bourbon-ontherocks · 2 years
🥳💛💌 !
@hemerae-ramblings I assume this was meant as an ask and not a submission, right?
🥳 Why did you start writing fanfic?
Already answered here, so I’ll pick another one!
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
Just because it’s you, I’ll share a bit of the 12th chapter of Parce qu'entre nous 😊
— Tu sais, ta mère et moi on est juste collègues, je ne la connais pas plus que ça.
— Ouais, vous faites quand-même des trucs bizarres alors pour des collègues, s'esclaffa Théa.
— Hein ?
— Vous l'avez appelée douze fois en deux jours pendant qu'on était en Angleterre. J'le sais parce qu'une fois son téléphone a sonné pendant qu'elle était sous la douche. Et bah le père d'une copine il a fait ça avec une “collègue”, dit Théa en mimant des guillemets, il s'est pris un procès aux prud'hommes pour harcèlement !
Alors, oui. Effectivement, vu sous cet angle, il n'était pas question de pervertir de jeunes esprits impressionnables.
— Heu… c'est effectivement un comportement généralement répréhensible, commença-t-il sans trop savoir comment terminer sa phrase. Mais dans ce cas précis, j'avais des informations à lui communiquer au sujet d'une enquête en cours. D'ailleurs elle l'a très bien compris.
Théa lui adressa une moue incrédule qui lui rappela beaucoup celle de Sofiane.
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
Oh, wow, you’re in the deep right now… Probably that there’s always room for growth, no matter how clunky or terrible you might find your own writing, you can and you will make it better. Oh and also that your writing can have a positive impact on people’s lives. I started writing because someone else’s writing inspired me. I know that some people started writing because my writing inspired them. Some people might find inspiration, advice, or a comforting escape in your writing. And even if your work only reaches out to one person, knowing that you get to impact in a positive way the life of a total stranger that you’ll probably never meet, well that’s… that’s huge 🥲
💌 Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
Plenty! Fake dating, enemies to/and lovers, angst, slow burn, unresolved sexual tension (I do have a hard time at keeping it unresolved though 😂)…
Emoji asks
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pia-writes-things · 1 year
For the writing ask!!!
6, 10, 13, 34, 35
(I'm stopping there but I had like 23435527 more questions)
Aaaaah, merci, merci, merci !!
6. What is your darkest fear about writing?
I have to only list ONE fear?? I have so many, I write in fear lmao
But if I had to say only one, I'd say it's not get the characters right, both in fan and original fiction. I'm a "characters-reader", what most attract me and addict me to any piece of fiction are the characters, so it's something I always want to get right and always fear I won't ^^
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
I think so ? Like, to me, I feel haunted by a piece of writing when I think about it constantly but not in a "hyperfixation" way. I think about it but it doesn't feel like I need to think about it, or that it overstimulates me. It's more of a contemplative way, a day-dreaming type of thing, and it also more analytical and self-reflective. And it keeps coming back, even when I think I'm over it, like a ghost. So, in that sense, I'd say that Les Petites Reines, His dark materials or La Passe-miroir haunt me. In fanfiction, @silverinia's Everything gonna be alright or @bwayfan25's matriarch have haunted me as well. I don't think my own writing haunts me? I'm not that good of a writer ^^
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
I don't really know yet, because I haven't written enough, but I don't think I could write about really dark subjects like incest or domestic violence or things like that? And also, I seem to struggle a lot to write mundane stuff, or fluff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
However, it's really easy (as in it comes to me easily, not as in it's nice for me to write about) to write about mental health struggles or family and friends dynamics, which if you've read just two of my fics, you already know haha
34. Thoughts on the Oxford comma, Go:
I love it, I will die on the Oxford comma hill! I use it all the time, I find it makes it easier to read and understand a sentence, and it also allows more breathing space in a text. I'm part of the Oxford comma fanclub <3
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
Umm... I don't think I know enough about writing rules to know which I break and which I don't but I know that I use "said" quite a lot because sometimes it just doesn't make sense to use another verb. And I hate the feeling that you went through a synonym list of "said" to write your dialogue + words have a meaning and "muttering" is not the same as "saying". Also, circulating back to your first question, dialogue and the way characters speak is a HUGE part of characterization, so I'm extra-careful about how I write dialogue, and I try to always imagine the characters acting the scene and choose the appropriate verb to portray the right emotion, and sometimes, "said" is the only right way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you wish to ask me your "23435527" other questions, feel free, I loved answering these <3 And once again, thanks for the ask ❤️
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Did anyone else burst out laughing when Poseidon essentially yeeted his son off Olympus when the conversation was getting too emotional? Like dude. Y’all were having a moment. What kind of good bye was that. Sir.
