#help I have no idea what I'm doing
lythevoidwitch · 25 days
Man. Everytime I open up Tumblr, I can hear my web-browser on my phone sobbing. After all, I will always doom-scroll until I come out with at least 1 SVSSS fanfiction to add to the endless amount of tabs.
Wanna guess how many tabs are open for A03 right now? That's right, 88. 34 of those are ongoing fics, which is greatly reduced since I ended up bookmarking many of them to come back to later.
What is the importance of this post? None.
Anyway. I'm weak for Shen Jiu and Shen Yuan fics fight now. Siblings? Related? Body split and now have to share space? Strangers who share a face? Shizun and Disciple? Father/Son? I'll eat all of it. Give me a confused Binghe. Confused Qingyuan? Yes, please. SY having to reveal his identity? I'm here for, especially if it causes panic.
SJ becoming furiously possessive of SY whether it's in a "You're stupid and now you're my problem" way or "Too bad, you can't leave now" way- is absolutely divine.
Put SJ in the same space as Tianlang-Jun. I wanna see what happens.
Anyway, thank you for coming to my useless little tedtalk. I appreciate you. 💖💕
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y313y · 5 months
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Ultra mega old fanart of my favorite boy
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dendribee · 3 months
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spent late nights playing silly little horror game with friends and laughed my ass off when my fave at the time died (rip joe you deserved better)
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confusedgeckotree · 6 months
so okay so. I never share any art I make. Of humans because frankly it's terrible idk that sounds weird but it's fine I'm working on it
.however. it's late I'm feeling impulsive so take these sketches I made yesterday at midnight with nothing but a very dim neon pink flamingo led thing for lighting(it was VERY dark) and I think it's. Funny
Oh and a Gunpowder Tim sketch page I made while looking at pintrest
If the writing is incomprehensible? Yeah sorry I don't know what it says either
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collapsezone · 1 month
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Just m persona, a mix of centipede, faun and human
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tay1creator · 19 days
Bro, this smartschoolboy9 rabbit hole is hella creepy, I literally can’t sleep without thinking about his ugly face bro. Some people out there make edits of him and adore him, he’s literally a child pr3dat0r. He’s fricking ugly as shit and his “tongue sucking” sounds are annoying and weird sounding. He’s probably disabled mentally or he could be fucked up in the head, I hope Robert The Doll himself curses him or Annabelle gets his ass. I would cry if I hear his heels clicking or his “tongue sucking” sounds if he moves in the U.S. 😭
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tangerinepot · 3 months
hello {natsuo todoroki x reader}
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A/N: This is my first fic on tumblr! Wahoo!! I haven't written in a WHILE so please feel free to critique :3. This fic is inspired by the song Hello by Hawk Nelson!
Warnings: small make-out sesh
I'm sitting in the school cafeteria when I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I pull it out to see a message from her.
"Huh?" I ask myself.
"She sent me a Spotify link," my curiosity gets the better of me as I click the link and open Spotify. "Oh, it's a playlist." I click on the first song.
"You never ever leave my mind,"
"Not bad," I think as start walking to my next class. The song keeps playing as I pass her dorm hall. "We've been friends for a while now. I haven't thought much about it but I wonder if she's trying to ask me out by sending me this." thoughts wrestle in my head as I walk a little faster.
I eventually get to class where I pull out my laptop. "Wait, she's in this class.." I remember. Now I'm nervous. Just as she walks in the next part of the song begins to play.
"Wish I could some how let you know,"
"Hey, Y/N!" I say, getting her attention. I motion her to sit next to me. She looks excited. I pause the song and put my headphones away so I can talk to her.
"Hi, Natsu," she says as she sits next to me. Her voice is smooth, like honey. "How've you been? Did you get my text?" She's beautiful too...
"I did! I started listening, though I only got through half of the first song," I say, sounding a little bummed. "Listen.. it looks like these are all love songs. Did you mean something by that..?" I ask, feeling a blush creep up my face.
"Uhm.." she starts "Actually yeah, I was thinking of a way to ask you out but was too scared to ask you straight up haha." "So she does like me..." I think to myself. I can tell she's nervous to admit that.
"So.. do you feel the same?" she asks as I realize I left her hanging. "Oh! Y-yeah. Sorry," I say as I start to blush harder. "Did you wanna... plan something?"
