#help with economics
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Are you struggling with your microeconomics homework? Do you find it hard to understand the concepts or the calculations involved? Don't worry, you're not alone. Many students struggle with microeconomics, but with the right help, you can improve your grades and excel in this subject.
At Microeconomics Homework Help, we provide expert assistance to students who need help with their microeconomics assignments. Our team of tutors is highly qualified and experienced in this field, and we can help you understand the concepts, solve problems, and improve your grades.
So if you're struggling with your microeconomics homework, don't hesitate to contact us at +1(315)557-6473 or mail us at [email protected].
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anheliotrope · 1 month
A lot of the time when seeing deathists talk on the topic of life extension makes me want to reach out and say "the cultural tech we as humans developed to avoid freaking out about death is working too well on you and you're stupid on this topic forever now. I am sorry."
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fandanglefrogfarts · 7 months
What is it about fiber arts that just makes you fall down the worst rabbit hole of your life? 12 years ago I thought it would be fun to learn to crochet and now here I am spinning my own yarn from dog fur.
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quixoticanarchy · 7 days
because my most intense interests throughout my life have tended to seem a little strange to most people, i did - reasonably - conclude that if i started going on tangents or getting excited or knowing too much about odd subjects, whoever i'm talking to would be taken aback or unnerved or unhappy. but i typically wanted to talk about slaughterhouses or free trade agreements or silmarillion rock operas or chemical weapons more than i cared how people reacted, and so i'd do it anyway. which was in its way good, because i've also been able to observe that even if people think you're strange, enough of them will also be interested or at least bemused by you, and sometimes they'll even turn out to also be very keen on the subject and gladly go down the rabbit hole with you. twice in the last two weeks i have let myself start talking with great excitement about supply chains and the people i was talking to also got very excited and revealed they too were obsessed with this to some degree. like yes some people are not going to want to hear what you have to say and tbh some people are going to prefer if you say nothing ever. but i do find that taking the chance and just letting yourself be sincere and not holding back all the time is worth the risk
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monarchisms · 5 months
im merely curious because of what you mentioned previously, but what do you think is different between the watcher service vs dropout? i /do/ think there is one, but i can't put my finger on it
as of right now, there are two major differences in my eyes: legacy and diversity
the first point, i had to think on for longer because though i'm familiar with dropout because my friends are into their content, my own perspective is lacking. so, i did some minor research to fact check stuff
dropout, i feel, is an exception to the rule in regards to internet-based companies making their own website/streaming services. until recently, they have existed as collegehumor since fucking 1999. they have lots of prior experiences to reflect on, and a long-term audience that often gives them feedback they're receptive to. their older content staying on youtube alongside some new ongoing stuff still being uploaded there is a nice plus. ryan and shane got popular through unsolved comparatively much sooner in 2016, as did steven in that same year with worth it, watcher currently is only 4 years old, so their foundation is more shaky right now
what also helped alongside that was that the transition wasn't as jarring as watcher's announcement. their subscription price on launch in september 2018 was $3.99 a month up until december, when they eased into tiered subs, which must've helped a lot. afaik, watcher tv has no mobile app (yet?), and many fans outside the US are region-locked without a vpn or something similar. with watcher and dropout in its current day each being $5.99, this leads into...
the second point: diversity. dropout launched mobile versions of their service 3 months after the official launch. watcher is exclusive to one official platform, as mentioned before, but in my opinion, what hurts watcher the most is series diversity. they have like, one series going on for a few weeks or months before another starts, so if someone paid them the fee, it'd be for something they might not even be interested in. likely, they'd binge the series they enjoy and unsub until the next season comes out. dropout has the advantages of both legacy series under the collegehumor name readily available, and their unscripted ongoing series coming out concurrently with a fixed schedule so than something new would be coming out i think every weekday at this point. it's reall more bang for your buck
all of this is why i said watcher "wanted to be dropout so bad" yesterday. they've created Yet Another streaming service with a price and catalogue that doesn't justify its existence. this could've been a more focused patreon. this could've been a youtube membership. this could've been a secret third thing. this could've been anything else than what we got, and it would've had the potential to be better.
tl;dr- this is watcher right now:
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merakiui · 9 months
I’m backk! since 🌿 was taken can I be 🫧 anon or if that ones taken then 🪸 anon? (whichever is available… if those are taken then just pick a random emoji for me v_v)
ANYWAYSS!! imagine marathoning a show with idia n’ getting dicked down in a prone bone position<3 ahsbandjjs I def think idia can’t handle eye contact during intimate moments, he just gets so flustered & so he resorts to positions that don’t require him looking at you directly but can still make you feel good<3
AAAAAA 🫧 ANON!!!!!! Your brain is so galaxy,,, omg getting dicked down in prone bone while watching a show........ that position is so perfect for Idia. Neither of you have to look at the other, so it works well if you're also shy or awkward. Idia is much more confident when no one's watching him or when he's wearing a mask, so prone bone allows him to say and do all of the things he may not be able to if you were looking him directly in the eyes. >_< imagine you're burying your face into one of his many plushies while he's just fucking you silly and you're holding onto it for dear life because this is the third creampie and you feel so full and your head is so empty and Idia just won't stop moving his hips.
At that point, it's a struggle to focus on the show, so Idia will have to run some trivia by you afterwards to make sure you're ready for the next season. <3 and if you don't get all of the questions right, you'll just have to sit in his lap and cockwarm him while the both of you watch it once more. And this time you should pay attention!
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fairer-tales · 5 months
rip fanny button you would have loved being a woman in stem
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bonegloss · 1 year
You're not a failed artist.
After over almost two decades on the internet, entering various art communities and establishing my online presence, I've noticed something.
