#he is so done with them and sick of their bullsh*t
askblueandviolet · 5 months
can’t you just…. have your clones help you out??
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bellthechick · 2 years
Im done with Hass *sorry Haas and that joke of a principal Steiner
The episode with Haas/Mick was such a joke.
From editing to haas and günthers bullshits. Like sorry but im sick of günther, he is not funny anymore. He is just like that old weird uncle that should stay away.
Until a certain point i could understand why they couldnt carry on with Mick, really he had some issues and was causing a lot of damage. However the second that phone call happened and günther said „ you cant buy talent“ i was like what the hell is wrong with you?! Also you can not talk about shit like this when you were the one who sold a SEAT to a russian guy like its a movie ticket. You are standing today and have your sponsors because of that KID that cant buy talent. He brought in your german sponsors you were about to go down??!!! Oh and i dont know if its editing cause we have seen this type of thing before but if its true that mechanic saying what a waste of time in that race for mick he can fck off as well that is such a shitty thing to say, he is YOUR driver, he is stressed and anxious be a good mechanic or whatever you are and help him adjust.
One last thing is that netflix did mick so dirty. The name of the episode is so insulting. People need to understand he is not his father he has his own path, and that is so obvi from his racing style to his temper he is much more calm and has a different way of going at things. It doesnt mean its a bad thing but comparing them is not fair and if michael could he would have said it as well.
In that particular scene where max overtook mick i have no words anymore like this editing is such a bullsh*t. Max overtook half of the grid 80% of the time but the way they made it so dramatic and so shocking which i think they did that because of the footage they showed of Michael and jo and that makes it much worst. You cant compare RB and Haas so why would you do that?!
Also here is the azarbaijan race results see it for yourself how stupid that editing was
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no words anymore…
except sending lots of love to Maxy, Seb and KMag for supporting Mick at least we got some people on there that stood on Micks side.
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Ol’ Unreliable
My mom just called me unreliable because i didn’t want to split two orders at the McDonald's drive-thru. The entitlement on this hick is absurd. I give her my time on Saturdays in order to get the stuff done she can’t during the week. After i work a full forty hours. An then have to come home and make sure she literally eats food. Like, i missed a whole f*cking week of work because she fell over, hit her head, and was too scared to be alone. I sat in the emergency room for sixteen f*cking hours with her, just to make sure she got the care she needed after her sill. From sleeping sitting up on the end of the bed. Something i told her repeatedly not to do. Because she fell off the bed several ties before the head wound. I’m not hurt she thinks this way, I'm f*cking offended. It costs me actual money to look after my sixty-five year old mother, because she refuses to look after herself, and she has the audacity to call me unreliable because i control the timetable for her chores? Really? The only time i don’t take her out on Saturday to do the sh*t she wants is when either I'm too sick to do it, i already made plans to do something else, or she’s too sick to go. I’ve told her, repeatedly, i don’t want to to help her. I don’t want to help anyone, ever. I am a very selfish person that way. It stems from the fact i was parentified, in part by her, when i was a kid. My brothers were born when i was seven years old. I have been a third parent (the primary caregiver) until i was probably twenty and she basically forced me out over some bullsh*t. Fast forward to present day and i have been parentified again, only she’s my kid now not my brothers. Can’t get down the stairs to collect the delivery food you shouldn’t be ordering? Guess who has to o that? Can climb up the stairs to the laundry room on-site in our apartment complex? Guess who gets to stand around watching the dog for three hours at the laundromat. She even had the audacity to tell me, after she gets her glasses (She can’t get her license because she needed eye surgery and a new prescription) she’d still like for me to drive her around because she’s gotten used to be chauffeured. The audacity.
Once, she asked my older-younger brother to take her to the store and he said sure. Then she had him out for four hours, doing a bunch of other sh*t. The next time she called for a ride to the store, h said no. She asked why and he explained that it’s never just to the store. It’s an entire afternoon with her. She relied, “Well if you know that, then you should just be prepared for that.” Who f*cking does that? You ask for one thing and then just pile on after the fact? Is that not rude? IS that not dishonest? And her excuse for this? We’re her kids and should WANT to help out our mom. No. F*ck no. I don’t want to help you, them, he, she, or whoever else. My time is my own. If i decide to share it with you, in whatever increment i choose, be f*cking grateful because i don’t have to give you any of it, ever. I spent half my life giving it to other people against my will. I had to sacrifice so much because of my parents inequities. It’s wild that, some twenty years later, one of them still thinks they can dictate how i use my time. If the strong f*cking boundaries i put up makes me undependable, then so be it. Find someone else to help you up off the floor the next time you fall over.
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smokeybrand · 2 years
Ol’ Unreliable
My mom just called me unreliable because i didn’t want to split two orders at the McDonald's drive-thru. The entitlement on this hick is absurd. I give her my time on Saturdays in order to get the stuff done she can’t during the week. After i work a full forty hours. An then have to come home and make sure she literally eats food. Like, i missed a whole f*cking week of work because she fell over, hit her head, and was too scared to be alone. I sat in the emergency room for sixteen f*cking hours with her, just to make sure she got the care she needed after her sill. From sleeping sitting up on the end of the bed. Something i told her repeatedly not to do. Because she fell off the bed several ties before the head wound. I’m not hurt she thinks this way, I'm f*cking offended. It costs me actual money to look after my sixty-five year old mother, because she refuses to look after herself, and she has the audacity to call me unreliable because i control the timetable for her chores? Really? The only time i don’t take her out on Saturday to do the sh*t she wants is when either I'm too sick to do it, i already made plans to do something else, or she’s too sick to go. I’ve told her, repeatedly, i don’t want to to help her. I don’t want to help anyone, ever. I am a very selfish person that way. It stems from the fact i was parentified, in part by her, when i was a kid. My brothers were born when i was seven years old. I have been a third parent (the primary caregiver) until i was probably twenty and she basically forced me out over some bullsh*t. Fast forward to present day and i have been parentified again, only she’s my kid now not my brothers. Can’t get down the stairs to collect the delivery food you shouldn’t be ordering? Guess who has to o that? Can climb up the stairs to the laundry room on-site in our apartment complex? Guess who gets to stand around watching the dog for three hours at the laundromat. She even had the audacity to tell me, after she gets her glasses (She can’t get her license because she needed eye surgery and a new prescription) she’d still like for me to drive her around because she’s gotten used to be chauffeured. The audacity.
Once, she asked my older-younger brother to take her to the store and he said sure. Then she had him out for four hours, doing a bunch of other sh*t. The next time she called for a ride to the store, h said no. She asked why and he explained that it’s never just to the store. It’s an entire afternoon with her. She relied, “Well if you know that, then you should just be prepared for that.” Who f*cking does that? You ask for one thing and then just pile on after the fact? Is that not rude? IS that not dishonest? And her excuse for this? We’re her kids and should WANT to help out our mom. No. F*ck no. I don’t want to help you, them, he, she, or whoever else. My time is my own. If i decide to share it with you, in whatever increment i choose, be f*cking grateful because i don’t have to give you any of it, ever. I spent half my life giving it to other people against my will. I had to sacrifice so much because of my parents inequities. It’s wild that, some twenty years later, one of them still thinks they can dictate how i use my time. If the strong f*cking boundaries i put up makes me undependable, then so be it. Find someone else to help you up off the floor the next time you fall over.
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sunrise-imagines · 3 years
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Selever x Reader Imagine
(AN: I saw that there’s no content for him which is an absolute crime so here I am with some self indulgent garbage. Kind of a weird mix between headcanons and an imagine, but I hope it’s still enjoyable. I blame Dokki for making me simp so hard for this smug b*stard 😩 Reader is around Sel’s age (17) and for the sake of simplicity, this is a timeline where Ruv and Sarv do get together and him and Rasazy exist in the canon universe💕)
WARNINGS: Lots of swearing, angst (it gets fluffy later on), out of character probably ~
I Don’t Hate You
•Sooo this dude starts out as being a total douchebag to you
•You guys are neighbors (yes you live next to a church lol) and have known each other since you were kids. You had always gotten along well with Rasazy, but no matter how hard you tried to be nice to him, Selever only ever responded by brushing you off or making a snide remarks
•I think that he’s the type of person that flirts a lot, but when there’s someone that he actually likes, he has NO clue what to do
•He was upset with his dad for not making a move for a long time, but now that he’s in the same position, he’s just as apprehensive about it
•He’s scared of opening up to people, and hates how it makes him feel so vulnerable and weak
•So he thinks that by being mean to you like everyone else, the feelings will just go away on their own and he wont have to deal with confronting you
•Rasazy can see right through his facade though, and tells him bluntly, “If you like them so much, just ask them out! You can’t keep being mean to N/N.”
•Usually she’s able to keep the peace by acting as a mediator between you two, because she knows Selever wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. She cares about you like another sibling and she hates seeing him act like that to you.
•One day, Rasazy had to stay home sick so it’s just you and Selever on the walk home.
•He’s up to his usual antics, laughing about how you got detention for slapping him in class after he kept mocking you while giving a presentation.
•”Awww, you mad ‘cause everyone saw you crying like a little f*ckin b*tch? It’s okay, at least now the whole school knows how you really are!”
•Eventually you get so fed up with his bullsh*t that you just go off on him and shout, “WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO MUCH?! ALL I’VE EVER DONE IS TRY TO REACH OUT, BUT YOU JUST TREAT ME LIKE A F*CKING JOKE! JUST TELL ME, WHAT DID I DO TO MAKE YOU HATE ME SO MUCH?”
•He’s stunned for a bit, he genuinely didn‘t expect you to react so strongly, let alone tell him off
•He quickly snaps out of it and gets defensive
•Your expression changes from frustration and hurt to confusion as you process what he’s saying, •“Huh? What do you...”
•He finally confesses, his blush rising to the tips of his ears as he squeezes his eyes shut, tears threatening to spill at any moment.
•You’re speechless for a moment. The entire time you’ve known him, you’ve never seen him get so emotional, and you’ve never, ever seen him cry.
•He turns away from you and continues down the sidewalk, angry at himself for letting you see him so worked up. He was fully expecting you to argue back by saying how stupid he is, how he should have just had the balls to talk to you instead of being a dick to you for all those years.
•But instead, you slowly walk up and wrap your arms around him, pulling him into a tight embrace
•He lets out a small gasp and blushes even harder, putting his hands on your shoulders to try and push you away
• “H-Hey, what the f*ck are you doing?! Don’t- stop being an idiot!”
•You shake your head, “No, I’m not gonna let you keep bottling up your feelings. You don’t have to be alone, just talk to me.”
•He frowns, looking away, “Shut up. You don’t know what you’re talking about, so stop pretending like you give a sh*t about me.”
•”I’m not pretending. Even though you were so terrible to me for so long, I don’t hate you. I’ve never hated you.”
•Selever scoffs, laughing dryly, “Are you crazy? You really think I’d believe such an obvious lie? F*cking grow up.”
•You persist, “I know it was hard for you, in the Nothing World. Razzy told me about it. How there wasn’t any color, any sound, any people. Just white going on forever. She told me how you used to read to her and kept bringing her books so she wouldn’t get lonely. She admires you so much.”
•His teeth clench as you continue, “I-I know you had to be strong for her then, and for yourself. I can’t imagine what that must have felt like. But, you don’.t...you don’t have to be alone anymore, Sel. You...you don’t have to be scared.”
•He breaks down, sobbing in your arms. For so long, he’d been keeping everything inside of him. Trying to be their for his sister, his anger towards his father, his fear of ceasing to exist. No one has ever been so open and honest with him, and he just can’t hold back
•So you hold him. Let him cry and swear into your shoulder as you bury your nose into his soft sweater.
•He hates it. He hates being so weak, being so frail in front of you but...it feels so good to finally let go.
•As much as he hates it, he doesn’t want this moment to end. He wants to keep holding you, wants to never leave this feeling of being warm, of being safe
•When you finally pull apart, he’s still wiping away now dry tears, trying to erase any sign of what just happened from his face. You put your hand on his, and for the first time since the argument had started, he looks at you, his red tinted eyes absorbed in yours
•After what feels like ages, he finally clears his throat to speak
•”I- uh...I...I don’t expect you to forgive me right away, or ever, really. If I were you, I’d probably never want to see my dumb*ss again after all the sh*tty things I said to you. God, I sound like a b*tch right now. But...I don’t hate you either. I-I know I’m a total piece of sh*t and I probably don’t deserve it, but- please, let me at least try to make it up to you. Even if it takes the rest of our lives, I don’t give a damn. But I want to try.”
•You smile at him, threading your fingers through his. It’ll take a lot of time to truly earn your trust, and even more for him to forgive himself. Selever won’t become a better person overnight, but...it’s a start. And as long as you’re willing to give him a chance, he’ll keep trying. Because for the first time in his life, he didn’t to put on a front for anyone. For the first time, he could just simply be. And he’ll never stop finding a way to thank you for that.
(adsggssfhsjdb this is so bad lmao but thanks for reading anyway 🥲 feel free to send in a request, I need more excuses to love on this rat boy)
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tevanbegins · 3 years
The following rant won't suffice to describe the sheer amount of HATRED I feel for 18x10 from the deepest, darkest dungeons of my badly broken heart, but I'll try anyway:
• Levi had the M&M conference and he was late for it, yet Helm doesn't give a flying f*ck about where her best friend / roommate who she knows is profoundly depressed is. And it was so frustrating to see Nico act so clueless about Levi's whereabouts and speechless during the M&M while Levi presented!
