#hello trailer park boys fandom
redsshit · 4 months
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Can't get this audio out of my head and they fit perfectly so.
Also Happy birthday jp!!
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juliansglass · 4 months
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Made a couple text posts lol, first post here woo
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bad268 · 3 months
I'm in love with ur arvid linblad stories...
Could u please do one where its the first time he brings reader to a race and shes a bit shy and the other guys are teasing him abt it cos they didn't think he could pull someone and then they see how cute they are
+ Heyy I loved ur arvid linblad x reader!!
Could u do one where he is super excited for Silverstone and no one knows why until the weekend where he walks in with his gf and all the prema guys are surprised and then they see how cute they are together. -@romantic-stylezz
Passenger Princess (Arvid Lindblad X Fem! Reader)
Fandom: RPF/F2/F3
Requested: Clearly (HELLO THANK YOU ILY BOTH <3 I hope yall don't mind that I combined these)
Warnings: Aged up Arvid (and Dino, Gabriele, Sebastian, Luke, Laurens, and Tim by association)
POV: Third Person (She/her)
W.C. 1424
Summary: Arvid's friends didn't think he could pull her.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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~~(^@/Arvid’s insta from May 26, 2024)
Every British driver was excited for Silverstone, but Dino was convinced that Arvid was a little over the top. Dino could not figure it out for the life of him, and Arvid did not peg him as the ultra-patriotic type. Dino was going to get to the bottom of it.
When they arrived in the United Kingdom, it was like Arvid disappeared anytime they were not at the track. Dino even tried looking around the hotel for Arvid, but he was just gone. The team didn’t know either. They just assumed he was staying with family.
Media day came around, and Arvid came running into the trailer almost late. He tried his best to sneak in through the back, but Dino caught him immediately.
“So you think that since you’re at your home race, you can sleep in and stay with your family longer?” Dino chuckled as he shoved against Arvid’s shoulder. Dino didn’t notice the blush spreading on Arvid’s cheeks as he continued teasing. “Did you enjoy a calm morning and breakfast with your family? Are they gonna come pick you up after too for supper?”
“Actually, my morning was pretty hectic,” Arvid chuckled as he walked in step with Dino for the track walk. “My alarm didn’t go off, so I didn’t wake up my girlfriend for her test-”
“Woah, don’t get all delusional on me,” Dino joked, “You’ve never mentioned a girlfriend before.”
“No one’s ever asked,” Arvid shrugged as he ran to catch up with his engineer to look over data. Dino didn’t even have a chance to question it. Did he believe it? No. Did he think it was a cheap coverup? Oh yeah, Dino just needed to get to the bottom of it.
They didn’t have a free chance until they were wrapping up after qualifying. Both of them did well, qualifying first (Arvid) and third (Dino). They had just finished up the debrief, and Arvid dipped out faster than any of the team could blink. It wasn’t until Dino went out to the employee parking lot with Gabriele and Sebastian that he saw Arvid still hanging around. Dino was about to run up and scare him, but he noticed Arvid was on the phone. Like a normal group of friends, they all decided to listen in on his call.
“Qualifying was good,” He chuckled as he kicked at a few rocks on the asphalt. He paused for a second before chuckling again, “Yes. I know. Thank you, lovey.” The boys were confused. Who the hell was he talking to? Maybe Arvid wasn’t talking out of his ass about a girlfriend earlier in the week. The trio looked between each other before Arvid started talking again. “Are you almost here? We can go out tonight and celebrate your test…Okay, I’ll let you drive safely for the rest of the way. I have to confront some eavesdroppers. I’ll see you when you get here. I love you.”
Busted, they all thought. 
Arvid hung up the phone with his beloved girlfriend, who he would have rather talked to for eternity, but he also knew his friends would have questions. He can understand why. He never mentioned a girlfriend, nor has he mentioned any interest in a girl. It’s mainly because he always had you, and he never felt the need to say anything. Also, no one asked him about a girlfriend.
Now, he was going to come clean. 
“You can ask now,” Arvid sighed as he turned around and looked straight at the group of three.
“Who, what, when, where, why,” Dino rattled off quickly as he approached Arvid.
“And how!” Sebastian shouted running to catch up with Dino and Arvid, leaving Gabriele to calmly walk over on his own. “I need the tea!”
“Who, her name is Y/n. What, she’s my my girlfriend. When, since 2022. Where and why, I don’t know the questions,” Arvid rattled back quickly as all three boys surrounded him.
“Where you met and why you hid it, obviously,” Gabriele stated in a blatant tone. 
“We grew up together. She was my neighbor for the longest time, and when I left for the Italian F4 championship, she confessed and ended up joining me toward the end of the season. Why I didn’t tell you, you didn’t ask.”
“You two were dating when we were F3 teammates, and I didn’t even know?”
“She confessed first? That’s cute.”
“Why are we just now finding out?”
“Tough luck,” Arvid laughed as he started going through the follow-up questions of his friends. “Yeah, she confessed. Is that a problem?”
“No, it’s just I thought you would have been the one to confess,” Sebastian replied quickly, thinking he offended Arvid. “Sorry.”
“Nah, it’s fine,” Arvid chuckled, “And you’re just now finding out because you decided to listen in on my phone call now. If you would have waited about 12 more hours, you would’ve met her in person.”
“Is this her first race?” Dino asked still in shock.
“No, did you not listen?” Arvid teased. “She came for the last half of my Italian F4 season in 2022, and a couple of F4 and Euro 4 races in 2023. Whatever ones she could do with her schedule since she was still in secondary school. She was also at the MACAU race in 2023, I forgot about that.”
“So she just didn’t come to your first or second F3 seasons?” Dino didn’t mean to sound so snappy, but he was confused. Just as Arvid was getting ready to reply, a car honking caught all of their attention. The driver rolled down their window, they were met with a random girl except she wasn’t random to Arvid.
“It’s a lot easier to go to European races than it is to go everywhere, especially during my last years of secondary school,” She said with a laugh. “Do you boys need a ride? I’ve got space. It’s not some fancy car, but it gets the job done.”
She wasn’t kidding. Her old Honda Civic looked like it had seen better days, but it still ran, and that’s what mattered. Arvid shook his head dismissively as he walked around to the passenger side.
“Oh, first you say she confessed, and now you’re saying you’re the passenger princess? That’s crazy,” Sebastian teased as he walked up to the door.
“Passenger princess and proud,” Arvid boasted as he immediately took over the music. “Are you guys getting in or not?”
“Hold up, I’m still wrapping my head around this.”
“Dino, either get in the car, and we’ll drop you off at the hotel or we’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Ok, I’m getting in.”
The following day, the talk of the F2 paddock was that Arvid had a girlfriend. Once again, no one believed it. Dino was the one running around telling anyone who would listen, and they definitely thought he was going crazy. Sebastian and Gabriele weren’t making a big deal, so everyone thought Dino was making it up. There was no way Arvid had a girlfriend. He was the type to want to flaunt a girlfriend if he had one, so clearly, he didn’t have one. It wasn’t until the two walked into the paddock that, suddenly, everyone went quiet.
