#heroforge ask game
that-house · 2 years
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154: Personal Security Drone One of my older models. Personal Security Drones serve as automated replacements for human guards, leased out from one of many companies specializing in their manufacture. They're great at taking bullets for you and brutalizing trespassers, and as long as you don't piss off the corporation you're renting them from you'll be fine.
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scriptmyworld · 2 years
I want to visualize my new dnd character so bad but I. Cannot. DRAW!!!!! *screams and telekinetically throws everything around the room*
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fishofthewoods · 1 year
Hi!!! I’m enabling you to talk about your OCs and I’m listening so intently. For the ask game, numbers 7, 9, and/or 10!
gonna answer these for carnelian my cowboy robot!
7: What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
This isn't super specific to carnelian since its the whole world, but when I first envisioned the story the setting was straight dystopian far-future sci-fi without the cowboyesque stuff. The aesthetic was pretty boring so I decided to switch it up a little and it made the designs much more fun! I haven't drawn anyone from this story but I've made a few of them in heroforge, here's Carnelian's new look [description in alt text]:
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skipping question 9 because i dont have a lyric
10: What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
I think a modern AU could be fun! Mostly because a lot of Carnelian's story is based around the fact that she's a robot, so it'd be interesting to try and keep the themes while changing the setup.
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vamp-orwave · 1 year
tell me about erica!!!! and then i will tell you about mine!!!
Erica Murakami (born Fisher) is a white girl who grew up between Australia and Japan, and spent most of her life pre-change trying to reconcile her own cultural identity and suppress her deep-seated anger issues. She's always loved running, and wanted to be an olympic level athlete, but eventually gave up on her dreams of representing either country on the world stage when reality got in the way, as it often does. Now she works as a floor supervisor at a 24/hr gym so she can pay the rent between hunts.
Erica's first change was under the New Moon on a visit to step-family in Nagano. When she returned to Australia, some wolves from the Adelaide Protectorate found her and helped her swear her oath to the Moon, and she was overjoyed to finally have an outlet for her anger and an identity she could embrace fully and aim to excel in. Naturally, she chose her speed as her point of pride and took the deed name Windrunner. Eventually, she learned a gift to control the winds as well. She typically takes a chaser/herder role in hunts, driving the prey towards the heavier hitters and making sure they don't escape. Teeth and claws are her favourite weapon, but throwing daggers extend her reach when her speed fails her.
She also has a cultural context for spirits that the Adelaide wolves are lacking (as this was only angle I could tackle Forsaken with that was interesting to me at the time lol), and was followed home from Japan by a maneki-neko (there was some conflation between yokai and spirits in our game that I'm not sure is addressed in source books) who became Erica's… spirit roommate?? and helps with managing her territory in exchange for essence and special treatment.
Here's a heroforge I made of my Erica :) you can tell me about yours in the comments, unless you'd like an ask as well!
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margindoodles2407 · 6 months
It's Back- Zelda on Heroforge PART SEVEN: The Classics
I am going to go ahead and put this here: TW for blood
I may ramble a little bit so it's going to be under a break :) And as always, click for best quality :)
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Genesis- The Hyrule Fantasy: Okay, so part of the reason this was on hiatus for so long was because I could not figure out his design. Obviously, very few of my Heroforge designs are exact replicas of how the characters look in my brain and in my hand-drawn art, but man, Genesis here was something else. But after my long break, and with a little fanagling, I am... actually kinda proud of it! He's only 10 in The Hyrule Fantasy, and I tried to mirror that in his pose, with the look of quiet terror on his face and his not knowing how to hold a sword. I kinda imagined he was in the middle or end of a dungeon, perhaps facing off the boss (which explains the bruises and the bloody nose). Also, note the bottles and backpack and the Recorder! I liked being able to add on all of his stuff >:)
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Genesis- Zelda II: The Adventure of Link: This is the Genesis that I accidentally made too handsome 😅 (Only later did I realize that it might be because he kinda looks like Anakin Skywalker. This is what happens when you have two hyperfixations at once, kids.) ANYWAY. He's grown up since the events of THF- it's been 6 years, after all- and now is a much more experienced fighter, so his look of fear has been replaced with frustrated determination, and he now knows how to hold a sword. His outfit has also changed a bit, since he now works in and lives at the castle. Also, he is supposed to be wielding the Magic Sword, and he has less stuff because this game is more focused on magic, so he has a bunch of magic objects in his backpack.