The persistent idea that you've "failed" as an artist if you get a "real job" will not go away.
This, for the longest time, permeated my electronic meat slab and nestled in deeply MUCH to my detriment . For years I fought with myself over this idea. Self-flagellating and noisy, negative thoughts were almost suffocating because I was unable to Do Art As A Job consistently and efficiently enough to maintain a living off of it. Between navigating life for almost 30 years not knowing I was autistic (and all that entails) and trying to turn something I love into something I could make a living off of, it was a vicious and repetitive cycle of trying something new, getting burned out, entering a depressive state, climbing out of it, rinse and repeat. This is clearly unsustainable, especially now that I am more independent in my adult life; bills aren't going to wait for me to get out of my depressive funks. Even having jobs and still making art on the side today, this idea is still nestled in there, nagging me sometimes.
Would I like to make a living off of my art? Of course! Would it be even better if I was supported from making stuff from my own IP's? You fucking bet. But I know how I operate, I know I can't personally do that (yet? maybe?). Now, I realize not everyone can just go get a job, and I don't want this to come off as a rally cry to Just Go Out and Work (I know many creative people are disabled or have other reasons they cannot work), but I do want to stress that its okay if art needs to remain more of a hobby than a job. It is okay if you cannot sustain yourself solely as a living artist. Over the years, I've burned myself out so god damn hard and have watched others work themselves to (near) death or can barely scrape by because of this incessant feeling that we need to be doing art 100% of the time to have "made it". It is hurting us both physically and emotionally to keep this shit up.
Going forward, we have to do better. There is no shame in having an income that is not dependent on the things you make. I think that it can help alleviate a lot of stress and fatigue that can become associated with creating (and thus, making it hard to do something you love). We need to learn to be kinder to ourselves and unlearn comparing our experiences to what we see from other creative peers on social media. Its hard, finding work sucks ass, and no job will be perfect, but if it can help you survive a little easier and rekindle your relationship for creating the things you love to make, it'll make a world of difference.
You are not a failed artist. You're doing what you can so you can keep doing what you love.
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lovewingburb · 4 months
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kai smith ninjago jerma posing
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Are you tired and frustrated trying to do your homework on time every time? Would you rather hire someone else to take your economics homework than sit awake all night to keep up with the rigorous schedule? 
If so, we suggest you to hire do my economics homework services. Our tutors are all experienced economists with advanced degrees in the field. They have a deep understanding of economic theory and can help you navigate even the most difficult concepts. They'll work with you one-on-one to identify your areas of weakness and develop a customized plan to help you improve.
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brostateexam · 6 months
While we're on the subject: there's a reason "inflation has stopped!" isn't a super compelling message to many (most?) non-economists. For one thing, it didn't stop as projected, though it has slowed down. For another, all that fundamentally would mean if it did is that prices are no longer rising due to inflationary pressure. It doesn't mean they go back down. It doesn't mean wages rise to cover the gap. It just means that commodity prices for consumers stop increasing for this one reason (they could still increase because the supplier decides to charge more for instance).
It's like going to the ER with a gunshot wound and them applying a tourniquet and sending you on your way. Like, huzzah, the bleeding has stopped. That is good. But until you take the bullet out, disinfect the wound, and provide some blood to offset what was lost, the patient is not made whole.
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thereadmind · 1 month
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Charlie Munger 1924 - 2023
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this point has probably been made before but I find it so funny, sad and exhausting that there are leftists who will gladly proclaim to be anti capitalist and talk about how exploitative labour is under capitalism while being "pro sex work" and viewing it as ✨empowering✨
what's more pro capitalist and exploitative than someone selling themselves as if their body was a product? treating something intimate that people share like it's a service you can buy
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isawken · 9 months
"hey ken what have you been up to so far this winter. you doing okay?"
after spending 1.7 million neopoints and many of the precious finite hours of my natural life i have taken almost 700 silly clown usuki dolls out of circulation on the website neopets dot com (not counting the 27 currently in my shop or the 242 in my gallery) and i have no plans to stop. my goal is to own every single one of these stupid little pngs on this website for children for no reason other than the inexorable demands of my whims
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i'm not doing this for the money. i'm not doing this for the glory. i'm doing this to restore the good name of the clown. only through its absence will people realize just how much they love and appreciate the Clown
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mary-laib · 5 months
Born to love the pathetic little box man, forced to talk about his creepy little crush all the time.
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ghostlyheart · 1 month
as we approach the start of a new semester i'm sending all the compassion and empathy in the world to students who struggle with procrastination and what I affectionately like to call the Shame Monster that goes along with it. it sucks to always be treading water and feeling like a fraud to yourself and others, especially when it's something you truly care about. if you're always thinking "why can everyone else be responsible and organized but not me," your brain is overgeneralizing. you're not the only person to experience being overwhelmed and stuck. and even IF everyone else balanced their life perfectly, that wouldn't make you a bad person for struggling. if you care about something but keep avoiding it and don't understand why, there is probably more going than you realize. if your physical and mental health are being neglected, then you're never going to be able to accomplish what you want to do because you don't have any gas in the tank. it took me crashing and failing last semester for me to finally admit to myself that i was suffering from some SERIOUS burnout. i had this whole plan for research i was going to do over the summer and all these opportunities i wanted to take advantage of that i couldn't do because i was neglecting to take care of myself. the worst thing my anxious brain told me could ever happen did happen and i'm still alive. i hope that doesn't happen to you, but know you can recover and come back better. also: it's okay to stop wanting what you thought you wanted, or to take a different path than the one you were "supposed" to. don't do things because you think other people expect you to, or because you think it's too late to change your mind. that isn't sustainable. your college experience is for YOU, not for other people. you can do this!
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