#pizza x croissant
rouge-raccoon · 5 months
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Bunch of cookies
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brittle-doughie · 2 years
Yooo, that mourning y/n cookie fic was top tier!♡ I gotta more uplifting request to balance out the angst with some sugar and spice😘
y/n sending some of their old books to the kid cookies, but inadvertently brings their old photo album instead: not only do the kid cookies, and some of the adults, see the usual mature but fun loving y/n cookie as either a rough and tumble gang member or a shy inverted geek (you can pick whichever would be more embarrassing for them), they also see some of the old photos of y/n cookie with old friends, new friends, and a few polaroids of their now crumbled spouse.... If you write one of them asking "who's that," istg-
- Drama anon🥀
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Congratulations, you jinxed yourself, man.
And so, the jelly worm told the jelly frog, “Why do worms go across the playground? To get to the other mud slide!”
The crowd of young cookies giggled and laughed among themselves with that joke! Every one in this joke book you had never failed to brighten up with spirits with laughter. Even some adults around the library couldn’t help but chuckle a little at it.
You had volunteered at the city’s library to read some books you’ve brought to the younger cookies that came there. The staff did try to pay you for your time, but you declined. You’ve always wanted to share the wonders of what you’ve read in hopes the cookies might like it too. You did have plans that day, but if it was for the young ones’ sake, you suppose you can move things around!
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“*sniffle*…can you read us another book? Please?”
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“Tell us another book, Y/N Cookie! You have to tell us another book.”
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“I wouldn’t mind listening to more stories from you, Y/N Cookie!”
You chuckled as you rubbed the back of your head nervously. You weren’t expecting them to really like what you brought, so it brought you relief that they end up liking it after all. You thanked them for doing so as you reached for your last one.
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“Come on, what’s that last book you got there? I’m seeing some pictures on it…of you?”
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“Y/N Cookie, is that really a book? It looks more like a….photo album?
What did they mean-your look suddenly changed to that of horror as you spotted the picture ridden cover of your photo album?! What the?! How did this happen? Did you accidentally leave the album at the bottom of your book stack when you took it with you?! Oh geez, you were incredibly embarrassed at what the others were already seeing on it. Photos of you on vacation, exploring a cave, you next TK’s machine you’ve just fixed while giving a thumbs up.
You quickly shuffle the album behind your back before awkwardly tell the cookies around you that story time was over for today and you’ll be seeing them next. You were already getting up to go before the young cookies started to make a fuss and you stopped there anxiously.
“*sob* You’re leaving already? But..I want to see the album…*sniffle*”
“Yeah, we want to look at the album too! Let us look at the album.”
“I want to look at it too, but if it’s too much to ask, I understand…”
“This is totally your choice though, Y/N. We aren’t going to pressure you if you don’t wanna.”
“I second that!”
Oh did you want to take the opportunity to just run on out of there in embarrassment and just hide under your covers…but seeing the hopeful look of the younger cookies with the accepting looks from the older ones made you ponder for moment as you think for a moment…run off with your photo album abruptly and be done with the day…or….you swallow your embarrassment and be open about your past.
You made your choice, you took a deep breath…
and walked out the door…
The younger cookies looking down saddened as the older ones just looked to the side, accepting that you valued your history, so they were not going to pry you about it…
Everyone looked up in surprise as the doors opened and saw you coming back in with a determined smile on your face as you sat back down with the photo album in your hands.
Sorry for walking out like that, you just had to put away all the books into your vehicle for a second there. Now, who was ready to learn a little more about you?
The cookies around you couldn’t get more interested and excited. The young cookies gathered in front of you as Bellflower and Pizza Cookie went to your sides.
You turned the album to your first series of photos, your school days.
You were the shy, but incredibly smart one in your class. You didn’t do much to socialize with the cookies in your class, you just sorta stuck to yourself as you worked on your assignments.
This made you look more endearing to your fellow classmates as anyone who had a bone to pick with you for some reason would have to face a group of cookies ready to defend you from whatever accusations this bully was trying to say.
You weren’t exactly a small cookie, you just didn’t like confrontation all that much, so usually other cookies would come to your aid for you. Saving you the trouble…..and pretty much having that cookie hanging off you for the day.
One cookie in particular was White Cactus Cookie
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She’s alive, y’all
Seeing how non-threatening you were just made White want to scoop you into her arms for a hug.
When it came to group projects, you were always paired with her, Cactus herself seeking you out immediately when the time to pick began. She’ll even strategically seat herself next to you in the event group projects did happen.
She introduced you to her friend, Black Garlic Cookie, whom became your second major friend in the school days. If someone needed to see you, 9/10 you’re with both of the girls.
When it came to cookies who thought you were an easy target, they were in for a scare as White Cactus would creep on behind them and give them a frightful jolt as she screamed. She would innocently wave them bye as they ran down the hall and out of sight.
She would hug and snuggle the hell out of you after completing a group project. She was so proud of you working so hard on it!
Here’s to a wonderful school year together with you and her~
And that photo right there was White Cactus chasing off the cheerleading captain for taking her spot next to me during lunch. White Cactus..didn’t like it when other cookies tried to get all close to you. You two were the best of friends in school, nothing would change that!
“She sounds a little scary, but she’s a nice friend…*sniffle*”
“Those mean Cookies deserved it for picking on you! They deserved it.”
“It is nice to have friends there for you, even if they can be scary!”
“You were just minding your own business, I feel like they deserved what they got.”
“Cookies shouldn’t be bringing down each other! It was nice to hear that you had a cookie to look out for you!”
You appreciated the words from the others about your friend, White Cactus Cookie. You do hope that she’s doing well after graduating…
You shook your head off the thought as you turned to the next page-oh.
This phase in your life may be a little weird to explain…
Who would’ve thunk it that after having a fairly normal upbringing and graduating from school, that life would deal you a bad hand and you were at rock bottom. In any attempt to find a way to keep up with the rising payments, you had to locate a different kind of job…
In other words? You essentially became part of a gang.
They claimed to be..a crew of timeline hopping misfits? And they’ve picked YOU to join them!
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Twizzly Gummy took notice of your situation and wanted to be merciful, how about a spot on her crew!? There’s always room for another! It wasn’t like you had any other choice anyway, once she sets her eye on something, she’s taking it!
You wanted to decline. Despite life being hard for you, you didn’t want to have to turn to villainy to help you out…but you gaze at the spread of papers with payment orders on your desk within your apartment….you were at a loss.
“Come on!! What do ya say?! Together with us, you can have all the coins you could’ve ever want!”
“Why work when you can just rob a cookie! Way easier if you’re askin’ me!”
“Think this through, bro. You won’t have to worry about paying for anything for the rest of your life.”
“Yeah, you wouldn’t be in this dump anymore, that’s for sure…”
Again, you didn’t have a choice, did you?
And that’s how you ended up becoming the new cookie in Twizzly Gummy’s crew. Taking up a defender role, you donned a club and a shield as you became the wall that kept the crew from harm. Throughout your time with them, you only grew more sturdy and withstanding, evident in your dough, but you had never hurt a cookie during these robberies, you never could…
The coins from these heists proved true to their words, it was so much that you could actually start affording things you wanted, not just needs…it…got to you. Morals were suppressed as you went on these heists with your crew, you let the prospect of finally obtaining the things you wanted get to your head.
Until the reality of your actions hit you like a brick when an organization known as the Time Balance Department arrested the whole crew. The high of getting all of this coin came crashing down on you as you were carried off with the rest of the crew.
Thank Fortuna that whoever was listening answered your plight as you got a lighter sentence for your crimes. Despite all of the crimes you’ve committed, you never once used violence on others in any way, you were more of a shield for the crew to hide behind, the club was just to look fearsome.
You served your time and walked away a free cookie, clean from the whole situation, and started anew. One of the guards looked up your file and expressed sympathy. If you were ever in need of a job, there might be just the place…
The photos to signify this time in your life were the photos of you and the crew, with the last one being the only copy of your mugshot.
A concern did occur to you. What if the crew ever broke out of their prison, what would they do…and if they’re looking for you.
Note: Y/N Cookie’s backstory is totally up to you, the reader. This is just one of many that could happen to you.
You covered your face in shame and embarrassment as the cookies around you had surprised and shocked looks.
You had to make it very clear to them that you wiped your hands of this part of your past. You paid to have it scrubbed off your record and you were a completely different cookie now then before.
You regretted ever taking that offer and you could only hope to make up for it some day. It’s fine if they want to stay away from you for that.
“B-but why would I do that…*sniffle*…you’re so nice to me…”
Eh? What-
“We all make mistakes, like Pawn White does without me. Hey!”
“You learned from your mistakes and became an even better cookie now. You never hurt another cookie and grew from this!”
“Yeah, as long as you did your time and realized that it was a pretty stupid thing to do, you’re all good.”
“I do feel bad for the robbed cookies, did you ever give back what those cookies stole from them?”
You brightened up once your turned to the next page. Now THIS is when your redemption arc began!
You were pondering the offer the guard had given you. A spot…in the Time Balance Department? The exact organization that arrested you back then? Was this a good idea? Would they hold your past against you and reject your application? Your mind wandered oh so much.
Until you received a call. You jumped a bit before answering it and a voice called for your name.
“Hey, is this Y/N Cookie? Nice, the name’s Croissant Cookie! I’m an engineer at the Time Balance Department and have heard that you’ve shown interest applying here, at least from what I’m told.”
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Well, it was nice to meet this Croissant Cookie! If she was calling you, then you assumed that you got the job?
“Yep! We looked over your resume and everything seemed to be in order! We know you might have had a crummy point in your life, but here at the TBD, you can do genuine work and it benefits other cookies too! It’s a win-win!”
That was perfect. After a pretty bad choice in your life, you were worried that you may have had a bad reputation there and could get your application rejected, so it was nice of them to have actually accepted it. You accepted the offer and scheduled later to see the place, your voice gaining a chipper and hopeful tone!
“Welcome to the TBD, Y/N Cookie. I have a feeling that if it’s like this conversation, then we can become the best of friends here. See you soon!”
You will admit, you were a bit hesitant during the initial hiring since their main deal was handling things related to time that you worry you could mess up something that could be pretty important. Luckily, you had a cookie to guide you through your new job, Croissant Cookie.
The photo to commemorate this part of your life was a photo of you and Croissant doing a thumbs up at the camera.
You still work for the TBD to this day, repairing any machines that needed fixing and helping out your fellow coworkers with anything in that field. You were referred to as one of the TBD’s handycookies! Pretty interesting title.
“What a nice ending…*sniffle*”
“Working for the TBD? That sounds important! It does sounds important.”
“You made it through to now, Y/N Cookie. I’m happy to hear things are okay now!”
“That was totally redeeming if you want my two coins on it.”
“That answers my question. Still the Y/N Cookie I know in the end hehe!”
You thanked them with a smile as you turned to the end of the album…and come across some old polaroids of you…and an unfamiliar cookie.
These photos were much more intimate in nature, with you hugging and kissing them Cookie on the cheek, the cookie warmly receiving them with a happy smile. Your smile turned more solemn, but never losing its warmth as you looked at them.
You caressed your nonexistent thumb over the photo as you looked at it, looking back on the memory in your head. That day where you and that cookie looked at the sunset together, leaning on each other. You remember whispering your love for them and them doing so in return…you could feel a tear well up in your eye.
The cookies around you eyed the photos in curiosity. Lollipop breaking the silence by asking,
“Woah, that cookie looks very nice to you! Who is that?”
You turned to Lollipop with your almost sad smile.
Someone amazing…
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emo-cookies · 2 years
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my ships
(most of which are very rare pairs)
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eclipixnova · 10 months
Sandy :
"Hey! Croi, you actually... Opened your door?..."
"It's been a while... But hey! One step closer to getting the group back! Come on, we gotta get Pink and Izza!"
* Sandy walks with you through FARAWAY TOWN.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 8 months
the croissants
buttercup, chapter one
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a/n: i was actually working on something else, but then one night i got the desperate need to rewatch daredevil yet again and then this just kinda accidentally tumbled out. oopsi i guess.
summary: he offered you a polite smile that sent a swarm of butterflies soaring within your belly, a sensation that you hadn’t felt in ages, “welcome to the building,” he added as he tugged his door open.
warnings: matt murdock x baker!reader, neighbours to lovers, rape recovery, ptsd, moving, lowkey love at first sight (for reader)
word count: 2415
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
series masterlist | next chapter
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“Do you wanna make the call or would you like me to do it?” 
Turning to look at the robust and inked visage of your uncle, your face crinkled up slightly as you asked in a hesitant tone, “…would you mind doing it? Please?”
“Sure, hon,” Howard nodded before blinking down at his phone and dialling the number, “what kind? Margherita?”
“Yeah, and with some arugula on top, please,” you spoke as you squeezed by a tower of messy moving boxes to enter the open kitchen of your new apartment, “thank you!”
Hearing his footsteps carry him deeper into the new home, his voice soon rumbled, muffled behind your bedroom door. Opening up the cardboard box that half blocked off your empty fridge, you dug through it till you found a glass, swiftly straightening back up and filling it up with water.
“How are you doing, cupcake?” you heard the soft voice of Walter, your uncle’s husband, as you turned off the tab, “you gonna be okay tonight? Because if you don’t want to be alone, we can stay.”
“No, it’s alright, I think I’m okay,” you took a tiny sip before placing the tall glass down on the counter, “you both gotta get up early tomorrow to open the bakery anyways.” 
“It’s never stopped us before. Do you remember when you were 11 and you watched that terrifying movie at some slumber party?” a smile twitched at the bald man’s lip from the memory, “I don’t think any of us slept for a whole week straight and the bakery still kept on running. If we could get through those sleepless nights of trying to convince you that our apartment wasn’t haunted, then we can get through this.” 
Stepping up closer to him, you caught his hand in yours and said, “I think I’m gonna be okay, but thank you, Walter, really, for everything, for this, for letting me move back home and letting me stay there for over a year.”
“Hey,” he squeezed your palm and ushered you to meet his gaze, “you do not need to thank us for that. It’s–…” he dropped the heavy comment he nearly uttered and instead let out a low sigh, “we love you. It was the very least we could do.”
“I love you too,” you heard your voice threaten a tremble of vulnerability, “so much.”
As the bedroom door then swung back open, out stepped Howard with an exhale, “alright, the pizza is on its way. You gonna be okay here?”
“Yeah,” you offered him a nod before walking them out. 
Peeking back at you over his shoulder as he swung his bright red scarf back on, Walter raised his brows tenderly, “promise that you’ll call us if anything happens, yeah?”
“Promise,” you breathed as you watched them creak open the front door and step out into the cold hallway, “love you, goodnight!”
“Goodnight, hon!” Howard waved over his shoulder at your visage in the doorway as the couple reached the stairs, “see you tomorrow! Try and get some rest, just head in whenever you get up.” 
“Okay,” a soft smile warmed your features. Lately, or the past year actually, they’d let you cut down on your work quite a bit so that your hours at the bakery were significantly less and the only days you were to get up before the sun did was on weekends.
“Bye!” they both called out loudly as they disappeared from your view before your own echo rang throughout the hallway.
You didn’t manage to unpack much, only half of your books, before the buzzer rang obnoxiously, causing your feet to scramble to let the delivery guy up. 
Swiftly locating your backpack, you fished out your wallet just before a knock boomed at your door. 
“That’ll be twenty bucks,” the pimply-faced pizza guy spoke in a monotone voice as soon as you opened up. 
Catching the shadow of another figure ascend the staircase just before you began to dig through your wallet, his handsome and scruffy features were adorned with a pair of glasses that had a darkly crimson tint to them.
“Yep… uh… do you have change for a fifty?” 
“Nope,” he impatiently blinked before loudly popping his bright blue bubblegum.
“Oh, alright…” you felt your palms begin to sweat, “do you mind just waiting here for a second? I might have some more cash in a jacket… somewhere…”
But just before you could duck back inside, the suit-clad man who had stopped to unlock the door directly opposite yours, whipped his own wallet out and handed off the needed bucks, “here.”
Satisfied, the pizza guy accepted the change and shoved the wide box into your arms before dashing off. 
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that,” you blinked over at your generous, new neighbour, “I can pay you back–”
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” he offered you a polite smile that sent a swarm of butterflies soaring within your belly, a sensation that you hadn’t felt in ages, “welcome to the building,” he added as he tugged his door open. 
“Thanks,” you uttered, slightly windblown in your threshold as he disappeared into his apartment. 
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Slipping into your sneakers and hastily fastening them with sloppy bows, you slugged your jacket on and grabbed your bag. As you exited your apartment, the neighbouring door opened just as you locked up your own. 
“Oh, hi!” you squeaked over your shoulder as you turned the key, “good morning!” 
Your breath got caught in your throat as you turned to face him fully, shoving your bundle of keys into your pocket. Did he look even better than you remembered? Now no longer obscured by the terrible excuses this hallway had for lighting, the frosted window to your right illuminated every detail of him that you’d missed the first time around. 
“Morning,” he replied as he too locked his door behind him. 
Waiting a moment before you began to move your feet, you eyed his polished attire, “are you off to work?”
“Yep,” he nodded and fished out a folded-up cane from the inner pocket of his jacket, “you?”
