...?>}
{Valentine: *nods* <Some used to stay in the guest room, or come over for breakfast.>}
{heloise: ......}
Villefort: *knocks* <May I come in?>
heloise: !! <i'm changing!>
Villefort: -_-; <Oh, like there's any surprise there...We got tickets to a fundraiser. We're going.>
Max: *carrying a box* T~T <So heavy...>
fawkes: <need a hand there?>
Max: *shiver up his spine* QwQ *shakes his head* <I-I'm fine! Just working out that muscle...>
francesca: <-and that's why i'm here...>
Beauchamp: <That was quite a while ago...>
francesca: <please...i just...need to know the truth.>
Beauchamp: *sighs* <This kind of work will take time. If governments from more than 3 nations haven't routed out every last bit of Mimic, I don't know what you can expect from me...500 Euros, upfront.>
Daisy: =_= "Still nothing new learned about that Danglars creep..." *yawns* "Why is the boss having us do this?"
jordan: free trip.
Daisy: "...I am getting drunk on the beach every last day."
Ice Person: "Th-Thanks..." *sips his tea--then frowns* -_-; "I was hoping it'd be hot..."
frances: it was. ^^ a small side effect.
Ice Person: "...Well, that's just worse..." T_T
frances: it shouldnt be too awful, mr o'neill.
O'Neill: "I didn't ask for this ability...I just woke up with it, and it's awful..."
frances: you're afraid, that's normal for such things as this.
O'Neill: "Normal when reacting to something so stu-stu-stu--AH-CHOO!" *sneezes--an icicle, which strikes--*
???: "?! MY HAT"
frances: oh dear.
barrie: ._.;
London: "That's some no-good rootin' tootin' mess right there!"
O'Neill: Q_Q; "I'm so sorry!"
bierce: 'least yer skull didnt get iced, mate.
London: "..." *shrugs* "Good point..." *pulling the icicle out of his hat*
Chuuya: *drawing on a tablet* "..."
miyuri: *napping*
Chuuya: *looks out the window at the tree* "..." *holds up the tablet to the tree*
miyuri: *yaaaaawn* whacha doin?
Chuuya: "?!" *puts down the tablet* ^^; "Drawing..."
miyuri: oooh, is sonia home yet?
Chuuya: "Soon--her bus should arrive."
miyuri: she promised to tell miyuri stories about school.
Chuuya: "I'm sure she will...You're excited to hear them?"
miyuri: *nods* miyuri's learning soooo muuuuuch! the world is super big!
Chuuya: ^^; "Kajii been talking to you about that?"
miyuri: *nods* miyuri heard of something called a 'zoo' with lots of animals! can we see one? can we?
Chuuya: "Well, this weekend would be best..."
miyuri: YAAAAAAY! ^o^
sonia: im home.
Chuuya: "Welcome back."
sonia: .....*sits down*
Chuuya: "How was your day?"
sonia: next week the kids are doing a performance for their families...
Chuuya: "Oh?"
sonia: there'll probably be a lot of mommies...
Chuuya: "...Ah..."
miyuri:....*huuuug* i can draw mama for a bit if you want.
Chuuya: "..."
sonia: thank you, but i'm fine for now.
Chuuya: "...I'm sorry. But we'll be there..."
sonia: ok.
Chuuya: "...So...What kind of performance were you planning?"
sonia: i havent decided.
Chuuya: "Well, I'm happy to help..."
Akutagawa: *walking through the Port District...*
Mantis: *watching from binoculars* "...Following him..."
izzy: good.
lucy: *walking home with groceries*
Mantis: "??? Wait...I see someone else...He's approaching her..."
Akutagawa: O^O
lucy: oh....7_7 hello.
Akutagawa: "Why are you here?"
lucy: im buying ingredients for a dinner party this weekend.
Akutagawa: "...With the Tiger?"
lucy: with the whole agency, so yes, it includes atsushi...
Akutagawa: "...How nice for you. Are you now part of the Agency?"
Mantis: *watching, but can't hear* "Wait...He's talking with someone...Looks kinda scrawny..."
lucy: not officially, mind you. but sort of an honorary member.
Akutagawa: "Hmph. Congratulations. I hope you're happy with them." >_>;
Mantis: "I could probably knock her off, but then that'd alert him and he'd be off and running...Any advice?"
lucy: ???
Akutagawa: "...I don't know why he welcomes you back. Your Guild tried to destroy the city."
lucy: well, people can change.
Akutagawa: "...Well, that's obvious."
Mantis: "...Eh, screw it..." *aims a knife...and tosses--*
*the knife comes towards Akutagawa...*
lucy: MY BRAID! D8>
Akutagawa: *clutching his ear* "Damn it!"
Mantis: "Shit! He moved..."
lucy: *turns* !!!
Akutagawa: "Get moving, fool!" *grabs her arm, pulling her away*
lucy: *runs*
pixie: aww, where ya going~?
Akutagawa: "...The hell..."
nailfile: *flame claws*
izzy: well well well, look what we found, the black hound of the port mafia. and his little red-head friend.
Akutagawa: " 'Friend' is rather loosely used--"
lucy: im an innocent bystander in this!
*the heat feels like it's coming from the wall behind them*
Akutagawa: "?!"
lucy: ?!?!
lucy: AH!!
*the brick wall explodes, revealing a half-Infernal*
Lust oni: "D'aw, aren't they just precious~?"
lucy: wha-what the....
Akutagawa: *trying to shield with Rashomon, but fire is still on it...*
Lust oni: *leans down over Lucy* "We need the Hound, but probably not her~"
lucy: !!! *bites lip and punches*
Lust oni: *direct hit to the jaw, which is not on fire* "OUCH!"
Mantis: ._.; "...Well, shit..."
lucy: skunky, do something!!
Akutagawa: *roars, aims--then stops* "...Right. No killing--" *swings at the Gang, knocking them into the wall--*
lucy: come on, run!
Mantis: "UMPH!" *knocked into the wall*
izzy: grk- after them!
Akutagawa: "I know!" *follows* *looking around the alleys* "It's a labyrinth...Use it to our advantage..."
Mants: X_X
Lust oni: "Oh, of course~" *chases*
lucy: *looking around*
Akutagawa: *spots a dumpster* "..."
lucy: that's too obvious...
Akutagawa: "True...But this isn't..." *picks it up with Rashomon--and tosses it at the direction where they came*
lucy: OxO
Lust oni: "?!" *dodges under it, still in pursuit*
Akutagawa: *sighs* *picks up Lucy*
lucy: h-hey!
Akutagawa: *tosses her up, while he uses Rashomon to try to pierce at Lust*
lucy: *SCREAM*
nailfile: *jumps in and slashes*
lucy: !!! skunky!
Akutagawa: *Rashomon is sliced* "You stupid bastard--"
Lust: "Heh heh~" *and Lust burns Rashomon off his back, lighting his back on fire*
Akutagawa: "?!!!" *rips off his shirt, rolling on the ground*
lucy: *falls* *scream*
*She lands atop Akutagawa's burnt back, who is already face-down on the pavement*
Lust: OwO "~<3"
lucy: why you....*grabs lust oni's arm and with all her might, flings them to the ground*
Lust: *SCREAMS--and slams into Mantis*
Akutagawa: X_X
lucy: *picks up akutagawa and runs*
Lust: O_O; "...Well...This is embarrassing..." >w< "But so hot~!"
Mantis: X__X
Akutagawa: *grumbling*
Kyoka: *hanging up streamers*
demon snow: *rearranging furniture*
Kunikida: "Be sure to vacuum under the rugs, too...Where are the others?"
-phone buzzes-
Kunikida: *answers* "Hello?"
lucy: hey, sorry im late, ran into a little trouble on the way.
