#herbivores to omnivores
technicolor-flames · 5 months
Someone saying Hibari Kyoya represents toxic masculinity:
Me wondering what show they watched cause it damn well wasn’t the same one I did:
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aut2imagineart · 15 days
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This installation of my Pangea Ultima project features some mammals that would live in the mountains. To recap, the mammals of Pangea Ultima are from a group of rodents called the Ashbreathers which evolved during a period of major volcanic/geological activity which resulted in them developing multi-slit nostrils for filtering out the air. Anyway, here are the mammal species showcased.
Mountain Ashbreather: the most common mammal species in the mountains and one of the primary herbivores in their environment, the Mountain Ashbreathers are guinea-like rodents with long legs ending in hooves for transferring steep cliffs and rocky terrain. The males are larger than the females, boasting thick, brightly colored manes for display and intimidation as well as enlarged dewclaws for defense.
Gargoyle Ashbreather: Resembling a wingless bat, the Gargoyle Ashbreather is a predator that specializes in hunting spiders like Leopard Tarantulas. Their long forearms and claws allow them to attack prey without getting to close and risking venomous bites. In case prey does get close, Gargoyle Ashbreathers evolved tough skin similar to honey badgers for defense. Though incapable of flight, they do have flaps of skin between their limbs to slow their decent if jumping from a high location.
Shield-Nose Ashbreather: These mole-like rodents are omnivores that feed on roots as well as small invertebrates they come across. Mostly blind, they are heavily dependent on their sense of smell and the thick structure formed around their faces are used to push out any predators that try to enter their burrows.
As always, comments and critiques are welcome.
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antoniofoote-health · 3 months
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The human species-specific diet is not meat🌿
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
Just kind of curious and wondered if we have or could there have been any dinosaurs that were omnivores? We have fossils of true canivores that ate meat and herbivores that ate plants but were there any dinos that were sort of like the bears and raccoons of their time that ate both meat and plants and/or just whatever they came across?
tons were!!! first off, very few things are hypercarnivores or hyperherbivores - most animals are in the spectrum, and supplement their diets (this is why dogs can have a little plant matter as a treat but cats are a no go - cats are complete predators, dogs just a smidge less so). We see lots of herbivores today eating carcasses, for example. So we can assume most dinosaurs were omnivorous in some capacity
then, beyond that, we have some dinosaurs that make the most sense as omnivores - the Oviraptorosaurs and Troodontids, for one, but also possibly others like Ornithomimosaurs and Pachycephalosaurs! We're always learning new things. there's a whole growing field where we determine diet from isotopes, and that may yet reveal more omnivores!
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tcfactory · 6 months
as a side note may i suggest a siberian husky for sqh. mostly because those things whine like nothing else. hardworking? yes. adaptable? absolutely. anxiety? tremendously. ready for harsh snow and winter at any point in time? delightfully. will relay to you the song of his people at the top of his voice and from the bottom of his lungs? god. dammit. yes. that thing will HOWLlike you have mortally wounded it. what was sqh doing? trying to give him a bath. also "he looks just like you my king!"
ahjsgfasdjh That's perfect. Shang Qinghua and his daemon, the whiniest husky in the whole wide word. Mobei-jun would be amused and pleased at having a good doggo stand guard over him while he sleeps in Qinghua's house, because he knows that if someone approaches who shouldn't, then the howling will wake even the dead. Perfect alarm system for demon princes who sneak into righteous sects to nap! Kind of a shitty alarm clock, but eh, he has heard worse.
I was thinking yesterday what Mobei-jun's daemon should be, because sure I could say demons don't have them (why would they want to have their vulnerabilities out in the open like that? also it would mean TLJ would have had to pose with snake form ZZL when he was wandering the human realm) but I think I can do something really funny with it.
Please consider: Mobei-jun is perfect assassin material, right? So he would, ideally, have some kind of ambush predator. But he's also a king, so some kind of territorial herbivore would match the vibes of that position. Besides, Airplane was watching a documentary on African wildlife the night before he decided to add the daemon elements to PIDW and only remembered that male elephants can be really aggressive and dangerous he absolutely forgot that it's specifically tied to a sort of reproductive cycle. So Mobei-jun's daemon is just. Straight up a woolly mammoth? That can turn invisible because he still needs to keep some of the stealthy assassin vibes.
He was considering invisible fluffy hippo, but decided that his king deserves something more majestic. So it was either mammoth or rhino.
A rhino might be easier to hide tbh and, you know, it can have literal blades on its head, but I don't remember if rhinos ever get territorial or not.
