#hero Mumbo jumbo
voidoffline · 5 months
I just realized, out of all the superhero or villain au’s I’ve seen for hermitcraft, none of them have Mumbo being a hero/villain. And I am now very curious to know what that would be like
And, I doubt anyone would know he’s a hero/villain, but I feel like he wouldn’t be good at keeping it a secret either. Like I feel like the only thing keeping his friends and anyone else who knows him from finding out, is his personality
‘Surly, surly, Mumbo kills a lot Jumbo wouldn’t be capable of fighting. Gosh I mean, that’s just ridiculous. Pft common, no way Mumbo is the hero/villain, [name]. Like let’s be real for a moment’
And Mumbo is standing in the corner sweating profusely and blaming it on his outfit being too hot for the weather (no matter what outfit he has)
And then at night he just summons purple/pink floating magic square bombs that glow. And uses them well. Very well in fact, but he would never admit it and there’s no one to tell him how good he is with those square bombs. And even if there were he’d just blush and be like ‘naah, I can think of so many people who could do it better than me, really.’
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toadonahill · 14 days
TW! Blood and death + Spoilers for 3rd life Want some more Traffic smp/Mcyt members in Hero Forge?
Seems I found a new hyperfixation. So here's some more:
Treebark (Ren and Martyn)
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Flower Husbands but hearkbreaking
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Bumbo Vamponi (Vampire mumbo jumbo)
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Imp and Skizz!
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Desert Duo (Grian and Scar)
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TW! Blood and death
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brandyy0moss · 1 year
TRAPPED | Page 1-2 | TOGH au
oppsie- both of them silly
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I've not had you wait until its posted off my patreon because it took so long hsishsjs sorry
Au by myself and @stiffyck
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Hermitcraft x MHA au
I will never use this au but I had to get it off my brain or I would not be able to get anything done. Fair warning, none of this is very thought out, so it is not my best work when it comes to aus.
I'm thinking that The Watchers would be the main threat. They want to return to a world without heroes. The way they go about doing this is by slowly targeting pro-heroes, attacking them when they're alone, and stealing their quirk; sometimes even going so far as killing them with their own stolen quirk. As these attacks become more frequent and heroes start falling left and right, the heroes decide something has to be done about it.
A group of heroes gets called forward by the hero commission for a top-secret mission to locate The Watchers and take them down before they can do any more harm than they already have. The main cast would consist of Grian, Pearl, Impulse, Scar, and Mumbo; with Etho, Cub, Gem, and Skizz as supporting cast.
Quirk: None. He uses support items to enhance his strength and speed, and uses a bow and arrow as his weapon of choice.
About: #1 pro-hero. He's wanted nothing more than to be the #1 hero ever since he was young and was very determined to do just that despite his lack of quirk. He takes the hero ranking very seriously and treats Grian like his rival. He is often disheartened by Grian's inability to take things seriously. Only a few select people are privy to the fact that he is a quirkless hero, and he ends up using that to his advantage when they find out The Watchers are stealing peoples quirks.
Originally, it was only going to be Scar that went after The Watchers, but he put in a request for a team, and The Commission approved of it. Scar was the one to recommend the commission ask for Grian's help, because as much as he considers him a rival and thinks he needs to take things more serious, Scar sees how skilled Grian is and wanted him on the team.
Hero Name: Sharpshot
Quirk: Explosion. He creates explosions from the palms of his hands and the soles of his feet.
About: #2 pro-hero. He never intended to be popular, and only really got into being a hero to have a little fun, but people ended up liking him, so his ratings skyrocketed at the start of his career and have stayed relatively consistent as it progressed. He could not care less about the hero rankings and isn't even aware that his own placement is so high.
He is very destructive and careless. He usually leaves a lot of property damage behind in his wake, which somehow does not tank his public ratings? He's a little cocky and a little full of himself, enjoys blowing things up just a little but too much. At first, he was only helping with the case because he thought it sounded fun. He would be the first team member attacked by The Watchers after their mission officially starts, barely making it out alive. He starts taking things more seriously after the encounter.
Hero Name: Ground-Zero
Quirk: Technokensis. He has a level of control over technology, such as computers and similar hardware. For example, he is able to remotely hack computer systems as well as security systems.
About: An underground hero who specializes in information gathering and infiltration. He always hated the sensationalized nature of the hero industry and tries to stay out of the limelight. He is well adept at hacking and creating programs without the use of his quirk. He only agreed to join the mission because Grian, his best friend, begged him to. Grian's reasoning? It would be boring without Mumbo. However, Mumbo ends up becoming vital to their mission and is the one to gather all their intel and get them into places.
