#hes so silly i love this little monkie guy!!!
eebie · 1 year
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first incarnation of 2D spotted in tha jamie hewlett artbook
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askblueandviolet · 5 months
can’t you just…. have your clones help you out??
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Reference image (because haha):
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ladybonedemon · 1 year
I love how Sandy is quite literally the sweetest, most loveable character literally ever. I have not, and never WILL meet someone who unironically finds him annoying or boring, or thinks he's a waste of time.
This is THE wholesome blue man, he has a blue cat, he's a fucking giant who likes tea and cats! He could crack your skull in an instant but he chooses not to!!!
He's literally always pulling his punches any time he has to fight because he doesn't wanna hurt anyone !!! Look at my silly guy!!!
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off-center-milk · 1 year
Slowly converting all my friends and family to lmk fans....yes.. my evil plan is all coming together now!!!!!!!
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maidenofthecloud · 2 months
Warning spoiler: I am going to publish my theories that have spoilers of season five of Lego Monkie Kid for those who have not seen it
I genuinely believe that Rumble and Savage could appear in season six and here are my reasons for believing this.
I think season six will focus on more Macaque
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we can see that in this scene Macaque absorbed the powers of chaos
so we already have some kind of idea what his character arc could be about in season six, in fact @lunar-wandering came up with a couple of very interesting ideas
At the end of season three we were shown the scroll opening
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And all of us who saw season four know how that ended.
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This time we can see flashes of the powers of chaos in Sun Wukong's stuff, with Macaque being the only one who notices it.
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Now what does this have to do with Rumble and savage?
I really think Rumble and Savage can help complete and finish Macaque's redemption arc.
I have already said it in a asking
I know that many think that the macaque is practically redeemed, if they think that that is perfectly fine. but in my opinion I do not agree with that, because the basic thing in a redemption is that the character realizes his mistakes and repents of his bad actions, Yes, Macaque helped defeat the bad guys and everything. but he has no regrets for the damage he did to mk and his friends I thought it would be great for Macaque's future redemption arc to have him face his own past mistakes and what better way to do that is face the little versions of himself who want revenge of you and they won't hesitate to hurt your loved ones in the process just to see you suffer (cough karma cough)
also more superficial reasons
those two totally look like they were made of chaos
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The design of their mouths seems as if they had snake fangs.
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starrclown · 4 months
EclispeDuo headcannons I have but I can't explain most of them but they just feel right★★
Triggerwarning for talks of death, alcohol, blood, past bad experiences, and other triggering topics
Sillies <3
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Chang'e has been trying for YEARS to get Wukong on her show. Wukong wants to be on it but he's really camera shy so they can never release the episode cause he gets to nervous.
Wukong let's Chang'e in on ALL the tea going on earth.
Chang'e really does not like Macaque because of his history with Wukong. Wukong doesn't suger coat their past, he goes into enough detail to keep somewhat privacy but he'spretty open and honest. He also told her about Macaque's recent atrocities committed on him and Mk. This causes Chang'e to have a really negative opinion on Macaque because she doesn't understand why Macaque would be so mean to Mk just cause he doesn't like Wukong. (She also doesn't like Macaque because how dare he hurt Wukong's feelings.)
Wukong babysits some of Chang'e bunnies sometimes when she's broadcasting her cooking show.
Wukong fills Chang'e in ALL the gossip on earth.
Chan1g'e helped Wukong through alot of his trauma. She helped him when Macaque died, when Ao Lie died, when the rest of the pilgrims past, when he had to put DBK under the mountain, when his mountain burned, and other events. Chang'e knows how grief fills so she jus let's him cry. It's comforting.
Wukong and Chang'e have gotten ABSOLUTELY SMASHED on the moon. Their hangover was BAD after that.
Wukong knows how to sew so he makes him and Chang'e matching clothing.
Chang'e likes to make little cupcakes that look like animals for the monkie gang on earth. She makes pig ones for Pigsy, monkies for Mk and Wukong, and miscellaneous ones for the others. (Cause she never met them, she has just heard Wukong talking about them .)
Chang'e and Wukong are each others biggest hype men.
Chang'e has seen almost every baby picture of Redson, she's basically seen that kid grow up more than his dad did.
Wukong once cut his finger cutting vegetables and Chang'e FREAKED out.
When Wukongs hair gets to long, he'll just cut it so he doesn't have to deal with it. Chang'e likes seeing his hair long though so she'll tie it up for him so it's out of his way.
Wukong really likes to groom Chang'e. It gives him a excuse to just yap and show affection in a monkey way.
Chang'e likes to do Wukong's makeup.
Wukong gifts Chang'e the extra golden jewelry he has because they both like shiny gold things.
They both have merch of each other. Wukong has a Chang'e baking set and Chang'e has that talking cardboard cut out from that cooking show episode.
Chang'e is VERY judgy of Wukong's romantic taste. If she doesn't like who Wukong is talking about she looks at him like 🤨
They have week long sleepovers. They'd probably be longer if Wukong didn't have to train Mk.
