#hello i am broken again about irene
nixll · 3 years
venice for one
pairing : harry styles x reader
summary : after getting broken up with and struggling with your own insecurities, you make the split-second decision to take a solo trip to venice. you expect the week to be a fun-filled adventure, but when you accidentally have a run-in with a famous popstar, things don’t go quite as you expect them to. 
word count : 9.5k
warning : smut, 18+
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“you don’t ever do something just because it makes you feel good?”
paris for one by jojo moyes
The moment you step off the train and onto the platform, you feel a sudden urge to turn back around, toss your bags back on the bench you had been seated on, and make the same exact trip you had just taken again, only backwards this time.
Instead, you force your feet to take one step after another, your suitcase dragging noisily behind you against the concrete platform as you lug your tote bag higher up on your shoulder. In your hand is a note scribbled with the name of the bed and breakfast you booked yourself into, and directions written neatly with bullet points, but as you enter the city of Venice, Italy, you know finding the place you’re looking for is going to be much harder than you had first thought.
The city, as gorgeous as it is, is a slightly confusing maze of sidewalks and canals, and there’s people everywhere. The anxiety you had managed to push away when you got off the train is slowly returning as you look at your directions and attempt to find your way.
This trip had been a split-second decision, one made by your irrationally, heartbroken brain only a few hours after your boyfriend had dumped you. The breakup had come as a surprise to you, especially after many of your friends had brought up the idea of marriage after several years together, but your now ex-boyfriend had thought otherwise.
“You’re not the girl I fell in love with,” he had claimed in an uproar as he threw a suitcase together, “you’re not the fun, outgoing person I used to know.”
You had tried arguing against his claims, but it had done no good, and in the end, he had walked out with nothing more than a promise to come back to what had been your shared apartment to get the rest of his stuff over the next few days. When you called your friends to tell them what happened they had done their best to fill your head with encouraging words and stories about how you were still a fun person to be around, but the longer you thought about it, the more you realized your ex was right.
You weren’t the same person he had fallen in love with, and you hadn’t been that person in a long time. In some ways that was okay. You had fallen in love young and where you grew up, he still acted like the immature college student you had met years ago. He partied constantly, going out with friends at all hours of the night, and you honestly don’t remember the last time the two of you hung out somewhere other than the bar down the street. Nice restaurants had never been his thing, and in wanting to make him happy, you had never opted for anything but what he suggested.
You knew he wasn’t happy anymore, and neither were you. You were getting older and concerning yourself with your job and what your future looked like, not when the next time you could go for a cocktail hour was. You had settled into a routine for yourself, one that required no more effort than you needed, and in having that, your now ex-boyfriend decided you were a prude.
After a while, though, you wondered how much of what he had said to you was true. You don’t remember being much of a party girl when you were younger, but you definitely had your moments, and you definitely hadn’t had one of those moments in a long time. You knew if asked what word could describe you the best, adventurous or outgoing wouldn’t be the first word, or second or third to pop into anyone’s head, but maybe you wanted to be those things.
Maybe you wanted a stranger on the street to look at you and wonder what kind of adventures you had been on because just by looking at you, they can tell you know how to have a good time. Maybe you wanted to be that pretty girl in the room, the one that nobody could take their eyes off of.
Five hours after your relationship had ended, you decided you didn’t need your ex, but you did need a change of pace.
You were going to take a trip to Italy by yourself. You hadn’t told anybody, not even your friends, and had only left a brief voicemail to your workplace calling out sick for the rest of the week and no other explanation. It had taken you an hour to book all the tickets needed for travel and to find a place to stay that would take you with such little notice, but in practically no time at all, and with two haphazardly packed bags, you had been on your way to Italy for what you hoped would be a fun adventurous few days.
So far, the idea of a fun filled week had completely escaped your mind and your first day in Italy had started out with a drag.
You had yet to find the Bed & Breakfast you had booked yourself into, and with a sore shoulder from carrying your bag and your hand growing increasingly sweaty as you gripped onto your suitcase, you were beginning to think about what your best bet would be on getting home.
Not a single person you had managed to stop speaks English, and even after you show them the name of the place scribbled at the top of your sheet in Italian, nobody is seemingly able to help you. Venice is not the biggest city, and you remember briefly reading about how it is possible to walk the entire city in the matter of an hour. With a glance at the watch on your wrist, you’re ready to turn around and make your way back to the train station in the hopes of catching a ride back.
That’s when you spot it: the barely-there sign with a name on it that matches the one on your paper.
Vera Ospitalità.
It’s a cute little blue building, looking exactly like it did when you were Googling places to stay in Venice. It hadn’t cost very much, and the lady had sounded sweet over the phone when you asked how soon she would have a room open.
“We always have a room open, cara.”
You hadn’t quite understood what she meant at the time, but the sight of those two Italian words fill your body with a jittery joy as you let out a shout, catching the attention of a few people walking past you. You pay them no mind as you pick up the pace, not taking your eyes off the sign until you’re standing in front of the door and pushing it open.
The bell above lets out a delightful jingle as you walk in. You can only imagine what you look like to the lady sitting at the desk as you walk in with sweat dripping down your forehead and a slightly rumpled paper stuffed in your hand, but she offers you a cheerful smile.
“Are you Irene?” you ask, slightly out of breath as you step up to the desk, letting your bag fall from your shoulder. “We talked on the phone yesterday.”
“Yes! Hello, cara,” Irene says, standing from her seat and reaching for the guestbook she keeps under the counter. “I am happy to see you made it. How was your trip?”
You smile, trying not to think about the want to turn back around and head home you felt only minutes ago. “It was good! Happy to finally be here.”
“Oh, yes, yes. Just sign these forms and I will get you your key.” Irene pushes the book your way and you easily sign your name on the dotted line. “There is only one bathroom upstairs, but you get the room directly across from it.”
Your head snaps up from the book. “One bathroom?”
“Yes,” Irene nods, “but it has a tub, and the water runs perfectly. And there is only one other guest staying here this week, so there should be no trouble.”
“There’s only two of us here?”
Irene pauses. “You ask many questions.”
You offer a sheepish smile. “Sorry.”
“There is a young man staying here also, about your age. I only have four rooms and I don’t get many guests.”
You briefly wonder if you should have chosen a slightly more expensive place to stay, but your expectations hadn’t been very high coming in and how bad can it be when there are only two of you staying?
Irene hands over your key, directing you up the stairs to where your room waits for you. “Breakfast is served at 7 if you would like some, otherwise I have a list of places around the city you can visit.”
You give Irene one last thank you before you’re heading up the stairs, your suitcase and bag in hand. Your room is immediately at the top to your right, with the door across from yours labeled bagno with a cute little wooden sign. There are two more rooms a little further down the hall, and then one at the very end with the door open enough for you to glance inside.
There’s music playing – something you’ve heard on the radio a million times before but can’t remember the name of – and you can make out the silhouette of someone sitting at a small desk next to a window. With the way the setting sun is shining through, you can’t make out any of the figure’s features, but you know that this is the man Irene mentioned downstairs.
You wave a hand. “Hi.”
You can see him turn his head, but can’t make out any features still, nor an expression, as he stands and shuts the door without a second thought.
You frown, deciding not to dwell on it as you unlock your room and step inside. It’s small, and you know your friends would try and make it sound better by calling it quaint, but you decide that it’s not any more or any less than you need for the week. There’s a small desk and dresser off to the side, and a twin size bed with a side table sitting next to the headboard. The sight of the small, but very neat room is comforting after the mix of emotions you’d spent your afternoon with, and you find yourself wanting to just fall against the comforter and end your day there.
So, you do, quickly changing into your sleep clothes and doing your nightly routine, you let all the anxiety and the interaction with the man down the hall fall from your mind as you slip under the covers and rest your head against the pillow. It’s early, but you figure you’ve had enough adventure for the day. Plus, you still have the next few days left to spend in the city.
Sleep comes easy to you, so easy that you’re shocked awake the next morning at the sound of loud footsteps coming down the hall, and then a slam of a door. Lifting up from your bed, you glance at the clock on the table next to you and let out a small groan. You hadn’t been planning on taking up Irene’s offer of breakfast at 7, but now that you were awake you figured you might as well do exactly that. The grumble your stomach lets out seems to further settle the idea to get ready and go downstairs into your head.
The banging across the hall continues, and you know the sound belongs to the man from down the hall. Not wanting another interaction like the day before you decide to wait for the sound of the door opening and steps retreating down the hall, knowing the man has returned to his own room before you head into the bathroom with your things to get ready. You throw on a simple outfit for the day, doing all your daily necessities. The smell of cologne fills the small space, and normally it would be something that would irritate you – someone else treating a space as only their own with no other thought of anyone else who might occupy it – but the scent is pleasant enough and you decide to leave it be. When you’re done, you listen again for the sound of footsteps, but there are none.
Opening the door, you peak down the hall. The door at the end is shut, but you still cross the space to your room quicker than normal, opening the door and slipping inside. Just as you grab your shoes and anything else you plan to use throughout the day, your phone finding its spot in your pocket, you hear a door open again. You listen quietly as the man moves down the hall to the stairs, only slipping into the hallway when you know you won’t run into him. He’s already disappeared into the front room when you yourself reach the stairs and start the trek down.
When you reach the bottom floor, Irene stands just across the room in what you realize is the dining area. There’s a jingling as the front door opens, and you look over just in time to see a head of dark brown hair escaping through the entrance.
There’s something odd about you and this stranger avoiding each other, but you don’t let it cloud your thoughts. You don’t even know the man, and don’t have any care to get to know him.
Irene spots you lingering by the stairs and waves you over. “Have you met the other guest yet?”
You smile as you walk over to sit at the table situated in the room. The space isn’t very large, only big enough to hold the essentials of a kitchen and a table that seats six, but the feel of it all is very intimate. It also smells terrific, the smell of sausage and pastries filling the room. You’re suddenly grateful that you chose this place over any of the others, weird neighbors be damned.
“He’s nice, is he not?”
You purse your lips as Irene places a plate loaded to the brim with various breakfast items. The sight makes your stomach grumble again and you laugh in an attempt to conceal it. “I haven’t exactly met him yet.”
Irene frowns. “You haven’t?” She tsks. “He’s very friendly, but he never eats breakfast here.”
“Never?” You glance up from your plate. “How long has he been here?”
“Only few days, but he comes once a year and stays here rather than big fancy hotel.”
You nod, taking a bite of the croissant on your plate. You close your eyes giving a small hum of pleasure at the taste of the buttery pastry. “He’s missing out.”
“You’ll meet him soon enough, I think.” Irene waves her hand around as she takes her own seat, carefully digging into her own plate of food.
You continue breakfast with polite conversation. Irene asks why you decided to come to Italy, and you fib your answer a little, explaining it was just a need to get away for a bit. It wasn’t entirely inaccurate, but you weren’t sure if you wanted to reopen the fresh wound that was your current relationship status.
When you’re done, you bid Irene farewell for the day and head out on your own. The sun is warm as it beams down on your face, the air slightly cool from the canals. You plan to just walk around the city for most of the day, not having much else to do until the afternoon when the gallery you had opted to go to opens.
For a few hours you simply meander around the city, stepping into shops with clothes that cost far too much money, but you try them on anyway. You find a nice place for lunch, deciding you’ll come back to try something else for dinner after the gallery. The day all goes fairly quick, but you head back to Vera Ospitalità with a grin permanently etched into your features.
Irene is not at the front desk when you walk in. It’s getting fairly late in the day and after the large and filling meal you had chosen to eat for dinner, you decide that you’ll end your day with a nice bath and then head to bed, excited for the boat ride you had booked for the next day.
That plan is immediately foiled when you climb the stairs and hear the shower already running. You don’t have any idea how long it’s been occupied, but you figure he has to be done sometime soon and choose to wait in your room until he is.
Fifteen minutes pass before you realize it, and the shower is still going. It occurs to you that all of the hot water must be gone now and you feel a bit frustrated at your thought of a nice night being ruined by a man who doesn’t know how to shower quickly. Trying not to let your frustration get the best of you, you snatch up your towel and storm out of your room to stand in front of the door across from you. There’s some steam coming from the crack between the door and the floor, but you ignore it as you knock on the door.
There’s a noise that sounds something like a grunt, and then the shower shuts off. You listen to shuffling, a rumple of clothes, and then the door swings open and there, for the first time since you arrived in the tiny hotel, you finally come face to face with the stranger who’s been living down the hall from your room. It suddenly hits you why he had been so eager to avoid you the day before and ;told you that he must’ve been trying to avoid you this morning too, obviously trying not to make his presence known.
Harry Styles stands in front of you in a pair of loose shorts with a towel hanging from his hand, his hair dripping down onto his forehead. His tattoos are on full display, the pair of ferns peaking up from his waistband, and his skin is glistening from all the water he hadn’t been given the chance to properly wipe off. Steam pours out through the doorway and the sudden heat of it sends a shiver down your spine.
You don’t realize you’re staring until your eyes meet his and he cocks a brow. “You’re not going to be a creep and ask me for a photo, are you?”
His tone is dangerous, and he’s got an accusatory look plastered on his face. It makes something in you want to snap back, that anger from not being able to take a bath like you wanted still lingering a bit, but instead you stand there, trying to think of the best words to say back to the man in front of you who clearly thinks you’re here for something other than a nice vacation. Every possible thing you had wanted to say before the door had opened has suddenly disappeared from your brain, only to be replaced with the slight shock of your current situation. Your mouth opens and snaps closed one time, then again, as the words you want to say struggle to fall from your mouth.
Eventually, you hold up your towel.
Harry’s head tilts to the side, his gaze curious. “So, you’re not just renting the crappiest hotel in the entire city in order to get some sort of insider photos?”
You frown, the shakiness you had felt disappearing as you think about Irene and her hospitality. “It’s not a crappy hotel.”
Harry smiles, but you’re sure it’s just because he’s amused and not because you’re doing a nice thing by defending Irene. “No, but it sure isn’t popular and nobody ever comes here. I’m always by myself when I come – Irene makes sure of it.”
You remember what Irene had told your over the phone when you asked about booking.
We always have a room open.
You purse your lips and try holding your head a little higher. “I’m not some crazed fan. I’m just here for a nice vacation.”
Harry looks you over. “Nice vacation? You don’t seem like the type.”
“It…” You stumble over what to say, trying to get a grip on the current situation you’re in with a half-naked famous popstar standing in front of you. He leans against the doorway, an arm propped against his head, and you swallow. “It was spontaneous.”
Harry chuckles, shaking his head. “You still don’t seem like the type.”
“You don’t know me,” you manage to say, feeling slightly offended by his words, but Harry just grins.
“And I don’t care to.” He claps his hands together, the sound muffled by the towel still gripped in his hand. “Pleasantries aside, I’d appreciate if you didn’t interrupt my shower next time, and also if you continued to not take photos of me whatsoever.”
You open your mouth to reply, but Harry has already pushed himself off the doorway and is marching down the hall before you can even think of what to say back to him. He doesn’t even bother turning back to look at you, just walks into the room and slams the door shut.
You wince at the sound, trying to still get a grip at what just occurred. You step into the still hot bathroom with its steamed-up mirror and slightly wet floor, but you disregard it as you move to the tub. You turn the handle for the hot water and aren’t surprised to find that it’s ice cold. You let it run for a minute, trying to see if it’ll warm up even the slightest, but you give up and shut it off when it remains cold.
You realize that not only had Harry left you with no hot water to take a shower in, but he also hadn’t bothered to ask for your name. When your head hits the pillow minutes later, choosing just to settle in for the night, you let the exhaustion of the day wash over you and fall asleep easily, though the irritation with Harry settles in well into the early morning.
Your alarm goes off early after a couple of hours, waking you up well before you know Harry will be awake. You quickly gather up your clothes and head to the bathroom, turning on the shower and hopping in before another second passes.
You take your time getting ready, lingering under the hot water for as long as you can before getting out and slowly going over each of your tasks in your morning ritual. You’re in the middle of finishing up your hair when there’s a knock on the door.
“Yes?” you call out, already knowing it couldn’t be anybody but your neighbor down the hall.
“It’s Harry,” he says, muffled through the door. It occurs to you that he never actually told you his name the night before, but you know he’s assumed you already knew who he was before. He wouldn’t be entirely wrong in that assumption. “Are you almost done?”
You grin at the turn of events. “Almost.”
It’s another ten minutes before you’re done. You had expected Harry to have turned around and headed back to his own room to wait, something you would have done if you had been in his place, but when you open the door he’s standing there across the hall, leaning against the wall next to your own room. It takes you by surprise, seeing him standing there. He’s already dressed for the day, a nice, knitted shirt on with brown shorts to match and checkered vans decorating his feet. The only thing out of place is his hair, still a mess of curls from where he hadn’t had the chance to comb them down yet.
You offer a smile as you step out of the bathroom. “All yours.”
Harry has a sour expression on his face as you pass by to get into your room. You don’t bother giving him any more attention than that, though, not keen on him accusing you of anything else.
At 7 you head downstairs. Irene is already settled into the kitchen with a plate full of food waiting for you. She smiles when she spots you. “Sleep well?”
You nod. “Finally met Harry.”
“Oh, Harry!” Irene claps her hands together. “Isn’t he so lovely?”
You hum in response. “Lovely,” you try to hide the sarcasm in your voice, “that is definitely the word I would use.”
Irene’s eyes flicker behind you, and she brightens at the sight of Harry coming down the stairs. “There he is! Harry, come have breakfast.”
Harry appears, hair now perfectly in place, walking around the table to greet Irene with a hello and a kiss to her cheek. “Can’t, love. Have places to be.”
“Oh, stay for a bit. It’s too early to have anywhere important to be. Talk with us,” Irene urges, gesturing to you already seated at the table.
You give an exaggerated nod. “Yeah, talk to us, Harry.”
Harry forces a smile onto his face. “Only for a bit, yeah?”
Your frown is immediate as Harry takes the seat across from you. You had remembered what Irene had said the day before, about Harry never joining her for breakfast, and that had led you to expect him to decline Irene’s offer and head out for the day, but now you were stuck with him sitting there in front of you.
“What are the plans for today?” Irene asks, seemingly unaware of the tension at the table.
Harry gives her a genuine smile as he steals a roll from the plate she had placed in the middle of the table and takes a bite. “Goin’ to wander the city a bit, might take a nice boat ride.”
“I’m doing a boat ride too,” you chime in. The look Harry throws you is something similar to a glare, but you just smile, knowing you managed to get under his skin already this morning before he had even tried to touch yours.
The rest of the conversation is tense, with Irene staying blissfully unaware to the dirty looks you and Harry throw at each other. A part of you wonders how you can act like this with a complete stranger, but when you accidentally kick his shin under the table, and Harry returns a swift kick of his own, the thought is completely overshadowed by the irritation you feel when you look at him.
When Harry finishes his roll a few minutes later, he delivers a quick peck to Irene’s cheek and heads out, offering no goodbye to you. When he’s gone, you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you had been holding and stand from your chair.
“Thank you for breakfast, Irene.” You make to move for the stairs, planning to take a little time to yourself before your planned boat ride later, but Irene stops you.
“He is better once you get used to him,” she tells you.
Your nose crinkles at that, wondering how much she actually had caught on to when it came to you and Harry. “I just think he doesn’t like me very much.”
She waves her hand. “He did not like me very much at first either, but he warms up in time.”
With a final nod, you head upstairs. The hours pass quickly as you find random things to do – playing games on your phone, reading a book. You had briefly wondered about calling your friends back home, curious if they had thought about you since you had last spoke to them, but you eventually decide against it when it’s time to head out for your boat ride.
The air is warm when you step outside, and the place where you’re supposed to go is only just down the block. There’s a delightful breeze that blows through your hair as you walk down the sidewalk, admiring the city as it moves through its daily ventures. You reach the dock you need to go to much easier than you had the Bed & Breakfast, but your stomach immediately drops as soon as you step on the pier.
Harry is standing with who you assume is the skipper of the boat you’ll be on. He has an impatient look on his face and his arms are crossed as he taps his foot against the wooden planks. When he spots you walking down the pier, a look of realization crosses his features.
“You’re going on a boat ride?” he asks, his brows raised above the rim of his sunglasses. “This boat ride?”
You look at the skipper and give a not-so-confident nod.
“Ah! You’re the girl who booked me so late the other day!” he announces almost proudly, and you offer an apologetic smile, choosing to ignore a clearly frustrated Harry.
“I’m so sorry about all that, it was so last minute—”
“Do not worry, darling. It seems to be my fault.” He gestures between you and Harry. “I seem to have made the mistake and made a double booking on accident. Either the two of you may ride the boat together and I’ll give half off, or one of you can leave and I’ll give full refund. I am booked full rest of day.”
You can feel Harry glaring at you through his glasses. “I’m not giving this up,” you tell him, feeling your own irritation grow at the sight of his.
“Well, neither am I.”
The skipper glances between the two of you before giving a delightful shout. “Two of you it will be! Let’s get going.”
You and Harry give the same exasperated look to the skipper, but he’s already climbing on the small speed boat, waving for you to follow.
Harry looks to you. “Ladies first.”
You don’t bother with a thank you as you climb onto the boat, Harry not far behind, and find a seat on the small bench available. With no other place to sit, Harry is forced to sit next to you on the bench clearly fit to hold two people intimately. Neither of you say anything as the skipper starts the engine and pulls away from the pier and into the lagoon you were meant to be traveling.
For a moment, you regret not just walking away and letting Harry have the boat ride to himself. You can’t imagine being able to enjoy it when he won’t even look at you even though his shoulder and thigh are flush against your own as you both attempt to fit on the bench. You still want to make the most of it, so you turn to look at Harry, deciding to attempt to show some of the same hospitality you had been experiencing so much of in Italy
“Do people really stay in the same hotels as you to get photos?”
“What?” His sunglasses have fallen slightly down his nose, and his eyes are visible just over the rim.
You swallow down any frustrating feelings you might have against Harry right now. “Last night, you accused me of being in the B&B so I could get a photo of you—”
“Sorry about that,” Harry mumbles out, pushing his glasses back in place. “Shouldn’t have come at you so quick.”
You can tell that some of the tension has left his body and that makes you feel a bit better about being stuck with him now. “Do people really do that, though?”
You wish he had taken the glasses off now, just so you could see the expression hidden behind them. You can’t tell what he’s thinking with his eyes hidden behind the dark rims.
“I’ve been doing this for over ten years,” he finally says, “I’ve had people break into my home, fans have snuck into my tour bus, and I’ve been chased down the street. You checking into the same place I am staying, a place that is normally empty year-round, and trying to snap a cheeky photo would not surprise me in the slightest.”