• That scene of Nico and Link — I was bewildered to find Nico act so casual about not having found Levi when he had tried to chase him immediately after he rushed out of the M&M...instead he was interested in knowing about how things are between Link and Amelia? What weed are these writers snorting???
• Instead of being there for her best friend who is suffering, Helm tried to gain sympathy from Bailey by making Levi's situation all about herself and playing a victim in it. Please, we all know that she has never been this shy and innocent! Especially with Levi her attitude has always been condescending, so how the f*ck did she say that she was scared to speak up in front of Levi? And Bailey was so sympathetic with her when she didn't show even an ounce of empathy for Levi! Helm is officially the WORST friend and there's no way she can redeem herself to me now. I have never liked her, but now I hate her with a greater passion!
• The extreme lack of screen time Levi/Nico/Schmico gets. What the f*ck was that sh*t? I'm not even expecting anything for Nico because I've given up on that a long time ago, but what about Levi? Being a series regular character, he deserves a lot more screen-time especially now given his current crucial storyline. BUT NO! He was nowhere to be seen after he stormed out of the M&M, and showed up only in the last few minutes, and I'm still reeling under the shock of what he did in that...
• ...And, Schmico is BROKEN up, ONCE AGAIN. 💔💔💔 Why did they even get back together, I ask? The reconciliation happened only at the end of last season, and we barely got to see two happy crumbs of them together before having to endure another break-up just halfway through the new season? I understand that Levi has gone really dark right now, but to say, "Go away. Please don't come back. We're done" to Nico, whom he was GRATEFUL for and he also doodled the sunsword next to his name on paper during Thanksgiving just 4 episodes prior? I was obviously expecting Levi to shut Nico out but to just end things with him out of the blue was something I wasn't remotely expecting at this point! This was devastating beyond words! This show and it's showrunner and writers are all SICK, SICK, SICK. It is traumatising as hell to watch this show and get attached to characters and ships who'll never get to be happy and peaceful as long as they are a part of this f*cking, twisted joke of a show!
I guess I'm done ranting for now. But this sh*t is gonna get worse. Now that they are broken up, I think they won't show Nico again unless absolutely required, so I don't think we'll get to see Nico being there for Levi through his spell of depression like we wished. Instead they'll probably date other people, get back together eventually, only to break up again, and again, and again. Schmico is kinda following in the footsteps of Slexie — where they are more often apart than together with the constant on-again and off-again relationship. Hopefully, Levi and Nico won't die on me like those two did, but with this horrid show, who knows? I am not looking forward to any of this bullsh*t. I'm exhausted. It's hopeless in every possible way, and not something any sane person should watch. My real life is less sad than the sorry, f*cked up fiction that this sh*tshow depicts.
By the way, I hope my dearest Schmico fam is coping better than me. Sending love to you'll, I know everyone of us needs it more than ever right now! xoxo
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p-redux · 3 years
Gloating about being an insider during a time of sadness is DISGUSTING
I'm not gloating, I'm posting INFO and FACTS like I always do...and showing restraint and discretion in not posting it sooner, and not posting the details, which I haven’t and won’t.
But you know what IS disgusting? Here’s a LONG list, and by no means, a comprehensive one, of what Extreme Shippers, Former Extreme Shippers, and Assorted Haters have done that is VERY DISGUSTING. I’ll write it stream of consciousness-like and not in order. Put your feet up and grab a tall drink. Here we go...
Click on Keep Reading
Extreme Shippers found Cait’s condo when she used to live in Los Angeles and sat outside for hours waiting to see if they saw her with Sam. ES blackmailed and coerced a minor, a 14 year old girl who was a super fan of Abbie’s sister, Charlotte Salt, into giving them info regarding Abbie and Sam. The girl was following Abbie’s locked Instagram account and could see the Sam related stuff Abbie was posting. ES won her trust, she gave them info about Abbie and Sam, they then told her if she didn’t screencap and give them the Sam related pics on Abbie’s IG account, they would tell Abbie and Charlotte that she had been giving them info. Sick doesn’t begin to describe it. ES tried to dox and did dox anyone and everyone who got in the way of their SamCait ship. Doxed, as in PUBLICLY posted, the names, addresses, pictures of their houses, professions, husbands’ and children’s names, employer names of ANYONE and EVERYONE who posted something to contradict the ship. They even posted pictures of their children. Again, messing with minors is a big no no, and usually a crime. ES created fake Ashley Madison accounts (that’s the website for married people who want to meet people to cheat on their spouses with) and pretended to be non-shippers’ husbands to try to make it seem like the husband was cheating. It got so bad, that in some cases, non-shippers had to get restraining orders, cease and desist orders, get the police, lawyers, and in TWO cases, the F B I involved. Yes, the F B I has come a knocking on a couple of Extreme Shipper’s doors because of their ILLEGAL actions. ES lured some of Sam’s girlfriends into believing they had their best interest at heart, gained their trust, and they PUBLICLY posted their PRIVATE messages. Luckily, in the case of one Sam’s ex, Abbie Salt, she later did confirm she and Sam dated, which totally negated everything that shipper had said Abbie told her.  ES directly BULLIED and HARASSED fans, Outlander cast, crew, journalists, reporters, family and friends of Sam and Cait. ES contacted people’s employers to try to get them fired...literally messed with people’s livelihoods. They tried to get the Outlander drivers fired because they started posting stuff against shippers AFTER shippers turned on them. ES waited outside Sam and Cait’s residences in whatever location they were in to try to “catch them together.” Taking pics at someone’s private residence is very different than getting pics or video in PUBLIC places. For years, ES have manipulated pictures, gifs, video to sell the SamCait LIE to their gullible shipper friends. They’ve made money off selling these lies. ES have ostracized and banished any shipper friends who acknowledged the ship wasn’t real. They sent their best friend to Tony’s bar in London to try to prove he and Cait weren’t together, and when she unwittingly found out they were, they then bullied her and kicked her out of shipperville. ES created multiple hate sock accounts for the SOLE purpose of CYBERBULLYING Sam’s girlfriends and dates. Any time Sam dates a woman, ES follow the same pattern. They contact the women’s employers, parents, siblings, other family members, friends, ex-boyfriends trying to malign the women. Some examples: They pretended to have gone to high school with Mackenzie Mauzy and spread lies that she had a bad reputation in high school. They spread lies that Gia was a paid escort. ES contacted social media outlets to spread LIES about Sam and Cait and their significant others. Contacted anyone associated with Cait and Tony’s wedding trying to intimidate them into saying there was no wedding. They posted the picture of a waiter at one of the Outlander premieres and tried to pass him off as Tony to prove Tony didn’t go with Cait. ES have continuously posted pics of Cait with her naturally poochy belly trying to prove that she’s been pregnant with Sam’s children for the last 7 years. ES publicly questioned her if she was pregnant. Sam haters and disgruntled ex-shippers have spread rumors that Sam is gay. Nothing wrong with being gay, but what is wrong is spreading LIES. ES have badmouthed Cait’s HUSBAND, Tony McGill saying he was: her assistant, gay, her gay assistant, a loser, broke, boring, ugly, her purse holder, etc. And trust me, what I’ve posted above is the SHORT list.
And that’s not even mentioning what they’ve done to ME. Ever since I committed the unforgivable sin of posting source info CONFIRMING Sam and Cait were never a couple, and Cait was dating Tony, way back in 2014, this is what SamCait Extreme Shippers have done to me. Tagged me endlessly when I had my Twitter account telling me things like “Die, b*tch,” “Die, c*nt,” “You should be gang rap*d,” “Drop a house on her,” “You’re worse than AIDS,” and those are the “nice” comments. They literally BULLIED me every day, all day for YEARS. They also created hate accounts on Twitter and Instagram to mock me, parody me, and post lies about me. They were convinced they’d found my real identity (based on circumstantial evidence, which I’ve countered and can counter with the actual truth), and proceeded to post THAT woman’s FULL NAME, city where she lived, profession, reported her to her licensing board, and created a fake Twitter account pretending to be her. She got a lawyer and was able to get everything taken down, but they basically tried to ruin her life. They’ve spread LIES about me being the one harassing THEM and managed to convince over 60 dopes with disposable incomes to give them money for a GoFundMe campaign where they hired a Private Investigator to try to find me. They started a witchhunt letter writing campaign, hashtagged it on Twitter, #takebackourfandom, or some such bullsh*t, tagged everyone in Outlander cast and crew “telling” on me and even sent letters and e-mails to Starz and Sony executives trying to...I don’t know what. Hahahaha. It’s so ridiculous, my brain is scrambling as I write this. They told their followers not to believe anything I say and that I’m evil personified. ALL of that and more because they couldn’t face the FACT that their SamCait ship NEVER EXISTED and I was the one that confirmed it. When I think about it, I can’t believe I lived through all that. But I stayed because I knew I had the TRUTH on my side and that eventually it would all come out, which of course it did. And because I’m a bad bitch who doesn’t scare easily.  EVERYTHING I’m referring to here is well DOCUMENTED with screencap proof. Or just ask anyone who’s been in the fandom long enough, they’ll attest that what I’m saying did actually happen, and that Extreme Shippers, Former Shippers, and Haters did do all of that.
So, Anon, when you come at me with “disgusting” things in this fandom, please refer to the above before you start pointing fingers at me. 
PS. “Anon,” I’ve got your Los Angeles/Anaheim Samsung Galaxy S10e IP address tagged. So, send me another hate Ask and you’ll get blocked. And don’t bother using a VPN...once the tag is on, it follows the user no matter what IP they use. Now you know. 
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You Have Me Under Your Spell
Synopsis: Detectives Atem and Mana are after a serial killer in Domino City. 
Part | One
“I’m going to kill Kaiba.” Atem cursed under his breath as he tightened his hold on the steering wheel. 
A giggle escaped from the blonde hair woman, who stood under a light post, as a group of men tried to take her with them. 
Atem growled under his breath, his red eyes glowing with rage. Everything inside of him wanted to go over there and beat the cr-p out of those men. How dare they assume Mana was someone who would sleep for money! 
The men received a sultry smile from Mana before she leaned in and whispered something to their ears. Atem couldn’t help but sigh in relief as the men quickly walked back inside their black SUV. 
Inside their undercover car, Atem growled again. He couldn't believe that this was happening in the first place. He had never imagined Kaiba assigning him a partner for this case. Especially someone who he had feelings for. 
“Are you f-cking serious Kaiba?” he demanded. 
The CEO could only glare at his best agent. 
“I assume a female partner would be great for this mission as you wouldn’t look good disguised as Dark Magician Girl, no?” 
“Cut the bullsh-t. Out of every agent you could’ve chosen, why her? How am I supposed to just stand there as I’m being forced to see Mana dressed up like a duel card character for a nightclub and flaunt to any piece of scum that sees her?” 
“That’s your problem, deal with it or I’ll assign someone else the mission with her.” 
Atem grimaced watching men try leering Mana into sleeping with them. It made his sick to his stomach when some men took it as far to master bate in front of her. These pathetic pieces of garbage deserved nothing but to go to the Shadow Realm.
How could they see Mana as just a source of physical pleasure that they could take and toss?
She was so much more than that. She was fierce, kind, loyal, humble, funny, and utterly breathtaking. 
Instead of standing outside a nightclub in the worst part of Domino, parading herself in order to help Kaiba and him with this murder case, she should be enjoying her night doing as she pleased. 
Not coming in to work on her day off. 
Atem cursed at Kaiba again, the steering wheel cracking under the intense pressure being placed upon them. 
What was he doing?
What was he actually f-cking doing?
He should’ve told her a long time ago about his feelings. 
Not push her further away from him. 
“We leave in ten minutes. Do not waste my time.” he spoke, refusing to meet her eyes. 
She scoffed. 
“If we’re going to work together tonight please refrain from talking to me in your ignorant way.” she replied coldly as she gathered Dark Magician Girl’s costume and walked towards the ladies’ room. 
She paused halfway and turned around. “Some of us, unlike others, do have a life outside work.”
Atem raised an eyebrow at her. 
“I could’ve just ignored Kaiba’s call and carried on with my date tonight. You should thank me for coming to your rescue instead of acting like a d-ck.” 
Mana pretended to powder herself as she spoke to him through her small commlink earring, “Are you ready to apologize?" she asked coldly. 
“Stop fooling around with those men. Be alert for our killer.” Atem answered back sharply. 
Mana growled angrily as she continued to doll herself up.
“Assh-le.” she cursed at him.
"And take off some of that make up. You're wearing too much of it." 
"Excuse me? Are you saying you don't like the way I look?"
Atem groaned. If only she knew how he felt and thought of her. 
"I did not say that." Atem managed to say.
"I’m flattered by such high praise," she tersely murmured but Atem saw the flittering hurt that passed over her face. 
As much as his heart yearned to tell her how he was madly deeply in love with her, he knew it was far too dangerous to be close to him.
As the best and top detective of the incorporation, his life was constantly in danger. 
He wouldn’t forgive himself if something were to happen to her.
She didn’t deserve him. She deserved so much more.
He could never be happy. He didn’t deserve it.
After another hour of sitting in the car Atem sighed.
