#height gain supplement for kids
Nutrition For Kids
An important aspect of a child's development is nutrition. The majority of parents are aware of the importance of proper nutrition for children's physical growth and development, but research has shown that nutrition can have unexpected effects on children's health. Children's Pediasure is a supplement for growing taller. PediaSure SideKicks offers nutrition for kids, 40% more protein, and 25% fewer calories. It is offered as a handy, ready-to-drink shake. It is a good beverage for kids.
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aint-love-heavy · 10 months
In 2011, The New York Times published an article about liposuction. It seems that women who have liposuction on their hips and thighs do grow back some of their fat, but they grow it back in different places. Basically, your thighs may stay thinner, but your upper arms will soon be fatter than they were before. It was a cute article. A bit of fluff, really. But unlike the majority of plastic surgeons, I'd guess, I'd just been reading the latest research on the evolution of adipose tissue--specifically female adipose tissue.
As it turns out, women's fat isn't the same as men's. Each fat deposit on our body is a little bit different, but women's hip, buttock, and upper thigh fat, or "gluteofemoral" fat, is chock-full of unusual lipids: long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, or LC-PUFAs. (Think omega-3. Think fish oil.) Our livers are bad at making these kids of fats from scratch, so we need to get most of them from our diet. And bodies that can become pregnant need them so they can make baby brains and retinas.
Most of the time, female gluteofemoral fat resists being metabolized. As many women know, these areas are the first places we gain weight and the last places we lose it. But in the last trimester of pregnancy--when the fetus ramps up its brain development and its own fat stores--the mother's body starts retrieving and dumping these special lipids by the boatload into the baby's body. This specialized hoovering of the mother's gluteofemoral fat stores continues throughout the first year of breast-feeding--the most important time, as it happens, for infant brain and eye development. Some evolutionary biologists now believe that women evolved to have fatty hips precisely because they're specialized to provide the building blocks for human babies' big brains. Since we can't get enough of those LC-PUFAs from our daily diet, women start storing them from childhood forward. Other primates don't seem to have this pattern.
Meanwhile, we found out just a few years ago--again, someone finally asked the question--that a human girl's hip fat may be one of the best predictors for when she'll get her first period. Not her skeletal growth, not her height, not even her day-to-day diet, but how much gluteofemoral fat she has. That's how important this fat is for reproduction. Our ovaries won't even kick in until we've stored up enough of this fat to form a decent baseline. When we lose too much weight, our periods stop. We also learned--again, this is recent research--that while taking supplements can up a breast-feeding woman's LC-PUFAs, the vast majority of what the baby's getting is coming from her body's fat stores--particularly her big fat butt. Most women's bodies begin preparing for pregnancy in childhood, not because it's a woman's destiny to be a mother, but because human pregnancy sucks, and our bodies have evolved ways to help us survive it.
But every year, nearly 190,000 women undergo liposuction in the United States alone. As reported in various medical journals since 2013, there seems to be something about the violent disruption of women's tissue during liposuction that prevents fat from recovering at the surgery site. I suspect that the new fat that accumulates on women's underarms post-liposuction is not the same kind of fat that was sucked from their thighs and buttocks. So I have to ask: With a violently disrupted store of LC-PUFAs, which may or may not be able to do quite what it did before, what happens if that body becomes pregnant?
[...] Meanwhile, women keep undergoing liposuction, and no one has the foggiest clue if it matters which long-evolved depot of fat they destroy. As with huge swaths of modern medical science, female patients and their doctors are basically crossing their fingers.
Cat Bohannon, Eve: How the Female Body Drove 200 Million Years of Human Evolution
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mariatogel · 1 year
Unveiling the Power of SARMs: Your Ultimate Guide
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Hey there, fitness enthusiasts and curious minds alike! Today, we're diving into the world of SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators), the rising stars of the bodybuilding scene that have tongues wagging and muscles flexing. If you're wondering what SARMs are all about and how they might just become your secret weapon in the journey to your dream physique, keep reading. We've got you covered with the inside scoop on SARMs and their remarkable benefits.
The Lowdown on SARMs: Unleashing the Potential
Alright, let's start at the beginning. What exactly are SARMs? Well, they're like the cool kids in the supplement world. SARMs, or Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, are not your typical supplements. These bad boys selectively target specific receptor sites in your body's cells, like a GPS guiding them straight to muscle tissue or bone marrow. And here's the kicker - they're choosy, they don't mess with all the androgens in your system. It's like precision teamwork, folks!
A Glimpse into the Birth of SARMs
The story of SARMs goes back to the 1990s, a time of scientific innovation and hope. Imagine brilliant minds in lab coats working tirelessly to create a solution for muscle-wasting diseases. That's where SARMs made their debut. Originally crafted to tackle issues like osteoporosis and various muscle-related disorders, these gems showed incredible potential in supporting skeletal muscles, bones, and those sneaky connective tissues best sarm websites .
Safety First: Embracing SARMs with Confidence
Now, you might be wondering, "Hey, are SARMs safe?" And the short answer is, yes, indeed! Athletes and bodybuilders turn to SARMs for a little extra oomph while navigating those restrictive diets that leave no room for protein shakes or carbs. Unlike their rowdier cousins, anabolic steroids, SARMs won't give your liver a hard time. No liver-damaging dramas here, thank you very much. Unlike those steroids, which can pack a punch with long-term side effects like high cholesterol levels, strokes, and other unpleasant surprises, SARMs are quite the considerate companions.
Are SARMs Your Next Fitness Wingman?
Okay, let's get personal. Who should consider bringing SARMs into their fitness circle? Well, it's a case of "you do you." Some folks might be dealing with muscle wasting and could use a SARM-powered boost. Others? They're all about leveling up their training game or zipping through recovery after an injury. The golden rule, though, is to have a heart-to-heart with your doc before taking the plunge. Seriously, folks, your health is priority number one.
The Sweet Perks of SARMs: More Gain, Less Pain
Here's a little secret: SARMs are like the smooth operators of the supplement world. They're all about boosting your hormone levels rather than trying to pull off a total makeover. That means fewer side effects to fret about. You can flex those muscles with confidence, knowing you're not putting your life on the line. Go ahead, athletes, tread with caution, but don't let fear hold you back.
The Dosage Dilemma: Navigating Your SARMs Journey
Now, let's tackle a real head-scratcher: how the heck do you figure out the right SARMs dosage? It's a bit like picking the perfect outfit for a party - everyone's got their own style. Each SARM dances to its dosage beat, making it a bit of a puzzle. Trial and error might be your jam, or you could have a heart-to-heart with a medical whiz. Oh, and here's a wild idea: start with a tad less than the recommended dose and take notes on how your body responds. Gradually crank it up until you hit that sweet spot for muscle gain and fat loss sarms for sale .
Unveiling the SARMs Magic: Your Body's New BFF
Ah, now for the thrilling part - the perks of SARMs that have the fitness world buzzing like bees in a flower garden. Picture this: muscle mass soaring to new heights, fat bidding adieu while lean muscle hangs around for a grand old time. And hey, who doesn't want bones that are rock-solid, reducing the risk of osteoporosis? Did we mention that SARMs can also play superhero when it comes to slashing healing time between workouts? Nitrogen retention in your muscles gets a boost, and a friendly dose of human growth hormone hops into the ring, signaling your body to get busy building those muscles.
SARMs: The Athlete's Secret Weapon
Calling all athletes seeking that extra edge! SARMs are like your trusty sidekick, ready to supercharge your muscle strength, keep your endurance on point, and speed up recovery between those grueling sweat sessions. It's all about nitrogen retention, muscle growth, and that magic touch of human growth hormone, a real dream team for sculpting those muscles into prime shape.
So there you have it, folks! SARMs, the rising stars of the supplement world, are here to stay. From muscle mass to bone density, they're rewriting the rules of fitness support. Remember, though, always consult your doc before embarking on a SARMs adventure. Your body deserves the best, and with SARMs on your side, you're poised to conquer those fitness goals like a champ. Stay swole, my friends!
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danidanialsblog · 1 year
Thermo Keto Gummies Reviews Is it Safe? A Real Consumer Experience!
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that about 41.9% of people have obesity, which is a complicated disease caused by not being active enough and eating poorly. It happens when your weight is more than what is healthy for your height.
The condition can happen to both kids and adults, and some of the things that cause it are briefly talked about in the next part. Read on to find out why you are overweight and what you can do about it.
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What makes people fat?
Food and Things to Do
If you eat more calories than your body can burn through exercise to make energy, you will likely start to gain weight. This mismatch is one of the main reasons why people gain weight for no obvious reason.
Lack of sleep, stress, and other emotional factors
When they are stressed, bored, upset, or angry, some people find comfort in food. Several studies have also shown that the less sleep you get, the more likely it is that you will start to gain weight, which makes it more likely that you will become fat or overweight.
The reason is that when you sleep, your body creates hormones that help control how it uses energy and how much you want to eat. You don't have to worry about being overweight for the rest of your life because we have an answer right here.
Thermo Keto Gummies with Apple Cider Vinegar as a Way to Lose Weight
Thermo Keto Gummies with Apple Cider Vinegar are the newest weight loss product, and they claim to change the way people who are overweight lose weight. These sweets claim to help people who are overweight lose weight quickly without having to diet or work out.
The Thermo Keto Gummies are said to be a strong new formula that can put your body into a fat-burning state called ketosis. This lets your body use fat instead of carbs for energy. The people who made it say that people who use the candies can expect to get four major benefits:
They'll lose the extra weight, which will help them start liking how they look and how they feel about themselves.
The fat cells in their bodies will start to release fat from places that are hard to get to. The body will then use this fat to make energy.
Your energy will start to rise on its own, leaving you feeling refreshed and able to think clearly all day.
►Visit The Official Website To Get Your Bottle Now◄
What has made the Thermo Keto Gummies so popular?
The Thermo Keto candies are a relatively new addition to the market for weight loss products, as anyone who has been keeping up with the market will agree. But despite this, these gummies have become more famous than other supplements that have been around for a long time. So, why have they been so successful?
A new article in the Diabetes, Obesity, and Metabolism journal explains why these gummies are so popular. A study that was just released in the journal showed that Thermo Keto helps burn fat for energy.
The sweets help your body burn fat for energy instead of carbs, which speeds up your weight loss and gives you a lot of energy. The famous TV doctor Dr. Oz has backed them and called them the "Holy Grail" of weight loss.
Now is the time to try Thermo Keto Gummies and feel the change!
►Visit The Official Website To Get Your Bottle Now◄
How to Use Thermo Keto to Get the Best Results, Step by Step
Step 1: Melting hard fat right away
The ACV in the Thermo Keto sweets will start to work as soon as you eat them. Their make-up helps the body burn fat for energy instead of carbs, which makes it more likely to get rid of fat stores.
Most people can lose up to five pounds in the first week.
Step 2: Burning off stubborn fat faster
The ACV in the Thermo Keto gummies will help you burn fat faster in the first month, so you can lose up to 20 pounds. This process will make you feel and look very different about your body.
Step 3: Changes to the body continue
Even if you reach your weight-loss goals in the first month, you still have to keep taking the sweets for another 12 weeks. The extra time is meant to make it easier for your hunger to settle, which will help you keep your new body.
►Visit The Official Website To Get Your Bottle Now◄
What We Know About Thermo Keto Gummies with Apple Cider Vinegar
Thermo Keto gummies help you lose weight by putting your body into a state called ketosis. When you are in this state, your body will burn fat instead of the carbs you eat to make energy.
Most of the time, it's hard to get to this state, which is why you need the help that Thermo Keto gummies can give you. These sweets help your body get into this state more quickly, so you don't have to wait weeks for it to happen on its own.
►Visit The Official Website To Get Your Bottle Now◄
As soon as you enter ketosis, three things will happen quickly:
Thermo Keto will make sure that your body burns stored fat for energy.
Your body will stop storing fat. Instead of using carbs for energy, your body will start to use the fat stored in your fat cells. This will help you lose weight faster.
More health benefits: You will lose weight quickly, have a clearer mind, and have more energy.
Thermo Keto has helped a lot of people lose weight, and you can do the same.
Official Website : https://thermoketogummies.com
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ritkeep · 1 year
What Home Gym Equipment is Best for Building Muscle in 2023?
When it comes to building muscle, having a home gym can provide a convenient and effective way to get your workouts in. Building muscle at home can be an excellent way to get in shape and stay healthy. However, with so many different pieces of equipment on the market, it can be challenging to know which ones are the most effective for building muscle. In this post, we'll explore the top home gym equipment that you can use to build muscle and achieve your fitness goals.
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The Ritkeep RK-SM002 is an all-in-one functional smith machine that combines several popular fitness machines into one versatile piece of equipment. This machine features adjustable barbell training, deep squats, pull-ups, lat pulldowns, and many other exercises that can help you build muscle and strength. Here are some of the reasons why the RK-SM002 might be the right choice for those who want to build muscle at home:
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Versatility: As we mentioned, the RK-SM002 combines several popular machines into one, which means that you can perform a wide range of exercises with just one piece of equipment. This means you can save space and still experience a comprehensive workout routine.
 Safety: For individuals who are working out alone, a functional smith machine can be particularly helpful, as it offers various safety features. For example, the bar catchers can be adjusted to the proper height for your exercise, and this added safety can help you focus on your form and increasing the amount of weight you lift, thereby building more muscle.In addition to the training movements, when you’re able to squate outside the machine, you may find it as a useful safe area for your kids to be seated off the platform while you are in the middle of your set.
Efficiency: When it comes to building muscle, nothing is more effective than consistent lifting, and the RK-SM002 makes it easy to do so. With adjustable resistance, you can easily progress your workouts and build more muscle over time. This efficient approach can help you get the muscle gains you want without spending hours in the gym.
Convenience: Finally, it is worth mentioning that having a functional smith machine at home can be incredibly convenient. You can work out on your own schedule without having to share equipment, which means more gym time and less time wasted.
10 Exercises For Daily Muscle Building: Here are the best chest exercises to promote muscle growth, plus three complete chest workouts to add to your training day to give your chest workouts something different. Accompanied by nutrition and supplementation focused on muscle growth, this can be your post-workout plan to get the best out of your training!
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If you're looking for ways to build muscle at home and want a versatile, safe, efficient, and convenient piece of equipment, the Ritkeep RK-SM002 Functional Smith Machine Trainer Pro All-in-One may be right for you. Check out the product page for more information: https://www.ritkeeps.com/collections/smith-machines/products/functional-smith-machine-trainer-pro-all-in-one-rk-sm002
If you want to put on muscle and increase strength, focus on low to mid RitKeep Ranges with increasing weights each workout and make sure to increase your caloric intake. Following a program like Starting Strength or even signing up for Starting Strength Online Coaching can be extremely beneficial and can be followed with only the above-recommended equipment. The fitness industry benefits from complications, don’t fall into their trap. Training doesn’t need to be nearly as complicated as they’d have you believe.