You suck in a breath. “I’m not going to do that.”
“I see that now.” Harry smiles as he stands up and leans against the boat, looking out over the water. You look over the design on the back of his shirt, the image of a horse clearly visible. “Sorry for using up all the hot water last night.”
Your eyes flit to the skipper standing at the wheel, but he pays neither of you any attention as he hums to himself. “It’s okay.”
“Also sorry for not asking for your name since you clearly already know mine.” He looks back over his shoulder at you. “So, what is it?”
A smile. “Your name, love.”
“Oh.” You give up your name, falling from your lips as you remember the bit of hurt you felt the night before upon realizing he hadn’t asked for it then. It had been a strange feeling, wanting a complete stranger to know your name. especially when you and said stranger hadn’t gotten on so well, but now that he had asked for it you felt a sense of accomplishment.
Harry repeats it, his accent lilting something sweet. “S’a lovely name.”
He’s still looking at you when you say nothing, and it leaves you with a strange feeling. You try to think of what to say next, and when it comes to you, you almost laugh.
You hold out your hand. “Truce?”
The smile Harry gives you takes up the entirety of his face, dimples proudly displayed on his cheeks. He takes your hand in his own, his palm warm in yours. “Truce,” he confirms.
A comfortable silence falls between the two of you for the rest of the ride, only interrupted by the sounds of the boat on the water and the skipper’s humming. Even with all your misadventures, you couldn’t deny that the city of Venice was gorgeous. And in some way, everything had seemed to work out for you so far, even creating something that resembled the beginnings of a friendship with Harry after a rough start.
When the boat pulls up to the pier, you realize that you feel more comfortable around Harry. No longer does he intimidate you like he had when you first laid eyes on him, but rather you feel easier with him, like you’re able to strike a conversation with him with no worries at all.
So, you do try to talk to him as you step off the boat, but he apparently had the same thought and the two of you laugh as you talk over each other.
“You first,” you tell him, biting your lip to hide your smile.
“I, uh,” Harry stutters over his words as he removes his glasses, looking up and down the pier to keep his eyes on something other than you. “I was just going to ask if you had eaten lunch already.”
“I think it’s well past lunch time.” You look down at the watch adorning your wrist. “But no, I only ate breakfast.”
Harry’s eyes flash to you, and the green of them is startling under the sunlight. “Would you like to go for a late lunch?”
You much prefer this friendly Harry to the one you had first been introduced to, and you understand that there’s a garner of trust between the two of you now. “I’d love to.”
Harry leads you down the pier and back onto the concrete sidewalks around Venice. It’s settling well into the afternoon, the sun beginning to drift just below the tops of the buildings around the city. You don’t bother asking where you’re heading off to, trusting that Harry will have a great choice in wherever you go.
Eventually, after walking a few blocks, still basking in that comfortable silence from the boat, Harry stops at a door with a sign overhead that you don’t understand. He opens the door and waves you in.
The moment you step inside, you’re hit with the smell of pasta and bread hitting your nose. You breathe it in deep and the hostess at the front smiles as she watches you do so.
“First time?” she asks, her accent thick.
You nod, jumping a little when Harry appears next to you and places his hand on your arm.
“This is one of my favorite places,” he tells you, gesturing with two fingers to the hostess. “They have the best spaghetti.”
The place isn’t as packed as you would expect it to be, most likely because of your arrival between lunch and dinner, but there’s still enough people for it to feel a bit crowded. The hostess walks you over to a booth in the corner, a bit hidden away from the other patrons in the restaurant, and you know it’s because of who you’re with.
The popstar in question sits across from you but doesn’t bother grabbing a menu for himself. “Wine okay with you?”
You nod and wait for the waitress to come over. When she does, offering up her name in a sweet lilting accent, Harry orders the wine and you give a thankful nod as she walks away before turning back to Harry. “So, the spaghetti?”
Harry lets out a low moan. “It’s the best. I come here every time I visit. Practically a regular when I’m in Italy.”
“It’s that good?”
“Better than good.”
You leave your menu resting in front of you, untouched until the waitress returns with a jug of wine and two glasses. She hands one off to each of you before topping them off with the jug.
“Your usual, Mr. Styles?”
The question sends Harry beaming. “Please. And she’ll have the same,” he gestures to you, and you give a soft confirmation.
Once the waitress has left, Harry takes a long sip of his wine before clapping his hands together. “So, what brings you to Italy?”
This Harry sitting in front of you is much different than the one you had met face to face for the first time the night before. There’s something softer about him, as if the edge was taken off the moment he put his hand in yours earlier. You like this Harry more, you think, with his giddy smile and soft giggle.
You remember how you had lied to Irene when she had asked you why you had traveled to Italy, but something tells you not to do that with Harry. “My boyfriend dumped me.”
Harry’s face drops, an apology on the tip of his tongue, but you wave a hand in front of you before he can get it out.
“I’m already over it, but there were some things he said that made me rethink a lot of stuff.”
“Like what?” His gaze is curious, and it makes you want to tell him everything going on in your brain, how you’re still upset and hurt, but want to feel free while you still have the time to here in Italy.
Instead, you sugarcoat it a little. “Just stuff about how he missed the girl I used to be – more fun and care-free.”
“Are you not that girl?”
You shrug, your hand playing with the stem of your wine glass before you lift it to take a sip. “I don’t know, but I liked the sound of being adventurous and doing something unexpected so—”
“So, you booked a trip to Italy?” Harry grins. “That’s quite impressive.”
“What is?”
“Deciding to just up and go to a different country for no other reason than you want to. I think you’re a bit more outgoing than your boyfriend gives you credit for.”
You scrunch up your nose. “Ex-boyfriend.”
Harry smiles into his glass. “Right. Ex-boyfriend.”
Your food arrives not long after that, two giant plates of spaghetti with pieces of garlic bread on the side. Harry laughs at your surprised expression at the sight of the amount of food now sitting in front of you.
“You didn’t tell me we were going to feed an army.”
Harry picks up his fork, stabbing it into the noodles and twisting it around. “Try it.”
You follow his lead, picking up your own fork. When you take a bite of the pasta, you shut your eyes as the taste coats your mouth. “Oh my god.”
“I told you.”
The two of you eat practically in silence, savoring the taste of your meal and not letting the flow of conversation interrupt your eating. Neither of you finish your plate, Harry coming much closer to doing so then you are and you’re left trying to finish the still half full jug of wine in the middle of the table.
You don’t know when you start feeling like telling Harry more about yourself, maybe after your third glass of wine, but eventually you’re telling him all about the fear you had of coming to Italy.
“What do you mean you almost didn’t come here?”
You giggle a little. “I stepped off the train and almost turned right back around to get on.”
You give an exaggerated shrug. “My own brain? I don’t know.” You look down at your glass of wine. “Sometimes I feel like everyone’s opinions of me are right, y’know? Maybe I am that girl that just doesn’t do anything except work and go home.”
“I get that feeling.”
Your eyes shoot up to look at Harry. “You do?”
Harry gives a lazy raise of his shoulders. “Of course. I have reporters and paparazzi up my ass at practically all hours of the day. Sometimes I wish I could scream at them that I’m not everything they think I am, nor do I want to be.”
You let out a snicker and Harry raises an eyebrow. “Sorry. I almost forgot I was sitting with a famous popstar.”
Harry groans, but there’s a playful look on his face as he wags a finger at you. “That’s cheeky.”
You decide to keep going, seeing how far you can push it. “My friends are going to love it when I tell them that I got to hang out with the Harry Styles. I’m pretty sure one of them used to have a poster of you in their bedroom.”
“Is that so?”
“Mhm. Another had the cardboard cutout.”
That sends Harry into a fit of giggles, causing you to follow his lead. You both are a little too tipsy by this point, and the jug is nearly finished.
It doesn’t occur to you how long you had been inside the restaurant until you walk outside and see that the sky has turned dark. The blocks are lit by streetlights, and under them Harry looks like something out of a dream. You don’t mean to lean into him as you walk back to the B&B, but you do so in order to try and keep your balance and Harry doesn’t seem to mind with the way he tosses his arm around your shoulders lazily.
“Tonight was fun,” he tells you, trying not to walk faster than you do. The position is hard to keep as you walk, but neither of you pull away. “’S been a while since I’ve done something with someone like this.”
You smile at his admission. “You mean you don’t go out somewhere with a complete stranger at least once a week?” You tsk. “You’ve gotta get out more, Mr. Styles.”
The B&B is quiet when you arrive back, and you feel like a teenager again as you sneak past the front desk and up the stairs, trying your best to keep quiet since you both know Irene has already gone off to bed. Your exe’s words briefly flit through your brain, and you wonder what he’d say if he saw you now – drunkenly stumbling around in a mysterious city with a man you’ve known barely longer than a day.
When your foot catches on a step, Harry is there behind you to steady you before you can fall forward. His hands catch your hips, helping keep your balance, but rather than it be something that would send your stomach in knots, the gesture makes you laugh out as you think about how funny it would have been to fall face first into the carpeted floor.
You clamp a hand over your mouth, staring behind at Harry who looks like he’s barely keeping himself from laughing. You maneuver your hand so it’s just your index finger pressed against your lips, a soft shhh falling past them. Harry nods, pretending to zip his lips shut and locking them, before throwing the pretend key over his shoulder. The action threatens to send you into another fit of giggles, but you manage to hold it in as you take the rest of the steps two at a time.
The boards creak beneath your feet as you walk to your door. Turning, you just about run into Harry, your hands flying up to press against his chest in an attempt to keep from stumbling into him.
“Sorry,” you stutter out, taking a step back and resting your back against your door. “Wine’s getting to me.”
Harry smiles, and in the barely-there light of the hallway, you think you can see something playful glittering in his eyes. “S’getting to me too.”
You suddenly remember the feel of his hands on your hips moments earlier, and the way he had kept his arm wrapped around you the whole way back. There’s that knot in your stomach that hadn’t appeared before, slowly making itself known now as you try to think of what to say next.
Harry speaks first, his voice low and his words slurred. “I had fun tonight.”
“So you said.”
“How long are you staying?”
The question takes you by surprise. “Tomorrow is my last full day. I leave the next morning.”
Harry looks a bit disappointed by that, but it’s quickly replaced by something else. “Y’know, I think I have a terrific way for you to prove to everyone when you go back that you still know how to have a good time.”
You swallow when Harry takes a step closer, your back pressing further into your door. “And what’s that?”
A smile, one that’s devious and just a little bit convincing, “Let me kiss you?
You bite your lip, trying to get ahold of the situation. This is not at all how you expected your vacation to go, but you can’t help but agree that it is the best way to prove to everyone and yourself that you’re not who they think you are.
You realize that this is it – your moment to prove to yourself that everyone else was wrong. How could you not be adventurous when you’re in a random country all by yourself, about to kiss a boy you’ve never met? That’s the perfect thing to do to prove everyone wrong.
And maybe there’s something in the way that Harry’s advances make you feel that adds to you giving a soft yes.
When Harry kisses you, it’s just as you would have imagined it. And then somehow, it’s more. His lips are soft against your own, the distant taste of strawberry chapstick and the wine from earlier lingering on them and you want to savor that taste, burn the memory of those flavors together into your brain. His hands find your hips again, pressing into them unlike he had earlier. There’s intention behind the grip, the promise of something more to come.
You clumsily reach for the doorknob behind you, not daring to move your lips away from Harry’s. The door falls open and almost takes you with it as you stumble back, barely catching yourself by gripping onto Harry’s shoulders. You press your mouth back to his, feeling like he could swallow you whole in that moment.
You reach blindly for the zipper on his shorts, your hand brushing over the tent forming there and causing Harry to let out a hiss at the friction. You smile against his mouth when he reaches down, taking the matter into his own hands and unzipping his shorts as he kicks off his shoes. You follow his lead and let your shoes meet his own in a pile on the floor. The pile only grows as you both precede to strip, and when you’re left staring at Harry’s naked body, a small gasp falls from your lips.
You reach out to run a hand across the butterfly inked into his stomach before letting it trial down to tease one of the ferns against his hip. You remember them from the night before, half concealed by the shorts he had kept on, but now having them on full display sendsa shudder through you.
“You’re pretty,” you tell him softly, and he laughs.
“So are you,” he replies, taking your face in his hands and kissing you, gently pushing you back onto your bed.
You had almost forgotten about the twin size bed in your room until you fall against it. You want to laugh at the size of it compared to your two bodies collapsing onto it, but Harry rests himself on top of you and attaches his mouth to your neck, sucking a deep mark into your skin.
One hand finds his hair, raking your fingers through it and tearing a groan from Harry’s chest, while the other scrapes at his back, your nails threatening to leave red scratches all over his skin. Harry lingers against your neck for only a moment before he’s trailing down your body, planting kisses against your skin as he goes.
When he reaches your hip, he digs his fingers into your stomach as he leaves a kiss in the curve there before he plants himself between your thighs. The bed is squeaking in protest to all of this movement, but it’s not bad enough for you to want to stop.
Harry kisses at your folds before bringing his fingers up to spread them. Both your hands are tangled in his curls now, tightening their hold as Harry’s tongue finds your clit. You squirm as he presses his mouth against you, coaxing a few moans from you before you remember that you’re not alone in the building.
“Harry,” you gasp out as your hips buck against his mouth, “the bed.”
You don’t think he hears you at first, the squeaking growing louder with each move he makes that causes your hips to come up off the mattress, but then his hands are under your thighs. Slowly, without moving his mouth away from you, Harry slides you off the bed. He meets the floor first, a bit more gracefully than you do as you slip off the bed and onto the floor. Harry laughs when you let out a yelp as your ass hits the carpeted floor.
You’re face to face with him now, and there’s slick covering his mouth. Without thinking, you grab his face and kiss him, letting your own taste wash over your tongue. Harry groans into your mouth, the vibration moving through your chest.
“I wanna taste you,” you tell him, but he shakes his head.
“Swear I won’t be able to hold it in much longer.” He’s breathing heavily and that only makes you smile something wicked that sends Harry’s brain into overload.
“Just a little taste,” you mutter before pushing at his chest so he falls back onto the carpet. You move between his legs like he had only minutes ago, your hand coming up to grip the base of his dick.
Harry lets out a hiss as you wrap your hand around him, giving a slow pump. When you lick the tip, though, he can barely hold back the moan he lets out and you laugh a little.
“Good?” you ask, taking him into your mouth finally and Harry feels like he’s slowly losing the will to function, wondering if he can even get the words out.
“Good, yeah. Yeah. S’good.”
You give him a few more pumps, moaning against him when he brings a hand up to wrap in your hair, but you don’t want him to lose control before he can get inside of you, so you restrain yourself and pull back.
Harry gives you a pitiful look when you pull away, only to be replaced with something much more eager when you begin to climb on top of him. He lays back against the carpet, grabbing your hips as you guide yourself onto his cock.
You both let out a mixture of sounds as you slide down onto him, letting yourself get used to the feel of it. After a minute, you rock back onto him, and Harry takes that as a good sign. Before you know it, he’s lifting his hips off the floor to fuck up into you, turning you into a whining mess as you chase your orgasm. The sound of skin on skin fills the room, and you’re sure that Irene must’ve heard you at this point, but you don’t care anymore as you press your hands down onto Harry’s stomach and try to meet the pace he’s set.
“Gonna cum,” he tells you, but you could already tell with the way his thrusts have become more frantic and sloppier. You can only nod, falling against his chest as you feel the beginnings of your own orgasm start to take over.
When yours hits, you cry out into Harry’s chest. Harry doesn’t stop, though, instead wrapping his arms around you as he chases his own. It only takes a couple more thrusts before he’s pulling out of you and moaning into your hair. You can feel the hot spurts hit your stomach, dripping down onto his due to your position. The two of you stay like that, his arms still wrapped tight around you, holding you to him.
“Harry?” you finally say after a few minutes of you trying to catch your breath. You can feel the effects of the wine from earlier still mixed with the aftermath of your orgasm, and it’s all making your brain feel a bit hazy.
You roll off of Harry, the heat of being pressed to him becoming a little too much, but he doesn’t let you go, and you find yourself laying sideways, Harry’s arms still wrapped around you as you lay face to face. “Do you usually fuck random strangers you barely know in Italy?”
Harry lets out a soft giggle, one of his hands beginning to rub at your back. “You’d be the first.”
You reach a hand up to run through his curls, pushing them back off his forehead. “Glad to know I’m not alone there,” you mumble. “So, what do we do now?”
Harry shrugs the best he can in his position on the floor. “We clean up, try to fit in your tiny bed, and figure it out in the morning?”
You hum in response. “I don’t think I can face Irene in the morning.”
“Oh, that woman sleeps like the dead. N’way she heard.”
Harry thinks for a moment. “How about I go downstairs in the morning, grab us some of Irene’s lovely breakfast, and convince her to go out for the day so you can be free of the embarrassment of her hearing us having really amazing vacation sex?”
You roll your eyes. “Then it’ll be obvious what we’re doing.”
“Yes, but I think Irene would appreciate the heads up before she’s wondering why the boards are creaking so badly the whole day.”
You smack your hand against Harry’s chest and a laugh bubbles up from it. “Are you saying you’re going to have me spend my last day in Italy locked away in a bedroom getting my guts rearranged?”
“That’s one way to describe it,” he laughs.
You hum again. “Y’know, I thought I hated you this morning.”
“That was kinda evident by the way you kicked me under the table at breakfast.”
You gasp. “That was an accident!”
“Ah, so you just wanted an excuse to play footsie, huh?”
You hit him again. “An accident, Harry.”
Harry laughs, pulling you further against him. You let out a yawn as you rest your head in the crook of his neck. “We should probably get up. I feel a bit gross.”
You hum in response, tickling Harry’s neck with the vibrations. You hear Harry say your name in an attempt to get your attention, but you’re already drifting off against his chest with the promise of him etched into your brain for when you wake up.
Harry figures he’ll get up in a bit rather than disturb you now, letting himself relax against you. He means to only lay there for a few minutes until he knows he can remove himself from you so he can clean up, but soon enough his eyelids are falling shut as he too drifts off to sleep.
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y0urlittl3ang3l · 2 years
Hi! Am I allowed to ask for requests on your Garrance/MCD headcanons? It’s totally fine if not! I just really wanna hear other people’s ideas on it, yours especially since I adore your headcanons for them!
If we’re allowed to ask, then since u once said that Laurance still becomes a shadow knight despite being Irene’s descendant, how would the others react to him being gone for a while (yk, his time in the nether)?
I don’t think Dante was there pre-Nether Laurance, but it’d also be interesting to know everyone’s reactions to before and after Laurance from the Nether!
The a n g s t potential is high, and I’m just torturing myself thinking abt it :,)
Thank you! (Whether or not you answer, still thank you :) )
Hello! And I'm absolutely okay with you asking this question! Sadly I suck at writing angst and shit but I can try lmao..
Now..how the others reacted before Laurance became a shadow knight..let's start off with the person he went to the nether with to save Castor.
Fallon- Fallon was absolutely wracked with guilt on him getting taken instead of her, and she felt even worse when telling Garroth. She couldn't help but feel like she could've done more even though he was the one who pushed her through the portal in the first place. She cried for a long, long time when she had returned to the village, was utterly hysterical, Garroth had a very difficult time trying to get her to tell him what was wrong.
Garroth- Garroth was livid when Fallon told him about the situation, he began to yell at the already guilt wracked lord about how she shouldn't have left him there by himself. How she could've grabbed onto him a brought them both through the portal, how they could have made it out together. Then he began to cry, he turned away from lord and took off his helmet and cried. He sobbed on and on about how Laurance could be going through horrible things right now, and there was absolutely nothing he could do to stop it. He felt so powerless in that moment, he felt like he couldn't do anything. He felt weak.
Jeffory- Jeffory was shocked and saddened by the news, he was just getting close to the ginger and now he was taken to the nether and was having Irene knows what to him there. And with how broken Garroth was over it, Jeffory couldn't help but feel the same, he weeped with Garroth and helped him through it a little.
I personally think it would take longer for them to make Laurance into a Shadow Knight. Cause as a descendant of Irene wouldn't he be able to heal himself? It'd take longer for him to succumb to the torture because his body and blood actively fought to protect him from it.
But of course everyone has their breaking points and obviously Laurance was brought to his and Laurance was turned.
How they felt when Laurance came back all beat up and bloodied?
Fallon- Was absolutely overjoyed about Laurance being back, but heavily worried about his injuries as well. Though she wasn't able to help much as Garroth and Zoe swept in a took him away.
Jeffory- He, like Fallon, was worried but also happy about Laurance's return. And he was most happy about him returning for Garroth's sake. But yeah, he wasn't really allowed into Laurance's room for a few days.
Garroth- He was overwhelmed by worry and immediately just ran to the other guard, reaching out and touching him. And then it happened, Laurance flinched away from the touch and Garroth swore he could start crying again. But Garroth didn't, he said as calmly as he could to Laurance that it was him and that he wasn't going to hurt him.
~ ~ ~
" Laurance..?" Garroth asked as he watched the ginger flinch away from his hands.
" Do-on't..Don't hu-hurt me.." Laurance replied hoarsely, his voice was shaky too, his scared demeanor only saddening Garroth more.
" Oh Laurance, It's me Garroth..I would never, ever hurt you." Garroth teared up a bit, holding his hands out near Laurance's.
As soon as Laurance heard Garroth say it was him, the ginger launched himself into Garroth, almost knocking the blonde over, and wrapped his arms tightly around Garroth .
" Th-Thank Irene it's y-you! Oh Pre-Pretty boy..thank Ire-Irene it yo-ou!" Laurance melted into Garroth, crying into the blonde's shirt, his fists clenching onto the shirt as well.
" Yes, Laurance, it's me, I promise I'll never leave your side ever again..I promise.." Garroth whispered, his own voice going shaky as he wrapped his arms around the ginger. His hands were shaking too as they went to rub the younger man's back, trying his best to comfort him.
" I-I thought some-someone was tryin' to tri-trick me agai-again.." Laurance stammered, " I..I can't se-see Garroth..I ca-an't see!" Laurance broke down into sobs once more, and Garroth moved one of his hands onto the back of Laurance's head and brought it more into the name of his neck.
" We'll find a way to get you your sight back, Laur..I'm gonna find a way for you to regain your sight." Garroth promised Laurance, his hand on Laurance's head now rubbing circles into it to try and calm him.
" We're gonna get through this..together."
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b000mbayah · 3 years
Red velvet reaction to being ignored Pt2
Requested: yes
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It had been some hours now, Irene had now come back out wearing her casual attire with her hair neatly brushed like it always was on TV shows and when she went up on stage.
