#hes been dating a very obvious vampire for like 5 years and has not noticed
bitchfitch · 2 years
i was pondering the eternal question of "what's the vibe opposite of a vampire?" and have now strongly considered h2o style mermaid. and have rulled it as "close but not quite," my tireless search continues.
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my-fanfic-library · 4 years
Something Different {BBC Dracula x Reader} [2]
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His wicked eyes were set on your form. You were trying hard not to quiver under his heated gaze. How had he managed to get out? Did he have to rip his way out of that cell or was he allowed to walk free for some unknown reason? Not that the answer to those questions even mattered. A 6’4” vampire who had openly discussed your influence on his appetite was standing before you.
Should you flee? How does one overpower a vampire, anyhow? You had read in the account and heard it right from his mouth that Dracula could turn into certain creatures. It would take one shift of him into the black, beastly wolf for him to hunt you down with ease. You’d never even make it back up the slipway.
Your mind pounded and the indication that your heart was doing summersalts came to your attention as Dracula audibly took in a breath. He hummed in satisfaction as he released your scent. He knew he had managed to catch you completely off guard.
Within your bag, your phone began to vibrate and Dracula looked accusingly down at it. You bit your lip, fingers delving in to grab the decode and quickly answer.
“[First]?” Zoe’s voice rang through your ear.
“Zo-Zoe...” your lips trembled and it had nothing to do with the cool sea breeze.
“They let him out. They let Dracula out!” Her voice was in a similar state of panic and you knew it was because she was one of the only other people in the world who knew of his capabilities.
“Zoe, I-“
“Apparently he has a lawyer! Can you believe it?! Anyway, you need to be careful. He seemed to take a liking to you during the time you spent with him today. Promise me you’ll look after yourself.”
“Promise me, [First]-“
“It’s a little bit too late for that...” you trailed off, eyes locking with the man’s towering above you.
“How do you-... Where are you?!”
You had no chance to reply as cool fingers brushed against your own. You watched in horror as Dracula snatched the device from you and lifted it to his own ear.
“Dr. Van Helsing, how nice to get into contact... yes I know... trust me, I know... I suppose you could say it is a curiosity of sorts. It’s mere curiosity... what am I doing it for? Something different. Don’t bother us again, we’re busy.”
You could hear Zoe’s desperate pleas on the other end of the phone but Dracula had already figured out how to end a phone call and that was that.
“Absolutely amazing...” he breathed, turning your phone through his fingers as he inspected it, “they gave me a larger one in the Foundation. Did you know you can do practically anything on these little things? And it must be enchanted, considering it can deliver your voice to someone else so far away.” The wonder held in his eyes as he spoke made him seem almost human. Almost.
“Yes, I knew that...” you began, voice slow and as steady as possible, “but it’s not enchanted, it’s electric.”
“Electric...? How curious...”
“What is it that you wanted, and don’t just repeat your answer.” You folded you arms, trying to remain composed but your mind was whirring with the thought that this may be your last moment or two alive. If he really had decided to choose you as his next meal...
He sighed, an agitation growing deep in his chest. One of the only things he had ever craved so deeply was company. Most humans that he had interacted with were dull, cardboard cutouts of one another. Over 500 years of the same specimen got old and fast. There had only ever been a handful of humans that satisfied his thirst for something other than blood - good company. And Jonathan Harker, Sister Agatha Van Helsing and her descendant Dr. Zoe Van Helsing had been the only ones to peak his curiosity. But hours ago, when you had come in with a front of iron, and a poorly hidden core nothing short of anxiety-ridden, you had peaked this curiosity once more.
The sea groaned away in the distance and the seagulls had decided on steering well away from the undead figure on the sand. It was much more quiet, much more intimate and grew much more darker with every passing moment. Dracula’s eyes seemed locked on you, eyebrows furrowed as he tried to read between the lines of your stoic gaze up at him.
“What would you like my answer to be, [First]?” He inquired softly.
“Truthful, for starters.”
“Alright. You see, after 5 centuries of the same old types of people, one becomes accustomed to those who flee and quiver at the mere sight of a beast such as myself. I will never forget the day I made my entrance at the nunery Sister Agatha resided at.” At the mention of this woman’s name, you noticed a tenderness fill his voice and a small smile threatened the corners of his lips. A spark of wonder lit up in your chest. Had a cold, ancient, blood drinking beast grown a soft spot for one of the only people to put him in his place? His eyes glazed over momentarily and he seemed to look right through you.
“You still haven’t answered the question and you’re about to drool at the thought of this Sister Agatha.” You rolled your eyes. He immediately snapped out of it and there was a low rumble emitting from his chest for a split second.
“I like good company. Sister Agatha was good company. She was inquisitive and intrusive of my routine. While she lost our personal battle, she most certainly won my attention.” He looked down at you and noticed goosebumps rising on your skin. The sky was darkening even more and the navy had stretched out and was almost kissing the horizon, “goodness it’s late for a mortal, isn’t it?” His eyes glossed over the North Sea that expanded far into the horizon.
“Count Dracula?” You spoke, “are you going to kill me - or are you waiting for me to submit myself to you?” You has to ask. You needed to know if your life had reached its expiration date.
“Hm? Oh, not at all.” He looked down and then back towards you, a most wicked and mischievous grin taking hold over his features, “whilst I do enjoy a little food play every now and again,” he stepped forward and his right hand came up to cup your face delicately, “I have no intention of feasting upon you. Not yet, at least. Your scent alone is intoxicating. But your wit, your strength and your character are making me so very interested in you, Miss [First].” He stepped forwards, beginning to close the already small gap between you, “no, I think I’m going to have to keep an eye on you, young lady.” He spoke gently, eyes now boring down into your own. His orbs glistened in the moonlight, “I want to see just what you’re capable of.” He whispered.
“Maybe another time.” You suggested. Your eyes flitted up to the moon and back to him, “if all of this vampire lore is real, surely you should be off to your Transylvanian Earth to protect yourself?”
“And why would I do that?” He scoffed.
“Because it’s a full moon and that means werewolves.”
At the mere notion, the Count could no suppress the deep and hearty chuckle that bubbled up from his stomach. His eyes crinkled and his laughter caused him to bare his white teeth, currently blunt and of no means a weapon brandished to hurt you. For a moment, disbelief struck you as his laughs echoed along the beach and he let go of your face to smooth over his jacket. It took another moment for him to gain composure.
“Werewolves - now you’re being ridiculous.” He smirked down at you. He shoved one hand into his pocket.
“So a 523 year old vampire from Transylvania who wants to befriend a human because they’re using scientifically proved tactics to not die as prey and wants to know if there is any more substance to that is totally just mormal but you draw the line at warewolves? The supposed arch-enemy of vampires?”
“It’s ridiculous, I mean, how on Earth would the first warewolf even be created?”
“Well how were you created?” You challenged.
“Well, when a man loves a woman-“ he smirked.
“If you continue to speak, I really will drive a stake right through your chest.” He groaned inwardly at your response.
“I must admit, I do like your flare. You are very much lively, aren’t you?” He cocked his head.
“Livelier than you.”
When you awoke the next morning, you knew that you were in for some serious trouble. Zoe had left you over 30 missed calls, along with a plethora of concerned text messages inquiring about your and Dracula’s whereabouts. Although you could no longer answer for the Count, you found yourself sending a snarky reply that you were currently in bed. This turned out to be a mistake as within 10 minutes, your front door had burst open and Zoe, along with five armed men appeared at the foot of your bed.
You should have known that Zoe of all people would have freaked out over your contact with Dracula - she had been chasing him her entire life. Now he had been found. Not only had he been found, he had somewhat been resurrected and was on the prowl again for food and destruction. And you were a prime target.
After checking your body for bite marks, she began to harass you for every single detail about your encounter with Dracula the previous evening. You told her about him finding warewolf lore ridiculous, the obvious obsession he seemed to have with Sister Agatha, and how he had most likely revealed just a little too much to you about his true intentions. He wanted good company and anyone who rose to challenge him or stand out from the usual screaming meals he usually dealt with was a possible target for his attention.
“I don’t get it... I mean, I kind of do, it must be lonely to have everyone be afraid of- no I don’t get it.” Zoe sighed, “he’s an unnatural predator. Everyone is meant to be scared of him. A lion would never go for a snake because the snake would never be afraid of a lion. It wouldn’t even pay the snake any attention whatsoever! It would go after a zebra or something. So why is Dracula so focused on the snakes...”
“Thank you for insinuating that I am a snake, Zo.” You rolled your eyes.
“Not just you, but it seemed Jonathan Harker was a snake in Dracula’s hunting ground as well as Sister Agatha... I am said to look just like her, and I take no bull crap from him either...” You could tell she was losing you as she drifted off into a train of thought, “you’re going to have to cater to Dracula. We need to know what makes him tick.”
“What? So you’re going to use me as bait to do your little experiments on him?” You frowned.
“You said yourself he doesn’t intend on harming you.”
“Yeah, because a vampire never lies, huh, Zoe?”
“Please, [First]. I promise you we will do everything to keep you safe.”
“You better have a whole S.W.A.T. styled team on my ass at all times, Zo.”
“Only the best for my favourite assosicate.” Your ease to obey her wishes and commands caused a smile to break out on her features.
Walking along the pier, you allowed the hot summer breeze to ruffle your hair and cool your hot skin a little. Looking to your right was the Abbey perched high on the cliffs. You could make out some forms of the last tourists enjoying their visit. The sun had yet again sunken well below the horizon and your heart thumped in your chest. You anticipated a certain undead male’s arrival at any moment. It wasn’t that you had invited him out, but you knew that if he had become attached to your scent, he’d find you.
It was only a matter of time before he did find you. And you dreaded that moment.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
The Loud House Reviews: L is For Love
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Happy Pride Month Everyone! I have to admit I didn’t realize pride month was in June. Luckily that just meant two things: 1) This was a plesant suprise for once in an escalatingly terrible year when I found out early yesterday morning when most of this review was written. And 2) I already, thanks to thinking about them due to the she ra finale and watching more loud house again now i’m back on cable, planning to do the three Saluna episodes as at trilogy after getting blood moon ball out of the way. 
Today’s ep takes place in late season 2. As mentioned in the “Brave the Last Dance Review’ the series had some growing pains before it got to it’s current shape: the series largely focused on lincoln at first, but as season 2 went on the show slowly eased off him. While he still gets plenty of episodes focusing on him, and still gets the ocasional weird zach morris talk to the camera moment when the episode calls for it, the show wisely decided to make itself into an ensemble piece. INstead of being about the one boy navigating a big house it became about 11 children and their parents navigating being a big family and the perils of adolsence and what not.  As such today’s ep , while focusing on the kids as a whole, evnetually zeros in on my faviorite Loud child, Luna. Luna, as you probably know but what the hell, is an aspiring rock star, most of the time fairly chill and using the word dude a lot but not afraid to get loud, pun intended, or throw up the devil horns at a moments notice. She’s also a loving big sis, cares about her siblings, and is in short a wonderful character that season 1.. really didn’t give much focus. Season 2 rectified that to my delight, giving her a focus episode early on, Roadie to Nowhere, which revealed that she also has some confidence issues that are brought to the forefront here and go on to be a vital part of her character. I also admitely was delighted to see her voice actress, Nika Futterman, in a major role again, and she’s delightful in the role and even does luna’s singing. And this ep while being an “all hands on deck’ episode about all of the siblings, does have a major focus on luna as it goes, and thus I jumped on it immidetly.. that and you know, the fact it canocially made her bisexual, making a headcanon I had about her canon and being something they actually hinted at back in season 1. But we’ll get more into that later. For now, L is for love, lunacy and luna after the cut!
We open with Lincoln getting the mail and then gasping in shock at one letter, before calling an emergency sibling meeting. The sibling meetings are something that had been set up before with Lori,a s the oldest, leading them, and a thing I like: it makes sense with this many kids to have some sort of internal way to solve problems with them or vote on things as a group when needed. Simple, makes sense and i’m glad it’s stuck around. After dealing with the previous meetings minutes, Lincoln reveals what rattled him a bit: A mysterious love letter adressed to “L.Loud”. And it’s a nice way to use the series cute naming gimmick as a plot point: ONE of the siblings has a secret admirer,a nd while Lori, being lori, assumes it’s her boyfriend bobby, sh’es quickly shot down. And that.. makes sense. Bobby is a romantic, and a great character who I love dearly and will watch the spinoff soley because he’s in it.. but it’s been shown before this ep that bobbi’s a big romantic gesture guy. The boy put himself in a giant present and nearly suffocated to death to surprise his girlfriend for Christmas and went above and beyond for their anniversary. The guy’s a peach.. but he’s also not subtle. He’s also, while not lacking in cleverness as his later career as a bodegaman shows, not very bright so if this was him, his name would probably be crossed out somewhere on it.  But each of the louds have their own crushes... which is a problem with the ep. Now to the shows credit, besides the obvious of having Sam come back, two of these characters DO come back later: Chaz, Leni’s crush, ends up mentioned in season 3, and Luann’s crush Benny ends up the focus of a spotlight episode for her in late season 3, voiced by another one of my boys (and girls) stable of voice actors Sean Gambone later on. However even with that in mind this disconnect is the episodes biggest issue: outside of sam, since we see Luna visably struggle in a bit and we’ll get into that then, we have no real investment in seeing the louds get together with most of those people other than because the episode tells us to.  It didn’t really help that Lincoln and Lucy HAD love intrests in previous episodes. And sure Ronnie Anne had moved at this point, but Lincoln had a previous crush before her Cristina to use, and we had an entire episdoe about Lucy having a crush on rocky. And somehow Rocky still hasn’t come back, but his dumbass brother is a recurring character, which if nothing else is my proof that god hates me specfically. Also yeah.. while the crushes all have names I’m purposfully not looking them up as most of them are nondiscrept at best, and the only notable one is LIsa’s crush who looks like a tiny Doctor Octopus..so apparently Otto cloned himself and gave his son black hair? I mean that’s what i’m going with it sounds like the kind of contingincey he’d do and he did die for a while. Twice. Oh and the fact Lily is crushing on a teddy bear which is just really cute.  That being said, the episode DOES get something big right: Doing this kind of stock plot right. I mean “everyone thinks a romantic letter/card/card and flowers’ is for them is a stock sitcom plot and an annoying one at that half the time as the person who sent them comes off as super dumb, or the card has to be smudged or it has to be a nickname or something something, etc etc. Here... while they all think it’s for them, it makes perfect sense for once: They ALL have the same initials, so not knowing which ones which, aside from not Bobby because of reasons I mentoined already and Bear because AS FAR AS WE KNOW he’s not alive... I mean they do live in a house with a 4 year old who tampers with the natural order as part of her to do list every day, so it’s really a matter of when not IF with that.  It also avoids: “Everyone fights and gets petty over it” .. which itself the series has botched at times for other plots, so instead while they all want it to be them and breifly get agitated over it, they instead all work together using the same tactics to try and suss it out. It’s a nice change of pace and part of why this episode works despite the repettition.. more on that later.  Anyways of all of them it’s Lucy who offers the easiest way to narrow it down, knowing how secret admirers work because she reads a lot of vampire fiction and vampires , while inhumanly goregous are also deeply insecure which, having watched all 5 seasons of angel.. yeah that tracks good work. As such she suggests they all send a signal to gage their intrest and if their intrested, they’ll send another letter.  Shenanigans insue, my faviorite being Leni pretending to be a manquin and scaring the shit out of Chaz. Not bad jokes, but we’ll get to more about it later.  The plan actually works and the next poem has a rose and-mentions the targets brown hair, so our bachlerottes are down to Luna, Luann, Lynn and Lisa. It’s also a nice clue for the reveal later. Naturally their all stoked.. except Luna who looks visably depressed. Turns out she never GAVE her signal because she talked herself out of it, thinking Sam’s out of her league. But her siblings quickly all jump in to encourage her. It’s a nice scene. Starting with the easier part to talk about I do love the siblings comradere. Sure they fight, scheme against one another, ocasinally encourage one of their siblings to date a bully or throw him out of the house.. okay the last ones aren’t as typical or easily forgivable but still, the point is despite it all.. they love each other and when it counts, their there for each other. Hell here Luaan, Lisa and Lynn are all directly against Luna, hoping the letter we’ll be there’s.. yet they have nothing but support for her. The rest of her siblings just found out this wasn’t about them.. but the instant they realize Luna is so down on herself she thinks she’s out of the running, they change from disapointi to being her cheer section. It’s really sweet and it’s this among other moments that helps boost the episode up. I also like the special touch of Lori chiming in at the end, not to be lost in with the rest of her siblings, knowing likely that being both the oldest and the only one there having been in a relationship for a while, her words likely carry some weight. The other thing.. is Luna’s character, and how this episode cements self-doubt as a major part of her character. And i’ts a part I really like, a nice contrast from her usual confidence, and most episodes about her afte rthis would zero in on this aspect for good character growth.  So since Lucy was already right, they follow her advice for round 2: Give there crush a token of affection, and wait for at third letter. Which honestly aside from actually giving signals back, she’s not entirely wrong: most “love letter plots” have this sort of rhythm.  Speaking of rhtyum.. yeah this sequence is basically the same one as before just with a diffrent goal in mind.. however I do give the episode credit. In my previous review I spoke about my annoynce at the series love of repettion, and while this episode does suffer for it.. I inflated it in my head that it was worse here. Here the jokes land enough and it does work to the episodes benifit to repeat stuff. Plus here it ends up being plot relevant: After gifts of a pie to the face (Luann), a literal hart (Lisa) and a jock strap (Lynn), Luna has a decidedly less psychotic gift in mind: Her faviorite guitar pic, which even has a heart within a heart and is a very cute gesture... but she once again backs out and accepts not being that lucky. But I also like it because it cleverly shows that it’s not Luna herself that’s the problem: out of the 4 remaning siblings she’s the only one with a valid gift, and it make sense given both her personality and her siblings inexperince. It’s jsut she’s so scared of rejection she can’t bring herself to try.  So the family is familing in the living room when Leni comes in with the final letter from the mail man... and with the final letter admitting to a love of their sounds and all things british, yeah it’s gotta be Luna? So the secret admirer has set up a meting at bangers and mosh, a place that serves british food and is a rock venue. Luna is shocked but happy and the family carry her off.. minus Leni who being Leni wants to make sure the mailman is okay since she tried letting him down gently thinking the letter was from him.  The kids arrive, all coming with for moral support apparently.. only to find their parents. Wah wah wah! In all seriousness, this twist works. With the episode geared towards Luna, most fans probably woudln’t think about their parents or this being some wacky sitcom solution, but the episode gives decent hints: Brown hair, a love of british things , an established trait for Luna as much as Lynn senior, who spent a year abroad, ironically enough revealed in the same ep Luna hinted was bi and all the girls stalked an innocent british person because of course the head writer with a history of sexual harassment would think that was a good idea. Anyways, he also was established to have a band in “House Music”, luna’s other spotlight ep from season 1, So it’ a really good use of continuity, and if you were a diehard fan of thes how or rewatched those two eps a lot, you’d probably be able to figure it out. To their credit though I did not.  Anyways Leni gives out an amaazing line “Sam likes dad?” , Rita, after a bit of confusion at her daughter’s hilarous dumbassery, explains she sent the letter: As it turns out it’s how they met. Now granted you’d think they would’ve told the kids this before but I brush it off as the kids simply not thinking of that: It was a resonable assumption the letter was for them, and none of the letters had anything about Lynn Sr. That didn’t apply to his kids. Anyways, thinking Lynn Sr out of her league, much like her daughter’s current delimma which is a nice touch. ON the third note she asked him to meet her at the very restraunt they are now, celebrating the 20th anniversary of their first date. And to me this little story is just.. really fucking adorable, as is Rita’s love of Lynn Sr.’s pisstake british accent.  Rita, being a great mom, does try and comfort luna hoping she’s not disapointed. However while Luna was at first... her story inspiries Luna to take a risk. After all it worked for her parents, she and Sam could work. She just has to make that move and rallies her family to do the same. We also get one more fantastic gag before we get to the end montage: Lynn Sr: This calls for a celebration! Meat pies for everyone! Restraunt: Yay! Lynn Sr: Actually I just meant my family Restraunt: (grumbles) Lynn Sr: Oh come on theres 13 of us! So we end on one last montage as each loud kid gives their crush a note, some seeing it some not, and for Leni does the manquin bit again, which is adorable. Also the otto kid is apparently not named otto, but in my defense.. I don’t care. So after some genuinely cute bits, we get one last one as Luna leaves a note for sam.. and you see, as you probably know for most of the episode the show hadn’t been specific on which one Sam is, so when it turned out to be one of the girls, it’d be a twist. Of course it isn’t NOW: I called this a saluna trilogy after all and really most people hearing about the loud house probably know about her and Luna but at the time it was a smart twist. 
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And I loved it. WHile i’d headcannoned her as bi, there were hints after all, it was, much like the korassmi ending of legend of korra , a plesant shock to have it be REAL. And the ending shot, of luna simling at the above from behind the lockers, is really sweet.  But I also give Nick and the Loud House credit where it’s do. While they weren’t the first children’s cartoon to have an out and out gay/bi/pan protaganist, they were one of the first to not only have a bi protagnist during the context of the show, but to have it be visable.. it was really nice. Even if I do wish they’d use the term bi i’m not greedy and the show to it’s credit, while giving moments like this florish, dosen’t go out of it’s way to pat itself o the back about it’s represenation. The characters who are queer or disabled or POC are just.. there , with enough prominence to be proper representation while not letting that be ALL they are. Now sure at the time of this writing Representation, even within the Loud House itself as it followed up on this, has taken even greater leaps: In Adult Animation we have Harley Quinn having the last act of it’s second season be dedicated to Harley’s emotiona turmoil over being in love with her engaged best friend and said best friend, for now NOT wanting more, a pairing fans had wanted to see played out since the two first met. She Ra had two LEADS angished declartions of loved save teh unvierse and be the emotional climax of the finale. And netflix has gone on to have several gay characters in it’s childrens show on top of that, all leads. But while I think all of tihs would’ve happened without L is for Love, I do still applaud it as a good step forward. Sure the show had Clyde’s  dads’ before, and they are good characters don’t get me wrong, but this was something else and as  Bi person myself.. I really welcome it.  Final Thoughts: Not much to say I haven’t, but overall a realy damn good episode with a hell of an ending that makes use of the repetttion rather than usingit because “Oh shit we have a lot of episodes to get out this season”. Of course we’ll be getting back to sam and luna soon enough with season 3′s followup racing hearts, and with me knowing it’s pride I have tons of review ideas a coming, but for now, reblog this review if you liked it, or just like it if youd ont’ feel like that, send me an ask if you have any other episodes i’d like to cover, or comission one if you wnat to make SURE I cover it, and i’ll see you next time. Later days. 