Refusing to see her stand more time under that lamp post he decided to call it a night. 
"We haven't captured our killer," she pointed out with outright exasperation with him. "Kaiba won’t be too happy."
"I don’t care. Let’s go," he shot back, both of them angry with the other but neither willing to back down.
“Now Mana!” 
It wasn’t a big surprise they were both mad at one another. They had a pretty nasty fight during the ride here. He tried to convince her to go home and that he would be better alone. She had even threatened to go out there alone without him.
"I’m done with your sh-t," Mana angrily hissed, cutting the commlink off.
If only he had the courage to tell her.
"You don't have to sit out here with me if you'll get bored. I can manage." Mana softly whispered as they pulled up near the nightclub. 
"No" he replied through clenched teeth. "I'm not leaving you out here all alone."
"I can take care of myself," she shot back.
“I know you can but we’re in this case together!” 
At that moment, a dark Rolls Royce pulled up in front of Mana, causing Atem to break from his thoughts. 
Mana smirked as she made sure to show off her long legs and rake her fingers through her long blond hair, shaking the strands out as she tilted her head back. Using this as her chance to turn on her commlink.
The car’s back window rolled down. She leaned over to talk to the man, her lilting laughter filling Atem's ear.
Shattering his heart.
You can continue reading this story on either my Fanfiction.net or Wattpad account. 
My FF.Net is forbidden-priestess 
My Wattpad is @Forbidden_Priestess
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nuoyipeach · 4 years
Fresh Start (seulyong os)
Feb. 18 2021
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Taeyong regrets many things.
Being a coward in school. Bottling up his feelings. Never confessing to his best friend. Holding in the urge to do it even at her wedding.
Now he regrets something more than ever. He wished he knew. He wished he could have saved her from this. He wished he was the one going home and making her smile, not going home late only to make her upset.
Even her child. He wished she was his. He wished he was her dad. And frankly, the six-year-old sometimes wanted the same.
Taeyong brought her cake on her birthdays, her dad would come home and sleep. Taeyong helped her with her homework, her dad went on business trips. Taeyong helped her prepare a surprise birthday party for her mother, her dad didn't even remember.
"Why did mummy ever marry dad?"
"Don't say that Arin. If your mum and dad didn't meet you wouldn't be here." Taeyong answered as they drove home from school. Another thing, Taeyong always took her home when her mother couldn't, her dad would simply drive past.
"Still, I'd rather not be here than have a dad who never looks at me." she sighed. For a seven-year-old, Arin was quick to catch how absent her father always was. "I wish I was your baby... You're the best."
Taeyong smiled at her, a little sadly. How he wished the same.
Especially now that he found out something. Something he knew would break Arin's heart for sure. He didn't even have the courage to tell Seulgi what he saw, but he pushed himself to it knowing this was not right in any means.
He regrets even more now. He regrets not being around when she was dating this man to see his true colours. He regrets not stopping them from marrying for his own selfish reasons, because he knew for sure he would never think to hurt Seulgi like this.
He'd never have another lady behind her back.
Reaching Arin's home, he let her run in while he helped carry her bag in. "Arin can you call your mum out? I have to speak with her." the little girl nodded and ran in to call out her mother. Taeyong walked in and sat on the couch, shaking his leg and looking down as anxiety ate him up.
"Hey Taeyong." he heard her cheerful voice, the one that always made him happy. But now it made him sad. He looked up with a sad smile and watched as she sat next to him, already sensing something wrong. "What happened?"
Taking a deep breath, Taeyong looked right in her eyes. "Seulgi, you're my best friend, since forever almost. And I'd do anything to keep you happy. But... There's something I have to tell you."
"OK... What is it?"
"I... I caught him with someone else. Thrice actually..."
"Get out."
Taeyong's eyes widened, confused by her sudden command. "What?"
"Get out Taeyong. I never thought you'd go this far." Seulgi stood up, obviously angry as her hands fisted her shirt.
Taeyong stood as well. "What are you talking about Seulgi? I'm trying t-"
"I know what you’re doing. I know that you've liked me for a while now. And honestly, I'm upset you didn't tell me this before I got married to someone else. But that's over for me because I already had my love life, and I don't care for your bullsh*t stories to break up my family. I'm happy the way I am."
Taeyong was shocked, by every part of her sentence. The fact that she knew, the fact that she was upset, the fact that she doesn't care, but mostly the fact that she thinks he's lying to get her back. Anger boiled up in him, as Taeyong was not someone who liked being accused of things.
"Seulgi, as much as I still have feelings for you, that's not why I'm doing this. I did see him with another lady, three times. I'm not telling you this to break you up, trust me I would have done that long before you married. I'm telling you this because you're still my best friend, and I don't want you to suffer." Seulgi simply pointed at the door, motioning him to get out. No matter what Taeyong was the angriest here. He scoffed and turned to the door. "Have it your way then. You won't be hearing from me anymore I guess, since this is the part you refuse to speak to me further thinking I'll make up more stories to break your family. Well, I have better things to do than this, so don't bother."
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Taeyong regretted what he did. He regrets cutting off from Seulgi just like that. He regrets not answering her calls. He regrets not picking up Arin from school.
He regrets not being there when the car sped up towards her.
He drove as fast as he could, reaching the hospital in no time and ran to where Seulgi had texted him they were. He reached the room after going up several floors in the elevator, and peeked in, suddenly losing all strength in his body.
He dragged himself inside and stood next to Seulgi's crouched body beside the bed, a small body laid in it covered with mask and other such equipment. Seeing her face broke Taeyong's heart even more.
"Arin..." he gently cupped her cheek in one hand and held her shoulder in the other, lightly shaking her. "Arin, wake up. I'm here, it's me uncle Yong. Baby wake up please, and I'll take you to the fair. Remember you promised me you'd get first in class? It doesn't matter. Wake up and we'll go right away baby." his voice trembled while Seulgi's loud sobs continued and he couldn't help break down soon. "Arin please, you- you need to wake up. Don't make mummy sad, you hate that. Arin..."
Unable to hold it in any longer, he let his head fall into her chest and cried out loud. "Arin I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry baby for not being there... I shouldn't have cut the call, I should've known better. Please baby wake up..."
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Taeyong rarely left Arin's side. After Seulgi, he was the second person who was always with her, except for work and when he had to go home. He'd sit there and read to her like he did during her bedtime when they had sleepovers or tell her about any promotion he got at his job. Seulgi would watch and was happy, but Taeyong would catch her on her phone talking to her husband, who only came once in the past month. It was to the point Taeyong memorised what excuses he'd give.
I'm busy.
I'm tired.
I've got meetings.
Sorry, too much paperwork.
Even the couple’s parents came more than he did himself obviously. When Seulgi's parents came they were beyond happy to see Taeyong. They've always favoured him when growing up, and also knew about his feelings for Seulgi but he told them to keep quiet about it. Although again, he regrets that.
But they were also the ones other than Taeyong who knew about her husband's dirty secret. Except for Seulgi and her in-laws, many friends and family knew. But when Taeyong told them how she had reacted they kept quiet, knowing she'd be too broken to hear, especially now.
When Seulgi's in-laws visit, they always give Taeyong the stank eye, as if he was here to cause trouble.
"Seulgi where's my son?" her mother-in-law asked as she eyed Taeyong going through Arin's daily health checks.
"He said he's busy again. He only came the second day." she replied to which her mother-in-law sighed and left the room. Seulgi's mother was present and looked as her daughter also sighed, sick of having to deal with her in laws always questioning about her husband, when they could easily contact their own son themselves.
And that's another thing both her mother and Taeyong noticed.
It had been a month and she was sick of seeing her daughter remain so naïve, and now she broke her limit. As her in laws left, she shut the door immediately and locked it, then looked at her daughter who stood confused. Taeyong's eyes widened and he quickly turned away, busying himself with Arin.
"Seulgi how much more is it going to take you to realise that he's cheating on you and that his family is fully aware? How much longer do I have to watch my only child and grandchild go through this mess? Why are you being such a rock head? What do you have to be so protective over? What's wrong with you!?!"
Seulgi stood shocked. The last time she heard this was her fight with Taeyong, and to hear it from her mother caught her off guard.
"Mum what do you mean? Why are you saying this?"
"Taeyong told you, yet you didn't listen. Well listen to your mother, everyone's seen him around with that other lady, even your cousin. Yet we never could tell you because Taeyong stopped us when he didn't see. He saw how happy you were, especially with Arin around, he didn't want us to ruin your happiness, that's how much he loved and cared for you. But when he saw it himself, he regretted so many things, you don't know how we had to stop him from doing anything rash. He finally picked up the courage to tell you, but you didn't listen. Look what happened, Arin's in coma! I'm not blaming either of you, but maybe if you would've listened to him and not break out a fight none of this would have happened in the first place!"
Seulgi tugged her hair back, letting out a frustrated sigh. "Taeyong get out." she suddenly mumbled.
Taeyong looked up surprised. "What?"
Seulgi turned around in a rush and faced him. "Get. Out. Go, leave. I don't want you around right now." Taeyong looked at her mother who signalled him to do as she said. He put down the clipboard of Arin's checks and silently walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. Her mother then faced back to her only to see tears streaming out of her eyes, her legs giving in as she fell sitting on the empty space of Arin's bed.
The elder lady walked up to her and held her hand. She was her mother, and if anything she knew her feelings the most over anyone else in their lives. "Honey, I know something's not right with you. Tell me, talk to me." she cupped Seulgi's face and raised her head up to look at her. "You're my baby no matter how old you grow, I know from the start honey, that you've loved Taeyong as much as he loves you still."
Seulgi cried even more, hiding her face in her mother's chest. Her mother combed her hair as she herself let out tears seeing what kind of a mess her child was in, something no loving mother would want their children through.
"Talk to me Seulgi, please."
"I loved him mum, I still do. But he was so distant with me suddenly, I didn't know why. That's why I moved on, that's why I met Arin's dad, that's why I married him because no matter how long I waited, Taeyong never said a thing. No matter how many times I messed around with guys, Taeyong kept quiet." she felt her mother move away slightly and lost the warmth for a second before she felt it again.
But it felt different, and she knew why. She fisted her hands hard and started hitting the body holding her. "You're an asshole! Why didn't you say anything! Why did you let me do all that! Why didn't you force me to break up back then! Why can't you be selfish! Why Taeyong, just why didn't you do something!"
Taeyong's face wasn't any drier as he had heard the entire conversation she had with her mother, who now stood outside instead. He realised how his kindness was a pain, how his warm heart back then only led to so many being hurt now. How he regrets not being selfish back then.
"I still love you Seulgi, but I'm such a coward. I didn't know you loved me back, I didn't know all those stunts you pulled back then was to get my attention. I didn't want to hurt you, I wanted you to be happy, even if that meant losing you to another man..."
"F*ck you Lee Taeyong!" Seulgi screamed as she stood up, shocking Taeyong who knew for the longest that she was not one to curse this easily. "F*ck you and your kindness!" she continued to cry. Taeyong pulled her into his embrace, letting her cry into his chest while his hands caressed her back.
"Leave him. He's not worth your time. Even as we speak he's off with someone else."
Seulgi pulled away and stared at him, crying suddenly stopped as her eyes burned with anger. "I won't leave him." she said catching him off guard. "Not until you kiss me."
Taeyong was even more shocked, knowing it wasn't right. "I... You're married to someone else, I can't kiss a marr-"
"Shut up!" she pushed him away. "If you're still going to be the kind person in this situation, then forget it. I won't leave him without a fight, until I do what he's putting me through. Kiss me, or I won't listen to you, or even my mother. I'll stay with this man even if he thr-"
Taeyong had had enough of her talk, enough of her stubbornness, something he was pretty fond of but not now. And he did as she wished. He grabbed her arm and pulled her roughly, colliding her lips with his own. Seulgi wasn't one to wait and her hands wrapped around his neck tight as she returned the kiss. He let go of her arm and snaked both his hands around her waist, both adults pulling their bodies closer to each other wanting not a single waste of space between them, wanting to make up for the time they lost all those years.
Out of breath, Taeyong pulled away slightly, their foreheads still pressed together as they both took shallow breaths. His eyes were fixed at her swollen lips before looking directly into hers, and suddenly he saw a glint of joy in them.
"Only you could ever make me break laws and morals..." he spoke quietly to which she chuckled.
"Sometimes it's better to be the bad person Taeyong, especially for revenge." she replied before claiming his lips again. But Taeyong was quick to pull away this time, his hold on her now gentle.
"What will you do now?"
"I'm calling him now, our marriage is over. I'll get annulment papers tomorrow itself."
Taeyong smiled proudly at her, before he remembered Arin. "What about Arin?"
Seulgi turned behind looking at her child, still laying lifeless on the bed. She thought deeply for a second, then turned back to Taeyong as she figured it all out simply. "She loves you, more than her father. He was rarely present while you were. You took care of her when he couldn't even feed her. She loves you and sees you as the man in her life, more than she even sees him as her father. Whatever happens, I know for sure she wouldn't care much if he's gone. Hurt yes, that she no longer has a father, but with you around, she won't be sad for long."
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It wasn't as easy as she thought as her in laws gave quite a fight, denying the cheating accusations Seulgi threw at their son and claiming that she cheated instead. It wasn't until Seulgi swore on Arin that she never did such and yelled that even they knew about their son's affair but were too ashamed to admit it. And as usual the man arrived late, and to his family's surprise didn't hesitate much on agreeing to the divorce, even giving Seulgi full custody over Arin with no request of seeing her weekly.
