#hellcheer mention
toburnup · 1 year
I don’t understand why people care enough to negatively comment on work because they don’t like a character…
I don’t like some characters that my friends reblog and I just scroll past like a normal person, I’m not going to dictate or judge what people like and I can’t stand the way people say “oh I block people who like *insert character they dislike*” like it’s so petty and strange… I like all your work I think you’re a great writer do I ship all the same people as you? Nope but does it bother me? Not at all. There is no letting people have fun in this fandom I swear to god!
i find it very odd. it's especially easy to avoid on tumblr, so i don't understand people's reactions (also, sorry, i accidentally wrote a whole essay here)
i'm not sure if it's because so many people in the ST fandom are newer to fandom in general, or it's just how things are now (i'm afraid it's this one), but i find that a surprising amount of people see any interest in a character as like... symbolic of someone's personal morals and values. and this is especially rampant among steddie shippers which is unfortunate. i block a ton of people on twitter because they say "hellcheer dni" and then i see passive aggressive messages on discord about how i blocked them. is this because people make the media they consume their whole ID? or people trying to play activist? (i've said it before on here but my activism isn't an online activity for me, it's my work and it's my personal life, and i'm intentional about separating these. i don't share much about my life on here on purpose).
billy anti's are actually scary at times. i personally don't see the logic of harassing real people in the name of fictional characters (and this is a generalization, but most of the time it's white shippers pulling that shit which just feels performative at best). this isn't billy-related, but joseph quinn fans bullied a jquinn fan account (run by a woc) off of twitter because she wasn't retweeting social justice-related posts. lmao. people really see sj rt's as the be-all and end-all of Being a Good Person. like people have lives outside of fandom and they can't see that.
LONG STORY SHORT, i know that posting my hellcheer and metalsandwich fic is going to make some people hate me or whatever, but i'm really tired of feeling like i can only openly like and enjoy steddie in order to have value here. if people are going to stop reading what i write, or blacklist me or whatever, i'll make my peace with that. and let's be real, who's really the one losing out in that scenario? because it's not me.
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ebongawk · 24 days
The party had dialed past a ten on the insanity scale, like, two, maybe two-and-a-half hours ago.
Eddie probably should've dipped out well before then. Shit, he was normally gone with the wind once he sold out, but something about this party had him sticking around a few extra minutes that had, in the blink of an eye, transformed into a few extra hours.
Maybe it was the feeling of the last hurrah. The final graduation party of the season at Andy Doucheface's house before everyone fucked off to campus tours and early move-ins or whatever-the-fuck university freshman did.
Or maybe it was because, as soon as no one was paying attention, Eddie'd started siphoning spare beer and snacks and digging through the belongings of The Parents Doucheface.
(Maybe he'd pocketed a couple of super nice tools to ninja slip into Wayne's toolbox at a later time and also a framed picture day photo of Andy from elementary school that he was gonna toss in the lake in an effort to devastate the people who'd raised such a Doucheface. Who could say?)
He'd already loaded his provisions into the van. Literally only came back to make a final circuit for any spare, unopened handles of liquor – he didn't want jock cooties, ew – when he found it.
The Holy Grail of a party of this caliber.
Spray paint.
Eddie looked around, but he was definitely alone in the garage. And the jockstraps inside were raging, music gradually getting louder and still hard to hear over the shouting of drunk voices. With a gleeful, maybe slightly maniacal giggle, Eddie grabbed the paint - red, his lucky day - and got to work creating a masterpiece on the interior walls of the garage.
Lost in the artistic haze of poorly rendered dick and balls jizzing onto Andy's face, Eddie didn't hear the uptick in commotion outside the garage. He was finishing up the first "s" in "ass" (as in, "Jason Carver loves eating hairy ass") when the garage door suddenly burst open.
Now, listen. Eddie's fight-or-flight is pretty fucking reactive, and he tends to automatically lean toward fight. He has, of course, relied on flight to get out of many a pickle, but generally his fists were out before his feet were moving.
So, when that door hit the wall with a loud bang!, Eddie had his lighter in hand and the spray paint up in a half-second, just about ready to burn the hair off whatever drunk asshole was coming to start shit.
But the drunk asshole squeaked, ducking down beneath where a fireball would've been if Eddie hadn't caught himself.
Because it wasn't, in fact, a drunk asshole.
It was Chrissy Goddamn Cunningham.
And she really did not look drunk at all.
Oh, be still, his cynical, stupid fucking heart. Why the hell did it skip a beat?
He'd heard, through the endlessly riveting rumor mill churned out by the ridiculous Hawkins grapevine, that she'd finally kicked ol' Carver to the curb once they'd walked the stage. But he hadn't actually run into her at one of these stupid ass parties all fucking summer. He'd been hoping for, like, one chance encounter before he took off for Chicago, but alas.
The stars were not shining on Eddie Munson the past couple months.
But maybe now.
"Well, shit," Eddie said as the door she'd come through swung shut. "You stumbled upon my lair, Cunningham. Sorry for, uh, almost flame-throwing you."
Her eyes, which had been wide with fear when she walked through the door - valid, considering the circumstances of her entrance - blinked as she took in Eddie's handiwork.
"Oh," she breathed, reading Eddie's crass statements he'd semi-permanently stamped onto the walls. Her eyes going from Andy's Dick Sundae to Carver's Ass-Eating Preferences as her cheeks split with a smile. "Oh, gosh, Eddie, what--? Gosh, that's so funny."
No fucking way she was building up his ego while he publicly ragged on her ex.
"Yeah?" he asked, looking over his shoulder at his twin masterpieces. Relishing in her grin with a shit-eating one of his own. Taking the opportunity to finish spelling out 'ass' on the drywall "I, uh, take commissions, you know. Something pretty to hang in your dorm room."
"Not something about Jason eating ass?"
"Only if you ask nicely."
God damn it. That made her giggle. Eddie was going insane.
"I wish I had my camera," Chrissy sighed, stormy eyes bright as she reread Eddie's dig at Carver. "Andy's parents are just going to make him paint over this. It won't be memorialized."
"Should I make a pit stop at the 7-11 billboard on my way home? Let the town know what Jockstrap McGee and his Pearl Necklace Sidekick plan on getting up to in college?"
Chrissy blinked at him, tilting her head to one side.
"Pearl necklace?"
Suddenly, back in the house, the sound of glass shattering resounded down the hallway just before someone yelled, "Scatter!" and Chrissy's eyes widened again.
"Oh, shoot! We gotta go!"
But she was already grabbing his hand and hitting the door to open the garage. But, instead of waiting for the door to come up, she yanked open the side door and pushed him through. Fingers firmly clasped, Chrissy took off, dragging a very confused Eddie behind her as she sprinted around the side of the house and bypassed the gate to run into the neighbor's yard.
"Cops!" she whisper-yelled at him as they ducked through a grove of trees. Eddie chanced a glance back, barking out a laugh that was maybe a little too loud when he saw the flashing red and blue lights.
"Fuckin' knew that was gonna happen," he whispered back, pulling her to a stop where they were hidden behind some bushes. A metric fuckload of kids were spilling out of the house, many too drunk to run properly. Chance fucking rammed into McKinney, who fell to the ground and immediately started barfing all that alcohol out of his system.
A couple of piggies suddenly rushed through the open garage door, looking left and right for the culprits that had used to escape. Eddie could barely see them, tucked away as they were and from a less than stellar vantage point, but suddenly Chrissy's opening it made sense when the two cops took off running in the opposite direction.
"Excellent method of distraction, Cunningham," Eddie murmured, barely discernible over the shouting. "You run from cops a lot?"
Beside him, Chrissy shrugged.
"I watch a lot of horror movies," she responded, shuffling a little so they were crouched closer together. So he could hear her, he assumed, but holy shit she was close enough that he was gonna spontaneously combust. "Whenever the heroine has an opportunity to distract and doesn't, I always get so mad!"
"Are you the heroine in this story?"
"Saved you, didn't I?"
Oh. Oh damn. She had jokes. And that sly look in her eye, tongue tucked between her teeth as she bit back a giggle.
She was gonna kill him, and he'd thank her.
"You know, I held onto this," Eddie said, holding up the can of paint he hadn't thought to pitch. "We could, uh. We could make a trip to the 7-11 billboard together, if you want."
She fucking sparkled in the moonlight when she looked at him. Some airy disbelief written across her features that Eddie could not possibly comprehend. Shouldn't he be the skeptical one here?
"I may or may not have snuck some shit off Andy's property, though." Eddie grinned. "You ain't gonna tattle on me, are you, sweetness?"
"Not if you got the good stuff," Chrissy answered with a shrug just as Hopper and Callahan burst through the front door, various drunk kids in tow. "Where are you parked?"
Eddie nodded around the corner before taking the chance of a goddamn lifetime. Reaching down, he took her hand with his again, holding his breath to see what she'd do.
If she'd drop it.
He should've inhaled, because the moment she laced their fingers together, he forgot he needed air altogether.
"Alright," he said, fucking breathless. Squeezing her fingers, he looked at her for a long moment. A moment where she met his gaze head on, some awed determination set there that he wanted to know fucking everything about. Looking back at the house, he watched the cops as they paraded drunk teenagers onto the porch. "Ready?"
Chrissy, beside him, in the weirdest goddamn event of his life, nodded resolutely.
"Let's run, baby."
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rebirthdinosaurs · 1 year
i want married! platonic stobin. i want some corporate jobs! steddie. i want a fic where steve runs a company under his familys name or smthn and eddie gets a job there and develops a crush on the office cutie and himbo boss man steve harrington, only for him to figure out that he’s married (”of course hes married”) and in a really healthy relationship with some lady named robin. i want him to meet robin at corporate party and realize “oh this is a lesbian” (because steve is bi and really good at accidentally putting up a straight persona at work, and all of steves flirthing tactics go right over this mans head, but a gay recognizing a lesbian is instant). i want eddie to derail and jump to conclusions and think that robin is just using steve as some coverup and a money bag and obviously poor heterosexual himbo steve has zero clue as to whats going on. 
i want robin and steve to invite eddie over for dinner one day only for him to see a couple of their wedding photos of them in semi formal clothing like their dressed for prom, both in suit, and max contact a hug or a kiss on the cheek. maybe one is robin sitting down with steves head in her lap. (the were half tempted for steve to wear a wedding dress, and robin to wear a tux, but decided it wasnt very subtle. i would love a fic that is just about them trying and sorta failing to have a very heteronormative wedding but they just cant help themselves, can they?)
along the way, they become friends, eddie introduces them to his best friend, chrissy, and eddie is eventually told that steve and robin married as a safe way to conceal their complete gayness from the homophobic agenda (around the same time, before or after, he figures out that robin and chrissy are totally crushing on each other. eddie and chrissy eventually marry with the arrangement that they can be safe and date their neighbors steve and robin under the guise of steve and eddie and chrissy and robin just being “bestfriends” instead of completely and totally gay for one another.   