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feuilly-cakes · 4 years
Twilight - review
I'm now revealing myself to be twilight trash, but let's talk about it! In this review you'll find the good, the bad, and the ugly (in list form even!) I know this story like the back of my hand, and this is a reread, so although I've only read this particular book once before, I can't be unbiased here. I am a more critical reader now than I was at 14 though, so hopefully this review counts for something. There will be a warning before the section with the spoilers if you haven't yet given in to the curiosity.
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I loved it. I gave it 4*. I also found certain parts offensive. Some parts were very funny, and others just as dramatic as you'd expect from a book published for teens in 2005. The love story was, dare I say it, good. It's an enemies to friends to lovers, with a very quick progression on those last two. Both Bella and Edward acted just like regular teens around each other, and if there wasn't a vampire aspect involved it wouldn't have been criticised too heavily on the relationship front. I pretty much sped through the book, even with life getting in the way and pausing every 5 minutes to stick annotation tabs in. We are given a good amount of information about vampires, the history of the characters, and also the kinds of people these characters are. Aside from the offensive/insensitive parts, the entirety of which I will be listing below as I picked up on them, there are only a few moments of genuine real life creepiness not related to the Port Angeles scene right up until the epilogue, which made me very uncomfortable for reasons I shall be explaining. As a random note, I noticed 9 obvious instances of foreshadowing. She must have known where she was going with this series, or else that was a strange coincidence. The rest of this review will contain spoilers Let's begin with how this differs from the movie, since pretty much everyone has seen the movie. First and foremost, there are the characters - Bella and Edward specifically. Bella in this book is a typical teenager with a strong personality. As a child she had tantrums over going to Forks, saying she 'hadn't made a secret of [her] distaste for Forks.' She has a fierce temper, but she is also kind, frowning upon Jessica Stanley's judgement of Esme for adopting kids because she can't have any biologically. She's not vain but she cares about her looks, fussing over her skin being paler once she got to Forks - 'My skin could be pretty' 'I had no color here.' Sarcasm is her thing, and she despairs that none of her new classmates seem to get her sense of humour. She's friendly though an introvert, smiling and waving at everyone who greets her after a week of school while not knowing all of their names. She loves girls nights, and finds being around other girls 'invigorating'. She's independent and won't let Edward question that: "No, she did not send me here. I sent myself." However, she notices she has a very strong crush on Edward that is almost obsessive and finds it 'pitiful' and 'pathetic'. At least she's self aware. 
Bella is very funny at times, especially when referencing her clumsiness (I won't spoil this because humour should never be spoiled). Bella is very smart and resourceful, but not in the obvious way. Schoolwork is a breeze for her because she's done most of it at her old school, but she's smart in other ways. It's Bella who figures out about Edward's mind reading abilities and questions him about it, and who flirts with Jacob Black to get information about the Cullens and why they aren't allowed on the reservation. It's Bella who tells Edward that men and women should be equal or as close to equal as they can, each saving each other the same amount of times. It's also Bella who feels that Mike Newton understands her, because they both were new in Forks at one point, and both lived in sunny places and probably both experienced the chain link fences and metal detectors that Bella was shocked were not at Forks High School. (Personally that threw me for a loop too, that schools could have metal detectors.) Edward is closer to the movie characterisation, but acts more like a typical teenage boy. He's moody but charming, awkward at times but also mischievous. At one point he cuts Bella off in the school car park and then deliberately stops his car to wait for his siblings, causing a queue behind them and giving Tyler Crowley the opportunity to ask her to the dance. He does all this to anger Bella, and it was absolutely hilarious. He flip flops between cheerful and broody, and finds Bella utterly fascinating. He is constantly relearning boundaries and ways to make Bella and himself feel more comfortable. An interesting aspect of his character that was definitely unintentional and handled poorly was the way he was coded as demi-sexual. He states that he has never wanted anyone before Bella, and his adoptive mother Esme thought there was something missing in him. As this is offensive I'll be bringing it up again later. Back to some positives, he likes to sing under his breath in a very fast speed that looks like his lips are trembling, and finds the heat of Bella's hands very pleasant. I thought this was cute, and I had to tab it for future reference. A not so cute thing is how he can 'dazzle' Bella by being close to her face and breathing on her. She describes this as her mind going blank, after which we see her agree to whatever he says while she is in this state. It's a bit creepy but he doesn't take advantage of it at first after being made aware of it, he only does so towards the end, which we shall get into later. He also hears the minds of others as a background hum that he can then focus in on, which I found interesting. Now, onto actual plot things that differed, we have Bella never buying that book on Quileute legends, instead simply flirting with a 15 year old Jacob to get his information and then combining that with a google search, and coming to her conclusions that way. Next, we have the Volturi being mentioned but not by name, firstly on vampires a-z in the section: 'Stregoni benefici: An Italian vampire, said to be on the side of goodness, and a mortal enemy of all evil vampires.' and then in a scene that wasn't a part of the film at all, wherein Edward and Bella are in Carlisle's office, talking about his history, and they are brought up simply as Carlisle's artistic friends from Italy. They are named but the word Volturi is nowhere in this book. In a similar vein, several backstories are revealed in this book that we didn't really get to see until later in the series. Bella gets some meaningful interactions with Jasper, who actually sits next to her and touches her to calm her down in the hotel. It's also implied somewhere in those chapters that Alice possibly knew about Bella planning to sneak off and let her go anyway. Finally, Bella is awake after the venom gets sucked out. This is important because she tells them that the venom is gone and thanks Edward before passing out. She was awake and aware the whole time, though in incredible pain. Another difference happens but I'll be discussing that with the other creepy things. Next, I would like to discuss a few things we learn about Vampires. Did you know that despite their physical perfection, a hungry vampire looks like they are recovering from a nose job? The bruises are very prominent, and likely not pretty to look at. Did you also know that they a venomous in the true sense of the word? Alice tells Bella that the venom is to incapacitate victims with the pain, and becoming a vampire is just a side effect, not the true function of the venom. The pain is there for a reason, and that reason is to torture victims with the burning sensation so they can't get away. These vampires may sparkle, but they aren't cute. I will never get the image of snake fangs out of my mind in conjunction to twilight vampires. Am I the only one who didn't realise the inherent creepiness of that because there's no mention of it in the films? Alright, now onto the offensive/ creepy stuff. I'll be bullet pointing these with elaboration where needed. -Bella refers to herself as an albino simply because she is pale. This one just didn't sit right with me, for reasons I can't explain. Stick with me here, it gets worse. -A casual comment about suicide: 'I guess he considered me old enough now not to shoot myself by accident, and not depressed enough to shoot myself on purpose.' This one is tricky, because everyone has made jokes like that, but it made me personally uncomfortable and didn't need to be in there considering the tone of the rest of the book. -Upon Edward talking to her again after the car park incident, Bella says this: "Do you have multiple personality disorder?" This needs no elaboration. Buckle up, it gets worse. -Jacob. He tells Bella his people's legends after she flirts with him, all the while telling her he didn't believe them himself. Then he asks her: "So do you believe we're a bunch of superstitious natives or what?" As someone who is not native american, I can't give a personal perspective here, but I don't believe this is something she should have had a native character say. Stephenie Meyer is a white woman and had no place essentially calling the people she culturally appropriated a bunch of superstitious natives. It was jarring to read that line knowing that it's not her culture and she has no right to say that, only someone from the culture has the right to say that. As I said, I'm not native american and I haven't looked deeply into what exactly she stole and changed, but I know she did it, so that can of course be a pretty major offence to many people. -She compares her clumsiness to being 'almost disabled'. Gross. -The watching her while she sleeps thing. Let's talk about it. She guesses he's been spying on her when he knows where the key is after the meadow date, and he says he's been watching her sleep. It's undoubtedly creepy, but Bella isn't concerned about that. Oh no, she's concerned about what he heard while she was sleep talking. She actually seems unbothered by the stalking aspect, which is why I think these actions flew under the radar for so many people. If Bella thinks it's fine then it must be fine, right? This should have been handled differently. -The Aphobia. Edward tells Bella that Esme was 'afraid that there was something missing from [his] essential makeup'. This is really harmful, but it wasn't intentional. I have no doubt that Stephenie Meyer had no clue and perhaps still has no clue that asexuality is a thing and that she accidentally made Edward demisexual, by simple fact of him being interested in no one before Bella. Nonetheless, it needs to be warned for. -There are heavy implications of p*dophilia here, by choice of language. Regarding Bella's class, full of people her age. Edward calls them a 'class full of children' then on the next page calls Bella 'an insignificant little girl' and then a few chapters down he calls jacob a 'child' to which Bella responds that he is not much younger than she is and Edward cheerfully replies that he knows. It's beyond creepy and I wish it wasn't there, because if it had gone the opposite way of Edward making old man jokes it could have been funny and not horrifying to think about. -Lastly though not leastly, the epilogue. All throughout the book Bella has under no circumstances wanted to go to prom. She is tricked into going to prom. Alice sees the future, Edward reads minds, they knew she wouldn't want to go but bamboozled her into going anyway, and when she starts shouting and crying, Edwards tells her "Don't be difficult". This is creepy and horrifying, that they are taking away her agency and treating her like a child when she tries to refuse. Although she goes and has a goodish time, it still wasn't right to force her into that position. Thus concludes this review, and I leave you with the knowledge that if you read this you get to see the part where Charlie Swan tells Bella that Carlisle Cullen is very attractive. Good day.
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fenriael · 4 years
I was tagged by @sheirukitriesfandom, thank you for tagging :)
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Arellius is my Imperial vampire, skilled with blood magic and healing, as well as alchemy and cooking. He travels around Tamriel alongside his love Safinia, necromancer and former Imperial battlemage.
Layer 01: The Outside
Eye Colour: Naturally a very dark grey/black, but red when his vampirism is showing.
Hair Style / Color: Long, straight grey hair with a noticeable ‘widow’s peak’ receding hairline. Frequently tied back from his face while working.
Height: ~ 5 foot 10’ (~1.78m)
Clothing Style: Usually black or grey robes with lots of pockets and satchels for carrying medical supplies and other odds and ends. Often clothing that is local to the area (e.g. Breton style robes in while in Rivenspire, moon-decorated silk robes while in Elsweyr). He also often likes to wear imperial tunic/toga style clothing for special occasions. Also is quite fond of deep purples and reds in his clothing. There’s also usually some moon symbology in his clothing, such as his belt or staff, hinting at his connection to Azura.
He also has a cloak of shadows he enchanted himself; very useful for grabbing hopeful vampire hunters who might try to sneak up on him or attack him while he sleeps.
Best Physical Feature: His other half, Safinia, would suggest his very fine aquiline nose, or possibly his well-defined high cheekbones.
 Layer 02:
- Very real fears: Isn’t terribly fond of fire for the obvious reasons. Will send Safinia to deal with any spiders in their cottage.
- Abstract fears: Further back in time it would have been losing control as a vampire. As an alchemist and physician in the Imperial City, when he first became a vampire he attempted to sate his hunger by paying for voluntary blood donations from suitable patients under the guise of research. However when a local became suspicious and organised a mob to kill him, he lost control. The next he knew they were all dead and he had incidentally murdered several people he had spent his career trying to care for.
He fled after that to the wilds for a time in an attempt to deprive himself of human blood. A series of events involving the Spirit Wardens in Stormhaven eventually led him to Azura, although his relationship to her is closer to that of a powerful patron than being religiously devoted, for the most part.
He has had better control of his thirst for a long time now, so losing control does not concern him quite like it once did. He is, however, very afraid that anyone he befriends for long enough (especially  Safinia) will find out about his past and see him for the monster that he was, and shun him for it. It is one of the main reasons why he has avoided staying for too long in one place before meeting Safinia.
Guilty Pleasure: Nice clothing. Doesn’t need to be ostentatious, but pleasant cloth and a good cut is very much appreciated. Bonus points for extra pockets. Also appreciates a good pair of boots.
Biggest Pet Peeve: Cleanliness (or lack of), as he has a very refined sense of smell as a vampire and finds strong smells rather distasteful. For similar reasons, he is also not fond of loudness.
Ambitions for the Future: Between getting involved with various adventures in Elsweyr and Skyrim, he and Safinia found themselves settling down in a small home in a village in Rivenspire. They he tends to the local’s illnesses and Safinia helps out with other issues (mainly of the ‘giant spiders have invested a nearby cave’, or the ‘Granny’s got back up from the dead again and is haunting our barn’ variety).
The residents have become used to the Ravenwatch presence in the area over hundreds of years, and while no one would out-loud acknowledge anything supernatural about Arellius or Safinia, the locals are generally more happy than many villagers in other parts of the world would be to turn a blind eye to any sign of fangs or strange magic because of the help and protection they provide. Arellius would like to return to that life on a more permanent basis in the future.
 Layer 03:
First Thoughts Waking Up: Blood, most likely. He’s still a vampire after all, albeit a very well-controlled one.
What They Think about Most:  Frequent thoughts include Safinia, his latest alchemy experiment, or how well his garden back in Rivenspire might be being taken care of by the locals in his absence.
What They Think about before Bed: These days, most likely Safinia.
 What They Think Their Best Quality is: I think Arellius would have trouble answering this question if asked, but possibly his empathy?
 Layer 04:  Either Or…
Single or Group Dates: Single dates
To Be Loved or Respected: Respected
Beauty or Brains: Brains
Dogs or Cats: Both. He loves cats and dogs equally. They aren’t always so fond of him, mind you, what with being a vampire; but he tries his best to befriend them nonetheless.
 Layer 05: Do They...?
Lie: He tries to avoid it. He does not like others to think of him as dishonest. Although this does not mean he is adverse to a white lie if he thinks it will be of more help than harm.
Believe in Themselves: He comes across outwardly as very quietly confidant, but finds himself questioning his own decisions internally quite often.
Believe in Love: Being as old as he is, Arellius is hardly oblivious to the real life practicalities of love and relationships; however, his is still rather a bit of a romantic at heart.
Want someone: Safina, of course :)
 Layer 06: Have They…
Been on Stage: He’s lived a very long life, so most likely.
Done Drugs: Not as a vampire, as he would likely be afraid of how the loss of control might mean for his restraint of his blood thirst.
Changed Who They Were to Fit In: He is always making an effort to hide his vampirism: his fangs, his sense of smell and hearing, the fact that he walks oddly quietly. He does this both for his own safety and so as not to frighten others. One of the reasons he appreciates being around Safinia is that she is not troubled by such things.
 Layer 07: What’s Their…
Favorite Colors: Reds, deep purples.
Favorite Animals: Arellius is seen with wolves, who appear to have an affinity to both him and Safinia (possibly a connection to the moon and Azura, one could speculate).
Favorite Book: He has an extensive and eclectic collection of books on gardening.
Favorite Game:  Probably any games involving bluffing. Although by no means fool-proof, he can frequently make a good guess as to if someone might be lying by listening to their heartbeat.  He doesn’t usually gamble for money however with those who don’t know this fact beforehand.
 Layer 08: Age
Day Their Next Birthday Will Be: Not sure on this one, and to be honest Arellius has probably forgotten by now. He isn’t one for birthday celebrations, especially since becoming undead.
How Old Will They Be: Hmm, probably around a couple of centuries, maybe three.
 Layer 09: I…
I Love: Peace and Quiet
I Feel: Contemplative
I Hide: My fear
I Miss: the Imperial City
I Wish: It was easier to live with the mistakes of the past.
My brain’s stopped functioning and I couldn’t make a decision on who to tag, so tagging absolutely anyone else who follows me who fancies doing this. Seriously, I love reading about everybody's OCs!
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jilyyall · 4 years
Animal Magnetism - Ch 12. Humans and Vampires.
Edward Cullen was not a normal teenager; of that I was certain. But knowing that did nothing to stop the pull I felt towards him. And if what he was saying was any indication, he felt some strange pull towards me, too. It was like we were magnets struggling against hope to stay apart. I only wondered what would happen when we inevitably collided.
Chapter 12. Humans and Vampires. FANFICTION.NET / AO3 Intro/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/
I was surprised when my parents didn't immediately jump to demand information from me when I finally managed to drag myself inside after my date with Edward. Charlie just asked if I had a nice time and Renee only grinned like I'd never done anything to make her so happy as when I said that yes, I did have a nice time with Edward. I knew they had seen us kissing in his car, and again on the porch just a second before, but they didn't say anything, and they didn't protest when I excused myself to take a shower.
Renee was sitting on my bed when I walked into my room wearing my bathrobe, my hair wrapped up in a towel piled high on my head. I stopped in the door and stared at her. It was clear from the wide, excited smile on her face just what she wanted.
"Mom," I groaned and shook my head. "Please, no."
"Oh, come on! Talk to me! I'm dying here! You've never dated before, so we've never really talked boys!" She was practically whining, and she slapped her palms down gently on her bent knees. Then, she smiled again and waggled her eyebrows. "He's really cute."
I sighed and stepped further inside, closing the door behind me as I headed for the closet. "Yeah, I've noticed."
"So? Tell me about him!" she demanded. I heard my bedsprings creak as she shifted.
And this was why I didn't want to talk about it. What was I supposed to tell her? "Well, what do you want to know?"
"Everything!" she exclaimed.
"Mom, I hardly know everything about him," I told her. I bit my lip, my back to her while I pretended to take a while deciding which pajamas to wear. I decided to offer her some half-truths. "He's seventeen. His uncle, Dr. Cullen, adopted him after his parents died when he was younger. He plays piano, and he's really close with his family."
"Yeah, your dad was telling me about that arrangement. What's the deal with all the kids?" she asked.
"Um, Emmett and Alice are siblings, and they're Edward's cousins. Dr. Cullen's brother and sister and their spouses all died in a car accident when he was just finishing up medical school and he and his wife ended up taking them in and adopting them. Alice and Edward are the same age; Emmett's a year older. Rosalie and Jasper are twins – they're the same age as Emmett – and their parents were friends with Mrs. Cullen when they died a couple years ago. Dr. and Mrs. Cullen decided to foster them because they were friends with Emmett, Alice and Edward."
That was the story Edward told me they were going with this time around, anyway. I was sure that, if pressed for more details, all of them would have them at the ready.
"Dr. Cullen is the one who checked you over when you were involved in that accident, right?" When I nodded, her eyes went wide. "He does not look old enough to have five teenagers."
"Maybe he has a really good skincare routine," I suggested. When she raised her brow at me, I shrugged. "I think he and Mrs. Cullen are in their early thirties. It seems like they're doing a good job."
"Yeah, well… Edward does seem very nice," Renee said. "So, tell me how this all started!"
Well, he kind of got obsessed with the idea of getting to know me when he realized I was the one person whose mind he couldn't read, and then he used his inhuman strength and speed to save my life from that van a few months ago, remember? And then I became obsessed with trying to figure out his secret. Turns out, he's a vampire and he likes me and I like him and now we're just kind of obsessed with each other!
"We sit together in Biology," I said. "He's really smart."
"Was it love at first sight?" Renee sighed romantically.
"Not hardly." I bit my lip and snorted, remembered the murder in his eyes at lunch that first day. At her inquisitive look, I sighed and came up with a quick lie. "Um. He used to work alone until I came along, and he liked it that way. So he didn't really like me at first."
"But then he realized you were really smart and he started to like you?" she said, sounding almost giddy at the idea.
"Yeah, something like that," I said, and held up my pajamas. "Um, do you mind? I want to get dressed."
Instead of leaving like I wanted her to – it was stressful having to heavily edit all of my answers – she closed her eyes, squeezing them dramatically tight. I sighed and quickly slid my robe off my shoulders and slipped into my t-shirt and shorts.
"Was that night in Port Angeles a date?" she asked shrewdly when I'd given her the go-ahead to open her eyes.
"No, not really," I said as I leaned against my desk and crossed my arms awkwardly over my chest. "Um. I kind of invited him along, but he was out with his family that weekend so he didn't think he could make it, but they got back early and he got there right in time for the movie."
"And he let you wear his jacket and he drove you home even though I'm sure Mike Newton wanted to drive you home," Renee added.
"Mike Newton is dating Jessica." I said his name as if it was a dirty word; after his latest attempt to ask me out I was still a little sensitive to people suggesting there was anything there. "And he's just a friend."
"I know that's how you feel," Renee said with a little laugh. "But I'm sure he wasn't too pleased when Edward drove you home."
I scowled, and then shook my head. "No… he wasn't. Mike really doesn't like Edward."
"I can't imagine why," she said sarcastically.
"Yeah, well, doesn't really matter why," I said with a small, uncomfortable shrug. I could just imagine what she would say if she found out about Tyler telling everyone he was taking me to prom.
"You like him, right?" Renee asked, but I figured it was purely for form. Wasn't it obvious how much I liked him? Hadn't she and Charlie seen us kissing when he brought me home? "Are you going out with him again?"
"Yeah, Mom. I like him a lot," I told her. "And yeah… actually, his sister convinced him to bring me over to their house tomorrow. He's going to introduce me to his family."
"Wow," she said, and she looked surprised. "That's a big deal."
I shrugged uncomfortably. "I mean… yeah, I guess. I think Alice is just really convincing."
"Alice is his sister?" When I nodded, she did as well. "It doesn't matter how convincing his sister is; he's the one who decided to go ahead and introduce you to his whole family. He must really like you, too."
I bit my lip and turned my back to her to hide my blush as I slowly unwound the towel from my hair. "Yeah, he does."
I grabbed my brush and my blow dryer and held them up. "Mom, I know you want to talk, but I'm really tired right now, and I just want to go to bed."
Truthfully, I was tired, but I knew I wouldn't be able to go sleep even if I tried. My day with Edward would be on repeat in my mind, and the anxiety I felt about going to his house tomorrow would likely keep me up most of the night anyway. But still, I wanted to be alone to really be able to think.
"Okay," Renee said with a small, hurt frown I wished I couldn't see.
"Love you," I said when she stood up.
"Love you, too," she said, and left the room.
The next day, I went downstairs about fifteen minutes before eleven to find that Renee had left to head down to her studio for a little while. I knew I had hurt her feelings by sending her away last night, but I didn't know how to fix it, not when I couldn't have the kind of heart to heart that she wanted.
"Edward Cullen, huh?" Charlie said as I quickly ate a sandwich; I didn't want to be hungry over at Edward's house even though it was likely that they already had food for me, if what he and Alice had packed for me the day before was any indication.
"Um, yeah," I said once I'd swallowed. I eyed him cautiously from my perch on the countertop near the sink. Charlie didn't do these kinds of conversations. Not like Renee did.
"Nice family," he said. He was sitting at the kitchen table, casual in a pair of worn jeans and a loose thermal, reading the newspaper.
"Yeah, well… I only really know him. I spoke to one of his sisters for like thirty seconds the other day at school," I told him. "Dr. Cullen cleared me of any head injuries, but I don't really think that counts."
