helluvabitchx · 7 months
“Excuse me. Could you tell me where I am please? I think I’m lost.” @hellcasted for millie
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Oh.....It wasn't everyday that Millie ran into a sinner, if they weren't in the office. Let alone one that smelled so fresh. The poor thing didn't look that old either. She frowned, dropping down to her knees and taking the small bear sinner's hands.
"Well....I don't want to cause much of a shock, but yer in Hell."
She felt bad for the poor thing, it must be so confusing.
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odiumfidei · 8 months
                   @hellcasted - ❀
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"Oh that- that doesn't usually happen," She was talking to one of their newer guests when there was a distant explosion- but it seemed like Vaggie was already dealing with it. "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about!"
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hellstoofull · 8 months
"Are you sure you're not a demon? Cause you kinda look like one." hellcasted for lute
The exorcist turned her gaze down onto the demon, her face hidden behind her helmet but her expression still very much readable as it narrows and hard. "I'd rather kill myself than be considered one of you." she could strike it down but it would only cause her a headache she could easily avoid... she'd just have to wait until extermination. / @hellcasted
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spidrboots · 11 months
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how could he begin to explain his reasoning to steven when he could hardly understand it, himself ? it wasn’t that he couldn’t ( or shouldn’t ) date or find love because of his job. it was valentino & that stupid fucking contract that he made. it was the blood on his hands & the scars on his soul. love was as a privilege that he had since lost, again & again & again.
he couldn’t even fathom what would happen if an object of his affections dared return the feelings that he did his best to swallow down like a thick pill that would save him from himself. it simply couldn’t be. he hands steven a can of soda, one of the few things that charlie kept around the hotel, while he sipped from a mystery liquid in a tall glass.
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“ that’s a real sweet thought, kid. love, datin’, the whole thing ; it ain’t all bad, for all people. it just — it ain’t for me. i’m a natural flirt, s’all. but it’s cute to see a kid dreamin’ big. ”
@hellcasted . / continued from here .
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arcseby · 7 months
“ She's flawed. But, hey, who down here who isn't? ” hellcasted
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Rose was taken aback by the voice. She thought she had been alone... Then again, how can one be alone when they're in public? She looked around for the source of the voice before glancing down and seeing the unfamiliar figure. She gave a gentle but confused smile and knelt down some so she was closer to their level.
That's when she saw the flower on the other's stomach, then the gem. She knew that gem all too well. As soon as it registered with her, she gasped and fumbled.
❝ St-Steven? ❞
Her voice was airy, shaking with the sudden adrenaline. Why was HE here? What happened to him? Tears began to fall from her cheeks, tears that would have had healing properties had she been alive. She had failed him.
The thought swam in her mind, loud, heavy, suffocating. She hadn't even realised that she had fallen backward and was starting to hyperventilate. This was the place she had heard the humans speak of. The place where the evil and immoral went when they died... She didn't want him to be here. He COULDN'T be here. Was this some sort of sick, twisted joke? And why was he a bear? Her shock turned to anger. Who was this person, and why were they pretending to be her son? She scrambled backward, trying to distance herself from him.
❝ Get away from me! I don't know who you are, but whoever you are... This isn't right. My son doesn't belong here! He's too young to die... He's too good to be here! ❞
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variantia · 4 months
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Anonymous / @hellcasted said : “Can you give me any protection spells? I’m kinda tired of getting hurt all the time.” Hellcasted for alastor / ALASTOR.
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" Hmmmm ... you know, I do believe I can do you one better, my boy. "
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Alastor leans down, crooking one arm out toward Steven. " Let's pay my DEAR FRIEND ROSIE a visit. She owes me a favor, and I think she can create something that will keep you safe better than any temporary spell. Come along, now, lively we step ! "
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micsmasmuses · 7 months
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@hellcasted asked : "Hello! My name's steven! Could I check in please? I heard this is the hotel that rehabilitates sinners. Is that true?" for charlie
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She gives him a large grin, clapping her hands together as she tilts her head at the young boy. How exciting! Someone willing to change! But why a little boy? He doesn’t seem so bad why is he in hell anyways?
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“Of course! And it does that’s correct- but I have to ask, what got you here in the first place?” She asks giving him a confused look.