“Yeah,” you sucked in a breath, “I’m Y/n, by the way, forgot to introduce myself the other night.”
“Matthew,” the bespectacled man extended his hand out for you to shake, “nice to meet you.” 
After ignoring the tingle his touch sent down your spine, the two of you began to descend the stairs.
“Thanks again for what you did with the–, oh! I should pay you back!” you reached into your deep coat pocket to locate your wallet, “I’m pretty sure I have–, how much was it?”
“You don’t have to, it’s fine, really,” he politely declined. 
Reaching the bottom of the staircase, your brows flew up, “seriously?”
“Yeah,” he shrugged as he then held the front door open for you to get out onto the street first. 
“Thank you, Matthew,” you slipped out, waiting a moment before you began to head off, “have a good day!”
“Yeah, you too,” he said, flicking out his cane to its full length, just before you both began to walk in the exact same direction. 
“Oh, wait,” you slowed as a giggle bubbled out of your lungs, “you’re also heading this way?”
“Oh, uhm, yeah.”
“Do you–, uh… I can wait for a little bit and let you get a head start if you–”
“Or you can just walk with me, if you’d like,” he suggested with a gentle smile that made your brain forget for just a split second where your destination was in the first place, “it’s fine with me, I don’t mind the company.”
“Okay,” you agreed in a quiet voice, returning to a brisk pace beside him. You didn’t take too many strides before a casual question nervously fell from your lips, “so, have you lived here long?” 
“In the apartment or Hell’s Kitchen?”
“Oh,” your heartbeat thrummed in your ears, “both, I guess.”
“I’ve been in the apartment for a while,” he told you, “but lived here in the neighbourhood pretty much all my life.”
“Yeah?” you smiled, maybe glancing over at him a bit too much for it to be safe as you walked, “that’s nice.”
“Uhm, grew up in Brooklyn, moved here to live with my uncles when I was nine, after my parents passed.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” his low tone emanated an air of kinship. 
“It’s alright. It was a long time ago, I was just a kid... anyways! Enough about me before I spill all of my childhood trauma to you,” you gracelessly changed the subject, “you are in a suit.”
“I–,” a faint laugh tumbled out past his lips before he joked, “I’d sure hope I am and didn’t accidentally change into something else.”
“No–, I mean, yes, obviously,” you felt heat begin to rise in your cheeks, “that was just a very weird and backwards way of asking what you do for a living.”
“Ah,” his dark brows lifted in comprehension.
“Let me guess…” you fiddled with your fingers as you thought, “accountant? No… politician? No… funeral director?”
“Funeral di–,” Matthew chuckled, “no.”
“Do you work on Wall Street? Oh, please tell me you don’t because here I was just starting to think you were super cool.”
“No, I don’t work on Wall Street, but good to know that you think I’m cool,” he smirked, making you regret letting that information slip, “I’m a lawyer.”
“A lawyer?” your eyes grew, “seriously?”
“That’s–... that’s–… waow…” you uttered, completely dumbfounded by the imposing nature of his profession, “well, now I don’t wanna tell you what I do, because it’s so not as impressive.”
“Oh, come on,” he tilted his head, “now you have to tell me.”
“…I’m a baker,” you finally said, “actually,” stopping your stride, you briefly brushed his arm for him to do the same, “this is where I work, right here.” 
“It’s called Buttercup Bakery,” you glanced up at the familiar storefront, “have you ever been in there?”
“No, never,” his head shook lightly as a small smile warmed up his features, “funny, my office is just a few minutes further down the street, I must have walked passed this place a thousand times but I never noticed it before.”
“Well, you know of its existence now…” you turned your head to gaze at his striking visage once more as he raised a hand to adjust his glasses, “do you wanna get a coffee or something? My treat, as thanks for the pizza.”
“I’d love to,” he sucked in a breath, “but I really have to get going.”
“Oh, yeah, of course,” you nodded lightly, “well, thanks for the walk, have a great day. Hope you win a bunch of cases and–, uh… I don’t know, help make the judicial system better,” you couldn’t help but physically cringed at your clumsy words. 
But your new neighbour didn’t seem to mind as he just chuckled before wandering off, “bye, Y/n.”
The small bell above the glass door to the bakery chimed softly as you pushed it open. The interior was simple, both in colour and design, but had a rustic charm to it that gave it a sense of home. Behind the counter, and the mouth-watering baked goods lined up and displayed behind the clear glass, stood Walter. Facing the long shelves adorned with various loaves, he grabbed a crusty baguette and slid it into an appropriately long brown paper bag.
Handing it off to the little old lady on the other side, he said, “here you are. That’ll be four dollars,” before she placed the money on the counter beside his half-read newspaper and strolled passed you, out of the bakery, “have a good day!”
Leaning back down to return to his paper, Walter didn’t glance up at you as he greeted, “hi, honey! You wanna hear your horoscope for today?”
Tugging down the zipper of your jacket, you joked self-reflectively as you began to shed your layers, “does it say that I’ll miraculously turn into a charming and charismatic adult instead of whatever this is?”
“…uh… no,” he furrowed his brow and finally shot you a brief glance, “it says that you're energized and creative. This new moon initiates two weeks of growing work, health and strength. Put your heart into your actions. Practice makes perfect. Oh, and it also says right here that the spelt flour bin needs refilling and that there are about a billion cardamom buns that need to be shaped.”
“Oh, it says all of that, does it now?”
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Letting a tense breath go, you apprehensively let your fist meet the dark door in three shy knocks. 
As soon as it swung open, the sentence, “do you like croissants?” sputtered out passed your lips. 
Head reeling back slightly at the unforeseen and sudden question, Matt blinked, “what?” 
“Do you like croissants?” you repeated as if it wasn’t strange to just blurt out something like that out of the blue. 
“Uh,” a smile then crept up on his lips, “hello to you too, Y/n.”
“I mean, I’ve personally never met anyone who doesn’t care for them, but I’m sure they exist.”
“Sure, I like croissants.”
“Oh, great, wonderful!”
Leaning against his door, his head tilted as you failed to continue, “…did you just have a burning desire to know that fact about me?”
“Right, no, I–, uhm, there were a bunch leftover today that we didn’t sell, so purely just to not let any go to waste, I thought you’d like some,” you held up the crinkly paper bag for him to hear. 
It had been a lie, but he didn’t have to know that you’d set some aside for him before they all sold out, just to have an excuse to talk to him again. 
“Oh, thank you,” he held out his open palms, “that’s so nice of you.” 
As you handed the bag off into his grasp, you felt as if your heart might beat straight out of your chest.  
“…alright, well…” you stumbled slightly, “I should probably head off to bed. Weekends are always the busiest, so my shifts are usually really long and I have to get up like super early, so... goodnight then!” 
And with that you awkwardly whirled around and scurried the short distance into your own apartment, only faintly catching his warm chuckle as you disappeared. 
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© 2024 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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Simmer #1
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CH1. Home Style | The Menu [3.7K] Eddie Munson x shy fem!reader: a line cook au.
Jim’s Midnight Grill wasn’t the magical place the name made it sound like.
In fact, it was worse at night. Hawkins' only diner sat on the outskirts of town, just before the road that took you out alongside the cornfields. In the height of a sunny day, the water tower cast a shadow over the old building and the gas station next door only had one working pump.
The leather booths were constantly sticky, the table tops grainy with spilled salt, but if you made your visit on a Thursday night after nine, milkshakes were two for one. The back alley was littered with cigarette butts, graffiti on the walls telling you who to call for a good time— and someone called King Steve used Farah Fawcett hairspray? The regulars were permanent fixtures on the bar stools, coffee stains on the counter in front of them, stolen sugar packets in their pockets, frowns on their faces.
The staff didn’t want to be there, the owner refused to replace the flickering lights and the cook had a bad attitude and liked to communicate with heavy sighs and eye rolls. But he made a mean grilled cheese. The walk in freezer was reserved for the pitiful weekly deliveries and breakdowns, a stolen kiss or two. Or three, or four. But no one liked to tackle the clogged sink and god forbid anyone change the TV channel— Mr Creel always had something to say about it.
Honestly, Hawkins wasn’t your first choice when you decided to move to a smaller place. The idea of a big city was all fine and well until you lived a year in Chicago, the dream of a brownstone apartment quickly disappearing when you realised jobs were hard to come by and finding friends was even harder. Living alone wasn’t all that fun, especially when your landlord hinted at sexual favours to justify late payments and he didn’t care to fix the leaking radiator in your bedroom. The nights were never quiet and the city hardly slept, but instead of neon lights and late night bodega runs, you lay awake on the broken spring in your bed and flinched at the sound of backfiring cars and people arguing on the street below.
It was lonely, living somewhere so big and busy and always eating dinner by yourself. So you sold the old car you didn’t really use and cried enough that your landlord eventually gave in and ripped up your lease that still had four months to go. Packing your stuff was an easy enough job, hardly enough belongings to fill the duffel bag you’d dragged with you. You dug into the back of your freezer for the wad of cash your grandma gave you, threw it into the bag and grabbed your greyhound ticket and decided you’d get off the bus when the skyline turned a little more green. When the buildings shrunk, when the smog lifted and when wildflowers sprouted from between the cracks in the sidewalk.
So you rolled into Hawkins before the day broke, way before the sun crept up over the quarry, before the small town came alive. The apartment you’d found was the same tiny size as the one you’d had in Chicago but it was cleaner and the carpet was new. Nothing leaked. Nothing smelled weird. The parking lot was filled with cars and none of them had bullet holes in the side, your trash can wasn’t on fire and god, god, the first neighbour you saw - an elderly woman who was walking with a yorkie on a leash - smiled at you.
She smiled at you.
So despite the lack of twenty four hour stores and pizza parlours, Hawkins was already looking up. There wasn’t much on the Main Street, a library, a tiny bakery run by a couple who offered you a free croissant as a welcome to town gift. There was an outdoor pool with sun bleached bunting across its chain link fence, an arcade next to a video store, a high school that was derelict due to the summer months. The larger houses across from the park were lined with cherry trees, neat lawns with white mailboxes and flowers under the windows and suddenly Hawkins was a million miles away from Chicago and the buzz of traffic and car horns.
The librarian let you print out some resumes the day after you’d settled in, and you found your way around town by asking kind strangers, buying a coffee and a breakfast sandwich in exchange for directions out of your neighbourhood. It was easy to stroll along the sidewalk with an iced latte and your headphones around your neck, blue skies above you and the sound of sprinklers in their yards, breathing in air that didn’t smell like diesel. You found a man by a rundown garage, white haired and tired looking, mechanic scrubs tied around his waist as he smoked a cigarette.
You took a deep breath, and then another one, smiling politely - warily - as you approached. The man lifted a brow at you, a little suspicious, but he held the burning stub away from you, smoke billowing in the opposite direction.
“You lost, kid?”
You were. Just a little.
“I’m looking for Jim’s, uh,” you glanced down at the pink flyer that had been pinned on the library's notice board. “Jim’s Midnight Grill? I got told it was out this way, but—”
You looked around, noting that there wasn’t much out this way. The busiest part of Hawkins was behind you, tidy sidewalks giving way to long roads out of town, a lone bus stop by the garage, a farm in the distance across the street. You squinted against the sun and shrugged.
“You wanna keep going for ‘nother mile or so, it’s just before the town sign,” the man pointed further out where the cornfields were overgrown and the sun faded billboard told everyone ‘thanks for visiting Hawkins!’ You weren’t sure the bus ran that far out. “Jim should be there, but if he’s not, jus’ ask for Eddie, he’ll sort you out.”
“Eddie,” you nodded, peering into the distance. You couldn’t see another building, but this man didn’t seem like he was lying. “Right, okay. Just keep to the road?”
The man nodded and he cracked a smile, small but soft. He stubbed out the end of his cigarette and gestured to an old pick up that looked like it had seen better days. “You needin’ a ride?”
The urge to say yes was strong, especially after walking all the way from your apartment as the heat soared. It snuck up on you like a slow roll, going from pleasant to warm to too hot, far too quickly. Beads of sweat clung to your skin underneath your sundress but you shook your head, shyness crawling up the back of your neck. Accepting a ride from a stranger didn’t seem the wisest idea, no matter how kind he seemed.
“It’s okay,” you told him. “Thank you, though. I appreciate the help.”
The man smiled again, a little bigger this time, crows feet crinkling, the sunlight catching the white of his five o’clock shadow. “That’s alright, kid. Jus’ tell ‘em Wayne sent you, yeah? Follow the road, you’ll see Forest Hills - the trailer park - keep going a lil’ ways and it’s right across the road.”
It turned out Wayne was right.
You kept walking, the heat soaring, the fields on either side of you growing taller but you bit back a smile at the sight of the wildflowers that snuck through the cracks in the concrete. Eventually they gave way to a trailer park, just as Wayne side, a quaint place that hummed with generators and had lines of laundry between each mobile home. Across the road sat a sandy lot, a diner in the middle, a neon sign letting passer-bys know they’d arrived at Jim’s Midnight Grill. Except the ‘r’ was loose, hanging from its wire and buzzing blue and purple.
Cats patrolled along the roadside, going from trailer doorsteps to the back alley of the diner, hoping and waiting for a free meal that they all knew would eventually come. You stopped to pet an orange kitten, a little scruffy looking thing but cute all the same, your CV clutched in one hand as you peered suspiciously at the front of the restaurant. It looked too quiet, like it wasn’t open yet. But there was a black van parked along the side of the building and some steam leaked from a vent on the roof, so you opened the front door.
The bell jingled but the patrons at the dining bar who sat on their stools didn’t move, didn’t turn to look. The place was nearly empty, some people nursing a coffee, some staring blankly at the buzzing television screen that was mounted in the corner. No one stood at the host desk, the menus stacked messily, the phone off the hook. In fact, there wasn’t a server to be seen as you made your way to the counter. You grimaced as you leaned on the surface, elbows sticky, avoiding spilled coffee the best you could. You waited, resume still in your hand, patience on your features.
No one came.
So you rang the bell that was on the bar top for the very purpose of gaining attention, but the man beside you glared at the noise. Still, no one came. The fans overhead squeaked and whirred, the TV fizzed with bad signal and from somewhere behind the open serving hatch, you heard the clatter of pots and pans. You tried to crane your neck to see through the window, steam and smoke billowing from it, the slight shadow of maybe a person moving through it.
The person swore, dropped a skillet and swore again.
You leaned in further, elbows on spilled salt grains and drops of ketchup, trying to gain a better view into the kitchen from the bar top. “Hey, ‘scuse me? Can I— can someone—”
You huffed as the figure moved out of sight, falling back onto the stool that squeaked and the man next to you snorted into his coffee cup. You frowned and took further action, sundress falling back around your thighs as you hopped off the chair and made your way to the side of the counter that lifted up. No one paid you any mind, no one at all, but you still hesitated before ducking under the bar and hovering by the hatch. You could smell garlic and sage and something a little sweet now you were closer, the scents of the kitchen winning over the stale coffee, cigarette smoke and engine oil that clung to the patrons clothes behind you.
You peered into the kitchen, your paperwork still clutched to your chest. It wasn’t much cooler in here than it was outside, the AC unit broken and the fans working overtime to combat the heat. The kitchen seemed empty now, a stovetop still on despite no one to supervise it, flames licking high up the sides of a steel pot, big enough for you to fit both feet in. There was something inside bubbling, foam rising to the top and chopped courgette and red onions sat on the workbench beside it, abandoned. A radio played, staticky and fuzzy, an old sixties tune floating out to mix with the smoke.
“Come a little bit closer, you’re my kind of man. So big and so strong, come a little bit closer, I’m all alone.”
“H-hello?” You cleared your throat and braced yourself to speak a little louder. Stronger. Braver. “Hello?”
No one answered. In fact, it seemed like the entire diner was run by ghosts, no waiting staff, hosts or cooks to be seen. Maybe you’d imagined the silhouette in the smoke, maybe the heat was finally getting to you.
“No customers back here, what d’you think you’re doin’?”
You startled, jumping back a little only to knock an elbow into a half filled coffee pot, the brown liquid thankfully lukewarm but it still spilled across the countertop, soaking into stray packets of sugar and scattered napkins.
“Oh, fuck, uh—” you grabbed at whatever dry napkins were left, hurriedly mopping up the spill before it dripped to the floor. Old coffee dotted the red and cream tiles, into the gaps between your sandals. You grimaced and looked up, only half paying attention. “Shit, I’m really sorry, I just— there was no one there and—”
You stopped, swallowing hard, cheeks hot, eyes wide. The person in front of you was half hidden behind the serving hatch, but he was scowling through the window with a ladle in his hand. Big brown eyes, unnervingly expressive and dark hair to match, unruly looking curls that were pulled back with an elastic band in a bun that wouldn’t have passed a health inspection.
A boy, unfairly pretty, and annoyed looking with tattoos peeking out from his chef whites, a black paisley printed bandana knotted around his neck. There was a furrow between his brow, lines etched there so deep that it made you think they were a permanent fixture on his handsome face.
“—no customers behind the cash desk, sweetheart, you look bright enough to understand that.”