"Should be alright," he said, and then repeated, "Nice family. Never had any trouble from them."
"Right. I'm sure it'll be fine," I said. He didn't truly understand; this wasn't like meeting a normal boy's family. I was meeting my vampire boyfriend's family, and they had every reason not to like me, not to trust me.
"Edward's nice, right?" he said after a moment, and I realized he had been staring blankly at the newspaper in front of him since I entered the kitchen.
"Yes, Dad." I smiled softly. "Edward's nice."
"Good," he said just as there was a knock at the door. He rolled his eyes, but there was a small smile on his lips when I jumped away from the counter. "Hey."
I stopped in the middle of the kitchen and wheeled to face him. "Yeah?"
"Have a good time," he said. "And call me if you need anything."
"Yeah, Dad," I said, and walked over to give him a kiss on the top of his head. "Thanks."
He looked surprised, but pleased, as I ran out of the kitchen and into the hall, grabbing my jacket as I swung the door open.
"Hi," I breathed, and just looked at him for a moment.
"Hello," he said, and I knew Charlie had no plans to come see us out when he stepped to me, wrapped his arms around me on the threshold, and breathed me in for a long moment before he kissed me. When he pulled back, he smiled at me. "Are you ready?"
"Um." I struggled to clear my mind. "Yeah."
"Let's go, then."
"Bye, Dad," I called over my shoulder as I pulled the door shut behind me and followed him to his car on the street.
"How did you sleep?" Edward asked as I buckled my seatbelt.
"Oh, you know. Okay, I guess," I lied. I'd barely slept at all, and I was sure he could see it in the shadows under my eyes. "I realized I don't even know where you live. My dad seems to have some idea, but… where are we going?"
"Our home is outside of Forks, north of the Calawah River," he told me. "Deep in the forest."
We drove for about fifteen minutes until all of the houses were behind us and the forest grew deeper and denser and greener on either side of the road. Then, he slowed the car to turn onto a barely visible unmarked dirt path. It was a long, winding, narrow path, just wide enough for one car to drive down. We were on it for another few minutes before the trees began to thin, and we drove up on what seemed to be a meadow, or a lawn given the house that sat there.
There were six primordial cedars that shaded an entire acre with their vast sweep of branches. The trees held their protective shadow right up to the walls of the house that rose among them, making obsolete the deep porch that wrapped around the first story.
It was beautiful, and graceful, and probably at least as old as Edward. It was painted a soft, faded white, three stories tall, rectangular and well proportioned. The windows and doors were either part of the original structure or a perfect restoration.
"Is it everything you expected?" Edward asked, smiling as he helped me, gaping, from the car.
"It's beautiful," I breathed, still struggling to take it all in. There was a garden, colorful and lovingly tended, that followed the curve of the porch.
"Esme has a passion for restoring old buildings," he told me as he led me up the steps and onto the sturdy wooden porch. "Also for interior design."
"Well, she really knows what she's doing," I said, making him laugh.
Edward's parents were standing in front of a winding staircase facing the door when we walked in. They looked as though they had been standing in wait for a very long time, but knowing what I knew, they could have flashed down there the second Edward's hand touched the door and I would never have been able to tell the difference.
Dr. Cullen was as handsome and as youthful as I remembered. His blond hair was as sleek as the day he'd confirmed I didn't have any head trauma, and his eyes were the same light honey as Edward's. It struck me how odd it was that the people of this town actually bought the Cullens' fabricated story; how was it that a man who didn't look even close to thirty could have adopted five teenagers? And how could that man, brilliant surgeon though was, young as he was supposed to be, afford a house like this with a wife and five grown children to support?
Esme Cullen was small – not quite as small as Alice, but roughly my height – and slender with softer features than any of her family. Her hair was the color of salted caramel just a couple of shades darker than her eyes, and tumbled over her shoulders in thick, graceful waves. She stood at her husband's side with a welcoming smile on her face, her hands clasped in front of her.
There was a slight flush in their nearly translucent skin and I wondered if the entire family had gone hunting so recently because of me. They both were smiling, but neither of them moved a muscle. I was certain they were wary of frightening me.
"Carlisle, Esme," Edward said, rubbing his thumb along the back of my hand soothingly. "This is Bella."
"Bella," Dr. Cullen said, inclining his head and moving forward slowly with his hand extended towards me, like he was approaching a flighty animal. "You're so welcome here."
"It's nice to see you again, Dr. Cullen," I said, stepping towards him and shaking his cold hand.
"Carlisle, please," he said with a pleased and almost surprised look on his face. Behind me, Edward laughed quietly in response to his thoughts.
"Carlisle," I repeated with an easy smile.
"Bella, I am so happy to finally know you," Esme said, giving me a handshake I would have described as nothing but warm, though her hands were as cold as Edward's and Carlisle's when she wrapped them both around my extended hand with a kind, reassuring smile. "You are such a blessing to us."
I wondered if Edward – or more likely Alice – had spoken of me often, or if she referred to the fact that he had been without a partner for the whole of his existence.
"Thank you." I felt my face flush at the high praise. "I'm very glad to meet you, too."
"Bella! I'm so happy you're here!" I turned to the staircase in time to see Alice race down it, quick as lightning, barely a streak to my eyes. She came to a sudden stop inches from me and pulled me into a firm hug. "I can't wait for us to have our girls' nights."
"Hi, Alice," I said, and returned the hug hesitantly. When a vegetarian vampire who insisted she would soon be your best friend hugged you, you hugged her back. "Girls' nights?"
"Yes, they're going to be so much fun." She was beaming at me when she pulled away. "Just the two of us hanging out when Edward goes to hunt!"
"Alice," Carlisle chastised quietly.
"Hush, it doesn't bother her!" Alice said without looking away from Edward and me.
"Because we're going to be best friends," I said helpfully. Carlisle and Esme looked dumbfounded while Alice grinned at me. "Edward mentioned it."
He was smirking when I glanced at him over my shoulder. I wondered whose thoughts were amusing to him, and why.
"Bella, this is Jasper," Edward said quietly.
I turned back to the staircase to find the tall blond at the top of the staircase. His eyes were the same well-fed shade of his family, but his strong jaw was tense and he was looking at me with uncertainty, like something about me just didn't make sense. Probably that I had willingly and knowingly walked into a house full of vampires.
Alice took several steps away from me and held her hand out to him. He walked slowly down the stairs and stood next to her, but made no move to touch me as the others had. He stood stiffly at Alice's side, and she threaded her arm through his.
"Hello, Bella," he said, and his voice was quite unlike any of the others'. It was still soft and melodic, but he spoke slowly in a long, drawn-out southern drawl. I remembered Edward saying he had been changed in Texas when he was a soldier in the Civil War. I wondered if he ever modulated his tone to fit in with the accents around him, of if he chose to keep this one small vestige of his human life with him forever. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
"Hello, Jasper," I said, smiling shyly. The last time I had seen him, I'd bared my teeth at him, Emmett, and Rosalie because I was mad at Edward. "It's nice to meet you, too."
I felt Edward tense next to me and turned to see him facing Carlisle with a scowl, but I got the impression that he was upset with something Carlisle had silently told him rather than the man himself.
"Emmett and Rosalie are in the living room," Carlisle said quietly, and it was a shock to realize that he spoke it aloud only for my benefit.
"It'll be okay, Bella," Alice assured me; I must have looked nervous at the prospect of meeting Edward's even more intimidating siblings. She smiled jokingly, like we had some sort of inside joke. "They don't bite."
"Alice," Esme hissed, but I laughed and everyone but Edward and Alice looked surprised again.
"Thanks, Alice," I said. It was charming, and somehow comforting, that she didn't feel the need to walk on eggshells around me like I was some weak, frightened little human. I could easily see now how we would be best friends before long.
Edward took my hand again and led me down the hallway, past the staircase, past a doorway that led to what looked like an elegant sitting room, and over to a wide, open doorway. There was a huge TV on one wall, almost as large as a movie theatre screen, and the largest, plushest, butteriest-looking leather couch I had ever seen.
"This will be quick," Edward breathed in my ear, looking annoyed already just as I noticed Rosalie standing impatiently next to a large glass door leading out into the woods. Emmett was grinning at me from beside her.
"Hello," I said uncertainly.
"Hey, little mountain lion." Emmett waved cheerfully, and snickered at his own joke. "Get it, because you growled at us the other day, and mountain lion is Edward's favorite."
"Right," I said, heart hammering in my chest as my face flooded with heat. "Um. Sorry about that, by the way. I was, um, mad… at Edward."
I glanced sideways at him to find him watching me impassively. I shouldn't have been surprised to find him unsurprised. There was no way that none of his siblings had thought about it after it happened. At least he didn't look upset with me.
"Don't worry, Bella. It was great!" Emmett laughed. He didn't seem to mind one bit that Rosalie didn't look happy with him. "You are going to be one fierce little newborn."
"Emmett," Edward hissed, a low warning.
"You think so?" I said with another small, uncertain smile.
"Yes, let's all just joke around like this isn't incredibly irresponsible," Rosalie hissed.
"Rosalie," Edward growled, less of a warning and more of a threat.
"I've met her. Am I done?" Rosalie demanded, looking past us now like Edward and I weren't there. Shocked at her unbridled hostility, I looked over my shoulder to see that Esme had followed us and was frowning at her daughter, a look of pure maternal disapproval on her angelic face.
Without waiting for a response, she turned on her heel and threw the door open so violently that I expected the glass to shatter, but it must have been made of something stronger because it remained intact. She stalked out and, in seconds, disappeared into the trees behind the house.
"Don't take it personally, Bella. She's working through some personal hang-ups," Emmett said with a small, concerned frown as he looked after Rosalie. He looked at me and smiled reassuringly. "I'd better go after her. I'll see you later."
"I'm sorry, Bella," Esme said once the door had shut softly behind Emmett; it was funny to see someone as large as him be so gentle after Rosalie had almost demolished it. "Maybe it would have been better if I hadn't convinced her to stay."
"It's okay," I said, though Rosalie's hatred of me left me almost as shaken as Edward's initial reaction to me had. "Emmett seems nice."
"Emmett finds you interesting," Edward told me and I barely noticed as Esme slipped away again. "Rosalie is… well, Emmett's right. Don't take it personally. She'll come around eventually, according to Alice."
I wondered if eventually was in the next year or after a few decades. It could have been either, considering Alice had seen me as one of them.
"So," I said, changing the subject before I could think too much about it. "Mountain lion."
Edward smiled ruefully. "We all have our personal preferences. Emmett's is bear."
"I can see that, actually." I nodded, and then frowned. "Didn't you say Emmett was being mauled to death by a bear when Rosalie found him?"
"Why do you think he likes them so much?" he responded. "Come on, I'll give you a tour."
He led me through the living room and into a kitchen that made my heart sing. I could just imagine cooking here, with the top of the line stainless steel appliances. I eyed Edward. "This is a nice kitchen for a family of vampires who don't eat."
"We like to keep up appearances," Edward said.
"Right." I nodded sarcastically. "For all of your human guests."
"You never know," he said, and walked to the refrigerator. "Would you like something to eat or drink?"
I looked over his shoulder, astounded by the sheer amount of food and variety of drink I saw. The fridge itself was nearly twice the size of the one in my parents' small kitchen, and it was almost overflowing. "Why on earth do you guys have all of this?"
"Appearances," Edward said again. "Esme goes to the grocery store once a week so the humans don't get suspicious. We donate it all… she only went yesterday."
When he still held the door open, looking at me expectantly, I shook my head. "Oh. No, I'm fine. Thank you."
He shut the door and led me back out of the kitchen, gesturing to doors as we passed. "The laundry room. The garage; you won't find that interesting. This is a bathroom. This is Carlisle and Esme's bedroom. This is the room where we monitor our finances… Alice and Jasper do most of the work there; they enjoy it more than the rest of us, though we each have our own private investments and accounts."
I stopped by the front door, pointing to an inconspicuous metal pad I hadn't noticed before. "What's this?"
"Oh, that's a safety precaution," he told me. "We can activate heavy metal shudders to cover all of the windows and doors. If any humans come along unannounced when the sun is high. Or when we move along."
He led me up the stairs to the second floor. "Jasper's study. Alice's bedroom. Rosalie and Emmett's room. Another bathroom."
And up to the third floor.
"This is the library. Carlisle mainly uses it as a study," Edward said as we passed a solid oak door. He paused, and lifted his hand to knock. "You'll enjoy this, actually."
"Come in." Carlisle's soft, soothing voice called; Edward was already pulling me inside before the first word was out. He was sitting at a large oak desk with a thick medical tome open in front of him. "To what do I owe the honor?"
"I'm sorry, we didn't mean to interrupt." I stood, feeling incredibly shy, at Edward's side as Carlisle rose to greet us.
"Not at all," he said, rounding the desk and leaning against the front of it, hands behind him bracing his body against the wood as he faced us openly. "What can I do for you?"
"Bella has an interest in our family history. I told her some," Edward said, "but I hoped you might feel like sharing your history with her."
Carlisle looked at me and smiled indulgently. "I would be happy to."
Reacting to something in Carlisle's thoughts, I was sure, or just because he knew the story so well himself, Edward spun me around to face the door we had come through – this was the one wall not shelved out and full of books; instead there were paintings lining every inch of the wall – and walked me over to a sepia-toned oil painting in a small, square frame. A cityscape depicting slanted roofs and high-spired towers with a long, winding river in the foreground, a bridge across it holding what looked to be a row of cathedrals, this painting stood out only for it plainness among the large, grand pieces surrounding it.
"London in the 1650s," Edward told me.
"The London of my youth," Carlisle said from behind me. Edward squeezed my hand as if he expected me to be unsettled by either Carlisle's sudden proximity or his age, but I already knew how old he was and I felt like I was pretty desensitized to vampires suddenly appearing near me. "Where to begin?"
ffn / AO3
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daninjahuck · 4 years
Can you tell us about Alev?
Oh yea for sure! It’s gonna be a bit long so I’m sorry in advance! So Alev is a fire genasi with a twin sister, Alcem. Alev uses He/They pronouns, and Alcem uses She/Her. Both of them are also rouges, and because of their magical birth, are connected through a psychic bond. They can hear each others thoughts if they are close enough, and even sometimes each others pain. It stretches any distance in the world, and can only be broken by death. The feeling of one another is always there, it’s like a small warmth in their stomachs. When they were just borned, They were given up by their human mother because their lives were threatened in the human village they were borned in. Their elemental mother abandoned them so their other mother had no choice but to find them a safe home. There were rumors of a nearby hidden clan of “creatures”. It was a story that everyone grew up being told as a scary bedtime story. But the twin’s mothers knew otherwise, that this clan could keep her children safe and teach them what they needed to survive in this world. She traveled miles through the woods and found their gates. She left her beloved baby twins there with a note explaining why she had to give them up, saying that it should not be read until the twins reach an age of maturity. A few hours later, the twins were in fact found by this creature’s clan, and taken in. They noticed the twins glowing features in their skin and hair, along with a token around a twine on each of their necks, with a flamed “H” engraved on each. Because of this they were given the names Hazel and Haven. As they grew up in the clan, they came to learn it wasn’t just scary “creatures” but races that usually caused...weird looks and prejudices. Tieflings, genasis, orcs, and much much more. But none of them would hurt anyone out of malicious intent. They only fought if it was self defense or against an evil cause, rarely even killed. And they only took from the wealthy. The twins learned their ways, and became a pair of very mischievous, charming rouges. They found a home here, and when they turned 19, they were given the note their mother left for them years ago. In the note she explained everything leading up to why she left them at the gates of this clan. With no even enough time to name her newly born children. But she mentioned how she was found of the name Alev and Alcem. The twins decided to change their names, Hazel to Alev and Haven to Alcem. The last thing on the note was that it was signed “L.H.” and a sketch of a young women in a rocking chair, they assumed to be their human mother. Eventually when the twin turned 20, they were old enough to join the clan hunting groups and go out to nearby villages for supplies. One day they were doing their weekly scanvange of the nearby village, when a very old lady ventegered a little too far into the woods. Alev was sent to steal from her basket, not all but some, the Seibusta clan were genuine thieves. They went, but when the old lady turned at just the wrong moment face turned to them, Alev froze. They knew this face, it was…familiar. The old lady also stood there, in longing shock. She went to reach out for Alev. Alcem called for her sibling. “Alev! Are you okay?” Worried for them, Alcem drew her dagger, and dashed towards them, worried that this lady may have been a powerful magic user, casting a spell on her sibling. She knew her sibling would never freeze in action. Alcem reacted off of fear for her twin, and made a quicktime choice. Alev didn’t even see their sister until the last second (Fire genasi usually act on their emotions right away and think later, Alev had this a bit better under control than their sister) and noticed her too late. “NO WAIT.” They screamed, but it was no used. She stabbed the woman in the stomach in one clean cut. As the weak old lady fell to the grass, her hood to her robe fell, revealing a full look at her face. Alev caught her, in her last breathe, she smiled at the twins looking down at her. “You found me. I knew you would make it back on day.” As the lady fell limp in Alev’s arms, a necklace was twinkling out from under her robe, one that look just like the twins. But on the back of the fire H, said “To my only love: Liliam Hihokan.” This was their mother, their human mother, they knew it now. That sketch was a much younger version of this exact woman. Alev let out a cry. And Alcem took a few steps back, shocked with what she did. After looking for a moment, back and forth from the body and her twin, she ran. Alev called out for their sister. They weren’t mad at their sister for this obvious mistake, they just needed someone to help them through this pain they would now going to have to endure. They were the only ones who could understand each others grief. But Alcem mind was made. Alev had no close blood left in the world. After that, They didn’t stick around long in the clan. They left in search of their sister. For the last 5 years, Alev has searched many places, but could never find their sister. He eventually ended up in our campaign, Curse of Strahd, where (SPOILERS) he was thought to have been killed by the Strahd when they were trying to rescue a friend, but really sent to another plane of existence, severing the bond between the twins. Alcem felt a shock sent through her body like a lighting bolt, and went out to find out what happened her sibling. She met up with the campaign group and they led her to believe Alev was dead. But Strahd met up with Alcem to try and make a deal with her, and that if she killed one of the party members, she could have her sibling back, and at that moment, she felt that warmth in her stomach once again, showing that Alev was, in fact, alive. She did not take Strahd on his offer and the party eventually went to his castle, where the twins bond grew stronger and stronger, hinting that Alev was somewhere in the castle. In the final battle, Strahd stabbed Alev when Alcem refused to kill one of the party, but it wasn’t enough to kill them, and Alev was able to be healed and fight in the final battle, where they finally killed the Vampire Lord. Now Alev and Alcem can finally catch up and be with each other once again. Alev currently lives in one of the guest rooms of @harveychan ‘s oc’s family, Kialos, mansion, since his sister also lives there since she is dating Ralus (also @harveychan ‘s oc). They haven’t aged much since the start of the campaign, as the twins are now 26!
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yoshroomoto · 4 years
Things I’m curious about- Le Comte Saint Germain
I was having a discussion on a discord server a few days ago and we were all talking about Le Comte. It got me to thinking more about all the things we really don’t know about him, so I think I’m going to compile a list of all the questions I have or things I wonder about!
Since it will undoubtedly be a long time before we get his route in English (rip) we have a long time to sit and ponder so many things about our beloved Comte. I sincerely hope that they do answer at least some of these questions in his route though, or I might actually go insane.
1) how old is he?
On the historical side of things, Le Comte Saint Germain lived during the 1700s, which would make him a mere 100+ years in IkeVamp. However, it is implied that he is, infact, quite old. Seeing as how he was said to have parted ways with vlad “centuries ago” (also kinda curious about which one of the 2 is the older vampire) and the way Leonardo seems to talk about him makes it out that he is definitely much older than what he would be if he was following the original date of Saint Germain. This kinda leads me into my next question
2) is he the actual count of Saint Germain?
If he is infact much older, then who is he exactly? He would of had to pretend to be multiple generations of the count of Saint Germain, or perhaps it was a title he himself earned and started, only to then pretend to be multiple generations afterwards (because surely if he stayed as one singular person people would realize he wasn’t aging). How exactly did he earn this title, or who did he steal it from if he got it from more nefarious means? Also kinda curious because Leo always makes such an emphasis to put quotations around his name and call him “Comte” “Le Comte” as if he’s joking around and mocking him about it? That may also just be him poking friend at his friend and the formalities or it could be him making a joke out of it because he knows who he is and what he really does. Because Leo has known him for a long time afterall..
3) who are his parents?
We learned in Leonardo’s route that a pure blooded vampire is the product of two pure blood parents. We also know that pure bloods are pretty much immortal. Since Le Comte is a pure blood that means his parents were also pure bloods. That would indicate that they too are still alive. Where are they? Do they have a good relationship with their son? Perhaps his parents are also famous historical figures?
4) where is he actually from?
I really don’t remember where at but at one point MC talked about how she couldn’t quite place his accent. He sounds french and speaks it fluently, but something about his voice also sounds as if he wasn’t truly/fully French. Did he come from somewhere else?
5) what the heck is his name??
One of the most infamous things about the historical count of Saint Germain is that nobody actually knew his name. Any guesses were mostly speculation and nobody had a definitive answer. Will we get to see him given a name in IkeVamp? What will it be? It would be a bit strange for the MC to be fully in love and committed to somebody only to keep calling them “count” for the rest of her life, but maybe that’s just me? I’m kinda hoping he tells her and her only so that it’s a sort of special term of endearment between the two of them. I am curious as to why he doesn’t use or go by his name, or at least create pseudonyms whenever somebody asks? You have to wonder if he’s hiding it/ why, perhaps he himself was also a famous historical figure and doesn’t want to own up to it because he left his past behind?
6) who was he before
Kinda building off of that, I’m curious to learn about who he was in the past. On multiple different occasions, he speaks about he was a jerk in the past and indicates he wasn’t a very good person, also that he smoked. What was it that made him so? What did he do? There must have also been some significant factor that led him to change as well. Perhaps his ambition of the flower that never wilted and preserving what he found great went too far and became an obsession? Or perhaps he hurt people in his wake and had to deal with that..
7) what makes MC so special
When we first begin the game, Le Comte is the first person we meet as he helps return a lost earring to the MC. He makes it pretty obvious from the start that he can smell her blood, and when she arrived at the mansion via the door he makes it obvious that he knew she came through before he saw her, yet he insists he did not mean to lead her through the door and her time travel was accidental on his behalf, which doesn’t add up since he made it clear he knew she came through when talking to sebastian and he told him they would have another guest at dinner. This implies that he knew she would go through the door. The biggest thing about this that makes me wonder is because Le Comte is a time traveler. Perhaps he knew MC in the future or had met her and they had some sort of relationship/ encounter. He could have lost her and been in grief that led him to go back in time to before that happened and change the outcome of where she went (aka, meeting her at the Louvre and leading her back in time instead of meeting her in the future and having something bad happen to her) this would explain why he could already smell her blood when they met, even though it’s made clear in other routes that this is only something that happens when the vampire is in love with the person. Even with Leo, who is also a pure blood, there is no indication that he could automatically smell blood. This would mean that Comte either already knew MC and was in love with her even if she didn’t know him yet because it was in the future, or poor boi had quite the case of love at first sight. This might also cover why he has flickering moments of sadness around MC and seems to be in love with her in every route. Is that what makes MC special? Or is it something else entirely? Maybe she herself is a famous historical figure/ would have been in her time if she hadn’t travelled back in time
8) how/why can he time travel?