They paint each other's nails their favorite colors. Chang'e gets gold nails and Wukong gets blue nails.
Guys I NEED more content of these two together in my life. If yall know any fics with these two let me know cause I love them.
(Drop your own headcannons in the comments, I wanna see how people interpret these two.)
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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jkl-fff · 4 months
Obsession in a Good Cause
Since I finally watched Season 4 of "Lego Monkie Kid" today (MAGNIFICENT!), I feel the need to extol and ramble a bit about something deeper I noticed. A profound, recurring theme that really elevates the series in yet another way I wasn't expecting from silly lego people having magic, kung fu adventures with monkeys and such (gods damn, this show really has no business being this good).
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And it's how characters with noble intentions and even kind hearts repeatedly fall to an obsession to make things *better* in some way. They can never leave well enough alone, they can never settle for good. And then ... in pursuit of making things *better*, they end up succumbing to a mentality of "The Ends Justify The Means" that winds up making things so much worse AND costing them everything they held dear.
Spoilers below.
Season 1 starts off with Demon Bull King, an archetypal bad guy, especially for a cartoon; he's big and strong, he wants to rule the world, he wants revenge for being trapped under a mountain, he's even cruel to his son. But a funny thing happens after his Season 1 finale butt-kicking: He spends some time bonding with his son (who he now sees grew up without him yet still only wants his love and approval) and worrying about his absent wife (while also being pretty sure his kickass wife can kick the ass of anyone who comes after her). Then, after being saved by people he ought to consider his enemies, he just ... goes home and mellows, watches some cooking shows, and spends more time with his family. Just being happy with them.
Everything we learn about DBK after that is practically a flashback to his pre-imprisonment days at minimum more than 500 years ago. And it makes one thing clear: he loved his family with a fierceness that would face down armies. Literally. He fought the Celestial Realm with his sworn brothers ... and I'm pretty sure he tried to conquer the Mortal Realm originally to build what he would consider a fitting kingdom for his wife and son. (Before he became obsessed with conquest itself, thanks in part to Lady Bone Demon's influence--obsessed enough even to lash out at the two people he was doing it for). That last one, I admit, is speculation, but I think it fits with how tenderly he was shown to love his family in the past and how mellow and domestic he becomes after letting go of conquest and just deciding to live in the moment. It was principally for them, like a father who spends too much time at work to provide for his family. Arguably a noble cause, but he became so obsessed with it that he lost 500 years of his life (and nearly the rest of his life) with them.
(Princess Iron Fan and Red Son both demonstrate it to a lesser degree, I reckon. Their relationship was not really loving at the start of the series, probably having suffered as a result of their obsessive drive to free DBK at any cost. Then to please him after his return. At least until he crossed a line--under LBD's influence--and lashed out physically at them, prompting them to leave him ... until he came back to them.)
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Next there's Lady Bone Demon ... She's as terrifying and seemingly inevitable as death itself (fittingly, even Sun Wukong is scared of her), and her goal isn't to conquer the universe, but to destroy it.
Why, though? To make a better, perfect world free of the pain that plagues this one. Because she sees this world as fundamentally imperfect, and that imperfection at its very heart is the reason for all the pain in the world. From a certain perspective, she champions a very noble cause ... It's simply unfortunate that the world and everyone in it needs to be mercy-killed for her plan to work. But what's a little pain now to prevent greater pain later, right? It'll be over quickly, and then everything will be better for everyone ... somehow. Never mind the pleasure and happiness and joy people find in their lives despite (or even because of) the world's imperfect nature; she knows better so she will make things better, even if she must make everything worse first.
(Likewise for Spider Queen. She's so obsessed with reclaiming power she once held, that she loses the good thing she has left with her three loyal subjects. Instead of moving on and starting over and living a good if humbler life ... she dies.)
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Then we come to Azure Lion and Yellowtusk (not so much Peng, as he seems to have always been more self-serving, but whatever). Two former warriors of the Celestial Realm who rebelled after seeing its corruption and indifference to mortal suffering. Where LBD was cold and nihilistic, they are warm and reformative. Their ideological position is that the flaw isn't with the world itself, but with those in power who care more about their own wealth, position, glory, and appetites than the needs of the common people. Replace the current leaders with ones who actually care about good governance--who have compassion for mortals--and they believe things *must* get better.
And GODS DAMN that's a sympathetic cause. How do you argue against it, given everything that's shown of the Celestial Realm's inactivity and isolationism? How do you argue against it when that's the story of real world politics? How do you not admire their courage and perseverance to try a second time after getting beaten down?
But it isn't enough for Azure Lion to reunite with Yellowtusk and Peng, just like it wasn't enough to form his own utopic kingdom where he could make a real difference (Note: A region they seemingly drained of life to form?). He could've had a good thing and walked away, but it wasn't enough. He was obsessed with casting down the Jade Emperor and replacing him to make *everything* better, so it was worth every dishonorable act he had to commit along the way. Lie to MK and Mei, let the others suffer through the scroll, imprison a sworn brother (and his family) when he chooses not to join yoir fight, slay a celestial army (and it seems a good deal of the palace staff), and risk the cosmos tearing itself apart? Strike preemptively at a potential threat even to the point of levelling mountains and slaying innocent mortals? All justified to keep his power, because he's the only one who will use that power responsibly and honorably. Ironic and tragic.
