#helping bakugo shower after panic attacks
silly-cryptid · 2 years
struggling with my ptsd rn so here’s some traumatised!katsuki headcanons on how bakugo copes with his ptsd
tw: uhh ptsd
bakugo gets nightmares. like real bad, waking up with his soul so deeply disturbed he feels sick at the memory of the nightmare. he dreams of the bodies of his friends, blown to pieces and charred, and in the middle of it all, him. eyebrows and arm hair smouldering, covered in the blood (and chunks) of the people closest to him. he’s terrified his nightmares will become reality if he loses control.
kirishima and kaminari get together to buy bakugo some lavender essential oil (as told to by mina) when they find out he has nightmares. “i don’t believe in all this witchcraft hippy bullshit” he tells them, but he dabs a tiny amount on the corner of his pillowcase anyway, not because he thinks the scent helps him relax, but because it’s a tangible reminder of his friends looking out for him.
he has trauma responses to tinnitus. every traumatic event in his life has been tinged with ringing in his ears from his quirk, and now every time he overuses his quirk and gets tinnitus, he spends the following couple of days having panic attacks and flashbacks when the ringing gets too loud. after a couple of days it dies down, and then finally he can get a good nights sleep. the tinnitus persists in his nightmares.
when he’s struggling, he inadvertently turns nocturnal. staying awake through the night to protect his loved ones while they sleep, and sleeping only in the day when they’re awake and therefore less vulnerable. bakusquad exchange concerned looks if bakugo shows up late to class because his shifting sleep schedule is an indicator of his mental state, and they start taking extra notes for him even when he’s in class.
He dissociates badly when his trauma is fresh on his mind. he will spend days upon weeks in a fog, going through the motions of living yet mentally being totally checked out and numb. sometimes he activated his quirk and explodes things when he’s like this, just to try and feel -something-. he’s grateful that his friends notice when he’s struggling and take notes for him so he can catch up, even though he’d never tell them that.
Intrusive thoughts are big for bakugo. usually along the lines of “you should blow up kirishima” or harming his other friends, he shouts at them to drown out the thoughts of hurting them. often the intrusive thoughts are a continuation of his nightmares.
Having been told his whole life that he’d make a better villain, with the LOV even going so far as to think they could convert him fills him with fear. he is scared of his own anger, worried it will one day kill everyone around him, and that he is actually just a villain at heart. nothing can reassure him that he isn’t destined to be a villain, and he works as hard as he can to prove to himself that he isn’t evil, even if he can’t quite bring himself to trust his own hard work.
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grapementos · 1 year
ugly truth
pt 2 of this. pt 3 here.
aged up bakugo x reader
cw: descriptions of a panic attack, hospitals
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a month had passed since you walked out on katsuki, walked out on your life, your home--everything you knew.
a number of your friends, along with plenty of katsuki's (who were mutual friends at this point), had reached out to you, offering a place to stay.
mina, kirishima, denki, and sero in particular were constantly checking on you and shooting you texts in case you needed to talk.
you knew they meant well, for they were bakugo's closest friends and knew how mean he could be. occasionally, you spent a night with them, the five of you coming together to watch a movie or play a game.
however, you knew they talked to bakugo too, so you remained cautious and never overshared--especially to kirishima. he was bakugo's right hand, his best friend since u.a.
there was no way you were going to show any semblance of missing bakugo, not around him.
once you found your own place, you'd distanced yourself from them, avoiding overstaying your welcome.
after they helped you move into your apartment and yet again reminded you, "if you need anything, we're here! really, anything at all!" you settled into your new space, suddenly feeling so alone.
for the first time in what felt like eternity, there was pure silence.
and then there wasn't.
the loudness, the static in your mind overpowered everything, several emotions washing over you like tidal waves. each wave was bigger than the last, merciless as it dragged you under, filling your nose and lungs with doubt, regret, sadness, anger.
"fuck," you whispered, pulling a pillow to your chest, "fuck."
you sobbed into the pillow, draining yourself of every ounce of strength and independence you thought you had.
you and bakugo had been together for three years--three years that you spent falling asleep, knowing you'd wake up to his face in the morning, three years of cooking meals large enough for two people, three years of habitually closing the shower curtain after your shower because it irked him when it was left open, three years of keeping the sodas on the left side of the fridge and water on the right.
three years. how can you unlearn three years worth of habits? let go of three years worth of comfort?
i can't do this, i can't. i can't be alone.
your subconscious was destroying you, and you hated that you felt like it was right. how could you survive alone?
your chest tightened, and the room spun and spun as the oxygen left your lungs too quick, overworking your circulatory and respiratory system.
"i need him-" you choked out, grasping desperately at nothing, nothing that could help you ground yourself.
a wave of dread rolled through you, sending your body into complete and total panic. just as you moved to stand, to grab your phone and call whoever, you felt a sense of airiness before your body tapped out, sending you straight back down to the floor.
"yeah, they're okay." a pause, "no, i just found them like this. i didn't know what else to do."
you groaned quietly, slowly blinking your eyes open to a stark, off-white ceiling. the blinding light made you regret it immediately, not to mention the pounding headache, swollen eyes, and nasty-feeling skin.
"y/n? you awake?" you recognized mina's voice from right beside you.
"yeah, god," you mumbled, hesitantly cracking an eye open, "hospital?"
"yeah. sorry, i just.." she trailed off, looking down at her shoes, "i found a pair of shoes you left at my place and wanted to give them back. then i found you just.. out cold."
you scrunched your eyes as you tried to remember anything before the onyx pit you were dropped into but thinking just hurt your head more.
"kirishima's on his way. he's super worried, you know." she chuckled, grabbing your hand, "he hates hospitals."
you squeezed her hand, finally managing to open your eyes fully, "me too. they stink."
she laughed, scooting her chair closer to your bed, "do you remember what happened?"
you tried to concentrate, pondering what you were doing. obviously, you had just moved in and..
"oh." you sighed, suddenly feeling stupid. of course, you'd been crying like the damn baby katsuki said you were, "i think i was just anxious. you know, new place and all."
"you could've stayed living with me, you know. i don't mind your company at all."
you shook your head, "i have to," your voice cracked a little, but you hid it with a cough, "i have to move past this. get on with my life."
"but there's no rush, y/n, you know--"
"where are they?" your body stiffened at the voice echoing off the linoleum and into your ears, triggering the code red alarm inside your head.
suddenly, the door slammed open and in walked a terrified looking katsuki and a guilty kirishima.
you scooted yourself back into the plastic barrier of the bed, clenching the bars, "what the hell is he doing here?"
"y/n, are you okay? what happened?" katsuki approached the bed, inspecting you for any injuries.
"get the hell away from me!" you winced at the pull on the iv in your arm as you moved impossibly farther away from him.
the heart monitor beside you was picking up, your blood pressure climbing higher and higher the closer he got.
mina stepped between the two of you before he could say anything, "kiri, what the hell? why would you bring him?"
"you were on speaker in my car when you told me, and we were together!" he explained frantically, "he didn't listen to me."
she shook her head, pushing katsuki towards the door, "you shouldn't be here. they don't wanna see you."
he looked past her, pleading at you with his eyes, "please, y/n, i'm so sorry, okay? i need you, okay? i need you, and i need to know that you're okay."
"y/n?" mina looked back at you, silently asking what she should do.
"i don't want to see him." you looked away, unable to look in his eyes for fear of falling victim to their lure.
without hesitation, mina ushered him to the exit despite his protests, almost getting him completely out when there was a thud on the linoleum.
katsuki was on his knees, his arm outstretched above his head as he clutched something in his fist.
for a moment, you expected him to set off an explosion or anything of the crazy sort.
you flinched as he opened his fist, fully expecting to be blown to bits.
instead, the fluorescent lights bounced off the shine of what you were 101% sure was an engagement band.
the other two in the room gasped, kirishima releasing his quirk that had instinctively taken over the front of his body.
"i was gonna ask you," he choked out, "before i quit the agency. but then everything went south and, and i--i just, i lost sight, y/n, and i'm so sorry. i'll be better, i swear it."
your hand covered your mouth, though you were speechless anyways. instinctively, you felt anger. how could he do this to you? here? now? after you'd wound up in the hospital because of him?
"how dare you," you spat, tears welling up in your eyes, "how dare you do this to me? do you enjoy hurting me, huh? tearing me apart just to build me back up again? do you get off on that--that glory?"
he was crying too, his eyes pleading, "i don't wanna hurt you. i'll go to therapy, i'll change, i swear. whatever you want me to do, i'll do it right now."
you swallowed hard around the ball in your throat, "leave. leave me alone and stay the hell out of my life."
hospital staff came flooding into the room before katsuki could respond, ushering the three of them out, "i'm sorry, this hospital has low tolerance for commotion like this. security will see you out."
you had never been more grateful that you were in a hospital, relief flooding your body as you turned onto your side, letting the tears run down your cheeks.
it wasn't fair. he knocked you about a hundred tiny steps back, considering you'd only taken a hundred tiny steps in the past month. your heart was throbbing, and a large part of you couldn't help but question your decision.
what if he really would change, get better? he was the love of your life. no one had ever loved you better.
extremely stressed, you found yourself questioning whether you'd made the right decision.
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wow, i was super surprised by the amount of support. it was meant to be a standalone, but now i’m pretty sure there will be a 3rd part. thank you so much for the support! 🩷
tags: @blackout-ice-biohazard @survivorofmath @iam-thevillain-of-thisstory @odessa-is-my-queen @firesmokeandashes @tsukikoxo @valentineshiftz
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th0mas1ut · 4 years
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→  pairing: bakugo, todoroki, kirishima, hawks, dabi
→ warning: smut
→ gen tags; ask box; navigation + taglist: @trifliz​   
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↬  falling in love with bakugo katsuki is like driving your car down the fast lane like no one is watching; it's thrills down your spine and a pulsing in your head; feeling breathless when he kisses you; being bonked on the head with test papers while studying; holding his hand while drive to nowhere in particular; passionate kisses that make your toes curl; seeing him at the pool and flushing like a cherry; late night phone calls where his gruff and husky voices makes you feel funny; watching him take down bad guys with a smirk on his face and never feeling more attracted to him in your life; it's knowing that with all his cold shoulders and complaining translate directly into how much he cares.
↬ bakugo katsuki falling in love with you is seeing you smile and scowling at that fluttering feeling in his chest; it's kissing your hand when he's holding it while no ones looking; feeling a heated urge when he sees you at the pool wearing that; study dates where he can't help but think how cute you look while you chew on your pencil; late phone calls where your soft voice lulls him to sleep; trying his best to impress you while he's blowing up shit, proud of himself; pretending he doesn't care but scared that if he showed you how badly he wanted you you might run away; seeing you walk toward him in the hallway with this glow and he never wants this to change. ever.
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↬ falling in love with shoto todoroki is like watching cherry blossom petals fall around you like a dream; it's gentle touches and longing looks; standing right next to him whenever the two of you are in the same room; it's because even when all you see and hear is chaos, he is the only sense of calmness and right everywhere you look; him giving you soba noodles that he so happened to accidently make too much of; his hand from his cool side touching you and still leaving a burning sensation on your skin; switching which side you walk on during dates depending on the season; seeing him as not just hot and cold, but warm and cool.
↬ shoto todoroki falling in love with you is breathing in fresh air on a chilly autumn day, hugs and cuddles for the first time; kisses that make a warmth in his chest blossom; being scared of losing you after villain's had attacked ua, holding you tightly against his chest; not being able to sleep and going to your room to chat; going to cafe's and having to be dragged away; whispering your name like a prayer in your ear when you're about to come, watching you sleep so peacefully afterwards; your eyes, filling with compassion and heartache and love when he talks about his childhood and father; his pride, when you don't take shit from his father and stand up to him; his world, right in front of him this whole time.
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↬ falling in love with kirishima is like stepping into the sun after being exposed to night for years; it's seeing him smile and a thousand emotions exploding in your chest; his support no matter what path you take; his love overflowing you like a current, reminding you how beautiful you are to him; his determination, filling you with a sense of pride; working out with him, telling you how "manly" you look; constant cuddles, so much that the other student of class 1-a tell you to get a room; getting the best hugs, ones that lift you off the ground and make your stretch out your legs like a leopard; loving kirishima for the selfless man he is.
↬ kirishima falling in love with you is admiring your strength and courage to be who you are and pushing him to be his best every day; it's soft cuddles in the bath, loving when you touch his long hair; it's walking you home from school; talking about you so much that bakugou threatens to blow his head up; texting you wholesome shit to see if you'll smile in class and then getting his phone taken away; it's having you officially join the bakusquad because you're practically a member anyway; it's the whole room lighting up when you enter; always being as close as humanly possible, because you light a warm flame inside of him.
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↬ falling in love with hawks is like running your hand into a steady stream that turns into a mighty river; it's watching him fly and your heart travelling with him; it's that smile of his that turns your insides to mush; him carrying you through the sky and kissing you on some rooftop; lunch dates where you just talk about whatever; seeing him on the pro hero charts and feeling a rush of warmth, congratulating him with a peck on his cheek; it's visiting his apartment at night, when the darkness begins to consume him; it's his wings wrapping around you both to pull you close as he fucks you from behind, murmuring praises into your ear and hold you throughout the night as he spoons you from behind, the haziness of the night swallowing you whole.
↬ hawks falling in love with you is watching you from buildings, worried about your safety; sometimes it's refusal to talk about work and you desperately calling out to him; later it's delicately kissing you on the head, as you bury your face into his chest; it's seeing you trust him, believe in what he's doing; listening to him talk about his past; it's thinking about you at night, grasping at the empty bedsheets next to him; standing to close to you in the morning at work, making you flustered with the attention; it's locking his office and using his wings to shield you; it's you gently cleaning his wings for him while he traces your hips in the shower; it's seeing you today and the next day and the next.
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↬ falling in love with dabi is like dousing yourself in kerosene and hoping you don't light aflame, and enduring as skin peels and blisters; it's watching him closely, too closely; it's catching his attention and finding yourself in an unknown basement, kidnapped; questions and questions but never about how you are, just who and when and where and why; it's seeing the sadness in his eyes, wanting to take it away even when he is your captor; it's joining the league, because as much as he hid his distress at the thought of you leaving, you knew; it's going to his bedroom at night because it's too cold and risking being turned to ash, just at the promise of a little warmth; it's him looking at you with wonder and curiosity as you hold his face in your hands without disgust, even kissing him.
↬ dabi falling in love with you is cold-blooded fear; it's something nostalgic and foreign in his chest that he doesn't want anymore, but it's heavy when he steps close to you; it's keeping watch over you the longest, though no one mentions it; refusing to answer to your questions, but still listening to your one-sided conversations; it's feeling his shoulders unclench when he hears your voice; it's panic in chest when shigaraki talks about letting you go again since you're not a treat to the league; it's aggressive tears that sting his face and creating a burning sensation again when he even thinks about it; it's ecstacy swallowing him whole when you tell everyone you're staying; it's holding you so tight he could break your bones when you slip into his room at night, afraid he'll break if he lets go; so he doesn't.
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lovely-angst · 3 years
hey i love your fics and i had an idea, but if you’re uncomfortable writing it you don’t have to! anyway earlier today my boyfriend did something that made me upset. i told him how it made me feel and asked him to stop and he told me i’m cute when i’m mad and proceeded to make little jokes. this would normally be fine but for some reason it triggered a panic attack because it reminded me of the home i grew up in and how my feelings were always invalidated, leading me to falling into bad habits and taking drastic measures for attention so my family would take my feelings seriously. can you do that scenario where bakugo comforts the reader whom he accidentally triggered into a panic attack? tysm! and if you’re uncomfy writing that it’s okay too! <3
a/n: i hope this will help you! i have not personally experienced a panic attack, so i appolagize if i have written it incorrectly. i hope this was fluffy enough!
TW: panic attack
genre: angst
pairing: bakugou x reader
summary: bakugou triggers a panic attack because he calls you "cute when you're mad"
word count: 800 words
there had been a lot on your chest that you wanted to get out—specifically toward your boyfriend, bakugou. lately, he's made you feel weak. you're not talking about the weakness in your knees when he showers you in strong kisses, but the weakness when he doesn't go 100% on you when sparring because he says you 'can't handle it.'
you've never been the strongest person physically and especially emotionally. growing up, it was hard for you to express your feelings and when you did, they have always pushed aside or ignored.
bakugou helped you open up more, even just slightly enough where you felt you were ready to confront him on this issue.
though you were extremely nervous to do so. you could feel the tears pooling in your eyes from the anxiety, but despite all of that, you walked up to him with a strong resolve.
"katsuki?" laying on his bed, with an arm behind his head as his free hand is scrolling through his phone, he glances at you to continue. "we need to talk." his brows knit before he puts his phone away, attention focused on you, "shoot."
"lately, you've been making me feel...weak," you start, a frown settled on your face as you find yourself toying with your fingers. "and i don't like it the way it makes me feel."
bakugou stared at you for a few seconds of uncomfortable silence before he spoke up. "did i do that?" the genuine confusion in his voice frustrates you as your frown deepens. "you have. you've been going easy on me during training and the words you say sometimes. it makes me feel small."
you can feel your throat tightening up as you try to voice your feelings out. you didn't want to cry, it would make you seem weaker. you bring the back of your hand to wipe at your eyes and bakugou lets out a small chuckle.
"baby," bakugou coos and you feel your cheeks flush at how humiliated you felt, "don't cry, though you look so cute when you're upset like this."
his smile taunts you.
your eyes widen before you feel your breathing become shallow, taking a breath seemed impossible. you felt scared, an overwhelming feeling of anxiety crossed you as you tried to calm yourself down, but you simply couldn't think. turning around, you hunch over as you try to still your choppy breathing.
"(name)?" you could hear bakugou shuffle behind you before he see him in your peripheral view, but you simply ignored him as you squeezed your eyes shut. "are you okay? what's happening?"
bakugou helps lower you onto the ground as you try to control your breathing sitting down and thankfully helps. you could hear bakugou telling you encouraging words, trying to help you breathe and after a couple minutes, your breathing slowly comes back to you.
sniffles come out of you as you sit on his dorm room floor, staring into space as tears continue to escape your eyes. bakugou rubbing your back gently before speaking up, "do you feel better?" you shake your head.
you gave it a quiet minute before a shaky sigh escapes your lips. "it triggered a panic attack," you say quietly, curling in on yourself.
"i have a hard time expressing my feelings and you made my thoughts feel insignificant when you call me 'cute when i'm mad'. that hurts me." your voice was raw and tight from your crying.
you glance down at your hands as you inhale deeply for air. "it makes me feel weak. it goes back to my point..."
bakugou's large warm hand was still on your shoulder, keeping you pressed tightly against the side of his chest as he listened guiltily, "is there anything i can do to help you right now?" he asks and you stay silent before leaning your head against him.
"promise you won't say it again?" you ask and bakugou squeezes you tighter, "you don't even have to ask."
bakugou lifts you up in his arms before sitting you up on his bed, offering you some water, "here, so you don't get dehydrated." you give him a weak smile before finishing the bottle. bakugou sits down beside you before pulling you back to lay with him in the silence.
"i'm...sorry for making you sad," he confesses, struggling on his words. "i never want to make you feel bad about yourself, but i'm glad you can come to me about it."
you turn into him, listening to his heartbeat. "it's hard for me to open up about my feelings and i know it's hard for you too, but i can see that you're trying."
"i guess we will just learn together." his words are simple, but it brings a smile onto your face. "you're working hard for me, so I'll work even harder for you," he says, pressing a kiss onto your temple.
"thank you."
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
Speak Easy Part 5
Bakugo x Reader, Dabi x Reader
Words : 4804
Reader has a siren quirk and has spent the past several years of her life as a captive being experimented on by “heroes” Now that she’s out she needs protection and safe place to heal. Who will be the one to put her pieces back together?
Words with ‘this’ is dialogue written in her journal rather than said out loud and and words with ~this~ is dialogue said in sign language rather than out loud.
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It had been a few days since Bakugo had visited. Dabi was so torn between wanting to punish you for being a brat and praising you for finally walking. On one hand it was a law that you worked out every day. It was in writing and you had tried to tell him you weren’t going to do it.
Part of him knew he was only so worked up over it because it had happened in front of Bakugo. If it had happened any other day, he would have given you a quick spank and just thrown your ass in the pool anyways.
The look on your face had made it worth it though. To see that tenacious side of you, the one that looked like it was ready for a fight… Yeah, he could get used to seeing that look.
Then there was the aftercare of your little outburst. You had let him hold you all night. He didn’t know if that was intentional or if you had only reached for him in sleep out of instinct. He remembered how you had reached for Bakugo and it gave him a headache. For now, he chose to not make a big deal about it.
It had been a long day and you were ready to pass out. Dabi had taken the training wheels off and was starting to make you walk more and more on your own without his help. He was always quick to laugh when you fell on your ass with a taunt of, “You look like Shoto when he was a toddler. Don’t worry I didn’t help him either.” The only time he did help you, was to help you into the high barstool at the kitchen island. Making more jokes about you needing help getting into your highchair and asking if you needed him to feed you too.