Kunikida: "Hmph. That's not being on time. Get here ASAP. Did you get everything on the list?"
lucy: of course i did! it's safe in anne's room!
Kunikida: "...Well, that is efficient to avoid carrying a heavy load..."
lucy: impressed, right? and due to some circumstances that i'll explain when i get there, im bringing something else too....just...promise not to get mad.
Kunikida: "...WHAT."
lucy: um.....^-^ it's a surprise?
Kunikida: -_-; "The last 'surprise' had me in prison."
lucy: ._.;;;;;;;;;
-and so-
atsushi: .______________.
Kyoka: "?! Oh no..."
naomi: .....
Kunikida: "...I repeat...WHAT."
Akutagawa: *passed out*
lucy: *explaining everything*
Tanizaki: "..."
yosano:...*cracks knuckles* leave him to me.
Kyoka: "Is he technically _near death_ yet?"
Tanizaki: "...DO IT."
Kyoka: ._.;
naomi: ._.;;;;
Kunikida: *glares at Lucy* "Brat...DO YOU KNOW HOW BIG A MESS THIS NOW PRESENTS TO US?!"
lucy: look, im sorry, ok, but what else could i have done, huh?
Kunikida: "I don't know--the hospital?! Now the Mafia is going to think we did this--"
*explosions are heard blocks away*
Tanizaki: O_O; "Oh no...They're starting early..."
lucy: i dont think that's them.
Kyoka: "It's those gangsters...Well, if you could take out two of them, this can't be too difficult..."
Tanizaki: T_T "I'll get ready..."
Dazai: "Have fun!" *dipping chips into the guacamole--*
lucy: no. i already brought enough trouble for you, im going to handle this myself so you dont get involved too.
Kunikida: "...Noble, although rather stupid, since if you get injured, the doctor will already be busy with one patient..."
*the window breaks*
sylvia: *screams*
Kyoka: *shields Sylvia*
*it's a knife with a message attached to it...*
kenji: *looks*
*it's horribly written but seems to want Lucy, with the line "We want the redhead!"*
Mantis: *on the rooftop across from the Agency* -_x "In one week, I've lost my clothes, my pride...and now my back is killing me!"
Lust: *shouting* "WE WANT THE REDHEAD~!"
izzy: they heard you!
Kunikida: "..." *sighs* "If you get killed, I'm not tolerating Atsushi's whining."
lucy:....im going out there. *hands them the groceries and turns*
Kyoka: "..."
Tanizaki: "..."
Dazai: "Have fun!"
atsushi: lucy wait! *holds her hand* .... *kiss* at least...let me be able to do that.
lucy:....dont worry. i have a plan.
-and so-
Mantis: *tapping his foot* >_X "Get your ass out here!"
Lust: *filing nails*
lucy: hey, jerkheads! come get me!
Lust: "??? No! How about you come here--"
Mantis: "RAWR!" *runs towards her*
pixie: *flies in*
Lust: "..." *shrugs* *follows*
-the other hell blaze members rush at her-
lucy:....*wicked smile and snaps her fingers*
-they appear to be in...a doll room?-
Mantis: *leaps at her--and falls onto a giant plushie* "..."
izzy: the hell?!
Lust: "..." *looks around* "..." -3- "Oh, this won't do..."
lucy: hello hello everyone~! welcome to anne's room! shall we play a game of tag~?
Mantis: "..." *muffled screams, as he starts slicing up the plushie* "YOU STUPID ASSHOLE! I DON'T WANT TO PLAY TAG! I WANT TO STAB YOU--REPEATEDLY!"
Lust: "Now, hang on--tag can be fun~"
lucy: now, that's not nice! emengarde hasnt done a thing to you. anne, show him the door~
-something grabs him and the lust oni-
Lust: *looks up* OwO "..."
anne: owo
Mantis: *SCREAMS*
Lust: "OOOOOOOOH~" =w=
-arms reach from the dark room and grab them, pulling them in-
izzy: !!!!
Mantis: *biting Anne's hand* "BURN THIS THING!"
nailfile: what the fuck is that thing?!
Lust: "I'm trying!" *lighting up--but Anne keeps extinguishing...*
lucy: two down, several more to go~
Blaze Gangster 1: Q_Q "...Have I mentioned I have a phobia about dolls?"
nailfile: <oh fuck this shit!> *turns to run, but something has grabbed her leg* ?!?!?
-small dolls are climbing up her-
nailfile: *SCREAMING*
Blaze Gangster 2: *shrieks, running from toy soldiers*
izzy: motherfuck, what the hell are you?!
lucy: just an ability user, that's all. and i have a little favor to ask 💗
izzy: you want a favor?
lucy: leave the agency alone, and i'll let you all go.
Lust: =w= "I'm in no--AH!--rush~"
izzy: *puts her hands up* we dont have a beef with you, girly, we just want the mafia dog, and we'll leave.
lucy: *glares*
Mantis: *SCREAMS, as Anne tightens her grip*
lucy: then i guess we'll be trapped here forever and ever then~
nailfile: *on the verge of panic*
Gangster 2: *climbing a giant tea set to escape toy soldiers*
izzy: ....tch-, fine then, we'll go, for now.
lucy: promise?
izzy: ...deal.
lucy:...*snaps fingers*
-back to reality-
nailfile: gross....
izzy:....let's go.
Mantis: *face-down on the pavement*
Lust: =o= "I-I need a moment..."
Gangster 1: *holding onto Gangster 2* Q_Q
Mantis: *grumbles* "Just let me stab her once..."
izzy: *holds hand up* we're going now.
lucy: and dont let me see your mugs around here again or else!
Lust: *gestures "Call me"*
Mantis: *gestures a knife along her throat*
lucy: *flips them off*
Lust: ._.;
fukuzawa: ........
Kunikida: "...Sir?"
lucy: !!! m-mr fukuzawa!
fukuzawa: miss montgomery. what you just pulled was reckless, foolish, and could have potentially killed you.
lucy: i-i know, but-
fukuzawa: and even so, you risked your life to protect us...
fukuzawa: now, having said that, let me be the first to say.....*head pats* welcome to the armed detective agency.
lucy: ?!?!
Kyoka: "..." *tosses confetti* "Yay."
atsushi: lucy! *tackle hug* congrats!
naomi: *clapping*
sylvia:...*small smile*
kenji: you did it!
lucy:...ah....*tearing up* uu...*hugs atsushi, sobbing*
Kunikida: "..." ("I suppose I can keep my lecture to her for later, after she's done sobbing...")
kirako: oh, that's wonderful news!
Dazai: *mouth full of chips* "Yay!"
yosano: well, the patient's been taken care of, did i miss anything?
ranpo: new member.
yosano: !!
Tanizaki: "So I guess this is now a welcome party."
ranpo: here here!
Meme: *in the Deathbucks outfit* "Welcome! How many for your table?"
Izuku: "4. We may have 1 more."
mio: hey meme. .///.
Rin: *at another table, staring at notes* Q_Q
fani: =~=
Meme: ^^; *waves* "Hello!"
shinra: yo!
Rin: T_T "Hello...I'm going to fail my test..."
Izuku: "...Well, that's no good..."
shinra: im sure we can help you out.
Izuku: *nods* "What's the test for?"
Rin: "Exorcism stuff..."
???: well, allow me to assist.
-a wild annabelle warren appears-
annabelle: ta-dah~!
rui: *waves*
Rin: >~< "SAVE ME!"
Valentine: *pulls over* <Ready, kiddo?>
edouard: *responsive noise*
Valentine: "..." *sad smile, opens the door, gets to his side, opens the door for him and unbuckles the belt* <Want to feed the ducks?>
Danglars: *eating dinner* "..." <So, I'm going to have near-majority holdings in a cosmetics company.>
hermine: ...<that's nice...>
Danglars: <Yep! Imagine--me, selling those fruity perfumes and makeups! Ha! Never thought that'd be me...>
hermine: ....