Hero Name: Computo
Quirk: Lightshow. She can create clusters of light similar to stars and control their brightness and multiplicity.
About: #14 pro-hero. Despite being a new hero (only a few months into her pro career) Pearl's flashy quirk and endearing attitude has made her a quickly beloved and well recognized hero. She is very, very excited to be working with the #1 hero on a mission as important as this one.
Hero Name: Moon-Ray
Quirk: Candy. He can secrete a thick, caramel-like substance from his body that he can harden or soften at will. When hard, it is incredibly hard to break, making it perfect for securing villains and unstable structures alike. It's also edible.
About: #5 pro-hero. He's sweet and funny, so it is no surprise that he is fairly high ranked. He is popular with kids. His quirk is surprisingly effective for things like search and rescue, so he is often called in as a first responder to disasters. He doesn't fight very many high-class villains but will jump at the opportunity to help in any way he can whether or not he is outclassed. Pearl was his sidekick before she went pro, and he was the one who put the hero commission in contact with her for the mission.
Hero Name: ???
Quirk: Magnesis. He has control over all metals. Not only can he move it around at will, it can also become malleable in his hands and he can mold them into whatever shape he desires
About: Former #1 hero who retired after receiving near fatal injuries in a fight with a villain, including the loss of an arm and leg, and permanent damage to one of his eyes. He now works in the support department creating items for other heroes. He helped create some of Scar's support items.
Hero Name (former): Forge
Quirk: Chemical sweat. He can secrete any number of different chemicals from his body as long as he knows their make up (similar to Momo's quirk but he can only make chemical compounds).
About: Scar's longtime friend who has supported him from the very beginning even when others doubted him. He was the one who got Scar into contact with Etho. Due to the nature of his quirk, he can also create medicine, so he acts as a medic for the heroes. He likes to experiment with poisons.
Hero Name: The Doctor (not an official name, that is just what he is referred to as).
Quirk: Dove. He has a mutation type quirk that gives him a pair of massive, white wings. He can fly with them, and they also become rock hard to protect him from attacks. He cannot fly with them when they are in protection mode.
About: Skizz is Impulse's former hero partner and is currently a gym teacher at a hero school. He occasionally still helps Impulse out with villains/missions when it is asked of him. He is everyone's first go to for venting, and he gives a mean hug. He was Pearl and Gem's gym teacher.
Hero Name (former): Angel
Quirk: Manifest(?). She can take on the attributes of any animal in her immediate vicinity. For example, if a bird flies over her, she may turn her arms into wings or sprout them from her back (though that takes more effort and concentration). She does not have to see the animal for this to work, they just have to be near her. It works with bugs too.
About: #15 hero and Pearl's hero partner. They attended a hero school together and always had the intention of working together after graduating. Gem was disheartened when she was not invited to be a part of the operation to take down The Watchers, but she was happy for Pearl nonetheless and supports her all the way. She still offers support from time to time, but she is not an official part of the operation. She was not invited because they deemed her quirk "too situational" since it relied on a live animal being near her at all times for her to maintain a manifestation.
Hero Name: Fauna
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rachiecrown · 7 months
I dont fully remember what the og ask was but im p sure it was smth like
Hotguy and Cuteguy fighting for mumbos (a civilian) attention
Could be villain v hero, vigilante v hero, vigilante v villain, both on the same team
HEEHEEHOO THIS was so fun to write honestly :33 freakin have some villain Grian and hero Scar fighting over the silly civilian reporter with a mustache they both have crushes on!!
Also btw I used Xelqua for Grian instead of Cute Guy cause I feel like the resident supervillain would not appreciate having matching names with his arch nemesis.
Today was a perfectly average day. The temperature was nice, not too hot to sweat, not too cold to wear a coat. People made their way to and from work, here and there from places in the shopping district. Traffic wasn't too bad and the sun was about to reach its solar noon.
Everything, today, was normal, and Mumbo hoped to the high heavens above it would stay that way. Now, that was an odd wish for someone of his occupation, but nowadays all Mumbo wished for was just a bit of normalcy.
Mumbo was a journalist, you see, but not on mundane topics like coffee shops or pigeons (not like they were boring, no, they were plenty interesting in their own ways). He followed the stories and fights between heroes and villains as up close and personal as possible, even risking his life several times in the process.