Your mouth fell open, a burn creeping across your cheeks. Annoyance settled in your chest but you realised you weren’t quite brave enough to do anything about it. So you lifted your resume and slapped it on the hot steel ledge that separated the kitchen from the coffee bar. “No one’s working,” you tried to explain, gesturing with one hand to the empty diner behind you. “I rang the bell—”
“What does it look like I’m doing?” The boy scoffed, raising a tattooed forearm to wipe away the sheer layer of sweat from his brow. “Havin’ a spa day? Shit, no one rings the damn bell, don’t you know that?”
You scrambled for a response, the burn on your face growing hotter, an awful clawing feeling coming across your chest. You swallowed, your throat tight, but you pointed at your CV once more. “I’m here for the job opening. I need to speak to Jim? About the kitchen porter role?”
The stranger laughed, a breathy thing that you didn’t think was supposed to come across as mean as it did, but it stung all the same. You shrunk a little, a hardly seen thing as the boy turned his head to check on whatever was bubbling in the big pot. “Look, sweetheart, I don’t wanna be a dick about it, but uh, I don’t think you’re cut out for the kitchen - sorry.” He turned back to you, a slightly more apologetic look on his face instead of the frown. “You understand, right?”
You were speechless, just for a second. Blinking away the confusion, you made noise of protest as the boy started to move away. Your hand touched his bicep and he swivelled back, scowling once more. You snatched your hand away, glancing at your fingertips as if the ink from his tattoos would have stained them black.
“Sorry— it’s just, I, I need a job.” You swallowed, hoping none of the customers could hear your desperate plea. “I just moved into town and honestly, I’ll take anything, like anything. I’m supposed to talk to Jim— or Eddie?”
The boy seemed to mull over your words for a second or two, a passing of sympathy or something just as kind coming over his features. He sighed and shrugged, turning away to stir the pot before it boiled over and he shouted at you through the smoke and steam. Not meanly, just enough for his voice to be heard over the music, the hissing of the stove, the hum of the freezer. “I dunno where Jim is, sorry.”
You deflated, sliding your stack of papers off of the ledge and back to your chest. You tried not to appear too frustrated as you asked, “what about Eddie? Someone - a guy, at the garage - he told me to ask for Eddie.”
The ladle clanged against the pot, some soup - or maybe stew - spilling out the sides. The boy frowned at the mess, dragging a rag over the spots before he glanced up at you. You tried to smile, tried to tamp down the watery doe eyes you knew you couldn’t help but have on show, but you felt desperate. Leaving Chicago with nothing more than the bag on your back and no plans was suddenly seeming like an awful idea.
“Sorry,” the stranger said again. “I dunno an Eddie.”
Sitting in a sticky leather booth in the corner of Jim’s Midnight Grill for another hour turned out to be worth it.
Just before two o’clock, a man walked in, greeting the same customers who were still nursing their coffees with a muttered ‘hello,’ a familiar thing that everyone grunted back at. He was a tall man, broad shouldered with a moustache and a shaved head that was covered with a battered wide brimmed hat. He looked more cowboy than business owner, checked shirt dirt covered boots and all, but you heard someone call him Jim and you were up and running after him.
Your sneakers stuck to the linoleum tiles, the ‘shtick shtick shtick’ of your soles pattering between the aisles of empty tables until you caught up with the man just before he disappeared into the kitchen. He raised his brows at your sudden appearance at his elbow, wide eyed and hopeful as you clutched the same resume you’d tried to hand the cook, the pieces of paper stained with coffee now.
The man lifted his chin to a small table before you could speak, gesturing to two chairs by the window. You startled, wondering what was happening as he pulled out a seat and pointed at you to sit in the other one.
“You’re new, right?” The man - Jim - fumbled with a packet of cigarettes, most of them crushed and bent, but he found a good one to lift to his lips. He lit it and blew smoke upwards, staining the already yellowing ceiling. “Here, in town?”
You nodded, unsure how he knew that. You guessed that news travelled fast in a place as small as Hawkins, so you decided to elaborate for the sake of talking. “Uh, yeah. From Chicago. I’m inquiring about the, um, the porter job?”
“What’s your name?” Jim leaned forward in his chair and poked gently at your forearms. “You don’t got a lot of scars, you done soft jobs? No kitchen stuff before?”
The AC unit kicked in and rattled a vent above you as you stared at the man, trying to work out what he meant. Stammering, you told him your name and passed over a resume, pointing out your last few jobs, doing your best to try and make them sound more professional than they actually were.
Librarian's assistant.
Barista. For two weeks.
Cashier at a knock off Chuck E. Cheese.
“I guess they’re what you could call, uh,” you squinted Jim, floundering for the word he’d used, “soft jobs. But I’ve got a scar on my knee from pulling a kid out of the ball pit. He’d come straight from little league, he still had his spikes on and there was a considerable amount of blood even th—”
Jim stopped your spiel by jamming a thumb back towards the kitchen hatch. You could still see the boy there, pretty and scowling all the same, a dark curl falling from his hair band to fall over his cheek. You watched him blow it away and flip something in a skillet, the sizzle of it just heard over the music, the bad TV in the corner of the bar.
“You ever worked a kitchen?”
You shook your head, stomach sinking. ‘Fake it til’ you make it,’ failed you once before, and the owner of the coffee shop in Lincoln Park quickly realised you were wasting both your times when she discovered you didn’t know the difference between a mocha and a latte. “No, sir.”
“Our line cook is real particular ‘bout who we put in his kitchen with him,” Jim pointed to the boy, who’d now been joined by someone else. Another male, one with even longer hair, sleek and dark and they seemed to be arguing over blocks of cheese. “Now I don’t think it’s a good idea to throw you in there—”
Dread bubbled in your stomach. If you didn’t manage to land this job, you weren’t sure where else to look. A small town brought on few opportunities, and you’d already exhausted most of the businesses on Main Street. “Sir, please, I—”
“—but there is a waitressing gig available.” Jim frowned as he tried to remember the details. “Full time, forty odd hours if you don’t mind doing lates.”
“Yes!” You blurted out the answer too loud, loud enough for the customers to turn away from the TV screen for a second or two. The boys in the kitchen peered out the hatch, one curious, one annoyed. “Yes, sorry, yes. I’ll take it, thank you.”
Jim nodded and stubbed out the amber end of his cigarette in an ashtray beside the sauce bottles. “Easy enough job, minimum wage, you keep any tips you make.” He listed off each point on his fingers. “You start tomorrow.”
You could only nod back, eager and grateful. “Of course, yeah, sure. Uh— do I need—?”
Jim waved you off, already standing as he lit up another cigarette. “Just come by for eight, Eddie’ll sort you out with a uniform, locker, that kinda stuff.”
You frowned, confused. Looking around the quiet diner, you wondered if there was someone you hadn’t noticed before, but the number of visible staff members remained the same. The two boys in the kitchen, the pretty cool who you’d spoken to back at the stove, tasting its contents with a teaspoon.
“Uh,” you coughed awkwardly, feeling stupid. “I thought— I thought there wasn’t an Eddie who worked here?” You pointed warily to the boy with the messy curls, the black tattoos across his exposed forearms, he was staring at you, like he knew you were talking about him. He was scowling. “He said there wasn’t.”
The noise and heat of the diner and the summer outside didn’t do anything to diminish the embarrassment you felt at Jim’s next words. His gaze followed to where you were pointing and snorted. “Kid, that is Eddie.”
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finelinevogue · 1 year
when in rome
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summary - just a few random clips from a holiday to rome
word count - +3k
pairing - husband!harry x reader
a/n - can’t lie… this could literally be set anywhere and there’s no real plot, but i hope yous enjoy it all the same <33
at the airport
“Hey, give me that.”
Harry holds out his hand for you to pass over the suitcase to him, claiming that he should be the one to pull it not you.
You were originally going to have two suitcases, but it turns out that neither of you were packing heavy and so one suitcase it was.
“I’m not incapable.” You sigh.
“I’m not saying that. I would just feel better if y’let me pull it.” Harry plucks your fingers off the handle one by one, distracting you with a kiss as he does so to make it easier for himself, before claiming the suitcase for himself.
“I’m not gonna argue with you at this time in the morning.” You give him another sigh.
You walk behind Harry as he directs you from the Uber to the terminal door.
It is holiday time and you and Harry have decided on a getaway to Italy, Rome. One of the most romantic cities in Europe and famous for its history and pizza.
Harry decided that you would fly Economy, rather than taking the jet, because it was more practical for a bunch of different reasons that you didn’t really understand.
Hence why you are grumpy now.
You had to get up at 2AM, to get and Uber and be through security before your flight leaves at 7:30AM.
Clad in one of Harry’s oversized hoodies and gym shorts, your legs are cold, your eyes are heavy from tiredness and your body aches from the run Harry made you go on yesterday.
You rub your eye free of sleep and accidentally bump into Harry as he’s stopped.
Harry is wearing a similar hoodie to you, because he couldn’t wear his favourite one due to lending it to you, running shorts and of course a pair of sunglasses and a hat.
“Sorry. After you.” Harry politely lets an old couple pass, which is why you were stopped short.
He turns around to you to make sure you’re okay and smiles when he sees you unattractively yawn. You look like a small kitten who has just been awoken.
“There better be a coffee shop somewhere in here.” You say as you walk through the doors.
The airport is already busy with hundreds of people buzzing to get out of this dreary country and into hotter destinations.
“Also, I love your fans, but I swear to God if one of them approaches us this morning…” You say.
Harry chuckles, “Yeah? What will you do, love hmm?”
“Turn into the Hulk.”
“I feel sorry for them already.” Harry smiles and you hit him in his arm as a joking reply.
You stand together in a snaking queue to check in and then to get through security, until you’ve made it to the other side successfully. Also, without anyone publicly exclaiming that Harry is here.
You hold Harry’s hand as you walk next to each other out of security.
“Y’wanna get coffee first? Or find somewhere to sit?” Harry asks you, hoping you’re listening but he can’t tell because your hood is up.
“Dunno.” You say indecisively, beyond tired.
“Let’s go find somewhere and then I’ll go get us coffees, yeah? You can just sit and look pretty.” He squeezes your hand.
“No. I wanna stay with you.” You wrap your other hand around his forearm and hold him close, pressing your face against his arm also.
“Okay, okay. Well let’s go this way then.”
Harry directs you to the coffee bar and you both stand in another queue as you wait to order.
“Y’want your usual?” Harry asks and you nod.
When Harry’s called over, he makes sure to bring you with him and scans the bakery section one more time.
“Hi honey! What can I get for you?” The woman behind the counter asks.
“Morning. Hi. Um, can we have one croissant, one pain au chocolat, one black coffee and one latte with a shot of caramel please. Thank you.”
As Harry pays on your shared bank card, you thank him with a small voice.
“Thank you.” You hug into his arm more.
“It’s okay.” He kisses the top of your head. He wants to kiss your lips, but he also wants to remain as PG as possible in such a public space just in case someone is secretly filming.
After you’ve collected your order, you go and find a table to sit at. You find a small booth that overlooks the runway, so you can watch the planes take off. Harry knows it’s one of your favourite things to do in an airport, so he chose this spot on purpose.
You make small talk as you eat, both of you sat on the same side of the booth so that you can lean on Harry to rest once you’ve finished.
You talk about the planes taking off and your potential itinerary for the next couple of days. Harry just listens to your rambles as he finishes your pastry too, because you couldn’t finish it.
“Can I sleep on you on the plane?” You ask.
“‘Course y’can, baby. Think we have a window seat and a middle seat.”
“Can I sit by the window?”
“Yeah. You can lean on my shoulder if y’want.”
“Please. Thank you.”
“Anything for you, love, you know that.” He kisses your forehead again.
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checking in
You get out of the Uber first.
It is already so humid here in Rome and it’s just gone midday.
Your hotel is right in the centre of Rome, just a few streets over from the Trevi Fountain and then a few more streets over from the Gucci store too.
Harry made sure to book somewhere that would be accessible to the majority of everything. Money wasn’t an issue. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise you it Harry even booked the most expensive hotel in Rome.
The porter greets you and takes your suitcase for you. Harry tops the driver and thanks him with the Italian he’s been learning.
Harry takes your hand as you walk inside, thankful for the air conditioning in the building.
“Buonjiorno.” The man behind the desk greets you.
“Buonjiorno.” Harry replies. “We’re here to check in?”
You were a little early but decided you would try to check in anyways.
“Of course. Name, please?”
“Both of you?”
“Yes.” Harry can’t help but smirk as he speaks. You nudge him, because you feel the same way.
“I have… Uh, Y/N Styles and Harry Styles?”
“Sí.” Harry nods.
“For 4 nights?”
“Okay.” The man shuffles around some papers and types some things on the computer. “So your room number is 406. This is the fourth floor. You can take the lift up, which is just over there. Breakfast is included, which will be on the terrace between 7 and 10.”
“Amazing.” You smile for what feels like the first time since landing.
You’ve been so tired that you have found it hard to keep your eyes open and pretend like you’re alive.
“The pool is on the roof and will be open 7AM until midnight. The gym facilities are open all the time. Room service is three euros per call. These are your key cards and we hope you enjoy your stay.”
“Grazie.” You and Harry both thank the man and make your way over to the lift.
A few minutes later and Harry is opening your hotel room door.
You step inside and immediately fall in love. It’s decorated with marble floors and high ceilings with gorgeous artwork - probably that inspired of the Sistine Chapel.
The bed is a large queen size bed with lots of pillows and comforters. There’s a long chair at the foot of the bed and a sofa just across from that.
The most captivating thing about the room is the three sets of french doors, which all open onto a small balcony. There’s sheer curtains draped over the ceiling length doors, softly blowing in the wind.
Beyond that is the view that money did actually buy.
A view of the majority of Rome. You could see St Peters perfectly and Harry mentioned that the sun set will be visible from this room too. All the small buildings below and the little people on their way to work or tourists wandering.
“And?” Harry prompts.
“And what?” You twirl around to see him wandering over, after having shut the door and abandoned the suitcase.
“Is this okay?”
“Is that a serious question?” You raise your eyebrows.
You open your arms as Harry walks into you, wrapping his arms over your shoulders. He breathes you in and squeezes you tight and you follow suit.
“Mm. Want you to have the best time.”
“Harry, babe, this is perfect. More than perfect. Thank you for everything.” Your voice is muffled by speaking into Harry’s jumper.
Harry kisses you on the head a couple of times.
“Do y’want to go for a nap and then go have a wander?”
“Yes please.”
It doesn’t take you both long to get comfortable in the bed. Harry opens a door to let in a better breeze and the air con is on full to make sure you don’t overheat.
Harry lays behind you, where you’re laying on your side. Your hood is off now, because Harry likes to lean his face into your neck when you sleep. He likes to breathe in your homely scent and warmth.
His hand lays on your stomach, underneath his jumper, and rubs little circles with his fingers.
You start giggling and Harry asks what’s up with you.
“Tickles.” You hum softly, quite relaxed by the funny feeling.
“Does it now? Y’skins so soft, so I can’t help myself.”
“Won’t be soft forever. Especially if you keep on trying to get me pregnant.”
Harry kisses your neck and leaves a little mark with his teeth. His hand spreads over the span of your stomach and holds it there.
“Won’t care. When you’re pregnant, I am only going to love you and your body twice as much.”
“You say that now…”
“And I’ll say it again when the time comes.” Harry cute you off from any more deprecating thoughts. “Now shush. I’m trying to make sure you get your beauty sleep.”
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exploring back alleys
You and Harry walk hand in hand down a busy street in Rome.
It is so hot and humid that your bodies are so sticky from the heat, but you hold onto each others hands nonetheless because you are simply that attached to one another.
Harry leads the way, walking around the crowds of tourists and past random shops selling art and Rome tat.
He turns around and catches you admiring all the colourful buildings and wonderful Roman architecture, and he can’t help but smile at your wonderous face.
You feel a tug on your hand Harry’s holding and giggle a little when you feel him pulling you towards a back alley.
He runs a little quicker and you have to keep up with him. You check behind you to see if he is running away from something, but no one is following and you think he’s mad for running now.
“Harry!” You laugh as he makes a harsh right and pulls you down another side street.
This one bends slightly in the middle so you can’t see the street entrance either which way.
You don’t have the time to ask any questions before Harry is pushing you against a brick wall painted apricot. He holds his hands on your face and presses his lips hungrily onto yours.
You’re not only hot from the weather, now, but also from how attracted your husband is in this moment.
You groan as he steps forward so he’s leaning infinitely close into your body. You sigh when he moves his head to the side to kiss your better, cupping your hands over his to get a guide on which way he will move next.
When he pulls away you sadly pout.
He laughs at your expression and decides to kiss you again, even longer this time. He kisses and kisses you until you make the move to pull away, before you pass out from lack of breathing.
You laugh first and then Harry follows.
Both of you have never felt happiness like this. Just happy being simply together.
“You’re so…”
“I’m so what, baby?” Harry laughs breathlessly.
“I don’t even know.” You laugh, cupping his cheek and flitting your eyes between both of his as you try to decided which one is prettier. “I do know that I love you, like a lot.”
“Only a lot?”
“Well, like as much as the universe is big.” You give him a warm summers smile.
“Oh well that’s alright then.”
He leans forwards and seals his lips with yours again. You kiss him with all the love you have pocketed for him and don’t let him go until you hear footsteps approaching.
