#hej alex
alviboi10 · 4 months
Öh jag måste ha detdär lego setet 🤩
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whitebelt-witch · 9 months
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hej! I just finished reading Your Body is Not Your Body, a queer/trans horror anthology edited by Alex Woodroe and Matt Blairstone, and published by Tenebrous Press in 2022.
I LOVED this collection so much! As is the case with any anthology comprised of multiple creators, some contributions really hit while others really didn’t, and some were just simply not my speed. regardless of my feelings of the individual tales, however, my identity as a weird girl who loves the horrific implications of a Body In Transition left me feeling so happy that there exists enough work in this niche that is unique enough for me to have such a varied experience with this book.
Much of the writing was also quite resonant, shoutout to in particular to Ori Jay and Bitter Karella’s style. However if I had to highlight two stories for being the standout works in the collection I have to highlight Viktor Athelstan’s “Brother Maternitas” and Avi Burton’s “Fencing Chestplate.” The former concerns a devout medieval monk who undergoes a surprising change (and features an ending that had my jaw ON THE FLOOR), while the latter tale is about a young student who will take…hellish measures to make his dream sports team.
Overall though if you’re looking for weird horror fiction about bodies, I cannot recommend this collection enough!
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ana-in-heart · 29 days
Hej, na wstępie, chce omówić kilka ważnych dla mnie kwestii, więc proszę Cię poświęć chwile, aby przeczytać moją widomość do Ciebie.
Nie będę tu udostępniać rad typu "jak zacząć", jeśli jesteś nowy/a w temacie, proszę zrezygnuj puki jeszcze możesz. Naprawdę są leprze sposoby na odchudzanie.
Jeśli natrafiłeś/aś na ten blog przez tekst z Tiktoka "chudej nocy motylki", to cóż przeczytaj jeszcze raz te kilka zdań u góry. Ten świat to nie zabawa.
Jeśli jesteś tu, z czystej ciekawości, to proszę Cię o traktowanie mnie i innych motylków z szacunkiem. My też mamy uczucia! Tekstami typu "jesteście pojebani" nic nie wskórasz.
A jeśli przybyłeś/aś tu z wielką misją eksterminacji tych "chorych na łeb ludzi" wiedz że utrudnianie nam życia nas nie wyleczy. Blokowanie blogów lub hejtem naprawdę nic nie wskórasz.
Dziękuje za przeczytanie wiadomości. Trzymaj się! Życzę Ci samych sukcesów i szczęścia!!!!!
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Wiecie co mi pomogło w napadach i opanowaniu ich?
Rozmowa ze samą sobą.
„Hej, Alex, to zależy tylko od Ciebie, od nikogo innego ile Ty zjesz, od Ciebie zależy w którym momencie zaczniesz, a w którym skończysz. Nic ani nikt nie ma nad Tobą takiej władzy, jak Ty nad samą sobą.”
Polecam czasem porozmawiać ze sobą.
Dzięki temu nie miałam napadu od bardzo dawna.
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nyxelestia · 1 year
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Seeing as apparently FFN is about to die or people are already unable to access it, just saving this screenshot. While I was in fandom on other platforms and under other names before I joined FFN, this was the oldest profile/account I had that was still continuously running as of June 2023.
I’m putting the complete profile below the cut for my own personal reference/nostalgia. (Prior to the proliferation of machine translation and language websites, I collected translations of “Hi, I’m Nyxie” from fans for years.) This is also my record of my original construction of my current name/identity.
Author has written 87 stories for Harry Potter, Psych, StarTrek: Voyager, Alex Rider, Merlin, Legend of Korra, Avengers, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Breaking Bad.
I do not accept requests!
(But I do still accept new languages for my greetings list below!)
I'm afraid I don't really hang out here, anymore. Come find me on Tumblr and AO3, where my much more recent - and thus much better - fanfic is now posted.
