#hes LOVE OF MY LIFE shaped😞
hyunubear · 3 months
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euphor1a · 1 year
to the boyfriend i want so hopelessly but will never have, happy birthday milove ♡
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#gyugyu 🐶#hiiii ! yes this is the mandatory ‘it’s my ult bias day’ sappy ass long delulu message from aleyna 💌#so pls proceed with caution bc once i start talking it’ll get ... yeah. anyway#happy mingoo day everyone 🥺🥺#he the loml 💖 (... one of many but let’s not talk about that *cough*)#i just love him so much :((#the giant puppy boy who stole my heart and never gave it back 😭😞#also he’s literally the most boyfriend to ever boyfriend?????? it’s so unfair ☹️#just another day of not having mangyu 😔... what is life#do you know the feeling when you like look at someone and your heart starts swelling in your chest so much that it hurts??#that’s exactly how i feel whenever i look at mingyu 🥺! i appreciate and love every little thing about him so much i :(( can’t explain#he’s soooooo comfort shaped i love him 😞. god. wanna pepper kisses all over his face and tell him how happy he makes me and#how precious he is and how i’d actually commit arson for him 😭#also wanna kith those pretty moles 🥺🤏🏼 nnnnnnnn#why so babie if so huge 😔 he’s literally a giant puppy baby ashtsjjdhk GOD#when he laughs/giggles >>>>>>>>>!! my heart is hurting so BAD i’m so fond of him 😭😭😭#every now and then i find myself going; SIR WHY ARE U DOING THIS ARE U WILLING TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR MY POOR HEART??#like loving him literally unlocked a whole new spectrum of emotions for me idk how to explain this like a sane person#in short this is like. the most fucking delulu i’ve ever been in my life 💀? or at least it feels like it...#😩 just one chance PLS!!! PLS I BEG!!!! :(( i’m so down bad it’s SO BAD#a very brainrot inducing man (the type i always fall for 😔?! started seeing the patterns hhhhh)#the amount of love my little body holds for him is insane 😷 (little in comparison to him btw... i’m generic female height 👾)#loving mingoo feels like a rainy night where you’re cuddling with your loved one under a blankie; about to fall asleep bc of how cozy u are#i wish words were enough to express how i feel about this man... but it really isn’t 😕!#he just means a lot to me okay?#he’s everything and beyond 💓 i love him like my whole life depends on it (although i’m like that for several people)#not my fault that my heart is so fucking big and it has separate places to store everyone i adore 💖#happy bday babylove 🥺 i hope your day is filled with the happiest of moments and you can celebrate properly 💕#it’s so sad that you’ll never know how much you mean to this random girl on the other side of the world :/#i’m so done for aren’t i? took like 40 minutes to type and everything... sigh. i love him so bad </3
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theoceansluvr · 2 days
Tim Drake x Baker! Reader
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warnings; threats ? not against the reader or Tim author's notes; MY ALL TIME FAV !! I LOVE YOU TIM DRAKE😞 another indulgent work bc i haven't baked in years and every time i get a new favorite character i have to project my baking habits onto them <9 i yapped a lot but he's my lil guy so he deserves it
he LIVES for your baking
literally if you make pastries he's the first one to eat one and tell you how they're amazing
you might not be Alfred but he'll be damned if he says you aren't competing with him
i feel like he really likes scones ?? idk but make those and you have his whole heart
not that you didn't already-
he's a sucker for any kind of pastry really
he loves cupcakes and cookies don't get him wrong
but absolutely nothing beats muffins in the morning he doesn't care
specifically blueberry !
if your anything like me you hate other people being in the kitchen while you back
and as much as he'd love to help you out
he's terrified of getting yelled at for trying to sample the batter
never again
but you do let him sit at the kitchen island while you work so he doesn't mind
since he's a tragic insomniac, you usually find yourself baking so he'll have something to eat at the wee hours of the night
he gives you a big ole kiss each time as thanks !
if you sell your stuff he makes absolute sure you get your money.
has ans will threaten to ruin someone's life over this
he means business when it comes to you
which also means chasing his brothers throughout the house because they stole the cookie that was left out for him.
every single time.
you've learned to just start making extras at this point because gods know these boys don't know how to behave
not Tim related but you've probably made Damian little animal shaped cookies
you are now his favorite person because of this. not that he'll ever tell you
back to Tim !
uses that good ole Wayne money to buy you the best stuff <9
only the finest ingredients for his rose i fear !
matching aprons even though he doesn't helpT^T
he thought they were cute and you couldn't argue
drops the worst hints whenever he wants you to make something like
"Oh wow you know what would be sooo good ? *Insert whatever baked goods you'd like*. It's so tragic we don't any.."
he's the worst and i love him
you bake every single one of his birthday cakes and nobody is complaining
it saves the time and energy PLUS everybody loves your baking !
and Tim slightly gets to brag about how good you are at it
(all of the Wayne kids so off their partners if you couldn't tell-)
he would LOVE spice cake and i can't explain why ?
sure he could eat any kind
but spice cake just does it for him
tried to bake you something once and he still hasn't gotten the flour out of his hair
Alfred almost had a heart attack when he found him on the kitchen floor with a cookbook
Tim made him swear to never tell you or anybody in the house..
it's a great wedding story though
he's your favorite and best taste tester as well ! he's fairly honest about what's good and what isn't
those detective skills also come to use with this for some odd reason ? can't explain why
with all that being said !
he's my absolute favorite man ever and he's perfect and he deserves everything i have ever baked !💛
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enhadiares · 3 months
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“Believe in fate”
Quote by the great Sunghoon Park
Note: I tried writing a little drabble to see how I write or yk to have an update about my skills . It's not the best . I don't like it honestly but I need it for the feedback and constructive criticism so I can get better. Please bear with me during my getting better phase😞🙏
Warning: Not proofread (I'm sorry I was impatient 😭☝️)
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I was walking around in the dim lights of the road . The moon shining and glowing like it found someone to spend it's life with.
Ironic isn't it?
We've always been told that moon shines alone in the dark night sky , but have you thought about the stars it's surrounded with? The numerous stars which shine brighter than the moon alone , yet their size makes the moon outshine them.
Oh how lucky the moon is , to be surrounded with stars which shine bright yet it's the only one which stands out the most .
Sometimes I don't want to fine my moon , but rather my star and be the moon.