Danglars: <Ha! Maybe I could get you a discount! ...> *looks at Eugenie* <Hey. Did you upset your mom or something?>
eugenie: <i didnt do anything. i was just playing with andrea in the yard today.> =3=
Danglars: <And you better treat that girl well--lot of money now riding on her.>
Sakuya: "How you feeling now?"
naho: much better. also kinda hungry.
Sakuya: "What you hungry for?"
Sakuya: *nods* "Let's do this."
Gin: *checking her phone* "..."
higuchi: still nothing?
Gin: "No..." *pulls up a GPS app on her phone*
Mantis: Q~Q "Well, I can now add 'dolls' to the list of nightmare fuel..."
Lust: =w= "Same."
izzy: hmm....
Mantis: >_<# "Let's find the rest and kill them!"
Akutagawa: *lying on the surgical table, looking up* O_O;;;
*sounds like fun outside...*
Akutagawa: "..." *gets up* *looks at the chair...there's a shirt there*
-it’s a pink shit that has a kitten hanging from a branch that reads ‘hang in there’-
Akutagawa: *picks it up* "..." =_=#
Kunikida: "--and if you ever do something that foolhardy again that makes this organization look bad--!"
lucy: yes sir. -_-;
Kyoka: *slaps Ranpo's hand* "Hands off my cake."
ranpo: >3<
atsushi: never a dull day, huh?
Dazai: ^w^ "Nope..." *looks* "Is it going to be awkward?"
atsushi: what do you mean?
Dazai: "Which part: the awkwardness of working with someone you're dating, or the awkwardness that one of my former proteges is in the medical ward recovering from getting saved by your girlfriend, which is likely only to make things more awkward for all of us and Lucy?"
atsushi:.... .w.;;;
*the door opens*
Akutagawa: "..."
lucy: um... hey sku-
Akutagawa: *GLARE* "...Thank you for not letting me die."
lucy:.... ^^; no problem.
Akutagawa: *GETS UP IN HER FACE* "I do not like being in someone's debt."
lucy: ._.;;;;;
Akutagawa: *points at Dazai, still staring at Lucy* "DAZAI! I have managed not to kill, not for you, but to grow as my own person!"
Dazai: ^^ "And that's just grand--but I think you meant to say that to Atsushi..." *nudges him*
atsushi: .w.;;;;;;
Akutagawa: *turns, looks at Atsushi* "...Hello."
atsushi: *ahem* hello.
Akutagawa: "...She saved me. But I could've handled them fine." >_>;
Dazai: ("Wow. High praise.")
atsushi: ^^; yep, that's lucy for ya.
lucy: =///3///=;
Akutagawa: "Hmm...Well, good for both of you. I need to leave before the Mafia tracks my GPS chip back here and assumes you all kidnapped me."
Kyoka: ._.; "...They're doing _that_ again?"
naomi: ^^;
Tanizaki: *glare*
Akutagawa: "...Oh. Hello. How are you?"
beauchamp: hmmm....
???: *cough cough sniff* <Hey, mister--mister! You got a smoke?>
beauchamp: <oh, sorry, i dont smoke.>
???: *pulls out a lighter, illuminating his own face, revealing a scraggily man with missing teeth* <Good for you!>
beauchamp: !!
???: *chuckles* <What's wrong? You wanted to see me, didn't ya?>
beauchamp: .....
???: *coughs, wipes his face* <Mosqueton, as your service!> *holds out his hand...it looks unappealing*
beauchamp: .... <likewise. call me beauchamp>
Mosqueton: <And a good chap you are!> *loud laughter* *wheezes* <...Okay, enough pleasantries. So, you were looking into the Mimic war?>
beauchamp: *looks around* <yes>
Mosqueton: *whispers* <Didn't the history books give you enough info?> *smirks*
beauchamp: ......
Mosqueton: <But you know you can't believe everything you read there...After all, think about the people Mimic must have still hanging about...In your neighborhood...at your local police station...in the president's office...>
beauchamp: .... <what do you know?>
Mosqueton: <I know a few members of our fine society who have been working in the background for Mimic...You ever look into the kidnapping of Alexandre Dumas?>
beauchamp: <kidnapping?>
Mosqueton: -_-; <Work with me here, my fine gentleman...Look him up. He was 'arrested' for being a courier for Mimic. Now, who was the recipient for the mail he was delivering?>
beauchamp: *listening*
Mosqueton: <There's no evidence left--because the prosecutor on the case burned it up.>
beauchamp: !!!
Mosqueton: <As for Dumas, the lad was sent to some black ops prison--the entire case isn't even on public record--they disappeared! That prosecutor did...>
beauchamp: <but why?>
Mosqueton: <Aren't you listening to me? Mimic has its people everywhere--so that prosecutor must have some connection to them. I only know the package Dumas delivered was listed as a recipient at Artagnan Plaza--some chemist--the addressee was listed as 'Colbey' or something...Dumas probably knew something he shouldn't have, so--> *imitates a beheading*
beauchap: .... *gulp*
Mosqueton: <You sure you want to go down this path, my fine sir? If you do, no telling what you'll find--or who will be gunning after you.>
beauchamp:.... <i'm already in this deep...>
Mosqueton: <Yes...You are. Now, about my payment--> *opens a switchblade*
beauchamp: !!!
Mosqueton: <I'll take my payment, now.>
valentine: <hey max> ^^
Max: <!!! H-Hey, Valentine!> ^^; <How are you?>
valentine: <just brought my brother to the park for a bit.>
Max: *looks* <He looks like he's having fun...>
valentine: <yeah. how was work for you?>
Max: "..." <Odd.>
valentine: ??
Max: <...You see your step-mom around?>
valentine: <she's at home. why?>
Max: <...I saw her at work.>
valentine: <really?>
Max: *nods* <...And she didn't recognize me.> -_-;
valentine: ^^;
Max: <Any idea what she would be doing there?>
valentine: hmmm...
Max: <I'm not sure, either--we haven't done anything special aside from the relic collection and whatever Mr. Fawkes is up to.>
Fernand: "..." *steps away from the phone, enters the living room...*
mercedes: *asleep on the couch*
Albert: *snoozing with her*
Fernand: "..." *sits beside them* "..."
mercedes: zzzz....
Fernand: *tucks a blanket over them*
marquis: <you can sleep here if you want.>
Benny: -^-; <...Better than the floor...>
marquis: ^^
Benny: "..." >_>; "..." <Do you know any stories?
marquis: <i do know one.>
Benny: *pulls the blankets around himself, listens*
marquis: <a long time ago, there was a prince. he was very small, and very lonely, as his mama and papa were always elsewhere...>
Benny: <...>
marquis: <one day, the prince left his home, in hopes of finding somewhere he could be loved. at first, he thought he had found it, with a large man in a mansion in the woods. but the man didnt love him the way he hoped, but he pretended to be happy anyway...>
Benny: <Why pretend? Why not leave?>
marquis: *sad smile* <because the prince was so desperate for any kind of love at that point, that he stayed. then, two men came and rescued the prince, and he's been happy ever since.>
Benny: <...> *curls up* <Okay...So, running away was good for the Prince?>
marquis: <in a way. he had finally found a place to call home, and people to call family.>
Benny: <Hmm...Does this family love him?>
marquis: .... <i think so.> *smile*
Benny: <...Okay...> *yawns* *lies, down, closes his eyes*
marquis:....*gets up, rubbing his eyes and exits the room*
Cervantes: *whispers* <Hello! He's asleep?>
marquis: *nods* *sniff* ^^
Cervantes: *concerned look* <You okay?>
marquis: *hug*
Cervantes: <!!!> *pat pat*
Cervantes: ^^ <Any time...Want a drink?>
Kid: "Feel more relaxed?"
stocking: ^^
Kid: *smiles, rubs her shoulders*
stocking: =w=
Kid: *kisses the back of her neck*
stocking: ah~<3
Kid: *continues massaging* "So cute~"
stocking: =///=
Kid: *hugs her from behind* "I love you..."