Hi. I'm Nyxie. - English (My first language)
Hola. Me llamo Niksi. - Spanish (My second language that I forgot as soon as I left high school)
নমস্কার. আমার নাম Nyxie. (Nômoshkar. Amaar nam Niksshi.) (My other first language that I have now mostly forgotten) - Bengali
Bonjour. Je m'appelle Neiksi. - French (Courtesy of Arithilim)
Salut. Je m'appelle Neiksi. - French, alternative greeting (Courtesy of Jaygirl94)
Hallo. Ich heisse Niksie. (Courtesy of MadCatta) - German
Ciao. Mi chiamo Nyxie. (Courtesy of Iamawesome) - Italian
Hallo. Ik heet Niksie. (Courtesy of Amore) - Dutch, Formal
Hallo. Ik ben Niksie. (Courtesy of katelinmr) - Dutch, Informal
Niksii اسمي .وسهلاً. (Ahlan. Ana ismii Nyxie.) (Courtesy of HallowedInk) - Arabic
Čao. Zovem se Niksi. (Courtesy of a family friend) - Croatian
Hajimimashite. Nyxie desu. (Courtesy of Le Sang De La Morte) - Japanese, with edits from Dark's Mistress
Konnichiwa. O namae wa Nikuse desu. (Courtesy of Cararook) - Japanese, with edits from Whisper-Otonashi
こんにちはわたしはニクシです。(Konichiwa. Watashi wa Nyxie desu.) (Courtesy of SecretMangaLover) - Japanese, with edits from Whisper-Otonashi and Dark's Mistress
你好,我叫 Nyxie。(Nǐ hǎo. Wǒ jiào Nyxie.) (Courtesy of t8t8t8) - Mandarin Chinese Simplified
Shwmae. Nicsi ydw i. (S'huhmai. Nyxie iudu ih.) (Courtesy of rhymneyfairies) - Welsh
नमस्ते। मेरा नाम Nyxie. (Namaste. Mera nam Nyxie.) (Courtesy of my dad) - Hindi
Hei. Jeg heter Nyksi. (Courtesy of Gin Dyps) - Norwegian
Mabuhay. Ako si Nyxie (Courtesy of ikot-ikot) - Tagalog
Boozhoo. Niksii indizhinikaaz. (Courtesy of goddess of all daleks) - Ojibwe
Cześć. Nazywam się Nyksi. (Courtesy of water kangaroo) - Polish
שלום. שמי ניקסי (Shalom. Shmi Nyxie.) (Courtesy of TheOneThatIsAddictedToHPfics) - Hebrew
Hej. Jag heter Niksi. (Courtesy of Barbasulrico) - Swedish
Καλημέρα. Μου όνομα ρήμ Νικσι. (Kalimera. Mou onoma rhim Nyxie.) (Courtesy of TribalForEagle) - Greek
Καλημέρα. Το ονομά μου είναι Νίξι. (Kalimera. To onoma mou ine Nyxie.) (Courtesy of roxake19) - Greek, alternative
Apa khabar. Saya Nixie. (Courtesy of Akira Setsuka) - Malay
Halo. Nama saya Nyxie. (Courtesy of biota9) - Indonesian
Sziasztok! A nevem Nikszi. (Courtesy of Amirea) - Hungarian
Labdien. Mans vārds ir Niksi. (Couresty of Lindala) - Latvian
నమసారము. నా పేరు నిక్సి. (Namaskaramu. Naa peru Nyxie.) - (Courtesty of Shadow's Life) - Telugu
Hei! Minä olen Niksi. (Courtesy of Jaleine) - Finnish
안녕, 내 이름은 닉시야. (Ahn nyung! Nae ee reum eun Nyxie ya.) (Courtesy of JackieDanielStark) - Korean
Ellohay, ymay amenay isway Yxienay. (Courtesy of WiccaKat) - Pig Latin
Oi, meu nome é Nixi. (Courtesy of Hedwig Edwiges) - Brazilian Portuguese
Dia daoibh. Is mise Nicsi. (Dee-a deev. Is mishuh Nyxie.) (Courtesy of Dolorosa) - Irish
'O Nīkī ko'u inoa. (Courtesy of Draconic Caduceus) - Hawaiian
Salve! Nomen mihi Nyxia est. (Courtesy of lege et lacrima) - Latin
Здравейте. Аз съм Nyxie (Zdraveite. Az sum Nyxie.) (Courtesy of ColiexChaos) - Bulgarian
Buna. Ma numesc Nixi. (Courtesy of Aralinne) - Romanian
Привет. Меня завут Никси. (Privyet. Menya zavut Nixie.) (Courtesy of lpgirl14) - Russian
Hej. Jeg hedder Nyxie. (Courtesy of Lady Drace) - Danish