I was in deep thought . I had face yet another break-up. When will I find my star? It was agonizing really but it's not in my hands. I'll leave it to fate. I hope I'm destined to be with someone who would love me like the stars love the moon.
Deep in thought I didn't notice another presence, making me bump into them .
I stumbled back , didn't fall tho . It would have been more embarrassing. I looked at the person in action . He was tall , blond hair sticking out - falling on his forehead. His plump lips and his long eyelashes : oh just how jealous all of the girls would be of him . His nose sat upright while his dark shade almond shaped eyes stared back at me in amusement.
“oh I'm sorry , I wasn't looking forward” I stated
He chuckled a bit while looking down then brought his eyes back to mine.
“it's fine don't worry , happens to me all the time”
Then suddenly I felt something on my shoes , I looked down only to see this pure fluff of joy looking at me with so much anticipation, wagging it's tail back and forth aggressively, tongue darted out while painting hard.
“looks like I'm not the only one who likes this pretty stranger” the guy winked
Adorable. Both of them were adorable. So I bent down and started to pet the little ball of sunshine and looks like she really did like me . Although I was unaware of his feelings and thoughts , the moment seemed to take my mind of things and made me calm down a bit. It was comforting really.
I didn't remember about my break up , it's thoughts didn't cross my mind even once during this interaction with this cute duo.
“Im jake and that's Layla , my partner in crime” the stranger , who wasn't a stranger now stated.
“aww she's cute , I'm y/n”
“Pretty girl got a pretty name too. Would you like to join us for a walk?”
I thought about it. Should I? Maybe i should. I mean there's no harm is there? Without any other thought I said yes and we proceeded to walk towards the park .
Little did I know , fate brought me to not one but two stars.
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daydreaming-en-pointe · 6 months
A very Spidey Christmas - Gwen
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Pairing: Gwen Stacy x fem!Reader
Word count: 644
Warnings: Use of nicknames (sweets, my love), reader keeps falling but I think that’s it?
A/N: I have never ice-skated in my life, so if anything’s incorrect please don’t hesitate to correct me! <3
quite short bc all my inspiration went into the oneshot of my other gf 😞 (hobie)
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“I don’t get how you do this so easily,” You huffed in frustration after falling yet again on the hard surface of the ice skating rink.
“It just takes practise, sweets. You’ll get it with time.” Gwen effortlessly glided along the ice in circles around you, her skates drawing deliberate, almost perfectly symmetrical shapes.
“I’ve fallen on my ass more times than I can count today. I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m the worst out of everyone at this.”
“Well… I never said it would be easy,” She chuckled softly, pausing and reaching down to grasp your hand and help you up. “And come on, you’re definitely not the worst - look at everyone else.”
You spared a glance around for the first time, since you didn’t have to concentrate on keeping your eyes up and focused on one point.
Miles was tumbling everywhere, falling flat on his face at least three times every five minutes. Pavitr was using his yo-yo webshooters to lasso various railings on the opposite end of the rink and pull himself carefully toward them. Hobie had somehow attached the blades - sole and all - of the skates to his giant boots and was happily clomping around in his own world, lifting his feet and not even bothering to attempt skating. Honestly, it was a miracle he hadn’t tripped up and fallen yet.
Margo had dropped out at the last minute and was sitting on one of the benches off to the side, sharing a packet of skittles with (the other) Miles and scrolling on her phone.
“Coward!” You called over to her, and she just chuckled. “Just so you know, I’m filming every time you fall! I’ve already got eleven shots for the compilation I’m gonna make!”
You rolled your eyes at her and pointedly tried to turn your back but just ended up rotating slowly on the ice. “You have a point,” You admitted to Gwen, and she tilted her head as if she was considering something.
“Let’s try something new, yeah? Here,” She moved behind you, gently resting her hands on either sides of your waist. “I taught you how to glide, didn’t I? Stroking is similar, just… you extend the movements more so it’s faster, but more difficult. Try gliding, and make it longer this time. I’m right here with you; you won’t fall. Don’t worry.”
You shifted your weight onto your right leg, tentatively placing your left blade on the ice a few inches ahead of the tip of your right skate, then slid your right leg to align with your left. You repeated the motion a few more times, getting used to gliding consistently before lengthening your strides and getting bolder with your speed.
Throughout everything Gwen was right there behind you, faithfully holding onto your waist to steady you, occasionally murmuring words of encouragement whenever you faltered and cheering you on as you sped ahead so she had to rush to keep up with you.
“I’m going to let go, sweets. I think you can do it. Do you still want me to hold you?”
“I think I can do it now…” At your words, she gave a hum of approval and let go of your waist. You flew forward, managing to catch yourself and turn away before you could hit the railing. Gwen smiled fondly, watching your movements carefully.
“See, my love? You’re doing it! Next I’ll teach you how to swizzle, it’ll be easy now that you’ve learnt how to-”
She was immediately kneeling at your side, her eyebrows scrunched together in concern. “What happened? You okay?”
Your single look must have been enough to convey the pain you were feeling in your already-sore behind, because her eyes softened and she leaned forward to press a kiss to your forehead.
“I’ll get the ice packs from Margo… how about we take a break for a little bit?”
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A swizzle (from what I understand) is the hourglass thing ice skaters keep doing which looks so cool!
@vhstown @l0starl @tatumis-a @deritosmi @therealloopylupin2099 @hobiebrownismygod
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soquimic · 8 months
Living in my 4d right now, I’m so happy to wake up everyday with my warm big ass blanket in my big bed in my big room and perfect house with a perfect family..💕
I hate going to school and everyone greet me politely and hugs me and everything, so clingy. 🙄
Being confident in my pretty curvy plushy pear shaped body perfectly made for hugs and snuggles, omg cuddling with my partner watching the whole my little pony series 🥰🥰 (he’s forced to, he can’t escape me).
I hate waking up everyday in the void but whatever, my void be pretty as hell. It’s like just deep ocean with jelly fishes ::
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I hate waking up at night, and I see a pretty big full moon and then my vampire best friend come bother me (I love him sob) he’s such a bully 🙄
I love eating anything I want in illegal human amounts without gaining a single gram, my body is so pretty
I love my pretty curls, so bouncy they accessories my pretty puppy eyes. I’m basically a born beauty,, 😞
I love how everybody is so nice and respectful towards each other, I go in streets people be playing together ?! Wholesome asf..