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Finally ... Sun Wukong himself. What I love about Season 4 is how we see him before and druing that pivotal Journey to the West. And we get the perspective of several people who were very close to him before it--his sworn brothers. Azure and Yellowtusk admired how deeply SWK cared for his monkey subjects enough to be inspired to rebellion against the Celestial Realm, and even enough to choose SWK as their original replacement for the Jade Emperor. Macaque arguably loved him as more than a brother (if you interpret their interactions that way) and was prepared to follow along despite believing SWK should just stay on Flower Fruit Mountain and live happily ever after.
But Macaque gives us a fascinating insight into SWK's character before even that--insight into why SWK went to train with Madter Bodhi and raided the peaches and pills of immortality and so on. He feared death, he feared the good times ending, he never felt secure enough. He always needed more immortality, more power, more of a guarantee that things would stay wonderful for himself and those he cared about. Which eventually saw him imprisoned under a mountain, alone; which eventually saw him indentured to Tang Sanzang and forced to combat his sworn brothers; which eventually put him right back on Flower Fruit Mountain without any of his old or new friends. He was obsessed with things being *better* than they were ... and that inevitably cost him in the past, and threatens what happiness he does have in the present.
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Thankfully, like DBK, he is capable of learning to move on. Hopefully, he'll be able to do so (and can help MK learn to do the same) before it's too late.
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hiro-doodlez · 4 months
->Current fav art i've made!!<-
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I'm THE silly little doodler! /j
*warning that most of my art is suuuuper bright, so if you are sensitive to vibrant colors, uhhhh IM SORRY
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Art tag!
UTMV Birthday blog!
Fanart tag!
Sona Tag!
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!!!Links to other socials!!!
Art Fight!
Spotify stats!
Discord! (Moots+friends only pls!)
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I have a ton of different interests/fandoms I'm in, but the main ones I'm fixated on right now are Undertale Multiverse, LEGO Monkie kid, and One Piece!
A couple of my other fandoms are Rise of the TMNT, Steven Universe, Mob Psycho 100 (I AM MOB), Dungeon Meshi, Ok K.O Let's be heroes!!! (TKO AND KO ARE MY SONS), Hermitcraft (grian enjoyer :3) Spiderverse, Soul Eater, My hero Academia, Avatar TLA, The Owl House (HUNTERRR), and TPOT+BFDI
I ALSO LOVE MUSIC A LOT!! If I'm not watching One Piece then I'm probably listening to tunes!! My fav artists are Cavetown, Kikuo, Maretu, Bear Ghost, Lemon Demon, and plenty more!!
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pro-Israel, Homophobes, transphobes, aphobes, proshippers/ comshippers, countryhumans (sorry LOL) and thats basically all I got
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feel free to use my art in whatever u want (other than merch ofc), just make sure to use proper credit and that you're not just reposting it!!! (like "This BEAUTIFUL BREATHTAKING AMAZING ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS ART was made by @Hiro-doodlez on Tumblr!" /j)
pls dont be mean to me... i am just a small little guy...
I admittedly kinda suck at having and talking to friends and moots, im sorry about that!! You probably will end up starting most convos because I explode everytime i hit the send button /hj LOL
old pinned because i love it...
might add blinkies soon if i find some good ones LOL
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octonauts--man · 7 months
INTRO!! (I needed a proper one.)
ᴀᴍ ɪ ᴀ ᴛᴏʏ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ, ᴍʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ?
ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ᴀ ᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴘʟᴀʏ
ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇɴ ᴛʜʀᴏᴡ ᴀᴡᴀʏ
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ꜰᴏʀ ᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ɪ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴀ ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ’ꜱ ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜ
Hello, my name is Avery ((or Donnie. Or Starz. Or Confetti. Or Donry. Or Partyguy. Or Cone (my friend called me a traffic cone LMAO). Or Steven (stealing names from my fave characters!!). Or Ruby (only on the occasion) Or Star. Or Bud. Or Veneer (my friend ALSO calls me this). ...Or Moon! Any of these work!))
My pronouns are He/They, along with some neopronouns and xenopronouns!! (Xe/Xem, Zey/Zem, Star/Stars/Starself, Byte/Bytes/Byteself, and Tech/Techs/Techself)
I am a multifandom, and am currently hyperfixated on the following:
Trolls (movies), Dandy's World, FNAF, Smiling Critters, Smiling Friends, Lego Monkie Kid, Slimecicle, Quackity, Heathers, Invader Zim, TMNT, Gravity Falls, Minecraft, Animal Crossing, and more! (the list will be updated later)
i simp for fictional characters and god why do they always find my simp posts.
My straw.page!!