Arvid walked through the scanner in his Red Bull kit and waited for Y/n to scan her pass. It was obvious to everyone that the Prema kit she was wearing was not her own. Once she got through, her hand was in Arvid’s as he led her to the Prema trailer. No one could believe their eyes.
Dino stood off to the side with a couple of drivers as they all watched the two lovers laugh at something before disappearing in the trailer.
“I don’t get it,” Luke cleared the air as he still focused on the now-closed door they went in. “I don’t believe they’re together.”
“Yeah,” Laurens chuckled in agreement. “I don’t see him as the type to pull her.”
“Oh, just wait until you find out the racing driver is a passenger princess,” Dino chuckled off-handedly as he started to walk away.
“You are lying!” Tim shouted after him, wanting to hear more details.
“Nope,” Dino stated with a pop. “I’m not spilling everything. You all thought I was lying about his girlfriend! Why would I give you more tea?”
“Fine, I’ll just ask Sebastian,” Tim shrugged off as he walked off with Laurens and Luke following closely behind him.
“No!” Dino shouted as he ran after them. “Wait for me!”
~~~ Part 2->
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rickyfleurstummy · 3 months
hello!!!!!! joining the trailer park boys fandom to hopefully find cool people! anyone and everyone is welcome :]
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by the amazing, sexy, incredible @wormdebut - thanks, love! ❤️
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Eighteen and and a whole batch of new ones incoming for the @steddieholidaydrabbles - so excited, weeeeeee!!!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Stranger Things
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Hic sunt dracones 
Someone who cares
See you in a crown
Just add water         
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, always! (Well, except for the rude ones but I can count those on my fingers, thank God!) Every single comment is so fucking precious to me. You didn’t only take the time to read my story, but you liked it enough to go to that little box and tell me your thoughts? Kissing you, kissing you, KISSING YOU!!! 😘
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I’m a happy endings gal all the way! If I’m gonna put them through the horrors for hundreds of thousands of words, I damn well wanna give them their happily ever after! That being said, I have this little microfic where tentacle lake monster Steeb enthralls Eddie to lure people to him so that he can eat them. Sorry, Eddie! 
(He’ll absolutely bring him O’Donnell and Principal Higgins, so it’s fine.) 
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hic sunt dracones! I mean hello? They are mates and Steve is King and everyone is happy and my boy gets flower crowns and apple pie and hot, hot dragon sex forever after! 
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Someone once felt the need to leave me a very passive aggressive comment on how my Brit slips were “completely ruining the vibe” of my fics (and then I wrote a microfic about British!Steve, I’m still laughing). 
Oh, and then there was that one time I was accused of racism. 
But apart from that, everyone has been lovely and fantastic and supportive and I really love it here. I’ve met so many more lovely people than assholes. 
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Ummm … I’m the person with the 100k dragon porn fic. Hell yes, I write smut! I love writing smut, all kinds of smut!
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, sorry, my brain doesn’t do crossovers. XD 
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I’d be thrilled to see it happen. Any and all transformative works are always welcome, just be sure to tag me because I’d love to see them and you will have my sword and my axe for eternity and I will scream about it forever!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I once co-wrote an original work with a friend when we were like 15? We had no idea what the fuck we were doing and it never got finished, but it was a blast!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Steddie. I love them, I’m obsessed with them, I think I’ll be writing fic for them for the rest of my life!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I’m committed to finishing all of my WIPs, that’s why I’m a good girl and only ever work on one large fic at a time with smaller projects on the side, but there’s SO MANY I WANNA WRITE STILL!!!!
16. What are your writing strengths?
Several people have told me that I’m really good at scene setting and evoking imagery, at painting very vivid pictures in their minds …  so I guess there’s that. 
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I wish I could write stunning, creative metaphors like @wynnyfryd . The river Styx one from the trailer park AU? Blew me away! I could never come up with that!
I also admire @wingedquill for being able to be concise and still so fucking intense in their fics! I'm a wordy bitch myself and always in awe of that skill.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I’ve never been in a situation where I was faced with the decision, but I think I’d rather describe it instead of typing out the actual words? Such as “they exchanged a few sentences in Spanish”. I’m only fluent in one language besides English, so I feel like I’d either need to get help or include a horrifically mangled Google translation and end up being unintentionally hilarious.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The first fandom I published for was Stranger Things. 
The first fandom I wrote for was Harry Potter, back before it went to shit (Wolfstar shipper of the very first hour here)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Hic sunt dracones, my beloved! This fic is everything I ever wanted, both in terms of writing and the echo it received. I still daydream about these two (and have another bonus drabble coming in December). 
Zero-pressure tags: @cranberrymoons, @gorgeousgreymatter-x, @lexirosewrites
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noromoselfships · 1 year
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🍃 hello, i'm wolfie !!
🍃 i'm 16 years old !!
🍃 i go by all pronouns + it/its !!
🍃 i have a LOT of fandoms but i'm currently hyperfixated on trailer park boys !!
🍃 norton williams (bully) is my canon platonic soulmate !! 🫶
🍃 i follow from @shitwolfie !!
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underthclight · 2 years
                                                                                ORIGINAL MUSES 
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24. Bisexual. Journalist for a women-led magazine. Bossy. Career driven. To smart for her own good. Born and raised in a trailer park, clawed her way out to the city.
                                                                        FANDOM BASED MUSES
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P o s s i b l e  T h e m e s
Zombie Apocalypse 
Forbidden/Taboo Relationship
World War 2
Greek Mythology 
American Horror Story 
The Walking Dead
One Direction 
The Vampire Diaries 
DC // Marvel
Percy Jackson
The Boys 
[ R U L E S ]
1. You must be (18+). My characters are incredibly NSFW and I’m (21+). I don’t personally feel comfortable role-playing with a minor. 
2. NO instant relationship plots. If your character wants too be in a serious relationship with one of my muses, they need to work for it. Slow burns are way more fun.
3. I love role-playing with female characters but I will not negotiate on relationships if my muse is gay.
4. If you approach me about role-playing, specify a muse and have some sort of idea in mind. If you can’t choose between my muses, I’ll happily pick one for you. 
5. Literate role-play ONLY. I want at least a paragraph consisting of 7-10 lines. I get bored if you don’t give me something to work with.
6. If I don’t respond right away and you start flooding my inbox for a response, I’m dropping our plot. Please trust me to respond when I have the time. If I lose interest, I’ll tell you. If I don’t respond in a week, you can send me ONE message about our thread. I know this seems harsh, but I get really stressed out when someone is harassing me for a response.
7. Please tell me your triggers. I don’t hold back in role-plays. I’m explicitly descriptive, gravitate towards dark themes and can be very vulgar. If any of this bothers you, we probably aren’t a good match.  
8. Please read my muses’ biographies and my rules before we start discussing our plot.
Comment below or DM me ‘hello there’ when you finish reading. :)
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jeliaxe3 · 7 months
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Hello and welcome 2 my twisted mind, im a long time lurker who recently decided i need a space where i can be totally myself!!