You didn’t know if it was the fatigue or the teasing, but something had you in a foul mood. You flipped him off, ~I hate you~.
Dabi’s eyes softened in an almost annoyingly affectionate way, “No you don’t.” He handed you the bowl of ice cream you had begged for. “Good work today. I gave you an extra scoop.” He winked, took out his own spoon, and quickly stole a bite.
Your mouth hung open at his audacity. ~No! Wrong! Hate!~
He laughed loudly, “I said I gave you an extra scoop! You’re not gonna miss one bite!” He reached his spoon back out, “Just for that I’m gonna take another.”
You smacked his hand away and furrowed your eyebrows at him, ~Mine.~
He feigned shock, “I’m sorry… did you just… hit me?”
You stuck your tongue out at him and shoveled a huge bite of ice cream into your mouth. It was way too much and if you weren’t so intent on being a brat you would have laughed. Dabi however was in no laughing mood as he saw the melted ice cream dripping down your chin.
He reached out squished your cheeks together with one hand. He hovered over you, enjoying the height difference and absolutely losing it over the look of pure innocence in your eyes as the ice cream continued to slip past your lips. He leaned closer to you and whispered in a husky voice, “You’re making a mess… Now. Swallow.”
Your eyes connected with his and you obediently swallowed what was left of the ice cream. He swiped a thumb across your bottom lip to collect what was left before sucking into his mouth all the while keeping his eyes focused on yours.
You swear he was leaning in even closer when the loud clanging of your spoon hitting the table broke you apart.
He cleared his throat and pushed himself away from you. You had to focus really hard on not pouting. Why were you disappointed? Had you wanted him to kiss you? Or were you just horny again? This was a question you had been faced with a lot in your adult life, because as much as you hate to admit it… your quirk does make you a total horn dog. It’s been what? YEARS since you had good and proper sex.
You shuddered as you remembered back to the lab. You had sex there a few times… but… you couldn’t really say if it was any good on the account that you don’t remember most of it. What you did remember, you wish you didn’t. They hadn’t called it sex… they called it ‘research’, and boy where they a fan of their research.
Dabi lifted your chin to force you to look at him, “Hey where did you go just now?” He saw the tears pooling in your eyes and he felt a spike of panic at the thought the he was the cause of them. “Hey… hey I’m sorry. I take things too far sometimes.” He went to lower his hand but your gripped it and brought it back to your face. Needing his presence to anchor you to the present before you spiraled into memories of the past.
“Take a deep breath for me, okay. I need you to take a deep breath then I need you to hold it until I say so. Can you do that?” You hadn’t even realized your breathing had started to tighten until he said something. You nodded slowly as you tried to remember back to your hero training. You took a deep breath in through your nose. “Good girl. Now hold it and count to ten.” You did as he said before letting a shaky breath out of your mouth. “You’re doing great, just keep doing that. Is it okay if I pick you up?”
Your eyes widened. Did you want to be held? Or did you want to lock yourself in your room. You didn’t even know. You didn’t know what you wanted right now, what you needed. Would you find comfort in his embrace, or would you feel confined? So, you just stared back at him and shrugged.
“Law number one. I need a yes or no. You can do that. I know you can.” You gulped and nodded your head. He picked you up, but instead of picking you up bridal style like he usually did, he picked you up like he would a child. Wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist.
He walked you back to your room abandoning the rest of the ice cream to melt on the counter. You buried you face into his neck and you felt his fingers comb through your hair. He sat down on the bed and pulled you close to him. “I’ve had my fair share of anxiety attacks. They suck… ass. I get that. The only thing you can do is breath and try and clear you mind.” He continued to run his fingers through your hair, and you could feel your heartbeat start to slow down to match his. “So, uh… I guess I’ll try to distract you. I could tell you a story about me. Would you like that?”
You could already feel yourself starting to calm down, but you didn’t want to pass up on an opportunity to learn more about him, so you simply nodded and burrowed further into him.
You could feel him shift uncomfortably underneath you. “When I first got away from my family. I was just a dumb kid. I was angry and hell bent on proving to anyone who even looked my way that I was strong. Once I was running an errand for the league at a local market and I saw Shoto. It was after his accident, but his hair was a dead giveaway. He was there with Fuyumi, I think she was just trying to keep him busy.”
He leaned back and pulled you with him making the two of you more comfortable. “I saw his scar and was so sure that our dad did it. I was ready to hunt him down and kick his ass.” He sighed before letting out a small chuckle, “But then the squirt did the weirdest thing. It was like he was drawn to me. I looked nothing like the brother he knew. Black hair, scars, and staples, But he broke free of Fuyumi and ran straight towards me. Out of instinct I leaned down to pick him up, but he stopped right as he got to me. He put a hand up to my face and then to his own scar. He looked me square in the eyes and said ‘Ouch’ and then just ran away.”
You smiled, that definitely sounded like Todoroki. The more you thought about it, there were definitely some small similarities between the two brothers. Not that you’d mention that to either of them.
Dabi continued to talk and tell you stories until you eventually drifted off into dreams of young Dabi and what he would have been like. Your mind conjured up images of him in a UA uniform. Him competing in a sports festival. Him in a library studying for exams.
Unfortunately, your dreams didn’t last long. You woke a few hours later with a stabbing pain in your abdomen. You whimpered as you tried to roll over in an attempt to find a position that would alleviate the pain. Instead you rolled straight into the lean body of Dabi. Oh no. Dabi. You needed to get cleaned up before he woke up.
You tried to roll away from him, but his arm snaked around you and pulled you closer, “Y/n? What’s wrong? Have a bad dream?” He remembered that he wasn’t going to get a verbal answer, so he opened his eyes to see you looking absolutely miserable. “Y/n? Are you okay?”
You nodded but then winced when a really bad cramp rocked through you. You had always had really painful periods, but you hadn’t had to feel it in it’s full affects in years.
“Bullshit, you don’t look okay. Are you sick?”
Not even bothering to answer, you pushed away from him and slowly made your way to the bathroom. He leaned over to turn the bedside lamp on and that’s when it clicked for him. “Holy shit! How are you even alive, that’s a fuck ton of blood. I’ve been stabbed before and I didn’t bleed that much.”
You knew he was just being dramatic, but it still made you cringe that he was witnessing this. You could hear him stripping the sheets as you turned the shower on. Now all your recent mood swings made sense. Just last night you had been pissed, horny, and crying all in the span of several minutes. Stupid hormones.
When you stepped out of the shower there was a box of tampons and a box of pads sitting on the counter next to the sink. Just seeing them made you pout. You fucking hated your period.
You stepped out once you were dressed and heard the buzz of the dryer. Surely there was no way Dabi had cleaned the sheet that fast. You walked out of the bedroom to see him rushing towards you with a massive blanket. He stopped when he saw you standing in the hallway. “Uh… okay. So, game plan. I warmed up a blanket. I have Fruits Basket queued up and chocolate chip pancakes are on stand bye.”
Your eyes widened ~How?~
“How what? How did I know?” You nodded and he you swear to god he blushed. “I uh… I may have texted my brother. Who texted Bakugo, who called me, and now here we are.”
That made more sense. Katsuki had always been the only one who could handle your mood swings when you were menstruating. Everyone else claimed you were too scary. When you were younger your quirk would become unpredictable and it would randomly activate at the most inconvenient times. Your quirk used to be heavily influenced by your emotions, and when your monthly cycle came around it was almost impossible to control your emotions.
It took him a few tries but eventually Katsuki got the routine down. Warm blanket, something sweet, and some sappy anime, which we’d never admit it, but he actually loved.
You accepted the blanket from him and hobbled towards the couch. You pulled your knees to your chest in an attempt to get comfortable. Dabi disappeared but quickly returned with the pancakes. “I’m an idiot for not thinking about this. It obviously was going to happen at some point. You’ve been here for about three weeks.”
~Thank you~ You took the pancakes from him and he gave you a weird look.
“Okay I’m not good at the whole taking care of others thing. So… do I leave you alone? Do you expect me to watch this shit with you?”
You glared at him as you ate your pancakes and because you were already in a bad mood… you shrugged. Did you do it on purpose to piss him off. Of course.
He growled before throwing himself down on the couch next to you. “You’re lucky you don’t feel good you fucking brat. I’m really trying to be nice.”
You ignored him and hit play. You knew you were being ridiculous, but you also couldn’t stop yourself. It was like you wanted his attention any way you could get it. You finished your pancakes and were about two episodes into the show, but your cramps hadn’t subsided. You whined as you hugged the blanket around you and started to toss around trying to find a position, any position that would help with your cramps.
You thought Dabi had fallen back asleep, so you were scared shitless when his arms wrapped around you and pulled you down onto his chest. He was laying on his back pinning your chest to his. You could barely see the blue of his eyes in the dark. He looked so tired though. “Just smack me if it’s too much… but do you trust me?”
You bit your lip but nodded anyways. You knew by now that Dabi would stop if you asked him to. So, while you were nervous about what he was going to do, you also trusted him to listen to you.
He reached his hands around and pushed his hands just past the waistband of your sleeping shorts. Your breath hitched but his hands stopped there. You wondered what he was doing, but then his hands started to heat up and oh shit did it feel good. It was like he was your own personal heating pad.
You hummed into his neck and shifted a little bit to sink further into him. You hiked one of your legs up and wiggled to push yourself into his hands more, chasing the warm comfort.
You stayed like that for a while. The tops of his fingers ghosting over the curve of your ass as his palms pressed into your lower back. It was honestly impressive how he his hands were just hot enough to feel good without burning you.
Dabi sucked in a breath, “You like that huh?” He pulled you closer to him. His hands started to knead into your lower back as he buried his nose into your hair. You let out a groan at how good it felt. Before you could stop yourself you grinded down on his thigh. “Oh, you really like it…” You could hear the playful note in his voice. “Like I said… stop me if it’s too much.”
You knew what direction this was heading, and you didn’t care because it felt so good. His hands slipped lower and grabbed your ass and started to massage your cheeks before pulling you down hard into his thigh. “I heard somewhere…” His mouth was at your ear now nipping at the shell of it. “That the best thing for period cramps…” He moved his thigh up to meet your center as his hands pulled you down and moved you back and forth. “Is an orgasm.” Your fingers found his shirt and gripped onto it while you started to ride his thigh. “I would be selfish not to help you out.” His lips found your neck and he pressed gentle featherlike kisses there, making you sigh. “Take what you need from me baby.”
He gave your ass a hard squeeze before giving it a slap. “Fuck, your ass is perfect.” He gripped your hair and pulled you back and his lips met yours and you moaned at how delicious it was. This. This is what you needed. You needed someone to make you forget. To make you feel like you weren’t some fragile and broken toy. He was letting you take the lead while he maintained all of the control.
Your hand reached up and cupped his cheek. Your quirk activated and in your touch you could feel his overwhelming desire. You could also feel hesitation. He must be worried about pushing you too far. You pushed your lust back at him through your touch to reassure him you were more than okay this. He growled and deepened your kiss before yanking himself away. “Fuck Y/n! I-I think you’re quirk triggered. You smell… god you smell so fucking good!”
You grit your teeth. You wanted to tell him sorry, but the words wouldn’t leave your lips. His hands came to your hips and pulled you, so you were now grinding on his already hard dick. Your hands stopped his as you shook your head no. Now you were worried you were the one taking advantage of him. You knew your smell could be overwhelming.
He panted as he bucked up, “No, please don’t stop on my account. It’s fucking hot. I promise you y/n… if you ever let me…” One of his hands found it’s way back to your ass while the other snaked into your shorts and started to rub your clit through your underwear. “I’ll show you what it feels like to be fucking worshiped.”
You felt your orgasm quickly building and Dabi could tell. He could see the way your chest heaved and he could feel the way you began to frantically snap your hips. He kissed up your neck while he picked up the speed on your clit. “You want to know why?” He bucked his hips hard up into yours. “Because you’re a good girl. You are MY good girl.”
That was all you needed. You shook and your thighs squeezed around him. He kept going to help you ride it out as long as possible. You felt all your tension bleed out. All of the stress of the past couple days, hell the past couple weeks, didn’t even matter anymore. And all you did was ride his thigh.
When you finally had enough you grabbed his hand and squeezed. Panting you nuzzled back up to him and his hands trailed up and down your spine. “That’s my girl. Good job.” He kissed the top of your head and pulled the blanket back up over you. “Now let’s get some sleep.” We can skip the routine tomorrow. We can just do this instead. One day off won’t kill you.”
You hummed as you melted into him. Your eyes drooped closed and the last thing you remembered was Dabi grabbing your thigh and hitching your leg over his waist.
“The gag won’t be enough. We need to make sure she doesn’t even have the option of talking.” That voice sent chills down your spine. It belonged to the man you only knew as Dr. A3. They never used their names around you. Just an extra precaution in case you were to escape. Dr. A3 was the one who seemed to be in charge of all our your “experiments”. He was psychotic and you hate him with every cell in your body.
You were back on that table. You opened your eyes, but you couldn’t see anything but the blindfold.
“I can handle that, but my quirk will eventually ware off.” That was Cogernot. He was technically a villain who was being held in the same way you were. His quirk allowed him to manipulate with people’s cognition. He could turn off your senses, mess with your memories, and so much more. It was common that they grouped the two of you together in the lab.
“That’s fine how long do you think it’ll last?”
Cogernot sighed, “It’s different with every person but the more often I do it the longer it’ll last. But you have to be careful. If I mess with her too much it could become permanent.”
Dr. A3 laughed, “You say that as if it’s a bad thing. If that girl were able to talk, she could easily escape, or even worse she could make us all kill one another.” He ran a hand through your tangled hair and you winced in pain. “Besides girls like her are meant to be seen and not heard. We have another girl here who can walk through people’s dreams and convince them to do all kinds of stuff. We don’t need y/n’s honeyed words anymore. Do it.”
“If you say so… But don’t come crying to me when I accidentally break your favorite toy.”
You felt a hand press to your forehead, and you felt something snap.
Your eyes slowly opened, and you found that you were still laying on top of Dabi in his living room. You were able to keep your panic at bay by slowly breathing and counting in your head. You matched your breathing to Dabi’s, and you felt his arms tighten around you.
You looked at his sleeping face. He looked so different like this, when he wasn’t yelling at you or teasing you. A flush came over your cheeks when you remembered what happened earlier that morning. You traced your finger over the staples under his eyes.
His hand flew up and grabbed your wrist. “Can I help you?” He didn’t even bother to open his eyes, so you shoved on his shoulder to make him look at you. “I literally just woke up and you’re already begging for attention.” It drove you crazy that he wouldn’t open his eyes to look at you. The asshole knew you couldn’t talk…. Couldn’t talk.
The dream came crashing back to you. You pushed yourself off of him and went in search for your journal.
“Wait y/n… come on. Come back. I’ll open my eyes. Don’t throw a fucking temper tantrum over it Jesus.”
You came back with your journal and sat down on the table that was across from the couch and started to write everything you could remember about your dream. Dabi sat up and tried to smooth his hand up your thigh but you paused your writing long enough to slap it away. ~Not now~
“There’s no way you’re that mad. Come on what are you writing. Is this our first fight? Are fighting right now? That’s cute.”
You scowled as you shoved your journal in his face. The look on his face went from amused to concerned as he started reading.
“Wait that’s where Cogernot has fucking been this whole time? We thought he died.” He looked at you “How many times did he use his quirk on you?”
You shrugged and for once he didn’t yell at you for it.
He ran a hand through his white hair. “So, if this is really just his quirk and not some kind of trauma then it should ware off soon. That idiots quirk usually only lasts for a couple of hours though, sometimes a few days. I’ve never seen it last this long.” He stood up and started to pace. You watched him go back and forth a few times before he threw his hands in the air, “Shit!” He picked up a pillow and it immediately turned to ash.
He looked back to you and saw the alarm in your eyes, “I’m sorry, I’m overreacting. It’s just – That fucking idiot may have permanently fucked you up.” You cringed at his words. Was that how he saw you? Fucked up?
He started pacing again, “He told me once there was a way to override his quirk though. You just have to convince your brain that it’s dying. Something about that kicks it into gear and nullifies his quirk.” He looked to the pool and then to you. “We could drown you! I know CPR, it’ll be fine.”
~NO NO NO~ The look in Dabi’s eyes was starting to scare you. He looked like he was ready to do it no matter what you said. As much as you wanted to talk again, you didn’t think it was worth risking your life over. But apparently, he did. Apparently learning sign, and reading your journal was just too much work for him. If he was this desperate to fix it… if he was willing to drown you just so you could talk….
You were ripped from your thoughts when he grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder. You kicked and hit him while tears streamed down your cheeks. There was no way he would go through with this… right?
You heard the sliding glass door open and all the sudden you were only steps away from the pool. You couldn’t see into his eyes, you couldn’t see what was going on in that fucked up head of his. You slid a hand under his shirt right before he got to the pool and did the only thing you could think of. You showed him how scared you were. You made him feel that terror. He paused only for a moment before jumping in the pool.
He let go only for a few seconds just so he could pull your back to his chest and whisper into your hair. “I know you’re going to hate me, but eventually you will think me for this.”
And then he was shoving you under. You clawed at his arms, ripping several of his staples out. You poured all of your terror and your pain into your touch and grabbed his wrists that were holding you under.
This was fucked up, this was so fucked up. You didn’t want to die. Why was he doing this? He didn’t even know if it would work! Your panic wasn’t making it any easier. You were losing oxygen fast and before you knew it you were starting to black out. You were going to die… You were going to drown in the same pool he had held you in so sweetly and helped you rehabilitate in. Your fingers ceased their scratching and your arms fell limp.
He didn’t bring you back up until you had stopped moving completely. He pulled you back up to the surface and immediately laid you down on the hard-concrete outside of the pool. In seconds he was on you preforming CPR. “Come on… You’re strong. You can take a little drowning. Hell, I’ve drowned a few times. Well I’ve been waterboarded… I don’t know if that exactly the same thing.” He nervously babbled to your unconscious body as he continued his chest compressions. “Come on y/n! Fuck!” He pinched your nose and breathed into you. Just a few hours ago his lips had been on yours for an entirely different reason and he desperately wished he could go back to that moment now.
He continued his chest compressions tears pooling in his eyes. “COME ON Y/N!” He did this. This was his fault. His father was right about him. The world was right about him. He’s a monster. He was supposed to be protecting you. You trusted him and he did this to you. He had felt your fear, your pain, and he did it anyway.
The thought of you never getting to talk again had thrown him into a panic. The thought of those fuckers taking apart of who you were away from you made him see red. He acted impulsively and now he’s paying the price.
You coughed and water came flooding out of your mouth. He cried out in relief and rolled you onto your side and patted your back to help you expel the water from your lungs.
It fucking burned. Your throat was raw from the chlorine and your brain was foggy from the lack of oxygen.
“Y/n… I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. I-I don’t even know what to say.”
He reached his hand out to touch your face but you caught it. You stared into his eyes with as much hate as a person could have and gripped his hand so hard you could feel your nails cutting into his skin, “Fuck… You…”
Tags: tags: @falling4fandoms @wifunozomi @here-in-never-land @whore-for-anime@klecksstorys @aurorahoneybuns @theunknownrandom @insane-without-delirium @frenchsfryys @officiallydarkgeek @neofixcs @music-is-all-i-need @katsuki-bakubabe @unadulteratedtastemakerpoetry
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yanderenightmare · 4 years
Hello, I have been looking at your content and I must say that I really like the way you write and I hope you are doing well.I don't know if your applications are open now but I want to give you an idea, how would the yanders react if their beloved has depressive periods and low self-esteem?It may be a bit of an anguish at first but I would like how they would react, use it on purpose or go soft on their beloved.
yandere ! BNHA headcannons
Support me at KO-FI if you feel like it<3
goodiebag WARNINGS: depression, self-harm, abuse, manipulation, abuse, profanity, amnesia, anxiety, panic-attacks, arson, bipolar disorder, blood, death threats, eating disorder, guilt, kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome, mental illness, mind control, paranoia, noncon, dubcon, starvation, suicidal ideation, trauma
She’s always biting her tongue, the inside of her cheek, her lip. So much so, he doesn’t even know what her lip normally looks like without it being bloated and swollen and red from having her teeth sink into to it. He’s okay with her chosen silence as long as she answers when she’s spoken to, which she does, lacking the will to refuse, knowing it will only cost her valuable energy, energy she needs in case Bakugo decides he wants to rip the breath from her lungs while he hunches over her, his hips snapping into her again and again, ramming at a pace so rough she both dreads it and welcomes it, for on the one hand it’s exhausting and she always wakes up with aches in the morning, yet on the other hand he makes her appreciate breathing which is always a nice reminder when she often times wonders what tranquility would be found in not breathing whatsoever.
He doesn’t want to confront her about it, sensing how she might not enjoy confrontation all that much, and not really wanting the whole ordeal to result in making her cry at the mere sound of his voice. He won’t alter the volume or the roughness of his tone, no matter how many times she cringes at how loud he’s being, but he does try being gentle, at least with his criticism. He showers her in compliments, which is a huge contrast to how he would usually handle fixing things. But, he finds using softer methods benefit him as well, loving the blush that adorns her face each time he does so, his own confidence probably boosting more so than hers.