My silly friend, you should totally follow and interact with: @sir-qwillian-ferne
Soup's Adoptive Dad(™/j): @williamfnafton
Our lovely aunt!: @i-bless-your-heart/@juliasreblogs
Jazzy (im gonna crumple you/j): @jazzythejazzles
Friend!!: @url0calcrvckhead
Apparently my fucking child???: @beebisbeeble
Special little friend: @grcklebdrckle
Mutual i convinced to join Tumblr >:3: @oozesquito
ɪ’ᴍ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ᴀ ᴛᴏʏ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ, ᴍʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ
ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ᴀ ᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴀɴᴅ
ᴛʜᴇɴ ᴛʜʀᴏᴡ ᴀᴡᴀʏ
ɪ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴀ ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ’ꜱ ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜ, ʙᴜᴛ
ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴍᴇ
ɪ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴀ ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ’ꜱ ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜ, ʙᴜᴛ
ɪ’ᴍ ᴏʙꜱᴏʟᴇᴛᴇ
Into any of my listed fandoms!!
Juggalos (i luv you guys sm man/p)
NSFW accounts (I'm hypersexual.)
Do NOT interact. :
MAPsexuals or anything similar
Neo/xenopronoun haters
People who want to unnecessarily sexualize me/others
Incest shippers (YES THIS INCLUDES T-CEST)
1 man 1 jar + anything similar.
Terfs, radfems, and anything else
Endo systems??? Genuinely so confused on this one. Just dni for now. Don't follow. Don't nothing.
Thank you for reading. Have fun interacting, and hey! Don't be afraid to send in asks!! The box is always open!!
Tags + their meanings:
#PACKAGE: asks!
#avery's rambles: rambling/random posts
#avery out of context: my shitpost tag
#my cool dead dad!!/#my cool dead younger sister!!!/#the dead family chronicles: soup's family with the aftons.
ᴡᴇ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ꜱᴛɪʟʟ ɢᴏɪɴɢ ꜱᴛʀᴏɴɢ
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ᴜɴᴛɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇᴡ ᴍᴇ ᴄᴀᴍᴇ ᴀʟᴏɴɢ
ɪᴛ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴇ
ᴡᴇ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ꜱᴜᴄʜ ᴀ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴛᴇᴀᴍ
ʙᴜᴛ ɴᴏᴡ ɪ’ᴍ ᴀʟᴏɴᴇ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏᴜʟᴇᴠᴀʀᴅ ᴏꜰ ʙʀᴏᴋᴇɴ ꜱᴄʀᴇᴇɴꜱ
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Blinkies i customized myself using Blinkies.cafe !!
Song: I Need A Human's Touch - TWRP, McKenna Rae
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starrzies · 5 months
★Meet the Artist 2024★
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I might have forgotten to post this </3
Hello there!!
I'm Starrzies, but I also go by Rodimus!! Of these two names I prefer my nicknames (Starrz/Roddy) more than the formality of my full username/chosen name!! I'm 19 and a full time college student! (I want to become a Forensic Pathologist!) My pronouns are He/They ONLY and my chosen gender identity is Demiboy! I'm also Aroace, my specific labels being Cupioromantic/sexual!
I'm just a silly little guy trying to do his best. I am a hobbyist artist and writer and I love to share what I come with in the hopes that other people will enjoy it as much as I do! I tend to post art related to my own characters, art I've done for other people and - more rarely - fandom related art! I also stream on Twitch!!! Usually it's art streams (especially for Art Fight!) or me playing my games - either solo or with other people! I do have a Discord server full of my friends, mutuals and people interested in my stuff and community! Feel free to come join :) I'm on basically on every platform (maybe not active, but I'm there!)
My special interest (been into it for as long as I can remember) is Transformers!! It will almost always show up at some point! I'm also super into Lego Monkie Kid, Overwatch and Genshin Impact!! (The last of the 2 I on and off play!) I tend to reblog content form these 4 fandoms! (They're the main 4 but I may branch out!)
I try and be super friendly! Really, I don't bite, but I do have a very limited social battery! So conversations may not last very long when it comes to talking! I also sometimes just don't have the energy to reply. If I don't reply then it's nothing against you, I promise!! That being said I AM TOTALLY OPEN TO BEING FRIENDS/MUTUALS!! Please note, if you are younger than 18 I will NOT be your close friend, close mutuals at most. This is just due to safety! (Pre-established friends before I became an adult are still a nd will remain my friends.)
Pets! I own,,, a few. Just a small little amount. They're all my babies though and I adore them. I do my beast to take proper care of them and give them long, happy and fulfilling lives! Hiraeth and Ravage both came from litters I've raised! (Hiraeth being an accident and Ravage from a foster litter.) Ember was my sibling's cat but became mine because she just,,, likes me more? My other pets were 100% intended! All of these guys are spoiled rotten,,,
Silly little notes/explanations!!
Cupioromantic/sexual; someone who doesn't feel/feels little romantic/sexual attraction but desires a romantic/sexual relationship
Demiboy; someone whose gender identity partially identifies with masculinity, but is not entirely binary
I've been in relationships before! However, I generally only feel platonic love for people around me. I genuinely love (/p) all of my friends and you'll see me make that very clear! I am NOT interested in relationships, especially after this most recent one. Things have gotten complicated AF and I don't even want to bother entertaining anyone.