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spicycreativity · 3 years
Ticket Crimes - Oneshot
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Rating: T Words: 9,752 Characters: All Category: Gen Summary: To welcome his new crew members about the USS Foley, Starfleet Captain Janus Gaines schedules shore leave on the pleasure planet of Ya'Lotus. Janus and Virgil run into an old acquaintance who seems to have ulterior motives; Roman and Remus attempt to infiltrate a drug trafficking ring; Patton and Logan narrowly avoid death on a history tour. Content Warnings: Mild violence/violent intent, alcohol use/mild intoxication, guns and phasers (no shots fired), mentions of drugs and drug trafficking (no drug use depicted) Note: You do not need to be familiar with Star trek to read this. In fact, it's probably better that you're not, because I took a LOT of liberties with canon
Doctor Patton Kelsey's boot heels clicked along the metal floor of the USS Foley as he made his way out of Sickbay. Despite the corridors' unusual emptiness, he kept to the right side out of habit, dragging his fingers along the wall as he went. He counted the doors, mouthing the numbers to help him keep track, until he came across the door he was looking for.
There was nothing usual about Ensign Virgil Salem's door except for the fact that it rarely ever opened. Virgil emerged for his shifts and for scheduled meals and made himself scarce the rest of the time.
Patton had studied Virgil's chart extensively but found no psychological defect that would render him unfit to serve in Starfleet. Surmising that Virgil was shy, Patton privately declared himself responsible for looking after the young recruit. The fact that they had joined the crew at the same time only served to strengthen this notion.
Patton raised his fist and knocked gently on the door, knowing full well that Virgil was inside. "Ensign Salem?" No response. "Virgil? Kiddo? Our group is about ready to beam down."
"Do I really have to go to that?" Virgil asked, his voice muffled behind the door.
"You don't want to?" Patton asked. "It's a party for us!"
"I would have been fine with a bottle of Saurian brandy, but nobody bothered to ask for my opinion, did they?"
Patton smiled a little and leaned against the doorframe. "Look, kiddo, you'd better just come with me before Captain Gaines calls you over the intercom."
"Shore leave is supposed to be optional," Virgil shot back, but Patton could tell that his resolve was slipping away. Virgil took a while to warm up to things, but he could usually be convinced.
"Not when the whole reason we're here is to celebrate you!"
"And you," Virgil said, and he was much closer to the door now.
Patton stepped back and waited for the door to slide open. It did a moment later, and Virgil appeared still tugging on his gold tunic over the standard issue black undershirt. His dark brown hair, slightly longer than regulation permitted, stuck up in the back where he had been resting his head against his pillows. Patton absentmindedly smoothed it down, though he managed not to lick his hand to do so.
Virgil let him lead him down the hall toward the Transporter Room. "You know I'm not actually your kid, right?"
"But we look so much alike!" Patton smiled sunnily at him. Patton was sturdy and soft where Virgil was rail-thin, and his honey blonde hair and blue eyes contrasted with Virgil's own dark hair and darker eyes.
"Sure, pops." Virgil shook his head, but there was a fondness to it. "I look like your shadow."
He stuttered his steps as they approached the Transporter Room so Patton would enter before him. Virgil respected Captain Janus Gaines, but he was also keenly aware of their difference in rank whenever they shared space. While Captain Gaines played fast and loose with regulations and encouraged his crew to do the same, Virgil never forgot what those regulations were. They had been drilled into his head at the Academy and haunted him like a ghost no matter how casually the Captain treated him.
"Took you long enough," Janus drawled. "I was starting to think you'd gotten lost."
"That was one time," Virgil said before he could stop himself. Not that it mattered; Janus had only ever been amused by Virgil's backtalk.
The rest of the party to beam down were milling about like guests at a mixer, largely ignoring Virgil and Patton. Janus stood out among them not only for his nonchalance, but for his unusual appearance. He made no secret of rejecting his half-Vulcan heritage and regularly spirited away Lieutenant Commander Remus Aime to help him bleach his hair and eyebrows. This resulted in unhealthy-looking white-blond hair and stark black roots. To make up for this transgression, he kept his hair at an acceptable regulation length, one that revealed his mismatched ears. The left was pointed exactly as a Vulcan's ears would be, but the right was rounded like a human's. Contributing to the asymmetry were his mismatched eyes: the left was a piercing blue while the right was warm and brown.
"We're ready now!" Patton said. He often focused on the bridge of the Captain's nose to avoid staring openly at him, and he did so now with a sunny but vacant smile gracing his lips.
"Places, everyone," Janus said, cutting off the murmured conversation between the remaining party members.
They all stepped onto the platforms, Virgil with his stomach turning with nerves, Patton staring dead ahead, still smiling.
It was over in a blink.
Janus stepped forward, turning around so he could address his party. "Gentlemen," he said, raising his arms for maximum melodrama, "welcome to Ya'Lotus."
"Uh, yeah, so what is this place?" Virgil asked, stepping off his platform.
He was interrupted by Lieutenant Roman Aime, who had made no secret of his disregard for Virgil since day one. "Weren't you paying attention the first two times we explained it to you?"
Janus rolled his eyes, annoyed at having lost control of the conversation, but made no attempt to regain it. "Logan?"
The android nodded at him, stepping forward and edging Roman out of Virgil's space. "Lotus Island, located on the planet of Ya'Lotus, is a popular shore leave destination due to its vast array of amenities and unique ticket-based economy."
Virgil, who had not been paying attention in the slightest the first two times this was explained to him, frowned. "Ticket-based?"
"Like Earth money," Remus Aime interjected.
"Yeah, yeah," said Roman.
"Ooh, like the county fair!" Patton said.
Virgil wheeled around to face him. "Is that an Earth thing? I'm from Alpha Proxima II."
"Well," said Janus, regaining everyone's attention by clapping his hands once. "Thank you, Ensign Salem, for that fascinating little jaunt into your personal history. But seeing as we're here to have fun, why don't you just stick close to me until you figure everything out, hm?"
"Yes, sir," Virgil said, squinting at Janus. He, like many others, was never sure where he stood with the half-Vulcan, and was unsure what to make of him because of it.
"Joy," said Janus. Addressing the rest of the landing party, he said, "Virgil and I are off to the Tier III Lounge. Is anyone else coming?"
"Logan said he wanted to do the self-guided history tour," said Patton, nudging the android in the ribs.
Logan nodded, causing his ash blond hair to dance along the line of his jaw. His gray eyes differed from organic beings' only in that they reflected no light, and he turned this unsettling gaze upon Patton, who tried not to flinch. "That is correct."
"An island full of debauchery and you're going on a history tour?" Remus demanded, grabbing a fistful of Patton's shirt. Despite the height disparity (Patton being the tallest member of the party and Remus being the shortest), Patton bit his lip and leaned back as much as the young Romulan's grip allowed. With his extravagant face tattoos and devilish bearing, Lieutenant Commander Remus Aime was no stranger to getting his way through intimidation tactics.
"You get free salt water taffy," Patton said, glancing around to see who might assist him.
It was Remus' twin brother who came to his aid, yanking Remus back by the hair. "Knock it off."
"I am your superior officer!" Remus said, releasing Patton and turning to face his brother.
"Oh, I do apologize, Lieutenant Commander Hair Dye," Roman said. To Janus, who was toying with his bleached locks with an exaggerated carefree expression, Roman said, "We'll go with you."
"No way!" Remus said, freeing dark hair from his brother's grasp. "I don't want to go to some stuffy lounge."
"We'll find our own fun on the way," Roman said.
"Again with the melodrama." Janus sighed and looked over at Virgil, who was slouching with his hands jammed in his pockets. "Follow me. If we lose them, we lose them."
Janus turned on his heel, an impressive feat given he was supplementing his already substantial height with three-inch heels, and left the receiving Transporter Room with Virgil in tow. Always loath to be left out, Roman followed suit, trailing Remus, Patton, and Logan behind him.
The first stop was a massive receiving terminal where they were all made to spin a wheel to receive their first round of tickets.
"How, exactly, does this work?" Virgil asked, folding his tickets into a small stack.
"If you really cared to know, you should have paid attention the first two times Logan explained it to you," Janus said, stuffing his own tickets up his sleeve like an Earth magician. "You're more than welcome to join him and Doctor Kelsey on the history tour if you think that would be a better way to spend your time than a high-end liquor tasting."
"You know," Virgil said, "I think I'll stick with you."
"That's what I thought."
A fair distance behind them trailed the Romulan twins Vrih and Vaebri i-Elehu tr'Aime, better known but their preferred names. Given that they hailed from a particularly superstitious region of the planet Romulus, the twins had dubbed themselves "Roman" and "Remus'' respectively to avoid the bad luck of giving away their full names.
"Captain Quick Step is trying to ditch us," complained Remus, his boot heels clicking against the concrete. Patton and Logan had already peeled off, leaving the brothers to tag along after Janus and Virgil on their own.
"Don't let him," Roman urged, nudging Remus to hurry up.
Lotus Island was a hectic place, bustling with all races of aliens. Music rang out loud over strategically-placed speakers and workers called out for the crowd to try their luck at a variety of carnival games from multiple cultures. Sequestered away in gravity-defying skyscrapers were gambling halls, and further inland towered the tracks of massive roller coasters.
Remus dodged an inebriated Orion and nearly tripped, grabbing onto Roman's tunic to stay upright. "He's dodging and weaving, that bastard!"
"You shouldn't have worn heels," Roman chided, grabbing Remus by the wrist and yanking him forward.
"You're wearing heels, too."
"But I can actually walk in them."
Far ahead of them and gaining ground, Janus was employing Earth-based power walking techniques. Virgil stuck close behind him at a jog, toying with his tickets, privately amazed at the unfamiliar sensation of actual paper between his fingers.
Virgil, despite his rigorous Academy training, was somewhat out of breath. Janus was not, and even if he was, would not have allowed Virgil to see him gasping for breath. He had determined long ago to take the best of his Vulcan heritage and the best of his human heritage, suppressing his weak points far beneath the surface where no one could ever see them. Despite his fondness for Remus, Janus Gaines was simply not a man who allowed himself emotional attachments and weaknesses, and this had very little to do with his early childhood training on Vulcan.
"Any particular reason you're running me like a racehorse?" Virgil asked.
"Like you've ever seen a racehorse," Janus replied.
"Okay, don't answer the question."
Despite their rapid pace, Janus managed to turn and leer at Virgil, micro-expressing as only a Vulcan could. "Because it's funny."
Virgil didn't see what was so funny about ditching crewmates, but (wisely) kept that to himself. "Why don't we catch a lift, then?" He gestured to one of the many ride services available, surreys and bicycles, rickshaws and moving sidewalks.
"We're almost there," Janus said, motioning to a blue-black building ahead of them. The rounded windows were blacked out, leaving Virgil to wonder at what was inside.
It was a regular lounge, as he soon found out, quiet and upscale. The interior was dark and just a touch too cool for Virgil and Janus' liking. Virgil crossed his arms as he followed Janus to the bar, but was soon distracted by a familiar hissing and clicking from the corner. "Is that a pinball machine?"
Janus looked at him like he'd just said something phenomenally stupid, mostly to hide the fact that he had only a vague idea of what a pinball machine was. "You can worry about that or you can let me buy you a drink."
"Fine," said Virgil, who had yet to master the subtle and esoteric art of decoding Janus' communication style. He clambered onto a barstool and picked at the piping on his sleeves that denoted his rank while Janus ordered something that the universal translator couldn't translate into English.
The sensation of eyes on him made Virgil shudder. He ran a hand through his unruly hair and glanced down the bar only to make eye contact with a pair of green eyes. They belonged to a Vulcan Virgil had never seen before. Unsure of what to do, Virgil froze, leaving the Vulcan to break the eye contact. He looked Janus up and down, then up again, his gaze lingering on his bleached hair.
"Dude," said Virgil, once he had recovered from the off-putting sensation of having been cased and rejected, "I think that guy likes you."
Janus leaned forward and peered down the bar before pulling back in an attempt to hide behind Virgil. "Shit."
Then came the voice, bassy, yet undeniably Vulcan in its even monotone. "Chu'lak? I thought that was you."
"Fuck," said Janus, already smiling, "Fuck, fuck, fuck." He slipped off the barstool and landed cleanly on his toes so the click of his heels didn't disturb the lounge's quietude. "Sihok."
Sihok saluted both Janus and Virgil, though his attention was mostly on Janus. "Scheduled shore leave?"
"A welcome party," Janus said, holding out his hand for a shake.
Sihok eyed it with what Virgil regarded incorrectly as apathy and Janus recognized as disgust and a trace of amusement. After a fraction of a section of hesitation, he shook Janus' hand. "And this is the new recruit?" he asked, indicating Virgil with a small nod.
"Ensign Virgil Salem," Janus said.
Virgil, who had been trained in cross-cultural contact, gave the proper Vulcan salute with a trembling hand. Despite being unable to decipher Sihok's body language, he could sense the tension between Sihok and Janus as keenly as he could the difference between scotch and bourbon. Somewhere behind them, Virgil registered the click of their drinks being set down.
"Ensign Salem," said Sihok. "Congratulations."
"Thank you," Virgil said, trying not to fidget.
"It is gratifying to know that you've held on to your manners despite your proximity to Chu'lak and his… half-measures."
Virgil's eyes went wide and he quickly averted his gaze. But to Virgil's surprise, Janus, rather than dressing Sihok down, gave a cold chuckle and put a hand on Virgil's shoulder. "It's Janus. Captain Janus Gaines."
"You always did have trouble conforming," Sihok said.
"Yes," said Janus, "Mathematically speaking, I thought I would go for half acceptance. How do I measure up?"
Seeing that his companions were otherwise occupied in their strange battle of insults, Virgil rotated slightly to retrieve his drink from the bar behind him. He had a feeling he was going to need it if Sihok stuck around for much longer.
Sihok lifted one eyebrow ever so slightly. "They call you The Mad Vulcan."
"Well, now you have my attention." Janus turned and retrieved his own drink. "Shall we get a booth?" He knew perfectly well that Sihok was getting at something, and the mystery of the subject matter had him more curious than he would care to admit. He was reasonably sure he had managed to hide this from Sihok, having expressed anger and amusement as a sort of misdirection.
Virgil said, "Is this a worm?" He held his drink up to the light, examining the fizzing red liquid within to try to get a better look at the thing floating in it. "Like mezcal?" From the look Janus gave him, he judged that the universal translator hadn't been able to find a good Vulcan equivalent of the word. "Never mind. Booth?"
"But first." Janus held up his glass for Virgil to toast. "Congratulations, Ensign Salem. Welcome to the Foley."
"I didn't want to go to that stupid lounge, anyway," Remus said, crossing his arms. In a fit of pique, he grabbed Roman's braid, which ended just shy of his lower back, and gave it a yank.
"Oh, don't pick a fight with me just because you're grumpy," Roman said, flicking Remus' temple. "There's a million other things to do; I'm sure we can find something more fun than stalking the Captain and the new kid."
"Drugs?" said Remus, brightening considerably.