I love how I got a more peaceful life now I can enjoy life with Krishna, he be helping through the whole thing must be happy to see my success🥰
i love it all too 🩷
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jkvjimin · 8 days
do you think that jungkook knows we love his nose so much? 🥺 i mean, he already knows we love his tattoos, his eyes, his jawline, his chest/abs/thighs (heh), his piercings etc etc. but idk if he knows how beautiful we think his nose is...
I do hope he does knows that. I mean, I know he already saw good comments about his nose if my memory is not tricking me, but I'm not sure if he knows that we actually LOVE and ADMIRE his perfect shaped nose. My only wish in life is to make him sure of that 😞 but we already knows his mom made him pretty so- sdjaksdk
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sourlemons262 · 1 year
Hey! I just made a little post on this but I wanted to ask you because you’re writing an amazing amazing fic about Matthew.
Do you think Stay Stay Stay (TV) suits Matthew? Every time I listen to that song it reminds me of him and it just sounds like a song someone in love with Matthew would sing.
And now I can just see Midge feeling like the girl in the song and I have a very cute mental picture of Matthew carrying Midge’s groceries and making jokes while she’s laughing and she’s vexed. And of course, they’re flirting which we all love XD
What do you think?
Heyyyy @daisymydaisycarstairs! Omg I’ve literally never had someone send me an ask about my fic before—I’m so honored and thank you for being the first one to do so! Idk how many of y’all are interested in, or have read, my fanfic, Every Saint Has a Past, Every Sinner Has a Future (ESES for short), but if you find that you care about this post in any way, shape, or form, give me some validation and heart it 🫶. I’ll try to keep the spoilers light, accordingly (pre ch. 5).
Okay, confession time: I eased you in with that super long intro to admit, rather unpleasantly, that I don’t really like Stay, Stay, Stay. 😬 Ikr I’m the worst Swifty on planet earth (/j) 😞 but it’s just too sickeningly adorable and sweet for my taste. I bring this up only to justify that this is why I never really connected that song to Matthew or his potential love interest.
However, I’ve had a few relistens to it and I agree that it would fit Midge and Matthew in many ways! For one, yes, the helmet, the banter, the groceries, the laughing is very, very Matthew. I also think Midge would be the type to throw something at his head when she’s incredibly frustrated.
But in addition to that, the whole part about “dating self-indulgent takers who took all of their problems out on [them]” really rings true for Midge when we consider the other awful prick in her life. And, in general, the whole motif of the words “Stay” in regards to Midge is important, as she unfortunately has begged for someone to “stay.” In this case, however, I can see Midge say it to him in a playful and loving way—a way that doesn’t leave her questioning if he will leave her.
Because of this, your song has (with my reluctant permission bc I’m still not the biggest SSS fan IM SORRY) has been deemed to be worthy entering the esteemed Spotify playlist! (By the way, PLEASE send song requests to add to the playlist! I will look them over and add them if they fit the story, with your opinion on how they do so, of course!)
Because this is an ESES and fanfic-related ask, I’ll include my regular tag-list. Please comment and let me know if you would like me to add or take you off this tag list (or if you’re not interested in asks like this because lord knows I can ramble for ages about the dumbest stuff).
Tag list: @soybean-official @ibrushmyteeth-donttellanyone @tess-is-reading @lemonalienlime @bankofwildflowers @justbrainrot @akisekurahara @fangirlfreak08 @daisymydaisycarstairs @luciehercndale
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amourcheol · 1 year
i have a few things to say and first of all i’d like to say how dare you? genuinely, how dare you? you are absolutely insane
the way i went through an entire rollercoaster of emotions that went from pure despise to shedding actual real salty tears is sickening, i want to yell at you fr
to repeat myself: how dare you? how dare you write such a fic that left me in shambles, on my knees, crying in a walmart parking lot, going through as many divorces as txt did for lovesong, bawling my eyes out, throwing myself against a wall and did i mention i cried?
jesus christ dear god goodness gracious holy mother mary i am NOT okay, it is 5am and i need to work tomorrow (more like getting up in 1 hour to leave for work) and i just could NOT stop reading your cheol work, i HAD to know how it ends, i could physically not handle not knowing how it plays out
first of all id like to say that the way you write is pure poetry, the words and descriptions you use are so rich in detail (like the paintings hehe) and gave your fic so so so soooo much life and depth, your writing style is just so mwah mwah 5 star michelin level, i can not stress enough how incredibly good your writing is
and the plot???? i saw 41k words and was legit like 👁️👄👁️->🫥->🤨-> 🥶 because i have the brain capacity of a fly that just flew against a window at full speed but OH GOD reading it was SO worth it and let me tell you, the plot was so good ???? like never did i ever even think about skipping a paragraph ahead
also, the way you wrote the characters is so good i don’t know if i want to throw something at you or smooch your brain, you really said enemies to lovers and not:
person a: “i don’t like you.”
person b: “fine i hate you too”
person a : “shall we still kiss?”