This blog will be home to a little bit of everything- a place to obsess and write about characters, oc stuff (and oc x canon stuff :3), fandom, random reblogs, and personal posts which I’ll tag with #giospeaks
!I will interact with and post mature content!
tags | carrd | writing
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I go by gina or gio, im 23, a student and im aspec!
Current blorbos:
Hijikata Toshiro (gintama)
Choso (jjk)
Joel miller (tlou)
Boromir (lotr)
Rust Cohle (true detective)
Ricky (trailer park boys)
My interests tend to oscillate ALOT so be warned, but this is a place for me to have fun and be cringe.
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~~Happiness as a radical act~~
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futurecorps3 · 2 years
♡ 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 ♡
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Masterlist <3 ⚠️ASKS ARE OPEN!!! ⚠️(Check masterlist to see which fandoms I write for and if what you want isn't there, submit it anyway! I'm looking for some new fictional ppl to fall in love with hehe)
A/N: I am utterly in love with my beautiful, beautiful boy. Have this.
𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙴𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚎 𝙼𝚞𝚗𝚜𝚘𝚗:
𖤐 Hear me the fuck out 𖤐 F O R E H E A D K I S S E S 𖤐 From both parts, really. 𖤐 It's kind of your thing; your way of saying goodbye and hello. 𖤐 Listen, my man is 5'10 which means he totally wraps an arm around your arms/head and kisses you on the forehead then keeps it draped around you to hug you and have you close and- 𖤐 He'd totally sneak you out of your house late at night. 𖤐 And then proceed to sneak you back in, maybe even staying the night if he's feeling riskier than usual 𖤐 Of course, seeing Corroded Coffin play most weeks 𖤐 Teaching. You. How. To. Play. Guitar. 𖤐 I KNOW IT'S A VERY COMMON AND USED HC BUT IT WOULD SOOOOO HAPPEN 𖤐 Now, if you know how to play an instrument or sing 𖤐 He's going to have you up in that "stage" every single week. 𖤐 Maybe not for the entire show but he'd have you play/sing one or two songs <3 𖤐 "How can you be this fucking hot?" -Him after literally any display of your musical abilities 𖤐 The best worst part is that he does become way more clingy after a performance 𖤐 When his uncle has to work upstate or isn't home too often you live in the trailer. 𖤐 Eddie lives for it 𖤐 He lives for you cooking breakfast with him while blasting music from his old radio 𖤐 He lives for morning cuddles 𖤐 He lives for seeing you walk around in his shirts and underwear, crumbs of the pizza you ordered all over your clothes 𖤐 He lives for the naps you take on the couch with your body pressed against his while you were are watching a movie 𖤐 He's a simple man who loves the simple things yk 𖤐 Dancing around with him when cleaning up after the kids on hellfire club days 𖤐 Him trying to explain to you how to play Dnd 𖤐 You trying to understand 𖤐 If you succeed, well, hellfire afternoons just became even more interesting 𖤐 If you fail, it's okay, he'll explain again if you want to or leave it if you just don't feel like it 𖤐 He's okay because either way you'll be sitting on his lap while he terrorises those children 𖤐 Lots of dates in places you aren't really supposed to be in hehe 𖤐 Swimming pools at night, empty parking lots or anything you two can think of that isn't too dangerous/scary 𖤐 The type of guy who'd sneak a hand in your jeans' back pocket <3 𖤐 Or holding you by the waist 𖤐 Or an arm draped around your shoulders 𖤐 Always carrying extra hair-ties for you 𖤐 OH MY GOD 𖤐 Letting you do his hair. 𖤐 I think he wouldn't like crazy up-dos but definitely a ponytail or bun to keep his hair out of the way in the daily 𖤐 Studying together because '86 is the year baby 𖤐 Eddie is not dumb, it's just the educational system's way of teaching isn't made for him 𖤐 So when you find how to explain things to him in a way that's crystal clear, he'll catch on pretty quickly 𖤐 Passing notes back on forth all class 𖤐 You've gotten in trouble for it more than once 𖤐 And that's just because if you're not professing undying love for each other, you're making fun of teachers 𖤐 Except they don't find your jokes funny, lmao 𖤐 You totally own a hellfire shirt and match it up with one of his jackets whenever you wear it 𖤐 And yes, wearing his band shirts. 𖤐 Cheesy pickup lines even when you're already dating 𖤐 "So, aside from taking my breath away, what do you do for a living?" 𖤐  "I’ve heard it said that kissing is the ‘language of love.’ Would you care to have a conversation with me sometime?" 𖤐  Yk that type of shit 𖤐  You'd be lying if you said you hate them, they always make you smile and with a need to shut him up with kisses 𖤐  I don't know how to explain it, but your love is like this song. 𖤐 Dating Eddie Munson is like having your soul warmly cuddled 𖤐 Dating Eddie Munson is having a boy who worships the ground you walk on 𖤐 Dating Eddie Munson is late night conversations and long walks through Hawkings when you're feeling down 𖤐 Dating Eddie Munson is being loved 𖤐 And that's all we need sometimes. <3
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chickadee-djarin · 4 years
Ms Margaret
Fandom: Priest (2011) Pairing: Black Hat x OC Margaret / Vascar x OC Margaret
Summary: Black Hat's thoughts wander while Margaret makes a trip into town.
Word count: 1.3k Warnings: N/A
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Later that afternoon, Margaret attached a trailer to the back of an old motorbike. She carefully loaded it with two empty crates, the shotgun, and a barrel of water. On her person, she still carried the handgun on her thigh and the rifle across her back. When she finally left for town, Black Hat took the opportunity to rest.
He found a corner inside the barn where some old blankets had been left in a pile; he settled against them and allowed his thoughts to roam freely. With his legs stretched out before him, his arms behind his head and his hat low over his face, he thought of the woman – her name quietly rolled off his tongue. He liked the sound of it, and he much preferred it over Jay’s crass nickname. He wondered about her husband though-
‘He ain’t six feet under,’ she had said. ‘He’s just dead.’
For a moment, Black Hat’s thoughts turned to his queen. She had promised he was the first of his kind but Margaret’s words taunted him. Had her husband been turned? Had his queen lied, or was this man on one of the reservations? Black Hat knew all too well of the Familiars, of the humans that chose to live among the vampires.
But Margaret wore her husbands ring on a chain. The image of her from their first meeting appeared behind his closed eyelids and he doubted any man would be foolish enough to leave her. Her beauty had captured even his attention, and her unyielding nature left him enthralled.
Black Hat knew better. He knew his queen was awaiting his return and word of what he’d found at the remnants of Silent Mesa. He knew she’d question his delay, especially when he told her of the hive’s dereliction. But as sleep quietly took him, Margaret’s image once again appeared before him.
The small town of Farspring was bustling. As Margaret went about, buying and bartering the supplies she needed, many of the town folk tipped their hats to her in greeting. The school children waved as she passed them – they were playing in the streets, done with their classes as the sun began to dip low in the sky. One scrawny, sandy-haired boy came running at the sight of her, stopping short with a toothy grin on his face.