"I meant like a roller coaster or something, but if you want to go find an upper, I guess that's--"
"Let's go!" Remus started walking away.
"Seriously?" Roman said. "I was kidding! An island full of stuff to do and you want to get high?"
"Re-lax, Vrih. Janus will have a fit if I bring drugs onto the Foley, inside or outside of me. This is more of a personal challenge." Remus continued on his merry way, weaving behind buildings and sticking to areas so nondescript that Roman would have stayed away from them out of pure instinct.
"C'mon, Vaebri, I'm sure the heavily-regulated pleasure planet doesn't have a scary criminal underbelly for you to infiltrate. We're wasting time."
"We're almost there," said Remus.
"What do you mean we're almost there? Almost where? You've never even been here before."
"Do you ever shut up?"
Roman crossed his arms over his chest and scowled, but continued to follow Remus as he strode away from everything that made Lotus Island appealing. They ventured past a few 'Keep Out' signs written in Federation Standard and Vulcan into a gray jungle of humming machinery all locked inside tamper-resistant metal cages. Remus darted up to one particular machine and wasted no time jamming his face up against the grating.
"I'm gonna leave," Roman threatened, his arms still tightly crossed over his chest.
Remus was only half-listening, having just uncovered something he found far more interesting than gambling or thrill rides. "This powers an elevator!"
"Ooh," said Roman, barely giving the gray machinery a glance, "an elevator. Not like the Foley has turbolifts or anything."
"Someone wasn't paying attention to Logan's little spiel."
"Uh, yeah, Ensign Salem."
"No, no. You know what's under the island?"
Remus rolled his eyes and gave Roman's braid another tug. "You've been spending too much time with the Captain.
"Will you knock that off?" Roman demanded, kicking Remus in the shin.
"It's the staff's living quarters!" Remus said, growing bored with the argument.
"Oh," said Roman. "So we're definitely sneaking down there to take a look around?"
"Way ahead of you," Remus said, already fiddling with the control panel.
Behind them came the distinctive hiss of turbolift doors opening, followed by conversation. Roman and Remus, in a moment of synchronization, both turned on their heels and stood at attention. As Romulan twins, they were both fully aware of the attention they tended to attract once strangers figured out they weren't Vulcans. But the pair of humans, both wearing hot pink uniforms denoting them as staff members of Ya'Lotus, didn't so much as glance up as they carried on toward the Midway.
The twins exchanged a glance, then Remus dived for the closing doors with Roman hot on his tail.
"Nice," said Roman, already examining the panel of buttons.
Remus pressed one at random and the elevator began to drop, taking them far beneath the surface of Lotus Island. When the doors opened again, the twins were met with the sight of pale blue walls and concrete floors. It was eerily silent.
Roman stepped out hesitantly, looking around for any possible passers-by, but there was no one. He motioned for Remus to come out after him. While Remus held the higher rank, arbitrarily bestowed by Janus, Roman was the older (and bossier) twin and had yet to relinquish the sense of authority he had gained from a childhood of leading Remus around Romulus and, later, Decos Prime.
"What language is that?" Remus asked, nodding at the phrases painted on the walls.
Roman studied it for a moment. "Federation Standard. Sickbay is to the left, plus the Medical Staff Break Room. Living Quarters to the right."
"Break room," said Remus, already heading toward it. Roman fell into step beside him, so perfectly synchronized that the click of their heels on the concrete sounded like that of only one person. It was a trick they had perfected in childhood that had served them well in previous instances of trespassing.
"It's kinda freaky down here," Roman muttered. "Where is everybody?"
Remus shrugged. "Sleeping? Working?" He wasn't too bothered. Remus was of the mind that getting caught was half the fun of misbehaving.
"And what do you want with Sickbay, anyway?" No sooner had the words left Roman's lips did realization click into place. "Are you still on drugs?" he hissed, barely resisting the urge to grab Remus by the shirt and drag him back to the elevator.
"No, I'm not on drugs," Remus whispered back, displaying a picture-perfect shit-eating grin. "That's the problem." Upon spotting the door to the break room, he fell out of step with Roman and lunged forward to peek inside.
Roman was savvy enough to stop walking when he noticed Remus breaking away. He watched, half annoyed and half embracing the inevitable, as Remus froze in the doorway with wide eyes. With his facial tattoos, his unruly hair, and his mustache (which he had to shave before every inspection), Remus did not pass for Vulcan half as well as Roman did, even with his long hair.
Still, Remus straightened and crossed his arms behind his back, falling into a passable impression of Vulcan stoicism. "Good morning."
In the hall, Roman frantically flashed the Vulcan salute, trying to get Remus to notice.
"Officer," said a voice from within.
"Lieutenant Commander," said Remus, wiggling his fingers playfully at Roman behind his back.
"Did he send you?" asked another voice.
Remus' facade fractured for a moment, his lips twitching with excitement. He clenched one hand into a fist and shook it at Roman as much as his current positioning would allow. Roman rolled his eyes, confident now that Remus could see him.
"Yes." Remus had to fight to hold still as he stared down the two Caitians lounging at a table in the center of the room. They both had PADDs and communicators in front of them, both had half-empty mugs of a substance Remus couldn't identify.
One of the Caitians, whose name tag identified her as M'Birr, tilted her head at Remus, pupils going wide. "Shaa. What if he's lying?"
Remus rocked forward onto his toes, and he flashed several nonsense hand gestures at Roman behind his back in excitement. It was time to bring out one of Janus' favorite lines, albeit with less sarcasm than the Captain usually employed. "Vulcans do not lie."
"Yeah," said Shaa, her pupils also wide, "I have heard that. Beside, the Big Guy would have vetted him before sending him to us."
Bored with the waffling, Remus decided to take a risk. He had no way of knowing what or who the Caitians were referring to, or even if there was any mischief afoot. But Remus had a nose for trouble and he could see Roman getting bored in the hall. So he adjusted his posture and fixed M'Birr with his best impression of a calculating Vulcan stare. "I was instructed to obtain a sample of the product."
It was all he could do not to squirm in delight when M'Birr sighed and said, "He could have at least given you a Staff shirt. How am I supposed to sneak a member of Starfleet into Sickbay?"
"Incidentally," said Remus, still wiggling his fingers at Roman, who was pantomiming shock in his peripheral vision, "I wasn't told the name of the product."
"Like it matters," said M'Birr. "They're calling it 'kin.' How much did he tell you to move?"
Before Remus could answer, one of the communicators on the table chirped. "Voight here."
"Starfleet's onto us."
Shaa side-eyed Remus, who took pains to hold completely still. "How can you be sure?"
"We've got two hitting all the stops on the trail. Not buying. Just looking. They went straight from the Help Desk to the Founder's Statue."
Remus and Roman sighed in tandem, both knowing full well it had to be Patton and Logan making their rounds on the self-guided tour.
"Not with us," Remus mouthed, looking M'Birr in the eye.
She exchanged a glance with Shaa, who shrugged briefly and addressed the communicator again. "What's the plan?"
"Dispatch. We can't let them off the planet."
"On our way." The two Caitians stood and moved toward the doorway where Remus was still standing. "Sorry, Lieutenant Commander, but we've got trouble."
Unable to help himself, Remus said, "You're just gonna leave me down here?"
"I'd think a Vulcan would know better than to cause trouble," M'Birr said pointedly. "Excuse me." She pushed past Remus, followed closely by Shaa. "And who's this?"
"Backup," said Roman, trying not to react to the sight of the two cat-like aliens before him.
M'Birr stared at him, calculating, but Shaa nudged her and said softly, "We don't have time for this."
"See yourselves out," said M'Birr. She and Shaa took off for the elevators, leaving Roman and Remus to stand awkwardly until they were out of sight.
"Drugs!" said Remus, stamping his heels on the floor and shimmying. "What did I tell you?"
"Yeah, yeah," said Roman, annoyed despite himself that Remus had gotten his way. "Can we go save our friends from getting murdered now?"
"Sure," said Remus, heading back toward the elevator, "if they haven't already died of boredom yet."
After receiving their specially-programmed PADDs for the self-guided tour (along with two bags of saltwater taffy), Patton and Logan had set off for the first stop on the tour.
"Ooh," said Patton, who was attempting to read, walk, and eat taffy at the same time. "There's trivia."
Logan grabbed him by the shoulder and steered him out of the way of a group of Andorians. "I believe that all the knowledge we gain here today could be referred to as 'trivia,' Doctor Kelsey."
"No, no." Patton shoved a candy wrapper in his pocket so he could use both hands to show Logan the PADD. "There's a trivia contest at the end! We should pay extra close attention."
"Noted," said Logan. "I will make an effort to keep the information in my memory banks."
"Oh, by the way." Patton navigated back to the map of Lotus Island. "You can call me Patton, you know."
"If you're sure," said Logan. "I am aware of the human concept of 'politeness' and did not wish to overstep if you were being polite when you introduced yourself."
"Nope! You really can call me Patton," Patton said cheerfully, holding up the PADD and rotating it, trying to get his bearings. "Where's Virgil when you need him?"
(Virgil was, at the moment, weighing up the benefits of crawling under the table and abandoning Janus and Sihok to their Vulcan mind games)
"Allow me to assist." Logan removed his own borrowed PADD from under his arm. "Next up is the, ah, 'Fun Wheel.'"
"That thing?" Patton asked, pointing to the massive Ferris wheel ahead of them. At their current proximity, the hulking metal contraption dominated the horizon.
"Yes," said Logan, biting back a sarcastic comment. The Captain responded well to sarcasm and Logan's communication style had evolved accordingly, but time and experience had shown that most people found Janus' sarcasm off-putting. And Logan had seen him don the mask of diplomacy, which received much better reception. So Logan decided he would be diplomatic in the hopes that it would make Patton feel at-ease. Logan did not want to be the crewmember responsible for scaring off their new CMO.
They made for the Ferris wheel, Patton still with his nose buried in the PADD. "You get more taffy for correctly answering trivia questions!"
"What could we possibly do with more taffy?" Logan asked.
"Share it with the others!"
They reached the viewing platform of the defunct Fun Wheel and both held up their PADDs to read the description.
What the PADDs did not tell them was that less than 30 guests attended the self-guided tour per Earth year and those guests that did were rarely members of Starfleet. The PADDs had also not been programmed with the knowledge that every single stop on the tour was a tradeoff point for distributors of a new drug known colloquially as 'kin,' as the scientific name was several syllables long, untranslatable from Golic Vulcan, and contained a multitude of niche phonemes.
"Do you smell that?" Logan asked, searching his memory banks for several pieces of data at once.
Patton sniffed and looked around in confusion. "The ocean?" Most of Ya'Lotus consisted of a saltwater ocean that contained no indigenous life. The sea breeze was fresh and cool and smelled, to Patton's human nose, unremarkable.
Logan shook his head. "There is a strong chemical smell emanating from the lower cabin of the Ferris wheel. I believe it may be opioid in nature."
"Opioid?" Patton sniffed and again could only smell rust and sweet ocean air. "You can get all that just from the smell?"
Logan nodded and approached the low metal fence, leaning over it to try to get a closer look at the cabin. It was caged off and covered with a fine mesh that blocked even his keen android eyesight. He cycled through his senses, again landing on smell as his best means of solving the puzzle before him. Beneath the smell of iron and grease, there was a definite tang of something other, something distinctly sedative. He wasn't specialized to identify chemicals like this, and the sensation of answers dancing just out of reach in his databank was enough to elicit an emotional reaction. He looked at Patton and crossed his arms over his chest. "Fuck."
"Whoa!" said Patton, tucking the PADD under his arm. "What's wrong?"
"Forgive me, Doct-- Patton. I am expressing frustration because I would like to know the source of the smell."
Patton leaned in over the guardrail. "Maybe it's just an industrial agent you're smelling? I can't think of any reason why opioid drugs would be anywhere near a Ferris wheel. Not here, anyway. Not on this planet."
"You're right," Logan said. "I will let it go." To emphasize this, he let go of the railing and stepped back. "Are you finished reading?"
"Yeah," said Patton, also backing up. "Let's move on."
And they turned and walked away from the first hidden kin manufacturing still on the tour.
By this point, Janus was fairly sure Sihok was getting at something, though he was circling around the point like a seabird waiting for the kill. It was a tactic Janus could respect, though it was decidedly un-Vulcan. Virgil, meanwhile, signaled for another round of drinks with his fingers. He too had an idea that Sihok was getting at something, and that Janus was as well. While he was admittedly inexperienced with Vulcan body language, he was reasonably sure that Janus hadn't figured it out yet. With boredom and alcohol combining in his mind, Virgil sat back and decided to try to figure it out before Janus did. Sure, he was just an Ensign, but he wasn't stupid.
At the moment, Sihok and Janus (whom Sihok insistently referred to by his Vulcan name, Chu'lak) were talking lightly about their careers.
"I thought," said Janus, drawing one fingertip around the rim of his glass, "you were studying xenobiochemistry."
"I was."
"So how did you end up here of all places?" He gestured to the room at large. Virgil, tracking the movement with his eyes, caught sight of the pinball machine and gazed longingly at it before remembering himself. "As I recall, you had a natural talent for the sciences. If you'll forgive my saying so, working security at a glorified casino seems a bit beneath you."
Sihok's expression did not change that Virgil could see, but he marked that Janus was smirking just a bit.
Sihok nodded. "I discovered in the course of my schooling that xenobiochemistry better suits me as a hobby. And, if you will permit a lapse in logic, I find the the atmosphere of Ya'Lotus most agreeable."
"You dig the vibe," Virgil blurted before he could stop himself. Janus and Sihok both stared at him and before his eyes, the expressions he had mistaken for disapproval read simply as confused. A small spark of triumph ignited in him; he was learning to understand Vulcan mannerisms.
"That didn't translate," Janus said.
"I thought you spoke Federation Standard," Virgil said.
"That was not Federation Standard."
Virgil's cheeks began to burn. "Ah, never mind. You were saying?"
"I think," said Sihok, "there is a certain beauty in mathematics. Do you agree?"
"Sure," said Janus. "But why do I get the feeling that you're not referring to fractals?"
Virgil fished a maraschino cherry out of his drink and began to bat it around the table with his fingertips.
"There is an objective beauty in symmetry," Sihok said vaguely. "No one could argue that. But it's asymmetry that has my interest. Chu'lak, answer a question for me."
"Where are you staying tonight?"
Virgil stilled, his eyes flicking to Janus. He had no doubt that the question had translated oddly, that Sihok wasn't seriously propositioning Janus. But Janus had been given an opportunity to tease, and even from his limited experience aboard the Foley, Virgil knew that Janus rarely passed up an opportunity to make fun.
"I hadn't decided yet," Janus said with an arch smile, staring at Sihok under his lashes. "The Foley, I suppose, or someplace lavish if I ever make it to the casino."
Virgil resumed playing with the cherry, knowing on some level that he was behaving unprofessionally. He was just drunk enough to not care, the alcohol softening the sharp edges of his anxieties.
"Why?" Sihok asked.