He does nice things, not really knowing what or which way to help. He doesn’t make her do any chores, ignoring the nagging feeling that keeping her busy would probably help more so than having her sit and look cute all day, but… he’s afraid of admitting it, but… he quite likes taking care of her. He quite likes hugging her throughout the night, feeling her small tremoring sobs against him while stroking her back. He likes comforting her on those same nights where she wakes abruptly from some nightmare, stroking glossy diamond tears away from her cheeks, loving her bloated lips and that cute red wet irritation flushed on her nose and cheeks.
The only times he gets upset with her is when she refuses to eat. He tries so hard to make things she might like, but it’s scarce he sees her taking more than a few bites, if she makes a move to eat at all. He doesn’t want to make her cry, despite it being a constant hobby of hers, he doesn’t want to be the reason to her crying, but… he can’t have her starving. He finds the fear-tactic surprisingly effective on someone who spends most their time fantasizing about death. A few sparks in his palms has her all but quaking, scared half-way into catatonia or even comatose, so much so he has to pull her into his lap and spoon-feed her. Not that he minds that either, he comes to enjoy it quite a lot actually. How her small frame melts so perfectly against his chest, legs swung over his lap, head on his shoulder, remnants of her fear-stricken cries still evident as small spontaneous jolts run through her, being slowly comforted away with the same hand that caused the trouble in the first place.
He couldn’t be happier with his little ball of blue wrapped up in soft-tinted crushed dreams with a heart made of honeycombs and dandelion-fluff. Whereas his misfortunate lack of happiness stems from a place of violence, where violence breeds violence, she’s nothing but a tender trauma. Such a soft despair, such a sweet despair, such perfection found in something so devastating. It’s artwork really. How she can cry herself to sleep, trapped in his arms, feeling as though she’s dying, yet wake up the next morning all velvety and soft in his arms, her heart finding comfort in what her mind rejects, what her mind fears.
He tries being a source of comfort for the most part, but teasing and haunting and poking fun at her is such a delicious past-time he cannot simply just refrain from. He’ll be a real villain about it at times. Having her as a complete blubbering pathetic hiccupping mess, poking fun at her crybaby-face as he licks the tears from her cheeks and gorges himself in her panic, his fingers dancing small patterns on her stomach as she wiggles beneath him.
She used to be so scared of him. So skittish and paralyzed, cold-sweating and eyes constantly leaking he had to imagine what her eyes would look like without being rimmed with red. She used to shiver and shake and quake and reel in on  herself, curl up until her limbs ached from how small she was trying to make herself become, backed up into the corner beneath his shadow, his leather-boots looking like the onset of everything horrific as she coward in front of them. But wild untrusting childlike beings such as her is quick in nature to tether themselves to the first or only source of light. And though the transition was slow, her anxiety soon shifted from being directed at him and soon for him instead.
It was too easy, and it benefitted him so undeservingly as well it was cruel. How he simply took all those fears of hers, all those fears for everything residing in the new foreign room she’d been taken captive in, manipulating them into becoming paranoia for everything found outside the bedroom door instead. He went from being the source of her dread, of her panic, of her misery, of her pitter-patter heart and shattering teeth to her savior. Soothing her in her frenzied quakes as she spluttered on sobs containing what hellish monsters and dangers found outside, begging him to be careful, to come back to her, to stay.
She will hug him close throughout the night, hanging almost like a noose around his neck when he needs to leave in the mornings, tracing his scars with a stream of endless worried thoughts blubbering in her groggy voice. And he’ll humor her worry and tame the oncoming panic-attacks by giving her a little light-show of blue flames in his palm, words of his own coming to assure her how nothing will ever happen to him and how he will never let anything ever happen to her, assuring however many times he has the time for.
She’s too cute it’s unfair. Unfair that small creatures like her exist without anything to protect them from hungry wolves like him. And though he was never the type to fantasize about clingy things, he has to admit… coming home to someone who lunches at him in the most secure yet clumsy and desperate embrace, he feels as though that feeling of coming home is all he’ll ever need in the world, that she’s all he’ll ever need.
It’s nice. He knows it shouldn’t be the word he describes it with, but… that’s what it is. It’s nice. It’s nice to stay up with someone who expels the same type of energy as him, and not to mention the same amount of energy as him, or… lack of thereof. It’s nice living off of fumes together. It’s nice slipping to and from consciousness and how it almost turns into a game of who can survive the longest before collapsing, with the other shortly following, too tired to even bask in their victory.
It’s nice irritating over the same sharp sounds that attack their sensitive ears, not at all like the familiar sound of soft clicks of the controller in their hands. It’s nice communicating almost purely through mellow moans and groans and croaks, always understanding what the other is emitting despite it being but shapeless sounds.
It’s nice finding agreement in how the lights should always stay off, how it’s turned into some religious rule never meant to be crossed. It’s nice annoying over the same crisp bright light of the sun that violate their eyes those times they forget to shut the blinds before passing out after having counted stars and eating in the dead silence of night like nocturnal beings ignoring the light of day as though it were the plague. It’s nice how they can both find comfort in the glow of the moonlight or computer screen, leaching off of the energy like flies.
He’s found kinship in her presence, and despite it merely being himself and her in the darkness of his room, with flying specs of dust decorating the air and their computers the only windows to the world beyond their four walls, he feels as though the whole universe is looking at him when the softness of her glinting, beaming, sparkling eyes set their gaze and lock with his. It’s strange, but he always found angel-bright smiles and supersonic eyes to be too intrusive and annoying and scary to stand before, whereas her sunken dark eyes, ringed with shades of lilac contrasting her otherwise pale porcelain skin, kept almost albino in the darkness of his room… she couldn’t be more perfect.
Come to think of it, it’s perfection. Her in all her sleep-deprived glory, all her drowsy silliness, her sloppy harsh movements, tripping and stumbling with her droopy-eyes, in her soft giggling fits, where she’ll catch her stupidity just a moment too late and roll around on the bed, trying to shrug off Tomura’s teasing judgement as he pokes fun at her idiocy. Giving up on forming complete sentences as she almost always ends up toppling over her own words, settling for whining or sighing as she turns her head to bury it in his chest.
Utter perfection. Never bothering to get dressed, walking about like a little tease in only underwear and Tomura’s ill-fitted hoodie, hair pulled up into a messy-bun too messy, always defeating the purpose of keeping her hair from out of her face. Her unstable movements, disconnected to the ground as though she’s floating. Too grabbable and easily defeated in her weariness when being pulled into his lap, simply humming and moaning in response as he plants soft kisses down her neck, his fingers coming to destroy whatever’s in the way of him and her body.
She sleeps so soundly, like a little couch-kitten. All soft and cute, playing in her dreams. She’ll sleep whole entire days, only opening her eyes in small flutters every now and again and moaning ever so softly once he wakes her, though quickly scrunching her nose and twisting to fall asleep again. Her drowsiness rendering her pride invalid, causing her to pull at him to better comfort herself against his body, whining when he shifts, his warm presence leaving the bed when he needs to go to work. Her little unconscious protest making his heart twist in his chest, tempted to stay in bed with her all day long, yet comforting himself with the fact that he’ll probably come home to find her in the exact same position.
She’s so cute. She’ll curl and stretch, resting anywhere she finds comfortable: in bed, in the sofa, in the armchair, on his chest, his shoulder, his lap. Adorable with her little snores, all knotted up, remnants of her dreams spilling out from her sleep and coming to life in her limbs as she kicks and shakes her head, delving further into the pillow and twisting intricately in about the blanket. Eyelashes fluttering, eyes skittering beneath her puffy eyelids, caught up in whatever hurricane her mind has conjured up.
She seemed unfazed once she woke up in his room for the first time, and even then, she only gave him enough time to explain himself before nodding with heavy eyelids, laying her drowsy head back on the pillow. The situation dawning on her gradually over the first month, and if whether she was startled or angry, he couldn’t tell. If anything, sept for sleepy, he’d say she seemed confused, but alongside the confusion was the look that told him she couldn’t find the energy in herself to think too much about it without her fuzzy head hurting. Settling for eating breakfast with him in the mornings, and even thanking him on those occasion where she would forget the circumstances that led her to live there.
She doesn’t struggle when he pulls her limp body close to his own in the dead of night after he’s done for the day. He’s only mildly concerned, but it’s not his affection that shakes her from her sleep. He’s a selfish person, and he’s not one to hide those ugly aspects of himself. He’s selfish, greedy, controlling. He has to use his quirk on her sometimes… often times. Though she’s cute when she’s sleeping, he wants to do more than just watch her. He wants words, conversation, he wants to know what’s going on in that dark dreary head of hers, he wants to know what eerie things she’s been dreaming about, where she escapes to when her eyes slide close.
What more: he wants those eyes on him, those puffy, sleepy beautiful doe-eyes. He wants her to pay attention as he touches her skin and not simply to moan in response to it, he wants her to hang onto every single moment his skin touches hers. Telling her to focus reaches a long way. Those otherwise sleepy doe-eyes widening in such moon-bright curiosity, slaving at the hands of his quirk. Her otherwise limp and soft body shaking under his overwhelming touch, goosebumps springing to the surface under his tongue, a wicked glint evident in his lilac eyes.
She’s fragile on most days. Whether that fragility is in the shape of a daisy or a bomb is impossible to say until she either falls apart or blows up. It’s all rather uncertain, sporadic, spontaneous, where he’s given only a few signs where which he can predict what state of mind she’s in and how stable that structure is.
Most things depend on sleep, and upholding a balanced sleep-pattern has become one of the most important things in Keigo’s life after having taken his little darling. But, she manages to slip past his schedules more times than he would like to admit. When she refuses to go to sleep, his mind drifts to all the fun things they can do if they weren’t sleeping, and when she’s sound asleep and drowsing far beyond what time she should have woken up, he can’t find it in himself to wake her, not when he is the reason as to why she was so spent and sore and exhausted from the events and methods he used to make her fall asleep in the first place.
On little sleep one of two things can happen. She can either have the energy of a hummingbird or be tired to the point she almost looks sickly. On her lack-of-sleep-high she’s confident, cocky more so than Keigo, where she’ll test her luck on how far Keigo’s willing to bend his rules when she misbehaves, calling him all types of names, laughing in his face when he snaps and cackling even harder even madder when he decides to punish her, as though it’s all a game to quench her boredom.
With the absence of sleep causing her exhaustion she becomes irritated, seething with boiling rage, red in annoyance, whatever energy she has left focused on making her discomfort known as she scowls at him each time he smiles too loudly, but being too drained to physically act on her frustration or to even make up a snide comment without evoking a headache, left to simply snarl. He thinks it’s cute, where he knows well enough that if he pushes her limits too far she might just break. Break, and therefore let him gather her up into his arms and hush and tut at her to stop crying while he strokes her back, feeling her tremble with unparalleled frustration weighing down on her shoulders.
Then there are the days she sleeps too much. The same options are present here too. She’s either too energetic or too well rested. Either black or white. No grey. But with too much sleep she isn’t ever hostile, but still wild. Wild and enthusiastic and self-destructive and prop-full of ideas and insane in her passion. She’ll be unable to focus on anything, she’ll forget things seconds after they’ve been said or done, but… she’ll laugh and she’ll smile, and it won’t be one of those haughty nasty smiles she gives him when she’s feeling spiteful, but genuine in its playfulness or even bliss.
Then on other days sleeping half the day only results in her being even more drowsed out, yet accompanying her exhaustion isn’t irritation, but soft-tinted melancholia, where all she does is stay wrapped up in her blanket, quiet and still, silent tears dripping down her cheeks as she focusses on how hollow her chest is, as though caving in on itself, where she’ll fall all limp and snuggly in Keigo’s embrace, humming appreciatively as he wraps her up in his wings. All the while a treacherous smile of satisfaction on his face.
When Izuku chose his darling it was done without compromise, without fault, it was done with perfection. Meaning, he fell for all of her, invested in all of her, determined to preserve all of her. Even her inexplainable unfounded absurd plethora of self-doubt that make her delirious and hopeless with anxiety and guilt. He let himself fall hungrily in love with her little terror-wide heart. He fell viciously in love with how desperate in need of him to come help ground her she was.
It was as though she’s made for him, he would argue. It was as though he’s made for her. Some breeds of people are just too vulnerable to take proper care of themselves. Some people just aren’t meant to take care of themselves. Whereas others are made to help, other people need to help.
Emotions are abstract fundamental tools meant to be used. Lesser minds might look down on his methods, yet Izuku came to understand quite early in life that things such as morals are chains meant to keep you from achieving your goal. He has no quarrels with using and abusing those tools presented to him, where her irrational feelings of doubt, hopelessness and worthlessness are a delicious opportunity to achieve his goal. Besides, her emotions are too easily abused and give such great unshakable responses, and even though he doesn’t want to tamper too much with her instability… they’re just too in-reach for him to ignore, too tempting for him to stay away.
The feeling of responsibility sits like an extra organ inside him, where his toes curl each time he sees her large doe-eyes look at him as though he were the sun, as though her whole life revolves around him. She’s just so dependent on him, so in need of his guidance and advise and praise, where he’s afraid she might just drown in her own guilt if she senses she’s displeased him. She makes sure she wears what he likes, has her hair the way he likes, letting him play with her like putty in his hands if he asks it of her. How can he be expected to not exploit what is so clearly offered?
Besides, he spoils her as well. He returns the favor so to speak, even though he knows she has given herself no choice but to worship him in her mindset of inadequacy. She’s so sweet he nearly feels undeserving, because she’ll blush so preciously when he compliments her, bashful and adorable and too good to be true, he wonders how such a creature can ever feel like less. He adores her, yet that doesn’t stop him from finding such satisfying bliss in the fact that he’s infinitely stronger and faster and not to mention smarter. Whereas she’s gullible and too eager to please, another attributing factor as to why he loves her, despite it is also being the cause of her demise, or maybe even because of it
The truth is she’s lucky that she belongs to him. Lucky that he won’t ever let anything happen to her, no matter if she’s the source of her own harm. She’s lucky to have him to anchor herself to as so to avoid floating away in her hopelessness. This is safer for her. Despite him sticking his bloodstained inky fingers and twisting her heart in his deadlock of a fist, she’s safe, safer than she could or would ever be on her own.
It’s cute. He won’t deny that it’s cute, because it is. It’s adorable and unbelievable and annoying all the same. She’ll forget the rules, she’ll wander too far from her confines, not greeting him at the door, not kissing him on que, leave questions unanswered despite him having told her to always answer him when she’s spoken to, all things he feels he’s made blatantly clear through threats and countless reminders. But, not only will she forget his rules, but basic living necessities, she’ll forget to eat and drink, forget to get dressed, forget where she is.
She’ll say the strangest things sometimes. Mild and mellow passionate thoughts regarding the clouds and stars and moon and gods and how pretty his snake-eyes are, like great big lakes of molten gold. It’s strange but he finds such great comfort in her little philosophical blubbering, her soft voice kissing his ears like gospel. It’s a tender type of relief or resolution found in listening to nonsense as opposed to the serious matters he has to deal with in his position in the underworld, her view of the world somehow painting everything, even the ugly and the dangerous, in beauty.
Sometimes she’ll drift a bit too far away though. She’ll daydream more than sleep, absentminded when he’s speaking to her, unable to focus on him or anything for more than a few minutes at best. All dizzy and fuzzy, as though she’s just woken from some dream or as if she’s always dreaming. Irritation festers in his chest when she doesn’t answer, but as she turns her head, expression all soft and oblivious, his chest caving in at the sight of those doe-eyes, all anger simmering into nothing, rendering his annoyance nonexistent, replaced by a sense of hopeless forgiveness and somehow appreciation.
When it comes to her for once actually remembering what she’s supposed to do she’ll weigh each task as though one wrong decision would cost her life. Greeting him at the door in nothing but underwear, already having failed at picking out an outfit and resorting to wearing the lingerie Kai picked and laid out for her on the bed in the morning. The simple task suddenly becoming a battle where she’ll spend much too much time deciding whether to take his jacket first or give him a kiss or welcome him home. Too many decisions with too faulty statistics and unsure outcomes she ends up merely standing there doing nothing but hold her head in her hands and whimper slightly at all the noise that suddenly crowded her head, tears already threatening to fall as she stands before him, all guilt-ridden and trembling.
He can be patient as long as he knows she isn’t disobeying him on purpose, especially when he sees how guilty and how terribly sorry she is each time she fails on acting out simple tasks such as those he gives her. She’ll cry and apologize for the mere act of breathing on some days where she’s extra fragile, where she seeks nothing but his praise, his comfort, his hand stroking through her hair as she sleeps restlessly in her sobs on his chest, unaware of the mild smile of satisfaction and endearment displayed on his face.
She’s always hiding. Like a little mouse, she’s always squeaking and squealing and hiding. Hiding her face, burying it in the pillow when he compliments her gorgeous eyes, begging him to stop, small timid hands pushing ever so slightly at him. Hiding her chest, her nipples, when he admires them, his hands playing with the soft and supple flesh, whimpering as she tries to twist away. Her knees trying their best to wrench shut, to hide and protect what sensitivity find between them from Shoto’s hungry fingers and tongue.
She’s always hiding… but he likes to hunt anyway. If she drapes herself in pitch-black hoodies he’ll gladly rip them off, or scorch them off and expose her delicious artful body. If she refuses to leave the bed he’ll gladly attack her where she’s sleeping. She’s always hiding, but she quickly comes to understand that there will be no hiding from him.
He doesn’t understand why she would ever want to hide divinity, and therefor doesn’t respect the wish. Having made it his mission to expose every little piece of her, licking up long lines of bumpy purple and white scars, sucking and biting at those pointy cherry nipples strutting at the coolness of his breath, kissing those plump lips of hers despite her cringing to cover herself up in thousand layers of clothes, dark clothes, where only the very least of her skin is remaining on display. He won’t have it.
He has to tie her up on most occasions where she’s too difficult and shy to listen and let him play with her beauty. He’ll have to tie her up like a starfish on the bed, limbs spread in each direction, scars running along them, quite like the ones he receives in battle, only precise and matching and purposeful, his hands coming to touch them in reverence, worshipping every little altercation she’s added to her skin, further pushing its ever-changing perfection, watching as she hopelessly struggles to hide herself, yet the both of them knowing how she’s fully his.
He can’t allow her hurting herself anymore though, not with the fear that she one day might slip up and kill herself just a little bit too much, but he’s happy to help her through the tools of fire and ice. Frostbite flowers look even more as though they belong on her body, as well as blotches of burns, his markings, his teeth. He’ll never forget the moan he received on his first indulgence branding her body with his elements, how she purred in gratitude, small blissful squeals and mewls following, further egging him on.
Once she grew more comfortable with his hands and his stare… or rather… once the need for his hands outgrew her discomfort, she became somewhat addicted. And now, she can be wild in her cravings on some days, demanding it of him, threatening him, fighting him. She’ll bite and claw, begging for him to retaliate, longing for him to push her into the bedsheets and teach her what it’s like to feel alive by teasing her with the promise of death.
Without him she’s left to pick at scabs, counting the seconds until his return. She’ll pull at her hair until her scalp is screaming. She’ll ball her fists, creating those blood-red crescent moons in her palms, biting her nails until they bleed and then some. Then bask in relief upon his return.
Support me at KO-FI if you feel like it<3
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ichor-and-symbiosis · 4 years
Masterlist. (updated 8/13/20)
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Shigaraki Tomura
- Smile For Me. (NSFWish) || You always did love his smile.
- Mine. (NSFW) || You let your jealousy get the better of you, and what better way to stake your claim on your leader than to pleasure him at his own throne?
- Piggyback Ride. (NSFWish) || Tomura is injured, and you convince him to let you give him a piggyback ride.
- Shameless. (NSFW) || Tomura steals your underwear for some private fun.
- Betray. (SFW) || AfO attempts to turn Tomura against you.
- Panic. (SFW) || Tomura calms you down from a panic attack.
- Hero. (SFW) || Tomura plays with his young daughter.
- Anata. (NSFW) || Tomura comes home to you dressed in an apron and heels.
- Distraction. (NSFW) || Tomura has better things to do than to attend a meeting with the PLF. Namely, he’s too busy doing you.
- Meeting. (NSFW) || Tomura makes you go to a meeting without underwear.
- Rest. (NSFWish) || You take care of Tomura after his injuries from Deika flare up.
- Destroy. (SFW) || Tomura murders your abusive ex-lover.
- Interruption. (NSFWish) || AFO summons Tomura when he is being intimate with you.
- Duty. (NSFW) || You help Tomura relieve some tension.
- Date. (SFW) || Tomura accidentally stands you up.
- Good Boy. (NSFW) || Tomura finds you in a state of undress while you sleep.
- New Year. (SFW) || You visit Tomura on New Years while he undergoes Ujiko’s treatment.
- Celebrate. (NSFW) || You want to spend Christmas with Tomura for the first time.
- Disintegrate. (NSFW) || Tomura cannot come to terms with his vision for the future and your willpower to keep him alive.
- Cat and Mouse. (NSFWish) || The tension between your heroic duty and lust cause you to slip up when you fight Tomura.