At first, it had been an exciting job to follow fights both big and small with his fancy camera in one hand and his motorcycle's handles in the other, weaving through traffic dangerously and filming the way the most powerful hero and villain fought together above traffic. The hero lived up to his name, Hot Guy, with his majestic hair and his somehow beautiful scars, and the villain, Xelqua, was stunning with his white wings and graceful movements.
It had all gone downhill the day Mumbo got caught between a violent fight between the two. His adrenaline had peaked that day, he thought he was really gonna die! But for some inexplicable reason Hot Guy and Xelqua stopped their fighting, showing some sort of immediate interest in the journalist. Mumbo honestly believed he would never be scared again after that day.
Weeks and months passed, either one or the other of the powered menaces finding Mumbo and causing all sorts of mischief to surround him. Three months ago, all Mumbo wanted was a shot as a journalist to earn good money.. but today, all he wanted was a sense of peace and normalcy.
"Well, well, well." Well, there goes that wish. "If it isn't mister Mumbo." Ohh, great, he knows my name now. Mumbo turned around slowly to face the one and only Xelqua. The villain had his hands folded behind his back, his wings spread behind him as he took a few steps towards Mumbo.
"Well well whoopsie, looks like I'm in the wrong place at the wrong time." Mumbo muttered, turning back around to continue walking. He was stopped by silky gloves grabbing his shoulders and Xelqua putting his chin on Mumbo's shoulder from behind. "Don't be a party pooper, pretty boy." Xelqua cooed. Mumbo just slipped out of his grasp. "Listen, I'm sure you understand time constraints, I have somewhere to be." Mumbo lied.
Xelqua basically wilted at this. "You're saying you don't want to spend time with me?"
"When did I ever want to do that?" Mumbo shot back.
"Well hello there!" A third voice sounded.
Mumbo wanted to scream.
Hot Guy approached the two with a lopsided smile, his hand going to Xelqua's face and pushing him away. "Is this horrible, horrible villain bothering you? Do you need a safe escort to wherever you're going?" Hot Guy wondered. Mumbo glared at the two. "I have a lunch to get to before I get hungrier. Now if you'll excuse me-"
Mumbo turned on his heel, only for both of his arms to be grabbed by two pairs of hands. "I'll go with you!" Xelqua shouted, siding up to Mumbo. Hot Guy pulled Mumbo away from Xelqua, picking him up bridal style. "No, I'll get you where you need to go, safe and sound!" He proclaimed. Mumbo just sighed. "Here we go again.."
Hot Guy turned and ran the second Xelqua reached for Mumbo. "So where do you need to go, Mumbo?" He asked, his mechanical glider unfolding and letting him take flight. Oh, wonderful, you know my name too. Well, as long as this gets me where I'm going and you leave me alone, I'll accept it. Mumbo thought. "Shopping district, food court on Ninth Street." Mumbo said. At least this was free transportation.
Mumbo looked around and spotted Xelqua, soaring after Hot Guy with an upset look on his face. Mumbo sighed. "Xelqua on your seven." He exasperated, in which Hot Guy turned quickly around a corner and set Mumbo down. "I will defend you, beautiful citizen!!" He shouted boisterously, striking a pose just seconds before Xelqua tackled him
The two went tumbling into an alley. Mumbo, truly, was unfazed. He snapped a photo of the two wrestling for the news before he turned and walked towards his lunch spot, which was luckily only a block away now.
All I want is one day. One day! But noo, these two utter buffoons have to bother the ever living bits out of me. I'm chuffed, and not in the good way today. Mumbo's internal dialogue spoke as he entered the shop and made his order. He sat at a table near the back. Ugh, he couldn't even enjoy window views anymore because of those two..
Whatever. He had his food, and that was a good thing. Customers came and went as Mumbo filled up, slowly becoming more content with his day again..
..until Xelqua entered the shop.
There were shouts and screams from civilians as Xelqua spotted Mumbo and made his way towards the back. Mumbo would've let himself faceplant into his dish if he wouldn't get dirty. Xelqua stopped in front of his table and held up a thorny rose that was so very clearly picked from someone's rose bush.
"I'm sorry about Hot Guy ruining our special day," Xelqua said, "please take this rose!"
Mumbo stared at Xelqua incredulously. "What kind of stunt is this then!?" He blurted out. Xelqua pushed the rose forward. "I'm not taking the flower! It's full of thorns!" Mumbo then shouted.