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diresang · 8 months
            ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 𝒖𝒏𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒅 ✦․⁺  ↳ @hellcasted asked: “Hello! My name’s steven! Could I have a rootbeer please?”
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husk looked the kid up and down, eyes widened in shock to see him. he knew kids weren't unlikely in hell━ he'd seen kids here firsthand in cannibal town. but this kid was different. just his vibes screamed that he did not belong here. it was suspicious, but there was no way that charlie wasn't aware of his presence here. so husk blinked, furrowed his eyebrows.
            ❝ uh . . . sure, kid. ❞
for the first time, husk was thankful for the supply of other drinks provided by vaggie━ sure was a slap to his face, especially after saying they'd go to waste. he scooped some ice into a glass, cracked open a bottle, and poured. carefully, he slid the glass towards steven.
            ❝ welcome to the hazbin hotel. name's husk. ❞
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pinkxxxpony · 8 months
“ Why do you think I'm here? ” Hellcasted
“… I’m not sure what to think.” Sugarcube said a bit sheepishly, looking around a little helplessly. What the hell was a kid doing around here? Who did he belong to? Oh geez.
“What’s your name, honey? Got somewhere to stay?”
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sevenciircles · 1 year
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@hellcasted asked: “Could I have a room please?” for Charlie
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The blonde looked around, stars practically lighting up in her eyes as she looked around for the voice. Was it a new sinner freshly fallen? Had they heard about her hotel? Was this going to be the start of something new? Would she finally achieve her dreams? This was such an exciting circumstance! She'd put her all into this guest, make sure that they were on track to heaven and have them flown up to the pearly gates on a cloud of cotton candy.
However, when she turned around, she noticed... a kid. Well, he looked a little older than a kid, but still a kid. Charlie felt her hopes dash, and her excitement dwindled to concern. Concern mingled with a bit of irritation. Why was a kid here? There absolutely had to be some kind of mistake. Hell wasn't the place for a kid, a sinner kid. As much as Charlie wanted to change it, it wasn't there yet.
Which meant the kid was in danger.
However, even though her smile dimmed, it still remained there. Just, more awkward. This was new. She was pretty sure that he wasn't on drugs or had an alcohol addiction...what vice could she even try to cure?
Charlie forced herself to calm down, she was getting ahead of herself again. Only this time in the opposite direction. She needed to remain calm and in control of the situation, like Vaggie.
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"Um..." She began, and chastised herself, not confident! "Yes! Yes of course! I'm Charlie, owner of the Hotel. I'd like to be the first to welcome you to the Happy Hotel!" She picked up speed as she launched into the line, falling into her old cheer.
She went behind a desk and brought out a heavy book, but she carried it like it was a feather.
"You'll just need to sign in! While you're doing that, can you maybe tell me how you heard of us? And what brought you in to see us?"
A better way of asking 'why are you here?'.
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sincericida · 8 months
since Peter Parker is supposed to be ugly then I have the perfect fancast: Mark Wahlbe-
Ewwwwwwww! Peter Parker does not deserve this fate
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ylissebian · 1 year
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red paladin and his hellcaster | enchantress and her gryphon queen
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futureplayboibunnie · 2 years
Dr Strange x fem!reader
- me when i get carried away again. lord this one has me in my feels cause its so angsty and cathartic and smutty and all that jazz. possessive Stephen is my niche, nuff said. i also took some inspo from the song ‘body paint’ by the arctic monkeys cause i got a request from it and a few other requests for a hurt/angst/ smut fic. ENJOY
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You were so predictable.
Being a complete master of deception, subterfuge and trickery, it was only you could ensure such things on the conscious of whoever was stupid enough to fall into your traps.
Stephen Strange fell for all your traps, and if he could he would be so idiotic to fall for them over and over again.
Again, you were so predictable. The walls building up again that took him so long to tear down, one thing goes wrong and you put up that sad dreary face as well as your need to be a hermit, hiding away from the sun so it wouldn't be able to see you cry. It was tragic, almost Shakespearean, a Greek anthology of love, lust and whole lot of broken trust. Clumsy with the heart that lead him away from his troubles, the heart that can be as bleak and black as the darkened sky- switching up whenever it was deemed necessary. Said once again, you were predictable.