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hemeruni · 5 months
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You don’t understand how much I have planned for this fox today, it might very well lead into the weekend if I can’t finish it in time
Just. Be on the lookout. Things will be different soon enough.
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Hemera inspired bracelet
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Me: *happily watching my lil owl show*
Dana in Elsewhere and Elsewhen: haha bitch guess what we are doing time travel
Me: I’m sorry what
*after the episode*
Me: well at least it wasn’t too paradoxical or important
Dana in Hollow Mind: lmao you thought
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spiderrcakezzz · 2 months
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I present: My Sparklecare self-insert Nea! <3 🧁♡
(Me rambling abt pup utc <33)
Okay firstly: Nea is alright to kin as of now, but please respect my wishes if I choose to change this later on! ♡  I can't make any promises that I'll still feel like this in the future :P
🧁 • Nea's likes: stuffed animals, Twyla (their girlfriend), drawing, making OCs, Tiniest Ferry Shop, cute things, receiving attention & praise, physical affection, making others happy, kandi, video games, laughing off negative/hard emotions.
Dislikes: feeling second best/inferior to others, loud noises, being yelled at, seeing those they care about getting hurt, taking care of themself (Nea sometimes considers it a waste of time), stumbling over their words & feeling like they're talking too much, being unable to help.
🌈 • Nea is ⅓ cat, ⅓ cake anthry, and ⅓ dog! :3 (hence why they have 1 dog ear & 1 cat ear, and only half of their body has cat/cake or dog features).
They worked as a nurse at Sparklecare for ~1 year before being demoted to a patient, due to Nea unfortunately getting diagnosed w/ glows-a-lot. Nea wanted to help others when they first applied for the job, and they already had an interest in things like medicine, so becoming a nurse at The Best hospital in CountryTownCountry seemed like a good idea to them.
🐕 • Personality traits (ones not listed in the card) :
Apathetic: due to Nea primarily using apathy as one of their defense mechanisms, they can sometimes not care about what happens around them, including about the people around them.
Nea is sometimes distant or partially emotionally disconnected from others, and unsympathetic to others problems (<- That doesn't mean Nea won't try to help, though. They're still empathetic). This occasional lack of concern for basically everything can also cause them to act self-destructive in one way or another. They'll always feel bad/guilty about it afterwards, though.
Simple-minded: Nea can be naive at times and not really immediately understand things (atleast not as deeply) that others do, causing them to not help but feel sorta out of place. They think pretty literally most of the time, and though this trait has been kinda helpful in solving some of Nea's problems over the years, it can also make Nea seem childish/silly in a way.
🍨• They're on good terms w/ most patients in the hospital! <3  Some patients they're on the best terms w/ is their girlfriend Twyla Light (my partners self-insert :3), Mel N. Colly, Uni, Hemera (for the most part), Jay, Carrie, and Raye N. Bowe (one of my friends self-insert)! ♡♡ (Oh and Nea is also in a qpr w/ nurse Doom atm, but Shh you didn't hear it from me)
The least best terms is Barry. That's It . Nea respects him for his intelligence and such, but Nea would be lying if they said they didn't find Barry kinda annoying. (Pup does sorta(???) like him bcuz Uni likes him, and Nea trusts Uni, but Nea doesn't entirely like Barry on pups own accord :P)
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arachnidcakery · 3 months
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Officially introducing 🥁 🥁 ,, My SPH self-insert, Nea! <33 💖🍨🌸♡
(And me rambling abt pup utc, as promised! ♡)
Okay firstly: Nea is alright to kin, as of now! :3 Even tho they're supposed to be a self-insert, I'm sorta disconnected from them and just see them as an OC I project onto, so you can be open abt being kin w/ Nea, if you want ! (But please respect my wishes if I choose to change this later on; I can't make any promises that I'll still feel like this in the future :P) .
Alright, so!  Starting with the basics:
🧁 • Nea's likes: stuffed animals, Twyla (their girlfriend), drawing, making OCs, Tiniest Ferry Shop, cute things, receiving attention & praise, physical affection, making others happy, kandi, video games, laughing off negative/hard emotions.