person b: “okay”
you legit said you’re whipping out a steven spielberg quentin tarantino oscar worthy plot i’d pay for to see in a movie because DAMN the characters (especially cheol lmao) were so well written and had SO much depth to them
next up, the scenes, THE SCENES
i hope you know you took my heart, shredded it, let birds pick it apart, threw it into the smoothie mixer and blended it, cut it with a chainsaw and then made it combust with that scene with cheol and his uncle talking about how he is in love and risking his career
also, the way you gave the nickname so much depth???? how did you even come up with that like??? your brain is built different, i swear if you were to take an x ray it’d be heart shaped because WHAT i SOBBED and i CRIED like actual water in my eyes down my cheeks, that was so cute, so precious and so tooth rotting sweet i want to run into a streetlight i could not handle that part of the plot i am still in shambles i want to sob every time i think back like ?????? (not spoiling anything specific here BUT AH THIS WAS SO KSKSKSKS)
in conclusion, i’d like to throw something at you for attacking the entire fandom like that BUT i would also like to wholeheartedly thank you for putting so much time and effort and thinking and love and brain capacity (yes your heart shaped brain, prove me wrong!) into that fic which is so so long but so full of plot and plot twists and lovely details and in total so lovingly written, your writing style is so nice like ???? the whole fic is a giant piece of art for real, thank you so much for blessing us with this, i wish you all the best and someone like the cheol you wrote to be your special someone, you deserve someone kind and caring and loving and only wanting the best for you because that is what you deserve
also i wrote this in a rush of emotions it is 5am my brain is dead and there might be typos grammar mistakes anything of the sort but i’d like to say i don’t know you but i love you sm for putting this out i hope i gets the appreciation it deserves and mwah i hope you’re having a great day
5 star Michelin level 😞😞😞💖💖😞💖💖😞💖💖😞💖 PLEASEEE im so glad u enjoyed the paintings description!! the art whore in me is very very happy 😞😭
A STEVEN SPIELBERG QUENTIN TARANTINO STAWPPPPPP ITTTT STOP THIS IMMEDIATELY I WILL KISS YOU 😞😞😭😭🥹🥹🩷 i was so nervous about pacing their hatred/love because I didn’t want them to just fall in love w each other quickly cause it wouldn’t be realistic at all !! thank u for appreciating that 🥹💖
SCR E WAMINGGGG UR WAY W WORDS ARE MILES BETTER THAN MINE ?;£:!3£33 UR TOO FUNYN LFMAOA I’m glad I had this much of an effect 😍🙏🏼 i will take being thrown shit at for my work LMDAO
HEART SHAPED BRAIN 😞💖💖😞💖 I’m so so happy u enjoyed the nickname bit cause idk nicknames are such an important aspect of ur identity and cheol is such a cute fucking nickname i feel like shitting screaming crying over it whenever I see him so i needed to express that 🙏🏼🙏🏼
OH GOD UR LITERALLY SO INSANELY SWEET??? I could only hope i find a man as insanely kind, beautiful, endearing as cheol (me and him would eat each other alive)
thank YOU for the kindest words, your ESSAYYTT of a review 😞😞😞💖💖💖💖 i honestly wasn’t expecting anything like this when I released cheol fic, but it’s people like you that make posting worth it 🩷🩷💖
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pepprs · 2 years
haven’t done these in a long while bc i stopped playing wobbledogs for like a month and a half but here are some of my favorite dogs i made this weekend!
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this is suzie (brown body and yellow / pink head) and nip (yellow body and green heads) and they are besties who are also in love! suzie turned pink in adulthood bc she is blushing hehe :D suzie is descended from cub (a dog in one of my last posts) and idk who nip came from but i love him. one time suzie was flipped upside down on her back like a turtle and nip came over to try to turn her right side up again! they stuck very very close together all thru their lives which was very cute bc ive never seen dogs bond like that before!
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this is ralphy and he is perpetually angry (antagonistic, unpettable, and food averse 😍👍). i forget what it was exactly that pissed him off (i think he like tripped over a piece of food or something as a puppy?) but he was angry literally for the rest of his life and nothing i did calmed him down. i tried praising him, scolding him, giving him toys, making him do commands, making him watch tv, mutating him, putting him in a zero gravity room… nothing. i ended up just storing him bc he was starting to make ME angry but i do appreciate his determination lol
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this is shnitzel and as you can see they lived a very hard life. i don’t have any good pics of them unglitched but they were stuck in this deeply disturbing fold for much of their life bc they had two heads that were way bigger than their body which was a lot shorter and smaller than them. i ended up storing them and then bringing them out into a zero gravity room so that they would never glitch again but sadly they lived the rest of their life in isolation 😞
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this is oinge!! i just really like how it looks hehe… its biggest accomplishment in life was being a very good digger after a lot of dogs who just didn’t care abt digging at all — it created some dens and also unearthed some seeds and toys!
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this is chug jug (named while i was singing chug jug with you w the background music of the game while creating him lol). chug jug was pretty normal throughout his youth but when he became an adult his final mutation included becoming a deeply cursed and depraved individual. his head kept twisting on his neck (see pictured). he kept deliberately walking into walls. and worst of all… i opened the game to see him appearing to h*mp another dog. SICK and twisted.
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MEET VICTORY ROYALE (who i mentioned previously bc IT WAS BC OF THEM that i got the one winged angel achievement thereby beating the game!!!!)! i also named them while singing chug jug with you and just casually trying to create a ratboy genius looking dog for the hell of it without attempting to get that achievement and when i saw victory royale my jaw genuinely dropped. fun fact they actually DO have two wings but both of them are on the same side (bc they have the double wings mutation) which is rly cool bc i was wondering if dogs like that still give u the achievement and it turns out to be true! victory royale didn’t have a very notable life but they started a trend and im excited to see their future descendants :~D
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say hi to queeky!!! they’re my first dog w unsynced ears and i find them so endearing. i liked her coloring in her youth better (she was brown with a darker green body) but the magenta looks cool on them too! i wish i could add more pics on mobile i got such a cool photo from when she was a puppy of their double tail wrapped around their body w one tail on either side
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AND FINALLY…. THE GIRL EVER…. MEET FAIRYBREAD!!!!! i am OBSESSED w this girl though i do wish her eyes had been a different shape and her colors hadn’t gotten so saturated as an adult… oh well. she is very cool and i love her :~D
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maerenee930 · 1 year
this doesn’t feel real… 😣 it’s been about 5 days and it still keeps hitting me over and over again that my papa is gone. 😞 i can’t believe he’s really gone 😓
my head is all over the place and just- it still feels so wrong. 😔
i wasn’t really close with him. not many of us were to be honest. it was hard to bond with him for many reasons. but over the past year, i had spent more time with him and my nonnie (my grandma. that’s what we call her on my mom’s side cause we’re italian) and got a bit closer to both of them.
(i realize this is a very long post and i’m so sorry it is. i don’t mean for it to be. there’s just a lot of thoughts and feelings i’ve had about this and would like to get them out on here as well. also, i’m very sorry for any spelling and grammar errors. and i’m sorry if all of this is like all over the place or of it doesn’t make much sense.)