سلام!میرانامﻧﻜﺲ.ہے (Salam! Mera naam Niksi hai.) (Courtesy of silkchemise) - Urdu
Gude, nem bilong mi Nyxie. (Courtesy of Scooterstripes) - Papua New Guinean Tok Pisin/Neo-Melanesian
(I don't know if all of them are right - if you see something is incorrect, please let me know.)
Additional languages to say this in are always much appreciated (including, if possible, the characters/spellings for my name). Thank you very much to those who have already given me the extra languages. 45 greetings in 39 languages and counting!
Random Personal Information
Name: Just call me Nyxie
Age: Old enough to read what I write
Location: California
What's In A Name
Nyx is the ancient Greek goddess of the Night, known for having sway over Man and God, and even Zeus didn't like to upset her. She gave birth to many powerful spirits and deities, and is often referred to as a sister of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, the sons of Cronus and Rhea and the fathers and leaders of the gods. She is fond of mischief and mystery. Every night, she casts the darkness so the stars can come out the play, and every morning, she sends them back to sleep.
'-elestia' comes from 'celestial', because I love the night sky and am an occasional space geek (I've even been to space camp). I dropped the ending l for a smoother sounding name. Along with which, "Celestia" is a computer program for space viewing, and what a lovely program it is...not to mention the fact I'm on a computer so much. I dropped the c for easier spelling.
Nyx celestial - c - l = Nyxelestia
Enjoy my fics! No matter how old the fic is, reviews are always appreciated. :)
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
Hej! Alex just dropped a new plushie promo!
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lost0-in0-life0 · 1 year
Hej hej, dawno mnie tu nie było heh... Wszystko się zaczynało układać. Na nowo zaczęłam się otwierać na nowe relacje z chłopami, do czasu.. aż znowu nie zostałam zniszczona... Początki były cudowne, chłop mega się starał, był troskliwy, akceptował mnie taką jaką jestem 🥹 Naprawdę mogę powiedzieć że było cudnie, czułam się w końcu doceniana, wspierana, a przede wszystkim ważna... Ale to było tylko złudzenie... Nazwijmy chłopa Alex. Po jakimś czasie nagle stwierdził, że do siebie nie pasujemy, że to nie jest to czego szuka, że u niego związki na odległość się nie sprawdzają... I w końcu po 2 tygodniach duszenia wszystkiego w sobie, wszystkich emocji jakie się zbierały, w końcu polały się łzy, ale boje się, że może stać się coś gorszego... Znowu zostałam zniszczona, znowu byłam głupia i naiwna na te wszystkie czułe gęsty ze strony Alexa do mnie... Po tym wszystkim co przeszłam, chciałabym znowu poczuć że jestem wartościową osoba, że należy mi się od życia szczęście... Ale nie, ja jestem skazana na same dramy, jakieś naiwne czułe słówka... Jest w chuj źle, po 2 tygodniach w końcu mogę wyrzucić z siebie to wszystko, ale nie czuje ulgi, wręcz przeciwnie, czuje się jeszcze gorzej, czuje się jak gówno, maskotka, którą można się pobawić i wyrzucić. Boli niemiłosiernie ten zawód...