“Hi, Ms Margaret!”
She smiled down at the boy as he fell into step beside her. “Well, hello there, Tommy Lee. What are you doin’ out here – does Mr Lyons know where you are?”
“Yes, Ms Margaret. When I seen ya come into town, I-”
“When you saw-,” Margaret corrected him.
“Yes, Ms Margaret. When I saw ya come into town, I asked Mr Lyons if I could take my break early and he said yes.”
Margaret glanced down at the boy as they neared the dry goods store. She wanted to scold him – tell him not to waste his break on seeing her. But as kind as Mr Lyons was to take the orphan as his apprentice, to allow him a bed in exchange for scrubbing the shop floors, Margaret knew he didn’t give the boy an ounce of nurturing. Tommy wasn’t a nine year old boy in the old mechanic’s eyes; he was just another cheap employee.
“Tell me about school,” Margaret said. “Mr Lyons still lets you go to school, right? Gives you time to get your readin’ in?”
“Yes, Ms Margaret.” Tommy followed her into the store. He kept right beside her as she moved, holding his arms out to carry things for her as he continued. “We got another new teacher last week. Mrs Williams is her name. She’s okay. She’s strict though, and she don’t let us outside durin’ readin’ time like you did.”
“Why’s that?”
“She said outside’s got too many distractions, but Gracie thinks she’s afraid of the chickens.”
Tommy’s brow was furrowed and another smile pulled at Margaret’s lips. She led him toward the front counter and, after paying, to the motorbike parked three stores down. The boy talked the whole time, telling her about school, the old heater that Mr Lyons was teaching him to fix, and the new game he and his friends had come up with. Margaret listened intently, only interjecting when he misspoke – it was a habit that, even three years after she left the schoolhouse, she couldn’t quite break.
“-but if a cat catches you, then you lose!” The boy said, carefully setting the last of the canned goods in a crate.
“Do the cats know that?” Margaret asked. She made sure the crate was secured before reaching for the shotgun; the gun keeper was to be her last stop.
Tommy looked up at her with wide, hazel eyes. His voice was quiet as he said- “We forgot to tell the cats.”
And Margaret was reminded why he had been her favorite student. Despite never knowing his mother, despite losing his father and older brother to illness, the boy had always been kind. He had always greeted her with that toothy grin, politely asked to feed the chickens around the schoolhouse, and he never denied the cats a pet. She’d caught him talking quietly to the cats every day after lunch, and occasionally he’d sneak one into the classroom at nap time. She never could find it in herself to chide him for that – and the lucky cat he’d chosen that day was always sound asleep, curled tightly into his side.
She reached with her free hand, rustling his hair. “It’s about time you go on back to Mr Lyons, Tommy.”
“Why can’t I go with you, Ms Margaret?”
The boys question caught her off guard.
“He’s been teachin’ me,” he said. “I could work the water pumps for you-”
“It ain’t safe out there, Tommy.” Margaret said sharply. “Here in town, Mr Lyons can keep you safe. And maybe one day, he’ll even let you run the shop-”
“But I don’t wanna run the shop, Ms Margaret! I wanna be out there with you. I miss you, Ms Margaret.”
“Tommy,” she sighed. Looking down at the boy, her heart cried out – the thought of raising him as her own, of keeping up his studies and maybe even letting Jay teach him a thing or two about business – it was all so tempting. But with the business came the danger: the shotgun still in her hand and her husband’s ring hanging from her neck were painful reminders. She couldn’t bear the thought of having to teach little Tommy how to shoot. “It ain’t safe.”
“Go on back to Mr Lyons, Tommy Lee,” she said sternly. “I’ll see you when I come back in two weeks, alright?”
The boys shoulders sagged, but he said- “Yes, Ms Margaret.”
She watched him make his way back to the mechanic’s shop, only moving toward the gun keeper’s after the boy disappeared behind closed doors. Forty minutes later, she reemerged with the same shot gun; Mr Jones had inspected it and cleaned it thoroughly- “Was probably just a bad round there, Ms Margaret,” he said.
By the time she returned to her property, the sun had set and darkness consumed the land. Margaret made quick work of maneuvering the motorbike and it’s trailer back into the barn. The supplies would wait until morning to be stored properly, but she paused a moment when she saw a pile of blankets dropped in a corner. She swore under her breath; she’d have to keep an eye on Jay’s men next time, “-leavin’ this place a damn mess.” With the shotgun once again in hand, she locked the large doors and made for the house.
Margaret sat on the porch late into the night. The breeze rustled her night dress; the shotgun rest across her lap; a glass of whiskey added another ring to the table beside her. She watched out over the property, her thoughts finding their focus on one man: her visitor three nights prior. At the memory of his golden gaze, though, how quickly he had moved – and Jay’s words about Remy and his boys – she knew he wasn’t a man. She knew he was dangerous. But as she brought the whiskey to her lips, a smirk tugged at her.
A/N || So I didn’t quite finish writing chapter seven as I had hoped this weekend, but I thought it’d be fun to kick off the new year with a new chapter anyways! So without further ado... Happy New Year! 🥳 (gif:@vulcanprincess-deactivated20120)
TAGLIST || @dreamers-wonderland , @ravioliraviolitellmetheformioli , @pelusitarules , @sugarskulgirl , @lauraaan182 , @reallystressedcollegestudent , @dreaming-about-fanfictions , @hlabounty96
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redsshit · 4 months
Some drawings of the boys from the past week or so
These three done with references
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Bubbles is unfinished lol
Now these 2 just freestyle no ref
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Trying to workshop them to work with my style but still be identifiable enough. Practice makes perfect. 🛐
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juliansglass · 1 month
I saw the trailer park boys today at fanexpo and I freaked, I didn't meet them but seeing them in person was wild enough
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trailerparkbubbs · 4 years
Hello! Can you do A, E, N, R, T, W and/or Z for the fandom meme on TPB please ? You don't have to do all of them tho
Hi! Thanks for sending this in :)
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
Lucy/Sarah is my main one, they are a power couple and also Sarah is basically a second mother to Trinity... there’s no way Lucy and Sarah haven’t fooled around/slept together while Ricky was in jail, especially considering they’ve canonically slept together before.
Since getting into the Tumblr fandom (and watching the animated series) I’ve also started to ship Ricky and Julian... I don’t think it’ll ever become canon but I mean there are two separate episodes where Ricky is just like “Yeah I’m gay” and it’s never resolved so uh who knows I guess
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
I don’t think so? I haven’t been here that long. I did add a very cursed gif of Conky if that counts?
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
I just wish there was more fan created content generally? There’s only a handful of blogs actively making Trailer Park Boys content right now and they’re all very good but it’s a tiny percentage of what most fandoms have... more specifically I wish there was more love for Sarah, more gifs, and more posts about the animated series.