He really fucked up this time. Friends with benefits was never a mutually exclusive deal in the first place even though it was always advertised to be. Stephen was lying with you in bed, stroking straying strands of hair after a wild ride of heady and intimate sex, everything was so perfect- too perfect to the point he said the fated words of 'I love you.’
The words just fell out. Did he mean it? No, yes. Probably. You were just…so good for him, he needed goodness in his life, you make him good when all he wanted to do was take his anger out on the world that made him who he is. You could read him like an open book, letting him take all of this frustration out on you when all the fights and threats made a cyclone of panic and grit swirl in the caves of his chest. You were there, ready to take it all away.
You missed him, but you lay your bed...now you needed to lie in it. What made it all the more ironic was that it was Valentines Day, how delightfully cliche.
It isn't the fact that he said 'I love you', it was that he was in love in the first place. He felt it, identified what it was and he said it- he shouldn't have felt love for you in the first place. You'd only disappoint him, you wouldn't be able to give. Stephen what he wanted. A relationship. This deal is now null and void, letters addressed to the fire. Forgetting about it seemed like the only way out of this hellcasted abyss.
You could let yourself grieve or you could fumble about with the piano in the centre of your apartment. Bored of all the thoughts, you wandered to your piano, sat yourself down and fiddled with a few random keys- losing yourself in the music. It was now just dawning on you. The moon wasn't as bright as it used to be since you left Stephen, the windows from ceiling to floor being evident of that- the stars were twinkling but barely. It was so dark, the array of lit candles strewn around the place were enough to make the atmosphere much less stark. The neon lights of the high street adding a faux glow.
Being sad made you annoyed, you needed to suck it up. It was just an entanglement after all. Your fingers pressed against the ivory of the grand piano, setting the same note over and over again- as if it were a reflection of your days without him, one note, the same, monotonous, tedious. He really lit a fire under your ass, catching you out as a means to make you smarter. Now it was as if you were stuck in a doom and gloom 50s neo-noir, you had the sexy self loathing all you needed now was a lighter and a pack of Parliaments.
Stephen was outside your door. He never chased after a woman, but your loss hit him harder than ever, unlike anyone else. The image of you leaving surfaces in his minds eye as he stares: your sad, ashen face stricken with hurt and confusion. The memory burned- it was painful and unwelcome. Stephen portrayed himself as noble, willing to sacrifice the one for many but when it comes to you it was damn near impossible.
I made her that miserable.
He frowned at the thought.
He took everything too far, too quickly. It fills him with the dread he's become all too familiar with since you left him. His reunion with you is something he didn't want to mess up, he didn't have the tip to straighten out the kinks of what he was going to say to you...because he didn't even know what he was going to say at all.
Maybe you never wanted to see him again. Maybe you were fucking someone else.
He winces at the thought. He would much rather have you never see him again than anyone else laying a finger on you, touching you, fucking you. A carefree exchange with anyone else made his concern and sadness turn into rage.
I'll break their fingers off from the fucking knuckle.
Stephen knew he was being an asshole when he didn't give the grace of knocking on your door, he just opened it.
Lost in your idle overthinking, the dim lights of the candles and the music flowing from your fingertips, you were too distracted to see that Stephen had let himself in. You peered up and stopped the movements of your hand, eyes widening slightly, but you didn't show him any of your thoughts or feelings even though you were filling with rage at his gall- you just acknowleged him blankly, as if he were a stranger. Your eyes stripped him bare and left him raw as they did the first time he saw them.
‘’Get out.’’ You said meekly but your words didn't offer enough strength to fill it through, you were becoming red with fury and blue with sadness all at once.
Stephen closed the door, letting himself flow into the scent of candles and sombre music.
God, the fucking cliche of it all.
He didn't talk, he just let himself wander to you. You were stilling with every step he took near but you were too tired to fight him off when he sat next to you, growing closer to your body heat. Not acknowledging his presence, you continued playing as a means to drown him out. Stephen sat with you, staring at every move you made intently through blackened eyes.
The scent of her.
Stephen took your hand and you freezed, playing uneven notes, shock causing you to halt in your tracks as he clasped your hands in his and held them together tightly. The physical reaction Stephen teased out of you was irritating- your lips loosened immediately, and you found yourself expaining your feelings.