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alexracheltravel · 3 months
Day One: Välkommen
Travel days are always hard. They're harder at night. We took a July 4 "red eye" that left around 8pm and we landed in Iceland at 6am local time. It was about 1am back home. When we got off the plane we stood outside for a moment as we were bussed to the terminal and one man behind us asked: "does it ever get warm here or is it because it's the morning?" We had a quick breakfast of Skyr yogurt (yum!) and an egg salad and lox sandwich, which was all better than we expected airport food deserved to be.
Folks, it warmed up, but not that much! After another 3hr flight we finally made it! Stockholm, Sweden!
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Getting to the AirBnB was easy. After all, we're New Yorkians so the only issue was recognizing which subway station was in which direction.
But we made it fairly quickly. But of course, it was time to eat.
Meal #1: Hasselsson Stockholm
Look, to be real, we first thought of going here mostly because it was around the corner from the AirBnB. We walked into this small, hole in the wall spot, and took a seat. Rach ordered a fish and chips, Alex ordered the fish burger. They were virtually identical. Giant pieces of fish, made with a fluffy, crispy batter, and with a side of shoestring fries, garnished with red onion, parsley and cheese (Rachel omitted this). There was also a side of mayo, because that's how Europe does its chips.
It was damn good food.
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I'm not doing this "meal 1" stuff for the whole trip, by the way.
After lunch, we popped into a cafe for a quick caffeine boost because we were running on about 4ish hours of sleep. The spot was super cute, trendy, and a lot of people were chatting outside.
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We noticed something about the Swedish language. Many words sound the same in English, but are spelled differently, or sound different, but spelled similarly. For example:
Hello = Hej (pronounced "hey")
Good morning = God morgon (pronounced go-moron, lol)
Station = Station, but pronounced in a way we don't quite understand.
Anyway, we didn't get any sweets during this cafe trip, but there is always tomorrow. Instead, our sweets were on the road.
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You can hear 50 Cent playing, can't you?
These candies are so good we literally became children once again.
You think that's all we did today? WRONG. We went back to the AirBnB, showered, and then went BACK OUT for dinner.
We went to a spot called Portal, just around the corner. Imagine the cool, trendy neighborhood spot you go to every once in a while. That's what it was like, and it was great. We had some trout, some lamb, some schnitzel, and a touch of ice cream at the end.
Jetlag is catching up to us right as the sun sets at 10pm. It got COLD in the evening! 60s all day and high 50s at "night." Rachel called the weather "perfect."
Alex: Rachel, now we're in Sweden, what do you love the most?
R: The architecture is different from where I have traveled. Historically I don't think it's substantially different from other European countries, but I haven't been to so many, so maybe I'm just loving the look!
A: And what are you looking forward to?
R: I am really excited to explore the other neighborhoods!
A: Any in particular?
R: I'm interested in Gamla Stan (the old city). And also looking forward to some vegan FIKA time.
Good night from Stockholm. More to come tomorrow!
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blueskygirl22 · 6 months
Oto historia Torda x Tori
Niedawno urodził im się syn Todi, bili bardzo zadowoleni że mają synka. Ale... 14 lat później Tord już nie spędzał z dzieckiem i żoną czasu, tylko siedział w warsztacie I zajmował się robotami i czymś tam jeszcze
Niedziela 12.09.2019
Todi- Hej tata! chcesz przyjść na mójecz siatkowi w ten piątek?!
Tord- Nie Todi.... jestem zajęty... SPYTAJ MAMY
Todi że smutkiem opuścił warsztat taty i powedorwal do pokoju mamy gdzie czytała książkę
Todi- Mama
Tori- Tak kochanie?
Todi- Chcesz przyjść n mój mecz siatkowi w ten piątek?
Tori- Oczywiście że przyjdę! A tata?