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
This is obscure but I think Marguerite and Donny (offscreen Donny not Donna’s counterpart) should get together and scream at people from their porch... maybe love would mellow Donny out a little bit
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all
Asexual Bubbles... I’m sure if they continue making more content for the TPB universe long enough they’ll eventually try and put him in a relationship/make him have sex with someone but so far it’s been twenty years and the most he’s done is make a few comments about some strippers being hot... anyways you can pry ace Bubbles out of my cold dead hands
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
I really appreciate the amount of in-character promo material there is for TPB? Like, the interviews on talk shows, the podcast, the live shows, etc? In general, while there are definitely some major exceptions, I think TPB really utilizes the mockumentary format in a way that other shows don’t... having every celebrity on the show guest star as themselves, for instance... also the camera crew constantly being acknowledged and Ricky even breaking the camera at one point... anyways I love them
Oh also! I don’t think I’ve talked about this before but I love whenever Bubbles plays music... Liquor And Whores is a bop... as is Who’s Got Your Belly... however my personal favourite might be his name is Duuuuuuuukkkke and he is a gooood caaaaaaatttt...
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frenchibi · 4 years
hey, so i thought maybe you could tell us a little what you're currently interested in? ♥ like, what have you been doing during quarantine, are there any new shows you watched that you enjoyed a lot, did you maybe take up a new hobby or something? :)
Hello!! I did not forget this lovely message, I was just in no state to answer (who’d have thought that recovery from surgery is, y’know, taxing) BUT I’M BACK NOW and ohhhh do you know what you’ve unlocked by asking me this question...?? I cannot give you a comprehensive list but I can tell you a couple of the things that I got into during quarantine, and the things I am currently super passionate about! My memory is, uh, not great but thankfully I do journal and write down things so I am confident I can answer this for you :D (plus I do always love recommending things so - aaa??? Thank you for this ask????)
Putting things under a cut because I physically cannot chill but if tl;dr I want you to take away one thing from this it’s that everyone should read Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir. Thoughts below.
(Also. I would love to go off about my interests more on here but am not sure what... shape that should ideally take? Text posts? IDK pls give me suggestions, help me out?? dfhasjkldf)
I have not seen many, but I can and will scream about The Old Guard over and over because... it was everything I never knew I needed in an action movie?? I don’t reblog many things about it anymore but I love love LOVED it!!
Also, upon recommendation by one of my friends from India, I have been delving into the world of Bollywood movies and WOW Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara was so fucking good??? idk if it’s on Netflix in every country but it is in mine and I highly recommend it. It’s thoughtful, honest, emotional and shot absolutely gorgeously, and it also has that cheesiness that is just... so good... sometimes you just need the cheese y’know???
(Side note, 2020 was the year I saw Pride and Prejudice (2005) for the first time and I am a changed woman. It is now my ultimate comfort movie. Please see it if you have not, I cannot believe it took me this long. I saw it for the first time on an airplane (in january... a lifetime ago) and have seen it many, many times since.)
TV Shows
So, to everyone’s shock but especially my own, I have not really been into TV lately? I watched The Boys because my brother recommended it (it’s good, but gorey and pulls no punches, the R rating is deserved), and recently started watching Jujutsu Kaisen because my sister recommended it (I haven’t watched a new anime in like a year which is kinda wild to me? But I am enjoying this one - the opening SLAPS and what I’ve seen so far has been fun! Plus I’m watching it with my sister and I like sending her reactions xD),,, and that’s pretty much it for this category?? I am aware there is a LOT of good shit out there I just.. .don’t seem to have the attention span for multiple episodes of a Thing these days. Meh. I’m sure it’ll come back to me eventually ^^
Musical Theater
One of the main reasons I think I haven’t been big into TV is because my Musical Passion is in FULL SWING (haha get it). Probably because the only thing that has remained for me during this quarantine is my singing lessons (and lemme tell you... over skype, that shit is ROUGH but still better than not singing at all) and I have been obsessing over learning new songs and finding shows through recommendations and compilation videos on youtube... So.
Shows I listen to a lot these days include Starry, Anastasia, The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals, Come From Away (I made a post recently specifically about musicals, you should be able to find it under #French speaks) - specific songs in my range that I am currently learning and obsessing over include “Bring on the men” from Jekyll and Hyde, “The Mad Hatter” from Wonderland, “Show Yourself” from Frozen 2 (I liked it ok I DID), and “Go Tonight” from The Mad Ones (this one makes me cry... I’m making my sister duet it with me bc I can’t stop thinking about it).
Also, if you’re interested in hearing me sing things, head over to my instagram where I post covers (and also art)!!
(Musical people, I am curious to hear opinions about Great Comet, and also The Count of Monte Cristo - two shows I’ve been meaning to check out!)
Video Games
Listen. Animal Crossing New Horizons is awesome and I’m glad I have it (...give me Brewster back, Nintendo, or I WILL RIOT), but I have been branching out into other games for the Switch (might as well make this purchase worth it amirite) - current faves include Celeste (which is SO HARD but also SO FUCKING FUN) and Spiritfarer which I specifically bought to play at the hospital bc I knew I was going to be there for a few days, and let me tell you - best decision of 2020. Please watch the trailer if you haven’t heard of it, it’s GORGEOUS and beautiful and emotional and I loved every second of it. Both of these can also be purchased for PC and I think they are definitely worth the investment!!
In other news I’m back on my Stardew Valley bullshit. It’s just so calming.I revisit it a lot lmao
So... I have been reading. A LOT. I read over 70 books this year, which for me is... average tbh? I have had some less productive reading months but overall I have torn through stuff and BOY do I have recommendations if you want them?? For the sake of brevity I will only mention a few here:
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir “Lesbian necromancers explore a haunted gothic palace in space”. That is all. This was my first five star fiction book of the year and I will never be done screaming about it. There is a dedicated but smallish fandom here on tumblr and it deserves SO MUCH MORE. Please, please please. Everyone should read this damn book. It’s confusing in the beginning but I promise it’s worth it IT’S SO GOOD!! And also the sequel is out and it’s also confusing and SO GOOD!!!
Educated by Tara Westover. This is an autobiography and it’s one of those books that like. Stick in your mind for months after you’ve read it. It’s about how this woman escaped an abusive household that was religiously oppressive and also like... survivalist (prepping for the apocalypse) and avidly believed in conspiracy theories - by educating herself, working her way up to going to Harvard. Nothing I say could do the emotional impact of this book justice - and also just, the perspective this book gave me?? Incredible. Education is the most powerful tool and this woman grabbed it by the hair and did not let go and I was FLOORED. Everyone should read this. I don’t even usually read biographies but DAMN.
The Winternight trilogy by Katherine Arden.(Book 1 is called The Bear and the Nightingale). This is a bit of a slow burn type deal - it’s a retelling of a Russian fairy tale (I think?? Or like a folk... story? Something like that) and it is just. So magical. It’s not fast paced but it works up to FANTASTIC moments, the focus is on family and magic and change and “making your own way” and all three of these books were wonderful. It reminded me of Naomi Novic’s Uprooted and Spinning Silver (both of which I also loved back in 2019 and would highly recommend) and they are PERFECT winter reads if you’re looking for something to get cozy with. I liked book 1 well enough but books 2 and 3 knocked it out of the park. Fantastic. Loved them.