‘’I don't want you to go.’’ Your voice seemed certain.
Again, switching up- predictable and ironic.
‘’The last time we spoke, you left me.’’ He murmured, the colour draining from his grief stricken face. ‘’Forgive me if I'm a little nervous.’’
Man up Strange! Look her in the eye and tell her what you want.
Your eyes locked with his, a perpetual and never ending battle between two sad people aching for an escape. A relationship with him would make this dream of yours all too real, when it was just hookups and when it felt clandestine. It felt like a dream you could indulge yourself in every now and again, and it was so good- no strings tying you back to reality...but now he wants to pull the rug from under you and wake you up from it. The two of you in love would mean that it would make you weak, someone could take him and strip you of all your humanity- you would go insane if anyone took him from you. With all of these threats in the world, it wasn't an option you were willing to entertain.
You loved him. You did.
‘’I don't want you to go.’’ You repeated again, this time your voice was wavering and cracking from the pain, or hurt or confusion, the want, the need for him...you didn't know what you were feeling at this point...all you knew is that it was a heavy feeling on your chest.
Stephen kissed your hands and smoothed your fingertips with his thumb, he peered back up at you, he was watching your every move. You were sure the tears were about to fall down the skin of your cheeks but you sucked them back in.
‘’I'm not going anywhere...Just tell me what you want.’’ He attempted to coax you out with reassurance.
Your mind was travelling to a million different places at that request. What do you want? You wanted Stephen to stop this ever immortal White knight quest, you wanted him to fuck off and get out, you wanted your love for him to be his only constant, you wanted him to fuck all of the sadness out of you right now...make you his.
‘’I don't want you to love me, I don't want to love you but...I need you.’’ You whispered as your fingers found its way out of his hold and went straight to his hair, playing with tufts of it to absolve you of your irrational fear of losing him forever.
Stephen was rendered speechless, your hold on his hair being his only anchor to reality.
You loved him? The world wasn't spinning right on its axis, he was sure it was a one way street, but you proved him wrong. Unpredictable?
His palm was twitching, he wanted to get his hands on you- feel you. It was as if the sun hadn't risen for days, he was in perpetual night without you.
So help me God, if anyone even thinks about hurting you.
You made him jealous. He lost control. Impossible, confusing woman. But you needed him now...that was enough. Stephen's bodily reaction was visceral.
‘’I need you.’’ You whispered softly against his lips as reassurance, his eyes were still transfixed on yours.
‘’Good.’’ Stephen said simply. He'd care about wanting to love you forever later, right now all he wanted to do was feel you- even if it was for tonight.
Your lips connected with his, a brutal clash of pent up frustration, sadness, jealousy, pain rendered physical through mouths. It almost felt metaphysical, something beyond purpose and reason. His hands fell to the sides of your neck, grasping tightly as you clambered onto his lap. You settled there as if it was home, big arms holding you steady- melting into him already. Your blood was burning, yearning for a future that wasn't possible- but in this moment it didn't matter. He tugged on your hair harder and it made him open your mouth that much wider to taste at you, it was as if the stars were aligning once more- the thought kickstarted your heart.
Stephen kept replaying your words in his head, it's not right for both of you to fall for each other, but you did.
She loves me. He thought, it was almost dreamy.
Even though you could take care of yourself and he hated cliches, he wanted to be the one to find you over at a bar...save you from the resident asshole that's been stripping you naked with his eyes and wants to get in your pants; Stephen would drape his arm around your shoulder and pull you towards him, freeing you from unwanted advances.
Hey, baby, is this guy bothering you?
You'd melt into him, relieved. Stephen would most likely want to rip the 'fuck you' expression from the asshole's rugged, smug face, he would fall into that macho hubris of protecting what was his. Being a show off wasn’t foreign to him. You would be pissed, obviously...but the asshole wanted what Stephen had.
Keep your hands off my girl.
My girl.
It was Valentines Day after all, he was brimming with overused romantic cliches- no matter how much he hated them. The hero of the story. Being a real life superhero meant nothing if he wasn't the Knight in shining armour. How beautifully ironic.
