#help with czech
palacholic · 2 months
that pocit when mluvíš two jazykama at stejnou time a your mozek stops fungovat
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xoheisse · 4 months
TW : blood
A Ukrainian woman and local volunteers were selling goods to help Ukraine and a man approached them and started telling them how well russia is killing Ukrainians. When the woman started filming, he said he was German. Then they started attacking Ukrainians and a Czech who was also volunteering there.
russians pose a danger to Ukrainians literally all over the world
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original post
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liusia-piu · 1 year
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egoixu · 1 year
Jen pro tuhle hyperfixaci jsem si udělal český alt account.
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Každý může se mnou souhlasit, že Ferda si zaslouží někoho lepšího
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We live in a country where one presidential candidate has to apologize to leaders of other countries for the other candidate's massive fuckup in international relationships
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eddiepeaches · 4 months
sick home from work today with the worst cold I've had in a minute, pls feel free to send me asks with ideas for what little ed and stede could be doing <3 (all my previous asks are tagged here, I think I've responded with a lil drawing to all the ones I've seen)
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illgiveyouahint · 7 months
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2 years since the full scale invasion. 10 years of war. We stand with you, Ukraine
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treba-neco-napise · 4 months
i hate having four fucking ads on a 20-minute podcast episode.
(it's a rant, enjoy.)
no, i don't want to get your shitting plus subscription, i don't even pay for 95% of the films and shows i watch online. stop fucking begging for patrons, it's not our problem you want to do this full-time. good for you if you do it but it's not somehow our duty to get you there just because you're a creator. not everyone can afford 60 fucking subscriptions. instead of people getting the minimum to at least get by as a basic human right, i bet like 85% of creatives online are making elite clubs on patreon and shit for those who have spare money. i get that you need it, but so many people (especially PDA neurodivergents) are extremely put off by being asked to pay and won't do it (like me) just because of that. i've encountered art that had the option to pay without requiring it, and I did. because they deserved it anyway, and they understood the classism and capitalism ingrained in the internet creative culture and that a lot of people don't have the means to become members of the club. i'm planning on starting a podcast, been wanting to publish fiction in paper since i was a kid, and i still want to make all that 100% free with the option of payment, because i believe that knowledge, stories and art should be accessible to anyone, regardless of financial situation (what do you think libraries are for, hm?????). when it's not, that's when elitism starts to rise and i'm just too tired for that shit. the empty snobbery culture around modern art alone is driving me insane.
Starkid has been recording their performances for years and guess what - they're massive, they sell out, people attend their live plays for the experience, but those who can't are still able to be a part of the fandom (as opposed to broadway musicals that get shared through bootlegs, hm) and they don't expect their fans to be responsible for their means of living. people who want to see a live performance, to buy your book in a bookshop professionally bound and keep it, to thank you for making your day by buying you a coffee will do so of their own free will. don't beg them to pay for your groceries if you made the choice to put your art out there. it's the system that is responsible for taking care of your basic needs, not your fans.
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cupidl0vesy0u · 6 months
I know my following is small, and everything was already said, but I just wanted to say something.
Just so y’all know, this is probably gonna a be long post ->
I as a lot of people love qsmp for it’s magic of getting people from around the world speaking and forming friendship together. And learning each other’s cultures in such a different ways.
I know I’m probably not the only one, but I’m not someone who’s from English speaking countries (America and such), I been always ‘forced’ to use English if I needed to buy or talk to someone in online spaces. And even if my culture is not that massive as others i know the pain of being made fun for my language or even country.
It’s been a lot of times I been called Russian, and getting sexualized for my looks and our countries history with them. Or people not wanting to learn and forgetting my own countries existence.
When Quackity started to stream more in Spanish I felt happiness and even if I didn’t understand him, I still tried to look for translation but only found angry comments how he should talk in English, and stopped talking Taco Bell. (I will never forgot these ‘jokes’ I know it’s hard for people who don’t know the struggle, but it still feels really disrespectful…)
But seeing this project showing people the magic of others culture, even if mine wasn’t there… I felt loved.
When Chayanne showed Germans traditions that was really similar to mine, I felt happiness at the way everyone loved it.
When new people showed up and everyone tried to learn how to say hello in their language or didn’t spoke English and used the translation instead.
I love seeing how all of their English got better or the ability to try to learn different languages even if there’s translation available.
I love this community and as someone who loved dsmp I really know how much this hurts.
But don’t worry! We still have each other, we made art and expressed what made it all even greater then it already was. I really appreciate you writers, artists, people who do cosplay and even people who didn’t had the courage to interact publicly in the fandom like me until now.