Todi- Tata nie chce iść
Tori- Oj... choć tu Todi
Todi nagle wybuchl płaczem i żucił w ramiona mamy
Tori- Wszytsko gra Todi, wszystko gra Todi~
Piątek 17.09.2019
Todi grał w siatkówkę siatkówkę innymi klasami
MamajakiegośSkurwysyna- ALEX DAWAJ!
Mamajakiegosdziecka- Vharlie rozwal ich!
I Todi wygrał, wszyscy mu gratulwali wygrane a ten wrócił z pucharem do domu, potem poszedł z tym pucharem do taty
Todi- Tato wygrałem jesteś ze mnie du-
Todi wstrzymywał łzy ale lich oz tym
Todi stał w miejscu
Todi- Czemu ty jesteś moim ojcem....
Todi- NIE!!!!
Todi z płaczem wyszedł z warsztatu Taty
Tord- Mogłem wyjść za Jessice to by mi taki syn się nie trafił
Todi poszedł do pokoju i położył medal na parapecie i starał się nie "beczeć" jak to jego tata mówo
Pt 2 wkrotce
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miamojadroga · 7 months
hej , ogólnie wracam do any i tumblera , po recovery…. Taaa to był błąd okropny bo z 60 kg poszło do 92 kg w ciągu roku , jak ja mogłem się tak roztyć ?!?!? Daje sobie 5 miesięcy do wrzucenia przynajmniej do 70 kg bo to aż wstyd . Mam na imię Alex , mieszkam za granicą i już poznałem ane jak miałem 12 lat , teraz mam 15 więc 3 lata podczas których było więcej recovery niż diety i stylu życia którego pragnę . Nie poddam się tym razem , już prędzej się zabije niż nie schudnę . Ogólnie chodzę na terapię w każdy czwartek więc nommmmm ale niestety pielęgniarka waży mnie co 2 tygodnie bo mój terapeuta ją o to poprosił …. Coś wymyślę
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alviboi10 · 4 months
R.I.P. Tomura Shigaraki 😔 synd att du dog, men du lever åtminstone kvar i Fortnite
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iworshipsappho · 8 months
Hey you :)
❤️, 💕, 📚, 💛
hej!! thanks for the ask!! :>
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic? oof that's a hard one, lets see this is from my forever not (yet) fully written stedrika wip that i has been in the working since last march
Thinking about Fredrika in the early hours of morning, alone in her bed, only made Stella miss her more. If that was even possible. The bed at home no longer felt like hers, theirs. She felt out of place in her own home without Fredrika by her side. Like a loose brick on the verge of crumbling and bringing the whole place down with her. Fredrika was the glue that kept the broken parts of her together, and without her Stella felt adrift and lost. 
i go back to this wip everytime whenever i feel stuck, i genuinely loved going into stella's pining soul for this
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written? oof thats a hard one (why did i say the same thing again? who knows who careee)
i feel like you weren't made for me, though it seemed so easy will always hold a special place in my heart, bc in my mind that fic is what cemented the fact that i actually possessed the ability to write well and yeag. love that
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend? ooo YES!!! one of my favourite writers of all time is @/clottedcreamfudge . the way she writes alex and henry and just everything is just perfect to me :'D
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing? mmm learning and internalising that growth is inevitable and not everything i write is going to be perfect, also the fact that a 100 word drabble is as worthy as a 10k fic (well 2k in my case for i havent ventured longer for now). just learning that writing often is better than waiting for the perfect inspiration to strike has been amazing
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name-alex-gender-trans · 11 months
Kiedy ktoś komu powiedziałeś że jesteś trans ale ta osoba dalej mówi do ciebie jak wcześniej
M-Hej Mariana, masz pracę domową z anglika? Ja*nie reaguje wiedząc że zaraz M się poprawi* M-Sorki Alex, czy masz pracę domową z anglika? Ja-Tak mam, właśnie kończę za sekundkę będziesz mógł/mogła przepisać.