Now this was something unpredictable.
You were becoming more desperate now, eyes darkened with desire, feeling the heat from his body, the way he was hardening under you. It was searing you white hot forever. You wanted to be bathed in it but Stephen has always been into delayed gratification- that one time he edged you for a week suddenly popped into mind. He fucked you over your own kitchen counter after his torture. The thought was simply spurring you on, you ground down on his rough jeans, internally relieved that you weren't wearing any pants and only a shirt. His hands roamed free on your body before grabbing you and laying you down on top of the grand piano.
Stephen's mouth was still bound to yours, as if witchcraft. You wondered at how in his presence he made you feel an entire spectrum of emotions: from angry, to sad, to fearful and to carnal. Before Stephen, life was but a bore, a monotonous mission to get through every waking day, but when he scooped you up everything changed. Being with him is like being in a storm, all emotions colliding and crashing together, then surging and ebbing away. Right now the only emotion he felt was intense arousal.
‘’You see what you do to me?’’ Stephen panted into your skin, fawning over your body in the dim moonlight, impatient fingers itching and clawing to get your shirt off. He got it done in half the time.
‘’Stephen, I haven't stopped thinking about the way you know exactly how to get me like this...it's hell.’’ You whispered as you helped him get off his shirt.
Hell? Perhaps. Sometimes he thinks he was made in hell...but you were an angel.
‘’I'm not stopping now.’’ Stephen bit are your jaw and neck, littering you in the marks he knew you loved but forced him to avoid. No. Not anymore.
The possession in the statement made you shiver, your fingernails dug into his shoulder blades as a response. Lust and need was thickening your blood and it made you moan into his mouth; he took it as a wake-up call when your tongue wrestled with his- erotic, raw, intense.
Stephen's nimble fingers stripped you of your underwear, you were naked and begging under him- the way he likes it. His whole body tightened at the sight of you, he just needed to be buried in you. He felt pathetic letting you get under his skin but he couldn't find it in himself to care- not when you perched yourself up and your hands flew to hasitly and roughly unbutton and unzip his jeans.
‘’Whoa..easy, easy.’’ He said in an attempt to tame you, finding an aburd amount of pleasure in the way you just couldn't wait.
‘’Don't make me wait.’’ You said, deadly serious as you got it off for him.
Relentless and infuriating. Perfect.
Your legs parted further for him and he nestled between the sweet valley of your thighs once more, it was automatic at this point. You attempted to create friction but Stephen, being shameless as always, wanted to drag it out.
Your whole body buzzed, when his beautiful fingers played with your pussy, dragging up and down and toying with your clit as a means to see you fall apart. You whimper at his intent focus on your face, the reaction he pulls from you when he plays and teases you like this. It makes his ego soar. You had the ability to make him feel ten feet tall.
‘’I missed the face you make when I touch you.’’ He grunted and he swallowed your moans and sharp exhales. You were so wet, it was bordering on dangerous. ‘’Beautiful...and mine.’’ Stephen didn't mean to say the last word but it just fell out, he'll deal with the ramifications later.
You were tense. Too tense. That stretch he moulded was making you unrevel, his cock entering and exiting you without any avail. One hand on your waist and one hand in your hair, swollen parted lips meeting with his in a fit of neediness and desperation you haven't felt in time. It was a burning and overwhelming feeling; his rutting inside of you felt so brutal and so good it was intoxicating.
‘’Fuck me harder.’’ You blinked up at him. ‘’Please?’’ You smiled bashfully, remembering the delightful importance of politeness. The last time you felt yourself smile seemed eons ago, but here you are.
He let out a breathy chuckle at your impatient request, but he let you have your fun considering he did as you asked. It was much harder this time, the pump of him hitting that spot that made you see the sparkling of stars.
Stephen let go of his control, his surpression of impulses, he completely lost his mind when you wrapped your fingers in his hair and bit his ear. A turn on you teased out of him of course. Stephen put you out of your misery, stretching you in a way you didn't think was humanly possible; you often thought of him as unhuman- his name was Strange after all.
‘’That's my girl.’’ He panted and with those three words you felt yourself come undone.
His girl.
You were swooning.
Fuck Valentines Day.