I have many more recs but this will do for now hahah
Gonna keep this brief too - my music taste is all over the place, but here are some songs I have been obsessed with recently!! Beware of genre whiplash though because these are Very Different from one another (and different from the musical theater stuff above)
Factories - Autoheart (that bridge gets me every time, idk why. This is one I could have on repeat for hours and not get tired of it either. Something about it just gets me!!)
History Read - The Altogether (The lyrics!! Tbh the entire Silo album is GREAT, but this one is my fave. Their music is so... mellow, in the best way??)
Weather Man - Valley of Wolves (ok this one is just a banger. I’m a sucker for a good sing-along-able hook (that’s not a word. you get me though right) and this fucking DELIVERS. I also just think “I make these dark skies blue, I make these mountains move, let the rain come down, I’m pushing through.... [pause] ... ‘cause I’m the weather man” is such good execution of a concept?? That PAUSE GETS ME it’s just SO FUN?!?! idk man I like a good upbeat banger and this is that.)
I believe (get over yourself) - Nico Vega (this one is just a callout at myself tbh?? “you’re a fool” I AM and I needed to hear it?? It’s also SO FUN to sing!!! We love a banger.)
Kiss me you animal - Burn the Ballroom (mentioning this mainly because it reminded me, lyrically, of Gideon the Ninth and I need someone to confirm this for me before I go insane?? “everybody knows that home is where your teeth sink, love” - I mean c’mon??? Also it’s a banger. I do like some rock from time to time... and this also has a killer driving bassline. This is super fun to drive to, too!!)
((If we have overlap and anyone wants to exchange playlists with me - I am SO here for it. Always looking for new music!!! I mean it!!))
Last and certainly not least... meet my newest hyperfixation!!! I have always loved watching video essays, and booktube videos, and arttube videos - and my current niche of favorite creators is the Polygon video team!! They made videos about video games and board games and anything gaming-related and I just. I’m only peripherally a “gamer(TM)” but I love anything and everything they create. (Also you don’t have to know much about video games to enjoy all of their content!! A lot of it is still accessible to Non-Gamers(TM) or casual gamers!) BDG is my new favorite creator, the Unraveled series he does on the channel is a work of genius - but I have also started watching their streams and older series and I am enjoying myself SO MUCH! I love boardgames so their series on them, Overboard, is so fun and entertaining (and I already know a bunch of games I want to buy based on seeing the gameplay), and it also made me invested in the other creators - particularly Simone, I would die for Simone?? And Pat? And Jenna? They each have their niche and they work really well together too and their videos are my Main Serotonin Machine in these trying times(TM), thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Also. If you’re already following me here and you are familiar with Polygon things I BEG YOU TO COME AND TALK TO ME ABOUT THEM because I am like, bursting, but I also don’t want to flood my dash with stuff that 99% of my followers are unfamiliar with y’know??
...I think I’m going to leave it at this - it’s already a lot!
But thank you once again for asking and for letting me Go Off about things I am interested in!! I just... I very often wish I could do this more, but I’m not sure how to go about it? Should I just do text posts about things?? Would that be interesting to anyone?? Or is that like, annoying? Should I start a review blog or something? dhfajkldhf I just want to talk about things that excite me, but whenever I’m here I often just stick to reblogging other people’s stuff... help?? What do y’all want to see??
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angrykpoprants · 5 years
Bts paved the way for kpop idc what anyone says no one cared about kpop until BTS
I beg to differ, maybe for the late 2010′s and performing at award shows but not for kpop as a whole. However, this is always going to be a topic that always going to be two sided. And I full on respect your opinion, because I can see where its coming from. 
I’ve always felt like kpop was just a sub genre like a lot of other music, while its not mainstream and US artist will always have the upperhand in their home country kpop has a large enough following in the US, its just like that time were J-rock and J-pop was huge… btw does anyone remember Puffy AmiYumi?
I think the reason as to why it really looks like they were the ones who paved the way for kpop is because of the social media and fandom culture we have now, from 2005-2014 social media culture wasn’t like what it is today, I’m not even talking about fan interaction either, because I feel like there was way more fan interaction on twitter from the B.A.P members. 
Lets see the timeline of kpop/korean artist making headlines in America 
Rain made headlines for being the first ever Korean artist to perform outside of Asia. He was also the first Korean artist to perform in the US, and let alone do a 2 hour concert. It’s one of the biggest Korean concert that was held in NYC. It even featured Pi Diddy, Omarion, and JoJo Levesque. This was the initial foot print that the hallyu wave had outside of Asia 
Rain made headlines for because Time magazine listed him as one of the 100 most influential people in the world, to that Stephen Colbert invited him on his show and they did a parody of Way to Avoid the sun. 
The year that MTV made a special channel on American TV soley for kpop called MTVk
Rain also again gained more american attention for being listed in People’s most beautiful people in the world
Bi Rain and Joon Park both were in Speed Racer, that was a big achievement for Korean Singers… just simply being able to graze the big screen. Rain more so than Joon got a good amount of attention, he even got some American interviews 
Rain and Lee Joon were in Ninja Assassin. Rain made major headlines for again not only being in an American movie but this time actually staring in the movie and about how much training he did just for the movie. 
This was also the same year Korean actor Lee Byun hyun had his US debut 
GD at the time also got some attention after the alleged plagiarism between Heartbreaker and Right Round when Flo Rida performed with him
Wonder Girls made their American debut 
Wonder Girls were the opening act for the Jonas Brothers making the Jonas brothers one of the first American artist to work with a kpop group
BoA’s eat you up was released and played everywhere 
Rain again made American attention by not only being nominated for an American award show but also winning MTV’s Movie Awards Biggest Badass Star beating Angelina Jolie, Chris Pine, Channing Tatum, and Sam Worthington 
Will.I.Am started to work with 2ne1 
Bigbang gain global attention and celebrity clout after being the first kpop group nominated, attending and winning Best Global act at the MTV EMA’s beating Britney Spears in the process 
Fantastic Baby went viral, reaction videos were popping up left and right. Fantastic Baby even played in some stores and I believe some radio stations 
Fantastic Baby was featured Glee 
SNSD had their American debut 
Wonder Girls made a American movie and JYP was featured in it (i know.. its cheesy)
This is the year of B.A.P’s debut where their debut album made it into the the World Album Chart at number 10 which was extremely rare at the time considering they didn’t even have a kpop section yet. 