During the whole ordeal Taeyong stood by Seulgi's side along with her mother, as he was her lawyer. And he didn't miss the obvious stank eye her in-laws kept giving her still, as if he was the cause of all this. At one point her mother-in-law even stood against him.
"You set this up, didn't you? You're the reason for this mess!"
"Ma'am your son himself has agreed to the annulment and accepted the claims. There's nothing more to this."
"Then why are you always around? I know for sure you got Seulgi to do this!"
Taeyong huffed dropping the file with the ex-couples’ signatures onto the table, anger clear in his eyes. "Ma'am, if there's anybody to blame here it's your son. Seulgi has been my best friend since elementary, me always being there was nothing out of the norm. Trust me in different situations I would have befriended your son as well through her. But I never attempted it because I knew what he's been doing. We've got many witnesses against him as well, so please don't make this so hard for me. I'm nothing but a lawyer here, and I'd like to solve my cases quickly and quietly, no drama."
The elder woman was about to speak when her son, now Seulgi's ex-husband, held her back. "Mum stop being so dramatic. What's done is done, let it go. I really don't care about this right now." he spoke, his attitude nonchalant and turned back to his phone.
Taeyong didn't want to drag this any longer do collected the papers together and filed them. "It will take two weeks to officiate, until then you can start moving out and discuss on possessions. If you need any help deciding those you can give me a call, however I expect that it shouldn't be too much of a problem."
"Not at all." the man replied before turning to Seulgi. "You can take all of your things and Arin's, and whatever I had gifted you too like the car, just take it."
"How can you give her so easily?" his mother yelled again.
"Because it's her right?" he replied sarcastically. "I'm the one who cheated, besides what's me keeping those things going to do for me. I don't need anything to remind me of them laying around the house."
Seulgi's blood boiled at his words. How could she have wasted all those years of her life on such a man who doesn't even show care about his own child? She looked away from them and saw Taeyong filing the final paper before standing up.
"Well then, that's all. You may leave now. You will get the letter in two weeks." and not surprisingly, her ex-in-laws were quick to leave along with the man. Seulgi's family sat there and sighed looking at each other then Taeyong, who just sat back after putting the file in his urgent cabinet.
"Well, I guess we should go now." her father spoke up. "We need to help you pack your things and move out right. Hopefully doesn't take too long, I don't want to be in that house."
Seulgi nodded sadly, when Taeyong spoke up. "No need, I've arranged for movers, they'll do it for you. I'll be there, you can come too if you want to Seulgi, but they're going there in about half an hour, so it shouldn't take too long."
The family smiled at him in gratitude, when they noticed Seulgi's fatigued face. Her mother held her hand and turned to face her. "What's wrong sweetheart?"
"Where will I go?" she whispered. "I can't move in with you guys with so much. It's a burden. I'm unemployed too, I can't afford a house now..." she held back her tears, when she noticed everyone quiet. Looking up she was shocked to see them all smiling mischievously, except for Taeyong who had a nervous look.
"Well," her father spoke up, "you actually do have a place all ready for you, and Arin." he said, eyes darting towards Taeyong, causing Seulgi to turn to him too.
"What do you mean?"
Taeyong rubbed the back of his neck, nervous from thinking what to say. "Well... I should have asked you, but I prepared my house for you to move in, with me." he looked at her directly and saw her bewildered expression. "I mean if you don't want to its completely fine, we can help you find somewhere else. Or you can stay with your parents and store your stuff at my place for now."
Seulgi bit her bottom lip looking down at her fumbling hands, all eyes in the room on her. "I... I don't know for sure. I don't want to bother you too much. And I have to watch over Arin. An-”
“Seulgi,” her mother cut her off, “how much longer are you going to underestimate Taeyong?” she looked at her mother, slightly confused. “You should go to his house with him now. Leave the movers to us, what’s more important is to change you Seulgi.“
In the next fifteen minutes Seulgi stood with Taeyong in the elevator heading down to the garage to his car. It was an awkward silence, until Taeyong suddenly moved closer and held her hand. “I have to ask you. Do you perhaps have something else in mind?”
Seulgi looked up to see his saddened eyes. “What do you mean?”
“If you don’t want to, you don’t have to be with me. It feels like I’m forcing you, and I don’t want that. If you want to be on your own with Arin go ahead, I’ll still be by your side, so there’s nothing for you to worry about losing.“
Seulgi chewed her bottom lip. Truth was, she loved the idea. Waking up every morning next to Taeyong, having his arms around her, waiting for him to come home from work while she prepared his meal, having dinner as they talked about the day, spending the nights together cuddling (or making love). She always wished it was him. When she was married for the past eight years, she completely erased those fantasies from her mind, but whenever she saw him playing with Arin or helping her with errands, she couldn’t help wishing it was him for a split second before reminding herself she was a married woman.
Now she doesn’t have to stop it. But another worry filled her mind.
She wanted to give him time, she wanted to take some time herself as a matter of fact. It felt so fast, one moment she’s married, the next she’s divorced, the next she’s moving with another man already. All while her daughter, the light of her life, was in the hospital.
The elevator bell got her attention back to reality, and she quickly followed behind as Taeyong had already walked out, evidently hurt by her silence as an answer. While in the car driving to his house, which she realised she barely even knew the way to, she thought of an answer, not wanting to leave him with silence.
“Taeyong...” he replied with a hum, “I... I don’t know what I want. Don’t get me wrong, I love you, I want nothing more to start my life over with you. But... It feels so fast. I thought we could have a fresh start, take a step at a time you know. But at the same time, I don’t want to go through it all again. Then there’s Arin. I need to think about her. It’s obvious he won’t be taking part in her life anymore, I’m all she has...”
The car came to a halt and she realised they had already reached Taeyong’s double storey house. She peeked around and found it was in a quiet neighbourhood, and it was big but felt very homely. She watched as he got out and followed behind him until entering the house. Taeyong not once has said a word to her, and it was starting to make her emotional. Did she hurt him with what she said? She stood in the middle of the hallway, trying to fight back her tears, when a hand slipped into her own.
“I want to show you something.“ Taeyong said softly before pulling her along across the living room to the second floor. There was another hallway, then what seemed like a family living area, then three doors, then what she figured were the rooftop patio doors at the end of the hallway. He tugged her to one of the doors and motioned for her to open it. All the while Seulgi wondered why he had such a big house to himself, but shook off the thoughts as she turned the handle and entered...
A kid's room. The walls were coloured baby pink, a white high platform bed with drawers on the side, a shelf with several toys and books, and a table with colour pencils scattered on them. She also spotted two doors, one guessing the bathroom while the other looked like a closet room, though it seemed locked.
However, everything looked as if no one had touched a thing for the longest time.
“You know, whenever Arin stayed over, this was her room.“ he suddenly said catching her attention as Seulgi looked at him, obviously confused why he would dedicate an entire room to her child. “Don’t take this the wrong way, I had no intention of breaking your family. But I also had no intention starting my own. I felt like staying single for the rest of my life was the better option. When Arin started staying over, it made me feel alive to have someone around. And when her visits became frequent, I figured giving her a room here wouldn’t have been a bad idea. Whenever you were busy and she stayed, I’d let her take over this place. Ever since our, well, fight, this room became unused. It hurt me, if I may be honest, that I lost you in more than just one way. This room wasn’t just for Arin, but whenever I felt sick of my life I’d come here and look at her drawings. She loves to draw, same as you, and looking at them would help me relive childhood moments, when I was happy. When I was with you.“
Seulgi looked back at the room, walking towards the wall with all of Arin's drawings hung up. Some were of her and her mother, some with Seulgi's parents, and some with Taeyong.
None of her own father.
She then continued to the shelf of toys, before looking back at Taeyong. "You bought her so many things..." she said when he gave a chuckle.
"They're ours."
Taeyong walked next to her, looked at the shelf before picking out a small toy and handing it to her. "They're our toys, well some of them, the ones that survived I guess. I had them in a box in my basement, and Arin somehow found them. I must say, she gave me quite a heart attack when I couldn't find her that time." he laughed softly remembering the day he had almost lost his life unable to find the child, only to see her playing with the toys in the basement.
"You gave them to her?"
"Yes. Back then there was nothing in this room except for the shelf. When I saw her playing with them, I allowed her to have them to herself and let her put them on the shelf so she could get them easily. That was when I decided to give her this room."
Taking her hand, he led her to the bed and sat down with her. Her hands felt around the covers. "And this bed?"
"I got it recently, after our talk at the hospital. I guess I got excited to finally have you with me, and I figured the first step to our relationship would be Arin's life."
Seulgi didn't care to hold back her tears, moving closer into his arms. "How did you accept..." she mumbled into his shoulder.
"Accept what?"
"Arin." she moved away and spoke. "Any other person would have been hurt to see the person they love marry away and have a family of their own. How did you love Arin so much, despite her father being him?"
Taeyong sighed, hand running through her hair before cupping her cheek. "In my eyes Arin was your child. Yours and only yours. Of course I acknowledged her father, but I treated her like my own. I sound selfish, I'll admit I sometimes thought I was going crazy, a psycho for having such thoughts. But I couldn't help it... Especially when I found out he was cheating, I knew I had to be there for you two."
Seulgi leaned against his chest, and with his arm around her, Taeyong slolwy laid down with her. Her hand stroked his clothed chest while his fingers threaded through her locks hummin softly to their favourite song since they were young. They stayed like that in silence for a long time, until he felt her head turn to look up at him so he faced her.
Seulgi stared at him quietly but he could tell she was thinking hard about something. “Taeyong...” he hummed in response. “Will you please adopt Arin?”
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Seulgi was moved in by the next day, and Taeyong showed her their new bedroom (technically not a new bedroom, but new to them as a couple). He also helped her move Arin’s things into her room.
A week after she received the divorce letter, the two were already at his office again signing marriage papers, and Taeyong’s adoption over Arin. Seulgi almost teared up watching him sign the adoption papers, and gave him permission to change Arin’s last name to his. It wasn’t just for him though, but Seulgi didn’t want Arin to wake up as that man’s daughter anymore. She wanted Arin to have a better life, with a better father.
The couple had also agreed to not hold any sort of ceremony or such until Arin was better, not just awake, but awake and living. They both prioritised the young girl’s life more than anything else to them, and ever since her doctor allowed for Arin to be kept at home, they even slept in the same room with bedding on the floor, not leaving her alone for a second.
Taeyong once caught Seulgi up at night, crying holding her daughter’s hand. He got up and sat closer to her, hugging her from behind. "It will get better, I promise." he whispered, his hand holding hers which held onto Arin's. She cried even more, turning towards him and hiding her face in his chest.
"I miss her. I feel like I'm losing her day by day. I can't even remember the last words she said to me anymore. I keep having dreams, hallucinations, that she's here with us, playing around the house. Whenever you go to work, when I'm cooking or doing anything, I keep seeing her..."
Taeyong shushed her kissing her forehead, his hand now in her hair while the other pulled her into his lap and stayed at her hips. He knew what she meant, he noticed it too. Whenever Seulgi was silently doing an errand, he'd catch her look straight ahead and suddenly smile. He knew why, but he never bothered her about it, scared she may have not realised it and would only make her worry more.
"I'm tired Taeyong... I feel like giving up."
"Hush Seulgi, don't say or do that. Don't think about it. We will have her back, I promise."
Seulgi only sighed, letting out more tears. "We've done everything. Talk, play music, they said she'll wake up soon. When is soon? It's killing me. I’m going crazy."
Taeyong silently kept craddling her until he felt her go limp and knew she was asleep by then. Slowly he laid her back down on the floor bed they had, not once letting go of her hand as he laid beside her.
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As if Arin’s position wasn’t hard enough, Seulgi cried locking herself in the closet. It was Valentine’s Day a week ago, & the couple had decided to take just one day to themselves and rest easy to spend some alone time.
Now she regrets not taking precaution, thinking her timing was safe.
“Seulgi, please open up. I saw it, in the trash. Love come out so we can talk it through. I won’t push you for anything, you know that Seulgi.“
She opened the door and threw herself into Taeyong’s arms, wanting nothing more than silence. Taeyong knew this, and gently carried her up to their bed, still hugging her. They remained quiet for a long time, until she took slower breaths and eased her body. He looked down at her trying to see her expression, giving her forehead a gentle kiss.
“Do you want to keep it?“ he asked softly. “It’s entirely up to you. I’m sorry this happened so suddenly, you have every right to make whatever decision it is.“
Seulgi looked up at him, then hid in his chest again. She didn’t know what to do. For some reason even she couldn’t think of, she had too many conflicitng thoughts going through her head.
What if another child takes their attention away from Arin?
What if Taeyong really disapproves of abortion?
What if having the baby gives them some peace?
What if Arin wakes up happier than ever to this baby?
What if Taeyong forgets about Arin having his own child?
What if hearing the baby will wake up Arin?
What if...
“I don’t know...” she cried again. “I don’t know what to do. There’s so many things, what if Arin loves it and wakes up, or what if you push Arin aside...”