Anyway, rhino or mammoth, it loves chilling down in the forest around CQMS because it can eat its fill whenever its demon is up on the mountain to bother his human and the people this close to the sect are feeling safe enough that it had to tell them once that it belongs to a wandering cultivator visiting the mountain and they even give it special treats sometimes! Mobei-jun's daemon is living the good life here.
...honestly I just find the idea of an ambush rhino really funny.
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verm1c1de · 10 months
addendum to my irken boobs post:
efurry time someone gives purredatory ((as in carnivorous,,)) traits to irkens i lose 1 of my 9 lives
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awkwardsonicphotos · 2 years
꩜ ꩜ ꩜ you are goinf to infodump to me about hedgehogs (i am hypnotizing you) ꩜ ꩜ ꩜
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Given the chance I will not shut up about hedgehogs when asked about them. Everyone who knows me knows I adore hedgehogs and always give me hedgehog stuff as presents or tell me they saw some cute hedgehog décor at a store. I love to educate people on these cute little friends. It was so bad my brother in law one day walked into my old apartment, looked around at my hedgehog collection and sighed saying, "Wow, you really do like hedgehogs."
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bunmuffin · 2 years
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Meet the Eatens! Just a regular family, who own regular local town shops, and live regular normal human lives.
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fili-oeuvre · 4 months
You know how chimpanzees and other apes show their teeth as a sign of aggression, but humans started using it as a way to show that they’re happy.
Well, if a human (from a safe haven) smiles at you, how do you know if they’re really being friendly… or if its them telling you “I see you and I’m going to get you” in a sense that they are going to run you down until you can’t move anymore and devour you or just that “you can’t escape from me and you are mine now”.
Just that predatory glee (/thrill) of seeing your prey in front of you and you know where they are and know to find them and that they can run or fly or hide as much as they like, but you’ll still find them no matter what. So, technically they are happy when they’re smiling at you, but not the kind of “it’s nice to meet you” happy, but a “I found you and I’m going to get you” in a predatory sense kind of happy.
*humans ARE predators, technologically/socially evolved and omnivorous, but predators nonetheless and they are very, very bad views for many species here, and once they get their hands on you, you can be sure that they won’t be letting go anytime soon*
*obviously, not all humans are exactly like the ones in the safe havens since not all of them live there, but that’s something to discuss another time*
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heedra · 2 years
literally every single terrestrial creature on this planet that's mouse sized or larger will see a mouse and eat it
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aut2imagineart · 1 year
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Wanting to do some creature design, I decided to do some alien life native to a sapient species I create a while back called the Edderkopp. I'm going to start from the bottom as that's the order I created them.
Hestur: horse-like organism that represent a major group of herbivores native to the Edderkopp homeworld and are often use as mounts.
Himmelbeist: The largest member of a family of flying organisms, these powerful predators can effectively chase down prey on the ground as well as in the air.
Puun Asukas: This arboreal species is a primate equivalent to the Edderkopp, resembling what their distant ancestors may have been like.
Jordshakare: Enormous omnivores that are generally peaceful but can become extremely aggressive if provoked. They are believed by the Edderkopp to be distantly related to a race of giants called the Roshe.
I might expand on these creatures more. Only time will tell.
As always, comments and critiques.
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incandescentia · 4 months
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Killian chucking down 5 apples and 3 bowls of ranch dressing salad in his bad mood induced binge eating: (flatly) What
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echidnana · 2 months
there's probably some interesting patterns of like. predator vs prey therians. it really does seem like carnivores are much more common at least on tumblr
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natturuval · 3 months
Give kids a chance to learn about animals, predators, herbivores and omnivores alike, in a way that non of these are presented as good or evil. Nature isn't cruel or innocent, nature is neutral in all things where the only thing that is important is balance. Each animal in the deck is presented with just scientific statistical information and no judgement on the animals part. We see far too many times that children detest animals that eat other animals, and this is because they misunderstand the fundamental nature of ecosystems and that is balance.
Let the kids around you play a fun game while learning interesting fact about the animal kingdom
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edgescience · 1 year
We all know our dinosaurs, right? There are the two-legged horrible carnivorous monsters and then everything else that chows down on plants. That’s how the world works, right? There are herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. Life has been governed by the same rules that it is governed by now, and by that, I mean there are no rules. The concept of herbivores and carnivores is to help out with organization but doesn’t really reflect the reality of the situation. Both herbivores and carnivores fall on a spectrum of greater or lesser herbivory or carnivory.
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