"Hello again" her voice came out meeker than intended, her cheeks changing to a deep hue of red within seconds. 
Should you really continue the mission or drop the act and let her hug you until late at night as you'd comfort the stressed leader of red velvet.
"Hello hunny" you bite your inner cheek at the words that had slipped through your tightly clenched teeth.
"H-hunny" Irene had blushed even harder at the words, oh this girl had fallen deep in love with someone she's meant to be in a fake relationship with.
"Is there a problem with that?" You give up, you've already made a slip up, there's no point in holding it all back anymore "you're my wife after all. Am I not allowed to say that?"
"N-no, it was just… unexpected, that's all" she hangs her head and silently but joyfully makes her way over to your body, wrapping her arms around your torso, something she wouldn't have done if not for the sudden outburst of confidence.
"Expect the unexpected when you're around me" you laugh and peck her lips, her eyes widen in shock as she falls under a deep silence as she stares at you, you're laughing at her reaction as she wonders one simple question.
'Why did I end up with you y/n?'
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You screwed things up, how could you reverse this one? You were deep in thought, slouched over on the couch with your hands covering your eyes as you sigh deeply.
Meanwhile Seulgi was in the bedroom, doing the exact same thing you were doing, except she's not sighing, she's crying. 
The fact that you were kind just the night before is confusing. The only reason she supposedly doesn't like you is because she's too blind to see that she loves you.
The twinges in everyone's hearts, including both your parents watching, had a massive impact on how the whole episode felt, on how it revolved around your hate for one another rather than love.
That's why a small voice coming from beside the quietly sobbing girl had caused her to freak out, throwing a pillow at the owner of the voice.
"That's not very nice" you groan, sitting back up from the direct hit.
"You think I care?" Seulgi scoffs, her arms folded as she tilts her head away from you.
"Well you should if you'd like an apology" you spit out like it's an insult.
"Go on then, apologise" Seulgi's voice is still steady and strong, not caring about her hammering heart.
"Seulgi I'm sorry I ignored you, especially since it was a topic that clearly carried a deep meaning with it" her eyes slowly turn to you.
"It has more meaning than you're entire life" you gasp
"That's not very nice seulgi" you frown, sitting next to her with your eyes lost in her deep brown ones. 
"You're beautiful" seulgi whispers, loud enough for your ears to pick up.
"E-excuse me?" The brown haired girl immediately begins to blush and stammer over her words, her thumb hitting the other one in a playful manner.
"Don't worry, I think you're beautiful too my seulgi bear"
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Guilt fills your entire system as Wendy is heard from the other room, her voice is loud as she practically screams down the phone at Irene, asking for help and what to do inorder to get back on your 'good side'
You know she doesn't mean to yell and that it's just her confused emotions speaking for her. You had to ruin things and follow through with this, didn't you?
A sudden thud coming from the bedroom gains your attention, causing you to hurry over, a natural instinct of yours. Commotion is what we live for isn't it?
The half open door reveals a Wendy on the floor, her phone completely broken as she holds her arm. She seems too shocked to even speak.
Pushing the rest of the door open and sliding up next to her only added to the shocked feeling coming from within Wendy. 
"Y-w-a" only a few letters spill from her mouth as she stares at you, mouth wide open and eyes containing irrelevant sights of fear.
"Don't speak, just uh, give me a second" you look around before lifting her up from the floor and place her onto the shared bed.
"It's j-just a bruise" Wendy informs you as you carefully pick up the remainder of her phone.
"What happened bebe?" Your sudden caring self had revealed itself, giving her the hope she once had back, hope of what could actually be a relationship if she really tried hard enough.
"A-a bat got in and flew into my face" Wendy's face is red in embarrassment
"A bat? Oh what would I do without you in my life my precious love?" If only you knew what affect those words had on Wendy.
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The lights are still out, and the flames from the candles are flickering every now and then.
Joy's still lightly holding your throat, her tongue ever so slightly licking her painted red lips.
You know it's the frustration taking over, that's what's possessing her to do this. Normally she's too shy to even begin something like this. Despite her flirtatious jokes and dirty insiders, she never goes this far to get someone's attention.
"What do you say darling? Wouldn't you like it if I took you right here right now? Wouldn't you like it if the roles were reversed just this one time? You'll get all the pleasure this time baby" 
The cameras aren't rolling so the mission isn't in progress, right? "J-joy" you groan, causing Joy's lips to curve into a sinister smirk, her finger fiddling with the hem of your shirt.
"W-we're meant to be acting on camera, not off" I gulp as her eyes shift, making them seem even darker than they were before.
"Who's to say I'm acting?" Her voice is still smooth "and who's to say you can talk to me after a stunt like that mmm? I want you to be as quiet as possible, I'm sure you wouldn't like your little mission to end up in ruins, like your voice after tonight"
"S-so we've made up?" You ask nervously, your eyes focused on her as she ponders about your punishment.
"We'll see after I'm done"
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Yeri - continued
"Of course I care for you, we're soulmates aren't we?' Yeri carelessly smacks your arm, obviously in a joking matter.
"I don't know, tch, soulmates might be pushing it yerim" you chuckle "but there is that possibility that we are. And if you feel it, and I feel it then it must be certain"
Yeris smile widens as she hugs you, pushing you down to the ground on 'accident' 
"Wow, fast to make moves aren't you my soulmate" you joke as yeri continues to pluck at you, smacking you gently with a weird fish-like -floppy- movement.
"And aren't you just" *smacks* "adorable" she slaps you again, interrupting your sentence. "And that's what makes" *slap* "me love you even more than I should do"
Just as she's about to perform one of her weird fish slaps she hults, her hand stopping midair as she proceeds to process the words that just left your mouth.
"Sweetheart?" Her head dives into your neck, hiding her reddening face. "Ouh, I guess this is okay. I guess you're now my baby, one big baby that I adore" you laugh as she covers your mouth with her hands to prevent you from spilling anymore embarrassing words.
"I'm getting you back later" yeri groans, pouting at the fact that you've won this round.
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onceinsomniac · 4 years
hello, I would ask for a red velvet reaction to their gf coming home beaten by an "fan" who doesn't approve their relationship, a little angst with a fluff ending please
Author’s note: Hi, I really liked this request so thank you so much for requesting it. I hope you enjoy it :)
Red Velvet Reaction to their girlfriend being beaten up by a sasaeng fan
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Irene was in the kitchen cooking dinner when she heard the door to the apartment opening. “I’m in the kitchen” she called out, knowing it was you. She stopped what she was doing, confused, when you didn’t answer her after a few seconds. “Jagi?” she called out again.
Silence met her question and she quickly turned off the stove before walking into the living room. The sight of you sitting on the couch, looking at her with a huge bruise already blooming over your cheek and a broken lip completely broke her heart.
She quickly snapped into her mother mode, taking your hand and leading you into the bathroom, where she then proceeded to sit you down on the covered toilet before taking out the med kit you guys kept in there. “Hold still” she told you as she carefully grabbed you by your chin in order to be able to have a better look at your battered face.
She fixed you up as well as she could, only breaking the silence to try to convince you to let her take you to the hospital but you adamantly refused. Afterwards, she led you back to the living room, sitting next to you on the couch. “What happened?” she asked, her voice soft and gentle. You hesitated briefly but eventually told her the truth, knowing that honesty was extremely important to Irene. “Some fans recognized me as I was walking home and thought it was their place to let me know how unworthy I am of you”, you told her bitterly.
Irene gasped when she heard what had happened. She couldn’t believe someone who called themselves her fans had dared lay a hand on the most important person in her life. She couldn’t help but feel responsible that this had happened to you. “Jagi, look at me”, she told you. Once you were meeting her eyes, she cupped your cheek, careful not to hurt you any further. “Whoever thinks you’re unworthy of me clearly doesn’t know you at all. You are the single most important person in my life and I’m so sorry that some idiots are too blind to see that. I promise I will do whatever it takes to make sure this never happens again.”
You knew from the tone in her voice that Irene was angry and for a brief second, you almost felt bad for the ones who had hit you. “I know”, you assured her. “I love you.” “I love you too. So much.” She told you, wrapping you in a hug, careful not to jostle your injuries.
Afterwards, she talked with her managers and her company and, with the help of your descriptions, they managed to find the ones who had beaten you up. You honestly didn’t care what happened to them and just wanted to forget about the whole incident but they had gotten on the bad side of Irene, and nothing could protect them from her fury. She made her company take legal action against them to make sure they never again touched you.
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You knew Seulgi had the tendency to blame herself for things that were out of her control so you initially tried to hide what that “fan” had done to you, not wanting to cause her any pain or guilt. Unfortunately for you, Seulgi quickly realized you were avoiding her when you didn’t answer any of her video calls during the day while she was at practice. Especially since you had a fixed schedule for video calls when she was practicing and you never missed one before.
She spent the rest of the day anxious and wondering if she had done something wrong. After their choreographer finally called an end to the practice, she asked their manager to drop her off in front of your apartment after dropping the other girls off at the dorm. She quickly made her way inside, using the key you had given her a long time ago.
“Y/N?” She called, wondering where you were. It was already late at night and she knew for a fact that you were usually always home at that time so her worry started increasing as she got no reply. She walked towards your bedroom, thinking that maybe you were asleep and hadn’t heard her. She opened your bedroom door and felt relief rushing through her at the sight of a body lying under the covers.
“Jagi, you worried me”, she exclaimed, making her way to you. Her worry however, returned when, instead of answering, you covered your head with the sheets. “Y/N, what’s going on?” she asked, sitting down next to you on the bed. She started thinking that you were sick or something. It explained why you were hiding away, since you’d always hated people seeing you when you were sick. She let out a small chuckle, used to this. “Jagi, how many times do I have to tell you that you have to tell me when you’re sick?” she asked you, taking ahold of the sheets and ripping them of off you.
The sight of your broken body shocked her beyond belief. Both your eyes were black and your nose was clearly broken. The way you were curling into a ball made it clear that your face wasn’t the only part of you that was hurt. “What happened?” she exclaimed, feeling tears stinging her eyes at the moan of pain that came out of your mouth.
She immediately took out her phone and started dialing 911 when your hand shot out to stop her. “Please don’t” you said, the pain audible in your voice. Seulgi hesitated for a moment before pocketing her phone again. “Okay but I’m going to need you to let me take care of you then”, she bargained. You nodded your agreement. “Good, now I’m going to move you to the bathroom so I can take a better look at your injuries, okay?” she said. She waited for your nod of consent before putting an arm under your neck and the other under your legs and gently hoisting you into her arms.
She carried you into the bathroom where she then sat you on the counter, her heart aching each time you winced. “I’m going to need to take of your clothes to see the injuries”, she warned you, waiting for your agreement before slowly easing you out of your hoodie, leaving you in only a bra. She gasped at the sight of your black and blue skin, the result of the vicious beating you’d been subjected to. “I’m sorry”, you said, hating yourself for being the cause of the sadness on Seulgi’s face.
Seulgi looked at you in disbelief. “Why are you sorry? Unless you somehow beat yourself, you have nothing to apologize for”, she admonished. You didn’t answer and Seulgi then proceeded to take out the cream she often used on the bruises she got from their harder choreographies and begin to apply it to your skin, being careful not to hurt you.
Afterwards, she took a pair of your pajamas and changed you into them, hoisting you back into her arms afterwards and carrying you back to bed. Once she made sure you were comfortable, sitting against your headrest, she sat in front of you, taking your hands into her own. “Who did this?” she asked, getting right to the point.
“Some stranger on the street”, you answered, still trying to protect her. “Y/N” she warned. You winced at the tone of her voice, knowing she knew you too well and that lying to her was just a waste of time. “A sasaeng of yours”, you admitted, hating the way guilt immediately filled her features. “Hey, this isn’t your fault, okay?” you told her.
“I’m the one who’s supposed to be comforting you”, she told you, shooting you a small smile as you wiped away the stray tear that had been making its way down her cheek. You let out a small chuckle, which you immediately regretted at a fresh wave of pain hit you making you gasp. “Hey, don’t move, okay. I’m going to stay over and you’re not moving a finger anytime soon.” Your girlfriend told you. You simply nodded your consent, knowing you couldn’t choose anyone better to take care of you.
The next day, Seulgi called Irene for advice on what to do, not wanting to let the sasaeng escape without consequences. Irene went to talk to the company for her while she stayed with you. She also wrote a very long letter which she posted on her Instagram, scolding all the people who didn’t agree or support her relationship with you. She was so angry at what had happened and would do whatever it took to make sure it never happened again.
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You and Wendy were having a date in the park, celebrating the fact that she had just gotten back from tour. You were sitting on a park bench, watching the ducks swimming in the water, when you got a sudden craving for ice cream. “Be right back”, you told her jumping up from your seat and running towards the ice cream truck that was always located at the end of the park. Wendy chuckled, knowing perfectly well where you were going, used to your antics. “Bring me back my usual”, she shouted at your retreating form.
A few minutes later, you stood in line, waiting for your turn, you were already drooling at the thought of a cookies and cream cone, especially considering the hot weather. After a few minutes, it was finally your turn to order. “Hey Mr. Kim. I’ll have the usual please” you ordered. You and Wendy visited the park so often that you had become acquainted with the old man who owned the ice cream truck a long time ago. “Hey Y/N. Here you go”, he told you, handing you a cookies and cream cone and a strawberry glaze one. You thanked him and paid him before starting to make your way back towards the park bench. You could see her in the distance, still watching the river and you smiled at the thought of her. You were just wondering how you got so lucky with her when a foot suddenly came out of nowhere, making you fall headfirst into the cement. Your ice cream flew everywhere and your nose cracked painfully against the concrete.
Your hands immediately went towards your nose, clutching it in pain. “That’s what happens for thinking you’re good enough for Wendy”, a voice taunted you. You looked up to see a woman about your age standing over you, a proud smile on her face. You were saved from having to respond by a sudden scream. “Hey, what the hell are you doing?” your girlfriend’s voice suddenly rang out.
Wendy had seen what had happened from the distance and was running over, a furious expression on her face. “oh my god, Wendy… hi” the fan mumbled, clearly starstruck at the sight of her idol standing right in front of her. Wendy, however, was not having it. “Why the hell did you do that”, she shouted, getting right in her personal space. “She deserves it.” The fan said, clearly not understanding why the other woman was so angry at her.
“Get away from us. I swear I will make sure you get thrown in jail if you ever come near either of us ever again”, she said, turning back to you and helping you stand up, ignoring the fan’s pleas for forgiveness. She wrapped an arm around your waist as you walked off. “Let’s get you to a hospital Jagi”, she told you, clearly still fuming.
“Hey, wait, stop” you told her once you were far from the sasaeng, stoppinh in your tracks and forcing her to stop as well. “Take a deep breath”, you told her. Wendy looked annoyed but did as you asked. “There, better?” you asked her. “Jagi, you’re the one who’s hurt here, not me”, she deadpanned. You let out a small chuckle, wincing at the pain the action caused you. “Well yeah, but you’re the one who looks the most affected” you reasoned.
“Wow, I knew you were a cheerful person but this is just getting ridiculous. That woman hurt you. You have the right to be mad right now”, she told you. She loved your never-ending positivity so much but it sometimes bothered you the way you tended to let people get away with hurting you. “I don’t know. You look mad enough for the both of us”, you joked.
Wendy only stared at you, her gaze hardening. You got serious, knowing your joking around was not making things any better. “I know, believe me, I know. And I am angry, honestly. The only thing I wanted was an ice cream and now I have to go to the hospital instead. But I feel like being angry is just letting her win. And that’s not worth it.” You explained.
Wendy was still furious but she could understand your reasoning, even if she disagreed. Moments like this only reminded her why she had fallen in love with you in the first place. “Come on. I’ll buy you an ice cream after a doctor checks out your nose.” She promised, wrapping her arm back around your waist and trying to fight back a small smile at the excitement that immediately lit your face at her words.
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“Baby, I’m home”, Joy called out as she opened the door to the apartment. “In the kitchen”, you called out. Joy followed your voice, entering the kitchen to the sight of you cooking dinner. “Mmh, smells delicious”, she said as she came up behind you and wrapped her arms around your waist. Only to immediately let go when she felt you wince in pain. “What was that?” she asked you cautiously.
“What was what?” you asked, playing dumb and continuing to stand over the stove, refusing to look at her. “Y/N” She said. You gulped at the warning in her tone but continued what you were doing, acting like you hadn’t heard her. It was only a few seconds later that you felt hands grasping your waist and turning you around forcibly.
Joy wasn’t sure what she was expecting but the sight of a black eye and a bruise blooming over your cheek was definitely not it. A hand immediately went up to cup your cheek, only to fall away seconds later when you let out a gasp of pain. She remembered your earlier wince and her hands fell to the bottom of your shirt, lifting it up and gasping at the sight of the ugly bruise on your stomach.
“Baby, what happened?” she asked, voice soft but you could hear the anger underneath. “It’s stupid. Some guy who apparently doesn’t like us being together recognized me on the street”, you explained, trying to brush the whole subject away. You didn't do well with being vulnerable in front of people, not even your girlfriend. You hated being vulnerable.
Joy, however, wasn’t about to let the subject go. “Where was it? What did he look like? We’re going back there right now to see if he’s still there”, she said, already dragging you half-way to the door by the wrist. “Wait, Joy stop”, you said, struggling to stop her in her tracks. “I just want to forget about everything”, you explained. Joy immediately turned around to face you. “What, and let him get away with hurting you? No way in hell”, she scoffed.
Joy loved you wholeheartedly but it sometimes angered her your tendency to let people step on you. She knew you hated confrontations so she took it upon herself to become your protector. To stand up for you when you refused to stand up for yourself. And she wasn’t about to let someone get away with hurting the love of her life. She was about to tell you just that when she noticed the tears you were holding back.
She immediately softened, pulling you into an embrace. “It’s okay” she whispered. “It’s okay. We don’t have to go anywhere you don’t want to.” Joy knew that she couldn’t let this go but what she could do was leave it for tomorrow. Right now, her main priority was taking care of you.
But make no mistake, she would make sure that the bastard who had done that to you ended up in jail.
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Yeri found out what had happened after she got a phone call from the hospital. Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach when she heard that you were in the hospital, after being found beaten up by some strangers in an alley.
She immediately started crying, much to her member’s worry. Once she told them what had happened, they dropped everything and had their manager drive them to the hospital, desperately running up to the man sitting in the desk in the lobby and asking for the room you where in. Once she had the number, Yeri ran through the hospital, ignoring her member’s calls telling her to slow down. She needed to see you.
She ran to your room but stopped in her tracks once she laid eyes on you. You heard her come in and turned to smile at her, motioning for her to come closer. But Yeri couldn’t take her eyes off your bruised face and from looking at your body, knowing the dressing gown probably hid even more injuries from sight.
“Jagi, come here”, you said, breaking her out of her stupor. She slowly made her way to you, quickly falling into your arms once she was within arm’s reach. You ignored the pain that came from the contact, instead enjoying the warm embrace of the woman you loved. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry”, Yeri kept mumbling into your head.
She knew you had been attacked by a sasaeng and she blamed herself, knowing that if it wasn’t for her, this would have never happened to you. You quickly shushed her, reassuring her that she had nothing to do with this. You saw the other girls of Red Velvet watching you both from the door. They saw you comforting Yeri and decided to go back to the waiting room to give you guys privacy.
After Yeri had finally calmed down, she took a step backwards so she could face you. “Y/N, I promise you that I will never let this happen again”, she said, seriously.
And she didn’t. She didn’t leave your side until you were discharged from the hospital and then she made her company put out a very serious note from her, warning any fan from ever doing something like that again. Her protectiveness also went up for a while after, barely letting you leave her sight. Not that you were complaining.
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b-mydarling · 4 years
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I am still dwelling in self pity over a break up with my super hot ex-boyfriend, Sehun when my best friend decided to give me a replacement mascara to make up for all the loss that I've had from crying over that jackass (as referred by Byun Baekhyun himself) for the past one week. It was a normal gift to be quite honest, but little did I know, that one normal gift is the thing that made me realize just how drop dead gorgeous my best friend is. And to Baekhyun, that three boxes of Fenty Beauty mascara are the same exact thing that have made him realized that even after years, he has never lost his feelings for me.
🍰   pairing: baekhyun x OC
🍰   characters: baekhyun, OC, sehun, yeri, irene
🍰   genre: what else if not FLUFF 😭
🍰   aus: university student! baekhyun, best friends to lovers.
🍰   contains:  Playing with makeup with some cute music as the bgm but   definitely not in this chapter :>
🍰   word count: 3K
― note: this is my first time cross-posting my fictional work on this platform. (I guess), posting this chapter will help me to understand Tumblr's algorithm better 😔✋ oh and fyi, the main idea of this oneshot was actually inspired by my dream 😭😭 Yes, I dreamt of Baekhyun in the midst of a pandemic and during an online semester like I’ve had nothing better to do :)
p/s: let me know if you want to be tagged for the next chapter.
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Best friends.
That is the perfect term to describe and explain my relationship with Baekhyun. We used to live in the same apartment complex and his mother used to babysit me while my parents went to work. The babysitting lasted for almost six years (from when I was still a wee child at the age of 7 and until I turned 13) before his family moved to Incheon from Seoul. Even though we didn’t get to meet as often as we used to, our friendship is still intact and growing strong until now, when we are both a university students.
It was fun and easy being friends with Baekhyun. He may be older than me by two years, but I have never mind the fact because befriending Baekhyun was so, so much easier than befriending his little sister, Yeri. Although we are of the same age, I’m not close with Yeri because she used to think that my presence was a nuisance to her family; stealing her one and only brother from her, stealing her mom’s love and affection away from her, and she hated it when her dad brought back matching toys or playset for us to play together. And yes, of course we didn’t play together. To conclude my relationship with Yeri, we don’t hate or loathe each other but we have come to agree with the fact that we just don’t click with each other very well.
Presently, it is a Friday evening and I am laying on the couch at my family house’s living room. I am beat from living off from only few hours of sleep and a lot of coffee for the past two days because I was trying to perfect my assignment that holds 30% weightage for one of the subjects that I’m currently taking as a second year university student majoring in Beauty and Hairdressing studies. And now that I have submitted the assignment, it feels like all the burdens have been lifted from my shoulders and all that I want to do is sleep. I shift a few times on the long couch, trying to find a comfortable position to take a nap. I don’t want to sleep in my room just yet, afraid that my parents might forget to take the house key with them and I don’t hear their knockings if I sleep in my room. That, and I’m just too scared to sleep in my room knowing that I’m all alone in this house. It only feels like a few minutes have passed since I fell asleep before the incessant ringing of my phone wake me up. I grumble in my hazy state and reach for my phone on the coffee table.