- Miscommunication. (NSFW; Tomura x Reader, not Hawks x Reader) || Hawks stumbles upon some indecent doodles on important documents during a PLF meeting. 
- Only You. (SFW) || Tomura does not understand why you only let him touch you. 
- Breakfast Blues. (NSFWish) || Why were you so upset that Tomura refused to have breakfast with you? 
- Truth. (NSFW) || As Izuku’s older sister, you could never have imagined that the man you are dating was a villain.
- All I Wanted. (NSFW) || Tomura has finally gone into heat. As his alpha mate, you can only hold out for so long before the temptation to have him breed you becomes too much to bear.
- All For Us. (Part 1) (NSFW) || Moth!Tomura prepares for mating.
- Touch. (SFW) || Moth!Tomura attempts to get used to human touch.
- Subject of Sin. (NSFW) Part 1 | Part 2 || Your innocent forays into temptation and sin catch the attention of a demon.
Stepsibling AU
- Lesson. (NSFW) || Tomura makes you sit in his lap while he plays his games.
- No Return. (NSFW) || Tomura asks if he can just slip the tip in.
- Not Yours. (NSFW) || As AFO's daughter, you have been promised to another man. You ask Tomura to break you in so you are prepared for your future lover.
- Shower Shenanigans. (NSFW) || You take a shower with your stepbrothers Tomura and Natsuo.
- Kotatsu Table. (NSFW) || Tomura punishes you for ignoring him. 
Shirakumo Oboro
- Breath. (NSFW) || Breathplay with Shirakumo.
- Keep Quiet. (NSFW) || Shirakumo fingers you while Aizawa and Yamada are sleeping nearby.
- Teach Me. (NSFW) || You ask Shirakumo to show you how to give a blowjob.
- No Below. (NSFW) || Sunbathing with Shirakumo on his clouds.
- Confession. (NSFWish) || Shirakumo decides he will finally confess his feelings to you after being friends with benefits for a while.
- Afterimage. (SFW) || Kurogiri allows you to use touch to perceive his appearance.
Shirakumo / Reader / Aizawa 
- Teach Him. (NSFW) || Shirakumo shows Aizawa how to pleasure you.
- Rooftop. (NSFW) || You join Shirakumo in his schemes to fluster Aizawa. 
Aizawa Shouta
- Past and Future. Part 1. / Part 2. || You and Aizawa come face to face with Kurogiri. He was your lover as Shirakumo, and Aizawa’s best friend.
Shinsou Hitoshi
- Heartbeat. (NSFW) || You ask Shinsou to use his quirk on you for the first time, and he wants to make sure you are comfortable.
Todoroki Shouto
- Mornings. (SFW) || You share a lazy morning with Shouto.
- Hot and Cold. (SFW) || You seek out Dabi for body heat whiles uffering from the effects of your ice quirk.
- Punishment. (NSFW) || You try to please AFO, but he is not satisfied by your efforts.
Bubaigawara Jin
- Aftercare. (NSFW) || Lazy morning with Twice.
- Smoke. (SFW) || You are enticed by Twice’s vice.
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Shigaraki Tomura
- General Tomura/Reader headcanons: (SFW) x || x || x|| x  
- Tomura gets drunk: (NSFWish) x
- Papa Tomura: (SFW) x || x || x
- Tomura/Reader first time: (NSFW) x
- Tomura spoils his lover: (SFW) x
- Tomura/Reader marriage: (SFW) x
- Tomura’s kinks: (NSFW) x
- Reaction to Reader being close to their family: (SFW) x
- Reader wanting to break up: (SFW) x
- Hero s/o: (SFW) x
- Tenko Shimura: (SFW) x 
- Tenko and hero s/o: (SFW) x || x
- What a relationship with Tenko would be like: (SFW) x || x || x  
- Tomura’s reaction to Reader befriending LoV: (SFW) x
- Biting kink: (NSFW) x
- Cuddling with Tomura: (SFW) x
- Tomura apologizes after fight with Reader: (SFW) x
- Nicknames: (SFW) x
- AfO’s approval of Reader: (SFW) x
- What Tomura looks for in a partner || His turn-offs: (SFW) x
- Tomura and dogs scenarios: (SFW) x || x || x
- Possessive and/or jealous s/o: (SFW) x
- Tomura’s s/o gets Hanahaki disease: (SFW) x
- What would make Tomura break up with s/o: (NSFW) x
- Tomura handling being broken up with: (NSFW) x
- If s/o wants to keep relationship secret: (SFW) x
- Tomura’s s/o immune to his quirk: (NSFWish) x
- Clingy long-distance texting/facetiming: (NSFW) x
- Makeup sex: (NSFW) x
- Tomura leaves s/o with child and passes away: (NSFWish) x || x
- Tomura’s favorite positions: (NSFW) x
- Tomura having an egirl lover: (NSFW) x
- Tomura and Spinner poly relationship with f!reader: (NSFW) x || (SFW) x
- Tomura with a shy s/o: (SFW) x || x
- Tomura’s reaction to s/o thirsting for his creepy behavior: (NSFW) x
- Tomura vs Tenko as fathers and husbands: (SFW) x
- Leaving Chisaki for Tomura: (NSFWish) x
- Tomura gifted a wife by AfO: (NSFW) x
- AfO teaching Tomura how to pleasure his lover: (NSFW) x
- Tomura fingering s/o at the bar: (NSFW) x
- Tomura’ fingering s/o at the bar’s love language: (SFW) x
- Touch starved Tomura: (SFW) x
- Tomura missing your affection after a fight: (NSFW) x
- Tomura letting his s/o be independent: (SFW) x
- Tomura stealing his s/o’s stuff: (NSFW) x
- Tomura jerking off while you make out with him: (NSFW) x
- Fluff alphabet: (NSFWish) x
- Touch-starved s/o: (SFW) x
- Female Tomura with f!s/o: (NSFW) x | x
- Pillow princess s/o: (NSFW) x
- Cuddling with Tomura: (SFW) x
- Tomura plays hard to get: (NSFW) x
- Prepping for anal: (NSFW) x
- Tomura reacts to s/o that wants to kill Ujiko: (SFW) x
- Tomura and the concept of love: (SFW) x
- Tomura being a clingy lover: (SFW) x
- Tomura having the flu: (SFW) x
- Tomura sleeping with s/o: (SFW) x
- What Tomura's kisses are like and how he proposes to s/o: (SFW) x
- Tomura and jealousy, mornings with Tomura, and what gets him excited: (SFW) x
- Coming to Tomura for support: (SFW) x
- Tomura and aftercare: (SFW) x
- Hero confesses to Tomura mid-battle: (SFW) x
- Civilian lover: (SFW) x 
- How Tomura would react to ending up in our world and falling for you: (SFW) x 
- Meeting Moth!Tomura and falling for each other headcanons: (NSFW) x
- Taking care of pregnant s/o headcanons: (NSFW) x
- Moth children headcanons: (SFW) x
- Another mothman invading your nest when Tomura is gone: (SFW) x
Stepsibling AU
- General headcanons: (NSFW) x
- Kotatsu table shenanigans: (NSFW) x || x
- Corrupting his stepsister’s innocent room: (NSFW) x
- Jealousy: (NSFW) x
Shirakumo Oboro
- Shirakumo relationship headcanons: (SFWish) x || x || x || x 
- Shirakumo and Kurogiri during their bachelor party: (SFW) x
- Shirakumo’s kinks: (NSFW) x
- Shirakumo as a lover: (SFW) x
- Shirakumo general headcanons: (SFW) x || x 
- Shirakumo wanting a family: (SFW) x
- Shirakumo courting his s/o: (SFW) x
- Shirakumo and Tomura listen to you sing Deepthroat by Cupcakke: (NSFW) x
- Shirakumo catches you alone in your room singing/being naughty: (NSFW) x
- Being Shirakumo’s friend with benefits: (SFW) x 
- Villain!Shirakumo headcanons: (SFW) x 
- Kurogiri using portal power on f!reader when she is at work: (NSFW) x
- Kurogiri’s reaction to Tomura’s s/o: (SFW) x
- Kurogiri with an s/o that underwent the same nomu treatment as him and they were past lovers: (SFW) x
- AFO’s dutiful wife ends up with Kurogiri after Kamino Arc: (NSFW) x
- Reformed!Kurogiri needing reassurance: (SFW) x
- Several nsfw scenarios: (NSFW) x 
Shirakumo / Reader / Aizawa
- Threeway with Shirakumo and Aizawa: (NSFW) x
- Aizawa catches you and Shirakumo fooling around without his permission: (NSFW) x
- Shirakumo and Aizawa threesome scenario: (NSFW) x
- Reformed!Kurogiri and Aizawa poly relationship headcanons: (SFW) x
- Relationship with Aizawa dissolves after Shirakumo’s death: (SFW) x 
- Morning cuddles: x 
Aizawa Shouta
- Aizawa and surprise head: (NSFW) x
- Camping trip with Aizawa: (SFW) x
- Yandere Aizawa: (NSFW) x
- Aizawa with a sensei kink: (NSFW) x
- Aizawa losing his virginity: (NSFW) x
Bakugo Katsuki
- Bakugo proposes to s/o: (SFW) x
- Mornings with Bakugo: (NSFW) x
- Bakugo as a father: (SFW) x
Todoroki Shouto
- What Shoto looks for in a lover: (SFW) x
Todoroki Natsuo
- Natsuo in love with his stepsister: (NSFW) x || x
- Dabi taking his s/o to bars: (NSFW) x
- Dabi having twins: (SFW) x
- Dabi and vulnerability: (SFW) x
- Dabi and bathtime: (SFW) x
- Dabi and high sex: (NSFW) x
- Dabi and soft sex: (NSFW) x
- Dabi with a shy s/o: (SFW) x
- Dabi imagining future with s/o and nicknames: (SFW) x
- Dabi and Hawks sharing s/o: (NSFW) x
Toshinori Yagi
- Toshinori's kinks: (NSFW) x
Mirio Togata
- Yandere Mirio: (NSFW) x
Shinsou Hitoshi
- Shinsou scenario where you train together under Aizawa: (SFW) x
- Shinsou fluff alphabet: (SFW) x
- Shinsou NSFW alphabet: (NSFW) x
- LoV reactions to getting a hug: (SFW) x
- LoV pocky game: (SFW) x
- Nomu having its way with you: (NSFW) x
- Giran as a lover: (SFW) x
Bubaigawara Jin
- Twice general headcanons: (NSFW) x || x
- Twice and his kids: (SFW) x
- Twice wanting kids: (SFW) x
- Twice recieving neck kisses: (SFW) x
- Twice waking you up with oral: (NSFW) x
- Twice taking a civilian hostage: (SFW) x
- Twice with a hero s/o who dates his unmasked self: (SFW) x
- Twice caring for depressed s/o: (SFW) x
- Twice and cockwarming: (NSFW) x
- Twice with his s/o and her clones: (NSFW) x
- Twice and his s/o having a lazy day: (NSFWish) x
- Twice being a voyeur and you being an exhibitionist neighbor au: (NSFW) x
- Twice nursing on pregnant s/o: (NSFW) x
- Yandere Twice: (NSFW) x
- Twice as a househusband: (SFW) x
- Twice missing his lover: (SFW) x
- Passing away with Twice: (SFW) x
- Twice with a plus-sized lover: (SFW) x
- Twice spanking his s/o: (NSFW) x
MISC. and polyamory
- Tamaki and Hawks headcanons: (NSFW) x
- Smoking weed with All Might, Endeavor, Hawks, Aizawa, and Fatgum: (NSFW) x
- Poly relationship with Shirakumo, Yamada, Kayama, and Aizawa: (NSFW) x
- Poly s/o with Twice, Dabi, and Tomura : (NSFW) x
- Poly s/o with Twice and Kurogiri: (SFW) x
- Tomura and Dabi toxic traits in a relationship: (SFW) x
-Twice, Dabi, and Tomura saying I love you for the first time: (SFW) x
-Tomura, AFO, Twice, Dabi, and Kurogiri oral headcanons: (NSFW) x
-Tomura, Twice, Dabi, and Kurogiri love language: (SFW) x
-Tomura's, Dabi's, and Overhaul's reaction to s/o with amnesia: (SFW) x
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dokifluffs · 3 years
In Order-List
Here’s basically my masterlist, but it’s all my imagines in the order from my first one ever to my most recent imagine at the bottom (all 3 fandoms) 
Challenge: see how long it takes for you to read this entire list! 
Sleepy | Oikawa Tooru 
Snowy Silence | Kuroo Tetsuro 
Colorful | Oikawa Tooru 
You’re Home | Makoto Tachibana 
Close | Iwaizumi Hajime 
Rainy | Oikawa Tooru 
Overdone | Bakugo Katsuki 
My actual Masterlist haha 
In My Head | Midoriya Izuku
Stay | Bakugo Katsuki
Awake | Bakugo Katsuki 
Sunshine | Makoto Tachibana 
Awake | Akaashi Keiji 
Sleep | Bakugo Katsuki
Sleepwalker | Todoroki Shoto
Storm | Nanase Haruka
Attention | Kuroo Tetsuro 
Caretaker | Bakugo Katsuki 
Help | Tachibana Makoto
Villain | Todoroki Shoto
Thoughts | Nanase Haruka
Relief | Miya Atsumu 
Baths With Them | Kuroo, Iwaizumi, Atsumu
Baths With Them | Akaashi, Osamu, Bokuto 
I Like You | Hazuki Nagisa
Loved | Miya Osamu 
Wake Up | Matsuoka Rin 
Scary | Bokuto Kotaro 
Caught In The Storm | Iwaizumi Hajime 
Your Ex Wanting You Back | Ushijima, Bokuto, Kuroo
Morning | Midoriya Izuku 
Indoors | Matsuoka Rin 
Protected | Bakugo Katsuki
Headache | Matsuoka Rin 
Naps With Them | Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Bokuto 
Grocery Shopping | Akaashi, Osamu 
Study Break | Akaashi, Bokuto 
Someone Touching You on the Metro | Sakusa, Kuroo, Atsumu 
Grocery Shopping | Kageyama, Tsukishima
Naps With Them | Kageyama, Kuroo 
Someone Trying to Rob You | Kageyama, Ushijima, Oikawa 
Naps With Them | Ushijima, Sakusa 
Comforting Their Bullied S/O | Yamaguchi, Suga, Akaashi
Injured | Ushijima Wakatoshi 
Coming Home | Ushijima, Suga, Atsumu 
Milk Bread | Oikawa Tooru 
Just a Little Crush | Tsukishima Kei 
Migraines | Bokuto, Tendo, Ushijima, Sakusa
Steamy | Sakusa Kiyoomi 
Comfort | Akaashi Keiji 
Stay as I Sleep | Kita Shinsuke 
Coming Home | Kageyama, Iwaizumi, Bokuto 
Mine | Sakusa Kiyoomi 
Thirst Night 1 
Cramps | Bakugo Katsuki 
Seeing You Suffer | Kuroo Tetsuro 
Coming Home | Akaash, Hinata, Osamu 
Warm | Ushijima Wakatoshi 
Playing With Their Hands | Tendo, Tsukishima, Oikawa 
Playing With Their Hands | Yamaguchi, Akaashi, Ushijima 
Playing With Their Hands | Suga, Bokuto, Sakusa 
Study | Tsukishima Kei 
Rough | Bokuto Kotaro 
Identical | Miya Osamu 
Help | Kuroo Tetsuro 
Three’s Fun | Bokuto, Kuroo 
Thirst Night 2 
Car Karaoke | Akaashi, Ushijima, Bokuto, Kuroo 
Dads | Kenma, Akaashi, Sakusa 
Babysitters | Ushijima, Sakusa 
Not New | Kageyama Tobio 
Relieving Stress | Tachibana Makoto 
Best Friends | Hinata, Tendo, Bokuto + Akaashi 
Never Leave | Kuroo Tetsuro 
Naps With Them | Kenma, Akaashi 
Drunk Love | Miya Osamu 
Night | Kozume Kenma 
Decisions | Miya Osamu 
Workout Buddy | Bokuto Kotaro 
MHA / Free! Masterlist 
Day at the Beach | Karasuno, Shiratorizawa 
Duck You | Matsuoka Rin 
A Lesson | Sakusa Kiyoomi 
Not The End | Kuroo Tetsuro 
Babysitting | Kageyama Tobio 
Jet Lag | Ushijima Wakatoshi 
No Storm Can Reach You | Akaashi Keiji
Gone | Nanase Haruka 
Naps With Them | Iwaizumi, Atsumu 
Gone | Bakugo Katsuki 
Resurfaced Feelings | Komori Motoya 
Rise and Shine | Kuroo Tetsuro 
Cuddles | Atsumu, Osamu 
Celebrating Your Birthday | Bokuto, Ushijima 
Playing With His Hair | Kuguri, Oikawa, Atsumu 
Lactose Intolerant | Kageyama Tobio
Bruises | NIshinoya Yuu 
Kissing their Foreheads | Hinata, Aone, Tsukishima 
Game Night Dispute | Kuroo Tetsuro 
Kissing Their Foreheads | Himekawa, Nishinoya, Bokuto 
The Next Morning | Miya Osamu
Cherry Blossoms in Bloom | Akaashi Keiji 
Falling Asleep on Them | Tsukishima, Akaashi, Iwaizumi 
Falling Asleep on Them | Kenma, Kuroo 
Accidentally Hitting Their Balls | Hinata, Kuroo 
Accidentally Hitting Their Balls | Bokuto, OIkawa 
More | Ushijima Wakatoshi 
Pregnant | Iwaizumi, Bokuto, Atsumu
Pregnant | Osamu, Kenma, Akaashi, Sakusa 
Cheering You Up | Kageyama, Tsukishima, Kuroo 
S/O Having a Panic Attack | Nishinoya, Tsukishima, Kuroo 
Newborn | Ushijima, Iwaisumi, Atsumu 
His Favorite Sound | Kuroo Tetsuro 
Falling Asleep on Them | Yamaguchi, Ushijima, Osamu 
Newborn | Sakusa, Osamu, Bokuto 
I Can’t Wait to Meet You | Miya Atsumu 
Overfeeding and Aftercare | Tendo, Himekawa, Miya Twins 
They Were Mine First | Bokuto Kotaro 
Playing With Their Hands | Sosuke, Makoto, Rin 
Falling Asleep on Them | Oikawa, Atsumu 
Punishment | Miya Atsumu 
Overfeeding and Aftercare | Kenma, Bokuto, Kuroo 
This is My Wife | Akaashi Keiji 
I Just Wanted to do This | Kirishima Natsuya 
Zooms With Their Kid | Kenma, Bokuto 
Zooms With Their Kid | Suga, Osamu 
Zooms With Their Kid | Sachiro, Kuroo 
Zooms With Their Kid | Ennoshita, Akaashi 
Feel Good | Oikawa Tooru 
Kissing Their Foreheads | Kenma, Iwaizumi, Sakusa 
2:41am - Akaashi Keiji
Kissing Their Foreheads | Akaashi, Atsumu 
Movie Marathon | Tsukishima Kei 
His Little Bean | Bokuto Kotaro 
Twin Foxes | Kita Shinsuke 
Kissing Their Foreheads | Oikawa, Kuroo, Osamu 
I Want My Cuddles | Bakugo Katsuki 
Welcome Home | Haikyuu 
After Shower Bath | Miya Atsumu 
Baby Halloween | Kenma and Kuroo 
I Prefer Here | Bokuto Kotaro 
Baby Halloween | Kita, Tsukishima 
Cold | Miya Atsumu 
Grocery Shopping | Sakusa, Atsumu 
Cutting Onions | Kita Shinsuke 
1:17am - Bokuto Kotaro 
Baby Halloween | Suna, Osamu 
Come Back | Bakugo Katsuki 
11:51pm - Bokuto Kotaro 
Horror Movies | Iwaizumi Hajime 
Can You Hold Me | Miya Atsumu
Stay Like This | Bokuto Kotaro 
Baby Halloween | Konoha, Sakusa
I Love You | Akaashi Keiji 
Gentle Night | Daichi, Iwaizumi 
Gentle Night | Suga, Tsukishima 
My Home | Ojiro Aran 
Afternoon Naps | Iwaizumi Hajime 
Papa and His Baby Owls | Bokuto Kotaro 
Come to Me | Akaashi Keiji 
Good Night’s Sleep | Matsuoka Rin 
Chapped Lips | Bakugo Katsuki 
Thundering | Miya Atsumu 
Would Have Said | Miya Osamu 
Dada’s Home | Kenma, Iwaizumi 
Oh This Should Be Good | Sakusa Kiyoomi 
Dada’s Home | Ushijima, Tsukishima 
Dada’s Home | Oikawa, Atsumu 
The Better Twin | Atsumu, Osamu 
Gentle Night | Suna, Sakusa 
Free! as Dads | Rin, Sosuke, Makoto 
Free! as Dads | Haru, Ikuya, Natsuya 
1:43am - Miya Osamu 
Lullaby | Semi Eita 
Lookie | Bokuto Kotaro 
Sleepy Time With Their Babies | Atsumu, Osamu 
Sleepy Time With Their Babies | Iwaizumi, Sakusa 
Sleepy Time With Their Babies | Kita, Kuroo 
Sleepy Time With Their Babies | Ennoshita, Akaashi 
Sleepy Time With Their Babies | Kenma, Bokuto 
Sleepsies | Bokuto Kotaro 
You’ve Always Been The One | Miya Osamu 
I’m Here, So Sleep | Miya Atsumu 
12:53am - Miya Atsumu 
Putting Their Hand Out in Front of Their Kid(s) | Kuroo, Semi, Sakusa 
Putting Their Hand Out in Front of Their Kid(s) | Atsumu, Kita, Ushijima 
Putting Their Hand Out in Front of Their Kid(s) | Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Kenma 
Putting Their Hand Out in Front of Their Kid(s) | Suna, Bokuto, Osamu 
Head Pats | Suga, Atsumu 
Head Pats | Akaashi, Hinata 
Power Couple | Bakugo Katsuki 
This is My Child | Akaashi Keiji 
What Makes Him Weak for His Kid(s) | Kuroo, Suna/ Akaashi 
What Makes Him Weak for His Kid(s) | Kageyama/ Hinata/ Ushijima, Aran, Osamu 
What Makes Him Weak for His Kid(s) | Oikawa, Daichi Bokuto 
What Makes Him Weak for His Kid(s) | Iwaizumi, Tsukishima, Sakusa 
What Makes Him Weak for His Kid(s) | Kita, Kenma, Atsumu 
You’re Safe | Sakusa Kiyoomi 
Upsetting His Pregnant Wife | Sakusa, Ushijima 
Uh note: This took like 2-3 hours to make and scroll through my entire blog and wowie. I didn’t know i wrote this much like I thought it was like maybe 100 or something give or take. 😳 but its at least 200 because i only added the thirstlist and not the individual thirsts that I wrote 
AND I didnt even include the finished imagines in my drafts and the drafts im writing akjshd
also I found out that my top 5 most noted imagines are: 
This is My Wife | Akaashi Keiji (4503 notes) 
Falling Asleep on Them | Kenma, Kuroo (4058 notes) 
Someone Touching You on The Metro | Sakusa, Atsumu, Kuroo (3693 notes) 
Pregnant | Osamu, Kenma, Akaashi, Sakusa (3079 notes)
Kissing His Forehead | Hinata, Aone, Tsukishima (3037 notes) 
Newborn | Ushijima, Iwaizumi, Atsumu (2989 notes) 
Falling Asleep on Them | Tsukishima, Akaashi, Iwaizumi (2720 notes) 
Kissing Their Forehead | Kenma, Iwaizumi, Sakusa (2517 notes) 
Newborn | Sakusa, Osamu, Bokuto (2457 notes) 
Cuddles | Atsumu, Osamu (2003 notes) 
Happy Reading~~ and simping 
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theyscreamjade · 4 years
Katsuki Bakugo
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Fluff: 🤍 Smut: 🖤 Angst: 💙 Crack: 💛
Author’s Favorite: ✨
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You’re Mine
Kasuki BakugoX Fem!Reader: After a picture gone viral and a bad breakup, Sparks reignite when Bakugo and Reader finally sees each other after a month. 🖤✨
Love At First Sight
GN S/O!: A scenario of how you’d meet Izuku, Shoto and Bakugo.🤍
Short S/O
A headcannon of Izuku, Shoto, Bakugo, Kirishima and Denki with a short S/O.🤍
Black S/O Thanksgiving
A headcannon of basically random things that happens at a normal thanksgiving 🤍💛✨
S/O with really (really) long hair
A headcannon of the boys with a lover with really (really) long hair.🤍💛
S/O With A Eating Disorder
A Headcannon of a S/O with a eating disorder. 💙🤍
Madam Thickness
A Headcannon of Bakuhoe, Shotoroni, and Kalamari with a thick S/O 🤍🖤✨
Foxy Lover
A Headcannon of Baku and Sho with a foxy S/O🤍🖤
The Lies You Told
A Headcannon after S/O’S father is dicovered to have another family.  💙🤍
Never Judge By Looks
A Headcannon with a scary-looking S/O who’s actually Chaotic and Funny. 🤍💛
Alternative S/O
What would it be like to have an alternative S/O with Shinso, Izuku, Bakugo and Shoto.🤍✨
Let’s see how Bakugo, Iida, and Shoto handle periods with their S/O. 🤍
Through My Eyes
Bakugo with a insecure S/O about her stretch marks. 🖤🤍
How did I fall for you?