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Dawn- The Hyrule Fantasy: Dawn I struggled with because, while her physical appearance is practically perfect, Heroforge doesn't really provide many options to accomodate her big fluffy dress, to say nothing of my WAYYY overcomplicated fanon design for it 😅 But overall, I think I'm okay with how it came out. So. My ✨vision✨ for this was at the end of the game, after Ganon has been defeated and Genesis stumbles into her dungeon for the first time. So her dress is dirt-stained, and she herself isn't in the best condition. And she has this look of genuine shock and surprise on her face, because I think she was starting to give up on hope. You may ask: well if she was a hostage, why doesn't she have shackles? And my answer is that I simply didn't think of it until now :/ Oh well :)
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Dawn- Zelda II: The Adventure of Link: She doesn't canonically appear in game, but obviously she's still very much a part of the world, and I like seeing how she's grown up since the events of THF. I think her time in Ganon's prison has definitely scarred her, but she's learning how to heal and is doing so very well, being a gentle and very kind woman and a strong, compassionate ruler. I like her dress even less than the previous, but that's just because it's not up to the standard of my drawings. Also, loyal friends will acknowledge her teacup and the headcanons behind it.
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Ganon: This Ganon is actually a direct copy of his design in A Link to the Past (which I'm linking below), except that he no longer bears any of the grandeur of his previous designs or any connection to his Gerudo roots, because he's completely lost his mind. I tried to convey this through his posture and pose. And I actually kind of ended up feeling really bad for him as I designed him, so... take that as you will T^T
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Impa: Okay to be honest. I really have nothing much to say about this incarnation of Impa. I was barely able to cram any Sheikah imagery in there and I just, overall, don't care for this design. Having said that, I find her characterization, on the other hand, to be so interesting. I think she and Dawn are very close, and that Impa practically raised her, and worried so so much about her during her imprisonment. And now, I'd like to think she acts as a beloved mentor to both Dawn and Genesis, helping Dawn rule responsibly and making sure Genesis is successful as a swordsman and as a protector and boyfriend good friend to Dawn.
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Somnia (Princess Zelda I): Okay, I'm going to be honest. I'm not completely in love with how she turned out. But I suppose I did all I could for her. Again, it's just that it's not how she looks in my head. But anyway. I tried to make her look how she would when she's asleep, because I didn't feel like posing her crazily 😅
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The Prince and the Wizard: Full Disclosure- I think this one is my favorite. I love how Somnia's brother turned out (I tried to make him look older than he is in the official art; my logic is that if he inherited the throne instead of Somnia it must be because he's the older sibling, because it's not like their father didn't trust her to rule since he told her the location of the Triforce). And I think the "wizard" turned out creepy enough- I say wizard in quotations because if you look in the official art, he seems to be made of the Prince's shadow, and I think he was perhaps a minion of Ganon's or even, like Aghanim, a projection of Ganon himself.