Dislikes: feeling second best/inferior to others, loud noises, being yelled at, seeing those they care about getting hurt, taking care of themself (Nea sometimes considers it a waste of time), taking everything seriously, stumbling over their words & feeling like they're talking too much, being unable to help.
🌈 • Nea is ⅓ cat, ⅓ cake anthry, and ⅓ dog! :3 (hence why they have 1 dog ear & 1 cat ear, and only half of their body has cat/cake or dog features). They worked as a nurse at Sparklecare for ~1 year before being demoted to a patient, due to Nea unfortunately getting diagnosed w/ glows-a-lot. Nea wanted to help others when they first applied for the job, and they already had an interest in things like medicine, so becoming a nurse at The Best hospital in CountryTownCountry seemed like a good idea to them.
🐕 • Personality traits (ones not listed in the card) :
Apathetic: due to Nea primarily using apathy as one of their defense mechanisms, they can sometimes not care about what happens around them, including with some of the people around them. Nea is sometimes distant or partially emotionally disconnected from others, and unsympathetic to others problems (<- That doesn't mean Nea won't try to help, though. They're still empathetic). This occasional lack of concern for basically everything can also cause them to act self-destructive in one way or another. They'll always feel bad/guilty about it afterwards, though.
Simple-minded: Nea can be naive at times and not really immediately understand things (atleast not as deeply) that others do. They may sometimes try to act like everyone else they see as smarter than them, but can't help often feeling sorta out of place. They think pretty literally most of the time, and though this trait has been kinda helpful in solving some of Nea's problems over the years, it can also make Nea seem childish in a way.
🍨• They're actually on good terms w/ most patients in the hospital, I think! <3  Some patients they're on the best terms w/ is their girlfriend Twyla Light (my partners self-insert :3), Mel N. Colly, Uni, Hemera (for the most part), Jay, Carrie, and Raye N. Bowe (one of my friends self-insert)! ♡♡ (Oh and Nea is also in an unofficial qpr w/ nurse Doom atm, but Shh you didn't hear it from me)
The least best terms is Barry. That's It . Nea respects him for his intelligence and such, but Nea would be lying if they said they didn't find Barry kinda annoying. (Pup does sorta(???) like him bcuz Uni likes him, and Nea trusts Uni, but Nea doesn't entirely like Barry on pups own accord. Particularly bcuz of Barry's mistreatment of Uni).
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weirdestcornelius · 2 months
Dumb anon post but it’s kinda just. Weird how inherently abusive the main leads are to Hemera over her actions in V2. Like they shut down any chance for her to explain herself, threaten death on her once (thanks Caroline :() and just, completely act like she’s dead for apparently months??? Like yeah I’d be mad as fuck if I was treated like that.
V4 just makes that. Inherently worse since they get mad at HER, over her being genuinely upset over Kneevil ruining the Greenroom. Something that could very well be her last escape in this hell hole because damn, her friends aren’t going to be comforting her anytime soon! If my friend, who has been willingly ignoring me for months on end, gives a puppet sentience, lets it ROAM FREE, and it destroys my pride and joy and the ONLY thing giving me comfort, I’d. Be. A little pissed!
I don’t know, I want Hem to get better friends because obviously they don’t really deserve her.
This post is most definitely weirdly worded since I’m tirelessly rambling but whatever.
-🦊🍃 Anon
I have been a Hemera defender since day ONE you guys don't even know.
I skimmed through v4 for the most part considering it just wasn't interesting to me at all since I've never been a huge fan of Barruni and that's almost all the volume was. But the part where Kneevil destroys her plants has always ticked me off. Sure, the sentient puppet who ruined the things stem cares most about wasn't the bad guy, it was the the person who got angry because her things were destroyed!
That's like a roommate letting their dog run lose in the apartment while they're gone and tearing up the other person's stuff, and then the dog owner getting angry at the other person for reasonably being upset. Uni was the one who brought Kneevil to life; it doesn't matter that she didn't know what he would do, it was still very wreckless on her part and Hemera was not the one to blame.
It gets worse when you think about why Hem likes taking care of plants in the first place. They feel like something she can control and take responsibility of because they're not sentient. It's a very normal trauma response to want to constantly be in control, especially in Hemera's case of having someone in stems life hurt because she couldn't protect them.
Not only were people angry at stem for her being upset that her things were destroyed, but also because stems coping mechanism was robbed from her. It could take weeks to regrow those plants, and those are weeks that she'll have to live through without feeling in control of anything in her life.