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 8 months
The Vampire Bandit
Summary: Instead of a raccoon messing with her trashcans, Vickie finds a supposedly dead Eddie Munson hiding amongst them. She ends up hiding him in her house, and they bond over her cousin, Chrissy. Rovickie with a side of Steddie.
When Vickie heard about the members of Hellfire being hunted down, she had been furious even more so when she heard they were doing it in Chrissy's name. Her cousin wouldn't have wanted that, and she felt so much anger for Chrissy as well as Hellfire, as well as Eddie. Vickie wanted to do something, anything, but she didn't know what to do. It wasn't just for Chrissy, though. She knew that some of those guys were Robin's friends, too. She didn't know what Robin did, but during the manhunt something went down. The police had cleared Eddie of any wrongdoing, but there was still an ongoing investigation, then shortly after they announced Eddie's death.
"In the woods, I just - I felt so safe with him," Chrissy had said.
That's what she told Vickie, one of the last words she had said. Vickie cried as she hung up the phone. She wasn't upset that she had just ended her on/off relationship for good. It was the fact that she couldn't pick the phone back up to tell her cousin about it. She would never talk to Chrissy again. Vickie let out a sob and leaned against the wall, letting it hold her up. Suddenly, there came a loud crashing sound outside, and she straightened up. She glanced at the phone. Her dad had gotten called into work, and so, she was here all alone. She grabbed the baseball bat from the hall closet and stepped out the back door. Vickie did the stupid thing they all did in horror movies.
"Hello?" She called out.
There was a rustling sound from the trashcans. Vickie sighed. It was probably just a raccoon or opossum. She didn't drop the bat, though, as she moved closer. She moved the trashcans and found a bloody Eddie Munson laying behind them.
"Stay away from me!" Eddie whimpered.
She froze for a moment, unsure of what to do, and then knelt down next to the trashcans.
"Eddie," Vickie said softly. "I'm not going to hurt you. I never believed that you did any of those things."
"I-I'm different," Eddie said.
"Yeah, I heard those rumors, but I would be a hypocrite, Eddie," Vickie admitted, smiling as she thought about Robin.
"Y-you're a vampire too?" He sniffled.
"What?! Um. . .no. I, uh, was talking about something else," Vickie said, blushing.
Eddie moved forward, and Vickie could see his face as he moved out of the shadow. His face was glistening with tears, and his mouth was covered in blood. His skin was gray, his eyes red, and she could see fang peaking out of his mouth.
"I drank a raccoon," Eddie said sadly. "I like raccoons. They have little hands and built-in bandit masks. I was just so hungry."
He started crying, and she realized he was lying next to the dead raccoon. It was hard to be scared of this man.
"Okay. Well, how about we bury him, pay our respects, and then we get you cleaned up?" Vickie asked.
"Yeah, okay," Eddie sniffled and cradled the body into his arms.
After they buried the body, there was a moment of silence, and then Vickie brought him inside to let him use her shower. She left some of her dad's old clothes out for him and waited in the kitchen for him. He walked back, looking much better. His skin was less gray, his eyes were now brown, and his fangs had slid back into place.
"So, this must freak you out?" Eddie asked.
"Um, yeah, a little, but I want to help you," Vickie said. "Is there anyone that I should call for you?"
"They all think that I'm dead," Eddie replied.
"Then we should definitely call them," Vickie said with wide eyes.
"I don't know . . . I'm not sure if I'm ready to face them yet. Listen, I'll get out of your hair," Eddie said. "Thank you . . . "
"Vickie. Vickie Fisher," she replied.
"Thank you, Vickie," Eddie said. "I'll be going now."
"Eddie! I can't let you go out there! Look, you can stay here for a few days until you're ready," she said.
"Why?" Eddie asked suspiciously.
"Well, one, even though you've been cleared by the public, there are still people in town who are out to get you," Vickie said. "And two, you really shouldn't be alone right now."
"Uh, what about your parents?" Eddie asked.
"Well, since my mom died, my dad hasn't stepped foot in the crafting shed. He doesn't have to know," Vickie said. "Come on."
She smiled and led him out back to a blue wooden shed that looked more like a small house.
"Okay, when you said shed, I was thinking more like, well, a shed and not a really tiny house," Eddie said, and Vickie laughed.
"My mom wanted a place to craft her jewelry," she said. "So, my dad built this for her."
"Aww, that's love, man," Eddie said.
She unlocked it and welcomed him inside, turning on the light. There was a small couch in the corner, and next to it was her mom's crafting station. Some of her toys were in here, and a sweater of Chrissy's that she had forgotten lay on a hook. Vickie smiled a sad but fond smile as she recalled all the times they played in here while her mom worked. Sometimes, they even helped her.
"Aww, is that you and your mom?" Eddie asked as he looked at a board filled with photos. "You look like her."
"Yeah," Vickie replied with a shrug. "I don't know. Most people say I look like my dad."
"I see it in the eyes and the smile," Eddie shrugged. "Wait. . .is that Chrissy?"
Vickie glanced at the picture of a young Chrissy and Vickie.
"Yeah," she paused, sucking in a painful breath. "She's my cousin."
"Fuck," Eddie said and looked at her. "I am so sorry."
"Why? You didn't kill her," she replied. "The last time we talked, she was telling me all about your meeting in the woods. The last thing she told me was how safe she felt with you, and if she said that, then it was probably true. "
"Shit," he said and rubbed his eyes.
He pulled her tightly into a hug. They stood like that for a while, holding each other tightly as they cried.
"Helping you out is the least that I could do, Eddie," Vickie said, as she pulled back from the hug.
Getting Eddie settled and hiding him from her father wasn't a problem. He was a doctor, so he worked a lot anyway. The next couple of days flew by, and Eddie was still with her. He would occasionally sneak out at night to feed on animals, having figured out how to do it without killing them. Besides that, Vickie was actually having a lot of fun spending time with him and getting to know him. They talked about Chrissy, and Vickie told him about what it was like growing up with her. She told him about the fallout between their parents. She told him about how Laura Cunningham hadn't even allowed her own brother and niece into the funeral.
"Oh!" Vickie exclaimed, putting her spoon back into the bowl.
They were currently talking at the kitchen table and eating ice cream when Vickie recalled the notebook that Chrissy had left in her room.
"Brain freeze?" Eddie asked, sympathetically. "Thank God, I don't get that anymore. . . OH! OW! I spoke too soon!"
"I'll be back," she said and ran out of the room.
She came back and threw a notebook down in front of him. It was covered in butterfly stickers.
"What's this?" he asked.
"It's Chrissy's," Vickie replied. "It's filled with her drawings. She used to do it all the time before her mother sucked the life out of her."
"Uh, I don't know about this," Eddie said.
"She'd want you to look at them," she said softly.
Eddie carefully opened the journal, looking through drawings of flowers and butterflies that Chrissy always loved to draw. There were also a couple of drawings of Vickie and her mom. Matilda Fisher had been more of a mother to Chrissy than Laura ever had. She knew how hard it had hit Chrissy when she died and spent the next couple of weeks living in Vickie's room. When Laura forced her to stop coming over so much, Chrissy spent much of her time running away and disobeying Laura. Eddie had laughed at that and paused at a drawing in the notebook.
"This is me," Eddie said. "This is me at the talent show. She acted like she didn't remember me."
"It's because she had a crush on you for the longest time," Vickie said. "She was either trying to hide it, or she was making a move on you."
"You're saying that I had a shot with her?" Eddie asked, raising his eyebrows and blinking rapidly. "Fuck."
"Yeah. . . sorry," she said softly.
"Yeah, I can draw too, although nowhere near as beautiful as Chrissy," Eddie said.
"I can't draw for shit. I like to write though. Me and Chrissy used to talk about creating children's books together," Vickie said sadly. "It was always our plan after high school."
"Sorry," Eddie said softly and Vickie glanced at the phone on the wall. "I noticed you keep staring at the phone. Expecting a call?"
"I gave Robin my number the other day and I thought for sure that she would call but I don't think she's going to. Maybe she lost the number or maybe she doesn't . . . " Vickie started to ramble and quickly stopped.
"Wait, Robin Buckley?" Eddie asked and then he grinned. "Your heart is racing awfully fast. Wait. . . is that the rumor thing you were talking about? Yeah, that one isn't true. I mean, it's alright if you are."
"Hmm, I would have figured with the way that you were talking about Steve Harrington the other day," Vickie said.
"Well, I mean, it's just a surprise how much of a good guy he because all that I've heard about him is that he's an asshole from other people. It's stupid now because I normally don't listen to rumors. It was just easier to think that he was a jerk like some of the jocks that bullied my friends, you know? Steve Harrington, not a jerk? No, nope, no way! So, not only is he pretty on the outside, but he's pretty on the inside, too. I mean, yeah, if I were a girl, I would totally date him," Eddie said, scoffing and bit into a scoopful of ice cream. "OW! Brain freeze."
"Wow, I don't think even I rambled that much before," she squinted her eyes at him. "Eddie, you know you don't have to be a girl to date him. Eddie, you do know about gay people right?"
"I know gay people exist," he laughed. "You're sitting right next to me."
"Eddie . . . ," she giggled. "I'm bisexual."
"Pardon?" he asked.
"I like guys and girls," Vickie said.
"Oh. . .oh . . . OH! I do NOT have a crush on Steve Harrington! Nope!" Eddie said, shaking his head and staring at his bowl of ice cream for the longest time. "Jesus H Christ! I have a crush on Steve."
"So, how many guys have you said, 'oh, if I were a girl, I would date him' about?" Vickie asked.
"Shut up, Fisher, it's not funny. I just accepted the fact that I'm a vampire and now I'm having a sexuality crisis," Eddie pouted. "Let me freak out in peace, please."
The phone rang, and Eddie grinned gratefully. Vickie answered the phone and held back a squeal when it was Robin who was on the other end. About halfway through with talking to her, Vickie realized that she was keeping a giant secret from her, and she felt her heart rate pick up in a bad way. Eddie must have picked up on it, too, because he cocked his head to the side and looked at her in concern. Vickie hung up the phone.
"Robin just invited me to hang out with her over at Steve's place tonight," Vickie said. "She said that it was a last-minute thing and I said I would go. They're having a little get together."
"Okay, why are you making it out to be a bad thing?" Eddie asked.
"You have to go! I can't keep something like this from her!" Vickie pleaded.
"We've had this conversation," he rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, and I told you it's stupid," Vickie sighed.