It’s a man and his daughter on their way somewhere.
As they walk past, Harry and you loosen your hold on one another as you don’t want to display too much PDA.
Once they’ve gone Harry giggles.
“What?” You ask.
“Just thinking how that’ll be me someday. Lost in a city with our daughter ‘cause I’m too stubborn to use a map and she’ll probably be distracting me with her gorgeous face she got from her mum…” He trails off.
“That was an intense thought, babe.”
“Mm. It’s been on my mind a lot lately. Having a baby with you, I mean.”
“It’s been on my mind too.”
That’s all that’s said, but you both smile at each other knowingly that as of today you’re starting your future together.
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dining out
Harry looks divine.
Dressed in an unbuttoned white linen shirt that sits on top of a white vest, with a pair of dark navy blue cotton shorts and his rusty old white vans, he has never looked so gorgeous.
It’s the subtle burn and tan of his skin that has you melting for him.
You are currently clipping his hair back with one of your small hair grips for him. He can do it himself, but he prefers it when it comes from you.
You’re both freshly showered and very hungry.
Sweet Disposition by the Temper Trap is playing in the background as you both get ready for dinner in your hotel room. After walking through Rome for the day, you spent some time in the swimming pool together and then showered together before getting ready.
“Y’look beautiful, m’love.” Harry says, watching you through the mirror.
“Thank you.” You speak softly, cheeks flushing over his compliment.
“This red dress on you is just… it’s perfect. You look perfect.”
Your red mini dress shows of your legs that Harry admires so much, and paired with a pair of platform sandals you look like a model straight from Vogue.
“Feel pretty, actually.”
“Good. Y’look prettier than anyone has ever looked in that dress.” Harry knows how to charm you best.
“Baby, you need to stop complimenting me otherwise we’ll miss our reservation.” You laugh, finishing clipping his hair.
“Can’t help myself. So lucky you chose me.” Harry picks your ring finger up and kisses over the ring that symbolises eternity between you.
“I’ll always choose you. You are too handsome not to.”
An hour later and you’re sitting at the restaurant.
Harry pulled your chair out for you and made sure you were comfortable before sitting in his own chair.
The restaurant is on a lovely little side street, decorated with fairy lights across the terracotta wall. There are ivy vines growing there too and the atmosphere is just peaceful.
There are a few families and other couples here too. It’s not a very fancy restaurant as Harry admitted that the best restaurants in Italy are the most homely and authentic ones.
The waiter was already fetching some water for you whilst you looked the menu.
“What are you thinking, baby?” You ask Harry, from where he is sat across from you.
“Maybe just a Margarita pizza.”
“Really?” You question his taste in food.
“Need something simple but good tasting tonight.”
“Okay, well at least get the bruschetta with me for starters?” You ask, wanting to share something with him.
“Sounds good, yeah.”
When the food comes, you feed Harry some of your pasta whilst Harry gifts you a slice of pizza. Both dishes are beautiful and cooked perfectly.
You both laugh and have the most amazing evening.
The best moment of the evening is when an old couple walk past you, holding each others hands.
“You two are so beautiful together.” The old man says.
“Thank you so much.” Harry smiles and holds your hand in his from across the table.
“Your love reminds me of ours. Precious. Forever.” He goes on to say and you have to swallow back the tears from how sweet his words are.
Harry smiles at you.
“Definitely forever.”
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jellazticious · 8 months
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bing bong bootleg SS au
very long ramble under the C
stuff are subjected to change
The working title isn't solidified but I'm leaning on either Candy Castle or Pastry Castle
Tho I think I'm gonna go for pastry cuz it has the same amount of letters as castle much like pizza and tower have the same number too
The tower is a gingerbread castle. According to a friend of mine (It's Beefy, it's always Beefy go follow him) that Hispanics love their bakeries and yeah, I guess that makes sense. Not only do I have a theme based on the protag's culture but also the theme gets narrowed down to just baked sweets. Candy in general is too broad, I would die figuring out how to put every kind of sweet in it, and if I did it's gonna be really cluttered hooboy
Noise is called Theo because that's Peppino's name formula. Peppino is a nickname for Giuseppe so I thought I'd give Noise's swap a nickname to Theodore as the main name
Hazel Nutt is pretty self explanatory cuz Noisette means hazelnut in French
Their outfits are pretty simple to mirror Peppino and Gustavo's with just coloured shirts and aprons
Hazel doesn't get a mount because she would have Theo's prototype rocket skates. Just like Gus, she would have different stages of getting used to the skates per floor. First she gets blasted from end to end cuz she can't control the thrust. Second, she manages to turn it off but she's trying to keep balance on it. Third, she catches her breath now that she could stand still without moving or slipping. Next she would make a card castle, in reference to the very castle they're inside. and lastly she'd be holding a box of sweets without giving a shit about the scary floor.
To parallel the og Noisette, Hazel would smile bigger when Theo faces her direction.
Hazel is also Theo's delivery gal to match and switch with how Peppino WAS Gustavo's delivery guy
The "kick the rat" function would be Hazel swinging one of the skates and the cops grabbing Brick would instead hold a weapon detector that also functions as a magnet
Unlike Peppino, Theo is more aggressive than anxious. Imagine an injured cat defending itself from what it thinks is a threat
the name of Pizzaface's swap is Pieface for obvious reasons 😭
both pizzaface and pieface are used as insults. pizza face is used for people with so much acne and pie face is used for someone with a flat face or dull expression. It isn't just a pun on what food the characters are made of. Pieface is also a reference to the trope where people headshot other people with pies. With the mech floating towards the protag, it would look like a pie is being thrown and targeted at Theo
Honestly drawing what food makes his face is so fun. Did you know that before the croissant smile it was supposed to be syrup shaped to a smile? The nose was a long whip of cream before turning into a cut strawberry for the mustache effect
Pizzahead's candy version would be called Gingerhead because of how ridiculous it sounds.
Gingerhead is based on Willy Wonka much like how Pizzahead is based on Ronald McDonald which is why he has more of a showman look than a clown look
okay side note, it just occured to me how ironic PH being based on Ronald is considering McDo's isn't a pizza place
actually Wonka doesn't even sell cakes and shit so, I guess it's fair game
Theo has the nickname Muffinman to reference the rhyme. but this time, it's the gingerbreadman chasing the baker
Next up is Mr S, who would be Peppino but he becomes rich. Mr S is the stage name he uses. He is a known celebrity much as Noise is but he is more of a boxer than a host. Like Dwayne Johnson or something. His name is partially a reference to ResEvil's Mr X, another absolute unit of a guy
also the reason why he doesn't wear a shirt. He's committing to the bit. If he needs to cover himself when he isn't playing a role, then there's his robe. He doesn't take out his mask most of the time tho
Mr S's mask is based on the Chef Raider design but also part of the scrapped superhero design much like Pizzano. Actually speaking of Pizzano, S is characterized so similarly to him cuz Pizzano is the only SS character who was actually written well to my standards. To be fair we've seen too much of Peppino to flunk characterizing him sksksk
Since this is Peppino that Mr S is based on, he's not as tech savvy or as self centered as Noise so he doesn't have robots that look like himself. Instead he has ants for a crew
the ants swap the place of rats. the rats in PT reference the new york pizza rat while ants just generally eat your food especially if it's sweet when left alone for five minutes
the ants come from Mr G, who would be Gustavo's swap with Noisette. He's Mr S's lawyer. at the end of S's bossfight, G would snatch him away with Click (the ant) because S would make a foul and embarrassing move on live camera
I can't seperate Gustavo and Brick so Click stays with Mr G instead of assisting Hazel
inside what would be Noisette cafe, instead of Mr G and Click being behind the counter, they would be sitting as customers next to Caraman. the barista isn't seen anywhere
Honestly when I'm writing everyone, my logic of swapping them isn't "make them switch places AND personalities" but more of "write every single one of them with the og personality because giving them a different lifestyle/role would drastically change their motives and how they behave"
I'm practically just swapping each character's place of birth
I mentioned this because it's kinda funny with Noisette and Gus since they play the exact same role of assisting Peppino/Noise so swapping them won't change much in how they act. They also have the same cheery and welcoming personality by default so Hazel and Mr G would act REALLY similar to their og
The only difference is that Gustavo can be threatening whenever Peppino fucks up. It fits right in with being a lawyer for the same goon
Now we got Mel Caraman who would become this au's Vigi. Lemme just say off the bat that Caraman is just as delusional as Vigi. He gets hired as a guard for floor 2 and took it way too seriously that he thinks he's some sort of sentinel. Hired as a guard but thinks he's an ancient guardian or something
his name vaguely references James Bond because you also VAGUELY get "caramel" out of "Caraman, Mel Caraman"
Caraman is a caramel apple but he's half glazed to form an eyemask. he's also got a stick poking out his head that stretches his chorro hat. the big hat makes him look cooler anyways. Bro I was so ready to settle for a shitty wild west mayor hat and I owe Beefy one for suggesting a new hat. I was gonna make him look like Doug Dimmadome with the short brimmed tall hat😭😭😭
but yeah Caraman doesn't have the same dignity as Vigi does. He can fight crime decently on normal circumstances and badass when he's full serious. But like day in day out he's so obnoxious about looking for crime that people get tired of him nor would they take him seriously
he would also be mistaken for a pepper
Next to last, Cam M. Bert or just Bert who would take place of Pepperman. he's an artist who appreciates the world instead of himself, a freelancer also. There was only a bossfight because he was coincidentally commissioned to make a mural for the castle the same time Theo busts in. He didn't like how Theo ruined some of his works with his rush to open the door
Bert is a cream cheese instead of a cheese slime. his beret is actually a little cherry to distinguish him from the other creams.
Bert is really chill and humble, He's like Bob Ross, whenever he can, he'd try to talk about how every beauty in the world should be immortalized through a canvas
In parallel to Vigi's delusion of thinking he's a human, Bert thinks he's actually a living painting (which is completely possible for someone to be in the PT world since Pepperman was able to do it with his own art)
instead of a :{ face that Vigilante has, Bert has a :3 face
the naming formula is taken directly from Vigi
Vig E. Lantte
Cam M. Bert
There is a type of sweet cheese that's really creamy called camembert which his name is a direct reference from. Here is a picture of a camembert since it's hella cute
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Camembert cheese was also suggested by Beefy, brother thank you for not allowing me to name this cunt Creamlad
Mr Lardo would be in place of Mr Stick but his motive is that he's collecting Theo's money on BEHALF of Mr Stick. They're probably the only ones who completely stay intact because there's not much canon info of Stick WITHIN the game itself I also feel he's a crossover character from his own "series" with how long McPig has him prior to PT so I just swap the character who makes the "cameo"
The toppins are still called toppins because they'd be used to decorate a cake or pie. They would be
Strawberry - Mushroom
Cream - Cheese
Cookie - Tomato
Icing (in a piping bag) - Sausage
actually I dont know yet for the pineapple but I'll get to it. I've only been figuring out this au since four days ago....
Lastly (of the characters), the Faker in this would be mechanical to match the original Noise's familiarity in robots
Fake Theo (temp name) would be engineered to be "Theo but way better" while actually being succesful with it. Faker would also sort of look like a mini figure of a ballerina. Referencing The Nutcracker
Opposite to Fake Peppino, Fake Theo is more graceful than terrifying but it's so uncanny how unnaturally pretty it is
and now some misc stuff
Title of the final level is When The Cookie Crumbles
the pepper pizza will be replaced with an extremely sweet pie and the immunity is caused by the sugar rush from it
Pizza Time is called Crunch Time
Pillar John would be a giant graham cracker since the walls are made of cookies instead of bricks. Gerome however, is a solidified bar of brownies. like a shittily made brownie that it just turned into a construction brick
Snotty is a pure white cream cheese and that's cuz he's actually made of glue. His name is Sticky
Pigs would either be bears or rabbits with how many times those two animals represented sweets
I'm gonna be clear with everyone here. I literally made this au cuz I'm going insane trying to make swap stuff with Pascal/Stefano when the au itself is so empty. sure it's colourful but it's so empty like I can't draw SS characters outside of poses
I tried like doing fanon modifications as I always do then there's so much I "modified" that at this point it's not Sugary Spire anymore. Just straight up a completely different au. The only similarity is that it's a swap au with sweets
it is what it is yknow. this is my life now. I said fuck it and went with the flow and boom, new personal au that I poured too much into
basically I blame Pascal for this
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★ Hello my fellow selfshippers! ★
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Box Status: open !!!
Confessions are queued, may take a while to post ^^
This blog is for selfship confessions of almost any kind. Whatever reason you don't wanna post it on your blog, or if you just wanna put a confession here for fun, you're welcome here! Selfship art is welcome as well ^^
Whether your f/o(s) is/are obscure, non-human, etc, this blog is welcome to all kinds.
Similar blogs (not owned by me!): @/selfship-vent-confessions , @/nsft-selfship-confessions
"How do the f/o tags work here if I want to filter them?"
I tag them as "f/o (character here)!" It sometimes depends if the user who submitted the ask included a last name/full name/etc, as I usually do not know which characters the user is talking about 0_o (hence why i don't put fandoms)
Do not use the word "simp" here, as the word is appropriated AAVE. Do not use slurs either, I think that should be common sense.
Anything Harry P0tter related
Anything Hazb1n Hotel related
FNAFcraze19912 - Reason: Flirting with a minor
Taken anon sign-offs below!
💉 Syringe anon
🩹 Band aid anon
🦄 Unicorn anon
🌻 Sunflower anon
🦐 Shrimp anon
⛅️ Cloudy anon
🍵 Tea anon
🛸 UFO anon
🌌 Night Sky anon
🐰 Hare anon
S anon
🎶�� Music Bow anon
🫧🎀 Bubble Bow anon
🫧✨️ Bubble Sparkle anon
🐶 Puppy anon
🦦 Otter anon
🦇 Bat anon
🩸 Blood anon
🎂🐈 Cake Cat anon
Blue Text anon
🎀 Bow anon
🪷 Lilypad anon
🪲 Bug anon
👾 Pixel anon
🧸 Teddy Bear anon
🌥 Cloudy anon
🕊 Dove anon
💙 Blue Heart anon
phonelover anon
🌷 Tulip anon
🥬 Lettuce anon
🎴 Japanese Card anon
🪶 Feather anon
⭐️ Star anon
⛸❄️ Ice Skate anon
Puppet anon
🌌🎶 Night Sky Music anon
⚡🗡 Lightning Sword anon
Sheep anon
🖊 Pen anon
☂️ Umbrella anon
⚰️ Coffin anon
🚫🎤 Blockmic anon
⌨️ Keyboard anon
🪽🪻 Wing Lavender anon
🍊⚙️ Citrus Bot anon
🎶🌨️ Music Rain anon
💫 Shooting Star anon
Phen 228
Nya anon
💌 Love Note anon
🪵 Log anon
🦈🌪 Sharknado anon
🦭 Seal anon
🛂 Passport Control anon
💜🪶 Purple Heart Feather anon
🍊 Tangerinefucker anon
🍀 Clover Lover anon
Kaiju anon
🍕 Pizza anon
🧽 Sponge anon
🧪⚡️Test Tube Lightning anon
🩷💌💛 anon
NK 💚
☀️🎵 Sun Song anon
🌊 Wave anon
🩻 X-ray anon
🍞⚪️ Whitebread anon
🌌🛸 Night UFO anon
🥩🦴 Meat Bone anon
👽 Alien anon
🌼💮🌼 anon
🌱 Sprout anon
⚡️ Lightning anon
💥 Explosion anon
🐚💔 Broken Shell anon
🪞 Mirror anon
⌨️🌱 Keyboard Sprout anon
🍓 Strawberry anon
❤️🐈‍⬛ Lovecat anon
☕🥐 Coffee Croissant anon
🗡️💚 Green Heart Sword anon
💉🩸The Count anon
🎬🌸 Movie Flower anon
👓🎮 Gamer Glasses anon
Silly Billy anon
🧊🧊 Ice Cubes anon
🐌 Sluggy anon
🩷💸💛 Business Failure anon
🔧💚 Green Heart Wrench anon
🪿 Goose anon
✨🖤 Sparkle Black Heart anon
🦈🍞 Sharkbread anon
🌌🔮 Nightseer anon
🎧🐾 Headphones Pawprints anon
🍋💀Deathlemon anon
🕳️🐸 Froghole anon
🌈🐀 Rainbow Rat anon
🌿🎤 Mint Idol anon
¤ ☎️🎭 anon
💚☕️ Green Tea anon
😨💤 coldsweat anon
🚬🐾 Smoky Paws anon
🥤🎶 Music Soda anon
🌫️🪽 Sky Flight anon
🪭 Fan anon
🪐🌙 Solar System anon
🌌🌊 Night Sea anon
🧠🗣️ Brainrot anon
🩵🌷 Blue Heart Tulip anon
💞🌀 Heartswirl anon
🔥✨ Sparks anon
🌻🌅 Sunflower Sunrise anon
🐍🔮 Seer Snake anon
🪻🍰 Lavender Cake anon
🍦🔫 Ice Cream Shooter anon
🍓🐶 Strawberry Dog anon
Anxious Rex anon
🌈🥁 Rainbow Drummer anon
🪼🐈‍⬛ Jellycat anon
🦉 Owl anon
🧡🧢 Orange Heart Hat anon
🎉🌀 Party Whirlpool anon
🪻🍰 Lavender Cake anon
🌱⚙️ Sprout Gear anon
🍯🐰 Honey Bunny anon
🌑🌸 Moonflower anon
🧠🗣️ Brainrot anon
💿🍴 CD Eater anon
🤡🫠 Melty Clown anon
Despair anon
🫀 Heart anon
☀️🖌️ Sun Brush
🌊🪼 Wave Jellyfish anon
💛🎭🔫 Hjack anon
❄️🐱 Winter Cat anon
🐑💤 Sleepy Sheep anon
🐉☢ Nuclear Dragon anon
🎀🪡 Sewed Bow anon
🧛‍♀️👑 Vampire Princess anon
💜 Purple Heart anon
🪦🦌 Dead Deer anon
⭐️♠️ Starspade anon
🌞 Smiley Sun anon
🩵🌌⚙️ anon
♎♏ Vrisrezi anon
🌱⚙️ Sproutgear anon
🐮🐝 Cow Bee anon
🍊🍀 Lucky Orange anon
S'more anon
🥤🩹 Bandaged Milkshake anon
☄️💖 Red Comet lover anon
📖🐛 Bookworm anon
🎵🪽 Wing Song anon
🌟⬇️ Starfall anon
🟨🟦🟥 Primary Colors anon
🦉🐇 Owl Hare anon
💚🔧 Green Heart Wrench anon
🌀 Whirlpool anon
Midget 💚🌴
🚪🌀 Hallways anon
⭕️🎸 Geometric Guitar anon
🧀 Cheesy anon
🔪💻 Computer Killer anon
🐕🗡️ Chihuahua Guard Dog anon
🌻🐱 Sunflower Cat anon
🌠🐾 Starry Paws anon
🥀📜 Rose Scroll anon
💸💫 Star Dollar anon
🪚 Saw anon
☀️🌙 Eclipse anon
🐙 Octopus anon
:] anon
🦢🌊 Seaswan anon
🥩🦈 Meat Shark anon
🌌👻 Galaxy Ghost anon
Chaos anon
☎️🦦 Otterphone anon
💉🦷 Dentist anon
📸🧼 Soapy Photos anon
🏺🐍 Alex Fierro anon
💜🏹 Hawk anon
💌💻 Digital Lovenotes anon
🍬💫 Starcandy Anon
TVee 📺 anon
⚠️🤛 Dorito Fighter anon
⁉️‼️ anon
⭐️☎ Starphone anon
🚭 No Smoking anon
🦊🪡 Sewed Fox anon
🐱💋 Catkisser anon
🦪 Oyster anon
🎠 Carousel Horse anon
🧁 Cupcake anon
🌌👻 Galaxy Ghost anon
Purple Text anon
🌼✨ Sparkly Flower anon
🎂🐚 Cakeshell anon
❤️💻 Computerlover anon
🎪🎠 Carnival Horse anon
🦇💤 Sleepy Bat anon / 😐🎉 Yippee anon
🌴💚🖤 anon
💕🌅☄️ Golden Comet anon
🪦🪽 Mortis anon
👹 Demon anon
🌟🍻 Starbeer anon
🧛‍♂️🎪 Vampire Circus anon
🦇🎢 Batcoaster anon
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queensharotto · 10 months
Brittle Doughie’s Cookie Run x Reader Masterlist (Part 1: Mid to Late 2022)
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A masterlist of @brittle-doughie’s Cookie Run stories organized by month, starting with August 2022.