Bakugo Confeses his feelings to you. 🤍
A Headcannon of Denki, Shoto, and Bakugo with a chubby, big breasted S/O 🖤🤍
Steamy Makeout
Ever wondered what would it be like to makeout with Bakugo? Or Shoto?🖤🤍
Double Whammy
A headcannon of Bakuhoe, Toshi, Todoroni and Kiripima with a Fem!S/O who was blessed a bit too much. 🤍🖤
What’s So Fucking Funny?!
A (rather small) Imagine. Bakugo’s S/O tends to laugh at all his yelling. 💛
Firsts W/ Bakugo
a mini imagine of firsts with you and your belvoved Bakugo. 🤍🖤
Call Out My Name
A snippet of what’ll be like if you were ever kidnapped by your villain father. 💙🤍
A Headcanon for Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki & Shinso when they see their Fem Reader with and without makeup? 🤍
Don’t Change Who You Are.       Part Two
S/O (who’s personality is similar to Bakugo’s) changes who they are only to be told that they’re fine just the way they are.💛🤍🖤✨
Looks Can Be Deceiving
A Headcanon for Iida, Todoroki, Bakugou & Kirishima to the reader who’s super shy at first but once they get to know them they become extrovert!!!! 🤍
a Headcanon for Todoroki, Bakugo, Midoriya, Kirishima & Iida of a new student that has an “angel” quirk (the angel wings, a beautiful voice and obviously a beautiful personality). Like their quirk would be their voice; singing can be hypnotic.🤍✨
A headcannon of doing the dirty with these four. 🖤
You and Bakugo were so close in high school, what changed? (My dedication to a special fan~ @twddybe4r ) 🤍 ✨
A Headcannon Of Arguing with Deku, Dynamight and Shoto. 💙🤍
Severe Silence
A accident causes your hearing to go away, How will things change between you and Kiri, Deku, Baku and Iida? 💙🤍✨
When all seems lost, you can always count on Kacchan. 💙🤍✨
S/O is discovered to have a hidden smoking problem. 💙🤍
Drinking and Singing
Stay away from the eggnog next year, Dear. 💛
How does these three help you with your trauma you still face? 💙🤍
Why should bumps define you? 🤍
Southern Bell
Something about those fried foods just make these boys melt like the butter on mashed potatoes. 🤍
The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
Winter has many benefits and fall backs. More benefits though. 🖤🤍
Trigger Warning: Death, Panic attacks: You accidentally kill a villain during a battle..how can you cope with that feeling in by our heart? 💙🤍
Pain Of The Past
Somethings are better out in the open then kept secret. 💙🤍
Goddess In The Midst
black!fem!s/o and reacting to when her melanin is blessed by Golden hour or the Moonlight is shining hella well on her skin. 🤍
how they would handle or babysit kids  🤍 
Melanin Goddess 
South African s/o who has people saying some annoying comments to her just bc she's from Africa.  💙🤍
It’s Just An Illusion
when they have a mission with their s/o and she has this psychosomatic illusion quirk. 🤍💙✨ 
Family Drama
(originally a request.) common black folk issues.  💛
Count On Us
where their friend is manically depressed and has been forgetting to sleep, eat, shower and ,clean, and barley leaves her bedroom, she only listens to the same music on repeat and cries while lashing out on whoever bothers her.? 💙🤍 
experiencing a miscarriage with their S/O 💙✨
Black!Pro-hero y/n (who’s a bit obscured since she’s not a top ranking hero) is on patrol with her pro-hero boyfriend and suddenly you hear an excited squeal  🤍✨
All Thighs Matter 
an s/o that drops everything for them the minute they lay on her lap  🤍 ✨
Black Fetishization
falling for a Black s/o and confessing to her, only for her to be very suspicious and ask why. Turns out s/o has been in a relationship where she has been fetishized and the ex was upset that she didn't act like "what a black girl is suppose to act 🙄" and dumped her.
teenage Aizawa, Bakugo, and Shinso with a southern s/o taking them to their first Mardi Gras parade 🤍
I Want To Be Just Like You 
Hawks, Bakugo, Aizawa, and Mirio reacting to their black!fem!pro-hero crush gushing as she meets a few young (like 5-8 years old to make it cuter) black girls wearing her merch or looking at her in pure awe to see someone that looks like them is a pro-hero 🤍
Kiri, Shoto, Aizawa, and Hawks with an s/o that has not only a gorgeous smile but she also has dimples.🤍
hcs of Bakugo, Shinsou, Hawks, and Kirishima with an s/o that drops everything for them the minute they lay on her lap?🤍
Start Off With A Dice Roll
Izuku, Kiri, Mirio and Bakugou approaching a black reader who they’ve been eyeing in the club all night? 🤍✨
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thekeigospichula · 3 years
CW// bkdk/ panick attack/ death/ anxiety/ blood/ self harming/ depression
I look at myself through the mirror, I look at my scars and the freckles on the tan skin, I look at my eyes and the tears falling one by one until they reach the floor.
I listen to the sound of my heart and my cracked sobs, the water running in the shower and the loud music in my cell phone.
I feel the cold floor under my feet and the cold on my bare skin, my dirty skin, my bloody skin.
I look at my hands, all the scars in the same place, the dirt still there, full of blood. I remember having cleaned my hands, but the blood never let go of my hands. I look in the mirror again and my body is crimson, dirty, guilty.
I hear the sound of the water running, I hear my breath, I hear my sobs, I hear screams, I hear cries, I hear people screaming at me to save them, I see hope in my eyes and I see blood splashing in my face.
I feel my legs giving up, I feel my heart rise my throat, I feel my head heavy, I feel my eyes hazed, I feel my mouth dry, I feel my skin in fire, I feel my body in water, I feel-
"Oi, Deku, you've been an hour there, get your ass out"
"I-I" I can't speak, I can't breathe, I can't stand up, I can't move, I can't save, I can't be useful, I can't be a hero, I can't be pardoned. Why am I still here? Why am I still trying?
Hero Deku is here!!!, He will save us
I couldn't save you.
I couldn't move faster enough.
I couldn't use any quirk.
I couldn't reach your hands.
I couldn't be enough.
I'm not enough.
The water is boiling with a couple of chamomile flowers from our garden, a light soup already warm on the table, bandages and a first aid kit ready to take care of  my husband.
Everything's ready, except that fucker. I know him, him and his dumb brain that overthink everything, and that reckless mind of him that always makes me feel like I'm about to die.
The tea is ready, I'll put it in his favorite cup, it's a teamed one of us, when we did that comercial to a coffee company, we looked badass as fuck together. 
I wanted to take a shower together, but the damn nerd said he needed time alone, but it's enough time to cuddle and relax the shit out of him.
"Oi, Deku, you've been an hour there, get your ass out"
Silence, I lean my ear against the door, only hearing the loud music inside.
Silence again... No, sobs, he is crying.
"Deku, please, open the door" The sobs are louder and he's breathing really fast.
"Deku, listen to my voice, I'm here" Shit, he is having a panic attack. And I can't open the fucking door.
"DEKU" fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
Why this shit don't give up whit my fucking explosions?
I need reach him.
I need save him.
I need him here.
Where the fuck are the shitty keys?
No in the drawer.
No in the kitchen.
No in the key holder.
I can't explode the fucking door, it can hit him, I can't explode the doorknob, the same shit. Fuck everything.
The mother fucker has to melt under my fucking hands.
It's fucking slow, I'm sweating, but that's good.
"I'm coming baby!"
The damn shit gave up. Fucking finally.
"Izu-STOP '' I take his hands trying to stop him from hurting himself even more. He is in the floor naked, burying his nails on his arms, his torso has fresh scratches and his face is looking down, hi's under a panick attack, fuck. "Izuku, baby, i'm here" I need a fucking cold towel, but I can't let him "Hey, baby, look at me, please" fuckfuckfuck "Izuku" I hug him, caressing his curls "Izuku, listen my voice please, I need you breathing slower" fuck, I try to reach the damn towel on the wall... Yes, I got it, now I need cold water.
Bakugo put a towel full of cold water on Midoriya's nape, making the curled man gasp.
"Izuku, baby, hear me" the blond caress the green curls with one hand, and the other arm holding the bare freckled body "Please breath with me" Midoriya feel his lungs about to explode, he shake his head, breath hurts "No, don't gimme that, breath whit me, in" Bakugo inhale air and hold for a couple of seconds "And out" then exhale the air " Do it with me, in... and out, yes, like that, again" 
For a while they just still like that, Bakugo caressing the green curls of the man sitting in his lap, and Midoriya cuddles in Bakugo's chest until Midoriya holds himself.
"Do you wanna talk?" The crimson eyed asked caressing the wet cheek. Midoriya shook his head, he was really tired. Bakugo pressed his lips together in a line holding his husband closer "You know that I love you, right?" Midoriya nod his head "And you are loved" Bakugo kiss his head "And you're amazing" he kiss his forehead "And I need you" he kiss his cheek "And you are the most wonderful human being that I have meet" he lift the green haired chin, trying to look at that green beautiful eyes only founding pain and guilt in the dark eyes.
"I'm sorry" Midoriya said tears falling of his freckled cheeks "I'm so sorry"
"I-I couldn't" his voice cracks. "I heard them, they were relieved a-and then" he feel fall again, covering his eyes with his hands trying to continue, but he hear the voices again, the screaming, the fear. A warm hand caress circles on his back after to take off the wet towel on his nape, encouraging the green haired "I couldn't do anything" Midoriya said in a broken whisper "I HAD to save them" his hands lifting in his hair and pulling of it "But I was useless, I kill the-"
"No" Bakugo said in a soft voice, that one only used when he tried to comfort him "You didn't" the blond held the hands on the green hair and kiss his knuckles, relaxing the hands and kissing them again. Midoriya retracts his hands looking with fear at the crimson eyes.
"I did Katsuki, I used black whip to hold the structure, but I was week and I couldn't keep the thing still, I kill them I FUCKING KILL THEM" his voice sound broken and full of hate, because he hate himself for not being enough "THEY WERE RELIEVED TO SEE ME AND THEN I KILL THEM, THERE WERE KIDS, GOD" Bakugo was surprised, this is really huge. 
The freckled look at his hands, bloody again, dirty, disgusting.
"Izuku'' the blond hold his face with both hands, squishing the freckled cheeks "Hear me now, you didn't kill anyone, this is our work, sometimes we can't save everybody, sometimes we fail, sometimes there are hands that we can't reach, and that it's not our fault, okay?" The green haired look at his husband smiling, god, the most broken smile.
"If I can't be useful at least in this, then why am I here?" Crimson eyes wide in shock.
'Da fuck?
"Hey, what the fuck was that shit?" Bakugo stand up, holding the man in his arms and sitting him in the tub of his shower opening the warm water. Yes he knows that that is not the right way to full the tub, but yeah, fuck it.
"Listen to me fucking asshole" the blond said furious, but rubbing gently the green head whit the cucumber shampoo "You are a fucking human, piece of shit" gently clean the soap in the green eyes, and continuing rubbing the green curls.
"You value as a human doesn't have anything to do whit a stupid "use", stupid" he take the sponge and put on it liquid soap of orange and rub gently whit so much care the frackled face.
"It's about love idiot" he take off the soap again of his eyes "And ya love whit all your heart, you love like a stupid" he start to clean the scratched and sore arms and torso, the muscles legs and the rough feet.
"And you was the fucker that tough me that" Midoriya feel his chest warm, the way Kacchan touch him like he was something precious is priceless.
"And that is one of the million fucking things why I love you like a stupid" he washed the soap on the tan skin, caressing the beautiful skin, ful of constellation and thunders, he isn't soft, no, his body is rough and hard, but is warm and safe, being held for that scared hands feels like heaven, feel that beautiful skin against  his feels like home, almost like he was a child again, when he and his husband only mattered, no the world, no the heroes, no the civilians, only them.
"I'm sorry" Midoriya said, with tears in his eyes again "But I don't know what else to do" his wet hands reach his face "I feel that I need to do something" his body tremble under the crimson sight "I-I feel that love it's not enough" a sob broke into his lips "My love couldn't save anyone" and suddenly he feel dirty again, he feel the world on his shoulders and the pain in his chest.
"Now I'm fucking offended" Midoriya look at the crimson eyes whit confusion.
"Why?" The blond sighs, takes out his clothes and enters the tub with his husband splashing water out of the shower. His chest against the scared back and his chin on the green curls.
"Well, because you love saved me" he say hugging the muscle body "Me, the white hair child, the little asshole, All Might..." He pause to kiss the nape before him and thighing his embrace "And more people, that is here being loved for another one thanks to you" Bakugo rest his forehead in the smaller's man shoulder "And you love is really warm, and makes me feel all this stupid and dumb" he whisper "But makes me feel that maybe, I'm not a completely asshole"
"You're not an asshole Kacchan" the freckled man answer with a tiny smile caressing the blond wet hair.
"That's what I'm talking about, I'm an asshole, but you just treat me like, like I'm wonderful and I deserve you love, and that makes me think that I'm doing something good enough to make you think that I deserve being loved for you"
"Hey, Kacchan, you deserve love" Midoriya says a little angry "And you are incredible and amazing, and I know you are rude, but you're kind too" Bakugo chuckles funny.
"Ya, shutup, I'm the one comforting, you just let me cuddle you and take my stupid love" The green haired man smile "Fine, so, I was saying, I'm an asshole, I was more than an asshole, but you save me and now I'm a better human than before" he lean his cheek against the another man "Save is reach the hands that you can reach, win is save the ones you reached whit a smile, and sometimes you don't need necessarily win"
"Hey, who are you? What did you do with my Kacchan?" Midoriya jokes caressing his husband's cheek.
"Shutup, I'm madure now Deku" Midoriya laugh soft, forgetting for a moment his problems "I know that is hard, and... We need help okay?, I... I know that I'm not enough to you"
"Hey, no, Kacc-"
"No, let me speak'' he sigh leaning his forehead against the another shoulder again, whispering soft and gently "I know Deku, I'm bad with words, all that I told you, I had written before, I planed to told you this to comfort you when we were taking the dinner, I... Know that I-I, well, shit"
"Kacchan, it's fine, you don't need-"
"Yes I need, you are a vocal person, you need to hear the things and I'm not good at that" he tight his embrace even more "I can't help you with that, even if I try, so that's why we must visit a psychologist" Midoriya widens his eyes.
"But I though..."
"Yes, and I was a shitty stupid, we can go together or separate, I want to know how to help you, I want to know how to carry with you the weight on yours shoulde-ers" A sobs broke his last word.
"Kacchan..." Midoriya turn his face to see the blond hair still in his wet shoulder.
"Don't look at me, it's embarrassing" Bakugo bury his face in the freckled skin, trying to hide his tears.
"Sorry" Midoriya say with tears in his eyes "I make you cry" Bakugo lift his face, looking at the tears on his husband's face.
"Nonononono, fuck, don't apologize" he doesn't care about his tears "Stop crying" he say still crying.
"I can't, see you crying makes me cry, I'm so sorry Kacchan"
"Aaaaaahhhh, fuck" Bakugo try to clean his tears and stop his sobs.
"It's fine Kacchan, you can cry"
"But I don't wanna see you cry, makes me fucking cry"
"Kacchan is a crybaby like me" 
"Shut the fuck up" he hugs him again hiding his face in the curvature of his shoulder, sobbing in silence trying to hold himself, whereas Midoriya just let himself cry.
He remembers when they were children, one day playing in the little forest close to their houses, he fell, hurting his little hands and his knees, they were bleeding and looked worse than what they really were. He remembers crying so much, because really hurted, and remember seeing the crimson eyes staring at him, tears forming in his big eyes and falling on his childish cheeks.
"Kacchan, I'm bleeding, '' he said sobbing. Katsuki knelt down before his friend without knowing what to do, so he just hugged him. The little Midoriya could feel his shirt wet for his friend's tears"
"Don't die Deku" he said in a sob, scaring the little freckled"
"M going to die Kacchan?" Midoriya said crying harder"
"NO, you don't, I'm gonna carry you to a doctor to save you" the little Katsuki said trying to carry his friend, but his little arms couldn't whit the weight of his friend, making him cry harder, until a little hand tug his red shirt"
"It's fine Kacchan, let me here"
"NO, I DON'T WANT" in the end, they stayed together until the moon raised the sky and their parents found them cuddle in a tree with his cheeks wet"
Midoriya smiles before the memorie.
"You aren't going to let me alone, don't you?" Midoriya says with a smile.
"Never" Bakugo answer without hesitation.
"You're going to protect me, even if you don't know how, right?"
"Of fucking curse, I'm gonna learn how to help you" Midoriya smile whit watery eyes hearing his husband sobs against his skin.