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Zelink: If you've been around my blog long enough, you'll know about Genesis's love of tea. So naturally, that's what I had to incorporate into this one. I like to think they have tea together every morning :) Note their matching teacups :) AUGH I am so proud of this one :)
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Zelink 2: Okay disclaimer. My heart is set on the previous Zelink in regards to the Classics. But this scene is so iconic that I am legally obligated to include it. So. You get two. Pick your favorite. (If you have questions about this please don't be afraid to ask, I'm sure I'll be much more eloquent when answering 😅)
I hoped you liked it! If you have any questions or comments, I'd love to hear them! Next up is Twilight Princess, so keep your eyes peeled >:)
Previous Lineups (in case you're new or just want to revisit them):
Skyward Sword
Ocarina of Time (part one) (part two) (part three) (part four)
Wind Waker
A Link to the Past
Hyrule Warriors (part one) (part two)
Breath of the Wild
Various Zelinks
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moonfurthetemmie · 10 months
Xena (she/her)
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PLEASE ask me for the extra simping heroforge thing of her
Shit stirrer. Idiot gremlin. Resident little guy, the little birthday boy (she 6’0, 65% muscle, and a woman who only has one birthday a year like most of the rest of us)
She keeps picking a fight with people and then backing out when they get mad like ‘heyyy. Heyyyyy. Im just a little guyyyyy! You wouldn’t hurt a little guy!!’ but she’s not a little guy so it doesn’t work and someone has to bail her out. She doesn’t like fighting. She just likes to fuck with people. 
Every time they’re supposed to be training and learning to fight, and how to deal with the Maelstrom, Xena whines about it. She doesn’t want to fight the stupid cloud of nasty emotion magic, she wants to play video games with the others!! She gets less whiny as she gets older, but her feelings on it hasn’t changed at all; she’s just stopped being so loud about it.
She has a very similar giant sword to Cross, but she also picked up the crossbow. As good as she is with the sword, she usually prefers to be at a distance to take out her targets. Less risk of injury, usually. 
She may look confident, but she doesn’t really deal with any kind of conflict well.
Other stuff:
Her alignment is Chaotic Neutral
i don't have much else that's coherent sorry. i have a FEW things but it'll have to go with Java's ref 😔
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kawaiijohn · 2 years
thinking about the fuckin moment that made me question lack of representation (on the disability side of things) at an early age
When I was about 8 or 9, maybe 10, I showed my aunt with spinobifida who's used a wheelchair most of her life my sims 2 gameboy game.
She got excited when i described character creation and then asked me if you could use a wheelchair and I told her no. I had also mentioned the computer games, so she asked about those, and if there was a way to make herself, and when I said 'no, there's no wheelchairs I don't think.'
She got so so so disappointed.
That moment is a fucking core memory.
It was the Sims 2, and why the fuck aren't wheelchairs or mobility devices in games like the sims, even now?
why aren't there more mods for them?
like there's cars in the sims 2, there's so many tiny details in that game. why didn't they expand it in 3? why are there no hearing aids or prosthetics in the better games of the series? why are those things not a normal option in character creation overall?
why is it the only action game i could play as a character in a wheelchair sly 3? Why is a platformer from the mid 2000s better disability rep than most of the fuckin games that have come out since?
why was it an almost 20 year old game let me platform and stealth in a rocket wheelchair but I can't even make my aunt in the sims 4?
yes there's been smaller games where you can do this, or 2d dating sims, or otherwise, but there's no fuckin excuse for triple a game companies to not attempt this, especially not for life sim games.
the only representation a lot of disabled folks can get for character customization options are picrew icon makers and fucking heroforge
what the fuck
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feliosfarkus · 1 year
fughkin pinned post!
join me on cohost, same username over there
i use she/purr/glitch/pix (give me any cat/robot neos you got)
general bigotry
radfems in general
pedo/map or zoo
i just dont like you
your Vibes are Off
stuff about me!
i am no longer a minor!!! do not send porn or shit like that tho
i do like to write, tho i dont do enough of that
cat, robot/andrioid, fox and raven/crowkin (not 100% on the last one)
if you followed me for one fandom or another you are never going to see it again i rb so much shit
aroallo dyke in a poly qpr with the-tyler-as-in-skyler and quinsrandomness <33
trans people are. so cool. and hot.