Genre Emojis
😞 is for angst, 🎃 is for Halloween, 🎄 is for Christmas, 🍪 is for Cannibalism, 💗 is for Yandere, 💝 is for Valentine’s, 👻 is for Horror, 🎂 is for Birthday, 💚 is for Yandere!White Lily Cookie
The Indents are related to the featured cookies. If there are numerous cookies (Over 10 Cookies Featured), I’ll make a note on that as well. Additionally, I’ll categorize various cookies if they’re associated with a specific hobby, location, food etc.
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August 2022 🌅
• “Picnic Time” 💗
Featuring: Cherry Blossom Cookie
• “Pizza Time” 💗
Featuring: Pizza Cookie
September 2022 🍂
• “The Beloved of Duskgloom Sea” 💗
Featuring: Black Pearl Cookie
• “Heartbreak”
Featuring: Kumiho Cookie
• “The Apple in this Doctor’s Eye” 💗
Featuring: Dr Bones Cookie
• “The Incorrect Quote Cookie Jar #1”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “The Time Balance Department’s Handycookie”
Featuring: The Time Balance Department
October 2022 🎃
• “Biggest Fans” 💗
Featuring: The Cherry Stars
• “The Idol and the DJ” 💗
Featuring: DJ Cookie
• “Time Travel, Woo!” 💗
Featuring: Croissant Cookie
• “Hollyberrian Marketplace Ruckus”
Featuring: Princess Cookie, Knight Cookie and the Hollyberrian Shopkeepers
• “The Spooky Cookie Tapes” 🎃💗
Featuring: Numerous cookies
• “The Thrill or the Peace”
Featuring: Adventurer Cookie and Blackberry Cookie
• “The Deal with Dragons” 💗
Featuring: The 5 Dragons
• “Baking for Them”
Featuring: Frost Queen Cookie, Sea Fairy Cookie and Black Pearl Cookie
• “The Face of the Future”
Featuring: Director Croissant Cookie, Stringy Gummy Cookie, and Ephemeral Flow Timekeeper Cookie
• “Missing You…” 😞
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Sunrises”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Real Y/N Cookie Birthday Hours” 🎂
Featuring: Birthday Cake Cookie, Cheesecake Cookie, Truffle Cookie, Lotus Dragon Cookie, and Croissant Cookie
November 2022 🌾
• “A Tune for You”
Featuring: Vagabond Cookie
• “Let Me Be Your Relay Cookie”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “A Phenomenal Photo”
Featuring: Chocolate Bonbon Cookie, Sour Belt Cookie, Shining Glitter Cookie, Scorpion Cookie, Orange Cookie, Cotton Candy Cookie, and Almond Cookie
• “Polar Opposites” 💗
Featuring: Timekeeper Cookie
December 2022 🎄
• “Bake It till You Make It” 🍪💗
Featuring: Captain Caviar Cookie, Caramel Arrow Cookie, Oyster Cookie, Affogato Cookie, Blackberry Cookie, Black Raisin Cookie, and Cocoa Cookie
• “The Deal with Ancients V1”
Featuring: Gingerbrave and Co, The Cookies of Darkness, The First 3 Playable Ancient Heroes and Cookies seen throughout Episodes 9 - 14
• “Yandere Cookie Team Ups” 💗
Featuring: Fire Spirit Cookie, Wind Archer Cookie, Croissant Cookie and Timekeeper Cookie
• “Speak of the Tree”
Featuring: Millennial Tree Cookie and Churro Cookie
• “For Their Majesty” 💗
Featuring: Amber Sugar Cookie
• “Spared No Expense” 💗
Featuring: Cheesecake Cookie
• “The Flipside” 😞
Featuring: Cocoa Cookie, Mint Choco Cookie, Croissant Cookie, Kumiho Cookie, Lilac Cookie, Pomegranate Cookie, Caramel Arrow Cookie
• “When the Jingle Bells Rock” 🎄
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “What If: In Your Name” 🍪
Featuring: St Pastry Order
• “Secretly Reading Your Diary”
Featuring: Rougefort Cookie, Licorice Cookie, Pomegranate Cookie, Strawberry Crepe Cookie and the Choco Chess Twins
• “From the Brink”
Featuring: Caramel Arrow Cookie, Pomegranate Cookie, Pastry Cookie and Milk Cookie
• “In a Heartbeat” 💗
Featuring: Pink Choco Cookie
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thefallennightmare · 2 years
I Guess I'm in Love [one shot]
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*credit to whoever created the gif. found on google/Pinterest *
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Words: 764. Short but lovely.
Warnings: pure and disgusting amount of fluff with a tiny bit of implied smut.
Summary: Bucky can't help but reflect on his love for Reader on their lazy Sunday afternoon.
Authors Notes: So this is a request that @playboystark sent in forever ago and I'm finally finding a few minutes to write it. I hope you like it! This will be in Bucky's P.O.V. and it's based on the song I guess I'm in love by Clinton Kane so give it a listen to get the full effect!
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The soft breeze blew through our opened window, dancing with the long curtains, as I laid in bed with her head on my chest, fingernails trailing down the bareness of my skin. I held her tighter, her smell engulfing my sense of smell and I fluttered my eyes shut at the familiarity. 
Roses. She knew how much of a sucker I was for that smell and made everything about her that smell. 
There was a tune playing throughout the speakers in our shared home as I adjusted the sheets over our naked bodies, the actions of our lazy Sunday replaying in my mind. 
I found myself becoming obsessed with the feeling of her head on my chest and she carefully traced the scars on my shoulder where flesh met vibranium. She knew about my past, everything I had done as The Winter Soldier, and even if I hated myself for it, she didn’t. She loved everything about me, the good and bad. There were plenty of times she could have left after many nights of nightmares but she refused. 
Her love for me was bigger than the tragic memories. 
I had lost hope after Steve left to go back in time, leaving me alone. But when she came into my life, hope began to fill my veins; hope for a happy ending finally. I never believed I deserved one but she began to prove me wrong. 
Any time I began to over think any small thing, I looked into her bright eyes and I couldn't stop myself from catching a breath because she made me lose it all over again. When I look at her, that’s the end of all of the bad thoughts.
Years together and I can’t stop the nervousness or butterflies in my stomach when we stare at one another. 
Her soft lips kissed the scars, something she had always done, and I wrapped my arms tighter around her while my own lips brushed a kiss to her forehead. The smile that graced her beautiful features awoke those damn butterflies once more. 
It had been years of loneliness and heartbreak but the second she came into my life, everything changed. She worked at the local coffee shop and was there every time I had gone in for a coffee and to read. After the second time, she had memorized my order. 
Small black coffee with a chocolate croissant. 
The moment I realized I was in love with her was when she had my order waiting for me, seconds before I arrived at the shop. 
She had become everything I wanted when I thought I couldn’t find anyone. 
Her petite fingers traced the graying stubble along my chin and I fell into the touch, a large smile on my face.
“We should probably get up,” I muttered against her hairline. “Alpine hasn’t been fed.” 
She groaned while burying her face deep into my neck. “But I’m comfy.” 
A sly smirk pulled at my lips. “How about I bend you over the bed and fuck that pretty little hole again?” 
Her eyes met mine, lips parting as she mimicked a fish, the words feeling foreign on her lips. 
God, I love the way she couldn’t find the words to say. 
Our Sunday afternoon had drifted fast into the night and we were seated on the floor of our living room, two large pizza boxes that were empty sat a few feet from us. The television played one of her favorite movies but that did nothing to stop her from fidgeting, her nerves getting the best of her. 
“Doll, you need to sit still. It’ll be alright,” I assured her with a squeeze to her knee. 
She shook her head. “I can’t! We leave tomorrow for Greece and I suddenly remembered there’s a list of things to get done.” 
We had this vacation planned for years and now that it was fast approaching, she was a nervous wreck. But I didn’t mind. I was so in love with her that I would run anywhere with her because the two of us were enough. 
“Come here,” I pulled her into my chest with my vibranium arm and she quickly melted into my embrace. 
Whenever we were in one another’s arms, it felt like home. No matter where we were. Everything I had gone through in my life, good or bad, I knew it was all worth it because it led me to her. 
We shared a deep kiss, one that others would say belonged to two people who were so in love with each other.
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rouge-raccoon · 2 years
So they got a kid now cause yeah , design by my pal @the-wereraven xD from the trade , i love this kid they look huggable , they are indeed a gamer to- pffft hah well hope yeah guys like this bean uwu
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brittle-doughie · 2 years
Heya, I'm new to your blog, but I immediately fell in love with the disastrous life of Y/N cookie😅
Is it possible to request a small fic about y/n cookie looking for an engagement ring and the other cookies wracking their brains over who the lucky cookie is? Pls and thanks♡
Let Me Be Your Relay Cookie
It do be a nice looking ring tho.
Hearing that Y/N Cookie was on the search for a missing wedding ring has led various others to push their advances and deeds further in order to win their favor!
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Cheesecake Cookie would whisk you away to a more glorious party then usual! Much of the food was your favorite and the gifts were oddly things you wanted for a while now, alongside some top coin items like the latest model of phone, TV, game console, etc. Cheesecake was going to get you these things earlier, but hearing about an engagement ring really accelerated her plans! She treats you to a dance, fawns on you as you make conversation with her and other cookies, and goes out of her way to prove that she’s the perfect cookie for you! Just say the word and she’ll buy you anything you need!
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After a long party, it would be Sea Fairy who comes across you next as you searched along the beach. She got really interested when you explained that you were looking for a wedding ring, she couldn’t stop blushing as she helped you look for it. She dreamed of the day you’d present her the ring, to ask her to be your one and only. She’s overly affectionate throughout your searching, hopeful that when you do find it, you’d propose to her right then and there~
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Until right on cue, two more legendaries join the fray. Word traveled fast and the news of Y/N Cookie looking for an engagement ring was all the two needed to hear to come running, however it was obvious that the two cookies didn’t appreciate the presence of the other. Fire Spirit tried taking you along to look for the ring in the Dragon’s Valley, Wind Archer objected and suggested that he and Y/N Cookie look in the forests to find the ring! Sea Fairy grew irrriated and started to argue among them, the three legendaries starting a yelling match over who got to look for the ring..and who Y/N Cookie would marry! You awkwardly announced your departure and left as the three continued to argue.
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You did figure that maybe the ring was in the vast forests, so it wouldn’t hurt to take a look. Bellflower Cookie greeted you as she sprouted out of the bushes, she did apologize after scaring you like that. She said that she was looking medicinal herbs when she heard that you were looking for a ring and she was happy to help look for it with you. The two of you strolled together as you looked around, Bellflower leaning close to you as she can. She talked about a certain that she was making, not for medicine or anything, but a herb that signified the bond between cookies, she hopes to gift that herb to the cookie for her some day, she hopes she isn’t too late to give it…as she stares right at you…
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You tried the art gallery in town, where Butter Pretzel was waiting for you..for some reason. She greeted you with joy and a hug as she guided you to her latest craft, it was a portrait of you! She had this sudden burst of motivation lately that compelled to work on this masterpiece, she wanted to make sure it was absolutely perfect and didn’t miss out on any details. Many cookies have come to try and claim it, but were shunned away as she believed you couldn’t put a price on such a wonderful piece of a wonderful cookie! You chuckled and thanked for this wonderful piece, she casually waved it off and said it was no big deal, now if you could just tell her who the lucky cookie for that ring of yours was for! You struggled to answer her as she leaned in close to your face until her phone rang, her beaming eyes quickly turned to a scowl as she answered, almost yelling at whoever was at the other side! They were ruining the moment! You took a quick look around of the place before concluding it wasn’t here, you left right as Butter Pretzel got any louder yelling at her phone.
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Croissant Cookie, being your best pal and all, is quick to arrive at your current location to help you to find what you’re trying to find, the ring! She offered to travel in time to track where you last left it and help get it back much quicker! You reminded her that even Timekeeper can’t exactly pinpoint any timeline involving you, something Croissant sheepishly agreed with, but was determined to help find this ring for you! She was so giddy and excited as she searched with you, she was waiting for the moment you found it and proposed to her! It only makes sense being you two were so close and such, no other cookie was fit to be your spouse more then her!
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You were looking around the surrounding neighborhoods when you heard beeping sound of a vehicle next to you, it was Pizza Cookie in her bike. She asked you to hop in and the both of you can cover way more ground way more faster looking for that ring! You pretty much accepted that every cookie knew you were missing your ring and hopped in, she offered you a piece of pizza as you looked around. You needed to leave a good review at the shop, this cheese was wonderful in texture and flavor, Pizza’s grin could only get so wide as she watched you bite into the pizza. Surely the love of pizza meant a love for her, when they find that ring, she’s certain Y/N Cookie will propose to her soon after. She would so post about being engaged to a great cookie like you~
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Kumiho Cookie took this as an opportunity to reclaim her spot as the focus of your affection, it would break her heart further to see you wedded to a cookie that wasn’t her. You were put off by how persistent she was coming along with you to look for it, she made the occasional remark about how much she cared about you as a friend and wished to help you out to find the ring. Her tail would raise up in worry and fear at the mention of any other cookie in your words that were close about the topic of the ring, especially Blueberry Pie Cookie. She felt territorial, she refuses to lose you again to another. She won’t allow it…
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You were an outsider, but you were well acquainted with Blue Lily enough that she was more then happy to help you look for your ring in the forests near the tree. She’s more soft with you compared to other outsider cookies, smiling more often and intrigued by what you had to say. She gave her two cents about your ring, that the cookie you get engaged with should meet your standards and be just as capable to love you back as much as you love them. She won’t stand it if the cookie you marry doesn’t treat you right and she’ll see to it that they are reprimanded accordingly, she just cares about you too much to let you suffer in what’s supposed to be a great marriage. That cookie should treat you wonderfully, a cookie…like her~
You eventually do find the ring alone. You took it home and placed it in your closet as you took Blue Lily’s words to heart. The ring should go to the cookie that will love you as much as you love them. You had a small smile on your face as you closed the closet door. The ring will have its wearer when the time was right…
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matchalovertrait · 5 months
Ask Game: List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers :)
Thank you :) I'll do 10 lol
My family (including my cat and dog) and friends. I love my younger sisters lol
Simming, simblr, and the people of simblr!! I am obsessed
Strong iced matcha 😩😩 it heals me
Foooooood! I love enchilades verdes, fudge overnight oats, tacos de al pastor with piña, pho, carne asada, pizza, fries, tamales, etc.