“Hello?” I mutter into the phone without even looking at the caller id or even opening my eyes, sleep already calling back to me.
There’s a small chuckle coming from the other side of the line, the caller’s voice so deep and warm; alarming me about who he is. My lips automatically curl to form a smile just by hearing his velvet voice. There’s a few beat of silence before he starts to speak to me. “Did I wake you up from your nap?”
“Yes, yes you did.” I jokingly say with a pout while putting the call on speaker before I put my phone down to sit up from my laying position. “I’m so tired, Sehun. Mrs. Kwon has finally approved of my dreamy makeup look sketching after the fourth consultation. I’ve just submitted the assignment too. But anyway, why are you calling me? Are you done with labs?”
Sehun fakes a cry and says “My poor baby. But hey, at least you’re done with it now, right?” I hum, enjoying the comfort that my boyfriend is giving me. “And yes, I’m done with lab and my basketball practice too.” Sehun says with a teasing voice. “Can you come down for a while, princess? I need to talk to you about something.”
I look at the wall clock and frown. It’s nearly 7pm now and I’m too lazy to change out from my comfortable lounge wear. “Now?”
“Yes, now. I’m already waiting in front of your apartment complex.”
Still feeling lazy to change my clothes, I try my luck again. “Can you come upstairs then, Sehun? My parents are not home yet. They went out to have dinner with my father’s colleague.”
There’s another beat of silence coming from the other side of the line before Sehun sighs into his phone. I couldn’t decipher whether his sigh is rather affectionate or because he’s just tired from a long day at university. But I guess whatever that he’s going to talk to me about is pretty serious from the way he responds to my invitation.
“I can’t do that, baby. I need to tell you something without having to face the possibility of your parents walking in on us and disrupting our privacy. I’m also kinda in a rush to meet my friends later.”
I pout. “Okay, I’ll be down in a few minutes. See you, Sehun.” I say and after receiving a hum from him, I end the call while getting up from the couch and walk to my room to get change into something more appropriate to wear. I choose to wear Sehun’s grey hoodie that he has given me before and a legging. The hoodie is two times bigger than my own size so it’s really comfortable too. I grab my phone and lock the door before going down. Once I arrive down at the lobby, I can already see Sehun’s parked car a few metres from the apartment’s entrance. I walk closer to his Audi and knock softly on the window. Sehun is busy playing game on his phone that he gets startled by my soft knocking. He then unlocks his car and I get into the passenger seat next to him.
“Hi,” Sehun smiles at me and scans my face, his head tilting bit by bit the more he spends his time analyzing my countenance. Sehun then crinkles his nose. “Damn baby, you really look super exhausted. I’m sorry for waking you up.”
“It’s okay since I need to wait for my parents to come home too.” My reply is cut short because my mind is being clouded with the smell of freshly baked dessert in his car. I turn half of my body in Sehun’s direction before I turn my head to look at his back seat. I see that there’s a white transparent box of brownies from the bakery that I frequently go to and a big bouquet of my favourite red and pink roses. I turn my head back to look at Sehun and grin up at him. “Are those for me?”
Sehun grins back at me before he takes my hand into his big one. “Of course those are for my favourite girl. You can even share the brownies with your parents too.” His other hand stretches behind him to grab both the flower bouquet and the box of brownies before he places them in my lap.
“These are my present for you because you have been such an amazing girlfriend for me for the past six months. Now, let me talk about the thing that I have wanted to tell you.”
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Sehun has broken up with me.
Before this, it only took him 15 minutes to gather his courage to express and explain his feelings for me and now, it only took him 10 minutes to tell me that he wants to break up with me. Because apparently, his basketball coach has strictly forbidden him and the rest of his teammates from dating to ensure that their performance will not be affected if anything were to happen to the relationship. It was an absurd reasoning, I know that. But how can I not agree when Sehun has reasoned with me so well. He is on a full basketball scholarship so he must give his very best to basketball and to his major studies too. So yes, I agreed to break things up with him (although a part of me is hoping that we could still work things out).
After I went back to my house, I just sat idly on the couch thinking about what have just happened. There are three thoughts that are currently running through my minds and I could not just brush away this three facts:
 My hot and athletic boyfriend has broken up with me.
 I still love him
Should I wait for the both of us to graduate so we can be together again? But that will take two more years.
My parents came home at half past nine in the evening with take-out food for me. I only thanked my parents and proceed to eat my dinner in silence before asking for their permission so that I can leave for my room first. I even told them that they can eat the brownies on the coffee table because I don’t feel like eating it. As a result, my parents got worried over me because they could sense that something is wrong with me and Sehun from looking at the abandoned bouquet of roses and the box of brownies on the coffee table.
Now that I’m all alone in my bedroom, the realization just hit me like a bullet train. I feel suffocated. I feel restless. I feel like there is nothing else that is worse than this breakup. But boy I was wrong, there is something that is even worse than this shitty feeling that I’m having right now.
Because at half past 10 pm, my phone gets bombarded with a lot of messages and screenshots from my close friends in university. And the content of the messages were all the same, two screenshots of Irene’s latest instagram stories with one of it being a picture of hers and a man’s legs on a bed, watching Netflix together and the other picture being the same exact white box of brownies and a bouquet of red and pink roses like what I have gotten earlier. The caption in the story was:
“First date. Thank you, my sweet boy @oohsehun”
And that was the exact moment when I feel like the world has crashed on me. I feel like I could not breathe with all this new information that I just get. I need to save my sanity and I need to see the person who understands me better than anyone else. I hurriedly change my clothes before telling my parents that I need to see that person because of an emergency. My parents allowed me to go out despite it being so late at night, partly because they’ve seen how shocked and restless I am, and partly because the person that I’m going out to see is my best friend.
Byun Baekhyun.
Baekhyun has just returned home from his daily night run when he saw me standing in front of his door. He was shocked, of course. Because I have never really went to his apartment without noticing him beforehand. But upon seeing my blood-drained face, he ushered me inside before he rushed through his shower so that he can talk to me. After he’s done showering, he brought me to sit across of him at the small dining table that’s just enough for two people. And when he was seated too, he only crossed his arms and placed them on table. He doesn’t open his mouth, but his eyes are demanding me to open up. And I was right because in the next second, Baekhyun is ready to be on his best friend’s duty.
“Okay, spill it now. Every single thing.”
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“You know what? Just cry.”  
“Why are you asking me to cry?” I ask, annoyed that Baekhyun has been telling me the same thing ever since I was done telling him what happened. Baekhyun was also shocked to know just how much of an asshole Oh Sehun was. But he then said that I should have at least expected this since Sehun is a popular guy at university.
“Because,” Baekhyun uncrosses his arms on the table and leans back on the chair. He closes his eyes before continuing. “It’s not healthy for your mental health, you know? You don’t have to put on a strong facade in front of me. Acting like this when you’re hurting deep inside will only hurt you even more. I’ve seen you cry before. Multiple of times too, if I may add.”
I brush his words off and only stay silent. My eyes roam around his grey and red themed apartment, taking in the minimalistic interior of the house that belongs to the 24 year old man sitting across of me. He has a grey coloured two-seater sofa, his coffee table is full with his macbook, ipad, some of his still opened law text books, some documents and stationaries. His television that was originally brought from his family home is connected to the internet and his playstation 4 is still plugged into the television too.
When was the last time I visited his house? I couldn’t recall the memory but I know that it has been quite a while. Ever since I started dating Sehun, I only met Baekhyun at our university or anywhere else that is not his house because Baekhyun thought it was a little inappropriate for me to go to his house since I have a boyfriend. My little inspection of his house was interrupted after a short while when Baekhyun sighs a little loudly. I focus my eyes on him now and shrug my shoulder.
“Are you even listening to what I’m saying?” Baekhyun asks. “I don’t want you to get anymore hurt by whatever that jackass is doing or about to be doing after this. I know how much you like him and how much you cherish the relationship that you’ve had with him. It’s completely normal to be hurting by this news and it’s definitely okay to cry too. Cry until your eyes get swollen, cry until you fall asleep and wake up feeling a lot better than tonight.”
I bite my inner cheek and shake my head. Although I admit that I am hurt deep inside, I refuse to cry. Not because I have too much pride in me but because of these mixed feelings bubbling inside. Hurt from being lied and cheated on by the person whom I thought I was going to have a long lasting relationship with. Confused because out of all people, I didn’t expect Sehun and Irene to be together. Irene was my seatmate and one of my assignment group mates throughout the whole of last semester where I had taken an elective subject not related to my major. Appalled because this would have not happened if I hadn’t asked Sehun to join our group celebration dinner for getting an A last semester.  These feelings just keep on brewing inside me and it was too much to comprehend, leaving me to not be able to even shed a tear.
“I don’t know, Baekhyun.” I say while standing up from the dining chair.“I thought I should tell you about this and feel better, but I still feel like I have just gotten hit by a car. I guess breakup really sucks.” I laugh soullessly. “Hey, do you mind if I crash here tonight? I’m too tired to drive again.” I don’t wait for Baekhyun to respond because I straight away walk to his couch, not realizing that Baekhyun has also stand up from his chair to follow me.
I’m only a few steps away from the couch when I feel a soft tug on my left hand, turning me around before I am being pulled into a bear hug. My eyes widen in shock because my best friend has never hugged me so closely and so tightly like this. But his embrace is just so perfect and warm and very much comforting that I can feel all these mixed emotions inside of me are swirling all over the place before I feel something triggering the most wanted reaction from me. And just like his warm embrace, my dams of tears exploded.
“I really like him, Baekhyun.” I say with tears streaming down my face. Baekhyun doesn’t say anything but lets me cry on his shoulder. I take a long time to stop crying and when I am slowly sniffling, that is when Baekhyun starts speaking.
“That wasn’t so hard, wasn’t it?” He asks while stroking my long hair. “You silly girl, you’ll feel a lot better after this. And oppa will make sure that jackass will regret doing what he did to you.”
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angelsswirl · 3 years
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"Thought I saw your shadow under the door. Just a trick of the light I've seen before. I can never tell what's real anymore. Anymore. Anymore."
Irene broke into the apartment with a huff. She scowled at her drenched umbrella. She placed the offending accessory into Jisoo's shoe. That's what she gets for not opening the door.
She intended on telling her just that, as she trudged further into the living room.
"Do you know what the word 'petrichor' means?"
Irene yelped.
She turned to Jisoo. The alpha was dramatically staring out the window. Watching New Yorkers scramble to get away from the torrential downpour.
"...What in the late 90s, early 2000s music video is going on here?"
"It's the smell that comes after it rains." Jisoo is still staring out the window.
Irene has never tried harder not to laugh at something in her entire life.
"What's wrong, Jisoo? How long have you been standing there?" Irene looked around the room for a camera. She was surely being punk'd right now.
"I feel like petrichor." Jisoo said as she continued to stare out the window.
"What does that even mean!?"
"She called me. I tripped over myself trying to get to my phone. She asked if I wanted to have sex with her like she didn't know that I have never wanted to do anything more in my entire life. And then she hung up."
Irene sighed as she took a seat on the couch. She crossed her arms, mentally preparing herself for Jisoo's definitely impending meltdown.
"A little odd, but not seeing a problem yet."
"She asked if I wanted to have sex, and then we didn't."
"That was the most assholish thing you have ever said to me. And that's saying something because you talk a lot. So, I'm going to let you rephrase that before I punch you in the face."
"No. You don't get it. She didn't have sex with me because she was doing it with someone else. And then she came over here like she didn't." Jisoo finally turned to look at Irene. Irene is sure Jisoo would have a 5 o'clock shadow if she possessed the ability to grow one.
"Well, did she come over to rub it in your face?"
Jisoo's eyebrows furrowed, "...No, she came because I asked her to, Lia wasn't feeling well and I needed her help...but it felt like she was rubbing it in." Jisoo pouted.
Irene chuckled softly, "You're so oblivious. Anyhow, I'm sure I don't have to tell you, she can fuck who ever she wants."
Jisoo stomped her foot petulantly, "But why couldn't she want to fuck me?! Why am I always second place?"
Irene sighed, her lips forming a deep, concerned frown, "Where is this coming from, Chu?"
"Jihyo's getting married."
"Yeah. And it shouldn't be that big of a deal, but she's the mother of my child, we coul-could've worked it out. Been a family, but no. I'm never anyone's first choice." Jisoo sat down on the couch next to Irene, her face cradled in her hands.
"Are you sure you would've wanted that. To be mated and married to Jihyo? You said the next morning you barely remembered her name, and she had told you it twice like a minute before."
Jisoo uncovered her face and thought about it for a few moments, "No. We'd probably kill each."
"Exactly, so how could you be first place if you never even put yourself into the race?"
"I think I liked you better when you were mean to me."
"You like me anyway you can get me."
They both laughed softly.
"I'm still mad. She could have told me she couldn't come over."
"She's an omega and you told her a child was sick. What was she supposed to do? Five bucks says she completely forgot where she had been ten minutes earlier as soon as she got here."
"Could you just let me hold my grudge that is heavily justified in my head?"
"If you want to be single for the rest of your life, by all means, hold that dumbass grudge, but don't come crying to me when she kicks you in the crotch."
"Why are you here anyway?"
"Oh yeah! I wanted to kick your ass in PUBG. Seulgi's pregnant and she's mad at me, so I ran away. " Irene jumped up to find Jisoo's laptop casually.
"Seulgi's pregnant!?"
"Yeah. Must be in the air or something." Irene shrugged nonchalantly.
"...Something's wrong with you."
"Pot. Kettle. Black."
"How do you keep getting in here? Don't I have security?" Rosé made a mental note to fire someone later.
"Have you made up your mind?" Joy asked, completely ignoring the previous questions hurtled her way.
"Hello to you, too." Rosé rolled her eyes. She came around her desk to sit on top of it, her arms crossed at her chest.
"Answer the question, Chae."
"You walked into my job and demanded that I mate you. And then when I said 'Hell no' you told me to think about it. Now you're back, asking if I made up my mind. Did you think you were going to get a different answer?" Rosé had to hold back a laugh at that. Surely, Joy didn't think she could be manhandled into mating her.
They had broken up months ago. It was mutual, or so Rosé had thought. They were headed in two different directions in life and would probably never end back up on the same path. But all of a sudden, Joy was pushing it.
"So, what are you trying to say?" Joy huffed. Her giant loop earrings swinging as she did so.
"I don't want to mate you. I don't want to court you. I want you-"
Joybgasped, "I want you too, Rosé!"
"-OUT OF MY GODDAMN OFFICE!" Rosé seldom raised her voice, it mainly happened during a meeting with the CEO of Spectrum. He was an asshole, and very talkative.
Outside of that, Rosé could count on one hand how many times she had yelled at someone, including this one.
Normally, she felt bad afterwards. She was an alpha and most of the time when she yelled, people noticed, people felt it, especially omegas. But even as Joy whimpered and crocodile tears formed in the corner of her eyes, Rosé couldn't bring herself to care.
"But why not?!" Her bottom lip jutted out and her arms crossed over herself.
"Because I love someone else!" Rosé actually surprised herself there a bit. She didn't mean for that to explode from her mouth and into the expanse of her office. But that didn't take away from the fact that it was true. She just hadn't planned on admitting that yet.
"You do?" Joy asked with a slump of her shoulders.
"You do?"
Both Rosé and Joy startled. Rosé glanced at the space that was between her and Joy before pulling away.
"Y/N? What are you doing here?"
"Yeri...she let me up. I came-I came to bring you lun-you love me?" Your thoughts are running a mile a minute. You can't keep your sentences in order. And your hands are sweaty. It's taking every ounce of dexterity you have not to drop Rosé's lunch on the ground.
Rosé glanced at Joy before walking around her and towards you slowly, "I-you don't have to say it back, but yeah. I love you. And you probably think it's too soon, but I do. A lot."
There were about ten different emotions playing across your face. The most prominent being surprise, maybe? You're a bit difficult for Rosé to read.
"I-I-you love me?" It's just a whisper this time. The suprise morphing into disbelief and confusion more than anything else.
Rosé nodded and Joy huffed.
"Oh." You mumbled softly. Rosé pressed a gentle hand to your cheek, and you let her, "Oh." You mumbled again, this time with a slightly different inflection in your voice.
You didn't know what you were feeling. You were happy and sad and excited and mad and confused and terrified and glad and guilt-ridden all at the same time.
It made you sick to your stomach.
You're sitting alone in your apartment. It's been three days since Rosé. Your phone sat idly in your hand. Waiting patiently to be used.
You needed to call someone. To talk to someone. But you're not sure who would understand any of this.
You eventually decided on Jisoo. Because why not make this even more hard on yourself?
After several rings it went to voicemail. Which, hurts to say the least. You can't help but think Jisoo is screening your calls.
But, you're nothing if not a masochist.
You called again. It goes to voicemail again.
After the first call, it hurt. After the second call, it hurt even more. After the third call, it pissed you off.
You're mad now.
You: At least let me know you're alive, you giant gaping asshole.
Jisoo turned her read receipts off to spite Irene, so unfortunately, you will never know if she sees it or not that way.
About three minutes later your phone lit up with a notification.
It's an Instagram notification. It's Jisoo's Instagram notification.
You rolled your eyes, but opened it anyway.
It's a picture of Lia with Jisoo's friend, Kai. Lia does not seem to be enjoying herself.
The caption is only one singular emoji:👶🏻
You blew out a puff of air, at least you knew they were alive.
You scrolled a bit into the comment section. It's mainly just viewers saying how cute Lia is. But there's a couple that caught your eye.
You should do another video with Y/N!
Yeah, but where's Y/N?
You might accidentally on purpose like that second one. It's a question you needed the answer to too. And maybe once they found out, they could tell you.
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cozyjsuh · 4 years
as you finally finish tucking joy and irene into your bed, you go to your living room to see lucas dead asleep on the floor.
in a soft voice, you call his name, “lucas. come on. let’s get you on the bed.” you say as you play with his hair. you reach your hand out and he takes it while groggily standing up. you lead him to your guest bedroom and take out everything in his pockets. you contemplate on whether to change his clothes.
“lucas. let’s change out of those clothes, okay?” you say as you hand him a change of clothes and go outside to get him a glass of water. you grab a cup from your cupboard and start to fill it with water when your doorbell rings. you check the time on your microwave and slowly walk towards the door after getting the bat you keep in your closet. you look the peephole only to be greeted by darkness and hold your bat up ready to strike. you open the door and are face to face with jaehyun.
“jesus! you scared me.” you flinch and say while breathing heavily. “what are you doing here? it’s three am.
“i wanted to finish my sentence earlier.” he began. “i wanted to say that the reason i was trying to make you jealous is because i don’t even know, to be honest. it’s like i want to be your friend because we practically spend everyday with each other but at the same time, i feel as if i have to have some kind of competition with you.”
you start, “listen jaehyun. you don’t have feel as if you have to compete against me cause one. we already know i’d win and two. there’s absolutely no reason why you’d have to be competing against me. ok?” you later add on, “and maybe stop acting like a dick and we’re cool.”
“alright. got it.” he replies with his dimply smile.
“now go home! it’s late.” you tell him before closing the door.
“ok y/n. bye.” he yells before he runs off.
you laugh to yourself before walking to the guest bedroom and snuggling up to lucas.
you later wake up at nine and wriggle out of lucas’ arms to go check on joy and irene. as you crack your door open slightly, you hear the soft snores coming from both girls. then you walk to the kitchen getting to make hangover soup for them. you sit on your island while waiting for your friends to wake up until you get a call from johnny.
“hel-“ you start but get interrupted.
“y/n! yuta is in the hospital!” he yells.
“what?! which hospital?!” you respond aggressively.
he responds with “the yonsei hospital!”
“ok! i’m coming!” you yell while getting your shoes on and running out of your house with your keys.
you get into your car and arrive at the hospital sooner than you expected. you park your car and run into the hospital. you ask the nurse, “excuse me, do you know the room for yuta nakamoto?” desperately. she directs you towards the room and you run into the room just to be met with five boys laughing at you. you look at yuta who’s just laying on the hospital bed clutching his broken arm.
tears well up in your eyes as you stare at him. all the boys quiet their laughter and look at you. you begin with tears down your face, “yuta. you’re a jerk. you’re a insensitive loser.” you sniffle. you wipe your tears and walk out dejectedly. you walk outside of his room and slide down the wall. jaehyun follows you out.
“y/n. yuta thought it would be funny if we did that.” he began while patting your head.
you sat in silence and stood up after calming down. you walk back inside and glare at yuta.
before you begin, you let out a deep breath. “yuta. do you even know what i have to go through? this black eye? it’s from nayeon. i had to get a fifteen dollar car wash two days ago because the cheer team couldn’t keep your name out of their mouths. and to add to that,” you pause, tearing up again, “i can’t even go to state because i’m suspended from the swim team for a month and you had the audacity to make jokes. i’ve never been this humiliated in my life. and it hurts more because it’s coming from my own flesh and blood. i’m going home. please don’t act so recklessly next time. please.” you end and walk out to your car.
you get into your car and sit in there. a phone call brings you out of your trance and you answer.
“y/n? where are you.” the voice asks. “oh i had to buy something. just eat up without me. i’ll be home in thirty minutes.” you answer while trying to keep a steady tone. you the plug in your keys and get on the road.
as you attempt to unlock the door, your landlady calls your name.
“y/n! oh dear. you’re behind on a payment.”
“oh uhm. yeah. i-i’ll, uhm.” you stumble on your words. “can i pay you with next months rent?”
“don’t worry about it dear. i could wait for next month.” she replies with a kind smile. “thank you. thank you so much.” you warmly say.
you walk into your house to see three people eavesdropping on your conversation.
“y/n? how are you doing?” joy asks worriedly. “i-i’m doing fine.” you hesitantly answer. “i have something to do today so if you guys wouldn’t mind leaving by twelve, uh that’ll be helpful.” you say as you go to change.
before your friends leave, they check on you once more. “y/n are you really okay?” irene asks. “yeah. great. see you guys later.” you say as they walk out of the door. lucas glances at you once more and kisses you on the cheek before walking out.
you then walk out of your house, to the cafe down a block from your house. you enter the cafe and walk up to the cashier.
“hi. welcome! what can i help you with?” she asks, enthusiastically.
“are you guys hiring? i’m a little short on my rent this month so i looking for a part time job.” you answer with looking down.
she automatically answers, “yeah! of course! i’ll just take you back and you could have a talk with my manager.”
after your talk with the manager, who thought you were fit for this job, the same girl who was the cashier showed you how to work the coffee machines
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“oh hey y/n.” nayeon says with a smirk.
“hi and welcome. what would you like to drink today?” you ask while rolling your eyes.