Why is he the only one? Well, maybe not the only one since it’s hinted that Vlad also can since we all assume it’s him bringing back other people to cause chaos for the residents. But why is it limited to these two and how did they figure it out or come across such a force? Surely there can’t be something special about the mansion itself, door or no door. Can his parents also time travel? There must be something about Saint Germain himself that gives him the ability to go through time unscathed, as well as vlad and obviously the MC? Maybe that’s what makes her special as she’s one of the few people who can. Although we don’t fully know that others can’t use the door, he made it seem like it was pretty dangerous and could kill/ permanently cause people to get lost if they went through in Leonardo’s route when he tried going through the door to be with MC.
9) how did he turn everybody in the mansion?
We all know the story of how he went to each of their times before they died and brought them back as vampires, but this steal leaves a lot to the imagination. In Leo’s route, he refuses to feed off of MC entirely because he makes it out that if he does, she’ll become a vampire. This makes it seem like just being bitten by a pure blood is enough to turn somebody into a vampire. What’s odd about this is that on multiple occasions Le Comte talks about how he hadnt fed on a human (directly) in a very long time. This would either mean he’s lying or Leo is wrong about the process because Le Comte would of had to feed on every other vampire in the mansion (except for Leo and Napoleon) in order for them to be vampires, since he’s the one who turned them. Not to mention, idk about you guys but I doubt somebody like Mozart or Theo would just let some random man bite them and suck their blood... especially because of the intimacy and euphoria that comes with it? Idk. So when Le Comte bites MC as shown in some of the CG’s and hinted at in his route teaser for JP will she turn into a vampire? It would be kind of interesting to have her turn in at least one of the routes, who knows.
10) what are his full motives/ reasons for bringing the residents to the mansion?
I know he wanted to bring great men back to give them a chance to continue their life’s work and fix their greatest regrets, but why is he only doing so now if he’s been alive for so long? Does nobody else think it’s strange that he randomly decides at this point in time to essentially gather a force of great men to live with him? Is he preparing for something? Perhaps he knew vlad was also up to something and wanted to have a sort of team behind him? I also have to wonder how/ why some of the residents have the sort of relationship that they do with him. For example, Jean made it very clear that he doesn’t seem to like or trust Le Comte, and that he was turned into a vampire against his will and how he didn’t actually want to be one. Why and how did Le Comte threaten him to go through with it and to bring him to the mansion + stay there? That seems like a lot to do. There’s also the relationship between him and will. Now this is kind of understandable because we all know Will is kind of a little shit head and a number of other residents don’t trust him either, but the fact that Le Comte is so ready to be violent with him and that they had a fight big enough to cause Will to move out is pretty curious. Not to mention, they way he brings up Will’s eye in what I’m pretty sure was Arthur’s route makes it sound like he may have been responsible or seen what happened to cause Will’s eye to go red with old blood. Might also explain why Will is so eager to Switch sides between Le Comte and Vlad
11) what’s up with his room?
This ones not as important, but it’s still pretty curious in my eyes. If you notice some of the rooms in the mansions, bedrooms that is, you’ll notice that in comparison Le Comte’s is not only relatively modest and home-y in style, but rather small. Now the style may just be his preference but it is rather odd that the owner and essentially master of a massive mansion and a count would put himself in such a small room, especially when some of the resident have arguablely larger rooms. Perhaps there is a reason for this? I don’t quite remember where but at one point I vaguely remember somebody bringing up that MC’s room looks as if it is connected or next to the counterpart room that would be where the owner of the house usually resides- similar to how Alice’s room in Ikerev was connected to King Lancelot’s. Maybe there’s also a reason for this? There might even be an explanation for this later if they ever went into the living arrangements. A pretty obscure side comment and it may also just be his style, but why does he have so many hour glasses?
Okay guys, so if you made it this far thank you so much and please feel free to give any feedback or tell me what questions you may also have~
I’m going to keep this as a living document on my feed so I’ll probably update it as I go and add more questions that I have. This mans is one mysterious one, that’s for sure.
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salvatoreschool · 5 years
Wait, Is Legacies' Sebastian Connected To Vampire Diaries Or The Originals?
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What is the deal with new guy Sebastian on Legacies Season 2, and is that deal connected to The Vampire Diaries and/or The Originals? Sebastian showed up out of nowhere and charmed Lizzie Saltzman, who also reminds him of someone he used to know. A hint? Also, is Lizzie -- excuse me, Elizabeth -- the only one who can see him?
To vampire MG, Sebastian is invisible, leading some fans to wonder if Lizzie imagined Sebastian or (more likely) if there's some other kind of supernatural magic at work. Is it possible that Sebastian has a connection to The Vampire Diaries, the show that started it all, and/or its first spinoff, The Originals? He's already been compared to TVD's Damon Salvatore. And we know Hope Mikaelson's Aunt Freya is coming to Legacies soon. Will Seb have anything to do with her arrival?
Thomas Doherty plays Sebastian on Legacies and he seems to be having fun teasing out answers. He did say that Sebastian's backstory will be revealed in Episode 5, which is titled "Screw Endgame" and airs November 14. There isn't a new episode on Thursday, October 31 for Halloween, unfortunately, but that means we only have the November 7 episode before getting to the truth about Sebastian.
After Thomas Doherty mentioned his initial interest in Elizabeth is because she reminds him of a past lover, ET asked if there could be another potential doppelgänger in the mix. That's certainly something fans have gotten used to from The Vampire Diaries.
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Here's Thomas Doherty's attempt to deflect from that question:
Thomas Doherty: I don't think there is another Thomas wandering around the set, but you never know. [Laughs]
ET: Maybe not a Thomas or Sebastian doppelgänger, but could Lizzie have one, and that is why it reminds Sebastian of his past love?
Thomas Doherty: [Laughs] Maybe.
Ugh! He can't really confirm or deny anything, which is why he also played coy when asked directly if Sebastian had any ties to the Salvatores of The Vampire Diaries or Mikaelsons of The Originals -- you know, the founding families of our supernatural world. Here's what Thomas Doherty said about that:
Potentially [Laughs]. This is really hard! Wait and see.
Potentially! Sebastian was already described as something like Ian Somerhalder's Damon Salvatore of The Vampire Diaries. Thomas Doherty agreed both characters have a "kind of brooding, charming, mysterious thing about them."
The actor also said Sebastian will become much more present as the season progresses. It sounds like we're building toward a great reveal:
I really hope that I don't disappoint anyone. I don't really think [fans] will be. As I was reading the script, as I started, I was like, 'Whaaat?! Oh my god!' I don't think anyone will be disappointed.
Nice! Would it be too obvious for Sebastian to be the hooded figure in the Mystic Falls cemetery, connected to Malivore? I still feel like Vardemus is somehow connected to that, and maybe he's dragging Dark Josie into it. Still, we have to remember the timing of Sebastian's sudden appearance, right around when Hope escaped Malivore. Can Hope see Sebastian? I want to see them interact...
Thomas Doherty told EW we're dealing with something new in Sebastian:
The character’s written as someone that is very different than the vampires that we’ve seen before in Legacies.
I'm open to any and all Sebastian theories at this point, especially if they connect to the larger story being told from Vampire Diaries or The Originals.
Don't forget the Hope Mikaelson's Aunt Freya from The Originals is meant to be coming to Mystic Falls, and we've been told 1) Freya is supposed to show up in Episode 6, right after Sebastian's big reveal episode; and 2) Julie Plec said it's not Hope who goes and brings Freya to Mystic Falls. She said it's someone else and it'll be an interesting dynamic. I had been assuming Landon, but what if it's Sebastian?
I'm also fond of this fan theory connecting Sebastian to the Gemini Coven, which would connect him to The Vampire Diaries, The Merge, Josie and Lizzie Saltzman, their late biological mother, and their crazy Uncle Kai.
No clue if that theory holds water, but I like it. Plus, am I reading too much into things to notice Sebastian's ring? He and Lizzie go on some kind of picnic date in Episode 4, "Since When Do You Speak Japanese?" and the promo photo shows his ring. Is that just a classic daylight ring to protect him from the sun? Is the ring by any chance enchanted in other ways? I may be reaching.
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So we know answers on Sebastian are coming in Legacies Season 2, Episode 5 (which is also the '80s decade dance episode). EW said Freya was scheduled for Episode 6. And Julie Plec said the hooded figure mystery would play out around the winter finale before the big midseason break.
We don't have a date on that yet, but it shouldn't be too long after Episode 6 -- since Episode 5 airs November 15, Episode 6 should be November 21, November 28 is Thanksgiving so I'm sure they'll be taking a break, and I imagine Episode 7 will air on December 5. Last year's winter finale was Episode 7, airing December 13. It's possible this year we'll get the winter finale in Episode 8 on December 12, if The CW sticks with that schedule. (Legacies is meant to have a big Christmas episode this year, but it's not actually set on Christmas, which is intriguing.)
At any rate, answers on Sebastian, Freya, and the hooded figure should be coming soon -- so now is the time to air your theories in case you turn out to be right!
Legacies returns with Season 2, Episode 4 on Thursday, November 7 at 9 p.m. on The CW. Keep up with everything still airing on TV this year with our handy 2019 fall TV premiere schedule.
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justtheendoftheday · 5 years
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
“They’re coming to get you, Barbra.”
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When the bodies of the recently deceased begin coming back to life to try and kill and eat the living, a group of strangers take refuge inside an empty rural home.
Fright: 1.7 / 5  Barbras
For me the most unsettling moments of fright are near the beginning when the attacks first start occurring. Sure, packs of the undead banging on your door is a creepy idea, but the potential for some stranger to suddenly attack you is just so much more real.
I feel like this was probably a very frightening movie when it came out, but time has dulled its blade a bit. For devotees of the genre Night of the Living Dead probably doesn’t even cause a blip on their fear radar. But for less desensitized viewers I think it probably walks a nice line between being spooky enough to creep you out a little, but tame and dated enough that it won’t keep you up all night.
It’s easy to look back on this one and not remember any big scares. But that’s probably just because the movie isn’t really into big scares. It prefers to charge the atmosphere of a scene with spooky tension. Who will live? Who will die? What’s going to happen next?
Gore: 2.3 / 5 Butcher Counter Scraps
This one is tough to measure. Old school gore gore rarely measures up to modern standards, and the whole movie is in black & white (which always makes things seem a little less visceral to me). So by modern zombie movie standards this one is pretty tame.
On one hand there certainly is a bit of gore, but on the other hand it is generally used to suggest that something rather gruesome occurred instead of actually showing it happening.
For instance, they never show anyone getting bit or pulled apart or anything like that. But they do imply that such things have happened and then show the ghouls eating “human flesh.” Yet it’s pretty obvious to an adult viewer that the actors are just creepily munching on a prop arm or some meaty bit acquired from a butcher shop.
There’s also a couple of quick shots of a slightly decomposed skull.
For the most part the only gruesome things you actually see being done to people are things like getting shot or stabbed.
Jump Scares: Very few
There are a couple of potential startle moments, but they are a bit tame by today’s standards. I didn’t notice any really aggressive jump scares to speak of.
Night of the Living Dead is a film that goes beyond the confines of its spooky premise to work as a powerful metaphor for its time. While its depiction of women is unfortunately quite bland, the way it deals with race is incredibly interesting. It’s a movie that delights in creating tension more so than going for aggressive scares. While certainly tame compared to modern zombie films, it remains a really fun movie that establishes the heart of a Romero-style zombie movie: a group of survivors who are forced to question whether the real terror is being alone outside with the zombies or inside together with the other survivors.
Ah, Night of the Living Dead, one of those cinematic classics that everyone has at least heard of even if they’ve never seen.
Is it just me or is anyone else always wary of “classics?” So many of them turn out to be quite boring, or dated, or—worst of all—problematic. And sure, they might have made a big impact on the field, but that doesn’t mean they’re inherently great art, especially decades down the line.
And yet sometimes you’ll watch a so-called Classic and you totally get it.
Oh! Yes, this is why everyone keeps talking about this one.
One of my favorite things about the Horror genre is that so much of it is built up from a foundation of independent works and passion projects. And so much about what makes this movie a classic is because it was made by a bunch of film nerds who just wanted to make a movie. The only limitation placed on them was the scope of their imagination and the confines of their budget.
And that is exactly what allowed it to work outside the usual studio box and synthesize something new.
Here is a movie that has lots of gore (unusual for the time), was shot in black and white (also quite unusual for the time), and it cast a handsome black man as the main character and definitive hero of the movie (very unusual for the time).
Now keep in mind that movie was made in late 1960s America! A time where institutionalized racism was clashing against the force of a powerfully determined and ever-growing civil rights movement. To see a black man being portrayed as the hero—let alone one who heroically fights against white bodies—was almost unheard of in the cinematic pop-culture of the time.
Romero has said that his script hadn’t called for a black man to be cast in the role of Ben, but Duane Jones was chosen for the role simply because his audition had been the best. And while it’s easy to believe that Duane Jones aced that audition (because he’s friggin’ phenomenal in this movie), it’s hard to imagine that they would have even considered casting a white dude in the role. If they had gone that route it would have fundamentally changed the nature of the story (which is just a nice way of saying that it would have ruined everything).
But luckily for us the creators were open-minded enough to cast the role without race in mind. And because of that Night of the Living Dead was able to (inadvertently) tap into the energy of its time. It’s charged with this backlash against American racism. Ben is literally surrounded by white people that want him dead. They either want to ignore his humanity and simply consume him, like the hordes of ghouls do, or they want him dead for threatening the status quo (like Mr. Cooper does inside the house). And in spite of everything he still sticks his neck out to protect the people around him.
In spite of how well it’s held up over the years, for a modern audience one part hasn’t aged especially well: its depictions of women. Now don’t get me wrong, it never goes for the overt sexism that many horror movies manage to. And yet its female characters still manage to be the most bland characters in the film.
The lack of depth is on full display in their depiction of the film leading lady: Barbra. She starts out well enough, but for the vast, vast majority of the movie she is reduced to a hollow character. She is near catatonic most of the time and even when she’s lucid she tends to just ramble on, only partially aware of reality.
If that wasn’t bad enough there are only 3 other women in the movie and their characters almost never step outside the frameworks of The Wife, The Girlfriend, and The Daughter. All the female characters seem to exist only to add depth to the male characters who are the actual movers and shakers of the movie.
(Although in her defense I will say that Mrs. Cooper’s occasional scathing remark to her idiot husband are highly enjoyable.)
The first time I saw this film was in high school and I had heard it hyped up so much that I ended up thinking it was all a bit silly when I first saw it. While I’m sure it was more shocking to see during its time, by today’s standards it is a rather quiet movie. But when I ended up giving it another try, I found that the quietness is one of my favorite things about it.
One of the little details I love is how they use cricket sounds throughout the movie. In spite of all the horror and death we witness, nature continues unabated. It’s as if to say the world doesn’t care about these people’s situation. That little sound that evokes quiet peaceful summer nights is twisted here and it adds this brilliant extra layer of creepiness.
One of the things I’ve always loved about Romero’s zombie movies is that they are always focused on the survivors, not the zombies. The ghouls are slow and stumbling, their only real threat is if they catch you unaware or you let them overpower you with their numbers. The real source of danger is always shown to be the people you’re locked up with.
After all, in these modern times what is more frightening: the masses pounding on your gates or the people you find yourself locked in with?
Content warnings: I didn’t notice anything particularly triggering in this one, but let me know if I missed something!
After-credits Scene?: None.
Directed by: George A. Romero
Written by: John Russo & George Romero
Country of Origin: USA
Language: English
Setting: Butler County, Pennsylvania, USA
Sequel: Dawn of the Dead (1978)
If you liked this you might also like: Dawn of the Dead (1978), Day of the Dead (1985), The Last Man on Earth (1964), Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Context Corner:
Night of the Living Dead may be the great grand-daddy of the modern zombie movie, but many might not know that plenty of zombie movies existed long before it was ever made. The first zombie movie being the 1932 film White Zombie starring Bela Lugosi as an evil witch doctor named Murder Legendre [100% serious. That really was his name].
However, these original zombie movies were very different things from what we consider zombies today. These pre-NotLD films were generally based around second-hand ideas of zombies as seen in Haitian folklore (and misattributed to the religion of voodoo). They featured dead bodies that were reanimated as mindless tools of their master or living people put into a zombie-like trance, not autonomous creatures on the hunt for living flesh.
The closest precursor to Romero’s vision of zombies was seen in the fantastic film The Last Man on Earth, a 1964 picture starring Vincent Price and based on the novel I Am Legend by Richard Matheson. There a plague sweeps across the country and the infected dead return to life as a type of vampire-esque zombies.
Fun Fact: In spite of its influence on the zombie genre the word “zombie” is never used in Night of the Living Dead. The undead are referred to only as “ghouls.”
“So long as this situation remains, government spokesmen warn that dead bodies will continue to be transformed into the flesh-eating ghouls. All persons who die during this crisis, from whatever cause, will come back to life to seek human victims.”
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pashpops · 4 years
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Members: Sunghoon (leader), Jamie, $ticky, Kiwoo, Wooshik (maknae)
Fandom name: Fruits
Stage Name: Sunghoon Birth Name: Kim Sung Hoon Position: Leader, Main Vocalist Birthday: March 29th, 1994 Zodiac: Aries sun, Scorpio moon, Leo rising Height: 178cm Weight: 68kg Blood Type: O Favourite Colour: Red, black Favourite Food: Steak Least Favourite Food: Fish, especially tuna Hobbies: Singing, dancing, acting, photography
Sunghoon Facts: - Born in Seoul, but lived for 5 years in New York City. - Speaks Korean and English. - Only child, mother and father are also both artists. - Classically trained tenor who graduated from The Juilliard School with a Bachelor of Music (Vocal Arts) at age 20. - An accomplished musical theatre actor. Surprised everyone in his local troupe by suddenly becoming an idol. - Called “Explosive Sunghoon” because of his powerful vocals and hot temper. - Very strict, but emotional and easy to play tricks on. - Will not answer what his ideal type is, hates the question, will complain any time it’s brought up.
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6mEBzMfTUi56Ebk6Sf5lkh
BEHIND THE SCENES DATA: - heavy cocaine and xanax user. “Not addicted” and “can quit at any time”. - former alcoholic, has slip-ups now and then but quit because it was affecting his physique, which he works way too hard on. - exclusively gay, was out predebut and had to go back into the closet to debut, so his predebut socmed has been completely wiped and there’s very little to find about him predebut that isn’t old cast bios from his acting days or group pics with old friends. Very into pretty twinks. - previously dated Minseok of B.A.D.D. while they were both in the same company in their teens, both were kicked out for constant verbal and physical fighting. - currently in a relationship with Jamie, but it’s kept very much on the down-low for obvious reasons. - undiagnosed, but probably has bipolar disorder alongside diagnosed (and again secret) panic disorder.
Stage Name: Jamie Birth Name: James Choi Position: Visual, Rapper Birthday: June 21st, 1996 Zodiac: Cancer sun, Leo moon, Pisces rising Height: 163cm Weight: 59kg Blood Type: B Favourite Colour: Electric pink Favourite Food: Everything, loves food, especially sweet, salty or spicy snacks. Least Favourite Food: None Hobbies: Video games, partying
Jamie Facts: - Born in Los Angeles, California, only moved to Seoul recently and is still a little bad at speaking Korean. - Speaks English and Korean. - Only child of a very wealthy single mother. - Member with the least amount of training, was only a trainee for a few months before debut. - Called “Crybaby Jamie” because despite having a flirtatious playboy image, he’s actually very sensitive and complains a lot. Got into a lot of trouble predebut because he’d run off to sulk without knowing the area around the company dorms very well and would get lost and have to be picked up. - Secret dance machine of Passion Pop. Can twerk and do the splits. His audition was a (pretty impressive and very jiggly) dance and (pretty impressively bad) rap cover of Nicki Minaj’s Pound The Alarm. - Ideal type is “a vampire-like person” who’s sexy and a bit cruel. Answers with a different cartoon villainess every time he’s asked.
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5ngCFTz2DTPpZfJ4TDA9yH
BEHIND THE SCENES DATA: - diagnosed ADHD combined type, but was always bad at taking his meds in the US (often sold them as party drugs instead) and can’t legally get them in SK anyway. - total stoner, though obv it’s harder to get weed in SK than LA lol - party animal and frequent user of party drugs like molly and special k, tries to keep away from harder stuff and worries about Sunghoon. - hates the taste of alcohol so doesn’t get drunk much. Total lightweight who only drinks wine coolers. - HUUUUGE mommy issues, the joke is that he’s “sensitive” and “a crybaby” but ADHD rejection sensitive dysphoria + lack of any close familial relationships (doesn’t know his dad, mom is a wealthy socialite who works almost as much as she parties) means he’s left with poor communication skills, a huge fear of abandonment and disappointing others, very low self-esteem and needs constant reassurance. - due to spoilt upbringing, is very careless with his belongings, especially electronics and clothing. - doesn’t really see why people keep telling him he’s attractive, but his desire for being desired outweighs his low self-esteem. Plus he just likes being touched and kissed and fucked, so... - pansexual and very into older and more powerful types. Was very relieved to discover that Sunghoon was not only gay but also into him, because he’d been worrying about what he’d do if they debuted together and if he found out that he had a crush on him for months.
Stage Name: $ticky Birth Name: Jung Sung Ki Position: Vocalist, Rapper, Dancer, Composer Birthday: October 13th, 1993 Zodiac: Libra sun, Virgo moon, Virgo rising Height: 181cm Weight: 70kg Blood Type: O Favourite Colour: Yellow, sea green Favourite Food: Anything sweet Least Favourite Food: Greasy/oily food Hobbies: Dancing, DJing, cooking
$ticky Facts: - Born in Gongju, but has lived in Seoul since leaving high school. - Has a younger sister and an older sister. His older sister and parents worked a lot, so he’s used to taking care of his little sister. - Completed his military service straight out of high school. - Almost always wears big circle lenses. - Mother of the group. - The only one whose “image colour” (purple) is not one of his favourite colours. He accepts it because it matches the feeling of the group well, but he doesn’t think it suits him very well, and wishes he could swap colours with Wooshik (yellow). - Called “Softie Sticky” because he’s gentle, kind, and, despite being the eldest member, a pushover who just goes along with what everyone else wants to do. - Chose his stage name himself, based on the Japanese word “suteki” and because he thought it sounded cute. The dollar sign is because he is a Ke$ha fan. - Doesn’t have an ideal type, thinks the question is a bit shallow.