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my mom would tell me that over the past year and a half, he always asked about me when she would visit him and my nonnie. which ngl, really surprised me 😅 i mean for the longest time, he didn’t really care for most of his grandkids once we started talking and forming our own opinions. i wish i was joking about that.
i mean don’t get me wrong, he did love us, but he only really liked us when we were small. 😅 it was like once we got older, he just didn’t care for us as much. unless you kinda put him in his place, he didn’t really care if you were there or not. or he would make comments about some of us gaining weight, telling us we’re getting fat and we need to start exercising more and lots of other unkind and not okay things to say to his grandchildren or his daughters or son. yeaaaah… he was pretty good at making his family feel bad about themselves… 😣
he like anyone, was a very flawed human being. but he was also just that, a human being. he had a lot of mental health issues that he wasn’t willing to admit, acknowledge/address or face. and those issues caused a lot of pain and heartache for him and the people he cared about. but for being raised in a time when that wasn’t even anything that was somewhat taken seriously, it doesn’t come as a total surprise that he wouldn’t take care of those issues for himself.
and when i stop and really think about it, even though this man loved to throw himself a good pity party and loved to wallow in his own pain and grief and as we joked was “always dying” (he was a very dramatic man lol) and while he also very much had the mentality that he was better than everyone, he really could be a good guy and had some legitimate reasons to wallow in self pity at times.
he was just a child during world war two. thankfully his family did survived it. but he also had a very abusive father.
he came to america from their home in italy twice and made a life for himself and my nonnie. leaving his family and the one place that was truly his home.
he suffered multiple work injuries over the years and one of them resulted in him actually losing all of his fingers on his left hand expect for his thumb 😣
he had multiple strokes over the past decade. one of which was one of the worst kinds someone could have and thankfully came out from it so much better than he could have.
and there were many other things that happened throughout his life and i only know very few of those things.
but the fact that he survived through all of the things he did, it just- it shows that he had so much strength and i do admire him for that.
and now as an adult, i can understand a bit better why he did wallow in self pity as much as he did. (i’m not saying it’s right that he did or that he let it consume him and stop him from having good and long last relationships with his children and grandchildren, because it wasn’t. i just can understand a little better as to why he would do it. and how those things helped shape him into the person he became, you know?)
my papa would tend to tell us grandchildren the same few stories when we were growing up. most of the time the moral of those stories was that we are lucky and spoiled children and that he had it so much worse than we did/do or ever could have. so you know, that was always fun to hear and felt great 🙃🤦‍♀️
and man oh man, did he love to talk about himself 😄 i mean this man really, really loved himself a lot lol. he loved to talk about how wonderful he was not only in general but so many things lol.
one of his favorite stories was one where he had a very rude boss who was a jerk and just an ass. and to quote my papa this guys was “the big boss”. well, one day my papa stood up to him and would giggle every time he said this or got to this part of the story and he said in his italian accent “and imma tella hims to go fucka himself” 😂 and after that, his boss respected him. he would tell us that he thought his boss was gonna fire him but he didn’t cause he knew he (my papa) was right. (that’s legit how he would tell it 😂)
it was so funny to see him giggle and just the fact that that was something that was so just like big to him and just so unbelievable that he would do something like that 😄
but to a lot of us, it sounded about right. and it made sense that he would say that to one of his bosses. it was just very papa.
one story that my nonnie always loved telling me about something i did cause of my papa when i was small was i used to sit on the top of the couch in the living room. idk why i did, but i did.
so anyway, one day i did it and papa told me i needed to get down or i could hurt myself. no i’m sorry, it wasn’t just because i would hurt myself, it was because i could’ve possibly broken his picture window and gotten hurt from it.
so me being my normal stubborn and sassy self, i argued with him and told him i would be fine and i wouldn’t fall back. i told him i’m not gonna get hurt and or break the window.
he told me i would and i needed to get down. so finally at some point i did. and i went to my nonnie all upset and mad. she asked me what was wrong and i very dramatically told her that papa was ruining my life 😂🤦‍♀️😂
it’s one memory i will never forget and am very thankful to have a silly and stupid moment like that with him.
i didn’t really have a lot of good moments with him. at some point i learned to keep my distance from him.
i would say hello to him and goodbye and didn’t really talk to him or with him unless he asked me something, told me to do something or if someone asked me to tell him something.
i just- knowing what most of my family had been through with him and the pain and heartache he caused them, and not really having the kind of grandpa us grandkids deserved or needed, it was hard to want to be around him.
it really sucks to have mixed feelings about someone you love.
someone who you were supposed to adore and look up to. but who just wasn’t the kind of grandparent we needed. i realize he was also just a human and wasn’t perfect and had a very hard life and made mistakes just like anyone else. but letting things throughout his life get to him the way they did caused him to do and say some very hurtful things to the other people that i love so much and who have been there for me and loved me and supported me in ways he really didn’t. 😞
how can i have mixed feelings about the person who helped bring my mom into the world? 😣
how can i have mixed feelings about the person who helped give me the family i have and wouldn’t trade for the world…? 😓
how or why could i not move past my issues and just push and push and try to make us have a better relationship?
why couldn’t i just push through my anxiety and heartache and just go see him and spend time with him when i had the chance to? to show him that i do love him and he does mean a lot to me. to be there for him when he needed all of us and i wasn’t. 😣
how could i not go see my papa one last time and tell him i love him. he deserved to know and hear that.
i should’ve told him that 😞
i’m so sorry i didn’t, papa. i do love you so much and i am so glad you aren’t in pain anymore. i’m so glad you finally get to be home with your mom and dad and the rest of your family.
i’m so glad that you get to just relax and rest. you fought and worked hard for so long and for so much of your life.
i’m very thankful i got to have you as my papa. i didn’t expect losing you would hurt quite as much as it does. but i have to say that i am thankful it does it hurt so much. it’s a nice reminder that i do and will always love you because you were my papa.
thank you for being my papa. thank you for ruining my life 😉
i miss you more than you know 💖
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rahleeyah · 2 years
Oh I read the Manhattan Serenade update around lunch time but FFNET was being glitchy and annoying when I tried to review it. Such a unique concept. I have a feeling there’s a dark side to Olivia’s backstory and that’s why she hasn’t told Elliot 😞 digging Brian Cassidy being a bodyguard but glad he wasn’t there today so EO could interact alone
FFN is the worst but thank you for coming here with your thoughts!!! there is some darkness in olivia's past - there would have to be, wouldn't there, to take our olivia from the life we know and put her in this position? there are things she's keeping from him for exactly that reason, bc she isn't ready to visit the hurt that shaped her and brought her to this point. but there is a plan, and he will eventually learn about it.
i put cassidy in there bc i love him honestly, anyone could've filled that role, it could've been a uc, but i wanted brian bc i really enjoy the way they work with each other, the way they care about each other. the way they love each other, perhaps not in the "you're the only person i'm going to love for the rest of my life" way but in a way that is love nonetheless. it was brian who helped hold her together after lewis and i wanted to preserve that here, and it also makes room for some fun banter, and gives olivia a friend.
i can't wait to share more of this story with you!!