Xd M to skrót od dwóch osób z mojej klasy, a kiedy proszą mnie o pracę domową to zawsze ktoś potem musi mnie udobruchać czymś słodkim( ja po prostu kocham słodycze) no więc właśnie tak. To wszystko papatki!
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alexlindbjerg · 2 years
Hej #twitterhjerne Hvis jeg skal finde en ePub-læser udelukkende for at teste om det er noget for mig. Hvad vil du så foreslå at jeg gør? Bonus-info: Normalt læser jeg fysiske bøger, men jeg har brug for et værktøj, som gør det nemt at hive tekststykker ind i Notion.
Hej #twitterhjerne Hvis jeg skal finde en ePub-læser udelukkende for at teste om det er noget for mig. Hvad vil du så foreslå at jeg gør? Bonus-info: Normalt læser jeg fysiske bøger, men jeg har brug for et værktøj, som gør det nemt at hive tekststykker ind i Notion.
— Alex Lindbjerg (@AlexLindbjerg) Oct 4, 2022
from Twitter https://twitter.com/AlexLindbjerg October 04, 2022 at 01:58PM via IFTTT
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lihikainanea · 2 years
Hi Lei! Love your Bill&Tiger series ♥️ I was watching this bit Alex did with Vanity Fair where he explained Swedish slang, and I thought - what if one day Tiger caved and decided to give that ridiculous language a chance and tried to learn it? Like I imagine Bill one day walking in on a scene of Alex and Valter exaggerating their vowels at Tiger and Tiger stuttering and breaking her tongue trying to pronounce some words and getting all frustrated 😂😂😂
I, low key, kind of love this thought.
Because listen, from my own experience, once you understand how the letters and vowels are pronounced differently in Swedish, it's actually not that hard to understand. In a short-ish amount of time I was able to read it, and it took a little longer for me to understand when it was spoken to me but once my ears acclimated to it, it was alright.
The trouble, for us folk west of the Smedsuddsbadet, is in the pronunciation. I just like, couldn't get my jaw or my tongue loose enough to FLAP the way that is required to properly ululate the Swedish language. Like, you really gotta let it go. My Swedish friends laugh that after a few drinks, all of a sudden I'm fluent--and it's really because I just lose all control of my facial muscles in general after a few shots of akvavit.
But my girl tiger--she's trying. She's having a hard time, but she's trying. She approaches Gustaf first--shyly, bashfully, and asks for his help. Gustaf--as always--greets her with a warm smile, a squeeze of her shoulder, and starts teaching her some basic words.
The bigger, older tree of the Skarsgard forest catches on one evening when Gustaf and tiger are cooking dinner and before tiger touches anything, Gustaf makes her say the word for it.
"Learning Swedish?" Alex asks, in the dialect. Tiger takes a few seconds to process it.
"Yes," she answers, but a quick tsk from Gustaf and she rephrases. "Nej, ja."
Alex points to the salt.
"Kuk," he says.
"Alex!" Gustaf admonishes, then he turns to tiger. "That's not the word for salt."
"Du är en kuk," she snaps back without hesitation, and Gustaf snickers.
"Ja?" Alex challenges, "Du är en--"
"We're not doing this," Gustaf interrupts, "Get out of here. Dinner will be ready in an hour."
Alex smirks, but slinks off.
Tiger can more or less handle the singular words, but trouble arises when she starts trying to put sentences together--Swedish just has such a different pacing, a different cadence than any of the languages tiger knows. Her words are right but her sentences are damn near unintelligible because her cadence is wrong, or she's emphasizing the wrong parts. Gustaf tries to be kind, but god it's funny. After a few weeks, she's able to string together--mostly--a few basic phrases, and she wants to surprise Bill.
So one evening, after a long afternoon of meetings with his agent, Bill comes home. He looks tired and beat, but tiger is preparing a nice dinner and she greets him at the door with a kiss.
