#herb x licorice
emo-cookies · 2 years
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my ships
(most of which are very rare pairs)
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Shhh! Be quiet guys! There having a date!
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0deltakhan0 · 1 year
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Cookie Run FanKids pt1
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starlightsugar · 7 months
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bellatheinkdemon · 10 months
Mini art dump
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(1) HerbMarine because I now ship them
(2) Totally normal Affogato art
(3) Idk if I'm being honest, I was just bored
(4 and 5) Pikmin ocs
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rosejigglypuff76 · 1 year
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Yesterday in the late afternoon, I went to the movie cinema to watch the Super Mario Bros Movie 🎥 Buying tickets to head into the premium Director's Club to watch the aforementioned movie, because of the fact that it's like watching in an airplane business class version of a movie theatre 📽️ Here are several photos that I took, all while having a set of different Cookie Run characters to show up in the photo 🎀
Several of cookies that were all know and recognize are heading into the Director's Club to watch an upcoming movie! Each of them came in with their family and/or dates by their side, all excited to see an amazing animated film that'll start showing in about 30 minutes from now At the Movie Ticket Booth, Sparkling brought along his boyfriend named Vampire, and his father known as Earl Gray went to watch the upcoming movie together Espresso is asking to speak to the Cinema's Manager while Madeleine is oblivious to it Alchemist and Strawberry Crepe are simply there to see what movies are coming soon Moving towards the Snack Bar, Clover walks in with a suspicious cookie with the thought of having their little date Stardust and Kyu-Kyu are enjoying some snacks together and having fun like a lovable dad with his silly kid Princess and Pomegranate are having an argument with each other, and Cherry Blossom stares in an embarrassed manner And finally in the Director's Club Cinema, Almond walks in with his sleepy daughter named Walnut as a way to give both her and himself a wholesome father-daughter relaxation day, not knowing that Phantom Bleu (Rougefort) also popped in The polyamorous cookies consisting of Capsaicin, Kouign-Amann, and Prune Juice are also excited to be here, although the potion brewer feels like it's unnecessary to head here Clotted Cream is being cautious as he brought Custard III and Pancake to the movies for a family bonding, cautious since he doesn't want Custard Sr to show up And finally Dark Choco and Herb just arrived at the cinema, ready to have a lovable and fun time with everyone as they all watch the movie
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bugthecalmchild · 2 years
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Crack ship or not, I still love them :)
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buzzcutlip · 2 months
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Cracks and Gaps - The Worst Day (part I) Carmen Berzatto x Fem!Reader Mature (Explicit in the following parts) 7434 words ao3
You meet Carmen in Copenhagen through a mutual friend and bond over shared experiences. After following his rising career from afar, you reconnect in Chicago when he renovates his late brother's restaurant. As an editor, you can't miss an opportunity to find out more about the comeback of this chef prodigy.
A/N: I've started writing this story a looong time ago last year. There will be two more parts. I would like to thank @carmyboobear for being the most incredible beta and helping me out on the rocky journey. They're a very special person to me, and also a fantastic and inspiring writer themselves. Please, check their Carmy stories if you haven't!
The first time you meet Carmen, you are both a little over twenty and in Copenhagen. He is staging at Noma, and you are interning at a design studio where everyone is very “green.” From one of your conversations with Carmen, you learn that Pop-Tarts and Cheetos are illegal here. In Europe. Most of the sodas that stained your tongue crazy colors when you were a kid are banned too. He lectures you on Scandinavian agriculture and food production.
Carmen is skinny and short—still a bit taller than you, though—with sharp, high cheekbones and bulging eyes. You don't know enough about each other to be “friends,” but he is a good companion. Your high school friend Becky knows Carmen’s older sister; that’s how you found each other in Denmark’s capital.
On two rare occasions, you get drunk together, and that happens only when he is stressed from work. Like, stressed STRESSED. You'd think he only drinks special natural wine from Lofoten or something, but his choice of poison is canned Budweiser. Maybe he misses home as much as you do. Maybe that’s what leads you to almost kiss him the second time. Carmen lives on a boat, and he takes you there, where you drink vodka mixed with herbs and licorice that Carmen concocts, his tongue peeking out between his lips as he concentrates. The drink tastes good. Weird. You don't hide your grimace. Neither of you comments on the alcohol ratio. It's more vodka than anything else, that's for sure.
Carmen is not your type, physically or character-wise—you are an introvert yourself, so you need someone to bring you out of your shell. Obviously, doing an internship on a different continent is a huge step, one that is only on you. He also smokes a lot and probably doesn't wash his hair. You've heard about his crazy mother and bonkers family from Becky, so you understand why Carmen is Carmen. Why he’s run off to Europe. It's just—his face—his eyes, when he's telling you about his dream job at Noma or Alchemist—they glow, and he becomes so animated, the quiet excitement seeping to the surface, and there's fondness blooming in your chest. He also knows a thing or two about sports, as you do, the subject bringing you back to Chicago, and the longing for “home” and “familiar” is terribly strong in the moment, enhanced by the alcohol. And Carmen, the boy sitting opposite you, with burns on his hands and ripped jeans, is both of those things put into one.
Nothing happens between you two, but the urge to press your own lips against his lingers after you leave in a taxi, not brave enough to ride a bike under the influence.
You try to stay in touch after Copenhagen, messaging Carmen on his empty Facebook profile, sending a text once in a while, mainly at Christmas, and when you have some terrible junk food, just to make fun of him. When he FaceTimes you, he’s in Paris, and you’re in Dublin. The next time, he’s in California.
He rarely ever answers messages on the phone. Usually, it's an emoji, sometimes a word or two. Soon, there are no answers, and you can't be bothered. You carry on with your life in Chicago, and it doesn’t take long before you start seeing Carmen Berzatto in the paper, on the internet. The young prodigy chef, everyone says. Reluctantly, you read the articles, thinking about the Copenhagen Carmen, smiling at his photos. He's grown up, filled out. His hair is curlier, his shoulders wider, his biceps stronger. He looks good. Good and sad, you think to yourself, and decide not to text him to congratulate him on his star career. Carmen is not one to care about what you think of it.
It's only when you hear from Becky that Mikey Berzatto has died, that you think of Carmen properly, after years full of work in the magazine office, one shitty almost-boyfriend, and summers spent in Europe, writing about sustainable travel and solo adventures. Becky says that he's inherited a restaurant from Michael. You decide against sending him condolences—too personal.
But about ten months later, there's whispering that a fancy restaurant, The Bear, is replacing The Beef of Chicagoland, and it's actually your boss who tells you that you should go check the place out.
You are not into that whole haute cuisine thing, to be honest. You never understood those tiny little portions and strange ingredients and their combinations. You prefer good pasta with Bolognese sauce or roasted chicken with mashed potatoes. Sometimes you wonder if Carmen's strange relationship with his family is what's keeping him away from his Italian roots and forcing him to work in pristine, starched whites in sterile kitchens, cooking intestines and antlers, making it art.