Chuuya: *drawing...yawns* *looks out the window at the city at night*
mito: *resting by his feet*
Chuuya: "...Mito...Rain..."
mito: *meeew*
Chuuya: *pet pet stroke*
mito: *purrs*
Chuuya: *sad sigh*
-upstairs, the girls are asleep-
sonia: *sleeping peacefully*
miyuri: *sprawled out on the floor* zzzzz
Chuuya: "..." *picks up Mito, walks upstairs*
mito: *mii?*
Chuuya: *goes to the girls' room...sets down Mito*
mito: *walks over to miyuri, licks her cheek*
miyuri: hehehe... =w=
Chuuya: *small smile...picks up Miyuri*
miyuri: zzzzz....
Chuuya: *sets her in bed, tucks her in*
miyuri: =w=
Chuuya: *strokes her head...looks at Sonia*
sonia: mmn....*holding her teddy*
Chuuya: *tucks her and the teddy in*
sonia: *she seems happy*
Chuuya: *sighs* ("...I wish you could see this...")
Chuuya: "..." *wipes his face*
-early morning-
Archivist: <Court cases?>
beauchamp: <yes>
Archivist: <Which year?>
-beauchamp explained-
Archivist: <Hmmm...I'm not familiar...Let me open the files for 6 years ago...>
Villefort: *sipping tea* <I will be reviewing cases for next week, so I can't be interrupted...>
Valentine: *sighs*
heloise: <im going to be running errands.>
Valentine: <I think I'll call up Francesca...>
Villefort: -_-;
Jeje: "Wake up."
mikuni: zzzzzz.... =w=
Jeje: "..." *picks him up...*
mikuni: mmn, that feels nice, darlin'...zzz....
Jeje: -_-; *slams Mikuni into the ceiling*
mikuni: YEOWCH!
Jeje: "Work is starting."
Dumas: *snoring*
{Dumas: *his wrists are chained to the interrogation table...he's in a prison jumpsuit...the laces are removed from his shoes* <LET ME OUT, DAMN IT! I DEMAND TO KNOW THE CHARGES!>}
{villefort: *entering*}
{Dumas: *stares, trying to recognize the person...* ("Prosecutor?") <...Who are you?>}
{villefort: <gerard de villefort, as the prosecution.>}
{Dumas: <...Monsieur, I was taken out of my home--it's my wedding day. I don't even know whether she knows I'm here! No one is explaining to me what I'm charged with!>}
{villefort: *examines the envelope*.... !!!!!!!}
{Dumas: <What? It was what my captain asked me to deliver-->}
{villefort: ....<we will investigate this matter immediately.>}
{Dumas: "..." *nods* <When can I be presented to the judge to post bail?>}
{villefort: <as you can see, this man's knowledge of mimic's actions makes him a liability. it makes him a dangerous man. i find it is only fitting to lock him away where his knowledge is unable to harm anyone.>}
{Dumas: <You can't do this! I'm innocent! I don't even know what I had! Please, your honor-->}
{Judge: <I'm inclined to agree. Officers, please escort the prisoner-->}
{Dumas: !!! *shakes*}
{juror: !!! <w-what is that?!>}
{Dumas: *dark energy is around him--as he snaps the handcuffs offs and throws the table into the ceiling lights, knocking them out*}
{-there is panic and screaming-}
{villefort: !!!! <what the devil-->}
{Dumas: *in the dark, he grows only more powerful, before he grabs Villefort by the throat* <YOU LIED TO ME! I HATE BEING LIED TO!>}
{villefort: !!! <GU-GUARDS!>}
{Guard: <Shoot!> *fires a tranq*}
{*the tranquilizers hit Dumas...he's still moving*}
Dumas: *shaking in bed* <No...NO!> *slams his fist onto the bed--smashing its frame*
marquis: <dumas? is everything ok-.... ._.;;; >
Dumas: <...> *sits up* =_=# "..." <What?! YOU'VE NEVER SEEN SOMEONE BREAK THEIR BED?!>
marquis: eep! >^<; <b-breakfast is ready!>
Dumas: <FINE! THANK YOU! IS THERE ORANGE JUICE?!> *pushes the broken bed to the wall*
marquis: <please, dont shout? ^^; >
Dumas: O^O *angry whispering* <WHY NOT?>
marquis: <you'll upset the neighbors.>
Dumas: <...> =_=; <Fine. Good point...> *buries his head under the pillow*
Max: <I'm heading out...>
morrel: <take care.> *smiles* .........*sigh*
Max: <...I'll be home at 4. Call me if you need anything...> *sad smile*
Izumo: -_-; ("I finished sweeping the apartment, so just need to find food...") *checking cupcakes at the grocery* ("How did I get talked into a 'sleepover'?")
-phone ringing-
Izumo: "???" *answers* "Hello?"
shiemi: hi izumo! when are you coming over?
Izumo: "I'm on my way--I'm just picking up some items." -_-; "...Should I be bringing anything?"
Akutagawa: "--then she buried the cleaver into me, nearly killing me, before activating her ability to heal all injuries." *sips tea* "...Hm. This is quite good."
lucy:.....*awkward laughter*
Akutagawa: "...My fatal injuries amuse you?"
lucy: oh no, i didnt mean it that way!
Akutagawa: "In what way, then? What was funny?"
atsushi: anyone want cupcakes? ^^;;
Akutagawa: "...Fine." *takes one* "Who made them?"
atsushi: kyouka did.
Akutagawa: "...Have you been taking good care of her?"
atsushi: of course.
sylvia: *peeks* .~.;;;
Akutagawa: "...And who is that person?"
atsushi: that's sylvia, she's a new member as well.
sylvia: >~<;; *ducks behind the wall*
Akutagawa: "...These are your recruits? In the Mafia, we focus on power..."
atsushi: well, lucy has proven herself willing to give her life for the sake of the agency, just like i did.
Akutagawa: -^- "I could've saved myself--I was busy not killing them and making sure she didn't get killed..."
lucy: and i appreciate that
Akutagawa: "...You're welcome." *bites into the cupcake--gets frosting on his nose*
atsushi: um...you got something on your- *points to his nose*
Akutagawa: "Yes? ..." *looks* "..." *wipes with a napkin* "...Thank you." >\\\\>;
atsushi: ^^;
atsushi: ?!
lucy: ???
sylvia: EEP! >~<;;
Akutagawa: *already aiming Rashomon* "!!!"
???: "Now, calm down--we're not here to--" *suddenly, his voice goes up in pitch* "OW!" *Tachihara collapses into the room*
Akutagawa: "???"
hirotsu: gin, i understand you're upset, but we need to be diplomatic about this.
gin: diplomatic my ass! *runs into the room and hugs akutagawa* WHY DIDNT YOU ANSWER?!
Akutagawa: O\\\\O; "...I was busy, recuperating from injuries. Also, there were cupcakes."
gin: *glares at atsushi*
atsushi: ._.;;;
lucy: ._.;;;;
Akutagawa: "...Wait, you don't think they injured me, do you?"
hirotsu: *ahem* greetings, armed detective agency, we're just here to recover one of our members.
yosano: he was injured before he got here....granted i helped, but that was to heal him.