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/59AorKrFqYSzCvfK4iES7V
BEHIND THE SCENES DATA: - genuinely has nothing to hide LOL - ok maybe he’s a bit more of a hoe than his kind and caring image lets on - ok a LOT of a hoe but in a sensual and adult way, not the desperate-for-attention way Jamie is. - open-minded about gender and sexuality, but doesn’t think much about his own identity and his flamboyance and feminine-coded behaviour is never really questioned given that he’s an idol and a tall and muscular one at that. “Doesn’t everyone just like what they like?”
Stage Name: Kiwoo Birth Name: Hwang Ki Woo Position: Main Dancer, Vocalist Birthday: April 14th, 1996 Zodiac: Aries sun, Aquarius moon, Sagittarius rising Height: 165cm Weight: 47kg Blood Type: A Favourite Colour: Neon green Favourite Food: Sour candy, fried chicken Least Favourite Food: Boiled vegetables Hobbies: Dancing, makeup, video games
Kiwoo Facts: - Born in Busan, moved to Seoul by himself at age 16. - Middle child of a large family (younger brother, younger sister, older sister, older brother). - Family owns a fried chicken shop, so he knows how to make really good fried chicken. - Fake maknae, always mistaken as the youngest because of his small frame and energetic personality. - Called “Smile Fairy Kiwoo” because of his ever-present smile and playfulness. - Big makeup fan, does a lot of his looks himself and sometimes does makeup for the others too. - Very stubborn, the “secret power” in the group. - The member with the most public recognition predebut, had won many dance competitions and had one of his dance videos go viral. - Ideal type is someone kind-hearted and taller than him.
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0RQittX0WgAmbB0rG9PWOr
BEHIND THE SCENES DATA: - fairly obviously got his jaw shaved, as he had a heavy social media presence before debut and there’s lots of old and embarrassing pics online. - pretty much fine with showing his old pics because they’re basically unrecognisable and pretty funny but would rather die than be seen without his hair and makeup done as an idol. - has a LOT of connections within big companies like SG due to his audition blitz. - genuinely is just very skinny due to a natural high metabolism, natural high level of energy and intense dance practices, but has friends, some debuted idols, who struggle with EDs so he’s VERY bitter about comments implying that he has an ED, especially if they’re joking about it. - had serious issues with Jamie predebut and in their first year of promotions, but they get along now after having a heart-to-heart about their less than ideal childhoods.
Stage Name: Wooshik Birth Name: Kim Woo Shik Position: Main Rapper, Maknae Birthday: March 13th, 1999 Zodiac: Pisces sun, Capricorn moon, Taurus rising Height: 185cm Weight: 82kg Blood Type: A Favourite Colour: Anything pastel Favourite Food: Chocolate, pasta, beef Least Favourite Food: Winter melon, raw eggs Hobbies: Bodybuilding, dancing, drawing
Wooshik Facts: - Born in Incheon. - Has an 8 years older brother who helped to raise him as both his parents worked long hours. - His brother is a personal trainer and owns his own gym, so Wooshik started working out at a young age. - Called “Tofu Beast Wooshik”. Tofu because of his pale skin and soft and round face, Beast because of his massive and muscular physique. - The only member not intimidated by Sunghoon’s hot temper. - Has a lot of natural aegyo, but finds it hard to act cute on demand. - Total meme sense of humour. - Hasn’t thought about his ideal type, like Sunghoon and $ticky, he dislikes the question.
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2Yl2LwrVijEwajWqO1NhN5
BEHIND THE SCENES DATA: - a little embarrassed about his muscular body, it wasn’t such a big deal when he was in the gym surrounded by other way bigger, older, and more ripped guys, but it’s very noticeable around slim idols. - also a little hurt by the “beast” nickname, as he’s really very gentle and friendly, even if he is a bit single-minded at times. - many people see him not being intimidated by Sunghoon as not respecting him, but he actually looks up to Sunghoon a lot, and as more than just his group leader.
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eliasbookshelf · 4 years
Elias’ Book Review #4: Inside Out
I’ve been dedicating these past few years in book-reading to selecting more queer books. I can’t remember how, but I stumbled upon a local queer author, on Twitter. I just followed casually, until one day, he posted about a novel he previously wrote and published on Wattpad. He also self-published the book! So when the printed copy was available, I picked up a copy of the first book, Inside Out, and its sequel, Upside Down, to show my support towards a local author. 
This review is about Inside Out, the first book from Evan Francisco. A supernatural fantasy tale with romantic elements, the story tells of a half-human, half-werewolf Jordan Patterson, who, upon discovering his destined life partner is the one person he dislikes, goes on a journey of emotional self-discovery, while along the way facing challenges of high school, friends, werewolf battles, jealousy, and of course, enemies. 
From the synopsis, when talking about half-mortals, half-immortal, my mind goes straight to the pop culture phenomenon that is Twilight. The author wasn’t exactly shy with his inspiration, either. Besides obvious references and allusions to that universe (werewolves, vampires, a novel written by Stephenie Meyer), other less obvious references would be noticeable to fans, like myself. The name of the beach where the wolf clan settled, their shapeshifting abilities, vampire referring to the wolves as ‘dogs’, the vampire council and their hooded cloaks, among others. Not that it’s a bad thing, of course. Everything is inspired from something else.  In terms of story, I like how the plot is always moving. There’s always something happening. From the discovery of Jordan’s mate, the eventual yes-no to being in a relationship. a werewolf battle, a sabotage, a jealous ex, a kidnapping, and other plot twists, the action keeps the story moving. The few low notes in the story is when Jordan goes on his own soliloquy, thinking out loud about his feelings. It’s very teenage emo stuff, which isn’t exactly surprising. Jordan is sixteen, after all, the same age as when the author started writing the story.  However, this inner thoughts that Jordan does drags the story a long at some points.  I find interesting about this world created by the author is that people are generally accepting of the queer community. The parents and school kids are totally cool about two guys dating. That’s just a really nice world that I would love to live in, where people are ok with me dating another guy.  Something else this story showed how it’s inspired by the other novel, is the main plot point. Like in Twilight, the wolves in Inside Out has an innate ability to form mate bonds with another person. In the other story, it’s called ‘imprinting’. Just like that, the ‘mate bond’ in this story is not explained in detail. It just happens. There is no explanation as to why Jordan’s mate is a male, who happens to be a guy he dislikes, Jace Andrews (the all-star popular jock who everyone is in love with). They’re just bonded (for life), and if the mate bond is not acknowledged, both of them can and will die. Rough. I got no explanation of this bond till the end of the novel. There’s a scene with Jordan’s mortal friend, Adam, who goes through a book about the immortals, and I thought that this would be a great spot to talk about this bond thing in detail. Saying ‘it just happens’ got me frustrated.   The excessive use of the word ‘mate’ also annoys me. It’s way overused by Jordan, who keeps describing Jace as his mate, every chance he can. The heavy use was really obvious at the beginning, but eventually it became less frequent, nonetheless reading and hearing the word would make me cringe from now on. Let’s talk about characters. I have a dislike about the main character, Jordan. He tries to convince himself that he’s in love with Jace throughout most of the book, but if he does, he thinks that makes him gay, and he wasn’t sure if he’s gay. That’s fine, maybe he’s pansexual or asexual. Jordan’s sexuality doesn’t play a big role in determining his likability, but it frustrates me that he goes back and forth with his feelings towards Jace. At some points when he’s either touching or kissing Jace, he says he’s in love with Jace, then goes back to questioning is all over again. It gets irritating after a while. Sure, it’s not easy when you’re bonded for life with your biggest bully, but both he and Jace didn’t settle it early on. Jace kept asking him what’s his problem, but he didn’t say anything. Did he forget he ever bullied Jordan? As much as I dislike Jordan, I stayed because of its queer romance and storyline, and sheer determination to finish this book. 
  Jace, on the other hand, is super determined to be the best boyfriend ever. Admirable, but what does annoy me about Jace is that he is *too* in love with Jordan, but he doesn’t say this. Other characters, like Dan, tells us about Jace’s over-loving feeling towards Jordan. There’s also reminders along the way about how much Jace is in love with Jordan, like we don’t already know.  It gets annoying over time, but really, Jace tries too hard. I guess he just didn’t want to die due to Jordan’s half-and-half romantic feelings toward him. Fortunately, he’s more tolerable than Jordan, but still flawed. Maybe, just maybe, if they were to settle it early on, Jordan wouldn’t be going back and forth about his feelings, and Jace won’t be so pushy about being together (there’s that dying thing, as well). The other supporting characters are also tolerable and more likable, so that’s a good thing.  One more thing about the plot that got me slightly weirded out, is the cave showdown between Theo, Parker, Jordan, and some other characters. Jordan said he was naked. Throughout the scene, there was no mention of clothes being given to him after Parker got upset with Theo, and then Jace and the gang came to save him. Jordan got involved a bit in the showdown, but he did that ... while being naked? Doesn’t he feel a bit ... exposed?? Are werewolves used to that??? He was worried about boners a few pages before.  Apparently, the sequel stays in the universe but leaves Jordan and Jace, and focuses on newcomer to the pack, Keith. After going through the first novel, I think I’d know what to expect in the second book. I just hope Keith is more bearable than Jordan. 
Stars: 3/5 Recommended: If you’re into queer relationships, werewolves, or if you’d like to support a self-published author. 
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starboyjxmin · 7 years
Mobile Masterlist :)
Min Yoongi Category
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First Love (Yoongi x Reader) Part  1  2  3  4  5 6 7 8 9
Description: Yoongi adopts the daughter of Hoseok after he abandoned the baby at the hospital due to the heart ache of loosing his fiancee to the child birth. 7 years later, Yoongi is married to Taehyung to share the custody over the little girl who seems to be getting wiser by the days which alarms Yoongi since it’s only a matter of time before the girl finds out the truth behind her birth and why she has no mom. It isn’t until he meets you, his daughter’s teacher, that he finally finds more than moral support and the ability to keep a level headed when Hoseok finally contacts the couple about wanting to meet Rose, the baby he left in Yoongi’s arms as well as how to deal with the possible loss of Rose as his daughter.
AU: Dad!Yoongi, Dad!Taehyung, Model!Taehyung, Label Owner!Yoongi, Teacher!Reader.
Warnings: Smut, Angst, Vulgar Language
Motion in Reality (Yoongi x Reader) Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Description: Your undercover cop husband gets murdered by the same mafia he infiltrated to take down. His death leads to a chain of events
H.S. STAS /Name coming soon/ (Yoongi x Reader) Part 1
Description: /Yoongi as a song from Harry Styles’ self titled album/
AU: /Coming soon/
Warnings: /Coming soon/
Jung Hoseok Category
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Equinox (Hoseok x Reader) Part  1  2  3 4 5
Description: You had left your comfortable rich home with your very well off, old money parents who never fully cared a lot about you given they were always busy with money-related affairs. As an expecting 19 year old, you decided to move to the apartment your parents owened in London that had been almost forgotten since the last time you were there was at the age of 5, only to find a homeless man with the heart of gold who lived in the complex’s back yard. The residents of the complex hold a meeting about how they want to vanish the man, some even talking about possible murder. You weren’t understanding why this was something they would dare thing. Long story short, you bring the man to your home and help him out. It isn’t long until you find his backstory sad and get to know him for who is, leading to fall for him. But maybe falling for the man is what gets him hurt.
AU: Rich!Reader, Expecting Parents!Hoseok
Warnings: Smut, Angst, Vulgar Language
H.S. STAS /Name coming soon/ (Hoseok x Reader) Part 1
Description: Hoseok as one of Harry Styles’ self titled album song
AU: /coming soon/.
Warnings: /coming soon/
Jeon Jungkook
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Angel (Jungkook x Reader) Pt.  1  2 3 4
Description: Being in love with the filling on top of the world was easy, but becoming an astronomer in order to be closer to something you had fallen in complete love with had proved to be more than difficult which led you to switch majors. Your friend Jay decides to help you out of your misery by dropping you off at an adoption center where you find out they hold human hybrids from countries, but at the moment the failed hybrids from South Korean that couldn’t be sold there due to not being perfect experiments. You adopt a curious bunny hybrid named Jungkook and begin to learn about him as well as finding that the stars were in his eyes and he was a self unity of the galaxy itself by how he went about, talk, and touched you. As your relationship with the hybrid grows, so does your understanding of how the universe works, making him the bridge to caress your dream.
AU: Hybrid!BTS, Bunny!Jungkook, College Student!Reader
Warnings: Smut, Angst, Vulgar Language
Meet Me In The Hallway (Jungkook X Harry Styles’ album) Pt.  1
Description: Jungkook is a bus boy in Vegas for the Aria hotel when he comes across the most beautiful and exquisite woman who is you. After seeing how your husband treats you by publicly embarrassing you in the restaurant of the hotel, he finds himself too late to stop from coming to your aid long after the incident where he falls in love with you in the process. Naive as he is, he thinks he can be everything for you. But he soon realizes the truth.
AU: Busboy!Jungkook, Rich!Reader, BTS x Harry Styles’ album songs
Warnings: Smut, Angst, Vulgar Language
Kim Taehyung Category
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Serendipity (Taehyung x Reader) Part  1  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Description: Being a triple majoring girl with a sugar daddy wasn’t all bad as the media tried to convey sugar babies as. Your friend invites you to her sister’s wedding in South Korea and you tag along with her and her boyfriend but the trip turns into a curse with a blessing. You find things to be a bit uncomfortable as her boyfriend seems to get more abusive as the trip progresses. She had gotten you tickets for a meet and greet for a K-pop band called BTS where you caught the eye of one of the members of the maknae line, Kim Taehyung who goes to great lengths as well as ricks to be with you despite there being an obvious language barrier as well as cultural differences. But as the weekend progresses and gets closer to the wedding date, things prove to be a bit more difficult for you and the K-pop idol in love with you as your dates seem to go public where you receive a lot of racial backlash.
AU: None
Warnings: Smut, Angst, Vulgar Language, Racism
Woman (Taehyung x Reader) Part 1
Description: Taehyung doesn’t like his property being compromised.
AU: Vampire!Taehyung, Psycho!Taehyung, Foreigner!reader
Warnings: Smut, Vulgar Language, Voyeurism, Kidnapping, Mentions of Murder
Park Jimin Category
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Starboy (Jimin x Reader) Part  1 2 3 
Description: One eventful night was enough to make you believe in shooting stars as you went to bid a goodnight to your parents’ graves when a strange alien came crashing into the cemetery. Without any thought, you bring him home to your housemate, Taehyung who is at first skeptical about the origins and who the literal starboy is but quickly takes a liking to him, calling him his cousin. You try to figure out what is best to do to keep his profile low and avoid the nosy government to take the alien boy who Taehyung names Jimin. Things get bad as the alien begins to develop feelings for you which could blow his full cover which ultimately boils everything down to whether you stay on Earth and let him go back to his planet, or you leave everything behind including your house mate who is like a brother to you and leave t become queen of Jimin’s planet to rule alongside with him. The thing is, you had not enough time to weigh the possibilities of the two options you have because of the men in black closing in on you by the minute.
AU: Alien!Jimin, College Student!Reader, Scrub Nurse!Taehyung.
Warnings: Smut, Angst, Vulgar Language
H.S. STAS /Name coming soon/ (Jimin x Reader) Part 1
Description: Jimin as Harry Styles’ self titled song
AU: /coming soon/
Warnings: /coming soon/
Blithe (Jimin x Reader) Part 1 2?
Description: You finally meet your long distance boyfriend.
AU: Non AU for Jimin, Book Club Leader!Jimin, (Demon?Jimin)
Kim Seokjin
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Lonely Star (Seokjin x Reader) Part 1
Description: /coming soon/
AU: /coming soon/
Warnings: /coming soon/
H.S. STAS /Name coming soon/ (Seokjin x Reader) Part 1
Description: Seokjin as Harry Styles’ self titled album song
AU: /coming soon/
Warnings: /coming soon/
Kim Namjoon
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Japanese Denim (Namjoon x Reader) Part  1
Description: Namjoonn is the lead librarian in LA when he notices you coming in and reading strange genres and behaving oddly. He finds that he has developed a crush on the girl with the blue and white painted fingertips. He tries to find ways to talk to you but fails until 4 months after, he manages to strike up a poor conversation with you as you check out a book only to find out that you are the leader of the Crips of this side of town. He is beyond terrified of you and is also quick to judge which leads you to avoid him for two weeks before you decide to invite him over for dinner where he meets your adopted son Jungkook who is 19 which is strange to him given that you are 23. After frequenting you more, he finds himself in various difficult and dangerous situations because of you and your gang relations. 
AU: Librarian!Namjoon, Gang Leader!Reader
Warnings: Smut, Angst, Vulgar Language, Death, Drug Abuse
H.S. STAS /Name coming soon/ (Namjoon x Reader) Part 1
Description: Namjoon as Harry Styles’ self titled album song
AU: /coming soon/
Warnings: /coming soon/
Slash in the middle= Not done yet
Upcoming Projects -> Here
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kmze · 7 years
One Hell of a Lucky Guy
Steroline (sort of?) AU future fic - prompt what if Caroline meet one of Stefan’s doppelgangers in the future. Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Chapter 7
Paul opens the door and Caroline didn’t need her heightened hearing to notice his heart beating faster or the audible gasp he tries to hide the second he lays eyes on her. She decides to stand there at first just enjoying the affect she was having on him before interrupting his daze “you know it’s a good thing I’ve already been invited in” she says with a little tile of her head as she maneuvers around him through the door.
Paul lets out a little laugh, trying to compose himself before finally remembering how to form words saying “sorry it’s just you look…” “hot,” Caroline interrupts and he nods along mouth slightly agape “yeah I know” she quips cheekily. He laughs again before coming up behind her, hands gently grazing her shoulders and leans forward talking into the hair covering her ears “may I take your jacket?”
She closes her yes just for a second allowing herself to savor the feel of his breath against her neck, she leans in just a little bit to his touch turning her head towards him so his lips graze her cheek, “such a gentleman” she coos taking pleasure in the control she has over him currently. She lifts her shoulders so he can remove her jacket which, forces him to take a step back but he still makes  a point to keep his thumbs on the edges of the jacket’s material so they trace down the skin of her arms. She hears his heart beating faster again and she’s grateful she’s the only one with super hearing in this room because hers might be beating even faster.
 Once he’s removed the jacket completely she turns around to giving him a smile before saying “thanks.” Paul smiles back before leaning in to give her butterfly kiss on her cheek “if I didn’t make it obvious already you look beautiful, let me hang this up and then I can give you a tour.” He walks towards the closet as Caroline takes in the open concept of the house, kitchen to her right, large bay window to the backyard where she can see a porch with an in ground pool in the distance. The living room is to her left with a beautiful gas fireplace, just above it is a large mounted flat screen television and a u-shaped sectional, the construction looks very modern, had to have been built within the last five years she assumes.
 “So when did you move in?” she asks as she hears him walking towards her from the closet. She can feel the smile on Paul’s face as he’s admiring her taking in his home “how do you know I just moved in? Maybe I’ve lived here for years and you just didn’t know?” he questions all smugly and she shakes her head thinking she knows exactly what he wants her to admit, part of her wants to turn around and say ‘because you look exactly like the deceased love of my life’ but decides to feed his ego a bit instead “I would have remembered seeing you” as she winks walking towards the kitchen island.
 Paul follows until turning toward the two wine glasses he has sitting on the counter, “trust me so would I” and Caroline can’t help but enjoy his confidence, usually whenever humans find out she’s a vampire they tend to keep their distance. It’s why in her dating life she usually sticks to other vampires, plus most vampires are never looking for anything long term keeping things from ever getting too complicated. In fact the last time she was even with a human was Stefan and even that was after the majority of their relationship had been when they we’re both vampires. “So red or white, unless you want bourbon instead.” Paul asks as he snaps her out of her thoughts, she looks towards him “I’ve noticed that seems to be your go-to drink,” Caroline lets out a small “uh-huh” appreciating his attention to details, “red is good, the zinfandel looks promising unless that doesn’t go with dinner.”
 He reaches for the cork to open the wine before answering filling her glass and handing it to her then filling his own, “nope pairs well with a t-bone steak, I didn’t think to ask if you we’re a vegetarian or anything since, you know…” as he takes a sip of his wine showing her he knows she was just asking because she wanted him to tell her what’s on the menu already. “Since I eat blood you mean,” she answers him back smugly taking a sip as well.
 “It’s a very sexy quality, I can finally grill a rare steak without fear of someone asking me to cook the thing to death instead,” he says and Caroline shakes her head at his ability to make her being an actual predator who could easily kill him within seconds into a desirable dating quality. “Anyway, back to your original question we moved in here right after our first meeting, I was already in contact with the seller weeks before closing because as soon as I got the okay for the school I wanted to act fast.” He moves from behind the counter grabbing the bottle of wine with him as he encourages her to follow him while he shows her around “this one was my top choice, I had two others but this one had the pool so I was more aggressive.”
 Caroline peers through the windows looking at the pool again as they walk toward the backyard entrance “you like to swim?” she asks, “love it, the last place we lived in had one in the community so we had to share, now that it’s my own though I try to get in there once a day at least. What about you?” Caroline shivers a bit at his question “oh no, I guess it’s a weird vampire quirk but ever since I turned I’ve hated swimming,” Paul nods before raising a finger as if he just thought of something “the garlic thing isn’t true right because I’m going to have to scrap the roasted potatoes and that’s really going to suck” he mentions before moving to open the french doors to the backyard as they step out onto the porch. “Nope, the more garlic the better” she answers proudly walking out onto the porch “good” Paul says before moving to the outdoor fridge.
 He begins taking out his supplies while continuing “let me know if you get cold I have heat lamps installed…” he looks towards Caroline who’s about to say something before he cuts her off “let me guess, vampires don’t get cold” she bites her lip smiling back at him. “Beth, my late wife, she would always get cold even during the hot Florida summers so having heat lamps installed was always a first priority for me, Grace seems to be the same way I think part of her really does miss that god-awful humidity.”
 Caroline laughs before deciding to push him a little to open up about his past, specifically about his wife, she couldn’t deny that it was a little comforting knowing that he understood how it feels to lose someone you’d planned on spending your life with. “So is that where you met Beth, in Florida or did you move down there from somewhere else” Caroline asks before taking a sip of her wine, she watches Paul as he sparks up the grill before answering her “yep we met in Florida I went to college there but she was a local from Cassadaga, biggest psychic community in the state, we met at a bar like all cliché love stories start” Caroline laughs and he smiles at her enjoyment and the comfort he feels talking to her about this.