That had been a difficult conversation when he sat down and told her what happened, how they narrowly avoided the entire town being split open. He had told her about Vecna and how Chrissy died. That had been difficult, and Vickie was pretty sure that she would have nightmares for life. He had told her about dying himself and about how when he awoke Vecna tried to make him his minion. Eddie was no one's bitch and so, Eddie killed him which didn't take a lot of power because he pretty much had one foot in grave already. Eddie still felt guilty about not following the plan and was worried about how'd they would react to him being a monster.
"I'm a coward, Vick, I'm just not ready," he said, looking at her with big brown eyes. "Please."
"Fine, but you owe me," she replied and kissed him softly on the forehead. "Idiot."
"Good luck with Robin!" he said cheerfully.
Vickie cursed Eddie all the way to Steve's house. With her heart pounding out of her chest, she walked up to his door and knocked. Steve answered the door.
"Hey, Vickie," Steve said.
"I didn't realize that Steve Harrington knew my name," she said teasingly.
"Well, Robin did mention that she invited her friend, Vickie, over to my house," Steve shrug.
"I was going to say that you were a really good guesser or that you're psychic," Vickie laughed.
"Oh, yeah, totally psychic," Steve laughed awkwardly.
Oh, right. Eddie mentioned something about that they knew a girl with superpowers. Shit, she was already putting her foot in her mouth. Steve let Vickie in and showed her to living room where there were a bunch of kids as well as Robin. Vickie grinned when Robin's eyes lit up at the sight of her. She hopped over to Vickie and moved to hug her but then pulled back. She stuck her hand out and then yanked it back. Vickie laughed and hugged her.
"Thanks for inviting me," Vickie said.
"You're welcome," Robin said, blushing. "I'm glad you could make it."
"Thanks," Vickie smiled.
She was about to say something else when a curly haired boy in a hat approached them.
"You must be Vickie, Robin's friend? You know, Steve is single - ," the boy started to say.
"NO!" Vickie exclaimed and blushed.
"Well, that was a little quick. I'll have you know that Steve is - ," he started to say.
"Dustin!" Steve exclaimed.
"It's not that there's anything wrong with Steve," Vickie said quickly. "It's just that I just broke up with my boyfriend and I like someone else."
"Damn, sorry, Steve," Dustin said.
"How about apologizing for interfering in my love life and Vickie's?" Steve asked and then softly. "I appreciate what you're trying to do, buddy, but it's not necessary."
"It's just that ever since Nancy - ," he said.
"It has nothing to do with Nancy!" Steve exclaimed. "Now, we're trying to have a good night here, I do not want to be thinking about my love life."
Vickie noticed that there was a sadness in his eyes like he was missing someone who was no longer here. She wondered if Eddie was the only one who felt the same. The guilt that was eating at her grew a thousand fold as she watched Dustin hug Steve and then pulled back.
"Sorry, Vickie, we went through a lot recently, and I just want Steve to be happy," Dustin said. "We lost Eddie."
Vickie felt like someone punched her in the stomach, and she gave a nervous grin.
"I get it. I just lost my cousin, Chrissy," Vickie said.
Everyone turned to look at her. Robin looked at with wide eyes.
"I didn't know Chrissy was your cousin," Robin said softly.
"Yeah, Chrissy's mother didn't want it to be public knowledge, completely embarrassed by the fact that she's related to me that she didn't even let me go to the funeral. It's okay, I have my dad and this new friend. Who's been really great, and even though he's been in my life for like three days, I couldn't even imagine my life without him," Vickie said. "You know, if someone doesn't stop me or I don't stop myself when I get like this, I just keep talking."
"Hey, Robin's the same way," Dustin grinned, and Robin hit him. "So, is this guy the one you like? Just kidding! No interfering."
"Because I like you, I'll tell you that no, definitely not. In fact, the idea makes me shudder. Not because of who he is as a person, but because the idea of romance is just. . . Icky," Vickie said, and she could feel Robin smiling at her.
"Would you say this guy is your platonic soulmate?" Robin asked, and Dustin groaned.
"Oh, I like that! Who's yours?" Vickie asked, and Steve nudged her, wiggling his eyebrows. "Oh, that's cute! Can I use that?"
"Absolutely!" Robin exclaimed.
"Can we watch the movie already?" A pale boy asked.
"Does he always scowl like that?" Vickie leaned in to whisper to Robin.
"Yeah, that's Mike. He has a very serious disease. He has Astickuphisbuttitis, a very serious condition that mostly affects teenagers," Robin said and Vickie giggled.
"Oh, I heard about that. I think you need surgery for that," Vickie said seriously. "And I should know. My dad's a doctor."
Robin giggled, and Vickie couldn't help but think about how beautiful she was when she did that. She watched her lips as she introduced the others: Will, El, Lucas, Max, Nancy she knew, Jonathan, and Argyle. Once the introductions were over, Vickie made sure to settle down next to Robin. Max grinned at Steve as she put in the tape. Everyone in the room laughed in Steve's direction when it was revealed to be Mr. Mom.
"Seriously?!" Steve exclaimed.
The kids all laughed and shared a look before looking back at him.
"We love you, Mr. Mom!" They said in unison.
"Yeah, love you too, assholes," Steve said, as he threw a pillow at them.
He was smiling fondly at them, zero heat behind his words.
"In case you didn't get it, there's a running joke that Steve acts like such a mom," Robin whispered to her.
"Yeah, I got it," Vickie giggled.
During the movie, Vickie inadvertently ended up leaning closer towards Robin and hearing Steve whisper something to her.
"I wish Eddie were here," he whispered, his voice thick.
"I know, Steve," Robin whispered back. "I know."
With a lump in her throat, Vickie struggled not to cry. She felt sick to her stomach. She leaned over to whisper to Steve.
"Hey, Steve, I just remembered that I need to call my dad. He's working the night shift, and if I don't call him, he'll get so busy that sometimes he'll forget to eat," Vickie whispered.
"Sure," he said. "It's in the kitchen."
Vickie hurried to the kitchen and picked up the phone to dial her home phone, hoping that Eddie would hear it. With his vampire hearing, he should. A few rings later and Eddie picked up the phone.
"Heeelllllooo?" Eddie asked.
"Hey, it's Vickie," she said.
"Hey, Gingersnap, how's it going with Birdie?" Eddie asked.
"Is there someone around that you need to use codenames?" She asked with a giggle.
"Nah, just trying out nicknames," Eddie replied.
"I don't think I can keep this up," Vickie said. "I can't keep lying to them. They really miss you, and it's breaking my heart. I don't think they're going to care as long as they know you're alive."
"I miss them too, but what if they try . . . " Eddie trailed off.
"Then I'll stand in the way," Vickie said.
"I can't ask you to do that," Eddie said.
"Well, it's a good thing you're not asking me," she replied.
"Vickie," he said softly.
"Look, they've been through so much because of Vecna this might just be the thing that puts some of their broken pieces back together," Vickie said.
"Okay, okay, but can we do it tomorrow?" He asked.
"Fine," she sighed. "I've got to go. Stay out of trouble."
"You know me," Eddie said in amusement. "Bye!"
Vickie chuckled and hung up the phone. She turned around, and her heart leaped in her throat when she saw Robin standing there looking confused. There was also a little bit of distrust in her eyes and Vickie hated that.
"What did you hear?" She asked meekly.
"Something about Vecna and broken pieces," Robin said. "What the hell? Who told you about Vecna?"
"I can't tell you that," Vickie said wincing.
"Why?" She asked.
"Because you won't believe me unless you see it for yourself and the proof is at my house," Vickie said. "I was asked by my friend not to say anything like a personal request because he meant a lot to Chrissy, and I trust this guy. And I really hope you trust me too because I really like you. Like, I don't mean any harm, and this guy doesn't mean any harm. I'm not like out to get you or anything. If you want to come to my house to see him. I'd have to call him and tell him a change of plans."
"This guy. . .is he your platonic soulmate?" Robin asked softly.
"Yeah, I think so," Vickie said, biting her lip.
"So. . .you like me, huh?" Robin asked.
"Yeah," she said.
"In what way? As a friend or. . . .?"
"Oh, definitely not a friend."
Robin cupped her face and kissed her. Vickie squealed against her mouth, and Robin laughed as Vickie kissed her back eagerly. Robin gripped her hips, picked her up, and set her on the counter. She stepped in between her legs as she kissed Vickie with the same amount of enthusiasm, her lips soft and wet against hers. Vickie felt hot, her heart racing as she squeezed Robin's hips with her legs, and she thrusted her hips. Robin's tongue pressed against her lips, and Vickie moaned, opening her mouth as she allowed Robin entry. Robin's hand was pressed gently against her throat and slowly moved down until her fingers slid under her blouse. She paused on the first button, almost questioningly, and Vickie nodded. Robin popped the first couple of buttons and slid her hand into her shirt. Robin broke the kiss and moved her lips to her neck, her hand moving under her bra to cup her breast. Suddenly, Robin pulled away from her like she had been burned, her eyes wide.
"I forgot where we were for a moment," Robin said. "The kids could walk in at any moment."
Vickie giggled, her lips feeling very swollen. Part of her shoulder was exposed, and her bra strap was hanging off her shoulder as well. Her skirt had ridden up. Robin looked just as thoroughly kissed out as she did. Vickie squeezed her legs together. God, she wanted to wrap her legs around Robin's head, and she was ready to actually do so if Robin didn't stop looking at her like that.
"What?" Vickie asked.
"You're so sexy," Robin giggled.
Suddenly, the door swung open, and Vickie squealed as she started fixing her clothes as Steve walked in. Robin hurried to stand in front of her.
"Woah!" Steve exclaimed and started to walk out.
"Wait, Steve, I need to talk to you," Robin said.
"Uh, okay, am I supposed to ignore the fact that Vickie's buttoning her shirt?" Steve asked and placed a hand over his eyes. "If you want me to talk you through anything, I'm not doing that. We have to have some boundaries, especially with the kids in the other room. God, Robin."
"What?! No, dingus!" Robin exclaimed, and Vickie giggled.
"I'm decent now," Vickie exclaimed as she straightened her skirt, and Steve removed his hand.
"I have completely forgotten what I needed to say. My head's all foggy," Robin giggled, and Vickie leaned in to whisper in her ear. "Oh, right! Vecna!"
"Robin!" Steve screamed.
"Oh, she already knows because her platonic soulmate told her, and now we need to go to her house to see for ourselves," she said and paused. "I trust her."
"You do?" Vickie asked.
"I wouldn't have stuck my tongue in your mouth if I did," Robin replied. "You said this will put some of our broken pieces back together, right?"
"Yeah," Vickie said softly.
"Then let's go to your house," Robin said. "Call him first, though."
Vickie squealed and kissed her before hopping off the counter. She grinned when she heard Robin whispering and giggling with Steve as the phone rang.
"Change of plans," Vickie said when Eddie picked up.