send me asks i fucking love asks
tho if you send me an ask from an ask game please send me a pic or general description of the ask game i have shit memory
if you want me to trigger tag smth please let me know, no matter how "stupid" it may seem i will do it
#the cat rambles: general use original post tag
#queue are a walking second place medal: my queue tag
#d: : the tag i use to save stuff, like d: drive on your computer
#certified otherkin moment: i just put this on posts that seem relatable to me as otherkin or i think it would be funny
#vent: what it says on the tin
#solidarity forever: stuff about unions
#there’s the god of war: weightlifting vids
#the cat writes: microfic tag
#the cat creates: art/mostly heroforge tag
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nerdasaurus1200 · 10 months
For the Weirdly Specific Artist Ask Game! (I'm getting so much better at sending fewer questions! XD)
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself?
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate?
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in?
9. What are your file name conventions?
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what?
14. Any favorite motifs?
17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? If so, what?
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended?
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated?
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself?
Just like you, I post about 90% of my art ^_^
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate?
Okay I had to google this, and I think I know what this means so I’m gonna say oil paintings. They’re all so complex
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in?
I wouldn’t say I’ve lost interest, but there’s quite a few art ideas I’ve had recently and I just can’t do them because I can’t actually draw.
9. What are your file name conventions?
I try to categorize them so when I search them on heroforge a certain section will pop up. So I’ll have labels like 7K God, post series, crossover, etc.
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what?
I do! I usually listen to music while I draw
14. Any favorite motifs?
Because of what I typically do, I’d have to say character design XD
17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? If so, what?
I usually have a lemonade and crackers or chips. Sometimes cookies
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended?
I’d have to say your interpretation of my sundrop and mooonstone human forms @th3p0rtalmaker, cause you pointed out a couple things that I had no idea I did and it made it so cool that someone noticed that.
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated?
Hmm, I’m not sure…probably my post series designs of the gang? Just cause those were really fun to do.
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tabletopbrainrot · 1 year
Not dead, just that kinda tired that goes deep. Have another heroforge since I don't have anything new to post.
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I didn't die, just been tired from work and haven't had a game in like a month. So here's one of our monk's she wears a mask because she's representing her people and not herself in business matters. I had a clip of the turn around but because my brain is the smallest size possible to sustain sentient life I made a it a gif instead of an mp4 and now if I want to upload it I'd have to make it 10mb or a video again... so what if I just
So anyway that is one way to do that I guess? Anyway Nedylene here is the daughter of a Dragonslaying monk and Matron of a former Dragon stronghold city, what happened to the dragon you might ask, well her mom uses it's skull as a throne so that math checks out. Her Dad is the current chief of a band of Wood Elves that live basically on the doorstep of Nedylene's mom's mountain. Dude's a lost puppy I swear, She's totally still into him but is trying to put on a hardass mask. Why kill the dragons you ask? Why are there cities that used to be ran by dragons? Well a long long time ago so long that nobody remembers the Goddess of Magic split the weave and entrusted it to the Dragons and sundered herself. Some time after this the Dragons decided that Interns were a good idea and made everyone else their involuntary Interns. Eventually there was a mass Intern revolt that ended up with Dragons on the endangered species list. After our little side stop in Barovia for our Witch's backstory we accidentally reintroduced God's to the ecosystem, and they're looking at the mess the previous version of themselves left wondering what the hell happened
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I am here to ask about the antrocyanins
ANTHOCYANINS my good friends anthocyanins
So I am in this game of an rpg system called Stars Without Number which is really cool, it takes place in outer space and you can play as an alien which is what I did. I said "I want him to be the kind of alien where that's just a human looking guy in the right lighting." So I made a heroforge and gave him pinkish skin that looks passably pale under a halogen light, and hair long enough to hide his pointed ears, and thought I would call it a day.
And to the others, i was like "good grief i cannot do what i did last time i made an alien character and go into the specific proteins in their blood this time" and my DM went lmao why not and i said "BECAUSE" and she was like hmm. Okay. He has vanadium blood then. And i said "dont do this to me. You KNOW if you say something I'm gonna want to decide what it actually is." And she said yeah. I know. He does have vanadium blood tho.