 “She was a few years older than me, I like older women as you can tell” Caroline rolls her eyes. Paul notices her glass is empty so he reaches for the bottle to give her a refill. He smiles and Caroline can tell he’s thinking about that night he first met his wife and she can’t help smile watching him reminisce happier times. “Beth was, she was a good person she taught young witches in her coven, she was a master at spells I used to tease her about her reciting Latin in her sleep,” Paul fills his wine glass up now before he takes another sip “you would have been friends I’m sure, she would have been blown away by everything you did with the school.” He says as he looks at her adoringly and she can sense the admiration he has for her just from his eyes.
 Caroline gives him the same look showing him her appreciation over his words, “I’m sure she would have been one of my best professors experts in Latin are so hard to come by.” Paul is busy finishing up the steaks before he places each one on the plates he set, he then moves to open the tinfoil holding the roasted potatoes “definitely although I know it would have been difficult hiding the huge crush you’d have on her husband” he says with a wink and Caroline begins shaking her head laugh at him “shut up you’re so…” “charming?” he says wiggling his eyebrows at her “more like arrogant” she clarifies and he tilts his head taking the insult in stride. “I guess I just can’t pass up the opportunity to make you laugh” he turns the grill off as he picks up the two plates to sit with her on the patio island, placing the food down before reaching for the bottle to top off both their glasses finishing off the first bottle of the night.  
  After dinner they move to the living room working their way through the third bottle of the night as the conversation turns towards the boarding school again. “So I have to ask, what gave you the idea for the school anyway? I mean where you close with a witch coven and knew kids like Grace needed a place like this or did someone or something else inspire you?” Paul asks.
 Caroline takes a sip of her wine thinking about how exactly she can answer this, she could lie and say it was the witch coven but Paul had been so open and honest with her that she knew he deserves to know the truth. “My daughters are siphoners, that means they can’t generate their own magic but they can siphon magic from anything or anyone spelled, including me actually” she pauses before continuing “their magic became tough to control around the age of four so their father and I decided to open a school for them and kids like them.” “Wait you have kids?” Paul interrupts and Caroline smiles just realizing she never told him that. “Yep, you’ve actually meet them Josie and Lizzie are my twin daughters” she says and Paul gives her a confused smile “Oh wow I never would have imagined since they look older than you, of course you must have had them before you turned.” Caroline shakes her head “not exactly… it’s a really complicated story but their birth mother was killed while she was still pregnant with them and I basically became their surrogate mother. Fun fact apparently vampires can carry babies we just can’t make them.”
 Paul nods before saying “wow so you saved their lives” as he reaches for her free hand to give it a squeeze, Caroline smiles at him squeezing his hand in return. “I’d do anything for them, you know how powerful the love between a parent and their child is” Paul nods “of course, but that doesn’t discount how noble it is.”
 Caroline nods “thank you, I just wanted to have a place for gifted kids like my daughters where they could met others like them and never feel alone and get the help they need. If I never got help during my transition I would have been dead within days, so I want to provide that for anyone who needs it even if I personally can’t be the one to give it I’ll find someone who can. That’s also why teach bloodlust classes off campus for vampires about thirty minutes away from the school.”
 Paul gazes at her completely taken aback by her pure-heartedness “so someone helped save your vampire and you used that to start an entire network to help anyone in the supernatural world, they must be unbelievably proud.” Paul gives her another smile after he finishes and Caroline lowers her head thinking about how she’ll never know for sure if Stefan is proud until she sees him again.
 “I hope so, he died two years before the school even opened, my late husband Stefan he’s the who taught me, even things he couldn’t teach himself,” Caroline says before she notices that Paul looks distraught bringing up what he assumes are bad memories for her so she continues trying to show him that she’s fine. “The ‘S’ symbol for the school it actually came from and emblem on his daylight ring, it was a terribly gaudy ring but at least the emblem looks great.” she smiles at him trying to reassure him she wants to open up to him about this.
“I’m sorry you lost him, sounds like he was a great guy,” he says giving her a comforting smile. Caroline nods “he was, but I guess I can just take solace in the fact that he’s a peace now. He died saving this town, all our friends and family so I know he found it.” Caroline takes a sip of her wine before thinking about how she can lighten the mood again “I mean that’s the unfortunate risk living in Mystic Falls that you should know about, sometimes you gotta save the world from the queen of hell,” she smiles at him looking for his reaction to that statement.
“Wait what? I thought you just said ‘queen of hell’ and I’m assuming that’s not literally” he gives her a confused look “oh no literally, which was of course after we took on the actual devil” Paul huffs before saying “oh of course, you know you never cease to find new ways of surprising me Caroline.” She gives him a wink and a side smile “so tell me how does one defeat the devil and the queen of hell?” “With hellfire duh” she tilts her head slightly as if her statement is so normal and matter-of-fact. “Bonnie my best friend, the one who made my daylight ring, she could control it, she’s unbelievably powerful, unfortunately when you’re trying to save the world someone usually ends up having to make a sacrifice.”
“So I have to compete with a guy who died saving the town from actual hellfire, like it wasn’t hard enough keeping up with Eliza Hamilton of the supernatural world” Paul says mock serious and Caroline rolls her eyes before giving him a shove. “Don’t be so dramatic I’m sure you’ve for Grace you’re still the biggest hero there is.”
Paul nods before saying “well I did once put out an electrical fire in my last apartment building, which you know is just a step below hellfire, I mean do you know how fast those things can spread” Paul says completely serious and Caroline bites her tongue trying to keep from laughing. “Saved my elderly neighbor and her cat’s life, apparently she never changed the batteries in her smoke detectors in forty years.” Caroline nods along still trying not to burst out laughing “I’m sure she was extremely grateful” she says. “Actually she hit me with a broom for breaking into her room and waking her” and with that Caroline couldn’t hold it in anymore picturing Paul being attacked by this old woman and her broom “the cat though, Cedric he and I were like 'this’ after, he used to leave dead birds on my doorstep showing his gratitude.”
 Caroline can’t stop laughing at him as she puts down her glass before she spills it, she looks at Paul’s face as he starts to laugh along with her and she’s reached out to lean against his chest holding her self up. She notices Paul moving ever so slightly closer to her once he feels her hand against him. Caroline begins stifle her laughter kneading her fingers into Paul’s chest. At that moment she realizes he’s stopped laughing, he’s transfixed by her completely, his eyes, only slightly hooded eyes as he slowly lifts his right hand to cup her cheek.
 Caroline leans into the his hand just a bit as she shifts closer to him on the couch grazing her thigh against his until turning her focus to his lips, giving him the opportunity to close the gap, relieved he wastes little time in doing so.
 His lips are on hers instantly and she hums against his lips before taking the initiative and deepens the kiss as a moan escapes him. He snakes his other hand around her waist pulling her even closer to him so her knee pushes up against his thigh, she puts both hands on his chest now playing with the collar of his button down.
 Paul begins threading his fingers though her hair as he moves his mouth away from her lips to trail kisses along her jawline down to the center of her neck. She lets out low moan when he reaches a particular sensitive spot on her neck and he takes the sign to push her further nipping at the skin eliciting a yelp from her as he drags his tongue over the same spot. He moves back up her neck now across her jawline and back to her mouth where he draws his tongue across her lower lip before devouring her mouth again.
 Caroline reaches her arms around his neck now trying to pull him as closely against her as possible but the angle on the couch just isn’t working she realizes, so she changes it. Not quite at vamp speed but faster than a human she’s straddling him on the couch and with that angle hears a particularly audible moan escape Paul as he pulls away from her. Fire burning in his eyes as she smiles down at him using her hair to create a halo around his face before kissing him again.
 Paul has his hands everywhere running them up and down her back, he shows no hesitation in pulling her up against him so she can feel just how much he wants her. Caroline shows her appreciation by grinding against him and she’s pretty sure she hears a breathy ‘fuck’ escape him with her lips hovering just slightly above his mouth. She presses her lips against his again before biting down on his lower lip and coaxing his mouth open to swirl her tongue inside. She keeps him in a daze with her mouth while she begins unbuttoning his shirt so she can roam her hands across his sculpted torso thankful he decided to forgo an undershirt.
 As Caroline continues her ministrations Paul drags his hands down her back over her hips so there right at the edge of her dress on her thighs, he keeps his hands just at the hem of her dress making sure not to overstep his boundaries yet. She realizes he was putting the future of this night in her hands, they could continue like this, kissing until their lips were fully swollen and they called it a night. Or she could do exactly what she’s wanted to do since she walked in here and push him to move those hands to exactly where she wants them and relieve the ache between her legs.
 His fingers continue to dance at the hem her dress giving her thighs a slight squeeze when she tugs on his bottom lip with her teeth. Part of her can’t ignore how right this feels just because he feels exactly like she remember but it’s not just that, it’s more than that. She likes Paul outside of the familiarity it brings her, he’s charming, he makes her laugh, his unyielding confidence drives her crazy in all the right ways and if his kissing is any indication of his skills she’s sure she’s in for a fun night. Most importantly it makes her happy, she can’t deny that every moment she spends with him she feels lighter than she has in years. So she decides to take the plunge, she figures she can take out her hypothesis about his skills, a little test drive with those hands currently dancing on her thighs.
 She arches herself completely against him rubbing her core against his harden length before coming up from his lips to look at him, and just as she does he shuts his eyes completely taken aback by the feel of her against him. She watches him as she feels his hands drifting up her thighs under her skirt as he opens his eyes to look at her and she licks her lips at the molten black lava practically swimming in his eyes. She arches herself again pushing harder this time and she wonders if he can actually feel the wetness building in her panties as she rubs directly against the fly of his jeans.
 Paul moves his hands to grab her ass as he pulls her against him again, kissing her with an intense hunger. He moves one hand around to her inner left thigh as he grazes his thumb against her panty line. Caroline squeezes her thighs against him forcing his hand to inch completely over the fabric of her panties and he growls when he can finally feel just how wet she is. Noticing his arousal and approval she spreads her legs just a bit before pressing her core against his hand. In that moment he finally stops trying to be patient and pushes the fabric completely to the side as he traces a his index finger along her slit and she throws her head back mouthing ‘finally’ and she’s can’t see it but she’s sure he’s got that smug grin of his on, the same one he always has when he gets the reaction he wanted.
 Once she’s back looking at him again she swallows bending down to kiss him again and he indulges in her with his hand on her ass to lift herself up just a bit to allow him better access. She obliges and suddenly feels his thumb against her clit before two fingers slip inside of her, she gasps against his mouth riding his fingers as he lifts his head up to reach her mouth again. He moves his hand from her ass up to her hair and buries it in her hair crashing her lips even harder against his while he continues to move his fingers inside of her thumb circling her clit.
 She’s not sure if it’s because it’s been a while since she’s slept with someone or he’s just that good but within minutes she already feels her walls clenching and her climax building. She grinds against him again as she feels her walls contracting, he must feel it too because he inserts a third finger and it proves to be her undoing as she rocks against him once more fluttering her eyes as she feels her release. He pulls back watching her pant as she comes undone against him, slowly he pulls her face down so her forehead is against his so he can look into her eyes as she rides out her orgasm.
 Once Caroline feels her waves of pleasure have stopped she looks at him directly in the eyes fingers threading through his hair as she feels him remove his fingers from inside her and she gasps as his brushes them against her extra sensitive clit. She kisses him again before resting her forehead against his again and she notices he’s panting just as much as her, his hand gripping the back of her thigh. She gives him a sultry look before saying “bedroom,” not a question, practically a command.
 Paul doesn’t even bother nodding he hoists her up as she wraps her legs around him, one of his hands palming her rear and the other holds her against him kissing her as he blindly navigates them to his room. He knocks her against his door and she laughs at the thud it makes against his lips, he moves his hand from her hair to the knob of his door before kicking it open after he hears the click of the lock.
 Caroline lowers herself off of him but never removes her lips from his before she’s able to turn him around so she’s guiding him towards the bed. Once she feels the back of his legs hit the edge she pulls away from him and lowers her hands to his chest, he hardly moves mesmerized by the control she’s taken or maybe just mesmerized by her as she bits her tongue before pushing him to sit on the bed. She steps back as she reaches behind her neck to start unzipping her dress, she wants him to watch her and she wants to see the looks on his face as she reveals her body to him one garment at a time.
 Paul swallows hard and she hears his heart beating faster than it has all night, taking in the sight of himpractically immobile with his shirt splayed open and his hands digging into the edge of his bed’s comforter. Once she’s unzipped it completely she reaches her hands up to her shoulders to slowly pull the straps of her dress down as she shimmies out of the dress completely letting it fall to the floor. Next she reaches for the clasp of her bra never taking her eyes off Paul who’s moved one of his hands from the edge of the bed to his inner thigh rubbing it against his jeans trying to use some of the friction to keep himself from exploding.
 Caroline bites her lower lip as she holds the bra against her with just her hands before letting it completely fall, once it does she sees Paul move his hand closer to his length and she smiles smugly at the way he watching her. She lifts her left leg first and tosses her heel before doing the same to the right. Standing in only her black lacy panties she moves towards the bed as she sees Paul take a sharp intake of breath inching closer to the edge of the bed as she moves towards him.
 She position herself between his legs and she reaches for his shirt and he moves both his arms back so she remove it, she gets closer to him as she does and now her bare breasts are eye level with his face and she takes the opportunity to twist her hips a bit to make them bounce in front of him. He groans and licks his lips at the sight and she’s sure she feels his length twitch against her leg. Once his shirt been removed though he doesn’t wait for her to make the next move as he lunges forward and takes her right nipple completely into his mouth while he palms the other and she cries out as his tongue flicks against her hard nipple.
 She pulls back just enough to reaches for his belt which pushes her breasts together as Paul licks and kisses across her chest. Once she’s got the belt un-hooked he stands up so she pull it through the loops of his jeans while he puts his hands on her hips and holds the strap of her panties. After she’s tossed his belt to the side he begins to lower her panties along with himself in front her leaving a trail of kisses down her chest and stomach before stopping just above her center and she moans as his tongue darts out to lick right above it, she steps out her panties and as her legs spread Paul latches his mouth onto her clit and she cries out his name gripping his hair as it sends a shock wave down her spine.
  She pulls him up because if she doesn’t have him inside of her in the next thirty seconds she’s really going to explode, she makes quick work of his jeans and boxers before she pushes him onto the bed. He props himself up on his elbows watching her as she crawls on top of him until her dripping core is ghosting across his hard cock and before she has time to tease him further he grabs her hips and pushes himself inside of her. He reaches to cup her face to bring her down for a hungry kiss as she rocks against him both staggering between kissing and panting as she rides him until they both finish.
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amyacker6741 · 7 years
A Love Story Though the Whedonverse An Amy Acker & Alexis Denisof Theory By Lauren Claydon
During an interview for Much Ado About Nothing, Joss Whedon was asked if he noticed the connection that Amy Acker and Alexis Denisof, playing Fred and Wesley have to Much Ado About Nothing. Joss’s answer was.“Not until literally screening it. And not even the first time. It was a couple of months ago, screening it, I suddenly went, ‘Oh, my God! Wesley and Fred went to Heaven and they got this! They’re kissing and neither of them is dying! This is delightful.’ There’s a reason why I throw those two actors into each other’s arms every chance I get.” I have a theory and it’s not about bunnies. Amy Acker and Alexis Denisof have worked together many times since 2001. Over the span of about 5 months, I have connected some of the times that they’ve worked together into a multi universe theory. This theory includes the shows Angel, How I Met Your Mother, Dollhouse and lastly the film Much Ado About Nothing. The characters that Acker and Denisof have played are most of the time drawn closer or apart. That’s what I have connected here. There might not be a connection but I’ve found the possibility of one. I also set the plot line of this theory in order of the years these shows and movie aired or were released. This theory is the love story between Winifred ‘Fred’ Burkle and Wesley Wyndam-Pryce. The timeline of this theory is mostly set in the Whedonverse, to explain the title of this theory.
In the spinoff of the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel. We are introduced to Winifred ‘Fred’ Burkle and to a different side of Wesley Wyndam-Pryce. I’m leaving out most of what happens in the graphic novels because Fred and Wesley never ended up together for very long in them. Also it’s not the same without Amy and Alexis. Wesley played by Denisof was first introduced in the third season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, as the new Watcher for the slayers, Buffy Summers and Faith Lehane. Faith killed the deputy mayor of Sunnydale and went rogue, later causing her to befriend the evil mayor of Sunnydale. After Faith ends up in a coma after being stabbed by Buffy during a fight, the mayor becomes a snake-like demon on graduation day ending in Sunnydale High being destroyed. Wesley was a very inexperienced Watcher and because of what unfolded under his watch, he was fired by the Watcher’s Council. After being fired, Wesley became a self-proclaimed ‘rogue demon hunter’ who later joins Angel Investigations in the middle of season one of Angel after Doyle, a member of Angel Investigations died. Then in the end of season two of Angel, we meet Fred played by Acker was a girl from Texas who moved to Los Angeles to study to become physicist at UCLA but was sucked into a portal to another dimension called Pylea. Later to find out that she was sent there by her jealous professor. Fred lived in a cave in Pylea for five years, driving her a little crazy. She spent the five years hiding from the local demons that lived in nearby villages who treated humans like slaves and referring to them as cows. Throughout the five years Fred spent in Pylea she never gave up on trying to get back home, she would write all over the walls of the cave she lived in. the walls were filled with physics and the words she read that she thought caused her to end up in Pylea. After working with Angel and the Angel Investigations to get back to Los Angeles. Fred stays with them back home, but after living in a cave for five years she built herself another cave in her room at the hotel. She spent months in her room just writing on the walls, just like in her cave back in Pylea. Fred spent a lot of that time waiting for Angel to return from visiting the now alive Buffy. Fred then finally came to the conclusion that Angel wasn’t going to save her again, after she almost went home back to San Antonio with her parents. Once Fred started leaving her room more, she would go out with her new friends and be more social. A love triangle began when Wesley and Charles Gunn both fall in love with Fred, and Fred developed a crush on Gunn. Wesley was always just trying to do what he thought was best for everyone and Fred, which always ended badly for him and everyone else. This includes the way he acted around Fred. Even when Wesley was about to tell Fred how he felt about her. When he walked around the corner, Fred was kissing Gunn. Also in season three, after reading some books in his office Wesley thinks that Angel was going to kill his own son, Connor. Wesley thought this because he read that the father will kill the son. To stop what he thought was going to happen, Wesley stole Connor ending in Wesley getting his throat slit by a woman named Justine. She stole Connor from Wesley giving the baby to Holtz, who took Connor to a hell dimension called Quor’toth. After this happened Fred went to the hospital to visit Wesley and to give him his belongings from his office at the hotel. Well there Fred told Wesley to never come back to the hotel, that what he did destroyed everyone and that if he returns that Angel would kill him. Once time went by Wesley found ways to redeem to everyone because he was still always their for his friends at Angel Investigations, even when they weren’t there for him. Fred and Gunn ended up dating for almost two seasons but Wesley was still in love with her even though he was in a complicated relationship with the villainous lawyer Lilah Morgan, one of the shows main antagonists. It got really complicated after he cut off her head, but because she was a lawyer at Wolfram & Hart it was in her contract that she would come back to life for a little bit. Ever when Wesley was abandoned from his friends in season three to four, he would still drop everything he was doing to help them, especially when Fred asked him for help. Wesley read Fred’s theory when it got published and when he found out she was doing a lecture on it he went to listen to her.That lecture was also one of the reasons why Fred and Gunn broke up. After learning that it was her old physics professor who sent her to Pylea, Fred wanted to kill him for all the pain he has caused people. Fred wasn’t the only student that was sent to other dimensions, but Fred was the only one who survived and returned back to Los Angeles. Fred knew he would keep trying to kill her and others. She told Angel and Gunn what she had found out, and that she wanted to kill him. They told her not to and that she would never learn to forgive herself for killing him. Fred lied and said she wasn’t going to kill him and that she was going to that she was going to her room, but she really went to see Wesley. Fred knew that the only person that would help her would be Wesley. With the help of Wesley, Fred had a plan. She was so close to sending her professor to another dimension to show him what she had to live though for five year, if he survived that long. Fred’s plan wasn’t going so well for her though. This ended with Gunn killing the professor so Fred wouldn’t have to live with it for the rest of her life. After this there was a problems in their relationship. Fred always went to Wesley for help and Gunn was jealous. When Fred and Gunn were still dating, Wesley was asked by Fred to help them with Angelus. Angelus was Angel without his soul, he was a murderous vampire. Who didn’t care about what he did or what it took to do something. Angelus said terrible things about Fred to her and Gunn, but Angelus also said them to Wesley. Angelus ended up attacking Fred, Gunn tried to save her but he couldn’t. Wesley was the one to save Fred in the end. After that Fred went to thank Wesley for what he did. This ended with Wesley kissing Fred in the hotel’s office, Gunn walked in right after and knew what had just happened. Gunn and Wesley then begin to fight over Fred, their fight ended when Gunn accidentally hit Fred. Their relationship ended after that, when Gunn broke up with Fred. Fred did have feelings for Wesley but when she found out that he had been sleeping with Lilah, Fred saw him differently. Fred still did have feeling for Wesley though, it was very obvious by the way the two looked at each other. In the fifth season of Angel, Angel Investigations take over the Los Angeles branch of the evil law firm, Wolfram & Hart. Wolfram & Hart were the main antagonist throughout the show. Fred became the head of the Practical Science Division and Wesley became the head of the Supernatural Research and Intelligence Gathering Department. After two seasons of Fred and Wesley not being together. In season five, we see that Wesley stills cares for Fred and that Fred cares about him. After Wesley thinks he killed his father to protect Fred because he loves her, Fred goes into his office to talk about what happens and they have a really cute moment together only for Knox to come in and ruin everything like always. Wesley told Fred that he really thought he killed his father without even hesitating because he was going to hurt Fred. The two finally get together after Fred tells Wesley she wants to be with him and that he had been kind of clueless, but Wesley never stopped loving Fred since he met her and got to know her. Wesley was just surprised that she loved him back. In the next episode they were happy together and I loved seeing the two of them finally happy again, but it is very short lived they only got one day together. After Knox, one of the scientist at the Wolfram & Hart’s Practical Science Division, who worshiped a goddess named Illyria. Knox wanted Fred to be the vessel for Illyria, which he accomplished. With Fred being the head of Wolfram & Hart’s Practical Science Division she went to check an ancient sarcophagus, unknown to her that Knox had sent it to the lab to turn her into Illyria. When Fred placed her hand onto the sarcophagus touching one of the crystals on it, some air came out of the sarcophagus, That is what caused Fred to become infected, later becoming the vessel for Illyria. Everyone loved Fred that’s why when Fred got sick because of Illyria nobody knew what to do. Her organs were shutting down and she was dying slowly and painfully. No one knew what was wrong with her, so they all eventually had to watch her slowly die. Angel and Spike went to try to find a way to save her, and Gunn was even willing to give up his life to save hers because he saw how happy her and Wesley were together. But nothing would have worked. Fred said that she was going to be okay and beat whatever it was that she was sick with. She Always gave a powerful speeches but in my opinion this one was one of her best and most powerful. Fred said, “ I am not the damsel in distress. I am not some case. I lived in a cave for five years. In a world where they killed my kind like cattle. I am not going to be cut down by some monster flu. I am better than that.” Fred was dying and Wesley stayed with her the whole time up until her last words which were “I’m not scared. I’m not scared. I’m not scared. Please, Wesley. Why can’t I stay?” Before Fred died Wesley told her that always loved her and that he had loved her from the moment he got to know her. Lastly Wesley told Fred that he would never stop loving her. After Illyria took over Fred’s body, she didn’t speak like Fred or act like Fred. Also Illyria was blue. Wesley was very bitter and hated the demon goddess, but what hurt him was how Illyria would change into the appearance Fred. She would always try to remind him of how he lost the love of his life. Wesley loved Fred so much, so after Fred died Wesley didn’t have anything left to live without Fred. Illyria was one of the Old Ones, a powerful pure-breed demon. She plagued the world before the time of man and was one of the most feared and worshiped demons of that time. Before Fred became Illyria’s vessel she walked through many worlds. Illyria told them. “ I traveled all of them as I pleased. I walked worlds of smoke and half truths, intangible. Worlds of torment and of unnamable beauty. Opaline towers as high as small moons. Glaciers that rippled with insensate lust. And one world with nothing but shrimp. I tried of that one quickly.” One of them being a world with nothing but shrimp, that was a running joke in the Buffyverse. The joke was started by Anya in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, she was telling her friends that there was a world without shrimp and one of nothing but Shrimp. The joke went on for many season, but now back to the theory. Illyria hated everything about humanity and the world, she just didn’t really care about anything but herself at first. After Illyria found out that her army had been destroyed a long time ago. This broke her a little bit, but she was Illyria nothing could stop her. Over a short period of time Illyria showed her new allies that they could trust her and that she would fight with them. They all trusted Illyria but they also didn’t. No one knew what kind of power she had. She knew that her new allies trusted and cared about Fred, and I think that because Fred was always apart of Illyria subconscious. Fred was in a way telling her to trust her friends and to help them. Even though Wesley hated being around Illyria most of the time, he still saw her as being his responsibility. In the last episode of Angel out of all of the members of what was Angel Investigations, Wesley didn’t survive. Before his death Illyria came to help him, but Wesley was fatally wounded. Him and Illyria both knew he was going to die, so Illyria changed into the appearance Fred to comfort him. Illyria would often ask Wesley if he wanted her to look like Fred for him, but every time he declined her offer, expect for this time. Illyria told him that everything was going to be okay and that he was going to be with Fred again. Before the final battle, Wesley had said to Illyria that there is no perfect day for him, not anymore. Ever since he lost Fred, he lost himself as well. After Wesley died Illyria was never the same because she see what Fred and Wesley’s life together would have looked like if it wasn’t for Knox and her. In the Angel graphic novels the characters that are alive at that point start talking about Fred and Wesley, saying that they are together and are happy. Also Angel names a wing of a public library the Burkle Wyndam-Pryce wing, which I found really sweet. There’s more in the graphic novels with Winifred coming back to life but I’m not going to touch on that now. Also Angel wasn’t the last show to have Amy’s characters be killed off and turned into a god only episodes before a show ends, I’ll talk more about that later on in this theory.