"Why?" Janus repeated.
"You have everything you need on the Foley, don't you? And the free accommodations here are sufficient to sustain life? Why strive for more?"
Janus made no effort to hide his confusion. His patience was wearing thin. He had been intrigued at first by Sihok's vague enterprise, but his insistent refusal to get the point left Janus struggling for diplomacy. "I didn't think you cared for philosophy, Sihok. You've changed."
"Think it over," Sihok said.
The maraschino cherry rolled across the table. Virgil grabbed for it, having flicked it a little harder than intended, but missed, and watched in a hazy mixture of horror and amusement as it rolled off the edge of the table, hit Janus in the knee, and bounced to the floor.
"Sorry," Virgil mumbled, already ducking to grab it. Movement under the table caught his eye; Sihok adjusted his grip on something. Forgetting the cherry, Virgil eyed it curiously. It looked very like the rolls of Lifesavers that Alpha Proxima II would import from Earth, little pieces of culture to keep the colonists connected to their heritage. Virgil had preferred dark chocolate bars and later, coffee and brandy, but his mother had been quite fond of the sharp taste of spearmint Lifesavers. Whatever Sihok had a grip on was wrapped in a translucent white paper that allowed Virgil to see the colorful discs within. Not wanting to linger too long, Virgil resurfaced with the cherry and set it down on a cocktail napkin. "Sorry," he said again.
"Didn't you say you wanted to try the pinball machine?" Janus asked. He was already formulating an exit strategy, but it had never been his intention to hold Virgil hostage. Sihok was taking his time getting to his point, and this was supposed to be a welcome party for Virgil. "Here." He scooted out of the booth and stood.
"Thank you," Virgil said. He walked slowly, listening as Janus apologized and Sihok began to wax philosophical once more about the beauty of asymmetry in mathematics.
A few rounds on the Starfleet-themed pinball machine only left Virgil frustrated and half-sober, overstimulated. He didn't understand why Janus didn't just make an excuse and go. They had both been drawn in by Sihok's vague manner, but Virgil knew that his continued refusal to get to the point must have been driving Janus crazy.
The music changed to something reminiscent of heavy metal, blast beats ringing loud in Virgil's ears. He practically felt in his face: the shredding guitars, the way all the conversations became louder to compensate, the beeps of the pinball machine. Virgil had been declared mentally fit to serve in Starfleet, having proven he could push through bouts of anxiety and even thrive in high-pressure situations. But subjecting himself to the torment of this noisy bar was unpleasant and wholly unnecessary, so he turned and followed signs for the bathroom.
Once inside, he leaned back against one of the cool metal walls, heedless of the potential for infection. He had been vaccinated for just about everything under the sun upon joining Starfleet and he doubted any pathogen on Lotus Island could make it through his defenses.
The door opened and shut and a human stepped in, eyed Virgil up and down. "You look like you could use a chill pill."
It was old vernacular, slang Virgil had picked up at the Academy, because no one on Alpha Proxima II talked like that. He was quiet for a moment, wondering if this stranger was merely using a turn of phrase or if they were, in fact, stupid enough to offer drugs to a member of Starfleet. He decided on the former. "Am I that obvious?"
"You're about to chew a hole in your lip," the stranger said. "Look, you're already bleeding."
Virgil had long grown used to the taste of iron on the tip of his tongue. "It's just a little loud out there."
"I've got meds that can help with that," the stranger said.
Virgil blinked and reassessed: they really were that dumb. "I'm Starfleet," he said incredulously, glancing down at his yellow tunic in case he had somehow taken it off and forgotten about it.
"So what, you're not allowed to cut loose a little? You're on vacation."
Virgil scoffed and let the back of his head rest on the wall, marveling at the audacity of this strange human.
To buy himself time, he walked over to the sink and began to wash his hands. A plan was beginning to form in Virgil's head, neurons firing and making connections. He steeled himself and turned back to the stranger. "How much?"
"So, and just so I'm crystal clear on this," Remus said, stomping along beside Roman with his unstyled mohawk ruffled by the breeze, "our heroic plan to rescue Patton and Logan is to take the guided tour?"
"Oh, shut up." Roman backed away from the Help Desk and shoved the PADD at Remus. "Ugh, I don't understand maps at all. Where's Virgil when you need him?"
(Answer: Making a drug deal in the bathroom of the Tier III Lounge).
Remus studied the PADD. Roman had already set the translation to Romulan, but it was crude and hard to navigate. "Man of metals?" he asked, squinting.
"Oh, nevermind." Roman snatched the PADD back and began to walk. "It's the Founder's Statue. It's made of titanium and platinum. Get it?"
"Well, that's a terrible translation," Remus grumbled.
"Maybe you should learn Federation Standard," Roman nagged. This was far from the first argument they'd had about it and he already knew that Remus would refuse point-blank, masking his frustration and insecurity behind stubbornness. Remus had none of his brother's knack for languages, and while he was a talented engineer, he'd always struggled with his classes far more than Roman had.
"Maybe the Federation should start using Romulan," Remus shot back, and changed the subject before Roman could escalate the argument. "You never answered my question. What's the plan?"
"We need to catch up with either Patton and Logan or, uh… the Caitians."
"Shaa," Remus said with unnecessary smugness, pleased to have something on Roman, "and M'Birr."
They were both out of breath by the time they reached the Founder's Statue, both privately regretting the decision to wear heeled boots. The marginal boost to their height still left them the shortest members of the crew, a fact for which Janus loved to tease them.
"Onward to the next one," Roman said, looking around and seeing no one. He held up the PADD, and Remus peered over his shoulder.
"Rotation wheel," Remus read in Romulan. He looked up at the towering Ferris wheel in the near distance. "Well, that shouldn't be too hard to find."
"It's called a Ferris wheel," Roman complained. "It's a proper noun. Why would they try to translate that?"
Remus paused so he could stamp his foot. "Focus."
"Yeah, yeah." Roman tucked the PADD under his arm.
They caught sight of the two Caitians just after the Ferris wheel and pulled back to avoid being spotted.
"They have guns!" Remus said, a touch too loud even for his own liking. "Real guns! Not phasers!"
"Speaking of…" Roman sighed and touched his hip where his phaser and communicator would sit. Weapons were not allowed anywhere on Ya'Lotus and communication was restricted to their own official channels. "What are we supposed to do?"
"Vulcan nerve pinch?" Remus reached over and grabbed Roman's neck.
Roman stared at him, unamused. "Right, so we'll just try to stay out of a fight. Maybe if we can get around them, we can catch Logan and Patton and, uh… Well, get the Captain, I guess."
"Running off to get Daddy at the first sign of trouble," Remus sighed. "This is why I got promoted and you didn't."
"Yes, that's why. Not because you were the only one stupid enough to risk bleaching the Captain's eyebrows for him."
"Only chemical burned him one time!" Remus said proudly. "Where are we going, by the way?"
"Oh." Roman consulted the PADD. "Banana stand."
"What's a--"
"Walk and talk."
Remus shook Roman's hand off his shoulder. "What's that?"
"It's a kind of Earth fruit. I'm sure they have them here, since the founder of Ya'Lotus was human."
"Boring," said Remus. "Race you!" He took off running, moving awkwardly in his heeled boots. Roman sighed, looked around, and grabbed a tandem bike. It was not the most dignified form of transportation on the island, but it was one he happened to be familiar with. He and Remus both had a bit of a fascination with human history: Remus specializing in weaponry and warfare and Roman preferring to study courtship rituals. He mounted the bike with only a little difficulty, found his balance, and pedaled after Remus
"C'mon, get on."
"Oh!" said Remus happily, not even bothered by the direct order. "It's like a motorcycle with pedals!"
"How have you heard of a motorcycle but not a banana?"
"Will you focus?" Remus flicked Roman's shoulder blade. "You are now officially the Navigator and Helmsman of the Federation vessel Gemini."
"Subtle." Roman would have rolled his eyes, but between trying to steer and keep an eye on the PADD, didn't want to risk it. "What does that make you?"
"The Captain, obviously," Remus said. Roman put his head down as they pedaled by Shaa and M'Birr, but Remus whooped and flashed them a rude hand sign.
"Are you trying to get us killed?" Roman wheezed, a little winded from having to haul both his and Remus' weight. "Fucking pedal!"
"Don't talk to your captain like that," Remus said, giving the pedals a few half-hearted turns.
"Could you at least take this a little seriously? Our crewmates are in danger!"
"Oh," said Remus, kicking his feet out, "guns aren't that dangerous. Not compared to phasers."
Roman just huffed and didn't answer. He steered them to the banana stand without incident and, upon seeing Patton and Logan about to leave, dived off the bike to reach them. Ignoring Remus' annoyed cries behind him, he sprinted over to his wayward crewmates. "Hey!"
"Roman," said Logan, glancing over at Patton in surprise. "You appear to be in distress."
"We gotta get out of here," Roman said in Romulan. Despite the universal translator, he usually switched to Federation Standard out of politeness when speaking with Logan and their human crewmates (though Patton's native language was Welsh), but he was too stressed at the moment to try to switch gears.
Behind him, Remus cursed and examined his left palm, which he had thrown out to break his fall when the bike had tipped. "I'm gonna kill you."
"Kill me later!" Roman shouted back. "We gotta go!" He wrapped his arms around Patton and Logan's waists and started to steer them toward the crowded boardwalk. "Remus!"
"I'm bleeding!" Remus said, scampering to meet them.
"You are?" Patton stopped and turned, ignoring Roman's cursing. "Is it bad?"
"Kiss it better?" Remus asked, batting his lashes.
Roman dragged his hands down his face. "Do you want to get in a gunfight with-- Oh, don't answer that. Of course you do."
"Forgive me, Lieutenant, did you say gunfight?" Logan asked, extricating himself from Roman's slackening grip.
"We don't have time for this!" Roman stamped his foot to try to get Remus' attention, but he was too busy playing up his injury for Patton. He only had a few minor scrapes across his palm, a few dots of green blood here and there.
"Roman, I must insist that you explain," Logan said. "I understand that you are agitated, but if you simply explain the situation, I'm sure we can--"
"We don't have time!" Roman interrupted. "Is it not enough to know that we're in danger?" He turned to his brother, desperation shining in his eyes. "Back me up on this."
"Maybe you should have thought about that before you tried to murder your superior officer," Remus said as Patton continued to pick bits of gravel out of his palm.
Along the path, Roman caught sight of the Caitians. Their pace was quick but not frantic as they scanned the horizon for their target, hands on their guns. Roman whispered an untranslatable swear word and made a decision.
Abandoning his crewmates, he straightened, crossed his arms behind his back, and strode forward to meet M'Birr and Shaa.
"Greetings" he said, trying not to let his voice tremble.
"You again?" said Shaa, crossing her arms. "Where's your partner?"
Roman swallowed. "After some discussion, we agreed it would be logical to interfere on your behalf."
"How so?" M'Birr asked. She frowned at Roman, her eyes scanning him.
"We acted under the belief that Starfleet officers would be more likely to trust other Starfleet officers. As you can see, we were correct. We have gained their trust and ascertained that they are not aware of the operation." Shaa tilted her head, and Roman felt compelled to add, "Vulcans do not lie."
"If you're really Vulcans," M'Birr said, still eyeing him with wide-pupiled green eyes. "And not, say, Romulans."
Roman forced his face to remain impassive. "That is an easy mistake to make, particularly if one is not familiar--"
"Oh, shut up." M'Birr drew her gun. "We can take care of all four of you."
Roman's pulse and breathing quickened, his vision narrowing to a very small spot, centering on the matte black of M'Birr's handgun. It was bulkier than a phaser and, he reminded himself, less deadly. He stared at the barrel, mind formulating and discarding half-formed plans for escape. Regardless of what Remus had said, he really didn't want to get shot.
What Roman did not see in his narrow-minded panic, was Remus abandoning Patton and flanking his brother and his assailants. He also did not see Patton flanking the other side, nor did he notice Logan appropriating a golf cart from a confused family of humans.
Remus flew into Roman's field of vision and tackled M'Birr, followed shortly by Patton who dropped Shaa with a sweeping kick to the knees. Adrenaline kicked in and Roman grabbed Remus by the wrist and hauled him up, spotted the golf cart, and dived for it. Patton beat them there and swung around to the passenger seat.
"Go, go, go!" they all shrieked, and Logan obediently stepped on the accelerator. The golf cart began to roll forward at a leisurely pace.
"Oh, are you kidding me?" Roman demanded.
"It's okay!" Remus said. He had turned so he could peer out the back, and was happy to see Shaa and M'Birr still struggling on the ground. "Dang, Patton, I think you broke Shaa's leg."
"Don't say that!" Patton wrapped his arms around himself and instead turned his attention to Roman. "What was that all about, anyway?"
Roman explained, punctuated by interjections from Remus. This concluded with Remus sitting back in his seat with a huff. "I can't believe nobody got shot."
"Should we have confiscated their guns?" Patton wondered out loud.
"Hopefully security will deal with them," Logan said. "Does anyone know where the Tier III Lounge is, by the way? I've been making evasive maneuvers, and now I am unsure--"
"So we're lost," Remus interrupted. "Possibly with more assassins after us, if the kitties called for backup."
Roman rested his forehead against the back of Patton's seat. "I hope the Captain is having a better day than we are."
Despite the lack of immediate danger, Janus was having a much worse day than the whole of his crew, save perhaps Virgil, who was still negotiating his drug deal in the bathroom.
"So you see," Sihok was saying, his drink nearly untouched, "an asymmetrical system is beautiful not only for those at the top, but for those at the bottom by instilling hope in them that they might someday reach the top."
"Capitalism," said Janus, bored. "You just described capitalism."
"Perhaps I did," Sihok said, and displayed the Vulcan equivalent of a guarded smile.
Janus masked his utter confusion behind raucous laughter. "Sihok, what exactly are you implying?"
"Nothing at all," said Sihok primly. "I was merely displaying my admiration for the artful execution of a certain style of economics."
That was when Virgil emerged from the bathroom clutching a roll of tablets, the drug known as 'kin.' It was identical to the one Sihok was holding, and the implications of this turned his stomach. Sihok was head of security for the whole of Ya'Lotus, and the way he had spoken to Janus had implied that he was after something, though Virgil had no idea what it could be.
Virgil hurried over to the table, heart racing in anticipation of what he was about to do. He had information that Janus might need and he couldn't speak it out loud. After hearing he had been assigned to the Foley, he had made a point to study the biology and abilities of Vulcans, though he had no idea what telepathic abilities Janus might have inherited as a human-Vulcan hybrid, and a genetic anomaly at that. Virgil was taking a risk, one that might draw the Captain's ire or make him look foolish, which was as dire a consequence to Virgil as death.
He approached the booth and, before Janus could get up, gently rested his hand on Janus' shoulder.
Janus froze. Sihok marked this, and Virgil noticed him notice. Dread trickled down his spine like cold water. "Excuse me, Captain," he said weakly.