Becky gives you Natalie Berzatto’s phone number to get in touch with her to try to schedule an interview for the magazine feature. Your boss, Rob, hopes that Carmen could even make it to the cover soon when The Bear takes off. You’re not sure how you feel about bypassing Carmen completely and going straight to his sister.
So one Thursday, in early May, you decide to walk there, unannounced. You corner the building, passing a big glass window, and before you make it to the main entrance, you nearly collide with a very wonky wooden stepladder. With Carmen Berzatto on top of it, fiddling with a screwdriver or a similar tool, and a signboard.
The second you make contact with the ancient stepladder, Carmen shouts, "Fuck!"
“Sorry,” you yelp, and one glance at the man high up confirms that you are indeed dealing with the Chef himself.
“Could you watch out?” he says angrily as he makes his way down, measuring every step carefully.
“I’m sorry,” you apologize again, waiting anxiously for Carmen to—hopefully—recognize you. To anyone walking by, you must look like an idiot, standing still in the middle of the sidewalk, waiting motionless and stiff for a guy to climb down a ladder.
You don’t know what you had been expecting but definitely not Carmen staring at you with his huge, bloodshot eyes for seconds that feel like minutes. You nearly turn around and walk away, no joke.
He looks—
“You look—” you start. Terrible. But also, like, gorgeous. Terribly tired but hot. Is it awful of you to think that?
“Hi,” Carmen says, one hand going into the big mess of his hair, the other one into his pants pocket. He's avoiding your eyes, which makes you even more nervous, makes you think it was not such a great idea to come here.
“Hi!” you say, probably overly enthusiastically. “You're back in Chicago,” is the first thing you can think of.
He nods. “Yeah, yeah.”
“Well, congrats on the new place,” you say, gesturing to the building behind him, newspaper covering the windows. “I'm really sorry, I thought it was already open,” you explain, tugging on the hem of your lilac sweatshirt nervously. Can he tell you’re lying? “Becky mentioned something about it.”
“No, we’re opening next week,” Carmen says, holding a cigarette between his fingers.
“I'm really curious,” you smile carefully, testing the waters, wondering how he's going to react. You haven't seen each other in more than five years, and Carmen's never been exactly friendly. Not like mean, but definitely not easily approachable. “I work for this magazine, and we would love to do a feature on this,” you say, leaving out that it's you who would be writing it. Who wants to write it. Not only about the place but about Carmen, the enigma, the quiet boy, the excellent chef.
He only nods, clearly not sharing your enthusiasm. “Maybe later,” he taps the cigarette against the palm of his other hand. “When we're ready for this kind of thing.”
“Of course,” you agree quickly.
“Might be a while.”
“So what is the big plan?”
Carmen looks at you, measuring you. Like he thinks you have some ulterior motive. He lights up the cigarette, taking a long drag from it, and you fight not to scrunch your nose in disgust. The older you get, the more you hate the smell. Especially when someone is blowing out the smoke aimlessly—almost—in your face.
“My partner—Sydney, she’s hung up on the stars. So I guess a fine dining kinda place,” Carmen says, flicking the cigarette butt in the general direction of the gutter. The second sentence comes out more like a question than a statement, but you are still processing the first one.
“You run a business with your girlfriend?” you swear you don’t mean it to sound so accusing.
Carmen takes a step back, physically—bumping into the stepladder behind him—and mentally, too. “No! She—Sydney’s my business partner.” The defensive tone tells you exactly how your words sounded though. You wince. “We’ve been working on the new concept together with Nat, and the whole crew, actually. It’s—it’s a family business, I guess—uhm. We had only like three months to finish, and—”
You can see he’s really flustered. He’s starting to stutter, hand nervously scratching his neck. You hate the sight, hate that you’ve made him feel like this.
“I’m sorry!” you interrupt him. “It came out all wrong. I shouldn’t have said that,” you say urgently, hoping to see him relax back to his non-caring, nonchalant, tired-looking self. How could you mess up so quickly? Is that your special ability or a curse?
“‘s fine,” Carmen says, and he does relax a bit, shoulders dropping an inch. He doesn’t look friendly though. Or in the mood for a chat. “I just—she’s a business partner,” he repeats obstinately, face red.
The moment grows awkward. In your coat pocket, you touch a pack of chewing gum and start fiddling with it. “I—my office is nearby so I thought I could come around and see the progress,” you say into the void, trying not to cringe too much. “Maybe I would take a few colleagues for dinner.”
“The reservations aren't open yet,” Carmen says in a flat voice. You can’t call him out because it’s probably true anyway. Plus, you just lied again—the offices are not close; you had taken the L—and you feel bad about it.
There’s not much left to say, you realize. He’s not giving you any space to turn this “accidental” meeting into a proper conversation. You shuffle your feet nervously, feeling stupid.
“Alright. It was nice seeing you!” you say, as it’s about time to end this. “Hope everything’s gonna work out great!” you add in a cheerful tone, already setting to walk back to the station.
“Yeah. Thanks. Bye.” Carmen says back, lighting a second cigarette.
What a nightmare, you think as you walk through the busy streets.
In the following weeks, you almost forget about The Bear. Rob complains about the nonexistent article on the new, already hyped-up restaurant and wasted opportunities, but what can you do? The not-at-all-accidental meeting with Carmen had been a disaster you actively try to erase from your mind. Working on your regular column and material for the website keeps you busy. Then Becky calls out of nowhere, and you two arrange lunch at The Marq. You end up swapping hilarious stories from the last two months you hadn’t seen each other, and you secretly pray she doesn’t ask about Natalie Berzatto or her brother. You're out of luck, because she does—of course she does—and you have to lay the cards on the table.
“You did contact Nat first though?” is the first thing Becky asks.
“I didn’t,” you shake your head. “I didn’t want to exclude Carmen right at the very beginning,” you admit.
“Oh god,” Becky rolls her eyes at you, taking a small bite of her salmon cake sandwich.
“I knooow,” you quickly stop her, feeling like ordering something stronger than the simple soda you’ve been drinking.
“I think you should still call Natalie,” Becky says, pointing at you with a determined frown. “I went to see her and her new baby just last week. She asked about you.”
“Yeah,” she nods. “Apparently they could really use some help getting the word out about The Bear. A good excuse to talk Carmen into an interview maybe? An exclusive one?” She wiggles her eyebrows, knowing how cool it would be for you to come up with this.
“Maybe,” you muse, playing it cool. Inside, you are already hyped up about the possibility of scoring the first interview with the former best chef in the world. Is he still good at all? Why did he disappear? Why is he back?
The anxiety of the following days forces you to actually text Natalie. You’ve been checking online websites and Instagram accounts apprehensively, worried that a medium might publish something about The Bear before you get a chance. Rob isn’t a dick, but you wouldn’t want to look incompetent in his eyes. So far, you’ve been able to steer away from conversations about the new Carmen Berzatto restaurant at work. Your work ethic makes it difficult for you to let The Bear go without a fight.
That’s how you find yourself in front of Natalie’s door. When she opens it, she doesn’t hide her fervor.