I have a Decepticon Insignia Tattoo on my left wrist! My first tattoo ever and I LOVE it so much! I will be going back in October for hopefully, my second tattoo!
I own a 2001 Ford Mustang!! It's a convertible too! I ADORE my car so much and there is so much I have planned for it!!
I own 4 dogtags! They are NOT military related at all though! They just have special meaning to me and I've been wearing them since 2018! I did actually let someone borrow one of them for a decent amount of time but it was returned to me! I don't think I'm ever going to let them go again, they mean too much to me.
Ravage is named after the TF character! :D He was my little gaming buddy back when I was fostering a litter of kittens for my senior project. I ended up keeping him, I got too attached. Now he is best friends with Ember!
Hiraeth was a TOTAL accident. I was supposed to just have her mom but she was pregnant much to our surprise! (Someone was getting rid of her, probably because they knew she was pregnant, and gave her to us without telling us that lol) I was allowed to keep Hiraeth but none of the other cats were allowed :( They all went to loving homes though!
Discord is my main, preferred way of communication!! I always have it open on my second monitor so I tend to respond really quickly on there :) You should totally add me on there! I'm under the same username ;)
Feel free to interact with me!! Just be aware of my boundaries and DNI! (Very basic btw!) I'm always happy to chat and meet new people :)
I want to make a comic!! I have so much more planning before I can work on it though :( One day! You may see little teasers to it being posted on my socials!!
This blog is my SFW blog!! I do have,, other accounts but those will remain unnamed! If you are curious and have your age visible feel free to ask me about it in DMs!
WHEW, I think that's enough personal info that I'm putting on the internet LMFAOOO I'll be sure to redo this next year as well ;))
Quick Reminder!!   I DO NOT allow people to reupload, repost, claim, trace, reference or use my art without my Permission! If my art is posted anywhere else other than my accounts it’s not mine! If you like my work, consider following me or commissioning me!! (This does not count if the art was made for you! Please remember to credit me though!!)
Art Trades are Open! Commissions are Open!! Do NOT ask me about Requests!! Do NOT; Reupload, Repost, Claim, Trace, Reference or use my art without my Permission! 💜
You can Dm me Questions or Concerns! Like my work? Check out my Carrd for where else you can find me!
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sketching-shark · 2 years
Would you say that the LMK writers don't understand Wukong as a character? Of course, there are different interpretations and adaptations of not only this character but many other beloved characters from different stories.
But I think if 10 different writers create a story about, say, Spider-Man. Even if they all do something different with the character, Spider-Man should still be recognizable as Spider-Man. Like there are inherent traits that simply make the character who they are.
Do you think LMK Wukong is missing those inherent traits, or I guess completely misses the point on who SWK is a character?
Monkie Kid spoilers below:
I guess I'd have to start off by saying that I'm very hesitant, especially as someone who is neither Chinese or of Chinese descent, to say whether there's a truly "wrong" way to understand or write the Monkey King. Hell I've often poked fun at the way Sun Wukong has frequently been written in Chinese retellings of Journey to the West, and it must be acknowledged that there is a MASSIVE numbers of very different ways that Sun Wukong has been depicted in Xiyouji retellings, from a silly little guy to a hardened war criminal. For example, here's a Sun Wukong who's definitely an evil little bloodthirsty scamp as presented by Stephen Chow in Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons (2013):
And here's a panel of the Monkey King "Aku" from Marjorie Liu's (who's of Taiwanese descent) Monstress. Here he's feasting on fruit while watching the souls of a bunch of kids that he had slaughtered be tortured for information:
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So yes, there's a pretty big difference between these version of the Monkey King and many others, including his multifaceted presentation in the og classic and the laid-back goof that Monkie Kid seems to be aiming for! THAT SAID, and even while acknowledging that the Monkey King as a character has gone through innumerable transformations (lol), I can't help but feel like the writers for Monkie Kid might be letting their Sun Wukong fall prey to the all-too-common push for "more epic!," "The antagonists were right all along," "Pile on the angst!" and the kind of standard taking out the "intelligent" in "intelligent stone monkey" that you see in other western versions of the Monkey King. For example, Netflix's The New Legend of Monkey stars a muscleheaded and illiterate Monkey King, and while it was more of a one-off jest that was quickly disproved in Monkie Kid it is a bit well bothersome how to this day you'll find "lol Sun Wukong can't read!" jokes being bandied about.