Akutagawa: *nods* "Granted, I was first attacked by some fire-users--the same that took the Mafia's bar."
gin: !!!
Akutagawa: "They followed me back here, attempting to destroy the Armed Detective Agency as well."
hirotsu: hmm...
Kyoka: *walks in with more tea* "And obviously we were not destroyed--and Lucy sent the Hell Blaze Gang away."
lucy: *beaming*
Akutagawa: >_>; *opens his mouth to repeat his point--then stops* -_-;
Tachihara: T~T "Who the hell is Lucy?"
lucy: .... that would be me. -_-;
Tachihara: "??? You mean ‘carrots’ over there?"
Akutagawa: *stifling himself*
gin: -_-; ignore him, he's a moron.
Tachihara: X___X
Akutagawa: "..." *pokes* "He's not dead, so no need to treat him..." *picks him up* "...Thank you for the shirt."
atsushi:...right... *sweatdrop*
lucy: er-...sorry about your coat.
Akutagawa: "It's fine..." *takes hers*
lucy: D8
Akutagawa: "Let's go home."
Joker: "Welcome back!" >w<
nana: =A=;
Joker: "How did you like staying over with Aunt Red?"
nana: it was nice.
Joker: "Does she have nice furniture?"
nana: yeah, it was fancy. we ordered pizza.
Joker: "Oh..." *looks up* "I guess I owe you for that..." *opens wallet*
nana: ??
scarlet: it's fine.
Joker: "Well, owe you for the pizza..." *hands her a $20 bill*
scarlet: um...thanks, i guess.
Joker: "So, when can we have a slumber party?"
scarlet: ... -_-;
mrs saint-merand: ?? *opens the door* <oh, heloise, what a surprise!> ^^
Mr. Saint-Merand: -_-; <Hmph.>
Heloise: <Hello.> *smiles* *holds up a box* <I brought tea.>
mrs saint-merand: <oh, how lovely!> ^^
Heloise: <I was hoping we could catch up...> *adjusts her pearl necklace*
mrs saint-merand: <why of course, dear.>
Mr. Saint Merand: *stares at her necklace* "..." ("Familiar...")
Heloise: <Shall I brew?>
mrs saint merand: <are you sure dear, we dont mind->
Heloise: <It would be my pleasure...>
Akutagawa: -_-; "I appreciate your concern, but I think this is going too far--"
gin: im seriously not letting you out of my sight for a week!
gin: DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW WORRIED I WAS?! WE ALREADY HAD YOU GO MISSING ONCE! *hug* i cant....i cant let it happen again...*shaking*
Akutagawa: "..." T~T *hug* "I'm sorry."
gin: *sniff* you're a real jerk sometimes, ryu...
Akutagawa: "I love you, too..."
Higuchi: Q_Q *watching from around the corner*
Akutagawa: "...Can we just have lunch already..."
gin: ..r-right.
Q: i want omurice! ^o^
Higuchi: "!!" *runs back to the kitchen*
Akutagawa: -_-; ("Q gets kidnapped all the time--why do I get in trouble when I do...")
Chuuya: "Okay, so there are the tools, the wood planks--"
Motojiro: "The death laser--"
Chuuya: "..." *STARE*
ayako: OwO
Chuuya: "...How...How about instead a kaleidoscope in the treehouse?" ^^;
Motojiro: "Hmm...Colorful...I suppose.............."
leo: perhaps a light show for the reception would be nice?
Motojiro: "...YES...We shall build it!"
Kunikida: "Let's not rest on our laurels--you're now in this Agency, so now you're going to start with the grunt work."
lucy: yes sir.
Kunikida: "Good. You're on Ranpo duty."
lucy: *sigh* i figured.
Lord Wilmore: <Don't fall behind, sweetie...>
andrea: =~=
Lord Wilmore: *knocks on the door* ^^
lucian: <yes? ah, lord wilmore, please, come in>
Lord Wilmore: <Hello, Lucian--a pleasure to see you again. I am here to leave paperwork for Monsieur Danglars to review...>
lucian: <right this way>
Lord Wilmore: *follows* <Maybe Andrea would like to play with her new friend?>
eugenie: <andrea!> *hug*
andrea: !!!
Lord Wilmore: <Have fun, you two!> *smug wave at Andrea*
Danglars: *in his office, muttering over financial records*
Izumo: "Hello? Anyone here?" *looking at the garden*
shiemi: oh, you're here! ^^
Izumo: "Hi..." *holds up bag* "I brought some snacks..."
shiemi: oh how nice! come on, my room is in the garden storehouse.
Izumo: "The storehouse?" *follows* *looking at the garden*
-it's quite a lovely garden-
Izumo: "...It must take you a lot of work to tend to all of this..."
shiemi: it does, but it's worth it. *opens the door*
-inside is quite cozy-
Izumo: "...Um...This isn't bad..." >\\\>; "...Where should I put these?" *holds up the bag*
*knock on the 8th's door*
shinra: ??
Ogun: *waves* "Hey."
shinra: ogun! great to see you!
Ogun: "Same!" *hug* "How you holding up?"
shinra: pretty well. *calls out* hey guys! ogun's here!
Arthur: "Finally--pleasant company."
Ogun: ^^;
karin: OwO nozomiiiin~ someone's heeeere~
Petra: "..." *whispers* "I have no idea who he is."
iris: he's a friend.
Petra: "Hmm...I hope he's more dependable than some people..."
rita: ^^;
maki: so what's new with you?
Ogun: "...Is Commander Obi here?" *he's holding some files*
maki: yeah, he's out training in the garden.
Ogun: *nods* "I can wait...I think you, Dr. Itou, and Vulcan may need to hear this...You too, Shinra."
shinra: what is it?
karin: ...
Ogun: "I overheard Commander Huang and Captain Arg visiting Commander Arg...They sounded really upset about what happened to some patients they had...The 6th and multiple hospitals have been transferring burn victims..."
karin: oh jeez...
shinra: ....
Ogun: "The Captain wanted me to tell Obi, especially given where the burn victims have been transferred..."
Dr. John: "...Son of a gun." *kicks a garbage can*
sachiko: !!
Dr. John: *she's looking at empty beds* "Burn victims...in comas, moved against my orders...How dare they..."
-there is murmurs amongst the hospital staff-
nurse: how strange...
nurse 2: what about the moriyama girl?
Dr. John: "Everyone, listen up! Do not let another patient be transferred--not until I give Haijima Industries a piece of my mind!" *rolls up a sleeve* "Or my fist!"
Scientist: *looking out the window* *sighs* "Get another bed ready..."
*a child lies motionless behind the glass on the stone floor...*
???: right away.
???: "..." *walks up to the glass, staring at both scientists...bangs a fist on the glass*
scientist 2: !!!
???: *muffled through the glass* "Bring me another."
Scientist 1: ^^; *speaks into the microphone* "Take an hour break--you earned it, champ--"
???: *bangs on the glass again* "Another."
Scientist 1: OwO; "..." *looks at Scientist 2* "Get another kid."
???: now come on, they're kids for cripe's sake.
???: *looks at ???, glaring*
Scientist 1: >3< "SHHHHH! Do you want to get killed?!"
scientist 2: always the moral one, eh fujimi?
kahono: well _someone_ here has to.
Scientist 1: -_-; "Then you convince him..." *hands Kahono the microphone*
kahono: kurono, quit being a dingus and take a break for an hour, you'll burn yourself out otherwise!
Kurono: "Hmph...I don't have a lot of time, and a break is just wasting time..." *clenches his fist* "...Get a doctor in here to check on this..."
kahono: *entering and checks on the child*
Kurono: "..."
Child: *knocked out, barely breathing*
kahono:...im so sorry for this, kiddo. *picks them up*
Kurono: "Weakling."