On that note, I'm happy whenever I find good, gluten-free alternatives. I'm gluten-intolerant and it gives me severe acne, really itchy and painful :( took me over a decade to find that out. I still need to find gluten-free dumplings, birotes, and flaky croissants. I miss them!!
Dressing up cute :) I'm glad I found my own personal style and have pieces in my closet from years and years ago. Every now and then I'll go shopping at the mall, but I mostly thrift nowadays. Younger me would've thought I look so cool now lmao
Anime. I like Attack on Titan, Jujutsu Kaisen, Spy x Family, Black Butler, Shadows House, Death Note, Fruits Basket. I've been watching Delicious in Dungeon too. This summer, I'm going to Anime Expo for the first time!
Mockumentaries. They're so funny to me!! I love Parks and Rec, Modern Family, and Abbott Elementary.
Music. I think Lauren can see how often I'm listening to music on Spotify 😂
I don't really do this anymore cuz of limited space, but collecting things. I have lil collections of enamel pins, vinyls, funko pops, plushies, and alternative press magazines. My room is definitely not minimalistic.
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cubestrahm · 5 months
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»{ Mark Hoffman x Peter Strahm }« ✦ { ao3 }
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«- previous chapter / next chapter -»
✦ Summary: This moment in time feels inevitable. It is as though Peter was always meant to wind up in the crushing dark with Mark Hoffman, tangled in a deadly situation that neither man can escape from unscathed. ✦ Rating: 18+ for explicit mature content. ✦ Content/tags: Background Angelina Acomb/Lindsey Perez, Alternate Universe - Diners, Slow Burn, Canonical Character Death, Canon Typical Gore, Detailed Descriptions of Wounds, Improper Wound Care, Non-Sexual Nudity, Cannibalistic Thoughts, Feeding Kink, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Divorced Peter Strahm, Murder, Masturbation, John Kramer is still jigging his saw ✦ Word count: 9,815 ✦ Status: Multi-chapter / Ongoing ✦ Author's note: Lindsey and Peter's friendship is so special... to me.
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The sun is already beginning to dip below the horizon by the time Strahm parks his car in the parking lot forming a moat around the modest apartment building. Winter hours make the daylight run out like the seconds on a timer. The retired agent doesn’t mind. He’s never belonged in the light, even if he’d once believed he did.
Feeling his back protest, Peter unfolds himself from the seat of the Crown Vic. Once on his feet, he stabilizes himself with a hand on the roof before leaning down inside just far enough to snag a Tupperware container and his overnight bag off of the passenger seat. The plastic box is still warm to the touch. It’s a sharp contrast to the wind trying to gnaw through the leather of his jacket. The temperature is enough to get him to put a rush on his movements. With hurried motions, he slams the vehicle’s door and all but jogs up the steps to Lindsey’s unit.
When he knocks, it’s with a too hard rap of his knuckles against the wood. His days with the FBI make him feel like a haunted house at times. Ghosts of drug busts and serial murder cases roam the halls of his mind. How many doors had he and his partners kicked in over the years when they were too impatient or too cocksure to wait for the SWAT team? His hand keeps the memories even if his own mind lets go.
“Hello, good sir,” Lindsey greets, whipping the door open, “Pray tell. What’s the password for the keep?”
“It’s ‘I didn’t sign up for dinner at Medieval Times. I’m old and I’m tired’,” Peter grumbles, trying to sidestep her.
He really is tired. Despite Strahm’s best efforts, Detective Hoffman has set up residence in his thoughts and it’s been doing a number on his ability to sleep. Unsatisfied with his sour mood, Perez blocks his foot with hers in a squeak of bare toes against his boot. He recoils.
“Put some socks on,” he says, aghast.
“I already gave you a hint,” she prompts. She’s not letting him in until he guesses what movie she is alluding to. Like him, she doesn’t let go when her jaw is locked.
Not bothering to hide his sigh, he shifts the Tupperware container from one arm to the other. He’d made mozzarella and tomato sauce filled mini croissants tonight. His partner had been moaning about wanting homemade pizza all weekend, so he had decided to do the next best thing. Peter is almost regretting his act of care. Still, he wracks his brain trying to remember what they had watched last Monday.
Her wording being the hint… Oh, it was the one that’d had some blond jackass in tights. Lindsey had socked him in the arm for laughing before breaking down as well.
“Robin Hood,” he answers.
“Robin Hood, what?”
“Robin Hood… in tights?” he tries.
Her smile nearly blinds him. “Good enough, buddy. You’re not senile yet.”
“Every day, I pray for the oblivion of memory loss,” he says dryly as his partner lets him through.
Even facing her back, Strahm can tell that she rolls her eyes at him. He trails after Lindsey to the kitchenette only for her to shove two glasses and a jaw-droppingly large bottle of Cosmopolitan at him. It’s chock-full of edible glitter that shimmers in the pink depths. It’s disgustingly cheery and liable to get them absolutely plastered. Lindsey means business on sleepover nights and that doesn’t include his usual proclivity for what she says is “sad old man alcohol”.
He wouldn’t expect anything else from the woman who got him so drunk one night, he willingly participated in gluing rhinestones to their work phones. Peter had woken up hungover and aching on her couch only to get his ass chewed back at the Bureau for tampering with federally provided property and allowing his subordinate to do the same.
Lindsey, of course, had doubled down after getting reprimanded. She had gotten them both phone charms of a mouthless white cat wearing a bow out of a coin machine–with quarters he’d begrudgingly fished out of his own pocket because he has never wanted to deny her anything.
It had made him smile, to take out the device out back in those days. Looking at the phone had provided him with an unusual sort of comfort, especially during his second divorce. He would turn it over and over in his hand, letting the sharp edges of some of those cheap, plastic gems scrape against his palm. He’s sure that Lindsey doesn’t know just how many times she has saved his life over the years. Not with gunfire or violence, but with her presence alone. Knowing that she was there and had his back was enough to keep him placing one foot in front of the other.
When they had left the FBI together, he’d kept the cat charm after he had turned in his work phone. It’s tucked away in the part of his dresser that holds the ties that he still hasn’t gotten rid of. Perez had also kept her charm. He’s seen it nestled in alongside her earrings and other jewelry.
He’s been quiet for too long, lost in thought. Lindsey notices and shoos him out of the kitchen. “I’ll be there in a second. Go settle in.”
Peter cooperates and makes his way to her bedroom door. It’s the only one left ajar. Her roommate's is shut tight.
Once in the small room, he sets down his cargo beside the TV resting on the dresser. Peter eases the strap of his bag off his shoulder and lets it land with a soft thump on the carpeted floor. Bending down, he unlaces his boots before setting them alongside Lindsey’s shoe rack by her door. He keeps his socks on but shrugs off his leather jacket and hangs it up on the only free peg on the wall-mounted rack. Lindsey keeps it open for him.
In his own rental home, he has several spaces that he leaves empty for her in return. She stocks his preferred brand of toothpaste and he keeps a bottle of the hair oil she uses every Monday. They alternate movie night locations. Their lives are intertwined. He wouldn't have it any other way.
Strahm picks the remote up off of the made bedspread and turns on the TV before dropping it back onto the mattress. The CRT screen flares to live. He’s pre-gaming whatever movie Lindsey picks from her and her roommate’s shared collection in the living room with the news. He’s a simple man. On his nights, he just takes his Vic down to the video rental place and grabs an unvetted stack of DVDs. It’s one of the few things in his life he doesn’t overthink.
Unsurprisingly, every news station is reporting on the rash of murders committed by a serial killer the press has taken to calling “Jigsaw” on account of the puzzle piece shaped chunks of skin that the perpetrator has been carving out of the victim’s bodies. In missives relayed by survivors, this Jigsaw is claiming that they’re not a killer at all, merely a game maker seeking to provide enlightenment to the ungrateful.
In Strahm’s opinion, it’s all a crock of bullshit. People dying as a direct result of your actions makes you complicit in their deaths.
Eyes still on the screen, Peter pours himself a drink. The glass quickly fills up with the shimmering liquid. It sparkles in the changing light from the TV, picking up the colors being broadcast. It’s refreshingly cool in his calloused hand.
He moves away from the TV to take a seat on the bed, leaning back against the mountain of throw pillows Lindsey has decided to pile against the headboard. There’s part of him that thinks it might be a long con trap devised in the hope that he smothers in his sleep.
From what the current news station is claiming, the police department and their FBI liaison have allowed more information to leak to the general public. He is sure that it must be rankling at Special Agent Kerry—she had never been one to be open about case information when he had worked with her in the past.
With a series of jarring crime scene photos, the news anchor walks the viewers through one of the traps that had been used in a recent game. Like the majority of the others, it, too, had taken place in a desolate warehouse. To Strahm’s eyes, it is all a fucked up piece of work. The killer had used some kind of iron maiden style headgear that had snapped closed like a Venus flytrap. They’re calling it the death mask. The footage is a pixelated smear of black and red. He can hear the buzzing of flies through the screen, can almost smell the rot and the dry dust of the warehouse.
Flashes of the same trap in bluepoint pen on a flimsy napkin—the cheapest they could get, really—hammer at his brain. He sees Mark’s hand, the way he had hidden the napkin from view the minute he realized Strahm was playing the role of the voyeur.
“Oh shit,” Peter says, too loud. With his revelation, he nearly lets the glass slip out of his hand to go tumbling across the bed. He rests it on his jean-clad knee with a vice grip.
Lindsey stops in the doorway of her bedroom, pausing at his outburst. She’s holding a massive bowl of popcorn in her hands. It’s something she contributes every Monday night because it’s a heart attack in a bowl, laden down as it is with pretzels, m&m’s, peanuts, and a generous caramel drizzle. Sometimes Strahm thinks he could go out peacefully this way—in his sleep after several too-full glasses of alcohol and a sickening amount of Lindsey’s popcorn concoction, movie still playing in the background and illuminating the two friends.
“Pete?” she asks, concern coloring her voice.
“Saturday. You were out. He was drawing...” He points at the TV with the hand still holding onto the glass.
His partner comes around to look at the screen. Her face tightens once she realizes what he’s referring to. “Your detective?”
The weight of what she knows Peter is suggesting is suffocating. She snatches up the Tupperware container and slaps it and the bowl in the middle of the bed before picking up the remote.
“Don’t. Just talk to him next time he comes in.”
“Peter,” she interrupts, changing the channel to the DVD player input.
The retired FBI agent takes a breath. Lindsey is right. He doesn’t want her to be. He wants to turn this over in his mind until he’s sick with possibilities. It’s not his case. It’s no longer his job to put a name to the monsters crawling the streets. He’ll be crushed under the weight of it all if he doesn’t listen to his partner.
He slings back a mouthful of Cosmo. He savors the slight burn of the vodka as it goes down and forces himself to file everything away in order to focus on the moment. Peter makes himself pay attention as Lindsey opens a DVD case and shoves the disk into the player.
“What are we watching?” he asks as if this is normal night and his habits are not battering down the front door.
“Some romance movie that Melanie swears is the most thing heartbreaking in the world,” she answers.
Pouring a glass of Cosmo for herself, she fast forwards thought the pre-menu trailers. With the remote and her drink in hand, she makes her way back to the bed. She settles onto it beside him. The popcorn bowl and Tupperware serve as a divider between them.
“I feel like her metric for that is skewed.”
Lindsey jabs him in the side with her finger, causing him to grunt. “Don’t be rude.”
“Linds, she started crying because I didn’t want to go on a date with her.”
“Well,” she fiddles with the remote and selects PLAY on the menu. “You did… disappoint her by acting like she’d shot you when she asked what your star sign is. She just wanted to know if you were ‘compatible’.”
“Maybe she should meet with my ex-wives, reminisce a little in a support group. I’m chronically incompatible and great at disappointing women,” he says, chasing his words with another swallow of his beverage.
“It should be on your resume. It’s a skill,” she agrees.
They settle in to watch the movie in a comfortable silence that doesn’t last for long.
“Oh, what the fuck—” Strahm starts.
“Maybe you were right—” Perez also speaks.
Lindsey makes a frustrated noise and downs the rest of her drink. She sets the glass on her nightstand with a clatter.
“If some guy climbed a Ferris wheel and tried to coerce me into a date by threatening to hurt himself and then wouldn’t take the damn hint when I said no again, I’d be filing a restraining order.”
“For sure,” he agrees and, with a groan at the sight of the soon-to-be couple laying in the street, adds, “Oh, fuck off.”
Much to their dismay, the movie doesn’t improve. Both Lindsey and Peter have to stand up more than once throughout it to refill their glasses. By the time the film is over, the diner owners are thoroughly sauced. As soon as the credits roll, Strahm stumbles to the bathroom to change into the sleep clothes he’d brought with him. The sweatpants are riddled with holes and marked with old paint stains from when they’d painted the diner together. He leaves the clip pinning up what Lindsey calls his "mid-life crisis mullet" on the counter.
Before reentering Lindsey’s bedroom, he knocks on the doorframe and waits for her “Yeah!”. Stepping back in, he finds that Lindsey has also swapped her clothing. She’s also perched on his side of the bed with a mozzarella roll crammed into her mouth. She’s put another movie in. The Tupperware container is resting on her lap. She has the remote in one hand and a bottle of hair oil in the other.
Already knowing what she wants, he takes the bottle from her and takes a seat behind her. He’s careful to leave enough space so that they don’t touch. She’s already brushed her hair and it lays in thick curls down her back.
“Here,” she says, offering him a roll over his shoulder. He leans forward and carefully snags it with his teeth.
He’s mid-chew and just spreading the oil on his fingers to apply to her scalp when she speaks again. “So, are you going to pull some Ferris wheel shit for Mark?”
He swallows hastily, too soon, tries not to choke. “What?”
“I’m not blind. You’ve got more chemistry with him than I’ve seen you have with anyone.”
He slips his fingers into the roots of her hair, starts working in careful circles. “Yeah, if that chemistry was dislike.”
“Sure. You keep telling yourself that.”
───※ ·❆· ※───
Peter rolls into the parking lot first, closely tailed by Lindsey’s yellow eyesore of a ‘02 Ford Ranger. As they park, he notices a pair of figures standing in front of the diner. Having seen at least one of them every single day for the past few weeks, he immediately recognizes them. It’s Mark and his sister.
“Fuck,” he curses under his breath as he gets out of his car and meets Lindsey. Together, they approach the front door. Strahm’s already got the correct key primed. The realization of last night hasn’t left him, even if he is suffering from enough of a hangover to have necessitated Perez kicking at him to get his ass out of bed. He wouldn’t be surprised if he has a bruise.
He is a twice divorced man approaching middle age having what essentially boils down to slumber parties with his only friend. His time with Lindsey is the highlight of his weeks. It’s enough to be considered embarrassing without having a crisis because the man he thinks has been flirting with him might very well be one of the most notorious serial killers of their time. Peter knows that he’s a fucking joke.
As they get closer, Strahm realizes that the detective looks dead on his feet. The man is wearing a police slicker instead of his usual suit jacket. He’s wavering slightly, like a ship at sea despite leaning heavily against the side of the building. In contrast, Angelina looks chipper—radiant even.
“Good morning!” the woman shouts as soon as they get within earshot. Mark sways away from his sister as though her voice had physically hurt him.
“Morning!” Perez calls back, a sudden eagerness to her pace.
It surprises him. Lindsey is usually much more reserved. She’s chosen to be saddled with him for almost a decade. They don’t open for another half-hour, but he already knows that she is going to snuff out any suggestion from him that they leave these two on the stoop.
In another surprise, the two women meet in a hug. Peter skirts around them to unlock the door. At his side, too close for comfort, Mark rallies himself enough to engage in harassment.
“Where’s my hug and kiss, Peter?”
Barely resisting the urge to flip the detective off, he lets himself through the door first. He nearly clips Hoffman with the edge of it as the other man follows on his heels. Peter doesn’t want to think about what it might feel like to be that close to him, to feel the yielding bulk of his body in the circle of his arms.
He’s nice enough to pull the chairs off the top of Angie and Mark’s usual table before taking his jacket off and joining Lindsey as they go through the motions of getting the diner ready to open. The detective takes his seat wearily, arms on the table and forehead resting against them. His sister gives him a pat on the shoulder on the way to her own chair.
A few minutes before he needs to flip the sign, Strahm is back at at their table. His sleeves are rolled up and he’s slightly too warm from prepping the cook-top. He doesn’t bother to pull the notepad from his belt. They’re past menus and order sheets now.
“What do you want to eat?”
“Two orders of those pancakes with the faces, please. Oh, and some hashbrowns.” Angie says, glee lighting up her voice. She beckons Peter closer and shields her mouth from her brother. He obligingly leans down for her to speak into his ear.