“what do you have that has no dairy, no fat, and no sugar?” she asks seriously.
you cross your arms and answer sarcastically, “water? you mean water?”
“no, i mean with ice.” she obnoxiously states.
“ok. your ice water will be a dollar fifty.”
“why is it so expensive?!” she complains while handing over her card. you breathe out and reply, “thank you! your water will be delivered to your seat in a few minutes.”
“hey where’s jaehyun? i thought he also works here.” she annoyingly continues.
“he’s on break.” you then turn around and ignore her and her friends while getting her ‘ice water’.
while you were bringing her water, she tries to grab it and spills it all over you and the floor. you take a deep breath in and try to calm your shaking hands. you close eyes briefly before smiling. “i’ll be sure to bring you out a new glass and i apologize for my mistake.” you say before walking into the kitchen.
before you head out again, johnny stops you.
“y/n, you don’t need to go out. jaehyun is already out there.” he starts.
when jaehyun comes back, you don’t hesitate to thank him. “thank you.” you breathe out. “no problem, y/n. i know she was doing that on purpose.”
you ask joy to bring you a change of clothes. as your shift ends, you see joy and lucas enter the cafe. you thank joy for bringing your clothes and walk up to lucas.
“how was your first day of work, y/n?” he asks.
“hard. i want food.” you reply with a pout. “ok how about we go get food with joy, johnny and jaehyun?” he asks.
you gasp and reply, “really?! yes!” you yell before walking to joy.
after you change, you walk outside with johnny and joy while jaehyun locks up. you already asked joy if she wanted to come and she said yes. you walk up to jaehyun and ask if he wants to come along.
“as much as i appreciate the offer, i don’t plan on third wheeling twice.” he answers with a smug smile.
“fine. your loss. have fun at home loser.” you wave as you walk over to your friends.
joy wanted to go try out this restaurant that served japanese food and you really didn’t care.
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after dinner you wave at your boyfriend and friends as you walk over to your car. you head home and get ready for bed and doze off into a slumber.
mouth breathers (14/?)
summary: let’s face it, y/n is broke. yuta plays a prank on his sister and she did not like it one bit. y/n later has to find a job and works at the same cafe as johnny and jaehyun. she has a nasty run in with nayeon but later goes on a double date (y/cas and jonjoy). is y/n finally warming up to jaehyun?
pairing: jaehyun x reader
tag list:
@ncityy04 @kevincametomyparty @apricottulips @nana-minn @stpidgenius @nctssidehoe @marklexleaf @angelichris-b97 @n4ja3m1n @fitecuddles @cowward @dong-hyuc @casualgemini @ncityluvvs @catkastrophe @moonchild2190 @toodaloola @raywishii @stayzenniesstuff @seeking-faces @mikachu-28 @sensiblebutch
a/n: sorry the ending is so rushed and that this chapter is everywhere. i actually know where to go from here because of my wonderful tumblr friends! anyways please continue to enjoy this story and stay safe!💖
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leeuwchen · 5 years
17 for Ringsy, please?
Hello Anon, not sure if you wanted 17 for Angst, Fluff or Misc. so I simply tried to put all of them into one prompt. It got a bit out of hand, I guess, and I was quite a bit soap-nostalgic along the way, but here it is [it does include spoilers and speculations about how things might turn out for some of the Schillerallee residents during the next weeks]If you don’t hug me right now, I think I might fall apartI’m here for youOkay, so maybe I didn’t see that coming It’s weird being inside the bakery these days. The room is as bright as usual, the walls painted in light colours, the pleasant smell of bread and rolls and the intoxicating smell of coffee hanging in the air. Still, there is this sombre tension radiating from behind the counter where Irene Weigel’s picture has been put up next to that of her late husband Wolfgang, all shiny and new and looking like it doesn’t belong there. Or maybe it’s just him adjusting badly to change. Easy knows that Saskia has struggled with the decision of putting the picture there, fearing it would unnecessarily hurt Robert even more than he is hurting already but he was all for it - telling Saskia that this was where Irene belonged, that it was all about the legacy of the place. So now she has joined her first husband in watching their bakery live on smilingly but the grave tension in the room remains and as Easy is watching Saskia strolling around restlessly behind the counter, he can’t shake off the feeling once more that there’s something else behind it than just Irene passing away. The soft sound of the shop`s doorbell lets him turn around and for a moment everything is – well – easy as Ringo is walking in, as gorgeous as ever, casually gesturing to a sign on the left-hand side of the store to place his order with Antoine and then letting himself slump onto the seat next to Easy, sighing deeply, obviously in sync with the room’s general mood. 
“So I guess, your interview didn’t go well?” 
Ringo nods tiredly. 
“Let’s just say that with players like Huber in my neck and the Richters out wanting my head and Spohn still hating my ass, it is hard to get a fair review.” 
“I’m sorry, honey.” 
He lightly brushes his hand through Ringo’s hair and feels the slight turn of his husband’s head as he is leaning into the touch. 
“Don’t worry about me, okay? Even if there is just one decent job they can’t meddle with, I swear to you I’m going to find it and have the last laugh!”
“Well, I know at least one person who wouldn’t care for anything that Huber, the Richters or Spohn says…”
Ringo raises one eyebrow warningly. They have been over this more than once and as for now it has always been in a light-hearted way but Easy knows that this could change in an instant if Ringo feels too hassled.
“I know, you are all for it, Easy, but… as much as I appreciate Paco wanting to do that… I’m just not made for it. The Turnhalle was fun… the best of times… but I never wanted that for life. It’s just not… you know… it’s not or me.”
“I know”, Easy says with a smile, then – because sometimes when Ringo gets like this, he just can’t help himself but has to tease him – he adds innocently: “Then again, you thought you wouldn’t be one to marry either and I have it on good authority that you are very good at it.” Before Ringo can react, Leni has walked up to them, placing his order in front of him. Smiling deviously, he looks up to her. “Can you believe it? Your stepfather just referred to himself as an authority figure. Weird, huh?” But Leni just smiles back at him. “You know, I listen to him.” She leans down a bit, her voice almost a whisper now. “And so do you.” Ringo shakes his head sullenly. “Yeah yeah, just gang up on me, will you? I’m still not going to open a new gym with your old man.” Amused by his sudden moodiness Leni pats Ringo’s shoulder pitingly.
“You mean, you are not going to open a new gym with my dad for now, right?”
“That’s it, I want to speak to your boss. You are openly bullying your customers, you little…”
The smile disappears from Leni’s face. “Actually, so would I. But Saskia has left again for no reas-“ Before she is able to finish her sentence, a customer walks in and smiling apologetically Leni hurries behind the counter to take his order. “Doesn’t sound like Saskia at all, does it? I really wonder what’s behind it”, Easy murmurs worried but Ringo just shrugs. “Cheating. That’s what behind it. I’m telling you.” Easy rolls his eyes.
“Oh yeah, I forgot. Because you could read that in Paco’s face when we asked him what was wrong with her.”   
 “Yes. I could indeed.” 
“And if you are such a master of this art, Hase, with whom did she sleep then?”
Ringo takes a croissant from his dish and turns it around thoughtfully.
“Maybe it’s Antoine. I mean, a man who can bake heavenly stuff like that…”
“You better not have this then.”
With a swift move Easy tries to capture the pastry but his husband is quicker.
“Oi! No need to get all watchful, Bärchen, all I am saying is that the whole love at first sight, swept me from my feet, shiny white knight stuff they had going on maybe isn’t the thing to last forever, you know.”
Easy sighs deeply but can’t hide his amusement. Teasingly his hand gestures towards Ringo while addressing an imaginary audience.
“And today’s key-note speaker on our ‘Romance is dead’-panel… Richard Beckmann!”
Just as Ringo opens his mouth to shoot back an answer, his cell phone vibrates, and he takes it out to check the message. Now in a bad mood again, he pushes it back inside his pocket only seconds later. 
“Well, romance might not be completely dead but my job life sure is. Took them about what… 45 minutes to turn me down. That’s a new record.”
Once more Easy reaches out and lets his hand slide through Ringo’s soft hair who closes his eyes thankfully for a few moments, but this time doesn’t lean into his husband’s touch and instead starts to straighten his tie and suit as if taking care of his armour before he continues to eat in silence. 
It’s early in the evening and for the last twenty minutes Easy has been standing inside the kiosk, staring out of the window, contemplating the street’s fate… or something like that. He is a positive person in general and he knows that moodiness doesn’t suit him well, but he just can’t put his finger on what got into him today. There have always been bad times at Schillerallee 10. They’ve had to let people go, lost people, hated people, been at each other’s throats over small things or huge betrayal but still - just today - this one feels like the big one. With Irene dead, the Weigels in mourning, Saskia being all weird after probably (Ringo might be on to something here) cheating on Jakob, Bambi and Sina broken up after Sina’s secret abortion, Bambi not talking to either Tobias or Vivien because they’ve known about it, Sina dissociating herself from everyone including her family, Conor on the run or whatever got into him after breaking up with Eva and almost killing his own father, Leni going from sadness to defiantness over her mother’s visit, that strange Luke guy lurking around, Ute and Huber constantly fighting, Huber Bau going to the dogs without Ringo and Ringo constantly being turned down for no other reason than having made enemies for doing the right thing it’s hard to see the silver lining. 
As if to prove him right a lanky shadow appears on the threshold, blocking most of the light coming from there. Ringo is wearing his sports clothes and he must have been running hard because he looks like hell – the kind of hell that makes you consider giving up heaven for it but still… hell. “Water, please”, he begs calmly and after Easy has given him a bottle he empties it in one long greedy gulp before focussing his blue eyes on his husband. “Who died and made you king of the funeral party?” Realising what he has just said, Ringo quickly shakes his head while pinching his own nose bridge with both thumb and index finger. “I’m sorry, that was… highly inappropriate. I just wanted to know why you look so glum. What happened?” Easy shrugs his shoulders.
“Nothing really. But I guess… somehow… all the sadness around me has made me sad, too. Kind of sympathy sadness, you know?”
“I see. That’s why I try not to have too much sympathy for people in general. Makes your life easier. But… since I married the most empathetic guy in the world, and I DO have LOTS of sympathy for him… let me help you. What exactly is making you sad?”
Easy starts looking around the inside of the kiosk feeling a bit clueless. Of course, he loves Ringo and his husband has been an understanding, soothing ally to him in more than one case but maybe this one is a bit out of Ringo’s league… too weird to understand, especially when you are a very structured controller. “Easy?” So apparently, he is not getting out of this by just looking around. He takes a deep breath.
“I know it’s silly, but I just can’t deal with everyone around here being sad. The Weigels understandably and Sina and Bambi of course, but it’s not only them… Ute, Eva, Leni, you…”     
“I’m not sad. I’m frustrated.”          
“But that’s the same thing really.”
Ringo is still leaning against the doorframe but now he has crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes determinedly.
“No, it really isn’t. I know that everyone thinks that I don’t have a lot of emotions and I quite agree but the emotions I have I want to have categorized correctly and I am not sad. I am married to the most wonderful man in the world which is something I would have never believed to happen. I live in a flat share with my stupid annoying idiotic half-brother and I actual enjoy it which is likewise a complete miracle. And in the flat next to us where - as I would have stated just three years ago - only boring losers and gullible push overs live, there are my best friend and his teenage daughter who somehow is my stepdaughter as well and in the maybe most absurd twist in my life I love that too. So yes, being out of work is as frustrating an experience as it ever was but I am not sad. In fact, I am happier than I have ever been in my entire life.”
For a few seconds Easy doesn’t know what to say and he wonders if there will ever be a day, he stops underestimating what greatness and candour and kindness Richard Beckmann is capable of. All of a sudden, all the glumness is gone… well almost gone. There is one more thing ne needs, however.
“If you don’t hug me right now, I think I might fall apart.”     
“I’m all sweaty, Easy.”          
“I don’t care.”
With a swift movement Ringo is inside the kiosk, pressing himself against Easy who equally slings his arms around the – indeed sweaty – body. For a minute or two they are just standing there     before Easy starts to worry about the icy air and Ringo catching a cold in his wet clothes. Carefully one of his hand slips underneath the damp T-Shirt caressing the cold skin of his husband’s back.        
“And why have you been running like this?”
Sighing deeply Ringo lets go of him and takes one step back. 
“I talked to Bambi today. Now that he and Sina are broken up, he wants to sell the house and asked me if I would handle it on his behalf.”     
“That doesn’t sound too bad.”
“It isn’t bad at all. He would even retransfer the money I had to pay him for sabotaging the house if I sold it at a good price.”     
“And that’s a problem?”
“Not really, no. But it means selling it to Huber after all.”
“Oh, I see. Is there no other contractor who would be interested? You said it was a prime spot for a new business park, didn’t you?”
“There would be others, yes, but not right away and Bambi wants it to be done quickly. Huber already has – thanks to me – all the numbers and calculations ready so there was no other option than calling him.”
“Oooh”, Easy exclaims, finally understanding the problem. Sure, there isn’t an open war going on between Ringo and his former boss. Huber even had a good time at their wedding and with the kiosk save and sound Ringo had at least achieved one victory and therefore renounced from taking revenge but still, making a business call to his former work place must have hit his husband like a punch in the guts. “Didn’t he buy then?” Ringo snorts.
“Oh, he bought within a second and for a mighty good price without thinking twice.”
“But he didn’t offer you your job back?”, Easy asks tensely, supposing that somewhere deep down this is still what Ringo would want to happen. The other’s mouth twists into a sarcastic sneer.
“He did. Sort of. Of course, since my lack of loyalty is a given fact and the only reason, he is even considering doing so is the stroke of luck I’ve had with Bambi’s house, he announced right away that I would be demoted until I have proven myself worthy of the second chance.”
“He always was and always will be an asshole, Ringo. His business is going down without you.”
“Tell me about it. Still, since we disagreed strongly on who would be giving whom a second chance, I wished him good luck with Britta Schönfeld in charge of controlling and hung up. Then – as usual - I panicked and almost called him back but stopped myself from doing so and went for a run even though the thing’s not worth catching a cold for.”
“You could have come to me instead. I’m here for you.”
Grinning, Ringo nudges his nose against Easy’s.
“I know that, you idiot. But I thought since you are the only provider in our household, I shouldn’t keep you from making money. Had I of course known that you are standing here, scaring the customers away with that rainy-day face of yours, I would have come earlier.”
“You are very funny, you know that? But I didn’t marry you for being funny.”
“Course not. But I still think you could need some help around here.”          
“What do you mean? I’ve got Paco and Gianni…”
“Yeah, but they are only here when you are not. I meant someone to help you when you get all blue all of a sudden these days. Someone funny maybe.”     
“Are you applying for a job you just made up?”
“Yes. And before you ask… I myself cannot believe I’m that desperate for some work.”
With a serious look on his face, Easy scans Ringo’s outfit. 
“And I cannot believe that you would wear this to a job interview, but I guess you could lose these clothes quickly enough.”
Taken off guard, Ringo raises one eyebrow and slightly turns his head, opening his mouth twice without saying something before he recovers.     
“Okay, so maybe I didn’t see that coming.”               
“Neither did we.”
Without either Ringo or Easy noticing Tobias and Vivien have appeared in front of the window, looking inside now. Frowning, Tobias waves one hand through the air. 
“Sorry to interrupt your kiosk sex talk and everything but Paco and Leni invited the four of us over. Apparently, they have been making tapas all afternoon and stuff got out of hands and now they are having a little get together with food, wine and really bad movies… or let’s say, with your playlist, Easy.”
The addressee furrows his brows. Having eaten nothing since breakfast he could indeed do with some food. But that is no reason to let Tobias get away with insulting his taste in movies. 
“Coming from someone who likes to watch something called Naked Space Patrol that’s really harsh, Kotzmeister, so be thankful I like to spend time with you anyway. Let me just close the kiosk and I’ll be ready.” 
Curiously he looks at Ringo, hoping his husband won’t feel pushed by his spontaneous decision but said husband is halfway through the door already. “I’ll just hit the shower then and be over after.” Satisfied Tobias nods. “Take your time. Stinker will have to hit the park first anyway.” The small dog barks in agreement. “And since his hubby sneaked out of it, I’ll help Easy pack up around here”, Vivien offers and starts taking down the magazines from the kiosk’s front wall. 
As Easy steps out of the small building seconds later to get the ketchup bottles from the tables, he can still see Tobias walking away to the park, using his walking stick only every other step while Stinker is eyeing his owner watchful as if to make sure that the lawyer isn’t overestimating his strength. Turning his head a bit, Easy eyes catch Ringo striding into the inner yard of their house, taking huge, rather bouncy steps clearly looking forward to an evening with food, friends and fun – well, mostly food probably – but still, taking all these things into account, Easy can’t help but think that even the gloomiest of times aren’t  that bad when you are living at Schillerallee 10.
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Six Baudelaires AU, Part Two {AO3} {Masterlist} {Part One} 
Chapter One → Prologue - in which Lilac has to Older Sister
“Release Nick, you fiend!”
Violet tackled Klaus to the ground, as both of her brothers burst into giggles. “Never! Nick’s my prisoner of war!” Klaus said, trying (and failing) to push her off.
“I dunno,” Nick said, glancing up. “Violet, can you tie me looser? I think I’m gonna get ropeburn.”
“I don’t think you know what that word means.” said Klaus.
The Baudelaire study room had been converted into a war room for the day, and as Lilac kicked open the door, holding a basket of snacks, she shouted, “I told you to pause while I got food!”
“Yeah, but we got bored, so we decided to continue without you.” Violet shrugged.
Lilac stared at Nick. “Oh, you did not use real ropes!”
“We found real ropes! What else were we supposed to do?” Violet said.
“Yeah!” Klaus said. “We can’t tie up Nick with blankets.”
Nick waved from beneath the ropes that bound him to Father’s desk chair. “I’m the captive!” he cheered.
“I figured that,” Lilac said, “But how’d Klaus capture you so fast?”
“Terabithia’s defenses suck.” Klaus said.
“I fell off the desk.” Nick shrugged.
“And now I’m rescuing him!” Violet said. “Because Klaus is a wimp who can’t beat me!”
“Klaus can’t beat Violet,” Lilac said, “But Irene and Curdie of Gwyntystorm can fight Queen Lucy!”
“Is that how you pronounce Gwen-tea…” Klaus paused, as Lilac raced forwards. “Gwan-ti…”
“Gwyntystorm, moron!” Violet said, as Lilac tackled her off of Klaus.  
“Wait, I thought you were Susan, not Lucy?” Nick frowned.
“Is that important?” Klaus rolled his eyes, as Violet playfully kicked at her older sister.
“Am I Peter or Edmund, then?”
“I thought you were Eragon.” Lilac said, as Violet finally threw off her grip and started running around the room.
“Wasn’t he Aragorn?” asked Klaus.
“We suck!” Violet cheered, as Klaus and Lilac kept chasing her. “And Terabithia forever!”
“Should we pick new names?” Nick asked. “Cause I’ll be Glaedr.”
“Glaedr’s a dragon, that doesn’t count.” Klaus said.
“Can’t I be a dragon?”
“Can you breathe fire?”
“Violet!” Lilac shouted. “Put that down right now!”
The boys turned to see that their sister had managed to climb onto their Father’s desk and find a knife in one of the drawers. She let out a delighted shout as she leapt down, avoiding Lilac’s arms and ducking past a startled Klaus, before starting to cut at the ropes binding Nick.
“Shoot, this is way harder than in the movies.” Violet said.
“I mean, I can just slide out if you loosen it.” Nick shrugged.
“Not as fun.”
“That’s not fair!” Klaus cried. “Lilac said no real weapons!”
“I’m just being resourceful.” Violet shrugged.
“I wanna be Peter Pan!” Nick decided.
“Shut up,” Violet said, “Or I will lock you in the closet again.”
“Violet, put down the knife!” Lilac shouted. “That’s an order!”
“You’re not my Queen, Irene!” Violet stuck out her tongue.
“No, but I am in charge until Mom and Dad get back, and they said you and Nick…” she scrunched up her face, trying to remember the exact words. “They said, ‘Violet and Nick are to not be allowed near sharp objects under any circumstances.’”
“Yeah, well, Mother and Father are replacing us right now,” Violet said, “So…”
“Shut up!” Klaus looked startled. “They’re not replacing us!”
“Naw, they definitely are.” Nick nodded. “When a new baby is born, one of the other children has to die. Everyone knows it.”
“No!” Klaus shouted.
“Stop scaring Klaus!” Lilac hissed. “Violet, put down the knife, or I’m telling Mom you used it!”
“Ugh, fine. Ropes are basically broken anyway.” Violet groaned, placing the weapon back on their Father’s desk. She waved her hands unenthusiastically, and said, “Go, be free.”
“Freedom!” Nick shouted, shaking off the ropes. “Now I’mma fly away!”
“You can’t fly, that’s not fair!” Klaus said. “And Mother and Father aren’t gonna replace us!”
“They are.” Nick said, tossing the ropes to the side and then sitting awkwardly on the chair. “Now, since it’s a girl maybe, they could take out one of them,” he gestured towards Violet and Lilac, “But you’re the most useless, Klaus, so-”
“Don’t be mean to Klaus!” Violet said, moving towards her younger brother and hugging him to her. “He’s the baby!”
“Not anymore!” Nick grinned. “Also, traitor.”
“Game on pause.” Lilac said. She sat on the edge of the desk, pushing the knife back into the drawer. “Look, Mom is just having another baby. It won’t be an issue. We’ve talked about this.”
“But I don’t want another sister! We’re gonna be outnumbered!” Nick huffed, crossing his arms. “Can’t they just leave her at the hospital?”
“No.” Lilac said sternly.
“They did already set up the nursery.” Violet sighed.
“But they already have four kids!” Nick said. “Why do they need more?”
“Maybe it was an accident.” Klaus said.
“You were an accident.” Nick said.
“Shut up!” Lilac shouted.
“Seriously, babies are the worst.” Nick said. “They’re stupid and loud.”
“They’re cute.” Violet protested.
“Nuh-uh.” Nick shook his head. “Our new sister’s gonna wake us up in the middle of the night all the time. All babies do is cry and scream and shit-”
Lilac let out a screech, and Violet jumped to cover Klaus’s ears. “Who taught you that word?”
“Mom!” Nick beamed. “She stubbed her toe and taught me a whole bunch of new words! You wanna hear?”
“No!” Violet and Lilac both shouted.
“But yeah. Babies suck and we should totally throw our sister off the roof.” Nick said.
“You’re not throwing her off the roof.” Lilac said.
“Watch me.” Nick’s eyes lit up. “Wait, no, better plan. You guys remember Moses-”
“You’re gonna be nice to our new sister.” Lilac said.