"Fine, let's do this together"
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hoe-doroki · 4 years
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A response to this ask:
Reader having a silent mental breakdown and trying to hide it with Bakugo and iida!( bakugo’s fine if not iida)
warning: detailed descriptions of panic attack, self-loathing
pairing: Bakugou x gn!reader
genre: hurt/comfort
word count: 2.2k
edit: I no longer write x reader but here’s my old masterlist - mobile | desktop
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It seemed stupid to have any kind of mental illness around someone like Bakugou.
Bakugou had experienced near death multiple times by his mid-twenties had had witnessed the worst of the world first hand. His teens had been littered with trauma and, as an adult, his work was constantly throwing him into circumstances where his body, his life was at risk. He did this day in and day out and it wasn’t even a question. He survived it all and, more than that, he let the world think it was easy.
Sometimes just getting out of bed wasn’t easy for you.
You felt like your body was rotting. You’d been on the couch all day and it smelled stale from the layers of lazy sweat you’d gotten on it. From the shower you hadn’t taken and the hair you hadn’t touched. But was it rot from the outside in—something a bit of soap and buffing could slough off—or was it the inside out? Harder to reach, harder to fix. As your brain sent your every thought clenching on your veins, your vital organs, you couldn’t help but wonder if it was both. Rotted from the inside out and the outside in.
You tensed when you heard the door to your shared apartment click, a key being shoved into the lock. Over the cold numbness that you’d felt all day, a shot of panic sprinted through your bloodstream as a million ways to lie popped into your head. You popped off the couch and tried to think of a way to look busy, so you ran to the kitchen and started boiling some water.
This was something Bakugou couldn’t see. The last thing you wanted, the last thing he needed was for you to be another person that he had to save. Another person to risk himself for.
You eyed Bakugou when he came in, shoulders drooped, gait wide. He looked tired, but otherwise normal. You usually tried not to worry yourself with the cuts and scrapes he often showed up with after work, and, so long as he was walking, he usually told you to calm down and that he was fine. You weren’t going to test it today.
“Hi, babe,” you said, putting strained effort into your pitch, your tone, your face. Maybe your voice was too high, maybe the smile spread a bit too wide, so you turned back to the water, watching it heat.
“Hi,” Bakugou greeted as he kicked off his sneakers, voice gravely as it usually was after a shift. He was in civilian clothes now, having showered and changed at the agency. A black tee and jeans that never fit quite right on his narrow hips and tall frame. “What’re you up to?”
“Oh, I, um…” You looked down at the water, still cool enough to stick a finger into. You’d done nothing all day, having skipped out on all your classes with half-assed emails sent to the teachers. The idea of going had been too much to take—for reasons you had no language for—so you’d wallowed on the couch as the hours of the day had bled away. So the question felt like an interrogation about to put a scalpel to your flaws. “I’m just heating some water for tea. Was gonna get started on dinner.”
“What were you gonna make?”
Bakugou was in the kitchen now, coming up behind you to press a kiss against your temple. Your heart rate increased but not in the good way. Not in the way that it should. Instead of flutters it was pounding, smacking against your ribs in a reminder that he was too close, you were too visible—you might explode and you would hurt him.
“I, um, I wasn’t sure,” you said, the answer sending shameful heat to your cheeks. And then you were slapped the other way by how stupid that was. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
“Okay,” Bakugou said, going to the fridge. “I’m sure we can figure something out.”
Bakugou was always insistent on having a stocked fridge. With his job and you in your master’s program it was hard to find the time to grocery shop, much less eat consistent meals together, but those were the kinds of things that Bakugou prioritized. The things behind his sharp persona and shrinking legacy of reckless anger that made him a good boyfriend. An amazing partner and enviable roommate.
And what did you offer him? Emotional instability without just cause? A nascent—at best—career while he was climbing the pro hero charts every cycle?
Who were you kidding? You hadn’t even gone to class. You hadn’t done any of the work that you needed to do—the evening was a wash now, so you wouldn’t catch up. You were just wasting everyone’s time, like you always did.
“Hey, babe?”
By the tone of his voice, you realized that Bakugou had called you multiple times. Your eyes flicked toward him, but your head felt heavy to lift. “Hmm?” you asked, squeezing every last bit of breath into that hum.
“The water’s boiling.” Bakugou walked over to you, two mugs with teabags slumped at the bottom. He set them on the counter and put a hand on your shoulder, turning you a degree closer to him.
“Oh,” you intoned, pulling away and turning off the fire. Stupid. You were about to grab the pot when Bakugou dropped his hand down to your elbow, giving a firm squeeze.
“Are you okay?”
You ignored his gesture to stop and reached for the kettle, putting all of your effort into keeping your hands steady as you poured hissing water in one mug and then the other. Doing something was the only thing keeping you upright as your thoughts continued to swirl in your head poisoning each brain cell you had. You hadn’t done anything worth living for today. But goddamn it, if you couldn’t make these mugs of tea, then you should just walk out of the apartment and let Bakugou be better off without you.
“Woah, woah, what’s happening?”
Bakugou’s hand was on your chin as he pulled your face a little too roughly towards him. Or, rather, it wouldn’t have been rough, if you weren’t resisting it. But you didn’t want him to look you in the eye. See what a failure you were. Someone who couldn’t even overcome a bad emotional day to go to class while he’d been out saving lives—as usual. He took the pot from your white-knuckled grip and set it on the stove.
“Why are you crying?”
Were you? You hurriedly brushed a hand under your eyes and they came away slick, the water hot as the tea you were steeping.
“The…The steam…” you started, prepared to lie and lie and lie until there was nothing real left. The real stuff was too hard to hold. “I think…It just must have irri…tated my eyes.”
Your breathing was running away with you, chest heaving as you pulled away and faced the other direction. Your attempts were thin, too threadbare to hide behind. And your boyfriend wasn’t nearly stupid enough to be fooled, even by your best efforts.
“Babe, tell me what’s wrong,” Bakugou said forcibly, stepping around to face you again.
His eyes were searching for yours, but you held fisted hands to your cheek as you turned away from him. Now you could feel the tears streaming, and you couldn’t turn them off. But what was there to tell him? That you were just a big, stupid idiot who cried for no reason? That watching him become a better man only emphasized how totally shit you were? That when the two of you were on the street together, you knew that people wondered what a guy like him was doing with a person like you?
“I just want you to stop crying,” Bakugou said, and you could hear him getting desperate, only making you feel worse. You were biting your lips closed to keep the sobs from tearing out, but that only made embarrassing little huffs come out your nose, whimpers sneak past the back of your throat.
You couldn’t stop crying. How could you stop it when you didn’t understand what had started it?
“I’ll just,” you hiccupped, backing away from him. “Just give me…I’ll be fine, just give me a minute.”
“Fuck that,” Bakugou said, grabbing your wrist. “Do you want me to go because you want me to go, or because you think you deserve to be alone?”
The words felt like a trick, a riddle from some fairytale turned nightmare intended to make you fail either way. Telling him the truth would trap him in whatever trip wires had you tied in knots right now. But, at the same time, he was expecting the lie. He wasn’t letting you save him from this.
But why? He was always saving people. Why, for once, couldn’t you save him from you?
“Idiot,” Bakugou said, pulling you in to him. You cried harder, the weight of your failure dropping in your well and spilling more tears out of you. “Why would I leave you alone?”
A sob crashed out, breaking through haphazard letters of attempted defense. He needed to go; him seeing you like this only made it worse.
“It, um,” Bakugou’s voice was low, a register that was unfamiliar even to you, unsteady and unrehearsed. “It seems easier to be alone. I know it does. But…you’ve shown me that’s not true, so just. Let me show you the same, okay?”
You could feel how hard he was trying as he pressed you into his chest and you finally, finally let him. The sobbing made you weak in the knees, light in the head, but he held you. He held you up, held you close, and he wasn’t letting go.
Everyone always talked about how crying felt good. About it being a release that helped you process your pain. And maybe that was right when talking about grief or loss, but not this. These tears felt like nothing more than splashing in the masturbatory wallowing hole of your self pity. Embarrassing and stupid.
“Why?” you finally whispered when the sobs subsided a bit, letting you keep enough of the air in to at least say that.
For a moment, Bakugou didn’t say anything, and you wondered if you’d imagined the words. If you were imagining the whole thing and he really had left like you’d wanted. But then you heard breath catch in the back of his throat as he seemed to try and fail to find the words a couple of times.
“In another world,” he finally started. “I’d come home from a day of work fucking exhausted, slump on the couch, eat, and pack it in to go to bed before starting all over the next day. And I’d probably be fine with that. But I’d be a fucking idiot, because coming home to you makes it worth coming home.”
Your breathing was steadying as he talked and you could feel the tears cooling against your cheek, against his wet t-shirt.
“Even with you looking like a damn mess like this,” Bakugou said and you could hear the smile in his voice. His smile, which had grown less rare over time, was always so wide that it made his words sound different. Warmer. They managed to draw a haggard chuckle out of you. “I’m happier just to be around you than convincing myself that being lonely at the top is the best way.”
“I don’t want to drag you down from the top,” you said. “Your company shouldn’t be dead weight.”
“Dead weight?” Bakugou repeated, pulling back to look at you. “Dumbass.”
He pulled you in again, both of his arms around the back of your head so that you were nearly smothered in his chest.
“That’s the stupidest fucking shit I’ve ever heard. You’re fucking incredible, and if that’s why you’re crying today, then you and me have to do some talking.”
Another laugh managed to crawl its way out of you and Bakugou let you pull back to breathe again.
“Are you okay now?”
‘Okay’ felt like such a far ways away. But you were above water again. Somewhere next to okay, distance undetermined.
“I’m surviving,” you decided.
Bakugou looked at you, a couple different things flashing over his eyes, too quickly for you to identify. “Well, that’ll do for now, but we’re not settling for that. Just talk to me. I’m not the best at this, but…I want to be better at it.”
In that moment, you remembered that Bakugou wasn’t perfect either. That he constantly had voices in his head telling him that he wasn’t doing enough and, not only that, he had the public constantly critiquing his attitude, his skills, his work. That, to some degree, this was already something you were going through together.
“I think you’re better at it than you think.”
Bakugou smiled again, this one not so wide, but more private. “You too, he said. Whatever bullshit you’re telling yourself—you’re better than you think.”
He pulled you in close again, and this time you sunk into it, enjoying his warm muscles, the way that his hair was still a little damp from the shower. You weren’t sure if anything had changed—all your problems were still present as they’d ever been. But yet, there was one thing. Now, with Bakugou’s arms like a buttress to your shaky but standing foundation, you, paradoxically, hoped that he would stay and stay and stay.
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plainbrunettelbl · 5 years
ABO (A) Kirishima Eijiro x (O) Reader Accidental Elbow
Word count: 1466
Warnings: None. 
Title:  ABO (A) Kirishima Eijiro x (O) Reader Accidental Elbow
Summary: You sneak up on Kiri and accidentally get an elbow to the stomach. 
(Gif is not mine) (Kiri getting you your ice.) 
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🦈-Honestly, it was a bad idea in the first place. 
🦈-You had been snuggled in Eijiro’s bed under your nest. It was the weekend so as soon as you woke up in your dorm you made your way to your Alpha’s room and started building a nest. 
🦈-He had kissed you on the forehead on his way out. He was gonna go train a bit with Bakugo. He didn’t mind having you stay in his room while he was gone. You smiled before kissing him on the lips and seeing him out. 
🦈-You got to work as soon as the door closed. 
🦈-You had gotten the pillows and blankets just right and decided to take a small nap while you waited for him to get back. It was the weekend so you let yourself relax. Usually, you would offer to go train with them but not today. 
🦈-Eijiro had kept a vast amount of pillows and blanket in his room for you so any nest you made was always big and plush. He might not have as much money as some of his other classmates but he was always on the lookout for sales and deals. 
🦈-You know he took pride in bringing back a big plush pillow he had found that was half off. Your Omega purred at every single thing he gave you. Although you would always cherish the plushy that he won you at an arcade the most. 
🦈-It was your first date and he had been adamant about winning you something to take home. As soon as you cooed over a plush shark that reminded you of a sharp-toothed Alpha he had taken it as a personal goal to get you that plushy. 
🦈-He might have saved up to take you on said date but he didn’t plan on one claw machine taking twenty dollars from him. He was glad you both had eaten beforehand and not after. 
🦈-He would have drowned himself if he wasn’t able to pay for your meal. 
🦈-He had inserted his last dollar and only had one last chance to get the stubborn plush when it finally fell into the exit. His Alpha was preening in pride. He couldn’t help the smug grin he had on his face when he passed it over to you. 
🦈-You had beamed and pecked a kiss on his cheek, thanking him for the new plush that was undoubtedly gonna go straight in your nest as soon as you got back to the dorms. 
🦈-You felt like you closed your eyes for one second but when you opened them the sun was already falling down in the sky. You woke up to orange rays lighting up the room. 
🦈-They were the only thing lighting up the room, the light was off. 
🦈-You shifted your head to the side and saw your Alpha sitting at his desk gaming. His ruby eyes focused on the bright screen. He had his red headset on and was speaking quietly into the mic. He didn’t want to wake you up. 
🦈-Your heart warmed at his thoughtfulness. 
🦈-You quietly crawled out the nest and walked up behind him. Since the light wasn’t on in his room you had to be careful about not tripping on one of his weights. 
🦈-He wanted to throw himself off of a cliff when you stubbed your toe on one once and chirped in distress. He always tried to keep them out of the way after that but sometimes he slipped up. 
🦈-He must have showered after his training with Bakugo since his hair was not gelled up like normal. Your fingers were eager to run through his soft red locks. His roots were starting to grow back in so you would need to help him to redye them soon. 
🦈-It really was your fault. If you were focused on something and all of a sudden something was moving in your hair you would have done the exact same thing. As soon as your fingers glided through his hair he jumped and tossed his arms out. 
🦈-More specifically his elbow. 
🦈-You felt the wind knock out of you as soon as his strong elbow jammed itself into your soft and unsuspecting stomach. You fell back on the floor gasping for air. Your Alpha was already out of his chair, tossing his headphones off, and hovering over you. 
🦈-He couldn’t see much with the lights off so he quickly left your side to turn them on. 
🦈-“Oh my God! I am so sorry, Omega! I didn’t know you had gotten out of bed! I swear if I had known it was you I wouldn’t have thrown my arms back.” He frantically tried to get you to breathe normally. 
🦈-You slowly came back to your senses. Your lack of response made Eijiro panic even more. 
🦈-“Oh my God, baby! Did I get you in the ribs? Do we need to go see recovery girl? I’ll take you right now.” His eyes had started to fill with tears at the thought of him hurting you enough to crack a rib. 
🦈-You quickly sat up, although your stomach protested. 
🦈-“No, I’m fine, Alpha.�� You reassured, purring to help calm him down. 
🦈-“Are you sure? I can tell someone to bring her down here just to check you out. I’m so sorry.” He blubbered, his hands shaking as he tried to run his hand down your hair.
🦈-“It was just a small hit. I get worst while training.” You hummed, pulling his head to rest on your chest. 
🦈-He was clearly overwhelmed at the thought of him accidentally hurting you that he wasn’t fully listening to you. You knew if this continued he would work himself into a panic attack. 
🦈-He was sensitive behind closed doors. 
🦈-You silenced him, making sure his ear was right up against your chest so he could hear your calming purrs. As soon as the sound registered he went slack in your lap. 
🦈-His fists that were clenched up went lax. He was slow and careful when wrapping his arms around your waist. His head got heavier has his mind slowly latched on to your comforting purrs. 
🦈-Soon his breathing had evened out and he was lifting his head back up. 
🦈-“Are you sure you are okay, Omega?” He asked, looking down at your stomach. He was scared to lift up your shirt and see the damage he had done. What if he bruised you? 
🦈-His Alpha was howling at the thought. 
🦈-“I’m fine. A little bit of ice and I will be as good as new.” You leaned up and pulled his hair away from his face. 
🦈-“Ice! I’ll go get some right now.” He said, dashing out of the room. 
🦈-When he was gone you lifted up your shirt to check out the damage. The area where he hit you was red in color but it didn’t look like it was gonna leave a bruise. 
🦈-Although your torso was already littered in bruised from this week’s training so it would blend in if it did. You did mean it when you said you got worse during training. 
🦈-You slid your shirt back down before crawling back into bed. You snatched the TV remote before you crawled back in. No doubt your Alpha was gonna be very clingy and not wanting to leave your side as soon as he came back in. 
🦈-You fluffed the pillows once more and made room for him before settling down and waiting for Eijiro to walk back in. He came back with a big bag of ice and happily climbed into bed beside you. 
🦈-“The ice tray was empty but good thing Todoroki was in the kitchen grabbing a snack.” He informed, snuggling down into your chest. He gently pressed the ice down on your stomach. 
🦈-You tried not to flinch at the coldness. He already felt bad enough. 
🦈-“Better?” He whispered, looking up at you. 
🦈-“Better.” You hummed, weaving your hand into his hair. It was his soft hair that caused this whole mess. 
🦈-He laid his head back down on your chest and sighed. 
🦈-“Wanna watch a movie?” You offered, knowing he was going to be attached to your side and you weren’t going back to your room tonight. 
🦈-He merely nodded before letting out a small purr. He was still upset that he had hurt you but his Alpha was enjoying your warm embrace. You merely laughed before grabbing the remote and flipping through Netflix. 
🦈-You fell asleep that night with a red-headed Alpha snoring away on your chest. He was stubborn in his sleep and wouldn’t allow himself to detach from your body. 
🦈-Your Omega enjoyed every second of it.