So I made a group chat with the players called Biology Conference, I sat down, and over the course of I think what turned out to be 600 messages I live-typed my entire thought process justifying his phenotypes.
Anthocyanins are a category of pigment generally found in plants which range from light pink to very saturated reddish pink to warm purples to almost-blue purples. I believe there are six major ones, if I recall, and pretty much any time a fruit is magenta or purple it's due to anthocyanin content; for example, ube, purple cauliflower, and a whole lot of berries. They are partly responsibe to pH, with the structures for different pigments forming in different levels of acidity or alkali. They are sometimes listed for their health benefits by food blogs and like webmd for things because as a food component they do have some possible benefits such as anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, though that wasn't the part I was interested in.
They also are the primary pigment for pink and purple petals (yes i did the alliteration on purpose when i realized i could) in flowers, and along with being attractive to bees and birds, they also function a bit like the pigment humans have in their skin as well, as a defense against the damage that the sun's radiation can do.
That last part was my justification for it being my species' skin color, but it also serves a social purpose; though they are largely spacefaring now, they evolved on a very green planet, and as a social species the bright color was partly aposematic to advertise that they are not good to eat (their blood is very acidic! And it does have a vanadium compound after all, i ended up deciding, upon finding out that it would actually end up being the correct yellowish color I had been envisioning.) but mainly to make them very easy to find for other members of their species. It's brightest when they are very young and fades slightly with age, diet can affect it a tiny bit, and you can see when they are VERY ill because it gets a lot bluer.
Honestly I read about this for like six hours and there was a while there where if you said "anthocyanin" to my friends from the game they would groan and grumble the way people do when you make a good pun!
So thats the basics!
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that-house · 2 years
heroforge 69 lol
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69: Eviscaran Imperial Guard The magically-lobotomized super soldiers who guard Emperor Karrimand Lexios I of Eviscar, Imperial Guards (also known as Ash-Drinkers) wield a substance between smoke, fog, and a heatless lightless flame which consumes flesh in seconds.
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lt-sarai · 1 year
On top of playing Pathfinder2e (which I've accepted and mostly gotten over), there has been a another decision I'm salty about.
So I decided to open up Pathbuilder and make my character.
I'd decided on a Halfling Witch with the Mosquito Witch Patron. I paid the $5 so I could edit my familiar (Goliath Beetle), asked for a name (Tim), and created Luna Thornbrush on HeroForge.
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All this took.....a few hours.
Only once I was done was I told we were restricting options to the books we had physically available between us.
Guess what's not in any of the books available between us?
The fucking Mosquito Witch patron. Which is the whole point of this character.
So that got scrapped and now I'm making a Ranger. And I'm salty about it.
I mentioned this witch bitch DAYS ago. Really wish literally anyone had informed me that we'd be limiting resources before I basically wasted an entire night making a character I'll never use for a game system I don't even like.
Honestly I'm only still participating bc these are my friends and this is the only time I get to see them and if I don't play this game with them then I just won't be playing at all with anyone or able to spend time with them.
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re-bee-key · 2 years
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(Tiny bit of lore below)
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Been making a lot of characters on HeroForge lately and I feel like Im getting better at character design? Im happy with them anyways.
Would love to hear what people think! Which character would you want in your game? Which one would your OC fall in love with? What do you assume about me based on my characters? Which is your favorite?
Im gonna preface this saying, I didnt make these characters with the intention of interlocking their stories. Its just, as I was putting the images together I noticed some similarities and put them in rows to match the similar ones. And my brain was like, what if they were in dnd parties?
Campaign 1 is the Left Side and Campaign 2 is the right, also it takes place 100 years after the first campaign
Blue is sort of Serèn's daughter. Serèn is a druid and does some weird magical stuff that imbues a sentient mushroom coloney with her essence. The mushroom (Blue) wants to experience life as people do and turns itself into a clone of Serèn's likeness. Blue is circle of spores druid.