“Oh, finally! Hi! Please come in.” She ushers you inside. You’ve never seen her in person, only on Becky’s Instagram, maybe, and even though the exhaustion is apparent on the woman’s face, you can spot the similarities with Carmen in her features right away.
From the dark hallway, she leads you to the sitting room. When you look around, it’s hard to find a clutter-free space. Every surface is covered with baby clothes, baby diapers, baby wipes—clean and dirty—bottles—full and empty.
“Sorry for the mess,” Natalie appears next to you, snatching away a baby muslin from the sofa. “Have a seat, please,” she nods. “The baby’s asleep. Hopefully for the next—” and she checks her watch, “another twenty minutes.”
As you sit down, Natalie collapses into an armchair, not minding what appears to be a pile of freshly washed newborn onesies and other clothes underneath her.
“Thank you so much for stopping by,” she says sincerely, and you notice the many stains on her purple t-shirt.
You smile. “No problem.”
“Becky said that you know stuff about Instagram and social media and marketing and all that?” Natalie’s eyes are wide and hopeful.
“I would say so,” you nod.
“I’m not sure what Becky mentioned already,” Natalie says as she starts pulling the baby clothes from under her and folding them absentmindedly. That definitely says something about the state she’s in, without Becky describing the situation to you—not only with The Bear but also Nat herself. “Carmy’s putting so much into the restaurant—we all are—so much hope,” she babbles, “none of us have slept properly in weeks—months! And now the baby...” Natalie’s gaze becomes unfocused for a moment before she blinks rapidly. “The timing’s not so great,” she forces out a weak laugh, and you smile again, already feeling bad for her, not wanting to make her uncomfortable.
“I understand. It’s hard,” you empathize, feeling genuinely bad—not for The Bear—but for Natalie.
“I’m not a marketing guru, but I can research things,” she carries on, more confident now. “But I can’t be there all the time, y’know? It’s just not possible. If—if someone could help with keeping the place afloat and spreading the word—” she stops talking and folding, looking directly at you. “That would be just so awesome,” she finishes quietly, her bottom lip wobbling.
You know that Nat’s not trying to emotionally blackmail you, even though the situation kinda feels like it, and you do feel for her.
“I can help, yes.”
“I’ll talk to Carm and Sydney, and we’ll figure out how much we can offer you!” The relief and excitement are apparent in the way Nat jumps up from the armchair.
“That’s alright, really,” you say calmly, putting a hand on her arm now that she’s closer. “We can discuss this later,” and you give her another encouraging smile.
The unmistakable sound of a baby crying comes from somewhere in the house. Poor Natalie freezes, her hand going to touch her chest. She takes a deep, steadying breath.
“Thank you. Thank you,” and she takes a hold of your hand, squeezing it. “I’ll tell Sydney to get in touch with you—or you can actually just go to the restaurant; they know about you.”
That makes you slightly uncertain as you remember your first attempt at an unannounced visit to The Bear.
“Alright,” you nod with a polite smile. After all, you’re getting something out of this too.
Sydney texts you exactly 22 minutes after you leave worn-out Natalie and her baby behind and invites you to come to The Bear the next day. To make yourself appear more untouchable, you reply that the soonest you’re available is next Monday. Make them wait.
It gets you on edge, though, and more than once you think of Carmen in his tiny Copenhagen kitchen, how things used to be. How easy it is to grow apart. Not that you’d been friends exactly. Hard to be anything like that with a person as closed off as Carmen Berzatto.
On the agreed Monday, you dare to finish early at work and take the train to The Bear. Your stomach is in knots, even though you’ve been pretty brave about the whole thing. It’s just—you’re not sure how Carmen’s gonna react when he sees you, and you’re already thinking about the worst possible scenarios. Just stop! you tell yourself resolutely, forcing yourself to concentrate on the simple but well-thought-out marketing plan you prepared to present. Without being asked. If Carmen sees that you actually KNOW things, he might change his opinion about you. Not that you KNOW his opinion, but—maybe he would actually acknowledge you finally.
It’s just after the family meal when you arrive. A tall man who introduces himself as Richie lets you in instantly, and he’s clearly been informed about your arrivall. As soon as Sydney is notified of your presence, she rushes to you from the kitchen in the back, wiping her hands on her apron. You notice right away that she’s friendly and calm, and it relaxes your nerves. There’s no doubt she loves the restaurant and her job, and you see that she worries as much as Natalie does, or even more.
“We’re opening in two hours, so it’s a bit wild in the back, but maybe you wanna see the kitchen?” Sydney offers as she’s showing you around the newly restored restaurant, opening the heavy door. “A quick peek,” she adds as a loud cracking noise comes out of the exact door.
You’ve been to a couple of kitchens, and you must say that this one’s definitely on the chaotic side of the scale. People in white aprons run here and there, no one’s still, not even for a second. There’s a good amount of shouting and a huge amount of swearing. In the middle of everything, there’s Chef Carmen Berzatto. He looks like a character from Cartoon Network. His wild hair is sticking out in all directions, dark tattoos covering his arms and hands, face sweaty, eyes ready to pop out of his head. He’s shorter than most people you see circling the kitchen, but the loudest one. He shouts orders, and you notice the vein on the side of his neck—it sure is ready to burst. You wonder how far he is from having a heart attack.
“Or maybe next time,” Sydney mutters, gently pushing you out of the way and shutting the door again. She leads you to one of the brown wooden tables where you settle again.
“Is he always like that?” you ask Sydney, actually glad that you’re not in the room where the storm’s currently happening.
“Only when he’s stressed,” Sydney explains shortly, an apologetic smile on her lips.
When it comes to money, it’s obvious The Bear doesn’t have much to spare, that much is clear. Sydney is extremely apologetic and sweet about it.
“There’s a marketing budget—previously non-existent—that we’ve set aside and can offer. It’s just not much, I’m afraid,” she tells you, jittery.
You want to reassure her, to tell her that you're doing it for Carmen, for an old "friend." But from what you've gathered, Sydney doesn't even know that Carmen knows you.
So you just smile and reassure her anyway. "I'll put it on my resume. I can use more cases with social media for hospitality," you lie.
Nodding, Sydney clarifies, "Yes, just Instagram. Please. Carmy doesn't want to put anything in the press. Yet."
When a curious Richie joins you at the table, you present the Instagram plan to both of them. Even though Richie can't help making a few rather stupid remarks that only he finds funny, they both listen carefully. You see a lot of skepticism on Richie's face, probably because he doesn't understand some of the big words, you guess, but Sydney seems to be really into everything from pictures of the food and the weekly specials, to quick reels showing potential customers a little bit of behind-the-scenes action.
"Oh, I'm sure Cousin will be thrilled to have people sticking their noses into his business," Richie says, and you're not sure how serious he is. But Sydney shushes him, and you carry on, showing her the mock-up of the possible Instagram feed to set the mood for the profile.