The shop's door chimed again as Hot Guy entered, sauntering his way over to Mumbo and shoving Xelqua out of the way with a bouquet of red carnations. Hot Guy placed the bouquet in Mumbo's arms and procedurally messed up the mustached man's hair in the process.
"Is he bothering you?" Hot Guy basically cooed. Xelqua squawked in offense and grabbed Hot Guy's hair, pulling it, causing the hero to shout and grab back at Xelqua. Mumbo simply watched apathetically. Weeks ago, he would be flustered beyond no end, probably folding in on himself and unable to properly take the attention, but he came to realize in this moment that he had become desensitized to the antics the hero and villain put up.
Goodness, these two made Mumbo feel less like himself with each encounter. He dropped the flowers on the table and stood, snatching up his food and walking out as the two fools fought behind him. Being around them really just drained his energy, now.
It was hours later when Xelqua pulled off the stupidest stunt of them all, and Mumbo found himself stuck in an abandoned apartment in a pile of pillows with the villain curled around his torso. Despite his apathy towards Xelqua and Hot Guy fighting over him and getting him flowers, he could at least admit that his face felt a bit hot at how Xelqua's head rested on his chest and how his leg crossed over his waist.
Mumbo could only groan in defeat at the desperate antics of the avian. Whatever. He could maybe give in just a little bit, right? Not like this would matter once Hot Guy found this place and distracted Xelqua enough so he could make his escape.
Hesitantly, Mumbo let his hand hover over Xelqua's head. His mind distantly brought up the idea of pulling Xelqua's hair to get him off, but he mentally shot that down, as that would really only make the avian angry. He was a highly dangerous villain, after all.
He let his hand settle on Xelqua's halfway up hood. It would be a small gesture for anyone else, but to Mumbo it was a huge step of faith that the villain wouldn't get even more lovey over him.
Thinking back, this was probably a mistake.
Mumbo and Xelqua jumped as the door slammed open. "So this is where you've taken him!! You scoundrel!! You menace!!" Hot Guy shouted, pointing at the now incredulous Xelqua who held his head up with a look of shock on his half covered face. "How did you even find us!?" Xelqua shouted, which Hot Guy marched over and shoved the screen of his phone in Xelqua's face. "I tracked his phone!"
Mumbo cringed at that. Is that how Hot Guy's able to find me so easily? He was grabbed and lifted by Hot Guy, which Xelqua shrieked and grabbed Mumbo's arm. This quickly resulted in a tug of war with Mumbo as the rope.
"He's mine! I had him first!"
"Let go of him, you fiend!!"
"you both, please-"
"I kidnapped him fair and square!"
"Well I'm here to rescue him!!"
Mumbo yanked his arms away from the two and pulled in on himself. He was about to make a horribly stupid negotiation. "You two either get along and share me on that pillow nest right there-" he pointed past Xelqua, "or none of you will receive any positive emotion from me! Ever!"
The hero and villain both stared at the journalist, and something inside Mumbo's mind screamed at him for saying such a stupid thing. He already began to get nervous by the time the two shared a glance.
"Fiiiine.." Xelqua rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. Hot Guy kicked idly at the floor with a pout. "..maybe I could share.." he mumbled out.
And that was how Mumbo found himself more flustered than he'd like to admit in the grasps of two extremely powerful people who were just so oddly infatuated with him. Xelqua laid with his head tucked under Mumbo's arm, his left arm over Mumbo's stomach and his legs linked around Mumbo's right thigh. Hot Guy had opted to tuck Mumbo's left side into his chest with his right arm over Mumbo's chest and his left pillowing Mumbo's head. One of Xelqua's wings covered the three of them together, blanketing them in a sort of nice warmth that Mumbo didn't know could come from wings.
The journalist could practically feel the animosity radiating off the two, but he could really care less about their feelings for each other. He rested one hand in Xelqua's hair, and the other on Hot Guy's hand. Both the villain and hero made pleased noises at the touches. Mumbo rolled his eyes. "Goodness, the both of you are complete dorks."
Mumbo would just pretend that his cheeks weren't bright pink.
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aresonist · 1 year
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doodles (im still playing sims)
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spilledjelly · 2 years
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In a hero au slapped together with a friend, we created the awful idea of Mumbo being this big feared unstoppable villain, only for the heroes to accidentally end up with him in their care and noticing this man is the exact opposite of what he portrays
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avi-wings · 11 months
okay love the buttercups but now Mumbo NEEDS a secret identity
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optical-eyes · 2 months
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Hehehehe take many of my different Mumbos from my many au's (this is not all of them..)