“Can you make Mark’s look like him?” she whispers conspiratorially. He can’t help but return her shit-eating grin with a smile of his own.
“Sure thing.”
The man in question doesn’t even lift his head off the table as Strahm heads to the kitchen. He thinks that he might genuinely have dozed off.
Lindsey leaves him to it while he puts together the pair’s meals. Angie’s comes together easily. He does hers up to make a beamingly happy face. He remembers that she prefers bananas to blueberries and if she doesn’t have Linds’s house-made caramel sauce on it, she’ll look up to either of them for “just a drizzle, please”. Peter has unintentionally found himself filing away information about the brother and sibling like he does with Perez.
It’s only to avoid complaints, he tells himself. It’s a lie. What a disquieting thing it is to realize that he cares.
For Mark’s pancake, the crowning achievement is the lips. They’re made up of a thick sausage link cut in half and carefully arranged to form a pouting upper and lower lip. They glisten in the overhead light. He usually does bacon for the mouths, but it would not have done justice to Angelina’s request. Here at the diner, he’s all about customer satisfaction. Peter is just doing his job.
Lindsey sneaks at peak at the plates when he carries them out. She has to suppress a laugh. “Oh no.”
“It looks like him?”
He finds that Lindsey has already gotten them their beverages. Angie is sucking on the straw planted in her orange juice while Mark is staring into his barely touched coffee like it’s a crystal ball. He doesn’t look any more awake than he did on the doorstep.
Peter puts down Angie’s plate first. She gives it an approving nod before looking up at him, excitement barely contained. He sets the other plate down in front of Mark. The sausage lips jiggle a little upon impact and the detective’s sister is not disappointed. She only just manages to keep a straight face.
Mark looks back at the blueberry eyes beadily staring up at him from their whipped cream eye whites and turns to Peter with questioning expression on his face. Peter has a serious set to his mouth, the same distant appearance he used to wear during interrogations. He gives nothing away. Mark then faces Angie. She buries herself in her own pancake, refusing to make eye contact lest she break.
The seated man sighs, giving in. “I don’t have a yellow tie,” he says picking up a fork and gesturing at the egg that Strahm had fried and cut into the shape of the neck wear.
“Maybe you can get one at the clown convention next time it’s in town.” There’s no bite to Peter’s voice.
“Hmm,”Mark rumbles thoughtfully, almost fond, “maybe you can fuck off.”
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Peter is in the back, prepping a tray of roast for tomorrow. It will sit, covered, in the cooler overnight to marinate. He will cook it up mid-morning to be ready in time for their lunch special.
Having already encouraged Lindsey out of the door, he is alone in the diner with only the radio for company. She had done the bank run and had picked up some bottles of honey at the store. Their supplier had missed it in the shipment, leaving them bereft. Strahm felt like the extra work deserved an early night. Neither of the retired agents addressed that it was only an excuse for him to be alone. He has found himself needing solitude more as of late. There have been too many foreign feelings gnawing at his intestines like a parasite.
He flips over another chunk of meat in the bowl. He can’t help but wonder when Angelina and Mark became such an integral part of his life. Every morning, he finds himself looking forward to the moment the siblings walk through the door. Self-loathing sinks into his lungs as the raw meat held in his hands reminds him of the Jigsaw killer. Remembering his partner’s words, he shoves it aside and lets the idea of finding someone to focus on wash over him—someone who might not be up to their elbows in torture traps. Maybe it would be best if he try picking someone up at one of the clubs Lindsey occasionally drags him to instead of behaving like a guard dog and glowering over her shoulder at any men who don’t get the hint that it’s a gay-oriented bar and she’s not there to talk to guys looking for female action.
Surely, he could find someone there. Peter could make it work. He could smooth out the sharp, unlovable edges of himself to find a form of happiness. There’s an image materializing in his mind of the kind of man he would like to share a life with. Thick fingered hands, garishly patterned ties nestled between oversized pecs, full lips with a perpetual smug lift of the corners… Fuck, he thinks to himself, he’s just thinking of—
The doorbell clatters. It’s explosive in the calm, aggressive, and Strahm gets a hint of something he’s not encountered much in the time since he’s left the FBI.
He strips his gloves off and tosses them into the fifty-five gallon trash can. His hackles are already up. On the way through the swinging door separating the kitchen from the rest of the diner, he shoves his right hand into his pants pocket to mask the itch he has for a gun he had carried on his hip for over a decade.
“Can I help you?” he calls across the expanse separating him and the stranger.
A young man stares back at him with wild eyes ringed with anger before donning the mask of someone calmer. “Hi, yes, I’m just looking for my girlfriend.”
“That so?”
His smile has an ugly twist to it, a crack in the facade. He steps closer. “Angelina? Long dark hair, about this tall...” He holds a hand a few inches below his chin. “Probably with her brother all the time?”
Distrust whispers in his ear, prompting Peter to shrug. The gesture is accompanied by a wide swing of his arms. This man reeks of a disgruntled ex looking to get even. Strahm would be willing to put his share of the diner on him being the reason why Angie seems to look over her shoulder and shrink into herself when Mark isn’t at her side. Peter isn’t going to give him a damn thing.
“Look, man, I just need to have a talk with her.” His hands are lodged in the pockets of his jacket. Peter can see him faintly tracing something. It’s not a gun, probably a knife. “She’s not doing well, has some crazy ideas swirling around in that head of hers.”
“Can’t help you,” he says, curt. There’s a part of him that relishes a fight, wants the other man to draw the knife from his pocket and give Peter something to sink his teeth into. It’s been so long.
“You don’t have to be such a bitch, man.” The stranger is scowling, looking almost like he might give Strahm the release he’s craving.
The words prompt a sigh and the raising of his eyebrows. “Get out.”
“You heard me. Now.”
A smile of his own, more of a snarl graces the diner owner’s mouth. “Does it look like she’s here?” He gestures to the empty room, arms wide. “Get a hint.”
“I said—,” he starts.
“And I said to fuck off,” Peter interrupts. He takes a step forward, then another until he’s in the middle of the room. The man retreats, looking nervous. The cowardice makes Strahm even more irritated.
“Can you just tell her that I came looking? I’m the one that gets to decide when it’s over. Not her. She needs to remember…“ The stranger trails off. Back against the door now.
Peter puts his hand on the back of one of the chairs. He lifts it off the ground enough to get the point across that he will throw it. The feet scrape on the wood floor. It wouldn’t be the first time in his life he’s gotten pissed off enough to hurtle one.
The man puts his hands up, immediately showing his belly like a submissive dog. “My bad, man, my bad, have yourself a good night.”
He fumbles for the door and slips out. Peter lets go of the chair and stands in the silence. Headlights cut across the front of the diner as the stranger peels out of the parking lot. Strahm rubs his hands over his face and goes to lock the door and close the blinds. He swallows down the arid tang of disappointment.
───※ ·❆· ※───
“One of your sister’s associates came looking for her last night,” Peter says to Mark as he refills the detective’s coffee.
Angelina is seated at the counter for the time being while Lindsey plies her with flavored lemonade samples to test. Already, she’s working on the Spring menu. Mark has a spread of papers on the table that his sister had abandoned at. It looks like case reports for the Jigsaw situation, not that Strahm can scrutinize them too much under Mark’s careful gaze.
Mark’s full lips turn down in a frown. He looks troubled and when he speaks, his words don’t form a question. “Seth Baxter.”
“Angie broke up with him almost a year ago. Turns out he was a neo-nazi and all around piece of shit.”
“Wonderful.” He can’t say he’s surprised.
“He’s never taken no as answer. She hasn’t admitted to him doing anything to her but the guy is a problem. She’d had me there when she broke the news to him.”
“Did he act out then?”
“Nothing I could book him for.”
Peter nods, silent. He doesn’t blame Mark for entertaining that possibility. Encountering Baxter had felt like coming into contact with an oil slick. There was a residue left behind that just wouldn’t wash out with soap.
He leaves the detective alone to refill the next table’s mugs. Strahm still hasn’t broached the topic of Jigsaw to Mark. He hasn’t brought it up again to Lindsey either because he knows what she will say. Peter has found himself unable to muster up the will to confront the broad man in the fear that he might be right. In the daylight hours, it seems a ridiculous notion. Peter knows it’s possible. Time and time again, he’s seen the worst people put on the right masks to become loving family members, respectable members of their communities: the kind of people that would give the shirt off their own backs for a stranger.
Even the worst dregs of humanity have human moments. It’s what makes them so dangerous. It used to be his job to chisel away at the masks—to pull the shell off the snail and leave its innards manged and exposed to the naked eye. It’s not his duty anymore. He runs a diner with his best and only friend. He need to leave it alone. He’s no longer Special Agent Peter Strahm. That man lost his head, took on too much water and drowned.
Peter wants to believe that a better person left the building after turning in his badge. He knows one didn’t. There’s still something twisted and barely lying dormant inside of him, nestled between the cathedral of his ribs. It takes one monster to catch another.
───※ ·❆· ※───
The overhead bell clatters against the glass not even half an hour before closing. Strahm has already seen Perez out of the door. She had left early for a date that she’s shyly mentioned to him a couple of times over the course of the week. He knows it must be serious because she’s been tight-lipped and anxiously bursting at the seams. Peter will be staying up late, as he does every night, phone close at hand until she texts to let him know she’s made it back to her apartment.
“We’re closed,” he says.
Creaking footsteps cross the diner with no response from the intruder, and, finally, Peter looks up from the glasses he’s stocking below the counter. Irritation prickles at his skin. He’s half expecting to see Seth Baxter waiting for him when he stands up.
It’s Mark. The detective has dressed down for the late hour. It’s strange to see him without his blazer or his tie. Distractedly, the sleeves of the man’s dress shirt are rolled up to expose his large forearms. Strahm makes sure to look somewhere near Mark’s hairline.
“It’s you.”
“In the flesh, Peter,” the detective responds, smile across his lips.
“I’m curious as to why you’re here. Again.”
He watches as Mark settles himself onto a stool. The broad man rests his arms on the counter and leans over to encroach into Peter’s space. The retired FBI agent feels a little lightheaded when he realizes the position is only serving to highlight Mark’s chest through the open shirt collar. There’s honest to God cleavage. Ripping his traitorous eyes away from the scar snaking between Hoffman’s breasts, he meets his gaze and realizes that the detective looks tired.
“Angie had a date tonight, left me high and dry so I thought I’d come see you. Where’s Lindsey?”
“Out.” He kneels and lines the last few glasses up on the shelf and out of the drying crate. “Kitchen’s cold. I’m not turning the grill back on for you.”
“I’m sure you can figure something out for me, Pete. I’m hungry enough that I’ll eat anything you make me. You know how easy I can be.”
“Too easy,” he mutters. Mark just laughs, having heard him. “Fine, I don’t want to hear you complain.”
“Thank you, honey. You’re so good to me.”
A sigh and then he’s picking up the dish rack to take it back to the kitchen instead of throwing it at the seated man. Once in the back, he slots it in the nook beside the three-chamber sink before opening the door to vertical warmer and pulling out the two pans that have been resting on the racks. He shuts the machine off. It will be turned on again in the morning.
Largely using ingredients he’d be throwing out tonight anyway, he makes himself a sandwich with pot roast. He makes a second one for Mark. Both of them are plated with a side of macaroni destined for either his fridge at home or the trash can. The detective’s presence at the counter saves Strahm from having the hassle of taking home the leftovers.
Finished, he carries both plates out to the dining room. He bypasses the counter entirely to set the plates down on opposite ends of a small table. Before he sits down, he checks his watch. It’s a few minutes after closing time. He crosses the room to lock the door and flip the sign to closed. He draws the blinds on his way back to the table.
Hoffman is still. The weight of his eyes feels like a hand on the back of Strahm’s neck. It’s making his skin crawl. All too aware of the other man, he pulls out a chair with a screech of wood on wood and takes a seat facing the main room, back to the wall. He doesn’t verbally invite Mark, but he hears the shift of fabric and the sound of footsteps and then he is joined at the table.
“Didn’t feel like the stool?”
“No, don’t like having my back to the place.”
There’s a small grunt from the detective. “Were you a lawman?”
“FBI,” he says. Maybe Mark isn’t as stupid as he looks.
“Mmm, that would explain it. Were you good at your job, Special Agent?”
“Good enough.” For once, he doesn’t rise for the bait.
Peter toys with the fork in his hand, eyes on the man seated across from him. He watches closely, perhaps too closely as Mark slides his thick fingers under the sandwich and lifts it, cradled almost, to his mouth for a bite. Juice immediately spills free, running over Mark’s lips and liberally coating them in a filthy shine. He reaches for a napkin, but Peter’s hand is there first. Hoffman’s fingers skate over the back of his hand, thwarted. Peter receives a hard, considering look. There’s a dark gleam in the blue depths.
In an a long moment that reminds him of the morning the two of them had met, neither of them break their eye contact as Mark exaggeratedly licks his lips. Peter digs his fingers of his free hand into the meat of his thigh, hanging on for any glimmer of control while the other man sucks his own bottom lip into his mouth and releases it with a wet pop. He’s headspinningly hard in that instant, throbbing in his pants. He nearly curls over as if weathering a blow. Very nearly, he almost takes his hand off the napkin dispenser to press his palm against his crotch to relieve the pressure. Instead, he clamps down on the object harder, knuckles going white in the dim light.
With his dignity dangling on a thin line, he’s relieved that the table blocks Mark’s view. He’s struggling to stay in his seat. He wants to do something rash, destructive, transformative. His instincts are scrambled.
His own plate remains untouched as Mark takes another bite. The chewing is accompanied by a pleased hum, almost a lewd moan to Strahm’s ears.
“How… how does it taste?” He feels winded, out of breath.
Mark stops with the sandwich to his lips. He lowers it without taking another bite after swallowing. “Are you some kind of pervert?” he asks, seeming genuinely curious.
Strahm feels the last of his blood drain from his face.
“You’re one to talk,” he snaps. His tone does little else but highlight how defensive he’s feeling. Mark’s eyebrows raise. He’s got that smug look to him that makes Peter want to grab him by his shirt and smear his face against the floor until it worn down to the bone.
“Am I?” Mark is smiling now. “How do you figure?”
“You parade around looking like” he gestures in a broad sweep of his hand at the detective, “that.”
“Like what?”
“You know.”
“I don’t think I do.” He has to be being purposely obtuse. Strahm doesn’t appreciate it.
The blood is starting to rise back up, he can feel himself starting to flush as he responds, “Like you’re begging for a scrap of attention. Like you’re just a whore with a gaping mouth waiting for someone to come along and fill it for you.”
Despite the crudeness of his words, Mark doesn’t look offended. He sets the sandwich down on his plate. With his fingers damp with the meat’s juices, he nudges Strahm’s hand out of the way to finally claim a napkin to wipe the mess away from his digits. Fingers clean, the other man pushes his plate across to him. It bumps against his with the sharp sound of ceramic against ceramic. He stands up, and for a critical moment, Peter thinks he’s made an error and the other man is going to deck him where he sits.
Violence doesn’t come. Peter is left shaken when Mark comes around to his side of the table and kneels, knees to the floor. The detective’s polished shoes squeak against the wood. He can see the way the bulk of Mark’s thighs strain against the confinement of his slacks.
“What…?” It comes out as a gasp. His lungs feel too compressed to draw in any air.
As a response, Mark shifts closer. Under encouragement from the detective's hands, Peter turns, letting the man rest his bulk between his spread knees. Hoffman’s eyes skate over his erection. The only acknowledgment he gives it is an impossibly more satisfied look as he meets Strahm’s gaze steadily.
“You said I wanted a full mouth, Peter. So fill it.” he says with a nod to the table.
Unable to look away, he watches Mark part his lips and wait. The detective’s mouth gleams wetly, salivating for what Peter is going to give him. He can see the moisture pooling in the space underneath his tongue, threatening to overflow the corners of his lips even as Peter’s own mouth goes devastatingly dry.
The retired FBI agent gropes blindly for Mark’s plate. He ends up offering the kneeling man a handful of macaroni and cheese. He is forced to put it into Mark’s mouth when he doesn’t reach for it with his own hands. The pads of Peter’s fingers brush over Mark’s tongue.
Pulse pounding, he gathers up another mouthful’s worth. He brings it to the other man’s mouth, pushes it inside and past those plump lips when, again, he doesn’t take it directly. Mark’s jaw is slack. He’s completely pliant, welcoming the intrusion of Strahm’s fingers. He chews and swallows when Peter withdraws.
He feeds him mouthful after mouthful. He takes from his own plate when he runs out of noodles on Mark’s. Slipping the last of it into Hoffman’s mouth, he looks at the mess he’s made. He gathers the smear of sauce and cheese off the detective’s bottom lip and feeds him that too. That simple motion brings curiosity with it. He slides his fingers into Mark’s mouth, so deep that the knuckles of his ring finger and pinky collide with the other man’s chin.
Mark swallows around them. The sudden, clenching heat makes him groan. His dick twitches in his jeans. Mark’s pupils are blown, and Peter doesn’t miss the way the other man’s hand clenches on his wide thigh at hearing the noise that Peter had let slip from his throat.