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foxyslide · 2 years
TW cw, cals burned, stats, bmi, Ed mention, mental health, ramblings, long ass post, and ugly mugshot
(EDIT: lol I had posted pics of myself but then changed my mind and removed them)
(Not from today)
Hi it’s me 👋 all Shea-buttery. I hope everyone’s doing better than I am..
It’s 11:19, got home from cycling 18miles again along greenway. Cw is 54kg on the dot. 60cal x 18 = 1,080cal burned again, but I think it’s more since I was cycling nonstop for two hours unlike my journey to work.
Did not fast yesterday :,-( was going so well but I think because I slept the whole day it was difficult to sleep afterwards and I had the pizza and ice cream hubby had brought home 😞 felt so shit afterwards. It’s so shit I can’t purge, neither physically or otherwise (physically because I hate the sensation of vomiting, it’s not for me. Otherwise because of my husband, he wouldn’t put up with that shit).
I wonder would drinking a shit ton of coffee help after a binge?
Hubby has said that if this continues, this obsession about loosing weight, he doesn’t know how long we will last together. He’s worried that I will never be happy with myself, and he doesn’t know how long he can handle it. I’m so comfortable taking about my problems to him I don’t realise when I’m doing it and how it’s affecting him 😟 definitely need to journal and draw I need a way to vent. And I guess vent more on here instead of to hubby, to give him a break he deserves one.
he is honestly the one who’s been keeping me from kms, he’s the voice of reason, he’s the Angel on my shoulder, telling me I’m loved and I’m perfect the way I am and I am cared for and I need to stop bullying myself. He keeps me sane when I get really paranoid, doesn’t matter what other ppl think, even if they think badly of you doesn’t effect you, you’re getting in with your life. Live your life to your own standards, not someone else’s. Great advice that I never ever take 👍🏽
Yesterday we realised the voice in my head is the voice of my mother, and he told me the only way to end this is to confront her, he’s told me this before but I just CANNOT. Just the thought of it makes me wanna hide under the bed. Yes, like a child.
it’s her voice that tells me I’m too fat, that I have no self control, that I need to finish everything on my plate but oh my god I have cellulite we need to do something about this, never mind that I’m seven years old. I’m too lazy too stupid too inconsiderate, I don’t have a good memory I forget everything, I loose everything, I don’t appreciate the value of money, of things, I don’t appreciate what others do for me. I am selfish, greedy, I will never make it in the outside world, I will never make it on my own. Look at your friends, look at your cousins, they’ve done so much with their lives, and how slim they are! What’s wrong with your legs? Why are they so fat? You need to exercise more. Your arms are good, but the rest of your body… you’re not going to eat?! But I cooked it FOR you!! You can’t waste food! I raised you, I gave up my life for you. I’m telling you now don’t have kids. What the hell are you wearing?? What the hell are drawing?? You’re crazy!! You’re a monster!!
you know what mum just let me be a fucking monster then. And leave me the fuck alone.
lemme just jot down my stats and goals again because I let myself go. I need to get back on track. also scary thing although cycling is my fav exercise I can see the muscles I’m gaining on my thighs and I’m just like 💀 I mean I wouldn’t mind having shapely legs but if they end up quite big I’m gonna have to give up cycling.. plus muscle weighs more than fat so is cycling a good way to do this anyway? Am I gonna at least reach my first gw?
height: 163cm (5’4)
Hw: 70kg (154.3lbs)
lw: 52kg (114.6lbs)
gw1: 49kg (108lbs)
Gw2: 47kg (103.6lbs)
Ugw: 45kg (99.2lbs)
revised ugw???: 40kg (88.1lbs)
current bmi:
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I can’t wait to see that needle drop
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12:16 am pt 31 may 2023 Wednesday
After I saw Scott wrote on his Facebook that I’m a whore, in that moment in I think July 2010, I decided I was going to be celibate until I found the right man. I needed to prove to myself that I wasn’t a whore. Words can be empty and meaningless when they’re lies. I really didn’t want to be a whore. 12:19 am pt but now that I’m falling apart, I wish now that I was! Even more!!!!! 12:20 am pt
12:21 am pt my aunt who had a baby at age 42? She said she was a virgin until she got married. She even said in 2015 that she wish she wasn’t a virgin. 12:22 am pt mayb being a virgin runs in the family? My mom’s first pregnancy resulted from being black out drunk. And she was always working up until that party, her whole life. She said she usually got in trouble with her mom if she ever tried to sneak out to have fun. She always had that bad luck, but all her siblings got to sneak out and not get caught. 12:24 am pt
12:25 am pt except I got the Saint Lucia/Mickey mouse toy curse.
12:44 am pt incubus miñions are my neighbors. They’re making the place shake a lot more louder than me. It sounds like maybe they’re jumping. Angryly. Destruction of buildings seems to be in their job descriptions. 12:46 am pt
12:47 am pt a lot of women stay in abusive relationships Bcz incubus makes them stupid enough to stay. And then they die. 12:48 am pt I was stupid to see Scott again in 2007, and 2010.
12:49 am pt incubus miñion warned me all men are heinous. All including Scott Cano? I guess????? & unfortunately I guess incubus then, too. 12:50 am pt it’s unfortunate that he thought it was ok to pretend he was my husband and then burn me almost to death many times to say NOT! I probably am nearly dead inside. 😞😤🥵😖😭 at least I tried to like whoever I was with. It wasn’t a joke I was playing on anyone. But he didn’t want to understand or see it that way. It seems now. 12:54 am pt
12:55 am pt oh I’m making that assumption Bcz I found Hanes men underwear 🩲 in my room. 12:56 am pt
1:26 am pt I’m thinking now maybe 🤔 he did understand but he was going to pretend he doesn’t understand Bcz he doesn’t like me and he wants me dead ☠️. 1:27 am pt
This has gone way too far. I think the world 🌎 will never change. And if men really like to rape 11 year olds then why and how would it stop 🛑 if that’s who they naturally are? 1:29 am pt me, I can argue that a lot of unnatural things were done to me. So unnatural results occurred. 1:29 am pt
2:40 am pt anatomy I think 💭 has to do with the shapes of structures like bones 🦴 and organs? Physiology I think 💭 has to do with function of those structures. If woman cannot rape man Bcz she “can’t make love to a bush” an unerect p*nis, then rape is inherently a man/male only trait. Kissing and touching leads to s*x, so a predatory male who wants to have s*x is more probable to initiate those actions to get to the s*x/rape. 2:44 am pt
2:48 am pt therefore desires/hormones would have to be traced back to the source donor. To really eradicate the problem. 2:49 am pt therefore truly a man would have to pay the price. 2:49 am pt
3 am pt I have been seeing headlines of weird cases online.