“No! I’m gonna hate her!” Nick insisted.
“When are Mother and Father getting back?” Violet groaned, sliding to the floor and dragging Klaus with her. “They’ve been gone all day.”
“Giving birth apparently takes a while.” Lilac said.
“Then why couldn’t we be there?”
Klaus looked horrified. “We don’t wanna be!” he insisted. “I read up on what happens during labor, and it’s… bad! I don’t wanna see it!”
“How bad?” Lilac asked, eyes wide.
Klaus shivered. “I don’t wanna think about it, let alone see that happen to Mother!”
“What? Does she explode?” Nick asked.
“Stop saying people are gonna die!” Violet hissed.
“Well, if he’s not gonna tell us, we gotta guess.” Nick shrugged.
“Look it up yourself.” Klaus huffed.
Lilac groaned. “You all are impossible, you know that?”
“You’re impossible, too.” Violet said.
“You know what? Game’s over.” Lilac said. “We should be doing school anyway.”
“No! No school!” Nick and Klaus both shouted.
“Boys, you still gotta finish your math workbook. You said you’d finish it after the game, and the game’s done.” Lilac said. “And Violet, you still gotta study for your bat mitzvah.”
“But we wanna play Kingdoms!” Violet protested. “Come on, Li, we can swap teams! Boys vs girls!”
“That wouldn’t be fair!” Nick protested. “Not only are you two stronger than us, you’re getting reinforcements right now!”
“Lilac and Nick versus me and Klaus.” Violet suggested. “And I think we should start by kidnapping Nick again.”
“Okay, but I get to scream.” Nick said. “I’m great at being a damsel.”
“You suck at damselling.” Klaus said. “You’re never scared enough.”
“I can’t be scared.” Nick shrugged. “None of you are scary. Also, if Lilac’s on my team, she’ll save me.”
“Debatable.” Lilac said.
“Lilac’s better than you.” Nick said.
“Oh, that’s baloney!” Violet said. “Lilac just yells at us, she never has fun.”
“I have fun!” Lilac protested.
“Then why won’t you let me make a sword?”
Before any of them could say anything more, the phone on the wall rang. They froze a moment, and then Lilac catapulted herself off of the desk, pulling her skirt up as she ran as fast as she could. Violet, Nick and Klaus followed, and Lilac quickly answered the phone, saying, “Baudelaire residence. This is Lilac Emily. To whom am I presently speaking?” She paused, as her siblings struggled to get close enough to the phone to hear the other speaker. “Really?”
“Whozzit?” Violet asked.
“It’s Dad, shh.” Lilac said.
Violet tried to grab the phone, yelling, “Is Mother dead?”
“Nooo!” Klaus wailed.
“She’s not dead, Dad says she fine.” Lilac said. “Get away from the phone! No, Dad, we’re all okay, Violet and Nick are just being mean.”
“Shut up! We’re being great!” Violet shouted. “You hear that, Father? We’re being respectable!”
“We’re sensible and proper!” Nick added.
“Shh!” Lilac insisted. She listened a moment, and then said, “Yeah, we finished school.” She gave death glares to the boys that clearly communicated you better finish your math before they get home. “Overnight? Really? Are you… you’ve been gone all day!”
“Mother has to stay overnight?” Klaus looked worried.
“Shh! Yeah, I know… yeah… uh-huh… yeah, I know where the ice cream is… how is Mom? … and the baby?”
“Are they putting her up for adoption?” Nick asked hopefully.
“Nick, I’m gonna tie you up again!” Lilac threatened. “What was that, Dad? No, no real ropes. Yeah, promise. We’ll go to bed on time, too. But you’ll all be back in the morning? Yeah, I know. Don’t open the windows. You’ll be back tonight and then go pick her up in the morning? I mean, we can stay by ourselves if you… okay. Okay, see you then?”
“Let us talk to him!” Violet protested.
“He’s gotta get back to Mom.” Lilac said. “But we can all say ‘bye.’”
She held out the phone, and all four children shouted variations of “Goodbye!” “Bye, Dad!” “Tell Mother hello!”
Lilac hung up, and Klaus said, “What’d he say?”
“He said we have a new sister.” Lilac reported. “Solitude Theodora Baudelaire.”
“They named her what?” Nick looked disgusted.
“I think it sounds distinguished.” Lilac said.
“She’s a baby. She doesn’t even know what colors are yet.” Nick said. “She’s not distinguished, she’s an idiot.”
“Don’t be rude!”
“Well, I guess it doesn’t matter.” Nick said. “Seeing as I’ll be selling her to the neighbors. They can name her whatever they want.”
“You are not!” Lilac said. “Now, let’s get ice cream! We have permission to eat as much as we want!”
“Oh, heck yeah!” Violet looked excited, “Come on, Klaus! Let’s make towers!”
“This is a bad idea.” Klaus said, adjusting his glasses as Violet dragged him out.
  “Lilac?” Klaus said.
The four children laid on the living room floor, staring at the ceiling and waiting for their Father to get home. The ice cream had long since been finished, and they’d gotten bored of their schoolwork and books.
“Yeah?” Lilac asked.
“I’m tired.”
“Then go to bed.”
Klaus hesitantly glanced towards Nick, who seemed to share his thoughts. “Can we sleep down here with you guys?” Nick asked. “Last time we were home alone, it was really scary.”
Lilac sighed. “I mean, if it’s okay with Violet.”
Violet nodded quickly. “I mean… it’s not like I get scared, but… if it makes you boys feel better.”
“We can get sleeping bags from the closet.” Lilac said. “There’s some pillows over there.”
“Can we make a blanket fort?” Klaus asked. “Like we used to?”
“I don’t see why not.”
Klaus grinned, and Violet said, “I’ll set it up. Nick, Li, you get sleeping bags, Klaus’ll get the pillows cause he can actually carry those.”
“Shut up!” Klaus giggled.
Lilac sat up, and Nick crawled a bit closer to her. While their siblings were distracted, Nick leaned against her and said, “Do you… are you sure they’re not replacing us?”
“I’m sure, bro-bro.” Lilac said, putting an arm around him.
“If they did try, though-”
“They wouldn’t. You’ve just been listening to those dumb kids at the park again.”
“But you’d protect me, right?”
Lilac smiled slightly, as Violet and Klaus wandered over. She glanced at them, and said, “Yeah, of course, Nick. Imma protect all of you from the big scary baby.”
“Shut up.”
Lilac laughed and let her brother lean on her shoulder, and Klaus ran over and put his head on her other shoulder, while Violet ran to get the blankets. And they stayed in the living room, building their fort and giggling to each other, until their father got home.
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youarenotjimin · 5 years
When You Meet Their Ex
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(Heyyaa, sorry it took a very long time for doing this request. Please enjoy the story! @jazz-for-your-screech )
Kim Namjoon
People knew that Namjoon is the most powerful man in the world. The boss of every illegal thing including drugs and assassinations. He got the most powerful underlings and yet-
A very powerful ex-fiancee.
She also a daughter of a powerful mafia, and she knew about Namjoon's relationship with you after three months they broke up. She would be very pissed since you're very innocent unlike her.
Just when you stepped out from the store to buy some groceries, a woman with her jaguar coat came to you. She harshly yanked your hair and pushed you down to the street.
You, the girl who knows nothing about this crazy woman, tried to fight back but she's too strong. "You took him away from me! You deserve this. You know this is nothing compared to my suffering from this past few years!"
The reality hits you, she was Namjoon's ex-fiancee, you thought. "Don't mess around with me, you bitch. No one can replace me."
You came home with bruises on your face. Weirdly, you didn't cry. You're not pissed by her action too. "Jesus, what happened to you, babe?!" Namjoon rushed downstairs until he almost fell on the floor.
You shrugged, "your ex, Namjoon. But I'm okay, really. I somehow understand how she feels." He frowned, "what?" You chuckle at his confused expression, "you won't undertstand girls, Namjoon."
"But I understand you," He caressed your cheek, "why are you so kind? But that's why I love you so much."
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 Kim Seokjin
"You what?!"
"I met her."
"I know. But why?!" You rolled your eyes while treating your reddened cheek from the slap. That girl sure has strong power. "No one can hurt my girlfriend like this. Where did you meet her?"
"Umm...I won't tell." He grabbed your arm and turned you to face him. He's deadly serious. You never saw Seokjin mad and this is the first time you see it. "Jinnie, I'm totally fine. Okay, it hurts, but it will heal. But can you understand how she felt? It's more than a slap."
Seokjin sighed, "let's move out. I'm not going to see that psycho woman again."
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Min Yoongi
He didn't know what happened between you and his ex. The fact that the woman invited both of you to the party, you trembled in fear.
"We're here. Let's go." Yoongi softly grabbed your hand, he actually felt deadly nervous inside. Hello, his ex is capable of shooting and self-defense.
"It's okay, no one is going to hurt you. I promise." You looked up to him, "It's okay, I should be brave too."
He smiled, showing his gummy grin, "You are cute. Small and cute." I scoffed, "I can be fierce too!"
"Oh really?" A cold voice called you both from behind. That's her.
Yoongi tightened his grip to your hand but still awared of hurting you, "Come on, Irene. We want to enjoy the party, don't ruin the moment, please."
Irene scoffed shooting you a glare, "Let's see."
Yoongi sighed, "What a crazy woman."
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Jung Hoseok
You didn't remember meeting your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend in a department store. She suddenly grabbed you harshly and bring you to the parking lot.
"Finally we can talk. You always being clingy to Hoseok so I couldn't approach you either way."
At first, you didn't feel scared of her. To you, she just a broken-hearted girl. And it's because of you so you couldn't blame her.
But then, you learned a new thing about Hoseok's girl. She's a psycho. A complete insane girl. So this is why he broke up with her, you thought.
However, when you got home and Hoseok waited on the couch. He noticed your bruised wrist. He jumped off the couch and asking you what happened.
"Thank God you broke up with her, Hoseokkie."
"You met her?! She did this? I swear to Go-"
You held his arm, "No, I'm okay. It's a small bruise and I don't want this to be a huge problem."
He sighed in defeat, ruffling your hair softly, "Okay, just because you told me to."
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 Park Jimin
Once, you met his ex-girlfriend when you and Jimin weren't in a relationship. She was nuts. You remember how Jimin used to hide in your apartment just because her girlfriend kept calling him non-stop.
She stalked him.
She put a tracker on his phone so Jimin had to give your number so everyone can contact him safely. 
Several weeks after you officially dating Jimin, his ex went insane. She literally went to your apartment and banging your front door.
Like tonight.
You hid in the closet, with hands trembling in fear. "Please pick up, please pick up," you muttered under your breath. Your breath hitched as you heard her yelling your name.
'Hello, y/n?'
You sighed in relief, "J-Jimin," you stuttered, "can you please come over?" You asked in a slow tone.
He soon aware something happened because you never sound that desperate, 'Sure. Are you okay?' He didn't need an answer when he heard a loud banging from your background.
'Oh shit.'
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Kim Taehyung
Taehyung blinked a few times before he understood the atmosphere between you and his ex-girlfriend. Even though you looked very relax, he realized you were scared.
"Okay, this chit-chat is over. Let's go, y/n."
"Hold up, Tae. I'm still talking with her, Am I right y/n?" You gave her an awkward smile. 
Taehyung scowled, “Enough, I’m taking my girlfriend home. Y/n, let’s go.” He took your hand towards him and leaving the party. He doesn’t care about his business at the moment, he knew you feel threatened and there’s no way he’s going to let you get scared like that. 
“I’m going to protect you, hm?” 
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Jeon Jungkook
He was very aware of his ex attending this important meeting. He knew his ex has moved on from their relationship, but she still holding a grudge to his girlfriend. 
“Oh, you actually bring her here? This innocent little cat?” She smirked while sipping her wine. 
Your eyes fell on the floor directly as both of your eyes me. “Eunji,” Jungkook warned by calling the woman’s name. 
“Oh, Jungkook, don’t be so protective now. You always look hot when you do that,” she teased. 
The man clenched his jaw, his eyes sending death glares towards the woman who currently disrespecting his girlfriend, “We’re leaving. It’s no use to deal with you,” he said. 
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(oh my, I’m not sure about this... I’m sorry, lol)
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Coming Home
A canon short. This happens after the Subject dies. The Scientist has nowhere else to turn. He goes home to his sister and tells her everything. It doesn’t end well...
 He stands alone on the porch. He looks at his phone, checking again if this is the right address. He takes a deep breath. He’s fighting the urge to just…leave. He knows that this isn’t going to end well for anyone involved. 
 “You owe her this much,” he mutters to himself, finally forcing himself to knock on the door. He hears footsteps in the house and the door opens. A pale, blonde-haired teenage girl stands in the doorway and stares at him. He takes a step back.
 “Um, h-hello,” he says, awkwardly. He wasn’t planning on a stranger opening the door. “Does…uh…does Ava still live here?” 
 The girl narrows her eyes at him before suddenly yelling, “AVA!!! There’s some homeless guy on the porch for you!” 
 “Do I look that bad?” he asks, sheepishly, running his hands through his hair.
 “Yeah, man,” she replies, crossing her arms and leaning against the doorway, “You look like you haven’t slept in years.”
 “That’s about right,” he mutters. The girl continues to stare at him. He shifts uncomfortably. “…Are you sure she’s here?” he asks, trying to ease the tension.
 “Ava!” she suddenly yells, again, causing him to jump. 
 “I’m coming!” A response comes from inside the house. It’s her. He hasn’t heard her voice in so long. He can’t wait any longer.
 “Ava,” he calls, trying to look past the girl into the house, “i…it’s me.” He hears something fall and running footsteps. 
 Ava suddenly appears in the doorway behind the girl. She gasps and claps her hand over her mouth. 
 “Hey, sis,” he mumbles, forgetting everything he wanted to say to her. She doesn’t say anything before promptly jumping toward him and wrapping her arms around him in a hug. He stumbles back, startled. He wasn’t expecting…this. 
 He lets himself hug her back. He missed her. “I’m sorry,” he whispers, at a loss for anything else to say. 
 “You should be!” she exclaims, letting go and pushing him away, “It’s been nine years!”
 “Uh, ten,” he corrects, quietly, “ten years.” She sighs heavily and puts her hand to her forehead.
 “Gonna introduce me or do I suddenly not exist?” the teenager speaks up after watching the awkward reunion. 
 “Oh, I’m sorry, sweetie,” Ava says, “This is my daughter, Irene. Irene, this is…my brother.” 
 “Nice to meet you,” he says, holding out his hand. Irene glares at him and ignores his hand. He sheepishly returns his hand to his side and Ava gives her daughter a brief disapproving look.
 “Come on in,” Ava tells him, standing aside, “Wait here, I’ll get Max.”
 “Who’s Max?” he asks, taking a step into the house and shutting the door behind him. 
 “My son,” she replies, heading down the hallway. 
 “You have two kids?” he calls.
 “Yeah!” she replies, enthusiastically from the other room.
 “Two plus the one she keeps locked up in the basement,” Irene adds in a deadpan voice. He freezes and stares at her. She laughs. “You looked like you actually believed me!” 
 “What are you telling him?” Ava asks, coming back up the hallway with a young boy in tow. 
 “Nothing,” Irene replies, flippantly, “I’ll be in my room.” She walks past her mother down the hallway.
 “Okay, sweetie,” she says. “This is Max,” she introduces the shorter, dark-haired boy. 
 “Hey kid,” he forces a smile, “nice to meet you.” His handshake is politely accepted this time.
 “Nice...to…meet…you…too,” Max says in a broken voice.
 “Max is deaf,” Ava quickly explains, “He can speak and read lips but he prefers to sign.” Max taps on her shoulder. She looks to him and nods.
 “Can I go back to my game?” he signs. 
 “Sure, go ahead, buddy,” she says and signs back. Max smiles and waves as he goes back down the hallway, leaving him with his sister.
 “…Wow, Av, you’re a mom,” he says after a few moments of awkward silence, “Congrats, I guess.” She smiles.
 “Thank you,” she pauses and her smile fades. “…Where have you been? What have you been doing? It’s been years.” He tenses. He’s not ready to tell her yet. 
 “I know. I’m sorry,” he mumbles, "I…um…look, I’ve been traveling all day. I’m really tired. Can we talk about it tomorrow? I’ll explain everything, I promise.” She notices a pain in his eyes that she’s not familiar with.
 “…Okay, fine,” she says, after a moment of thought, “I’m holding you to that.”
 “Good,” he says with a brief sigh of relief. “Well, um, I just wanted to let you know that I was back. I’m gonna go stay at a hotel a few streets over for the n-“
 “No, you’re not!” she cuts him off, “I just got you back! I’m not letting you out of my sight! You’re staying here tonight, no ‘buts’.”
 “Ava, that’s very kind of you but-“
 “Ah! No ‘buts!’” 
 “…Fine,” he sighs. 
 He might as well stay here tonight and enjoy what little time he has with her. He doubts she’ll want to see him again after he tells her everything. 
 The evening had been pleasant…the nicest one he'd had in a long time. He enjoyed catching up with his sister but he was plagued with a sense of dread. He had briefly considered trying to pretend it didn’t happen but he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep it up for long. He’s tired of hiding. 
 He stares at the ceiling, unable to sleep. Ava had supplied some bedding for him on the pullout couch in the living room. He sighs heavily, wishing he could just get a few hours of sleep. He glances at the clock on the wall. It’s six in the morning. He sighs again and turns over. He catches a glimpse of a figure sitting in the chair across the room.
 “Gah!” he exclaims, jumping up. He recognizes the figure as Irene. “Geez, kid,” he mutters, “You scared me.” She says nothing and glares at him. “Uh…what are you doing here?”
 “I wanted to make sure you didn’t skip out on Ava,” she mutters, her glare intensifying. 
 “I’m not-“
 “Do you even know what you’ve done to her?” Irene cuts him off, “She never stopped looking for you. She never gave up. You’ve really hurt her. I’ve found her crying more than once. No one hurts my mom.” 
 “…I know,” he mumbles, “I shouldn’t have-“
 “I don’t trust you,” she adds, spitefully. 
 “You shouldn’t.”
 “You planning to run off again?” she snaps, narrowing her eyes at him.
 “No,” he quickly replies. “But…Ava might ask me to leave.” 
 “Why?” she pries, tilting her head.
 “…That’s between me and her,” he answers, carefully. She stares at him for a moment longer. He swears she’s reading his mind. 
 “So Ava said you’re a scientist,” Irene changes the subject, “What kind are you? Boring or mad?” 
 He doesn’t respond. ‘Mad scientist’ describes him much better than he’d like it to. 
 “Oh, the mad kind, hmm?” she continues with a smirk, “That explains your homeless look. So what have you been up to, doc? What’s been so important that you couldn’t once call your only sister? Let me guess…creating life?” 
 He tenses and tries to keep a straight face but she notices his discomfort.
 “Wait, really?” she asks, leaning forward in her chair, “What did you do?” 
 “Irene,” Ava interrupts, walking into the living room.
 “Oh, morning, mom,” Irene greets, cheerfully, as she hops out of the chair and heads toward the hallway. “Just grilling your brother here. He’s hiding something.” She shoots him one more glare before disappearing down the hall.
 “Sorry about that,” Ava says, sitting down where Irene had been, “She can be…difficult but she means well.” He doesn’t really pay attention to what his sister says. He’s staring at his hands, desperately trying to think of a way out of the mess he’s made. 
 “Hey, are you okay, hon?” she asks, gently, noticing his distress. He shakes his head.
 “She’s right,” he mumbles, unable to look her in the eye, “I am hiding something. I can’t-“ He sighs heavily and forces himself to look at her. “Ava, I’ve done things,” he whispers.
 “Um, care to be more specific?” she laughs, nervously.
 “I can’t hide this anymore,” he mutters, jumping up and starting to pace, “I’ve done things-horrible things. Things that I can’t bear to tell you. I’m not-I didn’t know you had kids! I wouldn’t have come here if I knew! I’m so sorry, Av.” 
 “Shh, okay, calm down,” she tells him, standing up and stopping him from pacing, “What happened? Just tell me. You can tell me anything. I love you. It’s okay.” He stares at her for a moment. He slowly shakes his head. He turns to get something out of his suitcase.
 “I can’t tell you. I just…can’t,” he mutters. “Here.” He places the thumb drive in her hand. “I made this. It explains…everything. Please, watch the entire thing through before you talk to me. If you want me to leave afterward, I’d understand.”
 “You…you’re scaring me,” she says, quietly, “What did you do?” 
 “I can’t…just watch the thumb drive.” She gives him a quizzical look but she sees that pain again. She nods and turns to head back to her room.
 “Don’t go anywhere,” she tells him. 
 “I won’t.”
 She continues into her room. She closes the door behind her and sits down at her desk. She plugs the thumb drive into her laptop and opens the contents. It’s a video. She stares at the play button for a moment. Surely he was exaggerating. She could never even imagine her brother doing anything ‘horrible’. He did seem…disturbed though. Curiosity finally gets the best of her. She clicks play. 
 She sees her brother in an office of some sort. His head is lowered. She thinks for a moment that the screen is frozen but he suddenly looks up at the camera with a look she’s never seen from him before.
 “It’s July tenth,” he starts in a matter-of-fact tone, “The Subject died today. She had been fairly weak for the past few days. She was in terrible pain so I…sped up the process. I never want to watch another child die. Seeing the light fade from her eyes…” His voice fades and pain fills his eyes. He sighs and closes his eyes for a moment.
 “Ava,” he resumes, “If you’re watching this, I’m there. I’m sorry to do this to you. I’ve included detailed records and footage about exactly what I’ve done to the Subject in this thumb drive. I fully expect you to turn me in to the authorities. If you choose to do so, all the evidence is on this thumb drive.” He stops. He looks directly into the camera. “Ava, I want you to know exactly what I did. I am not sorry for it. If I was given the chance to do it all over again, I would do the same exact things. I would probably do worse. What you’re about to see is…sadistic but I assure you, I did all of this all of my own accord. I knew exactly what I was doing. I’m sorry you have to see this.” 
 The screen goes black for a moment before changing to footage of a small child in a white room.
 It’s been a couple hours since he gave her the thumb drive. Instead of doing nothing and letting his anxiety get the best of him, he packed up his things and cleaned up the living room. He went into the kitchen to make breakfast. He was soon joined by Irene and Max. They asked where their mother is. He said that she’d back soon and offered to make pancakes for all of them. 
 They eat their breakfast in awkward silence. Irene doesn’t take her eyes off of him for a moment. He tries to ignore her discomforting glare and taps on Max’s arm to get his attention.