Again, he swallows around Peter’s fingers. This time, the action is accompanied by his teeth just lightly biting down on the digits encased between his lips, just testing the skin. There’s a pinch and he’s biting harder, properly digging his teeth in.
Peter’s free hand, the one adorned with a reminder of his failed marriages, shoots out. He presses it against Mark’s right cheek. The skin is smooth and unmarred underneath his palm. He doesn’t push Mark away. Strahm doesn’t want to stop him, not really. There’s a part of him not so far under the surface that wants the detective to sever the fingers between his teeth, to consume of Peter himself just has he had of the meal he had prepared for him.
Mark lets up and allows Peter to ease his fingers out just enough to thrust them back in. Strahm is panting, a ragged sound in the quiet of the diner. With each thrust of his fingers into the detective’s mouth, he imagines that it is his cock instead that’s rubbing back and forth over Mark’s eager tongue. His fingertips collide with the other man’s hard palate over and over again. He loses himself in the motion enough that Mark’s hand being placed on his thigh jolts him back into the moment.
The detective is drooling freely around his fingers. His chin is wet with his own saliva. It strings and drips, soaking the front of his shirt. The silk material is marked with darker patches, almost as if Strahm had placed his own mouth against the fabric and sucked at Mark’s chest and stomach through it. He looks debauched this way, used. His lips are swollen and pink.
As he observes Mark like a case file, he can’t help but notice that the other man’s slacks are straining over more than just his thighs. Peter can see the clear outline of his dick. He can almost swear the black fabric is somehow darker near the head of it. Mark is wet.
Wet for me, he thinks, nonsensical. He sinks his teeth into the inside of his cheek hard enough to draw blood to keep the moan from escaping his mouth.
Extracting his fingers, he grips the edge of the table as Mark’s other hand hooks under Peter’s thigh. He spreads his legs wider to give the other man more access. Mark shuffles closer. He pulls Peter’s leg over his shoulder, spreading him open until he feels too vulnerable, too exposed.
His hands go to Strahm’s belt buckle, Peter tangles his hand in Mark’s hair, dampening the man’s locks with his own saliva. With as much protest as Peter himself had given, the leather of his belt easily slips free of the buckle. Hoffman’s fingers skate over the front of his jeans, seeking to undo the fastenings.
Even though the denim, Strahm can feel the heat of the detective’s breath on his dick. His cock twitches, almost as if it’s trying to get to the other man’s mouth. He feels both steadied and thrown off balance by the hand that Mark puts on his waist. He can barely think over the sound of his heart hammering in his ears. The drum beat of it drowns out the anxiety over being touched in such an intimate way. This man is going to be the death of him. He’s never been so hard in his fucking life.
A phone rings. Loud.
Face suddenly grim, Mark draws back. Peter’s hand slips free of the detective’s hair and he sags back in his chair. He busies himself with remembering how to breathe while Hoffman pulls his phone out from the pocket of his slacks. He flips it open and presses the button to accept the call.
“Detective Hoffman speaking.” His voice has a rough edge to it—the only indication that Strahm had been all but fucking his mouth with his fingers.
Choosing to look anywhere else but at Mark, his eyes resolutely lock onto the shelves behind the counter. He feels the shorter man slide his leg off his shoulder. It’s unsettlingly tender, the way Hoffman eases Strahm’s foot to the floor.
“Yeah… alright.” Peter can’t make out the voice on the other end of the line. “I’ll be there. Don’t mess with any unsecured doors this time, yeah?”
Peter hears the snap of the device being closed and glances at Hoffman. The man gets to his feet with a wince but with more spryness than Strahm himself would have been capable of under normal circumstances.
“Duty calls,” he says, slipping the phone back into his pocket and withdrawing his wallet.
Alarmed, he reaches out and stops him. “Don’t. The food was on the house.”
Mark gives him a look that Peter can’t quite read before closing his billfold and tucking it away. Hoffman’s erection is rapidly flagging. Whatever situation he was called about must be one hell of a mood killer. Meanwhile, Strahm can’t summon any of the blood back to his brain.
He nearly chokes on nothing when Mark’s fingers cup his cheek and he draws a thumb down over the scar mimicking an age line. He has to close his eyes.
“Goodnight, Pete.” The roughness that Strahm put there drags the nickname out into something obscene.
“’Night.” The retired agent manages.
And with that, Mark takes those characteristically stiff strides to the door, unlocks it, and slips through it. The bell jangles in his wake. He leaves Strahm alone and close to shivering in the absence of his warmth.
Like a man rising from a trance, he gets to his feet and locks the door behind the detective. His open belt clatters. The buckle collides with his thigh on every step, a reminder of what almost was. He leaves the plates on the table in favor of ducking into the diner’s single occupant bathroom. Out of habit, he locks the door. He doesn’t look at himself in the mirror. He doesn’t want to see the creature he is in this moment. He chooses, instead, to press his forehead against the wall. He shuts his eyes.
Projected against the darkness of his eyelids, he imagines Mark on his knees again. He plays out the scene they had nearly had without the interruption that he is almost thankful for. While he thinks about Mark undoing his pants and taking Strahm’s cock out, he frees himself from the confines of his jeans and takes himself in hand. His dry palm is a far cry from the detective’s saliva-slick mouth.
Still, he strips his cock hard and fast. Mark had already had him on the brink of shamefully cumming in his pants. It’s not long before he’s spilling over his knuckles in hot spurts.
Wrung out and with his legs shaking, he lets go of his softening dick and fumbles for the paper towel dispenser. He wipes his hand off before tucking himself back into his pants and dropping onto the toilet toilet lid, exhausted. It feels like he had ran a marathon. He is going to have a heart attack in this bathroom and Lindsey is going to have to call for a morgue transport after she finds him in the morning.
“Fuck,” he says aloud. Revulsion has stuck its hand in him now that the fog of arousal has fled his body, and it’s rooting around elbow deep in his guts.
He gets to his feet. He washes his hands and still doesn’t meet his eyes in the mirror while he straightens himself up. This might not be the most shameful thing he’s ever done, but it’s higher on the list than he would like. He can gnaw on it while he works. He’s got a diner to clean
───※ ·❆· ※───
Morning greets Strahm with all the grace of a punch to the jaw. He opens his eyes and squints against the light glaring at him through his windshield. He rubs both hands over his face. The brief shade they provide is a soothing balm to his pounding head. The ache radiating through his body like a missing tooth is a vivid reminder of last night.
He had been worked into too much of a shame-fueled frenzy to give the establishment the usual amount of care. No, he’d been on his hands and knees scrubbing the grout in the kitchen with a hard bristled brush until his hands were raw and he was satisfied surgery could be performed on the tile with no risk of infection. It not been the only task that he’d taken upon himself. He had spent so long handling his reaction to the unplanned intimacy that he had not bothered to go back to his rental. He had chosen to sleep in his car instead.
A glance at his watch reveals that he had woken up just after his usual alarm time. Peter drags himself out of his vehicle just as Lindsey’s yellow Ranger pulls into the lot and parks in the space beside his Vic.
“Good morning.” She looks cheerful, vibrant even.
“’Morning.” He grits out. His voice is so rough with sleep that it might as well have been his throat that was getting used last night.
“You look like shit.”
The only answer he gives her is a grunt. He nearly stumbles on the curb when he follows her to the front door.
“No, seriously. What happened?”
“Late night. Got wrapped up in cleaning.” It’s technically the truth. He doesn’t particularly want to confess that he almost fucked Mark and proved his co-owner right. Peter has never been one for losing, no matter the size of the stakes.
Sighing, Lindsey gets her key in the lock. She’s not buying it as being the whole story. If she were blind enough to just accept whatever bullshit he said to her, they never would have been able to be partners for so long.
“How did your date go?” he asks, heading her off before she can corner him in the back for an interrogation. He had gotten her text late last night, assuring him that she hadn’t been murdered in the street and was about go to bed.
Her face splits into a smile. “It went really, really well. She let me walk her to the door.”
“That’s great, Linds.” Her obvious joy manages to drag a returning smile out of him.
He listens to her chatter at him while they settle into their normal morning routine. She lets him get away with muttered responses and acknowledging hums, content to carry the interactions. It’s business as usual with the only the glaring absence of Mark and Angelina.
The sibling duo arrives after the breakfast rush has trickled into maintenance. Right away, Strahm notices that Hoffman looks as tired as he, himself, feels. There’s a serious set to his mouth and his movements are sluggish. They bypass their usual table on account of it being occupied and take up residence on stools at the counter.
“Just coffee for me.” Mark tells him when he silently stares at him in wait for the detective's order.
He feels like last night is written all over his face. If the both of them weren’t so tired, he’s sure some words would be getting thrown around. Unable to do more than exist, he turns to Angie, silently prompting her as well.
“Orange juice and one of those muffins, please,” she says. Like Lindsey, she’s all but glowing.
Nothing for him to cook. It’s just as well. Strahm is feeling he might just face-plant on the cooking surface. With any luck, he can take another nap in his car until Lindsey needs him for lunch support. With the distant sensation of moving through molasses, he pours Mark and Angie their drinks. He nearly knocks over Angelina’s glass when he tries to slide her muffin in front of her.
“Are you okay? I thought Marcus over here was half dead, but I think you got him beat.”
“I’ve always been a winner,” is Peter’s stab at levity.
He ignores Hoffman’s stifled scoff and drags out a notepad. Checking with the summary of items he’d marked as low in the dry storage last night, he writes down everything that he’s going to have to order tomorrow. Mark seems content to watch him while he drinks his coffee. Lindsey and Angelina chatter back and forth as his partner comes and goes. He tunes them out.
Blinking hard, he tries to focus his eyes on the paper in front of him. It’s threatening to triplicate. He sets down his pen and squeezes the bridge of his nose, hard. He needs to lay down.
There’s an explosion like a gunshot.
Peter feels a burning sensation race across the back of his shoulder and down his side. Adrenaline floods his system, burning away the exhaustion. He whips around in time to see Lindsey stumbling back from the coffee machine’s hot water spigot. Her hands are grasping at her face and she’s making noises he has never heard from her before—never thought he would hear. It’s the low, desperate whines of an injured animal.
Immediately, he reaches for her. Peter takes her into his arms, holding her securely against his chest where she curls into him in the blind trust that he can protect her, that he can keep her safe. She’s coughing, trembling. Even has she goes limp from shock, he supports her. She’s his partner and the closest thing he would dare call family.
There are shards of broken glass and hot water everywhere. Right away, it’s clear that a measuring cup had exploded. Hot water into a room temperature glass vessel had caused a rapid expansion. Something that they’d both done more than they should had finally caught up to them.
Mark is right next to him with his sister on his heels. Together, the two men guide Lindsey away from behind the counter and to a clear patch of floor. The detective strips off his blazer and folds it into a makeshift pillow for Strahm’s co-owner as Peter lowers her to the wood. Acid claws at his throat.
“Angie, call for an ambulance.” Mark’s voice is calm, lapping against the edges of Peter’s mind past the ringing in his ears.
The only thing he can focus on is Lindsey. His hands are shaking as he carefully tries to smooth her hair away from her face.
“Okay, c’mon, Shallow breaths. Okay? Stay with me.” He can’t hide the tremor in his voice. There’s so much blood seeping around the glass embedded in her face and neck. He has only seem this amount at crime scenes.
Lindsey reaches up and grabs weakly at his face. Her fingers hook briefly in the collar of his shirt. Peter catches her hand and squeezes it as much to reassure her as himself.
“Pete,” she whines. Tears are leaking from the corners of her eyes.
“I’m here. I’m here, Lindsey. You’re gonna be fine, alright? You’re gonna be fine.” Maybe if he repeats it enough times, it’ll be true.
They had some close calls during their time in the FBI but it was all threats that he could negate. He would have put down any number of perps to ensure her safety. He would have ripped apart the world for her. But this… this was just an accident. He couldn’t protect her from this kind of thing.
He’s unaware of the panicked, half breathes that seize in his chest until Mark places his hand on his back. Peter doesn’t shrug it off. In the background, he can hear Angie on the phone. Her voice is wobbly, distorted through sobs.
After the paramedics arrive, Hoffman has to hold him back when Lindsey lets out a pained yelp from being moved onto the stretcher. She’s never been one to vocalize pain and it’s killing him to hear her.
“Easy… Easy, Peter.” Mark’s voice rumbles against him from where the detective has him held against the expanse of his chest.
Dimly, he realizes that Angelina has a grip on her brother’s arm. She has to be squeezing enough to hurt. Her knuckles are pale. He wonders at why she’s so torn up his partner and then it clicks. Mark had said Angelina had left him alone to go on a date last night. Lindsey had done the same to him. The two women had been together while he and Hoffman were doing whatever fucked up dance they’d been engaged in.
Strahm pushes out of the detective’s hold. He nearly collapses without the support he’d never admit he needed. It’s a smothering weight that he could be crushed under if he let it.
“Everybody out. Show’s over.” Peter calls as soon as Lindsey is wheeled out the door. “We’re closed. Meals are on the house today.”
A few people stand up, not enough. Mark speaks, his voice more vicious than Strahm’s. “You heard him. Have some respect and get the fuck out.”
It works. The customers pick up the pace and soon the diner is empty aside from them.
In daze, Peter steps into the kitchen and turns off the cook-top. He grabs his jacket and his keys from the back. The door hits him hard in the elbow. He nearly slips on the mixture of glass and cooling water. Mark’s hand is there to steady him. The other man plucks the keys from Peter’s grasp before steering both him and Angie across the diner and to the door. Peter lets himself be nudged out onto the step with Mark’s sister while the broad man flips the sign around and locks up for him.
“This way,” he says, leading them both to his car.
Numbly, he obeys as Mark has the two of them clamor into the back seat while he settles behind the wheel. He feels Angelina take his hand in hers. He lets her, just has he had let her brother touch him. Their fingers twist and grip onto each other until their joint hands make up one shared form. All he can see playing on repeat in his mind is the scared look on his partner’s bloody face.
He can’t tell which one of them is shaking. Is is Angie? Is it him? Is it the both of them?
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zkylearnstherope · 11 months
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(Start Here) Synopsis 1 | Synopsis 2 | Synopsis 3 | View All Posts | Headcanons
Season 4
WIP Interrogation | The Mayonnaise Meme [Animation] Preview
Sparring aka Massage (Part 2)
A Collector
Season 3
Warmth [MAP Animation] Bittersweet Preview
Croissant [Doodles]
Mesmerizer [Doodles]
More [Doodles]
Stay [Doodles]
Chosen gets Attacked [Doodles]
Baking Class [Artfight 2024]
Savage and A Posing for a Suprise Photo [Artfight 2024]
Friend [Weaker Versions of Ourselves] Text
Watching the Sunset on the Titanic [Artfight 2024]
A Voice Reveal?
AvGeometry [An Analysis]
Again [Where We Belong] Text | After-story to Rush Hour
False Promise [Where We Belong] Angst Preview
Season 2
vic Plushie [DIY]
Hollow Heads and their Posture plus Character Analogy #studies
Icing [Where We Belong] Slightly Kinky
When ya wife's been gone for too long… [Doodles]
Thank you for the support [Doodles]
Borrowing Hunter's Hoodie [Doodles]
Void Walking [The Other Side] Lore
Reflection [Restoration Project] Text
Void Walker [AU Info]
Rendezvous [A Request]
Interference with Static [The Other Side] (Prologue - Interim - Interim 2 - Part 1)
Height Chart [AU Info] - (Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3)
Names [AU Info]
A Little Something [The Other Side] A x vic Valentine's Special plus Lore
The Tropicals [Where We Belong] Wholesome
X56 [OC Lore]
H and his Noose [The Other Side] Lore
Rush Hour [Where We Belong] Wholesome New Year's Special Preview
Two of Us [Weaker Versions of Ourselves] Text
Knot [The Other Side] Text
Case No. [467], [467-B], [758], [758-B]
Season 1
Agent and H in the Night Rain [The Other Side] Cute
Unfair Games [The Other Side] Ask Special (Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4) Lore
Rematch [A Collaboration] Cool, I guess
Kidnapped [A Collaboration] Funny
Intoxication [AvA Gift Exchange 2023] Funny
Ribbons [The Other Side] Kinky
Roleplaying [A Collaboration] Funny
First Christmas [The Other Side] Funny
AvPhysics [An Analysis] (Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4)
Waving At Stars [AvPhysics] Poetic
Life Hack [A Collaboration] Funny
Gift [The Other Side] Christmas Special
[The Other Side] Official Cover Photo Lore
Caged [A Collaboration] Mature Content
Yellow with the Command Staff #studies Tutorial
Green doing the spiral kick #studies Tutorial
The Monochromes [The Other Side]
The Rescue II [A Collaboration] Funny
Pizza [The Other Side] Wholesome Special
Not Again [A Desktop Meme]
So Punchable [A Reaction Meme]
Nap [The Other Side] Ask Special
My Turn [The Other Side] Mature Content Special Preview This series is abandoned. So some stuff in here is not canon to the AU.
Hugs for Chosen [The Other Side] Cameo Special
Massage (Part 1) Kinky
Being Cautious [Where We Belong] Wholesome
Character Family/Groups
Void Walkers, Monochromes, Salads, Checkers, Tropicals
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