"Ookay?" Eddie asked.
"Uh, Robin overheard me so we're all coming over," Vickie said.
"Well, it is your house," Eddie sighed. "I guess I have to face the music eventually."
"So, you'll be there?" She asked.
They walked back into the living room, and Vickie watched as Steve turned off the TV. Immediately, everyone started complaining.
"What the hell, Steve?" Max asked.
"Change of plans. We're all going over to Vickie's," Steve said.
"Why?" Nancy asked.
"I have a surprise for you all," Vickie said. "And it's a good one!"
"And it can't wait until the movie is over?" Lucas asked.
"Nope!" Steve exclaimed. "She promised to explain when we get there."
"Why can't she tell us now?" Mike asked.
"Because it's something you won't believe until you see it for yourself," Vickie said.
"If Vickie says she has a good surprise for all of us, then she does. I trust her," Steve said. "Let's go!"
Vickie drove to her house with Robin in the passenger's seat. She was relieved that everything was going to be revealed, but she was still a little nervous. Suddenly, Robin took her hand and laced their fingers together. Vickie grinned. She felt a little less nervous. She pulled into her driveway and walked with Robin to her front door. She paused and waited for everyone to crowd around her.
"I just want to say that my friend is probably more scared of you and himself than you are of him," Vickie said.
"Okay," Mike scoffed. "Can we go in now?"
Vickie bit her tongue, but she so wanted to say that her dad was a doctor and she could get him to remove that stick for free. She decided not to say anything. She opened the door and went in with everyone following behind her.
"Hello?" Vickie called out softly. "We're all here. It's okay."
She heard the shuffling of feet, and then Eddie walked into the room. He was wearing a blanket over his head, completely covering his face and part of his body.
"What the hell?" Steve asked.
"Seriously?" Vickie asked with an amused sigh and Eddie shrugged.
"Uh, there's no reason to be scared of us. We're not going to hurt you. Mike might scowl you to death, but he doesn't mean anything by it," Robin said, and the blanket snorted. "That's just his face. He's really a teddy bear."
Vickie sighed and moved under the blanket to join Eddie.
"Okay, we're going to do some breathing exercises, okay, and then we're going to come out from under the blanket together. Okay?" Vickie asked, and he nodded.
Vickie and Eddie breathed in together and then breathed out together, holding each other's hands tightly. She gave him an encouraging look and moved out from under the blanket, expecting him to follow her. He was still under the blanket. She rolled her eyes and started to tug at it, but he was holding onto it. With a sigh, he let go of it, and Vickie took it off.
"Eddie!" Dustin shrieked.
He rushed towards him, and Eddie quickly backed away. Dustin looked hurt, and Vickie rushed forward to explain while Steve put an arm around him. She told them everything about the day she met him. How he was a vampire, how he killed Vecna, and the raccoon he had felt guilty about.
"Eddie," she said softly. "You aren't going to hurt them. We spent days together, and you didn't hurt me not once. You have your hunger under control, Eddie. You don't even have to kill animals to feed off them."
Eddie sighed and opened his arms for Dustin, who ran immediately into them. They hugged for a long time and cried just as long.
"I'm so sorry, man. You shouldn't have had to watch me die," Eddie said.
"You're back now though," Dustin said, sniffling. "I love you."
"I love you too, shrimp," Eddie said.
Once they broke the hug, the other kids rushed forward to hug him. Well, Will, Jonathan, and El simply patted him on the back. Argyle, of course, completely embraced him.
"Hmm, a guy with long hair and stinks of weed," Eddie said with amusement. "You guys trying to replace me?"
"Nah, brochacho, they love you too much to replace you. Besides, I may respect all music, but metal is not my music. It's yours, man," Argyle said. "You're also much cuter than I am, man."
"Hey, you're a handsome motherfucker and I would totally date you," Eddie said, winking at him.
"I am available, dude," Argyle grinned.
Steve coughed loudly. To Vickie's amusement, he was crossing his arms and scowling at them. It was a clear sign of jealousy.
"Glad you're back, Eddie," Nancy laughed.
"So, were you really afraid that you'd hurt us?" Mike asked.
"He cried over a raccoon, man," Lucas scoffed.
"That's true. I mean, it was just a raccoon," Mike said.
Eddie let out a sob and collapsed into the nearest person's arms, which happened to be Steve’s.
"They don't understand how cute raccoons are, Stevie! With their little hands and masks. All they want to do is steal other people's trash. It's not like people are using them. Why can't they just have them, you know?! They're just just little trash bandits," he said, sniffling. "That raccoon was just minding his own business until I came along."
"That's a little bit of an emotional reaction," Max said and scoffed. "I don't know how anyone ever thought you were a killer."
"Uh, yes, I think as a vampire, his emotions might be hightened," Vickie said with a grin.
Eddie wrapped his arms around Steve’s waist and buried his face into his neck. Steve smiled and squeezed him tightly, pressing his cheek against his hair.
"I missed you, big boy," Eddie whispered.
"Missed you too," Steve whispered back.
Eddie moved his head back, and clearly, he was not thinking. He pressed his lips against Steve’s. Nearly everyone gasped. Steve was surprised too, but he responded to the kiss eagerly and cupped the back of Eddie's head.
"Aw, man, the cute ones are always taken," Argyle said.
Eddie and Steve broke the kiss, their faces red.
"Sorry," Eddie said meekly.
"Really? I'm not," Steve grinned.
"Me neither," Eddie said. "If the kids have a problem with it, we can just put them up for adoption."
"We don't!" They exclaimed quickly, and Vickie laughed.
"I think this is so cool!" Duatin exclaimed.
"Really? Because I thought you'd be sad that you'd only get two Christmases instead of three now that your two dads are together?" Max quipped.
"Shut up, Max!" Dustin exclaimed as the other kids laughed.
"I like her," Vickie whispered.
"Hey, if Dustin is Steve and Eddie's kid, does that mean Max is ours?" Robin whispered.
"She does have my red hair," Vickie giggled and Eddie laughed.
"Can he hear us?" Robin asked with wide eyes.
"Yeah, vampire hearing," she whispered.
Robin grinned and put her arm through Vickie's.
Things were settling down now that Eddie was reunited with everyone, including his uncle. Wayne didn't even care that he was a vampire now. He was just glad that he had his boy back, which Vickie thought was so sweet. Robin was a hit with her dad, who got really excited for Vickie when he found out that she had other friends like her too. He had really taken a shine to Steve and Eddie. So much so that Matthew invited them over for breakfast, which is what they were doing now. They sat around the breakfast table, chatting comfortably when Matthew smiled at his daughter.
"Hey, Vickie, dear?" Matthew asked.
"Yes, Daddy?"
"How come you didn't tell me you hid Eddie in your mother's crafting shed?" Matthew asked, and everyone froze. "I'm not mad."
"You know?" Vickie asked with wide eyes.
"I thought he knew," Eddie said when Vickie glanced at him.
"Just let me know the next time you decide to hide a metalhead in the shed," Matthew said gently. "You know that I'd help you with anything."
"Okay," Vickie said softly. "Sorry, Daddy."
Eddie leaned over to Vickie to whisper.
"So, you're dad's basically the kind of guy who would help you bury a body, isn't he?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah!" Vickie grinned.
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hellcheer-prompts · 1 month
idk if this is a crack fic or not but hear me out
Chrissy goes to Eddie to buy some fancy new laxatives to help with her insane bad dieting and Eddie obviously doesn’t have that but he can get it
And he promises he’ll bring it to her as soon as he gets it
She hugs him and thanks him and that’s that
Eddie gets the stuff and calls Chrissy’s house and finds out she’s at a party and he could just wait until tomorrow at school but he’s made a promise so he goes to the party
And he gets harassed by the basketball team who steal the “drugs” he has on him and kick him out
Chrissy hears what happened and follows Eddie out and they’re just talking alone in his van and he’s apologizing for losing the laxatives and promises to get her more
That’s when they realize that back inside the party everyone took the “drugs” and a literal shitstorm is going down
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hellcheercaine · 5 months
The last day of 1989
Billy wakes up after a long night of drinking and reminiscing about his newfound friendships. He glances at the black book on his table and Steve, who is asleep on the couch.
Billy begins to flip the pages of the journal Steve bought for him and readies to hold his pen.
Writing has become Billy's refuge, and he has learned to open up, especially when things get tough.
As much as Lucas, Mike and Will empathise with Billy's plight, he can't help but feel sorry for himself, thinking of the skirmish he almost had with Lucas when they first met.
However, as of now, all is good. Lucas often asks Max about Billy and sometimes joins him for swims, which Billy often uses to cope with his daily stress.
It was through that year that Billy slowly saw a change in himself. He is no longer the person who tries to put on a tough front, even when things aren't going well.
Billy has finally learned to speak up with Steve's help. It is hard, but he is still trying. Sometimes, it is okay to ask for help—it has become a daily reminder that Billy is trying to grasp while not returning to his old ways of concealing his struggles. Billy glances at his watch, flips over the last blank page of his journal and begins journalling his thoughts. When he is done, Steve wakes up.
Although the journal is one of Billy's personal possessions, Steve respectfully and curiously inquired, "Mind if I take a look?"
"Sure," Billy smiled and looked at Steve. A warmth spreads through him as though welcoming Steve into his memories encapsulated in the journal.
Steve begins to flip the pages of Billy's journal. The journal was a canvas of the struggles and turmoil he faced within himself in moments when he tried to open himself to others or cope with his daily life.
In the midst of it all, there are light-hearted moments, such as the fishing trip he had last summer with Lucas, Max, Eddie and Chrissy. Laughter and gasps filled the room while Billy and Steve read the journal.
After reading the last page of Billy's journal, Steve sheds a tear with a genuine smile on his face. "Billy, this is beautiful. I'm proud of the person you've become, ever since when we first met."
Billy gives Steve a hug. It was the tightest, warmest, and longest hug Steve had ever felt. As they walked out of the house, beers in hand, they clinked their bottles as the clock struck midnight.
1990. The start of a new year.
"Here's many more with you," Steve smiled. "Never stop changing for yourself."
Billy nods. He gulps his beer, looking at the stars. As the fireworks filled the sky, Billy and Steve welcomed the year with a newfound joy and gratitude, hopeful of what the new year would bring for them.
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after seeing something like a dozen clips of it on my fyp i rented the foo fighters documentary and it’s fucking great for a billion reasons but one of my favorite things has to be when one of dave grohl’s kids comes into the garage when they’re recording their like 8th record or whatever and he’s literally trying to record his guitar part and she’s like but you said we’d go swimming and he’s like i know i know i’m sorry and everyone starts laughing bc it’s just SO cute
like. that’s what i imagine rockstar/dad!eddie is like. and now i have to go lie down for several hours and process that.