“Hey!“ Taeyong pushed her out and held her by the shoulders. “You know I love Arin more than anything. Why would you say that? That hurts my feelings... I love her Seulgi. If I didn’t I wouldn’t have done so much for her even before our relationship.“
Seulgi looked down feeling guilty of having such thoughts. She knew very well how much Taeyong loved her daughter, how much he would give up for her. She looked back at him and shook her head apologetically. “I’m sorry... You’re right, I shouldn’t have thought of that.”
Taeyong sighed before hugging her again. “It’s OK. But tell me, about this now.” he said holding her head to his chest.
After a long silence, Seulgi looked back at him with a nervous look. “Do you think Arin would love a younger sibling?”
Taeyong smiled and cupped her cheek. “Arin’s a sweet girl. I’m sure she’d love nothing more than becoming an older sister. Remember how she took care of you when you got sick, and she was only five.” he chuckled softly. Seulgi smiled and looked down to their intertwined hands, the ring on his finger bringing her some sort of reassurance of trust.
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part 2 (cuz this is getting too long😅)
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wadey-wilson · 6 years
Into the Spider-Verse is, undoubtedly, a Miles Morales movie, yet I can’t help but feel sympathy for Peter B. Parker and relate to him more than to Miles as the twenty something kid that I am. The moral of the story the movie presents is there, and it’s Miles’ moral, but Peter’s character story and arc is also there and it’s maybe sadder than you think in that funny, light movie, but so important to me.
Gen Z and Millennials can definitely relate to the older Peter, even if he’s 38 years old. He’s tired, he’s done, he just wants some rest, he resents his responsibilities, he’s screwed up more times than he remembers, he’s not much of a fan of kids, he doesn’t even care about proper spelling (”There's always a bypass key, a virus key, a who-cares key, I can never remember so I just call it a goober.”). Honestly, mood. And I’m only in college, people.
See, there is this moment in the movie that is supposed to serve as a comedic moment: Miles tries to say “with great power comes great responsibility” but Peter abruptly cuts him off, almost screaming “don’t you dare finish that sentence, don’t do it!”. Then he follows with “I’m sick of it.” And then he says “My advice? Go back to being a regular kid.”
Peter still tries to live by the words of his uncle, but where at the beginning they were his motivation and something that gave his life meaning, now they’re a resented responsibility drawing a circle he can’t break out from. He’s been slowly losing his passion for being Spider-Man, just putting the suit on because he feels like he has to. He even says that Mary Jane scared him by her wanting kids. He’s scared to move on and to be something else, something more than just Spider-Man. There's also the reason of him not wanting to see his kid go what he's gone through, and that being a parentless family, but that's half of the problem.
When you get a close up
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you can see the determination on his face, but there are also a broken nose, bags under his eyes, the hair he doesn’t even care to pull back, the gray skin, the scruff, a few wrinkles even, and... sadness. He’s genuinely sad, he’s depressed, and so done with everything. But he’s not one to quit. He’s still living by Ben’s words.
Those words have become his curse because he lost his way somewhere along his life, because he overdid it with understanding the words. It’s like with Titanic where they were supposed to have women on the lifeboats first, and then men, but they just let the women step into the lifeboats because they didn’t understand the command. That being said, instead of being just a motivation and inspiration, Ben’s words became something he can’t let go of, almost like a drug, like a sick addiction, and maybe he does see it, maybe he doesn’t, but it’s there, and it’s determining his life. He can’t help but loathe them. He doesn’t allow himself to be something else but these words. He is those words, nothing else.
There’s a moment in the movie where Aunt May tells him, “you look tired.” And he genuinely replies, “I am tired.” I may or may not have shed a tear, because that was the perfect reflection of how he felt and how lost he was. He was tired of being who he was and still pursued that path. Sounds relatable? Because it is.
Things happen, movie ends, and while Miles’ moral of the story is that everyone can wear a mask and nobody’s ever ready to be a hero, that they just grow into it, and all you need is that little spark, Peter B. Parker learns that the words he’s lived by aren’t what should make his life sad, broken, and resentful. He learns that he’s just a person like any other, not just words. Thanks to the little journey with Miles he learns over again that being Spider-Man is supposed to be fun and a responsibility among other things, not only a responsibility determining his day-to-day life 24/7. Peter learns that being a hero does require a lot of sacrifice, but it’s just a part of who he is, and that he has the right to be happy.
I don’t know what you got out of the movie, but in my opinion, Peter B. Parker teaches you in this movie that you have the right to be happy. You have the right to live a good life despite one or more responsibilities that set up your daily basis, whether it’s a job or a problem you’ve had for a while. You can still be happy.
I stepped out of the movie theater thinking, “goddammit, why don’t people remember that you can still be happy nowadays? Why do people determine their lives by only the bad things? Why are we like this? Why am I like this?” And honestly? Despite all the bullsh*t, all the crap, and all the small or big problems, I deserve some happiness, man. And so do you.
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silver-wield · 4 years
So who translated The Midgar Blues? Because I don't think SENA would have translated it like that when they want to promote their LTD bullsh!t LOL I hate them.
Somebody at SENA did. Thing is, the lyrics would've had more time for approval than the dialogue cause it's less urgent. So, they translated them, sent them back to probably Toriyama since he wrote the original lyrics to Midgar Blues, the lyrics got approval or noted for changes, sent back, edited again, rinse/repeat until everyone's happy, final approval and tahdah that's how we get the English translation.
Thing with the dialogue is there's a lot more of it and all those pages need approval and then dubbing and all the rest, so it's a million times more involved than the song lyrics and that's how the dumdums slipped those annoying shitty fanfiction translations past the team. That won't happen again. No way in hell. Nojima is sick of people twisting his words. Nomura is sick of people insulting his favourite girl. Kitase just wants the job done right.
Sena better watch their backs.
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halfxemptyxbabe · 4 years
I Need a friend...
Look, I know nobody actually reads these things but dude....I am so done with the bullsh*t right now. My closest “friends” aren’t even really my friends. They’re all selfish. All they do is exclude me and talk about me behind my back. I’m the fat, ugly, boyish friend. I will never be on their level. Ever since becoming friends with them I’ve gained almost 30 KILOS!!!!! Today I about broke down because work was so stressful and so I tried to confide in my friend (who is also my roommate - I live at her mom’s house, long story) and she just completely disregarded me, even though every time she’s even mildly upset about something I give her my full attention. I am so sick of everything. I want to live. I want to live SO BAD. I want to experience; to laugh, cry, dance...But I just feel like I’ll never be able to do those things as long as I am this heavy. I have an autoimmune disease so it’s hard to exercise - it hurts, alot. My friends tease me about it all the time. Obviously I feel bad that they have to park closer to the front of the stores and stuff, but I’m almost definitely sure that they believe it’s because I’m fat, not because my body is literally attacking itself. 
I’m stress eating, I feel lonely, I just want to cry. I have no privacy because I live on a couch. The only things in this world that I have are my boyfriend and my dog. But my BF lives in a different country and my dog is elderly so I’m even more broken up about it when I think of losing my little floofy doggo. 
It’s depressing that my only “friends” are my therapist, my dog, and my boyfriend. My mother hates me, my father is insane (I mean that, he’s genuinely insane. Like “the government is after me let me get my shotgun” insane) and my family have all but abandoned me. I’m in college just doing my fuckign BEST but it isn’t good enough. 
I have to be out of this apartment by august of next year, which seems totally doable until you realise I make shit money and my area is super expensive, and I can’t drive! I have crippling anxiety from being in a few car wrecks, so that’s just not an option and UGH! EVERYTHING HAS TO BE DIFFICULT AND I JUST WANT SOMEONE TO LOVE AND CARE ABOUT ME THE WAY I LOVE AND CARE ABOUT THEM OBVIOUSLY IN A PLATONIC WAY BUT IT’S SO SAD I CAN’T FEEL COMFORT FROM THE PEOPLE I’VE CALLED MY FRIENDS FOR THE LAST 7 YEARS AND OH. MY. GOD. I CAN JUST FEEL A BREAKDOWN COMING MY DUDDDDE!!! 
I can feel my heart pounding as I’m typing this. I’ve just been crying and eating oreos like a fat fuck. I’m so exhausted. I just don’t want to feel like I’m crazy for simply wanting to have decent fucking people in my life. If anyone is looking for friends, please DM me. Like, I don’t care man, I’m awkward but we can talk about whatevs. ED related or nah, it doesn’t matter to me. I’ve had good luck in this “community” before so. Yeah...Sometimes this is the only place I don’t feel alone. 
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luminescentauthor · 4 years
Sora/Nao Getting Together and Relationship Headcanons!
Wow lookit me posting twice in one day!
Please read this post of HCs about their third year or this will make absolutely no sense to you! You can also read part two but it’s long and you don’t need to for this to make sense.
However, if you don’t want to read either of those, the run down is: Sora is cap, Mokichi vice; their year are all on first-name basis since around the end of second year; when people ask if any of the three boys are dating, all four of them just shrug and smile cryptically, because they got really sick of people asking; Nao briefly had a boyfriend named Nakamura but turned out he was just trying to get info on her team for his school so he cheated on her and the team rioted. Tobi and Madoka beat him up.)
This is four and a half pages of a Google Doc, so please see below the cut for the HCs!
Oh also btw this has minor Tobi/Mokichi because, hello, Tobi is living in my mind rent free and he’s not letting me evict him. (Even though I would really, really like to.)
In the middle of Sora and Nao's second year, the entire rest of the boys' team plus the girls' team made a pact not to interfere with Sora and Nao's relationship, and let them sort things out on their own, because some people were getting antsy and tempted to get involved. And they are... starting to regret that.
Tobi, especially, is starting to regret that, and he kind of wants to strangle them both because they're both so dense jfc-
Chiaki is the only one who doesn't know about the pact, since the fact that Nao likes Sora has been very carefully kept from him, and basically so is anything about Nao in general. There’s a pact on the team to make sure to keep such things from him. (Momoharu is the one responsible for this and he's not the least bit sorry. It’s saved him so much pain.)
Nao has been crushing on Sora since first year, and Sora not denying it when people ask if they're dating is NOT helping her feelings, good God.
She spends like a solid twenty minutes every day panicking and/or crying in the arms of one of her friends on the girls' team and/or Tobi.
He is arguably her closest friend on the team beyond Sora (read here for my post about why I think they’re friends), and has long since passed the point of sympathetic into "Oh my God just ask ‘im out, Jesus-" and honestly, so has pretty much everyone except Mokichi, but Mokichi has the patience of a saint.
Sora probably got over Madoka in his second year if he confessed to her (again) and she gently rejected him or if she found a boyfriend (read: Momoharu, probably. I dunno if they worked out, but if they didn’t they remained very good friends. Yes, that’s actually a thing people can do!) 
Some time passed, he was over it, and then he developed a more serious crush on Nao after a while.
And it just keeps getting worse and Sora is not thrilled with that. In fact, he's panicking, because feelings.
He's spent a grand total of at least nine hours on the phone ranting to Momoharu (because again, Nao does not get mentioned to Chiaki, so Momoharu it is!)
The entire rest of the team is suffering. First years, second years, Tobi and Mokichi, and those who have graduated. No one is spared. The girls' team has been roped in as well. More than a few people bond over sheer doneness with these two idiots.
Tobi, calling Momoharu: I wanna Die.
Momoharu: Mood, why?
Tobi: Nao ‘as the biggest crush on Sora and won’t do anythin’ about it and I'm sufferin’.
Tobi: Oh my God.
Tobi: I hate them both so, so much.
Momoharu, vehemently: Mood.
Tobi and Mokichi are bearing the brunt of it, and Momoharu is also dealing with quite a lot of the bullsh*t.
Tobi, bitterly, lying on his bed while on the phone with Mokichi and Momoharu: How immoral is it to lock two of yer best friends in a broom closet or locker an’ not let ‘em out ‘til they deal with their feelins like adults?
Mokichi, tiredly: Kenji-kun, no.
Momoharu: I hate to say this because I would like to see that, and it would be very cathartic, but no because they would die in that closet before fessing up.
Tobi: I hate that yer prolly right.
Shigeyoshi "literal actual angel" Kaname has been dealing with ranting from both parties since second year, and he and Tobi have taken to meeting up weekly for lunch or coffee for the sole purpose of complaining about their dumbass friends, and honestly? They get a lot closer because of it.
Tobi, throwing open the door to Mokichi’s house with a bang: KANAME YA ARE NOT GOIN’ TO BELIEVE THIS SH*T-
Mokichi, exasperated, staring down at his phone with its messages from Sora: Oh, I’m pretty sure I will.
Mokichi’s sister: How do you keep getting in-
Tobi: Oh I nabbed Kaname’s key like three months back.
Mokichi: wAIT is that where that go to I thought I lost it?!
Tobi: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Tobi gets roped into Sora's group of "people to rant to" with Mokichi and Momoharu and, at this point, Chiaki as well (Sora eventually told Chiaki, and Chiaki acted all comically betrayed but things were fine) (Momoharu mostly told people not to tell Chiaki in order to annoy Chiaki in all honesty.)
Tobi: Why the f*ck did I agree ta stay at this school
Mokichi: Why did I come to this school at all
Tobi: Why did I join tha basketball team
Tobi: Why did I let Sora become my friend
Tobi: How did I let Sora become my friend?????? Like how did tha’ even happen Jesus I'm still not sure
Mokichi: Poor decisions were made?
Tobi, vehemently: Poor decisions were made.