Heloise: *walking up the steps, one at a time* "..."
{Heloise: *sets down the tea* <Such lovely cups you have...>}
{mrs saint-merand: <why thank you.> ^^}
{Mr. Saint-Merand: <Hmph.> *sniffs the tea* <What is it?>}
{Heloise: <Hibiscus.> *looks* <Where are your servants?>}
{mrs saint-merand: <oh, we dont have any.>}
{Mr. Saint-Merand: <Yes. You've been here before, haven't you?> *sips*}
{Heloise: "..." *smiles* <Sorry. I'm so forgetful...>}
{mrs saint-merand: *sips hers*}
{Mr. Saint-Merand: "..." <That necklace looks familiar...>}
{Heloise: <...Oh? Does it?> *knowing smile*}
{Mr. Saint-Merand: <...What the hell...?>}
{mrs saint-merand: .... !!! *coughing*}
{Mr. Saint-Merand: *his hand is shaking* <Wh-What...WHAT DID YOU DO?!>}
{Heloise: *keeps sipping her tea*}
{mrs saint-merand: *collapses*}
{Heloise: *smirks* <Well, that settles--GRK!>}
{Mr. Saint-Merand: *strangling Heloise, his hands shaking from the poisoning*}
{Heloise: *desperately swinging her arms at him*}
{Mr. Saint-Merand: *his grip loosens...as he clutches her pearls, ripping them off, scattering them on the floor*}
{Heloise: "?!" *coughing...settles herself, noticing he's convulsing but motionless* "..." *picks up the string of pearls and the ones that fell off* ("That's all of them...") "..." *kicks Mr. Saint-Merand...he's not moving...* *smiles, coughs...* ("Now to wipe the tea set...Well, _my_ tea set...")}
{*she doesn't notice something shining from under Mrs. Saint-Merand's couch...*}
Heloise: *walks into her room, sits on the edge of her bed* "..."
Asher: =_= "Why are you doing this to me?" *staring at a roller coaster*
Kanin: *eating cotton candy*
izumi: we thought it'd be a nice change of pace.
lei-lei: yeah!
Saria: "If you don't want the coaster, we can try something else, like bumper cars--"
Asher: "Done. Enjoy getting heart attacks." *walks to bumper cars*
izumi:.. ^^;
Axel: "I'm not scared. The Hell-Scarer 8000 isn't as bad as the Hell-Scarer 9000. I heard this one only had 4 injuries this week--"
zeke: true, true.
Shamrock: *vacuuming...lifts the couch up and--* "...TSUBAKI. THEY'RE DIGGING TUNNELS AGAIN!"
Belkia: *pops up, wearing a miner's hat* "We'll get to Asakusa in less than a month!"
otogiri: -_-;
Black Star: "GET OUT OF THERE!" *pulls Belkia up by the neck* "NOW WE GOT TO FILL THIS HOLE!"
Shamrock: "Hmm...Maybe just lay a rug for now..." *sets the rug*
Sakuya: *walks in* "What's all the noise--" *falls through the rug into the tunnel*
Black Star: D8
Shamrock: X_O;
Belkia: "..." *snort laugh*
naho: D8 SAKKUUUUN!!
Black Star: O_O; "We're all so dead..."
Belkia: "What, again?"
Shamrock: X~T
Sakuya: @~@ "Please...Beat the shit out of them for me..."
*knock knock on the Agency door*
lucy: ??
*someone outside carrying a futon*
lucy oh, mr katai!
Katai: O~O "H-H-Hello, Lucy...Visiting today?"
lucy: oh, i actually work here now.
Katai: "Oh, I see..." ^^ "...HUH?!"
-atsushi explains what all happened-
Katai: Q_Q "I'm glad I avoided that...After the last time I met Mr. Akutagawa, he got angry with me..."
kirako: oh, katai! please, come on in.
Katai: *walks inside, sits down* "H-Hello. How's the baby?"
kirako: coming along.
yosano: so what's up?
Katai: =_= "I was kept up all night by loud noises..."
yosano: loud noises?
Katai: *nods* "I heard some scuffle outside my window, like someone was stealing from someone. I looked up but didn't put on my glasses in time before the potential thief and the potential victim ran off..."
yosano: hmm...
Katai: "M-M-Maybe someone could do a stake-out--"
aya: yeah!
Katai: O_O; "Not what I had in mind--"
Kyoka: "We'll need to order pizza."
Izumo: *pointing at the books* "That's the name of this technique, so memorize it--no cutesy nicknames for it."
shiemi: oh... *looks*...... ._.
Izumo: -_-; "Okay, look, your nicknames are a way for you to memorize. So how about we use that to our advantage..." *holds up the book, showing a plant* "This is the osha plant. It is used to ward away spirits. So, what do you nickname this?"
shiemi: kumako-chan.
Izumo: ._.; "...Where did you get that name?"
shiemi: they call it bear medicine, right? kuma means bear in japanese, hence, kumako-chan.
Izumo: "...That...is actually impressive. Okay, so now you need to remember the actual name, so, um, maybe..." *doodles a bear* "This is, um, 'Osha the Bear'?"
Beauchamp: =_= *yawns* ("I can't find anything on this 'Dumas'...It's like he really was wiped from public records, not even a birth certificate...") *opens a web page for Judge Villefort...*
-there is a photo of himself, a young blonde woman, and a young blonde girl-
Beauchamp: *reads the caption* " 'Mr. Villefort is seen here with...'" *tries to read the names* "Hmm..." *searches for the name of his wife* <Deceased...> *pulls up family records* ("A few of them are dead--his wife, his dad...That's troubling...") *pulls up a file on Noirtier Villefort...*
-confirmed MIA, assumed to be deceased-
Beauchamp: *pulls up a photo and--* "!!!" *hunts through his photographs of Villefort from following him around town--* "?!" ("That old man in the chair...That's him! Who is he...") *searches the nursing home...* "...COLBY?!"
Librarian: -A- "SHHH!"
Beauchamp: O_O; <Sorry...>
francesca: ._.;;;
Beauchamp: "?!" *whispers* <Hello...>
francesca: <hey.>
Beauchamp: <...This is something big...>
francesca: ??
Beauchamp: <I was given a clue to follow the person in communication with someone involved in Mimic--and I think he knows something about poisoning people during the war...>
francesca: .........
Beauchamp: <And this man is a chemical technician, retired, who I think was the person involved with mimic--Villefort, assumed dead in the war but still alive!>
francesca: !!!!!!!! <y-you dont think....>
Beauchamp: <I do. I think Judge Villefort is involved with Mimic, and when he found out the person he was prosecuting could out his dad's involvement, too, he had the man killed and put his dad into hiding...>
francesca: *shaking*
Beauchamp: <This is big...We can't even go to the cops with this...Hey, you okay?>
francesca: <he.....noirtier....he's my girlfriend's grandfather....>
Beauchamp: <...Oh no...>
francesca:...<i have to know...if he really did kill my father...>
Beauchamp: <...What, we talk to him?>
francesca: hmmm....
Beauchamp: <...> *texting* <I know someone--hang on...>
Dabi: *pulls over* "We're here..."
himiko: *looks*
*looks to be a dusty ghost town with a railroad near it...the sign says 'Orion'*
himiko: ooooh.
Twice: "Ooooo..." *snaps a pic on his phone--*
Dabi: *slaps his hand* "Stop. We can't be tracked here..."
Twice: -3-
banshee: ....
Muscular: "What's supposed to be here? It's just sage brush and dust."
Dabi: "Appearances can be deceptive..." *tosses a shovel* "Start digging."