For the next three weeks, you go to The Bear twice a week to gather some content—photos and videos. You talk to the crew and film those who are okay with it. Your presence is met with mixed emotions, but Sydney's gratitude and kindness make up for every suspicious glare and exasperated sigh when you find yourself in someone's way. Besides the restaurant, you take your neighbor's dog for a long walk every Saturday morning, call your mom and dad to check in, scroll Instagram instead of finally starting an actual book, and often wonder why Carmen is so hostile towards you.
Generally, you try not to hang out in the kitchen directly, especially not when Chef Carmen is present. Being uncomfortable in a new environment makes you positively anxious, causing you to go through a whole pack of your favorite cinnamon Simply Gums a day.
You also remember to always tie your hair up—not that the staff there wear hairnets or anything, but you don't want Carmen to find another reason to frown at you. He's been basically only frowning or ignoring you. Hard to tell which one is worse.
You always clean your hands super thoroughly, like during COVID, singing the "Happy Birthday" song to time it before daring to even stick your finger in the restaurant. Sydney offers you an apron to protect your work clothes, which you refuse. You sense from some people there that you're not entirely welcome.
But the more you avoid Carmen, the more likely you are to bump into him. You know Murphy's Law. So one morning, he just appears from around the corner, carrying a tray of mushrooms.
For a second, you're actually horrified that he's going to introduce himself. Before that can happen, you blurt out, "Uh—do you remember me? Copenhagen?"
Carmen stops and looks at you, wiping his wet hands on the towel attached to the string of his white apron. "Yeah," he confirms, "yeah, I do." He says your name, all soft and correct, along with your surname, and with his eyes fixed on you, you're frozen to the spot, affected whether you like it or not. Then he leaves to taste Tina's roasted peppers.
Obviously, your mind can't let the episode slip away. As you type copy for the upcoming Instagram posts, you pause every so often to cringe at how embarrassing you behaved. Of course, he remembers you, for fuck's sake! You're working in his restaurant—kinda.
"Hey! Copenhagen! You wanna see this?" Carmen yells a bit later from the other side of the kitchen, and you falter, deciding whether you're really going to answer to him calling you that.
You bite your tongue and trail hesitantly to the station where Carmen is with Tina and Ebraheim, gathered around a saucepan.
"Tina, chef, this is excellent. Well done," Carmen says to her as you approach, then turns to you.
"This is what we wanna share with the world. Perfect red pepper sauce. Simple but delicious."
"Okay," you respond, taking in the expectant way all three of them are looking at you. Like you're some kind of magician. Or a fraud.
"Just," Carmen adds before he sets off, "no recipes leave this kitchen," and he waits for you to confirm.
Slowly, you start to question why you're helping The Bear. Is it because two years ago you thought of Carmen and what you might have felt for him? What could have been? More than the chef himself, you find yourself growing fond of the place and the employees—some of them! Seeing the Instagram followers number increase fills you with pride and satisfaction. Fuck Carmen.
Mornings are usually the only time when Carmen isn’t around, and you try to time your visits so your paths don’t cross.
Wanting to snap photos of the new tableware and make a quick, fun video reel, you head into the kitchen. There's no one around—Sweeps is probably hiding somewhere, and Sydney might be in the office. Not wanting to bother anyone, you set your always-heavy handbag on a chair and start looking for everything you need. There's no reason for you to feel like you're sneaking around, but you can't help feeling nervous. That’s when your clumsiness strikes, and you manage to knock over a glass of water. Rolling your eyes, you get on your hands and knees to wipe the spilled water with a rug that you hope is meant for cleaning, as you’re very aware of every item having its particular function here.
You straighten up and stretch to get one more plate from the shelf. Then you lose your footing on the still-wet tiles. Your foot slips, and the top plate falls to the countertop with a loud cracking noise. You react quickly, trying to break the fall, but there's no use. The plate shatters to pieces.
Of course, it’s Carmen himself who emerges from the door leading to the office, and you wince—both physically and mentally—preparing yourself for a very unpleasant collision.
“What’s going on?” he asks as he approaches you, eyebrows pinched. He’s not wearing his chef whites, just a simple white t-shirt and dark jeans.
“Sorry, I—” you start apologizing as Carmen stands next to you, assessing the damage.
“What—what’re you doing here?” he asks in a very flat voice, staring at the pieces of ceramic.
“I’m sorry, I’m going to tidy this and also pay for the plate, obviously,” you ramble, reaching down for the shards.
“Don’t,��� Carmy barks, stopping you by grabbing your shaking hands in his. His hands are big, the tattoos making them look harsh and crude, even though the touch is gentle. “Don’t cut yourself,” he adds quietly, holding you until you relax your arms and then a second longer.
He must sense your nervousness. “It’s fine, I’ll get it,” Carmen assures you, catching your eye. “Hey,” he lays a soft hand on your arm, “step away, I’ll clean this.”
Nodding, you step back and wait patiently, disconcerted, watching as Carmen carefully handles and discards the shards, then checks the floor for any tiny fragments. He turns back to you.
“Are you okay?” he checks.
“Yeah.” And you’re more thrown off balance by having Carmen pay attention to you, all of a sudden, than by damaging the kitchen’s equipment.
He studies you for a moment, his face unreadable, and you’re the one to look away first. Which you hate, by the way.
“You wanna see some stuff I’ve been working on?”
“Sure,” you agree, taking a deep breath to relax further. “I’m sorry. The loud noise—” you wave your hand in the air vaguely, rolling your eyes at yourself. “Just scared the shit out of me, I guess,” you finish with an apologetic smile.
“You’re alright,” Carmen confirms and disappears for a bit. In the meantime, you have a small meltdown, shaking your head at yourself for being so, so very terribly lame. Luckily, before he returns with a tray of different dishes, you pull yourself together.
Carmen sets the tray down, revealing an array of colorful and sophisticated meals that instantly catch your curiosity.
“Any allergies?” he asks.
“Passion fruit—easily avoidable. Sometimes kiwi,” you list. “And grumpy chefs,” you add cheekily, feeling bold.
Carmen pauses. “I’m not grumpy. I’m focused.”
“You weren’t like this in Copenhagen,” you say softly, leaning a bit closer to him, your body language signaling that once you had been comfortable around each other.
“I’m more focused now,” Carmen retorts, stubborn and maybe a bit offended. “Back then I—uhm—I felt comfortable around you. It was easy.”
“And now?” you almost whisper.
But Carmen ignores the question, pushing the first bowl closer to you. “Here, taste this… or take a picture and then taste it.”
And you understand that the re-bonding is over.
Soon, you drop the habit of visiting the restaurant only in the mornings. One reason is that spending time with Carmen, talking to him or watching him cook and explain things, makes you late for work twice in a row. That usually never happens as you take pride in being on time at the office. You don’t work at The Bear for money, but you hardly think about it that way. When you decide to pop in during the morning, Carmen shares his deadly strong black coffee that he mills himself with you. It’s bitter but heavenly. Secretly, you like drinking it while chewing your favorite cinnamon gum, which somehow makes the taste even better—smoother and richer.