Then Nao gets a boyfriend and literally everything goes to sh*t (please read THIS POST for the context. It’s the same one I linked at the top. Again, this will make no sense without it. Go read.)
Nao is trying to get over her feelings for Sora because despite having no reason to believe so (having not... asked him about it), she firmly believes that he doesn't return them.
Mokichi has to actually physically restrain Tobi to prevent him from strangling them both on at least two occasions. Like seriously. Tobi might have really punched Sora if he hadn't been held back by local noodle-armed beanpole.
To this day absolutely none of the underclassmen (or Nao and Sora) are sure how Mokichi did that, because third-year Tobi is 180-something centimeters of pure wiry muscle and Mokichi, despite being a two-meter tall noodle, is still a noodle, and his arms are very very noodley.
Where he found the physical strength to restrain an angry Tobi is literally a complete mystery, because Tobi is strong to begin with but when you're trying to restrain his entire person from walking where he wants to? Good luck.
(The answer is he just wraps his longass noodle arms around Tobi and clings to him and is like "kay have fun dragging me around" and Tobi is like "ಠ_ಠ Kaname ya are heavy" "yes that is the point" "f*ck ya.")
Mokichi, whispering frantically on the phone: Momoharu-san please help Kenji-kun is trying to commit murder.
Tobi, yelling in the background: YA KNOW FULL WELL THA’ I CAN HEAR YA, KANAME!
Sora cries about Nao and Tobi is very tempted to just let him sulk, but Mokichi strongarms him into coming over to a sleepover at his house with Sora and basically the three of them just form a giant cuddle pile on the couch and watch stupid movies and eat a lot of ice cream while Tobi ribs Sora over anything and everything, and Sora soon finds himself laughing instead of crying.   
Sora loves his friends so much??? He’s so glad he stuck with the basketball team????  
Momoharu is this close to just blocking Sora's number.
"Sora. Sora you are one of my closest friends, and you know I love you, but I am in class for f*ck's sake-"
Seriously Sora keeps calling him just to b*tch about how horrible Nao's boyfriend is and Momoharu might actually go crazy.
If Sora drags on Nao’s boyfriend on more time Tobi is going to throttle him, he's had enough.
Mokichi is hitting the limits of his patience too, and that's actually an accomplishment.
But Tobi won’t lie, he’s getting a bad vibe off that guy? He does seem kind of sleazy? And when he hesitantly points that out over lunch with Mokichi -- they meet up just to complain about Nao and Sora at least once a week now -- Mokichi agrees, with a pensive frown, that he also has a bad vibe.
He doesn’t know, Mokichi says. Maybe they’re just all protective of Nao. Tobi sighs and agrees. 
Tobi is fully aware of his big brother reflex by this point, but he will never, ever admit that he has such a thing out loud. 
Turns out Sora was completely right about Nao’s boyfriend, though. (Even if it was just Sora being jealous, not actually Sora being intelligent.) The guy cheats on Nao, because he's a terrible person, and Sora is this close to hunting him down and committing murder, but he doesn't know what school he goes to.
Madoka calls Tobi to give him the guy's location, and Tobi goes, "please don' tell Sora tha's a bad idea" and Madoka goes "do you think I'm insane??"
Tobi and Madoka then absolutely thrash the guy and then get coffee afterwards and bond over oh my god, our friends are so dumb, because Madoka has been putting up with Nao's rants since first year.
Eventually Sora and the rest of the team convince (the very easily convinced) Tobi to give up the idiot's location and they all take a trip to beat the crap out of him.
Madoka then joins the I Have Pining Idiot Friends support group, which consists of Tobi, Mokichi, and Momoharu.
It's actually Madoka who finally decides to break the "no interfering" pact, after hearing about the sheer extent of the bullsh*t that's been happening, the parts that Nao didn't mention to her. She calls Sora and very tiredly goes "please just ask Nao-chan out, everyone is suffering."
Sora: wHAT
Tobi, eavesdropping as they're all changing: She told ya to ask Nao out
Tobi: Or I'm goin’ to deck ya I stg -- my patience is a very much finite resource, Sora.
Mokichi, tiredly: Please don't kill our captain
Tobi, ignoring him: Sora I am dead serious. Ask her out, or I will break yer nose, consequences be damned.
Tobi is So Relieved that the pact is over. He knew he'd catch grief for it if he broke it, and the second Madoka does, his reaction is "TIME TO PHYSICALLY THREATEN SORA INTO CONFESSING! YAY!"
Tobi, no.
Madoka is wheezing somewhere in the background but is also in full support of this movement.
After a large number of threats, Sora, bright red, stutters through asking Nao out to the amusement park or something, and Nao, also bright red, screams "WHAT" and Sora goes "Uh -- God, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" and goes to run.
And smacks directly into Mokichi who's like, "Uh, no, you're going nowhere. I am so done."
Tobi, internally: Oh thank God fer Kaname.
Nao, still a tomato, manages to squeak out "I'd love to!"
After Sora and Nao get through the "Really?!" "Really!" part, Tobi dramatically falls to his knees and yells "THANK F*CKING GOD, FINALLY," which, fair.
(And as Sora and Nao are stuttering through a semi-normal conversation after that, maybe Mokichi is in the background, shyly asking Tobi out for coffee without the excuse of talking about Sora and Nao, because maybe their relationship went from "I don't want people to think we're friends" to "I guess you're decent" to "we're friends" to something unnamed and fragile and delicate and maybe a little bit precious. And maybe when Tobi leans against his shoulder and Mokichi wraps an arm around his waist at practice, no one is surprised.)
It's on their third date, in a park after going to a cafe, when Nao abruptly asks, "Sora-kun, can I kiss you?"
Sora short circuits (again.) And Nao freezes up and goes, "Sorry, sorry, too soon, I'm so sorry-" and Sora freaks out and goes, "NO, NO IT'S FINE, I was just -- just surprised!"
They both calm down and take deep breaths, and then Sora steps closer and gently cups the back of her head as her eyes go wide and he asks, "is this okay?" She nods and nervously places one hand around his neck. They lean into each other and kiss softly, and it feels right.
They’re both bright red but they’re both smiling like idiots, and Sora holds her close and thinks, “Godd*mn I got lucky.” He whispers that to her, and she laughs, flustered, and says “Yeah, I did too.”
After six weeks or so of going out, Nao and Sora make it a "boyfriend/girlfriend" thing and now if Mokichi or Tobi are asked if they're dating Nao, they say that she's dating Sora; Nao blushes and shyly corrects the person if they asked about Mokichi/Tobi, or shyly confirms if it was about Sora; Sora just smiles, and confirms that he's dating Nao, blushing.
Mokichi invites Momoharu, Madoka, and Chiaki to lunch with the third years when they have a day off from practice for the sole purpose of giving Nao and Sora a hard time about their mutual pining
Tobi swears up and down that he's going to read out the most embarrassing speech at their wedding and expose them to everyone there, and Nao and Sora both turn bright red and short circuit for a solid five minutes at the mention of marriage while the others laugh at them.
At the end of the year, Nao and Sora receive a trophy from their kouhai that says "Most Disastrous Couple Ever." Tobi and Mokichi didn't stop laughing for a solid twenty minutes, and Tobi is still giving them sh*t about the trophy five years later.
They both attend university and maintain their relationship throughout. Sora proposes when they’re both 29, at the same park where they had their first kiss, on the anniversary of the day they met, because he’s sappy AF. Tobi is rolling his eyes somewhere in the background. 
It’s a warm summer night. They get dinner at an expensive formal restaurant. He takes her to the park, and reminisces about the first time they went there together. It was the day Nao joined the team, he recalls. She had left after the practice game, and he had followed her. He had been so impressed by her, he tells her, and he still is. He doesn’t know how he came to deserve her, and she blushes and says she feels the same about him, that he’s just as amazing.
Sora covers her eyes and leads her to a ring of trees in the middle of the park, and uncovers them to reveal that they’re standing in a gazebo covered in flowers and fairy lights. And he smiles at her, and gets down on one knee. Nao’s hands fly to her mouth as he says, “I have been in love with you for well over ten years, and I would like to call you my family officially. Nanao Nao, my light, the love of my life, my everything, will you marry me?”
“Of course I will, you big sap!” she cries, tackling him, tears in her eyes, and kisses him. Neither of them care that they’re getting dirt on their suit and dress; the only thing that matters to either of them is each other. 
They get married roughly a year after. Madoka is Nao’s maid of honor. Sora’s best man is probably Momoharu, Tobi, or Mokichi. Maybe Chiaki? I don’t know. 
I almost want to make it Momoharu just because he would first completely drag Sora and Nao for their bullsh*t back in high school, grinning, and then invite Tobi up on stage to polish it off. Tobi, on the other hand, would just roast them on his own, which is probably why Sora decides not to make Tobi his best man. (“I trusted you, Momoharu-kun!” “Well that’s on you, Sora.”)
(And if Tobi catches the bouquet and gives it to Mokichi, no one’s saying anything.)
(They will, however, be saying things when Tobi gets down on one knee in the center of the dance floor an hour into the reception and says, “Given that our relationship was formed by bondin’ over these two idiots takin’ two and a half years ta get together, it only seems right that we tie tha knot because they did too. Kaname, will ya marry me?” Mokichi cries and says yes. Nao and Sora also cry. Yes, Tobi got their permission to steal their thunder beforehand. He was sorely tempted not to, just to get back at them, because yes he’s still salty about high school, but he figured he’d better ask.)
When they’re about 38, they adopt a daughter! And yes the others are her aunts and uncles.
Her name is Akari, which means light, and she is a problem child, but she's definitely not Tobi/Hanazono twins levels of problem child, and they love her anyway.
Her name is Nanao-Kurumatani Akari, because screw gender norms, says Sora. Nao’s reaction is “oh my God I love you so much.”
She was about 5 when they adopted her.
Her favorite uncle/aunt is Mokichi (absolutely no one understands why including Mokichi himself) and yes Tobi is mad.
Also Tobi adores her. Tobi sees a small child? Are you kidding me, have you seen him with his sister? Tobi seems like he'd be with horrible with kids but he loves the little sh*ts.
She plays basketball as a PF and she is so tall and yes, Sora is salty.
Scoring machine and inside player, but also learned strategy from Nao (after a terrible loss, she asked her mother to teacher her) and.... fear.jpg.
Basically, Sora and Nao are the most tooth-rotting-ly sweet, romantic, cliché in the best way, sappy, and adorable couple ever, and it’s bad for everyone’s dentist bills.
Here’s a Sora/Tobi edition (I apologize to SoraNao shippers because it’s twice as long and I didn’t even realize that for ages), because again, I have Tobi brainrot. God help me.
You can also check out my Ahiru no Sora Headcanons tag.
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You Almost Ruin my Academic Career? Expect Me to Hold a Grudge!
Long story with a ton of details, but I’ll keep it simple. A girl named Bee and her cohorts terrorized my dormitory last year. It was mine, and their first year living with over 30 girls, and it seems Bee couldn’t let go of whatever high school popularity she had. So she caused drama, manipulated others, stupid stuff like that.
One such incident was writing nasty things on a whiteboard about herself and claiming that it was another girl who did it on our dorm’s Facebook group chat. I got sick and tired of her bullsh*t and called her out on it, and got the support of others she’d mistreated. Bee in turn decided that I was going down.
Coincidentally, she got kicked out of the dorms for smoking and drinking inside (a big no-no, we’re a dry campus) and had nothing to lose. We got into a fight, a verbal one. She called the R.A. and claimed that I had threatened to kill her. I did no such thing. Bee’s family has money, and she would flaunt it by wearing designer clothes with branding/eating fancy food she bought/constantly bragging that she had thousands of dollars to spend freely. This school doesn’t want to deal with lawyers, or wealth that may supersede their own, so guess what? They kick me out of the dorms to avoid that.  Right before Christmas break I was told my contract was terminated (they did not coincidentally ask for my side of the story. Hmmm.) And I had 24 hours to leave. With my exams done I had little choice but to call my dad in tears to come get me, and proceed to pack up my entire room for the next 3 hours. While that was going on, Bee continued to watch from her room (she for some reason was allowed to stay a few extra days. Again, hmmmm.). 
To explain why this would have f*cked up my academic career: I lived at the dorms because at that time I survived on my student loan, which wasn’t a lot. I couldn’t afford to rent a room due to financial issues. My family and I lived in a rural area 4 hours away. So, that meant if I wrote a letter of appeal and it was rejected, I would be forced to pull out of the school, which was the cheapest that I could afford on my finances for my program. Thus, my academic career would be in a perpetual state of f*cketry, while I tried to find work to save up enough, and then also repay what I already took out when my “grace period” on the loan ran out. So, I wouldn’t be able to pay for university and a place to live, nor did I have relatives in the city. You better believe I was pissed off at her. Others were too. Her royal b*tch self had been bragging online about how she’d gotten me kicked out, how I was “some poor pathetic fat goth b*tch”.
Well. Little did she know that those messages were forwarded to me by one of her “friends” who had become disgusted by her behavior. I provided them in a letter of appeal I wrote to the school to let me back in. It thankfully went to someone who wasn’t afraid of Bee’s money or lawyers and I was allowed back in. Her letter was instantly denied according to rumor. And her parents weren’t merciful either when they found out about not only breaking the rules, but saw how she treated people. So she was forced to find a probably expensive apartment to rent in the city on her own dollar, or live with her parents (the apartments near the school are pricey and the market here is bad).