Blue is based off my minecraft OC. Who was corrupted by mind-controlling blue mushrooms.
Is it too much to have two princesses in the same party? Cause i kinda like the idea of Serèn and Undyne both being princesses of fallen kingdoms. Serèn a space elf princess and Undyne is a sea elf princess from a coral reef kingdom. Serèn's kingdom was recently taken over by an army of Aberrations who are rapidly taking over the Astral Sea. Undyne's kingdom was taken over by humans when she was very young. She grew up in a fishing village and was a pirate for some time.
Pyarc is a mixture of western and eastern dragon design. She is a half dragon. Half dragonborn, half lightning dragon god. She totally does cool Demon Slayer type sword attacks.
Dart is a Frog Goblin and my Mom's favorite of the bunch. She is a bounty hunter and scarily competent for how silly she acts.
Sona is a circus acrobat. Inspired by Ty Lee from Avatar and Cirque du Soleil. I cant decide if she was always a warforged or if her soul was put into one. I like both designs so maybe she is one of many warforges created to sell to kings all over the world. But somehow she gains sentience or remembers she was a person once? Not sure yet. Mostly just diggin the design.
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cappurrccino · 2 years
!! !! !!
many ttrpg characters for you, my friend!!
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first off, my good good pulp cthulhu boy Roland! (I did introduce him when the game started, but that was a Whole Year Ago and he's been on my mind because I've been binging Malevolent, so!)
he's the (currently in game) 26 y/o fantasy son of Howard Carter, the Egyptologist who isn't much good at fighting, but IS quite good at languages (he started the game with 5 and picked up a bit of a 6th just sitting in a cafe for a day) and sticking his nose into trouble (a dust monster partially blinded him last sesh, but it's ok! he got better AND was smart enough to not try to shoot a rifle while trying to blink away the supernatural pocket sand)
he's the MOST fascinated with the occult and weird eldritch stuff people keep whispering about (even though he can't believe what eshe saw) and i'm sure Nothing Bad Will Come Of That At All :)
he's perfect and i love him and i WILL cry if something kills him
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next up: Lynne Cadogan!
this is an old monster of the week character of mine, but she was SO much fun. she's a demon, works in a flower shop, has an angel best friend & partner in crime/pretending to be cops/playing detective, drives a mint green prius and has a sawed-off shotgun in a pastel backpack
if her game ever crossed over with tma, she'd find a way to get on ghost hunt uk SPECIFICALLY so she could harass the ghosts and/or melanie and/or the entire archives staff
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in answering this ask, i pulled out my binder of all my old character sheets and man there are SO many good ones, but i'm gonna go with Juran for #3 because i think his design is cool as FUCK and heroforge got advanced enough a while back for me to actually get close to what i had envisioned! (and yes he was named for the umbra questline song from warframe that makes me cry every time i hear it)
he was my character for an angelic homebrew @warlordfelwinter made and ran years and years ago and i don't remember most of what happened (my literal only note says "vaguely remembered fighting in a battle and then woke up in a lake of fire" lmao) but i DO remember that he was a messenger and would use his big-ass wings to catch thermals and jetstreams and the like to be Quick with his deliveries, and that he ended the game with a bag of beans (unused) and an iguana (heroforge only had a turtle)
[send me a !! and i'll introduce you to an oc!]