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friendsdontlieokay · 8 months
I'm not saying he's a bad character, of course not, but I wasn't really a great fan of Eddie until the last episode, not precisely because he sacrificed himself, but the fact that he was afraid, so afraid that he always ran, and it's a known fact that he was way more scared than the others, but he was scared of losing the people he love, the town he loves more than he was scared of sacrificing his own self, the fact that he cut open the rope so Dustin couldn't come back, or so he couldn't go back until everyone was safe is extremely emotional yet so so beautiful.
And man, Dustin's conversation with Uncle Wayne made me tear up and fall apart more than I already was, especially the part where he says that Eddie sacrificed himself for the people and town that hated him, I mean my oh my, I didn't realise it back then and if I'm being utterly honest, I wish I didn't realise it and I wish my first impression of Eddie was stuck till the end, I wish I was still unable to understand his true self cause I wish it didn't hurt as much as it hurts now, I think it kinda hurts me everyday to think about it but I'm afraid that it'll never stop, and I kinda kinda wish I wasn't attached to a fictional character so much but well oh well.
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ellewritesandrants · 2 years
All of this happened because I wanted Billy to be close enough to El and Max to be the one to tell them to "dump his ass" when it came to their boyfriends and them to pull an uno reverse card and say the same thing to him when Steve fucks up.
Okay but imagine if Max and Billy were close, as in super close from the minute they met. Max wanted to be exactly like her big brother, so she picked up surfing and skateboarding, learned to appreciate metal music and  cooking and eating Mexican food. On Billy’s end, he was quickly forced to drop all of the friends he didn’t want around his precious baby sister, and he was forced to clean up his act a bit more but he didn’t mind any of it because he loved her.
Imagine tiny Max being brought to the arcade by tiny Billy and his best friend, Argyle and them showing Mad Max the skills she needed to beat the other kids who came in. Imagine Billy eagerly taking her to the carnival and the fair whenever it came to town because he knew that Neil would have no choice but to let him go with Max when Max begged her mom to let her.
Imagine tiny Max seeing Neil punish Billy for the first time in front of her and her stepping in front of him, telling him that he can’t punish him for what she’d done. Neil thinks for a split second about punishing Max the same way he punishes Billy, but he knew he’d lose Susan and any hopes of his good, Christian Man image would be ruined if he had two divorces that accused him of domestic violence and child abuse. He could survive one but another would cause doubts, so he grounds Max and Billy instead.
Max quickly realizes the power she holds over her mom and subsequently, Neil so in her own, devious ways she manufactures reasons for them to be out of the house. Swimming lessons taught by Billy, going over to a friend’s house, needing to work on a project with her groupmates and even learning new tricks for her skateboard were all utilized by Max in such a perfect way to make sure her brother could be kept away from his father as much as possible. Susan and Neil caught on but Susan didn’t want to stop it since her children were getting along and Neil wanted to keep Susan around.
Max would beg Susan to let her watch Billy practice so she could cheer on him, even asking him to teach her how to play baseball and basketball even if some said it wasn’t for girls. Billy would fight anyone who even hinted at insulting his little sister and her constant presence by his side. He loved his little sister with all of his heart, and he wouldn’t stand for anyone hurting her.
Imagine quiet sessions at the local library after school where Billy would do homework while Max would read or vice versa before walking home for dinner because Max just loved the library after Billy had showed it to her and it was a nice haven away from the worsening situation at home. Imagine Billy’s best friend and his family happily welcoming Max into the family the same way they welcomed Billy into the family.
Imagine Max and Billy always covering for each other until Neil catches on and forces them to move to Hawkins after accidentally catching Billy on a date with a boy. Max apologized profusely for not protecting her brother since she was at a birthday party, but Billy doesn’t blame her for it, only his own stupidity.
Billy had to be hospitalized for a few days after the beating Neil gave him so Susan, Neil and Max had to pack up the house. Neil initially wanted to pack Billy’s stuff so he could get rid of some of his things, but Max stood her ground and asked her mom to be the one to deal with Billy’s room as punishment for lying to them about where Billy was so Neil grudgingly agreed to it.
Max packed everything up with care, making sure that he had all of the things important to him packed and included. Neil couldn’t protest when Max would keep bringing out boxes from Billy’s room even if it filled up the moving van they rented because it was Max’s punishment.
Neil tried to draw the line at their surfboards and skateboards but grudgingly allowed it as long as Max was the one who carried it to the van and as long as she got everything in by the end of the day. Out of pure spite, she managed to move all of Billy’s and her stuff into the moving van well before dinner that day.
 When they make the move to Hawkins, Max stubbornly refuses to go with Neil and Susan even if meant missing a week of school, forcing Neil and Susan to leave her and Billy at the practically empty house for a week until Billy was fit enough to drive.
They spent that week camping in their living room and seeing their last haunts and having proper goodbyes with their friends. Billy makes sure to remind Max not to feel guilty about what happened to him because it was his own fault and Max just tells him that she doesn’t like seeing him get hurt.
They make the trip up to Hawkins in full road trip style, singing along to all of their tapes, making sure to stock up on snacks and stopping by at all of the major landmarks they could. Neil couldn’t do anything about it because Max had begged Susan to give them the weekend to make the trip since she wasn’t sure if Billy could drive for long hours on end.
By the time they arrive in Hawkins, both Max and Billy are still riding the high of their trip. They even arrived early, getting to Hawkins by the mid-afternoon. After stopping by the house to prove that that they were still alive, Max begged her mom to let her explore the town proper before unpacking and of course, she needed a chaperone.
They head immediately to the arcade where they beat all of the high scores in turns to make a bunch of nerds cry the next day before hitting the skatepark with the skateboards they kept in the trunk of the Camaro. They make it home just in time for dinner so Neil can’t complain, and they unpack the essentials before heading to bed.
The next day, Billy cooks breakfast for everyone as usual since he was the first one up and he takes care of packing Billy and Max’s lunches. He also makes enough food for Susan and Neil to take which Neil begrudgingly takes since Susan loved how Billy “volunteered” to cook breakfast and lunch for everyone once Max told him how much she loved the food he made.
He takes Max to school relatively early because neither of them likes to be late and he doesn’t hesitate to bring her in for a hug and kiss her on the forehead in public before wishing her a good first day. From the get-go, he wants everyone to know that he cares about his younger sister even if it means losing some of his cool points.
Billy had long since accepted he wouldn’t be one of the cool kids if it meant having to go to parties and doing things that wouldn’t make him a good role model to his very impressionable little sister. Sure, he liked metal music and drinking as much as the next guy but if he started drinking, his sister would want to copy him, and he didn’t want her anywhere near that until she was legal.
So, Billy takes it cool and tries his best not to stand out so much even if transfer students are a rarity in Hawkins, Indiana. He could always feel at least ten different stares at him, most female but not everyone and it felt like they were trying to dissect him under the microscope of a Midwestern small town.
Billy could kind of understand it. He dressed like a punk and he drove a gorgeous classic car but he was also on the honor roll and loved his sister more than anything. He was probably the most complex thing they dealt with since the Vietnam War, but he didn’t let that bother him. He didn’t need to make friends here. He just needed to survive long enough for him and Max to be able to head back to California where they were meant to be.
After their first day, he treated Max to a milkshake at the local diner and asked her how her first day was. He listened to her rant about the weird stalker nerds who followed her around and he started to feel overprotective before looking at it from a teenage boy perspective and telling Max that at least one of those boys had a crush on her.
Thankfully, Max was still at the phase where she thought all boys were disgusting because Billy didn’t want to deal with his little sister dating just yet so Billy could tease her all he wanted about it. He didn’t have the same hang ups about race as Neil and because Max being friends with someone was more acceptable than Billy being friends with someone, so Max usually became friends with Billy’s friends and vice versa.
They were almost finished with their snack when some of the popular kids he’d seen earlier tried to come over and befriend him while being mean to Max and Billy did not stand for it. He put that dick Tommy in his place verbally and then physically the next day at basketball. He’d heard Tommy bitch in the locker room about him and some guy named Harrington because they were weird creeps who preferred to hang with tweens than people their own age.
Out of spite, Billy went to befriend Harrington especially when he realized that Harrington was in charge of the dweebs who creeped out Max. He and Steve became a dream team on court, thoroughly demolishing Tommy’s team and leading Hawkins to its first winning streak in decades. He even gave Steve some much needed advice to help the nerds flirt better with his sister if they want to even have a chance at getting her.
He didn’t bother with dealing with the in crowd, only becoming bare friends with his teammates from basketball and not really bothering to make friends outside of necessity. He’d had to befriend Steve out of spite and because of their many times overlapping because of the tweens they watched. He’d also ended up partnered with Nancy in most of his classes out of convenience and befriending her boyfriend out of politeness.
He still spent most of his free time with his sister though, beating the high scores of the kids Steve babysat while they watched in awe, practicing tricks with his skateboard or exploring the little Hawkins had to offer.
As soon as Neil found out that Max was hanging around boys, Billy was automatically told to be there with her every time the boys were there. It would have been a big problem had Billy not been a fellow nerd who could talk sci-fi and fantasy with the best of them and that he was capable of encouraging the boys to pick up sports, something that Lucas particularly took a liking to even if Max was getting more shots in than he did at the moment.
Billy and Max did feel something was off though because there was a lot of whispers between the tweens and between the teens they hung around with and it felt like they were keeping something a secret. Billy was a lot better about not being bothered about it because he had his own secrets to hide but Max was insistent that she or they be told before she considers them her actual friends even if they did hang out a lot.
So, when Lucas invited her to show her the truth about what they were hiding, she invited Billy because that’s just how it always worked. By the time Steve and Dustin arrive, they’re greeted to the sight of Billy braining demodogs with a pipe in front of a bus where Lucas and Max are hiding.
Billy was immediately roped into protecting the kids because they felt more confident with him and Steve there to keep away the demodogs and they make it out of everything alive and unscathed even if Bob had had to sacrifice himself in the lab.
As soon as El and Max meet properly without the tension of the boys there, they quickly become best friends, considering themselves sisters. Because of that, they agree to share Billy as an older brother, not even bothering to consult him about it but he just goes along with it because more sisters equal more fun.
Max and El got ready together to go to the Snow Ball and of course, Billy went with them to go shopping for their dresses, accessories and makeup. Billy was a smart asshole who could afford to charge exorbitant prices for people who wanted to have their homework done so he had a lot of spare cash to spoil his sisters with.
The night of the Snow Ball, he and Steve had ended passing time at the quarry and trading stories until Steve couldn’t help himself and he kissed Billy in the moonlight, fully expecting the blond to push him away instead of melting into the kiss.