An overwhelming heady feeling awashed you with the feeling you've been craving, he worked you through your orgasm, that scream ripping through your throat told him all he needed to know. A collision of moans and prolonged pants symphonised in the air as you both emptied yourselves.
Stephen lay down next to you on the piano, it was like you were both in a smoky, jazzy vintage Hollywood film. Again, fuck Valentines Day. You spent no time clinging onto him desperately, it felt so wrong and so right- an impossible mindfuck. He held you in his big arms, drunk off the feeling you gave him.
You needed to tell him how you felt about him, about the possibility of a relationship. A frown contorted on your face at the thought that soured your mood.
"My girl''
‘’I-‘’ You started but he cut you off almost immediately.
‘’Don't...’’ Stephen muttered under his breath. ‘'Just don't say anything...Let me just lay here with you, even if it's the last time.’’He sounded forlorn and melancholic, accepting of his fate that he's lost you.
‘’No…Just listen to me.’’ You peched yourself up to look at him in his eyes, swirling in a cyclone of quiet sadness and loss.
‘’I don't need to tell you I love you... I'm just scared that loving you is going to make me feel weak, like I can't protect you. Like I have the chance to lose you. Saying we should be together, makes it real and when it's real...all I can think about is losing you.’’
Your face was etched in guilt and anxious uncertainty, so afraid of what the future may hold for both of you. Stephen was sure he couldn't love you anymore than he did right now. You were just as overprotective and crazy as he was, crazy in love, crazy for you- it was all intertwined.
‘’You should be more worried about what I'll do to anyone who touches you rather than me.’’ He smirked slightly and it made a scoff fall from your lips.
‘’Stephen. I'm serious.’’ You glared at him through heavy and exhaused lids. Oh, he could be so obtuse and pious sometimes.
‘’So am I. You make me stronger, you make all the wars worth fighting for and that is the thing that gives me strength. Maybe you should let it give you that strength too...’’ He trailed off, actually registering and acknowledging his feelings when he said them out loud.
‘’How philanthropic.’’
‘’Shut up and listen. I love you. I don't care what the future holds but all I do know is that I want to be next to you day by day, night by night.’’
You'd never seen him so certain ever, it made a swollen bubble of light swell in your chest, the heaviness gone.
Okay. Whatever the future holds, you would wait for it when it comes.
‘’Okay.’’ You whispered with a weak smile on your face.
'’Okay.’’ Stephen repeated with a shit eating grin that threatened to split his face apart, he was attempting to contain how surreal he felt. He was giddy, he wanted to jump your bones right now and take you again just out of pure happiness. He pulled you into his arms and you let out a playful yelp, peppering kisses over your skin as you laughed.
‘’You being unpredictable...I thought that I'd never live to see the day.’’
me when i get carried away again.
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hellstoofull · 8 months
"Mister dust could I pet your pig?" hellcasted for angel
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"Jus' call me Angel, kid, an' sure." He shrugged glancing down at Nuggs before up at him. "You can pet 'im." / @hellcasted
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spidrboots · 11 months
@hellcasted said ; “I like your boots!”
random asks . / always accepting !
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“ shucks, these old things ? ” angel makes a dramatic show of turning his head over his shoulder & examining his boots, lifting his heel from the ground & marveling at the tight leather. “ i’ve had ‘em forever, really. nice to see that you’ve got some taste, kid. ”
any chance that angel could get with someone complimenting him was a good time. & a sweet, genuine compliment on his boots — something that he loved, too — from a young child warmed his chest. it was different from what he was used to in a wonderful, beautiful way.
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“ i dunno if stilettos would really be your thing, but maybe we could get’cha some kickass combat boots or somethin’. ”
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helluvaxhazbin · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss RP Blogroll
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@bliitzo Independent blitzo from helluva boss
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@stabbymaid Independent niffty from hazbin hotel
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@lustfulxxxprincess Independent prn star au charlie morningstar from hazbin hotel
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@murderxbimbo Independent martha from helluva boss
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@velvettexcupcake independent headcanon based velvette from hazbin hotel
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@hellcasted Independent hazbin hotel au steven universe
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@dorkydemcn Independent hazbin hotel oc.
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@mxthsinner Independent sinner au vaggie from hazbin hotel
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