The second reason—you discover that Carmen is much calmer in the evenings after service. Less jittery, more relaxed. His blood flows slower, you think. His heart pumps with more ease. Sydney and he share thoughts and plans for the restaurant with you while you all sit at an empty table. It’s nice, you think, while watching Carmen’s hands play with a napkin. His hands are especially nice.
It’s Saturday and raining as you find yourself sitting in Gordon Ramsay's Burger. Nothing could’ve surprised you more than Carmen asking you to go out eat together. Had he felt bad for ignoring you at the beginning? You’re watching the rivers of raindrops on the big glass window, waiting for Carmen. As usual, you’re ten minutes early, and after you order a Life’s a Beach, the first thing on your mind is you're just early, he didn't stand you up, and then: this is not a date, babe! Which instantly startles you into sitting up straight and looking around, as if someone could see your embarrassing thoughts. Why are you even thinking about this?? Then Carmen arrives, wet patches on his shoulders and jeans that cling to his thighs. He chooses the Chicago hot dog and three different burgers with a bunch of sides. While he only nibbles on them and writes down notes on his phone, you feel bad for wasting the food and eat more than you should. Carmen studies the buns very carefully and asks you a lot of questions about the food, some of which you find amusing and actually—endearing. When you go to bed that night, your belly’s uncomfortably full. You dream that you’re pregnant and about to go into labor, and you’re pretty sure that Carmen’s the father. And, honestly, do you need a book of dreams to explain the meaning? Fuck.
All goes to hell next week when Carmen sees you eating a sandwich from the corner shop down the street. Instead of having your regular lunch with Becky, you’ve chosen to run to The Bear so you could see Marcus unveil his new dessert. But before that, you popped into the nearby deli to order a mozzarella and sundried tomato sandwich. No one at The Bear had ever explicitly invited you to the family meal, and you would never dare to have free food there. But the way Carmen looks at you while you sit on the step by the back exit, eating the rather dry sandwich, is indescribable. The stern look on his face is back, with a closed-off facade. His eyes are cold. Before you take it all in, you wave at him awkwardly, chewing. Carmen retreats back inside wordlessly, leaving you confused and a little hurt.
Unfortunately, the atmosphere surrounding you doesn’t improve when you return to work, the stupid sandwich sitting in your stomach like a heavy stone. You have a big argument in the meeting room while planning the next month's issue. Then one of your co-workers makes a nasty remark about your single life. The afternoon drags on painfully slowly, which forces you to message your cousin—an astrologist extraordinaire—to check what the heck is going on with the universe.
Tuesday morning is rough. The second you wake up, you know you’ve overslept because you never get up without the alarm ringing angrily. A single glance at your phone proves it to be true. Right after, you notice three missed calls from Sydney and two from Nat. There are no text messages, though.
At first, you intend to call Rob to beg for a home office day, something you rarely ever use. But as soon as you check your calendar, you’re reminded of the big conference happening from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. You rush to work, finishing your makeup on the train, then enter the office building to quickly run through notes with your colleagues. The first time you have a chance to make a quick phone call is when you finally go to the bathroom. It’s Natalie who you manage to reach first, as the lunch rush at The Bear is just unfolding. Over the cries of Natalie’s baby, you hear half-sentences about a recipe, Carmen, and a leak. It’s hard to put it all together. At 4 p.m., Nat finally sends you a text. It says: “Recipe’s published in Taste of Home. Carm’s mad. Says someone leaked it.”
It contains a link to the Taste of Home website, with Carmen’s perfect Berkswell Pudding recipe in the Top Recipes of the Week, marked “Chef’s tip.” You check it again to make sure, and surely—it’s one of the dishes Carmen introduced to you just last week. You didn’t dare to photograph it, much less taste it. You remember concentrating on the way his lips moved when he explained the preparation process, not much on the cooking itself.
What’s clear to you is that the "Someone" from Nat’s message is actually you.
A gloomy dread settles in your stomach as the meeting goes on and on. You barely pay attention, which makes everything even worse. You’re scared of what’s happened in the restaurant, and you’re worried that you’re going to miss something important in the meeting.
When you run for a second quick bathroom break, instead of peeing, you think of your next step. You could try to call everyone in the restaurant, try to find out what the hell is going on. But you don’t want to be seen as hysterical. You check Instagram and possible messages to find traces of a catastrophe. There’s nothing. Again, you open the website with the recipe. The photos are pretty sloppy, definitely not something Carmen would prepare. As you check the ingredients, you notice there are some major differences from Carmen’s dish. All in all, the only thing that stops you from texting Carmen is your pride. And true fear.
Absolutely dreading facing Carmen, you make it to The Bear during dinner time. Which, obviously, is the worst possible timing. You’re only praying that he’s not in the kitchen but hiding in his office, deep in paperwork.
It’s Sydney who you meet first as you sneak into the restaurant through the back door. She grabs your arm.
“Don’t go to talk to him now! He’s in a really, really bad mood. Natalie and I were trying to call you.” There’s genuine worry on Sydney’s face, her eyes big and honest.
“I don’t understand what happened,” you frown. You can feel a headache approaching from the intense day in the office. “I think he should tell me himself if there’s a problem.”
“I’ve been trying to work it out with him, to explain—”
“Explain what?” you question, more sternly than you usually are around Syd.
She falters. “It’s just this stupid thing—and we love having you—don’t let Carmy upset you,” Sydney half-explains. It doesn’t make much sense, and you shake your head, heading to the office. You’re more mad than afraid now.
You don’t wait for an invite after you knock shortly. Closing the door behind you, you find Carmen leaning against the desk, a bottle of water in his hand.
Everything inside of you drops the second he lays his eyes on you. There’s no doubt he’s angry.
“Didn’t Natalie tell you you don’t have to come here again?” Carmen asks curtly. “I’m surprised you think it’s okay to be here.”
Not expecting Carmen to be this harsh from the beginning, you swallow instead of answering.
“I hope that you’re happy now,” he says meanly, putting the bottle down on the desk.
“I don’t—I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you croak out, sincerely meaning it.
Carmen straightens up, watching you like a feline. “The recipe. It’s out. One fucking thing I asked not to get out, and now the whole of America can see and fucking even cook it at home.”
You’re frozen to the spot. From the very beginning, you knew that Carmen is not a person to mess with, hoping that you would never experience his anger directed at you. Now it’s happening.
You want to say something about no one being able to cook the way he does, but it’s pointless. Instead, you’re fighting off the flush on your face from embarrassment. You feel like a child being scolded, but you don’t want to look like one.
The muted but still loud kitchen noises bleed through the closed door. A shout, clattering. Not loud enough to stop Carmen from piercing you through and through with his ice-cold eyes.
“I promise I didn’t do anything like that,” you say, desperately wanting the chef to believe you. “I swear!”
Carmen pinches the bridge of his nose, one hand propped on his waist. You wait, breathless, for his next move, scared to death. The shirt you have on is wet with your sweat. The really badly smelling kind—the one your body produces when you’re stressed or scared. And you’ve been stressed since the very morning. You flinch when you move your arm and the odor hits your nose, hoping that Carmen can’t smell you. You would be mortified. The strap of your tote bag is digging into your shoulder painfully, but you don’t dare to move to put it down to relieve your arm.