Afterward, Billy awkwardly confesses the crush he’s had on Steve ever since he first saw him while Steve tells him that he’d gradually fallen for him after getting to know the real him and seeing the way he was with the kids. They end up getting together that night just as Lucas and Max and Mike and El get together.
They manage to keep it a secret to most of Hawkins but the kids can immediately tell that their babysitters are now together because they happily sit in a separate booth when they don’t fit in the diners and they never stay to play at the arcade anymore.
Both El and Max tease Billy about Steve while he teases both of them about Lucas and Mike respectively. He teases Mike a bit more though because he actually likes Lucas. Billy’s the first to tell El to dump his ass when he’s being annoying and it quickly catches on to Max as well.
It becomes their new thing especially during the summer where they enjoy being single and going on best friend dates while dragging Billy away from his boyfriend to chaperone them. They even convince him to dump Steve after he stands him up for a few dates in a row. Suffice to say, Steve showed the boys how to properly grovel to their significant others so that they’ll take them back.
Since Steve was busy with Scoops and Billy had gotten a job at the pool, the kids equally trade time at the mall and time at pool. They notice the moms acting weirdly towards Billy and they tell Steve who tells Nancy because she deserves to know the type of woman her mother is.
Nancy is disgusted to find out that her mom is one of them and she makes sure to go over there and emphasize to her mom and to all of her mom’s friends that Billy’s her friend who happens to be in her year while all of them have kids in their year or older. She even tells that all of their kids should have a get together soon since Billy’s 17th birthday is coming up and he’ll be a year closer to being legal.
All of the moms turn white at the implication of Nancy’s words and they stop showing up at the pool, making Billy be able to relax and enjoy his work without being stared at. He becomes really good friends with Heather and the rest of the lifeguards there which makes it a lot easier for him.
Of course, since it’s the summer, El and Max want to go on road trips and it’s on one of their trips heading past Brimborn Steelworks that they get attacked by the Mindflayer that’s still weakened at this point so El deals with it with relative ease and alerts everyone to what happened.
The entire time Billy had been keeping Neil’s abuse secret from everyone with the help of Max but when Hopper escorted Max and Billy home from the accident with the Mindflayer with a trashed car, Neil doesn’t hold back and swings at Billy in full view of Hopper.
Hopper doesn’t hesitate to grab him and put him in a hold before arresting him and leaving him at the station while they dealt with the Russians. It left Billy and Max free to help Steve and Dustin with the Russian transmission they found so they crack the code a lot faster.  
Hopper and Joyce decide to investigate what happened at the same time that the mall group cracked the code so they realize that this might be connected and bigger than they thought. They radio Dr. Owens for back up and they manage to deal with the Russians and the gate with some military support.
Since no one else was flayed, Hawkins goes on like normal even if the mall was shut down due to a fire from faulty wiring. Life goes on and the kids start their first year in high school while Billy is in his senior year. Everyone already knows not to mess with the kids or else they’ll deal with Billy’s fist.
After Neil was arrested, Susan was convinced by Joyce to testify against her husband and to divorce him so she could take custody of their kids. She couldn’t fully support them on her own salary so they decided to move to the trailer park to save some money. Billy’s car had been fully repaired under government money and they’d been given a lot of hush money by the government but they couldn’t explain how they got it.
Billy got a part-time job working as a mechanic in the same shop as Wayne Munson so he and Eddie became quick friends. Billy was also introduced to Chrissy by Heather as soon as Chrissy came back from gymnastics camp and he instantly takes her under his wing since she reminds him of how his sister used to be.
He immediately introduces Chrissy to Max and El whom Heather adores and together, the three of them convince Chrissy to dump Jason’s ass. When Billy sees the sparks between Eddie and Chrissy, he instantly plays matchmaker, practically daring Jason to do anything because everyone knows that messing with Billy’s friends is a surefire way to get your ass kicked.
Heather and Chrissy take up a mentor like role to the girls about high school life and even if they don’t exactly plan to be cheerleaders, they can be athletes which gives them a good outlet. Lucas is very understanding of Max’s training schedule because he has to deal with the same thing so they end up being supportive of each other’s sports careers. Mike is too focused on Hellfire to properly support El so she dumps his ass for real.
El notices immediately that Chrissy needs help so she, Max and Billy devise a way to get her to eat properly and to open up with the girls about the problems she’s dealing with. Billy starts packing an extra lunch for Chrissy which isn’t a problem since he does all of the groceries and cooking at home since Susan’s working two jobs now.
When she confesses that she’s dealing with an abusive mother, Billy and El are able to somewhat understand and they help Chrissy make small steps in her recovery. Eddie inadvertently plays a big part in her recovery because he loves to see her happy and he’ll do anything to make her happy, even bribing Billy to make her favorite treats.
With Billy as the captain of the basketball team, he makes sure to give everyone equal playing time and to check in with his teammates the way he wasn’t able to before. He’s able to become close to a few kids like Patrick and he had an understanding with Jason and his cronies about what they could or could not do unless they wanted to be off the team which would cost them their sports scholarships which were the only things they relied on for college.
Since he and Steve have gotten together, he’s made more of an effort to connect with the people of Hawkins since he’d be staying for a few years more. They’d decided to stick around together until the kids graduate high school just to make sure they were safe even if it meant changing their college plans.
Billy was planning to head to Chicago where he could study at a decent college but still be close to Max in case any bullshit happened. Steve also happened to get into a college in Chicago with Billy’s influence in academics and his dad’s company was based in Chicago so he had a backup in case he decided college wasn’t for him.
The entire time, Billy has been spoiling Henry Creel’s plans so out of frustration and a bit of petty revenge, he targets Billy first. El and Max immediately notice something is happening with Billy and Steve notices it too. When he mentions seeing hallucinations, El immediately call Kali to come to Hawkins for help. Since Billy’s usually blaring his music all the time, the only time Henry can strike is at the trailer park.
However, Eddie’s usually playing music so Billy doesn’t need to play his. Eddie just so happens to be playing one of Billy’s favorite songs, Ride the Thunder and when Max notices that the music helped Billy float less, she yells at Eddie to play louder.
They manage to save Billy from dying and being injured but now they know Henry’s mode of operation and all of them are on edge. When Chrissy starts displaying the same symptoms, Billy’s quick to learn her favorite song so he can have his Walkman on standby. He manages to save her but he doesn’t save Fred and it kills him inside.
He does manage to save Patrick though after seeing the same symptoms and after letting the girls and the other kids figure out what’s happening while Billy’s focused on saving everybody and keeping them all alive. He tells Chrissy and Patrick all about what they’ve been missing out on with the Upside Down and Eddie joins in the crew after saving Billy and Chrissy.
With everyone there ready to help and Billy willing to sacrifice himself with Steve making Max and Lucas promise to keep his boyfriend alive, they manage to take care of Vecna once and for all. Kali distracted him while El finished him off and they realize that everything’s finally over after Kali revealed that she’d taken care of Brenner on her way there.
With Billy’s help, Eddie manages to graduate alongside Heather, Chrissy, Nancy and Jonathan and Robin with Steve, the kids and their parents in the audience cheering. Eddie and Chrissy both make plans to travel the country for a while after everything they’ve been through and Steve and Billy happily join them when the couple offers. Jonathan and Nancy were accepted to their dream college and were headed there together in the fall while Robin and Heather were taking it slow and exploring this new thing between them.
Max and Lucas were as strong as ever and so were Susie and Dustin. Will finally confessed to Mike who had to actually confront his feelings not only for El but also Will and to realize the difference in how he loved them. He couldn’t live without Will but he could live without El. El and Mike eventually rekindle the friendship once Will and Mike are secure in their relationship while El looks forward to discovering who she is and who she wants to be with her sisters and her big brother by her side.
Joyce and Hopper eventually got married which made Mike pale the first time he realized just how badly Hopper was going to hate him from going form dating his daughter to dating his son but they manage to resolve it after a few months of intense glaring. Susan has weirdly accepted all of the new people in her life that her kids have brought in and all of them get the right compensation they have for dealing with the clusterfuck that Dr. Brenner and his favorite son had created and they’re free to finally live again.
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cunninghamchrissie · 2 years
wayne doesn’t keep much in the way of fresh food in the trailer bc he’s fine just eating whatever and eddie’s always been more of a constant snacker than a meal-eater anyway (and fresh food is expensive and a hassle, who has the time or energy to go buy vegetables once a week?) so when chrissy starts staying over and actually allows herself to eat, pb&js are the easy choice
eddie makes them, always cutting off the crust without chrissy having to ask, and just chucks the cut little bits in his mouth without even thinking, and chrissy just stares longingly, wishing she could be so casual abt what she puts in her mouth
she never really finishes the sandwiches, no matter how hungry she is. leaving some food on the plate is an unspoken agreement that, while she was bad for eating, at least she wasn’t bad enough that she cleaned the plate like a glutton. but then she feels bad for leaving food to waste when she knows eddie and wayne are hard up
eddie always eats the little pieces she leaves behind, no questions asked other than a “you sure you’re finished?” glance, but he’ll always take forever to reach for them, giving her time to change her mind and eat the last piece
one day, she cleans her plate without eddie noticing, too engaged in whatever’s happening in the movie they rented, and when he turns his gaze to the plate sitting on her lap, clean of even the crumbs, his eyes go incredibly soft, puppy-like at the edges, and gently places her plate on the floor by his feet so he can tackle chrissy, pretend-bite her neck and tickle her, the happiness and pride in him turning into goofy energy he just needs to let out somehow, and an instinct that she’s feeling self-conscious abt eating it all, and he wants her to laugh it out of her brain
by the time she’s tapping out so her lungs won’t collapse and she’s wiping the mirth from her eyes, all she can feel is warmth and the sweet lingering taste of the strawberry jelly on her lips
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bowiebond · 2 years
Sugar Daddy!Eddie who grew up poor so when he gets rich and famous, he gives half his money to charity and a good chunk to sugar babies; because some people feel like they have to at least earn the money he throws at them. So he uses young pretty girls as eye candy to pay for their college, their bills, takes newbie male sugar babies out to bars and music classes because they’re baby artists too and causes scandals with them but he has one rule.
They never have sex. Eddie’s an emotional guy. Sex is precious to him. He doesn’t want to really use these people anyway - he just wants to give them the money to succeed like he did.
One day, he meets Chrissy. She left home for college but cut them off after her ED landed her in hospital. Cutting them off was important for recovery but now she has medical and school bills to pay for. And Eddie is happy to offer his assistance. She’s gorgeous and exactly his type of eye candy, he knows the paparazzi would go googoo gaga over her good girl aesthetic on the arm of him, a ‘promiscuous bad boy rockstar’.