Bigbang was on the Grammy’s front page twice 
Bigbang’s Alive world tour was the only full on sold out Kpop concert at the time, selling out not only in NA but SA and Europe, and were forced to add extra dates because the demand was extremely high, not to mention celebrities were showing up left and right to their tour stops 
This year was also Psy’s year which did bring attention to kpop and YG ent… regardless if Gangnam Style is a joke or not
The first Kcon was created 
GD also got international attention by showing up at PFW12
B.A.P and Psy were featured on Grammy’s “Best of 2012″ making B.A.P the only kpop group on that page 
B.A.P’s first world tour for their US dates sold out in about an hour
Little Mix decided to join in on the Hallyu wave by doing a Korean version of Wings 
Will and Jaden smith met up with YG fam and Jay Park which brought attention to kpop beings that Jay wrote a song for their movie 
Will.I.Am and 2ne1′s collab was released
Anna Kendrick also wanted to get in on the Hallyu wave action by meeting up with f(x)
B.A.P performed in time square generating so much attention 
The year that Billboard gave themselves a kpop section because of the major Hallyu wave giving credit to B.A.P, 2ne1, and Bigbang for helping that chart exists 
Justin Bieber asked GD to feature at his concert in Seoul and proceed to tweet and IG about him 
Paris Hilton talked about GD being her favorite Korean artist
Paris Hilton tweeted about hanging out with GD 
Barbara Palvin talked about GD 
Choi Siwon went to the Met Gala 
Super Junior was invited to Oxford to talk about how they helped start the hallyu wave and the kpop attention in the US 
Skrilex released his song featuring CL and GD 
B.A.P did a nickelodeon shout out 
I think this was the year that Exo got a lot of American attention too, but im not sure because im not an Exo-L
GD got attention just for showing up at Coachella 
CL signed with School Boy 
I am the Best was featured in a microsoft commercial 
Emma Stone professed her love for kpop on American TV 
Fantastic Baby was featured in the Pitch Perfect trailer 
I am the Best was featured in a microsoft commercial again
Hyukoh’s Come and Goes gained international attention
Far East Movement worked with Chanyeol and Loco
Jaden Smith tweeted about GD being is inspiration
Baauer released a song featuring GD  
Lil Yachty did his Bigbang tribute and has been know to be a fanboy of bigbang for a while
Epik High was the first Kpop group to perform at Coachella 
CL performed on James Corden 
I am the Best was featured in a microsoft commercial again
Hello Bitches was in a T-Moble commercial 
GD got international attention for being chosen as Channels ambassador 
President Obama talked about the Hallyu wave and gave credit to shinee 
Tablo, Rain, and Kim Taehee were invited to the Grammys 
Jaden Smith tweeted about GD’s album 
Jay Park signed with Roc Nation 
DNCE talked about wanting to work with GD 
GD got international attention for is world tour 
I am the Best was featured in a Kia commercial 
Hyukoh’s Citizen Cane was chosen to be in the Animoji comercial 
Hyukoh x Beats by Dre
Hyukoh was interviewed by Beats1
Taeyang got international attention for just getting married 
I would go more into detail by just tweeting about kpop but thats too much work to look for, kpop is a fad and it comes and goes. I kind of like what Hyukoh said about the whole Hallyu Wave/BTS thing they said “I think it’s really interesting and it’s fun to watch. Because of it, I think in some aspects were are benefitting from it, that’s really great. But nothing is forever, there will be some point when K-pop won’t be as popular. But because we’re not K-pop, I hope we stay popular even when K-pop is not.“
BTS did not start the hallyu wave, nor did they pave they way. They were just the first to walk on that new path which then inspired more to do the same and they were the first to win fandom based awards.
No matter what this will always be a topic is where some OG and new kpop fans clash, so yes, BTS is helping the Hallyu wave but they didn’t create the fad. I think the real Hallyu wave starter is Rain
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shay-del-rey · 7 years
Yayo: Part II | Sweet Pea x Reader
Fandom: Riverdale
Rating: T (for now). Also, some swearing and offensive language
Words: 2041
A/N: Thank you so much for reading and those who requested for a second parter – I hope this meets your expectations! There is a third part and again, I’m so sorry for the length but I hope you all like this! Forgive any mistakes xx
Taglist: @eves-library @penisprkr @bitchincap @ninjasbananasmonkeys @thequeenmelissa @yellow-wildflowers @harika89 @vexingfelon @swxxt-pxa
Hello Heaven, you are a tunnel lined with yellow lights on a dark night – Lana Del Rey
HUSHED voices were the first thing you heard upon entering the trailer.
To your shock, your parents were seated at the small kitchen table engaged in a, surprisingly, cordial discussion. Your father, tall and imposing as always, was dressed in his trademark leather jacket, flannel shirt and an old pair of jeans. His hair was dishevelled and his eyes were sunken.
Your mother didn’t look much better. She was still dressed in her work uniform, her hair loose and a lit cigarette dangling limply from her lips, which she took a drag from and then passed to your father.
They finally noticed your presence and turned, a tired smile on your mother’s face and a hesitant one on your father’s.
“Hi sweetie! You finished from Pop’s already?”
“No, I forgot my uniform. What are you doing here, Dad?”
The older man exchanged a glance with his wife. “Your mother and I were talking about your safety. SP told me about what happened with the Ghoulie.”
You rolled your eyes. “SP has a big fucking mouth.”
“Y/N, the Serpents know how much you and your mother’s safety means to me. I’m glad he’s looking out for you at school.”
“Who is this SP?  Any relation to FP?” your mother interjected. Her attention was on your dad, thus she never noticed you blushing.
“SP’s one of the younger ones, he’s a good boy. Tall, black-haired, tattoo on his neck –”  
“Wait, that boy who dropped you home a few weeks ago? The one I yelled at?”
Oh shit.
“Why was SP dropping you home, Y/N?” your father asked, his voice stern.
“Uh, Dad, I, uh...”
“Hmph. Your daughter got so drunk she could barely walk. That boy drove her home. I thought he got her drunk so I might have gone a bit overboard. I’m not sorry. Boys that age, they only want one thing. To slither between your thighs.”
Mortified, you exclaimed. “Oh my God, Mum! Pea does not want to “slither between my thighs”, thank you very much.”
She took another long drag of her cigarette. “That’s why I don’t want you getting involved with a Serpent, you hear? They all want just sex. Hell, your daddy was that way when we were teens.”
Your father scowled. “I was not a little shithead like some of those youngsters.”
“I remember a certain time we snuck out of school to go to that parking lot where –”
“Argh! I do not need to know about your depraved sex lives. I am getting my uniform and leaving.”
Hurriedly, you freshened up, changed and tied your hair in a ponytail before grabbing your bag and stepping out.
Your dad stood as you approached.
“Come. I’ll give you a ride,” he said before he headed out.
“Straight home after, you hear me, young lady?”
“Yes, Mum.”
Your dad had already started his pick-up truck by the time you came out.
“I’m glad to see there wasn’t any fighting this time around,” you said.
He sighed. “Look, I know this separation hasn’t been easy. On any of us. I want you to know that even if your mother and I don’t see eye to eye, we still care for each other and we both love you.”
“Oh God, is this the talk?”
“Take it how you want. Now, about that Ghoulie, I know what you’ll say. But I’m only saying it wouldn’t be bad to hang around the younger members once in a while.”
“Well, I mingle with them occasionally. During class. Besides, we have nothing in common.”
“And what’s the deal with you and Sweet Pea? You like him?”
Thoughts of you kissing his neck while he held you in his arms popped to the surface. Your cheeks reddened.
“He’s not a bad kid. Little rough around the edges and hot-headed but loyal and he is good with his hands.”