Steinbeck: *on the phone* "Sir, I really don't understand what you're--...Okay. Okay! We'll be on the look out...Right...Right..." -_-; "Sir, we don't work for free--" *shouting heard on the phone* >_<# "..." *hands the phone to Emily*
emily: ._. um. h-hello?
???: "--and I said this is important to these kids! How would you like it if you were kidnapped or if I put my boot up your--...Oh, Ms. Dickinson. Hi. This is Salinger."
emily: mr salinger, hello!
Salinger: ^^ "Hello, dear. Spencer, say hello to Ms. Dickinson!"
*a dog barking is heard*
emily: ^^ so, what's the occasion?
Salinger: "I'm afraid I have some bad news--a kid in my neighborhood's friend was kidnapped, and he thinks she's in your area."
emily: oh goodness!
Salinger: "Could you look out for her? I could mail you a news clipping, but that'll take a long time--maybe there's something on the World Wide Web on your computer?"
Lord Wilmore: <A pleasure, sir...> *takes the signed paperwork, shakes Danglars's hand*
Danglars: <Yes! I can't believe I get to own your stuff now!>
Lord Wilmore: ^^; <49%, sir...>
andrea: *staring at the teaset* ...
Eugenie: <It's pretty, isn't it? Mama tells me to be careful so not to break it because she wants it for when friends are over...But she never has anyone over...>
andrea: ......
Eugenie: <...> *smiles* <Maybe you could be Mama's friend, too!>
andrea: !!! .///.;;;
Eugenie: <Mama? Meet my new friend!> *takes Andrea's hands*
andrea: ._.;;;
hermine: ??
Eugenie: <This is Andrea!> *whispers* <She's really shy...>
hermine: ...<h-how do you do?>
andrea: .~.;;;
Eugenie: ^w^ <May we have snacks?>
hermine:...<of course> *heads downstairs*
Duncan: *struggling to pick up the 'strong man' mallet to hit the weight to strike the bell* *huffs, puffs* "Hang on...Hang on..."
Axel: "Bro, this is just sad."
zeke: *shakes head*
hibiki: i might die from second hand embarrassment.
Duncan: >3< *swings--and hits the weight's countermeasure--and the weight barely goes up*
Hyde: "Aaaaaaaaaand you got 2 out of 100..."
Asher: "That sucks." *their hair is blown back*
amelia: may i give it a go?
Duncan: "Pfft! Like you can even lift it--"
amelia: *takes the hammer* *intense look* *SHA-WING!*
Kanin: *watches*
-she just knocked the bell off-
Duncan: Q_Q
Axel: 0_0
zeke: ....bruh.
Kanin: O_O
Hyde: -_-; "...I got to stop running this in Death City..."
Chuuya: *sawing*
naoya: *streeeetch*
Chuuya: "...Think they'll like it?"
naoya: hell yeah!
Chuuya: ^^; "Thanks...I just want this to be perfect...Maybe paint some of it with animals..."
naoya: good idea.
Chuuya: "And Kajii and Leo are working on the kaleidoscope...You know what would be cool? Maybe some playground here..."
naoya: maybe a pool?
Chuuya: "Yeah! Wait..." ._.; "I don't know whether Miyuri can swim..."
naoya: i'd suggest starting with an inflatable pool.
Chuuya: "Sounds good--I'll add it to the shopping list..."
Heloise: *rubbing her neck*
edouard: <mama?>
Heloise: *quickly turns...nervous smile* <Oh, Eddy...You startled me...>
edouard: <are you ok?>
Heloise: "..." *nods* <Yes...> *picks him up* <Much better...>
edouard: ^^
Heloise: <Hee hee...> *forehead kiss* <Let's make snacks.>
Lord Wilmore: <Andrea? Time to go home...>
Lord Wilmore: <...You okay?>
andrea: *nods nods* ...
Lord Wilmore: <Okay...Wave bye-bye to your friend...> *looks at Mrs. Danglars and Eugenie*
andrea: *wave*
Eugenie: ^w^ *happy wave*
Akitaru: "Jeez...This is pretty serious, folks..."
Ogun: *nods*
karin: ......
Vulcan: "I think we're also forgetting something big--this isn't the first time Haijima has been up to some shit. My family, Giovanni's connection to the Hoods, what they did to Lisa--even the 5th's commander was up to sneaky stuff."
shinra: yeeeah... >->;
Akitaru: "And something that's been obvious for a bit...that Viktor was put here by Haijima to keep an eye on us."
Ogun: "...Huh. That...makes a lot of sense."
Takehisa: "Obviously."
Vulcan: "No duh."
Arthur: "Totally."
karin: i fucking knew it.
Relan: ._. ("...I didn't...")
nozomi: !!
iris: ._.
rita: ????
Petra: -_-; *signing* <The Viktor boy is a spy for Haijima--because of course.>
rita: <oh.> .... <wait, is haijima the enemy or no?>
Petra: *signing while talking* <So, now that you know Haijima is the actual threat, when do we treat them like you treated the Church?"
shinra: *looks to oubi*
Akitaru: "..." *looks to Karin* "I don't suppose you could find some floor plans for their buildings?"
karin: just leave it to me!
Vulcan: "I also may have some jamming equipment to see if we can listen into their security guards' PA system."
Noirtier: *sitting by his window* "..."
-two nurses enter-
Noirtier: "..." *smirks* <You're new...>
Beauchamp: "..."
francesca: <do you need anything?>
Noirtier: <Yes...Do you intend to kill me here, or kidnap me first?>
francesca: ._.; <erm...>
Noirtier: <Oh, come now--you're so transparent. Do you know how long I've waited for this? Just--Just pour the water already, and let's chat...>
francesca: .......
Noirtier: <Now, then, what did you want to ask me?>
francesca:.... *shaking*
Beauchamp: <Mr. Colby...or, should I say, Mr. Noirtier...>
Noirtier: *smiles* <Who told you?> *looks at Francesca* <Oh, come off it--are you a welp or an adult? Just spit it out!>
francesca: <monsiour d'epinay, did you kill him?>
Noirtier: <D'Epinay? Oh, I was stationed with him...Heh...He convulsed for minutes...>
francesca: !!!!!!!
Beauchamp: <Sir! You killed this woman's father?!>
Noirtier: <I killed them all.>
francesca:......*she collapses*
Beauchamp: <!!!> *picks her up, supports her head*
Noirtier: <Pity...Where's a nurse when you need one...>
francesca: <why you->
Noirtier: <Why? Have you seen this nation, this continent?> *coughs* <After the horrors I've seen, I'd rather see it all burn, so something else could be built...>
francesca: <shut up...>
Noirtier: *smirks* <Or what? I've been running my mouth longer than you've been alive-->
Noirtier: *knocked out of his wheelchair*
francesca: <YOU SON OF A BITCH!> *kicks*
Noirtier: *collapsed, wheezing* <St-Stop! Help me!>
Beauchamp: *too stunned to do anything...*
francesca: *tries to strangle him*
Nurse: *breaks down the door* <Stop! You'll kill him!> *grabs Francesca*
francesca: <let go of me!>
Nurse 2: *grabs Francesca by the hair*
Nurse 1: *pulling away Francesca's arms*
Noirtier: *coughing* <Get her away!>
sonia: *writing*
Chuuya: *wipes his brow* *looks*
sonia: *looks up, wave*
Chuuya: *smiles, waves...walks into the school, looking at the halls' walls*
-there are several posters and drawings by the kids-
Chuuya: *smiles, laughs a bit* ("Where's Sonia's...")
-the is one with a drawing of a girl in a sundress in a field of sunflowers-
Chuuya: "???"
-it has sonia's name on it-
Chuuya: "Wow..."
teacher: quite amazing, isnt she?
Chuuya: "Hmm? ...Yes, she is. Thank you."
teacher: ^^ its quite remarkable, she's so mature for her age group.