And they do! It’s great, she’s funny and sweet and he lets her use his rarely occupied giant kitchen to cook her meals instead of her tiny dorm, plus she packs him lunch if she knows he’ll be out the next day, bakes him sweets. She’s all pink and frills and can’t handle horror movies, but he finds himself getting attached to her. First as a friend, and then in a…not so friendly way.
He was never supposed to use them for anything other than business, friendship at most. He still has other sugar babies for little events to keep up the act of being promiscuous like most rockstars, but Chrissy comes with him to the damn grocery store with him more often than events. They like to play at the park nearby on the way too and Chrissy squeals when he spins her too fast, always catches her when she stumbles off and she always gets this bashful little smile when she’s in his arms.
Eddies in way too deep. Head over heels kind of deep. Writing songs about her smile and her blond hair and sweet laughter like he’s not supposed to be rocking out about death and Satan and hardcore sex. He’s officially hooked on her and he can’t do anything about it because he’s paying her to be near him. He’s sure she likes him, as a friend at the very least, but he morally can’t do a thing about it. It would be downright selfish and gross to pay her for sex when he’s never done that for any of his other sugar babies, and he never wanted too because then she’d feel like that’s an expectation in their visits.
He doesn’t progress their relationship any further, at least not romantically. He does gets Chrissy her own space in his place for when she didn’t want to make the trip back home to her dorm though. It’s agony knowing she’s just a few doors down.
One night she knocks on his door after they’ve watched a scary movie and parted way. Eddie doesn’t expect it.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Um…It’s really dumb, I’m sorry.” She’s skittish like a scared animal and Eddie frowned.
“Hey, no, it’s cool. What’s wrong?”
“…Can I sleep in here? I totally have the creeps after that movie.” Eddie had been pretty mean, putting on something pretty gorey, but he had enjoyed having her pressed against him during the whole movie, the blond hiding her face in his shoulder at every jump scare with a little squeak.
“Yeah, sure, I mean…big bed.” He laughed nervously. It really was a big bed. They could fit four people in there, easily.
When Eddie turned out the light, he felt Chrissy close the distance, resting her head on his shoulder and slipping both her hands to cover his on his stomach.
His mouth felt like a desert. He doesn’t dare speak.
“Eddie?” Chrissy whispered.
“Yeah?” He breathed, so quiet it could have been missed. Chrissy didn’t.
“How come you never touch me?” Eddie’s eyes widened in the dark.
“W-what do you mean?”
“Sugar babies…you sleep with them, right? Or at least some. I’ve seen the pictures.” Yeah, he got cozy, but it was acting. He was the star of his drama class in high school. He cleared his throat.
“No, I…I don’t sleep with them.”
“None of them?”
“I don’t…I only do that stuff with people I really care about, Chrissy. I’m not interested unless I know the person really well.” Most people would assume the excuse was bullshit, but it was truth. He had never crushed on anyone that wasn’t a good friend first. He needed a connection first before he could just…hop into bed, you know?
The air buzzes, and it’s probably because Chrissy was a connection, a friend, someone dear to him. She’s gorgeous, and Eddie wants to touch her more than he’s ever wanted to touch anyone before.
“…Would you sleep with me?” Chrissy whispered it like it was the forbidden question, and in a way it was, but she’s shifting closer, all warm skin and soft silk from her pink pyjama shorts and button down top.
Eddie can barely breathe when she’s sitting in his lap, still holding his hand in hers, playing with his fingers shyly.
“Would you?”
Eddie has strong morals, yes, but little self control. Not when what he wants is right in his lap.
She tastes like sugary tea and raspberry lip balm, and he couldn’t stop himself if he wanted too. She sounds like heaven, an angelic choir, and she feels like summer heat and smells like spring sweetness, and Eddie’s lyrics would never be able to capture it for anyone else to understand. It would frustrate him for eternity.
He had already dedicate one drafted song to her smile alone, and he was going to dedicate a million more to her sweet moans, her manicured nails against his back, her wet pussy wrapped around his cock, the way her legs shake when she tries to stand afterwards to pull her pants back on and Eddie has to drag her back into bed without them so he could eat her out and make them keep quivering.
He still has sugar babies after that, but he’s still on his rule with Chrissy. He won’t be paying her for sex, so she can’t be his sugar baby anymore.
Thankfully, he’s a very generous boyfriend who likes doting on his girlfriend and an anonymous spender paying off the last of her college fees and medical bill can’t be helped. She pretends to be mad for a good hour before he’s convincing her to accept the house key and add it to her fluffy rabbit key chain because his home is hers too (and she’s his home anyway, so who cares where they physically live <3)
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calzonekestis · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
JuSt A dRuG dEaL
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ebongawk · 11 months
The first time she said it, he thought maybe it was just a slip of the tongue or something.
"You're so pretty, Eddie."
They were sitting together at the picnic table, textbooks and homework spread out in front of them that Chrissy was diligently doing and Eddie was diligently ignoring in favor of making notes for his next Hellfire campaign. They'd been unlikely friends for a few weeks, Chrissy having come to him in search of drugs and instead found a tentative kinship with a fellow freak in the woods.
He looked up at her, feeling how rounded with surprise his own eyeballs were as he let out a guffaw of disbelief.
"I think that's my line, Chrissy. But a lowly jester sitting at the queen's court, I am meant to compliment your beauty that rivals the very essence of springtime. Not, uh, the other way around."
She giggled a little, but her eyes were still roving over his face. Searching for something, though Eddie had no fucking idea what.
After a minute, she shrugged, returning to her history essay.
Eddie just kinda figured that was that.
"Gosh, you're pretty," she said again a few weeks later.
He was riding the high of playing for her – finally, Jesus Christ – and laughed loudly enough for the entirety of the Hideout to hear. Still incredibly sweaty, he'd just jumped off the stage to come greet her immediately after their set finished.
Those were the first words that fell past the lips he'd spent more time than he cared to admit dreaming about.
"Damn, not even, 'Wow, Eddie, you're so good at guitar' or anything?" he jested, trying to shrug off her compliment with a joke. She beamed at him, giggling when he pitched his voice to try and match her dainty way of speaking. "You wound me, Cunningham! Am I not rockstar material?"
"All rockstars are good at guitar!" she cried in defiance. "But not all of them are pretty!"
"Not all rockstars are good at guitar! What about the bassists and the drummers and the singers?"
"That's not the point," she huffed before giving him that star shine grin that wrapped his heart in a fist and choked it until it was beating with the same resonance as her name. "But, um, you do play guitar really well, too."
That, he kinda figured, despite counting up all her little accidental compliments like rosebuds trying valiantly to bloom, should've been that.
But it was not.
"Eddie," she sighed, leaning heavily against his shoulder as they watched some stupid made-for-TV movie through the haze of their shared high. "Do you know how pretty you are?"
They were sprawled across the dingy couch in his trailer, snacking on popcorn – Eddie munching on, like, fifteen kernels to Chrissy's every one. He hadn't even realized she was looking at him.
Jesus. She was so close. So beautiful. Her pointy little chin pressed against his shoulder, staring up at him like he was a sunrise and she'd never before seen daytime.
"Me?" he scoffed, trying valiantly to buck the urge to kiss her. Fuck if he didn't want to, though. But that was, like, some law of the goddamn universe or something. Earth's magnetism sustained the gravity that kept everything from floating into space, matter cannot be created or destroyed, and Eddie Munson desperately wanted to kiss Chrissy Cunningham.
"Yes, you."
"Sweetness, have you looked in a mirror?" he asked, trying not to dwell too long on the verbal vomit that was this sudden introduction of a pet name. "You're a fucking knock out. Starlight in human form. Comparatively, I'm basically a gelatinous cube."
Though the D&D reference was lost on her, it did nothing to deter the sudden spark of fire behind her reddened eyes. In a move that stole the actual breath from his fucking lungs (since she already had the heart from his chest), Chrissy was swinging her leg over his and pulling herself into his lap.
Repeat for emphasis: into his fucking lap.
Both of her perfect, tiny little hands came up, gently cupping his jaw as she stared him dead in the eyes. Storm clouds meeting forested brown across burning coals.
"I may be starlight or springtime or whatever else you want to call me," she said, her voice taking on a severity he'd rarely heard from her. Not since she told Jason and his goons to leave the Hellfire kids alone a couple weeks ago, just before miraculously ending their monarchic relationship in front of the entire school. "But that doesn't negate the fact that you are also pretty."
"Uhh." She was way too fucking close for him to think clearly.
"Just accept the compliment, please."
He'd swallowed his tongue or something. Responding to her simply wasn't possible. He no longer had a voice box; it was lost in the ether of his weed-addled body. He just stared wide-eyed at the woman of his dreams who was currently straddling his lap and holding his face and opening up a variety of daydreams he'd had about this exact scenario, though not anywhere near under these circumstances.
A knock at the door broke them apart, someone calling through the door about pizza delivery, and Chrissy begrudgingly climbed off of Eddie to let him pay for their dinner.
He couldn't really let himself hope that she hadn't wanted to move.
"So pretty."
They were lying together in his bed, sweat still cooling on their spent bodies. Each of them turned onto their sides, eyes absorbing one another's nakedness as though still uncomprehending of how they'd made it to this moment.
Or, at least, Eddie was.
It was two-thirty in the morning when a frantic knocking had awoken him from a decently peaceful sleep. He'd stumbled out of his bedroom, expecting to find... well, he didn't even know. Something that most certainly was not Chrissy Cunningham, standing in her pajamas and tennis shoes, clutching the stuffed cat-bug-thing he'd won her at the Fourth of July fair two weeks ago with tears in her eyes and a determination set in the rigid line of her jaw.
(The plush was, admittedly, almost a little creepy, but also extremely cute, and it was the only thing Chrissy had gushed about for a full week, so.)
She'd barreled past him into the living room, bouncing on her toes and teeming with anxious energy that made his throat close and his eyes prick with tears unrelated to his interrupted sleep. It felt like she was here to slice his heart in two or something. It took true, actual willpower to shut the door and give her his attention.
"Uh, hey, Chrissy, what––"
"I love you," she blurted out, blinking like she hadn't expected those words to come out of her own mouth. Lips twisting, she pushed on, refusing to allow her admission to hang between them for even a second. "I'm, like, completely in love with you, Eddie. And–– And I've waited for you to notice, but you haven't, and at first I thought maybe you didn't like me back, and that was okay! Or, it–– it had to be okay, right? Because I valued our friendship so much. But then, at the fair, we were talking, and you mentioned that you liked someone, but you didn't say who, and I was so heartbroken that I cried for, like, three days, and then Nancy told me that I was being so dense, because of course you liked me, but how could that be, because you never said anything! And I thought I'd just come here and tell you because I can't keep it in anymore, Eddie, I can't––"
Her rambling had only cut off when Eddie finally found the strength to fucking move. He crossed the scant distance between them, cupping her jaw in his hands and pressing his lips to hers in a messy, imperfectly perfect kiss that tasted like pretty springtime starlight.