4:27 am pt when an incubus touches a woman 👩🏼 in an intimate way, don’t be fooled. They only want you to not arrest them for their s*x crimes. 4:28 am pt they want you to stay quiet 🤐.
4:29 am pt when an incubus tells you he loves you, it’s a lie. He might as well be holding up a mirror 🪞 and telling it to himself. He will only love 💕 himself. 4:30 🕟 am pt
4:39 am pt I feel pain in my throat that is probably a hole 🕳 from being eaten by acid repeatedly. The incubus/miñion, when I had my eyes closed, put his or her mouth 👄 on my neck under chin area and closed their mouth 👄 sliding it shut. So it felt intimate. And they’ve been doing this to me forget how long probably at least a whole month. So, if they do that to you, beware. It’s not a good sign 🪧. They all lie about love 💕. Like David Scott cano, and they are “bros.” Guilty by association. Birds of a feather flock together. 4:42 am pt “Brendan” wanted to buy me airplane tickets 🎫 when I was 16 years old to see him to have s*x with him, back in 2001. So Bcz they’re “bros”, best friends, we have to suspect cano does the same thing. In 2010 after I saw Scott again, I got a phone call ☎️ from a private number. She said she was a friend of a friend of a friend etc of scott. She told me a friend of his also did that sudden no condom s*x thing, cat hair thing?, to someone. She seemed to be telling me Bcz it seemed to be trending among his friends. Sometime we see in movies guys try to do bets. They try to out do the other. 4:47 pmpt 4:48 pm pt. I’m guessing this person heard me getting upset at Scott when I complained about taking plan b. 4:48 am pt
4:53 am pt this thing is never going to be over. I can tell. Bcz I’m dying 😵. 4:56 am pt I realized this now, that neighborhood is very quiet. I don’t recall hearing anyone around. Probably could hear a pin drop from the other side of the street. The only thing Scott complained about were the sound of birds in the morning. 4:57 am pt
5:19 am pt incubus protects other rapists. And he likes to kill women he had s-*x with. So, it makes sense that he would mess with a woman 👩🏼 zombify her to make her do things that she wouldn’t normally do but is characteristic of .... 5:21 am pt
5:22 am pt Scott had a friend named Marisa. She seemed to have a crush on him and they knew each other probably since high school 🏫. He seemed to start messing with her after he stopped seeing me, and b4 Courtney. I’m not sure but I think 💭 he was using her for something and wasn’t genuine when he started hanging out with her. I had took her shopping at a little grocery store 🏬. She probably showed him which store 🏬. She wrote on Facebook “hanging out with a brother from another mother.” And she posted a picture of herself blushing 😊. I read online blushing is a sign 🪧 a girl likes you. It was probably for Scott. Then on his wall after he seemed to pull away from her she wrote Scott likes boobies. It was basically a tactic to try to get attention. About a year later she got a new boyfriend and wrote she was so thankful she found someone who didn’t have something wrong with him. I think 💭 he hurt Marisa. And set her up for disappointment. 5:27 am pt
5:52 am pt guys like an easy loose girl for themselves but not for anyone else. 5:53 am pt
I5:55 am pt Scott probably touched Marisa’s boobs. A guess. 5:56 am pt
11:09 am pt the incubus is willing to hurt me this much for things he tricked me into doing. He is willing to change (lie) about the past (autocorrect acid 11:11 hot acid? Butt pain). Example: my drawings. Pictures of my face.to show me that he doesn’t care or he doesn’t want people to know that he told Nick v/b I was a whore and he probably used me. And probably use it psychologically to break me down by losing the opportunity to date someone I started liking too late. I think 💭 Adam Noah Levine is dishonest and dishonorable. I think 💭 he’s embracing who he really is when he tortures and kills me and hides truth from me. 11:17 am pt
3:57 pmpt I think 💭 i figured it out: when a man 👨 asks to have s*x with you, and he hasn’t said: I love 💕 you be my girlfriend/wife - it probably means he has already decided you aren’t the one ☝️ for him to marry, he’s going to stop 🛑 seeing you soon 🔜, and he’s going to try to get whatever he can from you (acid mouth 👄 pain 4 pm) for instant gratification to hold him off? Until the next interested girl shows up 🆙. He already decided you’re a whore. 4:01 pmpt
4:02 pmpt stop 🛑 trying to like him to see if he could potentially be your husband. It’s the end. Either you enjoy the s*x and acknowledge to yourself this is the end reallly of dating this guy, or you go back home 🏠. Know that this is highly probably the case. I formerly heard if a guy really likes you he’s careful about how far he goes with how soon 🔜 like Heath ledger in 10 things I hate about you. 4:05 pmpt
6:52 pmpt I didn’t touch the skin of children. They tend to touch anything and sometimes they are covered in snot and anything germy 🦠. Even at work when the eczema got bad on my hands 🙌 I wore gloves 🧤. The skin of my hands 🙌 got very dry easily Bcz I washed my hands a lot. I was ocd about it sometimes especially if I had to fold laundry 🧺. Maybe other things too like when preparing food 🍲. Ever since high school 🏫 probably senior year it was especially troublesome. It started out like that in elementary school 🏫 when the eczema started when I was 8 years old. I had an episode of washing my hands 🙌 a lot Bcz it was already dry and I had the misconception that washing it would rehydrate it/moisturize it. A momentary misconception. 6:58 pmpt
7:03 pmpt I was prescribed medication for my eczema every year since I was 8 years old for my eczema. My first boyfriend was very clean 🧼 and conscientious probably about hygiene 🪥 with the exception of his pillow for some reason (I complained about it). But that’s the only thing I probably ever complained about. He was half Asian and wanted to be Japanese I guess even though he wasn’t. He liked anime and took Japanese language classes and karate 🥋 and a holistic medicine class. He was allergic to cats 🐈 but they had a cat 🐱. But she could never come into his room. 7:08 pmpt
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daydreaming-en-pointe · 6 months
A very Spidey Christmas - Pavitr
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Pairing: Pavitr Prabhakar x fem!Spider!Reader (Margo, 1610!Miles, Gwen and 42!Miles are here too [not coloured means no lines, just mentions])
Word count: 742
Warnings: CHEESY AS HELL! Nickname used (meri jaan), Pavitr kinda falls off a building, Mariah Carey lyrics (those deserve a warning don’t they 💀), lil bit of desi coded reader if you squint??