1. Hermit Biker AU
2&3. Yhs AU
4&5. Female(Shape-shifter) within a skulk infection AU
6&7. Hero and villains mcyt au
8&9. Siren shake shifter in a Fantasy AU
10. Watcher in a season 7 AU
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I have a fic in the works that I am frothing at the mouth over and wish to share with someone so if you would like to hear about my Grian-centric modern hero/villain AU that has Minecraft mechanics that only Grian knows about, Rich Grian, minor Watcher Grian, minor Grian as a time-ascending godlike entity (compared to the other characters) who can move from servers at will (though the fic mostly takes place in the one), Arianna Griande, Cuteguy, a little Poultry Man, and MAJOR Builder Grian, a fic that includes supporting characters such as:
Major Characters
Mumbo Killsalot Jumbo
Good Times With Scar (+Hotguy)
Philza Minecraft (+Crowfather)
Characters Between Major And Minor
Jimmy Solidarity Gaming
Joel Smallishbeans
Kristen (+Goddess Of Death)
Minor Characters
Wilbur Soot
Tommy Innit
Tubbo Underscore
Ranboo Beloved
Lizzie LDShadowLady
Mentioned Characters
Mexican Dream (Quackity)
Blopwobbel (from Wilbur Soot streams/videos)
Tarii (from Wilbur Soot streams/videos)
Orelii (from Wilbur Soot streams/videos)
Wolfclaw Gaming (from Wilbur Soot streams/videos)
More is 100% going to be added later as I get more inspiration and/or watch different Hermnitcraft perspectives, but at the moment, this is most of it!! Please ask me about this fic I am begging you for an excuse send an ask send a dm and I’ll go for hours
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spyroforlife · 1 year
Hotguy and Poultry Man - Prologue
Ex-hero Hotguy, better known these days under his civilian name of Scar, has still been doing his best to engage with his fans since the incident with his nemesis that pushed him into his early retirement. He attends conventions, chats with people on social media, has even written a couple books, but generally, he sees his hero days as behind him. Until he's approached by an eager young man named Grian, who dreams of being the hero Poultry Man and wants Scar to train him. Hesitant, Scar gives him some pointers, and when he sees potential in Grian's powers, he agrees to mentor him. He just hopes the impulsive lad won't get himself into too much trouble before he's ready.
Rating: Teen
YEAH started something new, that hero AU I mentioned a while back, idk how long this’ll be but it’s a fun lil thing I want to work on. Gonna be endgame Mumscar but as for how we get there, well. It’ll take some time. And along the way we’ll have Scar training up Grian, who has all the powers of a chicken, apparently
What are those powers? Grian doesn’t even fully know but Scar can help him figure it all out :’)
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aflightlessraven · 2 years
Heroes Look Prettier In Pink AU
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Hi hello, new Grumbo AU time!!
Hotguy is the most well renowned hero at the academy, known for being suave, handsome and charming. Mumbo, however, only has eyes for his sidekick, Cuteguy, because, in his opinion, heroes most definitely look prettier in pink.
I really really wanted to write something with Cuteguy and Mumbo in it, so I finally gave in to the brain worms. I’m not sure when it’ll be done, but it’ll be up on Ao3 at some point :3
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rurus-kadoo · 11 months
Tumblr I have some THOUGHTS about the recent episode and am now a Mumbo STAN and will defend him legally if anything arises
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Hero. Legend. Mumbo.
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brandyy0moss · 1 year
They just ended up pushing beds together for following nights
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sadevergreen · 1 year
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ok here’s the grian design for my folk hero au- i have made conclusions about things ;^;
grian is a silly little architect! he builds things to protect the city- he’s actually good friends with many people on the town council but 🤷‍♂️ what can he say, he likes a little resistance
but where’s mumbo you ask?
that’s uh… that’s a good question..,,,.,,
where IS mumbo?
grian, where’s mumbo?
we thought you were the last one to see him
you were inspecting the outside walls together
grian, only you returned
where. is. mumbo. grian.
grian! answer your fucking door!
where. is. the. final. member. of. the. city. council.
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voidoffline · 5 months
I’m gonna call my Mumbo Jumbo hero/villain au ‘V for Vigilante or Villain?’ And I will not yet explain why
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