This is the only show in this theory that’s not in the Whedonverse, but I think that my theory connects it in someway. In Come on, the season one finale of How I Met Your Mother. Ted wants to stop Robin from going on a camping trip with her co anchor Sandy Rivers, played by Denisof. Sandy is a recurring character on the show, was a news anchor who was always hitting on Robin and other women. After asking Robin out many times, Sandy finally got a yes. They were going to spend time together at the networks camping trip. To cancel the trip, Ted wants to change the weather for the weekend by making rain. For help Ted goes to meet Penelope, played by Acker. Penelope was a girl that had history with Barney and had a PH.D in native american studies. Penelope at first is offended and laughs at them about the idea. Then Ted tells her that Sandy is the wrong for Robin. She agreed to help Ted by teaching him a rain dance because she asks him if Sandy is an ass like Barney and he says yes. After hours of dancing on a roof, Ted finally makes it rain canceling the camping trip. I see this as Wesley and Winifred being brought closer by stopping Robin going on the camping trip with Sandy. I found a detail that I think connect to Fred and Wesley. I added How I Met Your Mother to this theory because when I was first putting together this theory the plot line of Amy and Alexis being on the same episode, and in this episode their characters have an important impact on the rest of the show and the outcome of the main characters lives. This is also what made me start looking at more shows showing how Wesley and Fred were torn apart and then brought closer.
In Dollhouse Acker and Denisof both play Dolls in the show, also at some point in the show they learn that they are Dolls. Denisof’s character Daniel Perrin was a third-generation United States senator who was kidnapped by the Rossum Corporation and turned into a Doll. The Rossum Corporation used him to get into the government. As a senator, Daniel’s goal was to uncover that the Dollhouses were real, but only to end by him finding out that he was a Doll. Learning that he was one of the people he was trying to help. Acker’s character is first introduced as the Los Angeles dollhouse’s general physician Dr.Claire Saunders who was scarred both mentally and physically. Later in the show Claire learns that she’s not a doctor she’s a broken Doll. Claire had a chance to learn who she really was but she didn’t want to die. If she wanted to become herself again she would in a way be killing Claire, the person she had become. We don’t learn a lot about her past other than that her name as a Doll was Whiskey and that she was the number one active in the Los Angeles dollhouse. Whiskey became Claire after Alpha another Doll in the Los Angeles dollhouse, wanted Echo to become the number one active. To make Echo the number one active, Alpha grabbed a pair of scissors and began repeatedly slashing Whiskey’s face leaving her with scars across her face. After Alpha was done cutting up her face he was brought to Topher to be put in the Attic, when the chair used to imprint the Dolls with had a problem causing every personality that he had ever been imprinted with be in his brain at once, causing him to go crazy killing almost everyone in the Los Angeles dollhouse including the original Dr.Saunders. Causing them to need a new general physician, they imprinted Whiskey as Dr.Claire Saunders. She was imprinted her with computer skills beyond those of a physician and a wide range of phobias. It suggests that she suffered from Agoraphobia; Anthropophobia; Heliophobia; Ligyrophobia/Phonophobia; Social phobia; Zoophobia. In Dollhouse we learn that two Dolls can fall in love, but when it happens they separate the Dolls by moving them into different dollhouses. Dollhouse had a five-year and plan but it got cancelled after `season two, so all we have is what could have happened and questions about characters past that were never answered. I think that maybe Whiskey used to be an active in the Washington Dollhouse. Then Whiskey and Daniel when not imprinted in their childlike blank states fell in love causing Whiskey to be moved to another dollhouse. Moving her to the Los Angeles dollhouse. We never learn much about what happened in the past while in their blank childlike states. Causing me to think that was Wesley and Winifred to be torn away from each other again.
My theory ends with Joss Whedon’s adaptation of Shakespeare’s play Much Ado About Nothing. Acker and Denisof play Beatrice and Benedick the main characters. Beatrice is the niece of Leonato, who is trying to find the positive side of things but it come across as sad and bitter. Benedick is a lord of Padua, who has just returned from war and is seen as a fool to the people around him but he doesn’t seem to notice. Beatrice and Benedick have a history together which has caused the two to have some hatred towards each other. With the first scene in the kitchen, Beatrice explains to Leonato’s Aide that her and Benedict her not on good terms. Throughout the movie she explains her and Benedick’s relationship to almost everyone, and she was tells them how he’s a joke. It’s also very clear between the pairs interactions that they have hurt the other and that this has caused them to have strong opinions about each other. They don’t want to get hurt again. They often make it clear to each other that they know what the other one is like, because they’ve known each other for a long time and the history they have together. Which causes the other characters to make a plan to have the two of them fall in love with each other. After the other characters tricked Beatrice and Benedick into loving each other, they finally admit that they love the other. Once Beatrice and Benedick say they love each other it causing an argument between the two because Beatrice asks Benedick to kill Claudio if he really loves her. When they end the argument Benedick tells her again that he loves her. Later the two met up again to talk about what they love about the other but then Ursula rans in to tell them news that the wedding between Beatrice’s cousin Hero and Claudio is back on, and that it was Don John who set it all up. After Claudio unknowingly marries the presumed dead Hero, Benedick and Beatrice read the poems that they wrote about each other and somewhere in that time they got married, I think. The movie ends with the two of them standing together in the hallway, the party still going on behind them. This last scene represents Fred and Wesley finally ending up together and being happy together after all being apart for so many lifetimes. A lot of people see this movie as Fred and Wesley being reunited in another life, so I’m not the first person to make that connection. Joss Whedon and the cast of Much Ado About Nothing have said that after watching the movie they saw it as the end of those characters love story ending. This was only after seeing the reactions to the audience at a screening and people pointing it out to them.
The first scene that Amy and Alexis ever did together was a Shakespeare inspired screen written by Joss Whedon for Amy’s audition. Joss was wanting to add someone new to the cast of Angel and was wanting to see if Amy could be that new cast member. Since 1999, Joss and his wife Kai have been hosting Shakespeare readings at their house. The readings began during season four of Buffy the Vampire Slayer after cast members started talking about Shakespeare on set. Over the years more actors and actresses from more of Whedon’s shows, and other people starting to join the weekly readings. Joss has always said that he loves the work of Shakespeare and that’s what drove him to make Much Ado About Nothing in between editing The Avengers. In an interview Amy said that she played Hero once, they all joked around that Much Ado is the only play that Amy does and that she would be performing it again in the next few years. This also wasn’t the first time that Amy and Alexis had played Beatrice and Benedick. At one of Joss’s Shakespeare readings the two also played the characters together.
Over the years the Whedonverse has expanded since the start of the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Joss Whedon has close group of actors and actresses that he has repeatedly worked with since 1997. Different actors and actresses have joined the Whedonverse over the past nineteen years but many of them Joss still works with today. Amy Acker and Alexis Denisof have been apart of the Whedonverse since 1999 and 2001. The two of them being apart of this has given them many roles and possibly more to come. Amy has been in such Whedon projects as Angel, Dollhouse, The Cabin in the Woods, Much Ado About Nothing and Agents of S.H.I.E.l.D. Alexis has also been in many Whedon projects such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Dollhouse, The Avengers and Much Ado About Nothing.
After I finished watching these shows, most of them left so many unanswered questions that I wanted that I wanted answers to. I feel like for me this theory has answered some of these questions. That it all connects together here. With the many months that I’ve spent working on these, connecting everything that I could but to still have it make sense. Will make sense to maybe someone who has watched these shows and movie, to anyone else I think this might look a little crazy. The questions I still have can be summed up by one question, What happened to some of these character after the show ended or after they were last seen? Most of these shows didn’t answer that for me and if then did it was in books that I haven’t read. Like in the last episode of Angel we are left with a cliffhanger, did the main characters survive the last battle with what looked like to viewers an endless sea of demons. Another example is what happened to Amy’s character Whiskey. In the season one finale of Dollhouse we see Whiskey as a Doll again and with her scars gone, in season two we learn a little bit about what happened but at that point no one knew. The episode ends with her sitting by the railing of the upper level of the Los Angeles Dollhouse as the building fills with toxic gas and people start to swarm into the dollhouse. I may never get my answers to some of these questions but i have my ideas. I know that everyone survived at the end of Angel and I think that Whiskey probably died after that scene. I seen these works as something that just keeps viewer thinking and caring about the characters that they are being introduced to.
Recently with this theory not being able to leave my mind I’ve seen how anything can relate back to these characters. With music, movies, television shows and even just going through a normal day. I’m reminded of the characters and the plots of these shows, and movie that I’ve written about in this theory. It’s weird that even in my day to day life that these characters still mind a way to pop into my head whenever possible. I think that it really shows what an impact these shows and characters can leave on people.
I don’t know if anyone else has noticed this but with a lot of Amy Acker’s characters libraries are always apart of her character’s introduction, Like Fred, Root and Penelope. It’s kind of weird that a lot of her characters have that thing in common. Fred was first seen in a library in Cordy’s vision and also Fred worked at a public library in Los Angeles, that’s where the portal to Pylea opened. Also Amy’s audition for Angel was set in a library. As I said earlier in the How I Met Your Mother part of this theory, Penelope was first seen in a library when Ted and Barney came to talk to her. In season two of Person of Interest we got to learn the backstory of season one’s villain, Root. Her real name was Samantha Groves and like every night she was at the library in Bishop,Texas with her friend Hanna. That same night she saw Hanna get into a car, she was never seen or heard from again. The young Samantha Groves tried telling the librarian but she was in love with The man who abducted and killed Hanna. She told Samantha that she was a liar and no one would ever believe her about what she saw. Being one of the last people to see her friend Hanna alive caused Samantha became Root. With her very advanced computer skills, she was able to avenge Hanna’s death and have the murder killed. A year after the murder, Root left Texas becoming the reformed killer for hire that everyone loves. Later in the show, during season three. Harold locks up in a library because he thought she was crazy, but she ended up being right about everything. It’s kind of funny how this one detail has been used for her characters, that and her being from Texas. I think by now we get it Amy’s from Texas and has something to do with libraries.
There’s a big debate between fans of the show Angel. Who was better together Fred and Gunn or, Fred and Wesley? I think that Fred and Gunn were really cute together, but that Fred and Wesley were meant to be together. I think I lot of people think this as well. Fred and Gunn dated for from season three to four, they were always being cute together, but they also made me sad a lot. They broke my heart when he broke up with Fred in season three because years earlier Gunn sold his soul. He sold his soul for a truck and if he fell in love with anyone the demon he sold his soul to would kill him. That’s what made this sad is that Gunn planned to give Fred the best day of her life, but it ended with him breaking her heart. She could tell that their was something wrong because of the way he was acting. When Fred confronted him about it at lunch, Gunn got defensive and lied to her. He told her that there was someone else, but apart of Fred knew that this wasn’t true. By the end of the episode they had gotten back together and everything was okay for a little while. Until Fred wanted revenge for being sent to Pylea and almost being by the same person for the same reason twice, and to help her get revenge she asked Wesley for help. Fred always asked Wesley for help and Gunn hated it. He blamed Wesley for everything bad that had ever happened to Angel Investigations. They continued dating until the end of season four, after Wesley kissed Fred and Gunn accidentally hit Fred when she was trying to separate the fight between the two of them. When started living with Angel, after leaving Pylea. Wesley and Gunn did often show Fred that they cared about her. Nothing ever worked out for Wesley and all he wanted was for that to work out for him, for him and Fred to be together. For me all I ever wanted was for Fred to be happy and I hated it when she wasn’t, she deserved an amazing life. Fred and Wesley were meant to be together, if soulmates are real that’s what they were. Wesley loved her so much and eventually she loved him back. They should have had more time together and I wish they did get the time together that they deserved. They both deserved so much better. I’m not saying I didn’t love Fred and Gunn together, it’s just that For me Fred and Wesley will always be the best relationship on that show. This theory gave me a reason to think that maybe Fred and Wesley dying wasn’t the end. Maybe it was just the beginning of something even more beautiful. Personally I’ve always been very divided on these relationships but I think that they were both beautiful in their own ways. People have their own opinions this is just mine, really I think that a lot of this theory is just me stating my opinion.
Illyria wasn’t the last time that one of Amy Acker’s characters was killed off and turned into a god only a few episodes before a show was about to end. In the show Person of Interest Acker plays Root, a hacker and reformed killer for hire. She started off as the season one big bad. Just like in Angel after seasons of a will they won’t they between Root and Shaw, Root dies and the Machine takes her voice. The Machine is a god like AI that gives the main characters of Person of Interest the numbers that they use to help the people that are viewed as irrelevant by the government. Root’s relationship with the Machine was one that no one else had. Root was the only person that the Machine would talk to, she was the Analog Interface. She would speak for the Machine and She would give her different numbers then the rest of the team. When Root and Shaw first meet it wasn’t in a way that said that they were going to fall in love with each other. Root was posing as a woman named Veronica Sinclair, Shaw was supposed to be meeting the real Veronica but Root tied her up in the bathroom of the hotel room they were in. Shaw realized the woman she was talking to wasn’t the real Veronica, but she was too late. Root had put her taser to Shaw’s neck right when she found out. Root tied her to a chair and was going to torture her with an iron. It was clear that there was something going on with the two of them, but I don’t think anyone expected such a beautiful relationship to start from almost torturing someone with an iron. After two seasons of Root flirting with her coworker Sameen Shaw and things being hinted at, but never showed. Root and Shaw’s relationship consisted of Root flirting with the sociopath causing her to alway get angry with her, but she secretly grew to love it. After some time Shaw started to enjoy Root’s company and cared about her. Later Shaw realized that Root made her feel feeling and was her safe place. Shaw kissed Root only for her to sacrifice herself for Root and the rest of Team Machine seconds later, Shaw was shot and captured by Samaritan who tortured her for a little more than nine months. Root never stopped looking for Sameen over those months, she knew she was alive somewhere. This was just like how Wesley never stopped loving Fred. Once Shaw escaped from Samaritan and got back to New York. She eventually ran into Root one night, but just like Fred and Wesley they didn’t get much time to be together before Root was shot and killed protecting Harold. Every character that deserved to be happy on Person of Interest died protecting Harold in the last season, which left me frustrated with the show and Harold. This always makes me really sad because I wanted both Fred and Wesley, and Root and Shaw to be happy together, but it seems like every time they were happy, one of them is taken away or killed. It’s also makes it a lot more painful to watch these shows when your favourite character dies but their still around as someone or something else. Root might be alive and Fred did end up coming back to life, but it’s still very heartbreaking how similar these two relationships because I loved these characters together. I also find it interesting that Root was always eating apples and the first time we saw Fred in Cordelia’s vision, she’s wearing a necklace with an apple on it. Also Root makes herself a room in the abandoned underground subway station that they work in. I think that is cute because in the episode of Angel, Fredless. In Fredless, while walking through the sewer with Angel. She says how much she likes the sewer and that she wants to build an underground condo. When I first saw Root’s room I said that Fred finally got to build her underground condo. don’t think that was planned but I think it’s still kind of a cute little easter egg hidden in the show referencing Amy’s first show as a main character. Thinking about it now, I think Amy’s characters just can’t make it through a fifth and final season. This doesn’t have anything to do with Person of Interest, but there is also a reference to Fred’s death in the movie, The Cabin in the Woods. Amy’s character, Lin’s death. Her death made me cry because Fred’s death affected me so much. Lin was killed by a giant tentacle that crashed through the roof and grabbed her. She was killed by Illyria once again, the tentacle might have been Illyria’s full form when not in a vessel. There were a lot of references to some Whedonverse shows in that movie it’s kind of funny in a way that Joss has managed to have the same demon goddess kill Amy twice. Also with everything Amy does there’s always something that leads back to Fred.
The Buffyverse includes such shows as Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. The Whedonverse is made up of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly, Serenity, Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, Dollhouse, The Cabin in the Woods, Much Ado About Nothing and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. How I Met Your Mother is not apart of these universes, but a lot of the actors and actresses that were on How I Met Your Mother are in the Buffyverse and Whedonverse. I think because of a lot of those actors and actresses being in the Whedonverse and HIMYM, it gives a connection that would make it a weird shared universe. With so many television and movie shared universes this could be a possibility, so if it is then this theory could be possible and Fred and Wesley could have gone through all of this just to be together again. There are also so holes in this theory because of How I Met Your Mother having nothing to do with the Whedonverse and Buffyverse, also it could just be crazy but I would like to think that this shared universe exist. I have nothing to confirm or deny this so I can only hope that maybe I’m right.
One of the things I noticed when watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel was how much some characters developed throughout both shows. I especially enjoyed the character development of Fred and Wesley. Fred went from being a crazy girl in another dimension who was living in a cave and wearing a potato sack, to later becoming a blue demon goddess. Right before Fred became Illyria she was a strong member of the team who had became a badass after learning how to stick up for herself. Wesley went from being a spineless watcher on Buffy the Vampire Slayer to also being a strong member of the team on Angel. Wesley changed a lot throughout the shows, but his character changed dramatically at the end of the fifth of season Angel from being happily in love to next caring if he lived or died. Wesley broke my heart after Fred died because he had gone through so much already and nothing would ever go right for him, then the one time his life was getting better. He was happy and in love, but it was all taken away from him. Before his death Wesley would try to drink away the pain of Fred’s death, it made the pain that he felt a million times worse. After Fred he was never the same. Most of characters on these shows did show major character development throughout the shows, but not as much as Fred and Wesley characters in my opinion.
For the next three paragraphs I’m going to explain the three television shows I wrote into this theory. These paragraphs are just going to be quick summaries of the shows. If anyone isn’t familiar with Angel, How I Met Your Mother and Dollhouse, these paragraphs might help understand my theory and what I talked about through the plot line of it.
Angel was the spinoff of the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The show was about Buffy’s vampire ex boyfriend, Angel. It revolved around vampire with a soul Angel, former Sunnydale mean girl Cordelia Chase, a half demon named Doyle,the former Watcher Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, vampire hunter Charles Gunn, Krevlornswath of the Deathwok Clan also known as Lorne and The Host, the insane lovable genius Winifred ‘Fred’ Burkle, Connor the human son of two vampires, and Spike the other vampire with a soul that Buffy also dates. In season one Angel, Cordelia and Doyle start a private investigator business. They clients were either paying customers or people that they saw needed help. Doyle had the visions first but before his death he passed his visions on to Cordy. The visions showed them people in the Los Angeles area that needed their help. Mainly the problems were magic and demon related. They helped the helpless, as it said on their cards. As time went on their had to face more and more problems. Wolfram & Hart causing many for them, but then Angel Investigations ends up running the Los Angeles branch of the evil law firm. The show mainly focused on the ongoing trials of Angel, a vampire whose human soul was restored to him by gypsies as a punishment for the murder of one of their own. After more than a century of murder and the torture of innocents, Angel’s restored soul torments him with guilt and remorse. During the first four seasons Angel Investigations was restoring the faith and saving the souls of those who have lost their way. Typically, this involves doing battle with evil demons or humans allied to them, primarily related to Wolfram & Hart. Angel also had battle his own demonic nature. A lot of the show’s plot line was based around Angel and his quest to redeem himself from his dark murderous past as Angelus. According to an ancient prophecy called the Shanshu Prophecy. This prophecy said that if Angel redeemed himself, he would become human again. In season 7 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, there was now another vampire with a soul that could fulfill the Shanshu Prophecy. Spike had gotten a soul for Buffy. That meant that Spike could also have a chance to become human again. That caused the two vampires to fight about the prophecy.