"Of course it's you, Cunningham," he'd rasped when they finally pulled apart. "It's been you my entire goddamn life."
They crashed into his bedroom after that, cat-bug-thing and tennis shoes and pajamas discarded in favor of skin and lips and hair and whispered promises caressing fevered flesh.
And now, she was gently caressing the line of his jaw, the curve of his cheek, the shell of his ear, and whispering, "So pretty," into the few inches of mattress between them like it was a brand she could sear into his very soul.
His first instinct was to shy away, to deny, to turn the compliment back on her and remind her that she was, in fact, the absolute definition of beauty in this world and every other galaxy. To tell her that sunlight fell from her hair and oceans crashed inside her eyes and every freckle dotting her skin was like a fresh raindrop on dewy summer grass.
Instead, he caught her hand in his, pressing a soft kiss to her palm, her thumb, each of her fingers, and whispered,
"Thank you, baby."
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 2 months
A/N: Just clearing out my draft folder. This was written way before FOI.
Eddie was dreaming of Chrissy again. He was dreaming of her smile. He was dreaming of her life. He could see the glint of her strawberry blonde hair as it shined brightly in the sun. He dreamed of things that didn't happen, that couldn't happen. He was at the picnic table with her. He was taking her hand and pulling her into his arms so they could dance. He spun her around until the trees were just blurs, until they were blurs. It changed to a memory of them at the middle school talent show.
"You were really good, I think you should have won," Chrissy had said as she shared her cookies with him, her legs swinging beside his.
"You were really good too. You deserved to win more than I did," Eddie replied.
"I think you and your band will do awesome things. It's such an awesome name," Chrissy said.
"I came up with it, you know," Eddie said proudly.
"That's so cool!" Chrissy had exclaimed, so impressed with Eddie Munson, and then she was being dragged away by her mother.
It would change again, and they were in his trailer. Chrissy was on the ceiling, calling his name. Everything was red. He watched her die, calling his name.
Tying his sweaty hair into a bun before walking downstairs into Steve Harrington's kitchen. Eddie's name was cleared but not by the court of public opinion. He was still in hiding long after his scars had healed. He got a bottle of water and sat at the island. He placed his head into his hands, sniffling and rubbing at his eyes.
"Hey, man," a voice came from the doorway.
Eddie looked up to find Steve standing there, looking perfectly ruffled from sleep.
"Hey," Eddie muttered softly.
"I heard you calling out. I don't think I have to ask if you had a nightmare," Steve said as he sat beside him.
"Yeah," Eddie snorted.
"You called out Chrissy's name," Steve said, and Eddie's lip trembled. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."
"She was so happy. When she got to the picnic table, she was upset and scared, and then she started to laugh. It was because of me that she relaxed. It was because of me that suddenly she turned into the sun with that smile of hers and I couldn't look at her. . . Not without going blind," Eddie said. "I've never hurt anyone, Steve. The only time I ever fought back against those assholes was with my words. She was always so nice to me. I could never hurt her, but everyone thinks that I did. How could they think that?"
"Sometimes people can't see past the surface," Steve said. "They look at you, and all they see is what they want to see. Nothing else matters, and people ignore what's right in front of them. They're ignorant and small-minded, Eddie. It's easier for them to believe what's right in front of them. You're a good man who loved Chrissy."
Sometimes, people forget how Chrissy's story is to Eddie. He was a part of her story as much as she was a part of his. He did it all for her, put himself on the line for her.
"Steve, we barely interacted," Eddie said.
"You saw her when no one else did," Steve said. "She went to you instead of her parents, her boyfriends, or her friends. In her last moments, you made her happy. Nancy spoke to some of her friends. It sounds like she wasn't happy for a long time, and even though it was short-lived, you gave her that. I know you don't think you helped her, but you did, you really did."
Eddie's body wracked with sobs. Steve wrapped his arms around him and pulled him to his chest. Eddie clung to him, crying into his chest as Steve moved to cradle his head in his hand. Steve pressed a lingering kiss to his forehead, holding him as he cried. Was this something that he did with the kids? Once Eddie let it all out, Steve cleaned his face and made him drink the entire bottle of water. Steve grabbed his hand and started pulling him upstairs.
"Where are you taking me, Steve?" Eddie asked.
"My room, you're not sleeping alone tonight," Steve said.
It was strange. Eddie wasn't sure how to feel about it, especially when Steve pulled him into his arms.
"Don't get fresh with me, Harrington," Eddie mumbled.
"Don't be an asshole, Munson," Steve said, laughing. "Especially when I'm trying to help you."
It wasn't long before Eddie was drifting off to sleep, safe in Steve's arms. He wished it was Chrissy's arms he was sleeping in. As he fell asleep, he let out one final sob.
As time moved forward, slowly Eddie started to as well. He was no longer sleeping in the guest bedroom but was now sleeping permanently in Steve's bedroom, in Steve's arms. He still woke up from a nightmare, but they were happening less frequently. When he did wake up from a nightmare, Steve would be there to comfort him. He would hold him and would whisper soothing words in his ear, and then he would rub his back to get him to go to sleep. Eddie found out it was something that Steve's mother used to do when Steve was younger.
Eddie wasn't the only one plagued with nightmares. Steve would moan a lot and call out Eddie's name, sometimes Robin's, or Dustin's. Eddie's name was called out just as much as Dustin's and Robin's. He called out the other kids' names as well, Max's more so than the other kids. Eddie would be there to comfort him like Steve did for Eddie. While Steve held him gently, Eddie would wrap all of his limbs around Steve like an octopus, holding onto him like a lifeline.
The backrubs became more than just for nightmares. One of them would have trouble falling asleep, and the other would run their fingernails across their skin. Eddie loved giving Steve a backrub. He loved looking at his moles and freckles. He would create constellations and come up with his own stories to go along with them. It always made Steve giggle with delight. Sometimes, Eddie stared a little too long at the scars on his back, wincing at imaging Steve being dragged across the ground, his skin tearing.
"Getting a little low there, Eddie! That's my ass."
"Right! Sorry!"
Eventually, it became a little easier to go out for Eddie. They figured it was partially due to them being scared of Eddie, and largely due to being scared of whatever connections Hopper had that brought him back from the dead, but people ignored Eddie. At least they weren't threatening to send him to hell anymore, but Eddie wished they would stop looking at him.
"Thanks for coming shopping with me, Stevie!" Eddie said and then began speaking with a dramatic southern accent. "I ever feel so much better now that I got a big strapping man to protect me. Oh, lawdy."
He slipped his arm through Steve’s and swooned against him, fanning himself.
"I'm starting to regret it," Steve said sarcastically.
"Oh, please, you know you love me," Eddie said, not letting go of his arm.
Steve stuttered and blushed, but he didn't deny it. It was quiet after that, and when they laid in bed that night, it was back to back. It was hard for them to go to sleep that night, thinking about what occurred. Eddie started to think about his situation with Steve. He knew he was attracted to him as much as he had been attracted to Chrissy. Chrissy. He hadn't thought about her in a while. The grief was still there, but it didn't hurt as much as it did before. He knew it was because of Steve.
It was Steve who made him laugh again. It was Steve who made him smile. It was Steve who made him safe again, but the sense that danger was just around the corner would always be there. He felt safe with Steve. He had a type apparently, and it was people made of sunshine. Steve radiated it as much as Chrissy did. He was the sun, and Eddie was the plant that needed to grow. If Steve needed him to, Eddie would try and be the sun for him, too. Eddie loved him. He loved Steve. He was in love with Steve. Eddie turned around, wrapping his arm around Steve’s shirtless body. He started placing delicate kisses along Steve’s shoulder blades, moving them up until he was kissing his neck. Steve moaned and turned to face him.
"I love you, Steve," Eddie whispered.
"I know."
"You didn't."
"Tell me you didn't just fucking Han Solo me!" Eddie exclaimed.
Steve laughed, and Eddie pressed a hard kiss to Steve’s lips to shut him up. Eddie broke the kiss, laughing.
"I love you too," Steve whispered.
Steve could help him get through anything. He'd never be over Chrissy Cunningham, though. She'd always be imprinted on his heart as a reminder that life is short and dangerous, that you should cherish every single moment. So, here Eddie was, basking in the wonderful sunshine that was Steve Harrington.
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doubtingthomasin · 2 years
so mini-headcanon leading off of yesterday's prompt:
chrissy's parents are both super strict when it comes to what her and her little brother watch, which means nothing over PG.
chrissy's friends are no help because none of them want to incur the wrath of her mother.
but eddie?
eddie would fucking fight her mother to the death in a parking lot at 2 AM with a shovel so he'll help his baby watch whatever the fuck she wants to watch.
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hellcheercaine · 7 months
Despite their love for animals, Eddie and Chrissy didn't want to keep pets as they didn't have the time, energy and money for them. The thing is, they didn't step into an animal shelter for once in their lives until they received a volunteer invitation from a long-lost friend, Billy, who runs an animal shelter for stray and abandoned animals.
"You ready for this?" Chrissy inquired, her arms wrapped around Eddie. "Yeah." Eddie smiles. "Volunteering in animal shelters is on my bucket list, although not so to most people as they've done it before." He pushed the creaky wooden door of the animal shelter and was greeted by chirps, barking and meows that tugged at their hearts.
Eddie stares at the cockatiel in the cage and teases it lovingly, making Chrissy laugh to calm themselves as they have no idea what to expect as first-time volunteers. Billy, the shelter owner, greets them with a warm smile.
"Having fun eh, Eddie? That's the cockatiel that Harrington adopted. She's our shelter mascot." "Speaking of Steve, where is he?" Eddie replies. "Harrington? He took the day off to clean the house." Billy looks at the clipboard, flipping through the papers on their tasks. He puts his clipboard on a table and introduces Eddie and Chrissy to the tasks for the day.
Of course, their first job was to clean the kennels. Eddie grabs a spray hose and sprays down the kennel as Chrissy scrubs the stubborn dirt and grime off—hard work, but it was worthwhile to them.
As time goes by, Eddie and Chrissy start getting good at their duties, and discover ways to connect with the quirks and personalities of each dog and cat. On a fine day, Eddie and Chrissy take a break from their work, spotting a playful beagle that was playfully wagging its tail. It reminds Chrissy of the family dog she had years ago, since she was a child. Despite its passing, there was never a time that she did not think of it and she often shares her stories with it to Eddie, although she stopped recently. Until now.
It seems like Eddie could read Chrissy telepathically as he pops the question: "I have been thinking about it, it's time we give this beagle a home. What do you say?"
"Let's do it," Chrissy spoke, her eyes feeling with tears of joy. "That is exactly what I was hoping for."
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