"I'd love that," she says excitedly. "I'm free tomorrow, this weekend, and all of next week!" I think about my plans for the rest of the week. Dinner with Shoto and Fuyumi has gotten kind of boring lately, unless dad's there. But, that just turns into a mess most of the time. I don't think Fuyumi is planning on going to see Mom this weekend either. "Tomorrow sounds great," I tell her. "What time should I come pick you up?"
"Pick me up?" she asks, giggling. "How romantic. What about 7:00?" she says as she starts to blush. "Sounds perfect," I say with a smile. Our professor walks in and begins class before we can say anything else, but we exchange smiles when he isn't looking.
After class I walk with Y/N back to her dorm. Making small talk along the way.
"So, why did you think a playlist was the best way to ask someone out?" I ask. "I'm not sure haha. I've always been a huge music nerd.. that's why I'm studying it here," she replies. "What's your favorite color?" she asks in return. "Blue, like the sea." I say, trying not to give her a dry answer. We talk about classes and professors and homework all the way to her dorm hall, where I drop her off at her dorm.
"See you tomorrow," she winks at me. I start to feel hot as I reply "Y-yeah.. see you then!" "Man, she really gets to me... I don't know how I didn't notice until now," I think as I start to walk out of the building. As I walk back to my dorm room I put my headphones in and press play on the last song that was playing.
"Every time I want to say hello, every time I want to stay, I go."
"Is this really how she feels about me?" I think as I listen. This is a nice feeling. I think I could get used to it. I walk up to my room, open the door, and fall in my bed. For the next hour or two I spend my time looking up at the ceiling thinking about her and what tomorrow will be like. I eventually fall asleep listening to the playlist she sent me.
When 6:00 rolls around, I'm too excited to sit down. I've been ready for hours so now I'm just pacing. I make my way to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror for the fourth time. It's so weird how one moment we were just friends and now I'm getting nervous about going on a date with her. I'm not even sure where to take her. I guess I'll figure that out by the time I get to her dorm. I grab my wallet, keys, and a jacket before heading out the door.
When I pick her up at her dorm, she looks incredible. My breath hitches for a moment when I see her. She's in a blue dress. "Hi Natsuo," she says seductively. She noticed my reaction. I start to blush. "Are you ready for our date? I was thinking we could go to the restaurant across campus." "That sounds great." I tell her as I take her hand.
We get to the restaurant, get seated and order our food. We share a few plates of sushi and talk about how our classes are going. I pay for our meal before leaving the restaurant.
It's cool outside compared to the warmth of the restaurant. We walk a few blocks before Y/N stops and looks up at me. I've never seen more beautiful eyes than her's. She looks at me like she's waiting to tell me something, but she's too scared to say it. "What's wrong?" I ask her, curious. "Natsu.. can I kiss you?" Huh? Earlier she sounded so confident, like she could have taken me at any moment. Now she's nervous about kissing me? My eyes widen as I quietly say "Sure."
She practically dives on me as her lips press against mine. I catch her instinctively. Wait.. am I holding her? I open an eye to see if her feet are on the ground and sure enough, they aren't. Her lips are soft and taste like strawberry. I don't want to be the one to break the kiss so I hold her until she backs off for air. "You're really good at kissing," she giggles. "Thanks.. that was my first." I say, slowly turning red.
When I drop her off at her dorm she looks up at me again. "Tonight was nice," she said softly. "Wanna do it again sometime?" she winks at me. "Of course," I say. As she goes in for another kiss i grab her by her waist, lifting her up and holding her again. My tongue slides in her mouth and she giggles while kissing me. I bite her bottom lip and she moans. We stay like this for a minute or two before I eventually put her down to let her open her door and go inside for the night. Before she closes the door she whispers to me...
"I love you, Natsuo, goodnight."
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spilledstars1234 · 3 months
help i impulsively started writing out a new link click fic wip after working on my last lc wip for like months with that one still being unfinished...
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zomb33tle · 22 days
i need to learn how to properly use tumblr..
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anon-agent · 6 months
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First time ever painting a human! And clothes! I had no idea what I was doing! It turned out decent I think!