I also don't think that anyone can deny that lego show Sun Wukong has been presented as less and less of a competent or even heroic individual as the story's gone on, and personally I'm starting to suspect that this is partially because the writers A) didn't know how to make Qi Xiaotian shine as a hero otherwise and B) to make the Six-Eared Macaque change from obvious antagonist to a true member of team good guy. It's undeniable that Macaque is the firm fandom meow-meow and has been for awhile, and if memory serves correctly the "Sun Wukong sucks" rhetoric started to really take off after Macaque presented his shadow play back in season 2 in which the Monkey King is ultimately framed as nothing but a selfish jerk who betrays his friends on a whim. And while there's basically 0 reference in either recent canon or fanon to the stuff the shadow simian put Qi Xiaotian and his loved ones through up until the end of season 3, it's hammered in time after time after time again just how completely Sun Wukong hurt and still hurts everyone around him because of what he did or what he failed to do. As it is, now we've seen Zhu Dachu yell at SWK for failing to protect Qi Xiaotian, an entire play that framed him as a terrible person and Macaque flat-out saying he's a terrible teacher (and then the plot going out of its way to somewhat confirm this), many people yelling at SWK for his plan to use the Samadhi Fire being stupid and poorly thought out, Long Xiaojio screaming at him for failing everyone especially the people who care about him while she's on fire and in pain, the Azure Lion referring to SWK as someone who's corrupted Qi Xiaotian with his blindness, and the ink clone of Qi Xiaotian--you known, the manifestation of his scariest but truest fears--referring to SWK as a fraud and a force of destruction. So now SWK and the lego show story have been left is this weird place where it seems that in large part the "SWK completely sucks and hurts everyone" truthers were right--and you see this sentiment reflected CONSTANTLY in canon and in fanon--and yet when people just say that explicitly there's a certain amount of scrambling to argue otherwise. I know it's been discussed before, but I think it bears repeating that not that long ago the hatred being leveled at SWK for supposedly being Qi Xiaotian's deadbeat dad on top of everything else he ruined forever got to the point where a writer felt compelled to go on twitter to confirm that SWK is not the father. I think it was the same writer who said that SWK is trying his best, but as others have noted if THIS is his best (world seems like it's in danger of being destroyed every other week) well lol and also lmao. Idk, personally I think if they noted there were THAT many people ready to condemn SWK for something that wasn't even proven one way or another they should step back and think about why that is. And it definitely doesn't help that they keep saying that there's more to this story from SWK's perspective and/or what actually happened, but then they won't actually show it.
So in the end, I'm not sure if in Monkie Kid's case it's so much a instance of not understanding the Monkey King as much as it is about not wanting to stick with what makes the Monkey King so beloved in the first place, the writers themselves not having a firm idea about where they ultimately want his story to go, but also even if unconsciously using him as a punching bag/sacrificial lamb to further the stories/likeability of other characters. And who knows, maybe later episodes will give SWK a backstory that is so tragic and well written and that explains his failures in the present so well that I'll feel stupid for saying all of this. Honestly I would love it if that was the case. Because Monkie Kid seem to have become one of the main ways that a lot of people in the west are learning about the Monkey King and Journey to the West in the first place, and it would kind of suck if the main impression that they ended with was with SWK as nothing but an constant failure that basically everyone who's ever loved him or even spent time with him comes to distrust, resent, and flat-out hate for very legitimate reasons.
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askblueandviolet · 7 months
Hey blue or mayor- I got a question.
What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Mine is chocolate.
Also here have this *put flower crown on his head*
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fisherrprince · 1 year
I hope you don't mind me asking, but what are your blind thoughts going into stormblood? Although you mentioned having received slight spoilers, despite what you may or may not know, are you hopeful or wary about the upcoming expansion ahead of you and ch'ahri?
I dunno hardly AAANNYTHING here is a complete list of my thoughts
kugane tower jumping puzzle (I will not be attempting to win this one) (I’m decent at jumping puzzles, but only because I’m on controller and enjoy platformers)
Godzilla 💕💕💕💕 no one told me Godzilla was here (seriously even the music and laser beams were goji-like) - they seem to be leaning into some tropes this time (with Gosetsu as well)
people seem to like the omega raids? excited for those. Halfway thru Alexander as we speak and those are fun I love gobbie
i am slightly wary going into the actual story content, since the concept of freeing ala mhigo is a healthy amount of detached from real-world allegories but also a healthy amount more connected to real world conflict around annexed powers and occupied peoples than we’ve previously gone into. It’s very grounded - the primal is a consequence, rather than a part of the conflict, and I expect them to split the focus. Insofar as post-arr and heavensward are, I mostly like how they handle complex societal topics and I trust them as far as not mucking it up entirely goes, but I put myself at a literary distance about the whole thing because im not one to speak about if they’re gonna handle it well. I’m gonna watch and mess around in the world they give me first. As far as pre-stormblood goes, in my not-a-guy-who-knows-things opinion, they handled it about a 7/10? Some dialogue bothered me, some things were like dam the horrors of war and desperation so true😔 (this is a positive). Some things were like yo is that Godzilla
I do LIKE the tone though. I think they did a tonal shift into something a little darker and brought in a Silly Guy to balance it, and it feels like they have a complete grip around their overarching story and world now.