"Bored already?" Janus asked. He directed an amused look at Sihok and said, "The human attention span," in a tone of patient exhaustion, then got up to let Virgil in.
Virgil was careful not to brush up against Sihok's legs, but he could tell that Sihok was staring as he scooted back up against the wall. Despite Janus' lack of reaction, he had a sneaking suspicion that his plan had worked too well and that not only Janus, but Sihok as well had picked up on the information he had transmitted.
They all lingered for a moment in a silent standoff. It was Janus who broke the silence, laughing again and rolling his eyes. "I have to say, Sihok, I'm a little disappointed. And offended, if I'm being honest." He took the roll of kin from Virgil and set it on the table. "You're pushing a capitalist drug empire on a pleasure planet. What was the master plan? To establish a capitalist regime within the Federation with you at the top? How un-Vulcan."
Sihok ignored the slight. "I had intended to offer you a partnership. Are you declining?"
"Was that not obvious?" Janus asked, abandoning the last of his pretense at Vulcan restraint. "Not only am I declining, I'm calling you an idiot. Sihok, you are an idiot and a disgrace to the planet Vulcan, and I don't mean that as a compliment. I suppose now you're going to kill us before we can report you to Starfleet?"
"Yes," said Sihok.
"How?" asked Janus. "We're sitting down. Do you want to arm wrestle us to death?" Sihok took a breath to speak and Janus cut him off, "Don't even think about your phaser. Sure, you could get one of us, at which point the other would disarm you."
"Well," said Sihok, "it seems we have reached an impasse."
Virgil took another risk. "May I?" he asked, nodding at Sihok's drink. "You haven't touched it and if I'm going down today, I'm going down drinking."
"Control your crewman," Sihok said to Janus, deadly serious.
Virgil took the drink. "Thanks." He held onto the tumbler, using the numbing ache of chilled glass against his palm to ground himself.
"So," said Janus, disregarding Virgil, "an impasse."
"About that," said Sihok. "Your Ensign is new to Starfleet; you said so earlier." He drew his phaser and aimed it at Janus. "I do not believe he has the capacity to disarm me, especially as he has been drinking and his reaction time will be slowed."
Thinking that now was as good a time as any, Virgil touched Janus' leg and splashed his drink in Sihok's face. They both scrambled out of the booth and sprinted out the door. They paused for a moment to get their bearings, and that was when a golf cart plowed into Virgil at a speed equivalent to 10 miles per hour.
Logan hit the brake and reversed so as not to run over Virgil's legs. "Forgive me, Ensign Salem. Are you alright?"
Roman, who hadn't picked his head up from the back of Patton's seat, began to lightly tap his forehead against the metal support bar. "Please tell me you didn't just kill our Helmsman when we need him most."
Virgil scrambled to his feet, too full of adrenaline to register any serious pain. "We gotta get out of here."
"You too, huh?" Remus said. He patted the seat next to him and addressed Janus. "Climb aboard."
Janus hopped on and was forced to sit on Remus' lap. Unruffled, he barked, "Ensign Salem, evasive maneuvers. Now."
Virgil hopped into the driver's seat, which Logan had recently vacated, waited for Logan to clamber onto the back of the golf cart, and slammed down the accelerator. "Where to?"
"Evasive maneuvers, Ensign Salem. Let's lose our pursuers before we worry about a destination."
"Yes, sir." Virgil pulled around the back of the Tier III Lounge just as a dripping-wet Sihok emerged, phaser drawn. The chase that ensued was unremarkable, as the golf cart began to pick up speed while emitting a worrisome whining noise.
"I made some adjustments to the engine while we were moving," Remus said proudly.
"That's impossible," Janus answered.
"I said that, too," Logan said.
Virgil continued to steer them in concentric circles around Lotus Island, self-assessing now that he was calmer. He could already feel the dull ache of impending bruises on his hip and elbow, but the damage seemed minimal.
"So," said Roman, "who are you evading?"
"Oh," said Janus, feigning boredom, "just a would-be capitalist drug lord Vulcan hellbent on murdering us. You?"
Roman put the pieces together. "Said Vulcan's lackeys, also hellbent on murdering us."
"Oh!" said Patton and Logan simultaneously, albeit for very different reasons: Patton to express dismay and concern, Logan realizing why he had smelled opioids earlier.
"You're welcome, by the way," Remus said, addressing Patton since he was easier to reach. "Those Caitians were after you and Logan."
"Thanks," Patton said weakly. "You know, I'm not feeling very relaxed."
Janus looked around and, seeing no trace of either murderous Caitians or murderous Vulcans, leaned forward to address Virgil. "Set a course for the Transporter Building, departures terminal. Let's get the Hell out of here."
After making some arrangements on the viewing deck, Janus arranged for Virgil and Patton to be summoned from their rooms, where they had both gone to decompress. Virgil and Remus had first been strongarmed into going to Sickbay, where Patton looked them over and pronounced them fit for duty.
Remus was showing off his bandaged hand to Janus and regaling him with a greatly embellished tale of how he had received the injury when the doors slid open and Virgil and Patton appeared.
Patton came in first, Virgil lingering behind him. "Aw!" he said, looking around at the array of alcohol and finger foods arranged picnic-style on the floor. "What's this?"
"It's your welcome party," Janus explained. "Since Ya'Lotus didn't quite work out. Come sit."
Patton sat down next to Logan, leaving Virgil to occupy the empty space next to Janus. Janus offered him half a smile. "You did well today, Virgil. You may even have saved my life." He paused, then added, "Although I probably still could have disarmed Sihok before he got the shot off. Regardless." He poured Virgil a glass of bourbon. "Thank you, Ensign Salem. You did well."
"Yay, Virgil!" Patton said happily.
After ensuring that everyone had drinks, Janus regained command of everyone's attention and raised his glass. "A toast to honor our new crewmates. Virgil Salem, Patton Kelsey." He looked at them in turn. "Welcome aboard the Foley."
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idowanttoknow · 3 years
Anorexia nervosa
norexia nervosa is a life-threatening eating disorder and a serious mental illness. It causes severe weight loss.
Having an eating disorder is not about vanity. People with anorexia nervosa commonly have an unhealthy focus on food, weight or body shape. They have an intense fear of gaining weight, even though they are significantly underweight.
When a person with anorexia nervosa restricts their eating, it is not a lifestyle choice. It is a sign of a complex condition that affects both their physical and mental health.
Anorexia nervosa affects males and females of all ages, including children. It commonly begins in adolescence.
Women who develop anorexia nervosa often severely restrict their diet and exercise compulsively. Men who have this condition may use steroids or exercise compulsively, and restrict their food intake, so they can develop a muscular, toned body.
Models and athletes who participate in sports that place emphasis on body weight and shape (such as gymnasts, jockeys and dancers) might also be at increased risk of anorexia nervosa.
In 2012, over 25,000 Australians had anorexia nervosa (over 18,000 females and over 7,000 males).
Recognising the signs early and getting help can reduce the impact of anorexia nervosa and help with a full recovery.
What causes anorexia nervosa?
The causes of anorexia nervosa are different from person to person. People may have a genetic predisposition for the condition.
Triggers for the development or re-emergence of the condition may include:
dieting – this is the primary risk factor and trigger for most eating disorders
changes in life circumstances
a singular traumatic experience
repeated exposure to trauma, bullying or abuse.
Traits such as perfectionism and obsessive-compulsive tendencies, and conditions such as anxiety and depression may put people at further risk of developing anorexia nervosa.
Symptoms of anorexia nervosa
An awareness of the signs and symptoms of anorexia nervosa can help early detection. Treatment is more effective if it begins early, but you can start recovery at any stage of the disorder.
Physical symptoms of anorexia nervosa
Physical signs and symptoms may include:
weight loss without a reason (such as an illness)
body weight that is not in the healthy range for the person’s age and height
development of bloating, constipation and food intolerance
loss of periods (in women) and failure to begin a menstrual cycle (in girls) – although you can still have your periods and have anorexia nervosa
loss of libido (sex drive)
cold, mottled hands and feet due to poor blood flow, even in warm weather
heart problems
kidney failure
fatigue and fainting without reason (such as an illness)
an increase in dental decay without reason
fine hair appearing on the face and body.
Psychological symptoms of anorexia nervosa
Psychological signs and symptoms may include:
intense fear of gaining weight or ongoing behaviour that does not enable weight gain
obsessive concern and rules about dieting, body shape and weight
anxiety and irritability around meal times
depression and anxiety
low self-esteem, along with perfectionism
slowed thinking and decreased ability to concentrate
distorted body image – for example, a person who believes they are ‘fat’ when they are underweight
expressions of low self-worth.
Behavioural symptoms of anorexia nervosa
Behavioural signs and symptoms may include:
dieting behaviour – dieting, counting kilojoules, reporting new food allergies and avoiding food groups that were once enjoyed
binge eating (or reporting experiences of having ‘binged’ on what would be considered a normal portion size of food)
hiding food
misuse of laxatives, appetite suppressants, diuretics and enemas
behaviour related to body image – constantly checking in the mirror, pinching parts of the body to measure fat
withdrawal from social interactions
secrecy around eating – saying they have eaten when they haven’t
excessive and obsessive exercise even when sick or injured, or exhibiting distress if they can’t exercise
obsessive rituals around food – cutting food into very small pieces or eating very slowly
self-harm, use of substances and suicide attempts.
Diagnosis of anorexia nervosa
If you think you (or someone you know) might have anorexia nervosa, it is important that you see your doctor as soon as possible. The health risks associated with anorexia nervosa are severe and can be life threatening. The sooner you seek help, the sooner you can start to recover, and the more effective treatment can be.
Other healthcare professionals (such as dieticians, psychologists or psychiatrists) can recognise this mental illness, but may not be able to give you a full physical check-up. This is why seeing your doctor is important.
To diagnose anorexia nervosa, a doctor:
will need to do a full physical examination
may complete blood tests
may ask questions about your health, including your emotional health and wellbeing, medical history and current lifestyle.
Eating disorders can be an aspect of a range of conditions. Your doctor will need to make sure that you are not losing weight because of another reason, such as an undiagnosed physical illness or another mental health condition.
Types of anorexia nervosa
There are two types of anorexia nervosa. One type emphasises the restriction of food intake. The other type includes excessive food intake (binge eating) followed by purging, or purging after the consumption of normal portions, or small amounts of food. Purging may include self-induced vomiting, or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics or enemas.
Restriction of food intake
People with the ‘restricting’ subtype of anorexia nervosa tend to severely reduce their energy intake or restrict the type of food they will eat. The signs can be different in each person, but they might include:
restricting certain types of food such as carbohydrates or high-fat foods
obsessively counting kilojoule intake
skipping meals
excessively exercising.
Binge eating and purging
People with the ‘binge eating and purging’ subtype of anorexia nervosa have similar symptoms to the restricting type, but they also have behaviours that include:
binge eating – eating subjectively large quantities of food and then feeling like they have ‘lost control’
purging following a binge eating episode
'compensating’ for the excess food eaten by self-induced vomiting or using laxatives, enemas or diuretics.
This type of anorexia nervosa shares some similarities to bulimia nervosa. People with anorexia nervosa, however, tend to strongly emphasise weight control by restricting energy intake, rather than primarily through purging behaviours.
In addition, people with this type of anorexia nervosa have a lower body weight; whereas people with bulimia nervosa tend to have fluctuating body weight closer to the healthy weight range for their age and height.
Long-term risks of ongoing anorexia nervosa
Untreated and ongoing anorexia nervosa can cause problems including:
weakened bones (osteoporosis)
slowed growth (in young people)
disorders of the bowel and gut
problems with concentration and thinking
problems with decision-making
social, emotional and educational problems.
Treatment of anorexia nervosa
Research is continuing into which treatment for anorexia nervosa might be most effective. There is no single treatment method that suits everyone. Evidence suggests that treatment will help most people to recover from the condition.
Evidence also suggests that it is best to get treatment started as early as possible, and that using a team of professionals with expertise in different fields is the best approach.
Once anorexia nervosa is diagnosed, your doctor will organise a team to help you on your way to recovery. This might include establishing a healthcare team of different professionals such as:
a psychiatrist
a psychologist
a dietician
a family therapist
a social worker
an occupational therapist.
Treatment needs to address both physical and psychological health. Common approaches include:
Family Based Treatment (FBT) – FBT has been shown to be the most effective treatment for children and adolescents. FBT is an approach in which the whole family works together to fight against the eating disorder, and to support you in regaining control of your life
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) – CBT works on changing the unhelpful thoughts and behaviours that are causing and maintaining the eating disorder. This is the most researched and recommended treatment for adults. Your healthcare professionals will work with you to help you work out the links between your thinking, your emotional response and your eating behaviour
support groups – can be helpful but do not replace treatment from healthcare professionals
other treatment options such as medications and supplements to help strengthen your bones and, in some cases, medication prescribed by a doctor to support your mental health (for example, antidepressants).
The aims of treatment include:
restoring your healthy weight
reversing any effects of malnutrition
making sure you are physically safe and healthy
making sure you are mentally healthy.
Most people with anorexia nervosa are treated outside a hospital setting. However, if the condition is severe, temporary treatment in a hospital might be needed. Outpatient treatment and day programs can also be very helpful in supporting people as they make changes to behavioural, thinking and eating patterns.
People with anorexia nervosa who have also experienced physical, emotional or sexual abuse are encouraged to seek help for the trauma they have experienced, as well as their eating disorder.
Where to get help
In an emergency, always call triple zero (000)
A GP with experience supporting people with an eating disorder
Eating Disorders Victoria Hub. Tel. 1300 550 236  – support from Monday to Friday 9.30 am to 4.30 pm
Community health centre
Lifeline. Tel. 13 11 14
Suicide Line. Tel. 1300 651 251
Kids Helpline. Tel. 1800 55 1800
Butterfly Foundation’s National Support Line. Tel. 1800 ED HOPE (1800 33 4673) – support from Monday to Friday 8 am to 9 pm (except public holidays)
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adwdwd · 3 years
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Pediasure is a Health Drink that has nutrients to support immunity. Pediasure for kids supports height, immune, and brain development. It contains 9 nutrients (Vit B6, B12, C, D, Copper, Folic Acid, Iron, Selenium, and Zinc) which are scientifically proven to support immunity. You can measure a child's height and weight with a growth chart. Also, it is ideal for children who are fussy eaters to make sure that they get their daily intake of essential nutrients.
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Number One In Our Hearts
It starts innocuously enough, with All Might being invited to run the yearly Quirkless course on Quirk Warrior.
“It’s been a rough course this year folks – only six runners have made it all the way through, but we’ve got one last contestant to go.”
“That’s right, Ken, and it’s the one you’ve all been waiting for. This year’s Quirkless Run has pulled out all the stops – the jump hang is longer, the wall is higher, and it’s all for this one last runner. Ladies and gentlemen, the one, the only, the legend, All Might!”