Chuuya: ^^; "I keep telling her that..."
teacher: *chuckle* ^^
Chuuya: "I was just here to pick her up..."
teacher: ah.
Chuuya: "How is she? Is she getting along okay?"
teacher: she seems to be doing well.
Chuuya: "...Good. It's been a big adjustment again for her..."
teacher: i've heard...
Chuuya: >_>; "I'm kind of worried whether she's making friends..."
teacher: she does talk to her classmates, but spends more time talking with the teachers.
Chuuya: *nods* "Yes, she tends to get along better with some adults..."
teacher: truth be told, we're considering having her skip ahead a few grades.
Chuuya: "Oh? That would be a big change..."
teacher: it would indeed.
Chuuya: "I think I'll talk with her, too..."
teacher: *knocks* sonia, your father's here.
sonia: ok. *collects her belongings and exits into the hall*
Chuuya: "Hi, Sonia. How are you?"
sonia: good. *hug*
Chuuya: ^^ *hug*
Kuro: *paws at cupcake*
mahiru: ok, now we need three eggs.
Kuro: =_= *picks up eggs* "Here. Where do I put them?"
mahiru: crack them open and put them into the bowl.
Kuro: "I was kidding..." *tosses the shells* "Stir now, or..."
mahiru: *nods*
Kuro: *stirs* "What flavor will these be, when can we eat them, and where's the frosting?"
mahiru: it's a strawberry cake for the school bake sale.
Kuro: "...That doesn't answer 'when can we eat'..."
mahiru: we'll have the second cake later.
Kuro: =_= "Fine...I'll help bake these for your bake sale..." *stirs more slowly*
Kyoka: *rolling up a sleeping bag* "We'll also need soda."
sylvia: *nod nod*
tamaki: oh, hey kyouka!
Kyoka: *shiny eyes* "Tamaki." *hug*
tamaki: ^^
sylvia: um...h-hi...
Kyoka: "Sylvia, this is Tamaki. She saved me at the Sports Festival."
sylvia: n-nice to...m-meet you... .~.;;;
tamaki: shy?
sylvia: eep! >~<
Kyoka: "Yes. Her ability has not been a lucky one."
tamaki: i can relate. too well. *excalibur face*
Kyoka: *sympathetic pat* "We were getting ready for a stake-out / sleepover."
tamaki: oh, sounds fun.
Kyoka: *nods* "This will be a first for Sylvia since joining the Agency." *whispers* "We're worried about organized crime around a friend's apartment."
tamaki: jeez.
Kyoka: "So be careful...We already had the Hell Blaze Gang attack us. And some weird fire woman with an eye mask..."
tamaki: !!!!!! what did her eye mask look like?
Kyoka: "??? Like a Burger King crown? It was in the Nether months ago--"
tamaki: holy-..*shakes* y-you were lucky to get away, that person, she's....*looks around and whispers* she's part of a group called the knights of the ashen flame. all im gonna say is that they're bad news.
Kyoka: "I know. They ripped my friend Atsushi to bits, then burned the bits, then burned him alive again. Twice."
tamaki: D8
Kyoka: "He got better. He can regenerate."
Kyoka: "He's also the weretiger, so he also has a cat theme."
tamaki: ....riiight. ^^;
sylvia: .~.;;
Kyoka: "It's better now. We have more recruits now, and we put a fundamentalist extremist into prison."
tamaki: wow, you've been busy. we've been busy too, but that's classified info, sadly.
Kyoka: "I understand. Good luck with confidential work."
Hyde: "Here you go..." *hands a neon glow-stick necklace*
izumi: thanks hyde! ^^
Hyde: "Don't mention it. Say hi to Soul for me!"
Axel: *wearing a balloon hat* "Need the bathroom before fireworks. Bro, I entrust this to you..." *hands off the balloon hat*
zeke: *salutes*
hibiki: *looking for a good spot*
*looks to be an open spot on the hill...*
hibiki: how about there?
Duncan: "Allow me to roll out the blankets..." T~T
izumi: ^^
Asher: *their face is painted* ._.
Saria: ^^ *sits on the blanket, pats a spot next to her*
lukas: *takes a seat*
Kanin: "Here you go, Amelia."
amelia: *noms on cotton candy*
Kanin: ^^
Yafeu: *putting on 'fireworks glasses' "KALEIDOSCOPIC!"
lei-lei: ^^
*the PA system turns on*
???: "Is this thing on? Hello?"
???: "You're already pressing the button, Lord Death..."
lord death: ah yes, welcome to the festival everyone! how's everybody doing tonight?
Sid: -_-; ("They can't respond--")
Audience: "YAY!"
lord death: are you ready for some fireworks?
Audience: "YES!"
lord death: alrighty! let's get this party started!!
*WHEEP* *something fires into the sky before exploding into a firework*
amelia: wow!
Axel: *runs up* "Crap! What have I missed?"
*another shoots off to form a skull head*
valentine: *knocks*
*no answer*
valentine: <grandma? grandpa? it's me!>
*no answer still*
valentine: ... (maybe they're asleep...) *tries the door*
*it opens...*
valentine: !!! *coughing* *dialing 112*
Dispatcher: <112, what's your emergency?>
valentine: <there's a gas leak in my grandparent's home!>
Dispatcher: <Please give me the address to send emergency.>
-she explains the situation-
Dispatcher: <Emergency is on its way. Are your grandparents in the house?>
valentine: <i dont know, should i check? i tried to call them but they wont answer!>
Dispatcher: <You should not be in there to breathe--you need to leave to let emergency provide oxygen to your grandparents...>
Heloise: "..." *knocks on Villefort's bedroom door before walking in*
villefort: <it's open.>
Heloise: *already inside...locks the door behind her* <...Gerard...> *walks up to him...*
villefort: *turns-*
Heloise: *holds onto him in a hug*
villefort: !!!!!
Heloise: *kisses his cheek down to his lips*
villefort: <ah- what's gotten into you?>
Heloise: *downcast eyes* <Gerard...I was so lonely...I just want to be close to you...>
villefort: .....
Heloise: *rubs a hand over his chest, leans against him* <I'm sorry for being so cold...Gerard...I love you...>
francesca: ......
Beauchamp: *sitting in a jail cell* =_= <Well, I can add this to my resume...>
Jailer: <Hey, are you Beauchamp and d'Épinay?>
francesca:....<what about it?>
Jailer: *opens the door* <Bail posted.>
francesca: <wait, really?>
Beauchamp: ._.;
Jailer: <He's outside for you...>
francesca: *looks*
Lord Wilmore: *waves*
francesca: ....
Beauchamp: <Um...Thank you, sir-->
Lord Wilmore: <Lord Wilmore.>
Kid: *crawls into bed*
shiori: *peek*
stocking: oh, seems we have a visitor.
Kid: *smiles* "Hey, Shiori..." *waves*
shiori: *crawls into bed with a picture book* story book!
stocking: want us to read to you??
shiori: *nods*
Kid: *takes the book, opens it up* "Pretty drawings, aren't they?"
shiori: *nods and points*
Kid: *looks*
-seems to be a book of fairy tales-
Kid: "Any particular tale to start?"
shiori: dat one.
Kid: " 'Beauty and the Beast,' huh? Sure! 'Once upon a time, in a castle far away...'"
Katai: >_<; "It's kind of cramped in here..."
aya: *noms on taiyaki*
Kyoka: *sitting under the kotatsu* =w=
Ranpo: *sipping ramune* "What's with all the cat toys? You adopted one now?"
sylvia: ._.
Katai: O\\\\\\O "..." *looks out the window* "L-Let's just look for those loud crooks..."
atsushi: ....
0 notes