 “You can read lips, right?” he asks. Max nods. “You prefer to sign though, don’t you?” He nods again. “All right, it’s been about a decade since I’ve done this so I might be a bit rusty but…” He pauses for a moment. 
 “How is your breakfast?” he tries to sign. Max snickers and covers his mouth. “What?” he asks with a nervous smile.
 “You just said “how is your morning hungry?’,” Irene says with an outburst of laughter. 
 “Oh, oops,” he chuckles, “Like I said, I’m a bit rusty…” He turns to Max and signs an apology. 
 “It’s fine,” Max signs back with a laugh.
 “We can help refresh your memory,” Irene says with the first genuine smile he’s seen from her since he got here. 
 “Great, I’ve been meaning to-“ He cuts himself as he notices Irene look past him with a concerned look. 
 “Mom? Are you okay?” she asks, slowly standing up. He jumps up and turns around to see Ava standing in the doorway. She’s staring blankly at the floor. She’s trembling. “Mom, what’s wrong?” Irene’s concern increases. She’s never seen her mother look so distressed. 
 “…Ava,” he whispers, taking a step toward her. Ava’s attention suddenly snaps to him. 
 “You…” she mutters, her eyes filling with rage, “Get out of my house.” He quickly nods.
 “I’ve already packed,” he mumbles, walking past her into the living room. 
 “Mom, what’s going on?” Irene asks.
 “Irene, stay in the kitchen with Max,” Ava says, quietly, “Do not come outside, do you understand me?”
 “Um, yeah, okay,” Irene replies, “What’s g-“
 “I’ll tell you later,” Ava cuts her off as she storms out of the room after her brother. 
 He’s already out the front door and heading to his car. 
 “Hey!” Ava shouts, slamming the front door behind her, “I didn’t say you could leave just yet!” 
 “Av, I know what you have to say,” he replies, tossing his suitcase in the trunk, “Just let me go.” 
 “No!” She stomps up to him and snatches his car keys. “You are going to listen to what I have to say, you sicko!” 
 “No! Shut up! I watched the whole thing! I saw exactly what you did to that poor little girl!” she yells, her voice cracking up at the last part. “You tortured an innocent child, you monster! I cannot believe that you, of all people, could ever do such a horrific thing to a child!” She stops for a moment to catch her breath. 
 What she saw and heard in those videos haunts her. She covers her mouth as tears fill her eyes. 
 “I know. I did all of those things and I definitely would repeat them. You’re right to throw me out,” he says in that deadpan voice she heard too many times in those videos. 
 Irene and Max watch from the window.
 “I can’t hear what they’re saying,” Irene mutters. She taps her brother’s shoulder. “Can you read their lips?” she signs to him. He shakes his head.
 “Too far.” 
 “Ugh.” Irene frowns. “…I’m going to go see what they’re talking about.” She heads for the front door as Max tries to stop her. She opens the front door and leans out. “Ava-“ Ava instantly whirls around.
 “Get back in the house, Irene!” Ava snaps at her. Irene quickly obeys. She’s never seen Ava so upset.
 “I do not tolerate anyone who harms a child and you are not about to get a free pass!” Ava exclaims, turning her anger back on the one who deserves it, “After everything that you went through as a child, how could you become worse than the people who hurt you?! You fought so hard to be better! What happened?! How could you hurt a child identical to your daughter so horribly?!”
 “I hated her with every fiber of my being,” he replies, matter-of-fact, “I’m surprised I didn’t do worse to her.” 
 She can’t even reply to that. She grits her teeth, trying to keep her thoughts straight. She can’t believe what he’s become.
 “I understand that this is hard to take in,” he says, softening his tone. He never meant to hurt his sister. "I apologize for doing this to you.” She stays quiet. “…If you’ll just give me my keys, I’ll be on my way.” 
 She glares at him and chucks him his keys. 
 “Thanks,” he mutters. 
 “I don’t want you anywhere near me or my kids,” she says through her teeth, “You are not my brother and I don’t want to ever see your face again, am I clear?” 
 He lowers his head for a moment, trying to hide how much her last sentence hurt him. He pulls a scrap of paper out of his pocket and hands it to her.
 “This is my current phone number,” he mumbles, “If you...need me or anything-“ She cuts him off by crumpling up the piece of paper and tossing it to the ground. 
 He stares at her for a lingering moment before turning to get in his car. 
 Ava watches him drive away. When he’s out of sight, she picks up the crumpled piece of paper and stuffs it in her pocket. 
 She goes back into the house. She’s greeted by her concerned daughter.
 “M-mom,” she mumbles, "I’m sorry that I-“ Ava cuts her off by wrapping her arms around her.
 “I’m sorry I snapped at you, hon,” she whispers.
 “Oh, um, okay.” Irene hugs her mother back. “Are…you okay?” 
 Ava doesn’t respond. Irene can feel her mother trembling in her arms. 
 “Mom? What...what happened?” 
 Ava takes a deep breath and pulls away.
 “Nothing you need to be concerned about,” she says, quietly, forcing a smile, “Um, how about you and Max clean up the kitchen and get ready for the day? We’re gonna do something fun.”  
 “...Okay,” Irene replies, uncertainly. 
 “I’m just...I’ll be in my room for a bit if you need me,” Ava says, quickly going down the hallway before the tears spill from her eyes. 
 She shuts the door and sits down at her desk. She rewatches what parts of the videos she can bear. She pauses one video and stares at the face of the small child so identical to her beloved niece. 
 “...I’m so sorry,” she whispers an apology to the child who will never hear it.   
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Hey Lovely! I was wondering how you first became a part of the fandom? When did you start watching the show, at what point did you feel John and Sherlock might be(come) a thing, what made you start a blog on these two? I just want to know it all ^^ Hope you don't mind sharing a bit :) Thank you for everything you do for this fandom, love you lots!
Hi Lovely!
Oh gosh, what a nice question! I think I’ve talked about this in snippets in various posts, this post being the one talking the most about it, but never as a whole! Apologies if this turns into a long ramble, hah hah!
So I remember exactly when I got into the show SO CLEARLY. It was July of 2013, just a few months before S3 was to air in January 2014. I was over at my friends’ place, and they suggested the show to watch, since we always watch movies together whenever I visit. I remember asking, “Is that the show with Martin Freeman and that Khan actor from Star Trek 2?”. We finished Season one all in one go, and immediately fell in love with Ben and Martin’s portrayals and their chemistry. And then I had to head back home. I was ANGRY because OMG WHAT HAPPENS NEXT and my friends just laughed.
So as soon as I got home, I downloaded S1 and S2 and watched them ALL the way through. I needed more. So, because I already had a Tumblr and knew it was for fandoms, I decided to see what it had to offer. 
Oh boy what did I get into???
So I lurked for a bit, and then I discovered something called “meta”, back when the TRF theories were the prominent meta in the fandom. So while I was getting deep into meta, I started switching my fanart from Ninja Turtles to Sherlock, because I was warming up to Ben’s ethereal face and I wanted to draw it. And I wanted to be a Sherlock fanartist. I briefly shipped Sher1011ie for a week or so, until I rewatched the series again and it just didn’t jive like it did the first few watch-throughs. I was too invested in John and Sherlock’s friendship – I saw them as bestest friends ever, too devoted to each other.
Now, at this point, y’all need to remember this: I was naïve, have never been exposed at length nor ever heard of subtext, was and am not part of the LGBT community (I grew up in a different time and in a conservative city, so being “gay” just wasn’t a thing), had a very heteronormative view on my life, and I just had always just insisted that in all of my fandoms, when I liked two male characters together, it was because “bestest friends ever!!”. I didn’t know I was ace and I’d never read smut up until 3 years ago (yes hi hello I’m so old and so innocent LOL).
Okay, so I was just lurking for a bit, learning my way around fandom, reading meta and just generally dipping my toes quietly into the fandom.
Then came Season 3. 
As many of my followers know, a lot of my fondness for season 3 stems from this being the season that LITERALLY opened my eyes to EVERYTHING: subtext, Johnlock, my own sexuality, and my meta-writing career. 
So, season 3 aired and I decided to dip my toes into “reviewing” the episodes as my first “meta”. They were posted onto my multi-fandom blog here, here and here. I was so proud of them, because it reinvigorated my love for writing (I used to be a pretty prominent Sonic fan-fic author back in the 90′s… I never finished my stories because my interest in the fandom died before I finished them), despite how laughably bad they were, haha. I got a couple compliments on them, but nothing beyond that, especially since I sat down and wrote them for HOURS after each episode aired.
Sometime between TSo3 and HLV, I discovered loudest-subtext-in-television (aka LSiT) and deducingbbcsherlock completely by accident and I was FASCINATED. I ate up everything they wrote. The first time I watched TSo3, something was niggling at my brain but I couldn’t quite place it. It was one of LSiT’s meta that twigged at it. That’s when I learned about subtext, heteronormativity and the queer community. And suddenly, just like that, something in my brain clicked.
Oh. My god. This show is gay, and I actually SHIP these idiots like I did in the Mother Ship (ie. The X-Files Mulder / Scully). That’s why I was SO ANNOYED with Irene. Why Molly was slowly grating on me. Why Mary’s introduction kind of annoyed me but okay I guess I can deal with it. Why everything seemed really romantic but it just couldn’t be, could it? 
I rewatched the series. And it was gay. Y’all, those rainbow-coloured glasses were suddenly GLUED to my head, and I saw gay EVERYWHERE.
So, after HLV, I discovered The Johnlock Conspiracy and I was eating up all the meta about Johnlock I could. Around this time, I also was learning a lot about the LGBT community, its history and sexual fluidity from wsswatson. It was also around this time I discovered asexuality, and I started reading a lot about it. 
In February of 2014, I started this blog because I wanted a place to reblog Johnlock meta. This was the first post I made on this blog, and looking back at it now, I am DYING because wow I never imagined I was going to be this deep into the fandom the day I wrote that. I don’t even remember writing it, to be very honest. I just shake my head, HAH. I think I really started understanding Johnlock because of this post here. It’s still one of my favourites and is one of the ones I credit for helping me understand what I was watching was actually a romance, not a “crime show”. 
Anyway, after learning how to read subtext from mostly LSiT (they wrote a meta about how to read subtext and it was super informative) and other Johnlock bloggers, I wanted to try my hand at my own little Johnlock meta. It was more of an observational post, as my way of trying to interact with the fandom. I am a terribly nervous and shy person, so I never tagged anyone in anything. It was an overwhelming fandom, and it was terrifying to interact. A few bigger bloggers noticed me and were nice enough to comment on a couple of my posts, but I mostly stayed in my little corner, and interacted with my small little group of other smaller fans. I dabbled in both fanart and writing, just plopping my thoughts and art into the aether, hoping something would interest someone enough to start a discussion. 
I started getting braver, and I was “moderating” some of my favourite posts that weren’t mine, but had my additions to it. Mostly, the Phones and Hearts post. I didn’t want to impede, but it was one of my favourite posts, so I went and copied all of the comments in the notes and put them onto one post. I don’t honestly remember HOW I ended up moderating it, but I just did because I was FASCINATED with symbolism, and I was excited because I could finally read subtext and understand it. I still had a small following, and a few people I regularly interacted with on my blog.
So, during the hiatus between S3 and TAB, somewhere along the way I suddenly had a sexuality crisis, when I suddenly realized I wasn’t broken and there was absolutely nothing wrong with me, and damn it, there’s such thing as split attraction model and asexuality?? Mind was BLOWN. I was also slowly becoming obsessed with Mary’s character, and at the time I couldn’t understand why (inevitably, it was because of events happening in my own life and me trying to understand them), but I really enjoyed just psychoanalyzing her. It’s something I’ve ALWAYS loved doing – character studies; I’ve done it in EVERY fandom I’ve been in – and I was doing it for her, Sherlock and John’s characters. 
So yeah, nothing much really happened to me during the S3 hiatus, except my entire world view flipped on its head and I was completely Johnlocked beyond repair. I became known for some painful posts and some lovely revelations and writing a lot of character study posts on both John and Sherlock. I’m very proud of some of my earlier meta, just sad they never really got seen (some of my earliest meta can be seen on my Ao3).
Then came the announcement for TAB in 2015, and the start of my “Tumblr Career”. I put a lot of my energy into my fandom life. I was OBSESSED with TAB, and became known for it. I put my moderation skills to use and created the TAB Starter Pack, which started gaining me some followers because OMG some loser is taking the time out of their day to compile all the news about this new series! AWESOME. I remember, it was around this time I was excited because I got to 1895 followers and it was one of those milestones all Johnlockers like having, hahah. 
In October of 2015, I lost my job and was unemployed. Conveniently, this is also the time when the promo season for TAB started, because we now had a name and airdate. I devoted a LOT of my time, when I wasn’t job hunting, to working on this blog. I was just writing a lot, and obsessing about the upcoming episode.
Then the trailer aired.
And immediately after that trailer dropped on October 24, 2015, I made this post here, which, some would probably say, was the beginning of everything for me. As I was writing that post, with a cracking headache, something clicked in my head, and several hours later, I had written and posted the original Mind Palace Theories of TAB at 2AM-ish, and went to bed.
When I woke up, my post had suddenly gone viral and I couldn’t figure out why. Then it just kept expanding from there, and I made sure to include everything I could onto it, because WOW something I wrote was gaining traction, and interaction, and I just wanted us all to have a good time with it. And as the time for TAB drew closer, suddenly I was gaining followers, and more people interested in what I had to write. I welcomed everyone to continue to predict the outcome with me.
January 1st. Was a complete and total mind fuck. I was liveblogging the episode, and inadvertently created another viral post with my Mycroft’s Death post because FUCK ARE THEY KILLING MYCROFT OFF?? kind of freaked people out (sorry loves!), which gained me some more followers, and at the time, my top post was my December 31st reblog of my Mind Palace Theories post, so anyone who came to my blog, it would have been on the first page of it.
After the episode aired, suddenly, EVERYONE had questions for me, about EVERYTHING, but mostly to scream at me that I was a mind reader, LOL. No, I’m not, I was just a sad, unemployed twat with too much time on my hands and was avoiding job hunting. But good god, all DAY on Jan 1, I was replying to asks, gaining followers like crazy, and pretty much just stating my opinion on anything that someone wanted to know. 
I became known as the unofficial TAB blog, and the one to come to with questions about my interpretation of the episode. I was SO obsessed with TAB, studied every nuance and narrative structure I could. 2016 was “my heyday”, and it was fun. I found my niche, and meta-writing is what I became known for. And until I got a job in April of that year, I was a pretty solid presence in the fandom, if I understand some of what I’ve been told correctly. I still ran my blog as full-time as I could having a full-time job, and still do in some ways, but yeah, 2016 is when I produced a LOT of meta, mostly Mary meta because, as I said above, I was and am obsessed with her character arc. I was learning about myself a lot more by writing meta, and my “original” meta turned into “asks” meta, which was fine by me, because I do like a good prompt to get me going.
Somewhere in there I also somehow became the blog new bloggers came to, which I didn’t and don’t mind at all, because being new in a fandom is scary and I wanted to be a friendly face because I like meeting new people. 
Then we got an announcement for S4, and like TAB I also kept track of anything and everything S4-related, so once again I was sort of the “go-to” place for everything S4 because I compiled all the stuff from setlock bloggers and listed them all for easy-access. I kept track of everything promotional, and I reblogged some of my favourite pre-S4 meta here.
Essentially, I LOVE organizing things, and people liked that I LOVED doing it, so that’s sort of how I kept my following when I wasn’t posting as much new meta. I did make a few original meta before S4, and I made a 68 day video countdown to the series which is cringy AF and I’m not linking it (lol you can find it if you look hard enough). 
We all know what happened in S4. I took a bit of heat after S4 aired, because I got people’s hopes up. I was discouraged for a bit, but then I started receiving asks that weren’t really asks, but “I need advice” and “I need support”. 
And I started answering life questions, and realized people LIKED my responses, liked my little personal anecdotes in each of my replies, and felt comforted by it. So, after S4 aired, I became an eclectic mix of life advice, meta, fics, music and TJLC / tinhatting blog. I have a “no judgement” approach to my blogging, and I think that’s why I’m still gaining a steady dozen or so followers every couple weeks, rather than losing. The only time I took a big hit was the Tumblr Feedpocalypse, where they fucked up the algorithm and I’m not getting nearly as many hits on my posts as I used to, but that could also be because we lost so many people to S4, especially after Jan 1, 2018 when people were hoping for another episode.
I personally don’t think I’m popular, but I suppose I am by Tumblr standards. I dunno, I think we all have that “starry eyed” view of popular bloggers, and I just can’t picture myself as someone anyone would fawn over. I’m just me, and you can take it or leave it.
I think where I’m at now and what I’m known for is a good place to be, to be honest, despite how S4 turned out. I’m not certain, but I FEEL like I have a positive reputation here, but don’t quote me. I know I have people in this fandom who hate me, and quite frankly it saddens me that they feel they need to expel energy on me that way when they deserve to just be happy and forget about me. 
ANYWAY, sorry that got long and rambly, but it’s something I’ve wanted to talk about for awhile, but I was waiting for the prompt to come because *shrugs* I dunno, self esteem thing, makes me think no one REALLY cares until someone actually asks, hah.
And if you made it all the way to the end here, Love ya Nonny, and thank you for asking and thank you for being a follower of my blog
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sherlock-one-shots · 7 years
Pushed Aside (Sherlock X Reader)
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(Gif is not mine. Originally posted by this user)
This was requested by anonymous: I just rewatched the Irene Adler episode and I need something where Reader confronts Sherlock about being pushed to the side during the ordeal. (Bonus points if an unintended pregnancy can be worked into it)
Alright, ladies and gents, here we go! Warning: A bit of swearing (only one or two curse words, I think, nothing absolutely horrible).
You sighed after his phone. Except the sighs were much different. The one that came from his phone came from the scum of the earth and was one of pleasure. Yours was one of pure annoyance. Seventeen texts from Irene Adler this morning alone. Seventeen times that phone went off. Seven times you restarted your story. Ten times he didn’t ask you to continue. Just checked his phone. He never replied. He told you so himself and you believed it, you never saw him type a word. But he checked it and that was enough to make your blood boil. It ruined your morning, it ruined your night the night before, it ruined your mood, and was in the process of ruining your relationship and sanity. You had met Irene Adler in her home, as she flaunted around, naked, wearing nothing but a full face of makeup and heels that would have broken your feet in two seconds flat. You had to admit, if you looked like her you might walked about naked as well, but you didn’t (at least you didn’t think so). But it was worse when she shoved her nakedness right in Sherlock’s face, ignoring the fact that you, his wife, was sitting right there, watching it all. John sensed your annoyance but Sherlock, however, did not. He put his phone back in his pocket, putting his hands in the prayer position underneath his chin and closing his eyes. Thinking about the woman, you thought bitterly. No doubt about it. XXXXXXX The phone hadn’t made a sound in almost three hours (a new record!). Now was your chance. Nervously, you sat in John’s chair, across from Sherlock. John was out getting the shopping, and Sherlock had been in a great mood all evening, so it was the perfect moment. It was as if all of the stars aligned. “Hey.” You said, getting his attention. He stared at you, brow raised. He could tell you were nervous and he didn’t know exactly why. “Hello.” He responded. “Can we talk?” “We’re talking right now.” You cocked your head, trying not to smile. “You know what I mean, Holmes.” “Yes, I know what you mean.” he nodded. You waited for him to say something, giving the ‘okay’ for you to continue. He did so with a nod. “Oh, well...” You didn’t know how to word it, you hadn’t really planned how you were going to tell him.  “Well, I know we never really…..talked about….” you shrugged, still trying to find the words. Just as you found them and quickly formulated a speech in your head, the phone moaned and his attention shifted. “Hold that thought.” he said, quickly getting up and walking to the other side of the room to retrieve his mobile. You didn’t hold that thought, though. You let the thought die and decided that you would tell him some other time when he was free from all distractions. You would just plan a doctor’s visit alone, go alone, and wonder if he’ll notice, or look up from the moaning phone as you walk in and out of 221B, ever-growing. You rose from the chair, going back to your shared bedroom, trying to stop yourself from slamming the door loudly enough that he might notice. XXXXXXX “You alright?” John asked, sitting beside you on the couch, a drink in hand. “Fine, why?” “Well, you just...” he shrugged. “You’ve seemed upset the past few days. I just wanted to make sure you were alright.” “I’m fine.” You answered shortly. John didn’t buy it, though. “Is it about Irene?” You didn’t answer which was all the answer he needed. “Look, I understand that it’s annoying, but this is all going to blow over soon. This case will end and he’ll find another one that catches his attention.” “Are you sure about that?” You wondered. “He does really seem to like her. Pushing me to the side just to check her texts, paying a lot of attention to her. He has to, knowing her measurements and all.” You argued. “I’m sure he knows everyone’s, hers were just...relevant in the moment.” He said slowly. You sighed, leaning back against the couch. “Are you worried? That he might come to like her more than you?” “She did make quite the impression.” You answered. “And she’s much more interesting than I am.” “(Y/N), Listen to me, if Sherlock Holmes falls in love with another woman then Hell would have frozen over. It doesn’t take a genius to see how in love he is with you.” “I wish I could see it now.” XXXXXXX “Good morning.” Sherlock greeted you as you entered the kitchen the next day, still in pyjamas, hair a mess. “Morning.” You said quickly, hoping you wouldn’t get interrupted again. You weren’t on Sherlock’s levels of observation by no means, but you picked up a few things. You could tell that Sherlock hadn’t slept much last night and his phone was in his back pocket as opposed to his jacket pocket-easier to get to. “Did you sleep well?” “Fine.” You nodded. You could feel his eyes following you as you made you breakfast. “Are you alright?” He asked a bit hesitantly. He could tell you were upset. “Peachy.” “Liar.” “I’m fine.” You snapped. Honestly, you didn’t want to talk to him at all. You two maintained eye contact. Sherlock was confused while you were furious. The phone hadn’t even gone off yet. Hormones, you guessed. But your anger was justified. The phone moaned, as if on cue, and you took a deep breath. “Liar.” He repeated. This time he didn’t even reach for his phone. You had his attention now, and you didn’t even want it. You huffed, turning back to your breakfast. “(Y/N), what’s the matter.” “What makes you think anything is wrong?” You asked, ready to debunk any reasons he might suggest, only to get him off of your back. “You’re being very short-” “I’m tired.” “-you’re being incredibly passive-aggressive,” “When am I not?” “-and you have been trying to tell me something the past few days but you never finish. You’re nervous about something-something’s wrong and I would like to know what it is.” “Well maybe if you paid attention to anyone but Irene Adler for the past few days you would be able to figure it out, genius.” You answered. “That’s what this is about? Irene Adler? A case?” “A woman.” You corrected him. “A woman who gets your attention every time she moans through your phone.” “Oh, you know as well as I do that I didn’t set that as the text alert noise!” “Well you haven’t changed it!” You yelled. He stayed silent, not having an answer. You were right. You took the opportunity to keep going. “Since the moment Irene Adler walked in naked, flaunting her assets, you haven’t been able to pay attention to anything, or anyone else. I have been trying to tell you something. Something incredibly important, but every time, she texts you, and you just get up and leave. You look at the text and I’m left hanging. I don’t care that you look at them, if it’s really for the case, like you say, but I’ve been pushed aside this whole time. You’ve only cared about Irene Adler and whatever interesting things she’s been telling you. Those texts have got to be pretty damn good if you drop everything to read them.” Silence, once again. “If you like her more than you like me, I don’t blame you.” You told him honestly. “I think she’s downright horrible, but she’s interesting, better looking-” “Beauty is a social construc-” He didn’t get to finish. “-and all around a better fit for you. Just tell me and I can find somewhere for us to go.” “’Us’?” Sherlock asked. “Yes, ‘us’?” “Who is ‘us’? Would you take John with you?” He asked. “No.” “Then who?” You only stared at him, watching his face go from pure, complete confusion, to revelation. “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you for the past few days.” “You’re pregnant?” “That’s what Irene Adler was more important than.” “Pregnant?” he asked quietly, almost as if he didn’t believe it. You had no idea how he would react-if he would be happy and excited, like you were, or upset, since it wasn’t really planned. The two of you never really talked about kids at length, but both of you agreed that, with Sherlock’s line of work, it might not be such a great idea. “Yes.” You stared at each other, waiting for the other one to move or speak. “Do you really, really think” Sherlock began slowly. “that I would choose Irene Adler over you?” “Yes.” He looked hurt. Beyond hurt. “Never.” He shook his head, taking small steps towards you. “Never in a million years.” “Then why is she so interesting to you?” You wondered. It just didn’t make sense to you. “Because she’s a case. She got the best of me, getting the photos back, and Mycroft told me not to get involved. I can’t help it, I have to take the case if it’s something Mycroft forbids.” he attempted to make you laugh. You weren’t as angry anymore, just confused, and you couldn’t help but crack a small smile at the childish mentality your husband had regarding his brother. “It’s an interesting case, I have to admit that. There’s much more to this case than meets the eyes, much more than I can see. But that’s all it is, (Y/N). That’s all she is. A case. “And I’m sorry.” He apologized. “For not listening to you, I mean. I should have. I have no excuses for that.” You didn’t know what to say. You just pressed your lips together and nodded. “Are you alright?” He asked again. You only nodded. “I mean, with the baby. Everything’s fine? Nothing’s wrong?” “Everything's alright.” You nodded again. “Just a bit of morning sickness, but nothing too serious. I haven’t been to the doctor yet.” “When do you go?” “Monday.” You had made the appointment that previous evening, while Sherlock was out. “I’ll clear my schedule for Monday, then.” He grinned. “And you’re fine?” I asked. “What with?” “With the baby, I mean. I thought we agreed not to have kids. Not yet, anyway.” You were worried about his response and he thought about it for a few, agonizing seconds. “It’s not something that we planned, (Y/N), and it’s a shock, one that’ll really hit me in a few minutes, I  believe, but we’ll be fine.” He walked closer to you, placing his hands on your shoulders, giving them a reassuring squeeze. “They’ll be loved, one of the most protected babies in Britain, and they’ll have the best mother in the world.” You rolled your eyes. “It’s true. You have a kind and gentle heart, they’ll adore you almost as much as we’ll adore them. I guarantee it.” “And you know it all?” You asked. “Of course I do. I’m Sherlock Holmes.” he joked. You swatted his chest. “You’re an arrogant git.” You responded, gently pushing him away. “Now, let me make my breakfast. I’m starving.” The phone moaned, but Sherlock didn’t leave your side, helping you prepare your morning meal and eating with you, both of you conversing without distraction. I hope this is what you wanted. And I got the pregnancy in there! Thank you so much for this request, I had so much fun writing it! Requests are OPEN!