A/N: I know I included lyrics in this but now if I have to hear Mariah Carey crooning about Christmas one more time I will scream 😞
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“Pass me those scissors, please?” You managed to mumble around the roll of tape in your mouth, your hands occupied with holding down the corners of wrapping paper which were stubbornly refusing to sit flat and cover the gift properly.
Margo glanced up and shot a web, grabbing the scissors and handing them to you. “Here. Watch out, they’re really sharp.”
“Got it, thanks.” You shifted your elbow onto the layers of paper where the corners met, snipping albeit uneven pieces of tape to secure the haphazard folds. “Wait, where’s Pav? Didn’t he say he would get the ribbons-”
“Meri jaan!”
The familiar nickname drew your attention to the terrace of a building just opposite the balcony. You squinted at the shape of a person, all characteristics hidden by the sun’s glare except for the fact that they were waving their arms hysterically at you and seemed to be holding a megaphone of some sort.
You shared a glance with Margo, who was nervously studying the way that Pavitr was rather precariously standing at the edge of the right corner of the terrace, right next to the safety railing — which didn’t even reach past his knee. Some safety railing.
“This one’s for you!” He yelled, bringing the megaphone to his mouth. “I don’t want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need…. I don’t care about the presents, underneath the Christmas tree — I don't need to hang my stocking there upon the fireplace…”
Look, you adored that boy, you really did - everyone knew it. And you knew that he could sing Bollywood songs beautifully if he wanted to. English pop songs, though… specifically Mariah Carey… not so much.
The megaphone crackled and slowly faded out for the next few lines, until Pavitr stopped and bashed it against his palm thrice and it fizzled back to life in time for the most iconic line. “All I want for Christmas… is y-”
Before he could finish his onslaught of mildly terrible singing, too many things happened at once — Pavitr, who had been unknowingly inching toward the edge during his spectacle, toppled off the side of the building, Margo dropped the scissors with a sharp clack, and both variants of Miles leaped through the kitchen window and crashed into the dining table, followed by Gwen gracefully sticking the landing in a crouch before stumbling over the rolls of decorative tape you and Margo had left on the floor and almost falling flat on her face.
Whoops. But then again, you probably had bigger problems.
Namely looking out for the absolute dumbass you had fallen in love with.
You leaped out the window that Miles and Gwen had dived through, shooting a web to the side of the building and using it to pull yourself toward it, then lever yourself down into the small alley on the ground beside it.
“Pavitr, where are you? Wh- Pavi!” You were almost frantic as you spotted the familiar blue-and-red fabric of his suit. You knelt beside him, rolling him over onto his back, your heart in your mouth. His shoulder were shaking, maybe spasming…. was he…
“What the hell, Pavitr,” You complained, watching him get up easily by himself, now in peals of laughter, and pull you in by the waist. “I was worried!”
“I know you were. I’m fine, meri jaan. And I had to profess my love for you in a dramatic, Christmas-like fashion, right? After all, aap sabse achchhe tareekon ke hakadaar hain. (You deserve the fanciest/best stuff) Even if it means belting out Mariah Carey on a random rooftop.”
“Uh-huh. Did Hobie say something that inspired you to do this?” You asked, raising an eyebrow skeptically and biting the inside of your cheek to prevent a smile from breaking through.
“Nope. All my own idea. It had that certain flair, didn’t it? Did you like it?” He widened his eyes in that way that made him look like a sad puppy, still holding onto you.
“…of course I did, my love. But, good grief, you’re such an idiot sometimes,” You sighed, puffing out your cheeks as you blew air through your mouth in exasperation. You gave into his hold, wrapping your arms around his neck while he dipped his head to press a kiss to your forehead.
“Well, I prefer the term hopeless romantic,” Pavitr corrected, giving you one of those sunshiny, I’m-here-with-you-don’t-worry-everything-is-fine grins that, for some reason, could reassure you every time without fail.
“Of course you do. Come inside and help with the presents. No more dangerous stuff, you hear me?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
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Meri jaan - my light/my life 😁
@vhstown @l0starl @tatumis-a @deritosmi @hobiebrownismygod @therealloopylupin2099
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kisskissbanggang · 1 year
HIIII <333 the newest installments of jumpspace renegade have been so enjoyable i CANT😭 i meant to leave an ask after reading episode 5 but life got hectic :(. THE DYNAMICS NOVA HAS WITH MINHO AND JISUNG ARE SO FUN!! i’m fr going to THROW A FIT IF MINHO HAS BEEN PLAYING US LIKE A FIDDLE🗣 MAN WAS OUR HOMIE🗣 at this point, i think nova is more likely to have misplaced the ring than for someone to have taken it (but maybe i trust too much idk☠️). the chan moment in the latest episode was really touching. our little cyber hybrid man has been through so much😞. i’m glad that he has nova in his corner now (hopefully for good). also, the WAY the whole ship was shutting down while man was going at it with nova and he didn’t gaf…. i had to laugh. HE DIDNT EVEN GET TO FINISH THE JOB😮‍💨 he’s in my thoughts fr. this last episode was amazing, but JISUNG BEING LEFT LIKE THAT WAS THE ICING ON THE CAKE!! so excited to see how this story plays out!
MY BABY I'LL CRYYYYYYYYYYYY I was just wondering if you had a chance to read the latest chapters!!! but SERIOUSLY
I haven't had this much fun writing an MC just becoming buds with everyone since Simkung House 🤧 I'm also super excited to see where these dynamics take us down the line 😘
Honestly I'm LOVING the theory that she just lost the ring because it's quickly shaping up to be VERY in character for her to be in denial and accuse someone instead 😂
Thank you thank you thank you for enjoying the newest iteration of Captain Asshole, I've literally been dreaming of this Chan since Booster (the greatest b-side of ALL TIME), cyborg and all 😭 and like, I'm miserably addicted to making sure this man has a hard time finishing the deed I do not know why but also I will not apologize
AND omg Jisung, my other favorite punching bag 🤧🤧🤧 when things come to you like that image of Jisung, it just had to be done 🥴
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