And the most important the Admins! I really appreciate you and what you did, even if its only giving life to ‘characters’ you played. You helped me with sadness I been feeling for while, and i think I’m not only one who said this but I wish you the best of luck on future projects, even if you decided to never interact with qsmp again.
I loved and still love this community we made, even if it had it’s downs and ups.
I will not leave, but I will try focusing on my own mental health and everyone who needs it.
I’m not comfortable with venting but if anyone just wants to talk about fanart or just have their mind on something else, feel free to dm me! I’m really bad at this, but I know it’s hard if your someone who didn’t interact online or doesn’t have irl friends or someone to talk this through with.
I know there’s probably a lot of grammar mistakes but I just wanted to share my love to everyone who was really feeling down with all this stuff happening.
I love you qsmp and even if this is the end or the new start. ❤️
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aichabouchareb · 6 months
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I am Heba, 23 years old, and Adam is my youngest brother, we are a family of 10 individuals, including parents and children, one of them is married and has a daughter. The fundraiser is my aunt who lives in Belgium.
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In the early days of the war, most family members were injured as we tried to escape the intense bombing that hit our area, which resulted in the destruction of our home and car.
The picture here shows the date and that people were appealing for us
Translation: "Urgent Appeal
The Maqadma family's house has been bombed, and currently, the family is stranded in Bodrum. There are injuries among them.
Their address is Al-Tawam, an extension of Al-Nasr Street, before Astro Supermarket. There is a laboratory for analysis at the head of a side street, a street near Al-Tawam Pharmacy.
Their contact number
Help us spread it"
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Thankfully, the injuries were minor to moderate, except for my father who suffers from significant damage to his hand and still needs an urgent procedure that can’t be done in Gaza.
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My niece, Sara, who is a year and three months old, was injured in the head and hand.
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My youngest brother, Adam, who suffers from cerebral palsy (we face difficulty in obtaining his chronic medications in Gaza), sustained minor injuries.
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We were transferred to Al-Shifa Hospital and stayed there for a month before evacuating to Khan Yunis and later to Rafah in search of a safe place.
Our family is in pursuit of stability, striving to rebuild a new life amidst the ruins. The destruction has also impacted our family's means of livelihood, which gave us no other choice but to evacuate from Gaza. Your assistance is sincerely appreciated as we want to stay save and save our lives.
Why do we need this money and how will it be used:
Passing Rafah Border: 5000 for each person to pass Rafah border, which we will pay them for Ya Hala company: 10x5000= 50000
My father's treatment: My father needs around 5000 for surgeries, treatment, and physical therapy, he needs neurological surgery and cosmetic surgery, which will be made in Egypt.
Adam's treatment: 5000 Adam needs physical therapy because his condition got worsen due to lack of therapy during war, a new wheelchair, and doctor appointments.
If you have any questions you can DM on:
Instagram: hebaingaza
Whatsapp: +970595690007
You can find my detailed story here https://docs.google.com/document/d/10d9tlgIDVIqv2wyLP6gL7qj1PyLBIN-x2duDKAA8Ez0/edit?usp=sharing
Thank you for your time,
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guyeatingtomatos · 22 days
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guard dog
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year
I did not know you were Czech! It's on my list of languages to learn bc my great grandparents are from there. Thanks for the fun fact :)
Hiya! :) Oooh, wonderful! Wahoo! :) Not sure how many words you already know, but here's a simple Crowley one for you (and perhaps others :)): the word 'had' in czech means snake :). And a general czech fun fact: the word 'robot' is of the czech origin. ❤
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Okay shit like this actually makes me feel proud of my country
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askczernholz · 4 months
Hello, I hope you are both feeling on the better side today, health-wise. Do you have any favorite songs to listen to? To play? Together or separate? I just wonder where music overlaps for you, and where you have different preferences. Hoping for your health, anon
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E: We've both been well recently, danke. Helps when someone remembers to take his medicine when he's supposed to.
C: Helps when someone reminds me. As for music, while we have both been branching out since coming to Rhodes Island, we still make time to return to our roots, trying new compositions and practicing old ones together. Especially as Ebenholz is still adjusting to the cello.
E: There is a Rondo for Piano and Cello we have been working on together, penned by an Ursan composer. It has actually been a rather fun piece, I must admit!
C: As I told you, every time you complained about it when first we practiced it. But you always come around eventually.
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alpinelogy · 3 months
us recipes always confuse me so much cause what do you mean you have only one (1) type of flour you commonly use. what do you mean you dont differentiate flour by the grain size
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Hey people of Polblr,
I am planning a holiday in Gdansk, Sopot and Gdynia. Do you have any tips what I shouldn't miss? Especially food places!
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