How I Met Your Mother was about in the year 2030 Ted telling his son and daughter about how he met their mother. The show was about Ted and friends. The show mainly revolves around Ted as he looks for love in New York. Ted’s quest to find true love would often fail and leave him heartbroken, for me that part of the show got old quick. The show tells this story flashbacks while Ted tells this story.
Dollhouse is a very confusing show, so I thought that I should maybe clear up some things. Dollhouse revolved around the Rossum Corporation running numerous underground establishments all around the world. The program involved individuals referred to as Actives or Dolls with temporary personalities and skills. Wealthy clients hire Actives from Dollhouses at great expense for various purposes, including heists, sexual encounters, assassinations, expert counsel, and all manner of unique experiences. The series primarily follows the Active known as Echo, played by Eliza Dushku, on her journey towards self-awareness. The Dolls are imprinted by a chair that wipes their minds making it that they don’t remember anything. The only things that they can remember are their names, the people around them in the Dollhouse, basic things in the Dollhouse and to trust their handlers. Topher who imprints the Dolls, created the personality that the Dolls were imprinted with. He made this by creating whole human personalities and adding in the personalities of dead people. The Actives at the Los Angeles Dollhouse were named after the NATO phonetic alphabet. Other Dollhouses were shown to use other naming systems. Dollhouse was filled with so many plot twists over its short run. This includes the reveal that Claire was a Doll and in season two the reveal that she was a sleeper active. That was known after she walked into Topher’s office after being gone from the Los Angeles Dollhouse for a while, and shooting Bennett in the head. Bennett imprinted the Dolls in the Washington Dollhouse and she wanted Also that she was imprinted as the CEO of the Rossum Corporation. For it’s season finales Dollhouse would jump to a near post-apocalyptic future. This future was caused by the Rossum Corporation and the Dollhouses. All of the shows main characters return in this future, but they aren’t Dolls anymore. They were themselves again, well except for Whiskey. In the season one finale, they wanted to make it look like after all of those years Claire was still in the Dollhouse waiting for Boyd to return for her. In season two, we learned that he was never going to return to her because he was dead. He died after Claire was turned into a Doll again. I think there was some part of Claire that was still in Whiskey’s mind. I think that she was telling her to stay and wait for Boyd to come back for her. I think this because Claire didn’t know what happened to him, she was gone before his death. Also in a way he kind of killed Claire, with him working for the CEO of Rossum and Whiskey was imprinted as the CEO. When describing this show to people. I’ve just said that the easiest way to explain it is that the show is about these people called Dolls, and that they are like secret agent prostitutes. For me this is the easy way explain the show without getting into all the confusing details that made up Dollhouse.
The characters that Joss Whedon writes are ones that people including me care about and that’s why I wrote this theory. The characters in the Whedonverse are ones that are very different from most characters from the other shows and movies, in my opinion. To the way these characters are introduced to the way they’re killed off or if not killed then leave the show. The characters that Acker and Denisof played in Angel are the reason I started this theory. Amy Acker’s performances in anything she’s ever been in have always amazed me and leave me wondering what’s next or what happened to her character. Her roles over the years Whedonverse or not are what drove me to write this. Death in the Whedonverse is very common ask any Joss Whedon fan and they will tell you what deaths are the saddest. This theory wouldn’t be a thing if it wasn’t for two of those saddest death in the Whedonverse, no one wanted Fred or Wesley to die but then the characters that they played later on wouldn’t have had that connection back to them. Will you know other than the fact that the actors playing the characters are same. This whole theory may look really crazy, but I feel like if you look past the craziness of it all. I’ve made a connection though these works that I’ve also supported with facts from the works themselves. I always hear people talking about the shows they like and saying that their favourite characters are dead. This always makes me want to say to them that they don’t know a sad character death before watching a Joss Whedon show, or that they don’t know what it’s like to be an Amy Acker fan because her characters are always killed off or are in pain.
Angel covered more of there being other dimensions in the Buffyverse. They talked about dimensions on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but not as much as they did on Angel. Throughout Angel they were always talking about other dimensions or they went to other dimensions. Two of those dimensions were Pylea and Quor'toth. Pylea was the home dimension of Lorne, also Cordelia was the Queen of Pylea. But most importantly Pylea was where we first met Winifred “Fred” Burkle. Living in a cave hiding from demons wanting to kill her, Fred was driven crazy by this dimension. Quor’toth was a hell dimension that was introduced in season 3 of Angel. When Quor’toth was first introduced, Angel’s son Connor had just been sent there. In this dimension people twice as fast as they do in the real world. They expanded on this dimension more in the graphic novel by explaining the demons of the dimension.
Fred is one of my favourite characters of all time and that’s why her death causes me so much pain. After having to deal with Fred’s death then Wesley’s really made me think that this couldn’t have been the end for those characters. Later I find out that maybe it wasn’t and like the final words said by Amy’s character, The Machine on Person of Interest. “And maybe this isn’t the end at all.” When I heard her say those words it reminded me of this crazy theory that I had made up in my mind months earlier. It reminded me of the painful deaths of Fred and Wesley. How after Wesley wanted to be with Fred from the moment he met her. Only after he finally got to be with Fred, who he had loved for so long. Dies, she died in his arms. After telling her that he loves her, she dies. Why did this happen to them? A lot of people want to know this. But after writing all of this, it makes me think that their deaths weren’t the end. I don’t believe in any kind of afterlife but these are fictional universes, and in a fictional universe anything is possible. With that, maybe they did get to be together after all. That’s all I’ve ever wanted was for Fred to be happy and, throughout Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel I wanted to see Wesley be happy as well. I’ve heard some people say that because of what Wesley did to Faith he deserved to have Fred, the love of his life taken away from him. Faith is also one of my favourite Whedonverse characters, but I think that she is the reason why a lot of the bad things that happened to her. Faith caused many problems on both Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. After time passed she also fixed a lot of the problems for her eventual friends but earlier in those shows she was just causing problems and blaming other people for her problems. Wesley didn’t deserve Fred’s death, no one deserved Fred’s death. My heart is still broken from watching the fifth season of Angel. It doesn’t help that almost every other show or movie that I watch that Amy’s in she dies. It’s taking to the point now that I just think to myself. When will this stop? When will I get to see a character that I’ve grown to love played by Amy not die. Not all of her characters die but most of them do. This just brings me back to what I was saying earlier with the maybe this isn’t the end that at all thing. That was said because the show was pending being canceled, the show ended up being canceled but they wanted to give the chance to not be over. Basically saying maybe this is just the beginning. This brings me back to Fred and Wesley, maybe their story wasn’t over and they just had to figure out how to find each other in other lives. I like that idea, that after their tragic fate they found each other and when it didn’t work out they would find each other again, or try to. Every life they lead had an effect on the outcome of their story and how they finally met again. How these characters fell in love again and maybe even more times. This theory could be their story or it could just be nonsense, but maybe it could be.
Many of Joss Whedon’s work has been turned into graphic novels in the past few years, this is good for fans like me who wanted more from these shows. Firefly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Dollhouse, Dr.Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog and spin offs of these works were made into graphic novels. These have been able to show more to some of these show because some did get cancelled after a short time on air and they’ve also been able to show other sides sides to some characters. With bringing these series back into graphic novels we’ve seen many beloved characters be killed off and also some brought back to life, Fred was one of those characters that was brought back. After Illyria sacrificed herself for Buffy and the Scooby gang as well as to to bring back magic, Illyria thought about Fred and Wesley as she died. Fred was brought back to life after Illyria died, but Illyria didn’t really die. When Fred comes back she says to Angel that Illyria is still apart of her and that she remembers some of the things that Illyria did when using Fred’s body as her vessel. The part of this that’s the saddest is how Fred saw and remembers watching Wesley’s death. Fred is one of my favourite characters in the Whedonverse and Buffyverse, so seeing her return meant a lot to me. I think that the shows will always be better than the graphic novels but there are some moments like Fred’s return that make these worth reading. Also Fred and Faith become best friends like Buffy and Willow, so that fact alone makes me want to read more because they are my favourite characters. Fred’s still Illyria but it’s better than not having Fred come back at all. But I will still never get over Fred’s death for as long as I live. One of the saddest things I’ve ever seen has to be when Fred says that everything reminds her of Wesley. The graphic novels also answer a lot of questions that were left unanswered by the shows. I’m still reading these series and can’t wait to finish them but from what I’ve read so far a lot has been answered for me. I have to say, the only downside of Fred coming back to life is that it puts a hole in this theory.
Theories have always been apart of the Buffyverse, either as jokes or just character saying that they have one. Throughout Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the characters were always talking about how they have a theory about what going on in that episode or episodes. Fred was always saying that she had a theory about how to fixed something or she would talk about theories. I think that the best thing about Fred and theories was that in the Angel season four episode, Spin the Bottle. We learned that Fred is a conspiracy theorist. In the musical episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Once More With Feeling. There is even a song where the cast sings about their theories on why they think everyone’s singing. There are also many theories on the Whedonverse and Buffyverse, so I know this is one of many. I find that very interesting that theories just play such an important role in these shows and can sometimes show the outcome of it. There are many fan theories in the Whedonverse, Joss has said before that he agrees with some of these theories and has confirmed some. It’s weird but theories have an important part in this theory.
In conclusion, I think this theory has a strong possibility of being real in these fictional universes. I really would like to think that Fred and Wesley got to be together after being torn away from each other. It would have been a really cute to have them end up together in other lives, because of the way they were tragically taken away from each other in Angel. Ever since I started really thinking about these shows and characters, putting these connections together, it wouldn’t leave my mind. Now almost everything I do I can find a connection back to these characters. It took two months with some sleepless nights of just me thinking about the plot of these shows and the characters and how it could all connect. This theory has also made me really relate to Amy’s character Fred. Fred was always talking about theories and even in one episode she gave a lecture on her physics theory, it didn’t end very well for her but still. I guess that’s one of the reasons I wrote this. Seeing Fred so proud of herself because of her theory, feeling like she had the world. I wanted to feel like I was like Fred. As someone who is inspired by Amy Acker everyday, this means a lot to me to be like Fred. I hope to one day be like Amy, an actress. My dream in life is to work with her. Thank you to anyone who made it through reading all of this crazy mess. That’s amazing if you did and that means a lot to me. I would also like to thank my friends and family who had to hear me talk about this theory for so long. Lastly I would like to thank Amy, Alexis and Joss for being the reasons why I wrote this to begin with, their work is amazingly brilliant and some of the best I’ve ever seen. It also has changed the way I see and listen to everything now. I hope that this theory changed the way you see these show, like the way it changed the way I see them. If you are reading this now, this is the fifth version of this theory that I’ve written. When I first posted this on my Tumblr I got so many nice comments and messages. Thank you to everyone who enjoyed this, it means the world to me.p>
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kaleraniel · 7 years
Whenever we write, it’s something we do together. We may not always actually talk, but we both contribute more or less equally (whether or not Terra actually notices it and doesn’t chalk it up to eir own thoughts ahaha) Anyway, thought we should make a list. Or rather, two lists. Fics in progress, and fics we haven’t started but want to.
In progress, in order of current motivation to finish (kind of)– *“"sequel”“ to fake dating au. Just need to add some stuff (maybe up to 1k? We can’t shut up about these two and their healthy communication I mean talk about goals, right) and tweak the characterization to fit the established au. Motivated by time, mostly. Hope to get it up by Valentine’s Day. *gym au where it’s gay and such a pity Javert’s has prosopagnosia and always distracted by Valjean’s arms, and how Valjean’s never seen Javert out of uniform and doesn’t recognize him in workout clothes and is ever so distracted by his runners calves. Absolutely tragic. *dw doctor/TARDIS fic. I think I’m into that a lot because of that symbiotic relationship. I’m always about symbiotic relationships, probably given my own nature, haha *dæmon au, because that’s always important. Won’t be finished anytime soon. *magic au, because it’s almost done and why not? *leverage ot3 fic, since we don’t expect that to be too long, and also I mean it’s leverage so that’s always good. *phone call perceived unrequited perfectworldshipping fic, since we still think that’s really good and just the right amount of angst that is satisfying as hell. At least for us to read. That bittersweet kind of thing, where they’re just a hair’s breadth too late, they miss each other by just a second, if they had only reached out sooner but it was never the right time. Both of us love that shit so much. Kind of wary of posting two 5+1 fics so close together though. *Vampire!Javert, even though we’re undecided what direction to take that one right now. We have up to the bridge, but we can take it to the potentially nsfw direction or somewhere else that’s sfw. *self indulgent fic, since it’s self indulgent. Also at a standstill since we lost so much of it. Might not ever post because it’s fairly personal with the amount we project our own struggles with depression onto Javert. *sad fic, because that seems short. It’s hard to write. Haven’t been struck with that inspiration where the words come with that yet. Terra wants to write that more than I do, out of some kind of desperation to prove we can do something other than sickening fluff we can hardly bare to edit lol. There’s no rush. We have two modes: sickening fluff that apparently makes people scream and/or laugh out loud (which is? Unexpected? That funny stuff is fun to write but we never expected it to be as much fun to read), or angst fic that will break you. Absolutely no in between. *the other sad fic, which is also really personal, but it’s also half informative so somehow the part of us who loved to educate overtakes the anxious part of us hahaha. That fic requires an actual map so we can get things in order, and more research than we’re willing to put in at the moment. So, standstill. We know exactly where we want to go with it though. Probably the fic we actually use words to talk to each other about the most. Usually it’s just feelings, melding together in that writing zone to where we are really one with each other and not separated at all. That can be fun too, but I like talking. *the one where Javert is a ghost. We have the beginning, but Terra’s more interested in how Javert works and functions as a ghost rather than actual plot and I’m stuck on what to do so it’s at a standstill. *wolves fic, because that’s such a good quote we can’t not use it. Don’t know where we’re quite going with it exactly. Have a vague idea but nothing solid. *Vegas au, requires casefic which means a case and we aren’t quite sure how to handle that yet. Of course, because it revolves around casefic, we can’t do much with it yet but we have the first scene written out that probably will need redoing at a later date but whatever. It’s Vegas. *butter for lube. I hate Terra for this. So much. *touchfic, requires massive reworking. It’s 25k. Like half of that is going to have to be rewritten entirely or cut and that’s going to take so much time and effort. Totally know where we’re going, it’s just how to get there that’s the issue. *3rd person POV fic. Know what we’re doing, just not sure how to make it into a good fic. Also we keep getting distracted by OCs, so large sections of that are going to have to be cut or at least severely minimized. Those are just the things we have actual parts written, not just outlined.
To write, in no particular order– *REVERSE GROUNDHOG. We’ve been wanting to write this for literally years. And we have about 80% of it planned to a T in our brain. We just. Need to write it. And figure out that last 20%. *werewolf Valjean, for obvious reasons. There’s never enough supernatural (not the show, although the influence is most definitely there) AUs nor creature!aus *superhero AU, fight us okay *coffeeshop au #3, where jvj is a crime novel author and lowkey uses the cases Javert mutters about in his books that Javert’s a closet fan of. Idea half stolen from Paper Monsters, a cherik fic. *olive garden au aka coffee shop au #1, which Terra promised Stephanie like four years ago *Coffeeshop au #2, which is so similar to the Australian au that we might scrap it, or just write it for our own enjoyment and never post. *the one we call Mercy, with swensonvert and raminjean, which is decidedly nsfw and will go to the Shame Account. *buddy cop AU inspired by… oh what’s that movie. With the two lady leads. It’s kind of recent and super good. *leverage au with the Les Mis faves, of course. I wish we had more straight up Leverage ideas, because that’s such a good show. We yell at each other about it so much. *ink on skin soulmate au because we love soulmate AUs. *dw dæmon au where humans are the only species who have dæmons and the Doctor is absolutely fascinated by this. Thought of this yesterday, so it’s pretty new. *the one where the main pairing is Javert/Seine with lots of suicidal ideation. *Toulon nsfw fic. We don’t know how to introduce the nsfw aspect, honestly. And our Jean le cric isn’t canon characterized and it bothers me. Terra says run with it, "because fuck it it’s fanfiction,” but it bugs me. Technically, it’s partly written, but it bugs me so much I’m not counting that. *TiMER soulmate au. That one’s interesting because it plays off the idea of people evolving and growing, how the person that’s “perfectly comparable with you” may meet you earlier on (and at that point, you are good with them) but their timer doesn’t stop then. Javert’s timer resets and resets to the point where he thinks it’s faulty and Valjean’s remains constant, only skipping around near the barricades because Javert himself is fluctuating then too. Anyway that’s a lot of fun but requires a lot of looking things up in the brick and referencing the Les Mis timeline often. *music au, because we love those too, and although we collaborated with Star on the one we did for the Big Bang, we’re still not satisfied because it doesn’t /exactly/ match up with the one we constructed in our head. It’s good and we enjoy it immensely, but it doesn’t scratch the itch. If we end up rewriting it with the same plot points and stuff, we won’t post it. Might change it up, making Valjean a solo piano or luthier, but always secret composer Madeleine and always concert master Javert. *coffeeshop au #4, where they keep meeting on accident during rush and leave post its on each other’s coffee and only know each other by their coffee names. Occasionally they talk in line but it’s just a meet-cute honestly. We don’t expect this to be long, just a cute little idea. Javert always freaks out with the reveal and makes things longer and harder though, even when we expect that of him. *possibly doctor/surgeon!Javert and Valjean always coming to the ER because of shit he gets himself into by performing mostly selfish actions. Javert has beef with him for some reason. Maybe mugged him when he was a student of important things that held him back, or otherwise heavily inconvenienced him and he pressed charges, of course. *lowkey artist Valjean, who is really good but doesn’t think he is. Don’t know if this should be modern or canon era. Inspired by a friend who has Valjean hair we met at fiddle camp. He’s very good and does both realistic and caricatures that really capture people and that’s such a Valjean thing. *white collar inspired fic, half planned out. Valjean as an art thief and Javert as his pursuer. When Javert puts him away the first time, Valjean’s just gotten in with bad people. He changes when he gets out. His motives change to be more Leverage-like, and it becomes almost a game of cat and mouse. In his forgeries he starts writing stuff to leave Javert, little post it notes on the wall where a painting used to be, etc. Javert is confused but honestly missed chasing Valjean. Then after one incident where Valjean handcuffs Javert to something and leaves him there after banter/lowkey flirting, he leaves these files proving how corrupt the people he’s robbing are, as well as proof that the paintings get returned to a good place or the money from the sale goes to a good cause with only a little bit missing to pay for Valjean’s own humble life. Javert starts doubting. Valjean sees him on the bridge, paints him, then breaks into Javert’s house to hang it (and also buys him food because Jesus your fridge is barren, must feed you). It’s even signed with his real name and painted in his own style. Javert is kind of touched, even if he’s pissed off that Valjean could break into his apartment so easily (he changes his locks and only gets halfway through the milk before it goes bad. There’s a reason he doesn’t keep much food. It’s because he’s never home to eat it). Then, when Cosette is in danger, Valjean panics and doesn’t know who to go too except Javert. Javert comes home one day to Valjean pacing in his front room (and is annoyed he broke in /again/, why can’t he ring the doorbell like a normal– he doesn’t know why he could even thing of Valjean as normal and then thinks he should be more angry a know criminal is in his home and somehow looks like he belongs there). And then minor casefic- Javert helps him in exchange for his freedom. After, Javert manages to get Valjean as a consultant with an ankle bracelet thing a la white collar because damn it, he’s definitely gone for him. The first time Javert visits Valjean’s house he’s annoyed because Valjean has an original Monet hanging in Cosette’s room, which means the one they think is real is actually a forgery. That’s been developing in our brain for a long time too. We should just write it already. *TWEWY au, where Valjean ends up dying the same week as Javert. It’s a normal Game, of course. Unsure if we should have Reaper!Javert or not. Still working out the logistics of that. Who should be Conductor, Game Master, other reapers. Composer, even. *modern au where Javert’s a cop and keeps pulling over former criminal Valjean who’s now a successful and well know businessman. They end up making out against the side of Javert’s cruiser after many cop-based innuendos. Valjean’s license plate has 24601 in it, obviously. *original!weird friends AU. Featuring Grantaire/Javert friendship that neither will admit is friendship, born of over a year of arresting Grantaire for being drunk in public and various other minor crimes and watching him in the drunktank. They talk about being mentally ill, so bipolar lithro Grantaire and prosopagnosia lowkey depressed Javert. They talk about Grantaire’s unrequited crush that’s both ideal and hell for him, and teases Javert relentlessly about his not so lowkey crush on Valjean. Probably Grantaire POV. Grantaire crashes his car/motorcycle through Valjean’s shopfront window, and Grantaire just has him call Javert, totally unknowing that this is the guy Javert’s crushing hard on and has to deal with that awkward mess while very drunk and very manic. Possibly recognizes Valjean as Cosette’s dad, idk. Arranges for them to meet up very sneakily, because they’re not friends and this is just to make Javert shut up about this guy, yes totally, not to make him happy or anything. Shut up. They’re not friends. (Wow that was almost entirely Terra there. It’s late. We’re tired and not used to separation.) *AU!weird friends au where everything is the same as the above au except Grantaire has a vine account (Vine will be mourned). Obviously set when Vine was still alive and well. Consists mainly of Grantaire filming Javert while mentioning Valjean and watching as Javert attempts to be chill but is totally /not/. May involve him dropping massive amounts of paperwork, or spilling boiling hot coffee on himself. Definitely features him threatening Grantaire with arrest, not like that phases Grantaire anymore. Cosette sees his vines, mostly the one where Javert actually sees Valjean and walks straight into a street sign or trips over a parked car or something, and recognizes “oh my god that’s my dad”. They gleefully try to get them together and Grantaire’s vines consist of them actually meeting and Javert crushing harder than a 12 year old girl and Valjean’s being absolutely smitten with him. Probably told strictly through social media and video descriptions? It would be fun to try that since the texting was so fun in fake dating. Grantaire’s name is drunktank420 and you can’t stop me. *Canon era transman Javert. Can’t stop us. It’s ideal. …there’s more, because there’s always more. We are always thinking of fic. Anything cute or neat that happens in real life you can bet one of us latches onto it and an AU is born right there. It’s 5am we should sleep. Fic is too much fun for the both of us, which is why I completely endorse it. I would love to explore Valjean’s PTSD and anxiety more and having Javert learn how to calm him down or see the signs to remove him from his stressors. Also, obviously, Javert’s depression, suicidal ideation, and recovering from his suicide attempt. And his prosopagnosia, ADHD-ness, and his dyslexia in more detail. I put bits of it in almost everything but we want to examine it more.
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