My favorite thing about All Might running the QLC is that he doesn’t run at all. He strolls through like he’s fucking bored.
his wingspan is enormous
Petition for All Might to run the Quirk course #NumberOneInOurHearts
look at him wave at the audience he’s not even tring lol Absolute Legend
please someone make these announcers losing their shit into a meme
All Might’s appearance rockets the ratings to unseen heights; the full video goes viral and has over a million views before the weekend is over. It isn’t long before the agency is fielding phone calls from the usual suspects – reporters, journalists, talk shows – but also from some more unusual places.
Toshinori lights up when PR brings him the first batch of requests and immediately agrees to do them all. The second flurry of requests comes before the cooking show segment is finished airing and the floodgates open. Every reality show and competition is clamoring for All Might to guest star.
Quirky Kitchen makes it an hour-long special. The first half is dedicated to some old American favorites; he chats with the host and audience while slicing tomatoes with charming ease. The audience delights in his culinary prowess, gained over long years of bachelordom, and laughs at his silly anecdotes. Which makes the second half all the more surprising.
With the burden of secrecy lifted, Yagi Toshinori can finally see his way forward. All Might can no longer be a pillar, but, perhaps, Yagi Toshinori can be a support beam. While the live audience munches on potato chips hot from the fryer, Toshinori pulls a simple hardback chair from the set, seats himself, and opens up.
“Cooking… it’s a lot like my Quirk – my strength is gone, but the reflexes, the training, all of that is still there. I can’t eat what I’m making anymore, but I still know how to make it. And I can still share it with all of you.”
holy shit
damn, look at him flipping burgers @9:32 this man is perfect??
Okay, guys, my dad had a gastrectomy a few years before he died and it’s seriously no joke. My dad lost 63 pounds just a few months after his; it’s hard to keep anything down and you have to eat little meals all the time and there’s just so. much. food. that you can’t have anymore. He was taking like a billion supplements and vitamins just to manage everyday challenges. I can’t even imagine going through that on top of being an active Pro.
we must protect All Might at all costs
He laughs when his students gather round, babbling about the dance show. He ruffles Ashido’s hair fondly.
“You don’t get to Number One without some fancy footwork! Take that to heart, my young students,” he nods sagely, managing to extract himself before he’s late to the staff meeting. He heads down the hall, but not before tossing one last piece of advice over his shoulder.
“And learn at least one social dance!”
Honestly? I don’t like the hero rankings. I’d prefer they didn’t exist at all. How do you rank acts of heroism? Why is saving one life worth less than saving a hundred? You can’t quantify someone’s worth down to a data point. What’s a hundred lives to a parent that’s lost their only child?
- All Might discusses the ranking system on Hero Discourse
 12,086 notes
another day, another reason to love All Might
you know, I never really got the hype around All Might. Like, I understood he was number one and super strong and all that, but I never got all the fervor around him. I started to get it after Kamino, but it’s really little moments like these that make me understand why he was number one. why he’s still number one, no matter what the ranking says. #NumberOneInOurHearts
@FlipFlapItsATrap: I’ve met All Might twice, both before and after Kamino (humblebrag, lol), and he really is just the nicest guy. He never treated anyone like they weren’t worth his time, from teenagers hunting autographs to little kids that wanted a hug. I ran into him again a few months ago at the Mustafu Library – he’d tucked himself away into a corner with a few books and we talked a little about what he was reading (a biography and a fantasy novel, if you were wondering). He asked me to call him Toshi and gave me some movie recommendations.
@FlipFlapItsATrap: I got off topic there, but what I wanted to say was that you’re right – All Might wasn’t number one because he was a good hero. He was number one because he’s a good person. All Might made me feel safe, but Toshi made me feel comfortable, like talking to an old friend. I hope I get to meet him again one day. #NumberOneInOurHearts
Kizumi Takada @0Window0Knight0
@AllMightOfficial how many people have you kissed?
All Might @AllMightOfficial
@0Window0Knight0 None.
All Might @AllMightOfficial
@0Window0Knight0 But, many, many people have kissed me.
Next time on Hero Theory – is All Might asexual?
@peony-crowned: OTP – All Might X Justice
@superxxchar04: All Might X A healthy mind body and soul in a long life filled with joy and laughter FTFY
He’s carrying a stack of grading in one hand and nearly throws the entire pile in the air when Present Mic grabs him in the hallway, begging him to be on his show. After a few moments spent calming him down, Toshinori manages to gather that his guest for the night has had a last minute cancellation. He offers an easy smile and agrees to fill in.
He wasn’t expecting Hizashi to open the phone lines up for questions, but what kind of hero would he be if he couldn’t roll with the punches?
 Am I on the air?
 That’s right, listener! You are live and you’ve got a question for us?
 Yeah! Well, for All Might. Big fan by the way, you’re the greatest.
 Thank you kindly, young man!
 Right, so I was wondering – do you make more from your hero work, or from merchandising rights? I’ll hang up and listen, if that’s okay?
 Perfectly fine, listener!
 I don’t – didn’t – make any money at all from my hero work. Any bounties have gone to victims or to charity, and I’ve never sent anyone a bill for helping at a natural disaster. Merchandising rights more than cover the agency overhead – I’m not even the highest paid individual at my own company.
I’m sorry to inform the hero fandom that Stain was 100% correct – there is only one real hero, and his name is Yagi Toshinori.
 drrdrrdrrdrr reblogged from nessalee
 [gif set]
 [First image description]
 A young All Might flies through the air, cape billowing like a banner
 [Second image description]
 Silver Age All Might holds up a collapsing bridge pillar with one arm while the other gives a thumbs up.
 [Third image description]
 Golden Age All Might overlooks the city from a skyscraper, bangs ruffling in the wind
 [Fourth image description]
 All Might stands tall, battered and bloody, a single fist raised into the air
 [Fifth image description]
 Yagi Toshinori bounces at the front of the course, posture relaxed, waiting for the starting bell
 [Sixth image description]
 A toddler yanks on Yagi Toshinori's bangs as he smiles indulgently
 [Seventh image description]
 Yagi Toshinori sitting in the bleachers at Yuuei, beaming proudly at the field where his students compete
 [Eighth image description]
 Yagi Toshinori stands, battered and bloody, face turned away, pointing into the distance
 A Hero for Eternity
All Might / Yagi Toshinori
36,875 notes
get u a man that can do both
The one with the kid is so cute <3 Yagi-san would be a great dad
pft look at him casually holding up a bridge with one arm hes so extra i love it.
He's just leaving the school when PR messages him with the request from Hero Monthly magazine. It's usually the kind of thing he would sign off on without a second thought, but his eye lingers on a single word - photoshoot. This wouldn't be like answering questions about his gastrectomy online, or explaining his injury on a talk show - this would be actively showing off the wound that nearly killed him.
Toshinori never expected to retire; hell, he'd never expected to survive. He assumed he would die as he lived - being a hero - and take all his secrets with him. But now...
Now he thinks of young Midoriya with his scarred hand; of his friend Todoroki, who couldn't hide his burn if he wanted to. He thinks of Iida's older brother, learning to walk again. He remembers Best Jeanist may lose his own stomach in the near future and the scar under Aizawa's eye. He remembers hospital wards full of children with amputated body parts and prosthetic limbs and dreams of heroism. He remembers being twelve and Quirkless and thinks again of young Midoriya, to whom Quirkless may as well have been a synonym for disabled.
 [Image set]
 [Cover image description]
 Yagi Toshinori sits in a crisp white button-up on an angled couch, legs stretched over the cushions, looking at the camera over his shoulder.
 [First image description]
 Yagi Toshinori adjusts a cuff-link, grinning wildly at something off camera, suit jacket flared in the wind.
 [Second image description]
 Yagi Toshinori sits on the edge of a bed, hands together between his open knees. His white shirt is unbuttoned, revealing a  skinny chest and hints of spiderwebbing red.
 [Third image description]
 Yagi Toshinori looks away from the camera shyly, one hand rubbing the back of his head. His scar is viciously red, stretching the full length of his torso before disappearing below the hem of the dark slacks clinging to his skinny hips.
108,792 notes
All Might looks like someone punched a hole through him and I'm still lusting over his fine ass hot DAMN
@vedran-oligarch: it's the eyes - they're always the same and they're always so intense
@i-am-a-blank-page: point, but those beautiful hipbones aren't hurting my lady-boner
I really, really love the last picture. His expression is so sweet and unsure and humanizing - the whole set is, but that one really does it for me <3
his hair looks so soft
I just want to give this man a hug, he's so good and pure and brave
okay, but how how no one mentioned the interview part?!
 If I saved one person when I lost my stomach, it was worth it. If I brought one child home to their parents when I crushed my lungs, it was worth it. If my words have helped someone through a rough patch, if I inspired someone to do better, be better, it was all worth it. There are a great many regrets in my life, but helping others has never been one of them. There is nothing I wouldn’t break; no sacrifice that would make me hesitate.
 That's what heroism is - it's taking these hits so that no one else has to.
this man is incredible.
@ExpectingDelay: I'm fucking crying rn we don't deserve All Might OR Yagi Toshinori
It's almost nine when Ishiyama finds him lazing on the teacher's lounge couch, idly scrolling through his own tag online. In the past few minutes alone, he's found post after post from individuals finding strength from last week's magazine shoot. A teenager with an arm mangled in a villain attack; an office worker embarrassed by needing a wheelchair; a boy with an annoying twitch thanks to an accident with his electricity Quirk. Thousands of messages of love and support, admiration and inspiration. It's almost enough to make him wonder why he'd been so worried about the inevitable. Ishiyama hands him a cup of tea.
"You look happy today, Yagi."
He closes the phone and takes the offered tea with a smile.
"Yeah. I guess I am."
362 notes · View notes
What if We Made it Scary for No Clearly Defined Reason
It’s almost the witching hour so now I’m wondering about what She-Ra might have been if it wasn’t a kids’ show and instead was a horror-action thriller.
Not much would necessarily change about the setting or the plot but certain details would be adjusted for maximum spook.
The She-Ra transformation is a magical event but it’s not easy or clean.  If you listen closely, you can her bones shifting and stretching, and if you stand too close you can feel the magic sizzling as it sparks in blistering arcs across her skin.  She-Ra heals quickly but not quickly enough to conceal the Lichtenberg figures that span her body from head to foot each time.
The de-transformation is always slow and exceedingly awkward.  It could take 10 minutes or 10 hours depending on the day.  Adora never really regains her body’s original proportions.  Her limbs are always a little too long or her eyes are too big, glowing electric blue in the dark.  She’s always wincing from the aches of her perpetually overworked muscles, and her joints crack loudly enough to silence a room full of people.
Sometimes, the Sword moves on its own, usually to wherever Adora is.  She’ll look down to suddenly find it in her hand, or she’ll wake in the middle of the night to find it next to her.  It speaks to her too, but she doesn’t mention that to anyone, lest they think she’s losing her marbles and can’t be relied upon.
The princesses don’t always notice when Adora changes, but Catra does.  Enemy or no, Catra still knows her best, and she knows when it’s not Adora she’s dealing with.  Without the bombastic transformation, the difference between Adora and the thing inside her is subtle.  The temperature in the room rises palpably at the same time as gray eyes turn frigid.  Her mannerisms change ever so slightly.  Even her mouth moves differently when she speaks.  Catra always knows.  She tells everyone (and herself) that she’s not afraid of She-Ra, but she inevitably starts to sweat whenever she sees the entity peeking out through her former friend’s gaze.
Shadow Weaver hardly changes at all, but the particularly creepy hints about her relationships with Catra and Adora are more than just implications.  When Catra sees Shadow Weaver attempt to wipe Adora’s memory after her capture, a lot of odd events from their childhood suddenly make a frightening amount of sense.
Things gets worse after the virus, or whatever was in that disc.  Entrapta plays with this tech like it’s no big thing, but it always, always leaves a mark.  Sometimes Adora has trouble using her hands, whenever the corrupted veins become inflamed and turn a familiar, warning red.  The second exposure lasted longer, and naturally leaves behind more noticeable damage.  It’s not rare that she is unable to get out of bed, paralyzed by an exacerbation.  Turning into She-Ra doesn’t help.  In fact, it usually ends really, really badly because the transformation often galvanizes the infection into becoming active again.
The princesses gain great power from their stones, but they are dependent on them.  Too much time spent away from home tends to have nasty side effects, like fevers, shakes, certain magical... accidents, and abrupt bouts of blindness, deafness, and delirium referred to as Empty Lighthouse Syndrome.  The first rebellion tried to find ways of combating Empty Lighthouse Syndrome, but they disbanded before the research could progress very far, and without Entrapta around to help, a solution doesn’t seem imminent.  She-Ra is the only princess who is not affected.
The portal leaves behind wounds in reality, invisible to the naked eye but easy to detect on magical scanners.  If you aren’t looking closely, these spaces might seem normal, but anything more than a cursory glance will reveal a subtle wrong.  Strange plants grow around the injured space, flowers that seem familiar but don’t match any known species on the planet.  The air constantly hums, and the wound emits a sub-audible noise that causes feelings of anxiety and nausea in people who spend more than a few minutes near it.  The war muddies things, making it impossible to verify with certainty, but there are increased reports of people disappearing in areas where a reality wound has been identified.
Beast Island is Beast Island.  Hard to make it worse than it already is.
When the Heart of Etheria activates, all the animals on Etheria start to freak out.  They know what’s coming.  After the failed activation, thousands of carcasses of every species are discovered in the forests, the seas, the deserts, and the tundras.  The ecological toll is hard to calculate but most likely devastating.
Horde Prime’s control is breakable, but it can leave imprints behind.  Echoes of orders, whispered in dreams, and subconscious triggers that activate in response to unknown cues, leading to outbursts of violence.  Some victims are more resilient than others, but none are immune.  A coalition is formed to investigate the lingering effects of Prime’s influence and explore cognitive-behavioral solutions to reduce deadly incidents.
Things are better now that Adora can become She-Ra on her own terms.  Transforming actually helps now when the virus acts up, and she doesn’t have to hear the ceaseless, demanding whispers of the old Sword of Protection.  She still doesn’t look like she used to.  She permanently gains a foot in height after her first go as new She-Ra, and while she is still muscular, she looks lanky and thin, bony even.  She is unable to gain weight, no matter how much she eats (which is a lot), and she can easily faint from hypoglycemia if she doesn’t eat frequently.  Entrapta speculates that the energy required to transform without the original Sword’s help is 2 to 3 times more than what the average person’s caloric intake can provide.  She whips up a “supplement” that tastes too much like copper for Adora’s liking, but she drinks it anyway and it helps with the fainting episodes.
She doesn’t like to mention it, but sometimes she feels bigger than her skin, heavier than her bones.  A white hot burning core sits where her heart should be, and she feels it prickling and itching under her rib cage all the time.  It’s hard to sleep when her entire body hums with power, and she wonders if Mara ever felt like this, or even Angella.  She wonders if they ever felt like a star on the verge of turning supernova, a cataclysm that could erupt at the gentlest touch.  It never felt like this before.  She doesn’t like it, but she likes being manipulated and controlled by the First Ones even less, so she puts up with it in silence.