I also wonder if they’re doing two things at once and how they’ll handle it? I want to visit Doma. I want to visit doma I want to visit that underwater bubble city you look like the monkie kid dragon place. Ch’ari will probably like it too, he’s one of those weird cats who likes water and being in water
i wasnt all that interested in the trailer aside from pretty location, it seems very stereotypical fantasy asia world tour. meteor buddy grow your hair out you look so good in Dawntrail
im trying to keep my opinions my own, since I hardly hear anyone talk about stormblood, sandwiched as it is between heavensward (everyone’s first exposure to the good kush) and shadowbringers (everyone’s perfect baby). So, about 1/4 wary of the msq content, 1/2 excited for the new dungeons and fights (is all of stormblood going to have 15+ enemies coming at you at once?? My frames get scared unless I’m wired into the internet and go down to 30 fps when they all load in), 1/4 excited to see new environments and new characters again :]
Ari is always excited to go to a new place. He always tries to make a good first impression, because whatever you do next (even if you’re rude) is colored by your first impression, and it sometimes fails and sometimes works to his benefit. He didn’t have a good reputation in Limsa, and it was shaky AT BEST in Ishgard, this is the first city he goes where either no one knows him or if they do know him it’s in a positive light. New experience for kitty
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joan-does-stuff · 2 years
Hello LMK Tumblr, I have an offering. I Lego-ed Hou Yi. (Rambles about the subject below)
Hou Yi LMK >:D
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If you have no idea about this guy, I strongly recommend this video (its only 4-5min long, wont take much of your time). Love Overly Sarcastic Productions sm, anyway- I guess anything I do with him at this point counts as OC sheniagns? But he does exist in the mythos. I just wanted to make my interpretation of the guy for the silly monkie show. I don't think we'll have a reason to see him down the line, as much as I would love to be wrong. We're only gotten Chang'e for one episode, I'm not getting my hopes up. I'm confident he's not in JTTW anyway sooooo eh. Very "what if" concept. 
Random things I want to say while here: 
His color pallete is meant to correspond with the colors Chang'e is given cus... yk it is her dead husband and all.   Made his eyes red as a contrast to the about cool colors in the overall pallete AND my little headcanon with LMK Chang'e anyway is that her eyes are blue (so they're just the "Red Oni, Blue Oni" trope, for the sake of fun! - they subvert this trope later in my own writings, but that's not the point)  Needed to have the moon motif somewhere so I put it on the belt, little cresent moon and a star cus I thought it be cute.  I went looking to see if anyone else has done this, it was kinda fruitless BUT! I did find a person's (@chileanclown on twitter) LMK oc that's a reincarnation of Hou Yi and it's pretty cool. [here’s the link to that] 
Other things I bumped into, this post in particular killed my mood a little. Her sitting and crying a little while gently holding the bow bummed me out. How dare! :( /lh /aff I spent 6 hours designing this guy (includes 8 concept sketches + render) over the span of a week.  I adore how he turned out and I might make fluff doodles of him and Chang'e (the original star crossed lovers my beloved <3). I'll talk about them more soon, hopefully.
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fluffypotatey · 7 months
When I started LMK, like. just last month actually, I was ELATED to see Wukong like that was a fluffy silly monkey!! Like ain't no wayyyy they're just gonna introduce him like "yeah so I met THE monkey king and told me I was his successor and then I never saw him again?" shows who thought of doing that always changed their mind, so hooray! reoccuring character! I know nobody sees Wukong as a dad but I think of JTTW where he's the communal grandfather of all monkeys and like. I like me a Monkey King whose a KING and not a Monkey Jester looking out for his family of monkies on the mountain. im soft. he's like alone in his species. give him a monkey family. give me a good leader. he loves them SO MUCH. anyways. he's so squishy too like when MK was all "whaaat? but you're so cute and cheeky!" and Wukong was all "I KNOW" im crying, also when he was gushing over the bunnies on the moon. the line about "dorky mortals" what a goofball. but ooh the GOOD STUFF like when his voice goes all deep and growly when he's actually serious and angry like YES WRECK SOME STUFF UP. protective Swk is so good, and when he crashed onto the ship whumped out to hell and back OOH that was good too, so yum yum, and reminded me a ton of my old fav bc the whole "lying/pretending to be chill and relax kind of guy when you're actually doing Secret Important Business" is 100% his thing, but this time it actually gets revealed to the others lol. but yeah that aspect of Wukong is so fun because I can write so many tactical schemes with him. I love how they dragged him out of retirement to still be cool and active. "You should have stayed buried." had me on the edge of my seat as one of the first Things Are About To Get Real moments. Its also neat how sometimes his dialogue shows slivers of his Great Sage Wisdom Style of Speaking coming out. I went to rewatch that ep and also forgot how much of a stupid cartoon villain Macky was there lmao, I was hoping they wouldn't send him blasting off like team rocket every episode, at least that's started to change as of S4 XD I wonder if the theories about the journey failing hold any merit, stuff like "Wukong is not the loner he pretends to be" and all the other itty bitty behavioral clues are so fun to dig into.