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gir-posting · 2 years
tell me about your oc julian? 👀
im so excited u dont even get it
so full disclosure i only kind of consider him an oc bc for some reason in my mind tabletop/dnd characters count Less for some reason. but i made him for a curse of strahd game i did with some of my very good friends and it so far has been one of the most satisfying and fun campaigns ive ever been in
(also warning for some mentions of body horror/gore and violence it was in fact a horror game. shocking that i really enjoyed the horror game ik! also some spoilers for curse of strahd HEHE)
to start with here are some visuals, i drew all of these but the heroforged pic
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^^pidlwick more properly to scale here. + some doodles of the other party members hehe
so to start with curse of strahd is a very dracula flavored campaign; the land of barovia is cut off from the rest of the world by a thick suffocating mist by a powerful vampire lord, strahd von zeravich. he has also cursed barovia with eternal night so that he can thrive without having to worry about the sun. he is also a huge bitch. here is a funko pop i bought of him at a convention because i am not immune to capitalism
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julian (or his serial code JL-9) is a warforged created by a mad scientist named molostroi. molostroi was worryingly adept in making flesh homonculis. so he murdered a looooot of people to make his creations. that includes julian, who contains the organs and brain of a person that molostroi murdered For Science. he was also created specifically to murder people, with a built in weapon and everything (that shield you see him wearing in the pics earlier is mostly there because he was hiding the armblade embedded in him. he did NOT take it or his armor off willingly ever.) the goal was eventually to replicate julian in many many many more murder machine robots so that molostroi could execute a siege on strahd's castle
however, unfortunately for everyone, due to the fact that julian has a once human brain, he is sentient! and has been picking up some very clear lessons on morality by reading children's books about a divine hero and how to Act Heroically like him. (this sets up in his mind a pretty clear dichotomy between Heroes and Monsters. heroes protect innocent people while monsters attack them without any real care.) so when eventually he gains enough of a conscience to realize he is fully murdering people and that is very very bad, he lets someone that he was assigned to attack leave unscathed. this does NOT go over well with molostroi and he's almost immediately set to be dismantled and reworked over this.
except, uh-ohhhh, julian was made to kill people, so he turns right back around and murders him instead in a fit of panic. whiiiiich immediately makes him break down because he knows that murdering people is very wrong, and he just did it again, and he must really be a monster if he's still capable of doing such a horrible thing while knowing it's wrong. all of this makes him cry out for forgiveness and help (something he picked up from one of his stories about the Divine Hero) and shockingly someone answers.
the morninglord/god/the sun (whose forced absence is what created the endless night across barovia) answers his prayers and knights him as a paladin, because he can sense his passion for good and doing right by others. it's not very clear in those drawings aside from the second-to-last i suppose but his armor is branded with this symbol as proof of his devotion:
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after this happens and he leaves the lab he develops some reactions to his trauma, if something happens that reminds him of the things he's done he'll just. go insane for a minute. his head starts spinning around and he sounds like an exceedingly loud tea kettle. (the first time this happened (other player dumped blood on him because they are weird and insane) i asked the dm to play this song on the music bot because i am a giant predictable geek)
also, in case there was any doubts about how horrible molostroi is here's some journals we found when we eventually had to go back and find something in his laboratory (lovingly and expertly written by the dm. ily hal i can't wait to play with u again when you're ready)
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so on the academy: molostroi had a colleague named blinksy, who we meet at his toy shop some time after leaving strahd's castle for the first time (it went very poorly we lost three party members. two of them were only gone temporarily but oh baby. rip *sneeze* we miss you you funky little kenku.) while we were there we found a weird little clown robot dude who liked to follow us around, named pidlwick (shown above. he's very different in the source material but plllbbbbtttttt we have our own version and we like him.) we had to very quickly find some manner of engineer because while we were there he got injured and there was. blood! coming out of him. we got blinsky to take a look at him and he veeeerrry quickly recognized molostroi's work. then he took a closer look at julian and was able to recognize that him and pidlwick were made in the same horrible way.
all this to say blinsky became kind of a father figure to julian and pidlwick. after all was said and done and we defeated strahd, allowing the sun to come back, the scene we leave julian on is him fishing with blinsky on the lake.
that's kind of a rough and dirty description of him especially near the end there lol but god its very hard to summarize dnd characters when there's soooo much to cover in entire campaigns. but either way my boy i love my traumatized robot boy so so much
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