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eliamertell · 7 years
khm-khm. hello! you know, tumblr loves those silly tag games so much, and I’ve been tagged by @llehnsherr (thanks btw :D), so… here we go:
the last
1. drink: Coke (update: beer) 2. phone call: Uber driver 3. text message: my mom 4. song you listened to: “A Nation of Thieves“ by Bear McCreary (I really love him) 5. time you cried: don’t remember 6. dated someone twice: ahem… 7. kissed someone and regretted it: my classmate?? like… three years ago??? I dunno 8. been cheated on: never 9. lost someone special: six months ago 10. been depressed: that’s my constant state 11. got drunk and thrown up: never
3 favourite colours
12. black 13. silver (pun intended :’))) 14. burgundy
in the last year have you
15. made new friends: rather yes, than no 16. fallen out of love: no 17. laughed until you cried: yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: …yes?? 19. met someone who changed you: no 20. found out who your friends are: no 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: no
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: almost all of them 23. do you have any pets: no 24. do you want to change your name: no, I like my name 25. what did you do for your last birthday: I ate sushi….. (actually I don’t celebrate my bday) 26. what time did you wake up: 11 am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping 28. name something you can’t wait for: exam results 29. when was the last time you saw your mum: today 30. what are you listening to right now: bEaR mCrErY 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: no 32. something that is getting on your nerves: :)))))))) 33. most visited website: vk.com :’))) (патриотичненько) 34. hair colour: brown 35. long or short hair: long 36. do you have a crush on someone: yes *whispers* Luke Arnold 37. what do you like about yourself: I like the paleness of my skin and my eyebrows that’s all 38. piercings: don’t have any 39. blood type: I don’t even know what blood type I am 40. nickname: Irene (with a French accent), Iroro, Ory, Orlando (yep…), Oriflame (yep again…..) 41. relationship status: single 42. zodiac: Capricorn 43. pronouns: she/her 44. favourite tv show: right now it’s Black Sails 45. tattoos: don’t have any (yet) 46. right or left handed: left-handed
47. surgery: Adenoid, 1st grade 48. piercing: — 49. sport: tennis, 4th grade 50. vacation: Czech Republic, august 2012 51. pair of trainers: wearing Adidas since 2001
more general
52. eating: nothing at the moment 53. drinking: nothing at the moment (2) 54. i’m about to: sleep 55. waiting for: sleep 56. want: to pass my exam (I keep my fingers crossed) 57. get married: I just don’t think it’s necessary, so I don’t know if I ever will get married 58. career: …
which is better
59. hugs or kisses: both?? 60. lips or eyes: both 61. shorter or taller: taller 62. older or younger: older ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 63. hook up or relationship: relationship 64. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
have you ever
65. kissed a stranger: no 66. drank hard liquor: no 67. lost glasses/contact lenses: yes 68. turned someone down: yes 69. sex on the first date: no 70. broken someone’s heart: I hope no 71. had your heart broken: no 72. been arrested: no 73. cried when someone died: yes 74. fallen for a friend: yep
do you believe in
75. yourself: it depends 76. miracles: rather no 77. love at first sight: no 78. santa claus: no 79. kiss on the first date: yes 80. angels: no
81. current best friend’s name: Ania 82. eye colour: brown 83. favourite movie: “Moulin Rouge” always breaks my heart
well, I tag whomever want to join this game
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“Crown My Heart” Chapter 27: A Battle for the Soul
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         Regina sat on her childhood bed, clutching her favorite doll Isabella again. It had been years since she last saw her, not since Mother had stormed into her room one day and pulled the doll from her arms. She had snapped that Regina was not a child anymore, so she didn’t need a stupid poppet. Instead, she needed to focus on becoming a gentlewoman who would be attractive to a rich husband. Mother had left with Isabella and no matter how hard Regina searched, she never found her beloved doll again.
           Until now.
           She smiled, pulling the doll from her chest so she could run her hand over the doll’s dark lifelike hair. Her pink gown looked freshly pressed and she was clean, like Irene had just washed her for Regina’s sake. Isabella looked perfect.
           “I can’t believe I found you,” she told the doll. “A lot has happened since I last saw you. I got married and I now have a son of my own. Can you believe that, Isabella?”
           Regina laid the doll down as if cradling a baby. “He’s beautiful, Isabella. I can’t believe I carried him and gave birth to him. He’s just amazing.”
           As she rocked her doll, Isabella morphed before her eyes. Her hair turned into soft brown tufts and her pale skin took on a pink hue as her clothes disappeared. Glass blue eyes turned into real ones and she grew heavier. Regina blinked a few times before she realized that Isabella had transformed into a baby.
           Not just any baby, she realized. Isabella had morphed into how Henry had looked when she first saw him.
           He was absolutely beautiful.
           “Hello, Henry,” she said, choking up as tears filled her eyes. “I love you so much. Which is why I really hope you aren’t really here with me.”
           The baby boy yawned before disappearing, leaving her alone with no son and no doll. She just sat in her cold childhood bedroom, wishing she was back in her room with Robin.
           She had never contemplated what happened after death though she believed that a person’s spirit passed to another world, one separate from theirs. Her father had been the one to tell her that when she was a child but she had little instruction on religion as her mother had detested it. Mother believed there were far better topics Regina could focus on, especially as knowledge of religion wouldn’t get her a husband. It meant she didn’t know what the world the spirits of the dead resided in was supposed to look like. Regina hoped, though, that this wasn’t it.
           Because if it were, she was going to be miserable for all of eternity.
           Maybe this is punishment, a voice in her head said, for making the deal with the Dark One. Maybe that has doomed you to an afterlife of misery.
           She shook her head, silencing the voice. After months of her loved ones assuring her that she was not a bad person for making a deal with the Dark One, she was starting to believe it. She had also taken to reading the sacred texts of Robin’s religion and had come to realize they believed the Great Being was one of mercy. Certainly it would extend its mercy to her for one moment of weakness, one she acknowledged was wrong and vowed to never repeat. And if that were the case, then certainly her afterlife wouldn’t be a cold and abandoned version of her childhood home.
           Regina also refused to believe she was dead. She didn’t feel dead, almost as if she were dreaming. It just was one she couldn’t wake up from, no matter how hard she tried to do so. That didn’t mean she was dead, though. Perhaps stuck in between life and death, but not yet dead. And she was not going to go without a fight.
           “I will come back to you and Henry, Robin,” she said, hoping he could hear her somehow. “Don’t give up on me. Please.”
           “Are you certain this is the right thing to do?” Lady Wellingsbury asked, standing in the middle of his sitting room with a frown on her face.
           Robin nodded as he bounced Henry, trying to lull his son back to sleep. Henry could now recognize his father and would not go down unless Robin rocked him. If anyone else tried, he would fuss and kick at them until they placed him into his father’s arms. Then Henry would quiet, staring at Robin’s face until he no longer could fight sleep anymore.
           Forcing himself to look up, Robin answered: “I am going to do everything possible to bring Regina back to us.”
           “But magic?” she asked, sitting down as she lowered her voice. “Certainly there are more scientific methods?”
           She glanced over at Widow Lucas as she asked that question. Widow Lucas shook her head, frowning. “Friar Tuck, the physician and I have tried everything we know and it has kept her fever down but not broken it. I think it’s time to bring in magic.”
           “Even knowing the risk?” Lady Wellingsbury asked, her attention back to Robin.
           “What risk?” he asked. “That some people will protest because they’ve been brainwashed by corrupt Abbots to think the witches are evil? Yes, I think it’s worth it to start changing opinions.”
           She pressed her lips together. “Robin, I really do think you need to be smart about this. It was one thing to parade Keith through the streets in a paddy wagon…”
           “He wanted that,” Robin replied hotly. “I was more than happy to oblige as I was clearly needed back here.”
           “You played right into his hand! Can you imagine what it would like to the people to see a nobleman, your cousin, paraded like a common criminal?” she asked, almost yelling.
           Henry woke with a start, letting out a howl full of displeasure. He kicked his legs, hitting Robin’s arm, and flailed his arms about as he continued to express how unhappy he was with the loud noise. Robin stood, rocking his son as he made sounds he hoped would soothe his baby boy.
           “Perhaps you should go, Diana,” Mother said, his voice firm. “I will call on you tomorrow and we will further discuss everything.”
           “If you can, try to bring your son too,” Lady Wellingsbury replied. When Robin turned his head, their eyes met for a moment and he held her gaze. She then bowed her head and left, closing the door behind her.
           Henry started calm down, rubbing his face with his hand. Robin continued to rock him, shaking his head. “I’m not going.”
           “I know,” Mother replied, walking toward him. “I wasn’t going to even suggest you come.”
           She stood there, running her hand over Henry’s soft hair. “Diana just wants what’s best for you and the kingdom. She wants you to be a successful king.”
           Robin sighed, nodding. “I know. I just fear what I think is best for myself as king and the kingdom is different from what she believes is.”
           “It probably is,” Mother replied, nodding. “And I will try to get her to accept that. I can’t promise anything.”
           “I can only ask you to try. Thank you.” He leaned forward, kissing her forehead.
           He then pulled back, finding Henry asleep in his arms. Robin crept toward the cradle, carefully lying his son down. To his relief, his son slept on and he was able to head toward his bedroom to check on his wife.
           “I know it might be foolish to ask but has there been any change?” he asked Prince Henry.
           “Not yet,” his father-in-law replied, standing from the chair by the bed. He held out the damp cloth they used to cool Regina. “I’ll let you have your time with her.”
           Robin thanked her and took his seat as Prince Henry headed outside. He wiped Regina’s brow. “Little Henry is growing stronger and bigger every day. And I’m slowly learning more about his personality. Right now, he reminds me of you—very curious about everything. He also seems fascinated by the world outside. I can’t wait to take him to my tree and let him experience nature.”
           He smiled as he brushed some of her hair away from her face. “We should also take him to your apple tree. I’m certain once he’s old enough, you will teach him how to care for your tree. Speaking of which, I’ve been down to the orchard and it’s doing very well. You would be pleased.”
           Regina continued to lie in bed, not responding. Only the rise and fall of her chest assured him she was still with him, still fighting to live. He took her hand in his, kissing it. “Please keep fighting, my love. Come back to us. Please.”
           “She will,” Mother said, entering the room. She placed her hand on his shoulder. “I believe in her.”
           He nodded, covering her hand with his. “I believe in her too. I just worry it’s not enough and we’re all fighting against a force even stronger than us.”
           She gave his shoulder a comforting squeeze as she kissed the top of his head. “Stay strong and try to get some sleep tonight. I love you.”
           “I love you too,” he told her. “And I promise I’ll go to bed when Ella comes to relieve me.”
           “You can always come to my room. You should sleep in a proper bed and not just on the couch.”
           He shook his head. “I can’t. I need to stay close in case either Regina or Henry need me. The couch is more than comfortable.”
           She sighed, nodding. “Alright but remember the offer still stands. Goodnight.”
           “Goodnight,” he replied, watching her leave before turning back to Regina.
           He took her hand and kissed it. “How about I read to you for a little while before going to bed?”
           Robin opened her nightstand’s drawer and pulled out the book of love letters he had given her only months before. He opened to the spot he had bookmarked and started to read, hoping she could hear him wherever she was.
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isabellawaites · 5 years
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she probably has Angel blood as well
The literature I wrote
The heavens of above
A warrior archangel
She protect the heavens
One day she made the decision
The angel came down
life the live like humans
She fell in love
with Immortal
She loved a mortal
She married a mortal
They had a family
But the man she loved was nether grateful
He had mate with other woman
Her friends told the action of her love
She was heartbroken
The gods hold sadness for her
They promised to give back her wings
But her children have to become warriors
To protect of world of good
The sad angel except
The gods told her to kill her husband
Her former love came back home
The bastard of a man not know his wife now know what he did
He said hello honey of satisfied
From the woman he mate with
She felt like all the sadness from humans
The gods gave her a potion that will make like her husband death caused by a deadly disease
She gave the drink to her unfaithful spouse
He Did not know what was about to come
The angel was ready for his death
He drank the gods death creation potion
he felt something that was weird
The Angel act like something was happening
Angel ask spouse she said
Is there something wrong my dear
He said nothing dear
Then he felt like something was was choking him
It was like poison rose Vines
He felt like blood coming out of his neck
Immediately he choke out the ground
The angel still acting was pretend more worried for her on unfaithful love
He was choking blood
he realize he was dying
He thinks who could poison him
He think of his many enemies
He fought of his mistress was the one who did it
As he refused to marry the woman
The woman was angry she told him
you will regret for not marrying me
I'll make sure you take your last breath
She must have tricked his wife
For taking the poison
So people think that she killed him
the only reason he slept with that woman
His wife only want to have sex only if it was for giving children
Not just for the fun of it or for stress
The only reason he even married her
she was a being from heaven
Who came from the heaven
He didn't think women could fight
So the Angel stop fighting so they can be together
He thought she was just an idiot woman
But she couldn't have poisoned him
She was a angel a nice person
There's no way
But when he look at her
She was smiling
She said to him
Deer foolish man you think you could lock me up
Woman could fight as well as man
I am an angel
I'm person who protects everything that's good in this world
You are have shown ungratefulness
To me
By mating with other woman
And you broke your vows
Of are marriage
By ungratefulness
The gods of told me to kill you
You Will die now
Consume of your sins
Lust pride greed
And then he died
The woman ran to her neighbor's house
Door open and the neighbor came out
The angel told neighbor what happened to her husband
That her husband's felt ill
And then he drop dead
doctor came and then checking his body he told everybody his death that was caused by a deadly disease
the angel took her children
Nobody questioned why we all understand
Who want to live a place where your love died
Angel live in the other land
After her mortal body left
She went back to the heavens
She Protective the realm of the heavens
Years later her descendants we're great warriors as she promised
One of her descendants
Was a woman who working at a bar
And then a man handsome came in the bar
He drink and was with some other nobles
He flirted with the woman
He promise to riches and everything to her
To her the woman did believe this to be true
The spend the night together of steamy love
The next day the woman was buried of a child
The man was freaked out as he was a king and he was married and had child already
He threatened the woman to ever tell anyone
About what he did he swear was going to kill her the woman knowing that she was tricked by a man who was a selfish man
Many asked who was the father of her child she said was a former lover does she thought to be dead
Many went with it
Immediately her children was born a boy and a girl and they only have her features not of The selfish man
Later her babies were still babies but the king guards grabbed one of her babies
Took it away
She know what this meant
Years ago a dragon burned many kingdoms in the ground
The only way to stop it
Was by the guardians voice
In the Royal blood
Of the kingdom that stop it
every 10 years
A new girl was chosen to be The voice guardian of the dragon
But they took the wrong baby it was her son
Her tears to come to her eyes
She cursed the king
And said
You foolish and selfish King
You have took one of my children
They maybe your blood but
they're my children alone
You will pay
Years later when the boy grow up then the king found out they took the wrong child
And that the boy was not the guardian
But the boy was able to sing the dragon to sleep
Dragon was happy that someone cared for him because guardians crying or silent or begging to go back to home or ending their lives because Many afraid of he
But the boy was kind and sweet did care for the dragon and dragon told him everything to know about the world
At the kingdom there was a girl who was trading to be knight but many people say she can't be knight and she be better off as a housewife
But she passed the test and became the a knight and she heard about a boy was the guardian of voice and he was not supposed to be guardian as it was his sister who is supposed to be the guardian
she found out as well The boy had silver beautiful eyes she realizes that was her missing twin brother
she grabbed allies and her friends to find her brother
the boy was dying because he didn't stop sing his and throat was coughing up blood he know he wasn't going to make it but he felt like he was going to be alive
The warriors faced many challenges but they finally found the location of her brother
They fight many monsters
They found the knight guardian
She was the guardian stop trespassers who decide to do something to the guardian of voice voice or the guardian is trying to escape
They fight the guardian
The other warriors they can to defeat her
The other warriors told their leader to go and save her brother
they defeat the guardian Knight
The knight angel found her brother he was coughing up blood she realize he's about to die but the dragon and knight Angel fought the dragon was going to set flame on them
But the dragon said
Deer descent of the angel
There's a way to save your brother
From his own unfair death
You must use the power inside you
To heal your brother
So he voice won't be broken
Channel power of the angel
Insight you
she used her power to heal her brother's neck
After she heal her brother's neck the rest of her friends came out of the cave
They went back to her house
The brother met his mother
His mother was in tears finally she can see her son again
The knight angel decided she was going to take the King's throne
The rules and their land wise a person who could defeat the previous king would become the new king
The friends distracted the guards
The knight angel open the door she saw the king she told the king raising her sword
She said
Dear father you do not know who I am
Do you know by my name
The woman you have slept with betraying your own wife
I am the child from your conceivement and also my brother
For you threatened mother's life
Now I should punish you for your crimes
For the kingdom and womens to be forced chosen to be the guardians
Now die King
the king grab his sword the start of fighting
Slash's metal sound the battle was a tense but she became victorious
She became the new Queen
She sent the queen and her son to a land they would be happy
The queen roll the land
Many say she was a fair decision
she was kind-hearted
she had determination
Many said she was an angel above
Before the destruction of there the world
Lady Irene took the queen safer dimension
when she woke up a strange man found her
She woke up the man was in front of her
she sent up and that's and she asked what was his name
He gave his name to her
The man looks so beautiful
He was like the kind of nice guy you ever find
For the months she talked to him they do have in the village
They helping the villagers they spent together always
One day he asked her to marry him
She accepted
They live together for 2 years
She was pregnant
The child was beautiful
2 months later
The angel felt sick she realized some God put a curse on her
it was not any God
it was God of destruction
She realized she had no time to live
On her dying bed
She told her husband
No matter let yourself be a release don't not be hold on my death
After she pass away
Her husband made a deal with a demon
She's brought back to life
she feel pain when she came back
The demon was controlling her
She wanted to die so she could go back to heaven
The villagers told her husband
he came out as monster
She heard how he had red eyes
Sharp teeth
And he look like a wolf
She realize he been cursed by the wolf god
The sacrifice to bring her back with life as a wolf
She left her baby to her friend and she left the village
She went to the cave her husband was in
when she was there her husband was sad
She hugged him and told him he was going to be okay
But He uses his Sharp claws to scratched her chest
She spell blood and her chest
She realized she was dying
But she can't blame her husband for her death
She realized it was a curse who did this sin of wrath
She died but gods told she was protect descendants
Every person who bears the curse of the Ultima
she was the one who come down all the ultimates show them the light of the good
and make sure they're wrath never show
She is there angel
The story of the queen knight of angels
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