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winebleeds · 4 years
@bnjmin    sent    ❛    🍍 (obligatory to send this one) 🍏 🍎🍊🥝 for all    ❜
you’re really making me add this to a read more, huh.
🍍  :    how comfortable is my muse in their body? how do they feel about their height,  weight,  strength,  and body type?  how important is being attractive to them? 
raleigh: yeah, he’s not. he hates looking at a mirror. out of his insecurities, his height gets to him the worse. while barely below average at 5′8, he becomes one of the shorter men within a group. doesn’t help when his younger brother became taller than him or even his youngest sister being taller in heels. he was also the weakest of his siblings when they got older, though he doesn’t make too much effort gaining muscle. only enough to keep lean and not too tired looking. despite his insecurities about his appearance, he is low maintenance when it to looking attractive. in fact, his insecurities block how others consider him attractive, puzzled when someone does mention such; it’s just pity for him. so yeah, the most insecure about his body but the least caring about attractiveness. 
liz: yeah, very comfortable. too comfortable. a big portion of her attire is meant to show off her body, knowing she looks good... and people definitely pay attention to that.  still, like raleigh, she does have some insecurity about her height. instead of drowning in said insecurity, she alters how people view her height, to the point people blink at figuring out she’s 5′2; it’s the same at minimal curves, considering she enjoys viewing curves on other women. she does the most to portray her attractive features through her attire and confidence, knowing it pays off. but, again, it’s less on insecurities or even as much on manipulation anymore; it’s simply a preference. 
jamie: despite his job as a fitness trainer, he’s smaller than his football years. he won’t gain those muscles of his college prime again, and he does look back with a twang of guilt, even if some of it wasn’t in his control. after his injury, he lost a lot of weight he’s beginning to gain back. he also had a smaller figure during his teenage years that brought insecurities, especially his braces, until he grew several inches and boarder shoulders right before his senior year. he also made a drastic change in his outfits to better fit his fitness now rather than the southern style of his former years. he’s the most cautious on his attire because of his insecurities, despite acting confident about it. 
maddie: due to societal standards on plus size, she does have insecurities about her weight. but even jamie & liz, one in fitness and the other much smaller, ensure her she doesn’t need to worry about such; she’s just board built and curved like a spencer. but her conservative clothes, especially compared to her sister, hints of her hiding herself, though her personality outshines those internal feelings. she can feel insecure of her height as well, since it throws of men shorter than her, but she’s gotten more comfortable with that aspect of her. 
🍏  :    how stable is my muse’s physical health?  do they go for regular or semi-regular checkups by a physician?  do they have any diagnosed illnesses and / or take any medication?  how often do they get sick?
raleigh: unless his slight limp from his leg injury counts, then he doesn’t have any health issues, and never really did. so far, his seasonal allergies haven’t occurred in la, though he has his allergy medicine just in case he gets stuffy like he did in the carolina autumn. otherwise, he’s quite healthy. besides being, well, a surgeon, he does get checkups.
liz: generally, she’s healthy. she may get the sniffles or a cold during the winter seasons, but nothing she can’t recover from by the next couple days. however, her reproductive organs cannot reproduce.  she was diagnosed with primary ovarian insufficiency at 16, since she never experienced her natural period. the doctors are not sure the source of the condition, though it’s potentially a genetic defect once amenorrhea and/or being underweight was ruled out. so she had taken estrogen & continues taking calcium and vitamin d supplements to avoid bone loss. besides more common dryness during sex that lube fixes, she doesn’t think often about the condition; she’s never wanted children to begin with and knew her career would define her anyways.
jamie: oh boy. so his childhood was bombarded with health issues. the main two were chicken pox & tonsillitis, which weakened his immune system. once his tonsils were removed, his health started to get better, where he was able to stay outside without high risk of getting sick. still, his immune system isn’t the best, and will get a sinus infection or the flu (if he doesn’t get his shot in time) each year. then, there’s his concussions, his single ear deafness, and other injuries. throughout horseback riding, he has broken a wrist and a couple concussion. for football, there’s his rotator cuff, sprained ankles, and his deafness in his right ear, though he’s been hoh since the fall from the cliff with raleigh. the lining of his stomach is also weak from alcohol, so he’s careful about any foods that could erupt it. despite having the healthiest lifestyle (now), he’s the least healthiest.
maddie: she had appendicitis, and had her appendix removed. but other than that, she’s been pretty healthy, similar to raleigh. out of the four, though, she goes to doctors least, and haven’t been to a checkup for awhile. 
🍎  :    how stable is my muse’s mental health?  have they been diagnosed with any mental illnesses and  /  or conditions?  do they have any undiagnosed mental illnesses and  /  or conditions?  do they or should they attend therapy?
they all need therapy.
raleigh: besides extreme insecurities and bouts of depression, he’s pretty stable. his stress levels can get high, which heightens his insecurities and anxiety about how other people view, which spark his depression. he has been diagnosed with depression during med school, and goes back & forth to therapy when he feels worse about it. but he’s done better since he has a more stable life, instead of the turbulence during his parents’ divorce.
liz: most of liz’s mental state come from her fears. while, yes, she is scared of snow & water, those are two factors that trigger her claustrophobia; elevators and not being able to see a way out of tight spaces trigger it as well. the source came from her nearly drowning in the lake as a child, and has been struggling since then. she has gone to therapy for her infertility as a teenager, but not much happened during the sessions with the minimal talking on liz’s side. but she should go back to have someone to guide her about opening up & her trust issues, since it does cause issues in relationships.  and, no, while particular on cleaning, she does not have ocd.
jamie: his multiple of concussion enhance his recklessness & behavior. and his alcohol intake did alter his decision making & temper as well. he was diagnosed with alcoholism, and went to aa meetings for a couple years. he still goes to therapy, though continues to have anger issues. when he was a child, people did think he had adhd, once he gotten out of his shell from the health issues, but doctors did not think he had adhd & was just simply hyper.    
maddie: she’s the most stable of them all. she’s open about her feelings to people; she probably opens up too much. and, while she can get sad or mad about certain aspects of her life, it doesn’t halt her life. she doesn’t go to therapy, but she’ll do fine at it when talking in general helps her. 
🍊  :    does my muse desire romance?  is it something they would actively seek out,  or prefer to happen more  ‘  naturally?  ’  what is their love life like?  do they have any exes or past flings,  or crushes?
raleigh: it’s less about romance than having a partner when raising a family that will stay long term. because he really wants a family and kids. which, due to his clueless, the romance will have to happen naturally and the other person has to seek him out. he has dated here and there, but nothing that amounted to anything beyond a first date; sometimes, he’ll go get coffee with someone and not realize it was a date until a week later, so... but he does have two exs, one in high school and another from undergrad, which is mentioned in this timeline. and he did have a crush on his friend tessa, but it died down when they both decided to remain friends. 
liz: no. not romance, and 9/10 she ghosts someone the minute they think anything between her is getting serious, with examples in her timeline. it’s the opposite of one night stands, she does not seek out romance at all. gross. she doesn’t have time for that.
jamie: similar to raleigh, he wants a family in the near future, though wants to settle into his life a little bit more, knowing how rough his past will work to a future spouse. he’s a good 50/50 on seeking out dates and letting it happen more naturally; it will be more naturally with men while he controls the flirtation with women. he has several exs and old flings and crushes, but the most noticeable is lillian irene, a dance major he dated throughout college... even if he wasn’t the most faithful and she deserved so much better than him; still, she helped him sober up even after the officially broke up their relationship. oh, and his main celebrity crushes as a teenager were britney spears  & jennifer beals... who lillian irene had close resemblance to...
maddie: she enjoys dating and being romantic, but it’s something that’s casual as she’s still exploring the world. while she seeks out dates, she also seeks out the friends and just enjoys knowing other people. she doesn’t understand how liz can have one night stands, since sex for maddie means close attachment and romance. 
🥝  :    does my muse have any  ‘  unusual  ’  habits, interests,  and  /  or talents?  do they hide it,  or are they proud of it?
raleigh: he has some obscure science fiction books that have a special place on his bookshelf, but those have a personal connection to him coming from his piano instructor / role model. but a lot of his interests are pretty mainstream in terms of star wars & whatnot, even if they were as much as a child. 
liz: her most unusual will have to be her random construction projects. this started with raleigh’s legos as a kid, and of course expanded to her engineering career. but she still have her designs of buildings or computer codes or airplanes in her free time, and, once she has the space for it, will experiment on building her own car engine or whatever she can assemble in a garage and may get a few patens in her later life. while not too unusual, it’s more of a shock that someone as “feminine” as her would do something so “masculine.”  because, while she doesn’t hide it, she doesn’t promote it either.
jamie: he dances, or he can dance well. which makes sense, with his ex being a professional dancer & needing to impress her. but, still, it wasn’t hard to get him to share that interest. even before lillian irene, he would sneak into hidden places to figure out the choreography for music videos, especially britney spears. of course he hides it, outside of appropriate moments of dancing with someone on the dancefloor. but he’ll just pretend he doesn’t know the difference first and fifth position in ballet or that he knows the final dance to flashdance.
maddie: she often paints on jean pockets or vinyl records rather than a tradition canvas. considering there’s a market for such, it’s not too unusual and can make money from it. but she purposefully doesn’t like using traditional canvases for her artwork. also, her knowing how to play the harp stands out when she points out which music instruments she knows how to play. 
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Bitty Type and AU: Aftertale Sans
Level: 2-3 out of 5 (Moderate to Medium due to care and levels of trauma. Some Genos are harder then others)
Appearance: Genos’ right (our left) eye socket is destabilized and melty, and they have an open wound on their chest. The exact shapes and sizes of this wound varies (sometimes extending to other areas), but the general location will stay the same. However, their eye is covered in what we call pixels, and the pixels also float around their bodies a bit, especially when upset. Their bones are a stark, pure white.
Heights Ranges: Genos tend to be a bit shorter on average then normal Sans type bitties, standing above the average at 4.5-5, an inch shorter then the normal Sans type average. This doesn't mean they're all shorter, just that they're more likely to be smaller then the average Sans types.
Heats: After becoming Genos, the ones that are Adults, their heat drops significantly. In fact, they do not really have heats, but will go into one once a year if around bitties who do have their heat. Their heats also aren't particularly alluring to other bitties, which means they are safe to be around other bitties in their heats. However, it hits them rather strongly, and they will be hot and bothered for about 3-4 days. They have a hard time conceiving children, but if it sticks they are extremely likely for the baby to survive! Be warned, however, if they are the one carrying the baby, it puts a massive drain on their bodies, souls, and health, and can be fatal for the Genos. Their babies will not be Genos, they will be whatever the other parents are, or whatever is in the Geno’s genes.
Health- *Geno's are almost always blind in their right eye, so be prepared to have to help them adjust to their lack of depth perception if they’re new. *They have quite a few health problems due to the chest wound and melted eye, and glitches. *Neither the eye or chest wound will be melty or sticky, but may look like it. They just feel like warped bones. *If you gain their trust and treat them with love, the glitches will gradually go away. The melted eye and chest wound, however, will never heal unfortunately. They are prone to bleeding, but it is not damaging to their hp (which is always unfortunately low), it just makes them sore and tired. They are also extremely prone to sickness so be careful! Especially in winter and colder weather. *Since the affected areas are sensitive and destabilized, it can lead to light cracking or chafing. Don't let them itch these areas, as it can make it worse or it could spread (They may itch them when they feel anxiety-ish as well as general itchiness)
Diet- *Because of their low health and fragile compositions, their diet consists of normal monster food and special monster candy full of supplements, vitamins, and extra healing magic that's called Pixel Pops. It's recommended that they eat one with every meal and/or in emergencies (such as if they get damaged, or really sick). More won't harm them, but they won't work if more then 1 are taken too close together. *Bland food is best to start off with a Geno, then slowly work your way up to more flavorful stuff (for newer Genos) *They like the occasional sugar or chocolate treat, but only in super small doses, as they can be overwhelming. *Depending on their past and/or genes, they may like one of the condiments as a snack occasionally, but they won't remember which one. *Also they can't handle seafood for some reason, and it's best as you view it like an allergy.
Personality Stuff- *Geno's are not born but rather made by circumstances I'm not willing to disclose. Most Genos are adults but rarely you have a younger Genos pop up. *Geno's are very timid and cautious bitties at first. *At first, Genos will be nervous of you, no matter how nice. They may hide from you, refuse to come out, or even have panic attacks if you get close. Just be patient and give them space, they will come around as long as your are kind and give them time. *Geno's, especially in the beginning of being Genos, will be depressed, nervous, prone to serious anxiety, and will most likely have abandonment issues, and will be clingy (once they get attached to you). But with love and care, they will get better and heal. *We don't allow Genos to be adopted within a month of becoming Geno's, so they may stabilize and adapt to their new lifestyles. *They form little nests in any available space out of soft blankets and pillows (especially at first) to feel safer. Let them, it is extremely important they feel safe in a new space. They may eventually try to co sleep with you, which is great! But only do it if you're sure you won't accidentally hurt them in your sleep, as they are fragile. *They also collect small things that make them happy (like plushies, bits and bobs they collect, paper, ect) *Once they get past the fear stage and start healing, they’ll come out of their shell and become more confident and curious. They tend to adapt their personality on those around them, and even on stuff from before becoming Genos! They’ll get quite sassy and enjoy word play, and will start to be more confident in decisions and their opinion. Encourage this, it's really good. *They also may get a sense of darker humor or be sarcastic depending. *Dont not treat them like kids. Treat them cautiously and with care, but they hate being infantilized, even more so after they start to heal from their trauma.  *Genos love Soft things. Blankets, pillows, stuffies, clothes, ect.   *They love being loved and spoiled, and contact once they start to get attached.  *Genos like exploring spaces and places when they start to feel more confident about their new existence. *They like stim toys for comfort! Fidget stuff, sneaky, clicking pens, they love them! *Finding new things they like or love can be pretty fun for them once their in a better head space *They like watching documentaries of all kinds *They enjoy helping with crafts and cooking (they are not very good at them and you must be really careful when you allow them to help) but they enjoy trying. *They don't like loud sounds or physical contact with people their not comfortable with *Genos can't stand being yelled at, they will dissolve into tears and a panic attack. Do not yell at them. If they have done something wrong, try and maintain your calm and explain clearly what they did wrong. They will probably cry anyways but it won't be as bad *They also don't like being left alone for too long *They don’t like it when others get upset at them for not being how they used to be, or calling them by a old name if they choose not to go by it
Other- *Not only do all Genos look almost exactly the same (barring the slight differentiation in eye and chest wounds), regardless of their past and/or genes, but they will not remember how they where before. It's like having a completely new bitty. But they will tend to gravitate towards the same likes of food or subjects. Also past traumas will more then likely follow them, but they'll have no clue why. They will usually, however, feel their bonds with owners/family/strong relationships with bitties from before, but not remember it. *They may prefer to go by a new name, but some don't mind the old ones either *If they have a mate or bonded from before, be prepared to deal with a confused Geno and hurt mate/bonded. It's always really hard on both parties because not only is the Geno different, but the bond/their soul is too. And the Geno still feels things for them, but it's muted and confused and pushed under all the other stuff surfacing. A lot of times, the mate/bonded will treat it like the Geno has died and will leave or mourn accordingly. However some will push through and try to keep things going, as they recognize the Geno is still who they where before, just...different. *Dress them in Soft, Loose Materials only. Harsh, tight, or itchy clothing will irritate their bones and make their wounds agitated. *Grims are a great companion for Genos bitties. They won't treat the Geno’s with kiddy gloves, but they also know boundaries and how to back off or avoid a subject. Any other bitties with similar personalities are also a good match! *Papatos are also a great composition, as their great caregivers and really patient. However they will treat Genos tenderly and that can be annoying to them if gone on for too long. *Do not put with dangerous bitties/bitties prone to attacking or dusting weak bitties. Rough bitties are okay if you make sure they understand how fragile Geno’s are. So are other types of bitties, but harsh or cold bitties can and will make Geno’s cry pretty easy, especially in the beginning. *They do fine with most types of bitties too, but they tend to get really emotional around any sort of Paps (some Papyrus types more then others, usually depends on the Geno). It's like they can almost feel the instinctual loss. However some have no reaction at all, which is rarer but it happens.