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akaviri-dovah · 2 years
Like father, like daughter.
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no background ver + ramble under the cut
so. I don't think I have talked about my Oblivion oc's all that much. and to be fair, I cannot seem to get my game working to properly start it. but at least I have ideas as well as designs for characters.
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the girl is my Hero of Kvatch, Eleonora Cassia, the hybrid lovechild of Imperial merchant family heiress Hemera Cassia and the wandering Altmer scholar Vaicarion, the person on the left. though Eleonora mostly took after her mother, she still does have some traits that make Vaicarion recognise her as his own instantly. if only they had a chance to meet, maybe both their lives and perhaps the future of Tamriel would've turned out differently...
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bourbon-ontherocks · 2 years
T/U R B pour l’ask game 😇
Merciiii !!! ❤️❤️
U - If you mostly have heteroships, do you have any homoships
Absolutely!!! Darryl Whitefeather x White Josh (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) are very dear blorbos ❤️ Also I definitely think that Eric x Dean Boland (Good Girls) should be a thing lol
I'm not sure I would add Marguerite de Lancastel x Caroline DeWitt (les Combattantes) to the list, but also I wrote a fic about them, sooooo...
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
Annie Marks x Noah (Good Girls) (does he even have a last name?).
I know people hate it and him, and I understand their motives, but also I feel like Annie and Noah genuinely cared about each other and there was a fascinating thread of redemption, trust, and forgiveness to explore here. Plus we could have had S3 ex-FBI-turned-to-crime Noah, and instead we got therapist fuckboy. Meditate that.
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
Liv Moore x Blaine DeBeer (iZombie).
Fanfiction definitely sold me on this one lol! Enemies! Opposite attracts! Shared and mutually inflicted trauma!!!! (she turned him and he scratched her oh my goooooood)
Fun fandom asks
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pia-writes-things · 5 months
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~)🌈💖🌈💖🌈
Ok, so, I planned on doing this one twice, one time for you and one for Bourbon, but I was stuck as soon as the third thing for the first ask so I don't think I can do it twice ^^ Sorry !
Thanks for thinking about me tho 🥰🥰
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There is nothing more terrifying than seeing supernatural trending and thinking “oh shit what earth changing event happened this time”
only to find out that nothing happened. This is just the supernatural website. It does that sometimes.
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hemeruni · 6 months
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Yeah so uhh… I’m finally back to coloring my pieces and whatnot, it kinda got limiting when you only had linework to work with. We’re SO BACK
This piece is kinda a redo of an older piece that I will link later because it’s probably buried deep in the Hemeruni tag lmao, but here ya go! Tuesday art piece from yours truly/silly
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humanbra · 1 year
I was tagged by @sothischickshe 🫶 (sorry for the delay lol)
Rules: Tag 10 people you’d like to get to know better!
Relationship status: single
Favorite colour: raspberry red
Song stuck in my head: can't fight the moonlight
Dream trip: idk somewhere pretty by the sea
Last googled: BBW urban dictionary (there is context to this)
Anything I want now: a wifi
Last song listened to: Diamand v2
Currently watching: Just finished my HPI rewatch, I watched a mini series called Sous Contrôle so I'm a little in between rn
Currently reading: HPI fics lol
Current obsession: if we're talking in general then color analysis, if we're talking celebrities then Audrey Fleurot
10 of your comfort shows: Parks and Rec, 30 Rock, The Office, HPI, House M.D., The Leftovers, The Nanny, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Veep
tagging: @foxmagpie @zouille-loose @misshazelevers20 @femalegothic @winonasfilm @xstrawmari @hemerae-ramblings @wegottastaytogether @unicornscully @msbolandbotwin
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earanie · 7 months
Last line game
Tagged by @hemerae-ramblings (my darling thank youu 😘) to post the last line of the most recent fic I worked on.
Disclaimer: to call it a fic is a stretch, it's more jumbled pieces of a fic (that I'll probably never finish, even tho it was part of a challenge that ended in... October 😂) but here we are!
"he wasn't anything special to her, not as she was to him. she didn't dream of holding his hand and walking through a forest. she didn't dream of kisses that would rip her apart if they were real. she loved him, like she loved dozens of others, and it was precious, but not enough. he dreamt of being chosen, being chosen by her, because he had chosen her so long ago."
I've got honestly no idea who to tag here! If any of my followers want to play with these, give me a sign so I know I'm not bothering anyone with tags 🌼🥰
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