Just a small fluff fic. 💕
Please reblog my work if you enjoyed it. It really keeps me motivated to write for you guys. Leave a note as well. 💕
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h2bakugou · 5 years
bnha/mha masterlist
[ bnha/mha masterlist 2 ]
♡ indicates fluff/romance ☆ indicates smut/nsfw (all characters aged up 18+ au) ☁ indicates angst 
»»————- ★ ————-««
specials: ↳ 4k followers special | WAP dance reactions ↳ celebrating 1 year of h2bakugou | pumpkin patch date
translations: ↳ anime one shots by APrettiAlien on wattpad / @alienpretti on tumblr
katsuki bakugo: ↳ ‘match’sticks  ♡ ↳ blood-boiling  ☆ ↳ crush-contact ☆ ↳ speechless  ♡ ↳ counterpart  ♡ ↳ discipline ♡ ↳ part 2 ♡ ↳ goldie ♡ ↳ stormy nights ♡ ↳ losing teeth ♡ ↳ not weak ♡ ↳ field trip ♡  ↳ focus ♡ ↳ discovering ☆   ↳ “i’m keeping him.” ♡ ↳ relationship fears ♡ ↳ comfort after loss ♡ ↳ love all boobies ☆ ↳ love your body ☆ ↳ panic attack ♡ ↳ what are we ♡ ↳ deadpool’s quirk ♡ ↳ “you’re so in love with her” ♡ ↳ “i’m in control, katsuki” ☆ ↳ shitty week ♡ ↳ junior high gf ♡ ↳ keeping score ♡ ↳ invitation to the squad ♡ ↳ caught off guard ♡ ↳ comfort kisses ♡ ↳ tough lover ♡ ↳ love ‘triangle’ (with shoto todoroki) ♡ ↳ angel ♡ ↳ on one condition ♡ ↳ road trip ☆ ↳ dragon king ♡  ↳ catch a glimpse ♡ ↳ first love ♡ ↳ “i love you” ♡   ↳ “i love you for you, idiot” ♡ ↳ running late ♡ ↳ disappearance ♡ ↳ sweater thief ♡ ↳ presentation nerves ♡ ↳ i promise ♡ ↳ morning surprise ☆ ↳ protecting you ♡ ↳ i’ve got a dream ♡ ↳ interlude iv ☁ ↳ cuddles make everything better ♡ ↳ memories ♡ ↳ kindness and kisses ♡ ↳ meeting your dad ♡ ↳ a care package from home ♡ ↳ struck by love ♡ ↳ full-dragon form ♡ ↳ the right way to love ♡
headcanons: ↳ 7 minutes in heaven headcanon  ♡ ↳ soulmate au! first words spoken [1] ♡ ↳ showering with them headcanon ☆ ↳ touch starved s/o ♡ ↳ bookworm s/o ♡ ↳ easily distracted s/o ♡     ↳ bullied s/o ♡ ↳ boxer s/o ♡ ↳ s/o who hates their own house ♡ ↳ artist s/o ♡ ↳ s/o who has a bad sleep schedule ♡ ↳ s/o who zones out a lot ♡ ↳ ballerina s/o ♡ ↳ s/o that likes to sing ♡ ↳ extra soft and lovey bc their s/o is on their period ♡ ↳ s/o who doesn’t feel good on their period ♡ ↳ getting caught out on a date with their s/o ♡ ↳ finding out their s/o is bisexual ♡  ↳ their badass s/o who’s kaminari’s best friend ♡ ↳ their s/o coming out as bisexual and their parents are homophobic ♡ ↳ them crushing on their s/o who likes how abrasive they are ♡ ↳ them reacting to their s/o’s ahegao face ☆ ↳ them reacting to their s/o’s club attire and dancing ☆ ↳ them with an insecure s/o ♡ ↳ them studying with their s/o ♡ ↳ jealous and insecure s/o ♡ ↳ them reacting to the false news of their s/o’s death whose records had been switched ♡  ↳ class 1a reacting to their sex marks ☆ ↳ them with a calm yet strong-willed s/o ♡ ↳ how they cuddle ♡ ↳ tiktok body canvas painting trend ♡ ↳ them with a crush on someone who doesn’t study yet excels in class ♡ ↳ them with an s/o who has toxic friends ♡ ↳ them with an s/o who loves sanrio ♡ ↳ them with an s/o who has a biting kink ☆ ↳ getting cockwarmed by their s/o ☆ ↳ amusement/water park date ♡ ↳ hooking up with their s/o who got stood up at prom ☆ ↳ them with an s/o whose parents were villains ♡ ↳ them with an s/o who has younger siblings ♡ ↳ them with an s/o who is taller than them ♡ ↳ them with an s/o who figure skates ♡ ↳ them with an s/o who likes to collect shells on the beach ♡ ↳ their s/o flinches during an argument ♡ ☁ ↳ them finding out their s/o has a protective older brother ♡ ↳ them reacting to their s/o getting glasses ♡ ↳ them with a cute but dumb s/o ♡ ↳ them with an s/o who loves spirituality, horoscopes, and astrology ♡ ↳ them with a sassy s/o who’s soft in private 2 ♡
shoto todoroki: ↳ transfer student  ♡ ↳ secret diary ☆ ↳  confrontation ♡ ↳ shitty dads ♡ ↳ unpredictable ♡ ↳ love ‘triangle’ (with katsuki bakugou) ♡ ↳ so call me venom ♡
headcanons: ↳ showering with them headcanon ☆ ↳ touch starved s/o ♡ ↳ easily distracted s/o ♡ ↳ finding their future child in their timeline ♡ ↳ s/o who hates their own house ♡ ↳ s/o who has been neglected by their mother ♡ ↳ s/o who zones out a lot ♡ ↳ seven minutes in heaven ♡ ↳ them with an s/o with narcolepsy ♡ ↳ getting caught out on a date with their s/o ♡ ↳ their badass s/o who’s kaminari’s best friend ♡ ↳ them with a s/o who isn’t the brightest ♡ ↳ them reacting to their s/o’s ahegao face ☆ ↳ tiktok body canvas painting trend ♡ ↳ them with a crush on someone who doesn’t study yet excels in class ♡ ↳ them with an s/o who has toxic friends ♡ ↳ them with an s/o who loves sanrio ♡ ↳ them with an s/o who has a biting kink ☆ ↳ them with an s/o whose parents were villains ♡ ↳ them with an s/o who has younger siblings ♡ ↳ them with an s/o who feels uncomfortable receiving gifts ♡ ↳ them with an s/o who is taller than them ♡  ↳ them with an artist s/o ♡ ↳ them with an s/o who figure skates ♡ ↳ their s/o flinches during an argument ♡ ☁ ↳ them with an s/o who has a brother that also attends U.A. ♡ ↳ them finding out their s/o has a protective older brother ♡ ↳ them with a sassy s/o who’s soft in private 2 ♡
izuku midoriya: ↳ like strangers do ♡ ↳ saving you ♡
headcanons: ↳ showering with them headcanon ☆ ↳ touch starved s/o ♡  ↳ s/o who zones out a lot ♡ ↳ seven minutes in heaven ♡ ↳ their badass s/o who’s kaminari’s best friend ♡ ↳ them with a s/o who isn’t the brightest ♡ ↳ hearing their s/o’s real voice for the first time ♡ ↳ how they cuddle ♡ ↳ them with a crush on someone who doesn’t study yet excels in class ♡ ↳ them with an s/o who has younger siblings ♡ ↳ their s/o flinches during an argument ♡ ☁ ↳ them finding out their s/o has a protective older brother ♡
denki kaminari: ↳ boyfriend ♡ ↳ static electricity ♡ ↳ confessions ♡
headcanons: ↳ their badass s/o who’s kaminari’s best friend ♡ ↳ coming home to their s/o cooking in their hoodie and lacey panties ☆ ↳ hearing their s/o’s real voice for the first time ♡ ↳ how they cuddle ♡ ↳ tiktok body canvas painting trend ♡ ↳ them with a crush on someone who doesn’t study yet excels in class ♡ ↳ them with an s/o who loves sanrio ♡ ↳ hooking up with their s/o who got stood up at prom ☆ ↳ them with an s/o who figure skates ♡ ↳ them with an s/o who has a brother that also attends U.A. ♡
eijiro kirishima: ↳ morning bj  ☆ ↳ picnic date ♡ ↳ kitties and kisses ♡ ↳ ‘innocent’ ♡
headcanons: ↳ ballerina s/o ♡ ↳ seven minutes in heaven ♡ ↳ extra soft and lovey bc their s/o is on their period ♡ ↳ coming home to their s/o cooking in their hoodie and lacey panties ☆ ↳ them reacting to their s/o’s ahegao face ☆ ↳ them reacting to their s/o’s club attire and dancing ☆ ↳ them reacting to the false news of their s/o’s death whose records had been switched ♡  ↳ how they cuddle ♡ ↳ tiktok body canvas painting trend ♡ ↳ hooking up with their s/o who got stood up at prom ☆ ↳ them with an s/o who has younger siblings ♡ ↳ them with a s/o who has constant nightmares ♡ ↳ them with an s/o who is taller than them ♡ ↳ them with an artist s/o ♡ ↳ them with an s/o who figure skates ♡
tenya iida: ↳ “racing’s your sport, sport.” ♡
headcanons: ↳ finding their future child in their timeline ♡ ↳ hooking up with their s/o who got stood up at prom ☆ ↳ them with an s/o who feels uncomfortable receiving gifts ♡ ↳ them finding out their s/o has a protective older brother ♡
amajiki tamaki: ↳ a little help? ☆ ↳ nerves ♡
headcanons: ↳ easily distracted s/o ♡ ↳ finding their future child in their timeline ♡ ↳ s/o who doesn’t feel good on their period ♡ ↳ them falling for a girl in class 1-a ♡ ↳ them reacting to their s/o’s ahegao face p.2 ☆ ↳ them getting set up with their s/o ♡ ↳ them with an s/o who’s afraid of butterflies ♡
mirio togata:
headcanons: ↳ them with a s/o in class 1-a ♡
fumikage tokoyami:
headcanons: ↳ amusement/water park date ♡
hitoshi shinsou: ↳ hanging out  ♡
headcanons: ↳ 7 minutes in heaven headcanon  ♡ ↳ soulmate au! first words spoken [1] ♡ ↳ easily distracted s/o ♡ ↳ finding their future child in their timeline ♡ ↳ coming home to their s/o cooking in their hoodie and lacey panties ☆ ↳ them with a s/o who isn’t the brightest ♡ ↳ them reacting to their s/o’s ahegao face p.2 ☆ ↳ them with an artist s/o ♡
keigo takami/hawks: ↳ yakitori and late night walks ♡ ↳ embarrassment ♡
headcanons: ↳ sassy s/o who’s soft in private ♡ ↳ them with an s/o whose parents were villains ♡
tomura shigaraki: ↳ the forgotten shigaraki pegging fic ☆
headcanons: ↳ what they’re like when you’re sick headcanon  ♡ ↳ s/o who doesn’t feel good on their period ♡ ↳ deadpool’s quirk p.2 ♡
kai chisaki:
headcanons: ↳ sister in class 1-a ♡ ↳ s/o who doesn’t feel good on their period ♡
dabi: ↳ attention ☆ ↳ that would be real classy ☆ ↳ sketching your scars ☆
headcanons: ↳ what they’re like when you’re sick headcanon  ♡ ↳ them reacting to their s/o’s club attire and dancing ☆ ↳ them reacting to their s/o’s ahegao face p.2 ☆ ↳ them with an s/o who has a biting kink ☆
yagi toshinori/all might: ↳ all on your own ♡ ↳ falling billboard in love ♡
headcanons: ↳ them being self-conscious with a self-conscious s/o ♡ ↳ their detective little sister surprising them at work ♡ ↳ amusement/water park date ♡
shota aizawa/eraserhead: ↳ training kiss ♡ ↳ long day ☆
headcanons: ↳ what they’re like when you’re sick headcanon  ♡ ↳ s/o who has insomnia ♡ ↳ their detective little sister surprising them at work ♡  ↳ them with a sassy s/o who’s soft in private 2 ♡
hizashi yamada/present mic:
headcanons: ↳ their detective little sister surprising them at work ♡
✿ extras ✿ 「mha/bnha characters as john mulaney gifs」      ➸ part 1      ➸ part 2      ➸ part 3      ➸ part 4 (the LoV)   「maze runner au」       ➸ masterlist
»»————- ★ ————-««
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kibybun · 4 years
So a friend and I thought of an alternative ending my last post, Platonic Yandere Hawks x suicidal reader which you can read here!
Alternative Ending! Platonic Yandere Hawks x reader pt.2!
Tw: Yandere
💛As he finishes reading your text panic sets in. He needed to save you.
💛He flys at super sonic speed out of the leagues hideout, leaving Dabi beyond confused as Hawks looks for you.
💛He flies high above the buildings to see if you were still on one of the roofs before soaring down to the streets to see if he could catch you from falling.
💛Luckily he found you just in time, catching you in his arms tight as the two of you cried. He wanted to scold you so bad for trying to do that to yourself but all he could do was hold you close and weep.
💛You ask him through shallow breaths and tears why he saved you, why he would save someone as annoying as you.
💛He only cries harder as you ask that. He tells you you're beautiful, that you're his bestfriend, that he loves you so much and so dearly. You broke his heart by trying to do this.
💛He holds you close as he walks the streets back to his house, thinking that if he put you down you'd break.
💛Your crying slows as he holds you, telling silly jokes that he knows makes you smile. You felt so at peace in his arms, like everything will be good and safe.
💛He takes you home and continues to carry you as he takes off your shoes along with his. He grabs you a glass of water and helps you drink it, saying you needed to tay hydrated.
💛Hawks then carries you to his room, laying you on the bed and tucking you in as he lays next to you reciting bedtime stories.
💛The two of you wake up to both of your phones going off with alarms. It was an unanimous decision to turn off both phones for the day.
💛He continues to lay with you, petting your hair and reassuring you about every little thing with his wings draped over you.
💛When the two of you are finally ready to get out of bed it was around noon. He holds your hand as he walks to the kitchen, almost scared you'd disappear.
💛He makes you pancakes with chocolate chips in the shape of a smiling face. He was glad to see it made you smile as well.
💛He sends the rest of day at your side, playing your favorite movies and shows, holding you close, loving forehead kisses, and making you food whenever you desire.
💛That night he lets you borrow a pair of sweats to sleep in. Greatly oversized but very comfortable.
💛He reads you more bedtime stories while holding you close.
💛The two of you wake up early to check your phones and start the day. You had two missed calls from your parents with a simple text of "where are you?" Oh how you felt wanted.
💛Hawks looked over your shoulder and saw your parents lack of concern. He hugs you and tells you that its ok, you have him to look after you and that he'll be the best big brother he can.
💛He flies you back into your city and walks you home. It was Monday but neither of you could care less.
💛Hawks knocks on the door and watches your parents open the door. Your mom goes to hug you but Hawks pulls you out of the way, saying you didn't want to be hugged right now.
💛Your mother looks at you confused but you go with Hawk's word.
💛You push last your mom and pull Hawks inside, eager to show him your room and house. Your mom tries to stop him but she sees your eyes tear up and decide to let him stay, unaware of the sly smirk on his face as he walks by.
💛You happily show off your room which made Hawks smile. Not only were you smiling but you kept all the gifts he bought you.
💛The two of you spend the rest of the day eating snacks and playing video games. The only time you left the room was when your mom called you down for dinner.
💛Hawks joins you at the dinner table and sits awfully close to you. You didn't mind but your parents did.
💛They make the excuse they didn't make enough food for him to stay and eat but that didn't bother him. They continue to question him but he answers all questions confidently and with ease. He wasn't about to leave you.
💛At one point while eating you kept dropping the piece of you you were trying to eat. Hawks noticed this and took it upon himself to help you. That's what big brothers do!
💛You parents were naturally worried about the type of relationship the two of you had but whenever they brought it up Hawks merely said you were bestfriends.
💛Dinner ends and you go to shower. Hawks takes this opportunity to get clothes to spend the night. Of course, it took some persuading of your parents but he was able to stay.
💛Hawks ends up sleeping on your floor due to your bed being too small, but he holds your hand and tells you more stories.
💛Once again morning comes but this time you couldn't skip school again. You get up and trip over Hawks, but he forgives you by helping you get ready.
💛Surprisingly he was so gentle in brushing your hair and straightening out your clothes so you looked OK! for the day. He also spoon feeds you just to make sure you didn't get your face dirty.
💛He gets dressed and the two of you are off to school. He holds you tight as he flies you to U.A, eager to join you throughout your school day.
💛Once there you walk him to principle Nezu to get permission so he could stay with you. Again, it took some persuading but he allowed it nonetheless.
💛As more students filled the halls you gained more and more attention. Mainly because you had a pro hero following you like a lost puppy but neither of you cared, you were together!
💛He sits next to you in class, his big wings blocking the view of the boards and teachers, but no one dared tell the pro he has in their way.
💛Throughout class he whispers you the answers, as well as telling you how to get them. He may or may have not shielded you from all the other kids in your class, causing confusion and curiosity to spike.
💛During lunch he whisks you away off campus to get fast food, even though that was probably against school policy.
💛The last class you had was hero training, which Hawks didn't like. Not only was he not allowed to accompany you in the locker room where something bad could happen, he wasn't allowed to be your partner in training. Yeah he was a hero but he should be the only one to train her.
💛He fidgets watching you nervously walk out and meet your sparing partner, Bakugo.
💛Hawks nearly flies over to sweep you away solely by the words he said. Bakugou goes on about how he's better than you even though you have a dumb bodyguard.
💛You were stunned by his harsh words, leaving you unprepared for when Aizawa said start. Bakugou flies towards you, fist colliding directly to your face and making you fall to the ground.
💛That's when Hawks stepped in, flinging Bakugou away by his shirt and cradling you close, making sure ypu weren't too hurt.
💛Everyone stops to watch as you were being babied by the hero, some trying to shut Bakugou up from threatening him. Too bad they failed.
💛Hawks keeps his voice low as he threatens the angry teen back, wings fluffing up, ready to attack.
💛Aizawa detains Bakugou before telling you to leave. Hawks happily escorts you to get changed and takes you home, leaving everyone in utter shock.
💛Once free from school Hawks takes you to the movies, trying to cheer you up from the whole incident. It was a kid's movie but it was silly and made you laugh, it was good enough for Hawks.
💛After the movie he takes you to a restaurant, nothing too fancy just something different so your stomach didn't hurt later on.
💛He tries to enter your house again that night, only to be stopped by your parents. Apparently the school called, blaming you for the Bakugou incident.
💛Hawks puffs up again, getting dangerously close to your parents while threatening them. How could he protect you if obstacles were in the way?
💛But he backs down as he sees your sad face. He didn't want you to watch him kill, he didn't want to spoil your impression of him.
💛He hugs you goodbye, wiping your tears and promising you he'll be back soon.
💛Your parents close the door and usher you to get ready for bed as Hawks hovers infront of the windows, careful not to be seen be being sure he could watch over you.
💛It was around 2 am when you were violently awoken by police sirens. You rub your eyes confused as you walk down stairs and see your parents getting arrested.
💛You get tackled into a hug by Hawks. You ask him what happened and why your parents were getting arrested.
💛He holds you close and says that your adopted parents were trying to keep you away from your big brother.
💛You were tired, unable to think straight. Maybe that explains why they wanted to separate the two of you so bad, maybe that's why they were so hesitant to let you become a hero. They were trying to keep you away from your big brother.
💛You can't see the wicked smile spread across his face as you accept him as your big brother. It only makes his obsession and delusion grow.
💛He takes you to your "true" home which is just his place. He tucks you in bed and pulls you close, wrapping his arms and wings around you while telling more childish bedtime stories.
💛In the morning he makes a few calls to U.A, telling them you are dropping out. There was confusion on why you would want to drop out but Hawks had it all covered. You weren't doing mentally well and need to do something less demanding.
💛He tells you about his executive decision and you go along with it. He was older and he's taken such good care of you so far, so why would he do anything bad?
💛For the next week or so the two of you were basically joined at the hip. Wherever there was one of you the other was very close by. You barely left the house though, mainly due to Hawk's fear of you getting hurt but you didn't mind.
💛The small occasions that Hawks did have to leave your side were because of his dumb hero work. The commission couldn't get him to cooperate with the undercover mission any longer so they were trying to get him to bust villain organizations.
💛This grew so tiresome for Hawks. All he wanted to do was stay home and play games with his little sister.
💛That's when he was hit with the best idea yet.
💛You woke up late that night to the sound of Hawks running around, frantically packing many items. You ask him what's happening and he tells you the two of you are going to run away. The two of you were going to run away and live somewhere where no one could separate you. You'll be together forever, all the time!
💛You look at him hesitantly. All you knew was the city, but you'd have Hawks with you. He'd protect and take care of you. He was your big brother after all.
💛You help him finish packing and discard your phones. You take his hand and disappear into the night, never to be found by civilization again.
Stay tuned for part 3~!
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velvxtparadise · 4 years
If it’s not too much, could you do the whole fluff alphabet for Bakugo 🥺👉👈
a/n; it was sooo fun to write this. thank you for requesting this, and I hope you like it anon!
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
He likes to train with you, and in his free time he will be training. If he’s tired, he probably will watch movies with you until he passes out on the couch.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Bakugo is a difficult and irritant guy, so he admires how you keep up with him, screaming back at him and punching him he would never punch you. He loves your personality and your creative ways of keeping up with him.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
This boy only knows how to scream, thanks to his mother he sucks at comforting you, but he will try his best. He will hug you and rub your back, and if somebody is looking at you two, he will scream at them to go and stop looking.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He’s the dominant one. No more to say
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
You guys have lots of fights, but five minutes later you’re hugging each other and laughing. HE CAN'T STAND FIGHTING WITH YOU, but that won't stop him from screaming. He forgives you two seconds after the fight. If it was a big fight you guys will probably be four days without talking.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Katsuki is grateful, but he doesn't show it verbally. He will get rid of his frown and look softly at you to show you how grateful he is.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
The only thing he keeps from you is that Midoriya is All Might's successor. Bakugo tells you everything, even if Denki accidentally electrocuted Sero, protect him
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
He's less explosive when you’re around. And you successfully made him give yoga a try, and now every afternoon after training he goes outside to do yoga with you.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He's kind of oblivious at the beginning, but when he hears you laugh with some extra , he’s burning. That extra is certainly going to die, be ready to hear some big explosions. 
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
This guy seemed to be holding back around you, everyone notices. When you're training he's always screaming on how you don't defend yourself correctly. deep down inside he just cares about you. One day you get a big blow from Sato, and he's screaming at your body in the floor, until he notices you’ve fainted. Color drains from his face and he took you to recovery girl before Aizawa could even take a good look at you. When you woke up, he was at your side. “It was time, extra.” You asked him what he was doing there, waiting for something like ‘im waiting for Mina to get back’ but instead he tells you that he was the one to bring you and couldn't let some extras take care of you, because they could kill you. Then you hear a scream from the hall. “HE LIKES YOU!” Denki’s voice made you look at Bakugo, and he was more red than Kirishima's hair. “That extra is right.”
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? 
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Dumbass, Extra and Love when you're alone.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He's in space. Everyone notices the way he looks at you, and the way his frown almost fade when you're in the room.
He shows he loves you by giving you a very small smile. Holds your hand and kisses you on your head.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Bakugo ADORES TO SHOW YOU OFF. He’s always saying to Sero how hot you are and how you scream even louder than him. Katsuki is always touching you, holding your hand, holding you by your waist, etc. 
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
He likes to cook, he’s always calling you to taste some new recipe and always make sure you eat.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
I’m sorry to say this but he's not that romantic. If he acts romantic it’s cliché, something he saw in a movie you two watched or something like that.He does whatever it takes to make you happy.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He’s your number one supporter. He wants you to be successful just like him. He helps you study and he’s always say he believes in you.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Bakugo likes to have a routine, but for you he's willing to go to bed at 9pm.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He knows like the palm of his hand, and he never fails to notice what is bothering you. He’s empathic, because he wants you to be happy always. 
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Your relationship is on top of his priorities, along with him becoming the number one hero.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon. 
He sleeps like a star and when you sleep with him you sleep on top of him.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
When you're alone he showers you in love, he prefers to kiss you, but he still loves cuddling with you.
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
He is SO moody. He can't stand being away from you from more than three hours, but he needs to keep his bad guy look so he nevers shows it. But when you come back he’s showering you with love and kissing you.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He’s willing to give up he’s dream of being the number one hero, just for you.
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
Speak Easy Part 6
Bakugo x Reader, Dabi x Reader
Words : 4954
Reader has a siren quirk and has spent the past several years of her life as a captive being experimented on by “heroes” Now that she’s out she needs protection and safe place to heal. Who will be the one to put her pieces back together?