“This all doesn’t—it doesn’t make any sense,” Carmen starts pacing, looking down at the floor and not at you anymore. You’re not sure if it’s better this way. “You come here, wanna do a fucking interview with me, or some shit, then you show up again—this time wanting to work here. For free! So, please, tell me—how does it sound, huh?”
Petrified, you realize how exactly it all sounds. When Carmen says it like this, it makes you look like a fraud. Like a terrible, terrible person. A liar. Your mind goes weeks back, back to the moment you actually thought of maybe digging some scoop in here, maybe convincing Carmen to do the interview after all. But it’s far from how he’s making the situation sound.
“Carmen,” you start without knowing what you want to say. Carmen’s stopped walking around the tiny office like a caged animal, and he’s again looking at you. There’s so much tension in his face, back hunched. “It sounds bad, but may I explain—”
“You may not,” he cuts you off briskly. His neck—normally a place you find sexy—is all red, and the thick vein there is getting more and more prominent by the second. “No one fucks with my business, you understand?” Oh—and he’s shouting now.
The natural defense, you didn’t know existed, is to make yourself smaller. Somehow, anyhow. You hang your head, avoiding looking at his face. You just can’t meet his eyes, even though Carmen’s bowing and tilting his head to force you to.
“It’s like I have to start asking the staff to sign an NDA,” he carries on.
Carmen’s getting slowly closer and closer to you, pushing you against the wall by the door. He’s not touching you but only because you’re not allowing it. You’re sick with humiliation. Lost for words, probably for the first time in your life.
“—and Nat fucking leaves me here—us, all of us—and that’s just not fair. I would expect so, so much more from my sister. Not that my brother was much better,” he chuckles humorlessly, but you see it’s more like an effort to catch his breath. “Lousy fuckers… Do you think you do your job well here, chef?”
He’s scaring you now. The hair by his temples and above his forehead is damp, and his gesticulation is wild and weird.
“Do we disgust you here, is that right, hm?” Carmen probably finally sees your frightened expression because he adds, “Why would you buy food somewhere else and then come here to eat it?!” You understand that he’s referring to the day he saw you eating the sandwich by the rear exit. Unsure whether he expects you to reply, you decide to stay quiet. Your knees are starting to shake, from exhaustion after the long day and perhaps, from Carmen’s current behavior.
“It made ME sick,” he says, his face just inches from yours when one of his hands slams into the thin wall right next to your head. The noise echoes in the room, and you’re desperately hoping it’s not loud enough for the others to hear from outside. You would die on the spot if they knew what’s going on here.
“Who do you think you are?” Carmen shouts some more, loud, by your ear. It vibrates through you and never stops. You’re shivering all over, you notice. It’s not okay, not okay!
At last, you raise your head, chin jutting out. “No one’s going to talk to me like this. No one,” you spit out in the chef’s face, taking him by surprise. “Don’t you ever shout at me again,” and you jab him right in the middle of his chest, instead of punching him there like he deserves.
When you’re leaving his office and rushing to the back exit, you hear Carmen yelling.
Everything feels tense and your hands are shaking. Your jaw is set so hard your teeth could crush from the pressure. The fresh air hits your face, and you focus on breathing deeply through your nose. The sounds remind you of a steam engine. You walk for about a minute, mind blank with the shock. Only when you turn a corner do you allow yourself to stop, which causes the first tears to fall. You’re so mad at yourself. Why the fuck are you crying?! There’s so much frustration in the crazy mixture of emotions you’re feeling. You’re completely overwhelmed with it, not knowing what to focus on at first.
Out of habit, you look for your phone in your handbag to check the screen. The fucking heavy bag that’s been killing your shoulder. Frustrated, you let it slide off your arm and down to the sidewalk. You don’t even care if it breaks, as it lands with a noisy, dull sound. It had been years since you got properly yelled at, and you’re angry that it affects you this much. You promise yourself to take a few seconds here, in the middle of an empty street, then call a cab. At home, you can cry.
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itsthundertime · 3 months
Clover as Sammy Lawrence for my CRK x BATIM AU!
He's way better at making axes than Licorice😇
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Backstory-Clover was a sweet, music and nature-loving Bard who sang to all creatures who heard his songs but with fame he became more irritated by... Well... Everything, almost. But he loves music so why wasn't he happy about his musical talents gaining traction? He was even being payed big time to write songs and play them for others, way too often though.
But, he still loved music and nature just as much as before, same with Herb, who wasn't all that into music but loved the outdoors, maybe more than Clover himself, Licorice though wasn't fond of much of either, but they were still close in secret.
Although, one day, something went wrong, he got caught in a crossfire of a gruesome battle between Dark Enchantress and Pure Vanilla, getting hit by a strong, burning attack, disfiguring him due to it.
But things just kept on getting worse for Clover, he went more and more insane until he purposely went missing, disfiguring other cookies who came close, like something straight out of a horror story, one being a somewhat younger Cookie, although the hole in his face wasn't CLOVER'S fault.
But through this new hell, he at least has his king to guide him and his subjects!
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fairykazu · 1 year
Hi, congrats for reaching 60 followers! I hope you've been doing well. May I ask these prompts (8, 16, 22, 26) for Kazuha?
Always stay safe and healthy! 🙏
SCARLET LEAVES PURSUE WILD WAVES: kazuha kaedehara x gn! reader
masterlist | 60 special ml
notes: some of them are a continuation of memories; you don’t have to read it but it’s to get the characters' relationship with each other. sorry for the late reply! more under the cut! (16, 22 & 26 will be written soon + linked on the masterlist)
8. brushing knuckles softly over their cheek
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you would never express it but you wonder if kazuha still shares the feelings as you do for him. the love he shows to you through poems, quotes of literature and samples of herbs in the places he visits. you looked at the letter by your nightstand: kazuha’s letter for today. you went to reach for the letter but the shiver of insecurity pricks you. overwhelmed by your emotions that plagues you, sticking by your sides, whispering lies. you leave the letter alone while hoping the love would overpower the insecurities. but lying awake in your shared bed wouldn’t do anything to help.
you went to the kitchen, opening the herbs cabinet. you grabbed the three herbs needed to soothe your anxiety as you silently thank the secretary of the liyue qixing for the recipe. you were missing a particular wheat but it’s okay since you can replace it with mai ya. you infused the wheat with licorice root and jujubes. once the tea was completely ready, you seeped into the couch, sipping onto the tea. the parasite in your head is still getting to you but yet it’s simmering down. unknownst to you, kazuha was lingering in the hallway.