"Hey kid," he says softly, leaning down for another one. Tiger takes a deep breath.
"Hej," she stutters, "vill du ha något att dricka?"
It is, by far, the longest sentence she has ever put together. Bill blinks for a moment, his brows furrowed.
It's a long silence. Tiger shifts awkwardly.
Suddenly, Bill erupts in boisterous laughter--it's loud, it's uncontrolled.
"What?" he asks, incredulous.
"Umm," tiger shifts, biting her lip. "Vill du ha....något...att dricka?"
She stumbles through it again, and Bill laughs so hard he's wheezing.
"Come again?" he chokes out between laughs, "What the fuck language is that?"
"Bill!" she stamps her foot, and then he realizes that she actually looks a little embarrassed, a little defeated, and he takes a second to try and compose himself. He wipes at his eyes, choking back the chuckles that are still flowing out uncontrolled.
"Tiger," he bites his lip to hold in a laugh, "What's happening?"
"I tried learning some swedish," she mumbles, her arms crossed, "I wanted to surprise you.”
"You did surprise me," he holds back his laughs again his lips twitching.
Tiger rolls her eyes and goes to stalk towards the kitchen.
"Alright alright I'm sorry," he cuts off her path and holds his hands up, pulling her in for another kiss. She bites at his lip in spite. "I'm sorry. That was just...that was really funny."
"What did I do wrong?"
"You learned Danish instead."
"That was the last one, I promise," he chuckles with another kiss, "The...emphasis was just a little off."
She pouts, but he cups her chin.
"First, get the hot potato out of your mouth," he said, "Relax your lips."
"You relax your lips you son of a--"
"Vill du," he interrupts, "Say it."
She repeats.
"Those kind of mush together. Then är något--it's a hard g. Say it."
She does.
"The emphasis is kind of on något. Vill du är något, say it all kind of in one."
She tries, and she gets it.
"Then att dricka. Emphasis on both of those, and stop halfway through dricka to really pronounce it almost like two separate words."
She stumbles a bit through it.
"Again," he encourages. She gets it on the second try.
"Vill du är något att dricka," he says fluidly, and she repeats it verbatim.
"Ja," he says excitedly, "Bra!"
"Excuse me?"
"Bra," he says.
"I'm not wearing one."
"No, tiger," he snickers, "Bra means good."
"Most women would disagree."
Bill sighs, smiling and pulling her in for a hug. He smiles mischievously.
"No bra indeed," he whispers into her ear, and she chuckles and swats at his back.
"Kan jag få min drink?," he says slowly, pronouncing each word. He bites playfully at her neck, but she takes a step back.
"Om..igen?" she asks. He says it again, slower.
"Ja," she smiles, "En martini?"
"Ja," he nods, "My sweet girl. I'll teach you some brand new words tonight."
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loliwrites · 2 years
🦄Loli what about Addi's Swedish a request that Addi trying to learning Swedish but what about the times when she's trying to communicate with other Swedes? I mean this is a phase that my non-Swedish bf going through and everytime he tries I'm having a second hand embarrassment and heart attack but you know be supportive to your man so I go "You were born to speaking swedish"😂🤗
LOL 🦄 Non, as someone who is still learning the language and traveled to Sweden (and tried my damnedest to speak it wherever possible), I can attest that as embarrassing as it is for you to witness, it's just as embarrassing for the speaker 😅 I know I'm probably butchering the language. I know they can speak English better than I can speak Swedish. And that "sj" shenanigans in the Swedish language is absolute bullshit 😅 the "sj" noise is something my mouth will never be able to do. I can never say 'seven' because of it. And don't even get me started on "seastar" or "nurse".