How does this get petty? Today after not seeing her since that incident, I saw Bee in the cafeteria. Her boyfriend, who is somehow still with this manipulative piece of work, is friends with one of my friends. So, he came over to chat and she did too. She said nothing, Bee couldn’t even look at me. I’m not a person who generally holds grudges. But knowing how bad the market is for apartments, the fact that she was wearing thrift store clothing instead of her designer stuff, and that she had a pre-packaged lunch instead of the luxury food she ate? Too easy. I got a job this summer and this year that pays me well. I had new clothes, was eating a meal from the cafeteria and had more friends than she ever did. I smiled, and said,
“Hi Bee. How’s life outside of the dorms treating you? I know life on campus is treating me very well!" 
She went beet red and stormed away.
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swannsjack · 6 years
I still can't wrap my head around the fact that of all people in Hollywood, people decided to hate Johnny Depp. That man had gone his entire career with good reputation. Everyone that'd ever known him said the nicest things about him.
but then one day this person comes up with some seriously suspicious allegations with suspicious circumstances (arrested for dv herself, only asking for a divorce at first, sending a damn extortion letter, and making allegations just days after his mother's death, avoiding deposition three times! to name just few from the very long list) and all goes to hell. His entire previous life is forgotten. like it didn't exist. all that exists are unproven allegations.
“Johnny is one of the nicest people that I know—to the extent where it’s almost heartbreaking how kind he is"
Y'all really think he just woke up one day as he was nearing his 50s and became an abuser? everytime an abuser is revealed, it doesn't come as surprise. even if she were to be his first physical "victim" it would still not be a shocker. there are always signs. always something that makes you look back and see things in a new light, maybe not casual acquaintances, but definitely people that had spent with them more time. yet, Depp's exes spoke up in his defense. people who know him personally, even staff at events, they all have said that's just not him. but especially his exes are the most important. he would absolutely have a history of questionable behavior. but he doesn’t. oh sorry, I forgot he chased away paparazzi after politely asking them to leave his family alone and they didn’t. what a jerk, protecting his family from vultures, ugh. and don’t tell me “can’t know what happens behind closed doors” Vanessa Paradis lived with him for over a decade and she sent a handwritten note defending him. and no, she did not do it for the kids. where is the logic in that? if their father was abusive, don’t you think she would make sure her kids are safe from him, protect them from him, instead of defending him?! 
yet they all said he's gentle, kind, caring. I saw two of his less famous ex girlfriends tweet about him last year, not about the allegations, just posting or commenting some pictures of them together. there have been people speaking up, saying he was the victim (people now question why he hadn't come out early with his allegations against her, but you fail to realize that he would have, he didn't sell his stuff to tabloids for all of you to see (I know, the audacity!) unlike her, but he was ready to do it properly through the court of law, but the case was dropped with prejudice (!), a NDA signed and he was never given the chance to clear his name, he even says in the new lawsuit that he was going to challenge the RO before they reached an agreement (+ his evidence list does have a photo of himself from december 2015 and while we do not what the photo is about, there’s a pretty compelling argument to be made that she injuried him that month - watch this video at about 14th minute) but there have been people saying it. saying she lied and there were no bruises, including TWO POLICE OFFICERS, at least one of them being a woman (so that's two female officers of the law speaking out against Heard - first being the one that arrested her for assaulting her then girlfriend/wife) yes, there are new witnesses saying the same but a lawyer that lived in the building said Heard was seen without make up and no bruises even back in 2016! that's not news, the same person also tweeted something about helping the real victim...
Johnny's friends all had agreed she treated him badly but they were too afraid to tell him that, said they watched her:
"f*ck with him at his weakest, or at his weakest from being f*cked with"
how do things like that not make people take a step back and consider that maybe, it's not the hundreds of people defending him that are trash? that he didn't pay all of them to lie (and how interesting to now have witnesses saying Heard asked them to “help” her by lying for her, that she said she had contacts in PEOPLE magazine, how interesting that all the things people accused Depp of, were actually something Heard did). he is willingly going back to court. he has invited her to show up at the court if she wishes to, “we are looking forward to that [her] evidence” his lawyer said.
why can't you just consider that it's the one shady person that is the piece of sh*t. a person who's "witnesses" are two of her friends who lived in Depp's home rent free. witnesses whose stories kept changing or didn't match her own. Even Heard kept changing things. At some point it was said she made a decision not to file a police report. later she said her LAWYER advised her not to file it (??? im sorry what? what lawyer would give that advice if something truly had happend?) and so many other things. honestly, how does that not make you suspicious?
and then we have the video, the video people think is proof that he abused her, even saying "there's a video of him hitting her, throwing glass at her blah blah blah" when he does NO SUCH THING. go watch it, I dare you to show me where exactly does any of that happen. all that happens in the video is that he's upset, but he's trying to ignore her. she keeps making it about herself despite the fact that he tells her it's not about her. and he slams some cupboards shut and throws a glass into the sink or something. damn I'm glad no one has filmed me when I was being abusive, by slamming the door behind me or throwing something a little harder than necessary when upset. no one does that unless they abuse their loved ones. still, Depp's not one of the smartest guys, is he. he sees his "victim" filming him while he "abuses" her and doesn't think to delete the video. sad
believe women is all nice and good, but not at all cost, not when there’s all that evidence against her. and what about all the women defending him? the list is pretty long, including JK Rowling who you've been bullying despite the fact that it was implied that she knows things that weren't made public at the time (and there's absolutely no excuse whatsoever for the bullying Johnny's daughter received for defending her father, you wanna pretend you don't support abuse? don't f*cking bully children) what about the female officers, one that witnessed Amber Heard assaulting her then partner, and the other who saw no bruises, no redness, no swelling on her face, no property damage, no disturbance (which Heard claimed was there) whatsoever? 
who made the choice that, in all of this, Heard is the only woman to be believed?
not every case is the same. some people are truly guilty, but some are not. false allegations happen. and Depp was never found guilty, the restraining order request (a reminder that's all the case was about) was dropped WITH PREJUDICE. Another fun fact, the money she got was for the divorce, she got no compensation for the “abuse” as people like to say. they were married, when divorce happens, there is money involved, allegations or not, surely people know that. And guess what, being the abuser that he is *not, for some reason he did not have a prenup. funny isn’t it? one of the richest, most famous actors in the world, and he marries his “victim” without a prenup. 
And let's not forget that according to the new documents in the Sun lawsuit it says she admitted to causing him multiple serious injuries. Oh yes, sure, she was just defending herself from her "bigger, stronger husband" as she said, because that's a perfectly natural way to phrase it. sure doesn't sound like a rehearsed manipulative bullsh*t to force you to picture this big bad MAN and the helpless fragile woman.
oh my God there's so much more to say. so much not only disproving her lies, but also showing she abused him, but it’s been said before and my venting is pointless, but I'm just so sick of people hating on a victim.
everytime those ignorant haters call him derogatory terms, make fun of his looks, or his social anxiety - which causes him to speak slower and stammer (which he's had his entire life but even more so now, while evil people were making fun of him at the tCoG premiere for having a hard time getting his point cross, saying he was high or drunk, I WAS FREAKING PROUD OF HIM for even standing up there in front of all those people, after two years of getting unfair hate and backlash against his casting in said movie) - it makes me sick. 
Absolutely sick that this has been done to one of the most genuinely nice people in the hellhole that is Hollywood (”he doesn’t belong in show business, he belongs somewhere better” SJ. Parker). it feels like I'm in an alternative universe where it's all backwards.
I truly want to hope that things can turn around and people will hold the real perpetrator accountable for what she's done. But then I see the foolish hate, the lies (so many crazy, disgusting lies made about him by vile nobodies on the internet just to support the "bad guy" image when everything else fails and they have nothing but lies), the twisting of facts and truths, the misguided, ignorant support of Heard because she's a woman, and she had a pretty wig in Aquaman or whatever, and it feels hopeless again.
But he deserves better. Johnny Depp deserves better. And this may be too long and pointless, because who cares what I have to say, but I just had to vent, at least for my own good, because it’s been so frustrating. 
Johnny Depp was a victim. He deserved love and support. Instead he got hate and bullying. Will people apologize and admit their mistake? No. Most will not.
But Johnny Depp deserves better.
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kates-sweet-escape · 5 years
Tumblr media
pairing: Wonho X Reader (female)
genre: Angst / Suspense
word count: 4.1k
summary: It’s time for you to escape. Not only from the police but also from the memories of your past
a/n: You are living with a fake identity. Whenever you read Y/F/N people call you by your fake first name.
cover: Made by me.
Picture credit: Official Monsta X
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
chapter index: Prologue | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04
You watched as Hoseok got up on his feet, all resilience fading from his face in the exact second his feet touched the ground. He was a lot more hurt then he’d led you to believe. That stupid idiot. His pride would get him killed one day. Maybe even today which would turn you into collateral damage of his stupid male antics. Why the hell was it so damn hard for him when he wasn’t feeling alright? When he was struggling and in pain? It was really beyond you. But then again, the two of you really didn’t have the kind of relationship anymore where you would admit any weaknesses.
Hoseok’s skin turned into an even more alarming shade of grey while he was swaying on his feet. His hand was shaking as he reached out for the bedside table, gripping it tight to keep himself upright. He really must be in a lot of pain, judging by how he gritted his teeth as he tried to stand up straight, his skin now covered in cold sweat. He wouldn’t be able to move by himself. Let alone run. You would need to help him if you both wanted to make it out of here. 
“Let me help you.” You took a step closer to him and as soon as you were within reach Hoseok slung his arm around your shoulder. 
His sudden weight made you waver. God, he was heavy.
“Stand still for f*ck sake,” he hissed, “I’m already feeling like I’m on a friggin’ rollercoaster.”
Easier said than done. Your body was struggling to steady the both of you If you wanted to keep him upright, you needed to have a strong hold on him since Hoseok was a lot bigger than you. Good thing you’d been keeping in shape, working out three times a week.. 
You slung your arm around Hoseok’s waist and when your skin touched his, you could feel the heat rising up to your cheeks. His skin was cold. But your memories of touching it unfortunately weren’t. 
No. God… Please, not now.  
“Are you blushing?” You didn’t have the courage to face Hoseok after his accurate observation. Instead, you started moving towards the window. 
“I told you to shut up.” You had no time to think about that racing heart of yours. The footsteps were drawing closer very quickly. You still had to climb out of the window and walk over a large meadow to get back to the parking lot in front of the ER where you’d left Changkyun’s car. And since the both of you weren’t exactly quick, you’d need every second of lead that you could get.
“Are you ready?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” 
Your entire body shook when Hoseok leaned almost his entire weight on you as he was climbing over the sill. Sweat was dripping form his forehead and he had to take a few deep breaths in order not to throw up from the immense pain. Your heart ached as you watched him. A tiny part of you desperately wishing for another way out but you knew this was the only option. So you had to push through. Both of you. You could hear Hoseok groaned when he jumped out the window and you hurriedly followed him. He wouldn’t make it to the car. Not without your help. 
You landed on the grass right next to him. Hoseok was bent over, his back leaning against the wall and was dry heaving, his skin now a mixture of grey and green. His hands rested on his knees and he was taking one shaky breath after the other. It was hard on you to see him suffer like this. A lot harder than you’d like to admit. But you needed to keep moving.
“Come on,” you mumbled softly as you ran your hand over his back just like you’d done all those times when he’d been very sick. “Endure it,” you said as your hand moved from the small of his back all the way up to his neck. “We gotta go. Only a few more feet and we’ll be outta here.”
Hoseok was eying you doubtfully, a few black strands of his hair sticking to his forehead. There was nothing but silence between you and it felt like an eternity until he finally nodded. 
You took his arm and placed it on your shoulders again. “Come on. You can do this.”
When you took the first step, he was swaying so much, that you were sure you’d fall over. But with a grunt he stood up as straight as he could while steadying himself. 
Good. Now you just needed to move a little faster. 
You took a few slow steps to get Hoseok used to your movements. When you matched in step you dared to speed up. Halfway over the meadow you were almost jogging. If you’d be able to keep up the pace, you’d maybe get out of here without running into th-
“POLICE!” You turned your head a little to look back over your shoulder. An officer was leaning out the window, his head bright red as he was screaming at you in anger. “STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE!”
Sorry. No can do. 
You looked straight ahead and tightened your hold on Hoseok's waist. You couldn’t be easy on him any longer. You needed to hurry the hell up. 
“Wait.” Hoseok gagged. “Slow down. I can’t…”
“Well, you have to.” You pulled him even closer. “I am sorry but if we want to get out of here, you’ll have to.”
Hoseok fell silent, but he kept up with you. With every step you came closer to the parking lot, the more your body was giving out. By now you were out of breath, your dress sticking to your skin due to the sweat that seemed to be covering every inch of your body. When you finally saw the white paint of Changkyun’s car you almost sighed in relief. You led Hoseok to the passenger seat and let go of him. 
“Hurry up and get in,” you said as you were running to the driver's seat. You unlocked the car and opened your door, but Hoseok wasn’t moving. He stared at the car in suspicion. 
“Let me-”
You didn’t have time for this bullsh*t.