You could not ignore the salacious thoughts that final observation brought.
“Well, even if I liked him, Dad, Mum will lose her marbles.”
“Heh. Your mother’s a hypocrite. She’s already played with a Serpent, now she’s trying to stop you.”
You shook your head in defeat. “I swear, it’s like you and Mum live to embarrass me.”
He pretended to think about it as he changed gears. “Come to think of it, SP did show up at one of the meetings with several hickies. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”
“Nope,” you said, emphasising the p.
“Well, anyway. You’re my little girl and all I want is for you to be happy. But if Pea breaks your heart, I will break him.”
“Okay, well, here’s your stop.”
You thanked him and stepped out. You had just turned to leave when he called you back.
“Listen kiddo, maybe you’d want to have dinner with your old man sometime. I know your mother probably won’t want you to but I can sweet talk her. It’s kinda lonely without you two, you know. And I could cook that mac and cheese you like so much.”
A lump in your throat as your heart ached. You missed your father too. “You don’t have to bribe me, Dad. I’d like to come over. Just let me know when.”
“You’re a good kid, Y/N. Go on now,” he said right before he drove off.
POP’S was busy that night. Apparently there had been a football game at Riverdale High and students had turned up at the diner to celebrate.
You and the other waitresses barely got a chance to take a breather.
“Order up!” Pop’s voice rang out and you left to retrieve the tray laden with cheeseburgers, fries and onion rings.
You walked up to the table where three people were seated, a red-haired male wearing a Letterman jacket, his arm slung around a pretty brunette who wore a purple dress and pearls that probably cost more than your family’s entire life savings.
A blonde was seated opposite them, her eyes darting towards the door. Her face lit up just as the bell rang and a group of leather clad teenagers walked in.
Ah, you mused. This must be Betty Cooper.
You laid the items on the table and turned, looking as Jughead broke away from the group containing Fangs, Toni and Sweet Pea to approach his girlfriend.
He spotted you as he approached.
“Y/N! I didn’t know you were working tonight,” he said.
“Hey, Jughead. Yep, I’m on rotation tonight.”
He slid in the booth beside Betty and kissed her. “By the way, that’s Archie and Veronica, and this is Betty. Guys, this is Y/N, we go to Southside.”
They all murmured their “pleased to meet yous” before you turned to Jughead.
“Let me know if you guys need anything else.”
You walked back towards the counter when you saw the three Serpents still waiting for a waitress to take their order. You frowned. Fucking rivalry bullshit.
You moved closer and took out your notebook and pen as you approached. Toni smiled and waved.
“A familiar face! Hey, Y/N. Can we place our orders now? We’re kinda starving.”
“Sure thing, Topaz. What will you have?”
“Two double cheeseburgers, fries and a soda.”
You turned to Fangs. “Uh, same as her. Hey Y/N, you’re pretty hot. Think I could take you out sometime?”
He gave you the most adorable grin, which reminded you of a puppy. You pinched his cheek.
“Aww you’re such a cute little puppy.”
He grinned and then looked confused. “Wait, is that good?” he asked Toni, who smirked and shook her head. Fangs visibly deflated.
You stifled a laugh when you saw Sweet Pea looking irritated.
“What can I get for you, Sweet Pea?”
“The same as them, but with onion rings and a chocolate shake.”
You nodded absentmindedly as you passed on the order and waited. Pop’s worked fast to have the order ready in record time and you soon laid out the spread before the ravenous trio.
Toni and Fangs dug in but Sweet Pea looked up at you.
“Have you eaten?”
“No, I’ll eat when I get off.”
He pushed a burger and fries towards you. “Here. Eat. You must be hungry.”
“Hey, Pea. It’s okay. I’ll get off in another hour and I can eat then. Don’t worry about me.”
“Come on, you need to have something.”
You sighed as he looked at you with an imploring gaze. You picked his chocolate shake and took a sip, his heated gaze now falling on your lips.
“There. Happy now?”
“I’d be happier if you ate something.”
“I’ll be fine, Pea. Eat up and let me know if you guys need anything else.”
Work picked up pretty soon and before you knew, you went back to waiting on tables and delivering meals before you realised your final hour was up.
Exhausted, you went to the back to turn in your apron as Pop’s plated a cheeseburger with fries and a strawberry shake.
Thanking him, you walked out and saw that Sweet Pea was still seated in his booth, fiddling with the lapels of his denim vest.
You walked over to him, heart thudding.
“Seat taken?”
He looked up in surprise and then smiled. “Not at all. I’m glad you’re finally eating.”
You sat and popped a fry in your mouth. “I hope you enjoyed your meal.”
He smirked. “Oh, I did. I especially enjoyed the shake. It was...even sweeter than usual.”
“I’ll bet. So, your friends ditch you?”
“Yeah, they had stuff to do.”
“And you don’t?”
“Nah. There’s a pretty girl who caught my attention.”
“Subtle,” you said, taking a bite of your burger before you remembered something.
“By the way, did you get grilled by my Mum when you dropped me off?”
His face turned beetroot red. “Uh, she had some choice words. Something about keeping my slimy hands out of your pants.”
You choked. “God, that old woman and her theatrics. Don’t worry, I told her you weren’t interested in me.”
A frown marred his face. “What makes you think I’m not interested?”
“Um, I clearly remember you saying you never thought of me in a romantic way.”
“The school picnic at the quarry when we were 13.”
“Y/N, that was a lifetime ago. Besides, I think I said something more like, “I don’t think we’ll remain friends forever”.”
You frowned. “Well, what did you mean by that?”
“I just meant, one day I would like to be more than friends.”
There was a slight tension in the air which broke when you giggled.
“Fucking hell. And all this time I thought you weren’t interested.”
“You thought wrong.”
“But you are? Interested, that is.”
“Yes. Are you?”
You bit your lip, wondering whether or not you wanted to divulge how much the raven-haired boy tempted you and made your body heat.
“I do...but my Mum, she wouldn’t allow it.”
“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, yeah? For now, just let my ego soak up this sweet victory.”
“You like me,” he said with a grin.
“You like me too, dumbass.”
“Have for a while now, babe.”
“Aww are we already doing pet names?”
He laughed. “So, can I take you out?”
“You mean, take me out in the sniper way or the date way.”
He rolled his eyes at your attempt to be funny. “Date way, idiot.”
“I’d like that.”
“Great! Now that that’s sorted, finish your meal and let’s get you home.”
You both left the diner after waving goodbye to Pop Tate, and walked towards the lone motorcycle in the parking lot.
He threw a leg over the bike. “Hop on and hold tight.” He handed you the helmet before smoothing his hair.
In the pale moonlight, his tattoo stood out, mesmerising.
You couldn’t help yourself. You dropped a chaste kiss on the Serpents emblem.
He laughed and turned to face you. “You are trouble.”
Not to be outdone, you smirked back. “Oh yeah? Think you can handle me, Sweets?”
He revved the cycle to life.
“Baby doll, I think I’m the only one who can handle a hellcat like you.”
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