“name? is that gan mai da zao tang i smell?” he asked, walking towards you. you winced, the warm tea seeping into your clothes. you didn’t expect him to be home too soon. it’s almost as if he’s similar to xiao when you call out his name. or maybe it's the lovers' sense. or maybe–
kazuha’s musky scent engulfing your senses automatically calms you down. you set down the teacup as kazuha’s full attention is on you.“yes, it is. when did you get back? i didn’t hear you by the door.” you asked as he reached for your hands, massaging them.
he hummed a tune that he said only the wind knows, “if i recall, i had written you a letter of my adventures and when i was arriving back from sumeru.”
shit. the letter that sits on the nightstand, unopened. you usually open it first thing in the morning but since you were overcome with emotions earlier in the morning, you weren’t able to open it.
he brushed the pad of his thumb over your cheek, “it’s okay,” he wiped away a tear you didn’t know was there. “do not worry… so do you have anything that’s on your mind?” your head still resting on his hand but you pulled away. the warmth of his hand is lingering on your cheek.
your lips quivered as he handed back your tea– it was cold but you still sipped it away. hoping the nervous buzz goes away, you answered, “yes, there is. i have been overthinking about your relationship and earlier, i was overwhelmed with my feelings and–” you looked at kazuha, he didn’t say anything, waiting for you to go on. “– and i thought you would leave me for someone better than me.” 
he took the mug in your hand and placed it on the coffee table. he cupped your face again, his pads of his thumbs drew circles into your skin gently. “name, you know i’m not the type of person to make promises. but for you, i will. i promise to you, in the name of the raiden shogun– or any archons for that matter– i will always love you.” 
you cracked a joke, “even if i was a hillichurl?” his face contorted into confusion before he laughed, 
“even if you were a lawachurl or a crystalfly. hell, even a dainty amur maple sapling!” 
you snorted, “thank you for cheering me up, kazuha.” 
“of course, anything for you.”
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emo-cookies · 7 months
Y’all voted, and I delivered! :D
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quibbs126 · 7 months
Are there any fankids that you need flavour/character ideas for?
Yeah I do. Honestly, maybe it’ll help me get some motivation to do them too
Alright, so first I’m gonna list character idea ones, along with the names I already have for them (because sometimes people suggest names for them despite me already having them)
Dino Sour/Abyss Monarch: Gummy Shark
Popcorn/Banana: Banana Chip (originally it was Popcorn Ball, but they looked too similar to Popcorn)
Coffee Candy/Cherry Ball: Cherry Candy
Mint Choco/Rockstar: Mint Toothpaste (honestly I’m half considering giving them an occupation name, but that’ll only be once I have a character for them)
Pomegranate/Affogato: Pomegranate Sundae
Crunchy Chip/Red Velvet: Blackout
Affogato/Cream Unicorn: Coffee Pavlova
Black Raisin/Licorice: Grape Licorice
Latte/Almond: Almond Milk (I do have that they use milk magic, but I don’t know what else to do)
Cherry/Herb: Spring Blossom (though open to change)
Abyss Monarch/Electric Eel: Blue Ring
Alright, I should stop on characters now, now let’s just go to quickfire flavor ones (these are the ones you suggest names for)
Raspberry/Caramel Arrow
Shining Glitter/Herb
Electric Eel/Box Jellyfish (this is oc x canon, but I cannot for the life of me come up with a good name and it’s an old request that I want to do, but I’m stuck at the name)
White Lily/Pomegranate (best I have is Poppy, and I’m using Spider Lily for Pomegranate/Hydrangea)
Cotton Candy/Fig
Cream Unicorn/Stardust
Shadow Milk/Lychee
You don’t have to do all of them, but some help would be appreciated please
Edit: oh wait, some parent requests I forgot but also want to ask
First off, can someone PLEASE help me with the other Dark Cacao parent? I have asked multiple times. I have one named Forastero, so that covers the cacao part, and the other one I want to give the prefix “Dark”, but she doesn’t have to be a cacao bean or anything
And then the other one is parents for Kumiho and Vagabond
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New Account, New Fandom to be addicted to :D
I'll be posting some of my favorite ships here and make some hc's, fanfiction and other stuff(with other cookies also from Cookie Run Kingdom)
I'll also be posting my OC's here and there backstory and bonds with the other Cookies and if you guys have any question about them then go ahead and ask them!
Don't be shy
And I'm actually feeling a little adventurous here so uh...
I'll be taking Requests and no this is not an "x Reader(Romantic)" blog it's all platonic because I have my own ships here so uh...yeah
My Oc Master list(If interested):
Request: Open!
I can only accept Request at Monday-Friday Philippines Times Zone
I will NOT accept any requests at Saturday-Sunday
Any Gender!
What I will accept:
"x Reader's" ONLY
If it's a minor it's automatically Platonic
ALL COOKIES(Cookie Run Kingdom and ovenbreak only!)
Dark Themes
Headcannons/One shots/etc
NSFW but not too revealing/hard
I will accept to write for 1 up to 6 Cookies
What I will NOT Accept:
Dead threats towards A/N or Any Anons(I will deleted you)
Hate for any Ships I mention(Just leave the blog if you don't like it)
Kinks of any kind
Bullying any of the Anons
My Ship Cookie's that I will also write for!(I'll add more in the near Future):
Pure Vanilla Cookie x White Lily Cookie
(Bro's a simp)
Hollyberry Cookie x Dark Cacao Cookie
(Single Parents relationship, Dude needs happy energy from Holly rn-)
Dark Enchantress Cookie x Tea Knight Cookie(FIGHT ME-)(jk)
(The Smart Villain Leader x The Secretly Softy Good Leader-)
Pomegranate Cookie x Twizzly Gummy Cookie
(The Serious x The Insane)
Dark Choco Cookie x Milk Cookie
(Boy depressed? Have Milk Cookie)
Licorice Cookie x Clover Cookie
(The Pathetic- I mean the Villain who tries to be x The Support but ends up making villain give up and be good in the end, Kind of-)
Affogato Cookie x Cream Unicorn Cookie
(The Cold Hearted Cookie x The Cookie that is WAY too innocent for there own good-)
Gingerbrave x Wizard Cookie
(The Idiot x The Smart one)
Strawberry Cookie x GingerBright Cookie
(introvert x Extrovert)
Princess Cookie x Knight Cookie
(The Princess(Knight-) and their Knight and shining armour(Princess-) obvs)
Espresso Cookie x Fig Cookie
(Overworked x The one who make them touch grass)
Moonlight Cookie x Mercurial Cookie
(Forbidden Love- 🙊)
Sherbet Cookie x Silverbell Cookie
(The Happy, Goofy and Softies-)
Herb Cookie x Crème Brûlée Cookie
(Both are Oblivious- Danggit Herb and Crème!-)
(Edit 1)
Avocado Cookie x Wildberry Cookie
(The Pun x The I don't get it but it did made me chuckle a little once I did get it-)
Crunchy Chip Cookie x Tiger Lily Cookie
(The Wild Couple)
Werewolf Cookie x Kumiho Cookie
(The Cookies who wants to be an ordinary Cookie)
(Edit 2: Oc's)
Shadow Milk Cookie x Strawberry Jam Cookie
(The Joker x The one who always laughs at there jokes and acts)
Silent Salt Cookie x Peanut Butter Cookie
(Introvert x Extrovert)
Elder Faerie Cookie x Sour Cream Cookie
(Old Love 💕😘)
Longan Cookie x Apple Cherry Cookie
(The Emotionless x The Kind and Childish)
Pitaya Cookie x Cherry Apple Cookie
(Get into fights x There personal nurse)
(Not OC's)
Vampire Cookie x Frilled Jellyfish Cookie
(Arrogant/Prankster x Goofy/Bubbly)
Latte Cookie x Caramel Arrow Cookie
(Magic User x Weapon User)
Devil Cookie x Angel Cookie
(It's in the name- and Enemies to Lovers 😍)
(Edit 3)
Xylitol Nova Cookie x Sea Fairy Cookie
(I can fix her x I might make him worse...)