He flinched but then opened the door and fell onto the passenger's seat, a tormented howl leaving his lips by the sudden change in position.
You started the car and rushed out of your parking spot when four policemen came running out the front door of the ER. You could see that they were shouting at each other while pointing at your car. 
Time to get out of here. 
You put the pedal to the metal and the Maserati’s engine growled in anger upon the harsh treatment. With a sudden jolt you were out the parking lot and on the road. 
“Careful!” Hoseok said, gripping the sides of the seat tightly when you made a sudden right turn that would lead you straight towards Gwangan Bridge. You needed to get out of this part of town and into an area where a car like this wouldn’t be that much out of the ordinary. There weren’t many districts in Busan, where that was the case. You were left with Haeundae or Gwangalli. Just your luck! Both of them were on the other side of that goddamn bridge. 
You took a quick look in the rearview mirror. The police was following you. You shifted gears and overtook a car before pulling on the hand brake to force the car around a sharp corner. You missed a pedestrian by a mere inch and the rear swerved.
Their cars wouldn’t be able to keep up with the Maserati. You were sure of that. Thankfully they were forced to play nice while you could use all the dirty tricks that Chae Hyungwon had taught you, whenever your father or Hoseok hadn’t been around to scold him for teaching you how to properly drive at the age of 15.
“God, woman.” Hoseok was holding onto the handgrip as if his life depended on it. “Are you trying to kill us?”  
You stepped on the brake to avoid crashing into another car before overtaking it with a sharp snap on the steering wheel. “Do you want to get caught by the police?”
He shook his head. “No.”
“Then stop being a smartass and let me get us out of here.”
You took a quick look at the clock on the display.. It was 4 P.M. Gwangan Bridge would be pretty busy by now with all sorts of delivery trucks and regular cars heading towards the busy streets of Haeundae and Gwangalli which really came alive during the evening and night. 
Gwangan Bridge was like the beating heart of this city, connecting it all and keeping the system running that otherwise would have seized to exist. 
You’d be able to get rid of them there.
But first of all, you’d have to pass through the gates. 
You could already see the traffic jam that was forming at the tollbooth. As per usual the lanes with the sign Telepass were running smoothly. You chose the one on the far left which was empty and pushed down the accelerator even further. The automatic system that scans the telepass in your boss’ car wouldn’t be fast enough. You would have to slow down considerably. And that wasn’t happening. So there was only one option left. 
“Hold on tight.” 
“Oh f*ck.” Hoseok looked at you, his eyes wide in disbelief as your car rammed the gate which burst into a million little pieces on the window of your car. “Woman are you crazy?”
The police was still behind you, but your car was faster, streamlined and nimbler. You used the traffic to get rid of them, overtaking cars at a rapid pace while switching from one lane to the other effortlessly. All the hours spent with Hyungwon in one of your father’s Mercedes were apparently finally paying off because the police cars in your rearview mirror were getting smaller and smaller. When you took the exit to Haeundae in a risky last minute maneuver there were gone for good.
You slowed down the car and lined up into the regular traffic as if nothing ever happened. At a red light you stopped and waited, just like everybody else. Luckily between the Bently to your right and the Mercedes to your left, your car was a lot less noticeable than before. 
“Nice.” Hoseok finally let go of the handle above his head. He stretched his fingers and you chuckled as you saw that his knuckles had turned white. Such a crybaby. “So Hyungwon didn’t give you lessons back then, huh?”
 “When you asked he didn’t anymore.” You shrugged and drove off as the lights turned green again, staying low-key and following the natural flow of the traffic. You could still feel the adrenaline rushing through your veins. It made your heart beat faster while you started to feel a sense of euphoria about outsmarting the police. 
You could have killed the both of you with this heist but apparently your weird sense of pride didn’t pay any mind to that simple fact. You were on a high that you haven’t felt in… well… in two years. Even since you’d stopped being part of the Clan this sort of excitement had left your life completely. You’d only lived in constant fear. And in constant pain. But now… now you felt alive. Ecstatic even. You noticed that your giggling didn’t stop but that your hands started to shake so you gripped the steering wheel tighter and cleared your throat.
Stop acting like a crazy b*tch. Just calm down.  
“So,” Hoseok said after a little while of silence. “Who are you sleeping with to get a car that is worth over 100 billion won?”
The giggle died in your throat. And so did your excitement. The only thing you were left with was this bitter numbness that was taking a hold of you. 
“You are such an a**hole” you spat out. You weren’t a gold digger. You’d never been that kind of woman. Otherwise you’d never fought your own family in order to be with a guy who didn’t even knew who his parents were. 
“Why?” He shrugged. “Just because I go for the obvious explanation?”
You were still trembling but this time with anger. You had risked it all to save him and this is how he chose to repay your kindness? By throwing accusations your way that were so hurtful because they showcased how little the man you’d loved so dearly before apparently knew you. “You ungrateful son of a-”
You stopped when suddenly the speaker phone in Changkyun’s car lit up the car’s display, letting you know that you had an incoming call. Sh*t. You’d totally forgotten that, as his secretary, your phone was as much connected to this Maserati as Changkyun’s own. 
You looked at the name on the display. This wasn’t exactly a call that you could just ignore. 
Hoseok frowned. “Who is that?”
“That’s my boss. So shut up.” You reached out your hand towards the display in the center console and pressed accept. 
“Y/F/N?!” Changkyun’s voice suddenly filled the car. He sounded very worried and you could feel guilt washing over you. “Are you alright?”
“Hey Changkyun.” You took a left at the intersection and entered one of the lesser expensive parts of Haeundae that was further away from the beach and plastered with apartment buildings. “Yeah, I’m alright. Sorry to have worried you.”
“Thank God. You really scared me, you know?” Changkyun let out a relieved sigh and you smiled a little. You could picture him walking up and down in his office, his phone pressed to his ear while he tried to look all calm and composed while he really wasn’t. “Were you able to take care of what you needed to do?”
“Kind of. But it’ll take some time to wrap it up completely.”  You eyed the injured Hoseok from the corner of your eye who was staring at the display in disapproval. You’d need to take a look at his wounds and possibly mend them again judging by the red stains that were forming on his bandages. Also you’d need to buy some clothes and food for him. “I’m afraid I won’t be able to get back to work for the rest of the day.”
“Don’t worry about it. It’s fine.” You’ve been with Changkyun long enough to know that his tone meant that it wasn’t really fine, but that he would settle with it for now. “But are you really alright? You sound… agitated.”
Yeah. And who’s fault is that? “Sorry. I am just really stressed out. That’s all.” 
“Alright. Is there anything I can do for you?” 
You paused for a while. Could you really trust Changkyun enough to ask for his help? He’s been your boss for the past two years. And over the past few months he’d even become your friend. Also he was the only person with enough money and resources to pull this off unnoticed. So you really had no choice but to have faith in him. 
“Actually, there is.” You paused for a little bit. God, this was a lot harder than you thought it’d be. “But I need you to not ask any questions and to just do as I say.”
“Anything for you.” Changkyun said, without hesitating for even a second.
You spared Hoseok another look, assessing what you’d need to help him. “I need you to send me some morphine, disinfectant, bandages, needles and stitch.”
Silence fell across the car. The only sounds that were audible were the subtle purring of the engine and the clicking of the indicator as you set it up to the right to drive into the underground parking garage that was attached to your apartment complex. You really hoped that he would agree. After years of working for him and sometimes even doing his dirty work like kicking out his last night hook-ups or making documents disappear to get the upper hand in negotiations you really hoped that he would return the favour.  
Changkyun let out a drawn-out sigh. “Y/F/N - What have you gotten yourself into?”
You parked the car at the very end of the garage. “Can or can you not do this for me?”
Changkyun stayed silent for what seemed like an eternity. Then he finally responded. “Of course. I’ll send somebody trustworthy over to your place.”
“Thank you, Changkyun. I really owe you one.” Thank God that he was willing to help you. Otherwise you’d be in a lot of trouble. Well… in a lot more that you already were in. “Oh and… your car needs a new licence plate.”
“You definitely do.” You could hear Changkyun curse under his breath. “I’ll ask Wooki to pick up the car and change the license plate. Keep the car hidden until then.” There was a short pause, before Changkyun chuckled a little. “But you know, I’ll consider that dinner we talked about earlier as sufficient payb-”
Suddenly his voice was gone. The engine was still running, so what the hell was going on. You looked at the display in confusion just to see Hoseok’s hand falling back down into his lap. 
He’d just cut off your boss. In the middle of the conversation. “What do you think you’re doing?”
Hoseok snarled. “I couldn’t keep listening to that idiot.”
“He isn’t an idiot. And he’s actually saving your life with all this. So show some gratitude.”
Hoseok turned his head towards you, your eyes staring straight into yours. “Why should I when he’s sleeping with my woman?”
“I am not sleeping with him,” you answered without a second thought but then you realized that you didn’t have any obligation to answer him. Even if you were sleeping with Changkyun, it was none of his goddamn business. “And I am not your woman either. I left you. Did you already forget that?”
“Not for a single second.” His intense stare made you shift in your seat in discomfort. You turned off the engine of the car and reached for the door handle to get out. You froze in place when suddenly Hoseok’s thumb was brushing over the side of your neck. You felt like your world was going up in flames just by this simple touch and you pushed his hand away as quickly as you possibly could.
“You got your tattoo erased,” he mumbled. Was your mind playing tricks on you or did he really sound devastated? His voice was too soft for you to actually tell. 
You didn’t answer him. Instead you got out of the car. Nobody was in the parking garage. Good. You walked around the hood and opened the door to the passenger seat. You reached out your hand to help Hoseok up. He looked at it for a little while before finally taking it. This time when he slung his arm around your shoulder you didn’t sway on your feet. This time you were ready for the impact. 
You kept silent as you walked him to the elevator. You had to wait for it to arrive for a little while but thankfully when the doors opened the elevator was empty. You stepped inside and pressed the button for the 61st floor. The doors closed and the elevator started moving. 
There was still silence between you. Only the soft music of the elevator was playing in the background when you stood right next to his side, keeping him on his feet while desperately trying to ignore that aching heart in your chest that craved for more than this bitter coldness that you had felt ever since you’d left him. 
The doors of the elevator opened and you stepped out into the hallway with him. The apartment complex was fairly new so the corridor was nice and clean but oddly plain with it’s white walls and the black, shiney floor. You hurriedly walked over to your apartment door and put in the code that you had never changed. 
You stepped into the small one-room apartment that you called your home. Usually you would have taken off your shoes but they were still in the leg room of Changkyun’s car. You walked in with Hoseok and led him past the kitchen unit and the small table for two. You passed the doors of your built-in closet and the door to your small bathroom. You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks again as you realized that you didn’t have a sofa and there was only one queen-sized bed for the two of you to share. It would only be for one night. Then you’d kick him out. You definitely would.
You helped Hoseok to lie down on the bed and quickly went to the kitchen unit just to get away from him. 
Was your AC not working? Suddenly your otherwise cosy apartment felt stuffy and way too hot. 
You filled a glass with water and walked over to Hoseok. He sat up a little and took the glass out off your hand before drinking. The first sip he took was careful, as if he was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to keep it down but then he suddenly drank it in big gulps as if he’d been dehydrated. Once he had emptied his glass you got up and filled it one more time then you sat down on the side of the bed. Enough with avoiding the elephant in the room.  
“Wonho,” you said carefully. Hoseok stopped drinking and looked at you. “Why does my brother want you dead?”
Hoseok huffed. “That’s none of your business.”
“It obviously is, considering the fact that you are lying in my bed, all sliced up like friggin’ sashimi.” You made a gesture that was pointing at all of the wounds that had been inflicted upon him by Jooheon, your brother’s most loyal attack dog. “So what the hell did you do?”
“I didn’t do shit.” Hoseok put the glass on your white bedside table with a loud thud. The water inside splashed out. “And it’s not your brother who wants me dead.”
“Yeah sure.” You clicked your tongue. “You need to have done something bad for my brother to send Jooheon after you. So you better-”
Hoseok growled, making you stop your verbal assault. “Hyunwoo didn’t send Jooheon after me.” He seemed angered by your assumption that it had been your brother that had sent Jooheon after Hoseok to have him tortured and left to die like an animal.
“What? That doesn’t make any sense.” You shook your head in confusion. No, Hoseok was playing mind games with you. Nobody but your brother had power over Jooheon. He listened to nobody, only loyal to his original owner. “But then why…?”
Hoseok’s expression suddenly softened. “Y/N-” The tone of his voice had changed rapidly. From aggressive and harsh to understanding and almost comforting. There was that careful undertone that you’d only heard from him once in your life and that had been the day your monster of a father had finally passed away.  
“No.” You shook your head and you got up from the bed, taking Hoseok’s water glass to refill it even though it wasn’t empty, as you just kept on rambling. Your brain was already putting together the dark puzzle pieces that Hoseok was throwing your way. But you were in denial as you turned on the water purifier to refill his glass. “You must have wronged Hyunwoo. You must have done something to piss him off and now-”
“He’s dead.”
You looked at Hoseok, your eyes widened with shock. “What?”
Hoseok looked you straight in the eye. “Hyunwoo. Your brother. He’s dead.” 
You didn’t even notice that the glass that you’ve been holding slipped out of your hands and fell on the ground, bursting into a million little pieces. 
“And Jooheon is the new head of The Clan.”
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