Anywho -- Addi's made pretty great progress with her Swedish lessons from Gustaf. The broadening of her Swedish vocabulary is matched with the confidence she's gaining whenever she and Goose speak to each other. Only she overlooked one important difference between Swedish with Gustaf, and Swedish with anyone outside the Skarsclan. With Gustaf, he's been cognizant of speaking as clearly and precisely as possible. He's slowed down his cadence. He's pronouncing the words in their truest form.
But in Stockholm, Addi's learned (and as I learned), people don't necessarily speak the words in their truest form. There's slang. There's shortcuts. There's even a nasal quality to their dialect that Addi's never truly heard before. So while abroad, her confidence is sort of dropping. Why sound like an idiot trying to speak it when everyone knows the man beside her is a native northman? Sensing that her confidence is a bit shaken, Alex has made a point of getting her to practice. Someone in a cafe or shop greets them, and although Addi looks up at Alex to respond, he continues glancing around as if he didn't hear a thing practically forcing Addi to answer.
"Hej hej," the man standing at the counter mutters. Addi's seen him a few times as this has been the coffee shop they've been frequenting.
"Hej." She glances up at Alex but he's still staring into the pastry case like he's thinking about important things. "Jag skulle vilja ha..."
The man lets out a mmph under his breath, like her formal request is just too much.
Addi swallows, growing more nervous, "uhm... kanelbulle," she looks up at Alex again, "kladdkaka..."
"Med grädde?" The man interrupts. He sounds like he's losing his patience.
Still staring at Alex, she almost shrinks in on herself when he finally returns her gaze and flashes her a fleeting smile. Addi lowers her eyes to the man and nods, "ja, tack. Också två kaffe." She exhales. Done.
"Att gå eller stanna?"
Addi just stares at him. Why'd he ask her something else? She was done. She'd resigned herself to the conversation being over. She goes frozen and doe-eyed.
More perturbed, the man cocks his head to the side and rolls his eyes, "jag har andra kunder. Svenska eller engelska?"
Now Alex steps in. Not because she looked up at him for help, but because she's paralyzed into inaction. "Hey, she's learning. Simmer down," he fishes his wallet out of his pocket and switches his attention to shell-shocked Addi. "You want it to go or to stay?"
She huddles into Alex's side a little more, trying to avoid all eye contact with the man. "Stay,"
"Stanna," Alex hands his credit card over. The other man has suddenly become very passive. Once he leaves to grab their items, Alex hooks his arm over Addi's shoulder and offers a bright smile. "You did so good,"
"He got angry at me."
"He's having a bad day,
Addi shrugs. "Can you just be the one to speak when we go into places?"
He really wants to object and be firm with her but not only does she look timid, she looks embarrassed. Instead of pressing the issue, he agrees off the bat. But he doesn't want this one guy to ruin this for her. He loves that she's put so much effort into learning Swedish and is really proud of her. But it takes a few days and a sneaky plan to get her speaking again.
After he’s realized that she’s going to shell up and wait for him to speak, Alex recruits the help of patient, kind Gustaf. Just as Alex says he has to disappear for a business lunch, Gustaf swoops in to take Addi out to lunch. He’s careful not to jump into Swedish with her right away. And even he notices that once they’re seated, she’s letting him take the reins with talking to the waitress.
While she’s distracting herself with the menu, Gustaf blurts to the attentive waitress -- “she’s learning Swedish. Is it okay if she practices?”
Addi flicks her stare to Gustaf. Sabotage. But then the waitress’ smile grows wider and she nods enthusiastically. “Jaha!”
While at first she’s hesitant and barely speaking above a murmur, the kindness and enthusiasm of the waitress slowly eases Addi into a state of greater comfort. She’s being patient with her, and waiting for her to find the words without rolling her eyes or sighing like the man at the coffee shop. Throughout the course of the meal, Addi gains her voice and confidence back -- and even learns some Stockholm slang.
So by the time they arrive back at Alex’s apartment, and smell a fresh pot of coffee brewing, Addi lets out a barbaric, “KUCKELIKU!” and goes running off to find him.
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