(Edit 4/Oc)
Red Velvet Cookie x Royal Margarine Cookie x Rainbow Gingerbread Cookie
(Dog Lover x Dragon Lover x Animal/Insect Lover)
(Edit 5/Oc):
Ananas Dragon Cookie x Mango Slices Cookie
(Prideful x Shameful)
(Edit 6/Oc)
Butter Roll Cookie x Flower petal Cookie
(Scientist/Researcher x Plant Researcher)
(Edit 7)
Madeleine Cookie x Kouign-Amann Cookie
(The Drama King x The Sassy Queen)
(Edit 8)
Captain Ice Cookie x Abalone Cookie
(Girl Boss x The Goof)
The (Only) Daycare/School Of SugarCreamBites Kingdom
That's all!
I'll edit this if I came up with some more things to put in
Enjoy Asking/Requesting!
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fluffysymphony · 6 months
Sorry if this is too long
Prune Juice x Licorice: This is kinda angsty but basically they met at the Parfaedia Institute and fell in love immediately because they were both seen as outcasts. Prune started to become popular from his potions which make Licorice jealous. One night Prune finds Licorice running away and asks what’s wrong. They get into a heated argument where Licorice is trying to convince Prune to join Dark Enchantress and Prune wanting Licorice to stay. The pair break up and go their separate ways(if they stayed together whether in Parfaedia or the COD the relationship would’ve gotten worse)
Dark Choco x Herb: They live in a cute little cottage and are both asexual
Almond x Captain Ice: I just think it’s neat and their kids would get along
Oh don’t be sorry! I really don’t mind long asks!
For Prune Juice x Licorice: I can totally see it!! Both as a wholesome ship or as something more angsty and foreboding vibe works very well for those two!
They seem very much of two sides of the same coin to me, with one not being able to use magic and the other wanting to learn forbidden magic, at the bare minimum I’d love to see an interaction with these two!! Also they have a wonderful color scheme ngl
For Dark Choco x Herb: They seem like a silly pairing! /pos
Very tall dark and edgy with wholesome plant parent, Lots of funny scenarios I think of with these two! Like Dark Choco staying at Herb’s house only to struggle with the house’s smaller ceilings (Like that one animated short!) Or Dark Choco outside with Herb in a sun hat radiating a scary aura while watering the tulips. (He’s just making sure he doesn’t overwater them!)
For Almond x Captain Ice: Old people! Old people who are in love!! Not very often you see pairings with older characters. I know they aren’t that old in canon, but they very much radiate the “Young but acts older than the are” type. I can seen them both being late 20’s to early 30’s in cookie age!
They both give off very cold fronts while both having a soft spot for their kids (adopted or biological!) and I can see these two independent characters snuggling up by the fire on Christmas while their kids unwrap their Christmas presents! Wholesome and sweet underneath the tough exterior, we love to see it!
Wonderful pairings all around!!
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mid-fight-lover · 1 year
My list of cookie run ships (updated):
Gingerbrave x Strawberry cookie
Gingerbright x Skater cookie
Zombie cookie x Fairy cookie
Wizard cookie x Cream puff cookie
Princess cookie x Knight cookie
Chilli pepper cookie x Muscle cookie
Gumball cookie x Cherry cookie
Ninja cookie x Skating queen cookie
Angel cookie x Devil cookie
Adventurer cookie x blackberry cookie
Pancake cookie x onion cookie
Custard cookie lll x Strawberry creepe cookie
Carrot cookie x Potato cookie
Lemon cookie x Orange cookie
Soda cookie x Lime cookie
Mango cookie x Grapefruit cookie
Whipped cream cookie x Birthday cake cookie
Cream unicorn cookie x Banana cookie
Sparkling cookie x Cheesecake cookie
Herb cookie x Cherry blossom cookie
Red peeper cookie x Yoga cookie
Wild berry cookie x Raspberry cookie
Crunchy chip cookie x Tiger Lily cookie
Dark choco cookie x Caramel arrow cookie
Clotted cream cookie x Financier cookie
Captain caviar cookie x Oyster cookie
Black pearl cookie x Abyss monarch cookie
Werewolf cookie x Kumiho cookie
Wind archer x Sea fairy cookie
Moonlight cookie x Fire spirit cookie
Tea knight cookie x Frost queen cookie
Churro cookie x hydrangea cookie
Croissant cookie x string gummy cookie
Millennial tree cookie x Lotus dragon cookie
Pitaya dragon cookie x Mala sauce cookie (divorced)
Pitaya dragon cookie x Rambutan cookie
Ananas dragon cookie x Golden cheese cookie
Longan dragon cookie x Mystic flour cookie
Lychee dragon cookie x Shadow milk cookie
Affogato cookie x Snake fruit cookie
Madeline cookie x Mont Blanc cookie
Pastel meringue cookie x Chocolate bonbon cookie
Rockstar cookie x Currant cream cookie
Kiwi cookie x Street Urchin cookie
Dino sour cookie x Cotton candy cookie
Espresso cookie x Latte cookie
Eclair cookie x Blueberry pie cookie
Yogurt cream cookie x Centipede cookie (divorced)
Lilac cookie x Scorpion cookie
Amber sugar cookie x Sugar glass cookie
Licorice cookie x Pomegranate cookie
Astronaut cookie x Stardust cookie
Chestnut cookie x Pudding cookie
Sorbet shark cookie x Squid ink cookie
Peppermint cookie x Piñata cookie
Milk cookie x Parfait cookie
Prune juice cookie x Crowberry cookie
Capsaicin cookie x Kouing amann cookie
Snow sugar cookie x Pumpkin pie cookie
Purple yam cookie x Twizly gummy cookie
Red velvet cookie x Pastry cookie
Clover cookie x Bellflower cookie
Popping candy cookie x Shinning glitter cookie
Macaron cookie x Fig cookie
Marshmallow cookie x Host cookie
.........And the list would keep going...... Sorry for not including all of them, I mean, there are way too much ships and I could just not include them all,so here's all the ships I remember, and you can suggest me ships for my next generation of course! So well, that's all
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breadsticks24 · 1 year
My fav is Herb x Licorice 💚💜
I can kinda see Herb trying to make cookievorus plant not eat Licorice.
(Bonus points for the ship with this photo)
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