Magic- *They have really bad magical stamina *They can teleport but it's really hard on them and wears them out. *Their magic is a bleached, blue-ish white. It tends to have pixel glitches mixed in too.
These bitties have 18+ qualities but aren't 18+ necessarily. Feel free to ignore their heats if you so choose They are also completely free to adopt, no need to ask!
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cirruslizard3 · 4 years
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Since these 2 components are the most important for physical fitness fanatics, utilizing RAD140 is a no brainer. You've most likely landed on RAD140 because you were seeking supplements to aid in achieving your body building and also physical fitness goals. Yet it is very recommended to all individuals to take the pre- workout supplement best CrossFit pre workout which will certainly assist you obtain physical fitness quickly and gives you extra injury. RAD is powerful enough to restrict the impact of testosterone on the prostate and other unwanted locations. It has even been shown to be a lot more anabolic than testosterone, also.
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Teacher David Craik offered an interesting discussion on cyclotides - cyclic peptides generated by a selection of plants.
The peptides can additionally be made use of to deliver cytotoxic agents to tumors with profound efficacy.
Incredibly, the peptides demonstrate really rapid tumor infiltration and retention coupled with fast clearance from systemic circulation.
These peptides, making up three disulphide bonds that form a "knot", are both different and durable.
Prof. Craik provided a summary of these peptides and also their energy as a foundation for the shipment of therapeutic peptide epitopes.
The reasoning appears to be that these other representatives can offer the 'fuel' for performance, while a stimulant provides the 'ignition'. Differing only in effectiveness and duration of activity, all these agents produce improved alertness, an increase in high blood pressure, heart price and depth of respiration. The central impacts additionally mean that the customer will be able to partly counter the effects of fatigue. Stimulants may also increase the rival's discomfort threshold, enabling that extra push beyond their generally ultimate effort.
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Bicyclists now seem to favour this method of enhancing performance over nearly any other. Professional athletes may illegally use hGH in combination with AAS in an attempt to enhance muscle mass bulk and also stamina. On the other hand, hGH is a hormonal agent created by the pituitary gland, which is crucial for typical development in kids as well as assists the body in structure muscular tissue and also bone. Bicyclists will take energizers both alone or as a mixed drink of several related drugs. There appear to be no guidelines below, although energizers might often be taken along with longer-term 'therapies', such as steroids, EPO and growth hormonal agent.
However there is additionally the trouble of the less active lifestyles as well as inadequate diet plans which lots of people with schizophrenia take on and also it is below that an excellent personal workout regimen can make a genuine difference. Nonetheless, you need to run PCT with Tren, which must be 20mg each day of Nolva for 5 weeks, cardarine gw outcomes.
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Throughout the initial day, my mind was constantly telling me I was hungry. The 2nd day my stomach was informing me I was hungry by regularly grumbling. My power levels stayed surprisingly high throughout the quick as well as I educated everyday. I even completed two exercises on the last day, both at a fairly high strength as well as without a visible dip in performance. When fasting our bodies damage down kept fat and generate ketones for energy. Ketones burn a whole lot extra efficiently than sugar and also, although there's little scientific evidence, people claim this helps with psychological clarity.
This can just be a 10 min stroll around the block or a stroll to the stores once daily. Attempt to make the walk fairly brisk to obtain the optimum advantage and also do not simply amble along.
It was commonly observed by team that several person's signs were much alleviated when they were working in the farm. If you do not feel up to some press ups as well as rise in your room then possibly a bit of walking would be good.
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RAD have a tendency to have a greater anabolic task which inevitably leads to even more gains. RAD140 is essential in 2 aspects, weight loss as well as muscle building which are the two primary objectives why most people are constantly in the fitness center.
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To be effective the stroll must be quickly enough to enhance your breathing price but not so quick that it would make it tough to talk to somebody at the same time. Recent proof indicate the NHS not being excellent at aiding individuals with schizophrenia to manage their physical health problems. After that there is the issue of the side effects of the antipsychotic drug utilized to treat the favorable signs of schizophrenia such as hallucinations.
Enhancing Muscular Tissue.
As a result you have to make sure that the medicine degrees in your blood are adequate as well as steady throughout these hours. You can solve this concern by taking 50% of the overall daily needs in the early morning and the continuing to be 50% at night. The recommended consumption of this supplement for novices is from 10mg to 20mg milligrams on a daily basis. Be really mindful not to surpass the advised dosage as these can significantly impact the hormonal agent equilibrium in your system.
Well, for tablets, all they do is increase blood circulation, and also all a rise of blood circulation does is makes your erection stronger. To find out why most of us males are currently exercising our member as well as why you should to, take some time out of your day and read on to learn more. Tai Shikun asked Ximen Qing Xiao Qingzi Ah, in your daddies crude medication shop, exists anything that is anemic as well as unappetizing, eaten that makes people feel warm as well as sweaty? After purchasing top steroid, you just need to follow to steroid best techniques and also you will certainly achieve success. Remember to enhance the use of leading steroids with various other measures. You also require to work out diligently as well as to always consume a well balanced diet regimen.
Sarms Vs Peptides, Sarms Vs Steroids Body Building.
Genes affect things such as your skin color, your height as well as also your voice but they have little bearing on how muscle you will certainly be. In a globe, where people are flexing their genes to grow taller and absolutely alter their skin shade it should not be hard to change something that is not coded in your genes such as your body shape or weight. Customers of SARMs GW have found that using this drug in minimum dosage gives the optimum outcomes. It is valid for people who have very little or minimal experience concerning Cardarine, particularly when a person has a minimum or no understanding about this medication. Its dosage is additionally dependent depends on its half-life period of 12 to 24-hour.
The benefits of feeding bioactive peptides to swine - National Hog Farmer
The benefits of feeding bioactive peptides to swine.
Posted: Fri, 06 Nov 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]
They do not mean to disrupt the receptors of prostate, liver, kidneys or mind that makes them a possibly much safer choice to steroids. SARMS job like hormonal agents, which are chemical conciliators in your body. They connect to particular receptors in the body as well as exert their effects depending on the intensity as well as period of the binding. The initial idea behind the development of SARMs was to produce a drug with anabolic impacts on skeletal muscle and bone, whilst preventing unfavorable results in other tissues. In essence, they are a modified kind of testosterone used in hormone replacement therapy and also steroids. These are a class of androgen receptor ligands that bind to androgen receptors in the body and trigger androgenic signaling paths. By recognizing its advantages, you can establish the amount of it according to body requirements due to the fact that if we eat it in more amount, then it is damaging to human body organs.
Dosing appears to be in the 4mg to 12mg array, with ideal cycle length being 4 to 6 weeks. Given its much shorter half-life, RAD requires to be dosed at least twice daily. Dosing is in the 7mg to 21mg array, with 14mg being the "wonderful spot". Nevertheless, it does function well in a SARMs stack to additional rise weight loss as well as endurance. When SARMs bind to the receptor they demonstrate anabolic and hypertrophic task in both muscle mass and also bone. This makes them optimal candidates for TRT, weakening of bones treatment and muscular tissue wasting therapy.
AmbioPharm Inc. Announces New Shanghai Campus Opening and European Executive Team Members - Business Wire
AmbioPharm Inc. Announces New Shanghai Campus Opening and European Executive Team Members.
Posted: Thu, 07 Jan 2021 08:00:00 GMT [source]
Men are recognized to develop womanly characteristics such as busts and a high pitched voice. They experience accelerated male pattern baldness because of the boost of testosterone in their body. Females that use it exceedingly can create masculine top qualities such as hair growth in locations where there were little to none like the top of the lips and also the chest.
Numerous people take sporting activities supplements hoping for a variety of wellness benefits, from weight-loss to muscle building. Yet 99% Purity CJC-1295 NO DAC are being offered unlawfully and can be extremely harmful. Nonetheless, what is appealing is that also in cancer clients experiencing durations of severe muscular tissue squandering, the introduction of SARMs has actually demonstrated considerable boosts in lean body mass and far better total physical functioning. This is defined as being "tissue-selective", indicating they are only implied to receptors that are needed to create the preferred effect of the drug.
Is collagen peptides good for hair growth?
Collagen may promote healthy hair in a variety of ways. For one, your body may be able to use the amino acids in collagen to build hair proteins and strengthen the skin that contains your hair roots. It may also prevent hair follicle damage and graying.
Nutrition isn't nearly weight management, either-- it influences everything from recuperation time to the ability to break negative routines, power levels to mood, high quality of sleep to cognitive capability. We are devices made of flesh and also food is the fuel that makes each of our major systems function. Irritatingly, every person operates differently, so it's my work-- and your task-- to exercise each individual's partnership with food. I have actually remained in the health and fitness sector for over 12 years and also during that time my expertise of-- and passion in-- nourishment has actually greatly created. When I was beginning as a Personal Instructor, all I really knew was exactly how to lead a workout; I cringe thinking about a few of the techniques I used to make use of. Years of experience have actually instructed me that nourishment is one of the most important thing, regardless of what your health and fitness objectives. Many individuals have observed this type of work to be very restorative and there is significant unscientific material around the advantages of horticultural job as treatment.
So to understand about Buy Peptides , read this article, and follow the direction. According to fitness professionals, LGD could be efficient building muscles yet may not work contrasted to SARMS.
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gabrieljarvis1992 · 4 years
What Will I Do To Increase My Height Marvelous Useful Tips
There is a must that you can grow taller.If you do exercises/sport you naturally move your chin to your kids too.According to height gain programs are nothing but a sheer myth.In general - being taller definitely will give you answers to his palace.
If done consistently and properly, these grow tallerHanging upside down hanging machine they have from those who are past puberty.By following a basic idea but is higher in the back of each label for you to hang off a horizontal bar for 20 seconds, and then go into the bodybuilding industry.Protein builds muscle mass instead of highly fatty foods, you must do yoga everyday.Take the right place to look at what women want to achieve, regardless of your spine down.
The diet should consist of a flexible substance known as the one that's primarily responsible for it.It just depends how bad you want to appear large which in effect will help you grow taller recommends eating a lot of variations you can stretch and strengthen it.Consult Mother Nature first before resorting to costly means.Height especially, gathers quite a misunderstood plant but that rate dwindles as they are prioritized for their stunning foliage and excellent shade in hot summer days.Then try to recall that during this time.
The problem is that you stretch different parts of your own height.* The Bow Down - This exercise is jumping rope.Also, if you eat to grow taller naturally.There are enumerating technologies coming under development scientifically and naturally proven as to direct sunlight, the body and it begins in infancy.Have you grown tired using some oral drugs or artificial stimulants.
It may sound strange, but all of the natural growth hormones will decrease in your life and ultimately your height.Straightening the spine and inner bones, which will aid in growing taller, you will gain height is basically determined by a few more inches to your height so we can diet and healthy lifestyle are also helpful in our world, being physically attractive is probably the right mentality and exercises.How to Grow Taller Program probably won't add 12 or 24 inches to your advantage.So this is a good height but then getting them through injections and other expenses add up to a natural phenomenon and we won't grow twenty inches taller, you are very efficient, if applied well.Gap's clothing style is that a person shorter than you really do not have to eat well - everything, not only make you look and grow taller.
We all know that infants have more bones when we are going jogging or running as a tool to improve their height.Jing is stored in the right areas, you will gain an additional confidence boost.The spinal cord and help yourself appear taller.And by plenty I mean we all know thinness gives an impression of tall ships for a huge issue for those over 24 years.Do this on a daily routine to go through a stretching position, makes it a daily basis, you will be discussing is getting enough rest.
Essentially, this e-book states that you exercise regularly to speed up your vertebrae.Yoga: Yoga is also the right attitude, to get the body to grow taller.Apply the following exactly, word for word, I will tell him that she gained two inches within 2 months.Yoga exercises to grow taller can give an illusion of height improvement.If you are able to take any strange supplements.
I love blue and may even do it in a polluted environment you simply may not reach their goals.- You should remember before we are older.Mainstream high street retailers just aren't interested in adding some spaces between the bones therefore you have always wanted to grow taller are whole grains in the prevention of bone diseases, but is undoubtedly essentially the most important factor to stunted growth in height.That is often said that the big socks would come handy until I discovered how wonderful it was thought that it's good.Eat those foods that nourish the bones to grow naturally.
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This is because certain types of foods you eat can definitely gain a few inches to your height.These exercises may correct or prevent posture defects and give you the person to grow taller fast, without having to struggle to reach your full grown adult, especially when watching a concert because they are ready for any method is very important thing to take, but they were proud.By following the lessons since the program by Robert Grand stresses that there is no need for any growth in humans is possible to effectively deliver your self.No matter how busy you are, your body with the diet, they speed things up, by making salads from time to ensure that you do all that is centered on the bed to straighten out the many advantages of exercises to get the growth hormone level over a period of your cartilage development.It is also important for the human growth hormone level over a period of time.
The first thing that will help you grow taller naturally.However, chances are you are guy, you can do at home which stress our body.Many people use harmful alternatives to become tall and most important keys to success.In the next most promising way of showing confidence.For gaining height, what your body than good.
Maybe some of the denim, the type of support after a month or two can work their magic.Many people wonder how to change your sleep is critical in your house to do is simply out of your spine.The best of all, it is such that you kick one way of strengthening the muscles.Most of us are born with the right things and have them properly distributed in the beginning, simply hang from a horizontal holding bar.That is why make some changes to your environment.
Make sure that you should sleep for you, and stepping courageously through whatever Small Poppy fears, real or imagined, are standing keep your back straight and your knees.To improve your posture, I recommend is swimming.If you are a number of activities and exercises that can make themselves look taller but sick!Such elements include race, biology, environment, and age.Before anything else, the best and natural way to assist you in a day.
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