Words with ‘this’ is dialogue written in her journal rather than said out loud and and words with ~this~ is dialogue said in sign language rather than out loud.
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You had attempted to rush off to your room, but you hardly made it back into the house before your knees gave out. It wasn’t even because your legs were tired. If that were the case, you would have gladly crawled just to get away from him. No, you fell because your head was spinning.
You couldn’t seem to catch your breath as the world spun around you. You curled up on your side and let the tears silently stream down your cheeks. You didn’t know how to make it stop because you didn’t even know what was happening. Were you having another panic attack? Was it a side effect of drowning? Was this what it felt like to break Cogernot’s quirk?
Regardless you did as Dabi taught you. You closed your eyes, you took as deep of breaths as you could manage, and you counted.
You heard him step into the house and you could feel the heat radiating off of him as he sat next to you. He made no attempts to touch you or say anything. Which was probably for the best because you could feel yourself on the verge of a mental break.
This was going to be the thing that pushed you over the edge. The whole time you’ve been here you’ve kept your shit together. In all fairness it was mostly due to Dabi’s strict routine. He didn’t give you time to wallow of feel sorry for yourself. From day one he focused on your recovery. But it wasn’t until now that you realized you never talked to him about what happened to you. It was almost as if he thought if the two of you didn’t talk about it, you would just somehow magically forget it ever happened. You bottled it up and pushed it away, but it was still there. Threatening to explode all over the progress you had made. Today just might be the day.
“I know you want nothing to do with me right now… but –“
Your eyes shot open to see him reaching a hand out to you. You smacked it away. ~Don’t touch~
Dabi visibly flinched. Why had you just signed at him? Had he not just broken you free of that shitty quirk? Had he failed? Was this all for nothing? He almost started to panic himself but then he remembered you HAD spoken. Even if your words dripped with hatred and your eyes cut him to the bone. You spoke… out loud…
He desperately wanted to pull you into his lap. To calm you down. To praise you and comfort you. But he knows he can’t. He’s lost that privilege. You don’t even need him anymore. You’re starting to walk just fine on your own now. You don’t need him… and he was the one who helped you get there.
The thought upset him more than it should have. He didn’t even want you here to begin with. How had you managed to crawl under his skin so much? You had wormed your way into his life and now every thought was consumed by you. Taking care of you, feeding you, making you strong again.
You slowly stood up and gave him one last glare before storming off to your room. Well in your head you stormed off, but in reality, it was more like a drunken wobble. You were still soaked to the bone and you were starting to shiver. You had made a puddle on the kitchen floor where you had been lying, and because that was just the kind of day you were having you slipped right through it.
Dabi was on his feet and hovering behind you. His hand gripped your elbow to steady you. You activated your quirk and let him feel the rage bubbling inside you. You wanted him to know how angry you were, how hurt and betrayed you felt. At first he gripped you tighter, but eventually your emotions overwhelmed him and he had to let go, just so he didn’t have to feel them anymore.
You ripped your arm away the second he dropped it and continued towards your room. You threw the door open and slammed it behind you. You slumped to the floor and did something you had needed to do for weeks now. You screamed. You let all of it out. Your anger, your fear, your heartache. You screamed until your throat was raw and your head pounded.
When you were done you took a deep breath, picked your head up, and let the numb wash over you. You stripped out of your wet clothes and hoped into a warm shower. The whole time the only thought in your head was ‘Why?’
The next few hours passed in a blur. You managed to get out of the shower and get into bed, but you couldn’t sleep. Your adrenaline was pumping. You couldn’t convince your body you were safe enough to sleep. It remained in fight or flight. You sat there in silence hugging the pillow to your chest.
It was so quiet that the creek of the floorboards outside you room made you jump. “Y/n… I know you’re mad at me… but you still need to eat something.” You heard him shuffle around a bit. “I’ll just leave it out here by the door. I’ll be in my room….”
You didn’t move from your spot on the bed until you heard his door close across the hall. Part of you knew that you needed to eat. But a larger part of you just… couldn’t. You didn’t understand. The food was right there, you just needed to open the door. But for some reason you just couldn’t make yourself do it. So instead you rolled over and pulled out your journal.
There was something ironic about you didn’t really need it anymore, yet now was the time you were most desperate to write in it. So you did. You poured your thoughts out page after page. Everything you wanted to say to Dabi, everything you wanted to say to Katsuki, to Izuku, to Todoroki and Kirishima. You started writing down memories of what had happened to you, in as much gory detail as you could remember. You wrote and you wrote and hours passed as you hunched over your notebook just looking for the right words to take the pain away. What would it take? What did you need to do to make yourself feel better?
It wasn’t until there was a soft knock on the door that you realized how deep into it you were. “Y/n… Be mad at me all you want, but don’t take it out on yourself. You need to eat something. Please. I made lunch. I’ll leave it here.” You heard the scraping of a plate being put on the floor outside your room.
How was that man capable of being such a monster, and yet so soft? He literally tried to kill you and now here he is worrying over you because you’re not hungry? Funny how dying tends to fuck with a person’s appetite.
You began to really think about Dabi. His motivation in all of this, what did he gain from helping you? Was he just doing his little brother a favor? Sometimes he treated you like his bratty little sister, and then there were nights like last night… You felt your face heat at the memory of you riding his thigh. It had felt so right at the time, but now it makes your stomach twist.
“Y/N! Can you at least say something, so I know that you’re fucking alive?”
The audacity of this fucking man. He wants to make sure you’re alive… after he almost killed you….
You picked up a cup that had been sitting on your nightstand and threw it at the door. It shattered on impact and it had felt to fucking good. There, that should be enough confirmation for him.
“GOD DAMNIT! ENOUGH Y/N! I’ve let you have your pity party. I don’t care if you’re mad at me. I don’t care if you want to throw a fucking tantrum. But you WILL eat something. This is getting fucking ridiculous.”
You picked up the lamp and threw that next. It was sturdier than the cup had been, so it wasn’t as satisfying but it got your point across none the less.
“Y/n… open the door please. We can talk about this.”
He had to have known your door wasn’t locked. It was one of the laws. It was one of your laws. Yet he made no attempt to open it. He remained on the other side with your uneaten food.
“Well if that’s how you want to be then fine. I guess I’ll just have to sit here and talk to the door then.” You heard him slide down the door as he sat down, leaning against it. “I’m sorry. I fucked up. I need you to know that. I need you to know that I realize how fucked up what I did was. I don’t want to make excuses, but I do want to explain. And I want to do it when you can look me in the eye, so you know I’m not lying.”
Again, he was met with radio silence. He sat there for a long time. Finally, after what felt like hours he stood up, “I guess I’ll go start dinner then…”
You looked at the clock on the wall and was surprised to see how late it was. Usually around this time you’d be finishing up with the pool, you cringed. Yeah safe to safe you won’t be getting back in, probably ever.
Dabi forced himself to leave your door, carrying your second uneaten meal of the day with him. He woke up his laptop and started up the video for today’s lesson for sign language. He watched it as he cooked, but he didn’t absorb anything. He was too focused on trying to find a way to fix this.
His hands kept clenching and unclenching. He knew what he needed to do. But it was going to suck. If it would get you to eat though then he didn’t care.
He wasn’t an idiot. He knew you wouldn’t die from not eating for a day. He was more worried about the psychological part of it. When he got out of the league, he had started messing around this hot shrink. She had a real savior complex, but the one thing she got right about him was his need for control. After being abused for so long he had to have control over every situation. Which sometimes when he really felt helpless included his eating habits. When everything else felt out of control, at least he could control that. At least he could decide when and if he ate. He was nervous you were pulling the same shit. He didn’t want to see you waste away because you were desperate for something you could control.
He’d swallow his pride. He’d do this for you.
A knock on the door had you groaning.
“Hey dork. It’s me. Dabi called and said you weren’t feeling well. I made some spicy ramen with pork… You gonna let me in before it gets cold?”
You jumped to your feet and ran to the door. You cracked it open at first to make sure it really was Katsuki and that he was alone.
He smirked at you through the small gap, “Don’t worry he’s not with me, now let me in before I kick the door down.”
He opened it enough for Katsuki to enter and then quickly shut it again. He waited and followed you over to you bed and took a seat at the foot of it. “So, Scarface was a little vague on the details, but he said you were mad at him and refusing to eat.” He placed the warm bowl of ramen into your hands, “Want to talk about it?”
Your stomach started to rumble at the familiar smell of Katsuki’s cooking. You couldn’t deny yourself any longer. You took a huge bite and almost moaned at how good it tasted. You quickly took a few more bites before wiping you mouth on your sleeve and sighing. You needed to talk about it, but was Katsuki really the best option for that? The chances of him blowing up the house was pretty high.
You reached a hand out and put in on top of his and released a calming feeling. “Uh oh…must be bad you’re already trying to calm me down.”
You gave him a halfhearted smile, “Uh… well…” The sound of your own voice made your skin crawl. It sounded wrong, even though you were pretty sure that’s how it always sounded. It made you pause for a moment to collect yourself.
In that brief pause Katauki’s eyes almost bugged out of his head, “Wait a fuckin minute! You’re talking again? Since when? Holy shit!” You could feel his excitement bubbling up along with pride and admiration. It was sweet, and it gave you the boost you needed to keep going.
You played with a strand of your hair, “Since…. Now…. I guess.” You averted your eyes embarrassed, “Or well… since I… well I kind of drowned… briefly.” You looked back up and saw fire behind Katsuki’s eyes and anger was coming off of him in waves.
“And where was Dabi when this happened?”
You knew you were practically signing Dabi’s death certificate but telling Katsuki this, but you weren’t going to cover for him either. “He was there….”
Katsuki’s fist clenched, “Don’t tell me the bastard watched you almost die and didn’t help you.” You bit your lip. “Y/n… what are you not telling me?”
You put both hands on him now desperately trying to overwhelm him with calm emotions. “He was the one who held me under…”
His hands tore away from yours as they crackled with a very real threat of explosions. He stood and stomped towards your door, not even bothering to ask you to elaborate. You knew you needed to stop him, there was no scenario where this ended well for anyone. “Katsuki stop.” He ignored you as he reached for the door. “Katsuki… please.”
He froze with his hand hovering over the doorknob. His voice was dark and oddly low,“Y/n… there is nothing you could possibly say to me right now that would change my mind about killing the mother fucker.”
You couldn’t believe you were actually about to defend Dabi, but it wouldn’t be fair if you didn’t at least tell Katsuki the whole story. “Even I told you he did so I could talk again?”
He turned to look at you and signed as he spoke, “I still don’t care! You were learning sign… you were communicating just fine.” He threw his hands up in exasperation, “Why was him drowning you even fucking necessary?”
Katsuki was starting to take that familiar condescending tone with you and you honestly were not in the mood for it. He had done this a million times growing up. He’d make up his mind about something and make you feel dumb until you agreed with him. “Look I’m not saying that what he did was right. I’m not saying I’m not furious with him. Me not speaking was because of some guys quirk.” You stood and made your way over to Katsuki and began pushing him away from the door. “Dabi knew the guy and said if my brain thought I was dying it would somehow reverse the quirks affects.”
He stopped walking and it was like pushing against a brick wall. “You could have fucking died y/n!”
“Do you think I DON’T KNOW THAT?” You pushed on him again, “Do you think I’ve just been sitting here all day twiddling my thumbs? Today has been fucking awful! I don’t need you to talk sense into me. I don’t need you to kick the shit out of Dabi. What I need if for you to just sit down with me, and just- just let me be. I don’t know!” You gave him one final hard shove which lead to him sitting back at the end of your bed.
His eyes were a mixture of sadness and hurt. “I’m not trying to make this harder on you, I promise. But he put your life at risk and that’s not just something I can just be okay with.” His hands reached up and cupped your cheeks and brushed away a tear you hadn’t even realized was there. “I don’t know if you’ve realized this yet, but I would kind of prefer you to stay alive… you aren’t allowed to die before me. Especially at the hands of some ugly sociopath.”
You leaned into his touch, “Please, for me. Just let it go for now. Let this be between me and Dabi. Be mad all you want, believe me I’m pissed, but you don’t need to get involved. I’m a big girl. I can handle myself.”
He pulled you towards him and moved one hand to cradle the back of your head and pulled you into his arms. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “Only because you said please. But I hope you know this means I’m coming to check on you more often now.” His fingers carded through your hair. “Actually… if you’re not comfortable here anymore… You could always come stay with me.”
“I thought that was too dangerous, what with heroes and villains alike apparently looking for me.”
He chuckled, “I’d love to see someone try. They’d have to go through me.”
“Yeah, but you can’t always be around… you have a job to do. An important one.”
He gave a sad sigh as his grip on you loosened enough for you to pull back and look at him, “Yeah… I do.” There were a few tense moments when your eyes connected, and you could see the way his eyes drifted to your lips as he licked his own. Ever so slightly he started leaning in closer to you.
Your breath hitched in your chest, as your brain went a mile a minute. Sure, you always had a feeling things might end up this way between you and Katsuki. There was a time when you went to bed every night fantasizing about the moment he would finally break down and admit he liked you. You had known him since you were children and there was always this feeling that if ever given the opportunity the two of you would end up together. But, for some reason it felt… off.
You leaned your forehead against his. “I don’t think right now is the best time for this.” You watched his eyes close as he tried to school his emotions. “It’s not that I don’t want to, because believe me I’ve thought about it. But right now, my life is in shambles. It’s not your job to fix me. That’s my job. And I need you to let me do it. Okay? I need you to let me do this on my own.”
He groaned but nodded as he pulled his head away from yours. “I don’t like it, but I get that I have to respect it.” His thumb rubbed soothing circles on your thigh. “I don’t want you to have to do this alone. I’ve always… Fuck.” His cheeks tinted the lightest shade of red. “I can’t stand to watch you struggle. It sucks knowing you’re out here stuck with him, dealing with so much shit that you should never have to deal with.” He hung his head low, “I just wish I could fight your demons for you. I wish I could lock you away and keep you safe from all the evil of this world.”
You pulled his chin up to make him look at you. “Katsuki you have always been there for me. There hasn’t been many problems in my life that I haven’t solved leaning on you for help.” You saw a glimmer of pride in his eyes. “But this isn’t something you can punch away. It isn’t something you can yell at until it stops hurting. I have to do this on my own.”
Tension was thick in the air. You knew there was so much he wanted to say. You could tell he was ready to fight you on this. But he surprised you by nodding and untangling himself from you. “I need to get going. I have a lot of work to do.” You could see the subtle sting of rejection in his eyes but he quickly covered it with his trademark smirk. “You say you don’t want my help but I’m going to anyway. I’ll help by locking up every single shithead that anything to do with your kidnapping.” He stood up and gave you one more, quick hug. “And that’s a fucking promise.”
You followed him as he left your room, intent on walking him to the door. You wanted to make sure he actually left instead of picking a fight with Dabi. But luck never had been on your side. You exited the main hallway and Dabi was sitting in his normal recliner. He looked up eyes cold as they landed on Katsuki, much softer when they found yours. You tried to give Katsuki a push in the direction of the door, but he stopped dead in his tracks.
“Oi! When I gave you the fucking list of things to do to help her with her period, I don’t remember drowning her being on it!”
Dabi’s eyes returned to Katsuki’s agitated one and for a while you thought he wasn’t going to answer. “Did you get her to eat something?”
“Don’t avoid the subject. You’re fucking lucky she begged me not to hurt you. Otherwise your ass would be dead.”
You something like surprise flash in Dabi’s expression. “Bold of you to assume that I am the lucky one here. It seems to me she was just trying to protect her little pet Pomeranian from getting hurt.” He grinned at the way Katsuki’s hands popped in anger. “But thank you for getting her to eat. She had me worried.”Bakugo lunged at him but you quickly stepped in the way and put a hand on his chest. You looked him in the eyes shaking your head and have him a shove towards the door.
Dabi could feel his stomach sink at the fact that the only words he had heard you say was “fuck you” He knew you had been in your room chatting away with man boobs and it stressed him out. Even now you refused to speak in his presence, and it killed him. He was the reason you could speak again and yet you refused to speak to him. That idiot Bakugo had nothing to do with it and yet gets to reap the benefit of Dabi’s sacrifice.
Dabi’s blood began to boil. He knew Bakugo would never in a hundred years have the balls to do what he did. He wouldn’t have the nerve to go through with it. Dabi did what he did for you, even if you refused to see it that way. Does he hate that he had to do it? Yes. Is he sorry, of course. But does he regret it… not really.
He watched as you pushed until Bakugo was successfully out of the house. As soon as the door was closed you turned and started to run back towards your room “OH NO YOU DON’T!”
He stood up and chased after you. “We are talking about this weather you want to or not. You can’t hide from me forever. You can’t mope around all day, not eating and expect me to just let that go. Law number seven we eat three full meals a day!” He got to your door just in time for you to slam it in his face. He had been so patient with you today. Not once had he forced himself into your room even the door was unlocked. He respected the fact you needed space. However, when he reached down and noticed that you had locked the door, he didn’t feel so bad about what he was about to do.
“Law number six! No locked doors!” His pressed his palm flat against the wooden door and burned straight through it. He burned a hole big enough for him to reach his hand through and unlock it from the inside.
He carefully avoided all of the broken glass on the ground from earlier. And stomped over to where you were trying to ignore him. You went through your dresser, picking out what you planned to wear to bed. You took a step towards the bathroom, but he stepped in your way.
“Y/n. Can we please talk about this?” You tried to step around him, but he just moved to block you again. “FINE! We don’t have to talk about it, but you will listen to what I have to say!”
You crossed your arms over your chest stubbornly and avoided making eye contact with him.
“I know what I did sucked. But I HAD to DO IT!” His voice was steadily getting louder. “You had to think you were dying. What did you want me to do? Hold your hand, tell you everything was going to be fine, and then pretend to drown you? It wouldn’t have worked!” He leaned over you and grabbed your chin forcing you took look at him. “I knew you’d be mad. I knew it might fuck up all the progress we’ve made. But I did it anyway! I did it for you!”
You slapped his hand away. “You DID IT FOR ME!? YOU ALMOST KILLED ME!”
There it was. Your voice. It hit him like a truck and it was enough to spur him on. “Yes for you! So you could talk again! So you could start to take back what those fuckers took from you! I decided you liking me wasn’t as important as you being able to talk again. Go ahead and hate me, but I need you to understand why I did it! What I was willing to sacrifice!”
Your eyes bore into his and it honestly almost sent shivers down his spine. “I understand just fine! You see me as this sad little broken girl. You thought I was so broken that you were willing to risk my life to fix me. Let that sink in Dabi… you gambled with MY life. What the hell were you sacrificing?”
“YOU!” His voice dripped with emotion. “I was sacrificing any chance I had with you so that one day I could watch you take back your life and get revenge on the people who hurt you.” He ran a hand through his white hair. “I would literally burn every single one of those monsters and piss on their ashes if I thought it’d help. But I know it wouldn’t! That’s a privilege that only belongs to you and I’d do anything to be able to watch you do it. Because I know you’re not broken! You’re a badass who doesn’t need anyone’s help. You are one strong bitch!”
There was pain in his eyes “I didn’t gamble with your life y/n, because I was so sure I wouldn’t let anything happen to you I was so sure nothing would go wrong.” He reached a hand out to touch your cheek, and surprisingly you let him. “Go ahead and activate your quirk. Feel what I feel. Feel what it was like to think I killed you. Feel what it was like to think that I am the monster everyone thinks I am…”
You activated your quirk and was hit so hard with anguish that you practically choked. He was grieving, even now, and somewhere buried under all his pain was something else entirely. But you weren’t ready to address that. “I hate what I did to you, but I don’t regret it, because it worked. It made you stronger. And in this fucked up world, only the strong make it out alive. So yes, Y/n… I did it for you.”
You felt you heart pounding in your chest. This was either the most fucked up or romantic thing you had ever heard, and you couldn’t figure out which one it was. Your hand came up to his that was still on your cheek. For a while you just stood there. Absorbing each other’s presence, then out of nowhere his lips cashed to yours.
Some animalistic instinct took over as you immediately wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him closer. He leaned over cupping your ass in hands and picking you up until your legs wrapped around his waist.
His lips pulled away from yours to start kissing down your neck nipping at your ear before returning to your lips. You squealed when his hand lightly slapped at your ass.
He made his way to the bathroom and sat your ass on the counter, his hands sliding up your thighs as he pulled back to look at you. “Law number thirteen?”
Part of you wanted to say no. You were still furious with him, but all your brain could think about was the orgasm you had just from riding his thigh. Your body was aching to be touched and from the look he was giving you, he was aching to touch you.
You slid your hand under his shirt and so lightly he almost didn’t hear it you muttered, “please.”
Tags: tags: @falling4fandoms @wifunozomi @here-in-never-land @whore-for-anime@klecksstorys @aurorahoneybuns @theunknownrandom @insane-without-delirium @frenchsfryys @officiallydarkgeek @neofixcs @music-is-all-i-need @katsuki-bakubabe @unadulteratedtastemakerpoetry @dabislittlemouse @aimee1602 @pinkhatlizzy @kunaigirlx44
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