Also fun fact! A sperm whale (which is the whale that ate 2D) would take around 16 days to get to the nearest landmass from point nemo (Around 2700km)! That's not even to the location he washed up at which would add at least a few more days, if not weeks, so 2D should be fully dead at that point. Rip.
Thank you 2am brain for taking me down that whole thing and making me do that drawing
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neon-psychopomp · 21 days
If I actually started using my Ko-fi, what sort of things would people want to see? Sneak peaks? Timelapses? Sketchbook pages that went nowhere?
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lythevoidwitch · 5 months
I am a simple woman.
If I see SVSSS content, I will like, I will follow, and I will open another tab to read every fanfiction recommendation. (Even though I shouldn't with my 64 open tabs right now. 27 of which are ongoing ff as I patiently wait for more chapters to be released.)
That's not all though.
I'm considering getting back into writing some fanfiction for my current addiction. I have a few ideas, but I would love to hear your favorite ship, crackship, headcanons and so forth!
I'm heavily debating on a few fic ideas:
SY and SJ shenanigans : Disciples? Estranged Siblings? (LBH Sobbing in the bg)
SY as a rogue cultivator, successfully avoiding LBH for most of the plot. (Switch between LBH and SY pov?)
Modern SVSSS, College!! (SJ the prettiest and pettiest of college professors, he doesn't get paid enough for this. Why is his student flirting with him? Why is his student flirting with his brother? SJ might consider homicide as justifiable.)
Modern SVSSS, SY and SQH wake up from their strange dream. Find out Cucumber and Airplane know each other in rl. Ensue chaotic best friend behavior. (In the bg cue, MBJ and LBH handling this with nothing but poise and grace. I'm lying. They're doing the exact opposite. Don't worry, I'm not a monster. LBH and MBJ find their wives, eventually, probably.)
Modern Cultivators! SY and SJ didn't think they would ever run into an actual demon, demons are rare these days. They often face ghosts and spirits. Cue SY accidently waking up a good old Blackened/Sealed Lou Bing-ge. Cue (dun dun duhhh) chaos.
Demon SY? Cultivator SY? Dunno yet, SY in the Abyss. (I read an unfinished fic about SY in the abyss, and I'm obsessed with the idea of SY just absolutely trying to get LBG to speedrun the Abyss, and LBG deciding "Nuh. I'm staying here, with you". I was also considering entire Abyss ancient civilizations because I'm unhinged, and the idea of what used to be sprawling demonic kingdoms in the abyss is beautiful.)
Have you ever accidently married the emperor of the 3 realms? SY did. Now, SJ has to ask YQ for help to save his brother. (Subsequently: You ever accidently end up with a husband? LBG was surprised, too, but he has a system, a way these things work. Just because SY is a man doesn't change anything. LBH now has to make sure his frail husband doesn't die and doesn't get kidnapped by pesky cultivators.) Three povs???? SJ (trying to save his brother and getting pettier by the minute), LBG (thwarting SJ's plans, spying on his husband, general court affiar), SY (fangirling over everything, getting himself into trouble, falling into every wife plot under the sun).
These are just some ideas, some of my favorites that I've been clinging to. Free game, take em, write em if you want. The more fanfiction and content we have, the better!
I've rambled. Oh god. Lemme know your favorite, I'll probably boost it to the front of my list.
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I was all set to work on posting the first chapter of the first fanfic I've ever written and then I saw a post about Tech being dead and now I am Sad.
I think I'm going to work on posting it anyway out of spite. It's absolute filth with Tech and the reader anyway so hopefully it will help ease the pain or something.
Still firmly in Camp Tech Lives and I will live out my existence in denial there.
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if I have written fic for the first time in years and RWRB fic for the first time ever, where do I find a beta? 👀
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emist-gdc · 5 months
New user time fr⭐⭐⭐
Helloooo! No idea how Tumblr works so I'm just winging it over here- so- uhhh hi! :3
I go by Livius, Logan or Mori!!
I use he/xe/Fae/star pronouns (neos are amazing ☆)
I do art, cosplay, all that shabang-
fandoms I'm in is Sanders Sides, TMA, kinda Dr who? Not very in the fandom but I adore the show, undertale and that's pretty much it- I fixate on shows alot :')
So uhhhh I'm not gonna be too active, but I thought I'd introduce myself either way! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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tay1creator · 6 months
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