HE IS SUCH A GOOFBALL 😍😍😍 i love this monkey man so much like you don’t even know 🤧
up until s2 i had been waiting to see swk really fuck shit up bc he is one of the most op characters ever written and he’s such a fun guy in general, so to see him go from teasing DBK to THREATENING LBD WAS SO GOOD!!!!
i am also a firm grandpa swk believer because yeah i’m not a big fan on labeling swk as a father figure (especially to MK) but if i had to place a familial label then i dub thee Grandpappy™️ Monkey King. he’s lived long enough to earn this title (also i think swk even calls himself grandpa to his subjects in jttw but i may have heard that wrong) but i also wouldn’t say no to Distant Uncle™️
but yeah, swk <3 he’s my little guy 🥰 my special murder boy 🥰 my precious “consumed by past regrets that span over centuries” guy 🥰 my “i have lived for a long, long time” immortal
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eclipsedrawsthings · 10 months
5 fandoms, 5 ships!
Thanks for the tag, @edwardslostalchemy!
1. BNHA—Fuyukoto
Look, Fran basically already covered Tddk, and while they’re my OTP, this is the kayak I have built with my own two hands and I WILL get more people on board it if it’s the last thing I do. Have they met in canon? No! Do I still have shit to talk about? YOU FUCKING BET.
First off, they have the same goals for a relationship—on Fuyumi’s end, I think it’s pretty clear that what she wants is domestic stability. Makoto, meanwhile, has explicitly stated that her ideal partner is someone “ordinary”—someone down-to-earth and steady to balance out the glitz, glamour, and chaos of her professional life.
She’s also extremely assertive in a way that I think Fuyumi needs in her life—someone like Makoto backing her up would probably do her wonders. Plus, giving Endeavor a daughter-in-law who has blackmailed a pro hero and gotten away with it would simply be excellent.
Speaking of in-laws, this ship would also make Naomasa and Touya in-laws. This is objectively funny.
Come. Join me. Let’s create a future where I am not the only author to have written in this Ao3 tag.
2. Free!—Reigisa
I have such a soft spot for these silly little guys. You know that one post about being a sitcom b-plot character? These two are the fun little b-plot romance to Makoharu’s pining and drama. I love how ridiculously persistent Nagisa was in getting Rei to join the swim club, and I love the scene where Rei scoffs at the idea of him being affected by “something as illogical as love” like it didn’t WORK.
They’re hilarious, they’re adorable, they’re opposites attract, they’re absolutely whipped for each other. I love them.
Also, the water gun fight. The fact that Nagisa successfully ambushed Rei, then proceeded to walk into the trap he’d set earlier, was comedy gold.
3. Lego Monkie Kid—Dragonfruit
I was on the fence about this one until the Samhedi Fire scene. Look, I’ve spent five years and counting in the Tddk community—you give me fire and an “It’s your power!” and I’m gone.
To be clear, when I say “on the fence” I mean I was deciding whether or not I shipped them—they were luring me in, that just sealed the deal. I love the scene were Red returns Mei’s dragon plushie, I love their dynamic in general, and the fact that they were cuddling after the battle got me in the heart.
I’m not as deep in this particular fandom, so I’ll leave it at that—they’re cute, they got me in my weak spot, I like them!
4. Fairy Tail—Nalu
Is it even really a meet-cute if you don’t end up running from the cops?
These two actually hold the honor of being my first anime ship—Fairy Tail was my gateway anime, and Nalu was my first ship from it (thanks, Faun on both counts!)
I like how there’s hints that they could be a couple right off the bat, like Natsu’s arrival snapping Lucy out of the love spell when none of the other girls under it were affected, but that it isn’t fully a romantic subplot immediately. The focus is more on developing their friendship, and even though they’re not together by the end of the original manga, there’s not any question of why they WOULD fall for each other at some point in the future. Time and time again, they’ve saved each other, been there for each other, and just enjoyed each other’s company. I like a good friends-to-lovers, what can I say.
And finally:
5. Superwomen in Love—Honey Trap and Rapid Rabbit
This is mostly an excuse to talk about this manga, because it is a LESBIAN SUPERHERO ROMCOM and more people need to read it.
Honey Trap, a villain, defeats Rapid Rabit, the heroine, in battle, gleefully removes the helmet of her costume… and is immediately smitten. As a result, she lets her get away, gets kicked out of her villain org, and ends up as Rabbit’s roommate, because Rabbit is the sweetest person in existence.
Fun superhero battles ensue as they try to take down the villain organization Honey used to be part of, while meanwhile Honey tries her hardest to get Rabbit to fall for her, and there’s a healthy dose of “and they were ROOMMATES,” which is always a fun time! Plus, one thing I specifically like about this manga is that the fact that they’re gay is a complete non-issue—the only “how can two women—?” of any kind is when Rabbit is (understandably I think) baffled by a different lesbian couple in the story having what’s essentially a biological daughter.
Superwomen in Love!!! Go read it, it’s fun!!!
Tagging @helpilostmygender, @snazzy-hats-and-adhd, @unreemarkable, @r4inwing-pride-parade, and @idkwatthehec! No pressure though!!!
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